Integrate with Sentence Transformers

by tomaarsen HF staff - opened


Pull Request overview

  • Integrate with Sentence Transformers


First of all, congratulations on this release! Outperforming the E5 models is not an easy task!


This PR adds some configuration files for Sentence Transformers. This allows users to adopt this model without having to take care of the tokenization, mean pooling, normalization & cosine similarity themselves. Sentence Transformers is also well integrated with third parties, so this should hopefully make your model easier to adopt!

Do let me know if you have any questions.
Also, you're obviously always free to update the README to your likings!

  • Tom Aarsen
tomaarsen changed pull request status to open

thank you, Tom! It is very useful.

Lihuchen changed pull request status to merged

So super useful. Thank you Tom!!

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