NVILA-Lite-2B-hf-preview / modeling_vila.py
Ligeng-Zhu's picture
Upload files with `vila-upload`.
eb202aa verified
import copy
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import os.path
import os.path as osp
import shutil
import warnings
from abc import ABC
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, deque
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain
from threading import Thread
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision
from einops import rearrange
from PIL import Image
from transformers import (
from transformers.modeling_outputs import CausalLMOutputWithPast
from transformers.modeling_utils import ContextManagers, no_init_weights
from .auto_processor import VILAProcessor
from .base_projector import MultimodalProjector, MultimodalProjectorConfig
from .builder import build_llm_and_tokenizer
from .configuration_vila import VILAConfig
from .constants import *
from .conversation import SeparatorStyle, default_conversation
from .media import extract_media
from .media_encoder import BasicImageEncoder, BasicVideoEncoder
from .mm_utils import process_image, process_images
from .siglip_encoder import SiglipVisionTower, SiglipVisionTowerDynamicS2, SiglipVisionTowerS2
from .tokenizer_utils import tokenize_conversation
from .utils import get_model_config, load_tokenizer_then_handle_media_tokens_and_chat_template
# quick hack for remote code
def get_pg_manager():
return None
def get_model_weights_dtype(model: nn.Module):
def build_mm_projector(model_type_or_path: str, config: PretrainedConfig) -> PreTrainedModel:
if model_type_or_path is None:
return None
## load from pretrained model
if config.resume_path:
assert os.path.exists(model_type_or_path), f"Resume mm projector path {model_type_or_path} does not exist!"
return MultimodalProjector.from_pretrained(model_type_or_path, config)
## build from scratch
mm_projector_cfg = MultimodalProjectorConfig(model_type_or_path)
mm_projector = MultimodalProjector(mm_projector_cfg, config)
return mm_projector
def check_dot_in_model_path(model_path: str):
"""Check if the model path contains dot, which will affect the remote code loading."""
if osp.isdir(model_path): # local model
if "." in osp.abspath(model_path):
return True
else: # remote model
if "." in model_path:
return True
return False
def get_vila_version(model_path: str) -> str:
VERSIONS = ["vila1.5", "vila-u", "longvila", "nvila", "vila-m3"]
for version in VERSIONS:
if version in model_path.lower():
return version
return None
def generate_jinja_template(conv_mode: str) -> str:
if conv_mode == "vicuna_v1":
return """{% set system_prompt = "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions." %}
{% set roles = ["USER", "ASSISTANT"] %}
{% set sep = " " %}
{% set sep2 = "</s>" %}
{{ system_prompt }}
{% for message in messages %}
{% if message['role'] == roles[0] %}
{{ roles[0] }}{{ sep }}{{ message['content'] }}{{ sep2 }}
{% else %}
{{ roles[1] }}{{ sep }}{{ message['content'] }}{{ sep2 }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}"""
elif conv_mode == "llama_3":
return """{% set system_prompt = "<|begin_of_text|><|start_header_id|>system<|end_header_id|>\n\nYou are a helpful language and vision assistant. You are able to understand the visual content that the user provides, and assist the user with a variety of tasks using natural language." %}
{% set roles = ["<|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>\n\n", "<|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>\n\n"] %}
{% set sep = "<|eot_id|>" %}
{% set sep2 = "<|end_of_text|>" %}
{{ system_prompt }}
{% for message in messages %}
{% if message['role'] == 'user' %}
{{ roles[0] }}{{ message['content'] }}{{ sep }}
{% else %}
{{ roles[1] }}{{ message['content'] }}{{ sep }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ sep2 }}"""
elif conv_mode == "hermes_2":
return """{% set system_prompt = "<|im_start|>system\nAnswer the questions." %}
{% set roles = ["<|im_start|>user\n", "<|im_start|>assistant\n"] %}
{% set sep = "<|im_end|>" %}
{{ system_prompt }}{{ sep }}
{% for message in messages %}
{% if message['role'] == 'user' %}
{{ roles[0] }}{{ message['content'] }}{{ sep }}
{% else %}
{{ roles[1] }}{{ message['content'] }}{{ sep }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}"""
raise NotImplementedError(f"Jinja template generation is not implemented for {conv_mode}.")
def build_vision_tower(model_name_or_path: str, config: PretrainedConfig) -> PreTrainedModel:
## skip vision tower instantiation
if model_name_or_path is None:
return None
vision_tower_arch = None
if config.resume_path and "radio" not in model_name_or_path:
assert os.path.exists(model_name_or_path), f"Resume vision tower path {model_name_or_path} does not exist!"
