#import required functions from huggingface_hub import login, get_token, whoami import os #define clear screen function (OPTIONAL) oname = os.name if oname == 'nt': osclear = 'cls' elif oname == 'posix': osclear = 'clear' else: osclear = '' def clear_screen(): os.system(osclear) #get token if get_token() is not None: #if the token is found in either HF_TOKEN or cli login then log in: login(get_token()) tfound = 'true' #remove if lines 27-34 removed else: #if the token is not found then prompt user to provide it: login(input("API token not detected. Enter your HuggingFace (WRITE) token: ")) # can remove "(WRITE)" if not required tfound = 'false' #remove if lines 27-34 removed #if the token is read only then prompt user to provide a write token (Only required if user needs a WRITE token, remove if READ is enough): while True: if whoami().get('auth', {}).get('accessToken', {}).get('role', None) != 'write': clear_screen() if os.environ.get('HF_TOKEN', None) is not None: #if environ finds HF_TOKEN as write then display following text and exit: print(f''' You have the environment variable HF_TOKEN set. You cannot log in. Either set the environment variable to a (WRITE) token or remove it. ''') input("Press enter to continue.") exit() print("You do not have write access to this repository. Please use a valid token with (WRITE) access.") login(input("Enter your HuggingFace (WRITE) token: ")) continue break #if token wasn't found at first then print the name of the new logged in user (OPTIONAL) if tfound == 'false': print(f''' You are now logged in as {whoami().get('fullname', None)}. To logout, use the hf command line interface 'huggingface-cli logout' To view your active account, use 'huggingface-cli whoami' ''')