diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes index a6344aac8c09253b3b630fb776ae94478aa0275b..b221e5a19d9379bf118bfb2e7ee30dd10921cfb6 100644 --- a/.gitattributes +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -33,3 +33,12 @@ saved_model/**/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text *.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text *.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text *tfevents* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Utils/JDC/bst.t7 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Utils/PLBERT/step_1050000.t7 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +reference_sample_wavs/01008270.wav filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +reference_sample_wavs/kaede_san.wav filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +reference_sample_wavs/riamu_zeroshot_02.wav filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +reference_sample_wavs/sample_ref01.wav filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +reference_sample_wavs/sample_ref02.wav filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +reference_sample_wavs/shiki_fine05.wav filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +reference_sample_wavs/syuukovoice_200918_3_01.wav filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text diff --git a/.gradio/certificate.pem b/.gradio/certificate.pem new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b85c8037f6b60976b2546fdbae88312c5246d9a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gradio/certificate.pem @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIFazCCA1OgAwIBAgIRAIIQz7DSQONZRGPgu2OCiwAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw +TzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxKTAnBgNVBAoTIEludGVybmV0IFNlY3VyaXR5IFJlc2Vh +cmNoIEdyb3VwMRUwEwYDVQQDEwxJU1JHIFJvb3QgWDEwHhcNMTUwNjA0MTEwNDM4 +WhcNMzUwNjA0MTEwNDM4WjBPMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEpMCcGA1UEChMgSW50ZXJu +ZXQgU2VjdXJpdHkgUmVzZWFyY2ggR3JvdXAxFTATBgNVBAMTDElTUkcgUm9vdCBY +MTCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoCggIBAK3oJHP0FDfzm54rVygc +h77ct984kIxuPOZXoHj3dcKi/vVqbvYATyjb3miGbESTtrFj/RQSa78f0uoxmyF+ +0TM8ukj13Xnfs7j/EvEhmkvBioZxaUpmZmyPfjxwv60pIgbz5MDmgK7iS4+3mX6U +A5/TR5d8mUgjU+g4rk8Kb4Mu0UlXjIB0ttov0DiNewNwIRt18jA8+o+u3dpjq+sW +T8KOEUt+zwvo/7V3LvSye0rgTBIlDHCNAymg4VMk7BPZ7hm/ELNKjD+Jo2FR3qyH +B5T0Y3HsLuJvW5iB4YlcNHlsdu87kGJ55tukmi8mxdAQ4Q7e2RCOFvu396j3x+UC +B5iPNgiV5+I3lg02dZ77DnKxHZu8A/lJBdiB3QW0KtZB6awBdpUKD9jf1b0SHzUv +KBds0pjBqAlkd25HN7rOrFleaJ1/ctaJxQZBKT5ZPt0m9STJEadao0xAH0ahmbWn +OlFuhjuefXKnEgV4We0+UXgVCwOPjdAvBbI+e0ocS3MFEvzG6uBQE3xDk3SzynTn +jh8BCNAw1FtxNrQHusEwMFxIt4I7mKZ9YIqioymCzLq9gwQbooMDQaHWBfEbwrbw +qHyGO0aoSCqI3Haadr8faqU9GY/rOPNk3sgrDQoo//fb4hVC1CLQJ13hef4Y53CI +rU7m2Ys6xt0nUW7/vGT1M0NPAgMBAAGjQjBAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAPBgNV +HRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBR5tFnme7bl5AFzgAiIyBpY9umbbjANBgkq +hkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAgEAVR9YqbyyqFDQDLHYGmkgJykIrGF1XIpu+ILlaS/V9lZL +ubhzEFnTIZd+50xx+7LSYK05qAvqFyFWhfFQDlnrzuBZ6brJFe+GnY+EgPbk6ZGQ +3BebYhtF8GaV0nxvwuo77x/Py9auJ/GpsMiu/X1+mvoiBOv/2X/qkSsisRcOj/KK +NFtY2PwByVS5uCbMiogziUwthDyC3+6WVwW6LLv3xLfHTjuCvjHIInNzktHCgKQ5 +ORAzI4JMPJ+GslWYHb4phowim57iaztXOoJwTdwJx4nLCgdNbOhdjsnvzqvHu7Ur +TkXWStAmzOVyyghqpZXjFaH3pO3JLF+l+/+sKAIuvtd7u+Nxe5AW0wdeRlN8NwdC +jNPElpzVmbUq4JUagEiuTDkHzsxHpFKVK7q4+63SM1N95R1NbdWhscdCb+ZAJzVc +oyi3B43njTOQ5yOf+1CceWxG1bQVs5ZufpsMljq4Ui0/1lvh+wjChP4kqKOJ2qxq +4RgqsahDYVvTH9w7jXbyLeiNdd8XM2w9U/t7y0Ff/9yi0GE44Za4rF2LN9d11TPA +mRGunUHBcnWEvgJBQl9nJEiU0Zsnvgc/ubhPgXRR4Xq37Z0j4r7g1SgEEzwxA57d +emyPxgcYxn/eR44/KJ4EBs+lVDR3veyJm+kXQ99b21/+jh5Xos1AnX5iItreGCc= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/Configs/config.yml b/Configs/config.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b74b8ee8a72f28f33edfaa3ea992342467e801cb --- /dev/null +++ b/Configs/config.yml @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +log_dir: "Models/LJSpeech" +first_stage_path: "first_stage.pth" +save_freq: 2 +log_interval: 10 +device: "cuda" +epochs_1st: 200 # number of epochs for first stage training (pre-training) +epochs_2nd: 100 # number of peochs for second stage training (joint training) +batch_size: 16 +max_len: 400 # maximum number of frames +pretrained_model: "" +second_stage_load_pretrained: true # set to true if the pre-trained model is for 2nd stage +load_only_params: false # set to true if do not want to load epoch numbers and optimizer parameters + +F0_path: "Utils/JDC/bst.t7" +ASR_config: "Utils/ASR/config.yml" +ASR_path: "Utils/ASR/epoch_00080.pth" +PLBERT_dir: 'Utils/PLBERT/' + +data_params: + train_data: "Data/train_list.txt" + val_data: "Data/val_list.txt" + root_path: "/local/LJSpeech-1.1/wavs" + OOD_data: "Data/OOD_texts.txt" + min_length: 50 # sample until texts with this size are obtained for OOD texts + +preprocess_params: + sr: 24000 + spect_params: + n_fft: 2048 + win_length: 1200 + hop_length: 300 + +model_params: + multispeaker: false + + dim_in: 64 + hidden_dim: 512 + max_conv_dim: 512 + n_layer: 3 + n_mels: 80 + + n_token: 178 # number of phoneme tokens + max_dur: 50 # maximum duration of a single phoneme + style_dim: 128 # style vector size + + dropout: 0.2 + + # config for decoder + decoder: + type: 'istftnet' # either hifigan or istftnet + resblock_kernel_sizes: [3,7,11] + upsample_rates : [10, 6] + upsample_initial_channel: 512 + resblock_dilation_sizes: [[1,3,5], [1,3,5], [1,3,5]] + upsample_kernel_sizes: [20, 12] + gen_istft_n_fft: 20 + gen_istft_hop_size: 5 + + # speech language model config + slm: + model: 'microsoft/wavlm-base-plus' + sr: 16000 # sampling rate of SLM + hidden: 768 # hidden size of SLM + nlayers: 13 # number of layers of SLM + initial_channel: 64 # initial channels of SLM discriminator head + + # style diffusion model config + diffusion: + embedding_mask_proba: 0.1 + # transformer config + transformer: + num_layers: 3 + num_heads: 8 + head_features: 64 + multiplier: 2 + + # diffusion distribution config + dist: + sigma_data: 0.2 # placeholder for estimate_sigma_data set to false + estimate_sigma_data: true # estimate sigma_data from the current batch if set to true + mean: -3.0 + std: 1.0 + +loss_params: + lambda_mel: 5. # mel reconstruction loss + lambda_gen: 1. # generator loss + lambda_slm: 1. # slm feature matching loss + + lambda_mono: 1. # monotonic alignment loss (1st stage, TMA) + lambda_s2s: 1. # sequence-to-sequence loss (1st stage, TMA) + TMA_epoch: 50 # TMA starting epoch (1st stage) + + lambda_F0: 1. # F0 reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_norm: 1. # norm reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_dur: 1. # duration loss (2nd stage) + lambda_ce: 20. # duration predictor probability output CE loss (2nd stage) + lambda_sty: 1. # style reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_diff: 1. # score matching loss (2nd stage) + + diff_epoch: 20 # style diffusion starting epoch (2nd stage) + joint_epoch: 50 # joint training starting epoch (2nd stage) + +optimizer_params: + lr: 0.0001 # general learning rate + bert_lr: 0.00001 # learning rate for PLBERT + ft_lr: 0.00001 # learning rate for acoustic modules + +slmadv_params: + min_len: 400 # minimum length of samples + max_len: 500 # maximum length of samples + batch_percentage: 0.5 # to prevent out of memory, only use half of the original batch size + iter: 10 # update the discriminator every this iterations of generator update + thresh: 5 # gradient norm above which the gradient is scaled + scale: 0.01 # gradient scaling factor for predictors from SLM discriminators + sig: 1.5 # sigma for differentiable duration modeling + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Configs/config_ft.yml b/Configs/config_ft.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e8cc576b23e31ca1a6da6674501249b7c16257d --- /dev/null +++ b/Configs/config_ft.yml @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +log_dir: "Models/IMAS_FineTuned" +save_freq: 1 +log_interval: 10 +device: "cuda" +epochs: 50 # number of finetuning epoch (1 hour of data) +batch_size: 3 +max_len: 2500 # maximum number of frames +pretrained_model: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Models/Style_Kanade/NO_SLM_3_epoch_2nd_00002.pth" +second_stage_load_pretrained: true # set to true if the pre-trained model is for 2nd stage +load_only_params: true # set to true if do not want to load epoch numbers and optimizer parameters + +F0_path: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Utils/JDC/bst.t7" +ASR_config: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Utils/ASR/config.yml" +ASR_path: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Utils/ASR/bst_00080.pth" + +PLBERT_dir: 'Utils/PLBERT/' + +data_params: + train_data: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Data/metadata_cleanest/FT_imas.csv" + val_data: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Data/metadata_cleanest/FT_imas_valid.csv" + root_path: "" + OOD_data: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Data/OOD_LargeScale_.csv" + min_length: 50 # sample until texts with this size are obtained for OOD texts + + +preprocess_params: + sr: 24000 + spect_params: + n_fft: 2048 + win_length: 1200 + hop_length: 300 + +model_params: + multispeaker: true + + dim_in: 64 + hidden_dim: 512 + max_conv_dim: 512 + n_layer: 3 + n_mels: 80 + + n_token: 178 # number of phoneme tokens + max_dur: 50 # maximum duration of a single phoneme + style_dim: 128 # style vector size + + dropout: 0.2 + + decoder: + type: 'istftnet' # either hifigan or istftnet + resblock_kernel_sizes: [3,7,11] + upsample_rates : [10, 6] + upsample_initial_channel: 512 + resblock_dilation_sizes: [[1,3,5], [1,3,5], [1,3,5]] + upsample_kernel_sizes: [20, 12] + gen_istft_n_fft: 20 + gen_istft_hop_size: 5 + + + + # speech language model config + slm: + model: 'Respair/Whisper_Large_v2_Encoder_Block' # The model itself is hardcoded, change it through -> losses.py + sr: 16000 # sampling rate of SLM + hidden: 1280 # hidden size of SLM + nlayers: 33 # number of layers of SLM + initial_channel: 64 # initial channels of SLM discriminator head + + # style diffusion model config + diffusion: + embedding_mask_proba: 0.1 + # transformer config + transformer: + num_layers: 3 + num_heads: 8 + head_features: 64 + multiplier: 2 + + # diffusion distribution config + dist: + sigma_data: 0.2 # placeholder for estimate_sigma_data set to false + estimate_sigma_data: true # estimate sigma_data from the current batch if set to true + mean: -3.0 + std: 1.0 + +loss_params: + lambda_mel: 10. # mel reconstruction loss + lambda_gen: 1. # generator loss + lambda_slm: 1. # slm feature matching loss + + lambda_mono: 1. # monotonic alignment loss (1st stage, TMA) + lambda_s2s: 1. # sequence-to-sequence loss (1st stage, TMA) + TMA_epoch: 9 # TMA starting epoch (1st stage) + + lambda_F0: 1. # F0 reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_norm: 1. # norm reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_dur: 1. # duration loss (2nd stage) + lambda_ce: 20. # duration predictor probability output CE loss (2nd stage) + lambda_sty: 1. # style reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_diff: 1. # score matching loss (2nd stage) + + diff_epoch: 0 # style diffusion starting epoch (2nd stage) + joint_epoch: 30 # joint training starting epoch (2nd stage) + +optimizer_params: + lr: 0.0001 # general learning rate + bert_lr: 0.00001 # learning rate for PLBERT + ft_lr: 0.00001 # learning rate for acoustic modules + +slmadv_params: + min_len: 400 # minimum length of samples + max_len: 500 # maximum length of samples + batch_percentage: 0.5 # to prevent out of memory, only use half of the original batch size + iter: 20 # update the discriminator every this iterations of generator update + thresh: 5 # gradient norm above which the gradient is scaled + scale: 0.01 # gradient scaling factor for predictors from SLM discriminators + sig: 1.5 # sigma for differentiable duration modeling diff --git a/Configs/config_kanade.yml b/Configs/config_kanade.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcdc8b5fd6caca8d98c70dd1751b519d30ad3c71 --- /dev/null +++ b/Configs/config_kanade.yml @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +log_dir: "Models/Style_Kanade_v02" +first_stage_path: "" +save_freq: 1 +log_interval: 10 +device: "cuda" +epochs_1st: 30 # number of epochs for first stage training (pre-training) +epochs_2nd: 20 # number of peochs for second stage training (joint training) +batch_size: 64 +max_len: 560 # maximum number of frames +pretrained_model: "Models/Style_Kanade_v02/epoch_2nd_00007.pth" +second_stage_load_pretrained: true # set to true if the pre-trained model is for 2nd stage +load_only_params: false # set to true if do not want to load epoch numbers and optimizer parameters + +F0_path: "Utils/JDC/bst.t7" +ASR_config: "Utils/ASR/config.yml" +ASR_path: "Utils/ASR/bst_00080.pth" + +PLBERT_dir: 'Utils/PLBERT/' + +data_params: + train_data: "Data/metadata_cleanest/DATA.csv" + val_data: "Data/VALID.txt" + root_path: "" + OOD_data: "Data/OOD_LargeScale_.csv" + min_length: 50 # sample until texts with this size are obtained for OOD texts + + +preprocess_params: + sr: 24000 + spect_params: + n_fft: 2048 + win_length: 1200 + hop_length: 300 + +model_params: + multispeaker: true + + dim_in: 64 + hidden_dim: 512 + max_conv_dim: 512 + n_layer: 3 + n_mels: 80 + + n_token: 178 # number of phoneme tokens + max_dur: 50 # maximum duration of a single phoneme + style_dim: 128 # style vector size + + dropout: 0.2 + + decoder: + type: 'istftnet' # either hifigan or istftnet + resblock_kernel_sizes: [3,7,11] + upsample_rates : [10, 6] + upsample_initial_channel: 512 + resblock_dilation_sizes: [[1,3,5], [1,3,5], [1,3,5]] + upsample_kernel_sizes: [20, 12] + gen_istft_n_fft: 20 + gen_istft_hop_size: 5 + + + + # speech language model config + slm: + model: 'Respair/Whisper_Large_v2_Encoder_Block' # The model itself is hardcoded, change it through -> losses.py + sr: 16000 # sampling rate of SLM + hidden: 1280 # hidden size of SLM + nlayers: 33 # number of layers of SLM + initial_channel: 64 # initial channels of SLM discriminator head + + # style diffusion model config + diffusion: + embedding_mask_proba: 0.1 + # transformer config + transformer: + num_layers: 3 + num_heads: 8 + head_features: 64 + multiplier: 2 + + # diffusion distribution config + dist: + sigma_data: 0.2 # placeholder for estimate_sigma_data set to false + estimate_sigma_data: true # estimate sigma_data from the current batch if set to true + mean: -3.0 + std: 1.0 + +loss_params: + lambda_mel: 10. # mel reconstruction loss + lambda_gen: 1. # generator loss + lambda_slm: 1. # slm feature matching loss + + lambda_mono: 1. # monotonic alignment loss (1st stage, TMA) + lambda_s2s: 1. # sequence-to-sequence loss (1st stage, TMA) + TMA_epoch: 5 # TMA starting epoch (1st stage) + + lambda_F0: 1. # F0 reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_norm: 1. # norm reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_dur: 1. # duration loss (2nd stage) + lambda_ce: 20. # duration predictor probability output CE loss (2nd stage) + lambda_sty: 1. # style reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_diff: 1. # score matching loss (2nd stage) + + diff_epoch: 4 # style diffusion starting epoch (2nd stage) + joint_epoch: 999 # joint training starting epoch (2nd stage) + +optimizer_params: + lr: 0.0001 # general learning rate + bert_lr: 0.00001 # learning rate for PLBERT + ft_lr: 0.00001 # learning rate for acoustic modules + +slmadv_params: + min_len: 400 # minimum length of samples + max_len: 500 # maximum length of samples + batch_percentage: 0.5 # to prevent out of memory, only use half of the original batch size + iter: 20 # update the discriminator every this iterations of generator update + thresh: 5 # gradient norm above which the gradient is scaled + scale: 0.01 # gradient scaling factor for predictors from SLM discriminators + sig: 1.5 # sigma for differentiable duration modeling diff --git a/Inference/infer_24khz_mod.ipynb b/Inference/infer_24khz_mod.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..722dbbd723ca39ab12d669519ff1821c2a8c1473 --- /dev/null +++ b/Inference/infer_24khz_mod.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,657 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 1, + "metadata": { + "scrolled": true + }, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stderr", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "/home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/respair/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/magics/osm.py:417: UserWarning: This is now an optional IPython functionality, setting dhist requires you to install the `pickleshare` library.\n", + " self.shell.db['dhist'] = compress_dhist(dhist)[-100:]\n" + ] + }, + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "/home/ubuntu/Kanade_Project/Project_Kanade_SpeechModel/pkanade_24\n", + "177\n" + ] + }, + { + "name": "stderr", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "The tokenizer class you load from this checkpoint is not the same type as the class this function is called from. It may result in unexpected tokenization. \n", + "The tokenizer class you load from this checkpoint is 'BertJapaneseTokenizer'. \n", + "The class this function is called from is 'DistilBertJapaneseTokenizer'.\n", + "[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt_tab to /home/ubuntu/nltk_data...\n", + "[nltk_data] Package punkt_tab is already up-to-date!\n", + "/home/ubuntu/Kanade_Project/Project_Kanade_SpeechModel/pkanade_24/models.py:895: FutureWarning: You are using `torch.load` with `weights_only=False` (the current default value), which uses the default pickle module implicitly. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling (See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/main/SECURITY.md#untrusted-models for more details). In a future release, the default value for `weights_only` will be flipped to `True`. This limits the functions that could be executed during unpickling. Arbitrary objects will no longer be allowed to be loaded via this mode unless they are explicitly allowlisted by the user via `torch.serialization.add_safe_globals`. We recommend you start setting `weights_only=True` for any use case where you don't have full control of the loaded file. Please open an issue on GitHub for any issues related to this experimental feature.\n", + " params = torch.load(model_path, map_location='cpu')['model']\n", + "/home/ubuntu/Kanade_Project/Project_Kanade_SpeechModel/pkanade_24/models.py:823: FutureWarning: You are using `torch.load` with `weights_only=False` (the current default value), which uses the default pickle module implicitly. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling (See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/main/SECURITY.md#untrusted-models for more details). In a future release, the default value for `weights_only` will be flipped to `True`. This limits the functions that could be executed during unpickling. Arbitrary objects will no longer be allowed to be loaded via this mode unless they are explicitly allowlisted by the user via `torch.serialization.add_safe_globals`. We recommend you start setting `weights_only=True` for any use case where you don't have full control of the loaded file. Please open an issue on GitHub for any issues related to this experimental feature.\n", + " params = torch.load(path, map_location='cpu')['net']\n", + "/home/ubuntu/Kanade_Project/Project_Kanade_SpeechModel/pkanade_24/Utils/PLBERT/util.py:30: FutureWarning: You are using `torch.load` with `weights_only=False` (the current default value), which uses the default pickle module implicitly. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling (See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/main/SECURITY.md#untrusted-models for more details). In a future release, the default value for `weights_only` will be flipped to `True`. This limits the functions that could be executed during unpickling. Arbitrary objects will no longer be allowed to be loaded via this mode unless they are explicitly allowlisted by the user via `torch.serialization.add_safe_globals`. We recommend you start setting `weights_only=True` for any use case where you don't have full control of the loaded file. Please open an issue on GitHub for any issues related to this experimental feature.\n", + " checkpoint = torch.load(log_dir + \"/step_\" + str(iters) + \".t7\", map_location='cpu')\n", + "/home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/respair/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/utils/weight_norm.py:143: FutureWarning: `torch.nn.utils.weight_norm` is deprecated in favor of `torch.nn.utils.parametrizations.weight_norm`.\n", + " WeightNorm.apply(module, name, dim)\n", + "/home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/respair/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/rnn.py:123: UserWarning: dropout option adds dropout after all but last recurrent layer, so non-zero dropout expects num_layers greater than 1, but got dropout=0.2 and num_layers=1\n", + " warnings.warn(\n", + "/tmp/ipykernel_18694/2087283089.py:115: FutureWarning: You are using `torch.load` with `weights_only=False` (the current default value), which uses the default pickle module implicitly. It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling (See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/main/SECURITY.md#untrusted-models for more details). In a future release, the default value for `weights_only` will be flipped to `True`. This limits the functions that could be executed during unpickling. Arbitrary objects will no longer be allowed to be loaded via this mode unless they are explicitly allowlisted by the user via `torch.serialization.add_safe_globals`. We recommend you start setting `weights_only=True` for any use case where you don't have full control of the loaded file. Please open an issue on GitHub for any issues related to this experimental feature.\n", + " params_whole = torch.load(\"Models/Style_Kanade_v02/Top_ckpt_24khz.pth\", map_location='cpu')\n" + ] + }, + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "bert loaded\n", + "bert_encoder loaded\n", + "predictor loaded\n", + "decoder loaded\n", + "text_encoder loaded\n", + "predictor_encoder loaded\n", + "style_encoder loaded\n", + "diffusion loaded\n", + "text_aligner loaded\n", + "pitch_extractor loaded\n", + "mpd loaded\n", + "msd loaded\n", + "wd loaded\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "\n", + "# os.environ[\"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES\"] = \"0\"\n", + "# import torch\n", + "# print(torch.cuda.device_count())\n", + "import IPython.display as ipd\n", + "import os\n", + "# os.environ['CUDA_HOME'] = '/home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/respair/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/lib/include/cuda'\n", + "import torch\n", + "torch.manual_seed(0)\n", + "torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False\n", + "torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True\n", + "\n", + "import random\n", + "random.seed(0)\n", + "\n", + "import numpy as np\n", + "np.random.seed(0)\n", + "\n", + "# load packages\n", + "\n", + "%cd /home/ubuntu/Kanade_Project/Project_Kanade_SpeechModel/pkanade_24\n", + "from cotlet_phon import phonemize\n", + "\n", + "import time\n", + "import random\n", + "import yaml\n", + "from munch import Munch\n", + "import numpy as np\n", + "import torch\n", + "from torch import nn\n", + "import torch.nn.functional as F\n", + "import torchaudio\n", + "import librosa\n", + "from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize\n", + "\n", + "from models import *\n", + "from Modules.KotoDama_sampler import tokenizer_koto_prompt, tokenizer_koto_text, inference, Longform, merging_sentences, trim_long_silences\n", + "from utils import *\n", + "\n", + "import nltk\n", + "nltk.download('punkt_tab')\n", + "\n", + "from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize\n", + "\n", + "from konoha import SentenceTokenizer\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "sent_tokenizer = SentenceTokenizer()\n", + "\n", + "%matplotlib inline\n", + "to_mel = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram(\n", + " n_mels=80, n_fft=2048, win_length=1200, hop_length=300)\n", + "mean, std = -4, 4\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "def preprocess(wave):\n", + " wave_tensor = torch.from_numpy(wave).float()\n", + " mel_tensor = to_mel(wave_tensor)\n", + " mel_tensor = (torch.log(1e-5 + mel_tensor.unsqueeze(0)) - mean) / std\n", + " return mel_tensor\n", + "\n", + "def compute_style_through_clip_through_clip(path):\n", + " wave, sr = librosa.load(path, sr=24000)\n", + " audio, index = librosa.effects.trim(wave, top_db=30)\n", + " if sr != 24000:\n", + " audio = librosa.resample(audio, sr, 24000)\n", + " mel_tensor = preprocess(audio).to(device)\n", + "\n", + " with torch.no_grad():\n", + " ref_s = model.style_encoder(mel_tensor.unsqueeze(1))\n", + " ref_p = model.predictor_encoder(mel_tensor.unsqueeze(1))\n", + "\n", + " return torch.cat([ref_s, ref_p], dim=1)\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "def Kotodama_Prompter(model, text, device):\n", + " \n", + " with torch.no_grad():\n", + " style = model.KotoDama_Prompt(**tokenizer_koto_prompt(text, return_tensors=\"pt\").to(device))['logits']\n", + " return style\n", + "\n", + "def Kotodama_Sampler(model, text, device):\n", + " \n", + " with torch.no_grad():\n", + " style = model.KotoDama_Text(**tokenizer_koto_text(text, return_tensors=\"pt\").to(device))['logits']\n", + " return style\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'\n", + "\n", + "config = yaml.safe_load(open(\"Configs/config_kanade.yml\"))\n", + "\n", + "# load pretrained ASR model\n", + "ASR_config = config.get('ASR_config', False)\n", + "ASR_path = config.get('ASR_path', False)\n", + "text_aligner = load_ASR_models(ASR_path, ASR_config)\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "KotoDama_Prompter = load_KotoDama_Prompter(path=\"Utils/Kotodama/prompt_enc/checkpoint-73285\")\n", + "KotoDama_TextSampler = load_KotoDama_TextSampler(path=\"Utils/Kotodama/text_enc/checkpoint-22680\")\n", + "\n", + "# load pretrained F0 model\n", + "F0_path = config.get('F0_path', False)\n", + "pitch_extractor = load_F0_models(F0_path)\n", + "\n", + "# load BERT model\n", + "from Utils.PLBERT.util import load_plbert\n", + "BERT_path = config.get('PLBERT_dir', False)\n", + "plbert = load_plbert(BERT_path)\n", + "\n", + "model_params = recursive_munch(config['model_params'])\n", + "model = build_model(model_params, text_aligner, pitch_extractor, plbert, KotoDama_Prompter, KotoDama_TextSampler)\n", + "_ = [model[key].eval() for key in model]\n", + "_ = [model[key].to(device) for key in model]\n", + "\n", + "params_whole = torch.load(\"Models/Style_Kanade_v02/Top_ckpt_24khz.pth\", map_location='cpu')\n", + "params = params_whole['net']\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "for key in model:\n", + " if key in params:\n", + " print('%s loaded' % key)\n", + " try:\n", + " model[key].load_state_dict(params[key])\n", + " except:\n", + " from collections import OrderedDict\n", + " state_dict = params[key]\n", + " new_state_dict = OrderedDict()\n", + " for k, v in state_dict.items():\n", + " name = k[7:] # remove `module.`\n", + " new_state_dict[name] = v\n", + " # load params\n", + " model[key].load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=False)\n", + "# except:\n", + "# _load(params[key], model[key])\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "_ = [model[key].eval() for key in model]\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "from Modules.diffusion.sampler import DiffusionSampler, ADPM2Sampler, KarrasSchedule\n", + "diffusion_sampler = DiffusionSampler(\n", + " model.diffusion.diffusion,\n", + " sampler=ADPM2Sampler(),\n", + " sigma_schedule=KarrasSchedule(sigma_min=0.0001, sigma_max=3.0, rho=9.0), # empirical parameters\n", + " clamp=False\n", + ")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Explaining the Inference\n", + "\n", + "alpha and beta will determine the impact of the diffusion sampler. \n", + "rate_of_speech will define pace of speech.\n", + " \n", + "diffusion sampler may not work on all devices for the reason explained in the repo, in that case please turn it off by setting both to 0.\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "アルファとベータは、ディフュージョンサンプラーの影響を決定します。\n", + "ディフュージョンサンプラーはすべての端末で動作しない可能性があり、その理由はリポジトリで説明されています。その場合は、両方を0にしてください。そうすれば、ディフュージョンサンプラーと影響が完全に0になります。\n", + "\"リコンストラクションヘッド\"は、ディフュージョンネットを使用して48kHzまでアップサンプリングすることで、失われた周波数を復元しようとします。レイテンシーを改善したい場合や、その機能にそれほど影響がないと感じる場合は、それをオフにできます。" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 3, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "RTF = 0.016579\n" + ] + }, + { + "data": { + "text/html": [ + "\n", + " \n", + " " + ], + "text/plain": [ + "" + ] + }, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "display_data" + } + ], + "source": [ + "\"\"\"different speaker by switching the name. we then define how much should be the impact of the diffusion sampler. \n", + "if the diffusion sampler works for you, it's recommended to use both Kotodama. otherwise, set alpha and beta to 0.\"\"\"\n", + "\n", + "japanese = \"Kimiji: 人生は、果てしない探求の旅のようなもの。私たちは、自分自身や周囲の世界について、常に新しい発見をしていく。それは、時として喜びをもたらすこともあれば、困難に直面することもある。しかしそれら全てが、自分を形作る貴重な経験である。\"\n", + "\n", + "raw_jpn = japanese[japanese.find(\":\") + 2:] # factoring out the name of the speaker, since we don't need that for phonemization.\n", + "text = phonemize(raw_jpn)\n", + "\n", + "Kotodama = Kotodama_Sampler(model, text=japanese, device=device) # provide the Japanese text, not the Phonemized version.\n", + "\n", + "reference_dicts = {}\n", + "\n", + "reference_dicts['1789_14289w'] = japanese\n", + "\n", + "start = time.time()\n", + "noise = torch.randn(1,1,256).to(device)\n", + "for k, path in reference_dicts.items():\n", + "\n", + " wav = inference(model, diffusion_sampler, text, Kotodama, alpha=0.1, beta=0.5, diffusion_steps=10, embedding_scale=1.5, rate_of_speech=1.) \n", + " rtf = (time.time() - start) / (len(wav) / 24000)\n", + " print(f\"RTF = {rtf:5f}\")\n", + " display(ipd.Audio(wav, rate=24000, normalize=False))" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 56, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "'A male voice that resonates with deep, thunderous intensity. His rapid-fire words slam like aggressive drumbeats, each syllable charged with intense rage. The expressive tone fluctuates between restrained fury and explosive outbursts. \\n text: この俺に何度も同じことを説明させるな!! お前たちは俺の忠告を完全に無視して、とんでもない結果を招いてしまった。これが最後の警告だ。次は絶対に許さないぞ!'" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 56, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "raw_jpn = \"\"\"この俺に何度も同じことを説明させるな!! お前たちは俺の忠告を完全に無視して、とんでもない結果を招いてしまった。これが最後の警告だ。次は絶対に許さないぞ!\"\"\"\n", + "prompt =f\"\"\"A male voice that resonates with deep, thunderous intensity. His rapid-fire words slam like aggressive drumbeats, each syllable charged with intense rage. The expressive tone fluctuates between restrained fury and explosive outbursts. \\n text: {raw_jpn}\"\"\"\n", + "prompt" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 69, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "RTF = 0.023575\n" + ] + }, + { + "data": { + "text/html": [ + "\n", + " \n", + " " + ], + "text/plain": [ + "" + ] + }, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "display_data" + } + ], + "source": [ + "text = phonemize(raw_jpn)\n", + "\n", + "Kotodama = Kotodama_Prompter(model, text=prompt, device=device) # provide the prompt text, not the Phonemized version.\n", + "\n", + "reference_dicts = {}\n", + "\n", + "reference_dicts['1789_14289w'] = prompt\n", + "\n", + "start = time.time()\n", + "noise = torch.randn(1,1,256).to(device)\n", + "for k, path in reference_dicts.items():\n", + "\n", + " wav = inference(model, diffusion_sampler, text, Kotodama, alpha=.5, beta=.05, diffusion_steps=10, embedding_scale=1.5, rate_of_speech=1.)\n", + " wave = trim_long_silences(wav)\n", + " rtf = (time.time() - start) / (len(wav) / 24000)\n", + " print(f\"RTF = {rtf:5f}\")\n", + " display(ipd.Audio(wave, rate=24000, normalize=True))" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 42, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "'A female voice that resonates with extreme intensity and a slightly high pitch. Her rapid-fire words cascade like aggressive drumbeats, each syllable charged with raw anger. The expressive tone fluctuates between controlled fury and explosive outbursts. \\n text: 私に何度も同じことを説明させないでよ!!!\\u3000お前たちは私の忠告を完全に無視して、とんでもない結果を招いてしまった! これが最後の警告だ。次は絶対に許さないわよ!'" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 42, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "raw_jpn = \"\"\"私に何度も同じことを説明させないでよ!!! お前たちは私の忠告を完全に無視して、とんでもない結果を招いてしまった! これが最後の警告だ。次は絶対に許さないわよ!\"\"\"\n", + "prompt =f\"\"\"A female voice that resonates with extreme intensity and a slightly high pitch. Her rapid-fire words cascade like aggressive drumbeats, each syllable charged with raw anger. The expressive tone fluctuates between controlled fury and explosive outbursts. \\n text: {raw_jpn}\"\"\"\n", + "prompt" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 39, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "RTF = 0.022258\n" + ] + }, + { + "data": { + "text/html": [ + "\n", + " \n", + " " + ], + "text/plain": [ + "" + ] + }, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "display_data" + } + ], + "source": [ + "text = phonemize(raw_jpn) \n", + "\n", + "Kotodama = Kotodama_Prompter(model, text=prompt, device=device) # provide the prompt text, not the Phonemized version.\n", + "\n", + "reference_dicts = {}\n", + "\n", + "reference_dicts['1789_14289w'] = prompt\n", + "\n", + "start = time.time()\n", + "noise = torch.randn(1,1,256).to(device)\n", + "for k, path in reference_dicts.items():\n", + "\n", + " wav = inference(model, diffusion_sampler, text, Kotodama, alpha=.1, beta=.5, diffusion_steps=10, embedding_scale=1.5, rate_of_speech=1.)\n", + " rtf = (time.time() - start) / (len(wav) / 24000)\n", + " print(f\"RTF = {rtf:5f}\")\n", + " display(ipd.Audio(wav, rate=24000, normalize=True))" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 13, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "RTF = 0.014008\n" + ] + }, + { + "data": { + "text/html": [ + "\n", + " \n", + " " + ], + "text/plain": [ + "" + ] + }, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "display_data" + } + ], + "source": [ + "text = phonemize(raw_jpn)\n", + "\n", + "Kotodama = Kotodama_Prompter(model, text=prompt, device=device) # provide the prompt text, not the Phonemized version.\n", + "\n", + "reference_dicts = {}\n", + "\n", + "reference_dicts['1789_14289w'] = prompt\n", + "\n", + "start = time.time()\n", + "noise = torch.randn(1,1,256).to(device)\n", + "for k, path in reference_dicts.items():\n", + "\n", + " wav = inference(model, diffusion_sampler, text, Kotodama, alpha=.0, beta=.0, diffusion_steps=10, embedding_scale=1., rate_of_speech=1.)\n", + " rtf = (time.time() - start) / (len(wav) / 24000)\n", + " print(f\"RTF = {rtf:5f}\")\n", + " display(ipd.Audio(wav, rate=24000, normalize=True))" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 190, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "sref1 = style\n", + "sref2 = compute_style_through_clip(\"/home/ubuntu/Kanade_Project/Project_Kanade_SpeechModel/pkanade_24/Inference/reference_sample_wavs/syuukovoice_200918_3_01.wav\")\n", + "\n", + "\"\"\"weighted combination, define which style should be the dominant. 50-50 may result in an entirely new speaker.\n", + "ウ付きの組み合わせを使うことで、どのスタイルが優位になるべきかを定義できます。50対50の比率だと、新しいスピーカーが生み出される可能性があります。ェイト\"\"\"\n", + "\n", + "cook = (sref1 * .5 + sref2 * .5) # for emotion transfer [20 / 80] or [10 / 90] might be good." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Cooking New Styles\n", + "\n", + "you can mix multiple styles and weight them to create new styles. \n", + "\n", + "複数のスタイルを組み合わせ、重み付けすることで新しいスタイルを作り出すことができます。" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "sref1 = compute_style_through_clip_through_clip(\"a/sample/that/is/not/too/short.wav\")\n", + "sref2 = compute_style_through_clip_through_clip(\"a/sample/that/is/not/too/short.wav\")\n", + "\n", + "\"\"\"weighted combination, define which style should be the dominant. 50-50 may result in an entirely new speaker.\n", + "ウェイト付きの組み合わせを使うことで、どのスタイルが優位になるべきかを定義できます。50対50の比率だと、新しいスピーカーが生み出される可能性があります。\"\"\"\n", + "\n", + "cook = (sref1 * .1 + sref2 * .9) # for emotion transfer [20 / 80] or [10 / 90] might be good." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "text = phonemize(raw_jpn)\n", + "\n", + "reference_dicts = {}\n", + "\n", + "reference_dicts['1789_14289w'] = prompt\n", + "\n", + "start = time.time()\n", + "noise = torch.randn(1,1,256).to(device)\n", + "for k, path in reference_dicts.items():\n", + "\n", + " wav = inference(model, diffusion_sampler, text, cook, alpha=.0, beta=.0, diffusion_steps=10, embedding_scale=1., rate_of_speech=1.)\n", + " rtf = (time.time() - start) / (len(wav) / 24000)\n", + " print(f\"RTF = {rtf:5f}\")\n", + " display(ipd.Audio(wav, rate=24000, normalize=True))" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Longform\n", + "\n", + "The duration of the Samples generated by using the regular inference function is limited. but we can tokenize each paragraph and\n", + " do a weighted Style Transfer similar to what you saw before to ensure the output is consistent.\n", + "\n", + "there's no theoretical limit to the length of a sample produced by the Long Form algorithm. make sure your texts are not too short after tokenization. \n", + "\n", + "**日本語**\n", + "\n", + "通常のinference functionを使用して生成されたサンプルの長さに限界があります。しかし、各段落をトークン化し、以前見たようなスタイル転送を重み付けして行うことで、出力の一貫性を確保することができます。\n", + "ロングフォームアルゴリズムで生成されるサンプルの長さには理論的な制限はありません。トークン化後のテキストが短すぎないことを確認してください。" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 25, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "['この世には、言葉にできない悲しみがある。 それは、胸の奥に沈んでいくような重さで、時間が経つにつれて、じわじわと広がっていく。', '私は、その悲しみを抱えながら、日々を過ごしている。 言葉を発するたびに、心の中で何度も繰り返し、慎重に選び抜いている。', 'それは、痛みを和らげるための儀式のようなものだ.']\n" + ] + }, + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "Synthesized: \n" + ] + }, + { + "data": { + "text/html": [ + "\n", + " \n", + " " + ], + "text/plain": [ + "" + ] + }, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "display_data" + } + ], + "source": [ + "raw_jpn = japanese[japanese.find(\":\") + 2:]\n", + "speaker = japanese[:japanese.find(\":\") + 2]\n", + "\n", + "sentences = sent_tokenizer.tokenize(raw_jpn)\n", + "sentences = merging_sentences(sentences)\n", + "\n", + "silence = 24000 * 0.5 # 500 ms of silence between outputs for a more natural transition\n", + "# sentences = sent_tokenize(text)\n", + "print(sentences)\n", + "wavs = []\n", + "s_prev = None\n", + "for text in sentences:\n", + " \n", + " text_input = phonemize(text)\n", + "\n", + " Kotodama = Kotodama_Sampler(model, text=speaker + text, device=device) \n", + "\n", + " wav, s_prev = Longform(model, diffusion_sampler,\n", + " text_input, \n", + " s_prev, \n", + " Kotodama, \n", + " alpha = .3, \n", + " beta =.9, \n", + " t = .8, \n", + " diffusion_steps=10, embedding_scale=1.5, rate_of_speech=1.)\n", + " wavs.append(wav)\n", + " wavs.append(np.zeros(int(silence)))\n", + " \n", + "print('Synthesized: ')\n", + "display(ipd.Audio(np.concatenate(wavs), rate=24000, normalize=False))\n", + "# print('Reference: ')\n", + "# display(ipd.Audio(path, rate=24000, normalize=True))" + ] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "Python (respair)", + "language": "python", + "name": "respair" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 3 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", + "version": "3.11.10" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 4 +} diff --git a/Inference/input_for_prompt.txt b/Inference/input_for_prompt.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..921e37a82e3e7a34cb261f0b40357e17f5d84339 --- /dev/null +++ b/Inference/input_for_prompt.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +この俺に何度も同じことを説明させるな!! お前たちは俺の忠告を完全に無視して、とんでもない結果を招いてしまった。これが最後の警告だ。次は絶対に許さないぞ! +時には、静けさの中にこそ、本当の答えが見つかるものですね。慌てる必要はないのです。 +人生には、表現しきれないほどの驚きがあると思うよ。それは、目には見えない力で、人々を繋ぐ不思議な絆だ。私は、その驚きを胸に秘め、日々を楽しく過ごしているんだ。言葉を伝えるたびに、未来への期待を込めて、元気に話す。それは、夢を叶えるための魔法のようなものだ。 +かなたの次元より迫り来る混沌の使者たちよ、貴様らの野望を我が焔の業火で焼き尽くす! 運命の歯車は、我が意思と共にすでに動き出したのだ。我が宿命の敵に立ち向かうため、禁断の呪文を紡ぐ時は今ここに訪れる。さあ、見るがよい。我が力を!! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Inference/prompt.txt b/Inference/prompt.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30f4549f66ed19ef52d505aadaf405607503ac57 --- /dev/null +++ b/Inference/prompt.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +A male voice that resonates with deep, thunderous intensity. His rapid-fire words slam like aggressive drumbeats, each syllable charged with intense rage. The expressive tone fluctuates between restrained fury and explosive outbursts. +A female voice with a distinctively deep, low pitch that commands attention. Her slightly monotone delivery creates an air of composure and gravitas, while maintaining a calm, measured pace. Her voice carries a soothing weight, like gentle thunder in the distance, making her words feel grounded and reassuring. +a female voice that is gentle and soft, with a slightly high pitch that adds a comforting warmth to her words. Her tone is moderate, neither too expressive nor too flat, creating a balanced and soothing atmosphere. The slow speed of her speech gives her words a deliberate and thoughtful cadence, allowing each phrase to resonate fully. There's a sense of wonder and optimism in her voice, as if she is constantly marveling at the mysteries of life. Her gentle demeanor and soft delivery make her sound approachable and kind, inviting listeners to share in her sense of wonder. +A female voice that resonates with deep intensity and a distinctly low pitch. Her words flow with the force and rhythm of a relentless tide, each syllable weighted with profound determination. The expressive tone navigates between measured intensity and powerful surges. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Inference/random_texts.txt b/Inference/random_texts.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3235c2b1d4a1c6c470e26d0e8fc86c28bf08cdf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Inference/random_texts.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +Akashi: 不思議な人ですね、レザさんは。たまには子供扱いしてくれてちょっとむきになりますけど、とても頼りがいのある人だと思いますよ? +Kimiji: 人生は、果てしない探求の旅のようなもの。私たちは、自分自身や周囲の世界について、常に新しい発見をしていく。それは、時として喜びをもたらすこともあれば、困難に直面することもある。しかしそれら全てが、自分を形作る貴重な経験である。 +Reira: 私に何度も同じことを説明させないでよ! お前たちは私の忠告を完全に無視して、とんでもない結果を招いてしまった!! これが最後の警告だ。次は絶対に許さないぞ! ------------------------------------------- (NOTE: enable the diffusion, then set the Intensity to 3, also remove this line!) +Yoriko: この世には、言葉にできない悲しみがある。 それは、胸の奥に沈んでいくような重さで、時間が経つにつれて、じわじわと広がっていく。私は、その悲しみを抱えながら、日々を過ごしていいた。 言葉を発するたびに、心の中で何度も繰り返し、慎重に選び抜いている。それは、痛みを和らげるための儀式のようなものだ. +Kimiji: 人生には、表現しきれないほどの驚きがあると思います。それは、目には見えない力で、人々を繋ぐ不思議な絆です。私は、その驚きを胸に秘め、日々を楽しく過ごしています。言葉を伝えるたびに、未来への期待を込めて、元気に話す。それは、夢を叶えるための魔法のようなものです。 +Teppei: そうだな、この新しいシステムの仕組みについて説明しておこう。基本的には三層構造になっていて、各層が独立して機能している。一番下のレイヤーでデータの処理と保存を行い、真ん中の層でビジネスロジックを実装している。ユーザーが直接触れるのは最上位層だけで、そこでインターフェースの制御をしているんだ。パフォーマンスを考えると、データベースへのアクセスを最小限に抑える必要があるから、キャッシュの実装も検討している。ただ、システムの規模を考えると、当面は現状の構成で十分だと思われる。将来的にスケールする必要が出てきた場合は、その時点で見直しを検討すればいいだろう。 +Kirara: べ、別にそんなことじゃないってば!あんたのことなんて全然気にしてないんだからね! +Maiko: ねえ、ちょっと今日の空を見上げて。朝から少しずつ変わっていく雲の形が、まるで漫画の中の風景みたい。東の方からゆっくりと暖かい風が吹いてきて、桜の花びらが舞い散るように、優しく大地を撫でていくの。春の陽気が徐々に夏の暑さに変わっていくこの季節は、なんだかわくわくするよね。でも、週間予報によると、明後日あたりから天気が崩れるみたいで、しばらくは傘の出番かもしれないんだ。梅雨の時期が近づいているから、空気も少しずつ湿っぽくなってきているのを感じない?でも、雨上がりの空気って、なんだか特別な匂いがして、私、結構好きなんだよね。 +Amane: そ、そうかな?あなたと過ごした今までの時間は、私に、とても、とーっても大事だよ?だって、あなたの言葉には、どこか特別な温もりがあるような気がする。まるで、心の中に直接響いてくるようで、ほんの少しの間だけ、世界が優しくなった気がするよ。 +Shioji: つい昨日のことみたいなのに、もう随分と昔のお話なんだね ! 今でも古い本の匂いがすると、あの静かで穏やかな時間がまるで透明で綺麗な海みたいに心の中でふわりと溶けていくの。 +Riemi: かなたの次元より迫り来る混沌の使者たちよ、貴様らの野望を我が焔の業火で焼き尽くす! 運命の歯車は、我が意思と共にすでに動き出したのだ。我が宿命の敵に立ち向かうため、禁断の呪文を紡ぐ時は今ここに訪れる。さあ、見るがよい。我が力を!! +だめですよ?そんなことは。もっと慎重に行動してくださいね。 +Kazunari: ojousama wa, katachi dake no tsukibito ga ireba sore de ii, to omotte orareru you desuga, katachi bakari de mo, sannen ka o tomo ni seikatsu o suru koto ni narimasɯ. --------------------------------------- (NOTE!: your spacing will impact the intonations. also remove this line!) +Kimiu: お前 wa muzukashiku 考えると kekka to shite 空回り suru taipu dakara na. 大体, sonna kanji de oboete ikeba iin da. -------------------------------------------------- (NOTE!: your spacing will impact the intonations. also remove this line!) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5982d9dead04ec512917859f7738b25b21e91954 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +LICENSE FOR STYLETTS2 DEMO PAGE: GPL (I KNOW I DON'T LIKE GPL BUT I HAVE TO BECAUSE OF PHONEMIZER REQUIREMENT) + + +styletts 2 license: + +Copyright (c) 2023 Aaron (Yinghao) Li + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + diff --git a/Models/Style_Tsukasa_v02/Top_ckpt_24khz.pth b/Models/Style_Tsukasa_v02/Top_ckpt_24khz.pth new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1d224589f8fcc7339929317ae9e8243004e0541 --- /dev/null +++ b/Models/Style_Tsukasa_v02/Top_ckpt_24khz.pth @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:7f50001d997d5a73328c9f12155451372de0cdaf3a10ec5ab9cab7d577cd69b5 +size 2044670782 diff --git a/Models/Style_Tsukasa_v02/config_kanade.yml b/Models/Style_Tsukasa_v02/config_kanade.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28f1caa50c708f52c4fcdb1e96806c82c263058b --- /dev/null +++ b/Models/Style_Tsukasa_v02/config_kanade.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +log_dir: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Models/Style_Kanade_v02" +first_stage_path: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Models/Style_Kanade_v02/epoch_1st_00026.pth" +save_freq: 1 +log_interval: 10 +device: "cuda" +epochs_1st: 30 # number of epochs for first stage training (pre-training) +epochs_2nd: 20 # number of peochs for second stage training (joint training) +batch_size: 64 +max_len: 4000 # maximum number of frames +pretrained_model: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Models/Style_Kanade_v02/epoch_2nd_00007.pth" +second_stage_load_pretrained: true # set to true if the pre-trained model is for 2nd stage +load_only_params: false # set to true if do not want to load epoch numbers and optimizer parameters + +# CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2,3 accelerate launch train_first.py --config_path ./Configs/config_kanade.yml +# CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=6,7 accelerate launch accelerate_train_second.py --config_path ./Configs/config_kanade_test.yml + +F0_path: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Utils/JDC/bst.t7" +ASR_config: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Utils/ASR/config.yml" +ASR_path: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Utils/ASR/bst_00080.pth" + +PLBERT_dir: 'Utils/PLBERT/' + +data_params: + train_data: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Data/metadata_cleanest/filtered_train_list_no_nsp_plus.csv" + val_data: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Data/mg_valid.txt" + root_path: "" + OOD_data: "/home/austin/disk2/llmvcs/tt/stylekan/Data/OOD_LargeScale_.csv" + min_length: 50 # sample until texts with this size are obtained for OOD texts + + +preprocess_params: + sr: 24000 + spect_params: + n_fft: 2048 + win_length: 1200 + hop_length: 300 + +model_params: + multispeaker: true + + dim_in: 64 + hidden_dim: 512 + max_conv_dim: 512 + n_layer: 3 + n_mels: 80 + + n_token: 178 # number of phoneme tokens + max_dur: 50 # maximum duration of a single phoneme + style_dim: 128 # style vector size + + dropout: 0.2 + + decoder: + type: 'istftnet' # either hifigan or istftnet + resblock_kernel_sizes: [3,7,11] + upsample_rates : [10, 6] + upsample_initial_channel: 512 + resblock_dilation_sizes: [[1,3,5], [1,3,5], [1,3,5]] + upsample_kernel_sizes: [20, 12] + gen_istft_n_fft: 20 + gen_istft_hop_size: 5 + + + + # speech language model config + slm: + model: 'Respair/Whisper_Large_v2_Encoder_Block' # The model itself is hardcoded, change it through -> losses.py + sr: 16000 # sampling rate of SLM + hidden: 1280 # hidden size of SLM + nlayers: 33 # number of layers of SLM + initial_channel: 64 # initial channels of SLM discriminator head + + # style diffusion model config + diffusion: + embedding_mask_proba: 0.1 + # transformer config + transformer: + num_layers: 3 + num_heads: 8 + head_features: 64 + multiplier: 2 + + # diffusion distribution config + dist: + sigma_data: 0.2 # placeholder for estimate_sigma_data set to false + estimate_sigma_data: true # estimate sigma_data from the current batch if set to true + mean: -3.0 + std: 1.0 + +loss_params: + lambda_mel: 10. # mel reconstruction loss + lambda_gen: 1. # generator loss + lambda_slm: 1. # slm feature matching loss + + lambda_mono: 1. # monotonic alignment loss (1st stage, TMA) + lambda_s2s: 1. # sequence-to-sequence loss (1st stage, TMA) + TMA_epoch: 5 # TMA starting epoch (1st stage) + + lambda_F0: 1. # F0 reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_norm: 1. # norm reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_dur: 1. # duration loss (2nd stage) + lambda_ce: 20. # duration predictor probability output CE loss (2nd stage) + lambda_sty: 1. # style reconstruction loss (2nd stage) + lambda_diff: 1. # score matching loss (2nd stage) + + diff_epoch: 4 # style diffusion starting epoch (2nd stage) + joint_epoch: 999 # joint training starting epoch (2nd stage) + +optimizer_params: + lr: 0.0001 # general learning rate + bert_lr: 0.00001 # learning rate for PLBERT + ft_lr: 0.00001 # learning rate for acoustic modules + +slmadv_params: + min_len: 400 # minimum length of samples + max_len: 500 # maximum length of samples + batch_percentage: 0.5 # to prevent out of memory, only use half of the original batch size + iter: 20 # update the discriminator every this iterations of generator update + thresh: 5 # gradient norm above which the gradient is scaled + scale: 0.01 # gradient scaling factor for predictors from SLM discriminators + sig: 1.5 # sigma for differentiable duration modeling diff --git a/Modules/KotoDama_sampler.py b/Modules/KotoDama_sampler.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2717b27df918ef368d336d4ce7cfb307093c263b --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/KotoDama_sampler.py @@ -0,0 +1,269 @@ +from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, PreTrainedModel, AutoConfig, AutoModel, AutoTokenizer +import torch +import torch.nn as nn +from text_utils import TextCleaner +textclenaer = TextCleaner() + + +def length_to_mask(lengths): + mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths) + mask = torch.gt(mask+1, lengths.unsqueeze(1)) + return mask + + + + +device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' + + +# tokenizer_koto_prompt = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/mt5-small", trust_remote_code=True) +tokenizer_koto_prompt = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("ku-nlp/deberta-v3-base-japanese", trust_remote_code=True) +tokenizer_koto_text = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("line-corporation/line-distilbert-base-japanese", trust_remote_code=True) + +class KotoDama_Prompt(PreTrainedModel): + + def __init__(self, config): + super().__init__(config) + + self.backbone = AutoModel.from_config(config) + + self.output = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, 512), + nn.LeakyReLU(0.2), + nn.Linear(512, config.num_labels)) + + + + def forward( + self, + input_ids, + attention_mask=None, + token_type_ids=None, + position_ids=None, + labels=None, + ): + outputs = self.backbone( + input_ids, + attention_mask=attention_mask, + token_type_ids=token_type_ids, + position_ids=position_ids, + ) + + + sequence_output = outputs.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :] + outputs = self.output(sequence_output) + + # if labels, then we are training + loss = None + if labels is not None: + + loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() + # labels = labels.unsqueeze(1) + loss = loss_fn(outputs, labels) + + return { + "loss": loss, + "logits": outputs + } + + +class KotoDama_Text(PreTrainedModel): + + def __init__(self, config): + super().__init__(config) + + self.backbone = AutoModel.from_config(config) + + self.output = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, 512), + nn.LeakyReLU(0.2), + nn.Linear(512, config.num_labels)) + + + + def forward( + self, + input_ids, + attention_mask=None, + # token_type_ids=None, + # position_ids=None, + labels=None, + ): + outputs = self.backbone( + input_ids, + attention_mask=attention_mask, + # token_type_ids=token_type_ids, + # position_ids=position_ids, + ) + + + sequence_output = outputs.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :] + outputs = self.output(sequence_output) + + # if labels, then we are training + loss = None + if labels is not None: + + loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() + # labels = labels.unsqueeze(1) + loss = loss_fn(outputs, labels) + + return { + "loss": loss, + "logits": outputs + } + + +def inference(model, diffusion_sampler, text=None, ref_s=None, alpha = 0.3, beta = 0.7, diffusion_steps=5, embedding_scale=1, rate_of_speech=1.): + + tokens = textclenaer(text) + tokens.insert(0, 0) + tokens = torch.LongTensor(tokens).to(device).unsqueeze(0) + + with torch.no_grad(): + input_lengths = torch.LongTensor([tokens.shape[-1]]).to(device) + + text_mask = length_to_mask(input_lengths).to(device) + + t_en = model.text_encoder(tokens, input_lengths, text_mask) + bert_dur = model.bert(tokens, attention_mask=(~text_mask).int()) + d_en = model.bert_encoder(bert_dur).transpose(-1, -2) + + + + s_pred = diffusion_sampler(noise = torch.randn((1, 256)).unsqueeze(1).to(device), + embedding=bert_dur, + embedding_scale=embedding_scale, + features=ref_s, # reference from the same speaker as the embedding + num_steps=diffusion_steps).squeeze(1) + + + s = s_pred[:, 128:] + ref = s_pred[:, :128] + + ref = alpha * ref + (1 - alpha) * ref_s[:, :128] + s = beta * s + (1 - beta) * ref_s[:, 128:] + + d = model.predictor.text_encoder(d_en, + s, input_lengths, text_mask) + + + + x = model.predictor.lstm(d) + x_mod = model.predictor.prepare_projection(x) + duration = model.predictor.duration_proj(x_mod) + + + duration = torch.sigmoid(duration).sum(axis=-1) / rate_of_speech + + pred_dur = torch.round(duration.squeeze()).clamp(min=1) + + + + pred_aln_trg = torch.zeros(input_lengths, int(pred_dur.sum().data)) + + c_frame = 0 + for i in range(pred_aln_trg.size(0)): + pred_aln_trg[i, c_frame:c_frame + int(pred_dur[i].data)] = 1 + c_frame += int(pred_dur[i].data) + + # encode prosody + en = (d.transpose(-1, -2) @ pred_aln_trg.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) + + + + F0_pred, N_pred = model.predictor.F0Ntrain(en, s) + + asr = (t_en @ pred_aln_trg.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) + + + out = model.decoder(asr, + F0_pred, N_pred, ref.squeeze().unsqueeze(0)) + + + return out.squeeze().cpu().numpy()[..., :-50] + + +def Longform(model, diffusion_sampler, text, s_prev, ref_s, alpha = 0.3, beta = 0.7, t = 0.7, diffusion_steps=5, embedding_scale=1, rate_of_speech=1.0): + + tokens = textclenaer(text) + tokens.insert(0, 0) + tokens = torch.LongTensor(tokens).to(device).unsqueeze(0) + + with torch.no_grad(): + input_lengths = torch.LongTensor([tokens.shape[-1]]).to(device) + text_mask = length_to_mask(input_lengths).to(device) + + t_en = model.text_encoder(tokens, input_lengths, text_mask) + bert_dur = model.bert(tokens, attention_mask=(~text_mask).int()) + d_en = model.bert_encoder(bert_dur).transpose(-1, -2) + + s_pred = diffusion_sampler(noise = torch.randn((1, 256)).unsqueeze(1).to(device), + embedding=bert_dur, + embedding_scale=embedding_scale, + features=ref_s, + num_steps=diffusion_steps).squeeze(1) + + if s_prev is not None: + # convex combination of previous and current style + s_pred = t * s_prev + (1 - t) * s_pred + + s = s_pred[:, 128:] + ref = s_pred[:, :128] + + ref = alpha * ref + (1 - alpha) * ref_s[:, :128] + s = beta * s + (1 - beta) * ref_s[:, 128:] + + s_pred = torch.cat([ref, s], dim=-1) + + d = model.predictor.text_encoder(d_en, + s, input_lengths, text_mask) + + x = model.predictor.lstm(d) + x_mod = model.predictor.prepare_projection(x) # 640 -> 512 + duration = model.predictor.duration_proj(x_mod) + + duration = torch.sigmoid(duration).sum(axis=-1) / rate_of_speech + pred_dur = torch.round(duration.squeeze()).clamp(min=1) + + + pred_aln_trg = torch.zeros(input_lengths, int(pred_dur.sum().data)) + c_frame = 0 + for i in range(pred_aln_trg.size(0)): + pred_aln_trg[i, c_frame:c_frame + int(pred_dur[i].data)] = 1 + c_frame += int(pred_dur[i].data) + + # encode prosody + en = (d.transpose(-1, -2) @ pred_aln_trg.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) + + F0_pred, N_pred = model.predictor.F0Ntrain(en, s) + + asr = (t_en @ pred_aln_trg.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) + + out = model.decoder(asr, + F0_pred, N_pred, ref.squeeze().unsqueeze(0)) + + + return out.squeeze().cpu().numpy()[..., :-100], s_pred + + +def merge_short_elements(lst): + i = 0 + while i < len(lst): + if i > 0 and len(lst[i]) < 10: + lst[i-1] += ' ' + lst[i] + lst.pop(i) + else: + i += 1 + return lst + + +def merge_three(text_list, maxim=2): + + merged_list = [] + for i in range(0, len(text_list), maxim): + merged_text = ' '.join(text_list[i:i+maxim]) + merged_list.append(merged_text) + return merged_list + + +def merging_sentences(lst): + return merge_three(merge_short_elements(lst)) diff --git a/Modules/__init__.py b/Modules/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b137891791fe96927ad78e64b0aad7bded08bdc --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/Modules/__pycache__/KotoDama_sampler.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/__pycache__/KotoDama_sampler.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62c4fcfebf5f23f6cac7a4dcf8287286edaf1475 Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/__pycache__/KotoDama_sampler.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cff14b68c9c6e83947c4005e0a609bbce80f047a Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/__pycache__/discriminators.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/__pycache__/discriminators.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36c6460eccc95926d7b4a7f49a6352b5dc763073 Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/__pycache__/discriminators.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/__pycache__/hifigan.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/__pycache__/hifigan.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b4f5a50bdf9d4151f6693572caeff0ef2038e1c Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/__pycache__/hifigan.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/__pycache__/istftnet.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/__pycache__/istftnet.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c2dcf6decd5486bd35365ed134bd7d8301f7d7f Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/__pycache__/istftnet.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/__pycache__/slmadv.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/__pycache__/slmadv.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cbd35e0ae1d5c284ac00bf6b73d57bb0a9af720e Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/__pycache__/slmadv.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b4c1b588a98f12488aef51d7524831748c0b1a4 Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/__init__.py b/Modules/diffusion/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b137891791fe96927ad78e64b0aad7bded08bdc --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8945fe45f2fc5f642047023648aacc6c2b105002 Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/diffusion.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/diffusion.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12718f5b16d06cea367e7e30ed40c34a6453dd26 Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/diffusion.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/modules.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/modules.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1044a9beea77dcc7a13c136b2d1cfa92e6485d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/modules.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/sampler.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/sampler.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d869371c5d761021a43d9fd038032bd1cc2804a Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/sampler.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d41186b3d3ae6dd45c3b1beeae026b1717bcf4e1 Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/diffusion/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__init__.py b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b4cad742d1bfa83bbf204e51a34a3e548b1a749 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +from .components import LTPlugin, MelSpectrogram, UNetV0, XUNet +from .diffusion import ( + Diffusion, + Distribution, + LinearSchedule, + Sampler, + Schedule, + UniformDistribution, + VDiffusion, + VInpainter, + VSampler, +) +from .models import ( + DiffusionAE, + DiffusionAR, + DiffusionModel, + DiffusionUpsampler, + DiffusionVocoder, + EncoderBase, +) diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..330c3157543f419f924b81e68aa40c7a187e6c00 Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/components.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/components.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33c7161f7f96f4782ec6fb6d039fd56919c1ee17 Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/components.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/diffusion.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/diffusion.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8752968537954dd5c783ca07522c70fa363efae6 Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/diffusion.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e45e0577313e4ac4d8178bee7fb9b729fa7e3d36 Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..779fa0a8ac94b5569b81fb1a7c47f21ab97e97ff Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/components.py b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/components.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd9dc40a9b587897096825ec27359631d00bcabe --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/components.py @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence + +import torch +import torch.nn.functional as F +from a_unet import ( + ClassifierFreeGuidancePlugin, + Conv, + Module, + TextConditioningPlugin, + TimeConditioningPlugin, + default, + exists, +) +from a_unet.apex import ( + AttentionItem, + CrossAttentionItem, + InjectChannelsItem, + ModulationItem, + ResnetItem, + SkipCat, + SkipModulate, + XBlock, + XUNet, +) +from einops import pack, unpack +from torch import Tensor, nn +from torchaudio import transforms + +""" +UNets (built with a-unet: https://github.com/archinetai/a-unet) +""" + + +def UNetV0( + dim: int, + in_channels: int, + channels: Sequence[int], + factors: Sequence[int], + items: Sequence[int], + attentions: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, + cross_attentions: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, + context_channels: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, + attention_features: Optional[int] = None, + attention_heads: Optional[int] = None, + embedding_features: Optional[int] = None, + resnet_groups: int = 8, + use_modulation: bool = True, + modulation_features: int = 1024, + embedding_max_length: Optional[int] = None, + use_time_conditioning: bool = True, + use_embedding_cfg: bool = False, + use_text_conditioning: bool = False, + out_channels: Optional[int] = None, +): + # Set defaults and check lengths + num_layers = len(channels) + attentions = default(attentions, [0] * num_layers) + cross_attentions = default(cross_attentions, [0] * num_layers) + context_channels = default(context_channels, [0] * num_layers) + xs = (channels, factors, items, attentions, cross_attentions, context_channels) + assert all(len(x) == num_layers for x in xs) # type: ignore + + # Define UNet type + UNetV0 = XUNet + + if use_embedding_cfg: + msg = "use_embedding_cfg requires embedding_max_length" + assert exists(embedding_max_length), msg + UNetV0 = ClassifierFreeGuidancePlugin(UNetV0, embedding_max_length) + + if use_text_conditioning: + UNetV0 = TextConditioningPlugin(UNetV0) + + if use_time_conditioning: + assert use_modulation, "use_time_conditioning requires use_modulation=True" + UNetV0 = TimeConditioningPlugin(UNetV0) + + # Build + return UNetV0( + dim=dim, + in_channels=in_channels, + out_channels=out_channels, + blocks=[ + XBlock( + channels=channels, + factor=factor, + context_channels=ctx_channels, + items=( + [ResnetItem] + + [ModulationItem] * use_modulation + + [InjectChannelsItem] * (ctx_channels > 0) + + [AttentionItem] * att + + [CrossAttentionItem] * cross + ) + * items, + ) + for channels, factor, items, att, cross, ctx_channels in zip(*xs) # type: ignore # noqa + ], + skip_t=SkipModulate if use_modulation else SkipCat, + attention_features=attention_features, + attention_heads=attention_heads, + embedding_features=embedding_features, + modulation_features=modulation_features, + resnet_groups=resnet_groups, + ) + + +""" +Plugins +""" + + +def LTPlugin( + net_t: Callable, num_filters: int, window_length: int, stride: int +) -> Callable[..., nn.Module]: + """Learned Transform Plugin""" + + def Net( + dim: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs + ) -> nn.Module: + out_channels = default(out_channels, in_channels) + in_channel_transform = in_channels * num_filters + out_channel_transform = out_channels * num_filters # type: ignore + + padding = window_length // 2 - stride // 2 + encode = Conv( + dim=dim, + in_channels=in_channels, + out_channels=in_channel_transform, + kernel_size=window_length, + stride=stride, + padding=padding, + padding_mode="reflect", + bias=False, + ) + decode = nn.ConvTranspose1d( + in_channels=out_channel_transform, + out_channels=out_channels, # type: ignore + kernel_size=window_length, + stride=stride, + padding=padding, + bias=False, + ) + net = net_t( # type: ignore + dim=dim, + in_channels=in_channel_transform, + out_channels=out_channel_transform, + **kwargs + ) + + def forward(x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs): + x = encode(x) + x = net(x, *args, **kwargs) + x = decode(x) + return x + + return Module([encode, decode, net], forward) + + return Net + + +def AppendChannelsPlugin( + net_t: Callable, + channels: int, +): + def Net( + in_channels: int, out_channels: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs + ) -> nn.Module: + out_channels = default(out_channels, in_channels) + net = net_t( # type: ignore + in_channels=in_channels + channels, out_channels=out_channels, **kwargs + ) + + def forward(x: Tensor, *args, append_channels: Tensor, **kwargs): + x = torch.cat([x, append_channels], dim=1) + return net(x, *args, **kwargs) + + return Module([net], forward) + + return Net + + +""" +Other +""" + + +class MelSpectrogram(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + n_fft: int, + hop_length: int, + win_length: int, + sample_rate: int, + n_mel_channels: int, + center: bool = False, + normalize: bool = False, + normalize_log: bool = False, + ): + super().__init__() + self.padding = (n_fft - hop_length) // 2 + self.normalize = normalize + self.normalize_log = normalize_log + self.hop_length = hop_length + + self.to_spectrogram = transforms.Spectrogram( + n_fft=n_fft, + hop_length=hop_length, + win_length=win_length, + center=center, + power=None, + ) + + self.to_mel_scale = transforms.MelScale( + n_mels=n_mel_channels, n_stft=n_fft // 2 + 1, sample_rate=sample_rate + ) + + def forward(self, waveform: Tensor) -> Tensor: + # Pack non-time dimension + waveform, ps = pack([waveform], "* t") + # Pad waveform + waveform = F.pad(waveform, [self.padding] * 2, mode="reflect") + # Compute STFT + spectrogram = self.to_spectrogram(waveform) + # Compute magnitude + spectrogram = torch.abs(spectrogram) + # Convert to mel scale + mel_spectrogram = self.to_mel_scale(spectrogram) + # Normalize + if self.normalize: + mel_spectrogram = mel_spectrogram / torch.max(mel_spectrogram) + mel_spectrogram = 2 * torch.pow(mel_spectrogram, 0.25) - 1 + if self.normalize_log: + mel_spectrogram = torch.log(torch.clamp(mel_spectrogram, min=1e-5)) + # Unpack non-spectrogram dimension + return unpack(mel_spectrogram, ps, "* f l")[0] diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/diffusion.py b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/diffusion.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bca143a2d82f96a0c38b8b622e7c17284fca2f36 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/diffusion.py @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +from math import pi +from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple + +import torch +import torch.nn as nn +import torch.nn.functional as F +from einops import rearrange, repeat +from torch import Tensor +from tqdm import tqdm + +from .utils import default + +""" Distributions """ + + +class Distribution: + """Interface used by different distributions""" + + def __call__(self, num_samples: int, device: torch.device): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class UniformDistribution(Distribution): + def __init__(self, vmin: float = 0.0, vmax: float = 1.0): + super().__init__() + self.vmin, self.vmax = vmin, vmax + + def __call__(self, num_samples: int, device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu")): + vmax, vmin = self.vmax, self.vmin + return (vmax - vmin) * torch.rand(num_samples, device=device) + vmin + + +""" Diffusion Methods """ + + +def pad_dims(x: Tensor, ndim: int) -> Tensor: + # Pads additional ndims to the right of the tensor + return x.view(*x.shape, *((1,) * ndim)) + + +def clip(x: Tensor, dynamic_threshold: float = 0.0): + if dynamic_threshold == 0.0: + return x.clamp(-1.0, 1.0) + else: + # Dynamic thresholding + # Find dynamic threshold quantile for each batch + x_flat = rearrange(x, "b ... -> b (...)") + scale = torch.quantile(x_flat.abs(), dynamic_threshold, dim=-1) + # Clamp to a min of 1.0 + scale.clamp_(min=1.0) + # Clamp all values and scale + scale = pad_dims(scale, ndim=x.ndim - scale.ndim) + x = x.clamp(-scale, scale) / scale + return x + + +def extend_dim(x: Tensor, dim: int): + # e.g. if dim = 4: shape [b] => [b, 1, 1, 1], + return x.view(*x.shape + (1,) * (dim - x.ndim)) + + +class Diffusion(nn.Module): + """Interface used by different diffusion methods""" + + pass + + +class VDiffusion(Diffusion): + def __init__( + self, net: nn.Module, sigma_distribution: Distribution = UniformDistribution(), loss_fn: Any = F.mse_loss + ): + super().__init__() + self.net = net + self.sigma_distribution = sigma_distribution + self.loss_fn = loss_fn + + def get_alpha_beta(self, sigmas: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: + angle = sigmas * pi / 2 + alpha, beta = torch.cos(angle), torch.sin(angle) + return alpha, beta + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, **kwargs) -> Tensor: # type: ignore + batch_size, device = x.shape[0], x.device + # Sample amount of noise to add for each batch element + sigmas = self.sigma_distribution(num_samples=batch_size, device=device) + sigmas_batch = extend_dim(sigmas, dim=x.ndim) + # Get noise + noise = torch.randn_like(x) + # Combine input and noise weighted by half-circle + alphas, betas = self.get_alpha_beta(sigmas_batch) + x_noisy = alphas * x + betas * noise + v_target = alphas * noise - betas * x + # Predict velocity and return loss + v_pred = self.net(x_noisy, sigmas, **kwargs) + return self.loss_fn(v_pred, v_target) + + +class ARVDiffusion(Diffusion): + def __init__(self, net: nn.Module, length: int, num_splits: int, loss_fn: Any = F.mse_loss): + super().__init__() + assert length % num_splits == 0, "length must be divisible by num_splits" + self.net = net + self.length = length + self.num_splits = num_splits + self.split_length = length // num_splits + self.loss_fn = loss_fn + + def get_alpha_beta(self, sigmas: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: + angle = sigmas * pi / 2 + alpha, beta = torch.cos(angle), torch.sin(angle) + return alpha, beta + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + """Returns diffusion loss of v-objective with different noises per split""" + b, _, t, device, dtype = *x.shape, x.device, x.dtype + assert t == self.length, "input length must match length" + # Sample amount of noise to add for each split + sigmas = torch.rand((b, 1, self.num_splits), device=device, dtype=dtype) + sigmas = repeat(sigmas, "b 1 n -> b 1 (n l)", l=self.split_length) + # Get noise + noise = torch.randn_like(x) + # Combine input and noise weighted by half-circle + alphas, betas = self.get_alpha_beta(sigmas) + x_noisy = alphas * x + betas * noise + v_target = alphas * noise - betas * x + # Sigmas will be provided as additional channel + channels = torch.cat([x_noisy, sigmas], dim=1) + # Predict velocity and return loss + v_pred = self.net(channels, **kwargs) + return self.loss_fn(v_pred, v_target) + +""" Schedules """ + + +class Schedule(nn.Module): + """Interface used by different sampling schedules""" + + def forward(self, num_steps: int, device: torch.device) -> Tensor: + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class LinearSchedule(Schedule): + def __init__(self, start: float = 1.0, end: float = 0.0): + super().__init__() + self.start, self.end = start, end + + def forward(self, num_steps: int, device: Any) -> Tensor: + return torch.linspace(self.start, self.end, num_steps, device=device) + + +""" Samplers """ + + +class Sampler(nn.Module): + pass + + +class VSampler(Sampler): + + diffusion_types = [VDiffusion] + + def __init__(self, net: nn.Module, schedule: Schedule = LinearSchedule()): + super().__init__() + self.net = net + self.schedule = schedule + + def get_alpha_beta(self, sigmas: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: + angle = sigmas * pi / 2 + alpha, beta = torch.cos(angle), torch.sin(angle) + return alpha, beta + + @torch.no_grad() + def forward( # type: ignore + self, x_noisy: Tensor, num_steps: int, show_progress: bool = False, **kwargs + ) -> Tensor: + b = x_noisy.shape[0] + sigmas = self.schedule(num_steps + 1, device=x_noisy.device) + sigmas = repeat(sigmas, "i -> i b", b=b) + sigmas_batch = extend_dim(sigmas, dim=x_noisy.ndim + 1) + alphas, betas = self.get_alpha_beta(sigmas_batch) + progress_bar = tqdm(range(num_steps), disable=not show_progress) + + for i in progress_bar: + v_pred = self.net(x_noisy, sigmas[i], **kwargs) + x_pred = alphas[i] * x_noisy - betas[i] * v_pred + noise_pred = betas[i] * x_noisy + alphas[i] * v_pred + x_noisy = alphas[i + 1] * x_pred + betas[i + 1] * noise_pred + progress_bar.set_description(f"Sampling (noise={sigmas[i+1,0]:.2f})") + + return x_noisy + + +class ARVSampler(Sampler): + def __init__(self, net: nn.Module, in_channels: int, length: int, num_splits: int): + super().__init__() + assert length % num_splits == 0, "length must be divisible by num_splits" + self.length = length + self.in_channels = in_channels + self.num_splits = num_splits + self.split_length = length // num_splits + self.net = net + + @property + def device(self): + return next(self.net.parameters()).device + + def get_alpha_beta(self, sigmas: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: + angle = sigmas * pi / 2 + alpha = torch.cos(angle) + beta = torch.sin(angle) + return alpha, beta + + def get_sigmas_ladder(self, num_items: int, num_steps_per_split: int) -> Tensor: + b, n, l, i = num_items, self.num_splits, self.split_length, num_steps_per_split + n_half = n // 2 # Only half ladder, rest is zero, to leave some context + sigmas = torch.linspace(1, 0, i * n_half, device=self.device) + sigmas = repeat(sigmas, "(n i) -> i b 1 (n l)", b=b, l=l, n=n_half) + sigmas = torch.flip(sigmas, dims=[-1]) # Lowest noise level first + sigmas = F.pad(sigmas, pad=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) # Add index i+1 + sigmas[-1, :, :, l:] = sigmas[0, :, :, :-l] # Loop back at index i+1 + return torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(sigmas), sigmas], dim=-1) + + def sample_loop( + self, current: Tensor, sigmas: Tensor, show_progress: bool = False, **kwargs + ) -> Tensor: + num_steps = sigmas.shape[0] - 1 + alphas, betas = self.get_alpha_beta(sigmas) + progress_bar = tqdm(range(num_steps), disable=not show_progress) + + for i in progress_bar: + channels = torch.cat([current, sigmas[i]], dim=1) + v_pred = self.net(channels, **kwargs) + x_pred = alphas[i] * current - betas[i] * v_pred + noise_pred = betas[i] * current + alphas[i] * v_pred + current = alphas[i + 1] * x_pred + betas[i + 1] * noise_pred + progress_bar.set_description(f"Sampling (noise={sigmas[i+1,0,0,0]:.2f})") + + return current + + def sample_start(self, num_items: int, num_steps: int, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + b, c, t = num_items, self.in_channels, self.length + # Same sigma schedule over all chunks + sigmas = torch.linspace(1, 0, num_steps + 1, device=self.device) + sigmas = repeat(sigmas, "i -> i b 1 t", b=b, t=t) + noise = torch.randn((b, c, t), device=self.device) * sigmas[0] + # Sample start + return self.sample_loop(current=noise, sigmas=sigmas, **kwargs) + + @torch.no_grad() + def forward( + self, + num_items: int, + num_chunks: int, + num_steps: int, + start: Optional[Tensor] = None, + show_progress: bool = False, + **kwargs, + ) -> Tensor: + assert_message = f"required at least {self.num_splits} chunks" + assert num_chunks >= self.num_splits, assert_message + + # Sample initial chunks + start = self.sample_start(num_items=num_items, num_steps=num_steps, **kwargs) + # Return start if only num_splits chunks + if num_chunks == self.num_splits: + return start + + # Get sigmas for autoregressive ladder + b, n = num_items, self.num_splits + assert num_steps >= n, "num_steps must be greater than num_splits" + sigmas = self.get_sigmas_ladder( + num_items=b, + num_steps_per_split=num_steps // self.num_splits, + ) + alphas, betas = self.get_alpha_beta(sigmas) + + # Noise start to match ladder and set starting chunks + start_noise = alphas[0] * start + betas[0] * torch.randn_like(start) + chunks = list(start_noise.chunk(chunks=n, dim=-1)) + + # Loop over ladder shifts + num_shifts = num_chunks # - self.num_splits + progress_bar = tqdm(range(num_shifts), disable=not show_progress) + + for j in progress_bar: + # Decrease ladder noise of last n chunks + updated = self.sample_loop( + current=torch.cat(chunks[-n:], dim=-1), sigmas=sigmas, **kwargs + ) + # Update chunks + chunks[-n:] = list(updated.chunk(chunks=n, dim=-1)) + # Add fresh noise chunk + shape = (b, self.in_channels, self.split_length) + chunks += [torch.randn(shape, device=self.device)] + + return torch.cat(chunks[:num_chunks], dim=-1) + + +""" Inpainters """ + + +class Inpainter(nn.Module): + pass + + +class VInpainter(Inpainter): + + diffusion_types = [VDiffusion] + + def __init__(self, net: nn.Module, schedule: Schedule = LinearSchedule()): + super().__init__() + self.net = net + self.schedule = schedule + + def get_alpha_beta(self, sigmas: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: + angle = sigmas * pi / 2 + alpha, beta = torch.cos(angle), torch.sin(angle) + return alpha, beta + + @torch.no_grad() + def forward( # type: ignore + self, + source: Tensor, + mask: Tensor, + num_steps: int, + num_resamples: int, + show_progress: bool = False, + x_noisy: Optional[Tensor] = None, + **kwargs, + ) -> Tensor: + x_noisy = default(x_noisy, lambda: torch.randn_like(source)) + b = x_noisy.shape[0] + sigmas = self.schedule(num_steps + 1, device=x_noisy.device) + sigmas = repeat(sigmas, "i -> i b", b=b) + sigmas_batch = extend_dim(sigmas, dim=x_noisy.ndim + 1) + alphas, betas = self.get_alpha_beta(sigmas_batch) + progress_bar = tqdm(range(num_steps), disable=not show_progress) + + for i in progress_bar: + for r in range(num_resamples): + v_pred = self.net(x_noisy, sigmas[i], **kwargs) + x_pred = alphas[i] * x_noisy - betas[i] * v_pred + noise_pred = betas[i] * x_noisy + alphas[i] * v_pred + # Renoise to current noise level if resampling + j = r == num_resamples - 1 + x_noisy = alphas[i + j] * x_pred + betas[i + j] * noise_pred + s_noisy = alphas[i + j] * source + betas[i + j] * torch.randn_like( + source + ) + x_noisy = s_noisy * mask + x_noisy * ~mask + + progress_bar.set_description(f"Inpainting (noise={sigmas[i+1,0]:.2f})") + + return x_noisy diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/models.py b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/models.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04c3c472cacf6bb3a8887f802f31c797aa0302a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/models.py @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +from abc import ABC, abstractmethod +from math import floor +from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +import torch +from einops import pack, rearrange, unpack +from torch import Generator, Tensor, nn + +from .components import AppendChannelsPlugin, MelSpectrogram +from .diffusion import ARVDiffusion, ARVSampler, VDiffusion, VSampler +from .utils import ( + closest_power_2, + default, + downsample, + exists, + groupby, + randn_like, + upsample, +) + + +class DiffusionModel(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + net_t: Callable, + diffusion_t: Callable = VDiffusion, + sampler_t: Callable = VSampler, + loss_fn: Callable = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss, + dim: int = 1, + **kwargs, + ): + super().__init__() + diffusion_kwargs, kwargs = groupby("diffusion_", kwargs) + sampler_kwargs, kwargs = groupby("sampler_", kwargs) + + self.net = net_t(dim=dim, **kwargs) + self.diffusion = diffusion_t(net=self.net, loss_fn=loss_fn, **diffusion_kwargs) + self.sampler = sampler_t(net=self.net, **sampler_kwargs) + + def forward(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + return self.diffusion(*args, **kwargs) + + @torch.no_grad() + def sample(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + return self.sampler(*args, **kwargs) + + +class EncoderBase(nn.Module, ABC): + """Abstract class for DiffusionAE encoder""" + + @abstractmethod + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.out_channels = None + self.downsample_factor = None + + +class AdapterBase(nn.Module, ABC): + """Abstract class for DiffusionAE encoder""" + + @abstractmethod + def encode(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: + pass + + @abstractmethod + def decode(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: + pass + + +class DiffusionAE(DiffusionModel): + """Diffusion Auto Encoder""" + + def __init__( + self, + in_channels: int, + channels: Sequence[int], + encoder: EncoderBase, + inject_depth: int, + latent_factor: Optional[int] = None, + adapter: Optional[AdapterBase] = None, + **kwargs, + ): + context_channels = [0] * len(channels) + context_channels[inject_depth] = encoder.out_channels + super().__init__( + in_channels=in_channels, + channels=channels, + context_channels=context_channels, + **kwargs, + ) + self.in_channels = in_channels + self.encoder = encoder + self.inject_depth = inject_depth + # Optional custom latent factor and adapter + self.latent_factor = default(latent_factor, self.encoder.downsample_factor) + self.adapter = adapter.requires_grad_(False) if exists(adapter) else None + + def forward( # type: ignore + self, x: Tensor, with_info: bool = False, **kwargs + ) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, Any]]: + # Encode input to latent channels + latent, info = self.encode(x, with_info=True) + channels = [None] * self.inject_depth + [latent] + # Adapt input to diffusion if adapter provided + x = self.adapter.encode(x) if exists(self.adapter) else x + # Compute diffusion loss + loss = super().forward(x, channels=channels, **kwargs) + return (loss, info) if with_info else loss + + def encode(self, *args, **kwargs): + return self.encoder(*args, **kwargs) + + @torch.no_grad() + def decode( + self, latent: Tensor, generator: Optional[Generator] = None, **kwargs + ) -> Tensor: + b = latent.shape[0] + noise_length = closest_power_2(latent.shape[2] * self.latent_factor) + # Compute noise by inferring shape from latent length + noise = torch.randn( + (b, self.in_channels, noise_length), + device=latent.device, + dtype=latent.dtype, + generator=generator, + ) + # Compute context from latent + channels = [None] * self.inject_depth + [latent] # type: ignore + # Decode by sampling while conditioning on latent channels + out = super().sample(noise, channels=channels, **kwargs) + # Decode output with adapter if provided + return self.adapter.decode(out) if exists(self.adapter) else out + + +class DiffusionUpsampler(DiffusionModel): + def __init__( + self, + in_channels: int, + upsample_factor: int, + net_t: Callable, + **kwargs, + ): + self.upsample_factor = upsample_factor + super().__init__( + net_t=AppendChannelsPlugin(net_t, channels=in_channels), + in_channels=in_channels, + **kwargs, + ) + + def reupsample(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: + x = x.clone() + x = downsample(x, factor=self.upsample_factor) + x = upsample(x, factor=self.upsample_factor) + return x + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: # type: ignore + reupsampled = self.reupsample(x) + return super().forward(x, *args, append_channels=reupsampled, **kwargs) + + @torch.no_grad() + def sample( # type: ignore + self, downsampled: Tensor, generator: Optional[Generator] = None, **kwargs + ) -> Tensor: + reupsampled = upsample(downsampled, factor=self.upsample_factor) + noise = randn_like(reupsampled, generator=generator) + return super().sample(noise, append_channels=reupsampled, **kwargs) + + +class DiffusionVocoder(DiffusionModel): + def __init__( + self, + net_t: Callable, + mel_channels: int, + mel_n_fft: int, + mel_hop_length: Optional[int] = None, + mel_win_length: Optional[int] = None, + in_channels: int = 1, # Ignored: channels are automatically batched. + **kwargs, + ): + mel_hop_length = default(mel_hop_length, floor(mel_n_fft) // 4) + mel_win_length = default(mel_win_length, mel_n_fft) + mel_kwargs, kwargs = groupby("mel_", kwargs) + super().__init__( + net_t=AppendChannelsPlugin(net_t, channels=1), + in_channels=1, + **kwargs, + ) + self.to_spectrogram = MelSpectrogram( + n_fft=mel_n_fft, + hop_length=mel_hop_length, + win_length=mel_win_length, + n_mel_channels=mel_channels, + **mel_kwargs, + ) + self.to_flat = nn.ConvTranspose1d( + in_channels=mel_channels, + out_channels=1, + kernel_size=mel_win_length, + stride=mel_hop_length, + padding=(mel_win_length - mel_hop_length) // 2, + bias=False, + ) + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: # type: ignore + # Get spectrogram, pack channels and flatten + spectrogram = rearrange(self.to_spectrogram(x), "b c f l -> (b c) f l") + spectrogram_flat = self.to_flat(spectrogram) + # Pack wave channels + x = rearrange(x, "b c t -> (b c) 1 t") + return super().forward(x, *args, append_channels=spectrogram_flat, **kwargs) + + @torch.no_grad() + def sample( # type: ignore + self, spectrogram: Tensor, generator: Optional[Generator] = None, **kwargs + ) -> Tensor: # type: ignore + # Pack channels and flatten spectrogram + spectrogram, ps = pack([spectrogram], "* f l") + spectrogram_flat = self.to_flat(spectrogram) + # Get start noise and sample + noise = randn_like(spectrogram_flat, generator=generator) + waveform = super().sample(noise, append_channels=spectrogram_flat, **kwargs) + # Unpack wave channels + waveform = rearrange(waveform, "... 1 t -> ... t") + waveform = unpack(waveform, ps, "* t")[0] + return waveform + + +class DiffusionAR(DiffusionModel): + def __init__( + self, + in_channels: int, + length: int, + num_splits: int, + diffusion_t: Callable = ARVDiffusion, + sampler_t: Callable = ARVSampler, + **kwargs, + ): + super().__init__( + in_channels=in_channels + 1, + out_channels=in_channels, + diffusion_t=diffusion_t, + diffusion_length=length, + diffusion_num_splits=num_splits, + sampler_t=sampler_t, + sampler_in_channels=in_channels, + sampler_length=length, + sampler_num_splits=num_splits, + use_time_conditioning=False, + use_modulation=False, + **kwargs, + ) diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/utils.py b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62aaa9bb52950df11a2c54ae09aa38ad1dfde1f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/audio_diffusion_pytorch/utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +from functools import reduce +from inspect import isfunction +from math import ceil, floor, log2, pi +from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union + +import torch +import torch.nn.functional as F +from einops import rearrange +from torch import Generator, Tensor +from typing_extensions import TypeGuard + +T = TypeVar("T") + + +def exists(val: Optional[T]) -> TypeGuard[T]: + return val is not None + + +def iff(condition: bool, value: T) -> Optional[T]: + return value if condition else None + + +def is_sequence(obj: T) -> TypeGuard[Union[list, tuple]]: + return isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple) + + +def default(val: Optional[T], d: Union[Callable[..., T], T]) -> T: + if exists(val): + return val + return d() if isfunction(d) else d + + +def to_list(val: Union[T, Sequence[T]]) -> List[T]: + if isinstance(val, tuple): + return list(val) + if isinstance(val, list): + return val + return [val] # type: ignore + + +def prod(vals: Sequence[int]) -> int: + return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, vals) + + +def closest_power_2(x: float) -> int: + exponent = log2(x) + distance_fn = lambda z: abs(x - 2 ** z) # noqa + exponent_closest = min((floor(exponent), ceil(exponent)), key=distance_fn) + return 2 ** int(exponent_closest) + + +""" +Kwargs Utils +""" + + +def group_dict_by_prefix(prefix: str, d: Dict) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: + return_dicts: Tuple[Dict, Dict] = ({}, {}) + for key in d.keys(): + no_prefix = int(not key.startswith(prefix)) + return_dicts[no_prefix][key] = d[key] + return return_dicts + + +def groupby(prefix: str, d: Dict, keep_prefix: bool = False) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: + kwargs_with_prefix, kwargs = group_dict_by_prefix(prefix, d) + if keep_prefix: + return kwargs_with_prefix, kwargs + kwargs_no_prefix = {k[len(prefix) :]: v for k, v in kwargs_with_prefix.items()} + return kwargs_no_prefix, kwargs + + +def prefix_dict(prefix: str, d: Dict) -> Dict: + return {prefix + str(k): v for k, v in d.items()} + + +""" +DSP Utils +""" + + +def resample( + waveforms: Tensor, + factor_in: int, + factor_out: int, + rolloff: float = 0.99, + lowpass_filter_width: int = 6, +) -> Tensor: + """Resamples a waveform using sinc interpolation, adapted from torchaudio""" + b, _, length = waveforms.shape + length_target = int(factor_out * length / factor_in) + d = dict(device=waveforms.device, dtype=waveforms.dtype) + + base_factor = min(factor_in, factor_out) * rolloff + width = ceil(lowpass_filter_width * factor_in / base_factor) + idx = torch.arange(-width, width + factor_in, **d)[None, None] / factor_in # type: ignore # noqa + t = torch.arange(0, -factor_out, step=-1, **d)[:, None, None] / factor_out + idx # type: ignore # noqa + t = (t * base_factor).clamp(-lowpass_filter_width, lowpass_filter_width) * pi + + window = torch.cos(t / lowpass_filter_width / 2) ** 2 + scale = base_factor / factor_in + kernels = torch.where(t == 0, torch.tensor(1.0).to(t), t.sin() / t) + kernels *= window * scale + + waveforms = rearrange(waveforms, "b c t -> (b c) t") + waveforms = F.pad(waveforms, (width, width + factor_in)) + resampled = F.conv1d(waveforms[:, None], kernels, stride=factor_in) + resampled = rearrange(resampled, "(b c) k l -> b c (l k)", b=b) + return resampled[..., :length_target] + + +def downsample(waveforms: Tensor, factor: int, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + return resample(waveforms, factor_in=factor, factor_out=1, **kwargs) + + +def upsample(waveforms: Tensor, factor: int, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + return resample(waveforms, factor_in=1, factor_out=factor, **kwargs) + + +""" Torch Utils """ + + +def randn_like(tensor: Tensor, *args, generator: Optional[Generator] = None, **kwargs): + """randn_like that supports generator""" + return torch.randn(tensor.shape, *args, generator=generator, **kwargs).to(tensor) diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/diffusion.py b/Modules/diffusion/diffusion.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f8d40041e4493f1d037cdbd33bd25091ffbdfe4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/diffusion.py @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +from math import pi +from random import randint +from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +import torch +from einops import rearrange +from torch import Tensor, nn +from tqdm import tqdm + +from .utils import * +from .sampler import * + +""" +Diffusion Classes (generic for 1d data) +""" + + +class Model1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, unet_type: str = "base", **kwargs): + super().__init__() + diffusion_kwargs, kwargs = groupby("diffusion_", kwargs) + self.unet = None + self.diffusion = None + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + return self.diffusion(x, **kwargs) + + def sample(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + return self.diffusion.sample(*args, **kwargs) + + +""" +Audio Diffusion Classes (specific for 1d audio data) +""" + + +def get_default_model_kwargs(): + return dict( + channels=128, + patch_size=16, + multipliers=[1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4], + factors=[4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2], + num_blocks=[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], + attentions=[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], + attention_heads=8, + attention_features=64, + attention_multiplier=2, + attention_use_rel_pos=False, + diffusion_type="v", + diffusion_sigma_distribution=UniformDistribution(), + ) + + +def get_default_sampling_kwargs(): + return dict(sigma_schedule=LinearSchedule(), sampler=VSampler(), clamp=True) + + +class AudioDiffusionModel(Model1d): + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + super().__init__(**{**get_default_model_kwargs(), **kwargs}) + + def sample(self, *args, **kwargs): + return super().sample(*args, **{**get_default_sampling_kwargs(), **kwargs}) + + +class AudioDiffusionConditional(Model1d): + def __init__( + self, + embedding_features: int, + embedding_max_length: int, + embedding_mask_proba: float = 0.1, + **kwargs, + ): + self.embedding_mask_proba = embedding_mask_proba + default_kwargs = dict( + **get_default_model_kwargs(), + unet_type="cfg", + context_embedding_features=embedding_features, + context_embedding_max_length=embedding_max_length, + ) + super().__init__(**{**default_kwargs, **kwargs}) + + def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): + default_kwargs = dict(embedding_mask_proba=self.embedding_mask_proba) + return super().forward(*args, **{**default_kwargs, **kwargs}) + + def sample(self, *args, **kwargs): + default_kwargs = dict( + **get_default_sampling_kwargs(), + embedding_scale=5.0, + ) + return super().sample(*args, **{**default_kwargs, **kwargs}) + + diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/modules.py b/Modules/diffusion/modules.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9df85b993c3839ab01df6b6168334bdbf3cb1f30 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/modules.py @@ -0,0 +1,693 @@ +from math import floor, log, pi +from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from .utils import * + +import torch +import torch.nn as nn +from einops import rearrange, reduce, repeat +from einops.layers.torch import Rearrange +from einops_exts import rearrange_many +from torch import Tensor, einsum + + +""" +Utils +""" + +class AdaLayerNorm(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, style_dim, channels, eps=1e-5): + super().__init__() + self.channels = channels + self.eps = eps + + self.fc = nn.Linear(style_dim, channels*2) + + def forward(self, x, s): + x = x.transpose(-1, -2) + x = x.transpose(1, -1) + + h = self.fc(s) + h = h.view(h.size(0), h.size(1), 1) + gamma, beta = torch.chunk(h, chunks=2, dim=1) + gamma, beta = gamma.transpose(1, -1), beta.transpose(1, -1) + + + x = F.layer_norm(x, (self.channels,), eps=self.eps) + x = (1 + gamma) * x + beta + return x.transpose(1, -1).transpose(-1, -2) + +class StyleTransformer1d(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + num_layers: int, + channels: int, + num_heads: int, + head_features: int, + multiplier: int, + use_context_time: bool = True, + use_rel_pos: bool = False, + context_features_multiplier: int = 1, + rel_pos_num_buckets: Optional[int] = None, + rel_pos_max_distance: Optional[int] = None, + context_features: Optional[int] = None, + context_embedding_features: Optional[int] = None, + embedding_max_length: int = 512, + ): + super().__init__() + + self.blocks = nn.ModuleList( + [ + StyleTransformerBlock( + features=channels + context_embedding_features, + head_features=head_features, + num_heads=num_heads, + multiplier=multiplier, + style_dim=context_features, + use_rel_pos=use_rel_pos, + rel_pos_num_buckets=rel_pos_num_buckets, + rel_pos_max_distance=rel_pos_max_distance, + ) + for i in range(num_layers) + ] + ) + + self.to_out = nn.Sequential( + Rearrange("b t c -> b c t"), + nn.Conv1d( + in_channels=channels + context_embedding_features, + out_channels=channels, + kernel_size=1, + ), + ) + + use_context_features = exists(context_features) + self.use_context_features = use_context_features + self.use_context_time = use_context_time + + if use_context_time or use_context_features: + context_mapping_features = channels + context_embedding_features + + self.to_mapping = nn.Sequential( + nn.Linear(context_mapping_features, context_mapping_features), + nn.GELU(), + nn.Linear(context_mapping_features, context_mapping_features), + nn.GELU(), + ) + + if use_context_time: + assert exists(context_mapping_features) + self.to_time = nn.Sequential( + TimePositionalEmbedding( + dim=channels, out_features=context_mapping_features + ), + nn.GELU(), + ) + + if use_context_features: + assert exists(context_features) and exists(context_mapping_features) + self.to_features = nn.Sequential( + nn.Linear( + in_features=context_features, out_features=context_mapping_features + ), + nn.GELU(), + ) + + self.fixed_embedding = FixedEmbedding( + max_length=embedding_max_length, features=context_embedding_features + ) + + + def get_mapping( + self, time: Optional[Tensor] = None, features: Optional[Tensor] = None + ) -> Optional[Tensor]: + """Combines context time features and features into mapping""" + items, mapping = [], None + # Compute time features + if self.use_context_time: + assert_message = "use_context_time=True but no time features provided" + assert exists(time), assert_message + items += [self.to_time(time)] + # Compute features + if self.use_context_features: + assert_message = "context_features exists but no features provided" + assert exists(features), assert_message + items += [self.to_features(features)] + + # Compute joint mapping + if self.use_context_time or self.use_context_features: + mapping = reduce(torch.stack(items), "n b m -> b m", "sum") + mapping = self.to_mapping(mapping) + + return mapping + + def run(self, x, time, embedding, features): + + mapping = self.get_mapping(time, features) + x = torch.cat([x.expand(-1, embedding.size(1), -1), embedding], axis=-1) + mapping = mapping.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, embedding.size(1), -1) + + for block in self.blocks: + x = x + mapping + x = block(x, features) + + x = x.mean(axis=1).unsqueeze(1) + x = self.to_out(x) + x = x.transpose(-1, -2) + + return x + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, + time: Tensor, + embedding_mask_proba: float = 0.0, + embedding: Optional[Tensor] = None, + features: Optional[Tensor] = None, + embedding_scale: float = 1.0) -> Tensor: + + b, device = embedding.shape[0], embedding.device + fixed_embedding = self.fixed_embedding(embedding) + if embedding_mask_proba > 0.0: + # Randomly mask embedding + batch_mask = rand_bool( + shape=(b, 1, 1), proba=embedding_mask_proba, device=device + ) + embedding = torch.where(batch_mask, fixed_embedding, embedding) + + if embedding_scale != 1.0: + # Compute both normal and fixed embedding outputs + out = self.run(x, time, embedding=embedding, features=features) + out_masked = self.run(x, time, embedding=fixed_embedding, features=features) + # Scale conditional output using classifier-free guidance + return out_masked + (out - out_masked) * embedding_scale + else: + return self.run(x, time, embedding=embedding, features=features) + + return x + + +class StyleTransformerBlock(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + features: int, + num_heads: int, + head_features: int, + style_dim: int, + multiplier: int, + use_rel_pos: bool, + rel_pos_num_buckets: Optional[int] = None, + rel_pos_max_distance: Optional[int] = None, + context_features: Optional[int] = None, + ): + super().__init__() + + self.use_cross_attention = exists(context_features) and context_features > 0 + + self.attention = StyleAttention( + features=features, + style_dim=style_dim, + num_heads=num_heads, + head_features=head_features, + use_rel_pos=use_rel_pos, + rel_pos_num_buckets=rel_pos_num_buckets, + rel_pos_max_distance=rel_pos_max_distance, + ) + + if self.use_cross_attention: + self.cross_attention = StyleAttention( + features=features, + style_dim=style_dim, + num_heads=num_heads, + head_features=head_features, + context_features=context_features, + use_rel_pos=use_rel_pos, + rel_pos_num_buckets=rel_pos_num_buckets, + rel_pos_max_distance=rel_pos_max_distance, + ) + + self.feed_forward = FeedForward(features=features, multiplier=multiplier) + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, s: Tensor, *, context: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor: + x = self.attention(x, s) + x + if self.use_cross_attention: + x = self.cross_attention(x, s, context=context) + x + x = self.feed_forward(x) + x + return x + +class StyleAttention(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + features: int, + *, + style_dim: int, + head_features: int, + num_heads: int, + context_features: Optional[int] = None, + use_rel_pos: bool, + rel_pos_num_buckets: Optional[int] = None, + rel_pos_max_distance: Optional[int] = None, + ): + super().__init__() + self.context_features = context_features + mid_features = head_features * num_heads + context_features = default(context_features, features) + + self.norm = AdaLayerNorm(style_dim, features) + self.norm_context = AdaLayerNorm(style_dim, context_features) + self.to_q = nn.Linear( + in_features=features, out_features=mid_features, bias=False + ) + self.to_kv = nn.Linear( + in_features=context_features, out_features=mid_features * 2, bias=False + ) + self.attention = AttentionBase( + features, + num_heads=num_heads, + head_features=head_features, + use_rel_pos=use_rel_pos, + rel_pos_num_buckets=rel_pos_num_buckets, + rel_pos_max_distance=rel_pos_max_distance, + ) + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, s: Tensor, *, context: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor: + assert_message = "You must provide a context when using context_features" + assert not self.context_features or exists(context), assert_message + # Use context if provided + context = default(context, x) + # Normalize then compute q from input and k,v from context + x, context = self.norm(x, s), self.norm_context(context, s) + + q, k, v = (self.to_q(x), *torch.chunk(self.to_kv(context), chunks=2, dim=-1)) + # Compute and return attention + return self.attention(q, k, v) + +class Transformer1d(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + num_layers: int, + channels: int, + num_heads: int, + head_features: int, + multiplier: int, + use_context_time: bool = True, + use_rel_pos: bool = False, + context_features_multiplier: int = 1, + rel_pos_num_buckets: Optional[int] = None, + rel_pos_max_distance: Optional[int] = None, + context_features: Optional[int] = None, + context_embedding_features: Optional[int] = None, + embedding_max_length: int = 512, + ): + super().__init__() + + self.blocks = nn.ModuleList( + [ + TransformerBlock( + features=channels + context_embedding_features, + head_features=head_features, + num_heads=num_heads, + multiplier=multiplier, + use_rel_pos=use_rel_pos, + rel_pos_num_buckets=rel_pos_num_buckets, + rel_pos_max_distance=rel_pos_max_distance, + ) + for i in range(num_layers) + ] + ) + + self.to_out = nn.Sequential( + Rearrange("b t c -> b c t"), + nn.Conv1d( + in_channels=channels + context_embedding_features, + out_channels=channels, + kernel_size=1, + ), + ) + + use_context_features = exists(context_features) + self.use_context_features = use_context_features + self.use_context_time = use_context_time + + if use_context_time or use_context_features: + context_mapping_features = channels + context_embedding_features + + self.to_mapping = nn.Sequential( + nn.Linear(context_mapping_features, context_mapping_features), + nn.GELU(), + nn.Linear(context_mapping_features, context_mapping_features), + nn.GELU(), + ) + + if use_context_time: + assert exists(context_mapping_features) + self.to_time = nn.Sequential( + TimePositionalEmbedding( + dim=channels, out_features=context_mapping_features + ), + nn.GELU(), + ) + + if use_context_features: + assert exists(context_features) and exists(context_mapping_features) + self.to_features = nn.Sequential( + nn.Linear( + in_features=context_features, out_features=context_mapping_features + ), + nn.GELU(), + ) + + self.fixed_embedding = FixedEmbedding( + max_length=embedding_max_length, features=context_embedding_features + ) + + + def get_mapping( + self, time: Optional[Tensor] = None, features: Optional[Tensor] = None + ) -> Optional[Tensor]: + """Combines context time features and features into mapping""" + items, mapping = [], None + # Compute time features + if self.use_context_time: + assert_message = "use_context_time=True but no time features provided" + assert exists(time), assert_message + items += [self.to_time(time)] + # Compute features + if self.use_context_features: + assert_message = "context_features exists but no features provided" + assert exists(features), assert_message + items += [self.to_features(features)] + + # Compute joint mapping + if self.use_context_time or self.use_context_features: + mapping = reduce(torch.stack(items), "n b m -> b m", "sum") + mapping = self.to_mapping(mapping) + + return mapping + + def run(self, x, time, embedding, features): + + mapping = self.get_mapping(time, features) + x = torch.cat([x.expand(-1, embedding.size(1), -1), embedding], axis=-1) + mapping = mapping.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, embedding.size(1), -1) + + for block in self.blocks: + x = x + mapping + x = block(x) + + x = x.mean(axis=1).unsqueeze(1) + x = self.to_out(x) + x = x.transpose(-1, -2) + + return x + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, + time: Tensor, + embedding_mask_proba: float = 0.0, + embedding: Optional[Tensor] = None, + features: Optional[Tensor] = None, + embedding_scale: float = 1.0) -> Tensor: + + b, device = embedding.shape[0], embedding.device + fixed_embedding = self.fixed_embedding(embedding) + if embedding_mask_proba > 0.0: + # Randomly mask embedding + batch_mask = rand_bool( + shape=(b, 1, 1), proba=embedding_mask_proba, device=device + ) + embedding = torch.where(batch_mask, fixed_embedding, embedding) + + if embedding_scale != 1.0: + # Compute both normal and fixed embedding outputs + out = self.run(x, time, embedding=embedding, features=features) + out_masked = self.run(x, time, embedding=fixed_embedding, features=features) + # Scale conditional output using classifier-free guidance + return out_masked + (out - out_masked) * embedding_scale + else: + return self.run(x, time, embedding=embedding, features=features) + + return x + + +""" +Attention Components +""" + + +class RelativePositionBias(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, num_buckets: int, max_distance: int, num_heads: int): + super().__init__() + self.num_buckets = num_buckets + self.max_distance = max_distance + self.num_heads = num_heads + self.relative_attention_bias = nn.Embedding(num_buckets, num_heads) + + @staticmethod + def _relative_position_bucket( + relative_position: Tensor, num_buckets: int, max_distance: int + ): + num_buckets //= 2 + ret = (relative_position >= 0).to(torch.long) * num_buckets + n = torch.abs(relative_position) + + max_exact = num_buckets // 2 + is_small = n < max_exact + + val_if_large = ( + max_exact + + ( + torch.log(n.float() / max_exact) + / log(max_distance / max_exact) + * (num_buckets - max_exact) + ).long() + ) + val_if_large = torch.min( + val_if_large, torch.full_like(val_if_large, num_buckets - 1) + ) + + ret += torch.where(is_small, n, val_if_large) + return ret + + def forward(self, num_queries: int, num_keys: int) -> Tensor: + i, j, device = num_queries, num_keys, self.relative_attention_bias.weight.device + q_pos = torch.arange(j - i, j, dtype=torch.long, device=device) + k_pos = torch.arange(j, dtype=torch.long, device=device) + rel_pos = rearrange(k_pos, "j -> 1 j") - rearrange(q_pos, "i -> i 1") + + relative_position_bucket = self._relative_position_bucket( + rel_pos, num_buckets=self.num_buckets, max_distance=self.max_distance + ) + + bias = self.relative_attention_bias(relative_position_bucket) + bias = rearrange(bias, "m n h -> 1 h m n") + return bias + + +def FeedForward(features: int, multiplier: int) -> nn.Module: + mid_features = features * multiplier + return nn.Sequential( + nn.Linear(in_features=features, out_features=mid_features), + nn.GELU(), + nn.Linear(in_features=mid_features, out_features=features), + ) + + +class AttentionBase(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + features: int, + *, + head_features: int, + num_heads: int, + use_rel_pos: bool, + out_features: Optional[int] = None, + rel_pos_num_buckets: Optional[int] = None, + rel_pos_max_distance: Optional[int] = None, + ): + super().__init__() + self.scale = head_features ** -0.5 + self.num_heads = num_heads + self.use_rel_pos = use_rel_pos + mid_features = head_features * num_heads + + if use_rel_pos: + assert exists(rel_pos_num_buckets) and exists(rel_pos_max_distance) + self.rel_pos = RelativePositionBias( + num_buckets=rel_pos_num_buckets, + max_distance=rel_pos_max_distance, + num_heads=num_heads, + ) + if out_features is None: + out_features = features + + self.to_out = nn.Linear(in_features=mid_features, out_features=out_features) + + def forward(self, q: Tensor, k: Tensor, v: Tensor) -> Tensor: + # Split heads + q, k, v = rearrange_many((q, k, v), "b n (h d) -> b h n d", h=self.num_heads) + # Compute similarity matrix + sim = einsum("... n d, ... m d -> ... n m", q, k) + sim = (sim + self.rel_pos(*sim.shape[-2:])) if self.use_rel_pos else sim + sim = sim * self.scale + # Get attention matrix with softmax + attn = sim.softmax(dim=-1) + # Compute values + out = einsum("... n m, ... m d -> ... n d", attn, v) + out = rearrange(out, "b h n d -> b n (h d)") + return self.to_out(out) + + +class Attention(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + features: int, + *, + head_features: int, + num_heads: int, + out_features: Optional[int] = None, + context_features: Optional[int] = None, + use_rel_pos: bool, + rel_pos_num_buckets: Optional[int] = None, + rel_pos_max_distance: Optional[int] = None, + ): + super().__init__() + self.context_features = context_features + mid_features = head_features * num_heads + context_features = default(context_features, features) + + self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(features) + self.norm_context = nn.LayerNorm(context_features) + self.to_q = nn.Linear( + in_features=features, out_features=mid_features, bias=False + ) + self.to_kv = nn.Linear( + in_features=context_features, out_features=mid_features * 2, bias=False + ) + + self.attention = AttentionBase( + features, + out_features=out_features, + num_heads=num_heads, + head_features=head_features, + use_rel_pos=use_rel_pos, + rel_pos_num_buckets=rel_pos_num_buckets, + rel_pos_max_distance=rel_pos_max_distance, + ) + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, *, context: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor: + assert_message = "You must provide a context when using context_features" + assert not self.context_features or exists(context), assert_message + # Use context if provided + context = default(context, x) + # Normalize then compute q from input and k,v from context + x, context = self.norm(x), self.norm_context(context) + q, k, v = (self.to_q(x), *torch.chunk(self.to_kv(context), chunks=2, dim=-1)) + # Compute and return attention + return self.attention(q, k, v) + + +""" +Transformer Blocks +""" + + +class TransformerBlock(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + features: int, + num_heads: int, + head_features: int, + multiplier: int, + use_rel_pos: bool, + rel_pos_num_buckets: Optional[int] = None, + rel_pos_max_distance: Optional[int] = None, + context_features: Optional[int] = None, + ): + super().__init__() + + self.use_cross_attention = exists(context_features) and context_features > 0 + + self.attention = Attention( + features=features, + num_heads=num_heads, + head_features=head_features, + use_rel_pos=use_rel_pos, + rel_pos_num_buckets=rel_pos_num_buckets, + rel_pos_max_distance=rel_pos_max_distance, + ) + + if self.use_cross_attention: + self.cross_attention = Attention( + features=features, + num_heads=num_heads, + head_features=head_features, + context_features=context_features, + use_rel_pos=use_rel_pos, + rel_pos_num_buckets=rel_pos_num_buckets, + rel_pos_max_distance=rel_pos_max_distance, + ) + + self.feed_forward = FeedForward(features=features, multiplier=multiplier) + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, *, context: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor: + x = self.attention(x) + x + if self.use_cross_attention: + x = self.cross_attention(x, context=context) + x + x = self.feed_forward(x) + x + return x + + + +""" +Time Embeddings +""" + + +class SinusoidalEmbedding(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, dim: int): + super().__init__() + self.dim = dim + + def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: + device, half_dim = x.device, self.dim // 2 + emb = torch.tensor(log(10000) / (half_dim - 1), device=device) + emb = torch.exp(torch.arange(half_dim, device=device) * -emb) + emb = rearrange(x, "i -> i 1") * rearrange(emb, "j -> 1 j") + return torch.cat((emb.sin(), emb.cos()), dim=-1) + + +class LearnedPositionalEmbedding(nn.Module): + """Used for continuous time""" + + def __init__(self, dim: int): + super().__init__() + assert (dim % 2) == 0 + half_dim = dim // 2 + self.weights = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(half_dim)) + + def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: + x = rearrange(x, "b -> b 1") + freqs = x * rearrange(self.weights, "d -> 1 d") * 2 * pi + fouriered = torch.cat((freqs.sin(), freqs.cos()), dim=-1) + fouriered = torch.cat((x, fouriered), dim=-1) + return fouriered + + +def TimePositionalEmbedding(dim: int, out_features: int) -> nn.Module: + return nn.Sequential( + LearnedPositionalEmbedding(dim), + nn.Linear(in_features=dim + 1, out_features=out_features), + ) + +class FixedEmbedding(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, max_length: int, features: int): + super().__init__() + self.max_length = max_length + self.embedding = nn.Embedding(max_length, features) + + def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: + batch_size, length, device = *x.shape[0:2], x.device + assert_message = "Input sequence length must be <= max_length" + assert length <= self.max_length, assert_message + position = torch.arange(length, device=device) + fixed_embedding = self.embedding(position) + fixed_embedding = repeat(fixed_embedding, "n d -> b n d", b=batch_size) + return fixed_embedding diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/.github/workflows/python-publish.yml b/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/.github/workflows/python-publish.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec703542bea249a6189abf2bc1fc23dd2c1ef679 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/.github/workflows/python-publish.yml @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# This workflow will upload a Python Package using Twine when a release is created +# For more information see: https://help.github.com/en/actions/language-and-framework-guides/using-python-with-github-actions#publishing-to-package-registries + +# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub. +# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by +# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support +# documentation. + +name: Upload Python Package + +on: + release: + types: 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+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/LOGO.png b/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/LOGO.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f63f93d04121139e61bcc3761576c776bbf2294e Binary files /dev/null and b/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/LOGO.png differ diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/README.md b/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69530a92e4aa06b3d65c0600c5af2ca4bd289317 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ + + +A fully featured audio diffusion library, for PyTorch. Includes models for unconditional audio generation, text-conditional audio generation, diffusion autoencoding, upsampling, and vocoding. The provided models are waveform-based, however, the U-Net (built using [`a-unet`](https://github.com/archinetai/a-unet)), `DiffusionModel`, diffusion method, and diffusion samplers are both generic to any dimension and highly customizable to work on other formats. **Notes: (1) no pre-trained models are provided here, (2) the configs shown are indicative and untested, see [Moûsai](https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.11757) for the configs used in the paper.** + + +## Install + +```bash +pip install audio-diffusion-pytorch +``` + +[![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/audio-diffusion-pytorch?style=flat&colorA=black&colorB=black)](https://pypi.org/project/audio-diffusion-pytorch/) +[![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/personalized-badge/audio-diffusion-pytorch?period=total&units=international_system&left_color=black&right_color=black&left_text=Downloads)](https://pepy.tech/project/audio-diffusion-pytorch) + + +## Usage + +### Unconditional Generator + +```py +from audio_diffusion_pytorch import DiffusionModel, UNetV0, VDiffusion, VSampler + +model = DiffusionModel( + net_t=UNetV0, # The model type used for diffusion (U-Net V0 in this case) + in_channels=2, # U-Net: number of input/output (audio) channels + channels=[8, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 512, 1024, 1024], # U-Net: channels at each layer + factors=[1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], # U-Net: downsampling and upsampling factors at each layer + items=[1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4], # U-Net: number of repeating items at each layer + attentions=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], # U-Net: attention enabled/disabled at each layer + attention_heads=8, # U-Net: number of attention heads per attention item + attention_features=64, # U-Net: number of attention features per attention item + diffusion_t=VDiffusion, # The diffusion method used + sampler_t=VSampler, # The diffusion sampler used +) + +# Train model with audio waveforms +audio = torch.randn(1, 2, 2**18) # [batch_size, in_channels, length] +loss = model(audio) +loss.backward() + +# Turn noise into new audio sample with diffusion +noise = torch.randn(1, 2, 2**18) # [batch_size, in_channels, length] +sample = model.sample(noise, num_steps=10) # Suggested num_steps 10-100 +``` + +### Text-Conditional Generator +A text-to-audio diffusion model that conditions the generation with `t5-base` text embeddings, requires `pip install transformers`. +```py +from audio_diffusion_pytorch import DiffusionModel, UNetV0, VDiffusion, VSampler + +model = DiffusionModel( + # ... same as unconditional model + use_text_conditioning=True, # U-Net: enables text conditioning (default T5-base) + use_embedding_cfg=True, # U-Net: enables classifier free guidance + embedding_max_length=64, # U-Net: text embedding maximum length (default for T5-base) + embedding_features=768, # U-Net: text mbedding features (default for T5-base) + cross_attentions=[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], # U-Net: cross-attention enabled/disabled at each layer +) + +# Train model with audio waveforms +audio_wave = torch.randn(1, 2, 2**18) # [batch, in_channels, length] +loss = model( + audio_wave, + text=['The audio description'], # Text conditioning, one element per batch + embedding_mask_proba=0.1 # Probability of masking text with learned embedding (Classifier-Free Guidance Mask) +) +loss.backward() + +# Turn noise into new audio sample with diffusion +noise = torch.randn(1, 2, 2**18) +sample = model.sample( + noise, + text=['The audio description'], + embedding_scale=5.0, # Higher for more text importance, suggested range: 1-15 (Classifier-Free Guidance Scale) + num_steps=2 # Higher for better quality, suggested num_steps: 10-100 +) +``` + +### Diffusion Upsampler +Upsample audio from a lower sample rate to higher sample rate using diffusion, e.g. 3kHz to 48kHz. +```py +from audio_diffusion_pytorch import DiffusionUpsampler, UNetV0, VDiffusion, VSampler + +upsampler = DiffusionUpsampler( + net_t=UNetV0, # The model type used for diffusion + upsample_factor=16, # The upsample factor (e.g. 16 can be used for 3kHz to 48kHz) + in_channels=2, # U-Net: number of input/output (audio) channels + channels=[8, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 512, 1024, 1024], # U-Net: channels at each layer + factors=[1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], # U-Net: downsampling and upsampling factors at each layer + items=[1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4], # U-Net: number of repeating items at each layer + diffusion_t=VDiffusion, # The diffusion method used + sampler_t=VSampler, # The diffusion sampler used +) + +# Train model with high sample rate audio waveforms +audio = torch.randn(1, 2, 2**18) # [batch, in_channels, length] +loss = upsampler(audio) +loss.backward() + +# Turn low sample rate audio into high sample rate +downsampled_audio = torch.randn(1, 2, 2**14) # [batch, in_channels, length] +sample = upsampler.sample(downsampled_audio, num_steps=10) # Output has shape: [1, 2, 2**18] +``` + +### Diffusion Vocoder +Convert a mel-spectrogram to wavefrom using diffusion. +```py +from audio_diffusion_pytorch import DiffusionVocoder, UNetV0, VDiffusion, VSampler + +vocoder = DiffusionVocoder( + mel_n_fft=1024, # Mel-spectrogram n_fft + mel_channels=80, # Mel-spectrogram channels + mel_sample_rate=48000, # Mel-spectrogram sample rate + mel_normalize_log=True, # Mel-spectrogram log normalization (alternative is mel_normalize=True for [-1,1] power normalization) + net_t=UNetV0, # The model type used for diffusion vocoding + channels=[8, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 512, 1024, 1024], # U-Net: channels at each layer + factors=[1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], # U-Net: downsampling and upsampling factors at each layer + items=[1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4], # U-Net: number of repeating items at each layer + diffusion_t=VDiffusion, # The diffusion method used + sampler_t=VSampler, # The diffusion sampler used +) + +# Train model on waveforms (automatically converted to mel internally) +audio = torch.randn(1, 2, 2**18) # [batch, in_channels, length] +loss = vocoder(audio) +loss.backward() + +# Turn mel spectrogram into waveform +mel_spectrogram = torch.randn(1, 2, 80, 1024) # [batch, in_channels, mel_channels, mel_length] +sample = vocoder.sample(mel_spectrogram, num_steps=10) # Output has shape: [1, 2, 2**18] +``` + +### Diffusion Autoencoder +Autoencode audio into a compressed latent using diffusion. Any encoder can be provided as long as it subclasses the `EncoderBase` class or contains an `out_channels` and `downsample_factor` field. +```py +from audio_diffusion_pytorch import DiffusionAE, UNetV0, VDiffusion, VSampler +from audio_encoders_pytorch import MelE1d, TanhBottleneck + +autoencoder = DiffusionAE( + encoder=MelE1d( # The encoder used, in this case a mel-spectrogram encoder + in_channels=2, + channels=512, + multipliers=[1, 1], + factors=[2], + num_blocks=[12], + out_channels=32, + mel_channels=80, + mel_sample_rate=48000, + mel_normalize_log=True, + bottleneck=TanhBottleneck(), + ), + inject_depth=6, + net_t=UNetV0, # The model type used for diffusion upsampling + in_channels=2, # U-Net: number of input/output (audio) channels + channels=[8, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 512, 1024, 1024], # U-Net: channels at each layer + factors=[1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], # U-Net: downsampling and upsampling factors at each layer + items=[1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4], # U-Net: number of repeating items at each layer + diffusion_t=VDiffusion, # The diffusion method used + sampler_t=VSampler, # The diffusion sampler used +) + +# Train autoencoder with audio samples +audio = torch.randn(1, 2, 2**18) # [batch, in_channels, length] +loss = autoencoder(audio) +loss.backward() + +# Encode/decode audio +audio = torch.randn(1, 2, 2**18) # [batch, in_channels, length] +latent = autoencoder.encode(audio) # Encode +sample = autoencoder.decode(latent, num_steps=10) # Decode by sampling diffusion model conditioning on latent +``` + +## Other + +### Inpainting +```py +from audio_diffusion_pytorch import UNetV0, VInpainter + +# The diffusion UNetV0 (this is an example, the net must be trained to work) +net = UNetV0( + dim=1, + in_channels=2, # U-Net: number of input/output (audio) channels + channels=[8, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 512, 1024, 1024], # U-Net: channels at each layer + factors=[1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], # U-Net: downsampling and upsampling factors at each layer + items=[1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4], # U-Net: number of repeating items at each layer + attentions=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], # U-Net: attention enabled/disabled at each layer + attention_heads=8, # U-Net: number of attention heads per attention block + attention_features=64, # U-Net: number of attention features per attention block, +) + +# Instantiate inpainter with trained net +inpainter = VInpainter(net=net) + +# Inpaint source +y = inpainter( + source=torch.randn(1, 2, 2**18), # Start source + mask=torch.randint(0, 2, (1, 2, 2 ** 18), dtype=torch.bool), # Set to `True` the parts you want to keep + num_steps=10, # Number of inpainting steps + num_resamples=2, # Number of resampling steps + show_progress=True, +) # [1, 2, 2 ** 18] +``` + +## Appreciation + +* [StabilityAI](https://stability.ai/) for the compute, [Zach Evans](https://github.com/zqevans) and everyone else from [HarmonAI](https://www.harmonai.org/) for the interesting research discussions. +* [ETH Zurich](https://inf.ethz.ch/) for the resources, [Zhijing Jin](https://zhijing-jin.com/), [Bernhard Schoelkopf](https://is.mpg.de/~bs), and [Mrinmaya Sachan](http://www.mrinmaya.io/) for supervising this Thesis. +* [Phil Wang](https://github.com/lucidrains) for the beautiful open source contributions on [diffusion](https://github.com/lucidrains/denoising-diffusion-pytorch) and [Imagen](https://github.com/lucidrains/imagen-pytorch). +* [Katherine Crowson](https://github.com/crowsonkb) for the experiments with [k-diffusion](https://github.com/crowsonkb/k-diffusion) and the insane collection of samplers. + +## Citations + +DDPM Diffusion +```bibtex +@misc{2006.11239, +Author = {Jonathan Ho and Ajay Jain and Pieter Abbeel}, +Title = {Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models}, +Year = {2020}, +Eprint = {arXiv:2006.11239}, +} +``` + +DDIM (V-Sampler) +```bibtex +@misc{2010.02502, +Author = {Jiaming Song and Chenlin Meng and Stefano Ermon}, +Title = {Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models}, +Year = {2020}, +Eprint = {arXiv:2010.02502}, +} +``` + +V-Diffusion +```bibtex +@misc{2202.00512, +Author = {Tim Salimans and Jonathan Ho}, +Title = {Progressive Distillation for Fast Sampling of Diffusion Models}, +Year = {2022}, +Eprint = {arXiv:2202.00512}, +} +``` + +Imagen (T5 Text Conditioning) +```bibtex +@misc{2205.11487, +Author = {Chitwan Saharia and William Chan and Saurabh Saxena and Lala Li and Jay Whang and Emily Denton and Seyed Kamyar Seyed Ghasemipour and Burcu Karagol Ayan and S. Sara Mahdavi and Rapha Gontijo Lopes and Tim Salimans and Jonathan Ho and David J Fleet and Mohammad Norouzi}, +Title = {Photorealistic Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Deep Language Understanding}, +Year = {2022}, +Eprint = {arXiv:2205.11487}, +} +``` diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/setup.py b/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/setup.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56a5618569e0a9b5d17b772d2266ddd22b235771 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/setup.py @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +from setuptools import find_packages, setup + +setup( + name="audio-diffusion-pytorch", + packages=find_packages(exclude=[]), + version="0.1.3", + license="MIT", + description="Audio Diffusion - PyTorch", + long_description_content_type="text/markdown", + author="Flavio Schneider", + author_email="archinetai@protonmail.com", + url="https://github.com/archinetai/audio-diffusion-pytorch", + keywords=["artificial intelligence", "deep learning", "audio generation"], + install_requires=[ + "tqdm", + "torch>=1.6", + "torchaudio", + "data-science-types>=0.2", + "einops>=0.6", + "a-unet", + ], + classifiers=[ + "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", + "Intended Audience :: Developers", + "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence", + "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", + ], +) diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/tests/testcustomloss.py b/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/tests/testcustomloss.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..619eb33979852fa998a2b2dcc17f3a1256b6dd29 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/reconstruction_head/audio-diffusion-pytorch/tests/testcustomloss.py @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +import torch +import torch.nn.functional as F +from audio_diffusion_pytorch import DiffusionAE, UNetV0, VDiffusion, VSampler +from audio_encoders_pytorch import MelE1d, TanhBottleneck +from auraloss.freq import MultiResolutionSTFTLoss + +autoencoder = DiffusionAE( + encoder=MelE1d( # The encoder used, in this case a mel-spectrogram encoder + in_channels=2, + channels=512, + multipliers=[1, 1], + factors=[2], + num_blocks=[12], + out_channels=32, + mel_channels=80, + mel_sample_rate=48000, + mel_normalize_log=True, + bottleneck=TanhBottleneck(), + ), + inject_depth=6, + net_t=UNetV0, # The model type used for diffusion upsampling + in_channels=2, # U-Net: number of input/output (audio) channels + channels=[8, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 512, 1024, 1024], # U-Net: channels at each layer + factors=[1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], # U-Net: downsampling and upsampling factors at each layer + items=[1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4], # U-Net: number of repeating items at each layer + diffusion_t=VDiffusion, # The diffusion method used + sampler_t=VSampler, # The diffusion sampler used + loss_fn=MultiResolutionSTFTLoss(), # The loss function used +) + +# Train autoencoder with audio samples +audio = torch.randn(1, 2, 2**18) # [batch, in_channels, length] +loss = autoencoder(audio) +loss.backward() + +# Encode/decode audio +audio = torch.randn(1, 2, 2**18) # [batch, in_channels, length] +latent = autoencoder.encode(audio) # Encode +sample = autoencoder.decode(latent, num_steps=10) # Decode by sampling diffusion model conditioning on latent \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/sampler.py b/Modules/diffusion/sampler.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..467bd0d16093564e3ddcfe9033d2097986d54a27 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/sampler.py @@ -0,0 +1,691 @@ +from math import atan, cos, pi, sin, sqrt +from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type + +import torch +import torch.nn as nn +import torch.nn.functional as F +from einops import rearrange, reduce +from torch import Tensor + +from .utils import * + +""" +Diffusion Training +""" + +""" Distributions """ + + +class Distribution: + def __call__(self, num_samples: int, device: torch.device): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class LogNormalDistribution(Distribution): + def __init__(self, mean: float, std: float): + self.mean = mean + self.std = std + + def __call__( + self, num_samples: int, device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu") + ) -> Tensor: + normal = self.mean + self.std * torch.randn((num_samples,), device=device) + return normal.exp() + + +class UniformDistribution(Distribution): + def __call__(self, num_samples: int, device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu")): + return torch.rand(num_samples, device=device) + + +class VKDistribution(Distribution): + def __init__( + self, + min_value: float = 0.0, + max_value: float = float("inf"), + sigma_data: float = 1.0, + ): + self.min_value = min_value + self.max_value = max_value + self.sigma_data = sigma_data + + def __call__( + self, num_samples: int, device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu") + ) -> Tensor: + sigma_data = self.sigma_data + min_cdf = atan(self.min_value / sigma_data) * 2 / pi + max_cdf = atan(self.max_value / sigma_data) * 2 / pi + u = (max_cdf - min_cdf) * torch.randn((num_samples,), device=device) + min_cdf + return torch.tan(u * pi / 2) * sigma_data + + +""" Diffusion Classes """ + + +def pad_dims(x: Tensor, ndim: int) -> Tensor: + # Pads additional ndims to the right of the tensor + return x.view(*x.shape, *((1,) * ndim)) + + +def clip(x: Tensor, dynamic_threshold: float = 0.0): + if dynamic_threshold == 0.0: + return x.clamp(-1.0, 1.0) + else: + # Dynamic thresholding + # Find dynamic threshold quantile for each batch + x_flat = rearrange(x, "b ... -> b (...)") + scale = torch.quantile(x_flat.abs(), dynamic_threshold, dim=-1) + # Clamp to a min of 1.0 + scale.clamp_(min=1.0) + # Clamp all values and scale + scale = pad_dims(scale, ndim=x.ndim - scale.ndim) + x = x.clamp(-scale, scale) / scale + return x + + +def to_batch( + batch_size: int, + device: torch.device, + x: Optional[float] = None, + xs: Optional[Tensor] = None, +) -> Tensor: + assert exists(x) ^ exists(xs), "Either x or xs must be provided" + # If x provided use the same for all batch items + if exists(x): + xs = torch.full(size=(batch_size,), fill_value=x).to(device) + assert exists(xs) + return xs + + +class Diffusion(nn.Module): + + alias: str = "" + + """Base diffusion class""" + + def denoise_fn( + self, + x_noisy: Tensor, + sigmas: Optional[Tensor] = None, + sigma: Optional[float] = None, + **kwargs, + ) -> Tensor: + raise NotImplementedError("Diffusion class missing denoise_fn") + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, noise: Tensor = None, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + raise NotImplementedError("Diffusion class missing forward function") + + +class VDiffusion(Diffusion): + + alias = "v" + + def __init__(self, net: nn.Module, *, sigma_distribution: Distribution): + super().