vision_tower_cfg = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=True)
vision_tower_arch = vision_tower_cfg.architectures[0].lower()
vision_tower_name = vision_tower_arch if vision_tower_arch is not None else model_name_or_path
use_s2 = getattr(config, "s2", False)
use_dynamic_s2 = getattr(config, "dynamic_s2", False)
if "siglip" in vision_tower_name:
if use_dynamic_s2:
vision_tower = SiglipVisionTowerDynamicS2(model_name_or_path, config)
elif use_s2:
vision_tower = SiglipVisionTowerS2(model_name_or_path, config)
vision_tower = SiglipVisionTower(model_name_or_path, config)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown vision tower: {model_name_or_path}")
config.mm_hidden_size = (
vision_tower.config.hidden_size if not (use_s2 or use_dynamic_s2) else vision_tower.hidden_size
return vision_tower
class VILAPretrainedModel(PreTrainedModel):
config_class = VILAConfig
main_input_name = "input_embeds"
supports_gradient_checkpointing = True
_supports_flash_attn_2 = True
def __init__(self, config: VILAConfig, *args, **kwargs):
self.config = config
cfgs = get_model_config(config)
if len(cfgs) == 3:
llm_cfg, vision_tower_cfg, mm_projector_cfg = cfgs
raise ValueError("`llm_cfg` `mm_projector_cfg` `vision_tower_cfg` not found in the config.")
# loading on cpu by default
device_map = kwargs.get("device_map", "cpu")
self.mm_projector = build_mm_projector(mm_projector_cfg, config)
self.vision_tower = build_vision_tower(vision_tower_cfg, config)
if "auto" in device_map or "cuda" in device_map:
self.mm_projector = self.mm_projector.cuda()
self.vision_tower = self.vision_tower.cuda()
# set device_map auto can autoamtically shard llm to different devices
self.llm, self.tokenizer = self.init_llm(llm_cfg, config, device_map=device_map)
self.encoders = {"image": BasicImageEncoder(self), "video": BasicVideoEncoder(self)}
self.is_loaded = True
assert (
self.llm is not None or self.vision_tower is not None or self.mm_projector is not None
), "At least one of the components must be instantiated."
def convert_vila_dev_ckpt_to_remote(
model_path: str,
output_dir: str = None,
vila_version: str | None = None,
conv_mode: str | None = None,
copy: bool = True,
# assert type(self) == VILAForCasualLM, "This method is only available for VILAForCasualLM."
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, snapshot_download
if os.path.isdir(model_path):
model_path = model_path
api = HfApi()
model_path = snapshot_download(model_path, local_dir=output_dir)
print("downloading HF model to", model_path)
if check_dot_in_model_path(model_path) and output_dir is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Model path {model_path} contains a dot, which will affect the remote code loading. Please specify the output directory without dot in the path to fix this issue."
if output_dir is not None and "." in output_dir:
raise ValueError(
f"Output directory {output_dir} contains a dot, which will affect the remote code loading. Please specify a valid output directory without dots."
if vila_version is None:
vila_version = get_vila_version(model_path)
cfg_path = os.path.join(model_path, "config.json")
config = json.load(open(cfg_path))
config["version"] = "2.0" # nvila tag
config["architectures"] = ["VILAForCasualLM"]
config["auto_map"] = {
"AutoProcessor": "auto_processor.VILAProcessor",
"AutoConfig": "modeling_vila.VILAConfig",
"AutoModel": "modeling_vila.VILAForCasualLM",
"AutoModelForCausalLM": "modeling_vila.VILAForCasualLM",
config["model_type"] = "vila"
if vila_version in ["vila1.5", "vila-m3"]:
if conv_mode is None:
raise ValueError(f"Please specify the conversation mode for {model_path}.")
config["chat_template"] = conv_mode
jinja_template = generate_jinja_template(conv_mode)
jinja_path = os.path.join(model_path, f"{conv_mode}.jinja")
with open(jinja_path, "w") as f:
json.dump(config, open(cfg_path, "w"), indent=2)
self.copy_remote_py_files(model_path, copy=copy)
config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True)
tokenizer = load_tokenizer_then_handle_media_tokens_and_chat_template(model_path, config)
tokenizer.save_pretrained(osp.join(output_dir, "llm"))
def copy_remote_py_files(cls, output_dir, copy=True):
## copy .py and REAMDE for next loading remote code
current_file_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
current_folder = os.path.dirname(current_file_path)
for file_name in os.listdir(current_folder):
if file_name == "INSTRUCTIONS.md":
src_fname = os.path.join(current_folder, file_name)
dst_fname = os.path.join(output_dir, "README.md")
if os.path.exists(dst_fname):
old_reamde = open(dst_fname).read()
old_reamde = ""
with open(src_fname) as src, open(dst_fname, "w") as dst:
print("[HF remote code] REAMDE ", src_fname, "to", dst_fname)
if file_name.endswith(".py") or file_name.endswith(".jinja"):
full_file_name = os.path.join(current_folder, file_name)
if os.path.isfile(full_file_name):
if copy:
shutil.copy(full_file_name, output_dir)
print("[HF remote code] copying", full_file_name, "to", output_dir)
