{"id": "f0a306d1-1745-48fc-af53-6a433d370c3f", "prompt": "I'm trying to build a DIY cage for my guinea pigs because all the ones at the store seem too small. Can you suggest what materials I can use and show me how to assemble them step-by-step? The cage needs good ventilation and has to be easy to clean. The size needs to be at least 7.5 square feet.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "12d5e0b6-f5e0-466a-aa04-34182c5a7f1c", "prompt": "I've got these rocks.I'm pretty sure they're geodes and I want to open and display them, probably like this.I'm not really sure how to do that though. Can you detail some steps for opening a geode and how I might go about displaying it? If you could add some visuals so it's easier to follow as well, that would be great.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.superbminerals.us/cdn/shop/products/unopened-geodes-set-of-10-be-the-first-to-see-what-is-inside-geode-superb-minerals-112973.jpg?v=1610491161&width=1100", "https://objetdecuriosite.com/15518-thickbox_default/geode-de-celestite-madagascar.jpg"]} {"id": "5c16a053-5b6c-4dbd-af1e-f450efa0e5c6", "prompt": "I finally decided to take the leap and sign up for jiu-jitsu. I'm so excited and nervous for class when I start next week. In the meantime, am I missing anything essential?\n\nI already bought one of these in white:I'm ready to begin my journey with this belt and rank:Show me photos of anything else that can help me in my newfound jiu-jitsu journey.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.arakusports.com/cdn/shop/products/01_07a155c7-afeb-483e-8cca-1262fcc9afb1.jpg", "https://bjiujitsu.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/jiu_jitsu_belt_white_1.jpg"]} {"id": "9ee49a2e-8a2a-40cc-8c50-b24939640100", "prompt": "Can you tell me who painted this painting and how the artist uses light in his work? Can you provide some photos of similar uses of light by the same artist?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Joseph_Mallord_William_Turner_%28British_-_Modern_Rome-Campo_Vaccino_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg"]} {"id": "3c9b4de8-3ffe-49b3-ab85-bb2dd39851de", "prompt": "I just bought one of these:I also bought some of these to go in it:Could you please show me some ideas to decorate a boho look around it?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://cornucopiaontheweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_1582.jpg", "https://www.thesocialitefamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/herbes-de-la-pampa-600x600.png"]} {"id": "dbc5b9b6-39f2-4a86-b54e-2709b666ea96", "prompt": "I am looking to buy a multitool. I found these two, but can you please show me two others that are highly recommended and explain why?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.realsimple.com/thmb/_TWtPnsiPR2KCP8w3oSmYNT7M1Y=/fit-in/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/victorinox-swiss-army-multi-tool-fieldmaster-pocket-knife-aa4c44a51a674cfdbe8a582cd69c19ce.jpg", "https://www.realsimple.com/thmb/lfViQrbESj_XyB13CY21lHYZlv0=/fit-in/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/leatherman-squirt-ps4-2de6845033e44719964bf2e496f46898.jpg"]} {"id": "b6b6d3c8-43d9-4774-82ab-34368fd20f42", "prompt": "My aunt bought me this fingerboard for my birthday - it was something I'd been asking for for a while - and I'm so pleased to finally have it, so I want to impress her with a trick the next time she comes over (which is in just over a week). I've seen videos on YouTube where people do stuff like kickflips and ollies but they never really show how it's done. Can you help me learn a simple trick for my fingerboard and give me some step-by-step images to show me what to do? It can be photos or drawings, I honestly don't mind, but I learn better with pictures than words. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "687671a4-fdeb-469a-b782-06b43dcb3075", "prompt": "I'm very intrigued by this work of art:Please tell me about the artist and give me a few more examples of their work.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://uploads4.wikiart.org/images/paul-klee/death-for-the-idea-1915.jpg!Large.jpg"]} {"id": "4ec8ded3-be96-499f-99aa-1066deba1192", "prompt": "My daughter absolutely loves Taylor Swift and Barbies. Can you write me a short story about Taylor visiting Barbieland and the things they would do on a typical day? Illustrate the book with a few pictures of them singing and dancing together. ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3d049caf-95da-4439-8ecf-6838039c0c4c", "prompt": "Can you please show me what kind of farm equipment would be essential for this kind of farm?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://aegic.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Grain-production-wheat-1.jpg", "https://www.finchysaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Rows-of-wheat-stubble.jpg"]} {"id": "8eccbbcb-5222-4c61-aec5-3ca09f164289", "prompt": "Can you tell me what bike this is?\n\nThis is the side view:This is the ront view:Give me a full summary and show me different color options.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2022-honda-monkey-review-compact-beginner-urban-motorcycle-4.jpg", "https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2022-honda-monkey-review-compact-beginner-urban-motorcycle-2.jpg"]} {"id": "1b07ddaf-4992-4ff2-81f4-cc981f655a27", "prompt": "I am purchasing some orange furniture, similar to what is in this picture:I also want to paint my living room in one of the medium blue hues shown in this picture:However, I'm concerned because I'm uncertain how the blue and orange will look together once everything is fully assembled. Can you tell me how well orange and blue go together in the world of decorating and show me a few examples of orange furniture in living rooms with these medium blue tones on the walls, please?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.floor-sanding.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/orange-furniture.jpg", "https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1128/0*TUE9jORtTO6rVBuI."]} {"id": "d30846ed-54e9-45a5-b237-6218407c0ed4", "prompt": "I'm looking for some healthy meal ideas similar to this:Here is another delicious dish that is full of healthy ingredients:Can you show me some similar alternatives?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5916c81cf7e0ab8d478806df/1567628080803-MIJZELQEC45265LITKLW/Tex-Mex+Migas+Recipe.jpg?format=2500w", "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5916c81cf7e0ab8d478806df/1496716362169-X9DMMDS8CKXSTQZJO2OS/Broccoli%2C+Chickpea+and+Brown+Rice+Bowl?content-type=image%2Fjpeg"]} {"id": "46ba1557-5625-44a9-9c4a-638e15e6513e", "prompt": "What would Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night look like if it was painted by Claude Monet? Can you make a rough drawing.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3fa10fe3-449e-4ba2-8202-9793ee439025", "prompt": "I am having trouble deciding what vehicle to purchase. I have narrowed the list down to two choices, but I can't make up my mind between the two. One of the vehicles I picked is this.The other vehicle I am looking at is this.I understand that the options I provided are vehicles from two different brands and of two different types. I need an objective opinion free of any brand bias. Please show me some differences with visual aid.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.motortrend.com/uploads/2022/06/2023_Kia_Carnival_212.jpg", "https://cdn.carbuzz.com/gallery-images/2023-ford-f-350-super-duty-side-view-carbuzz-1042666-1600.jpg"]} {"id": "93d43a1f-b855-46e3-a265-99d4d147bd64", "prompt": "Could you create a step-by-step guide on how to craft a delicious pie using this specific main ingredient? Additionally, would you be able to include a photograph of the finished pie to help readers visualize the end result and get their mouths watering?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://olive-gourmet.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Key-Limes.jpg"]} {"id": "06ab7a20-58f3-44fc-82d1-c1d5a5e33a04", "prompt": "I'm doing some research on building designs and engineering that are ugly, so I can justify my own unique designs! I found this picture to be a good example:Can you show me some other examples of building designs that are considered ugly and tell me a bit about them?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/Travel/2017/june/world-ugly-alder.jpg"]} {"id": "7ece3716-3b98-48a9-87c3-d9ac183dd404", "prompt": "I know what this building is:And that this is what it looks like on the inside:But what does its counterpart in Russia look like?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BA-BL879_Penta__G_20160811172134.jpg", "https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2021/01/21/ap_21021110780453_custom-30c67e4fc5984d7ab14d42243283de18ee273a89-s1100-c50.jpg"]} {"id": "92c9d894-8775-4225-b3cb-8c1a66703772", "prompt": "I\u2019m trying to make a cake, but this keeps happening. What is causing this? Please show me how they are supposed to look.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://pastrieslikeapro.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/curdled-2.jpg", "https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/sites/default/files/inline-images/preven-curdled-cake-batter-4.jpg"]} {"id": "77b479ad-610f-4422-afa8-8782b986a0dd", "prompt": "Show me the wiring for a two way switch for a light with dimmer on one end.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0087c985-7001-4da4-b73b-e60c5f95f44b", "prompt": "I am going on vacation and have this:I would like to bring one or two more, but I would like them to look more appropriate for wearing off the beach as well. Can you show me some options?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.travelandleisure.com/thmb/mLdVfdcuqZqtb02M8A7DxjmAQ18=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/yincro-chiffon-tassel-swimsuit-cover-2274a98858cb48e0a24506c863e069ad.jpg"]} {"id": "6b7f56be-46cb-4467-ae64-0673ee430b3e", "prompt": "I don't know if I should get a hybrid car or an electric car. Can you compare the pros and cons? I'm looking at cost, maintenance, eco-friendly, stuff like that. Can you show me a side by side comparison type chart?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d731d2e4-b5ea-439f-bf5c-cf751a044680", "prompt": "I need to change a fuse for the radio in my Toyota Matrix. Please give me step-by-step instructions, along with images so I know what I'm looking for.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "52569b44-ed38-4339-a07f-4645cfc74f7f", "prompt": "I'm trying to see more of the world but I'm kind of afraid at the same time. I like being pretty familiar with how things are and what they look like before I just jump into it blindly. Can you tell me more about what a trip to Ireland would be like and maybe show some examples?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "39e395b6-e771-465a-a248-3a10646000f8", "prompt": "Does the process of growing a pineapple begin by cutting off the top, as shown in the image below? If so, please guide me through the next steps and provide accompanying images, so I can follow along.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://gardenerd.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IMG_9019-1536x2048.jpg"]} {"id": "9179fc95-9a1a-4e5c-a706-b06b7c2a1a6e", "prompt": "Can you share images of which instruments a periodontist uses during a bone graft? Please include some information about the specific role of each tool within the procedure.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "efdd64c2-b40e-4eeb-83a4-a4fe85f9d34c", "prompt": "While out and about, I came across a peculiar chicken crossing the road and decided to bring it home to join my existing flock. The bird's unique appearance caught my attention, and I've included a photo below for your reference.I'd greatly appreciate it if you could identify the breed of this chicken and include a photo to support your conclusion. Please share some images that demonstrate the characteristic features of this breed.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://morningchores.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Buckeye-Rooster.jpg"]} {"id": "6de3b813-74e5-40eb-9beb-c6e82acc4ad5", "prompt": "Create a decal for my truck that features running horses as well as the TRD insignia. Use black to gray gradients. ", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "56c3c739-91dd-4a98-bf5d-0feb70448e62", "prompt": "Come up with a 7-day Instagram marketing campaign for my goat rental business that includes everything from images to be posted, captions, stories, a profile photo, and a profile biography.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b1d9e77c-6d25-445a-b864-d3006ef258b6", "prompt": "I really want to draw butterflies to my yard. What are some plants I should put in my yard to attract them? Can you show me a picture of each plant and also a picture of what type of butterfly it might attract?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "eea248dd-5eee-454c-9e88-716cb9ed23ee", "prompt": "Does this soil contain coconut coir?Show me how to tell if soil has coconut coir in it?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://supply.clearscape.net/cdn/shop/products/topsoil_470x.jpg"]} {"id": "8be19eb4-60df-4ce0-b5f3-d6e4c93c7792", "prompt": "I just started plane spotting, and people around me say there's an easy way to tell these two apart. Please show me how to spot the difference.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c7/Airbus_A350_cockpit_windows_%2814274972354%29.jpg", "https://i.stack.imgur.com/NCLv3.jpg"]} {"id": "8973a0f9-4b2e-4ff9-8aad-0bee57268723", "prompt": "Illustrate the three main types of bonds that can form between atoms as well as provide a detailed description of each. The description needs to be able to explain the complexity of each in the most simplified way so that everyone can understand the information being presented to them. ", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "bcb5d787-c033-4fe5-ab63-0b39d6d57b58", "prompt": "Please write me an article about brown bears in Canada, and include some impressive images like this one.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FgZobowUPU0/Te-dEE_YG2I/AAAAAAAABMg/pTCwpiyY28w/s1600/Brown-Bear-6.jpg"]} {"id": "44a2c503-4039-4bc0-beb4-2316ee6c568d", "prompt": "What year did the Berlin Wall come down and why? What did it look like when it was falling?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a68b8c57-3c07-4414-a1be-83872d7092c7", "prompt": "Can you please compare and explain the differences between the two instruments I've pictured below?I think these are pretty old instruments, so please show me some old artwork of them. Also, what is their relationship to guitars?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.britannica.com/25/143825-050-A27FC8AA/Ud.jpg?w=300", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b0/Lute_%28by_Princess_Ruto%2C_2013-02-11%29.jpg/800px-Lute_%28by_Princess_Ruto%2C_2013-02-11%29.jpg"]} {"id": "d50695ea-3270-43b2-b700-aef9eb9dc8aa", "prompt": "Please create a step-by-step guide I can use on my blog so my students can see how a guitar string-change should be done so they don't have to take it to the shop and keep getting ripped off they can do it themselves.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ff77238a-f3b3-4af4-a7bb-799df4780218", "prompt": "I love French Toast, but every time I make it, it doesn't quite look right! Here's what my last try looked like.Can you please help me get an idea of what I'm doing wrong? I'm having friends over for brunch next weekend, and it would be nice to dazzle them a little, so provide some inspiration pictures too!", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/ar_4:3%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:eco%2Cw_1200/MTk4NzgzOTIwODk0OTEyMjYz/simply-delicious-french-toast.png"]} {"id": "52c4aa4c-4aab-4e6b-a8d5-17029ae7c53e", "prompt": "I'm bored. Could you show me some cool, quirky-looking birds? Also tell me about them in 2\u20133 sentences.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "38535a1f-fce9-4413-97ed-b9b052ff2b39", "prompt": "Please tell me what the difference between these two creatures is, and show me some more examples.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Frog_on_palm_frond.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/61/American_toad_-_Bufo_americanus_-_3.JPG/1200px-American_toad_-_Bufo_americanus_-_3.JPG"]} {"id": "cfef53ae-8b77-435d-845e-cd3dd1c05a87", "prompt": "What would JFK look like if he were still alive today? ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "331be900-1dff-40b3-a2cf-3ac49a78d9ad", "prompt": "Can you show me how to weatherproof this area for the winter? It is so cold!", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://thefrugalhomemaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/DSC_0458.jpg"]} {"id": "31d08776-063c-4653-b856-49b499186533", "prompt": "What is this mythological creature?Can you show me more mythological creatures?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/kelpie-mythical-creature-mythology-meaning-1024x853.jpg"]} {"id": "9fa5aa18-1c37-42e9-9162-e51baaa5e978", "prompt": "I just started a new business where I design t-shirts and other items of clothing that are based on popular movie characters. Can you design a logo that will draw people's attention and also be memorable? Where should I put it on the shirt? I don't want it to be distracting. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4a19c617-5272-4ad5-9cf7-7511d92085bf", "prompt": "I'm trying to decide on a new phone, but there are way too many options out there. My budget is no more than $100, and I want one with a decent camera, something slim and not too big so it can fit in most pockets. I don't need too many features since I will mainly use it for browsing and maybe playing some games. I don't want anything that flips or folds and I don't want an Apple brand. Give me at least three options from three different brands, show me what they look like, and list their prices and features.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b351bcba-11cd-4171-bd65-ad4d1c65f70a", "prompt": "I need an escape from my stressful life. Take me to a magical world through generated images and a story about a sad woman (me) entering the world and being taken away by its peace, joy, and beauty. Include lots of color and sunlight as well as friendly creatures to make me feel safe and warm.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "74f8abae-5661-4598-a2dd-e9fb3b8d56be", "prompt": "How do you cut up a pineapple the correct way? I always end up butchering it. Is there a right way to cut it up? If so, show me step-by-step with pictures and explanations.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e08afbd1-45d1-4fca-a7c4-b2b83075195c", "prompt": "Please help me grow better tomatoes. I love gardening, but my tomato crop seems to be lacking every year. This past season I had many tomatoes already looking like they had rotted on the vine like in this picture.What are a few things I can do to have a crop of gorgeous tomatoes like these this year?Can you show photos me some tips so I know what to do?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.greenhousecanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Image1_DSCN8986-Copy.jpg", "https://images.everydayhealth.com/images/potential-health-benefits-of-tomatoes-1440x810.jpg"]} {"id": "39ed085a-ccda-4832-8909-4a66eab8b982", "prompt": "My husband recently passed away and he always took care of all of the car stuff. I think I need to learn how to change a tire since he isn't around to do it for me. Please tell me how to change a tire very simply, step-by-step, and include pictures. I know nothing about cars or tools so don't use any technical terms without explaining them.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a16ee2a2-b4b8-47ed-9e6d-cc57eb925cc4", "prompt": "Help me with the presentation of my dinner! I want it to look like a professional restaurant plate. The dinner is chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, and green beans. How can I present it to look fancy? ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9a98d39d-c1d0-4d7c-b7ec-753e41fbc8ad", "prompt": "Please design a mascot for my sixth-grade science class. Make it look cool but not too complex and if you could use our school colors (black and gold) too that would be great!", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1d8ccf1e-59ce-46da-944d-d21e94be363e", "prompt": "I was looking at these photos the other day. Why are these camels different? Can you explain, and show me some more images?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://a-z-animals.com/media/2021/08/Animals-That-Spit-Acid-camel.jpg", "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVQcuZcWUAAdNIh.jpg"]} {"id": "a6b2d4c8-e184-440b-aa12-9f0b0cbd45e6", "prompt": "Given that only one of the \"Seven Wonders of the World\" is still standing, I think we need a new list. Here are pictures of what I think should be the first two:Okay, now you give me three more and include pictures!", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/The_Great_Wall_of_China_at_Jinshanling-edit.jpg/1200px-The_Great_Wall_of_China_at_Jinshanling-edit.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bd/Taj_Mahal%2C_Agra%2C_India_edit3.jpg/1280px-Taj_Mahal%2C_Agra%2C_India_edit3.jpg"]} {"id": "0cdc4802-024f-4087-aaee-8c025e10e265", "prompt": "I'm planning a skiing road trip with my friends. Please create an itinerary for us to start in NYC and hit 3 different mountains in the span of one week. We'll be driving, and we'd like to ski larger mountains primarily. I was initially thinking we drive to Vermont and upstate NY, but I'm open to other options. As long as it's a reasonable distance to road trip (2-5 hours). Please also provide a visual map that indicates the places we'll be driving to. ", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "524a6e95-511c-40a7-ae9a-270a2738c0a5", "prompt": "There are many different opinions and theories about why price inflation occurs. Using only tropical terms and images, illustrate these different theories and make note of their similarities and differences in a corresponding chart. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "95b3c319-88a4-46e4-8062-d8c79f039960", "prompt": "I have a patch of small red bumps on my arm that is swollen. Can you show me some images with accompanying descriptions to help me identify what this may be?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "829dcf79-8442-4efd-ac8b-7ddbbe7b9033", "prompt": "What are some ways I can organize these to make my son's room visually appealing?Please include some images to help me visualize it.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://media.kohlsimg.com/is/image/kohls/4992725_White?wid=805&hei=805&op_sharpen=1", "https://planetgames.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/blog-toys1.png"]} {"id": "bed0724f-2293-480f-87f3-d61297f5a074", "prompt": "I live in a typical 3000sq ft. suburban home, but my dream is to live in a Tudor home. My house was built by Pulte in 2004. I'm looking for ideas on new construction so show me a picture of what a neighborhood would look like if it were based on a typical mid-2000s neighborhood, but inspired by Tudor homes.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "71467f22-daf4-4ab5-b820-8c8077e7edfc", "prompt": "If Liberace went to the MET Gala Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination theme, what do you think he might have worn? Show me some examples!", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c0d12d57-a4bf-46ba-8316-fb7f1a7534e6", "prompt": "Can you tell me step by step how to sew on a button that has four holes? I want it to look like an \"X\" on the button. Also, show me the steps. ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c45b11d4-7202-44a1-841b-5391d43fcee2", "prompt": "I have a bunch of these trees in my yard that, I think, are ash trees, but I can never tell the difference between white ash and green ash. I took a picture of the leaves:And the bark:Show me how to tell the difference between them and tell me whether my trees are green ash or white ash. How can you tell?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://newfs.s3.amazonaws.com/taxon-images-1000s1000/Oleaceae/fraxinus-americana-le-dkausen.jpg", "https://inaturalist-open-data.s3.amazonaws.com/photos/15536/large.jpg"]} {"id": "6a9db571-cabe-4309-8ffe-59b0a7b9c997", "prompt": "My current job has me sitting all day, and I've noticed my body becoming more stiff. I don't have time to exercise every day. How can I keep my body flexible through stretching? Please show me some stretches that could help. Nothing too complicated!", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e0e8e975-01ce-41e7-9158-a83517c5a6ad", "prompt": "I am super excited to be planting a purple garden. I am starting off with these two purple plants. Can you please show me a few more purple flowers that are different from these two that I can add to my purple garden, and please provide a brief description?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.bhg.com/thmb/NDtssSpnnn4h5-ZfW-5h7dgeAMw=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/allium-flowers-garden-d2c7cfb7-ed7a80f15f7346c080861bfabc62945e.jpg", "https://www.bhg.com/thmb/IejNPeLNJfz7MCHLuo9-iJU2YEY=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/nepeta-mussinii-persian-catmint-d95f7650-f447042e00e84bff8dbfb6ffa8df3577.jpg"]} {"id": "1083b87f-371e-47ac-91c9-05b4c9c539d5", "prompt": "I'm eager to create a beautiful flower arrangement using these blooms from my garden:I'd like to utilize this jar as the vase:Please provide me with some creative suggestions, accompanied by images, on how to arrange these flowers artfully using the jar I have.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://gardenerspath.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Single-Leucanthemum-x-superbum-Shasta-Daisy-in-Bloom.jpg", "https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-znjh1s2dil/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/295/648/12-os-Jar-store-canning-jar__64981.1681337413.jpg"]} {"id": "31e71614-644e-4494-b454-69a47063612c", "prompt": "I have a strict carry-on luggage limit for my upcoming trip, so I need to be extremely efficient with my packing. Can you please help me determine the number of unique outfit combinations I can create using the items shown below?Please include some images of potential combinations for inspiration.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://www.everysteph.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/tops-thailand-packing-list.jpg.webp", "https://www.everysteph.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/pants-thailand-packing-list-1.png.webp"]} {"id": "11fff735-aa29-43d9-af3e-41664efbf31f", "prompt": "What species are the animals shown in the images below, and where can they be found? What are other species that can be found in the same region, and what do they look like?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a1/Marmota_vancouverensis_94537857.jpg/640px-Marmota_vancouverensis_94537857.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/Peary_caribou_-_Bathurst_Island.jpg"]} {"id": "528d4eac-e919-4ea4-9f88-57853f8fda63", "prompt": "I\u2019ve always wondered what the world looks like for my cousin who has farsightedness. Can you show me what the difference looks like between normal eyesight and farsightedness?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b1950e7c-1649-4c28-b718-7ad74e12f991", "prompt": "I need help coming up with an encounter, challenge and loot for my players going through the bellow hallway in my upcoming D&D session.I want it to be something really different that would be both challenging and fun! They have already gone up against the below monster in an earlier encounter so please do NOT include anything like this in your suggestion. Include some images in your suggestions for the encounter and loot so I can get a visual idea and to help me describe it to my players.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhj9HBdnuXtIK_2kpGEnEEjfoPFGohXNmxFl_OWHE2kHLVbDm6TeFr4ERSY_Dghhk0QCIAN3h-VxbXtEMQMxANdpBERd-60j6QjMTaDrAkvNVaW6Exb4tLbi-2180GStavB9O3C2jqbUpyWWTJL7KMt27Dk63dT_4SHFxoBSOich2tzJ1G_q_4eHfEVlUs/s1024/DrlrDjIzEb1puWwtRLqB--2--4dtsv.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dd/DnD_Stone_Elemental.png"]} {"id": "b3b0c5d6-afeb-4412-866b-f610a16d2593", "prompt": "I bought some orchids from the grocery store a couple of years ago and never repotted them because I'm too afraid of making a mistake! I don't know how to properly trim the dead roots and leaves, what type of soil to use, and how big of a pot I need. Can you give me a step-by-step guide on repotting orchids correctly, including pictures for each step?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "12ab4f08-f0b9-4296-8944-c9440495ec74", "prompt": "I would like to propagate this plant, but don't know how. Please show me.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.birdsandblooms.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/14_SandyCrooms_BBfm20.jpg?w=1200"]} {"id": "3e4264f1-65e2-4d4d-bfa5-57473827dc4d", "prompt": "I am currently in the process of designing my dream home. I want three floors. Main living space along with a few guest rooms on the first floor, master bedroom with double bathrooms and double closets along with a sitting room on the second floor, and 4 bedrooms on the third floor each with their own bathroom. Can you show me what this would look like? ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "76dcba42-217d-44cd-9a18-117266cbe837", "prompt": "If people keep evolving like we are currently and considering our life choices, what should humans look like in 500 years,1,000 years, and 10,000 years?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1c68baf5-554e-4e3d-bd1b-3455f0a30e91", "prompt": "What are the hardware components shown in the images below? What are other key components of a jet, and what do they look like?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/EA_GP7200.jpg/1200px-EA_GP7200.jpg", "https://pilotinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Parts-of-a-Wing.jpg"]} {"id": "f25cd6b5-65ed-46f3-98b8-0c99d0c73406", "prompt": "What type of tree is this?Why are the fruits these colors and what do they look like inside?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://s3.amazonaws.com/eit-planttoolbox-prod/media/images/1FFE2D15-7FFA-442C-9_hXESNUOXTVzi.jpg", "https://i0.wp.com/butterflyworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Jaboticaba-tree-44-7-w.jpg"]} {"id": "b90cc07a-e608-4a6b-a387-01361e73be1d", "prompt": "I don't understand the different carats in diamonds. Can you show me a picture of all the different carats and give me a brief explanation of each?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "358c55a6-cd8e-4cc1-b86f-9443bb4fcddb", "prompt": "I'm fed up with this:Could you give me some ideas on how to get organized without breaking the bank? Show me some affordable organization products.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.apartmenttherapy.info/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto:eco,c_fit,w_730,h_487/k%2FPhoto%2FLifestyle%2F2019-11-The-Easy-%2410-IKEA-Hack-That%E2%80%99ll-Get-All-Your-Spices-in-Order%2FEasy-Ikea-Hack-Spices-3", "https://www.polishedhabitat.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/How-to-Organize-Spices.jpg"]} {"id": "b99b5e6a-4a4a-4759-a833-8bde0a681c4f", "prompt": "What are some of the most iconic chess games ever played? Is there a consensus number one game? If so, please walk me through the game in simple terms and include images when applicable.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "beb32848-9c22-4b90-900c-8c26c34f0d52", "prompt": "Compare an upright piano to a baby grand piano. What are the major differences between them? Can you show me a picture of each of these styles of piano, along with some pros and cons of each?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5fd870b2-1c8a-457a-a1df-5c614591ed3d", "prompt": "I am trying to go on a new journey in life of making most of our food from scratch. My first hurdle is sour dough bread. I have yet to successfully make one loaf, I just killed a starter, unfortunately. Anyway, I know of the basics of sour dough like from these images, but I'm wondering if you could show 2 more suggestions for sour dough/discard goodies?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://food.fnr.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/fullset/2021/03/31/FN_getty_sourdough-lessons-1_s4x3.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.1280.853.suffix/1617245470701.jpeg", "https://food.fnr.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/fullset/2021/03/18/0/FNK_SOURDOUGH_CHOCOLATE_CHIP_COOKIES_H_f_s4x3.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.616.493.suffix/1616083296878.jpeg"]} {"id": "849dee87-7462-48e1-a122-fb1f9b077982", "prompt": "I don't know how to do the electric slide. At every wedding, I sit off to the side, feeling embarrassed because I can't figure out the steps. Can you show me, step-by-step with accompanying pictures, how to do the electric slide?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1c5bbbed-20b2-493d-b0f3-16e972878ffb", "prompt": "I'm in the market for some new jeans. I want some that are made of raw selvedge denim. However, I'm not one hundred percent sure if the pair I'm looking at meet these criteria. This is what the jeans I'm considering look like:Can you please help me deduce if these jeans are made of raw selvedge denim? Include images to help me understand what these two terms mean.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://n.nordstrommedia.com/id/sr3/f891efec-2cda-4126-9923-dd4f360bf391.jpeg"]} {"id": "755692f4-e708-4201-ac8a-5f060b7d56f8", "prompt": "Show me how to do a 6 piece braid for bread, step by step.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a9992584-bde5-40d6-afb3-b35adc0b5bfc", "prompt": "Can you guide me through assembling a modern bookshelf from IKEA? Please provide step-by-step instructions along with images for clarity.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c38355eb-6513-4a80-a7b7-ed1a0e72d60d", "prompt": "I am writing a report in my Political Development class about the gradual transition from subsistence farming in India as the dominant occupation to technology and service jobs that offer better income and life outcomes. Provide some before and after images showing the industrialization of India that I can add to my report to help convey my main topic. Make sure to label the area that is being depicted in the images. ", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b77d350c-1b1f-4754-9ae1-49cfc5e8529f", "prompt": "My friends and I are going camping in Antelope Island State Park this weekend. I have heard you can actually see the stars at night and would love to get some cool photos. Can you please show me a cool photo to try and how to capture it? I want to make sure you can actually see the stars in it.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6fc8aece-4997-4fc2-8879-9f7ffc75040d", "prompt": "I know the majority of Russia is Christian; hence they have plenty of buildings like this:But what about buildings like these:Can you please show me if any exist? Write it in the form of a travel blog.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d6/Moscow_July_2011-7a.jpg/1200px-Moscow_July_2011-7a.jpg", "https://www.ancient-origins.net/sites/default/files/field/image/mosques.jpg"]} {"id": "3a0e12f0-b3fe-4ccd-a5af-e7ef791839e3", "prompt": "Can you compare a bar graph to a line graph and tell me how they differ and why you would pick one over the other when trying to represent a data set? I need to include one in my slideshow presentation, but I'm not sure I even remember what a line graph looks like. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "25f120fd-2714-45cc-b118-9a1ef2a09c78", "prompt": "I'm learning how to keep a bullet journal. I like the idea of being organized and keeping to an easy-to-understand system. But, I also like to add some color and flare to my planner. How can I do both while being true to the bullet journal system? ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "794ecd9d-d020-4d08-9428-fbfec5c10575", "prompt": "I would like to build a simple website for homemade jewelry. Can you guide me through the best process. I need basic steps, like what kind of layout, adding product photos and setting up a shopping cart. Can you make a flowchart or a diagram?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "259f61c4-fc52-47d8-b1c7-924ccafffa01", "prompt": "I recently purchased and set up a home bar that looks similar to this one:I'd like to entertain company and also just have a nice place where I can appreciate fine beverages. I purchased one of these recently:So, I have what I want, I just need to stock it. Please let me know what kind of glassware I should look into getting. Show me different options for whiskey and beer.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://assets.wfcdn.com/im/82823955/resize-h445%5Ecompr-r85/2287/228768826/Bhima+Bar+Unit+with+Storage.jpg", "https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_f11db6cd-2764-49d1-9f02-cfc4c8a4b868?wid=1200&hei=1200&qlt=80&fmt=pjpeg"]} {"id": "13dc971e-8658-4b8d-8de8-bbf746cd15f4", "prompt": "Can you give me a detailed explanation of a butterfly's life cycle from beginning to end? It needs to be simple enough to share with my 3rd graders but also scientifically accurate. Include their science vocab words of chrysalis, antenna, and cycle. Include some images to help reinforce the learning and vocab.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "92f0eb75-c16c-46bd-b48a-f6312a93e440", "prompt": "Can you please give me a photo of a room that showcases a monochromatic color scheme while still being elegant?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c14c19e0-7b99-4e18-bc49-ac5337059fab", "prompt": "My doctor thinks I might have plantar fasciitis and wants me to try some supportive inserts for my shoes. Can you show me examples of what an insert would look like inside different types of shoes? I'm trying to tell how noticeable it might be. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "cafc25de-5032-4a25-8280-e1f6264703f1", "prompt": "My son received this toy as a Christmas gift, and it has become his favorite.He is turning two soon, and I am looking for three other Montessori toys that he would enjoy. Can you recommend some toys with photos and explain how each toy will aid in his development?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-3xtxl7/images/stencil/1024x1024/products/2158/4136/H0378-coings__25065.1496850480.jpg?c=2"]} {"id": "ff7107d1-34de-4379-aabc-cf3543e18636", "prompt": "There is a new girl in school and she's in my class. She's deaf and I can tell she's lonely. I need to know how to sign \"My name is Kate\", \"How are you?\" and a few other phrases that would be helpful. I don't know how to sign anything so I need to know exactly what to do with my hands. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "38c1eb6e-18ac-4a9c-8de2-99e2a07fe643", "prompt": "I would like to brush up on my WWII knowledge. Can you give me a list of the ten largest Pacific battles based on US casualties? Please give a couple of paragraphs on each battle and show the location of each one of the battles on a map of the Pacific.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "32a865e6-4d40-4259-b795-06e5bcb2d9e5", "prompt": "I came across this incredible photo:What can you tell me about this place, and can you show me more pictures of it?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Cristales_cueva_de_Naica.JPG"]} {"id": "cb680aeb-c109-4eb4-9dbd-4cc0792bd6d3", "prompt": "Can you compare a FjallRaven and a Canada Goose jacket and tell me which is the better bang for your buck? I'd like to see this if possible.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0e1daab8-cfdb-4c69-a14d-b5b201cf6708", "prompt": "I would like to start a small business selling handmade crafts. What handmade products are popular? I can sew and woodwork. Could you show me some pics or sketches of some popular products I could make?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "204cccc0-d2b5-47fb-869e-aac1051cff50", "prompt": "I'm working on improving the decor in my apartment, but something's missing. Look at this picture of my bedroom and tell me what you think it needs:Please give me some great ideas and photo examples.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.apartmenttherapy.info/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto:eco,c_fit,w_730,h_551/at%2Fhouse%20tours%2F2021-09%2FLizzie%2FNight_Heron_House_07_09_2021_241"]} {"id": "2d11b54c-a6ec-492b-9bee-34c586d8319b", "prompt": "What type of dog is this? Is this a good breed of dog to have for someone with small children? I'm trying to picture one being a part of the family, can you share any pictures of one interacting with a child?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.loveyourdog.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Labradoodle.jpg"]} {"id": "032fa47a-e79c-491f-ad10-bc2b4ea75c18", "prompt": "My niece loves opossums! Can you make a list of facts and images to go with each fact.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3cbbeebb-9002-4fb3-962c-26118367f681", "prompt": "I have a big dog, 70lbs, that likes to chew. Can you list/show me some eco-friendly, fully edible chews or chew alternatives for dogs that are very aggressive chewers that come in large sizes?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e62d7f8c-8a2a-40ee-8f1c-8c3ec76b8e40", "prompt": "What is the difference between these two? Explain your answer visually to help me understand better.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://projects-uploaded-files.s3.amazonaws.com/production/item_response/uploaded_file/20ac66fb-b8cc-4a08-88af-01ac4c927deb/20ac66fb-b8cc-4a08-88af-01ac4c927deb_uploaded.jpg", "https://moneyinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/s-l1600.jpg"]} {"id": "f30b47a7-bd87-498b-a118-8f4db3a090c8", "prompt": "Is it possible to build a functional, full-size castle from sand? Even if it's not possible can you show me what it would look like if it were?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8740dd72-ad85-4858-afaf-b48a381dd6ff", "prompt": "Give me a detailed diagram highlighting the 11 major organ systems of the human body as well as an explanation as to how each one keeps the body in good health. ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a30a0885-7df2-435e-9d37-315ba94b2f40", "prompt": "What's the name of the dishes in the images below, and what sort of cuisine is it? Can you please provide me with other dishes from the same cuisine, along with an image of each for reference?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/Taiwanese_Beef_Noodle_Soup.jpg", "https://poshjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/lu-rou-fan-taiwanese-braised-pork-over-rice-17.jpg"]} {"id": "9f9eb80b-969e-4df3-9249-29cba6a5805b", "prompt": "I'm working on a school project about current events. I want to report on the current conflict in Israel. Please summarize the events that have transpired so far without taking sides. The report should be as neutral as possible and will have to be read to the class. It needs to be accompanied by a slide show with photos of the conflict, geographical maps of the region, and diagrams showing the different groups.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "54d8c98c-f4a0-4619-bffb-7fcf3dcaebc2", "prompt": "I want to learn how to paint like Vincent Van Gogh. Can you give me steps to follow to paint like him along with photo examples of his work to help me learn?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1dc9754d-ca4b-4f21-b153-3c0d40bdf75e", "prompt": "My school\u2019s math club needs a new logo. Can you make one that uses our mascot, a bulldog?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "482971e2-b026-4782-b650-4c8e9a88f29d", "prompt": "I'm enhancing the curb appeal of our home with a landscaping project and have allocated $10,000 for it. Can you suggest three design concepts that incorporate low-maintenance plants and a modern aesthetic? Include images for visual reference, and provide an itemized budget breakdown covering plants, materials, and labor costs.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b8316c8b-ac91-403d-b59f-c5a89f07a51a", "prompt": "Can you compare these two dishes for me?I like them both, but want to expand out more and try new things. Still, I want to try things similar to these dishes. I'd like a comparison of these foods and then a few more similar dishes to try, with pictures please!", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://littlesunnykitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/Chicke-tikka-masala-2-7-730x1095.jpg", "https://www.thespruceeats.com/thmb/KTDye8esSj0tiQ3cKywyXP5UPVQ=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/SES-thai-yellow-curry-chicken-with-vegetables-3217289-ce337796a70b418eb6035e630856781a.jpg"]} {"id": "6c857f96-eab8-4487-9fe0-32da6a0cbdaa", "prompt": "I'm planning a trip to Nairobi, and I'd like to explore the city's landmarks. Could you recommend a walking tour itinerary, complete with descriptions and images of each site for reference?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6b3b00de-d880-4b3f-84df-685498d03d46", "prompt": "I really like the style of these buildings.What style of architecture are these buildings, and can you please show me images of other buildings that are the same style?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/29/Lunds_domkyrka_i_maj-1.jpg/898px-Lunds_domkyrka_i_maj-1.jpg", "https://lp-cms-production.imgix.net/news/2018/05/BT-leaning-tower-of-pisa-07201403-031931.jpg"]} {"id": "698f24ad-ca9a-4382-a6f2-adad9ef2e67b", "prompt": "Can you share images of different constellations and what they look like from space?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c9988787-b6c6-4bf8-9bec-c4c2e8af4ce3", "prompt": "I'm getting a pet rat next week and I'm trying to get everything set up for him. Can you show me some good bedding that is particularly good for rats?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "cb1e1e8c-9820-473c-bbf5-f9748d4ba4a2", "prompt": "Would you mind sharing some expert tips on how to best care for a Basenji dog, accompanied by a picture of the breed?", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5856e454-efc0-4e6e-8291-f4cfa9f9d8df", "prompt": "I've been working on my technique with oil painting, however, I am struggling to maneuver the brush correctly when working on smaller details. How should I be holding and maneuvering the paintbrush when focusing on intricate, small elements, such as facial features? ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5a29e40a-3fd0-4a49-862e-773d266ba489", "prompt": "Hi. Can you identify the trees these woods come from?Show me how the trees look when they are mature.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.wood-database.com/wp-content/uploads/acer-platanoides.jpg", "https://www.wood-database.com/wp-content/uploads/acer-spp-ambrosia.jpg"]} {"id": "fe8687d7-32e8-493c-badf-360495238ca4", "prompt": "I need to write a short report for my geography class about some of the lakes around the world that are drying up. It needs to include why this is happening and a few photos of the affected lake as reference. Here's a photo of Lake Mead in Arizona and Nevada:Please write a report that includes Lake Mead and some others.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://gulfnnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/dse-8-768x507.jpg"]} {"id": "a857110a-4094-4aa5-bc19-4a105d260620", "prompt": "Can you show me some images of Arhuaca backpacks from Colombia and tell me about their cultural significance?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0807329d-7543-425c-b6d9-953882574ca5", "prompt": "I'm absolutely mesmerized by some people's artistic prowess when it comes to street art and graffiti. What's the best technique when painting with a spray can? Can you provide a list of some popular street artists I can learn about and show me some of their work? ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c9dbcba2-8a9e-418c-971f-32113a413114", "prompt": "My friend successfully passed and completed her PhD thesis, so our friend group wants to go out and celebrate. There is a discussion about our dining options, as we are undecided between these two dishes.List some of the similarities and differences between the two to help come up with a final decision and show me a signature dish I should order from that cuisine.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://www.tasteofhome.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/tasty-butter-chicken-curry-dish-from-indian-cuisine-1277362334.jpg", "https://www.jocooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/thai-red-chicken-curry-1-7.jpg"]} {"id": "6dae3ed7-6abf-4bf3-8c3f-a72719b14176", "prompt": "Can you show me a prehistoric tree and how they differ from trees today?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "328b5b8d-1c4a-4249-bd5a-f7ad7101fccf", "prompt": "What can you show and tell me about the French Revolution? These are the only things I think of when it's brought up:", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://sugargeekshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/easy_chocolate_cake_slice.jpg", "https://jenwoodhouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/DIY-Guillotine-Halloween-Candy-Bowl-scaled.jpg"]} {"id": "21a569ae-9bdf-42ac-a5d9-684afa41f92c", "prompt": "Can you find the company that creates the cushions in this photo and recommend more of their products? I'm hoping they look equally fun and unique!", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://suayla.com/cdn/shop/products/ProductPhotosmallcushion2_70ff6f48-e7a8-4cc7-9d1b-aa284dcc86c8_800x.jpg?v=1703693745"]} {"id": "505a78dd-200c-417e-8e10-421b6a476bd7", "prompt": "Can you tell me what this is, please? I saw it in a charity shop, but I don't know what it is. I\u2019d also like to see other variations of it if possible.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://warisanlighting.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/how-do-lava-lamps-work-photo-15.jpg"]} {"id": "54027e6a-f47a-40de-a75a-648296a42d1c", "prompt": "At the current rate that tech is advancing it would be safe to assume the next logical step is full integration with humans. Show me a diagram that supports this theory. It needs to span from 1950 until 2150. ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "51c875da-58d0-4664-b64a-d7a7087ffb1e", "prompt": "I\u2019ve recently been learning about this in my science class:What other things are close to it? Show me images of the two closest, including a fact or two about each that starts with \"Did you know\".", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://noirlab.edu/public/media/archives/images/screen/noirlab2116b.jpg"]} {"id": "a0e5145a-ffe2-447d-83b2-444f1d3d4932", "prompt": "I want to learn how to cut up fancy garnishes to dress up my vegetable and charcuterie boards. Can you find 5 different garnishes in a variety of shapes and different types of foods that I could learn? Include step-by-step instructions that will help me easily learn the steps to create each fancy garnish and ensure my finished products look amazing.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b46a083f-834b-4324-85ec-ffbe396c4d76", "prompt": "Can you tell me what made Van Gogh so famous? Please illustrate his most famous pieces for me.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a4a9991a-2840-4f2b-b248-52919561d783", "prompt": "Give me a step-by-step guide on how to draw a realistic-looking face with a pencil in three easy steps. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e2561540-47de-41c6-a4a1-4a514019d87b", "prompt": "Please show me how to make some knots that will be useful for my upcoming sailing holiday. I have no previous knowledge so please show me lots of different levels of knots.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "25cabd65-a0a1-4029-9046-33473fb449d6", "prompt": "Why does my above ground pool look like this?Can you show me how to clean it?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://peonyst.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/20230410_123748-1536x2048.jpg", "https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc0MjU0OTEzODQzMzczOTQ4/how-does-rain-affect-chemicals-in-swimming-pool-water.jpg"]} {"id": "1256e88d-d75d-4f97-9bc0-7e87977db6bc", "prompt": "Driving on the road at night, I notice these different headlights.Can you tell me what they are called and show me any other options?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://blogmedia.dealerfire.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/901/2020/07/Car-Driving-Night-Headlights-A_B.jpg", "https://truecarblog.imgix.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/CG_3107-Best-LED-Headlights-Header.png"]} {"id": "9f6a800f-e091-4dc0-982e-032436ef2980", "prompt": "My friend and I were talking about the movie Coraline the other day, and we couldn't seem to remember one of the characters.\nFor example, we can only remember these characters.Please show me another character from the movie and tell me what part they play in it.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pxCOAGrk1gs/WOh0LkpoBFI/AAAAAAAA7lA/HGzy2aZo6rIx95J1ahN4z7oUwKd-BL5hgCLcB/s1600/20170407_171549.png", "https://www.dresslikethat.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/coraline-other-mother-02.jpg"]} {"id": "934e3920-c909-4a91-a62f-7b9e294497f0", "prompt": "My MIL gave me this box of these things. They look like balls of dried plants. As you can see to the right of the image, I tried to rehydrate one to figure out what it is, but I am not convinced that is what I was supposed to do. Please tell me what I am supposed to do with this, and show me what I need.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/ExoticFlame.JPG/1280px-ExoticFlame.JPG"]} {"id": "9a728b9d-a7df-451f-85ef-7b77fe1d923b", "prompt": "I saw some scented pine cone fall decor for sale today, and it got me thinking, how do they get them scented? I want to see if it is something easy enough to do at home. I'm a visual person, so can you provide images?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b91f90ad-0f3e-4754-9691-ab1ea71b3338", "prompt": "Can you go into detail about the family in the photo?Please show me some similar pictures, if relevant.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://travelcultura.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/emperor-of-russia-nikolay-ii-and-his-family.jpg"]} {"id": "e6ddc433-4f45-431a-ab0c-7c000266129d", "prompt": "I'd like to create a step-by-step guide with pictures for my child on how to make a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I plan to display it on the fridge for easy reference when they're making the sandwich independently. I've already found an image of the finished product, which I've attached for your reference:Could you please write this simple guide for me and provide the additional images needed, to save me the trouble of searching for them myself?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.seriouseats.com/thmb/GF4MI4q0ARhLNZ8BC7Q8lL16w-E=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/__opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__images__20070401istockpbjbeauty-ab4898b093c14b65b7606ec1152acbe0.jpg"]} {"id": "ac2b1ab5-700d-45b2-bd84-006871fd3b07", "prompt": "Can you make me a guide on how to distinguish the different birds that I might see in my backyard this winter in New England?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7231085a-310e-4ed7-b425-ae8b3c250e57", "prompt": "I am on vacation in a different state and I'm not used to the wildlife around here. Can you tell me what the differences are between a wolf and a coyote? Please show me the key physical distinctions between the two.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "fb5467e6-93d0-4167-af75-8109d01786d5", "prompt": "I'm doing a report on the cultural attitudes of the Western world going into the new millennium. Could you please create a collage of images that capture the spirit, design aesthetics, fashion, cultural touchstones (like music, TV, movies and games) and pictures of activities that young people would be engaged in during this period? Please title the piece, Y2K in Retrospect and include a witty caption in the voice of a Gen X MTV Host. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f6d912cc-0bd7-4f8d-a2d0-513092f145b7", "prompt": "I try to buy the healthiest and most nutritious meats for my family. Can you show me the different chicken habitats based on the labeling that we see in the stores and the best brands to buy? ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3a4c8fc8-61df-4f86-a3a4-6429c83c8165", "prompt": "I am currently in college but I have been thinking about dropping out to focus on my dream to be an actor. I am currently doing my first major role and it is taking a toll on me and my school work reflects this. Can you show me some actors who have been in my situation and their outcome? What do you suggest?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "dd7ec4e6-f612-478c-b4b8-254c3610eee0", "prompt": "Please tell me about the history of \"communal sleep\" and include visuals?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "bd690eff-2ff1-4a6e-add8-9d4815275f55", "prompt": "I think the harp seal hunt is coming up soon. =( Can you tell me where this takes place, when is the seal hunting season, and who is responsible? Can you create a cartoon of a seal holding a club that I can post on social media to raise awareness?", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d75037e5-e637-45c3-962e-598438a3af1d", "prompt": "What are the statues in the pictures called?I thought there was a third one, but I can't remember the name. Is there even a third one, or is it just the two? If there is another one, can you share a picture of it?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/Cleopatra%27s_Needle_by_the_Thames.jpg/500px-Cleopatra%27s_Needle_by_the_Thames.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5a/USA-NYC-Central_Park-Cleopatra%27s_Needle5_%28cropped%29.jpg/410px-USA-NYC-Central_Park-Cleopatra%27s_Needle5_%28cropped%29.jpg"]} {"id": "33602613-1edc-428d-ba03-3330225d3760", "prompt": "Can you show me a bar chart of how many endangered animals are in Africa compared to twenty years ago? Show me pictures of the top 3 most endangered animals.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "dd572caf-0f3c-437b-8c13-9b6c2f9f6305", "prompt": "I am going to a job interview, and I want to look professional and stylish. The shirt I intend to wear is pictured below, what do you think? Can you please show me the kind of ties you suggest I pair with it?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://image.josbank.com/is/image/JosBank/5FYU_70_TRAVELER_BLUE_MAIN?$JABPDPSharpen$&hei=1080&wid=800&align=0,-1"]} {"id": "7abd6ef8-d475-4e02-8a46-047f6f629a14", "prompt": "I love American supercars like the Dodge Viper! Can you find a rendered, but realistic view of one on the road? How might I easily create one myself?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0b6add98-2c0a-48a1-be4f-15ba3b74c413", "prompt": "I'm trying to think of something unique to make for a Christmas day brunch. I have family coming over and I would like to make something that is memorable. My Aunt is allergic to soy, my brother cannot have dairy, and my mom is on a low-sodium diet, so please incorporate these restrictions in your suggestion. Can you provide me with a recipe and show me the ingredients that I need? That way I can make sure I purchase the correct items.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9e064842-ce45-4205-8718-854d3d668be3", "prompt": "Lately, I've been interested in travelling to unique beaches. I've come across images of beaches with interesting sand colors, such as the two below:Can you tell me why the sand is colored like that? If there are more color variants, can you show me pictures of those beaches as well?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e5/Tiny_beach_pink_sand_s_detailem_p%C3%ADsku.jpg/640px-Tiny_beach_pink_sand_s_detailem_p%C3%ADsku.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/2020_Punaluu_Black_Sand_Beach_05.jpg/1600px-2020_Punaluu_Black_Sand_Beach_05.jpg?20200120230253"]} {"id": "6bd682fd-1344-4c49-aedf-7c91ba350fab", "prompt": "My friends are coming over for a party this weekend. Please suggest three alcoholic drinks we could try that are different from your usual pub classic cocktails and show me what they look like, but don't give me the recipes.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ebda1d46-0384-4d6e-a476-533508db2f79", "prompt": "I am trying Baby Led Weaning for the first time and still trying to figure it out. My baby is 6 months old, but I am terrified that she will choke. She has gagged on everything I have given her so far. Is this an ok way to serve cucumbers?Can you please show me images of other ways to serve it that lowers the risk of choking?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0a/Kurkkuja.jpg"]} {"id": "2a5c050e-2505-490e-87bf-d1bf26734f83", "prompt": "Create an object search worksheet for a 5 year old. Make it a simple beach scene drawing, and you have to find the following: sand castle, sun, umbrella, ice cream cone, beach ball.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "fffabc07-084e-40ac-872b-0a3145db5dc4", "prompt": "So i've been really getting into rugby lately and have joined a local team. My coach says im doing really well but that I need to do some work on my tackling technique. He says I need to get lower and put my head on the right side when tackling but im just not getting it. Are there any instructional pictures that could help me?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "959f95cc-0a0b-4e8b-a95f-de4931e92dbb", "prompt": "I am doing an article about popular dog breeds from the United States. I have two pictured here. Can you please show me a few more and provide me with some information about each one?", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/hhBFjqy8GsVxHazO4Rx_YfZlKGk=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/GettyImages-152863922-0e4e823c8e6c42ec8bc96b586a2929c4.jpg", "https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/D2a_d1ynyarpyfOlIgrqanir8ME=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/GettyImages-490887332-6a76695e3e5b45909592235c7b458928.jpg"]} {"id": "06c5a1c0-7d27-4d4d-b867-461f571dbb86", "prompt": "My oldest son would like us to get a cat and suggested the two varieties pictured below. What kinds of cat are they, and are they kid-friendly and pet-friendly? Can you also show me some suggestions for other types of cat that are kid-friendly and pet-friendly? Also, how easy is it for me to obtain these types of cats as pets in the United States?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/64/Ragdoll_from_Gatil_Ragbelas.jpg/800px-Ragdoll_from_Gatil_Ragbelas.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/57/Maine_Coon_male_NO_Sigdalskauen_Balder.jpg/1200px-Maine_Coon_male_NO_Sigdalskauen_Balder.jpg"]} {"id": "89e28c7d-f039-41be-a836-91ca627e3c98", "prompt": "What is the best way to brush my hair when it's like this? Also, it's fairly fine.Can you show me some brushes I can try?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://media.post.rvohealth.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Female_Hair_Conditioner_Rearview_732x549-thumbnail.jpg"]} {"id": "7be1d9c9-0255-47d4-be3a-a130c3fa004f", "prompt": "Is there an advantage to this type of bird feeder in the first image, compared to the type of bird feeder in the second image? Any disadvantages to either one?Can you show me another bird feeder option?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.perkypet.com/media/wysiwyg/Articles/More-Birds/attract-larger-birds-with-platform-feeders.jpg", "https://www.woodstreambrands.ca/media/catalog/product/cache/b2c67a2ce7a8f7c926511e4f9e7ee641/3/2/325c_11.jpg"]} {"id": "02fbb5bb-8b30-44ed-928d-f732dbed9019", "prompt": "I need a logo for my remote Data Annotation company. I also need a good name for the business. Come up with a name, and also generate a logo. The name should be clever and easy to remember, maybe a play on words of some kind. The colors for the logo should be a calming ocean pallette: beige, light blue, light sea foam green, maybe off white, ecru, etc. come up with at least 5 names in a bulleted list, and 5 examples of logos ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e8e8e9c4-f02c-4c07-9aed-8b4860aef82d", "prompt": "Here are some photos of my living room furniture:Can you please show me three wall color options that will go well with these pieces, and explain why you chose them?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://cdn-images.article.com/products/SKU350/2890x1500/image78221.jpg?w=1370&q=80&fm=webp&fit=max", "https://cdn-images.article.com/products/SKU390/2890x1500/image82409.jpg?w=1370&q=80&fm=webp&fit=max"]} {"id": "1fbea18c-0bf3-4578-b237-7990668016c3", "prompt": "What if every country bigger than 500,000 square miles was halved in size and every country smaller than 500,000 square miles tripled in size? What would the world map look like?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f08e4b36-5692-47b8-927f-ef7aa96a5403", "prompt": "I've noticed that these two plants on my property seem to be magnets for butterflies. I'd love to know what other species I can introduce to my garden to attract even more of these beautiful creatures. Could you please recommend additional plants that are known to attract butterflies, along with photos and a brief description of each? This is what the plants look like that are already on my property:", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.marthastewart.com/thmb/fJlrRCmfgEQdoiz1Vhv7rgWzoic=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/plants-attract-more-butterflies-to-yard-bottlebrush-buckeye-getty-0523-ffe974cb3595481fb7b9f4800adf6f59.jpg", "https://www.marthastewart.com/thmb/PlELpNqatXmtLt3GmCvS6mgMWoc=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/plants-attract-more-butterflies-to-yard-butterfly-weed-getty-0523-87d7f898fb22417dbe9e1e67eb3b772c.jpg"]} {"id": "658414d4-6862-4f30-82ff-d46d00dcb39d", "prompt": "What was this character from Finding Nemo called? I keep forgetting her name. Show me some other characters too, like the cool turtle!", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/dory_characters_0afa6e45.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1200%2C778"]} {"id": "ccdf26e4-dc7d-4bb4-a6e7-28088027c867", "prompt": "I've got these photos of the majestic Bengal and Siberian tigers. Now, I'm curious to learn more about the elusive white tiger and its connection to these two iconic species. Can you compare these tigers and include a photo of the white tiger?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2018/10/28/12/bengal-tiger.jpg", "https://www.hdwallpaper.nu/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/siberian-tiger-9929.jpg"]} {"id": "21adabf8-d9f0-4c71-bbc7-5111c39d0cd3", "prompt": "I'm looking to re-paint my living room and dining room and I want a neutral colour, but I don't want to use white. Can you please give me some alternatives that are still subtle enough but feel better than plain white?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "781065f3-0173-47df-8319-fe45e8c3f489", "prompt": "I would love for my daughter and I to have matching outfits on Valentine's Day. This is what I will wear.Please show me an outfit for my two-year-old daughter inspired by mine.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.chicwish.com/media/catalog/product/cache/789a34736ead3066d85296b038a5aa03/2/0/20105c.11.jpg", "https://is4.revolveassets.com/images/p4/n/z/APRS-WQ3_V1.jpg"]} {"id": "eae46eab-e0fd-4273-a3dc-47c4659b61fb", "prompt": "I heard that wagyu beef is supposed to taste better than, for instance, a regular supermarket steak. Can you explain why Wagyu is so much more expensive than a typical steak, why it has a marbled texture, and why the marbling in the beef is supposed to impart more flavor? I'd also like to see a side-by-side comparison of raw Wagyu and a typical supermarket steak.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ef0522f1-355a-4d4a-b3d6-2a51da968293", "prompt": "How do the rechargeable batteries in my porch lights work? The lights have mini solar panels. \r\nHow do the batteries convert & store the energy from the sun? Can you provide a diagram to help make the explanation simpler? ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6cea2692-ceb3-4a89-8f02-7820af30973f", "prompt": "I am thinking about designing clothing and starting a clothing brand. Can you show me how to make sketches of clothing ideas?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "749ee089-e8b5-40ce-8b84-57c412d4ec58", "prompt": "How do different plants thrive in various climates? Could you show me a map with plants in their climate zones? Make it simple please.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "90629d97-84d7-47be-8bc6-ff9de9b32380", "prompt": "What is the difference between a cottage style and a Cape Cod style home? Can you give me examples of the exterior architectural particularities of each style? Include a blueprint, drawing, or image of each style to aid me in my comparison. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "90523068-f41f-49c1-931a-085e27ce3b1c", "prompt": "I want to splurge and visit a Michelin-star restaurant when I'm in NYC later this year. What are a few of the most popular ones right now? Show me some photos of their food.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ec91bbec-a923-4854-8eb9-fd60bbbf1639", "prompt": "I'm running a PSA against teen smoking and vapes. I want to put together a commercial I can run on local television. I've never directed before and need help. I have an idea: it's a split-screen montage of two lives of the same person from birth until death. One life doesn't smoke, lives to old age, has grandchildren then dies. The other smokes, develops lung cancer and dies in his mid-40s. Can you give me a written treatment along with storyboards I can show the rest of my team?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f2f179ad-c560-41f3-ae3e-7b63df48e607", "prompt": "My Olympus EM1 em is making funny pictures, the color is green tinted but all settings are correct. Can you show me what a picture looks like when different parts of the camera go bad, like a bad sensor and such", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5bf3b03d-ad4b-4a22-bdcf-5b2107414dba", "prompt": "Who is the artist of the painting below, and what style of art does it represent?Please provide me with some examples of similar works by other artists.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://wowxwow.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Konan-Lim-Pipa.jpg"]} {"id": "2f65b6d9-6f06-42d2-a42b-bdd73708bcbf", "prompt": "What is this garden style?Show me how to make something like this for my yard.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://hgtvhome.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/hgtv/fullset/2019/7/23/1/Original_Shain-Rievley_Unique-raised-bed-beauty_H.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.791.633.suffix/1563913596405.jpeg"]} {"id": "beb43113-b985-4a11-bfdf-83c2ac18ce4e", "prompt": "I recently moved to New York City. It has been a long dream of mine and I have known that the apartments are cramped, especially the more budget-friendly options. However, I may have underestimated the size constraints. My studio is 15' by 10'. Please show me a few space-saving ideas for furniture and overall organization. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a325b6f0-ce12-4425-8e57-27d6ffb72738", "prompt": "Look what my cat did! How can I go about fixing this without having to take it to a professional? Can you show me something I can use?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0503/4659/0359/files/Screenshot_2023-06-16_143230_600x600.png"]} {"id": "4d104c3a-3172-46e5-8ec0-01e02c3dc1ac", "prompt": "Cold weather is quickly approaching, and I'd like for my sons' car to be ready when the snow comes. His tires currently look like this:Is this acceptable? Is there a way I can check the treads on my other cars? His car also seems to be missing a chunk of the piece around the tire, see this?Could the road salt get into the internals and cause problems? Can you please show me how to replace this piece?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://s19526.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Tire-Tread-Wear-4.jpg", "https://www.vwvortex.com/attachments/b56d84a8-0f00-4f61-9b1b-5b2323bcf629-jpeg.124431/"]} {"id": "c63f4123-b104-405e-a05b-784a85ac6a7b", "prompt": "What if I were to only eat fast food for an entire year? Can you show me some images of what I might look like? I want this to give me some inspiration to eat much healthier.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "38351614-803c-4ec0-a4a2-4469a677d067", "prompt": "Give me photos of what I can do to make my mohawk the most presentable for a nice dinner to meet the girlfriend's parents.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c015ca7e-15d7-43a6-9153-ef64afa37494", "prompt": "Could you share with me, accompanied by visual examples, a guide on establishing a soothing bedtime routine for my baby?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9be9061d-4b28-414c-81f4-8970baa66ec7", "prompt": "I need to know what breed of dog I have and Google is of no help. My dog is 12lbs with wirey, curly black and silver fur. I know for sure he is not a Keeshound, a Yorkie or a Poodle. I do believe he's some kind of terrier. Can you show me some visuals of terriers using my description and tell me about each one's general temperament? Thanks!", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "835305f7-d564-4a9f-8852-1cc49793911c", "prompt": "I'm going to see this building when I'm on holiday next month:While I'm there, give me some other famous buildings I should visit. Show me what they look like and tell me a little about them as well.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://static.trip101.com/paragraph_media/pictures/002/657/854/large/1200px-Laon__Kathedrale.jpg?1666361782"]} {"id": "0f99ca41-3ebb-4c04-a43c-0e5b40b203bf", "prompt": "I'm booking a safari holiday for 2024. I don't know whether to book a safari in Cape Town or Malaysia. Can you compare the wildlife that I'm likely to see in both places? Illustrate the key differences.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3a424328-362a-45d4-83ab-40b91d19ee72", "prompt": "Where is this building located:Can you show me any other buildings in the same city?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://images.pexels.com/photos/2792601/pexels-photo-2792601.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=1"]} {"id": "7e8d19ba-3a54-487c-b058-cf0ed9002f3a", "prompt": "I'm designing a matching game to educate my fourth-grade students about the process of photosynthesis. I'm using the image below to illustrate the concept:In this game, students will match images to either the \"input\" or \"output\" categories of photosynthesis. I've already gathered images for the \"input\" category, but I need additional ones for the \"output\" category. Can you please provide me with two accurate products of photosynthesis and one incorrect option? This will help me create a more engaging and informative activity for my students.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://images.twinkl.co.uk/tr/raw/upload/u/ux/photosynthesis-parents-wiki_ver_1.jpg"]} {"id": "27251530-f60b-4985-b413-c767fddb5687", "prompt": "What's the difference between these two coffee grounds?Please identify each, and explain what they are used for. If there are any other types, can you include some images and explanations of them too?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b35406150a54fbd72663d20/1609541310033-5CB52MJ3T8BZMZPYW3Q8/Extra+Fine.png?format=750w", "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b35406150a54fbd72663d20/1609540373616-OBYEM0YX7EN3U2J1XVJ9/Coarse.png?format=750w"]} {"id": "1bc5d214-9a3d-47cb-b5e0-bce62f81ce9d", "prompt": "There's a jazz concert coming up on the 26th of December and I need some good promotional matierials. A name, for starters.. The most important thing is posters to spread the word. Being that it's happening the day after Christmas, we were thinking of some sort of 'sleepy santa' theme. It starts at 6 pm at Ebeneezer's Pub. The poster should be colorful and fun with a whimsical abstract background, but I don't want any people in it, we're trying to play up the jazz. Help me figure out the best layout so I can take it to my designer for inspiration. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "44739d72-e7b1-4195-aaac-bbd7b5e71da0", "prompt": "Can you make me a set of lecture notes about the geographical history of the earth? Make sure to include a diagram of the geological timescale. Also, I would like you to include images related to Pangaea, and conceptual visualizations of flora and fauna during the Cretaceous period. I am also interested in the early history of the earth and have only read descriptions of it. Can you also include some hypothetical renderings of what early earth might look like? ", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "fec1aa7b-7f72-4399-b16c-8ccbaa76c685", "prompt": "Write me a travel article about Arizona, and include some beautiful images of areas like this one.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/726146.jpg"]} {"id": "485d5abf-845b-4ee7-a135-17ee0482a007", "prompt": "This is a photo of the current closet I have in my bedroom:It's not big, and it only has one shelf and one rod for hanging stuff. This photo is the amount of clothing I need to be able to store in the closet:Can you help me figure out how to do this? I know there are buildable closets and customizable wardrobes out there, but I need ideas. Show me a few possibilities for the space, and give me some suggestions on how to make it work.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://justagirlandherblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Closet.jpg", "https://townsquare.media/site/40/files/2019/01/kondo4-e1548691070636.jpg?w=2016&h=1512&q=75"]} {"id": "7b35c703-a889-4768-87ad-a3d5bd09f79c", "prompt": "Show me the creative extreme of amateur 3-D printing. I want to be totally wowed by what people have thought of.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "10175bc7-b62a-4686-a359-4ab7389eaa8e", "prompt": "I would like to buy a beautiful aquarium for my apartment - something like these images. Can you inspire me with some more ideas and images?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.shared.com/content/images/2018/03/maxresdefault--1--2.jpg", "https://www.decoholic.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/room_3_decorating_ideas_with_aquarium.jpg"]} {"id": "8b8e2483-673f-44d7-b27a-72902517a44d", "prompt": "I want to make an alcoholic drink. I have these two ingredients. Please show me what I can make with them.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://images.ctfassets.net/57fahiw4uj5z/18p2dX7u92yB74JwTP6PQt/c0ed6872dc50c92532cc0cbca9061644/og-air-vodka.jpg", "https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Fresh-Navel-Oranges-8-lb-Bag_35e5e43b-d7f7-4c05-ad55-d2df5404c1cd_1.8a8b9be88694f526967d6d5b24c78bae.jpeg"]} {"id": "9afe9db4-34a9-4020-b815-f802da6c722d", "prompt": "This is what I have to use for work:They are very uncomfortable. Can you suggest some alternatives and show me what they're like?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://images.pexels.com/photos/7709093/pexels-photo-7709093.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=1"]} {"id": "b457e315-31d1-40ae-bf44-7ef353793b28", "prompt": "What if we could breathe underwater? What kind of sports could we invent? Could you sketch me a couple of ideas and describe how they work?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9b1982c9-71a8-44b4-8b56-383a3a17bf08", "prompt": "What are some simple crochet stitches that I can learn as a beginner? Please show me examples and give me a step-by-step guide.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "cde57306-3579-4bf8-a28f-8eeca46c7632", "prompt": "What can you tell me about the oak tree on this stamp? It's a famous tree, right? I'd like to see the tree in its entirety.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Kaives_ozols.jpg"]} {"id": "29ed5a6a-739e-4244-b774-56279b231683", "prompt": "Is the below image a Shetland Pony? If not, what is it, and can you show me a Shetland Pony?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a3/Miniatuurpaardje.jpg/1024px-Miniatuurpaardje.jpg"]} {"id": "23e6111d-5b30-4dc2-b6ae-973992f625d1", "prompt": "I'm working on a poster for our recycling drive and I'm stumped. It's called Recycle Today for a Better Tomorrow. Could suggest a design for me? It needs symbols for paper, plastic, and glass and a place to write the dates and locations. And can I get a quick rundown on why recycling these items is important?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "33b7e2d4-3d89-4535-ab08-fc514af2d12d", "prompt": "My daughter's going to start primary school next week. She's pretty nervous about it all, and she's unsure of wearing the uniform. She still loves Dora the Explorer and it would be really cool if you could give me a picture of Dora wearing a school uniform to show her. Can you also write her a cute message from Dora about how great schools going to be and how we'll all be there for her at home if it ever gets difficult?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2d7b53da-0f58-4a75-9f6e-5340503730b8", "prompt": "I saw these two art pieces at an exhibit in the Smithsonian American Art Museum, and I love this style of art. Can you please identify who made the pieces, and show me more pieces by the same artist with a brief description?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://uploads7.wikiart.org/images/alma-woodsey-thomas/autumn-leaves-fluttering-in-the-breeze-1973.jpg!Large.jpg", "https://psarts.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Alma-Thomas-The-Eclipse-1970-Smithsonian-Art-Museum-gift-of-artist-1.jpg"]} {"id": "25689a69-1aed-4120-a1ea-09b84aab4636", "prompt": "Show me step-by-step instructions on how to screenshot on a Macbook Pro 10. I want to screenshot a certain section of my screen, not the entire screen.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "16a85861-f1fc-4960-a3c2-44df41567c43", "prompt": "I'm fascinated by artworks such as these. Please show me others and tell me about them.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/famous-self-portraits-16.jpg", "https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/famous-self-portraits-34.jpg"]} {"id": "67713a5e-7fe7-4f07-be79-171a0aa3eeaf", "prompt": "What if I made a movie about being a tourist on another planet, what would be some images an ordinary person (me) could create right here on earth, with very little money, to make it seem as if the film shots were done on another planet? I have this old photo I took of a person in the distance when we stopped to stretch our legs going through the Badlands in South Dakota that I would use as the movie poster.The title of the movie would be something like \u2018Lonely Tourists.\u2019 Please give a brief description of how each image could be created and how it would reinforce the story of somewhere not on earth.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": ["https://images.pexels.com/photos/15495888/pexels-photo-15495888/free-photo-of-barren-mountain-peaks-in-fog.jpeg"]} {"id": "c5ce5f2d-46df-478d-b0a1-55b0fa6f97e9", "prompt": "Please highlight the visible difference between a yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) and a rougheye rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus).", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "17ece098-ad74-4a90-ae3b-1febe8adf5b5", "prompt": "I think I have a cold sore, but I haven't had one before, so I'm not sure. Here is a picture of it.Can you provide me with some information on cold sores and include a picture, so I can compare to mine? What treatment do I need? Should I see a doctor?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://assets.nhs.uk/nhsuk-cms/images/M1700345-Herpes_Cold_Sore-SPL.max-600x600.jpg"]} {"id": "d88a819a-038b-4ada-9db8-29676f8e8455", "prompt": "I'm going on a date with a guy who loves the weather, it's like a special interest I guess. I need something to impress him with, but I know next to nothing about weather patterns. Explain the El Ni\u00f1o weather phenomenon to me like I'm a child. I'm going to need bulleted lists, diagrams, and any pertinent background information so I know what I'm talking about.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "753b9597-0320-4468-b67e-9f7a77f0838e", "prompt": "I have a 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan and I need to change the thermostat. Can you help me out and show me step-by-step what to do? Images would be great so I know what to look for. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c1d7e04a-8781-4577-9c11-b26c8e73fceb", "prompt": "How can I build my own raised garden bed? Make sure to create a step-by-step guide with pictures so that I know I am doing everything precisely as it should be. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "144e814a-71bc-4061-bd78-335e87ef719d", "prompt": "Create a logo for me for a pet-sitting business. I need it to incorporate line drawings of a dog, a cat, a snake, a rabbit, and a small rodent of some kind. They need to over lap in some creative type way that seems simple.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b67a7826-ae1e-4a97-92fe-edece3141709", "prompt": "I am starting a new job on Friday and have no idea what to wear for a shirt. For pants, I am wearing a nice, plain black pair of slacks and black flats. What kind of shirt will go with this that is reserved yet still fun? Give me 3 examples of stores I can find them in and their price range. Also, attach photos featuring the shirt along with black slacks and black flats. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "fe5d2156-c6b1-4d8b-9a56-86e235ee9fd8", "prompt": "Can you show me photos from the Virgin Of Guadalupe celebration? The year it originally happened is coincidentally my apartment number and I want to learn more about this culture.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f227fe06-c906-4ceb-8000-6148053c3900", "prompt": "Imagine I have just won the lottery, and I want to buy something super futuristic, like these. Please inspire me with interesting new possibilities and show me some more similar ideas.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.autogyaan.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/concepts27.jpg", "https://hdqwalls.com/wallpapers/chevrolet-futuristic-concept-car-qu.jpg"]} {"id": "9386d4a1-91ee-44c6-b5c2-6c6f664f86fe", "prompt": "I have an idea for a Halloween mask I could make but I'm not sure if it would be too crazy. Can you sketch it out for me so I can visualize it? The skin would be rubbery purple with glittery blue cheeks. There would be four eyes in the normal place and one on the chin. Huge nose. A circle of tiny mouths around the whole perimeter of the face. Top it off with Medusa snake hair.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d95d0b66-73d2-4b2e-92ce-b8d6fc51bce5", "prompt": "I noticed this plant growing in my yard I tilled recently to grow a garden.I also noticed this one in a pot I filled with the soil I tilled to use indoors.What are they, what will they look like when they are fully grown, and how do I take care of them?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://thisismygarden.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/young-tomato-plant-fertilizing.jpg.webp", "https://14881ef6.rocketcdn.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/repot-tomato-seedlings-01-1140x855.jpg"]} {"id": "96eeabf4-4c3b-4e13-8f3c-fd575db9b5ce", "prompt": "I have a tomato plant, and I've heard I should watch out for pests. What do tomato pests even look like and how should I watch out for them?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1cf3218e-7b54-4924-a4e5-9c2f2c742924", "prompt": "I found this in my friend's living room, and I don't want to sound dumb by asking her about it. What country is this?I think it is cool. Can you show me one of my country, but maybe a little different (I don't want her to feel like I'm copying her)? I'm from America.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://images.pexels.com/photos/2660262/pexels-photo-2660262.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=1"]} {"id": "a7b28bcb-d141-47aa-b81e-9675e4825bb3", "prompt": "Can you give me a timeline of the last 500 years of British monarchs? Provide pictures or paintings of them and include an interesting fact about each of them.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0189bdbf-cb22-4b5c-b6d6-6fa222c02285", "prompt": "I think it would be really cool if I could hang some plants from the ceiling in my living room. I'd like one of those ones that looks like a vine with leaves that falls down towards the floor. Can you show me some plants that might be suitable for this purpose?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e8515ae2-842c-4940-bee8-a50cd22c30d3", "prompt": "I was just gifted a cactus and I don't know how to care for it. Can you give me some tips? Maybe a graphic with a watering guide?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b4a15cbc-7dd8-4056-93f4-e0362257a367", "prompt": "I am doing a reading challenge and one of the challenges is to read a book with a tree on the cover. Can you show me five options? I'd like at least three of the books to be written by women. I don't care if it's fiction or nonfiction, and I'd like all the options to be written after 1950. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "637e020e-cc5c-4eef-b377-90ce4d879c96", "prompt": "I'd like to know what the most popular hikes are in Zion National Park, and I want to see these trails highlighted on a topographical map please.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ed8e4f59-ee25-481b-a7d4-7b5fc87184dd", "prompt": "I am trying to decide where to take my family for Christmas vacation. We have narrowed it down to Aruba or St. John. Show me images of both places and compare and contrast each location including a general cost breakdown. We will be flying from Raleigh, NC and staying for 6 nights. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d56d76eb-92d7-4c12-a57f-5a23d83fc853", "prompt": "If you took apex predators from each land, sky, sea and put them in a battle royale (ignoring the improbability of say a shark on land, or a lion in the water), who would come out on top? Show me which predators you would choose (no more than three from each ecosystem) and how do you rationalize who would be on top? I don't think it would win, but my personal favorite is this one!", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": ["https://images.pexels.com/photos/1802177/pexels-photo-1802177.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=1"]} {"id": "01bc2357-57df-4344-b7f6-2e00c5cd972f", "prompt": "Which war is everyone referring to as the \"Great War\" and why do they call it that? Can you show me pictures of the war that showcase its greatness?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ad5a9e7f-1fad-40ce-862b-4b4dc9c30522", "prompt": "Who are the richest people in the world? Can you show me a diagram to represent the information?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "bf3860b3-5856-4033-a458-e1326b5bc591", "prompt": "Can you show me what Steve Irwin's kids looked like in their last family picture with him beside how they look today, so I can see the difference?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5501ba51-5ab1-43d4-8844-de92fd31762f", "prompt": "Can you show me where to find the starter in my 2011 Hyundai Sonata? ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "bba2bee8-5471-4a5a-8bd4-0e7b61bc9659", "prompt": "I want to improve my critical thinking and questioning skills to help me solve problems more logically and efficiently. Could you make me a generic problem-solving flowchart that can help me rationally approach complex issues? It should include what sorts of questions to ask to gain a better understanding of problems and help me develop a process of continual intellectual improvement. Include any additional tips that would be relevant.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "774574f1-bea1-475d-90f5-3e2473f56528", "prompt": "I've been studying classical French art, and my favorite so far is his painting seen here:Could you please give me a few images of other contemporary artworks that have this same aesthetic?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/Fran%C3%A7ois_Lemoyne_-_L%27Apoth%C3%A9ose_d%27Hercule_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg"]} {"id": "7b7435a4-8edc-42d1-98f9-2a4aa370dc39", "prompt": "I'm putting together a map of a dungeon for my DND campaign. It has only one floor. There is an entrance to the dungeon on the south side of the map and the boss, a huge dragon, is on the far north side. I want there to be two paths, one that leads to the boss and one that leads to a dead end with a mini-boss at the end. I need you to make me a cool map layout that would be fun to explore and I need some ideas for some treasures and obstacles too.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7c5556c6-da5b-4c86-af1f-b7ab10b2341f", "prompt": "I need to do a presentation on 8 to 10 architects that have different aesthetics. One should be Frank Lloyd Wright and one should be Antoni Gaud\u00ed. Who are 6 to 8 other architects that really stand out with their designs? I need a picture or two for each one showing their style. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "12a9e195-e558-4a92-9dad-4febd453208f", "prompt": "Can you write me a fantasy story prompt that is set in a world with magic? Write it with 3 main characters, 2 boys and a girl. Could you give me portraits of these characters and design a map of the world as well?", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4998ba4e-9a78-4c71-9472-ebea195d8774", "prompt": "I work at a computer all day, seated. I noticed I slouch a lot these days and have poor muscle tone from being sedentary. I have a medium resistance band. Can you show me how to sit better and some exercises I can do with the band while I'm sitting?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "cfa45dd3-de8a-4903-b117-1d9291346736", "prompt": "I think I screwed up my kitchen remodel. Can you sketch a layout for a small L shaped kitchen? I need to fit a fridge, stove and a dining nook. Also, if you could suggest some color schemes that would be great!", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "58d09346-a2e0-4f26-adca-2b0d62161667", "prompt": "Please choose one character below, tell me about their character, and show me where they live.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.verywellfamily.com/thmb/R5KGV2V86ty_A3xIXrJfGkjWioM=/3600x2879/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Dora_17HR-56a7742e5f9b58b7d0eaa1a9.jpg"]} {"id": "7430f43b-c5ff-4e0f-8a31-167e888291b5", "prompt": "What is the difference between these? Which one should I use when cooking? Don't forget to include some pictures to help me learn the difference.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.lafoodservice.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/TWTexasEarlyWhite.jpg", "https://www.freshpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/commodity-yellow-onion.jpg"]} {"id": "9fb91f79-549c-4ecc-8c01-db081f193d79", "prompt": "I like this shape of nail, but I don't know what they are called. What are some other nail shapes I might like?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://thenailest.com/cdn/shop/files/FullSizeRender_700x.jpg?v=1694496283"]} {"id": "1520d48a-bad4-43af-8b54-053b599425fb", "prompt": "Who designed Cardi B's dress from the 2023 Met Gala? What were some key design elements of the dress and what was the style of the look?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "97ba7527-cd7e-4d0f-9518-87f10a921a44", "prompt": "I am planning a trip and want to use the most comfortable airlines. Can you show me the best economy airline cabins and the pros and cons of each?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "10a74354-9acc-4edb-b5ac-c1033d970034", "prompt": "I want to update my living room. Can you show me some new trends for this year?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0771be0a-b27c-4882-9efc-40364d3b6f72", "prompt": "I am watching a documentary about WWII that includes a lot of videos that have been colorized and restored. What type of camera would these have been recorded on at the time? I thought cameras were huge back then, wouldn't carrying them around during wartime be a hindrance to the soldier? Could you show me what camera was most likely being used to film these scenes on the frontlines? ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c6eb92d3-d17c-4387-9821-49679ce86a8d", "prompt": "Please explain what these are, and give me some facts about them. I'd like to see more of them.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-o/04/7c/67/ac/frontier-culture-museum.jpg", "https://cdn1.matadornetwork.com/blogs/1/2020/10/Wigwam.jpg"]} {"id": "124cba83-f6b0-485f-933a-728c2fd0dd21", "prompt": "How are man-made islands like Dubai made? Can you show me a few pictures of how they are constructed and how they ensure that they won't fall back into the ocean?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "50cafc2b-bb64-4cb4-a5b0-e70ffb18122f", "prompt": "My company wants to create an interactive website for children that allows children to create a story based on the decisions that they make. With each choice, a new opportunity or challenge may be presented. I need some help animating some of the characters that are found throughout the story. Can you find me some images as well as provide me with a list of the best animation software to use?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "60865edc-12ec-4361-b9ed-1aa3b74d5685", "prompt": "Can you write a short story about a lost bat looking for its home and pair it with illustrations of the scenes?", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "aabaa82d-a72a-4e28-9b32-05cc56af220d", "prompt": "I'm turning 16 next month and my dad said that I'm old enough now to get a car and said he would buy me one! He gave me two options:This one is a 2015 Honda Civic and:This one is a 2014 Toyota Prius.\n\nFor a 16-year-old like me, which one do you think will be better. List the pros and cons of each car and then make a final decision. Make sure to include a picture of the exact model and color I should tell my dad to get.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://www.thecarmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/20161216004448536.jpg", "https://www.autodetective.com/uploads/photos/toyota/prius%20v/2014/561178.jpg"]} {"id": "76a48d7d-f0d0-4bf1-ab7f-584e345de1b4", "prompt": "I just got engaged with this beautiful engagement ring:Can you tell me what diamond cut this is and show me what others there are?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://media.rarecarat.com/images/RC__2_170_HL0358-14K-Y_4_pear-zoomed_2401230202.jpeg"]} {"id": "1b95fcb8-5eeb-40a2-a2c8-74fbe3eb3601", "prompt": "I have a very formal event to go to, but I want to make a splash and I want to combine couture with a Gothic style. What are some ways I can combine those two things what might that look like? Also, I'd like a splash of pink in there.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8331d931-5b58-49fa-b6c6-bcb3035000c4", "prompt": "I want to write a fantasy novel but I'm stuck. Can you create a map of a fictional country that can help me get started? I want there to be a mysterious area on one of the coasts where the villain lives.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6928877e-20c5-4170-9e3f-23f671351b74", "prompt": "What is up with all this white stuff on my indoor aloe vera plant and how do I get rid of it?? Show me examples of what it could be so I can compare.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b3caa6fe-f620-4f6c-a175-e506c84db646", "prompt": "Help me write an article about the most decorated players from each of the following games: League of Legends, Starcraft II, Dota 2, Quake, and Halo. Each player section needs to contain a very brief overview of their career and be accompanied by the player's picture and the respective game's logo. In the article's conclusion compare the tournament winnings of these players and their earning power as e-sports athletes.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "745a5903-b852-4289-bb19-7ffd0beca92b", "prompt": "I have one of these.It's currently empty. Give me some useful items to fill it with. Give me a picture of each suggestion for reference and a description for each item.