__init__() + self.net = net + self.sigma_distribution = sigma_distribution + + def get_alpha_beta(self, sigmas: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: + angle = sigmas * pi / 2 + alpha = torch.cos(angle) + beta = torch.sin(angle) + return alpha, beta + + def denoise_fn( + self, + x_noisy: Tensor, + sigmas: Optional[Tensor] = None, + sigma: Optional[float] = None, + **kwargs, + ) -> Tensor: + batch_size, device = x_noisy.shape[0], x_noisy.device + sigmas = to_batch(x=sigma, xs=sigmas, batch_size=batch_size, device=device) + return self.net(x_noisy, sigmas, **kwargs) + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, noise: Tensor = None, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + batch_size, device = x.shape[0], x.device + + # Sample amount of noise to add for each batch element + sigmas = self.sigma_distribution(num_samples=batch_size, device=device) + sigmas_padded = rearrange(sigmas, "b -> b 1 1") + + # Get noise + noise = default(noise, lambda: torch.randn_like(x)) + + # Combine input and noise weighted by half-circle + alpha, beta = self.get_alpha_beta(sigmas_padded) + x_noisy = x * alpha + noise * beta + x_target = noise * alpha - x * beta + + # Denoise and return loss + x_denoised = self.denoise_fn(x_noisy, sigmas, **kwargs) + return F.mse_loss(x_denoised, x_target) + + +class KDiffusion(Diffusion): + """Elucidated Diffusion (Karras et al. 2022): https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00364""" + + alias = "k" + + def __init__( + self, + net: nn.Module, + *, + sigma_distribution: Distribution, + sigma_data: float, # data distribution standard deviation + dynamic_threshold: float = 0.0, + ): + super().__init__() + self.net = net + self.sigma_data = sigma_data + self.sigma_distribution = sigma_distribution + self.dynamic_threshold = dynamic_threshold + + def get_scale_weights(self, sigmas: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]: + sigma_data = self.sigma_data + c_noise = torch.log(sigmas) * 0.25 + sigmas = rearrange(sigmas, "b -> b 1 1") + c_skip = (sigma_data ** 2) / (sigmas ** 2 + sigma_data ** 2) + c_out = sigmas * sigma_data * (sigma_data ** 2 + sigmas ** 2) ** -0.5 + c_in = (sigmas ** 2 + sigma_data ** 2) ** -0.5 + return c_skip, c_out, c_in, c_noise + + def denoise_fn( + self, + x_noisy: Tensor, + sigmas: Optional[Tensor] = None, + sigma: Optional[float] = None, + **kwargs, + ) -> Tensor: + batch_size, device = x_noisy.shape[0], x_noisy.device + sigmas = to_batch(x=sigma, xs=sigmas, batch_size=batch_size, device=device) + + # Predict network output and add skip connection + c_skip, c_out, c_in, c_noise = self.get_scale_weights(sigmas) + x_pred = self.net(c_in * x_noisy, c_noise, **kwargs) + x_denoised = c_skip * x_noisy + c_out * x_pred + + return x_denoised + + def loss_weight(self, sigmas: Tensor) -> Tensor: + # Computes weight depending on data distribution + return (sigmas ** 2 + self.sigma_data ** 2) * (sigmas * self.sigma_data) ** -2 + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, noise: Tensor = None, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + batch_size, device = x.shape[0], x.device + from einops import rearrange, reduce + + # Sample amount of noise to add for each batch element + sigmas = self.sigma_distribution(num_samples=batch_size, device=device) + sigmas_padded = rearrange(sigmas, "b -> b 1 1") + + # Add noise to input + noise = default(noise, lambda: torch.randn_like(x)) + x_noisy = x + sigmas_padded * noise + + # Compute denoised values + x_denoised = self.denoise_fn(x_noisy, sigmas=sigmas, **kwargs) + + # Compute weighted loss + losses = F.mse_loss(x_denoised, x, reduction="none") + losses = reduce(losses, "b ... -> b", "mean") + losses = losses * self.loss_weight(sigmas) + loss = losses.mean() + return loss + + +class VKDiffusion(Diffusion): + + alias = "vk" + + def __init__(self, net: nn.Module, *, sigma_distribution: Distribution): + super().__init__() + self.net = net + self.sigma_distribution = sigma_distribution + + def get_scale_weights(self, sigmas: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]: + sigma_data = 1.0 + sigmas = rearrange(sigmas, "b -> b 1 1") + c_skip = (sigma_data ** 2) / (sigmas ** 2 + sigma_data ** 2) + c_out = -sigmas * sigma_data * (sigma_data ** 2 + sigmas ** 2) ** -0.5 + c_in = (sigmas ** 2 + sigma_data ** 2) ** -0.5 + return c_skip, c_out, c_in + + def sigma_to_t(self, sigmas: Tensor) -> Tensor: + return sigmas.atan() / pi * 2 + + def t_to_sigma(self, t: Tensor) -> Tensor: + return (t * pi / 2).tan() + + def denoise_fn( + self, + x_noisy: Tensor, + sigmas: Optional[Tensor] = None, + sigma: Optional[float] = None, + **kwargs, + ) -> Tensor: + batch_size, device = x_noisy.shape[0], x_noisy.device + sigmas = to_batch(x=sigma, xs=sigmas, batch_size=batch_size, device=device) + + # Predict network output and add skip connection + c_skip, c_out, c_in = self.get_scale_weights(sigmas) + x_pred = self.net(c_in * x_noisy, self.sigma_to_t(sigmas), **kwargs) + x_denoised = c_skip * x_noisy + c_out * x_pred + return x_denoised + + def forward(self, x: Tensor, noise: Tensor = None, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + batch_size, device = x.shape[0], x.device + + # Sample amount of noise to add for each batch element + sigmas = self.sigma_distribution(num_samples=batch_size, device=device) + sigmas_padded = rearrange(sigmas, "b -> b 1 1") + + # Add noise to input + noise = default(noise, lambda: torch.randn_like(x)) + x_noisy = x + sigmas_padded * noise + + # Compute model output + c_skip, c_out, c_in = self.get_scale_weights(sigmas) + x_pred = self.net(c_in * x_noisy, self.sigma_to_t(sigmas), **kwargs) + + # Compute v-objective target + v_target = (x - c_skip * x_noisy) / (c_out + 1e-7) + + # Compute loss + loss = F.mse_loss(x_pred, v_target) + return loss + + +""" +Diffusion Sampling +""" + +""" Schedules """ + + +class Schedule(nn.Module): + """Interface used by different sampling schedules""" + + def forward(self, num_steps: int, device: torch.device) -> Tensor: + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class LinearSchedule(Schedule): + def forward(self, num_steps: int, device: Any) -> Tensor: + sigmas = torch.linspace(1, 0, num_steps + 1)[:-1] + return sigmas + + +class KarrasSchedule(Schedule): + """https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00364 equation 5""" + + def __init__(self, sigma_min: float, sigma_max: float, rho: float = 7.0): + super().__init__() + self.sigma_min = sigma_min + self.sigma_max = sigma_max + self.rho = rho + + def forward(self, num_steps: int, device: Any) -> Tensor: + rho_inv = 1.0 / self.rho + steps = torch.arange(num_steps, device=device, dtype=torch.float32) + sigmas = ( + self.sigma_max ** rho_inv + + (steps / (num_steps - 1)) + * (self.sigma_min ** rho_inv - self.sigma_max ** rho_inv) + ) ** self.rho + sigmas = F.pad(sigmas, pad=(0, 1), value=0.0) + return sigmas + + +""" Samplers """ + + +class Sampler(nn.Module): + + diffusion_types: List[Type[Diffusion]] = [] + + def forward( + self, noise: Tensor, fn: Callable, sigmas: Tensor, num_steps: int + ) -> Tensor: + raise NotImplementedError() + + def inpaint( + self, + source: Tensor, + mask: Tensor, + fn: Callable, + sigmas: Tensor, + num_steps: int, + num_resamples: int, + ) -> Tensor: + raise NotImplementedError("Inpainting not available with current sampler") + + +class VSampler(Sampler): + + diffusion_types = [VDiffusion] + + def get_alpha_beta(self, sigma: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: + angle = sigma * pi / 2 + alpha = cos(angle) + beta = sin(angle) + return alpha, beta + + def forward( + self, noise: Tensor, fn: Callable, sigmas: Tensor, num_steps: int + ) -> Tensor: + x = sigmas[0] * noise + alpha, beta = self.get_alpha_beta(sigmas[0].item()) + + for i in range(num_steps - 1): + is_last = i == num_steps - 1 + + x_denoised = fn(x, sigma=sigmas[i]) + x_pred = x * alpha - x_denoised * beta + x_eps = x * beta + x_denoised * alpha + + if not is_last: + alpha, beta = self.get_alpha_beta(sigmas[i + 1].item()) + x = x_pred * alpha + x_eps * beta + + return x_pred + + +class KarrasSampler(Sampler): + """https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00364 algorithm 1""" + + diffusion_types = [KDiffusion, VKDiffusion] + + def __init__( + self, + s_tmin: float = 0, + s_tmax: float = float("inf"), + s_churn: float = 0.0, + s_noise: float = 1.0, + ): + super().__init__() + self.s_tmin = s_tmin + self.s_tmax = s_tmax + self.s_noise = s_noise + self.s_churn = s_churn + + def step( + self, x: Tensor, fn: Callable, sigma: float, sigma_next: float, gamma: float + ) -> Tensor: + """Algorithm 2 (step)""" + # Select temporarily increased noise level + sigma_hat = sigma + gamma * sigma + # Add noise to move from sigma to sigma_hat + epsilon = self.s_noise * torch.randn_like(x) + x_hat = x + sqrt(sigma_hat ** 2 - sigma ** 2) * epsilon + # Evaluate ∂x/∂sigma at sigma_hat + d = (x_hat - fn(x_hat, sigma=sigma_hat)) / sigma_hat + # Take euler step from sigma_hat to sigma_next + x_next = x_hat + (sigma_next - sigma_hat) * d + # Second order correction + if sigma_next != 0: + model_out_next = fn(x_next, sigma=sigma_next) + d_prime = (x_next - model_out_next) / sigma_next + x_next = x_hat + 0.5 * (sigma - sigma_hat) * (d + d_prime) + return x_next + + def forward( + self, noise: Tensor, fn: Callable, sigmas: Tensor, num_steps: int + ) -> Tensor: + x = sigmas[0] * noise + # Compute gammas + gammas = torch.where( + (sigmas >= self.s_tmin) & (sigmas <= self.s_tmax), + min(self.s_churn / num_steps, sqrt(2) - 1), + 0.0, + ) + # Denoise to sample + for i in range(num_steps - 1): + x = self.step( + x, fn=fn, sigma=sigmas[i], sigma_next=sigmas[i + 1], gamma=gammas[i] # type: ignore # noqa + ) + + return x + + +class AEulerSampler(Sampler): + + diffusion_types = [KDiffusion, VKDiffusion] + + def get_sigmas(self, sigma: float, sigma_next: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: + sigma_up = sqrt(sigma_next ** 2 * (sigma ** 2 - sigma_next ** 2) / sigma ** 2) + sigma_down = sqrt(sigma_next ** 2 - sigma_up ** 2) + return sigma_up, sigma_down + + def step(self, x: Tensor, fn: Callable, sigma: float, sigma_next: float) -> Tensor: + # Sigma steps + sigma_up, sigma_down = self.get_sigmas(sigma, sigma_next) + # Derivative at sigma (∂x/∂sigma) + d = (x - fn(x, sigma=sigma)) / sigma + # Euler method + x_next = x + d * (sigma_down - sigma) + # Add randomness + x_next = x_next + torch.randn_like(x) * sigma_up + return x_next + + def forward( + self, noise: Tensor, fn: Callable, sigmas: Tensor, num_steps: int + ) -> Tensor: + x = sigmas[0] * noise + # Denoise to sample + for i in range(num_steps - 1): + x = self.step(x, fn=fn, sigma=sigmas[i], sigma_next=sigmas[i + 1]) # type: ignore # noqa + return x + + +class ADPM2Sampler(Sampler): + """https://www.desmos.com/calculator/jbxjlqd9mb""" + + diffusion_types = [KDiffusion, VKDiffusion] + + def __init__(self, rho: float = 1.0): + super().__init__() + self.rho = rho + + def get_sigmas(self, sigma: float, sigma_next: float) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: + r = self.rho + sigma_up = sqrt(sigma_next ** 2 * (sigma ** 2 - sigma_next ** 2) / sigma ** 2) + sigma_down = sqrt(sigma_next ** 2 - sigma_up ** 2) + sigma_mid = ((sigma ** (1 / r) + sigma_down ** (1 / r)) / 2) ** r + return sigma_up, sigma_down, sigma_mid + + def step(self, x: Tensor, fn: Callable, sigma: float, sigma_next: float) -> Tensor: + # Sigma steps + sigma_up, sigma_down, sigma_mid = self.get_sigmas(sigma, sigma_next) + # Derivative at sigma (∂x/∂sigma) + d = (x - fn(x, sigma=sigma)) / sigma + # Denoise to midpoint + x_mid = x + d * (sigma_mid - sigma) + # Derivative at sigma_mid (∂x_mid/∂sigma_mid) + d_mid = (x_mid - fn(x_mid, sigma=sigma_mid)) / sigma_mid + # Denoise to next + x = x + d_mid * (sigma_down - sigma) + # Add randomness + x_next = x + torch.randn_like(x) * sigma_up + return x_next + + def forward( + self, noise: Tensor, fn: Callable, sigmas: Tensor, num_steps: int + ) -> Tensor: + x = sigmas[0] * noise + # Denoise to sample + for i in range(num_steps - 1): + x = self.step(x, fn=fn, sigma=sigmas[i], sigma_next=sigmas[i + 1]) # type: ignore # noqa + return x + + def inpaint( + self, + source: Tensor, + mask: Tensor, + fn: Callable, + sigmas: Tensor, + num_steps: int, + num_resamples: int, + ) -> Tensor: + x = sigmas[0] * torch.randn_like(source) + + for i in range(num_steps - 1): + # Noise source to current noise level + source_noisy = source + sigmas[i] * torch.randn_like(source) + for r in range(num_resamples): + # Merge noisy source and current then denoise + x = source_noisy * mask + x * ~mask + x = self.step(x, fn=fn, sigma=sigmas[i], sigma_next=sigmas[i + 1]) # type: ignore # noqa + # Renoise if not last resample step + if r < num_resamples - 1: + sigma = sqrt(sigmas[i] ** 2 - sigmas[i + 1] ** 2) + x = x + sigma * torch.randn_like(x) + + return source * mask + x * ~mask + + +""" Main Classes """ + + +class DiffusionSampler(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + diffusion: Diffusion, + *, + sampler: Sampler, + sigma_schedule: Schedule, + num_steps: Optional[int] = None, + clamp: bool = True, + ): + super().__init__() + self.denoise_fn = diffusion.denoise_fn + self.sampler = sampler + self.sigma_schedule = sigma_schedule + self.num_steps = num_steps + self.clamp = clamp + + # Check sampler is compatible with diffusion type + sampler_class = sampler.__class__.__name__ + diffusion_class = diffusion.__class__.__name__ + message = f"{sampler_class} incompatible with {diffusion_class}" + assert diffusion.alias in [t.alias for t in sampler.diffusion_types], message + + def forward( + self, noise: Tensor, num_steps: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs + ) -> Tensor: + device = noise.device + num_steps = default(num_steps, self.num_steps) # type: ignore + assert exists(num_steps), "Parameter `num_steps` must be provided" + # Compute sigmas using schedule + sigmas = self.sigma_schedule(num_steps, device) + # Append additional kwargs to denoise function (used e.g. for conditional unet) + fn = lambda *a, **ka: self.denoise_fn(*a, **{**ka, **kwargs}) # noqa + # Sample using sampler + x = self.sampler(noise, fn=fn, sigmas=sigmas, num_steps=num_steps) + x = x.clamp(-1.0, 1.0) if self.clamp else x + return x + + +class DiffusionInpainter(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + diffusion: Diffusion, + *, + num_steps: int, + num_resamples: int, + sampler: Sampler, + sigma_schedule: Schedule, + ): + super().__init__() + self.denoise_fn = diffusion.denoise_fn + self.num_steps = num_steps + self.num_resamples = num_resamples + self.inpaint_fn = sampler.inpaint + self.sigma_schedule = sigma_schedule + + @torch.no_grad() + def forward(self, inpaint: Tensor, inpaint_mask: Tensor) -> Tensor: + x = self.inpaint_fn( + source=inpaint, + mask=inpaint_mask, + fn=self.denoise_fn, + sigmas=self.sigma_schedule(self.num_steps, inpaint.device), + num_steps=self.num_steps, + num_resamples=self.num_resamples, + ) + return x + + +def sequential_mask(like: Tensor, start: int) -> Tensor: + length, device = like.shape[2], like.device + mask = torch.ones_like(like, dtype=torch.bool) + mask[:, :, start:] = torch.zeros((length - start,), device=device) + return mask + + +class SpanBySpanComposer(nn.Module): + def __init__( + self, + inpainter: DiffusionInpainter, + *, + num_spans: int, + ): + super().__init__() + self.inpainter = inpainter + self.num_spans = num_spans + + def forward(self, start: Tensor, keep_start: bool = False) -> Tensor: + half_length = start.shape[2] // 2 + + spans = list(start.chunk(chunks=2, dim=-1)) if keep_start else [] + # Inpaint second half from first half + inpaint = torch.zeros_like(start) + inpaint[:, :, :half_length] = start[:, :, half_length:] + inpaint_mask = sequential_mask(like=start, start=half_length) + + for i in range(self.num_spans): + # Inpaint second half + span = self.inpainter(inpaint=inpaint, inpaint_mask=inpaint_mask) + # Replace first half with generated second half + second_half = span[:, :, half_length:] + inpaint[:, :, :half_length] = second_half + # Save generated span + spans.append(second_half) + + return torch.cat(spans, dim=2) + + +class XDiffusion(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, type: str, net: nn.Module, **kwargs): + super().__init__() + + diffusion_classes = [VDiffusion, KDiffusion, VKDiffusion] + aliases = [t.alias for t in diffusion_classes] # type: ignore + message = f"type='{type}' must be one of {*aliases,}" + assert type in aliases, message + self.net = net + + for XDiffusion in diffusion_classes: + if XDiffusion.alias == type: # type: ignore + self.diffusion = XDiffusion(net=net, **kwargs) + + def forward(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: + return self.diffusion(*args, **kwargs) + + def sample( + self, + noise: Tensor, + num_steps: int, + sigma_schedule: Schedule, + sampler: Sampler, + clamp: bool, + **kwargs, + ) -> Tensor: + diffusion_sampler = DiffusionSampler( + diffusion=self.diffusion, + sampler=sampler, + sigma_schedule=sigma_schedule, + num_steps=num_steps, + clamp=clamp, + ) + return diffusion_sampler(noise, **kwargs) diff --git a/Modules/diffusion/utils.py b/Modules/diffusion/utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f330b98dddf65f6ae8473303a7d5abd31563f362 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/diffusion/utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +from functools import reduce +from inspect import isfunction +from math import ceil, floor, log2, pi +from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union + +import torch +import torch.nn.functional as F +from einops import rearrange +from torch import Generator, Tensor +from typing_extensions import TypeGuard + +T = TypeVar("T") + + +def exists(val: Optional[T]) -> TypeGuard[T]: + return val is not None + + +def iff(condition: bool, value: T) -> Optional[T]: + return value if condition else None + + +def is_sequence(obj: T) -> TypeGuard[Union[list, tuple]]: + return isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple) + + +def default(val: Optional[T], d: Union[Callable[..., T], T]) -> T: + if exists(val): + return val + return d() if isfunction(d) else d + + +def to_list(val: Union[T, Sequence[T]]) -> List[T]: + if isinstance(val, tuple): + return list(val) + if isinstance(val, list): + return val + return [val] # type: ignore + + +def prod(vals: Sequence[int]) -> int: + return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, vals) + + +def closest_power_2(x: float) -> int: + exponent = log2(x) + distance_fn = lambda z: abs(x - 2 ** z) # noqa + exponent_closest = min((floor(exponent), ceil(exponent)), key=distance_fn) + return 2 ** int(exponent_closest) + +def rand_bool(shape, proba, device = None): + if proba == 1: + return torch.ones(shape, device=device, dtype=torch.bool) + elif proba == 0: + return torch.zeros(shape, device=device, dtype=torch.bool) + else: + return torch.bernoulli(torch.full(shape, proba, device=device)).to(torch.bool) + + +""" +Kwargs Utils +""" + + +def group_dict_by_prefix(prefix: str, d: Dict) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: + return_dicts: Tuple[Dict, Dict] = ({}, {}) + for key in d.keys(): + no_prefix = int(not key.startswith(prefix)) + return_dicts[no_prefix][key] = d[key] + return return_dicts + + +def groupby(prefix: str, d: Dict, keep_prefix: bool = False) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: + kwargs_with_prefix, kwargs = group_dict_by_prefix(prefix, d) + if keep_prefix: + return kwargs_with_prefix, kwargs + kwargs_no_prefix = {k[len(prefix) :]: v for k, v in kwargs_with_prefix.items()} + return kwargs_no_prefix, kwargs + + +def prefix_dict(prefix: str, d: Dict) -> Dict: + return {prefix + str(k): v for k, v in d.items()} diff --git a/Modules/discriminators.py b/Modules/discriminators.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31a187acc41d04d6afb29a05dbbf5d951889598c --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/discriminators.py @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +import torch +import torch.nn.functional as F +import torch.nn as nn +from torch.nn import Conv1d, AvgPool1d, Conv2d +from torch.nn.utils import weight_norm, spectral_norm + +from .utils import get_padding + +LRELU_SLOPE = 0.1 + +def stft(x, fft_size, hop_size, win_length, window): + """Perform STFT and convert to magnitude spectrogram. + Args: + x (Tensor): Input signal tensor (B, T). + fft_size (int): FFT size. + hop_size (int): Hop size. + win_length (int): Window length. + window (str): Window function type. + Returns: + Tensor: Magnitude spectrogram (B, #frames, fft_size // 2 + 1). + """ + x_stft = torch.stft(x, fft_size, hop_size, win_length, window, + return_complex=True) + real = x_stft[..., 0] + imag = x_stft[..., 1] + + return torch.abs(x_stft).transpose(2, 1) + +class SpecDiscriminator(nn.Module): + """docstring for Discriminator.""" + + def __init__(self, fft_size=1024, shift_size=120, win_length=600, window="hann_window", use_spectral_norm=False): + super(SpecDiscriminator, self).__init__() + norm_f = weight_norm if use_spectral_norm == False else spectral_norm + self.fft_size = fft_size + self.shift_size = shift_size + self.win_length = win_length + self.window = getattr(torch, window)(win_length) + self.discriminators = nn.ModuleList([ + norm_f(nn.Conv2d(1, 32, kernel_size=(3, 9), padding=(1, 4))), + norm_f(nn.Conv2d(32, 32, kernel_size=(3, 9), stride=(1,2), padding=(1, 4))), + norm_f(nn.Conv2d(32, 32, kernel_size=(3, 9), stride=(1,2), padding=(1, 4))), + norm_f(nn.Conv2d(32, 32, kernel_size=(3, 9), stride=(1,2), padding=(1, 4))), + norm_f(nn.Conv2d(32, 32, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1,1), padding=(1, 1))), + ]) + + self.out = norm_f(nn.Conv2d(32, 1, 3, 1, 1)) + + def forward(self, y): + + fmap = [] + y = y.squeeze(1) + y = stft(y, self.fft_size, self.shift_size, self.win_length, self.window.to(y.get_device())) + y = y.unsqueeze(1) + for i, d in enumerate(self.discriminators): + y = d(y) + y = F.leaky_relu(y, LRELU_SLOPE) + fmap.append(y) + + y = self.out(y) + fmap.append(y) + + return torch.flatten(y, 1, -1), fmap + +class MultiResSpecDiscriminator(torch.nn.Module): + + def __init__(self, + fft_sizes=[1024, 2048, 512], + hop_sizes=[120, 240, 50], + win_lengths=[600, 1200, 240], + window="hann_window"): + + super(MultiResSpecDiscriminator, self).__init__() + self.discriminators = nn.ModuleList([ + SpecDiscriminator(fft_sizes[0], hop_sizes[0], win_lengths[0], window), + SpecDiscriminator(fft_sizes[1], hop_sizes[1], win_lengths[1], window), + SpecDiscriminator(fft_sizes[2], hop_sizes[2], win_lengths[2], window) + ]) + + def forward(self, y, y_hat): + y_d_rs = [] + y_d_gs = [] + fmap_rs = [] + fmap_gs = [] + for i, d in enumerate(self.discriminators): + y_d_r, fmap_r = d(y) + y_d_g, fmap_g = d(y_hat) + y_d_rs.append(y_d_r) + fmap_rs.append(fmap_r) + y_d_gs.append(y_d_g) + fmap_gs.append(fmap_g) + + return y_d_rs, y_d_gs, fmap_rs, fmap_gs + + +class DiscriminatorP(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, period, kernel_size=5, stride=3, use_spectral_norm=False): + super(DiscriminatorP, self).__init__() + self.period = period + norm_f = weight_norm if use_spectral_norm == False else spectral_norm + self.convs = nn.ModuleList([ + norm_f(Conv2d(1, 32, (kernel_size, 1), (stride, 1), padding=(get_padding(5, 1), 0))), + norm_f(Conv2d(32, 128, (kernel_size, 1), (stride, 1), padding=(get_padding(5, 1), 0))), + norm_f(Conv2d(128, 512, (kernel_size, 1), (stride, 1), padding=(get_padding(5, 1), 0))), + norm_f(Conv2d(512, 1024, (kernel_size, 1), (stride, 1), padding=(get_padding(5, 1), 0))), + norm_f(Conv2d(1024, 1024, (kernel_size, 1), 1, padding=(2, 0))), + ]) + self.conv_post = norm_f(Conv2d(1024, 1, (3, 1), 1, padding=(1, 0))) + + def forward(self, x): + fmap = [] + + # 1d to 2d + b, c, t = x.shape + if t % self.period != 0: # pad first + n_pad = self.period - (t % self.period) + x = F.pad(x, (0, n_pad), "reflect") + t = t + n_pad + x = x.view(b, c, t // self.period, self.period) + + for l in self.convs: + x = l(x) + x = F.leaky_relu(x, LRELU_SLOPE) + fmap.append(x) + x = self.conv_post(x) + fmap.append(x) + x = torch.flatten(x, 1, -1) + + return x, fmap + + +class MultiPeriodDiscriminator(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self): + super(MultiPeriodDiscriminator, self).__init__() + self.discriminators = nn.ModuleList([ + DiscriminatorP(2), + DiscriminatorP(3), + DiscriminatorP(5), + DiscriminatorP(7), + DiscriminatorP(11), + ]) + + def forward(self, y, y_hat): + y_d_rs = [] + y_d_gs = [] + fmap_rs = [] + fmap_gs = [] + for i, d in enumerate(self.discriminators): + y_d_r, fmap_r = d(y) + y_d_g, fmap_g = d(y_hat) + y_d_rs.append(y_d_r) + fmap_rs.append(fmap_r) + y_d_gs.append(y_d_g) + fmap_gs.append(fmap_g) + + return y_d_rs, y_d_gs, fmap_rs, fmap_gs + +class WavLMDiscriminator(nn.Module): + """docstring for Discriminator.""" + + def __init__(self, slm_hidden=768, + slm_layers=13, + initial_channel=64, + use_spectral_norm=False): + super(WavLMDiscriminator, self).__init__() + norm_f = weight_norm if use_spectral_norm == False else spectral_norm + self.pre = norm_f(Conv1d(slm_hidden * slm_layers, initial_channel, 1, 1, padding=0)) + + self.convs = nn.ModuleList([ + norm_f(nn.Conv1d(initial_channel, initial_channel * 2, kernel_size=5, padding=2)), + norm_f(nn.Conv1d(initial_channel * 2, initial_channel * 4, kernel_size=5, padding=2)), + norm_f(nn.Conv1d(initial_channel * 4, initial_channel * 4, 5, 1, padding=2)), + ]) + + self.conv_post = norm_f(Conv1d(initial_channel * 4, 1, 3, 1, padding=1)) + + def forward(self, x): + x = self.pre(x) + + fmap = [] + for l in self.convs: + x = l(x) + x = F.leaky_relu(x, LRELU_SLOPE) + fmap.append(x) + x = self.conv_post(x) + x = torch.flatten(x, 1, -1) + + return x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/hifigan.py b/Modules/hifigan.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e36f95a212216eaa8a5175aa9146848fce54fb03 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/hifigan.py @@ -0,0 +1,477 @@ +import torch +import torch.nn.functional as F +import torch.nn as nn +from torch.nn import Conv1d, ConvTranspose1d, AvgPool1d, Conv2d +from torch.nn.utils import weight_norm, remove_weight_norm, spectral_norm +from .utils import init_weights, get_padding + +import math +import random +import numpy as np + +LRELU_SLOPE = 0.1 + +class AdaIN1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, style_dim, num_features): + super().__init__() + self.norm = nn.InstanceNorm1d(num_features, affine=False) + self.fc = nn.Linear(style_dim, num_features*2) + + def forward(self, x, s): + h = self.fc(s) + h = h.view(h.size(0), h.size(1), 1) + gamma, beta = torch.chunk(h, chunks=2, dim=1) + return (1 + gamma) * self.norm(x) + beta + +class AdaINResBlock1(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, channels, kernel_size=3, dilation=(1, 3, 5), style_dim=64): + super(AdaINResBlock1, self).__init__() + self.convs1 = nn.ModuleList([ + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=dilation[0], + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[0]))), + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=dilation[1], + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[1]))), + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=dilation[2], + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[2]))) + ]) + self.convs1.apply(init_weights) + + self.convs2 = nn.ModuleList([ + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=1, + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, 1))), + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=1, + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, 1))), + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=1, + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, 1))) + ]) + self.convs2.apply(init_weights) + + self.adain1 = nn.ModuleList([ + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + ]) + + self.adain2 = nn.ModuleList([ + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + ]) + + self.alpha1 = nn.ParameterList([nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1, channels, 1)) for i in range(len(self.convs1))]) + self.alpha2 = nn.ParameterList([nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1, channels, 1)) for i in range(len(self.convs2))]) + + + def forward(self, x, s): + for c1, c2, n1, n2, a1, a2 in zip(self.convs1, self.convs2, self.adain1, self.adain2, self.alpha1, self.alpha2): + xt = n1(x, s) + xt = xt + (1 / a1) * (torch.sin(a1 * xt) ** 2) # Snake1D + xt = c1(xt) + xt = n2(xt, s) + xt = xt + (1 / a2) * (torch.sin(a2 * xt) ** 2) # Snake1D + xt = c2(xt) + x = xt + x + return x + + def remove_weight_norm(self): + for l in self.convs1: + remove_weight_norm(l) + for l in self.convs2: + remove_weight_norm(l) + +class SineGen(torch.nn.Module): + """ Definition of sine generator + SineGen(samp_rate, harmonic_num = 0, + sine_amp = 0.1, noise_std = 0.003, + voiced_threshold = 0, + flag_for_pulse=False) + samp_rate: sampling rate in Hz + harmonic_num: number of harmonic overtones (default 0) + sine_amp: amplitude of sine-wavefrom (default 0.1) + noise_std: std of Gaussian noise (default 0.003) + voiced_thoreshold: F0 threshold for U/V classification (default 0) + flag_for_pulse: this SinGen is used inside PulseGen (default False) + Note: when flag_for_pulse is True, the first time step of a voiced + segment is always sin(np.pi) or cos(0) + """ + + def __init__(self, samp_rate, upsample_scale, harmonic_num=0, + sine_amp=0.1, noise_std=0.003, + voiced_threshold=0, + flag_for_pulse=False): + super(SineGen, self).__init__() + self.sine_amp = sine_amp + self.noise_std = noise_std + self.harmonic_num = harmonic_num + self.dim = self.harmonic_num + 1 + self.sampling_rate = samp_rate + self.voiced_threshold = voiced_threshold + self.flag_for_pulse = flag_for_pulse + self.upsample_scale = upsample_scale + + def _f02uv(self, f0): + # generate uv signal + uv = (f0 > self.voiced_threshold).type(torch.float32) + return uv + + def _f02sine(self, f0_values): + """ f0_values: (batchsize, length, dim) + where dim indicates fundamental tone and overtones + """ + # convert to F0 in rad. The interger part n can be ignored + # because 2 * np.pi * n doesn't affect phase + rad_values = (f0_values / self.sampling_rate) % 1 + + # initial phase noise (no noise for fundamental component) + rand_ini = torch.rand(f0_values.shape[0], f0_values.shape[2], \ + device=f0_values.device) + rand_ini[:, 0] = 0 + rad_values[:, 0, :] = rad_values[:, 0, :] + rand_ini + + # instantanouse phase sine[t] = sin(2*pi \sum_i=1 ^{t} rad) + if not self.flag_for_pulse: +# # for normal case + +# # To prevent torch.cumsum numerical overflow, +# # it is necessary to add -1 whenever \sum_k=1^n rad_value_k > 1. +# # Buffer tmp_over_one_idx indicates the time step to add -1. +# # This will not change F0 of sine because (x-1) * 2*pi = x * 2*pi +# tmp_over_one = torch.cumsum(rad_values, 1) % 1 +# tmp_over_one_idx = (padDiff(tmp_over_one)) < 0 +# cumsum_shift = torch.zeros_like(rad_values) +# cumsum_shift[:, 1:, :] = tmp_over_one_idx * -1.0 + +# phase = torch.cumsum(rad_values, dim=1) * 2 * np.pi + rad_values = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(rad_values.transpose(1, 2), + scale_factor=1/self.upsample_scale, + mode="linear").transpose(1, 2) + +# tmp_over_one = torch.cumsum(rad_values, 1) % 1 +# tmp_over_one_idx = (padDiff(tmp_over_one)) < 0 +# cumsum_shift = torch.zeros_like(rad_values) +# cumsum_shift[:, 1:, :] = tmp_over_one_idx * -1.0 + + phase = torch.cumsum(rad_values, dim=1) * 2 * np.pi + phase = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(phase.transpose(1, 2) * self.upsample_scale, + scale_factor=self.upsample_scale, mode="linear").transpose(1, 2) + sines = torch.sin(phase) + + else: + # If necessary, make sure that the first time step of every + # voiced segments is sin(pi) or cos(0) + # This is used for pulse-train generation + + # identify the last time step in unvoiced segments + uv = self._f02uv(f0_values) + uv_1 = torch.roll(uv, shifts=-1, dims=1) + uv_1[:, -1, :] = 1 + u_loc = (uv < 1) * (uv_1 > 0) + + # get the instantanouse phase + tmp_cumsum = torch.cumsum(rad_values, dim=1) + # different batch needs to be processed differently + for idx in range(f0_values.shape[0]): + temp_sum = tmp_cumsum[idx, u_loc[idx, :, 0], :] + temp_sum[1:, :] = temp_sum[1:, :] - temp_sum[0:-1, :] + # stores the accumulation of i.phase within + # each voiced segments + tmp_cumsum[idx, :, :] = 0 + tmp_cumsum[idx, u_loc[idx, :, 0], :] = temp_sum + + # rad_values - tmp_cumsum: remove the accumulation of i.phase + # within the previous voiced segment. + i_phase = torch.cumsum(rad_values - tmp_cumsum, dim=1) + + # get the sines + sines = torch.cos(i_phase * 2 * np.pi) + return sines + + def forward(self, f0): + """ sine_tensor, uv = forward(f0) + input F0: tensor(batchsize=1, length, dim=1) + f0 for unvoiced steps should be 0 + output sine_tensor: tensor(batchsize=1, length, dim) + output uv: tensor(batchsize=1, length, 1) + """ + f0_buf = torch.zeros(f0.shape[0], f0.shape[1], self.dim, + device=f0.device) + # fundamental component + fn = torch.multiply(f0, torch.FloatTensor([[range(1, self.harmonic_num + 2)]]).to(f0.device)) + + # generate sine waveforms + sine_waves = self._f02sine(fn) * self.sine_amp + + # generate uv signal + # uv = torch.ones(f0.shape) + # uv = uv * (f0 > self.voiced_threshold) + uv = self._f02uv(f0) + + # noise: for unvoiced should be similar to sine_amp + # std = self.sine_amp/3 -> max value ~ self.sine_amp + # . for voiced regions is self.noise_std + noise_amp = uv * self.noise_std + (1 - uv) * self.sine_amp / 3 + noise = noise_amp * torch.randn_like(sine_waves) + + # first: set the unvoiced part to 0 by uv + # then: additive noise + sine_waves = sine_waves * uv + noise + return sine_waves, uv, noise + + +class SourceModuleHnNSF(torch.nn.Module): + """ SourceModule for hn-nsf + SourceModule(sampling_rate, harmonic_num=0, sine_amp=0.1, + add_noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshod=0) + sampling_rate: sampling_rate in Hz + harmonic_num: number of harmonic above F0 (default: 0) + sine_amp: amplitude of sine source signal (default: 0.1) + add_noise_std: std of additive Gaussian noise (default: 0.003) + note that amplitude of noise in unvoiced is decided + by sine_amp + voiced_threshold: threhold to set U/V given F0 (default: 0) + Sine_source, noise_source = SourceModuleHnNSF(F0_sampled) + F0_sampled (batchsize, length, 1) + Sine_source (batchsize, length, 1) + noise_source (batchsize, length 1) + uv (batchsize, length, 1) + """ + + def __init__(self, sampling_rate, upsample_scale, harmonic_num=0, sine_amp=0.1, + add_noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshod=0): + super(SourceModuleHnNSF, self).__init__() + + self.sine_amp = sine_amp + self.noise_std = add_noise_std + + # to produce sine waveforms + self.l_sin_gen = SineGen(sampling_rate, upsample_scale, harmonic_num, + sine_amp, add_noise_std, voiced_threshod) + + # to merge source harmonics into a single excitation + self.l_linear = torch.nn.Linear(harmonic_num + 1, 1) + self.l_tanh = torch.nn.Tanh() + + def forward(self, x): + """ + Sine_source, noise_source = SourceModuleHnNSF(F0_sampled) + F0_sampled (batchsize, length, 1) + Sine_source (batchsize, length, 1) + noise_source (batchsize, length 1) + """ + # source for harmonic branch + with torch.no_grad(): + sine_wavs, uv, _ = self.l_sin_gen(x) + sine_merge = self.l_tanh(self.l_linear(sine_wavs)) + + # source for noise branch, in the same shape as uv + noise = torch.randn_like(uv) * self.sine_amp / 3 + return sine_merge, noise, uv +def padDiff(x): + return F.pad(F.pad(x, (0,0,-1,1), 'constant', 0) - x, (0,0,0,-1), 'constant', 0) + +class Generator(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, style_dim, resblock_kernel_sizes, upsample_rates, upsample_initial_channel, resblock_dilation_sizes, upsample_kernel_sizes): + super(Generator, self).__init__() + self.num_kernels = len(resblock_kernel_sizes) + self.num_upsamples = len(upsample_rates) + resblock = AdaINResBlock1 + + self.m_source = SourceModuleHnNSF( + sampling_rate=24000, + upsample_scale=np.prod(upsample_rates), + harmonic_num=8, voiced_threshod=10) + + self.f0_upsamp = torch.nn.Upsample(scale_factor=np.prod(upsample_rates)) + self.noise_convs = nn.ModuleList() + self.ups = nn.ModuleList() + self.noise_res = nn.ModuleList() + + for i, (u, k) in enumerate(zip(upsample_rates, upsample_kernel_sizes)): + c_cur = upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1)) + + self.ups.append(weight_norm(ConvTranspose1d(upsample_initial_channel//(2**i), + upsample_initial_channel//(2**(i+1)), + k, u, padding=(u//2 + u%2), output_padding=u%2))) + + if i + 1 < len(upsample_rates): # + stride_f0 = np.prod(upsample_rates[i + 1:]) + self.noise_convs.append(Conv1d( + 1, c_cur, kernel_size=stride_f0 * 2, stride=stride_f0, padding=(stride_f0+1) // 2)) + self.noise_res.append(resblock(c_cur, 7, [1,3,5], style_dim)) + else: + self.noise_convs.append(Conv1d(1, c_cur, kernel_size=1)) + self.noise_res.append(resblock(c_cur, 11, [1,3,5], style_dim)) + + self.resblocks = nn.ModuleList() + + self.alphas = nn.ParameterList() + self.alphas.append(nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1, upsample_initial_channel, 1))) + + for i in range(len(self.ups)): + ch = upsample_initial_channel//(2**(i+1)) + self.alphas.append(nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1, ch, 1))) + + for j, (k, d) in enumerate(zip(resblock_kernel_sizes, resblock_dilation_sizes)): + self.resblocks.append(resblock(ch, k, d, style_dim)) + + self.conv_post = weight_norm(Conv1d(ch, 1, 7, 1, padding=3)) + self.ups.apply(init_weights) + self.conv_post.apply(init_weights) + + def forward(self, x, s, f0): + + f0 = self.f0_upsamp(f0[:, None]).transpose(1, 2) # bs,n,t + + har_source, noi_source, uv = self.m_source(f0) + har_source = har_source.transpose(1, 2) + + for i in range(self.num_upsamples): + x = x + (1 / self.alphas[i]) * (torch.sin(self.alphas[i] * x) ** 2) + x_source = self.noise_convs[i](har_source) + x_source = self.noise_res[i](x_source, s) + + x = self.ups[i](x) + x = x + x_source + + xs = None + for j in range(self.num_kernels): + if xs is None: + xs = self.resblocks[i*self.num_kernels+j](x, s) + else: + xs += self.resblocks[i*self.num_kernels+j](x, s) + x = xs / self.num_kernels + x = x + (1 / self.alphas[i+1]) * (torch.sin(self.alphas[i+1] * x) ** 2) + x = self.conv_post(x) + x = torch.tanh(x) + + return x + + def remove_weight_norm(self): + print('Removing weight norm...') + for l in self.ups: + remove_weight_norm(l) + for l in self.resblocks: + l.remove_weight_norm() + remove_weight_norm(self.conv_pre) + remove_weight_norm(self.conv_post) + + +class AdainResBlk1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out, style_dim=64, actv=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2), + upsample='none', dropout_p=0.0): + super().__init__() + self.actv = actv + self.upsample_type = upsample + self.upsample = UpSample1d(upsample) + self.learned_sc = dim_in != dim_out + self._build_weights(dim_in, dim_out, style_dim) + self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_p) + + if upsample == 'none': + self.pool = nn.Identity() + else: + self.pool = weight_norm(nn.ConvTranspose1d(dim_in, dim_in, kernel_size=3, stride=2, groups=dim_in, padding=1, output_padding=1)) + + + def _build_weights(self, dim_in, dim_out, style_dim): + self.conv1 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 3, 1, 1)) + self.conv2 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_out, dim_out, 3, 1, 1)) + self.norm1 = AdaIN1d(style_dim, dim_in) + self.norm2 = AdaIN1d(style_dim, dim_out) + if self.learned_sc: + self.conv1x1 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 1, 1, 0, bias=False)) + + def _shortcut(self, x): + x = self.upsample(x) + if self.learned_sc: + x = self.conv1x1(x) + return x + + def _residual(self, x, s): + x = self.norm1(x, s) + x = self.actv(x) + x = self.pool(x) + x = self.conv1(self.dropout(x)) + x = self.norm2(x, s) + x = self.actv(x) + x = self.conv2(self.dropout(x)) + return x + + def forward(self, x, s): + out = self._residual(x, s) + out = (out + self._shortcut(x)) / math.sqrt(2) + return out + +class UpSample1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, layer_type): + super().__init__() + self.layer_type = layer_type + + def forward(self, x): + if self.layer_type == 'none': + return x + else: + return F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest') + +class Decoder(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, dim_in=512, F0_channel=512, style_dim=64, dim_out=80, + resblock_kernel_sizes = [3,7,11], + upsample_rates = [10,5,3,2], + upsample_initial_channel=512, + resblock_dilation_sizes=[[1,3,5], [1,3,5], [1,3,5]], + upsample_kernel_sizes=[20,10,6,4]): + super().__init__() + + self.decode = nn.ModuleList() + + self.encode = AdainResBlk1d(dim_in + 2, 1024, style_dim) + + self.decode.append(AdainResBlk1d(1024 + 2 + 64, 1024, style_dim)) + self.decode.append(AdainResBlk1d(1024 + 2 + 64, 1024, style_dim)) + self.decode.append(AdainResBlk1d(1024 + 2 + 64, 1024, style_dim)) + self.decode.append(AdainResBlk1d(1024 + 2 + 64, 512, style_dim, upsample=True)) + + self.F0_conv = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(1, 1, kernel_size=3, stride=2, groups=1, padding=1)) + + self.N_conv = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(1, 1, kernel_size=3, stride=2, groups=1, padding=1)) + + self.asr_res = nn.Sequential( + weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(512, 64, kernel_size=1)), + ) + + + self.generator = Generator(style_dim, resblock_kernel_sizes, upsample_rates, upsample_initial_channel, resblock_dilation_sizes, upsample_kernel_sizes) + + + def forward(self, asr, F0_curve, N, s): + if self.training: + downlist = [0, 3, 7] + F0_down = downlist[random.randint(0, 2)] + downlist = [0, 3, 7, 15] + N_down = downlist[random.randint(0, 3)] + if F0_down: + F0_curve = nn.functional.conv1d(F0_curve.unsqueeze(1), torch.ones(1, 1, F0_down).to('cuda'), padding=F0_down//2).squeeze(1) / F0_down + if N_down: + N = nn.functional.conv1d(N.unsqueeze(1), torch.ones(1, 1, N_down).to('cuda'), padding=N_down//2).squeeze(1) / N_down + + + F0 = self.F0_conv(F0_curve.unsqueeze(1)) + N = self.N_conv(N.unsqueeze(1)) + + x = torch.cat([asr, F0, N], axis=1) + x = self.encode(x, s) + + asr_res = self.asr_res(asr) + + res = True + for block in self.decode: + if res: + x = torch.cat([x, asr_res, F0, N], axis=1) + x = block(x, s) + if block.upsample_type != "none": + res = False + + x = self.generator(x, s, F0_curve) + return x + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/istftnet.py b/Modules/istftnet.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a8c5093f833aa2b211a7a380b1b2220424012eb --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/istftnet.py @@ -0,0 +1,530 @@ +import torch +import torch.nn.functional as F +import torch.nn as nn +from torch.nn import Conv1d, ConvTranspose1d, AvgPool1d, Conv2d +from torch.nn.utils import weight_norm, remove_weight_norm, spectral_norm +from .utils import init_weights, get_padding + +import math +import random +import numpy as np +from scipy.signal import get_window + +LRELU_SLOPE = 0.1 + +class AdaIN1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, style_dim, num_features): + super().__init__() + self.norm = nn.InstanceNorm1d(num_features, affine=False) + self.fc = nn.Linear(style_dim, num_features*2) + + def forward(self, x, s): + h = self.fc(s) + h = h.view(h.size(0), h.size(1), 1) + gamma, beta = torch.chunk(h, chunks=2, dim=1) + return (1 + gamma) * self.norm(x) + beta + +class AdaINResBlock1(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, channels, kernel_size=3, dilation=(1, 3, 5), style_dim=64): + super(AdaINResBlock1, self).__init__() + self.convs1 = nn.ModuleList([ + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=dilation[0], + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[0]))), + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=dilation[1], + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[1]))), + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=dilation[2], + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[2]))) + ]) + self.convs1.apply(init_weights) + + self.convs2 = nn.ModuleList([ + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=1, + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, 1))), + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=1, + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, 1))), + weight_norm(Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size, 1, dilation=1, + padding=get_padding(kernel_size, 1))) + ]) + self.convs2.apply(init_weights) + + self.adain1 = nn.ModuleList([ + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + ]) + + self.adain2 = nn.ModuleList([ + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + AdaIN1d(style_dim, channels), + ]) + + self.alpha1 = nn.ParameterList([nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1, channels, 1)) for i in range(len(self.convs1))]) + self.alpha2 = nn.ParameterList([nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1, channels, 1)) for i in range(len(self.convs2))]) + + + def forward(self, x, s): + for c1, c2, n1, n2, a1, a2 in zip(self.convs1, self.convs2, self.adain1, self.adain2, self.alpha1, self.alpha2): + xt = n1(x, s) + xt = xt + (1 / a1) * (torch.sin(a1 * xt) ** 2) # Snake1D + xt = c1(xt) + xt = n2(xt, s) + xt = xt + (1 / a2) * (torch.sin(a2 * xt) ** 2) # Snake1D + xt = c2(xt) + x = xt + x + return x + + def remove_weight_norm(self): + for l in self.convs1: + remove_weight_norm(l) + for l in self.convs2: + remove_weight_norm(l) + +class TorchSTFT(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, filter_length=800, hop_length=200, win_length=800, window='hann'): + super().__init__() + self.filter_length = filter_length + self.hop_length = hop_length + self.win_length = win_length + self.window = torch.from_numpy(get_window(window, win_length, fftbins=True).astype(np.float32)) + + def transform(self, input_data): + forward_transform = torch.stft( + input_data, + self.filter_length, self.hop_length, self.win_length, window=self.window.to(input_data.device), + return_complex=True) + + return torch.abs(forward_transform), torch.angle(forward_transform) + + def inverse(self, magnitude, phase): + inverse_transform = torch.istft( + magnitude * torch.exp(phase * 1j), + self.filter_length, self.hop_length, self.win_length, window=self.window.to(magnitude.device)) + + return inverse_transform.unsqueeze(-2) # unsqueeze to stay consistent with conv_transpose1d implementation + + def forward(self, input_data): + self.magnitude, self.phase = self.transform(input_data) + reconstruction = self.inverse(self.magnitude, self.phase) + return reconstruction + +class SineGen(torch.nn.Module): + """ Definition of sine generator + SineGen(samp_rate, harmonic_num = 0, + sine_amp = 0.1, noise_std = 0.003, + voiced_threshold = 0, + flag_for_pulse=False) + samp_rate: sampling rate in Hz + harmonic_num: number of harmonic overtones (default 0) + sine_amp: amplitude of sine-wavefrom (default 0.1) + noise_std: std of Gaussian noise (default 0.003) + voiced_thoreshold: F0 threshold for U/V classification (default 0) + flag_for_pulse: this SinGen is used inside PulseGen (default False) + Note: when flag_for_pulse is True, the first time step of a voiced + segment is always sin(np.pi) or cos(0) + """ + + def __init__(self, samp_rate, upsample_scale, harmonic_num=0, + sine_amp=0.1, noise_std=0.003, + voiced_threshold=0, + flag_for_pulse=False): + super(SineGen, self).__init__() + self.sine_amp = sine_amp + self.noise_std = noise_std + self.harmonic_num = harmonic_num + self.dim = self.harmonic_num + 1 + self.sampling_rate = samp_rate + self.voiced_threshold = voiced_threshold + self.flag_for_pulse = flag_for_pulse + self.upsample_scale = upsample_scale + + def _f02uv(self, f0): + # generate uv signal + uv = (f0 > self.voiced_threshold).type(torch.float32) + return uv + + def _f02sine(self, f0_values): + """ f0_values: (batchsize, length, dim) + where dim indicates fundamental tone and overtones + """ + # convert to F0 in rad. The interger part n can be ignored + # because 2 * np.pi * n doesn't affect phase + rad_values = (f0_values / self.sampling_rate) % 1 + + # initial phase noise (no noise for fundamental component) + rand_ini = torch.rand(f0_values.shape[0], f0_values.shape[2], \ + device=f0_values.device) + rand_ini[:, 0] = 0 + rad_values[:, 0, :] = rad_values[:, 0, :] + rand_ini + + # instantanouse phase sine[t] = sin(2*pi \sum_i=1 ^{t} rad) + if not self.flag_for_pulse: +# # for normal case + +# # To prevent torch.cumsum numerical overflow, +# # it is necessary to add -1 whenever \sum_k=1^n rad_value_k > 1. +# # Buffer tmp_over_one_idx indicates the time step to add -1. +# # This will not change F0 of sine because (x-1) * 2*pi = x * 2*pi +# tmp_over_one = torch.cumsum(rad_values, 1) % 1 +# tmp_over_one_idx = (padDiff(tmp_over_one)) < 0 +# cumsum_shift = torch.zeros_like(rad_values) +# cumsum_shift[:, 1:, :] = tmp_over_one_idx * -1.0 + +# phase = torch.cumsum(rad_values, dim=1) * 2 * np.pi + rad_values = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(rad_values.transpose(1, 2), + scale_factor=1/self.upsample_scale, + mode="linear").transpose(1, 2) + +# tmp_over_one = torch.cumsum(rad_values, 1) % 1 +# tmp_over_one_idx = (padDiff(tmp_over_one)) < 0 +# cumsum_shift = torch.zeros_like(rad_values) +# cumsum_shift[:, 1:, :] = tmp_over_one_idx * -1.0 + + phase = torch.cumsum(rad_values, dim=1) * 2 * np.pi + phase = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(phase.transpose(1, 2) * self.upsample_scale, + scale_factor=self.upsample_scale, mode="linear").transpose(1, 2) + sines = torch.sin(phase) + + else: + # If necessary, make sure that the first time step of every + # voiced segments is sin(pi) or cos(0) + # This is used for pulse-train generation + + # identify the last time step in unvoiced segments + uv = self._f02uv(f0_values) + uv_1 = torch.roll(uv, shifts=-1, dims=1) + uv_1[:, -1, :] = 1 + u_loc = (uv < 1) * (uv_1 > 0) + + # get the instantanouse phase + tmp_cumsum = torch.cumsum(rad_values, dim=1) + # different batch needs to be processed differently + for idx in range(f0_values.shape[0]): + temp_sum = tmp_cumsum[idx, u_loc[idx, :, 0], :] + temp_sum[1:, :] = temp_sum[1:, :] - temp_sum[0:-1, :] + # stores the accumulation of i.phase within + # each voiced segments + tmp_cumsum[idx, :, :] = 0 + tmp_cumsum[idx, u_loc[idx, :, 0], :] = temp_sum + + # rad_values - tmp_cumsum: remove the accumulation of i.phase + # within the previous voiced segment. + i_phase = torch.cumsum(rad_values - tmp_cumsum, dim=1) + + # get the sines + sines = torch.cos(i_phase * 2 * np.pi) + return sines + + def forward(self, f0): + """ sine_tensor, uv = forward(f0) + input F0: tensor(batchsize=1, length, dim=1) + f0 for unvoiced steps should be 0 + output sine_tensor: tensor(batchsize=1, length, dim) + output uv: tensor(batchsize=1, length, 1) + """ + f0_buf = torch.zeros(f0.shape[0], f0.shape[1], self.dim, + device=f0.device) + # fundamental component + fn = torch.multiply(f0, torch.FloatTensor([[range(1, self.harmonic_num + 2)]]).to(f0.device)) + + # generate sine waveforms + sine_waves = self._f02sine(fn) * self.sine_amp + + # generate uv signal + # uv = torch.ones(f0.shape) + # uv = uv * (f0 > self.voiced_threshold) + uv = self._f02uv(f0) + + # noise: for unvoiced should be similar to sine_amp + # std = self.sine_amp/3 -> max value ~ self.sine_amp + # . for voiced regions is self.noise_std + noise_amp = uv * self.noise_std + (1 - uv) * self.sine_amp / 3 + noise = noise_amp * torch.randn_like(sine_waves) + + # first: set the unvoiced part to 0 by uv + # then: additive noise + sine_waves = sine_waves * uv + noise + return sine_waves, uv, noise + + +class SourceModuleHnNSF(torch.nn.Module): + """ SourceModule for hn-nsf + SourceModule(sampling_rate, harmonic_num=0, sine_amp=0.1, + add_noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshod=0) + sampling_rate: sampling_rate in Hz + harmonic_num: number of harmonic above F0 (default: 0) + sine_amp: amplitude of sine source signal (default: 0.1) + add_noise_std: std of additive Gaussian noise (default: 0.003) + note that amplitude of noise in unvoiced is decided + by sine_amp + voiced_threshold: threhold to set U/V given F0 (default: 0) + Sine_source, noise_source = SourceModuleHnNSF(F0_sampled) + F0_sampled (batchsize, length, 1) + Sine_source (batchsize, length, 1) + noise_source (batchsize, length 1) + uv (batchsize, length, 1) + """ + + def __init__(self, sampling_rate, upsample_scale, harmonic_num=0, sine_amp=0.1, + add_noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshod=0): + super(SourceModuleHnNSF, self).__init__() + + self.sine_amp = sine_amp + self.noise_std = add_noise_std + + # to produce sine waveforms + self.l_sin_gen = SineGen(sampling_rate, upsample_scale, harmonic_num, + sine_amp, add_noise_std, voiced_threshod) + + # to merge source harmonics into a single excitation + self.l_linear = torch.nn.Linear(harmonic_num + 1, 1) + self.l_tanh = torch.nn.Tanh() + + def forward(self, x): + """ + Sine_source, noise_source = SourceModuleHnNSF(F0_sampled) + F0_sampled (batchsize, length, 1) + Sine_source (batchsize, length, 1) + noise_source (batchsize, length 1) + """ + # source for harmonic branch + with torch.no_grad(): + sine_wavs, uv, _ = self.l_sin_gen(x) + sine_merge = self.l_tanh(self.l_linear(sine_wavs)) + + # source for noise branch, in the same shape as uv + noise = torch.randn_like(uv) * self.sine_amp / 3 + return sine_merge, noise, uv +def padDiff(x): + return F.pad(F.pad(x, (0,0,-1,1), 'constant', 0) - x, (0,0,0,-1), 'constant', 0) + + +class Generator(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, style_dim, resblock_kernel_sizes, upsample_rates, upsample_initial_channel, resblock_dilation_sizes, upsample_kernel_sizes, gen_istft_n_fft, gen_istft_hop_size): + super(Generator, self).__init__() + + self.num_kernels = len(resblock_kernel_sizes) + self.num_upsamples = len(upsample_rates) + resblock = AdaINResBlock1 + + self.m_source = SourceModuleHnNSF( + sampling_rate=24000, + upsample_scale=np.prod(upsample_rates) * gen_istft_hop_size, + harmonic_num=8, voiced_threshod=10) + self.f0_upsamp = torch.nn.Upsample(scale_factor=np.prod(upsample_rates) * gen_istft_hop_size) + self.noise_convs = nn.ModuleList() + self.noise_res = nn.ModuleList() + + self.ups = nn.ModuleList() + for i, (u, k) in enumerate(zip(upsample_rates, upsample_kernel_sizes)): + self.ups.append(weight_norm( + ConvTranspose1d(upsample_initial_channel//(2**i), upsample_initial_channel//(2**(i+1)), + k, u, padding=(k-u)//2))) + + self.resblocks = nn.ModuleList() + for i in range(len(self.ups)): + ch = upsample_initial_channel//(2**(i+1)) + for j, (k, d) in enumerate(zip(resblock_kernel_sizes,resblock_dilation_sizes)): + self.resblocks.append(resblock(ch, k, d, style_dim)) + + c_cur = upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1)) + + if i + 1 < len(upsample_rates): # + stride_f0 = np.prod(upsample_rates[i + 1:]) + self.noise_convs.append(Conv1d( + gen_istft_n_fft + 2, c_cur, kernel_size=stride_f0 * 2, stride=stride_f0, padding=(stride_f0+1) // 2)) + self.noise_res.append(resblock(c_cur, 7, [1,3,5], style_dim)) + else: + self.noise_convs.append(Conv1d(gen_istft_n_fft + 2, c_cur, kernel_size=1)) + self.noise_res.append(resblock(c_cur, 11, [1,3,5], style_dim)) + + + self.post_n_fft = gen_istft_n_fft + self.conv_post = weight_norm(Conv1d(ch, self.post_n_fft + 2, 7, 1, padding=3)) + self.ups.apply(init_weights) + self.conv_post.apply(init_weights) + self.reflection_pad = torch.nn.ReflectionPad1d((1, 0)) + self.stft = TorchSTFT(filter_length=gen_istft_n_fft, hop_length=gen_istft_hop_size, win_length=gen_istft_n_fft) + + + def forward(self, x, s, f0): + with torch.no_grad(): + f0 = self.f0_upsamp(f0[:, None]).transpose(1, 2) # bs,n,t + + har_source, noi_source, uv = self.m_source(f0) + har_source = har_source.transpose(1, 2).squeeze(1) + har_spec, har_phase = self.stft.transform(har_source) + har = torch.cat([har_spec, har_phase], dim=1) + + for i in range(self.num_upsamples): + x = F.leaky_relu(x, LRELU_SLOPE) + x_source = self.noise_convs[i](har) + x_source = self.noise_res[i](x_source, s) + + x = self.ups[i](x) + if i == self.num_upsamples - 1: + x = self.reflection_pad(x) + + x = x + x_source + xs = None + for j in range(self.num_kernels): + if xs is None: + xs = self.resblocks[i*self.num_kernels+j](x, s) + else: + xs += self.resblocks[i*self.num_kernels+j](x, s) + x = xs / self.num_kernels + x = F.leaky_relu(x) + x = self.conv_post(x) + spec = torch.exp(x[:,:self.post_n_fft // 2 + 1, :]) + phase = torch.sin(x[:, self.post_n_fft // 2 + 1:, :]) + return self.stft.inverse(spec, phase) + + def fw_phase(self, x, s): + for i in range(self.num_upsamples): + x = F.leaky_relu(x, LRELU_SLOPE) + x = self.ups[i](x) + xs = None + for j in range(self.num_kernels): + if xs is None: + xs = self.resblocks[i*self.num_kernels+j](x, s) + else: + xs += self.resblocks[i*self.num_kernels+j](x, s) + x = xs / self.num_kernels + x = F.leaky_relu(x) + x = self.reflection_pad(x) + x = self.conv_post(x) + spec = torch.exp(x[:,:self.post_n_fft // 2 + 1, :]) + phase = torch.sin(x[:, self.post_n_fft // 2 + 1:, :]) + return spec, phase + + def remove_weight_norm(self): + print('Removing weight norm...') + for l in self.ups: + remove_weight_norm(l) + for l in self.resblocks: + l.remove_weight_norm() + remove_weight_norm(self.conv_pre) + remove_weight_norm(self.conv_post) + + +class AdainResBlk1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out, style_dim=64, actv=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2), + upsample='none', dropout_p=0.0): + super().__init__() + self.actv = actv + self.upsample_type = upsample + self.upsample = UpSample1d(upsample) + self.learned_sc = dim_in != dim_out + self._build_weights(dim_in, dim_out, style_dim) + self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_p) + + if upsample == 'none': + self.pool = nn.Identity() + else: + self.pool = weight_norm(nn.ConvTranspose1d(dim_in, dim_in, kernel_size=3, stride=2, groups=dim_in, padding=1, output_padding=1)) + + + def _build_weights(self, dim_in, dim_out, style_dim): + self.conv1 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 3, 1, 1)) + self.conv2 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_out, dim_out, 3, 1, 1)) + self.norm1 = AdaIN1d(style_dim, dim_in) + self.norm2 = AdaIN1d(style_dim, dim_out) + if self.learned_sc: + self.conv1x1 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 1, 1, 0, bias=False)) + + def _shortcut(self, x): + x = self.upsample(x) + if self.learned_sc: + x = self.conv1x1(x) + return x + + def _residual(self, x, s): + x = self.norm1(x, s) + x = self.actv(x) + x = self.pool(x) + x = self.conv1(self.dropout(x)) + x = self.norm2(x, s) + x = self.actv(x) + x = self.conv2(self.dropout(x)) + return x + + def forward(self, x, s): + out = self._residual(x, s) + out = (out + self._shortcut(x)) / math.sqrt(2) + return out + +class UpSample1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, layer_type): + super().__init__() + self.layer_type = layer_type + + def forward(self, x): + if self.layer_type == 'none': + return x + else: + return F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest') + +class Decoder(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, dim_in=512, F0_channel=512, style_dim=64, dim_out=80, + resblock_kernel_sizes = [3,7,11], + upsample_rates = [10, 6], + upsample_initial_channel=512, + resblock_dilation_sizes=[[1,3,5], [1,3,5], [1,3,5]], + upsample_kernel_sizes=[20, 12], + gen_istft_n_fft=20, gen_istft_hop_size=5): + super().__init__() + + self.decode = nn.ModuleList() + + self.encode = AdainResBlk1d(dim_in + 2, 1024, style_dim) + + self.decode.append(AdainResBlk1d(1024 + 2 + 64, 1024, style_dim)) + self.decode.append(AdainResBlk1d(1024 + 2 + 64, 1024, style_dim)) + self.decode.append(AdainResBlk1d(1024 + 2 + 64, 1024, style_dim)) + self.decode.append(AdainResBlk1d(1024 + 2 + 64, 512, style_dim, upsample=True)) + + self.F0_conv = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(1, 1, kernel_size=3, stride=2, groups=1, padding=1)) + + self.N_conv = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(1, 1, kernel_size=3, stride=2, groups=1, padding=1)) + + self.asr_res = nn.Sequential( + weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(512, 64, kernel_size=1)), + ) + + + self.generator = Generator(style_dim, resblock_kernel_sizes, upsample_rates, + upsample_initial_channel, resblock_dilation_sizes, + upsample_kernel_sizes, gen_istft_n_fft, gen_istft_hop_size) + + def forward(self, asr, F0_curve, N, s): + if self.training: + downlist = [0, 3, 7] + F0_down = downlist[random.randint(0, 2)] + downlist = [0, 3, 7, 15] + N_down = downlist[random.randint(0, 3)] + if F0_down: + F0_curve = nn.functional.conv1d(F0_curve.unsqueeze(1), torch.ones(1, 1, F0_down).to('cuda'), padding=F0_down//2).squeeze(1) / F0_down + if N_down: + N = nn.functional.conv1d(N.unsqueeze(1), torch.ones(1, 1, N_down).to('cuda'), padding=N_down//2).squeeze(1) / N_down + + + F0 = self.F0_conv(F0_curve.unsqueeze(1)) + N = self.N_conv(N.unsqueeze(1)) + + x = torch.cat([asr, F0, N], axis=1) + x = self.encode(x, s) + + asr_res = self.asr_res(asr) + + res = True + for block in self.decode: + if res: + x = torch.cat([x, asr_res, F0, N], axis=1) + x = block(x, s) + if block.upsample_type != "none": + res = False + + x = self.generator(x, s, F0_curve) + return x + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/slmadv.py b/Modules/slmadv.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..579a66401cf9eb13fbc9f6c84a4af12d9995b287 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/slmadv.py @@ -0,0 +1,400 @@ +import torch +import numpy as np +import torch.nn.functional as F + +class SLMAdversarialLoss(torch.nn.Module): + + def __init__(self, model, wl, sampler, min_len, max_len, batch_percentage=0.5, skip_update=10, sig=1.5): + super(SLMAdversarialLoss, self).__init__() + self.model = model + self.wl = wl + self.sampler = sampler + + self.min_len = min_len + self.max_len = max_len + self.batch_percentage = batch_percentage + + self.sig = sig + self.skip_update = skip_update + + def forward(self, iters, y_rec_gt, y_rec_gt_pred, waves, mel_input_length, ref_text, ref_lengths, use_ind, s_trg, ref_s=None): + text_mask = length_to_mask(ref_lengths).to(ref_text.device) + bert_dur = self.model.bert(ref_text, attention_mask=(~text_mask).int()) + d_en = self.model.bert_encoder(bert_dur).transpose(-1, -2) + + if use_ind and np.random.rand() < 0.5: + s_preds = s_trg + else: + num_steps = np.random.randint(3, 5) + if ref_s is not None: + s_preds = self.sampler(noise = torch.randn_like(s_trg).unsqueeze(1).to(ref_text.device), + embedding=bert_dur, + embedding_scale=1, + features=ref_s, # reference from the same speaker as the embedding + embedding_mask_proba=0.1, + num_steps=num_steps).squeeze(1) + else: + s_preds = self.sampler(noise = torch.randn_like(s_trg).unsqueeze(1).to(ref_text.device), + embedding=bert_dur, + embedding_scale=1, + embedding_mask_proba=0.1, + num_steps=num_steps).squeeze(1) + + s_dur = s_preds[:, 128:] + s = s_preds[:, :128] + + d, _ = self.model.predictor(d_en, s_dur, + ref_lengths, + torch.randn(ref_lengths.shape[0], ref_lengths.max(), 2).to(ref_text.device), + text_mask) + + bib = 0 + + output_lengths = [] + attn_preds = [] + + # differentiable duration modeling + for _s2s_pred, _text_length in zip(d, ref_lengths): + + _s2s_pred_org = _s2s_pred[:_text_length, :] + + _s2s_pred = torch.sigmoid(_s2s_pred_org) + _dur_pred = _s2s_pred.sum(axis=-1) + + l = int(torch.round(_s2s_pred.sum()).item()) + t = torch.arange(0, l).expand(l) + + t = torch.arange(0, l).unsqueeze(0).expand((len(_s2s_pred), l)).to(ref_text.device) + loc = torch.cumsum(_dur_pred, dim=0) - _dur_pred / 2 + + h = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.square(t - (l - loc.unsqueeze(-1))) / (self.sig)**2) + + out = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(_s2s_pred_org.unsqueeze(0), + h.unsqueeze(1), + padding=h.shape[-1] - 1, groups=int(_text_length))[..., :l] + attn_preds.append(F.softmax(out.squeeze(), dim=0)) + + output_lengths.append(l) + + max_len = max(output_lengths) + + with torch.no_grad(): + t_en = self.model.text_encoder(ref_text, ref_lengths, text_mask) + + s2s_attn = torch.zeros(len(ref_lengths), int(ref_lengths.max()), max_len).to(ref_text.device) + for bib in range(len(output_lengths)): + s2s_attn[bib, :ref_lengths[bib], :output_lengths[bib]] = attn_preds[bib] + + asr_pred = t_en @ s2s_attn + + _, p_pred = self.model.predictor(d_en, s_dur, + ref_lengths, + s2s_attn, + text_mask) + + mel_len = max(int(min(output_lengths) / 2 - 1), self.min_len // 2) + mel_len = min(mel_len, self.max_len // 2) + + # get clips + + en = [] + p_en = [] + sp = [] + + F0_fakes = [] + N_fakes = [] + + wav = [] + + for bib in range(len(output_lengths)): + mel_length_pred = output_lengths[bib] + mel_length_gt = int(mel_input_length[bib].item() / 2) + if mel_length_gt <= mel_len or mel_length_pred <= mel_len: + continue + + sp.append(s_preds[bib]) + + random_start = np.random.randint(0, mel_length_pred - mel_len) + en.append(asr_pred[bib, :, random_start:random_start+mel_len]) + p_en.append(p_pred[bib, :, random_start:random_start+mel_len]) + + # get ground truth clips + random_start = np.random.randint(0, mel_length_gt - mel_len) + y = waves[bib][(random_start * 2) * 300:((random_start+mel_len) * 2) * 300] + wav.append(torch.from_numpy(y).to(ref_text.device)) + + if len(wav) >= self.batch_percentage * len(waves): # prevent OOM due to longer lengths + break + + if len(sp) <= 1: + return None + + sp = torch.stack(sp) + wav = torch.stack(wav).float() + en = torch.stack(en) + p_en = torch.stack(p_en) + + F0_fake, N_fake = self.model.predictor.F0Ntrain(p_en, sp[:, 128:]) + y_pred = self.model.decoder(en, F0_fake, N_fake, sp[:, :128]) + + # discriminator loss + if (iters + 1) % self.skip_update == 0: + if np.random.randint(0, 2) == 0: + wav = y_rec_gt_pred + use_rec = True + else: + use_rec = False + + crop_size = min(wav.size(-1), y_pred.size(-1)) + if use_rec: # use reconstructed (shorter lengths), do length invariant regularization + if wav.size(-1) > y_pred.size(-1): + real_GP = wav[:, : , :crop_size] + out_crop = self.wl.discriminator_forward(real_GP.detach().squeeze()) + out_org = self.wl.discriminator_forward(wav.detach().squeeze()) + loss_reg = F.l1_loss(out_crop, out_org[..., :out_crop.size(-1)]) + + if np.random.randint(0, 2) == 0: + d_loss = self.wl.discriminator(real_GP.detach().squeeze(), y_pred.detach().squeeze()).mean() + else: + d_loss = self.wl.discriminator(wav.detach().squeeze(), y_pred.detach().squeeze()).mean() + else: + real_GP = y_pred[:, : , :crop_size] + out_crop = self.wl.discriminator_forward(real_GP.detach().squeeze()) + out_org = self.wl.discriminator_forward(y_pred.detach().squeeze()) + loss_reg = F.l1_loss(out_crop, out_org[..., :out_crop.size(-1)]) + + if np.random.randint(0, 2) == 0: + d_loss = self.wl.discriminator(wav.detach().squeeze(), real_GP.detach().squeeze()).mean() + else: + d_loss = self.wl.discriminator(wav.detach().squeeze(), y_pred.detach().squeeze()).mean() + + # regularization (ignore length variation) + d_loss += loss_reg + + out_gt = self.wl.discriminator_forward(y_rec_gt.detach().squeeze()) + out_rec = self.wl.discriminator_forward(y_rec_gt_pred.detach().squeeze()) + + # regularization (ignore reconstruction artifacts) + d_loss += F.l1_loss(out_gt, out_rec) + + else: + d_loss = self.wl.discriminator(wav.detach().squeeze(), y_pred.detach().squeeze()).mean() + else: + d_loss = 0 + + # generator loss + gen_loss = self.wl.generator(y_pred.squeeze()) + + gen_loss = gen_loss.mean() + + return d_loss, gen_loss, y_pred.detach().cpu().numpy() + +def length_to_mask(lengths): + mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths) + mask = torch.gt(mask+1, lengths.unsqueeze(1)) + return mask + + +# import torch +# import numpy as np +# import torch.nn.functional as F + +# from accelerate import Accelerator, DistributedDataParallelKwargs +# from accelerate.utils import tqdm, ProjectConfiguration + +# class SLMAdversarialLoss(torch.nn.Module): + +# def __init__(self, model, wl, sampler, min_len, max_len, batch_percentage=0.5, skip_update=10, sig=1.5): +# super(SLMAdversarialLoss, self).__init__() +# self.model = model +# self.wl = wl +# self.sampler = sampler + +# self.min_len = min_len +# self.max_len = max_len +# self.batch_percentage = batch_percentage + +# self.sig = sig +# self.skip_update = skip_update + +# def forward(self, iters, accelerator, y_rec_gt, y_rec_gt_pred, waves, mel_input_length, ref_text, ref_lengths, use_ind, s_trg, ref_s=None): +# text_mask = length_to_mask(ref_lengths).to(ref_text.device) +# bert_dur = self.model.bert(ref_text, attention_mask=(~text_mask).int()) +# d_en = self.model.bert_encoder(bert_dur).transpose(-1, -2) + +# if use_ind and np.random.rand() < 0.5: +# s_preds = s_trg +# else: +# num_steps = np.random.randint(3, 5) +# if ref_s is not None: +# s_preds = self.sampler(noise = torch.randn_like(s_trg).unsqueeze(1).to(ref_text.device), +# embedding=bert_dur, +# embedding_scale=1, +# features=ref_s, # reference from the same speaker as the embedding +# embedding_mask_proba=0.1, +# num_steps=num_steps).squeeze(1) +# else: +# s_preds = self.sampler(noise = torch.randn_like(s_trg).unsqueeze(1).to(ref_text.device), +# embedding=bert_dur, +# embedding_scale=1, +# embedding_mask_proba=0.1, +# num_steps=num_steps).squeeze(1) + +# s_dur = s_preds[:, 128:] +# s = s_preds[:, :128] + +# d, _ = self.model.predictor(d_en, s_dur, +# ref_lengths, +# torch.randn(ref_lengths.shape[0], ref_lengths.max(), 2).to(ref_text.device), +# text_mask) + +# bib = 0 + +# output_lengths = [] +# attn_preds = [] + +# # differentiable duration modeling +# for _s2s_pred, _text_length in zip(d, ref_lengths): + +# _s2s_pred_org = _s2s_pred[:_text_length, :] + +# _s2s_pred = torch.sigmoid(_s2s_pred_org) +# _dur_pred = _s2s_pred.sum(axis=-1) + +# l = int(torch.round(_s2s_pred.sum()).item()) +# t = torch.arange(0, l).expand(l) + +# t = torch.arange(0, l).unsqueeze(0).expand((len(_s2s_pred), l)).to(ref_text.device) +# loc = torch.cumsum(_dur_pred, dim=0) - _dur_pred / 2 + +# h = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.square(t - (l - loc.unsqueeze(-1))) / (self.sig)**2) + +# out = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(_s2s_pred_org.unsqueeze(0), +# h.unsqueeze(1), +# padding=h.shape[-1] - 1, groups=int(_text_length))[..., :l] +# attn_preds.append(F.softmax(out.squeeze(), dim=0)) + +# output_lengths.append(l) + +# max_len = max(output_lengths) + +# with torch.no_grad(): +# t_en = self.model.text_encoder(ref_text, ref_lengths, text_mask) + +# s2s_attn = torch.zeros(len(ref_lengths), int(ref_lengths.max()), max_len).to(ref_text.device) +# for bib in range(len(output_lengths)): +# s2s_attn[bib, :ref_lengths[bib], :output_lengths[bib]] = attn_preds[bib] + +# asr_pred = t_en @ s2s_attn + +# _, p_pred = self.model.predictor(d_en, s_dur, +# ref_lengths, +# s2s_attn, +# text_mask) + +# mel_len = max(int(min(output_lengths) / 2 - 1), self.min_len // 2) +# mel_len = min(mel_len, self.max_len // 2) + +# # get clips + +# en = [] +# p_en = [] +# sp = [] + +# F0_fakes = [] +# N_fakes = [] + +# wav = [] + +# for bib in range(len(output_lengths)): +# mel_length_pred = output_lengths[bib] +# mel_length_gt = int(mel_input_length[bib].item() / 2) +# if mel_length_gt <= mel_len or mel_length_pred <= mel_len: +# continue + +# sp.append(s_preds[bib]) + +# random_start = np.random.randint(0, mel_length_pred - mel_len) +# en.append(asr_pred[bib, :, random_start:random_start+mel_len]) +# p_en.append(p_pred[bib, :, random_start:random_start+mel_len]) + +# # get ground truth clips +# random_start = np.random.randint(0, mel_length_gt - mel_len) +# y = waves[bib][(random_start * 2) * 300:((random_start+mel_len) * 2) * 300] +# wav.append(torch.from_numpy(y).to(ref_text.device)) + +# if len(wav) >= self.batch_percentage * len(waves): # prevent OOM due to longer lengths +# break + +# # global_min_batch = accelerator.gather(torch.tensor([len(wav)], device=ref_text.device)).min().item() +# # if global_min_batch <= 1: +# # raise ValueError("skip slmadv") + +# if len(sp) <= 1: +# return None + +# sp = torch.stack(sp) +# wav = torch.stack(wav).float() +# en = torch.stack(en) +# p_en = torch.stack(p_en) + +# F0_fake, N_fake = self.model.predictor(texts=p_en, style=sp[:, 128:], f0=True) +# y_pred = self.model.decoder(en, F0_fake, N_fake, sp[:, :128]) + +# # discriminator loss +# if (iters + 1) % self.skip_update == 0: +# if np.random.randint(0, 2) == 0: +# wav = y_rec_gt_pred +# use_rec = True +# else: +# use_rec = False + +# crop_size = min(wav.size(-1), y_pred.size(-1)) +# if use_rec: # use reconstructed (shorter lengths), do length invariant regularization +# if wav.size(-1) > y_pred.size(-1): +# real_GP = wav[:, : , :crop_size] +# out_crop = self.wl(wav = real_GP.detach().squeeze(),y_rec=None, discriminator_forward=True) +# out_org = self.wl(wav = wav.detach().squeeze(),y_rec=None, discriminator_forward=True) +# loss_reg = F.l1_loss(out_crop, out_org[..., :out_crop.size(-1)]) + +# if np.random.randint(0, 2) == 0: +# d_loss = self.wl(wav = real_GP.detach().squeeze(),y_rec= y_pred.detach().squeeze(), discriminator=True).mean() +# else: +# d_loss = self.wl(wav = wav.detach().squeeze(), y_rec = y_pred.detach().squeeze(), discriminator=True).mean() +# else: +# real_GP = y_pred[:, : , :crop_size] +# out_crop = self.wl(wav = real_GP.detach().squeeze(), y_rec=None, discriminator_forward=True) +# out_org = self.wl(wav = y_pred.detach().squeeze(),y_rec=None, discriminator_forward=True) +# loss_reg = F.l1_loss(out_crop, out_org[..., :out_crop.size(-1)]) + +# if np.random.randint(0, 2) == 0: +# d_loss = self.wl(wav = wav.detach().squeeze(), y_rec = real_GP.detach().squeeze(), discriminator=True ).mean() +# else: +# d_loss = self.wl(wav = wav.detach().squeeze(), y_rec = y_pred.detach().squeeze(), discriminator=True).mean() + +# # regularization (ignore length variation) +# d_loss += loss_reg + +# out_gt = self.wl(wav = y_rec_gt.detach().squeeze(),y_rec=None, discriminator_forward=True) +# out_rec = self.wl(wav = y_rec_gt_pred.detach().squeeze(), y_rec=None, discriminator_forward=True) + +# # regularization (ignore reconstruction artifacts) +# d_loss += F.l1_loss(out_gt, out_rec) + +# else: +# d_loss = self.wl(wav = wav.detach().squeeze(),y_rec= y_pred.detach().squeeze(), discriminator=True).mean() +# else: +# d_loss = 0 + +# # generator loss +# gen_loss = self.wl(wav = None, y_rec = y_pred.squeeze(), generator=True) + +# gen_loss = gen_loss.mean() + + +# return d_loss, gen_loss, y_pred.detach().cpu().numpy() + +# def length_to_mask(lengths): +# mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths) +# mask = torch.gt(mask+1, lengths.unsqueeze(1)) +# return mask diff --git a/Modules/utils.py b/Modules/utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2bf5fd72d7e70c4e5b443b43566b6f69e1954ee8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Modules/utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +def init_weights(m, mean=0.0, std=0.01): + classname = m.__class__.__name__ + if classname.find("Conv") != -1: + m.weight.data.normal_(mean, std) + + +def apply_weight_norm(m): + classname = m.__class__.__name__ + if classname.find("Conv") != -1: + weight_norm(m) + + +def get_padding(kernel_size, dilation=1): + return int((kernel_size*dilation - dilation)/2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Utils/ASR/__init__.py b/Utils/ASR/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b137891791fe96927ad78e64b0aad7bded08bdc --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/ASR/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/Utils/ASR/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/Utils/ASR/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c57de6845cf94bf4addaecef4344e80d40a2f0d2 Binary files /dev/null and b/Utils/ASR/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Utils/ASR/__pycache__/layers.cpython-311.pyc b/Utils/ASR/__pycache__/layers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..836e5a11a4f83ad9ea7d358643f4ba5fbfa990c2 Binary files /dev/null and b/Utils/ASR/__pycache__/layers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Utils/ASR/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc b/Utils/ASR/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9327799fd48f291f5b8fbae497e76206d04b8c57 Binary files /dev/null and b/Utils/ASR/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Utils/ASR/bst_00080.pth b/Utils/ASR/bst_00080.pth new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96619759c24b91969c94a28a9de047f797923304 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/ASR/bst_00080.pth @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:0864af0497e04bd0ddfe220721b280d9f281338a895e445d8ec035249f7e072a +size 94572980 diff --git a/Utils/ASR/config.yml b/Utils/ASR/config.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca334a10a12dd3ef12497eb12651fa5f508106dc --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/ASR/config.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +log_dir: "logs/20201006" +save_freq: 5 +device: "cuda" +epochs: 180 +batch_size: 64 +pretrained_model: "" +train_data: "ASRDataset/train_list.txt" +val_data: "ASRDataset/val_list.txt" + +dataset_params: + data_augmentation: false + +preprocess_parasm: + sr: 24000 + spect_params: + n_fft: 2048 + win_length: 1200 + hop_length: 300 + mel_params: + n_mels: 80 + +model_params: + input_dim: 80 + hidden_dim: 256 + n_token: 178 + token_embedding_dim: 512 + +optimizer_params: + lr: 0.0005 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Utils/ASR/epoch_00080.pth b/Utils/ASR/epoch_00080.pth new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..121895323ccef067212af46e08111eef37fd7a82 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/ASR/epoch_00080.pth @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:fedd55a1234b0c56e1e8b509c74edf3a5e2f27106a66038a4a946047a775bd6c +size 94552811 diff --git a/Utils/ASR/layers.py b/Utils/ASR/layers.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc6567b47ef60e9a64f85b7c088b7fac1683fdb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/ASR/layers.py @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +import math +import torch +from torch import nn +from typing import Optional, Any +from torch import Tensor +import torch.nn.functional as F +import torchaudio +import torchaudio.functional as audio_F + +import random +random.seed(0) + + +def _get_activation_fn(activ): + if activ == 'relu': + return nn.ReLU() + elif activ == 'lrelu': + return nn.LeakyReLU(0.2) + elif activ == 'swish': + return lambda x: x*torch.sigmoid(x) + else: + raise RuntimeError('Unexpected activ type %s, expected [relu, lrelu, swish]' % activ) + +class LinearNorm(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, bias=True, w_init_gain='linear'): + super(LinearNorm, self).__init__() + self.linear_layer = torch.nn.Linear(in_dim, out_dim, bias=bias) + + torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_( + self.linear_layer.weight, + gain=torch.nn.init.calculate_gain(w_init_gain)) + + def forward(self, x): + return self.linear_layer(x) + + +class ConvNorm(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, + padding=None, dilation=1, bias=True, w_init_gain='linear', param=None): + super(ConvNorm, self).__init__() + if padding is None: + assert(kernel_size % 2 == 1) + padding = int(dilation * (kernel_size - 1) / 2) + + self.conv = torch.nn.Conv1d(in_channels, out_channels, + kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, + padding=padding, dilation=dilation, + bias=bias) + + torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_( + self.conv.weight, gain=torch.nn.init.calculate_gain(w_init_gain, param=param)) + + def forward(self, signal): + conv_signal = self.conv(signal) + return conv_signal + +class CausualConv(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1, bias=True, w_init_gain='linear', param=None): + super(CausualConv, self).__init__() + if padding is None: + assert(kernel_size % 2 == 1) + padding = int(dilation * (kernel_size - 1) / 2) * 2 + else: + self.padding = padding * 2 + self.conv = nn.Conv1d(in_channels, out_channels, + kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, + padding=self.padding, + dilation=dilation, + bias=bias) + + torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_( + self.conv.weight, gain=torch.nn.init.calculate_gain(w_init_gain, param=param)) + + def forward(self, x): + x = self.conv(x) + x = x[:, :, :-self.padding] + return x + +class CausualBlock(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, hidden_dim, n_conv=3, dropout_p=0.2, activ='lrelu'): + super(CausualBlock, self).__init__() + self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([ + self._get_conv(hidden_dim, dilation=3**i, activ=activ, dropout_p=dropout_p) + for i in range(n_conv)]) + + def forward(self, x): + for block in self.blocks: + res = x + x = block(x) + x += res + return x + + def _get_conv(self, hidden_dim, dilation, activ='lrelu', dropout_p=0.2): + layers = [ + CausualConv(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, kernel_size=3, padding=dilation, dilation=dilation), + _get_activation_fn(activ), + nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_dim), + nn.Dropout(p=dropout_p), + CausualConv(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, kernel_size=3, padding=1, dilation=1), + _get_activation_fn(activ), + nn.Dropout(p=dropout_p) + ] + return nn.Sequential(*layers) + +class ConvBlock(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, hidden_dim, n_conv=3, dropout_p=0.2, activ='relu'): + super().__init__() + self._n_groups = 8 + self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([ + self._get_conv(hidden_dim, dilation=3**i, activ=activ, dropout_p=dropout_p) + for i in range(n_conv)]) + + + def forward(self, x): + for block in self.blocks: + res = x + x = block(x) + x += res + return x + + def _get_conv(self, hidden_dim, dilation, activ='relu', dropout_p=0.2): + layers = [ + ConvNorm(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, kernel_size=3, padding=dilation, dilation=dilation), + _get_activation_fn(activ), + nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=self._n_groups, num_channels=hidden_dim), + nn.Dropout(p=dropout_p), + ConvNorm(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, kernel_size=3, padding=1, dilation=1), + _get_activation_fn(activ), + nn.Dropout(p=dropout_p) + ] + return nn.Sequential(*layers) + +class LocationLayer(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, attention_n_filters, attention_kernel_size, + attention_dim): + super(LocationLayer, self).__init__() + padding = int((attention_kernel_size - 1) / 2) + self.location_conv = ConvNorm(2, attention_n_filters, + kernel_size=attention_kernel_size, + padding=padding, bias=False, stride=1, + dilation=1) + self.location_dense = LinearNorm(attention_n_filters, attention_dim, + bias=False, w_init_gain='tanh') + + def forward(self, attention_weights_cat): + processed_attention = self.location_conv(attention_weights_cat) + processed_attention = processed_attention.transpose(1, 2) + processed_attention = self.location_dense(processed_attention) + return processed_attention + + +class Attention(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, attention_rnn_dim, embedding_dim, attention_dim, + attention_location_n_filters, attention_location_kernel_size): + super(Attention, self).__init__() + self.query_layer = LinearNorm(attention_rnn_dim, attention_dim, + bias=False, w_init_gain='tanh') + self.memory_layer = LinearNorm(embedding_dim, attention_dim, bias=False, + w_init_gain='tanh') + self.v = LinearNorm(attention_dim, 1, bias=False) + self.location_layer = LocationLayer(attention_location_n_filters, + attention_location_kernel_size, + attention_dim) + self.score_mask_value = -float("inf") + + def get_alignment_energies(self, query, processed_memory, + attention_weights_cat): + """ + PARAMS + ------ + query: decoder output (batch, n_mel_channels * n_frames_per_step) + processed_memory: processed encoder outputs (B, T_in, attention_dim) + attention_weights_cat: cumulative and prev. att weights (B, 2, max_time) + RETURNS + ------- + alignment (batch, max_time) + """ + + processed_query = self.query_layer(query.unsqueeze(1)) + processed_attention_weights = self.location_layer(attention_weights_cat) + energies = self.v(torch.tanh( + processed_query + processed_attention_weights + processed_memory)) + + energies = energies.squeeze(-1) + return energies + + def forward(self, attention_hidden_state, memory, processed_memory, + attention_weights_cat, mask): + """ + PARAMS + ------ + attention_hidden_state: attention rnn last output + memory: encoder outputs + processed_memory: processed encoder outputs + attention_weights_cat: previous and cummulative attention weights + mask: binary mask for padded data + """ + alignment = self.get_alignment_energies( + attention_hidden_state, processed_memory, attention_weights_cat) + + if mask is not None: + alignment.data.masked_fill_(mask, self.score_mask_value) + + attention_weights = F.softmax(alignment, dim=1) + attention_context = torch.bmm(attention_weights.unsqueeze(1), memory) + attention_context = attention_context.squeeze(1) + + return attention_context, attention_weights + + +class ForwardAttentionV2(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, attention_rnn_dim, embedding_dim, attention_dim, + attention_location_n_filters, attention_location_kernel_size): + super(ForwardAttentionV2, self).__init__() + self.query_layer = LinearNorm(attention_rnn_dim, attention_dim, + bias=False, w_init_gain='tanh') + self.memory_layer = LinearNorm(embedding_dim, attention_dim, bias=False, + w_init_gain='tanh') + self.v = LinearNorm(attention_dim, 1, bias=False) + self.location_layer = LocationLayer(attention_location_n_filters, + attention_location_kernel_size, + attention_dim) + self.score_mask_value = -float(1e20) + + def get_alignment_energies(self, query, processed_memory, + attention_weights_cat): + """ + PARAMS + ------ + query: decoder output (batch, n_mel_channels * n_frames_per_step) + processed_memory: processed encoder outputs (B, T_in, attention_dim) + attention_weights_cat: prev. and cumulative att weights (B, 2, max_time) + RETURNS + ------- + alignment (batch, max_time) + """ + + processed_query = self.query_layer(query.unsqueeze(1)) + processed_attention_weights = self.location_layer(attention_weights_cat) + energies = self.v(torch.tanh( + processed_query + processed_attention_weights + processed_memory)) + + energies = energies.squeeze(-1) + return energies + + def forward(self, attention_hidden_state, memory, processed_memory, + attention_weights_cat, mask, log_alpha): + """ + PARAMS + ------ + attention_hidden_state: attention rnn last output + memory: encoder outputs + processed_memory: processed encoder outputs + attention_weights_cat: previous and cummulative attention weights + mask: binary mask for padded data + """ + log_energy = self.get_alignment_energies( + attention_hidden_state, processed_memory, attention_weights_cat) + + #log_energy = + + if mask is not None: + log_energy.data.masked_fill_(mask, self.score_mask_value) + + #attention_weights = F.softmax(alignment, dim=1) + + #content_score = log_energy.unsqueeze(1) #[B, MAX_TIME] -> [B, 1, MAX_TIME] + #log_alpha = log_alpha.unsqueeze(2) #[B, MAX_TIME] -> [B, MAX_TIME, 1] + + #log_total_score = log_alpha + content_score + + #previous_attention_weights = attention_weights_cat[:,0,:] + + log_alpha_shift_padded = [] + max_time = log_energy.size(1) + for sft in range(2): + shifted = log_alpha[:,:max_time-sft] + shift_padded = F.pad(shifted, (sft,0), 'constant', self.score_mask_value) + log_alpha_shift_padded.append(shift_padded.unsqueeze(2)) + + biased = torch.logsumexp(torch.cat(log_alpha_shift_padded,2), 2) + + log_alpha_new = biased + log_energy + + attention_weights = F.softmax(log_alpha_new, dim=1) + + attention_context = torch.bmm(attention_weights.unsqueeze(1), memory) + attention_context = attention_context.squeeze(1) + + return attention_context, attention_weights, log_alpha_new + + +class PhaseShuffle2d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, n=2): + super(PhaseShuffle2d, self).__init__() + self.n = n + self.random = random.Random(1) + + def forward(self, x, move=None): + # x.size = (B, C, M, L) + if move is None: + move = self.random.randint(-self.n, self.n) + + if move == 0: + return x + else: + left = x[:, :, :, :move] + right = x[:, :, :, move:] + shuffled = torch.cat([right, left], dim=3) + return shuffled + +class PhaseShuffle1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, n=2): + super(PhaseShuffle1d, self).__init__() + self.n = n + self.random = random.Random(1) + + def forward(self, x, move=None): + # x.size = (B, C, M, L) + if move is None: + move = self.random.randint(-self.n, self.n) + + if move == 0: + return x + else: + left = x[:, :, :move] + right = x[:, :, move:] + shuffled = torch.cat([right, left], dim=2) + + return shuffled + +class MFCC(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, n_mfcc=40, n_mels=80): + super(MFCC, self).__init__() + self.n_mfcc = n_mfcc + self.n_mels = n_mels + self.norm = 'ortho' + dct_mat = audio_F.create_dct(self.n_mfcc, self.n_mels, self.norm) + self.register_buffer('dct_mat', dct_mat) + + def forward(self, mel_specgram): + if len(mel_specgram.shape) == 2: + mel_specgram = mel_specgram.unsqueeze(0) + unsqueezed = True + else: + unsqueezed = False + # (channel, n_mels, time).tranpose(...) dot (n_mels, n_mfcc) + # -> (channel, time, n_mfcc).tranpose(...) + mfcc = torch.matmul(mel_specgram.transpose(1, 2), self.dct_mat).transpose(1, 2) + + # unpack batch + if unsqueezed: + mfcc = mfcc.squeeze(0) + return mfcc diff --git a/Utils/ASR/models.py b/Utils/ASR/models.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..278c8d06a1cafe77afcac208617b8716357d38d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/ASR/models.py @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +import math +import torch +from torch import nn +from torch.nn import TransformerEncoder +import torch.nn.functional as F +from .layers import MFCC, Attention, LinearNorm, ConvNorm, ConvBlock + +class ASRCNN(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, + input_dim=80, + hidden_dim=256, + n_token=35, + n_layers=6, + token_embedding_dim=256, + + ): + super().__init__() + self.n_token = n_token + self.n_down = 1 + self.to_mfcc = MFCC() + self.init_cnn = ConvNorm(input_dim//2, hidden_dim, kernel_size=7, padding=3, stride=2) + self.cnns = nn.Sequential( + *[nn.Sequential( + ConvBlock(hidden_dim), + nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=1, num_channels=hidden_dim) + ) for n in range(n_layers)]) + self.projection = ConvNorm(hidden_dim, hidden_dim // 2) + self.ctc_linear = nn.Sequential( + LinearNorm(hidden_dim//2, hidden_dim), + nn.ReLU(), + LinearNorm(hidden_dim, n_token)) + self.asr_s2s = ASRS2S( + embedding_dim=token_embedding_dim, + hidden_dim=hidden_dim//2, + n_token=n_token) + + def forward(self, x, src_key_padding_mask=None, text_input=None): + x = self.to_mfcc(x) + x = self.init_cnn(x) + x = self.cnns(x) + x = self.projection(x) + x = x.transpose(1, 2) + ctc_logit = self.ctc_linear(x) + if text_input is not None: + _, s2s_logit, s2s_attn = self.asr_s2s(x, src_key_padding_mask, text_input) + return ctc_logit, s2s_logit, s2s_attn + else: + return ctc_logit + + def get_feature(self, x): + x = self.to_mfcc(x.squeeze(1)) + x = self.init_cnn(x) + x = self.cnns(x) + x = self.projection(x) + return x + + def length_to_mask(self, lengths): + mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths) + mask = torch.gt(mask+1, lengths.unsqueeze(1)).to(lengths.device) + return mask + + def get_future_mask(self, out_length, unmask_future_steps=0): + """ + Args: + out_length (int): returned mask shape is (out_length, out_length). + unmask_futre_steps (int): unmasking future step size. + Return: + mask (torch.BoolTensor): mask future timesteps mask[i, j] = True if i > j + unmask_future_steps else False + """ + index_tensor = torch.arange(out_length).unsqueeze(0).expand(out_length, -1) + mask = torch.gt(index_tensor, index_tensor.T + unmask_future_steps) + return mask + +class ASRS2S(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, + embedding_dim=256, + hidden_dim=512, + n_location_filters=32, + location_kernel_size=63, + n_token=40): + super(ASRS2S, self).__init__() + self.embedding = nn.Embedding(n_token, embedding_dim) + val_range = math.sqrt(6 / hidden_dim) + self.embedding.weight.data.uniform_(-val_range, val_range) + + self.decoder_rnn_dim = hidden_dim + self.project_to_n_symbols = nn.Linear(self.decoder_rnn_dim, n_token) + self.attention_layer = Attention( + self.decoder_rnn_dim, + hidden_dim, + hidden_dim, + n_location_filters, + location_kernel_size + ) + self.decoder_rnn = nn.LSTMCell(self.decoder_rnn_dim + embedding_dim, self.decoder_rnn_dim) + self.project_to_hidden = nn.Sequential( + LinearNorm(self.decoder_rnn_dim * 2, hidden_dim), + nn.Tanh()) + self.sos = 1 + self.eos = 2 + + def initialize_decoder_states(self, memory, mask): + """ + moemory.shape = (B, L, H) = (Batchsize, Maxtimestep, Hiddendim) + """ + B, L, H = memory.shape + self.decoder_hidden = torch.zeros((B, self.decoder_rnn_dim)).type_as(memory) + self.decoder_cell = torch.zeros((B, self.decoder_rnn_dim)).type_as(memory) + self.attention_weights = torch.zeros((B, L)).type_as(memory) + self.attention_weights_cum = torch.zeros((B, L)).type_as(memory) + self.attention_context = torch.zeros((B, H)).type_as(memory) + self.memory = memory + self.processed_memory = self.attention_layer.memory_layer(memory) + self.mask = mask + self.unk_index = 3 + self.random_mask = 0.1 + + def forward(self, memory, memory_mask, text_input): + """ + moemory.shape = (B, L, H) = (Batchsize, Maxtimestep, Hiddendim) + moemory_mask.shape = (B, L, ) + texts_input.shape = (B, T) + """ + self.initialize_decoder_states(memory, memory_mask) + # text random mask + random_mask = (torch.rand(text_input.shape) < self.random_mask).to(text_input.device) + _text_input = text_input.clone() + _text_input.masked_fill_(random_mask, self.unk_index) + decoder_inputs = self.embedding(_text_input).transpose(0, 1) # -> [T, B, channel] + start_embedding = self.embedding( + torch.LongTensor([self.sos]*decoder_inputs.size(1)).to(decoder_inputs.device)) + decoder_inputs = torch.cat((start_embedding.unsqueeze(0), decoder_inputs), dim=0) + + hidden_outputs, logit_outputs, alignments = [], [], [] + while len(hidden_outputs) < decoder_inputs.size(0): + + decoder_input = decoder_inputs[len(hidden_outputs)] + hidden, logit, attention_weights = self.decode(decoder_input) + hidden_outputs += [hidden] + logit_outputs += [logit] + alignments += [attention_weights] + + hidden_outputs, logit_outputs, alignments = \ + self.parse_decoder_outputs( + hidden_outputs, logit_outputs, alignments) + + return hidden_outputs, logit_outputs, alignments + + + def decode(self, decoder_input): + + cell_input = torch.cat((decoder_input, self.attention_context), -1) + self.decoder_hidden, self.decoder_cell = self.decoder_rnn( + cell_input, + (self.decoder_hidden, self.decoder_cell)) + + attention_weights_cat = torch.cat( + (self.attention_weights.unsqueeze(1), + self.attention_weights_cum.unsqueeze(1)),dim=1) + + self.attention_context, self.attention_weights = self.attention_layer( + self.decoder_hidden, + self.memory, + self.processed_memory, + attention_weights_cat, + self.mask) + + self.attention_weights_cum += self.attention_weights + + hidden_and_context = torch.cat((self.decoder_hidden, self.attention_context), -1) + hidden = self.project_to_hidden(hidden_and_context) + + # dropout to increasing g + logit = self.project_to_n_symbols(F.dropout(hidden, 0.5, self.training)) + + return hidden, logit, self.attention_weights + + def parse_decoder_outputs(self, hidden, logit, alignments): + + # -> [B, T_out + 1, max_time] + alignments = torch.stack(alignments).transpose(0,1) + # [T_out + 1, B, n_symbols] -> [B, T_out + 1, n_symbols] + logit = torch.stack(logit).transpose(0, 1).contiguous() + hidden = torch.stack(hidden).transpose(0, 1).contiguous() + + return hidden, logit, alignments diff --git a/Utils/JDC/__init__.py b/Utils/JDC/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b137891791fe96927ad78e64b0aad7bded08bdc --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/JDC/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/Utils/JDC/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/Utils/JDC/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9fe74bed3d10b91906a4073635a54039372c995b Binary files /dev/null and b/Utils/JDC/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Utils/JDC/__pycache__/model.cpython-311.pyc b/Utils/JDC/__pycache__/model.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4fe97771f5b3e80447825a2fd419a6c0b9e89bfa Binary files /dev/null and b/Utils/JDC/__pycache__/model.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Utils/JDC/bst.t7 b/Utils/JDC/bst.t7 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5aa5a7b89991a3ecce2fd13447d6cb65740d2a9b --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/JDC/bst.t7 @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:54dc94364b97e18ac1dfa6287714ed121248cfaac4cfd39d061c6e0a089ef169 +size 21029926 diff --git a/Utils/JDC/model.py b/Utils/JDC/model.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83cd266d1cd6f054d0684e8e1a60496044048605 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/JDC/model.py @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +""" +Implementation of model from: +Kum et al. - "Joint Detection and Classification of Singing Voice Melody Using +Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks" (2019) +Link: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Joint-Detection-and-Classification-of-Singing-Voice-Kum-Nam/60a2ad4c7db43bace75805054603747fcd062c0d +""" +import torch +from torch import nn + +class JDCNet(nn.Module): + """ + Joint Detection and Classification Network model for singing voice melody. + """ + def __init__(self, num_class=722, seq_len=31, leaky_relu_slope=0.01): + super().__init__() + self.num_class = num_class + + # input = (b, 1, 31, 513), b = batch size + self.conv_block = nn.Sequential( + nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, padding=1, bias=False), # out: (b, 64, 31, 513) + nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=64), + nn.LeakyReLU(leaky_relu_slope, inplace=True), + nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, padding=1, bias=False), # (b, 64, 31, 513) + ) + + # res blocks + self.res_block1 = ResBlock(in_channels=64, out_channels=128) # (b, 128, 31, 128) + self.res_block2 = ResBlock(in_channels=128, out_channels=192) # (b, 192, 31, 32) + self.res_block3 = ResBlock(in_channels=192, out_channels=256) # (b, 256, 31, 8) + + # pool block + self.pool_block = nn.Sequential( + nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=256), + nn.LeakyReLU(leaky_relu_slope, inplace=True), + nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(1, 4)), # (b, 256, 31, 2) + nn.Dropout(p=0.2), + ) + + # maxpool layers (for auxiliary network inputs) + # in = (b, 128, 31, 513) from conv_block, out = (b, 128, 31, 2) + self.maxpool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(1, 40)) + # in = (b, 128, 31, 128) from res_block1, out = (b, 128, 31, 2) + self.maxpool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(1, 20)) + # in = (b, 128, 31, 32) from res_block2, out = (b, 128, 31, 2) + self.maxpool3 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(1, 10)) + + # in = (b, 640, 31, 2), out = (b, 256, 31, 2) + self.detector_conv = nn.Sequential( + nn.Conv2d(640, 256, 1, bias=False), + nn.BatchNorm2d(256), + nn.LeakyReLU(leaky_relu_slope, inplace=True), + nn.Dropout(p=0.2), + ) + + # input: (b, 31, 512) - resized from (b, 256, 31, 2) + self.bilstm_classifier = nn.LSTM( + input_size=512, hidden_size=256, + batch_first=True, bidirectional=True) # (b, 31, 512) + + # input: (b, 31, 512) - resized from (b, 256, 31, 2) + self.bilstm_detector = nn.LSTM( + input_size=512, hidden_size=256, + batch_first=True, bidirectional=True) # (b, 31, 512) + + # input: (b * 31, 512) + self.classifier = nn.Linear(in_features=512, out_features=self.num_class) # (b * 31, num_class) + + # input: (b * 31, 512) + self.detector = nn.Linear(in_features=512, out_features=2) # (b * 31, 2) - binary classifier + + # initialize weights + self.apply(self.init_weights) + + def get_feature_GAN(self, x): + seq_len = x.shape[-2] + x = x.float().transpose(-1, -2) + + convblock_out = self.conv_block(x) + + resblock1_out = self.res_block1(convblock_out) + resblock2_out = self.res_block2(resblock1_out) + resblock3_out = self.res_block3(resblock2_out) + poolblock_out = self.pool_block[0](resblock3_out) + poolblock_out = self.pool_block[1](poolblock_out) + + return poolblock_out.transpose(-1, -2) + + def get_feature(self, x): + seq_len = x.shape[-2] + x = x.float().transpose(-1, -2) + + convblock_out = self.conv_block(x) + + resblock1_out = self.res_block1(convblock_out) + resblock2_out = self.res_block2(resblock1_out) + resblock3_out = self.res_block3(resblock2_out) + poolblock_out = self.pool_block[0](resblock3_out) + poolblock_out = self.pool_block[1](poolblock_out) + + return self.pool_block[2](poolblock_out) + + def forward(self, x): + """ + Returns: + classification_prediction, detection_prediction + sizes: (b, 31, 722), (b, 31, 2) + """ + ############################### + # forward pass for classifier # + ############################### + seq_len = x.shape[-1] + x = x.float().transpose(-1, -2) + + convblock_out = self.conv_block(x) + + resblock1_out = self.res_block1(convblock_out) + resblock2_out = self.res_block2(resblock1_out) + resblock3_out = self.res_block3(resblock2_out) + + + poolblock_out = self.pool_block[0](resblock3_out) + poolblock_out = self.pool_block[1](poolblock_out) + GAN_feature = poolblock_out.transpose(-1, -2) + poolblock_out = self.pool_block[2](poolblock_out) + + # (b, 256, 31, 2) => (b, 31, 256, 2) => (b, 31, 512) + classifier_out = poolblock_out.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous().view((-1, seq_len, 512)) + classifier_out, _ = self.bilstm_classifier(classifier_out) # ignore the hidden states + + classifier_out = classifier_out.contiguous().view((-1, 512)) # (b * 31, 512) + classifier_out = self.classifier(classifier_out) + classifier_out = classifier_out.view((-1, seq_len, self.num_class)) # (b, 31, num_class) + + # sizes: (b, 31, 722), (b, 31, 2) + # classifier output consists of predicted pitch classes per frame + # detector output consists of: (isvoice, notvoice) estimates per frame + return torch.abs(classifier_out.squeeze()), GAN_feature, poolblock_out + + @staticmethod + def init_weights(m): + if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): + nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(m.weight) + if m.bias is not None: + nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) + elif isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): + nn.init.xavier_normal_(m.weight) + elif isinstance(m, nn.LSTM) or isinstance(m, nn.LSTMCell): + for p in m.parameters(): + if p.data is None: + continue + + if len(p.shape) >= 2: + nn.init.orthogonal_(p.data) + else: + nn.init.normal_(p.data) + + +class ResBlock(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, leaky_relu_slope=0.01): + super().__init__() + self.downsample = in_channels != out_channels + + # BN / LReLU / MaxPool layer before the conv layer - see Figure 1b in the paper + self.pre_conv = nn.Sequential( + nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=in_channels), + nn.LeakyReLU(leaky_relu_slope, inplace=True), + nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(1, 2)), # apply downsampling on the y axis only + ) + + # conv layers + self.conv = nn.Sequential( + nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, + kernel_size=3, padding=1, bias=False), + nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels), + nn.LeakyReLU(leaky_relu_slope, inplace=True), + nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, 3, padding=1, bias=False), + ) + + # 1 x 1 convolution layer to match the feature dimensions + self.conv1by1 = None + if self.downsample: + self.conv1by1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, 1, bias=False) + + def forward(self, x): + x = self.pre_conv(x) + if self.downsample: + x = self.conv(x) + self.conv1by1(x) + else: + x = self.conv(x) + x + return x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Utils/KTD/prompt_enc/checkpoint-73285/added_tokens.json b/Utils/KTD/prompt_enc/checkpoint-73285/added_tokens.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..412532b9d53d337683e4a062c51f3927462bcb00 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/KTD/prompt_enc/checkpoint-73285/added_tokens.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "[CLS]": 96871, + "[MASK]": 96867, + "[PAD]": 96869, + "[SEP]": 96868, + "[UNK]": 96870 +} diff --git a/Utils/KTD/prompt_enc/checkpoint-73285/config.json b/Utils/KTD/prompt_enc/checkpoint-73285/config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff9ef267f1313f5f29f33e88e4e8a06659d65d48 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/KTD/prompt_enc/checkpoint-73285/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,551 @@ +{ + "_name_or_path": "ku-nlp/deberta-v3-base-japanese", + "architectures": [ + "KotoDama_Prompt" + ], + "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, + "hidden_act": "gelu", + "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, + "hidden_size": 768, + "id2label": { + "0": "LABEL_0", + "1": "LABEL_1", + "2": "LABEL_2", + "3": "LABEL_3", + "4": "LABEL_4", + "5": "LABEL_5", + "6": "LABEL_6", + "7": "LABEL_7", + "8": "LABEL_8", + "9": "LABEL_9", + "10": "LABEL_10", + "11": "LABEL_11", + "12": "LABEL_12", + "13": "LABEL_13", + "14": "LABEL_14", + 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+ "<0xDF>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xE0>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xE1>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xE2>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xE3>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xE4>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xE5>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xE6>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xE7>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xE8>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xE9>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xEA>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xEB>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xEC>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xED>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xEE>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xEF>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xF0>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xF1>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xF2>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xF3>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xF4>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xF5>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xF6>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xF7>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xF8>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xF9>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xFA>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xFB>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xFC>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xFD>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xFE>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "<0xFF>", + -80.0 + ], + [ + "_", + -5.139759063720703 + ], + [ + "0", + -5.739336013793945 + ], + [ + ",", + -5.5936431884765625 + ], + [ + "(", + -5.811351776123047 + ], + [ + "1", + -5.594801902770996 + ], + [ + "2", + -5.8737568855285645 + ], + [ + ";", + -5.5070037841796875 + ], + [ + "x", + -7.2835822105407715 + ], + [ + ")", + -6.030661106109619 + ], + [ + ".", + -5.690241813659668 + ], + [ + "▁*", + -5.998918056488037 + ], + [ + "3", + -6.407153129577637 + ], + [ + "▁=", + -6.236761093139648 + ], + [ + ");", + -6.332600116729736 + ], + [ + "4", + -6.593073844909668 + ], + [ + "6", + -6.683225154876709 + ], + [ + "8", + -6.658772945404053 + ], + [ + "->", + -6.9433159828186035 + ], + [ + "5", + -6.763837814331055 + ], + [ + "▁#", + -6.087677001953125 + ], + [ + "▁{", + -5.6314849853515625 + ], + [ + "t", + -7.744063854217529 + ], + [ + "s", + -6.986012935638428 + ], + [ + "7", + -6.950588226318359 + ], + [ + "▁*/", + -6.358213901519775 + ], + [ + "9", + -6.5459370613098145 + ], + [ + "▁the", + -6.438683032989502 + ], + [ + "▁(", + -6.5381999015808105 + ], + [ + ":", + -6.266849994659424 + ], + [ + "if", + -7.247774124145508 + ], + [ + "[", + -7.67913818359375 + ], + [ + "▁//", + -6.70506477355957 + ], + [ + "define", + -7.476035118103027 + ], + [ + "▁}", + -5.651401042938232 + ], + [ + "}", + -6.203113079071045 + ], + [ + "*", + -7.063011169433594 + ], + [ + "-", + -6.809463024139404 + ], + [ + "p", + -8.302913665771484 + ], + [ + "\"", + -7.656696796417236 + ], + [ + "\\", + -8.447253227233887 + ], + [ + "::", + -8.16384506225586 + ], + [ + "n", + -8.23211669921875 + ], + [ + "i", + -8.489870071411133 + ], + [ + ">", + -7.313354969024658 + ], + [ + "▁\"", + -7.354928016662598 + ], + [ + "▁/*", + -7.000522136688232 + ], + [ + "c", + -8.579733848571777 + ], + [ + "/", + -7.778186798095703 + ], + [ + "d", + -8.57826042175293 + ], + [ + "▁to", + -7.118729114532471 + ], + [ + "f", + -8.782873153686523 + ], + [ + "return", + -7.281003952026367 + ], + [ + "h", + -7.7021050453186035 + ], + [ + "C", + -8.590476036071777 + ], + [ + "▁of", + -6.643773078918457 + ], + [ + "a", + -8.952467918395996 + ], + [ + "▁int", + -7.816123008728027 + ], + [ + "▁&", + -8.250901222229004 + ], + [ + "▁<", + -7.537589073181152 + ], + [ + "▁-", + -7.239425182342529 + ], + [ + "\",", + -8.162579536437988 + ], + [ + "]", + -8.344889640808105 + ], + [ + "int", + -7.959719181060791 + ], + [ + "/*", + -7.712942123413086 + ], + [ + "▁const", + -8.289572715759277 + ], + [ + "▁is", + -7.555154800415039 + ], + [ + "▁==", + -8.217373847961426 + ], + [ + "▁void", + -7.770499229431152 + ], + [ + "▁for", + -7.597453117370605 + ], + [ + "b", + -8.910598754882812 + ], + [ + "<", + -8.28510570526123 + ], + [ + "e", + -9.347500801086426 + ], + [ + "S", + -8.649618148803711 + ], + [ + "▁a", + -7.708919048309326 + ], + [ + "u", + -8.95328426361084 + ], + [ + "r", + -9.140791893005373 + ], + [ + "A", + -8.85275936126709 + ], + [ + "D", + -8.89698600769043 + ], + [ + "const", + -8.643487930297852 + ], + [ + "{", + -7.152763843536377 + ], + [ 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], + [ + "pos", + -10.33991813659668 + ], + [ + "▁If", + -9.937684059143066 + ], + [ + "*)", + -10.34632682800293 + ], + [ + "▁defined", + -10.036638259887695 + ], + [ + "Id", + -10.128219604492188 + ], + [ + "array", + -10.119429588317873 + ], + [ + "][", + -10.57682991027832 + ], + [ + "mm", + -10.470958709716797 + ], + [ + "tmp", + -10.246007919311523 + ], + [ + "▁!", + -9.771398544311523 + ], + [ + "To", + -10.014660835266112 + ], + [ + "log", + -10.288925170898438 + ], + [ + "State", + -9.98240089416504 + ], + [ + "path", + -10.16671085357666 + ], + [ + "res", + -10.05620288848877 + ], + [ + "CONFIG", + -10.058802604675291 + ], + [ + "line", + -9.876529693603516 + ], + [ + "this", + -9.80311679840088 + ], + [ + "double", + -10.249515533447266 + ], + [ + "property", + -10.111665725708008 + ], + [ + "▁v", + -9.909732818603516 + ], + [ + "entry", + -10.256046295166016 + ], + [ + "▁License", + -9.758570671081545 + ], + [ + "SET", + -10.31597137451172 + ], + [ + "▁?", + 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+ ], + [ + "db", + -10.6549711227417 + ], + [ + "rc", + -10.324662208557127 + ], + [ + "Key", + -10.474365234375 + ], + [ + "CC", + -11.12655258178711 + ], + [ + "on", + -10.175628662109377 + ], + [ + "GET", + -10.524333000183104 + ], + [ + "OK", + -10.2464017868042 + ], + [ + "xf", + -11.546852111816406 + ], + [ + "DEBUG", + -10.228035926818848 + ], + [ + "++", + -10.180262565612791 + ], + [ + "req", + -10.605742454528809 + ], + [ + "re", + -10.260958671569824 + ], + [ + "default", + -9.845486640930176 + ], + [ + "stream", + -10.545242309570312 + ], + [ + "▁any", + -9.827302932739258 + ], + [ + "▁k", + -10.257814407348633 + ], + [ + "▁I", + -8.740010261535645 + ], + [ + "ch", + -10.51109504699707 + ], + [ + "[]", + -10.328652381896973 + ], + [ + "▁only", + -9.80618667602539 + ], + [ + "▁double", + -10.36331272125244 + ], + [ + "▁which", + -9.32993984222412 + ], + [ + "Pyx", + -10.546900749206545 + ], + [ + "TX", + -10.914511680603027 + ], + [ + "▁buffer", + -10.381994247436523 + ], + 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+ ], + [ + "ngx", + -12.767505645751951 + ], + [ + "▁Pointer", + -12.374417304992676 + ], + [ + "||", + -10.908941268920898 + ], + [ + "▁service", + -11.0817232131958 + ], + [ + "(!__", + -13.349145889282228 + ], + [ + "ONE", + -12.359841346740724 + ], + [ + "adc", + -12.66006088256836 + ], + [ + "__((", + -12.33915901184082 + ], + [ + "Document", + -12.276715278625488 + ], + [ + "EQUAL", + -12.575277328491213 + ], + [ + "Symbol", + -12.325557708740234 + ], + [ + "ance", + -11.95333194732666 + ], + [ + "Io", + -12.367575645446776 + ], + [ + "▁allocation", + -12.181401252746582 + ], + [ + "Full", + -12.434277534484863 + ], + [ + "PID", + -12.556281089782717 + ], + [ + "gpu", + -12.514960289001465 + ], + [ + "variable", + -12.299734115600586 + ], + [ + "▁Update", + -11.903167724609377 + ], + [ + "▁section", + -11.635730743408203 + ], + [ + "PROTOBUF", + -12.587713241577148 + ], + [ + "▁database", + -11.965250968933104 + ], + [ + "PUBLIC", + -12.353961944580078 + ], + [ + "export", + 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[ + "nz", + -12.986145973205566 + ], + [ + "','\\", + -16.3525333404541 + ], + [ + "__))", + -12.927271842956545 + ], + [ + "▁grid", + -12.922943115234377 + ], + [ + "▁leave", + -12.279037475585938 + ], + [ + "parms", + -13.516594886779783 + ], + [ + "▁held", + -11.430424690246582 + ], + [ + "▁catch", + -12.268973350524902 + ], + [ + "viewport", + -13.391530990600586 + ], + [ + "RULE", + -12.93115234375 + ], + [ + "vq", + -13.611993789672852 + ], + [ + "Amount", + -13.18985652923584 + ], + [ + "MGMT", + -13.447798728942873 + ], + [ + "dealloc", + -12.911477088928224 + ], + [ + "Ad", + -12.85539722442627 + ], + [ + "EXPECTED", + -13.551197052001951 + ], + [ + "Micro", + -13.517692565917969 + ], + [ + "▁simde", + -13.749266624450684 + ], + [ + "SOL", + -13.406309127807615 + ], + [ + "▁reinterpret", + -13.455092430114746 + ], + [ + "▁capture", + -12.961256980895996 + ], + [ + "Acquire", + -13.0546236038208 + ], + [ + "GLEW", + -13.59281063079834 + ], + [ + "LPUART", + -13.804802894592283 + ], + [ + "lvl", + -13.516234397888184 + ], + [ + "HSE", + -13.669841766357422 + ], + [ + "overlap", + -14.068915367126465 + ], + [ + "CTS", + -13.467215538024902 + ], + [ + "iq", + -13.000161170959473 + ], + [ + "sparse", + -13.446475982666016 + ], + [ + "▁phase", + -12.531152725219728 + ], + [ + "▁PGUID", + -14.842546463012695 + ], + [ + "▁pad", + -13.012048721313477 + ], + [ + "Codec", + -13.241110801696776 + ], + [ + "▁seed", + -12.947772979736328 + ], + [ + "▁mrb", + -13.32078456878662 + ], + [ + "ile", + -12.451766967773438 + ], + [ + "Viewport", + -13.448807716369627 + ], + [ + "YUV", + -13.53842067718506 + ], + [ + "ISC", + -13.17432689666748 + ], + [ + "sections", + -13.55797290802002 + ], + [ + "▁progress", + -12.59941864013672 + ], + [ + "fld", + -13.473998069763184 + ], + [ + "▁developers", + -13.015999794006348 + ], + [ + "PROXY", + -13.335722923278809 + ], + [ + "Conn", + -13.032465934753418 + ], + [ + "scaling", + -13.992349624633787 + ], + [ + "Unicode", + -13.364123344421388 + ], + [ + "dword", + -13.485841751098633 + ], + [ + "Tail", + -13.33931827545166 + ], + [ + "FVPROC", + -13.261686325073242 + ], + [ + "grow", + -13.777688026428224 + ], + [ + "CUSTOM", + -13.265135765075684 + ], + [ + "strong", + -12.86780834197998 + ], + [ + "Enc", + -13.318181991577148 + ], + [ + "HARD", + -13.230419158935549 + ], + [ + "press", + -13.007630348205566 + ], + [ + "BufferSize", + -13.244138717651367 + ], + [ + "Increment", + -13.130571365356444 + ], + [ + "▁CSL", + -13.864546775817873 + ], + [ + "validation", + -13.822720527648926 + ], + [ + "OVR", + -13.907767295837402 + ], + [ + "INFORMATION", + -13.245301246643066 + ], + [ + "hole", + -13.210683822631836 + ], + [ + "PSK", + -13.486985206604004 + ], + [ + "TypeError", + -13.133875846862791 + ], + [ + "Go", + -12.663704872131348 + ], + [ + "managed", + -13.786314964294434 + ], + [ + "msi", + -13.361557006835938 + ], + [ + "GIVEREF", + -13.201541900634766 + ], + [ + "statement", + 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], + [ + "Dis", + -12.895124435424805 + ], + [ + "Ok", + -13.035703659057615 + ], + [ + "finite", + -13.794754028320312 + ], + [ + "wnd", + -13.512703895568848 + ], + [ + "FORM", + -13.25344944000244 + ], + [ + "strm", + -13.29580307006836 + ], + [ + "▁----------", + -11.709394454956056 + ], + [ + "Channels", + -13.234530448913574 + ], + [ + "▁Curl", + -13.14636516571045 + ], + [ + "anchor", + -13.569375991821287 + ], + [ + "DIG", + -13.63821029663086 + ], + [ + "▁jint", + -13.850740432739258 + ], + [ + "more", + -11.928481101989746 + ], + [ + "inp", + -13.21579933166504 + ], + [ + "▁DT", + -13.244305610656738 + ], + [ + "Alarm", + -13.643145561218262 + ], + [ + "▁whose", + -12.205598831176758 + ], + [ + "▁background", + -12.111154556274414 + ], + [ + "horizontal", + -13.93403434753418 + ], + [ + "▁instructions", + -12.729348182678224 + ], + [ + "EI", + -13.260019302368164 + ], + [ + "COMPILE", + -13.21277141571045 + ], + [ + "FETCH", + -13.413716316223145 + ], + [ + "▁components", + 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"SLAVE", + -13.513479232788086 + ], + [ + "glm", + -13.477648735046388 + ], + [ + "grant", + -13.43532657623291 + ], + [ + "CHAIN", + -13.340965270996094 + ], + [ + "visit", + -13.334832191467283 + ], + [ + "PMIX", + -13.324145317077637 + ], + [ + "bmp", + -13.489013671875 + ], + [ + "WOLFSSL", + -13.28949737548828 + ], + [ + "Motion", + -13.332731246948242 + ], + [ + "prod", + -13.139124870300291 + ], + [ + "VB", + -13.34111213684082 + ], + [ + "▁stuff", + -12.435176849365234 + ], + [ + "vertices", + -13.436978340148926 + ], + [ + "WF", + -13.35757827758789 + ], + [ + "truncate", + -13.272344589233398 + ], + [ + "▁``", + -13.240212440490724 + ], + [ + "dsverifier", + -14.388824462890623 + ], + [ + "▁nullable", + -13.299524307250977 + ], + [ + "bitwidth", + -13.460594177246094 + ], + [ + "IW", + -13.27796459197998 + ], + [ + "spinlock", + -13.065709114074709 + ], + [ + "dac", + -13.494845390319824 + ], + [ + "▁outside", + -12.067477226257324 + ], + [ + "▁undefined", + 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+ -13.254587173461914 + ], + [ + "Automation", + -13.881636619567873 + ], + [ + "FORWARD", + -13.31648063659668 + ], + [ + "Visible", + -13.09162139892578 + ], + [ + "nor", + -12.800481796264648 + ], + [ + "▁missing", + -11.024381637573242 + ], + [ + "xca", + -14.462456703186035 + ], + [ + "fraction", + -13.973183631896973 + ], + [ + "SMC", + -13.674517631530762 + ], + [ + "ka", + -11.434784889221191 + ], + [ + "PNG", + -13.169791221618652 + ], + [ + "claim", + -13.449136734008787 + ], + [ + "intra", + -13.622840881347656 + ], + [ + "▁stm", + -13.473747253417969 + ], + [ + "ffff", + -13.86905574798584 + ], + [ + "NOR", + -13.495280265808104 + ], + [ + "gint", + -13.006176948547363 + ], + [ + "odp", + -13.513068199157717 + ], + [ + "▁mean", + -12.042515754699709 + ], + [ + "▁retry", + -12.87662410736084 + ], + [ + "overlay", + -13.28938102722168 + ], + [ + "DCHECK", + -13.129406929016112 + ], + [ + "cbmc", + -14.268546104431152 + ], + [ + "dobj", + -13.58319854736328 + ], + [ + "▁rte", 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+ ], + [ + "▁SPH", + -13.918615341186523 + ], + [ + "detect", + -13.451791763305664 + ], + [ + "mailbox", + -13.475120544433594 + ], + [ + "gather", + -13.872825622558594 + ], + [ + "Site", + -13.24247932434082 + ], + [ + "Always", + -13.966893196105955 + ], + [ + "Actor", + -13.384614944458008 + ], + [ + "SMU", + -14.22463035583496 + ], + [ + "PTE", + -13.917638778686523 + ], + [ + "eh", + -12.512605667114258 + ], + [ + "▁diff", + -13.17365264892578 + ], + [ + "ObjC", + -13.404715538024902 + ], + [ + "▁SDIO", + -13.79906940460205 + ], + [ + "Headers", + -13.254419326782228 + ], + [ + "cw", + -13.500184059143066 + ], + [ + "Leave", + -13.422510147094728 + ], + [ + "QM", + -13.706148147583008 + ], + [ + "dependent", + -13.369810104370115 + ], + [ + "▁light", + -12.008037567138672 + ], + [ + "▁game", + -11.2896728515625 + ], + [ + "consistent", + -14.376668930053713 + ], + [ + "▁difference", + -12.500069618225098 + ], + [ + "FLEX", + -13.932205200195312 + ], + [ + "Variables", + 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+ [ + "hide", + -13.057391166687012 + ], + [ + "qd", + -13.798907279968262 + ], + [ + "dwFlags", + -13.561607360839844 + ], + [ + "DSA", + -13.646185874938965 + ], + [ + "ERASE", + -13.827733039855955 + ], + [ + "WK", + -13.592925071716309 + ], + [ + "Bundle", + -13.087465286254885 + ], + [ + "NDIS", + -13.642208099365234 + ], + [ + "▁reverse", + -12.961161613464355 + ], + [ + "PSU", + -13.808685302734377 + ], + [ + "Anim", + -13.446784973144531 + ], + [ + "LAYOUT", + -13.668399810791016 + ], + [ + "je", + -12.13097095489502 + ], + [ + "visibility", + -13.601658821105955 + ], + [ + "BOUND", + -13.566802024841309 + ], + [ + "escape", + -13.275223731994627 + ], + [ + "fcntl", + -13.077290534973145 + ], + [ + "hcd", + -13.699519157409668 + ], + [ + "HM", + -13.567426681518556 + ], + [ + "sli", + -13.712448120117188 + ], + [ + "DECODE", + -13.537972450256348 + ], + [ + "▁Determine", + -12.998361587524414 + ], + [ + "fallback", + -13.39723014831543 + ], + [ + "subject", + -13.30881118774414 + ], + [ + "MCS", + -13.724456787109377 + ], + [ + "OVERFLOW", + -13.523550987243652 + ], + [ + "css", + -12.876601219177246 + ], + [ + "EACH", + -13.72916316986084 + ], + [ + "▁MZ", + -13.541732788085938 + ], + [ + "OPERATOR", + -13.348724365234377 + ], + [ + ")>>", + -14.161317825317385 + ], + [ + "▁BITCOIN", + -12.973294258117676 + ], + [ + "!