# symlink to ease development
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, file_name)):
os.remove(os.path.join(output_dir, file_name))
os.symlink(full_file_name, os.path.join(output_dir, file_name))
print("[HF remote code] linking", full_file_name, "to", output_dir)
def save_pretrained(self, output_dir, state_dict=None):
if state_dict is None:
# other wise fetch from deepspeed
# state_dict = accelerator.get_state_dict(is_deepspeed_enabled)
state_dict = self.state_dict()
if getattr(self, "tokenizer", None):
self.tokenizer.save_pretrained(osp.join(output_dir, "llm"))
if self.get_llm():
print(f"saving llm to {osp.join(output_dir, 'llm')}")
self.llm.config._name_or_path = osp.join(output_dir, "llm")
llm_state_dict = OrderedDict({k.split("llm.")[-1]: v for k, v in state_dict.items() if "llm" in k})
self.llm.save_pretrained(os.path.join(output_dir, "llm"), state_dict=llm_state_dict)
self.config.llm_cfg = self.llm.config
if self.get_vision_tower():
print(f"saving vision_tower to {osp.join(output_dir, 'vision_tower')}")
self.vision_tower.config._name_or_path = osp.join(output_dir, "vision_tower")
vision_tower_state_dict = OrderedDict(
{k.split("vision_tower.vision_tower.")[-1]: v for k, v in state_dict.items() if "vision_tower" in k}
os.path.join(output_dir, "vision_tower"),
self.vision_tower.image_processor.save_pretrained(os.path.join(output_dir, "vision_tower"))
self.config.vision_tower_cfg = self.vision_tower.config
if hasattr(self.config.vision_tower_cfg, "auto_map"):
if "radio" not in self.get_vision_tower().__class__.__name__.lower():
delattr(self.config.vision_tower_cfg, "auto_map")
if self.get_mm_projector():
print(f"saving mm_projector to {osp.join(output_dir, 'mm_projector')}")
self.mm_projector.config._name_or_path = osp.join(output_dir, "mm_projector")
mm_projector_state_dict = OrderedDict(
{k.split("mm_projector.")[-1]: v for k, v in state_dict.items() if "mm_projector" in k}
os.path.join(output_dir, "mm_projector"),
self.config.mm_projector_cfg = self.mm_projector.config
## update and save top-level config
self.config._name_or_path = output_dir
self.config.architectures = [self.__class__.__name__]
## copy .py and REAMDE for next loading remote code
def from_pretrained(
pretrained_model_name_or_path: Optional[str] = None,
config: Optional[Union[PretrainedConfig, str, os.PathLike]] = None,
cache_dir: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
ignore_mismatched_sizes: bool = False,
force_download: bool = False,
local_files_only: bool = False,
token: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = None,
revision: str = "main",
use_safetensors: Optional[bool] = None,
weights_only: bool = True,
config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=True)
return cls._from_config(config, **kwargs)
def init_llm(self, llm_config, config, *args, **kwargs):
self.llm, self.tokenizer = build_llm_and_tokenizer(llm_config, config, *args, **kwargs)
# hard coded for NVILA
# variables for XGrammar
# print("DEBUG", len(self.tokenizer.added_tokens_encoder.keys()), self.tokenizer.added_tokens_encoder.keys())
NUM_EXTRA_TOKENS = len(self.tokenizer.added_tokens_encoder.keys())
# TODO: SENTINEL_TOKEN is not added, need to check with Zhijian
self.vocab_size = self.tokenizer.vocab_size + NUM_EXTRA_TOKENS
# XGrammar tokenizer and grammar compiler
# lazy init only when specified json output during inference
self.grammar_compiler = None
return self.llm, self.tokenizer
def post_config(self):
# TODO: need to check dtype with jason
self.llm = self.llm.to(torch.float16)
self.mm_projector = self.mm_projector.to(torch.float16)
self.vision_tower = self.vision_tower.to(torch.float16)
self.training = self.llm.training
## configuration
if getattr(self.config, "llm_cfg", None) is None:
self.config.llm_cfg = self.llm.config
if getattr(self.config, "vision_tower_cfg", None) is None:
self.config.vision_tower_cfg = self.vision_tower.config
if getattr(self.config, "mm_projector_cfg", None) is None:
self.config.mm_projector_cfg = self.mm_projector.config
def get_llm(self):
llm = getattr(self, "llm", None)
if type(llm) is list:
llm = llm[0]
return llm
def get_lm_head(self):
lm_head = getattr(self.get_llm(), "lm_head", None)
return lm_head
def get_vision_tower(self):
vision_tower = getattr(self, "vision_tower", None)
if type(vision_tower) is list:
vision_tower = vision_tower[0]
return vision_tower
def get_mm_projector(self):
mm_projector = getattr(self, "mm_projector", None)
if type(mm_projector) is list:
mm_projector = mm_projector[0]
return mm_projector
def freezed_module_patch(self):
Huggingface will call model.train() at each training_step. To ensure the expected behaviors for modules like dropout, batchnorm, etc., we need to call model.eval() for the freezed modules.
if self.training:
if self.get_llm() and not getattr(self.config, "tune_language_model", False):
# logging.warning("Caution: Your LLM is currently in training mode, ensuring accurate gradient computation. Please be vigilant, particularly regarding BatchNorm and Dropout operations.")
