import numpy as np import cv2 as cv import open3d as o3d def backproject_3d(uv, depth, K): ''' Backprojects 2d points given by uv coordinates into 3D using their depth values and intrinsic K :param uv: array [N,2] :param depth: array [N] :param K: array [3,3] :return: xyz: array [N,3] ''' uv1 = np.concatenate([uv, np.ones((uv.shape[0], 1))], axis=1) xyz = depth.reshape(-1, 1) * (np.linalg.inv(K) @ uv1.T).T return xyz class EssentialMatrixSolver: '''Obtain relative pose (up to scale) given a set of 2D-2D correspondences''' def __init__(self, ransac_pix_threshold=0.5, ransac_confidence=0.99999): # EMat RANSAC parameters self.ransac_pix_threshold = ransac_pix_threshold self.ransac_confidence = ransac_confidence def estimate_pose(self, kpts0, kpts1, data): R = np.full((3, 3), np.nan) t = np.full((3), np.nan) if len(kpts0) < 5: return R, t, 0 K0 = data['K_color0'].numpy() K1 = data['K_color1'].numpy() # normalize keypoints kpts0 = (kpts0 - K0[[0, 1], [2, 2]][None]) / K0[[0, 1], [0, 1]][None] kpts1 = (kpts1 - K1[[0, 1], [2, 2]][None]) / K1[[0, 1], [0, 1]][None] # normalize ransac threshold ransac_thr = self.ransac_pix_threshold / np.mean([K0[0, 0], K1[1, 1], K0[1, 1], K1[0, 0]]) # compute pose with OpenCV E, mask = cv.findEssentialMat( kpts0, kpts1, np.eye(3), threshold=ransac_thr, prob=self.ransac_confidence, method=cv.RANSAC) self.mask = mask if E is None: return R, t, 0 # recover pose from E best_num_inliers = 0 ret = R, t, 0 for _E in np.split(E, len(E) / 3): n, R, t, _ = cv.recoverPose(_E, kpts0, kpts1, np.eye(3), 1e9, mask=mask) if n > best_num_inliers: best_num_inliers = n ret = (R, t[:, 0], n) return ret class EssentialMatrixMetricSolverMEAN(EssentialMatrixSolver): '''Obtains relative pose with scale using E-Mat decomposition and depth values at inlier correspondences''' def __init__(self, cfg): super().__init__(cfg) def estimate_pose(self, kpts0, kpts1, data): '''Estimates metric translation vector using by back-projecting E-mat inliers to 3D using depthmaps. The metric translation vector can be obtained by looking at the residual vector (projected to the translation vector direction). In this version, each 3D-3D correspondence gives an optimal scale for the translation vector. We simply aggregate them by averaging them. ''' # get pose up to scale R, t, inliers = super().estimate_pose(kpts0, kpts1, data) if inliers == 0: return R, t, inliers # backproject E-mat inliers at each camera K0 = data['K_color0'] K1 = data['K_color1'] mask = self.mask.ravel() == 1 # get E-mat inlier mask from super class inliers_kpts0 = np.int32(kpts0[mask]) inliers_kpts1 = np.int32(kpts1[mask]) depth_inliers_0 = data['depth0'][inliers_kpts0[:, 1], inliers_kpts0[:, 0]].numpy() depth_inliers_1 = data['depth1'][inliers_kpts1[:, 1], inliers_kpts1[:, 0]].numpy() # check for valid depth valid = (depth_inliers_0 > 0) * (depth_inliers_1 > 0) if valid.sum() < 1: R = np.full((3, 3), np.nan) t = np.full((3, 1), np.nan) inliers = 0 return R, t, inliers xyz0 = backproject_3d(inliers_kpts0[valid], depth_inliers_0[valid], K0) xyz1 = backproject_3d(inliers_kpts1[valid], depth_inliers_1[valid], K1) # rotate xyz0 to xyz1 CS (so that axes are parallel) xyz0 = (R @ xyz0.T).T # get average point for each camera pmean0 = np.mean(xyz0, axis=0) pmean1 = np.mean(xyz1, axis=0) # find scale as the 'length' of the translation vector that minimises the 3D distance between projected points from 0 and the corresponding points in 1 scale = - pmean0, t) t_metric = scale * t t_metric = t_metric.reshape(3, 1) return R, t_metric[:, 0], inliers class EssentialMatrixMetricSolver(EssentialMatrixSolver): ''' Obtains relative pose with scale using E-Mat decomposition and RANSAC for scale based on depth values at inlier correspondences. The scale of the translation vector is obtained using RANSAC over the possible scales recovered from 3D-3D correspondences. ''' def __init__(self, ransac_pix_threshold=0.5, ransac_confidence=0.99999, ransac_scale_threshold=0.1): super().