--- pipeline_tag: text-classification --- ## Usage To use this model, please install BERTopic: pip install bertopic You can use the model as follows: from bertopic import BERTopic topic_model = BERTopic.load("Alprocco/semi_supervised_bertopic") topic_model.get_topic_info() ## Topic overview Number of topics: 30 Training hyperparameters calculate_probabilities: False language: multilingual low_memory: False min_topic_size: 10 n_gram_range: (1, 1) nr_topics: 30 top_n_words: 10 verbose: True Note: When saving the model, make sure to also keep track of the versions of dependencies and Python used. Loading and saving the model should be done using the same dependencies and Python. Moreover, models saved in one version of BERTopic are not guaranteed to load in other versions. ## Framework versions bertopic 0.15.0 Numpy: 1.24.4 HDBSCAN: 0.8.33 UMAP: 0.5.4 Pandas: 2.0.3 Scikit-Learn: 1.0.2 Sentence-transformers: 2.2.2 Transformers: 4.33.2 Numba: 0.58.0 Plotly: 5.17.0 Python: 3.8.10