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Work Hours Calculator
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<div class="container my-5">
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<h2 class="text-center mb-4">
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Mesai Hesaplama
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<!-- Data Input Section -->
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<div class="card mb-4">
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<div class="card-header bg-secondary text-white">
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Veri Girişi
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<div class="card-body">
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<form id="dataForm">
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<div class="form-group">
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<label for="timeInput">
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Kopyala ve Yapıştır:
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<textarea class="form-control" id="timeInput" placeholder="Örnek:
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10:01 18:00
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10:06 18:00
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..." rows="6"></textarea>
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<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">
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<!-- Report Section -->
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<div class="card">
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<div class="card-header bg-success text-white">
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Haftalık Rapor
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<div class="card-body">
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<div id="reportContent">
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<!-- Dynamic Report will be inserted here -->
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© 2023 WorkCalc. Tüm hakları saklıdır.
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(function() {
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window.onload = function() {
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try {
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$(document).ready(function() {
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$('#dataForm').submit(function(e) {
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const input = $('#timeInput').val().trim();
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if (input === "") {
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alert("Lütfen zaman girişlerini giriniz.");
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const lines = input.split('\n').filter(line => line.trim() !== "");
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const sessions = [];
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// Parse input lines
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lines.forEach(line => {
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const times = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
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if (times.length === 2) {
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const start = parseTime(times[0]);
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const end = parseTime(times[1]);
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if (start && end) {
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sessions.push({ start, end });
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if (sessions.length === 0) {
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alert("Geçerli zaman girişleri bulunamadı.");
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// Calculate reports
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const report = calculateWeeklyReport(sessions);
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// Display report
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function parseTime(timeStr) {
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const parts = timeStr.split(':');
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if (parts.length !== 2) return null;
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const hours = parseInt(parts[0], 10);
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const minutes = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
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if (isNaN(hours) || isNaN(minutes)) return null;
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// Assuming all entries are on the same arbitrary day
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return new Date(2023, 0, 1, hours, minutes);
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function calculateWeeklyReport(sessions) {
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let totalWorkMinutes = 0;
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let overtimeMinutes = 0;
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let nightOvertimeMinutes = 0;
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let restOvertimeMinutes = 0;
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sessions.forEach(session => {
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let duration = (session.end - session.start) / (1000 * 60); // minutes
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totalWorkMinutes += duration;
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if (duration > 11 * 60) { // More than 11 hours
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overtimeMinutes += duration - 11 * 60;
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// Check for night shift
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if (session.start.getHours() >= 20 || session.end.getHours() <= 6) {
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if (duration > 7.5 * 60) {
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nightOvertimeMinutes += duration - 7.5 * 60;
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// Assuming rest day overtime is calculated separately
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// Placeholder for actual logic
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return {
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totalWorkHours: (totalWorkMinutes / 60).toFixed(2),
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overtimeHours: (overtimeMinutes / 60).toFixed(2),
207 |
nightOvertimeHours: (nightOvertimeMinutes / 60).toFixed(2),
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restOvertimeHours: (restOvertimeMinutes / 60).toFixed(2),
209 |
dailyDetails: sessions.map((s, index) => ({
210 |
day: `Gün ${index + 1}`,
211 |
start: formatTime(s.start),
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end: formatTime(s.end),
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duration: ( (s.end - s.start) / (1000 * 60) / 60 ).toFixed(2) + ' saat'
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function formatTime(date) {
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const hours = date.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0');
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const minutes = date.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0');
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return `${hours}:${minutes}`;
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function displayReport(report) {
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let html = `<h4>Toplam Çalışma: ${report.totalWorkHours} saat</h4>`;
226 |
html += `<h4>Fazla Mesai: ${report.overtimeHours} saat</h4>`;
227 |
html += `<h4>Gece Çalışması Fazla Mesai: ${report.nightOvertimeHours} saat</h4>`;
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html += `<h4>Hafta Tatili Fazla Mesai: ${report.restOvertimeHours} saat</h4>`;
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html += `<hr>`;
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html += `<h5>Günlük Detaylar:</h5>`;
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html += `<table class="table table-striped">
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<th>Toplam Süre</th>
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report.dailyDetails.forEach(detail => {
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html += `<tr>
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html += `</tbody></table>`;
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} catch (e) {
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console.log("Error in JS code", e);
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