#version: 0.2 - Trained by `huggingface/tokenizers` o n r o Ġ Ġ r e l e t e i s Ġ { Ġ = ro p t h s t Ġ c i n e r Ġ } o r e s e n t i th is Ġ ' l a a l ) ; y p Ġ < s e Ġ ( m p rop s Ġ f c t m e s s en t a n d e ĠĠ ĠĠ T yp t a g e Ġ this ti on = { Typ es la ss Ġ re rop Types or t p rops a r u t a me on st e x Ġ i P ropTypes ' , u l u r e l a te u n in g R e Ġc onst Ġ= > N ame d i c k ro m Ġ PropTypes u e d er i mp o l imp ort Ġf rom . . Ġc lass i l ' ; ĉ ĉ a ct y le ( ' c h o mp Ġ s Ġ n r a r i l i ĠĠ Ġ Ġ p t o re n t ur tur n l o a b Ġ on omp on ompon ent te r Ġ d m ent al ue i d ( ) Ġre turn Ġi f c on Ġ< / Ġclass Name m a = " Ċ ĠĠĠĠ c tion I n v e Ġ a h an ge t Ġ st di v ex p ul t e ct c e h o t on ut ton P rops / > f a Ġ( ) Re act t r S ta Ġ b fa ult ex t e y a d se t u s Ġ /> te m p ut Ġ React i g p p ab le i t te d v alue Ċ ĠĠĠ b o q u il d de fault Ġ w t yp e d u m a t m o e w is t o p li ck Ġ} ); re d = = Ġ in Ġre n Ġ & a ta Sta te S t d le r ing f i Ġ& & a ge S e ' ) te n te x h e St yle h t tex t ( { C on o c st ate o w .. . 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