{"wav_path": "FYux89o7Hhk.wav", "captions": ["The song is a fusion of various genres, including Indian folk, jazz, and reggae. The overall mood is upbeat and energetic, with a strong focus on rhythm and groove. The theme is one of celebration and joy, and the tempo is moderate to fast. The melody is catchy and memorable, and the chord progression is simple yet effective.\n\n**Functional Segments:**\n\n**0-19:** Intro and Verse\n- The music begins with a slow, rhythmic drum beat and a simple bassline.\n- A female vocalist sings a melodic verse in a foreign language.\n- The atmosphere is festive and upbeat.\n\n**19-41:** Chorus\n- The tempo increases and the electric guitar joins in.\n- The female vocalist sings a catchy chorus in English.\n- The atmosphere is passionate and uplifting.\n\n**41-60:** Bridge\n- The music changes to a more somber mood.\n- The female vocalist sings a bridge in a lower register.\n- The atmosphere is intense and emotional.\n\n**60-79:** Instrumental Solo\n- The music is instrumental, with a focus on the trumpet and percussion.\n- The tempo is moderate to fast.\n- The atmosphere is lively and energetic.\n\n**79-100:** Outro\n- The music returns to a festive mood.\n- The male vocalist sings a final chorus in a foreign language.\n- The atmosphere is joyful and uplifting."]}