File size: 1,031 Bytes
{"wav_path": "TcJ7rdYMHiQ.wav", "captions": ["The music is an ambient electronic piece with a relaxed mood and a calming theme. The tempo is slow and the melody is mellow. The instrumentation includes a synthesizer, a drum machine, a bass guitar, and a piano. The chord progression is simple and repetitive.\n\n**Functional Segments:**\n\n**0-17% - Intro/Verse:**\n- Introduction of the synthesizer and drum machine.\n- Simple chord progression in the key of C major.\n- Slow tempo.\n- Mellow melody.\n\n**17-38% - Chorus:**\n- Repeat of the chord progression in the key of C major.\n- Increase in tempo.\n- Melody becomes more prominent.\n\n**38-61% - Bridge:**\n- Change in chord progression to the key of G major.\n- Slow tempo.\n- Mellow melody.\n\n**61-79% - Outro:**\n- Repeat of the chord progression in the key of C major.\n- Slow tempo.\n- Mellow melody.\n\n**79-100% - Instrumental:**\n- Ambient sounds like door banging sounds, eerie squeaks, church bells ringing and string section harmony.\n- Video game soundtrack."]}