{"wav_path": "Q8f6y2IcVg0.wav", "captions": ["The music analysis below summarizes the overall mood, theme, tempo, melody, instruments and chord progression of the song. It also provides a detailed analysis of each functional segment, including its time boundaries and musical characteristics.\n\n**Overall Music Summary:**\n\nThe song exhibits a diverse range of musical styles, including metal, soul funk, and psychedelic rock. The overall mood is energetic, groovy, and trippy. The theme revolves around themes of youth, freedom, and rebellion. The tempo is moderate to fast, and the melody is catchy and memorable. The instruments used include electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, keyboard, and acoustic guitar. The chord progression is primarily based on blues and pentatonic scales.\n\n**Functional Segment Analysis:**\n\n**0-27% - Intro/Verse:**\n- Electric guitar and bass guitar establish a distorted sound.\n- Drums start with a heavy beat.\n- Male vocal enters with a screaming style.\n- Atmosphere is intense and aggressive.\n\n**27-56% - Chorus:**\n- Male vocal sings the main melody.\n- Piano and electric guitar provide accompaniment.\n- Rhythm is groovy and catchy.\n- Atmosphere is lively and upbeat.\n\n**56-77% - Bridge:**\n- Electric guitar and bass guitar create a psychedelic sound.\n- Drums are more subdued.\n- Atmosphere is trippy and surreal.\n\n**77-100% - Outro:**\n- Low-quality recording of a metal song.\n- Punchy snare and energetic cymbals.\n- Wide electric guitar chords.\n- Distorted bass guitar.\n- Aggressive male vocal.\n- Atmosphere is energetic and aggressive."]}