--- language: - en tags: - pytorch - causal-lm license: apache-2.0 --- # Sparse GPT-J 6B ## Model Description The sparse version of GPT-J 6B is a pruned variant derived from the original [GPT-J 6B](https://huggingface.co/EleutherAI/gpt-j-6b) model and the vast majority of linear layers maintain a 40% unstructured sparsity (except for the 'lm_head').
| Hyperparameter | Value | |----------------------|------------| | \\(n_{parameters}\\) | 6053381344 | | \\(n_{layers}\\) | 28* | | \\(d_{model}\\) | 4096 | | \\(d_{ff}\\) | 16384 | | \\(n_{heads}\\) | 16 | | \\(d_{head}\\) | 256 | | \\(n_{ctx}\\) | 2048 | | \\(n_{vocab}\\) | 50257/50400† (same tokenizer as GPT-2/3) | | Positional Encoding | Rotary Position Embedding RoPE | | RoPE Dimensions | [64](https://github.com/kingoflolz/mesh-transformer-jax/blob/f2aa66e0925de6593dcbb70e72399b97b4130482/mesh_transformer/layers.py#L223) |

* Each layer consists of one feedforward block and one self attention block.

Although the embedding matrix has a size of 50400, only 50257 entries are used by the GPT-2 tokenizer.

The model consists of 28 layers with a model dimension of 4096, and a feedforward dimension of 16384. The model dimension is split into 16 heads, each with a dimension of 256. Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE) is applied to 64 dimensions of each head. The model is trained with a tokenization vocabulary of 50257, using the same set of BPEs as GPT-2/GPT-3. ## Evaluation results Evaluating the accuracy of the sparse model of gpt-j-6b using the lambada_openai dataset in lm_eval, providing the accuracy fluctuation under two precisions: FP32 and BF16.
| Sparsity | Dataset | Precision | Dense Acc ↑ | Sparse Acc ↑ | Acc fluctuations | |------ |---------------- |------- |------- |-------- |------------------ | | 40% |Lambada_openai  | FP32 | 0.6831 | 0.6922 | +1.33% | | 40% |Lambada_openai  | BF16 | 0.6771 | 0.6874 | +0.63% |