{"wav_path": "J4tjy-0CNm4.wav", "captions": ["The song is a mellow and energetic folk song with a catchy melody and a simple chord progression. The overall mood is uplifting and joyful, and the theme is one of celebration and community.\n\n**Functional Segments:**\n\n**0-19:** Intro and Verse\n- The song begins with a gentle acoustic guitar strumming a simple chord progression.\n- A male singer joins in with a melodic vocal line.\n- The tempo is moderate, and the mood is relaxed.\n\n**19-38:** Chorus\n- The tempo increases slightly, and the instrumentation becomes more layered.\n- The female singer joins in with a harmony vocal line.\n- The mood is energetic and uplifting.\n\n**38-55:** Bridge\n- The tempo drops, and the instrumentation becomes more mellow.\n- The male singer sings a solo vocal line.\n- The mood is contemplative and introspective.\n\n**55-79:** Chorus\n- The tempo increases again, and the instrumentation becomes more layered.\n- The female singer joins in with a harmony vocal line.\n- The mood is energetic and uplifting.\n\n**79-100:** Outro\n- The song fades out with a final chord progression.\n- The male singer sings a final vocal line.\n- The mood is uplifting and joyful."]}