--- datasets: - 0xMaka/trading-candles-subset-sc-format language: - en metrics: - accuracy - f1 widget: - text: 'identify candle: 17284.58,17264.41,17284.58,17264.41' example_title: Bear - text: 'identify candle: open: 17343.43, close: 17625.18, high: 17804.68, low: 17322.15' example_title: Bull license: gpl --- # Based Bert for sequence classification This model is a POC and shouldn't be used for any production task. ## Model description Based Bert SC is a text classification bot for binary classification of a trading candles opening and closing prices. ## Uses and limitations This model can reliably return the bullish or bearish status of a candle given the opening, closing, high and low, in a format shown. It will have trouble if the order of the numbers change (even if tags are included). ### How to use You can use this model directly with a pipeline ```python >>> from transformers import pipeline >>> pipe = pipeline("text-classification", model="0xMaka/based-bert-sc") >>> text = "identify candle: open: 21788.19, close: 21900, high: 21965.23, low: 21788.19" >>> pipe(text) [{'label': 'Bullish', 'score': 0.9999682903289795}] ``` ## Finetuning For parameters: https://github.com/0xMaka/based-bert-sc/blob/main/trainer.py This model was fine tuned on an RTX-3060-Mobile ``` // BUS_WIDTH = 192 // CLOCK_RATE = 1750 // DDR_MULTI = 8 // DDR6 // BWTheoretical = (((CLOCK_RATE * (10 ** 6)) * (BUS_WIDTH/8)) * DDR_MULI) / (10 ** 9) // BWTheoretical == 336 GB/s ``` Self-measured effective (GB/s): 316.280736