#!/usr/bin/env python import re from pathlib import Path README_TEMPLATE_FILEPATH = "readme_template.md" GETTING_STARTED_TEMPLATE_FILEPATH = "guides/1)getting_started/1)quickstart.md" readme_template = Path(README_TEMPLATE_FILEPATH).read_text() getting_started_template = Path(GETTING_STARTED_TEMPLATE_FILEPATH).read_text() # Extract all the code and demo tags from the getting started template code_tags = re.findall(r"\$code_([^\s]+)", getting_started_template) demo_tags = re.findall(r"\$demo_([^\s]+)", getting_started_template) codes = {} demos = {} for src in code_tags: context = Path(f"demo/{src}/run.py").read_text() # Replace the condition to run the demo directly with actual launch code context = re.sub(r"if __name__(.*[\n$]*)*", "demo.launch()", context) codes[src] = f"```python\n{context}\n```\n" # Convert to Markdown code block for src in demo_tags: demos[src] = f"![`{src}` demo](demo/{src}/screenshot.gif)" # Replace the headers in the getting started template with a smaller header (e.g. H3 instead of H2) to # make the README more readable and less cluttered. getting_started_template = re.sub(r"^(#+)", r"#\1", getting_started_template, flags=re.MULTILINE) readme_template = readme_template.replace("$getting_started", getting_started_template) # Now put the codes and the screenshots in the README template readme_template = re.sub(r"\$code_([^\s]+)", lambda x: codes[x.group(1)], readme_template) readme_template = re.sub(r"\$demo_([^\s]+)", lambda x: demos[x.group(1)], readme_template) # Save the README template to the actual README.md file (with a note about the editing) EDITING_NOTE = ("") Path("README.md").write_text(f"{EDITING_NOTE}\n\n{readme_template}")