import { HelpCircleIcon, LineChartIcon, Link2Icon, LockIcon, NewspaperIcon, QrCodeIcon, } from "lucide-react"; export const NAV_LINKS = [ { title: "Features", href: "/features", menu: [ { title: "SEO Strategy", tagline: "SEO optimization and track their performance.", href: "/features/seo-strategy", icon: Link2Icon, }, { title: "Password Protection", tagline: "Secure your blogs with a password.", href: "/features/password-protection", icon: LockIcon, }, { title: "Advanced Analytics", tagline: "Gain insights into who is clicking your posts.", href: "/features/analytics", icon: LineChartIcon, }, { title: "Custom QR Codes", tagline: "Use QR codes to reach your audience.", href: "/features/qr-codes", icon: QrCodeIcon, }, ], }, { title: "Pricing", href: "/pricing", }, { title: "Enterprise", href: "/enterprise", }, { title: "Resources", href: "/resources", menu: [ { title: "Blog", tagline: "Read articles on the latest trends in tech.", href: "/resources/blog", icon: NewspaperIcon, }, { title: "Help", tagline: "Get answers to your questions.", href: "/resources/help", icon: HelpCircleIcon, }, ], }, { title: "Changelog", href: "/changelog", }, ];