=(", + -13.666258811950684 + ], + [ + "Interp", + -13.631338119506836 + ], + [ + "fptr", + -13.54611110687256 + ], + [ + "guest", + -13.872258186340332 + ], + [ + "WB", + -13.640331268310549 + ], + [ + "nlmsg", + -13.642431259155272 + ], + [ + "iterate", + -14.259237289428713 + ], + [ + "netlink", + -13.547359466552734 + ], + [ + "▁sbitmap", + -13.17803192138672 + ], + [ + "▁\"=", + -13.837263107299805 + ], + [ + "LITERAL", + -13.795348167419434 + ], + [ + "assertion", + -14.19868278503418 + ], + [ + "enqueue", + -13.580793380737305 + ], + [ + "PRIu", + -14.063536643981934 + ], + [ + "▁LESENSE", + -14.285286903381348 + ], + [ + "estate", + -13.357954025268556 + ], + [ + "▁incoming", + -13.31089687347412 + ], + [ + "*>(&", + -14.115134239196776 + ], + [ + "Xfer", + -13.553346633911133 + ], + [ + "CMS", + -13.701679229736328 + ], + [ + "WHITE", + -13.424104690551758 + ], + [ + "qla", + -13.895483016967772 + ], + [ + "PRODUCT", + -13.48280143737793 + ], + [ + "arrow", + -13.368151664733888 + ], + [ + "INITIAL", + -13.534581184387209 + ], + [ + "Picker", + -13.530452728271484 + ], + [ + "editor", + -13.172123908996582 + ], + [ + "HINT", + -13.610883712768556 + ], + [ + "▁detail", + -12.539419174194336 + ], + [ + "eal", + -13.031916618347168 + ], + [ + "ZONE", + -13.474824905395508 + ], + [ + "▁PyArray", + -13.557400703430176 + ], + [ + "▁PH", + -13.89534854888916 + ], + [ + "Printf", + -13.519545555114746 + ], + [ + "STL", + -13.478683471679688 + ], + [ + "▁exactly", + -12.617286682128906 + ], + [ + "Registers", + -13.281282424926758 + ], + [ + "checkpoint", + -14.25388240814209 + ], + [ + "dsi", + -13.819047927856444 + ], + [ + "NaN", + -13.459672927856444 + ], + [ + "▁procedure", + -12.763461112976074 + ], + [ + "//////////", + -15.050667762756348 + ], + [ + "Signed", + -13.460932731628418 + ], + [ + "Accessor", + -13.313308715820312 + ], + [ + "▁But", + -11.078271865844728 + ], + [ + "fini", + -13.18854522705078 + ], + [ + "Major", + -13.32096004486084 + ], + [ + "Physical", + -13.630125999450684 + ], + [ + "Running", + -13.241254806518556 + ], + [ + "eax", + -13.331991195678713 + ], + [ + "Inv", + -13.461896896362305 + ], + [ + "ger", + -12.278688430786133 + ], + [ + "coap", + -13.835325241088867 + ], + [ + "▁absolute", + -12.953068733215332 + ], + [ + "PAUSE", + -13.51330280303955 + ], + [ + "SYN", + -13.396714210510254 + ], + [ + "ITY", + -13.106183052062988 + ], + [ + "miss", + -13.433979988098145 + ], + [ + "amdgpu", + -13.654230117797852 + ], + [ + "itf", + -14.034735679626465 + ], + [ + "▁WPA", + -13.62884521484375 + ], + [ + "gst", + -13.659623146057127 + ], + [ + "xCE", + -14.80624008178711 + ], + [ + "Help", + -13.269508361816406 + ], + [ + "TRANSFER", + -13.673468589782717 + ], + [ + "CTRLA", + -14.632684707641602 + ], + [ + "zlib", + -13.54723834991455 + ], + [ + "SWIG", + -13.766146659851074 + ], + [ + "▁(;;)", + -12.501147270202637 + ], + [ + "FSMC", + -14.170373916625977 + ], + [ + "PPP", + -13.467479705810549 + ], + [ + "xDF", + -14.377005577087402 + ], + [ + "manage", + -14.32481861114502 + ], + [ + "Inner", + -13.510042190551758 + ], + [ + "FAMILY", + -13.588727951049805 + ], + [ + "executable", + -13.389466285705566 + ], + [ + "mdb", + -13.92386531829834 + ], + [ + "***", + -13.386478424072266 + ], + [ + "xAB", + -14.296270370483398 + ], + [ + "▁worker", + -13.100021362304688 + ], + [ + "▁ssize", + -13.011173248291016 + ], + [ + "smb", + -13.703741073608398 + ], + [ + "ENODEV", + -12.829974174499512 + ], + [ + "STMT", + -13.532535552978516 + ], + [ + "LPCWSTR", + -13.576696395874023 + ], + [ + "▁%[", + -14.238432884216309 + ], + [ + "▁inserted", + -13.261252403259276 + ], + [ + "--------", + -12.931178092956545 + ], + [ + "\"#", + -13.885499954223633 + ], + [ + "='", + -12.680671691894531 + ], + [ + "messages", + -13.288496971130373 + ], + [ + "plt", + -13.458118438720703 + ], + [ + "RTT", + -13.749896049499512 + ], + [ + "▁Ho", + -12.41945457458496 + ], + [ + "RSP", + -13.720895767211914 + ], + [ + "elapsed", + -14.249155044555664 + ], + [ + "BSS", + -13.740142822265623 + ], + [ + "ldr", + -13.802454948425291 + ], + [ + "emlrt", + -13.999590873718262 + ], + [ + "▁complex", + -12.394699096679688 + ], + [ + "▁considered", + -11.99941062927246 + ], + [ + "CONVERT", + -13.634581565856934 + ], + [ + "divide", + -14.06899356842041 + ], + [ + "▁similar", + -11.963959693908691 + ], + [ + "Chip", + -13.90372371673584 + ], + [ + "▁UV", + -13.349770545959473 + ], + [ + "▁cleared", + -13.27413845062256 + ], + [ + "LITTLE", + -13.230399131774902 + ], + [ + "Raise", + -13.259476661682127 + ], + [ + "Printer", + -13.461060523986816 + ], + [ + "▁Parameters", + -12.265143394470217 + ], + [ + "targets", + -13.785107612609863 + ], + [ + "accessor", + -13.629587173461914 + ], + [ + "▁Describe", + -13.672983169555664 + ], + [ + "WRAPPER", + -13.501151084899902 + ], + [ + "SYSCALL", + -13.495216369628906 + ], + [ + "▁/***", + -12.669257164001465 + ], + [ + "▁NIL", + -13.287616729736328 + ], + [ + "FRAGMENT", + -13.646147727966309 + ], + [ + "cch", + -13.605019569396973 + ], + [ + "quit", + -13.117427825927734 + ], + [ + "Activity", + -12.9224271774292 + ], + [ + "registration", + -14.0018949508667 + ], + [ + "Refresh", + -13.280184745788574 + ], + [ + "jmp", + -13.572222709655762 + ], + [ + "TCB", + -13.680397987365724 + ], + [ + "vers", + -13.049032211303713 + ], + [ + "ARN", + -13.79988956451416 + ], + [ + "sol", + -12.987160682678224 + ], + [ + "▁As", + -10.652889251708984 + ], + [ + "NAN", + -13.436513900756836 + ], + [ + "Sup", + -14.365008354187012 + ], + [ + "MIX", + -13.301755905151367 + ], + [ + "▁having", + -11.685103416442873 + ], + [ + "oh", + -12.845488548278809 + ], + [ + "▁implements", + -12.975421905517578 + ], + [ + "▁far", + -11.917802810668944 + ], + [ + "Locale", + -13.447542190551758 + ], + [ + "Tracker", + -13.403448104858398 + ], + [ + "LINEAR", + -13.468483924865724 + ], + [ + "NSInteger", + -13.438013076782228 + ], + [ + "siz", + -13.858558654785156 + ], + [ + "strerror", + -13.401827812194824 + ], + [ + "▁Im", + -12.641759872436523 + ], + [ + "Overlay", + -13.532292366027832 + ], + [ + "▁logic", + -12.943766593933104 + ], + [ + "TRANSPORT", + -13.665542602539062 + ], + [ + "ticket", + -13.900771141052246 + ], + [ + "transparent", + -14.19329833984375 + ], + [ + "Returned", + -13.065319061279297 + ], + [ + "▁everything", + -12.269194602966309 + ], + [ + "GAME", + -13.240501403808594 + ], + [ + "MTU", + -13.709673881530762 + ], + [ + "ompi", + -13.658020973205566 + ], + [ + "Gradient", + -13.495647430419922 + ], + [ + "PMU", + -13.914546012878418 + ], + [ + "Dist", + -13.653327941894531 + ], + [ + "RESETVALUE", + -14.308279991149902 + ], + [ + "GLsizei", + -13.682747840881348 + ], + [ + "Gain", + -13.742264747619627 + ], + [ + "vwsn", + -14.513851165771484 + ], + [ + "▁snapshot", + -13.41344928741455 + ], + [ + "DRIVE", + -13.68181610107422 + ], + [ + "▁slots", + -12.775970458984377 + ], + [ + "Jo", + -13.904504776000977 + ], + [ + "▁((*", + -13.68475341796875 + ], + [ + "▁scratch", + -13.21128273010254 + ], + [ + "GREEN", + -13.445716857910156 + ], + [ + "mongoc", + -13.61935329437256 + ], + [ + "kern", + -13.50592041015625 + ], + [ + "stdin", + -13.297972679138184 + ], + [ + "MDB", + -13.52451515197754 + ], + [ + "CONSTRAINT", + -13.605857849121094 + ], + [ + "▁hex", + -13.505820274353027 + ], + [ + "VPROC", + -13.600425720214844 + ], + [ + "Closure", + -13.223480224609377 + ], + [ + "subsystem", + -14.282206535339355 + ], + [ + "Solver", + -13.57190990447998 + ], + [ + "Attachment", + -13.506470680236816 + ], + [ + "qt", + -13.348867416381836 + ], + [ + "HFCLK", + -15.046624183654783 + ], + [ + "Del", + -13.122615814208984 + ], + [ + "VERIFIER", + -13.507326126098633 + ], + [ + "▁though", + -11.828008651733398 + ], + [ + "identify", + -14.58949089050293 + ], + [ + "SIGNATURE", + -13.72492218017578 + ], + [ + "spdk", + -13.61599063873291 + ], + [ + "REPLY", + -13.62330436706543 + ], + [ + "mvm", + -14.078536033630373 + ], + [ + "▁console", + -12.728707313537598 + ], + [ + "plat", + -13.38703155517578 + ], + [ + "locals", + -13.427044868469238 + ], + [ + "*((", + -13.78750228881836 + ], + [ + "attack", + -13.64151668548584 + ], + [ + "WG", + -13.708471298217772 + ], + [ + "hour", + -13.259710311889648 + ], + [ + "fft", + -13.730074882507324 + ], + [ + "surf", + -13.807594299316406 + ], + [ + "▁follows", + -12.002985000610352 + ], + [ + "TXD", + -13.991358757019045 + ], + [ + "xyz", + -13.746274948120115 + ], + [ + "▁fragment", + -13.320426940917969 + ], + [ + "Quad", + -13.524974822998049 + ], + [ + "UNSUPPORTED", + 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], + [ + "Plus", + -13.440155982971191 + ], + [ + "smooth", + -14.07952880859375 + ], + [ + "▁Auto", + -12.597352027893066 + ], + [ + "▁BKE", + -13.898550987243652 + ], + [ + "sizes", + -13.201882362365724 + ], + [ + "****/", + -13.767255783081056 + ], + [ + "▁gboolean", + -12.487037658691406 + ], + [ + "dpi", + -13.782883644104004 + ], + [ + "▁'.'", + -13.63494110107422 + ], + [ + "Weak", + -13.34850025177002 + ], + [ + "marshal", + -13.897930145263672 + ], + [ + "▁parsed", + -13.431607246398926 + ], + [ + "LOWER", + -13.85307502746582 + ], + [ + "added", + -13.318147659301758 + ], + [ + "Metrics", + -13.364492416381836 + ], + [ + "LK", + -13.456378936767578 + ], + [ + "iot", + -13.308716773986816 + ], + [ + "asoc", + -13.749737739562988 + ], + [ + "Take", + -13.359339714050291 + ], + [ + "▁combination", + -12.965572357177734 + ], + [ + "HDMI", + -13.712809562683104 + ], + [ + "Bottom", + -13.36406707763672 + ], + [ + "SRS", + -14.086159706115724 + ], + [ + "repr", + -13.59235382080078 + ], + [ + "clauses", + -13.520655632019045 + ], + [ + "STB", + -13.793906211853027 + ], + [ + "pmu", + -13.818675994873049 + ], + [ + "LDAP", + -13.481565475463867 + ], + [ + "bpf", + -13.674994468688965 + ], + [ + "elems", + -13.714773178100586 + ], + [ + "alive", + -13.692708969116213 + ], + [ + "▁PURE", + -13.458429336547852 + ], + [ + "Broadcast", + -13.616814613342283 + ], + [ + "IES", + -13.230796813964844 + ], + [ + "broken", + -14.28444480895996 + ], + [ + "▁bnx", + -14.133922576904297 + ], + [ + "pDst", + -13.782596588134766 + ], + [ + "IPv", + -13.56691074371338 + ], + [ + "unsupported", + -14.15125560760498 + ], + [ + "FIND", + -13.528237342834473 + ], + [ + "che", + -12.546218872070312 + ], + [ + "GenTree", + -13.964045524597168 + ], + [ + "pcs", + -13.952241897583008 + ], + [ + "Imm", + -13.458640098571776 + ], + [ + "ONCE", + -13.624732971191406 + ], + [ + "boxes", + -13.89781093597412 + ], + [ + "vif", + -13.614673614501951 + ], + [ + "coef", + -13.921791076660156 + ], + [ + "RXD", + -14.059632301330566 + ], + [ + "pj", + -13.66574478149414 + ], + [ + "Rectangle", + -13.498537063598633 + ], + [ + "FLG", + -13.943578720092772 + ], + [ + "//==============", + -12.782233238220217 + ], + [ + "Cookie", + -13.226550102233888 + ], + [ + "helpstring", + -13.796031951904297 + ], + [ + "repeated", + -14.171626091003418 + ], + [ + "IPROC", + -13.49717903137207 + ], + [ + "Cython", + -14.130817413330078 + ], + [ + ">.", + -13.95656681060791 + ], + [ + "ANA", + -13.503108024597168 + ], + [ + "▁EGL", + -13.758283615112305 + ], + [ + "Under", + -13.382554054260254 + ], + [ + "Pci", + -13.850560188293455 + ], + [ + "DFMT", + -14.311271667480469 + ], + [ + "▁newly", + -12.99044704437256 + ], + [ + "transmission", + -14.855592727661133 + ], + [ + "ICU", + -13.542810440063477 + ], + [ + "ALTER", + -13.47283935546875 + ], + [ + "pwd", + -13.63237476348877 + ], + [ + "▁erase", + -13.632518768310549 + ], + [ + "directive", + -14.385560989379885 + ], + [ + "Polygon", + -13.51144027709961 + ], + [ + "SGIS", + -13.823772430419922 + ], + [ + "stamp", + -13.89125633239746 + ], + [ + "usually", + -14.483020782470703 + ], + [ + "replacement", + -14.39587688446045 + ], + [ + "Configure", + -13.495333671569824 + ], + [ + "sysfs", + -13.653371810913086 + ], + [ + "Persistent", + -13.571687698364258 + ], + [ + "------", + -13.078340530395508 + ], + [ + "Fire", + -13.494351387023926 + ], + [ + "ixgbe", + -13.961554527282717 + ], + [ + "BLOB", + -13.739492416381836 + ], + [ + "iterations", + -13.583929061889648 + ], + [ + "decompress", + -13.86313533782959 + ], + [ + "▁{&__", + -14.598014831542969 + ], + [ + "expansion", + -14.629693031311035 + ], + [ + "vaddr", + -13.723716735839844 + ], + [ + "▁NTSTATUS", + -12.2902193069458 + ], + [ + ":#", + -11.374922752380373 + ], + [ + "bufs", + -13.477178573608398 + ], + [ + "▁NoneT", + -15.91305446624756 + ], + [ + "SYSCLK", + -14.029563903808594 + ], + [ + "Python", + -13.386220932006836 + ], + [ + "ddraw", + -13.887590408325195 + ], + [ + "COIN", + -13.56985569000244 + ], + [ + "cdev", + -13.560484886169434 + ], + [ + "SELF", + -13.650684356689451 + ], + [ + "▁QSPI", + -13.813603401184082 + ], + [ + "psa", + -13.83751392364502 + ], + [ + "PARITY", + -13.91903305053711 + ], + [ + "IDA", + -13.807721138000488 + ], + [ + "DG", + -13.367392539978027 + ], + [ + "Opaque", + -13.70458698272705 + ], + [ + "upd", + -13.783345222473145 + ], + [ + "nim", + -13.606365203857422 + ], + [ + "▁authors", + -12.412861824035645 + ], + [ + "Validation", + -13.35726547241211 + ], + [ + "LSR", + -14.208721160888672 + ], + [ + "▁Indicates", + -13.66274070739746 + ], + [ + "▁Allow", + -13.443135261535645 + ], + [ + "rspamd", + -13.887066841125488 + ], + [ + "▁rtl", + -14.060836791992188 + ], + [ + "LHS", + -14.02298641204834 + ], + [ + "UNDER", + -13.4276762008667 + ], + [ + "▁NA", + -12.935416221618652 + ], + [ + "Returns", + -12.987008094787598 + ], + [ + "too", + -13.29795265197754 + ], + [ + "loadu", + -14.32204818725586 + ], + [ + "wParam", + -13.815869331359863 + ], + [ + "ran", + -12.334413528442385 + ], + [ + "▁states", + -12.10208511352539 + ], + [ + "}}},", + -14.396636009216309 + ], + [ + "GETARG", + -13.848054885864258 + ], + [ + "▁room", + -12.23141384124756 + ], + [ + "PAN", + -13.733406066894531 + ], + [ + "projection", + -14.434412956237791 + ], + [ + "EK", + -13.80695629119873 + ], + [ + "▁OpenSSL", + -13.628440856933594 + ], + [ + "glClear", + -13.779879570007324 + ], + [ + "dk", + -13.447837829589844 + ], + [ + "Functor", + -13.618951797485352 + ], + [ + "scb", + -13.961199760437012 + ], + [ + "Playback", + -13.770936012268066 + ], + [ + "▁Comparator", + -14.087883949279783 + ], + [ + "CHG", + -14.113099098205566 + ], + [ + "cause", + -13.55372142791748 + ], + [ + "MULTITEXCOORD", + -13.71115493774414 + ], + [ + "FUNCTIONS", + -13.337307929992676 + ], + [ + "cnfn", + -13.737667083740234 + ], + [ + "▁cross", + -12.400802612304688 + ], + [ + "TTY", + -13.474970817565918 + ], + [ + "Have", + -13.281535148620604 + ], + [ + "zeros", + -13.514622688293455 + ], + [ + "TPM", + -14.027270317077637 + ], + [ + "leader", + -13.535656929016112 + ], + [ + "vote", + -14.10321807861328 + ], + [ + "FFT", + -13.805676460266112 + ], + [ + "▁interfaces", + -13.169535636901855 + ], + [ + "▁SOAP", + -14.001418113708496 + ], + [ + "▁Ltd", + -12.586187362670898 + ], + [ + "sscanf", + -13.968981742858888 + ], + [ + "ENDPOINT", + -13.821141242980955 + ], + [ + "arb", + -13.609001159667969 + ], + [ + "Thr", + -13.574506759643556 + ], + [ + "Arm", + -13.75608253479004 + ], + [ + "▁BFD", + -13.824151039123535 + ], + [ + "Parm", + -13.660157203674316 + ], + [ + "▁ones", + -12.823822975158691 + ], + [ + "offload", + -13.828874588012695 + ], + [ + "Nv", + -13.800557136535645 + ], + [ + "BIOS", + -13.662956237792969 + ], + [ + "Unsafe", + -14.099706649780272 + ], + [ + "SHELL", + -13.577202796936035 + ], + [ + "audit", + -13.950665473937988 + ], + [ + "syslog", + -13.621783256530762 + ], + [ + "manual", + -14.242391586303713 + ], + [ + "MFP", + -14.825186729431152 + ], + [ + "QWidget", + -13.348925590515137 + ], + [ + "EGL", + -13.855347633361816 + ], + [ + "Tasks", + -13.454145431518556 + ], + [ + "AW", + -13.5122709274292 + ], + [ + "PLAY", + -13.51337718963623 + ], + [ + "ARGUMENT", + -13.693121910095217 + ], + [ + "Home", + -13.016109466552734 + ], + [ + "unset", + -13.45855712890625 + ], + [ + "Vendor", + -13.623656272888184 + ], + [ + "▁lpfc", + -13.997247695922852 + ], + [ + "supplicant", + -13.877031326293944 + ], + [ + "▁proper", + -12.718074798583984 + ], + [ + "ail", + -13.516764640808104 + ], + [ + "swig", + -14.057456016540527 + ], + [ + "UARTE", + -13.792436599731444 + ], + [ + "REQUIRE", + -13.64348316192627 + ], + [ + "FORCEINLINE", + -13.643165588378906 + ], + [ + "printLine", + -13.104866981506348 + ], + [ + "▁dead", + -12.550573348999023 + ], + [ + "▁Constructor", + -12.797120094299316 + ], + [ + "crop", + 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+ [ + "MAY", + -14.326085090637209 + ], + [ + "▁sector", + -13.063838958740234 + ], + [ + "BKE", + -13.491971015930176 + ], + [ + "Relative", + -13.309364318847656 + ], + [ + "linked", + -13.360116958618164 + ], + [ + "pmc", + -13.846050262451172 + ], + [ + "(_(\"", + -13.554278373718262 + ], + [ + "udev", + -13.65968894958496 + ], + [ + "Wave", + -13.568419456481934 + ], + [ + "▁EFM", + -14.083551406860352 + ], + [ + "GNU", + -13.20997142791748 + ], + [ + "cycles", + -13.61398220062256 + ], + [ + "finished", + -13.307415962219238 + ], + [ + "CWallet", + -13.687281608581545 + ], + [ + "▁declared", + -12.711875915527344 + ], + [ + "deflate", + -13.776308059692385 + ], + [ + "addrs", + -13.550786972045898 + ], + [ + "▁fully", + -12.82268524169922 + ], + [ + "bdb", + -14.21683120727539 + ], + [ + "hang", + -13.43932056427002 + ], + [ + "▁anyway", + -13.043416023254396 + ], + [ + "▁Unicode", + -13.34486484527588 + ], + [ + "Declare", + -13.299480438232422 + ], + [ + "prefetch", + 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[ + "COMPLEX", + -13.489089965820312 + ], + [ + "particle", + -14.220815658569336 + ], + [ + "ug", + -13.050630569458008 + ], + [ + "android", + -12.458616256713867 + ], + [ + "Performance", + -13.711695671081545 + ], + [ + "AVR", + -13.85659408569336 + ], + [ + "Children", + -13.024282455444336 + ], + [ + "READONLY", + -13.776947021484377 + ], + [ + "UnityEngine", + -14.706541061401367 + ], + [ + "tiny", + -13.612640380859377 + ], + [ + "Agg", + -13.47878360748291 + ], + [ + "SEED", + -13.822277069091797 + ], + [ + "propagate", + -14.582941055297852 + ], + [ + "((((", + -14.675031661987305 + ], + [ + "HFRCO", + -14.813105583190918 + ], + [ + "fpu", + -13.91391372680664 + ], + [ + "Candidate", + -13.564536094665527 + ], + [ + "PHYS", + -13.82896900177002 + ], + [ + "train", + -13.356181144714355 + ], + [ + "Let", + -13.152498245239258 + ], + [ + "that", + -12.63803768157959 + ], + [ + "Ops", + -13.586189270019531 + ], + [ + "Actual", + -13.687774658203123 + ], + [ + "DPLL", + 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+ ], + [ + "Smart", + -13.772320747375488 + ], + [ + "dirent", + -13.55219268798828 + ], + [ + "DCDC", + -14.480104446411133 + ], + [ + "SPH", + -15.104021072387695 + ], + [ + "DCT", + -13.90434741973877 + ], + [ + "xDB", + -14.584076881408691 + ], + [ + "▁/*******", + -14.12726879119873 + ], + [ + "bstr", + -13.832670211791992 + ], + [ + "Watch", + -13.142861366271973 + ], + [ + "quick", + -14.053500175476074 + ], + [ + "Ack", + -13.68433666229248 + ], + [ + "Packed", + -13.905191421508787 + ], + [ + "Compressed", + -13.775944709777832 + ], + [ + "above", + -13.759511947631836 + ], + [ + "Bias", + -13.766706466674805 + ], + [ + "cad", + -13.86302661895752 + ], + [ + "▁//=============", + -11.18187427520752 + ], + [ + "composite", + -14.165414810180664 + ], + [ + "qm", + -13.96864891052246 + ], + [ + "Resume", + -13.500296592712402 + ], + [ + "CTRLB", + -14.818756103515623 + ], + [ + "replication", + -14.430280685424805 + ], + [ + "feedback", + -13.993293762207031 + ], + [ + "gra", + 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+ [ + "▁Digital", + -12.350627899169922 + ], + [ + "▁creates", + -13.173258781433104 + ], + [ + "ish", + -12.189786911010742 + ], + [ + "ROLE", + -13.726678848266602 + ], + [ + "Ctor", + -13.941089630126951 + ], + [ + "IAM", + -13.582222938537598 + ], + [ + "▁startup", + -13.353460311889648 + ], + [ + "IOTHUB", + -14.489418983459473 + ], + [ + "▁HOLDER", + -13.675861358642578 + ], + [ + "testcase", + -13.50851058959961 + ], + [ + "Upload", + -13.57547092437744 + ], + [ + "▁represented", + -12.502520561218262 + ], + [ + "SCH", + -13.902228355407717 + ], + [ + "ach", + -12.838191986083984 + ], + [ + "WAKEUP", + -14.054022789001465 + ], + [ + "FRAG", + -13.875457763671877 + ], + [ + ")){", + -13.576153755187988 + ], + [ + "getenv", + -13.682525634765623 + ], + [ + "pure", + -13.903921127319336 + ], + [ + "▁IDs", + -13.56814956665039 + ], + [ + "▁Warning", + -12.630361557006836 + ], + [ + "XDMAC", + -15.371994972229004 + ], + [ + "BNX", + -14.159393310546877 + ], + [ + "eve", + 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+ -13.793478965759276 + ], + [ + "Polarity", + -14.071569442749023 + ], + [ + "zi", + -12.522478103637695 + ], + [ + "▁reported", + -12.232879638671877 + ], + [ + "OMAP", + -14.014684677124023 + ], + [ + "Deriving", + -14.712655067443848 + ], + [ + "SIZ", + -14.019771575927734 + ], + [ + "intersect", + -14.390402793884276 + ], + [ + "Completed", + -13.619220733642578 + ], + [ + "▁ovsdb", + -13.9103422164917 + ], + [ + "Annotation", + -13.54349422454834 + ], + [ + "RDP", + -13.840460777282717 + ], + [ + "VERTEXATTRIBI", + -13.732093811035156 + ], + [ + "Fun", + -13.707788467407228 + ], + [ + "design", + -13.906550407409668 + ], + [ + "GUARD", + -13.729055404663086 + ], + [ + "ndx", + -13.826285362243652 + ], + [ + "Suspend", + -13.631123542785645 + ], + [ + "playback", + -14.116071701049805 + ], + [ + "▁Ipp", + -14.644416809082031 + ], + [ + "ann", + -13.428475379943848 + ], + [ + "ALIGNMENT", + -13.82333755493164 + ], + [ + "DUP", + -13.77524757385254 + ], + [ + "Scheduler", + 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[ + "()));", + -13.462639808654783 + ], + [ + "▁IPPROTO", + -13.681756019592283 + ], + [ + "passwd", + -13.721660614013672 + ], + [ + "Email", + -13.5719633102417 + ], + [ + "quot", + -13.871118545532228 + ], + [ + "▁MICROPY", + -13.61001205444336 + ], + [ + "Balance", + -13.33547306060791 + ], + [ + "some", + -12.588408470153809 + ], + [ + "ult", + -13.618782997131348 + ], + [ + "xDC", + -14.60921859741211 + ], + [ + "qr", + -13.791677474975586 + ], + [ + "Diagnostics", + -13.788434982299805 + ], + [ + "Ge", + -13.531819343566896 + ], + [ + "eta", + -12.438763618469238 + ], + [ + "Stencil", + -13.552290916442873 + ], + [ + "expanded", + -14.294002532958984 + ], + [ + "Catalog", + -13.414349555969238 + ], + [ + "mut", + -13.684322357177734 + ], + [ + "oi", + -12.855752944946287 + ], + [ + "csi", + -13.769831657409668 + ], + [ + "unaligned", + -13.846070289611816 + ], + [ + "ji", + -12.208794593811035 + ], + [ + "▁replaced", + -12.585996627807615 + ], + [ + "MAYBE", + -14.41135311126709 + ], + [ + "CONTAINER", + -13.874977111816406 + ], + [ + "Physics", + -13.758233070373535 + ], + [ + "Amazon", + -13.771313667297363 + ], + [ + "Cross", + -13.42173671722412 + ], + [ + "days", + -13.63121509552002 + ], + [ + "want", + -13.289600372314451 + ], + [ + "▁crash", + -13.351698875427246 + ], + [ + "numberOf", + -13.708505630493164 + ], + [ + "MYSQL", + -13.809880256652832 + ], + [ + "processed", + -13.636340141296388 + ], + [ + "GetString", + -13.745747566223145 + ], + [ + "Detect", + -13.730132102966309 + ], + [ + "qpair", + -14.236434936523438 + ], + [ + "Tr", + -13.510420799255373 + ], + [ + "IGNORED", + -14.295076370239258 + ], + [ + "quantize", + -13.905529022216797 + ], + [ + "Digest", + -13.587437629699709 + ], + [ + "WiFi", + -14.08293628692627 + ], + [ + "rss", + -13.84461784362793 + ], + [ + "Xact", + -13.700098991394045 + ], + [ + "FACTOR", + -13.884793281555176 + ], + [ + "▁succeeded", + -13.082704544067385 + ], + [ + "▁signals", + -12.784768104553224 + ], + [ + "ACCEL", + -13.730755805969238 + ], + [ + "Undo", + -13.552732467651367 + ], + [ + "▁==========", + -10.7142915725708 + ], + [ + "Admin", + -13.487078666687012 + ], + [ + "//////////////", + -13.455084800720217 + ], + [ + "visitor", + -14.183795928955078 + ], + [ + "reflect", + -14.057886123657228 + ], + [ + "FromString", + -13.589241981506348 + ], + [ + "relevant", + -15.292071342468262 + ], + [ + "Measurement", + -13.928625106811523 + ], + [ + "▁communication", + -12.781997680664062 + ], + [ + "UChar", + -13.954333305358888 + ], + [ + "diagonal", + -14.39105987548828 + ], + [ + "PFNGLPROGRAM", + -14.046860694885254 + ], + [ + "▁(*)(", + -14.119074821472168 + ], + [ + "Here", + -13.736061096191406 + ], + [ + "ENTRIES", + -13.869153022766112 + ], + [ + "aq", + -13.32559299468994 + ], + [ + "lcid", + -13.932339668273926 + ], + [ + "Strings", + -13.037049293518066 + ], + [ + "plug", + -13.940916061401367 + ], + [ + "consumed", + -14.350472450256348 + ], + [ + "calculate", + 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+ "skipped", + -14.693761825561523 + ], + [ + "cpus", + -13.708291053771973 + ], + [ + "NEGSEL", + -15.305070877075195 + ], + [ + "ceph", + -13.927589416503906 + ], + [ + "▁changing", + -13.020429611206056 + ], + [ + "ware", + -13.056614875793455 + ], + [ + "ahead", + -13.78117847442627 + ], + [ + "Hold", + -14.049321174621582 + ], + [ + "STRIDE", + -14.120121955871582 + ], + [ + "ENCODER", + -13.724556922912598 + ], + [ + "architecture", + -14.88010025024414 + ], + [ + "periodic", + -14.246861457824709 + ], + [ + "▁NSNumber", + -13.632575988769531 + ], + [ + "TWIS", + -13.771005630493164 + ], + [ + "SHUTDOWN", + -13.682622909545898 + ], + [ + "SEE", + -14.63984489440918 + ], + [ + "▁making", + -11.950074195861816 + ], + [ + "GN", + -13.502591133117676 + ], + [ + "closing", + -14.290712356567385 + ], + [ + "ukernel", + -15.095967292785645 + ], + [ + "cctx", + -13.843660354614258 + ], + [ + "▁'/')", + -13.637660026550291 + ], + [ + "Guard", + -13.556843757629396 + ], + [ + "/*^", + -14.114974975585938 + ], + [ + "its", + -12.352806091308594 + ], + [ + "third", + -13.331388473510742 + ], + [ + "Implicit", + -13.73264503479004 + ], + [ + "Tracking", + -13.648259162902832 + ], + [ + "GetProcAddress", + -13.971750259399414 + ], + [ + "kwds", + -14.099438667297363 + ], + [ + "FOUNDATION", + -13.917702674865724 + ], + [ + "LITE", + -13.55421543121338 + ], + [ + "Pages", + -12.910238265991213 + ], + [ + "dfs", + -13.838350296020508 + ], + [ + "...\\", + -13.718721389770508 + ], + [ + "XYZ", + -13.797487258911133 + ], + [ + "Busy", + -13.808847427368164 + ], + [ + "ification", + -12.836406707763672 + ], + [ + "ball", + -12.386043548583984 + ], + [ + "▁effects", + -12.068092346191406 + ], + [ + "obs", + -13.501497268676758 + ], + [ + "▁debugstr", + -14.280518531799316 + ], + [ + "tcb", + -13.910063743591309 + ], + [ + "KW", + -13.792769432067873 + ], + [ + "ORTE", + -14.014473915100098 + ], + [ + "pkts", + -13.888534545898438 + ], + [ + "debugger", + -13.659062385559082 + ], + [ + "cwd", + -13.797046661376951 + ], + [ + "Extent", + -13.587725639343262 + ], + [ + "tape", + -13.813278198242188 + ], + [ + "Ratio", + -13.51097011566162 + ], + [ + "coefficient", + -14.799869537353516 + ], + [ + "statistics", + -13.54440212249756 + ], + [ + "portal", + -13.958330154418944 + ], + [ + "pBuffer", + -13.834200859069824 + ], + [ + "gfp", + -14.057746887207031 + ], + [ + "memb", + -14.15006160736084 + ], + [ + "vg", + -13.73898696899414 + ], + [ + "midi", + -13.82066535949707 + ], + [ + "▁DISPID", + -14.167012214660645 + ], + [ + "east", + -13.041794776916504 + ], + [ + "abc", + -13.696545600891112 + ], + [ + "infoPtr", + -13.945944786071776 + ], + [ + "OCI", + -13.91518211364746 + ], + [ + "osc", + -13.795557975769045 + ], + [ + "HY", + -13.612263679504396 + ], + [ + "extents", + -13.923564910888672 + ], + [ + "xdeadbeef", + -13.474282264709473 + ], + [ + "rxq", + -14.039870262145996 + ], + [ + "▁animation", + -12.973462104797363 + ], + [ + "aead", + 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+ -14.07374668121338 + ], + [ + "Java", + -13.423218727111816 + ], + [ + "WEIGHT", + -13.947324752807615 + ], + [ + "timers", + -13.644980430603027 + ], + [ + "wiphy", + -14.320322036743164 + ], + [ + "Assembly", + -13.500394821166992 + ], + [ + "MMIO", + -14.11616325378418 + ], + [ + "]*(", + -15.540576934814451 + ], + [ + "AOT", + -13.999015808105469 + ], + [ + "▁intended", + -12.767020225524902 + ], + [ + "QUAD", + -13.885656356811523 + ], + [ + "CHANNELS", + -13.984234809875488 + ], + [ + "VARARGS", + -14.117361068725586 + ], + [ + "wqe", + -14.256710052490234 + ], + [ + "DSS", + -14.056488037109377 + ], + [ + "vga", + -14.074886322021484 + ], + [ + "dimensions", + -13.910216331481934 + ], + [ + "▁responsible", + -12.71163558959961 + ], + [ + "FO", + -13.533811569213867 + ], + [ + "BAT", + -14.01468563079834 + ], + [ + "scanline", + -14.056781768798828 + ], + [ + "▁MagickFalse", + -13.74200439453125 + ], + [ + "SLOTS", + -13.55570125579834 + ], + [ + "constr", + -13.948537826538086 + ], + [ + "hashes", + -13.986655235290527 + ], + [ + "XTAL", + -14.291299819946287 + ], + [ + "▁vint", + -15.049819946289062 + ], + [ + "Vertical", + -13.505221366882324 + ], + [ + "Communication", + -14.593450546264648 + ], + [ + "central", + -13.472436904907228 + ], + [ + "ado", + -12.679637908935549 + ], + [ + "▁Initializes", + -13.630741119384766 + ], + [ + "ipp", + -13.654130935668944 + ], + [ + "El", + -12.629016876220703 + ], + [ + "▁circuit", + -13.087565422058104 + ], + [ + "SNMP", + -13.860163688659668 + ], + [ + "Arn", + -14.210886001586914 + ], + [ + "Iteration", + -13.72812557220459 + ], + [ + "WINE", + -13.932984352111816 + ], + [ + "TYP", + -14.153586387634276 + ], + [ + "contact", + -13.546250343322754 + ], + [ + "WAKE", + -14.050243377685549 + ], + [ + "dce", + -14.277826309204102 + ], + [ + "ndr", + -13.95864963531494 + ], + [ + "Regs", + -13.965867042541504 + ], + [ + "FMC", + -14.437433242797852 + ], + [ + "Jit", + -13.892655372619627 + ], + [ + "consensus", + 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], + [ + "guide", + -14.09060764312744 + ], + [ + "qemu", + -13.822965621948242 + ], + [ + "combined", + -14.656394004821776 + ], + [ + "ATH", + -13.821008682250977 + ], + [ + "Units", + -13.72122287750244 + ], + [ + "Horizontal", + -13.585277557373049 + ], + [ + "joystick", + -13.881869316101074 + ], + [ + "etc", + -13.031052589416504 + ], + [ + "NVME", + -14.104413032531738 + ], + [ + "Napi", + -14.35285186767578 + ], + [ + "▁however", + -11.97803020477295 + ], + [ + "ecdsa", + -14.20334529876709 + ], + [ + "question", + -14.0201416015625 + ], + [ + "SPELL", + -13.941457748413086 + ], + [ + "VARBPROC", + -14.03362274169922 + ], + [ + "Advanced", + -14.18228816986084 + ], + [ + "pinfo", + -13.862878799438477 + ], + [ + "grib", + -14.259265899658203 + ], + [ + "isp", + -13.751030921936035 + ], + [ + "FreeRTOS", + -13.676942825317385 + ], + [ + "Cipher", + -13.79621124267578 + ], + [ + "ina", + -11.673394203186035 + ], + [ + "lag", + -13.11648941040039 + ], + [ + "SetupContext", + 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+ -14.389945030212402 + ], + [ + "Calendar", + -13.6790189743042 + ], + [ + "Defined", + -13.767888069152832 + ], + [ + "SEQAN", + -14.40352725982666 + ], + [ + "Redis", + -13.810098648071287 + ], + [ + "compose", + -14.340974807739258 + ], + [ + "xCA", + -15.054237365722656 + ], + [ + "unary", + -13.905085563659668 + ], + [ + "PRIMARY", + -13.862537384033203 + ], + [ + "Sha", + -13.432594299316406 + ], + [ + "▁GBProperty", + -15.047797203063965 + ], + [ + "ObjectId", + -13.813620567321776 + ], + [ + "keylen", + -13.884286880493164 + ], + [ + "RND", + -14.18375301361084 + ], + [ + "KILL", + -13.695313453674316 + ], + [ + "composition", + -14.35888385772705 + ], + [ + "MIDI", + -14.164759635925291 + ], + [ + "SCK", + -14.128643035888672 + ], + [ + "fread", + -14.040785789489746 + ], + [ + "XMM", + -14.401849746704102 + ], + [ + "SLICE", + -14.125082015991213 + ], + [ + "ENCE", + -13.49794101715088 + ], + [ + "unwind", + -13.855262756347656 + ], + [ + "SHARE", + -13.910463333129885 + ], + [ + "TSEL", + -14.60190200805664 + ], + [ + "SAR", + -13.928861618041992 + ], + [ + "TreeNode", + -14.020197868347168 + ], + [ + "FSR", + -14.35702419281006 + ], + [ + "UDB", + -14.841416358947754 + ], + [ + "Callable", + -14.088074684143066 + ], + [ + "GEMM", + -14.059009552001951 + ], + [ + "prep", + -14.026453971862791 + ], + [ + "epu", + -14.54673194885254 + ], + [ + "NAK", + -14.297290802001951 + ], + [ + "WASM", + -13.787596702575684 + ], + [ + "Continue", + -13.822787284851074 + ], + [ + "lh", + -13.695216178894045 + ], + [ + "METHODS", + -13.32553768157959 + ], + [ + "km", + -11.599813461303713 + ], + [ + "iovec", + -13.953028678894045 + ], + [ + "OCSP", + -14.130102157592772 + ], + [ + "StringInfo", + -13.569188117980955 + ], + [ + "Wo", + -14.09826946258545 + ], + [ + "LWS", + -13.885133743286133 + ], + [ + "Comparison", + -14.169024467468262 + ], + [ + "▁Technology", + -11.923526763916016 + ], + [ + "fwrite", + -13.986207962036133 + ], + [ + "placeholder", + -13.564064979553224 + ], + [ + "(^)(", + -14.256274223327637 + ], + [ + "msa", + -14.325579643249512 + ], + [ + "White", + -13.093091011047363 + ], + [ + "CONFIGURATION", + -13.88961124420166 + ], + [ + "BITFIELD", + -14.184547424316406 + ], + [ + "Operations", + -13.902379035949709 + ], + [ + "TypeName", + -13.829859733581545 + ], + [ + "Tools", + -13.562536239624023 + ], + [ + "DIRECTION", + -13.790397644042969 + ], + [ + "UIColor", + -13.69686508178711 + ], + [ + "succeed", + -14.561833381652832 + ], + [ + "protocols", + -14.228679656982422 + ], + [ + "▁compilation", + -12.55921459197998 + ], + [ + "Lambda", + -13.351177215576172 + ], + [ + "sai", + -13.36942195892334 + ], + [ + "PRED", + -13.922532081604004 + ], + [ + "dz", + -13.4661865234375 + ], + [ + "ipaddr", + -14.13601303100586 + ], + [ + "Ins", + -13.440990447998049 + ], + [ + "▁seems", + -12.418909072875977 + ], + [ + "zv", + -13.820486068725586 + ], + [ + "waiting", + -13.742996215820312 + ], + [ + "NY", + -13.3173828125 + ], + [ + "Slider", + -13.803422927856444 + ], + [ + "RXF", + -14.193909645080566 + ], + [ + "DMAMUX", + -14.520380020141602 + ], + [ + "formatted", + -13.72717571258545 + ], + [ + ">>>", + -14.06754207611084 + ], + [ + "BUT", + -14.059162139892578 + ], + [ + "WANT", + -13.672714233398438 + ], + [ + "Construct", + -13.822237968444824 + ], + [ + "PRESCALER", + -14.552353858947754 + ], + [ + "VV", + -13.954482078552246 + ], + [ + "▁Adds", + -13.75022029876709 + ], + [ + "▁ptrdiff", + -14.222580909729004 + ], + [ + "PROTECT", + -13.715669631958008 + ], + [ + "Are", + -13.120006561279297 + ], + [ + "SENT", + -13.9691162109375 + ], + [ + "PSC", + -14.143921852111816 + ], + [ + "RANK", + -13.965392112731934 + ], + [ + "partitions", + -13.75886344909668 + ], + [ + "▁Currently", + -13.250605583190918 + ], + [ + "PACKAGE", + -13.63176441192627 + ], + [ + "BUFF", + -14.106834411621094 + ], + [ + "fonts", + -13.638687133789062 + ], + [ + "Curr", + -13.904827117919922 + ], + [ + "rgba", + -14.343866348266602 + ], + [ + "▁LLC", + -13.271183013916016 + ], + [ + "CEE", + -14.00732135772705 + ], + [ + "construction", + -14.637530326843262 + ], + [ + "expired", + -14.580015182495115 + ], + [ + "Ns", + -13.60975742340088 + ], + [ + "))));", + -13.961533546447754 + ], + [ + "symlink", + -13.86501121520996 + ], + [ + "Advance", + -14.390189170837402 + ], + [ + "FMA", + -14.231855392456056 + ], + [ + "Diagnostic", + -13.746503829956056 + ], + [ + "legal", + -14.060465812683104 + ], + [ + "dataset", + -13.760560035705566 + ], + [ + "▁goes", + -12.64050006866455 + ], + [ + "Cols", + -14.007317543029783 + ], + [ + "dissect", + -14.444662094116213 + ], + [ + "Exists", + -13.677216529846191 + ], + [ + "under", + -12.852545738220217 + ], + [ + "UNPACK", + -14.004608154296877 + ], + [ + "routing", + -14.458854675292969 + ], + [ + "Separate", + -14.0252046585083 + ], + [ + "Prescaler", + -14.212372779846191 + ], + [ + "coded", + -13.649900436401367 + ], + [ + "JMP", + 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-13.58981990814209 + ], + [ + "▁GST", + -13.87831687927246 + ], + [ + "Coordinate", + -13.862579345703123 + ], + [ + "servers", + -14.067523956298828 + ], + [ + "macros", + -13.406115531921388 + ], + [ + "Asm", + -13.894781112670898 + ], + [ + "Most", + -13.958745956420898 + ], + [ + "without", + -13.377999305725098 + ], + [ + "Margin", + -13.601470947265623 + ], + [ + "vha", + -14.140909194946287 + ], + [ + "GOOGLE", + -14.803499221801758 + ], + [ + "ntohl", + -14.097882270812988 + ], + [ + "SIGNED", + -14.042451858520508 + ], + [ + "▁receiving", + -12.999408721923828 + ], + [ + "SPIRV", + -14.136185646057127 + ], + [ + "ung", + -12.18676471710205 + ], + [ + "▁assumes", + -13.670376777648926 + ], + [ + "els", + -12.728887557983398 + ], + [ + "NSURL", + -13.72995662689209 + ], + [ + "▁XXH", + -14.365907669067385 + ], + [ + "spent", + -14.572386741638184 + ], + [ + "efficient", + -14.635716438293455 + ], + [ + "Terminal", + -13.944613456726074 + ], + [ + "QL", + -13.847411155700684 + ], + [ + "Tcp", + -13.843029975891112 + ], + [ + "OptionsT", + -13.968613624572754 + ], + [ + "xDA", + -15.126256942749023 + ], + [ + "Threads", + -13.618448257446287 + ], + [ + "Strategy", + -13.665849685668944 + ], + [ + "PAYLOAD", + -14.12491226196289 + ], + [ + "SAADC", + -13.948678970336914 + ], + [ + "LOS", + -13.863144874572754 + ], + [ + "IEs", + -14.18363094329834 + ], + [ + "EXECUTE", + -13.999360084533691 + ], + [ + "YA", + -13.50248908996582 + ], + [ + "tro", + -12.96231174468994 + ], + [ + "▁OMITBAD", + -12.614866256713867 + ], + [ + "mddev", + -14.02892780303955 + ], + [ + "PyTuple", + -13.96312427520752 + ], + [ + "NW", + -14.025999069213867 + ], + [ + "ask", + -13.633624076843262 + ], + [ + "PORTB", + -14.19812297821045 + ], + [ + "SVG", + -13.78836154937744 + ], + [ + "DUMMY", + -13.860223770141602 + ], + [ + "STARTED", + -14.108555793762209 + ], + [ + "require", + -13.489895820617676 + ], + [ + "NSNumber", + -13.701059341430664 + ], + [ + "octet", + -14.086214065551758 + ], + [ + "CGAL", + -13.982329368591309 + ], + [ + "KL", + -13.63223361968994 + ], + [ + "DCH", + -14.063389778137209 + ], + [ + "HFCORECLKDIV", + -15.760809898376465 + ], + [ + "ulation", + -12.903240203857422 + ], + [ + "GTM", + -14.19550609588623 + ], + [ + "MQ", + -13.99771785736084 + ], + [ + "reports", + -14.346772193908691 + ], + [ + "CLKSOURCE", + -14.347594261169434 + ], + [ + "PyModule", + -13.808772087097168 + ], + [ + "Consumer", + -13.785452842712402 + ], + [ + "declaration", + -13.700078010559082 + ], + [ + "outfile", + -13.82901382446289 + ], + [ + "INVERT", + -14.06153392791748 + ], + [ + "severity", + -14.568350791931152 + ], + [ + "provision", + -14.795915603637695 + ], + [ + "trust", + -13.980267524719238 + ], + [ + "unlocked", + -14.190522193908691 + ], + [ + "attnum", + -13.987344741821287 + ], + [ + "SCU", + -14.408440589904783 + ], + [ + "GenericClass", + -14.873997688293455 + ], + [ + "********", + -14.482009887695312 + ], + [ + "SWP", + -14.95230770111084 + ], + [ + "Topic", + -13.77397632598877 + ], + [ + "MIXER", + -14.143699645996094 + ], + [ + "paddr", + -13.851226806640623 + ], + [ + "blockSize", + -13.862174987792969 + ], + [ + "TXB", + -14.373154640197754 + ], + [ + "huge", + -13.873936653137209 + ], + [ + "PFNGLTEXCOORD", + -13.898178100585938 + ], + [ + "▁clib", + -13.92820644378662 + ], + [ + "dram", + -14.08932113647461 + ], + [ + "sweep", + -14.043580055236816 + ], + [ + "+-----------", + -12.87728786468506 + ], + [ + "WN", + -13.84837818145752 + ], + [ + "▁\"\\\"", + -13.888599395751951 + ], + [ + "lba", + -14.020305633544922 + ], + [ + "OPAMP", + -14.650519371032717 + ], + [ + "Decimal", + -13.827580451965332 + ], + [ + "Duplicate", + -13.695636749267578 + ], + [ + "health", + -13.970647811889648 + ], + [ + "Neg", + -13.770751953125 + ], + [ + "safety", + -14.42151165008545 + ], + [ + "▁gives", + -12.553197860717772 + ], + [ + "▁coefficients", + -13.580927848815918 + ], + [ + "imap", + -14.02964687347412 + ], + [ + "getType", + 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-14.848647117614746 + ], + [ + "TODO", + -13.526185989379885 + ], + [ + "SizeOf", + -14.053878784179688 + ], + [ + "▁/********", + -13.751956939697266 + ], + [ + "tell", + -13.478938102722168 + ], + [ + "scp", + -14.00570297241211 + ], + [ + "scatter", + -13.93773365020752 + ], + [ + "arithmetic", + -15.009858131408691 + ], + [ + "PyNumber", + -14.256362915039062 + ], + [ + "Invalidate", + -13.73483657836914 + ], + [ + "?$", + -15.414178848266602 + ], + [ + "BTRFS", + -14.103779792785645 + ], + [ + "~\",", + -14.706380844116213 + ], + [ + "replica", + -14.595675468444824 + ], + [ + "MIT", + -13.212018013000488 + ], + [ + "hda", + -13.985227584838867 + ], + [ + "typmod", + -14.081938743591309 + ], + [ + "▁pointed", + -13.222105979919434 + ], + [ + "AXI", + -14.323722839355469 + ], + [ + "IMXRT", + -14.63174533843994 + ], + [ + "▁determined", + -12.656041145324709 + ], + [ + "Cube", + -13.523820877075195 + ], + [ + "VALIDATE", + -14.000038146972656 + ], + [ + "▁come", + 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+ -14.092440605163574 + ], + [ + "MARKER", + -13.592479705810549 + ], + [ + "BOLD", + -14.306485176086426 + ], + [ + "Watchdog", + -14.07041072845459 + ], + [ + "offer", + -14.359516143798828 + ], + [ + "▁\"$", + -13.370354652404783 + ], + [ + "Para", + -13.733034133911133 + ], + [ + "completed", + -13.70617389678955 + ], + [ + "avl", + -14.195960998535156 + ], + [ + "ASSEMBLY", + -13.755438804626465 + ], + [ + "Nothing", + -13.894867897033691 + ], + [ + "MSVCRT", + -14.097283363342283 + ], + [ + "Irp", + -13.93055534362793 + ], + [ + "epsilon", + -13.231947898864746 + ], + [ + "alc", + -13.858379364013672 + ], + [ + "Measure", + -13.461190223693848 + ], + [ + "ELEMENTS", + -13.95911979675293 + ], + [ + "FileSystem", + -13.76656723022461 + ], + [ + "Credentials", + -13.91244888305664 + ], + [ + "lrd", + -14.619537353515623 + ], + [ + "EFUSE", + -14.411961555480955 + ], + [ + "HOME", + -13.372879028320312 + ], + [ + "logic", + -13.421088218688965 + ], + [ + "cst", + -14.14578342437744 + ], + [ + "TRG", + -14.489365577697754 + ], + [ + "pmap", + -13.8187255859375 + ], + [ + "glBind", + -13.87997817993164 + ], + [ + "FREEZE", + -14.818854331970217 + ], + [ + "CLAMP", + -14.017474174499512 + ], + [ + "Star", + -12.779932022094728 + ], + [ + "▁OMITGOOD", + -12.67373752593994 + ], + [ + "FAN", + -13.847820281982422 + ], + [ + "EML", + -14.401309967041016 + ], + [ + "related", + -12.05862808227539 + ], + [ + "flg", + -14.067917823791504 + ], + [ + "generation", + -13.49248504638672 + ], + [ + "predict", + -14.432010650634766 + ], + [ + "FIELDS", + -13.839609146118164 + ], + [ + "lreadyInited", + -14.297560691833496 + ], + [ + "TRANSACTION", + -13.958504676818848 + ], + [ + "Magic", + -13.83513355255127 + ], + [ + "HIT", + -13.887617111206056 + ], + [ + "SSID", + -14.144685745239258 + ], + [ + "ElementType", + -13.952675819396973 + ], + [ + "TESS", + -14.040887832641602 + ], + [ + "freeze", + -14.043660163879396 + ], + [ + "efree", + -13.343876838684082 + ], + [ + "RDMA", + 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+ -13.736571311950684 + ], + [ + "frontend", + -13.927393913269045 + ], + [ + "CALLBACKS", + -14.027109146118164 + ], + [ + "ole", + -12.663713455200195 + ], + [ + "minimum", + -13.763896942138672 + ], + [ + "xcccccccc", + -14.855962753295898 + ], + [ + "▁becomes", + -12.683184623718262 + ], + [ + "GPS", + -14.136436462402344 + ], + [ + "STRIP", + -14.005497932434082 + ], + [ + "clazz", + -14.011786460876465 + ], + [ + "cpuid", + -13.99114227294922 + ], + [ + "RedisModule", + -14.208186149597168 + ], + [ + "Uart", + -14.244632720947266 + ], + [ + "HYPRE", + -14.294084548950195 + ], + [ + "dss", + -14.22031593322754 + ], + [ + "sgl", + -14.14944076538086 + ], + [ + "OWNER", + -14.01524257659912 + ], + [ + "ShiftMask", + -14.637513160705566 + ], + [ + "ute", + -13.38215160369873 + ], + [ + "uip", + -14.15257740020752 + ], + [ + "SLCR", + -14.47722053527832 + ], + [ + "ECHO", + -13.816617012023926 + ], + [ + "ANCE", + -13.316330909729004 + ], + [ + "Vulkan", + -13.92209243774414 + ], + [ + "ECMA", + -14.100287437438965 + ], + [ + "Lang", + -13.601909637451172 + ], + [ + "Updates", + -13.557571411132812 + ], + [ + "ari", + -12.468710899353027 + ], + [ + "ADT", + -13.875213623046877 + ], + [ + "potential", + -14.747060775756836 + ], + [ + "Divider", + -14.259984970092772 + ], + [ + "rings", + -13.94363498687744 + ], + [ + "HH", + -13.802124977111816 + ], + [ + "FILES", + -13.734983444213867 + ], + [ + "SUSPEND", + -14.060823440551758 + ], + [ + "Vehicle", + -13.972837448120115 + ], + [ + "Clamp", + -14.044513702392578 + ], + [ + "models", + -13.647652626037598 + ], + [ + "memview", + -14.258537292480469 + ], + [ + "NSUInteger", + -13.808826446533203 + ], + [ + "MEGA", + -13.850601196289062 + ], + [ + "FZ", + -14.718202590942385 + ], + [ + "connections", + -13.63774585723877 + ], + [ + "semantic", + -14.635924339294434 + ], + [ + "SIDL", + -14.137564659118652 + ], + [ + "California", + -14.344901084899902 + ], + [ + "Terminate", + -13.731236457824709 + ], + [ + "Green", + 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+ [ + "▁suitable", + -13.265600204467772 + ], + [ + "Tbl", + -14.12997341156006 + ], + [ + "PERM", + -14.176542282104492 + ], + [ + "deg", + -13.77231788635254 + ], + [ + "DLC", + -14.00734806060791 + ], + [ + "OutcomeCallable", + -14.323457717895508 + ], + [ + "Checksum", + -13.990567207336426 + ], + [ + "ich", + -12.781970024108888 + ], + [ + "FIR", + -14.08420181274414 + ], + [ + "LAN", + -13.510624885559082 + ], + [ + "estimate", + -13.817246437072754 + ], + [ + "USES", + -14.11623477935791 + ], + [ + "],&", + -15.649251937866213 + ], + [ + "plist", + -13.74969482421875 + ], + [ + "KM", + -13.542820930480955 + ], + [ + "NACK", + -14.091275215148926 + ], + [ + "ROS", + -14.277559280395508 + ], + [ + "MATERIAL", + -13.728177070617676 + ], + [ + "attention", + -13.194562911987305 + ], + [ + "redo", + -13.59388828277588 + ], + [ + "STDC", + -13.841482162475586 + ], + [ + "****", + -13.480694770812988 + ], + [ + "EFR", + -14.583338737487791 + ], + [ + "lsb", + -14.26272964477539 + ], + [ + "Encoded", + -13.98876667022705 + ], + [ + "IZATION", + -13.537458419799805 + ], + [ + "fcp", + -14.243438720703123 + ], + [ + "ota", + -12.94218921661377 + ], + [ + "Wasm", + -13.950366020202637 + ], + [ + ")|(", + -15.093626022338867 + ], + [ + "nvmf", + -14.270742416381836 + ], + [ + "samp", + -14.220284461975098 + ], + [ + "Aggregate", + -13.924263954162598 + ], + [ + "deallocate", + -14.02064037322998 + ], + [ + "dapm", + -14.36590576171875 + ], + [ + "remarks", + -13.209202766418455 + ], + [ + "OVF", + -14.385722160339355 + ], + [ + "SHM", + -14.025335311889648 + ], + [ + "uninitialized", + -13.95371437072754 + ], + [ + "MCA", + -13.65388011932373 + ], + [ + "[\\\"", + -14.934314727783203 + ], + [ + "conj", + -14.244743347167969 + ], + [ + "▁JNIEXPORT", + -13.73155117034912 + ], + [ + "FALL", + -14.32616901397705 + ], + [ + "getopt", + -13.9570894241333 + ], + [ + "cij", + -13.833606719970703 + ], + [ + "DSL", + -14.202672958374023 + ], + [ + "Maps", + -14.03869915008545 + ], 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+ -13.648944854736328 + ], + [ + "prom", + -13.929048538208008 + ], + [ + "'>'", + -14.023098945617676 + ], + [ + "otg", + -14.400644302368164 + ], + [ + "Acceleration", + -14.118049621582031 + ], + [ + "DTYPE", + -14.1583251953125 + ], + [ + "Arch", + -13.601617813110352 + ], + [ + "publish", + -13.98263931274414 + ], + [ + "inactive", + -14.49830722808838 + ], + [ + "GetProcessHeap", + -14.041790008544922 + ], + [ + "Serializer", + -13.756994247436523 + ], + [ + "dequeue", + -14.046950340270996 + ], + [ + "FFS", + -13.988629341125488 + ], + [ + "MonoMethod", + -13.765812873840332 + ], + [ + "ahd", + -14.547263145446776 + ], + [ + "zd", + -13.54134464263916 + ], + [ + "PDO", + -14.059452056884766 + ], + [ + "▁palloc", + -14.101791381835938 + ], + [ + "vehicle", + -14.753336906433104 + ], + [ + "spacing", + -14.166910171508787 + ], + [ + "sqr", + -14.32595157623291 + ], + [ + "subtree", + -14.1148681640625 + ], + [ + "setsockopt", + -14.225995063781738 + ], + [ + "corrupt", + 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"udc", + -14.102010726928713 + ], + [ + "/>.", + -14.085125923156738 + ], + [ + "MISMATCH", + -14.117486000061035 + ], + [ + "CloseHandle", + -13.534629821777344 + ], + [ + "rehasher", + -14.985983848571776 + ], + [ + "wg", + -13.957852363586426 + ], + [ + "DISC", + -13.178641319274902 + ], + [ + "GRID", + -14.09040641784668 + ], + [ + "segs", + -14.145936965942385 + ], + [ + "COMMENT", + -13.648201942443848 + ], + [ + "ASR", + -14.439607620239258 + ], + [ + "▁...);", + -13.971287727355955 + ], + [ + "infer", + -14.680418968200684 + ], + [ + "PARA", + -13.95210075378418 + ], + [ + "libraries", + -15.090189933776855 + ], + [ + "ADJ", + -14.041426658630373 + ], + [ + "rectangle", + -14.040178298950195 + ], + [ + "tagged", + -13.880826950073242 + ], + [ + "trusted", + -14.241462707519531 + ], + [ + "elts", + -14.056721687316896 + ], + [ + "Mean", + -13.97502613067627 + ], + [ + "IPA", + -13.972289085388184 + ], + [ + "▁problems", + -12.266366958618164 + ], + [ + "BSL", + 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], + [ + "Resp", + -13.744235038757324 + ], + [ + "circuit", + -13.924928665161133 + ], + [ + "GetType", + -13.972081184387209 + ], + [ + "qua", + -13.335294723510742 + ], + [ + "PROCESSOR", + -14.17778778076172 + ], + [ + "fps", + -14.038058280944824 + ], + [ + "Cal", + -13.575739860534668 + ], + [ + "UNAVAILABLE", + -13.97476291656494 + ], + [ + "OAI", + -13.915644645690918 + ], + [ + "NamedFramebuffer", + -14.308622360229492 + ], + [ + "aliases", + -13.853028297424316 + ], + [ + "changes", + -13.715601921081545 + ], + [ + "▁GLchar", + -14.368639945983888 + ], + [ + "▁Ra", + -12.547856330871582 + ], + [ + "docref", + -14.59274959564209 + ], + [ + "METADATA", + -14.110556602478027 + ], + [ + "FOG", + -13.954718589782717 + ], + [ + "IST", + -13.007883071899414 + ], + [ + "▁placed", + -12.622172355651855 + ], + [ + "??", + -13.607159614562988 + ], + [ + "mpt", + -14.11940574645996 + ], + [ + "rtm", + -14.362024307250977 + ], + [ + "expires", + -13.983302116394045 + ], + [ + "atoms", + 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+ ], + [ + "UIImage", + -13.858722686767578 + ], + [ + "LCDC", + -14.959039688110352 + ], + [ + "destructor", + -14.03867530822754 + ], + [ + "owned", + -13.180987358093262 + ], + [ + "polarity", + -14.90388298034668 + ], + [ + "HER", + -14.02336311340332 + ], + [ + "OCTET", + -14.232832908630373 + ], + [ + "ets", + -12.411070823669434 + ], + [ + "clusters", + -14.478365898132324 + ], + [ + "SPIM", + -14.38214874267578 + ], + [ + "Lane", + -14.10696506500244 + ], + [ + "getNum", + -14.010478973388672 + ], + [ + "pDevice", + -14.130165100097656 + ], + [ + "cart", + -13.84363842010498 + ], + [ + "reclaim", + -14.502204895019531 + ], + [ + "information", + -13.696205139160156 + ], + [ + "GNSP", + -14.988301277160645 + ], + [ + "Specification", + -13.800439834594728 + ], + [ + "putchar", + -13.595019340515137 + ], + [ + "oldest", + -14.592866897583008 + ], + [ + "ration", + -13.266331672668455 + ], + [ + "POSSEL", + -15.399641036987305 + ], + [ + "ASS", + -13.41310691833496 + ], + [ + "GPIOTE", + -14.035670280456545 + ], + [ + "LSL", + -14.383399963378906 + ], + [ + "Scratch", + -13.76436710357666 + ], + [ + "CAPI", + -14.040931701660156 + ], + [ + "possible", + -13.840752601623535 + ], + [ + "Universal", + -13.935617446899414 + ], + [ + "IFACE", + -14.19209098815918 + ], + [ + "acadoWorkspace", + -15.591066360473633 + ], + [ + "Led", + -14.206530570983888 + ], + [ + "then", + -12.780083656311035 + ], + [ + "Requires", + -13.855814933776855 + ], + [ + "egress", + -14.325571060180664 + ], + [ + "manifest", + -14.226914405822754 + ], + [ + "CommandList", + -14.113155364990234 + ], + [ + "closureN", + -14.593324661254885 + ], + [ + "PMIC", + -14.4742431640625 + ], + [ + "sapi", + -14.146600723266602 + ], + [ + "▁(@", + -14.037713050842283 + ], + [ + "tpl", + -14.316848754882812 + ], + [ + "gyro", + -14.625946998596191 + ], + [ + "DOCUMENT", + -13.831804275512695 + ], + [ + "Linux", + -13.592576026916504 + ], + [ + "CSD", + -14.37241268157959 + ], + [ + "Act", + 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], + [ + "rop", + -13.757735252380373 + ], + [ + "NPY", + -14.507651329040527 + ], + [ + "``", + -13.8711519241333 + ], + [ + "TTL", + -14.10894012451172 + ], + [ + "▁ends", + -12.86340618133545 + ], + [ + "Chart", + -13.695062637329102 + ], + [ + "PLLSAI", + -14.992073059082031 + ], + [ + "Tap", + -14.066365242004396 + ], + [ + "pNode", + -14.101811408996582 + ], + [ + "ancestor", + -14.840109825134276 + ], + [ + "promise", + -14.242199897766112 + ], + [ + "Parity", + -14.215790748596191 + ], + [ + "smu", + -14.361369132995604 + ], + [ + "Promise", + -13.890480995178224 + ], + [ + "HDF", + -14.170729637145996 + ], + [ + "▁reach", + -12.874732971191406 + ], + [ + "ACM", + -13.963178634643556 + ], + [ + "SWIER", + -15.414091110229492 + ], + [ + "CDR", + -14.39398956298828 + ], + [ + "▁Ha", + -12.161510467529297 + ], + [ + "===", + -14.325616836547852 + ], + [ + "turn", + -13.576574325561523 + ], + [ + "COEFF", + -14.621893882751465 + ], + [ + "NDR", + -14.234270095825195 + ], + [ + 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[ + "vio", + -14.073707580566406 + ], + [ + "Ident", + -13.81227970123291 + ], + [ + "What", + -11.787552833557127 + ], + [ + "Yield", + -13.783327102661133 + ], + [ + "▁((!", + -14.3856782913208 + ], + [ + "▁ARI", + -14.522937774658203 + ], + [ + "▁bounding", + -13.969962120056152 + ], + [ + "DDI", + -14.298892974853516 + ], + [ + "MAPPED", + -14.374755859375 + ], + [ + "PQgetvalue", + -14.461934089660645 + ], + [ + "CGSize", + -14.113386154174805 + ], + [ + "mont", + -12.928492546081545 + ], + [ + "HARDWARE", + -14.198086738586426 + ], + [ + "DTPRS", + -15.270469665527344 + ], + [ + "tcl", + -14.120576858520508 + ], + [ + "SAMPLES", + -14.163512229919434 + ], + [ + "capable", + -14.27898406982422 + ], + [ + "affected", + -15.059188842773438 + ], + [ + "IMPLEMENT", + -13.822830200195312 + ], + [ + "follow", + -13.961119651794434 + ], + [ + "Visibility", + -13.752609252929688 + ], + [ + "CInput", + -14.712684631347656 + ], + [ + "IWM", + -14.139047622680664 + ], + [ + "ARCHIVE", + 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], + [ + "GFP", + -13.970643043518066 + ], + [ + "bounded", + -14.071715354919434 + ], + [ + "newval", + -14.075787544250488 + ], + [ + "ClassName", + -13.855632781982422 + ], + [ + "gum", + -13.84992218017578 + ], + [ + "shard", + -14.188733100891112 + ], + [ + "RESOURCES", + -13.975946426391602 + ], + [ + "Saved", + -13.87486743927002 + ], + [ + "Inf", + -13.530118942260742 + ], + [ + "gil", + -13.544604301452637 + ], + [ + "addrlen", + -14.007089614868164 + ], + [ + "sequential", + -14.58803939819336 + ], + [ + "SCENE", + -14.076224327087402 + ], + [ + "▁regarding", + -12.640751838684082 + ], + [ + "STRONG", + -14.193326950073242 + ], + [ + "Escape", + -13.912999153137209 + ], + [ + "affine", + -14.643228530883787 + ], + [ + "lfs", + -14.465312957763672 + ], + [ + "BLINK", + -14.21084213256836 + ], + [ + "ulate", + -13.961862564086914 + ], + [ + "MPS", + -14.108039855957031 + ], + [ + "PROJECT", + -13.49499797821045 + ], + [ + "▁portion", + -12.993343353271484 + ], + [ + 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+ [ + "GIC", + -14.55514144897461 + ], + [ + "certs", + -14.191670417785645 + ], + [ + "Sat", + -13.874711036682127 + ], + [ + "EVE", + -14.229729652404783 + ], + [ + "LOCKS", + -14.132943153381348 + ], + [ + "ffc", + -14.74828815460205 + ], + [ + "INTRINSIC", + -14.319354057312012 + ], + [ + "Circle", + -13.923384666442873 + ], + [ + "RelationGet", + -14.082440376281738 + ], + [ + "rtt", + -14.400099754333496 + ], + [ + "dio", + -13.46296501159668 + ], + [ + "Drawing", + -13.597521781921388 + ], + [ + "gadget", + -14.107976913452148 + ], + [ + "Sta", + -14.008201599121094 + ], + [ + "VertexBuffer", + -14.174072265625 + ], + [ + "roi", + -13.87928867340088 + ], + [ + "expose", + -15.28727912902832 + ], + [ + "Subject", + -14.071980476379396 + ], + [ + "lck", + -14.198633193969728 + ], + [ + "RDONLY", + -14.239712715148926 + ], + [ + "LINES", + -13.921537399291992 + ], + [ + "pObj", + -14.346135139465332 + ], + [ + "UNITY", + -14.272873878479004 + ], + [ + "ious", + -12.861798286437988 + ], + [ + "MAV", + -14.433003425598145 + ], + [ + "cups", + -14.459324836730955 + ], + [ + "wand", + -13.93592357635498 + ], + [ + "backing", + -14.765935897827148 + ], + [ + "▁printed", + -13.356425285339355 + ], + [ + "execution", + -13.646876335144045 + ], + [ + "▁enables", + -13.712092399597168 + ], + [ + "IAR", + -14.054835319519045 + ], + [ + "OSX", + -14.023268699645996 + ], + [ + "Efi", + -13.958236694335938 + ], + [ + "ime", + -13.431946754455566 + ], + [ + "PublicKey", + -14.157297134399414 + ], + [ + "luma", + -14.351213455200195 + ], + [ + "ethernet", + -14.10017204284668 + ], + [ + "slices", + -14.446139335632324 + ], + [ + "Alg", + -13.549433708190918 + ], + [ + "disconnected", + -14.827119827270508 + ], + [ + "pFile", + -13.939884185791016 + ], + [ + "irp", + -14.185811042785645 + ], + [ + "Provide", + -14.673577308654783 + ], + [ + "codegen", + -14.222372055053713 + ], + [ + "recursion", + -13.943836212158203 + ], + [ + "unreachable", + -13.86400032043457 + ], + [ + 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+ -14.158514976501465 + ], + [ + "Intrinsic", + -14.170923233032228 + ], + [ + "endverbatim", + -12.87911891937256 + ], + [ + "sanitize", + -14.234094619750977 + ], + [ + "DESTROY", + -14.014217376708984 + ], + [ + "cmc", + -14.985756874084473 + ], + [ + "FRM", + -14.480289459228516 + ], + [ + "Unpack", + -14.23713207244873 + ], + [ + "▁thrown", + -13.403210639953612 + ], + [ + "REDIS", + -14.17820167541504 + ], + [ + "CENT", + -14.373587608337402 + ], + [ + "CCA", + -14.00268840789795 + ], + [ + "Submit", + -13.860092163085938 + ], + [ + "ocp", + -14.590765953063965 + ], + [ + "sessions", + -14.313677787780762 + ], + [ + "coverage", + -14.336164474487305 + ], + [ + "▁matter", + -12.265752792358398 + ], + [ + "GEM", + -14.147261619567873 + ], + [ + "pixs", + -14.171711921691896 + ], + [ + "ination", + -13.466901779174805 + ], + [ + "NOPULL", + -14.728572845458984 + ], + [ + "Implementation", + -13.900053977966309 + ], + [ + "afs", + -13.99611473083496 + ], + [ + "DRAM", + 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+ "Reserve", + -13.873456001281738 + ], + [ + "CRS", + -14.374571800231934 + ], + [ + "SAL", + -14.045665740966797 + ], + [ + "RENDERER", + -14.285476684570312 + ], + [ + "SLI", + -14.327759742736816 + ], + [ + "TRNG", + -14.94597339630127 + ], + [ + "LPD", + -14.554265022277832 + ], + [ + "runner", + -13.460078239440918 + ], + [ + "pvt", + -14.333313941955566 + ], + [ + "GPIOB", + -14.297526359558104 + ], + [ + "efm", + -14.122919082641602 + ], + [ + "vap", + -14.403160095214844 + ], + [ + "transmitted", + -15.362988471984863 + ], + [ + "RECEIVE", + -14.254976272583008 + ], + [ + "onic", + -13.697978019714355 + ], + [ + "avio", + -13.963600158691406 + ], + [ + "aj", + -12.668657302856444 + ], + [ + "MW", + -13.946540832519531 + ], + [ + "PDS", + -14.71426010131836 + ], + [ + "prune", + -14.197418212890623 + ], + [ + "PALETTE", + -14.213451385498049 + ], + [ + "***********", + -13.769158363342283 + ], + [ + "opus", + -13.43415641784668 + ], + [ + "SEP", + -13.964303016662598 + ], + [ + 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], + [ + "ALREADY", + -14.127575874328612 + ], + [ + "fusion", + -13.809517860412598 + ], + [ + "PTC", + -14.650118827819824 + ], + [ + "finally", + -14.516326904296877 + ], + [ + "LCK", + -14.546049118041992 + ], + [ + "addReply", + -13.545892715454102 + ], + [ + "quoted", + -14.319111824035645 + ], + [ + "Globals", + -13.80700969696045 + ], + [ + "ArrayType", + -14.054468154907228 + ], + [ + "LFCLKSEL", + -15.538837432861328 + ], + [ + "Listen", + -13.526275634765623 + ], + [ + "IIC", + -14.61484146118164 + ], + [ + "mlme", + -14.496600151062012 + ], + [ + "figure", + -14.061408996582031 + ], + [ + "developer", + -14.16214084625244 + ], + [ + "fseek", + -14.256233215332031 + ], + [ + "mpfr", + -14.42413330078125 + ], + [ + "separated", + -14.743103981018066 + ], + [ + "zy", + -13.15540599822998 + ], + [ + "Endian", + -13.70067310333252 + ], + [ + "clicked", + -14.13752555847168 + ], + [ + "SMT", + -14.256837844848633 + ], + [ + "presence", + -14.83780574798584 + ], + [ + "spu", + 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+ [ + "Trust", + -13.991222381591797 + ], + [ + "▁bail", + -13.230735778808594 + ], + [ + "cab", + -14.170076370239258 + ], + [ + "Deprecated", + -13.874736785888672 + ], + [ + "▁looks", + -12.621685028076172 + ], + [ + "FIXME", + -14.124303817749023 + ], + [ + "▁bufSize", + -14.570974349975586 + ], + [ + "▁semantics", + -13.899685859680176 + ], + [ + "isValid", + -13.902179718017578 + ], + [ + "Trim", + -13.86509132385254 + ], + [ + "Corrupt", + -14.463086128234863 + ], + [ + "]++;", + -13.835174560546877 + ], + [ + "vxlan", + -14.545259475708008 + ], + [ + "acfg", + -14.408842086791992 + ], + [ + "grouping", + -14.641286849975586 + ], + [ + "igraph", + -14.220037460327148 + ], + [ + "dam", + -13.739561080932615 + ], + [ + "subscript", + -14.217065811157228 + ], + [ + "Intent", + -13.741132736206056 + ], + [ + "dwSize", + -14.17714023590088 + ], + [ + "Distribution", + -14.268147468566896 + ], + [ + "PRAGMA", + -14.034139633178713 + ], + [ + "Initializer", + -14.027250289916992 + ], + [ + "ctypedef", + -14.218392372131348 + ], + [ + "InitTypeDef", + -14.050457954406738 + ], + [ + "IOMUXC", + -14.946806907653809 + ], + [ + "▁older", + -12.836135864257812 + ], + [ + "MBR", + -14.344022750854492 + ], + [ + "BATCH", + -14.27935028076172 + ], + [ + "ReadOnly", + -13.971378326416016 + ], + [ + "deletion", + -15.396258354187012 + ], + [ + "BULK", + -14.346735000610352 + ], + [ + "counted", + -14.397418975830078 + ], + [ + "Qualifier", + -13.6663818359375 + ], + [ + "PSEL", + -14.678016662597656 + ], + [ + "BRK", + -14.700629234313965 + ], + [ + "YYDEBUG", + -13.739025115966797 + ], + [ + "directories", + -14.980759620666504 + ], + [ + "▁Therefore", + -12.918462753295898 + ], + [ + "isdigit", + -14.155029296875 + ], + [ + "RASTER", + -14.388142585754396 + ], + [ + "Amm", + -14.273717880249023 + ], + [ + "chrom", + -14.05018711090088 + ], + [ + "▁SCE", + -14.39345932006836 + ], + [ + "HERE", + -14.195074081420898 + ], + [ + "movq", + -14.38442611694336 + ], + [ + "threaded", + -14.048185348510742 + ], + [ + "+---------", + -14.391982078552246 + ], + [ + "TestCase", + -13.822328567504885 + ], + [ + "LogError", + -14.200357437133787 + ], + [ + "utter", + -13.550470352172852 + ], + [ + "Stake", + -13.794384956359863 + ], + [ + "SELECTION", + -14.216297149658203 + ], + [ + "▁'.')", + -14.020049095153809 + ], + [ + "FIRE", + -13.862479209899902 + ], + [ + "WILL", + -15.102508544921877 + ], + [ + "IMPLEMENTED", + -14.017655372619627 + ], + [ + "Needs", + -13.85739040374756 + ], + [ + "aot", + -14.364701271057127 + ], + [ + "endp", + -14.080404281616213 + ], + [ + "lll", + -14.184249877929688 + ], + [ + "▁maskedoff", + -15.52189826965332 + ], + [ + "ODP", + -14.317087173461914 + ], + [ + "discussion", + -13.71693515777588 + ], + [ + "DCMI", + -14.522747993469238 + ], + [ + "Without", + -13.955284118652344 + ], + [ + "WIRE", + -14.001691818237305 + ], + [ + "AIR", + -13.702861785888672 + ], + [ + "tuner", + -14.34930419921875 + ], + [ + "nir", + -14.225668907165527 + ], + [ + "FCR", + -14.51193618774414 + ], + [ + "Replication", + -14.091002464294434 + ], + [ + "EOS", + -14.388110160827637 + ], + [ + "AFIO", + -14.92560863494873 + ], + [ + "Fts", + -14.396933555603027 + ], + [ + "getName", + -13.746219635009766 + ], + [ + "MOTION", + -14.044424057006836 + ], + [ + "Coding", + -13.867120742797852 + ], + [ + "Rsp", + -14.509745597839355 + ], + [ + "medium", + -14.23991870880127 + ], + [ + "ROUTEPEN", + -15.35349178314209 + ], + [ + "VTBL", + -14.356030464172363 + ], + [ + "TexImage", + -14.409954071044922 + ], + [ + "Assume", + -15.240154266357422 + ], + [ + "aper", + -13.896241188049316 + ], + [ + "('\\", + -13.693144798278809 + ], + [ + "Sheet", + -13.511937141418455 + ], + [ + "amqp", + -14.673140525817873 + ], + [ + "AdjustorThunk", + -15.369489669799805 + ], + [ + "Semantic", + -14.023686408996582 + ], + [ + "DHE", + -14.585309028625488 + ], + [ + "stor", + -14.13526439666748 + ], + [ + "Nat", + -14.145892143249512 + ], + [ + "ORIGIN", + -14.457380294799805 + ], + [ + "MER", + -13.804347038269045 + ], + [ + "vacuum", + -14.505241394042969 + ], + [ + "Sphere", + -13.98061180114746 + ], + [ + "Structs", + -13.866583824157717 + ], + [ + "VOS", + -14.575602531433104 + ], + [ + "Goal", + -14.203804969787598 + ], + [ + "TXN", + -14.13249397277832 + ], + [ + "▁_______,", + -16.714311599731445 + ], + [ + "().", + -14.720702171325684 + ], + [ + "Must", + -13.652214050292969 + ], + [ + "UnicodeString", + -14.22118854522705 + ], + [ + "dlc", + -14.610008239746094 + ], + [ + "Dash", + -14.400521278381348 + ], + [ + "TexCoord", + -14.427248001098633 + ], + [ + "TAKE", + -14.008589744567873 + ], + [ + "******/", + -14.537535667419434 + ], + [ + "triangles", + -14.279372215270996 + ], + [ + "IIterable", + -14.99061393737793 + ], + [ + "Percent", + -14.10081386566162 + ], + [ + "▁PGC", + -14.414750099182127 + ], + [ + "atm", + -14.292173385620115 + ], + [ + "recon", + -14.749937057495115 + ], + [ + "rough", + 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-14.204055786132812 + ], + [ + "▁chance", + -12.928321838378906 + ], + [ + "RDB", + -14.419306755065918 + ], + [ + "KK", + -13.605552673339844 + ], + [ + "NodeType", + -14.29195499420166 + ], + [ + "SECT", + -14.283984184265137 + ], + [ + "EPS", + -14.209936141967772 + ], + [ + "continuation", + -14.772431373596191 + ], + [ + "Pins", + -14.218299865722656 + ], + [ + "week", + -13.583559036254885 + ], + [ + "LTDC", + -14.611472129821776 + ], + [ + "fputc", + -14.046710968017578 + ], + [ + "atts", + -14.462200164794922 + ], + [ + "RISING", + -14.64781665802002 + ], + [ + "huff", + -14.486987113952637 + ], + [ + "overridden", + -14.236213684082031 + ], + [ + "pgno", + -14.68109893798828 + ], + [ + "Correct", + -13.887493133544922 + ], + [ + "▁kStatus", + -14.171548843383787 + ], + [ + "BaseClass", + -14.15866470336914 + ], + [ + "EXCL", + -14.322793006896973 + ], + [ + "▁JUCE", + -14.343751907348633 + ], + [ + "iving", + -13.75207233428955 + ], + [ + "▁indicated", + -13.119335174560549 + ], + [ + "IDispatch", + -14.430932998657228 + ], + [ + "PrivateKey", + -14.475547790527344 + ], + [ + "tensors", + -14.335223197937012 + ], + [ + "BufferSubData", + -14.498191833496094 + ], + [ + "Members", + -13.666966438293455 + ], + [ + "ICM", + -14.644399642944336 + ], + [ + "transformed", + -14.974435806274414 + ], + [ + "ImageView", + -13.989298820495604 + ], + [ + "▁ofpbuf", + -14.181056022644045 + ], + [ + "FLL", + -14.919212341308594 + ], + [ + "drawable", + -14.103388786315918 + ], + [ + "PLACE", + -14.078043937683104 + ], + [ + ":%.*]])", + -16.002317428588867 + ], + [ + "Milli", + -14.072895050048828 + ], + [ + "getreg", + -14.577204704284668 + ], + [ + "trail", + -14.570560455322266 + ], + [ + "FOO", + -14.900805473327637 + ], + [ + "strncasecmp", + -14.624797821044922 + ], + [ + "▁supporting", + -13.135516166687012 + ], + [ + "Battle", + -14.078024864196776 + ], + [ + "HUF", + -15.102185249328612 + ], + [ + "VSI", + -14.55310344696045 + ], + [ + "SHT", + -14.579134941101074 + ], + [ + "recipient", + -15.04372787475586 + ], + [ + "Movie", + -14.12407398223877 + ], + [ + "FINISHED", + -14.133127212524414 + ], + [ + "monitoring", + -15.160911560058594 + ], + [ + "setObjectName", + -14.315369606018066 + ], + [ + "VectorType", + -14.374040603637695 + ], + [ + "AVG", + -14.551031112670898 + ], + [ + "AMQP", + -14.77826976776123 + ], + [ + "instructions", + -14.284886360168455 + ], + [ + "THROWS", + -13.922607421875 + ], + [ + "ctlr", + -14.52209186553955 + ], + [ + "Tagged", + -14.374303817749023 + ], + [ + "р", + -14.247306823730469 + ], + [ + "compositor", + -14.487092971801758 + ], + [ + "Appointments", + -14.544347763061523 + ], + [ + "paper", + -13.894701957702637 + ], + [ + "attached", + -14.113999366760254 + ], + [ + "XlaOp", + -14.901236534118652 + ], + [ + "TWIM", + -14.621546745300291 + ], + [ + "Computation", + -14.23889446258545 + ], + [ + "Many", + -13.886587142944336 + ], + [ + "scip", + -14.483295440673828 + ], + [ + "LOperand", + -14.442014694213867 + ], + [ + "ра", + -13.983453750610352 + ], + [ + "QAction", + -13.896402359008787 + ], + [ + "DFS", + -14.232705116271973 + ], + [ + "▁STBT", + -14.713191032409668 + ], + [ + "emulate", + -15.3998441696167 + ], + [ + "Into", + -13.484636306762695 + ], + [ + "PSI", + -14.351927757263184 + ], + [ + "MTK", + -14.337982177734377 + ], + [ + "maskz", + -14.908550262451172 + ], + [ + "Attack", + -14.086100578308104 + ], + [ + "CLOVE", + -13.714767456054688 + ], + [ + "timeline", + -14.93793487548828 + ], + [ + "ATING", + -14.610198974609377 + ], + [ + "Combine", + -14.133106231689451 + ], + [ + "StringPiece", + -14.315632820129396 + ], + [ + "ALI", + -14.40025234222412 + ], + [ + "kOutputs", + -14.903630256652832 + ], + [ + "DIEP", + -15.314094543457031 + ], + [ + "tolower", + -14.42312717437744 + ], + [ + "MEAN", + -13.978655815124512 + ], + [ + "DOES", + -14.425850868225098 + ], + [ + "GPIOD", + -14.564004898071287 + ], + [ + "▁Thus", + -12.740378379821776 + ], + [ + "iidCount", + -14.610754013061523 + ], + [ + "RECOVERY", + -14.429783821105955 + ], + [ + "ATTACH", + -14.410944938659668 + ], + [ + "kms", + -14.62293529510498 + ], + [ + "QQ", + -14.37578296661377 + ], + [ + "mutation", + -14.159308433532717 + ], + [ + "SUPC", + -15.82357692718506 + ], + [ + "SOKOL", + -14.469321250915527 + ], + [ + "PARAMETERIVPROC", + -14.249418258666992 + ], + [ + "milliseconds", + -14.397340774536133 + ], + [ + "aeron", + -14.516900062561035 + ], + [ + "SLAP", + -14.540245056152344 + ], + [ + "▁remains", + -12.658950805664062 + ], + [ + "edEventArgs", + -14.85455322265625 + ], + [ + "movl", + -14.450231552124023 + ], + [ + "vht", + -14.809308052062988 + ], + [ + "FLAT", + -14.304916381835938 + ], + [ + "AVS", + -14.50928020477295 + ], + [ + "mate", + -13.35118293762207 + ], + [ + "offd", + -14.790948867797852 + ], + [ + "xmlXPath", + -14.279218673706056 + ], + [ + "STRVAL", + -14.963770866394045 + ], + [ + "WebKit", + -14.18387508392334 + ], + [ + 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+ ], + [ + "TUNE", + -14.42164421081543 + ], + [ + "ETL", + -14.725156784057615 + ], + [ + "THIRD", + -14.377598762512209 + ], + [ + "AddTraceback", + -14.88846492767334 + ], + [ + "ADMIN", + -14.32036590576172 + ], + [ + "STE", + -14.40712547302246 + ], + [ + "csv", + -13.84804344177246 + ], + [ + "BOD", + -15.068883895874023 + ], + [ + "confirmed", + -14.29102611541748 + ], + [ + "PRIVILEGE", + -14.51512336730957 + ], + [ + "Canonical", + -14.12392234802246 + ], + [ + "brcmf", + -14.652819633483888 + ], + [ + "Wifi", + -14.347408294677734 + ], + [ + "CNTR", + -14.72891902923584 + ], + [ + "oids", + -13.72048568725586 + ], + [ + "sfEvent", + -14.728413581848145 + ], + [ + "VERY", + -14.61444091796875 + ], + [ + "Routing", + -14.122119903564451 + ], + [ + "PARTY", + -14.04556941986084 + ], + [ + "Initialise", + -14.1443510055542 + ], + [ + "Blocking", + -13.981764793395996 + ], + [ + "▁FileCheck", + -15.010981559753418 + ], + [ + "▁SKM", + -15.01750659942627 + ], + [ + "relname", + 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-14.324884414672852 + ], + [ + "bitcoin", + -14.85236644744873 + ], + [ + "LONGLONG", + -14.268868446350098 + ], + [ + "CAPABILITY", + -14.528091430664062 + ], + [ + "OpenMP", + -14.31214714050293 + ], + [ + "serializer", + -14.125077247619627 + ], + [ + "Sense", + -14.42658519744873 + ], + [ + "bmi", + -14.587479591369627 + ], + [ + "osd", + -14.562877655029297 + ], + [ + "IEC", + -14.19717025756836 + ], + [ + "fcinfo", + -14.40491771697998 + ], + [ + "credits", + -14.67103099822998 + ], + [ + "▁VkDeviceSize", + -14.316940307617188 + ], + [ + "LGPL", + -14.218913078308104 + ], + [ + "company", + -13.905329704284668 + ], + [ + "MCF", + -15.54786491394043 + ], + [ + "Wal", + -14.0415620803833 + ], + [ + "ReturnValue", + -14.22042465209961 + ], + [ + "▁idea", + -12.39085865020752 + ], + [ + "Wakeup", + -14.467782020568848 + ], + [ + "JOY", + -14.215081214904783 + ], + [ + "))?", + -14.55497932434082 + ], + [ + "nvram", + -14.550620079040527 + ], + [ + "accurate", + -15.953010559082031 + ], + [ + "CHARGE", + -14.45750331878662 + ], + [ + "OpenSSL", + -14.430380821228027 + ], + [ + "Lost", + -13.54025936126709 + ], + [ + "KeyType", + -14.425026893615724 + ], + [ + "susp", + -14.882975578308104 + ], + [ + "revoke", + -14.938756942749023 + ], + [ + "USBH", + -14.414143562316896 + ], + [ + "GDB", + -14.328869819641112 + ], + [ + "teardown", + -14.268815994262695 + ], + [ + "Simulation", + -14.49187469482422 + ], + [ + "marked", + -13.965706825256348 + ], + [ + "VBUS", + -14.730671882629396 + ], + [ + "flatten", + -14.336963653564451 + ], + [ + "TING", + -13.852384567260742 + ], + [ + "ELKIND", + -14.38646125793457 + ], + [ + "SCRATCH", + -14.669892311096191 + ], + [ + "TOGGLE", + -14.668272972106934 + ], + [ + "addend", + -14.471440315246582 + ], + [ + "fma", + -14.820582389831545 + ], + [ + "Far", + -13.75085735321045 + ], + [ + "creds", + -14.472675323486328 + ], + [ + "Berkeley", + -15.257777214050291 + ], + [ + "▁April", + -11.115697860717772 + ], + [ + "WRP", + 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[ + "GLO", + -14.761701583862305 + ], + [ + "MONTH", + -14.314312934875488 + ], + [ + "OPENGL", + -14.414030075073242 + ], + [ + "Stamp", + -14.373645782470703 + ], + [ + "stash", + -14.4136962890625 + ], + [ + "Coefficient", + -14.42670440673828 + ], + [ + "Regular", + -14.157931327819824 + ], + [ + "zq", + -14.81086540222168 + ], + [ + "LOADER", + -14.469626426696776 + ], + [ + "Desired", + -14.371637344360352 + ], + [ + "▁National", + -10.10079860687256 + ], + [ + "polar", + -14.26943588256836 + ], + [ + "sparc", + -14.50263500213623 + ], + [ + "Consume", + -14.283612251281738 + ], + [ + "BAUDRATE", + -14.635171890258787 + ], + [ + "lseek", + -14.496946334838867 + ], + [ + "UxGT", + -14.83718490600586 + ], + [ + "Jul", + -15.231590270996094 + ], + [ + "regular", + -13.91429328918457 + ], + [ + "IRP", + -14.429577827453612 + ], + [ + "Profiler", + -14.25224781036377 + ], + [ + "intervals", + -15.04194164276123 + ], + [ + "gpl", + -14.618830680847168 + ], + [ + "removal", + 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+ [ + "smime", + -15.227458000183104 + ], + [ + "POINTS", + -14.36258029937744 + ], + [ + "Collector", + -14.077582359313965 + ], + [ + "FASTCALL", + -14.48549461364746 + ], + [ + "PDB", + -14.439931869506836 + ], + [ + "▁exceed", + -14.157590866088867 + ], + [ + "coarse", + -15.057029724121094 + ], + [ + "GetKey", + -14.488288879394531 + ], + [ + "rollback", + -14.251668930053713 + ], + [ + "signer", + -14.676279067993164 + ], + [ + "vram", + -14.564241409301758 + ], + [ + "gravity", + -14.336013793945312 + ], + [ + "bzero", + -14.264019012451172 + ], + [ + "utc", + -14.608762741088867 + ], + [ + "Txn", + -14.409846305847168 + ], + [ + "DeclContext", + -14.344730377197266 + ], + [ + "Person", + -13.87495231628418 + ], + [ + "Transactions", + -14.073575973510742 + ], + [ + "coex", + -14.807876586914062 + ], + [ + "LVAL", + -14.702537536621094 + ], + [ + "▁prescaler", + -14.50605297088623 + ], + [ + "musb", + -14.603715896606444 + ], + [ + "scenario", + -15.257731437683104 + ], + [ + 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+ [ + "dri", + -13.984525680541992 + ], + [ + "decrease", + -15.758163452148438 + ], + [ + "CSecurity", + -15.141852378845217 + ], + [ + "Else", + -14.64177417755127 + ], + [ + "OSPEEDR", + -15.360861778259276 + ], + [ + "later", + -13.39429759979248 + ], + [ + "▁freeing", + -14.325737953186035 + ], + [ + "PixelType", + -14.570980072021484 + ], + [ + "forceinline", + -14.540724754333496 + ], + [ + "Singleton", + -13.954215049743652 + ], + [ + "Persist", + -13.993170738220217 + ], + [ + "INCREMENT", + -14.337775230407717 + ], + [ + "vcc", + -14.589017868041992 + ], + [ + "MBOX", + -14.665253639221191 + ], + [ + "MIO", + -14.510884284973145 + ], + [ + "Rand", + -14.12777328491211 + ], + [ + "Regex", + -14.27842140197754 + ], + [ + "CFR", + -14.712803840637209 + ], + [ + "Epoch", + -14.383338928222656 + ], + [ + "ition", + -13.525823593139648 + ], + [ + "MAILBOX", + -14.761231422424316 + ], + [ + "SUBTYPE", + -14.631346702575684 + ], + [ + "▁';'", + -14.372030258178713 + ], + [ + "vdd", + 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+ [ + "cmos", + -14.879531860351562 + ], + [ + "ancy", + -13.37645435333252 + ], + [ + "PHALCON", + -14.454178810119627 + ], + [ + "MANUAL", + -14.460187911987305 + ], + [ + "▁overwritten", + -14.415868759155272 + ], + [ + "STRVAR", + -14.217327117919922 + ], + [ + "AUXHFRCOCTRL", + -15.778308868408203 + ], + [ + "PRIME", + -14.54647731781006 + ], + [ + "▁DeviceMemory", + -14.54228973388672 + ], + [ + "GetTrustLevel", + -14.698607444763184 + ], + [ + "HYST", + -15.324014663696287 + ], + [ + "Spot", + -14.365899085998535 + ], + [ + "Bot", + -14.146074295043944 + ], + [ + "▁Corp", + -13.65474796295166 + ], + [ + "ALLOCATE", + -14.560464859008787 + ], + [ + "obsolete", + -15.282425880432127 + ], + [ + "itted", + -15.233384132385254 + ], + [ + "Wrapped", + -14.380616188049316 + ], + [ + "DSM", + -14.492959976196287 + ], + [ + "GPB", + -14.86485481262207 + ], + [ + "aware", + -14.637441635131836 + ], + [ + "junction", + -14.577791213989258 + ], + [ + "BDD", + -15.179912567138672 + ], + [ + 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+ ], + [ + "=\\\"%", + -15.332164764404297 + ], + [ + "GetTick", + -14.378133773803713 + ], + [ + "####", + -15.27866554260254 + ], + [ + "но", + -14.040667533874512 + ], + [ + "WAN", + -14.262343406677246 + ], + [ + "wgl", + -14.868867874145508 + ], + [ + "Exponent", + -14.309547424316406 + ], + [ + "INVOKE", + -14.450113296508787 + ], + [ + "METER", + -14.704660415649414 + ], + [ + "GLOBUS", + -14.463397979736328 + ], + [ + "SOFTWARE", + -14.268816947937012 + ], + [ + "OPER", + -14.667510986328123 + ], + [ + "MODULES", + -14.471699714660645 + ], + [ + "GUARDED", + -14.707361221313477 + ], + [ + "OutOf", + -14.004582405090332 + ], + [ + "MDMA", + -14.979599952697754 + ], + [ + "SHOULD", + -14.394248962402344 + ], + [ + "deb", + -14.064987182617188 + ], + [ + "ality", + -13.414029121398926 + ], + [ + "rejected", + -15.51953125 + ], + [ + "ERU", + -15.25644302368164 + ], + [ + "NODES", + -14.61473274230957 + ], + [ + "verbosity", + -14.4439058303833 + ], + [ + "DAAL", + 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+ -14.808910369873049 + ], + [ + "Pivot", + -14.784660339355469 + ], + [ + "deployment", + -15.481792449951172 + ], + [ + "▁manner", + -13.046401023864746 + ], + [ + "MMAL", + -15.15592098236084 + ], + [ + "Modulation", + -15.041748046875 + ], + [ + "▁PyThread", + -15.022581100463867 + ], + [ + "SampleRate", + -15.14777660369873 + ], + [ + "Restricted", + -14.84931755065918 + ], + [ + "suggest", + -15.555830001831056 + ], + [ + "GLee", + -15.64989185333252 + ], + [ + "LessThan", + -14.892210006713867 + ], + [ + "Accessory", + -14.908381462097168 + ], + [ + "hideinitializer", + -14.613082885742188 + ], + [ + "guac", + -15.127832412719728 + ], + [ + "▁recently", + -12.906907081604004 + ], + [ + "Sched", + -14.384434700012209 + ], + [ + "▁SearchSysCache", + -14.989222526550291 + ], + [ + "cumulative", + -15.590829849243164 + ], + [ + "Lifecycle", + -14.79825496673584 + ], + [ + "▁BadSource", + -14.902734756469728 + ], + [ + "Mixed", + -14.462779998779297 + ], + [ + "grain", + -15.002670288085938 + ], + [ + "tilde", + -13.38746452331543 + ], + [ + "▁Nutt", + -14.727434158325195 + ], + [ + "SHCSR", + -16.29886817932129 + ], + [ + "advertising", + -14.95221710205078 + ], + [ + "Debugging", + -14.553295135498049 + ], + [ + "varying", + -15.304141998291016 + ], + [ + "quantity", + -15.077608108520508 + ], + [ + "dvARB", + -15.355572700500488 + ], + [ + "RefCounted", + -14.89510726928711 + ], + [ + "isolation", + -15.383708953857422 + ], + [ + "SOME", + -14.744502067565918 + ], + [ + "Dont", + -14.816620826721191 + ], + [ + "ANALYZE", + -14.817298889160156 + ], + [ + "MULTIPLY", + -15.124900817871094 + ], + [ + "Wznm", + -15.423089981079102 + ], + [ + "tight", + -15.085657119750977 + ], + [ + "NORSRAM", + -15.339953422546388 + ], + [ + "glewVertexAttrib", + -15.025893211364746 + ], + [ + "AsyncHandler", + -16.022668838500977 + ], + [ + "ridge", + -13.24178409576416 + ], + [ + "Ether", + -14.427349090576172 + ], + [ + "explanation", + -16.03013801574707 + ], + [ + "Arbiter", + -15.806655883789062 + ], + [ + "discrete", + -15.52878189086914 + ], + [ + "Advertisement", + -15.467618942260742 + ], + [ + "▁PyMethodDef", + -14.802212715148926 + ], + [ + "CARE", + -14.671570777893066 + ], + [ + "ndlp", + -15.113600730895996 + ], + [ + "Paste", + -14.547727584838867 + ], + [ + "LIMB", + -15.357699394226074 + ], + [ + "Aspect", + -14.162524223327637 + ], + [ + "Optimizer", + -14.871728897094728 + ], + [ + "INTERLEAVE", + -15.263115882873535 + ], + [ + "RECEIVER", + -15.286534309387209 + ], + [ + "```", + -14.84245491027832 + ], + [ + "unimplemented", + -14.980894088745115 + ], + [ + "centroid", + -15.036714553833008 + ], + [ + "▁Univ", + -14.85791301727295 + ], + [ + "Bitrate", + -15.147856712341309 + ], + [ + "copyWithZone", + -14.771390914916992 + ], + [ + "INTENSITY", + -15.066823959350586 + ], + [ + "StateMachine", + -14.975027084350586 + ], + [ + "▁Paul", + -11.479575157165527 + ], + [ + "GPCRC", + -16.2177677154541 + ], + [ + "IGMP", + -14.915311813354492 + ], + [ + "SREQSTATUS", + -16.738990783691406 + ], + [ + "student", + -14.76268196105957 + ], + [ + "MEASUREMENT", + -15.131916999816896 + ], + [ + "CLAUSE", + -15.12216567993164 + ], + [ + "▁causing", + -13.532584190368652 + ], + [ + "GLUE", + -15.162047386169434 + ], + [ + "RESOLVED", + -15.119220733642578 + ], + [ + "zeta", + -14.059211730957031 + ], + [ + "editable", + -14.75938606262207 + ], + [ + "TOPOLOGY", + -15.199440002441406 + ], + [ + "BUFLEN", + -14.928671836853027 + ], + [ + "PointCloud", + -15.209587097167969 + ], + [ + "BitMask", + -15.180153846740724 + ], + [ + "▁VSUB", + -15.239194869995115 + ], + [ + "FTDI", + -15.63247013092041 + ], + [ + "LIKELY", + -15.035435676574709 + ], + [ + "Outgoing", + -14.94676113128662 + ], + [ + "Grammar", + -14.84726333618164 + ], + [ + "EMBED", + -15.094261169433594 + ], + [ + "invalidation", + -15.057029724121094 + ], + [ + "UNREFERENCED", + -14.75533962249756 + ], + [ + "▁licensor", + -14.666543960571287 + ], + [ + "XLogCtl", + -14.961470603942873 + ], + [ + "AFRH", + -16.191558837890625 + ], + [ + "UNMAP", + -15.034109115600586 + ], + [ + "PRUint", + -15.356898307800291 + ], + [ + "modifiable", + -14.956338882446287 + ], + [ + "MARSHAL", + -15.085911750793455 + ], + [ + "▁Electronics", + -13.758163452148438 + ], + [ + "ntups", + -14.767792701721191 + ], + [ + "Preprocessor", + -14.926727294921877 + ], + [ + "ResponseHandler", + -15.262821197509766 + ], + [ + "▁ZigClang", + -15.080462455749512 + ], + [ + "Sequential", + -14.661882400512695 + ], + [ + "AddressBook", + -14.930938720703123 + ], + [ + "classification", + -15.173067092895508 + ], + [ + "SPDIFRX", + -15.374773025512695 + ], + [ + "▁MONGOC", + -14.817963600158691 + ], + [ + "sdvo", + -15.614908218383787 + ], + [ + "reactor", + -15.177756309509276 + ], + [ + "phpdbg", + -15.21404266357422 + ], + [ + "BRACKET", + -15.188653945922852 + ], + [ + "Instantiation", + -14.90985107421875 + ], + [ + "ofdm", + -15.380807876586914 + ], + [ + "planning", + -15.710494041442873 + ], + [ + "opencv", + -14.913700103759766 + ], + [ + "stress", + -14.751154899597168 + ], + [ + "vkCmdSet", + -15.510451316833496 + ], + [ + "▁negated", + -15.006936073303224 + ], + [ + "CALOF", + -16.19142723083496 + ], + [ + "species", + -14.729291915893556 + ], + [ + "technique", + -15.227286338806152 + ], + [ + "LEXER", + -14.943265914916992 + ], + [ + "IgnoreArgument", + -14.465143203735352 + ], + [ + "bake", + -15.481230735778809 + ], + [ + "▁\"*\"", + -14.716614723205566 + ], + [ + "println", + -13.5443754196167 + ], + [ + "initWithCode", + -15.003090858459473 + ], + [ + "Dismiss", + -14.86276626586914 + ], + [ + "▁\"../../../../", + -15.447794914245604 + ], + [ + "SCISSOR", + -15.101835250854492 + ], + [ + "Garbage", + -14.675247192382812 + ], + [ + "funding", + -14.829940795898438 + ], + [ + "Unreachable", + -15.199917793273926 + ], + [ + "Splitter", + -14.878423690795898 + ], + [ + "FCOE", + -15.20938491821289 + ], + [ + "ntStatus", + -14.821459770202637 + ], + [ + "pgoff", + -15.168270111083984 + ], + [ + "UNSAFE", + -15.049399375915527 + ], + [ + "HashEntry", + -14.974974632263184 + ], + [ + "opencl", + -15.117438316345217 + ], + [ + "deriv", + -15.205349922180176 + ], + [ + "linger", + -14.033181190490724 + ], + [ + "Instant", + -14.982894897460938 + ], + [ + "fuchsia", + -15.11999797821045 + ], + [ + "CLOSURE", + -15.020883560180664 + ], + [ + "ORIENTATION", + -15.099327087402344 + ], + [ + "▁came", + -11.840227127075195 + ], + [ + "glLight", + -15.131990432739258 + ], + [ + "WHEEL", + -14.749789237976074 + ], + [ + "Sweep", + -14.67616844177246 + ], + [ + "INJECT", + -15.16600513458252 + ], + [ + "SILICON", + -15.457023620605469 + ], + [ + "MenuBar", + -15.040814399719238 + ], + [ + "glInvalidate", + -15.204253196716309 + ], + [ + "BinOp", + -15.518946647644045 + ], + [ + "feerate", + -15.276841163635254 + ], + [ + "Ota", + -14.836867332458496 + ], + [ + "Trajectory", + -14.987241744995115 + ], + [ + "▁XInternAtom", + -15.342484474182127 + ], + [ + "▁MatchAny", + -15.556941032409668 + ], + [ + "surround", + -16.267995834350586 + ], + [ + "EACCES", + -14.550692558288574 + ], + [ + "offscreen", + -15.199650764465332 + ], + [ + "efficiency", + -15.869186401367188 + ], + [ + "launcher", + -14.510355949401855 + ], + [ + "Holding", + -15.723329544067385 + ], + [ + "Mech", + -14.366333961486816 + ], + [ + "INVOKABLE", + -15.30984878540039 + ], + [ + "VISUAL", + -14.764899253845217 + ], + [ + "▁PATENTS", + -15.009195327758787 + ], + [ + "TRACKING", + -15.14749526977539 + ], + [ + "Asaxpy", + -15.464277267456056 + ], + [ + "PREEMPT", + -15.01918601989746 + ], + [ + "QPushButton", + -14.49302864074707 + ], + [ + "Vacuum", + -14.547691345214844 + ], + [ + "DEVELOP", + -14.684514045715332 + ], + [ + "ResourceOwner", + -14.936702728271484 + ], + [ + "▁somewhere", + -13.774986267089844 + ], + [ + "SUSPENDED", + -15.057889938354492 + ], + [ + "Bump", + -14.632347106933594 + ], + [ + "EWOULDBLOCK", + -14.870964050292969 + ], + [ + "glGetQueryObject", + -15.296051025390623 + ], + [ + "Ember", + -14.24238109588623 + ], + [ + "tyArray", + -15.710515975952148 + ], + [ + "▁GWL", + -15.332962989807127 + ], + [ + "stricmp", + -15.177453994750977 + ], + [ + "deparse", + -15.177170753479004 + ], + [ + "bcmltx", + -15.92951202392578 + ], + [ + "PFNGLPOINT", + -14.91899585723877 + ], + [ + "HDCP", + -15.212468147277832 + ], + [ + "declRange", + -15.81507968902588 + ], + [ + "sticky", + -15.251007080078123 + ], + [ + "EventListener", + -14.336359024047852 + ], + [ + "exponential", + -15.774248123168944 + ], + [ + "AWSString", + -15.093817710876465 + ], + [ + "VIOLATION", + -15.118796348571776 + ], + [ + "RemoteSystems", + -15.731658935546877 + ], + [ + "strncat", + -15.189497947692873 + ], + [ + "▁IPPAPI", + -15.731634140014648 + ], + [ + "decoding", + -14.996439933776855 + ], + [ + "SPAWN", + -15.083765029907228 + ], + [ + "@?$", + -15.809850692749023 + ], + [ + "Insertion", + -14.856202125549316 + ], + [ + "▁Assumes", + -14.99977970123291 + ], + [ + "Interpret", + -14.832966804504396 + ], + [ + "CCPOL", + -16.315048217773438 + ], + [ + "FULLSCREEN", + -15.154438972473145 + ], + [ + "PERIODIC", + -15.126335144042969 + ], + [ + "retire", + -14.988688468933104 + ], + [ + "reiserfs", + -15.089816093444824 + ], + [ + "Decoration", + -14.075980186462402 + ], + [ + "▁Government", + -11.405020713806152 + ], + [ + "Residual", + -15.01193904876709 + ], + [ + "Analyze", + -14.785916328430176 + ], + [ + "maximize", + -15.64684009552002 + ], + [ + "FLEXCAN", + -15.582345008850098 + ], + [ + "FORTRAN", + -14.928756713867188 + ], + [ + "ossim", + -15.128649711608888 + ], + [ + "CKeyID", + -15.084040641784668 + ], + [ + "prescale", + -15.38283634185791 + ], + [ + "FormatProperties", + -15.421446800231934 + ], + [ + "DARK", + -14.732959747314451 + ], + [ + "collective", + -15.409382820129396 + ], + [ + "Finite", + -14.663490295410156 + ], + [ + "Incremental", + 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"▁review", + -12.157712936401367 + ], + [ + "storm", + -13.954874038696287 + ], + [ + "lvds", + -15.349210739135742 + ], + [ + "fffffffffffffff", + -14.883869171142578 + ], + [ + "underscore", + -15.683764457702637 + ], + [ + "▁NXP", + -14.89734935760498 + ], + [ + "TKIP", + -15.162793159484863 + ], + [ + "movapd", + -15.130443572998049 + ], + [ + "fromUtf", + -15.137134552001951 + ], + [ + "FAILING", + -15.464336395263672 + ], + [ + "AsyncResult", + -15.24638557434082 + ], + [ + "Adaptor", + -14.981178283691406 + ], + [ + "COEX", + -15.221741676330566 + ], + [ + "PyByteArray", + -15.451227188110352 + ], + [ + "puArgErr", + -15.306924819946287 + ], + [ + "JEMALLOC", + -14.832805633544922 + ], + [ + "bubble", + -15.307222366333008 + ], + [ + "Approx", + -14.476276397705078 + ], + [ + "Interleave", + -15.115792274475098 + ], + [ + "nanoseconds", + -14.967185020446776 + ], + [ + "indic", + -15.042133331298828 + ], + [ + "NSRange", + -15.207611083984377 + ], + [ + "Orient", + -14.882722854614258 + ], + [ + "lwjgl", + -15.985145568847656 + ], + [ + "International", + -13.90120792388916 + ], + [ + "THERMAL", + -15.100309371948242 + ], + [ + "telemetry", + -15.037924766540527 + ], + [ + "Diagonal", + -14.948882102966309 + ], + [ + "ICorDebug", + -14.882802963256836 + ], + [ + "loose", + -15.18598461151123 + ], + [ + "Customer", + -14.47539234161377 + ], + [ + "STROKE", + -15.145301818847656 + ], + [ + "MaybeMessage", + -15.211092948913574 + ], + [ + "scriptSig", + -15.225748062133787 + ], + [ + "SerialNumber", + -15.037918090820312 + ], + [ + "unsubscribe", + -14.879575729370115 + ], + [ + "discovered", + -14.877365112304688 + ], + [ + "BINOP", + -15.058406829833984 + ], + [ + "Invariant", + -14.763891220092772 + ], + [ + "OverflowError", + -14.731947898864746 + ], + [ + "───", + -16.318164825439453 + ], + [ + "ACTIVATION", + -15.272027969360352 + ], + [ + "TEMPERATURE", + -15.066134452819824 + ], + [ + "OVERLAPPED", + -15.031068801879885 + ], + [ + "▁simultaneously", + -13.975493431091309 + ], + [ + "derivation", + -15.966124534606934 + ], + [ + "▁abstraction", + -14.538113594055176 + ], + [ + "PLAYBACK", + -15.144628524780272 + ], + [ + "jenkins", + -15.5614013671875 + ], + [ + "▁SpvOp", + -15.051197052001951 + ], + [ + "OptionDetails", + -16.2139835357666 + ], + [ + "mutate", + -15.04171657562256 + ], + [ + "sdmmc", + -15.32551383972168 + ], + [ + "THIN", + -14.996746063232422 + ], + [ + "Spent", + -14.849566459655762 + ], + [ + "▁(((((((", + -16.231563568115234 + ], + [ + "▁//===-", + -15.075282096862791 + ], + [ + "MachineInstr", + -15.0169038772583 + ], + [ + "DELAYED", + -15.32198429107666 + ], + [ + "VULKAN", + -15.0177001953125 + ], + [ + "srcBLen", + -15.420089721679688 + ], + [ + "xtensa", + -15.140542984008787 + ], + [ + "skcipher", + -15.157682418823242 + ], + [ + "blkCnt", + -14.617077827453612 + ], + [ + "SLEW", + -15.54651927947998 + ], + [ + "Flatten", + -14.960304260253906 + ], + [ + "TxData", + 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-16.283241271972656 + ], + [ + "MICROBLAZE", + -15.08994960784912 + ], + [ + "VACUUM", + -15.16359043121338 + ], + [ + "▁possibility", + -13.500670433044434 + ], + [ + "▁Remarks", + -13.57174587249756 + ], + [ + "Displacement", + -14.712210655212402 + ], + [ + "▁impact", + -12.666999816894531 + ], + [ + "SHUT", + -14.978272438049316 + ], + [ + "TimeDelta", + -14.88494110107422 + ], + [ + "DTOGEN", + -16.364215850830078 + ], + [ + "comparison", + -14.869866371154783 + ], + [ + "▁replacing", + -13.927921295166016 + ], + [ + "vpfe", + -15.497296333312988 + ], + [ + "Yaw", + -15.033088684082031 + ], + [ + "SWRST", + -15.763569831848145 + ], + [ + "SPEAKER", + -15.160174369812012 + ], + [ + "acquisition", + -15.823871612548828 + ], + [ + "dialect", + -15.236661911010742 + ], + [ + "UPnP", + -15.05465316772461 + ], + [ + "UNINITIALIZED", + -15.054122924804688 + ], + [ + "Collation", + -14.997275352478027 + ], + [ + "GLTF", + -15.162550926208496 + ], + [ + "Symbolic", + -14.765872955322266 + 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], + [ + "Datagram", + -15.101873397827148 + ], + [ + ">>#", + -15.026759147644045 + ], + [ + "usbhost", + -15.254820823669434 + ], + [ + "PyGILState", + -15.169896125793455 + ], + [ + "malformed", + -14.99333953857422 + ], + [ + "FLATBUFFERS", + -15.068575859069824 + ], + [ + "ROcp", + -15.915871620178224 + ], + [ + "SUBLANG", + -15.4118013381958 + ], + [ + "lexical", + -15.647146224975586 + ], + [ + "stuck", + -15.954737663269045 + ], + [ + "Decay", + -14.964982986450195 + ], + [ + "XOESPROC", + -15.146709442138672 + ], + [ + "distrib", + -15.266037940979004 + ], + [ + "LISTVIEW", + -15.422471046447754 + ], + [ + "insensitive", + -14.831360816955566 + ], + [ + "Overview", + -14.84101676940918 + ], + [ + "▁(((((((((", + -16.483156204223633 + ], + [ + "MUXER", + -14.734421730041504 + ], + [ + "Advertising", + -15.407060623168944 + ], + [ + "sustain", + -14.479226112365724 + ], + [ + "contribution", + -16.13522720336914 + ], + [ + "LINKAGE", + -14.973767280578612 + ], + [ + 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-14.35905933380127 + ], + [ + "▁resetting", + -15.049060821533203 + ], + [ + "yyscanner", + -15.209217071533203 + ], + [ + "NONCE", + -15.262903213500977 + ], + [ + "▁Martin", + -11.879377365112305 + ], + [ + "Flutter", + -14.862663269042969 + ], + [ + "zQH", + -16.22701644897461 + ], + [ + "glTextureStorage", + -15.415401458740234 + ], + [ + "MPFR", + -15.286346435546877 + ], + [ + "DEREF", + -14.976662635803224 + ], + [ + "gsDr", + -16.204578399658203 + ], + [ + "BinaryOp", + -15.142457962036133 + ], + [ + "stability", + -14.985884666442873 + ], + [ + "conflicting", + -15.971901893615724 + ], + [ + "▁ofpact", + -15.282230377197266 + ], + [ + "xmlGenericError", + -15.23076629638672 + ], + [ + "Little", + -13.66232967376709 + ], + [ + "TRANSPARENT", + -15.0579252243042 + ], + [ + "promote", + -14.784770011901855 + ], + [ + "Caret", + -14.870416641235352 + ], + [ + "ENFORCE", + -15.149115562438965 + ], + [ + "LLVMInt", + -15.482880592346191 + ], + [ + "rktp", + -15.526251792907717 + ], + [ + "occlusion", + -15.109770774841309 + ], + [ + "▁Synopsis", + -11.996456146240234 + ], + [ + "STRCPY", + -15.087438583374023 + ], + [ + "XMMdq", + -16.09971809387207 + ], + [ + "Spring", + -14.114931106567385 + ], + [ + "▁indirectly", + -14.538137435913086 + ], + [ + "jffs", + -15.360892295837402 + ], + [ + "▁searches", + -14.396247863769531 + ], + [ + "CallbackBridge", + -15.263697624206545 + ], + [ + "GetItemInt", + -15.61921215057373 + ], + [ + "GameController", + -15.3777494430542 + ], + [ + "RDSCH", + -16.335073471069336 + ], + [ + "SCHEDULE", + -14.99720287322998 + ], + [ + "hashMerkleRoot", + -14.827245712280272 + ], + [ + "▁Laboratory", + -13.37310028076172 + ], + [ + "suggestion", + -15.597108840942385 + ], + [ + "derivative", + -14.992791175842283 + ], + [ + "ParameterivEXT", + -15.357463836669922 + ], + [ + "FABRIC", + -15.180418968200684 + ], + [ + "dollar", + -14.79362964630127 + ], + [ + "▁LogMagickEvent", + -15.10140895843506 + ], + [ + "travel", + 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], + [ + "▁epee", + -15.435112953186035 + ], + [ + "SkColor", + -15.265735626220703 + ], + [ + "MIXED", + -15.241033554077148 + ], + [ + "Glob", + -14.799131393432615 + ], + [ + "AUTOMATIC", + -15.244564056396484 + ], + [ + "English", + -12.660955429077148 + ], + [ + "COMBINER", + -15.275644302368164 + ], + [ + "quicly", + -15.688639640808104 + ], + [ + "ordinary", + -15.59038543701172 + ], + [ + "uAssertIntEquals", + -15.063437461853027 + ], + [ + "MacBook", + -15.043972969055176 + ], + [ + "▁SendMessageA", + -15.510629653930664 + ], + [ + "SwapChain", + -14.733126640319824 + ], + [ + "CSRMatrix", + -15.519974708557127 + ], + [ + "ntoa", + -15.405545234680176 + ], + [ + "HFXOCTRL", + -16.50823974609375 + ], + [ + "ppTInfo", + -15.364253044128418 + ], + [ + "Transit", + -15.0477876663208 + ], + [ + "SparseMatrix", + -15.216875076293944 + ], + [ + "libavutil", + -14.64441204071045 + ], + [ + "RichCompare", + -16.02852439880371 + ], + [ + "terrain", + -15.44443130493164 + ], + [ + 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+ ], + [ + "Leader", + -14.482163429260254 + ], + [ + "Propagate", + -15.0988187789917 + ], + [ + "Passphrase", + -15.15797996520996 + ], + [ + "oxygen", + -14.353540420532228 + ], + [ + "Clus", + -15.519657135009766 + ], + [ + "leftstick", + -17.382232666015625 + ], + [ + "DEFERRED", + -15.08902359008789 + ], + [ + "SLIDER", + -15.240981101989746 + ], + [ + "vTaskDelay", + -15.055356979370115 + ], + [ + "nonblocking", + -15.071306228637695 + ], + [ + "standing", + -14.214333534240724 + ], + [ + "ALIBABA", + -15.38393211364746 + ], + [ + "policer", + -15.50383758544922 + ], + [ + "Rasterizer", + -15.27048397064209 + ], + [ + "Visualization", + -14.615034103393556 + ], + [ + "leftover", + -14.879759788513184 + ], + [ + "▁scatterlist", + -14.850021362304688 + ], + [ + "young", + -14.301981925964355 + ], + [ + "ellipse", + -15.067541122436523 + ], + [ + "▁contributed", + -13.3983793258667 + ], + [ + "aperture", + -15.748736381530762 + ], + [ + "IDirectMusic", + -15.403325080871582 + ], + 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], + [ + "CEIL", + -15.358064651489258 + ], + [ + "Suggest", + -14.83192539215088 + ], + [ + "America", + -14.009575843811035 + ], + [ + "EYE", + -14.73415756225586 + ], + [ + "Whitespace", + -14.94512939453125 + ], + [ + "NATURAL", + -15.176203727722168 + ], + [ + "glFogCoord", + -15.32643699645996 + ], + [ + "luminance", + -15.395272254943848 + ], + [ + "CAPITAL", + -15.225424766540527 + ], + [ + "enclosing", + -15.058917999267578 + ], + [ + "PATRIM", + -17.482419967651367 + ], + [ + "headroom", + -15.311049461364746 + ], + [ + "MOVIE", + -14.020301818847656 + ], + [ + "Behaviour", + -13.984248161315918 + ], + [ + "Overridden", + -15.020891189575195 + ], + [ + "▁AccessShareLock", + -15.060471534729004 + ], + [ + "▁Typically", + -14.677679061889648 + ], + [ + "pScrn", + -15.300579071044922 + ], + [ + "▁releasing", + -14.37220859527588 + ], + [ + "▁silently", + -14.624485969543455 + ], + [ + "labelCoinControl", + -15.24146556854248 + ], + [ + "Held", + -14.94333553314209 + ], + [ + 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+ [ + "touchpad", + -15.317280769348145 + ], + [ + "DPLLCTRL", + -16.356531143188477 + ], + [ + "ClearFlag", + -15.419096946716309 + ], + [ + "Explorer", + -14.738658905029297 + ], + [ + "casadi", + -15.926621437072754 + ], + [ + "▁semiring", + -15.208861351013184 + ], + [ + "uiBut", + -15.21236515045166 + ], + [ + "▁MKTAG", + -15.781638145446776 + ], + [ + "similar", + -14.70591640472412 + ], + [ + "Ignoring", + -15.158523559570312 + ], + [ + "extensibility", + -16.005836486816406 + ], + [ + "ASPECT", + -15.564393997192385 + ], + [ + "JOURNAL", + -15.120318412780762 + ], + [ + "BLCKSZ", + -15.496835708618164 + ], + [ + "Enterprise", + -15.27259922027588 + ], + [ + "YCbCr", + -15.439373016357422 + ], + [ + "POISON", + -15.093196868896484 + ], + [ + "simplified", + -16.145362854003906 + ], + [ + "▁trouble", + -13.29605770111084 + ], + [ + "estimator", + -15.541813850402832 + ], + [ + "Gaze", + -14.74392032623291 + ], + [ + "▁PGRES", + -15.306365966796877 + ], + [ + "sequent", + -15.836766242980955 + ], + [ + "HEALTH", + -14.897069931030272 + ], + [ + "octeon", + -15.392732620239258 + ], + [ + "Elastos", + -14.88320255279541 + ], + [ + "TEXTURESTAGE", + -16.6911678314209 + ], + [ + "Cancelled", + -14.141105651855469 + ], + [ + "','_','", + -16.493549346923828 + ], + [ + "dissector", + -15.633373260498049 + ], + [ + "strnlen", + -15.503643035888672 + ], + [ + "ascent", + -15.528350830078123 + ], + [ + "▁frequently", + -13.406942367553713 + ], + [ + "Automatically", + -14.94970703125 + ], + [ + "LAZY", + -15.217144966125488 + ], + [ + "DataFormats", + -15.219802856445312 + ], + [ + "TxPower", + -15.544069290161133 + ], + [ + "MiB", + -15.465582847595217 + ], + [ + "Enforce", + -15.02118682861328 + ], + [ + "cloth", + -14.81978702545166 + ], + [ + "AMDPROC", + -15.459708213806152 + ], + [ + "▁October", + -11.129656791687012 + ], + [ + "Mutation", + -14.68526840209961 + ], + [ + "copies", + -14.853856086730955 + ], + [ + "▁splitting", + -14.612604141235352 + ], + [ + "DETECTED", + -15.416993141174316 + ], + [ + "Lattice", + -14.942349433898926 + ], + [ + "dangerous", + -15.93013858795166 + ], + [ + "glTexStorage", + -15.512782096862791 + ], + [ + "yajl", + -15.349011421203612 + ], + [ + "Stock", + -14.526674270629885 + ], + [ + "invite", + -15.284811973571776 + ], + [ + "Stress", + -15.13111686706543 + ], + [ + "IpAddress", + -15.329480171203612 + ], + [ + "regression", + -15.579360961914062 + ], + [ + "GetDlgItem", + -15.454547882080078 + ], + [ + "BOOTLOADER", + -15.30395793914795 + ], + [ + "Collateral", + -15.136290550231934 + ], + [ + "ALPN", + -15.18121337890625 + ], + [ + "DISCOVER", + -15.223207473754885 + ], + [ + "CENTRAL", + -15.095450401306152 + ], + [ + "Disclaimer", + -15.975605010986328 + ], + [ + "glewStrSame", + -15.74944019317627 + ], + [ + "EEVEE", + -15.557699203491213 + ], + [ + "Changing", + -15.396116256713867 + ], + [ + "Classifier", + -15.047938346862791 + ], + [ + "ESTABLISHED", + -15.15123176574707 + ], + [ + "dependence", + -14.819343566894531 + ], + [ + "▁installation", + -13.713101387023926 + ], + [ + "AstNode", + -15.205195426940918 + ], + [ + "Insight", + -14.47038459777832 + ], + [ + "PADMUX", + -16.441118240356445 + ], + [ + "addcarry", + -16.192501068115234 + ], + [ + "lCopyTexSubImage", + -15.611610412597656 + ], + [ + "ANALYSIS", + -14.419580459594728 + ], + [ + "STRATEGY", + -15.157014846801758 + ], + [ + "official", + -13.738094329833984 + ], + [ + "▁YYSTYPE", + -14.801457405090332 + ], + [ + "▁asmlinkage", + -15.11185073852539 + ], + [ + "Quantization", + -15.2395601272583 + ], + [ + "▁maximal", + -14.572248458862305 + ], + [ + "PassRegistry", + -14.89122200012207 + ], + [ + "SGMII", + -15.520195960998535 + ], + [ + "*********/", + -14.199674606323242 + ], + [ + "▁plainl", + -21.940420150756836 + ], + [ + "Distortion", + -15.05569076538086 + ], + [ + "graceful", + -14.850634574890137 + ], + [ + "▁DICOM", + -15.150455474853516 + ], + [ + "lueprintCallable", + -15.359315872192385 + ], + [ + "OVERHEAD", + -15.43277645111084 + ], + [ + "Integrator", + -15.519892692565918 + ], + [ + "▁Although", + -12.64455795288086 + ], + [ + "▁managing", + -13.917021751403809 + ], + [ + "HalfCpltCallback", + -15.467089653015137 + ], + [ + "historical", + -15.37210178375244 + ], + [ + "inhibit", + -15.428736686706545 + ], + [ + "Market", + -14.82547664642334 + ], + [ + "NativeEnumerated", + -15.076864242553713 + ], + [ + "Ordinal", + -15.128934860229492 + ], + [ + "cooked", + -15.02823543548584 + ], + [ + "raptor", + -14.980328559875488 + ], + [ + "WiFiDirect", + -16.379276275634766 + ], + [ + "CongrLemma", + -16.83653450012207 + ], + [ + "CONTACT", + -14.89510726928711 + ], + [ + "те", + -14.185855865478516 + ], + [ + "increase", + -14.938830375671388 + ], + [ + "Respond", + -14.83382797241211 + ], + [ + "glCompressedTex", + -15.683652877807615 + ], + [ + "TOOLTIP", + -14.728144645690918 + ], + [ + "StructRNA", + -14.795591354370115 + ], + [ + "RaiseArg", + -15.770830154418944 + ], + [ + "Learning", + -14.886153221130373 + ], + [ + "Unaligned", + -15.317728996276855 + ], + [ + "SMBus", + -15.432317733764648 + ], + [ + "Expiration", + -15.075794219970703 + ], + [ + "Distinct", + -14.424994468688965 + ], + [ + "Annotate", + -14.95464038848877 + ], + [ + "fulfill", + -15.925552368164062 + ], + [ + "KRATOS", + -15.247584342956545 + ], + [ + "▁vtkGetMacro", + -14.807324409484863 + ], + [ + "▁glatter", + -16.061683654785156 + ], + [ + "Replicate", + -15.330994606018066 + ], + [ + "PERFCOUNTER", + -15.606928825378418 + ], + [ + "Recommended", + -14.437889099121094 + ], + [ + "emulator", + -16.30378532409668 + ], + [ + "▁-*-===", + -15.444645881652832 + ], + [ + "Greenlet", + -15.956260681152344 + ], + [ + "vchSig", + -15.000499725341797 + ], + [ + "IMPORTABLE", + -15.990484237670898 + ], + [ + "cmsUInt", + -15.506037712097168 + ], + [ + "PFNGLGETTEXTURE", + -15.235705375671388 + ], + [ + "samsung", + -15.238472938537598 + ], + [ + "OblivBit", + -14.98810577392578 + ], + [ + "solicit", + -15.335982322692873 + ], + [ + "FPUEH", + -16.422725677490234 + ], + [ + "nexus", + -15.009693145751951 + ], + [ + "quickfix", + -15.182382583618164 + ], + [ + "grayscale", + -15.176584243774414 + ], + [ + "▁ImRect", + -15.74523639678955 + ], + [ + "SteamGameServer", + -16.561098098754883 + ], + [ + "yyaccept", + -14.551467895507812 + ], + [ + "brigade", + -15.330703735351562 + ], + [ + "TXCSRH", + -15.744768142700195 + ], + [ + "AddIntConstant", + -15.50865077972412 + ], + [ + "UTILITY", + -15.03547477722168 + ], + [ + "flexible", + -15.764514923095703 + ], + [ + "damping", + -15.866097450256348 + ], + [ + "proposal", + -15.585835456848145 + ], + [ + "SUBMIT", + -15.340757369995115 + ], + [ + "LPDIRECT", + -15.48001194000244 + ], + [ + "CRTIMP", + -15.5938081741333 + ], + [ + "xmlRelaxNG", + -15.134060859680176 + ], + [ + "HOWTO", + -15.363554954528809 + ], + [ + "OTYPER", + -15.774951934814451 + ], + [ + "GetWindowLong", + -15.546809196472168 + ], + [ + "Rigid", + -15.14258861541748 + ], + [ + "Disallow", + -15.119134902954102 + ], + [ + "significant", + -14.573090553283691 + ], + [ + "gauge", + -14.71501922607422 + ], + [ + "▁//////", + -14.62831687927246 + ], + [ + "AFFINITY", + -15.203598022460938 + ], + [ + "NORDIC", + -15.568408966064451 + ], + [ + "STUDIO", + -14.220108032226562 + ], + [ + "Migration", + -14.169052124023438 + ], + [ + "opDownAnalyze", + -16.312393188476562 + ], + [ + "hbuck", + -15.21771240234375 + ], + [ + "PERMISSION", + -15.238059043884276 + ], + [ + "electron", + -15.38628101348877 + ], + [ + "ffero", + -15.07511043548584 + ], + [ + "SPAMD", + -15.385327339172363 + ], + [ + "ти", + -14.449893951416016 + ], + [ + "IndPredBelow", + -16.40983009338379 + ], + [ + "Scenario", + -14.644268989562988 + ], + [ + "MOBILE", + -14.953213691711426 + ], + [ + "Instantiate", + -15.125046730041504 + ], + [ + "Mmio", + -15.543608665466309 + ], + [ + "Matte", + -15.483238220214844 + ], + [ + "TypedArray", + -15.274011611938477 + ], + [ + "▁encounter", + -14.190269470214844 + ], + [ + "TEXCOORD", + -15.573495864868164 + ], + [ + "reentrant", + -15.259695053100586 + ], + [ + "keccak", + -15.624478340148926 + ], + [ + "Convention", + -15.009020805358888 + ], + [ + "FINALLY", + -15.03329086303711 + ], + [ + "MonoCompile", + -15.477423667907717 + ], + [ + "TRUSTED", + -15.422979354858398 + ], + [ + "Circuit", + -15.16299057006836 + ], + [ + "Messaging", + -14.982843399047852 + ], + [ + "AVERAGE", + -15.268171310424805 + ], + [ + "explore", + -15.147098541259766 + ], + [ + "UNICAST", + -15.410110473632812 + ], + [ + "▁Uncomment", + -15.134328842163086 + ], + [ + "Unresolved", + -15.095782279968262 + ], + [ + "overloadable", + -15.504364967346191 + ], + [ + "sycl", + -15.732757568359377 + ], + [ + "matte", + -15.190321922302246 + ], + [ + "Compaction", + -15.126418113708496 + ], + [ + "ROCKSDB", + -15.097455024719238 + ], + [ + "NtQuery", + -15.224079132080078 + ], + [ + "liftoff", + -15.369314193725586 + ], + [ + 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+ -15.274089813232422 + ], + [ + "▁repeatedly", + -14.090742111206056 + ], + [ + "▁CScriptNum", + -15.620233535766602 + ], + [ + "RGMII", + -15.64211082458496 + ], + [ + "renegotiation", + -15.239534378051758 + ], + [ + "clust", + -15.660429000854492 + ], + [ + "WriteBarrier", + -15.234107971191406 + ], + [ + "MCInst", + -15.409966468811035 + ], + [ + "infra", + -14.834044456481934 + ], + [ + "something", + -14.201444625854492 + ], + [ + "VOTE", + -15.174015998840332 + ], + [ + "nlohmann", + -15.141770362854004 + ], + [ + "Embedding", + -15.209192276000977 + ], + [ + "Truth", + -14.77196979522705 + ], + [ + "polymorphic", + -16.507389068603516 + ], + [ + "ToolBar", + -15.128599166870115 + ], + [ + "thiz", + -15.454350471496582 + ], + [ + "autovacuum", + -15.256260871887209 + ], + [ + "meson", + -15.218082427978516 + ], + [ + "consider", + -14.650213241577148 + ], + [ + "MONGO", + -15.116654396057127 + ], + [ + "uwsgi", + -15.562477111816406 + ], + [ + "AliAnalysisTask", + -15.383551597595217 + ], + [ + "FACILITY", + -15.316478729248049 + ], + [ + "zeiger", + -15.509811401367188 + ], + [ + "sunxi", + -15.420881271362305 + ], + [ + "rfcomm", + -15.564407348632812 + ], + [ + "cigar", + -15.975513458251951 + ], + [ + "decompose", + -15.936006546020508 + ], + [ + "Revert", + -15.217835426330566 + ], + [ + "animate", + -14.398587226867676 + ], + [ + "FCFuncElement", + -15.420990943908691 + ], + [ + "vMerkleTree", + -15.319595336914062 + ], + [ + "Integrity", + -15.45328140258789 + ], + [ + "quadratic", + -16.25649070739746 + ], + [ + "Updating", + -14.915669441223145 + ], + [ + "Partner", + -15.405404090881348 + ], + [ + "ScrollBar", + -15.161144256591797 + ], + [ + "Successfully", + -15.041391372680664 + ], + [ + "DESIGN", + -14.6992769241333 + ], + [ + "Lowest", + -14.831174850463867 + ], + [ + "SIGMA", + -15.611408233642578 + ], + [ + "DHCSR", + -16.890342712402344 + ], + [ + "PostProcess", + -15.44566822052002 + ], + [ + "CONSTRAINED", + -15.1348876953125 + ], + [ + "VDPAU", + -15.719104766845703 + ], + [ + "SciCall", + -15.449026107788086 + ], + [ + "fvSUN", + -16.03013801574707 + ], + [ + "CFBundle", + -14.995044708251951 + ], + [ + "Flux", + -14.848714828491213 + ], + [ + "UNISTD", + -14.687435150146484 + ], + [ + "Helvetica", + -15.992386817932127 + ], + [ + "TINFL", + -15.74952220916748 + ], + [ + "Consistency", + -14.866958618164062 + ], + [ + "Above", + -15.143095016479492 + ], + [ + "SCHMITT", + -16.631271362304688 + ], + [ + "blitter", + -15.704388618469238 + ], + [ + "Contrast", + -14.934367179870604 + ], + [ + "footprint", + -15.67185115814209 + ], + [ + "wrqu", + -15.427390098571776 + ], + [ + "cortex", + -15.543048858642578 + ], + [ + "USHFRCO", + -16.34506607055664 + ], + [ + "CHROMIUM", + -15.211676597595217 + ], + [ + "symmetry", + -14.87967300415039 + ], + [ + "▁Thomas", + -11.660601615905762 + ], + [ + "UNIPHIER", + -15.541949272155762 + ], + [ + "MyProc", + -15.230706214904783 + ], + [ + "CCIPR", + -16.191991806030273 + ], + [ + "ography", + -12.9529447555542 + ], + [ + "▁wmOperator", + -15.4503812789917 + ], + [ + "▁CORPORATION", + -15.007843017578123 + ], + [ + "Stuff", + -14.928967475891112 + ], + [ + "▁benefit", + -13.271080017089844 + ], + [ + "proposed", + -15.49368381500244 + ], + [ + "ROUTING", + -15.334465980529783 + ], + [ + "GATEWAY", + -15.261704444885254 + ], + [ + "bDescriptorType", + -15.130562782287598 + ], + [ + "FRAMEWORK", + -15.062886238098145 + ], + [ + "modulation", + -15.556768417358398 + ], + [ + "Waveform", + -15.43602466583252 + ], + [ + "SEMANTIC", + -15.433697700500488 + ], + [ + "MAXIMIZE", + -15.53163719177246 + ], + [ + "RangeTblEntry", + -15.032986640930176 + ], + [ + "quorum", + -15.19820499420166 + ], + [ + "vqmovn", + -16.779682159423828 + ], + [ + "Looooooooooo", + -15.536121368408203 + ], + [ + "plpgsql", + -15.272969245910645 + ], + [ + "Geolocation", + -15.53757095336914 + ], + [ + "customize", + -16.173185348510742 + ], + [ + "Deque", + -15.38401985168457 + ], + [ + "wmOperatorType", + -15.253663063049316 + ], + [ + "oooooooooooooong", + -15.52810287475586 + ], + [ + "wikipedia", + -14.710158348083496 + ], + [ + "SPINLOCK", + -15.071200370788574 + ], + [ + "augment", + -15.940942764282228 + ], + [ + "PULLDOWN", + -15.63620376586914 + ], + [ + "MediaPlayback", + -15.677621841430664 + ], + [ + "SIGPIPE", + -15.017355918884276 + ], + [ + "TensorProto", + -15.345463752746582 + ], + [ + "NotNull", + -14.59231662750244 + ], + [ + "PFNGLSAMPLE", + -15.537139892578123 + ], + [ + "profit", + -13.60773754119873 + ], + [ + "CHILDREN", + -15.066637992858888 + ], + [ + "conversation", + -15.74106502532959 + ], + [ + "Slope", + -14.61684513092041 + ], + [ + "Immature", + -15.02846336364746 + ], + [ + "CHROMEOS", + -15.379966735839844 + ], + [ + "Including", + -15.978252410888672 + ], + [ + "ByteToWideChar", + -15.73119831085205 + ], + [ + "quarter", + -13.911643981933594 + ], + [ + "UNIMPLEMENTED", + -15.193605422973633 + ], + [ + "Fluid", + -15.296735763549805 + ], + [ + "Parenthesizer", + -16.268299102783203 + ], + [ + "Interpolator", + -15.319828033447266 + ], + [ + "RegCloseKey", + -14.727339744567873 + ], + [ + "xFFFEFFFF", + -14.08512020111084 + ], + [ + "▁//----------", + -13.51502799987793 + ], + [ + "OrEqual", + -15.294005393981934 + ], + [ + "Revoke", + -15.355376243591309 + ], + [ + "Shade", + -15.188356399536133 + ], + [ + "vxge", + -15.407341957092283 + ], + [ + "UNPREDICTABLE", + -15.249626159667969 + ], + [ + "elektra", + -15.535991668701172 + ], + [ + "MMCSD", + -15.3831787109375 + ], + [ + "Radian", + -15.353602409362791 + ], + [ + "Fuzz", + -14.850641250610352 + ], + [ + "CompareExchange", + -15.542899131774902 + ], + [ + "flipped", + -16.036558151245117 + ], + [ + "EGRESS", + -15.751129150390623 + ], + [ + "inferior", + -15.62784194946289 + ], + [ + "openairinterface", + -15.773839950561523 + ], + [ + "movaps", + -15.265868186950684 + ], + [ + "▁nBlockHeight", + -15.281941413879396 + ], + [ + "▁GTLRCloud", + -15.202885627746582 + ], + [ + "applied", + -14.88366413116455 + ], + [ + "CompletionQueue", + -16.09891700744629 + ], + [ + "─", + -15.402779579162598 + ], + [ + "attitude", + -15.658438682556152 + ], + [ + "coercion", + -16.162498474121094 + ], + [ + "Stipple", + -15.444003105163574 + ], + [ + "Succeed", + -14.947595596313477 + ], + [ + "WatchOnly", + -15.186416625976562 + ], + [ + "Uncontrolled", + -15.646656036376951 + ], + [ + "Coarse", + -15.265860557556152 + ], + [ + "Haptic", + -15.44072723388672 + ], + [ + "WORKAROUND", + -15.321085929870604 + ], + [ + "shutting", + -16.203054428100586 + ], + [ + "DEMAND", + -15.36369514465332 + ], + [ + "BitRot", + -16.618478775024414 + ], + [ + "PreCallValidate", + -15.212517738342283 + ], + [ + "Deletion", + -15.143951416015623 + ], + [ + "Reservation", + -15.357860565185549 + ], + [ + "©", + -14.525390625 + ], + [ + "▁his", + -9.539395332336426 + ], + [ + "▁he", + -9.707375526428224 + ], + [ + "▁A", + -8.542024612426758 + ], + [ + "’", + -9.753658294677734 + ], + [ + "▁He", + -9.89710807800293 + ], + [ + "–", + -8.970937728881836 + ], + [ + "▁her", + -10.2760591506958 + ], + [ + ").", + -9.388896942138672 + ], + [ + "▁who", + -10.099135398864746 + ], + [ + "▁–", + -9.043389320373535 + ], + [ + "▁she", + -10.569899559020996 + ], + [ + "▁people", + -8.608887672424316 + ], + [ + "▁References", + -6.9202680587768555 + ], + [ + "▁S", + -9.55215835571289 + ], + [ + "▁American", + -8.989838600158691 + ], + [ + "▁New", + -9.58656883239746 + ], + [ + ".\"", + -9.828027725219728 + ], + [ + "▁him", + -10.651922225952148 + ], + [ + "▁C", + -9.476877212524414 + ], + [ + "▁“", + -10.41454029083252 + ], + [ + "_{", + -11.735300064086914 + ], + [ + "▁said", + -10.307221412658691 + ], + [ + "▁[", + -10.082013130187988 + ], + [ + "▁B", + -9.85663890838623 + ], + [ + "▁years", + -10.553570747375488 + ], + [ + " ", + -11.126773834228516 + ], + [ + "▁$\\", + -11.632057189941406 + ], + [ + "▁U", + -10.2532958984375 + ], + [ + "▁P", + -9.895625114440918 + ], + [ + "▁F", + -9.966766357421877 + ], + [ + "▁She", + -10.88500690460205 + ], + [ + "▁M", + -10.000082015991213 + ], + [ + "▁me", + -10.622095108032228 + ], + [ + "▁D", + -10.003778457641602 + ], + [ + "▁E", + -9.964317321777344 + ], + [ + "▁year", + -11.109636306762695 + ], + [ + "▁States", + -9.880651473999023 + ], + [ + "▁R", + -10.141098976135254 + ], + [ + "▁L", + -10.08390998840332 + ], + [ + "▁players", + -8.926325798034668 + ], + [ + "▁links", + -7.999880790710449 + ], + [ + "▁G", + -10.14922332763672 + ], + [ + "▁name", + -9.994495391845703 + ], + [ + "▁J", + -10.354850769042969 + ], + [ + "▁team", + -10.953085899353027 + ], + [ + "▁season", + -10.985745429992676 + ], + [ + "▁film", + -10.66195297241211 + ], + [ + "▁H", + -10.404787063598633 + ], + [ + "{\\", + -11.322514533996582 + ], + [ + "▁life", + -9.53090476989746 + ], + [ + "▁World", + -10.160731315612791 + ], + [ + "▁Let", + -11.288395881652832 + ], + [ + "▁O", + -10.451987266540527 + ], + [ + "▁After", + -11.288291931152344 + ], + [ + "▁case", + -9.647171974182127 + ], + [ + "▁family", + -11.011743545532228 + ], + [ + "▁became", + -11.590147972106934 + ], + [ + "▁series", + -10.584235191345217 + ], + [ + "▁—", + -10.733717918395996 + ], + [ + "▁p", + -9.52591609954834 + ], + [ + "▁John", + -10.55379867553711 + ], + [ + "▁County", + -9.967138290405272 + ], + [ + "▁York", + -10.526983261108398 + ], + [ + "—", + -11.229454040527344 + ], + [ + "▁South", + -10.249030113220217 + ], + [ + "}\\", + -11.425634384155272 + ], + [ + "▁To", + -10.963266372680664 + ], + [ + "▁At", + -11.325526237487791 + ], + [ + "▁day", + -11.394302368164062 + ], + [ + "▁State", + -10.705710411071776 + ], + [ + "▁War", + -10.44406032562256 + ], + [ + "▁school", + -11.410386085510254 + ], + [ + "▁School", + -10.2808837890625 + ], + [ + "▁[@", + -12.713435173034668 + ], + [ + "▁March", + -11.006608963012695 + ], + [ + "▁V", + -10.198144912719728 + ], + [ + "”", + -11.163509368896484 + ], + [ + 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"▁motion", + -12.400388717651367 + ], + [ + "▁Chicago", + -11.74124813079834 + ], + [ + "bib", + -13.566832542419434 + ], + [ + "▁Virginia", + -11.527860641479492 + ], + [ + "▁Brown", + -11.910642623901367 + ], + [ + "▁Hill", + -11.999062538146973 + ], + [ + "▁Car", + -11.862727165222168 + ], + [ + "▁proposed", + -12.88672924041748 + ], + [ + "American", + -11.151537895202637 + ], + [ + "▁stations", + -11.223220825195312 + ], + [ + "▁act", + -12.674373626708984 + ], + [ + "í", + -12.29239273071289 + ], + [ + "▁inter", + -12.53863525390625 + ], + [ + "▁competition", + -12.543741226196287 + ], + [ + "▁score", + -12.40390968322754 + ], + [ + "▁basis", + -12.574286460876465 + ], + [ + "▁activities", + -12.219881057739258 + ], + [ + "▁Board", + -12.02138614654541 + ], + [ + "▁u", + -10.483437538146973 + ], + [ + "▁fourth", + -12.829345703125 + ], + [ + "▁En", + -12.031594276428224 + ], + [ + "▁Sir", + -12.230758666992188 + ], + [ + "▁temperature", + -12.840126991271973 + ], + [ + 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+ ], + [ + "▁Post", + -11.379908561706545 + ], + [ + "▁parents", + -12.883423805236816 + ], + [ + "▁Se", + -11.915655136108398 + ], + [ + "▁financial", + -12.741923332214355 + ], + [ + "▁influence", + -12.816394805908203 + ], + [ + "▁Olympic", + -11.08575439453125 + ], + [ + "ä", + -12.926206588745115 + ], + [ + "▁Under", + -12.272621154785156 + ], + [ + "▁news", + -12.409785270690918 + ], + [ + "▁scored", + -12.51059913635254 + ], + [ + "▁highly", + -13.032008171081545 + ], + [ + "▁tournament", + -12.305237770080566 + ], + [ + "▁featured", + -12.817300796508787 + ], + [ + "▁computer", + -12.448928833007812 + ], + [ + "▁Pan", + -11.88554859161377 + ], + [ + "▁attention", + -13.02092456817627 + ], + [ + "▁carried", + -13.034112930297852 + ], + [ + "ford", + -12.09520435333252 + ], + [ + "▁parties", + -11.974284172058104 + ], + [ + "\\_", + -14.218520164489746 + ], + [ + "▁traditional", + -12.946141242980955 + ], + [ + "▁Greek", + -11.907764434814451 + ], + [ + "▁del", + 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], + [ + "▁Championships", + -11.42201328277588 + ], + [ + "▁map", + -11.564062118530272 + ], + [ + "▁Bill", + -12.133770942687988 + ], + [ + "▁$(", + -12.77992820739746 + ], + [ + "▁Career", + -9.592734336853027 + ], + [ + "▁Province", + -11.619264602661133 + ], + [ + "▁drug", + -13.066044807434082 + ], + [ + "▁finally", + -12.647372245788574 + ], + [ + "▁acid", + -13.29265022277832 + ], + [ + "▁variety", + -12.996471405029297 + ], + [ + "▁Battle", + -11.949316024780272 + ], + [ + "▁Historic", + -11.476616859436035 + ], + [ + "▁Mount", + -12.475927352905272 + ], + [ + "▁plays", + -12.144219398498535 + ], + [ + "▁Northern", + -11.90907096862793 + ], + [ + "▁Mac", + -12.07585906982422 + ], + [ + "▁offer", + -12.875677108764648 + ], + [ + "▁ended", + -13.044598579406738 + ], + [ + "▁letter", + -12.62794303894043 + ], + [ + "▁railway", + -12.2218017578125 + ], + [ + "▁writers", + -10.908370971679688 + ], + [ + "]\\]", + -14.088274002075195 + ], + [ + "▁Sam", + -12.18738079071045 + ], + [ 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+ [ + "▁questions", + -12.544628143310549 + ], + [ + "▁Big", + -12.103675842285156 + ], + [ + "▁edition", + -12.602548599243164 + ], + [ + "▁heard", + -12.683401107788086 + ], + [ + "▁Louis", + -12.249258995056152 + ], + [ + "▁winning", + -13.23110008239746 + ], + [ + "▁fight", + -13.125432968139648 + ], + [ + "▁figure", + -12.704629898071287 + ], + [ + "▁administration", + -12.592466354370115 + ], + [ + "▁guitar", + -11.725896835327148 + ], + [ + "▁brain", + -13.161873817443848 + ], + [ + "▁Times", + -12.474491119384766 + ], + [ + "▁Per", + -12.215839385986328 + ], + [ + "▁metal", + -12.801874160766602 + ], + [ + "▁income", + -13.257885932922363 + ], + [ + "▁senior", + -13.005916595458984 + ], + [ + "▁Sa", + -12.065425872802734 + ], + [ + "▁island", + -13.101651191711426 + ], + [ + "▁civil", + -12.500435829162598 + ], + [ + "▁attended", + -13.112772941589355 + ], + [ + "▁easy", + -12.687785148620604 + ], + [ + "▁morning", + -12.719188690185549 + ], + [ + "▁Radio", + 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-11.5484619140625 + ], + [ + "▁remain", + -12.81496810913086 + ], + [ + "▁contrast", + -13.377412796020508 + ], + [ + "▁Dan", + -12.29263687133789 + ], + [ + "▁stories", + -12.674848556518556 + ], + [ + "▁covered", + -12.894927024841309 + ], + [ + "▁travel", + -12.843506813049316 + ], + [ + "▁seasons", + -11.708758354187012 + ], + [ + "▁marriage", + -13.04893398284912 + ], + [ + "▁judgment", + -12.644220352172852 + ], + [ + "▁note", + -12.810662269592283 + ], + [ + "▁Republican", + -12.27206802368164 + ], + [ + "▁census", + -12.594862937927246 + ], + [ + "▁Despite", + -13.424079895019531 + ], + [ + "▁vehicle", + -12.891780853271484 + ], + [ + "▁tour", + -13.14266872406006 + ], + [ + "▁park", + -13.24134922027588 + ], + [ + "▁regions", + -12.899166107177734 + ], + [ + "▁association", + -12.555434226989746 + ], + [ + "▁workers", + -13.03900909423828 + ], + [ + "▁vs", + -11.76630973815918 + ], + [ + "▁Asia", + -11.749534606933594 + ], + [ + "era", + -12.033193588256836 + ], + [ + "▁±", + -14.04820156097412 + ], + [ + "▁professor", + -12.975640296936035 + ], + [ + "▁(\"", + -12.933321952819824 + ], + [ + "▁communities", + -11.956418991088867 + ], + [ + "Ñ", + -14.819037437438965 + ], + [ + "▁choice", + -12.870617866516112 + ], + [ + "▁learning", + -12.93515968322754 + ], + [ + "▁defense", + -13.003467559814451 + ], + [ + "▁typically", + -13.082045555114746 + ], + [ + "▁Ni", + -12.426522254943848 + ], + [ + "▁suggested", + -13.23559284210205 + ], + [ + "▁News", + -11.830530166625977 + ], + [ + "▁Even", + -12.956825256347656 + ], + [ + "▁sex", + -13.272207260131836 + ], + [ + "▁Field", + -11.767977714538574 + ], + [ + "▁Lu", + -12.363618850708008 + ], + [ + "▁semi", + -13.081729888916016 + ], + [ + "▁literature", + -12.308297157287598 + ], + [ + "▁paid", + -13.116290092468262 + ], + [ + "▁Scott", + -12.264145851135254 + ], + [ + "▁Hospital", + -12.282215118408203 + ], + [ + "He", + -12.285683631896973 + ], + [ + "▁train", + -13.112377166748049 + ], + [ + "▁Prince", + -12.47573184967041 + ], + [ + "▁mentioned", + -12.98468780517578 + ], + [ + "▁Jan", + -12.367034912109377 + ], + [ + "▁Queen", + -12.45984172821045 + ], + [ + "▁relatively", + -13.374506950378418 + ], + [ + "▁genes", + -13.926737785339355 + ], + [ + "▁Te", + -12.3871431350708 + ], + [ + "▁Illinois", + -11.712574005126951 + ], + [ + "▁Pacific", + -12.461358070373535 + ], + [ + "▁minor", + -12.57184600830078 + ], + [ + "▁Section", + -11.954593658447266 + ], + [ + "▁interview", + -12.839693069458008 + ], + [ + "▁Federal", + -12.247556686401367 + ], + [ + "qui", + -12.41160011291504 + ], + [ + "▁Sports", + -11.299871444702148 + ], + [ + "▁confirmed", + -13.28477954864502 + ], + [ + "▁box", + -12.73827838897705 + ], + [ + "▁Director", + -12.297800064086914 + ], + [ + "▁victory", + -13.31083869934082 + ], + [ + "▁combined", + -12.962233543395996 + ], + [ + "ney", + -12.448566436767578 + ], + [ + "▁reports", + -12.780966758728027 + ], + [ + "▁Book", + -12.10646152496338 + ], + [ + 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[ + "▁null", + -11.372892379760742 + ], + [ + "▁Cir", + -13.150880813598633 + ], + [ + "▁Station", + -11.944272994995115 + ], + [ + "▁operated", + -13.175592422485352 + ], + [ + "▁girl", + -12.977181434631348 + ], + [ + ")/", + -12.202956199645996 + ], + [ + "▁core", + -12.57089614868164 + ], + [ + "fer", + -12.68849754333496 + ], + [ + "▁Joe", + -12.299589157104492 + ], + [ + "▁ordered", + -12.995579719543455 + ], + [ + "▁Polish", + -11.935094833374023 + ], + [ + "▁footballer", + -12.17615795135498 + ], + [ + "▁piece", + -13.129207611083984 + ], + [ + "▁Before", + -12.61721420288086 + ], + [ + "▁Members", + -11.178414344787598 + ], + [ + "▁hearing", + -12.963367462158203 + ], + [ + "▁operating", + -12.772929191589355 + ], + [ + "▁concept", + -13.044679641723633 + ], + [ + "▁leaders", + -12.551868438720703 + ], + [ + "▁Special", + -11.77453899383545 + ], + [ + "▁Just", + -12.380413055419922 + ], + [ + "▁Jean", + -12.464113235473633 + ], + [ + "▁Pa", + -12.267306327819824 + ], + [ + "▁Cal", + -12.596635818481444 + ], + [ + "▁Poland", + -12.125882148742676 + ], + [ + "▁Ne", + -12.465753555297852 + ], + [ + "▁understanding", + -13.168577194213867 + ], + [ + "▁Social", + -11.966510772705078 + ], + [ + "▁filed", + -12.945524215698242 + ], + [ + "▁Little", + -12.237844467163086 + ], + [ + "▁pp", + -12.693257331848145 + ], + [ + "▁Final", + -10.974352836608888 + ], + [ + "▁personnel", + -11.509658813476562 + ], + [ + "▁ships", + -12.399109840393066 + ], + [ + "▁Po", + -12.47779369354248 + ], + [ + "▁Cor", + -12.464860916137695 + ], + [ + "▁Vol", + -12.101149559020996 + ], + [ + "ven", + -12.92454433441162 + ], + [ + "](", + -12.768774032592772 + ], + [ + "▁regional", + -13.171913146972656 + ], + [ + "▁Ge", + -12.62002182006836 + ], + [ + "▁Bi", + -12.059080123901367 + ], + [ + "▁Gar", + -12.613468170166016 + ], + [ + "▁politicians", + -11.236400604248049 + ], + [ + "▁gun", + -13.393686294555664 + ], + [ + "▁resistance", + -13.25681972503662 + ], + [ + "▁reaction", + 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[ + "▁Prime", + -12.663222312927246 + ], + [ + "▁fifth", + -13.339505195617676 + ], + [ + "▁hear", + -13.019794464111328 + ], + [ + "▁tissue", + -13.845697402954102 + ], + [ + "▁assistant", + -12.840154647827148 + ], + [ + "▁Live", + -11.80704402923584 + ], + [ + "▁articles", + -12.291787147521973 + ], + [ + "ene", + -12.749608039855955 + ], + [ + "▁Governor", + -12.766643524169922 + ], + [ + "▁pretty", + -12.832222938537598 + ], + [ + "æ", + -13.307783126831056 + ], + [ + "▁joint", + -13.20038890838623 + ], + [ + "▁commonly", + -13.382157325744627 + ], + [ + "Omega", + -13.468168258666992 + ], + [ + "▁dance", + -12.969225883483888 + ], + [ + "▁perhaps", + -13.13092041015625 + ], + [ + "▁resulted", + -13.623373031616213 + ], + [ + "▁poly", + -13.09514331817627 + ], + [ + "▁straight", + -13.195852279663086 + ], + [ + "▁medal", + -13.031131744384766 + ], + [ + "▁traffic", + -12.999319076538086 + ], + [ + "▁widely", + -13.537107467651367 + ], + [ + "▁twenty", + -13.262092590332031 + ], + 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"▁principal", + -13.26442527770996 + ], + [ + "▁Which", + -12.659421920776367 + ], + [ + "ë", + -13.239908218383787 + ], + [ + "▁committee", + -13.429227828979492 + ], + [ + "▁vector", + -11.721624374389648 + ], + [ + "▁brief", + -15.395585060119627 + ], + [ + "▁focused", + -13.526442527770996 + ], + [ + " \\[", + -14.08461856842041 + ], + [ + "▁continues", + -13.086978912353516 + ], + [ + "▁Main", + -11.649092674255373 + ], + [ + "▁Mal", + -12.678242683410645 + ], + [ + "▁Pakistan", + -12.354580879211426 + ], + [ + "▁Solve", + -12.837517738342283 + ], + [ + "▁Yu", + -12.746893882751465 + ], + [ + "▁programming", + -12.138246536254885 + ], + [ + "▁Studies", + -12.692626953125 + ], + [ + "▁Mexican", + -12.191411018371582 + ], + [ + "▁Books", + -11.307957649230955 + ], + [ + "▁Stephen", + -12.633209228515623 + ], + [ + "▁Wall", + -12.705293655395508 + ], + [ + "▁employed", + -13.66038703918457 + ], + [ + "▁Ontario", + -12.19203758239746 + ], + [ + "▁expatriate", + -11.04660987854004 + ], 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-12.904096603393556 + ], + [ + "▁consistent", + -13.223172187805176 + ], + [ + "▁Ali", + -12.424383163452148 + ], + [ + "}=", + -14.281155586242676 + ], + [ + "▁Fox", + -12.74211597442627 + ], + [ + "gan", + -12.846921920776367 + ], + [ + "▁tools", + -12.933449745178224 + ], + [ + "▁tumor", + -14.188899040222168 + ], + [ + "▁Wisconsin", + -12.030380249023438 + ], + [ + "▁fans", + -13.595637321472168 + ], + [ + "tus", + -12.596321105957031 + ], + [ + "▁prominent", + -13.588601112365724 + ], + [ + "▁visual", + -13.407925605773926 + ], + [ + "▁Anti", + -12.317255020141602 + ], + [ + "▁violence", + -13.2829008102417 + ], + [ + "▁acts", + -13.255166053771973 + ], + [ + "▁girls", + -13.415157318115234 + ], + [ + "▁organized", + -13.504676818847656 + ], + [ + "▁Mrs", + -12.713415145874023 + ], + [ + "▁secret", + -13.074922561645508 + ], + [ + "▁attacks", + -13.27029037475586 + ], + [ + "▁stood", + -13.291824340820312 + ], + [ + "▁les", + -14.920907974243164 + ], + [ + "▁greatest", + 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"▁authorities", + -13.369009971618652 + ], + [ + "▁unable", + -13.325523376464844 + ], + [ + "▁suggests", + -13.721611976623535 + ], + [ + "▁captured", + -13.450252532958984 + ], + [ + "▁Judge", + -12.514251708984377 + ], + [ + "]^", + -14.390633583068848 + ], + [ + "▁IV", + -12.561932563781738 + ], + [ + "▁agency", + -13.192781448364258 + ], + [ + "▁driving", + -13.468218803405762 + ], + [ + "▁rare", + -13.418286323547363 + ], + [ + "▁Rome", + -12.869811058044434 + ], + [ + "▁roles", + -13.115646362304688 + ], + [ + "▁graduated", + -13.591320037841797 + ], + [ + "▁reality", + -13.139423370361328 + ], + [ + "▁advantage", + -13.414799690246582 + ], + [ + "tel", + -12.990886688232422 + ], + [ + "▁urban", + -13.555108070373535 + ], + [ + "|\\", + -13.319626808166504 + ], + [ + "▁mountain", + -13.219245910644531 + ], + [ + "▁establish", + -13.651289939880373 + ], + [ + "▁broad", + -13.567002296447754 + ], + [ + "▁languages", + -12.45534610748291 + ], + [ + "▁winter", + -13.543594360351562 + ], + [ + "▁figures", + -13.202773094177246 + ], + [ + "▁demand", + -13.38404655456543 + ], + [ + "▁Stone", + -12.705463409423828 + ], + [ + "▁discussed", + -13.515438079833984 + ], + [ + "▁Ab", + -12.709983825683594 + ], + [ + "}$.", + -13.633482933044434 + ], + [ + "▁chemical", + -13.70931911468506 + ], + [ + "▁interests", + -12.62986660003662 + ], + [ + "▁peak", + -13.743081092834473 + ], + [ + "▁wind", + -13.454323768615724 + ], + [ + "▁Kim", + -12.72249984741211 + ], + [ + "▁younger", + -13.557601928710938 + ], + [ + "▁whereas", + -13.81344223022461 + ], + [ + "▁fighting", + -13.554030418395996 + ], + [ + "▁Dar", + -12.985053062438965 + ], + [ + "▁technical", + -13.31130313873291 + ], + [ + "▁define", + -12.781720161437988 + ], + [ + "▁Castle", + -12.544855117797852 + ], + [ + " [@", + -14.49622917175293 + ], + [ + "ú", + -12.758716583251951 + ], + [ + "ida", + -12.442083358764648 + ], + [ + "elle", + -13.038043975830078 + ], + [ + "▁sides", + -13.423651695251465 + ], + [ + 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[ + "▁launch", + -13.30107879638672 + ], + [ + "ken", + -12.772323608398438 + ], + [ + "▁Baseball", + -11.666866302490234 + ], + [ + "▁Township", + -11.953553199768066 + ], + [ + "▁Christmas", + -12.689316749572754 + ], + [ + "▁mental", + -13.614574432373049 + ], + [ + "▁audience", + -13.628643989562988 + ], + [ + "▁surgery", + -13.626075744628906 + ], + [ + "▁teaching", + -13.450642585754396 + ], + [ + "▁Hi", + -12.376566886901855 + ], + [ + "▁Space", + -12.63754653930664 + ], + [ + "▁pieces", + -13.254411697387695 + ], + [ + ";\"", + -11.53196620941162 + ], + [ + ")=", + -13.285906791687012 + ], + [ + "▁Peak", + -12.871928215026855 + ], + [ + "▁leg", + -13.188249588012695 + ], + [ + "▁Design", + -11.552674293518066 + ], + [ + "▁Cu", + -12.73792552947998 + ], + [ + "▁Sciences", + -12.47258758544922 + ], + [ + "▁kill", + -13.142606735229492 + ], + [ + "▁dropped", + -13.14015293121338 + ], + [ + "▁Ya", + -12.920230865478516 + ], + [ + "▁Colorado", + -12.195159912109377 + ], + [ + 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"▁abuse", + -13.093692779541016 + ], + [ + "▁begins", + -13.17971134185791 + ], + [ + "▁Hu", + -12.80540657043457 + ], + [ + "▁absence", + -13.580273628234863 + ], + [ + "gu", + -12.723675727844238 + ], + [ + "▁Mor", + -12.836393356323242 + ], + [ + "▁transmission", + -13.121806144714355 + ], + [ + "▁vehicles", + -12.895366668701172 + ], + [ + "▁corner", + -13.125743865966797 + ], + [ + "▁rich", + -13.662392616271973 + ], + [ + "▁Ber", + -12.852242469787598 + ], + [ + "▁tells", + -13.437141418457031 + ], + [ + "▁genetic", + -13.6273832321167 + ], + [ + "▁Golden", + -12.396699905395508 + ], + [ + "▁dry", + -13.565264701843262 + ], + [ + "▁sought", + -13.59602165222168 + ], + [ + "▁listing", + -10.765420913696287 + ], + [ + "▁Kansas", + -12.252145767211914 + ], + [ + "▁domestic", + -13.397638320922852 + ], + [ + "▁Due", + -13.472826957702637 + ], + [ + "▁losing", + -13.634188652038574 + ], + [ + "▁Death", + -11.103178024291992 + ], + [ + "▁skills", + -13.393128395080566 + ], + [ + "▁conventional", + -13.840604782104492 + ], + [ + "▁killing", + -13.490296363830566 + ], + [ + "▁Missouri", + -12.157546043395996 + ], + [ + "▁views", + -12.879651069641112 + ], + [ + "▁Val", + -12.978089332580566 + ], + [ + "▁happy", + -13.111197471618652 + ], + [ + "▁exercise", + -13.419513702392578 + ], + [ + "▁Op", + -12.235555648803713 + ], + [ + "▁arrested", + -13.625961303710938 + ], + [ + "▁musicians", + -11.634427070617676 + ], + [ + "▁summary", + -12.227605819702148 + ], + [ + "▁winners", + -11.726943016052246 + ], + [ + "▁Stadium", + -12.63588047027588 + ], + [ + "rightarrow", + -13.703391075134276 + ], + [ + "dan", + -12.78431224822998 + ], + [ + "▁Francis", + -12.770195960998535 + ], + [ + "▁taught", + -13.633639335632324 + ], + [ + "▁PC", + -12.556114196777344 + ], + [ + "▁gained", + -13.717535972595217 + ], + [ + "▁Real", + -12.263850212097168 + ], + [ + "▁advance", + -12.708727836608888 + ], + [ + "▁counsel", + -13.069851875305176 + ], + [ + "tes", + -12.289990425109863 + ], + [ + "▁facility", + -13.460172653198242 + ], + [ + "▁drugs", + -13.254350662231444 + ], + [ + "▁notable", + -13.290631294250488 + ], + [ + "▁refused", + -13.638547897338867 + ], + [ + "}^{\\", + -13.702128410339355 + ], + [ + "▁Arizona", + -12.255563735961914 + ], + [ + "varphi", + -13.953363418579102 + ], + [ + "▁Local", + -11.820623397827148 + ], + [ + "▁Ti", + -12.640247344970703 + ], + [ + "▁opposite", + -13.45334243774414 + ], + [ + "▁Several", + -13.504777908325195 + ], + [ + "▁involving", + -12.918449401855469 + ], + [ + "▁Ta", + -12.570232391357422 + ], + [ + "、", + -7.657316207885742 + ], + [ + "▁piano", + -12.6029634475708 + ], + [ + "▁solo", + -13.31850814819336 + ], + [ + "▁formula", + -13.14089298248291 + ], + [ + "Le", + -12.823137283325195 + ], + [ + "▁Friday", + -12.911587715148926 + ], + [ + "▁bought", + -13.622244834899902 + ], + [ + "▁dog", + -13.542256355285645 + ], + [ + "▁trip", + -13.570252418518066 + ], + [ + "▁describe", + -13.252442359924316 + ], + [ + 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+ ], + [ + "▁rear", + -13.70131492614746 + ], + [ + "▁stable", + -13.65245246887207 + ], + [ + "▁Oregon", + -12.178229331970217 + ], + [ + "ery", + -12.506098747253418 + ], + [ + "▁Management", + -12.10415744781494 + ], + [ + "▁documents", + -13.046740531921388 + ], + [ + "▁decades", + -13.681720733642578 + ], + [ + "}_{\\", + -13.816020011901855 + ], + [ + "▁Works", + -11.016496658325195 + ], + [ + "▁poet", + -12.963804244995115 + ], + [ + "▁citizens", + -13.299022674560549 + ], + [ + "▁Bal", + -12.777383804321287 + ], + [ + "▁Notable", + -10.950939178466797 + ], + [ + "▁rugby", + -12.020024299621582 + ], + [ + "▁Miller", + -12.748872756958008 + ], + [ + "lie", + -12.841164588928224 + ], + [ + "▁Windows", + -11.62344741821289 + ], + [ + "▁Modern", + -12.179423332214355 + ], + [ + "ü", + -12.936596870422363 + ], + [ + "▁por", + -13.862295150756836 + ], + [ + "▁extremely", + -13.532509803771973 + ], + [ + "living", + -11.54920768737793 + ], + [ + "▁yards", + -13.927512168884276 + ], + [ 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"▁Va", + -12.792858123779297 + ], + [ + "▁recognition", + -12.855090141296388 + ], + [ + "▁scheme", + -13.041030883789062 + ], + [ + "▁trust", + -13.204597473144531 + ], + [ + "▁coverage", + -13.192720413208008 + ], + [ + "▁sat", + -13.462868690490724 + ], + [ + "▁renamed", + -13.540321350097656 + ], + [ + "▁Jesus", + -13.107072830200195 + ], + [ + "▁Kar", + -12.752667427062988 + ], + [ + "▁Using", + -12.957465171813965 + ], + [ + "▁discussion", + -13.35627555847168 + ], + [ + "▁survey", + -13.686193466186523 + ], + [ + "▁email", + -12.897672653198242 + ], + [ + "▁Israeli", + -12.454572677612305 + ], + [ + "▁duty", + -13.312714576721191 + ], + [ + "▁Je", + -12.844390869140623 + ], + [ + "▁Back", + -12.617609024047852 + ], + [ + "▁engineer", + -12.546497344970703 + ], + [ + "▁Sar", + -12.901132583618164 + ], + [ + "▁Member", + -12.550880432128906 + ], + [ + "▁Ken", + -12.757966995239258 + ], + [ + "▁favor", + -13.490957260131836 + ], + [ + "▁households", + -14.271771430969238 + ], + [ + "▁Vo", + -12.862970352172852 + ], + [ + "▁broken", + -13.030278205871582 + ], + [ + "▁Play", + -12.302251815795898 + ], + [ + "ă", + -13.505720138549805 + ], + [ + "▁Political", + -11.339398384094238 + ], + [ + "▁concluded", + -13.546900749206545 + ], + [ + "▁budget", + -13.390979766845703 + ], + [ + "▁percentage", + -13.478348731994627 + ], + [ + "▁Sh", + -12.52781581878662 + ], + [ + "▁Junior", + -12.22395133972168 + ], + [ + "mel", + -13.048189163208008 + ], + [ + "▁experiment", + -13.693370819091797 + ], + [ + "▁bodies", + -13.30294418334961 + ], + [ + "▁charges", + -13.348541259765623 + ], + [ + "▁locations", + -12.933012962341309 + ], + [ + "β", + -13.81922721862793 + ], + [ + "langle", + -13.71880340576172 + ], + [ + "▁honor", + -13.360831260681152 + ], + [ + "osa", + -12.744046211242676 + ], + [ + "▁concert", + -13.365671157836914 + ], + [ + "▁Carl", + -12.704852104187012 + ], + [ + "▁carbon", + -13.92812442779541 + ], + [ + "▁seats", + -13.261470794677734 + ], + [ + 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+ "▁justice", + -13.198803901672363 + ], + [ + "▁theatre", + -12.884305953979492 + ], + [ + "▁Foreign", + -12.367023468017578 + ], + [ + "▁installed", + -13.05756664276123 + ], + [ + "ika", + -12.822351455688477 + ], + [ + "▁walls", + -13.619030952453612 + ], + [ + "▁thousands", + -13.340598106384276 + ], + [ + "▁broke", + -13.657879829406738 + ], + [ + "wing", + -12.84836769104004 + ], + [ + "ala", + -12.61558723449707 + ], + [ + "▁Background", + -10.34669017791748 + ], + [ + "▁funding", + -13.517085075378418 + ], + [ + "▁Circuit", + -12.55605125427246 + ], + [ + "▁Walter", + -12.794848442077637 + ], + [ + "▁bone", + -13.896078109741213 + ], + [ + "▁fan", + -13.546154975891112 + ], + [ + "▁founder", + -13.447956085205078 + ], + [ + "▁plot", + -13.48758602142334 + ], + [ + "▁beat", + -13.558518409729004 + ], + [ + "▁painting", + -13.492390632629396 + ], + [ + "▁sections", + -13.220516204833984 + ], + [ + "yard", + -13.301179885864258 + ], + [ + "▁Country", + -12.37151336669922 + ], + [ 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+ ], + [ + "▁suit", + -13.551450729370115 + ], + [ + "^[@", + -15.147383689880373 + ], + [ + "▁pilot", + -13.794300079345703 + ], + [ + "▁formal", + -13.655170440673828 + ], + [ + "▁spend", + -13.46888828277588 + ], + [ + "▁buried", + -13.49826431274414 + ], + [ + ")^", + -13.268794059753418 + ], + [ + "▁evolution", + -13.417821884155272 + ], + [ + "▁fashion", + -13.043848037719728 + ], + [ + "▁titled", + -14.024625778198242 + ], + [ + "▁farm", + -13.790226936340332 + ], + [ + "▁concerns", + -13.424007415771484 + ], + [ + "▁Area", + -12.637619972229004 + ], + [ + "▁Mc", + -12.60532283782959 + ], + [ + "dal", + -12.909870147705078 + ], + [ + "▁closely", + -13.721274375915527 + ], + [ + "oma", + -12.77215576171875 + ], + [ + "»", + -13.48964500427246 + ], + [ + "▁campus", + -13.622299194335938 + ], + [ + "▁boat", + -13.727333068847656 + ], + [ + "▁Die", + -13.049392700195312 + ], + [ + "▁blog", + -13.140318870544434 + ], + [ + "▁Commonwealth", + -12.424073219299316 + ], + [ + "^*", + -14.320231437683104 + ], + [ + "▁UN", + -12.77709674835205 + ], + [ + "▁Camp", + -12.778653144836426 + ], + [ + "▁Bel", + -12.924928665161133 + ], + [ + "▁grand", + -13.374590873718262 + ], + [ + "▁μ", + -14.482769966125488 + ], + [ + "▁probability", + -13.542675018310549 + ], + [ + "▁Tony", + -12.734126091003418 + ], + [ + "▁scoring", + -13.76086139678955 + ], + [ + "▁inspired", + -13.759495735168455 + ], + [ + "▁Ann", + -12.8600435256958 + ], + [ + "▁Cape", + -12.756695747375488 + ], + [ + "▁yourself", + -13.023892402648926 + ], + [ + "▁composer", + -12.897546768188477 + ], + [ + "▁strongly", + -13.77422332763672 + ], + [ + "▁los", + -14.133849143981934 + ], + [ + "ç", + -13.168386459350586 + ], + [ + "▁Alex", + -12.882453918457031 + ], + [ + "▁participate", + -13.50239086151123 + ], + [ + "▁labor", + -13.563727378845217 + ], + [ + "▁Moscow", + -12.70069694519043 + ], + [ + "▁sport", + -12.76590633392334 + ], + [ + "▁survival", + -13.95419216156006 + ], + [ + "▁roof", + 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-12.455761909484863 + ], + [ + "▁delivered", + -13.474041938781738 + ], + [ + "▁consecutive", + -13.458566665649414 + ], + [ + "è", + -13.208213806152344 + ], + [ + "Ed", + -13.36331272125244 + ], + [ + "▁wouldn", + -13.324249267578123 + ], + [ + "▁Kentucky", + -12.31763744354248 + ], + [ + "▁lay", + -13.858009338378906 + ], + [ + "▁lawyer", + -13.321126937866213 + ], + [ + "▁networks", + -13.262292861938477 + ], + [ + "▁engaged", + -13.7234525680542 + ], + [ + "▁Philip", + -13.000755310058594 + ], + [ + "▁Though", + -13.841546058654783 + ], + [ + "▁guide", + -13.398040771484377 + ], + [ + "▁Officer", + -12.883358001708984 + ], + [ + "▁educated", + -12.558917045593262 + ], + [ + "▁Mer", + -13.000761985778809 + ], + [ + "▁mo", + -13.694632530212402 + ], + [ + "tis", + -12.655132293701172 + ], + [ + "▁degrees", + -13.265986442565918 + ], + [ + "▁Survey", + -13.060543060302734 + ], + [ + "▁seeing", + -13.502607345581056 + ], + [ + "▁virus", + -13.825033187866213 + ], + [ + "▁shop", + 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-13.861233711242676 + ], + [ + "▁spoke", + -13.544986724853516 + ], + [ + "▁Between", + -13.595340728759766 + ], + [ + "▁quantum", + -13.89681625366211 + ], + [ + "▁Sound", + -12.70046329498291 + ], + [ + "▁enjoy", + -13.571849822998049 + ], + [ + "({\\", + -14.04476261138916 + ], + [ + "iya", + -12.907974243164062 + ], + [ + "▁Yes", + -12.678114891052246 + ], + [ + "▁Kitt", + -13.256806373596191 + ], + [ + "▁chose", + -13.765419960021973 + ], + [ + "▁Marine", + -12.814132690429688 + ], + [ + "▁breast", + -13.81630039215088 + ], + [ + "▁ranked", + -13.902968406677246 + ], + [ + "▁Sources", + -10.3736572265625 + ], + [ + "▁wing", + -14.051548957824709 + ], + [ + "▁contributions", + -13.0050630569458 + ], + [ + "▁Bio", + -12.727147102355955 + ], + [ + "▁Pra", + -13.152666091918944 + ], + [ + "▁festival", + -13.65244197845459 + ], + [ + "▁Melbourne", + -12.601958274841309 + ], + [ + "▁Ocean", + -12.845854759216309 + ], + [ + "▁producing", + -13.763840675354004 + ], + [ + "ions", + -12.527140617370604 + ], + [ + "▁Howard", + -12.859313011169434 + ], + [ + "▁versus", + -13.516411781311035 + ], + [ + "▁SC", + -12.278014183044434 + ], + [ + "So", + -12.333215713500977 + ], + [ + "▁threat", + -13.77804470062256 + ], + [ + "▁scheduled", + -13.232117652893066 + ], + [ + "▁Turkish", + -12.442173957824709 + ], + [ + "▁Regional", + -12.47012710571289 + ], + [ + "▁entrance", + -13.750720977783203 + ], + [ + "▁Production", + -10.815082550048828 + ], + [ + "▁decrease", + -13.97311019897461 + ], + [ + "▁EP", + -12.66728401184082 + ], + [ + "▁Senior", + -12.399025917053224 + ], + [ + "ston", + -12.81162452697754 + ], + [ + "▁massive", + -13.867976188659668 + ], + [ + "▁finds", + -13.518580436706545 + ], + [ + "▁isolated", + -13.92890167236328 + ], + [ + "▁arts", + -12.8480806350708 + ], + [ + "▁Il", + -12.841401100158691 + ], + [ + "▁intelligence", + -13.343960762023926 + ], + [ + "▁Mayor", + -12.522557258605955 + ], + [ + "▁kids", + -13.790243148803713 + ], + [ + "dia", + 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"▁qualified", + -13.35702419281006 + ], + [ + "tre", + -13.142219543457031 + ], + [ + "▁Affairs", + -13.05034065246582 + ], + [ + "▁testimony", + -13.385558128356934 + ], + [ + "▁performances", + -13.106245994567873 + ], + [ + "ati", + -12.981701850891112 + ], + [ + "▁Revolution", + -12.775920867919922 + ], + [ + "▁Pu", + -12.955458641052246 + ], + [ + "▁seek", + -13.365570068359377 + ], + [ + "▁boys", + -13.66128158569336 + ], + [ + "▁Wa", + -12.940159797668455 + ], + [ + "▁receptor", + -13.982338905334473 + ], + [ + "ō", + -13.201345443725586 + ], + [ + "▁diagnosis", + -13.82999038696289 + ], + [ + "▁Para", + -12.618430137634276 + ], + [ + "▁doctor", + -13.514501571655272 + ], + [ + "▁chair", + -13.667174339294434 + ], + [ + "▁Chapter", + -12.134262084960938 + ], + [ + "▁Silver", + -12.731651306152344 + ], + [ + "▁interactions", + -13.863905906677246 + ], + [ + "▁Tokyo", + -12.562655448913574 + ], + [ + "burg", + -12.867677688598633 + ], + [ + "▁tend", + -14.158835411071776 + ], + [ + "▁districts", + -12.533609390258787 + ], + [ + "▁covers", + -13.423919677734377 + ], + [ + "och", + -13.081836700439451 + ], + [ + "▁sixth", + -13.784074783325195 + ], + [ + "ye", + -12.727428436279297 + ], + [ + "▁Anthony", + -12.81004524230957 + ], + [ + "▁cool", + -13.453907012939451 + ], + [ + "▁weekend", + -13.720558166503906 + ], + [ + "▁grade", + -14.043861389160156 + ], + [ + "▁Douglas", + -12.949070930480955 + ], + [ + "▁quick", + -13.242316246032717 + ], + [ + "▁critics", + -13.306479454040527 + ], + [ + "▁laid", + -13.728686332702637 + ], + [ + "zer", + -12.995820045471191 + ], + [ + "▁Liberal", + -12.934200286865234 + ], + [ + "ement", + -12.9907808303833 + ], + [ + "▁compete", + -13.735904693603516 + ], + [ + "},\\", + -13.094449996948242 + ], + [ + "*]{}", + -14.268644332885742 + ], + [ + "▁fluid", + -14.023138999938965 + ], + [ + "▁Fu", + -12.870055198669434 + ], + [ + "▁racing", + -12.734808921813965 + ], + [ + "zen", + -13.133094787597656 + ], + [ + "bal", + -12.848836898803713 + ], + [ + "▁Pi", + -12.817401885986328 + ], + [ + "['", + -12.347505569458008 + ], + [ + "▁wear", + -13.856921195983888 + ], + [ + "\\'", + -13.64512062072754 + ], + [ + "ū", + -13.42723560333252 + ], + [ + "]:", + -12.454057693481444 + ], + [ + "▁ending", + -13.876985549926758 + ], + [ + "That", + -12.553068161010742 + ], + [ + "▁Hamilton", + -12.922324180603027 + ], + [ + "▁touch", + -13.011222839355469 + ], + [ + "▁Patrick", + -12.897168159484863 + ], + [ + "cia", + -13.085522651672363 + ], + [ + "ants", + -12.628395080566406 + ], + [ + "▁trained", + -13.72059154510498 + ], + [ + "▁adjacent", + -13.643909454345703 + ], + [ + "▁decade", + -13.88467502593994 + ], + [ + "Be", + -12.409873962402344 + ], + [ + "▁businesses", + -13.681503295898438 + ], + [ + "▁Labour", + -12.9884033203125 + ], + [ + "▁Manchester", + -12.828376770019531 + ], + [ + "▁EU", + -13.69546604156494 + ], + [ + "Populated", + -11.769575119018556 + ], + [ + "▁membrane", + -14.451932907104492 + ], + [ + "▁residence", + -13.558783531188965 + ], + [ + "▁educational", + -13.487378120422363 + ], + [ + "gel", + -13.172709465026855 + ], + [ + "▁Heart", + -12.710982322692873 + ], + [ + "▁aware", + -13.566189765930176 + ], + [ + "▁accused", + -13.838248252868652 + ], + [ + "▁Building", + -12.676313400268556 + ], + [ + "▁Emperor", + -13.52462387084961 + ], + [ + "▁fought", + -13.943020820617676 + ], + [ + "▁carrying", + -13.79118537902832 + ], + [ + "▁regime", + -13.99705696105957 + ], + [ + "▁concerned", + -13.646038055419922 + ], + [ + "▁Oklahoma", + -12.463372230529783 + ], + [ + "▁nominated", + -13.837669372558594 + ], + [ + "fefefe", + -11.8555908203125 + ], + [ + "▁Islamic", + -12.955766677856444 + ], + [ + "▁analyzed", + -14.233075141906738 + ], + [ + "▁journey", + -13.643747329711914 + ], + [ + "▁Greece", + -12.345501899719238 + ], + [ + "ante", + -13.09431266784668 + ], + [ + "▁headquarters", + -13.725543022155762 + ], + [ + "▁turns", + -13.5211820602417 + ], + [ + "▁Swiss", + -12.476572036743164 + ], + [ + "▁Week", + -12.544692039489746 + ], + [ + "▁faced", + -14.051328659057615 + ], + [ + "▁Next", + -12.789456367492676 + ], + [ + "▁Mont", + -12.92076587677002 + ], + [ + "geq", + -13.849512100219728 + ], + [ + "▁presidential", + -13.371135711669922 + ], + [ + "ska", + -13.20930004119873 + ], + [ + "▁Bu", + -12.580927848815918 + ], + [ + "▁induced", + -14.388681411743164 + ], + [ + "▁Entertainment", + -12.385059356689451 + ], + [ + "▁rapid", + -13.83092975616455 + ], + [ + "▁Switzerland", + -12.462679862976074 + ], + [ + "▁stages", + -13.414856910705566 + ], + [ + "▁Iraq", + -13.01483154296875 + ], + [ + "▁framework", + -13.294696807861328 + ], + [ + "▁Sportspeople", + -11.301294326782228 + ], + [ + "▁jobs", + -13.488895416259766 + ], + [ + "▁Gen", + -12.989691734313965 + ], + [ + "▁Queensland", + -12.41204071044922 + ], + [ + "▁injured", + -13.833555221557615 + ], + [ + "▁mechanisms", + -13.863555908203123 + ], + [ + "▁evaluation", + -13.11989402770996 + 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"▁favorite", + -13.5939359664917 + ], + [ + "ava", + -13.21217155456543 + ], + [ + "▁Moore", + -13.017227172851562 + ], + [ + "▁foundation", + -13.750036239624023 + ], + [ + "▁Portuguese", + -12.421578407287598 + ], + [ + "γ", + -14.201979637145996 + ], + [ + "bro", + -13.299914360046388 + ], + [ + "▁Harvard", + -12.575340270996094 + ], + [ + "▁AS", + -12.60068702697754 + ], + [ + "▁lake", + -14.047551155090332 + ], + [ + "▁separated", + -13.631171226501465 + ], + [ + "▁Native", + -12.73826789855957 + ], + [ + "▁variation", + -13.847822189331056 + ], + [ + "▁Singapore", + -12.620844841003418 + ], + [ + "▁discuss", + -13.769787788391112 + ], + [ + "▁Fair", + -12.936734199523926 + ], + [ + "▁thanks", + -12.944907188415527 + ], + [ + "▁brothers", + -13.755974769592283 + ], + [ + "▁Energy", + -12.635848999023438 + ], + [ + "▁incorporated", + -13.808626174926758 + ], + [ + "▁je", + -13.891132354736328 + ], + [ + "▁consisted", + -14.018051147460938 + ], + [ + "▁});", + -11.426684379577637 + ], + [ + "▁Moon", + -12.833230018615724 + ], + [ + "▁windows", + -13.091520309448242 + ], + [ + "▁classic", + -13.817054748535156 + ], + [ + "▁assessment", + -13.573543548583984 + ], + [ + "▁pool", + -12.405855178833008 + ], + [ + "▁Clark", + -12.985404014587402 + ], + [ + "uch", + -13.271805763244627 + ], + [ + "▁reform", + -13.536563873291016 + ], + [ + "]\\],", + -15.006647109985352 + ], + [ + "▁Diego", + -12.86402416229248 + ], + [ + "▁Jay", + -12.944893836975098 + ], + [ + "▁consisting", + -13.83251667022705 + ], + [ + "▁strike", + -13.722284317016602 + ], + [ + "▁villages", + -13.07703685760498 + ], + [ + "▁practices", + -13.573680877685549 + ], + [ + "▁neighborhood", + -13.721680641174316 + ], + [ + "▁relationships", + -13.536651611328123 + ], + [ + "▁qui", + -14.386658668518066 + ], + [ + "▁efficiency", + -13.713136672973633 + ], + [ + "▁managers", + -11.689048767089844 + ], + [ + "▁advice", + -13.472805976867676 + ], + [ + "▁Former", + -11.682821273803713 + ], + [ + "▁baby", + -13.61288070678711 + ], + [ + "×", + -11.803207397460938 + ], + [ + "▁occupied", + -13.866028785705566 + ], + [ + "▁Ol", + -12.856201171875 + ], + [ + "▁temple", + -13.894201278686523 + ], + [ + "itis", + -13.41250228881836 + ], + [ + "▁Trust", + -12.970995903015137 + ], + [ + "▁Squadron", + -12.9735746383667 + ], + [ + "▁attacked", + -14.068382263183594 + ], + [ + "▁petition", + -13.528904914855955 + ], + [ + "▁mixture", + -14.062623977661133 + ], + [ + "▁outcome", + -13.799763679504396 + ], + [ + "▁Bush", + -13.25736141204834 + ], + [ + "▁Os", + -12.995278358459473 + ], + [ + "▁reaching", + -13.863697052001951 + ], + [ + "▁Ju", + -12.877217292785645 + ], + [ + "▁reflect", + -13.4463472366333 + ], + [ + "▁Ham", + -13.091444969177246 + ], + [ + "▁characterized", + -14.182665824890137 + ], + [ + "gal", + -12.976157188415527 + ], + [ + "▁powers", + -13.55875015258789 + ], + [ + "▁compounds", + -13.50449562072754 + ], + [ + "▁operate", + -13.481915473937988 + ], + [ + "gon", + -13.165337562561035 + ], + [ + "▁chapter", + -13.597158432006836 + ], + [ + "season", + -12.060188293457031 + ], + [ + "}}(", + -14.35149097442627 + ], + [ + "▁contest", + -13.76472282409668 + ], + [ + "lor", + -13.344878196716309 + ], + [ + "▁courts", + -13.403669357299805 + ], + [ + "▁Ukrainian", + -12.426770210266112 + ], + [ + "▁oldest", + -13.561351776123049 + ], + [ + "▁wins", + -12.724443435668944 + ], + [ + "▁po", + -13.607314109802246 + ], + [ + "▁regard", + -13.617548942565918 + ], + [ + "▁opera", + -13.05726146697998 + ], + [ + "▁Trade", + -12.657164573669434 + ], + [ + ")/(-", + -13.221707344055176 + ], + [ + "▁worldwide", + -13.708148956298828 + ], + [ + "▁Ryan", + -12.972294807434082 + ], + [ + "hen", + -13.249195098876951 + ], + [ + "▁Gordon", + -12.973873138427734 + ], + [ + "▁Ger", + -13.146589279174805 + ], + [ + "▁schedule", + -12.934428215026855 + ], + [ + "▁ma", + -13.639305114746094 + ], + [ + "▁debate", + -13.69601058959961 + ], + [ + "ria", + -12.652548789978027 + ], + [ + "▁investigate", + -14.104771614074709 + ], + [ + "▁guess", + -13.076228141784668 + ], + [ + "▁cash", + -13.739602088928224 + ], + [ + "▁fruit", + -13.82497215270996 + ], + [ + "▁thick", + -13.893026351928713 + ], + [ + "une", + -12.982210159301758 + ], + [ + "▁warm", + -13.684741973876951 + ], + [ + "▁Gor", + -13.039713859558104 + ], + [ + "▁sight", + -13.48898696899414 + ], + [ + "▁CI", + -13.624561309814451 + ], + [ + "▁spectrum", + -13.968169212341309 + ], + [ + "ians", + -12.5984468460083 + ], + [ + "tte", + -13.269007682800291 + ], + [ + "▁shortly", + -13.892690658569336 + ], + [ + "▁criteria", + -13.435014724731444 + ], + [ + "▁Juan", + -13.012154579162598 + ], + [ + "▁ban", + -13.939477920532228 + ], + [ + "▁respond", + -13.444915771484377 + ], + [ + "▁fly", + -13.654885292053224 + ], + [ + "cer", + -13.111600875854492 + ], + [ + "▁Lieutenant", + -12.914810180664062 + ], + [ + "▁heavily", + -13.890702247619627 + ], + [ + "▁Louisiana", + -12.48741054534912 + ], + [ + "▁thousand", + -13.622976303100586 + ], + [ + "▁Sen", + -13.292179107666016 + ], + [ + "▁regulation", + -13.764065742492676 + ], + [ + "▁diameter", + -14.105666160583496 + ], + [ + "▁decisions", + -13.517683029174805 + ], + [ + "▁excellent", + -13.761526107788086 + ], + [ + "▁formerly", + -13.537784576416016 + ], + [ + "▁Food", + -12.590484619140623 + ], + [ + "Al", + -12.771474838256836 + ], + [ + "▁adults", + -13.992667198181152 + ], + [ + "▁grown", + -14.001382827758787 + ], + [ + "▁Square", + -13.033625602722168 + ], + [ + "▁responses", + -13.484888076782228 + ], + [ + "▁ideal", + -13.804076194763184 + ], + [ + "▁drums", + -12.19899559020996 + ], + [ + "▁retirement", + -13.54258918762207 + ], + [ + "▁download", + -12.86649227142334 + ], + [ + "▁starring", + -13.450897216796877 + ], + [ + "▁usual", + -13.47193717956543 + ], + [ + "▁recovery", + -13.16878890991211 + ], + [ + "▁garden", + -13.663450241088867 + ], + [ + "▁commission", + -13.663077354431152 + ], + [ + "sson", + -12.818568229675291 + ], + [ + "ora", + -12.700645446777344 + ], + [ + "▁plasma", + -14.238035202026367 + ], + [ + "\u0003", + -16.08448600769043 + ], + [ + "▁Infantry", + -13.04673194885254 + ], + [ + "▁Za", + -13.106431007385254 + ], + [ + "▁(**", + -14.501192092895508 + ], + [ + "▁Vice", + -13.072003364562988 + ], + [ + "▁pan", + -13.867266654968262 + ], + [ + "▁Executive", + -12.782638549804688 + ], + [ + "▁op", + -11.688611030578612 + ], + [ + "▁Phil", + -12.841453552246094 + ], + [ + "▁Las", + -12.900248527526855 + ], + [ + "▁employment", + -13.6336669921875 + ], + [ + "¾", + -14.215474128723145 + ], + [ + "▁attend", + -13.849684715270996 + ], + [ + "▁drivers", + -12.170351028442385 + ], + [ + "▁sitting", + -13.589470863342283 + ], + [ + "▁measurements", + -13.786526679992676 + ], + [ + "▁principle", + -13.62260627746582 + ], + [ + "▁Bad", + -12.782089233398438 + ], + [ + "▁establishment", + -13.65284538269043 + ], + [ + "eau", + -13.136741638183594 + ], + [ + "lip", + -13.150275230407717 + ], + [ + "▁invited", + -13.977068901062012 + ], + [ + "bre", + -13.181679725646973 + ], + [ + "▁Gu", + -12.80549144744873 + ], + [ + "▁tail", + -13.127921104431152 + ], + [ + "▁birds", + -13.49807071685791 + ], + [ + "▁CEO", + -13.523276329040527 + ], + [ + "▁Danish", + -12.42544937133789 + ], + [ + "lot", + -13.23501682281494 + ], + [ + "▁influenced", + -14.104065895080566 + ], + [ + "▁somewhat", + -13.63711643218994 + ], + [ + "▁decline", + -13.903816223144531 + ], + [ + "▁trains", + -13.57139015197754 + ], + [ + "▁Connecticut", + -12.426860809326172 + ], + [ + "▁\f", + -12.445551872253418 + ], + [ + "▁COVID", + -13.413798332214355 + ], + [ + "▁situated", + -13.785687446594238 + ], + [ + "san", + -12.727831840515137 + ], + [ + "▁liver", + -14.318201065063477 + ], + [ + "▁painter", + -13.089391708374023 + ], + [ + "▁Fame", + -12.832833290100098 + ], + [ + "▁programme", + -13.665169715881348 + ], + [ + "((", + -9.994121551513672 + ], + [ + "▁Every", + -13.260010719299316 + ], + [ + "▁stands", + -13.699743270874023 + ], + [ + "▁Tre", + -13.362957000732422 + ], + [ + "▁dream", + -13.618775367736816 + ], + [ + "▁Pop", + -12.527568817138672 + ], + [ + "boldsymbol", + -14.546283721923828 + ], + [ + "▁android", + -12.438568115234377 + ], + [ + "▁airport", + -13.752129554748535 + ], + [ + "▁Des", + -13.142132759094238 + ], + [ + "▁sit", + -13.90019416809082 + ], + [ + "▁intervention", + -13.963266372680664 + ], + [ + "▁owners", + -13.36741065979004 + ], + [ + "ose", + -13.065284729003906 + ], + [ + "▁Stra", + -13.403165817260742 + ], + [ + "▁NCAA", + -13.029327392578123 + ], + [ + "▁recommended", + -13.23680019378662 + ], + [ + "▁passes", + -13.299532890319824 + ], + [ + "▁finite", + -14.029115676879885 + ], + [ + "▁fundamental", + -13.754865646362305 + ], + [ + "\"><", + -13.48951816558838 + ], + [ + "▁Ste", + -12.85521125793457 + ], + [ + "▁Jeff", + -12.893913269042969 + ], + [ + "▁feed", + -13.544378280639648 + ], + [ + "▁Short", + 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+ [ + "▁pulled", + -13.663315773010254 + ], + [ + "bury", + -13.028639793395996 + ], + [ + "▁alcohol", + -13.830596923828123 + ], + [ + "▁una", + -14.282251358032228 + ], + [ + "▁emergency", + -13.684158325195312 + ], + [ + "▁seeking", + -13.662854194641112 + ], + [ + "▁researchers", + -13.511977195739746 + ], + [ + "▁Five", + -13.104928970336914 + ], + [ + "▁Antonio", + -12.894115447998049 + ], + [ + "▁Reserve", + -12.914603233337402 + ], + [ + "▁Twitter", + -12.518717765808104 + ], + [ + "▁Mid", + -12.88717555999756 + ], + [ + "▁victim", + -13.552989959716797 + ], + [ + "▁prob", + -13.069619178771973 + ], + [ + "▁historian", + -13.401620864868164 + ], + [ + "▁rain", + -13.867368698120115 + ], + [ + "▁independence", + -13.53903102874756 + ], + [ + "▁rejected", + -13.58676528930664 + ], + [ + "▁plain", + -13.267927169799805 + ], + [ + "▁mention", + -13.637822151184082 + ], + [ + "▁grounds", + -13.535823822021484 + ], + [ + "▁statute", + -13.677509307861328 + ], + [ + "▁fund", + 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+ ], + [ + "▁signs", + -13.520108222961426 + ], + [ + "▁Independent", + -12.731261253356934 + ], + [ + "▁castle", + -13.76706886291504 + ], + [ + "otimes", + -14.258651733398438 + ], + [ + "▁Bus", + -12.49061393737793 + ], + [ + "▁accounts", + -13.498677253723145 + ], + [ + "▁Bon", + -13.075716972351074 + ], + [ + "▁Fund", + -13.300463676452637 + ], + [ + "▁aim", + -14.166361808776855 + ], + [ + "▁Son", + -13.143965721130373 + ], + [ + "▁Youth", + -12.455252647399902 + ], + [ + "▁Commander", + -12.782514572143556 + ], + [ + "▁Where", + -12.88421630859375 + ], + [ + "▁Ball", + -12.870659828186035 + ], + [ + "▁examined", + -14.096797943115234 + ], + [ + "▁analyses", + -13.8819580078125 + ], + [ + "stein", + -13.139053344726562 + ], + [ + "▁Attorney", + -13.048624038696287 + ], + [ + "▁significance", + -13.17974090576172 + ], + [ + "­", + -14.404346466064451 + ], + [ + "▁chronic", + -14.137921333312988 + ], + [ + "▁interpretation", + -13.605743408203123 + ], + [ + "▁Ag", + 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-13.854350090026855 + ], + [ + "▁Billboard", + -13.58349895477295 + ], + [ + "▁limits", + -13.56629467010498 + ], + [ + "▁Garden", + -12.796232223510742 + ], + [ + "▁Those", + -13.628824234008787 + ], + [ + "▁ruled", + -14.068991661071776 + ], + [ + "▁walking", + -13.62110710144043 + ], + [ + "▁categories", + -13.50347900390625 + ], + [ + "▁Report", + -12.647462844848633 + ], + [ + "lem", + -13.24910831451416 + ], + [ + "▁imaging", + -13.930683135986328 + ], + [ + "▁Pass", + -12.705740928649902 + ], + [ + "▁manufacturing", + -13.504668235778809 + ], + [ + "▁Belgium", + -12.53030776977539 + ], + [ + "▁Kan", + -13.066570281982422 + ], + [ + "rick", + -13.289151191711426 + ], + [ + "▁Pen", + -13.151070594787598 + ], + [ + "▁Transport", + -11.72682285308838 + ], + [ + "\\],", + -14.409467697143556 + ], + [ + "▁posted", + -13.479378700256348 + ], + [ + "cup", + -13.089398384094238 + ], + [ + "▁Base", + -12.398365020751951 + ], + [ + "▁expensive", + -13.553215026855469 + ], + [ + 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+ -13.087390899658203 + ], + [ + "▁neck", + -13.986899375915527 + ], + [ + "ved", + -13.023582458496094 + ], + [ + "▁mix", + -13.270956039428713 + ], + [ + "chen", + -13.087898254394531 + ], + [ + "cus", + -13.13271141052246 + ], + [ + "▁Brigade", + -13.219078063964844 + ], + [ + "gun", + -13.122553825378418 + ], + [ + "▁covering", + -13.804281234741213 + ], + [ + "▁Count", + -13.44643783569336 + ], + [ + "▁org", + -13.098137855529783 + ], + [ + "▁margin", + -13.188352584838867 + ], + [ + "▁secretary", + -13.937594413757324 + ], + [ + "▁apparent", + -13.94027614593506 + ], + [ + "▁Defense", + -13.019478797912598 + ], + [ + "▁efficient", + -13.48878574371338 + ], + [ + "▁opportunities", + -13.783398628234863 + ], + [ + "▁Call", + -12.271109580993652 + ], + [ + "▁Communist", + -13.226211547851562 + ], + [ + "▁Dam", + -12.943244934082031 + ], + [ + "▁push", + -12.672489166259766 + ], + [ + "▁strain", + -14.24524974822998 + ], + [ + "▁Bra", + -13.133773803710938 + ], + [ + "▁flying", + -13.68425178527832 + ], + [ + "я", + -13.934000015258787 + ], + [ + "}+", + -14.173151969909668 + ], + [ + "▁obvious", + -13.748250007629396 + ], + [ + "▁Der", + -13.159578323364258 + ], + [ + "▁Ri", + -12.947680473327637 + ], + [ + "supplementary", + -14.17614459991455 + ], + [ + "▁Denmark", + -12.588269233703612 + ], + [ + "▁maps", + -13.246858596801758 + ], + [ + "▁churches", + -12.846426963806152 + ], + [ + "▁install", + -12.954140663146973 + ], + [ + "▁slowly", + -13.778382301330566 + ], + [ + "▁Thursday", + -13.149187088012695 + ], + [ + "▁Dean", + -13.03959846496582 + ], + [ + "▁exhibition", + -13.831198692321776 + ], + [ + "▁Morgan", + -13.137316703796388 + ], + [ + "▁marketing", + -13.60810375213623 + ], + [ + "▁Ana", + -12.969432830810549 + ], + [ + "▁Ren", + -13.06585693359375 + ], + [ + "▁adaptation", + -13.275721549987791 + ], + [ + "▁sand", + -13.901945114135742 + ], + [ + "▁payment", + -13.458391189575195 + ], + [ + "▁Take", + -12.95727252960205 + ], + [ + "▁Hor", + -13.180856704711914 + ], + [ + "▁homes", + -13.829442024230955 + ], + [ + "dots", + -13.81952953338623 + ], + [ + "▁Mountains", + -12.346463203430176 + ], + [ + "ila", + -12.843268394470217 + ], + [ + "▁philosophy", + -13.396690368652344 + ], + [ + "▁offices", + -13.632471084594728 + ], + [ + "▁Ser", + -13.338174819946287 + ], + [ + "▁removal", + -13.51649570465088 + ], + [ + "▁jazz", + -12.771547317504885 + ], + [ + "▁Rule", + -13.3184175491333 + ], + [ + "ened", + -13.472314834594728 + ], + [ + "▁digit", + -12.836228370666504 + ], + [ + "▁metres", + -13.460362434387209 + ], + [ + "▁intensity", + -14.008774757385254 + ], + [ + "▁rating", + -14.136184692382812 + ], + [ + "▁lyrics", + -13.38231372833252 + ], + [ + "▁Karl", + -13.096512794494627 + ], + [ + "▁lowest", + -13.398438453674316 + ], + [ + "▁proposal", + -13.883435249328612 + ], + [ + "▁beam", + -14.096115112304688 + ], + [ + "ple", + -13.462414741516112 + ], + [ + "▁matters", + -13.515572547912598 + ], + [ + "▁Hollywood", + -13.30970859527588 + ], + [ + "▁tube", + -14.161032676696776 + ], + [ + "ø", + -13.398995399475098 + ], + [ + "*(", + -12.064067840576172 + ], + [ + "▁Ye", + -13.3329439163208 + ], + [ + "▁DVD", + -11.578996658325195 + ], + [ + "▁moral", + -13.933934211730955 + ], + [ + "▁tennis", + -12.621371269226074 + ], + [ + "▁conversation", + -13.58188533782959 + ], + [ + "▁apart", + -13.807374000549316 + ], + [ + "▁sur", + -14.032294273376465 + ], + [ + "}}{", + -13.975340843200684 + ], + [ + "sia", + -13.155407905578612 + ], + [ + "▁Kal", + -13.177250862121582 + ], + [ + "lee", + -13.18035125732422 + ], + [ + "▁comic", + -13.68995189666748 + ], + [ + "▁thereby", + -14.122699737548828 + ], + [ + "▁statistical", + -13.860699653625488 + ], + [ + "▁organ", + -13.610952377319336 + ], + [ + "▁prices", + -13.735017776489258 + ], + [ + "▁Nu", + -13.118375778198242 + ], + [ + "▁highway", + -14.0682373046875 + ], + [ + "▁journal", + -13.432767868041992 + ], + [ + "▁hole", + -13.925250053405762 + ], + [ + "▁Jacob", + -13.307522773742676 + ], + [ + "aki", + -13.186327934265137 + ], + [ + "▁Cap", + -13.345911979675291 + ], + [ + "cle", + -13.287532806396484 + ], + [ + "ert", + -13.036471366882324 + ], + [ + "▁intent", + -13.471141815185549 + ], + [ + "▁Agency", + -13.110074996948242 + ], + [ + "▁Metro", + -12.700819969177246 + ], + [ + "▁Cro", + -13.377511024475098 + ], + [ + "▁ceremony", + -13.853862762451172 + ], + [ + "▁Portugal", + -12.478248596191406 + ], + [ + "▁milk", + -13.68095588684082 + ], + [ + "▁complaint", + -13.636704444885254 + ], + [ + "▁sportspeople", + -11.577717781066896 + ], + [ + "worth", + -12.942822456359863 + ], + [ + "▁involvement", + -13.7400484085083 + ], + [ + "▁debt", + -13.89795207977295 + ], + [ + "▁Guide", + -12.740266799926758 + ], + [ + ")**", + -13.542492866516112 + ], + [ + "▁banks", + -13.529878616333008 + ], + [ + "▁practical", + -13.869561195373535 + ], + [ + "▁accuracy", + -13.744446754455566 + ], + [ + "▁circle", + -13.572748184204102 + ], + [ + "в", + -14.011005401611328 + ], + [ + "▁=======", + -10.790201187133787 + ], + [ + "▁speaking", + -13.779114723205566 + ], + [ + "▁FM", + -12.610116958618164 + ], + [ + "▁poetry", + -13.390421867370604 + ], + [ + "▁aired", + -13.992652893066406 + ], + [ + "▁taste", + -13.662691116333008 + ], + [ + "▁infrastructure", + -13.170015335083008 + ], + [ + "▁presentation", + -13.660534858703612 + ], + [ + "·", + -13.61919403076172 + ], + [ + "▁Heritage", + -12.48179817199707 + ], + [ + "▁agencies", + -13.083279609680176 + ], + [ + "ão", + -13.384943962097168 + ], + [ + "▁informed", + -13.81805419921875 + ], + [ + "▁accurate", + -13.63710594177246 + ], + [ + "▁Mur", + -13.198139190673828 + ], + [ + "▁Lin", + -13.03971004486084 + ], + [ + "▁suggesting", + -14.330695152282717 + ], + [ + "Ma", + -13.052068710327148 + ], + [ + "▁ID", + -11.508380889892578 + ], + [ + "▁joining", + -13.92002773284912 + ], + [ + "▁manage", + -13.399367332458496 + ], + [ + ")*", + -12.700739860534668 + ], + [ + "▁steam", + -13.78946018218994 + ], + [ + "nis", + -13.199210166931152 + ], + [ + "▁identical", + -13.342641830444336 + ], + [ + "▁ja", + -14.20474624633789 + ], + [ + "▁criticism", + -13.57314395904541 + ], + [ + "ches", + -13.229169845581056 + ], + [ + "ique", + -13.094050407409668 + ], + [ + "▁arrival", + -13.908531188964844 + ], + [ + "▁briefly", + -14.05416202545166 + ], + [ + "[\\", + -13.811531066894531 + ], + [ + "▁bear", + -13.835037231445312 + ], + [ + "▁solve", + -13.455368041992188 + ], + [ + "▁uniform", + -13.599655151367188 + ], + [ + "▁Roger", + -13.121021270751951 + ], + [ + ".$$", + -13.746926307678224 + ], + [ + "▁internet", + -13.600031852722168 + ], + [ + "▁identification", + -13.62944793701172 + ], + [ + "▁employee", + -13.78928565979004 + ], + [ + "▁scenes", + -13.899164199829102 + ], + [ + "▁Kin", + -13.097057342529297 + ], + [ + "▁soccer", + -12.519441604614258 + ], + [ + "hill", + -12.97412109375 + ], + [ + "▁junior", + -13.803641319274902 + ], + [ + "▁Reception", + -10.491732597351074 + ], + [ + "▁accompanied", + -13.920886993408203 + ], + [ + "▁worse", + -13.697405815124512 + ], + [ + "▁soul", + -13.489554405212402 + ], + [ + "д", + -13.844683647155762 + ], + [ + "▁marine", + -13.624934196472168 + ], + [ + "▁Kelly", + -13.118260383605955 + ], + [ + "▁Gun", + -13.007880210876465 + ], + [ + "▁reserve", + -13.539345741271973 + ], + [ + "ces", + -12.994695663452148 + ], + [ + "burn", + -13.158576011657717 + ], + [ + "▁concerning", + -13.68193531036377 + ], + [ + "▁ill", + -14.326615333557127 + ], + [ + "ters", + -12.55824375152588 + ], + [ + "▁tea", + -14.050078392028809 + ], + [ + "▁customer", + -13.585692405700684 + ], + [ + "▁Basketball", + -11.990171432495115 + ], + [ + "▁prize", + -13.72620677947998 + ], + [ + "¸", + -14.434350967407228 + ], + [ + "▁electron", + -14.427691459655762 + ], + [ + "▁passage", + -13.979077339172363 + ], + [ + "▁Academic", + -11.954241752624512 + ], + [ + "ensuremath", + -14.767370223999023 + ], + [ + "▁thank", + -13.549786567687988 + ], + [ + "▁Forces", + -13.051345825195312 + ], + [ + "▁Deputy", + -13.14576816558838 + ], + [ + "▁involves", + -13.905319213867188 + ], + [ + "▁Thanks", + -11.934941291809082 + ], + [ + "▁Atlanta", + -12.791048049926758 + ], + [ + "ening", + -13.444852828979492 + ], + [ + "▁pure", + -13.685891151428224 + ], + [ + "är", + -13.695219039916992 + ], + [ + "▁drawing", + -13.201196670532228 + ], + [ + "▁bright", + -13.79777717590332 + ], + [ + "▁singers", + -11.86345386505127 + ], + [ + "▁conservative", + -13.781451225280762 + ], + [ + "She", + -12.975046157836914 + ], + [ + "bert", + -13.258410453796388 + ], + [ + "▁driven", + -13.994546890258787 + ], + [ + "▁commissioned", + -14.088109970092772 + ], + [ + "▁submitted", + -13.54376220703125 + ], + [ + "▁Stage", + -12.16518497467041 + ], + [ + "▁cricket", + -12.991557121276855 + ], + [ + "thy", + -13.257534980773926 + ], + [ + "▁Lawrence", + -13.033206939697266 + ], + [ + "▁Cook", + -13.01684284210205 + ], + [ + "▁Dec", + -13.233929634094238 + ], + [ + "▁Male", + -11.93250560760498 + ], + [ + "▁factory", + -13.387627601623535 + ], + [ + "▁structural", + -14.193909645080566 + ], + [ + "▁characteristic", + -13.90972137451172 + ], + [ + "▁Arkansas", + -12.532297134399414 + ], + [ + "▁Theorem", + -13.761834144592283 + ], + [ + "▁struck", + -13.895716667175291 + ], + [ + "▁Ð", + -15.197800636291504 + ], + [ + "▁sounds", + -13.558760643005373 + ], + [ + "▁consumption", + -13.7515230178833 + ], + [ + "▁telling", + -13.76794147491455 + ], + [ + "▁Margaret", + -13.25594997406006 + ], + [ + "ico", + -12.973895072937012 + ], + [ + "▁syndrome", + -13.5108642578125 + ], + [ + "▁Euro", + -12.923643112182615 + ], + [ + "▁offensive", + -13.63293743133545 + ], + [ + "?'", + -12.523870468139648 + ], + [ + "▁immune", + -14.372209548950195 + ], + [ + "▁reducing", + -14.038640022277832 + ], + [ + "▁Six", + -13.265307426452637 + ], + [ + "▁Ze", + -13.282114028930664 + ], + [ + "▁sh", + -13.038808822631836 + ], + [ + "▁competitions", + -12.230999946594238 + ], + [ + "ić", + -13.22041130065918 + ], + [ + "▁Tr", + -12.934043884277344 + ], + [ + "▁defensive", + -13.538089752197266 + ], + [ + "▁Still", + -13.27481746673584 + ], + [ + "▁rooms", + -13.88524341583252 + ], + [ + "▁Es", + -13.01878833770752 + ], + [ + "died", + -12.81689739227295 + ], + [ + "▁crossing", + -13.745575904846191 + ], + [ + "▁Farm", + -13.02207088470459 + ], + [ + "▁Seattle", + -12.867243766784668 + ], + [ + "▁contribute", + -14.06209945678711 + ], + [ + "▁Singles", + -11.259858131408691 + ], + [ + "▁partnership", + -13.957155227661133 + ], + [ + "▁perspective", + -13.715434074401855 + ], + [ + "eva", + -13.28206729888916 + ], + [ + "election", + -13.219415664672852 + ], + [ + "▁Marie", + -13.301799774169922 + ], + [ + "▁Sport", + -12.068507194519045 + ], + [ + "▁Rio", + -13.142457962036133 + ], + [ + "▁ethnic", + -14.04391098022461 + ], + [ + "▁Action", + -12.984505653381348 + ], + [ + "▁laser", + -14.260704040527344 + ], + [ + "Ha", + -13.2445707321167 + ], + [ + "▁merely", + -13.733336448669434 + ], + [ + "▁stability", + -14.085125923156738 + ], + [ + "▁Utah", + -12.571680068969728 + ], + [ + "▁Dun", + -13.219719886779783 + ], + [ + "▁directors", + -12.17124080657959 + ], + [ + "▁aspect", + -13.71944808959961 + ], + [ + "▁Imperial", + -13.14976692199707 + ], + [ + "▁demonstrate", + -14.02650260925293 + ], + [ + "▁burden", + -13.807002067565918 + ], + [ + "amine", + -13.751940727233888 + ], + [ + "▁Dark", + -13.02823257446289 + ], + [ + "▁teachers", + -13.704299926757812 + ], + [ + "▁extend", + -13.496102333068848 + ], + [ + "▁argues", + -13.701445579528809 + ], + [ + "▁meat", + -13.85548973083496 + ], + [ + "▁Census", + -12.89416217803955 + ], + [ + "▁Iron", + -13.082965850830078 + ], + [ + "▁drink", + -13.52673625946045 + ], + [ + "▁Kennedy", + -13.313916206359863 + ], + [ + "▁Indonesia", + -12.669751167297363 + ], + [ + "▁organic", + -14.213361740112305 + ], + [ + "ille", + -13.205806732177734 + ], + [ + "▁Wild", + -12.93723964691162 + ], + [ + "▁Was", + -13.075526237487791 + ], + [ + "▁plastic", + -14.118012428283691 + ], + [ + "▁Dublin", + -13.0834379196167 + ], + [ + "▁solar", + -13.894660949707031 + ], + [ + "▁walked", + -13.705686569213867 + ], + [ + "▁Prix", + -12.805706024169922 + ], + [ + "▁examination", + -13.899625778198242 + ], + [ + "▁videos", + -12.718056678771973 + ], + [ + "▁Mother", + -13.067349433898926 + ], + [ + "▁Eq", + -14.75331211090088 + ], + [ + "▁sin", + -13.47514533996582 + ], + [ + "▁mar", + -14.021316528320312 + ], + [ + "▁Sarah", + -13.24199390411377 + ], + [ + "▁Mat", + -12.87498378753662 + ], + [ + "▁considerable", + -14.083351135253906 + ], + [ + "aga", + -13.15097999572754 + ], + [ + "▁stadium", + -13.697257995605469 + ], + [ + "iki", + -13.420714378356934 + ], + [ + ".[@", + -15.070108413696287 + ], + [ + "▁~~~", + -10.4816255569458 + ], + [ + "▁provision", + -13.601219177246094 + ], + [ + "▁Welsh", + -12.659708976745604 + ], + [ + "▁velocity", + -13.619077682495115 + ], + [ + "▁qu", + -14.405694007873535 + ], + [ + "▁Dead", + -12.922768592834473 + ], + [ + "▁Shin", + -13.319144248962402 + ], + [ + "▁Case", + -12.816597938537598 + ], + [ + "▁damaged", + -14.151649475097656 + ], + [ + "▁Hockey", + -12.76156520843506 + ], + [ + "▁nano", + -13.95672607421875 + ], + [ + "▁Mas", + -13.040328979492188 + ], + [ + "▁founding", + -14.01531219482422 + ], + [ + "she", + -13.288637161254885 + ], + [ + "▁Char", + -12.910367012023926 + ], + [ + "▁publications", + -12.424975395202637 + ], + [ + "▁Ur", + -13.34495735168457 + ], + [ + "▁watching", + -13.689592361450195 + ], + [ + "▁knows", + -13.288702964782717 + ], + [ + "▁designs", + -13.76955795288086 + ], + [ + "ela", + -12.87086009979248 + ], + [ + "▁battery", + -13.694473266601562 + ], + [ + "▁suffering", + -13.983309745788574 + ], + [ + "▁helps", + -13.270241737365724 + ], + [ + "▁prop", + -13.11523723602295 + ], + [ + "▁requirement", + -13.483116149902344 + ], + [ + "▁principles", + 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+ "uz", + -13.179643630981444 + ], + [ + "▁sc", + -12.318984985351562 + ], + [ + "▁Studio", + -12.139183044433594 + ], + [ + "▁realized", + -13.995427131652832 + ], + [ + "▁paintings", + -13.31664752960205 + ], + [ + "▁в", + -14.242663383483888 + ], + [ + "▁childhood", + -13.969738006591797 + ], + [ + "▁Russell", + -13.155735969543455 + ], + [ + "▁Through", + -13.697017669677734 + ], + [ + "▁tight", + -13.747618675231934 + ], + [ + ";\"|", + -12.134927749633787 + ], + [ + "▁Ward", + -12.791241645812988 + ], + [ + "nabla", + -14.18457317352295 + ], + [ + "▁imp", + -13.789764404296877 + ], + [ + "▁legs", + -13.856924057006836 + ], + [ + "▁observation", + -13.929622650146484 + ], + [ + "▁acquisition", + -13.526429176330566 + ], + [ + "vent", + -13.35848331451416 + ], + [ + "▁familiar", + -13.89065933227539 + ], + [ + "▁equations", + -13.631202697753906 + ], + [ + "▁wearing", + -14.013582229614258 + ], + [ + "▁greatly", + -13.904821395874023 + ], + [ + "▁ca", + -13.290003776550291 + ], + [ + "▁Given", + -12.887533187866213 + ], + [ + "▁merged", + -13.622727394104004 + ], + [ + "を", + -8.2699613571167 + ], + [ + "▁duties", + -13.844354629516602 + ], + [ + "▁Capital", + -12.952977180480955 + ], + [ + "▁Bruce", + -13.145907402038574 + ], + [ + "▁stayed", + -14.11448097229004 + ], + [ + "▁Oh", + -13.17403507232666 + ], + [ + "▁Singh", + -13.265358924865724 + ], + [ + "▁Var", + -13.073949813842772 + ], + [ + "▁landing", + -13.916796684265137 + ], + [ + "▁finishing", + -14.078642845153809 + ], + [ + "τ", + -14.78932762145996 + ], + [ + "▁click", + -13.254908561706545 + ], + [ + "▁Legislative", + -12.644501686096191 + ], + [ + "▁facing", + -14.057130813598633 + ], + [ + "enberg", + -13.186180114746094 + ], + [ + "▁Race", + -12.321720123291016 + ], + [ + "▁Colonel", + -13.380435943603516 + ], + [ + "▁superior", + -14.03008270263672 + ], + [ + "▁thirty", + -13.972546577453612 + ], + [ + "▁View", + -13.071832656860352 + ], + [ + "▁defendants", + -13.853338241577148 + ], + [ + "▁Micro", + -12.529544830322266 + ], + [ + "▁Cho", + -13.19228744506836 + ], + [ + "▁genome", + -14.575203895568848 + ], + [ + "▁racial", + -14.29690933227539 + ], + [ + "▁goods", + -13.795918464660645 + ], + [ + "▁Thompson", + -13.200549125671388 + ], + [ + "▁Daily", + -13.179983139038086 + ], + [ + "▁evaluate", + -13.396329879760742 + ], + [ + "▁creative", + -13.911176681518556 + ], + [ + "▁penalty", + -13.80122184753418 + ], + [ + "▁instrument", + -13.907877922058104 + ], + [ + "▁Malaysia", + -12.678502082824709 + ], + [ + "▁suicide", + -13.597784042358398 + ], + [ + "▁tip", + -13.98434352874756 + ], + [ + "▁gate", + -14.318951606750488 + ], + [ + "▁Organization", + -12.537920951843262 + ], + [ + "▁Reg", + -12.992234230041504 + ], + [ + "Bo", + -13.187273979187012 + ], + [ + "▁lung", + -14.293590545654297 + ], + [ + "▁Cultural", + -12.313934326171877 + ], + [ + "▁Roy", + -13.15609073638916 + ], + [ + "ore", + -12.645509719848633 + ], + [ + "▁Tra", + -13.121657371520996 + ], + [ + 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[ + "▁headed", + -14.254281044006348 + ], + [ + "mas", + -13.01608943939209 + ], + [ + "▁Market", + -12.92201805114746 + ], + [ + "▁YouTube", + -12.678010940551758 + ], + [ + "▁Disney", + -13.286766052246094 + ], + [ + "▁Orchestra", + -13.018810272216797 + ], + [ + "▁heads", + -13.802042961120604 + ], + [ + "▁Nor", + -13.462909698486328 + ], + [ + "▁Fred", + -13.162981986999512 + ], + [ + "▁oral", + -14.21114730834961 + ], + [ + "▁competing", + -13.509637832641602 + ], + [ + "▁Cleveland", + -12.80211353302002 + ], + [ + ":**", + -12.959549903869627 + ], + [ + "▁thermal", + -14.190780639648438 + ], + [ + ")).", + -13.319456100463867 + ], + [ + "▁Th", + -13.23296356201172 + ], + [ + "▁membership", + -13.51440143585205 + ], + [ + "▁participation", + -13.76711654663086 + ], + [ + "▁sensitivity", + -14.279730796813965 + ], + [ + "▁movements", + -13.460915565490724 + ], + [ + "▁Girl", + -12.809806823730469 + ], + [ + "▁backing", + -12.68026638031006 + ], + [ + "▁poll", + -13.30897617340088 + ], + [ + "▁harm", + -13.934001922607422 + ], + [ + "▁coffee", + -13.910956382751465 + ], + [ + "▁Tamil", + -12.773395538330078 + ], + [ + "▁Cam", + -13.25975513458252 + ], + [ + "hol", + -13.229182243347168 + ], + [ + "met", + -12.852795600891112 + ], + [ + "▁Islam", + -13.112234115600586 + ], + [ + "▁inhabitants", + -13.780546188354492 + ], + [ + "▁targets", + -13.5213041305542 + ], + [ + "▁vessel", + -14.133106231689451 + ], + [ + "▁Hay", + -13.336448669433594 + ], + [ + "Li", + -13.235095024108888 + ], + [ + "▁Syria", + -13.257089614868164 + ], + [ + "▁radical", + -14.24851417541504 + ], + [ + "▁extends", + -12.953067779541016 + ], + [ + "esh", + -13.130743026733398 + ], + [ + "▁concrete", + -13.862066268920898 + ], + [ + "▁priest", + -13.868632316589355 + ], + [ + "▁sensitive", + -14.120685577392578 + ], + [ + "**]{},", + -14.208677291870115 + ], + [ + "▁Pol", + -13.2127046585083 + ], + [ + "▁hidden", + -13.309330940246582 + ], + [ + "▁sharp", + -13.957324981689451 + ], + [ + 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-12.932559967041016 + ], + [ + "▁Montreal", + -12.903886795043944 + ], + [ + "▁assess", + -14.376758575439451 + ], + [ + "▁Hell", + -13.408853530883787 + ], + [ + "▁pen", + -14.085060119628906 + ], + [ + "ı", + -13.433972358703612 + ], + [ + "▁folk", + -13.268420219421388 + ], + [ + "▁hits", + -13.648574829101562 + ], + [ + "▁Democrats", + -13.085209846496582 + ], + [ + "▁occupation", + -13.646048545837402 + ], + [ + "▁dollars", + -13.9334077835083 + ], + [ + "▁Current", + -11.653350830078123 + ], + [ + "▁Tower", + -13.141915321350098 + ], + [ + "▁survived", + -14.119157791137695 + ], + [ + "▁sky", + -14.081765174865724 + ], + [ + "▁roll", + -13.869383811950684 + ], + [ + "ient", + -13.635980606079102 + ], + [ + "▁assets", + -13.744614601135254 + ], + [ + "▁Ce", + -12.840681076049805 + ], + [ + "▁mile", + -14.363655090332031 + ], + [ + "▁brick", + -14.20265007019043 + ], + [ + "▁Gro", + -13.411723136901855 + ], + [ + "▁falls", + -13.75255298614502 + ], + [ + "▁ocean", + 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"▁Ve", + -13.203458786010742 + ], + [ + "▁Ros", + -13.289972305297852 + ], + [ + "▁dating", + -14.010819435119627 + ], + [ + "▁Thailand", + -12.846709251403809 + ], + [ + "widetilde", + -14.56047534942627 + ], + [ + "▁pictures", + -13.657262802124023 + ], + [ + "▁roads", + -13.682473182678224 + ], + [ + "▁PS", + -13.088176727294922 + ], + [ + "▁Dance", + -12.712327003479004 + ], + [ + "▁Crown", + -13.36622142791748 + ], + [ + "ske", + -13.888731002807615 + ], + [ + "▁kick", + -13.566021919250488 + ], + [ + "▁Bible", + -13.263728141784668 + ], + [ + "▁weekly", + -13.91470718383789 + ], + [ + "▁essentially", + -13.907390594482422 + ], + [ + "▁Collection", + -12.938532829284668 + ], + [ + "]$", + -14.38788604736328 + ], + [ + "bri", + -13.638962745666504 + ], + [ + "▁tropical", + -14.032798767089844 + ], + [ + "▁Total", + -12.755645751953123 + ], + [ + "▁Edition", + -13.032870292663574 + ], + [ + "▁fees", + -13.66623878479004 + ], + [ + "▁hill", + -14.525224685668944 + ], + [ + "▁Princess", + -13.275345802307127 + ], + [ + "▁closest", + -13.482189178466797 + ], + [ + "▁Mission", + -12.604392051696776 + ], + [ + "▁Hand", + -13.21961498260498 + ], + [ + "▁Policy", + -13.284734725952148 + ], + [ + "▁Stewart", + -13.248162269592283 + ], + [ + "▁passengers", + -14.112932205200195 + ], + [ + "▁wire", + -13.783243179321287 + ], + [ + "▁beach", + -13.857272148132324 + ], + [ + "▁Senator", + -13.510180473327637 + ], + [ + "▁ride", + -14.31004524230957 + ], + [ + "▁tie", + -14.285965919494627 + ], + [ + "▁truck", + -14.02371597290039 + ], + [ + "▁Carter", + -13.28958511352539 + ], + [ + "▁Shu", + -13.30571174621582 + ], + [ + "mor", + -13.413186073303224 + ], + [ + "▁amounts", + -13.950093269348145 + ], + [ + "\\}$", + -14.580660820007324 + ], + [ + "▁Taiwan", + -12.877646446228027 + ], + [ + "▁Kon", + -13.413546562194824 + ], + [ + "onia", + -12.970129013061523 + ], + [ + "▁Studios", + -12.907011985778809 + ], + [ + "▁enhance", + -14.25312042236328 + ], + [ + "▁branches", + -13.655763626098633 + ], + [ + "с", + -14.072916984558104 + ], + [ + "▁resigned", + -14.159021377563477 + ], + [ + "▁epi", + -14.666942596435549 + ], + [ + "▁Volume", + -13.034208297729492 + ], + [ + "▁defence", + -13.690155982971191 + ], + [ + "▁prisoners", + -13.525915145874023 + ], + [ + "▁FIG", + -14.186823844909668 + ], + [ + "ere", + -13.04707145690918 + ], + [ + "▁Jason", + -13.162958145141602 + ], + [ + "rian", + -13.18474292755127 + ], + [ + "▁Small", + -12.875000953674316 + ], + [ + "ax", + -12.430868148803713 + ], + [ + "▁Socorro", + -13.577844619750977 + ], + [ + "▁regulations", + -13.74023723602295 + ], + [ + "▁Palace", + -13.28168487548828 + ], + [ + "▁behalf", + -13.879823684692385 + ], + [ + "sar", + -12.967756271362305 + ], + [ + "▁reputation", + -14.001981735229492 + ], + [ + "▁universities", + -13.193608283996582 + ], + [ + "▁cable", + -13.95913314819336 + ], + [ + "▁Metropolitan", + -13.094781875610352 + ], + [ + "Ro", + -13.500873565673828 + ], + [ + "uda", + -13.242487907409668 + ], + [ + "▁intersection", + -13.120243072509766 + ], + [ + "▁Wind", + -12.87891674041748 + ], + [ + "▁Convention", + -13.362120628356934 + ], + [ + "aire", + -13.552035331726074 + ], + [ + "▁monitoring", + -13.654667854309082 + ], + [ + "▁LINEAR", + -13.795475959777832 + ], + [ + "▁Lang", + -13.41639232635498 + ], + [ + "▁singing", + -14.086353302001951 + ], + [ + "tam", + -13.31996726989746 + ], + [ + "foot", + -13.469093322753906 + ], + [ + "▁Hans", + -13.27798080444336 + ], + [ + "]{", + -13.536416053771973 + ], + [ + "uma", + -13.190309524536133 + ], + [ + "▁ce", + -14.07280731201172 + ], + [ + "▁assay", + -14.18913459777832 + ], + [ + "ched", + -13.687862396240234 + ], + [ + "▁testified", + -13.673624038696287 + ], + [ + "▁pa", + -13.066672325134276 + ], + [ + "▁Jimmy", + -13.165566444396973 + ], + [ + "▁Publishing", + -12.93975830078125 + ], + [ + "▁pas", + -14.22206211090088 + ], + [ + "fall", + -13.068904876708984 + ], + [ + "rac", + -13.523409843444824 + ], + [ + "bel", + -13.20107364654541 + ], + [ + "▁shock", + -14.23869514465332 + ], + [ + "▁Bru", + -13.393800735473633 + ], + [ + "▁Ly", + -13.410003662109377 + ], + [ + "▁Seven", + -13.208640098571776 + ], + [ + "tha", + -13.165694236755373 + ], + [ + "**(-", + -13.348377227783203 + ], + [ + "mond", + -13.455692291259766 + ], + [ + "▁recordings", + -12.876556396484377 + ], + [ + "が", + -8.547884941101074 + ], + [ + "▁prepare", + -13.187360763549805 + ], + [ + "▁Hard", + -12.964587211608888 + ], + [ + "wick", + -13.3328218460083 + ], + [ + "▁Blood", + -13.082247734069824 + ], + [ + "▁Au", + -13.37817668914795 + ], + [ + "▁recall", + -14.005521774291992 + ], + [ + "▁Lane", + -13.348345756530762 + ], + [ + "▁smallest", + -13.348640441894531 + ], + [ + "▁bond", + -13.979641914367676 + ], + [ + "▁Off", + -12.029324531555176 + ], + [ + "▁Did", + -13.258320808410645 + ], + [ + "ée", + -13.544061660766602 + ], + [ + "▁Victor", + -13.149564743041992 + ], + [ + "▁Pe", + -12.804166793823242 + ], + [ + "gue", + -13.352402687072754 + ], + [ + "▁bag", + -14.076090812683104 + ], + [ + "▁declined", + -14.084707260131836 + ], + [ + "▁arrangement", + -13.769574165344238 + ], + [ + "▁genera", + -12.004277229309082 + ], + [ + "▁offense", + -13.711137771606444 + ], + [ + "ista", + -13.428862571716309 + ], + [ + "▁strange", + -13.579169273376465 + ], + [ + "▁é", + -14.503732681274414 + ], + [ + "▁layers", + -13.807392120361328 + ], + [ + "▁particle", + -13.746116638183594 + ], + [ + "▁Expatriate", + -11.56722640991211 + ], + [ + "▁nations", + -13.501805305480955 + ], + [ + "▁Care", + -13.24358367919922 + ], + [ + "▁Chairman", + -13.520421981811523 + ], + [ + "▁Dor", + -13.456100463867188 + ], + [ + "▁Hunter", + -13.189616203308104 + ], + [ + "▁convicted", + -13.23863410949707 + ], + [ + "▁Dream", + -12.939946174621582 + ], + [ + "▁electro", + -14.395416259765623 + ], + [ + "▁Egyptian", + -13.048006057739258 + ], + [ + "▁Nova", + -12.996488571166992 + ], + [ + "▁Staff", + -12.771596908569336 + ], + [ + "▁dans", + -14.267976760864258 + ], + [ + "ー", + -11.415722846984863 + ], + [ + "▁courses", + -13.721293449401855 + ], + [ + "▁Unit", + -13.045544624328612 + ], + [ + "▁Nature", + -12.909871101379396 + ], + [ + "▁aimed", + -14.27734661102295 + ], + [ + "▁mm", + -13.194259643554688 + ], + [ + "▁spiritual", + -13.903346061706545 + ], + [ + "▁Put", + -12.886632919311523 + ], + [ + "▁Online", + -12.415227890014648 + ], + [ + "▁fraction", + -13.955524444580078 + ], + [ + "▁Child", + -13.155115127563477 + ], + [ + "▁gay", + -13.692625045776367 + ], + [ + "▁dynasty", + -13.065610885620115 + ], + [ + "▁lands", + -14.753090858459473 + ], + [ + "▁signaling", + -14.27306079864502 + ], + [ + "▁deputy", + -14.102996826171877 + ], + [ + "▁crystal", + -14.119720458984377 + ], + [ + "▁critic", + -14.002481460571287 + ], + [ + "▁struggle", + -14.10037899017334 + ], + [ + "▁Transportation", + -11.784648895263672 + ], + [ + "▁animated", + -12.841788291931152 + ], + [ + "Pi", + -13.265863418579102 + ], + [ + "▁mining", + -13.641180992126465 + ], + [ + "▁Have", + -13.112096786499023 + ], + [ + "▁designer", + -13.603211402893066 + ], + [ + "▁painted", + -14.230486869812012 + ], + [ + "▁enforcement", + -13.423245429992676 + ], + [ + "▁violation", + -13.60871696472168 + ], + [ + "▁[]", + -13.072009086608888 + ], + [ + "▁studying", + -14.23134422302246 + ], + [ + "▁Overall", + -12.516209602355955 + ], + [ + "▁Gary", + -13.093947410583496 + ], + [ + "▁periods", + -13.800167083740234 + ], + [ + "▁dynamics", + -13.883994102478027 + ], + [ + "▁Amendment", + -13.559617042541504 + ], + [ + "▁Romanian", + -12.51820182800293 + ], + [ + "▁breaking", + -13.984770774841309 + ], + [ + "▁Training", + -12.885701179504396 + ], + [ + "▁repeat", + -13.25987434387207 + ], + [ + "▁mounted", + -14.126240730285645 + ], + [ + "They", + -13.161935806274414 + ], + [ + "▁Study", + -13.010143280029297 + ], + [ + "▁Tur", + -13.322606086730955 + ], + [ + "▁silent", + -12.93868637084961 + ], + [ + "▁Marshall", + -13.214415550231934 + ], + [ + "▁Future", + -12.589682579040527 + ], + [ + "▁magnitude", + -14.039520263671877 + ], + [ + "▁RE", + -12.416720390319824 + ], + [ + "▁kitchen", + -14.020445823669434 + ], + [ + "▁voters", + -14.13183879852295 + ], + [ + "ego", + -13.418285369873049 + ], + [ + "▁scholars", + -13.02757453918457 + ], + [ + "▁Nazi", + -13.338117599487305 + ], + [ + "▁earliest", + -14.106818199157717 + ], + [ + "▁willing", + -13.838624000549316 + ], + [ + "dor", + -13.266515731811523 + ], + [ + "▁athletes", + -12.672256469726562 + ], + [ + "▁trend", + -14.21995735168457 + ], + [ + "▁theorem", + -13.628460884094238 + ], + [ + "▁seventh", + -14.14611530303955 + ], + [ + "▁sharing", + -13.616962432861328 + ], + [ + "▁cousin", + -14.047250747680664 + ], + [ + "▁wonder", + -13.6791353225708 + ], + [ + "▁proportion", + -14.30399227142334 + ], + [ + "▁Side", + -12.043136596679688 + ], + [ + "▁praised", + -14.498814582824709 + ], + [ + "▁Give", + -13.190242767333984 + ], + [ + "ien", + -13.24419403076172 + ], + [ + "nen", + -13.313352584838867 + ], + [ + "▁drew", + -14.079275131225586 + ], + [ + "▁rats", + -14.604713439941406 + ], + [ + "▁Warren", + -13.265822410583496 + ], + [ + "▁Boys", + -12.731026649475098 + ], + [ + "▁Chile", + -12.613018989562988 + ], + [ + "′", + -14.514840126037598 + ], + [ + "▁Hampshire", + -12.832601547241213 + ], + [ + "▁routes", + -13.32955837249756 + ], + [ + "▁bird", + -14.278853416442873 + ], + [ + "adi", + -13.122323036193848 + ], + [ + "▁wounded", + -14.190208435058594 + ], + [ + "atory", + -13.299447059631348 + ], + [ + "▁Murray", + -13.333773612976074 + ], + [ + "▁Hungary", + -12.86618709564209 + ], + [ + "▁anniversary", + -14.032365798950195 + ], + [ + "▁responded", + -13.98647689819336 + ], + [ + "▁gear", + -14.16870403289795 + ], + [ + "▁residential", + -14.048694610595703 + ], + [ + "▁Iranian", + -12.76984691619873 + ], + [ + "▁bin", + -13.592330932617188 + ], + [ + "▁smoke", + -14.202676773071287 + ], + [ + "▁shut", + -13.560673713684082 + ], + [ + "}}^", + -14.737603187561035 + ], + [ + "▁Within", + -13.853853225708008 + ], + [ + "kt", + -13.137336730957031 + ], + [ + "▁Gene", + -12.984981536865234 + ], + [ + "▁moves", + -13.48866081237793 + ], + [ + "▁illness", + -14.065990447998049 + ], + [ + "▁manufacturer", + -13.81219482421875 + ], + [ + "▁Box", + -12.773114204406738 + ], + [ + "▁Labor", + -13.344293594360352 + ], + [ + "▁valley", + -14.14747428894043 + ], + [ + "▁explanation", + -13.645587921142578 + ], + [ + "itch", + -13.612531661987305 + ], + [ + "▁appointment", + -14.051000595092772 + ], + [ + "▁export", + -12.90323543548584 + ], + [ + "▁cloud", + -13.847417831420898 + ], + [ + "▁Dick", + -13.28616714477539 + ], + [ + "▁estimates", + -13.965229034423828 + ], + [ + "▁commitment", + -13.953010559082031 + ], + [ + "▁publishing", + -13.590730667114258 + ], + [ + "м", + -14.253766059875488 + ], + [ + "Oh", + -12.88530445098877 + ], + [ + "▁monitor", + -13.161863327026367 + ], + [ + "▁gauge", + -13.733738899230955 + ], + [ + "▁attributed", + -14.246685028076172 + ], + [ + "▁crimes", + -13.414612770080566 + ], + [ + "▁Card", + -13.038944244384766 + ], + [ + "▁diverse", + -14.3246431350708 + ], + [ + "▁synthesis", + -14.139460563659668 + ], + [ + "▁VI", + -13.15274429321289 + ], + [ + "▁existed", + -13.953041076660156 + ], + [ + "▁Having", + -13.91533374786377 + ], + [ + "▁Additional", + -12.045952796936035 + ], + [ + "▁MD", + -13.236141204833984 + ], + [ + ")=\\", + -14.323260307312012 + ], + [ + "▁Villa", + -13.190580368041992 + ], + [ + "▁Sec", + -14.416751861572266 + ], + [ + "▁yield", + -13.733826637268066 + ], + [ + "Na", + -13.161701202392578 + ], + [ + "▁carrier", + -14.163575172424316 + ], + [ + "▁Wi", + -13.161362648010254 + ], + [ + "▁alive", + -13.709203720092772 + ], + [ + "▁technologies", + -13.771018981933594 + ], + [ + "▁Operation", + -12.541060447692873 + ], + [ + "shan", + -13.209540367126465 + ], + [ + "▁producers", + -12.572978973388672 + ], + [ + "▁hypothesis", + -14.111742973327637 + ], + [ + "▁judges", + -12.904321670532228 + ], + [ + "▁cellular", + -14.518051147460938 + ], + [ + "▁mortality", + -14.5469970703125 + ], + [ + "▁liberal", + -14.135161399841309 + ], + [ + "▁screening", + -14.262611389160156 + ], + [ + "▁atmosphere", + -14.20028018951416 + ], + [ + "▁MPs", + -12.545082092285156 + ], + [ + "▁Ay", + -13.33986759185791 + ], + [ + "▁noticed", + -13.946615219116213 + ], + [ + "▁threatened", + -13.879434585571287 + ], + [ + "▁rescue", + -14.013317108154297 + ], + [ + "▁Liverpool", + -13.235960960388184 + ], + [ + "▁examine", + -14.041312217712402 + ], + [ + "▁с", + -14.254899978637695 + ], + [ + "etti", + -13.335753440856934 + ], + [ + "▁Urban", + -12.877630233764648 + ], + [ + "▁Angel", + -13.13241195678711 + ], + [ + "▁horror", + -12.987479209899902 + ], + [ + "▁separation", + -14.19370174407959 + ], + [ + "▁friendly", + -13.878778457641602 + ], + [ + "▁cutting", + -14.144294738769531 + ], + [ + "▁shoulder", + -13.98059368133545 + ], + [ + "▁Rick", + -13.322748184204102 + ], + [ + "rated", + -13.467314720153809 + ], + [ + "▁Authority", + -13.394460678100586 + ], + [ + "▁Evans", + -13.315757751464844 + ], + [ + "▁wedding", + -14.123543739318848 + ], + [ + "▁Baker", + -13.26059341430664 + ], + [ + "▁Lower", + -13.111775398254396 + ], + [ + "▁Girls", + -12.671459197998049 + ], + [ + "▁bid", + -13.97169589996338 + ], + [ + "▁Oak", + -13.19725513458252 + ], + [ + "▁Tro", + -13.2357759475708 + ], + [ + "▁Stanley", + -13.269685745239258 + ], + [ + "▁valuable", + -14.003610610961914 + ], + [ + "_{{\\", + -14.569220542907717 + ], + [ + "▁Monte", + -13.41030502319336 + ], + [ + "▁explore", + -14.28192901611328 + ], + [ + "▁Multi", + -12.584624290466309 + ], + [ + "pha", + -13.5574312210083 + ], + [ + "▁haven", + -13.487466812133787 + ], + [ + "▁moderate", + -14.429929733276367 + ], + [ + "▁Similarly", + -14.089698791503906 + ], + [ + "▁visitors", + -14.02377986907959 + ], + [ + "ister", + -13.556503295898438 + ], + [ + "▁mail", + -13.609780311584473 + ], + [ + "▁Pri", + -13.521148681640623 + ], + [ + "▁unusual", + -14.055242538452148 + ], + [ + "▁transformation", + -13.307815551757812 + ], + [ + "▁universe", + -13.869524002075195 + ], + [ + "▁Maine", + -12.748876571655272 + ], + [ + "▁evil", + -13.956916809082031 + ], + [ + "▁Matthew", + -13.214214324951172 + ], + [ + "▁abstract", + -13.25667953491211 + ], + [ + "▁bars", + -13.94944667816162 + ], + [ + "з", + -13.912495613098145 + ], + [ + "▁Comics", + -12.47515106201172 + ], + [ + "etta", + -13.28842067718506 + ], + [ + "sie", + -13.127836227416992 + ], + [ + "een", + -13.16263484954834 + ], + [ + "verse", + -13.574419975280762 + ], + [ + "ming", + -12.953516006469728 + ], + [ + "itz", + -13.41219997406006 + ], + [ + "▁Ny", + -13.432244300842283 + ], + [ + "oz", + -13.068744659423828 + ], + [ + "mal", + -13.24152660369873 + ], + [ + "▁Morris", + -13.309980392456056 + ], + [ + "▁rising", + -13.851123809814451 + ], + [ + "▁ch", + -12.203055381774902 + ], + [ + "▁Conservative", + -13.209489822387695 + ], + [ + "▁railroad", + -13.782965660095217 + ], + [ + "▁laboratory", + -14.281079292297363 + ], + [ + "▁Assistant", + -13.033666610717772 + ], + [ + "▁trading", + -13.976163864135742 + ], + [ + "▁addressed", + -13.878676414489746 + ], + [ + "▁α", + -14.359734535217283 + ], + [ + "▁Brooklyn", + -12.970290184020996 + ], + [ + "illo", + -13.216896057128906 + ], + [ + "▁Romania", + -12.629094123840332 + ], + [ + "▁Sta", + -13.004385948181152 + ], + [ + "▁weapon", + -13.90558910369873 + ], + [ + "▁physician", + -13.860344886779783 + ], + [ + "▁dogs", + -13.862625122070312 + ], + [ + "▁migration", + -13.752574920654297 + ], + [ + "▁Players", + -12.025222778320312 + ], + [ + "▁successor", + -13.92409610748291 + ], + [ + "▁regiment", + -14.375555992126465 + ], + [ + "▁Charlie", + -13.27825927734375 + ], + [ + "▁Common", + -12.71990966796875 + ], + [ + "sti", + -13.05805778503418 + ], + [ + "▁habitat", + -12.827709197998049 + ], + [ + "▁partners", + -13.972816467285156 + ], + [ + "▁affairs", + -13.701852798461914 + ], + [ + "▁poverty", + -14.165360450744627 + ], + [ + "▁colonial", + -13.659536361694336 + ], + [ + "▁Introduction", + -11.52313995361328 + ], + [ + "▁Liga", + -12.324563026428224 + ], + [ + "▁Arena", + -13.067713737487791 + ], + [ + "chy", + -13.434765815734863 + ], + [ + "bach", + -13.29478359222412 + ], + [ + "▁Challenge", + -12.777602195739746 + ], + [ + "ire", + -12.93880558013916 + ], + [ + "▁closing", + -13.505298614501951 + ], + [ + "▁beauty", + -13.633102416992188 + ], + [ + "▁Orthodox", + -13.13588809967041 + ], + [ + "▁Alfred", + -13.35077953338623 + ], + [ + "▁Portland", + -12.969493865966797 + ], + [ + "cin", + -13.17370319366455 + ], + [ + "▁tu", + -13.928808212280272 + ], + [ + "▁Billy", + -13.195718765258787 + ], + [ + "}}_{", + -14.731706619262695 + ], + [ + "yu", + -13.30350399017334 + ], + [ + "iff", + -13.12655258178711 + ], + [ + "és", + -13.309600830078123 + ], + [ + "▁horses", + -13.937252044677734 + ], + [ + "▁ob", + -13.320063591003418 + ], + [ + "▁Dakota", + -12.780637741088867 + ], + [ + "▁viewed", + -14.150474548339844 + ], + [ + "▁amino", + -14.945966720581056 + ], + [ + "▁deliver", + -13.91043758392334 + ], + [ + "▁photos", + -13.50460433959961 + ], + [ + "▁Afghanistan", + -13.249099731445312 + ], + [ + "▁dinner", + -13.93065357208252 + ], + [ + "▁pandemic", + -13.727823257446287 + ], + [ + "▁integration", + -13.577821731567385 + ], + [ + "▁enhanced", + -14.26734733581543 + ], + [ + "▁Villages", + -11.732025146484377 + ], + [ + "▁Language", + -12.465810775756836 + ], + [ + "▁narrative", + -14.080376625061035 + ], + [ + "▁Tournament", + -12.547430992126465 + ], + [ + "▁marks", + -13.494940757751465 + ], + [ + "▁dust", + -14.222492218017578 + ], + [ + "▁-->", + -12.505507469177246 + ], + [ + "\\{", + -13.593006134033203 + ], + [ + "']", + -12.6010160446167 + ], + [ + "ema", + -13.288487434387209 + ], + [ + "▁Gra", + -13.339136123657228 + ], + [ + "▁communications", + -13.758896827697754 + ], + [ + "▁ST", + -12.544807434082031 + ], + [ + "▁Por", + -13.370684623718262 + ], + [ + "▁Rico", + -13.069466590881348 + ], + [ + "▁dispute", + -13.862653732299805 + ], + [ + "▁Railroad", + -13.190585136413574 + ], + [ + "▁Athletics", + -11.921783447265623 + ], + [ + "▁entertainment", + -13.428065299987791 + ], + [ + "▁equipped", + -14.376860618591309 + ], + [ + "▁Ring", + -13.282748222351074 + ], + [ + "▁Alaska", + -12.976167678833008 + ], + [ + "▁personality", + -13.752702713012695 + ], + [ + "▁recovered", + -14.132635116577148 + ], + [ + "▁Trail", + -13.055027961730955 + ], + [ + "▁Saudi", + -13.049478530883787 + ], + [ + "▁arch", + -13.497275352478027 + ], + [ + "▁exhibit", + -14.358642578125 + ], + [ + "σ", + -14.765962600708008 + ], + [ + "▁strip", + -13.631429672241213 + ], + [ + "▁signing", + -13.87700366973877 + ], + [ + "▁Again", + -13.322211265563965 + ], + [ + "▁argue", + 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-14.053574562072754 + ], + [ + "away", + -12.967803955078123 + ], + [ + "▁flows", + -13.931427001953123 + ], + [ + "▁divide", + -13.320713996887209 + ], + [ + "▁Cole", + -13.40084171295166 + ], + [ + "▁organisation", + -14.015315055847168 + ], + [ + "▁conservation", + -13.392165184020996 + ], + [ + "anda", + -13.18185043334961 + ], + [ + "]--[@", + -15.234349250793455 + ], + [ + "▁suspended", + -13.771441459655762 + ], + [ + "▁Commissioner", + -13.555192947387695 + ], + [ + "▁Hy", + -13.101614952087402 + ], + [ + "▁romantic", + -13.102479934692385 + ], + [ + "▁dated", + -14.243796348571776 + ], + [ + "Cl", + -13.049165725708008 + ], + [ + "▁Wang", + -13.541155815124512 + ], + [ + "▁pet", + -14.33325481414795 + ], + [ + "▁bias", + -13.646474838256836 + ], + [ + "▁NBA", + -12.84249210357666 + ], + [ + "▁diversity", + -14.185626983642578 + ], + [ + "ech", + -13.212936401367188 + ], + [ + "は", + -8.43484878540039 + ], + [ + "OH", + -13.329055786132812 + ], + [ + "▁Wolf", + -13.18737506866455 + ], + [ + "▁telephone", + -14.102272987365724 + ], + [ + "▁orchestra", + -13.53215503692627 + ], + [ + "▁differential", + -13.995347023010254 + ], + [ + "▁ge", + -13.706254005432127 + ], + [ + "▁Upper", + -13.278950691223145 + ], + [ + "▁dismissed", + -13.92978286743164 + ], + [ + "kel", + -13.484864234924316 + ], + [ + "▁Ry", + -13.60124683380127 + ], + [ + "▁sole", + -13.994956016540527 + ], + [ + "▁Bas", + -13.429242134094238 + ], + [ + "▁Mus", + -13.355908393859863 + ], + [ + "й", + -14.218856811523438 + ], + [ + "unt", + -13.486148834228516 + ], + [ + "▁colors", + -13.251276016235352 + ], + [ + "▁SP", + -12.750688552856444 + ], + [ + "▁Construction", + -12.258288383483888 + ], + [ + "}=\\", + -14.312973022460938 + ], + [ + "ory", + -13.386927604675291 + ], + [ + "▁comprehensive", + -14.118210792541504 + ], + [ + "▁hat", + -14.464611053466797 + ], + [ + "▁difficulty", + -13.954346656799316 + ], + [ + "▁dominant", + -14.508604049682615 + ], + [ + "▁spoken", + -13.94827365875244 + ], + [ + "cul", + -13.700669288635254 + ], + [ + "▁Serbian", + -12.547064781188965 + ], + [ + "\\*", + -14.467388153076172 + ], + [ + "▁surrounded", + -14.202571868896484 + ], + [ + "▁reviewed", + -14.093233108520508 + ], + [ + "▁watched", + -13.952125549316406 + ], + [ + "▁neutral", + -14.194710731506348 + ], + [ + "▁Zi", + -13.45368194580078 + ], + [ + "▁bowl", + -13.807353019714355 + ], + [ + "▁Rad", + -13.510554313659668 + ], + [ + "▁Rod", + -13.322978019714355 + ], + [ + "▁gift", + -14.05057430267334 + ], + [ + "▁voting", + -14.009108543395996 + ], + [ + "▁Pur", + -13.557059288024902 + ], + [ + "▁occasion", + -14.052803993225098 + ], + [ + "▁Plaintiff", + -13.550623893737791 + ], + [ + "▁emission", + -14.426397323608398 + ], + [ + "▁Peru", + -12.76455307006836 + ], + [ + "▁HD", + -13.130566596984863 + ], + [ + "▁med", + -14.812755584716797 + ], + [ + "ving", + -13.630338668823242 + ], + [ + "▁Analysis", + -12.580266952514648 + ], + [ + "▁Website", + -11.784804344177246 + ], + [ + "▁[^", + -13.21338939666748 + ], + [ + "^+^", + -15.581316947937012 + ], + [ + "▁provisions", + -13.714677810668944 + ], + [ + "▁blind", + -13.921338081359863 + ], + [ + "▁Madrid", + -13.22295379638672 + ], + [ + "▁las", + -14.70376682281494 + ], + [ + "▁elevation", + -14.004511833190918 + ], + [ + "▁vary", + -13.997323036193848 + ], + [ + "▁elevated", + -14.429181098937988 + ], + [ + "jar", + -13.35256004333496 + ], + [ + "▁consequences", + -13.919702529907228 + ], + [ + "▁emerged", + -14.469559669494627 + ], + [ + "▁appearing", + -13.89248275756836 + ], + [ + "▁hydrogen", + -14.31618881225586 + ], + [ + "▁CT", + -13.27938461303711 + ], + [ + "▁Primary", + -12.469809532165527 + ], + [ + "▁Wayne", + -13.204870223999023 + ], + [ + "▁${{\\", + -15.046374320983888 + ], + [ + "▁Movement", + -13.161284446716309 + ], + [ + "▁Hindu", + -13.140762329101562 + ], + [ + "▁Glen", + -13.250935554504396 + ], + [ + "▁trail", + -13.989705085754396 + ], + [ + "▁destroy", + -13.458386421203612 + ], + [ + "▁northeast", + -14.268522262573242 + ], + [ + "▁ear", + -14.404109001159668 + ], + [ + "▁centers", + -13.591341018676758 + ], + [ + "▁machines", + -13.58664894104004 + ], + [ + ". \\[", + -15.060352325439451 + ], + [ + "▁Zo", + -13.373290061950684 + ], + [ + "iel", + -13.481840133666992 + ], + [ + "▁Benjamin", + -13.371268272399902 + ], + [ + "story", + -13.88283634185791 + ], + [ + "▁Alice", + -13.486806869506836 + ], + [ + "▁engage", + -14.255873680114746 + ], + [ + "▁bishop", + -13.988344192504885 + ], + [ + "aya", + -13.103565216064451 + ], + [ + "▁&\\", + -13.261637687683104 + ], + [ + "▁restricted", + -14.063017845153809 + ], + [ + "▁hosts", + -13.529273986816406 + ], + [ + "▁Lan", + -13.303707122802734 + ], + [ + "▁consumer", + -13.64053440093994 + ], + [ + "▁Argentine", + -12.269492149353027 + ], + [ + "▁supplies", + -14.01314640045166 + ], + [ + "▁Full", + -12.661585807800291 + ], + [ + "▁visiting", + -14.08135223388672 + ], + [ + ". [", + 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+ ], + [ + "▁feedback", + -13.718297958374023 + ], + [ + "▁Birmingham", + -13.219772338867188 + ], + [ + "▁Late", + -13.287276268005373 + ], + [ + "▁activist", + -13.62215518951416 + ], + [ + "▁bacteria", + -14.36037540435791 + ], + [ + "▁Fan", + -13.256620407104492 + ], + [ + "▁controversy", + -13.530741691589355 + ], + [ + "\"})", + -15.06972599029541 + ], + [ + "▁fairly", + -13.93385124206543 + ], + [ + "▁premiered", + -14.296995162963867 + ], + [ + "fiction", + -12.285492897033691 + ], + [ + "▁journalists", + -12.15289306640625 + ], + [ + "ket", + -13.68799877166748 + ], + [ + "iti", + -13.569592475891112 + ], + [ + "▁Step", + -12.998627662658691 + ], + [ + "osis", + -13.72303581237793 + ], + [ + "▁decay", + -14.376330375671388 + ], + [ + "▁Ac", + -12.84609317779541 + ], + [ + "▁Cooper", + -13.46427059173584 + ], + [ + "\\<", + -14.656158447265623 + ], + [ + "▁Champion", + -13.36081886291504 + ], + [ + "▁API", + -11.955647468566896 + ], + [ + "▁tissues", + -14.74349594116211 + ], + 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-12.234362602233888 + ], + [ + "▁optimal", + -14.027710914611816 + ], + [ + "▁gang", + -14.083293914794922 + ], + [ + "ern", + -13.493377685546877 + ], + [ + "▁Bou", + -13.371213912963867 + ], + [ + "▁definitely", + -13.787327766418455 + ], + [ + "▁wealth", + -14.188178062438965 + ], + [ + "▁dress", + -14.152470588684082 + ], + [ + "▁associate", + -13.89378833770752 + ], + [ + "▁Tech", + -13.182662010192873 + ], + [ + "▁Ian", + -13.17645263671875 + ], + [ + "▁bomb", + -14.213605880737305 + ], + [ + "▁Pierre", + -13.438305854797363 + ], + [ + "▁divisions", + -12.979595184326172 + ], + [ + "▁CH", + -13.338703155517578 + ], + [ + "▁survive", + -14.171804428100586 + ], + [ + "▁universal", + -14.10000991821289 + ], + [ + "▁Guy", + -13.232711791992188 + ], + [ + "▁craft", + -14.466717720031738 + ], + [ + "rah", + -13.752896308898926 + ], + [ + "▁-------", + -12.554288864135742 + ], + [ + "▁smart", + -13.711432456970217 + ], + [ + "▁bulk", + -13.935791015625 + ], + [ + "▁cu", + 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"▁Med", + -13.452699661254885 + ], + [ + "▁experts", + -14.089503288269045 + ], + [ + "▁Tam", + -13.490715026855469 + ], + [ + "▁Buck", + -13.396026611328123 + ], + [ + "stra", + -13.424875259399414 + ], + [ + "▁Performance", + -12.409811973571776 + ], + [ + "▁Mediterranean", + -13.222047805786133 + ], + [ + "▁formally", + -14.298914909362791 + ], + [ + "▁Price", + -13.180835723876951 + ], + [ + "▁taxes", + -14.066400527954102 + ], + [ + "▁tunnel", + -14.0308256149292 + ], + [ + "tern", + -13.422249794006348 + ], + [ + "▁declare", + -12.835219383239746 + ], + [ + "lands", + -13.047986030578612 + ], + [ + "cio", + -13.50967788696289 + ], + [ + "▁talent", + -14.14845371246338 + ], + [ + "▁fault", + -13.265098571777344 + ], + [ + "و", + -14.060236930847168 + ], + [ + "▁forget", + -13.550073623657228 + ], + [ + "▁forth", + -13.59295654296875 + ], + [ + "▁eating", + -14.08677577972412 + ], + [ + "▁Magic", + -13.026016235351562 + ], + [ + "▁Defendant", + -13.429364204406738 + ], + [ + "▁Nar", + -13.450956344604492 + ], + [ + "▁Date", + -12.531636238098145 + ], + [ + "▁criticized", + -14.518178939819336 + ], + [ + "²", + -14.06904125213623 + ], + [ + "▁Come", + -13.391741752624512 + ], + [ + "▁Jonathan", + -13.274371147155762 + ], + [ + "ome", + -13.553382873535156 + ], + [ + "▁quiet", + -13.709206581115724 + ], + [ + "▁Jerusalem", + -13.48612117767334 + ], + [ + "▁ju", + -14.247715950012209 + ], + [ + "▁defend", + -14.248164176940918 + ], + [ + "▁begun", + -14.237290382385254 + ], + [ + "▁LGBT", + -12.17689323425293 + ], + [ + "▁reveals", + -14.473085403442385 + ], + [ + "▁promise", + -13.783551216125488 + ], + [ + "nel", + -13.369938850402832 + ], + [ + "▁vitro", + -14.605634689331056 + ], + [ + "▁Alumni", + -12.040404319763184 + ], + [ + "▁Athletic", + -13.136672019958496 + ], + [ + "▁smile", + -13.669468879699709 + ], + [ + "▁rival", + -14.297308921813965 + ], + [ + "▁Guinea", + -13.009841918945312 + ], + [ + "▁knee", + -14.252921104431152 + ], + [ + "▁rat", + -14.7482328414917 + ], + [ + "▁Site", + -12.492508888244627 + ], + [ + "▁hide", + -13.663799285888672 + ], + [ + "▁Century", + -13.261811256408691 + ], + [ + "▁faces", + -13.934732437133787 + ], + [ + "té", + -13.83188533782959 + ], + [ + "▁soldier", + -13.91395378112793 + ], + [ + "/\\", + -13.83924388885498 + ], + [ + "▁baseline", + -14.286529541015623 + ], + [ + "▁Charlotte", + -13.258317947387695 + ], + [ + "▁belt", + -14.447713851928713 + ], + [ + "▁introduce", + -14.05785846710205 + ], + [ + "▁connecting", + -13.94931411743164 + ], + [ + "▁rarely", + -14.14266586303711 + ], + [ + "▁Oct", + -13.490609169006348 + ], + [ + "د", + -14.092894554138184 + ], + [ + "▁naval", + -14.013542175292969 + ], + [ + "ت", + -14.138349533081056 + ], + [ + "▁Watch", + -13.302531242370604 + ], + [ + "▁crucial", + -14.37649631500244 + ], + [ + "▁\"[", + -13.055627822875977 + ], + [ + "▁www", + -13.898164749145508 + ], + [ + "▁recover", + -13.899774551391602 + ], + [ + "▁knowing", + -13.940462112426758 + ], + [ + "▁locality", + -13.437987327575684 + ], + [ + "▁moth", + -13.34085464477539 + ], + [ + "▁reveal", + -14.288830757141112 + ], + [ + "awa", + -13.510210990905762 + ], + [ + "nom", + -13.499981880187988 + ], + [ + "▁heritage", + -13.554969787597656 + ], + [ + "▁DJ", + -13.001425743103027 + ], + [ + "▁Fine", + -13.32345199584961 + ], + [ + "▁spatial", + -14.286709785461426 + ], + [ + "▁doors", + -14.054908752441406 + ], + [ + "▁waves", + -14.121465682983398 + ], + [ + "▁northwest", + -14.239706039428713 + ], + [ + "pers", + -12.978026390075684 + ], + [ + "▁surgical", + -14.603734016418455 + ], + [ + "▁intention", + -14.218094825744627 + ], + [ + "▁Hunt", + -13.339420318603516 + ], + [ + "▁artistic", + -13.845973014831545 + ], + [ + "▁Wal", + -13.409564971923828 + ], + [ + "▁mi", + -13.212308883666992 + ], + [ + "gin", + -13.279297828674316 + ], + [ + "▁shoot", + -14.05465602874756 + ], + [ + "▁supporters", + -14.240394592285156 + ], + [ + "nate", + -13.728874206542969 + ], + [ + "▁Kas", + -13.584693908691406 + ], + [ + "▁Wo", + -13.553474426269531 + ], + [ + "▁kingdom", + -14.205370903015137 + ], + [ + "▁edges", + -13.38700008392334 + ], + [ + "▁consequence", + -14.236983299255373 + ], + [ + "igh", + -14.028402328491213 + ], + [ + "▁Secret", + -13.28777027130127 + ], + [ + "▁discharge", + -14.276942253112791 + ], + [ + "▁provincial", + -13.954126358032228 + ], + [ + "▁tough", + -14.15229320526123 + ], + [ + "▁Sara", + -13.328961372375488 + ], + [ + "▁targeted", + -14.232047080993652 + ], + [ + "▁newspapers", + -13.190911293029783 + ], + [ + "▁Luis", + -13.261951446533203 + ], + [ + "ر", + -14.058616638183594 + ], + [ + "▁Horse", + -13.005130767822266 + ], + [ + "▁Rail", + -12.705110549926758 + ], + [ + "▁readers", + -13.88120174407959 + ], + [ + "▁strict", + -13.304469108581545 + ], + [ + "▁suspension", + -14.119085311889648 + ], + [ + "asa", + -13.28297519683838 + ], + [ + "▁shore", + -14.387749671936035 + ], + [ + "cis", + -13.800929069519045 + ], + [ + "▁Mag", + -13.247275352478027 + ], + [ + "▁stick", + -14.145828247070312 + ], + [ + "nell", + -13.477578163146973 + ], + [ + "▁encouraged", + -14.312051773071287 + ], + [ + "▁Cricket", + -12.617572784423828 + ], + [ + "▁Nebraska", + -12.743980407714844 + ], + [ + "▁collections", + -13.082236289978027 + ], + [ + "asse", + -13.94712734222412 + ], + [ + "▁equally", + -13.920902252197266 + ], + [ + "▁variant", + -13.47189712524414 + ], + [ + "▁Mir", + -13.46033763885498 + ], + [ + "▁engagement", + -14.133448600769045 + ], + [ + "▁publicly", + -14.134374618530272 + ], + [ + "▁drinking", + -14.222002029418944 + ], + [ + "▁pursue", + -14.253181457519531 + ], + [ + "▁Helen", + -13.410679817199709 + ], + [ + "▁Wil", + -13.464157104492188 + ], + [ + "▁exclusive", + -13.719240188598633 + ], + [ + "hara", + -13.507761001586914 + ], + [ + "▁Honor", + -13.026057243347168 + ], + [ + "▁legislative", + -13.867385864257812 + ], + [ + "▁memorial", + -13.566202163696287 + ], + [ + "▁neurons", + -14.908875465393066 + ], + [ + "▁Luc", + -13.54883098602295 + ], + [ + "▁Literature", + -12.146001815795898 + ], + [ + "▁variations", + -13.940255165100098 + ], + [ + "▁hybrid", + -14.155611038208008 + ], + [ + "▁revolution", + -14.065549850463867 + ], + [ + "▁satellite", + -14.160247802734377 + ], + [ + "▁Barbara", + -13.30073070526123 + ], + [ + "▁CE", + -13.558659553527832 + ], + [ + "▁swimming", + -13.365026473999023 + ], + [ + "^−", + -15.333744049072266 + ], + [ + "▁seriously", + -14.129753112792969 + ], + [ + "▁conviction", + -13.726468086242676 + ], + [ + "▁Publications", + -11.515300750732422 + ], + [ + "finals", + -12.440374374389648 + ], + [ + "▁cm", + -13.102960586547852 + ], + [ + "▁lawsuit", + -14.009819984436035 + ], + [ + "▁Ji", + -13.410654067993164 + ], + [ + "▁Say", + -13.374434471130373 + ], + [ + "▁Fi", + -13.17377471923828 + ], + [ + "▁Stock", + -13.19497299194336 + ], + [ + "▁Ap", + -13.134869575500488 + ], + [ + "▁feelings", + -14.202425956726074 + ], + [ + "¿", + -13.923395156860352 + ], + [ + "▁${", + -13.985859870910645 + ], + [ + "▁asks", + -14.034829139709473 + ], + [ + "▁Racing", + -12.583236694335938 + ], + [ + "▁Fo", + -13.27821445465088 + ], + [ + "$(", + -13.410475730895996 + ], + [ + "▁namely", + -14.359051704406738 + ], + [ + "▁Schools", + -12.120038032531738 + ], + [ + "▁alternate", + -13.482145309448242 + ], + [ + "}}{\\", + -14.26474952697754 + ], + [ + "hir", + -13.667202949523926 + ], + [ + "bor", + -13.29551887512207 + ], + [ + "▁reactions", + -13.72022819519043 + ], + [ + "▁aside", + -13.95661163330078 + ], + [ + "▁pH", + -14.994842529296877 + ], + [ + "▁Kha", + -13.560912132263184 + ], + [ + "▁sick", + -14.06689453125 + ], + [ + "ž", + -13.660136222839355 + ], + [ + "▁collapse", + -14.1763334274292 + ], + [ + "▁Fish", + -12.670013427734377 + ], + [ + "Psi", + -13.966276168823242 + ], + [ + "Ka", + -13.307218551635742 + ], + [ + "inger", + -13.2979736328125 + ], + [ + "▁substitute", + -13.934557914733888 + ], + [ + "▁coat", + -14.277470588684082 + ], + [ + "ook", + -13.929818153381348 + ], + [ + "Fe", + -13.953409194946287 + ], + [ + "ijms", + -15.175402641296388 + ], + [ + "▁violent", + -14.2904052734375 + ], + [ + "¼", + -13.66261100769043 + ], + [ + "▁realize", + -14.089221000671388 + ], + [ + "▁exhibited", + -14.608172416687012 + ], + [ + "▁Without", + -13.634218215942385 + ], + [ + "▁Susan", + -13.424256324768066 + ], + [ + "yer", + -13.205489158630373 + ], + [ + "▁antibody", + -15.066976547241213 + ], + [ + "▁resident", + -14.137803077697754 + ], + [ + "▁retail", + -14.116819381713867 + ], + [ + "▁Warner", + -13.25462245941162 + ], + [ + "▁Wing", + -13.441061973571776 + ], + [ + "\"]", + -12.748456001281738 + ], + [ + "▁stronger", + -14.248835563659668 + ], + [ + "▁proceedings", + -13.72106647491455 + ], + [ + "▁Nevada", + -12.926831245422363 + ], + [ + "▁accessible", + -13.758134841918944 + ], + [ + "▁fraud", + -13.889697074890137 + ], + [ + "▁thoughts", + -13.61764430999756 + ], + [ + "▁Parker", + 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+ ], + [ + "▁failing", + -13.834030151367188 + ], + [ + "▁nomination", + -14.084480285644531 + ], + [ + "▁fur", + -14.480690956115724 + ], + [ + "▁Critical", + -11.628000259399414 + ], + [ + "▁therapeutic", + -14.557037353515623 + ], + [ + "▁Jose", + -13.361883163452148 + ], + [ + "▁BA", + -13.694636344909668 + ], + [ + "▁facilitate", + -14.21273136138916 + ], + [ + "▁coastal", + -14.021074295043944 + ], + [ + "▁…", + -13.918429374694824 + ], + [ + "▁activists", + -12.550352096557615 + ], + [ + "▁Nevertheless", + -14.52190399169922 + ], + [ + "▁earn", + -14.446610450744627 + ], + [ + "▁instant", + -13.979266166687012 + ], + [ + "Supp", + -13.659065246582031 + ], + [ + "lich", + -13.748476028442385 + ], + [ + "▁substantially", + -14.220210075378418 + ], + [ + "▁Link", + -12.788652420043944 + ], + [ + "▁Universal", + -13.13140869140625 + ], + [ + "▁feels", + -14.11959457397461 + ], + [ + "▁hate", + -14.040206909179688 + ], + [ + "▁predict", + -14.464399337768556 + ], + [ + "▁Bull", + -13.449843406677246 + ], + [ + "▁prefer", + -13.570372581481934 + ], + [ + "▁Kur", + -13.572946548461914 + ], + [ + "▁AP", + -12.898425102233888 + ], + [ + "▁grey", + -14.139113426208496 + ], + [ + "inus", + -13.3097562789917 + ], + [ + "▁mit", + -14.972785949707031 + ], + [ + "▁surfaces", + -14.104340553283691 + ], + [ + "ago", + -13.139232635498049 + ], + [ + "▁plates", + -14.38757610321045 + ], + [ + "▁moments", + -14.126419067382812 + ], + [ + "▁paying", + -14.116969108581545 + ], + [ + "▁Defence", + -13.285555839538574 + ], + [ + "▁Spirit", + -13.40761661529541 + ], + [ + "▁eggs", + -14.013419151306152 + ], + [ + "で", + -8.706663131713867 + ], + [ + "▁pitch", + -13.772571563720703 + ], + [ + "▁representatives", + -13.855544090270996 + ], + [ + "▁transcription", + -14.552397727966309 + ], + [ + "▁Oblast", + -12.961657524108888 + ], + [ + "▁topics", + -13.686718940734863 + ], + [ + "▁Lanka", + -13.00491428375244 + ], + [ + "▁businessman", + -13.602227210998535 + ], + [ + "▁{{\\", + -14.878443717956545 + ], + [ + "▁Qui", + -13.584199905395508 + ], + [ + "oku", + -13.720152854919434 + ], + [ + "▁mirror", + -13.823098182678224 + ], + [ + "▁supra", + -14.337011337280272 + ], + [ + "▁Accordingly", + -13.939675331115724 + ], + [ + "▁awareness", + -14.095660209655762 + ], + [ + "augh", + -14.56992530822754 + ], + [ + "▁complicated", + -13.987279891967772 + ], + [ + "▁Indians", + -13.30659294128418 + ], + [ + "▁excess", + -14.22490406036377 + ], + [ + "▁Fisher", + -13.65406322479248 + ], + [ + "▁counts", + -13.522602081298828 + ], + [ + "▁resort", + -13.945423126220703 + ], + [ + "▁по", + -14.311925888061523 + ], + [ + "▁Robin", + -13.341754913330078 + ], + [ + "▁CBS", + -13.35273265838623 + ], + [ + "▁Cathedral", + -13.379484176635742 + ], + [ + "▁downtown", + -14.331857681274414 + ], + [ + "▁Municipality", + -12.85863208770752 + ], + [ + "▁Turner", + -13.44950008392334 + ], + [ + "▁sword", + -14.044100761413574 + ], + [ + "▁pack", + -12.947888374328612 + ], + [ + "▁tone", + -14.188986778259276 + ], + [ + "...\"", + -13.145865440368652 + ], + [ + "▁Chamber", + -13.148316383361816 + ], + [ + "▁independently", + -14.054213523864746 + ], + [ + "▁lawyers", + -12.429633140563965 + ], + [ + "▁confirm", + -14.10395336151123 + ], + [ + "▁uncle", + -14.236594200134276 + ], + [ + "▁believes", + -14.205323219299316 + ], + [ + "▁Vancouver", + -13.243964195251465 + ], + [ + "▁Writing", + -12.42612361907959 + ], + [ + "▁illustrated", + -14.188261985778809 + ], + [ + "▁Politics", + -11.78772258758545 + ], + [ + "▁rice", + -14.281224250793455 + ], + [ + "▁Gal", + -13.39439868927002 + ], + [ + "▁Draw", + -11.655773162841797 + ], + [ + "acy", + -13.462556838989258 + ], + [ + "▁Pal", + -13.445133209228516 + ], + [ + "▁meets", + -14.091052055358888 + ], + [ + "▁amateur", + -14.01834201812744 + ], + [ + "▁Nigeria", + -13.03364086151123 + ], + [ + "▁celebrated", + -14.264178276062012 + ], + [ + "▁NBC", + -13.404248237609863 + ], + [ + "▁arc", + -13.70773983001709 + ], + [ + "▁une", + -14.881196975708008 + ], + [ + "▁closure", + -13.80249309539795 + ], + [ + "▁claiming", + -14.37615203857422 + ], + [ + "▁vivo", + -14.635987281799316 + ], + [ + "▁Android", + -12.93138599395752 + ], + [ + "▁pe", + -13.663138389587402 + ], + [ + "▁lens", + -14.471298217773438 + ], + [ + "yne", + -13.624834060668944 + ], + [ + "▁Kings", + -13.087272644042969 + ], + [ + "▁Around", + -13.73085880279541 + ], + [ + "▁outbreak", + -14.296936988830566 + ], + [ + "▁Richmond", + -13.275186538696287 + ], + [ + "▁CP", + -13.38403034210205 + ], + [ + "▁crossed", + -14.20195770263672 + ], + [ + "▁debuted", + -14.596078872680664 + ], + [ + "ва", + -13.998298645019531 + ], + [ + "▁listen", + -13.56887435913086 + ], + [ + "ario", + -13.765825271606444 + ], + [ + "▁shopping", + -14.078986167907717 + ], + [ + "▁runner", + -13.72776985168457 + ], + [ + "▁theoretical", + -14.354534149169922 + ], + [ + "▁-----------", + -12.052559852600098 + ], + [ + "▁Stan", + -13.384539604187012 + ], + [ + "Br", + -13.501959800720217 + ], + [ + "▁lift", + -14.531061172485352 + ], + [ + "´", + -14.174322128295898 + ], + [ + "▁zu", + -14.848048210144045 + ], + [ + "▁fiber", + -14.32878589630127 + ], + [ + "▁Writers", + -12.095293045043944 + ], + [ + "▁->", + -14.046934127807615 + ], + [ + "▁cognitive", + -14.498645782470703 + ], + [ + "lle", + -13.43752098083496 + ], + [ + "▁Single", + -12.606395721435549 + ], + [ + "chin", + -13.437732696533203 + ], + [ + "Ta", + -13.483985900878906 + ], + [ + "stan", + -13.250316619873049 + ], + [ + "mur", + -13.608526229858398 + ], + [ + "ли", + -14.07449722290039 + ], + [ + "▁Scientific", + -13.102670669555664 + ], + [ + "▁Dia", + -13.315024375915527 + ], + [ + "▁Ker", + -13.418664932250977 + ], + [ + "▁orientation", + -13.674466133117676 + ], + [ + "▁medieval", + -13.943277359008787 + ], + [ + "▁carefully", + -13.955913543701172 + ], + [ + "▁intense", + -14.441765785217283 + ], + [ + "▁Lie", + -13.758925437927246 + ], + [ + "▁Brand", + 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-14.351225852966309 + ], + [ + "sil", + -13.574939727783203 + ], + [ + "▁phrase", + -14.08347511291504 + ], + [ + "と", + -8.661354064941406 + ], + [ + "▁guidelines", + -14.065714836120604 + ], + [ + "▁Theater", + -13.175445556640623 + ], + [ + "▁counties", + -13.487610816955566 + ], + [ + "▁operational", + -14.099964141845703 + ], + [ + "▁substance", + -14.149767875671388 + ], + [ + "▁relating", + -13.992119789123535 + ], + [ + "▁rounded", + -13.427712440490724 + ], + [ + "▁bearing", + -14.396943092346191 + ], + [ + "λ", + -14.654107093811035 + ], + [ + "▁UEFA", + -12.685930252075195 + ], + [ + "▁photography", + -13.240986824035645 + ], + [ + "▁Motor", + -13.321120262145996 + ], + [ + "▁Manager", + -13.62920093536377 + ], + [ + "▁convention", + -13.720226287841797 + ], + [ + "corn", + -13.56297492980957 + ], + [ + "▁improvements", + -13.975947380065918 + ], + [ + "▁amazing", + -14.077890396118164 + ], + [ + "▁qualifying", + -13.700379371643066 + ], + [ + "▁Beijing", + 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"▁prevalence", + -14.930012702941896 + ], + [ + "ight", + -13.792095184326172 + ], + [ + "▁Steven", + -13.429506301879885 + ], + [ + "▁DE", + -12.990379333496094 + ], + [ + "▁administered", + -14.537246704101562 + ], + [ + "ides", + -13.09707260131836 + ], + [ + "▁improving", + -14.323914527893066 + ], + [ + "▁crown", + -14.261239051818848 + ], + [ + "▁Profile", + -12.121747970581056 + ], + [ + "▁plaintiffs", + -14.245450973510742 + ], + [ + "▁magazines", + -12.764617919921877 + ], + [ + "▁Harrison", + -13.57366180419922 + ], + [ + "▁Ivan", + -13.4813814163208 + ], + [ + "rite", + -13.954033851623535 + ], + [ + "rea", + -13.305112838745115 + ], + [ + "nbsp", + -13.717803001403809 + ], + [ + "▁manual", + -13.518420219421388 + ], + [ + "▁abroad", + -13.996249198913574 + ], + [ + "▁psychological", + -14.110084533691406 + ], + [ + "▁Kirk", + -13.487671852111816 + ], + [ + "▁Nan", + -13.302000999450684 + ], + [ + "▁og", + -15.03930377960205 + ], + [ + "▁Muslims", + -13.244277954101562 + ], + [ + "▁bike", + -14.307418823242188 + ], + [ + "▁bull", + -14.271867752075195 + ], + [ + "ité", + -14.30320644378662 + ], + [ + "tas", + -13.240608215332031 + ], + [ + "tron", + -13.740596771240234 + ], + [ + "▁Cuba", + -13.27277946472168 + ], + [ + "subset", + -13.907623291015623 + ], + [ + "▁totally", + -14.030221939086914 + ], + [ + "▁Yorkshire", + -13.06141185760498 + ], + [ + "▁influential", + -14.49314022064209 + ], + [ + "▁Gan", + -13.635515213012695 + ], + [ + "▁Alberta", + -13.03915786743164 + ], + [ + "lation", + -13.177705764770508 + ], + [ + "▁col", + -12.506498336791992 + ], + [ + "▁southwest", + -14.304027557373049 + ], + [ + "▁noble", + -13.92857837677002 + ], + [ + "▁posts", + -13.699091911315918 + ], + [ + "▁Socialist", + -13.36099338531494 + ], + [ + "▁Communications", + -13.153677940368652 + ], + [ + "▁Bro", + -13.514101028442385 + ], + [ + "berry", + -13.629218101501465 + ], + [ + "▁ranging", + -14.682948112487791 + ], + [ + "winning", + -13.288406372070312 + ], + [ + "lé", + -13.735953330993652 + ], + [ + "▁------------", + -11.740673065185549 + ], + [ + "▁Rich", + -13.49647617340088 + ], + [ + "▁Machine", + -12.88332462310791 + ], + [ + "▁thickness", + -14.49075698852539 + ], + [ + "ici", + -13.322793006896973 + ], + [ + "▁sustained", + -14.405557632446287 + ], + [ + "▁Elementary", + -12.511720657348633 + ], + [ + "▁automatic", + -13.626962661743164 + ], + [ + "▁acids", + -14.458566665649414 + ], + [ + "▁wake", + -13.481106758117676 + ], + [ + "▁comprises", + -14.315889358520508 + ], + [ + "▁Caribbean", + -13.256789207458496 + ], + [ + "nce", + -13.188037872314451 + ], + [ + "▁Kol", + -13.632923126220703 + ], + [ + "▁Companies", + -12.329193115234377 + ], + [ + "én", + -13.610129356384276 + ], + [ + "▁Kara", + -13.504831314086914 + ], + [ + "▁Range", + -13.188298225402832 + ], + [ + "hn", + -13.358318328857422 + ], + [ + "▁incidence", + -14.903289794921877 + ], + [ + "▁clan", + -13.832058906555176 + ], + [ + "▁amongst", + -14.306044578552246 + ], + [ + "▁Bern", + -13.579551696777344 + ], + [ + "▁Cruz", + -13.45223331451416 + ], + [ + "▁ease", + -14.168399810791016 + ], + [ + "▁adventure", + -13.42251968383789 + ], + [ + "uli", + -13.368000030517578 + ], + [ + "▁outdoor", + -14.298274040222168 + ], + [ + "▁strategic", + -14.360244750976562 + ], + [ + "▁и", + -14.530115127563477 + ], + [ + "▁CC", + -12.709014892578123 + ], + [ + "▁Pictures", + -12.728679656982422 + ], + [ + "▁Mix", + -12.854364395141602 + ], + [ + "▁attending", + -14.420207023620604 + ], + [ + "til", + -13.486440658569336 + ], + [ + "▁Victorian", + -13.41478157043457 + ], + [ + "▁regression", + -14.323236465454102 + ], + [ + "eman", + -13.602991104125977 + ], + [ + "▁maintaining", + -14.233768463134766 + ], + [ + "▁worship", + -14.032299041748049 + ], + [ + " ± ", + -15.761078834533691 + ], + [ + "rine", + -13.802613258361816 + ], + [ + "▁Fri", + -13.423381805419922 + ], + [ + "mL", + -14.821004867553713 + ], + [ + "tti", + -13.44623565673828 + ], + [ + "▁tr", + -13.467348098754885 + ], + [ + "▁amplitude", + -14.532654762268066 + ], + [ + "▁minority", + -14.34953498840332 + ], + [ + "▁mon", + -14.046433448791504 + ], + [ + "▁drove", + -14.371930122375488 + ], + [ + "▁Text", + -13.02921199798584 + ], + [ + "▁interviews", + -14.172521591186523 + ], + [ + "▁assumption", + -14.056325912475586 + ], + [ + "ashi", + -13.786065101623535 + ], + [ + "▁Environmental", + -12.750797271728516 + ], + [ + "heim", + -13.600019454956056 + ], + [ + "▁acoustic", + -13.71677303314209 + ], + [ + "sized", + -13.359100341796877 + ], + [ + "▁eleven", + -14.325892448425291 + ], + [ + "▁Block", + -13.002752304077148 + ], + [ + "▁parking", + -14.200969696044922 + ], + [ + "▁Representative", + -13.527770042419434 + ], + [ + "▁publisher", + -14.026124954223633 + ], + [ + "▁MI", + -12.92233180999756 + ], + [ + "▁imagine", + -14.08750820159912 + ], + [ + "▁infected", + -14.859888076782228 + ], + [ + "▁ON", + -12.079279899597168 + ], + [ + "▁Baptist", + -13.373772621154783 + ], + [ + "▁bay", + -14.377836227416992 + ], + [ + "tum", + -13.566959381103516 + ], + [ + "▁Zone", + -13.032882690429688 + ], + [ + "▁prince", + -14.009228706359863 + ], + [ + "▁Oliver", + -13.495450973510742 + ], + [ + "▁difficulties", + -14.335468292236328 + ], + [ + "▁colony", + -14.440984725952148 + ], + [ + "▁Dragon", + -13.306436538696287 + ], + [ + "radi", + -14.113150596618652 + ], + [ + "▁daughters", + -14.064303398132324 + ], + [ + "▁dominated", + -14.684897422790527 + ], + [ + "▁trace", + -12.73375129699707 + ], + [ + "▁forests", + -13.888998985290527 + ], + [ + "▁Electric", + -13.02155590057373 + ], + [ + "▁Financial", + -13.0341796875 + ], + [ + "▁fictional", + -13.764969825744627 + ], + [ + "▁ni", + -13.922829627990724 + ], + [ + "▁inspiration", + -14.209567070007324 + ], + [ + "▁Mun", + -13.621124267578123 + ], + [ + "▁rounds", + -13.775569915771484 + ], + [ + "▁comprising", + -14.463492393493652 + ], + [ + "▁Parish", + -12.996808052062988 + ], + [ + "▁Prefecture", + -12.647377967834473 + ], + [ + "▁vital", + -14.274907112121582 + ], + [ + ")/(", + -13.69841766357422 + ], + [ + "▁fitted", + -14.514918327331545 + ], + [ + "“", + -12.388422012329102 + ], + [ + "▁Marvel", + -13.23586368560791 + ], + [ + "▁Distribution", + -11.378755569458008 + ], + [ + "▁Until", + -14.344080924987791 + ], + [ + "▁fin", + -14.448851585388184 + ], + [ + "▁fabric", + -14.323298454284668 + ], + [ + "▁strains", + -14.910460472106934 + ], + [ + "▁absolutely", + -13.89482879638672 + ], + [ + "▁attracted", + -14.57144260406494 + ], + [ + "▁---------", + -12.421950340270996 + ], + [ + "▁wound", + -14.452388763427734 + ], + [ + "▁Cass", + -13.492984771728516 + ], + [ + "ن", + -14.37028980255127 + ], + [ + "▁indigenous", + -14.019797325134276 + ], + [ + "▁Thank", + -12.949870109558104 + ], + [ + "vet", + -13.701557159423828 + ], + [ + "▁photographs", + -14.035016059875488 + ], + [ + "▁Jam", + -13.30906867980957 + ], + [ + "Sa", + -13.001482009887695 + ], + [ + "▁pod", + -14.537071228027344 + ], + [ + "▁Blues", + -13.12548542022705 + ], + [ + "▁measuring", + -14.43372631072998 + ], + [ + "▁Larry", + -13.430500984191896 + ], + [ + "▁Mind", + -13.411088943481444 + ], + [ + "▁Muhammad", + -13.806601524353027 + ], + [ + "”,", + -14.00293254852295 + ], + [ + "eno", + -13.172266960144045 + ], + [ + "▁eligible", + -14.136027336120604 + ], + [ + "igo", + -13.26474666595459 + ], + [ + "▁Cra", + -13.508005142211914 + ], + [ + "▁Look", + -12.971027374267578 + ], + [ + "▁annually", + -14.336174011230469 + ], + [ + "▁Cer", + -13.501007080078123 + ], + [ + "▁É", + -13.587571144104004 + ], + [ + "▁guitarist", + -14.05370807647705 + ], + [ + "▁rational", + -14.209463119506836 + ], + [ + "▁Grace", + -13.484182357788086 + ], + [ + "▁Republicans", + -13.21530818939209 + ], + [ + "▁scholar", + -14.032061576843262 + ], + [ + "▁SR", + -13.657920837402344 + ], + [ + "▁Ref", + -13.142250061035156 + ], + [ + "▁reportedly", + -14.479350090026855 + ], + [ + "▁lap", + -14.590998649597168 + ], + [ + "\"}.", + -14.83234977722168 + ], + [ + "▁Cold", + -13.237981796264648 + ], + [ + "▁farmers", + -14.095563888549805 + ], + [ + "cro", + -14.070481300354004 + ], + [ + "▁burn", + -14.686223030090332 + ], + [ + "gio", + -13.59665584564209 + ], + [ + "aceae", + -12.888038635253906 + ], + [ + "▁venue", + -14.37511920928955 + ], + [ + "▁Rangers", + -13.2594575881958 + ], + [ + "▁Hat", + -13.364815711975098 + ], + [ + "▁Map", + -12.785374641418455 + ], + [ + "▁Net", + -13.037606239318848 + ], + [ + "▁Buffalo", + -13.17739963531494 + ], + [ + "▁Industrial", + -13.07614517211914 + ], + [ + "▁Yan", + -13.622503280639648 + ], + [ + "tica", + -13.747125625610352 + ], + [ + "▁labour", + -14.135268211364746 + ], + [ + "▁Drive", + -13.301098823547363 + ], + [ + "▁protests", + -13.922815322875977 + ], + [ + "gov", + -13.60875129699707 + ], + [ + "▁cultures", + -14.271268844604492 + ], + [ + "▁excited", + -14.226729393005373 + ], + [ + "▁ticket", + -13.971901893615724 + ], + [ + "ör", + -13.724398612976074 + ], + [ + "▁Selected", + -11.608978271484377 + ], + [ + "▁Kh", + -13.517706871032717 + ], + [ + "igan", + -13.562023162841797 + ], + [ + "▁simulation", + -13.732544898986816 + ], + [ + "י", + -14.536508560180664 + ], + [ + "▁encourage", + -14.256255149841309 + ], + [ + "ester", + -13.884161949157717 + ], + [ + "▁mutations", + -14.803221702575684 + ], + [ + "▁Bristol", + -13.326315879821776 + ], + [ + "cdots", + -14.396161079406738 + ], + [ + "▁excluded", + -14.194646835327148 + ], + [ + "Mu", + -13.725545883178713 + ], + [ + "rant", + -13.638785362243652 + ], + [ + "▁viral", + -14.73287868499756 + ], + [ + "▁merger", + -14.139175415039062 + ], + [ + "▁ka", + -14.57843780517578 + ], + [ + "▁seeds", + -13.956459045410156 + ], + [ + "▁seal", + -14.380229949951172 + ], + [ + "▁Buddhist", + -13.27260398864746 + ], + [ + "▁palace", + -14.30700969696045 + ], + [ + "▁Artists", + -12.368537902832031 + ], + [ + "▁alliance", + -14.240599632263184 + ], + [ + "})\\", + -14.4640531539917 + ], + [ + "▁happening", + -13.838458061218262 + ], + [ + "▁Tigers", + -12.944479942321776 + ], + [ + "West", + -13.153641700744627 + ], + [ + "▁shield", + -14.282275199890137 + ], + [ + "▁Bachelor", + -13.187143325805664 + ], + [ + "▁dam", + -14.708600997924805 + ], + [ + "▁Soon", + -14.16383171081543 + ], + [ + "▁perceived", + -14.514204978942873 + ], + [ + "eller", + -13.645641326904297 + ], + [ + "▁cinema", + -13.443259239196776 + ], + [ + "▁doctors", + -13.786564826965332 + ], + [ + "▁PCR", + -14.519283294677734 + ], + [ + "▁resolve", + -13.343923568725586 + ], + [ + "ologist", + -13.577823638916016 + ], + [ + "▁Arm", + -13.33069896697998 + ], + [ + "▁Lemma", + -14.41622829437256 + ], + [ + "about", + -13.505693435668944 + ], + [ + "▁Exchange", + -13.354921340942385 + ], + [ + "▁lock", + -12.295735359191896 + ], + [ + "▁wonderful", + -13.999041557312012 + ], + [ + "▁Kay", + -13.416207313537598 + ], + [ + "▁Vincent", + -13.456049919128418 + ], + [ + "ère", + -13.667213439941406 + ], + [ + "▁silence", + -13.755471229553224 + ], + [ + "▁ministers", + -12.619832038879396 + ], + [ + "ote", + -13.502392768859863 + ], + [ + "bon", + -13.463774681091309 + ], + [ + "▁favour", + -14.374608993530272 + ], + [ + "▁themes", + -13.760372161865234 + ], + [ + "▁initiative", + -14.364148139953612 + ], + [ + "setlength", + -12.648494720458984 + ], + [ + "asi", + -13.367627143859863 + ], + [ + "▁--------------", + -11.29510498046875 + ], + [ + "▁Rain", + -13.259803771972656 + ], + [ + "inae", + -12.249168395996094 + ], + [ + "ivo", + -13.483728408813477 + ], + [ + "▁loose", + -14.195700645446776 + ], + [ + "▁Dal", + -13.478543281555176 + ], + [ + "▁antibodies", + -14.949612617492676 + ], + [ + "▁underground", + -14.33137321472168 + ], + [ + "▁answered", + -13.67784309387207 + ], + [ + "▁promoting", + -14.436626434326172 + ], + [ + "▁proliferation", + -14.866813659667969 + ], + [ + "▁Weekly", + -12.221809387207031 + ], + [ + "▁Neo", + -13.208765983581545 + ], + [ + "▁talks", + -14.105734825134276 + ], + [ + " (", + -14.356301307678224 + ], + [ + "▁Terry", + -13.47386646270752 + ], + [ + "▁powder", + -13.986714363098145 + ], + [ + "▁fl", + -13.212244033813477 + ], + [ + "anta", + -13.50829029083252 + ], + [ + "▁anchor", + -13.62358856201172 + ], + [ + "▁tribe", + -14.167125701904297 + ], + [ + "▁Guardian", + -13.64111042022705 + ], + [ + "ل", + -14.467602729797363 + ], + [ + "▁adopt", + -14.199417114257812 + ], + [ + "▁alert", + -13.49923324584961 + ], + [ + "▁commune", + -13.725845336914062 + ], + [ + "▁egg", + -14.329914093017578 + ], + [ + "ked", + -13.46321964263916 + ], + [ + "▁Tel", + -13.434439659118652 + ], + [ + "▁shorter", + -14.118470191955566 + ], + [ + "ب", + -14.184432983398438 + ], + [ + "", + -14.814153671264648 + ], + [ + "rous", + -13.844715118408203 + ], + [ + "ière", + -13.762001991271973 + ], + [ + "▁delayed", + -13.90679931640625 + ], + [ + "▁approached", + -14.467521667480469 + ], + [ + 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-13.7634859085083 + ], + [ + "▁Demographics", + -10.875812530517578 + ], + [ + "▁Originally", + -13.914072036743164 + ], + [ + "▁Species", + -11.526429176330566 + ], + [ + "cz", + -13.417864799499512 + ], + [ + "▁Leon", + -13.537653923034668 + ], + [ + ")]", + -12.619558334350586 + ], + [ + "▁Syrian", + -13.518027305603027 + ], + [ + "▁judicial", + -13.820293426513672 + ], + [ + "▁diagnosed", + -14.642985343933104 + ], + [ + "▁Cl", + -13.2252197265625 + ], + [ + "▁Fourth", + -13.03310489654541 + ], + [ + "uit", + -13.734366416931152 + ], + [ + "▁nose", + -14.424201965332031 + ], + [ + "▁Factor", + -13.77801513671875 + ], + [ + "▁wings", + -13.99365520477295 + ], + [ + "▁Jefferson", + -13.44611644744873 + ], + [ + "▁Unfortunately", + -14.095402717590332 + ], + [ + "▁similarly", + -14.260310173034668 + ], + [ + "▁Jin", + -13.602705955505373 + ], + [ + "▁Falls", + -13.329546928405762 + ], + [ + "ators", + -13.355612754821776 + ], + [ + "gli", + -14.05617904663086 + ], + [ + "▁Chen", + -13.633838653564451 + ], + [ + "▁Nepal", + -13.22452163696289 + ], + [ + "▁Schedule", + -11.448816299438477 + ], + [ + "▁Armenian", + -13.247154235839844 + ], + [ + "▁Moths", + -12.011519432067873 + ], + [ + "▁rough", + -14.312586784362791 + ], + [ + "▁profit", + -14.533161163330078 + ], + [ + "▁Luke", + -13.599517822265623 + ], + [ + "▁phenomenon", + -14.525712013244627 + ], + [ + "▁Bun", + -13.712920188903809 + ], + [ + "▁pathways", + -14.793845176696776 + ], + [ + "▁agriculture", + -14.10496711730957 + ], + [ + "Ca", + -13.141225814819336 + ], + [ + "▁surprised", + -14.105170249938965 + ], + [ + "▁Album", + -12.714520454406738 + ], + [ + "▁Roll", + -13.465523719787598 + ], + [ + "▁Together", + -13.921645164489746 + ], + [ + "uf", + -12.51708984375 + ], + [ + "▁Mul", + -13.72988986968994 + ], + [ + "iga", + -13.119732856750488 + ], + [ + "▁answers", + -13.804132461547852 + ], + [ + "▁Left", + -13.421995162963867 + ], + [ + "▁Protestant", + -13.596026420593262 + ], + [ + "▁Flight", + -13.309345245361328 + ], + [ + "hab", + -13.952488899230955 + ], + [ + "▁incidents", + -13.002608299255373 + ], + [ + "▁momentum", + -14.388237953186035 + ], + [ + "▁SE", + -13.25672721862793 + ], + [ + "▁Denver", + -13.138511657714844 + ], + [ + "▁announcement", + -14.07144260406494 + ], + [ + "▁territories", + -13.776996612548828 + ], + [ + "▁Colombia", + -12.922636985778809 + ], + [ + "▁punishment", + -13.895830154418944 + ], + [ + "elo", + -13.308500289916992 + ], + [ + "documentclass", + -13.707840919494627 + ], + [ + "[^", + -13.963923454284668 + ], + [ + "ε", + -15.064964294433594 + ], + [ + "▁Store", + -12.92922019958496 + ], + [ + "▁jail", + -14.192328453063965 + ], + [ + "▁endemic", + -13.7510986328125 + ], + [ + "ux", + -12.531553268432615 + ], + [ + "▁activated", + -14.136933326721191 + ], + [ + "い", + -10.025296211242676 + ], + [ + "yama", + -13.317618370056152 + ], + [ + "▁surviving", + -14.539881706237791 + ], + [ + "▁discretion", + -13.807680130004885 + ], + [ + "▁fantasy", + -13.138192176818848 + ], + [ + "▁---------------", + -10.826371192932127 + ], + [ + "ów", + -13.757203102111816 + ], + [ + "▁pseudo", + -13.4512300491333 + ], + [ + "▁Search", + -12.623662948608398 + ], + [ + "▁twin", + -14.212495803833008 + ], + [ + "▁longest", + -14.061938285827637 + ], + [ + "hin", + -13.503957748413086 + ], + [ + "▁restoration", + -14.106513023376465 + ], + [ + "▁tra", + -14.622851371765137 + ], + [ + "oddsidemargin", + -12.664313316345217 + ], + [ + "▁utility", + -13.627659797668455 + ], + [ + "▁Sign", + -13.13481903076172 + ], + [ + "▁Fellow", + -13.735715866088867 + ], + [ + "}}^{", + -14.940910339355469 + ], + [ + "▁constitution", + -14.366530418395996 + ], + [ + "▁naturally", + -14.321983337402344 + ], + [ + "▁poets", + -12.21524143218994 + ], + [ + "▁guests", + -14.050289154052734 + ], + [ + "▁Leo", + -13.562936782836914 + ], + [ + "Da", + -13.40732765197754 + ], + [ + "isi", + -13.766368865966797 + ], + [ + "▁Statistics", + -11.994989395141602 + ], + [ + "▁starred", + -14.573999404907228 + ], + [ + "amssymb", + -12.269448280334473 + ], + [ + "▁Justin", + -13.53731918334961 + ], + [ + "▁absent", + -14.136918067932127 + ], + [ + "▁fed", + -14.327103614807127 + ], + [ + "▁quantity", + -14.105512619018556 + ], + [ + "▁gathered", + -14.478939056396484 + ], + [ + "▁initiated", + -14.097455024719238 + ], + [ + "atus", + -13.20486068725586 + ], + [ + "▁miss", + -13.903964042663574 + ], + [ + "▁Canal", + -13.638257026672363 + ], + [ + "▁TR", + -13.504913330078123 + ], + [ + "▁riding", + -14.247331619262695 + ], + [ + "agh", + -13.613397598266602 + ], + [ + "▁Borough", + -13.016871452331545 + ], + [ + "ales", + -13.090730667114258 + ], + [ + "▁opponent", + -14.409021377563477 + ], + [ + "▁pregnancy", + -14.328267097473145 + ], + [ + "▁hospitals", + -13.79816722869873 + ], + [ + "▁Persian", + -13.648930549621582 + ], + [ + "▁progressive", + -14.178342819213867 + ], + [ + "▁Greater", + -13.30915355682373 + ], + [ + "▁holiday", + 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], + [ + "▁assert", + -11.30988597869873 + ], + [ + "▁Pel", + -13.693696975708008 + ], + [ + "▁personally", + -14.335020065307615 + ], + [ + "▁Hugh", + -13.648186683654783 + ], + [ + "▁Vel", + -13.699231147766112 + ], + [ + "▁Kam", + -13.502124786376951 + ], + [ + "▁Greg", + -13.397319793701172 + ], + [ + "▁Christianity", + -13.192211151123049 + ], + [ + "%),", + -15.47110080718994 + ], + [ + "▁scientist", + -13.90249729156494 + ], + [ + "▁Cel", + -13.713788032531738 + ], + [ + "▁Kai", + -13.605242729187012 + ], + [ + "▁finance", + -13.960132598876951 + ], + [ + "▁beer", + -14.123109817504885 + ], + [ + "▁Dennis", + -13.437459945678713 + ], + [ + "▁cooperation", + -14.141386985778809 + ], + [ + "▁statue", + -14.46854305267334 + ], + [ + "amsb", + -12.393265724182127 + ], + [ + "▁traveled", + -14.622323989868164 + ], + [ + "▁Discography", + -10.9164457321167 + ], + [ + "▁gray", + -14.107300758361816 + ], + [ + "amsmath", + -12.282301902770996 + ], + [ + "▁monthly", + -14.245353698730469 + ], + [ + "cept", + -14.325157165527344 + ], + [ + "▁Lost", + -13.064431190490724 + ], + [ + "▁complications", + -14.422548294067385 + ], + [ + "п", + -14.186163902282717 + ], + [ + "▁Ter", + -13.390936851501465 + ], + [ + "▁Protection", + -13.390875816345217 + ], + [ + "ische", + -14.094043731689451 + ], + [ + "▁SM", + -13.260642051696776 + ], + [ + "▁participating", + -14.147555351257324 + ], + [ + "▁Gay", + -13.273276329040527 + ], + [ + "▁presents", + -13.740753173828123 + ], + [ + "▁opponents", + -14.000116348266602 + ], + [ + "▁varying", + -14.493803024291992 + ], + [ + "▁-----", + -12.83527374267578 + ], + [ + "▁pace", + -14.394068717956545 + ], + [ + "▁boats", + -14.106024742126465 + ], + [ + "▁rent", + -14.979317665100098 + ], + [ + "▁complexity", + -14.08323097229004 + ], + [ + "▁Change", + -12.756383895874023 + ], + [ + "▁comfortable", + -14.263487815856934 + ], + [ + "rink", + -14.971335411071776 + ], + [ + "▁concepts", + -13.807168006896973 + ], + [ + "▁peaked", + -14.79934024810791 + ], + [ + "methyl", + -14.469630241394045 + ], + [ + "▁Kil", + -13.486681938171388 + ], + [ + "▁lasted", + -14.638050079345703 + ], + [ + "aku", + -14.178011894226074 + ], + [ + "▁overcome", + -14.393147468566896 + ], + [ + "▁CF", + -12.720314979553224 + ], + [ + "bie", + -13.664257049560549 + ], + [ + "▁comparable", + -14.392129898071287 + ], + [ + "▁nest", + -14.65532398223877 + ], + [ + "▁suspect", + -14.133102416992188 + ], + [ + "▁Actor", + -13.05817699432373 + ], + [ + "▁parliamentary", + -14.106605529785156 + ], + [ + "▁speaker", + -14.17498779296875 + ], + [ + "▁Industry", + -13.122167587280272 + ], + [ + "▁Female", + -12.769750595092772 + ], + [ + "}+\\", + -14.409231185913086 + ], + [ + "▁payments", + -14.039382934570312 + ], + [ + "▁info", + -11.72729206085205 + ], + [ + "▁colleges", + -12.894866943359377 + ], + [ + "▁Zu", + -13.981156349182127 + ], + [ + "▁liability", + -13.88411808013916 + ], + [ + "▁deemed", + -14.374794960021973 + ], + [ + "▁Peninsula", + -13.586624145507812 + ], + [ + "ysym", + -12.436113357543944 + ], + [ + "▁Minor", + -13.04860782623291 + ], + [ + "▁helpful", + -13.825690269470217 + ], + [ + "▁Abu", + -13.82419490814209 + ], + [ + "▁Est", + -13.54958152770996 + ], + [ + "▁ranks", + -13.7396821975708 + ], + [ + "ą", + -14.147403717041016 + ], + [ + "▁couples", + -14.5352144241333 + ], + [ + "▁tele", + -14.3862886428833 + ], + [ + "▁Giants", + -13.319266319274902 + ], + [ + ")}\\", + -14.406379699707031 + ], + [ + "▁clusters", + -14.218832015991213 + ], + [ + "([", + -13.420502662658691 + ], + [ + "▁Brad", + -13.549899101257324 + ], + [ + "▁Lab", + -13.516301155090332 + ], + [ + "▁Tang", + -13.6319580078125 + ], + [ + "▁Ridge", + -13.528231620788574 + ], + [ + "▁Perhaps", + -14.118849754333496 + ], + [ + "▁Barcelona", + -13.34646224975586 + ], + [ + "▁dé", + -14.687414169311523 + ], + [ + "▁horizontal", + -13.629138946533203 + ], + [ + "▁recipient", + -13.823159217834473 + ], + [ + "▁outstanding", + -13.827434539794922 + ], + [ + "▁Fleet", + -13.079405784606934 + ], + [ + "▁Chan", + -13.603591918945312 + ], + [ + "▁Lloyd", + -13.616592407226562 + ], + [ + "▁jet", + -14.611753463745115 + ], + [ + "brook", + -13.550925254821776 + ], + [ + "▁tiny", + -13.955159187316896 + ], + [ + "dic", + -13.377814292907717 + ], + [ + "bul", + -13.788342475891112 + ], + [ + "▁fi", + -13.014360427856444 + ], + [ + "▁sufficiently", + -14.249401092529297 + ], + [ + "▁Hudson", + -13.5359468460083 + ], + [ + "tia", + -13.420119285583496 + ], + [ + "▁kidney", + -14.51703929901123 + ], + [ + "▁contrary", + -14.21890926361084 + ], + [ + "▁Formula", + -13.03667163848877 + ], + [ + "▁Ul", + -13.53676700592041 + ], + [ + "▁pulse", + -14.206344604492188 + ], + [ + "rá", + -14.033170700073242 + ], + [ + "▁associations", + -13.640385627746582 + ], + [ + "م", + -14.201005935668944 + ], + [ + "mathrsfs", + -12.295450210571287 + ], + [ + "upgree", + -12.410216331481934 + ], + [ + "▁constantly", + -14.338014602661133 + ], + [ + "▁receptors", + -14.658344268798828 + ], + [ + "amsfonts", + -12.295655250549316 + ], + [ + "▁semiconductor", + -14.766209602355955 + ], + [ + "four", + -13.605962753295898 + ], + [ + "▁LP", + -12.885001182556152 + ], + [ + "▁peri", + -14.859430313110352 + ], + [ + "abad", + -13.590922355651855 + ], + [ + "▁filmed", + -13.99105167388916 + ], + [ + "än", + -14.368496894836426 + ], + [ + "▁earthquake", + -14.000015258789062 + ], + [ + "hem", + -13.591300964355469 + ], + [ + "tta", + -13.504517555236816 + ], + [ + "▁youngest", + -14.495798110961914 + ], + [ + "▁Perry", + -13.5325288772583 + ], + [ + "▁poems", + -13.726842880249023 + ], + [ + "▁regulatory", + -14.264641761779783 + ], + [ + "▁cook", + -14.272031784057615 + ], + [ + "▁metric", + -13.971062660217283 + ], + [ + "▁cargo", + -14.37756633758545 + ], + [ + "▁missions", + -13.719746589660645 + ], + [ + "▁Arabic", + -13.399239540100098 + ], + [ + "▁birthday", + -14.300801277160645 + ], + [ + "lets", + -13.66241455078125 + ], + [ + "▁Holland", + -13.562141418457031 + ], + [ + "▁copper", + -14.512499809265137 + ], + [ + "▁legislature", + -14.138771057128906 + ], + [ + "▁Keith", + -13.42996597290039 + ], + [ + "▁scenario", + -14.056426048278809 + ], + [ + "▁belong", + -13.783411026000977 + ], + [ + "▁accommodate", + -14.338332176208496 + ], + [ + "▁beneath", + -14.30628490447998 + ], + [ + "sis", + -12.841111183166504 + ], + [ + "▁suspected", + -14.446722030639648 + ], + [ + "▁Horn", + -13.546015739440918 + ], + [ + "▁proud", + -14.13050937652588 + ], + [ + "apa", + -13.90552043914795 + ], + [ + "▁fifteen", + -14.36729621887207 + ], + [ + "▁Trinity", + -13.282366752624512 + ], + [ + "▁Train", + -12.968649864196776 + ], + [ + "▁architectural", + -14.15787124633789 + ], + [ + "▁fer", + -15.039840698242188 + ], + [ + "▁Dev", + -13.395694732666016 + ], + [ + "gam", + -13.699137687683104 + ], + [ + "▁Murphy", + -13.624741554260254 + ], + [ + "tom", + -13.485239028930664 + ], + [ + "▁satisfied", + -13.886190414428713 + ], + [ + "▁cre", + -14.346555709838867 + ], + [ + "▁Ancient", + -12.79879093170166 + ], + [ + "▁desert", + -14.133610725402832 + ], + [ + "craft", + -13.36845874786377 + ], + [ + "▁Bird", + -13.196504592895508 + ], + [ + "\\]).", + -14.746256828308104 + ], + [ + "▁Fer", + -13.571449279785156 + ], + [ + "▁Montana", + -13.007017135620115 + ], + [ + "▁challenging", + -14.443387031555176 + ], + [ + "nica", + -13.431166648864746 + ], + [ + "▁threw", + -14.356616020202637 + ], + [ + "▁Snow", + -13.258336067199709 + ], + [ + "▁deeply", + -14.395575523376465 + ], + [ + "▁Election", + -12.286174774169922 + ], + [ + "▁lights", + -14.123309135437012 + ], + [ + "▁joy", + -14.040034294128418 + ], + [ + "▁Amsterdam", + -13.439034461975098 + ], + [ + "▁adequate", + -14.270262718200684 + ], + [ + "▁preliminary", + -14.213199615478516 + ], + [ + "▁lying", + -14.442138671875 + ], + [ + "▁Self", + -13.0897216796875 + ], + [ + "▁healthcare", + -14.340006828308104 + ], + [ + "▁probe", + -13.77748203277588 + ], + [ + "▁beating", + -14.459830284118652 + ], + [ + "▁Cru", + -13.693005561828612 + ], + [ + "dx", + -12.393159866333008 + ], + [ + "▁instrumental", + -14.356810569763184 + ], + [ + "▁Finance", + -13.17397117614746 + ], + [ + "▁Catherine", + -13.627601623535156 + ], + [ + "({", + -12.825075149536133 + ], + [ + "▁Lar", + -13.629234313964844 + ], + [ + "▁labels", + -12.95005989074707 + ], + [ + "▁Madison", + -13.54954433441162 + ], + [ + "Vi", + -13.605335235595703 + ], + [ + "eli", + -13.115196228027344 + ], + [ + "▁Philippine", + -13.22736930847168 + ], + [ + "▁Yang", + -13.721696853637695 + ], + [ + "▁portrayed", + -14.417600631713867 + ], + [ + "▁Heat", + -12.62208652496338 + ], + [ + "▁comfort", + -14.22780704498291 + ], + [ + "▁golf", + -14.049653053283691 + ], + [ + "▁contributing", + -13.994321823120115 + ], + [ + "sley", + -13.555118560791016 + ], + [ + "▁cuts", + -14.17986297607422 + ], + [ + "}^{(", + -14.75146198272705 + ], + [ + "▁Agreement", + -13.32564926147461 + ], + [ + "▁governments", + -13.89859104156494 + ], + [ + "▁wet", + -14.271098136901855 + ], + [ + "▁»", + -14.045036315917969 + ], + [ + "Th", + -14.025983810424805 + ], + [ + "▁historians", + -12.794610023498535 + ], + [ + "▁Ok", + -13.510575294494627 + ], + [ + "▁holes", + -14.222064971923828 + ], + [ + "▁logo", + -14.104464530944824 + ], + [ + "▁immigrants", + -14.566446304321287 + ], + [ + "▁restaurants", + -13.888774871826172 + ], + [ + "▁Educational", + -12.640914916992188 + ], + [ + "▁widow", + -14.450810432434082 + ], + [ + "▁merchant", + -13.94317626953125 + ], + [ + "▁Rap", + -13.52917194366455 + ], + [ + "▁insulin", + -15.092106819152832 + ], + [ + "erson", + -13.627999305725098 + ], + [ + "▁hell", + -13.893303871154783 + ], + [ + "idi", + -13.3951997756958 + ], + [ + "▁Draft", + -13.164958000183104 + ], + [ + "▁Taxa", + -12.308414459228516 + ], + [ + "▁lady", + -13.881850242614746 + ], + [ + "▁releases", + -13.225322723388672 + ], + [ + "▁Az", + -13.56411361694336 + ], + [ + "▁sequel", + -13.81259536743164 + ], + [ + "▁grave", + -14.38119888305664 + ], + [ + "▁employer", + -14.3119478225708 + ], + [ + "mph", + -14.19190788269043 + ], + [ + "▁Cincinnati", + -13.214449882507324 + ], + [ + "г", + -14.186334609985352 + ], + [ + "▁Index", + -12.773816108703612 + ], + [ + "▁spectral", + -14.725797653198242 + ], + [ + "▁perfectly", + -14.05805206298828 + ], + [ + "▁immigration", + -14.135137557983398 + ], + [ + "▁på", + -14.698509216308594 + ], + [ + "▁Rogers", + -13.613082885742188 + ], + [ + "▁Stars", + -13.175525665283203 + ], + [ + "hai", + -13.694722175598145 + ], + [ + "▁Saints", + -13.104745864868164 + ], + [ + "да", + -14.211030960083008 + ], + [ + "▁directions", + -13.88581371307373 + ], + [ + "▁adapt", + -14.304987907409668 + ], + [ + "genic", + -14.6117582321167 + ], + [ + "ción", + -14.048513412475586 + ], + [ + "▁admission", + -14.332235336303713 + ], + [ + "▁Ground", + -13.190375328063965 + ], + [ + "▁Fr", + -13.5552396774292 + ], + [ + "▁fifty", + -14.306211471557615 + ], + [ + "▁canal", + -14.58117961883545 + ], + [ + "spir", + -14.455883026123049 + ], + [ + "▁Et", + -13.634760856628418 + ], + [ + "▁coalition", + -14.558542251586914 + ], + [ + "▁valve", + -14.741440773010254 + ], + [ + "ه", + -14.293622970581056 + ], + [ + "▁Ky", + -13.6005220413208 + ], + [ + "▁hero", + -14.259254455566406 + ], + [ + "▁pleasure", + -14.068726539611816 + ], + [ + "oul", + -14.019268989562988 + ], + [ + "▁Medalists", + -12.055482864379885 + ], + [ + "▁gradient", + -13.794017791748049 + ], + [ + "▁Mari", + -13.36523723602295 + ], + [ + "▁Bri", + -13.771566390991213 + ], + [ + "▁Mine", + -13.630889892578123 + ], + [ + "▁abundance", + -14.821855545043944 + ], + [ + "▁Plant", + -13.29587173461914 + ], + [ + "▁Grey", + -13.637289047241213 + ], + [ + "▁NHL", + -13.805760383605955 + ], + [ + "▁waters", + -14.167473793029783 + ], + [ + "Why", + -13.02747631072998 + ], + [ + "▁demo", + -13.565815925598145 + ], + [ + "▁emperor", + -14.28037452697754 + ], + [ + "▁Color", + -13.030303001403809 + ], + [ + "▁Mol", + -13.633404731750488 + ], + [ + "▁Stanford", + -13.271431922912598 + ], + [ + "▁lab", + -14.326688766479492 + ], + [ + "▁predecessor", + -14.147451400756836 + ], + [ + "▁grandfather", + -14.52164077758789 + ], + [ + "▁Wy", + -13.576921463012695 + ], + [ + "▁adverse", + -14.473782539367676 + ], + [ + "▁Artist", + -12.98067569732666 + ], + [ + "▁medals", + -14.025306701660156 + ], + [ + "▁suffer", + -14.328802108764648 + ], + [ + "▁chapel", + -14.450857162475586 + ], + [ + "▁shelter", + -14.373501777648926 + ], + [ + "care", + -13.639798164367676 + ], + [ + "▁Hispanic", + -14.106514930725098 + ], + [ + "ois", + -13.325013160705566 + ], + [ + "▁coaching", + -13.36945343017578 + ], + [ + "ør", + -13.91490077972412 + ], + [ + "▁extending", + -14.396929740905762 + ], + [ + "▁Shan", + -13.777739524841309 + ], + [ + "▁bra", + -14.565799713134766 + ], + [ + "alia", + -13.73842430114746 + ], + [ + "▁Cinema", + -13.093127250671388 + ], + [ + "▁mutation", + -14.999688148498535 + ], + [ + "▁wrt", + -13.9619779586792 + ], + [ + "▁Along", + -14.372706413269045 + ], + [ + "▁manga", + -12.997825622558594 + ], + [ + "▁disaster", + -14.148382186889648 + ], + [ + "▁Tax", + -13.376293182373049 + ], + [ + "▁Anglo", + -13.687418937683104 + ], + [ + "る", + -9.80081844329834 + ], + [ + "ija", + -13.60431671142578 + ], + [ + "▁das", + -14.570911407470703 + ], + [ + "▁Harold", + -13.567264556884766 + ], + [ + "▁manufacturers", + -13.212610244750977 + ], + [ + "▁Gill", + -13.770498275756836 + ], + [ + "ा", + -14.641425132751465 + ], + [ + "▁citizen", + -14.317923545837402 + ], + [ + "▁passion", + -14.302231788635254 + ], + [ + "vil", + -13.965814590454102 + ], + [ + "▁celebrate", + -14.427068710327148 + ], + [ + "usa", + -13.515541076660156 + ], + [ + "omi", + -13.68312644958496 + ], + [ + "▁hypo", + -14.403175354003906 + ], + [ + "▁Roberts", + -13.467707633972168 + ], + [ + "▁sees", + -13.954710006713867 + ], + [ + "▁alter", + -13.678475379943848 + ], + [ + "uta", + -13.44576644897461 + ], + [ + "▁donated", + -14.557154655456545 + ], + [ + "▁guidance", + -14.323732376098633 + ], + [ + "Ab", + -13.615629196166992 + ], + [ + "ope", + -13.507182121276855 + ], + [ + "▁correlated", + -14.962098121643066 + ], + [ + "▁spectra", + -14.984442710876465 + ], + [ + "▁Lou", + -13.526707649230955 + ], + [ + "▁rhythm", + -13.92958927154541 + ], + [ + "mie", + -13.805686950683594 + ], + [ + "▁cardiac", + -14.761027336120604 + ], + [ + "▁differentiation", + -14.683138847351074 + ], + [ + "fel", + -13.847174644470217 + ], + [ + "▁afraid", + -14.046501159667969 + ], + [ + "▁lattice", + -14.626537322998049 + ], + [ + "▁bold", + -13.684873580932615 + ], + [ + "Ar", + -12.996320724487305 + ], + [ + "▁für", + -14.084670066833496 + ], + [ + "ache", + -13.46963596343994 + ], + [ + "▁referring", + -14.140447616577148 + ], + [ + "▁Vermont", + -13.038617134094238 + ], + [ + "▁nervous", + -14.2808837890625 + ], + [ + "▁nerve", + -14.55398178100586 + ], + [ + "▁promised", + -14.268741607666016 + ], + [ + "▁dependence", + -14.577644348144531 + ], + [ + "▁Herbert", + -13.61512279510498 + ], + [ + "▁bench", + -14.421875 + ], + [ + "▁remembered", + -14.1600923538208 + ], + [ + "▁afford", + -14.27194881439209 + ], + [ + "▁championships", + -13.34937572479248 + ], + [ + "fen", + -13.931349754333496 + ], + [ + "▁induction", + -14.581413269042969 + ], + [ + "▁Statistical", + -12.79448699951172 + ], + [ + "lick", + -14.176522254943848 + ], + [ + "▁eliminate", + -14.071121215820312 + ], + [ + "▁qualify", + -14.293959617614746 + ], + [ + "▁distant", + -14.363906860351562 + ], + [ + "kon", + -13.80300235748291 + ], + [ + "iu", + -13.149887084960938 + ], + [ + "▁Intelligence", + -13.49281883239746 + ], + [ + "▁Contemporary", + -13.169371604919434 + ], + [ + "▁negotiations", + -14.48208236694336 + ], + [ + "▁privacy", + -13.971899032592772 + ], + [ + "▁thereafter", + -14.6007080078125 + ], + [ + "▁gallery", + -13.243048667907717 + ], + [ + "▁Editor", + -13.16761589050293 + ], + [ + "▁Disc", + -12.430890083312988 + ], + [ + "▁Maha", + -13.66797924041748 + ], + [ + "▁Kenya", + -13.27947998046875 + ], + [ + "▁tumors", + -14.990036010742188 + ], + [ + "▁suppose", + -13.895264625549316 + ], + [ + "▁reconstruction", + -14.247864723205566 + ], + [ + "▁Campaign", + -12.835415840148926 + ], + [ + "▁Munich", + -13.56727123260498 + ], + [ + "▁golden", + -14.197149276733398 + ], + [ + "▁promoter", + -14.966731071472168 + ], + [ + "enko", + -13.755485534667969 + ], + [ + "kha", + -13.6434907913208 + ], + [ + "oke", + -13.680487632751465 + ], + [ + "і", + -14.701279640197754 + ], + [ + "emia", + -14.189851760864258 + ], + [ + "▁FBI", + -14.100587844848633 + ], + [ + "▁consumers", + -14.183247566223145 + ], + [ + "oto", + -13.234297752380373 + ], + [ + "▁Grove", + -13.575380325317385 + ], + [ + "ider", + -13.862980842590332 + ], + [ + "▁Carol", + -13.674410820007324 + ], + [ + "▁Sil", + -13.569515228271484 + ], + [ + "▁Gilbert", + -13.666889190673828 + ], + [ + "rey", + -13.67513656616211 + ], + [ + "Fi", + -13.15719509124756 + ], + [ + "▁Venezuela", + -13.051984786987305 + ], + [ + "▁commented", + -14.345001220703123 + ], + [ + "ρ", + -14.81096363067627 + ], + [ + "Ga", + -13.682358741760254 + ], + [ + "▁cord", + -14.469809532165527 + ], + [ + "▁placing", + -14.345573425292969 + ], + [ + "nick", + -13.605924606323242 + ], + [ + "▁Students", + -13.563228607177734 + ], + [ + "roy", + -13.742630958557127 + ], + [ + "▁Pr", + -13.019018173217772 + ], + [ + "▁McC", + -13.620102882385254 + ], + [ + "horn", + -13.466848373413086 + ], + [ + "▁underwent", + -14.964774131774902 + ], + [ + "▁stretch", + -14.401681900024414 + ], + [ + "▁Stuart", + -13.605497360229492 + ], + [ + "▁enemies", + -14.352421760559082 + ], + [ + "▁precise", + -14.330045700073242 + ], + [ + "ы", + -14.245155334472656 + ], + [ + "▁bounded", + -14.617502212524414 + ], + [ + "▁Ralph", + -13.560731887817385 + ], + [ + "▁developer", + -14.051714897155762 + ], + [ + "▁convinced", + -14.499181747436523 + ], + [ + "phan", + -14.42819118499756 + ], + [ + "▁fighter", + -14.38066291809082 + ], + [ + "▁cheese", + -13.952173233032228 + ], + [ + "▁stepped", + -14.268096923828123 + ], + [ + "▁Municipal", + -13.12612533569336 + ], + [ + "▁Yale", + -13.29735279083252 + ], + [ + "▁Architecture", + -12.092403411865234 + ], + [ + "▁cattle", + -14.463632583618164 + ], + [ + "▁marker", + -13.438705444335938 + ], + [ + "ogen", + -13.725979804992676 + ], + [ + "▁Path", + -13.525016784667969 + ], + [ + "▁premiere", + -14.36832332611084 + ], + [ + "▁smoking", + -14.516610145568848 + ], + [ + "▁focusing", + -14.546682357788086 + ], + [ + "▁graduating", + -14.712281227111816 + ], + [ + "▁tap", + -14.053872108459473 + ], + [ + "▁Rep", + -13.360149383544922 + ], + [ + "▁millions", + -14.143853187561035 + ], + [ + "▁provider", + -13.575709342956545 + ], + [ + "▁lipid", + -15.264184951782228 + ], + [ + "δ", + -14.764131546020508 + ], + [ + "▁flux", + -14.62681007385254 + ], + [ + "▁barrier", + -14.040348052978516 + ], + [ + "х", + -14.286510467529297 + ], + [ + "▁sampling", + -13.866361618041992 + ], + [ + "▁segments", + -13.40162467956543 + ], + [ + "issa", + -13.858688354492188 + ], + [ + "sex", + -13.693930625915527 + ], + [ + "▁libraries", + -13.183347702026367 + ], + [ + "owski", + -13.741103172302246 + ], + [ + "▁Delaware", + -13.166142463684082 + ], + [ + "▁interference", + -14.383234024047852 + ], + [ + "▁Hai", + -13.778449058532717 + ], + [ + "▁Watson", + -13.6348876953125 + ], + [ + "▁panels", + -14.48097038269043 + ], + [ + "▁occurrence", + -13.77851390838623 + ], + [ + "▁Knights", + -12.812579154968262 + ], + [ + "▁Vas", + -13.562655448913574 + ], + [ + "▁contracts", + -14.141517639160156 + ], + [ + "▁hook", + -13.415212631225586 + ], + [ + "▁neo", + -14.26175022125244 + ], + [ + "▁Berg", + -13.69845485687256 + ], + [ + "▁markers", + -14.182975769042969 + ], + [ + "▁plenty", + -14.226630210876465 + ], + [ + "▁approximation", + -14.129433631896973 + ], + [ + "▁resolved", + -13.72085189819336 + ], + [ + "anna", + -13.374434471130373 + ], + [ + "▁defending", + -14.279945373535156 + ], + [ + "▁calm", + -14.234646797180176 + ], + [ + "▁hydro", + -14.547954559326172 + ], + [ + ")}$", + -15.136780738830566 + ], + [ + "▁deployed", + -14.567442893981934 + ], + [ + "▁flood", + -14.322394371032717 + ], + [ + "▁touchdown", + -15.306074142456056 + ], + [ + "oxy", + -14.213784217834473 + ], + [ + "▁precisely", + -14.386242866516112 + ], + [ + "▁attitude", + -14.41172218322754 + ], + [ + "bur", + -13.735730171203612 + ], + [ + "anga", + -13.400368690490724 + ], + [ + "▁tenure", + -14.545523643493652 + ], + [ + "▁lunch", + -14.200933456420898 + ], + [ + "▁texts", + -13.807465553283691 + ], + [ + "▁allegedly", + -14.448871612548828 + ], + [ + "▁bases", + -14.2135009765625 + ], + [ + "▁Syn", + -13.352063179016112 + ], + [ + "▁industries", + -14.312588691711426 + ], + [ + "▁confused", + -13.984126091003418 + ], + [ + "▁dramatic", + -14.552517890930176 + ], + [ + "▁tab", + -12.985660552978516 + ], + [ + "imo", + -13.473628997802734 + ], + [ + "oka", + -13.44762134552002 + ], + [ + "▁Too", + -13.469613075256348 + ], + [ + "▁Patent", + -13.922879219055176 + ], + [ + "dle", + -13.602764129638672 + ], + [ + "rag", + -13.820500373840332 + ], + [ + "^+", + -14.74521541595459 + ], + [ + "▁availability", + -13.79228687286377 + ], + [ + "ichi", + -13.317336082458496 + ], + [ + "▁pos", + -11.960637092590332 + ], + [ + "▁nominations", + -12.43107795715332 + ], + [ + "▁unclear", + -14.51052474975586 + ], + [ + "▁Nat", + -13.775979042053224 + ], + [ + "▁tribes", + -14.010527610778809 + ], + [ + "▁hunting", + -14.341779708862305 + ], + [ + "songwriter", + -12.901406288146973 + ], + [ + "▁varied", + -14.708211898803713 + ], + [ + "▁devoted", + -14.471531867980955 + ], + [ + "▁squadron", + -14.864004135131836 + ], + [ + "▁firing", + -14.284730911254885 + ], + [ + "dem", + -13.6068115234375 + ], + [ + "}{-", + -12.65951156616211 + ], + [ + "thi", + -13.61952781677246 + ], + [ + "widehat", + -14.926156044006348 + ], + [ + "▁Thai", + -13.410239219665527 + ], + [ + "▁lease", + -14.117533683776855 + ], + [ + "▁Sometimes", + -14.138806343078612 + ], + [ + "▁bread", + -14.03805160522461 + ], + [ + "▁computers", + -14.001317977905272 + ], + [ + "▁fallen", + -14.319534301757812 + ], + [ + "▁alien", + -14.555150985717772 + ], + [ + "▁Ah", + -13.677741050720217 + ], + [ + "▁Das", + -13.755132675170898 + ], + [ + "▁Mini", + -13.360255241394045 + ], + [ + "▁investors", + -14.11627197265625 + ], + [ + "▁Neil", + -13.612021446228027 + ], + [ + "ink", + -13.345314025878906 + ], + [ + "▁sudden", + -14.297769546508787 + ], + [ + "▁systematic", + -14.375903129577637 + ], + [ + "▁cancelled", + -13.953767776489258 + ], + [ + "ake", + -13.432453155517578 + ], + [ + "▁Laura", + -13.56594467163086 + ], + [ + "▁calendar", + -13.709492683410645 + ], + [ + "®", + -14.040029525756836 + ], + [ + "akh", + -13.93728256225586 + ], + [ + "▁Fin", + -13.609484672546388 + ], + [ + "▁environments", + -14.082444190979004 + ], + [ + "▁funeral", + -14.308380126953123 + ], + [ + "▁Nov", + -13.74472427368164 + ], + [ + "▁bankruptcy", + -14.227668762207031 + ], + [ + "▁Besides", + -14.408294677734377 + ], + [ + "ced", + -13.403477668762209 + ], + [ + "▁fra", + -14.55090618133545 + ], + [ + "▁Bee", + -13.490996360778809 + ], + [ + "▁civilian", + -14.476232528686523 + ], + [ + "ovich", + -13.792481422424316 + ], + [ + "▁·", + -13.878521919250488 + ], + [ + "pon", + -13.676478385925291 + ], + [ + "▁risks", + -14.186251640319824 + ], + [ + "▁charity", + -14.244874000549316 + ], + [ + "▁aims", + -14.38547706604004 + ], + [ + "▁Mobile", + -13.03732204437256 + ], + [ + "▁fence", + -13.503677368164062 + ], + [ + "▁Thi", + -13.72975730895996 + ], + [ + "▁burst", + -14.019061088562012 + ], + [ + "▁Kir", + -13.735877990722656 + ], + [ + "▁fingers", + -14.163596153259276 + ], + [ + "kai", + -13.724510192871094 + ], + [ + "▁Golf", + -12.79750919342041 + ], + [ + "▁Object", + -12.692118644714355 + ], + [ + "▁Operations", + -12.63329792022705 + ], + [ + "▁unlikely", + -14.671590805053713 + ], + [ + "▁displays", + -13.9210844039917 + ], + [ + "▁Michel", + -13.667070388793944 + ], + [ + "▁wore", + -14.59340763092041 + ], + [ + "▁Kate", + -13.63359832763672 + ], + [ + "▁Spa", + -13.761821746826172 + ], + [ + "▁patch", + -13.44710922241211 + ], + [ + "▁acknowledge", + -14.191410064697266 + ], + [ + "▁Jar", + -13.79628562927246 + ], + [ + "▁Territory", + -13.294154167175291 + ], + [ + "▁Bond", + -13.776232719421388 + ], + [ + "▁induce", + -14.876091003417969 + ], + [ + "▁upgrade", + -13.895553588867188 + ], + [ + "▁Bulgarian", + -13.112733840942385 + ], + [ + "▁Mason", + -13.656546592712402 + ], + [ + "né", + -14.168329238891602 + ], + [ + "▁bottle", + -14.339736938476562 + ], + [ + "▁belonged", + -14.60560417175293 + ], + [ + "▁oxide", + -14.950180053710938 + ], + [ + "χ", + -14.85871696472168 + ], + [ + "mathsf", + -15.269047737121582 + ], + [ + "▁Fighter", + -13.62339687347412 + ], + [ + "▁===", + -13.078128814697266 + ], + [ + "▁witnesses", + -14.101582527160645 + ], + [ + "▁lateral", + -15.140003204345703 + ], + [ + "zel", + -13.714529037475586 + ], + [ + "▁rocket", + -14.354252815246582 + ], + [ + "▁Metal", + -13.359238624572754 + ], + [ + "▁infantry", + -14.510103225708008 + ], + [ + "▁prevented", + -14.473381996154783 + ], + [ + "sus", + -13.40185832977295 + ], + [ + "John", + -12.826037406921388 + ], + [ + "▁Travel", + -13.250781059265137 + ], + [ + "▁pioneer", + -13.847894668579102 + ], + [ + "▁queen", + -14.104974746704102 + ], + [ + "cit", + -13.8735990524292 + ], + [ + "▁Nam", + -13.363033294677734 + ], + [ + "▁transit", + -14.041281700134276 + ], + [ + "▁infections", + -14.664549827575684 + ], + [ + "▁Him", + -13.902182579040527 + ], + [ + "▁steep", + -14.40286636352539 + ], + [ + "amba", + -13.645118713378906 + ], + [ + "onym", + -13.30678939819336 + ], + [ + "gent", + -14.104488372802734 + ], + [ + "icus", + -13.587042808532717 + ], + [ + "▁feeding", + -14.418871879577637 + ], + [ + "▁coefficient", + -13.808527946472168 + ], + [ + "▁treatments", + -14.392824172973633 + ], + [ + "▁mistake", + -14.10435676574707 + ], + [ + "▁diagram", + -14.186446189880373 + ], + [ + "▁Confederate", + -14.013504028320312 + ], + [ + "otic", + -14.00889778137207 + ], + [ + "▁Pla", + -13.686104774475098 + ], + [ + "▁MO", + -13.335816383361816 + ], + [ + "▁Artillery", + -13.321783065795898 + ], + [ + "▁Treaty", + -14.130830764770508 + ], + [ + "dos", + -13.14345359802246 + ], + [ + "▁Twenty", + -13.776372909545898 + ], + [ + "▁============", + -10.999672889709473 + ], + [ + "▁tract", + -15.109532356262209 + ], + [ + "▁Bass", + -12.992959976196287 + ], + [ + "▁Need", + -13.146947860717772 + ], + [ + "▁Aaron", + -13.576080322265623 + ], + [ + "atta", + -14.261690139770508 + ], + [ + "wed", + -14.05150318145752 + ], + [ + "▁Conservation", + -12.620497703552246 + ], + [ + "mine", + -13.343829154968262 + ], + [ + "ifying", + -13.99468231201172 + ], + [ + "▁Sat", + -13.657203674316406 + ], + [ + "▁succeed", + -13.845515251159668 + ], + [ + "▁democracy", + -14.059386253356934 + ], + [ + "▁burning", + -14.29692554473877 + ], + [ + "▁timing", + -13.495882987976074 + ], + [ + "▁Movie", + -13.098820686340332 + ], + [ + "▁buying", + -14.302168846130373 + ], + [ + "ific", + -14.05397129058838 + ], + [ + "▁sorry", + -13.67967128753662 + ], + [ + "uka", + -13.613478660583496 + ], + [ + "▁Bobby", + -13.50772476196289 + ], + [ + "▁mature", + -14.715725898742676 + ], + [ + "▁ré", + -15.06715202331543 + ], + [ + "]^.", + -15.565240859985352 + ], + [ + "▁grows", + -14.200560569763184 + ], + [ + "▁gel", + -15.675251960754396 + ], + [ + "▁revised", + -14.308971405029297 + ], + [ + "▁Fed", + -13.76881504058838 + ], + [ + "▁algebra", + -14.1646146774292 + ], + [ + "▁Hon", + -13.80463409423828 + ], + [ + "▁listening", + -13.84396266937256 + ], + [ + "▁Never", + -13.39659023284912 + ], + [ + "▁PhD", + -14.260043144226074 + ], + [ + "▁Mall", + -13.524980545043944 + ], + [ + "▁Mak", + -13.570819854736328 + ], + [ + "▁pregnant", + -14.64311695098877 + ], + [ + "▁Cities", + -12.43815803527832 + ], + [ + "fra", + -13.93130111694336 + ], + [ + "▁|}", + -10.249591827392578 + ], + [ + "▁manufactured", + -14.349061012268066 + ], + [ + "▁burned", + -14.517295837402344 + ], + [ + "▁Epi", + -13.2891845703125 + ], + [ + "lik", + -14.031023025512695 + ], + [ + "▁miR", + -15.856609344482422 + ], + [ + "▁len", + -10.822949409484863 + ], + [ + "▁bombing", + -14.084025382995604 + ], + [ + "▁attractive", + -14.539894104003906 + ], + [ + "zan", + -13.70483684539795 + ], + [ + "▁Democrat", + -14.16522216796875 + ], + [ + "€", + -14.502423286437988 + ], + [ + "▁Reading", + -13.149402618408203 + ], + [ + "▁specimens", + -14.774216651916504 + ], + [ + "▁cohort", + -14.972578048706056 + ], + [ + "▁tons", + -14.53635597229004 + ], + [ + "▁Croatian", + -12.85517120361328 + ], + [ + "▁landed", + -14.613972663879396 + ], + [ + "▁designation", + -14.06184196472168 + ], + [ + "▁Ted", + -13.60972023010254 + ], + [ + "▁Nord", + -13.609548568725586 + ], + [ + "iation", + -13.519418716430664 + ], + [ + "▁Palm", + -13.565844535827637 + ], + [ + "▁Berkeley", + -13.283042907714844 + ], + [ + "▁Beat", + -13.535399436950684 + ], + [ + "tch", + -13.378024101257324 + ], + [ + "▁Hebrew", + -13.697724342346191 + ], + [ + "▁ME", + -13.200270652770996 + ], + [ + "▁styles", + -13.619175910949709 + ], + [ + "▁roster", + -13.533330917358398 + ], + [ + "▁complement", + -14.233701705932615 + ], + [ + "▁viewers", + -14.683735847473145 + ], + [ + "▁Present", + -13.028496742248535 + ], + [ + "ο", + -15.735849380493164 + ], + [ + "▁submit", + -13.859886169433594 + ], + [ + "▁intake", + -14.917157173156738 + ], + [ + "▁Newton", + -13.60329818725586 + ], + [ + "▁Bear", + -13.600025177001951 + ], + [ + "▁Dur", + -13.79909324645996 + ], + [ + "}})", + -14.812302589416504 + ], + [ + "Ho", + -13.612448692321776 + ], + [ + "▁compositions", + -13.551920890808104 + ], + [ + "ame", + -13.334725379943848 + ], + [ + "▁####", + -12.233317375183104 + ], + [ + "▁percussion", + -13.041984558105469 + ], + [ + "▁Geo", + -13.0681734085083 + ], + [ + "▁Morning", + -13.493768692016602 + ], + [ + "molecules", + -14.970301628112791 + ], + [ + "▁Brook", + -13.477258682250977 + ], + [ + "▁sir", + -13.529221534729004 + ], + [ + "▁marry", + -14.577964782714844 + ], + [ + "▁tre", + -14.9667329788208 + ], + [ + "▁Ill", + -13.787227630615234 + ], + [ + "▁discussions", + -14.39303207397461 + ], + [ + "▁lib", + -12.783527374267578 + ], + [ + "▁moon", + -14.1679048538208 + ], + [ + "▁Pakistani", + -12.893607139587402 + ], + [ + "▁bonus", + -14.037309646606444 + ], + [ + "▁occurring", + -14.460674285888672 + ], + [ + "▁pounds", + -14.351618766784668 + ], + [ + ".