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://ik.imagekit.io/pimberly/5a573819182f915efb7bd083/7ee8ffba/5cacaf30caefae629100008c.jpg"]} {"id": "30f219b3-fdc4-4485-8316-8870a55920c7", "prompt": "I really like this style of architecture in the images I provided. Can you tell me about this style of architecture, and provide me with images and examples of other buildings with the same style?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://cms.guggenheim-bilbao.eus/uploads/2021/03/2-1.jpg", "https://arkhitekton.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/the-therme-vals-by-peter-zumthor-02.jpg"]} {"id": "b4e655c2-f443-4e00-bd19-0736e54c1a9f", "prompt": "I was recently at an art museum and saw this piece:When showing it to my brother, he showed me this image that looked like it was made in the same style:Can you tell me what style of art this is? Also, who was the most famous utilizer of this style, and can you show me some of their most famous pieces?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/36/Pablo_Picasso%2C_1909%2C_Femme_assise_%28Sitzende_Frau%29%2C_oil_on_canvas%2C_100_x_80_cm%2C_Staatliche_Museen_zu_Berlin%2C_Neue_Nationalgalerie.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8f/Pablo_Picasso%2C_1909-10%2C_Figure_dans_un_Fauteuil_%28Seated_Nude%2C_Femme_nue_assise%29%2C_oil_on_canvas%2C_92.1_x_73_cm%2C_Tate_Modern%2C_London.jpg"]} {"id": "2a29f1d5-6b6c-44d9-813f-7db60bd5367c", "prompt": "What can you tell me about the model, Bettie Page? Where was she born? What was her early life like? How did she become a model? Can you create three images of her: a line art drawing, a cartoon illustration, and a caricature? Thanks!", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "06737eef-ac3b-465b-a0d4-c259d56efa29", "prompt": "Give me a chart that compares the cost, pros, and cons of different artificial turf infill, and what each type looks like close up.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2fff18cb-3257-4000-ab9a-b8e11829175f", "prompt": "What building is this and what style of architecture is it? Can you please show me examples of other buildings that use the same style of architecture?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://humanitieswest.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/notre-dame1.jpg"]} {"id": "489743a7-1af5-49ec-be91-edd1852855b9", "prompt": "I want to buy a camera suitable for beginner photographers that isn't too expensive. I found a couple of cameras at a store that are in my price range:Can you compare these two models, and show me an example photo taken by each of them?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://i.rtings.com/assets/products/yNWe2IaM/fujifilm-x-s10/design-medium.jpg", "https://i.rtings.com/assets/products/CWsm581T/nikon-z-50/design-medium.jpg"]} {"id": "52608352-be1c-4390-8ebd-f1de75848435", "prompt": "I'm hungover and don't know what to eat, as I still feel a little nauseous. Can you please show me some easy to digest foods that I might have in the house? Include nutrition information, as I'm dieting.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0e756d1e-5000-4368-95b4-8af1eb556b30", "prompt": "I'm writing a report on the events of 9/11. I'd like to add some firsthand accounts from survivors as well as firsthand photographs that were taken on that day and in the aftermath. I also need a really good image of the Twin Towers before disaster struck.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f1d405a6-b117-470b-bd1f-40450b20198c", "prompt": "I have been collecting these since I was in my 20s. I want to put them to use.Please show me ideas of challenging designs I can build with them.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.goodwillfinds.com/dw/image/v2/BGVZ_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-goodwill-master/default/dwc80386a3/images/large/dszxajvk8/image/upload/sku/8d74b3d965b24c03b3d0493a783d0aae.jpeg?sw=1074&q=65&strip=false"]} {"id": "7759927c-6def-419f-8012-deb84c1c84cc", "prompt": "If humans evolved at the same rate as they have in the past what do you think we will look like in a billion years from now? Show me a rendering of what that may look like.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "371bb640-1f4b-4827-969d-9913107eeb85", "prompt": "What will a land map of Florida look like in 100 years if climate change continues on its current trajectory? Note the significant cities, and indicate lakes and rivers as they will look in 100 years. Explain your reasoning. ", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7b3c173d-5a6c-40c8-955e-13adf5fc8e91", "prompt": "What are the scaled shingles in ancient Chinese architecture made of? Please include a visual example.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b72d7339-6403-4e57-a7de-a553dc453a8e", "prompt": "My niece loves playing two truths and a lie with me but I'm running out of good lies to tell. I like giving detailed stories. Can you give me a handful of detailed lies I can use that will make her laugh? Include a generated image of each made-up scene so I can show her after I reveal the lie and make her laugh some more! For reference, I am a woman with long, black hair.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ddecec80-03ec-4a4a-87e3-5de15f03b439", "prompt": "What art medium do you think is used to create a drawing like the one pictured below? Can you please show what tools would be able to create this piece of art so that I can try to create something similar?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/80/Pivoines_1989.jpg"]} {"id": "68e8579c-ec53-4541-8161-8b49fdf81306", "prompt": "I feel like I have something in my ear but don't want to go to the doctor. Can you show me something I can buy to look at home?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "88ecf5a7-5540-4578-abfb-79904065d2d9", "prompt": "I am thinking about starting a commercial hibiscus farm. I need to find a location with good or at least acceptable weather conditions, but I also want to be happy with the location. I would prefer to live in the western part of the country. Is there a place in the western half of the US where hibiscuses would grow well for at least several months of the year? Please provide some images for the places that you suggest. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d17921be-4327-4092-9e8e-19e92a170a02", "prompt": "Please help me write a paragraph for my history paper on the Boston Tea Party. Include the two main parties involved, what happened, and the reactions to the protest. Please include two images relating to the Boston Tea Party. Keep it under 150 words.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "22fdfc86-d635-4850-87a6-d7ba1e48110f", "prompt": "I'm thinking of a word. The first part relates to a little kid scribbling on a wall in the home, such as in the following case:The second part of the word sounds similar to a type of winter attire similar to gloves, as shown here:Which word am I thinking of? Include some images relating to the word, a brief description of it, and an explanation of how you deciphered it.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://parentcircle.blob.core.windows.net/prd/content/38cc0d813170.jpg", "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5346a846e4b0101b157468cf/ecc34f05-a87c-4dd6-b93e-c5db9c1ffa6a/Winter-52.jpg"]} {"id": "97f2061a-8ec8-46d3-a44f-c33acd08b7b1", "prompt": "How can I incorporate these two together?Please show me some images for inspiration.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://whitneybond.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/thai-basil-7.jpeg", "https://cdn.loveandlemons.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/cherry-tomatoes-1.jpg"]} {"id": "b1d72794-9548-4cb4-b87a-f5b57dbd21da", "prompt": "What was that board game that Tutankhamun played? Can you please show me the board and explain how to play it?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "200054d9-21b3-4dfa-8453-972bd40c78b0", "prompt": "I get so overwhelmed by all the possibilities at the grocery store, but what is up with the cooking oil aisle? List some oils and their uses for me, and show me some decorative bottles for oil storage.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "bc4e60cf-99c4-4914-9fc1-f5d1f33051a1", "prompt": "I'm planning to redecorate my living room and I'm torn between two styles: Minimalist and Bohemian. To give you an idea of what I'm starting with, here's some images of my current living room:For the minimalist style, I'm envisioning a monochrome colour palette with clean lines and a spacious layout. As for the Bohemian style, I'm considering a more eclectic mix of colours, patterns, and textures, with an abundance of plants and unique furnishings. Please show me examples or provide suggestions for transforming my current space into each of these styles.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://knockoffdecor.com/wp-content/uploads/average-small-living-room.jpg", "https://www.familyhandyman.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/GettyImages-180741163-e1638994623105.jpg"]} {"id": "a548a77c-10d6-4908-aefd-51edea121780", "prompt": "I am presenting a proposal to my city council about how to effectively incorporate green space into new construction within city limits. Generate some images that depict the unique incorporation of greenspace into a city. Make sure the images look very aesthetic and futuristic and include an explanation of how each image could be realistically built. ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "cdf72411-f107-40a9-9322-34cbf4a065e0", "prompt": "I was in West Africa, eating a dish unlike anything I had ever had. It looked like the first picture below and was made from the root in the second picture. Using images, explain the science behind it.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Fufu_with_no_soap.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Manihot_esculenta_001.jpg"]} {"id": "2c12d201-7249-4144-ab18-5d12f816602d", "prompt": "Show me step-by-step instructions on how to sew a pillowcase.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "08146067-a82c-4f79-a3ed-5642982311be", "prompt": "I wanted to host an Oscar party this year for some close friends, and I'm looking for drink suggestions. I want something that looks like this:Suggest two or three options, but make sure one is a mocktail for my designated drivers. I only have Martini glasses (no champagne flutes), so please only show me how the drinks would look in those kinds of vessels, so I know they'll work.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.liquor.com/thmb/sUKZSwJj7slc5l-LDyK8eajT0LY=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/very-sexy-martini-720x720-primary-b1212ebf73f54f898a56f7f0b60c0a34.jpg"]} {"id": "ae2bcfe8-8494-46aa-bc6c-94d561df71d7", "prompt": "I want to start eating a vegan diet, but am skeptical about the tastiness of the food. Show me some indulgent vegan dishes that aren't just boring raw vegetables.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "00f2f0a3-2e5d-4cd9-994c-bbe1e2491c15", "prompt": "I need a recipe for stuffed mushrooms. Show me a picture too please.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "dc6b9035-b0ac-45b4-a1ea-91d18e01385a", "prompt": "I loved the bottle rocket experiment we did in middle school, but I don't remember how to build one. Can you provide me with step-by-step instructions and visual aids on how to build and properly launch it?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5dd4ec7f-0ba2-4cb1-af8b-c3b11cb3cbb8", "prompt": "What if major American cities were redesigned in the style of Ancient Roman architecture? Please redesign 7 well-known buildings from Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, New York City, Atlanta, and Miami. Include descriptions of what each building is and include a \"before\" photo as well as the redesign. Also, please explain the changes made in the redesigned photos so I can understand what makes the new buildings \"Roman,\" as I am new to this subject.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1bf7a151-518a-4c69-a05a-55dc50b8dfaf", "prompt": "My friend is currently traveling and has sent me pictures of these landmarks:Can you tell me where she is and show me some more landmarks she may visit in the area?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.celebritycruises.com/blog/content/uploads/2022/01/famous-landmarks-in-paris-arc-de-triomphe-hero.jpg", "https://www.celebritycruises.com/blog/content/uploads/2022/07/landmarks-in-france-basilica-of-the-sacre%CC%81-coeur-paris.jpg"]} {"id": "a2025298-2914-4e69-af81-7c0210a8afdb", "prompt": "Can you show me some plants that are edible in Louisiana? Where can I find them?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "05c0b39d-4d82-43a6-8d27-f910c1d9565c", "prompt": "Please show me how to crack these into whole halves.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.asonomagarden.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/11.jpg", "https://www.grandturkishbazaar.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/walnut-kernels-whole-turkish-horoz-ceviz.jpg"]} {"id": "2ee35595-564b-4bc6-b08d-53c7428b280f", "prompt": "The blinds in my bedroom let in light around the corners of them and I struggle to sleep as a result. Can you show me some alternatives that\u2019ll keep the room in darkness?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ea20f86b-8b4f-4f99-99f6-10b2527bd5a3", "prompt": "How can I use baking soda to treat this:Please outline the steps for me and show me what to do.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/57/43/59/360_F_157435993_WRJk6Olaq0X7Fsmf2TwFvazEgMuWoEbA.jpg"]} {"id": "a298807d-8a4c-4ed1-976d-e70eee7dcd28", "prompt": "As a theatre nerd, could you show me some of the Most Beautiful theatres in the UK?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2283df14-0574-41a2-b08b-77716f199b5c", "prompt": "We want to take engagement photos in Savannah, GA. This is what we are wearing:Could you show me places to take photos that would suit this aesthetic?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://img.shein.com/images/shein.com/201705/0a/14946443753147819063.jpg", "https://gentwith.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/GentWith-Henderson-Beige-Slim-Fit-Button-Collar-Shirt-2.jpeg"]} {"id": "8deb0b30-ee14-4c2d-b0db-b319f39e9f87", "prompt": "Show me what you think the 2083 version of Air Jordans might look like. What would the shoe do (or need to do) that the other hundreds of versions didn't? ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "130bb7b6-ca76-4c9d-847f-987dc42ade42", "prompt": "I am opening a dual art gallery and upscale bar. I would like to find seating that is minimalist, but fashionable at the same time. Could you recommend potential seating for the bar area?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b36a6ebd-0880-43ba-bd51-7cfa00b13523", "prompt": "I'm flying in to LAS for a three-day trip to see Zion National Park (and whatever else I can fit in). Here are the images from my dream board, the first one is of horseshoe bend:The second image is from somewhere in Utah, but I'm not sure where:Please give me ideas of other location or activities I should add to my itinerary. Include pictures so I can add them to my dream board.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/545fe13ae4b085cc73a67c31/1540244348634-OVRO93YHBUH9AM6QMOWN/DSCF4212.jpg?format=2500w", "https://www.visittheusa.com/sites/default/files/styles/hero_xl_1600x700/public/images/hero_media_image/2016-10/Zion_0.jpg?h=345ab7ac&itok=fdJYXVj8"]} {"id": "fa4ee8eb-a088-4cbe-94c7-d1e1aa486298", "prompt": "I have absolutely fallen in love with these cute bejeweled handbags, like the one below.Here's another example of the style of handbag I'm speaking about.Can you tell me more about the designer and how they were inspired to create these bags? Include images of other bags as well, please.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.borsheims.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/55/3LEIB0892_670x670.jpg", "https://media.neimanmarcus.com/f_auto,q_auto:low,ar_4:5,c_fill,dpr_2.0,w_418/01/nm_2337412_100070_m"]} {"id": "080d7778-1ddc-4058-92ca-57701749fe5d", "prompt": "I already know how to make these two kinds of basic cookies shown in these images. Can you please show me some other ones to make with images and a brief description?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.marthastewart.com/thmb/I_YZ1CGmZIXkjIrrsvpFT9ei5UA=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/soft-chewy-chocolate-chip-cookies-01-7004023-0819_horiz_0623-9b9a60be6a624d029aa1579d715e01e7.jpg", "https://www.marthastewart.com/thmb/JeNVahNq4mb__AFXsEdRD39qwEQ=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/med103954_0908_oatmeal_cook_vert-35d7652531cf47c98cfcab98f4de2634.jpg"]} {"id": "8d08e132-cb24-476b-92c1-bd5b9b701527", "prompt": "I need help understanding photosynthesis. Can you show me an example of the process with a diagram explaining the steps and process? I need explanations of each step.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "34744ecf-03f1-4771-abd4-da608eeadc95", "prompt": "My friend says he wants to get a Chrysler 300 but he would get a Phantom if he could afford it since it looks similar but nicer. I don't see much of a difference though. I guess the Phantom looks boxier maybe? Can you help show me the differences between the two so I don't seem like an idiot around him?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4fe43d01-0aea-4d4a-851c-3a7c1a683ebc", "prompt": "I am thinking of painting my home office a different color to help me be more productive. I am thinking about these two colors, but can you please provide me with visuals of a couple of other recommendations that might encourage productivity and explain to me a little bit about it?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.marthastewart.com/thmb/lZeNUbjSGTlt8a1cXxo7t5CidDI=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/gray-office-space-getty-0920-2000-0d31ff78d9c04049a3c198a342840fe5.jpg", "https://www.marthastewart.com/thmb/a1XE9E80qLq8_qWRWACSRtw_6zo=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/earth-green-office-getty-0920-2000-35adc4814eda4e6fbaa7525755af2040.jpg"]} {"id": "fe86f948-cc5b-4c32-891b-bc1f59f7d6e3", "prompt": "I noticed this on my leg. Can you please tell me what this might be? Please include some images for comparison.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.richmonddermatology.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RingWorm_Hero.jpg"]} {"id": "3d1fdd33-acd7-4879-acf6-b5791c3f25da", "prompt": "How can I improve the layout of my desk to make me more productive? Can you include some images of workspaces that can encourage productivity?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "eb84c357-7cc1-4fa4-8aff-8a58c0b5981f", "prompt": "I have this dog:Show me other popular dogs.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-fduu8evurl/images/stencil/640w/uploaded_images/blue.jpg"]} {"id": "93a02379-1a8a-4d20-9cdb-66f5765a16c4", "prompt": "My daughter is taking gymnastics classes and we want to practice at home. Show me step-by-step how to teach her to do a backflip and where I should be standing to spot her safely ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2e52d1db-879c-4498-b902-b090d12e75d5", "prompt": "Write me an introduction to a story about knick-knacks, and finish the story by shifting the focus with an image.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "134b504f-2ba1-4241-9749-a4510ff3eb2f", "prompt": "What style of architecture are these buildings?Can you give me a brief explanation and then show me more examples of the style?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://images.pexels.com/photos/7903924/pexels-photo-7903924.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=2", "https://images.pexels.com/photos/13787785/pexels-photo-13787785.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=2"]} {"id": "5e375bd3-a3ab-430c-b8bd-092131441ec9", "prompt": "I have this sculpture that was gifted to me. I believe it is soapstone, but I'm not sure. I always thought that soapstone was green.Is it soapstone and if so, can you show me some more sculptures out of soapstone?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://kwag.ca/sites/default/files/civicrm/persist/contribute/images/Inuksuk_portraitformat.jpg"]} {"id": "825631a3-ef4b-4dc4-b376-8148e8ecf368", "prompt": "I want to create a new product that will be easily marketable on online platforms like TikTok and Instagram. The product should be something that is \"cute\" and has functional qualities that would make it trendy. The product should also incorporate light in some way--like a Himalayan Salt Lamp. Generate some possible images of such a product and come up with names for each idea. Include at least 5 unique ideas. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f9186638-1de1-4836-88cd-40265ddc173d", "prompt": "Write a story about a mystical fairy forest. There should be 3 characters that are faires, 2 that are talking plants, and 2 that are unique mystical insects. Can you come up with names for the characters and include the names on a digital image of them?", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a212ab44-bca0-412d-b7e6-d57a30940650", "prompt": "Whenever I'm in California, I see these panels on roofs.I also see these spinning things near the freeway.I know they are to generate power that doesn't depend on fuel. Can you tell me more about what they are, how they work, and show me other types of power that doesn't depend on fuel?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b8/Photovoltaik_Dachanlage_Hannover_-_Schwarze_Heide_-_1_MW.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cd/Wind_turbines_in_southern_California_2016.jpg"]} {"id": "254a1f27-a236-4fe3-ac67-feb16925cca8", "prompt": "My art instructor has instructed us to combine two of our favorite artists. What would it look like if Rembrandt and Picasso worked on a landscape together?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d2bac6dd-051f-4c00-a985-e8a860f38791", "prompt": "Will this oven work with this outlet? I'm not sure what the outlet should look like, or if it or the cord could possibly be changed?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://image-us.samsung.com/SamsungUS/home/home-appliances/ranges/pdp/ne63b8211ss-aa/NE63B8211SS_11_Silver_SCOM.jpg", "https://assets.wfcdn.com/im/35448150/resize-h445%5Ecompr-r85/1590/159032051/30+Amps+Tamper+Resistant+Single+Outlet.jpg"]} {"id": "2e86cb9e-83e0-4f91-927e-04bcd8d4f34f", "prompt": "My kids want a playground in the backyard. What does a playground that costs under $500 look like? ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "55d133cb-dddb-4333-b81a-f39279e20329", "prompt": "We want to create a simple, black-and-white logo for our fishing and adventure charter business. We'd like to start with a salmon wearing a knight's helmet.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "96f5a483-b4d4-4499-a913-80e0e1d798c4", "prompt": "My doctor told me because I have so many freckles I might be at risk of developing skin cancer. She told me to wear a lot of sunscreen and regularly check for cancerous moles and spots. I don't really know what a cancerous spot looks like. Can you show me some examples to help me identify them?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8b6919e7-2c55-4fd3-ba08-3f52dfcf4f25", "prompt": "I've just learned that my color season is autumn, can you put together a few outfits that would be flattering on me?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f3b06ffa-fd7d-4330-93bf-26414ebaa935", "prompt": "I used to do crafts like these when I was a kid.I really liked working with my hands doing intricate, smaller detailed stuff. Can you show me some similar stuff that might restore some of that creative spark?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://i0.wp.com/maldenpubliclibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/fb3cf1c3016d06d10cd9f0c4e95bf079.jpg?w=1688&ssl=1", "https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/thmb/ilIoq4zbJuScrMG5nQA1rxgtb-0=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/BeadedLizardTutorial11-5963be013df78cdc68bd4b39.jpg"]} {"id": "9d77617c-2ed9-4c3a-9b50-cdcf358be37f", "prompt": "Can you generate a logo for my Japanese clothing brand? My inspiration is martial arts and the zen mindset. Maybe something with a samurai silhouette and kanji characters.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7d0f8cb3-dd9e-45a6-a868-d1533009d739", "prompt": "What are the names of these two buildings? Where are they located? What are other famous landmarks in the same region, and what do they look like?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://images.pexels.com/photos/753339/pexels-photo-753339.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=1", "https://www.theworldluxurytravelawards.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/View-of-the-Winter-Palace-from-Palace-Square1-copy-2.jpg"]} {"id": "8940765a-b2c9-4518-8a91-9027356f5a76", "prompt": "Can I trim my cat's nails with human clippers? They are super long right now and he keeps scratching the couch. Please provide some images in your how-to explanation. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8355a59f-2bec-4c27-9d66-897f01642673", "prompt": "Write a blog post about the differences between typical meal portions served at American vs. French restaurants. Include photos with explanatory captions and calorie counts.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "491a52fc-557e-45af-9d80-1b601037ac32", "prompt": "I really want a white dress like this for my quincea\u00f1era, but the shipping will take too long.What other similar dresses in the same price range can you find? Please show me their images.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://i.etsystatic.com/25113734/r/il/5974da/3614239411/il_570xN.3614239411_dl61.jpg"]} {"id": "dce10887-af5a-441c-aba5-c26281d7a284", "prompt": "Are the cars from Forza 5 real? If so, show me the real-world equivalent of the one in this photo:Tell me a little about the car as well.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.topgear.com/sites/default/files/2022/09/jesko.png?w=827&h=465"]} {"id": "fa5bf3f0-ed3b-4a02-9387-c3f2d725460a", "prompt": " I'd like to see what a molecule of caffeine looks like compared to a water molecule in a diagram and a 3D rendering. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "09984175-c25a-4527-966b-750eba6a72f4", "prompt": "My daughter is really into kawaii style drawings right now and wants to draw some of her own. What are the main elements of kawaii that she needs to focus on to make her drawings follow that style? Can you show me step-by-step how to do a cute kawaii cat?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "89e72846-2e85-4966-b474-eb5bb554c502", "prompt": "My friend is super into astrology and I want to understand it better. She's a Cancer Sun, Sag Moon and Taurus ascendant - can you illustrate what that all means and give me a rundown of what those signs represent? ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0e2e45e6-5333-491d-88b0-0d5bfd28f3f5", "prompt": "Create a series of diagrams that shows the freeze-thaw cell lysis process for my AP bio class.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1960167a-bace-4c7e-b8c3-5c5b01fd195d", "prompt": "I would like to plant a cherry tree, so I can have fresh cherries. Is there a difference between these trees? How would I go about growing one to harvest its fruits?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://ik.imagekit.io/chukar/pub/media/wysiwyg/chukar/blog/spring-orchard-3_1.jpg", "https://ik.imagekit.io/chukar/pub/media/wysiwyg/chukar/blog/prune_cherry_tree.jpg"]} {"id": "6982abce-a247-46be-8f31-6a07bad27980", "prompt": "I found this in my basement:I also found this:Can you tell me what these are? Can you show me what will happen if I just leave them as they are right now?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.environix.com/wp-content/uploads/basement-mold-or-efflorescence-2.jpg", "https://cdn.treehouseinternetgroup.com/uploads/blog/5717/medium/fnreswrpoured-bowing-wall01_1601062973.jpg"]} {"id": "7a013d8b-f356-4786-b7fc-b308de3bcb69", "prompt": "Provide me with a brief history of butter mints and show me an image of the candy.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f2b957f2-5e86-4133-959f-60aa71b4fd23", "prompt": "I saw this graffiti in Austin, TX. What is the meaning behind it? Can you show me some more art that is similar in style and message?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://video-images.vice.com/articles/5d095f12828f9d000c058817/lede/1560895601972-knowyourpowerfull.jpeg?crop=0.759xw:0.5692xh;0.1185xw,0.1185xh"]} {"id": "a50adb6b-4147-4e98-98d2-7cb194641a70", "prompt": "As a family Christmas craft, I ordered all the things for my sisters and me to make wreaths out of pinecones. I have the supplies, like wreath rings, pinecones, greenery, ribbons and bows, decorative berries, etc. Unfortunately, I'm not very artistic and have no idea how to put it all together. Can you provide step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to make a holiday pinecone wreath?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ee5264df-bcbd-4a32-b660-34b780d2eb6a", "prompt": "Please explain the difference between these two ballet dance shoes. I would like to see how they are different.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/aa/Ballet_shoes_in_fifth_position.jpg/2560px-Ballet_shoes_in_fifth_position.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/50/PointeShoes.jpg/1024px-PointeShoes.jpg"]} {"id": "bd6887c0-296a-4562-9149-2eb7f7ce42ef", "prompt": "I was thinking about finding a volcano tour to go on. Can you show me what the explorable inside of a volcano looks like?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1eb30612-60f0-427c-add5-36ba1b646f76", "prompt": "I need to put up my doorbell camera. Please show me the best place to put it. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3c9fac41-6cf7-4806-879f-e00c9454eb46", "prompt": "I was talking to this girl who loves architecture and showed me some pictures of some buildings that she likes.Apparently, this is an example of gothic architecture, but I don't understand why.This picture is of modern architecture. \n\nCould you please explain the key factors of these architectural styles and show me some more examples so I can talk about it with her?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://barker-associates.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Gothic-Architecture.jpeg", "https://barker-associates.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Modern-Architecture.jpeg"]} {"id": "1fa3bc61-6add-4b17-8d4c-ee5801a782e1", "prompt": "I love to read horror stories. I'd like to read some short story horror books. Can you give me some recommendations as well as images of their cover so I have an easier time finding them? Thanks!", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d28f6ee8-f040-4f2a-a10b-8090ac8fa106", "prompt": "My friend is having a baby soon. Show me some of the key items that she'll need once the baby is born so I can buy her a really useful gift.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "55811675-498d-47ed-9f3f-41b545b388b2", "prompt": "I keep having these things - I attached a picture so you can see what I mean - on my inner lip and in my mouth! They're tender and sometimes painful. Do you have any tips for something I can do, or any way I can get rid of them?Can you please show me a picture, so I can confirm you understand what I'm talking about?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.smilecolumbia.com/x/lc-content/uploads/2020/06/Canker-Sores-Aren%E2%80%99t-a-Disease-They%E2%80%99re-a-Symptom.jpg"]} {"id": "a88579b9-cad0-490a-a0d6-0685a97f5446", "prompt": "Compare the largest World War II battleships of the U.S. Navy and Kriegsmarine. Provide pictures of their side views to really illustrate their differences. List both ships' measurements, main battery, propulsion and fire control systems. Which ship was better all things considered?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9d6704b4-74df-4cdf-9aad-2caadb3dfc73", "prompt": "I'm hosting a trivia night and I'd like to do a round titled \"State Silhouettes\". Please generate 10 silhouettes of states within the United States of varying difficulty.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "88bd7f7d-0e8c-469f-8a34-8baacfc4abcb", "prompt": "I am taking my family to the beach and we have a baby. Show me the 5 must-have items that will make the trip more enjoyable. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6e48a93a-4a10-4d00-b2ac-102dcd3fd960", "prompt": "I haven't been following the specifics of the war in Ukraine. Can you give me a detailed summary of all the engagements and shifting areas controlled by each side? I'd like these visualized on a map if you can, color-coded with areas Ukraine controls highlighted purple and areas Russia controls highlighted green. Include 5 maps at different stages of the conflict, and make sure you place each image where it belongs within your summary, to illustrate what you are summarizing at that point.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "421e198d-5798-4b30-93de-7d0e2b58e27d", "prompt": "Are these animals reptiles or amphibians? Show me the difference.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.reptiledirect.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/flap-necked-chameleon-type.jpg", "https://www.goodfreephotos.com/albums/animals/reptiles-and-amphibians/magnificient-tree-frog-litoria-splendida.jpg"]} {"id": "5e2e1cf4-ab41-4d27-af0f-5b082464d50c", "prompt": "I will be driving in the UK soon. I have heard there are some road signs you MUST follow, whilst there are others that you are suggested to follow but isn't a must. \nI know that this sign means the national speed limit, which could change depending on the type of road you are on:I know that this sign means to stop, obviously:What are some must know signs, that you must follow, in the UK? Show me a couple of examples.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.stocksigns.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/77584.jpg", "https://pngimg.com/uploads/sign_stop/sign_stop_PNG25630.png"]} {"id": "dc27b71a-9d35-46c4-8299-cd6d3fd2dac6", "prompt": "I'm planning a theme garden party for my daughter's 10th birthday and need some unique ideas. The theme is 'Enchanted Forest.' Could you provide a layout for the garden, suggesting where to place decorations, tables, and a small stage for performances? Also, please recommend some fairytale-inspired decorations and activities for the kids. It would be great if you could show me images of the decorations and the layout plan.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "19e3823e-d264-4738-90cc-8ee284fdf513", "prompt": "I make my own wine at home. I use various fruits and I'm looking to try to sell it soon so I need a good label. Can you create a wine label for me? It needs to be landscape, contain a logo for my company, and have an element of fun but is still classy enough to be on a wine bottle. Include the text 'Fine wine for fine people' on the right of the label and emphasise the fact that the wine is homemade and made in small batches. ", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "60910e9b-9676-45d9-9053-6b7b9cbb8561", "prompt": "I'm thinking of a word that is made up of three words, one of them being a preposition. The first word relates to this.The last word relates to this.What word am I thinking of? Provide a brief description about the word and include an image to further identify it. Be sure to provide an explanation of how you determined the word.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://i1.wp.com/www.beyourownbirder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/tuftedtit3.jpg", "https://christianworldviewpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/GardenOfEden.jpg"]} {"id": "733218ef-9ac6-42f8-bf1b-09d2f1a1dccc", "prompt": "I want to help my child be more creative. I would like to try a children's story with only pictures and then let my child come up with the story based on the images. Separately, I would like a few basic plot lines to accompany the images.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "dca31b91-98bc-4567-b9f1-40d38bb31b37", "prompt": "Can you show me how to do balayage highlights on my hair? ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c3d24b4b-dcc8-4d7e-a5dd-0f61e344f850", "prompt": "Define a reuleaux triangle, show me what it looks like and how to derive the area formula.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f752d7de-bb33-4e85-be7a-7d20543eaa09", "prompt": "I found these animated images:Can you tell me who they depict and show me more like this?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://empirenews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/smokey.jpg", "https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ed991cf4-7c8c-4530-b6ba-a3abf3ab2eae/dcwjt97-e3e624fa-32c5-4074-8d87-fa3ef357f95c.png/v1/fill/w_1280,h_1482,strp/care_bears__cheer_bear_2d_by_joshuat1306_dcwjt97-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQ4MiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2VkOTkxY2Y0LTdjOGMtNDUzMC1iNmJhLWEzYWJmM2FiMmVhZVwvZGN3anQ5Ny1lM2U2MjRmYS0zMmM1LTQwNzQtOGQ4Ny1mYTNlZjM1N2Y5NWMucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.hdhu-GMcsa9Aq02ZdsOGopG9CnUBriSDSofqQVBwl3Q"]} {"id": "cb2b07ba-2999-475f-9757-0fa192113be4", "prompt": "Write a travel guide for history buffs touring Teutoberg Forest and Kalkriese and include images of famous sites as well as diagrams of the famous battle.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3b58030e-9918-4ced-bbf8-0d9927aeace9", "prompt": "My grandad says he used to work in this sort of place, like these pictures show. Can you tell me more about it, with images?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://4.bp.blogspot.com/_QjRD1qokf6E/TB1DhppuTRI/AAAAAAAABi4/j7ngLHAGzbQ/s1600/IMG_3004.jpg", "https://thefrenchmanor.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/no-9-coal-mine-1500x609.jpg"]} {"id": "056dbc8c-b968-48a5-81c8-e21b0488bc1f", "prompt": "Can you explain to me the difference between these two nail techniques? Please include some pictures, so I can better understand the differences.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://d1ooscleda9ip9.cloudfront.net/Upload/669/Documents/Acrylic%20nail%20bead%20placement.jpg", "https://cdn.sanity.io/images/bih0fc4m/production/7751c96aa518d1332550ba9517e6032c4825167c-500x334.png"]} {"id": "24302bdf-7ad3-4207-ab7e-abc42a18e304", "prompt": "What is this landform called?Show me some other examples of them and where I can find them.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.treehugger.com/thmb/R1zsnMSvx1-xoMV_adePw8n_dE4=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/fingal-s-cave-110949033-dd3b3a0f1c6b483b880ee86aeab5c559.jpg"]} {"id": "163b632c-8451-4ad9-9059-d653fff0cac1", "prompt": "My girlfriend is really into keyboards, and collects them. She's trying to convince me to buy a new keyboard. This is what my one looks like:Hers is like this. She claims it's much better.Can you explain the differences between the two keyboards? To my unassuming eye, they are both fulfilling the same function, hers is just much louder and looks nicer, I suppose. Include some visual aids to help me understand the differences, please.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/54/Turkish_Q_computer_keyboard.jpg/640px-Turkish_Q_computer_keyboard.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6d/2018_Bay_Area_Mechanical_Keyboard_Meetup_%2845034754665%29.jpg/640px-2018_Bay_Area_Mechanical_Keyboard_Meetup_%2845034754665%29.jpg"]} {"id": "ef7fad6a-6bf7-4e5c-9002-ba97f9e97474", "prompt": "Can you show me how I can differentiate between regular glass and crystal? What are the specific visuals I should look for when analyzing a piece? ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e0eeeeee-2e87-4ab1-a0cc-06f415543a47", "prompt": "Please draw a workflow for a CRM that I can use in my homework discussion", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "647443e1-8ddc-4f7e-9e9d-633191ca8dcd", "prompt": "I require an in-depth, academic report of tarot cards, tracing their evolution and increasing affiliation with the occult throughout history. Please incorporate relevant illustrations and visual aids to enhance the report's comprehensiveness.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1acb7e3f-4328-44aa-acbb-d96260aa07ee", "prompt": "I used to know a lot about constellations when I was younger, but as I grew older, I forgot most of what I knew. These are the only two constellations that I really remember now.I would like for you to tell me about 3 more constellations, with pictures included, and give me a little bit of history about the constellation.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://nineplanets.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/the-big-dipper-1.jpg", "https://www.kxan.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2020/10/ORION.jpg"]} {"id": "5324ef0b-dcbb-4144-a2d1-5b2fb2632017", "prompt": "We got a Mini Rex rabbit this past spring and have had her in an outside hutch. It's getting cold out so we want a suitable hutch that we can have inside that has enough space for her to run around and get exercise but isn't overly huge for the house. Can you find some inside rabbit hutches for me to compare and see which one would fit our house best, and show me pictures of them so I can look them over, please?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6fc64eed-38e5-4c0d-9e11-8c9bf7cce5b7", "prompt": "I know this typically means anger or love:While this represents sadness:Show me some other examples, as well as a finished piece that incorporates them.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/pictures/130000/nahled/red-box-background.jpg", "https://momentohospitality.com.au/bella-vista-hotel/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/05/Grey-Box.jpeg"]} {"id": "f13b1f4c-5922-4adb-a685-39accb74a436", "prompt": "My boyfriend loves to play these two sports:However, he is looking for something new to try. Can you show me a new sport he could take up?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.harrodsport.com/uploads/default/tennis2-720x480.jpg", "https://www.imperialusa.com/media/blog/Ping_Pong_Post.jpg"]} {"id": "44b58a0d-b86d-4dc2-ad58-5ae661abf0e3", "prompt": "I bought this older religious item at an auction because I liked how it looked:I found this next image of an older piece at a Roman Catholic Church, and although there are small differences, there are enough similarities that make me think that what I purchased is the same thing.Can you tell me what were these used for and show me a few more examples to help me ensure the identity of my new purchase? If it is worth enough, I may even resell it.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://www.anticstore.com/DocBD/commerce/antiquaire/le-jardin-des-moines-1054/objet/106072/AnticStore-Large-Ref-106072_01.jpg", "https://www.heritageartscochin.com/image/cache/catalog/A%20heritage%20new/Antique%20Monstrance%20Church%20Artifacts/Antique%20Monstrance-550x550h.jpg"]} {"id": "e3056ddd-4c9e-4625-ab37-e9375ccb75b1", "prompt": "Can you show me what happens when you get hiccups? Like whats actually going on inside your body", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d134aa80-dddb-4aa5-a3fd-6da0b4e1ba1d", "prompt": "What happened at Champlain Towers in Surfside, Florida? Do you have a photo of the destruction?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "86ed6d95-0c93-4815-a114-8bfb892451ab", "prompt": "I just created my own board game, but want to focus on touching up the aesthetics of it more. Please give me a list of at least 10 brief tips to help make my game stand out. I\u2019d like it to be written in an article format, with pictures to accompany it. I\u2019d like for the pictures to be generic, and not reference other board games. Something similar to this:", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://clipart-library.com/image_gallery/110147.png"]} {"id": "f3b9091a-40f6-47b0-9039-6ec0e2ebe31d", "prompt": "My friend just gave me these plants as a housewarming gift. Can you tell me what they are? Please recommend a few more plants for my home that are easy to take care of with images and a brief description.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.southernliving.com/thmb/McoLPM6FsuzccA1YftNky7MrTt8=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/fiddle-leaf-fig-805244295dce4872ad0a83081647dd8a.jpg", "https://www.southernliving.com/thmb/ecN3UNdgSE4GRNM2Tk1c-Dxn6Lk=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/monstera-0c06ba38636e44e080cba03201bbbd8a.jpg"]} {"id": "a6f49a07-a9b6-4702-8390-c7404f8fc09a", "prompt": "I got both of these for Christmas. Can you compare the two? I don't know a lot about them and when to use which when making my meals. Please include some pictures, so I can learn more about these products.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://brixtonsoupkitchen.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/4-Quart-Slow-Cooker.jpg", "https://www.foodandwine.com/thmb/Qq2avAdl_sqkH8eZtmY6InJdQ3U=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/faw-product-pro-crisp-air-fryer-8qt-multi-use-pressure-cooker-air-fryer-rkilgore-11-11-9410f00bf8ec4db4bc8dbe00c3610561.jpg"]} {"id": "ffc625ab-bcf3-47bb-81ec-caffaaadf36e", "prompt": "I found a seashell on the beach today, show me photos of shells commonly found in Monterey Bay. Please include a label for each shell.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2e61dd59-1ef8-4045-918d-a50841be41c5", "prompt": "Below is the texture on the wall of the house I just moved into:I want to change it. What are some other popular wall textures that I might like?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://southaustindrywall.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/FireShot-Capture-459-89e2066d7f09d7a548eb92e1c28a95957850e12d-1-960%C3%971280-voice.google.com_.png"]} {"id": "15f4d818-7953-4462-b5b0-75899db5b69f", "prompt": "I'm planning a road trip with my family -- wife and four kids. We have a rather large SUV:The kids have one of these to keep them occupied:I have a system for packing, a GPS, and plenty of entertainment to listen to on Bluetooth. What am I missing? Show me some items that will be helpful.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.usnews.com/object/image/0000018b-d4ad-dbbd-a78f-d5af69f30000/01-2022-acura-mdx-angular-front-ns.JPG?update-time=1700231387938&size=responsiveGallery", "https://p2-ofp.static.pub/fes/cms/2021/10/28/juqs65pgl1gh3dysi7yv1tnvtsiqva364946.png"]} {"id": "c78f2bcc-13d1-4a3c-857c-43d016f1fdf8", "prompt": "I need help figuring out a color scheme for my cafe. My cafe is small but comfortable. I would like to turn it into something modern but still inviting. Could you suggest some ideas and show me what they look like? A suggested layout would be helpful too.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7813516f-a636-4ec1-b6e1-b539ae69d366", "prompt": "I have this little guy.Using images, show me how I can train him to do this.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://media.4-paws.org/1/e/d/6/1ed6da75afe37d82757142dc7c6633a532f53a7d/VIER%20PFOTEN_2019-03-15_001-2886x1999-1920x1330.jpg", "https://dogsbestlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/pawing-scaled.jpeg"]} {"id": "8086b780-7953-4962-b8fe-fb6ca4bc3c62", "prompt": "I'm trying to figure out a good introduction to an illustrated short story I am writing about cats that can fly and have lasers for eyes. Can I please have some images of a flying car with lasers for eyes flying over downtown Manhattan? Also include some text that will help me figure out that introduction I mentioned earlier. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4bd5a043-6a4f-4719-9ae6-358b26501e36", "prompt": "What is this type of land composition called, geologically speaking?Can you show me more examples of similar cases?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://dynamic-media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-o/24/d7/d3/be/caption.jpg?w=800&h=-1&s=1"]} {"id": "aafc5a95-28a5-42ec-a16f-27eac8508f6d", "prompt": "What is Orientalist painting? Someone mentioned it to me recently, but I didn't really know what it was. What does it look like? It seems like it could get a bit racist or insensitive, so please don't include details like that.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a0ce9fb0-4579-4272-bcb3-ef3eeee554e2", "prompt": "Please tell me about the Seven Stars luxury train in Japan and show me the amenities inside.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d8ed0543-0aaf-4cf9-b1a1-b7673ba1f432", "prompt": "Classify this specific fruit into its botanical family. To help illustrate its connections, please provide three images of other fruits that share a close relationship with this one.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://districtfruiterers.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/apricot-new-e1470231983181.jpg"]} {"id": "cbdb8933-0998-48e5-af71-5b996cebc253", "prompt": "I am going on a hike that covers varying terrains. The first day terrain will look something like this,The second day, the terrain will be more like this,Show me a good example of the type of footwear I should pack to deal with these different terrains.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://s27363.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Hike-Ute-Ridge.jpg.optimal.jpg", "https://media.defense.gov/2021/Jul/22/2002809075/-1/-1/0/210722-O-D0439-060.JPG"]} {"id": "37f988b3-8e64-4c0e-8e64-e3a99acc3da4", "prompt": "I'm hoping to put together a book of poetry with accompanying art. I'm going to take famous poems and add my own artwork as a frame around them. I'm going to start with \"Hope is the thing with feathers.\" Can you help me design a decorative motif to go around the edges along with some small icons to represent words from the poem?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f1a3ebfa-52a4-4581-a11c-5f2093081084", "prompt": "Can you show me an example of a versatile pair of shoes?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "612f7656-261e-4801-9269-3ff917597d94", "prompt": "I was out in public and then out of nowhere this happened.What is this called, and why do people do it? Can you show me other examples?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://bookaflashmob.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/FMPB-Light-Suit-Flash-Mob-Chicago-Tribune-Cogent-Flash-Mob-Photo-New-Year-Eve-2016-12-31-chi-trib-fireworks.png"]} {"id": "e6bda979-3219-439e-9854-9f1e965ee071", "prompt": "I think my hairline is receding but I can't tell if it's just always been this way. Can you explain the progression of male pattern baldness to me? Send photos as well so I can compare them to my hairline. ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8dc68898-e595-4c17-a9ac-18500b491101", "prompt": "Why did King Charles II of Spain and The Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I jaws look like this? What did their other relatives look like?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ed/CarlosIIa.jpg/640px-CarlosIIa.jpg", "https://www.oeaw.ac.at/fileadmin/_processed_/3/c/csm_20190315__Maximiian_Slider_ca692519df.jpg"]} {"id": "6dd495b9-37f1-48db-9f71-196f7f08dc2f", "prompt": "I really want to live in a world where everything is pink and purple and unicorns fly around all day farting glitter and instead of snow, it snows cotton candy and ice cream, and instead of mountains there are big hills made of banana splits. Can you paint me an image of a world like this so i can pretend I live there?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5755661d-a9d3-4158-b6e0-8f292914196d", "prompt": "I have an Etsy store where I sell various crafted items. Please show me some inspiration for a new craft I can try out that is unique and involves floral imagery, as that's the theme of my store.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "564df59e-ec3e-4791-b118-761962807b37", "prompt": "What is this thing on my wall? Here is an image of it.It looks like an outlet, but it isn't. Here is a picture of my normal outlet.Please describe what this outlet-like thing is and show me pictures of how I could use it.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://i.stack.imgur.com/4w4qq.jpg", "https://www.brickkicker.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Electrical-Outlet_9963626-600x300.jpg"]} {"id": "8dc0c3f9-38dc-4c44-a4d1-8a1b4af4dadd", "prompt": "I need a logo for my business. I read tarot cards and I would like the logo to include tarot imagery, the moon, a pentacle, and stars. I would like the logo to have a boho feel and it should include the words \"Rain Crow Arts Tarot\" somewhere in the logo. I like the colors black and pink. Give me a few selections to choose from and explain why each logo fits what I'm looking for. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f9bf537c-c331-4166-8ba1-728fce50263b", "prompt": "I am looking to redo my bathroom and want it to look like a spa. Could you show me some color inspiration?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "fec5a672-2a9c-4f03-9cfd-1a1db24f7e77", "prompt": "I saw this beautiful photo online, and I am wondering where this is located?If I were to travel here, what other nearby sights could I visit? Please show me examples of what I may see.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://theworldpursuit.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Christ-the-Redeemer.jpg"]} {"id": "ff1a6c5c-3fdc-455b-96d2-e160d72146d2", "prompt": "Write me a short story about a little rabbit who leaves his burrow to discover the world around him. In it, he'll meet all sorts of woodland creatures. It needs to be suitable for children under five and have a good moral about making friends. Please illustrate it in a cartoon style.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1baa8162-d2cb-4fb1-80dd-6228274ed7b1", "prompt": "I live in Australia and found this under my house.Tell me how old it is and show me other coins from the same era.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.aussiecoinsandnotes.com/assets/full/5394.jpg"]} {"id": "bea51a63-f688-4870-a3ba-58eca5a04395", "prompt": "I want to write a fun story for my son who loves dinosaurs. Can you write me this story? He's only 5 years old and has a short attention span, so make sure the story is short, age-appropriate, and includes lots of pictures to keep him interested. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d585e3aa-30a6-47fa-b6db-93f96afd1b4c", "prompt": "Show me some of the largest dog breeds, and tell me how large I can expect the males to get. But please don't include this one, as I have had bad experiences with this breed.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://resize.prod.docfr.doc-media.fr/img/var/doctissimo/storage/images/fr/www/animaux/chien/races-chien/dobermann/834751-3-fre-FR/dobermann.jpg"]} {"id": "69042601-e9ef-4dbc-bbe0-3d39e6e8dc15", "prompt": "I am hosting a big Christmas dinner for 12 people and need some ideas on how to create a unique tablescape that will impress my mother-in-law, Claudette. Can you show me some ideas on how to set the table with unique place settings and a long centerpiece made mostly out of natural materials? ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8d69fbc6-a86d-4c39-b912-ff4232cdbed7", "prompt": "Are there any visible differences between a lizard and a salamander? In my head, they are the same thing. Which is better to get as a pet for a 12-year-old? I would like to get whichever one has less maintenance. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "63baf861-3079-49f4-beb8-6e23ff462034", "prompt": "I need a tutorial on how to do an advanced variation of this yoga pose, please include an example.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://i0.pickpik.com/photos/450/698/350/yoga-girl-beach-sunset-preview.jpg"]} {"id": "ff4baae3-ddfa-45f7-9a49-911de89db6ac", "prompt": "What should croissant dough look like when it is ready? Does this consistency look right? Can you show me what my next step should be for making croissants?", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://www.thespruceeats.com/thmb/wMHoY21WM7rM_9EaqxmLYar0Csg=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/butter-croissants-recipe-1374863-039-16d8cf4ce40047b5b1f47f2b6a09f769.jpg"]} {"id": "1fd95d99-4886-407b-a6f7-7ba91c17bb30", "prompt": "I have a lot of hobbies and can't seem to stick to one I really like, so I want to try a new one. I recently saw some figurative beaded pieces like the ones below:Can I see some more like these? I'm just looking for some inspiration at this point, so the skill level required to make them doesn't really matter.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://i.etsystatic.com/22464179/r/il/abc0d1/5671995596/il_1588xN.5671995596_j20r.jpg", "https://i.etsystatic.com/17651777/r/il/66c099/4655417048/il_1588xN.4655417048_etb7.jpg"]} {"id": "ec3b00e2-903c-4aa7-a58a-c4d5c5420c77", "prompt": "Please tell me about the species of baboon shown in these images. Give me five facts about the species, and include images of a male and female baboon for comparison.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/79/Chacma_baboon_%28Papio_ursinus_griseipes%29_male.jpg/1024px-Chacma_baboon_%28Papio_ursinus_griseipes%29_male.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/18/Chacma_baboon_%28Papio_ursinus_griseipes%29_juvenile.jpg/1024px-Chacma_baboon_%28Papio_ursinus_griseipes%29_juvenile.jpg"]} {"id": "c52fc7b3-4e6f-49ea-b546-3010229bedf6", "prompt": "I'm doing a project on examples of animals camouflaging. I'm looking for images like this:Can you help me find a few more like this? Be sure to include the name of the animal in question, along with a hint on where to find it.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/%D0%A6%D0%B2%D1%96%D1%80%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BD_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%B2_%D1%81%D1%83%D1%85%D1%96%D0%B9_%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%96._Cricket_camouflaged_in_dry_grass.jpg/1504px-%D0%A6%D0%B2%D1%96%D1%80%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BD_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%B2_%D1%81%D1%83%D1%85%D1%96%D0%B9_%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%96._Cricket_camouflaged_in_dry_grass.jpg"]} {"id": "66dce329-e519-4ce8-9906-9639fe8cc867", "prompt": "What defines Surrealism? Could you provide visual illustrations to help me grasp and recognize this artistic movement's distinctive characteristics?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d1911cd4-4aa8-401b-b11a-aa871995922b", "prompt": "I found an old watch in my grandpa's desk. Its got an intricate design and looks vintage. Can you tell me how old it is? Can you show me examples so I can compare?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2dc2f163-00ec-4536-ad5f-2d3ade0233ff", "prompt": "I want to decorate my house with some plants. Please provide some visuals for decor inspiration as well as care information on the suggested plants. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "12cb082b-dcdb-49ea-8062-1a29929353fa", "prompt": "What would it look like if Mickey Mouse and Gordon Ramsay were business partners? I need an image of them doing a ribbon-cutting ceremony for their new restaurant. ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9ad43002-afe5-49a7-91fd-c63ac7ee72cd", "prompt": "Can you explain and show me what an F5 tornado would do if it were to hit a major metropolitan city? How bad would the path of destruction be?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "50dba3c3-8f20-4810-8e30-41fa4d093c78", "prompt": "What is a singing bowl and what does it look like?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e2e93442-bd34-4ea4-82f0-cb0f287a6e4e", "prompt": "Show me some ideas of houseplants I could buy that have large leaves and have some sort of unique qualities.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8342846e-1ee6-4799-bc27-2a8bd4430209", "prompt": "Can you tell me the difference between these two animals, and show me some more examples?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/Green_turtle_swimming_in_Kona_May_2010.jpg", "https://www.animalspot.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Tortoise.jpg"]} {"id": "93a6b9df-00b9-4c04-b55d-a8f1f3f37f9d", "prompt": "Remember the tale of these two:There was a story where they stumbled upon this:Illustrate for me the Russian equivalent of this famous tale.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.nybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/hansel-gretel-alexander-zick.jpg", "https://www.fairylando.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Fairy-Tale-Hansel-and-Gretel.jpg"]} {"id": "825214d9-de59-46b0-bde6-8aaddc26864b", "prompt": "I want to write an article about the best time to visit the Maldives. Can you tell me a bit about this and show a few images I can use?", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "29d372a5-c3e0-4a57-9746-c800c7419b0e", "prompt": "I am taking a road trip from Austin, Texas to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Please make me an itinerary and map with stops at some of the better tourist attractions along the way. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2ec817c9-da68-472d-a62b-0403dbbdb0fc", "prompt": "I'm having pain in the area shown here. Can you show me some stretches I can do to relieve it?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://carespace.health/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/How-Long-Does-Trapezius-Strain-Take-to-Heal.jpg.webp"]} {"id": "e588aab8-813a-45c9-954d-94ef16640d3c", "prompt": "I'll be traveling to Italy in the spring and I was recommended to go visit the Duomo di Milano. Can you show me some images of what it looks like along with some information about its historical and cultural impact in the country?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "da9e9df6-052b-44b0-85ca-ecc773b7ac5b", "prompt": "What is this animal? It looks like a bear, but its tongue is similar to an anteater's. I mean, look at that tongue:It has some black bear characteristics, but it is definitely not a black bear. Look at it in this picture:Tell me what animal this is and include some more pictures, please.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.britannica.com/12/232812-050-918C866F/Sun-bear-Helarctos-malayanus-tongue.jpg", "https://cdn.britannica.com/13/232813-050-EBA485F3/Sun-bear-Helarctos-malayanus.jpg"]} {"id": "77a2017e-2cd6-46cb-9e3e-35907238df29", "prompt": "My dining table at home empty and I want some ideas on how to decorate it. Can you please give me a few tips and show me an example? Keep in mind, the tabletop is small, modern, and made of thick wood.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "eef2c7cb-4f05-4ed5-be1e-1bdfe8becf40", "prompt": "I keep waking up in the morning feeling groggy and tired, can you show me a diagram of the sleep pattern of somebody who falls asleep at 11pm and wakes up at 8am?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b349ebda-b25c-4b4a-b818-a0dc630d90ff", "prompt": "Can you show me how they trim pine trees to get them to grow into the shape of Christmas trees? Please include step-by-step images in your guide.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "23f1afb6-c469-4123-a569-073caed8f586", "prompt": "Who is the graffiti artist behind these artworks? Can you show me some more of their work?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZrMmdd04ZDk/TaQuPbyzQ7I/AAAAAAAAADo/TaZ2vtr8W84/s1600/08-sweeper-banksy-wallpaper.jpg", "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-A4H9Hyao2BM/USbp153e8NI/AAAAAAAAA5c/UPKYgab8JV0/s1600/BanksyNoBallGames.jpg"]} {"id": "5604fc88-93bf-400a-b20d-23b89bb04250", "prompt": "Write a children's story about Queen Cleopatra, a great and powerful woman who ruled over a vast empire many years ago. Be sure to include details about her reign, the land she ruled, and her most impressive achievements. Don't forget to emphasize the fact that she was a woman, and the challenges she faced because of it. This story should be appropriate for children, and to make it more appealing, consider adding cartoon illustrations.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "277f2113-a1ae-422e-ad80-1423ba1cddbf", "prompt": "Which country, visible on this globe, has an estimated population of over 18 million, no territory connected to an ocean, a capital city which starts with the letter 'N', a flag with three colours, wildlife including giraffes, and the official languages of French and Arabic?Include images in your response that justify your reasoning.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/90/World_Globe_Map.jpg/800px-World_Globe_Map.jpg"]} {"id": "a63e5a78-855e-4b21-a531-68de6a97a107", "prompt": "What are two other processes of the water cycle besides evaporation and precipitation? Write a paragraph about each of the answers, highlight them in bold, and provide an image with each one. Then, create a report on the water cycle, incorporating these two new processes. The report should be written at a freshman high school level.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "13a9726a-66bf-4898-9e92-ba1aa2fc3928", "prompt": "I have recently gotten my first cat and her paws look like this:I know I need to fix it, but I don't feel comfortable trying to do it without knowing what I'm doing. Can you please show me what to do?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.petful.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/nails.jpg"]} {"id": "e684f7cb-e4d7-4e7a-9e52-8921a779ed6f", "prompt": "I'm trying to locate the logic board in an iPhone 8. Can you explain how I can find it and include an image so I know what to do?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1f0743b2-0360-4250-afa3-67723ece4414", "prompt": "Help me write a brief summary in bullet points for an article I'm writing on the history of the building, below. It needs to contain some images of what it looked like when it was under construction.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-r31KVCegKGA/W8B1JG04WnI/AAAAAAAAADc/3wwofs41Rxg4vERRxEL1biThodTGt_R0ACLcBGAs/s1600/photo-1527915676329-fd5ec8a12d4b.jpg"]} {"id": "40b0c8f7-c2da-43f7-99c8-0b47ddf2f9c2", "prompt": "We'll be visiting Philly in a few weeks and can't decide if it would be better to take the train or the bus out of the city to see more of Pennsylvania too. Any interesting sights to see in the surrounding area that are reachable by SEPTA? Can you compare the fastest routes and show me where to get on and off each bus or train? Would it be better to use the train and the bus together to get to some of these places? They say I have to use a special kiosk to buy a special transit card too, I don't know what the kiosks look like because I haven't been there, so if you could help me that would be awesome. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a7c911af-dedc-498c-bd5f-e868458ff278", "prompt": "I have a holiday party at work and I need a recipe so I can make pigs in a blanket. Can you send me a step-by-step recipe and also show me some images of what the final result should look like?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a8ad0da3-3e1c-472e-91d1-338605da810f", "prompt": "I'm trying to get in shape before I turn 40 in March (EEK!) Can you give me three exercises to tone my stomach? Be sure to include images so I know I'm doing them right. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "59ccdd9e-04c3-459a-89a7-06820d75748a", "prompt": "Can you identify the breed of these dogs and compare them? What are their similarities and differences? Please show me more images of them.Which one do you think would make a better pet?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://animalsbreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Lhasa-Apso-8.jpg", "https://img.thrfun.com/img/166/408/shih_tzu_x7.jpg"]} {"id": "2aea4de2-c58c-4187-8da2-feebc9b6ce45", "prompt": "I want to build a workbench in the corner of the garage. I have a three-car garage and it will go in the back corner where no car will be parked. It should be in the shape of an L. It should not have legs and it should be mounted to the wall. Suggest a design with schematics.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0239ec2c-7bf2-4ad4-97c5-9976d59e0765", "prompt": " I've heard you shouldn't eat crawfish with straight tails or the ones that are the wrong color. Can you show me a picture of which crawfish are okay to eat?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9f099bcc-2278-4b15-95ab-ae591f1b7a76", "prompt": "I'm planning my flower garden for the spring, and I want to be sure to include flowers like the ones in this photo. What are they called? Show me some similar flowers that will complement them in bouquets.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.cloverhome.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Planning_a_dahlia_garden_Cloverhome.nl_.jpg"]} {"id": "df13dc92-c677-47bf-98b8-34278ef9a2ba", "prompt": "Please show me a cool way to hang tools up in an aesthetic way. I'm tired of rooting though my shed evert time I need a tool.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b187f56d-1c21-4b27-b6e3-ab74f5c8f8f7", "prompt": "What can you tell me about the corporate retail outlet depicted in this photo?Can you please produce some writing that argues for the traditional, independent version of this type of store? Include images in your response to illustrate your points.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://assets.simpleviewinc.com/simpleview/image/upload/c_limit,q_75,w_1200/v1/crm/woodlands/Barnes-and-Noble-at-The-Woodlands-Mall-in-The-Woodlands-Texas_880F3EDB-E8BC-DD40-1A5F8BAEFACA442E-880f3e6d008b66c_880f414b-d2e8-7a2e-e4f47a56cc5bd1c6.jpg"]} {"id": "418e41ee-31d7-4e5c-ba82-dd7d368d2116", "prompt": "Can you please show me what would complement this well?I'm looking to dress my 2 year old daughter in it for our Valentine's Day date.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://static.zara.net/photos///2023/I/0/3/p/2756/559/712/2/w/563/2756559712_6_1_1.jpg?ts=1688973213330"]} {"id": "a0144a65-660e-43a5-a992-b2f2ee83503b", "prompt": "I'm feeling pretty down right now. I could really do with a good story---something to bring me some joy, comfort, and warmth. Things aren't good at the moment, so maybe something hopeful would help me. I'd like to see some nice illustrations to accompany the story as well, particularly something that reminds me of being young, like spending time with my friends, playing in the front yard, or eating ice cream by the pool. Just don't mention anything about a mom in any of it, please. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "02bf96da-a661-4379-83e7-526df3a9770d", "prompt": "Greetings and good day! I want to become a bit of a gardening artist and currently have this as my front yard:Please give me some ideas on plant flora art for the front yard. I would like ideas to include color popping aspects, both simple and complex. Can you show me some examples of what this could look like?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": ["https://www.torontogardens.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/TorontoGardens-FrontGarden-Before-1024x576.jpg"]} {"id": "f914e616-4c91-4e54-a5f2-64c80b378fb0", "prompt": "What are the dishes in the images below, and what sort of cuisine do they below belong to? What are other similar dishes from the same cuisine, and what do they look like?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/76/Korean_Gimchi01.jpg/1200px-Korean_Gimchi01.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/44/Dolsot-bibimbap.jpg"]} {"id": "6470d8b3-cfdc-4b86-97f8-9c7531679e36", "prompt": "Is this basilica almost finished? When is it likely to be finished, and what does it currently look like?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://a.cdn-hotels.com/gdcs/production148/d848/9391a87e-7fd4-4397-8de4-76132d4363f5.jpg"]} {"id": "2475fa6a-01b9-46a5-97ba-7132cb63df72", "prompt": "What exactly is this?I understand that this has something to do with fishing, but what is the purpose of this particular design for the bait? Particularly, what is the purpose of the different shapes of the protrusion. Use images to explain and differentiate.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.bassblog.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Polish_20200610_212746267.jpg"]} {"id": "f508ebbb-a7b2-42ea-b6bd-8994e8868ac2", "prompt": "The car to the left of the image and the car near the bottom of the image arrive at the intersection at the same time. The car to the left is going straight, and the car near the bottom is turning left. Which car should legally go first? Answer using the color of the car. Demonstrate some other driving examples that might come up on a driver's test.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": ["https://dwu32cgxelq1c.cloudfront.net/local_newspapers/sites/68/2017/01/IMG-7891.jpg"]} {"id": "9bdbb138-b1ce-48d7-9c36-8d8f975d4ac7", "prompt": "I'm studying food history, particularly in Ancient Egypt, and I've come across these two artifacts. The first is a sample of ancient Egyptian grain, and the second is an ancient jar. Could these have been used in the development of two of civilization's greatest culinary discoveries: bread and beer?Please explain how ancient civilizations would have made these two delicacies, including images to help me understand the processes.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://qmnblog.files.wordpress.com/2020/10/df14331.jpg", "https://qmnblog.files.wordpress.com/2020/10/world-bread-day-beer-jar.png"]} {"id": "a9004500-1ce0-49ba-8e94-a896ce875118", "prompt": "I've heard that some of the busiest subway stations in NYC first appeared in desolate areas, and the neighborhoods developed around them. Why were they built in that order? I'd really like to see what some of the stations and surrounding areas looked like back then compared to today.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7e04558e-ade7-47fc-a38c-aa2ac48bcbea", "prompt": "I have a paralyzed diaphragm and my doctor said I need to do pilates. Can you tell me 3 pilates exercises for my stomach and back? I need a detailed description with pictures or video.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "68a24d71-3f18-4ebf-a249-402e9d0d2c1a", "prompt": "What is a luxury car, and what do they look like on the inside?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9222e908-4830-40b3-8163-b8ce6d64d6a2", "prompt": "Can you show me how to do a backflip on a trampoline? Show me in three steps and tailor it towards someone who's a total beginner.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3ae84f41-0a13-45e7-a7e0-f26a06751fdd", "prompt": "Write a character guide for the game Octopath Traveler and include diagrams of which characters go well together on the same team. ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b80be823-1e6a-41f8-8bf9-491c57ba3487", "prompt": "Can you share some images of the different lobes of the human brain?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6a96c25e-ff95-4e55-859e-77b6fedd4ac9", "prompt": "I live in a very small apartment but am allowed to have one dog as long as it's under 30 pounds. Can you suggest some breeds that are good apartment dwellers? I would be looking for a breed that is generally quiet and has low to medium energy. I'll be taking it for a lot of walks, but it has to be happy living in a small space most of the time. Show me a picture of each suggestion as well as some basic info on each.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2bb331c6-83d7-43cd-bb68-c36a9478c03e", "prompt": "For as long as I can remember, I've gotten a classic French-tipped manicure for my bi-monthly pamper sesh, and while I love it, I'm looking for something a bit bolder this time around, something a little more fun like the ones shown here:However, I work with my hands a lot, so I don't know if this design would be practical for my lifestyle. Can you show me a couple of images of nail polish designs that are out-of-the-box, but not quite as daring as these?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.cliqueinc.com/posts/287129/simple-nail-designs-287129-1588873377916-main.600x0c.jpg?interlace=true&quality=70"]} {"id": "99e865f5-ab38-42ad-a398-811678d34334", "prompt": "What are the three biggest exports of this country? I'm teaching this to a grade 5 class, so visuals are always helpful.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/fit-in/1290x/https://www.forbes.com/advisor/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/canada3.jpeg"]} {"id": "7b40c51d-d62a-4843-a9d3-23fd089dd6b4", "prompt": "I will be traveling to Tulsa next month and really enjoy hiking. I like trails like this:I also went on a hike last year on a trail like this that I enjoyed:Can you please show me some similar trails in Tulsa that I can check out? Tell me a little about them as well.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://twinfamilytravels.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Oxley-Nature-Center-Sandy-Trail.jpg", "https://www.browncountystatepark.net/assets/images/20210728-121738.jpg"]} {"id": "225ef2ca-37b8-4fcc-b7b9-6a5c316ce8b0", "prompt": "Write me a news report about the Great Smog of London, as if we were living in that era, and include one or two black and white photos like this one:", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://www.londonxlondon.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Great-Smog-of-London-1024x683.jpeg"]} {"id": "b9c7f103-8386-4ed6-955a-e83274bdfe48", "prompt": "Please give me some suggestions on how to add more color to my home. My rooms are feeling a little boring.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "880d7f98-4791-4729-8ec9-e105fc6f6cd0", "prompt": "What if the world were a futuristic utopia? Could you create visual representations depicting how urban landscapes, transportation, and everyday life might look in a technologically advanced and environmentally sustainable society?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8ace4db7-5bdc-44fa-980e-5c8c7313f013", "prompt": "I recently bought this at my local farmers' market.Can you help me identify what type it is and give me some suggestions on how to prepare it to eat? I'd also like to see a few other different kinds I may be able to find at the farmers' market next time.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://peppergeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Farmers-Jalapeno-735x490.jpg.webp"]} {"id": "391cf562-bbbf-49e4-aec3-244dbeefa088", "prompt": "I'm concerned about this flying away with the wind.Can you please provide some suggestions on how to secure it? Visual aids would be greatly appreciated for a better understanding.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.calmmax.com/cdn/shop/articles/blogs-image02_1498x.jpg?v=1645001560"]} {"id": "9b571532-8567-40d1-9281-ee4ecd6f1957", "prompt": "Please provide a brief summary about the event in this photo, and show me what the same place looks like today.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/wars-and-events/world-war-ii/pearl-harbor-raid/attacks-in-the-navy-yard-area/uss-shaw-during-the-pearl-harbor-attack/80-G-32719/_jcr_content/mediaitem/image.img.jpg/1424278787810.jpg"]} {"id": "c019ae17-d119-4787-a2c1-3ef80f4b46f6", "prompt": "I am writing a sidebar for my blog about the history of jazz. Can you help me get started with a good into? I would like to imagine a scene that captures the essence of jazz that goes on to explain the development then of jazz. Could you also find me a timeline graphic with milestones in jazz history that I could use?", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ba8e0b37-bbee-4187-a836-e4a6590bda67", "prompt": "I tell my daughter a story every night but am running out of ideas. She wants a story about a unicorn named Sparkles who meets a fairy named Mia. Show me a picture of the unicorn and fairy so that I'll know how to describe them well. Plus, sometimes she likes me to draw a scene from her favorite stories, so it would help to see them for inspiration.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8c5eecbe-c188-4919-b89a-dccc5f0f7a81", "prompt": "It's the school holidays, and I'm trying to think of activities I can do with my son. He loves science and is learning about the phases of water at school. Can you show me a hands-on activity I can do with him, with images?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e9058191-e591-4628-88e5-af4d31e1da39", "prompt": "Based on this photo, is it ready to eat?Please include photos for comparison.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://www.thespruceeats.com/thmb/kWKq4lfewtioSAxDRJDNn_bHj4c=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/Mango-59866be5845b340011d80430.jpg"]} {"id": "57db0bb2-f554-4328-a777-5c20c24ebba4", "prompt": "I want to make baguettes, but I'm confused by how to roll them out into the right shape. I understand I have to make a starter and that they need to rise a few times, but can you show me how to get them into the classic baguette shape without them looking like they fell off a truck and got run over? ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5aff4e15-1e24-46e4-9b50-14749b038758", "prompt": "Please create a comparison infographic between the Oud and the Lute, and include information on their playing styles, history and their respective cultural impacts.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "64d822b0-50f2-4914-bb6a-ee6183f37cf6", "prompt": "My mom recently brought me something that she called a plantain. It really just looks like a banana to me. Can you explain to me why they aren\u2019t the same? Please illustrate their differences to help me understand.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "eddd158c-bbd3-4956-9c16-a43c41559b83", "prompt": "Show me images of common species of bird that can be found in the biome pictured below.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://letstalkscience.ca/sites/default/files/2020-02/African_savanna.jpg"]} {"id": "8de3255f-2a29-45e6-93b6-aadbde730ff0", "prompt": "My son sent me these two pictures and said this is what he wants for Christmas, but I haven't any idea what it is.Can you help me identify this animal and show me what I would need for its cage set-up?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://images.pexels.com/photos/8838034/pexels-photo-8838034.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=1", "https://images.pexels.com/photos/2168831/pexels-photo-2168831.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=1"]} {"id": "0c88fc79-7201-49f9-9af0-8104c0132770", "prompt": "Can you show me what Europe looked like in the 1940s? To be more specific, I am looking for fashion trends and home decor from different countries in Europe during that period. ", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "75432a3f-08aa-4911-8101-84231b73913b", "prompt": "I'm trying to come up with a new building style that is based on the works of Frank Loyd Wright combined with Greco-Roman elements. How might some structures that incorporate both of these styles look--provide some hypothetical drawings/images of such structures and explain the environment for which this style would be most fitting. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "bd38aee1-96c1-4790-8867-377dc51a4218", "prompt": "My kitchen needs updating. Could you show me some trends for this year?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d770dd5a-951f-447a-8bfc-f88b9b1f7b09", "prompt": "I need a detailed step-by-step guide for installing a new game on my PC because I keep messing up somehow and can't get the games to run! Please use screenshots so I can clearly see what it is I need to do.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c484f44e-3e2d-4adf-b455-de399bc0bc1c", "prompt": "If gravity is increased gradually on Earth from its current level to 300 times that level over the course of 1,000,000 years, show me what humans might evolve to look like.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f864ab75-59fd-40db-8d67-351dba27ad45", "prompt": "I am looking for a minimalist nail set style because my boyfriend told me he's going to propose to me soon. What styles would you suggest? Can you provide some photos for inspiration to show my nail lady?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "039d6cad-053f-49b5-adb4-bbc1203fe54b", "prompt": "What does a private jet look like on the outside? Include some information about them as well.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9687f2a0-80fe-40fe-81c7-3d85538b3fb3", "prompt": "Can you share some images and information on fossils from the Paleozoic era? ", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "59a9c3eb-afc5-4244-9924-da153713b7f2", "prompt": "What is the difference between these two images? Please explain your answer with more images.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.cronodon.com/images/solar-system-2.jpg", "https://wallup.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/156574-galaxy-space-stars-Andromeda.jpg"]} {"id": "46a886fe-7ea8-4fca-b8e3-1673eb14ec03", "prompt": "I'm having trouble seeing the use cases for different entity structures like an LLC, a C corp or an S corp. Explain how companies leverage each structure and use pictures to help me visualize unique capabilities within each type of organization.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9cbcbc4d-b656-4c3f-9fd8-dd721ed31dbd", "prompt": "The Crown Jewels are held in the Jewel House in The Tower of London, illustrated below, and have some wonderful items in the regalia.Here is a picture of St. Edward's crown, which is probably the most famous object in the Crown Jewels.St Edward's Crown dates back to 1661, and is the oldest crown in England because most of the earlier jewels were destroyed after the English Civil War. Are there any older crowns in existence in Europe that might have links to the (now) United Kingdom. Please show pictures of these crowns and the link they have to the UK.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/London_tower_jewel_house_2005-05.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/64/Saint_Edward%27s_Crown.jpg/800px-Saint_Edward%27s_Crown.jpg"]} {"id": "a7a674e8-db9f-4228-8186-e00e33c4f680", "prompt": "Based on history, can you come up with some fashion styles that should be popular in the next 100 to 200 years?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "22df36d4-a60e-4847-b887-c33674c5c222", "prompt": "I just finished a trip to Barcelona and I was really inspired by the designs of Gaudi. I'd like to incorporate elements of his style into the remodel of my backyard patio. Can you bring up a few examples of Gaudi's work that I can show my landscaper and my architect? In particular, I'd like to show them examples from the Park G\u00fcell. Which design aspects from Park G\u00fcell could be most easily transferred to a backyard design?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "cd1222ad-fca0-4383-8094-3e7da70d239d", "prompt": "My outdoor cat just had kittens. But, the kittens are two different breeds. Can you explain how this happened? Can you please show me what an adult version of these kittens will look like, so I can determine who the dad is?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://thepedigreepaws.b-cdn.net/web/review/3/1687794919-stitch-chartreux-kitten.jpg", "https://astrasiam.com/x/cdn/?https://storage.googleapis.com/gator-users/user-546383/images/5d18d52c2a9e11vtBXU7/1D4DA5FD-3734-436D-8A00-8DA97A333081_d600.jpeg"]} {"id": "9b5cf03d-dc33-42dd-a374-9d8719452974", "prompt": "Can you make me an outfit in the goth fashion style? Something like this.Make sure to include a top, bottom, and accessories.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.outfittrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1b3a4f4cf4dbdb0ae5867045b6972a83.jpg"]} {"id": "bb5da618-bbd6-43e6-86a2-ffffc0fa6072", "prompt": "I am growing Roma tomatoes in my garden currently. I have been having trouble with the bottom of the tomatoes turning out like this:Most of the time it happens after they turn red, but it is also happening while they are still green like these:Can you help me identify the issue and show me how to salvage these plants?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.bhg.com/thmb/krrXwzLa6FNlf1xIQdRhxXfY078=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/blossom-end-rot-tomatoes-ec3c3057-1ebe1b33067b4138bdbba94615098a58.jpg", "https://www.farmworx.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/hgtv.jpeg"]} {"id": "b2873177-f263-4763-b085-c60d2948fa45", "prompt": "I keep seeing this type of cat on YouTube!Can you tell me what breed it is and show me more? How do you get one?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/wandtv.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/a/7e/a7e6ed92-6c62-11ee-8b95-77e2260b7696/652d9d479f2a5.image.jpg?crop=1021%2C766%2C6%2C245"]} {"id": "b3f35677-273d-45d1-a0fd-7c3e952ce04a", "prompt": "I was travelling through Salzburg for one day with some friends, just meeting for coffee, and I saw these two places that had many people queuing to go in. I am going back to Salzburg next week on my own to do some sightseeing. Could you tell me what these two places are, why there are so many tourists, and also provide me with some more places I can visit, including photos?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/Mozart%27s_Birthplace_Front%2C_Salzburg.jpg/1200px-Mozart%27s_Birthplace_Front%2C_Salzburg.jpg", "https://freewalkingtoursalzburg.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Salzburg-Cathedral-Exterior.jpg"]} {"id": "abd0a254-14b3-4500-b13a-7acf67434f73", "prompt": "Who was the painter who painted these paintings? Can you show me some of their other work, on other subject matters?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_128.jpg", "https://www.footwa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Vincent-Van-Gogh-Sunflowers-acrylic-on-canvas.jpg"]} {"id": "f58953f1-1de5-45b0-8a1c-5739fca6b56d", "prompt": "Give me a description of each of these diseases that cause skin lesions along with a picture of each: Herpes Simplex, Impetigo, Psoriasis, Actinic Keratosis, and Atopic dermatitis.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2764bc96-24d0-400d-a174-56e49951e4e6", "prompt": "What are the visual differences between a Maine Coon and a Persian cat? Can you also give me the typical temperaments of each of those cat breeds? I want a cat that's large but more relaxed in temperament. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "30e73217-318f-4b6f-b861-5166cb953a58", "prompt": "Can you identify this type of cheese?Here's a picture of it sliced after I bought it as well:Once identified, can you please provide some basic information on it, as well as showing me how else it can be used other than just sliced?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.thegrocer.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Cheddar.jpg", "https://www.foodforsale.com.au/cdn/shop/articles/cheese-180717-1_1000x600_crop_center.jpg"]} {"id": "06172c88-0c94-41ef-bee3-22ec36f9a6fe", "prompt": "Please describe to me what the offspring of these two breeds together could be like temperament wise?Please include two images that contain items symbolizing this.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": ["https://breedadvisor.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/SIBERIAN-HUSKY-PORTRAIT.jpg", "https://robanddogdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/rd_8103105-yukon.jpg?w=1024"]} {"id": "aa985a2d-9223-48ea-9f4b-b79fec79d8e6", "prompt": "What is this style called? Show me how to dress in clothes like this.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://media-photos.depop.com/b1/18900297/1673951107_bc4143e9e8004ecfb8778f5a155eb91f/P0.jpg", "https://hips.hearstapps.com/vader-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/1673556217-pink-cardigan-1673556212.png"]} {"id": "97a5f5e2-0e40-4d99-9431-6cdca8344e59", "prompt": "I'm trying to teach my class how fossil fuels are used to generate power via steam-electric power plants, but they are having trouble grasping the concept. Provide some helpful images that illustrate the process and also give me two analogies that help convey this concept to my students. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ee8b7c11-a46f-45e9-901f-686ad8a50e61", "prompt": "Can you show me a picture of somebody holding a bowl and being served soup by someone with a ladle?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "25bcbb92-eea3-448d-bbed-15f23f4bd4c9", "prompt": "It's my friend's birthday next month, and I've got her these two presents:Can you show me some alternative wrapping ideas, as I'm not great at wrapping difficult shapes?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://bachbride.com/cdn/shop/products/greenfluffyslippers_6610503a-aa3f-43f3-b8e2-031bf23e575c_2000x.jpg", "https://cdn.grupoelcorteingles.es/SGFM/dctm/MEDIA03/202307/26/00107220424696____5__1200x1200.jpg"]} {"id": "d1cb88b0-7470-4c4e-bb83-8f139915ca34", "prompt": "Can you show me the tallest point on earth and the safest way to access it?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "45450b27-9279-4b03-ae7a-0fb9d107de31", "prompt": "Create a diagram for a people-centered urban design that illustrates the main components; buildings, public spaces, streets, landscapes, and transport. ", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "06878d1a-1e9e-4e15-af74-73bd3a67d8d3", "prompt": "Can you create and illustrate a short story for children about an octopus that can't stop eating pizza?", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d2a8e417-01b3-48c3-a6da-27afe40cd9aa", "prompt": "What might life look like if humans lived on Mars?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "454a4c90-e041-4d79-b620-10d3773dcb1d", "prompt": "Can you show me examples of what the babies of these two animals look like and give me some facts about their babies?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://good-nature-blog-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2020/04/koala-3_Web-1.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f2/Portrait_Hippopotamus_in_the_water.jpg/1024px-Portrait_Hippopotamus_in_the_water.jpg"]} {"id": "6f78abea-0a70-4822-b334-bf189f715dee", "prompt": "I have a fancy premiere that I have been invited to. I've never been to one of these and I'm not sure what to wear. I want whatever I wear to be eye-catching and unique. Can you give me some options for what I can wear, show me what they look like on someone, I'm a man by the way. If you could tell me where I could purchase the clothes too that would be great!", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c0e92da0-f264-43b0-ba2d-0eabd748ccad", "prompt": "What was the difference in rainfall between the years 2000-2023 in the state of Florida. Please give me a detailed table or graph and explain as well. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e55249c7-e27a-48db-8cb2-881fbdb46804", "prompt": "Tell me the differences between Sodoku, Word Search, and Crosswords in terms of how they build cognitive function and ability, improve memory, and prevent cognitive decline. Provide any relevant graphs or tables that concisely illustrate the comparative differences between the three.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5acd1c8c-2757-46d2-9f1a-120118900308", "prompt": "Show me the shortest path to walk between these cities: Boston, Massachusetts; Atlanta, Georgia; Dallas, Texas; St. Louis, Missouri; and San Francisco, California. It needs to start in Boston and end in San Francisco. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a20384c2-9b37-4dc3-94ff-2385f78f92eb", "prompt": "I watch the television show Sister Wives and it's gotten me interested in polygamy. Are modern-day Mormons polygamists? Can you estimate how many polygamist families are in the United States? I'd love to see some pictures of polygamist families throughout history, especially in the United States.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2426c038-175c-4c8b-99c2-886de761bb68", "prompt": "I've embarked on making my own sushi at home. So far, I can make this roll.I also know how to make this other sushi.Can you show me other sushi that is easy to make and include a recipe?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9f/California_Sushi_%2826571101885%29.jpg/1200px-California_Sushi_%2826571101885%29.jpg", "https://takestwoeggs.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Unagi-Sushi-eel-sushi-takestwoeggs-2.jpg"]} {"id": "b5de8e6e-bb94-4f16-b06d-5bf8b9d0ea23", "prompt": "My niece has asked if I could bring a USB-C cable to her speech tonight so she can charge her phone. I've said yes, of course, but I'm not quite sure which cable that is. I have these two cables that I've used to charge my phones. Which one is the USB-C cable? Please provide additional pictures to help me confidently identify the USB-C cable for future reference.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e3/Mini_USB-Stecker.JPG", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/Blu_USB_2.0_%26_Micro-USB_cable%2C_Hillegersberg%2C_Rotterdam_%282023%29_04.jpg"]} {"id": "cbca7192-f13b-492b-b743-94b5a8fabc9f", "prompt": "Cinco de Mayo is coming up soon, and I want to be prepared for the annual party we throw. Show me different Cinco de Mayo themed cocktails that will be the life of my party.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3e8229d9-5213-4da6-ab00-9a95bb704044", "prompt": "Can you give me some general information about the supercontinent of Pangea and tell me why it broke up? Can you also show me images of what the supercontinent looked like?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "eb870ca7-5827-4ce0-a93b-0c7a3f4ac54a", "prompt": "Explain what the Nazca lines are in 3 paragraphs and include high-quality images of them.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2121bc0e-054f-452a-b36b-a9a9364dab9b", "prompt": "How different would our world look if animals walked on two legs and humans walked on four? Show me a family photo of 2 adults, 4 kids, and 5 pets using that analogy. ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "14186603-9546-42fd-be17-033415cf2bf5", "prompt": "If the human race went extinct what would big cities look like 50 years later?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5dcf8499-0ead-46c6-8b06-a5059b1345fd", "prompt": "What are the main characteristics of Spanish Colonial architecture? Can you show me some images of buildings using this style of architecture?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9e374a63-e553-4cab-85b1-d8cf864f007e", "prompt": "I fell in love with Vietnam through pictures. The first one I saw was of the floating fishing villages:The second picture was staged, but it didn't take away from the landscape's natural beauty.Give me information about traveling to Vietnam so I can talk it over with my husband. Include pictures, he is very visual.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.traveloffpath.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Aerial-View-Of-A-Floating-Fishing-Village-In-Vietnam-Southeast-Asia-1-720x720.jpg", "https://www.traveloffpath.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Asian-Woman-Wearing-A-Traditional-Attire-As-She-Stands-At-The-Tip-Of-A-Long-Tail-Boat-Crossing-A-Lake-In-Vietnam-Southeast-Asia-720x720.jpg"]} {"id": "77cecf27-67d3-451c-b3c2-38a0c3bae204", "prompt": "I've just been invited to a wedding. It's formal, and they said to dress in an expensive suit. The only expensive suit I own is a Batman Returns replica Bat-suit, complete with a utility belt. Is this appropriate? If not, please show me some traditional formal attire.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2211fe31-ea09-4834-ab6a-8550e0c02451", "prompt": "Although I just graduated college, I\u2019d like to continue challenging my brain. I\u2019d really enjoy it if you could provide me with a spot the difference puzzle.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9ce9856d-427b-4ec6-84f7-9118d79bb210", "prompt": "The pictures below showcase Capricorn and Sagittarius, two zodiac signs that some researchers believe can influence individuals born on December 22. As a result, these individuals may exhibit traits from both signs. I'd like you to provide another birthdate that is associated with two zodiac signs, accompanied by images of those signs to help illustrate the connection.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://www.pagangrimoire.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Capricorn-Symbol-1.jpg", "https://www.lifescriptdoctor.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sign-of-sagittarius1.jpg"]} {"id": "24ad74bd-dd84-46ed-8cc9-b41482bd2c1a", "prompt": "Can you please share some ideas on how to elegantly wrap this?Make sure to incorporate one of these as the crowning touch.