Preferable to the normal version

by JoggyMuffin - opened

For some reason the alt version seems much less prone to gpt-isms and getting stuck in a hole of generating the same-reply-but-with-different-words on multiple retries. Dialogue also seems more natural to the context/character and less synthetic sounding. Overall, I recommend people give this one a try if they aren't satisfied with non-alt version.

JoggyMuffin changed discussion title from Preferable to the nromal version to Preferable to the normal version

For some reason the alt version seems much less prone to gpt-isms and getting stuck in a hole of generating the same-reply-but-with-different-words on multiple retries. Dialogue also seems more natural to the context/character and less synthetic sounding. Overall, I recommend people give this one a try if they aren't satisfied with non-alt version.

I'll have to give it a try. Was not a fan of 'non-alt'

NeverSleep org

It's because alt is epoch 2 and normal is epoch 1, Ikari liked e1 more and I liked e2 more, so we made the two available.
The OAS one is the alt one tho

i prefer alt version too, but still lacking a bit. Compared to miqumaid merges

miqumaid is very good, I haven't found anything that runs above how creative it can be, and naughty yeah, howver this one seems to produce more natural verbiage at times, not as overly formal or academic like miqumaid can be.

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