^[@", + -15.625041007995604 + ], + [ + "▁pub", + -13.92077922821045 + ], + [ + "▁Shaw", + 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+ -14.660541534423828 + ], + [ + "▁numerical", + -14.19653606414795 + ], + [ + "▁Temp", + -13.67702865600586 + ], + [ + "▁scales", + -14.224261283874512 + ], + [ + "▁explosion", + -14.38465404510498 + ], + [ + "ín", + -13.52438259124756 + ], + [ + "▁opinions", + -14.042316436767578 + ], + [ + "▁rep", + -13.413171768188477 + ], + [ + "▁chemistry", + -13.98585319519043 + ], + [ + "▁Lind", + -13.812347412109377 + ], + [ + "▁Friends", + -13.382305145263672 + ], + [ + "▁portrait", + -14.041565895080566 + ], + [ + "▁Rosa", + -13.572938919067385 + ], + [ + "▁Jen", + -13.809093475341797 + ], + [ + "▁credits", + -13.234352111816406 + ], + [ + "▁Shadow", + -13.5720853805542 + ], + [ + "▁Edwards", + -13.593583106994627 + ], + [ + "▁carries", + -14.432345390319824 + ], + [ + "etic", + -13.42688274383545 + ], + [ + "dent", + -13.978955268859863 + ], + [ + "▁handed", + -14.436063766479492 + ], + [ + "▁Level", + -13.28541374206543 + ], + [ + "ographic", + -13.788902282714844 + ], + [ + "▁Hen", + -13.58670139312744 + ], + [ + "▁conspiracy", + -14.123282432556152 + ], + [ + "ô", + -13.744680404663086 + ], + [ + "▁GO", + -12.990606307983398 + ], + [ + "▁Kom", + -13.836481094360352 + ], + [ + "▁influences", + -14.052839279174805 + ], + [ + "▁Josh", + -13.531832695007324 + ], + [ + "▁wrestling", + -13.360443115234377 + ], + [ + "▁engineers", + -12.887995719909668 + ], + [ + "▁Joan", + -13.727487564086914 + ], + [ + "shed", + -13.168216705322266 + ], + [ + "▁enrolled", + -14.78293800354004 + ], + [ + "▁computing", + -13.49948501586914 + ], + [ + "▁fled", + -14.652654647827148 + ], + [ + "▁completing", + -14.4605073928833 + ], + [ + "▁anime", + -13.41071891784668 + ], + [ + "▁GP", + -13.042032241821287 + ], + [ + "▁Wei", + -13.716510772705078 + ], + [ + "▁drummer", + -13.722134590148926 + ], + [ + "tric", + -13.819787979125977 + ], + [ + "▁summit", + -14.169650077819824 + ], + [ + "▁Symphony", + -13.735541343688965 + ], + [ + "▁Coach", + -13.270679473876951 + ], + [ + "▁quarterback", + -14.03139877319336 + ], + [ + "▁challenged", + -14.552090644836426 + ], + [ + "▁Raja", + -13.725451469421388 + ], + [ + "▁raid", + -14.389267921447754 + ], + [ + "▁hadn", + -14.327548027038574 + ], + [ + "▁Kat", + -13.797979354858398 + ], + [ + "UK", + -12.828004837036133 + ], + [ + "▁Legal", + -12.624890327453612 + ], + [ + "ching", + -13.628944396972656 + ], + [ + "▁pole", + -14.38569164276123 + ], + [ + "▁Butler", + -13.573001861572266 + ], + [ + "▁forty", + -14.420672416687012 + ], + [ + "▁talked", + -14.31005573272705 + ], + [ + "▁anger", + -14.770624160766602 + ], + [ + "▁fusion", + -14.518328666687012 + ], + [ + "▁Fran", + -13.806757926940918 + ], + [ + "▁Sierra", + -13.54152774810791 + ], + [ + "▁cheap", + -14.026766777038574 + ], + [ + "▁Collect", + -13.327962875366213 + ], + [ + "▁literally", + -14.317440032958984 + ], + [ + "▁Adelaide", + -13.395779609680176 + ], + [ + "▁mathematics", + -14.010136604309082 + ], + [ + "▁mess", + -13.991915702819824 + ], + [ + "▁como", + -14.409422874450684 + ], + [ + "▁choices", + -14.015772819519045 + ], + [ + "▁contested", + -14.391364097595217 + ], + [ + "▁Nas", + -13.769912719726562 + ], + [ + "▁shirt", + -14.537734031677246 + ], + [ + "tine", + -13.67493724822998 + ], + [ + "▁beliefs", + -14.341230392456056 + ], + [ + "▁borders", + -14.078049659729004 + ], + [ + "▁São", + -13.41390323638916 + ], + [ + "▁colspan", + -13.218942642211914 + ], + [ + "▁custody", + -14.135342597961426 + ], + [ + "▁elder", + -14.68626308441162 + ], + [ + "nov", + -13.625548362731934 + ], + [ + "eni", + -13.260498046875 + ], + [ + "▁Ara", + -13.624862670898438 + ], + [ + "▁anxiety", + -14.492291450500488 + ], + [ + "enti", + -13.790292739868164 + ], + [ + "▁Ernest", + -13.67637538909912 + ], + [ + "▁stake", + -14.305171966552734 + ], + [ + "▁bow", + -14.661724090576172 + ], + [ + "▁legacy", + -12.730281829833984 + ], + [ + "▁basically", + -13.913751602172852 + ], + [ + "▁liked", + -14.357608795166016 + ], + [ + "ador", + -13.785592079162598 + ], + [ + "▁Arabia", + -13.44001007080078 + ], + [ + "wind", + -13.590478897094728 + ], + [ + "▁depicted", + -14.81713581085205 + ], + [ + "▁Sean", + -13.54953670501709 + ], + [ + "▁evolved", + -14.80533218383789 + ], + [ + "ン", + -12.097957611083984 + ], + [ + "\\_[", + -15.520697593688965 + ], + [ + "▁Ruth", + -13.799457550048828 + ], + [ + "▁atoms", + -14.47375202178955 + ], + [ + "mart", + -14.263139724731444 + ], + [ + "wedge", + -14.431788444519045 + ], + [ + "▁blocked", + -13.823695182800291 + ], + [ + "▁fate", + -14.2958402633667 + ], + [ + "▁Climate", + -11.828627586364746 + ], + [ + "▁Aviation", + -13.159194946289062 + ], + [ + "▁prediction", + -13.89650535583496 + ], + [ + "▁dialogue", + -14.467731475830078 + ], + [ + "neq", + -14.286446571350098 + ], + [ + "Sp", + -12.911872863769531 + ], + [ + "▁Oil", + -13.438236236572266 + ], + [ + "dre", + -13.824586868286133 + ], + [ + "▁martial", + -13.07102870941162 + ], + [ + "▁elite", + -14.677359580993652 + ], + [ + "isse", + -14.066612243652344 + ], + [ + "hoe", + -13.741127014160156 + ], + [ + "▁frequencies", + -14.40906810760498 + ], + [ + "▁reward", + -14.39491081237793 + ], + [ + "▁journals", + -12.648077964782717 + ], + [ + "▁excessive", + -14.354143142700195 + ], + [ + "▁Commerce", + -13.479025840759276 + ], + [ + "▁bacterial", + -14.907569885253906 + ], + [ + "**(", + -13.71913242340088 + ], + [ + "▁Steel", + -13.504255294799805 + ], + [ + "▁domains", + -14.204209327697754 + ], + [ + "▁murdered", + -13.881476402282717 + ], + [ + "▁geometry", + -13.208330154418944 + ], + [ + "zar", + -13.991421699523926 + ], + [ + "vat", + -13.816410064697266 + ], + [ + "▁Safety", + -13.068479537963867 + ], + [ + "▁retreat", + -14.59645652770996 + ], + [ + "▁tender", + -14.467982292175291 + ], + [ + "▁Voivodeship", + -13.530035018920898 + ], + [ + "▁sphere", + -14.245709419250488 + ], + [ + "}^\\", + -14.62349796295166 + ], + [ + "▁vaccine", + -14.77594757080078 + ], + [ + "founder", + 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-13.708792686462402 + ], + [ + "▁Similar", + -13.527729988098145 + ], + [ + "▁flavor", + -14.309858322143556 + ], + [ + "▁tension", + -15.012333869934082 + ], + [ + "▁scandal", + -13.840680122375488 + ], + [ + "▁mere", + -14.544690132141112 + ], + [ + "▁ghost", + -13.956872940063477 + ], + [ + "▁Arch", + -13.582337379455566 + ], + [ + "▁Annual", + -13.335975646972656 + ], + [ + "▁locomotives", + -13.146079063415527 + ], + [ + "▁decreasing", + -14.187814712524414 + ], + [ + "▁Shortly", + -14.85426139831543 + ], + [ + "ović", + -13.7374267578125 + ], + [ + "▁Complete", + -13.030818939208984 + ], + [ + "▁coup", + -14.450194358825684 + ], + [ + "▁palm", + -14.31105613708496 + ], + [ + "▁Southeast", + -13.408807754516602 + ], + [ + "▁disestablished", + -12.688361167907717 + ], + [ + "▁drafted", + -14.510400772094728 + ], + [ + "pul", + -13.5173921585083 + ], + [ + "▁Legacy", + -11.497633934020996 + ], + [ + "▁extensively", + -14.729679107666016 + ], + [ + "▁Consider", + -13.630292892456056 + ], + [ + "ony", + -13.306912422180176 + ], + [ + "▁Being", + -14.058731079101562 + ], + [ + "▁Athens", + -13.628162384033203 + ], + [ + "▁Ever", + -13.631382942199709 + ], + [ + "grade", + -13.923070907592772 + ], + [ + "Har", + -14.237010955810549 + ], + [ + "tter", + -13.648116111755373 + ], + [ + "▁circular", + -13.97033405303955 + ], + [ + "▁recommendations", + -14.312912940979004 + ], + [ + " ", + -14.454166412353516 + ], + [ + "▁wealthy", + -14.706857681274414 + ], + [ + "▁shifted", + -14.059819221496582 + ], + [ + "▁rap", + -14.377185821533203 + ], + [ + "][@", + -16.151405334472656 + ], + [ + "▁Gla", + -13.601884841918944 + ], + [ + "▁subset", + -13.952646255493164 + ], + [ + "▁tune", + -14.502423286437988 + ], + [ + "▁relay", + -13.75174331665039 + ], + [ + "▁hoping", + -14.41569995880127 + ], + [ + "▁Anglican", + -13.179651260375977 + ], + [ + "▁ambassador", + -14.130178451538086 + ], + [ + "ault", + -13.925938606262209 + ], + [ + "lect", + -14.300890922546388 + ], + [ + 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"▁Cab", + -13.883865356445312 + ], + [ + "▁Manuel", + -13.689154624938965 + ], + [ + "▁NASA", + -13.431282997131348 + ], + [ + "ono", + -13.507698059082031 + ], + [ + "▁pump", + -14.595707893371582 + ], + [ + "boat", + -13.340333938598633 + ], + [ + "▁Tree", + -13.534497261047363 + ], + [ + "▁abilities", + -14.236746788024902 + ], + [ + "▁Abraham", + -13.82655143737793 + ], + [ + "▁Masters", + -13.391992568969728 + ], + [ + "▁volunteers", + -14.591851234436035 + ], + [ + "▁Hughes", + -13.81171989440918 + ], + [ + "opa", + -13.746688842773438 + ], + [ + "gor", + -13.75243854522705 + ], + [ + "▁fu", + -14.06778621673584 + ], + [ + "▁Broadcasting", + -13.247637748718262 + ], + [ + "▁transformed", + -14.16529369354248 + ], + [ + "▁pu", + -14.308488845825195 + ], + [ + "▁Days", + -13.23610496520996 + ], + [ + "bling", + -13.904191970825195 + ], + [ + "▁algorithms", + -13.478402137756348 + ], + [ + "▁earning", + -14.793041229248049 + ], + [ + "lash", + -14.094386100769045 + ], + [ + "▁Leader", + -13.71216869354248 + ], + [ + "▁acquire", + -13.685912132263184 + ], + [ + "▁Planet", + -13.390329360961914 + ], + [ + "▁resist", + -14.50343418121338 + ], + [ + "▁Phillips", + -13.644758224487305 + ], + [ + "▁affiliated", + -14.22054386138916 + ], + [ + "▁har", + -15.29000759124756 + ], + [ + "▁Res", + -13.203137397766112 + ], + [ + "▁Leonard", + -13.709460258483888 + ], + [ + "▁Eddie", + -13.57149600982666 + ], + [ + "ла", + -14.249049186706545 + ], + [ + "▁ال", + -14.48824977874756 + ], + [ + "fort", + -13.667729377746582 + ], + [ + "ی", + -14.689058303833008 + ], + [ + "▁correction", + -13.895570755004885 + ], + [ + "▁arise", + -14.480751991271973 + ], + [ + "▁(“", + -14.06849765777588 + ], + [ + "▁calculations", + -14.050541877746582 + ], + [ + "poli", + -14.156062126159668 + ], + [ + "▁hoped", + -14.553048133850098 + ], + [ + "▁ultra", + -14.462972640991213 + ], + [ + "▁€", + -14.62689971923828 + ], + [ + "▁Recipients", + -12.483331680297852 + ], + [ + "▁Physics", + -13.322121620178224 + ], + [ + "▁basin", + -14.310976028442385 + ], + [ + "▁parks", + -13.169339179992676 + ], + [ + "▁hardly", + -14.260003089904783 + ], + [ + "▁consistently", + -14.552360534667969 + ], + [ + "▁Events", + -11.835618019104004 + ], + [ + "▁Tab", + -13.63530445098877 + ], + [ + "sham", + -13.853143692016602 + ], + [ + "▁corn", + -14.597610473632812 + ], + [ + "dine", + -13.795520782470703 + ], + [ + "▁Trial", + -13.213229179382324 + ], + [ + "▁blend", + -13.849164962768556 + ], + [ + "▁flu", + -14.398205757141112 + ], + [ + "lla", + -13.02538013458252 + ], + [ + "March", + -13.502760887145996 + ], + [ + "▁prototype", + -13.77020263671875 + ], + [ + "▁steady", + -14.52785587310791 + ], + [ + "▁somehow", + -14.110304832458496 + ], + [ + "▁comics", + -12.871294975280762 + ], + [ + "▁Cancer", + -13.583664894104004 + ], + [ + "ines", + -12.923480987548828 + ], + [ + "▁Double", + -13.34559726715088 + ], + [ + "▁sad", + -14.351385116577148 + ], + [ + "▁Prison", + -13.307477951049805 + ], + [ + "▁efficacy", + -14.94312572479248 + ], + [ + "▁mod", + -12.862211227416992 + ], + [ + "▁recalled", + -14.71957015991211 + ], + [ + "▁cooking", + -14.28193187713623 + ], + [ + "▁Past", + -12.95479965209961 + ], + [ + "▁shaft", + -14.895710945129396 + ], + [ + "▁stimulation", + -15.03446102142334 + ], + [ + "▁organisations", + -13.354816436767578 + ], + [ + "▁sqrt", + -13.888980865478516 + ], + [ + "court", + -13.576427459716797 + ], + [ + "▁¶", + -14.214692115783691 + ], + [ + "ifier", + -14.136639595031738 + ], + [ + "π", + -14.828851699829102 + ], + [ + "▁Ottawa", + -13.401466369628906 + ], + [ + "▁assisted", + -14.709774017333984 + ], + [ + "▁thereof", + -14.083949089050291 + ], + [ + "▁physically", + -14.459424018859863 + ], + [ + "▁Oscar", + -13.83339023590088 + ], + [ + "▁smell", + -14.279443740844728 + ], + [ + "▁UI", + -12.371089935302734 + ], + [ + "▁worn", + -14.600101470947266 + ], + [ + "▁bat", + -14.414976119995115 + ], + [ + "sville", + -13.538551330566406 + ], + [ + "▁wherein", + -14.374896049499512 + ], + [ + "▁adds", + -13.425853729248049 + ], + [ + "▁inflammatory", + -15.207075119018556 + ], + [ + "cker", + -13.677103996276855 + ], + [ + "▁Workers", + -13.773785591125488 + ], + [ + "▁demolished", + -14.343063354492188 + ], + [ + "▁Bag", + -13.79797077178955 + ], + [ + "▁temporal", + -14.650123596191406 + ], + [ + "▁capabilities", + -13.564332008361816 + ], + [ + "aco", + -13.4922456741333 + ], + [ + "xx", + -11.639872550964355 + ], + [ + "▁pink", + -14.548492431640623 + ], + [ + "▁surgeon", + -13.894209861755373 + ], + [ + "▁disclosed", + -14.48682689666748 + ], + [ + "▁Gy", + -14.0545015335083 + ], + [ + "▁neural", + -14.662821769714355 + ], + [ + "▁Ang", + -13.809231758117676 + ], + [ + "▁Defunct", + -12.150708198547363 + ], + [ + "▁boss", + -14.300808906555176 + ], + [ + "▁climb", + -14.542373657226562 + ], + [ + "▁kinase", + -14.96678352355957 + ], + [ + "▁Tal", + -13.849992752075195 + ], + [ + "▁breaks", + -14.10766315460205 + ], + [ + "▁upcoming", + -14.377378463745115 + ], + [ + "▁Bol", + -13.711405754089355 + ], + [ + "▁Johann", + -13.826476097106934 + ], + [ + "ę", + -14.077425003051758 + ], + [ + "alla", + -13.81143856048584 + ], + [ + "▁alarm", + -13.71499252319336 + ], + [ + "▁Bulgaria", + -13.099794387817385 + ], + [ + "▁profiles", + -14.33468532562256 + ], + [ + "▁Sultan", + -14.06582736968994 + ], + [ + "▁Higher", + -13.496694564819336 + ], + [ + "▁grain", + -14.703083038330078 + ], + [ + "▁Charts", + -11.187599182128906 + ], + [ + "gard", + -13.888689994812012 + ], + [ + "▁lifestyle", + -14.544197082519531 + ], + [ + "▁promising", + -14.699600219726562 + ], + [ + "▁Ski", + -13.39150333404541 + ], + [ + "▁Estate", + -13.7225341796875 + ], + [ + "▁welfare", + -14.20839786529541 + ], + [ + "▁shipping", + -14.21718406677246 + ], + [ + "▁geo", + -13.937459945678713 + ], + [ + "▁mainstream", + -14.678382873535156 + ], + [ + "▁doubles", + -13.01289176940918 + ], + [ + "▁slight", + -14.459993362426758 + ], + [ + "uba", + -13.629405975341797 + ], + [ + "▁broadcasting", + -14.04177188873291 + ], + [ + "▁Sox", + -13.563530921936035 + ], + [ + "▁abortion", + -14.588662147521973 + ], + [ + "▁append", + -13.131063461303713 + ], + [ + "▁Reed", + -13.704463005065918 + ], + [ + "▁inflammation", + -15.006342887878418 + ], + [ + "▁Cox", + -13.780075073242188 + ], + [ + "▁tomb", + -14.661256790161133 + ], + [ + "ambi", + -13.897109985351562 + ], + [ + "▁lu", + -14.122901916503906 + ], + [ + "▁Blake", + -13.66030216217041 + ], + [ + "▁======", + -11.875370979309082 + ], + [ + "▁Related", + -12.176026344299316 + ], + [ + "▁veteran", + -14.407686233520508 + ], + [ + "|^", + -14.603702545166016 + ], + [ + "▁Episode", + -12.819207191467283 + ], + [ + "▁Hitler", + -14.433995246887209 + ], + [ + "ologists", + -12.581184387207031 + ], + [ + "▁Mau", + -13.79916286468506 + ], + [ + "nit", + -13.486337661743164 + ], + [ + "▁Lebanon", + -13.37561321258545 + ], + [ + "▁dozen", + -14.47790813446045 + ], + [ + "▁Joint", + -13.806605339050291 + ], + [ + "▁aggressive", + -14.537313461303713 + ], + [ + "▁Content", + -12.812134742736816 + ], + [ + "rog", + -13.73174285888672 + ], + [ + "▁Florence", + -13.729397773742676 + ], + [ + "▁emerging", + -14.695446014404297 + ], + [ + "▁mall", + -14.18132209777832 + ], + [ + "umi", + -13.493343353271484 + ], + [ + "▁Vin", + -13.85170841217041 + ], + [ + "agon", + -13.679895401000977 + ], + [ + "▁ou", + -14.753780364990234 + ], + [ + "ule", + -13.60783576965332 + ], + [ + "Am", + -13.12106227874756 + ], + [ + "▁Auckland", + -13.403160095214844 + ], + [ + "▁Filmography", + -11.062265396118164 + ], + [ + "▁Commercial", + -12.544844627380373 + ], + [ + "}-\\", + -14.579035758972168 + ], + [ + "ка", + -14.022594451904297 + ], + [ + "▁ceased", + -14.517499923706056 + ], + [ + "▁Pad", + -13.571383476257324 + ], + [ + "▁Indonesian", + -13.109621047973633 + ], + [ + "▁electrode", + -15.438215255737305 + ], + [ + "▁sn", + -13.663220405578612 + ], + [ + "▁filing", + -14.22606372833252 + ], + [ + "hua", + -13.720074653625488 + ], + [ + "▁discipline", + -14.23867893218994 + ], + [ + "▁Application", + -12.779828071594238 + ], + [ + "▁withdrew", + -14.38662338256836 + ], + [ + "▁Sr", + -14.022216796875 + ], + [ + "▁traveling", + -14.631271362304688 + ], + [ + "▁simulations", + -14.78449535369873 + ], + [ + "▁evident", + -14.69996738433838 + ], + [ + "atic", + -13.680499076843262 + ], + [ + "▁threats", + -14.319605827331545 + ], + [ + "▁elementary", + -14.149380683898926 + ], + [ + "▁Agriculture", + -13.035408973693848 + ], + [ + "▁prevention", + -14.292455673217772 + ], + [ + "▁commanded", + -14.689085006713867 + ], + [ + "▁brands", + -12.82820987701416 + ], + [ + "▁charter", + -14.635305404663086 + ], + [ + "▁eu", + -14.339405059814451 + ], + [ + "▁acres", + -14.741268157958984 + ], + [ + "▁RAF", + -14.063526153564451 + ], + [ + "▁adjusted", + -14.040672302246094 + ], + [ + "▁Yi", + -13.824509620666504 + ], + [ + "▁sang", + -14.556573867797852 + ], + [ + "▁dissolved", + -14.647418975830078 + ], + [ + "▁ski", + -14.842572212219238 + ], + [ + "▁pal", + -14.172497749328612 + ], + [ + "▁Danny", + -13.652443885803224 + ], + [ + "▁stops", + -13.753457069396973 + ], + [ + "}|", + -15.222890853881836 + ], + [ + "▁artwork", + -13.962505340576172 + ], + [ + "▁ninth", + -14.62454605102539 + ], + [ + "▁bridges", + -13.277543067932127 + ], + [ + "▁Secondary", + -12.966734886169434 + ], + [ + "▁confusion", + -14.202447891235352 + ], + [ + "▁Julian", + -13.635336875915527 + ], + [ + "▁cooling", + -14.63122844696045 + ], + [ + "▁hang", + -14.243947982788086 + ], + [ + "phenyl", + -15.01138973236084 + ], + [ + "▁Dy", + -14.018930435180664 + ], + [ + "▁Maj", + -13.678753852844238 + ], + [ + "▁AI", + -13.57163906097412 + ], + [ + "▁reduces", + -14.298632621765137 + ], + [ + "▁beside", + -14.257360458374023 + ], + [ + "▁til", + -15.624211311340332 + ], + [ + "▁Vladimir", + -13.732769966125488 + ], + [ + "▁angry", + -14.38079833984375 + ], + [ + "elia", + -13.53565788269043 + ], + [ + "▁drum", + -14.211932182312012 + ], + [ + "▁Stein", + -13.880823135375977 + ], + [ + "▁Wallace", + -13.786883354187012 + ], + [ + "▁stuck", + -14.149858474731444 + ], + [ + "eux", + -14.239502906799316 + ], + [ + "bun", + -13.968234062194824 + ], + [ + "▁Azerbaijan", + -13.219765663146973 + ], + [ + "▁Cameron", + -13.740626335144045 + ], + [ + "▁settlements", + -13.559802055358888 + ], + [ + "▁preparing", + -14.395500183105469 + ], + [ + "▁sponsored", + -14.537476539611816 + ], + [ + "▁Š", + -13.72592067718506 + ], + [ + "▁metabolic", + -15.020750999450684 + ], + [ + "▁Len", + -14.633631706237791 + ], + [ + "▁Croatia", + -13.068463325500488 + ], + [ + "▁monument", + -14.461828231811523 + ], + [ + "▁consensus", + -14.179559707641602 + ], + [ + "▁traded", + -14.609222412109377 + ], + [ + "▁Mos", + -13.826916694641112 + ], + [ + "▁dying", + -14.36490535736084 + ], + [ + "▁pursuant", + -14.172508239746094 + ], + [ + "▁defect", + -14.656449317932127 + ], + [ + "▁Airlines", + -13.115408897399902 + ], + [ + "▁meal", + -14.47152328491211 + ], + [ + "▁statistically", + -15.102535247802734 + ], + [ + "▁Drug", + -13.59335231781006 + ], + [ + "escu", + -14.442023277282717 + ], + [ + "ush", + -13.625089645385742 + ], + [ + "▁$(\\", + -15.08018398284912 + ], + [ + "▁ties", + -15.171305656433104 + ], + [ + "▁flower", + -14.628971099853516 + ], + [ + "aged", + -13.82480525970459 + ], + [ + "emi", + -13.746183395385742 + ], + [ + "▁ultimate", + -14.489995002746582 + ], + [ + "▁Environment", + -13.00847625732422 + ], + [ + "iger", + -13.737162590026855 + ], + [ + "dagger", + -14.499698638916016 + ], + [ + "grams", + -13.887689590454102 + ], + [ + "▁Chang", + -13.810635566711426 + ], + [ + "▁Location", + -11.819995880126951 + ], + [ + "▁verdict", + -14.204549789428713 + ], + [ + "▁nurse", + -14.457853317260742 + ], + [ + "▁corporation", + -14.466449737548828 + ], + [ + "▁Forum", + -13.58924674987793 + ], + [ + "▁demanded", + -14.386934280395508 + ], + [ + "ECT", + -13.85409164428711 + ], + [ + "▁reservoir", + -14.496245384216309 + ], + [ + "kes", + -13.360078811645508 + ], + [ + "chu", + -13.795166969299316 + ], + [ + "▁shots", + -14.506126403808594 + ], + [ + "▁erected", + -14.654465675354004 + ], + [ + "▁Norfolk", + -13.438596725463867 + ], + [ + "▁graphics", + -13.738241195678713 + ], + [ + "▁Admiral", + -14.120709419250488 + ], + [ + "▁nm", + -14.44057846069336 + ], + [ + "▁mutant", + -15.348155975341797 + ], + [ + "▁statutory", + -14.190144538879396 + ], + [ + "▁affair", + -14.4464111328125 + ], + [ + "▁variance", + -14.396567344665527 + ], + [ + "▁react", + -14.304158210754396 + ], + [ + "▁friendship", + -14.39922046661377 + ], + [ + "▁sisters", + -14.420456886291504 + ], + [ + "▁mathematical", + -14.26233196258545 + ], + [ + "▁tribute", + -14.84313678741455 + ], + [ + "▁Palestinian", + -13.943181037902832 + ], + [ + "▁hopes", + -14.36026382446289 + ], + [ + "phor", + -14.016971588134766 + ], + [ + "▁shops", + -14.513973236083984 + ], + [ + "▁Anton", + -13.77117156982422 + ], + [ + "▁Bha", + -13.782773971557615 + ], + [ + "▁Economy", + -11.77897834777832 + ], + [ + "phon", + -13.733341217041016 + ], + [ + "▁rocks", + -14.359692573547363 + ], + [ + "θ", + -14.61219596862793 + ], + [ + "▁Visual", + -13.085542678833008 + ], + [ + "▁trick", + -14.148653984069824 + ], + [ + "▁quantitative", + -14.884233474731444 + ], + [ + "▁inhibitor", + -15.168130874633787 + ], + [ + "kins", + -13.712862968444824 + ], + [ + "▁conflicts", + -13.532605171203612 + ], + [ + "▁traditions", + -14.134675979614258 + ], + [ + "▁masses", + -14.782492637634276 + ], + [ + "▁winds", + -14.676779747009276 + ], + [ + "▁calcium", + -15.011933326721191 + ], + [ + "▁wage", + -14.701964378356934 + ], + [ + "▁ranges", + -13.361310958862305 + ], + [ + "▁Latino", + -14.13548755645752 + ], + [ + "rang", + -13.888505935668944 + ], + [ + "▁Methods", + -12.311627388000488 + ], + [ + "▁quit", + -13.869071006774902 + ], + [ + "▁incumbent", + -14.094152450561523 + ], + [ + "▁flew", + -14.684164047241213 + ], + [ + "▁disability", + -14.219231605529783 + ], + [ + "▁speakers", + -14.264925956726074 + ], + [ + "▁Chapel", + -13.675124168395996 + ], + [ + "▁gall", + -14.505948066711426 + ], + [ + "▁Chair", + -13.723523139953612 + ], + [ + "▁treaty", + -14.593034744262695 + ], + [ + "▁finals", + -13.663103103637695 + ], + [ + "▁spec", + -13.348031997680664 + ], + [ + "▁expenses", + -14.23520565032959 + ], + [ + "▁Simpson", + -13.865729331970217 + ], + [ + "▁slaves", + -14.206361770629885 + ], + [ + "▁manufacture", + -14.486297607421877 + ], + [ + "▁Bosnia", + -13.275191307067873 + ], + [ + "cot", + -13.739023208618164 + ], + [ + "▁remarkable", + -14.539094924926758 + ], + [ + "raz", + -14.147793769836426 + ], + [ + "▁vulnerable", + -14.570253372192385 + ], + [ + "▁shadow", + -13.69653034210205 + ], + [ + "isch", + -13.944781303405762 + ], + [ + "▁antenna", + -14.507848739624023 + ], + [ + "tting", + -14.056744575500488 + ], + [ + "▁metabolism", + -14.729607582092283 + ], + [ + "▁uncertainty", + -14.557334899902344 + ], + [ + "▁Initially", + -14.723960876464844 + ], + [ + "▁cylinder", + -14.576997756958008 + ], + [ + "comb", + -13.724654197692873 + ], + [ + "▁drain", + -14.26887321472168 + ], + [ + "▁Independence", + -13.501662254333496 + ], + [ + "formerly", + -14.006142616271973 + ], + [ + "market", + -13.709997177124023 + ], + [ + "▁yields", + -14.268016815185549 + ], + [ + "▁possess", + -14.581864356994627 + ], + [ + "▁Raymond", + -13.645965576171877 + ], + [ + "▁Bach", + -14.04481315612793 + ], + [ + "▁Kun", + -13.854936599731444 + ], + [ + "▁radar", + -14.301817893981934 + ], + [ + "▁traditionally", + -14.7171049118042 + ], + [ + "▁dish", + -14.493202209472656 + ], + [ + "▁Todd", + -13.721229553222656 + ], + [ + "▁blast", + -14.682757377624512 + ], + [ + "▁Spider", + -13.382207870483398 + ], + [ + "People", + -12.758122444152832 + ], + [ + "▁favorable", + -14.520606994628906 + ], + [ + "▁escaped", + -14.108601570129396 + ], + [ + "▁Lyon", + -13.709188461303713 + ], + [ + "▁lighting", + -14.207457542419434 + ], + [ + "▁advantages", + -14.414946556091309 + ], + [ + "▁:)", + -13.60973834991455 + ], + [ + "Di", + -13.032861709594728 + ], + [ + "nin", + -13.6035737991333 + ], + [ + "▁Border", + -13.577336311340332 + ], + [ + "▁Lisa", + -13.737980842590332 + ], + [ + "▁Large", + -13.650751113891602 + ], + [ + "▁sculpture", + -14.437952995300291 + ], + [ + "$)", + -14.744243621826172 + ], + [ + "▁Wells", + -13.74288272857666 + ], + [ + "▁organised", + -14.631585121154783 + ], + [ + "▁Eli", + -13.550209999084473 + ], + [ + "coming", + -13.50172996520996 + ], + [ + "▁accomplished", + -14.536847114562988 + ], + [ + "▁rated", + -15.385913848876951 + ], + [ + "▁ceiling", + -14.505990982055664 + ], + [ + "▁competitors", + -13.208033561706545 + ], + [ + "▁Log", + -12.646212577819824 + ], + [ + "▁bore", + -14.63421630859375 + ], + [ + "▁mad", + -14.4021577835083 + ], + [ + "▁um", + -14.918322563171388 + ], + [ + "▁preventing", + -14.44465160369873 + ], + [ + "▁Shanghai", + -13.734944343566896 + ], + [ + "▁acknowledged", + -14.255096435546877 + ], + [ + "▁guarantee", + -13.610700607299805 + ], + [ + "som", + -13.918561935424805 + ], + [ + "▁robust", + -14.43589687347412 + ], + [ + "▁slide", + -14.263419151306152 + ], + [ + "▁crop", + -14.238624572753906 + ], + [ + "▁Clinical", + -13.29228687286377 + ], + [ + "▁Rec", + -13.506342887878418 + ], + [ + "▁fighters", + -14.282191276550291 + ], + [ + "▁makeup", + -14.860383987426758 + ], + [ + "▁Amy", + -13.69895839691162 + ], + [ + "▁fatal", + -13.733449935913086 + ], + [ + "▁lesions", + -15.1191987991333 + ], + [ + "▁loud", + -14.30103874206543 + ], + [ + "▁profession", + -14.364469528198242 + ], + [ + "▁disappeared", + -14.34603786468506 + ], + [ + "▁screw", + -14.429264068603516 + ], + [ + "▁inequality", + -14.123181343078612 + ], + [ + "▁utilized", + -14.738551139831545 + ], + [ + "▁Row", + -13.834444046020508 + ], + [ + "uncredited", + -13.361844062805176 + ], + [ + "▁span", + -13.920635223388672 + ], + [ + "▁Pete", + -13.675225257873535 + ], + [ + "▁Sc", + -13.176804542541504 + ], + [ + "▁Ghost", + -13.39706802368164 + ], + [ + "▁Eagles", + -13.294795989990234 + ], + [ + "▁AL", + -13.309940338134766 + ], + [ + "▁Pic", + -13.745655059814451 + ], + [ + "▁Resources", + -13.357001304626465 + ], + [ + "▁camps", + -14.260563850402832 + ], + [ + "[\"", + -12.82041072845459 + ], + [ + "▁switched", + -14.163213729858398 + ], + [ + "▁polymer", + -15.178393363952637 + ], + [ + "▁march", + -14.478289604187012 + ], + [ + "vas", + -13.653014183044434 + ], + [ + "▁Thor", + -13.893528938293455 + ], + [ + "▁generations", + -14.466062545776367 + ], + [ + "▁Winners", + -12.284415245056152 + ], + [ + "▁Animal", + -13.185606002807615 + ], + [ + "▁memories", + -14.401641845703123 + ], + [ + "▁rape", + -14.35785961151123 + ], + [ + "encia", + -14.182695388793944 + ], + [ + "▁lit", + -13.885764122009276 + ], + [ + "ça", + -13.679738998413086 + ], + [ + "oso", + -13.831697463989258 + ], + [ + "▁defenders", + -12.258238792419434 + ], + [ + "▁wireless", + -14.312540054321287 + ], + [ + "▁minimize", + -14.084076881408691 + ], + [ + "▁Gang", + -13.552367210388184 + ], + [ + "▁Very", + -13.748251914978027 + ], + [ + "▁Swan", + -13.728830337524414 + ], + [ + "▁Made", + -13.671181678771973 + ], + [ + "▁Abbey", + -13.834798812866213 + ], + [ + "▁Ronald", + -13.8113374710083 + ], + [ + "▁Plus", + -13.924365043640137 + ], + [ + "treated", + -15.19629955291748 + ], + [ + "eria", + -13.509961128234863 + ], + [ + "▁Cuban", + -13.441296577453612 + ], + [ + "▁dr", + -14.035609245300291 + ], + [ + "ural", + -13.44294261932373 + ], + [ + "Ja", + -13.69627285003662 + ], + [ + "▁rifle", + -14.275757789611816 + ], + [ + "▁decides", + -14.556601524353027 + ], + [ + "odo", + -13.900243759155272 + ], + [ + "▁protective", + -14.729249954223633 + ], + [ + "▁constitute", + -14.432279586791992 + ], + [ + "▁Franco", + -13.936224937438965 + ], + [ + "▁CM", + -11.382741928100586 + ], + [ + "▁Archbishop", + -14.033330917358398 + ], + [ + "‘", + -13.841981887817385 + ], + [ + "▁Shakespeare", + -13.909826278686523 + ], + [ + "▁Cou", + -13.683822631835938 + ], + [ + "▁Enterprise", + -13.658402442932127 + ], + [ + "▁Diamond", + -13.473532676696776 + ], + [ + "▁Inside", + -13.87321662902832 + ], + [ + "ece", + -13.9060640335083 + ], + [ + "▁Want", + -13.613398551940918 + ], + [ + "▁empire", + -14.497332572937012 + ], + [ + "▁allies", + -14.321852684020996 + ], + [ + "▁Bath", + -13.41481590270996 + ], + [ + "▁Iraqi", + -13.771212577819824 + ], + [ + "▁quoted", + -14.166792869567873 + ], + [ + "▁Baby", + -13.33981990814209 + ], + [ + "ś", + -14.17489528656006 + ], + [ + "▁Hurricane", + -13.554709434509276 + ], + [ + "▁→", + -12.85086154937744 + ], + [ + "▁Archive", + -13.021717071533203 + ], + [ + "▁overseas", + -14.557918548583984 + ], + [ + "▁VII", + -13.929659843444824 + ], + [ + "▁Petersburg", + -13.664244651794434 + ], + [ + "▁Celtic", + -13.660938262939451 + ], + [ + "▁provinces", + -14.398448944091797 + ], + [ + "igen", + -14.60202407836914 + ], + [ + "▁sodium", + -14.877215385437012 + ], + [ + "▁Nigerian", + -12.850510597229004 + ], + [ + "▁origins", + -14.113492965698242 + ], + [ + "▁hop", + -13.63686466217041 + ], + [ + "▁Examples", + -12.50343894958496 + ], + [ + "▁insufficient", + -14.183982849121094 + ], + [ + "▁timber", + -14.712778091430664 + ], + [ + "▁Archives", + -12.91791534423828 + ], + [ + "▁sing", + -15.178221702575684 + ], + [ + "Bu", + -13.88450813293457 + ], + [ + "▁resonance", + -14.717211723327637 + ], + [ + "shore", + -13.903883934020996 + ], + [ + ",$$", + -14.763872146606444 + ], + [ + "▁Nancy", + -13.80669116973877 + ], + [ + "▁Leeds", + -13.623367309570312 + ], + [ + "▁affects", + -14.17162036895752 + ], + [ + "▁Nothing", + -13.136215209960938 + ], + [ + "▁elderly", + -14.722336769104004 + ], + [ + "▁originated", + -14.581649780273438 + ], + [ + "▁distinctive", + -14.80962371826172 + ], + [ + "▁gross", + -14.407322883605955 + ], + [ + "ering", + -13.367439270019531 + ], + [ + "▁bedroom", + -14.495575904846191 + ], + [ + "▁Ant", + -13.286431312561035 + ], + [ + "▁arg", + -11.826647758483888 + ], + [ + "▁inherited", + -13.951878547668455 + ], + [ + "uan", + -13.786067008972168 + ], + [ + "▁heating", + -14.669379234313965 + ], + [ + "▁beta", + -13.806379318237305 + ], + [ + "▁mat", + -13.272180557250977 + ], + [ + "rry", + -14.605992317199709 + ], + [ + "▁formations", + -12.962379455566406 + ], + [ + "kra", + -14.134004592895508 + ], + [ + "ils", + -13.466109275817873 + ], + [ + "▁virtually", + -14.659111976623535 + ], + [ + "▁brush", + -13.9619779586792 + ], + [ + "vie", + -13.683947563171388 + ], + [ + "ige", + -13.935798645019531 + ], + [ + "▁navigation", + -13.404606819152832 + ], + [ + "▁heir", + -14.540284156799316 + ], + [ + "cel", + -13.354204177856444 + ], + [ + "▁stolen", + -14.337851524353027 + ], + [ + "▁Mega", + -13.370721817016602 + ], + [ + "▁attendance", + -14.249117851257324 + ], + [ + "United", + -12.685497283935549 + ], + [ + "▁respiratory", + -14.831954002380373 + ], + [ + "sulf", + -15.01425075531006 + ], + [ + "assi", + -14.252920150756836 + ], + [ + "▁keyboards", + -13.06544017791748 + ], + [ + "ה", + -14.694659233093262 + ], + [ + "▁bonds", + -14.617281913757324 + ], + [ + "▁hub", + -14.388888359069824 + ], + [ + "ologic", + -14.45721435546875 + ], + [ + "▁Barr", + -13.892741203308104 + ], + [ + "▁subsidiary", + -14.346343994140623 + ], + [ + "▁mock", + -13.73094654083252 + ], + [ + "▁Stat", + -14.10417366027832 + ], + [ + "▁Kill", + -13.576428413391112 + ], + [ + "cen", + -13.783576011657717 + ], + [ + "▁Pas", + -13.578630447387695 + ], + [ + "▁Finals", + -12.004995346069336 + ], + [ + "nh", + -13.085519790649414 + ], + [ + "▁mutual", + -14.39199161529541 + ], + [ + "▁rel", + -13.021475791931152 + ], + [ + "▁ok", + -11.74501895904541 + ], + [ + "▁recruited", + -15.052679061889648 + ], + [ + "▁Eventually", + -14.686094284057615 + ], + [ + "▁biography", + -13.12122631072998 + ], + [ + "▁Zhang", + -13.97095775604248 + ], + [ + "wei", + -13.944268226623535 + ], + [ + "lio", + -13.596114158630373 + ], + [ + "▁Fat", + -13.644010543823242 + ], + [ + "▁toxic", + -14.928448677062988 + ], + [ + "▁filling", + -14.165830612182615 + ], + [ + "▁inspection", + -14.418736457824709 + ], + [ + "▁Rom", + -13.942031860351562 + ], + [ + "news", + -13.355743408203123 + ], + [ + "▁combine", + -14.06483554840088 + ], + [ + "imi", + -13.95512866973877 + ], + [ + "ered", + -13.488565444946287 + ], + [ + "there", + -13.639904022216797 + ], + [ + "▁conductor", + -14.113593101501465 + ], + [ + "enburg", + -13.849422454833984 + ], + [ + "▁Cow", + -13.970491409301758 + ], + [ + "▁Liberty", + -13.567298889160156 + ], + [ + "▁brigade", + -14.699817657470703 + ], + [ + "▁campaigns", + -14.02587890625 + ], + [ + "udi", + -13.749978065490724 + ], + [ + "▁dys", + -14.74477481842041 + ], + [ + "▁tongue", + -14.330703735351562 + ], + [ + "ș", + -13.708699226379396 + ], + [ + "borg", + -13.571596145629885 + ], + [ + "▁vacuum", + -14.428549766540527 + ], + [ + "jet", + -13.924287796020508 + ], + [ + "moto", + -13.655221939086914 + ], + [ + "nos", + -13.034320831298828 + ], + [ + "▁Rai", + -13.783123970031738 + ], + [ + "▁Consequently", + -14.753108978271484 + ], + [ + "▁dismiss", + -14.271726608276367 + ], + [ + "▁Que", + -13.524700164794922 + ], + [ + "▁galaxies", + -14.648199081420898 + ], + [ + "vey", + -14.102286338806152 + ], + [ + "mmer", + -13.939167976379396 + ], + [ + "ym", + -13.333518028259276 + ], + [ + "▁Fra", + -13.649778366088867 + ], + [ + "icle", + -14.72531032562256 + ], + [ + "/(", + -14.008331298828123 + ], + [ + "integr", + -14.687053680419922 + ], + [ + "▁Kid", + -13.614866256713867 + ], + [ + "\\]),", + -14.993437767028809 + ], + [ + "▁Foster", + -13.778429985046388 + ], + [ + "teen", + -14.19211483001709 + ], + [ + "▁ministry", + -14.05253791809082 + ], + [ + "▁Regular", + -12.274530410766602 + ], + [ + "▁honors", + -12.804612159729004 + ], + [ + "▁Henri", + -13.902624130249023 + ], + [ + "lves", + -14.343831062316896 + ], + [ + "oph", + -13.754321098327637 + ], + [ + "ό", + -15.056632995605469 + ], + [ + "▁phenotype", + -15.235350608825684 + ], + [ + "▁currency", + -14.352737426757812 + ], + [ + "}.$$", + -14.623896598815918 + ], + [ + "▁dies", + -14.552873611450195 + ], + [ + "▁isolation", + -14.423274040222168 + ], + [ + "▁transmitted", + -13.9367094039917 + ], + [ + "▁deals", + -14.256505012512209 + ], + [ + "▁analyze", + -14.32278537750244 + ], + [ + "▁Recent", + -13.007753372192385 + ], + [ + "▁hint", + -13.694018363952637 + ], + [ + "lysis", + -14.64035701751709 + ], + [ + "▁Dame", + -13.720090866088867 + ], + [ + "▁inaugural", + -14.667866706848145 + ], + [ + "▁subjected", + -14.914543151855469 + ], + [ + "▁Ras", + -14.12001895904541 + ], + [ + "▁emigrants", + -12.315842628479004 + ], + [ + "▁Drama", + -13.091325759887695 + ], + [ + "▁apoptosis", + -15.253371238708496 + ], + [ + "▁Newcastle", + -13.70623016357422 + ], + [ + "▁msgid", + -12.41999053955078 + ], + [ + "▁GT", + -13.130245208740234 + ], + [ + "▁Div", + -13.599203109741213 + ], + [ + "▁Spin", + -13.619861602783203 + ], + [ + "gua", + -14.01477336883545 + ], + [ + "▁ko", + -14.643403053283691 + ], + [ + "▁Got", + -13.689023971557615 + ], + [ + "▁Sweet", + -13.344440460205078 + ], + [ + "▁posterior", + -14.949522018432615 + ], + [ + "▁festivals", + -13.243277549743652 + ], + [ + "▁pepper", + -13.59272003173828 + ], + [ + "▁Pick", + -13.525671005249023 + ], + [ + "▁Tommy", + -13.702136993408203 + ], + [ + "▁Isaac", + -13.941219329833984 + ], + [ + "▁tracking", + -13.598587989807127 + ], + [ + "▁expectations", + -14.387688636779783 + ], + [ + "uel", + -13.722853660583496 + ], + [ + "▁praise", + -14.491846084594728 + ], + [ + "mente", + -14.510920524597168 + ], + [ + "▁favourite", + -14.51098918914795 + ], + [ + "▁Pot", + -13.74272632598877 + ], + [ + "▁Footballers", + -12.09844207763672 + ], + [ + "ár", + -13.926108360290527 + ], + [ + "▁Reform", + -13.744733810424805 + ], + [ + "▁slip", + -14.363101959228516 + ], + [ + "▁forcing", + -14.402097702026367 + ], + [ + "▁Ghana", + -13.396550178527832 + ], + [ + "ipped", + -14.172682762145996 + ], + [ + "▁Aug", + -13.861574172973633 + ], + [ + "uga", + -13.690893173217772 + ], + [ + "▁flexible", + -14.455530166625977 + ], + [ + "▁beetle", + -14.037784576416016 + ], + [ + "▁dia", + -14.805123329162598 + ], + [ + "lou", + -13.736327171325684 + ], + [ + "▁myth", + -14.377936363220217 + ], + [ + "▁Discussion", + -12.03803253173828 + ], + [ + "▁Interest", + -13.213993072509766 + ], + [ + "▁inches", + -14.533055305480955 + ], + [ + "ingham", + -13.604066848754885 + ], + [ + "eil", + -13.67880630493164 + ], + [ + "▁(\\", + -14.288233757019045 + ], + [ + "▁cult", + -14.89252471923828 + ], + [ + "▁petitioner", + -13.9541015625 + ], + [ + "▁runners", + -13.428792953491213 + ], + [ + "▁folder", + -13.40178394317627 + ], + [ + "▁Lucas", + -13.861889839172363 + ], + [ + "▁settle", + -14.515586853027344 + ], + [ + "▁infinite", + -13.654004096984863 + ], + [ + "▁readily", + -14.64431858062744 + ], + [ + "▁resignation", + -14.558408737182615 + ], + [ + "▁Brisbane", + -13.587552070617676 + ], + [ + "▁Cas", + -13.538251876831056 + ], + [ + "▁desirable", + -14.522961616516112 + ], + [ + "▁Palmer", + -13.777406692504885 + ], + [ + "▁Legislature", + -13.59962558746338 + ], + [ + "▁surveillance", + -14.387944221496582 + ], + [ + "▁integrity", + -14.214863777160645 + ], + [ + "▁Sto", + -13.464280128479004 + ], + [ + "▁sacrifice", + -14.457369804382324 + ], + [ + "▁effectiveness", + -14.690082550048828 + ], + [ + "June", + -13.565059661865234 + ], + [ + "▁medication", + -14.764410018920898 + ], + [ + "▁rebuilt", + -14.68642807006836 + ], + [ + "▁Montgomery", + -13.568406105041504 + ], + [ + "▁kid", + -14.357638359069824 + ], + [ + "▁Congo", + -13.488365173339844 + ], + [ + "▁Lip", + -13.948046684265137 + ], + [ + "▁Spencer", + -13.75603485107422 + ], + [ + "▁Motion", + -13.615693092346191 + ], + [ + "▁nu", + -13.88948917388916 + ], + [ + "▁Idaho", + -13.207245826721191 + ], + [ + "▁gut", + -14.700091361999512 + ], + [ + "mia", + -13.581815719604492 + ], + [ + "▁SF", + -13.271530151367188 + ], + [ + "azi", + -13.60422420501709 + ], + [ + "▁Marcus", + -13.789220809936523 + ], + [ + "▁skull", + -14.82569408416748 + ], + [ + "zon", + -13.821468353271484 + ], + [ + "§", + -14.230246543884276 + ], + [ + "▁bitter", + -14.381671905517578 + ], + [ + "▁Bennett", + -13.81134033203125 + ], + [ + "aine", + -13.801490783691406 + ], + [ + "▁ratings", + -14.130078315734863 + ], + [ + "▁Def", + -13.97828769683838 + ], + [ + "▁tro", + -15.149827003479004 + ], + [ + "▁clinic", + -15.944867134094238 + ], + [ + "▁prayer", + -14.387642860412598 + ], + [ + "▁tar", + -14.56795883178711 + ], + [ + "odor", + -14.40832805633545 + ], + [ + "sty", + -13.526862144470217 + ], + [ + "▁Hamburg", + -13.653937339782717 + ], + [ + "▁photographer", + -14.035158157348633 + ], + [ + "▁dec", + -14.244142532348633 + ], + [ + "▁dock", + -14.66883373260498 + ], + [ + "▁motivation", + -14.412690162658691 + ], + [ + "phen", + -14.22115421295166 + ], + [ + "▁chat", + -14.194721221923828 + ], + [ + "omo", + -13.43712043762207 + ], + [ + "し", + -9.97671890258789 + ], + [ + "▁Filipino", + -13.146678924560549 + ], + [ + "▁Bin", + -13.745807647705078 + ], + [ + "▁Eight", + -13.94638442993164 + ], + [ + "▁PBS", + -14.456027030944824 + ], + [ + "▁maternal", + -14.968764305114746 + ], + [ + "tai", + -13.625432014465332 + ], + [ + "▁bell", + -14.59465217590332 + ], + [ + "▁citing", + -14.978803634643556 + ], + [ + "liga", + -13.48989963531494 + ], + [ + "▁automobile", + -14.351048469543455 + ], + [ + "▁Wellington", + -13.531665802001951 + ], + [ + "yi", + -13.2452974319458 + ], + [ + "Gu", + -13.51619815826416 + ], + [ + "▁Otto", + -13.935006141662598 + ], + [ + "▁scrap", + -14.480759620666504 + ], + [ + "▁Rhode", + -13.403624534606934 + ], + [ + "Ko", + -13.61760139465332 + ], + [ + "▁circulation", + -14.732178688049316 + ], + [ + "▁degradation", + -14.875157356262209 + ], + [ + "▁conducting", + -14.64376163482666 + ], + [ + "▁Bert", + -13.816588401794434 + ], + [ + "▁OK", + -12.861245155334473 + ], + [ + "▁museums", + -12.776124954223633 + ], + [ + "▁accumulation", + -14.833962440490724 + ], + [ + "lä", + -14.355609893798828 + ], + [ + "▁Decision", + -13.269022941589355 + ], + [ + "▁ages", + -15.070372581481934 + ], + [ + "}}}$", + -15.566214561462402 + ], + [ + "cata", + -14.103026390075684 + ], + [ + "▁arriving", + -14.73797607421875 + ], + [ + "por", + -13.5629301071167 + ], + [ + "▁Formation", + -12.883509635925291 + ], + [ + "▁barely", + -14.5962553024292 + ], + [ + "oda", + -13.475981712341309 + ], + [ + "elected", + -13.66812515258789 + ], + [ + "ль", + -14.122694969177246 + ], + [ + "$$\\", + -14.099349975585938 + ], + [ + "ulator", + -13.718557357788086 + ], + [ + "oko", + -13.838582992553713 + ], + [ + "▁Tha", + -13.88682460784912 + ], + [ + "▁Crime", + -13.195255279541016 + ], + [ + "Se", + -13.296957969665527 + ], + [ + "▁Criminal", + -13.36730670928955 + ], + [ + "▁Milwaukee", + -13.369749069213867 + ], + [ + "▁Working", + -13.617408752441406 + ], + [ + "▁rowspan", + -12.524950981140137 + ], + [ + "▁Lei", + -13.834099769592283 + ], + [ + "assa", + -14.218770027160645 + ], + [ + "wel", + -13.922545433044434 + ], + [ + "▁intervals", + -14.172100067138672 + ], + [ + "▁Friedrich", + -13.88149356842041 + ], + [ + "▁quest", + -15.543575286865234 + ], + [ + "▁pra", + -14.975875854492188 + ], + [ + "▁tackle", + -14.61221981048584 + ], + [ + "▁entities", + -13.797005653381348 + ], + [ + "▁cotton", + -14.682615280151367 + ], + [ + "▁pipeline", + -13.289108276367188 + ], + [ + "achi", + -13.687092781066896 + ], + [ + "▁Adult", + -13.61619758605957 + ], + [ + "▁Sor", + -13.68906307220459 + ], + [ + "▁Venice", + -13.92403793334961 + ], + [ + "▁staining", + -15.232537269592283 + ], + [ + "South", + -13.14934539794922 + ], + [ + "rib", + -14.114975929260254 + ], + [ + "▁communist", + -14.228949546813965 + ], + [ + "tä", + -15.304717063903809 + ], + [ + "ко", + -14.369494438171388 + ], + [ + "▁heaven", + -14.119062423706056 + ], + [ + "▁violin", + -13.523614883422852 + ], + [ + "▁honest", + -14.378350257873535 + ], + [ + "▁blame", + -14.365922927856444 + ], + [ + "▁predominantly", + -14.94867992401123 + ], + [ + "▁Hero", + -13.624810218811035 + ], + [ + "▁Physical", + -12.93092918395996 + ], + [ + "▁airline", + -14.369929313659668 + ], + [ + "▁upset", + -14.634185791015623 + ], + [ + "▁knife", + -14.467658996582031 + ], + [ + "▁onset", + -15.138744354248049 + ], + [ + "▁Economics", + -13.214970588684082 + ], + [ + "▁Emma", + -13.843717575073242 + ], + [ + "έ", + -15.119028091430664 + ], + [ + "▁biology", + -14.088249206542969 + ], + [ + "▁deviation", + -14.293625831604004 + ], + [ + "▁Sei", + -13.925066947937012 + ], + [ + "▁immuno", + -14.442426681518556 + ], + [ + "▁playoff", + -14.105045318603516 + ], + [ + "▁Columbus", + -13.581586837768556 + ], + [ + "▁targeting", + -14.622162818908691 + ], + [ + "▁Advanced", + -13.455451965332031 + ], + [ + "▁expanding", + -14.460570335388184 + ], + [ + "▁drag", + -13.880335807800291 + ], + [ + "\"}](", + -14.881476402282717 + ], + [ + "▁Allied", + -14.343656539916992 + ], + [ + "cine", + -14.409339904785156 + ], + [ + "▁insight", + -14.567791938781738 + ], + [ + "~*", + -15.87216091156006 + ], + [ + "▁HTML", + -12.79292106628418 + ], + [ + "▁Insurance", + -13.69482421875 + ], + [ + "ifies", + -13.251269340515137 + ], + [ + "▁Eye", + -13.677251815795898 + ], + [ + "▁laugh", + -14.257353782653809 + ], + [ + "▁extraction", + -14.25081729888916 + ], + [ + "▁GM", + -14.086807250976562 + ], + [ + "▁indoor", + -14.516770362854004 + ], + [ + "▁mood", + -14.470394134521484 + ], + [ + "▁diplomatic", + -14.259407997131348 + ], + [ + "▁gravity", + -14.386202812194824 + ], + [ + "▁Roosevelt", + -14.25255012512207 + ], + [ + "▁Princeton", + -13.451640129089355 + ], + [ + "▁Mod", + -13.32439136505127 + ], + [ + "▁RA", + -13.632010459899902 + ], + [ + "▁dem", + -14.724564552307127 + ], + [ + "▁unsuccessful", + -14.467363357543944 + ], + [ + "▁Leg", + -13.605987548828123 + ], + [ + "▁Fur", + -13.720134735107422 + ], + [ + "scribe", + -14.509617805480955 + ], + [ + "▁Eagle", + -13.766234397888184 + ], + [ + "bla", + -13.971362113952637 + ], + [ + "▁consultant", + -14.3289213180542 + ], + [ + "▁boxes", + -14.151315689086914 + ], + [ + "*^", + -15.387776374816896 + ], + [ + "▁Wilhelm", + -13.89142894744873 + ], + [ + "▁verb", + -14.157181739807127 + ], + [ + "very", + -14.10639476776123 + ], + [ + "▁admit", + -14.467912673950195 + ], + [ + "▁mystery", + -13.629804611206056 + ], + [ + "▁HR", + -14.38720703125 + ], + [ + "▁investigations", + -14.467098236083984 + ], + [ + "▁luck", + -14.015632629394531 + ], + [ + "▁Sort", + -13.357892036437988 + ], + [ + "▁RO", + -13.713459014892578 + ], + [ + "▁divorce", + -14.638131141662598 + ], + [ + "▁equality", + -13.813199996948242 + ], + [ + "▁slope", + -14.666094779968262 + ], + [ + "▁\\>", + -15.72016429901123 + ], + [ + "▁powered", + -14.438435554504396 + ], + [ + "▁elaborate", + -14.642687797546388 + ], + [ + "▁Chemical", + -13.322407722473145 + ], + [ + "▁decree", + -14.645674705505373 + ], + [ + "▁molecule", + -14.890920639038086 + ], + [ + "▁varies", + -14.528606414794922 + ], + [ + "hart", + -13.739535331726074 + ], + [ + "hydroxy", + -14.981618881225586 + ], + [ + "▁volunteer", + -14.60253620147705 + ], + [ + "rim", + -13.819747924804688 + ], + [ + "▁editorial", + -14.511616706848145 + ], + [ + "ucci", + -14.077374458312988 + ], + [ + "▁snake", + -14.397379875183104 + ], + [ + "▁Circle", + -13.600526809692385 + ], + [ + "ع", + -14.448471069335938 + ], + [ + "▁ATP", + -13.7886962890625 + ], + [ + "▁dressed", + -14.650715827941896 + ], + [ + "▁Dale", + -13.845697402954102 + ], + [ + "▁Eve", + -14.014164924621582 + ], + [ + "▁Nintendo", + -13.477005004882812 + ], + [ + "▁relocated", + -14.665770530700684 + ], + [ + "ener", + -13.887672424316406 + ], + [ + "▁enormous", + -14.678942680358888 + ], + [ + "quin", + -13.890170097351074 + ], + [ + "April", + -13.678118705749512 + ], + [ + "—", + -14.548283576965332 + ], + [ + "▁Xi", + -14.110980987548828 + ], + [ + "ã", + -14.365707397460938 + ], + [ + "▁Spi", + -13.67276382446289 + ], + [ + "▁breeding", + -14.726388931274414 + ], + [ + "ega", + -13.746821403503418 + ], + [ + "▁Nashville", + -13.636977195739746 + ], + [ + "▁Face", + -13.767147064208984 + ], + [ + "quer", + -14.01239013671875 + ], + [ + "▁Sum", + -13.666540145874023 + ], + [ + "▁democratic", + -14.584683418273926 + ], + [ + "\"}),", + -15.70666217803955 + ], + [ + "▁adoption", + -14.508440017700195 + ], + [ + "idad", + -14.48700714111328 + ], + [ + "mediated", + -14.986536979675291 + ], + [ + "▁exploit", + -14.528360366821287 + ], + [ + "▁fragments", + -14.218338966369627 + ], + [ + "▁Pine", + -13.793546676635742 + ], + [ + "▁Fast", + -13.225689888000488 + ], + [ + "▁Know", + -13.583231925964355 + ], + [ + "▁icon", + -13.469107627868652 + ], + [ + "▁recognised", + -14.448596000671388 + ], + [ + "▁hanging", + -14.233844757080078 + ], + [ + "%;", + -13.586952209472656 + ], + [ + "▁affecting", + -14.38742446899414 + ], + [ + "▁fastest", + -14.255950927734377 + ], + [ + "▁au", + -13.53421688079834 + ], + [ + "▁paths", + -13.482117652893066 + ], + [ + "▁editing", + -13.813698768615724 + ], + [ + "▁Carlo", + -14.0391206741333 + ], + [ + "▁pri", + -14.203509330749512 + ], + [ + "▁cricketer", + -13.71807861328125 + ], + [ + "▁TH", + -13.391539573669434 + ], + [ + "▁Rather", + -14.408658981323242 + ], + [ + "hibi", + -14.798982620239258 + ], + [ + "ē", + -14.796978950500488 + ], + [ + "▁legitimate", + -14.416573524475098 + ], + [ + "cre", + -13.9920654296875 + ], + [ + "mile", + -14.270362854003906 + ], + [ + "▁Byzantine", + -13.723871231079102 + ], + [ + "▁conjunction", + -14.325759887695312 + ], + [ + "▁Screen", + -13.34589958190918 + ], + [ + "uh", + -13.365280151367188 + ], + [ + "▁consciousness", + -14.50978660583496 + ], + [ + "▁trauma", + -14.721195220947266 + ], + [ + "iii", + -14.009233474731444 + ], + [ + "▁Rice", + -13.572697639465332 + ], + [ + "▁economics", + -13.754055976867676 + ], + [ + "▁WE", + -13.243596076965332 + ], + [ + "▁concerts", + -14.488862037658691 + ], + [ + "▁flights", + -14.511162757873535 + ], + [ + "eren", + -13.711045265197754 + ], + [ + "▁", + -13.700228691101074 + ], + [ + "アッラー", + -17.35840606689453 + ], + [ + "かじり", + -16.755590438842773 + ], + [ + "クライド", + -16.23966407775879 + ], + [ + "SDN", + -15.241926193237305 + ], + [ + "サンセット", + -15.622380256652832 + ], + [ + "ぷれ", + -16.534372329711914 + ], + [ + "ジーノ", + -16.45677947998047 + ], + [ + "夏生", + -16.24447250366211 + ], + [ + "サージ", + -16.39763641357422 + ], + [ + "優里", + -16.096975326538086 + ], + [ + "ゆるく", + -18.23017311096191 + ], + [ + "コトバ", + -15.918424606323242 + ], + [ + "エダ", + -16.590795516967773 + ], + [ + "ピストンズ", + -16.169620513916016 + ], + [ + "高井戸", + -16.478973388671875 + ], + [ + "シビル", + -16.361835479736328 + ], + [ + "毀", + -17.113069534301758 + ], + [ + "KOTOKO", + -15.852178573608398 + ], + [ + "アウグストゥス", + -16.853271484375 + ], + [ + "マクスウェル", + -16.427900314331055 + ], + [ + "サッポロビール", + -15.799798965454102 + ], + [ + "イビサクリーム", + -20.68840217590332 + ], + [ + "タスマニア", + -16.389068603515625 + ], + [ + "アメジスト", + -17.596906661987305 + ], + [ + "GiRL", + -16.078096389770508 + ], + [ + "Debian", + -16.854503631591797 + ], + [ + "マッカーシー", + -16.510648727416992 + ], + [ + "グラファイト", + -17.392789840698242 + ], + [ + "elly", + -14.200108528137209 + ], + [ + "アスベスト", + -17.170957565307617 + ], + [ + "グスタ", + -16.468137741088867 + ], + [ + "フォローアップ", + -17.900644302368164 + ], + [ + "Bright", + -15.318900108337402 + ], + [ + "ジャニーズ", + -14.073205947875977 + ], + [ + "ヤケ", + -17.527437210083008 + ], + [ + "snow", + -14.983787536621094 + ], + [ + "Transl", + -15.730791091918944 + ], + [ + "ぁぁぁぁ", + -19.59116554260254 + ], + [ + "田部", + -15.999296188354492 + ], + [ + "扇町", + -16.33462142944336 + ], + [ + "うたわ", + -17.06537437438965 + ], + [ + "ひろこ", + -15.896265983581545 + ], + [ + "GAWA", + -16.200063705444336 + ], + [ + "uw", + -13.75901699066162 + ], + [ + " ⇒ ", + -17.909963607788086 + ], + [ + "Ponta", + -16.530759811401367 + ], + [ + "Rd", + -13.806954383850098 + ], + [ + "ヅラ", + -17.20689582824707 + ], + [ + "|.", + -13.412238121032717 + ], + [ + "汲み取", + -18.16212272644043 + ], + [ + "栗本", + -16.127954483032227 + ], + [ + "re", + -19.16823959350586 + ], + [ + "urst", + -16.563745498657227 + ], + [ + "シッター", + -17.040992736816406 + ], + [ + "もしや", + -18.752300262451172 + ], + [ + "erk", + -14.510503768920898 + ], + [ + "ミェ", + -17.007930755615234 + ], + [ + "洋二", + -16.0164794921875 + ], + [ + "脇田", + -16.18893814086914 + ], + [ + "別離", + -16.738252639770508 + ], + [ + "PBF", + -16.3768367767334 + ], + [ + "ヴス", + -16.45921516418457 + ], + [ + "COLORS", + -14.420456886291504 + ], + [ + "隆三", + -15.865739822387695 + ], + [ + "グリニッジ", + -16.73593521118164 + ], + [ + "RAINBOW", + -15.619250297546388 + ], + [ + "ソマリランド", + -16.304622650146484 + ], + [ + "クリエイション", + -16.29753875732422 + ], + [ + "ラブラドール", + -16.4519100189209 + ], + [ + "八犬伝", + -16.070493698120117 + ], + [ + "カリビアンコム", + -18.07848358154297 + ], + [ + "グラマラス", + -17.14399528503418 + ], + [ + "Medicine", + -16.255229949951172 + ], + [ + "かくれんぼ", + -16.072500228881836 + ], + [ + "ユニセフ", + -17.00453758239746 + ], + [ + "CREW", + -15.834178924560549 + ], + [ + "ハビエル", + -16.21583366394043 + ], + [ + "ウグイ", + -16.473234176635742 + ], + [ + "カザフ", + -16.580469131469727 + ], + [ + "diary", + -15.43524169921875 + ], + [ + "BINGO", + -15.836631774902344 + ], + [ + "神戸電鉄", + -15.841705322265623 + ], + [ + "やらさ", + -19.078447341918945 + ], + [ + "ダコ", + -16.503429412841797 + ], + [ + "Backing", + -14.340902328491213 + ], + [ + "レジスト", + -17.65744400024414 + ], + [ + "可愛らしく", + -18.515390396118164 + ], + [ + "メシア", + -16.85590171813965 + ], + [ + "nf", + -12.686537742614746 + ], + [ + "バンジー", + -17.41240882873535 + ], + [ + "相思", + -16.976560592651367 + ], + [ + "彼杵", + -16.592876434326172 + ], + [ + "ラクロス", + -16.246339797973633 + ], + [ + "ババア", + -17.139995574951172 + ], + [ + "マッケイ", + -16.485065460205078 + ], + [ + "ポド", + -16.349586486816406 + ], + [ + "室生", + -16.262508392333984 + ], + [ + "電離", + -17.000200271606445 + ], + [ + "Ot", + -14.353222846984863 + ], + [ + "iT", + -14.626043319702148 + ], + [ + "キーノ", + -16.617700576782227 + ], + [ + "Kur", + -15.769543647766112 + ], + [ + "ンハイム", + -16.49164581298828 + ], + [ + "?」", + -14.41551399230957 + ], + [ + "ったり", + -13.887044906616213 + ], + [ + "ガシラ", + -16.21312141418457 + ], + [ + "ヒャー", + -17.156295776367188 + ], + [ + "新堀", + -16.236825942993164 + ], + [ + "ウェブスター", + -16.592939376831055 + ], + [ + "リディア", + -16.20012855529785 + ], + [ + "戸沢", + -16.32213592529297 + ], + [ + "jr", + -14.388092041015623 + ], + [ + "お召", + -17.956571578979492 + ], + [ + "ボヘミアン", + -17.12470817565918 + ], + [ + "ジャミン", + -18.946449279785156 + ], + [ + "手間取", + -18.54851722717285 + ], + [ + "テット", + -16.483793258666992 + ], + [ + "サージュ", + -17.147354125976562 + ], + [ + "クルム", + -16.760066986083984 + ], + [ + "蔵本", + -16.128522872924805 + ], + [ + "マルタン", + -16.63529396057129 + ], + [ + "aso", + -14.861449241638184 + ], + [ + "柑", + -17.04239273071289 + ], + [ + "KEIRIN", + -15.779322624206545 + ], + [ + "アユタヤ", + -16.69667625427246 + ], + [ + "エカテリーナ", + -16.90241050720215 + ], + [ + "コンセンサス", + -17.6236572265625 + ], + [ + "呼び起こ", + -17.949798583984375 + ], + [ + "東京医科歯科大", + -16.0308837890625 + ], + [ + "Justice", + -15.751933097839355 + ], + [ + "UCLA", + -16.393966674804688 + ], + [ + "gucci", + -18.48741912841797 + ], + [ + "ショフ", + -16.53916358947754 + ], + [ + "四天王寺", + -16.068302154541016 + ], + [ + "WTA", + -16.086572647094727 + ], + [ + "デイブ", + -16.190948486328125 + ], + [ + "バザー", + -17.266319274902344 + ], + [ + "一恵", + -16.318647384643555 + ], + [ + "瓜生", + -16.356189727783203 + ], + [ + "ほのめか", + -17.812641143798828 + ], + [ + "TM", + -19.327072143554688 + ], + [ + "すさまじ", + -18.214139938354492 + ], + [ + "タナカ", + -16.24047088623047 + ], + [ + "UCHI", + -16.33904266357422 + ], + [ + "マクド", + -17.37309455871582 + ], + [ + "ange", + -14.472938537597656 + ], + [ + "山口放送", + -15.542217254638672 + ], + [ + "谷原", + -16.27763557434082 + ], + [ + "づち", + -16.605411529541016 + ], + [ + "引張", + -17.247499465942383 + ], + [ + "MTA", + -15.28353214263916 + ], + [ + "歪め", + -17.885324478149414 + ], + [ + "岩淵", + -16.65427017211914 + ], + [ + "プラモ", + -17.09341049194336 + ], + [ + "二等", + -13.953106880187988 + ], + [ + "Fighter", + -16.544239044189453 + ], + [ + "銘文", + -17.31590461730957 + ], + [ + "ぱれ", + -16.275558471679688 + ], + [ + "取りあげ", + -18.544858932495117 + ], + [ + "登志", + -15.875864028930664 + ], + [ + "LMP", + -14.973763465881348 + ], + [ + "東谷", + -16.34351921081543 + ], + [ + "ぷりん", + -16.307384490966797 + ], + [ + "鶴屋", + -16.406108856201172 + ], + [ + "滝本", + -16.092613220214844 + ], + [ + "シャード", + -16.47654914855957 + ], + [ + "蓄電", + -17.311323165893555 + ], + [ + "甲高", + -19.457128524780273 + ], + [ + "ヒヤ", + -16.91404151916504 + ], + [ + "怒鳴り", + -18.167667388916016 + ], + [ + "|▶", + -21.69674491882324 + ], + [ + "Coffee", + -16.10737419128418 + ], + [ + "アイゼンハワー", + -16.950220108032227 + ], + [ + "アナスタシア", + -16.442968368530273 + ], + [ + "ラプンツェル", + -16.5679931640625 + ], + [ + "較べ", + -18.72136116027832 + ], + [ + "ヒッチコック", + -16.724184036254883 + ], + [ + "ウズベク", + -16.625274658203125 + ], + [ + "ネトナン", + -19.414705276489254 + ], + [ + "radiko", + -16.680694580078125 + ], + [ + "Kevin", + -14.950346946716309 + ], + [ + "EU", + -18.926929473876953 + ], + [ + "パーラ", + -16.23557472229004 + ], + [ + "Stadt", + -16.288965225219727 + ], + [ + "pia", + -14.399389266967772 + ], + [ + "引き戻", + -17.86138343811035 + ], + [ + "リベット", + -17.41620445251465 + ], + [ + "ガブリ", + -16.396530151367188 + ], + [ + "カウボーイズ", + -16.60094451904297 + ], + [ + "Lou", + -15.336993217468262 + ], + [ + "つかえ", + -18.033935546875 + ], + [ + "IHI", + -15.613211631774902 + ], + [ + "サイード", + -16.602991104125977 + ], + [ + "キウス", + -16.837533950805664 + ], + [ + "INK", + -14.384598731994627 + ], + [ + "オヤ", + -16.347976684570312 + ], + [ + "miwa", + -16.093366622924805 + ], + [ + "ascom", + -18.539886474609375 + ], + [ + "ピッツ", + -16.894773483276367 + ], + [ + "、:", + -19.01872444152832 + ], + [ + "HOW", + -15.306500434875488 + ], + [ + "NGT", + -15.702340126037598 + ], + [ + "士別", + -15.939529418945312 + ], + [ + "Duke", + -15.38291358947754 + ], + [ + "ows", + -14.197035789489746 + ], + [ + "Novel", + -15.137131690979004 + ], + [ + "興寺", + -16.126731872558594 + ], + [ + "海女", + -16.4283390045166 + ], + [ + "ょうと", + -17.26128578186035 + ], + [ + "ロニ", + -16.282630920410156 + ], + [ + "あかし", + -15.89743423461914 + ], + [ + "シャフ", + -16.220104217529297 + ], + [ + "ヒンジ", + -17.39335060119629 + ], + [ + "ジャッキ", + -17.914474487304688 + ], + [ + "Ballad", + -16.12244415283203 + ], + [ + "噴き出", + -17.935447692871094 + ], + [ + "Virginia", + -15.45572566986084 + ], + [ + "崗", + -16.15369987487793 + ], + [ + "比叡", + -16.703689575195312 + ], + [ + "衆生", + -17.816335678100586 + ], + [ + "間食", + -18.304603576660156 + ], + [ + "リゾット", + -17.955459594726562 + ], + [ + "水前寺", + -16.198816299438477 + ], + [ + "カルボニル", + -17.063283920288086 + ], + [ + "CAPCOM", + -16.151382446289062 + ], + [ + "ヴェルファイア", + -17.90260124206543 + ], + [ + "ヴァレリー", + -16.34636878967285 + ], + [ + "ヨーヨー", + -16.276926040649414 + ], + [ + "播州", + -16.53327178955078 + ], + [ + "ギュンター", + -16.454959869384766 + ], + [ + "うなじ", + -18.01543235778809 + ], + [ + "ェアウェイウッド", + -18.039039611816406 + ], + [ + "ティムール", + -16.74047088623047 + ], + [ + "アルパイン", + -16.878049850463867 + ], + [ + "秋田放送", + -15.4843168258667 + ], + [ + "ーチー", + -16.64600944519043 + ], + [ + "クォン", + -16.431543350219727 + ], + [ + "かつらぎ", + -16.08695411682129 + ], + [ + "rium", + -14.275197982788086 + ], + [ + "惜しむ", + -18.065853118896484 + ], + [ + "ツグミ", + -16.251535415649414 + ], + [ + "シャブ", + -17.120452880859375 + ], + [ + "JAF", + -16.419178009033203 + ], + [ + "Bart", + -15.732911109924316 + ], + [ + "コテ", + -17.41581916809082 + ], + [ + "遣わし", + -18.294490814208984 + ], + [ + "いしだ", + -15.902425765991213 + ], + [ + "宇崎", + -16.07459259033203 + ], + [ + "くすん", + -18.5809326171875 + ], + [ + "スタット", + -16.72281265258789 + ], + [ + "フィング", + -16.937572479248047 + ], + [ + "fdd", + -14.768633842468262 + ], + [ + "さそり", + -16.18416976928711 + ], + [ + "Artists", + -15.914928436279297 + ], + [ + "矢代", + -16.038959503173828 + ], + [ + "Brave", + -16.04706382751465 + ], + [ + "ニャーノ", + -15.589383125305176 + ], + [ + "ゃり", + -17.675708770751953 + ], + [ + "Animal", + -15.18237018585205 + ], + [ + "金石", + -16.1988525390625 + ], + [ + "ODE", + -14.288488388061523 + ], + [ + "smo", + -14.296157836914062 + ], + [ + "アージュ", + -16.627899169921875 + ], + [ + "ナヤ", + -16.650484085083008 + ], + [ + "七星", + -16.291149139404297 + ], + [ + "マリナ", + -15.667112350463867 + ], + [ + "サノ", + -16.485139846801758 + ], + [ + "IP", + -18.83174514770508 + ], + [ + "ネバー", + -16.456565856933594 + ], + [ + "流通経済大", + -15.532855987548828 + ], + [ + "******", + -19.83985137939453 + ], + [ + "夜桜", + -16.47645378112793 + ], + [ + "ウジ", + -16.369953155517578 + ], + [ + "Astro", + -15.545940399169922 + ], + [ + "Benjamin", + -15.694355964660645 + ], + [ + "ケルベロス", + -16.3492374420166 + ], + [ + "デタラメ", + -18.103185653686523 + ], + [ + "ポンコツ", + -16.910146713256836 + ], + [ + "ベルンハルト", + -16.613576889038086 + ], + [ + "ないがしろ", + -18.6304988861084 + ], + [ + "洞爺", + -16.417251586914062 + ], + [ + "ゴエモン", + -16.36033821105957 + ], + [ + "パピヨン", + -16.5262508392334 + ], + [ + "迎賓", + -16.726472854614258 + ], + [ + "グーフィー", + -16.31990623474121 + ], + [ + "カーライル", + -16.423444747924805 + ], + [ + "いしゃ", + -16.028318405151367 + ], + [ + "組み替え", + -17.698671340942383 + ], + [ + "TIA", + -15.25104808807373 + ], + [ + "見定め", + -18.440710067749023 + ], + [ + "池尻", + -16.587650299072266 + ], + [ + "dez", + -14.287931442260742 + ], + [ + "宇奈", + -16.57880210876465 + ], + [ + "arth", + -14.45345687866211 + ], + [ + "フィールドワーク", + -16.940650939941406 + ], + [ + "上沼", + -16.822914123535156 + ], + [ + "聞こ", + -18.845781326293945 + ], + [ + "インソール", + -18.68572425842285 + ], + [ + "盛衰", + -16.54417610168457 + ], + [ + "よね", + -13.842480659484863 + ], + [ + "コクーン", + -16.91937828063965 + ], + [ + "ドニア", + -16.834871292114258 + ], + [ + "ルアン", + -16.27814292907715 + ], + [ + "プロレスリング", + -14.436155319213867 + ], + [ + "ヴァニ", + -16.19916534423828 + ], + [ + "シグナ", + -17.30504035949707 + ], + [ + "エルトン", + -16.30371856689453 + ], + [ + "MMD", + -15.317866325378418 + ], + [ + "ロッコ", + -16.690767288208008 + ], + [ + "パーカ", + -17.437747955322266 + ], + [ + "陸橋", + -16.566408157348633 + ], + [ + "清野", + -16.171871185302734 + ], + [ + "安寺", + -16.127050399780273 + ], + [ + "きつけ", + -16.845748901367188 + ], + [ + "SARS", + -17.097774505615234 + ], + [ + "草刈り", + -18.532625198364254 + ], + [ + "鋒", + -16.71731185913086 + ], + [ + "LA", + -18.38855743408203 + ], + [ + "appiness", + -15.912416458129885 + ], + [ + "ネッタ", + -16.3690128326416 + ], + [ + "ミッシュ", + -16.627010345458984 + ], + [ + "角館", + -16.331857681274414 + ], + [ + "ランゲ", + -16.809961318969727 + ], + [ + "北里", + -16.33205795288086 + ], + [ + "真中", + -16.54601287841797 + ], + [ + "軟化", + -17.597763061523438 + ], + [ + "同機", + -17.309045791625977 + ], + [ + "歌碑", + -16.163881301879883 + ], + [ + "ヨドバシ", + -17.468446731567383 + ], + [ + "燃え尽き", + -17.641910552978516 + ], + [ + "きかんしゃ", + -15.977781295776367 + ], + [ + "アサルトライフル", + -15.993297576904297 + ], + [ + "フォトグラファー", + -16.360305786132812 + ], + [ + "タチウオ", + -18.044166564941406 + ], + [ + "ギブアップ", + -17.136598587036133 + ], + [ + "ホリエモン", + -18.58082389831543 + ], + [ + "リフレクター", + -17.235872268676758 + ], + [ + "DNA", + -19.95861053466797 + ], + [ + "ハイクオリティ", + -18.245262145996097 + ], + [ + "カタクリ", + -17.420869827270508 + ], + [ + "採り入れ", + -17.79783821105957 + ], + [ + "グッドイヤー", + -16.79740333557129 + ], + [ + "テレンス", + -16.161624908447266 + ], + [ + "マンスリー", + -15.79945945739746 + ], + [ + "スタントマン", + -15.988031387329102 + ], + [ + "ぽつ", + -18.914287567138672 + ], + [ + "フォアグラ", + -17.888511657714844 + ], + [ + "フロス", + -17.288803100585938 + ], + [ + "エントランス", + -15.855965614318848 + ], + [ + "ぴか", + -16.647674560546875 + ], + [ + "愛染", + -16.377897262573242 + ], + [ + "重なり合", + -18.182004928588867 + ], + [ + "エッセ", + -16.9671573638916 + ], + [ + "USEN", + -16.117076873779297 + ], + [ + "汐見", + -16.40101432800293 + ], + [ + "ゃじょうせ", + -25.043895721435547 + ], + [ + "eS", + -15.414536476135254 + ], + [ + "ヅル", + -16.60689353942871 + ], + [ + "二木", + -16.309419631958008 + ], + [ + "ハオ", + -16.89617156982422 + ], + [ + "むしゃ", + -17.251201629638672 + ], + [ + "千金", + -16.74877166748047 + ], + [ + "テイト", + -16.41754150390625 + ], + [ + "湧か", + -19.56623077392578 + ], + [ + "公法", + -16.639921188354492 + ], + [ + "大戸", + -16.36890983581543 + ], + [ + "フェール", + -16.88393783569336 + ], + [ + "ギグ", + -16.883544921875 + ], + [ + "テクニカ", + -16.64385986328125 + ], + [ + "+.", + -15.359136581420898 + ], + [ + "水浴", + -18.139404296875 + ], + [ + "{:", + -18.4779109954834 + ], + [ + "MUSE", + -15.987359046936035 + ], + [ + "梨子", + -16.047847747802734 + ], + [ + "青井", + -16.16666030883789 + ], + [ + "ドワ", + -16.654260635375977 + ], + [ + "読み取れ", + -18.6438045501709 + ], + [ + "おもむ", + -19.146543502807617 + ], + [ + "トキシン", + -16.66810417175293 + ], + [ + "Heinrich", + -16.501506805419922 + ], + [ + "アントワープ", + -16.44237518310547 + ], + [ + "田園調布", + -16.12439727783203 + ], + [ + "フォンテーヌ", + -16.654020309448242 + ], + [ + "ヌルヌル", + -17.850669860839844 + ], + [ + "探し求め", + -17.934846878051758 + ], + [ + "ライゼーション", + -16.863765716552734 + ], + [ + "イニシア", + -17.33761978149414 + ], + [ + "食いしん", + -17.233572006225586 + ], + [ + "吸い上げ", + -18.25478172302246 + ], + [ + "JOE", + -15.641157150268556 + ], + [ + "センシング", + -16.819854736328125 + ], + [ + "本紙", + -17.470672607421875 + ], + [ + "パイパー", + -16.588842391967773 + ], + [ + "Beats", + -15.242391586303713 + ], + [ + "度量", + -17.09245491027832 + ], + [ + "バッキー", + -16.42021369934082 + ], + [ + "デュポン", + -16.73907470703125 + ], + [ + "百瀬", + -15.910351753234863 + ], + [ + "KGB", + -15.609291076660156 + ], + [ + "kV", + -15.020710945129396 + ], + [ + "誉田", + -16.177873611450195 + ], + [ + "尾山", + -15.992395401000977 + ], + [ + "歩み寄", + -18.698572158813477 + ], + [ + "同友", + -16.473302841186523 + ], + [ + "真奈", + -15.82456874847412 + ], + [ + "マセ", + -16.566450119018555 + ], + [ + "OR", + -18.15422821044922 + ], + [ + "リエール", + -16.604007720947266 + ], + [ + "ズッ", + -17.195676803588867 + ], + [ + "!-", + -15.792654991149902 + ], + [ + "パネライ", + -18.722421646118164 + ], + [ + "天主", + -16.509113311767578 + ], + [ + "  ", + -13.252026557922363 + ], + [ + "サーティー", + -16.884565353393555 + ], + [ + "けんいち", + -16.164979934692383 + ], + [ + "おそう", + -17.48154067993164 + ], + [ + "クツ", + -16.673471450805664 + ], + [ + "MRE", + -16.548870086669922 + ], + [ + "ボンベ", + -17.09334373474121 + ], + [ + "ナンダ", + -16.846511840820312 + ], + [ + "加古", + -16.30951690673828 + ], + [ + "長嶺", + -16.500619888305664 + ], + [ + "あしか", + -16.74991226196289 + ], + [ + "DAS", + -14.934412956237791 + ], + [ + "ペリカン", + -15.964701652526855 + ], + [ + "ィープインパクト", + -18.05210304260254 + ], + [ + "Gibson", + -16.953710556030273 + ], + [ + "クロワッサン", + -17.238725662231445 + ], + [ + "やまびこ", + -16.498760223388672 + ], + [ + "エアウェイズ", + -16.258167266845703 + ], + [ + "嘉手納", + -16.608810424804688 + ], + [ + "オクターブ", + -17.302249908447266 + ], + [ + "寝そべ", + -18.4764404296875 + ], + [ + "メフィスト", + -15.934958457946776 + ], + [ + "ニューデリー", + -16.69272804260254 + ], + [ + "スペーサー", + -17.975845336914062 + ], + [ + "取調べ", + -17.378446578979492 + ], + [ + "東京書籍", + -16.06805992126465 + ], + [ + "アコギ", + -17.686908721923828 + ], + [ + "ヤンゴン", + -16.36464500427246 + ], + [ + "チェーンソー", + -16.601741790771484 + ], + [ + "mizu", + -15.805946350097656 + ], + [ + "シュコ", + -16.58380889892578 + ], + [ + "山系", + -17.06464385986328 + ], + [ + "Fender", + -15.199867248535156 + ], + [ + "黄色く", + -18.179641723632812 + ], + [ + "サン", + -19.19856071472168 + ], + [ + "みっともな", + -18.723405838012695 + ], + [ + "天神橋", + -16.42665672302246 + ], + [ + "saki", + -15.174097061157228 + ], + [ + "ぱり", + -17.86869239807129 + ], + [ + "メイデン", + -16.395769119262695 + ], + [ + "むだ", + -17.836267471313477 + ], + [ + "Pot", + -15.142217636108398 + ], + [ + "IRO", + -15.331445693969728 + ], + [ + "↓↓", + -17.724782943725586 + ], + [ + "ホイル", + -17.207807540893555 + ], + [ + "oya", + -14.289146423339844 + ], + [ + "あつめ", + -16.682695388793945 + ], + [ + "kuro", + -16.2462100982666 + ], + [ + "クサー", + -16.606781005859375 + ], + [ + "築け", + -19.28998756408691 + ], + [ + "チューバ", + -16.17526626586914 + ], + [ + "コロール", + -16.63119888305664 + ], + [ + "オメ", + -16.859933853149414 + ], + [ + "ALO", + -15.9481782913208 + ], + [ + "Kana", + -16.076473236083984 + ], + [ + "ちっちゃい", + -17.4593448638916 + ], + [ + "oin", + -14.82111358642578 + ], + [ + "気がつき", + -18.64408493041992 + ], + [ + "バケ", + -16.886417388916016 + ], + [ + "紋付", + -17.87603187561035 + ], + [ + "っぺら", + -17.87347984313965 + ], + [ + "エプソム", + -16.803421020507812 + ], + [ + "Leipzig", + -16.589641571044922 + ], + [ + "かき混ぜ", + -18.297996520996097 + ], + [ + "堅苦し", + -18.51315116882324 + ], + [ + "Jordan", + -15.322681427001951 + ], + [ + "NST", + -15.185741424560549 + ], + [ + "ピクピク", + -18.86395835876465 + ], + [ + "イロイロ", + -17.615467071533203 + ], + [ + "ホイホイ", + -17.086612701416016 + ], + [ + "ウィジェット", + -16.363691329956055 + ], + [ + "マックイーン", + -16.867212295532227 + ], + [ + "オーバーラップ", + -16.713977813720703 + ], + [ + "ふさが", + -19.211891174316406 + ], + [ + "シュメール", + -16.499629974365234 + ], + [ + "一畑", + -16.050151824951172 + ], + [ + "高塚", + -16.014312744140625 + ], + [ + "セド", + -16.919113159179688 + ], + [ + "ほうとう", + -17.24945831298828 + ], + [ + "ハモンド", + -16.233116149902344 + ], + [ + "総合医療", + -15.968269348144531 + ], + [ + "ダウンサス", + -18.587852478027344 + ], + [ + "シャーマン", + -15.526156425476074 + ], + [ + "トラベラー", + -16.36663246154785 + ], + [ + "HOPE", + -15.72857666015625 + ], + [ + "レイター", + -16.421558380126953 + ], + [ + "孝二", + -16.06157684326172 + ], + [ + "REE", + -14.35499668121338 + ], + [ + "SHE", + -14.602372169494627 + ], + [ + "ジモ", + -16.594894409179688 + ], + [ + "張り合", + -17.698230743408203 + ], + [ + "Hum", + -15.123828887939451 + ], + [ + "天目", + -16.155397415161133 + ], + [ + "一声", + -17.5125732421875 + ], + [ + "ムジカ", + -16.544586181640625 + ], + [ + "キュッ", + -18.076669692993164 + ], + [ + "プレシャス", + -16.33604621887207 + ], + [ + "AL", + -18.85280990600586 + ], + [ + "ポリオ", + -17.128454208374023 + ], + [ + "イン", + -18.409576416015625 + ], + [ + "フィエ", + -16.533126831054688 + ], + [ + "快調", + -18.25356674194336 + ], + [ + "三瓶", + -15.856075286865234 + ], + [ + "竜神", + -16.466798782348633 + ], + [ + "レイス", + -16.07210350036621 + ], + [ + "ブリード", + -16.64362907409668 + ], + [ + "DELL", + -16.081947326660156 + ], + [ + "スクラ", + -16.584243774414062 + ], + [ + "ッシリ", + -18.67624282836914 + ], + [ + "Stan", + -15.177849769592283 + ], + [ + "ゴレ", + -17.019765853881836 + ], + [ + "ヘソ", + -17.04888153076172 + ], + [ + "道玄", + -16.777738571166992 + ], + [ + "据", + -13.73538589477539 + ], + [ + "ベイツ", + -16.359785079956055 + ], + [ + "Aqours", + -16.48183822631836 + ], + [ + "BEAUTY", + -16.148666381835938 + ], + [ + "オーナメント", + -18.23345947265625 + ], + [ + "ゲッターロボ", + -16.06134033203125 + ], + [ + "打撲", + -18.195802688598633 + ], + [ + "MINAMI", + -16.076169967651367 + ], + [ + "マキシマム", + -16.384756088256836 + ], + [ + "スモーカー", + -17.110336303710938 + ], + [ + "アバディーン", + -16.180097579956055 + ], + [ + "Allegro", + -14.748920440673828 + ], + [ + "masonr", + -17.07714080810547 + ], + [ + "デストロン", + -16.555458068847656 + ], + [ + "恭一", + -16.087568283081055 + ], + [ + "名主", + -17.080827713012695 + ], + [ + "タイフーン", + -16.176420211791992 + ], + [ + "秀頼", + -16.736093521118164 + ], + [ + "デーン", + -16.998390197753906 + ], + [ + "滅茶", + -18.19667053222656 + ], + [ + "ティリ", + -16.381975173950195 + ], + [ + "Billy", + -15.04380226135254 + ], + [ + "タンニン", + -17.66637420654297 + ], + [ + "オーシャンズ", + -15.854785919189451 + ], + [ + "VIVA", + -15.911606788635254 + ], + [ + "Radi", + -15.32199478149414 + ], + [ + "-(", + -16.547048568725586 + ], + [ + "練り歩", + -17.829038619995117 + ], + [ + "大須賀", + -16.265457153320312 + ], + [ + "Tg", + -15.016565322875977 + ], + [ + "レイトン", + -15.913921356201172 + ], + [ + "ウォーリア", + -16.36760139465332 + ], + [ + "(〃", + -18.60338592529297 + ], + [ + "Shan", + -15.19324016571045 + ], + [ + "のぞく", + -17.650102615356445 + ], + [ + "レイション", + -16.224241256713867 + ], + [ + "きえ", + -16.545000076293945 + ], + [ + "JAC", + -15.587925910949709 + ], + [ + "Muse", + -15.868657112121582 + ], + [ + "サンコー", + -16.94095802307129 + ], + [ + "pell", + -15.04539394378662 + ], + [ + "コーラン", + -17.019214630126953 + ], + [ + "フェレ", + -16.16410255432129 + ], + [ + "nsomware", + -18.31785011291504 + ], + [ + "スカンジナビア", + -16.695650100708008 + ], + [ + "宇治山田", + -16.71873664855957 + ], + [ + "Pretty", + -14.951424598693848 + ], + [ + "cartier", + -18.50374984741211 + ], + [ + "テリトリー", + -16.707012176513672 + ], + [ + "Rising", + -15.571646690368652 + ], + [ + "スパゲティ", + -17.51869010925293 + ], + [ + "ARTIST", + -15.802289962768556 + ], + [ + "多度津", + -16.375280380249023 + ], + [ + "AGAIN", + -14.332802772521973 + ], + [ + "デスノート", + -16.98016929626465 + ], + [ + "ボニック", + -18.41372299194336 + ], + [ + "報恩", + -16.43766212463379 + ], + [ + "宰府", + -17.015365600585938 + ], + [ + "ビデオテープ", + -16.74470329284668 + ], + [ + "Heat", + -15.015287399291992 + ], + [ + "米穀", + -16.953636169433594 + ], + [ + "キモチ", + -16.319246292114258 + ], + [ + "パッチワーク", + -17.871667861938477 + ], + [ + "Domin", + -14.965027809143066 + ], + [ + "カーニ", + -16.462480545043945 + ], + [ + "嘗祭", + -16.753095626831055 + ], + [ + "ODY", + -16.20352554321289 + ], + [ + "いっぺん", + -18.637432098388672 + ], + [ + "入り組", + -17.751911163330078 + ], + [ + "引き付け", + -17.988784790039062 + ], + [ + "ニード", + -16.436279296875 + ], + [ + "ディヤ", + -16.54971694946289 + ], + [ + "拘わ", + -18.141368865966797 + ], + [ + "olk", + -16.745502471923828 + ], + [ + "イリス", + -16.538339614868164 + ], + [ + "Cute", + -15.67636013031006 + ], + [ + "マッキ", + -16.473886489868164 + ], + [ + "政信", + -16.143823623657227 + ], + [ + "Disco", + -15.744443893432615 + ], + [ + "ボド", + -17.129037857055664 + ], + [ + "直せ", + -18.228492736816406 + ], + [ + "::.", + -17.65835952758789 + ], + [ + "雑木", + -17.66990089416504 + ], + [ + "Tru", + -15.496784210205078 + ], + [ + "きけ", + -16.82803726196289 + ], + [ + "壇上", + -17.597261428833008 + ], + [ + "山南", + -16.383455276489258 + ], + [ + "立食", + -18.65783309936523 + ], + [ + "Ninja", + -16.083694458007812 + ], + [ + "セレウコス", + -16.79515266418457 + ], + [ + "マーガリン", + -17.28424644470215 + ], + [ + "ユンハンス", + -19.249921798706055 + ], + [ + "サンローラン", + -17.51868438720703 + ], + [ + "タシュケント", + -15.873162269592283 + ], + [ + "ドワイト", + -16.518295288085938 + ], + [ + "uve", + -14.85800552368164 + ], + [ + "ボーイズラブ", + -15.518600463867188 + ], + [ + "バーディー", + -16.59381103515625 + ], + [ + "お仕置", + -17.262039184570312 + ], + [ + "西平", + -16.285608291625977 + ], + [ + "ダコタ", + -15.900674819946287 + ], + [ + "バンジョー", + -16.391923904418945 + ], + [ + "鎌ヶ谷", + -16.913501739501953 + ], + [ + "フォークソング", + -16.32918930053711 + ], + [ + "トリポリ", + -16.789329528808594 + ], + [ + "パラサイト", + -16.34530258178711 + ], + [ + "テレポート", + -16.264741897583008 + ], + [ + "ガボン", + -15.739252090454102 + ], + [ + "茶目", + -18.332441329956055 + ], + [ + "atopi", + -19.97323226928711 + ], + [ + "幕別", + -16.67245101928711 + ], + [ + "推古", + -16.88098907470703 + ], + [ + "エヴァン", + -16.1147403717041 + ], + [ + "Premier", + -15.898924827575684 + ], + [ + "soul", + -15.211403846740724 + ], + [ + "ロフスキー", + -16.84830093383789 + ], + [ + "お蔭", + -18.634864807128903 + ], + [ + "eatmania", + -16.105623245239258 + ], + [ + "しょぼ", + -18.73761558532715 + ], + [ + "mens", + -14.76917839050293 + ], + [ + "河崎", + -16.14238929748535 + ], + [ + "KA", + -18.248947143554688 + ], + [ + "ノ島", + -16.3718318939209 + ], + [ + "UGG", + -15.759414672851562 + ], + [ + "戸倉", + -16.21833038330078 + ], + [ + "睦月", + -16.333372116088867 + ], + [ + "正二", + -15.350336074829102 + ], + [ + "ハイネ", + -16.168926239013672 + ], + [ + "UGA", + -15.840307235717772 + ], + [ + "公設", + -16.645017623901367 + ], + [ + "SU", + -18.46862030029297 + ], + [ + "STAP", + -16.940458297729492 + ], + [ + "フア", + -16.88101577758789 + ], + [ + "プロモ", + -16.73476791381836 + ], + [ + "ジンスキー", + -16.777265548706055 + ], + [ + "ムスタファ", + -16.800540924072266 + ], + [ + "うまみ", + -18.07508087158203 + ], + [ + "mx", + -12.26343059539795 + ], + [ + "怨み", + -16.704914093017578 + ], + [ + "人志", + -15.62929630279541 + ], + [ + "グム", + -16.684040069580078 + ], + [ + "unkamura", + -16.56366729736328 + ], + [ + "ショスタコーヴィ", + -16.749513626098633 + ], + [ + "インスブルック", + -16.339879989624023 + ], + [ + "トランポリン", + -16.099605560302734 + ], + [ + "MOTHER", + -15.480195045471191 + ], + [ + "脱げ", + -18.461200714111328 + ], + [ + "RIE", + -14.597777366638184 + ], + [ + "ワコール", + -16.60055923461914 + ], + [ + "Rapid", + -15.863693237304688 + ], + [ + "トレイシー", + -16.0947265625 + ], + [ + "インテーク", + -17.59308433532715 + ], + [ + "嵯峨野", + -16.216352462768555 + ], + [ + "奥の", + -15.556649208068848 + ], + [ + "ベーション", + -16.71528434753418 + ], + [ + "Kings", + -15.51978588104248 + ], + [ + "ジャク", + -16.14188575744629 + ], + [ + "Titan", + -15.96458339691162 + ], + [ + "ラプラス", + -16.385906219482422 + ], + [ + "トゥナイト", + -16.20051383972168 + ], + [ + "宝塔", + -16.296615600585938 + ], + [ + "リリス", + -16.1379451751709 + ], + [ + "ol", + -18.64422035217285 + ], + [ + "Past", + -14.887962341308594 + ], + [ + "ファンシー", + -16.69416046142578 + ], + [ + "Ski", + -15.57222843170166 + ], + [ + "レーベン", + -16.63003158569336 + ], + [ + "Nova", + -15.521705627441406 + ], + [ + "シナプ", + -18.114978790283203 + ], + [ + "マーリー", + -16.58860206604004 + ], + [ + "TIS", + -15.21866512298584 + ], + [ + "urse", + -14.579299926757812 + ], + [ + "現住", + -17.287982940673828 + ], + [ + "三紀", + -17.6151180267334 + ], + [ + "江北", + -16.102354049682617 + ], + [ + "うかがい", + -18.449138641357425 + ], + [ + "エルゴ", + -16.842514038085938 + ], + [ + "仲町", + -16.049129486083984 + ], + [ + "福井放送", + -15.649587631225586 + ], + [ + "難問", + -17.56983757019043 + ], + [ + "レンダー", + -16.544069290161133 + ], + [ + "八丈", + -16.241180419921875 + ], + [ + "野津", + -16.445640563964844 + ], + [ + "リッサ", + -16.426929473876953 + ], + [ + "ぶち込", + -18.573713302612305 + ], + [ + "プリペイド", + -17.487319946289062 + ], + [ + "isches", + -15.246750831604004 + ], + [ + "vailable", + -19.478656768798828 + ], + [ + "Eclipse", + -16.298601150512695 + ], + [ + "エホバ", + -17.298690795898438 + ], + [ + "エスパニョーラ", + -16.663740158081055 + ], + [ + "ケータリング", + -17.194181442260742 + ], + [ + "Lounge", + -17.000003814697266 + ], + [ + "柘植", + -16.253847122192383 + ], + [ + "イマーム", + -17.213232040405273 + ], + [ + "ホルムアルデヒド", + -17.493562698364258 + ], + [ + "カスケード", + -16.856897354125977 + ], + [ + "ientific", + -16.637123107910156 + ], + [ + "ラヂオ", + -16.26356315612793 + ], + [ + "サイク", + -15.882229804992676 + ], + [ + "Matsu", + -16.170915603637695 + ], + [ + "ビンビン", + -17.690757751464844 + ], + [ + "グレイシー", + -16.633834838867188 + ], + [ + "ワグナー", + -16.386526107788086 + ], + [ + "バイタル", + -16.5021915435791 + ], + [ + "オイゲン", + -16.75946617126465 + ], + [ + "静夫", + -16.09228515625 + ], + [ + "ネヴァー", + -16.52028465270996 + ], + [ + "エモン", + -16.476774215698242 + ], + [ + "EPIC", + -15.67250919342041 + ], + [ + "総司", + -16.22573471069336 + ], + [ + "野毛", + -16.90318489074707 + ], + [ + "んぱ", + -16.456716537475586 + ], + [ + "喋れ", + -17.868698120117188 + ], + [ + "Pf", + -15.145865440368652 + ], + [ + "コジマ", + -16.49988555908203 + ], + [ + "acon", + -15.003780364990234 + ], + [ + "LC", + -19.74867057800293 + ], + [ + "春田", + -16.299907684326172 + ], + [ + "ATV", + -15.091254234313965 + ], + [ + "ンス", + -19.112464904785156 + ], + [ + "ろうと", + -14.141854286193848 + ], + [ + "滝山", + -16.264694213867188 + ], + [ + "思い知ら", + -18.802650451660156 + ], + [ + "Hood", + -16.401124954223633 + ], + [ + "Fil", + -15.191937446594238 + ], + [ + "アルカン", + -15.75465965270996 + ], + [ + "オーディ", + -16.503326416015625 + ], + [ + "っ張り", + -17.604047775268555 + ], + [ + "リヤド", + -16.62803840637207 + ], + [ + "ぐんと", + -18.928607940673828 + ], + [ + "江島", + -16.029836654663086 + ], + [ + "%,", + -14.20880126953125 + ], + [ + "ナーン", + -16.81336212158203 + ], + [ + "二ツ", + -15.447507858276367 + ], + [ + "雲寺", + -16.010692596435547 + ], + [ + "退助", + -16.904558181762695 + ], + [ + "wedding", + -17.095680236816406 + ], + [ + "SUUMO", + -17.938241958618164 + ], + [ + "コミンテルン", + -16.308656692504883 + ], + [ + "シンドバッド", + -16.541522979736328 + ], + [ + "リパブリック", + -16.681577682495117 + ], + [ + "伎", + -16.51306915283203 + ], + [ + "ジグザグ", + -16.781635284423828 + ], + [ + "木古内", + -16.62630844116211 + ], + [ + "ナデシコ", + -16.257844924926758 + ], + [ + "フライドチキン", + -16.290010452270508 + ], + [ + "Tennis", + -15.754772186279297 + ], + [ + "TBS", + -18.41925048828125 + ], + [ + "ssel", + -14.036800384521484 + ], + [ + "(・", + -19.807085037231445 + ], + [ + "トラッキング", + -17.14706802368164 + ], + [ + "モノローグ", + -16.7039737701416 + ], + [ + "ヤメ", + -16.583086013793945 + ], + [ + "サツキ", + -16.554969787597656 + ], + [ + "オールバニ", + -16.454866409301758 + ], + [ + "ガラクタ", + -17.127655029296875 + ], + [ + "杵島", + -16.42994499206543 + ], + [ + "飛島", + -16.543119430541992 + ], + [ + "モビル", + -16.386638641357422 + ], + [ + "*´", + -19.660240173339844 + ], + [ + "幹夫", + -15.981572151184082 + ], + [ + "ボラン", + -16.822980880737305 + ], + [ + "ミッドランド", + -16.665616989135742 + ], + [ + "iscovery", + -18.776893615722656 + ], + [ + "つきあっ", + -18.567306518554688 + ], + [ + "ギャザー", + -17.35418128967285 + ], + [ + "アサシン", + -15.890832901000977 + ], + [ + "住金", + -16.381526947021484 + ], + [ + "COCO", + -14.88095474243164 + ], + [ + "ドゥール", + -16.312841415405273 + ], + [ + "かっこよ", + -18.74914169311523 + ], + [ + "ロッピーディスク", + -17.43641471862793 + ], + [ + "ぐれ", + -16.524070739746094 + ], + [ + "ワス", + -16.279481887817383 + ], + [ + ".。", + -19.340301513671875 + ], + [ + "ツミ", + -16.285890579223633 + ], + [ + "わろ", + -17.49409294128418 + ], + [ + "LE", + -18.303600311279297 + ], + [ + "ビワ", + -16.58547592163086 + ], + [ + "ユラ", + -16.69192886352539 + ], + [ + "SAGA", + -16.182342529296875 + ], + [ + "爆音", + -16.964662551879883 + ], + [ + "sul", + -14.642973899841309 + ], + [ + ";:", + -20.537561416625977 + ], + [ + "竜一", + -15.90520477294922 + ], + [ + "ヒロシマ", + -16.59424591064453 + ], + [ + "レッリ", + -16.818044662475586 + ], + [ + "Passion", + -16.372875213623047 + ], + [ + "嘲", + -17.86779022216797 + ], + [ + "チマ", + -16.626394271850586 + ], + [ + "伊香保", + -16.835813522338867 + ], + [ + "チャンナンチャン", + -16.08448600769043 + ], + [ + "Douglas", + -15.529471397399902 + ], + [ + "BASEBALL", + -16.16552734375 + ], + [ + "書付", + -18.10696029663086 + ], + [ + "磯崎", + -16.2080020904541 + ], + [ + "ノースダコ", + -16.913118362426758 + ], + [ + "GUITAR", + -15.923584938049316 + ], + [ + "|~|", + -19.25884246826172 + ], + [ + "IY", + -15.517292022705078 + ], + [ + "テトリス", + -16.203336715698242 + ], + [ + "華々し", + -17.8786563873291 + ], + [ + "塩辛", + -17.79001235961914 + ], + [ + "パークホテル", + -16.870996475219727 + ], + [ + "うんと", + -16.5571346282959 + ], + [ + "南波", + -16.326383590698242 + ], + [ + "将監", + -16.441923141479492 + ], + [ + "カラヤン", + -17.427112579345703 + ], + [ + "Barbar", + -15.803879737854004 + ], + [ + "レイバン", + -18.395721435546875 + ], + [ + "正岡", + -16.188928604125977 + ], + [ + "Thanks", + -14.500083923339844 + ], + [ + "リゼーション", + -17.077796936035156 + ], + [ + "Mine", + -14.697304725646973 + ], + [ + "肉弾", + -16.780738830566406 + ], + [ + "ざし", + -16.805267333984375 + ], + [ + "三栄", + -16.367645263671875 + ], + [ + "ROBOT", + -15.179072380065918 + ], + [ + "及第", + -17.655376434326172 + ], + [ + "二戸", + -15.619023323059082 + ], + [ + "(^", + -19.13178062438965 + ], + [ + "穢れ", + -17.4099063873291 + ], + [ + "桑野", + -15.948725700378418 + ], + [ + "Hills", + -16.890153884887695 + ], + [ + "エッセン", + -16.84206771850586 + ], + [ + "ラモ", + -16.103830337524414 + ], + [ + "Idea", + -16.467693328857422 + ], + [ + "赤池", + -16.37944793701172 + ], + [ + "ビュッ", + -18.60579490661621 + ], + [ + "川畑", + -16.06380844116211 + ], + [ + "本邦", + -16.57687759399414 + ], + [ + "セウス", + -16.7420654296875 + ], + [ + "木屋", + -16.077383041381836 + ], + [ + "八丁", + -16.499921798706055 + ], + [ + "BURN", + -15.113490104675291 + ], + [ + "ウレ", + -16.652942657470703 + ], + [ + "たいそう", + -16.335365295410156 + ], + [ + "HUAWEI", + -15.76933765411377 + ], + [ + "ゃんねる", + -15.783246994018556 + ], + [ + "クラッツィオ", + -18.749164581298828 + ], + [ + "ループイフダン", + -20.881948471069336 + ], + [ + "弁財天", + -16.288530349731445 + ], + [ + "ウィルキンソン", + -16.938447952270508 + ], + [ + "ランスフェラーゼ", + -16.645065307617188 + ], + [ + "WAON", + -17.54310417175293 + ], + [ + "大本山", + -16.59829330444336 + ], + [ + "餓鬼", + -16.386123657226562 + ], + [ + "モトクロス", + -16.301294326782227 + ], + [ + "ダボ", + -17.348560333251953 + ], + [ + "マウイ", + -16.948928833007812 + ], + [ + "ママチャリ", + -18.067214965820312 + ], + [ + "Conway", + -16.58513832092285 + ], + [ + "genase", + -17.55827522277832 + ], + [ + "レコードジャパン", + -15.255489349365234 + ], + [ + "ポック", + -16.9188232421875 + ], + [ + "Saw", + -15.605566024780272 + ], + [ + "ルイビル", + -16.382596969604492 + ], + [ + "サゴ", + -16.648374557495117 + ], + [ + "エロゲ", + -18.166976928710938 + ], + [ + "Fairy", + -16.141447067260742 + ], + [ + "バッカー", + -17.057632446289062 + ], + [ + "タラン", + -15.967863082885742 + ], + [ + "リンジー", + -16.47282600402832 + ], + [ + "ノーマ", + -16.448766708374023 + ], + [ + "ビームス", + -17.482206344604492 + ], + [ + "ならば", + -14.507206916809082 + ], + [ + "久田", + -16.351898193359375 + ], + [ + "白梅", + -16.69510269165039 + ], + [ + "ガジェット", + -15.776829719543455 + ], + [ + "リヒト", + -16.96923065185547 + ], + [ + "ハンザ", + -16.260717391967773 + ], + [ + "スラン", + -16.684757232666016 + ], + [ + "三芳", + -16.268863677978516 + ], + [ + "はけ", + -17.33087921142578 + ], + [ + "セリカ", + -16.68311882019043 + ], + [ + "McG", + -16.291255950927734 + ], + [ + "積め", + -19.30965805053711 + ], + [ + "(;´", + -19.2509822845459 + ], + [ + "Tomo", + -15.269137382507324 + ], + [ + "∧ ", + -19.081111907958984 + ], + [ + "テート", + -16.783077239990234 + ], + [ + "sand", + -13.984675407409668 + ], + [ + "浮き上が", + -18.135587692260746 + ], + [ + "甘楽", + -16.497447967529297 + ], + [ + "トップリーグ", + -15.44150161743164 + ], + [ + " #", + -18.704233169555664 + ], + [ + "リアーナ", + -16.448957443237305 + ], + [ + "XJ", + -15.519594192504885 + ], + [ + "ドンジュ", + -18.7705020904541 + ], + [ + "sato", + -15.961291313171388 + ], + [ + "逓", + -17.32830047607422 + ], + [ + "CHICKEN", + -15.59228229522705 + ], + [ + "まとわりつ", + -18.41003036499023 + ], + [ + "カドミウム", + -17.222328186035156 + ], + [ + "オラトリオ", + -16.230159759521484 + ], + [ + "すくすく", + -16.985383987426758 + ], + [ + "皆既", + -17.538591384887695 + ], + [ + "ギャンブラー", + -16.842695236206055 + ], + [ + "津軽海峡", + -16.57333755493164 + ], + [ + "マチルダ", + -16.550626754760742 + ], + [ + "シリコンバレー", + -17.11594009399414 + ], + [ + "まとう", + -17.019479751586914 + ], + [ + "ハイハイ", + -17.883317947387695 + ], + [ + "綴じ", + -17.50210952758789 + ], + [ + "だいがく", + -15.788763999938965 + ], + [ + "マトリクス", + -17.205053329467773 + ], + [ + "網野", + -16.386615753173828 + ], + [ + "インサート", + -17.62348747253418 + ], + [ + "バッシュ", + -16.867481231689453 + ], + [ + "°)", + -16.22313690185547 + ], + [ + "おとと", + -17.438623428344727 + ], + [ + "多古", + -16.388858795166016 + ], + [ + "ウォーマー", + -17.802810668945312 + ], + [ + "求心", + -17.9831600189209 + ], + [ + "グエン", + -16.249422073364258 + ], + [ + "グラッ", + -16.00476837158203 + ], + [ + "深草", + -16.554906845092773 + ], + [ + "ミリア", + -16.214601516723633 + ], + [ + "ブッカー", + -16.4083194732666 + ], + [ + "くつろい", + -18.600940704345703 + ], + [ + ":.:.", + -20.09906578063965 + ], + [ + "パンプ", + -16.389474868774414 + ], + [ + "押切", + -16.40810203552246 + ], + [ + "やっかい", + -18.480358123779297 + ], + [ + "ief", + -15.124448776245115 + ], + [ + "デイン", + -16.442758560180664 + ], + [ + "シュタイ", + -16.52582550048828 + ], + [ + "ノマ", + -16.795574188232422 + ], + [ + "一徹", + -15.915019989013672 + ], + [ + "鉄道線", + -14.553082466125488 + ], + [ + "上新", + -16.741111755371094 + ], + [ + "VH", + -14.686936378479004 + ], + [ + "センチュリオン", + -17.145753860473633 + ], + [ + "エクセレント", + -16.793136596679688 + ], + [ + "スクワッド", + -16.54343032836914 + ], + [ + "イマドキ", + -17.22281265258789 + ], + [ + "ジェンキンス", + -16.39507293701172 + ], + [ + "アスミック", + -15.89511013031006 + ], + [ + "チット", + -17.39752769470215 + ], + [ + "ベルモット", + -17.683380126953125 + ], + [ + "YOSHIKI", + -16.408552169799805 + ], + [ + "新市", + -16.72431755065918 + ], + [ + "nics", + -15.028681755065918 + ], + [ + "白鷺", + -16.3457088470459 + ], + [ + "パドック", + -17.029516220092773 + ], + [ + "鷹巣", + -16.077245712280273 + ], + [ + "曽我部", + -16.23218536376953 + ], + [ + "惣領", + -16.905372619628906 + ], + [ + "Youth", + -15.7662992477417 + ], + [ + "Wanna", + -16.56052017211914 + ], + [ + "クミ", + -16.609174728393555 + ], + [ + "腹膜", + -17.116119384765625 + ], + [ + "ヘアカラー", + -17.30968475341797 + ], + [ + "________", + -14.84352684020996 + ], + [ + "フルール", + -16.964099884033203 + ], + [ + "シュミ", + -16.980510711669922 + ], + [ + "香澄", + -16.334457397460938 + ], + [ + "ポリュ", + -16.877405166625977 + ], + [ + "付き合え", + -19.093647003173828 + ], + [ + "ラインラント", + -16.12443733215332 + ], + [ + "Highway", + -15.88131618499756 + ], + [ + "メトリック", + -17.133197784423828 + ], + [ + "組み立", + -21.79937744140625 + ], + [ + "ライフワーク", + -17.39006233215332 + ], + [ + "浮かせ", + -17.66921615600586 + ], + [ + "photos", + -15.570125579833984 + ], + [ + "南沢", + -17.056640625 + ], + [ + "平治", + -16.52509307861328 + ], + [ + "賀川", + -16.105295181274414 + ], + [ + "NSA", + -15.451171875 + ], + [ + "EL", + -18.806825637817383 + ], + [ + "ンゲ", + -16.324193954467773 + ], + [ + "ケッツ", + -16.42572784423828 + ], + [ + "ボイン", + -16.40873908996582 + ], + [ + "ハビ", + -16.61648941040039 + ], + [ + "bayf", + -17.040061950683594 + ], + [ + "ミケ", + -16.37903594970703 + ], + [ + "FTA", + -15.078662872314451 + ], + [ + "マラガ", + -16.130590438842773 + ], + [ + "Fab", + -15.30825138092041 + ], + [ + "VALU", + -17.004343032836914 + ], + [ + "報せ", + -18.234779357910156 + ], + [ + "べり", + -17.39931869506836 + ], + [ + "テング", + -16.300233840942383 + ], + [ + "| | ", + -19.229997634887695 + ], + [ + "チェンバー", + -16.76380729675293 + ], + [ + "ほうじん", + -16.829601287841797 + ], + [ + "エスコート", + -16.79190444946289 + ], + [ + "Об", + -16.73317527770996 + ], + [ + "Jonathan", + -15.181743621826172 + ], + [ + "サイバトロン", + -16.49234390258789 + ], + [ + "スミマセン", + -18.77381706237793 + ], + [ + "ベルナドット", + -19.474681854248047 + ], + [ + "オペレッタ", + -16.239458084106445 + ], + [ + "スマイリー", + -16.33865737915039 + ], + [ + "Bonus", + -15.104113578796388 + ], + [ + "ジェネレーター", + -16.653030395507812 + ], + [ + "セインツ", + -16.520437240600586 + ], + [ + "ネモ", + -16.875202178955078 + ], + [ + "負か", + -17.658641815185547 + ], + [ + "Fear", + -15.82884120941162 + ], + [ + "コピーライター", + -16.291526794433594 + ], + [ + "いばら", + -16.3101863861084 + ], + [ + "IJI", + -16.313867568969727 + ], + [ + "ヘザー", + -16.321733474731445 + ], + [ + "ルナメ", + -22.09588050842285 + ], + [ + "逆らえ", + -17.627065658569336 + ], + [ + "銘板", + -17.114002227783203 + ], + [ + "Brook", + -16.04499053955078 + ], + [ + "波田", + -16.335254669189453 + ], + [ + "サイトマップ", + -17.494625091552734 + ], + [ + "erre", + -14.585768699645996 + ], + [ + "ビューロー", + -16.85316276550293 + ], + [ + "マオリ", + -16.42721939086914 + ], + [ + "浜中", + -16.347820281982422 + ], + [ + "ダレス", + -16.750940322875977 + ], + [ + "恥じら", + -17.349672317504883 + ], + [ + "ベム", + -16.224105834960938 + ], + [ + "ゲンキ", + -17.230701446533203 + ], + [ + "ギブ", + -16.736404418945312 + ], + [ + "法輪", + -16.509708404541016 + ], + [ + "ブリキ", + -16.779556274414062 + ], + [ + "CLASSIC", + -15.227469444274902 + ], + [ + "ri", + -18.9776668548584 + ], + [ + "HPV", + -17.303802490234375 + ], + [ + "城寺", + -16.12037467956543 + ], + [ + "デッラ", + -16.394311904907227 + ], + [ + "寺井", + -16.13683319091797 + ], + [ + "高祖", + -16.917667388916016 + ], + [ + "アンカ", + -17.06711769104004 + ], + [ + "ふたば", + -16.115232467651367 + ], + [ + "KTM", + -16.227523803710938 + ], + [ + "キソ", + -17.1208438873291 + ], + [ + "ベビ", + -17.51978874206543 + ], + [ + "ユール", + -16.567293167114258 + ], + [ + "ラカ", + -16.618019104003906 + ], + [ + "(^_-)-☆", + -19.464778900146484 + ], + [ + "エクスタシー", + -16.3055362701416 + ], + [ + "スキャルピング", + -19.415456771850582 + ], + [ + "アンタッチャブル", + -16.30518341064453 + ], + [ + "ポリカーボネート", + -17.61302947998047 + ], + [ + "フェードアウト", + -17.325347900390625 + ], + [ + "カサカサ", + -18.921619415283203 + ], + [ + "ツイキャス", + -16.790693283081055 + ], + [ + "Abema", + -16.501300811767578 + ], + [ + "でんぱ", + -16.26291275024414 + ], + [ + "クリームチーズ", + -17.86952018737793 + ], + [ + "ナイジェル", + -16.294355392456055 + ], + [ + "ブルートゥース", + -19.131908416748047 + ], + [ + "八百津", + -16.507137298583984 + ], + [ + "Palace", + -16.96031951904297 + ], + [ + "数え切れ", + -18.352109909057617 + ], + [ + "キャッチボール", + -17.06995391845703 + ], + [ + "イーネット", + -16.283123016357422 + ], + [ + "CREAM", + -15.751020431518556 + ], + [ + "アルゴン", + -16.800962448120117 + ], + [ + "スコーン", + -18.06419563293457 + ], + [ + "バラスト", + -17.09280776977539 + ], + [ + "KDE", + -14.97309398651123 + ], + [ + "送り返", + -18.07297706604004 + ], + [ + "たどり着け", + -18.431861877441406 + ], + [ + "pir", + -14.673698425292969 + ], + [ + "安野", + -16.236644744873047 + ], + [ + "XN", + -14.263033866882324 + ], + [ + "てんし", + -15.238622665405272 + ], + [ + "マリス", + -16.46912384033203 + ], + [ + "erri", + -15.298194885253906 + ], + [ + "ヌレ", + -17.249177932739258 + ], + [ + "ストゥス", + -17.071304321289062 + ], + [ + "ゲルト", + -16.61239242553711 + ], + [ + "ティノ", + -16.6243839263916 + ], + [ + "toto", + -15.916167259216309 + ], + [ + "ITAL", + -15.17546558380127 + ], + [ + "かぶら", + -17.624284744262695 + ], + [ + "メルト", + -16.771278381347656 + ], + [ + "ONS", + -14.17033576965332 + ], + [ + "le", + -18.783382415771484 + ], + [ + "クロイ", + -16.59144401550293 + ], + [ + "毛細", + -17.936534881591797 + ], + [ + "アスラン", + -17.372697830200195 + ], + [ + "農芸", + -16.052288055419922 + ], + [ + "Herman", + -16.565290451049805 + ], + [ + "タイズ", + -16.967761993408203 + ], + [ + "Ost", + -15.957999229431152 + ], + [ + "自公", + -18.02814483642578 + ], + [ + "虚し", + -18.94468688964844 + ], + [ + "ンハ", + -19.285757064819336 + ], + [ + "二俣", + -16.677173614501953 + ], + [ + "ッショ", + -16.721031188964844 + ], + [ + "アドマイヤ", + -16.73427391052246 + ], + [ + "Ernst", + -16.507844924926758 + ], + [ + "ソヴィエト", + -17.11595344543457 + ], + [ + "hemistry", + -17.2137393951416 + ], + [ + "アスペルガー", + -17.8370418548584 + ], + [ + "ボツワナ", + -16.160730361938477 + ], + [ + "スキマスイッチ", + -15.675992012023926 + ], + [ + "ウエルシア", + -16.572772979736328 + ], + [ + "~】", + -18.0870418548584 + ], + [ + ";'", + -17.921152114868164 + ], + [ + "メタデータ", + -16.610151290893555 + ], + [ + "オムロン", + -16.46126365661621 + ], + [ + "新栄", + -15.987215042114258 + ], + [ + "飾磨", + -16.311687469482422 + ], + [ + "オスプレイ", + -17.6822566986084 + ], + [ + "紐解", + -18.283456802368164 + ], + [ + "粕谷", + -16.57422637939453 + ], + [ + "寄せ付け", + -17.87504768371582 + ], + [ + "ペレット", + -17.207399368286133 + ], + [ + "Bible", + -16.50497817993164 + ], + [ + "こじん", + -18.70154190063477 + ], + [ + "こぐ", + -17.223068237304688 + ], + [ + "永福", + -16.85203742980957 + ], + [ + "EO", + -19.277490615844727 + ], + [ + "LAW", + -14.258254051208496 + ], + [ + "Egg", + -15.82748317718506 + ], + [ + "Holy", + -15.248377799987791 + ], + [ + "Lauren", + -16.54976463317871 + ], + [ + "Bf", + -15.160693168640137 + ], + [ + "成宮", + -16.767250061035156 + ], + [ + "キーパーソン", + -17.13691520690918 + ], + [ + "ヴュ", + -16.733556747436523 + ], + [ + "喜美", + -16.715063095092773 + ], + [ + "与し", + -16.060653686523438 + ], + [ + "レクター", + -16.685501098632812 + ], + [ + "下諏訪", + -16.75289535522461 + ], + [ + "ヨレ", + -18.48845100402832 + ], + [ + "ビルボード", + -15.526000022888184 + ], + [ + "標津", + -16.673402786254883 + ], + [ + "門寺", + -15.888373374938965 + ], + [ + "★★", + -16.98933219909668 + ], + [ + "ウンコ", + -18.26310157775879 + ], + [ + "ondition", + -19.312097549438477 + ], + [ + "Alexand", + -15.954607009887695 + ], + [ + "アラビ", + -17.183639526367188 + ], + [ + "だた", + -17.974828720092773 + ], + [ + "食いつ", + -18.691423416137695 + ], + [ + "わるい", + -17.128894805908203 + ], + [ + "Shake", + -14.5980863571167 + ], + [ + "本通", + -16.09060287475586 + ], + [ + "sit", + -14.06846523284912 + ], + [ + "群青", + -16.30864906311035 + ], + [ + "AC", + -18.327306747436523 + ], + [ + "グニ", + -16.67723274230957 + ], + [ + "いっさい", + -18.1024169921875 + ], + [ + "信太郎", + -15.996244430541992 + ], + [ + "ケッ", + -16.188243865966797 + ], + [ + "ニーノ", + -16.52105140686035 + ], + [ + "ダヴィ", + -16.423490524291992 + ], + [ + "パイア", + -17.172386169433594 + ], + [ + "mob", + -14.956603050231934 + ], + [ + "レイザー", + -16.22509765625 + ], + [ + "WAT", + -15.47348403930664 + ], + [ + "Lawrence", + -15.895566940307615 + ], + [ + "↓↓↓↓↓", + -19.62508773803711 + ], + [ + "デポジット", + -18.325780868530273 + ], + [ + "津久見", + -16.4061336517334 + ], + [ + "チクチク", + -18.78003692626953 + ], + [ + "シイタケ", + -17.163347244262695 + ], + [ + "ロアッソ", + -15.703335762023926 + ], + [ + "ヴァンデ", + -16.412677764892578 + ], + [ + "ベネトン", + -17.054492950439453 + ], + [ + "momoo", + -21.5500431060791 + ], + [ + "しょうがっこう", + -14.473316192626951 + ], + [ + "バインダー", + -17.22188949584961 + ], + [ + "Tin", + -15.512557983398438 + ], + [ + "カメムシ", + -16.06655502319336 + ], + [ + "ジョナ", + -16.048858642578125 + ], + [ + ":==", + -23.19103240966797 + ], + [ + "追い返", + -18.010374069213867 + ], + [ + "Penn", + -15.100849151611328 + ], + [ + "テーパ", + -18.088605880737305 + ], + [ + "ウェバー", + -16.76853370666504 + ], + [ + "ASHI", + -15.406408309936523 + ], + [ + "シューレ", + -16.257694244384766 + ], + [ + "印度", + -16.48762321472168 + ], + [ + "シンキング", + -17.079448699951172 + ], + [ + "板谷", + -16.351198196411133 + ], + [ + "アップアップ", + -16.587039947509766 + ], + [ + "Angels", + -16.391489028930664 + ], + [ + "逸れ", + -18.5084171295166 + ], + [ + "!#", + -18.3960018157959 + ], + [ + "Cooper", + -15.65939998626709 + ], + [ + "冷やか", + -18.400096893310547 + ], + [ + "ッチー", + -16.610612869262695 + ], + [ + "Beck", + -16.062923431396484 + ], + [ + "''\"", + -17.40203094482422 + ], + [ + "御池", + -17.023582458496094 + ], + [ + "メゾ", + -16.200681686401367 + ], + [ + "マーダー", + -16.3607177734375 + ], + [ + "ジイ", + -16.547853469848633 + ], + [ + "YUI", + -15.964067459106444 + ], + [ + "(≧∇≦)", + -19.4248046875 + ], + [ + "CNC", + -15.659130096435549 + ], + [ + "パサ", + -16.80841636657715 + ], + [ + "ボロー", + -16.605876922607422 + ], + [ + "トリエステ", + -16.592973709106445 + ], + [ + "バッカ", + -16.237152099609375 + ], + [ + "住田", + -16.144269943237305 + ], + [ + "生かせ", + -18.55449676513672 + ], + [ + "izu", + -15.069229125976562 + ], + [ + "フランチェスカ", + -16.277263641357422 + ], + [ + "Phantom", + -15.80912971496582 + ], + [ + "トリエンナーレ", + -16.5717830657959 + ], + [ + "エクセレンス", + -17.225082397460938 + ], + [ + "ザーブドフラワー", + -18.80332374572754 + ], + [ + "Vintage", + -17.11479949951172 + ], + [ + "ネバーランド", + -16.333492279052734 + ], + [ + "リクナビ", + -17.793262481689453 + ], + [ + "osaiban", + -21.249679565429688 + ], + [ + "レンブラント", + -16.738618850708008 + ], + [ + "上り詰め", + -17.743236541748047 + ], + [ + "ズームレンズ", + -17.469308853149414 + ], + [ + "GOGO", + -16.263898849487305 + ], + [ + "ゲンダイ", + -16.811159133911133 + ], + [ + "onn", + -14.789104461669922 + ], + [ + "FEEL", + -15.498291969299316 + ], + [ + "リタイヤ", + -17.440053939819336 + ], + [ + "なほ", + -16.273128509521484 + ], + [ + "スタッズ", + -17.952550888061523 + ], + [ + "流氷", + -16.75701332092285 + ], + [ + "比類", + -16.972057342529297 + ], + [ + "ボンゴ", + -16.526649475097656 + ], + [ + "ケトン", + -15.864407539367676 + ], + [ + "メード", + -17.219499588012695 + ], + [ + "RICO", + -16.118440628051758 + ], + [ + "GP", + -19.108556747436523 + ], + [ + "ノリス", + -16.150039672851562 + ], + [ + "プレイヤーズ", + -16.32534408569336 + ], + [ + "うすい", + -16.484060287475586 + ], + [ + "小心", + -17.34040641784668 + ], + [ + "ュー", + -16.303091049194336 + ], + [ + "//", + -18.045909881591797 + ], + [ + "紀の", + -14.581666946411133 + ], + [ + "あわわ", + -18.512842178344727 + ], + [ + "nori", + -15.198968887329102 + ], + [ + "阿知", + -16.441335678100586 + ], + [ + "クスコ", + -16.983898162841797 + ], + [ + "lav", + -14.68319034576416 + ], + [ + "グッドマン", + -16.301177978515625 + ], + [ + "レイモン", + -16.646556854248047 + ], + [ + "ルウ", + -16.38487434387207 + ], + [ + "スガ", + -16.39607048034668 + ], + [ + "hos", + -14.14520263671875 + ], + [ + "スペーシア", + -17.610397338867188 + ], + [ + "エイク", + -16.90355110168457 + ], + [ + "スサノオ", + -16.331857681274414 + ], + [ + "NIPPON", + -16.378360748291016 + ], + [ + "エトルリア", + -16.431419372558594 + ], + [ + "シエラレオネ", + -16.061269760131836 + ], + [ + "ヘッジファンド", + -17.0654354095459 + ], + [ + "ボリショイ", + -17.08445930480957 + ], + [ + "インプレッション", + -17.60504150390625 + ], + [ + "フォグランプ", + -18.11562156677246 + ], + [ + "ロバーツ", + -15.461450576782228 + ], + [ + "スケバン", + -16.36677360534668 + ], + [ + "デーション", + -18.223133087158203 + ], + [ + "鬼門", + -17.391460418701172 + ], + [ + "チアリーダー", + -15.611769676208496 + ], + [ + "エルダー", + -16.581022262573242 + ], + [ + "サマリー", + -17.760778427124023 + ], + [ + "ガバ", + -16.587814331054688 + ], + [ + "ヴァロワ", + -15.89978313446045 + ], + [ + "すくい", + -16.884946823120117 + ], + [ + "Gau", + -14.819568634033203 + ], + [ + "あいあい", + -17.07620620727539 + ], + [ + "琴似", + -16.218210220336914 + ], + [ + "屯田", + -16.71832275390625 + ], + [ + "コワイ", + -17.383071899414062 + ], + [ + "ファンケル", + -17.260231018066406 + ], + [ + "パルク", + -16.943422317504883 + ], + [ + "インクローゼット", + -19.34065818786621 + ], + [ + "全羅", + -15.970227241516112 + ], + [ + "おじゃま", + -16.927099227905273 + ], + [ + "Goes", + -17.350482940673828 + ], + [ + "よお", + -16.59756851196289 + ], + [ + "MARKET", + -15.404484748840332 + ], + [ + "引手", + -18.861900329589844 + ], + [ + "Sv", + -13.716466903686523 + ], + [ + "庄川", + -16.28160285949707 + ], + [ + "カラクリ", + -16.869150161743164 + ], + [ + "ジャパンコミ", + -15.632225036621094 + ], + [ + "天性", + -16.49235725402832 + ], + [ + "つっぱ", + -17.59162712097168 + ], + [ + "Bq", + -16.71379280090332 + ], + [ + "山木", + -15.86609172821045 + ], + [ + "コジ", + -16.59067726135254 + ], + [ + "フレアー", + -17.209482192993164 + ], + [ + "ラドン", + -16.512266159057617 + ], + [ + "フリーダム", + -15.437623977661133 + ], + [ + "千年", + -14.750466346740724 + ], + [ + "ヴェルデ", + -16.579870223999023 + ], + [ + "スケル", + -16.61271858215332 + ], + [ + "Gamer", + -15.80311679840088 + ], + [ + "ロハ", + -16.921842575073242 + ], + [ + "RIDER", + -16.08097267150879 + ], + [ + "レイヤ", + -17.251420974731445 + ], + [ + "シャーン", + -16.385713577270508 + ], + [ + "コフレ", + -17.211509704589844 + ], + [ + "ミシ", + -16.796157836914062 + ], + [ + "ダルビッシュ", + -17.370908737182617 + ], + [ + "ヘプバーン", + -16.790023803710938 + ], + [ + "国際基督教大学", + -15.574481964111328 + ], + [ + "カウンシル", + -16.420190811157227 + ], + [ + "ベンゾジアゼピン", + -16.962926864624023 + ], + [ + "泰山", + -16.585140228271484 + ], + [ + "ハネムーン", + -16.56097984313965 + ], + [ + "タケノコ", + -17.52619743347168 + ], + [ + "チャコ", + -15.98404598236084 + ], + [ + "アイキャッチ", + -16.422460556030273 + ], + [ + "優柔", + -17.743385314941406 + ], + [ + "トラキア", + -16.75390625 + ], + [ + "Hawaii", + -16.005203247070312 + ], + [ + "Against", + -15.834964752197266 + ], + [ + "すもも", + -16.82721519470215 + ], + [ + "父島", + -17.10050392150879 + ], + [ + "アカシア", + -16.69122886657715 + ], + [ + "時の間", + -18.343725204467773 + ], + [ + "煌め", + -17.349271774291992 + ], + [ + "セック", + -16.702852249145508 + ], + [ + "向陽", + -15.943429946899414 + ], + [ + "天球", + -16.87971305847168 + ], + [ + "はかど", + -18.65377616882324 + ], + [ + "伏木", + -16.250991821289062 + ], + [ + "もとめ", + -17.466991424560547 + ], + [ + "澄み", + -17.97290802001953 + ], + [ + "ケインズ", + -16.794940948486328 + ], + [ + "垣内", + -15.999100685119627 + ], + [ + "ブロイ", + -16.653526306152344 + ], + [ + "Sara", + -15.495465278625488 + ], + [ + "ひどか", + -18.996091842651367 + ], + [ + "ステマ", + -17.788875579833984 + ], + [ + "ジロウ", + -16.429698944091797 + ], + [ + "ノッチ", + -17.200857162475586 + ], + [ + "iA", + -15.13973903656006 + ], + [ + "とまら", + -16.906299591064453 + ], + [ + "YMO", + -15.641610145568848 + ], + [ + "Groove", + -16.45328712463379 + ], + [ + "QF", + -14.258036613464355 + ], + [ + "サンヨー", + -16.369407653808594 + ], + [ + "ドーソン", + -16.476930618286133 + ], + [ + "Ast", + -13.870321273803713 + ], + [ + "福住", + -16.52646827697754 + ], + [ + "オペル", + -16.375282287597656 + ], + [ + "lec", + -14.151016235351562 + ], + [ + "Eng", + -14.752778053283691 + ], + [ + "羽化", + -17.850629806518555 + ], + [ + "AMC", + -14.989316940307615 + ], + [ + "シンザン", + -16.995166778564453 + ], + [ + "焦が", + -17.4506778717041 + ], + [ + "ライダーズ", + -15.78331470489502 + ], + [ + "ブリアン", + -16.54970932006836 + ], + [ + "まわす", + -17.798124313354492 + ], + [ + "五代", + -15.093260765075684 + ], + [ + "ウォーターズ", + -16.632112503051758 + ], + [ + "Lanti", + -15.83675479888916 + ], + [ + "taku", + -16.397977828979492 + ], + [ + "レーテ", + -16.70569610595703 + ], + [ + "易し", + -18.13652610778809 + ], + [ + "レーム", + -17.0561466217041 + ], + [ + "チーター", + -16.150253295898438 + ], + [ + "バイトル", + -18.323776245117188 + ], + [ + "OCO", + -15.604639053344728 + ], + [ + "IMPACT", + -15.457985877990724 + ], + [ + "NISSAN", + -16.343801498413086 + ], + [ + "SAKAE", + -16.774173736572266 + ], + [ + "galaxy", + -16.81259536743164 + ], + [ + "ベンフィカ", + -15.667798042297363 + ], + [ + "ロザリオ", + -16.475725173950195 + ], + [ + "三軒茶屋", + -16.654529571533203 + ], + [ + "マッキントッシュ", + -17.26665687561035 + ], + [ + "ハーバルラビット", + -21.523155212402344 + ], + [ + "アトレチコ", + -15.785924911499023 + ], + [ + "タカラヅカ", + -16.311840057373047 + ], + [ + "メモリーナビ", + -18.913759231567383 + ], + [ + "総武本線", + -16.570524215698242 + ], + [ + "祟り", + -17.535505294799805 + ], + [ + "繰越", + -18.106306076049805 + ], + [ + "スキピオ", + -17.160812377929688 + ], + [ + "チェンジアップ", + -17.05052947998047 + ], + [ + "ITV", + -15.845909118652344 + ], + [ + "ふらふ", + -18.185714721679688 + ], + [ + "ダッジ", + -16.383590698242188 + ], + [ + "の里", + -14.042433738708496 + ], + [ + "タイプライター", + -16.905946731567383 + ], + [ + "スターティング", + -16.858745574951172 + ], + [ + "Plastic", + -15.933306694030762 + ], + [ + "モミジ", + -17.19940757751465 + ], + [ + "レイダース", + -16.286855697631836 + ], + [ + "Woo", + -16.165971755981445 + ], + [ + "じか", + -16.433500289916992 + ], + [ + "クリッパー", + -16.961177825927734 + ], + [ + "パロマ", + -16.987606048583984 + ], + [ + "ザウ", + -16.80067253112793 + ], + [ + "イションズカップ", + -16.317062377929688 + ], + [ + "コレット", + -16.246732711791992 + ], + [ + "だいに", + -16.81778335571289 + ], + [ + "サジ", + -16.54975700378418 + ], + [ + "東本願寺", + -16.643348693847656 + ], + [ + "ノド", + -16.081865310668945 + ], + [ + "サルーン", + -17.038606643676758 + ], + [ + "昭二", + -15.938157081604004 + ], + [ + "川棚", + -16.47293472290039 + ], + [ + "天智", + -16.59283447265625 + ], + [ + "はっぴ", + -16.22458839416504 + ], + [ + "井村", + -15.413494110107422 + ], + [ + "サイコー", + -17.301626205444336 + ], + [ + "田楽", + -16.977754592895508 + ], + [ + "ドロイド", + -16.66707420349121 + ], + [ + ".!", + -17.43621063232422 + ], + [ + "ヒトデ", + -16.849153518676758 + ], + [ + "宮坂", + -16.106388092041016 + ], + [ + "グレイズ", + -15.454805374145508 + ], + [ + "追い付", + -18.561899185180664 + ], + [ + "Gas", + -14.937134742736816 + ], + [ + "祖師", + -16.639493942260742 + ], + [ + "ISIA", + -16.6569766998291 + ], + [ + "ザイン", + -17.13093376159668 + ], + [ + "ナイズ", + -16.90108299255371 + ], + [ + "サニ", + -16.84325408935547 + ], + [ + "ひれ", + -16.60247230529785 + ], + [ + "アーキ", + -16.535991668701172 + ], + [ + "むかえ", + -17.494977951049805 + ], + [ + "Eli", + -15.026007652282717 + ], + [ + "CONCACA", + -17.21950340270996 + ], + [ + "メチャクチャ", + -18.55681610107422 + ], + [ + "インジェクション", + -16.859481811523438 + ], + [ + "ンディショニング", + -17.294513702392578 + ], + [ + "百舌鳥", + -16.41578483581543 + ], + [ + "キョウリュウ", + -16.425460815429688 + ], + [ + "CORPORAT", + -16.672805786132812 + ], + [ + "フリマアプリ", + -18.402700424194336 + ], + [ + "ロッシーニ", + -16.759098052978516 + ], + [ + "スザンヌ", + -16.268451690673828 + ], + [ + "サイコパス", + -16.892444610595703 + ], + [ + "メーデー", + -16.595041275024414 + ], + [ + "クローザー", + -16.72352409362793 + ], + [ + "デカルト", + -16.68239974975586 + ], + [ + "*:..。", + -20.885080337524418 + ], + [ + "ダイエットサプリ", + -19.61577606201172 + ], + [ + "スナイ", + -17.172014236450195 + ], + [ + "真之", + -16.852113723754883 + ], + [ + "納涼", + -16.737640380859375 + ], + [ + "印象深", + -18.688722610473633 + ], + [ + "駅南", + -15.680093765258787 + ], + [ + "マガジンズ", + -16.286827087402344 + ], + [ + "グリシン", + -17.22018814086914 + ], + [ + "南ア", + -18.083845138549805 + ], + [ + "Slim", + -16.020370483398438 + ], + [ + "アシュリー", + -16.437671661376953 + ], + [ + "クレージー", + -15.721295356750488 + ], + [ + "下市", + -17.132055282592773 + ], + [ + "ホム", + -17.187255859375 + ], + [ + "そで", + -17.34241485595703 + ], + [ + "砲丸", + -15.981650352478027 + ], + [ + "ggi", + -14.858098030090332 + ], + [ + "リヴァイ", + -16.865480422973633 + ], + [ + "町東", + -15.97804832458496 + ], + [ + "ウェイヴ", + -16.67945098876953 + ], + [ + "つぶさ", + -18.71037483215332 + ], + [ + "ヤリマン", + -16.654626846313477 + ], + [ + "ナダ", + -16.944286346435547 + ], + [ + "この上な", + -18.560861587524418 + ], + [ + "青白", + -17.466453552246094 + ], + [ + "初春", + -16.966842651367188 + ], + [ + "フェミ", + -17.423503875732422 + ], + [ + "コヴィッチ", + -16.4931697845459 + ], + [ + "DA", + -18.721851348876953 + ], + [ + "海馬", + -17.029348373413086 + ], + [ + "アンカラ", + -16.51831817626953 + ], + [ + "本松", + -16.55056381225586 + ], + [ + "だそ", + -19.250946044921875 + ], + [ + "スケープ", + -16.704294204711914 + ], + [ + "エキゾースト", + -17.734647750854492 + ], + [ + "ちりばめ", + -18.06598663330078 + ], + [ + "千手観音", + -16.53638458251953 + ], + [ + "ヱヴァンゲリヲン", + -16.73695945739746 + ], + [ + "FREEDOM", + -15.667363166809082 + ], + [ + "TENDO", + -16.19648551940918 + ], + [ + "Creek", + -17.795452117919922 + ], + [ + "セルジューク", + -16.73178482055664 + ], + [ + "マッドハウス", + -15.476573944091797 + ], + [ + "Rail", + -15.07587432861328 + ], + [ + "ゴセイ", + -16.07645034790039 + ], + [ + "つわり", + -18.18153953552246 + ], + [ + "はんだ", + -16.518190383911133 + ], + [ + "冶金", + -16.500226974487305 + ], + [ + "カペラ", + -16.821046829223633 + ], + [ + "Barn", + -16.111055374145508 + ], + [ + "カンピ", + -16.715984344482422 + ], + [ + "富貴", + -16.388683319091797 + ], + [ + "ォン", + -16.615867614746094 + ], + [ + "Mei", + -15.338974952697754 + ], + [ + "市松", + -16.224794387817383 + ], + [ + "やむな", + -18.349773406982425 + ], + [ + "ワム", + -16.55882453918457 + ], + [ + "Lux", + -15.697710037231444 + ], + [ + "オマエ", + -18.099008560180664 + ], + [ + "伊方", + -16.629077911376953 + ], + [ + "ローヌ", + -16.379547119140625 + ], + [ + "ヘキ", + -16.66977882385254 + ], + [ + "清明", + -16.171201705932617 + ], + [ + "書き記", + -17.88693618774414 + ], + [ + "ゲレ", + -17.210609436035156 + ], + [ + "アメリ", + -16.247039794921875 + ], + [ + "こおり", + -15.93540096282959 + ], + [ + "STAY", + -15.277132987976074 + ], + [ + "アイリ", + -17.431299209594727 + ], + [ + "ピッツァ", + -17.980985641479492 + ], + [ + "CTB", + -15.121832847595217 + ], + [ + "imension", + -19.95876693725586 + ], + [ + "OIL", + -15.169489860534668 + ], + [ + "ほっぺ", + -17.319887161254883 + ], + [ + "下馬", + -17.273521423339844 + ], + [ + "ネットワークス", + -15.954243659973145 + ], + [ + "カトル", + -17.125112533569336 + ], + [ + "外国語大", + -15.00539493560791 + ], + [ + "スポーツマン", + -16.658117294311523 + ], + [ + "グレイヴ", + -16.20816421508789 + ], + [ + "Institu", + -16.857629776000977 + ], + [ + "ポエ", + -16.33051300048828 + ], + [ + "カービュー", + -18.722578048706055 + ], + [ + "神石", + -16.659765243530273 + ], + [ + "ベタつ", + -19.55580711364746 + ], + [ + "ゲネ", + -16.953411102294922 + ], + [ + "の山", + -12.924165725708008 + ], + [ + "Ace", + -14.700621604919434 + ], + [ + "ケンタ", + -16.09384536743164 + ], + [ + "ベルメゾン", + -17.713428497314453 + ], + [ + "Extreme", + -15.63843059539795 + ], + [ + "プロムナード", + -16.165821075439453 + ], + [ + "ちょっかい", + -17.642127990722656 + ], + [ + "ニューカレドニア", + -16.46160125732422 + ], + [ + "棚卸", + -18.207372665405273 + ], + [ + "テディベア", + -16.87337303161621 + ], + [ + "エドマンド", + -16.639915466308594 + ], + [ + "ガウチョパンツ", + -19.50233268737793 + ], + [ + "グールド", + -16.502578735351562 + ], + [ + "トラヴィス", + -16.204103469848633 + ], + [ + "ホーフェン", + -16.487409591674805 + ], + [ + "カフェオレ", + -17.552934646606445 + ], + [ + "大宇", + -16.503713607788086 + ], + [ + "サチ", + -15.953458786010742 + ], + [ + "炙り", + -18.04473876953125 + ], + [ + "louis", + -16.4503116607666 + ], + [ + "ブルーグラス", + -16.540451049804688 + ], + [ + "OCA", + -15.2938814163208 + ], + [ + "リント", + -17.129209518432617 + ], + [ + "ビジネスパーソン", + -18.54314613342285 + ], + [ + "貴公", + -17.000478744506836 + ], + [ + "ポリン", + -17.401695251464844 + ], + [ + "クロース", + -16.681556701660156 + ], + [ + "th", + -18.391576766967773 + ], + [ + "ムスク", + -16.943044662475586 + ], + [ + "一匹", + -16.025060653686523 + ], + [ + "アトロ", + -17.025306701660156 + ], + [ + "めだ", + -15.986350059509276 + ], + [ + "ガラン", + -16.75733757019043 + ], + [ + "纂", + -16.544570922851562 + ], + [ + "福神", + -17.454750061035156 + ], + [ + "宝蔵", + -16.35513687133789 + ], + [ + "ディウス", + -16.865644454956055 + ], + [ + "御中", + -17.431175231933594 + ], + [ + "Kawa", + -16.698585510253906 + ], + [ + "千家", + -16.076995849609375 + ], + [ + "アトラ", + -16.68438720703125 + ], + [ + "たのしみ", + -17.255916595458984 + ], + [ + "Vie", + -14.827662467956545 + ], + [ + "城市", + -14.679423332214355 + ], + [ + "芳野", + -15.998003005981444 + ], + [ + "Regional", + -15.339056015014648 + ], + [ + "DOL", + -15.55408763885498 + ], + [ + "cx", + -12.442291259765623 + ], + [ + "YZ", + -15.25852108001709 + ], + [ + "outledge", + -16.58519172668457 + ], + [ + "VENUS", + -15.80673885345459 + ], + [ + "カンタービレ", + -16.76498031616211 + ], + [ + "引き伸ば", + -17.8847713470459 + ], + [ + "ハサウェイ", + -16.69755744934082 + ], + [ + "きっぱり", + -18.75359535217285 + ], + [ + "アディーレ", + -18.995702743530273 + ], + [ + "ゼルビア", + -15.817099571228027 + ], + [ + "プレイアブル", + -16.289758682250977 + ], + [ + "iji", + -14.818788528442385 + ], + [ + "トーリー", + -16.37251853942871 + ], + [ + ":/:", + -19.46746063232422 + ], + [ + "SIC", + -14.96981716156006 + ], + [ + "ランジェ", + -16.63329315185547 + ], + [ + "ハミング", + -15.967632293701172 + ], + [ + "カッタ", + -17.06118392944336 + ], + [ + "コンシャス", + -18.335647583007812 + ], + [ + "プロスト", + -17.16739273071289 + ], + [ + "セイラ", + -16.35957908630371 + ], + [ + "モレノ", + -16.501665115356445 + ], + [ + "ローデ", + -16.971202850341797 + ], + [ + "ニーニ", + -16.84083366394043 + ], + [ + "ヘンリク", + -16.707124710083008 + ], + [ + "Ré", + -15.952177047729492 + ], + [ + ">(", + -18.565359115600582 + ], + [ + "今池", + -16.518095016479492 + ], + [ + "ASCAR", + -17.43085289001465 + ], + [ + "タブル", + -16.387157440185547 + ], + [ + "デュル", + -16.827329635620117 + ], + [ + "願書", + -17.147594451904297 + ], + [ + "フォーマー", + -16.66266441345215 + ], + [ + "高良", + -16.227249145507812 + ], + [ + "バガ", + -16.50287628173828 + ], + [ + "ピレ", + -17.085023880004883 + ], + [ + "ティシズム", + -16.2047176361084 + ], + [ + "ヒドラ", + -16.219072341918945 + ], + [ + "切り返", + -18.654531478881836 + ], + [ + "ライストチャーチ", + -16.779953002929688 + ], + [ + "ロールスクリーン", + -18.445152282714844 + ], + [ + "門戸", + -17.61495018005371 + ], + [ + "クルーガー", + -16.570354461669922 + ], + [ + "三朝", + -16.49819564819336 + ], + [ + "インフル", + -18.08234405517578 + ], + [ + "原書", + -16.018278121948242 + ], + [ + "ロニア", + -17.10607147216797 + ], + [ + "里塚", + -16.281097412109375 + ], + [ + "すさまじく", + -18.865501403808594 + ], + [ + "]■", + -19.43951988220215 + ], + [ + "モバイルコミ", + -15.87964916229248 + ], + [ + "ビーツ", + -17.46115493774414 + ], + [ + "上野原", + -16.162628173828125 + ], + [ + "Nam", + -14.98044776916504 + ], + [ + "とりまとめ", + -17.841266632080078 + ], + [ + "アトレ", + -16.8516788482666 + ], + [ + "Fund", + -15.142807960510254 + ], + [ + "もたせ", + -18.136642456054688 + ], + [ + "一柳", + -16.16412925720215 + ], + [ + "」(", + -16.62037467956543 + ], + [ + "高等専門学校", + -14.607097625732422 + ], + [ + "コルネリウス", + -16.666553497314453 + ], + [ + "ディム", + -16.457256317138672 + ], + [ + "カマキリ", + -16.64453887939453 + ], + [ + "禿げ", + -17.966808319091797 + ], + [ + "ドミンゴ", + -16.61667251586914 + ], + [ + "Postgre", + -15.452265739440918 + ], + [ + "HONEY", + -15.832164764404297 + ], + [ + "エモーション", + -16.444913864135742 + ], + [ + "エンドロール", + -16.344715118408203 + ], + [ + "cbr", + -16.047319412231445 + ], + [ + "階上", + -17.06597137451172 + ], + [ + "テスタ", + -16.409873962402344 + ], + [ + "デビルマン", + -16.196908950805664 + ], + [ + "バツイチ", + -16.669870376586914 + ], + [ + "シナジー", + -17.357004165649414 + ], + [ + "フィンチ", + -16.19706916809082 + ], + [ + "古橋", + -16.437055587768555 + ], + [ + "ヒューム", + -16.450542449951172 + ], + [ + "リリィ", + -15.992229461669922 + ], + [ + "日新聞社", + -15.521560668945312 + ], + [ + "SDS", + -15.114649772644045 + ], + [ + "ランバート", + -16.589157104492188 + ], + [ + "Luna", + -15.841532707214355 + ], + [ + ".*", + -14.065921783447266 + ], + [ + "ヴェット", + -16.284900665283203 + ], + [ + "ばったり", + -18.362380981445312 + ], + [ + "クラリ", + -16.538434982299805 + ], + [ + "MAKI", + -16.14474868774414 + ], + [ + "ポツ", + -17.989015579223633 + ], + [ + "ティヤ", + -16.68429183959961 + ], + [ + "キャビア", + -17.314777374267578 + ], + [ + "ニェス", + -16.528400421142578 + ], + [ + "ラジャ", + -16.282873153686523 + ], + [ + "魚住", + -16.243667602539062 + ], + [ + "カンパニア", + -16.16318130493164 + ], + [ + "棄て", + -17.636470794677734 + ], + [ + "夜光", + -16.6004581451416 + ], + [ + "♪)", + -17.34801483154297 + ], + [ + "GZ", + -15.01949691772461 + ], + [ + "一団", + -17.280994415283203 + ], + [ + "ベルナルド", + -16.538429260253906 + ], + [ + "カードローン", + -16.773252487182617 + ], + [ + "Gary", + -15.097521781921388 + ], + [ + "レイニー", + -16.101957321166992 + ], + [ + "強壮", + -18.06511878967285 + ], + [ + "ッルス", + -16.90958023071289 + ], + [ + "アロマテラピー", + -17.117450714111328 + ], + [ + "マルゲリータ", + -17.165912628173828 + ], + [ + "サルバドール", + -16.556076049804688 + ], + [ + "レスポートサック", + -18.85580062866211 + ], + [ + "ペラペラ", + -18.35574531555176 + ], + [ + "積み重な", + -18.259511947631836 + ], + [ + "分け与え", + -17.785402297973633 + ], + [ + "大鰐", + -16.345067977905273 + ], + [ + "Police", + -15.523541450500488 + ], + [ + "クラウディア", + -16.2738094329834 + ], + [ + "売り払", + -18.378318786621097 + ], + [ + "フルオート", + -17.454702377319336 + ], + [ + "フラウ", + -16.549280166625977 + ], + [ + "プク", + -16.56001091003418 + ], + [ + "モンハン", + -17.539379119873047 + ], + [ + "水疱", + -17.97181510925293 + ], + [ + "ハヤシ", + -16.251550674438477 + ], + [ + "ウア", + -16.215803146362305 + ], + [ + "カンジダ", + -17.714733123779297 + ], + [ + "ダイソン", + -17.150129318237305 + ], + [ + "┓", + -17.441640853881836 + ], + [ + "machi", + -15.375253677368164 + ], + [ + "旅籠", + -17.034135818481445 + ], + [ + "iers", + -13.68938446044922 + ], + [ + "CBR", + -15.205117225646973 + ], + [ + "あわら", + -16.39909553527832 + ], + [ + "フォロ", + -17.15340232849121 + ], + [ + "aise", + -15.181479454040527 + ], + [ + "日本製紙", + -16.13287925720215 + ], + [ + "ヴァルド", + -16.71356773376465 + ], + [ + "Feat", + -14.879362106323242 + ], + [ + "トリビューション", + -16.49553108215332 + ], + [ + "イテ", + -16.565425872802734 + ], + [ + "opper", + -15.438363075256348 + ], + [ + "陣取", + -18.046398162841797 + ], + [ + "尼寺", + -16.33350372314453 + ], + [ + "ランジュ", + -16.76760482788086 + ], + [ + "御坂", + -17.171546936035156 + ], + [ + "レンティーノ", + -16.427818298339844 + ], + [ + "イチャ", + -17.146379470825195 + ], + [ + "ゴシ", + -16.796293258666992 + ], + [ + "ミンスク", + -16.107959747314453 + ], + [ + "クワイア", + -16.353473663330078 + ], + [ + "Crew", + -16.478517532348633 + ], + [ + "はがし", + -18.31391334533691 + ], + [ + "ォー", + -16.56231689453125 + ], + [ + "サロメ", + -16.538143157958984 + ], + [ + "名倉", + -16.12070655822754 + ], + [ + "靱", + -17.012928009033203 + ], + [ + "Precious", + -15.169487953186035 + ], + [ + "コンシーラー", + -18.37761116027832 + ], + [ + "プロテクション", + -17.538536071777344 + ], + [ + "鏑木", + -16.09809112548828 + ], + [ + "ユルゲン", + -16.451557159423828 + ], + [ + "チアリーディング", + -16.21441650390625 + ], + [ + "はしゃぎ", + -18.48271369934082 + ], + [ + "産婦", + -17.57794952392578 + ], + [ + "エアライン", + -16.522310256958008 + ], + [ + "ホットドッグ", + -16.54981231689453 + ], + [ + ",,,", + -17.826536178588867 + ], + [ + "セザール", + -16.223588943481445 + ], + [ + "meets", + -17.232542037963867 + ], + [ + "プリセット", + -17.250709533691406 + ], + [ + "シーボルト", + -16.885574340820312 + ], + [ + "上塗", + -19.667924880981445 + ], + [ + "XIV", + -15.647072792053224 + ], + [ + "釣り上げ", + -17.893468856811523 + ], + [ + "AZZ", + -16.528589248657227 + ], + [ + "キビ", + -16.982341766357422 + ], + [ + "ジェニ", + -16.762052536010742 + ], + [ + "福川", + -16.246728897094727 + ], + [ + "ずさん", + -18.060009002685547 + ], + [ + "FAL", + -14.95578670501709 + ], + [ + "ホットケーキ", + -17.543943405151367 + ], + [ + "ドラマシティ", + -16.00589370727539 + ], + [ + "en", + -18.71038055419922 + ], + [ + "カリーナ", + -16.46112632751465 + ], + [ + "ファッ", + -16.611003875732422 + ], + [ + "社台", + -16.636457443237305 + ], + [ + "EON", + -15.601970672607422 + ], + [ + "んぱん", + -17.87529182434082 + ], + [ + "スクー", + -16.254770278930664 + ], + [ + "ほぐす", + -18.328285217285156 + ], + [ + "ゴールドウィン", + -15.976383209228516 + ], + [ + "フラックス", + -17.013755798339844 + ], + [ + "ョッピングサイト", + -19.622142791748047 + ], + [ + "MSV", + -14.690841674804688 + ], + [ + "ブラット", + -16.20690155029297 + ], + [ + "トゥーム", + -16.521486282348633 + ], + [ + "香西", + -16.075510025024414 + ], + [ + "行き交", + -18.082496643066406 + ], + [ + "サーラ", + -16.30048370361328 + ], + [ + "GA", + -18.516530990600582 + ], + [ + "UN", + -18.789653778076172 + ], + [ + "ボボ", + -16.651384353637695 + ], + [ + "EAD", + -14.421171188354492 + ], + [ + "トゥラ", + -16.488309860229492 + ], + [ + "文太", + -16.078052520751953 + ], + [ + "カールスルーエ", + -16.261011123657227 + ], + [ + "シュノーケリング", + -18.575634002685547 + ], + [ + "VMware", + -15.690327644348145 + ], + [ + "こじらせ", + -17.348419189453125 + ], + [ + "生い茂", + -17.92372703552246 + ], + [ + "鳥飼", + -16.383405685424805 + ], + [ + "ヴィクトリー", + -16.41627311706543 + ], + [ + "ゲルハルト", + -16.54413604736328 + ], + [ + "ミーハー", + -17.406307220458984 + ], + [ + "nami", + -14.6566801071167 + ], + [ + "JK", + -19.160823822021484 + ], + [ + "トントラック", + -18.93598747253418 + ], + [ + "ぉぉ", + -19.73850440979004 + ], + [ + "たいよう", + -16.02191734313965 + ], + [ + "スポーツニッポン", + -16.353967666625977 + ], + [ + "ワイワイシー", + -20.141944885253903 + ], + [ + "つがい", + -17.341907501220703 + ], + [ + "揺れ動", + -17.842937469482422 + ], + [ + "ろうろ", + -18.445690155029297 + ], + [ + "詰め寄", + -18.18143653869629 + ], + [ + "Pig", + -15.544336318969728 + ], + [ + "kuma", + -15.501786231994627 + ], + [ + "とんだ", + -17.293270111083984 + ], + [ + "TOSHI", + -15.92298984527588 + ], + [ + "Nm", + -15.457846641540527 + ], + [ + "真梨", + -16.093036651611328 + ], + [ + "唐人", + -16.5500431060791 + ], + [ + "ストアー", + -16.488317489624023 + ], + [ + "ガイガー", + -16.669038772583008 + ], + [ + ")』(", + -17.76237678527832 + ], + [ + "Angeles", + -17.46260643005371 + ], + [ + "風月", + -16.338958740234375 + ], + [ + "貴美", + -16.117347717285156 + ], + [ + "コルツ", + -16.584518432617188 + ], + [ + "LLI", + -15.036568641662598 + ], + [ + "大穴", + -17.27509307861328 + ], + [ + "フチ", + -16.973648071289062 + ], + [ + "*、", + -18.97612190246582 + ], + [ + "アカリ", + -16.710250854492188 + ], + [ + "自暴", + -17.88766860961914 + ], + [ + "Jahr", + -15.699881553649902 + ], + [ + "万象", + -16.507312774658203 + ], + [ + "気管", + -17.14973258972168 + ], + [ + "ウイングス", + -16.3170108795166 + ], + [ + "守り抜", + -17.17528533935547 + ], + [ + "光洋", + -16.353504180908203 + ], + [ + "ラパン", + -17.2643985748291 + ], + [ + "RACE", + -15.04780101776123 + ], + [ + "管長", + -17.034894943237305 + ], + [ + "ウィア", + -16.994787216186523 + ], + [ + "富谷", + -16.30293083190918 + ], + [ + "PIA", + -15.387072563171388 + ], + [ + "まちが", + -17.670574188232422 + ], + [ + "ラウラ", + -16.754615783691406 + ], + [ + "(*^▽^*)", + -19.38522148132324 + ], + [ + "でっち上げ", + -18.200803756713867 + ], + [ + "オゴデイ", + -17.21271324157715 + ], + [ + "定山渓", + -16.53342628479004 + ], + [ + "", + -20.639795303344727 + ], + [ + "ひょっこり", + -17.343242645263672 + ], + [ + "フルシチョフ", + -16.990398406982422 + ], + [ + "dustrial", + -16.524669647216797 + ], + [ + "Kitchen", + -16.517440795898438 + ], + [ + "ハンズフリー", + -18.287349700927734 + ], + [ + "ごきげん", + -15.83049201965332 + ], + [ + "Spider", + -15.502778053283691 + ], + [ + "シナトラ", + -16.48821449279785 + ], + [ + "ホットスパー", + -16.05399513244629 + ], + [ + "ボキャブラ", + -16.686681747436523 + ], + [ + "?〜", + -16.4802188873291 + ], + [ + "突き上げ", + -18.28411102294922 + ], + [ + "リィン", + -17.969253540039062 + ], + [ + "", + -18.033830642700195 + ], + [ + "ひねくれ", + -17.525941848754883 + ], + [ + "面倒臭", + -18.59942054748535 + ], + [ + "びしょ", + -17.79808235168457 + ], + [ + "ラミネート", + -18.10978126525879 + ], + [ + "沸き", + -18.334054946899418 + ], + [ + "感慨", + -19.06104278564453 + ], + [ + "岐阜放送", + -15.580294609069824 + ], + [ + "ULA", + -14.809454917907717 + ], + [ + "エルベ", + -16.87851333618164 + ], + [ + "メイジ", + -16.637680053710938 + ], + [ + "キリコ", + -16.46349334716797 + ], + [ + "天安", + -15.958144187927246 + ], + [ + "mW", + -15.60667896270752 + ], + [ + "aaS", + -16.622846603393555 + ], + [ + "デッカ", + -16.593931198120117 + ], + [ + "くだけ", + -16.443227767944336 + ], + [ + "マッコイ", + -16.173137664794922 + ], + [ + "ルーペ", + -16.88307762145996 + ], + [ + "トコロ", + -16.968765258789062 + ], + [ + "SOLD", + -16.06211280822754 + ], + [ + "黒井", + -16.30752944946289 + ], + [ + "マナミ", + -16.677553176879883 + ], + [ + "炎天", + -18.4315242767334 + ], + [ + "みずみずしい", + -18.81677627563477 + ], + [ + "DEAR", + -15.825393676757812 + ], + [ + "フェット", + -16.93368911743164 + ], + [ + "由加", + -16.16379737854004 + ], + [ + "んぷん", + -18.409570693969727 + ], + [ + "zg", + -14.997318267822266 + ], + [ + "ロンメル", + -16.851003646850586 + ], + [ + "塩山", + -16.175413131713867 + ], + [ + "ネイション", + -16.39785385131836 + ], + [ + "眉山", + -16.325241088867188 + ], + [ + "知美", + -15.846318244934082 + ], + [ + "家斉", + -16.967613220214844 + ], + [ + "ゅうご", + -19.196523666381836 + ], + [ + "古町", + -16.45299530029297 + ], + [ + "球児", + -16.930328369140625 + ], + [ + "Conven", + -15.78147029876709 + ], + [ + "タージ", + -17.439870834350586 + ], + [ + "anan", + -14.94924259185791 + ], + [ + "モーリシャス", + -16.179119110107422 + ], + [ + "ヒッチハイク", + -16.846189498901367 + ], + [ + "ダヴィッド", + -16.439912796020508 + ], + [ + "テカテカ", + -19.24117088317871 + ], + [ + "ビヨンド", + -16.395732879638672 + ], + [ + "ビアガーデン", + -17.667882919311523 + ], + [ + "寺西", + -16.2890682220459 + ], + [ + "ポーテーション", + -16.717906951904297 + ], + [ + "Crime", + -15.914336204528809 + ], + [ + "アサド", + -17.35900115966797 + ], + [ + "ウェッズ", + -18.263490676879883 + ], + [ + "チェリスト", + -16.064558029174805 + ], + [ + "セーリング", + -15.641014099121094 + ], + [ + "子宝", + -17.92228889465332 + ], + [ + "駅西", + -15.978747367858888 + ], + [ + "トキワ", + -16.70337677001953 + ], + [ + "Lisa", + -15.64027976989746 + ], + [ + "プロム", + -16.78289794921875 + ], + [ + "サフ", + -17.05364418029785 + ], + [ + "ブラブラ", + -17.766971588134766 + ], + [ + "ジョージタウン", + -16.31186294555664 + ], + [ + "┛", + -16.9681396484375 + ], + [ + "SEGA", + -16.25257110595703 + ], + [ + "大阪教育大", + -15.907146453857422 + ], + [ + "ジャグラー", + -16.919103622436523 + ], + [ + "キャリバー", + -16.885948181152344 + ], + [ + "貴久", + -16.16195297241211 + ], + [ + "Pul", + -15.816454887390137 + ], + [ + "バラモン", + -16.657978057861328 + ], + [ + "グレイト", + -16.47266960144043 + ], + [ + "ビコ", + -16.942415237426758 + ], + [ + "elations", + -17.619770050048828 + ], + [ + "佐波", + -16.413848876953125 + ], + [ + "何だ", + -16.340547561645508 + ], + [ + "トリウム", + -16.89718246459961 + ], + [ + "エーション", + -16.364330291748047 + ], + [ + "Hana", + -15.218685150146484 + ], + [ + "纏わ", + -17.536949157714844 + ], + [ + "南平", + -16.4545841217041 + ], + [ + "シャルロッテ", + -16.736013412475586 + ], + [ + "黒羽", + -16.364486694335938 + ], + [ + "lied", + -14.593950271606444 + ], + [ + "ハティ", + -16.427078247070312 + ], + [ + "ハプ", + -17.60994529724121 + ], + [ + "トレーン", + -17.213794708251953 + ], + [ + "Tyr", + -16.6180362701416 + ], + [ + "言い切", + -17.4326171875 + ], + [ + "きゅ", + -15.732081413269045 + ], + [ + "コビッチ", + -16.5978946685791 + ], + [ + "レインズ", + -16.74721908569336 + ], + [ + "フィフティ", + -16.576229095458984 + ], + [ + "ミズム", + -16.895360946655273 + ], + [ + "がま", + -16.050031661987305 + ], + [ + "EGG", + -14.836170196533203 + ], + [ + "ケイジ", + -16.65439224243164 + ], + [ + "セト", + -16.033613204956055 + ], + [ + ">【", + -18.884431838989254 + ], + [ + "bbs", + -14.580531120300291 + ], + [ + "グリュ", + -16.823816299438477 + ], + [ + "Ras", + -15.489670753479004 + ], + [ + "エンドウ", + -16.96681785583496 + ], + [ + "ASIAN", + -16.13067054748535 + ], + [ + "戸口", + -17.096616744995117 + ], + [ + "クィン", + -16.70252227783203 + ], + [ + "ナゴ", + -17.039480209350586 + ], + [ + "ANE", + -14.557740211486816 + ], + [ + "南無", + -17.326379776000977 + ], + [ + "NDERELLA", + -16.493139266967773 + ], + [ + "デモクラシー", + -16.255329132080078 + ], + [ + "コンポーザー", + -16.545866012573242 + ], + [ + "オーガナイザー", + -17.571998596191406 + ], + [ + "Speak", + -15.231398582458496 + ], + [ + "FREAK", + -16.244033813476562 + ], + [ + "ゅだん", + -17.629711151123047 + ], + [ + "縮み", + -18.366077423095703 + ], + [ + "Fes", + -16.290346145629883 + ], + [ + "ヒェ", + -17.217966079711914 + ], + [ + "ETS", + -14.371095657348633 + ], + [ + "マラヤ", + -16.648290634155273 + ], + [ + "座り込", + -18.072782516479492 + ], + [ + "ぼやけ", + -18.792102813720703 + ], + [ + "プレイスタイル", + -15.781764030456545 + ], + [ + "ミホ", + -16.44573402404785 + ], + [ + "神々し", + -18.495840072631836 + ], + [ + "Brad", + -14.985276222229004 + ], + [ + "Vir", + -15.525487899780272 + ], + [ + "ふらっと", + -17.338666915893555 + ], + [ + "inecraft", + -15.63796329498291 + ], + [ + " <", + -17.867612838745117 + ], + [ + "ネネ", + -16.379009246826172 + ], + [ + "オニクス", + -16.32034683227539 + ], + [ + "逸ら", + -18.847740173339844 + ], + [ + "塗れ", + -18.24761009216309 + ], + [ + "フロアー", + -17.552846908569336 + ], + [ + "フジタ", + -16.259479522705078 + ], + [ + "Pie", + -15.260821342468262 + ], + [ + "わたら", + -16.572526931762695 + ], + [ + "CAF", + -14.706793785095217 + ], + [ + "Blade", + -15.843685150146484 + ], + [ + "おぼろ", + -16.944580078125 + ], + [ + "持ち寄", + -18.284915924072266 + ], + [ + "Mania", + -15.265374183654783 + ], + [ + "Yuki", + -16.473064422607422 + ], + [ + "GS", + -19.188724517822266 + ], + [ + "ネーター", + -16.44011688232422 + ], + [ + "眠らせ", + -17.090675354003906 + ], + [ + "ストラトス", + -16.745634078979492 + ], + [ + "きかせ", + -17.38557243347168 + ], + [ + "auc", + -14.945019721984863 + ], + [ + "タイソン", + -16.705623626708984 + ], + [ + "コーズ", + -17.076757431030273 + ], + [ + "KICK", + -15.43675708770752 + ], + [ + "Sons", + -16.85770034790039 + ], + [ + "中畑", + -16.720924377441406 + ], + [ + "衣食", + -17.555910110473633 + ], + [ + "進数", + -16.822195053100586 + ], + [ + "もくろ", + -17.641193389892578 + ], + [ + "コンドミニアム", + -18.024412155151367 + ], + [ + "Warrior", + -15.945929527282717 + ], + [ + "TIGER", + -15.682318687438965 + ], + [ + "舞い降り", + -16.873470306396484 + ], + [ + "ゴーカイジャー", + -16.30230140686035 + ], + [ + "カドカワ", + -16.35619354248047 + ], + [ + "エスティマ", + -17.78466796875 + ], + [ + "ラファイエット", + -16.623205184936523 + ], + [ + "ッピン", + -16.88064193725586 + ], + [ + "ペンタックス", + -17.01738166809082 + ], + [ + "崩れ落ち", + -18.175853729248047 + ], + [ + "反り返", + -18.276960372924805 + ], + [ + "MacOS", + -14.154484748840332 + ], + [ + "stylife", + -19.42699432373047 + ], + [ + "ルーティン", + -18.337364196777344 + ], + [ + "あいこ", + -16.234355926513672 + ], + [ + "ゴハン", + -17.452144622802734 + ], + [ + "見出せ", + -18.526151657104492 + ], + [ + "リーフレット", + -17.29869842529297 + ], + [ + "切なく", + -18.34617805480957 + ], + [ + "BUD", + -15.098843574523926 + ], + [ + "赤沢", + -16.238990783691406 + ], + [ + "隠し持", + -17.7965030670166 + ], + [ + "メコン", + -16.807994842529297 + ], + [ + "ミンチ", + -17.71956443786621 + ], + [ + "にいさん", + -16.476430892944336 + ], + [ + "信管", + -17.1451358795166 + ], + [ + "オクラ", + -17.832151412963867 + ], + [ + "藤江", + -16.180707931518555 + ], + [ + "うまかっ", + -18.148122787475582 + ], + [ + "Kol", + -15.358455657958984 + ], + [ + "フェード", + -17.33568572998047 + ], + [ + "びっし", + -19.64967155456543 + ], + [ + "カティ", + -16.62527847290039 + ], + [ + "カボ", + -17.012493133544922 + ], + [ + "リリック", + -16.881914138793945 + ], + [ + "やしろ", + -16.218481063842773 + ], + [ + "洋次", + -16.06574821472168 + ], + [ + "NIE", + -15.446499824523926 + ], + [ + "マリアン", + -16.166419982910156 + ], + [ + "リジン", + -16.816673278808594 + ], + [ + "レイコ", + -16.36268424987793 + ], + [ + "ぎやはぎ", + -16.290128707885742 + ], + [ + "タペストリー", + -17.075733184814453 + ], + [ + "プレリュード", + -16.376728057861328 + ], + [ + "インフィニット", + -16.46242332458496 + ], + [ + "ヘッジホッグ", + -16.546804428100586 + ], + [ + "幕僚監部", + -16.503231048583984 + ], + [ + "言い表せ", + -19.22588539123535 + ], + [ + "ヨネックス", + -17.18757438659668 + ], + [ + "experi", + -16.558626174926758 + ], + [ + "NT", + -18.929338455200195 + ], + [ + "臼歯", + -18.022727966308594 + ], + [ + "ルブラン", + -16.689664840698242 + ], + [ + "さみしい", + -17.951366424560547 + ], + [ + "盲導", + -16.75477409362793 + ], + [ + "乗り遅れ", + -18.009061813354492 + ], + [ + "突き付け", + -18.302122116088867 + ], + [ + "取り換え", + -17.941335678100586 + ], + [ + "ハイネック", + -18.877582550048828 + ], + [ + "USH", + -14.930526733398438 + ], + [ + "スリリング", + -17.779993057250977 + ], + [ + "朝鮮総", + -17.62221336364746 + ], + [ + "コンマ", + -17.39824867248535 + ], + [ + "ジャパンラグビー", + -16.23076820373535 + ], + [ + "二枚", + -16.213626861572266 + ], + [ + "ジキ", + -16.74188804626465 + ], + [ + "ルイーゼ", + -16.870269775390625 + ], + [ + "Fitch", + -15.491541862487791 + ], + [ + "サット", + -16.753631591796875 + ], + [ + "ロッタ", + -16.450363159179688 + ], + [ + "シャルム", + -17.686378479003906 + ], + [ + "フィズ", + -16.418373107910156 + ], + [ + "三叉", + -16.848880767822266 + ], + [ + "cute", + -15.507822036743164 + ], + [ + "慣ら", + -18.73126983642578 + ], + [ + "オカダ", + -16.87866973876953 + ], + [ + "テクス", + -16.337709426879883 + ], + [ + "jA", + -16.08678436279297 + ], + [ + "カズマ", + -16.774158477783203 + ], + [ + "LIE", + -14.897170066833496 + ], + [ + "ダリー", + -16.82247543334961 + ], + [ + "ヌィ", + -16.665870666503906 + ], + [ + "白糸", + -16.57521629333496 + ], + [ + "御成", + -16.341550827026367 + ], + [ + "インテ", + -16.756118774414062 + ], + [ + "まくれ", + -17.967281341552734 + ], + [ + "エンゲルス", + -16.901369094848633 + ], + [ + "の瀬", + -16.50148582458496 + ], + [ + "ナニワ", + -16.393016815185547 + ], + [ + "Burg", + -15.520424842834473 + ], + [ + "ERIA", + -16.0000057220459 + ], + [ + "AWARD", + -15.97153377532959 + ], + [ + "tres", + -14.736157417297363 + ], + [ + "すりゃ", + -18.68438148498535 + ], + [ + "ジッド", + -17.166677474975586 + ], + [ + "トリックス", + -16.934545516967773 + ], + [ + "踏み出せ", + -18.838232040405273 + ], + [ + "SI", + -18.395883560180664 + ], + [ + ",-", + -13.308733940124512 + ], + [ + "sakura", + -16.51367950439453 + ], + [ + "BEA", + -14.950547218322754 + ], + [ + "キュレーション", + -17.51738739013672 + ], + [ + "なつき", + -15.750493049621582 + ], + [ + "Mystery", + -16.47736930847168 + ], + [ + "バコバコ", + -17.65160369873047 + ], + [ + "モンペリエ", + -16.151508331298828 + ], + [ + "慶応義塾", + -16.88117790222168 + ], + [ + "ドネツク", + -16.64963722229004 + ], + [ + "ルイガノ", + -20.15288543701172 + ], + [ + "酪", + -16.96649742126465 + ], + [ + "デストロイヤー", + -16.5465145111084 + ], + [ + "ユリシーズ", + -16.793861389160156 + ], + [ + "タイトリスト", + -18.381752014160156 + ], + [ + "尚志", + -15.96066188812256 + ], + [ + "タフト", + -17.374723434448242 + ], + [ + "長堀", + -16.48593521118164 + ], + [ + "クリエ", + -16.26280403137207 + ], + [ + "リブート", + -16.261882781982422 + ], + [ + "Leonard", + -16.03536605834961 + ], + [ + "由梨", + -15.70514678955078 + ], + [ + "HILL", + -15.467172622680664 + ], + [ + "歌い上げ", + -18.182146072387695 + ], + [ + "リノコ", + -19.117273330688477 + ], + [ + "寒暖", + -18.653215408325195 + ], + [ + "ヤンマー", + -15.93691062927246 + ], + [ + "汚水", + -17.109323501586914 + ], + [ + "給与法", + -19.53287124633789 + ], + [ + "コマンドー", + -16.42085075378418 + ], + [ + "別紙", + -17.74291229248047 + ], + [ + "カケル", + -16.844934463500977 + ], + [ + "オーストラリアン", + -16.499414443969727 + ], + [ + "手ご", + -18.2591552734375 + ], + [ + "リーブス", + -16.281862258911133 + ], + [ + "あたらしい", + -16.66311264038086 + ], + [ + "ヨイ", + -16.39207649230957 + ], + [ + "ファイテン", + -17.894020080566406 + ], + [ + "塩浜", + -16.635576248168945 + ], + [ + "シウバ", + -16.676193237304688 + ], + [ + "奨学生", + -16.735851287841797 + ], + [ + "きこう", + -16.216754913330078 + ], + [ + "御代", + -16.763370513916016 + ], + [ + "ロヴァ", + -16.59261131286621 + ], + [ + "北都", + -15.864567756652832 + ], + [ + "ドラグーン", + -16.410844802856445 + ], + [ + "アマン", + -16.641128540039062 + ], + [ + "デイモン", + -16.65701675415039 + ], + [ + "リロ", + -15.981513023376465 + ], + [ + "バング", + -17.094234466552734 + ], + [ + "入母屋", + -17.377696990966797 + ], + [ + "めき", + -15.72568416595459 + ], + [ + "ジョディ", + -16.7275447845459 + ], + [ + "サンスター", + -16.620027542114258 + ], + [ + "ヨメ", + -16.894126892089844 + ], + [ + "ANA", + -19.182756423950195 + ], + [ + "気道", + -17.080331802368164 + ], + [ + "パカ", + -16.515897750854492 + ], + [ + "痛めつけ", + -17.89992332458496 + ], + [ + "ドゥーム", + -16.62100601196289 + ], + [ + "チーフス", + -15.841626167297363 + ], + [ + "BRT", + -14.791603088378906 + ], + [ + "エチ", + -16.940282821655273 + ], + [ + "COMPANY", + -16.4244327545166 + ], + [ + "GALLERY", + -15.851710319519045 + ], + [ + "スフィンクス", + -16.7839298248291 + ], + [ + "ドタキャン", + -18.747406005859375 + ], + [ + "カウフマン", + -16.609237670898438 + ], + [ + "こうとうがっこう", + -15.35418701171875 + ], + [ + "グルノーブル", + -16.41986083984375 + ], + [ + "メレンゲ", + -16.35649871826172 + ], + [ + "シークエンス", + -17.156635284423828 + ], + [ + "マヨルカ", + -16.48861312866211 + ], + [ + "カワセミ", + -16.64127540588379 + ], + [ + "バンパイア", + -16.13890266418457 + ], + [ + "〜(", + -12.495745658874512 + ], + [ + "卑弥", + -16.745763778686523 + ], + [ + "ゴボウ", + -17.534452438354492 + ], + [ + "ブラウンズ", + -16.49266815185547 + ], + [ + "ヴィーガン", + -17.926116943359375 + ], + [ + "クランクイン", + -17.899616241455078 + ], + [ + "ハーフタイム", + -16.988168716430664 + ], + [ + "ラビッツ", + -16.164596557617188 + ], + [ + "フォークランド", + -16.53647232055664 + ], + [ + "+、", + -17.366954803466797 + ], + [ + "ホットライン", + -16.5390567779541 + ], + [ + "ニコール", + -16.537525177001953 + ], + [ + "雲雀", + -16.319095611572266 + ], + [ + "ホルスター", + -17.8564395904541 + ], + [ + "ルーラ", + -16.695682525634766 + ], + [ + "読み替え", + -18.10687255859375 + ], + [ + "コルネ", + -16.706928253173828 + ], + [ + "uns", + -13.329398155212402 + ], + [ + "羅針", + -16.732261657714844 + ], + [ + "サルサ", + -16.68926239013672 + ], + [ + "武市", + -16.356943130493164 + ], + [ + "ラゴン", + -16.794801712036133 + ], + [ + "Liber", + -15.974546432495115 + ], + [ + "ブウ", + -16.97525978088379 + ], + [ + "リティー", + -17.200603485107422 + ], + [ + "ssistant", + -15.099207878112791 + ], + [ + "平方キロ", + -17.23158836364746 + ], + [ + "ドゥク", + -16.440980911254883 + ], + [ + "逆さま", + -17.53215980529785 + ], + [ + "ダミエ", + -18.615718841552734 + ], + [ + "高鍋", + -16.02490997314453 + ], + [ + "ルーサー", + -16.198598861694336 + ], + [ + "ディーヴァ", + -16.646074295043945 + ], + [ + "Dyna", + -15.534687995910645 + ], + [ + "チャプ", + -16.489477157592773 + ], + [ + "LPG", + -15.3021821975708 + ], + [ + "ツイル", + -18.9642333984375 + ], + [ + "サオ", + -16.448549270629883 + ], + [ + "ück", + -15.287504196166992 + ], + [ + "ストレンジ", + -16.020305633544922 + ], + [ + "digi", + -15.130107879638672 + ], + [ + "ひゃく", + -16.19718360900879 + ], + [ + "勤交", + -17.196550369262695 + ], + [ + "レーヴ", + -16.844160079956055 + ], + [ + "KAZU", + -16.165128707885742 + ], + [ + "Abe", + -16.375511169433594 + ], + [ + "Nie", + -16.17220115661621 + ], + [ + "えな", + -15.956480979919434 + ], + [ + "ダッカ", + -16.563661575317383 + ], + [ + "閻", + -16.873756408691406 + ], + [ + "回天", + -16.83726692199707 + ], + [ + "シュヴァーベン", + -16.632322311401367 + ], + [ + "プノンペン", + -16.58707046508789 + ], + [ + "湯布院", + -16.809717178344727 + ], + [ + "ディメンション", + -16.367483139038086 + ], + [ + "ドストエフスキー", + -16.864044189453125 + ], + [ + "ドヴォルザーク", + -16.785722732543945 + ], + [ + "シベリウス", + -16.69481658935547 + ], + [ + "ビクビク", + -18.492576599121097 + ], + [ + "KYOTO", + -16.598251342773438 + ], + [ + "ヨドバシカメラ", + -17.021488189697266 + ], + [ + "ビョン", + -16.195974349975586 + ], + [ + "OUTLET", + -17.089031219482422 + ], + [ + "ゼイン", + -16.910032272338867 + ], + [ + "Virus", + -16.450090408325195 + ], + [ + "Sunny", + -15.808003425598145 + ], + [ + "INAX", + -16.81479835510254 + ], + [ + "バースデイ", + -16.247343063354492 + ], + [ + "エミリオ", + -16.398208618164062 + ], + [ + "リダイレクト", + -17.611366271972656 + ], + [ + "アーヴィング", + -16.522891998291016 + ], + [ + "マキナ", + -16.662525177001953 + ], + [ + "ビーグル", + -16.68657684326172 + ], + [ + "ドラゴンクエスト", + -14.916948318481444 + ], + [ + "ポッキー", + -16.666954040527344 + ], + [ + "地権", + -17.218711853027344 + ], + [ + "セイロン", + -16.660192489624023 + ], + [ + "三里塚", + -16.879383087158203 + ], + [ + "引っ込み", + -17.608230590820312 + ], + [ + "ゲーリー", + -16.38066291809082 + ], + [ + "><", + -17.501663208007812 + ], + [ + "南日本", + -15.53412628173828 + ], + [ + "チェックアウト", + -17.299833297729492 + ], + [ + "乗りこな", + -18.419275283813477 + ], + [ + "良雄", + -16.09188461303711 + ], + [ + "オーロ", + -16.48184585571289 + ], + [ + "詠み", + -17.37749671936035 + ], + [ + "LOUD", + -15.252655982971191 + ], + [ + "御室", + -16.296573638916016 + ], + [ + "トチ", + -17.03217887878418 + ], + [ + "ホームドラマ", + -15.53810977935791 + ], + [ + "エライ", + -17.626134872436523 + ], + [ + "アスラ", + -16.0145320892334 + ], + [ + "Opti", + -15.720311164855955 + ], + [ + "静内", + -16.594406127929688 + ], + [ + "こぼ", + -17.169565200805664 + ], + [ + "ろうじ", + -19.700685501098633 + ], + [ + "思いがけ", + -17.603988647460938 + ], + [ + "受入れ", + -17.795242309570312 + ], + [ + "IRI", + -15.411540031433104 + ], + [ + "〃)", + -18.238292694091797 + ], + [ + "ミーン", + -16.878704071044922 + ], + [ + "Treasure", + -15.94892120361328 + ], + [ + "ANDS", + -15.74873161315918 + ], + [ + "ゅうか", + -18.87971305847168 + ], + [ + "大漁", + -16.853317260742188 + ], + [ + "福光", + -16.241214752197266 + ], + [ + "堀部", + -16.10295867919922 + ], + [ + "イリア", + -16.40229034423828 + ], + [ + "ギュー", + -16.826906204223633 + ], + [ + "GTS", + -15.658714294433594 + ], + [ + "iF", + -14.752714157104492 + ], + [ + "ニュート", + -17.17659568786621 + ], + [ + "文通", + -17.455936431884766 + ], + [ + "あつま", + -17.211910247802734 + ], + [ + "ティティ", + -16.967166900634766 + ], + [ + "奪え", + -17.8269100189209 + ], + [ + "Kita", + -16.93656349182129 + ], + [ + "偽証", + -17.497941970825195 + ], + [ + "曰", + -17.262535095214844 + ], + [ + "Harris", + -15.768492698669434 + ], + [ + "||-||", + -16.032756805419922 + ], + [ + "Radeon", + -16.096939086914062 + ], + [ + "メサイア", + -16.254789352416992 + ], + [ + "五城目", + -16.929859161376953 + ], + [ + "シャングリラ", + -16.433609008789062 + ], + [ + "SHARP", + -15.173384666442873 + ], + [ + "バイロイト", + -16.63178825378418 + ], + [ + "cDNA", + -18.033357620239254 + ], + [ + "曾根", + -16.531280517578125 + ], + [ + "軟らか", + -18.19318199157715 + ], + [ + "バンザイ", + -16.449687957763672 + ], + [ + "パパイヤ", + -16.64527130126953 + ], + [ + "Scar", + -15.834565162658691 + ], + [ + "Alone", + -15.812442779541016 + ], + [ + "カレイ", + -16.685264587402344 + ], + [ + "ベルナル", + -17.072763442993164 + ], + [ + "IVB", + -15.894180297851562 + ], + [ + "THER", + -14.506234169006348 + ], + [ + "オーディン", + -16.24260711669922 + ], + [ + "Kaz", + -15.731301307678224 + ], + [ + "花房", + -16.361297607421875 + ], + [ + "ZAWA", + -16.522258758544922 + ], + [ + "宝寺", + -16.086763381958008 + ], + [ + "パーソ", + -17.96101951599121 + ], + [ + "・・・・", + -16.125972747802734 + ], + [ + "スタートライン", + -17.08281707763672 + ], + [ + "ナンド", + -16.925277709960938 + ], + [ + "Cass", + -15.258564949035645 + ], + [ + "ナヴァ", + -16.742942810058594 + ], + [ + "EDT", + -16.028244018554688 + ], + [ + "橋西", + -16.667312622070312 + ], + [ + "ウシュ", + -16.605682373046875 + ], + [ + "Biblio", + -15.677568435668944 + ], + [ + "Brother", + -15.82210636138916 + ], + [ + "張り巡ら", + -17.976154327392578 + ], + [ + "モンズ", + -16.786840438842773 + ], + [ + "マニュ", + -16.777362823486328 + ], + [ + "ハーマン", + -15.814659118652344 + ], + [ + "じけん", + -16.402725219726562 + ], + [ + "オナー", + -16.2426815032959 + ], + [ + "ション", + -18.928218841552734 + ], + [ + "ディオス", + -16.80034828186035 + ], + [ + "+)", + -16.819299697875977 + ], + [ + "チュード", + -16.904438018798828 + ], + [ + ">「", + -20.632301330566406 + ], + [ + "'.", + -12.17596435546875 + ], + [ + "魚屋", + -16.63030433654785 + ], + [ + "ペク", + -16.333452224731445 + ], + [ + ":]", + -14.902008056640623 + ], + [ + "アルフ", + -16.257112503051758 + ], + [ + "ひろき", + -16.307857513427734 + ], + [ + "Retriev", + -15.387452125549316 + ], + [ + "アメイジング", + -16.583696365356445 + ], + [ + "オンプレミス", + -18.550737380981445 + ], + [ + "ドスケベ", + -17.351184844970703 + ], + [ + "ハーレクイン", + -16.486902236938477 + ], + [ + "ベジタブル", + -17.285985946655273 + ], + [ + "レオタード", + -17.416452407836914 + ], + [ + "リベルタドーレス", + -16.542728424072266 + ], + [ + "リンポチェ", + -19.033897399902344 + ], + [ + "見苦し", + -18.954973220825195 + ], + [ + "サラマンダー", + -16.091421127319336 + ], + [ + "マスカッツ", + -16.023494720458984 + ], + [ + "コンベヤ", + -18.112375259399418 + ], + [ + "gular", + -16.066925048828125 + ], + [ + "セドナ", + -17.893762588500977 + ], + [ + "クリッパーズ", + -16.40669822692871 + ], + [ + "Fresh", + -15.061457633972168 + ], + [ + "バイキン", + -16.20064926147461 + ], + [ + "ボルン", + -16.97647476196289 + ], + [ + "Tee", + -15.95505142211914 + ], + [ + "文教大学", + -15.67414665222168 + ], + [ + "フェデ", + -16.106489181518555 + ], + [ + "マイネル", + -16.714427947998047 + ], + [ + "駒井", + -16.351102828979492 + ], + [ + "若杉", + -16.364118576049805 + ], + [ + "クロコ", + -17.491764068603516 + ], + [ + "イイ", + -19.53406524658203 + ], + [ + "多喜", + -16.486799240112305 + ], + [ + "トレカ", + -17.664880752563477 + ], + [ + "研ぎ", + -18.200149536132812 + ], + [ + "プリプリ", + -17.302623748779297 + ], + [ + "ロックオン", + -16.337791442871094 + ], + [ + "ちばし", + -17.28696060180664 + ], + [ + "ギンス", + -16.9273624420166 + ], + [ + "ネツ", + -16.5700740814209 + ], + [ + "巴里", + -16.256444931030273 + ], + [ + "UKE", + -16.496000289916992 + ], + [ + "ラオウ", + -17.252098083496094 + ], + [ + "TOC", + -14.450309753417969 + ], + [ + "小鹿", + -16.183027267456055 + ], + [ + "まさこ", + -16.168338775634766 + ], + [ + "家宝", + -17.25603675842285 + ], + [ + "森町", + -15.675251960754396 + ], + [ + "Imagin", + -15.618927001953123 + ], + [ + "ひそ", + -16.71274185180664 + ], + [ + "ペックス", + -17.062847137451172 + ], + [ + "利一", + -16.241743087768555 + ], + [ + "導体", + -17.165315628051758 + ], + [ + "ティップ", + -16.962068557739258 + ], + [ + "ボルド", + -17.056915283203125 + ], + [ + "佐治", + -16.405719757080078 + ], + [ + "ツアラー", + -17.941699981689453 + ], + [ + "イダー", + -16.08358383178711 + ], + [ + "保志", + -15.934610366821287 + ], + [ + "県政", + -16.03729820251465 + ], + [ + "TVQ", + -16.167095184326172 + ], + [ + "アフィリ", + -18.603832244873047 + ], + [ + "Oa", + -15.992438316345217 + ], + [ + "Huawei", + -17.261686325073242 + ], + [ + "メデューサ", + -16.93192481994629 + ], + [ + "ぽかぽか", + -17.174827575683594 + ], + [ + "アートネイチャー", + -17.213125228881836 + ], + [ + "トリーバーチ", + -19.25151634216309 + ], + [ + "ステートメント", + -17.05424690246582 + ], + [ + "Sunset", + -16.22233772277832 + ], + [ + "GoPro", + -17.324634552001953 + ], + [ + "ベイル", + -16.865596771240234 + ], + [ + "ザナ", + -17.028547286987305 + ], + [ + "ビューイング", + -16.874486923217773 + ], + [ + "ジジイ", + -17.97895050048828 + ], + [ + "Russell", + -15.730969429016112 + ], + [ + "Iz", + -14.613932609558104 + ], + [ + "Liberty", + -15.825424194335938 + ], + [ + "シュア", + -16.39470100402832 + ], + [ + "エッフェル", + -17.253917694091797 + ], + [ + "Jerry", + -15.38486671447754 + ], + [ + "SaaS", + -16.386554718017578 + ], + [ + "サブカル", + -16.843353271484375 + ], + [ + "ウィラ", + -16.606496810913086 + ], + [ + "!