if self.get_vision_tower() and not getattr(self.config, "tune_vision_tower", False):
if self.get_mm_projector() and not getattr(self.config, "tune_mm_projector", False):
class VILAForCasualLM(VILAPretrainedModel):
def __init__(self, config: VILAConfig, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(config, *args, **kwargs)
def merge_features_for_dynamic_s2(self, image_features, block_sizes):
scales = self.get_vision_tower().scales
resize_output_to_scale_idx = self.get_vision_tower().resize_output_to_scale_idx
image_features_each_image = []
new_block_sizes = []
block_cnt = 0
for block_size_each_image in block_sizes:
if block_size_each_image is None:
cur_features = image_features[block_cnt : block_cnt + 1]
cur_features = rearrange(cur_features, "1 (h w) c -> 1 c h w", h=int(cur_features.shape[1] ** 0.5))
cur_features = cur_features.repeat(1, len(scales), 1, 1)
new_block_sizes.append((1, 1))
block_cnt += 1
cur_features_each_scale = []
for scale in scales[:-1]:
num_blocks_this_scale = (scale // scales[0]) ** 2
image_features[block_cnt : block_cnt + num_blocks_this_scale],
num_split_h=scale // scales[0],
num_split_w=scale // scales[0],
) # 1 * C * H * W
block_cnt += num_blocks_this_scale
num_blocks_last_scale = block_size_each_image[0] * block_size_each_image[1]
image_features[block_cnt : block_cnt + num_blocks_last_scale],
) # 1 * C * H * W
block_cnt += num_blocks_last_scale
# resize and concat features from different scales
output_size = cur_features_each_scale[resize_output_to_scale_idx].shape[-2:]
cur_features = torch.cat(
F.interpolate(cur_features_each_scale[i].to(torch.float32), size=output_size, mode="area").to(
for i in range(len(cur_features_each_scale))
# cur_features = rearrange(cur_features, "1 c h w -> (h w) c")
if resize_output_to_scale_idx == len(scales) - 1 or resize_output_to_scale_idx == -1:
scales[resize_output_to_scale_idx] // scales[0],
scales[resize_output_to_scale_idx] // scales[0],
assert block_cnt == len(image_features)
return image_features_each_image, new_block_sizes
def encode_images(self, images, block_sizes: Optional[Optional[Tuple[int, ...]]] = None):
if block_sizes is None:
block_sizes = [None] * len(images)
if getattr(self.config, "dynamic_s2", False):
image_features = self.get_vision_tower()(images)
image_features, new_block_sizes = self.merge_features_for_dynamic_s2(image_features, block_sizes)
image_features = [
self.split_chessboard(x, block_size[0], block_size[1])
for x, block_size in zip(image_features, new_block_sizes)
] # list of B * C * H * W tensors
image_features = torch.cat(
[rearrange(x, "b c h w -> b (h w) c") for x in image_features], dim=0
) # B * N * C
image_features = self.get_mm_projector()(image_features)
image_features = list(
image_features.split([block_size[0] * block_size[1] for block_size in new_block_sizes], dim=0)
image_features = [
self.merge_chessboard(x, block_size[0], block_size[1])
for x, block_size in zip(image_features, new_block_sizes)
] # list of 1 * C * H * W tensors
image_features = [rearrange(x, "1 c h w -> (h w) c") for x in image_features] # list of N * C tensors
if all([feature.shape[0] == image_features[0].shape[0] for feature in image_features]):
image_features = torch.stack(image_features, dim=0)
image_features = self.get_vision_tower()(images)
image_features = self.get_mm_projector()(image_features)
return image_features
def _embed(
input_ids: torch.Tensor,
media: Dict[str, List[torch.Tensor]],
media_config: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]],
labels: Optional[torch.Tensor],
attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor],
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
labels = labels if labels is not None else torch.full_like(input_ids, IGNORE_INDEX)
attention_mask = attention_mask if attention_mask is not None else torch.ones_like(input_ids, dtype=torch.bool)
# PROCESS_GROUP_MANAGER = get_pg_manager()
for name in media:
self.encoders[name].end_tokens = None
# Extract text and media embeddings
text_embeds = self.llm.model.embed_tokens(input_ids)
media_embeds = self.__embed_media_tokens(media, media_config)
# This is a workaround to make sure the dummy embeddings are consumed
while media_embeds.get("dummy"):
dummy_embed = media_embeds["dummy"].popleft()
text_embeds += torch.sum(dummy_embed) * 0
# Remove padding
batch_size = labels.shape[0]
text_embeds = [text_embeds[k][attention_mask[k]] for k in range(batch_size)]
labels = [labels[k][attention_mask[k]] for k in range(batch_size)]
# Build inverse mapping from token ID to media name
media_tokens = {}
for name, token_id in self.tokenizer.media_token_ids.items():
media_tokens[token_id] = name
# Fuse text and media embeddings
inputs_m, labels_m = [], []
for k in range(batch_size):
inputs_mk, labels_mk = [], []
pos = 0
while pos < len(labels[k]):
if input_ids[k][pos].item() in media_tokens:
end = pos + 1
name = media_tokens[input_ids[k][pos].item()]
input = media_embeds[name].popleft()
label = torch.full([input.shape[0]], IGNORE_INDEX, device=labels[k].device, dtype=labels[k].dtype)
end = pos
while end < len(labels[k]) and input_ids[k][end].item() not in media_tokens:
end += 1
input = text_embeds[k][pos:end]
label = labels[k][pos:end]
pos = end
inputs_m.append(torch.cat(inputs_mk, dim=0))
labels_m.append(torch.cat(labels_mk, dim=0))
inputs, labels = inputs_m, labels_m
# Check if all media embeddings are consumed
for name in media_embeds:
if media_embeds[name]:
raise ValueError(f"Not all {name} embeddings are consumed!")