__init__(ransac_pix_threshold, ransac_confidence) self.ransac_scale_threshold = ransac_scale_threshold def estimate_pose(self, kpts0, kpts1, data): '''Estimates metric translation vector using by back-projecting E-mat inliers to 3D using depthmaps. ''' # get pose up to scale R, t, inliers = super().estimate_pose(kpts0, kpts1, data) if inliers == 0: return R, t, inliers # backproject E-mat inliers at each camera K0 = data['K_color0'] K1 = data['K_color1'] mask = self.mask.ravel() == 1 # get E-mat inlier mask from super class inliers_kpts0 = np.int32(kpts0[mask]) inliers_kpts1 = np.int32(kpts1[mask]) depth_inliers_0 = data['depth0'][inliers_kpts0[:, 1], inliers_kpts0[:, 0]].numpy() depth_inliers_1 = data['depth1'][inliers_kpts1[:, 1], inliers_kpts1[:, 0]].numpy() # check for valid depth valid = (depth_inliers_0 > 0) * (depth_inliers_1 > 0) if valid.sum() < 1: R = np.full((3, 3), np.nan) t = np.full((3, ), np.nan) inliers = 0 return R, t, inliers xyz0 = backproject_3d(inliers_kpts0[valid], depth_inliers_0[valid], K0) xyz1 = backproject_3d(inliers_kpts1[valid], depth_inliers_1[valid], K1) # rotate xyz0 to xyz1 CS (so that axes are parallel) xyz0 = (R @ xyz0.T).T # get individual scales (for each 3D-3D correspondence) scale = - xyz0, t.reshape(3, 1)) # [N, 1] # RANSAC loop best_inliers = 0 best_scale = None for scale_hyp in scale: inliers_hyp = (np.abs(scale - scale_hyp) < self.ransac_scale_threshold).sum().item() if inliers_hyp > best_inliers: best_scale = scale_hyp best_inliers = inliers_hyp # Output results t_metric = best_scale * t t_metric = t_metric.reshape(3, 1) return R, t_metric[:, 0], best_inliers class PnPSolver: '''Estimate relative pose (metric) using Perspective-n-Point algorithm (2D-3D) correspondences''' def __init__(self, ransac_iterations=1000, reprojection_inlier_threshold=3, confidence=0.99999): # PnP RANSAC parameters self.ransac_iterations = ransac_iterations self.reprojection_inlier_threshold = reprojection_inlier_threshold self.confidence = confidence def estimate_pose(self, pts0, pts1, data): # uses nearest neighbour pts0 = np.int32(pts0) if len(pts0) < 4: return np.full((3, 3), np.nan), np.full((3, 1), np.nan), 0 # get depth at correspondence points depth_0 = data['depth0'] depth_pts0 = depth_0[pts0[:, 1], pts0[:, 0]] # remove invalid pts (depth == 0) valid = depth_pts0 > depth_0.min() if valid.sum() < 4: return np.full((3, 3), np.nan), np.full((3, 1), np.nan), 0 pts0 = pts0[valid] pts1 = pts1[valid] depth_pts0 = depth_pts0[valid] # backproject points to 3D in each sensors' local coordinates K0 = data['K_color0'] K1 = data['K_color1'] xyz_0 = backproject_3d(pts0, depth_pts0, K0).numpy() # get relative pose using PnP + RANSAC succ, rvec, tvec, inliers = cv.solvePnPRansac( xyz_0, pts1, K1.numpy(), None, iterationsCount=self.ransac_iterations, reprojectionError=self.reprojection_inlier_threshold, confidence=self.confidence, flags=cv.SOLVEPNP_P3P) # refine with iterative PnP using inliers only if succ and