~", + -16.67551040649414 + ], + [ + "アーリア", + -16.798967361450195 + ], + [ + "せんだい", + -16.557859420776367 + ], + [ + "取替え", + -17.847726821899414 + ], + [ + "ZRR", + -19.667638778686523 + ], + [ + "ヴィリ", + -16.490039825439453 + ], + [ + "ニャック", + -16.939373016357422 + ], + [ + "ファミマ", + -18.000743865966797 + ], + [ + "さわり", + -17.424781799316406 + ], + [ + "イード", + -17.07227897644043 + ], + [ + "メトリー", + -16.977933883666992 + ], + [ + "骨組", + -18.272563934326172 + ], + [ + "TEA", + -15.15525245666504 + ], + [ + "権兵衛", + -16.887413024902344 + ], + [ + "Combat", + -15.372248649597168 + ], + [ + "古び", + -18.127281188964844 + ], + [ + "WTB", + -15.860596656799316 + ], + [ + "ッチェ", + -16.977930068969727 + ], + [ + "保土", + -16.563919067382812 + ], + [ + "アムト", + -17.192169189453125 + ], + [ + "UJ", + -16.2557373046875 + ], + [ + "垂れ下が", + -18.01695251464844 + ], + [ + "スンナ", + -17.02718162536621 + ], + [ + "ベド", + -16.440343856811523 + ], + [ + "践", + -17.390911102294922 + ], + [ + "若葉台", + -16.684345245361328 + ], + [ + "alk", + -14.67297077178955 + ], + [ + "ヨク", + -16.77838134765625 + ], + [ + "長吉", + -16.604019165039062 + ], + [ + "QUO", + -15.444284439086914 + ], + [ + "ぎこち", + -18.324539184570312 + ], + [ + "プロメテウス", + -16.679798126220703 + ], + [ + "ミモザ", + -16.713056564331055 + ], + [ + "取り押さえ", + -17.821012496948242 + ], + [ + "トルストイ", + -16.48971939086914 + ], + [ + "ヴィスコンティ", + -16.738191604614258 + ], + [ + "Defense", + -14.642260551452637 + ], + [ + "ジェノサイド", + -16.403339385986328 + ], + [ + "エドゥアルド", + -16.33851432800293 + ], + [ + "アポクリン", + -19.018657684326172 + ], + [ + "Sunshine", + -16.112333297729492 + ], + [ + "Jason", + -15.138376235961914 + ], + [ + "吟遊", + -16.737592697143555 + ], + [ + "第一生命", + -16.336421966552734 + ], + [ + "ヴィタ", + -16.675151824951172 + ], + [ + "ワイルダー", + -16.469085693359375 + ], + [ + "インストーラ", + -17.867830276489258 + ], + [ + "クテ", + -16.925151824951172 + ], + [ + "暗渠", + -16.665298461914062 + ], + [ + "デサント", + -17.69133949279785 + ], + [ + "セレクター", + -17.028623580932617 + ], + [ + "蓮寺", + -15.765623092651367 + ], + [ + "バレッタ", + -17.12409782409668 + ], + [ + "KOH", + -16.085697174072266 + ], + [ + " ̄▽ ̄)", + -19.46030616760254 + ], + [ + "スチル", + -15.75520133972168 + ], + [ + "イサム", + -16.44677734375 + ], + [ + "読谷", + -17.43025016784668 + ], + [ + "OO", + -19.301319122314453 + ], + [ + "せっけ", + -17.477174758911133 + ], + [ + "堅田", + -16.44133186340332 + ], + [ + "着水", + -17.25902557373047 + ], + [ + "中日新聞", + -15.477535247802734 + ], + [ + "ディド", + -16.897356033325195 + ], + [ + "ジニ", + -16.751522064208984 + ], + [ + "Klein", + -16.329198837280273 + ], + [ + "tou", + -14.332362174987791 + ], + [ + "エスター", + -16.620784759521484 + ], + [ + "ドレン", + -17.442384719848633 + ], + [ + "バウト", + -16.520366668701172 + ], + [ + "Crown", + -16.020963668823242 + ], + [ + "ラディン", + -16.90502166748047 + ], + [ + "ホト", + -16.61256980895996 + ], + [ + "Git", + -15.009448051452637 + ], + [ + "kd", + -14.000117301940918 + ], + [ + "アニス", + -16.821252822875977 + ], + [ + "Andy", + -15.20239543914795 + ], + [ + "カーデ", + -17.647506713867188 + ], + [ + "ふらん", + -15.532623291015623 + ], + [ + "あぶら", + -17.06195831298828 + ], + [ + "SRAC", + -17.173025131225586 + ], + [ + "ハモ", + -17.06742286682129 + ], + [ + "villa", + -14.734756469726562 + ], + [ + "涯", + -16.765853881835938 + ], + [ + "光風", + -16.255861282348633 + ], + [ + "キュリー", + -16.592180252075195 + ], + [ + "orb", + -14.278371810913086 + ], + [ + "ボツ", + -17.713016510009766 + ], + [ + "ムフ", + -17.20979118347168 + ], + [ + "落石", + -17.22482681274414 + ], + [ + "Ian", + -15.29836082458496 + ], + [ + "フェルス", + -16.689306259155273 + ], + [ + "ルスキ", + -17.105426788330078 + ], + [ + "ヘド", + -16.792156219482422 + ], + [ + "アーデン", + -17.087650299072266 + ], + [ + "建売", + -18.36989974975586 + ], + [ + "クリエイターズ", + -16.68033218383789 + ], + [ + "カラブリア", + -16.304758071899414 + ], + [ + "リベル", + -16.597070693969727 + ], + [ + "引きずり込", + -17.649276733398438 + ], + [ + "SEAL", + -15.205594062805176 + ], + [ + "ボンバルディア", + -16.49375343322754 + ], + [ + "シュルレアリスム", + -16.81210708618164 + ], + [ + "ナッサウ", + -16.643526077270508 + ], + [ + "プライマリ", + -17.417884826660156 + ], + [ + "しゃべれ", + -17.723440170288086 + ], + [ + "アッシリア", + -16.00591278076172 + ], + [ + "ハリネズミ", + -16.60548973083496 + ], + [ + "小名浜", + -16.381620407104492 + ], + [ + "オリヴィア", + -16.454160690307617 + ], + [ + "向原", + -16.600027084350586 + ], + [ + "ベッカム", + -17.076675415039062 + ], + [ + "ヘッドレスト", + -18.425283432006836 + ], + [ + "メーガン", + -17.253189086914062 + ], + [ + "うろつ", + -18.333356857299805 + ], + [ + "スルホン", + -16.110185623168945 + ], + [ + "モンテビデオ", + -15.909893989562988 + ], + [ + "御社", + -18.82607650756836 + ], + [ + "ゆりか", + -15.67061996459961 + ], + [ + "クロフト", + -16.568294525146484 + ], + [ + " ,.", + -19.23725128173828 + ], + [ + "やり過ご", + -18.476945877075195 + ], + [ + "ドヴィ", + -16.834392547607422 + ], + [ + "クリプト", + -16.490753173828125 + ], + [ + "ダモ", + -16.79723358154297 + ], + [ + "メトリ", + -17.59551429748535 + ], + [ + "(←", + -18.085617065429688 + ], + [ + "ウスター", + -16.535852432250977 + ], + [ + "報徳", + -16.380163192749023 + ], + [ + "tage", + -14.598562240600586 + ], + [ + "ヌーベル", + -16.453962326049805 + ], + [ + "音更", + -16.31266975402832 + ], + [ + "TOPS", + -16.235227584838867 + ], + [ + "labo", + -16.65566062927246 + ], + [ + "Lag", + -14.585933685302734 + ], + [ + "サッチャー", + -16.818706512451172 + ], + [ + "ビンタ", + -17.030691146850586 + ], + [ + "スヌー", + -17.016328811645508 + ], + [ + "Nations", + -16.81791114807129 + ], + [ + "奪い返", + -18.05717658996582 + ], + [ + "プルート", + -16.43480682373047 + ], + [ + "倉沢", + -16.843570709228516 + ], + [ + "ウント", + -17.047672271728516 + ], + [ + "セピア", + -16.568527221679688 + ], + [ + "ナルディ", + -17.065038681030273 + ], + [ + "rederick", + -16.717256546020508 + ], + [ + "疋", + -17.197734832763672 + ], + [ + "花台", + -16.34156036376953 + ], + [ + "九十九", + -15.458717346191406 + ], + [ + "桐朋", + -16.475858688354492 + ], + [ + "臆", + -17.969083786010742 + ], + [ + "カベルネ", + -18.11453628540039 + ], + [ + "大寺", + -16.564456939697266 + ], + [ + "vuitton", + -18.92027282714844 + ], + [ + "Ludwig", + -16.462186813354492 + ], + [ + "ラボラトリー", + -16.48396110534668 + ], + [ + "バリケード", + -17.531627655029297 + ], + [ + "ポリペプチド", + -18.50354385375977 + ], + [ + "ピニオン", + -17.3356990814209 + ], + [ + "勇払", + -16.949729919433594 + ], + [ + "オフショア", + -17.29050064086914 + ], + [ + "煮詰め", + -18.248123168945312 + ], + [ + "Bitter", + -16.264354705810547 + ], + [ + "ろくな", + -18.453044891357425 + ], + [ + "fod", + -15.632411003112791 + ], + [ + "とおし", + -18.23450088500977 + ], + [ + "井関", + -16.42470932006836 + ], + [ + "バーバー", + -16.534212112426758 + ], + [ + "サーク", + -16.55763053894043 + ], + [ + "けち", + -17.295711517333984 + ], + [ + "ファビオ", + -16.563508987426758 + ], + [ + "勝平", + -15.693878173828123 + ], + [ + "丸尾", + -15.990713119506836 + ], + [ + "ニャンコ", + -17.735414505004883 + ], + [ + "柿原", + -16.11127471923828 + ], + [ + "ダウト", + -16.25182342529297 + ], + [ + "ロボコン", + -16.32986831665039 + ], + [ + "リュス", + -16.80990219116211 + ], + [ + "OHA", + -16.13145637512207 + ], + [ + "小塚", + -16.616920471191406 + ], + [ + "ナパ", + -17.47988510131836 + ], + [ + "ほれ", + -17.133323669433594 + ], + [ + "ウィンドウズ", + -18.04536247253418 + ], + [ + "Mess", + -15.746511459350586 + ], + [ + "ヒエ", + -16.872940063476562 + ], + [ + "憧", + -16.8066349029541 + ], + [ + "メイツ", + -16.46031951904297 + ], + [ + "ホールディング", + -17.048908233642578 + ], + [ + "ハイエナ", + -16.974538803100586 + ], + [ + "パーチ", + -17.087533950805664 + ], + [ + "エムシー", + -16.96190643310547 + ], + [ + "Lap", + -15.191582679748535 + ], + [ + "ユビ", + -16.509336471557617 + ], + [ + "hilosoph", + -15.947746276855469 + ], + [ + "双眼", + -18.49420738220215 + ], + [ + "ダード", + -16.86486053466797 + ], + [ + "ディレイ", + -17.59922218322754 + ], + [ + "連歌", + -16.808774948120117 + ], + [ + "細江", + -16.38753318786621 + ], + [ + "北岡", + -16.456567764282227 + ], + [ + "sawa", + -15.152826309204102 + ], + [ + "Tak", + -15.708712577819824 + ], + [ + "RIM", + -15.419533729553224 + ], + [ + "クレンズ", + -18.686918258666992 + ], + [ + "ゲットー", + -16.754810333251953 + ], + [ + "℃)", + -18.044185638427734 + ], + [ + "???", + -16.845060348510742 + ], + [ + "アイメイク", + -19.124902725219727 + ], + [ + "ょうか", + -14.285910606384276 + ], + [ + "ほど遠", + -18.393945693969727 + ], + [ + "シープ", + -16.726364135742188 + ], + [ + "ポプリ", + -16.517271041870117 + ], + [ + "ティヌス", + -17.204696655273438 + ], + [ + "ONY", + -14.96858024597168 + ], + [ + "ubb", + -15.02369785308838 + ], + [ + "だかんだ", + -18.847795486450195 + ], + [ + "FRIENDS", + -15.671950340270996 + ], + [ + "Watson", + -16.25354766845703 + ], + [ + "ぷるぷる", + -17.849275588989258 + ], + [ + "アストゥリアス", + -15.906209945678713 + ], + [ + "ボルダリング", + -17.130905151367188 + ], + [ + "キングギドラ", + -16.64451026916504 + ], + [ + "ミルキィホームズ", + -16.05443572998047 + ], + [ + "ロッテオリオンズ", + -16.265810012817383 + ], + [ + "ランシルヴァニア", + -16.78563117980957 + ], + [ + "よじ登", + -18.31646156311035 + ], + [ + "ナルシスト", + -17.35538673400879 + ], + [ + "ロウソク", + -17.68817710876465 + ], + [ + "コンスタンティン", + -16.40245246887207 + ], + [ + "ヤングアニマル", + -16.17047882080078 + ], + [ + "わきまえ", + -18.498828887939453 + ], + [ + "アレコレ", + -17.94281768798828 + ], + [ + "地所", + -16.809955596923828 + ], + [ + "六道", + -16.62293815612793 + ], + [ + "美幌", + -16.358314514160156 + ], + [ + "ブレシア", + -15.886683464050291 + ], + [ + "柳橋", + -16.457754135131836 + ], + [ + "由希", + -16.12619400024414 + ], + [ + "Victory", + -16.104373931884766 + ], + [ + "ルーチン", + -17.252363204956055 + ], + [ + "いばらき", + -16.464439392089844 + ], + [ + "INGS", + -14.381146430969238 + ], + [ + "コダック", + -16.357757568359375 + ], + [ + "アミール", + -16.68608283996582 + ], + [ + "カラテ", + -16.483360290527344 + ], + [ + "einer", + -15.624101638793944 + ], + [ + "鷹山", + -16.67228126525879 + ], + [ + "Ava", + -16.094144821166992 + ], + [ + "-、", + -18.71843910217285 + ], + [ + "; ", + -22.852691650390625 + ], + [ + "ツツ", + -17.34085464477539 + ], + [ + "切り刻", + -17.630828857421875 + ], + [ + "amel", + -14.741106986999512 + ], + [ + "沙也", + -16.29083824157715 + ], + [ + "KI", + -18.526351928710938 + ], + [ + "BEAST", + -15.80522918701172 + ], + [ + "御岳", + -16.731016159057617 + ], + [ + "ジバン", + -17.31808090209961 + ], + [ + "インカム", + -17.36939811706543 + ], + [ + "スピーク", + -16.195463180541992 + ], + [ + "マンホール", + -16.651405334472656 + ], + [ + "ノーブル", + -16.375057220458984 + ], + [ + "TEEN", + -15.014602661132812 + ], + [ + "ヨゼフ", + -16.479726791381836 + ], + [ + "明野", + -16.512828826904297 + ], + [ + "工業団地", + -14.46807098388672 + ], + [ + "chs", + -14.553582191467283 + ], + [ + "取り去", + -18.17101287841797 + ], + [ + "ピーターズ", + -16.32743263244629 + ], + [ + "BEMANI", + -16.0510311126709 + ], + [ + "LUMINE", + -17.99677276611328 + ], + [ + "Nagoya", + -17.1680850982666 + ], + [ + "OLYMPUS", + -17.880022048950195 + ], + [ + "ホライズン", + -16.6463680267334 + ], + [ + "したたか", + -17.745830535888672 + ], + [ + "ブランズウィック", + -16.570436477661133 + ], + [ + "振り絞", + -18.58337783813477 + ], + [ + "WOMEN", + -16.502880096435547 + ], + [ + "ビクトル", + -16.463224411010742 + ], + [ + "プチギフト", + -19.40030288696289 + ], + [ + "RUGB", + -16.6772403717041 + ], + [ + "フィオナ", + -16.621145248413086 + ], + [ + "ブロードキャスト", + -16.922433853149414 + ], + [ + "プリペイドカード", + -16.671951293945312 + ], + [ + "グレイテスト", + -16.448070526123047 + ], + [ + "かじっ", + -19.9173641204834 + ], + [ + "ギャバン", + -16.400726318359375 + ], + [ + "ロウズ", + -16.786422729492188 + ], + [ + "長篠", + -17.099903106689453 + ], + [ + "...★", + -19.43686866760254 + ], + [ + "スタブ", + -16.332765579223633 + ], + [ + "バンディ", + -16.35143280029297 + ], + [ + "ふわり", + -17.002151489257812 + ], + [ + "東中野", + -16.833589553833008 + ], + [ + "Lights", + -13.877678871154783 + ], + [ + "びまん", + -18.082263946533203 + ], + [ + "清末", + -16.534543991088867 + ], + [ + "リロード", + -17.381166458129883 + ], + [ + "ジヨン", + -16.921255111694336 + ], + [ + "リンナイ", + -17.744186401367188 + ], + [ + "オープンカー", + -15.546319007873535 + ], + [ + "Arte", + -15.687519073486328 + ], + [ + "連れ帰", + -17.995084762573242 + ], + [ + "ream", + -16.261680603027344 + ], + [ + "heal", + -14.75427532196045 + ], + [ + "Agri", + -16.226539611816406 + ], + [ + "三軍", + -17.033100128173828 + ], + [ + "男らし", + -18.29708480834961 + ], + [ + "Cher", + -15.393577575683594 + ], + [ + "パウチ", + -17.875503540039062 + ], + [ + "探題", + -17.011512756347656 + ], + [ + "ELE", + -14.13597583770752 + ], + [ + "ふせ", + -16.498632431030273 + ], + [ + "cription", + -16.743749618530273 + ], + [ + "フェノ", + -16.639928817749023 + ], + [ + "oE", + -15.378647804260254 + ], + [ + "清一", + -16.14426612854004 + ], + [ + "antastic", + -16.525922775268555 + ], + [ + "スウェ", + -16.841854095458984 + ], + [ + "美枝", + -16.050405502319336 + ], + [ + "フリオ", + -16.291364669799805 + ], + [ + "硝", + -17.127450942993164 + ], + [ + "Evil", + -15.869983673095703 + ], + [ + "メリークリスマ", + -17.700794219970703 + ], + [ + "ゴータ", + -16.78268051147461 + ], + [ + "波多", + -16.120769500732422 + ], + [ + "QX", + -15.523133277893066 + ], + [ + "南都", + -16.535030364990234 + ], + [ + "ソーシャルシ", + -19.618492126464844 + ], + [ + "――――――――", + -19.225513458251953 + ], + [ + "CIRCUS", + -16.196157455444336 + ], + [ + "Harvard", + -15.545568466186523 + ], + [ + "HiBiKi", + -16.231237411499023 + ], + [ + "Lonely", + -14.819040298461914 + ], + [ + "アポトーシス", + -17.39922332763672 + ], + [ + "霞ヶ関", + -17.068044662475586 + ], + [ + "NTT", + -18.89661026000977 + ], + [ + "エミレーツ", + -16.7525634765625 + ], + [ + "ヒタキ", + -15.96481704711914 + ], + [ + "Essay", + -16.84244728088379 + ], + [ + "YAMATO", + -16.54044532775879 + ], + [ + "Exhibit", + -16.560344696044922 + ], + [ + "Minnes", + -16.06632423400879 + ], + [ + "ブンブン", + -16.557350158691406 + ], + [ + "スティーヴィー", + -16.44536590576172 + ], + [ + "FUNKY", + -16.04058074951172 + ], + [ + "ツバサ", + -16.08978843688965 + ], + [ + "羽幌", + -16.16680145263672 + ], + [ + "イクラ", + -17.408117294311523 + ], + [ + "シェイプアップ", + -17.909637451171875 + ], + [ + "切り換え", + -18.26846694946289 + ], + [ + "Aviation", + -16.315311431884766 + ], + [ + "?』(", + -16.76053237915039 + ], + [ + "マジェスティック", + -16.788888931274414 + ], + [ + "里佳", + -16.036462783813477 + ], + [ + "オハフ", + -16.397676467895508 + ], + [ + "ドゥア", + -16.810665130615234 + ], + [ + "UNT", + -14.913665771484377 + ], + [ + "NTY", + -17.00670623779297 + ], + [ + "ジャマ", + -16.66503143310547 + ], + [ + "カンカン", + -16.522947311401367 + ], + [ + "申し込め", + -19.0466251373291 + ], + [ + "うかがっ", + -19.59672164916992 + ], + [ + "ダークネス", + -15.92356300354004 + ], + [ + "GQ", + -15.06391143798828 + ], + [ + "織りな", + -18.23796272277832 + ], + [ + "マサキ", + -16.569116592407227 + ], + [ + "!!!!!!!!", + -19.847328186035156 + ], + [ + "こうくう", + -16.273969650268555 + ], + [ + "アングロ", + -16.07798957824707 + ], + [ + " │", + -18.448177337646484 + ], + [ + "Ivan", + -15.569823265075684 + ], + [ + "川下", + -16.665451049804688 + ], + [ + "Marco", + -15.429515838623049 + ], + [ + "Bau", + -16.279993057250977 + ], + [ + "寺門", + -16.507308959960938 + ], + [ + "イエン", + -16.467281341552734 + ], + [ + "ICL", + -14.735469818115234 + ], + [ + "GARO", + -16.27037811279297 + ], + [ + "アラレ", + -16.514558792114258 + ], + [ + "びゅ", + -17.236854553222656 + ], + [ + "チンチン", + -17.477235794067383 + ], + [ + "エヴィチ", + -16.978416442871094 + ], + [ + "凍え", + -18.06781578063965 + ], + [ + "授かり", + -17.810232162475586 + ], + [ + "定家", + -16.837505340576172 + ], + [ + "xo", + -13.72497844696045 + ], + [ + "西都", + -16.485403060913086 + ], + [ + "撃ち抜", + -17.55350112915039 + ], + [ + "ニシキ", + -16.32450294494629 + ], + [ + "メンマ", + -18.170225143432617 + ], + [ + "ダクション", + -16.70009422302246 + ], + [ + ".:", + -19.939428329467773 + ], + [ + "カーペンター", + -16.552980422973633 + ], + [ + "GitHub", + -16.376697540283203 + ], + [ + "Pleasure", + -17.11583709716797 + ], + [ + "Nuclear", + -16.020519256591797 + ], + [ + "コニカミノルタ", + -16.32643699645996 + ], + [ + "ィオレンティーナ", + -16.14282989501953 + ], + [ + "蓉", + -15.872576713562012 + ], + [ + "観世音菩薩", + -16.948627471923828 + ], + [ + "KANSAI", + -16.49050521850586 + ], + [ + "お釈迦", + -18.45161247253418 + ], + [ + "ソールズベリー", + -16.92441749572754 + ], + [ + "ベビメタ", + -19.783878326416016 + ], + [ + "スタビライザー", + -17.495098114013672 + ], + [ + "Retina", + -15.96621036529541 + ], + [ + "チェスターコート", + -19.559961318969727 + ], + [ + "Chap", + -15.482381820678713 + ], + [ + "ヒッピー", + -16.985837936401367 + ], + [ + "バム", + -16.609804153442383 + ], + [ + "昭恵", + -18.710708618164062 + ], + [ + "なかつ", + -16.571874618530273 + ], + [ + "トゥーレ", + -17.04210662841797 + ], + [ + "バークリー", + -16.45742416381836 + ], + [ + "御神", + -16.020109176635742 + ], + [ + "クローナル", + -17.214569091796875 + ], + [ + "ピーコック", + -16.899124145507812 + ], + [ + "オリオンズ", + -16.62018585205078 + ], + [ + "Oak", + -15.579462051391602 + ], + [ + "KAMI", + -16.241943359375 + ], + [ + "___", + -18.404436111450195 + ], + [ + "Duck", + -15.25002098083496 + ], + [ + "♪★", + -19.208404541015625 + ], + [ + "DEEN", + -15.76333236694336 + ], + [ + "ドレイン", + -17.308998107910156 + ], + [ + "EXO", + -15.901601791381836 + ], + [ + "ME", + -18.254907608032227 + ], + [ + "ポム", + -16.768640518188477 + ], + [ + "ギラン", + -16.62586212158203 + ], + [ + "江本", + -16.543493270874023 + ], + [ + "ヴィナ", + -16.916500091552734 + ], + [ + "ヤジ", + -17.450796127319336 + ], + [ + "グレタ", + -16.78306007385254 + ], + [ + "ティ", + -18.852764129638672 + ], + [ + "Mou", + -15.722696304321287 + ], + [ + "角線", + -17.3586483001709 + ], + [ + "紙屋", + -16.55866050720215 + ], + [ + "┃ ", + -16.6943359375 + ], + [ + "Letters", + -15.857177734375 + ], + [ + "横瀬", + -16.70071792602539 + ], + [ + "ヴイ", + -17.01250457763672 + ], + [ + "虐め", + -17.996511459350586 + ], + [ + "CUE", + -15.384319305419922 + ], + [ + "ヨード", + -17.061979293823242 + ], + [ + "ニニニ", + -20.79311180114746 + ], + [ + "awaii", + -16.19009017944336 + ], + [ + "Sche", + -16.286584854125977 + ], + [ + "ione", + -14.621326446533203 + ], + [ + "oder", + -14.461657524108888 + ], + [ + "フエ", + -15.902750968933104 + ], + [ + "アンティオキア", + -16.918598175048828 + ], + [ + "イーサリアム", + -17.93215560913086 + ], + [ + "営地下鉄", + -14.431126594543455 + ], + [ + "Imperial", + -15.577245712280272 + ], + [ + "Quartet", + -17.254453659057617 + ], + [ + "さっぽろ", + -15.568303108215332 + ], + [ + "Plaza", + -16.82804298400879 + ], + [ + "智慧", + -16.95254135131836 + ], + [ + "ダッフル", + -18.486732482910156 + ], + [ + "ファンドランド", + -16.8050594329834 + ], + [ + "デコルテ", + -18.55190086364746 + ], + [ + "REDLINE", + -18.36379623413086 + ], + [ + "ウェルカムボード", + -19.074485778808594 + ], + [ + "essenger", + -15.269469261169434 + ], + [ + "不動尊", + -16.15148162841797 + ], + [ + "IDO", + -15.782055854797363 + ], + [ + "カルヴァン", + -16.829326629638672 + ], + [ + "アップルパイ", + -17.061277389526367 + ], + [ + "ZC", + -14.182735443115234 + ], + [ + "アイクリーム", + -19.38025283813477 + ], + [ + "乗り移", + -17.968711853027344 + ], + [ + "甚だ", + -18.572397232055664 + ], + [ + "】-", + -16.881561279296875 + ], + [ + "チャベス", + -16.78939437866211 + ], + [ + "ナバラ", + -16.019153594970703 + ], + [ + "Qi", + -16.08249855041504 + ], + [ + "ルモン", + -16.29092025756836 + ], + [ + "すっぱ", + -17.928804397583008 + ], + [ + "Lev", + -15.163861274719238 + ], + [ + "ぐった", + -19.34281349182129 + ], + [ + "ナコーン", + -16.4278507232666 + ], + [ + "ニヨン", + -16.834495544433594 + ], + [ + "Tablet", + -14.509273529052734 + ], + [ + "ニューロ", + -16.397470474243164 + ], + [ + "床上", + -17.35614013671875 + ], + [ + "REI", + -15.590617179870604 + ], + [ + "梅花", + -16.522035598754883 + ], + [ + "ビッツ", + -16.5251407623291 + ], + [ + "KYU", + -16.44188690185547 + ], + [ + "エンジェルス", + -16.407955169677734 + ], + [ + "Barb", + -15.39838695526123 + ], + [ + "一貴", + -16.29261016845703 + ], + [ + "uj", + -14.461786270141602 + ], + [ + "太良", + -16.82342529296875 + ], + [ + "ベンゾ", + -16.38811683654785 + ], + [ + "Gh", + -14.96099853515625 + ], + [ + "ネグロ", + -16.760507583618164 + ], + [ + "ラーソン", + -16.91919708251953 + ], + [ + "Nar", + -15.186568260192873 + ], + [ + "マティス", + -16.986730575561523 + ], + [ + "デルフィ", + -16.402437210083008 + ], + [ + "コヴァ", + -16.669309616088867 + ], + [ + "YW", + -15.527210235595703 + ], + [ + "だるい", + -18.63555145263672 + ], + [ + "umo", + -15.053840637207031 + ], + [ + "トド", + -16.29221534729004 + ], + [ + "乏", + -17.619611740112305 + ], + [ + "スフ", + -16.971294403076172 + ], + [ + "協商", + -16.80314064025879 + ], + [ + "NDE", + -16.13449478149414 + ], + [ + "チモ", + -16.883148193359375 + ], + [ + "ウィウス", + -17.020252227783203 + ], + [ + "ライオネル", + -16.395870208740234 + ], + [ + "牟岐", + -16.156391143798828 + ], + [ + "リゾーツ", + -16.638675689697266 + ], + [ + "ENDLESS", + -16.117589950561523 + ], + [ + "ギナ", + -16.699787139892578 + ], + [ + "ブルックナー", + -17.277759552001953 + ], + [ + "ファイザー", + -16.533491134643555 + ], + [ + "ディプロマ", + -16.98100471496582 + ], + [ + "売りつけ", + -18.103511810302734 + ], + [ + "Fellow", + -15.848799705505373 + ], + [ + "リラク", + -17.992870330810547 + ], + [ + "南幌", + -17.214689254760742 + ], + [ + "えつこ", + -16.290857315063477 + ], + [ + "ernative", + -20.322418212890625 + ], + [ + "江尻", + -16.499481201171875 + ], + [ + "Myth", + -16.49757194519043 + ], + [ + "Viola", + -14.966930389404297 + ], + [ + "スポーティー", + -18.11845016479492 + ], + [ + "メルケル", + -17.618555068969727 + ], + [ + "川澄", + -16.0255184173584 + ], + [ + "BO", + -18.815166473388672 + ], + [ + "パタリ", + -17.207164764404297 + ], + [ + "オニン", + -17.332019805908203 + ], + [ + "VY", + -14.897016525268556 + ], + [ + "鍛冶屋", + -16.00446128845215 + ], + [ + "リネット", + -17.716480255126953 + ], + [ + "atistics", + -20.649145126342773 + ], + [ + "\ /", + -18.94124984741211 + ], + [ + "手箱", + -16.735881805419922 + ], + [ + "NYC", + -15.878786087036133 + ], + [ + "atz", + -14.988795280456545 + ], + [ + "ウォルド", + -16.642061233520508 + ], + [ + "Wr", + -14.191335678100586 + ], + [ + "Rin", + -16.207481384277344 + ], + [ + "国領", + -16.590261459350586 + ], + [ + "トプ", + -16.74966049194336 + ], + [ + "hh", + -13.630739212036133 + ], + [ + "マキシム", + -16.738237380981445 + ], + [ + "ROH", + -15.450065612792969 + ], + [ + "みごと", + -18.561479568481445 + ], + [ + "の原", + -13.43564796447754 + ], + [ + "アソビ", + -16.42283058166504 + ], + [ + "ホビ", + -17.101808547973633 + ], + [ + "群雄", + -16.856887817382812 + ], + [ + "六甲山", + -16.130027770996094 + ], + [ + "Giant", + -15.709165573120115 + ], + [ + "Ami", + -15.46306610107422 + ], + [ + "ランドール", + -16.317930221557617 + ], + [ + "アメトーーク", + -16.529142379760742 + ], + [ + "Fukuoka", + -17.356639862060547 + ], + [ + "Miracle", + -16.189773559570312 + ], + [ + "Trojan", + -17.36914825439453 + ], + [ + "バキューム", + -16.90037727355957 + ], + [ + "ガイナーレ", + -15.687925338745115 + ], + [ + "Pagetop", + -19.15166473388672 + ], + [ + "aissance", + -15.60301685333252 + ], + [ + "VOCAL", + -15.915650367736816 + ], + [ + "ユグノー", + -16.834096908569336 + ], + [ + "プチプチ", + -17.192142486572266 + ], + [ + "かまくら", + -16.658056259155273 + ], + [ + "シャーベット", + -17.129322052001953 + ], + [ + "マードック", + -16.538562774658203 + ], + [ + "レイディスク", + -17.67656707763672 + ], + [ + "オルビス", + -18.383743286132812 + ], + [ + "タワーズ", + -16.977676391601562 + ], + [ + "ファンデ", + -17.92560577392578 + ], + [ + "ボンベイ", + -16.836502075195312 + ], + [ + "瀧川", + -16.33521842956543 + ], + [ + "パーヴェル", + -16.867298126220703 + ], + [ + "politan", + -14.559946060180664 + ], + [ + "ビュート", + -16.802207946777344 + ], + [ + "貴船", + -16.161470413208008 + ], + [ + "ジェンス", + -17.081268310546875 + ], + [ + "Ryan", + -15.320815086364746 + ], + [ + "ファーン", + -16.654863357543945 + ], + [ + "漬け込", + -18.198251724243164 + ], + [ + "くさく", + -18.119525909423828 + ], + [ + "捻り", + -17.542856216430664 + ], + [ + "神天皇", + -15.964454650878906 + ], + [ + "カレイド", + -16.35907745361328 + ], + [ + "ぎな", + -17.58957862854004 + ], + [ + "DDG", + -16.27615737915039 + ], + [ + "みつば", + -16.519514083862305 + ], + [ + "まと", + -15.657958984375 + ], + [ + "今福", + -16.34156036376953 + ], + [ + "若々しく", + -18.673152923583984 + ], + [ + "MATE", + -15.635295867919922 + ], + [ + "手綱", + -17.894113540649414 + ], + [ + "止まれ", + -17.0978946685791 + ], + [ + "カスト", + -16.361331939697266 + ], + [ + "回り込", + -18.052085876464844 + ], + [ + "コラン", + -17.008052825927734 + ], + [ + "%」", + -17.74171257019043 + ], + [ + "サンス", + -16.53177261352539 + ], + [ + "éc", + -14.936030387878418 + ], + [ + "コンフィ", + -16.837108612060547 + ], + [ + "けっし", + -19.890840530395508 + ], + [ + "ULE", + -15.222786903381348 + ], + [ + "しゃがみ", + -17.448646545410156 + ], + [ + "Memo", + -14.952431678771973 + ], + [ + "宮崎放送", + -15.673307418823242 + ], + [ + "CHER", + -15.24471664428711 + ], + [ + "万智", + -17.683855056762695 + ], + [ + "政庁", + -17.298160552978516 + ], + [ + "ギウス", + -16.8309268951416 + ], + [ + "厨子", + -16.77128791809082 + ], + [ + "シーラ", + -16.11225128173828 + ], + [ + "Ladies", + -16.33135223388672 + ], + [ + "ヴァネッサ", + -16.21862030029297 + ], + [ + "Deluxe", + -16.753875732421875 + ], + [ + "ザスパクサツ", + -15.609399795532228 + ], + [ + "モーリタニア", + -16.213022232055664 + ], + [ + "アーユルヴェーダ", + -17.920940399169922 + ], + [ + "お呼び", + -17.69381332397461 + ], + [ + "レジェンズ", + -16.425106048583984 + ], + [ + "ピンサロ", + -18.361671447753903 + ], + [ + "サンゲツ", + -17.540489196777344 + ], + [ + "エーリヒ", + -16.51342010498047 + ], + [ + "ベイルート", + -16.56187629699707 + ], + [ + "テース", + -17.054479598999023 + ], + [ + "Sounds", + -14.165288925170898 + ], + [ + "ランガ", + -16.656265258789062 + ], + [ + "サフラン", + -17.300392150878906 + ], + [ + "警固", + -17.160032272338867 + ], + [ + "アルパカ", + -17.334758758544922 + ], + [ + "差し置", + -18.162961959838867 + ], + [ + "ドリック", + -16.349803924560547 + ], + [ + "ペナルティー", + -17.52114486694336 + ], + [ + "膳所", + -16.43683433532715 + ], + [ + "海陸", + -16.673751831054688 + ], + [ + "川根", + -16.354602813720703 + ], + [ + "フェニキ", + -17.087541580200195 + ], + [ + "シンコー", + -16.537586212158203 + ], + [ + "坂野", + -16.143930435180664 + ], + [ + "武庫川", + -16.567201614379883 + ], + [ + "FIGHT", + -15.713448524475098 + ], + [ + "テレス", + -16.161073684692383 + ], + [ + "ユーグ", + -17.110153198242188 + ], + [ + "TRON", + -15.383374214172363 + ], + [ + "トリート", + -16.920753479003906 + ], + [ + "ツルギ", + -16.769269943237305 + ], + [ + "Medal", + -15.572454452514648 + ], + [ + "?(", + -15.396631240844728 + ], + [ + "ファソ", + -16.12166976928711 + ], + [ + "ビビリ", + -18.57490348815918 + ], + [ + "かっこよかっ", + -19.181577682495117 + ], + [ + "法文学部", + -16.57229995727539 + ], + [ + "グローヴ", + -16.62691879272461 + ], + [ + "つっこ", + -17.569494247436523 + ], + [ + "ズボラ", + -17.56500244140625 + ], + [ + "からかう", + -17.5622615814209 + ], + [ + "高天", + -16.943220138549805 + ], + [ + "Tal", + -15.33166790008545 + ], + [ + "ロレンス", + -16.500253677368164 + ], + [ + "フキ", + -16.89352035522461 + ], + [ + "フェニ", + -16.696910858154297 + ], + [ + "千倉", + -16.349023818969727 + ], + [ + "茶々", + -16.779052734375 + ], + [ + "デリア", + -16.975217819213867 + ], + [ + "かげろ", + -17.130260467529297 + ], + [ + "Spy", + -15.068038940429688 + ], + [ + "なじん", + -18.688440322875977 + ], + [ + "ブラッディ", + -16.491352081298828 + ], + [ + "Quarter", + -15.173211097717283 + ], + [ + "はなはだ", + -18.68602180480957 + ], + [ + "ウルヴァリン", + -17.025331497192383 + ], + [ + "デキストリン", + -18.32036018371582 + ], + [ + "ホテルオークラ", + -16.754125595092773 + ], + [ + "伊良部", + -16.998552322387695 + ], + [ + "四ツ谷", + -17.1087703704834 + ], + [ + "パクチー", + -17.841148376464844 + ], + [ + "クリスマスイブ", + -17.710460662841797 + ], + [ + "コルシカ", + -16.980697631835938 + ], + [ + "CoCo", + -16.305225372314453 + ], + [ + "ヒスイ", + -16.95804214477539 + ], + [ + "重たく", + -19.13241195678711 + ], + [ + "後鳥羽", + -16.867399215698242 + ], + [ + "稲穂", + -16.829362869262695 + ], + [ + "エミリア", + -15.663270950317385 + ], + [ + "メラニー", + -16.213258743286133 + ], + [ + "リンゼイ", + -16.551616668701172 + ], + [ + "天満屋", + -16.36659812927246 + ], + [ + "家政学", + -16.252613067626953 + ], + [ + "スタジャン", + -19.648204803466797 + ], + [ + "マッコリ", + -17.944576263427734 + ], + [ + "Bros", + -17.211660385131836 + ], + [ + "口説き", + -17.562572479248047 + ], + [ + "opera", + -14.53731918334961 + ], + [ + "畠中", + -16.46195411682129 + ], + [ + "はじき", + -17.431135177612305 + ], + [ + "ガンダ", + -16.49917984008789 + ], + [ + "ガガガ", + -16.06103515625 + ], + [ + "見放", + -16.37054443359375 + ], + [ + "一真", + -16.117122650146484 + ], + [ + "ガセ", + -17.30498504638672 + ], + [ + "」『", + -13.833954811096191 + ], + [ + "Maxim", + -15.004304885864258 + ], + [ + "!!【", + -18.483915328979492 + ], + [ + "arf", + -15.12285327911377 + ], + [ + "ボレー", + -17.439342498779297 + ], + [ + "林堂", + -16.613866806030273 + ], + [ + "野澤", + -16.45775032043457 + ], + [ + "おれん", + -16.689189910888672 + ], + [ + "ゼネコ", + -18.465639114379883 + ], + [ + "パルト", + -16.681795120239258 + ], + [ + "高林", + -16.14653205871582 + ], + [ + "なだれ", + -17.62770652770996 + ], + [ + "エルグ", + -18.054779052734375 + ], + [ + "手っ取り早", + -19.33599281311035 + ], + [ + "spective", + -14.549006462097168 + ], + [ + "一博", + -16.109132766723633 + ], + [ + "とろろ", + -17.59548568725586 + ], + [ + "amasaki", + -15.911001205444336 + ], + [ + "スピアー", + -16.271223068237305 + ], + [ + "久居", + -16.540990829467773 + ], + [ + "千絵", + -15.954785346984863 + ], + [ + "NAGOYA", + -16.59156608581543 + ], + [ + "おそろし", + -17.884122848510742 + ], + [ + "キャバリアーズ", + -16.349925994873047 + ], + [ + "タルギアソリッド", + -16.338207244873047 + ], + [ + "エイプリルフール", + -17.031015396118164 + ], + [ + "センテナリアン", + -15.02329444885254 + ], + [ + "一期一", + -16.6126766204834 + ], + [ + "トゥエンティ", + -16.86329460144043 + ], + [ + "ボディーガー", + -17.11663246154785 + ], + [ + "阿賀野川", + -16.32072639465332 + ], + [ + "スケッチブック", + -16.884416580200195 + ], + [ + "アンジェリカ", + -16.43196678161621 + ], + [ + "ヴリー", + -17.19466781616211 + ], + [ + "セスナ", + -16.438276290893555 + ], + [ + "ウエット", + -18.276918411254883 + ], + [ + "ファクス", + -17.371715545654297 + ], + [ + "smaller", + -14.797197341918944 + ], + [ + "ちゃくちゃ", + -18.530662536621097 + ], + [ + "言い過ぎ", + -19.206024169921875 + ], + [ + "スティンガー", + -16.41653060913086 + ], + [ + "十八", + -14.240206718444824 + ], + [ + "プラカード", + -17.424741744995117 + ], + [ + "片貝", + -16.256078720092773 + ], + [ + "デミオ", + -17.88997459411621 + ], + [ + "iCloud", + -16.21037483215332 + ], + [ + "ほぐれ", + -18.966371536254883 + ], + [ + "アップグレード", + -16.147254943847656 + ], + [ + "南天", + -17.083284378051758 + ], + [ + "人付き", + -19.111772537231445 + ], + [ + "kids", + -14.012872695922852 + ], + [ + "ホンネ", + -17.265594482421875 + ], + [ + "hk", + -13.648653984069824 + ], + [ + "サイトカイン", + -17.2092342376709 + ], + [ + "アイライン", + -18.992055892944336 + ], + [ + "yuu", + -16.4437313079834 + ], + [ + "サイトランキング", + -18.17239761352539 + ], + [ + "押尾", + -16.636316299438477 + ], + [ + "Bj", + -14.692231178283691 + ], + [ + "Charlie", + -15.270537376403809 + ], + [ + "コガネ", + -16.55144691467285 + ], + [ + "リーダ", + -17.372121810913086 + ], + [ + "リマスター", + -15.2943696975708 + ], + [ + "Meeting", + -15.241390228271484 + ], + [ + "サグ", + -17.16947364807129 + ], + [ + "ロマノフ", + -16.677318572998047 + ], + [ + "ホリック", + -16.968807220458984 + ], + [ + "ヴァーン", + -16.77803611755371 + ], + [ + "ツライ", + -18.58387565612793 + ], + [ + "ーエフ", + -16.732284545898438 + ], + [ + "福崎", + -16.334978103637695 + ], + [ + "Had", + -15.01447582244873 + ], + [ + "局地", + -17.003923416137695 + ], + [ + "ンストラクション", + -16.83510971069336 + ], + [ + "えいじ", + -16.103927612304688 + ], + [ + "OWA", + -16.734336853027344 + ], + [ + "ウィッツ", + -16.53269386291504 + ], + [ + "高跳", + -16.146453857421875 + ], + [ + "ドメ", + -16.37235450744629 + ], + [ + "ables", + -13.61095905303955 + ], + [ + "agn", + -15.213582038879396 + ], + [ + "きらい", + -16.996667861938477 + ], + [ + "大聖", + -14.623830795288086 + ], + [ + "オクト", + -16.498952865600586 + ], + [ + "AGO", + -15.49828052520752 + ], + [ + "トルキスタン", + -16.434768676757812 + ], + [ + "ノスタルジック", + -17.506580352783203 + ], + [ + "アナリティクス", + -17.799192428588867 + ], + [ + "ファニチャー", + -17.64269256591797 + ], + [ + "プロコフィエ", + -16.727365493774414 + ], + [ + "スペクタクル", + -16.983963012695312 + ], + [ + "新京成", + -15.974407196044922 + ], + [ + "パウリスタ", + -15.989458084106444 + ], + [ + "Keith", + -15.593879699707031 + ], + [ + "アントニウス", + -17.357629776000977 + ], + [ + "イーゴリ", + -16.816299438476562 + ], + [ + "Mario", + -15.580986976623535 + ], + [ + "アミーゴ", + -16.374801635742188 + ], + [ + "木枯", + -16.536470413208008 + ], + [ + "ET", + -19.14124298095703 + ], + [ + "憎まれ", + -17.831335067749023 + ], + [ + "按司", + -16.446435928344727 + ], + [ + "Stella", + -15.880091667175291 + ], + [ + "武田薬品", + -15.917423248291016 + ], + [ + "マーヴィン", + -16.295400619506836 + ], + [ + "茶臼", + -16.48413848876953 + ], + [ + "ブブカ", + -18.926925659179688 + ], + [ + "奈穂", + -16.10797691345215 + ], + [ + "モーカル", + -15.938434600830078 + ], + [ + "アスコット", + -16.802228927612305 + ], + [ + "ラウン", + -17.292011260986328 + ], + [ + "レモ", + -16.893123626708984 + ], + [ + "boratory", + -17.3255558013916 + ], + [ + "喜怒", + -17.362516403198242 + ], + [ + "チュル", + -17.02103614807129 + ], + [ + "クレム", + -16.738075256347656 + ], + [ + "道北", + -16.5050106048584 + ], + [ + "不労", + -18.941417694091797 + ], + [ + "たいかい", + -15.556727409362791 + ], + [ + "ニヤリ", + -18.845062255859375 + ], + [ + "クサス", + -16.97120475769043 + ], + [ + "こねこ", + -16.894798278808594 + ], + [ + "Weekend", + -16.255054473876953 + ], + [ + "木之", + -16.251005172729492 + ], + [ + "Carol", + -15.54737663269043 + ], + [ + "Mnet", + -16.227428436279297 + ], + [ + "万華", + -16.236373901367188 + ], + [ + "鹿毛", + -17.07319450378418 + ], + [ + "追いつけ", + -18.64314079284668 + ], + [ + "アクラ", + -16.57407569885254 + ], + [ + "^)/", + -18.63075828552246 + ], + [ + "くぅ", + -17.902551651000977 + ], + [ + "フロッグ", + -16.428327560424805 + ], + [ + "チロール", + -17.837968826293945 + ], + [ + "アルカナ", + -15.6779203414917 + ], + [ + "NASDA", + -16.346071243286133 + ], + [ + "口述", + -17.27797508239746 + ], + [ + "貸し切", + -18.474645614624023 + ], + [ + "オナガ", + -16.248388290405273 + ], + [ + "間欠", + -17.266937255859375 + ], + [ + "FIN", + -13.746814727783203 + ], + [ + "山伏", + -17.058027267456055 + ], + [ + "ワーン", + -17.12726402282715 + ], + [ + "未払", + -18.443004608154297 + ], + [ + "Trio", + -16.397188186645508 + ], + [ + "BL", + -18.63808250427246 + ], + [ + "ヴリ", + -16.47528648376465 + ], + [ + "松明", + -17.256893157958984 + ], + [ + "アルフォンス", + -16.515899658203125 + ], + [ + "ウジェーヌ", + -16.61078643798828 + ], + [ + "BAZOOKA", + -16.591035842895508 + ], + [ + "キカイダー", + -16.24363136291504 + ], + [ + "ピチピチ", + -17.7596492767334 + ], + [ + "ブラチスラヴァ", + -16.532394409179688 + ], + [ + "ハレルヤ", + -16.27125358581543 + ], + [ + "ピノキオ", + -16.24065589904785 + ], + [ + "フェデリコ", + -16.549692153930664 + ], + [ + "ズルズル", + -19.293025970458984 + ], + [ + "CINEMA", + -15.905020713806152 + ], + [ + "PUNK", + -16.32594108581543 + ], + [ + "xvideos", + -19.65467643737793 + ], + [ + "デヴォン", + -16.430070877075195 + ], + [ + "野辺地", + -16.59090805053711 + ], + [ + "Wright", + -15.639415740966797 + ], + [ + "チフス", + -17.065814971923828 + ], + [ + "碧海", + -16.364919662475586 + ], + [ + "ロココ", + -17.071880340576172 + ], + [ + "SAO", + -15.89157009124756 + ], + [ + "HASE", + -16.25297737121582 + ], + [ + "バイパー", + -16.35135269165039 + ], + [ + "原石", + -17.460817337036133 + ], + [ + "アーナ", + -16.220062255859375 + ], + [ + "mika", + -15.624456405639648 + ], + [ + "ヘンデル", + -16.614185333251953 + ], + [ + "養母", + -16.742040634155273 + ], + [ + "ザッツ", + -15.971794128417969 + ], + [ + "Jose", + -16.33572006225586 + ], + [ + "Leo", + -15.165261268615724 + ], + [ + "網干", + -16.857494354248047 + ], + [ + "彦命", + -16.705896377563477 + ], + [ + "!」", + -18.52885627746582 + ], + [ + "造兵", + -17.119808197021484 + ], + [ + "フォートナイト", + -17.73712730407715 + ], + [ + "かわせ", + -16.550270080566406 + ], + [ + "寿美", + -15.621834754943848 + ], + [ + "LOT", + -14.412328720092772 + ], + [ + "歯科大学", + -15.669139862060549 + ], + [ + "ヴァラン", + -16.67094612121582 + ], + [ + "仁徳", + -16.412425994873047 + ], + [ + "hito", + -15.446709632873535 + ], + [ + "TEIN", + -16.774646759033203 + ], + [ + "Million", + -16.15042495727539 + ], + [ + "しんこう", + -15.79506015777588 + ], + [ + "Sonic", + -15.672356605529783 + ], + [ + "金吾", + -16.412372589111328 + ], + [ + "従姉", + -17.1159610748291 + ], + [ + "Viva", + -15.985066413879396 + ], + [ + "モジ", + -16.537710189819336 + ], + [ + "南千住", + -16.768207550048828 + ], + [ + "シャルケ", + -16.273841857910156 + ], + [ + "ゴラス", + -17.027530670166016 + ], + [ + "バーネット", + -15.83481788635254 + ], + [ + "環境庁", + -16.69080924987793 + ], + [ + "コグ", + -17.105541229248047 + ], + [ + "クストン", + -16.60178565979004 + ], + [ + "UHD", + -16.221773147583008 + ], + [ + "カスティー", + -16.783674240112305 + ], + [ + "詰め込み", + -18.282241821289062 + ], + [ + "クルブ", + -16.3350887298584 + ], + [ + "スポニチ", + -16.743356704711914 + ], + [ + "ガンナー", + -16.467622756958008 + ], + [ + "ires", + -14.582183837890623 + ], + [ + "浜名", + -16.361675262451172 + ], + [ + "ウィール", + -17.100740432739258 + ], + [ + "ieu", + -14.603438377380373 + ], + [ + "ダレン", + -16.419570922851562 + ], + [ + "///」", + -21.297664642333984 + ], + [ + "リガン", + -16.51311683654785 + ], + [ + "Pia", + -16.223011016845703 + ], + [ + "立てこも", + -17.623353958129883 + ], + [ + "ウデ", + -17.3204402923584 + ], + [ + "プレイング", + -17.37103843688965 + ], + [ + "ionships", + -20.2584285736084 + ], + [ + "Favorite", + -14.151365280151367 + ], + [ + "Xiaomi", + -16.596336364746094 + ], + [ + "ナイロビ", + -16.463218688964844 + ], + [ + "落ちこぼれ", + -17.527454376220703 + ], + [ + "センセーショナル", + -18.235349655151367 + ], + [ + "フェイエノールト", + -15.84512710571289 + ], + [ + "ライコネン", + -17.869037628173828 + ], + [ + "ギュスターヴ", + -16.766918182373047 + ], + [ + "ピリピリ", + -18.463098526000977 + ], + [ + "ヴェロニカ", + -16.361112594604492 + ], + [ + "サルヴァトーレ", + -16.916608810424805 + ], + [ + "ATSUSHI", + -16.37261390686035 + ], + [ + "勝海", + -15.889862060546877 + ], + [ + "Chemical", + -16.04258918762207 + ], + [ + "大槌", + -16.621519088745117 + ], + [ + "ーティスティック", + -16.435131072998047 + ], + [ + "ゲティ", + -17.041658401489258 + ], + [ + "既往", + -17.227893829345703 + ], + [ + "冷暗", + -19.286867141723633 + ], + [ + "まけ", + -17.059083938598633 + ], + [ + "多々良", + -16.06679916381836 + ], + [ + "スプリンターズ", + -16.995786666870117 + ], + [ + "nderbolt", + -17.56458854675293 + ], + [ + "カルナ", + -16.37232208251953 + ], + [ + "GENJI", + -16.19269371032715 + ], + [ + "ガビ", + -16.75918960571289 + ], + [ + "CANDY", + -16.146381378173828 + ], + [ + "たんす", + -16.757680892944336 + ], + [ + "パンティー", + -17.24441146850586 + ], + [ + " ̄∇ ̄", + -19.47389793395996 + ], + [ + "えびの", + -16.20575714111328 + ], + [ + "頼み込", + -17.944950103759766 + ], + [ + "oru", + -14.918893814086914 + ], + [ + "IJF", + -16.753650665283203 + ], + [ + "PUMA", + -17.11402130126953 + ], + [ + "ヴァイル", + -16.680355072021484 + ], + [ + "IVI", + -15.226632118225098 + ], + [ + ".::", + -22.781084060668945 + ], + [ + "新湊", + -16.389129638671875 + ], + [ + "nex", + -15.135574340820312 + ], + [ + "スティーン", + -16.767396926879883 + ], + [ + "してやろ", + -19.127044677734375 + ], + [ + "抑え込", + -18.00065803527832 + ], + [ + "ペディ", + -16.858274459838867 + ], + [ + "arson", + -14.948918342590332 + ], + [ + "ULT", + -15.291284561157228 + ], + [ + "ミニッツ", + -16.422733306884766 + ], + [ + "ショタ", + -17.305517196655273 + ], + [ + "佐吉", + -16.42616081237793 + ], + [ + "ダニエルズ", + -16.478137969970703 + ], + [ + "ザンギ", + -17.667232513427734 + ], + [ + "iG", + -16.362316131591797 + ], + [ + "アヴ", + -16.490816116333008 + ], + [ + "ドレミ", + -16.518991470336914 + ], + [ + "ボンヌ", + -16.67631721496582 + ], + [ + "amer", + -14.56699275970459 + ], + [ + "黒姫", + -16.8914737701416 + ], + [ + "カンペ", + -16.767698287963867 + ], + [ + "グリース", + -16.65550422668457 + ], + [ + "持ちこたえ", + -18.57227325439453 + ], + [ + "櫻子", + -16.509103775024414 + ], + [ + "着こなせ", + -19.342369079589844 + ], + [ + "Rush", + -16.15313148498535 + ], + [ + "久本", + -16.032236099243164 + ], + [ + "アラモ", + -16.891864776611328 + ], + [ + "anu", + -14.557653427124023 + ], + [ + "サトル", + -16.339881896972656 + ], + [ + "tei", + -14.742042541503906 + ], + [ + "RIX", + -15.98998737335205 + ], + [ + "壮一", + -16.762248992919922 + ], + [ + "措", + -17.648757934570312 + ], + [ + "偕", + -16.816469192504883 + ], + [ + "(^.^)", + -19.645034790039062 + ], + [ + "reakfast", + -18.5816707611084 + ], + [ + "Britain", + -16.520694732666016 + ], + [ + "ウェアラブル", + -17.560007095336914 + ], + [ + "トラディショナル", + -16.655269622802734 + ], + [ + "ジャスダック", + -16.777109146118164 + ], + [ + "澁谷", + -16.708139419555664 + ], + [ + "Yokohama", + -17.02661895751953 + ], + [ + "ドゥカティ", + -17.19147491455078 + ], + [ + "モルモット", + -17.29008674621582 + ], + [ + "吹き荒れ", + -18.128097534179688 + ], + [ + "Maison", + -16.8743896484375 + ], + [ + "サフォーク", + -16.59665870666504 + ], + [ + "しらべ", + -17.155927658081055 + ], + [ + "andscape", + -15.67646312713623 + ], + [ + "☆*", + -20.752805709838867 + ], + [ + "Cab", + -15.236783981323242 + ], + [ + "対訳", + -16.88615608215332 + ], + [ + "にごり", + -17.279647827148438 + ], + [ + "スタリオン", + -16.690122604370117 + ], + [ + "NOME", + -15.22614574432373 + ], + [ + "Eight", + -14.977660179138184 + ], + [ + "キケン", + -17.92266082763672 + ], + [ + "ヒジ", + -17.855165481567383 + ], + [ + "kyoto", + -17.423681259155273 + ], + [ + "BUCK", + -15.120577812194824 + ], + [ + "マローン", + -16.737916946411133 + ], + [ + "シェンコ", + -16.890605926513672 + ], + [ + "クリード", + -16.594715118408203 + ], + [ + "グリット", + -17.158069610595703 + ], + [ + "喉頭", + -17.003515243530273 + ], + [ + "ttp", + -16.192155838012695 + ], + [ + "クリスティン", + -16.295602798461914 + ], + [ + "ヨロ", + -16.59990119934082 + ], + [ + "ドレッド", + -15.778225898742676 + ], + [ + "アピタ", + -16.490886688232422 + ], + [ + "之郷", + -16.467443466186523 + ], + [ + "レレ", + -17.42140769958496 + ], + [ + "せんじ", + -17.128131866455078 + ], + [ + "Buy", + -15.161019325256348 + ], + [ + "ベリーズ", + -16.097003936767578 + ], + [ + "うちまく", + -22.75611114501953 + ], + [ + "増山", + -16.280780792236328 + ], + [ + "ソワ", + -16.86441421508789 + ], + [ + "アゾ", + -16.293338775634766 + ], + [ + "LP", + -19.562076568603516 + ], + [ + "ウエス", + -17.291593551635742 + ], + [ + "ファ", + -18.93414306640625 + ], + [ + "西風", + -16.852540969848633 + ], + [ + "サライ", + -16.98046875 + ], + [ + "ゼンマイ", + -16.975887298583984 + ], + [ + "くもり", + -16.56279945373535 + ], + [ + "Gang", + -15.248412132263184 + ], + [ + "セルティック", + -16.221765518188477 + ], + [ + "EASE", + -14.420565605163574 + ], + [ + "jI", + -17.092063903808594 + ], + [ + "クェ", + -16.642547607421875 + ], + [ + "Fact", + -13.87539768218994 + ], + [ + "‐-", + -19.306665420532227 + ], + [ + "見づら", + -19.01875686645508 + ], + [ + "思いとどま", + -18.26226043701172 + ], + [ + "ニューオータニ", + -16.9088134765625 + ], + [ + "BUZZ", + -15.634485244750977 + ], + [ + "iNii", + -15.556137084960938 + ], + [ + "ノーリツ", + -17.16673469543457 + ], + [ + "ロク", + -19.059825897216797 + ], + [ + "シェーダー", + -17.142221450805664 + ], + [ + "アンダンテ", + -16.1939697265625 + ], + [ + "西彼杵", + -16.442644119262695 + ], + [ + "スカイウォーカー", + -16.922483444213867 + ], + [ + "clv", + -17.61610984802246 + ], + [ + "ブロードバンド", + -16.337581634521484 + ], + [ + "先住", + -15.697064399719238 + ], + [ + "コプロ", + -15.949230194091797 + ], + [ + "Strat", + -15.05551815032959 + ], + [ + "潜水艦", + -13.685617446899414 + ], + [ + "AED", + -15.437921524047852 + ], + [ + "ぷらす", + -16.37209129333496 + ], + [ + "クジ", + -16.99475860595703 + ], + [ + "ェー", + -17.19237518310547 + ], + [ + "バックボーン", + -17.710527420043945 + ], + [ + ";,", + -19.344436645507812 + ], + [ + "エムズ", + -16.46254539489746 + ], + [ + "阿武隈川", + -15.961861610412598 + ], + [ + "スリーパー", + -15.869061470031738 + ], + [ + "モンケ", + -17.158416748046875 + ], + [ + "喜八", + -16.502208709716797 + ], + [ + "就け", + -18.669843673706055 + ], + [ + "ディックス", + -16.124052047729492 + ], + [ + "マホ", + -16.39767074584961 + ], + [ + "ADS", + -14.345085144042969 + ], + [ + "PSY", + -15.419197082519531 + ], + [ + "レヴ", + -16.365825653076172 + ], + [ + "ゲム", + -16.531688690185547 + ], + [ + "パリッ", + -18.602903366088867 + ], + [ + "OTI", + -14.672764778137209 + ], + [ + "モンキーズ", + -16.287921905517578 + ], + [ + "揚水", + -16.903188705444336 + ], + [ + "ガストン", + -16.473209381103516 + ], + [ + "アンコウ", + -16.441009521484375 + ], + [ + "/><", + -16.00081443786621 + ], + [ + "ベナン", + -16.03839683532715 + ], + [ + "ほな", + -17.614849090576172 + ], + [ + "摺り", + -18.004230499267578 + ], + [ + "舟入", + -16.780668258666992 + ], + [ + "剥け", + -19.331850051879883 + ], + [ + "コザ", + -16.710390090942383 + ], + [ + "ラミー", + -16.500572204589844 + ], + [ + "グルミ", + -17.41166877746582 + ], + [ + "閉じこも", + -18.42795753479004 + ], + [ + "tama", + -14.906538963317873 + ], + [ + "Apart", + -16.82612419128418 + ], + [ + "Gabriel", + -15.459769248962402 + ], + [ + "ながい", + -16.60831069946289 + ], + [ + "Sketch", + -14.484987258911133 + ], + [ + "ours", + -13.830680847167969 + ], + [ + "ティターンズ", + -17.1407413482666 + ], + [ + "フラクタル", + -16.610416412353516 + ], + [ + "ポジショニング", + -17.726926803588867 + ], + [ + "morning", + -15.900629043579102 + ], + [ + "ロトランナー", + -22.92487907409668 + ], + [ + "択捉", + -17.043418884277344 + ], + [ + "主税局", + -16.51145362854004 + ], + [ + "USM", + -15.745298385620115 + ], + [ + "デボラ", + -16.433914184570312 + ], + [ + "カケラ", + -16.287931442260742 + ], + [ + "ホビット", + -17.03596305847168 + ], + [ + "トリッキー", + -17.224294662475586 + ], + [ + "五穀", + -17.379785537719727 + ], + [ + "スルッ", + -17.66245460510254 + ], + [ + "ブロム", + -16.881912231445312 + ], + [ + "..「", + -20.62090492248535 + ], + [ + "Morgan", + -15.477808952331545 + ], + [ + "くしょ", + -16.2532901763916 + ], + [ + "ベルーナ", + -17.571020126342773 + ], + [ + "Reflec", + -18.036888122558594 + ], + [ + "ガンディー", + -16.86075782775879 + ], + [ + "Lovely", + -15.221250534057615 + ], + [ + "れんげ", + -16.932390213012695 + ], + [ + "フォイル", + -16.96184539794922 + ], + [ + "HEV", + -17.123491287231445 + ], + [ + "熊本放送", + -15.71084213256836 + ], + [ + "Rip", + -15.639954566955566 + ], + [ + "アンデッド", + -16.12441062927246 + ], + [ + "ミアン", + -16.718530654907227 + ], + [ + "んばら", + -17.055442810058594 + ], + [ + "クリ", + -19.005022048950195 + ], + [ + "小袋", + -17.65351676940918 + ], + [ + "BBB", + -15.004769325256348 + ], + [ + "GLE", + -14.87845516204834 + ], + [ + "ヴィンス", + -16.22989845275879 + ], + [ + "tylife", + -19.775571823120117 + ], + [ + "マーシャ", + -16.56203269958496 + ], + [ + "服務", + -16.582040786743164 + ], + [ + "めじ", + -17.25082778930664 + ], + [ + "aby", + -14.218256950378418 + ], + [ + "ヴィータ", + -16.727718353271484 + ], + [ + "ジュリオ", + -16.608245849609375 + ], + [ + "クラシ", + -16.6314697265625 + ], + [ + "イッチ", + -16.980979919433594 + ], + [ + "マリヤ", + -16.816213607788086 + ], + [ + "ゲッツ", + -16.816198348999023 + ], + [ + "Pel", + -15.07997703552246 + ], + [ + "Franc", + -14.695995330810549 + ], + [ + "クトル", + -17.04758644104004 + ], + [ + "DCP", + -15.122882843017578 + ], + [ + "博打", + -17.754167556762695 + ], + [ + "順当", + -18.67972755432129 + ], + [ + "Strange", + -15.58972454071045 + ], + [ + "BURBERRY", + -19.36374855041504 + ], + [ + "Trombone", + -14.973836898803713 + ], + [ + "アイフォーン", + -19.240779876708984 + ], + [ + "キングオブコント", + -15.788728713989258 + ], + [ + "リージェンシー", + -16.725561141967773 + ], + [ + "LUMIX", + -17.387571334838867 + ], + [ + "曾我", + -16.673601150512695 + ], + [ + "夷隅", + -16.341659545898438 + ], + [ + "エレノア", + -16.7563533782959 + ], + [ + "ナッソー", + -16.61901092529297 + ], + [ + "ナイーブ", + -17.90220069885254 + ], + [ + "ハリエット", + -16.644874572753906 + ], + [ + "ayumi", + -16.04390525817871 + ], + [ + "カニンガム", + -16.678728103637695 + ], + [ + "ぼっち", + -15.429062843322754 + ], + [ + "マサル", + -16.34184455871582 + ], + [ + "金貸", + -18.788476943969727 + ], + [ + "やなせ", + -16.298269271850586 + ], + [ + "BROTHERS", + -16.223712921142578 + ], + [ + "EDI", + -14.733433723449709 + ], + [ + "Roma", + -15.74293041229248 + ], + [ + "穴吹", + -16.321535110473633 + ], + [ + "フミヤ", + -15.891357421875 + ], + [ + "ユーミン", + -17.672706604003906 + ], + [ + "天満橋", + -17.027223587036133 + ], + [ + "ヘッズ", + -16.73299789428711 + ], + [ + "Witch", + -16.098859786987305 + ], + [ + "カディス", + -16.46544075012207 + ], + [ + "タデ", + -16.672651290893555 + ], + [ + "フォリア", + -16.83989715576172 + ], + [ + "EDO", + -15.848514556884766 + ], + [ + "スベ", + -16.929258346557617 + ], + [ + "おもろい", + -17.699787139892578 + ], + [ + "ホエール", + -16.693008422851562 + ], + [ + "dhc", + -15.712124824523926 + ], + [ + "コペル", + -16.547197341918945 + ], + [ + "Biograph", + -14.99488925933838 + ], + [ + "SORA", + -16.599149703979492 + ], + [ + "康生", + -16.5487060546875 + ], + [ + "ハーク", + -16.710710525512695 + ], + [ + "シヴ", + -16.934581756591797 + ], + [ + "長短", + -17.334152221679688 + ], + [ + "れど", + -17.30417823791504 + ], + [ + "Kha", + -15.36434555053711 + ], + [ + "サンティ", + -16.2335205078125 + ], + [ + "|「", + -17.144519805908203 + ], + [ + "ウニオン", + -16.31661605834961 + ], + [ + "アメーバブログ", + -16.330108642578125 + ], + [ + "HIS", + -15.711624145507812 + ], + [ + "ヒィ", + -18.444225311279297 + ], + [ + "Pala", + -15.569592475891112 + ], + [ + "ゆこ", + -17.17782974243164 + ], + [ + "マイザー", + -17.162691116333008 + ], + [ + "にらみ", + -17.66177749633789 + ], + [ + "Gill", + -15.605684280395508 + ], + [ + "テフ", + -16.865318298339844 + ], + [ + "クワン", + -16.94932746887207 + ], + [ + "Paravi", + -16.38164710998535 + ], + [ + "青天", + -16.800106048583984 + ], + [ + "アリカ", + -16.763484954833984 + ], + [ + "Herr", + -16.398662567138672 + ], + [ + "TIN", + -15.010568618774414 + ], + [ + "ターゼ", + -16.641544342041016 + ], + [ + "炙", + -18.103256225585938 + ], + [ + "デズモンド", + -16.888534545898438 + ], + [ + "AUTUMN", + -16.48505973815918 + ], + [ + "FASHION", + -16.543903350830078 + ], + [ + "ウェブリブログ", + -18.1838321685791 + ], + [ + "レファレンス", + -16.691673278808594 + ], + [ + "コロニアル", + -17.235124588012695 + ], + [ + "スケボー", + -17.21989631652832 + ], + [ + "ヒムラー", + -17.666112899780273 + ], + [ + "ボトルネック", + -17.80070686340332 + ], + [ + "オヤツ", + -19.511280059814453 + ], + [ + "ギンガム", + -17.221452713012695 + ], + [ + "サムネイル", + -17.37436866760254 + ], + [ + "ITTF", + -15.545734405517578 + ], + [ + "Visa", + -16.244144439697266 + ], + [ + "rankfurt", + -16.951692581176758 + ], + [ + "呉羽", + -16.59161949157715 + ], + [ + "Marcus", + -15.347372055053713 + ], + [ + "Tone", + -14.237261772155762 + ], + [ + "RAF", + -15.34409999847412 + ], + [ + "福寿", + -16.476755142211914 + ], + [ + "prada", + -17.61797332763672 + ], + [ + "いじわる", + -16.41402816772461 + ], + [ + "トラッカー", + -16.81891632080078 + ], + [ + "シアス", + -16.43321418762207 + ], + [ + "船津", + -16.452930450439453 + ], + [ + "バァ", + -16.742637634277344 + ], + [ + "golf", + -15.899733543395996 + ], + [ + "ユーリー", + -16.537166595458984 + ], + [ + "ダイスケ", + -16.377090454101562 + ], + [ + "奥川", + -17.24924087524414 + ], + [ + "久仁", + -16.247724533081055 + ], + [ + "パキ", + -17.33489227294922 + ], + [ + "ナタリア", + -16.46630859375 + ], + [ + "ラストレーション", + -16.60589599609375 + ], + [ + "教寺", + -16.984142303466797 + ], + [ + "ビナ", + -16.856664657592773 + ], + [ + "ross", + -14.422032356262209 + ], + [ + "ODI", + -16.013784408569336 + ], + [ + "バーター", + -18.41890525817871 + ], + [ + "上條", + -16.19717788696289 + ], + [ + "河和", + -16.72410774230957 + ], + [ + "那須野", + -16.59891700744629 + ], + [ + "チバ", + -16.2899227142334 + ], + [ + "ECW", + -15.639159202575684 + ], + [ + "小沼", + -16.28155517578125 + ], + [ + "マートン", + -16.976104736328125 + ], + [ + "昭三", + -15.870767593383787 + ], + [ + "ゲラン", + -16.785545349121094 + ], + [ + "ears", + -14.265059471130373 + ], + [ + "ミーア", + -16.735837936401367 + ], + [ + "tend", + -14.542865753173828 + ], + [ + "パラディ", + -16.432987213134766 + ], + [ + "うらやまし", + -18.698871612548828 + ], + [ + "Alto", + -16.255847930908203 + ], + [ + "エルク", + -16.57299041748047 + ], + [ + "リンジャー", + -16.85985565185547 + ], + [ + "ベンド", + -17.071182250976562 + ], + [ + "けやき", + -15.586792945861816 + ], + [ + "ドーパミン", + -17.338916778564453 + ], + [ + "ロエベ", + -18.691253662109375 + ], + [ + "アドバイザリー", + -17.024925231933594 + ], + [ + "テネリフェ", + -16.400022506713867 + ], + [ + "アパラチア", + -17.1884765625 + ], + [ + "スプラトゥーン", + -17.32379150390625 + ], + [ + "フルーティー", + -17.506746292114258 + ], + [ + "グレゴリウス", + -17.32277488708496 + ], + [ + "Faith", + -15.855191230773926 + ], + [ + "Stefan", + -15.634210586547852 + ], + [ + "胆嚢", + -17.431190490722656 + ], + [ + "トゥーロン", + -16.083831787109375 + ], + [ + "トポロジー", + -17.16190528869629 + ], + [ + "yyc", + -17.167205810546875 + ], + [ + "営農", + -16.649301528930664 + ], + [ + "トレヴァー", + -16.376060485839844 + ], + [ + "CTI", + -15.152056694030762 + ], + [ + "ダイオキ", + -17.339021682739258 + ], + [ + "遣り", + -17.561098098754883 + ], + [ + "そびれ", + -19.022701263427734 + ], + [ + "BOYZ", + -16.463533401489258 + ], + [ + "BWV", + -15.725456237792969 + ], + [ + "蒲池", + -16.56000518798828 + ], + [ + "おんなじ", + -18.371429443359375 + ], + [ + "ublished", + -17.70804786682129 + ], + [ + "オマール", + -16.74191665649414 + ], + [ + "ディスプレー", + -18.26786994934082 + ], + [ + "ビジャ", + -16.915992736816406 + ], + [ + "ドライアイ", + -17.919721603393555 + ], + [ + "柳津", + -16.439069747924805 + ], + [ + "argo", + -14.527392387390137 + ], + [ + "すっ飛", + -19.514366149902344 + ], + [ + "ベーター", + -17.151920318603516 + ], + [ + "若木", + -16.51679229736328 + ], + [ + "植草", + -16.4394588470459 + ], + [ + "Killer", + -16.164644241333008 + ], + [ + "UWF", + -16.3393497467041 + ], + [ + "sj", + -14.358654022216797 + ], + [ + "ジンガー", + -16.785533905029297 + ], + [ + "リプライ", + -17.96633529663086 + ], + [ + "ムレ", + -16.967788696289062 + ], + [ + "天羽", + -16.468631744384766 + ], + [ + "デーブ", + -16.550861358642578 + ], + [ + "ウィード", + -17.01329231262207 + ], + [ + "舎利", + -16.715560913085938 + ], + [ + "ノルマン", + -16.35254669189453 + ], + [ + "切り抜", + -18.073137283325195 + ], + [ + "ZAN", + -16.34032440185547 + ], + [ + "シュク", + -17.027990341186523 + ], + [ + "Stick", + -14.772116661071776 + ], + [ + "CRA", + -14.697425842285156 + ], + [ + "プレスリー", + -16.158340454101562 + ], + [ + "BI", + -18.744380950927734 + ], + [ + "下津", + -16.505311965942383 + ], + [ + "RR", + -20.08258628845215 + ], + [ + "スチレン", + -18.085716247558594 + ], + [ + "Hob", + -14.145402908325195 + ], + [ + "Grande", + -17.111610412597656 + ], + [ + "シャック", + -16.88469696044922 + ], + [ + "Acid", + -16.143125534057617 + ], + [ + "NAGA", + -16.15006446838379 + ], + [ + "ケンズ", + -16.86060333251953 + ], + [ + "カフス", + -17.62820053100586 + ], + [ + "キワ", + -17.274417877197266 + ], + [ + "赤尾", + -16.53652000427246 + ], + [ + "溜め込", + -18.579914093017575 + ], + [ + "メッド", + -16.59064483642578 + ], + [ + "隆二", + -16.12576675415039 + ], + [ + "クリミナル", + -16.131046295166016 + ], + [ + "JOYSOUND", + -16.73026466369629 + ], + [ + "CITIZEN", + -16.95725440979004 + ], + [ + "飛び跳ね", + -17.945959091186523 + ], + [ + "蝦", + -16.69340705871582 + ], + [ + "BLAZE", + -14.833145141601562 + ], + [ + "FRESH", + -15.8001070022583 + ], + [ + "さらけ出", + -18.473264694213867 + ], + [ + "Jungle", + -16.258668899536133 + ], + [ + "ディストピア", + -15.553096771240234 + ], + [ + "尾花沢", + -16.304899215698242 + ], + [ + "ハンモック", + -18.256139755249023 + ], + [ + "Atari", + -16.483924865722656 + ], + [ + "心温ま", + -18.551198959350582 + ], + [ + "Monday", + -15.017019271850586 + ], + [ + "ガレン", + -16.99271011352539 + ], + [ + "磐越", + -15.756909370422363 + ], + [ + "南大東", + -17.22540283203125 + ], + [ + "打ち砕", + -17.92399787902832 + ], + [ + "ヴェーバー", + -17.20640754699707 + ], + [ + "まもり", + -16.756229400634766 + ], + [ + "すり減", + -19.120859146118164 + ], + [ + "ララバイ", + -16.09876251220703 + ], + [ + "フェレット", + -17.844987869262695 + ], + [ + "エロティック", + -16.240209579467773 + ], + [ + "マグヌス", + -16.97565269470215 + ], + [ + "モデラー", + -16.305320739746094 + ], + [ + "常呂", + -16.61075782775879 + ], + [ + "レヴィン", + -16.590557098388672 + ], + [ + "トラッシュ", + -16.681364059448242 + ], + [ + "拓殖", + -16.093427658081055 + ], + [ + "Nishi", + -17.08916664123535 + ], + [ + "コインロッカー", + -16.549163818359375 + ], + [ + "田沢", + -16.237571716308594 + ], + [ + "バルガス", + -16.297443389892578 + ], + [ + "/?", + -15.03833293914795 + ], + [ + "リブレ", + -16.512022018432617 + ], + [ + "狩場", + -17.286949157714844 + ], + [ + "つらかっ", + -19.196279525756836 + ], + [ + "Photos", + -13.545475006103516 + ], + [ + "浜岡", + -16.67447853088379 + ], + [ + "いふく", + -17.496597290039062 + ], + [ + "盛田", + -16.560155868530273 + ], + [ + "EA", + -19.262779235839844 + ], + [ + "SIN", + -14.152732849121094 + ], + [ + "\"|-", + -15.259461402893066 + ], + [ + "!!!(", + -16.38269805908203 + ], + [ + "onight", + -18.845064163208008 + ], + [ + "山猫", + -16.62515640258789 + ], + [ + "セラミックス", + -16.348785400390625 + ], + [ + "出納", + -16.881820678710938 + ], + [ + "NICO", + -16.90760040283203 + ], + [ + "トリクス", + -16.784427642822266 + ], + [ + "ツェー", + -16.593965530395508 + ], + [ + "奈保", + -16.229198455810547 + ], + [ + "McK", + -16.51573371887207 + ], + [ + "Grove", + -16.664487838745117 + ], + [ + "お茶の水", + -16.505821228027344 + ], + [ + "井沢", + -16.500919342041016 + ], + [ + "源寺", + -15.80329418182373 + ], + [ + "Sail", + -15.470515251159668 + ], + [ + "ディット", + -16.83308219909668 + ], + [ + "泉田", + -16.627809524536133 + ], + [ + "シアノ", + -17.03494644165039 + ], + [ + "アイク", + -16.78857421875 + ], + [ + "スカリー", + -17.347518920898438 + ], + [ + "ゾーイ", + -16.517417907714844 + ], + [ + "オチン", + -18.995927810668945 + ], + [ + "ボッタ", + -17.731761932373047 + ], + [ + "practic", + -15.03393840789795 + ], + [ + "おとし", + -16.312286376953125 + ], + [ + "Autumn", + -15.982430458068848 + ], + [ + "ZDNet", + -17.295879364013672 + ], + [ + "アクエリオン", + -16.46637535095215 + ], + [ + "デプロイ", + -18.385873794555664 + ], + [ + "コヨーテ", + -16.68773651123047 + ], + [ + "ホトトギス", + -17.334726333618164 + ], + [ + "グラフィカル", + -16.848146438598633 + ], + [ + "Wedding", + -16.683452606201172 + ], + [ + "アレッポ", + -17.38965606689453 + ], + [ + "ちゅうがっこう", + -14.933460235595703 + ], + [ + "ピクサー", + -16.647201538085938 + ], + [ + "HYDE", + -16.680801391601562 + ], + [ + "Adams", + -15.9990816116333 + ], + [ + "エチケット", + -17.33804702758789 + ], + [ + "MUS", + -14.569161415100098 + ], + [ + "エレーナ", + -16.503162384033203 + ], + [ + "朽ち", + -17.447359085083008 + ], + [ + "ガルーダ", + -16.479251861572266 + ], + [ + "ムゲン", + -16.380022048950195 + ], + [ + "globe", + -15.86105728149414 + ], + [ + "アスル", + -16.05373764038086 + ], + [ + "デイリースポーツ", + -16.860889434814453 + ], + [ + "谷垣", + -17.409156799316406 + ], + [ + "Marvel", + -15.351733207702637 + ], + [ + "コーギー", + -17.989763259887695 + ], + [ + "PDP", + -14.95218563079834 + ], + [ + "amu", + -14.548690795898438 + ], + [ + "カイジ", + -16.718830108642578 + ], + [ + "キングズ", + -16.620893478393555 + ], + [ + "!!(", + -18.7965145111084 + ], + [ + "春木", + -16.470821380615234 + ], + [ + "ストッカー", + -18.215421676635746 + ], + [ + "マラー", + -16.458402633666992 + ], + [ + "オース", + -16.615018844604492 + ], + [ + "ILLER", + -15.388408660888672 + ], + [ + "DAQ", + -15.375944137573242 + ], + [ + "アメコミ", + -16.975112915039062 + ], + [ + "不同", + -15.88119125366211 + ], + [ + "ぶつぶ", + -19.588153839111328 + ], + [ + "Fw", + -14.253466606140137 + ], + [ + "竜門", + -16.536212921142578 + ], + [ + "グランディ", + -16.67254066467285 + ], + [ + "Automat", + -14.795327186584473 + ], + [ + "aton", + -14.198830604553224 + ], + [ + "格下", + -18.04504776000977 + ], + [ + "れいこ", + -16.024700164794922 + ], + [ + "Um", + -14.999391555786133 + ], + [ + "クォ", + -16.86473274230957 + ], + [ + "ブレンダー", + -18.076698303222656 + ], + [ + "udd", + -14.524252891540527 + ], + [ + "ELLA", + -15.29147720336914 + ], + [ + "スッ", + -19.7615909576416 + ], + [ + "BCS", + -14.64622688293457 + ], + [ + "シュトゥ", + -16.560197830200195 + ], + [ + "」、「", + -13.693249702453612 + ], + [ + "UNIQLO", + -16.71658706665039 + ], + [ + "アラカルト", + -16.92462158203125 + ], + [ + "ノバスコシア", + -16.621402740478516 + ], + [ + "ビフォーアフター", + -17.842979431152344 + ], + [ + "ヒッタイト", + -17.06827163696289 + ], + [ + "躍り出", + -18.31855010986328 + ], + [ + "久里", + -16.376821517944336 + ], + [ + "シュミレーション", + -19.402265548706055 + ], + [ + "ムーディーズ", + -16.929996490478516 + ], + [ + "ABOUT", + -15.370647430419922 + ], + [ + "リフレイン", + -16.207019805908203 + ], + [ + "Weekly", + -15.76524829864502 + ], + [ + "ノースウエスト", + -16.519927978515625 + ], + [ + "タイヤホイール", + -17.672481536865234 + ], + [ + "スカイツリー", + -15.912019729614258 + ], + [ + "モノクローム", + -16.264249801635742 + ], + [ + "カノジョ", + -16.65345573425293 + ], + [ + "ジェルマン", + -16.887868881225586 + ], + [ + "ZN", + -14.987284660339355 + ], + [ + "コラソン", + -16.97652244567871 + ], + [ + "忠次", + -16.57142448425293 + ], + [ + "つらつ", + -17.53437042236328 + ], + [ + "インパネ", + -18.3754940032959 + ], + [ + "OXY", + -16.070955276489258 + ], + [ + "トホホ", + -18.113698959350582 + ], + [ + "之宮", + -16.35112762451172 + ], + [ + "吉富", + -16.442018508911133 + ], + [ + "ムイ", + -17.120542526245117 + ], + [ + "ソネット", + -16.794076919555664 + ], + [ + "そそり", + -19.22954559326172 + ], + [ + "テプ", + -16.672653198242188 + ], + [ + "軽装", + -17.345619201660156 + ], + [ + "バーリ", + -15.961271286010742 + ], + [ + "広畑", + -16.288986206054688 + ], + [ + "ハイフン", + -17.50597381591797 + ], + [ + "ロードス", + -16.638538360595703 + ], + [ + "SCE", + -14.46615982055664 + ], + [ + "久我山", + -16.4073543548584 + ], + [ + "キント", + -17.202552795410156 + ], + [ + "海士", + -16.60441780090332 + ], + [ + "印南", + -16.539073944091797 + ], + [ + "ツ木", + -16.927194595336914 + ], + [ + "エクスプロ", + -16.234262466430664 + ], + [ + "二三", + -15.65941047668457 + ], + [ + "きざ", + -17.330350875854492 + ], + [ + "xO", + -16.76909828186035 + ], + [ + "ボディビル", + -16.765615463256836 + ], + [ + "リップス", + -16.85538673400879 + ], + [ + "ジャーク", + -16.90834617614746 + ], + [ + "ミヤコ", + -16.17632293701172 + ], + [ + "ショボ", + -19.281272888183594 + ], + [ + "れっき", + -18.31368064880371 + ], + [ + "かえし", + -17.9769344329834 + ], + [ + "クゥ", + -17.047380447387695 + ], + [ + "長野原", + -17.145549774169922 + ], + [ + " _", + -18.35985565185547 + ], + [ + "ッブ", + -16.825382232666016 + ], + [ + "Rom", + -14.707807540893556 + ], + [ + "秤", + -16.992469787597656 + ], + [ + "TOEFL", + -17.2045955657959 + ], + [ + "カーボベルデ", + -15.8506498336792 + ], + [ + "コウノトリ", + -16.425939559936523 + ], + [ + "打ちのめ", + -18.218290328979492 + ], + [ + "シミュレート", + -18.041248321533203 + ], + [ + "VTuber", + -16.860715866088867 + ], + [ + "クロロフィル", + -17.928390502929688 + ], + [ + "JOHN", + -16.335445404052734 + ], + [ + "メキシカンリーグ", + -15.73934268951416 + ], + [ + "ほくろ", + -17.415569305419922 + ], + [ + "ミヤネ", + -16.818965911865234 + ], + [ + "ズバッ", + -16.66705894470215 + ], + [ + "だんじり", + -16.571874618530273 + ], + [ + "フォーライフ", + -15.829253196716309 + ], + [ + "ヴェノム", + -16.9974308013916 + ], + [ + "コーセー", + -16.294843673706055 + ], + [ + "ディロン", + -16.681684494018555 + ], + [ + "アルカロイド", + -16.16849136352539 + ], + [ + "fukuoka", + -18.140024185180664 + ], + [ + "Vor", + -15.196727752685549 + ], + [ + "モーターボート", + -16.747194290161133 + ], + [ + "伊知", + -16.179128646850586 + ], + [ + "BoA", + -15.764439582824709 + ], + [ + "祖谷", + -16.460792541503906 + ], + [ + "Dé", + -16.261661529541016 + ], + [ + "BQ", + -14.867935180664062 + ], + [ + "プルプル", + -18.150171279907227 + ], + [ + "こそぎ", + -18.13873291015625 + ], + [ + "拾え", + -19.005844116210938 + ], + [ + "ビオス", + -17.1904354095459 + ], + [ + "・・・」", + -18.64568519592285 + ], + [ + "クマール", + -16.571002960205078 + ], + [ + "オーズ", + -16.513246536254883 + ], + [ + "アリスイン", + -16.629648208618164 + ], + [ + "麻紀", + -16.387907028198242 + ], + [ + "pres", + -13.861651420593262 + ], + [ + "urnament", + -15.181878089904783 + ], + [ + "aber", + -14.485237121582031 + ], + [ + "ワンド", + -16.8752498626709 + ], + [ + "ヴァント", + -17.0302791595459 + ], + [ + "小松原", + -16.399635314941406 + ], + [ + "尾西", + -16.50478744506836 + ], + [ + "Sai", + -15.213153839111328 + ], + [ + "茶化", + -18.525625228881836 + ], + [ + "フェルデン", + -16.943044662475586 + ], + [ + "アロンソ", + -16.64310073852539 + ], + [ + "shiro", + -15.39142608642578 + ], + [ + "ぴよ", + -17.19292640686035 + ], + [ + "ABU", + -16.09354591369629 + ], + [ + "モアイ", + -16.902864456176758 + ], + [ + "iPS", + -17.17011260986328 + ], + [ + "ingo", + -14.392016410827637 + ], + [ + "zc", + -14.452342987060549 + ], + [ + "プシュ", + -17.289335250854492 + ], + [ + "_.", + -11.932297706604004 + ], + [ + "アングラ", + -17.167566299438477 + ], + [ + "Doom", + -16.15903663635254 + ], + [ + "笹野", + -16.12626838684082 + ], + [ + "ポルテ", + -16.419517517089844 + ], + [ + "Videos", + -14.16402530670166 + ], + [ + "バラック", + -17.41355323791504 + ], + [ + "ヌア", + -17.125564575195312 + ], + [ + "グレゴ", + -16.859895706176758 + ], + [ + "ボグ", + -16.55715560913086 + ], + [ + "Li", + -19.504661560058594 + ], + [ + "アーマード", + -16.63796615600586 + ], + [ + "aving", + -14.912989616394045 + ], + [ + "関連づけ", + -18.105403900146484 + ], + [ + "BA", + -18.26198959350586 + ], + [ + "Hospital", + -15.895700454711914 + ], + [ + "junior", + -16.269447326660156 + ], + [ + "エクセター", + -16.417831420898438 + ], + [ + "エスタディオ", + -16.679243087768555 + ], + [ + "チラホラ", + -19.48093032836914 + ], + [ + "チタニウム", + -17.18881607055664 + ], + [ + "construc", + -17.70443344116211 + ], + [ + "REBORN", + -16.412445068359375 + ], + [ + "katsu", + -15.616113662719728 + ], + [ + "SLDK", + -19.80425453186035 + ], + [ + "André", + -15.402506828308104 + ], + [ + "Sakura", + -16.612403869628906 + ], + [ + "のおの", + -17.727758407592773 + ], + [ + "ゴモラ", + -16.55211067199707 + ], + [ + "チーズケーキ", + -16.880329132080078 + ], + [ + "ベルファスト", + -16.51305389404297 + ], + [ + "駆り出", + -18.10828018188477 + ], + [ + "グローバリゼ", + -16.434768676757812 + ], + [ + "サンチョ", + -17.15269660949707 + ], + [ + "筑後川", + -16.56036949157715 + ], + [ + "藤倉", + -16.349023818969727 + ], + [ + "和香", + -16.80913734436035 + ], + [ + "カメリア", + -16.964214324951172 + ], + [ + "だまし取", + -18.69977378845215 + ], + [ + "BGK", + -17.47402572631836 + ], + [ + "MMJ", + -15.808979988098145 + ], + [ + "古稀", + -17.24311065673828 + ], + [ + "ホホ", + -17.419063568115234 + ], + [ + "アンセム", + -16.970455169677734 + ], + [ + "永和", + -16.1969051361084 + ], + [ + "トランスポート", + -16.6314754486084 + ], + [ + "YTV", + -15.808987617492676 + ], + [ + "オカン", + -16.63322639465332 + ], + [ + "立ち返", + -18.661388397216797 + ], + [ + "ビュル", + -17.122589111328125 + ], + [ + "リーマー", + -18.40784072875977 + ], + [ + "不可思議", + -17.46015167236328 + ], + [ + "爪先", + -17.54287338256836 + ], + [ + "ガルト", + -16.852243423461914 + ], + [ + "英美", + -16.891132354736328 + ], + [ + "ドーロ", + -16.85460662841797 + ], + [ + "火野", + -16.21996307373047 + ], + [ + "僧院", + -17.340435028076172 + ], + [ + "ollowing", + -17.291828155517578 + ], + [ + "浅尾", + -16.98954963684082 + ], + [ + "リリア", + -16.272663116455078 + ], + [ + "mei", + -14.25041675567627 + ], + [ + "ラムダ", + -16.730234146118164 + ], + [ + "SKU", + -15.351244926452637 + ], + [ + "CROW", + -15.505170822143556 + ], + [ + "マリッジ", + -16.88064193725586 + ], + [ + "ayu", + -15.588175773620604 + ], + [ + "アスナ", + -17.10242462158203 + ], + [ + "パンタ", + -16.59309959411621 + ], + [ + "スキーマ", + -16.788267135620117 + ], + [ + "チョッ", + -17.231019973754883 + ], + [ + "Lei", + -15.604532241821287 + ], + [ + "高じ", + -19.375160217285156 + ], + [ + "Hyp", + -15.061823844909668 + ], + [ + "lli", + -13.66118621826172 + ], + [ + "シャットアウ", + -20.37797164916992 + ], + [ + ":.:.:.", + -20.50577735900879 + ], + [ + "バーカー", + -16.795785903930664 + ], + [ + "Anima", + -14.666375160217283 + ], + [ + "ファクタ", + -17.392568588256836 + ], + [ + "iR", + -15.853951454162598 + ], + [ + "ラージヒ", + -16.626239776611328 + ], + [ + "エック", + -17.231525421142578 + ], + [ + "スワロー", + -16.869224548339844 + ], + [ + "田坂", + -16.385217666625977 + ], + [ + "ASO", + -15.950626373291016 + ], + [ + "GUM", + -16.1773624420166 + ], + [ + "グラマン", + -16.53151512145996 + ], + [ + "テネ", + -17.101877212524414 + ], + [ + "toshi", + -15.645512580871582 + ], + [ + "レシプロ", + -17.216035842895508 + ], + [ + "Cruise", + -16.259122848510742 + ], + [ + "アレクサンデル", + -16.704723358154297 + ], + [ + "トキメキ", + -16.679500579833984 + ], + [ + "ドクダミ", + -18.017541885375977 + ], + [ + "ゴンサレス", + -16.80303955078125 + ], + [ + "mentary", + -15.349824905395508 + ], + [ + "GUNDAM", + -16.515918731689453 + ], + [ + "アディショナル", + -15.805654525756836 + ], + [ + "フンボルト", + -16.34476661682129 + ], + [ + "BEACH", + -16.1026668548584 + ], + [ + "オナホ", + -18.556480407714844 + ], + [ + "};---", + -21.279712677001953 + ], + [ + "ーヴェルニュ", + -16.49053192138672 + ], + [ + "モリエール", + -16.544055938720703 + ], + [ + "タブロイド", + -16.620180130004883 + ], + [ + "キムタク", + -18.9659366607666 + ], + [ + "マリアンヌ", + -16.607696533203125 + ], + [ + "粟津", + -16.346145629882812 + ], + [ + "weban", + -19.50502586364746 + ], + [ + "rilliant", + -15.433154106140137 + ], + [ + "ルメール", + -17.560298919677734 + ], + [ + "Era", + -15.641805648803713 + ], + [ + "ノーマルヒル", + -16.03492546081543 + ], + [ + "ノビ", + -16.72937774658203 + ], + [ + "メロメロ", + -17.688936233520508 + ], + [ + "叡山", + -16.608768463134766 + ], + [ + "鉄舟", + -17.522005081176758 + ], + [ + "=”", + -17.070707321166992 + ], + [ + "ノヴィッチ", + -16.415042877197266 + ], + [ + "そっけ", + -18.579402923583984 + ], + [ + "\\", + -18.792951583862305 + ], + [ + "UZU", + -16.829742431640625 + ], + [ + "白土", + -16.73292350769043 + ], + [ + "公論", + -16.85590934753418 + ], + [ + "理研", + -16.747692108154297 + ], + [ + "脳死", + -17.422992706298828 + ], + [ + "いだい", + -17.39661407470703 + ], + [ + "ぷろ", + -16.76256561279297 + ], + [ + "コサ", + -17.212570190429688 + ], + [ + "Lum", + -15.244357109069824 + ], + [ + "東尾", + -17.06338882446289 + ], + [ + "ぱんだ", + -17.400968551635742 + ], + [ + "aqua", + -15.070637702941896 + ], + [ + "OLF", + -16.166667938232422 + ], + [ + "Cav", + -15.907673835754396 + ], + [ + "レビトラ", + -19.153953552246097 + ], + [ + "ハマリ", + -18.39497947692871 + ], + [ + "Si", + -20.493717193603516 + ], + [ + "rez", + -14.42189884185791 + ], + [ + "エミリ", + -16.463207244873047 + ], + [ + "山脇", + -16.37334442138672 + ], + [ + "リエット", + -17.52466583251953 + ], + [ + "ウネ", + -17.262414932250977 + ], + [ + "柏葉", + -16.769269943237305 + ], + [ + "GON", + -15.3966703414917 + ], + [ + "びで", + -17.63749122619629 + ], + [ + "Grave", + -15.894100189208984 + ], + [ + "デース", + -17.50224494934082 + ], + [ + "Guardian", + -15.736857414245604 + ], + [ + "LUCKY", + -16.35498046875 + ], + [ + "ビジャレアル", + -15.988532066345217 + ], + [ + "悔い改め", + -18.352489471435547 + ], + [ + "渡嘉敷", + -16.415632247924805 + ], + [ + "アポカリプス", + -16.87087059020996 + ], + [ + "スハーフェン", + -16.919158935546875 + ], + [ + "ヨモギ", + -17.09556770324707 + ], + [ + "VICTOR", + -15.919360160827637 + ], + [ + "japonic", + -16.704492568969727 + ], + [ + "ァウンデーション", + -16.787960052490234 + ], + [ + "Observa", + -16.58978843688965 + ], + [ + "ポンペイウス", + -17.63581657409668 + ], + [ + "トゥモロー", + -16.240022659301758 + ], + [ + "團十郎", + -16.934289932250977 + ], + [ + "スシロー", + -17.649852752685547 + ], + [ + "レノボ", + -17.337549209594727 + ], + [ + "ィギュアスケート", + -13.71671199798584 + ], + [ + "ウブ", + -16.956636428833008 + ], + [ + "パッカード", + -16.54792022705078 + ], + [ + "鍛え上げ", + -17.978412628173828 + ], + [ + "dmm", + -16.712539672851562 + ], + [ + "エンリコ", + -16.402816772460938 + ], + [ + "Koh", + -16.688796997070312 + ], + [ + "プッチー", + -17.333459854125977 + ], + [ + "招き入れ", + -18.075489044189453 + ], + [ + "戸松", + -16.09111213684082 + ], + [ + "析出", + -18.08860969543457 + ], + [ + "プラーク", + -17.457862854003906 + ], + [ + "町柳", + -17.404193878173828 + ], + [ + "モンタージュ", + -17.107091903686523 + ], + [ + "ジュディス", + -17.00017738342285 + ], + [ + "ファイヴ", + -16.458911895751953 + ], + [ + "巡らせ", + -18.273456573486328 + ], + [ + "メールボックス", + -18.323551177978516 + ], + [ + "ひしぎ", + -16.56553077697754 + ], + [ + "飯岡", + -16.403179168701172 + ], + [ + "Helen", + -15.771705627441406 + ], + [ + "受付け", + -18.58623313903809 + ], + [ + "マラータ", + -17.256559371948242 + ], + [ + "Frontier", + -15.8939790725708 + ], + [ + "レジン", + -17.216794967651367 + ], + [ + "MPa", + -17.029216766357422 + ], + [ + "しんどく", + -19.49262428283691 + ], + [ + "ヨブ", + -17.554061889648438 + ], + [ + "切り込", + -18.28387451171875 + ], + [ + "雲海", + -17.160921096801758 + ], + [ + "ORT", + -14.325113296508787 + ], + [ + "虐げ", + -18.086217880249023 + ], + [ + "静岡放送", + -15.405707359313965 + ], + [ + "石塔", + -16.739654541015625 + ], + [ + "sketball", + -18.54437255859375 + ], + [ + "ordpress", + -18.04942512512207 + ], + [ + "夕立", + -16.840457916259766 + ], + [ + "ネーズ", + -17.29830551147461 + ], + [ + "NSX", + -16.387189865112305 + ], + [ + "GB", + -19.576513290405273 + ], + [ + "アドリアン", + -16.676475524902344 + ], + [ + "ルーバー", + -17.75884246826172 + ], + [ + "Weblog", + -17.702302932739258 + ], + [ + "ég", + -14.82194709777832 + ], + [ + "アーニー", + -16.520137786865234 + ], + [ + "crib", + -15.782045364379885 + ], + [ + "Gone", + -15.69665813446045 + ], + [ + "クレット", + -17.31656837463379 + ], + [ + "タップル", + -19.12147521972656 + ], + [ + "ベティス", + -16.27326774597168 + ], + [ + "めんどく", + -19.12485122680664 + ], + [ + "舶", + -17.111135482788086 + ], + [ + "メロウ", + -16.950693130493164 + ], + [ + "道上", + -16.422388076782227 + ], + [ + "林火", + -18.44953727722168 + ], + [ + "ゾロリ", + -16.74281120300293 + ], + [ + "ロングラン", + -17.660276412963867 + ], + [ + "AWAY", + -15.177963256835938 + ], + [ + "AMB", + -14.657476425170898 + ], + [ + "Ancient", + -15.43360424041748 + ], + [ + "ぐらんぷり", + -16.428232192993164 + ], + [ + "コオロギ", + -17.153076171875 + ], + [ + "タウンゼント", + -16.98798179626465 + ], + [ + "ペニンシュラ", + -17.895322799682617 + ], + [ + "Portrait", + -15.134593963623049 + ], + [ + "アソシエイツ", + -16.64695167541504 + ], + [ + "コーエーテクモ", + -16.823558807373047 + ], + [ + "WHIP", + -16.598405838012695 + ], + [ + "NAOTO", + -16.82200813293457 + ], + [ + "Nz", + -15.76023006439209 + ], + [ + "ピクミン", + -16.793596267700195 + ], + [ + "ハンディキャップ", + -17.417724609375 + ], + [ + "ロマーニャ", + -16.239145278930664 + ], + [ + "同朋", + -16.66098403930664 + ], + [ + "dvd", + -15.395045280456545 + ], + [ + "ビョー", + -17.048263549804688 + ], + [ + "トライアウト", + -16.587953567504883 + ], + [ + "クォリティ", + -18.311128616333008 + ], + [ + "Shining", + -15.158794403076172 + ], + [ + "メタルバンド", + -16.7258358001709 + ], + [ + "SideM", + -16.416215896606445 + ], + [ + "aichi", + -16.162450790405273 + ], + [ + "Beast", + -16.44814682006836 + ], + [ + "コルテス", + -16.862876892089844 + ], + [ + "サノス", + -17.796838760375977 + ], + [ + "秩父宮", + -16.53569221496582 + ], + [ + "広末", + -16.451759338378906 + ], + [ + "ホワイトカラー", + -17.00087547302246 + ], + [ + "st", + -19.087316513061523 + ], + [ + "YON", + -16.158584594726562 + ], + [ + "KUKI", + -15.68100929260254 + ], + [ + "茂吉", + -16.70671272277832 + ], + [ + "津留", + -16.493877410888672 + ], + [ + "やぁ", + -18.158496856689453 + ], + [ + "rex", + -14.083891868591309 + ], + [ + "秋雨", + -18.119876861572266 + ], + [ + "プライヤー", + -18.27518081665039 + ], + [ + "NCH", + -14.694430351257324 + ], + [ + "デーヴァ", + -16.96026039123535 + ], + [ + "落着", + -18.043882369995117 + ], + [ + "BAC", + -14.646849632263184 + ], + [ + "NICE", + -15.173568725585938 + ], + [ + "Televis", + -15.131275177001951 + ], + [ + "om", + -19.24259376525879 + ], + [ + "ザッパ", + -16.887527465820312 + ], + [ + "≫[", + -19.751218795776367 + ], + [ + "ORF", + -16.147480010986328 + ], + [ + "宗務", + -16.70693016052246 + ], + [ + "トクホ", + -18.93966293334961 + ], + [ + "Justin", + -15.531471252441406 + ], + [ + "ラシン", + -15.94627857208252 + ], + [ + "ラシャ", + -17.495790481567383 + ], + [ + "ミニバス", + -16.44996452331543 + ], + [ + "^^;", + -17.288414001464844 + ], + [ + "リチン", + -17.844011306762695 + ], + [ + "華人", + -17.07375717163086 + ], + [ + "Mut", + -14.715825080871582 + ], + [ + "ローニ", + -16.6627197265625 + ], + [ + "dL", + -15.20237922668457 + ], + [ + "安彦", + -16.469402313232422 + ], + [ + "トック", + -17.076335906982422 + ], + [ + "こんち", + -17.303504943847656 + ], + [ + "名士", + -17.073118209838867 + ], + [ + "トーゴ", + -16.048866271972656 + ], + [ + "TREASURE", + -16.319263458251953 + ], + [ + "パトレイバー", + -16.545883178710938 + ], + [ + "ヴァルキュリア", + -16.772424697875977 + ], + [ + "落ち延び", + -17.82612419128418 + ], + [ + "書き留め", + -18.30858612060547 + ], + [ + "コイズミ", + -17.791919708251953 + ], + [ + "ニッセイ", + -16.707611083984375 + ], + [ + "ソルボンヌ", + -17.444011688232422 + ], + [ + "ざなみ", + -16.56344985961914 + ], + [ + "スルスル", + -19.632448196411133 + ], + [ + "Evernote", + -16.88872528076172 + ], + [ + "Thailand", + -15.604769706726074 + ], + [ + "成り上が", + -17.770444869995117 + ], + [ + ")<", + -18.727697372436523 + ], + [ + "ホーネッツ", + -16.541181564331055 + ], + [ + "バンプ", + -16.967954635620117 + ], + [ + "NINJA", + -16.155973434448242 + ], + [ + "IZA", + -15.72426700592041 + ], + [ + "シブゲ", + -17.224576950073242 + ], + [ + "ニコルソン", + -16.900619506835938 + ], + [ + "ログハウス", + -17.723098754882812 + ], + [ + "里中", + -16.282100677490234 + ], + [ + "ルシュ", + -16.881309509277344 + ], + [ + "マンボウ", + -16.771804809570312 + ], + [ + "!★", + -18.113277435302734 + ], + [ + "Independ", + -15.443531036376951 + ], + [ + "ビブリオ", + -15.948097229003906 + ], + [ + "湧別", + -16.71853256225586 + ], + [ + "ポープ", + -17.129568099975586 + ], + [ + "KATSU", + -16.116472244262695 + ], + [ + "引き合わ", + -18.66415786743164 + ], + [ + "PH", + -19.332685470581055 + ], + [ + "赤堀", + -16.537052154541016 + ], + [ + "nvention", + -18.97709274291992 + ], + [ + "ワンデー", + -17.228147506713867 + ], + [ + "ミスコン", + -17.05522346496582 + ], + [ + "Shine", + -14.725720405578612 + ], + [ + "稲荷山", + -16.60643768310547 + ], + [ + "NCC", + -15.565292358398438 + ], + [ + "べたつ", + -20.1352596282959 + ], + [ + "ゴルド", + -16.415847778320312 + ], + [ + ")」、「", + -18.47096824645996 + ], + [ + "gx", + -13.982731819152832 + ], + [ + "Batter", + -15.864941596984863 + ], + [ + "オーピー", + -16.42640495300293 + ], + [ + "ルンド", + -16.602210998535156 + ], + [ + "ロッホ", + -16.937124252319336 + ], + [ + "っちゅう", + -18.024517059326172 + ], + [ + "ウズラ", + -16.369783401489258 + ], + [ + "データバンク", + -16.4873046875 + ], + [ + "帰納", + -16.987319946289062 + ], + [ + "一馬", + -15.784422874450684 + ], + [ + "ブリル", + -17.05692481994629 + ], + [ + "éd", + -14.74891757965088 + ], + [ + "竜宮", + -16.827028274536133 + ], + [ + "サング", + -16.890003204345703 + ], + [ + "寝入り", + -18.48506546020508 + ], + [ + "?~", + -17.56774139404297 + ], + [ + "ヒッポ", + -16.869609832763672 + ], + [ + "TAK", + -15.682025909423828 + ], + [ + "nstagood", + -19.78025245666504 + ], + [ + "べら", + -17.67970848083496 + ], + [ + "CT", + -18.59306526184082 + ], + [ + "ryu", + -15.876108169555664 + ], + [ + "Thompson", + -16.300708770751953 + ], + [ + "Amazing", + -16.129640579223633 + ], + [ + "シュノーケル", + -17.073261260986328 + ], + [ + "Construc", + -17.432600021362305 + ], + [ + "クエーカー", + -16.770675659179688 + ], + [ + "クラウディウス", + -16.686708450317383 + ], + [ + "アソシエ", + -16.96816635131836 + ], + [ + "アニマックス", + -16.23287010192871 + ], + [ + "マラッカ", + -17.257139205932617 + ], + [ + "メイショウ", + -16.913074493408203 + ], + [ + "西荻", + -17.342548370361328 + ], + [ + "落第", + -17.300918579101562 + ], + [ + "サンダーランド", + -16.04684829711914 + ], + [ + "マトモ", + -18.531030654907227 + ], + [ + "イソップ", + -16.81875991821289 + ], + [ + "バンバ", + -16.74957275390625 + ], + [ + "EDA", + -15.156665802001951 + ], + [ + "中歌", + -15.61305046081543 + ], + [ + "エネル", + -16.872570037841797 + ], + [ + "ナメクジ", + -17.191696166992188 + ], + [ + "GUES", + -16.540082931518555 + ], + [ + "里穂", + -16.115062713623047 + ], + [ + "マンデラ", + -17.11261749267578 + ], + [ + "ロージー", + -16.48360824584961 + ], + [ + "小瀬", + -16.364107131958008 + ], + [ + "粟生", + -16.528112411499023 + ], + [ + "左衛門尉", + -16.83916664123535 + ], + [ + "ゴエ", + -16.554887771606445 + ], + [ + "ゴチ", + -17.174312591552734 + ], + [ + "スヴェン", + -16.232099533081055 + ], + [ + "イオニア", + -16.93452262878418 + ], + [ + "命運", + -17.92662811279297 + ], + [ + "女子学院", + -16.187606811523438 + ], + [ + "オハラ", + -16.537555694580078 + ], + [ + "    ", + -14.217447280883787 + ], + [ + "スタッフブログ", + -17.387243270874023 + ], + [ + "比奈", + -16.56806755065918 + ], + [ + "有里", + -16.179595947265625 + ], + [ + "shiba", + -15.617122650146484 + ], + [ + "ホク", + -16.287721633911133 + ], + [ + "ブロディ", + -16.766218185424805 + ], + [ + "テオド", + -16.53509521484375 + ], + [ + "oly", + -14.737190246582031 + ], + [ + "ファナ", + -16.5617618560791 + ], + [ + "金剛山", + -16.7509708404541 + ], + [ + "EEN", + -15.195170402526855 + ], + [ + "WEEKEND", + -15.869348526000977 + ], + [ + "チャール", + -17.342782974243164 + ], + [ + "ゆれ", + -16.633394241333008 + ], + [ + "白旗", + -16.75933265686035 + ], + [ + "コン", + -18.88250732421875 + ], + [ + "歴然", + -19.093900680541992 + ], + [ + "ロッキン", + -16.74951934814453 + ], + [ + "こお", + -15.6705961227417 + ], + [ + "ジサマ", + -18.473434448242188 + ], + [ + "婚式", + -17.7128963470459 + ], + [ + "岩沢", + -16.31447410583496 + ], + [ + "SAK", + -16.241397857666016 + ], + [ + "スアレス", + -16.91057586669922 + ], + [ + "ゲオルギ", + -16.844383239746094 + ], + [ + "Yasu", + -16.71617317199707 + ], + [ + "アリューシャン", + -16.634885787963867 + ], + [ + "ハピネット", + -16.059385299682617 + ], + [ + "モンスーン", + -17.18126678466797 + ], + [ + "リュブリャナ", + -16.21089744567871 + ], + [ + "九頭竜", + -16.341623306274414 + ], + [ + "ュルブルクリンク", + -17.031005859375 + ], + [ + "COOLPIX", + -18.39331817626953 + ], + [ + "Soldier", + -16.26675796508789 + ], + [ + "アンジュルム", + -16.354549407958984 + ], + [ + "アヴィニョン", + -17.123823165893555 + ], + [ + "URBAN", + -16.51625633239746 + ], + [ + "ポイズン", + -16.360280990600586 + ], + [ + "AORA", + -16.489797592163086 + ], + [ + "HiGH", + -16.604463577270508 + ], + [ + "インフェルノ", + -16.41531753540039 + ], + [ + "Carolina", + -16.64048957824707 + ], + [ + "宇田", + -16.302133560180664 + ], + [ + "ょっぱい", + -18.23397445678711 + ], + [ + "メタノール", + -17.17736053466797 + ], + [ + "ロマーノ", + -16.517419815063477 + ], + [ + "じゅうた", + -18.179235458374023 + ], + [ + "平群", + -16.51603889465332 + ], + [ + "〜〜", + -17.260311126708984 + ], + [ + "ギルモア", + -16.600053787231445 + ], + [ + "響かせ", + -18.071603775024418 + ], + [ + "ダノン", + -16.86952781677246 + ], + [ + "クレマン", + -16.847578048706055 + ], + [ + "浦川", + -16.422550201416016 + ], + [ + "駆け回", + -18.227510452270508 + ], + [ + "使い慣れ", + -19.114303588867188 + ], + [ + "エルヴィン", + -16.614978790283203 + ], + [ + "懸垂", + -17.380062103271484 + ], + [ + "⇒【", + -20.02690887451172 + ], + [ + "ひきつけ", + -18.649154663085938 + ], + [ + "トーリ", + -16.729721069335938 + ], + [ + "オーラル", + -16.618465423583984 + ], + [ + "ナオト", + -16.210180282592773 + ], + [ + "ふかし", + -16.627338409423828 + ], + [ + "古木", + -17.002246856689453 + ], + [ + "田母", + -18.08863067626953 + ], + [ + "ルゥ", + -16.885475158691406 + ], + [ + "フェルスタ", + -17.807275772094727 + ], + [ + "ターラ", + -17.03514862060547 + ], + [ + "ドーバー", + -16.81810760498047 + ], + [ + "(^-^;", + -19.505247116088867 + ], + [ + "シルヴィ", + -16.691207885742188 + ], + [ + "ヴィヒ", + -17.413768768310547 + ], + [ + "不燃", + -17.82798957824707 + ], + [ + "琢也", + -16.040237426757812 + ], + [ + "FAIR", + -15.375204086303713 + ], + [ + "聖教", + -16.957595825195312 + ], + [ + "中国電力", + -16.074705123901367 + ], + [ + "キサン", + -16.37506675720215 + ], + [ + "ふお", + -15.73062229156494 + ], + [ + "nap", + -14.319416046142578 + ], + [ + "オーソ", + -17.163190841674805 + ], + [ + "レウ", + -16.877580642700195 + ], + [ + "校友", + -16.865442276000977 + ], + [ + "arin", + -14.86985969543457 + ], + [ + "ヤエ", + -16.50026512145996 + ], + [ + "chou", + -16.054819107055664 + ], + [ + "チェンジャー", + -16.613004684448242 + ], + [ + "ダフィ", + -17.504348754882812 + ], + [ + "VES", + -15.040021896362305 + ], + [ + "フェオ", + -16.7724609375 + ], + [ + "建ち", + -18.016218185424805 + ], + [ + "Fame", + -17.084657669067383 + ], + [ + "マジカ", + -16.918787002563477 + ], + [ + "ポンチ", + -16.382158279418945 + ], + [ + "神南", + -16.685693740844727 + ], + [ + "LS", + -19.650142669677734 + ], + [ + "ミーツ", + -16.5280704498291 + ], + [ + "めでたい", + -18.041826248168945 + ], + [ + "ジェイアール", + -15.766703605651855 + ], + [ + "あんさん", + -16.710622787475586 + ], + [ + "ウォッシャブル", + -18.550159454345703 + ], + [ + "エクスカリバー", + -16.47272491455078 + ], + [ + "忌み嫌", + -17.97858238220215 + ], + [ + "pcmax", + -20.14805030822754 + ], + [ + "ERMES", + -16.142122268676758 + ], + [ + "ペルセウス", + -16.80388069152832 + ], + [ + "・´)", + -19.496063232421875 + ], + [ + "ラジカセ", + -17.25039291381836 + ], + [ + "アニラジ", + -15.61931037902832 + ], + [ + "applica", + -15.460514068603516 + ], + [ + "プラーザ", + -17.09903907775879 + ], + [ + "大聖寺", + -16.603866577148438 + ], + [ + "ガント", + -17.011980056762695 + ], + [ + "ブレーンバスター", + -16.08612632751465 + ], + [ + " ↓", + -17.53630828857422 + ], + [ + "ミカエル", + -15.710440635681152 + ], + [ + "ジオグラフィック", + -16.443138122558594 + ], + [ + "エースコン", + -19.050323486328125 + ], + [ + "突き破", + -17.929885864257812 + ], + [ + "ロンドンハーツ", + -16.55426025390625 + ], + [ + "久原", + -16.761667251586914 + ], + [ + "OUND", + -15.948086738586426 + ], + [ + "aph", + -14.35181713104248 + ], + [ + "白鳳", + -16.59657859802246 + ], + [ + "ラテックス", + -17.62139320373535 + ], + [ + "御膳", + -17.47072982788086 + ], + [ + "asahi", + -17.06382942199707 + ], + [ + "エルサ", + -17.01432228088379 + ], + [ + "Bureau", + -16.982646942138672 + ], + [ + "信太", + -16.305156707763672 + ], + [ + "ゴールドコースト", + -16.77446174621582 + ], + [ + "トレイラー", + -17.330364227294922 + ], + [ + "memo", + -14.610692977905272 + ], + [ + "レヒ", + -16.945499420166016 + ], + [ + "一本松", + -16.772356033325195 + ], + [ + "ラリア", + -17.121492385864258 + ], + [ + "ストンマーティン", + -17.28313446044922 + ], + [ + "CASA", + -15.912606239318848 + ], + [ + "ツ橋", + -16.54012107849121 + ], + [ + "川東", + -16.09917449951172 + ], + [ + "ショ", + -19.06579971313477 + ], + [ + "ゼロックス", + -16.688547134399414 + ], + [ + "マンボ", + -16.329788208007812 + ], + [ + "なけりゃ", + -18.21988868713379 + ], + [ + "ブレント", + -16.080102920532227 + ], + [ + "平太", + -15.987271308898926 + ], + [ + "zt", + -14.46052074432373 + ], + [ + "Pil", + -15.679136276245115 + ], + [ + "フレイザー", + -16.553386688232422 + ], + [ + "メーション", + -17.30861473083496 + ], + [ + "あふ", + -15.534246444702148 + ], + [ + "武神", + -16.979202270507812 + ], + [ + "ズレー", + -17.241363525390625 + ], + [ + "ASU", + -15.366601943969728 + ], + [ + "の平", + -15.346773147583008 + ], + [ + "生みだ", + -18.27897834777832 + ], + [ + "ECE", + -15.282593727111816 + ], + [ + "東港", + -16.333791732788086 + ], + [ + "COE", + -15.222835540771484 + ], + [ + "iX", + -15.439376831054688 + ], + [ + "DRAMA", + -15.983993530273438 + ], + [ + "アノ", + -20.218364715576172 + ], + [ + "ABYMETAL", + -16.689943313598633 + ], + [ + "丸木", + -17.238664627075195 + ], + [ + "Academic", + -15.646785736083984 + ], + [ + "premium", + -16.717113494873047 + ], + [ + "デビスカップ", + -17.03072166442871 + ], + [ + "ハセガワ", + -17.11543846130371 + ], + [ + "ミニマリスト", + -17.91615867614746 + ], + [ + "アーティファクト", + -17.047029495239258 + ], + [ + "コンパートメント", + -17.948894500732422 + ], + [ + "(・∀・)", + -19.222267150878903 + ], + [ + "Gustav", + -15.763425827026367 + ], + [ + "蒲鉾", + -16.70440673828125 + ], + [ + "GACKT", + -16.270830154418945 + ], + [ + "レプリ", + -17.22153663635254 + ], + [ + "レジオ", + -17.108123779296875 + ], + [ + "コルーニャ", + -16.250539779663086 + ], + [ + "グラビティ", + -16.433542251586914 + ], + [ + "フェルメール", + -17.329927444458008 + ], + [ + "串刺", + -17.47827911376953 + ], + [ + "ミニストップ", + -16.864322662353516 + ], + [ + "ウェーク", + -17.076095581054688 + ], + [ + "チニブ", + -17.818328857421875 + ], + [ + "ギフトラッピング", + -19.182859420776367 + ], + [ + "まろん", + -18.0994873046875 + ], + [ + "Handbook", + -17.153688430786133 + ], + [ + "ANDY", + -16.190486907958984 + ], + [ + "ドミニオン", + -16.846576690673828 + ], + [ + "Sarah", + -15.541533470153809 + ], + [ + "YEARS", + -15.653705596923828 + ], + [ + "一興", + -18.16002082824707 + ], + [ + "コラール", + -17.000011444091797 + ], + [ + "ガルテン", + -16.909685134887695 + ], + [ + "SCAPE", + -15.497331619262695 + ], + [ + "Perry", + -16.26019859313965 + ], + [ + "引き止め", + -18.41893196105957 + ], + [ + "入り乱れ", + -18.276782989501953 + ], + [ + "大塔", + -16.754467010498047 + ], + [ + "チームメート", + -17.715747833251953 + ], + [ + "こしょう", + -18.242563247680664 + ], + [ + "Nao", + -15.431255340576172 + ], + [ + "MINE", + -15.158125877380373 + ], + [ + "阪田", + -16.44597053527832 + ], + [ + "スコアラー", + -16.882959365844727 + ], + [ + "ウソン", + -16.554645538330078 + ], + [ + "ミーズ", + -16.93242645263672 + ], + [ + "eit", + -14.535085678100586 + ], + [ + "MEX", + -15.34271240234375 + ], + [ + "アワーズ", + -16.396493911743164 + ], + [ + ") ※", + -17.043020248413086 + ], + [ + "立国", + -17.192964553833008 + ], + [ + "リバティー", + -16.639610290527344 + ], + [ + "黒谷", + -16.45530891418457 + ], + [ + "与一", + -16.499237060546875 + ], + [ + "nike", + -16.463481903076172 + ], + [ + "ic", + -18.833478927612305 + ], + [ + "!※", + -17.470613479614258 + ], + [ + "召し出", + -18.010684967041016 + ], + [ + "ホソ", + -16.36626625061035 + ], + [ + "systems", + -14.016331672668455 + ], + [ + "ヤック", + -17.3328800201416 + ], + [ + "牧原", + -16.6221981048584 + ], + [ + "カタツムリ", + -16.980960845947266 + ], + [ + "ワンナイトラブ", + -19.340660095214844 + ], + [ + "ブキャナン", + -16.584291458129883 + ], + [ + "ベートーベン", + -16.90749168395996 + ], + [ + "デンジャラス", + -16.292882919311523 + ], + [ + "<(_", + -19.733234405517575 + ], + [ + "Stanley", + -16.01040267944336 + ], + [ + "グラインド", + -16.91213607788086 + ], + [ + "nippon", + -16.54444694519043 + ], + [ + "ノキア", + -16.70508575439453 + ], + [ + "ティトゥス", + -16.376909255981445 + ], + [ + "フランソワーズ", + -16.556533813476562 + ], + [ + "タルタル", + -17.570798873901367 + ], + [ + "Franklin", + -15.954834938049316 + ], + [ + "稚児", + -16.789125442504883 + ], + [ + "wwwww", + -18.521045684814453 + ], + [ + "ミリアム", + -16.503124237060547 + ], + [ + "きびし", + -18.470993041992188 + ], + [ + "禁固", + -17.85767936706543 + ], + [ + "持ち込め", + -19.091163635253903 + ], + [ + "沖ノ", + -16.811513900756836 + ], + [ + "ティオス", + -16.821273803710938 + ], + [ + "ウンチ", + -17.834657669067383 + ], + [ + "至誠", + -16.567842483520508 + ], + [ + "浅草橋", + -17.231630325317383 + ], + [ + "MIZU", + -16.44658660888672 + ], + [ + "根室本線", + -16.358654022216797 + ], + [ + "DIVE", + -15.959214210510254 + ], + [ + "ペニ", + -16.948902130126953 + ], + [ + "プレゼンス", + -17.734542846679688 + ], + [ + "んがり", + -17.201099395751953 + ], + [ + "白砂", + -17.107690811157227 + ], + [ + "リンツ", + -16.51498794555664 + ], + [ + "Rein", + -15.961655616760254 + ], + [ + "Wu", + -15.294020652770996 + ], + [ + "mH", + -15.527563095092772 + ], + [ + "Harper", + -15.84619140625 + ], + [ + "野方", + -16.478923797607422 + ], + [ + "東原", + -16.573116302490234 + ], + [ + "ゴルト", + -17.031885147094727 + ], + [ + "abin", + -14.98669719696045 + ], + [ + "ファロ", + -16.618408203125 + ], + [ + "レイバー", + -16.977519989013672 + ], + [ + "テンベルク", + -16.65001106262207 + ], + [ + "保水", + -18.775081634521484 + ], + [ + "ピド", + -17.03670310974121 + ], + [ + "深江", + -16.170289993286133 + ], + [ + "戸崎", + -16.658382415771484 + ], + [ + "アングラー", + -17.201467514038086 + ], + [ + "内宮", + -17.04873275756836 + ], + [ + "カッツ", + -16.7711181640625 + ], + [ + "七草", + -17.02328872680664 + ], + [ + "蹊", + -18.127317428588867 + ], + [ + "ティニ", + -16.598325729370117 + ], + [ + "ゆだね", + -18.278858184814453 + ], + [ + "桜美林", + -16.15753173828125 + ], + [ + "蝋燭", + -17.40621566772461 + ], + [ + "イグニッション", + -16.843090057373047 + ], + [ + "クレッシェンド", + -16.11334228515625 + ], + [ + "キューティーハニ", + -16.1488037109375 + ], + [ + "LiSA", + -16.213693618774414 + ], + [ + "まっとう", + -18.118127822875977 + ], + [ + "EPO", + -15.063258171081545 + ], + [ + "PARADE", + -16.087425231933594 + ], + [ + "ウィッチーズ", + -16.49234962463379 + ], + [ + "北海学園大", + -16.043699264526367 + ], + [ + "ショートケーキ", + -17.40207862854004 + ], + [ + "サイゾー", + -17.097885131835938 + ], + [ + "ジョホール", + -16.778635025024414 + ], + [ + "踏み倒", + -18.637271881103516 + ], + [ + "ハッブル", + -17.381418228149414 + ], + [ + "下塗", + -20.636932373046875 + ], + [ + "殖産", + -17.01356315612793 + ], + [ + "iru", + -15.21918773651123 + ], + [ + "ベンチャーズ", + -16.865428924560547 + ], + [ + "レイキ", + -19.102888107299805 + ], + [ + "売り渡", + -18.237951278686523 + ], + [ + ")」、", + -17.715927124023438 + ], + [ + "生臭", + -18.539512634277344 + ], + [ + "道寺", + -16.993732452392578 + ], + [ + "ナーガ", + -16.395055770874023 + ], + [ + "コージ", + -16.468385696411133 + ], + [ + "AHJ", + -18.212583541870117 + ], + [ + ") (", + -17.32857894897461 + ], + [ + "呑み込", + -18.26515769958496 + ], + [ + "トリル", + -17.40603256225586 + ], + [ + "オリビア", + -16.24000358581543 + ], + [ + ";【", + -19.66715431213379 + ], + [ + "折込", + -18.138608932495117 + ], + [ + "バリエ", + -17.04304313659668 + ], + [ + "/ /", + -19.18485641479492 + ], + [ + "和銀行", + -16.84471893310547 + ], + [ + "ケイマン", + -16.839296340942383 + ], + [ + "xt", + -13.06115436553955 + ], + [ + "譲れ", + -18.56882667541504 + ], + [ + "yman", + -14.555405616760254 + ], + [ + "ELO", + -15.188180923461914 + ], + [ + "∀`", + -19.12714385986328 + ], + [ + "ミレー", + -17.141401290893555 + ], + [ + "ペロー", + -16.950069427490234 + ], + [ + "Cape", + -15.653093338012695 + ], + [ + "吉成", + -16.342653274536133 + ], + [ + "ルーチェ", + -16.923006057739258 + ], + [ + "ピタリ", + -16.68762969970703 + ], + [ + "Romance", + -16.31875991821289 + ], + [ + "ちがっ", + -19.151960372924805 + ], + [ + "eath", + -15.289335250854492 + ], + [ + "Pap", + -15.695180892944336 + ], + [ + "ネッティ", + -16.91933250427246 + ], + [ + "磯城", + -16.95595359802246 + ], + [ + "河島", + -16.71161460876465 + ], + [ + "ムント", + -16.567171096801758 + ], + [ + ":*", + -16.193986892700195 + ], + [ + "games", + -14.06940460205078 + ], + [ + "BOO", + -15.322697639465332 + ], + [ + "勅命", + -17.92609977722168 + ], + [ + "シッド", + -16.621498107910156 + ], + [ + "Cole", + -15.71226978302002 + ], + [ + "タスキ", + -17.598493576049805 + ], + [ + "ギザギザ", + -17.75754737854004 + ], + [ + "コンソメ", + -17.788738250732422 + ], + [ + "ボゴタ", + -16.83049964904785 + ], + [ + "澁澤", + -16.757312774658203 + ], + [ + "ギンギン", + -17.866153717041016 + ], + [ + "マクロファージ", + -17.59011459350586 + ], + [ + "ダバオ", + -17.174640655517578 + ], + [ + "ニチイ", + -17.078582763671875 + ], + [ + "ecovery", + -21.38648223876953 + ], + [ + "コンビナート", + -16.966569900512695 + ], + [ + "Heroes", + -15.919139862060549 + ], + [ + "ランゲージ", + -16.632841110229492 + ], + [ + "Roots", + -14.242403984069824 + ], + [ + "モンツァ", + -16.424009323120117 + ], + [ + "Larry", + -15.388398170471191 + ], + [ + "匂わせ", + -18.026227951049805 + ], + [ + "ゴーイング", + -17.08179473876953 + ], + [ + "いちおう", + -19.066753387451172 + ], + [ + "エディー", + -16.602163314819336 + ], + [ + "土庄", + -16.650522232055664 + ], + [ + "ポートアイランド", + -16.367216110229492 + ], + [ + "荒巻", + -16.569469451904297 + ], + [ + "石工", + -17.01627540588379 + ], + [ + "アラタ", + -16.85566520690918 + ], + [ + "UNA", + -15.308568954467772 + ], + [ + "ハイマー", + -16.616342544555664 + ], + [ + "ザルツ", + -17.783933639526367 + ], + [ + "ドンキ", + -17.732810974121094 + ], + [ + "ヨハンソン", + -16.50518035888672 + ], + [ + "パッカーズ", + -17.151012420654297 + ], + [ + "しちゅ", + -16.354204177856445 + ], + [ + "Eb", + -13.483559608459473 + ], + [ + "SIM", + -20.54245376586914 + ], + [ + "ティズム", + -16.417621612548828 + ], + [ + "Graf", + -15.77686595916748 + ], + [ + "TNC", + -14.873499870300291 + ], + [ + "EIKO", + -16.7900390625 + ], + [ + "ダイアル", + -17.774459838867188 + ], + [ + "ミュル", + -17.067413330078125 + ], + [ + "ろか", + -16.821569442749023 + ], + [ + "ZAK", + -16.884782791137695 + ], + [ + "水瓶", + -17.227664947509766 + ], + [ + "チアン", + -16.522306442260742 + ], + [ + "Rem", + -14.284170150756836 + ], + [ + "EG", + -20.240264892578125 + ], + [ + "nishi", + -15.856030464172363 + ], + [ + "門倉", + -16.356292724609375 + ], + [ + "Laser", + -14.991435050964355 + ], + [ + "あくび", + -17.298099517822266 + ], + [ + "スイスイ", + -17.988134384155273 + ], + [ + "CTO", + -15.633193969726562 + ], + [ + "豊郷", + -16.595195770263672 + ], + [ + "農事", + -17.01996421813965 + ], + [ + "祢", + -16.651071548461914 + ], + [ + "ゃべ", + -18.335908889770508 + ], + [ + "渉外", + -16.959226608276367 + ], + [ + "チバテレ", + -16.6383056640625 + ], + [ + "arrier", + -15.786100387573242 + ], + [ + "グイグイ", + -18.54890251159668 + ], + [ + "鶴見緑地", + -17.093034744262695 + ], + [ + "カワウソ", + -17.075763702392578 + ], + [ + "プラデーシュ", + -16.481063842773438 + ], + [ + "不連続", + -17.31620216369629 + ], + [ + "アルフレート", + -16.628450393676758 + ], + [ + "ギラヴァン", + -15.930337905883787 + ], + [ + "フクシマ", + -17.58127784729004 + ], + [ + "大膳", + -16.831331253051758 + ], + [ + "問いただ", + -18.44597816467285 + ], + [ + "ブルキナ", + -16.17034149169922 + ], + [ + "オシッコ", + -18.31280517578125 + ], + [ + "向ヶ丘", + -17.160661697387695 + ], + [ + "ホイット", + -16.480079650878906 + ], + [ + "ジャグジー", + -17.3797607421875 + ], + [ + "SPARK", + -15.577987670898438 + ], + [ + "摩天", + -16.36785316467285 + ], + [ + "Uber", + -16.697256088256836 + ], + [ + "arina", + -14.315638542175291 + ], + [ + "ETRO", + -16.36933135986328 + ], + [ + "ぶち壊", + -18.775964736938477 + ], + [ + "ティンク", + -17.0461483001709 + ], + [ + "マヌケ", + -18.282989501953125 + ], + [ + "八幡東", + -16.483808517456055 + ], + [ + "剥げ", + -18.73068618774414 + ], + [ + "土崎", + -16.792890548706055 + ], + [ + "ヴァシリ", + -16.758861541748047 + ], + [ + "IKO", + -16.036584854125977 + ], + [ + "こせ", + -17.437761306762695 + ], + [ + "こうせい", + -15.960683822631836 + ], + [ + "岡山放送", + -15.860240936279297 + ], + [ + "ロスタイム", + -17.850139617919922 + ], + [ + "FF", + -18.53231430053711 + ], + [ + "化工", + -16.25778579711914 + ], + [ + "熟れ", + -17.2908878326416 + ], + [ + "JPG", + -15.14992332458496 + ], + [ + "フタバ", + -16.655607223510742 + ], + [ + "石切", + -16.698368072509766 + ], + [ + "カラミ", + -17.073965072631836 + ], + [ + "jw", + -14.651644706726074 + ], + [ + "Thor", + -15.542682647705078 + ], + [ + "やっとこ", + -18.05549430847168 + ], + [ + "ヴェルヌ", + -16.715925216674805 + ], + [ + "四半", + -18.15091133117676 + ], + [ + "ARL", + -15.272459983825684 + ], + [ + "美輪", + -16.849512100219727 + ], + [ + "terature", + -16.497053146362305 + ], + [ + "レンスキー", + -17.295207977294922 + ], + [ + "ubli", + -15.875514030456545 + ], + [ + "ゅご", + -18.334386825561523 + ], + [ + "nx", + -12.691391944885254 + ], + [ + "山形放送", + -15.589186668395996 + ], + [ + "芙", + -16.587322235107422 + ], + [ + "thes", + -14.471441268920898 + ], + [ + "クリエーション", + -16.640705108642578 + ], + [ + "Bush", + -16.336318969726562 + ], + [ + "獨", + -16.793323516845703 + ], + [ + "アルミホイル", + -19.10878562927246 + ], + [ + "ペロポネソス", + -16.551776885986328 + ], + [ + "ジェニングス", + -16.832307815551758 + ], + [ + "ノンストレスブラ", + -21.364574432373047 + ], + [ + "MySpace", + -14.5659761428833 + ], + [ + "シレジア", + -16.213558197021484 + ], + [ + "瑞々し", + -18.74555015563965 + ], + [ + "Career", + -15.681846618652344 + ], + [ + "エールディヴィジ", + -16.620779037475586 + ], + [ + "スパーリング", + -17.27573013305664 + ], + [ + "フォレ", + -16.341386795043945 + ], + [ + "フィオーレ", + -16.94549560546875 + ], + [ + "アズワン", + -17.964542388916016 + ], + [ + "訊ね", + -18.75560760498047 + ], + [ + "ナンス", + -16.91804313659668 + ], + [ + "カラカス", + -16.24127769470215 + ], + [ + "テストパイロット", + -16.771577835083008 + ], + [ + "三ツ沢", + -16.841156005859375 + ], + [ + "ハレンチ", + -16.6878662109375 + ], + [ + "八木沼", + -16.43098258972168 + ], + [ + "キングサイズ", + -18.49189567565918 + ], + [ + "マイナビニュース", + -17.60234832763672 + ], + [ + "トイザ", + -17.292720794677734 + ], + [ + "Dreamer", + -15.51144027709961 + ], + [ + "verybody", + -18.216386795043945 + ], + [ + "owma", + -17.99510383605957 + ], + [ + "統べ", + -17.325864791870117 + ], + [ + "メバル", + -17.398439407348633 + ], + [ + "おびえ", + -18.30420684814453 + ], + [ + "富川", + -16.3016357421875 + ], + [ + "ワイリー", + -16.511064529418945 + ], + [ + "デシュ", + -16.785892486572266 + ], + [ + "CDTV", + -16.43926429748535 + ], + [ + "錦江", + -16.80331802368164 + ], + [ + "Mii", + -16.39837646484375 + ], + [ + "西鶴", + -16.797504425048828 + ], + [ + "妙義", + -16.851116180419922 + ], + [ + "レーク", + -16.493183135986328 + ], + [ + "阿智", + -16.743810653686523 + ], + [ + "勇気づけ", + -18.255468368530273 + ], + [ + "門徒", + -17.474950790405273 + ], + [ + "epresent", + -16.46656608581543 + ], + [ + "フーン", + -17.117963790893555 + ], + [ + "ナリタ", + -17.119781494140625 + ], + [ + "SR", + -19.21635627746582 + ], + [ + "ゃない", + -18.776294708251953 + ], + [ + "スピナー", + -17.160606384277344 + ], + [ + "ニーハイ", + -17.947555541992188 + ], + [ + "チヌ", + -17.980714797973633 + ], + [ + "かんする", + -17.29707145690918 + ], + [ + "築山", + -16.55525779724121 + ], + [ + "Yz", + -16.400297164916992 + ], + [ + "・。", + -19.382333755493164 + ], + [ + "Buch", + -16.775663375854492 + ], + [ + "つどい", + -17.357162475585938 + ], + [ + "ガラリ", + -18.896949768066406 + ], + [ + "バイル", + -17.186933517456055 + ], + [ + "(≧", + -19.33671760559082 + ], + [ + "BLU", + -15.699386596679688 + ], + [ + "リーガル", + -15.47189712524414 + ], + [ + "):", + -11.79073715209961 + ], + [ + "Hamilton", + -15.529597282409668 + ], + [ + "Soccer", + -15.652395248413086 + ], + [ + "タンガロイ", + -18.041839599609375 + ], + [ + "ディジタル", + -17.233909606933594 + ], + [ + "リプロスキン", + -20.959762573242188 + ], + [ + "正々堂々", + -18.08822250366211 + ], + [ + "ちぴち", + -17.40120506286621 + ], + [ + "アブドゥッラー", + -17.37278938293457 + ], + [ + "ペイサーズ", + -16.346834182739258 + ], + [ + "舞い戻", + -18.182859420776367 + ], + [ + "モテモテ", + -17.409202575683594 + ], + [ + "フォトジェニック", + -17.645076751708984 + ], + [ + "ARROWS", + -16.153995513916016 + ], + [ + "Leben", + -18.046716690063477 + ], + [ + "|&", + -16.112157821655273 + ], + [ + "STOCK", + -15.55962371826172 + ], + [ + "ナイザー", + -17.597265243530273 + ], + [ + "!?」(", + -16.726625442504883 + ], + [ + "\(", + -19.30171585083008 + ], + [ + "ワンステップ", + -17.540538787841797 + ], + [ + "疋田", + -16.204683303833008 + ], + [ + "マニピュレーター", + -16.37593650817871 + ], + [ + "松倉", + -16.632692337036133 + ], + [ + "三本松", + -17.030271530151367 + ], + [ + "シェルビー", + -16.419761657714844 + ], + [ + "イコン", + -16.75572967529297 + ], + [ + "スコール", + -16.50602149963379 + ], + [ + "ウェッブ", + -16.779884338378906 + ], + [ + "アラウ", + -17.126245498657227 + ], + [ + "あぶり", + -17.81431770324707 + ], + [ + "utomatic", + -21.94852066040039 + ], + [ + "Funk", + -16.2344913482666 + ], + [ + "イント", + -19.084787368774418 + ], + [ + "御陵", + -16.686206817626953 + ], + [ + "!≫", + -18.703876495361328 + ], + [ + "Arms", + -16.243942260742188 + ], + [ + "魚釣", + -17.96454620361328 + ], + [ + "solo", + -14.99459171295166 + ], + [ + "グリュー", + -17.17163848876953 + ], + [ + "アクスル", + -17.52761459350586 + ], + [ + "DAL", + -14.17064380645752 + ], + [ + "辱め", + -18.044036865234375 + ], + [ + "メロス", + -16.162050247192383 + ], + [ + "高下", + -17.631282806396484 + ], + [ + "喜平", + -17.296537399291992 + ], + [ + "to", + -19.10445022583008 + ], + [ + "レジェ", + -16.98447036743164 + ], + [ + "ズクラブ", + -16.862768173217773 + ], + [ + "が谷", + -16.632022857666016 + ], + [ + "MURO", + -16.580379486083984 + ], + [ + "duo", + -15.483112335205078 + ], + [ + "ノフスキー", + -16.77229881286621 + ], + [ + "ダオ", + -16.566612243652344 + ], + [ + "yaku", + -15.566200256347656 + ], + [ + "iO", + -16.367292404174805 + ], + [ + "福助", + -16.92239761352539 + ], + [ + "チヨ", + -16.252185821533203 + ], + [ + "リボル", + -16.834104537963867 + ], + [ + "シリング", + -17.238265991210938 + ], + [ + "ざれ", + -17.962507247924805 + ], + [ + "なめこ", + -17.327634811401367 + ], + [ + "- ", + -17.76558494567871 + ], + [ + "うぅ", + -18.989221572875977 + ], + [ + "___", + -19.243160247802734 + ], + [ + "つかさど", + -17.659210205078125 + ], + [ + "麻美子", + -15.95829963684082 + ], + [ + "七飯", + -16.573261260986328 + ], + [ + "キセノン", + -17.477710723876953 + ], + [ + "ボブスレー", + -16.102373123168945 + ], + [ + "攻め落と", + -18.051454544067383 + ], + [ + "ステーショナリー", + -18.226707458496097 + ], + [ + "ヒンデンブルク", + -17.69816017150879 + ], + [ + "プロテアーゼ", + -17.583049774169922 + ], + [ + "inancial", + -15.620770454406738 + ], + [ + "ダイナースクラブ", + -18.881610870361328 + ], + [ + "カブリオレ", + -17.140398025512695 + ], + [ + "Suzuki", + -17.1431827545166 + ], + [ + "トモダチ", + -16.544282913208008 + ], + [ + "ペンタゴン", + -17.029430389404297 + ], + [ + "rj", + -14.698325157165527 + ], + [ + "リユース", + -17.4569149017334 + ], + [ + "柿本", + -16.3758602142334 + ], + [ + "テイチクエンタ", + -15.736098289489746 + ], + [ + "ポッポ", + -16.499059677124023 + ], + [ + "ぎっくり", + -18.48937606811523 + ], + [ + "カラーズ", + -16.47718048095703 + ], + [ + "象潟", + -17.12835121154785 + ], + [ + "vest", + -15.28407096862793 + ], + [ + "ファント", + -16.569433212280273 + ], + [ + "バウンティ", + -16.655593872070312 + ], + [ + "Susan", + -15.691705703735352 + ], + [ + "クロワ", + -16.32476806640625 + ], + [ + "レージ", + -17.110279083251953 + ], + [ + "エギ", + -17.929386138916016 + ], + [ + "羨ましく", + -19.003110885620117 + ], + [ + "鋼索", + -16.651779174804688 + ], + [ + "まざ", + -18.039953231811523 + ], + [ + "鳴瀬", + -16.43053436279297 + ], + [ + "乗り上げ", + -18.001277923583984 + ], + [ + "ヴレ", + -16.645824432373047 + ], + [ + "ND", + -19.019187927246097 + ], + [ + "アドバンスド", + -16.199169158935547 + ], + [ + "et", + -19.229955673217773 + ], + [ + "小淵", + -16.670272827148438 + ], + [ + "きよみ", + -16.24217414855957 + ], + [ + "GABA", + -17.226028442382812 + ], + [ + "デューティ", + -16.409339904785156 + ], + [ + "ニコルズ", + -16.485244750976562 + ], + [ + "スポルト", + -16.474956512451172 + ], + [ + "、「", + -11.433846473693848 + ], + [ + "カリオン", + -17.073881149291992 + ], + [ + "チャンバー", + -17.394927978515625 + ], + [ + "忍ば", + -18.50760841369629 + ], + [ + "ハイデ", + -16.634227752685547 + ], + [ + "和明", + -15.910067558288574 + ], + [ + "TS", + -18.724138259887695 + ], + [ + ",;", + -22.01127243041992 + ], + [ + "ままごと", + -18.320131301879883 + ], + [ + "ピックス", + -17.9815673828125 + ], + [ + "真白", + -17.029369354248047 + ], + [ + "CG", + -18.745134353637695 + ], + [ + "iversity", + -15.664743423461914 + ], + [ + "シベ", + -16.93425941467285 + ], + [ + "Kent", + -15.263137817382812 + ], + [ + "物欲", + -18.91592788696289 + ], + [ + "_/", + -17.76479721069336 + ], + [ + ",、", + -19.58164405822754 + ], + [ + "al", + -19.05424690246582 + ], + [ + "アイア", + -16.69559097290039 + ], + [ + "コンバイン", + -16.7753849029541 + ], + [ + "エヴァンズ", + -17.260103225708008 + ], + [ + "ブレイディ", + -17.0511474609375 + ], + [ + "\ \", + -19.25547981262207 + ], + [ + "Classics", + -17.480144500732422 + ], + [ + "水産庁", + -16.570650100708008 + ], + [ + "較", + -17.377580642700195 + ], + [ + "ファラン", + -16.685230255126953 + ], + [ + "コカコーラ", + -16.856407165527344 + ], + [ + "メキシカン", + -16.96721076965332 + ], + [ + "tuttgart", + -17.464706420898438 + ], + [ + "Café", + -17.300647735595703 + ], + [ + "サマルカンド", + -16.9974365234375 + ], + [ + "マッキンリー", + -17.113386154174805 + ], + [ + "アブソーバー", + -17.892112731933594 + ], + [ + "ディフェンシブ", + -16.66160774230957 + ], + [ + "ナイチンゲール", + -16.59807777404785 + ], + [ + "チャガタイ", + -16.75542640686035 + ], + [ + "ティラミス", + -17.257484436035156 + ], + [ + "ジョバンニ", + -16.67815589904785 + ], + [ + "Cultural", + -15.434812545776367 + ], + [ + "タクティカル", + -16.814910888671875 + ], + [ + "ディミトリ", + -16.52199935913086 + ], + [ + "バインディング", + -17.04494857788086 + ], + [ + "ポテチ", + -18.807327270507812 + ], + [ + "宍道", + -16.70987319946289 + ], + [ + "TIF", + -13.680952072143556 + ], + [ + "Twilight", + -16.45758628845215 + ], + [ + "NAO", + -16.401386260986328 + ], + [ + "釈尊", + -17.810171127319336 + ], + [ + "採り上げ", + -17.793224334716797 + ], + [ + "フローティング", + -17.352781295776367 + ], + [ + "ファスティング", + -19.22992706298828 + ], + [ + "ルノワール", + -17.20058822631836 + ], + [ + "二子山", + -16.7175235748291 + ], + [ + "ブラバム", + -17.098304748535156 + ], + [ + "コーブルク", + -17.01862335205078 + ], + [ + "フォートレス", + -16.51053237915039 + ], + [ + "グリーンピース", + -17.505159378051758 + ], + [ + "ベルメゾンネット", + -17.62055015563965 + ], + [ + "降誕", + -17.372848510742188 + ], + [ + "プラウド", + -16.85803985595703 + ], + [ + "ねらえ", + -16.471874237060547 + ], + [ + "リップスティック", + -17.38528823852539 + ], + [ + "ビジターセンター", + -16.470170974731445 + ], + [ + "吹きかけ", + -18.455358505249023 + ], + [ + "おかゆ", + -17.66042709350586 + ], + [ + "砂原", + -16.76479721069336 + ], + [ + "ザウラー", + -16.875656127929688 + ], + [ + "Hostel", + -15.808725357055664 + ], + [ + "thernet", + -20.01675033569336 + ], + [ + "バージェス", + -16.780437469482422 + ], + [ + "QD", + -14.33637237548828 + ], + [ + "Andre", + -15.352700233459473 + ], + [ + "くやし", + -18.583431243896484 + ], + [ + "tinental", + -16.331811904907227 + ], + [ + "神像", + -16.59931755065918 + ], + [ + "城之内", + -16.672683715820312 + ], + [ + "FLO", + -15.280391693115234 + ], + [ + "ジレ", + -17.497318267822266 + ], + [ + "締め出", + -18.35519218444824 + ], + [ + "ヴェリー", + -16.877004623413086 + ], + [ + "————————", + -15.904165267944336 + ], + [ + "言い寄", + -17.986169815063477 + ], + [ + "キーレス", + -18.09244155883789 + ], + [ + "ノ谷", + -16.434335708618164 + ], + [ + "~\"", + -18.621334075927734 + ], + [ + "司郎", + -16.157363891601562 + ], + [ + "LCI", + -15.917497634887695 + ], + [ + "削れ", + -19.214689254760746 + ], + [ + "ブランシュ", + -16.8713321685791 + ], + [ + "フィレ", + -17.91844367980957 + ], + [ + "ジェリ", + -16.676252365112305 + ], + [ + "ストラーダ", + -17.07172393798828 + ], + [ + "疑心", + -17.773696899414062 + ], + [ + "マニング", + -16.747217178344727 + ], + [ + "DMR", + -15.87155818939209 + ], + [ + "ギット", + -17.049028396606445 + ], + [ + "白岩", + -16.260181427001953 + ], + [ + "ジェナ", + -16.744855880737305 + ], + [ + "♡」", + -17.4395751953125 + ], + [ + "東洋紡", + -16.376718521118164 + ], + [ + "ずこ", + -16.07308578491211 + ], + [ + "コンブチャ", + -20.0643367767334 + ], + [ + "ヒノ", + -16.644018173217773 + ], + [ + "ティアーズ", + -16.55759048461914 + ], + [ + "カマラ", + -16.763017654418945 + ], + [ + "Psycho", + -16.116989135742188 + ], + [ + "薦", + -17.501129150390625 + ], + [ + "'(", + -17.896072387695312 + ], + [ + "三恵", + -16.362903594970703 + ], + [ + "バルバドス", + -16.055965423583984 + ], + [ + "ベストアンサー", + -18.82769775390625 + ], + [ + "マクマホン", + -16.84918212890625 + ], + [ + "TWICE", + -16.128137588500977 + ], + [ + "カルボキシ", + -17.1048526763916 + ], + [ + "ブルームバーグ", + -17.559913635253906 + ], + [ + "esterday", + -14.804573059082031 + ], + [ + "ブラスバンド", + -16.366958618164062 + ], + [ + "Fortune", + -16.760896682739258 + ], + [ + "メトキシ", + -16.490549087524414 + ], + [ + "ミケーレ", + -16.825939178466797 + ], + [ + "テーパード", + -18.927146911621097 + ], + [ + "エボラ", + -17.59332847595215 + ], + [ + "つや消", + -19.694162368774418 + ], + [ + "ADK", + -15.956815719604492 + ], + [ + "プラレール", + -17.015869140625 + ], + [ + "バージ", + -16.935161590576172 + ], + [ + "アイシング", + -18.227155685424805 + ], + [ + "アルキ", + -16.843015670776367 + ], + [ + "パタヤ", + -17.615737915039062 + ], + [ + "押さえつけ", + -18.35560417175293 + ], + [ + "メンデス", + -16.536779403686523 + ], + [ + "カリッ", + -18.781959533691406 + ], + [ + "zum", + -15.827923774719238 + ], + [ + "トレーニングジム", + -17.56908416748047 + ], + [ + "マリンバ", + -16.40397834777832 + ], + [ + "メラノ", + -18.537166595458984 + ], + [ + "ヘアケア", + -16.817604064941406 + ], + [ + "ビバリー", + -17.158035278320312 + ], + [ + "オサウルス", + -16.391319274902344 + ], + [ + "LJ", + -13.723511695861816 + ], + [ + "^)", + -18.98237419128418 + ], + [ + "マシンガン", + -15.549683570861816 + ], + [ + "虚しく", + -18.67818069458008 + ], + [ + "コッタ", + -17.314958572387695 + ], + [ + "シラン", + -17.024648666381836 + ], + [ + "デンツ", + -16.71784210205078 + ], + [ + "クイナ", + -16.246246337890625 + ], + [ + "Gem", + -15.369010925292969 + ], + [ + "グラーフ", + -17.130983352661133 + ], + [ + "Regi", + -15.205185890197754 + ], + [ + "maki", + -16.13195037841797 + ], + [ + "BOAT", + -15.27424144744873 + ], + [ + "ギャロ", + -16.616228103637695 + ], + [ + "エタン", + -17.357250213623047 + ], + [ + "ステイト", + -16.55986785888672 + ], + [ + "EDS", + -18.51795768737793 + ], + [ + "ニテ", + -17.444576263427734 + ], + [ + "Crest", + -16.43944549560547 + ], + [ + "SIA", + -14.940844535827637 + ], + [ + "根尾", + -16.731550216674805 + ], + [ + "Sud", + -15.120210647583008 + ], + [ + ") -", + -16.662185668945312 + ], + [ + "Auf", + -17.091211318969727 + ], + [ + "インターコンチ", + -16.724937438964844 + ], + [ + "ウィンク", + -17.275054931640625 + ], + [ + "山尾", + -17.029529571533203 + ], + [ + "ゥー", + -16.846548080444336 + ], + [ + "lanning", + -17.78831672668457 + ], + [ + "CCS", + -14.590276718139648 + ], + [ + "ETV", + -16.123037338256836 + ], + [ + "コンウェイ", + -16.73332977294922 + ], + [ + "oshin", + -16.707889556884766 + ], + [ + "若尾", + -16.45163345336914 + ], + [ + "仏師", + -16.92806053161621 + ], + [ + "逗", + -17.401782989501953 + ], + [ + "諏訪湖", + -17.210622787475586 + ], + [ + "コタン", + -16.898284912109375 + ], + [ + "ケラトプス", + -16.760318756103516 + ], + [ + "KREVA", + -16.22403335571289 + ], + [ + "こけら落", + -17.504066467285156 + ], + [ + "アキテーヌ", + -16.791074752807617 + ], + [ + "ハバロフスク", + -16.50816535949707 + ], + [ + "TRUSCO", + -18.369365692138672 + ], + [ + "タートルズ", + -16.523496627807617 + ], + [ + "シロキサン", + -19.42626953125 + ], + [ + "イロコイ", + -17.398662567138672 + ], + [ + "モディ", + -16.672895431518555 + ], + [ + "atherine", + -16.14927864074707 + ], + [ + "mum", + -14.525884628295898 + ], + [ + "アウグスティ", + -17.203262329101562 + ], + [ + "ニコラウス", + -16.913637161254883 + ], + [ + " ※", + -14.02209758758545 + ], + [ + "サマセット", + -16.082908630371094 + ], + [ + "ダンスホール", + -16.817575454711914 + ], + [ + "ジャスパー", + -16.495635986328125 + ], + [ + "っかち", + -17.81011962890625 + ], + [ + "新開地", + -17.220314025878906 + ], + [ + "nthology", + -17.076047897338867 + ], + [ + "Folk", + -16.100557327270508 + ], + [ + "コルセット", + -17.973318099975586 + ], + [ + "HEROES", + -16.16436767578125 + ], + [ + "ザビエル", + -16.751277923583984 + ], + [ + "アニメオリジナル", + -15.659655570983888 + ], + [ + "スナイダー", + -16.85209083557129 + ], + [ + "Bryan", + -15.787672996520996 + ], + [ + "アルゴス", + -16.790388107299805 + ], + [ + "グウェン", + -16.615354537963867 + ], + [ + "ッコロ", + -17.875822067260742 + ], + [ + "ジャリ", + -17.009130477905273 + ], + [ + "... ", + -18.192209243774418 + ], + [ + "Hai", + -15.664523124694824 + ], + [ + "♪■", + -19.29335021972656 + ], + [ + "aman", + -14.08094596862793 + ], + [ + "BMX", + -14.952133178710938 + ], + [ + "つづり", + -17.3738956451416 + ], + [ + "BERRY", + -15.38901710510254 + ], + [ + "理香", + -16.166669845581055 + ], + [ + "ホコ", + -17.190221786499023 + ], + [ + "ぽろ", + -17.309608459472656 + ], + [ + "欧文", + -16.608959197998047 + ], + [ + "摂社", + -16.13589859008789 + ], + [ + "ectronic", + -17.82490348815918 + ], + [ + "豊永", + -16.27893829345703 + ], + [ + "リヴ", + -16.59144401550293 + ], + [ + "渡海", + -17.257404327392578 + ], + [ + "ピロリ", + -16.93811798095703 + ], + [ + "andi", + -14.26381015777588 + ], + [ + "クァン", + -16.805015563964844 + ], + [ + "エーリ", + -16.433544158935547 + ], + [ + "Medi", + -15.758747100830078 + ], + [ + "zE", + -16.366823196411133 + ], + [ + "シュマ", + -17.13252830505371 + ], + [ + "おめでた", + -18.697416305541992 + ], + [ + "NACS", + -16.460718154907227 + ], + [ + "駆け出", + -17.65570640563965 + ], + [ + "福祉大学", + -15.36230182647705 + ], + [ + "&.", + -17.20069694519043 + ], + [ + "ムタ", + -17.00621795654297 + ], + [ + "波打", + -17.981021881103516 + ], + [ + "ンシア", + -16.281494140625 + ], + [ + "ドビュッ", + -20.167560577392575 + ], + [ + "RADWIMPS", + -16.460678100585938 + ], + [ + "Mercury", + -15.649747848510742 + ], + [ + "インサイダー", + -17.27012062072754 + ], + [ + "デリバティブ", + -17.156784057617188 + ], + [ + "ハイビスカス", + -17.01468849182129 + ], + [ + "ミンダナオ", + -16.947404861450195 + ], + [ + "ローカライズ", + -16.99420928955078 + ], + [ + "スロヴァキア", + -16.982675552368164 + ], + [ + "未曾有", + -18.3328800201416 + ], + [ + "アルバトロス", + -16.32699966430664 + ], + [ + "ニキータ", + -16.57912254333496 + ], + [ + "Stadium", + -16.930688858032227 + ], + [ + "後ろめた", + -18.909164428710938 + ], + [ + "デコボコ", + -18.480146408081055 + ], + [ + "キャンメイク", + -19.687158584594727 + ], + [ + "渡良瀬", + -16.061458587646484 + ], + [ + "たしなめ", + -17.989063262939453 + ], + [ + "ステーク", + -17.45089340209961 + ], + [ + "Inspiron", + -17.598796844482422 + ], + [ + "ヌーヴォー", + -16.612625122070312 + ], + [ + "パックン", + -16.04916763305664 + ], + [ + "Breath", + -15.728005409240724 + ], + [ + "ロストフ", + -16.31533432006836 + ], + [ + "北海道教育大", + -15.988609313964844 + ], + [ + "プリティー", + -16.448017120361328 + ], + [ + "交社", + -16.0048885345459 + ], + [ + "HiME", + -16.65727424621582 + ], + [ + "原村", + -15.168785095214844 + ], + [ + "みはら", + -16.043352127075195 + ], + [ + "リオット", + -17.302764892578125 + ], + [ + "エンドレス", + -15.90898609161377 + ], + [ + "WZ", + -15.299649238586426 + ], + [ + "Zn", + -15.960977554321287 + ], + [ + "クローネ", + -16.73174476623535 + ], + [ + "為政", + -18.01655960083008 + ], + [ + "キライ", + -16.840797424316406 + ], + [ + "りもり", + -17.857406616210938 + ], + [ + "Rolling", + -15.57815647125244 + ], + [ + "水郷", + -16.461612701416016 + ], + [ + "LRT", + -15.82618236541748 + ], + [ + "フェリア", + -16.90848731994629 + ], + [ + "大胡", + -16.585369110107422 + ], + [ + "グロブリン", + -17.442407608032227 + ], + [ + "サンジ", + -16.781187057495117 + ], + [ + "ハーディー", + -16.890113830566406 + ], + [ + "プレジャー", + -16.893625259399414 + ], + [ + "インディオ", + -17.504165649414062 + ], + [ + "青雲", + -16.3524112701416 + ], + [ + "Fat", + -14.714592933654783 + ], + [ + "PI", + -19.392507553100582 + ], + [ + "島町", + -14.128458976745604 + ], + [ + "ビーゴ", + -16.62044906616211 + ], + [ + "fk", + -14.122037887573242 + ], + [ + "RICE", + -15.837671279907228 + ], + [ + "MAGA", + -17.725242614746094 + ], + [ + "ょうたん", + -18.51667594909668 + ], + [ + "レオナ", + -16.441471099853516 + ], + [ + "ゲインズ", + -16.940826416015625 + ], + [ + "インテグラ", + -16.915966033935547 + ], + [ + "ィル", + -17.043500900268555 + ], + [ + "インゲン", + -17.60136604309082 + ], + [ + "ハダカ", + -16.80693244934082 + ], + [ + "フタル", + -17.107337951660156 + ], + [ + "ダイナモ", + -16.53329849243164 + ], + [ + "谷岡", + -16.519487380981445 + ], + [ + "一寸", + -16.933595657348633 + ], + [ + "ウィグ", + -16.785905838012695 + ], + [ + "県南", + -14.440038681030272 + ], + [ + "ガードマン", + -16.37483024597168 + ], + [ + "パンフ", + -18.412429809570312 + ], + [ + "スタビ", + -17.729745864868164 + ], + [ + "alentine", + -16.90287971496582 + ], + [ + "ナーカートリッジ", + -18.96529197692871 + ], + [ + "ゼーション", + -16.87212562561035 + ], + [ + "ちょこちょ", + -17.454280853271484 + ], + [ + "牽", + -17.352584838867188 + ], + [ + "アウアウ", + -20.069753646850582 + ], + [ + "アネモネ", + -16.922786712646484 + ], + [ + "エカチェリーナ", + -17.51480484008789 + ], + [ + "ゲルマニウム", + -17.52855110168457 + ], + [ + "スミソニアン", + -16.835359573364258 + ], + [ + "Vincent", + -15.84882926940918 + ], + [ + "蜜柑", + -17.03171157836914 + ], + [ + "NAVY", + -17.09475326538086 + ], + [ + "エクストレイル", + -17.845102310180664 + ], + [ + "ドローイング", + -17.16379737854004 + ], + [ + "ピーターズバーグ", + -17.11578941345215 + ], + [ + "Robinson", + -16.31076431274414 + ], + [ + "ベルモント", + -16.5279541015625 + ], + [ + "ロボティクス", + -16.65857696533203 + ], + [ + "Twitch", + -15.466344833374023 + ], + [ + "ガールズバンド", + -16.327320098876953 + ], + [ + "ルディーニ", + -17.618459701538086 + ], + [ + "Ripple", + -15.496599197387695 + ], + [ + "片寄", + -17.695972442626953 + ], + [ + "リカー", + -16.972183227539062 + ], + [ + "アイベック", + -18.21372413635254 + ], + [ + "KAZ", + -15.923431396484377 + ], + [ + "西武百貨店", + -16.773876190185547 + ], + [ + "ミニアルバム", + -13.498661994934082 + ], + [ + "グリッター", + -17.106767654418945 + ], + [ + "タハ", + -16.921558380126953 + ], + [ + "Peach", + -16.343626022338867 + ], + [ + "グレス", + -17.27910041809082 + ], + [ + "初台", + -17.214370727539062 + ], + [ + "焼き付け", + -18.32891082763672 + ], + [ + "シャトレ", + -17.095191955566406 + ], + [ + "蒔き", + -18.58819580078125 + ], + [ + "サーファー", + -16.133785247802734 + ], + [ + "bye", + -14.226056098937988 + ], + [ + "DJCD", + -16.038772583007812 + ], + [ + "折戸", + -16.649307250976562 + ], + [ + "シンエイ", + -16.27573013305664 + ], + [ + "祐三", + -16.56433868408203 + ], + [ + "-|", + -15.33238697052002 + ], + [ + "浅海", + -17.216325759887695 + ], + [ + "them", + -14.875142097473145 + ], + [ + "ザント", + -16.83928680419922 + ], + [ + "セミコンダクタ", + -16.48152732849121 + ], + [ + "フィーナ", + -16.726261138916016 + ], + [ + "キュレ", + -16.86672019958496 + ], + [ + "雲母", + -16.897647857666016 + ], + [ + "カグ", + -17.53011131286621 + ], + [ + "かくれ", + -16.95099639892578 + ], + [ + "ギリス", + -17.2115421295166 + ], + [ + "クティブ", + -16.651323318481445 + ], + [ + "チラッ", + -19.271425247192383 + ], + [ + "EEL", + -15.728787422180176 + ], + [ + "archives", + -15.260778427124023 + ], + [ + "サンダ", + -16.90816879272461 + ], + [ + "ビルズ", + -16.71727180480957 + ], + [ + "IRON", + -15.294384956359863 + ], + [ + "BYE", + -15.583128929138184 + ], + [ + "Cheer", + -14.713151931762695 + ], + [ + "se", + -19.82916831970215 + ], + [ + "==", + -18.98047637939453 + ], + [ + "Vu", + -15.499934196472168 + ], + [ + "TE", + -18.77103042602539 + ], + [ + "orie", + -14.999553680419922 + ], + [ + "マギア", + -17.506990432739258 + ], + [ + "JCN", + -16.35481834411621 + ], + [ + "永岡", + -16.41512680053711 + ], + [ + "ギャラガー", + -16.631032943725586 + ], + [ + "DELI", + -14.976358413696287 + ], + [ + "ンデレラガールズ", + -17.787288665771484 + ], + [ + "オステオパシー", + -18.20089530944824 + ], + [ + "スモレンスク", + -16.852291107177734 + ], + [ + "ポンペイ", + -16.42068862915039 + ], + [ + "ちょいちょい", + -18.92396354675293 + ], + [ + "インベストメント", + -16.87946319580078 + ], + [ + "フューチュリティ", + -16.920438766479492 + ], + [ + "プエブロ", + -16.52646255493164 + ], + [ + "LONDON", + -15.92838191986084 + ], + [ + "ユーグレナ", + -18.03074836730957 + ], + [ + "レッグレスト", + -19.621030807495117 + ], + [ + "上飯田", + -16.790119171142578 + ], + [ + "クレムリン", + -17.222379684448242 + ], + [ + "ルンルン", + -16.984119415283203 + ], + [ + "Casino", + -16.4465389251709 + ], + [ + "ぴえろ", + -15.980533599853516 + ], + [ + "エドモントン", + -16.7642879486084 + ], + [ + "ムービック", + -15.93777084350586 + ], + [ + "十和田湖", + -16.661989212036133 + ], + [ + "スピニング", + -17.03254508972168 + ], + [ + "EPSON", + -17.145755767822266 + ], + [ + "ヒリヒ", + -18.873197555541992 + ], + [ + "パソナ", + -17.672107696533203 + ], + [ + "オフショット", + -16.617549896240234 + ], + [ + "こおろ", + -16.266708374023438 + ], + [ + "マントヴァ", + -16.359712600708008 + ], + [ + "ニッセン", + -17.098247528076172 + ], + [ + "Kun", + -15.8817777633667 + ], + [ + "オフコース", + -16.367469787597656 + ], + [ + "FGO", + -18.358966827392575 + ], + [ + "片栗", + -17.948625564575195 + ], + [ + "シンフォニック", + -16.626434326171875 + ], + [ + "ウィリアムソン", + -16.755630493164062 + ], + [ + "んにも", + -18.688575744628903 + ], + [ + "アドビ", + -17.11766242980957 + ], + [ + "Welt", + -16.78498649597168 + ], + [ + "Buzz", + -15.599727630615234 + ], + [ + "rchitect", + -16.00316619873047 + ], + [ + "follower", + -15.446496963500977 + ], + [ + "筑波山", + -16.718900680541992 + ], + [ + "メシアン", + -16.877605438232422 + ], + [ + "アシル", + -16.94212532043457 + ], + [ + "縁遠", + -19.36135482788086 + ], + [ + "YA", + -18.523279190063477 + ], + [ + "VQ", + -14.86299991607666 + ], + [ + "キャラット", + -16.58247184753418 + ], + [ + "苗場", + -17.00394058227539 + ], + [ + "くつろ", + -18.67638778686523 + ], + [ + "かがや", + -16.550941467285156 + ], + [ + "ドニー", + -16.02725601196289 + ], + [ + "グレア", + -17.540903091430664 + ], + [ + "涙ぐ", + -18.907312393188477 + ], + [ + "アエロ", + -16.22884750366211 + ], + [ + "興和", + -16.27039337158203 + ], + [ + "²)", + -17.05595588684082 + ], + [ + "コチ", + -16.978986740112305 + ], + [ + "クレメンテ", + -16.952287673950195 + ], + [ + "カブキ", + -16.79694938659668 + ], + [ + "南関", + -16.749990463256836 + ], + [ + "グート", + -17.086742401123047 + ], + [ + "|::", + -22.150653839111328 + ], + [ + "宮ノ", + -16.246488571166992 + ], + [ + "オーケストレー", + -16.88260841369629 + ], + [ + "Giovanni", + -16.29451560974121 + ], + [ + "CHINTAI", + -17.922754287719727 + ], + [ + "oxido", + -16.821239471435547 + ], + [ + "ギデオン", + -16.752246856689453 + ], + [ + "ナイアシン", + -17.978260040283203 + ], + [ + "ハーマイオニー", + -18.115564346313477 + ], + [ + "パルセイロ", + -16.002037048339844 + ], + [ + "マホガニー", + -17.891845703125 + ], + [ + "メッシーナ", + -16.44175910949707 + ], + [ + "土讃線", + -16.00924301147461 + ], + [ + "nm", + -20.785999298095703 + ], + [ + "ノイローゼ", + -17.2313175201416 + ], + [ + "ヘーラクレ", + -17.166688919067383 + ], + [ + "GoGo", + -16.510820388793945 + ], + [ + "砥部", + -17.17180824279785 + ], + [ + "モリモリ", + -18.013057708740234 + ], + [ + "セキレイ", + -16.800626754760742 + ], + [ + "Podcast", + -16.263347625732422 + ], + [ + "六戸", + -16.9649600982666 + ], + [ + "pag", + -13.941885948181152 + ], + [ + "幡豆", + -16.802047729492188 + ], + [ + "Costa", + -15.893234252929688 + ], + [ + "レグザ", + -17.562559127807617 + ], + [ + "デメ", + -16.6221866607666 + ], + [ + "阿仁", + -16.643024444580078 + ], + [ + "ドクターズ", + -17.724353790283203 + ], + [ + "ハングマン", + -15.879870414733888 + ], + [ + "Legends", + -16.986522674560547 + ], + [ + "ニエール", + -17.24852752685547 + ], + [ + "ASIS", + -16.01416778564453 + ], + [ + "モルダー", + -17.761703491210938 + ], + [ + "ムスタ", + -17.44441032409668 + ], + [ + "明光", + -16.36288070678711 + ], + [ + "サイラス", + -16.365657806396484 + ], + [ + "Lemon", + -14.778117179870604 + ], + [ + "カンダ", + -16.367977142333984 + ], + [ + "イケア", + -17.324081420898438 + ], + [ + "法理", + -17.21219253540039 + ], + [ + "ニュウ", + -16.974838256835938 + ], + [ + "踏み切れ", + -19.11501693725586 + ], + [ + "Olive", + -16.23139762878418 + ], + [ + "フォルト", + -16.93836784362793 + ], + [ + "キュリ", + -16.795896530151367 + ], + [ + "平易", + -18.172992706298828 + ], + [ + "ヴァロ", + -16.719051361083984 + ], + [ + ")[]", + -18.5203914642334 + ], + [ + "キャー", + -17.778470993041992 + ], + [ + "ストラー", + -17.254541397094727 + ], + [ + "ウン", + -19.509952545166016 + ], + [ + "めぐりあ", + -17.753446578979492 + ], + [ + "スタッグ", + -17.185813903808594 + ], + [ + "アンアン", + -18.197776794433594 + ], + [ + "キリッ", + -19.03316116333008 + ], + [ + "Pho", + -15.576765060424805 + ], + [ + "途絶", + -17.694135665893555 + ], + [ + "avy", + -15.348677635192873 + ], + [ + "hama", + -14.978269577026367 + ], + [ + "SEXY", + -16.491352081298828 + ], + [ + "ベラー", + -17.617284774780273 + ], + [ + "ENDER", + -14.81588077545166 + ], + [ + "侮れ", + -19.085655212402344 + ], + [ + "京北", + -16.4455509185791 + ], + [ + "結膜", + -17.40590476989746 + ], + [ + "IWC", + -17.001312255859375 + ], + [ + "シュライ", + -16.52727508544922 + ], + [ + "ユーティリティー", + -17.411529541015625 + ], + [ + "アルデン", + -16.730327606201172 + ], + [ + "ぐらむ", + -18.88398551940918 + ], + [ + "もどっ", + -18.81386375427246 + ], + [ + "oyo", + -14.785534858703612 + ], + [ + "ティツィアーノ", + -17.5401611328125 + ], + [ + "イブラヒム", + -17.000896453857422 + ], + [ + "セメタリー", + -17.90266227722168 + ], + [ + "Hokkaido", + -17.493322372436523 + ], + [ + "STADIUM", + -16.623607635498047 + ], + [ + "ウラジミール", + -16.675296783447266 + ], + [ + "シトルリン", + -18.8293514251709 + ], + [ + "チョビチョ", + -19.307483673095703 + ], + [ + "ボッテガ", + -19.084190368652344 + ], + [ + "ポトマック", + -17.71504783630371 + ], + [ + "ロレンソ", + -16.87440299987793 + ], + [ + "ひたむき", + -17.81537437438965 + ], + [ + "GLORY", + -16.232757568359375 + ], + [ + "オカリナ", + -16.863414764404297 + ], + [ + "マドラス", + -17.319021224975586 + ], + [ + "オットマン", + -17.896320343017578 + ], + [ + "ロッシュ", + -16.965368270874023 + ], + [ + "レインコート", + -17.693761825561523 + ], + [ + "スレイヤーズ", + -16.54033851623535 + ], + [ + "フォールディング", + -17.776960372924805 + ], + [ + "とどけ", + -16.478763580322266 + ], + [ + "わらべ", + -16.854698181152344 + ], + [ + "ボーイッシュ", + -17.3565673828125 + ], + [ + "能見", + -16.865158081054688 + ], + [ + "ヘリテージ", + -17.102245330810547 + ], + [ + "ーリャ", + -17.01893424987793 + ], + [ + "レギュレータ", + -17.951488494873047 + ], + [ + "Reality", + -15.72963523864746 + ], + [ + "PUMP", + -15.51881980895996 + ], + [ + "グルカン", + -18.356929779052734 + ], + [ + "リヒター", + -16.662893295288086 + ], + [ + "オック", + -16.594863891601562 + ], + [ + "白糠", + -16.733543395996094 + ], + [ + "カリフラワー", + -18.130895614624023 + ], + [ + "TPU", + -15.753373146057127 + ], + [ + "MP", + -18.87667655944824 + ], + [ + "スターチャイルド", + -15.722450256347656 + ], + [ + "KODA", + -16.527196884155273 + ], + [ + "スタマーサービス", + -19.696327209472656 + ], + [ + "KUN", + -16.0468692779541 + ], + [ + "ences", + -14.225940704345703 + ], + [ + "CWA", + -16.181102752685547 + ], + [ + "副次", + -17.821353912353516 + ], + [ + "アルファー", + -16.918001174926758 + ], + [ + "罰せ", + -17.965330123901367 + ], + [ + "acha", + -14.373522758483888 + ], + [ + "ドガ", + -17.349992752075195 + ], + [ + "無煙", + -17.770729064941406 + ], + [ + "西浜", + -16.984786987304688 + ], + [ + "網目", + -17.86271095275879 + ], + [ + "チオール", + -17.234128952026367 + ], + [ + "swiss", + -17.014917373657227 + ], + [ + "シングス", + -16.71910285949707 + ], + [ + "あさの", + -16.553823471069336 + ], + [ + "癒え", + -18.483177185058594 + ], + [ + "wissen", + -15.996371269226074 + ], + [ + "ブリンク", + -16.756519317626953 + ], + [ + "刈り取", + -18.314546585083008 + ], + [ + "| /", + -19.37236785888672 + ], + [ + "wO", + -17.381366729736328 + ], + [ + "LABO", + -16.338735580444336 + ], + [ + "Nem", + -16.43065643310547 + ], + [ + "バヤシ", + -16.770544052124023 + ], + [ + "LAY", + -15.367692947387695 + ], + [ + "割り出", + -18.286470413208008 + ], + [ + "Gott", + -16.4605770111084 + ], + [ + "ッヂ", + -17.441923141479492 + ], + [ + "アニタ", + -16.160663604736328 + ], + [ + "tegories", + -21.75920867919922 + ], + [ + "糖化", + -17.583845138549805 + ], + [ + "繰り返せ", + -18.9556827545166 + ], + [ + "Cars", + -13.900306701660156 + ], + [ + "Demon", + -15.75782871246338 + ], + [ + "ジュノー", + -16.755626678466797 + ], + [ + "咎", + -16.998207092285156 + ], + [ + "リアクター", + -17.26542091369629 + ], + [ + "ヘクター", + -16.32888412475586 + ], + [ + "ラピュタ", + -17.233184814453125 + ], + [ + "エタラビ", + -20.04336929321289 + ], + [ + "シメオン", + -17.076629638671875 + ], + [ + "ぐちゃぐちゃ", + -19.07223129272461 + ], + [ + "まんべん", + -18.93070411682129 + ], + [ + "ニューヨーカー", + -17.140737533569336 + ], + [ + "GHOST", + -14.925118446350098 + ], + [ + "ROOKIE", + -16.472721099853516 + ], + [ + "高蔵寺", + -16.87321662902832 + ], + [ + "CHAOS", + -15.422754287719728 + ], + [ + "ゴットフリート", + -16.815752029418945 + ], + [ + "ザウバー", + -17.11945152282715 + ], + [ + "桐朋学園大", + -16.03788948059082 + ], + [ + "オネエ", + -17.201818466186523 + ], + [ + "フォートワース", + -16.66381072998047 + ], + [ + "テキーラ", + -16.684207916259766 + ], + [ + "Marshall", + -15.465283393859863 + ], + [ + "ラグマット", + -18.758031845092773 + ], + [ + "葛原", + -16.68568992614746 + ], + [ + "Arcade", + -16.47372817993164 + ], + [ + "鵜沼", + -16.818912506103516 + ], + [ + "オーダーメイド", + -16.6729793548584 + ], + [ + "立志", + -16.578174591064453 + ], + [ + "いそし", + -17.759323120117188 + ], + [ + "ヒミズ", + -18.16168785095215 + ], + [ + "セルフサービス", + -18.253902435302734 + ], + [ + "マイソール", + -16.77275276184082 + ], + [ + "ビオン", + -17.030588150024414 + ], + [ + "Terry", + -15.564825057983398 + ], + [ + "ルーメン", + -17.53903579711914 + ], + [ + "Explor", + -15.582247734069824 + ], + [ + "mplement", + -17.860332489013672 + ], + [ + "マリアージュ", + -17.4329833984375 + ], + [ + "ナントカ", + -17.250150680541992 + ], + [ + "シント", + -17.012588500976562 + ], + [ + "KUYO", + -17.9207820892334 + ], + [ + "ヒヒ", + -17.677536010742188 + ], + [ + "Renta", + -16.600637435913086 + ], + [ + "イップ", + -16.594768524169922 + ], + [ + "IR", + -19.118785858154297 + ], + [ + "BanG", + -16.60616111755371 + ], + [ + "AEA", + -14.98914909362793 + ], + [ + "ドライブイン", + -16.881425857543945 + ], + [ + "SPG", + -15.83614730834961 + ], + [ + "  ┃", + -15.793274879455566 + ], + [ + "fj", + -14.6874418258667 + ], + [ + "小滝", + -16.820432662963867 + ], + [ + "ハーパー", + -16.050386428833008 + ], + [ + "プラド", + -16.713363647460938 + ], + [ + "エリザ", + -16.90297508239746 + ], + [ + "シアル", + -16.770910263061523 + ], + [ + "ZH", + -15.272611618041992 + ], + [ + "売切れ", + -19.624109268188477 + ], + [ + "岸部", + -16.32141876220703 + ], + [ + "くどう", + -16.377182006835938 + ], + [ + "ノサウルス", + -16.401023864746094 + ], + [ + "シレ", + -17.083412170410156 + ], + [ + "ズバ", + -17.373205184936523 + ], + [ + "ジョリ", + -17.470726013183594 + ], + [ + "UDA", + -15.456620216369627 + ], + [ + "絡みつ", + -18.901636123657227 + ], + [ + "gaku", + -15.39013385772705 + ], + [ + "チョッキ", + -17.363435745239258 + ], + [ + "Og", + -15.65621566772461 + ], + [ + "Heath", + -16.560516357421875 + ], + [ + "FW", + -19.44421005249023 + ], + [ + "レヴュー", + -16.868194580078125 + ], + [ + "アフィン", + -16.94310760498047 + ], + [ + "テメ", + -17.710540771484375 + ], + [ + "エイプリル", + -16.456073760986328 + ], + [ + "晦", + -17.427087783813477 + ], + [ + "ディートリヒ", + -17.215700149536133 + ], + [ + "Practice", + -16.524654388427734 + ], + [ + "msterdam", + -16.55412483215332 + ], + [ + "蕉", + -17.146976470947266 + ], + [ + "Survey", + -15.857608795166016 + ], + [ + "サウロ", + -17.03557014465332 + ], + [ + "Dennis", + -15.646879196166992 + ], + [ + "ヨハネスブルグ", + -16.45085906982422 + ], + [ + "Macmill", + -16.86422348022461 + ], + [ + "FEVER", + -16.28692054748535 + ], + [ + "Shirt", + -15.738669395446776 + ], + [ + "クインテット", + -16.772945404052734 + ], + [ + "リガンド", + -17.493127822875977 + ], + [ + "ペインティング", + -16.983381271362305 + ], + [ + "Rib", + -16.003034591674805 + ], + [ + "グリーティング", + -16.738203048706055 + ], + [ + "フラスコ", + -17.349720001220703 + ], + [ + "メーヌ", + -16.805906295776367 + ], + [ + "二俣川", + -17.119407653808594 + ], + [ + "アクアライン", + -16.99542808532715 + ], + [ + "Roland", + -16.11897850036621 + ], + [ + "くどい", + -18.42655563354492 + ], + [ + "狂詩", + -16.413970947265625 + ], + [ + "ウーロン", + -17.039039611816406 + ], + [ + "ながさ", + -16.643667221069336 + ], + [ + "stud", + -15.563142776489258 + ], + [ + "ピラフ", + -17.32243537902832 + ], + [ + "ぎわ", + -16.880046844482422 + ], + [ + "平らげ", + -18.651123046875 + ], + [ + "下鴨", + -16.868623733520508 + ], + [ + "Fool", + -16.31389617919922 + ], + [ + "くすぐり", + -17.595836639404297 + ], + [ + "urd", + -14.422945976257324 + ], + [ + "アロイ", + -17.167943954467773 + ], + [ + "ディーガ", + -17.82256317138672 + ], + [ + "ormation", + -16.79932975769043 + ], + [ + "フィナ", + -16.794944763183594 + ], + [ + "タープ", + -18.41058921813965 + ], + [ + "桜丘", + -16.71097755432129 + ], + [ + "ハンダ", + -18.171987533569336 + ], + [ + "バリン", + -16.75937843322754 + ], + [ + "八高", + -16.56460189819336 + ], + [ + "ライトカット", + -19.780824661254883 + ], + [ + "そそる", + -18.647859573364254 + ], + [ + "バーサス", + -16.804414749145508 + ], + [ + "チルド", + -16.586353302001953 + ], + [ + "クロール", + -16.725027084350586 + ], + [ + "パロディー", + -17.190141677856445 + ], + [ + "与論", + -17.067773818969727 + ], + [ + "イッシュ", + -16.935304641723633 + ], + [ + "図太", + -19.128612518310547 + ], + [ + "Od", + -14.603654861450195 + ], + [ + "LL", + -18.89879608154297 + ], + [ + "アズマ", + -16.75094223022461 + ], + [ + "シュッ", + -17.492874145507812 + ], + [ + "ロッカーズ", + -16.63939094543457 + ], + [ + "須美", + -16.130281448364258 + ], + [ + "ワグ", + -17.042251586914062 + ], + [ + "ヶ瀬", + -15.685983657836914 + ], + [ + "ょうほう", + -17.929521560668945 + ], + [ + "ケーシー", + -16.722347259521484 + ], + [ + "テリウム", + -16.808513641357422 + ], + [ + "山浦", + -16.432403564453125 + ], + [ + "サヴァ", + -16.74431037902832 + ], + [ + "諸氏", + -18.38637924194336 + ], + [ + "フェラー", + -17.248254776000977 + ], + [ + "岩船", + -16.50333023071289 + ], + [ + "xp", + -12.901999473571776 + ], + [ + "ワイヤード", + -17.92803955078125 + ], + [ + "Saki", + -15.836291313171388 + ], + [ + "ポア", + -16.477140426635742 + ], + [ + "ナゼ", + -17.4959716796875 + ], + [ + "和英", + -16.992799758911133 + ], + [ + "チェイ", + -16.557146072387695 + ], + [ + "came", + -14.863752365112305 + ], + [ + "肥え", + -18.576560974121097 + ], + [ + "スラッ", + -17.19536590576172 + ], + [ + "どぉ", + -18.322162628173828 + ], + [ + "アフリカネ", + -16.55818748474121 + ], + [ + "Mira", + -15.822937965393066 + ], + [ + "(*^-^*)", + -19.256479263305664 + ], + [ + "Commerce", + -15.547344207763672 + ], + [ + "Pavilion", + -18.522560119628903 + ], + [ + "Kansas", + -15.333701133728027 + ], + [ + "アバンギャルド", + -17.02076530456543 + ], + [ + "フョードル", + -16.77056312561035 + ], + [ + "", + -20.87779235839844 + ], + [ + "オフィサー", + -17.134485244750977 + ], + [ + "コンパウンド", + -17.050338745117188 + ], + [ + "シュワルツェネッ", + -17.078323364257812 + ], + [ + "プショナルツアー", + -19.14015769958496 + ], + [ + "笑福亭鶴", + -15.512388229370115 + ], + [ + "Evans", + -16.038719177246094 + ], + [ + "DIARY", + -16.924375534057617 + ], + [ + "オルテガ", + -16.768829345703125 + ], + [ + "CanCam", + -16.331804275512695 + ], + [ + "eblio", + -20.454788208007812 + ], + [ + "スラバヤ", + -17.02136993408203 + ], + [ + "取捨", + -18.633424758911133 + ], + [ + "チェンナイ", + -16.332252502441406 + ], + [ + "胆汁", + -17.37755012512207 + ], + [ + "ISLAND", + -15.703166007995604 + ], + [ + "摩周", + -16.912954330444336 + ], + [ + "onductor", + -16.042499542236328 + ], + [ + "鳥屋", + -16.425607681274414 + ], + [ + "バトンタッチ", + -17.54051399230957 + ], + [ + "ヒューゴ", + -16.523794174194336 + ], + [ + "フレーベル", + -16.41811752319336 + ], + [ + "栃尾", + -16.557844161987305 + ], + [ + "ずうず", + -19.79151725769043 + ], + [ + "ワイアット", + -16.8966064453125 + ], + [ + "山河", + -16.656139373779297 + ], + [ + "ナゲッツ", + -16.372844696044922 + ], + [ + "ムシャ", + -17.102041244506836 + ], + [ + "捻じ", + -18.393051147460938 + ], + [ + "パッキング", + -18.031471252441406 + ], + [ + "イリーナ", + -16.539037704467773 + ], + [ + "nsor", + -14.694602012634276 + ], + [ + "巻き付け", + -18.165945053100582 + ], + [ + "ウェイター", + -16.88934326171875 + ], + [ + "毛呂", + -16.530969619750977 + ], + [ + "アウトライン", + -17.361831665039062 + ], + [ + "VHF", + -16.047752380371094 + ], + [ + "芦ノ", + -16.88469123840332 + ], + [ + "びより", + -17.170673370361328 + ], + [ + "リカット", + -16.25485610961914 + ], + [ + "サイドテーブル", + -19.1757869720459 + ], + [ + "!」", + -13.5447416305542 + ], + [ + "東葛", + -15.72329807281494 + ], + [ + "吉之助", + -16.829452514648438 + ], + [ + "RAG", + -15.959158897399902 + ], + [ + "シブヤ", + -16.607595443725586 + ], + [ + "ATR", + -15.154342651367188 + ], + [ + "ペイトン", + -16.589548110961914 + ], + [ + "見とれ", + -18.66344833374023 + ], + [ + "Ov", + -14.594401359558104 + ], + [ + "APC", + -14.138596534729004 + ], + [ + "Iw", + -15.149965286254885 + ], + [ + "TR", + -18.758943557739254 + ], + [ + "きだ", + -15.561934471130373 + ], + [ + "キタムラ", + -17.05467414855957 + ], + [ + "Bog", + -15.936149597167969 + ], + [ + "is", + -19.129077911376953 + ], + [ + "ゆるめ", + -18.374256134033203 + ], + [ + "ノーン", + -16.61281967163086 + ], + [ + "::/", + -17.68035888671875 + ], + [ + "深水", + -16.145912170410156 + ], + [ + "更け", + -17.464229583740234 + ], + [ + "シエン", + -17.265716552734375 + ], + [ + "ポロリ", + -17.114025115966797 + ], + [ + "ゅうが", + -16.759775161743164 + ], + [ + "ZK", + -15.491156578063965 + ], + [ + "MHC", + -16.679222106933594 + ], + [ + "IRC", + -14.47766399383545 + ], + [ + "グノー", + -17.307329177856445 + ], + [ + "クラクラ", + -18.303089141845703 + ], + [ + "TIVE", + -14.82818603515625 + ], + [ + "おじゃ", + -16.207674026489258 + ], + [ + "VINE", + -16.33258628845215 + ], + [ + "zm", + -14.045598983764648 + ], + [ + "IBO", + -16.100685119628906 + ], + [ + "逆光", + -17.51451873779297 + ], + [ + "長山", + -16.00086212158203 + ], + [ + "ロダン", + -16.886629104614258 + ], + [ + "Wings", + -16.384490966796875 + ], + [ + "Som", + -16.09961700439453 + ], + [ + "ラクトン", + -16.380081176757812 + ], + [ + "婁", + -16.692930221557617 + ], + [ + "KONAMI", + -16.422456741333008 + ], + [ + "オグリキャップ", + -17.988218307495117 + ], + [ + "ユグドラシル", + -16.806135177612305 + ], + [ + "四万十川", + -17.05710220336914 + ], + [ + "相容れな", + -18.43214225769043 + ], + [ + "グリセリル", + -19.49853515625 + ], + [ + "コムデギャルソン", + -18.4588680267334 + ], + [ + "ブラジレイロ", + -16.731782913208008 + ], + [ + "ヴァンダービルト", + -16.928844451904297 + ], + [ + "softbank", + -18.876632690429688 + ], + [ + "西之表", + -16.558034896850586 + ], + [ + "Desert", + -16.10025978088379 + ], + [ + "モトローラ", + -16.95516014099121 + ], + [ + "ファンタシース", + -16.758764266967773 + ], + [ + "マニホールド", + -18.02918243408203 + ], + [ + "パラジウム", + -17.488801956176758 + ], + [ + "ゴッドファーザー", + -16.39362335205078 + ], + [ + "\"}]", + -16.993026733398438 + ], + [ + "タクティクス", + -16.543033599853516 + ], + [ + "Nippon", + -16.526268005371094 + ], + [ + "ミッドシップ", + -18.178865432739254 + ], + [ + "頸椎", + -17.934635162353516 + ], + [ + "サブマリン", + -16.577146530151367 + ], + [ + "ウェストハム", + -16.441638946533203 + ], + [ + "やるせな", + -18.190149307250977 + ], + [ + "NERATION", + -15.600953102111816 + ], + [ + "信教", + -17.043521881103516 + ], + [ + "レスク", + -16.73430824279785 + ], + [ + "フリゲート", + -14.91116428375244 + ], + [ + "AZA", + -16.126537322998047 + ], + [ + "ビスト", + -16.581256866455078 + ], + [ + "パッケージング", + -17.108867645263672 + ], + [ + "小柴", + -16.885595321655273 + ], + [ + "ミルクティー", + -16.806407928466797 + ], + [ + "rofessor", + -16.29730224609375 + ], + [ + "atelier", + -17.112865447998047 + ], + [ + "ファルコンズ", + -16.51704978942871 + ], + [ + "ボトムズ", + -16.632129669189453 + ], + [ + "アナーキ", + -17.109092712402344 + ], + [ + "スマック", + -17.133115768432617 + ], + [ + "ETTE", + -15.763469696044922 + ], + [ + "海綿", + -17.556385040283203 + ], + [ + "バリカン", + -17.778362274169922 + ], + [ + " 『", + -13.917512893676758 + ], + [ + "アウダー", + -15.95490837097168 + ], + [ + "雪景", + -18.178089141845703 + ], + [ + "別段", + -18.245861053466797 + ], + [ + ";|", + -18.1419620513916 + ], + [ + "MEET", + -16.275022506713867 + ], + [ + "うえの", + -15.990630149841309 + ], + [ + "反田", + -16.51913833618164 + ], + [ + "ウイニング", + -16.27804946899414 + ], + [ + "ifferent", + -19.066328048706055 + ], + [ + "ジャド", + -16.587505340576172 + ], + [ + "]★", + -19.111980438232425 + ], + [ + "田岡", + -16.80529022216797 + ], + [ + "引継", + -17.52825927734375 + ], + [ + "英数", + -16.746240615844727 + ], + [ + "スクリー", + -16.589094161987305 + ], + [ + "メチレン", + -17.363452911376953 + ], + [ + "カシュー", + -16.824167251586914 + ], + [ + "あえる", + -17.345083236694336 + ], + [ + "宮村", + -15.757134437561035 + ], + [ + "タイチ", + -16.91132354736328 + ], + [ + "ッシェ", + -17.425003051757812 + ], + [ + "みつる", + -15.915393829345703 + ], + [ + "LAN", + -19.38556671142578 + ], + [ + "atto", + -15.07406520843506 + ], + [ + "ルッチ", + -17.25797462463379 + ], + [ + "沸かし", + -19.369625091552734 + ], + [ + "Cad", + -15.808883666992188 + ], + [ + "UPS", + -15.233368873596191 + ], + [ + "まねき", + -16.67070770263672 + ], + [ + "アンジェリ", + -17.25550079345703 + ], + [ + "━━━━━", + -17.187955856323242 + ], + [ + "噴き", + -18.052400588989254 + ], + [ + "タリアン", + -16.391992568969727 + ], + [ + "ブレヒト", + -17.52018928527832 + ], + [ + "Deal", + -15.539617538452148 + ], + [ + "シエナ", + -16.61418914794922 + ], + [ + "GAMES", + -15.75003719329834 + ], + [ + "Pine", + -15.955598831176758 + ], + [ + "orin", + -15.066186904907228 + ], + [ + "シンセサイザ", + -18.7935791015625 + ], + [ + "TOMORROW", + -16.215166091918945 + ], + [ + "ガッチャマン", + -16.69611167907715 + ], + [ + "ドッジボール", + -16.334562301635742 + ], + [ + "サイフケータイ", + -17.084819793701172 + ], + [ + "Murray", + -15.517829895019531 + ], + [ + "まんぷく", + -17.01310920715332 + ], + [ + "イダーディケイド", + -16.384353637695312 + ], + [ + "モラヴィア", + -16.588773727416992 + ], + [ + "ピヨ", + -16.927688598632812 + ], + [ + "トゥルク", + -16.596830368041992 + ], + [ + "くみあい", + -16.505836486816406 + ], + [ + "Kelly", + -15.660712242126465 + ], + [ + "ヘッドスパ", + -19.668561935424805 + ], + [ + "CROWN", + -16.111286163330078 + ], + [ + "ごろごろ", + -17.790307998657227 + ], + [ + "オウル", + -16.727771759033203 + ], + [ + "CK", + -18.973108291625977 + ], + [ + "きこえ", + -16.662731170654297 + ], + [ + "Stripe", + -15.103333473205566 + ], + [ + "TSB", + -15.465984344482422 + ], + [ + "uzu", + -15.571805953979492 + ], + [ + "パルミ", + -17.248315811157227 + ], + [ + "有珠", + -16.98244857788086 + ], + [ + "アチ", + -16.526479721069336 + ], + [ + "水尾", + -16.714462280273438 + ], + [ + "ソーラ", + -17.120285034179688 + ], + [ + "押し倒", + -18.160139083862305 + ], + [ + "アキュラ", + -16.805858612060547 + ], + [ + "風光", + -17.504337310791016 + ], + [ + "polit", + -15.521836280822754 + ], + [ + "幸二", + -16.496593475341797 + ], + [ + "ドアーズ", + -16.655532836914062 + ], + [ + "ドモ", + -16.877887725830078 + ], + [ + "ミサキ", + -16.691356658935547 + ], + [ + "XGA", + -16.823604583740234 + ], + [ + "オキソ", + -16.500099182128906 + ], + [ + "ソプ", + -17.046478271484375 + ], + [ + "んぼう", + -16.32261848449707 + ], + [ + "クート", + -16.948076248168945 + ], + [ + "lax", + -14.708383560180664 + ], + [ + "テルミ", + -17.006805419921875 + ], + [ + "Bath", + -16.02726936340332 + ], + [ + "»)", + -17.576675415039062 + ], + [ + "グリコール", + -17.16473388671875 + ], + [ + "センシ", + -17.30219268798828 + ], + [ + "フスク", + -16.7037353515625 + ], + [ + "バトゥ", + -16.89076805114746 + ], + [ + "グフ", + -16.721040725708008 + ], + [ + "MTR", + -15.048065185546877 + ], + [ + "フルダ", + -17.022066116333008 + ], + [ + "wonder", + -16.208173751831055 + ], + [ + "ワート", + -16.878576278686523 + ], + [ + "ビザンティン", + -16.793434143066406 + ], + [ + "リシュリュー", + -17.780271530151367 + ], + [ + "東京農工大", + -16.316116333007812 + ], + [ + "カンディナヴィア", + -17.118980407714844 + ], + [ + "ベルリオーズ", + -17.13313102722168 + ], + [ + "ひのき", + -17.228809356689453 + ], + [ + "コンスタンチン", + -16.823280334472656 + ], + [ + "Summit", + -16.73053550720215 + ], + [ + "DAW", + -16.265878677368164 + ], + [ + "ルディックスキー", + -17.232507705688477 + ], + [ + "ダイナー", + -17.21013832092285 + ], + [ + "ローデシア", + -16.704299926757812 + ], + [ + "富士電機", + -16.655778884887695 + ], + [ + "ラプトル", + -16.63688087463379 + ], + [ + "入り浸", + -18.15742874145508 + ], + [ + "クリプトン", + -17.198293685913086 + ], + [ + "DRESS", + -15.893754959106444 + ], + [ + "オーガスト", + -16.66439437866211 + ], + [ + "Holland", + -15.879408836364746 + ], + [ + "かまっ", + -18.47911262512207 + ], + [ + "ナオコ", + -16.136159896850586 + ], + [ + "SATO", + -16.334781646728516 + ], + [ + "Blind", + -15.130400657653809 + ], + [ + "バラッド", + -16.575454711914062 + ], + [ + "Stranger", + -16.334228515625 + ], + [ + "Flora", + -15.119197845458984 + ], + [ + "ハンコック", + -16.20476722717285 + ], + [ + "ゼリア", + -16.74338150024414 + ], + [ + "走路", + -16.660755157470703 + ], + [ + "探し当て", + -18.50627326965332 + ], + [ + "imax", + -14.770269393920898 + ], + [ + "ROSS", + -16.048288345336914 + ], + [ + "稲尾", + -17.378501892089844 + ], + [ + "ANIMA", + -15.31687068939209 + ], + [ + "CoD", + -15.797636985778809 + ], + [ + "YBC", + -15.363372802734377 + ], + [ + "院生", + -17.786575317382812 + ], + [ + "デシ", + -16.45895004272461 + ], + [ + "エスプリ", + -17.21548843383789 + ], + [ + "流鏑", + -16.92119598388672 + ], + [ + "レイオス", + -17.269628524780273 + ], + [ + "Maya", + -15.56017017364502 + ], + [ + "桐野", + -16.433393478393555 + ], + [ + "Chaos", + -14.80246925354004 + ], + [ + "シャッド", + -16.55835723876953 + ], + [ + "小舟", + -17.206348419189453 + ], + [ + "ブレーダー", + -17.18540382385254 + ], + [ + "Pascal", + -16.254873275756836 + ], + [ + "Salon", + -17.079410552978516 + ], + [ + "すすぎ", + -19.046829223632812 + ], + [ + "CH", + -18.901386260986328 + ], + [ + "猪口", + -17.143220901489258 + ], + [ + "engineer", + -15.893860816955566 + ], + [ + "松茂", + -16.17544937133789 + ], + [ + "エルマー", + -16.66644859313965 + ], + [ + "カガミ", + -16.815319061279297 + ], + [ + "Chor", + -15.71566677093506 + ], + [ + "Ware", + -14.33863353729248 + ], + [ + "Russ", + -16.147254943847656 + ], + [ + "西湖", + -16.905424118041992 + ], + [ + "モデルハウス", + -18.138978958129883 + ], + [ + "紹興", + -16.81796646118164 + ], + [ + "オブザ", + -17.114896774291992 + ], + [ + "美江", + -15.984530448913574 + ], + [ + "ematical", + -16.357940673828125 + ], + [ + "帝釈", + -16.735549926757812 + ], + [ + "?