{"wav_path": "3OLeJZF4oI0.wav", "captions": ["The music is a pop song with a cheerful and uplifting mood. The theme is simple and catchy, and the tempo is moderate. The melody is memorable and easy to sing along with. The chord progression is typical of pop music, with a focus on the tonic and dominant chords.\n\n**Functional Segments:**\n\n**0-28:** Intro and Verse 1\n- The song begins with a gentle electric guitar riff and a male voice talking.\n- The tempo is slow and the mood is relaxed.\n- The chord progression is simple and repetitive.\n\n**28-63:** Verse 2 and Chorus\n- The tempo increases slightly and the electric guitar becomes more prominent.\n- The chord progression becomes more complex.\n- The male voice sings the chorus, which is a catchy and memorable melody.\n\n**63-100:** Instrumental Bridge and Outro\n- The tempo is very slow and the music is instrumental.\n- The guitar accompanies the singing of a duet.\n- The chord progression is simple and repetitive.\n- The song ends with a fade out."]}