import os import random import pytest from datetime import datetime from unittest import mock from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock from urllib.error import HTTPError from pytube import request, Stream @mock.patch("pytube.streams.request") def test_stream_to_buffer(mock_request, cipher_signature): # Given stream_bytes = iter( [ bytes(os.urandom(8 * 1024)), bytes(os.urandom(8 * 1024)), bytes(os.urandom(8 * 1024)), ] ) = stream_bytes buffer = MagicMock() # When cipher_signature.streams[0].stream_to_buffer(buffer) # Then assert buffer.write.call_count == 3 def test_filesize(cipher_signature): assert cipher_signature.streams[0].filesize == 28282013 def test_filesize_approx(cipher_signature): stream = cipher_signature.streams[0] assert stream.filesize_approx == 28309811 stream.bitrate = None assert stream.filesize_approx == 28282013 def test_default_filename(cipher_signature): expected = "YouTube Rewind 2019 For the Record YouTubeRewind.mp4" stream = cipher_signature.streams[0] assert stream.default_filename == expected def test_title(cipher_signature): expected = "YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record | #YouTubeRewind" assert cipher_signature.title == expected def test_expiration(cipher_signature): assert cipher_signature.streams[0].expiration >= datetime(2020, 10, 30, 5, 39, 41) def test_caption_tracks(presigned_video): assert len(presigned_video.caption_tracks) == 13 def test_captions(presigned_video): assert len(presigned_video.captions) == 13 def test_description(cipher_signature): expected = ( "In 2018, we made something you didn’t like. " "For Rewind 2019, let’s see what you DID like.\n\n" "Celebrating the creators, music and moments " "that mattered most to you in 2019. \n\n" "To learn how the top lists in Rewind were generated: " "\n\n" "Top lists featured the following channels:\n\n" "@1MILLION Dance Studio \n@A4 \n@Anaysa \n" "@Andymation \n@Ariana Grande \n@Awez Darbar \n" "@AzzyLand \n@Billie Eilish \n@Black Gryph0n \n" "@BLACKPINK \n@ChapkisDanceUSA \n@Daddy Yankee \n" "@David Dobrik \n@Dude Perfect \n@Felipe Neto \n" "@Fischer's-フィッシャーズ- \n@Galen Hooks \n@ibighit \n" "@James Charles \n@jeffreestar \n@Jelly \n@Kylie Jenner \n" "@LazarBeam \n@Lil Dicky \n@Lil Nas X \n@LOUD \n@LOUD Babi \n" "@LOUD Coringa \n@Magnet World \n@MrBeast \n" "@Nilson Izaias Papinho Oficial \n@Noah Schnapp\n" "@백종원의 요리비책 Paik's Cuisine \n@Pencilmation \n@PewDiePie \n" "@SethEverman \n@shane \n@Shawn Mendes \n@Team Naach \n" "@whinderssonnunes \n@워크맨-Workman \n@하루한끼 one meal a day \n\n" "To see the full list of featured channels in Rewind 2019, " "visit:" ) assert cipher_signature.description == expected def test_rating(cipher_signature): """Test the rating value of a YouTube object. This changes each time we rebuild the json files, so we want to use an estimate of where it will be. The two values seen to make this estimate were 2.073431 and 2.0860765. This represents a range of ~0.007 below and ~0.006 above 2.08. Allowing for up to 0.02 in either direction should provide a steady indicator of correctness. """ assert abs(cipher_signature.rating - 2.08) < 0.02 def test_length(cipher_signature): assert cipher_signature.length == 337 def test_views(cipher_signature): assert cipher_signature.views >= 108531745 @mock.patch( "pytube.streams.request.head", MagicMock(return_value={"content-length": "6796391"}) ) @mock.patch( "", MagicMock(return_value=iter([str(random.getrandbits(8 * 1024))])), ) def test_download(cipher_signature): with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open(), create=True): stream = cipher_signature.streams[0] @mock.patch( "pytube.streams.request.head", MagicMock(return_value={"content-length": "16384"}) ) @mock.patch( "", MagicMock(return_value=iter([str(random.getrandbits(8 * 1024))])), ) @mock.patch("pytube.streams.target_directory", MagicMock(return_value="/target")) def test_download_with_prefix(cipher_signature): with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open(), create=True): stream = cipher_signature.streams[0] file_path ="prefix") assert file_path == os.path.join( "/target", "prefixYouTube Rewind 2019 For the Record YouTubeRewind.mp4" ) @mock.patch( "pytube.streams.request.head", MagicMock(return_value={"content-length": "16384"}) ) @mock.patch( "", MagicMock(return_value=iter([str(random.getrandbits(8 * 1024))])), ) @mock.patch("pytube.streams.target_directory", MagicMock(return_value="/target")) def test_download_with_filename(cipher_signature): with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open(), create=True): stream = cipher_signature.streams[0] file_path ="cool name bro") assert file_path == os.path.join( "/target", "cool name bro.mp4" ) @mock.patch( "pytube.streams.request.head", MagicMock(return_value={"content-length": "16384"}) ) @mock.patch( "", MagicMock(return_value=iter([str(random.getrandbits(8 * 1024))])), ) @mock.patch("pytube.streams.target_directory", MagicMock(return_value="/target")) @mock.patch("os.path.isfile", MagicMock(return_value=True)) def test_download_with_existing(cipher_signature): with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open(), create=True): stream = cipher_signature.streams[0] os.path.getsize = Mock(return_value=stream.filesize) file_path = assert file_path == os.path.join( "/target", "YouTube Rewind 2019 For the Record