-", + -15.887121200561523 + ], + [ + "ヴァスコ", + -16.44613265991211 + ], + [ + "マティック", + -17.584171295166016 + ], + [ + "YX", + -15.252795219421388 + ], + [ + "カルキ", + -17.63286018371582 + ], + [ + "WRESTLE", + -16.55001449584961 + ], + [ + "ZenFone", + -17.930028915405273 + ], + [ + "エスクード", + -17.050737380981445 + ], + [ + "スクリプター", + -15.584245681762695 + ], + [ + "ヘロヘロ", + -17.9132080078125 + ], + [ + "ポリメラーゼ", + -17.78875732421875 + ], + [ + "ランデブー", + -16.6970157623291 + ], + [ + "インクルーシブ", + -19.001840591430664 + ], + [ + "ケーニヒ", + -17.029407501220703 + ], + [ + "サンプルチャンバ", + -22.18968391418457 + ], + [ + "モンタギュー", + -16.9879207611084 + ], + [ + "Austin", + -15.71891975402832 + ], + [ + "アンチョビ", + -18.61826515197754 + ], + [ + "Graham", + -15.921934127807615 + ], + [ + "Bobby", + -15.370894432067873 + ], + [ + "マリファナ", + -17.968090057373047 + ], + [ + "Course", + -15.30349826812744 + ], + [ + "しゃべら", + -17.543373107910156 + ], + [ + "ホーミング", + -16.588245391845703 + ], + [ + "バイーア", + -15.92684268951416 + ], + [ + "ディスペンサー", + -18.02716064453125 + ], + [ + "碁盤", + -17.632837295532227 + ], + [ + "取り持", + -18.036476135253903 + ], + [ + "取り続け", + -18.421918869018555 + ], + [ + "ffcc", + -18.008472442626953 + ], + [ + "香蘭", + -16.679689407348633 + ], + [ + "MEG", + -15.63856315612793 + ], + [ + "亜麻", + -17.296588897705078 + ], + [ + "Toshi", + -16.670719146728516 + ], + [ + "こすっ", + -18.99549674987793 + ], + [ + "崎谷", + -16.44426918029785 + ], + [ + "馬淵", + -16.7612247467041 + ], + [ + "アドバンスト", + -16.735139846801758 + ], + [ + "マサラ", + -17.09992218017578 + ], + [ + "MjQ", + -17.926372528076172 + ], + [ + "鶴巻", + -16.431926727294922 + ], + [ + "ピアン", + -17.22736167907715 + ], + [ + "んざい", + -16.358123779296875 + ], + [ + "RKK", + -16.27370262145996 + ], + [ + "ファレル", + -16.59514617919922 + ], + [ + "入谷", + -16.561452865600586 + ], + [ + "フイ", + -16.99997329711914 + ], + [ + "ピィ", + -16.650693893432617 + ], + [ + "CBD", + -15.627053260803224 + ], + [ + "生々しく", + -19.03980255126953 + ], + [ + "サーンス", + -16.957509994506836 + ], + [ + "mpo", + -14.24834156036377 + ], + [ + "Glen", + -15.313594818115234 + ], + [ + "OJI", + -16.520732879638672 + ], + [ + "チャミ", + -17.467838287353516 + ], + [ + "マハル", + -17.532779693603516 + ], + [ + "Ik", + -14.588796615600586 + ], + [ + ".。.:*・", + -20.191389083862305 + ], + [ + "バーチャ", + -16.3521785736084 + ], + [ + "Mé", + -15.598931312561035 + ], + [ + "尾久", + -16.7784366607666 + ], + [ + "研一", + -16.442352294921875 + ], + [ + "QOL", + -16.725248336791992 + ], + [ + "バスルーム", + -16.6450138092041 + ], + [ + "jU", + -17.625200271606445 + ], + [ + "塚口", + -17.002849578857422 + ], + [ + "コンスタンティヌ", + -17.458261489868164 + ], + [ + "GANG", + -16.045671463012695 + ], + [ + "APT", + -15.21508502960205 + ], + [ + "AITO", + -17.707481384277344 + ], + [ + "メーン", + -16.906112670898438 + ], + [ + "ニニニ", + -20.60795021057129 + ], + [ + "NOC", + -14.657699584960938 + ], + [ + "yme", + -14.97239589691162 + ], + [ + "ependent", + -19.27278709411621 + ], + [ + "Naga", + -16.36561393737793 + ], + [ + "レヴァ", + -16.873449325561523 + ], + [ + "ながの", + -16.50483512878418 + ], + [ + "!.", + -15.777209281921388 + ], + [ + "フェルナン", + -16.66927719116211 + ], + [ + "定次", + -16.730613708496094 + ], + [ + "ULTIMATE", + -16.43328094482422 + ], + [ + "ENGLISH", + -15.673139572143556 + ], + [ + "オピオイド", + -16.835546493530273 + ], + [ + "川之江", + -16.280799865722656 + ], + [ + "サイネージ", + -17.060325622558594 + ], + [ + "シュレッダー", + -17.477840423583984 + ], + [ + "メリーゴーランド", + -16.145994186401367 + ], + [ + "Celebra", + -15.356618881225586 + ], + [ + "腹立たし", + -19.449905395507812 + ], + [ + "aspberry", + -16.076444625854492 + ], + [ + "Trouble", + -15.860429763793944 + ], + [ + "Twinkle", + -15.894554138183594 + ], + [ + "トウガラシ", + -17.293487548828125 + ], + [ + "エヴァートン", + -16.256431579589844 + ], + [ + "Florida", + -15.318578720092772 + ], + [ + "Sierra", + -16.28193473815918 + ], + [ + "マールブルク", + -16.976348876953125 + ], + [ + "エレクトロニカ", + -16.94649314880371 + ], + [ + "Manufact", + -16.534439086914062 + ], + [ + "シュラクサ", + -17.803255081176758 + ], + [ + "ブローニング", + -16.924251556396484 + ], + [ + "うつくし", + -16.80935287475586 + ], + [ + "コンデジ", + -19.287267684936523 + ], + [ + "ハテナ", + -16.692617416381836 + ], + [ + "ビンディング", + -18.198959350585938 + ], + [ + "団扇", + -17.211973190307617 + ], + [ + "タルボット", + -16.798437118530273 + ], + [ + "尾高", + -16.63237762451172 + ], + [ + "ツァイス", + -16.589452743530273 + ], + [ + "商科大学", + -15.384798049926758 + ], + [ + "スクーリング", + -17.36088752746582 + ], + [ + "orry", + -15.845111846923828 + ], + [ + "Nash", + -15.745545387268066 + ], + [ + "三千", + -15.479674339294434 + ], + [ + "陽極", + -17.981548309326172 + ], + [ + "ネバ", + -17.235658645629883 + ], + [ + "コンティ", + -16.601665496826172 + ], + [ + "ツィヒ", + -17.290910720825195 + ], + [ + "平岸", + -16.731172561645508 + ], + [ + "キルヒェン", + -16.6623477935791 + ], + [ + "そえ", + -16.92177963256836 + ], + [ + "憎め", + -18.03591537475586 + ], + [ + "エータ", + -17.233667373657227 + ], + [ + "ヒガシ", + -16.67033576965332 + ], + [ + "シータ", + -17.11737060546875 + ], + [ + "ウィーバー", + -16.744029998779297 + ], + [ + "シーム", + -17.916433334350586 + ], + [ + "ニニニニ", + -21.018659591674805 + ], + [ + " ,'", + -19.664897918701172 + ], + [ + "Joan", + -15.729475021362305 + ], + [ + "カエラ", + -16.364797592163086 + ], + [ + "厄除", + -17.220956802368164 + ], + [ + "BLUES", + -16.170434951782227 + ], + [ + "AVN", + -16.038379669189453 + ], + [ + "≦)", + -19.16939353942871 + ], + [ + "信愛", + -16.07809829711914 + ], + [ + "めった", + -18.89611434936523 + ], + [ + "ORU", + -16.900617599487305 + ], + [ + "-)、", + -17.221458435058594 + ], + [ + "崎山", + -16.208189010620117 + ], + [ + "中耳", + -17.71382713317871 + ], + [ + "スティーヴンス", + -16.472244262695312 + ], + [ + "~~!", + -19.54991912841797 + ], + [ + "コルテ", + -17.331783294677734 + ], + [ + "アブソ", + -16.845977783203125 + ], + [ + "VIE", + -15.799044609069824 + ], + [ + "マンセル", + -17.308929443359375 + ], + [ + "PDA", + -15.587932586669922 + ], + [ + "ディファ", + -16.618181228637695 + ], + [ + "ツレ", + -16.768220901489258 + ], + [ + "ベオ", + -17.484277725219727 + ], + [ + "楼門", + -16.454601287841797 + ], + [ + "ZB", + -14.907965660095217 + ], + [ + "ブローク", + -16.285213470458984 + ], + [ + "とまど", + -16.955881118774414 + ], + [ + "SWAT", + -15.902495384216309 + ], + [ + "ベイク", + -17.202953338623047 + ], + [ + "カインド", + -17.01731300354004 + ], + [ + "/_", + -14.100560188293455 + ], + [ + "ミズキ", + -16.415769577026367 + ], + [ + "Mama", + -15.893617630004885 + ], + [ + "イーライ", + -16.892017364501953 + ], + [ + "Njg", + -19.73379135131836 + ], + [ + "mination", + -14.793025016784668 + ], + [ + "ギール", + -16.955345153808594 + ], + [ + "ガウチョ", + -18.701637268066406 + ], + [ + "シーガルズ", + -16.133926391601562 + ], + [ + "ヒステリック", + -17.435998916625977 + ], + [ + "フラメンゴ", + -15.651246070861816 + ], + [ + "☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆", + -21.12891960144043 + ], + [ + "ファッショナブル", + -18.244138717651367 + ], + [ + "ndonesia", + -18.052141189575195 + ], + [ + "テラコッタ", + -17.352602005004883 + ], + [ + "マニキュア", + -17.534860610961914 + ], + [ + "成りすま", + -18.073158264160156 + ], + [ + "Lynn", + -16.063983917236328 + ], + [ + "アップナイター", + -16.436662673950195 + ], + [ + "ユージーン", + -16.73331069946289 + ], + [ + "ディベート", + -16.621089935302734 + ], + [ + "レセプト", + -18.27129173278809 + ], + [ + "グリチル", + -18.027502059936523 + ], + [ + "ホンモノ", + -18.14988899230957 + ], + [ + "ジュビリー", + -16.89215660095215 + ], + [ + "バッカス", + -16.728984832763672 + ], + [ + "ぺら", + -17.89413833618164 + ], + [ + "Images", + -13.76801872253418 + ], + [ + "Miles", + -15.891880989074709 + ], + [ + "天涯", + -17.271787643432617 + ], + [ + "仁和寺", + -16.96161460876465 + ], + [ + "北海道開発", + -15.753281593322754 + ], + [ + "OYO", + -16.305622100830078 + ], + [ + "さちこ", + -16.541032791137695 + ], + [ + "スキーヤー", + -17.54084014892578 + ], + [ + "パラス", + -16.951696395874023 + ], + [ + "リデル", + -17.0987548828125 + ], + [ + "仁左衛門", + -16.620954513549805 + ], + [ + "オフサイド", + -17.044254302978516 + ], + [ + "熊川", + -16.56005096435547 + ], + [ + "ジェラード", + -16.84429931640625 + ], + [ + "ヴィアン", + -17.057092666625977 + ], + [ + "御伽", + -16.860347747802734 + ], + [ + "ZUMI", + -16.78675079345703 + ], + [ + "QY", + -16.42789649963379 + ], + [ + "アプリコット", + -17.489669799804688 + ], + [ + "KUMI", + -16.431455612182617 + ], + [ + "LIS", + -14.256296157836914 + ], + [ + "宝冠", + -16.27216911315918 + ], + [ + "とづく", + -17.40997314453125 + ], + [ + "粟田", + -16.80384063720703 + ], + [ + "支離", + -18.44573211669922 + ], + [ + "ニニニニニニニニ", + -21.4229679107666 + ], + [ + "xz", + -14.76882266998291 + ], + [ + "リンコ", + -16.780702590942383 + ], + [ + "ONI", + -15.099321365356444 + ], + [ + "vous", + -14.333354949951172 + ], + [ + "VPS", + -15.722079277038574 + ], + [ + "ゼクス", + -16.680330276489258 + ], + [ + "Pale", + -15.654094696044922 + ], + [ + "Brass", + -16.51222038269043 + ], + [ + "Koch", + -16.51491928100586 + ], + [ + "互助", + -17.14105224609375 + ], + [ + "AMX", + -15.143725395202637 + ], + [ + "戸越", + -17.011173248291016 + ], + [ + "れんが", + -16.88282012939453 + ], + [ + "フルラ", + -18.23834228515625 + ], + [ + "王滝", + -17.37433433532715 + ], + [ + "UDO", + -16.42213249206543 + ], + [ + "ブルーズ", + -16.04061508178711 + ], + [ + "|/", + -16.637102127075195 + ], + [ + "あやかっ", + -19.802032470703125 + ], + [ + "アップフロント", + -15.945718765258787 + ], + [ + "nature", + -14.910684585571287 + ], + [ + "事新報", + -16.70309829711914 + ], + [ + "IV", + -19.460214614868164 + ], + [ + "曳き", + -17.722034454345703 + ], + [ + "Herb", + -16.045564651489258 + ], + [ + "tent", + -14.282347679138184 + ], + [ + "ィルハーモニック", + -16.81204605102539 + ], + [ + "ESSE", + -16.25255584716797 + ], + [ + "ILS", + -15.178277969360352 + ], + [ + "久屋", + -17.478174209594727 + ], + [ + "かあさん", + -16.885337829589844 + ], + [ + "ベッツ", + -16.675085067749023 + ], + [ + "ピャ", + -16.76992416381836 + ], + [ + "⌒)", + -19.357046127319336 + ], + [ + "OLI", + -15.250571250915527 + ], + [ + "振りま", + -19.029293060302734 + ], + [ + "ザーン", + -16.86456298828125 + ], + [ + "テルメ", + -16.329553604125977 + ], + [ + "PCX", + -15.88676929473877 + ], + [ + "ムコ", + -16.589685440063477 + ], + [ + "エスエス", + -17.031553268432617 + ], + [ + "ストークス", + -16.60051918029785 + ], + [ + "トルマリン", + -18.195985794067383 + ], + [ + "ポンパレ", + -18.757099151611328 + ], + [ + "Kato", + -17.69767189025879 + ], + [ + "axophone", + -15.177227973937988 + ], + [ + "シナゴーグ", + -17.086637496948242 + ], + [ + "マラケシュ", + -17.266773223876953 + ], + [ + "メヌエット", + -16.310501098632812 + ], + [ + "ユーチューバー", + -17.919336318969727 + ], + [ + "オスナブリュック", + -16.793062210083008 + ], + [ + "バイタルアンサー", + -21.14842987060547 + ], + [ + "ドミニコ", + -16.675121307373047 + ], + [ + "漕ぎ着け", + -18.855070114135746 + ], + [ + "LIQUID", + -15.789061546325684 + ], + [ + "歌志内", + -16.783199310302734 + ], + [ + "コッポラ", + -17.05915069580078 + ], + [ + "sasamo", + -20.89693069458008 + ], + [ + "KINGDOM", + -16.271644592285156 + ], + [ + "Conserv", + -14.607858657836914 + ], + [ + "ブレイクスルー", + -16.346982955932617 + ], + [ + "総本部", + -16.7590389251709 + ], + [ + "アレクシス", + -16.53426170349121 + ], + [ + "桧山", + -16.544620513916016 + ], + [ + "二条城", + -17.385377883911133 + ], + [ + "靱帯", + -17.87618637084961 + ], + [ + "ナビゲート", + -17.605960845947266 + ], + [ + "有朋", + -17.12596321105957 + ], + [ + "DRUM", + -15.849323272705078 + ], + [ + "クーロン", + -16.816627502441406 + ], + [ + "キムラ", + -16.462387084960938 + ], + [ + "大豊", + -16.501333236694336 + ], + [ + "フルベリ", + -21.969900131225582 + ], + [ + "ラサール", + -16.396833419799805 + ], + [ + "ウーゴ", + -16.618932723999023 + ], + [ + "矢祭", + -17.149391174316406 + ], + [ + "アシュトン", + -16.75697135925293 + ], + [ + "TVA", + -16.057537078857422 + ], + [ + "ネグ", + -16.936994552612305 + ], + [ + "lage", + -15.364306449890137 + ], + [ + "駿台", + -16.553359985351562 + ], + [ + "IA", + -19.554725646972656 + ], + [ + "きとう", + -16.10024070739746 + ], + [ + "ハッサン", + -16.833486557006836 + ], + [ + "グレーディング", + -17.487178802490234 + ], + [ + "コンピ", + -17.463756561279297 + ], + [ + "LEG", + -15.095174789428713 + ], + [ + "Greg", + -15.157180786132812 + ], + [ + "ッガー", + -16.759183883666992 + ], + [ + "HUG", + -16.239151000976562 + ], + [ + "Luck", + -16.282302856445312 + ], + [ + "FUKU", + -16.535131454467773 + ], + [ + "サラリー", + -17.562274932861328 + ], + [ + "RAGE", + -15.649168968200684 + ], + [ + "煮や", + -18.195863723754883 + ], + [ + "Rosen", + -16.62289810180664 + ], + [ + "胆沢", + -16.708860397338867 + ], + [ + "ät", + -15.254476547241213 + ], + [ + "カービー", + -17.084949493408203 + ], + [ + "ノマド", + -17.01911735534668 + ], + [ + "エンボス", + -17.771331787109375 + ], + [ + "Masters", + -15.842243194580078 + ], + [ + "ヴャ", + -16.86363983154297 + ], + [ + "パシー", + -17.31134605407715 + ], + [ + "もぉ", + -18.785844802856445 + ], + [ + "荒っぽ", + -18.7656192779541 + ], + [ + "以遠", + -17.38355827331543 + ], + [ + "RADIU", + -26.045974731445312 + ], + [ + "ナマコ", + -17.131946563720703 + ], + [ + "IAT", + -15.497796058654783 + ], + [ + "BPO", + -16.6156005859375 + ], + [ + "叩け", + -18.410320281982425 + ], + [ + "もどかし", + -19.04535865783691 + ], + [ + "州兵", + -16.59345817565918 + ], + [ + "マーケ", + -18.228534698486328 + ], + [ + "TOYO", + -17.410789489746094 + ], + [ + "どど", + -17.60073471069336 + ], + [ + "祟", + -17.630786895751953 + ], + [ + "Beatle", + -17.558401107788086 + ], + [ + "Lenovo", + -16.16042137145996 + ], + [ + "バオバブ", + -16.07263946533203 + ], + [ + "蛛", + -19.004323959350582 + ], + [ + "Margaret", + -15.79454517364502 + ], + [ + "カプチーノ", + -17.31707763671875 + ], + [ + "ジャコバイト", + -16.5346622467041 + ], + [ + "アラフィフ", + -19.036285400390625 + ], + [ + "シュリンプ", + -17.768474578857422 + ], + [ + "引っ掻", + -18.071950912475582 + ], + [ + "ライフバランス", + -18.432538986206055 + ], + [ + "道三", + -16.57261085510254 + ], + [ + "PERSON", + -14.771613121032717 + ], + [ + "イーブイ", + -17.751863479614258 + ], + [ + "けいきょく", + -16.91275405883789 + ], + [ + "AICHI", + -16.415769577026367 + ], + [ + "シュテルン", + -16.881893157958984 + ], + [ + "プリパラ", + -16.832542419433594 + ], + [ + "コラボイベント", + -16.860532760620117 + ], + [ + "インダストリーズ", + -16.920284271240234 + ], + [ + "カラカラ", + -17.113882064819336 + ], + [ + "据え付け", + -17.94021987915039 + ], + [ + "リファイン", + -17.326078414916992 + ], + [ + "ガンジス", + -17.225000381469727 + ], + [ + "河合塾", + -16.605724334716797 + ], + [ + "めがけ", + -17.91132926940918 + ], + [ + "Taku", + -16.016950607299805 + ], + [ + "カデット", + -16.594600677490234 + ], + [ + "ディクス", + -16.88326072692871 + ], + [ + "かすめ", + -18.367555618286133 + ], + [ + "ガーフィールド", + -16.65813446044922 + ], + [ + "スプール", + -18.463903427124023 + ], + [ + "=)", + -17.909692764282227 + ], + [ + "Bruno", + -16.003662109375 + ], + [ + "VRX", + -17.650854110717773 + ], + [ + "papa", + -15.758238792419434 + ], + [ + "ペーパーバック", + -17.167543411254883 + ], + [ + "枕木", + -17.60183334350586 + ], + [ + "Lyrics", + -13.735069274902344 + ], + [ + "ぺろ", + -17.457284927368164 + ], + [ + "田浦", + -16.49397850036621 + ], + [ + "エスターライヒ", + -16.526023864746094 + ], + [ + "重吉", + -16.314529418945312 + ], + [ + "見せ付け", + -18.27249336242676 + ], + [ + "ラッハ", + -16.970548629760742 + ], + [ + "せんせ", + -17.64954376220703 + ], + [ + "ロザン", + -16.360958099365234 + ], + [ + "モーネ", + -17.16830825805664 + ], + [ + "NMR", + -16.046396255493164 + ], + [ + "TERRA", + -16.155447006225586 + ], + [ + "eK", + -16.582597732543945 + ], + [ + "プレシ", + -16.787277221679688 + ], + [ + "FAA", + -15.386587142944336 + ], + [ + "Pip", + -16.33865737915039 + ], + [ + "常世", + -17.313344955444336 + ], + [ + "コクラン", + -16.979047775268555 + ], + [ + "詳報", + -17.42129135131836 + ], + [ + "アクシス", + -16.834789276123047 + ], + [ + "レスリー", + -15.628154754638672 + ], + [ + "モシ", + -17.211950302124023 + ], + [ + "フォニー", + -17.000473022460938 + ], + [ + "ジーニョ", + -16.798921585083008 + ], + [ + "エヴァー", + -16.60895347595215 + ], + [ + "姉崎", + -16.475854873657227 + ], + [ + "レギ", + -16.812503814697266 + ], + [ + "メドウ", + -16.637624740600586 + ], + [ + "ワイル", + -16.971973419189453 + ], + [ + "ヒバリ", + -16.519672393798828 + ], + [ + "はいら", + -16.204931259155273 + ], + [ + "mmel", + -14.72719669342041 + ], + [ + "fB", + -14.78566837310791 + ], + [ + "mou", + -14.825102806091309 + ], + [ + "ユウマ", + -18.17626953125 + ], + [ + "バルボ", + -16.80810546875 + ], + [ + "ジード", + -16.503625869750977 + ], + [ + "ムーディ", + -16.724807739257812 + ], + [ + "じいちゃん", + -17.419509887695312 + ], + [ + "GReeeeN", + -16.292110443115234 + ], + [ + "アルキメデス", + -16.703580856323242 + ], + [ + "カマタマーレ", + -15.95257568359375 + ], + [ + "パタパタ", + -16.913063049316406 + ], + [ + "ボチボチ", + -19.437414169311523 + ], + [ + "駆り立て", + -18.529024124145508 + ], + [ + "等旭日中綬章受章", + -15.293477058410645 + ], + [ + "alloween", + -16.760194778442383 + ], + [ + "battle", + -15.478718757629396 + ], + [ + "二枚貝", + -17.212617874145508 + ], + [ + "ヴェンディッシュ", + -16.893497467041016 + ], + [ + "ナカニシ", + -16.90348243713379 + ], + [ + "イエスタデイ", + -16.65659523010254 + ], + [ + "ミハ", + -17.12557029724121 + ], + [ + "キュービック", + -17.250669479370117 + ], + [ + "エクスペリア", + -18.69281959533691 + ], + [ + "ウルスラ", + -16.919828414916992 + ], + [ + "OPERA", + -16.07680320739746 + ], + [ + "コンバース", + -18.19731330871582 + ], + [ + "大鳥居", + -16.875682830810547 + ], + [ + "デイトン", + -16.77985954284668 + ], + [ + "アラビアン", + -16.407840728759766 + ], + [ + "Trick", + -15.795790672302246 + ], + [ + "トレセン", + -16.99639129638672 + ], + [ + "crow", + -14.766839981079102 + ], + [ + "CRY", + -15.156400680541992 + ], + [ + "クワイ", + -16.18617057800293 + ], + [ + ".).", + -14.492575645446776 + ], + [ + "Walking", + -15.479043006896973 + ], + [ + "フライド", + -17.140153884887695 + ], + [ + "ität", + -16.36141586303711 + ], + [ + "シーカー", + -16.892047882080078 + ], + [ + "源頼", + -15.538676261901855 + ], + [ + "ニトリル", + -16.479551315307617 + ], + [ + "千香", + -16.256961822509766 + ], + [ + "ヘイデン", + -16.66936492919922 + ], + [ + "Pb", + -15.000937461853027 + ], + [ + "たいがい", + -19.249927520751953 + ], + [ + "牛頭", + -16.773723602294922 + ], + [ + "レンエーテル", + -20.36934471130371 + ], + [ + "wwwwww", + -18.56830596923828 + ], + [ + "恵三", + -16.59822654724121 + ], + [ + "ライチ", + -16.90406036376953 + ], + [ + "びの", + -15.82994556427002 + ], + [ + "チェラ", + -16.72583770751953 + ], + [ + "graphs", + -14.123175621032717 + ], + [ + "Hermann", + -16.629310607910156 + ], + [ + "かえり", + -16.949764251708984 + ], + [ + "うろこ", + -17.363195419311523 + ], + [ + "ぱちん", + -16.87155532836914 + ], + [ + "カレリア", + -16.75533676147461 + ], + [ + "ac", + -19.204975128173828 + ], + [ + "Ark", + -15.606839179992676 + ], + [ + "古臭", + -18.887596130371097 + ], + [ + "ノーヴァ", + -16.133544921875 + ], + [ + "オーツ", + -17.294355392456055 + ], + [ + "ILO", + -14.800171852111816 + ], + [ + "...『", + -20.38096618652344 + ], + [ + "VYE", + -20.20098876953125 + ], + [ + "ベルヌ", + -16.842588424682617 + ], + [ + "クサイ", + -17.356246948242188 + ], + [ + "みちこ", + -16.240755081176758 + ], + [ + "抜き出", + -17.737037658691406 + ], + [ + "AIA", + -15.349122047424316 + ], + [ + "丸め込", + -18.017841339111328 + ], + [ + "Jupiter", + -16.514890670776367 + ], + [ + "zenith", + -16.593515396118164 + ], + [ + "ヴィリニュス", + -16.517576217651367 + ], + [ + "おせっかい", + -17.81180191040039 + ], + [ + "アカウンティング", + -18.029287338256836 + ], + [ + "LEXUS", + -17.165523529052734 + ], + [ + "ソシエダ", + -16.416589736938477 + ], + [ + "デイトジャスト", + -19.19536018371582 + ], + [ + "波照間", + -17.215272903442383 + ], + [ + "スパムメール", + -19.006980895996097 + ], + [ + "govern", + -14.919960975646973 + ], + [ + "レックファースト", + -18.69304084777832 + ], + [ + "nanaco", + -18.13357734680176 + ], + [ + "introduc", + -17.673694610595703 + ], + [ + "オニキス", + -17.563987731933594 + ], + [ + "ロンゴ", + -16.710893630981445 + ], + [ + "Wiley", + -17.339862823486328 + ], + [ + "TOPIX", + -17.179035186767578 + ], + [ + "orange", + -15.101120948791504 + ], + [ + "ensp", + -18.54812812805176 + ], + [ + "ヘイブン", + -17.07003402709961 + ], + [ + "ミチコ", + -16.436607360839844 + ], + [ + "Tips", + -14.494779586791992 + ], + [ + "ジオール", + -17.437419891357422 + ], + [ + "イコライザ", + -17.59946632385254 + ], + [ + "采女", + -16.82512092590332 + ], + [ + "ベルカ", + -17.542278289794922 + ], + [ + "イゴール", + -16.514402389526367 + ], + [ + "メトロイド", + -16.799585342407227 + ], + [ + "電算", + -16.831289291381836 + ], + [ + "amar", + -14.609865188598633 + ], + [ + "塗りつぶ", + -17.89092445373535 + ], + [ + "プロー", + -17.200511932373047 + ], + [ + "TGV", + -16.372760772705078 + ], + [ + "どろん", + -17.586463928222656 + ], + [ + "ガンビア", + -16.37273406982422 + ], + [ + "スラップ", + -16.78289222717285 + ], + [ + "デップ", + -17.663625717163086 + ], + [ + "Fran", + -16.106693267822266 + ], + [ + "ディウム", + -17.133073806762695 + ], + [ + "宗祖", + -17.19044303894043 + ], + [ + "テンキー", + -17.978811264038086 + ], + [ + "!!!!!", + -18.341066360473633 + ], + [ + "歯槽", + -17.960613250732422 + ], + [ + "タルサ", + -17.13068962097168 + ], + [ + "ルーカ", + -17.758378982543945 + ], + [ + "Mall", + -16.112092971801758 + ], + [ + "harlotte", + -16.46651840209961 + ], + [ + "JGP", + -16.178922653198242 + ], + [ + "秀之", + -16.352800369262695 + ], + [ + "おもろ", + -16.888896942138672 + ], + [ + "追い回", + -18.07218360900879 + ], + [ + "MICHI", + -16.274263381958008 + ], + [ + "玄室", + -17.307077407836914 + ], + [ + "泣き叫", + -18.4891357421875 + ], + [ + "マーテル", + -16.81758689880371 + ], + [ + "ローサ", + -16.946847915649414 + ], + [ + "zQ", + -17.2365665435791 + ], + [ + "互選", + -17.571239471435547 + ], + [ + "Boom", + -15.17054843902588 + ], + [ + "Bach", + -16.10830307006836 + ], + [ + "双頭", + -16.866546630859375 + ], + [ + "DVI", + -15.761301040649414 + ], + [ + "鳳来", + -16.841083526611328 + ], + [ + "öh", + -15.660381317138672 + ], + [ + "内堀", + -16.838279724121094 + ], + [ + "磨け", + -18.55156517028809 + ], + [ + "ギョウ", + -17.43186378479004 + ], + [ + "ネプ", + -16.10648536682129 + ], + [ + "üt", + -15.499311447143556 + ], + [ + "軍兵", + -16.08051300048828 + ], + [ + "oken", + -14.462658882141112 + ], + [ + "ボタ", + -16.810081481933594 + ], + [ + "DUB", + -16.316791534423828 + ], + [ + "ポッカ", + -16.861093521118164 + ], + [ + "ょうの", + -17.412473678588867 + ], + [ + "アトリ", + -16.535572052001953 + ], + [ + "CE", + -18.568777084350582 + ], + [ + "元木", + -16.276979446411133 + ], + [ + "ラッコ", + -16.747709274291992 + ], + [ + "外宮", + -17.238271713256836 + ], + [ + "Kate", + -15.563002586364746 + ], + [ + "瀬野", + -16.662525177001953 + ], + [ + "硫", + -17.255369186401367 + ], + [ + "農機", + -16.470895767211914 + ], + [ + "善之", + -16.313840866088867 + ], + [ + "ソーヴィニヨン", + -18.2823486328125 + ], + [ + "(#^.^#)", + -19.761985778808594 + ], + [ + "Rabbit", + -16.033550262451172 + ], + [ + "シアワセ", + -16.568449020385742 + ], + [ + "ルツェルン", + -16.673885345458984 + ], + [ + "ほほえみ", + -16.635927200317383 + ], + [ + "アルブミン", + -17.979969024658203 + ], + [ + "サーキュレーター", + -18.809309005737305 + ], + [ + "チェーザレ", + -16.907421112060547 + ], + [ + "ネッツトヨタ", + -16.478219985961914 + ], + [ + "Ernest", + -15.916837692260742 + ], + [ + "テーピング", + -18.105144500732425 + ], + [ + "上大岡", + -16.847585678100586 + ], + [ + "vidence", + -16.331863403320312 + ], + [ + "Hammer", + -16.038829803466797 + ], + [ + "グレミオ", + -15.79028606414795 + ], + [ + "バッドエンド", + -17.968608856201172 + ], + [ + "ライダービルド", + -16.756345748901367 + ], + [ + "WEDS", + -18.356380462646484 + ], + [ + "仁保", + -16.619903564453125 + ], + [ + "クスノキ", + -16.735475540161133 + ], + [ + "残り少な", + -19.08462142944336 + ], + [ + "ウォッチャー", + -16.925825119018555 + ], + [ + "ラジウム", + -17.209936141967773 + ], + [ + "ランディア", + -17.181304931640625 + ], + [ + "アイーダ", + -16.982484817504883 + ], + [ + "エンドミル", + -18.05324935913086 + ], + [ + "\":\"\"},", + -19.782764434814453 + ], + [ + "ガチャガチャ", + -17.75716209411621 + ], + [ + "アービング", + -16.76103973388672 + ], + [ + "太陰", + -16.801456451416016 + ], + [ + "nalytics", + -15.947799682617188 + ], + [ + "ケイブ", + -16.81356430053711 + ], + [ + "インペラ", + -17.47001838684082 + ], + [ + "aurice", + -16.0665283203125 + ], + [ + "』-", + -15.195131301879885 + ], + [ + "あずか", + -18.695201873779297 + ], + [ + "bashi", + -15.53901481628418 + ], + [ + "AGM", + -15.963127136230469 + ], + [ + "なつかしい", + -17.584932327270508 + ], + [ + "ヌフ", + -17.023916244506836 + ], + [ + "ケーター", + -16.466106414794922 + ], + [ + "ビーエス", + -16.807241439819336 + ], + [ + "ミスティ", + -16.52058219909668 + ], + [ + "しゅく", + -16.532651901245117 + ], + [ + "Poem", + -15.291627883911133 + ], + [ + "トリエ", + -17.36484146118164 + ], + [ + "iV", + -16.279823303222656 + ], + [ + "Clay", + -16.09475326538086 + ], + [ + "阪大", + -17.129108428955078 + ], + [ + " ..", + -19.65920066833496 + ], + [ + "フェルマー", + -16.616819381713867 + ], + [ + "松丸", + -16.386293411254883 + ], + [ + "女らし", + -18.753875732421875 + ], + [ + "川津", + -16.297561645507812 + ], + [ + "Silk", + -15.90789031982422 + ], + [ + "eca", + -14.32912826538086 + ], + [ + "!!!』", + -16.988649368286133 + ], + [ + "PRISM", + -15.558836936950684 + ], + [ + "ホーエン", + -16.624834060668945 + ], + [ + "ired", + -14.517772674560549 + ], + [ + "Forza", + -15.906982421875 + ], + [ + "ECOM", + -16.511520385742188 + ], + [ + "at", + -19.41802406311035 + ], + [ + "見いだせ", + -18.758678436279297 + ], + [ + "YH", + -15.855853080749512 + ], + [ + "ffin", + -14.533390998840332 + ], + [ + "ir", + -19.553852081298828 + ], + [ + "行き詰", + -18.5863094329834 + ], + [ + "Stewart", + -16.473520278930664 + ], + [ + "Zealand", + -17.843305587768555 + ], + [ + "かき集め", + -18.629711151123047 + ], + [ + "アルペジオ", + -17.407209396362305 + ], + [ + "アンビエント", + -16.861652374267578 + ], + [ + "ガーゴイル", + -16.656835556030273 + ], + [ + "プブリウス", + -16.921655654907227 + ], + [ + "ラゲッジ", + -18.889028549194336 + ], + [ + "三養基", + -17.51080894470215 + ], + [ + "千早赤阪", + -17.34113311767578 + ], + [ + "サクセション", + -17.084205627441406 + ], + [ + "レーダビッドソン", + -17.181493759155273 + ], + [ + "ヴィルヌーヴ", + -16.951583862304688 + ], + [ + "キュンキュン", + -17.96090316772461 + ], + [ + "シッカリ", + -19.478851318359375 + ], + [ + "アダージョ", + -16.304515838623047 + ], + [ + "DAIGO", + -16.341796875 + ], + [ + "夜這", + -17.832231521606445 + ], + [ + "キマイラ", + -16.938720703125 + ], + [ + "LLOW", + -16.43703842163086 + ], + [ + "カマグラ", + -20.4763126373291 + ], + [ + "Hilton", + -17.647445678710938 + ], + [ + "セネター", + -17.05674171447754 + ], + [ + "篠栗", + -16.614473342895508 + ], + [ + "メリケン", + -16.79612922668457 + ], + [ + "        ", + -14.572670936584473 + ], + [ + "カゲロウ", + -16.542985916137695 + ], + [ + "スタローン", + -16.936275482177734 + ], + [ + "ブハラ", + -17.15053367614746 + ], + [ + "ツクール", + -16.451324462890625 + ], + [ + "ヒューレット", + -16.74342918395996 + ], + [ + "双六", + -16.71245765686035 + ], + [ + "カーネクスト", + -19.37559700012207 + ], + [ + "野宮", + -16.59981346130371 + ], + [ + "道祖", + -16.608095169067383 + ], + [ + "フルメタル", + -16.602479934692383 + ], + [ + "ひしめ", + -18.383071899414062 + ], + [ + "モケット", + -18.049501419067383 + ], + [ + "デリシャス", + -16.812877655029297 + ], + [ + "エッダ", + -16.494726181030273 + ], + [ + "ホワット", + -16.700838088989258 + ], + [ + "クロッシング", + -17.015106201171875 + ], + [ + "鹿の子", + -17.608806610107422 + ], + [ + "カグラ", + -16.777557373046875 + ], + [ + "motive", + -15.891051292419434 + ], + [ + "そぼろ", + -18.651308059692383 + ], + [ + "SACD", + -17.35210418701172 + ], + [ + "道明寺", + -16.942476272583008 + ], + [ + "韮山", + -16.99307632446289 + ], + [ + "振り上げ", + -17.834787368774414 + ], + [ + "下絵", + -18.033693313598633 + ], + [ + "レッドブル", + -15.350659370422363 + ], + [ + "ヴァッレ", + -16.22923469543457 + ], + [ + "スティーブンソン", + -17.28115463256836 + ], + [ + "エルドラ", + -16.694873809814453 + ], + [ + "クボ", + -17.08888053894043 + ], + [ + "yO", + -17.500690460205078 + ], + [ + "レンコン", + -17.557796478271484 + ], + [ + "Burning", + -16.142366409301758 + ], + [ + ")+", + -18.891090393066406 + ], + [ + "伊坂", + -17.146753311157227 + ], + [ + "コッホ", + -16.8325138092041 + ], + [ + "ippe", + -15.259881973266602 + ], + [ + "ネクス", + -17.00942611694336 + ], + [ + "シラク", + -16.904993057250977 + ], + [ + "かぐら", + -16.66118621826172 + ], + [ + "十条", + -16.123910903930664 + ], + [ + "バッファー", + -18.134258270263672 + ], + [ + "アナン", + -16.890859603881836 + ], + [ + "MDA", + -15.538631439208984 + ], + [ + "ワルター", + -17.05146598815918 + ], + [ + "マーフィ", + -16.77730369567871 + ], + [ + "カトリ", + -16.65680694580078 + ], + [ + "なんど", + -18.11682891845703 + ], + [ + "ショク", + -16.618209838867188 + ], + [ + "Reich", + -17.3638916015625 + ], + [ + "こじれ", + -19.035097122192383 + ], + [ + "スタール", + -17.01278305053711 + ], + [ + "Marg", + -15.842275619506836 + ], + [ + "ボーデン", + -16.846088409423828 + ], + [ + "Rag", + -15.729289054870604 + ], + [ + "タナー", + -16.702552795410156 + ], + [ + "iL", + -15.410415649414062 + ], + [ + "uer", + -13.918578147888184 + ], + [ + "Aria", + -16.101947784423828 + ], + [ + "ヤモリ", + -16.885883331298828 + ], + [ + "OSHI", + -16.638980865478516 + ], + [ + "ランチア", + -16.607851028442383 + ], + [ + "Jar", + -15.339426040649414 + ], + [ + "ai", + -19.38892364501953 + ], + [ + "cal", + -20.37828826904297 + ], + [ + "タイキ", + -16.731531143188477 + ], + [ + "長洲", + -16.450111389160156 + ], + [ + "PV", + -18.738365173339844 + ], + [ + "Grass", + -15.499509811401367 + ], + [ + "Bring", + -15.28548526763916 + ], + [ + "ウエー", + -17.999893188476562 + ], + [ + "フート", + -17.143333435058594 + ], + [ + "EAZCUJCC", + -22.53160285949707 + ], + [ + "lgorithm", + -20.10987663269043 + ], + [ + "アウトサイダー", + -16.669315338134766 + ], + [ + "ペネロペ", + -17.25790786743164 + ], + [ + "AKB", + -19.439743041992188 + ], + [ + "リテイリング", + -16.812976837158203 + ], + [ + "プンプン", + -18.45772933959961 + ], + [ + "ゃべくり", + -16.769466400146484 + ], + [ + "Slack", + -15.270936965942385 + ], + [ + "Products", + -15.212725639343262 + ], + [ + "シーマ", + -16.855545043945312 + ], + [ + "ハビランド", + -16.723997116088867 + ], + [ + "萱野", + -16.682804107666016 + ], + [ + "ッシュ", + -19.89975357055664 + ], + [ + "斥候", + -17.347013473510742 + ], + [ + "レミントン", + -16.651416778564453 + ], + [ + "ゾルゲ", + -16.639238357543945 + ], + [ + "鮮卑", + -16.53498649597168 + ], + [ + "スキンシップ", + -18.03668975830078 + ], + [ + "JACKET", + -17.376493453979492 + ], + [ + "UCC", + -14.947423934936523 + ], + [ + "ジゼル", + -17.005783081054688 + ], + [ + "思い出深", + -19.059446334838867 + ], + [ + "Higher", + -14.790057182312012 + ], + [ + "打ち付け", + -18.034130096435547 + ], + [ + "井波", + -16.670927047729492 + ], + [ + "平瀬", + -16.740028381347656 + ], + [ + "コンプトン", + -16.881803512573242 + ], + [ + "クリープ", + -16.621198654174805 + ], + [ + "風穴", + -16.85835075378418 + ], + [ + "檀家", + -17.872100830078125 + ], + [ + "スケートリンク", + -16.603206634521484 + ], + [ + "傷付け", + -18.617082595825195 + ], + [ + "Idol", + -17.206195831298828 + ], + [ + "グロン", + -17.026243209838867 + ], + [ + "ドレミファ", + -16.5380859375 + ], + [ + "閣寺", + -16.84477424621582 + ], + [ + "シュペー", + -17.33942222595215 + ], + [ + "おこす", + -18.22433090209961 + ], + [ + "グラディ", + -16.588314056396484 + ], + [ + "フィッチ", + -17.21318817138672 + ], + [ + "づらかっ", + -18.860305786132812 + ], + [ + "ゅうじょう", + -16.8183536529541 + ], + [ + "ポータ", + -17.163408279418945 + ], + [ + "バーベル", + -17.338455200195312 + ], + [ + "イルミナ", + -17.522878646850586 + ], + [ + "ヴァツ", + -16.674640655517578 + ], + [ + "名乗り出", + -18.167545318603516 + ], + [ + "FAB", + -15.080142974853516 + ], + [ + "キーマン", + -18.034170150756836 + ], + [ + "´▽`", + -19.090227127075195 + ], + [ + "座主", + -16.928598403930664 + ], + [ + "ILC", + -16.209211349487305 + ], + [ + "Lot", + -15.678826332092283 + ], + [ + "ká", + -14.815534591674805 + ], + [ + "ハバ", + -16.66571807861328 + ], + [ + "きんこ", + -16.85906410217285 + ], + [ + "ウヨ", + -19.060049057006836 + ], + [ + "シュヴァル", + -17.664766311645508 + ], + [ + "ウインク", + -17.1494197845459 + ], + [ + "ひっかけ", + -18.306385040283203 + ], + [ + "DL", + -19.5753173828125 + ], + [ + "来迎", + -16.568819046020508 + ], + [ + "プレステージ", + -14.147789001464844 + ], + [ + "QMA", + -16.567256927490234 + ], + [ + "–)", + -14.955323219299316 + ], + [ + "WEAR", + -15.849146842956545 + ], + [ + "推命", + -18.26283073425293 + ], + [ + "ルアルコール", + -18.13616371154785 + ], + [ + "ぎわっ", + -20.00408172607422 + ], + [ + "イッキ", + -17.175893783569336 + ], + [ + ":,", + -17.73139190673828 + ], + [ + "MARS", + -15.765443801879885 + ], + [ + "′ ", + -18.991430282592773 + ], + [ + "勝ち残", + -17.92306137084961 + ], + [ + "ユージ", + -16.796960830688477 + ], + [ + "Ward", + -15.63103485107422 + ], + [ + "PK", + -19.470556259155273 + ], + [ + "atalogue", + -17.752321243286133 + ], + [ + "アレクサンドロ", + -16.99477767944336 + ], + [ + "Jersey", + -16.450170516967773 + ], + [ + "オートバックス", + -16.696779251098633 + ], + [ + "ガツガツ", + -18.632030487060547 + ], + [ + "目まぐるし", + -18.53893280029297 + ], + [ + "■■■■■■■■", + -20.660673141479492 + ], + [ + "アフィリエイター", + -19.350587844848633 + ], + [ + "ウミウシ", + -17.168067932128906 + ], + [ + "ザムトゲマインデ", + -17.035009384155273 + ], + [ + "ボッテガヴェネタ", + -19.38146209716797 + ], + [ + "マクミラン", + -16.78887367248535 + ], + [ + "リージョナル", + -16.854745864868164 + ], + [ + "こどもの国", + -16.782255172729492 + ], + [ + "リーゼント", + -17.328359603881836 + ], + [ + "エネルギッシュ", + -18.240009307861328 + ], + [ + "バルキリー", + -17.07784652709961 + ], + [ + "ジェネクリ", + -20.748546600341797 + ], + [ + "ディティール", + -18.889328002929688 + ], + [ + "荒唐", + -18.34349822998047 + ], + [ + "痛々し", + -19.2413387298584 + ], + [ + "ダスティン", + -16.803281784057617 + ], + [ + "クリトリス", + -18.018434524536133 + ], + [ + "センセイ", + -17.120866775512695 + ], + [ + "モールス", + -17.09932518005371 + ], + [ + "常套", + -18.440351486206055 + ], + [ + "コーパス", + -17.151962280273438 + ], + [ + "ネッリ", + -16.867279052734375 + ], + [ + "オーシャンビュー", + -18.12240982055664 + ], + [ + "唐草", + -17.450660705566406 + ], + [ + "カムデン", + -16.31248664855957 + ], + [ + "ケアンズ", + -17.153457641601562 + ], + [ + "ビエル", + -17.332345962524414 + ], + [ + "?」「", + -18.099185943603516 + ], + [ + "フランセ", + -16.529298782348633 + ], + [ + "はしゃい", + -18.856632232666016 + ], + [ + "リヌス", + -16.997936248779297 + ], + [ + "タイタス", + -16.89090919494629 + ], + [ + "Programm", + -15.625069618225098 + ], + [ + "浜坂", + -16.708681106567383 + ], + [ + "Polar", + -15.61649227142334 + ], + [ + "喜べ", + -18.843894958496097 + ], + [ + "ちらし", + -17.792577743530273 + ], + [ + "★☆", + -16.688953399658203 + ], + [ + "アンドレス", + -16.597557067871094 + ], + [ + "クタス", + -16.654090881347656 + ], + [ + "rre", + -14.614699363708496 + ], + [ + "融け", + -19.153644561767575 + ], + [ + "カゴメ", + -16.592632293701172 + ], + [ + "プライムタイム", + -16.277198791503906 + ], + [ + "Bt", + -14.744488716125488 + ], + [ + "GHC", + -15.744965553283691 + ], + [ + "アジュ", + -16.71671485900879 + ], + [ + "普代", + -17.475509643554688 + ], + [ + "河瀬", + -16.56668472290039 + ], + [ + "pira", + -14.849383354187012 + ], + [ + "echt", + -15.225556373596191 + ], + [ + "ぴつ", + -16.854806900024414 + ], + [ + "ひろが", + -17.368427276611328 + ], + [ + "護法", + -16.216678619384766 + ], + [ + "INTO", + -15.292980194091797 + ], + [ + "阿木", + -16.342023849487305 + ], + [ + "VZ", + -15.573444366455078 + ], + [ + "えむ", + -15.630289077758787 + ], + [ + "ロルフ", + -16.622907638549805 + ], + [ + "紫雲", + -16.726459503173828 + ], + [ + "ウォルフ", + -16.699623107910156 + ], + [ + "TI", + -18.659425735473633 + ], + [ + "奥津", + -16.81851577758789 + ], + [ + "トスカ", + -16.840045928955078 + ], + [ + "ゲド", + -16.718889236450195 + ], + [ + "NISA", + -17.244794845581055 + ], + [ + "Wayne", + -15.713998794555664 + ], + [ + ":'", + -15.395485877990724 + ], + [ + "≫ ", + -17.631797790527344 + ], + [ + "取りかか", + -18.74245262145996 + ], + [ + "APG", + -16.28242301940918 + ], + [ + "ベッカ", + -16.710771560668945 + ], + [ + "相伝", + -17.69353675842285 + ], + [ + "シースルー", + -17.30838966369629 + ], + [ + "Campaign", + -15.60299301147461 + ], + [ + "ponsored", + -17.1068115234375 + ], + [ + "マセラティ", + -16.775915145874023 + ], + [ + "ダンガンロンパ", + -17.20751953125 + ], + [ + "ホライゾン", + -16.790395736694336 + ], + [ + "マーベリックス", + -16.413484573364258 + ], + [ + "メフメト", + -17.17656707763672 + ], + [ + "ギラギラ", + -17.307804107666016 + ], + [ + "おそろい", + -18.595308303833008 + ], + [ + "ヒューマニズム", + -16.544893264770508 + ], + [ + "PORTER", + -17.106117248535156 + ], + [ + "NOTTV", + -16.280200958251953 + ], + [ + "エイダ", + -16.694379806518555 + ], + [ + "フローズン", + -16.753156661987305 + ], + [ + "CANON", + -15.345723152160645 + ], + [ + "クソゲー", + -17.952749252319336 + ], + [ + ";`)", + -19.809234619140625 + ], + [ + "ホーキンス", + -16.563297271728516 + ], + [ + "LWAYS", + -18.066614151000977 + ], + [ + "パーキンス", + -16.786212921142578 + ], + [ + "ハンギング", + -17.641469955444336 + ], + [ + "スパート", + -18.030132293701172 + ], + [ + "カロリング", + -17.25957489013672 + ], + [ + "南多摩", + -16.44948387145996 + ], + [ + "オートキャンプ", + -16.441543579101562 + ], + [ + "シムシティ", + -18.46332740783691 + ], + [ + "it", + -19.004899978637695 + ], + [ + "クレメント", + -16.709131240844727 + ], + [ + "Being", + -15.01447296142578 + ], + [ + "ヒシ", + -17.014291763305664 + ], + [ + "ファース", + -17.037982940673828 + ], + [ + "ドキュメン", + -16.816471099853516 + ], + [ + "非違", + -17.386180877685547 + ], + [ + "ジョニ", + -16.76338005065918 + ], + [ + "プレイバック", + -16.569591522216797 + ], + [ + "優奈", + -16.338672637939453 + ], + [ + "Apps", + -14.508807182312012 + ], + [ + "ピッグ", + -16.7038516998291 + ], + [ + "alf", + -15.224708557128906 + ], + [ + "iB", + -15.551666259765623 + ], + [ + "トークン", + -16.58333969116211 + ], + [ + "フィーネ", + -17.07514762878418 + ], + [ + "Giga", + -15.00177764892578 + ], + [ + "スパナ", + -17.37666130065918 + ], + [ + "ハミル", + -17.085834503173828 + ], + [ + "アタル", + -17.27005958557129 + ], + [ + "NBL", + -14.82945728302002 + ], + [ + "OOP", + -15.404555320739746 + ], + [ + "ずれ込", + -18.351320266723633 + ], + [ + "DC", + -19.027475357055664 + ], + [ + "タジ", + -16.48920440673828 + ], + [ + "長兵衛", + -17.058475494384766 + ], + [ + "恩賞", + -18.02463722229004 + ], + [ + "リーヴス", + -17.006898880004883 + ], + [ + "みつめ", + -17.026872634887695 + ], + [ + "エルネスト", + -16.69173812866211 + ], + [ + "番館", + -17.04180145263672 + ], + [ + "HIM", + -15.334840774536133 + ], + [ + "ペッツ", + -16.95708656311035 + ], + [ + "egen", + -14.826411247253418 + ], + [ + "|+", + -14.527581214904783 + ], + [ + "ファージ", + -17.518917083740234 + ], + [ + "ukushima", + -17.50414276123047 + ], + [ + "ざた", + -18.651775360107425 + ], + [ + "アチェ", + -16.935226440429688 + ], + [ + "際ど", + -19.559690475463867 + ], + [ + "ssential", + -16.622024536132812 + ], + [ + "alb", + -14.33860969543457 + ], + [ + "ヴロ", + -17.015676498413086 + ], + [ + "アレナ", + -17.444358825683594 + ], + [ + "been", + -15.07723903656006 + ], + [ + "のめり", + -17.72943687438965 + ], + [ + "アマノ", + -17.1938533782959 + ], + [ + "もうちょ", + -19.428260803222656 + ], + [ + "き揚げ", + -19.623193740844727 + ], + [ + "Lam", + -15.402063369750977 + ], + [ + "URO", + -16.477558135986328 + ], + [ + "ランキン", + -16.75177001953125 + ], + [ + "れきし", + -15.832200050354004 + ], + [ + "ATF", + -15.282480239868164 + ], + [ + "ヴァイオレット", + -16.544864654541016 + ], + [ + "Shanghai", + -15.453653335571287 + ], + [ + "ウランバートル", + -16.23455238342285 + ], + [ + "オーチャード", + -17.06304168701172 + ], + [ + "コルサコフ", + -17.01533317565918 + ], + [ + "フィナステリド", + -19.417667388916016 + ], + [ + "マラドーナ", + -17.139881134033203 + ], + [ + "揺るぎな", + -18.437238693237305 + ], + [ + "テキストエディタ", + -16.455738067626953 + ], + [ + "ぶちまけ", + -18.13522148132324 + ], + [ + "折り曲げ", + -18.28625869750977 + ], + [ + "ドノヴァン", + -16.65941047668457 + ], + [ + "", + -21.684091567993164 + ], + [ + "レシチン", + -18.888473510742188 + ], + [ + "Waltz", + -16.972566604614258 + ], + [ + "ズッキーニ", + -18.159141540527344 + ], + [ + "サルベージ", + -17.061660766601562 + ], + [ + "してやる", + -16.99574089050293 + ], + [ + "Cyclo", + -16.061304092407227 + ], + [ + "マンスフィールド", + -16.961706161499023 + ], + [ + "Campbell", + -16.48662757873535 + ], + [ + "ローヴァーズ", + -16.228317260742188 + ], + [ + "コルビュジ", + -17.789382934570312 + ], + [ + "カミキリ", + -17.13511848449707 + ], + [ + "フォッカー", + -16.36691665649414 + ], + [ + "スナップショット", + -17.417192459106445 + ], + [ + "ジュニアーズ", + -16.271865844726562 + ], + [ + "ゲオルギー", + -16.331798553466797 + ], + [ + "宇都", + -17.025455474853516 + ], + [ + "TEL", + -19.39167594909668 + ], + [ + " > ", + -19.383583068847656 + ], + [ + ",:", + -19.811174392700195 + ], + [ + "es", + -19.435550689697266 + ], + [ + "Werk", + -15.666534423828123 + ], + [ + "エアガン", + -18.333736419677734 + ], + [ + "タサイクル", + -17.0965518951416 + ], + [ + "ダイコン", + -17.167524337768555 + ], + [ + "引きつけ", + -18.3319091796875 + ], + [ + "ブレンダ", + -16.615018844604492 + ], + [ + "白内", + -17.687576293945312 + ], + [ + "ガーニッシュ", + -18.63602638244629 + ], + [ + "Glad", + -16.002599716186523 + ], + [ + "パンサーズ", + -16.544893264770508 + ], + [ + "小笠", + -16.651527404785156 + ], + [ + "SAWA", + -16.633230209350586 + ], + [ + "uq", + -14.755067825317385 + ], + [ + "shine", + -15.403943061828612 + ], + [ + "hig", + -15.723684310913086 + ], + [ + "AMOTO", + -16.5935001373291 + ], + [ + "ancho", + -15.22614860534668 + ], + [ + "ジャーン", + -17.054046630859375 + ], + [ + "Nj", + -15.830899238586426 + ], + [ + "リアリティー", + -17.80223846435547 + ], + [ + "Tomb", + -15.684242248535156 + ], + [ + "昭文", + -16.677644729614258 + ], + [ + "下條", + -16.379093170166016 + ], + [ + "アブル", + -16.651817321777344 + ], + [ + "GTR", + -16.234411239624023 + ], + [ + "ッソス", + -17.18134307861328 + ], + [ + "ランジ", + -17.463092803955078 + ], + [ + "ホレ", + -16.994035720825195 + ], + [ + "Shen", + -14.41905117034912 + ], + [ + "オキシド", + -16.7221622467041 + ], + [ + "トーマ", + -17.026445388793945 + ], + [ + "ジェントル", + -16.89491081237793 + ], + [ + "タリズム", + -17.5015811920166 + ], + [ + "ノミクス", + -17.105602264404297 + ], + [ + "多磨", + -16.798620223999023 + ], + [ + "カイリ", + -17.256881713867188 + ], + [ + "両脚", + -17.83780288696289 + ], + [ + "誓願", + -17.186595916748047 + ], + [ + "ベニヤ", + -18.22171974182129 + ], + [ + "wak", + -15.154114723205566 + ], + [ + "スタントン", + -16.85543441772461 + ], + [ + "Tau", + -15.165087699890137 + ], + [ + "ou", + -19.342275619506836 + ], + [ + "nO", + -16.189786911010742 + ], + [ + "蠶", + -19.164730072021484 + ], + [ + "BEYOND", + -15.961031913757324 + ], + [ + "Penguin", + -16.079532623291016 + ], + [ + "ボーカロイド", + -17.466896057128906 + ], + [ + "レッスルマニア", + -17.7111873626709 + ], + [ + "エンターテイナー", + -16.9842586517334 + ], + [ + "コンバーチブル", + -17.547985076904297 + ], + [ + "llennium", + -16.616792678833008 + ], + [ + "ゴッサム", + -16.977642059326172 + ], + [ + "田名部", + -16.701454162597656 + ], + [ + "Hamburg", + -16.58551597595215 + ], + [ + "über", + -16.61443328857422 + ], + [ + "Raymond", + -15.642037391662598 + ], + [ + "メント", + -19.861005783081055 + ], + [ + "ハピメ", + -18.838111877441406 + ], + [ + "ィーンエイジャー", + -17.765804290771484 + ], + [ + "志賀高原", + -16.504634857177734 + ], + [ + "断ち", + -17.77219009399414 + ], + [ + "オンワード", + -17.257720947265625 + ], + [ + "ゴレンジャー", + -16.683124542236328 + ], + [ + "デビューシングル", + -15.57404327392578 + ], + [ + "グランブルー", + -17.49146270751953 + ], + [ + "ぐりちゃん", + -18.968204498291016 + ], + [ + "Growth", + -15.798922538757324 + ], + [ + "アルトゥール", + -16.729167938232422 + ], + [ + "ミンデン", + -17.543058395385742 + ], + [ + "reator", + -18.1192569732666 + ], + [ + "養蜂", + -16.946439743041992 + ], + [ + "払い出", + -17.608386993408203 + ], + [ + "まなび", + -16.774898529052734 + ], + [ + "アカギ", + -16.979183197021484 + ], + [ + "シボ", + -17.438209533691406 + ], + [ + "アラモード", + -16.82691764831543 + ], + [ + "CCI", + -14.845410346984863 + ], + [ + "]『", + -19.82767105102539 + ], + [ + "龍太", + -16.27581024169922 + ], + [ + "サルトル", + -17.085481643676758 + ], + [ + "ブルンジ", + -16.417984008789062 + ], + [ + "KURA", + -16.75853729248047 + ], + [ + "べったり", + -18.90391540527344 + ], + [ + "(「", + -13.466994285583496 + ], + [ + "ラクタ", + -17.232206344604492 + ], + [ + "オストロ", + -17.229713439941406 + ], + [ + "古泉", + -17.419092178344727 + ], + [ + "ムンク", + -17.294660568237305 + ], + [ + "ひそめ", + -18.66693115234375 + ], + [ + "乗換え", + -18.040422439575195 + ], + [ + "布引", + -16.80646324157715 + ], + [ + "凍りつ", + -17.59733009338379 + ], + [ + "ホーマー", + -16.87668800354004 + ], + [ + "陰極", + -17.537511825561523 + ], + [ + "猪野", + -17.0042724609375 + ], + [ + "anno", + -14.696772575378418 + ], + [ + "Guil", + -16.13714027404785 + ], + [ + "ヴィニ", + -17.120262145996094 + ], + [ + "スーラ", + -16.596464157104492 + ], + [ + "エルバ", + -16.93937110900879 + ], + [ + "RUM", + -15.046072006225586 + ], + [ + "]:[", + -18.25011444091797 + ], + [ + "ゼツ", + -17.251649856567383 + ], + [ + "グスマン", + -17.214683532714844 + ], + [ + "IQUE", + -15.851532936096191 + ], + [ + "スポンサード", + -17.015457153320312 + ], + [ + "mig", + -14.698480606079102 + ], + [ + "BAS", + -14.665752410888672 + ], + [ + "Shaw", + -15.987760543823242 + ], + [ + "言い争", + -18.15250587463379 + ], + [ + "ミクロン", + -17.10980987548828 + ], + [ + "Andreas", + -16.304866790771484 + ], + [ + "刷毛", + -18.229406356811523 + ], + [ + "クアトロ", + -17.175312042236328 + ], + [ + "Models", + -13.56949234008789 + ], + [ + "エストレ", + -16.40827178955078 + ], + [ + "ダイキ", + -17.012590408325195 + ], + [ + "OMIC", + -15.807188034057615 + ], + [ + "ия", + -15.683927536010742 + ], + [ + "うつっ", + -20.605573654174805 + ], + [ + "Mercedes", + -16.67637825012207 + ], + [ + "Behind", + -15.65122127532959 + ], + [ + "おびただし", + -18.43096160888672 + ], + [ + "ノスタルジア", + -16.122512817382812 + ], + [ + "ヒヤヒヤ", + -18.717750549316406 + ], + [ + "モコモコ", + -18.222362518310547 + ], + [ + "リヴォニア", + -17.457021713256836 + ], + [ + "インジケーター", + -17.98638153076172 + ], + [ + "プロビデンス", + -16.646989822387695 + ], + [ + "ビオトープ", + -16.54705238342285 + ], + [ + "Popular", + -15.856855392456056 + ], + [ + "オカモト", + -16.585140228271484 + ], + [ + "茅ケ崎", + -16.90036964416504 + ], + [ + "新渡戸", + -16.76807403564453 + ], + [ + "ARASHI", + -16.36918830871582 + ], + [ + "ナビスコカップ", + -16.892650604248047 + ], + [ + "オールカマー", + -17.18675422668457 + ], + [ + "Manuel", + -15.862021446228027 + ], + [ + "ファティマ", + -17.053274154663086 + ], + [ + "アロマオイル", + -18.36528587341309 + ], + [ + "ジハード", + -17.010841369628906 + ], + [ + "スローンズ", + -17.06161117553711 + ], + [ + "エドモンド", + -16.58711814880371 + ], + [ + "eBook", + -15.770282745361328 + ], + [ + "ナイショ", + -17.2438907623291 + ], + [ + "徽章", + -16.514070510864258 + ], + [ + "Affairs", + -17.592500686645508 + ], + [ + "エンツォ", + -16.998506546020508 + ], + [ + "リビジョン", + -18.373149871826172 + ], + [ + "小籠", + -18.07368850708008 + ], + [ + "あざと", + -17.9522647857666 + ], + [ + "ケド", + -18.009130477905273 + ], + [ + "ев", + -16.01118278503418 + ], + [ + "ALICE", + -15.734553337097168 + ], + [ + "取り出せ", + -18.832311630249023 + ], + [ + "ベレーザ", + -16.451921463012695 + ], + [ + "斜陽", + -17.207468032836914 + ], + [ + "かみ合わ", + -19.15254783630371 + ], + [ + "Johannes", + -16.396142959594727 + ], + [ + "ホラント", + -16.169645309448242 + ], + [ + "火縄", + -17.347976684570312 + ], + [ + "EDM", + -15.533512115478516 + ], + [ + "AM", + -18.82068634033203 + ], + [ + "Neuro", + -15.320667266845703 + ], + [ + "アイランドリーグ", + -16.636064529418945 + ], + [ + "Philippe", + -15.889097213745115 + ], + [ + "トレバー", + -16.707687377929688 + ], + [ + "capita", + -16.251220703125 + ], + [ + "Concerto", + -16.855777740478516 + ], + [ + "おさまっ", + -20.006174087524418 + ], + [ + "累進", + -18.22921371459961 + ], + [ + "ebe", + -14.426803588867188 + ], + [ + "栄二", + -16.15043067932129 + ], + [ + "Lac", + -15.413230895996094 + ], + [ + "kB", + -14.546029090881348 + ], + [ + "サンボ", + -15.930729866027832 + ], + [ + "和倉", + -17.13983917236328 + ], + [ + "ハイク", + -17.468341827392578 + ], + [ + "Chang", + -15.952933311462402 + ], + [ + "アグニ", + -17.26571273803711 + ], + [ + "IUS", + -15.991787910461426 + ], + [ + "TNT", + -16.217084884643555 + ], + [ + "ケロッ", + -16.90192413330078 + ], + [ + "ンダーズ", + -16.448246002197266 + ], + [ + "ボニータ", + -16.60346221923828 + ], + [ + "~」", + -17.278156280517578 + ], + [ + "カルー", + -16.833484649658203 + ], + [ + "タイニー", + -16.705528259277344 + ], + [ + "アザー", + -16.87074089050293 + ], + [ + "ニントン", + -17.250591278076172 + ], + [ + "繰上", + -17.202917098999023 + ], + [ + "OC", + -20.10110664367676 + ], + [ + "茶の水", + -16.691078186035156 + ], + [ + "Kenn", + -15.55159854888916 + ], + [ + "あてが", + -18.12854766845703 + ], + [ + "WWA", + -16.174352645874023 + ], + [ + "官補", + -16.5089111328125 + ], + [ + "マイクロン", + -16.797746658325195 + ], + [ + "ロッチ", + -16.57842445373535 + ], + [ + "ピチ", + -16.02904510498047 + ], + [ + "danc", + -17.485694885253906 + ], + [ + "DIESEL", + -17.980283737182617 + ], + [ + "Lincoln", + -15.472719192504885 + ], + [ + "ズッコケ", + -16.596288681030273 + ], + [ + "ボサノバ", + -17.714832305908203 + ], + [ + "愛くるし", + -18.942707061767575 + ], + [ + "ピューロランド", + -17.158531188964844 + ], + [ + "メーリングリスト", + -17.701126098632812 + ], + [ + "INSEE", + -15.247275352478027 + ], + [ + "ピューリタ", + -17.235849380493164 + ], + [ + "ディスタンス", + -16.79619026184082 + ], + [ + "フローチャート", + -17.553314208984375 + ], + [ + "ポタージュ", + -17.828689575195312 + ], + [ + "ワンパターン", + -19.01195526123047 + ], + [ + "avec", + -16.560874938964844 + ], + [ + "スパルタク", + -16.20182991027832 + ], + [ + "ティーフ", + -17.254114151000977 + ], + [ + "タッチスクリーン", + -18.098207473754883 + ], + [ + "淑徳", + -15.898841857910156 + ], + [ + "ビットコイン", + -16.54037857055664 + ], + [ + "ガフ", + -16.920442581176758 + ], + [ + "OW", + -19.274200439453125 + ], + [ + "Yang", + -15.36622428894043 + ], + [ + "ポエニ", + -16.27989959716797 + ], + [ + "白幡", + -16.64373207092285 + ], + [ + "警防", + -16.072416305541992 + ], + [ + "馬喰", + -17.219514846801758 + ], + [ + "技芸", + -17.019926071166992 + ], + [ + "ハイカラ", + -17.032772064208984 + ], + [ + "ヘール", + -16.761947631835938 + ], + [ + "フラッ", + -16.54903793334961 + ], + [ + "BSN", + -15.671442985534668 + ], + [ + "東京経済大学", + -15.926314353942873 + ], + [ + "刈田", + -16.736032485961914 + ], + [ + "暁星", + -16.38275909423828 + ], + [ + "エアフォース", + -16.736801147460938 + ], + [ + "ウルブズ", + -15.63275146484375 + ], + [ + "IBLE", + -14.203940391540527 + ], + [ + "ガイアナ", + -16.224987030029297 + ], + [ + "ちゃあ", + -18.022415161132812 + ], + [ + "ヨーダ", + -17.537778854370117 + ], + [ + "パーミル", + -18.028793334960938 + ], + [ + "Chron", + -15.73798656463623 + ], + [ + "レクス", + -17.059940338134766 + ], + [ + "上磯", + -16.774202346801758 + ], + [ + "期成", + -17.011594772338867 + ], + [ + "貼れ", + -19.32671546936035 + ], + [ + "ファク", + -16.085655212402344 + ], + [ + "xin", + -14.221631050109863 + ], + [ + "たんに", + -17.989625930786133 + ], + [ + "バルジ", + -17.25326156616211 + ], + [ + "trum", + -15.085244178771973 + ], + [ + "ちょび", + -17.24625587463379 + ], + [ + "イズファクトリー", + -15.981491088867188 + ], + [ + "seo", + -15.384042739868164 + ], + [ + "STEM", + -16.289955139160156 + ], + [ + "和物", + -17.31879234313965 + ], + [ + "スハウゼン", + -17.370800018310547 + ], + [ + "フシ", + -16.85517120361328 + ], + [ + "リーザ", + -16.938989639282227 + ], + [ + "ビアンキ", + -17.01668930053711 + ], + [ + "レミー", + -16.650775909423828 + ], + [ + " __", + -20.359764099121097 + ], + [ + "bout", + -15.542905807495115 + ], + [ + "チャン", + -19.515806198120117 + ], + [ + "ベネチア", + -17.494407653808594 + ], + [ + "Parti", + -14.909347534179688 + ], + [ + "Princip", + -16.041837692260742 + ], + [ + "Crow", + -15.808050155639648 + ], + [ + "エフゲニー", + -16.852603912353516 + ], + [ + "エモーショナル", + -17.578386306762695 + ], + [ + "よろこび", + -17.14046859741211 + ], + [ + "ジョモリー", + -21.608680725097656 + ], + [ + "トコフェロール", + -18.53899383544922 + ], + [ + "ヒステリー", + -17.425579071044922 + ], + [ + "ペパーミント", + -17.192113876342773 + ], + [ + "マスカレード", + -16.6635799407959 + ], + [ + "ビーレフェルト", + -17.097564697265625 + ], + [ + "ファシリテーター", + -17.95447540283203 + ], + [ + "東京女子医科大学", + -16.205427169799805 + ], + [ + "KIA", + -16.05031394958496 + ], + [ + "わだかま", + -18.31705665588379 + ], + [ + "シットコム", + -16.277833938598633 + ], + [ + "アセテート", + -18.314245223999023 + ], + [ + "Gilbert", + -16.194393157958984 + ], + [ + "そそのか", + -18.16214179992676 + ], + [ + "ダビド", + -16.72896385192871 + ], + [ + "エラスチン", + -19.588472366333008 + ], + [ + "zozo", + -18.38370132446289 + ], + [ + "PLAZA", + -17.453134536743164 + ], + [ + "ダライアス", + -16.43901824951172 + ], + [ + "モクセイ", + -16.60907745361328 + ], + [ + "エクスペディア", + -19.04750633239746 + ], + [ + "ホウレン", + -18.18003845214844 + ], + [ + "Indiana", + -15.207117080688477 + ], + [ + "成田山", + -16.768095016479492 + ], + [ + "メタボリック", + -17.604141235351562 + ], + [ + "レッドデータ", + -16.4400634765625 + ], + [ + "ブレックス", + -16.688989639282227 + ], + [ + "池山", + -16.872468948364258 + ], + [ + "アンハルト", + -16.432912826538086 + ], + [ + "考課", + -18.95735740661621 + ], + [ + "WRX", + -16.74942398071289 + ], + [ + "コホモロジー", + -17.067489624023438 + ], + [ + "つむり", + -17.019750595092773 + ], + [ + "わさき", + -16.26067352294922 + ], + [ + "WOMAN", + -15.84340763092041 + ], + [ + "追浜", + -16.815858840942383 + ], + [ + "蓮沼", + -16.618698120117188 + ], + [ + "すもう", + -15.358271598815918 + ], + [ + "チケットキャンプ", + -19.41526222229004 + ], + [ + "穂波", + -16.57489585876465 + ], + [ + "ザイム", + -17.707176208496094 + ], + [ + "くだされ", + -19.266788482666016 + ], + [ + "漆原", + -16.711925506591797 + ], + [ + "マゲ", + -16.49815559387207 + ], + [ + "Competi", + -16.296581268310547 + ], + [ + "樽見", + -16.68771743774414 + ], + [ + "須川", + -16.25145721435547 + ], + [ + "cello", + -15.062487602233888 + ], + [ + "神童", + -17.188232421875 + ], + [ + "コンダ", + -16.51355743408203 + ], + [ + "ヘレニ", + -17.80071258544922 + ], + [ + "ecu", + -14.592845916748049 + ], + [ + "ホバー", + -16.415241241455078 + ], + [ + "蒲焼", + -18.38066291809082 + ], + [ + "締まり", + -17.7219181060791 + ], + [ + "明天", + -18.14714813232422 + ], + [ + "arctic", + -14.598067283630373 + ], + [ + "ミスタ", + -17.063753128051758 + ], + [ + "Dior", + -16.713905334472656 + ], + [ + "通天", + -17.06283950805664 + ], + [ + "sher", + -13.830739974975586 + ], + [ + "トラウ", + -17.34470558166504 + ], + [ + "ささや", + -16.51022720336914 + ], + [ + "陸自", + -17.9090576171875 + ], + [ + "Dust", + -15.351481437683104 + ], + [ + "ラナイ", + -17.567041397094727 + ], + [ + "実包", + -16.866668701171875 + ], + [ + "船型", + -17.363733291625977 + ], + [ + "むしり", + -18.44835662841797 + ], + [ + "フォージ", + -17.440635681152344 + ], + [ + "イバラ", + -16.789535522460938 + ], + [ + "紫電", + -16.915283203125 + ], + [ + "Pa", + -19.438079833984375 + ], + [ + "hre", + -14.93299961090088 + ], + [ + "油井", + -16.897022247314453 + ], + [ + "☆ ", + -18.066856384277344 + ], + [ + "FUKUO", + -17.030424118041992 + ], + [ + "スピーカ", + -18.539934158325195 + ], + [ + "熊倉", + -16.515649795532227 + ], + [ + "ヘント", + -16.346582412719727 + ], + [ + "竣", + -17.01776885986328 + ], + [ + "ミリリットル", + -18.48312759399414 + ], + [ + "Cotton", + -16.614398956298828 + ], + [ + "Supreme", + -16.412721633911133 + ], + [ + "TAKUYA", + -16.530405044555664 + ], + [ + "アボリジニ", + -17.30649185180664 + ], + [ + "ノーサンプトン", + -16.46673583984375 + ], + [ + "倶利伽羅", + -17.69231414794922 + ], + [ + "取り違え", + -17.85032081604004 + ], + [ + "引き延ば", + -18.56795883178711 + ], + [ + "黒松内", + -16.734758377075195 + ], + [ + "リムーバー", + -18.354520797729492 + ], + [ + "テキパキ", + -18.838367462158203 + ], + [ + "凛々し", + -18.07659339904785 + ], + [ + "サザンシアター", + -16.781587600708008 + ], + [ + "エアクラフト", + -16.260690689086914 + ], + [ + "dehydro", + -17.096582412719727 + ], + [ + "つまんない", + -18.99596786499023 + ], + [ + "ショッパー", + -17.27355194091797 + ], + [ + "縛り付け", + -18.349788665771484 + ], + [ + "サリチル", + -17.577489852905273 + ], + [ + "トドメ", + -18.02191925048828 + ], + [ + "ふらつ", + -16.75899314880371 + ], + [ + "ケフィア", + -19.160959243774418 + ], + [ + "そなえ", + -17.891765594482422 + ], + [ + "ロキシー", + -17.062837600708008 + ], + [ + "ラプターズ", + -16.318708419799805 + ], + [ + "アーヘン", + -16.619739532470703 + ], + [ + "フランネル", + -18.5845947265625 + ], + [ + "メロディアス", + -18.109209060668945 + ], + [ + "叩き付け", + -17.40814971923828 + ], + [ + "差し迫", + -18.574556350708008 + ], + [ + "ペパー", + -17.165464401245117 + ], + [ + "アンダーアーマー", + -17.704809188842773 + ], + [ + "山之内", + -16.155107498168945 + ], + [ + "ツエー", + -16.06150245666504 + ], + [ + "ンハウゼン", + -17.014415740966797 + ], + [ + "ネトゲ", + -18.31253433227539 + ], + [ + "ICH", + -14.31368637084961 + ], + [ + "オーケー", + -17.342727661132812 + ], + [ + "振り込め", + -17.810758590698242 + ], + [ + "オーソリティ", + -17.277355194091797 + ], + [ + "KBO", + -15.720327377319336 + ], + [ + "Josef", + -16.355520248413086 + ], + [ + "僧正", + -17.01987648010254 + ], + [ + "さえず", + -18.099870681762695 + ], + [ + "ニニニニニ", + -20.940467834472656 + ], + [ + "あまた", + -18.10796165466309 + ], + [ + "ヒロト", + -16.37837791442871 + ], + [ + "Kel", + -15.717633247375488 + ], + [ + "Womens", + -18.275373458862305 + ], + [ + "出で立", + -18.08768081665039 + ], + [ + "|_", + -15.168342590332031 + ], + [ + "リスキー", + -17.22275161743164 + ], + [ + "ヅキ", + -16.317415237426758 + ], + [ + "ミンスター", + -16.56653594970703 + ], + [ + "エガ", + -17.0432071685791 + ], + [ + "Nicol", + -16.329181671142578 + ], + [ + "Mala", + -15.394908905029297 + ], + [ + "エコノ", + -17.319873809814453 + ], + [ + "アグラ", + -17.34032440185547 + ], + [ + "VA", + -19.323814392089844 + ], + [ + "wwwwwww", + -19.084924697875977 + ], + [ + "藤尾", + -16.49427032470703 + ], + [ + "azy", + -15.51140594482422 + ], + [ + " .|", + -19.37047576904297 + ], + [ + "ゴツ", + -18.35404586791992 + ], + [ + "イルミ", + -17.638063430786133 + ], + [ + "命ず", + -19.5943660736084 + ], + [ + "シェイカー", + -16.805618286132812 + ], + [ + "tomi", + -15.28122329711914 + ], + [ + "ウゴ", + -17.085824966430664 + ], + [ + "ortex", + -15.262006759643556 + ], + [ + "ホワ", + -17.04604148864746 + ], + [ + "ギャー", + -17.505828857421875 + ], + [ + "テーマソング", + -13.88521957397461 + ], + [ + "``", + -19.830455780029297 + ], + [ + "ヴィニー", + -16.92361068725586 + ], + [ + "野瀬", + -16.444368362426758 + ], + [ + "TSD", + -15.425896644592283 + ], + [ + "ヴォラ", + -17.191978454589844 + ], + [ + "Swan", + -15.892476081848145 + ], + [ + "コベルコ", + -16.1158447265625 + ], + [ + "コンドロイチン", + -18.25259780883789 + ], + [ + "シャルドネ", + -18.149635314941406 + ], + [ + "ジャパネット", + -16.888465881347656 + ], + [ + "ラピスラズリ", + -17.520660400390625 + ], + [ + "暑苦し", + -18.34830093383789 + ], + [ + "立ち込め", + -19.002405166625977 + ], + [ + "ナンハ", + -20.60166931152344 + ], + [ + "イシュトヴァーン", + -17.34284019470215 + ], + [ + "ファンダメンタル", + -17.75833511352539 + ], + [ + "ヘンリエッタ", + -17.050281524658203 + ], + [ + "Taiwan", + -15.353912353515623 + ], + [ + "踏みにじ", + -18.42412757873535 + ], + [ + "くたびれ", + -18.55423355102539 + ], + [ + "Wolfgang", + -16.629138946533203 + ], + [ + "mmercial", + -16.08186912536621 + ], + [ + "ラザフォード", + -16.86492347717285 + ], + [ + "メルパルク", + -17.28968620300293 + ], + [ + "ンフォマーシャル", + -16.432132720947266 + ], + [ + "ブルジョア", + -17.845672607421875 + ], + [ + "マクレガー", + -16.934223175048828 + ], + [ + "ムクドリ", + -16.507125854492188 + ], + [ + "鷹栖", + -16.741437911987305 + ], + [ + "コラボレート", + -16.824819564819336 + ], + [ + "ビサウ", + -16.18659019470215 + ], + [ + "CRAFT", + -16.041555404663086 + ], + [ + "うふふ", + -18.249780654907227 + ], + [ + "沙弥", + -16.64369773864746 + ], + [ + "震わせ", + -18.506160736083984 + ], + [ + "サンタマリア", + -16.660369873046875 + ], + [ + "サリバン", + -16.309940338134766 + ], + [ + "スウォッチ", + -17.91379165649414 + ], + [ + "柴又", + -16.96919822692871 + ], + [ + "ヨフ", + -16.754514694213867 + ], + [ + "盛り返", + -18.64320945739746 + ], + [ + "けしか", + -18.83242416381836 + ], + [ + "五箇", + -16.494871139526367 + ], + [ + "ティアヌス", + -17.585329055786133 + ], + [ + "Carter", + -16.14447784423828 + ], + [ + "ヌーク", + -17.02762794494629 + ], + [ + "にしえ", + -16.841251373291016 + ], + [ + "ダーマ", + -17.183067321777344 + ], + [ + "videos", + -16.10257339477539 + ], + [ + "ゲシュタ", + -17.964445114135742 + ], + [ + "加賀屋", + -16.768341064453125 + ], + [ + "スメ", + -16.28702735900879 + ], + [ + "稲生", + -16.807592391967773 + ], + [ + "エレジー", + -16.305538177490234 + ], + [ + "内蔵助", + -16.83743667602539 + ], + [ + "Cities", + -15.155345916748049 + ], + [ + "奈川", + -16.91645050048828 + ], + [ + "JWP", + -16.487760543823242 + ], + [ + "才覚", + -18.24019241333008 + ], + [ + "徒手", + -18.008686065673828 + ], + [ + "ぽっと", + -16.863285064697266 + ], + [ + "スマートウォッチ", + -17.83107566833496 + ], + [ + "NINE", + -15.257220268249512 + ], + [ + "三ヶ", + -15.987751007080078 + ], + [ + "道府県", + -17.29534339904785 + ], + [ + "佐貫", + -16.859926223754883 + ], + [ + "Hands", + -14.46759796142578 + ], + [ + "ヤウ", + -17.018903732299805 + ], + [ + "メンチ", + -17.534011840820312 + ], + [ + "ギュラ", + -16.779216766357422 + ], + [ + "!!「", + -17.76060676574707 + ], + [ + ";)", + -18.04773330688477 + ], + [ + "豊玉", + -16.688304901123047 + ], + [ + "タット", + -17.089452743530273 + ], + [ + "ファンハウス", + -16.022396087646484 + ], + [ + "ヅカ", + -17.14295768737793 + ], + [ + "ILLE", + -15.630491256713867 + ], + [ + "ビスコ", + -17.658220291137695 + ], + [ + "_)>", + -18.7784481048584 + ], + [ + "シーフ", + -16.97026824951172 + ], + [ + "DEM", + -14.977863311767578 + ], + [ + "ファイド", + -17.306015014648438 + ], + [ + "メガロ", + -16.428157806396484 + ], + [ + "ミーシャ", + -16.808385848999023 + ], + [ + "ラヴァーズ", + -16.688011169433594 + ], + [ + "SK", + -18.739286422729492 + ], + [ + "ともえ", + -15.810013771057127 + ], + [ + "JSC", + -14.84848690032959 + ], + [ + "フェンディ", + -17.99187660217285 + ], + [ + "奮い立", + -18.537282943725582 + ], + [ + "下高井", + -17.279800415039062 + ], + [ + "キオス", + -17.28305435180664 + ], + [ + "大石寺", + -16.561935424804688 + ], + [ + "Lexikon", + -16.163591384887695 + ], + [ + "パントマイム", + -16.808807373046875 + ], + [ + "ヒスパニア", + -17.751020431518555 + ], + [ + "ボーダフォン", + -17.101482391357422 + ], + [ + "Web", + -18.51106834411621 + ], + [ + "ほくほ", + -17.036401748657227 + ], + [ + "ょうもない", + -18.96821975708008 + ], + [ + "ケーニヒスベルク", + -17.162721633911133 + ], + [ + "バケモノ", + -17.401592254638672 + ], + [ + "オロビアンコ", + -19.94265365600586 + ], + [ + "サンショウウオ", + -16.740623474121094 + ], + [ + "多良間", + -17.028703689575195 + ], + [ + "オブザイヤー", + -16.956430435180664 + ], + [ + "ギルガメ", + -17.007492065429688 + ], + [ + "棒高跳", + -16.376251220703125 + ], + [ + "GINZA", + -17.046031951904297 + ], + [ + "Harold", + -15.691672325134276 + ], + [ + "栗駒", + -16.812868118286133 + ], + [ + "ヒースロー", + -17.359268188476562 + ], + [ + "Warren", + -15.645408630371094 + ], + [ + "アトリウム", + -17.035673141479492 + ], + [ + "Harrison", + -16.59177017211914 + ], + [ + "ナビスコ", + -17.252138137817383 + ], + [ + "オイラト", + -17.430009841918945 + ], + [ + "ベーリング", + -17.01582145690918 + ], + [ + "マクレーン", + -16.907812118530273 + ], + [ + "リボーン", + -17.322938919067383 + ], + [ + "興部", + -16.612693786621094 + ], + [ + "タニタ", + -17.833919525146484 + ], + [ + "SKIN", + -15.333640098571776 + ], + [ + "織り成", + -18.305784225463867 + ], + [ + "ストリートビュー", + -17.12311553955078 + ], + [ + ":..", + -18.757801055908203 + ], + [ + "takes", + -14.66191291809082 + ], + [ + "atte", + -14.943097114562988 + ], + [ + "SHAKE", + -15.45009994506836 + ], + [ + "カキコ", + -19.385961532592773 + ], + [ + "テューダー", + -16.588653564453125 + ], + [ + "シーヌ", + -17.345905303955078 + ], + [ + "アウラ", + -16.898881912231445 + ], + [ + "holic", + -15.618711471557615 + ], + [ + "クロル", + -17.016820907592773 + ], + [ + "内匠", + -16.75568962097168 + ], + [ + "Hang", + -14.934953689575195 + ], + [ + "三隅", + -16.293258666992188 + ], + [ + "浸け", + -19.02974319458008 + ], + [ + "ヌカ", + -17.669164657592773 + ], + [ + "鶴太郎", + -16.334842681884766 + ], + [ + "ユースケ", + -16.863008499145508 + ], + [ + "角錐", + -16.91126823425293 + ], + [ + "Johan", + -16.38763999938965 + ], + [ + "rek", + -14.42221736907959 + ], + [ + "キャッチー", + -17.766746520996094 + ], + [ + "清河", + -16.913373947143555 + ], + [ + "死にかけ", + -18.625503540039062 + ], + [ + "ファーマー", + -16.86656379699707 + ], + [ + "dei", + -14.558629989624023 + ], + [ + "サラミ", + -17.229568481445312 + ], + [ + "Tall", + -16.237533569335938 + ], + [ + "榴", + -17.27889633178711 + ], + [ + "Samantha", + -16.727827072143555 + ], + [ + "Dropbox", + -15.634933471679688 + ], + [ + "イネーブル", + -18.81474876403809 + ], + [ + "キテレツ", + -17.000843048095703 + ], + [ + "ブラウブリッツ", + -15.928065299987791 + ], + [ + "ヴィトーリア", + -15.973748207092283 + ], + [ + "せとうち", + -15.818349838256836 + ], + [ + "ウィナーズカップ", + -16.54903793334961 + ], + [ + "BONUS", + -15.598541259765623 + ], + [ + "Delphi", + -16.720470428466797 + ], + [ + "キュラソー", + -16.179088592529297 + ], + [ + "レノファ", + -16.16106414794922 + ], + [ + " >", + -20.977916717529297 + ], + [ + "イントホーフェン", + -16.099576950073242 + ], + [ + "芸術工科大", + -16.314908981323242 + ], + [ + "スタイライフ", + -19.604698181152344 + ], + [ + "Circus", + -16.746274948120117 + ], + [ + "どっこい", + -17.390705108642578 + ], + [ + "ウィキメディア", + -17.199642181396484 + ], + [ + "サディスティック", + -16.200931549072266 + ], + [ + "ミクシィ", + -17.822370529174805 + ], + [ + "こうせつ", + -16.379426956176758 + ], + [ + "カトリーナ", + -16.979463577270508 + ], + [ + "イングリッド", + -16.819549560546875 + ], + [ + "プラスミド", + -18.011409759521484 + ], + [ + "マネックス", + -17.92488670349121 + ], + [ + "セントレア", + -17.521799087524414 + ], + [ + "カフェテリア", + -16.76707649230957 + ], + [ + "ころころ", + -17.305511474609375 + ], + [ + "ダンケル", + -17.008621215820312 + ], + [ + "知佳", + -16.4365234375 + ], + [ + "思わしくな", + -18.454299926757812 + ], + [ + "フレーザー", + -17.35413932800293 + ], + [ + "エイシン", + -16.963098526000977 + ], + [ + "にたいする", + -18.212587356567383 + ], + [ + "フラッド", + -17.185136795043945 + ], + [ + "長崎放送", + -15.707449913024902 + ], + [ + "スロウ", + -16.73560333251953 + ], + [ + "ンブチャクレンズ", + -20.840360641479492 + ], + [ + "サムシング", + -16.649023056030273 + ], + [ + "Schl", + -15.03488826751709 + ], + [ + "ストラト", + -16.579057693481445 + ], + [ + "ヴァーサ", + -16.868711471557617 + ], + [ + "割り引", + -18.792293548583984 + ], + [ + "ヒルダ", + -16.65357208251953 + ], + [ + "Qa", + -15.341753005981444 + ], + [ + "男らしく", + -18.44239044189453 + ], + [ + "ハディー", + -17.629989624023438 + ], + [ + "風吹", + -16.29665756225586 + ], + [ + "Partners", + -16.367429733276367 + ], + [ + "hocolate", + -16.316360473632812 + ], + [ + "Gb", + -15.151423454284668 + ], + [ + "MING", + -14.572066307067873 + ], + [ + "ナーゼ", + -17.07893943786621 + ], + [ + "aval", + -14.881731033325195 + ], + [ + "Dean", + -15.653562545776367 + ], + [ + "チヤ", + -17.211191177368164 + ], + [ + "みづき", + -16.598562240600586 + ], + [ + "..:", + -18.11273765563965 + ], + [ + "ガチョウ", + -17.365392684936523 + ], + [ + "オカムラ", + -17.76698875427246 + ], + [ + "コークス", + -17.068965911865234 + ], + [ + "ストライ", + -16.60507583618164 + ], + [ + "気仙", + -17.0495662689209 + ], + [ + "ッサール", + -17.33863639831543 + ], + [ + "ロードスター", + -16.473712921142578 + ], + [ + "ッジャ", + -16.600629806518555 + ], + [ + " ̄ ", + -18.820528030395508 + ], + [ + "パンジー", + -17.29850959777832 + ], + [ + "スペイ", + -16.714740753173828 + ], + [ + "グレージュ", + -18.893037796020508 + ], + [ + "ロレアル", + -17.393966674804688 + ], + [ + "ポント", + -17.046924591064453 + ], + [ + "三菱銀行", + -16.899677276611328 + ], + [ + "__ ", + -20.73776626586914 + ], + [ + "ウエハ", + -18.590740203857425 + ], + [ + "プロダクションズ", + -16.634859085083008 + ], + [ + "あずけ", + -17.85160255432129 + ], + [ + "EMON", + -14.791292190551758 + ], + [ + "紀之", + -16.34664535522461 + ], + [ + "ディーナ", + -16.487611770629883 + ], + [ + "ハンソン", + -16.608369827270508 + ], + [ + "iiA", + -17.31412696838379 + ], + [ + "ルクレール", + -17.144460678100586 + ], + [ + "Nd", + -14.274002075195312 + ], + [ + "eko", + -14.858120918273926 + ], + [ + "IRS", + -15.281429290771484 + ], + [ + "転がり込", + -18.090286254882812 + ], + [ + "フワッ", + -18.89259910583496 + ], + [ + "ベキ", + -17.157333374023438 + ], + [ + "Phoenix", + -15.52961540222168 + ], + [ + "TWENTY", + -15.50409698486328 + ], + [ + "あざみ野", + -16.730621337890625 + ], + [ + "ガガミラノ", + -19.308303833007812 + ], + [ + "キユーピー", + -16.536327362060547 + ], + [ + "サーロイン", + -18.44577407836914 + ], + [ + "ジワジワ", + -19.338367462158203 + ], + [ + "ダルマチア", + -17.36771011352539 + ], + [ + "トヨタカローラ", + -16.44072723388672 + ], + [ + "コンツェルン", + -16.997289657592773 + ], + [ + "エマヌエーレ", + -17.068416595458984 + ], + [ + "ブルッヘ", + -16.534679412841797 + ], + [ + "Knock", + -15.869547843933104 + ], + [ + "ハイドロキノン", + -19.260364532470703 + ], + [ + "グッゲンハイム", + -15.683309555053713 + ], + [ + "ドップラー", + -16.968217849731445 + ], + [ + "ホッキョク", + -17.303958892822266 + ], + [ + "ラグナロク", + -16.349088668823242 + ], + [ + "Melodi", + -16.96172523498535 + ], + [ + "トーテム", + -17.145702362060547 + ], + [ + "ビルトイン", + -17.888057708740234 + ], + [ + "Herbert", + -16.03982925415039 + ], + [ + "Eg", + -14.873729705810549 + ], + [ + "テフロン", + -18.618589401245117 + ], + [ + "磯貝", + -16.41716194152832 + ], + [ + "CFD", + -15.240386962890623 + ], + [ + "Darkness", + -16.869985580444336 + ], + [ + "Flowers", + -16.669862747192383 + ], + [ + "kf", + -14.44730281829834 + ], + [ + "アシッド", + -16.750669479370117 + ], + [ + "トーキング", + -16.644285202026367 + ], + [ + "ブレンダン", + -16.769241333007812 + ], + [ + "サワラ", + -17.21041488647461 + ], + [ + "凸版", + -16.86861228942871 + ], + [ + "クラリオン", + -16.71156120300293 + ], + [ + "デネ", + -16.7557315826416 + ], + [ + "タイタンズ", + -16.350008010864258 + ], + [ + "スルガ", + -16.424856185913086 + ], + [ + "サーマル", + -17.185543060302734 + ], + [ + "ジェール", + -16.85590934753418 + ], + [ + "Korean", + -15.214266777038574 + ], + [ + "ダラム", + -16.681550979614258 + ], + [ + "サンバー", + -17.17669677734375 + ], + [ + "dori", + -15.765175819396973 + ], + [ + "OTH", + -15.175045013427734 + ], + [ + "ヒラタ", + -16.248687744140625 + ], + [ + "みかけ", + -18.008312225341797 + ], + [ + "西南学院", + -16.142078399658203 + ], + [ + "arameter", + -19.76412773132324 + ], + [ + "マイセン", + -17.372783660888672 + ], + [ + "/~", + -15.28843116760254 + ], + [ + "フレド", + -16.369966506958008 + ], + [ + "申しあげ", + -19.765607833862305 + ], + [ + "テレーズ", + -17.15450096130371 + ], + [ + "トロット", + -16.695398330688477 + ], + [ + "Gay", + -15.733678817749023 + ], + [ + "ンタ", + -19.05234146118164 + ], + [ + "SPIN", + -14.503812789916992 + ], + [ + "Lyc", + -16.525768280029297 + ], + [ + "イワナ", + -17.516000747680664 + ], + [ + "ニンフ", + -16.506505966186523 + ], + [ + "グリード", + -16.68472671508789 + ], + [ + "ダテ", + -17.263351440429688 + ], + [ + "雄略", + -17.19399642944336 + ], + [ + "———", + -15.842317581176758 + ], + [ + "クティヴ", + -17.09700584411621 + ], + [ + "ちぎっ", + -20.496562957763672 + ], + [ + "万寿", + -16.34590721130371 + ], + [ + "brow", + -14.934625625610352 + ], + [ + "PM", + -19.115325927734375 + ], + [ + "mez", + -15.176820755004885 + ], + [ + "パップ", + -17.1734619140625 + ], + [ + "ざっぱ", + -18.66127014160156 + ], + [ + "Descrip", + -15.41572380065918 + ], + [ + "ライオ", + -17.274227142333984 + ], + [ + "カスティ", + -16.664974212646484 + ], + [ + "トレル", + -17.11362075805664 + ], + [ + "「-", + -17.35207748413086 + ], + [ + "/ /", + -19.512895584106445 + ], + [ + "olutions", + -16.3135929107666 + ], + [ + "Ux", + -15.926457405090332 + ], + [ + "BTO", + -16.337190628051758 + ], + [ + "REIT", + -16.76191520690918 + ], + [ + "アシカ", + -17.2351131439209 + ], + [ + "しのい", + -17.86478042602539 + ], + [ + "anford", + -15.743274688720703 + ], + [ + "レンセ", + -15.936633110046388 + ], + [ + "ベリック", + -16.941181182861328 + ], + [ + "こわし", + -17.58706283569336 + ], + [ + "そろえる", + -18.61805534362793 + ], + [ + "~~!!", + -19.5184268951416 + ], + [ + "タプ", + -17.213335037231445 + ], + [ + "碗", + -17.561359405517578 + ], + [ + "Raf", + -14.615303993225098 + ], + [ + "DELUXE", + -16.52297019958496 + ], + [ + "FeliCa", + -17.084291458129883 + ], + [ + "RHYME", + -16.57532501220703 + ], + [ + "アラベスク", + -17.01289939880371 + ], + [ + "シラキュース", + -16.806581497192383 + ], + [ + "ストロンチウム", + -17.535480499267578 + ], + [ + "パンジャーブ", + -16.682092666625977 + ], + [ + "プラセボ", + -18.44660758972168 + ], + [ + "東京電機大学", + -16.228731155395508 + ], + [ + "DIY", + -19.351884841918945 + ], + [ + "concert", + -16.107046127319336 + ], + [ + "のほか", + -13.75980281829834 + ], + [ + "ガッツポーズ", + -18.48689842224121 + ], + [ + "山ノ内", + -16.604568481445312 + ], + [ + "ミノルタ", + -17.191059112548828 + ], + [ + "ジヒドロ", + -17.14694595336914 + ], + [ + "カイリー", + -16.69350814819336 + ], + [ + "ラフォーレ", + -17.128826141357422 + ], + [ + "デクスター", + -16.673442840576172 + ], + [ + "Lance", + -16.18577003479004 + ], + [ + "アレック", + -16.720489501953125 + ], + [ + "ゲーマーズ", + -17.16621971130371 + ], + [ + "PSG", + -15.561800003051758 + ], + [ + "横芝", + -16.732818603515625 + ], + [ + "ICAO", + -15.362849235534668 + ], + [ + "タップリ", + -19.05638885498047 + ], + [ + "取り分け", + -18.81541633605957 + ], + [ + "JPN", + -16.326984405517578 + ], + [ + "由起", + -16.125947952270508 + ], + [ + "張り付け", + -18.621488571166992 + ], + [ + "瑞樹", + -16.438737869262695 + ], + [ + "農工", + -16.922748565673828 + ], + [ + "づめ", + -16.95915412902832 + ], + [ + "vern", + -15.23039722442627 + ], + [ + "ジャバ", + -16.950725555419922 + ], + [ + "ガンツ", + -17.03570556640625 + ], + [ + "ゾリ", + -17.01837921142578 + ], + [ + "おろす", + -18.00446891784668 + ], + [ + "マイケルズ", + -17.02050018310547 + ], + [ + "ちゃめ", + -17.29123306274414 + ], + [ + "arl", + -14.583100318908691 + ], + [ + "エリントン", + -17.3132266998291 + ], + [ + "そうこう", + -16.02402687072754 + ], + [ + "からかい", + -17.41133689880371 + ], + [ + "KYB", + -16.939069747924805 + ], + [ + "麗華", + -16.732494354248047 + ], + [ + "取りつけ", + -18.59276008605957 + ], + [ + "planet", + -15.04832935333252 + ], + [ + "田尾", + -16.934768676757812 + ], + [ + "・・・(", + -19.834491729736328 + ], + [ + "フィック", + -16.869186401367188 + ], + [ + "織機", + -17.18999481201172 + ], + [ + "OU", + -19.48862075805664 + ], + [ + "憲二", + -16.518169403076172 + ], + [ + "湖上", + -17.543445587158203 + ], + [ + "んそく", + -16.84485626220703 + ], + [ + "ヴィシー", + -17.091739654541016 + ], + [ + "bB", + -15.76628303527832 + ], + [ + "BMT", + -16.018339157104492 + ], + [ + "大濠", + -16.677791595458984 + ], + [ + "ipo", + -14.346323013305664 + ], + [ + "Salt", + -14.785921096801758 + ], + [ + "池上線", + -17.229108810424805 + ], + [ + "じさ", + -16.92479705810547 + ], + [ + "Roth", + -16.13050079345703 + ], + [ + "ティザー", + -17.272445678710938 + ], + [ + "イッテ", + -16.758941650390625 + ], + [ + "zw", + -14.529390335083008 + ], + [ + "Neck", + -16.458080291748047 + ], + [ + "勇次", + -16.344600677490234 + ], + [ + "取りこぼ", + -18.56358337402344 + ], + [ + "ワラビ", + -17.264305114746094 + ], + [ + "ファルス", + -17.170543670654297 + ], + [ + "ay", + -19.772289276123047 + ], + [ + "ユト", + -17.281360626220703 + ], + [ + "ディンク", + -16.935287475585938 + ], + [ + "ヴァーズ", + -17.064672470092773 + ], + [ + "裕紀", + -16.590518951416016 + ], + [ + "中央テレビ", + -15.71168613433838 + ], + [ + "カラッ", + -18.22945213317871 + ], + [ + "uple", + -15.80515193939209 + ], + [ + "ツタ", + -17.018098831176758 + ], + [ + "hermes", + -15.627693176269531 + ], + [ + "おびき寄せ", + -17.956363677978516 + ], + [ + "アライグマ", + -17.087120056152344 + ], + [ + "カヲル", + -17.065095901489258 + ], + [ + "ケーズデンキ", + -16.268342971801758 + ], + [ + "ターボプロップ", + -17.202455520629883 + ], + [ + "パトリオット", + -16.784719467163086 + ], + [ + "プライオリティ", + -17.849658966064453 + ], + [ + "峨", + -16.862459182739258 + ], + [ + "vintage", + -17.112403869628906 + ], + [ + "ナサニエル", + -16.979734420776367 + ], + [ + "クルセイダー", + -16.405466079711914 + ], + [ + "ポラロイド", + -17.579341888427734 + ], + [ + "デビアス", + -17.46453285217285 + ], + [ + "rawberry", + -14.952539443969728 + ], + [ + "魯迅", + -17.073640823364258 + ], + [ + "ホスピス", + -17.087915420532227 + ], + [ + "ツキノワ", + -17.506406784057617 + ], + [ + "ワラキア", + -17.288724899291992 + ], + [ + "上小田", + -17.60582160949707 + ], + [ + "ギャザリング", + -16.7556095123291 + ], + [ + "ダット", + -16.895368576049805 + ], + [ + "ターボジェット", + -16.81631851196289 + ], + [ + "プロップデザイン", + -15.855036735534668 + ], + [ + "フラダンス", + -17.51552391052246 + ], + [ + "目覚し", + -18.564001083374023 + ], + [ + "ステイツ", + -16.773324966430664 + ], + [ + "ティレル", + -16.950979232788086 + ], + [ + "厚狭", + -16.916412353515625 + ], + [ + "ニベア", + -17.411367416381836 + ], + [ + "MERRY", + -16.722423553466797 + ], + [ + "塞ぎ", + -18.3775577545166 + ], + [ + "オンボード", + -16.948535919189453 + ], + [ + "フランダース", + -17.278791427612305 + ], + [ + "Milky", + -16.818876266479492 + ], + [ + "呼び止め", + -18.7373104095459 + ], + [ + "ry", + -19.22872734069824 + ], + [ + "オーティス", + -16.701860427856445 + ], + [ + "四つ橋", + -16.89895248413086 + ], + [ + "信じ込", + -18.261127471923828 + ], + [ + "Oil", + -16.047666549682617 + ], + [ + "       ┃", + -14.82470703125 + ], + [ + "むっち", + -18.18028259277344 + ], + [ + "シッチ", + -16.817428588867188 + ], + [ + "トーレス", + -16.62359046936035 + ], + [ + "イーノ", + -16.66924476623535 + ], + [ + "誘え", + -19.843896865844727 + ], + [ + "ハルトマン", + -17.09807777404785 + ], + [ + "ビンス", + -16.878347396850586 + ], + [ + "アルミナ", + -17.669097900390625 + ], + [ + "ウイリアム", + -16.85859489440918 + ], + [ + "cinema", + -15.674166679382324 + ], + [ + "Desire", + -16.64769172668457 + ], + [ + "ヴィッキー", + -16.637920379638672 + ], + [ + "generat", + -18.553569793701172 + ], + [ + "ENTAI", + -16.615997314453125 + ], + [ + "俊博", + -16.550254821777344 + ], + [ + "ひらけ", + -16.840593338012695 + ], + [ + "shoe", + -15.016351699829102 + ], + [ + "ふるう", + -16.23813819885254 + ], + [ + "トクマ", + -16.647871017456055 + ], + [ + "yumi", + -16.314697265625 + ], + [ + "アサギ", + -16.751184463500977 + ], + [ + "ペナ", + -17.17694091796875 + ], + [ + "リシアクリニック", + -21.256929397583008 + ], + [ + "アファ", + -17.191307067871094 + ], + [ + "ガルム", + -16.624065399169922 + ], + [ + "天下一", + -16.279138565063477 + ], + [ + "ゃがん", + -20.161596298217773 + ], + [ + "プラザホテル", + -16.44331932067871 + ], + [ + "!●", + -19.7022762298584 + ], + [ + "二又", + -16.175556182861328 + ], + [ + "ウォルトン", + -16.86908721923828 + ], + [ + "デイトレ", + -19.8062744140625 + ], + [ + "バーサ", + -17.597002029418945 + ], + [ + "テレビアニメ", + -11.76500129699707 + ], + [ + "//", + -19.95556640625 + ], + [ + "トアップサプリ", + -20.72472381591797 + ], + [ + "ピーノ", + -16.636926651000977 + ], + [ + "hj", + -14.553016662597656 + ], + [ + "EV", + -19.555788040161133 + ], + [ + "オーバーラン", + -17.041791915893555 + ], + [ + "着飾", + -18.36941146850586 + ], + [ + "庄野", + -16.624711990356445 + ], + [ + "しぶし", + -18.09842872619629 + ], + [ + "]】", + -19.21683692932129 + ], + [ + "さえぎ", + -19.031417846679688 + ], + [ + "バビ", + -16.836288452148438 + ], + [ + "NDA", + -15.147697448730469 + ], + [ + "EMO", + -15.539392471313477 + ], + [ + "Choo", + -15.292074203491213 + ], + [ + "ウォリアー", + -16.80323028564453 + ], + [ + "Lens", + -14.802613258361816 + ], + [ + "ヌーン", + -17.052593231201172 + ], + [ + "Horror", + -16.694049835205078 + ], + [ + "Pepper", + -15.970331192016602 + ], + [ + "eBay", + -17.48085594177246 + ], + [ + "プルデンシャル", + -17.74196434020996 + ], + [ + "ぶっきらぼう", + -17.921682357788086 + ], + [ + "トリビューン", + -17.710763931274414 + ], + [ + "ヘネシー", + -17.404190063476562 + ], + [ + "Oscar", + -15.90321922302246 + ], + [ + "オシゴト", + -19.013708114624023 + ], + [ + "ゴーバスターズ", + -16.621389389038086 + ], + [ + "JQ", + -15.64865493774414 + ], + [ + "サマーズ", + -16.902368545532227 + ], + [ + "スティネーション", + -17.14336395263672 + ], + [ + "メーテル", + -17.252704620361328 + ], + [ + "気難し", + -18.11945152282715 + ], + [ + "DOJO", + -16.45642852783203 + ], + [ + "yiw", + -20.085115432739254 + ], + [ + "積み替え", + -18.529151916503903 + ], + [ + "メルセデスベンツ", + -18.038536071777344 + ], + [ + "カーネ", + -17.31023406982422 + ], + [ + "ノートブック", + -17.694561004638672 + ], + [ + "マペット", + -16.157102584838867 + ], + [ + "GI", + -19.38128662109375 + ], + [ + "クロスボーン", + -16.90208625793457 + ], + [ + " } ", + -19.338699340820312 + ], + [ + "浅羽", + -17.13249397277832 + ], + [ + "サウル", + -16.70296859741211 + ], + [ + "豊肥", + -16.415878295898438 + ], + [ + "引き当て", + -18.481983184814453 + ], + [ + "グラインダ", + -18.474027633666992 + ], + [ + "エクソン", + -17.43901824951172 + ], + [ + "飲み干", + -18.522798538208008 + ], + [ + "マーサー", + -16.95185661315918 + ], + [ + "SHINE", + -15.77524471282959 + ], + [ + "クレイマー", + -16.736852645874023 + ], + [ + "和志", + -16.739871978759766 + ], + [ + "仁賀", + -17.500423431396484 + ], + [ + "atri", + -14.083538055419922 + ], + [ + "Marina", + -16.55617332458496 + ], + [ + "スゥ", + -17.240447998046875 + ], + [ + "アイフェイス", + -19.535076141357425 + ], + [ + "つづら", + -17.65008544921875 + ], + [ + "スタッフロール", + -16.875106811523438 + ], + [ + "与田", + -16.948232650756836 + ], + [ + "佐土", + -16.76576805114746 + ], + [ + "リンリン", + -16.72763442993164 + ], + [ + "ティウム", + -17.467924118041992 + ], + [ + "Chiro", + -15.760353088378906 + ], + [ + "心経", + -16.64959716796875 + ], + [ + "中庸", + -17.309751510620117 + ], + [ + "ビアンコ", + -17.007532119750977 + ], + [ + "エミル", + -16.96660614013672 + ], + [ + "yah", + -14.891586303710938 + ], + [ + "onny", + -14.946945190429688 + ], + [ + "ひひ", + -16.721593856811523 + ], + [ + "トウヒ", + -17.07740020751953 + ], + [ + "ふくよ", + -18.01719856262207 + ], + [ + "番丁", + -17.006563186645508 + ], + [ + "ナードゥ", + -16.46454620361328 + ], + [ + "背け", + -19.602624893188477 + ], + [ + "ろくで", + -16.834314346313477 + ], + [ + "_/", + -21.75025177001953 + ], + [ + "粛々", + -19.184053421020508 + ], + [ + "あいの", + -15.23538303375244 + ], + [ + "チャレ", + -17.493436813354492 + ], + [ + "lu", + -18.7258243560791 + ], + [ + "iola", + -14.348831176757812 + ], + [ + "ラン", + -18.885120391845703 + ], + [ + "フレームワーク", + -15.807513236999512 + ], + [ + "BIL", + -15.386170387268066 + ], + [ + "歌舞", + -17.536991119384766 + ], + [ + "テュル", + -17.088279724121094 + ], + [ + "メディナ", + -17.26561737060547 + ], + [ + "ステュ", + -17.547456741333008 + ], + [ + "Commiss", + -16.805667877197266 + ], + [ + "┈┈┈┈┈┈", + -21.01553726196289 + ], + [ + "Celeron", + -16.971214294433594 + ], + [ + "Naked", + -16.05913734436035 + ], + [ + "パルメイラス", + -15.756084442138672 + ], + [ + "アヴァンギャルド", + -16.865800857543945 + ], + [ + "サステナビリティ", + -18.10494613647461 + ], + [ + "センセーション", + -17.066667556762695 + ], + [ + "anhattan", + -16.046009063720703 + ], + [ + "Boogie", + -15.413902282714844 + ], + [ + "MIDNIGHT", + -16.120464324951172 + ], + [ + "おぞまし", + -18.339122772216797 + ], + [ + "ベネフィット", + -17.819778442382812 + ], + [ + "----", + -20.140214920043945 + ], + [ + "MIRAI", + -16.554210662841797 + ], + [ + "Amiga", + -16.72243309020996 + ], + [ + "Silence", + -15.75715160369873 + ], + [ + "デカレンジャー", + -16.541423797607422 + ], + [ + "Ranger", + -16.71528434753418 + ], + [ + "ジビエ", + -18.162052154541016 + ], + [ + "キズム", + -16.823413848876953 + ], + [ + "スカスカ", + -18.921741485595703 + ], + [ + "ピピン", + -17.302074432373047 + ], + [ + "ジョアンナ", + -16.643754959106445 + ], + [ + "ブラウザゲーム", + -15.96773624420166 + ], + [ + "乗り合わせ", + -18.18172264099121 + ], + [ + "エンゲル", + -16.533641815185547 + ], + [ + "鷹取", + -16.905794143676758 + ], + [ + "桂樹", + -16.7974796295166 + ], + [ + "RSC", + -14.6962251663208 + ], + [ + "モナス", + -16.72966194152832 + ], + [ + "通ず", + -19.638538360595703 + ], + [ + "Educa", + -16.477502822875977 + ], + [ + "äl", + -15.058602333068848 + ], + [ + "打ち取", + -18.51715087890625 + ], + [ + "IAU", + -16.11582374572754 + ], + [ + "Flame", + -15.941752433776855 + ], + [ + "AJF", + -17.79921531677246 + ], + [ + "クライス", + -16.698251724243164 + ], + [ + "BIG", + -20.214418411254883 + ], + [ + "Exo", + -15.920841217041016 + ], + [ + "押し込め", + -18.675312042236328 + ], + [ + "ペトラ", + -16.559362411499023 + ], + [ + "Rails", + -14.99103546142578 + ], + [ + "隅田", + -16.717622756958008 + ], + [ + "ナッシング", + -17.436567306518555 + ], + [ + "Marcel", + -16.00408935546875 + ], + [ + "BRAVE", + -16.214168548583984 + ], + [ + "ISSN", + -16.364364624023438 + ], + [ + "刈取", + -20.68206787109375 + ], + [ + "UKO", + -17.077211380004883 + ], + [ + "CHIC", + -15.93973445892334 + ], + [ + "rae", + -14.482610702514648 + ], + [ + "Rider", + -16.105865478515625 + ], + [ + "エリュ", + -16.932573318481445 + ], + [ + "WAS", + -14.737239837646484 + ], + [ + "セラーズ", + -17.06357192993164 + ], + [ + "cj", + -14.973973274230955 + ], + [ + "しけこ", + -19.120935440063477 + ], + [ + "取り乱", + -18.301616668701172 + ], + [ + "Haus", + -16.351797103881836 + ], + [ + "ストレンジャー", + -16.321786880493164 + ], + [ + "アスティ", + -16.4036922454834 + ], + [ + "マイラ", + -16.819129943847656 + ], + [ + "Wang", + -15.5494384765625 + ], + [ + "oonlight", + -15.823044776916504 + ], + [ + "PRINCE", + -16.2471981048584 + ], + [ + "saga", + -15.892644882202148 + ], + [ + "挙母", + -17.074052810668945 + ], + [ + "タカオ", + -16.937894821166992 + ], + [ + "TAGE", + -16.633373260498047 + ], + [ + "ストラクチャ", + -17.522390365600586 + ], + [ + "FBS", + -15.254179954528809 + ], + [ + "デビー", + -16.626991271972656 + ], + [ + "azu", + -15.64753532409668 + ], + [ + "!!!!!!!!", + -16.2080135345459 + ], + [ + "CL", + -19.13665008544922 + ], + [ + "ッツェル", + -17.05599021911621 + ], + [ + "ビジュ", + -17.39611053466797 + ], + [ + "漿", + -17.452152252197266 + ], + [ + "~~~~~~~~", + -20.84709358215332 + ], + [ + "CANMAKE", + -19.8546199798584 + ], + [ + "のほほん", + -17.96200942993164 + ], + [ + "オデュッセウス", + -17.527790069580078 + ], + [ + "オベリスク", + -16.731571197509766 + ], + [ + "ザンジバル", + -17.0184268951416 + ], + [ + "タラバガニ", + -18.284170150756836 + ], + [ + "ビヨンセ", + -16.814189910888672 + ], + [ + "Protein", + -15.911561012268066 + ], + [ + "スケルツォ", + -16.96535301208496 + ], + [ + "ムートンブーツ", + -19.327659606933594 + ], + [ + "スプートニク", + -17.301450729370117 + ], + [ + "シモーヌ", + -16.68770408630371 + ], + [ + "ホアキン", + -16.805707931518555 + ], + [ + "シュガーダディ", + -19.92365264892578 + ], + [ + "握りしめ", + -18.87617874145508 + ], + [ + "シアバター", + -19.97148895263672 + ], + [ + "揖保", + -16.66448974609375 + ], + [ + "不甲斐な", + -18.742774963378903 + ], + [ + "レオニード", + -16.934038162231445 + ], + [ + "天下茶屋", + -17.139400482177734 + ], + [ + "クランベリー", + -17.6865177154541 + ], + [ + "クジャク", + -16.911401748657227 + ], + [ + "ツマミ", + -18.14271545410156 + ], + [ + "牡鹿", + -16.85129165649414 + ], + [ + "切り崩", + -18.438840866088867 + ], + [ + "バウハウス", + -16.733938217163086 + ], + [ + "グルージャ", + -16.168981552124023 + ], + [ + "カロテン", + -18.09551239013672 + ], + [ + "けりゃ", + -18.266433715820312 + ], + [ + "シタン", + -17.759180068969727 + ], + [ + "リウィウス", + -16.739173889160156 + ], + [ + "句読", + -17.656003952026367 + ], + [ + "imoca", + -17.498781204223633 + ], + [ + "南禅寺", + -16.703550338745117 + ], + [ + "しとやか", + -17.811174392700195 + ], + [ + "ハイデッカー", + -16.81107521057129 + ], + [ + "キアン", + -17.439117431640625 + ], + [ + "くだもの", + -17.976436614990234 + ], + [ + "罪深", + -17.852258682250977 + ], + [ + "ALBA", + -16.749767303466797 + ], + [ + "」-", + -15.228270530700684 + ], + [ + "パプ", + -17.000511169433594 + ], + [ + "Impress", + -16.382305145263672 + ], + [ + "WAV", + -14.851961135864258 + ], + [ + "ライオット", + -16.7802791595459 + ], + [ + "Sean", + -15.541278839111328 + ], + [ + "ウォーレス", + -16.758655548095703 + ], + [ + "ホーネット", + -16.576635360717773 + ], + [ + "ザンヌ", + -17.534303665161133 + ], + [ + "zO", + -16.929424285888672 + ], + [ + "hronicle", + -17.036178588867188 + ], + [ + "xl", + -12.954842567443848 + ], + [ + "コメダ", + -17.502517700195312 + ], + [ + "minne", + -18.282989501953125 + ], + [ + "arre", + -15.000049591064451 + ], + [ + "マジェ", + -17.240163803100586 + ], + [ + "リシン", + -17.535873413085938 + ], + [ + "Integra", + -15.620969772338867 + ], + [ + "杉谷", + -16.80237579345703 + ], + [ + "滑り込", + -18.84677505493164 + ], + [ + "CHD", + -15.428119659423828 + ], + [ + "BREAKER", + -16.132572174072266 + ], + [ + "マーレイ", + -16.796667098999023 + ], + [ + "ナーク", + -16.965526580810547 + ], + [ + "iver", + -14.014080047607422 + ], + [ + "ROK", + -14.43354034423828 + ], + [ + "RICH", + -15.212401390075684 + ], + [ + "エアーズ", + -16.99515151977539 + ], + [ + "バーディ", + -16.913278579711914 + ], + [ + "忍び寄", + -18.005521774291992 + ], + [ + "aho", + -14.909710884094238 + ], + [ + "バックパッカー", + -17.559431076049805 + ], + [ + "ビジョ", + -17.013343811035156 + ], + [ + " ■", + -17.079530715942383 + ], + [ + "ジュネ", + -16.987396240234375 + ], + [ + "Hydro", + -15.593913078308104 + ], + [ + "/ |", + -19.440080642700195 + ], + [ + "OTC", + -15.725708961486816 + ], + [ + "ユーゴ", + -16.978776931762695 + ], + [ + "SCAR", + -15.13051414489746 + ], + [ + "れなく", + -17.06348991394043 + ], + [ + "ISHI", + -16.673433303833008 + ], + [ + "マッケ", + -17.059642791748047 + ], + [ + "ポンキッキ", + -16.738046646118164 + ], + [ + "アナフィラキ", + -17.4095458984375 + ], + [ + "Arnold", + -15.972743034362791 + ], + [ + "バーサーカー", + -16.63330078125 + ], + [ + "ピロティホール", + -17.105712890625 + ], + [ + "ランドローバー", + -16.75082015991211 + ], + [ + "エデュケーション", + -17.068523406982422 + ], + [ + "ターゲティング", + -18.120283126831055 + ], + [ + "モルヒネ", + -17.348526000976562 + ], + [ + "ソシャゲ", + -19.12666702270508 + ], + [ + "ノクターン", + -16.633955001831055 + ], + [ + "OMEGA", + -16.49203109741211 + ], + [ + "サウザンド", + -16.752674102783203 + ], + [ + "ヤーコプ", + -17.04822540283203 + ], + [ + "Nebrask", + -17.189868927001953 + ], + [ + "Adult", + -16.13926887512207 + ], + [ + "erdinand", + -17.19538116455078 + ], + [ + "チュンソフト", + -16.923967361450195 + ], + [ + "SMITH", + -15.293168067932127 + ], + [ + "Batman", + -16.49533462524414 + ], + [ + "SEKAI", + -16.56800079345703 + ], + [ + "はちまん", + -16.387699127197266 + ], + [ + "キンバリー", + -16.77042579650879 + ], + [ + "持ち運べ", + -18.707578659057617 + ], + [ + "シュレック", + -16.518325805664062 + ], + [ + "フィグ", + -17.944318771362305 + ], + [ + "東洋電機", + -17.399717330932617 + ], + [ + "兼営", + -17.325307846069336 + ], + [ + "Terror", + -16.204261779785156 + ], + [ + "エアラインズ", + -16.56717872619629 + ], + [ + "ミケル", + -17.082483291625977 + ], + [ + "コンデンサー", + -18.234891891479492 + ], + [ + "Edwards", + -15.93381690979004 + ], + [ + "ニュイ", + -17.527507781982422 + ], + [ + "楊枝", + -17.69000816345215 + ], + [ + "ザフト", + -17.348281860351562 + ], + [ + "enneth", + -17.120805740356445 + ], + [ + "Mitsu", + -16.634899139404297 + ], + [ + "Kath", + -16.21861457824707 + ], + [ + "NIK", + -16.40766716003418 + ], + [ + "モーゼル", + -17.248464584350586 + ], + [ + "めざめ", + -16.57659149169922 + ], + [ + " ! ", + -19.2230224609375 + ], + [ + "エウリュ", + -17.25729751586914 + ], + [ + "Cello", + -14.853693962097168 + ], + [ + "SG", + -19.26005744934082 + ], + [ + "ODQ", + -19.047914505004883 + ], + [ + "anner", + -15.443010330200195 + ], + [ + "シンボリ", + -16.289573669433594 + ], + [ + "ゴフ", + -16.822721481323242 + ], + [ + "/ /", + -19.51947975158691 + ], + [ + "CB", + -19.052629470825195 + ], + [ + "splus", + -16.1425838470459 + ], + [ + "せいこう", + -16.378034591674805 + ], + [ + "Zh", + -15.408207893371582 + ], + [ + "Cosmo", + -16.22127914428711 + ], + [ + "ANIME", + -16.622337341308594 + ], + [ + "Gli", + -16.17552947998047 + ], + [ + ",..", + -16.95902442932129 + ], + [ + "政奉", + -17.70094871520996 + ], + [ + "キーリング", + -17.843021392822266 + ], + [ + "フェアリーズ", + -16.302701950073242 + ], + [ + "gogo", + -15.869620323181152 + ], + [ + "Samba", + -15.226300239562988 + ], + [ + "AMM", + -16.209436416625977 + ], + [ + "Ville", + -15.5656099319458 + ], + [ + "ホートン", + -16.803972244262695 + ], + [ + "オーエン", + -16.84183120727539 + ], + [ + "Georges", + -14.318017959594728 + ], + [ + "プッ", + -16.944616317749023 + ], + [ + "走り去", + -18.43007469177246 + ], + [ + "Libre", + -16.95494270324707 + ], + [ + "エリナ", + -16.526002883911133 + ], + [ + "Kurt", + -16.112409591674805 + ], + [ + "峯山", + -17.028501510620117 + ], + [ + "NORI", + -17.01856803894043 + ], + [ + "MSD", + -15.07048225402832 + ], + [ + "玉山", + -16.70547866821289 + ], + [ + "コールマン", + -16.005126953125 + ], + [ + "ASAKI", + -16.34561538696289 + ], + [ + "パージ", + -17.281185150146484 + ], + [ + "NTU", + -17.00695037841797 + ], + [ + "岩尾", + -16.384994506835938 + ], + [ + "ゴーカイ", + -16.597206115722656 + ], + [ + "ホルス", + -16.951391220092773 + ], + [ + "シンカー", + -17.420135498046875 + ], + [ + "花沢", + -16.50981330871582 + ], + [ + "RB", + -20.02730369567871 + ], + [ + "Hur", + -15.81366729736328 + ], + [ + "PSE", + -14.639825820922852 + ], + [ + "仙山", + -16.78837776184082 + ], + [ + "リーダーズ", + -16.853666305541992 + ], + [ + "阿倍", + -16.87545394897461 + ], + [ + "Hudson", + -15.961188316345217 + ], + [ + "ぱみゅぱみゅ", + -17.025066375732422 + ], + [ + "カルパッチョ", + -18.13627243041992 + ], + [ + "グジャラート", + -16.880348205566406 + ], + [ + "タイムリミット", + -17.078126907348633 + ], + [ + "ティベリウス", + -17.068572998046875 + ], + [ + "ヴワディスワフ", + -17.32876205444336 + ], + [ + "突き飛ば", + -18.027421951293945 + ], + [ + "ベラスケス", + -17.15481948852539 + ], + [ + "キャスケット", + -19.13088035583496 + ], + [ + "大阪体育大", + -15.94417667388916 + ], + [ + "トロス", + -16.97035789489746 + ], + [ + "Brief", + -15.469330787658691 + ], + [ + "Brasil", + -17.199045181274414 + ], + [ + "噛み砕", + -18.51180076599121 + ], + [ + "カモミール", + -17.783964157104492 + ], + [ + "SHIRT", + -17.500839233398438 + ], + [ + "マッシモ", + -16.771509170532227 + ], + [ + "スイートルーム", + -16.960710525512695 + ], + [ + "オバサン", + -17.998220443725586 + ], + [ + "アニエス", + -17.168872833251953 + ], + [ + "楢崎", + -16.92346954345703 + ], + [ + "キャンター", + -17.775148391723633 + ], + [ + "ぺた", + -18.033382415771484 + ], + [ + "組頭", + -17.329011917114258 + ], + [ + "トープ", + -17.39021873474121 + ], + [ + "ウーン", + -18.10979652404785 + ], + [ + "リイド", + -16.560148239135742 + ], + [ + "NHKBS", + -16.71571922302246 + ], + [ + "杏林", + -16.46512794494629 + ], + [ + "芙美", + -16.589738845825195 + ], + [ + "ROID", + -15.90619945526123 + ], + [ + "ミネーター", + -17.130136489868164 + ], + [ + "テルグ", + -16.608110427856445 + ], + [ + "alin", + -14.727425575256348 + ], + [ + "スティーナ", + -17.422941207885742 + ], + [ + "かわか", + -16.851165771484375 + ], + [ + "ジュード", + -16.906238555908203 + ], + [ + "きゅうじょ", + -17.548547744750977 + ], + [ + "百鬼", + -16.142026901245117 + ], + [ + "護持", + -17.9564208984375 + ], + [ + "ホーガン", + -16.509035110473633 + ], + [ + "ヴァンサン", + -16.943729400634766 + ], + [ + "temporar", + -15.883831977844238 + ], + [ + "ラスク", + -16.881269454956055 + ], + [ + "ヒータ", + -18.814626693725582 + ], + [ + "プレーリー", + -16.95077133178711 + ], + [ + "ラスムス", + -16.891752243041992 + ], + [ + "メルロー", + -18.199207305908203 + ], + [ + "くだい", + -18.207612991333008 + ], + [ + "キター", + -17.951505661010742 + ], + [ + "マンダラ", + -17.131336212158203 + ], + [ + ". |", + -19.455623626708984 + ], + [ + "Erik", + -15.783191680908203 + ], + [ + "アンドルー", + -16.497644424438477 + ], + [ + "シャンテ", + -17.05719757080078 + ], + [ + "デンジ", + -16.638973236083984 + ], + [ + "'」", + -17.742170333862305 + ], + [ + "テッラ", + -16.46196746826172 + ], + [ + "ギアナ", + -16.703176498413086 + ], + [ + "しでか", + -18.987815856933594 + ], + [ + "センティ", + -17.32331085205078 + ], + [ + "あやこ", + -16.50383949279785 + ], + [ + "EGZA", + -19.14443588256836 + ], + [ + "Saga", + -16.527742385864258 + ], + [ + "ヤセ", + -17.625333786010742 + ], + [ + "タイラン", + -16.289976119995117 + ], + [ + "ちぎれ", + -16.89037322998047 + ], + [ + "スタチン", + -17.692087173461914 + ], + [ + "白き", + -16.44740867614746 + ], + [ + "Burch", + -16.32887077331543 + ], + [ + "マウロ", + -16.70504379272461 + ], + [ + "ファーゴ", + -16.831655502319336 + ], + [ + "ストリア", + -17.0914249420166 + ], + [ + "ICD", + -15.107521057128906 + ], + [ + "ーケストラ", + -16.290599822998047 + ], + [ + "トラクタ", + -16.640138626098633 + ], + [ + "BIGBANG", + -16.737308502197266 + ], + [ + "HIPHOP", + -17.402029037475586 + ], + [ + "キューピッド", + -16.810041427612305 + ], + [ + "セガサミー", + -16.807140350341797 + ], + [ + "タバスコ", + -17.33368492126465 + ], + [ + "ニルヴァーナ", + -16.968374252319336 + ], + [ + "リズリサ", + -19.88630485534668 + ], + [ + "振りかざ", + -18.50887107849121 + ], + [ + "エキセントリック", + -17.12100601196289 + ], + [ + "ピューリッツァー", + -16.449813842773438 + ], + [ + "もくもく", + -17.975709915161133 + ], + [ + "HITACHI", + -17.3892765045166 + ], + [ + "ミルフィーユ", + -17.542465209960938 + ], + [ + "ッサーシュミット", + -16.99700164794922 + ], + [ + "Broken", + -14.997015953063965 + ], + [ + "筑肥", + -16.836658477783203 + ], + [ + "ボニックプロ", + -20.81918716430664 + ], + [ + "カミナリ", + -16.593381881713867 + ], + [ + "ジヒドロキシ", + -18.0092830657959 + ], + [ + "Annual", + -16.285125732421875 + ], + [ + "パディントン", + -16.870006561279297 + ], + [ + "Norton", + -17.194610595703125 + ], + [ + "羅臼", + -16.985740661621094 + ], + [ + "ペド", + -16.630882263183594 + ], + [ + "北里大学", + -16.262205123901367 + ], + [ + "アウトソール", + -19.633636474609375 + ], + [ + "オプス", + -16.903339385986328 + ], + [ + "Neue", + -15.596051216125488 + ], + [ + "ギュル", + -17.080333709716797 + ], + [ + "印象づけ", + -18.753772735595703 + ], + [ + "zk", + -14.777557373046877 + ], + [ + "CentO", + -18.452707290649418 + ], + [ + "アウトロ", + -16.92674446105957 + ], + [ + "流れ落ち", + -18.63472557067871 + ], + [ + "イテッド", + -16.824047088623047 + ], + [ + "ヘインズ", + -17.058015823364258 + ], + [ + "Kobe", + -17.338712692260742 + ], + [ + "マイマイ", + -16.69300079345703 + ], + [ + "ブラックボックス", + -17.664310455322266 + ], + [ + "ヴァージ", + -17.188701629638672 + ], + [ + "メディック", + -16.841737747192383 + ], + [ + "alac", + -16.053192138671875 + ], + [ + "CKS", + -14.721234321594238 + ], + [ + "草壁", + -16.98629379272461 + ], + [ + "オージー", + -17.454286575317383 + ], + [ + "ファルマ", + -17.539995193481445 + ], + [ + "デュマ", + -17.14720344543457 + ], + [ + "YMS", + -16.34890365600586 + ], + [ + "endi", + -14.739564895629885 + ], + [ + "デオキシ", + -16.758075714111328 + ], + [ + "ピュイ", + -17.234094619750977 + ], + [ + "~」「", + -18.52589988708496 + ], + [ + "グルマ", + -17.107053756713867 + ], + [ + "投げ入れ", + -18.38670539855957 + ], + [ + "歌丸", + -16.94408416748047 + ], + [ + "●)", + -19.956356048583984 + ], + [ + "秋桜", + -16.638729095458984 + ], + [ + "ウィーラー", + -16.88523292541504 + ], + [ + "ダイゴ", + -16.929279327392578 + ], + [ + "Varia", + -14.682287216186523 + ], + [ + "BGA", + -16.3227481842041 + ], + [ + "ビッグコミックス", + -16.22953987121582 + ], + [ + "ガゼル", + -16.70916748046875 + ], + [ + "白鷹", + -16.667484283447266 + ], + [ + "Comi", + -15.836175918579102 + ], + [ + "ティアナ", + -16.854450225830078 + ], + [ + "打越", + -16.62032699584961 + ], + [ + "メラー", + -17.028255462646484 + ], + [ + "紛らわ", + -18.798490524291992 + ], + [ + "佐保", + -16.68418312072754 + ], + [ + "DO", + -18.588010787963867 + ], + [ + "マルヌ", + -16.59632110595703 + ], + [ + "グライド", + -17.516395568847656 + ], + [ + "/|", + -15.57614040374756 + ], + [ + "引っ込", + -18.73885726928711 + ], + [ + "巡り会え", + -19.318538665771484 + ], + [ + "ALD", + -15.350603103637695 + ], + [ + "ta", + -19.252391815185547 + ], + [ + "エンデ", + -16.453880310058594 + ], + [ + ".:*", + -20.47034454345703 + ], + [ + "アラバ", + -17.046588897705078 + ], + [ + "竹岡", + -16.784212112426758 + ], + [ + "イカル", + -16.906333923339844 + ], + [ + "ヴァルナ", + -16.761341094970703 + ], + [ + "引っかけ", + -18.447263717651367 + ], + [ + "警察署", + -12.584856033325195 + ], + [ + "ソワソ", + -18.373735427856445 + ], + [ + "| ̄|", + -19.341289520263672 + ], + [ + "Nico", + -16.101091384887695 + ], + [ + "emin", + -14.7798490524292 + ], + [ + "裏づけ", + -18.794397354125977 + ], + [ + "Ic", + -15.044238090515137 + ], + [ + "(*'", + -21.13218116760254 + ], + [ + "コンクリ", + -18.661413192749023 + ], + [ + "貶", + -18.254901885986328 + ], + [ + "ブタン", + -17.50631332397461 + ], + [ + "与謝", + -16.961502075195312 + ], + [ + "ckckck", + -21.52240562438965 + ], + [ + "ずんぐり", + -18.340024948120117 + ], + [ + "エナセーブ", + -18.372663497924805 + ], + [ + "ルフトハンザ", + -17.151811599731445 + ], + [ + "ショウジョウバエ", + -17.809633255004883 + ], + [ + "ユーゲント", + -17.45444679260254 + ], + [ + "タチアナ", + -16.654884338378906 + ], + [ + "(;^_^", + -19.795246124267575 + ], + [ + "Lodge", + -18.471290588378903 + ], + [ + "あいかわら", + -18.75955581665039 + ], + [ + "がたく", + -18.108306884765625 + ], + [ + "フーディー", + -17.90670394897461 + ], + [ + "MICHEL", + -17.120868682861328 + ], + [ + "タランティーノ", + -17.3419246673584 + ], + [ + "ハゲタカ", + -16.863107681274414 + ], + [ + "ichigan", + -15.887458801269531 + ], + [ + "明石海峡", + -17.115755081176758 + ], + [ + "スライドドア", + -18.093503952026367 + ], + [ + "ジョイスティック", + -17.50613021850586 + ], + [ + "シアターコクーン", + -16.79948616027832 + ], + [ + "セフト", + -16.78863525390625 + ], + [ + "};|", + -22.833768844604492 + ], + [ + "アーレ", + -16.56664276123047 + ], + [ + "シグナス", + -17.387210845947266 + ], + [ + "サムエル", + -16.82372283935547 + ], + [ + "OHV", + -16.875505447387695 + ], + [ + "十七", + -14.554600715637209 + ], + [ + "トロツキー", + -17.35711669921875 + ], + [ + "PANTS", + -17.290836334228516 + ], + [ + "akahashi", + -18.453575134277344 + ], + [ + "志堅", + -16.768125534057617 + ], + [ + "出し抜", + -18.34258079528809 + ], + [ + "デスラー", + -17.29759407043457 + ], + [ + "ょうじ", + -17.25248146057129 + ], + [ + "ビブレ", + -17.03257179260254 + ], + [ + "ちほう", + -16.507902145385742 + ], + [ + "Rico", + -16.530574798583984 + ], + [ + "Dong", + -16.211454391479492 + ], + [ + "オレイン", + -17.949426651000977 + ], + [ + "キスカ", + -17.154253005981445 + ], + [ + " |:", + -19.5294246673584 + ], + [ + "amon", + -14.760650634765623 + ], + [ + "オジー", + -16.675966262817383 + ], + [ + "傾げ", + -19.47933006286621 + ], + [ + "iroshima", + -17.061656951904297 + ], + [ + "KU", + -19.297739028930664 + ], + [ + "ゲラー", + -16.944875717163086 + ], + [ + "JTBC", + -16.07765007019043 + ], + [ + ";;;;", + -18.541948318481445 + ], + [ + "畑山", + -16.722131729125977 + ], + [ + "浮き出", + -18.477874755859375 + ], + [ + "共益", + -18.1241455078125 + ], + [ + "モルツ", + -17.28165054321289 + ], + [ + "レイフ", + -16.752622604370117 + ], + [ + "唐木", + -16.96933364868164 + ], + [ + "ブーフ", + -17.11008644104004 + ], + [ + "雑司", + -17.260530471801758 + ], + [ + "GRI", + -15.655924797058104 + ], + [ + "ヴィート", + -16.578777313232422 + ], + [ + "グラブル", + -18.84109687805176 + ], + [ + "SSN", + -15.874869346618652 + ], + [ + "サヴォ", + -16.874053955078125 + ], + [ + "REB", + -14.742714881896973 + ], + [ + "FMW", + -16.305992126464844 + ], + [ + "ピタゴラス", + -16.463598251342773 + ], + [ + "Nacional", + -17.726308822631836 + ], + [ + "tomorrow", + -16.927278518676758 + ], + [ + "Éditions", + -17.65557861328125 + ], + [ + "POLICE", + -15.695478439331056 + ], + [ + "ノモンハン", + -17.2391300201416 + ], + [ + "サンタンデール", + -16.391847610473633 + ], + [ + "こびりつ", + -19.178070068359375 + ], + [ + "ガールズケイリン", + -16.69190788269043 + ], + [ + "ヒカリエ", + -17.789974212646484 + ], + [ + "Nikola", + -16.13738250732422 + ], + [ + "コンキスタドール", + -16.611112594604492 + ], + [ + "VERworld", + -16.583534240722656 + ], + [ + "Apollo", + -16.102386474609375 + ], + [ + "BANDAI", + -17.074047088623047 + ], + [ + "サピエンス", + -17.36483383178711 + ], + [ + "スループット", + -18.103883743286133 + ], + [ + "ボリバル", + -16.8917236328125 + ], + [ + "Finance", + -16.385988235473633 + ], + [ + "ブロッキング", + -17.37313461303711 + ], + [ + "シネマジック", + -15.920461654663086 + ], + [ + "Corps", + -16.2371883392334 + ], + [ + "スパンコール", + -17.964824676513672 + ], + [ + "ドーナッツ", + -17.040325164794922 + ], + [ + "ネックウォーマー", + -19.35951805114746 + ], + [ + "ボーボボ", + -16.82915687561035 + ], + [ + "シレン", + -16.970191955566406 + ], + [ + "わらじ", + -17.806922912597656 + ], + [ + "NADH", + -16.160343170166016 + ], + [ + "YO", + -18.92449378967285 + ], + [ + "アバルト", + -17.238380432128906 + ], + [ + "ジーパン", + -18.2263240814209 + ], + [ + "パヴロ", + -17.387924194335938 + ], + [ + "ネェ", + -18.49650001525879 + ], + [ + "! ", + -15.313307762145996 + ], + [ + "リブラ", + -17.20325469970703 + ], + [ + "Knights", + -16.039701461791992 + ], + [ + "Nach", + -16.56370735168457 + ], + [ + "Nik", + -15.975345611572266 + ], + [ + "zoo", + -14.672222137451172 + ], + [ + "打ち倒", + -18.045726776123047 + ], + [ + "アブラナ", + -16.735023498535156 + ], + [ + "サーチライト", + -16.827356338500977 + ], + [ + "Yan", + -15.62497615814209 + ], + [ + "東邦大学", + -16.26603126525879 + ], + [ + "甲佐", + -17.153827667236328 + ], + [ + "CHAMPION", + -16.100643157958984 + ], + [ + "vocals", + -15.397384643554688 + ], + [ + "ゲートウェイ", + -16.443342208862305 + ], + [ + "ブレゲ", + -17.8203182220459 + ], + [ + "キョンシー", + -16.59004783630371 + ], + [ + "ケンミン", + -16.815872192382812 + ], + [ + "ツヨ", + -17.68004035949707 + ], + [ + "el", + -19.42062759399414 + ], + [ + "Uz", + -15.423255920410156 + ], + [ + "Vv", + -17.234298706054688 + ], + [ + "カンテラ", + -17.62676239013672 + ], + [ + "Wash", + -16.570070266723633 + ], + [ + "ジェノア", + -16.29340171813965 + ], + [ + "ガイスト", + -16.365009307861328 + ], + [ + "ダナン", + -16.687950134277344 + ], + [ + "キリング", + -16.395727157592773 + ], + [ + "タクミ", + -16.591245651245117 + ], + [ + "ヴェイン", + -17.051145553588867 + ], + [ + "shun", + -15.246159553527832 + ], + [ + "マイヨ", + -16.853431701660156 + ], + [ + "TEK", + -15.00381088256836 + ], + [ + "Nut", + -16.350370407104492 + ], + [ + "ペンチ", + -17.664283752441406 + ], + [ + "Seasons", + -14.0437593460083 + ], + [ + "UYA", + -16.31829833984375 + ], + [ + "メッセージング", + -17.92487907409668 + ], + [ + "リュクス", + -18.538619995117188 + ], + [ + "アクス", + -16.85358428955078 + ], + [ + "ジュンギ", + -18.06439971923828 + ], + [ + "Gov", + -15.646232604980469 + ], + [ + "結べ", + -18.866783142089844 + ], + [ + "向き合え", + -19.704864501953125 + ], + [ + "Till", + -15.587849617004396 + ], + [ + "ニオス", + -17.32363510131836 + ], + [ + "スゲー", + -19.13456916809082 + ], + [ + "MAKER", + -15.732345581054688 + ], + [ + "VBA", + -15.692472457885742 + ], + [ + "タイド", + -16.886554718017578 + ], + [ + "コヴェントリー", + -16.484012603759766 + ], + [ + "*^_^*)", + -19.5692195892334 + ], + [ + "ANOTHER", + -15.81755542755127 + ], + [ + "AVENUE", + -17.6102294921875 + ], + [ + "アスピリン", + -18.003250122070312 + ], + [ + "ゴスペラーズ", + -16.117874145507812 + ], + [ + "サラエボ", + -17.21678924560547 + ], + [ + "タイムボカン", + -16.51358413696289 + ], + [ + "バウムクーヘン", + -17.995859146118164 + ], + [ + "ボードゥアン", + -17.597835540771484 + ], + [ + "レミオロメン", + -16.512897491455078 + ], + [ + "勧修寺", + -16.66777229309082 + ], + [ + "アーガイル", + -17.017696380615234 + ], + [ + "エルナンデス", + -16.976730346679688 + ], + [ + "ヤドカリ", + -17.355405807495117 + ], + [ + "ライプニッツ", + -16.841978073120117 + ], + [ + "とりとめ", + -18.356769561767575 + ], + [ + "グノーシス", + -16.759199142456055 + ], + [ + "ヘロイン", + -17.66004180908203 + ], + [ + "エタニティ", + -17.540512084960938 + ], + [ + "スティングレー", + -18.439666748046875 + ], + [ + "サブマシンガン", + -16.557689666748047 + ], + [ + "こうもり", + -16.783126831054688 + ], + [ + "普賢", + -16.66219139099121 + ], + [ + "けしかけ", + -18.288379669189453 + ], + [ + "メロドラマ", + -17.172924041748047 + ], + [ + "スカパラダイスオ", + -16.295156478881836 + ], + [ + "ヘンゼル", + -16.89553451538086 + ], + [ + "NISMO", + -17.31528663635254 + ], + [ + "三段跳", + -16.618200302124023 + ], + [ + "Campus", + -16.652441024780273 + ], + [ + "飛び抜け", + -18.730899810791016 + ], + [ + "拾い上げ", + -18.53728675842285 + ], + [ + "スタニスラフ", + -16.412927627563477 + ], + [ + "切り詰め", + -18.404516220092773 + ], + [ + "ココマーク", + -19.60531234741211 + ], + [ + "トータス", + -16.184720993041992 + ], + [ + "マモル", + -16.658071517944336 + ], + [ + "ゴールドカップ", + -16.012920379638672 + ], + [ + "ディージャ", + -19.21978187561035 + ], + [ + "タッキー", + -16.56990623474121 + ], + [ + "ソーラン", + -16.663497924804688 + ], + [ + "RSR", + -15.153443336486816 + ], + [ + "ネッド", + -16.645883560180664 + ], + [ + "ightmare", + -17.00193214416504 + ], + [ + "尾羽", + -17.566707611083984 + ], + [ + "rtation", + -17.175378799438477 + ], + [ + "マープル", + -16.91558265686035 + ], + [ + "ウェルシュ", + -16.63821029663086 + ], + [ + "HEI", + -15.956708908081056 + ], + [ + "言い当て", + -18.542259216308594 + ], + [ + "EFL", + -15.83406925201416 + ], + [ + "WAI", + -16.211261749267578 + ], + [ + "デスクトップ", + -15.215849876403809 + ], + [ + "ヒハイム", + -17.47343635559082 + ], + [ + "サントリーホール", + -17.50272560119629 + ], + [ + "ARMS", + -15.72628116607666 + ], + [ + "UHB", + -16.652902603149414 + ], + [ + "アポイント", + -18.660009384155273 + ], + [ + "EPG", + -16.38727378845215 + ], + [ + "イントゥ", + -16.751602172851562 + ], + [ + "ITH", + -15.228432655334473 + ], + [ + "Kap", + -16.2945556640625 + ], + [ + "フェリシア", + -16.660200119018555 + ], + [ + "ボーク", + -17.335479736328125 + ], + [ + "ぐず", + -19.21575355529785 + ], + [ + "ガレリア", + -17.553390502929688 + ], + [ + "Cream", + -16.53910255432129 + ], + [ + "レッチェ", + -16.10012435913086 + ], + [ + "千枝", + -16.486854553222656 + ], + [ + "~~~~~", + -19.86313247680664 + ], + [ + "西郡", + -16.146862030029297 + ], + [ + "リアーニ", + -16.999977111816406 + ], + [ + "江里", + -16.23862075805664 + ], + [ + "aL", + -15.583049774169922 + ], + [ + "トーア", + -17.06093406677246 + ], + [ + "BIC", + -14.520869255065918 + ], + [ + "ハレー", + -17.213741302490234 + ], + [ + "ぉぉぉ", + -19.803157806396484 + ], + [ + "idea", + -14.407181739807127 + ], + [ + "sh", + -19.371479034423828 + ], + [ + "押さえ込", + -17.901334762573242 + ], + [ + "Krist", + -16.030378341674805 + ], + [ + "マルメ", + -16.28310203552246 + ], + [ + "ハイメ", + -16.901626586914062 + ], + [ + "Oliver", + -15.93202304840088 + ], + [ + "インダストリー", + -16.65196990966797 + ], + [ + "都県", + -16.846038818359375 + ], + [ + "ジワ", + -17.94449234008789 + ], + [ + "クエスチョン", + -16.994308471679688 + ], + [ + "aculty", + -16.575170516967773 + ], + [ + "emocracy", + -16.357925415039062 + ], + [ + "Leopard", + -17.053987503051758 + ], + [ + "にじみ出", + -18.905942916870117 + ], + [ + "ゲルググ", + -16.82965850830078 + ], + [ + "ゴシゴシ", + -19.075706481933594 + ], + [ + "スタニスワフ", + -17.199535369873047 + ], + [ + "トライアンフ", + -17.403017044067383 + ], + [ + "バヌアツ", + -16.775074005126953 + ], + [ + "ラハイナ", + -16.28270149230957 + ], + [ + "京都市立芸術大", + -16.336767196655273 + ], + [ + "ビーダマン", + -16.5498046875 + ], + [ + "スポークスマン", + -17.694183349609375 + ], + [ + "あたため", + -17.655248641967773 + ], + [ + "びだせ", + -16.671045303344727 + ], + [ + "イキイキ", + -18.582597732543945 + ], + [ + "新華社", + -18.049100875854492 + ], + [ + "Splash", + -14.76085376739502 + ], + [ + "JAL", + -20.42782974243164 + ], + [ + "ウェスティング", + -17.410598754882812 + ], + [ + "コミューター", + -16.92005729675293 + ], + [ + "ソーイング", + -17.631187438964844 + ], + [ + "FIGHTING", + -15.902209281921388 + ], + [ + "初秋", + -17.832561492919922 + ], + [ + "五ヶ瀬", + -16.933744430541992 + ], + [ + "オハネ", + -16.940044403076172 + ], + [ + "ツベルク", + -17.140260696411133 + ], + [ + "Minister", + -15.865973472595217 + ], + [ + "ダドリー", + -17.056550979614258 + ], + [ + "ターバン", + -17.692790985107422 + ], + [ + "志帆", + -16.532194137573242 + ], + [ + "パペット", + -16.395967483520508 + ], + [ + "Xeon", + -15.79910373687744 + ], + [ + "ベルトルト", + -17.777721405029297 + ], + [ + "テーラード", + -18.98579978942871 + ], + [ + "アップリケ", + -18.812192916870117 + ], + [ + "ヤロスラフ", + -16.99159812927246 + ], + [ + "カルダン", + -17.60045051574707 + ], + [ + "ドリーマー", + -16.563753128051758 + ], + [ + "薮田", + -17.197763442993164 + ], + [ + "脂粉", + -18.16901969909668 + ], + [ + "シャカ", + -16.663467407226562 + ], + [ + "シリル", + -16.86294174194336 + ], + [ + "ファジー", + -17.663372039794922 + ], + [ + "ビジネスチャンス", + -18.66205596923828 + ], + [ + "Iv", + -13.722245216369627 + ], + [ + "カペー", + -16.333091735839844 + ], + [ + "Dome", + -16.10160255432129 + ], + [ + "!!!!!!", + -16.416805267333984 + ], + [ + "Tier", + -15.06049919128418 + ], + [ + "比丘", + -17.22376251220703 + ], + [ + "ウィナー", + -17.310932159423828 + ], + [ + "Jeans", + -16.207073211669922 + ], + [ + "パプア", + -16.58892822265625 + ], + [ + "カルスト", + -17.05002784729004 + ], + [ + "ツーマン", + -17.004343032836914 + ], + [ + "ジーグ", + -16.612590789794922 + ], + [ + "京都府立", + -15.041455268859863 + ], + [ + "佳世", + -16.747915267944336 + ], + [ + "laris", + -14.684844017028809 + ], + [ + "\.", + -19.313684463500977 + ], + [ + "Pilot", + -15.0460844039917 + ], + [ + "アヒ", + -20.566362380981445 + ], + [ + "切替え", + -18.626625061035156 + ], + [ + "ビウス", + -16.65915870666504 + ], + [ + "ジョス", + -16.670143127441406 + ], + [ + "母屋", + -17.926166534423828 + ], + [ + "DCC", + -14.76177215576172 + ], + [ + "やってこ", + -18.624399185180664 + ], + [ + "hg", + -14.005844116210938 + ], + [ + "ATCH", + -16.276155471801758 + ], + [ + "仁和", + -16.87824249267578 + ], + [ + "エルガー", + -16.791568756103516 + ], + [ + "tetsu", + -15.502934455871582 + ], + [ + "ボウシ", + -16.68027114868164 + ], + [ + "aught", + -13.931166648864746 + ], + [ + "ノヴィチ", + -17.22208595275879 + ], + [ + "fection", + -15.753856658935549 + ], + [ + "udy", + -15.597668647766112 + ], + [ + "サイロ", + -17.106826782226562 + ], + [ + "ぴゅ", + -17.791624069213867 + ], + [ + "エスピー", + -16.64691734313965 + ], + [ + "NQ", + -14.716004371643066 + ], + [ + "悠紀", + -16.91489028930664 + ], + [ + "買い入れ", + -18.70525550842285 + ], + [ + "rma", + -13.928755760192873 + ], + [ + "gari", + -15.02420425415039 + ], + [ + "RC", + -19.343318939208984 + ], + [ + "PEOPLE", + -17.116737365722656 + ], + [ + "PUFFY", + -16.024030685424805 + ], + [ + "キッコーマン", + -16.587236404418945 + ], + [ + "クィントゥス", + -17.030986785888672 + ], + [ + "トイプードル", + -18.00838851928711 + ], + [ + "ファクシミリ", + -17.3529052734375 + ], + [ + "沖永良部", + -17.079172134399414 + ], + [ + "研ぎ澄ま", + -18.80454444885254 + ], + [ + "アジェンダ", + -17.547382354736328 + ], + [ + "桟敷", + -17.289901733398438 + ], + [ + "Pioneer", + -16.558948516845703 + ], + [ + "rgentina", + -15.736041069030762 + ], + [ + "Craig", + -15.913451194763184 + ], + [ + "捨五", + -17.83763885498047 + ], + [ + "なにげな", + -18.90605926513672 + ], + [ + "クーリングオフ", + -17.87360382080078 + ], + [ + "おとうさん", + -16.64522933959961 + ], + [ + "ZEPP", + -17.099853515625 + ], + [ + "パクパク", + -17.801292419433594 + ], + [ + "シアタークリエ", + -16.882665634155273 + ], + [ + "GUILT", + -16.00265121459961 + ], + [ + "門前仲", + -17.791122436523438 + ], + [ + "みちお", + -16.55248260498047 + ], + [ + "ヒヨコ", + -17.10781478881836 + ], + [ + "Smoke", + -15.31539535522461 + ], + [ + "インディペンデン", + -16.187978744506836 + ], + [ + "詣で", + -17.9486141204834 + ], + [ + "畜生", + -18.084396362304688 + ], + [ + "法印", + -17.055339813232422 + ], + [ + "おこっ", + -19.493228912353516 + ], + [ + "ラヴェ", + -16.78291893005371 + ], + [ + "ヒューゴー", + -16.45650863647461 + ], + [ + "ユキヒ", + -17.306243896484375 + ], + [ + "ううん", + -17.89133071899414 + ], + [ + "潮騒", + -16.320453643798828 + ], + [ + "カッサ", + -16.629390716552734 + ], + [ + "ちづ", + -16.4207706451416 + ], + [ + "シンプソンズ", + -16.72300910949707 + ], + [ + "Winner", + -14.876888275146484 + ], + [ + "Citri", + -17.49846839904785 + ], + [ + "レーダ", + -16.77008819580078 + ], + [ + "酔いしれ", + -18.851560592651367 + ], + [ + "千日前", + -16.374269485473633 + ], + [ + "身延山", + -16.88250160217285 + ], + [ + "Papers", + -17.239906311035156 + ], + [ + "MARY", + -14.27592658996582 + ], + [ + "NOBU", + -16.614131927490234 + ], + [ + "プリクラ", + -17.979726791381836 + ], + [ + "飼え", + -19.361671447753903 + ], + [ + "SHOOT", + -15.74632167816162 + ], + [ + "小磯", + -16.936250686645508 + ], + [ + "Birds", + -15.839372634887695 + ], + [ + "カカシ", + -17.253665924072266 + ], + [ + "欽明", + -17.05609130859375 + ], + [ + "ブラッグ", + -17.298410415649414 + ], + [ + "kita", + -14.951825141906738 + ], + [ + "パワーボム", + -16.126176834106445 + ], + [ + "Falls", + -17.41138458251953 + ], + [ + "手工業", + -17.77918815612793 + ], + [ + "アンジー", + -16.635295867919922 + ], + [ + "Seiko", + -15.830365180969238 + ], + [ + "wish", + -14.86562156677246 + ], + [ + "オラフ", + -17.345115661621094 + ], + [ + "西堀", + -17.013269424438477 + ], + [ + "onal", + -15.030969619750977 + ], + [ + "ヤスリ", + -17.940908432006836 + ], + [ + "amaguchi", + -15.505620002746582 + ], + [ + "先遣", + -17.987659454345703 + ], + [ + "トンイ", + -17.917890548706055 + ], + [ + "ルト", + -19.294588088989254 + ], + [ + "スパークス", + -16.02239990234375 + ], + [ + "DFB", + -14.534772872924805 + ], + [ + "Colle", + -17.13881492614746 + ], + [ + "カミラ", + -16.925195693969727 + ], + [ + "アレー", + -16.900924682617188 + ], + [ + "イロハ", + -17.4494571685791 + ], + [ + "━━━┓", + -15.900320053100586 + ], + [ + "スコッツ", + -17.117321014404297 + ], + [ + "ウブド", + -18.59022331237793 + ], + [ + "リフター", + -17.591575622558594 + ], + [ + "法大", + -17.21354866027832 + ], + [ + "徳太郎", + -16.875591278076172 + ], + [ + "エッティ", + -17.033227920532227 + ], + [ + "BOU", + -15.468732833862305 + ], + [ + "ちいさ", + -17.358280181884766 + ], + [ + "II", + -18.970550537109375 + ], + [ + "肥や", + -19.143041610717773 + ], + [ + "すまい", + -16.541038513183594 + ], + [ + "MUJI", + -18.005857467651367 + ], + [ + "Mint", + -14.747589111328123 + ], + [ + "co", + -19.237056732177734 + ], + [ + "Julia", + -15.874996185302734 + ], + [ + " ⇒", + -18.969722747802734 + ], + [ + "ローファー", + -17.332740783691406 + ], + [ + "振りかけ", + -18.93955993652344 + ], + [ + "zb", + -13.968099594116213 + ], + [ + "学外", + -15.977760314941406 + ], + [ + "パッツ", + -18.515352249145508 + ], + [ + "揖", + -17.041711807250977 + ], + [ + "Carnival", + -16.87287712097168 + ], + [ + "RHYTHM", + -16.270530700683594 + ], + [ + "Rudolf", + -16.42462158203125 + ], + [ + "グナエウス", + -17.46349334716797 + ], + [ + "チェサピーク", + -17.277353286743164 + ], + [ + "ホラズム", + -17.48112678527832 + ], + [ + "ロカビリー", + -16.817230224609375 + ], + [ + "イマジネーション", + -17.303850173950195 + ], + [ + "メンドーサ", + -16.834754943847656 + ], + [ + "リフレクソロジー", + -17.932958602905273 + ], + [ + "具志川", + -16.989648818969727 + ], + [ + "CHEMIST", + -16.095617294311523 + ], + [ + "サイト", + -19.67605209350586 + ], + [ + "tribute", + -14.424796104431152 + ], + [ + "アクセラレータ", + -17.429349899291992 + ], + [ + "GARCON", + -16.485809326171875 + ], + [ + "Eddie", + -15.637724876403809 + ], + [ + "スレイマン", + -16.906654357910156 + ], + [ + "シロウト", + -17.427417755126953 + ], + [ + "タムタム", + -17.062728881835938 + ], + [ + "サンドビック", + -18.40667724609375 + ], + [ + "咲き乱れ", + -18.31094741821289 + ], + [ + "メリディアン", + -17.58650779724121 + ], + [ + "FMV", + -16.466115951538086 + ], + [ + "ネーミングライツ", + -17.07691764831543 + ], + [ + "アミロイド", + -17.56071662902832 + ], + [ + "オールマイティ", + -17.450252532958984 + ], + [ + "ユニチカ", + -16.465951919555664 + ], + [ + "ビビッド", + -17.503948211669922 + ], + [ + "マリーゴールド", + -17.20731544494629 + ], + [ + "クオータ", + -17.288400650024414 + ], + [ + "(´▽`)", + -19.592418670654297 + ], + [ + "\"}「", + -18.775238037109375 + ], + [ + "tegrated", + -16.291471481323242 + ], + [ + "Destin", + -16.441190719604492 + ], + [ + "ホールデン", + -16.80010414123535 + ], + [ + "書き込め", + -19.122465133666992 + ], + [ + "バスローブ", + -18.45275497436523 + ], + [ + "カインズ", + -16.64820098876953 + ], + [ + "hika", + -15.2145357131958 + ], + [ + "ディーニ", + -17.63726043701172 + ], + [ + "KRY", + -16.153282165527344 + ], + [ + "QW", + -15.101133346557615 + ], + [ + "レビドラ", + -19.969118118286133 + ], + [ + "kx", + -14.882010459899902 + ], + [ + "粟野", + -16.55866241455078 + ], + [ + "ネーションズ", + -16.656911849975586 + ], + [ + "レジーム", + -17.244070053100586 + ], + [ + "レスポール", + -17.394487380981445 + ], + [ + "キモイ", + -19.227249145507812 + ], + [ + "ヒスト", + -16.42498779296875 + ], + [ + "Diet", + -16.609657287597656 + ], + [ + "野放", + -19.51835060119629 + ], + [ + "Junk", + -14.899641036987305 + ], + [ + "キャッシュバック", + -17.42107582092285 + ], + [ + "梵天", + -16.81053352355957 + ], + [ + "ろくま", + -18.329439163208008 + ], + [ + "eiko", + -16.328065872192383 + ], + [ + "CYP", + -15.66565990447998 + ], + [ + "Singer", + -16.215890884399414 + ], + [ + "itto", + -15.050162315368652 + ], + [ + "フェラーラ", + -16.753559112548828 + ], + [ + "ひいき", + -18.00224494934082 + ], + [ + "吉里", + -16.997629165649414 + ], + [ + "デブリ", + -17.004220962524414 + ], + [ + "アッツ", + -17.461671829223633 + ], + [ + "ヨダレ", + -18.26880645751953 + ], + [ + "泉町", + -15.836370468139648 + ], + [ + "タンパ", + -16.586259841918945 + ], + [ + "コニア", + -16.821992874145508 + ], + [ + "テトラヒドロ", + -16.800905227661133 + ], + [ + "HO", + -18.29835319519043 + ], + [ + "レッサ", + -16.806007385253906 + ], + [ + "アモン", + -16.724403381347656 + ], + [ + "Tape", + -15.177165031433104 + ], + [ + "%;\"", + -15.613136291503906 + ], + [ + "コルム", + -16.75103187561035 + ], + [ + "ヴェルダン", + -18.30661392211914 + ], + [ + "ウルク", + -17.163177490234375 + ], + [ + "しゃも", + -17.63384437561035 + ], + [ + "iego", + -16.197444915771484 + ], + [ + "まるや", + -18.072507858276367 + ], + [ + "SFX", + -14.699036598205566 + ], + [ + "SixTONES", + -16.183584213256836 + ], + [ + "Miguel", + -16.222074508666992 + ], + [ + "アセチルコリン", + -18.03162956237793 + ], + [ + "セルヒオ", + -17.076702117919922 + ], + [ + "ハミガキ", + -17.94229507446289 + ], + [ + "懲らしめ", + -18.196624755859375 + ], + [ + "洗足学園", + -16.368391036987305 + ], + [ + "アクセシビリティ", + -16.679861068725586 + ], + [ + "Dynamite", + -16.60970687866211 + ], + [ + "Platinum", + -16.868989944458008 + ], + [ + "グアダラハラ", + -16.256988525390625 + ], + [ + "Gesell", + -18.147275924682617 + ], + [ + "MILLION", + -16.05817985534668 + ], + [ + "フジサンケイ", + -16.566856384277344 + ], + [ + "ニカイア", + -17.4521427154541 + ], + [ + "メットライフ", + -17.37473487854004 + ], + [ + "GARAGE", + -16.493518829345703 + ], + [ + "jQuery", + -15.1901216506958 + ], + [ + "ガントレット", + -16.9864559173584 + ], + [ + "ポーセリン", + -18.951066970825195 + ], + [ + "ブールバード", + -17.70201873779297 + ], + [ + "やかまし", + -17.713333129882812 + ], + [ + "ウィルバー", + -17.152437210083008 + ], + [ + "HA", + -18.811288833618164 + ], + [ + "コニャック", + -17.734806060791016 + ], + [ + "リトライ", + -18.095714569091797 + ], + [ + "ナザレ", + -16.868377685546875 + ], + [ + "まちがっ", + -17.770742416381836 + ], + [ + "テカリ", + -19.462560653686523 + ], + [ + "墓誌", + -17.100616455078125 + ], + [ + "不溶", + -18.370927810668945 + ], + [ + "猿投", + -16.801334381103516 + ], + [ + "NISHI", + -16.792274475097656 + ], + [ + "弘毅", + -16.456315994262695 + ], + [ + "歳時", + -15.167917251586914 + ], + [ + "スタッキング", + -18.123546600341797 + ], + [ + "rato", + -14.815714836120604 + ], + [ + "ハーデス", + -17.47896385192871 + ], + [ + "Hem", + -14.735136032104492 + ], + [ + "パンナム", + -16.556903839111328 + ], + [ + "バイナリー", + -17.109621047973633 + ], + [ + "基次郎", + -17.733842849731445 + ], + [ + "ウィドウ", + -16.82683563232422 + ], + [ + "IBJ", + -17.0386905670166 + ], + [ + "っさり", + -18.886510848999023 + ], + [ + "scens", + -15.630011558532717 + ], + [ + "シュヴィ", + -17.42881965637207 + ], + [ + "セイヴァー", + -17.06466293334961 + ], + [ + "ミカタ", + -16.637779235839844 + ], + [ + "ダスッ", + -16.428546905517578 + ], + [ + "GUMI", + -17.241554260253906 + ], + [ + "titude", + -14.354557991027832 + ], + [ + "肝属", + -16.9883975982666 + ], + [ + "MENS", + -17.51102638244629 + ], + [ + "DISCO", + -15.696440696716309 + ], + [ + "GEL", + -16.110124588012695 + ], + [ + "ソック", + -17.443561553955078 + ], + [ + "バルタ", + -16.840669631958008 + ], + [ + "タクマ", + -17.035295486450195 + ], + [ + "erta", + -14.763875961303713 + ], + [ + "Shoot", + -14.379476547241213 + ], + [ + "白峰", + -16.71579933166504 + ], + [ + "RNC", + -15.743953704833984 + ], + [ + "ロメロ", + -16.274940490722656 + ], + [ + "ブライス", + -16.276641845703125 + ], + [ + "MILK", + -16.315031051635742 + ], + [ + "::|", + -22.340801239013672 + ], + [ + "インゲ", + -17.070392608642578 + ], + [ + "苛め", + -18.361574172973633 + ], + [ + "Nest", + -15.0308198928833 + ], + [ + "(^▽^", + -19.955049514770508 + ], + [ + "thor", + -15.004890441894531 + ], + [ + "よくば", + -18.04936408996582 + ], + [ + "RADI", + -14.822248458862305 + ], + [ + "ANTE", + -15.771185874938965 + ], + [ + "オーリ", + -16.739397048950195 + ], + [ + "所懸", + -18.61789321899414 + ], + [ + "nach", + -14.879643440246582 + ], + [ + "Fried", + -16.14996910095215 + ], + [ + "しりつ", + -14.20085334777832 + ], + [ + "下らな", + -19.002744674682617 + ], + [ + "・*:.。.", + -20.194351196289062 + ], + [ + "WGP", + -16.695484161376953 + ], + [ + "!