# Truncate sequences to `model_max_length` as media embeddings are inserted
inputs, labels = self.__truncate_sequence(inputs, labels)
# Pad sequences to the longest one in the batch
return self.__batchify_sequence(inputs, labels)
def __embed_media_tokens(
media: Dict[str, List[torch.Tensor]],
media_config: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]],
) -> Dict[str, List[torch.Tensor]]:
embeds = defaultdict(deque)
for name in media:
if self.training:
# Gather metainfo of media objects from all ranks
info = [{"shape": tensor.shape, "dtype": tensor.dtype} for tensor in media.get(name, [])]
infos = list(chain(*distributed.all_gather(info)))
# The entire batch does not contain any media objects of this type.
if not infos:
# Create a dummy tensor to ensure the encoder is called, otherwise the training will hang.
if media.get(name) is None or len(media[name]) == 0:
dummy = torch.zeros(infos[0]["shape"], dtype=infos[0]["dtype"], device=self.device)
embeds["dummy"].extend(self.encoders[name]([dummy], media_config[name]))
embeds[name] = deque(self.encoders[name](media[name], media_config[name]))
return embeds
def __truncate_sequence(
self, inputs: List[torch.Tensor], labels: List[torch.Tensor]
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
if self.training and any(len(input) > self.tokenizer.model_max_length for input in inputs):
warnings.warn(f"Truncating sequences to `model_max_length` ({self.tokenizer.model_max_length}).")
inputs = [input[: self.tokenizer.model_max_length] for input in inputs]
labels = [label[: self.tokenizer.model_max_length] for label in labels]
return inputs, labels
def __batchify_sequence(
self, inputs: List[torch.Tensor], labels: List[torch.Tensor]
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
batch_size = len(inputs)
device = inputs[0].device
hidden_size = inputs[0].shape[1]
max_length = max(inputs[k].shape[0] for k in range(batch_size))
attention_mask = torch.ones((batch_size, max_length), dtype=torch.bool, device=device)
inputs_p, labels_p = [], []
for k in range(batch_size):
size_pk = max_length - inputs[k].shape[0]
inputs_pk = torch.zeros((size_pk, hidden_size), dtype=inputs[k].dtype, device=device)
labels_pk = torch.full((size_pk,), IGNORE_INDEX, dtype=labels[k].dtype, device=device)
if self.tokenizer.padding_side == "right":
attention_mask[k, inputs[k].shape[0] :] = False
inputs_pk = torch.cat([inputs[k], inputs_pk], dim=0)
labels_pk = torch.cat([labels[k], labels_pk], dim=0)
attention_mask[k, : -inputs[k].shape[0]] = False
inputs_pk = torch.cat([inputs_pk, inputs[k]], dim=0)
labels_pk = torch.cat([labels_pk, labels[k]], dim=0)
inputs = torch.stack(inputs_p, dim=0)
labels = torch.stack(labels_p, dim=0)
return inputs, labels, attention_mask
def repack_multimodal_data(self, inputs_embeds, attention_mask, position_ids, labels):
# Handle sequence parallelism
PROCESS_GROUP_MANAGER = get_pg_manager()
# We do re-sharding instead of packing here to ensure the sequence length is the same across all ranks.
sp_degree = PROCESS_GROUP_MANAGER.sp_degree
sp_rank = PROCESS_GROUP_MANAGER.sp_rank
sp_group = PROCESS_GROUP_MANAGER.sp_pg
ring_degree = PROCESS_GROUP_MANAGER.ring_degree
ring_rank = PROCESS_GROUP_MANAGER.ring_rank
ring_type = PROCESS_GROUP_MANAGER.ring_type
ulysses_degree = PROCESS_GROUP_MANAGER.ulysses_degree
ulysses_rank = PROCESS_GROUP_MANAGER.ulysses_rank
bs, shard_seqlen = position_ids.shape
sp_seq_len = [torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.int64, device=position_ids.device) for _ in range(sp_degree)]
dist.all_gather(sp_seq_len, torch.tensor(shard_seqlen, device=position_ids.device), group=sp_group)
sp_seq_len_cat = torch.cat(sp_seq_len, dim=0)
if sp_rank == 0:
original_start_id = 0
original_start_id = torch.sum(sp_seq_len_cat[:sp_rank]).item()
original_end_id = torch.sum(sp_seq_len_cat[: sp_rank + 1]).item()
# Gather attention_mask, position_ids, labels and input_embeds
all_inputs_embeds = torch.zeros(
all_inputs_embeds[:, original_start_id:original_end_id, :] += inputs_embeds
dist.all_reduce(all_inputs_embeds, group=sp_group)
attention_mask_list = [
torch.zeros((bs, sp_seq_len[i]), dtype=attention_mask.dtype, device=attention_mask.device)
for i in range(sp_degree)
position_ids_list = [
torch.zeros((bs, sp_seq_len[i]), dtype=position_ids.dtype, device=position_ids.device)
for i in range(sp_degree)
labels_list = [
torch.zeros((bs, sp_seq_len[i]), dtype=labels.dtype, device=labels.device) for i in range(sp_degree)
dist.all_gather(attention_mask_list, attention_mask, group=sp_group)
dist.all_gather(position_ids_list, position_ids, group=sp_group)
dist.all_gather(labels_list, labels, group=sp_group)
effective_seqlen_list = [attention_mask_list[i].sum(dim=-1) for i in range(sp_degree)]
