from __future__ import division import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import os from data_reader import DataConfig from detect_peaks import detect_peaks import logging class EMA(object): def __init__(self, alpha): self.alpha = alpha self.x = 0. self.count = 0 @property def value(self): return self.x def __call__(self, x): if self.count == 0: self.x = x else: self.x = self.alpha * self.x + (1 - self.alpha) * x self.count += 1 return self.x class LMA(object): def __init__(self): self.x = 0. self.count = 0 @property def value(self): return self.x def __call__(self, x): if self.count == 0: self.x = x else: self.x += (x - self.x)/(self.count+1) self.count += 1 return self.x def detect_peaks_thread(i, pred, fname=None, result_dir=None, args=None): if args is None: itp, prob_p = detect_peaks(pred[i,:,0,1], mph=0.5, mpd=0.5/DataConfig().dt, show=False) its, prob_s = detect_peaks(pred[i,:,0,2], mph=0.5, mpd=0.5/DataConfig().dt, show=False) else: itp, prob_p = detect_peaks(pred[i,:,0,1], mph=args.tp_prob, mpd=0.5/DataConfig().dt, show=False) its, prob_s = detect_peaks(pred[i,:,0,2], mph=args.ts_prob, mpd=0.5/DataConfig().dt, show=False) if (fname is not None) and (result_dir is not None): # np.savez(os.path.join(result_dir, fname[i].decode().split('/')[-1]), pred=pred[i], itp=itp, its=its, prob_p=prob_p, prob_s=prob_s) try: np.savez(os.path.join(result_dir, fname[i].decode()), pred=pred[i], itp=itp, its=its, prob_p=prob_p, prob_s=prob_s) except FileNotFoundError: #if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(result_dir, fname[i].decode()))): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(result_dir, fname[i].decode())), exist_ok=True) np.savez(os.path.join(result_dir, fname[i].decode()), pred=pred[i], itp=itp, its=its, prob_p=prob_p, prob_s=prob_s) return [(itp, prob_p), (its, prob_s)] def plot_result_thread(i, pred, X, Y=None, itp=None, its=None, itp_pred=None, its_pred=None, fname=None, figure_dir=None): dt = DataConfig().dt t = np.arange(0, pred.shape[1]) * dt box = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=1) text_loc = [0.05, 0.77] plt.figure(i) plt.clf() # fig_size = plt.gcf().get_size_inches() # plt.gcf().set_size_inches(fig_size*[1, 1.2]) plt.subplot(411) plt.plot(t, X[i, :, 0, 0], 'k', label='E', linewidth=0.5) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) tmp_min = np.min(X[i, :, 0, 0]) tmp_max = np.max(X[i, :, 0, 0]) if (itp is not None) and (its is not None): for j in range(len(itp[i])): if j == 0: plt.plot([itp[i][j]*dt, itp[i][j]*dt], [tmp_min, tmp_max], 'b', label='P', linewidth=0.5) else: plt.plot([itp[i][j]*dt, itp[i][j]*dt], [tmp_min, tmp_max], 'b', linewidth=0.5) for j in range(len(its[i])): if j == 0: plt.plot([its[i][j]*dt, its[i][j]*dt], [tmp_min, tmp_max], 'r', label='S', linewidth=0.5) else: plt.plot([its[i][j]*dt, its[i][j]*dt], [tmp_min, tmp_max], 'r', linewidth=0.5) plt.ylabel('Amplitude') plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize='small') plt.gca().set_xticklabels([]) plt.text(text_loc[0], text_loc[1], '(i)', horizontalalignment='center', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, fontsize="small", fontweight="normal", bbox=box) plt.subplot(412) plt.plot(t, X[i, :, 0, 1], 'k', label='N', linewidth=0.5) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) tmp_min = np.min(X[i, :, 0, 1]) tmp_max = np.max(X[i, :, 0, 1]) if (itp is not None) and (its is not None): for j in range(len(itp[i])): plt.plot([itp[i][j]*dt, itp[i][j]*dt], [tmp_min, tmp_max], 'b', linewidth=0.5) for j in range(len(its[i])): plt.plot([its[i][j]*dt, its[i][j]*dt], [tmp_min, tmp_max], 'r', linewidth=0.5) plt.ylabel('Amplitude') plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize='small') plt.gca().set_xticklabels([]) plt.text(text_loc[0], text_loc[1], '(ii)', horizontalalignment='center', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, fontsize="small", fontweight="normal", bbox=box) plt.subplot(413) plt.plot(t, X[i, :, 0, 2], 'k', label='Z', linewidth=0.5) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) tmp_min = np.min(X[i, :, 0, 2]) tmp_max = np.max(X[i, :, 0, 2]) if (itp is not None) and (its is not None): for j in range(len(itp[i])): plt.plot([itp[i][j]*dt, itp[i][j]*dt], [tmp_min, tmp_max], 'b', linewidth=0.5) for j in range(len(its[i])): plt.plot([its[i][j]*dt, its[i][j]*dt], [tmp_min, tmp_max], 