# data data: instruct_data: "/root/data/mol_instructions_train.jsonl" # Fill this with the path to your training data data: "" # Optionally fill with pretraining data eval_instruct_data: "" # Optionally fill with evaluation data # model model_id_or_path: "/root/mistral_models/7B-v0.3" # Path to downloaded model lora: rank: 64 # optim seq_len: 32768 batch_size: 2 #TODO try other values max_steps: 500 optim: lr: 5.e-5 weight_decay: 0.05 pct_start: 0.05 # other seed: 99 log_freq: 1 eval_freq: 100 no_eval: True ckpt_freq: 100 ckpt_only_lora: False # Save only trained LoRA adapters. Set to `False` to merge LoRA adapter into the base model and save full fine-tuned model run_dir: "/root/mistral-finetune/runseed99" wandb: project: "CHEMISTral7b-ft" offline: False # Set to True if you want to use wandb in offline mode key: "aaf77f83a4e316f6a8b47fa975ab6b5e73c7c8df" # Optionally set your WandB API key run_name: "runseed99" # Optionally name your WandB run