effective_seqlen = torch.stack(effective_seqlen_list, dim=-1)
effective_seqlen_batch_list = torch.unbind(effective_seqlen, dim=0)
global_attention_mask_list = []
global_position_ids_list = []
global_labels_list = []
global_inputs_embeds_list = []
for i in range(bs):
global_attention_mask_batch_list = []
global_position_ids_batch_list = []
global_labels_batch_list = []
global_inputs_embeds_batch_list = []
for j in range(sp_degree):
eff_len = effective_seqlen_batch_list[i][j]
prev_len = torch.sum(sp_seq_len_cat[:j]).item() if j > 0 else 0
global_attention_mask_batch_list.append(attention_mask_list[j][i, :eff_len])
global_position_ids_batch_list.append(position_ids_list[j][i, :eff_len])
global_labels_batch_list.append(labels_list[j][i, :eff_len])
global_inputs_embeds_batch_list.append(all_inputs_embeds[i, prev_len : prev_len + eff_len, :])
global_attention_mask_list.append(torch.cat(global_attention_mask_batch_list, dim=0))
global_position_ids_list.append(torch.cat(global_position_ids_batch_list, dim=0))
global_labels_list.append(torch.cat(global_labels_batch_list, dim=0))
global_inputs_embeds_list.append(torch.cat(global_inputs_embeds_batch_list, dim=0))
global_attention_mask = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(
global_attention_mask_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=False
global_position_ids = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(
global_position_ids_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=-1
global_labels = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(
global_labels_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=IGNORE_INDEX
global_inputs_embeds = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(
global_inputs_embeds_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=0
# Re-shard the inputs
if ring_degree > 1:
total_effective_seqlen = torch.sum(effective_seqlen, dim=1)
new_seqlen_per_rank = total_effective_seqlen // sp_degree
assert torch.all(
total_effective_seqlen % sp_degree == 0
), "total_effective_seqlen must be divisible by sp_degree"
max_new_seqlen = torch.max(new_seqlen_per_rank).item()
new_attention_mask = torch.zeros(
(bs, max_new_seqlen), dtype=global_attention_mask.dtype, device=global_attention_mask.device
new_position_ids = torch.zeros(
(bs, max_new_seqlen), dtype=global_position_ids.dtype, device=global_position_ids.device
new_labels = torch.full(
(bs, max_new_seqlen), IGNORE_INDEX, dtype=global_labels.dtype, device=global_labels.device
new_inputs_embeds = torch.zeros(
(bs, max_new_seqlen, global_inputs_embeds.shape[-1]),
if ring_type == "ring_varlen":
for i in range(bs):
start_idx = new_seqlen_per_rank[i] * sp_rank
end_idx = start_idx + new_seqlen_per_rank[i]
new_attention_mask[i, : new_seqlen_per_rank[i]] = global_attention_mask[i, start_idx:end_idx]
new_position_ids[i, : new_seqlen_per_rank[i]] = global_position_ids[i, start_idx:end_idx]
new_labels[i, : new_seqlen_per_rank[i]] = global_labels[i, start_idx:end_idx]
new_inputs_embeds[i, : new_seqlen_per_rank[i], :] = global_inputs_embeds[
i, start_idx:end_idx, :
elif ring_type == "zigzag_ring_varlen":
chunk_size = total_effective_seqlen // (2 * sp_degree)
for i in range(bs):
# Zigzag pattern indices
if sp_degree == ring_degree:
forward_rank_idx = sp_rank
backward_rank_idx = 2 * sp_degree - sp_rank - 1
ulysses_offset = ulysses_rank * ring_degree * 2
forward_rank_idx = ring_rank + ulysses_offset
backward_rank_idx = sp_degree - ring_rank - 1 + ulysses_offset
# Calculate start and end indices for the forward and backward zigzag
start_idx_fwd = forward_rank_idx * chunk_size[i]
end_idx_fwd = start_idx_fwd + chunk_size[i]
start_idx_bwd = backward_rank_idx * chunk_size[i]
end_idx_bwd = start_idx_bwd + chunk_size[i]
# Fill new tensors with zigzag data
new_attention_mask[i, : chunk_size[i]] = global_attention_mask[i, start_idx_fwd:end_idx_fwd]
new_attention_mask[i, chunk_size[i] : 2 * chunk_size[i]] = global_attention_mask[
i, start_idx_bwd:end_idx_bwd
new_position_ids[i, : chunk_size[i]] = global_position_ids[i, start_idx_fwd:end_idx_fwd]
new_position_ids[i, chunk_size[i] : 2 * chunk_size[i]] = global_position_ids[
i, start_idx_bwd:end_idx_bwd
new_labels[i, : chunk_size[i]] = global_labels[i, start_idx_fwd:end_idx_fwd]
new_labels[i, chunk_size[i] : 2 * chunk_size[i]] = global_labels[i, start_idx_bwd:end_idx_bwd]
new_inputs_embeds[i, : chunk_size[i], :] = global_inputs_embeds[i, start_idx_fwd:end_idx_fwd, :]
new_inputs_embeds[i, chunk_size[i] : 2 * chunk_size[i], :] = global_inputs_embeds[
i, start_idx_bwd:end_idx_bwd, :
raise ValueError(f"Invalid ring_type: {ring_type}")
global_seq_len = global_attention_mask.shape[-1]
seq_len_sharded = global_seq_len // sp_degree
start_idx_reshard = seq_len_sharded * sp_rank