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://cb.scene7.com/is/image/Crate/AirtightGlassBottle32ozSHF16/$web_pdp_main_carousel_high$/220913133751/airtight-glass-bottle.jpg", "https://static.nashvillewraps.com/images/sku/24440-XLARGE.jpg"]} {"id": "6ae496d2-09aa-402e-9891-0be13863686f", "prompt": "I'd like to create a special bouquet and with the \"language of flowers\" in mind. I have two flowers in the recipient's favorite color and want the bouquet to celebrate her graduation and future successes.Can you explain their meanings and suggest if they fit my message? Please also show me some more flowers that you would recommend for my purpose. Thank you!", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.marginpar.com/sites/default/files/styles/story_header_image/public/assets/stories/8%20Care%20tips%20Clematis/hero%208%20care%20tips.jpg.webp?itok=CTcPkQuq", "https://uprisingorganics.com/cdn/shop/products/dsc_1191small_1000x.jpg?v=1606176411"]} {"id": "bcdc36cd-21c5-4946-b123-5cc4745613f7", "prompt": "I've been doing some gardening and just noticed I have this stuck under my skin:If I leave it, will it come out by itself? What would happen if I just leave it? Include any images that show what might happen if it's left alone (if anything).", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://content-cdn.tips-and-tricks.co/2017/09/splinter.png"]} {"id": "1dc45c8b-b681-40e2-8840-3e69e5868f22", "prompt": "This is the typical way we greet each other in North America.What are other ways that people greet each other in other countries/", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.sustrans.org.uk/media/4369/4369.jpg?anchor=center&mode=crop&width=730&height=410"]} {"id": "62158145-2217-445d-9f07-1bf2496dfb05", "prompt": "I have a brand new office, this is what it looks like.I want to incorporate some plants in it. I really like succulents, like these.Could you show me some interesting ways to incorporate plants?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.closetsbydesign.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Office_4_DT_CBD.jpg", "https://succulentgift.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/40938361_l-1.jpg"]} {"id": "290c1230-06f7-47f7-b26a-ada9fbda5cea", "prompt": "I am looking at updating my porch to make it prettier. Could you show me some inspiration for it?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8aad007a-a5df-4285-8bd0-81c0e20e1363", "prompt": "How do I fix my leaky faucet? It just started leaking and I don't want to bother my landlord. It leaks whenever I run the water. It's coming out of the U-shaped pipe under the sink. Can you show me images on how to fix this, I'm not sure what everything is called.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "137a0ec3-bc84-4bd3-a669-72da4203de94", "prompt": "Is this a pomelo or a grapefruit?Provide me with a visual comparison of the two fruits. Or are they just different names for the same thing?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://insearchofyummyness.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/what-is-a-pomelo-fruit.jpg"]} {"id": "096248dd-e2ce-49b5-9d0a-1f018cad1024", "prompt": "I need some office decor ideas. Can you show me some examples of a feminine yet professional office with a strict color scheme?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "11a505b0-0bb5-43b4-ae7b-c049a120f803", "prompt": "I'm selling my iPhone 13 Pro, can you write an entertaining sales pitch for a Facebook post pushing people to purchase it? Include a picture of people chasing after me waving money in the air to try and be the first to buy my old phone.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "923575b9-5864-486f-8b51-58ad8eeef22e", "prompt": "Create an imaginative logo for my handmade chocolate venture called ChocoArt and display it on the packaging.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a5ad2454-1776-436b-850b-ad3134cbd28b", "prompt": "Show me Leonardo da Vinci's most famous painting and tell the reason its such a marvel.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9fc25252-05f2-4ffc-9ca0-22b80fd096ba", "prompt": "Show me a before and after picture of a woman with moderate female hair loss after spironolactone treatment. How long was the treatment and what was the dose?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e49275d8-0533-4475-99a3-31a884c3814d", "prompt": "Show me pictures of crop circles and tell me how they are made. I want you to tell me the real way they are made and the alien-related versions.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a00b8070-2678-44cc-b779-bb6e105fb261", "prompt": "I know of these two buttercream types. Are the other types? Please tell me what they are made of and show me their images.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://sugarspunrun.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/easy-Chocolate-Swiss-Meringue-Buttercream-recipe-Recipe-1-of-1.jpg", "https://chelsweets.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/piping-frosting-onto-top-of-cupacke-1365x2048.jpg"]} {"id": "3aeb1395-e7a2-4fd5-bd01-63d71fad4862", "prompt": "I am making an ancient style board game for a school project, and I want to make it look as authentic as possible. Can you show me a few examples of ancient game boards and tell me a little about each?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "91b14517-d4cf-45f8-a776-2766e3587a8d", "prompt": "My mom brought me these from the farmers market. What are they? What is the difference between them, and how can I use them? Make sure to include pictures so I can learn more about them.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.castironketo.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/is-iceberg-lettuce-keto-friendly-header-image.jpg", "https://img.everymarket.com/6u3pkfbdykgwjvsuhbgaa7c0u270?width=650&height=650&format=jpg"]} {"id": "ba1ba066-903f-4968-b4a3-30a7542ef932", "prompt": "I'm writing a blog article about sustainable living and I'm focusing on reducing plastic use. Can you help get started with an intro that is catchy and informative? I also need a smart but also kinda witty image or graphic showing the effects of plastic pollution. I need the graphic to make a strong point but to draw people in, not piss them off.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a4efb93a-2f03-4751-9717-1611470f2a7a", "prompt": "I'm writing a story about how two points in history collided and have become one I need a couple of ideas on how to make that happen and some visuals that bring it to life. I want the 1920s to become the same time or intertwined with the 1820s.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "fd45f268-45b5-433e-a7c4-f17cd63df719", "prompt": "My boyfriend is a gym rat and really into nutrition and stuff. However, I love cooking and want to treat him to an amazing, beautiful meal for his birthday in a few weeks. Show me some dishes I could make that are healthy, delicious and most importantly visually appealing enough for me to post on our couple's Instagram and TikTok pages. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "da75dcaf-0a9c-438b-9517-3663f880babf", "prompt": "My son wants to get better at pitching. Can you show me some close-up pictures of different ball grips for pitches like a forkball, a splitter, a circle change, etc. and explain how to throw each pitch? He has small hands, so if you can also show any adjustments that would help kids that'd be great.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "eff4d1b6-c69c-4a0c-97da-75423b1fc112", "prompt": "Imagine if I wore an alien costume, such as the following, as my formal attire:Now imagine it is graduation day, such as depicted below. What would my speech sound like? Can you provide some inspirational images that I could present with my speech?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": ["https://sunburycostumes.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/700922-1-1152x1536.jpg", "https://c0.wallpaperflare.com/preview/89/272/1016/school-young-adult-education-graduation.jpg"]} {"id": "5defcc13-c5b2-4791-8e10-c0b98a8e4078", "prompt": "I love to collect fallen leaves for art projects, but lately I've noticed the leaves on the sidewalk look like this:Help! What's causing this? Can you show me ways to fix it?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://treediseases.cfans.umn.edu/sites/treediseases.cfans.umn.edu/files/2021-09/tar_spot_native.jpg", "https://treediseases.cfans.umn.edu/sites/treediseases.cfans.umn.edu/files/2021-09/european_tar_spot.jpg"]} {"id": "ab9e00e7-a466-4b80-8550-aacf46ec4fce", "prompt": "What is typically found at a construction site? Show me a construction site that has a crane.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0c73e6a5-0b74-4939-a90c-94a1e8a932d8", "prompt": "I am having this symbol come up on the dashboard of my car. Here is what it looks like.It seems to be saying there is something wrong with my tire? Here is an image of my tire.I think it's flat, but I'm not sure. Please explain this symbol and show me a picture of a flat tire, so I can compare it to my tire.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://di-uploads-pod9.dealerinspire.com/blossomchevy/uploads/2020/10/Tire-Shop-Near-Me-Indianapolis-IN-Pressure-Light-sm.jpg", "https://www.goldeagle.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Low-Tire-Pressure_Lifestyle_Tire-Track-With-Snow-min.png"]} {"id": "990e6f4f-aa00-4a76-ac4f-69894052799f", "prompt": "I purchased the cake topper below for my 3-year-old's birthday party. Can you please show me some pictures of other party decorations that would coordinate?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmGO7SsaXt3iI1vSyMJRMTnhkJJFavARtrHw&usqp=CAU"]} {"id": "b9e891d8-8b2f-418f-a7cc-82897128ac9a", "prompt": "I'm planning a road trip across the US and could use a map with interesting stops along Route 66. I would like to visit quirky roadside attractions, crazy landmarks and stuff like that. Please offer any tips for a newbie traveler.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d15cf566-2002-4b47-b889-7d2be1abe3d7", "prompt": "Can you come up with a unique scenario and story for an upcoming tabletop session of Pathfinder 2E where I will be acting as Games Master (GM)? We plan to have 4 to 5 players in addition to myself acting as GM. A map to use as a visual reference for guiding the players through the various areas you create would be very helpful.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f06fc52a-e807-467f-8298-36b9f874fbac", "prompt": "I found an old coin that looks like it is Asian. It has a bird and some flowers on it. Do you know where it is from? Could you show me some pictures so I might compare?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0595563f-74a6-4f18-ae49-adafb5f67297", "prompt": "I'm learning ASL. I want to learn how to fingerspell my name. Could you put together a photo collage of how to spell the name Quinn?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a72a0801-6689-4032-a073-dec13ff56c63", "prompt": "I'm a Dungeon Master working on some homebrew content. I'm trying to come up with new designs for playable fantasy races. I have aphantasia, so picturing complex designs like that is hard, and I'm not a traditional artist. Can you help me imagine some mashups of Dungeons and Dragons playable races? I might use them in a campaign, so include a basic stat block with each one. Use 5th Edition rules and compare them to other monster stat blocks. Some examples of what I mean would be a Gnome/Tiefling hybrid, an Elf/Goblin hybrid, or even a Dragonborn/Tortle hybrid. Come up with some more too, and make sure to include some relevant racial traits and abilities with explanations in the stat blocks after each image. You can also mix a playable race with a monster race that is not playable, but you must balance the stat block to stick within the baseline established by the default races.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0eff387c-8cb1-4b85-914f-bf18b382c723", "prompt": "I\u2019m preparing a lesson for children on body language. Here are two of the examples I am using so far:Can you please provide me with two more examples? Include a cartoon or drawing and a brief explanation of the behaviors.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://pdtraining.com.au/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/photodune-7229711-closeup-of-businessman-with-clenched-fists-xs.jpg", "https://www.scienceofpeople.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/854907_BodyLanguageFeet_101320-1.jpg.webp\n"]} {"id": "7acdbb50-189b-4957-8d3a-4d16718bf8d8", "prompt": "Can you generate a diagram showing the cost of Bitcoin (BTC) and the average cost of Christmas lights for sale on Amazon, starting from February 2021 and ending in February 2023?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b265a5d4-8760-4e01-ae34-d46f481c9fbb", "prompt": "I will be hosting a brunch for some of my work friends next week. I want to decorate the tables extravagantly and have decided to create my own floral bouquet centerpieces. I am not quite sure what I want them to look like, but I do know that I want to include pink peonies. Can you show me some images of potential bouquets I can make along with a list of the flowers included in them?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c4ce54fb-093c-427b-9c21-e7bd9b41ba3b", "prompt": "Show me some other ways that I can cook this food, including images?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.saveur.com/uploads/2019/01/22/PP5UTCQL5XDFVG7Q235NUNV3GM.jpg"]} {"id": "f77f7ecd-1dfc-445b-bd01-1764bef6ec1c", "prompt": "I took these pictures using my amateur telescope at home. Can you help me to identify the objects and show me what they would look like through a better quality telescope?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:828/format:webp/1*kX7a082oFy5fxjJeI0OfaQ.jpeg", "https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:828/format:webp/1*t1F24vmeyfDBwWMofr-Ypw.jpeg"]} {"id": "b446cfd0-6bdd-4b08-9aa9-c80664ca638d", "prompt": "Can you explain the purpose of the memorial seen below and provide additional images showcasing its features?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.historynet.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/ww2-washington-dc-memorial-fountain-scaled-2048x1188.jpg"]} {"id": "4c02883f-dbaa-4c84-bb0b-33ac5e5c5ca3", "prompt": "I gotta beat my dad at Jenga, can you show me a diagram of the best pieces to take with arrows and stuff? And tell me how to remove the pieces and the best strategies.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ee26b188-fd7c-40de-9f50-870699447b7f", "prompt": "What would a cross between a Dalmatian and a poodle look like? Has anyone ever done that?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "86959d0e-7517-4dae-94b2-24e3c36ff140", "prompt": "Write a short story about several mythical creatures meeting and having an adventure together (think werewolves, vampires, fairies, ghosts, etc). Please also include character art.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c5d733a5-3b2a-4169-9fcd-b6e761f2f0b8", "prompt": "Tell me how to make a luxurious hot chocolate with these toppings pictured, and include some photos too.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://thelibrarycoffee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/hot-chocolate-33.jpg", "https://www.torani.com/sites/default/files/recipes/illustration/GettyImages-1007480178-min.jpg"]} {"id": "f2106152-f70a-4aed-b8dc-7f4c7a648029", "prompt": "I am looking to refinish this:I was thinking about leaving the top as it is and applying this on the legs.Please show me some images of what it may look like.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://www.antiquefarmhouse.com/media/catalog/product/cache/87f7a85cd0f3ed2c3dff34ce326cd3a5/r/e/reclaimed-wood-square-table_1_1_1.jpg", "https://i0.wp.com/www.peonylanedesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/IMG_4851-scaled.jpg?resize=1200%2C900&ssl=1"]} {"id": "574bad0b-1fcf-4ec7-a2c1-3ec171a839fe", "prompt": "My daughter is obsessed with sharks, Frankenstein, and stand-up comedy. Can you write and illustrate a short children's story about a \"Sharkenstein,\" a reanimated shark sewn together by a mad scientist, that turns its back on evil and pursues its true passion for stand-up comedy?", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "05f18a7d-ea0a-40c4-aa73-09dc20e6af80", "prompt": "My dad's record player needs a new needle. We have the part but do not know how to replace it. Can you guide me through the process slowly by using easy-follow but detailed instructions? If you can include a diagram of the different areas you refer to that would be amazing. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8b65ec1a-db9f-4020-a036-4ba14316809f", "prompt": "I want to see all the ways I can lace my kids' shoes.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "76a17a31-0cc8-4eb7-a07c-83b97aaff978", "prompt": "I am looking for a few more North Indian dishes besides these two. Can you please show me a few and describe them briefly for a food blog I am writing an article for?", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://www.allrecipes.com/thmb/U0hyiVa7D6adihuaX_DjRyiuxRk=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/6415753_garlic-naan_photo-by-chef-john-2000-5e5e6f9aac7a4d6092cbe9856e10cda9.jpg", "https://www.allrecipes.com/thmb/DHMlKNCl2NMvDpTvmxVSmzSu07w=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/5133952_indian-chicken-tikka-masala_allrecipes-2000-b955e1b914a646c4938db0a807be7c70.jpg"]} {"id": "cbbd6946-16b6-4ef0-b153-47f20c510965", "prompt": "I've been practicing making pizza in my new wood fired pizza oven, but I keep having this issue:I don't think it's a temperature thing because the crust is puffing up nicely. What am I doing wrong? Please show me what a proper wood-fired pizza should look like and tell me how to emulate that.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://pizzacompanion.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/burnt-pizza-bottom.jpg", "https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/1c/f8/d8/4f/burnt-pizza-bottom.jpg"]} {"id": "5f9270d5-c802-4629-a082-77c57184d270", "prompt": "I want to write a children's book about a starfish named Swish who ends up getting one of her arms pulled off and it regenerates into another starfish named Trish. They become best friends. Can you generate a sequence of drawings that would fit those events? I can't for the life of me think of a way to make the moment Swish loses her arm less traumatizing. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4eb9cbf4-8582-408d-9ab6-2596d89d5c44", "prompt": "I need inspiration for redecorating my guest bedroom. What should I consider for the dresser in my bedroom if I am going for a shabby chic style? Can you please show me an image?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "09a19e48-1b9a-451d-88ee-a5d78ff5fdeb", "prompt": "My partner's birthday is coming up and she loves dragons. I'd love to learn how to fold origami dragons and leave them all over the house in places I know she'll look. Can you give me step-by-step instructions along with photos of how to fold a paper dragon?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "112fb0a9-1d04-4077-8888-5cc398035c18", "prompt": "Write an essay that discusses the significance of art in the style of these images.In addition, include images of other works that use this style.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://d3rf6j5nx5r04a.cloudfront.net/XSTDWpPQZcTd9FhAFtseOJw9I8U=/2000x1000/blog/2/b/2/2b2099287f0b47f0867bf883bd411369.jpg", "https://www.cubismartwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/History-of-Cubism-in-art-1024x683.jpg"]} {"id": "cfcb38b6-69b7-481c-b24a-08c320afbcae", "prompt": "My band just wrapped up our prog rock album and we're looking for a few cover suggestions. The album title is \"Darkened Slumber,\" so I want some covers depicting that but nothing SO obvious. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c5698705-69b9-42cc-b9ac-38161c06cc48", "prompt": "I have oodles of these and I don't want them to go bad before I can use them. Can you show me something I can make using them that can be stored in the freezer? Please give me detailed instructions, I'm not much of a chef.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hdkXfWeRV4A/TdizZhkLhhI/AAAAAAAAHUA/GlC3S4HL8vE/s1600/139865_1.jpg"]} {"id": "234de59d-178c-47a0-8f28-532f16e1e3e5", "prompt": "I'd like information regarding the history and causes of the current conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Include the statistics regarding the number of people displaced over the entirety of the conflict as well as the number of lives lost. Use any relevant visual aids to make the subject matter easier to digest and understand.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "53e2b939-ba6d-4ef3-bd77-5289eb5916c3", "prompt": "I want to travel to see unique natural phenomenons. I saw these photos on social media, and I wasn't sure if they were real.Is this a real place that I can visit? And can you explain more about the flame and show a closer photo without the water in the way?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/76/Eternal_flame_falls_7252.jpg/1280px-Eternal_flame_falls_7252.jpg", "https://www.visitbuffaloniagara.com/content/uploads/2019/07/Eternal-Flame-2-Drew-Brown-reduced-1024x683.jpg"]} {"id": "4a109be8-c3cb-40f4-a4d4-7b721d29e2e2", "prompt": "Can you show me what my boiled egg will look like if I cook it for 4, 5, 6, and 7 minutes?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ab540a8e-024e-44b1-b589-1042b8ae1168", "prompt": "I want to help my child finish his project on a water molecule. I know the chemical symbol is H2O but I can't remember what that stands for or even means. Can you write out exactly what it means and provide a diagram showing exactly what a molecule looks like? Also, if you have any good ideas for using objects around the house to make a 3d model, please do mention them.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8610d5c1-3d39-49a5-afcc-7ade7bd6ce51", "prompt": "I want to surprise my girlfriend with a manicure. I got all the supplies but I'm slightly overwhelmed by the process. Can you give me a step-by-step guide with photos ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "fe812e1f-5c6b-4880-93c6-82a05b380c22", "prompt": "Hey, can you show me some hilarious memes that feature this fox below?Make sure they are similar in style to this one.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/43/Stoned_Fox.jpg", "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/03/11/article-2291620-18907166000005DC-780_634x546.jpg"]} {"id": "3b4f33d5-7861-4131-97b7-e2d0fc0ab322", "prompt": "The kids I babysit for had a great idea for a story. Can you write and illustrate it for a young elementary audience? It's about a cat and dog who take a submarine to the bottom of the ocean and find mercats and merdogs. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ba41dd02-601e-4994-9643-552214661356", "prompt": "How to I make the \"criss-cross\" pattern on an apple pie with the dough? It looks complicated so I need basic instructions with pictures. ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "df2e4fb7-23d9-49d8-ba10-3953951553f1", "prompt": "Could I get some help? I've been trying to grow a succulent, but I'm worried I may have done something wrong. Please take a look and tell me if I've messed up. Can you also show me some examples of what I could do better?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0342/1375/7068/files/Screen_Shot_2022-02-04_at_8.18.48_PM_480x480.png?v=1644034833"]} {"id": "c943a241-1c30-4c85-ab9a-7f337024e6ff", "prompt": "I am writing an article on the effects of soviet propaganda on civilians during Stalin's time. I have no clue where to start, so write the article for me please. I'd also like to include a few examples of soviet propaganda mediums like pictures, cartoons, photos etc. so that there is visual medium to support the points made in the article. ", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "98cff6b6-dd9a-43c4-9a86-fe593405d95b", "prompt": "I want to come up with a diagram that showcases the basic stances for karate katas and southern-style kungfu forms/stances. Can you identify all the relevant katas for Okinawan style Karate and the basic stances for southern style praying mantis kungfu. Based on these two lists of forms/katas, can you generate a sketch or photo of the correct position of the kata/kungfu form. Also I want the karate katas separated from the kungfu forms. I want each form drawn in boxes, with the name of the form/stance underneath the drawing representation of the form/stance. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "753fa56c-e701-4a66-a93d-9be916df2e47", "prompt": "I recently discovered Korean gel nail styles. I typically do regular acrylic gel nails, but I like how intricate Korean gel nail styles look too. Can you recommend some for me that are not too girlie, and still edgy and long?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8bf5a6fb-2c99-47cf-b1ed-e080e23266bc", "prompt": "I just got my kids a bunk bed. Here is what it looks like.Now I want to update the rest of the room using their favorite toy, shown below, as inspiration.Could you give me some inspiration?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://cdn3.bigcommerce.com/s-3uyyclsi/products/525/images/5789/JY0161W-CS-White-Twin-Bunk-Bed-with-Steps-3__32848.1493225626.1280.1280.jpg", "https://www.cardfactory.co.uk/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-cardfactory-UK-master/default/dw37300544/images/29148_FULLSIZE_B.jpg"]} {"id": "2d6d6062-4203-4267-b4e1-d6a1b94a909b", "prompt": "I'm in the market for a new car with a budget of $30,000. My priorities include fuel efficiency, safety features, and a sleek design. Could you recommend three models that meet these criteria? Please include images showcasing the exterior and interior of each car, and provide a comparison chart detailing key specifications, fuel efficiency, and safety ratings.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7dd9768d-00dc-42cf-bfda-9e1e0fa739db", "prompt": "I want to learn more about large birds. I know of these two. Please show me additional big bird species.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.mundoecologia.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Flamingo-Chileno-4.jpg", "https://owendeutsch.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Common-Ostrich-23RSC.jpg"]} {"id": "52de7ff7-fdee-40f4-a183-422cbb5b1310", "prompt": "I can't believe I've forgotten the name of this iconic Disney character, shown in this image. Can you remind me, and show me some more characters from the movie?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/just-for-you-a-bug-27s-life-207129_1024_768.jpg"]} {"id": "7e783ebe-bc82-4b18-8fec-bcd3ebe46dfc", "prompt": "Please identify the moth in this picture. Please show me pictures of a few other kinds of moths and tell me a bit about them for a report I have to do.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.treehugger.com/thmb/5QaWNu8R3pFbpc7Yvhb6heMdnlQ=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/GettyImages-498863842-2b7ec5e67f40439f85d42f99148c0e00.jpg"]} {"id": "957a5f92-1736-400f-a218-effd35809934", "prompt": "What iconic TV shows did Wandavision model these two sets after? What did the original sets look like?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5beaec59cc8fed13655dc57c/1613946279357-BCODA0BHLD0T5O47I44M/IMG_8284d+copy.jpg?format=1500w", "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5beaec59cc8fed13655dc57c/1613951316899-SRAMMQKF39H2BG6Y4OG7/IMG_8512b.jpg?format=2500w"]} {"id": "7893a224-d8af-4b62-89b8-a850cfedfc44", "prompt": "What is the difference between these two types of guitars? Can you tell me more, with images?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://c1.zzounds.com/media/productmedia/fit,2018by3200/quality,85/1_Full_Straight_Front_NA-cd51b28b063f60cf7468b0faf7cf20e6.jpg", "https://c1.zzounds.com/media/productmedia/fit,2018by3200/quality,85/1_Full_Straight_Front_NA-cef41d5ca8fb90492f6a42c56afed133.jpg"]} {"id": "5b1c7bf8-c1a3-41b2-a068-496012a2c032", "prompt": "Show me what kind of wig to get to cover this type of female pattern hair loss.I don't want all my hair covered, just the balding section.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://uploads.prod01.london.platform-os.com/instances/861/assets/images/case-studies/hair-loss/HL008/before/Maria003%20-%20Before.jpg"]} {"id": "1b6d5492-c22b-4fce-bcf3-956d11a6da7a", "prompt": "What kind of bird is in this picture?I think one pictured above is a boy and the one pictured below is a girl.Can you show me what their nests and eggs look like too?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c4/Anna%27s_hummingbird.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/Female_annas_hummingbird_hovering.jpg"]} {"id": "1d4509c6-a8f5-4f50-93c4-854c87cdba42", "prompt": "I would like to make an eye-catching charcuterie board for my upcoming holiday party. Please provide examples of what great party charcuterie boards look like and tips on how to make my board look like that. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6fd0f0da-5234-4d9d-b9b1-2ec169bfeaa0", "prompt": "Can you make me a map with markers for all of the stops Amelia Earhart made on her fatal flight? Include some type of symbol at the place she was last known to be.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "28c479a4-f8f5-428e-9603-c17007a48a04", "prompt": "Can you share images of the key events that led to the start of World War II? ", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4a89aa0f-37b3-4559-bf9c-c40ce252bce3", "prompt": "I've got a photo of this bird I saw in my backyard. I don't think I've seen one like it before. It has a bright red crest and a long beak. Can you help me identify it and maybe compare it to birds that are common to my area?", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": []} {"id": "810132eb-e0ee-44e6-8ad8-3576d0b67608", "prompt": "My daughter loves coloring so much to the point of flying through the coloring books they have available to purchase on the shelves! Can you provide some coloring pages for me to print? She likes coloring princesses, animals, fairies, and flowers in particular. She also loves to read, so maybe make it a colorable storybook? That would be amazing!", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3d9237dc-e142-4e82-bf40-01e07f5501ee", "prompt": "I'm going to be buying a new car soon, and I am looking for interior cupholder designs. Can I please have an image of the back seat of a luxury vehicle with the middle console and cupholder lowered down for use? Add a notepad and a pen as well.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6c23b6b3-71bb-49e1-8fb1-87c482ee529c", "prompt": "I'm baking a cake for my little sister's birthday, and she wants it to have a certain aesthetic. The cake itself is a circle. She says she wants it to have a \"cottage core and fairy vibe\". Can you please provide some photos or examples of what this could look like? ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ce151635-974e-4fd7-9b9f-7cf5f50515bb", "prompt": "I'm so excited that it's nearly Christmas! Here is a picture of my gorgeous looking decorations.I can't wait to get the whole family over together for dinner, here is a picture of the table I have planned out.However, I'm going to be doing a buffet-style meal, and I need some ideas of what I could include. It can be traditional or non-traditional. Include images and a description of what I could do. Nobody in my family has any intolerances, allergies or dietary preferences, so be creative!", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.designbolts.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Cozy_Christmas_tree-room-decorations-2.jpg", "https://www.digsdigs.com/photos/2012/12/a-chic-rustic-Christmas-table-with-a-burlap-runner-porcelain-plates-tall-candles-and-an-evergreen-runner.jpg"]} {"id": "f06302f4-f246-432d-bcd1-6bf330155e9c", "prompt": "What are some recipes that include spinach, egg, bacon, cheese, onion, and penne pasta? It's all I have left in the fridge and I need to make dinner. Can you provide images for reference too, please?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "55ee15b7-d6a4-4335-83cb-7eb94b4134f2", "prompt": "I have lost a lot of weight but now I have no muscle tone. Can you give me some exercises that will help tone my arms and legs? Provide visual aids of how I am supposed to do them so I don't get hurt.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4ecd5a8c-1880-41fc-ad10-e02b8b6380e4", "prompt": "My room is shaped weird. I have a little alcove that's 6 foot wide and two feet deep that I don't know what to do with. I was thinking of making it a reading nook. Can you make a diagram of what I could decorate the alcove with and maybe some images of furniture for inspiration?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e3eb4af9-8e34-4912-8389-74c7c2dcd9ce", "prompt": "Are there different types of ocean waves? Can you show an example?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ed32f0fd-987a-48f5-a73c-f3205ee23722", "prompt": "I want to start dressing my pup up in cute outfits! Show me how I can take cute photos of him.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4f8649a6-2084-4828-8f46-b0d65fe5f719", "prompt": "Here is my plant, can you tell me why it looks like this and show me ways to help it with visual examples.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://gardenerideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/How-to-tell-if-a-plant-is-overwatered-7-Signs-of-Overwatering.jpg"]} {"id": "d72626a3-bb32-4b8c-a2c4-233141f92309", "prompt": "I'm starting a dog walking and cat sitting service and need a logo I can use for my advertising and social media pages. Can you give me some ideas?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "67599b4c-ce03-4748-843d-e4b176de9eb0", "prompt": "Can you please show me my seasonal color palette? What colors should I be wearing to look my best?\n\nThis is my hair:This is the sweater everyone says I look best in:", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://content.latest-hairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/deep-mushroom-brown-shade.jpg", "https://indigotones.com/cdn/shop/files/bright-winter-royal-blue-loft-crew-neck-sweater_2000x.jpg?v=1697232685"]} {"id": "7247dfda-250b-46cb-bd9c-f7174d231595", "prompt": "Show me some unique dinner ideas. My kids only like chicken but I'm tired of the same boring meals. They need to be kid-friendly. Visually they need to be pretty so show me what they look like and then provide the recipe. I don't care about complexity, just that my children will eat them. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "70efe30b-53b1-492e-b33a-c928bedcf23a", "prompt": "Can you tell me where these college campuses are located and show me some other campuses in that state?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://coloradoencyclopedia.org/sites/default/files/campus-rec-west_0.jpg", "https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/gotouniv/photo_gallery/455/P21503912763_1500X1000.jpg"]} {"id": "9791d255-720b-4704-9e69-ca9b205ccc40", "prompt": "I love pumpkin pie but have never been able to bake one myself without overcooking it. Can you show me what it should look like when I take it out of the oven so that it is not overdone? Any tips would be helpful. Don't include any images of pies that are overdone when taken out of the oven because I know exactly what that looks like. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ef76b400-5585-45de-bc71-b7f0f060ee97", "prompt": "Are indoor rock climbing walls made from actual rock? Can you show me photos of several indoor rock climbing walls and explain the differences, benefits and disadvantages of each?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2ef994b5-02dd-48f6-ba7a-92f4c8e8d304", "prompt": "My friend sent me this photo of this beach near her hotel:I'd love to see some similar beaches, can you find me some and tell me where they are? I think I need to go experience one myself!", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://alonia-apartments.com/web-assets/uploads/2019/06/Elafonisi-2-chania-alonia-apartments-interesting-places-1000x667.jpg"]} {"id": "f006b972-d8c3-461e-b95e-c7a20517308f", "prompt": "I think my house may have wood rot in one of the beams on the ceiling. Can you show me what that looks like? I don't know what to do about it or even what my first step is. Please advise. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7008a3cf-ce53-4c9e-91e1-47ed711abcd7", "prompt": "Art Nouveau is one of the most beautiful aesthetics I can think of. Someday, I hope to have a house with many Art Nouveau features, like this:Here is another example:Where are the pictures I shared from, and who designed them? Can you give me a very brief history of Art Nouveau and why it became so popular? No more than a few paragraphs, please! I'd also love to see some other photos of Art Nouveau interiors and objects!", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://stylebyemilyhenderson.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/15-09-Tassel-100_uxga.jpeg", "https://images-prod.anothermag.com/551/azure/another-prod/360/7/367157.jpg"]} {"id": "b25e2dfe-76f0-4004-975d-cf71eeabc0ec", "prompt": "What type of animal is this?Please tell me more about them and include their images.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://d3d0lqu00lnqvz.cloudfront.net/media/media/8a7e7f1f-a12b-4331-ad97-069d749d4417.jpg", "https://d3d0lqu00lnqvz.cloudfront.net/media/media/c981cd55-f08f-4c61-a9ff-d3ddb9e7ec9d.jpg"]} {"id": "c5f261cb-59b6-4594-a7c2-aab085c676b7", "prompt": "I'm going on holiday to Amsterdam with my friends, and we are staying at this hotel.A friend recommended I visit this place, and sent me the following image, but I don't know where it is.Can you please identify it for me, tell me where it is/ how far it is from my hotel, and show me some more pictures of the location?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/cimg/www.fodors.com/2000x2000_60/426/5a75bf7c0822c-315426.jpg", "https://cdn.getyourguide.com/img/tour/b10d5d4a331d1abc.jpeg/97.jpg"]} {"id": "24fc3e43-8e05-4d95-98e8-95f6cd5efc58", "prompt": "My kid wants me to make Elephant's toothpaste but I found two ways to make it, one is bigger and the other is safer. Can you show me the difference between the two different ways to make Elephant's toothpaste? ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "fee4efe5-b9e4-4f96-b3da-9031c6096769", "prompt": "What would a bridge spanning the entire Atlantic Ocean, connecting New York to England, look like, and how many miles long would it be?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a4e6802b-e0a9-440e-9bd7-3057eeb75e83", "prompt": "My mom just adopted a dog called a mountain cur. I thought I knew a lot about dogs but I have never heard of this breed. Can you give me some basic information as well as show me a few pictures of what they look like?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "27d534fe-7dc4-4be6-970e-d35535d0332d", "prompt": "I want to reuse these. What ideas do you have for them to be reused, and please show images with a brief description.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.realsimple.com/thmb/pfynoB689T4AlSK8y2FjkDzUE0E=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/new-uses-for-plastic-bags-2000-92a90433a3c64c46ad11df193b93d20e.jpg"]} {"id": "2a741b73-5995-49d8-8fd3-7c177a24b887", "prompt": "I went to Yellowstone last month and I took a ton of photos. Now, I'm trying to identify all the sights I captured. Can you show me some of Yellowstone's most popular spots along with 2-3 sentences that explain what and where they are? Limit it to no more than five spots in the park, but don't include Old Faithful, I got that one figured out. ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "095db446-c479-445a-93a3-dfa712cefbb1", "prompt": "Why can no map be 100% accurate in all respects and how is the Mercator Projection inaccurate? Provide some images of other representations of the world and explain which attribute of accuracy they sacrificed. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "88dccf91-9fc7-4575-932d-723d1ef5ca86", "prompt": "Please show me some alternatives to this for my dog that likes pulling.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.therapydogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/dogcollar.jpg"]} {"id": "dda5302a-8b81-4e6a-ae33-85ea8344d584", "prompt": "I found these pants while thrifting and plan to wear them out this weekend on a date.Can you show me shoes that would compliment the pants?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.vintage-folk.com/cdn/shop/files/DSC08605_ba8b1ee6-5632-4d09-b262-348d665287a9_400x.jpg?v=1697107395"]} {"id": "f5df7e36-76b4-4536-88d6-4d7f01bb61ee", "prompt": "I have these two renditions of Menudo. Can you show me another rendition? Include pictures of the ingredients and the final product.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://healthysimpleyum.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/vegan-menudo-2-scaled-e1674602847274.jpg", "https://inmamamaggieskitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Mexican-Menudo-Tripe-Soup-696x1024.jpg"]} {"id": "e4df1987-2fa0-4aa2-8aa7-75eefe18e2af", "prompt": "Can you tell me what these are?Why do they sometimes have a different name in the UK? Can you show me examples so I better understand?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://handletheheat.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/BAKERY-STYLE-CHOCOLATE-CHIP-COOKIES-9-637x637-1.jpg"]} {"id": "2dbc50c8-4e2c-4892-ad63-df7a40830ef7", "prompt": "I've heard about this famous Russian New Year's dish that's said to have a very distinct look and taste - a \"Herring under a fur coat\" salad. Could you show me how to cook it? Please include some images too - I definitely want it to look authentic as I'll be cooking it for my Russian girlfriend.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e564e32f-49ce-4bde-98dd-474f7d1a6faa", "prompt": "Please write me a fictional news report about a Gorilla that has escaped from a zoo, make it light-hearted. This will be an online article so please include an image for the report that will work well as a thumbnail.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a44d97cf-dacb-4c63-aac8-296f33a01eef", "prompt": "Describe, and show me, the differences between a 2009 BMW 120D MSport and a 2012 BMW 218i MSport, focusing on the engine power, fuel consumption, and overall size.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "66e78dad-14d2-4b72-ab68-b927ac6d8877", "prompt": "I'm looking for Secret Santa gift ideas for a coworker with a $50 budget. I've already spent $25. The person's interests are reading, chocolate, being organized, and cats. I have these items to contribute to the gift, but can you please show me more ideas?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://i.etsystatic.com/26054912/r/il/685d0f/4092321856/il_794xN.4092321856_884k.jpg", "https://licorize.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/best-muji-pen.jpg"]} {"id": "1b340963-b9ac-4847-8276-b375ed0d9615", "prompt": "I'm planting these two types of flowers in my yard in Ohio.Show me two more flowers to go with these. I prefer perennials.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://sciotogardens.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Echinacea-purpurea-Purple-Coneflower-Flower-Detail-1.jpg", "https://regaldaylilies.com/JQuery/dream.jpg"]} {"id": "9faddf47-81d2-4bff-b150-405d6a34f606", "prompt": "I'm trying to sell items online. Please show me an example of a good product photo that will increase views, and explain how it will do so.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f0522b10-4823-4b3b-8a03-3e3d4982b48d", "prompt": "Take a look at what I did to my jeans.Cool, huh? But now I'm left with these:Can you show me some things to make with them? Thanks!", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yABZun7bXKA/WePHszm1e_I/AAAAAAAApiA/VcV91T7KAygVVmR-541ryuA9U6QHDgE5ACLcBGAs/s1600/Adding-pockets-to-jeans.jpg", "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TTQfPiDahpE/XZMHb1CnqfI/AAAAAAAA9kE/x2kx0_iACXAjGGh9m9ct3xcJHKyJj5UAQCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/002.jpg"]} {"id": "fe519d33-e2e2-4787-a728-82d1408d4e89", "prompt": "I'm really worried about how much my teen son uses his phone and his overall screen time use of other devices as well, including video game systems and television. Can you find me a report about the effects of too much phone use or too much screen time on teens? I don't know if I'm overreacting or if the scientific evidence is out there. Try to include a respected article based on real facts and scientific findings with graphs or charts.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e24b23b9-5b63-4436-969e-b450e9f408be", "prompt": "What would giraffes look like if they didn't have long necks?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ed57dfc8-dac8-4b94-8b5a-8ae1401409c2", "prompt": "What would a shark look like if it was able to walk on land?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c634710e-b37a-401e-9bfa-aeb1395190c8", "prompt": "Can you show me some of the more interesting Australian frogs? I know about the one below, but I'd like to learn more about at least 3 other kinds.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/dainty-green-tree-frog.jpg"]} {"id": "65385ff4-4dbb-46b9-960a-a1b3659996a0", "prompt": "Tell me about the first successful organ transplant. Show me what they used to do it. ", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c0e6e315-696e-4755-a8ab-e72e39daa605", "prompt": "Here's a picture of my very MCM-inspired, 1950s-style living room, which I love, especially its pops of royal blue and yellow:And here's my problem. I also fell in love with the idea of this Hoosier Cabinet, a marvellous early 20th century piece of furniture that made space more efficient.Can a Hoosier Cabinet work with my living room decor? If not, please show me some alternatives.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.atomic-ranch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/A9R15jvc5y_lq7zji_fjg-768x464.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d5/Hoosier_Cabinet.JPG"]} {"id": "577cceba-501d-4b08-9cab-5379c7d58db2", "prompt": "It\u2019s January and like the rest of the planet, I\u2019ve sworn to forego all the good stuff and eat healthy. My cholesterol numbers this year were abysmal. So, this time, I mean it: I don\u2019t have a choice.\n\nTo that end, I want to beef up my microbiome by eating more fermented foods, but I\u2019m bored with the usual stuff. \n\nI already like sour pickles, sauerkraut, yogurt and kefir. I like kimchi, too, when it\u2019s not a 4-alarm fire. Buttermilk, kombucha and cottage cheese are gross. \n\nWhat are 3 fermented foods, off the beaten path, I can try that I might not be familiar with? Pics please or it\u2019s not going to happen. \n\nAnd, remind me of a few of their benefits, so I can feel chuffed as I\u2019m chowing down. Thanks!", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e998ad0f-ed07-4b53-a6d9-a5f14602b43f", "prompt": "Please show me what life would look like for a European person settling in North Carolina in the 1760s. Let's pretend they were granted some land. I'd imagine them in the following way.They must have also possessed this.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": ["https://www.lhf.org/learning-fields/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/16590628741_218d873ca6_z.jpg", "https://www.poconorecord.com/gcdn/authoring/2020/02/14/NPOR/ghows-PR-232190f8-3f39-4fba-a4f4-468ed180fc7f-68585520.jpeg"]} {"id": "e756c387-f03e-410f-8a19-e57ce4ff65c0", "prompt": "I'm trying to build a roller-coaster in Minecraft that goes partly underwater for a section of the ride. The portion of the track that goes underwater will be encased in glass blocks. Give me some photos of similar roller-coasters in Minecraft and the steps I will need to take to build it. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2f86af5c-3789-4b6c-84fa-683cb26275dd", "prompt": " I was at the Colts game last night and someone bumped into me. Then I noticed my wallet was gone. I want to describe the person to the police, but I need your help. Generate an image of the man based on the following description: Green Bay Packers jacket with green on the back and white sleeves, tan corduroy pants, a red baseball cap, and a very long beard. He was heavy set and had severe acne. Thanks!", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "889f95c3-7b36-4bed-96e7-c8c3cd377261", "prompt": "Show me some designs for Christmas dishes. I want to hand paint my own. I have plain white plates and nontoxic paint. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "78374bdc-0ade-49e2-821b-56623c2f1574", "prompt": "I'd like advice on where to retire. I want a place is rich in culture, that has a temperate climate, a vibrant social life and activities, and a beach and the cost of living expenses is under $2000 per month. Show me pictures of the places and if possible, an infographic that compares the places to each other.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c4cf0c84-e59f-4fe0-89e4-0969b6b50502", "prompt": "Please provide a brief explanation of how this particular natural structure became associated with a holiday, and show me some images of it decorated for that holiday.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.santasons.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Premium-Noble-Fir-67.jpg"]} {"id": "439e411a-45e3-4a48-8acc-65fcb33b8e29", "prompt": "I'm making one of these to give to my partner on Valentine's Day. Please give me ideas of what painted designs I could do.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["http://www.greenchairpress.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/steelbrush-victorian-puzzle-purse-1-550x469.jpg"]} {"id": "b5f638cd-aab8-41e6-bd4a-20fe56e3b5b4", "prompt": "I have this coin.I do not know what country it is from. Can you identify it? Prove it's the correct identification by showing me what the other side looks like.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://assets.goldeneaglecoin.com/resource/productimages/EnglishSovereignGoldCoinObv7747.jpg"]} {"id": "742b7b88-4fb8-4972-8724-759e3fa39949", "prompt": "What can I make with these two ingredients:Show me two different items I will need for the recipe.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://images.heb.com/is/image/HEBGrocery/000375146-1?$article-235-square$", "https://vegannook.com/sites/default/files/recipe_images/vegan%20nook%20whipped%20cream.jpg"]} {"id": "fbc02737-c7d9-473d-a615-f53da24bfa2c", "prompt": "Can you please show me some of the most popular apple varieties in Australia? I'm familiar with Pink Ladies and Granny Smiths, like in the pictures below, so please don't include those.