from typing import Dict, List, Any from transformers import AutoProcessor, AutoModelForVision2Seq import io import base64 from PIL import Image class EndpointHandler(): def __init__(self, path=""): # load the optimized model self.device = "cuda:0" self.model = AutoModelForVision2Seq.from_pretrained("HuggingFaceM4/idefics2-8b").to(self.device) self.processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("HuggingFaceM4/idefics2-8b") def __call__(self, data: dict[str, Any]) -> str: """ example: {"inputs": messages: [{ "role": "user", "content": [ {"type": "text", "text": "What’s the difference between these two images?"}, {"type": "image"}, {"type": "image"}, ], }] images: [] } """ text = self.processor.apply_chat_template(data["inputs"]["messages"], add_generation_prompt=False) images = [self.decode_image_base64(img) for img in data["inputs"]["images"]] inputs = self.processor(images=images, text=text, return_tensors="pt") inputs = {k: for k,v in inputs.items()} generated_ids = self.model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=500) generated_text = self.processor.batch_decode(generated_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) return generated_text def decode_image_base64(self, encoded_image): """ Decodes a base64-encoded image back into a PIL image. """ # Decode the base64-encoded string to bytes img_data = base64.b64decode(encoded_image.encode("utf-8")) # Create a BytesIO object from the decoded bytes img_io = io.BytesIO(img_data) # Open the image using PIL (Python Imaging Library) image = return image