--- base_model: - LeroyDyer/LCARS_TOP_SCORE - LeroyDyer/Mixtral_AI_Cyber_Matrix_2_0 - LeroyDyer/SpydazWeb_AI_CyberTron_Ultra_7b - LeroyDyer/LCARS_AI_StarTrek_Computer - LeroyDyer/_Spydaz_Web_AI_ActionQA_Project - LeroyDyer/_Spydaz_Web_AI_ChatML_512K_Project - LeroyDyer/_Spydaz_Web_AI_ChatQA_ReAct_Project_UltraFineTuned - LeroyDyer/SpyazWeb_AI_DeepMind_Project - LeroyDyer/SpydazWeb_AI_Swahili_Project - LeroyDyer/_Spydaz_Web_AI_ChatQA_ReAct_Project - LeroyDyer/_Spydaz_Web_AI_MistralStar_001_Project - LeroyDyer/QuietStar_Project - LeroyDyer/Mixtral_BioMedical_7b - LeroyDyer/Mixtral_AI_CyberTron_Coder - LeroyDyer/_Spydaz_Web_AI_BIBLE_002 - LeroyDyer/_Spydaz_Web_AI_ChatQA_Reasoning101_Project - LeroyDyer/SpydazWeb_AI_Text_AudioVision_Project language: - en - sw - ig - so - es - ca - xh - zu - ha - tw - af - hi - bm - su license: apache-2.0 datasets: - neoneye/base64-decode-v2 - neoneye/base64-encode-v1 - VuongQuoc/Chemistry_text_to_image - Kamizuru00/diagram_image_to_text - LeroyDyer/Chemistry_text_to_image_BASE64 - LeroyDyer/AudioCaps-Spectrograms_to_Base64 - LeroyDyer/winogroud_text_to_imaget_BASE64 - LeroyDyer/chart_text_to_Base64 - LeroyDyer/diagram_image_to_text_BASE64 - mekaneeky/salt_m2e_15_3_instruction - mekaneeky/SALT-languages-bible - xz56/react-llama - BeIR/hotpotqa - arcee-ai/agent-data tags: - mergekit - merge - Mistral_Star - Mistral_Quiet - Mistral - Mixtral - Question-Answer - Token-Classification - Sequence-Classification - SpydazWeb-AI - chemistry - biology - legal - code - climate - medical - LCARS_AI_StarTrek_Computer - text-generation-inference - chain-of-thought - tree-of-knowledge - forest-of-thoughts - visual-spacial-sketchpad - alpha-mind - knowledge-graph - entity-detection - encyclopedia - wikipedia - stack-exchange - Reddit - Cyber-series - MegaMind - Cybertron - SpydazWeb - Spydaz - LCARS - star-trek - mega-transformers - Mulit-Mega-Merge - Multi-Lingual - Afro-Centric - African-Model - Ancient-One --- BASE MODEL : # "Success comes from defining each task in achievable steps. Every completed step is a success that brings you closer to your goal. If your steps are unreachable, failure is inevitable. Winners create more winners, while losers do the opposite. Success is a game of winners!" — # Leroy Dyer (1972-Present) ## “Epochs are the key to effective training, rather than merely mass dumping examples—unless those examples are interconnected within a single or multiple conversations that teach through dialogue.” ### Model : LeroyDyer/SpydazWeb_AI_HumanAI_001 A New genrea of AI ! # The Human AI . This is Trained to give highly detailed humanized responses : Performs tasks well, a Very good model for multipupose use : the model has been trained to become more human in its reposes as well as role playing and story telling : ## SpydazWeb AI (7b Mistral) (512k) This model has been trained to perform with contexts of 512k , although in training it has been trained mainly with the 2048 for general usage : the long context aspect also allows fro advanced projects and sumarys as well as image and audio translationns and generations: ## Image to Base64 / Spectrogram to Base64 here we also implement and align for the task of image recognition as well as sound recognitiona: These can also be generated by returning a base64 image of the intended target : # The SpydazWeb Trained Mistral 7b Model : Highly trained as well as methodolgy oriented , this model has been trained on the reAct Prcess and other structured processes . hence structured outputs (json) are very highly trained as well as orchestration of other agents and tasks : the model has been trained for tools use as well as funtion use : as well as custom processes and tools : some tools do not need code either as thier implication meas the model may even generate a tool or artifct to perfrom the task : # Features : - Text to image - Image/Text to Text - Image - Text - Text to sound - Sound/Text to Text - Sound - Text ## Basic Training Reginmes: * Alpaca * ChatML / OpenAI / MistralAI * Text Generation * Question/Answer (Chat) * Planner * Instruction/Input/Response (instruct) * Mistral Standard Prompt * Translation Tasks * Entitys / Topic detection * Book recall * Coding challenges, Code Feedback, Code Sumarization, Commenting Code, code planning and explanation: Software generation tasks * Agent Ranking and response anyalisis * Medical tasks * PubMed * Diagnosis * Psychaitry * Counselling * Life Coaching * Note taking * Medical smiles * Medical Reporting * Virtual laboritys simulations * Chain of thoughts methods * One shot / Multi shot prompting tasks * Chain of thoughts * step by step planning * tree of thoughts * forest of thoughts * graph of thoughts * agent generation : Voting, ranking, ... dual agent response generation: