Problem Classification
Target Column Name target
Model's Name RandomForestClassifier
Accuracy Score 0.85000
Roc Auc curve 0.850
Mean accuracy score of each tested hyperparameter combination 0.732
Range of all accuracy scores of each tested hyperparameter combination 0.708 - 0.792
Standard Deviation of scores 0.031
Standard Deviation < 0.1 * Mean Accuracy scores The scores are relatively consistent.

Classification Report:
precision recall f1-score support
N 0.838710 0.866667 0.852459 30.00
P 0.862069 0.833333 0.847458 30.00
accuracy 0.850000 0.850000 0.850000 0.85
macro avg 0.850389 0.850000 0.849958 60.00
weighted avg 0.850389 0.850000 0.849958 60.00

Roc Auc curve figure:

Overfit Report:
Overfit Report The Report is based only on Accuracy
Train set accuracy score of best pipeline 0.8661
Test set accuracy score of best pipeline 0.8500
Overfit estimation score of the best pipeline 0.0161
Learning Curve scores report The Learning Curve is based on Accuracy
Train set accuracy score of learning curve's last value 0.87
Test set accuracy score of learning curve's last value 0.78
Overfit gap of learning curve's last value 0.09

Learning Curve - Overfitting or Underfitting: