EXL2 RPCAL - for those interested

by zaq-hack - opened

The only one completely uploaded to HF is the 3.5bpw. You know, because it was done first. Obviously. Because I wanted to play with it. Duh. (5.5, 4.5, and 2.5 incoming ... very, very slowly uploading ... I really need to change my scripts to make sure I'm only pushing one at a time.)

I've only gotten to mess with it for a few hours, but it has that Miqu-magic. Whatever makes Miqu particularly "smart" is still mostly there. Plus, this one seems a touch more creative. It seems to strike a good balance on when to "take initiative." This is a particularly tricky thing, imo: If a model is always usurping your own actions in RP, it gets annoying really fast. On the other hand, if it doesn't contribute something, you may as well be writing the whole script. This one seems pretty great out to about 6k context, and I look forward to pushing it into different scenarios and longer convos, soon.

Loving it so far!!! Thanks!!!

NeverSleep org

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