import os import numpy as np from ml_collections import ConfigDict import mlxu import jax import jax.numpy as jnp import flax from flax.serialization import ( from_bytes, to_bytes, to_state_dict, from_state_dict ) from flax.traverse_util import flatten_dict, unflatten_dict, empty_node import msgpack from EasyLM.jax_utils import tree_apply, float_tensor_to_dtype class StreamingCheckpointer(object): """ Custom msgpack checkpointer that saves large train states by serializing and saving tensors one by one in a streaming fashion. Avoids running out of memory or local TPU disk with default flax checkpointer. """ @staticmethod def get_default_config(updates=None): config = ConfigDict() config.float_dtype = 'bf16' config.save_optimizer_state = False if updates is not None: config.update(ConfigDict(updates).copy_and_resolve_references()) return config def __init__(self, config, checkpoint_dir, enable=True): self.config = self.get_default_config(config) self.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir self.enable = enable def save_checkpoint(self, train_state, filename, gather_fns=None): if self.enable: path = os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, filename) else: path = '/dev/null' self.save_train_state_to_file( train_state, path, gather_fns, self.config.float_dtype ) @staticmethod def save_train_state_to_file(train_state, path, gather_fns=None, float_dtype=None): train_state = to_state_dict(train_state) packer = msgpack.Packer() flattend_train_state = flatten_dict(train_state) if gather_fns is not None: gather_fns = flatten_dict(to_state_dict(gather_fns)) with mlxu.open_file(path, "wb") as fout: for key, value in flattend_train_state.items(): if gather_fns is not None: value = gather_fns[key](value) value = float_tensor_to_dtype(value, float_dtype) fout.write(packer.pack((key, to_bytes(value)))) def save_pickle(self, obj, filename): if self.enable: path = os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, filename) else: path = '/dev/null' mlxu.save_pickle(obj, path) def save_all(self, train_state, gather_fns, metadata=None, dataset=None, milestone=False): step = int(jax.device_get(train_state.step)) if self.config.save_optimizer_state: checkpoint_state = train_state checkpoint_name = 'streaming_train_state' checkpoint_gather_fns = gather_fns else: checkpoint_state = train_state.params['params'] checkpoint_name = 'streaming_params' checkpoint_gather_fns = gather_fns.params['params'] if milestone: # Save a milestone checkpoint that will not be overwritten self.save_pickle(metadata, f'metadata_{step}.pkl') self.save_pickle(dataset, f'dataset_{step}.pkl') self.save_checkpoint( checkpoint_state, f'{checkpoint_name}_{step}', checkpoint_gather_fns ) else: # Save a normal checkpoint that can be overwritten self.save_pickle(metadata, 'metadata.pkl') self.save_pickle(dataset, 'dataset.pkl') self.save_checkpoint( checkpoint_state, f'{checkpoint_name}', checkpoint_gather_fns ) @staticmethod def load_checkpoint(path, target=None, shard_fns=None, remove_dict_prefix=None): if shard_fns is not None: shard_fns = flatten_dict( to_state_dict(shard_fns) ) if remove_dict_prefix is not None: remove_dict_prefix = tuple(remove_dict_prefix) flattend_train_state = {} with mlxu.open_file(path) as fin: # 83886080 bytes = 80 MB, which is 16 blocks on GCS unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(fin, read_size=83886080, max_buffer_size=0) for key, value in unpacker: key = tuple(key) if remove_dict_prefix is not None: if key[:len(remove_dict_prefix)] == remove_dict_prefix: key = key[len(remove_dict_prefix):] else: continue tensor = from_bytes(None, value) if shard_fns is not None: tensor = shard_fns[key](tensor) flattend_train_state[key] = tensor if target is not None: flattened_target = flatten_dict( to_state_dict(target), keep_empty_nodes=True ) for key, value in flattened_target.items(): if key not in flattend_train_state and value == empty_node: flattend_train_state[key] = value train_state = unflatten_dict(flattend_train_state) if target is None: return train_state return from_state_dict(target, train_state) @staticmethod def load_flax_checkpoint(path, target=None, shard_fns=None): """ Load a standard flax checkpoint that's not saved with the msgpack streaming format. """ with mlxu.open_file(path, "rb") as fin: encoded_bytes = state_dict = flax.serialization.msgpack_restore(encoded_bytes) if shard_fns is not None: shard_fns = to_state_dict(shard_fns) state_dict = tree_apply(shard_fns, state_dict) if target is None: return state_dict return from_state_dict(target, state_dict) @classmethod def load_trainstate_checkpoint(cls, load_from, trainstate_target=None, trainstate_shard_fns=None, disallow_trainstate=False): if trainstate_target is not None: params_target = trainstate_target.params['params'] else: params_target = None if trainstate_shard_fns is not None: params_shard_fns = trainstate_shard_fns.params['params'] else: params_shard_fns = None load_type, load_path = load_from.split('::', 1) if disallow_trainstate: assert load_type != 'trainstate', 'Loading full trainstate is not allowed!' train_state = None restored_params = None if load_type == 'trainstate': # Load the entire train state in the streaming format train_state = cls.load_checkpoint( path=load_path, target=trainstate_target, shard_fns=trainstate_shard_fns, ) elif load_type == 'trainstate_params': # Load the params part of the train state in the streaming format restored_params = cls.load_checkpoint( path=load_path, target=params_target, shard_fns=params_shard_fns, remove_dict_prefix=('params', 'params'), ) restored_params = flax.core.frozen_dict.freeze( {'params': restored_params} ) elif load_type == 'params': # Load the params in the streaming format restored_params = cls.load_checkpoint( path=load_path, target=params_target, shard_fns=params_shard_fns, ) restored_params = flax.core.frozen_dict.freeze( {'params': restored_params} ) elif load_type == 'flax_params': # Load the params in the standard flax format (non-streaming) # This requires the entire params to fit in memory restored_params = cls.load_flax_checkpoint( path=load_path, target=params_target, shard_fns=params_shard_fns ) restored_params = flax.core.frozen_dict.freeze( {'params': restored_params} ) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid load_from type: {load_type}') return train_state, restored_params