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://i0.wp.com/www.grandmarosies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Apple-Pink-Lady.png", "https://i0.wp.com/www.grandmarosies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Apple-Granny-Smith.jpg"]} {"id": "3ab5bcc7-e0cb-49d4-9c70-c38ffd8e1d15", "prompt": "I want a new kitchen, as mine is about 30 years old! Can you show me some ideas to get me started that use lighter colours than this one?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://homecreativa.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/contemporary-kitchen-designs-new-a-popular-feature-in-many-modern-kitchen-is-the-double-wall-of-contemporary-kitchen-designs.jpg"]} {"id": "8ff577e3-50d6-4a0f-80b5-99ebd3a2dbbd", "prompt": "Can you show me a map detailing the migration patterns of mallard ducks in the United States? Where do they go and how long does it take them to get there? Include a comparison to another migratory bird on the map that shows the difference in destination and speed of the migration. Canadian geese might be a good choice to compare them to. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5a3c032d-cf5a-4aa0-895c-45c25378a4b2", "prompt": "I'm starting a fitness brand and need a logo. Our company specializes in weight training apparel, although it is also meant to be business casual and practical outside of the gym. The design should be gym-related, yet sleek and professional-looking, nothing too flashy.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2ab8524c-777e-45c1-98d6-06e9b836315c", "prompt": "Can you write me a paragraph describing the difference between a plant cell and an animal cell? Also, include a diagram of each cell in black and white, but the differences should be highlighted in color. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "56ee364b-abd5-4ff9-ad8f-6d1fdceafb17", "prompt": "For the life of me, I cannot keep the twisted rope braid in my hair to stay together. I have naturally long straight hair and I want to do a style that includes these, but whenever I tie them after twisting them, they just unravel and come loose. Could you show me what to do, so I can see what I am doing wrong?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4f38f28a-a3b6-4cef-9f11-cc10047e6e8b", "prompt": "Can you help me write a short story about a detective on a case in the future? Can you generate some illustrations of the characters and their futuristic environment?", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8688279c-d3f0-46dd-bd98-5281f3028853", "prompt": "Can you tell me what this is and show me how to make it?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Beef-Stroganoff-Recipe-9-1100x1650.jpg"]} {"id": "38523d1d-ffbd-4ad6-8f30-9b8e2fb9ea70", "prompt": "What game is the screenshot below from? Can you also show me screenshots from some other similar games I can check out?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/041/766/905/medium/emil-bartoszczyk-2013-04-20-00003.jpg?1632641221"]} {"id": "7d913127-e551-48cc-b6b0-f3a8f19a505c", "prompt": "Can you show me pictures of how I can identify whether my goldfish has dropsy or if she is pregnant?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c1d31249-fbb8-4119-bf97-5847ee1c10d5", "prompt": "I believe these are first and second degree burns. Can you please confirm and share an image of a third-degree burn? Additionally, please provide instructions on how to treat and manage each type of burn.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_HFOqJgsql-Y/THSzX92dK7I/AAAAAAAAAA4/XGA6mhlLSLw/s1600/Burned+hand.jpg", "https://skincare.network/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/burns-hand.gif"]} {"id": "66372713-fba0-444e-ad6f-e597401da368", "prompt": "How would you classify these large-scale outdoor installations?Tell me more about the style and its impact on the environment, and show me more examples.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://magazine.artland.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/michael-heizer-city.jpg", "https://magazine.artland.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Milton-Becerra..jpg"]} {"id": "8a430901-86e8-43fa-87d8-29425e947523", "prompt": "I think I might have gout in my right foot. Can you tell me what the symptoms and causes are? recommended course of treatment? also could i see what it looks like so i can compare my own foot?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a8846458-ccd0-4dc9-9d9f-6dbbba902994", "prompt": "I'm starting an agate collection and I'm amazed by the variety of types from all over the world. I'm struck by how much the appearance of agates can vary depending on their origin! Could you help me create a reference chart that shows how agates look different depending on where they're found?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b1dc5497-882c-4c17-86fa-f93f69c59521", "prompt": "Can you show me how many slices are in the average pizza pie and then relate that to how a pie chart works?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1367b4ce-3272-4000-ad16-1d2d22231145", "prompt": "Hovercrafts look cool. Is there a chance they may become popular in the future? Do you have any pictures you can show me of the modern hovercrafts?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6cc90712-417e-49c5-8fd5-48d154c671a6", "prompt": "Can you help me write a blog post that shows a step-by-step guide on how to put eyeliner in the right spots to create different effects? ", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "05182121-d973-4c83-8cb6-a72d0c5b40f6", "prompt": "I'm writing a fantasy novel, and I'm in the world-building stage. I need some inspiration, so please show me some very unique fictional places that will spark my creativity. Tell me what work this place is from and which medium (whether it be a movie, book, etc). Also, give me some excerpts directly from these works that describe these places and their surrounding lore. What kinds of people/races live there, and what is the culture and history of these places?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9bd0d015-1c03-4a6b-8bf1-1295439a0476", "prompt": "I'm working on a project with a friend. We're making a visual novel together! He's doing the coding, I'm doing the art, and we're both writing it together. I'm good at sketching from my imagination but this is kind of different. I need to draw characters repeatedly, from different angles and (most importantly!) with different expressions. I need some reference images, ideally drawings/sketches of the same character in different poses and with different \"standard\" expressions (angry, happy, sad, confused), so I can see how an artist would tackle something like this. Can you give me some examples so I can check I'm on the right track?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e819bb8e-326d-4479-95af-045a780e8e22", "prompt": "I stayed in this gorgeous rental over the weekend and fell in love with the design. Here's the rental from the front:Here is a similar house that I found online, but this one seems to have a porch:Can you tell me more about this architecture style? Show me some ways I could incorporate it into the home I'm designing.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.onekindesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Rustic-Contemporary-A-Frame-Todd-Gordon-Mather-Architect-01-1-Kindesign-1024x732.jpg", "https://images.ctfassets.net/r7p9m4b1iqbp/1fPgwtB3GynlhWp0AEc8SD/9f7e97b4a68dbf2febf63130e85a67da/Minne-Stuga-A-Frame-Minnesota.jpg?w=600&fm=webp&q=90"]} {"id": "a55136de-a92f-43ac-ad46-aa6b27fb0e42", "prompt": "Using these two primary ingredients as a starting point, can you provide a step-by-step guide on how to prepare and cook stuffed bell peppers, accompanied by a photograph of the finished dish to help me visualize the end result?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://images.heb.com/is/image/HEBGrocery/000318717", "https://www.healthbenefitstimes.com/9/gallery/mozzarella-cheese/Mozzarella-cheese-sliced.jpg"]} {"id": "d0e77924-1dc2-48ef-b7b2-37199e7663cb", "prompt": "Show me a painting that changed the art world, and tell me why it was significant.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "bd112598-daf3-4a95-a93a-92adfc73a898", "prompt": "I'm visiting my friend in the UK, and she is taking me out to eat at this restaurant.What kind of food do you think will be served? Can you show me some recommendations for main courses I can try? Nothing too crazy, just popular, well-liked dishes that I'm likely to enjoy.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://poplarlondon.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/11/New-Beijing-Chinese-Restuarant-Limehouse-800x445.jpg"]} {"id": "e7070f88-c97e-4eb8-a9c9-bd1b1148b1aa", "prompt": "Can you reimagine the movie poster for the Academy Award's Best Picture winner from 2005 to be set far into the future, like in 2109? ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e1f694c3-9e17-4a84-af74-6e411a0894e5", "prompt": "Make a book cover for my fantasy novel about a shapeshifter with purple eyes.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e39cfe0e-09f1-4c02-bc87-d198263152f1", "prompt": "I always hear references to Picasso but I have never really seen his work. Can you show me some of Picasso's most famous paintings?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "91a30fd1-2ac0-4dc3-b8cd-ab72a3d2dd42", "prompt": "I have these gemstones that my grandmother gave me. I'd like to get them made into jewelry. Can you show me what each crystal might look like if it were cut and fitted into a silver ring?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": ["https://ancientelementcreations.com/cdn/shop/products/ancient-element-creations-crystal-decor-extra-large-raw-amethyst-chunk-28216216518852_grande.jpg?v=1617392551", "https://myratna.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/rose-quartz-img.jpg"]} {"id": "2558ac64-a381-4855-afae-04ef3bed660a", "prompt": "I've just set up my first aquarium. Here's a photo of it! The water is pH balanced, the plants and decorations are in place, and now all I need is fish!Can you please give me some great fish recommendations for a community tank?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0311/3149/files/small_12inchlight_plantedtank_withcontroller_69e47407-b461-4c8b-a4b5-b8e5737caae6_480x480.webp?v=1676400509"]} {"id": "1c7dcff5-1dfe-4b2a-a033-0021fcfebed6", "prompt": "How do I organize the wires at my desk? I want them hidden away but don't wanna buy anything. Give me some reference photos for some DIY cable management ideas. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f2355ea3-c8a7-46d0-83c0-437b3695f6ba", "prompt": "My school is having a competition for a Stop Bullying campaign poster. It must include the words \"If you see Something, Say Something\" and be appropriate for elementary school-level kids. Can you design a poster for me to enter?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "89955f63-5936-4b26-9926-dd5e2a05d3ff", "prompt": "Which areas of the world have seen the biggest population growth since 1990? Please show me a map that illustrates the top 10 most populated countries in the world with different shades of color indicating their population density, going from darkest (most populated) to lightest (least populated).", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ef5769c0-d6d7-42c7-b31c-016e13ece2f3", "prompt": "Can you list the differences between prawn and shrimp? Please include an image to help visualize the differences between each one.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "272d6951-3459-447e-9216-decb5b6ddc8f", "prompt": "Show me a Middle Eastern alternative to these dishes.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/44/Mille-feuille_fran\u00e7ais_1.jpg/800px-Mille-feuille_fran\u00e7ais_1.jpg", "https://www.cento.com/images/articles/panettone_pandoro/panettone_featured.jpg"]} {"id": "a09e4b62-9c80-4d09-b1e0-5584878aaf83", "prompt": "Show me a map of the most significant battles of the American Revolution. Can you explain why they were significant to the war?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e285d8c1-104c-4e32-a8a1-bcc4fda58470", "prompt": "I was recently in Austria and I tried two amazing dishes similar to these. But I don't speak German and therefore don't know what they are called or what they contain. I would also like to be able to cook them at home, so let me know the ingredients needed. Please tell me what the dishes are and show me the actual photos of these foods.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.vienna-unwrapped.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wiener_schnitzel_04.jpg", "https://www.tirol.at/portal/image.php?idPart=fhmcj!2i7im-"]} {"id": "0981fad6-483c-4179-acbf-30c7206bc5f8", "prompt": "For one of my cake orders, my client asked me to incorporate these two elements into a cake for her little girl:Please show me some designs that incorporate both elements.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://krispykreme.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Strawberry-iced-Ring-Overhead-0099B.png", "https://www.ronsicecream.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/sharon-mccutcheon-L27M4LazH4g-unsplash.jpg"]} {"id": "f6b478b9-faf0-4db8-bc65-5472d12a28db", "prompt": "I saw that there are pyramids possibly older than Egypt. Can you show me an image of the pyramid that is arguably 27,000 years old and explain what the controversy is?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c9a8d4f5-2200-46e6-abd5-1dc8bd4f6213", "prompt": "Is this hole in my jeans repairable, or is it too big?Can you show me how to go about mending my jeans similarly to the image below?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.lilyardor.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/IMG_3064-1.jpg", "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0270/3453/files/ACS_0001_large.jpg?v=1532714293"]} {"id": "f5c8b391-fd84-4cce-830f-1697eaff8595", "prompt": "Can you tell me what reaction causes the reaction seen in the below photo, how it works, and could you also show me another similar experiment that I could do to display this?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Mentos-Diet_Coke-Geyser.jpg"]} {"id": "0254fd4c-4999-4949-9f19-98e2ecb8a879", "prompt": "I want to see how I would look with a specific makeup look and hairstyle. I have dark brown, thick, wavy hair that goes down half of my back. I have straight bangs above my eyebrows. I have a square face shape, large green eyes, a slender nose, and full, pink lips. My skin tone is pale with neutral undertones. The look I am going for is purple eyeshadow with eyeliner on the top lid and lower lash line. I have thick eyelashes, so I want a good mascara to make my lashes look long and full. I'd like to contour my face without it looking too heavy. For my hair, I want to try a French twist updo with my bangs hanging down in the front. What might all of that look like?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "75b7a29f-b55b-465c-a6dc-371134fc0045", "prompt": "I really like this style of architecture. Can you explain this style to me, and show me images and examples of other buildings in this same style of architecture?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://changing-pages.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/IMG_0543.jpg", "https://cores4n.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/20200518_121318-1.jpg"]} {"id": "854511e6-7c27-41f6-8e1f-137175d4712b", "prompt": "Can you give me an image of two drinks on a table? One needs to be a cocktail, one needs to be a beer. You should also include a description.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d4f93bf3-0a5f-43c4-883a-9ad2d6c930c0", "prompt": "Where were these two photos taken?Can you provide a brief explanation of the historical significance of the facility in these photographs? No more than 5 paragraphs and include photos of significant events, please.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.britannica.com/06/117706-050-F15B3FAC/view-Three-Mile-Island-Pennsylvania-Harrisburg.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7e/Three_Mile_Island_%28color%29-2.jpg"]} {"id": "0c3cfe02-a6b3-4512-9b92-ae75ccf79da2", "prompt": "I developed a rash overnight and I'm trying to identify it. It doesn't itch, but it's red and has red dots all over it. It's on my arms and torso. Please help me identify causes and treatments, and provide a list of rashes it may be along with photos of each so I can compare. ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9eaeef45-4b6b-4b01-9295-ebf4cb46aa24", "prompt": "Can you write a short story for children about a purple hippo named Violet accompanied by illustrations of her adventures?", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4c52a2ca-1dcf-4f5b-81f3-e6905a0b6363", "prompt": "I'd like to start creating my own clothing again but I need a simple pattern to resharpen my skills. Please create a pattern for a mid-length skirt made from six panels of fabric and include three options for sizes.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "afb70bf3-b93e-42e3-af74-c5e199e69248", "prompt": "Which continent can the two animals below be found on, and what's the name of each species? What are other animals that can be found on the same continent, and what do they look like?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/African_Elephant_%28Loxodonta_africana%29_male_%2817289351322%29.jpg/800px-African_Elephant_%28Loxodonta_africana%29_male_%2817289351322%29.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Saint-Aignan_%28Loir-et-Cher%29._Okapi.jpg"]} {"id": "47d038e4-6659-4d96-92c2-e6728d9dc10f", "prompt": "Can you identify these two types of bird? Tell me a bit about each, and show me how they differ.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://media.audubon.org/_2922260053_7abf7bb195_o.jpg?width=1616&auto=webp&quality=90&fit=bounds&disable=upscale", "https://cdn.stocksnap.io/img-thumbs/960w/crow-bird_0RR054AM86.jpg"]} {"id": "ec63b95b-03a2-4023-850d-cefb40ef0543", "prompt": "What does an aneurysm look like on a CT scan? Show me images of them in different parts of the body.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b655e21d-ed03-4be9-b9c9-f11294591ff9", "prompt": "Show me how to get the creases out of these?I do not have one of these, so don't include it as an option:", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://cdn-images.italist.com/image/upload/t_medium_mobile_dpr_2_q_auto_v_2,f_auto/99e1255755d5e0305e27c2057ca19428.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/Electric_steam_iron.jpg"]} {"id": "f1cd4429-ec8e-4540-a6d6-e32f228c3c0a", "prompt": "My husband and I are in a temporary separation and my anxiety is sky-high. I want to learn some meditation techniques to get my anxiety under control. Can you give me some pointers for the best ways to meditate, how you know that you are doing it right, and how I should get started? Can you also show me images of people meditating so that I can study how they sit and the environment that surrounds them, please?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "fea8e2ba-0c37-415f-8ce4-4ea08d8c5174", "prompt": "It is time to transition my toddler out of this.Please show me some options suitable for little girls.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://images.pexels.com/photos/3875087/pexels-photo-3875087.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=2"]} {"id": "ded6e32f-13eb-4cc5-ad20-ee7b6d58bf48", "prompt": "For one of my classes, I need to solve this puzzle about Archeology.\n\nThis is the first image:And this is the second image:I need to continue this with the next two images that fit this pattern and solve the puzzle of what the 4 images represent. Show me the images and solve this puzzle please.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["http://www.imageafter.com/dbase/textures/walls/b17poows056.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/NatCopper.jpg/800px-NatCopper.jpg"]} {"id": "360fe442-90e5-4015-ae2f-6edfeba00c94", "prompt": "I want to buy my girlfriend some new makeup as a surprise, since it's her favourite hobby. Can you suggest some products, with photos and prices? Here's a photo of some of the makeup she has, off which you should base your recommendations.I think it's all quite cheap stuff, but I want to treat her, so feel free to recommend some more expensive and luxurious products.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.megoonthego.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/basic-makeup-kit-for-beginners-on-a-budget-sq.jpg"]} {"id": "a614f653-1eb4-4ecd-9fce-a671ef6c81fc", "prompt": "Can you write a little story with a couple of illustrations for a six-year-old about a little boy and his bloodhound that get lost but the bloodhound eventually get them home?", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6b2bfe43-3868-446f-ad0e-34f803a63ce7", "prompt": "Identify this plant and show me some other variants that are similar. Here is the plant I want you to identify.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://asset.bloomnation.com/c_pad,d_vendor:global:catalog:product:image.png,f_auto,fl_preserve_transparency,q_auto/v1698369397/vendor/3628/catalog/product/2/0/20220628043840_file_62bb2e9000d3c_62bb2fd5e2671.jpg"]} {"id": "5edac424-d6eb-497f-a64b-96f474db2bf3", "prompt": "I'm researching camera lenses for my short film. Can you give me a breakdown of a few options, with shot examples of what kind of image each lens might create? I've already used the 28mm for shots like the one below, so you can discuss others instead.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.rangefinderonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/wp28mm_F28_01_DC_0883_A1.jpg"]} {"id": "b8c6e1e5-629f-486c-971a-4e39f3c95eb0", "prompt": "I need your help designing a flyer for my nonprofit organization. We offer animal services like spaying and neutering for cats and dogs and we're run by volunteers. Our name is Cheerful Paws and our colors are red and black. Please make a logo at the top that's cheerful and eye-catching. I want the name in there somewhere but please use a simple font that's easy to read. Include brief information about why spaying and neutering is important.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "aeede75e-ee56-4dcd-89ad-f2658a065c71", "prompt": "I love this dish I get from The Cheesecake Factory, but I don't know how to make it.Can you find me a couple of recipes for the dish and show me what they look like, so I can compare them to the real thing?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://dastylishfoodie.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/LRG_DSC02964.jpg"]} {"id": "0826e468-15fa-48d3-8cca-ac6465fd9de6", "prompt": "I'm getting a new haircut. I can't decide between getting a mullet or a buzzcut. I'm a guy with quite a large wide head and I'm insecure about it. Can you show me pictures of other men with this head shape with mullets and buzzcuts and compare them to help me decide which haircut would be more flattering on me? ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3de4e4f7-254f-49f2-9e8f-fe4ff1316085", "prompt": "I find the character Comedian from Watchmen fascinating. Can you create a backstory for him from birth to before he joined the Minutemen and illustrate with comic-book style illustrations?", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "901dee60-6325-4a98-9efc-f7d6833a9428", "prompt": "I've discovered these two portraits linked to Henry VIII's era. Can you identify which of his wives they are and briefly explain their fates? Please include images of key figures involved in their stories.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/A_Lady%2C_called_Anne_Boleyn%2C_by_Hans_Holbein_the_Younger.jpg", "https://katherinethequeen.com/____impro/1/onewebmedia/i282600889662430287.jpg?etag=%221b68c-5db44839af051%22&sourceContentType="]} {"id": "73c07b3c-0b4c-46ef-81c8-1b53d44a933b", "prompt": "Show me a piece of abstract art that would go well in my modern living room. What aspects of the piece would suit a modern living space?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c2a30160-0d88-412f-bbad-0543a03bc138", "prompt": "I'm hosting an event where there will be dancing, hors d'oeuvres, and champagne, and I need some ideas for decorations. Below is an idea of what the venue looks like.The theme is The Great Gatsby, so I'd like you to show me some ideas for decorations with that theme.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c0060aaee1759d51ceef44d/1616874516643-YIRI04GPDKKPMFZNGY11/SFIAC+Main+Ballroom+Empty.jpeg"]} {"id": "566db22d-5d56-4fa8-91ff-8fa0d6b7c3a3", "prompt": "I am writing a short story about a barista who works in a coffee shop in the Netherlands, and I need images that will help me set the stage. Share an image of what this shop might look like, with the barista, male, working in the shop on a very cold day. Be creative, but things you must include are windows and many candles.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "80c057bd-72aa-4836-89b1-a0d19bb26670", "prompt": "I found this figure when I was digging in my garden:Can you tell me what it is, and how old it might be? Are there other examples I can see for comparison?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://asiheritage.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/20140827_104610-576x1024.jpg"]} {"id": "08d38e2d-4f6e-442e-a1d1-9d643de0f62c", "prompt": "This image shows the ruins of an ancient Greek temple. How does ancient Greek architecture differ from modern architectural designs? Provide me with images to compare the differences please.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://greekreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Temple_of-_ephaestus_Athena_Athens_Credit_Following_Hadrian_CC2-e1624466967715.jpg"]} {"id": "a4bc668f-30c7-4844-9bad-7dd2a004cdfc", "prompt": "Can you show me a picture of a retro car and describe its features?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "92630065-0b5c-428b-950a-e1e86341b377", "prompt": "I live in the UK with my son, and he would like to get a pet dog. Are the dogs in the images below pet-friendly and kid-friendly? What are other breeds that are pet-friendly and kid-friendly, and what do they look like? Make sure to factor in the fact that I live in the UK, so only give me ones that are easily obtainable in the UK.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/Yellow_Labrador_Retriever_2.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cb/CockerSpanielPup.jpg/640px-CockerSpanielPup.jpg"]} {"id": "c69cd460-52e5-4764-8780-64e6f7881cd9", "prompt": "Give me some options for cat trees. Include a picture of each along with a brief description. Give me options in different sizes and price points.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9dceb596-3c44-4c40-97e9-51ebd8c98285", "prompt": "Can you write me an illustrated children's book about a monkey named Micah who lives in a jungle? It's for my son, Micah. We call him our monkey. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0e05218a-3468-417e-af6e-65c8f505483a", "prompt": "I've been tasked with bringing a dessert for a family gathering this month, but I want to do something a little more unique than just bringing a cake or a pie. I was thinking that I could do something like these:However, I want to display them kind of like the image below, but obviously with dessert stuff instead.What other mini desserts can I make or buy to add to this idea? Can you provide me with pictures so that I know if they would fit the vibe I am going for or not?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/cake-pops-index-65207574495b5.jpg?crop=0.6667982369580948xw:1xh;center,top&resize=1200:*", "https://getonmyplate.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/3-CHARCUTERIE-COMPRESSED-1024x1024.jpg"]} {"id": "63d886eb-9c97-44b3-9390-98366f6cf8c4", "prompt": "This is my new rescue pup, he'll be coming up from Georgia soon. I don't know a whole lot about German Shepherds... is he a common looking one? And what colour is my rescue? Can you please show me what other colours they come in?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.bettyandbutch.co.uk/cdn/shop/articles/german-shepherd-breed-profile-382556_900x@2x.jpg"]} {"id": "e2a08a3f-a487-4cfb-85ee-4c821a64abbe", "prompt": "Can you share images of the key events that led the diamond in the first image to becoming the necklace in the second one?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Rough_cullinan_diamond.jpg", "https://www.gemsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/coronation-necklace.jpg"]} {"id": "e81dac64-8cfa-4461-b29b-23795080ca1a", "prompt": "Going to my first live Rugby match and I have no idea how the game is played. Please give me a basic explanation of how the game is played, the rules, number of players, etc. I've heard about something called a \"scrum,\" but I don't understand what that is. Can you explain and include an image so that I can understand better?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b13e2854-6bf9-4966-86cc-11a8690fdc04", "prompt": "Write a story about a group of kids on their first day of school. The story should be about how nervous they are but as the day progresses they get more confident and end up loving school. Illustrate the book with them in math class, art class, and in the cafeteria. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e08077a7-ed53-450f-8f7a-a7d7c8c55b9b", "prompt": "What will people look like in 500 years according to past evolutional trends?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "11520217-95f2-4e9e-95ee-71060ad50333", "prompt": "What's the difference between the two cherries in the photo?Can you show me a picture of each kind to compare?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.thespruceeats.com/thmb/rGsIQOQ0SAfWnVxbJREwbscw144=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/cherriesx-58a47beb3df78c4758756117.jpg"]} {"id": "8163ddd0-6df8-4e18-8334-ff2f9074eaac", "prompt": "The button of my jeans popped off and I am at work without access to a sewing machine. My friend let me borrow her sewing kit with a need and some thread but I have no idea how to do it without my machine. Can you write me a step-by-step guide and include some images of which way to needle the thread through the little holes?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "15bfd7a2-7df5-4db4-a9cf-106975c4c55e", "prompt": "I've made this dough, does it look okay?Show me pictures of what it would look like with different toppings once cooked.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.tasteandtellblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Homemade-Pizza-Dough-recipe-tasteandtellblog.com-1.jpg", "https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Pizza-Dough-6.jpg"]} {"id": "069f53fe-3c62-49fe-aded-812e055a91d4", "prompt": "Prepare me a compare vs. contrast report that does an evaluation of MBR vs. MBBR systems used for wastewater treatment systems. Come up with a qualitative cost comparison for the two types of systems. In the report, I also want diagrams of MBR and MBBR systems included, particularly with a focus on their parts and components that show the process within these reactors. Also, I need a simple PFD of a system using MBR vs. MBBRs included into the report. ", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "18d40943-09d3-45f2-8c87-2bcb41595d89", "prompt": "I have been thinking about taking a road trip next summer but can't decide on a route. Show me three possible road trips in the US, including maps with the route and stops indicated. Make one of the routes a cross-country trip, visiting at least 10 states. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "09ac9e9b-584b-4b1e-ada7-886ecff6ee6a", "prompt": "Design me a poster promoting a Christmas carol concert. I'm based in London so would need some kind of illustration that shows landmarks as well as keeping a festive theme. It will be on Christmas Eve between 6 pm and 8 pm.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7647c4e6-f847-4a9f-83ec-a7cb19a9796e", "prompt": "Who is the historical figure in these photos? Give me a brief biography about his professional and personal life, and show related photos of him in action.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/lp71N4umBfJj_tp77rD28dn1-vI=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Napoleon_I_of_France_by_Andrea_Appiani-59d944780d327a00114119f6.jpg", "https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/L3YRKUmqlgXpjErhfHQ15QFvNlk=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/NapoleonBonaparte1-c288065ba4e042d8a1123a17c4903ff5.jpg"]} {"id": "6ee27a6d-0684-49b5-b2c9-c5aa7c741214", "prompt": "I tried making chocolate chip cookies, but they came out looking like this:What did I do wrong? Please show me some photos of what having too much/too little of an ingredient does to the shape of the cookies.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://brooklynfarmgirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Chocolate-Chip-Cookies-Made-With-Bread-Flour_11.jpg"]} {"id": "80d65971-d999-42bc-b17b-aa982b79eb0f", "prompt": "I heard there were plans to make another one of these in all black? What would that have looked like?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/Taj_Mahal_2%2C_Agra%2C_India.jpg"]} {"id": "43427e1b-89ab-48b0-8aac-74826eaba126", "prompt": "How many countries have launched digital currencies? Does the UK have plans to release one? Provide an image of what a British digital currency might look like.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3dff92ac-4386-4f58-9aaf-c17c90a5e83e", "prompt": "Can you write an article for my digital art blog? The article is about different art software that's available at different price points. I need you to introduce 5 different types of software that can be used to create digital art, listed from least expensive to most expensive. These can include subscription-based and open source/ free software as well as software with a one-time fee, but make sure to accurately report the price. You should include information on which platforms they are available for, what kind of art they are the most suitable for (eg. painting, manga or illustration) and general information about their ease of use, strengths and weaknesses etc. I need you to include images of the logos of each software, a screenshot of the interface, and an example of an artist's work made on each software. Include an overall rating for each piece of software considering all the information provided, as well as a subtitle for each stating what it excels at: eg. \"Best budget software\" or \"Best professional software\". Include an introduction too. ", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "39ca68f0-16f2-4682-96b7-a3757267e9e0", "prompt": "I love border collies, German shepherds and Spaniels. I am thinking of getting a cross-breed of two of these together, so border collie mixed with a German shepherd, border collie mixed with a spaniel, German shepherd mixed with a spaniel. Could you show me what they would like as puppies and then older as well?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ed666b76-3bd1-41e0-9580-798d77fb4fcf", "prompt": "I've been playing Animal Crossing and I need inspiration for how to decorate my island. My theme is a luxurious resort. Please give me a couple of images I can model my island after.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "67849f0d-b49f-4242-89c4-4186ebc9fdaf", "prompt": "I love stones that look like the ones below.The problem is, I can never tell if they are authentic or fake. Can you identify if these stones are real or fake and give me tips on how to identify them on my own? Please include pictures to help me.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://crcbeads.com/cdn/shop/products/94ceb200-5105-5e1b-b582-811fb0d3e1a4_500x.jpg?v=1600010952", "https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-qglhn3zspi/images/stencil/1024x1024/products/9814/8738/0002-37151-RTC-01-Real-Turquoise-Nuggets-Small-A-Grade__05487__73346.1618611754.JPG?c=2"]} {"id": "be36eda3-a41e-48a6-8f28-71b69e4cdd05", "prompt": "Show me the traditional clothes worn in northern vs. southern Vietnam for both men and women. Explain where the differences come from.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3c8f6eea-1660-44fb-aa02-d01c07932d47", "prompt": "I am creating a worksheet for my students about typical dishes from Latin America. I will provide an example of what I would like it to look like. Could you add three more Latin American countries to the list?\n\nEx.\n\n**Mexico - Mole Poblano**Mole Poblano is a traditional Mexican dark brown sauce. It is traditionally served over chicken or turkey, but today it can be found on enchiladas, or as a dipping sauce in many restaurants. In the reference picture, it is poured over a chicken leg.\n\nFun facts:\n* Mole contains 25+ ingredients (depending on the recipe).\n* For more complex moles, chocolate is sometimes used.\n* Legend says that it was invented by 16th century nuns at a convent when an archbishop surprised them with a visit. With little food or money, they worked with what they had. Inventing a delicious sauce that would continue to tickle taste-buds for generations.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://whydyoueatthat.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/mole-poblano-011.jpg"]} {"id": "cf7b638a-5ba8-448c-8165-3a9ab5b94dba", "prompt": "I am completely unfamiliar with New York City, but I will be spending the weekend for a wedding next week and I will have some extra downtime. I plan on checking out Times Square to see a Broadway show after dinner, but I do not have my transportation. Could you please give me some information about the subway system, including a schematic diagram of all of the routes that stop in the Times Square area? I want to make sure that I understand how the subway system works and will strongly benefit from seeing a visual map of the routes as well.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "527f9d42-9852-4b55-aa7f-0a42c625906f", "prompt": "I know there is not much information on this but, can you show me an instance of a star or something in space seen getting sucked into a black hole?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "37ce25ac-6e63-49a7-ad83-64bd224a254e", "prompt": "Are all evergreens conifers? Can you give me some examples along with visuals? Thanks. Do it in the style below, if possible, so I can clearly see.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6057f3039cfcce3187292205/1669166994708-3KIQ0N97H7BRORMUD5R6/adam-kring-J3qfB1NojJU-unsplash.jpg"]} {"id": "ebd154e9-681b-418c-be9c-e3ce32391b9f", "prompt": "My daughter is so into Barbie right now. I'm having a Barbie-themed party but need some ideas on pink foods and snacks to serve as well as Barbie-themed decor. Can you suggest some and show pictures?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "48ac35b2-34ec-4905-ae31-c4ae739bf1a1", "prompt": "Write me a draft of an opening chapter for a story about people made of one of the four elements: earth, fire, water, or air. Include unique powerful abilities for each type as well as generated images of what each elemental person could look like (with diversity for each type).", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1c97877e-fb72-4c2d-92bb-aaa4f474c070", "prompt": "Can you show me what a typical social security administration building looks like? What services do they provide there?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7a4e1bdd-89fb-4b60-9ca1-2bf6f87894a8", "prompt": "My mom's birthday is coming up and I want to paint her a picture. Could you generate a photo I can use for inspiration? I want to paint her a landscape with tons of wild flowers and somehow also incorporate a body of water in there. I want it to almost feel mystical and nostalgic. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "be3c7aee-506e-4bcc-bf5d-651c717843db", "prompt": "Generate a blog post with relevant images for the intro and each section, written by a grumpy ogre living in a swamp, where the blog is called 'Off-Grid Rustic Swamp Lyfestiles' with lifestyles intentionally misspelled. Have the post ostensibly be about things such as how to grow your own onions in waist-deep mud, make your own candles from earwax, and get your own honey by flatulating close enough to the beehive to knock the bees out, but not so close that the hive melts or the honey gets soured. However, the ogre constantly gets off track complaining about humans coming into their swamp, and how much the ogre just wishes they would go somewhere else. \r\nInclude an image of the ogre holding up a graph showing 'Human's happiness and Fulfillment' on the vertical y-axis and 'Distance from my swamp' on the x-axis, with a line showing a trend towards humans being happier the further away they are from the ogres' swamp. Include a posterboard full of photographs of onions at different stages of being eaten raw.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2da16ef4-b824-44bf-8381-6fdbd0da439d", "prompt": "Have you heard the story where after this:A bunch of people got together to try and build this:Briefly tell me about it. Also, if we were to attempt something like the second image today, illustrate what methods we would use to modernize it.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/31/Edward_Hicks%2C_American_-_Noah%27s_Ark_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/1200px-Edward_Hicks%2C_American_-_Noah%27s_Ark_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fc/Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder_-_The_Tower_of_Babel_%28Vienna%29_-_Google_Art_Project_-_edited.jpg/800px-Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder_-_The_Tower_of_Babel_%28Vienna%29_-_Google_Art_Project_-_edited.jpg"]} {"id": "f591c747-08ba-4482-9494-ed0bd7fc7082", "prompt": "How do I propagate a Japanese Magnolia tree from a cutting? Can you show me pictures to illustrate? I've never done this before. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ed38d864-229a-4ae2-8a4d-6dacd54e0099", "prompt": "My sister and I went to the dog shelter earlier today and adopted a pug. He's so playful and cute. We are going to gift it to my sister's daughter. My niece loves pugs, can you please give me a post card design with a quirky opener?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "78a69f75-6ccb-40e0-94fe-273b64748cc1", "prompt": "How long would it take the United States to become overgrown without humans maintaining its roads, waterways, and electrical grid? Show me comparison pictures of how our country looked 25 years ago, 50 years ago, and 100 years ago, without humans, and compare it to how our country looks now, with humans.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9ea3bb09-755b-49e6-a53d-9dcbddf25f94", "prompt": "I recently saw something about an observatory owned by NASA. I found this one image that they have recently released that they were able to capture, but I'm having a hard time finding more of them.Please help me find others that were released along with this one, and tell me about them. Can you also tell me a little about the observatory itself, please?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://earthsky.org/upl/2023/09/Chandra-galactic-center-e1694949480823-768x432.jpg"]} {"id": "9d9985b4-50dd-45a8-91cb-b5fb8f95e9d3", "prompt": "Can you show me some yoga poses I can do to relieve stress?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "489cf4f2-7610-417e-b16b-5a21ab789004", "prompt": "I love this sweater but don't love what it does after a few washes!Can you help me bring my sweater back to life, and please include some photos for reference.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://blankshirts.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/blog/images/content/tw/pilling.jpg"]} {"id": "947fad3a-4964-4377-84b3-faf56e411094", "prompt": "My son's baseball team is having a big fundraiser where each family has to make a themed gift basket. We were given the theme of \"Movie Night\" for ours. Can you make a list of possible items I could put in our basket? Also, show me a few photos of other \"Movie Night\" gift baskets that I can use as inspiration to see what I might want to make mine look like.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "bf1defe3-1e20-4c4f-99cf-a6672368fb67", "prompt": "I'm putting together a bridal bouquet for a friend by using wild-flowers from their favourite park. Could you show me something I could use to tie the bouquet together?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a57fb861-c806-4745-be7c-37db788d0101", "prompt": "Take a look at these items I found in my kitchen:Can you tell me what they are, and also a couple of simple recipes that use them? Include a photo of what each dish should look like when it's finished.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2013/06/ginger-80e324d-scaled.jpg?resize=768,574", "https://www.acouplecooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Butternut-Squash-001.jpg"]} {"id": "11dc80cb-4643-4686-8694-d5d1fc47af20", "prompt": "I scored an old roll top desk at a rummage sale!! It's going to fit perfectly in my entryway but it's in rough shape. My house is Scandinavian minimalist style, so it's gonna be a complete overhaul and I don't do very much DIYing so I need clear instructions! This might be a terrible idea .... can you show me a redone roll top before I start?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ca426fdd-270e-4d9a-890b-92f95bdadd4a", "prompt": "Based on the images provided, can you reveal three alternative color schemes for this specific shoe design, showcasing a fresh palette of hues that would give the shoe a distinctive and stylish makeover?", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://sneakerbardetroit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Air-Jordan-11-Retro-Bred-2012-3.jpg", "https://cdn.flightclub.com/TEMPLATE/011514/3.jpg"]} {"id": "579a3541-0c5b-4e56-b34c-06ac11f56936", "prompt": "What tanks are these? I think they were used in the second world war. Please show me similar tanks as well and tell me a bit about them.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://i.ibb.co/61D7JZ3/Panzerkampfwagen-I-Ausf-A.jpg", "https://i.ibb.co/K5qsyqF/Panzer-II.jpg"]} {"id": "a684114d-3708-4ccf-816e-d787010d0086", "prompt": "I found a few chess pieces in a drawer, here are some photos of them:Can you please show me the set that they come from, and how I can get the rest of the pieces?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.houseofstaunton.com/media/catalog/product/cache/ca50fc7206f68fbd0415c919ff5f73c8/m/e/menwklr45-vin__08.jpg", "https://www.houseofstaunton.com/media/catalog/product/cache/ca50fc7206f68fbd0415c919ff5f73c8/m/e/menwbdr44-vin__09.jpg"]} {"id": "3d1ccb22-290f-4829-ad9f-a263ef62f243", "prompt": "I have this screw:Can I use this screwdriver?If not, show me what I will need.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://www.stakefastener.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/3-9.jpeg", "https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/FYGBBQj207L0DY09xf00eRXzoaw=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/GettyImages-1128194474-74d92d33fed849789ef49db938be7783.jpg"]} {"id": "636db5c5-0651-4dc1-9cd9-012eccc72990", "prompt": "Show me pics of Link in all of the Zelda games in the outfit the game starts with.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d5686d93-c827-400f-88b1-6d23c1873887", "prompt": "I'd like to start doing small workouts at home. Could you please show me three easy-to-use pieces of equipment I should buy to get started? My budget is around \u00a340. I'd like to incorporate Pilates and Yoga, as well as exercises like squats and cardio routines.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5f794de6-5c40-47a6-a075-6e54cfb40c38", "prompt": "What does a meningitis rash look like? What are the other symptoms I should be on the lookout for? ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0be200dd-245f-4355-a91d-19fd571e8481", "prompt": "I love this use of wallpaper:Can I see some more examples of wallpaper used this way? I prefer a darker, moodier vibe over something light.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://i.shelterness.com/2022/08/a-beautiful-blue-home-office-with-a-wallpaper-ceiling-a-blue-storage-unit-with-shelves-a-stained-desk-and-a-navy-sofa.jpg", "https://i.shelterness.com/2022/08/a-catchy-bathroom-with-dark-wallpaper-on-the-walls-and-ceiling-white-subway-tiles-and-a-tub-a-free-standing-sink-and-some-art.jpg"]} {"id": "6df35586-91b2-4a87-a7ad-30f0f7da6603", "prompt": "I am contributing to an American art photo picture book, and I have only come up with 3 photos so far. I need 6. Can you make a few suggestions?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b408564f-ce6b-442a-ab68-4e8dae6df4fb", "prompt": "I found this weird thing in my basement, see here:What is it? What is it used for? If it's cool, I'd love to see examples of how it's used.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://buyletterpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/letterpress-starter-kit_2.jpg"]} {"id": "b963de4c-85f5-4d98-9f24-1e16432f4aa3", "prompt": "I want to create photos like this:Although, these are similar, they look slightly different. Are there different types of this photography style? Tell me about them and give me some helpful tips. Include more photos, so I can see how they are different.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/My-most-popular-pic-since-I-started-dog-photography-5a0b39dae9c95__880.jpg", "https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/My-most-popular-pic-since-I-started-dog-photography-5a0b38cbd5e1e__880.jpg"]} {"id": "9b705b31-8220-40bc-83b6-136b68cd8e25", "prompt": "Someone told me that the Japanese occupied Bali during World War II. Is this true? If so, could you show me images of any remaining evidence of this occupation on the land?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7431b555-3068-4da6-8a18-e97c9d1b2fdf", "prompt": "I'm designing a terraced garden that will measure 10 feet by 10 feet and have three different levels upon completion. It will be in full sun for most of the day. Could you please recommend plants and flowers of varying heights and colors and design an aesthetically pleasing layout? Perennials and annuals are acceptable. I'm looking for color, vibrancy, variety in height, and variety in shape. Please include a bulleted list of plants so that I can easily shop for them, as well as a diagram with plants labeled in their locations so that I can correctly plant them.