'r', linewidth=0.5) plt.ylabel('Amplitude') plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize='small') plt.gca().set_xticklabels([]) plt.text(text_loc[0], text_loc[1], '(iii)', horizontalalignment='center', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, fontsize="small", fontweight="normal", bbox=box) plt.subplot(414) if Y is not None: plt.plot(t, Y[i, :, 0, 1], 'b', label='P', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(t, Y[i, :, 0, 2], 'r', label='S', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(t, pred[i, :, 0, 1], '--g', label='$\hat{P}$', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(t, pred[i, :, 0, 2], '-.m', label='$\hat{S}$', linewidth=0.5) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) if (itp_pred is not None) and (its_pred is not None): for j in range(len(itp_pred)): plt.plot([itp_pred[j]*dt, itp_pred[j]*dt], [-0.1, 1.1], '--g', linewidth=0.5) for j in range(len(its_pred)): plt.plot([its_pred[j]*dt, its_pred[j]*dt], [-0.1, 1.1], '-.m', linewidth=0.5) plt.ylim([-0.05, 1.05]) plt.text(text_loc[0], text_loc[1], '(iv)', horizontalalignment='center', transform=plt.gca().transAxes, fontsize="small", fontweight="normal", bbox=box) plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize='small') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Probability') plt.tight_layout() plt.gcf().align_labels() try: plt.savefig(os.path.join(figure_dir, fname[i].decode().rstrip('.npz')+'.png'), bbox_inches='tight') except FileNotFoundError: #if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(figure_dir, fname[i].decode()))): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(figure_dir, fname[i].decode())), exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(os.path.join(figure_dir, fname[i].decode().rstrip('.npz')+'.png'), bbox_inches='tight') #plt.savefig(os.path.join(figure_dir, # fname[i].decode().split('/')[-1].rstrip('.npz')+'.png'), # bbox_inches='tight') # plt.savefig(os.path.join(figure_dir, # fname[i].decode().split('/')[-1].rstrip('.npz')+'.pdf'), # bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(i) return 0 def postprocessing_thread(i, pred, X, Y=None, itp=None, its=None, fname=None, result_dir=None, figure_dir=None, args=None): (itp_pred, prob_p), (its_pred, prob_s) = detect_peaks_thread(i, pred, fname, result_dir, args) if (fname is not None) and (figure_dir is not None): plot_result_thread(i, pred, X, Y, itp, its, itp_pred, its_pred, fname, figure_dir) return [(itp_pred, prob_p), (its_pred, prob_s)] def clean_queue(picks): clean = [] for i in range(len(picks)): tmp = [] for j in picks[i]: if j != 0: tmp.append(j) clean.append(tmp) return clean def clean_queue_thread(picks): tmp = [] for j in picks: if j != 0: tmp.append(j) return tmp def metrics(TP, nP, nT): ''' TP: true positive nP: number of positive picks nT: number of true picks ''' precision = TP / nP recall = TP / nT F1 = 2* precision * recall / (precision + recall) return [precision, recall, F1] def correct_picks(picks, true_p, true_s, tol): dt = DataConfig().dt if len(true_p) != len(true_s): print("The length of true P and S pickers are not the same") num = len(true_p) TP_p = 0; TP_s = 0; nP_p = 0; nP_s = 0; nT_p = 0; nT_s = 0 diff_p = []; diff_s = [] for i in range(num): nT_p += len(true_p[i]) nT_s += len(true_s[i]) nP_p += len(picks[i][0][0]) nP_s += len(picks[i][1][0]) if len(true_p[i]) > 1 or len(true_s[i]) > 1: print(i, picks[i], true_p[i], true_s[i]) tmp_p = np.array(picks[i][0][0]) - np.array(true_p[i])[:,np.newaxis] tmp_s = np.array(picks[i][1][0]) - np.array(true_s[i])[:,np.newaxis] TP_p += np.sum(np.abs(tmp_p) < tol/dt) TP_s += np.sum(np.abs(tmp_s) < tol/dt) diff_p.append(tmp_p[np.abs(tmp_p) < 0.5/dt]) diff_s.append(tmp_s[np.abs(tmp_s) < 0.5/dt]) return [TP_p, TP_s, nP_p, nP_s, nT_p, nT_s, diff_p, diff_s] def calculate_metrics(picks, itp, its, tol=0.1): TP_p, TP_s, nP_p, nP_s, nT_p, nT_s, diff_p, diff_s = correct_picks(picks, itp, its, tol) precision_p, recall_p, f1_p = metrics(TP_p, nP_p, nT_p) precision_s, recall_s, f1_s = metrics(TP_s, nP_s, nT_s)"Total records: {}".format(len(picks)))"P-phase:")"True={}, Predict={}, TruePositive={}".format(nT_p, nP_p, TP_p))"Precision={:.3f}, Recall={:.3f}, F1={:.3f}".format(precision_p, recall_p, f1_p))"S-phase:")"True={}, Predict={}, TruePositive={}".format(nT_s, nP_s, TP_s))"Precision={:.3f}, Recall={:.3f}, F1={:.3f}".format(precision_s, recall_s, f1_s)) return [precision_p, recall_p, f1_p], [precision_s, recall_s, f1_s]