--- license: other license_name: bespoke-lora-trained-license license_link: https://multimodal.art/civitai-licenses?allowNoCredit=True&allowCommercialUse=Sell&allowDerivatives=True&allowDifferentLicense=True tags: - text-to-image - stable-diffusion - lora - diffusers - template:sd-lora - wool - style - styles - wooly - woolify base_model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 instance_prompt: zwuul widget: - text: '(by Yoshitaka Amano), 1girl, casting magic, fantasy, glowing particles, from the void, zwuul ' output: url: >- 3365435.jpeg - text: '1girl fantasy anime by Yoshitaka Amano, zwuul ' output: url: >- 3365434.jpeg - text: 'by Simon Bisley ,Wayne Barlowe H.R. Giger Zdzisław Beksiński an ultra-detailed mummy warped in intricate bandages, with a single, meticulously detailed eye peering through the layers of the bandages. installation, zwuul ' output: url: >- 3365438.jpeg - text: 'by Simon Bisley ,Wayne Barlowe H.R. Giger Zdzisław Beksiński an ultra-detailed mummy warped in intricate bandages, with a single, meticulously detailed eye peering through the layers of the bandages. installation, zwuul ' output: url: >- 3365437.jpeg - text: '1girl fantasy anime by Yoshitaka Amano, zwuul ' output: url: >- 3365439.jpeg - text: '1girl fantasy anime by Yoshitaka Amano, colorfull, zwuul ' output: url: >- 3365440.jpeg - text: 'green dragon, center of image, looking at viewer, dragon teeth, fantasy, castle in the background on a hill, zwuul ' output: url: >- 3365441.jpeg - text: 'green dragon, center of image, looking at viewer, dragon teeth, fantasy, castle in the background on a hill, zwuul ' output: url: >- 3365442.jpeg - text: '(by Richard Hamilton) (by Adam Martinakis ,Ellen Jewett ) a female vampire with fang dark fantasy, gothic horror [(details:1.2): [ (many small details:1.3), zwuul ' output: url: >- 3365443.jpeg --- # Wool Style [SDXL LoRA] ([CivitAI](https://civitai.com/models/188055)) ## Model description

Trigger word: zwuul
Sampling Method: DPM++ 2M SDE Karras

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## Trigger words You should use `zwuul` to trigger the image generation. ## Download model Weights for this model are available in Safetensors format. [Download](/RalFinger/wool-style-sdxl-lora/tree/main) them in the Files & versions tab. ## Use it with the [🧨 diffusers library](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers) ```py from diffusers import AutoPipelineForText2Image import torch pipeline = AutoPipelineForText2Image.from_pretrained('stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0', torch_dtype=torch.float16).to('cuda') pipeline.load_lora_weights('RalFinger/wool-style-sdxl-lora', weight_name='zwuul-sdxl.safetensors') image = pipeline('(by Richard Hamilton) (by Adam Martinakis ,Ellen Jewett ) a female vampire with fang dark fantasy, gothic horror [(details:1.2): [ (many small details:1.3), zwuul ').images[0] ``` For more details, including weighting, merging and fusing LoRAs, check the [documentation on loading LoRAs in diffusers](https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/main/en/using-diffusers/loading_adapters)