--- {} --- # Model Card for MythaKiCOTlion MythaKiCOTlion is a a lora merge of Mythalion 13B + (SuperCOT + Kimiko v2) ## Model Details *Q: **"Why do you do this?!"*** *A: **Was bored.*** ### Model Description - **Developed by:** KaraKaraWitch (Merge), kaiokendev (SuperCOT LoRA), nRuaif (Kimiko v2 LoRA) - **Model type:** Decoder only - **License:** LLaMA2 (MythaKiCOTlion), SuperCOT (MIT), Kimiko v1 (CC BY-NC-SA (?)) - **Finetuned from model [optional]:** LLaMA2 ### Model Sources [optional] - [Mythalion 13B](https://huggingface.co/PygmalionAI/mythalion-13b) - [SuperCOT LoRA](https://huggingface.co/kaiokendev/SuperCOT-LoRA) - [Kimiko v2 LoRA](https://huggingface.co/nRuaif/Kimiko-v2-13B) ## Uses YYMV. ### Direct Use ## Usage: Since this is a merge between Mythalion 13B, SuperCOT-LoRA and Kimiko v2, the following instruction formats should work: Metharme: ``` <|system|>Your system prompt goes here.<|user|>Are you alive?<|model|> ``` Alpaca: ``` ### Instruction: Your instruction or question here. ### Response: ``` ## Bias, Risks, and Limitations YMMV. This is untested territory. ### Testing Feedbakc - The model appears to still suffers from Mythalion annoyances. - *Which is to be expected, I'm thinking SuperCOT + Pyg2 Might be the way to go. Guess that's gonna be my next step.* Thanks to Trappu for the preliminary Feedback! ## Training Details N/A. Refer to the respective LoRa's and models.