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# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
@Version : 1.1.0
@Time : 2024年12月28日
@Author : DuYu (@duyu09,
@File :
@Describe : 基于隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的拼音转汉字程序。
@Copyright: Copyright (c) 2024 DuYu (No.202103180009), Faculty of Computer Science & Technology, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences).
@Note : 训练集csv文件,要求第一列为由汉语拼音构成的句子,第二列为由汉字构成的句子。
import re
import bz2
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from hmmlearn import hmm
# 1. 数据预处理:加载CSV数据集
def load_dataset(file_path):
data = pd.read_csv(file_path)
sentences = data.iloc[:, 0].tolist() # 第一列:汉字句子
pinyins = data.iloc[:, 1].tolist() # 第二列:拼音句子
return sentences, pinyins
# 分词函数,确保英文单词保持完整
def segment_sentence(sentence):
tokens = re.findall(r'[a-zA-Z]+|[一-鿿]', sentence) # 使用正则表达式分割句子,确保英文单词保持完整
return tokens
# 2. 构建字典和状态观测集合
def build_vocab(sentences, pinyins):
hanzi_set = set()
pinyin_set = set()
for sentence, pinyin in zip(sentences, pinyins):
hanzi_list = list(hanzi_set)
pinyin_list = list(pinyin_set)
hanzi2id = {h: i for i, h in enumerate(hanzi_list)}
id2hanzi = {i: h for i, h in enumerate(hanzi_list)}
pinyin2id = {p: i for i, p in enumerate(pinyin_list)}
id2pinyin = {i: p for i, p in enumerate(pinyin_list)}
return hanzi2id, id2hanzi, pinyin2id, id2pinyin
# 3. 模型训练
def train_hmm(sentences, pinyins, hanzi2id, pinyin2id):
n_states = len(hanzi2id)
n_observations = len(pinyin2id)
model = hmm.MultinomialHMM(n_components=n_states, n_iter=100, tol=1e-4)
# 统计初始状态概率、转移概率和发射概率
start_prob = np.zeros(n_states)
trans_prob = np.zeros((n_states, n_states))
emit_prob = np.zeros((n_states, n_observations))
for sentence, pinyin in zip(sentences, pinyins):
# print(sentence, pinyin)
hanzi_seq = [hanzi2id[h] for h in segment_sentence(sentence)]
pinyin_seq = [pinyin2id[p] for p in pinyin.split()]
# 初始状态概率
if len(hanzi_seq) == 0:
start_prob[hanzi_seq[0]] += 1
# 转移概率
for i in range(len(hanzi_seq) - 1):
trans_prob[hanzi_seq[i], hanzi_seq[i + 1]] += 1
# 发射概率
for h, p in zip(hanzi_seq, pinyin_seq):
emit_prob[h, p] += 1
# 确保矩阵行和为1,并处理全零行
if start_prob.sum() == 0:
start_prob += 1
start_prob /= start_prob.sum()
row_sums = trans_prob.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
zero_rows = (row_sums == 0).flatten() # 修复索引错误
trans_prob[zero_rows, :] = 1.0 / n_states # 用均匀分布填充全零行
trans_prob /= trans_prob.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
emit_sums = emit_prob.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
zero_emit_rows = (emit_sums == 0).flatten()
emit_prob[zero_emit_rows, :] = 1.0 / n_observations # 均匀填充
emit_prob /= emit_prob.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
model.startprob_ = start_prob
model.transmat_ = trans_prob
model.emissionprob_ = emit_prob
return model
# 4. 保存和加载模型
def save_model(model, filepath):
with bz2.BZ2File(filepath, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(model, f)
def load_model(filepath):
with bz2.BZ2File(filepath, 'rb') as f:
return pickle.load(f)
def predict(model, pinyin_seq, pinyin2id, id2hanzi):
obs_seq = np.zeros((len(pinyin_seq), len(pinyin2id))) # 转换观测序列为 one-hot 格式
for t, p in enumerate(pinyin_seq):
if p in pinyin2id:
obs_seq[t, pinyin2id[p]] = 1
obs_seq[t, 0] = 1 # 未知拼音默认处理
# 解码预测
model.n_trials = 3 # 运行3次
log_prob, state_seq = model.decode(obs_seq, algorithm='viterbi')
result = ''.join([id2hanzi[s] for s in state_seq])
return result
def train(dataset_path='train.csv', model_path='hmm_model.pkl.bz2'):
sentences, pinyins = load_dataset(dataset_path) # 加载数据集
hanzi2id, id2hanzi, pinyin2id, id2pinyin = build_vocab(sentences, pinyins) # 构建字典
model = train_hmm(sentences, pinyins, hanzi2id, pinyin2id) # 训练模型
model.pinyin2id = pinyin2id
model.id2hanzi = id2hanzi
model.hanzi2id = hanzi2id
model.id2pinyin = id2pinyin
save_model(model, model_path) # 保存模型
def pred(model_path='hmm_model.pkl.bz2', pinyin_str='ce4 shi4'):
model = load_model(model_path) # 加载模型
pinyin_list = pinyin_str.split()
result = predict(model, pinyin_list, model.pinyin2id, model.id2hanzi)
print('预测结果:', result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# train(dataset_path='train_o.csv', model_path='hmm_model.pkl.bz2')
pred(model_path='hmm_model.pkl.bz2', pinyin_str='hong2 yan2 bo2 ming4')