end_idx_reshard = start_idx_reshard + seq_len_sharded if sp_rank < sp_degree - 1 else global_seq_len
new_attention_mask = torch.narrow(
global_attention_mask, 1, start_idx_reshard, end_idx_reshard - start_idx_reshard
new_position_ids = torch.narrow(
global_position_ids, 1, start_idx_reshard, end_idx_reshard - start_idx_reshard
new_labels = torch.narrow(global_labels, 1, start_idx_reshard, end_idx_reshard - start_idx_reshard)
new_inputs_embeds = torch.narrow(
global_inputs_embeds, 1, start_idx_reshard, end_idx_reshard - start_idx_reshard
return new_inputs_embeds, new_attention_mask, new_position_ids, new_labels
device = inputs_embeds.device
batch_size = inputs_embeds.shape[0]
seqlens = [attention_mask[k].sum().item() for k in range(batch_size)]
# Pack all sequences together
inputs_embeds_p = [inputs_embeds[k][attention_mask[k]] for k in range(batch_size)]
attention_mask_p = [torch.ones(seqlens[k], dtype=torch.int, device=device) for k in range(batch_size)]
position_ids_p = [torch.arange(seqlens[k], dtype=torch.int, device=device) for k in range(batch_size)]
labels_p = [labels[k][attention_mask[k]] for k in range(batch_size)]
# Add one dummy token at the end of the packed sequence to ensure that `_get_unpacked_data` will be called
inputs_embeds_p.append(torch.zeros(1, inputs_embeds.shape[-1], dtype=inputs_embeds.dtype, device=device))
attention_mask_p.append(torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.int, device=device))
position_ids_p.append(torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.int, device=device))
labels_p.append(torch.tensor([IGNORE_INDEX], dtype=torch.int, device=device))
# Mask the first token of each sequence to avoid contamination
for label in labels_p:
label[0] = IGNORE_INDEX
# Batch the data
inputs_embeds_p = torch.cat(inputs_embeds_p, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)
attention_mask_p = torch.cat(attention_mask_p, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)
position_ids_p = torch.cat(position_ids_p, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)
labels_p = torch.cat(labels_p, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)
if hasattr(
self, "pad_to_multiple_of"
): # related to quantization, please refer to ModelArguments for more information.
assert len(labels_p.shape) == 2
batch_size, max_length, cur_length = labels_p.shape[0], labels_p.shape[1], labels_p.shape[1]
hidden_size = inputs_embeds_p.shape[-1]
if max_length % self.pad_to_multiple_of != 0:
max_length = ((max_length // self.pad_to_multiple_of) + 1) * self.pad_to_multiple_of
difference = max_length - cur_length
inputs_embeds_p = torch.cat(
torch.full((batch_size, difference, hidden_size), self.llm.pad_token_id).to(inputs_embeds_p),
labels_p = torch.cat((labels_p, torch.full((batch_size, difference), IGNORE_INDEX).to(labels_p)), dim=1)
attention_mask_p = torch.cat(
torch.zeros((batch_size, difference), dtype=torch.bool).to(attention_mask_p),
position_ids_p = torch.cat(
(position_ids_p, torch.full((batch_size, difference), -1).to(position_ids_p)), dim=1
return inputs_embeds_p, attention_mask_p, position_ids_p, labels_p
def get_xgr_logits_processor(self, response_format) -> List[LogitsProcessor]:
raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented for VILA model.")
# Convert response format to logits processor
import xgrammar as xgr
logging.info("[XGrammar] Compiling grammar for contrained output")
if self.grammar_compiler is None:
# logging.info(f"[XGrammar] {self.tokenizer}, {self.tokenizer.vocab_size}, {self.vocab_size}")
self.grammar_compiler = xgr.GrammarCompiler(
xgr.TokenizerInfo.from_huggingface(self.tokenizer, vocab_size=self.vocab_size)
if response_format.type == "json_schema":
compiled_grammar = self.grammar_compiler.compile_json_schema(
compiled_grammar = self.grammar_compiler.compile_builtin_json_grammar()
return [xgr.contrib.hf.LogitsProcessor(compiled_grammar)]
def forward(
input_ids: torch.LongTensor = None,
media: Optional[Dict[str, List[torch.Tensor]]] = None,
images: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
media_config: Optional[List] = None,
attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
position_ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None,
past_key_values: Optional[List[torch.FloatTensor]] = None,
inputs_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
labels: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None,
packing: bool = True,
force_packing: bool = False,
seqlens_in_batch: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None,
dpo_forward: bool = False,
) -> Union[Tuple, CausalLMOutputWithPast]:
if images is not None:
if media is not None:
raise ValueError("Both 'media' and 'images' are provided. Please provide only one.")
