This is but with a fix that makes this work on `tokenizers == 0.14` after a breaking change involving `added_tokens`: The two changes from NeelNanda/gpt-neox-tokenizer-digits are 1) (Important) we remove the space tokens from the "added_tokens" key in `tokenizer.json` here: . These caused the breaking change along with the tokenizers PR above 2) (Not important) we use `GPTNeoXTokenizer` rather than `PretrainedTokenizerFast` in `tokenizer_config.json` as this seemed to match what GPT-NeoX did # Neel's README This is a fork of the GPT NeoX 20B tokenizer, edited to split every numerical digit into a separate token. This has the goal of making it easier for the model to learn arithmetic capabilities and to hopefully be more interpretable, and copies the idea from the [PaLM tokenizer]( This was done, extremely hackily, by just removing every token that contained "\d\d" (eg "2013"). All remaining digit containing tokens are "0" ... "9" and " 0" ... " 9" This comes at the cost of making modelling normal text harder, since eg dates like 2013 which naturally *should* be a single token are now 2|0|1|3. This has a reduced vocab size of 48252 (several of the tokens towards the end are special whitespace tokens copied in from GPT-NeoX to make tokenizing code easier - some of these are duplicated in the vocabulary and thus may not actually show up at train time). It includes a padding token (<|PAD|>) an End-Of-String token (<|EOS|>) and a Beginning-Of-String token (<|BOS|>)