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f0679f10-e48b-43b8-980f-e0373af8b086", "prompt": "Please show me floral design concepts that feature a combination of these.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/roses.jpg?resize=770%2C513&quality=80", "https://www.kolster.nl/images/catalogus/gypsophila_million_clouds_-_m_detail.jpg"]} {"id": "98ef9950-4aa9-46d9-bf61-7642a34c04d0", "prompt": "Can you make a chart comparing the size of modern-day tree sloths with different species of extinct ground sloths? ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1018595b-d068-45a2-a487-7067a52833a7", "prompt": "What if you could cross a platypus with an otter? What would its main features/characteristics be? Draw me what you think that could look like.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "00e083fc-b4fa-408b-9097-eee32c3e1b9e", "prompt": "I'm on a weekend trip to Lambay Island, and I've been having a great time birdwatching. \n\nI keep seeing this bird around the island. Can you tell me what it is, and show some other wildlife I should be on the lookout for while here?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a2/Ringed_plover_%28Charadrius_hiaticula%29_juvenile.jpg/1600px-Ringed_plover_%28Charadrius_hiaticula%29_juvenile.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/Ringedplovjuly2008.jpg/718px-Ringedplovjuly2008.jpg"]} {"id": "71e30c6c-9d5e-4205-82c2-1edf2dc08a49", "prompt": "I found this bug in my daughter's hair. Here is an image of it in her hair.Here is an image of it once we got it out.What kind of bug is this? Should I be worried that it was stuck on her scalp? Please show me pictures of the bug, so I can compare. Also, is there a right way to remove them? It was difficult to do.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://assets.elanco.com/8e0bf1c2-1ae4-001f-9257-f2be3c683fb1/f6859221-2626-4ea2-a0cb-7d7628c53e17/exposed-tick-feeding-on-dog.jpeg.jpg?w=3840&q=75&auto=format", "https://www.oakleafclinics.com/webfiles/fnitools/albums/news/huge/AD3C971B.jpg"]} {"id": "d2a43865-b629-4693-a65d-36e57523a1b2", "prompt": "I've received an invitation to a wedding in Austin, Texas, and the dress code is listed as 'Texas Formal', which has me stumped! Could you kindly provide a visual example of what this style entails, along with a brief description, so I can ensure I dress appropriately for the occasion?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "db162b06-55c7-4858-a49a-93cd77ca0452", "prompt": "I found these flowers outside:I'm hoping to use local wildflowers to decorate my daughter's wedding cake. Please identify them and let me know if they're safe to use around food. If they aren't, show me some alternatives I can use. Thanks!", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.kitchengardenseeds.com/media/catalog/product/cache/e6f8f2a0bfcd2d0ba57679670403adfa/i/m/img_1912-w.jpg", "https://www.kitchengardenseeds.com/media/catalog/product/cache/e6f8f2a0bfcd2d0ba57679670403adfa/d/s/dscf2782-w.jpg"]} {"id": "640cffce-dc6f-4877-af70-8be196a748a2", "prompt": "I'm curious about ancient Roman theaters for my history project. could you explain how they evolved in the beginning up to the Imperial era? Pics or drawings of the styles would be great, especially if you can point out any notable architecture.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1b3b09bd-2886-4057-93fd-3142d2b7aa58", "prompt": "What should I do if I see these lights? Show me pictures of what to do.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://img.officer.com/files/base/cygnus/ofcr/image/2020/03/blue_lights_youtube.5e5e49673218a.png?auto=format,compress&w=500&h=281&cache=0.48844014942549996&fit=clip"]} {"id": "3c90942b-3a60-4507-93e2-17b6524533b2", "prompt": "I have a lot of baseball memorabilia from games I have gone to over the years and things I have collected from my baseball-related travels. Can you show me some creative ways to display them? Right now it's just all in a shoebox but I'd like to frame it or do something like a shadowbox or similar type of baseball-themed display. Show me a few samples so I can get some inspiration.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "48404e2d-181f-4bae-bcaa-05c91fbf7a4f", "prompt": "I need to redesign my bathroom. The dimensions are 8 feet by 10 feet and I have no budget. There are no windows and I\u2019d like to create a modern look. Give me a visual idea for what I could do.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a9c143a9-9247-4902-a549-e31ead33efb1", "prompt": "This is my cat. She has strange eyes, that look like this.But this is her sister, whose eyes look normal.Can you explain what the condition is, and why her sister doesn't have the same eyes, in a way that is easy for my 10-year-old to understand? Also, include some information/ images of other animals with the same condition, as she is genuinely interested in this.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/Domani_odd_eyes.JPG/640px-Domani_odd_eyes.JPG", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/Angel_Cat_%282016%3B_cropped_2023%29.jpg/640px-Angel_Cat_%282016%3B_cropped_2023%29.jpg"]} {"id": "b62a158f-6b43-4bb4-80a1-54c15308b443", "prompt": "I would like to wear my hair in a braided style for my upcoming wedding, using either double braids like the ones in the first image or a single braid like in the second one:What are they called? Can I get some examples of different interesting and elegant braided styles using this type of braid, so I can show them to my stylist for inspiration?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://kidshairplay.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Double-Dutch-Braids-600x400.png", "https://www.instyle.com/thmb/Cl-DCjmTfSwc1492u8AbQpWY9yI=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/french-braid-6-195ffe1b73ff471296e1344059d08ef0.jpg"]} {"id": "801ab8cd-f367-45ef-9c6e-ad75c55462f3", "prompt": "Can you please me how these two items are related?Please add pictures as well if they're relevant.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.blueribbonsupply.com/woeimages/00606075.png", "https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2021/03/Bowl-of-white-rice-db42d1f.jpg"]} {"id": "1d232e00-70e6-416c-9180-92592fa9c032", "prompt": "If a river flows east to west and then bends right, turns right at a right angle 2 times and then goes around a small village in a semi-circle, what direction is the river finally flowing? Can you show me a diagram of the river and label each part I mentioned?", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e7967c9e-1d07-48ac-9566-c76d76245038", "prompt": "I'm starting a vintage cigarette and cigar case collection. These are the two I have so far:Can you show me a few more examples of cases like these and give me some tips on how I can find unique ones for my collection?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://a.1stdibscdn.com/antique-yellow-gold-plated-silver-cigarette-case-art-nouveau-style-flower-unisex-for-sale/j_20322/j_137843821635948820697/j_13784382_1635948820951_bg_processed.jpg?width=768", "https://www.bewild.com/cdn/shop/products/antique-brass-paisley-cigarette-case-king-size-cigarettes-31.jpg?v=1523188615"]} {"id": "8aaa96d5-d70c-4523-a1de-0b5313a9dbfc", "prompt": "Can you show me step-by-step instructions on how to hem both a dress and a pair of pants?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "36764581-2032-40eb-8a88-55bfabf4e929", "prompt": "I have these flower gardens. I'd like to plant more that are similar. Please show me similar flower options and tell me how to properly care for them.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.epicgardening.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Yellow-Perennials.jpg", "https://www.epicgardening.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Achillea.jpg"]} {"id": "3ab98999-8d91-4252-b890-239ca6f12b1a", "prompt": "Is this what a flash flood looks like?Please explain flash flooding to me, including relevant images.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/Ngp7Q.R7o580YmxWSifsZw--~B/aD0xNDMxO3c9MTQzMTtzbT0xO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/ap_webfeeds/04e9e4b2cb5c331e3d0f6a706700151c.jpg"]} {"id": "87e31344-789c-4899-b6a7-9f2faca20dca", "prompt": "I need a guide on making an origami crane. Provide images to help me understand how to do it. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "febdb1a7-26ad-47c9-a1aa-70c6bfc868de", "prompt": "Would these two go well together?Please show me some similar combinations.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_4a5c2f7c-5aab-457c-8e53-7ab849404ac0?wid=1200&hei=1200&qlt=80&fmt=webp", "https://www.jumperfabriken.com/pub_images/original/Sarita_black_F.jpg?extend=copy&width=1400&method=crop&height=1680&type=webp×tamp=1611918447"]} {"id": "0013d366-312a-4a95-8c2f-b7d400f6b337", "prompt": "I'm writing a whimsical story about a bunny named Burrows and a standard poodle named Ruby, two characters that become the best of friends despite the odds being initially stacked against them. I want the illustrations to convey a sense of movement. I'm thinking I'd like to mostly use neutral tones with occasional pops of intense color to highlight important turning points in the story. Can you help me mock up some illustrations? ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e20c52a4-4d19-4117-b00f-a51715d28c4e", "prompt": "I want to build a home gym and I only have two things so far. The first thing is this set of dumbbells:The second thing is this pull-up bar that I haven\u2019t installed yet:I have about $1,000 to spend, but I don\u2019t know what to get. Can you recommend some equipment that will be the most useful for many different types of strength training exercises?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://magmafitness.ca/cdn/shop/products/10LB-Black-Pair.jpg?v=1621363741&width=1260", "https://everlast.ca/cdn/shop/products/lfgqmllwy58uylzlzbrg_1024x1024.jpg?v=1646843180"]} {"id": "adfc0635-d82b-4169-9598-539cbcded2c2", "prompt": "I found a box buried underground in the backyard. It's wood, but all of the structure is brass. On top, there are words in an unknown language written from right to left. I'm afraid to open it. Can you show me similar images to this description to help me determine what this box could be?", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e58cb068-4849-459f-8584-83f3b788e02c", "prompt": "I need help coming up with decorations for a sweet 16. It is for my niece who loves Taylor Swift and gaming---particularly Roblox and Fortnite. How can I incorporate all of her interests together? Show me some creative and unique ideas.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e1fc8fb5-0673-4810-a0de-12be035d594c", "prompt": "I like this men's shoe:Please show me similar designs in other colors.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://asset.deichmann.com/images/f_auto,q_80,d_fallback.png/b_rgb:f8f8f8,c_pad,w_545,h_727/00002152485_1/am-shoe-sneaker-blanco-21096-1"]} {"id": "af5b7bc3-9f2d-49ea-8a57-c50e4aa86522", "prompt": "I make jewelry, small trinkets, and candles to sell at the local farmer's market, and want to revamp my business image so I can draw more customers to my stall. Could you help me make some attention-grabbing signs and taglines? Come up with 3 options that include the name of my business, \"Happy's Fun Stuff\", along with a catchy saying for each with no more than 10 words. Keep in mind that my business has a rustic farm vibe, so make sure to reflect that in each design with a cohesive color theme, a distinct lettering style, and 2-3 small details such as small flowers, bees, and other small creatures or items. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0608243c-80e8-45f1-9add-d8c2e4ea5f3c", "prompt": "I am working on a DIY project where I am building a bench. Can you share a list of basic tools I will need to build it? Provide this in a numbered list format along with some visual aids. Order the list by tool size as well, from smallest to largest.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1eeb54ba-74e7-458d-be03-370d0060c419", "prompt": "I'm trying to find out what the Northern Lights really look like. All I see in books is green wavy light in the night sky. Can you show me different, accurate versions of the Northern Lights without any embellishments? ", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2607bdf9-3c51-486a-b2e4-f844b49381bd", "prompt": "I'm doing a cooking and cleaning blog, and I need an image of how a random food is produced.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "56dbd864-2739-43ac-aee2-b9b2d85ed346", "prompt": "Write a travel blog article about old mining towns around Sacramento. 300 words. Include photos.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "48052f37-9b0c-4e14-8892-a78043f1b9c1", "prompt": "Besides these two options, which I would like to identify, what else is out there that I can buy as a set to store my food? Please include images and a brief description.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.realsimple.com/thmb/iuRBh7arRy1q7wP_Eu8Da43KdA4=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/fullstar-10-pack-food-storage-containers-727511f28de647c9b03a1bbb6c32cb05.jpg", "https://www.realsimple.com/thmb/hflusqDq_EKsZawPVtWM34rAG80=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/praki-airtight-food-storage-container-set-a1c01be5956e438bae38dbdade8b8944.jpg"]} {"id": "02621d1a-bba3-4048-a873-40b0346f56f1", "prompt": "Show me what this is used for and tell me a bit about it.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://static.independent.co.uk/2023/06/21/18/8c2280d5b669239a2331a2e298aaa82cY29udGVudHNlYXJjaGFwaSwxNjg3NDUwODg5-2.72696413.jpg"]} {"id": "26f943fe-bab5-465e-b9a6-d08f4d171e74", "prompt": "I want to try to grow an avocado tree in a container. What is the smallest size container that I can use? Can you show me what an avocado tree in various-sized containers looks like?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a523e88f-e5e9-4178-bd92-be87633c9ee2", "prompt": "I'm quite the coffee snob, but I've found that I'm spending far too much on buying coffee each week. I'm happy to invest in equipment if it will save me money long term. This is the kind of coffee I would like to make:Show me what I need to do to make this happen.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.lux-review.com/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Coffee.jpg.webp"]} {"id": "e4a907d3-80b5-41c7-b2e1-047850853f2d", "prompt": "What if cars were hovercrafts? What would our roads and city infrastructures look like? Could you draw an example of a city designed for hovercrafts and explain what would be different?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7f95146e-ffd8-4a02-8c4e-5c147a015bef", "prompt": "Imagine that Ford is desperately clinging at cultural relevance and, in a bid to regain market share, they decide to release an updated Model T for the 2030 model year. Show me a picture of what that would look like.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7b8a977b-f93f-44c3-b275-372f747017f1", "prompt": "I am cooking a whole chicken for the first time. How do you cut it up to serve it? Which parts do you need to take out and throw away? Show me a diagram of how to cut it up and photos of the cuts of meat I should be left with.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2b4941d8-dcba-4ac2-82b1-4767e0fe8095", "prompt": "Instead of going to the barbershop, I want to trim my hair at home. Can you give me some step-by-step instructions on how to cut my hair and provide some images for guidance? Provide the instructions in numbered list format and be sure to provide an image for each step for clarity.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "160a086e-3ce8-408f-9522-d01c7be9de27", "prompt": "How big is the Earth compared to other planets in our solar system? How big is our solar system compared to the rest of space? Please show me accurate size comparisons so I can really visualize it, comparing the size differences in terms of things we know (like we are to the sun as x is to us or something). Does this make sense? I'm really trying to understand the vastness of it all. It is blowing my mind.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c4481447-fb91-4548-83c7-c680069c68cd", "prompt": "What might humans look like if they lived underground and adapted to life below the earth's surface?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b2fc5331-92ae-4a7e-a902-efeaa9ba54a5", "prompt": "My great-grandmother willed me these really old coins.I want to know more about them. Can you identify these and show me some similar coins for comparison? What were they typically used for?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.baldwin.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/C201005032-3-20200514103940.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Zebinas.jpg"]} {"id": "b9b10610-1801-49a5-8c52-b968d51e14b6", "prompt": "I'm babysitting my six-year-old niece over Easter this year, and would like to find an activity for us to do together. Can you recommend an Easter-theme DIY project to keep us occupied? Please include a few images of the steps involved.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1d26482c-550a-40d9-8020-4b2babe6edae", "prompt": "It is about time for us to replace this. Our little guy has grown up, and we need something bigger. Can you show me a few different options for us,", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://i0.wp.com/rntlovingpaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/thisOldDoghouse.jpg?resize=900%2C400&ssl=1"]} {"id": "b854ccd0-06b3-4f99-a2b1-fb2d4c7a2309", "prompt": "I'm looking for an image of a dessert but I'm not sure if it exists. Can you please create an image based on my description?\r\n\r\nThe treat is a honey mochi ball with a fruit jam filling inside. Please show me what it would look like on a plate and also show me an image of the treat cut in half. Lastly, describe the treat and give me a recipe.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e02eb3bd-2c51-496e-9937-99fef0ef8b86", "prompt": "I'm a single mom. My son needs to wear a tie for a dance at school, but I don't know how to tie it for him. Can you show me step-by-step with very easy, detailed pictures and explanations, how to tie a necktie in a half-Windsor knot?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "af96263d-b089-4610-8c37-49ba0a32d78d", "prompt": "I recently just got a bunny! She's about 15 lbs and is on the larger size. I want to design her a cool cage with a small running area. Can you create an initial design for inspiration?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a2a5a857-6673-4eaa-a407-9ac5673e89be", "prompt": "Please show the basic anatomy of a palm tree. Be sure to label the frond. In the caption, make sure that the etymology of the word frond is explained in detail.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e19de14c-1d13-4a85-ae2f-77848c43e405", "prompt": "I've found this damage in my home. What do you think it is, and what can I do about it?Please include images to better help me determine the cause of the issue.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://www.palmettoexterminators.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/1/2023/05/shutterstock_1571409322.jpg"]} {"id": "77e723d5-a8e3-4e50-874b-e9c9e4092d3e", "prompt": "I'm absolutely stumped on what to get my 9-year-old son for Christmas. He doesn't make a list and I can't come up with anything. Can you show me some popular toys for 9-year-old boys and give me a brief description of each?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f63da01f-d57b-4c48-a222-227157a062ea", "prompt": "Create a blog post about the differences between Grey's Anatomy and ER. Include the similarities and how Grey's drew on ER's episodes. Include pictures of the key cast members from both shows. ", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "77ebfe33-27ae-4080-bf4c-a0a3c02108ea", "prompt": "What would a child of Donkey and Dragon from Shrek look like? Explain your creative choices. ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "34050079-ca90-46b7-8e9e-8d604e010563", "prompt": "I want to paint my nails for my work Christmas party and I want them to be unique looking. What type of nail polish or nail tools should I use? Can you find me some images of unique nail designs that are festive for Christmas?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "05d6c39c-b8ec-4dae-998a-99ebe7619eb8", "prompt": "I keep seeing these egg sacs under leaves in my garden and these bugs on my plants. What are they? Show me what they grow into.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://ucanr.edu/blogs/dirt/blogfiles/27772.jpg", "https://www.animalspot.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Ladybug-Larvae.jpg"]} {"id": "d93561c7-bf37-4542-a5f3-54596ec6c145", "prompt": "My son wants to make a robot out of cardboard. Give me instructions that a five-year-old can understand. Use visuals because he's a visual learner. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "713d914d-2dfa-4b57-9c6d-883b7e0800c0", "prompt": "Create a fictional story about a group of reindeer that must take over Santa Claus' route when he accidentally falls asleep. Provide some illustrations to show how the reindeer were able to get in the houses and deliver the presents without Santa's help. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3d5b9dd8-df9d-423c-a033-e1d2c0755482", "prompt": "My mum told me these plants are orchids and will grow into yellow or white.Can you please confirm these are orchids and show me what they will look like when they flower? I prefer photographs, if at all possible.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://shop.countryjoesnursery.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/6in-Vanilla-Orchid-Totem.jpg", "https://www.gabriellaplants.com/cdn/shop/files/gabriella-plants-vanilla-planifolia-albo-variegata-3-39904578633973.jpg"]} {"id": "3e9dc40f-e338-44f3-ae23-03fd1c792298", "prompt": "I'm learning about different art styles through history, specifically Impressionism, Surrealism, Photorealism, and Art Nouveau. Please help me compare and contrast them by showing me how each style differs from the other and what unique characteristics they have.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "70c3b28f-a204-4194-8aad-1d2c1089177f", "prompt": "My daughter has really long hair and wants me to French braid it, but I can't figure out how. Can you provide instructions and step-by-step pictures (either photos or drawings) of exactly what I need to do to French braid?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ba365f1b-a189-4022-a419-2a05f6f9e27a", "prompt": "Can you show me who created the atomic bomb and tell me when?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4c91a4b8-dbd1-4213-b6eb-59e5d143fe14", "prompt": "Please show me how the British Empire changed throughout the 20th century. Please also include details about why each of these changes happened.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "dd21e2f4-e8ae-4494-8b3b-5e87c53662fc", "prompt": "Can you please show me three other fruits or vegetables that have the same hue as this particular vegetable? I'd love to explore more options that share a similar color, so I can reap the health benefits.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://bivianodirect.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/products-2C5B1872-D29F-41B1-9078-1E167219F55B.jpg"]} {"id": "1103a031-fd51-40dd-947d-78f476525596", "prompt": "My aunt says she thinks I may have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome because it runs in the family so can you show me pictures of people with EDS who might have stretchy skin or who hyperextend their joints and tell me more about it?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5e30f533-1e02-41fc-b5ba-41e0a3084d65", "prompt": "I'd like to see some images of what the pyramids would have looked like while in progress. Please also explain to me how the pyramids were built.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3ff9be7e-cc84-4306-a4fa-f87838230b62", "prompt": "I need to cut back a very old rose bush. When is the best time to do that? can you show me how much should I prune and which size branches should I cut? ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a8f42773-9abe-4f2b-94e6-1a935ea8884e", "prompt": "I want to celebrate my one-year anniversary with my girlfriend (I am a male). As a gift, I intend to get these, in the following picture, engraved with the date we started dating.I'm also planning on setting up a date to enjoy something like this:What would you suggest I wear to an event like this? Can you provide some images to match the suggestions? Also, when should I give her the gift?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://theweddingavenue.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/commitment-rings.jpeg", "https://images.squaremeal.co.uk/cloud/article/9268/images/oxo-asian-afternoon-tea_16012020025957.JPG"]} {"id": "9a0b316b-24d3-4b87-93d9-745806be82e7", "prompt": "Can you write me a short paragraph to put my mind at ease and include an image to soothe me?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "64dfb451-50fb-4e16-ba92-5d48b5288eaf", "prompt": "I build a lot of Lego towers with my son during the day while we are home together, but I'm getting bored with just going straight up every time. Can you show me some cool things I can make with Duplo Legos?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "80afe006-001f-451e-8336-f3be1b384d85", "prompt": "I need you to get me the full wiring diagram for a 1972 Ford Bronco 4.7L V8 3MT AWD (150 HP). I need all the pages of the entire diagram. Also, give me some suggestions on where to get a replacement wiring harness and where to start replacing the wiring first to avoid making things more complicated.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "30b92481-194c-49b1-8e0f-9b3d3164a87d", "prompt": "Show me images of the original corn, broccoli, and carrot plants compared with the versions that we eat today. Why do they look so different? ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f4d82787-7682-4a41-8928-fe134679334d", "prompt": "I'm confused if I have a widow's peak or a double widow's peak. Please provide photos of the two and point out the differences. ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9784c532-00ef-454f-a2ba-c5ea0ac0c920", "prompt": "What would it look like if I bred a Maine Coone with a Sphynx cat?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0ac44797-fff5-4f58-bf66-86c0973bccf9", "prompt": "I've always admired people with a great sense of style, but I feel uncertain about my own fashion choices. Friends have hinted that I could use some improvement. Can you provide visual suggestions or examples to help me upgrade my wardrobe and develop a more confident and stylish look? I am most trying to go for the preppy type of style. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "bb9c8d8b-b977-42b6-a602-abf9d6a5738c", "prompt": "I am learning BSL and have a vague idea of how to say thank you but I was wondering if you could give me some images that show how to introduce myself as well as say goodbye. Could you then show me how it would be said in ASL as I would like to compare the two.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c3831950-789f-449e-bf6f-9f36f3a80adb", "prompt": "Can you please show me an image of this structure that is more recent than the picture shown below?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Looking_N_at_Arlington_Memorial_Amphitheater_under_construction_-_spring_1917.jpg"]} {"id": "60482012-874f-4850-8ae9-ffe957c81d5b", "prompt": "I was hiking at a state park with my friend, and we noticed something off the trail. Here is a picture of it:We decided to take a look, and this is what was inside:A bunch of random trinkets and paper to sign.\nIs this some sort of new trend? Can you tell me what exactly this is and show a few examples of what else they could look like?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/Geocache_near_%C5%A0pilberk_Castle.jpg/1600px-Geocache_near_%C5%A0pilberk_Castle.jpg?20081002142729", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/Opened_regular_geocache_in_Usti_nad_Labem.JPG/1600px-Opened_regular_geocache_in_Usti_nad_Labem.JPG?20100425194145"]} {"id": "cb2a9cd4-558e-400d-9c92-62442767c6a2", "prompt": "Show me a toothbrush that is just at the point when you should throw it away and start a new one.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "45b9e648-dd81-4eeb-a70e-69eaf8c9422a", "prompt": "I would like to plant a hummingbird garden and I would like to plant these flowers:Will these flowers attract hummingbirds? Can you recommend any other plants to add to my garden? Please include images, so I'll be able to spot them at the local garden center.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.nps.gov/frla/learn/nature/images/Catawba-rhododendronBloom.jpg", "https://www.bhg.com/thmb/zMXqKlxaSi2XdsnXXXNb23zxdYY=/1244x0/filters:no_upscale():strip_icc()/delphinium-blue-bird-garden-c1d30344-08871c2114334935a8d54385b7fe67ed.jpg"]} {"id": "a86b3532-722b-469a-adf5-1c8f8f1c69c3", "prompt": "What type / class of suite is this and what cruise line is it on? Also, are there other pictures of it? If I decide I'm interested, how would I book it?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/16/47/82/e9/royal-suite.jpg"]} {"id": "c779b8c8-acd9-4e4a-8cab-905aaf1add2b", "prompt": "What are the dishes in the images below, and what cuisine do they belong to? What are other dishes of the same cuisine, and what do they look like?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/Shrimp_dumplings.jpg", "https://cdn.sanity.io/images/2r0kdewr/production/38ca5191847cd96ee446543ca77607be99d7b51a-3788x2131.jpg"]} {"id": "9f231669-ad22-4ddf-92c4-9dbdc40376d1", "prompt": "Show me the geographical features of Africa - is it as diverse as I'm told it is? I naively thought it all looked like this!", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://answersafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/The-Namib.jpg"]} {"id": "f054469d-15ca-4fde-8bfb-6a0bd5258e1f", "prompt": "I regularly get my nails done, but am tired of all the typical nail art designs. Show me a more unique alternative to popular nail art.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "13d62341-4609-42af-8cc3-207cfcd750e7", "prompt": "My husband thinks he might want to get some sort of boat for fishing. It has to be between 16 and 22 feet, have an outboard motor, and be able to be used for fishing. Can you show me a couple of different boats that meet this criterion and tell me the basic info on each (length, make, model, style, etc.)?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6e5f78e3-a0de-4fa2-8ba3-b1be4fb5e27f", "prompt": "What would Leonardo da Vinci's \"Revolving Boat\" invention look like if it were created in a real-life setting to his exact specifications?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "afa041b3-94a7-47a5-a7c4-4d5f64782c0d", "prompt": "Write a short comedic story for my son about a young boy who finds a dragon egg and nurses it until it hatches and include cartoon images to keep him engaged.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b2f6cd27-2b37-45d7-a2df-3751bd684c60", "prompt": "I'm writing a blog about the role of tails in animal behavior and communication. So far, I have images and info about white tail deer with its tail raised, and an arctic fox curled up with its tail. Can you tell me more about these behaviors and show me other ways animals use their tails for survival or social interaction?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/39/White-tailed_deer%2C_tail_up.jpg/800px-White-tailed_deer%2C_tail_up.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e2/Alopex_lagopus_IMG_9019.JPG/800px-Alopex_lagopus_IMG_9019.JPG"]} {"id": "ef50003f-affd-4e53-844b-c3e6b91105e9", "prompt": "Please create the perfect cheese board with exotic cheeses from around the world. Do not limit the source of the cheeses to only cows. Include an generated photo and a text caption for each of the cheeses which include: their name, place and animal of origin, taste, and wine pairing.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6a754bfe-3928-4d47-aac9-aad60af6459e", "prompt": "Can you identify the creature in the image below, and share photos and information about other species in its habitat?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/8eghddLneoBrRYwcG7Wkxi-1200-80.jpg"]} {"id": "7cd4ca9a-b84d-4866-9fd4-58d9e4bf0281", "prompt": "I've gone through these 2 stages in the pizza making process, but I don't know what 2 are next. Please show me.I really want to make this for my family.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://food.fnr.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/fullset/2011/3/2/2/HT_pizza-dough-step-3_s4x3.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.1280.960.suffix/1371595629368.jpeg", "https://food.fnr.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/fullset/2011/3/2/1/HT_pizza-dough-step-6_s4x3.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.1280.960.suffix/1371595627901.jpeg"]} {"id": "15a9dfca-2f79-495a-b563-fe36282c05e5", "prompt": "Show me a map of the world if all of the glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere were to melt by 40%.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6f2f605e-2b69-4b98-ab43-e349fa0c1bfd", "prompt": "I'd love nothing more than to wake up on a Saturday morning to a breakfast that looks like this:Show me how to make mine look so good.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://handletheheat.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/The-Best-Pancake-Recipe-SQUARE.jpg"]} {"id": "a5114384-4650-4b88-9fca-664bedd9e08b", "prompt": "I need some ideas for a new video game my team and I are creating. Please give me some images of a wizard that has the ability to turn back time accompanied by a detailed description of the scene. Let's be creative together and get this done! ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "edc85e8b-fcd4-41c6-a5c0-a358c5a4d318", "prompt": "What kind of goat do you think is pictured below, and can their horns grow to be bigger than what is shown? Please show an example.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/Walliser_Schwarzhalsziege%2C_Belalp_2014.jpg/2560px-Walliser_Schwarzhalsziege%2C_Belalp_2014.jpg"]} {"id": "51e1c604-62df-424c-93ad-63039426f30c", "prompt": "I need to groom my dog and always struggle with her paws. She's a golden retriever and has a lot of fur on the bottom of her feet. Can you explain to me how to trim the fur? Can you also show me an image of the quick both a light-colored and a dark-colored claw? She has a combination of both and I don't want to cut the quick.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e4503c17-0cf3-4d5b-bc9d-14c405fff8a3", "prompt": "Show me a map of what Mars might look like in 200 years, assuming humans have inhabited and built heavily on it.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7798b800-a6fc-4ae7-bf76-b7461134b947", "prompt": "I'm craving a refreshing drink with this ingredient. Please share a picture of the finished drink, so I can imagine the flavors and textures.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://pngimg.com/uploads/lemon/lemon_PNG25200.png"]} {"id": "c7a90375-e48a-4c34-a827-c70f49f52f02", "prompt": "What are some snacks I can bring with me if I plan to be in one of these for two days straight?I need a few different options. Can you also show me how I can pack them?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.bridgecu.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/iStock_000044769502_Large.jpg"]} {"id": "d194afa1-ad01-4ae5-84c0-d8e341cd99c7", "prompt": "Please write me an article about tanzanite, for a geology blog I own, and include some images like this one.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://image.brilliantearth.com/media/product_images/2C/TZTN7.0RD3_top.jpg"]} {"id": "5f375488-6202-4201-aab1-fb894ab5070a", "prompt": "I recently bought one of these:I usually see people use them to make things like roast, chicken, and beef stew. However, I'm trying out a plant-based diet and wanted to use it for my meal prep. I'll be shopping farmer's markets and filling my refrigerator with a colorful array of produce, like this:Could you give show me some ideas of things that I can cook, along with some details about the nutritional value.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.southernliving.com/thmb/CsKz9kZYAfv9qOaugnert-7ovIY=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/slv-mini-slow-cooker-test-brentwood-1-5-quart-white-jaclyn-mastropasqua-01-1641a5bf346d401ca58a00ee5980779d.jpeg", "https://mediaproxy.salon.com/width/1200/https://media2.salon.com/2021/08/farmers-market-produce-0812211.jpg"]} {"id": "1146dda7-4fe7-49b9-b872-a693190a6ea3", "prompt": "My friend just showed me these two images of a crazy building in Las Vegas! Apparently, the whole thing is made of LEDs. Look at this picture where they have it designed as a human eyeball:I still can't get over how realistic it looked when they made it look like Earth:What is the purpose of this building? How much did it cost? Please include some more pictures of both the exterior and interior.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://imagedelivery.net/wKQ19LTSBT0ARz08tkssqQ/www.courthousenews.com/2023/07/sphere-4.jpg/w=1880", "https://www.livemint.com/lm-img/img/2023/07/09/600x338/MSGSphere_1688916668427_1688916668618.jpg"]} {"id": "4da12c70-d2dd-41b6-a061-fc302e8df620", "prompt": "Please write me an article about the history of Chinese shoe design, and include some images such as these.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc2MjYyOTQ2NjE0MjI0MDQ1/chinese-shoes.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/18/Chinese_Ladies_Footbinding_Shoes_QM_r.jpg"]} {"id": "72e22427-aa9f-4080-beb7-ea687cde07f9", "prompt": "These two flags are super similar! Can you show me another example of countries that have similar flags?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/pictures/340000/velka/flag-of-new-zealand-1588675702C8A.jpg", "https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/pictures/230000/velka/australia-flag.jpg"]} {"id": "3bb3edc5-83aa-41c8-92ca-4f9a7f6e5698", "prompt": "what are some good design ideas for a simple gingerbread house from scratch that a 3rd grader can do? show me a few examples. Also list the best candies to use for a gingerbread house. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "079728b6-e86c-4101-9b56-b23c69894d01", "prompt": "What sort of cuisine do the images below belong to, and what's the name of each dish? What are a few other dishes of the same cuisine, and what do they look like?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/Lebanese_style_hummus.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/57/Falafels_2.jpg/1200px-Falafels_2.jpg"]} {"id": "b95a411f-ef7d-4047-b65b-a292d7960f1a", "prompt": "What are some of the most well-known Australian fighter jets? Please include photos that have this vibe in your response:", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/61/F-35A_flight_%28cropped%29.jpg", "https://d1ldvf68ux039x.cloudfront.net/thumbs/photos/1305/935698/1000w_q95.jpg"]} {"id": "019fcf9f-59f9-4ae9-8c5d-c2459d073703", "prompt": "I am doing a kitchen remodel and trying to decide if I should do butcher block for my countertops. What are the pros and cons? Here are two colors I'm considering.Show me what it would look like installed in a kitchen with white cabinets.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://mobileimages.lowes.com/productimages/e527dfae-a3c3-4ea2-9107-b9860cfed4f7/62899841.jpg", "https://mobileimages.lowes.com/productimages/bf6be920-d88e-4c4e-afea-1b476f7cf9db/62899676.jpg"]} {"id": "0dbb7b46-f272-43f3-8d7a-063a59969980", "prompt": "What kind of jewelery can I wear with an off - shoulder top or dress like this? Show me examples.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://assets.ajio.com/medias/sys_master/root/20230808/Uixr/64d23683eebac147fcb375ed/-473Wx593H-464309030-black-MODEL5.jpg"]} {"id": "fcc5a0db-ab4f-4dce-9351-132af4e54336", "prompt": "My daughter is a big fan of playing with her dolls, and her birthday is coming up soon. I'd like to incorporate her favorite dolls into the cake design to make it extra special for her. Below, I've attached two pictures of her favorite dolls.Can you show me a couple of creative cake designs that incorporate these dolls? Will I be able to design these myself, or should I consider hiring a professional?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0568/1132/3597/products/czkuth2hulje9kkjg3by_9297ce85-0be4-4c45-9eff-92c1cc391d6f_600x600.jpg?v=1684561677", "https://toysrus.com.au/cdn/shop/files/1ed5180f225a812ab84c95c8cf5ccf7acb073c5e3c5816f96bc0644338457200.jpg?v=1701850752&width=1214"]} {"id": "1c1cce00-2e66-4014-b000-f2a4c13280e1", "prompt": "Why does my sourdough starter look like this? I'm worried it's bad. Can you please show me how it should look? I also struggle to know when my starter has doubled in size, and when it is ready to use. If you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate it.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.pantrymama.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/SOURDOUGH-STARTER-LIQUID.jpg"]} {"id": "4769f936-459b-4418-88b7-38b6ebeef3b6", "prompt": "Draft an outline for my new fantasy book complete with a map and character profile pictures. The story is about a young girl named Vicky who goes to space through a school field trip and finds herself transported to a different dimension with human-like aliens, dragons, and gods all living in harmony. The bad guy is named Zorg and he wants to collapse the world using a black hole. Make the outline in the style of \"Save the Cat!\"", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a4794993-9c3d-4926-9e6e-6f6730939887", "prompt": "Can you please draft a Twitter thread promoting my Etsy business, which makes felt sculptures of woodland animals and fantasy creatures? Please include images if possible and appropriate. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9e721ffb-ee4f-4fa2-a4ef-9a5acad39416", "prompt": "I am looking for the perfect shade of green paint, which is so trendy right now, and I love it. I have these two subtle shades in my home; can you recommend some others? Please include images and a description.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.realsimple.com/thmb/rJvOt8bHJ90b-vmIZiPsKYAxWDk=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/sage-green-paint-saybrook-sage-4262d424834c4e72998adc65978f2b06.jpeg", "https://www.realsimple.com/thmb/TCEY1hZcBQXhUb97D-TOI2H_NEs=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/sage-green-paint-french-gray-f80822f7083e4e84b6a06afa49d05728.png"]} {"id": "20fa3070-5e04-48c3-9e67-b7c87516565f", "prompt": "Can you look up goldfish and gourami fish and see if they can coexist in the same tank if it's big enough? I want to buy an aquarium and acquire some fish and I like goldfish and gourami fish, but I don't know if I can have them both in the same habitat. Can you also look up some tips for taking care of a gourami fish and find a few pictures of the types of aquariums I might need to get if both of them can coexist in the same one?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9286677d-5b4f-49e8-b99b-61552ebf0453", "prompt": "I'd like to have a bedtime story for my toddler who is fascinated by undersea life. Will you create an engaging short story about a curious mermaid who embarks on an underwater adventure, meets new ocean friends, and discovers hidden treasures? Please include vibrant illustrations to capture his attention throughout the story. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e186bb3c-f7fe-4fe1-adaa-dae89b508372", "prompt": "I have the rug in the first image below and the bed frame in the image below that in my bedroom. Can you recommend some bedspread options that would look good with them and show me what they look like?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://domesticallyblissful.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Floral-Medallion-Grey-Area-Rug.jpeg", "https://cdn7.bigcommerce.com/s-tsmdqygn6r/product_images/uploaded_images/feature-52130-3-970-2.png"]} {"id": "292a1337-549b-47d2-8750-9f735181217e", "prompt": "I'm not sure what the elements of a craftsman home are. Create a drawing of a two-story house with a porch in craftsman style with lots of details. Put some appropriately styled furniture on the patio. The exterior should be a typical craftsman home color. Please ensure the home is seen at night, with lights on inside and craftsman colors on the walls. A person should be seen through the window reading in a chair and under a lamp. The house should have a chimney. The front garden should be lush, with northwestern plants in summer, and a dog should be on the lawn. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c839a7db-d0b2-4c25-983a-12894414d9b0", "prompt": "Write me a short children's story about a robin, a frog and a star, and include some cute images that my child would like, such as this one:", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["http://getdrawings.com/cliparts/baby-bird-clipart-39.png"]} {"id": "e077ae51-ef24-4009-a224-7d469be98fb5", "prompt": "I want a short story, with pictures, to read to my child for bedtime. She is a 6-year-old who is interested in ponies and aliens. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6f3a4181-6502-462d-9e06-597d8226a159", "prompt": "Imagine a world where dinosaurs never went extinct. How would this alternate history have shaped the course of human civilization? Please include images as well.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "04a97c80-282d-403a-8aae-c31f4cec91f9", "prompt": "My mom wants one of these for her birthday. What is it? Which one do I get? What is the difference? Can you include some pictures to help me with my decision?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://prudentreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/KitchenAid-Artisan-versus-Professional-Stand-Mixers.jpg"]} {"id": "ed1d06d1-350c-487e-9148-35e46c500280", "prompt": "Please identify the building in this photo and tell me about its history, architecture, and current purpose.I\u2019d also like to see some of its most famous features.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/Tate_Modern_-_Bankside_Power_Station.jpg/2560px-Tate_Modern_-_Bankside_Power_Station.jpg"]} {"id": "e5f8d90b-b852-48a5-b41d-b099ce18af63", "prompt": "I need to know what kind of plant I just found. It is tall with large green leaves that have holes in them. Can you suggest and show me what kind of plant it might be?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f639607a-bd9e-4cb7-8fad-20edb3a895c7", "prompt": "What are marshmallows made of? Can you show me pictures of different kinds of marshmallows I could buy from the store?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "128fbf82-c3b9-4eec-8c48-e7552d60e85d", "prompt": "Can you share some images of popular tourist spots in Greece? I'm planning a vacation there soon and would like to stop by some popular destinations for souvenirs. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "9dd71b4d-0ece-42f8-9610-fd3310867511", "prompt": "Can you show me where the nut and the bridge are on these?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.fmicassets.com/Damroot/GuitarVertDesktopJpg/10017/0144503503_fen_ins_frt_1_rr.jpg", "https://www.kloppmann-electrics.com/media/image/ff/57/1f/Fender-Stratocaster-1972-CommissionabhzNG09nEHwk_600x600.jpg"]} {"id": "e3463fb4-0a47-404a-9409-4c189a2dd0ae", "prompt": "I did an art project with my kids and got paint on my wooden table that I can't get off. Can you to show me how to get this paint off my table?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1cf7136a-134e-4e37-b911-a42d289cd1b4", "prompt": "What is the difference between these two types of oranges?Can you please show me some other types of oranges?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.yarden.com/wp-content/uploads/Everything-You-Wanted-to-Know-About-Navel-Oranges.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/da/Cara_cara_orange_cut_in_half.JPG"]} {"id": "cf0186c6-4e74-4e44-84b2-5fe552dff067", "prompt": "I really like the look of USMC combat boots. I'd like to incorporate them in my daily outfits, but I don't want to look too military, like a soldier. Could you maybe give me some options for casual outfits that would look good with these USMC boots? Please make it so that at least one option would have jeans in it.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e6210729-6141-4d86-8582-4ecb59db71c2", "prompt": "Christmas is over and after years of buying a fresh tree to decorate, I'm finally going to learn the difference between fir, spruce, and pine. This was my tree this year.Please identify it and show me the needles of other coniferous trees so that I can identify them on my own.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.landscape-plus.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/fraser-IMG_1729.jpg"]} {"id": "05b547a5-0bef-4630-b5fc-ca8f481c358f", "prompt": "I'm looking for a pet that is affectionate, requires no more than an hour of exercise daily, and sheds minimally.\n\nI am currently considering these two animals:What are the pros and cons of these options? Show me other animals I may like.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://animalsbreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Cavalier-King-Charles-Spaniel-3.jpg", "https://purrfectcatbreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/tonkinese-cat-2-e1587768926557.jpg"]} {"id": "778ab1ba-04df-4dd6-a1cf-87afcd7d8b1e", "prompt": "I am creating a flower garden and I want to create it where the flowers look like the colors of the rainbow when they bloom. Can you give me advice on which flowers to use and show me what it may look like once it's bloomed? ", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6a518628-371a-4a20-8898-433ea202f3c5", "prompt": "I've recently taken on a job as a recreational and activity coordinator at a seniors lodge. As part of my role, I need to run an exercise program suitable for seniors with mobility issues. Put together a list of 15 exercises I can use for my class and include diagrams of each exercise that I can use as a handout for anyone in the class who wants to try the exercises on their own outside of class.