len(inliers) >= 6: succ, rvec, tvec, _ = cv.solvePnPGeneric(xyz_0[inliers], pts1[inliers], K1.numpy( ), None, useExtrinsicGuess=True, rvec=rvec, tvec=tvec, flags=cv.SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE) rvec = rvec[0] tvec = tvec[0] # avoid degenerate solutions if succ: if np.linalg.norm(tvec) > 1000: succ = False if succ: R, _ = cv.Rodrigues(rvec) t = tvec.reshape(3, 1) else: R = np.full((3, 3), np.nan) t = np.full((3, 1), np.nan) inliers = [] return R, t[:, 0], inliers class ProcrustesSolver: '''Estimate relative pose (metric) using 3D-3D correspondences''' def __init__(self, ransac_max_corr_distance=0.5, refine=False): # Procrustes RANSAC parameters self.ransac_max_corr_distance = ransac_max_corr_distance self.refine = refine def estimate_pose(self, pts0, pts1, data): # uses nearest neighbour pts0 = np.int32(pts0) pts1 = np.int32(pts1) if len(pts0) < 3: return np.full((3, 3), np.nan), np.full((3), np.nan), 0 # get depth at correspondence points depth_0, depth_1 = data['depth0'], data['depth1'] depth_pts0 = depth_0[pts0[:, 1], pts0[:, 0]] depth_pts1 = depth_1[pts1[:, 1], pts1[:, 0]] # remove invalid pts (depth == 0) valid = (depth_pts0 > depth_0.min()) * (depth_pts1 > depth_1.min()) if valid.sum() < 3: return np.full((3, 3), np.nan), np.full((3), np.nan), 0 pts0 = pts0[valid] pts1 = pts1[valid] depth_pts0 = depth_pts0[valid] depth_pts1 = depth_pts1[valid] # backproject points to 3D in each sensors' local coordinates K0 = data['K_color0'] K1 = data['K_color1'] xyz_0 = backproject_3d(pts0, depth_pts0, K0) xyz_1 = backproject_3d(pts1, depth_pts1, K1) # create open3d point cloud objects and correspondences idxs pcl_0 = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcl_0.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(xyz_0) pcl_1 = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcl_1.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(xyz_1) corr_idx = np.arange(pts0.shape[0]) corr_idx = np.tile(corr_idx.reshape(-1, 1), (1, 2)) corr_idx = o3d.utility.Vector2iVector(corr_idx) # obtain relative pose using procrustes ransac_criteria = o3d.pipelines.registration.RANSACConvergenceCriteria() res = o3d.pipelines.registration.registration_ransac_based_on_correspondence( pcl_0, pcl_1, corr_idx, self.ransac_max_corr_distance, criteria=ransac_criteria) inliers = int( * np.asarray(pcl_1.points).shape[0]) # refine with ICP if self.refine: # first, backproject both (whole) point clouds vv, uu = np.mgrid[0:depth_0.shape[0], 0:depth_1.shape[1]] uv_coords = np.concatenate([uu.reshape(-1, 1), vv.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1) valid = depth_0.reshape(-1) > 0 xyz_0 = backproject_3d(uv_coords[valid], depth_0.reshape(-1)[valid], K0) valid = depth_1.reshape(-1) > 0 xyz_1 = backproject_3d(uv_coords[valid], depth_1.reshape(-1)[valid], K1) pcl_0 = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcl_0.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(xyz_0) pcl_1 = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcl_1.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(xyz_1) icp_criteria = o3d.pipelines.registration.ICPConvergenceCriteria(relative_fitness=1e-4, relative_rmse=1e-4, max_iteration=30) res = o3d.pipelines.registration.registration_icp(pcl_0, pcl_1, self.ransac_max_corr_distance, init=res.transformation, criteria=icp_criteria) R = res.transformation[:3, :3] t = res.transformation[:3, -1] inliers = int( * np.asarray(pcl_1.points).shape[0]) return R, t, inliers