print("The 'images' argument is deprecated. Please use 'media' instead.")
media = {"image": images}
if media_config is None:
media_config = defaultdict(dict)
if inputs_embeds is None:
inputs_embeds, labels, attention_mask = self._embed(input_ids, media, media_config, labels, attention_mask)
if force_packing or (packing and self.training and not dpo_forward):
if seqlens_in_batch is None:
seqlens_in_batch = torch.sum(attention_mask, dim=1)
(inputs_embeds, attention_mask, position_ids, labels) = self.repack_multimodal_data(
inputs_embeds, attention_mask, position_ids, labels
outputs = self.llm(
if self.training and getattr(self.config, "time_token_ids", []):
outputs.loss = soft_cross_entropy(
if dpo_forward:
return outputs.logits, labels
return outputs
def generate(
input_ids: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
media: Optional[Dict[str, List[torch.Tensor]]] = None,
media_config: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None,
inputs_embeds, _, attention_mask = self._embed(input_ids, media, media_config, None, attention_mask)
return self.llm.generate(inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds, attention_mask=attention_mask, **generation_kwargs)
def generate_content(
prompt: Union[str, List],
generation_config: Optional[GenerationConfig] = None,
) -> str:
# TODO(zhijianl): Support directly taking conversation as input
conversation = [{"from": "human", "value": prompt}]
# Convert response format to logits processor
if response_format:
xgr_logits_processor = self.get_xgr_logits_processor(response_format)
xgr_logits_processor = None
# Extract media from the conversation
# TODO (extract and preprocess should be done together, as the preprocess of image and video can be different, i.e. when dynamic res is used)
media = extract_media(conversation, self.config)
# Process media
media_config = defaultdict(dict)
for name in media:
if name == "image":
if len(media["image"]) == 1 and self.config.image_aspect_ratio in ["dynamic", "dynamic_s2"]:
self.config.image_processor = self.vision_tower.image_processor
if self.config.image_aspect_ratio == "dynamic":
images = process_image(media["image"][0], self.config, None, enable_dynamic_res=True).half()
conversation[0]["value"] = conversation[0]["value"].replace(
if type(self.config.s2_scales) is str:
self.config.s2_scales = list(map(int, self.config.s2_scales.split(",")))
images, block_sizes = process_image(
media["image"][0], self.config, None, enable_dynamic_s2=True
images = images.half()
media_config[name]["block_sizes"] = [block_sizes]
images = process_images(media["image"], self.vision_tower.image_processor, self.config).half()
media[name] = [image for image in images]
elif name == "video":
if self.config.image_aspect_ratio == "dynamic" and self.config.video_max_tiles > 1:
media[name] = [
for images in media[name]
elif self.config.image_aspect_ratio == "dynamic_s2" and self.config.video_max_tiles > 1:
self.config.image_processor = self.vision_tower.image_processor
if type(self.config.s2_scales) is str:
self.config.s2_scales = list(map(int, self.config.s2_scales.split(",")))
media[name] = [
for image in images
for images in media[name]
media[name] = [
process_images(images, self.vision_tower.image_processor, self.config).half()
for images in media[name]
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported media type: {name}")
# Tokenize the conversation
input_ids = tokenize_conversation(conversation, self.tokenizer, add_generation_prompt=True).cuda().unsqueeze(0)
# Set up the generation config
generation_config = generation_config or self.default_generation_config
# print("input_ids", input_ids.shape)
# print(input_ids)
# print(self.tokenizer.batch_decode(input_ids))
# print("media", {k: len(v) for k, v in media.items()})
# print("media_config", media_config)
# print("generation_config", generation_config)
# input("wait for debug")
# Generate the response
output_ids = self.generate(
logits_processor=xgr_logits_processor, # structured generation
except ValueError:
if not generation_config.do_sample:
# FIXME(zhijianl): This is a temporary workaround for the sampling issue
logging.warning("Generation failed with sampling, retrying with greedy decoding.")
generation_config.do_sample = False
output_ids = self.generate(
# Decode the response
response = self.tokenizer.decode(output_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True).strip()
return response
def default_generation_config(self) -> GenerationConfig:
generation_config = copy.deepcopy(self.generation_config or GenerationConfig())
if self.tokenizer.eos_token_id is None:
raise ValueError("Tokenizer must have an EOS token")
if generation_config.max_length == GenerationConfig().max_length:
generation_config.max_length = self.tokenizer.model_max_length
if generation_config.pad_token_id is None:
generation_config.pad_token_id = self.tokenizer.pad_token_id or self.tokenizer.eos_token_id
if generation_config.bos_token_id is None:
generation_config.bos_token_id = self.tokenizer.bos_token_id or self.tokenizer.eos_token_id
if generation_config.eos_token_id is None:
generation_config.eos_token_id = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id
return generation_config