YouTubeRewind.mp4" ) assert not @mock.patch( "pytube.streams.request.head", MagicMock(return_value={"content-length": "16384"}) ) @mock.patch( "", MagicMock(return_value=iter([str(random.getrandbits(8 * 1024))])), ) @mock.patch("pytube.streams.target_directory", MagicMock(return_value="/target")) @mock.patch("os.path.isfile", MagicMock(return_value=True)) def test_download_with_existing_no_skip(cipher_signature): with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open(), create=True): stream = cipher_signature.streams[0] os.path.getsize = Mock(return_value=stream.filesize) file_path = assert file_path == os.path.join( "/target", "YouTube Rewind 2019 For the Record YouTubeRewind.mp4" ) assert def test_progressive_streams_return_includes_audio_track(cipher_signature): stream = cipher_signature.streams.filter(progressive=True)[0] assert stream.includes_audio_track def test_progressive_streams_return_includes_video_track(cipher_signature): stream = cipher_signature.streams.filter(progressive=True)[0] assert stream.includes_video_track @mock.patch( "pytube.streams.request.head", MagicMock(return_value={"content-length": "16384"}) ) @mock.patch( "", MagicMock(return_value=iter([str(random.getrandbits(8 * 1024))])), ) def test_on_progress_hook(cipher_signature): callback_fn = mock.MagicMock() cipher_signature.register_on_progress_callback(callback_fn) with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open(), create=True): stream = cipher_signature.streams[0] assert callback_fn.called args, _ = callback_fn.call_args assert len(args) == 3 stream, _, _ = args assert isinstance(stream, Stream) @mock.patch( "pytube.streams.request.head", MagicMock(return_value={"content-length": "16384"}) ) @mock.patch( "", MagicMock(return_value=iter([str(random.getrandbits(8 * 1024))])), ) def test_on_complete_hook(cipher_signature): callback_fn = mock.MagicMock() cipher_signature.register_on_complete_callback(callback_fn) with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open(), create=True): stream = cipher_signature.streams[0] assert callback_fn.called def test_author(cipher_signature): expected = "Test author" cipher_signature._player_response = {"videoDetails": {"author": expected}} assert == expected expected = "unknown" = None cipher_signature._player_response = {'key': 'value'} assert == expected def test_thumbnail_when_in_details(cipher_signature): expected = "some url" cipher_signature._player_response = { "videoDetails": {"thumbnail": {"thumbnails": [{"url": expected}]}} } assert cipher_signature.thumbnail_url == expected def test_thumbnail_when_not_in_details(cipher_signature): expected = "" cipher_signature._player_response = {'key': 'value'} assert cipher_signature.thumbnail_url == expected def test_repr_for_audio_streams(cipher_signature): stream = str(cipher_signature.streams.filter(only_audio=True)[0]) expected = ( '' ) assert stream == expected def test_repr_for_video_streams(cipher_signature): stream = str(cipher_signature.streams.filter(only_video=True)[0]) expected = ( '' ) assert stream == expected def test_repr_for_progressive_streams(cipher_signature): stream = str(cipher_signature.streams.filter(progressive=True)[0]) expected = ( '' ) assert stream == expected def test_repr_for_adaptive_streams(cipher_signature): stream = str(cipher_signature.streams.filter(adaptive=True)[0]) expected = ( '' ) assert stream == expected def test_segmented_stream_on_404(cipher_signature): stream = cipher_signature.streams.filter(adaptive=True)[0] with mock.patch('pytube.request.head') as mock_head: with mock.patch('pytube.request.urlopen') as mock_url_open: # Mock the responses to YouTube mock_url_open_object = mock.Mock() # These are our 4 "segments" of a dash stream # The first explains how many pieces there are, and # the rest are those pieces responses = [ b'Raw_data\r\nSegment-Count: 3', b'a', b'b', b'c', ] joined_responses = b''.join(responses) # We create response headers to match the segments response_headers = [ { 'content-length': len(r), 'Content-Range': '0-%s/%s' % (str(len(r)), str(len(r))) } for r in responses ] # Request order for stream: # 1. get(url&sn=0) # 2. head(url&sn=[1,2,3]) # 3. info(url) -> 404 # 4. get(url&sn=0) # 5. get(url&sn=[1,2,3]) # Handle filesize requests mock_head.side_effect = [ HTTPError('', 404, 'Not Found', '', ''), *response_headers[1:], ] # Each response must be followed by None, to break iteration # in the stream() function = [ responses[0], None, responses[1], None, responses[2], None, responses[3], None, ] # This handles the HEAD requests to get content-length = [ HTTPError('', 404, 'Not Found', '', ''), *response_headers ] mock_url_open.return_value = mock_url_open_object with mock.patch('', new_callable=mock.mock_open) as mock_open: file_handle = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value fp = full_content = b'' for call in file_handle.write.call_args_list: args, kwargs = call full_content += b''.join(args) assert full_content == joined_responses mock_open.assert_called_once_with(fp, 'wb') def test_segmented_only_catches_404(cipher_signature): stream = cipher_signature.streams.filter(adaptive=True)[0] with mock.patch('pytube.request.head') as mock_head: mock_head.side_effect = HTTPError('', 403, 'Forbidden', '', '') with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open(), create=True): with pytest.raises(HTTPError):