import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import time import pandas as pd import re import datetime import os import random class ReedsyCrawler: def __init__(self): path = './' if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if not os.path.exists(path + '/stories'): os.mkdir(path + '/stories') self.folder = path self.prompt_df = self.get_prompts() def run(self): for i, r in self.prompt_df[self.prompt_df['done'] == 0].iterrows(): try: story_df, posted_date = self.get_stories(r) story_df.to_csv(os.path.join(self.folder, 'stories', '{}.csv'.format(r['prompt_id'])), index=None) self.prompt_df.loc[i, 'done'] = 1 self.prompt_df.loc[i, 'posted_date'] = posted_date self.prompt_df.to_csv(os.path.join(self.folder, 'prompt.csv'), index=None) except: print(r) def scrape_story(self, i, r): story_df, posted_date = self.get_stories(r) story_df.to_csv(os.path.join(self.folder, 'stories', '{}.csv'.format(r['prompt_id'])), index=None) self.prompt_df.loc[i, 'done'] = 1 self.prompt_df.loc[i, 'posted_date'] = posted_date self.prompt_df.to_csv(os.path.join(self.folder, 'prompt.csv'), index=None) def get_soup(self,url): attempt = 1 while True: response = requests.get( url, headers={ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } ) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content) if response.status_code == 200: time.sleep(0.2) return soup elif attempt >=5: print('Attempt >= 5', url) else: attempt+=1 time.sleep(3) def get_prompts(self): # 1 get all prompts # try to read prompt.csv if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.folder, 'prompt.csv')): prompt_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.folder, 'prompt.csv')) else: prompt_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['prompt_id', 'prompt', 'category', 'link', 'no_of_stories', 'done']) prompt_result_list = [] # First page soup = self.get_soup('') prompt_last_page = int(soup.find_all('span', class_='page')[-1].find('a').text) # get the last page of prompts prompt_list = soup.find_all('div', class_='prompt panel panel-thin panel-white-bordered space-bottom-xs-md') # get a list of all prompts in page if len(prompt_df) > 0: prompt_count = int(prompt_df['prompt_id'].max()[8:]) + 1 else: prompt_count = 1 for i in range(1, prompt_last_page+1): soup = self.get_soup(f'{i}') time.sleep(1) prompt_list = soup.find_all('div', class_='prompt panel panel-thin panel-white-bordered space-bottom-xs-md') for p in prompt_list: if p.find('p').text.strip()[:4] == 'LIVE': continue # Skip the prompt if it's LIVE category = p.find('p').text.split('–')[0].strip() try: count = int(p.find('p').text.split('–')[-1].replace(' stories', '').strip()) except: count = 0 prompt = p.find('a').text if len(prompt_df[prompt_df['prompt'] == prompt])==0: new_row = { 'prompt_id': f"prompt_{prompt_count:04d}", 'prompt': p.find('a').text, 'category': category, 'link': '' + p.find('a').get('href'), 'no_of_stories': count, 'done': 0 } prompt_result_list.append(new_row) prompt_count += 1 new_prompt_df = pd.DataFrame(prompt_result_list) prompt_df = pd.concat([prompt_df, new_prompt_df]) prompt_df.to_csv(os.path.join(self.folder, 'prompt.csv'), index=None) return prompt_df def get_stories(self, r): # # 2. get all stories link prompt_story_list = [] prompt_id = r['prompt_id'] prompt = r['prompt'] next_page = r['link'] while next_page: prompt_soup = self.get_soup(next_page) posted_date = prompt_soup.find('section', class_='row-thin').find('p').text.split('on')[-1].strip() try: next_page = '' + prompt_soup.find('div', id='submissions-load').find('a').get('href') except: next_page = None stories = prompt_soup.find_all('div', class_='submission') for s in stories: new_row = { 'prompt_id': prompt_id, 'prompt': prompt, 'story_id': s.find('h3', class_='mimic-h4').find_all('a')[0].get('href').split('/')[-2], 'story_title': s.find('h3', class_='mimic-h4').find_all('a')[0].text, 'story_author': s.find('h3', class_='mimic-h4').find_all('a')[1].text, 'story_url': '' + s.find('h3', class_='mimic-h4').find_all('a')[0].get('href'), 'link': s.find('a').get('href'), 'genre': r['category'], 'is_sensitive': 0 } new_row = self.get_story_info(new_row) sensitive_div = s.find('div', class_='panel panel-thinner panel-white-bordered space-bottom-xs-md space-top-xs-md') if sensitive_div: if sensitive_div.text.strip() == 'This story contains sensitive content': new_row['is_sensitive'] = 1 prompt_story_list.append(new_row) prompt_story_df = pd.DataFrame(prompt_story_list) prompt_story_df.to_csv(os.path.join(self.folder, 'stories', '{}.csv'.format(r['prompt_id'])), index=None) return prompt_story_df, posted_date def get_story_info(self, r, comment=True): # 3. get story infomation story_comment_list = [] story_id = r['story_id'] story_soup = self.get_soup(r['story_url']) print(r['story_url']) r['categories'] = str([a.text for a in story_soup.find('p', class_='small space-top-xs-md').find_all('a')]) r['likes'] = story_soup.find('p', class_='text-grey space-top-xs-md').find('button').text.strip() r['story_text'] = story_soup.find('article').text r['posted_date'] = story_soup.find('div', class_='grid gutter-xs-md no-response space-bottom-xs-md').find('div', class_='cell-shrink').text.strip() if comment: comment_soup = story_soup while comment_soup: story_comment_list += self.get_comment(comment_soup) next_page = comment_soup.find('a', attrs={'rel': 'next'}) if next_page: comment_soup = self.get_soup('' + next_page.get('href')) print('' + next_page.get('href')) else: comment_soup = None r['comments'] = story_comment_list return r def get_comment_info(self, c): try: author = c.find('a', class_='profile-link text-weight-normal text-blue').text.strip() except: author = 'Unknown user' regex = re.compile('small text-wrap.*') comment_text = c.find('p', class_=regex).text.strip() time = c.find('small', class_='text-grey').text.strip() points = c.find('button', class_='btn-no-decoration trigger-signup-modal text-grey').text.replace('points', '').strip() return { author: comment_text, 'time': time, 'points': points } def get_comment(self, s): # handle all comments story_comment_list = [] comment_containers = s.find_all('div', class_='comment-container') for cc in comment_containers: comments = cc.find_all('div', class_='comment') # main comment if len(comments) > 0: main_comment = self.get_comment_info(comments[0]) nested_comments = [] if len(comments) > 1: for c in comments[1:]: nested_comments.append(self.get_comment_info(c)) story_comment_list.append([main_comment, nested_comments]) return story_comment_list if __name__ == '__main__': rc = ReedsyCrawler()