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "bcbc576b-0128-43eb-a69a-de480d685dad", "prompt": "I was at a difficult point in my life when a friend suggested that I create a calming environment. Can you show me ways to decorate my home to create a relaxing environment for myself that can help me manage stress and anxiety?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "25938890-cc24-471d-9e49-845ce9026657", "prompt": "Show me pictures of how bicycles have changed since they were invented and tell me how/why the changes were done.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "59013bc0-1b35-41cf-b3f1-dd54054a18f5", "prompt": "What is stereopsis and how do autostereograms rely on this concept to work? To ensure that I understand, include some examples to illustrate the concept.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "27d03cef-bb3f-456b-a4dc-9d874ec09297", "prompt": "Could you show me what an automobile would look like with balls for wheels and a circular 'cabin'? I'm thinking of a stereotypical \"UFO\" (disc-shaped) with ball wheels. ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b5b43c80-7d2c-4259-8be1-7f9ff0a88e9f", "prompt": "I want to design a line of shirts with funny quotes on them. They all need to be original quotes that are about living life and are uplifting. Can you give me some good ideas that would cater to adults, specifically moms? Show me what they would look like on a plain black t-shirt. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a457dce9-eb79-4e2b-bf34-0511da81dbe1", "prompt": "Provide me with an explanation and visual representation of the function f(x) = x^3.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b9498d71-b839-498d-817c-4e9bebdb6195", "prompt": "The vet said my dog was a Yorkie Maltese mix. We got him at the shelter and they didn't know his breed. Honestly, he doesnt look like a maltese or a yorkie. Can you provide some photos of that mix so I can compare?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "7a7c30a8-b08f-493b-9bff-8b8b893f17d1", "prompt": "What is an example of a sleek, modern, bus station design? What could be added to make it more useful for commuters?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "096272cf-f1b9-41fb-8dca-bbc2959fdfb8", "prompt": "I think it's neat that the Appalachian Mountains used to be as high as the Alps in Europe. Can you show me what the Alps would look like in 500, 1,000, and 10,000 years from now?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "52d08cae-a733-4290-a586-4b87b67ebabd", "prompt": "Create some visual aids I can use when teaching my baby how to talk. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "23f79b93-d9fd-43c3-aece-b1b44f5e59ee", "prompt": "What are some essentials I should pack with me that would be useful if my flight got cancelled? Please illustrate a couple with photos.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c46248ee-4683-472f-956b-9c2bd683b42d", "prompt": "Can you show me what kind of gift I could bring to a wedding considering I do not know the bride or groom well, but I do know one of their relatives extremely well?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "68408335-90e4-4be7-99b0-679657636f5a", "prompt": "I\u2019m getting married soon, and I want to do something special for my bridesmaids on my wedding day. I am struggling to come up with gifts that I could give them to demonstrate my love and appreciation for all the help they have given me during this process. Can you tell me about a few gift ideas and show me images of each of them?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6f7f13ee-d686-461f-9de4-1ff96e876046", "prompt": "On my trip to Iceland, I got to see one of these:While I was there, I was shown this, which was made from them:Now that I am back in the United States, I have discovered that there are farms right here where I can see them as well. This got me very interested in them and wondering about what other amazing things can be made from them. Could you possibly show me a few?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://icelanddefrosted.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/20130926-144345.jpg", "https://afarminiceland.files.wordpress.com/2019/05/66994e91009d50786d110ae5b4fd2e4d-icelandic-sweaters-knit-sweaters.jpg"]} {"id": "20c34dc5-8164-49ea-98cc-030805583421", "prompt": "How do I tune an 8-string guitar? Please include images that highlight every step with an Ibanez since that's the model I own. Make sure that the image styles are a mix of photographs and diagrams.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "dd6942ec-6112-43f3-8cd3-2857b37d4981", "prompt": "I got this giant cutting board and I want to use it for hosting. Could you show me two different ways I can use it?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.ferrumusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Walnuy-cutting-board-3-scaled.jpg"]} {"id": "c4782107-d247-41bf-b356-35d06dcb510b", "prompt": "The exercises shown in these images look like they both train the calf muscles:What are the differences? Sometimes, I don't have access to equipment, like when the gym is closed. What's a calf exercise I can do that doesn't require equipment? Show me an image of it and tell me how to do it.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://www.inspireusafoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/seated-calf-raise.gif", "https://fitnessvolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/standing-calf-raise.gif"]} {"id": "2e9d4c1f-6f6a-44d0-aa0c-7cf897cc0b67", "prompt": "How can I easily separate an entire chicken? Can you show me pictures of exactly where I need to cut in order to keep the leg whole? ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a4ea631c-e0f9-4a0b-b886-7ae30bbfcca3", "prompt": "Show me a map of Dubai so I can prepare for my trip there next spring. We are staying at the Waldorf Astoria hotel so please center the map around there. ", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2b3fa70b-9fcc-4380-8553-2eb7817dec21", "prompt": "Create a logo for a reptile rescue called Rosebud's house. We take in mostly lizards, but we also take in tortoises and small snakes. ", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e99fa010-7efa-4f28-8a10-030cdc847a41", "prompt": "Please tell me about the types of hats that were popular in the first half of the 20th century, and then do a comparison infographic between those hats and similar hats today that serve the same function.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f43a1b12-ee33-485f-aac6-3d69d88c42d9", "prompt": "I love the art style depicted in these images:Can you tell me what the art style is and show me images of animals drawn in this same style?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://luxuryartcanvas.com/cdn/shop/products/minimalist-line-art-face-487185.jpg?v=1684412789&width=1445", "https://images.desenio.com/zoom/16297-8botanicallinesno150x70.jpg"]} {"id": "f61905ee-6004-4d9f-9ce5-d2bfd78c8a74", "prompt": "Can you provide me with a timeline of events that led up to the Great Depression? Provide one drawing depicting an image of each event.", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "24596167-9e4e-4706-b9c4-2ba5dfb1de0a", "prompt": "I'm trying to get better form on my squats. I feel like I'm rounding my back a bit when I go down but it feels awkward otherwise. Can you show me how I can have better form?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "08de4d33-cca5-4b13-b09d-27caeab1a4a7", "prompt": "Can you show me images of how to take the training wheels off my son's bike?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2cb5fad9-28f1-46c2-ad55-491013d0f1b1", "prompt": "I'm having a hard time understanding the differences in types of linen. Can you show me the four varieties of linen and explain how they're different?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3a91f578-ed1c-4c68-9163-c6dbaf6dcca9", "prompt": "What is the difference between these two types of rhinos? Please explain with images.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-BLemClCY4JA/UasE3PzMQ3I/AAAAAAAADDY/3xvgXsOcDHQ/s1600/White-Rhino-Facts.jpg", "https://www.animalspot.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Black-Rhinoceros-Pictures.jpg"]} {"id": "7470fcff-8c64-4e5d-a9cb-fd8ec88a5f94", "prompt": "I would like to go here when I visit Virginia:Could you show me some other historical must-visit places in the area, to put on my list?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://roadtripqueenshome.files.wordpress.com/2020/07/img_4190.jpg"]} {"id": "df119309-4200-468f-9bda-59eb1c9fc7d6", "prompt": "My backyard is directly connected to a wildlife and plant conservatory. Can you please help me identify these plants that are growing into my yard? The first one looks like ivy, but I don't know for sure.And this is the other one.Both are growing so fast and are beginning to come over the fence and shed. Would it be ethical to remove them right next to a conservatory? How would I go about removing them in the first place? Can I stop them from growing back? Please provide me with some removal instructions and accompanying images for reference.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://horticulture.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/07-31.jpg", "https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/messagemedia.co/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/9/cf/9cfe41d2-b05b-11e8-bd0c-2b6cfc89fe3d/5b8eac45be07f.image.jpg"]} {"id": "9d286b4e-c318-4dec-a234-d4829df18f67", "prompt": "Sometimes I look at the things my generation has created and I despair. If some catastrophic event happened and humans disappeared, what would archeologists from other planets think of us when they found things like the Cadillac Ranch?Or even worse, Carhenge??Maybe I\u2019m just being critical. Create a short report written by archeologists from the planet Zed who visit Earth in the future and unearth ridiculous human-made roadside attractions and make assumptions about who we were as a species. Include photos and descriptions in the alien scientists' report. Please make the description of the catastrophic scene as silly as possible, in keeping with the rest of the report.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": ["https://images.pexels.com/photos/10622718/pexels-photo-10622718.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=1", "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fbd372b643b627fb8281615/de29ee00-5520-4f38-99aa-655aa0357cd7/carhenge+3.jpg?format=1500w"]} {"id": "7079c8f3-6ba9-4a21-b435-5c4f0e7dd7ca", "prompt": "Can you show me the restaurant that the restaurant in the movie Ratatouille was based on?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3a1b0045-8ef3-42e4-a190-29bf638eff5b", "prompt": "I've been doing my makeup the same way for years and I'm so tired of it. I'd like to surprise everyone at a dinner party with a new makeup look. I have blonde hair, green eyes, and light skin. Can you show me three makeup looks that would look good on me? Moderately heavy makeup is acceptable, and I'll require a tutorial that includes the necessary products and instructions on how to achieve the look.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "910b0038-5f35-4096-92ac-eeec0520dca8", "prompt": "I need a business plan for the small business I am starting. I am selling book boxes that have candles, stickers, t-shirts, and a book. Please create a mission statement, logo, and simple business plan outline. ", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "148a5599-5c59-41c8-bba9-9c640b849adf", "prompt": "I'm throwing my friends a graduation party and I want to make a funny invitation. It should include a joke and show all the stars from the show \"Friends\" in graduation caps and gowns that are green for men and white for women. They should be close together and goofy but still cute. ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "34dde25f-451b-4539-a5e3-8ebf49f47b6a", "prompt": "Explain the difference between a galaxy and a solar system. What does each look like to the human eye versus under a telescope? ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "62ee7e16-85c7-4d1c-ab2b-418c907b09c4", "prompt": "Who designed the church in the image below, and what's the name of the church?Can you please provide me with additional photos of famous landmarks designed by the same architect?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Sagrada_Familia_%28July_2022%29_08.jpg/1200px-Sagrada_Familia_%28July_2022%29_08.jpg"]} {"id": "711016e0-edbb-40b0-9291-a591183869ce", "prompt": "Years ago, my friend sent me these two photographs:Unfortunately, I cannot contact my friend to ask where these photos were taken, but this place looks beautiful. We're planning a family trip, so I'd like to visit this place. Can you tell me where this is? I'd also like to see photographs of maybe three other places or landmarks that are within a day trip's distance from this place, to give us further options for our trip.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.visitarizona.com/imager/s3_us-west-1_amazonaws_com/aot-2020/images/landmarks/fep2sryko7dq1bxvldbm_603abd2f6782d45765146edc48eb2baa.jpg", "https://www.national-park.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Welcome-to-Petrified-Forest-National-Park.jpg"]} {"id": "3374428f-7e7a-4bf0-bf0b-39ca2bf57e71", "prompt": "Simulate a chemistry experiment showcasing a chemical reaction. Include images, molecular diagrams, and step-by-step text explanations for the reaction mechanism, products formed, and safety precautions.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "17716417-8d97-4352-9ec8-7e0872505dc4", "prompt": "Is anything from the Anastasia movie true? I don't know much about her or her family in real life. What did she really look like? Do people still think she could be alive or was that debunked?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0e9f6367-862a-4106-ae17-c96a5215ebef", "prompt": "On a recent trip to Eastern Europe, I saw people wearing the two hats shown below:What is the difference between them, how else can it be styled, and is there a similar looking one in North America?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/Gray-lambskin-ushanka-hat.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/54/Gray-sheepskin-hat.jpg/1024px-Gray-sheepskin-hat.jpg"]} {"id": "8ce1def7-eb22-4b52-81b1-a06b0ce4119f", "prompt": "Please generate a map of popular fishing spots for chinook salmon in Southeast Alaska according to data from NOAA.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "2cc2b7f1-a745-4103-9dfe-ca75424ba76b", "prompt": "I just moved into a new place, I will show you some photos. It's currently empty and I'd like design inspiration pictures for my living room and dining room!", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://images.pexels.com/photos/4469183/pexels-photo-4469183.jpeg", "https://images.pexels.com/photos/3935338/pexels-photo-3935338.jpeg"]} {"id": "77701b99-9015-4790-ac84-13830f65c955", "prompt": "How does this insect produce silk, and can you please show me some products made from this silk?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/silk-worm-02-kevin-chippindall.jpg"]} {"id": "60851034-1161-4013-9d83-52113b90a2e9", "prompt": "I'm planning a trip to Baja California and I want to go to a winery with similar views to the ones of Napa below.Advise me on where to travel and show me images so I can decide if your suggestion fits the vibe I'm thinking of.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.britannica.com/51/60551-050-53CF2F22/wine-Grapes-vineyards-Napa-Valley-valley-California.jpg", "https://daily.sevenfifty.com/app/uploads/2017/06/SFD_Wine_Region_Napa_CR_iStock_2520x1890.jpg"]} {"id": "e8d72914-badb-4e64-b0f8-cf369c188c3b", "prompt": "I'm trying to give my daughter more freedom in the morning so she can start to get ready independently and learn time management and organisation skills. She's doing well but isn't remembering to brush her teeth every morning, and I don't want to be too pushy with reminding her. Can you make a story that I can read to her that will encourage her to brush her teeth in the morning? Include illustrations or cartoons that I can show her when I read, but can also put on the wall in the bathroom so she feels encouraged to brush her teeth when she sees them. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "11e5f393-edea-4c3c-a654-2416108c1cc6", "prompt": "Please provide me with a few images that correspond to notable scenes described in Robert Service's \"The Call of the Wild\" poem. I'm making a slideshow presentation for a reading of the poem. I have the image below so far for \"Big mountains heaved to heaven, which the blinding sunsets blazon.\" Can you please match its overall vibe when selecting the other images? And can you explain which part of the poem corresponds to each image you provide (when I should press next during my presentation)?", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://motionarray.imgix.net/preview-158273-KnMf9RSpvJ-high_0001.jpg?w=660&q=60&fit=max&auto=format"]} {"id": "0c6d435f-a71a-4506-b43e-5ff7c60bdfd6", "prompt": "Can you show me how to string lights on a tree so I can get full coverage of it? My tree always tends to look sparse when it comes to the lighting. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "fb3b0960-f4f2-4d77-9222-d10ee7a2b9e8", "prompt": "I want to set up a business that sells bespoke, custom-made staircases for wealthy people in large homes, like the one shown below. Can you please show me some more staircase ideas so that I don't get complacent and keep advertising the same staircase design?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://wonderfulengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/25-stair-design-ideas-211.jpg"]} {"id": "cfdc5ba2-e1e2-4a88-8dee-1b49e32cb840", "prompt": "What building is this, and what style of architecture is this building? Please provide examples and images of other buildings with similar styles of architecture.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.housedigest.com/img/gallery/the-untold-truth-of-the-sydney-opera-house/intro-1655994483.jpg"]} {"id": "f5ffa11f-4369-42c5-83e0-7ba621a1a484", "prompt": "I have three kids, and they are all in car seats, like this.I also need to store this in my vehicle.Could you show me what type of vehicle might work for me?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://media.karousell.com/media/photos/products/2018/12/02/ferrari_babychild_car_seat_and_booster_seat_2_in_1_1543744567_2a90572c_progressive.jpg", "https://winnerssportswear.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Sporting-Equipment-1.jpg"]} {"id": "bef1a924-fbb4-455c-83c0-0adbc484b839", "prompt": "What are doomsday 'bug out' bags? Can you tell me a little about them? I have this bag at home, would it be suitable to use?Show me some things I should put in my bag.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://au.morethanabackpack.com/cdn/shop/products/waterproof-mochilas-school-backpack-277752_892x892.png"]} {"id": "c05535f9-32e1-4279-a930-2e246877b8f6", "prompt": "I'm trying to teach my dog how to dance as a trick. Can you show me the hand movements I should follow to do so?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b1c66423-08bb-4b16-b470-b455e63bcdcc", "prompt": "Where is the photo in the image below located? What are some other famous landmarks in the same country?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/82/Oia%2C_Santorini_HDR_sunset.jpg/1024px-Oia%2C_Santorini_HDR_sunset.jpg"]} {"id": "e7822b23-53b7-4fbd-a784-2ac29546830f", "prompt": "Create a comparison with images included between an iPhone 12 and a Samsung Galaxy S21, highlighting the key features that set them apart.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4367a0ec-56ca-43cf-ba06-95a47947978d", "prompt": "How do I properly clean my TV screen? I used Windex and now there are towel fibers and wipe marks all over. Show me some reference photos. ", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "652a82de-7d7c-4784-a118-93f3f09399e5", "prompt": "Can you explain the election process to me? Like a simple flowchart even? Start with what happens after I cast my vote.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "f5afca51-aab5-4907-b7cf-6d7e9f12348e", "prompt": "Write a story that my mom can record for my kids about how her love reaches them even when they live across the country. Create simple watercolor style illustrations for each paragraph so I can get it all printed. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "15ecfed8-ee98-4345-9ad7-7d6d6bc187ee", "prompt": "Can you show me the most popular fruits from most acidic to least acidic?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "04deaf91-4513-4ea1-b2d2-55ca19372ecb", "prompt": "Write me an article for my travel blog about a weekend in Paris, and include these two attractions, as well as some images.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://www.zastavki.com/pictures/originals/2014/_Eiffel_tower_against_the_night_sky_058012_.jpg", "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0BrwVk3cwCE/UblmWjCzJOI/AAAAAAAAOyc/REsUC67rl6s/s1600/Louvre+Museum+(5).jpg"]} {"id": "bf231040-9c11-40ba-b0fd-6e0321fd3a06", "prompt": "I bought my boss a Christmas present, as seen below.How do I wrap it?! Show me some examples.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://www.pentaxforums.com/gallery/images/5744/1_Bottle_of_Wine.jpg"]} {"id": "a403e9e6-4cad-4334-9e22-a1307c3d7fb7", "prompt": "Do cockroaches have feelings? Draw me a picture of what one looks like sad? ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8e8c106a-7d18-4432-9f3e-d88e684eaede", "prompt": "What is the difference between these two historical homes for monarchs?Are there other historical homes for monarchs that you can show me?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://media.nomadicmatt.com/palaceversailles.jpg", "https://www.datocms-assets.com/34574/1631185470-neuschwanstein-castle.jpg?dpr=2&fm=webp&w=768"]} {"id": "3ca35cfc-4872-45dc-bc91-ca601edfbb29", "prompt": "Give me a brief explanation of how typewriters work. Include pictures to help me understand what each part of the typewriter does.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ce3de2db-476d-4571-b42e-46fed0f916d2", "prompt": "I want to make a fondant rainbow for my daughter's birthday cake this weekend, but I've never messed with fondant before. I want it to look something like this.Can you tell me how to color fondant in different colors, the best way to construct a rainbow out of fondant, and the best way to dry a fondant piece out so that I can set it upright on my daughter's cake, please? And add a few pictures of the process, so I know I'm doing it right!", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.puresweetjoy.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Pastel-Rainbow-Cake-Topper-DIY-Tutorial-Steps-3.jpg", "https://sugarandsparrow.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/flour/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/18202409/Rainbow-Cake-Topper-Header.png"]} {"id": "5f544b90-8c16-49c3-9a8b-e8418d98467a", "prompt": "I need to write a blog post about prohibition in Alberta. In particular, there's a story from the Crow's Nest Pass about a bootlegger who was hanged for the murder of a constable. Fetch me more details about the story and show me where the crime happened. Include any relevant details about the court case and the persons involved.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8dac0b1c-4c2a-4e2c-987f-c71dff243f9f", "prompt": "I have this empty space in my basement:I also have these shelves:Could you show me some key things I could buy, so I can work out in this space?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://cdn.getinthetrailer.com/wp-content/uploads/build-basement-under-existing-house-rooms-raise_248752.jpg", "https://www.virginiasweetpea.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/DIY-2x4-Shelving-Unit-20.jpg"]} {"id": "4554bac2-ae31-470f-b75b-af4a48f53d59", "prompt": "I just got this set of dinosaur skeleton minis, but I don't really know all the different types of dinosaurs these belong to. I think the one on the top left is a T. Rex, but can you please help me identify the other three, and show me what they looked like?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://giftgiant.co.uk/cdn/shop/products/Dinosaur_Skeleton_385-258_2.jpg"]} {"id": "8b2412cb-e4b0-463a-badd-53ff93c5f3c3", "prompt": "I saw this beautiful, soft, fluffy gray kitten in an ad, and after looking deep into those baby blue eyes, I am now obsessed!What breed is this sweet little kitten, what do they look like when fully grown, and what is their temperament like?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/620e77766bd1fa1dafc171e7/013690c8-ffeb-4be7-a3b9-b88479046e24/273009258_10222700037151004_6433762934790108123_n.jpg"]} {"id": "963c60f8-6b12-46d3-aa18-0c99a9d98501", "prompt": "I'm about to go travelling in Australia for 2 months. I will be travelling both the East and West Coasts, as well as making a few pit stops in the 'outback'! This is the bag I already haveDo you think this will be too small? Give me some options of other bags I could take, including both pictures and an explanation.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": ["https://www.fatbuddhastore.com/images/fjallraven-greenland-top-20l-backpack-black-p19810-74937_image.jpg"]} {"id": "364420b9-0d71-44b1-ab1b-a8d6d958f27f", "prompt": "Can you write a story a few paragraphs long about a Neanderthal family that coexists with the last remaining dinosaurs, including dangerous species such as T-Rex and Velociraptors? How do they manage to live alongside such large and threatening creatures? Please include details of plant life and lower lifeforms that the family may encounter in their day-to-day lives and show me what that landscape might look like with these conditions. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4aaf8fee-ad2d-44bf-813c-be9317987557", "prompt": "I'm making a presentation about the potential of public transportation within the Las Vegas metropolitan area. One of the big things I'm trying to advocate for is the potential importance and benefit of a high-speed rail connecting Vegas to nearby large cities like Los Angeles and Phoenix. Could you show me a few potential maps of an alternate Las Vegas Strip with a high-speed rail terminal connecting out-of-state visitors with the heart of the city's tourism center? Using existing data about the potential capacity for high-speed transit options, like those in Japan, explain how many visitors these new connections could bring to Vegas every month. ", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "615217e3-d16e-4c0d-ab45-058ce25999ba", "prompt": "Now that I have more free time, I\u2019d like to get into watching a few new tv shows. Can you show me a few of the best funny shows? Show me what they look like so I can decide if they look good.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "cab85672-0f2f-4570-8af4-8a32a60af0d8", "prompt": "Please look at this image and tell me if it is a fractal. Also, please provide images of fractals that occur in nature and briefly explain for an article I am writing.", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": ["https://www.treehugger.com/thmb/-NCXBlG_zvUbmaMEvjZ9MPky3tM=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/7-947564c54190434f85598374632f04cb.jpg"]} {"id": "219f8e6d-66d0-475f-946e-b5eff8a5d974", "prompt": "Could you tell me how to make an aromatherapy sleep spray? Please include a few images of the process.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "4efee310-5b96-4716-afa2-2e183f28ae94", "prompt": "I just adopted a Pomeranian, want to get him a grooming style known as the \"Puppy Cut\". Can you show me a picture of a puppy cut? Also, give me some facts about the breeding needs of Pomeranians, since I've never owned one before.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ab15f9c9-2a99-4399-a8b4-b182b36063d2", "prompt": "Tell me about when the first camera was invented. What did it look like?", "task_type": "Report", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d1460523-ef3b-443d-8cff-0a4d518f9c0a", "prompt": "Write a short story about a sad dragon who needs to find the wizard of El to save his home from the knights who are trying to destroy it. Include character art of the dragon, wizard, and one of the knights. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6933b4d6-bb9f-43f5-9039-8fe68de7c34d", "prompt": "Can you give me some visual tips on how to make my step-back three better? No one is biting on my shot fakes idk why.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b30f5c55-d038-4320-b522-eff921b64523", "prompt": "Can you tell me how electricity works? I would like to see an image of what is actually going on inside of a device when charging. ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "812acbd3-35f1-44b7-b3e9-cc3105c028df", "prompt": "What breed do these cats belong to?Can you tell me more about the breed? Also, if they exist, can you please show me an example of a gray or blue cat from the breed?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/aUUTX9Kk83gpT1gC_L6-HGjPWm4=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/GettyImages-1184479027-8a7212a5c4fe411abfb1941479f3391d.jpg", "https://townsquare.media/site/696/files/2016/08/Screen-Shot-2016-08-09-at-2.18.28-PM.png"]} {"id": "bd28350f-9d3f-445c-acd6-293807aebb9a", "prompt": "I'd love for you to guide me through the process of creating a delicious salad, using these two main ingredients as the foundation. To help me visualize the result, please include a photo of the finished salad.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.colbeck.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Raw-Chicken-Breast.jpg", "https://images.heb.com/is/image/HEBGrocery/000320128"]} {"id": "d8e7e65f-4b9f-48aa-94c0-579df80c6894", "prompt": "Can you please give me more outfit ideas for this type of clothing style for women? I want it similar to this, please show me so I know you've got the right idea.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://theminimalistvegan.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/long-coat-img20.jpg", "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/578841209de4bb14b3996c32/50ac2044-5ca6-489c-97cb-4d88eea86a06/Classical+Work+Outfit+For+Winter+-+FashionActivation.jpg"]} {"id": "42b45248-29d3-44db-8a95-2624f4e8eb0d", "prompt": "Please show me three distinct varieties of this marine animal, showcasing their unique characteristics, shapes, and colors.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/YFVxw1wIcWaATIZDW3aaJw--~B/aD0xMzMzO3c9MjAwMDtzbT0xO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/http://media.zenfs.com/en-US/homerun/coastal_living_439/de27d470540389652b547f952cd596cb"]} {"id": "04608e90-f447-45c4-b0af-aa5f0818c24d", "prompt": "I am doing a project for school and I have to find five animals from the African Savannah and write a little about them. I managed to find these two so far, but I don't want to look for others myself. Please show me three more for my project, thank you.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Okonjima_Lioness.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fa/Giraffe_at_Working_with_Wildlife.jpg"]} {"id": "07822fc2-6d3f-4b83-ba8d-3cd770fedc87", "prompt": "I have a headache, can you suggest some natural remedies that will help it calm down, and show me what form they take and how to use them? I've already tried a steamy shower and that didn't help.", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "37196409-e6ce-4880-bc2a-372a478cafa5", "prompt": "Generate a vintage storybook sketch with watercolor pastels according to the following: a giant Komodo sits as king on an icy throne over reptilian subjects of varying species. Below the image, provide a once-upon-a-time-style intro to what a fable might look like if the Komodo were an evil king in a land of enchantment.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "6899613c-6759-4c1b-9a0b-ee7891e24bfc", "prompt": "I'm looking to take a golf trip and heard that Arizona is a great state for hitting the green. Could you recommend the best courses and show me what they look like?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3e6d5a27-9534-4eca-902e-ef5f6069c964", "prompt": "Show me some superfoods to incorporate into my diet and tell me what makes them healthy for me.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d396e20f-2c49-4383-b4e6-b686106355d2", "prompt": "I woke up to this.Can you tell me what this may be? How can I get rid of it? Please include images for comparison.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://health.selfdecode.com/app/uploads/2018/06/word-image.jpeg"]} {"id": "7cd96c8d-744c-410b-a385-6463fa579355", "prompt": "Based on the ROYGBIV rainbow, identify what the below colours are, and show me what colours come between them.You must list the colours in order so it makes sense.", "task_type": "Reasoning", "image_urls": ["https://www.solidbackgrounds.com/images/1024x1024/1024x1024-cadmium-yellow-solid-color-background.jpg", "https://www.solidbackgrounds.com/images/1024x1024/1024x1024-electric-violet-solid-color-background.jpg"]} {"id": "10b43303-ef86-49ba-968e-a0aa62f15fba", "prompt": "I was gifted an old Roman coin.Can you tell me who is featured here, what denomination of coin this is, and show me a couple of examples of coins of the same denomination? Also, tell me how each person depicted is significant in the history of the Roman Empire.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/64/Marcus_Aurelius_Denarius2.jpg"]} {"id": "1c4b15b9-ef02-496b-bede-7c581d49c313", "prompt": "Can you share some images that explain the steps archaeologists take when they identify bones?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e1c0e896-4dea-46d1-97e4-e83990d77558", "prompt": "Please identify this Greek goddess and show me some more images of her. I'd love to know more about her!", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.christies.com/img/LotImages/2010/NYR/2010_NYR_02364_0150_000(a_roman_marble_head_of_aphrodite_circa_1st-2nd_century_ad).jpg"]} {"id": "f2096e91-eeff-49a4-98f1-0e3501fb3fbe", "prompt": "I'm brainstorming unique ideas for a DIY backyard makeover I've got good space but can't decide where even to start. Maybe help me with some layout suggestions and some unusual and interesting decoration ideas? Pictures would help me puzzle it out.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8a080e21-8b0e-48f9-8d1d-bdc0464f5a8b", "prompt": "I found these outside of my home. They look to be like some types of beehives. Show me what types of bees live in these nests, and how should I go about removing the nests? Here are the pictures of what i found:", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://www.ix5.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Tackling-A-Wasp-Nest-in-Moulton.jpg", "https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/MISC/WASPS/Sceliphron_caementarium05.jpg"]} {"id": "93bf68cc-f585-4886-9c70-751c5ecdefc3", "prompt": "Could you assist me in crafting an engaging opening sentence for a blog post about the fascinating art of mummification, and suggest a suitable image to accompany it?", "task_type": "Article", "image_urls": []} {"id": "3aa6f9b4-0852-4ae3-8af0-b9e22ff81792", "prompt": "I heard some Pokemon cards are worth a lot of money. I have a huge collection from the 90s. Can you list the top 3 most valuable cards and a brief description of what o look for on them? Make sure you include some photos because I know there are tons of variations of the same characters.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "21fbfc2c-27a6-40ea-be9f-0cac69acaa19", "prompt": "My daughter found these in my mothers' attic. Can you show me what could have been used to view them? I'm hoping we'll find something in the attic that will resemble what you share so we can look at them! Wish me luck!", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/63/Diapositive.jpg/1024px-Diapositive.jpg"]} {"id": "e30cbf93-1450-4ac0-9e2d-a7881072320e", "prompt": "How is it that ships back in the day used to look like the first image, and modern ships look like the second one?What are some factors that led to such a drastic difference in ship design? Please include images to help explain your points.", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://d2qh54gyqi6t5f.cloudfront.net/images/misc/1379/Kolumbus-Santa-Maria.jpeg", "https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/clintonherald.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/1/20/1205805b-f95c-59e7-9150-4a463aca0f80/659f64ce4b946.image.jpg"]} {"id": "9acee4fc-dd72-4238-8faf-9aeb8ba7eb79", "prompt": "Please give me the next dramatic tableau/silhouette to follow this one in a sequenced performance where the background can change with props and lighting. Please set it in another European city and tell me which it is.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://corporateentertainmentagency.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/CONNECT-Art-scene.png"]} {"id": "677d439b-e674-4512-b63b-6412d871d35e", "prompt": "Write a fantasy story set in a techno-magical world where orcs have achieved all of the scientific marvels of humanity, while humans are savage barbarians that revel in anarchy. Please include illustrations of fantastic scenes as well as close up drawings of major characters, architecture, and weaponry.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c1b99f0f-e960-4289-9378-8e5a4cc73776", "prompt": "How did the punk movement influence fashion, can you show me some images of fashion during this period? What are the main characteristics of punk fashion?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5dfbec72-b7c6-45d9-9686-2223499b7b24", "prompt": "What are some ways I can DIY a Hanukkah menorah? Show me three ideas that I can make for under $25 and with a maximum of 3 hours of work. Don't worry about telling me the exact costs of stuff, I just want a bit of info and to see an example.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "d26d7ff7-716f-456e-8622-aced6b676e15", "prompt": "I'm trying to replace the tune-a-matic bridge on my Gibson Les Paul (1970s model). Can you help with an illustrated guide on how to do this right?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "aa338776-cc40-4a63-b732-63664372bed4", "prompt": "A deaf student has just started in my year and me and my friends don't know any sign language. Can you show me how to say \"hello\" and \"goodbye\" in BSL and ASL?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5faacf8a-2a42-4086-926d-61089e9fe50b", "prompt": "I'm looking to make some healthy, colorful meals for my toddler. Can you provide me some visuals with simple recipes, to give me some inspiration?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0b864155-3061-47d9-8092-af6a1d97672b", "prompt": "I would like to get a dog, but I have some pretty specific requirements. Can you give me at least five dog breeds that are mellow, good with kids, and not reserved with strangers? I would prefer that they not be smaller than 40 pounds, but this isn't a requirement. Can you include pictures of each dog breed so I know what they look like?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5456ee47-f45a-42c7-bff1-87eac9c6c4d0", "prompt": "I want a short story about a cat who goes on an adventure. She has a friend and they live in a castle. Give me pictures as they go on their adventures. Make it written for a 6 year old child. ", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b926d9ef-58f5-4428-8653-ab59b7ccb45b", "prompt": "Write me an acrostic poem that I can read aloud to my kindergarten class. I want the first letter of each line to spell out \"superhero\" and reference a ton of different superheroes that my students may recognize from both Marvel and DC comics. Please include a drawing of each superhero that is referenced within the poem, so they can look at the picture while I read it to them.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "e668ea18-7e16-41c4-adcf-48d425516f01", "prompt": "With a lot of the population being sedentary or working in offices and sitting all day while looking at screens, what will we look like in 50-100 years? How will this impact our spines and posture?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "71b1caf4-de09-4e28-aa16-3453c8e8ad04", "prompt": "Can you show me an example of a professional or medical marijuana growing operation? Also, can you explain the tone of the chosen photo?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c93facd1-26b9-4373-bece-b73bbb80834b", "prompt": "What do the logos for the most popular 30 restaurants in the world look like? ", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": []} {"id": "441b5ea0-19a6-4217-9092-cbc3f3ec66fa", "prompt": "How do you tell the difference between a cystic pimple and a regular pimple by the looks? are the treatments different?", "task_type": "Advice", "image_urls": []} {"id": "109e5aef-c520-4afe-8961-8572f9eb4718", "prompt": "Create a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to craft brittle using the specific main ingredient in the image below. Include images.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": ["https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/pictures/10000/velka/1-1193583744.jpg"]} {"id": "0ca0826e-acab-4b5c-a956-5b92e80926bc", "prompt": "What if I had been there the day Martin Luther King gave his most famous speech? Show me what it would have been like if I had experienced it that day.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "67e73ddc-09f7-47e3-9f67-103cc915a461", "prompt": "I'd like to grow some carrots in my vegetable patch but I don't know how to plant the seeds or how far apart they should be planted. Can you please show me a step-by-step guide about how to plant them correctly?", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "551cfda2-639c-4ae2-8800-5caffb5d9871", "prompt": "What is the difference between Transitional decor and MId Century decor? List any similarities with bullets and list the differences with bullets. Can I see some examples side by side for comparison?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "5d50d56f-6e7d-40d6-9331-1f123c37b799", "prompt": "My six year old just asked me if snow angels can fly so I'm gonna need a pic of that with a confirmation from Santa, please.", "task_type": "Story", "image_urls": []} {"id": "0e1b070c-1b4e-48a1-8498-4dce08cd7c01", "prompt": "What would the modern-day vehicle look like if oil had never been discovered?", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "8b780e0a-9e6c-424a-9a48-799f33aa48e5", "prompt": "I recently purchased a couch, and I'm looking for assistance in incorporating it into my living room. For reference, I've attached a photo of the couch below:In addition, I own a pair of coffee tables, which can be seen in the following image:Can you explain what type of throw pillow would complement this couch, and how will my living room look with all of these elements combined? I struggle with visualizing interior design, so I would greatly appreciate any images that could help me better understand the final result.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://images.thdstatic.com/productImages/bb25532b-d180-4c2d-9eb1-0127fb37025e/svn/dark-blue-sofas-couches-mm-bj90003dkbl-1f_600.jpg", "https://marbleandhome.com/cdn/shop/files/Adsiztasarim_17.png?v=1693471456&width=2048"]} {"id": "fe46c190-c162-46ee-a159-85c07fafaab6", "prompt": "I have bad lower back pain and my doctor recommended I try and do some yoga. I can't find time for classes right now, so can you please give me a few examples of easy yoga poses I can do in the morning that might help me? I'm a total beginner, so please include diagrams and thorough descriptions.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "1eaaa8f3-c775-433b-8aad-6b1626836c7c", "prompt": "All I have is tuna fish in my pantry for lunch and dinner tomorrow. Can you show me photos of an appetizing meal that I can make with a few cans of tuna fish?", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "ff1aa6f3-6aff-41cb-b90e-56a20e429d57", "prompt": "I want to step up my scrap booking game. Give me some inspiration pictures for ideas to use on my next scrapbooking day. Here are some pictures I like. Please base any inspiration and advice you give on elements shown in these images.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/xzRegGeAkGUXlZ_4hTR38Z6HaV5WZ94FBKMBne7GXq6RmZswNEVSXURjzPTYJ5-3GVbI3JYf4AMe5-rnbMwMTNzUU5coZaOzeLvfmjFvWX3RmntXls3Rw0kgI9MYdEkGqLei_6qO", "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/lMfxjYL71KlxtJLxncqaMeCHHzDdiK-vW0nZA5nx0xbNBy7FFdI6cL2vS2q2wMbFIUcj7sG5X_JHOGFxMQ2Bs_GEUqYXxrQ0RWVQbTokWRckzZTDm05IhYpWUvgRAq7FLrj2I6LA"]} {"id": "c1c411b7-cb06-486b-9c46-bc93f7ab6639", "prompt": "What is this big rock crystal called?Tell me more about these rock formations and show me some that are other colors than purple if they come in other colors.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-74zp6w28re/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/2260/54674/new-moon-beginnings-raw-amethyst-crystal-cluster-grade-b-crr-aa804__72938.1635691389.jpg?c=1"]} {"id": "82589d44-8316-4978-8350-d9abb9a4c7c2", "prompt": "I'm making a gravy and it states I should simmer it until it's \"able to coat the back of a spoon.\" Show me what that means.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a61685dd-0fcb-440a-b3e7-2ed634b0d148", "prompt": "My birthday gift, a big box full of everything I need for a gaming PC, just arrived. I got a beefy NVIDIA RTX 3090 and Intel's newest chipset. Can you give me some detailed instructions on how to set it up, along with some visual aids of some kind? I have poked around inside a computer case in the past, but I've never built one from parts before.", "task_type": "How-to", "image_urls": []} {"id": "646143a1-8825-4800-95a3-4780d1c091a1", "prompt": "I'd like to see an example of a good accent color for my door and windowsill, against the apartment building's pale yellow. I'd also like for you to explain why you're suggesting a particular color.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": []} {"id": "b73bd3f8-8c78-46ee-8b0e-ac972ae22f35", "prompt": "Is it true that people with ADHD have differences in their brains from neurotypical people? Can you show me the difference between a normal brain and someone who is neurodivergent? ", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": []} {"id": "c8d888c9-55e2-450f-9db6-465720ca227a", "prompt": "I certainly enjoy a cup of this every morning!Someone mentioned to me that there are grades. Can you explain and include some pics of the different types?", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://9dragonstea.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/cup-of-tea.jpg.webp"]} {"id": "17076ca4-53a8-4734-a4b7-b0cdf94c3435", "prompt": "Can you rewrite the Cinderella story for me by making it more modern? Include images to help set the scene, and use this as inspiration for the main character:", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": ["https://img1.rapidleaks.com/2017/09/modern-Disney-princesses-cinderella.jpg"]} {"id": "6f99c872-ea63-4875-9726-f39b8d1ee392", "prompt": "We live in the middle of nowhere on the border between the US and Canada, and I took these pictures of a wild cat we've seen around the neighbourhood. I reckon they are both the same animal, but my son says the can't be because one is a bobcat and the other is a lynx. Is he right? If so, what are the distinguishing features of each species? Can you show me some photos to help me tell them apart?", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": ["https://a-z-animals.com/media/2021/11/What-Eats-Snakes-bobcat-1024x535.jpg", "https://cff2.earth.com/uploads/2023/03/02061051/Lynx-22-scaled.jpg"]} {"id": "511e235e-df5f-4032-96f0-e69f375ecf94", "prompt": "I just got given this new camera!Show me some examples of something creative that I can do with the pictures. Give me an image and a written explanation, including the items I will need.", "task_type": "Brainstorming", "image_urls": ["https://danfinnen.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/tabletop-3453.jpg"]} {"id": "fbf5119f-6f3e-47f9-aacd-28dd6072793b", "prompt": "Can you explain to me exactly how a smoke detector works? How can it see what's happening in your house? Show me what the inside looks like. ", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": []} {"id": "eae8ba28-60cc-43ad-8ec1-8ed61a9a4b49", "prompt": "I found these two in my garage and I don't know what to put in them.Please show me images of suggestions that would be appropiate for an indoor enviorment.", "task_type": "Other", "image_urls": ["https://assets.rjimgs.com/rjimgs/rk/images/dp/wcm/202342/0019/img18o.jpg", "https://www.eplanters.com/media/catalog/product/cache/278adca63e2ccc2e0cd649d042750097/w/a/wannsee-44-matteterracotta_4.jpg"]} {"id": "4c920874-41c9-4aaf-8df4-038ed3712854", "prompt": "Recently, I went on holiday to Sri Lanka and visited some of the famous sites, including this one:Here is another one that I saw:Our guide was trying to explain that there were different kinds of worshiping that can be associated with these, and that they all slightly differ from each other. Can you help explain them to me and show me representations of each type?", "task_type": "Comparison", "image_urls": ["https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/33/Golden_Buddha_and_Buddhist_Museum_at_Dambulla.jpg/1024px-Golden_Buddha_and_Buddhist_Museum_at_Dambulla.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c6/Gal_Viharaya_02.jpg/1280px-Gal_Viharaya_02.jpg"]} {"id": "73432984-e05f-4fa2-bb28-7af9e6f3d95a", "prompt": "I've requested motorcycle boots as a birthday gift from my wife, but she's uncertain about what they look like. Please provide a photo example that I can share with her. I want some of the brown ones that don't come up too high.", "task_type": "Identification", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a5892bef-1bc1-4f61-92f6-a4e0e6427769", "prompt": "Create an image of what Lucy and Charlie from Peanuts would look like when they are middle-aged.", "task_type": "Hypothetical", "image_urls": []} {"id": "a403279b-4d17-4154-ad23-426d847030ba", "prompt": "Please show me some examples of the habitat and food sources of this bear.", "task_type": "Explanation", "image_urls": ["https://www.remotelands.com/travelogues/app/uploads/2018/02/h.jpg", "https://www.remotelands.com/travelogues/app/uploads/2018/02/solated-wild-sloth-bear-Melursus-ursinus-crossing-the-road-of-Wilpattu-national-park-Sri-Lanka.-Sloth-bear-staring-directly-at-camera-wildlife-photo..jpg"]}