〜』", + -17.212263107299805 + ], + [ + "runk", + -15.196849822998049 + ], + [ + "フリーマン", + -16.14082145690918 + ], + [ + "Fuku", + -17.36312484741211 + ], + [ + "喜寿", + -18.128114700317383 + ], + [ + "HI", + -18.298664093017575 + ], + [ + "island", + -14.960253715515137 + ], + [ + "Queens", + -15.478265762329102 + ], + [ + "nd", + -19.3443660736084 + ], + [ + "ボーム", + -17.28420066833496 + ], + [ + "Hof", + -16.815898895263672 + ], + [ + "chez", + -15.375439643859863 + ], + [ + "Lieb", + -17.14529037475586 + ], + [ + "キャナルシティ", + -17.03999137878418 + ], + [ + "クルゼイロ", + -15.81529140472412 + ], + [ + "ヤングガンガン", + -16.21327018737793 + ], + [ + "差し控え", + -18.983585357666016 + ], + [ + "紀尾井", + -17.06578826904297 + ], + [ + "サファヴィー", + -17.310789108276367 + ], + [ + "ヘルナンデス", + -16.70692253112793 + ], + [ + "ロフトプラスワン", + -16.952810287475586 + ], + [ + "ヤキソバ", + -18.512836456298828 + ], + [ + "プルタルコ", + -16.9647216796875 + ], + [ + "Felix", + -16.480161666870117 + ], + [ + "ウォリック", + -16.729122161865234 + ], + [ + "Ridge", + -16.871509552001953 + ], + [ + "アンジェリーナ", + -16.895591735839844 + ], + [ + "ヴァレンタイン", + -16.81924057006836 + ], + [ + "アビゲイル", + -17.228872299194336 + ], + [ + "カサンドラ", + -16.990169525146484 + ], + [ + "ZIPANG", + -17.013700485229492 + ], + [ + "YORK", + -15.446101188659668 + ], + [ + "eesaa", + -17.8514404296875 + ], + [ + "ワニマガジン", + -16.602109909057617 + ], + [ + "ノーザンファーム", + -17.257291793823242 + ], + [ + "コルカタ", + -16.711875915527344 + ], + [ + "メトロポリス", + -16.68545150756836 + ], + [ + "事足り", + -19.421920776367188 + ], + [ + "ピリジン", + -16.42421531677246 + ], + [ + "オンオフ", + -18.667062759399418 + ], + [ + "ぽっぽ", + -17.29205894470215 + ], + [ + "セレブレーション", + -17.040456771850586 + ], + [ + "レーモン", + -17.598129272460938 + ], + [ + "磯辺", + -16.599098205566406 + ], + [ + "テッサ", + -16.7985897064209 + ], + [ + "ヴィスタ", + -16.741291046142578 + ], + [ + "大畠", + -17.137624740600586 + ], + [ + "邑久", + -16.96328353881836 + ], + [ + "フリス", + -16.822261810302734 + ], + [ + "ロドス", + -16.83761978149414 + ], + [ + "jn", + -14.566031455993652 + ], + [ + "Sylv", + -14.939741134643556 + ], + [ + "よろしかっ", + -18.706523895263672 + ], + [ + "ベアード", + -16.948257446289062 + ], + [ + "ユリカ", + -16.741954803466797 + ], + [ + "三田村", + -15.900032997131348 + ], + [ + "イメージダウン", + -19.346027374267575 + ], + [ + "Nathan", + -15.971835136413574 + ], + [ + "]>>", + -15.947118759155272 + ], + [ + "arat", + -14.494972229003906 + ], + [ + "VCD", + -15.83175563812256 + ], + [ + "iemo", + -18.5974178314209 + ], + [ + "ブレダ", + -16.479272842407227 + ], + [ + "aughter", + -15.447687149047852 + ], + [ + "avier", + -15.634394645690918 + ], + [ + "美弥", + -16.639251708984375 + ], + [ + "キッチ", + -17.027463912963867 + ], + [ + "iet", + -14.627596855163574 + ], + [ + "Docker", + -16.077171325683594 + ], + [ + "テロール", + -18.447668075561523 + ], + [ + "雲上", + -16.592336654663086 + ], + [ + "Officer", + -16.114858627319336 + ], + [ + "グランツ", + -16.832035064697266 + ], + [ + "ほけん", + -16.954275131225586 + ], + [ + "♪☆", + -19.392667770385746 + ], + [ + "ll", + -19.022363662719727 + ], + [ + "被官", + -17.770891189575195 + ], + [ + "Colin", + -16.12165069580078 + ], + [ + "ボーラー", + -17.34217071533203 + ], + [ + "goda", + -15.673521995544434 + ], + [ + "クランチ", + -17.305496215820312 + ], + [ + "どまり", + -17.6803035736084 + ], + [ + "AMERICAN", + -15.765063285827637 + ], + [ + "Univ", + -16.59211540222168 + ], + [ + "グルン", + -17.499216079711914 + ], + [ + "eiji", + -16.3746280670166 + ], + [ + "GOAL", + -15.486250877380373 + ], + [ + "笹山", + -16.545692443847656 + ], + [ + "Blow", + -15.985121726989746 + ], + [ + ":!", + -18.176668167114254 + ], + [ + "icha", + -14.784276962280272 + ], + [ + "ecurity", + -19.846967697143555 + ], + [ + "MPA", + -15.069842338562012 + ], + [ + "XW", + -15.505681991577148 + ], + [ + "ommended", + -15.850438117980955 + ], + [ + "アドバン", + -17.43862533569336 + ], + [ + "軽米", + -17.03583526611328 + ], + [ + " ⌒", + -19.16813850402832 + ], + [ + "Tetra", + -15.512873649597168 + ], + [ + "てくれ", + -13.74436378479004 + ], + [ + "サンスポ", + -17.216087341308594 + ], + [ + "  ̄", + -18.89260482788086 + ], + [ + "ラプター", + -16.835285186767578 + ], + [ + "DQM", + -15.883591651916504 + ], + [ + "Schwarz", + -15.996771812438965 + ], + [ + "Nicholas", + -15.990880966186523 + ], + [ + "ブロマイド", + -17.83295440673828 + ], + [ + "ホカホカ", + -19.10660171508789 + ], + [ + "ロイヤリティ", + -17.811885833740234 + ], + [ + "ヴィシュヌ", + -17.097829818725586 + ], + [ + "茶碗蒸", + -18.33642578125 + ], + [ + "アンジェリーク", + -16.450891494750977 + ], + [ + "◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇", + -21.074195861816406 + ], + [ + "ヘロドト", + -17.497264862060547 + ], + [ + "ロジクール", + -18.61976432800293 + ], + [ + "Eduard", + -16.5808162689209 + ], + [ + "オラニエ", + -16.906673431396484 + ], + [ + "ムジーク", + -17.419477462768555 + ], + [ + "DAZN", + -16.592670440673828 + ], + [ + "サンダーボルト", + -16.523225784301758 + ], + [ + "ケンタウロス", + -16.613510131835938 + ], + [ + "プロシージャ", + -17.894500732421875 + ], + [ + "ウッドストック", + -17.174596786499023 + ], + [ + "牧羊", + -16.968238830566406 + ], + [ + "げきじょう", + -17.401845932006836 + ], + [ + "イグアナ", + -16.980905532836914 + ], + [ + "バーナム", + -17.459758758544922 + ], + [ + "マライア", + -16.727807998657227 + ], + [ + "\"}【", + -19.50114631652832 + ], + [ + "西京極", + -17.323720932006836 + ], + [ + " ̄;)", + -19.54071044921875 + ], + [ + "Scream", + -16.353111267089844 + ], + [ + "FIDO", + -16.323688507080078 + ], + [ + "ヴェネチア", + -17.51544189453125 + ], + [ + "スキャット", + -16.879016876220703 + ], + [ + "炒り", + -18.74909019470215 + ], + [ + "ニューエイジ", + -16.02760887145996 + ], + [ + "塔婆", + -17.012226104736328 + ], + [ + "ジュリアーノ", + -16.75263786315918 + ], + [ + "旭丘", + -16.30800437927246 + ], + [ + "ビデオゲーム", + -15.368366241455078 + ], + [ + "げんじ", + -16.991069793701172 + ], + [ + "WALL", + -14.457900047302246 + ], + [ + "Chicken", + -16.249311447143555 + ], + [ + "切り下げ", + -18.64432144165039 + ], + [ + "ブレードランナ", + -17.785594940185547 + ], + [ + "Movies", + -16.470760345458984 + ], + [ + "スパイカー", + -16.889631271362305 + ], + [ + "Opening", + -15.108692169189451 + ], + [ + "songs", + -15.84648895263672 + ], + [ + "エイジア", + -16.4317569732666 + ], + [ + "IVS", + -15.859415054321287 + ], + [ + "PSYCHO", + -15.99225616455078 + ], + [ + "プリム", + -16.364160537719727 + ], + [ + "mam", + -15.0098876953125 + ], + [ + "OJT", + -19.080175399780273 + ], + [ + "ステーツ", + -16.724773406982422 + ], + [ + "inect", + -15.609238624572754 + ], + [ + "kiko", + -15.346200942993164 + ], + [ + "GENE", + -15.107446670532228 + ], + [ + "kak", + -15.86362361907959 + ], + [ + "ritten", + -16.008634567260742 + ], + [ + "Parker", + -16.305133819580078 + ], + [ + "レンドルフ", + -17.176727294921875 + ], + [ + "DPC", + -14.952048301696776 + ], + [ + "ヘロ", + -17.22484016418457 + ], + [ + "hata", + -15.659761428833008 + ], + [ + "ラルク", + -17.83738899230957 + ], + [ + "Josh", + -15.531105041503906 + ], + [ + "みなぎ", + -17.589038848876953 + ], + [ + "MGB", + -16.78429412841797 + ], + [ + " ∧", + -19.330522537231445 + ], + [ + "*(", + -19.741207122802734 + ], + [ + "ycom", + -16.788719177246094 + ], + [ + "Configur", + -14.822792053222656 + ], + [ + "きさら", + -16.254791259765625 + ], + [ + "ンフ", + -19.2623233795166 + ], + [ + "ガヴァ", + -16.765377044677734 + ], + [ + "MIA", + -15.76179027557373 + ], + [ + "にらめ", + -18.121559143066406 + ], + [ + "beach", + -16.152835845947266 + ], + [ + "デイビー", + -17.0245304107666 + ], + [ + "無作為", + -17.66730308532715 + ], + [ + "RRY", + -15.96088981628418 + ], + [ + "Frei", + -16.722816467285156 + ], + [ + "rinceton", + -17.006628036499023 + ], + [ + "ティグレ", + -16.621929168701172 + ], + [ + "じゃじゃ", + -16.511438369750977 + ], + [ + "apt", + -13.74427318572998 + ], + [ + "乙種", + -16.86318588256836 + ], + [ + "オペレーションズ", + -16.621826171875 + ], + [ + "ムーチョ", + -17.244396209716797 + ], + [ + "削り取", + -18.46282958984375 + ], + [ + "/::", + -21.593603134155273 + ], + [ + "ferences", + -15.07577419281006 + ], + [ + "Emotion", + -15.959500312805176 + ], + [ + "ollowers", + -17.399192810058594 + ], + [ + "Sweat", + -17.48225212097168 + ], + [ + "アブハジア", + -16.968547821044922 + ], + [ + "アンモナイト", + -17.12979507446289 + ], + [ + "スザンナ", + -16.867338180541992 + ], + [ + "バカバカし", + -18.912771224975582 + ], + [ + "プレアデス", + -17.313861846923828 + ], + [ + "ゴスロリ", + -17.617298126220703 + ], + [ + "ORICON", + -17.2431697845459 + ], + [ + "引き留め", + -18.459487915039062 + ], + [ + "キャビテーション", + -18.333038330078125 + ], + [ + "大利根", + -16.719327926635742 + ], + [ + "ハンブルガー", + -16.434274673461914 + ], + [ + "Julius", + -16.63218116760254 + ], + [ + "盲腸", + -17.62238883972168 + ], + [ + "ヤンデレ", + -17.516559600830078 + ], + [ + "グッタリ", + -19.820301055908203 + ], + [ + "Miami", + -15.613988876342772 + ], + [ + "ブレンボ", + -17.151626586914062 + ], + [ + "オコナー", + -16.845134735107422 + ], + [ + "ヤラセ", + -18.785350799560547 + ], + [ + "粟倉", + -17.55141830444336 + ], + [ + "navy", + -15.879339218139648 + ], + [ + "突飛", + -18.38905906677246 + ], + [ + "メゾネット", + -18.751541137695312 + ], + [ + "ロングヘアー", + -17.427309036254883 + ], + [ + "オートマティック", + -18.468982696533203 + ], + [ + "ミユキ", + -16.647899627685547 + ], + [ + "starter", + -15.607489585876465 + ], + [ + "++>>", + -19.998729705810547 + ], + [ + "かわゆ", + -20.002626419067383 + ], + [ + "プレザント", + -16.960514068603516 + ], + [ + "ゴラク", + -16.480846405029297 + ], + [ + "キンチョウ", + -16.323610305786133 + ], + [ + "__,", + -11.889326095581056 + ], + [ + "北松浦", + -16.51643943786621 + ], + [ + "飾り付け", + -18.12459945678711 + ], + [ + "プライマリー", + -17.403846740722656 + ], + [ + "Oriental", + -16.018142700195312 + ], + [ + "ロッティ", + -17.311962127685547 + ], + [ + "いちじ", + -17.68638038635254 + ], + [ + "ilestone", + -15.88205623626709 + ], + [ + "こづか", + -17.719106674194336 + ], + [ + "ブラウニー", + -17.203433990478516 + ], + [ + "YOS", + -16.404996871948242 + ], + [ + "怖じ", + -18.2226505279541 + ], + [ + "浅黒", + -18.222631454467773 + ], + [ + "iDA", + -19.21255874633789 + ], + [ + "厳原", + -16.839439392089844 + ], + [ + "ランバン", + -18.226917266845703 + ], + [ + "青砥", + -17.20419692993164 + ], + [ + "基督", + -16.492658615112305 + ], + [ + "♪※", + -19.76654052734375 + ], + [ + "なだれ込", + -18.982919692993164 + ], + [ + "ホッジ", + -16.421768188476562 + ], + [ + "早希", + -16.526565551757812 + ], + [ + "HAMA", + -16.69541358947754 + ], + [ + "伊吹山", + -17.429384231567383 + ], + [ + "オンリーワン", + -17.766508102416992 + ], + [ + "すれば", + -13.90231990814209 + ], + [ + "Canal", + -16.0181884765625 + ], + [ + "KE", + -19.04610824584961 + ], + [ + "FUNK", + -16.469690322875977 + ], + [ + "鷹野", + -17.041765213012695 + ], + [ + "HIB", + -14.469642639160156 + ], + [ + "言い出せ", + -18.274877548217773 + ], + [ + "ディズム", + -17.09185791015625 + ], + [ + "ょこ", + -17.93821907043457 + ], + [ + "Meyer", + -16.62592315673828 + ], + [ + "山桜", + -17.375404357910156 + ], + [ + "XU", + -15.544540405273438 + ], + [ + "もたつ", + -19.00335121154785 + ], + [ + "マイアー", + -17.171052932739258 + ], + [ + "尚文", + -17.313669204711914 + ], + [ + "アルディ", + -16.95615005493164 + ], + [ + "こうや", + -16.377044677734375 + ], + [ + "櫛田", + -16.891157150268555 + ], + [ + "トライブ", + -16.208393096923828 + ], + [ + "キッツ", + -17.155189514160156 + ], + [ + "HIN", + -15.4221830368042 + ], + [ + "MDR", + -15.350099563598633 + ], + [ + "shiki", + -16.0145206451416 + ], + [ + "ギャルゲー", + -15.949671745300291 + ], + [ + "ピジョン", + -16.932653427124023 + ], + [ + "STARDUST", + -16.431367874145508 + ], + [ + "アフォンソ", + -17.32707977294922 + ], + [ + "アブノーマル", + -17.61237335205078 + ], + [ + "エトセトラ", + -17.1965274810791 + ], + [ + "フライドポテト", + -17.69389533996582 + ], + [ + "ミヤギテレビ", + -16.435224533081055 + ], + [ + "モンパルナス", + -17.397314071655273 + ], + [ + "波佐見", + -16.728107452392578 + ], + [ + "インポッシブル", + -16.621793746948242 + ], + [ + "ケンジントン", + -17.00984764099121 + ], + [ + "スベスベ", + -18.890647888183594 + ], + [ + "aquos", + -19.56659889221191 + ], + [ + "こき使", + -18.01150894165039 + ], + [ + "ナフタレン", + -17.070213317871094 + ], + [ + "Fleet", + -15.513726234436035 + ], + [ + "マジョラム", + -19.10253143310547 + ], + [ + "ブロッケン", + -17.200828552246094 + ], + [ + "ドナルドダック", + -16.192291259765625 + ], + [ + "だいいち", + -17.424373626708984 + ], + [ + "ミネイロ", + -16.106372833251953 + ], + [ + "仲買", + -17.682682037353516 + ], + [ + "ガーミン", + -17.88063621520996 + ], + [ + "ラプソディー", + -16.437917709350586 + ], + [ + "Maple", + -16.241445541381836 + ], + [ + "ムチャ", + -16.4775447845459 + ], + [ + "ヌシ", + -17.25766372680664 + ], + [ + "オクタヴィア", + -17.62994956970215 + ], + [ + "ハートフル", + -16.526748657226562 + ], + [ + "ダウンヒル", + -16.256641387939453 + ], + [ + "セリーナ", + -16.95926856994629 + ], + [ + "ipod", + -16.366161346435547 + ], + [ + "江梨", + -17.253253936767578 + ], + [ + "三枚", + -16.72559356689453 + ], + [ + "セールスポイント", + -18.741485595703125 + ], + [ + "ワイズマン", + -16.67088508605957 + ], + [ + "ピンセット", + -18.487340927124023 + ], + [ + "チャーン", + -16.989538192749023 + ], + [ + "Mosco", + -15.630754470825195 + ], + [ + "もどかしい", + -18.067729949951172 + ], + [ + "イギー", + -16.880523681640625 + ], + [ + "ユカリ", + -16.47742462158203 + ], + [ + "インテグレ", + -16.476947784423828 + ], + [ + "タイムアップ", + -17.97768783569336 + ], + [ + "ボーディング", + -16.895015716552734 + ], + [ + "ラジアル", + -17.36090660095215 + ], + [ + "ネフェル", + -17.23431968688965 + ], + [ + "ほじ", + -18.71887588500977 + ], + [ + "つめか", + -19.225341796875 + ], + [ + "DSD", + -15.599206924438477 + ], + [ + ".:.", + -20.571462631225582 + ], + [ + "JABA", + -16.579410552978516 + ], + [ + "ゅんいち", + -17.9322509765625 + ], + [ + "ブロンコ", + -17.393489837646484 + ], + [ + "hime", + -15.257211685180664 + ], + [ + "ENIX", + -15.71142292022705 + ], + [ + "Ads", + -15.298398971557615 + ], + [ + "NN", + -19.217313766479492 + ], + [ + "OTS", + -15.030892372131348 + ], + [ + "ゼスト", + -16.944435119628906 + ], + [ + "オンラインゲーム", + -14.769569396972656 + ], + [ + "イーデン", + -17.10150146484375 + ], + [ + "日日新聞", + -16.24970054626465 + ], + [ + "地銀", + -17.64536476135254 + ], + [ + "フレグ", + -17.747013092041016 + ], + [ + "寄り付", + -19.10968017578125 + ], + [ + "ツェフ", + -17.214584350585938 + ], + [ + "ラスティ", + -16.933870315551758 + ], + [ + "hope", + -14.80502986907959 + ], + [ + "Reichs", + -15.188421249389648 + ], + [ + "虎視", + -18.71282196044922 + ], + [ + "学府", + -17.507675170898438 + ], + [ + "idential", + -14.971707344055176 + ], + [ + "VC", + -20.187101364135746 + ], + [ + "ヒデキ", + -17.09687042236328 + ], + [ + "かねこ", + -16.526569366455078 + ], + [ + "ギラス", + -16.683286666870117 + ], + [ + "ハイデッ", + -17.489648818969727 + ], + [ + "チーナ", + -16.771711349487305 + ], + [ + "JIMA", + -16.815990447998047 + ], + [ + "メンコ", + -16.911699295043945 + ], + [ + "Kw", + -14.666081428527832 + ], + [ + "小鷹", + -17.24410057067871 + ], + [ + "肘掛", + -18.838388442993164 + ], + [ + "HSC", + -15.735519409179688 + ], + [ + "pip", + -14.555835723876951 + ], + [ + "プリンツ", + -17.33840560913086 + ], + [ + "ケイコ", + -16.672754287719727 + ], + [ + "補え", + -19.796072006225582 + ], + [ + "トハイム", + -17.54625129699707 + ], + [ + "Continu", + -14.691319465637209 + ], + [ + "灰岩", + -17.416414260864258 + ], + [ + "」(", + -17.634855270385742 + ], + [ + "Español", + -18.0678653717041 + ], + [ + "VfL", + -15.18518352508545 + ], + [ + "ほるぷ", + -16.98969841003418 + ], + [ + "アツアツ", + -18.14566993713379 + ], + [ + "イスカンダル", + -17.360469818115234 + ], + [ + "リズミカル", + -18.323514938354492 + ], + [ + "七五三", + -16.78223991394043 + ], + [ + "アスクドクターズ", + -18.87168884277344 + ], + [ + "アスコルビン", + -17.995800018310547 + ], + [ + "ハンティントン", + -17.064533233642578 + ], + [ + "マグノリア", + -16.848426818847656 + ], + [ + "HAWAII", + -16.36074447631836 + ], + [ + "ダメダメ", + -18.093353271484375 + ], + [ + "Kitty", + -16.653461456298828 + ], + [ + "sakamoto", + -19.23407745361328 + ], + [ + "Evening", + -16.378021240234375 + ], + [ + "ホロスコープ", + -17.31781578063965 + ], + [ + "鐵工", + -16.48272705078125 + ], + [ + "ビオチン", + -18.41385269165039 + ], + [ + "レジナルド", + -16.885717391967773 + ], + [ + "カルカッタ", + -17.841787338256836 + ], + [ + "カブレラ", + -17.009004592895508 + ], + [ + "Workshop", + -17.011621475219727 + ], + [ + "./ ", + -19.439617156982425 + ], + [ + "アッサム", + -16.79479217529297 + ], + [ + "囲炉", + -18.34465789794922 + ], + [ + "歯磨", + -17.80654525756836 + ], + [ + "キャッツアイ", + -17.294445037841797 + ], + [ + "奉祝", + -17.206884384155273 + ], + [ + "AOC", + -15.57666301727295 + ], + [ + "之丞", + -14.9212064743042 + ], + [ + "一之瀬", + -16.70192527770996 + ], + [ + "シュバルツ", + -17.092571258544922 + ], + [ + "ハイクラス", + -18.774335861206055 + ], + [ + " ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄", + -20.23962020874023 + ], + [ + "檜原", + -17.1788387298584 + ], + [ + "Feeling", + -16.576759338378906 + ], + [ + "モントルー", + -17.161865234375 + ], + [ + "(●´", + -19.76773452758789 + ], + [ + "粟島", + -16.991947174072266 + ], + [ + "アアア", + -20.58091735839844 + ], + [ + "トリロジー", + -17.1240177154541 + ], + [ + "シッポ", + -17.762487411499023 + ], + [ + "ヒューイ", + -16.59988784790039 + ], + [ + "MHP", + -16.359540939331055 + ], + [ + "落ちぶれ", + -18.283315658569336 + ], + [ + "アルマイト", + -18.55409049987793 + ], + [ + "スーッ", + -19.05335998535156 + ], + [ + "ぱっち", + -17.26936912536621 + ], + [ + "アプト", + -17.088958740234375 + ], + [ + ";]", + -19.44016456604004 + ], + [ + "カラシ", + -17.921161651611328 + ], + [ + "Rouge", + -16.483097076416016 + ], + [ + "しとる", + -18.736888885498047 + ], + [ + "ベッラ", + -16.999126434326172 + ], + [ + "清輝", + -16.879253387451172 + ], + [ + "耐え難", + -19.118337631225582 + ], + [ + "イネン", + -17.25916862487793 + ], + [ + "EDEN", + -16.171449661254883 + ], + [ + "EVOL", + -16.456098556518555 + ], + [ + "アフラ", + -16.922279357910156 + ], + [ + "美央", + -16.568946838378906 + ], + [ + "IZM", + -17.36791229248047 + ], + [ + "くじけ", + -17.86848258972168 + ], + [ + "ワイプ", + -17.23347282409668 + ], + [ + "WHT", + -16.63466453552246 + ], + [ + "Shima", + -17.59586524963379 + ], + [ + "ノイエ", + -16.9652042388916 + ], + [ + "波浪", + -17.787029266357422 + ], + [ + "霊験", + -17.421859741210938 + ], + [ + "iCE", + -16.6295223236084 + ], + [ + "ラウダ", + -17.462848663330078 + ], + [ + "スキナー", + -17.028995513916016 + ], + [ + "たつみ", + -16.380598068237305 + ], + [ + "Matter", + -15.998982429504396 + ], + [ + "振り向け", + -18.247220993041992 + ], + [ + "うずら", + -17.974384307861328 + ], + [ + "ARPA", + -15.521536827087402 + ], + [ + "OLOGY", + -15.498847007751465 + ], + [ + "TRAVEL", + -15.799199104309082 + ], + [ + "シャント", + -17.034252166748047 + ], + [ + "ソウザ", + -17.16119384765625 + ], + [ + "アッシ", + -17.09996223449707 + ], + [ + "訓読", + -17.484657287597656 + ], + [ + "ふっかけ", + -19.23961067199707 + ], + [ + "ブルガー", + -17.598745346069336 + ], + [ + "チョ", + -19.52577781677246 + ], + [ + "飯盛", + -16.583932876586914 + ], + [ + "ジェネレータ", + -17.322717666625977 + ], + [ + "スーパードライ", + -16.95356559753418 + ], + [ + "フェブラリー", + -17.282346725463867 + ], + [ + "BtoB", + -17.945884704589844 + ], + [ + "EVERY", + -15.422627449035645 + ], + [ + "SCANDAL", + -16.33172607421875 + ], + [ + "センバツ", + -17.564800262451172 + ], + [ + "ホーリネス", + -16.57384490966797 + ], + [ + "ヤマトタケル", + -16.41801643371582 + ], + [ + "社会保険", + -15.0436372756958 + ], + [ + "アウシュヴィッツ", + -17.254213333129883 + ], + [ + "OWARI", + -16.741477966308594 + ], + [ + "スピーキング", + -18.237220764160156 + ], + [ + "タヒ", + -20.02795028686523 + ], + [ + "Nakamura", + -18.42534446716309 + ], + [ + "オハニ", + -16.638883590698242 + ], + [ + "玄蕃", + -16.96615219116211 + ], + [ + "ジェラシー", + -16.319183349609375 + ], + [ + "栗栖", + -16.502134323120117 + ], + [ + "ヒューリック", + -16.827932357788086 + ], + [ + "ルテイン", + -18.500873565673828 + ], + [ + "クリテリウム", + -16.59217071533203 + ], + [ + "Todd", + -15.801015853881836 + ], + [ + "SHUN", + -16.12779426574707 + ], + [ + "メロディック", + -16.420103073120117 + ], + [ + "スズラン", + -17.276063919067383 + ], + [ + "LCS", + -15.336016654968262 + ], + [ + "ミッテル", + -17.193195343017578 + ], + [ + "ミッシング", + -16.384265899658203 + ], + [ + "句碑", + -16.43025779724121 + ], + [ + "スプリト", + -16.689119338989258 + ], + [ + "モーグル", + -16.580318450927734 + ], + [ + "ティト", + -16.960651397705078 + ], + [ + "atio", + -15.220870971679688 + ], + [ + "葦原", + -17.248714447021484 + ], + [ + "AKUWA", + -19.011085510253903 + ], + [ + "Scala", + -15.866830825805664 + ], + [ + "Predic", + -15.947282791137695 + ], + [ + "りつか", + -17.487302780151367 + ], + [ + "Barry", + -15.675088882446287 + ], + [ + "レノックス", + -17.023494720458984 + ], + [ + ":::|", + -20.53902053833008 + ], + [ + "マンスール", + -17.619962692260742 + ], + [ + "ショットガン", + -15.95004653930664 + ], + [ + "テッリ", + -16.9912109375 + ], + [ + "WA", + -18.578632354736328 + ], + [ + "賄え", + -19.363916397094727 + ], + [ + "ロヴィチ", + -17.351865768432617 + ], + [ + "クラロ", + -16.32809829711914 + ], + [ + "ベンジル", + -17.140140533447266 + ], + [ + "DM", + -19.02959632873535 + ], + [ + "バッツ", + -16.99217987060547 + ], + [ + "キザ", + -17.23503875732422 + ], + [ + "NDU", + -17.076324462890625 + ], + [ + "エクサ", + -17.38772964477539 + ], + [ + "町北", + -16.07163429260254 + ], + [ + "サーティ", + -16.33954620361328 + ], + [ + "KTS", + -16.736003875732422 + ], + [ + "コンフェ", + -17.16115951538086 + ], + [ + "MMS", + -15.194364547729492 + ], + [ + "正殿", + -18.002361297607422 + ], + [ + "Dynamics", + -14.441667556762695 + ], + [ + "crew", + -14.849569320678713 + ], + [ + "anko", + -15.59178352355957 + ], + [ + "◆◇", + -18.272560119628903 + ], + [ + "WASP", + -16.19963264465332 + ], + [ + "浜寺", + -17.019643783569336 + ], + [ + "Serge", + -15.449687004089355 + ], + [ + "刷り込", + -18.285917282104492 + ], + [ + "フォルス", + -17.431434631347656 + ], + [ + "チェシャ", + -17.78329086303711 + ], + [ + "マニズム", + -17.105937957763672 + ], + [ + "逃げ帰", + -18.51266098022461 + ], + [ + "ロガー", + -17.488269805908203 + ], + [ + "Bride", + -16.806020736694336 + ], + [ + "めくれ", + -18.273345947265625 + ], + [ + "田原本", + -16.802698135375977 + ], + [ + "ディルド", + -17.129817962646484 + ], + [ + "ふこ", + -17.689416885375977 + ], + [ + "ザックリ", + -19.254541397094727 + ], + [ + "グイド", + -17.172212600708008 + ], + [ + "PLC", + -14.84095573425293 + ], + [ + "hPa", + -16.916072845458984 + ], + [ + "TF", + -19.925765991210938 + ], + [ + "ホモロジー", + -17.010419845581055 + ], + [ + "SUIT", + -15.955642700195312 + ], + [ + "イトーヨーカ", + -16.8821964263916 + ], + [ + "☆☆", + -17.28879737854004 + ], + [ + "Dancer", + -16.702016830444336 + ], + [ + "訟", + -17.026283264160156 + ], + [ + "サッダーム", + -17.487985610961914 + ], + [ + "アンジャッシュ", + -16.580455780029297 + ], + [ + "ケツメイシ", + -16.292516708374023 + ], + [ + "ピスタチオ", + -17.974342346191406 + ], + [ + "ブギウギ", + -16.56269073486328 + ], + [ + "ヘパリーゼ", + -19.105064392089844 + ], + [ + "ボルティモア", + -17.59555435180664 + ], + [ + "ユベントス", + -18.810962677001953 + ], + [ + "我那覇", + -16.669979095458984 + ], + [ + "リヴィウ", + -16.30863380432129 + ], + [ + "カテリーナ", + -17.1009464263916 + ], + [ + "北白川", + -16.897457122802734 + ], + [ + "西明石", + -17.52704429626465 + ], + [ + "バークシャー", + -17.115299224853516 + ], + [ + "ヴィットリオ", + -16.95351791381836 + ], + [ + "セーシェル", + -16.376802444458008 + ], + [ + "モバゲー", + -17.151762008666992 + ], + [ + "犬吠", + -17.120376586914062 + ], + [ + "INFORMA", + -18.785200119018555 + ], + [ + "アスガルド", + -17.251605987548828 + ], + [ + "ほろ苦", + -18.655778884887695 + ], + [ + "NOVEL", + -16.21458625793457 + ], + [ + "ガリバルディ", + -17.447956085205078 + ], + [ + "DIVISION", + -14.99834442138672 + ], + [ + "フリクション", + -17.94434928894043 + ], + [ + "ヤマモト", + -16.800819396972656 + ], + [ + "ファイアウォール", + -16.86916732788086 + ], + [ + "かんがえ", + -18.09973526000977 + ], + [ + "デイケア", + -17.473648071289062 + ], + [ + "トキハ", + -17.357410430908203 + ], + [ + "ドクトル", + -16.770429611206055 + ], + [ + "グリズリーズ", + -16.717618942260742 + ], + [ + "Daisy", + -16.399141311645508 + ], + [ + "マグダラ", + -17.156986236572266 + ], + [ + "スマイスター", + -19.92282485961914 + ], + [ + "トロトロ", + -18.20121383666992 + ], + [ + "Fischer", + -16.615318298339844 + ], + [ + "ムルシア", + -16.60015106201172 + ], + [ + "メイナード", + -17.138275146484375 + ], + [ + "WISH", + -15.869866371154783 + ], + [ + "ダウンフォース", + -17.725425720214844 + ], + [ + "シーソー", + -17.108375549316406 + ], + [ + "詰めかけ", + -18.666044235229492 + ], + [ + "タサ", + -16.79682731628418 + ], + [ + "フェーム", + -16.086034774780273 + ], + [ + "ALP", + -15.477396965026855 + ], + [ + "煮付け", + -18.425491333007812 + ], + [ + "フィドル", + -16.888246536254883 + ], + [ + "晴雨", + -18.597015380859375 + ], + [ + "雷鳥", + -17.276229858398438 + ], + [ + "クリステル", + -16.837129592895508 + ], + [ + "』,", + -16.858980178833008 + ], + [ + "uche", + -14.71792984008789 + ], + [ + "ホメロ", + -18.006134033203125 + ], + [ + "LOGOS", + -17.40476417541504 + ], + [ + "FDD", + -15.102643013000488 + ], + [ + "文化出版", + -16.25151824951172 + ], + [ + "江守", + -16.660999298095703 + ], + [ + "清滝", + -16.83373260498047 + ], + [ + "ocus", + -15.946043968200684 + ], + [ + "Pride", + -16.431570053100586 + ], + [ + "HELL", + -15.65217399597168 + ], + [ + "パレスホテル", + -17.482213973999023 + ], + [ + "★★★", + -17.18529510498047 + ], + [ + "ラウス", + -16.78352165222168 + ], + [ + "手拭", + -18.001220703125 + ], + [ + "サービ", + -17.70110511779785 + ], + [ + "アラゴ", + -16.930217742919922 + ], + [ + "ロンシュタット", + -17.100448608398438 + ], + [ + "ジョイン", + -16.796340942382812 + ], + [ + "がっこう", + -15.732084274291992 + ], + [ + "ポンティ", + -17.04848289489746 + ], + [ + "amin", + -14.70111083984375 + ], + [ + "ファミリ", + -17.102767944335938 + ], + [ + "RUB", + -15.271974563598633 + ], + [ + "OTT", + -14.781770706176758 + ], + [ + "東夷", + -17.55695152282715 + ], + [ + "まいこ", + -16.655988693237305 + ], + [ + "Much", + -15.93423843383789 + ], + [ + "Chin", + -15.934673309326172 + ], + [ + "(^-^)/", + -19.389751434326172 + ], + [ + "OBA", + -16.291378021240234 + ], + [ + "|~|~", + -21.126731872558594 + ], + [ + "shes", + -14.2249755859375 + ], + [ + "殴りつけ", + -17.904010772705078 + ], + [ + "ハーバル", + -18.227563858032227 + ], + [ + "Tory", + -17.795074462890625 + ], + [ + "Ign", + -15.932552337646484 + ], + [ + "虎の", + -15.510857582092283 + ], + [ + "ミリヤ", + -16.41631507873535 + ], + [ + "onet", + -15.46591567993164 + ], + [ + "フォトン", + -16.708797454833984 + ], + [ + "ニスタ", + -17.038414001464844 + ], + [ + "orge", + -15.340727806091309 + ], + [ + "Lamb", + -15.83517074584961 + ], + [ + "ジャンニ", + -16.863143920898438 + ], + [ + "アルダー", + -17.578462600708008 + ], + [ + "ensation", + -15.10788917541504 + ], + [ + "Illinois", + -15.39866828918457 + ], + [ + "OTOCON", + -20.179948806762695 + ], + [ + "OTODAMA", + -16.952560424804688 + ], + [ + "plasmid", + -19.439456939697266 + ], + [ + "カルボナーラ", + -17.73390007019043 + ], + [ + "バハムート", + -16.74309730529785 + ], + [ + "伊良湖", + -16.94343376159668 + ], + [ + "レオポルディーナ", + -15.665423393249512 + ], + [ + "Pandora", + -16.91513442993164 + ], + [ + "dominio", + -17.395612716674805 + ], + [ + "ホクホク", + -18.991727828979492 + ], + [ + "PIXUS", + -17.079147338867188 + ], + [ + "Plesk", + -18.85538673400879 + ], + [ + "アウェーゴール", + -17.102375030517578 + ], + [ + "nvisible", + -17.414634704589844 + ], + [ + "MEMORIE", + -16.30752944946289 + ], + [ + "グレナダ", + -16.662094116210938 + ], + [ + "折れ曲が", + -18.53602600097656 + ], + [ + "看做", + -18.41564178466797 + ], + [ + "ノミコト", + -17.650739669799805 + ], + [ + "ンテグレーション", + -17.38998794555664 + ], + [ + "ノアンデ", + -20.958072662353516 + ], + [ + "徳大寺", + -16.61903190612793 + ], + [ + "ラルネットワーク", + -16.918455123901367 + ], + [ + "Schw", + -15.161809921264648 + ], + [ + "タップダンス", + -17.19938850402832 + ], + [ + "ルイーザ", + -17.29485321044922 + ], + [ + "しのび", + -16.957199096679688 + ], + [ + "】,", + -17.42389488220215 + ], + [ + "スウ", + -17.005111694335938 + ], + [ + "YZF", + -17.381568908691406 + ], + [ + "聯隊", + -17.328758239746094 + ], + [ + "Tama", + -16.460237503051758 + ], + [ + "Distribu", + -15.313117027282717 + ], + [ + "コムギ", + -17.423641204833984 + ], + [ + "不浄", + -17.739601135253906 + ], + [ + "eutschen", + -17.09952735900879 + ], + [ + "ッソー", + -16.73499870300293 + ], + [ + "Flick", + -14.62465000152588 + ], + [ + "紀北", + -16.954206466674805 + ], + [ + "andel", + -15.48741340637207 + ], + [ + "Trek", + -17.24999237060547 + ], + [ + "ディッチ", + -17.089269638061523 + ], + [ + "YOGA", + -17.30089569091797 + ], + [ + "島列島", + -16.167396545410156 + ], + [ + "Schul", + -16.550809860229492 + ], + [ + "グラマ", + -17.587547302246094 + ], + [ + "福浦", + -16.811115264892578 + ], + [ + "CAE", + -15.405540466308594 + ], + [ + "Investig", + -15.05243682861328 + ], + [ + "ランシング", + -17.528623580932617 + ], + [ + "LSM", + -14.869556427001951 + ], + [ + "エクスチェンジ", + -17.215606689453125 + ], + [ + "iè", + -15.721583366394045 + ], + [ + "んちく", + -17.223190307617188 + ], + [ + "ペルム", + -16.969390869140625 + ], + [ + "~!!!", + -19.65056037902832 + ], + [ + "カットイン", + -17.30284309387207 + ], + [ + "ジョッキ", + -18.010435104370117 + ], + [ + "te", + -18.827014923095703 + ], + [ + "アカディア", + -18.185693740844727 + ], + [ + "モスト", + -16.90110969543457 + ], + [ + "ポニョ", + -17.330995559692383 + ], + [ + "ZG", + -15.556556701660156 + ], + [ + "ジョグ", + -16.798681259155273 + ], + [ + "ルッソ", + -17.084365844726562 + ], + [ + "リーベル", + -16.066017150878906 + ], + [ + "ブランズ", + -17.381410598754883 + ], + [ + "(* ̄", + -19.732419967651367 + ], + [ + "hamee", + -18.982013702392575 + ], + [ + "Mx", + -15.13621425628662 + ], + [ + "野幌", + -16.808212280273438 + ], + [ + "ビシャ", + -17.71857452392578 + ], + [ + "シュナー", + -17.11186408996582 + ], + [ + "セプト", + -17.42984962463379 + ], + [ + "ra", + -19.032236099243164 + ], + [ + "アゴラ", + -17.088769912719727 + ], + [ + "パワポ", + -17.277830123901367 + ], + [ + "貿", + -16.73859214782715 + ], + [ + "(*´∇`*)", + -19.838014602661133 + ], + [ + "shibuya", + -17.71173095703125 + ], + [ + "Falcon", + -16.307527542114258 + ], + [ + "MARVEL", + -16.202991485595703 + ], + [ + "コワーキング", + -18.464780807495117 + ], + [ + "ゴタゴタ", + -19.29821014404297 + ], + [ + "ヌンチャク", + -17.21620750427246 + ], + [ + "ファフナー", + -17.264467239379883 + ], + [ + "ヘアヌード", + -17.097368240356445 + ], + [ + "リショップナビ", + -20.167652130126953 + ], + [ + "ヴィチェンツァ", + -16.032548904418945 + ], + [ + "掻き立て", + -19.265722274780273 + ], + [ + "バティスタ", + -17.497343063354492 + ], + [ + "ュレーディンガー", + -16.842025756835938 + ], + [ + "イマージュ", + -16.91173553466797 + ], + [ + "オーガズム", + -17.419940948486328 + ], + [ + "クタクタ", + -19.577436447143555 + ], + [ + "olecular", + -16.832500457763672 + ], + [ + "(´∀`*)", + -19.850072860717773 + ], + [ + "サトイモ", + -16.855052947998047 + ], + [ + "スプロケット", + -17.818506240844727 + ], + [ + "ミツビシ", + -18.432823181152344 + ], + [ + "アビエーション", + -16.98515510559082 + ], + [ + "フェンリル", + -16.600177764892578 + ], + [ + "エリツィン", + -18.110984802246097 + ], + [ + "遊水地", + -17.27793312072754 + ], + [ + "fternoon", + -16.802326202392578 + ], + [ + "隣り合わせ", + -18.888938903808594 + ], + [ + "バイブレーション", + -17.997020721435547 + ], + [ + "チュニス", + -16.7357234954834 + ], + [ + "シーケンサー", + -17.311784744262695 + ], + [ + "ガチャピン", + -16.93161392211914 + ], + [ + "スザク", + -17.323801040649414 + ], + [ + "ピボット", + -17.75383949279785 + ], + [ + "ツナギ", + -18.293479919433594 + ], + [ + "SOLID", + -15.037399291992188 + ], + [ + "Volks", + -17.242143630981445 + ], + [ + "AFT", + -15.624579429626465 + ], + [ + "Hugh", + -15.081783294677734 + ], + [ + "スイッチバック", + -17.600374221801758 + ], + [ + "シュコダ", + -17.2827091217041 + ], + [ + "フィーユ", + -17.000011444091797 + ], + [ + "マクリーン", + -17.090843200683594 + ], + [ + "ルシアン", + -16.699186325073242 + ], + [ + "ギルティ", + -16.654739379882812 + ], + [ + "耶馬", + -16.655271530151367 + ], + [ + "スループ", + -17.019792556762695 + ], + [ + "ようが", + -16.882080078125 + ], + [ + "メリダ", + -16.848819732666016 + ], + [ + "カルカ", + -17.192441940307617 + ], + [ + "クレセント", + -17.217151641845703 + ], + [ + "マーロン", + -16.728801727294922 + ], + [ + "GIN", + -14.504565238952637 + ], + [ + "ポンメル", + -17.08653450012207 + ], + [ + "アベック", + -16.963462829589844 + ], + [ + "ハデス", + -16.920726776123047 + ], + [ + "バーボン", + -16.976686477661133 + ], + [ + "ユーコン", + -17.277664184570312 + ], + [ + "クロスワード", + -17.236156463623047 + ], + [ + "居残", + -19.008270263671875 + ], + [ + "吉備津", + -16.95267677307129 + ], + [ + "呼び覚ま", + -18.509410858154297 + ], + [ + "けんこう", + -16.803787231445312 + ], + [ + "ティオン", + -17.59526824951172 + ], + [ + "けなし", + -18.78899574279785 + ], + [ + "HDL", + -14.956192016601562 + ], + [ + "Julian", + -15.814841270446776 + ], + [ + "宝剣", + -17.401748657226562 + ], + [ + ";/", + -16.886802673339844 + ], + [ + "___", + -19.35464859008789 + ], + [ + "西武園", + -17.018798828125 + ], + [ + "ポルティ", + -17.017776489257812 + ], + [ + "アモーレ", + -16.72452163696289 + ], + [ + "nyan", + -16.07036590576172 + ], + [ + "VARI", + -14.78657341003418 + ], + [ + "スティード", + -16.551097869873047 + ], + [ + "Thai", + -15.23466968536377 + ], + [ + "ストランド", + -17.020370483398438 + ], + [ + "emma", + -14.912351608276367 + ], + [ + "Qw", + -16.1448917388916 + ], + [ + "BIE", + -15.309955596923828 + ], + [ + "イングラム", + -17.246517181396484 + ], + [ + "ナバ", + -16.519012451171875 + ], + [ + "コドン", + -17.343257904052734 + ], + [ + "heng", + -15.581433296203612 + ], + [ + "ヒュル", + -17.857311248779297 + ], + [ + "ットヨガスタジオ", + -19.250213623046875 + ], + [ + "サッサ", + -17.30984115600586 + ], + [ + "TC", + -19.260892868041992 + ], + [ + "サイゼ", + -17.625192642211914 + ], + [ + "visa", + -15.516904830932615 + ], + [ + "YURI", + -16.68959617614746 + ], + [ + "ミジンコ", + -17.207361221313477 + ], + [ + "^∇^", + -19.814098358154297 + ], + [ + "レパード", + -17.161972045898438 + ], + [ + "ドクトリ", + -17.19622039794922 + ], + [ + "メヒコ", + -16.83172607421875 + ], + [ + "EDE", + -14.729448318481444 + ], + [ + "Dive", + -15.316742897033691 + ], + [ + "ラディカル", + -17.221866607666016 + ], + [ + "ヴァーツラフ", + -17.239028930664062 + ], + [ + "COFFEE", + -16.60525131225586 + ], + [ + "サスペンダー", + -18.003307342529297 + ], + [ + "ヘリンボーン", + -17.948312759399414 + ], + [ + "南木曽", + -17.143346786499023 + ], + [ + "フラペチーノ", + -18.87275505065918 + ], + [ + "マーマレード", + -17.220197677612305 + ], + [ + "Mighty", + -16.586538314819336 + ], + [ + "まかり通", + -18.9787654876709 + ], + [ + "ヴィッカース", + -16.908916473388672 + ], + [ + "CLIMAX", + -16.756282806396484 + ], + [ + "でっちあげ", + -18.67597770690918 + ], + [ + "LAUREN", + -17.815214157104492 + ], + [ + "キリギリス", + -17.15334701538086 + ], + [ + "チャールトン", + -16.50731086730957 + ], + [ + "ブラウジング", + -17.819862365722656 + ], + [ + "スクエニ", + -18.764204025268555 + ], + [ + "アイルトン", + -17.302831649780273 + ], + [ + "脱ぎ捨て", + -18.229158401489254 + ], + [ + "ダイアグラム", + -16.426607131958008 + ], + [ + "トッキュウジャー", + -16.87204360961914 + ], + [ + "ファーティマ", + -17.60872459411621 + ], + [ + "ニューヘイブン", + -16.670690536499023 + ], + [ + "MYFC", + -15.975488662719728 + ], + [ + "ブローニュ", + -16.961027145385742 + ], + [ + "クリスティアーノ", + -17.676992416381836 + ], + [ + "Superfly", + -16.178876876831055 + ], + [ + "オーバーヒート", + -17.91625213623047 + ], + [ + "モーリッツ", + -17.38716697692871 + ], + [ + "スタディーズ", + -16.724702835083008 + ], + [ + "グリグリ", + -17.917390823364258 + ], + [ + "こみ上げ", + -19.62792205810547 + ], + [ + "クラシエ", + -16.641218185424805 + ], + [ + "ALONE", + -14.788201332092283 + ], + [ + "//////", + -17.432146072387695 + ], + [ + "AIKO", + -16.31256103515625 + ], + [ + "IRES", + -16.57601547241211 + ], + [ + "コーエー", + -16.68461036682129 + ], + [ + "dea", + -14.298992156982422 + ], + [ + "ボザール", + -16.930471420288086 + ], + [ + "クラウドサービス", + -16.41066551208496 + ], + [ + "コルネット", + -17.088886260986328 + ], + [ + "本県", + -17.53717041015625 + ], + [ + "べっぴん", + -17.14664077758789 + ], + [ + "クーリング", + -18.351762771606445 + ], + [ + "サーニャ", + -18.749528884887695 + ], + [ + "ハルム", + -17.307537078857422 + ], + [ + "アンガールズ", + -16.39169692993164 + ], + [ + "スーザ", + -17.182086944580078 + ], + [ + "pto", + -14.417040824890137 + ], + [ + "BERT", + -15.046501159667969 + ], + [ + "Rust", + -15.858084678649902 + ], + [ + "ポチャ", + -18.381187438964844 + ], + [ + "パッカー", + -17.79191017150879 + ], + [ + "Sight", + -14.862798690795898 + ], + [ + "RBA", + -16.79775047302246 + ], + [ + "OAK", + -15.777413368225098 + ], + [ + "ステージング", + -17.57045555114746 + ], + [ + "くてく", + -17.545108795166016 + ], + [ + "六条", + -16.09611701965332 + ], + [ + "Silva", + -16.289480209350586 + ], + [ + "桑山", + -16.709644317626953 + ], + [ + "umu", + -15.18779468536377 + ], + [ + "プット", + -17.58868980407715 + ], + [ + "ポッツ", + -16.729280471801758 + ], + [ + "NCIS", + -15.62703800201416 + ], + [ + "MARCH", + -15.796993255615234 + ], + [ + "ビストロ", + -16.91584587097168 + ], + [ + "トラベラーズ", + -16.624746322631836 + ], + [ + "ビゼー", + -17.049619674682617 + ], + [ + "ルフィン", + -17.551122665405273 + ], + [ + "ロッツ", + -16.9000244140625 + ], + [ + "スポン", + -17.479393005371094 + ], + [ + "アンフィ", + -16.813861846923828 + ], + [ + "グロム", + -17.180797576904297 + ], + [ + "タイタン", + -15.57706356048584 + ], + [ + "SOLO", + -15.538307189941406 + ], + [ + "オウガ", + -17.08940315246582 + ], + [ + "ほんで", + -18.589326858520508 + ], + [ + "踏みとどま", + -18.97542953491211 + ], + [ + "ショナ", + -17.04245948791504 + ], + [ + "MD", + -19.520875930786133 + ], + [ + "モンドセレク", + -20.6455135345459 + ], + [ + "飛天", + -16.93681526184082 + ], + [ + "Studi", + -17.421112060546875 + ], + [ + "フロウ", + -17.162185668945312 + ], + [ + "Qx", + -16.39438247680664 + ], + [ + "Romantic", + -16.642343521118164 + ], + [ + "ロックウェル", + -17.119340896606445 + ], + [ + "コンスタンツ", + -17.099456787109375 + ], + [ + "炭焼", + -17.389995574951172 + ], + [ + "コンキスタ", + -16.898338317871094 + ], + [ + "とくべつ", + -17.188152313232422 + ], + [ + "エゥーゴ", + -17.29279136657715 + ], + [ + "シーホークス", + -17.085674285888672 + ], + [ + "ャインマスカット", + -19.570751190185547 + ], + [ + "SANYO", + -17.244651794433594 + ], + [ + "iverCity", + -17.164493560791016 + ], + [ + "Pedro", + -16.277820587158203 + ], + [ + "ラピッズ", + -16.622272491455078 + ], + [ + "ウィザードリィ", + -17.05219078063965 + ], + [ + "Toyota", + -16.399635314941406 + ], + [ + "フラーレン", + -18.04747200012207 + ], + [ + "灌頂", + -17.412729263305664 + ], + [ + "ノブナガ", + -16.830135345458984 + ], + [ + "JpnI", + -17.13511848449707 + ], + [ + "ブエナ", + -17.08135223388672 + ], + [ + "あああ", + -17.81558609008789 + ], + [ + "ビギナーズ", + -16.867700576782227 + ], + [ + "シェーファー", + -16.985034942626953 + ], + [ + "ヘッセ", + -17.445505142211914 + ], + [ + "下津井", + -16.693300247192383 + ], + [ + "バイアスロン", + -16.03543472290039 + ], + [ + "オシム", + -18.18883514404297 + ], + [ + "じょうじ", + -16.511716842651367 + ], + [ + "ネウロ", + -17.505847930908203 + ], + [ + "埋め合わせ", + -18.85226821899414 + ], + [ + "カンムリ", + -16.45501136779785 + ], + [ + "Gross", + -16.145751953125 + ], + [ + "VIERA", + -16.92262077331543 + ], + [ + "ダブリュー", + -17.43760871887207 + ], + [ + "図々し", + -18.349924087524418 + ], + [ + "ニニニニニニ", + -20.701196670532227 + ], + [ + "マウリ", + -16.387210845947266 + ], + [ + "茶屋町", + -16.36381721496582 + ], + [ + "佐多", + -16.883617401123047 + ], + [ + "Santia", + -16.881471633911133 + ], + [ + "張り上げ", + -18.8521785736084 + ], + [ + "コントラクト", + -17.320297241210938 + ], + [ + "ライトグリーン", + -18.080059051513672 + ], + [ + "クテッド", + -17.538877487182617 + ], + [ + "徳富", + -16.881311416625977 + ], + [ + "安濃", + -16.872852325439453 + ], + [ + "バイカル", + -16.888525009155273 + ], + [ + "飯倉", + -17.134891510009766 + ], + [ + "nato", + -14.939193725585938 + ], + [ + "トランパ", + -18.373531341552734 + ], + [ + "オンラインカジノ", + -18.662063598632812 + ], + [ + "マロカ", + -19.87406539916992 + ], + [ + "fumi", + -15.85874366760254 + ], + [ + "CERO", + -17.01343536376953 + ], + [ + "Wool", + -16.936416625976562 + ], + [ + "押し入れ", + -18.769739151000977 + ], + [ + "ヴィーラ", + -17.6722469329834 + ], + [ + "Quiet", + -15.34765338897705 + ], + [ + "GIFT", + -15.692262649536133 + ], + [ + "住友銀行", + -17.32844352722168 + ], + [ + "スネイク", + -16.824853897094727 + ], + [ + "つくりだ", + -18.461803436279297 + ], + [ + "フェアー", + -17.419540405273438 + ], + [ + "東豊", + -16.969240188598633 + ], + [ + ".'", + -12.089484214782717 + ], + [ + "DI", + -18.682626724243164 + ], + [ + "AAD", + -14.933473587036133 + ], + [ + "ティファ", + -16.937612533569336 + ], + [ + "Shall", + -15.7063627243042 + ], + [ + "hoku", + -15.390108108520508 + ], + [ + "スルホ", + -17.898822784423828 + ], + [ + "アルスター", + -16.397531509399414 + ], + [ + "コロイド", + -17.703222274780273 + ], + [ + "Turk", + -15.949122428894045 + ], + [ + "DRS", + -15.095511436462402 + ], + [ + "OCH", + -15.465794563293455 + ], + [ + "清二", + -16.64145278930664 + ], + [ + "スーモ", + -18.132116317749023 + ], + [ + "ムウ", + -17.281951904296875 + ], + [ + "ミューレ", + -17.03667449951172 + ], + [ + "テスコ", + -16.91991424560547 + ], + [ + "ゅうじ", + -16.589927673339844 + ], + [ + "Electron", + -15.078943252563477 + ], + [ + "Tribe", + -16.614742279052734 + ], + [ + "Grim", + -16.394765853881836 + ], + [ + "あんど", + -17.350086212158203 + ], + [ + "LBX", + -16.407331466674805 + ], + [ + "賑", + -17.7904052734375 + ], + [ + "GIA", + -16.46969223022461 + ], + [ + "サラーム", + -17.02298927307129 + ], + [ + "竺", + -17.005403518676758 + ], + [ + "OND", + -15.415834426879885 + ], + [ + "adelphia", + -17.142641067504883 + ], + [ + "アンティキティ", + -19.452526092529297 + ], + [ + "エスメラルダ", + -17.063594818115234 + ], + [ + "コンニャク", + -17.1063175201416 + ], + [ + "シャンゼリゼ", + -17.232431411743164 + ], + [ + "アソシエイテッド", + -16.358802795410156 + ], + [ + "ウプサラ", + -16.579988479614258 + ], + [ + "ヒートシンク", + -18.252790451049805 + ], + [ + "ンチェンドルジェ", + -22.127681732177734 + ], + [ + "Malaysia", + -15.247440338134766 + ], + [ + "BUNNY", + -16.34292984008789 + ], + [ + "新松戸", + -16.858118057250977 + ], + [ + "えげつな", + -18.576950073242188 + ], + [ + "フォルトゥナ", + -16.475933074951172 + ], + [ + "OCEAN", + -15.99954319000244 + ], + [ + "ホリスティック", + -18.14854621887207 + ], + [ + "シロクマ", + -17.489234924316406 + ], + [ + "ひとしお", + -19.324464797973633 + ], + [ + "スタンダール", + -16.401369094848633 + ], + [ + "ナカムラ", + -17.00159454345703 + ], + [ + "エキスプレス", + -15.477546691894531 + ], + [ + "デジパック", + -16.836915969848633 + ], + [ + "コミットメント", + -17.538328170776367 + ], + [ + "Yourself", + -17.788991928100586 + ], + [ + "由宇", + -16.911148071289062 + ], + [ + "ヤリモクサイト", + -21.3214168548584 + ], + [ + "メダイ", + -17.58770751953125 + ], + [ + "ニュースレター", + -17.85678482055664 + ], + [ + "雨乞", + -17.245487213134766 + ], + [ + "ドラゴンエイジ", + -16.632078170776367 + ], + [ + "エズラ", + -16.874454498291016 + ], + [ + "ポメラニアン", + -18.064294815063477 + ], + [ + "レピトラ", + -20.020036697387695 + ], + [ + "ネージュ", + -17.013219833374023 + ], + [ + "PCIe", + -15.04321002960205 + ], + [ + "Une", + -15.334673881530762 + ], + [ + "HOLIC", + -16.863399505615234 + ], + [ + "メンズウェア", + -18.40066909790039 + ], + [ + "アルパ", + -17.35246467590332 + ], + [ + "ペーニャ", + -16.995620727539062 + ], + [ + "KTX", + -15.796120643615724 + ], + [ + "天蓋", + -17.4608154296875 + ], + [ + "ヒドイ", + -19.16295051574707 + ], + [ + "Glee", + -15.297995567321776 + ], + [ + "オーバーレイ", + -17.835351943969727 + ], + [ + "Memoir", + -16.713485717773438 + ], + [ + "ヤット", + -17.18641471862793 + ], + [ + "イェーガー", + -16.941612243652344 + ], + [ + "amada", + -16.062341690063477 + ], + [ + "タイジ", + -16.883668899536133 + ], + [ + "HTTPS", + -14.52634620666504 + ], + [ + "ッテンベルク", + -17.208518981933594 + ], + [ + "Prof", + -14.907204627990724 + ], + [ + "つくね", + -17.527313232421875 + ], + [ + "°、", + -18.44986343383789 + ], + [ + "カルラ", + -16.561920166015625 + ], + [ + "んなふうに", + -17.78212547302246 + ], + [ + "フスカヤ", + -17.14373016357422 + ], + [ + "doll", + -15.57673168182373 + ], + [ + "ボーラ", + -17.01829719543457 + ], + [ + "コルダ", + -16.501340866088867 + ], + [ + "ガッタ", + -16.92183494567871 + ], + [ + "昭光", + -16.466842651367188 + ], + [ + "コハク", + -17.17426109313965 + ], + [ + "ネウス", + -17.244728088378906 + ], + [ + "MONT", + -15.049253463745115 + ], + [ + "伊江", + -17.65755844116211 + ], + [ + "えらぶ", + -18.45479965209961 + ], + [ + "!!!!!!", + -19.51102638244629 + ], + [ + "アンガー", + -17.228681564331055 + ], + [ + "Tracks", + -13.92431640625 + ], + [ + "バリアー", + -17.305694580078125 + ], + [ + "医用", + -16.897920608520508 + ], + [ + "AMHA", + -19.212602615356445 + ], + [ + "'`", + -14.82016658782959 + ], + [ + "康文", + -16.45330810546875 + ], + [ + "ウィスパー", + -17.283510208129883 + ], + [ + "XK", + -13.919487953186035 + ], + [ + "ivre", + -16.374568939208984 + ], + [ + "サルタ", + -17.11134147644043 + ], + [ + "GAKU", + -16.579862594604492 + ], + [ + "GOING", + -14.71243381500244 + ], + [ + "QN", + -14.915308952331545 + ], + [ + "MATIC", + -16.005895614624023 + ], + [ + ".:.:", + -21.006132125854492 + ], + [ + "ハンクス", + -17.109106063842773 + ], + [ + "カマド", + -16.51312255859375 + ], + [ + "cash", + -14.952795028686523 + ], + [ + "ッタン", + -17.870498657226562 + ], + [ + "_,.", + -22.009502410888672 + ], + [ + "Ruth", + -16.149808883666992 + ], + [ + "ストローム", + -17.027111053466797 + ], + [ + "オキサ", + -17.09724235534668 + ], + [ + "urry", + -15.317621231079102 + ], + [ + "」 ", + -13.988299369812012 + ], + [ + "alp", + -14.516002655029297 + ], + [ + "Allan", + -16.30759620666504 + ], + [ + "一神", + -16.732742309570312 + ], + [ + "エロゲー", + -18.04395294189453 + ], + [ + "グローバリズム", + -17.55162239074707 + ], + [ + "シクラメン", + -17.248424530029297 + ], + [ + "ブルドーザー", + -17.24798583984375 + ], + [ + "オクトーバー", + -17.24946403503418 + ], + [ + "UNIVERSE", + -16.191387176513672 + ], + [ + "カタルシス", + -17.153766632080078 + ], + [ + "セキスイハイム", + -16.91388702392578 + ], + [ + "ブエナビスタ", + -17.681804656982422 + ], + [ + "魚市場", + -16.996824264526367 + ], + [ + "サンゴリアス", + -16.27444839477539 + ], + [ + "Laptop", + -16.190460205078125 + ], + [ + "バシリカ", + -17.41697120666504 + ], + [ + "votes", + -15.442362785339355 + ], + [ + "Concord", + -15.810282707214355 + ], + [ + "レトリバー", + -17.26425552368164 + ], + [ + "Forbes", + -17.02387046813965 + ], + [ + "谷汲", + -17.193405151367188 + ], + [ + "メレディス", + -17.05044174194336 + ], + [ + "ナンバーカード", + -18.250627517700195 + ], + [ + "テイクダウン", + -18.4747371673584 + ], + [ + "EAU", + -16.121217727661133 + ], + [ + "トランスミッター", + -17.923967361450195 + ], + [ + "ねんね", + -17.97553825378418 + ], + [ + "ワンタン", + -17.719867706298828 + ], + [ + "・`)", + -19.65872573852539 + ], + [ + "バーリントン", + -16.953340530395508 + ], + [ + "アームレスト", + -18.952043533325195 + ], + [ + "寝ぼけ", + -18.818735122680664 + ], + [ + "ノジマ", + -16.699832916259766 + ], + [ + "ビビット", + -17.4571590423584 + ], + [ + "鷹匠", + -17.028406143188477 + ], + [ + "桜ケ丘", + -16.860980987548828 + ], + [ + "PKO", + -16.735811233520508 + ], + [ + "スカッシュ", + -16.433557510375977 + ], + [ + "射止め", + -18.32783317565918 + ], + [ + "イザヤ", + -17.75580406188965 + ], + [ + "申し合わせ", + -18.32778549194336 + ], + [ + "anthe", + -14.51254940032959 + ], + [ + "Dw", + -14.56610870361328 + ], + [ + "仰木", + -17.266693115234375 + ], + [ + "イントロ", + -15.460695266723633 + ], + [ + "ペキン", + -17.331390380859375 + ], + [ + "緑地公園", + -16.507244110107422 + ], + [ + "浄心", + -17.089866638183594 + ], + [ + "oleman", + -18.213804244995117 + ], + [ + "シャベル", + -17.431175231933594 + ], + [ + "曽野", + -17.251928329467773 + ], + [ + "イルミナティ", + -17.782197952270508 + ], + [ + "児湯", + -16.71807098388672 + ], + [ + "フルバック", + -16.715023040771484 + ], + [ + "仙波", + -16.529701232910156 + ], + [ + "横堀", + -17.052074432373047 + ], + [ + "キイロ", + -17.565895080566406 + ], + [ + "Cp", + -14.718857765197754 + ], + [ + "のし上が", + -18.41301155090332 + ], + [ + "?!", + -16.525606155395508 + ], + [ + "Blast", + -15.871066093444824 + ], + [ + "GTE", + -15.73784637451172 + ], + [ + "輝男", + -16.541210174560547 + ], + [ + "Yw", + -16.338359832763672 + ], + [ + "東庄", + -17.055429458618164 + ], + [ + "Boat", + -15.791390419006348 + ], + [ + "ァァ", + -20.609922409057617 + ], + [ + "sora", + -16.417139053344727 + ], + [ + "Mood", + -15.305256843566896 + ], + [ + "博樹", + -16.72201919555664 + ], + [ + "lo", + -19.289554595947266 + ], + [ + "ンスベルク", + -18.020448684692383 + ], + [ + "サルタン", + -16.481664657592773 + ], + [ + "スタマーサポート", + -19.366270065307617 + ], + [ + "クーガー", + -16.847585678100586 + ], + [ + "ジャコウ", + -17.23284912109375 + ], + [ + "YI", + -15.176255226135254 + ], + [ + "Lamp", + -15.597302436828612 + ], + [ + "スワース", + -16.996564865112305 + ], + [ + "glyc", + -15.802654266357422 + ], + [ + "ゲツ", + -16.943532943725586 + ], + [ + "元康", + -15.86936855316162 + ], + [ + "シュロス", + -17.596298217773438 + ], + [ + "ハングリー", + -16.89607810974121 + ], + [ + "アレーナ", + -16.974023818969727 + ], + [ + "ギャルズ", + -16.711702346801758 + ], + [ + "BRE", + -14.334351539611816 + ], + [ + "ハバード", + -17.214448928833008 + ], + [ + "TORI", + -16.357389450073242 + ], + [ + "ブルブル", + -17.75058364868164 + ], + [ + "Spectr", + -15.217157363891602 + ], + [ + "EZO", + -16.506145477294922 + ], + [ + "fran", + -15.519634246826172 + ], + [ + "アベンジャー", + -17.460918426513672 + ], + [ + "Ensemble", + -15.7553129196167 + ], + [ + "pAdvisor", + -16.806589126586914 + ], + [ + "あどけな", + -18.494123458862305 + ], + [ + "キューティクル", + -18.212448120117188 + ], + [ + "グレンラガン", + -17.38719367980957 + ], + [ + "ザラザラ", + -19.046449661254883 + ], + [ + "シコルスキー", + -16.345258712768555 + ], + [ + "トッケビ", + -19.874422073364254 + ], + [ + "レモネード", + -16.914119720458984 + ], + [ + "ヴィヴァルディ", + -17.021080017089844 + ], + [ + "カードキャプター", + -16.76837158203125 + ], + [ + "Aaron", + -15.625931739807127 + ], + [ + "パワードスーツ", + -16.914852142333984 + ], + [ + "フレデリク", + -17.194536209106445 + ], + [ + "ornhub", + -18.564001083374023 + ], + [ + "ピチカート", + -16.902542114257812 + ], + [ + "張りつめ", + -19.26819229125977 + ], + [ + "マニュエル", + -16.86329460144043 + ], + [ + "たてがみ", + -17.512048721313477 + ], + [ + "Mitchell", + -16.47769546508789 + ], + [ + "カトレア", + -17.21790313720703 + ], + [ + "のぞかせ", + -18.7395076751709 + ], + [ + "碓井", + -16.8366641998291 + ], + [ + "モスキート", + -16.72638511657715 + ], + [ + "ydney", + -15.675490379333496 + ], + [ + "わかりやす", + -16.008148193359375 + ], + [ + "Cheese", + -16.15950584411621 + ], + [ + "ボルテージ", + -17.710805892944336 + ], + [ + "ションマッピング", + -19.504243850708008 + ], + [ + "Fritz", + -16.454330444335938 + ], + [ + "tetsuya", + -17.398908615112305 + ], + [ + "inu", + -14.853363990783691 + ], + [ + "Cruz", + -16.802366256713867 + ], + [ + "KOREA", + -16.33639144897461 + ], + [ + "タイトスカート", + -18.368492126464844 + ], + [ + "Garage", + -14.982132911682127 + ], + [ + "ファビウス", + -17.417741775512695 + ], + [ + "ヲタク", + -17.784061431884766 + ], + [ + "スローモーション", + -17.381603240966797 + ], + [ + "みだれ", + -16.755525588989258 + ], + [ + "ケンドリック", + -17.112756729125977 + ], + [ + "カラバフ", + -17.392074584960938 + ], + [ + "パラフィン", + -18.37136459350586 + ], + [ + "\":\"\"}「", + -18.839054107666016 + ], + [ + "LD", + -18.827356338500977 + ], + [ + "Nobody", + -15.30398941040039 + ], + [ + "ピーテル", + -17.0113582611084 + ], + [ + "romotion", + -15.48552417755127 + ], + [ + "サイレンサー", + -17.377286911010742 + ], + [ + "ディラック", + -16.862844467163086 + ], + [ + "ウェルチ", + -16.870864868164062 + ], + [ + "ドングリ", + -17.639022827148438 + ], + [ + "TDP", + -15.42552661895752 + ], + [ + "ソイル", + -17.71969223022461 + ], + [ + "ビフィ", + -18.92216110229492 + ], + [ + "冠王", + -17.327877044677734 + ], + [ + "グイン", + -17.441173553466797 + ], + [ + "グッバイ", + -15.776294708251951 + ], + [ + "Networks", + -14.066563606262209 + ], + [ + "ミッドセンチュリ", + -21.010278701782227 + ], + [ + "鉱脈", + -17.528600692749023 + ], + [ + "ステイシー", + -16.684307098388672 + ], + [ + "デジタルカメラ", + -15.778891563415527 + ], + [ + "ヘレス", + -16.920534133911133 + ], + [ + "KFC", + -15.98097324371338 + ], + [ + "クルーベ", + -16.25450325012207 + ], + [ + "コンスル", + -17.07053565979004 + ], + [ + "Jahre", + -19.26576232910156 + ], + [ + "atra", + -14.85905933380127 + ], + [ + "繁昌", + -17.18338394165039 + ], + [ + "スタグラム", + -18.95697975158691 + ], + [ + "drums", + -14.93648910522461 + ], + [ + "WDC", + -16.617229461669922 + ], + [ + "BRAIN", + -15.58188247680664 + ], + [ + "芽室", + -16.618045806884766 + ], + [ + "老健", + -18.47915267944336 + ], + [ + "つぶつぶ", + -18.34383773803711 + ], + [ + "源次郎", + -16.864858627319336 + ], + [ + "Bulletin", + -16.005067825317383 + ], + [ + "ンテ", + -19.271095275878903 + ], + [ + "UKU", + -16.674697875976562 + ], + [ + "キュイ", + -16.90101432800293 + ], + [ + "玉三郎", + -17.221067428588867 + ], + [ + "Lud", + -16.56616973876953 + ], + [ + "フォリオ", + -18.07396125793457 + ], + [ + "コンダクター", + -17.217952728271484 + ], + [ + ",_", + -15.535848617553713 + ], + [ + "健夫", + -16.380348205566406 + ], + [ + "eron", + -14.195088386535645 + ], + [ + "巡り会", + -18.922548294067383 + ], + [ + "オウギ", + -17.045629501342773 + ], + [ + "bius", + -14.574657440185549 + ], + [ + "ネオス", + -16.967025756835938 + ], + [ + "RP", + -19.2517032623291 + ], + [ + "Lyric", + -16.477556228637695 + ], + [ + "プルースト", + -17.571016311645508 + ], + [ + "Beer", + -16.30675506591797 + ], + [ + "atcher", + -15.086262702941896 + ], + [ + "リーニョ", + -16.953269958496094 + ], + [ + "ウォーリー", + -16.57402229309082 + ], + [ + "/ .", + -19.617965698242188 + ], + [ + "jm", + -14.105527877807615 + ], + [ + "スレタイ", + -19.982879638671875 + ], + [ + "くさび", + -17.665067672729492 + ], + [ + "ギィ", + -17.000240325927734 + ], + [ + "トロニック", + -17.36935806274414 + ], + [ + "|:::", + -20.48847770690918 + ], + [ + "サラリ", + -19.05520248413086 + ], + [ + "cru", + -14.264601707458496 + ], + [ + "ペテルブルク", + -17.821374893188477 + ], + [ + "SATURDAY", + -15.841426849365234 + ], + [ + "NIKKOR", + -18.380849838256836 + ], + [ + "Tumblr", + -15.37241554260254 + ], + [ + "ウルムチ", + -16.971799850463867 + ], + [ + "ソイプロテイン", + -21.04476547241211 + ], + [ + "ツートンカラー", + -17.949785232543945 + ], + [ + "パーダーボルン", + -17.507078170776367 + ], + [ + "マトラッセ", + -19.36353302001953 + ], + [ + "ロンパース", + -19.282712936401367 + ], + [ + "ハァハァ", + -19.97573471069336 + ], + [ + "インティライミ", + -16.568561553955078 + ], + [ + "スケジューリング", + -17.471582412719727 + ], + [ + "マインドフルネス", + -17.018709182739258 + ], + [ + "ヴィースバーデン", + -17.114437103271484 + ], + [ + "スタッフィング", + -17.008779525756836 + ], + [ + "ビネガー", + -17.783742904663086 + ], + [ + "Krush", + -16.1895809173584 + ], + [ + "levitra", + -19.25925064086914 + ], + [ + "ごった返", + -19.23135757446289 + ], + [ + "★'..*'..", + -21.497669219970703 + ], + [ + "ユンカース", + -17.063501358032227 + ], + [ + "TSUBISHI", + -17.66875457763672 + ], + [ + "翰林", + -17.221216201782227 + ], + [ + "荒れ果て", + -18.23823928833008 + ], + [ + "テムジン", + -17.372339248657227 + ], + [ + "テーバイ", + -17.412639617919922 + ], + [ + "蚕糸", + -17.290163040161133 + ], + [ + "CHANCE", + -16.037662506103516 + ], + [ + "ゴーギャン", + -17.606470108032227 + ], + [ + "Debut", + -16.78046226501465 + ], + [ + "でないと", + -15.957541465759276 + ], + [ + "芽吹", + -17.52414894104004 + ], + [ + "コーストリーグ", + -17.35008430480957 + ], + [ + "テイスティング", + -17.4840087890625 + ], + [ + "花菱", + -16.841772079467773 + ], + [ + "プルダウン", + -18.503334045410156 + ], + [ + "オリコンデイリー", + -17.341535568237305 + ], + [ + "サニックス", + -16.4141845703125 + ], + [ + "ポリープ", + -17.705766677856445 + ], + [ + "シュレージ", + -17.050413131713867 + ], + [ + "差押", + -18.568302154541016 + ], + [ + "VRAM", + -15.15647315979004 + ], + [ + "昆陽", + -17.058149337768555 + ], + [ + "お目見", + -18.87332534790039 + ], + [ + "しひし", + -19.388906478881836 + ], + [ + "ミハイロ", + -16.96698760986328 + ], + [ + "xen", + -13.761764526367188 + ], + [ + "ixon", + -15.742483139038086 + ], + [ + "ネイションズ", + -16.800424575805664 + ], + [ + "狭ま", + -19.06593894958496 + ], + [ + "ネイバー", + -16.656173706054688 + ], + [ + "小布施", + -16.977094650268555 + ], + [ + "ウィップ", + -16.759937286376953 + ], + [ + "腕立て", + -18.382341384887695 + ], + [ + "ニッソー", + -19.167165756225582 + ], + [ + "アニオン", + -17.26038360595703 + ], + [ + "ドクロ", + -16.047439575195312 + ], + [ + "フリット", + -17.76289176940918 + ], + [ + "カテキン", + -17.560039520263672 + ], + [ + "医療福祉", + -15.449031829833984 + ], + [ + "SFP", + -15.295857429504396 + ], + [ + "北詰", + -16.976451873779297 + ], + [ + "軽金属", + -16.895179748535156 + ], + [ + " , ", + -19.33907127380371 + ], + [ + "Ministr", + -16.87114906311035 + ], + [ + "吉兆", + -17.492645263671875 + ], + [ + "腹巻", + -18.219879150390625 + ], + [ + "町南", + -16.35279655456543 + ], + [ + " ̄`", + -19.13610076904297 + ], + [ + "Convers", + -16.684186935424805 + ], + [ + "JKT", + -16.827232360839844 + ], + [ + "アドベント", + -17.39792251586914 + ], + [ + "桃香", + -16.768699645996094 + ], + [ + "兼松", + -16.426271438598633 + ], + [ + "ファンタジ", + -16.87800407409668 + ], + [ + "MOB", + -15.301377296447754 + ], + [ + "Panda", + -16.054737091064453 + ], + [ + "何でもか", + -19.59601593017578 + ], + [ + "Hr", + -15.017534255981444 + ], + [ + "ププッ", + -19.84619140625 + ], + [ + "THK", + -16.51346206665039 + ], + [ + "シャークス", + -15.883749961853027 + ], + [ + " ./", + -19.764339447021484 + ], + [ + "珠美", + -16.661596298217773 + ], + [ + "dtp", + -14.863056182861328 + ], + [ + "unction", + -16.117935180664062 + ], + [ + "ドラッグストアー", + -18.11426544189453 + ], + [ + "', ", + -20.17249870300293 + ], + [ + "auro", + -14.94994068145752 + ], + [ + "パーティクル", + -17.787240982055664 + ], + [ + "ッシモ", + -17.02720832824707 + ], + [ + "アクチュエータ", + -17.568796157836914 + ], + [ + "JINS", + -17.454652786254883 + ], + [ + "マリモ", + -17.418275833129883 + ], + [ + "洋学", + -17.02450180053711 + ], + [ + "はざま", + -16.892459869384766 + ], + [ + "りまく", + -17.639827728271484 + ], + [ + "Organic", + -16.893924713134766 + ], + [ + "CNG", + -15.542223930358888 + ], + [ + "アルバロ", + -17.231189727783203 + ], + [ + "Nh", + -15.581063270568848 + ], + [ + "Vac", + -14.606861114501951 + ], + [ + "ドライヴ", + -16.586851119995117 + ], + [ + "ゃちほこ", + -16.668012619018555 + ], + [ + "コンプレッション", + -18.813743591308594 + ], + [ + "スダメリカーナ", + -16.661401748657227 + ], + [ + "フォーシーズンズ", + -17.26614761352539 + ], + [ + "おたふく", + -17.712173461914062 + ], + [ + "ジルコニア", + -17.816434860229492 + ], + [ + "まき散ら", + -18.617876052856445 + ], + [ + "ギルガメッシュ", + -17.047225952148438 + ], + [ + "Travis", + -16.45087432861328 + ], + [ + "アジサシ", + -16.696781158447266 + ], + [ + "quipment", + -15.880562782287598 + ], + [ + "グッドスマイル", + -17.20842742919922 + ], + [ + "シャドバ", + -19.38064956665039 + ], + [ + "ひったく", + -17.84402084350586 + ], + [ + "GIANT", + -15.997102737426758 + ], + [ + "マーケター", + -17.218313217163086 + ], + [ + "ぜんまい", + -17.537704467773438 + ], + [ + "スッピン", + -18.250133514404297 + ], + [ + "雄々し", + -18.743696212768555 + ], + [ + "シンターゼ", + -17.01861572265625 + ], + [ + "hitomi", + -16.061317443847656 + ], + [ + "ヘイワード", + -16.963579177856445 + ], + [ + "バフェット", + -17.90115737915039 + ], + [ + "ニンニンジャ", + -17.01289176940918 + ], + [ + "ピケット", + -17.217464447021484 + ], + [ + "怒り狂", + -18.746652603149418 + ], + [ + "XBOX", + -15.776972770690918 + ], + [ + "スピンドル", + -17.829578399658203 + ], + [ + "井尻", + -17.284299850463867 + ], + [ + "koko", + -16.40593147277832 + ], + [ + "クリニカ", + -17.66530418395996 + ], + [ + "マリオネット", + -16.469205856323242 + ], + [ + "ブランドコピー", + -18.52284049987793 + ], + [ + "Shoes", + -15.081483840942385 + ], + [ + "℃(", + -17.553451538085938 + ], + [ + "beats", + -15.501452445983888 + ], + [ + "Yale", + -15.917354583740234 + ], + [ + "作新学院", + -16.60149574279785 + ], + [ + "Omni", + -15.846128463745115 + ], + [ + "古宇", + -17.457759857177734 + ], + [ + "バグダッ", + -17.64622688293457 + ], + [ + "根深", + -18.86704444885254 + ], + [ + "オサム", + -16.517677307128906 + ], + [ + "ワウマ", + -18.58034896850586 + ], + [ + "UTH", + -15.85968780517578 + ], + [ + "ナブル", + -17.285194396972656 + ], + [ + "引き替え", + -18.365705490112305 + ], + [ + "BREW", + -15.998214721679688 + ], + [ + "千寿", + -16.634267807006836 + ], + [ + "身ごも", + -18.241525650024418 + ], + [ + "ストラット", + -16.87389373779297 + ], + [ + "/(", + -19.797832489013672 + ], + [ + "| ||", + -18.100200653076172 + ], + [ + "シーター", + -17.792522430419922 + ], + [ + "ISMO", + -16.785171508789062 + ], + [ + "ORC", + -14.970731735229492 + ], + [ + "スンダ", + -17.041126251220703 + ], + [ + "ドラモン", + -16.687082290649414 + ], + [ + "ひかえ", + -17.888227462768555 + ], + [ + "figur", + -15.798469543457031 + ], + [ + "ディズレ", + -17.998180389404297 + ], + [ + "ヨシフ", + -16.849382400512695 + ], + [ + "EEK", + -16.048095703125 + ], + [ + "HESS", + -16.559011459350586 + ], + [ + "コーツ", + -17.007619857788086 + ], + [ + "ダイヤモンドバッ", + -17.019954681396484 + ], + [ + "たかい", + -16.524995803833008 + ], + [ + "フィールダー", + -17.37998390197754 + ], + [ + "リョフ", + -17.39962387084961 + ], + [ + "BOW", + -15.088833808898926 + ], + [ + "marc", + -15.394877433776855 + ], + [ + "IBAF", + -16.569692611694336 + ], + [ + "boys", + -14.559893608093262 + ], + [ + "メレン", + -17.40760040283203 + ], + [ + "PU", + -19.86225128173828 + ], + [ + "esu", + -15.776249885559082 + ], + [ + "Roberto", + -16.245338439941406 + ], + [ + "Forge", + -15.52006721496582 + ], + [ + ",,,,,", + -17.22671127319336 + ], + [ + "ホロウ", + -16.67339515686035 + ], + [ + "ヴィール", + -17.443689346313477 + ], + [ + "じゅうぶ", + -20.02382469177246 + ], + [ + "paris", + -15.52805995941162 + ], + [ + ".. ", + -19.986595153808594 + ], + [ + "膚", + -17.91849708557129 + ], + [ + "ブラジリア", + -16.720312118530273 + ], + [ + "Mobility", + -16.10223388671875 + ], + [ + "Airbnb", + -16.687824249267578 + ], + [ + "LEATHER", + -17.453105926513672 + ], + [ + "SLYME", + -16.816152572631836 + ], + [ + "Samurai", + -16.828554153442383 + ], + [ + "Stuart", + -15.999852180480955 + ], + [ + "アタランタ", + -16.391504287719727 + ], + [ + "アナキスト", + -16.550048828125 + ], + [ + "スワヒリ", + -17.484817504882812 + ], + [ + "トレハロース", + -18.710458755493164 + ], + [ + "ホムンクルス", + -17.035295486450195 + ], + [ + "ユーフォニアム", + -17.011066436767578 + ], + [ + "ラヴェンナ", + -17.047924041748047 + ], + [ + "上賀茂", + -17.246604919433594 + ], + [ + "中小企業", + -14.957538604736328 + ], + [ + "TURBO", + -15.653148651123049 + ], + [ + "エニグマ", + -17.031152725219727 + ], + [ + "VINTAGE", + -17.358661651611328 + ], + [ + "クッキリ", + -19.22585105895996 + ], + [ + "ロコモティフ", + -16.303972244262695 + ], + [ + "ヴィットーリオ", + -17.162384033203125 + ], + [ + "フォールト", + -17.057191848754883 + ], + [ + "ホオジロ", + -16.664012908935547 + ], + [ + "ゲシュタルト", + -17.353330612182617 + ], + [ + "フレシャス", + -20.96377944946289 + ], + [ + "アシモフ", + -16.995038986206055 + ], + [ + "Kaiser", + -16.635650634765625 + ], + [ + "ロザリー", + -16.755128860473633 + ], + [ + "アキレウス", + -17.303163528442383 + ], + [ + "ボトックス", + -19.210554122924805 + ], + [ + "スポイト", + -19.480714797973633 + ], + [ + ";`)", + -20.02652931213379 + ], + [ + "パヨク", + -19.01127052307129 + ], + [ + "羊蹄", + -17.703458786010742 + ], + [ + "ドンキホーテ", + -17.592058181762695 + ], + [ + "フィクサー", + -16.958026885986328 + ], + [ + "ガードレール", + -18.311323165893555 + ], + [ + "ヴェゼル", + -18.38544654846191 + ], + [ + "撥ね", + -18.30453109741211 + ], + [ + "慈眼", + -16.935073852539062 + ], + [ + "メイウェザー", + -17.815696716308594 + ], + [ + "メアド", + -19.191247940063477 + ], + [ + "ユンボ", + -17.936748504638672 + ], + [ + "チューハイ", + -17.21727180480957 + ], + [ + "ディジョン", + -16.653057098388672 + ], + [ + "ゅけん", + -17.75602149963379 + ], + [ + "むちゃ", + -17.37601661682129 + ], + [ + "淡海", + -16.870088577270508 + ], + [ + "Cult", + -17.15203857421875 + ], + [ + "アニメージュ", + -16.803083419799805 + ], + [ + "forever", + -16.031030654907227 + ], + [ + "Koda", + -16.714073181152344 + ], + [ + "ウィメン", + -17.38263702392578 + ], + [ + "uble", + -15.806304931640623 + ], + [ + "//", + -20.13797378540039 + ], + [ + "こじつけ", + -18.842405319213867 + ], + [ + "Voices", + -14.431947708129885 + ], + [ + "メイア", + -17.328697204589844 + ], + [ + "ミトロ", + -16.9237003326416 + ], + [ + "福徳", + -16.84862518310547 + ], + [ + "クチュール", + -18.018482208251953 + ], + [ + "トーネ", + -16.4365177154541 + ], + [ + "白百合", + -15.65015983581543 + ], + [ + "グラシア", + -17.239654541015625 + ], + [ + "村西", + -17.043960571289062 + ], + [ + "十番", + -15.873581886291504 + ], + [ + "Zy", + -14.528570175170898 + ], + [ + "テイオー", + -17.221689224243164 + ], + [ + "cue", + -15.015969276428224 + ], + [ + "寂れ", + -18.333255767822266 + ], + [ + "テレグラフ", + -17.84388542175293 + ], + [ + "ジュンク", + -17.61480140686035 + ], + [ + "疑獄", + -17.438947677612305 + ], + [ + "tert", + -16.213132858276367 + ], + [ + ". /", + -19.349529266357425 + ], + [ + "grapher", + -15.19211483001709 + ], + [ + "勘三郎", + -16.952045440673828 + ], + [ + "Bild", + -17.28681755065918 + ], + [ + "Linda", + -16.002548217773438 + ], + [ + "AIBA", + -15.86012363433838 + ], + [ + "レシーバ", + -18.97139549255371 + ], + [ + "AJI", + -16.485483169555664 + ], + [ + "キャイ", + -16.479774475097656 + ], + [ + "NIH", + -16.403057098388672 + ], + [ + "Clover", + -16.897537231445312 + ], + [ + "ボビン", + -17.906024932861328 + ], + [ + "Medit", + -16.6519718170166 + ], + [ + "ねがい", + -16.80939292907715 + ], + [ + "スプー", + -16.993425369262695 + ], + [ + "HEM", + -16.04974937438965 + ], + [ + "パリーグ", + -18.08964729309082 + ], + [ + "flowers", + -15.598592758178713 + ], + [ + "ケード", + -17.6071834564209 + ], + [ + "ERDOG", + -15.698972702026367 + ], + [ + "グラバー", + -17.014543533325195 + ], + [ + "スノーシュー", + -18.43790054321289 + ], + [ + "Unreal", + -15.255511283874512 + ], + [ + "エンビロン", + -20.957942962646484 + ], + [ + "オセチア", + -17.07584571838379 + ], + [ + "ギトギト", + -20.20349884033203 + ], + [ + "ハーゲンダッツ", + -17.29939079284668 + ], + [ + "ホメオパシー", + -17.781492233276367 + ], + [ + "ボサノヴァ", + -16.916772842407227 + ], + [ + "うぐいす", + -17.068546295166016 + ], + [ + "ガッバーナ", + -18.19512939453125 + ], + [ + "サニタリー", + -18.76957130432129 + ], + [ + "プロンプト", + -17.81265640258789 + ], + [ + "ブリーフィング", + -17.931011199951172 + ], + [ + "レゾナンス", + -17.93087387084961 + ], + [ + "Various", + -15.79185390472412 + ], + [ + "コモディティ", + -17.958940505981445 + ], + [ + "Aurora", + -16.08026123046875 + ], + [ + "MUSEUM", + -15.812178611755373 + ], + [ + "九度山", + -17.196613311767578 + ], + [ + "リューリク", + -16.01792335510254 + ], + [ + "マッドマックス", + -16.966642379760742 + ], + [ + "パラボラ", + -17.258153915405273 + ], + [ + "アルスラーン", + -17.293228149414062 + ], + [ + "タケカワ", + -16.748422622680664 + ], + [ + "ウルフルズ", + -16.447303771972656 + ], + [ + "アヴァロン", + -16.709104537963867 + ], + [ + "sumo", + -14.96658706665039 + ], + [ + "フェイント", + -16.9897518157959 + ], + [ + "あぜ", + -17.777021408081055 + ], + [ + "ステラボール", + -17.053560256958008 + ], + [ + "見違え", + -19.063982009887695 + ], + [ + "Owen", + -16.268661499023438 + ], + [ + "九州産業大学", + -16.060924530029297 + ], + [ + "ペアレント", + -17.16561508178711 + ], + [ + "youth", + -16.532344818115234 + ], + [ + "Invita", + -15.708148002624512 + ], + [ + "メガハウス", + -17.610950469970703 + ], + [ + "LDC", + -15.016715049743652 + ], + [ + "クロマトグラフィ", + -17.035799026489258 + ], + [ + "パンクバンド", + -17.356950759887695 + ], + [ + "ホーダイ", + -17.3153076171875 + ], + [ + "取立て", + -18.02225685119629 + ], + [ + "|::::::", + -19.739063262939453 + ], + [ + "ANGE", + -15.867705345153809 + ], + [ + "フェレンツ", + -16.366588592529297 + ], + [ + "JAV", + -17.475114822387695 + ], + [ + "ペリン", + -17.03322410583496 + ], + [ + "OUL", + -16.04789161682129 + ], + [ + "デニッシュ", + -18.52568244934082 + ], + [ + "ケレン", + -17.432891845703125 + ], + [ + "フェリーチェ", + -17.50642967224121 + ], + [ + "]、[", + -19.766115188598633 + ], + [ + "PRINCESS", + -16.623519897460938 + ], + [ + "メリック", + -17.21050262451172 + ], + [ + "引き下が", + -19.03728485107422 + ], + [ + "ストロム", + -16.995141983032227 + ], + [ + "Vacation", + -17.410377502441406 + ], + [ + "ぶんぶ", + -17.85418701171875 + ], + [ + "AZOO", + -17.237335205078125 + ], + [ + "OBC", + -16.2376651763916 + ], + [ + "フィリス", + -16.97475814819336 + ], + [ + "センズリ", + -17.64085578918457 + ], + [ + "cure", + -14.944128036499023 + ], + [ + "(●", + -19.80476951599121 + ], + [ + "AGON", + -15.9409761428833 + ], + [ + "Differ", + -16.352048873901367 + ], + [ + "NERV", + -17.151918411254883 + ], + [ + "プーラン", + -17.66565704345703 + ], + [ + "MAGU", + -20.26249313354492 + ], + [ + "Julie", + -15.692548751831056 + ], + [ + "コーブ", + -17.461851119995117 + ], + [ + "xcellent", + -14.842559814453123 + ], + [ + "AOL", + -16.005144119262695 + ], + [ + "不二子", + -16.529434204101562 + ], + [ + "YV", + -15.06953239440918 + ], + [ + "friends", + -15.091597557067873 + ], + [ + "小阪", + -16.6481876373291 + ], + [ + "BIZ", + -16.55314064025879 + ], + [ + "ゃかい", + -18.46436309814453 + ], + [ + "RPS", + -14.827190399169922 + ], + [ + "ミクス", + -16.88925552368164 + ], + [ + "shino", + -15.793560981750488 + ], + [ + "tata", + -14.609768867492676 + ], + [ + "Harp", + -16.5609073638916 + ], + [ + "ピリッ", + -18.76810646057129 + ], + [ + "ストラテジ", + -17.9731502532959 + ], + [ + "DECO", + -15.527470588684082 + ], + [ + "ゃな", + -20.20699882507324 + ], + [ + "第二", + -11.747479438781738 + ], + [ + "クイーンエリザベ", + -18.09393882751465 + ], + [ + "Finn", + -16.142423629760742 + ], + [ + "am", + -19.594802856445312 + ], + [ + "Alexa", + -15.401394844055176 + ], + [ + " ',", + -20.46564292907715 + ], + [ + "皐", + -16.951404571533203 + ], + [ + "RESEARCH", + -16.17765235900879 + ], + [ + "エイブラムス", + -17.26052474975586 + ], + [ + "チエンマイ", + -17.154155731201172 + ], + [ + "ノーチラス", + -17.496397018432617 + ], + [ + "ディカプリオ", + -17.66852378845215 + ], + [ + "ATELIER", + -18.415218353271484 + ], + [ + "トラコミュ", + -20.336210250854492 + ], + [ + "ベルセルク", + -17.102930068969727 + ], + [ + "キャニスター", + -18.44216537475586 + ], + [ + "ヘイスティングス", + -17.15770721435547 + ], + [ + "ディクセル", + -18.758176803588867 + ], + [ + "はまなす", + -16.972787857055664 + ], + [ + "まばた", + -17.789997100830078 + ], + [ + "アブラムシ", + -17.84823989868164 + ], + [ + "GET", + -19.48062515258789 + ], + [ + "慈恩", + -16.919179916381836 + ], + [ + "Claudi", + -15.958746910095217 + ], + [ + "己斐", + -17.40474510192871 + ], + [ + "ャリブレーション", + -17.756418228149414 + ], + [ + "プリシラ", + -17.051895141601562 + ], + [ + "ペレイラ", + -16.706357955932617 + ], + [ + "エステラーゼ", + -17.171403884887695 + ], + [ + "USC", + -15.506583213806152 + ], + [ + "コータロー", + -16.605300903320312 + ], + [ + "エルパソ", + -17.26784324645996 + ], + [ + "キャスパー", + -17.01698875427246 + ], + [ + "ラムセス", + -17.312339782714844 + ], + [ + "メッチャ", + -18.760494232177734 + ], + [ + "アプリセフレ", + -20.90213203430176 + ], + [ + "ココリコ", + -16.59693717956543 + ], + [ + "生け捕", + -18.311155319213867 + ], + [ + "メドリ", + -16.488325119018555 + ], + [ + "Mellow", + -16.12102508544922 + ], + [ + "マロリー", + -17.16750717163086 + ], + [ + "iSH", + -17.97370719909668 + ], + [ + "ermo", + -15.416257858276367 + ], + [ + "DUGA", + -19.855731964111328 + ], + [ + "ウィルトン", + -17.903921127319336 + ], + [ + "千代丸", + -16.63888168334961 + ], + [ + "‐‐", + -18.962318420410156 + ], + [ + "ラッシュアワー", + -16.717185974121094 + ], + [ + "Raven", + -16.035219192504883 + ], + [ + "フィルモア", + -17.326173782348633 + ], + [ + "聖心女子", + -16.287738800048828 + ], + [ + "若竹", + -17.005084991455078 + ], + [ + "ぎや", + -18.07250213623047 + ], + [ + "カッチ", + -17.016942977905273 + ], + [ + "SGS", + -15.637571334838867 + ], + [ + "リレーション", + -16.41546058654785 + ], + [ + "me", + -19.59109115600586 + ], + [ + "オルタナ", + -17.146879196166992 + ], + [ + "ひとえ", + -17.9385986328125 + ], + [ + "Retro", + -16.141448974609375 + ], + [ + "黒滝", + -17.532407760620117 + ], + [ + "Gamb", + -16.507963180541992 + ], + [ + "さわぎ", + -16.621318817138672 + ], + [ + "鉢巻", + -17.583799362182617 + ], + [ + "JFK", + -15.885896682739258 + ], + [ + "MDE", + -16.051010131835938 + ], + [ + "SAW", + -15.7631254196167 + ], + [ + "QG", + -15.560391426086426 + ], + [ + "Zj", + -17.31483268737793 + ], + [ + "TRACKS", + -16.174203872680664 + ], + [ + "ホアン", + -16.722122192382812 + ], + [ + "(;´", + -19.783626556396484 + ], + [ + "シムズ", + -17.10520362854004 + ], + [ + "スフェルト", + -17.29331398010254 + ], + [ + "Labs", + -16.116701126098633 + ], + [ + "BRZ", + -17.176294326782227 + ], + [ + "ギンザ", + -17.342121124267578 + ], + [ + "icky", + -14.838170051574709 + ], + [ + "usch", + -15.102513313293455 + ], + [ + "カニエ", + -17.989269256591797 + ], + [ + "ステュー", + -17.52397918701172 + ], + [ + "アヘッド", + -17.108715057373047 + ], + [ + "クルル", + -16.987220764160156 + ], + [ + "ローデン", + -17.158103942871094 + ], + [ + "Judo", + -15.617959976196287 + ], + [ + "有為", + -17.209861755371094 + ], + [ + "ぼそ", + -19.531721115112305 + ], + [ + "ANKYO", + -16.633255004882812 + ], + [ + "Tec", + -15.905299186706545 + ], + [ + "シジマ", + -17.06694984436035 + ], + [ + "_,,", + -23.214862823486328 + ], + [ + "Clinic", + -17.234966278076172 + ], + [ + "nife", + -16.72410774230957 + ], + [ + "ほうじょう", + -16.443405151367188 + ], + [ + "GIO", + -15.311598777770996 + ], + [ + "TAX", + -15.71341609954834 + ], + [ + "パルティ", + -16.663272857666016 + ], + [ + "十二指腸", + -17.634532928466797 + ], + [ + "ケンドーコバヤシ", + -15.962320327758787 + ], + [ + "バックブリーカー", + -16.341772079467773 + ], + [ + "モントゴメリー", + -17.45403289794922 + ], + [ + "Sleeve", + -16.102602005004883 + ], + [ + "ガブリエラ", + -16.78775405883789 + ], + [ + "ハーメルン", + -16.974597930908203 + ], + [ + "リトミック", + -18.580421447753903 + ], + [ + "カポネ", + -17.13193130493164 + ], + [ + "コトブキヤ", + -17.2513427734375 + ], + [ + "PUBG", + -17.231767654418945 + ], + [ + "手厳し", + -19.33515357971191 + ], + [ + "キリンビバレッジ", + -16.57326316833496 + ], + [ + "ベレッタ", + -16.684938430786133 + ], + [ + "ディオーネ", + -17.241296768188477 + ], + [ + "クルップ", + -17.404226303100586 + ], + [ + "ダリヤ", + -16.928083419799805 + ], + [ + "ソドム", + -17.27202796936035 + ], + [ + "ワキガクリーム", + -21.022903442382812 + ], + [ + "subsp", + -17.581907272338867 + ], + [ + "ハルカス", + -17.301368713378906 + ], + [ + "赤羽根", + -16.519344329833984 + ], + [ + "Starry", + -15.974287986755373 + ], + [ + "Squadron", + -17.6846923828125 + ], + [ + "バニーガール", + -17.430007934570312 + ], + [ + "スッラ", + -17.61086082458496 + ], + [ + "ハンターズ", + -16.727294921875 + ], + [ + "」、", + -18.153804779052734 + ], + [ + "オルコット", + -17.756675720214844 + ], + [ + "SPICE", + -15.126354217529297 + ], + [ + "キンキン", + -17.99624252319336 + ], + [ + "ベッセル", + -17.219051361083984 + ], + [ + "angu", + -14.677111625671388 + ], + [ + "塩津", + -17.05661964416504 + ], + [ + "言いつけ", + -18.537996292114254 + ], + [ + "マス", + -19.71550750732422 + ], + [ + "ペテン", + -16.686325073242188 + ], + [ + "ハイル", + -17.256168365478516 + ], + [ + "ミューラー", + -16.724071502685547 + ], + [ + "Danger", + -15.98282241821289 + ], + [ + "Shore", + -16.158893585205078 + ], + [ + "メトロン", + -17.336362838745117 + ], + [ + "ティボー", + -17.23337745666504 + ], + [ + "福岡県立", + -14.699524879455566 + ], + [ + "~|~|", + -21.440080642700195 + ], + [ + "ゴールドバーグ", + -17.052156448364258 + ], + [ + "しゃぐ", + -18.56995010375977 + ], + [ + "roman", + -14.803762435913086 + ], + [ + "Symp", + -15.614295959472656 + ], + [ + "千羽", + -16.83190155029297 + ], + [ + "TANK", + -16.173553466796875 + ], + [ + "xv", + -14.433484077453612 + ], + [ + "herb", + -15.060498237609863 + ], + [ + "梶井", + -17.29128646850586 + ], + [ + "マンシップ", + -18.231760025024418 + ], + [ + "MT", + -18.820789337158203 + ], + [ + "ダイト", + -17.12404441833496 + ], + [ + "ピングー", + -16.731130599975586 + ], + [ + "reo", + -14.899080276489258 + ], + [ + "\_", + -19.421878814697266 + ], + [ + "NVY", + -19.19931411743164 + ], + [ + "omponent", + -18.091842651367188 + ], + [ + "(´∀`", + -19.572750091552734 + ], + [ + "guy", + -14.852228164672852 + ], + [ + "charact", + -17.68147087097168 + ], + [ + "NRI", + -16.709421157836914 + ], + [ + "Estate", + -17.470979690551758 + ], + [ + "ベイブ", + -16.82366180419922 + ], + [ + "ANGO", + -15.250819206237791 + ], + [ + "中間子", + -17.03299331665039 + ], + [ + "ソロー", + -17.36754608154297 + ], + [ + "verage", + -15.913576126098633 + ], + [ + "Flute", + -16.419034957885742 + ], + [ + " | |", + -18.907922744750977 + ], + [ + "ょうじょ", + -17.575563430786133 + ], + [ + "fox", + -15.012908935546877 + ], + [ + "CHAMP", + -16.42597198486328 + ], + [ + "据付", + -18.62151527404785 + ], + [ + "スワフ", + -17.03180694580078 + ], + [ + "カルディ", + -16.427053451538086 + ], + [ + "本朝", + -16.878225326538086 + ], + [ + "ゴロウ", + -16.529394149780273 + ], + [ + "ユースフ", + -17.747211456298828 + ], + [ + "ガウディ", + -17.261972427368164 + ], + [ + "arita", + -15.314298629760742 + ], + [ + "IMENSION", + -24.862546920776367 + ], + [ + "LinkedIn", + -17.35759735107422 + ], + [ + "LOUNGE", + -16.932443618774414 + ], + [ + "ゴダイゴ", + -16.510730743408203 + ], + [ + "ベアトリーチェ", + -17.128326416015625 + ], + [ + "西九条", + -17.204011917114258 + ], + [ + "NEW", + -18.543113708496097 + ], + [ + "ややこしく", + -19.3023681640625 + ], + [ + "アポロドーロス", + -16.83521270751953 + ], + [ + "カターニア", + -16.56966209411621 + ], + [ + "ビョルン", + -17.013906478881836 + ], + [ + "ホールブリーゼ", + -17.29007911682129 + ], + [ + "荼", + -17.56254768371582 + ], + [ + "Luxury", + -15.303674697875977 + ], + [ + "Optimiz", + -17.137208938598633 + ], + [ + "アルバカーキ", + -17.355594635009766 + ], + [ + "ナルホド", + -19.56604385375977 + ], + [ + "ユビキタス", + -16.747026443481445 + ], + [ + "++++++++", + -21.35113525390625 + ], + [ + "キノピオ", + -16.581134796142578 + ], + [ + "コサキン", + -16.772478103637695 + ], + [ + "アンテロープ", + -17.029451370239258 + ], + [ + "Panzer", + -16.82154083251953 + ], + [ + "ラドクリフ", + -17.296337127685547 + ], + [ + "ブリトニー", + -16.81376075744629 + ], + [ + "BLADE", + -15.729445457458496 + ], + [ + "Bundes", + -15.73038387298584 + ], + [ + "八郎潟", + -17.083276748657227 + ], + [ + "荒涼", + -17.928930282592773 + ], + [ + "タンティノポリス", + -17.815256118774414 + ], + [ + "騒々し", + -18.860166549682617 + ], + [ + "Ink", + -14.44245719909668 + ], + [ + "ルーファス", + -16.769046783447266 + ], + [ + "ウエーブ", + -17.56722640991211 + ], + [ + "トライアルセット", + -18.875804901123047 + ], + [ + "バンディット", + -17.75088119506836 + ], + [ + "ダイム", + -17.88640785217285 + ], + [ + "ボイスレコーダー", + -17.51437759399414 + ], + [ + "TERU", + -16.983840942382812 + ], + [ + "ポージング", + -18.143787384033203 + ], + [ + "エギング", + -19.272241592407227 + ], + [ + "{/", + -16.844980239868164 + ], + [ + "threaten", + -17.10172462463379 + ], + [ + "BBF", + -15.343958854675291 + ], + [ + "ブログタイトル", + -19.623470306396484 + ], + [ + "アバクロ", + -19.8073787689209 + ], + [ + "ビロード", + -17.118648529052734 + ], + [ + "アストリア", + -17.31043243408203 + ], + [ + "ダルトン", + -17.093666076660156 + ], + [ + "志比", + -17.597225189208984 + ], + [ + "毛羽立", + -19.507932662963867 + ], + [ + "Harmoni", + -15.479466438293455 + ], + [ + "ピラール", + -18.19026756286621 + ], + [ + "向坂", + -16.07327651977539 + ], + [ + "モラレス", + -17.112472534179688 + ], + [ + "ザナドゥ", + -16.71371841430664 + ], + [ + "フーディ", + -17.65412712097168 + ], + [ + "ウォレン", + -17.319854736328125 + ], + [ + "ダウニー", + -17.41745948791504 + ], + [ + "Kirk", + -15.98939323425293 + ], + [ + "| \", + -19.152204513549805 + ], + [ + "てんき", + -16.22310447692871 + ], + [ + "碁石", + -17.594377517700195 + ], + [ + "hib", + -15.35389804840088 + ], + [ + "スルメ", + -17.641305923461914 + ], + [ + "流通センター", + -15.947040557861328 + ], + [ + "トレリス", + -19.59967803955078 + ], + [ + "ツェルト", + -18.2679443359375 + ], + [ + "・・・・・", + -20.011491775512695 + ], + [ + "SHIMAN", + -19.515106201171875 + ], + [ + "ィープラーニング", + -18.817676544189453 + ], + [ + "カホン", + -17.423736572265625 + ], + [ + "ッフェル", + -17.413631439208984 + ], + [ + "Drug", + -16.11295509338379 + ], + [ + "isme", + -15.33608341217041 + ], + [ + "HIRA", + -16.690099716186523 + ], + [ + "念じ", + -19.028337478637695 + ], + [ + "レルノ", + -16.97492790222168 + ], + [ + "こつこ", + -18.44654655456543 + ], + [ + "パレオ", + -16.74119758605957 + ], + [ + "UTO", + -15.834552764892578 + ], + [ + "AME", + -20.622913360595703 + ], + [ + "Cake", + -16.730798721313477 + ], + [ + "jt", + -14.46385383605957 + ], + [ + "!!!!", + -17.557430267333984 + ], + [ + "EVIL", + -16.04017448425293 + ], + [ + "ヴィスト", + -17.219825744628906 + ], + [ + "まんざ", + -18.432907104492188 + ], + [ + "Fm", + -15.271650314331056 + ], + [ + "OE", + -20.418643951416016 + ], + [ + "洗い出", + -18.976951599121097 + ], + [ + "ymposium", + -18.44062042236328 + ], + [ + "HOLIDAY", + -16.38340950012207 + ], + [ + "Sapporo", + -15.429890632629396 + ], + [ + "キッシンジャー", + -18.123910903930664 + ], + [ + "ジュラルミン", + -18.123552322387695 + ], + [ + "パコパコ", + -17.74917984008789 + ], + [ + "ぎゅうぎゅう", + -19.64083671569824 + ], + [ + "アトキンソン", + -17.299972534179688 + ], + [ + "IUPAC", + -16.288122177124023 + ], + [ + "NAKED", + -16.368846893310547 + ], + [ + "TAKURO", + -16.66963768005371 + ], + [ + "シュタウフェン", + -17.42597007751465 + ], + [ + "ミリオネア", + -16.85325813293457 + ], + [ + "ドメニコ", + -17.129640579223633 + ], + [ + "ヒキガエル", + -17.36944580078125 + ], + [ + "ンスタンティノス", + -17.58708381652832 + ], + [ + "アーツビジョン", + -16.178796768188477 + ], + [ + "ミケーネ", + -17.80143165588379 + ], + [ + "数寄屋", + -17.41754150390625 + ], + [ + "SCOOP", + -16.835372924804688 + ], + [ + "サヨク", + -19.741682052612305 + ], + [ + "キャパシタ", + -17.595577239990234 + ], + [ + "Airlines", + -17.114816665649414 + ], + [ + "サイズベッド", + -19.78303337097168 + ], + [ + "トランシーバー", + -18.071945190429688 + ], + [ + "楊貴", + -17.09882926940918 + ], + [ + "サイクリスト", + -18.18549156188965 + ], + [ + "FFXI", + -18.57903480529785 + ], + [ + "ユウスケ", + -16.373083114624023 + ], + [ + "ドープ", + -18.11042594909668 + ], + [ + "サロモン", + -17.311359405517578 + ], + [ + "連署", + -17.734668731689453 + ], + [ + "ctus", + -14.424819946289062 + ], + [ + "乃梨", + -16.764223098754883 + ], + [ + "リスティング", + -18.146032333374023 + ], + [ + "Japon", + -16.243484497070312 + ], + [ + "寿夫", + -16.764301300048828 + ], + [ + "チェッカーズ", + -16.704132080078125 + ], + [ + "カミングス", + -16.76847267150879 + ], + [ + "Finale", + -15.124713897705078 + ], + [ + "ブロリー", + -17.126094818115234 + ], + [ + "アーメン", + -17.555477142333984 + ], + [ + "CVE", + -16.093740463256836 + ], + [ + "Khan", + -16.43914222717285 + ], + [ + "Basil", + -16.272125244140625 + ], + [ + "ノリッジ", + -16.37555503845215 + ], + [ + "フランスベッド", + -17.980337142944336 + ], + [ + "ハイラル", + -17.425540924072266 + ], + [ + "nhk", + -18.19385528564453 + ], + [ + "ヨーン", + -17.091943740844727 + ], + [ + "ニューモデル", + -18.32668685913086 + ], + [ + "ウィントン", + -17.126754760742188 + ], + [ + "ムサ", + -16.59849739074707 + ], + [ + "コレクタ", + -18.040056228637695 + ], + [ + "レイヤード", + -18.151451110839844 + ], + [ + "プロテオ", + -16.584083557128906 + ], + [ + "ボルク", + -17.201099395751953 + ], + [ + "こぼこ", + -18.09554672241211 + ], + [ + "FSB", + -15.618491172790527 + ], + [ + "マニアックス", + -16.77129364013672 + ], + [ + "Ix", + -14.681757926940918 + ], + [ + "Milano", + -17.753917694091797 + ], + [ + "NGK", + -17.015731811523438 + ], + [ + "::::/", + -19.701560974121097 + ], + [ + ".:.:.", + -20.994216918945312 + ], + [ + "- )", + -17.04924774169922 + ], + [ + "かんこう", + -16.36665153503418 + ], + [ + "ticus", + -15.127887725830078 + ], + [ + "Hatch", + -15.66551113128662 + ], + [ + "橋詰", + -16.71353530883789 + ], + [ + "~! ", + -19.61047744750977 + ], + [ + "ェーン", + -18.64780044555664 + ], + [ + "ツァル", + -17.077133178710938 + ], + [ + "Ym", + -16.713693618774414 + ], + [ + "ソーシング", + -18.424169540405273 + ], + [ + "arab", + -15.092791557312012 + ], + [ + "ヴィーノ", + -16.87871742248535 + ], + [ + "クラッセ", + -17.91887092590332 + ], + [ + "デイア", + -17.606016159057617 + ], + [ + "GEKI", + -16.744054794311523 + ], + [ + "Karen", + -16.17280387878418 + ], + [ + "arley", + -15.20950984954834 + ], + [ + "URT", + -15.858680725097656 + ], + [ + "ellow", + -16.403104782104492 + ], + [ + "ブルドア", + -18.396240234375 + ], + [ + "ゲーメスト", + -17.330604553222656 + ], + [ + "CREATIVE", + -16.334026336669922 + ], + [ + "MICHAEL", + -15.57497215270996 + ], + [ + "ぷろだくしょん", + -16.067041397094727 + ], + [ + "アルタモーダ", + -21.123798370361328 + ], + [ + "イケイケ", + -18.142446517944336 + ], + [ + "ズブズブ", + -19.627553939819336 + ], + [ + "マザコン", + -17.91765022277832 + ], + [ + "ライダージオウ", + -16.538936614990234 + ], + [ + "逃げ延び", + -18.244308471679688 + ], + [ + "アシナガバチ", + -18.96913146972656 + ], + [ + "イルブレイザーズ", + -17.078357696533203 + ], + [ + "ウェザーニューズ", + -16.52525520324707 + ], + [ + "ウレシイ", + -19.45821762084961 + ], + [ + "FAX", + -19.605632781982425 + ], + [ + "サイコスリラー", + -15.39582061767578 + ], + [ + "Adolf", + -17.02103042602539 + ], + [ + "シマウマ", + -17.126985549926758 + ], + [ + "クエンティン", + -17.159439086914062 + ], + [ + "ジョコビッチ", + -18.024171829223633 + ], + [ + "アスパラギン", + -17.970640182495117 + ], + [ + "ヴェルブリッツ", + -16.198862075805664 + ], + [ + "ミシュランガイド", + -17.86747169494629 + ], + [ + "ヴェニス", + -16.85954475402832 + ], + [ + "GK", + -19.976428985595703 + ], + [ + "ダーラム", + -17.283538818359375 + ], + [ + "有り余", + -18.81683921813965 + ], + [ + "candy", + -16.892719268798828 + ], + [ + "桃李", + -17.281030654907227 + ], + [ + "タゾン", + -18.57187271118164 + ], + [ + "プリニウス", + -17.53580093383789 + ], + [ + "Gucci", + -16.24431037902832 + ], + [ + "マジェスティ", + -17.594587326049805 + ], + [ + "ガリウム", + -17.72365951538086 + ], + [ + "Lucy", + -16.214031219482422 + ], + [ + "トゥループ", + -18.85603904724121 + ], + [ + "湯温泉", + -15.636933326721191 + ], + [ + "USB", + -19.94297218322754 + ], + [ + "Township", + -16.24164390563965 + ], + [ + "PARIS", + -15.65349006652832 + ], + [ + "チャッピー", + -16.768756866455078 + ], + [ + "ヒメネス", + -17.11060333251953 + ], + [ + "Lyon", + -16.460948944091797 + ], + [ + "ゲバラ", + -17.242525100708008 + ], + [ + "黒埼", + -17.36072540283203 + ], + [ + "ショートトラック", + -16.351417541503906 + ], + [ + "Ronald", + -16.174100875854492 + ], + [ + "サンプラー", + -17.49544334411621 + ], + [ + "ヘラー", + -17.2381591796875 + ], + [ + "カンスト", + -18.803964614868164 + ], + [ + "Whole", + -15.222742080688477 + ], + [ + "dustries", + -18.040849685668945 + ], + [ + "清三郎", + -16.61260223388672 + ], + [ + "ERMAN", + -15.52518081665039 + ], + [ + "Zm", + -16.068288803100586 + ], + [ + "rue", + -15.145402908325195 + ], + [ + "もぎ取", + -18.77435874938965 + ], + [ + "シズカ", + -16.94461441040039 + ], + [ + "経絡", + -17.227947235107422 + ], + [ + "エドモン", + -16.961654663085938 + ], + [ + "nough", + -15.218950271606444 + ], + [ + "忘れかけ", + -18.242122650146484 + ], + [ + "anci", + -15.09401512145996 + ], + [ + "リンガル", + -17.701515197753906 + ], + [ + "ふれあ", + -18.02849769592285 + ], + [ + "ボルジア", + -16.99677276611328 + ], + [ + "diet", + -16.484590530395508 + ], + [ + "とすれば", + -16.05420684814453 + ], + [ + "Rogers", + -17.08892059326172 + ], + [ + "フォーリー", + -16.763885498046875 + ], + [ + "OLT", + -14.616704940795898 + ], + [ + "モニア", + -16.51984977722168 + ], + [ + "/⌒", + -19.342832565307617 + ], + [ + "Duet", + -15.442864418029783 + ], + [ + "マーニ", + -17.105167388916016 + ], + [ + "エセル", + -17.075613021850586 + ], + [ + "繰返", + -18.725481033325195 + ], + [ + "IGF", + -15.45980739593506 + ], + [ + "tada", + -15.899894714355469 + ], + [ + "三井寺", + -17.020959854125977 + ], + [ + "☆★", + -17.18438148498535 + ], + [ + "moment", + -15.323760032653809 + ], + [ + "ポワロ", + -16.69914436340332 + ], + [ + "モハンマド", + -17.071622848510742 + ], + [ + "König", + -17.184783935546875 + ], + [ + "ライダーオーズ", + -16.58496856689453 + ], + [ + "リプレイスメント", + -17.863750457763672 + ], + [ + "マニトバ", + -16.730525970458984 + ], + [ + "ユニリーバ", + -17.172595977783203 + ], + [ + "エンチャント", + -17.28217124938965 + ], + [ + "ブルワリー", + -17.26702308654785 + ], + [ + "itiative", + -17.710468292236328 + ], + [ + "コセッシ", + -17.482635498046875 + ], + [ + "キャンギャル", + -18.442771911621097 + ], + [ + "ホラーサーン", + -17.38680648803711 + ], + [ + "キャシディ", + -16.772785186767578 + ], + [ + "ウオッカ", + -17.809730529785156 + ], + [ + "Marsh", + -16.47268295288086 + ], + [ + "久美浜", + -17.165502548217773 + ], + [ + "鷺沼", + -17.021238327026367 + ], + [ + "虫垂", + -18.016931533813477 + ], + [ + "エイリアス", + -17.087995529174805 + ], + [ + "ジュアン", + -17.26836585998535 + ], + [ + "こしらえ", + -19.160648345947266 + ], + [ + "勇まし", + -18.27911949157715 + ], + [ + "スイレン", + -17.375947952270508 + ], + [ + "GIZA", + -16.498165130615234 + ], + [ + "梅小路", + -17.389211654663086 + ], + [ + "ボスコ", + -16.84373664855957 + ], + [ + "ゲッターズ", + -16.76653480529785 + ], + [ + "エンダー", + -17.134254455566406 + ], + [ + "THC", + -15.084900856018066 + ], + [ + "プラスト", + -17.508106231689453 + ], + [ + "みずみずしく", + -19.416011810302734 + ], + [ + "ゼッタイ", + -17.965320587158203 + ], + [ + "kVA", + -17.776992797851562 + ], + [ + "スマフォ", + -19.870439529418945 + ], + [ + "ンホルスト", + -17.593271255493164 + ], + [ + "オールアメリカン", + -16.900890350341797 + ], + [ + "ピッキング", + -17.292743682861328 + ], + [ + "Teen", + -16.290319442749023 + ], + [ + "桂冠", + -17.029653549194336 + ], + [ + "鋸南", + -16.911392211914062 + ], + [ + "lol", + -15.06904125213623 + ], + [ + "レッカー", + -17.124431610107422 + ], + [ + "AKS", + -15.510790824890137 + ], + [ + "ューバダイビング", + -17.30504035949707 + ], + [ + "TB", + -18.92256546020508 + ], + [ + "ナウル", + -16.763444900512695 + ], + [ + "チェンバース", + -16.84122085571289 + ], + [ + "casting", + -14.893678665161133 + ], + [ + ":. ", + -20.165969848632812 + ], + [ + "ガルボ", + -17.217588424682617 + ], + [ + "府民", + -17.25316619873047 + ], + [ + "キャタピラー", + -17.216386795043945 + ], + [ + "イスカル", + -18.899436950683594 + ], + [ + "cordings", + -21.35309600830078 + ], + [ + "ポンタ", + -17.14647102355957 + ], + [ + "トラクト", + -17.413671493530273 + ], + [ + "リア", + -19.05385971069336 + ], + [ + "orno", + -14.488300323486328 + ], + [ + "SILK", + -16.346912384033203 + ], + [ + "DISCOGRA", + -15.972737312316896 + ], + [ + "ohl", + -15.470626831054688 + ], + [ + "CEP", + -14.584391593933104 + ], + [ + "lovers", + -16.246957778930664 + ], + [ + "iQ", + -16.477832794189453 + ], + [ + "pap", + -15.1207275390625 + ], + [ + "od", + -19.80205535888672 + ], + [ + "⇒「", + -18.813243865966797 + ], + [ + "mea", + -14.624320030212402 + ], + [ + "ゴビ", + -17.287151336669922 + ], + [ + "ドッド", + -17.169090270996094 + ], + [ + "Bald", + -16.743497848510742 + ], + [ + "見い出", + -18.65636444091797 + ], + [ + "ortuguês", + -17.6483154296875 + ], + [ + "Beijing", + -16.033109664916992 + ], + [ + "アクセンチュア", + -17.982406616210938 + ], + [ + "エスキモー", + -17.182674407958984 + ], + [ + "ノスタルジー", + -17.637712478637695 + ], + [ + "ボルツァーノ", + -16.59512710571289 + ], + [ + "ミニチャンプス", + -19.94291877746582 + ], + [ + "ヨーテボリ", + -16.65664291381836 + ], + [ + "スピットファイア", + -17.510589599609375 + ], + [ + "Innocent", + -16.93686294555664 + ], + [ + "Capitol", + -15.49986457824707 + ], + [ + "パーマネント", + -17.159122467041016 + ], + [ + "長崎造船所", + -16.88308334350586 + ], + [ + "ORIENT", + -15.771682739257812 + ], + [ + "パサデナ", + -17.111082077026367 + ], + [ + "ケンタウルス", + -16.920761108398438 + ], + [ + "マーストリヒ", + -16.807857513427734 + ], + [ + "イダーエグゼイド", + -17.928159713745117 + ], + [ + "リケジョ", + -19.057432174682617 + ], + [ + "シメジ", + -17.11089324951172 + ], + [ + "リオルガノ", + -21.86844825744629 + ], + [ + "SUGAR", + -16.189443588256836 + ], + [ + "ブートキャンプ", + -18.3189754486084 + ], + [ + "マールバラ", + -17.937097549438477 + ], + [ + "スケーリング", + -18.4321231842041 + ], + [ + "Adrian", + -15.956306457519531 + ], + [ + "ペナントレース", + -16.698522567749023 + ], + [ + "AMUSE", + -16.922481536865234 + ], + [ + "クレンザー", + -18.879249572753903 + ], + [ + "RFID", + -15.737271308898926 + ], + [ + "ラクスル", + -19.42143440246582 + ], + [ + "差押え", + -18.634174346923828 + ], + [ + "アーカイヴ", + -16.961145401000977 + ], + [ + "練り上げ", + -18.68866539001465 + ], + [ + "ざえもん", + -16.707683563232422 + ], + [ + "グラフェン", + -18.68900680541992 + ], + [ + "アンダース", + -16.857744216918945 + ], + [ + "ソーントン", + -16.912532806396484 + ], + [ + "Owl", + -16.43592643737793 + ], + [ + "タウリン", + -18.21405792236328 + ], + [ + "ジャックポット", + -16.585880279541016 + ], + [ + "QK", + -15.807223320007324 + ], + [ + "多摩湖", + -17.20003890991211 + ], + [ + "シネマティック", + -17.010501861572266 + ], + [ + "エリーゼ", + -17.05030632019043 + ], + [ + "湛え", + -18.985679626464844 + ], + [ + "・∀・", + -20.05327033996582 + ], + [ + "フェライト", + -17.329559326171875 + ], + [ + "ンテルナシオナル", + -16.093616485595703 + ], + [ + "たわし", + -18.344194412231445 + ], + [ + "マクセル", + -17.664066314697266 + ], + [ + "ジーコ", + -17.182039260864258 + ], + [ + "ナハト", + -17.24355125427246 + ], + [ + "スタウト", + -17.238311767578125 + ], + [ + "北宇和", + -16.930011749267578 + ], + [ + "arketing", + -16.84865379333496 + ], + [ + "ペコリ", + -18.466787338256836 + ], + [ + "KKK", + -16.540239334106445 + ], + [ + "encyclop", + -16.06711196899414 + ], + [ + "おそれ", + -16.121444702148438 + ], + [ + "bright", + -14.59498691558838 + ], + [ + "ぽっか", + -17.889705657958984 + ], + [ + "ケンケン", + -17.864219665527344 + ], + [ + "ガイル", + -17.04196548461914 + ], + [ + "ZP", + -15.159351348876951 + ], + [ + "PE", + -19.317419052124023 + ], + [ + "菅平", + -17.40127182006836 + ], + [ + "uffy", + -15.746495246887209 + ], + [ + "ジェクト", + -17.99691390991211 + ], + [ + "プルーン", + -17.983680725097656 + ], + [ + "ハァ", + -18.69017219543457 + ], + [ + "ダヴ", + -17.484331130981445 + ], + [ + "エボル", + -17.45384407043457 + ], + [ + "MV", + -18.766639709472656 + ], + [ + "TSP", + -14.839823722839355 + ], + [ + "常磐津", + -17.11261558532715 + ], + [ + "HIROSHI", + -16.61697006225586 + ], + [ + "harmoni", + -15.11683464050293 + ], + [ + "誘い出", + -18.424503326416016 + ], + [ + "EBS", + -15.569961547851562 + ], + [ + "オープナー", + -18.897180557250977 + ], + [ + "アンパンマン", + -14.930670738220217 + ], + [ + "Premiere", + -15.359925270080566 + ], + [ + "Kyo", + -16.951427459716797 + ], + [ + "デボン", + -16.873859405517578 + ], + [ + "PPY", + -15.824007987976074 + ], + [ + "モリタ", + -16.593408584594727 + ], + [ + "OOTH", + -17.7789306640625 + ], + [ + "Regiment", + -15.802194595336914 + ], + [ + "ka", + -20.04598617553711 + ], + [ + "Encyclop", + -14.831635475158691 + ], + [ + "ディントン", + -17.77114486694336 + ], + [ + "畏れ", + -18.254898071289062 + ], + [ + "何せ", + -19.444034576416016 + ], + [ + "ハッピ", + -17.375991821289062 + ], + [ + "セン", + -19.65612030029297 + ], + [ + "=「", + -19.450965881347656 + ], + [ + "LNA", + -15.434581756591797 + ], + [ + "MDg", + -18.778905868530273 + ], + [ + "グローリア", + -17.081239700317383 + ], + [ + "ノシ", + -19.6969051361084 + ], + [ + "achusett", + -15.837478637695312 + ], + [ + "favorite", + -15.80672836303711 + ], + [ + "pillows", + -16.20833969116211 + ], + [ + "ウロボロス", + -16.694379806518555 + ], + [ + "ニューオリンズ", + -17.66901969909668 + ], + [ + "バカロレア", + -17.464887619018555 + ], + [ + "ポピュリズム", + -16.885887145996094 + ], + [ + "伊是名", + -17.158004760742188 + ], + [ + "キーマカレー", + -19.437774658203125 + ], + [ + "レイキャヴィーク", + -16.878337860107422 + ], + [ + "レダクターゼ", + -17.011802673339844 + ], + [ + "^▽^", + -19.117860794067383 + ], + [ + "ハーマンミラー", + -19.822111129760746 + ], + [ + "ハゴロモ", + -17.138017654418945 + ], + [ + "モーティマー", + -17.42671012878418 + ], + [ + "待ちわび", + -17.955957412719727 + ], + [ + "蒸溜", + -17.910728454589844 + ], + [ + "ignature", + -18.80128288269043 + ], + [ + "打って出", + -18.729076385498047 + ], + [ + "オイディプ", + -17.149141311645508 + ], + [ + "スラローム", + -16.47004508972168 + ], + [ + "エバーグリーン", + -17.040035247802734 + ], + [ + "CIA", + -19.51354217529297 + ], + [ + "アララギ", + -17.81510353088379 + ], + [ + "ヨシヒコ", + -17.315114974975586 + ], + [ + "つまらなく", + -19.343353271484375 + ], + [ + "キャットタワー", + -20.526416778564453 + ], + [ + "$('", + -14.29727840423584 + ], + [ + "ジュウオウジャー", + -17.09288787841797 + ], + [ + "ガーベラ", + -17.08906364440918 + ], + [ + "レシプロエンジン", + -17.44671058654785 + ], + [ + "エンティティ", + -17.42502784729004 + ], + [ + "豫州", + -18.275217056274418 + ], + [ + "Cohen", + -16.787071228027344 + ], + [ + "^)", + -18.14870262145996 + ], + [ + "アルベド", + -17.43307113647461 + ], + [ + "Topics", + -14.561253547668455 + ], + [ + "バゲット", + -17.49631118774414 + ], + [ + "アルメリア", + -16.44718360900879 + ], + [ + "ジャッジメント", + -16.866939544677734 + ], + [ + "鉛直", + -18.02925682067871 + ], + [ + "ハイレグ", + -17.62725830078125 + ], + [ + "−−−−−−−−", + -20.35098648071289 + ], + [ + "シリンダーヘッド", + -17.895427703857422 + ], + [ + "リッピング", + -17.833711624145508 + ], + [ + "竹鼻", + -16.955068588256836 + ], + [ + "セシール", + -17.416406631469727 + ], + [ + "サージェント", + -16.991878509521484 + ], + [ + "アイブロウ", + -19.22328758239746 + ], + [ + "勝田台", + -17.353891372680664 + ], + [ + "// ", + -20.893281936645508 + ], + [ + "birthday", + -16.56907081604004 + ], + [ + "京都精華大", + -16.328004837036133 + ], + [ + "ynthesis", + -16.35111427307129 + ], + [ + "五郎丸", + -17.58904266357422 + ], + [ + "あさこ", + -16.290573120117188 + ], + [ + "Palmer", + -17.04737663269043 + ], + [ + "OA", + -19.68758773803711 + ], + [ + ",(", + -21.497631072998047 + ], + [ + "イエイ", + -18.531023025512695 + ], + [ + "hyogo", + -19.306156158447266 + ], + [ + "サブシステム", + -17.767240524291992 + ], + [ + "abra", + -14.7087984085083 + ], + [ + "ホクト", + -17.185701370239258 + ], + [ + "includ", + -17.811389923095703 + ], + [ + "たまゆ", + -17.49221420288086 + ], + [ + "ジャベリン", + -17.212020874023438 + ], + [ + "ヒックス", + -16.772695541381836 + ], + [ + "Dreaming", + -15.338910102844238 + ], + [ + "ベルベル", + -17.028919219970703 + ], + [ + "ゴーシュ", + -17.06489372253418 + ], + [ + "ししゅう", + -19.24517822265625 + ], + [ + "irection", + -18.76121711730957 + ], + [ + "ガッティ", + -17.047487258911133 + ], + [ + "プラーナ", + -17.125944137573242 + ], + [ + "Alien", + -15.794854164123535 + ], + [ + "ッポス", + -17.45302963256836 + ], + [ + ".、", + -19.874366760253903 + ], + [ + "メンデル", + -17.157466888427734 + ], + [ + "セーナ", + -17.30106544494629 + ], + [ + "====", + -14.349019050598145 + ], + [ + "ツールズ", + -18.190147399902344 + ], + [ + "idal", + -15.012066841125488 + ], + [ + "やさい", + -17.239408493041992 + ], + [ + "fuku", + -16.833160400390625 + ], + [ + "chiba", + -16.384889602661133 + ], + [ + "xoplanet", + -15.286761283874512 + ], + [ + "おのの", + -17.528257369995117 + ], + [ + "OPP", + -15.360671997070312 + ], + [ + "フリースタイル", + -15.117073059082031 + ], + [ + "ルフ", + -19.296369552612305 + ], + [ + "Gc", + -14.6964750289917 + ], + [ + "クライヴ", + -16.81020164489746 + ], + [ + "Cleve", + -15.812909126281738 + ], + [ + "Risk", + -15.602903366088867 + ], + [ + "corporat", + -14.756828308105469 + ], + [ + "angerous", + -16.80793571472168 + ], + [ + "くらっ", + -18.822534561157227 + ], + [ + "ヴァルダ", + -17.14452362060547 + ], + [ + "ステ", + -18.56304359436035 + ], + [ + "MjE", + -17.671367645263672 + ], + [ + "マテリア", + -17.593225479125977 + ], + [ + ",!", + -18.036113739013672 + ], + [ + "ETERNAL", + -16.40870475769043 + ], + [ + "Vampire", + -16.619165420532227 + ], + [ + "ぶっ飛ば", + -18.065088272094727 + ], + [ + "アンティゴノス", + -18.01709747314453 + ], + [ + "マッグガーデン", + -16.858327865600586 + ], + [ + "モリアーティ", + -17.218645095825195 + ], + [ + "ガツオ", + -18.042312622070312 + ], + [ + "ドーミーイン", + -17.938161849975586 + ], + [ + "ユビキチン", + -18.31623077392578 + ], + [ + "RUIDO", + -16.869461059570312 + ], + [ + "スウェード", + -18.231298446655273 + ], + [ + "カーディナル", + -17.528501510620117 + ], + [ + "バークレイズ", + -17.32595443725586 + ], + [ + "KNOCK", + -16.41008186340332 + ], + [ + "Madrid", + -16.046215057373047 + ], + [ + "プジーボ", + -21.17690086364746 + ], + [ + "ーキングパウダー", + -19.200416564941406 + ], + [ + "フェイクレザー", + -19.91434669494629 + ], + [ + "SUNNY", + -16.489429473876953 + ], + [ + "Tanaka", + -18.131772994995117 + ], + [ + "真新し", + -18.978479385375977 + ], + [ + "ウォルマート", + -17.61801528930664 + ], + [ + "Aimer", + -16.50310516357422 + ], + [ + "ひばりが丘", + -16.784791946411133 + ], + [ + "Crunch", + -14.973066329956056 + ], + [ + "アターモリエール", + -17.71297836303711 + ], + [ + "キアヌ", + -17.719865798950195 + ], + [ + "オクトパス", + -16.844297409057617 + ], + [ + "タスクフォース", + -17.433496475219727 + ], + [ + "コーラボト", + -17.21333885192871 + ], + [ + "アシュレイ", + -16.92799186706543 + ], + [ + "走り抜け", + -18.78120994567871 + ], + [ + "鴨池", + -16.96491813659668 + ], + [ + "サナギ", + -17.365732192993164 + ], + [ + "めんどう", + -18.872339248657227 + ], + [ + "篭も", + -18.85771942138672 + ], + [ + "勾当", + -17.184720993041992 + ], + [ + "Lecture", + -16.494186401367188 + ], + [ + "フリージア", + -16.688947677612305 + ], + [ + "ヨタカ", + -16.328393936157227 + ], + [ + "プレイガール", + -16.463626861572266 + ], + [ + "シンボリック", + -18.12991714477539 + ], + [ + "サブスク", + -17.870174407958984 + ], + [ + "ブレーキローター", + -18.72955894470215 + ], + [ + "ファーレ", + -16.53026580810547 + ], + [ + "ヴォルデ", + -18.045841217041016 + ], + [ + "゚゚", + -20.26024627685547 + ], + [ + "営林", + -17.293720245361328 + ], + [ + "荘司", + -16.862258911132812 + ], + [ + "みはる", + -16.96428680419922 + ], + [ + "ダミ", + -16.81978988647461 + ], + [ + "レギオ", + -16.526521682739258 + ], + [ + "sugi", + -16.532306671142578 + ], + [ + "づえ", + -16.737123489379883 + ], + [ + "クラウドコ", + -16.75833511352539 + ], + [ + "フーゴ", + -17.14968490600586 + ], + [ + "不随", + -17.969398498535156 + ], + [ + "!?〜", + -16.772258758544922 + ], + [ + "シンガーズ", + -16.8013916015625 + ], + [ + "ビューレン", + -17.432035446166992 + ], + [ + "ぜんじ", + -16.907020568847656 + ], + [ + "モノマー", + -17.762033462524414 + ], + [ + "IL", + -19.512086868286133 + ], + [ + "Diver", + -15.30825424194336 + ], + [ + "チレングリコール", + -18.21277618408203 + ], + [ + "ゲタ", + -16.80231475830078 + ], + [ + "ジーニー", + -16.933177947998047 + ], + [ + "biograph", + -14.645216941833496 + ], + [ + "ITES", + -15.71555233001709 + ], + [ + "大柴", + -16.586727142333984 + ], + [ + "クローク", + -17.66370964050293 + ], + [ + ".:.:.:", + -20.85127639770508 + ], + [ + "フォークナー", + -17.159072875976562 + ], + [ + "Darling", + -16.027963638305664 + ], + [ + "ichiro", + -15.806573867797852 + ], + [ + "ラフィット", + -17.882810592651367 + ], + [ + "ノビッチ", + -16.983945846557617 + ], + [ + "QH", + -14.414725303649902 + ], + [ + "tatus", + -15.41554355621338 + ], + [ + "ベーブ", + -17.31023597717285 + ], + [ + "ドロッ", + -18.52950859069824 + ], + [ + "Sessions", + -14.998581886291504 + ], + [ + "mote", + -15.26510238647461 + ], + [ + "ドウシ", + -18.81459617614746 + ], + [ + "/<", + -15.541748046875 + ], + [ + "オタマ", + -17.9320011138916 + ], + [ + "*.*", + -15.46571445465088 + ], + [ + "BELIEVE", + -15.898253440856934 + ], + [ + "[...]", + -15.834671020507812 + ], + [ + "ゴーオンジャー", + -16.784650802612305 + ], + [ + "スラウェシ", + -16.89971160888672 + ], + [ + "スヴャトスラフ", + -17.108102798461914 + ], + [ + "タグホイヤー", + -19.593982696533203 + ], + [ + "バーフバリ", + -18.24974250793457 + ], + [ + "パーセンテージ", + -18.38077735900879 + ], + [ + "ヒエラルキー", + -18.10679626464844 + ], + [ + "大阪商業大", + -16.11350440979004 + ], + [ + "インターフェロン", + -18.191587448120117 + ], + [ + "ファントカシマシ", + -16.53589630126953 + ], + [ + "ペンデュラム", + -17.330251693725586 + ], + [ + "LO", + -18.309810638427734 + ], + [ + "REFLEC", + -15.396780014038086 + ], + [ + "スウィープ", + -17.679622650146484 + ], + [ + "Barcelon", + -16.43565559387207 + ], + [ + "STRIKE", + -16.009063720703125 + ], + [ + "ロコモティブ", + -17.526784896850586 + ], + [ + "エマニエル", + -17.077924728393555 + ], + [ + "ヴァーチャル", + -17.011362075805664 + ], + [ + "イデオン", + -17.03042221069336 + ], + [ + "AROUND", + -15.459798812866213 + ], + [ + "ナバーラ", + -17.510026931762695 + ], + [ + "Nagano", + -15.231066703796388 + ], + [ + "アリゲーター", + -17.19852638244629 + ], + [ + "パワステ", + -18.83818626403809 + ], + [ + "ルネサス", + -17.237146377563477 + ], + [ + "Danny", + -15.567041397094728 + ], + [ + "ーブラックラムズ", + -16.330228805541992 + ], + [ + "スキヤキ", + -17.419815063476562 + ], + [ + "VAP", + -15.780614852905272 + ], + [ + "Orbit", + -15.591485023498535 + ], + [ + "Shark", + -16.387577056884766 + ], + [ + "Painting", + -15.91941738128662 + ], + [ + "レビトア", + -20.052207946777344 + ], + [ + "松蔭", + -16.425935745239258 + ], + [ + "ショートステイ", + -18.081823348999023 + ], + [ + "ベニート", + -17.193422317504883 + ], + [ + "ギガント", + -16.6285457611084 + ], + [ + "ワイルドナイツ", + -16.385555267333984 + ], + [ + "(*≧", + -19.48471450805664 + ], + [ + "おかえりなさい", + -17.701148986816406 + ], + [ + "Ll", + -14.907470703125 + ], + [ + "カヤバ", + -18.415332794189453 + ], + [ + "イルハン", + -17.468685150146484 + ], + [ + "慈恵", + -17.107833862304688 + ], + [ + "バッサリ", + -19.22614288330078 + ], + [ + "ノースウェスタン", + -16.708335876464844 + ], + [ + "アイマックス", + -16.93680763244629 + ], + [ + "デストロイ", + -16.9803524017334 + ], + [ + "スラスラ", + -19.002580642700195 + ], + [ + "四国電力", + -16.6854190826416 + ], + [ + "イサク", + -17.269943237304688 + ], + [ + "チョッパ", + -17.340545654296875 + ], + [ + "フシギ", + -17.17408561706543 + ], + [ + "ASSAI", + -17.08598518371582 + ], + [ + "セミプロ", + -18.098384857177734 + ], + [ + "円寺", + -16.448959350585938 + ], + [ + "丹陽", + -17.3536376953125 + ], + [ + "勘兵衛", + -16.933881759643555 + ], + [ + "エンジェ", + -17.166866302490234 + ], + [ + "由仁", + -17.15007781982422 + ], + [ + "フフ", + -19.975666046142575 + ], + [ + "Qoo", + -17.796892166137695 + ], + [ + "マノン", + -17.17243766784668 + ], + [ + "ールスターゲーム", + -16.07431411743164 + ], + [ + "ダンパ", + -17.824853897094727 + ], + [ + "Gerald", + -15.453031539916992 + ], + [ + "キャトル", + -16.871688842773438 + ], + [ + "TETSU", + -16.492084503173828 + ], + [ + "Lucas", + -16.062702178955078 + ], + [ + "Chuck", + -15.520381927490234 + ], + [ + "iibo", + -17.516721725463867 + ], + [ + "マーキー", + -17.313058853149414 + ], + [ + "経蔵", + -16.54167366027832 + ], + [ + "ガールズグループ", + -17.87173843383789 + ], + [ + "ドロップス", + -16.700462341308594 + ], + [ + "Dame", + -15.420549392700195 + ], + [ + "nimelo", + -18.13743019104004 + ], + [ + "ELD", + -14.85842990875244 + ], + [ + "レースアップ", + -18.8134708404541 + ], + [ + "Holme", + -16.24061393737793 + ], + [ + "孟子", + -17.648466110229492 + ], + [ + "hina", + -15.126362800598145 + ], + [ + "starr", + -17.48265838623047 + ], + [ + "ビセンテ", + -16.928754806518555 + ], + [ + "oog", + -15.31313133239746 + ], + [ + "ポーリング", + -17.877424240112305 + ], + [ + "オプティマス", + -17.534984588623047 + ], + [ + "━━━━(", + -20.042999267578125 + ], + [ + "ユニクロ", + -15.586921691894531 + ], + [ + "ZOID", + -16.50415802001953 + ], + [ + "ハッ", + -20.04482078552246 + ], + [ + "LAMP", + -16.159704208374023 + ], + [ + "トリアル", + -17.863065719604492 + ], + [ + "クシャク", + -19.47431755065918 + ], + [ + "CTU", + -15.56418800354004 + ], + [ + "SB", + -19.60708236694336 + ], + [ + "ゲーター", + -17.188146591186523 + ], + [ + "DB", + -20.045286178588867 + ], + [ + ":.:.:", + -20.661863327026367 + ], + [ + "Torre", + -16.678783416748047 + ], + [ + "gk", + -14.327914237976074 + ], + [ + "しおん", + -16.25420570373535 + ], + [ + "ヘロデ", + -17.93257713317871 + ], + [ + "aqu", + -14.767101287841797 + ], + [ + "サザンクロス", + -16.605300903320312 + ], + [ + "改訳", + -17.237590789794922 + ], + [ + "uration", + -15.617432594299316 + ], + [ + "-?-", + -18.276565551757812 + ], + [ + "anctuary", + -17.192249298095703 + ], + [ + "ufotable", + -17.0526065826416 + ], + [ + "Okinawa", + -17.63321876525879 + ], + [ + "アルトゥーロ", + -17.424352645874023 + ], + [ + "ポカリスエット", + -16.733598709106445 + ], + [ + "モルダヴィア", + -17.52814483642578 + ], + [ + "ぐいぐい", + -19.108278274536133 + ], + [ + "セクシュアリティ", + -16.530366897583008 + ], + [ + "ロズベルグ", + -17.90304183959961 + ], + [ + "ローラースケート", + -16.9858455657959 + ], + [ + "ービーアイソフト", + -17.107955932617188 + ], + [ + "陀羅尼", + -16.803224563598633 + ], + [ + "Velvet", + -16.876319885253906 + ], + [ + "ガートルード", + -17.253780364990234 + ], + [ + "ビタクラフト", + -20.336837768554688 + ], + [ + "レミーマルタン", + -19.01951789855957 + ], + [ + "エミリオプッチ", + -21.527284622192383 + ], + [ + "ミトリダ", + -17.739843368530273 + ], + [ + "播但", + -16.71961784362793 + ], + [ + "ウンザリ", + -19.289382934570312 + ], + [ + "コリコリ", + -18.74823760986328 + ], + [ + "Straight", + -14.450024604797363 + ], + [ + "板葺", + -17.93917465209961 + ], + [ + "ブイヨン", + -18.12957191467285 + ], + [ + "ディースリー", + -17.351694107055664 + ], + [ + "シュエット", + -19.4610595703125 + ], + [ + "tears", + -17.758371353149414 + ], + [ + "ライフハック", + -19.115131378173828 + ], + [ + "咸陽", + -17.027605056762695 + ], + [ + "ドームツアー", + -18.11611557006836 + ], + [ + "紗那", + -17.614826202392578 + ], + [ + "EMOTION", + -16.312734603881836 + ], + [ + "FE", + -19.670183181762695 + ], + [ + "アナライザ", + -16.763410568237305 + ], + [ + "瀬棚", + -17.112960815429688 + ], + [ + "加悦", + -16.79787826538086 + ], + [ + "MONAC", + -17.013248443603516 + ], + [ + "cosme", + -17.357791900634766 + ], + [ + "::::|", + -20.01033592224121 + ], + [ + "gemeine", + -16.20746612548828 + ], + [ + "八兵衛", + -16.924020767211914 + ], + [ + "小和田", + -16.956037521362305 + ], + [ + "サンマーク", + -17.047969818115234 + ], + [ + "クローラー", + -17.490358352661133 + ], + [ + "殺伐", + -18.528886795043945 + ], + [ + "RESS", + -14.799939155578612 + ], + [ + "ecommend", + -16.816110610961914 + ], + [ + "採鉱", + -17.954866409301758 + ], + [ + "ラトル", + -18.17740249633789 + ], + [ + "ティックサロン", + -19.791419982910156 + ], + [ + "修之", + -16.232990264892578 + ], + [ + "くれよ", + -17.584392547607422 + ], + [ + "芦北", + -16.830270767211914 + ], + [ + "avin", + -15.144214630126951 + ], + [ + "ONE", + -19.318471908569336 + ], + [ + "otsu", + -16.44059181213379 + ], + [ + "・・・・・・・", + -18.626968383789062 + ], + [ + "ymph", + -14.922300338745115 + ], + [ + "Statist", + -16.882862091064453 + ], + [ + "ゴコロ", + -17.07479476928711 + ], + [ + "エクシード", + -17.820106506347656 + ], + [ + "キャント", + -17.267412185668945 + ], + [ + "ユアサ", + -17.737987518310547 + ], + [ + "HIKO", + -16.965320587158203 + ], + [ + "naire", + -15.217552185058594 + ], + [ + "纏ま", + -19.3812198638916 + ], + [ + "オルソン", + -17.091899871826172 + ], + [ + "づまり", + -19.006093978881836 + ], + [ + "イナーク", + -20.52731132507324 + ], + [ + "ryn", + -15.011427879333496 + ], + [ + "Andrea", + -15.765762329101562 + ], + [ + "たけお", + -16.800390243530273 + ], + [ + "esidence", + -14.617112159729004 + ], + [ + "八千代台", + -17.018434524536133 + ], + [ + "セクシュアル", + -15.703783988952637 + ], + [ + ";)", + -25.829111099243164 + ], + [ + "アンティグア", + -17.078855514526367 + ], + [ + "コネクティング", + -18.80798721313477 + ], + [ + "COTTON", + -17.43817138671875 + ], + [ + "イビキ", + -19.261823654174805 + ], + [ + "シャキシャキ", + -18.978513717651367 + ], + [ + "トネリコ", + -17.56009292602539 + ], + [ + "ホグワーツ", + -17.9309024810791 + ], + [ + "ランカシャー", + -16.928070068359375 + ], + [ + "曲がりくね", + -18.355159759521484 + ], + [ + "金毘羅", + -16.91436767578125 + ], + [ + "インタラクション", + -17.098783493041992 + ], + [ + "Antoine", + -15.881464958190918 + ], + [ + "オリンポス", + -17.167081832885742 + ], + [ + "ジャルジャル", + -16.83814811706543 + ], + [ + "フィナロイド", + -21.592504501342773 + ], + [ + "きょうかい", + -16.440017700195312 + ], + [ + "ぱれっと", + -16.808990478515625 + ], + [ + "リチウムイオン", + -17.086702346801758 + ], + [ + "ウェセックス", + -17.421432495117188 + ], + [ + "IFRS", + -17.714649200439453 + ], + [ + "ハッチンソン", + -17.62818717956543 + ], + [ + "drink", + -16.09382438659668 + ], + [ + "ジュリアード", + -16.637775421142578 + ], + [ + "ユカタン", + -17.145601272583008 + ], + [ + "血塗", + -17.254228591918945 + ], + [ + "ダジュール", + -16.971363067626953 + ], + [ + "ミキハウス", + -16.880504608154297 + ], + [ + "ヒエロ", + -16.997783660888672 + ], + [ + "ストレイト", + -16.672990798950195 + ], + [ + "バチスタ", + -16.98655128479004 + ], + [ + "千里丘", + -17.070465087890625 + ], + [ + "クリーンアップ", + -18.106473922729492 + ], + [ + "温故", + -17.139318466186523 + ], + [ + "感極ま", + -18.68534469604492 + ], + [ + "Porter", + -16.199861526489258 + ], + [ + "ヘイホー", + -16.44420623779297 + ], + [ + "ゾーナ", + -17.388660430908203 + ], + [ + "MjA", + -18.163753509521484 + ], + [ + "エレーヌ", + -16.969257354736328 + ], + [ + "アッセイ", + -18.30043601989746 + ], + [ + "レバンテ", + -16.321264266967773 + ], + [ + "ギレン", + -17.33233642578125 + ], + [ + "巌流", + -17.263912200927734 + ], + [ + "常総", + -15.394248962402344 + ], + [ + "マルーン", + -17.14061164855957 + ], + [ + "メガトン", + -17.25343132019043 + ], + [ + "RAVE", + -15.841023445129396 + ], + [ + "かぎら", + -20.29490852355957 + ], + [ + "ディンゲン", + -17.356830596923828 + ], + [ + "-,", + -17.036048889160156 + ], + [ + "アウトサイド", + -16.803678512573242 + ], + [ + "テクノス", + -17.054399490356445 + ], + [ + "sistance", + -15.750284194946287 + ], + [ + "ヤヌス", + -17.408123016357422 + ], + [ + "',:", + -22.97095489501953 + ], + [ + "茶器", + -17.81405258178711 + ], + [ + "ディヴィジ", + -17.28689193725586 + ], + [ + "ニルス", + -17.045129776000977 + ], + [ + "     ┃", + -15.244436264038086 + ], + [ + "ナイ", + -19.76139259338379 + ], + [ + "Shout", + -15.416547775268556 + ], + [ + "Levis", + -17.53329849243164 + ], + [ + "ノーネ", + -16.33148956298828 + ], + [ + "スラッグ", + -16.819381713867188 + ], + [ + "DISH", + -16.0364933013916 + ], + [ + "イタリック", + -17.3474063873291 + ], + [ + "ホーナー", + -16.793840408325195 + ], + [ + "BIA", + -15.082634925842283 + ], + [ + "サントメ", + -16.7319393157959 + ], + [ + "piritual", + -16.276287078857422 + ], + [ + "ナスカ", + -16.802492141723633 + ], + [ + "レイシー", + -16.947729110717773 + ], + [ + "ミスティック", + -16.464149475097656 + ], + [ + "Hira", + -17.056751251220703 + ], + [ + "リミニ", + -16.94322395324707 + ], + [ + "トゥルース", + -17.10379981994629 + ], + [ + "切り離せ", + -18.96891975402832 + ], + [ + "農大", + -17.486095428466797 + ], + [ + " (__", + -19.71896171569824 + ], + [ + "鸞", + -17.546762466430664 + ], + [ + "パッソ", + -17.319297790527344 + ], + [ + "ELA", + -15.270614624023438 + ], + [ + "_|", + -14.597357749938965 + ], + [ + "ザバ", + -17.743921279907227 + ], + [ + "ブレイザー", + -16.88585090637207 + ], + [ + "( ̄▽ ̄;)", + -19.924306869506836 + ], + [ + "(^_-)", + -19.9394588470459 + ], + [ + "Pharmac", + -15.816428184509276 + ], + [ + "ウィニペグ", + -16.81338882446289 + ], + [ + "エクソシスト", + -16.827978134155273 + ], + [ + "サンフアン", + -16.90895652770996 + ], + [ + "モササウルス", + -17.329057693481445 + ], + [ + "読みふけ", + -19.226917266845703 + ], + [ + "オウンドメディア", + -18.590246200561523 + ], + [ + "スウィーツ", + -17.976213455200195 + ], + [ + "saitama", + -18.35382652282715 + ], + [ + "ハイルブロン", + -17.340822219848633 + ], + [ + "ユーズド", + -18.872743606567383 + ], + [ + "ユスティニア", + -17.862585067749023 + ], + [ + "セネカ", + -17.149293899536133 + ], + [ + "モラハラ", + -19.297679901123047 + ], + [ + "たばこ産業", + -16.592666625976562 + ], + [ + "スルフィド", + -17.409460067749023 + ], + [ + "manaca", + -17.33837890625 + ], + [ + "サッド", + -16.94095230102539 + ], + [ + "ギーセン", + -17.06256866455078 + ], + [ + "TOWNS", + -16.543949127197266 + ], + [ + "フィギュアーツ", + -19.362960815429688 + ], + [ + "按察", + -17.719959259033203 + ], + [ + "うずくま", + -18.876211166381836 + ], + [ + "バサミ", + -17.93653678894043 + ], + [ + "ドロテア", + -17.490243911743164 + ], + [ + "IDMAN", + -16.767139434814453 + ], + [ + "メントール", + -17.934032440185547 + ], + [ + "フーコー", + -17.136999130249023 + ], + [ + "痛まし", + -19.030595779418945 + ], + [ + "チューター", + -18.068029403686523 + ], + [ + "ウルリヒ", + -17.712129592895508 + ], + [ + "カイトリ", + -19.3543643951416 + ], + [ + "ジリアン", + -16.827653884887695 + ], + [ + "フランクミュラー", + -19.10187530517578 + ], + [ + "ラゴス", + -16.65763282775879 + ], + [ + "剣淵", + -17.461814880371094 + ], + [ + "城ヶ崎", + -17.22915267944336 + ], + [ + "BRIGHT", + -14.973811149597168 + ], + [ + "reading", + -13.909063339233398 + ], + [ + "高等官", + -16.94328498840332 + ], + [ + "キャリアウーマン", + -17.466033935546875 + ], + [ + "INAC", + -16.30613136291504 + ], + [ + "いいわけ", + -17.452957153320312 + ], + [ + "ANTHEM", + -16.58744239807129 + ], + [ + "(●)", + -16.451885223388672 + ], + [ + "』)", + -12.876774787902832 + ], + [ + "フラッパー", + -16.671932220458984 + ], + [ + "Papa", + -16.057373046875 + ], + [ + "Daughter", + -16.006498336791992 + ], + [ + "あんぜ", + -18.769474029541016 + ], + [ + "エマヌエル", + -17.198463439941406 + ], + [ + "Laura", + -15.63673210144043 + ], + [ + "AVIC", + -17.480133056640625 + ], + [ + "クライフ", + -17.18812370300293 + ], + [ + ":[{", + -17.89150619506836 + ], + [ + "HORI", + -15.497112274169922 + ], + [ + "県立医科大", + -18.700777053833008 + ], + [ + "CSP", + -14.649247169494627 + ], + [ + "as", + -19.36700439453125 + ], + [ + "押え", + -18.94317626953125 + ], + [ + "qv", + -15.637770652770996 + ], + [ + "ゲンゴロウ", + -17.13259506225586 + ], + [ + "アナゴ", + -16.99392318725586 + ], + [ + "ハクバ", + -18.022714614868164 + ], + [ + "SoC", + -14.47917938232422 + ], + [ + "ベニア", + -17.720766067504883 + ], + [ + "Milk", + -16.373197555541992 + ], + [ + "Tenor", + -15.477496147155762 + ], + [ + "ラミア", + -16.86172103881836 + ], + [ + "隆博", + -16.478601455688477 + ], + [ + "ヒャ", + -20.496274948120117 + ], + [ + "コニカ", + -16.83139991760254 + ], + [ + "チラリ", + -18.004730224609375 + ], + [ + ")_", + -12.892616271972656 + ], + [ + "ぜんざ", + -18.421762466430664 + ], + [ + "ニッキ", + -17.20136260986328 + ], + [ + "アルマンド", + -16.718660354614258 + ], + [ + "|:|", + -18.984451293945312 + ], + [ + "|_", + -19.21190071105957 + ], + [ + "サカキ", + -17.401382446289062 + ], + [ + "窯元", + -18.004465103149414 + ], + [ + "バイキングス", + -17.114973068237305 + ], + [ + "during", + -14.994546890258787 + ], + [ + "コバーン", + -17.262880325317383 + ], + [ + "NCY", + -14.321243286132812 + ], + [ + "ムスカ", + -18.033842086791992 + ], + [ + "ヴィツァ", + -17.285497665405273 + ], + [ + "コモロ", + -16.469322204589844 + ], + [ + "フロンテ", + -17.26677894592285 + ], + [ + "カイエン", + -17.499652862548828 + ], + [ + "ヒッチ", + -17.702730178833008 + ], + [ + "ARA", + -19.41620445251465 + ], + [ + "ONNA", + -16.187833786010742 + ], + [ + "Armor", + -15.295594215393066 + ], + [ + "鬼怒", + -17.039182662963867 + ], + [ + "カロリン", + -17.395587921142578 + ], + [ + "Daddy", + -15.927624702453612 + ], + [ + "Giuseppe", + -16.56898307800293 + ], + [ + "Buffalo", + -16.003915786743164 + ], + [ + "HEAVY", + -15.60513401031494 + ], + [ + "アモルファス", + -17.60304069519043 + ], + [ + "カルフォルニア", + -17.967151641845703 + ], + [ + "ゲティスバーグ", + -17.538326263427734 + ], + [ + "奈半利", + -17.516979217529297 + ], + [ + "オキシダーゼ", + -17.282154083251953 + ], + [ + "ドーパント", + -16.517274856567383 + ], + [ + "ハウスキーピング", + -19.495969772338867 + ], + [ + "プリンシペ", + -16.66619873046875 + ], + [ + "レーゲンスブルク", + -17.26902198791504 + ], + [ + "Wagner", + -16.59540557861328 + ], + [ + "kimono", + -17.424131393432617 + ], + [ + "マルティニーク", + -16.56533432006836 + ], + [ + "Jeffrey", + -16.317079544067383 + ], + [ + "モフモフ", + -18.7760066986084 + ], + [ + "Linguist", + -14.882651329040527 + ], + [ + "PERFORM", + -15.654681205749512 + ], + [ + "プントランド", + -17.27805519104004 + ], + [ + "ヴォルフスブルク", + -16.514741897583008 + ], + [ + "日之影", + -16.988481521606445 + ], + [ + "アトキンス", + -17.261451721191406 + ], + [ + "オードブル", + -18.219276428222656 + ], + [ + "ロンハーマン", + -20.256553649902344 + ], + [ + "健忘", + -16.597139358520508 + ], + [ + "BUDOKA", + -17.133140563964844 + ], + [ + "ホトケ", + -18.27044105529785 + ], + [ + "Vulnerab", + -14.60972023010254 + ], + [ + "Monument", + -16.56574249267578 + ], + [ + "obayashi", + -17.919790267944336 + ], + [ + "□□□", + -17.750621795654297 + ], + [ + "ブーゲンビル", + -17.340045928955078 + ], + [ + "カンゾウ", + -17.736848831176758 + ], + [ + "AGITO", + -19.28864288330078 + ], + [ + "ヘイゼル", + -17.118257522583008 + ], + [ + "突き立て", + -18.364429473876953 + ], + [ + "リストランテ", + -17.560985565185547 + ], + [ + "トウショウ", + -17.297447204589844 + ], + [ + "ノイシュタット", + -17.283588409423828 + ], + [ + "Looking", + -15.526909828186035 + ], + [ + "三河湾", + -16.99274253845215 + ], + [ + "´_", + -20.783662796020508 + ], + [ + "早岐", + -17.02161979675293 + ], + [ + "Punk", + -16.26415252685547 + ], + [ + "モバイルアプリ", + -17.94504165649414 + ], + [ + "ompanion", + -15.65060806274414 + ], + [ + "mimi", + -16.187650680541992 + ], + [ + "ローボード", + -19.071121215820312 + ], + [ + "リーグカップ", + -15.421056747436523 + ], + [ + "DoS", + -14.917405128479004 + ], + [ + "ラグーナ", + -17.527170181274414 + ], + [ + "Wales", + -15.757203102111816 + ], + [ + "カラヴァッジ", + -17.792583465576172 + ], + [ + "ノーバ", + -16.922016143798828 + ], + [ + "与志", + -16.739273071289062 + ], + [ + "ハーシュ", + -16.899887084960938 + ], + [ + "∀`", + -20.099306106567383 + ], + [ + "ESD", + -15.155242919921877 + ], + [ + "ハイファ", + -16.52735137939453 + ], + [ + "ファンブック", + -15.715948104858398 + ], + [ + "AULT", + -16.331947326660156 + ], + [ + "DEX", + -14.86181640625 + ], + [ + "Gala", + -16.05870246887207 + ], + [ + "さいき", + -16.636735916137695 + ], + [ + "FP", + -18.939130783081055 + ], + [ + "taire", + -16.21182632446289 + ], + [ + "儲", + -17.473529815673828 + ], + [ + "ナナシ", + -17.59568977355957 + ], + [ + "うつつ", + -17.12931251525879 + ], + [ + "フレイヤ", + -16.934589385986328 + ], + [ + "::| ", + -19.622417449951172 + ], + [ + "ANTZ", + -16.774578094482422 + ], + [ + "Finger", + -14.68935775756836 + ], + [ + "モアナ", + -17.39218521118164 + ], + [ + "Bonn", + -16.673114776611328 + ], + [ + "瀬古", + -16.62406349182129 + ], + [ + "ubmarine", + -18.98316192626953 + ], + [ + "Collabor", + -15.702033042907717 + ], + [ + "プレイベント", + -18.042837142944336 + ], + [ + "チノイド", + -17.508390426635742 + ], + [ + "リングスアレンジ", + -18.20568466186523 + ], + [ + "Kura", + -16.028169631958008 + ], + [ + "ッリーニ", + -17.567977905273438 + ], + [ + "~ ", + -19.347272872924805 + ], + [ + "エラム", + -17.306467056274414 + ], + [ + "ゲネス", + -17.502830505371094 + ], + [ + "宍", + -16.805253982543945 + ], + [ + "uvre", + -15.913290023803713 + ], + [ + "オンキヨー", + -18.078659057617188 + ], + [ + "Approach", + -16.941051483154297 + ], + [ + "KARAZUKA", + -17.19240379333496 + ], + [ + "otan", + -15.781719207763672 + ], + [ + "とりもど", + -17.999103546142578 + ], + [ + "エコジョーズ", + -19.38294792175293 + ], + [ + "オルデンブルク", + -16.9942569732666 + ], + [ + "カロッツェリア", + -17.73795509338379 + ], + [ + "ゴメンナサイ", + -18.639808654785156 + ], + [ + "フィボナッチ", + -17.554039001464844 + ], + [ + "プライベーター", + -17.96451759338379 + ], + [ + "ライダークウガ", + -16.616531372070312 + ], + [ + "ナマケモノ", + -17.66847801208496 + ], + [ + "パースペクティブ", + -18.221450805664062 + ], + [ + "ビギニング", + -16.938583374023438 + ], + [ + "ブレイブルーパス", + -16.286575317382812 + ], + [ + "ミリアンペア", + -20.311710357666016 + ], + [ + "住友信託銀行", + -16.888774871826172 + ], + [ + "佐呂間", + -17.032527923583984 + ], + [ + "デアゴスティーニ", + -17.29891586303711 + ], + [ + "Blender", + -14.957965850830078 + ], + [ + "セシリア", + -16.487192153930664 + ], + [ + "ゲオルグ", + -17.1336612701416 + ], + [ + "フルオロメタン", + -19.024494171142575 + ], + [ + "三本木", + -16.56253433227539 + ], + [ + "伽羅", + -17.585546493530273 + ], + [ + "パトリキ", + -18.171964645385746 + ], + [ + "フローニンゲン", + -16.54574203491211 + ], + [ + "Teacher", + -16.065603256225586 + ], + [ + "GREY", + -15.243194580078123 + ], + [ + "BPA", + -16.174541473388672 + ], + [ + "アユーラ", + -19.900590896606445 + ], + [ + "リイシュー", + -16.926700592041016 + ], + [ + "ナゴヤドーム", + -16.275005340576172 + ], + [ + "ゼーブ", + -17.56998634338379 + ], + [ + "チバテレビ", + -16.771530151367188 + ], + [ + "パーマストン", + -18.066165924072266 + ], + [ + "Angelo", + -15.506604194641112 + ], + [ + "ジローナ", + -16.530427932739258 + ], + [ + "五霞", + -17.347414016723633 + ], + [ + "フェッラー", + -17.131237030029297 + ], + [ + "Elder", + -16.650527954101562 + ], + [ + "Proud", + -16.890859603881836 + ], + [ + "ボディビルダー", + -16.534212112426758 + ], + [ + "っぽけ", + -17.773887634277344 + ], + [ + "トラバース", + -17.49376678466797 + ], + [ + "ビデオデッキ", + -17.581138610839844 + ], + [ + "競り勝", + -19.0798282623291 + ], + [ + "プルゼニ", + -17.033205032348633 + ], + [ + "tRNA", + -17.136009216308594 + ], + [ + "Goose", + -16.825973510742188 + ], + [ + "リブレット", + -16.921335220336914 + ], + [ + "UTAU", + -18.088594436645508 + ], + [ + "エンリッチ", + -18.521888732910156 + ], + [ + "息災", + -18.28420066833496 + ], + [ + "アメニティー", + -19.170495986938477 + ], + [ + "・・・・・・・・", + -20.197513580322266 + ], + [ + "ANZA", + -16.164005279541016 + ], + [ + "スリーピング", + -17.36741065979004 + ], + [ + "バロウズ", + -17.159557342529297 + ], + [ + "インパール", + -17.961902618408203 + ], + [ + ";;;;;", + -18.742298126220703 + ], + [ + "バリアント", + -17.409713745117188 + ], + [ + "DR", + -19.64765739440918 + ], + [ + "YBS", + -16.634796142578125 + ], + [ + "美登", + -16.465293884277344 + ], + [ + "フェーン", + -16.405567169189453 + ], + [ + "(°", + -17.676746368408203 + ], + [ + "ファロー", + -17.25904083251953 + ], + [ + "mbro", + -15.751206398010254 + ], + [ + "むじんくんで", + -20.72074508666992 + ], + [ + "Bowl", + -16.69468879699707 + ], + [ + "ヒック", + -17.051448822021484 + ], + [ + "ブレッツ", + -17.269710540771484 + ], + [ + "してやっ", + -17.671886444091797 + ], + [ + "ゴッチ", + -17.452533721923828 + ], + [ + "masayuk", + -20.428403854370117 + ], + [ + "サットン", + -16.968490600585938 + ], + [ + "ヨシダ", + -17.0650577545166 + ], + [ + "ARMA", + -15.734253883361816 + ], + [ + "KITA", + -16.481903076171875 + ], + [ + "Were", + -15.802481651306152 + ], + [ + "スパルタン", + -16.976329803466797 + ], + [ + "ミュンデ", + -17.80217933654785 + ], + [ + "ヘボン", + -17.452280044555664 + ], + [ + "トリュフォ", + -17.592304229736328 + ], + [ + "アズキ", + -16.992515563964844 + ], + [ + "シュライア", + -20.434099197387695 + ], + [ + "ボガード", + -17.30861473083496 + ], + [ + "医療大", + -19.52745819091797 + ], + [ + "Maru", + -17.11767578125 + ], + [ + "KATO", + -17.057674407958984 + ], + [ + "eber", + -15.10214614868164 + ], + [ + "Ruf", + -15.499737739562988 + ], + [ + "Festa", + -16.32159423828125 + ], + [ + "aia", + -14.684738159179688 + ], + [ + "OSK", + -15.409045219421388 + ], + [ + "ter", + -19.88884925842285 + ], + [ + "クロウリー", + -17.102745056152344 + ], + [ + "イエナ", + -18.12485694885254 + ], + [ + "ウマイ", + -17.015670776367188 + ], + [ + "Learn", + -14.60081672668457 + ], + [ + "kada", + -15.782425880432127 + ], + [ + "総合研究", + -15.126681327819824 + ], + [ + "土俵入", + -17.99203109741211 + ], + [ + "レメディ", + -17.647218704223633 + ], + [ + "Kennedy", + -16.614051818847656 + ], + [ + "アクエリアス", + -16.859878540039062 + ], + [ + "アルガンオイル", + -20.27829933166504 + ], + [ + "ガイナックス", + -16.751848220825195 + ], + [ + "ゴキゲン", + -17.620677947998047 + ], + [ + "リレハンメル", + -17.370088577270508 + ], + [ + "取り交わ", + -18.820575714111328 + ], + [ + "どうのこうの", + -19.839040756225582 + ], + [ + "スガシカオ", + -16.19134521484375 + ], + [ + "セプテンバー", + -17.24629783630371 + ], + [ + "ディオニュシオス", + -17.800142288208008 + ], + [ + "ボレスワヴィエツ", + -19.90854835510254 + ], + [ + "根抵当", + -18.007537841796875 + ], + [ + "Familie", + -15.857452392578123 + ], + [ + "hundert", + -16.597564697265625 + ], + [ + "Enjoy", + -16.52185821533203 + ], + [ + "古物商", + -17.716184616088867 + ], + [ + "Revenge", + -16.898290634155273 + ], + [ + "ミニーマウス", + -17.164833068847656 + ], + [ + "重苦し", + -19.544776916503903 + ], + [ + "kitchen", + -16.613834381103516 + ], + [ + "orldwide", + -19.03180694580078 + ], + [ + "ホルマリン", + -17.907724380493164 + ], + [ + "ロリポップ", + -17.345266342163086 + ], + [ + "Territor", + -16.566558837890625 + ], + [ + "ダッソー", + -17.008588790893555 + ], + [ + "Joker", + -16.64463233947754 + ], + [ + "ォーミングアップ", + -18.83231544494629 + ], + [ + "パンデミック", + -16.605443954467773 + ], + [ + "TAKAHIRO", + -17.021209716796875 + ], + [ + "アキノ", + -16.583101272583008 + ], + [ + "カラマツ", + -17.499544143676758 + ], + [ + "轟かせ", + -18.463970184326172 + ], + [ + "hulu", + -16.882511138916016 + ], + [ + "ランサーズ", + -18.89793586730957 + ], + [ + "タケダ", + -16.909910202026367 + ], + [ + "デービッド", + -17.354488372802734 + ], + [ + "スライサー", + -17.670249938964844 + ], + [ + "玉川学園", + -16.833003997802734 + ], + [ + "システムワークス", + -17.063861846923828 + ], + [ + "チャタム", + -17.05253028869629 + ], + [ + "メルトダウン", + -17.895540237426758 + ], + [ + "ドラレコ", + -19.02323341369629 + ], + [ + "マーシャルアーツ", + -16.948793411254883 + ], + [ + "オテロ", + -17.754558563232422 + ], + [ + "ワイドパンツ", + -18.819316864013672 + ], + [ + "arus", + -14.694415092468262 + ], + [ + "logStar", + -21.80583381652832 + ], + [ + "Designer", + -15.22954273223877 + ], + [ + "銘じ", + -20.179349899291992 + ], + [ + "MEETING", + -16.37189292907715 + ], + [ + "historic", + -15.474271774291992 + ], + [ + "丹生川", + -17.04388427734375 + ], + [ + "プリズマ", + -17.559680938720703 + ], + [ + "Italiano", + -16.071304321289062 + ], + [ + "Yoko", + -16.75577735900879 + ], + [ + "牛久保", + -17.22545623779297 + ], + [ + "ボヌール", + -17.793838500976562 + ], + [ + "»「", + -20.01746368408203 + ], + [ + "平鹿", + -16.96210479736328 + ], + [ + "見ず", + -17.050649642944336 + ], + [ + "ARNET", + -16.796409606933594 + ], + [ + "Shooting", + -16.08783721923828 + ], + [ + "Ange", + -15.993043899536133 + ], + [ + "ベッドルーム", + -17.290645599365234 + ], + [ + "トロダクション", + -17.115001678466797 + ], + [ + "EEZ", + -17.21124839782715 + ], + [ + "クリストフル", + -19.126218795776367 + ], + [ + "シーゲル", + -17.27080535888672 + ], + [ + "GLAM", + -17.257707595825195 + ], + [ + "タン", + -19.907638549804688 + ], + [ + "ий", + -15.831435203552246 + ], + [ + "nterlude", + -15.181648254394531 + ], + [ + "RIKA", + -16.83264923095703 + ], + [ + "‐'", + -19.217792510986328 + ], + [ + "アトス", + -17.089801788330078 + ], + [ + "OUGA", + -19.12407875061035 + ], + [ + "KIRA", + -16.976898193359375 + ], + [ + "弥三郎", + -17.173240661621094 + ], + [ + "モルフォ", + -17.138456344604492 + ], + [ + "Yj", + -17.57925796508789 + ], + [ + "大鑑", + -17.089784622192383 + ], + [ + "Odd", + -14.953298568725586 + ], + [ + ":::::::|", + -19.485109329223633 + ], + [ + "なでる", + -18.699052810668945 + ], + [ + "ダマシ", + -17.06241798400879 + ], + [ + "Scarlet", + -16.59184455871582 + ], + [ + "ニジニ", + -16.714740753173828 + ], + [ + "FJ", + -19.56611061096191 + ], + [ + "グンゼ", + -17.05083656311035 + ], + [ + "teur", + -15.164501190185549 + ], + [ + "rancesco", + -17.592275619506836 + ], + [ + "wagen", + -15.981995582580566 + ], + [ + "JEWEL", + -16.08359146118164 + ], + [ + "ネタバレ", + -16.880849838256836 + ], + [ + "フォンデュ", + -17.692293167114258 + ], + [ + "gone", + -14.655632019042969 + ], + [ + "コーワ", + -17.096586227416992 + ], + [ + "dividual", + -18.167396545410156 + ], + [ + "うっとうし", + -18.67681121826172 + ], + [ + "アーリーリタイ", + -21.97513771057129 + ], + [ + "イメチェン", + -18.422901153564453 + ], + [ + "ジグソーパズル", + -17.108989715576172 + ], + [ + "寝かしつけ", + -19.413610458374023 + ], + [ + "シトクロム", + -17.3421630859375 + ], + [ + "アスタリスク", + -17.205913543701172 + ], + [ + "ローゼンメイデン", + -17.08803367614746 + ], + [ + "ヒプノシス", + -16.734346389770508 + ], + [ + "handmade", + -16.671110153198242 + ], + [ + "睦まじ", + -18.592859268188477 + ], + [ + "スプリンクラ", + -17.710067749023438 + ], + [ + "Tyler", + -16.329193115234375 + ], + [ + "リューネブル", + -16.917217254638672 + ], + [ + "エアロゾル", + -17.333959579467773 + ], + [ + "フュルト", + -17.00591468811035 + ], + [ + "アンドロゲン", + -17.501224517822266 + ], + [ + "ヘイヴン", + -17.304014205932617 + ], + [ + "妙法寺", + -16.735319137573242 + ], + [ + "いかがわし", + -19.02392578125 + ], + [ + "Fruit", + -16.069910049438477 + ], + [ + "ダーレク", + -18.449077606201172 + ], + [ + "差し戻", + -18.440475463867188 + ], + [ + "ヴァルハラ", + -16.914398193359375 + ], + [ + "アッティカ", + -16.795305252075195 + ], + [ + "ドメーヌ", + -18.70246124267578 + ], + [ + "ゆうしよ", + -16.346235275268555 + ], + [ + "JP", + -18.77690315246582 + ], + [ + "コトブキ", + -16.880029678344727 + ], + [ + "擦り付け", + -18.66318130493164 + ], + [ + "ケチャ", + -17.3355712890625 + ], + [ + "ベルガモ", + -16.081335067749023 + ], + [ + "ウンナン", + -17.132612228393555 + ], + [ + "ネプリーグ", + -16.80824851989746 + ], + [ + "リノール", + -17.871074676513672 + ], + [ + "wanna", + -16.0383358001709 + ], + [ + "追い掛け", + -18.645883560180664 + ], + [ + "押し戻", + -18.760488510131836 + ], + [ + "見透か", + -18.997434616088867 + ], + [ + "ウェブドラマ", + -14.982142448425291 + ], + [ + "モナーク", + -17.032360076904297 + ], + [ + "編み上げ", + -18.991174697875977 + ], + [ + "ICBM", + -17.208452224731445 + ], + [ + "フェイル", + -17.550851821899414 + ], + [ + "award", + -15.4183931350708 + ], + [ + "ラック", + -19.20486831665039 + ], + [ + "ガイシ", + -17.080053329467773 + ], + [ + "デニール", + -19.081645965576172 + ], + [ + "光琳", + -17.31250762939453 + ], + [ + "フーヴァー", + -17.38019561767578 + ], + [ + "ファウラー", + -17.238948822021484 + ], + [ + "秀哉", + -17.128841400146484 + ], + [ + "alde", + -15.66394329071045 + ], + [ + "フィアー", + -16.708580017089844 + ], + [ + "譲り渡", + -18.518421173095703 + ], + [ + "Kern", + -15.508946418762209 + ], + [ + "itting", + -14.612153053283691 + ], + [ + "オプト", + -17.237157821655273 + ], + [ + "ESG", + -16.261539459228516 + ], + [ + "Bomber", + -16.383771896362305 + ], + [ + "フランカ", + -16.654165267944336 + ], + [ + "nitori", + -18.77610206604004 + ], + [ + "differ", + -16.06935691833496 + ], + [ + "Ew", + -15.182214736938477 + ], + [ + "toku", + -16.256040573120117 + ], + [ + "カウチ", + -17.95685577392578 + ], + [ + "KOU", + -17.102527618408203 + ], + [ + "アフレック", + -17.65530014038086 + ], + [ + "Grill", + -17.447654724121094 + ], + [ + "Landes", + -17.668323516845703 + ], + [ + "UJI", + -16.881078720092773 + ], + [ + "やすこ", + -16.458110809326172 + ], + [ + "キョク", + -17.12971305847168 + ], + [ + "kiki", + -16.41056251525879 + ], + [ + "パリッシュ", + -17.25659942626953 + ], + [ + "loco", + -15.21055793762207 + ], + [ + "繰り越", + -19.240251541137695 + ], + [ + "清一郎", + -16.702686309814453 + ], + [ + "アモール", + -17.142623901367188 + ], + [ + "ovan", + -14.574459075927734 + ], + [ + "Tv", + -15.139721870422363 + ], + [ + "GRAM", + -14.839022636413574 + ], + [ + "Defini", + -15.479695320129396 + ], + [ + "ジェニック", + -17.478755950927734 + ], + [ + "Historia", + -16.520362854003906 + ], + [ + "パートン", + -17.031475067138672 + ], + [ + "jh", + -14.321738243103027 + ], + [ + "ぎかい", + -16.951631546020508 + ], + [ + "スヌード", + -20.24743270874023 + ], + [ + "xZ", + -17.253042221069336 + ], + [ + "八甲田", + -17.243637084960938 + ], + [ + "Controll", + -16.73832893371582 + ], + [ + "ケイエスエス", + -16.6309871673584 + ], + [ + "Atelier", + -16.315637588500977 + ], + [ + "BONBON", + -17.3579044342041 + ], + [ + "イルクーツク", + -17.116981506347656 + ], + [ + "エウロパ", + -17.462804794311523 + ], + [ + "ペニシリン", + -17.517255783081055 + ], + [ + "ルヴァンカップ", + -17.71797752380371 + ], + [ + "言い逃れ", + -19.35127067565918 + ], + [ + "クラスノダール", + -16.468666076660156 + ], + [ + "フラボノイド", + -17.495723724365234 + ], + [ + "ベルタプエラリア", + -21.57538795471191 + ], + [ + "ポピンズ", + -17.073110580444336 + ], + [ + "mSv", + -18.609033584594727 + ], + [ + "スクーデリア", + -17.16752815246582 + ], + [ + "スイムウェア", + -18.974044799804688 + ], + [ + "メンタリティ", + -18.813936233520508 + ], + [ + "ナックルズ", + -16.765819549560547 + ], + [ + "TOGETH", + -16.211872100830078 + ], + [ + "初山別", + -17.456825256347656 + ], + [ + "speak", + -15.043319702148438 + ], + [ + "homepage", + -15.97553825378418 + ], + [ + "寝転が", + -19.335834503173828 + ], + [ + "REINA", + -16.859188079833984 + ], + [ + "ファンヒーター", + -17.91234016418457 + ], + [ + "ロサリオ", + -16.640180587768555 + ], + [ + "カルナータ", + -16.908649444580078 + ], + [ + "キャットファイト", + -18.03210830688477 + ], + [ + "リベリオン", + -17.172727584838867 + ], + [ + "釣鐘", + -17.815044403076172 + ], + [ + "DOGS", + -16.39200210571289 + ], + [ + "Cecil", + -16.43328285217285 + ], + [ + "ニーベルン", + -17.434528350830078 + ], + [ + "マクドネル", + -16.255828857421875 + ], + [ + "Ellis", + -16.624839782714844 + ], + [ + "雲泥", + -19.48050880432129 + ], + [ + "モンテレイ", + -16.39114761352539 + ], + [ + "isCom", + -17.226566314697266 + ], + [ + "鳴滝", + -16.911579132080078 + ], + [ + "セントローレンス", + -17.48689079284668 + ], + [ + "ヒートアップ", + -18.503355026245117 + ], + [ + "十八番", + -16.780324935913086 + ], + [ + "Zwei", + -15.463090896606444 + ], + [ + "ダンピング", + -18.276212692260746 + ], + [ + "ゲーデル", + -17.553871154785156 + ], + [ + "クティベーション", + -18.54817771911621 + ], + [ + "mentLoad", + -24.08034896850586 + ], + [ + "Ivy", + -16.318750381469727 + ], + [ + "RIKI", + -17.13758659362793 + ], + [ + "MCC", + -14.857789993286133 + ], + [ + "ヒストリア", + -17.08048439025879 + ], + [ + "胸膜", + -18.224214553833008 + ], + [ + "しゃぶら", + -19.60004425048828 + ], + [ + "エレクター", + -18.75697326660156 + ], + [ + "ヒョンス", + -17.874799728393555 + ], + [ + "POLO", + -18.151079177856445 + ], + [ + "GUIDE", + -15.517720222473145 + ], + [ + "アラニン", + -17.984128952026367 + ], + [ + "ブレナン", + -17.217056274414062 + ], + [ + "コフスキ", + -17.440155029296875 + ], + [ + "類聚", + -16.88884925842285 + ], + [ + "MUSICAL", + -16.781051635742188 + ], + [ + "ノグチ", + -17.752643585205078 + ], + [ + "マッコー", + -16.960468292236328 + ], + [ + "マミヤ", + -17.30793571472168 + ], + [ + "ミハイ", + -17.630414962768555 + ], + [ + "サンショウ", + -17.2862491607666 + ], + [ + "カタナ", + -17.359786987304688 + ], + [ + "ラザロ", + -17.19676971435547 + ], + [ + "ベーク", + -17.28762435913086 + ], + [ + "グウィン", + -17.36672592163086 + ], + [ + "Religion", + -15.911978721618652 + ], + [ + "ITZ", + -16.32814598083496 + ], + [ + "トリンゲン", + -17.850515365600586 + ], + [ + "ガッチ", + -17.641237258911133 + ], + [ + "クラッド", + -17.50249481201172 + ], + [ + "きょうぎ", + -16.70576286315918 + ], + [ + "jQ", + -17.037147521972656 + ], + [ + "ヴェイユ", + -17.400545120239258 + ], + [ + "lassical", + -18.192049026489254 + ], + [ + "Zw", + -14.71294403076172 + ], + [ + "デビューアルバム", + -16.377771377563477 + ], + [ + "Hoo", + -15.59178352355957 + ], + [ + "mayu", + -18.056861877441406 + ], + [ + "チュ", + -19.88661193847656 + ], + [ + "tabi", + -17.406206130981445 + ], + [ + "jazz", + -15.618762016296388 + ], + [ + "gura", + -15.66592502593994 + ], + [ + "トランシーバ", + -18.63640022277832 + ], + [ + "蠣", + -17.457778930664062 + ], + [ + "Reform", + -16.610563278198242 + ], + [ + "CRYSTAL", + -15.702350616455078 + ], + [ + "Twenty", + -15.877225875854492 + ], + [ + "VAMPS", + -16.966127395629883 + ], + [ + "こがね", + -16.956016540527344 + ], + [ + "ダークマター", + -17.485313415527344 + ], + [ + "ハイジニーナ", + -20.05392837524414 + ], + [ + "バルバロッサ", + -17.120460510253906 + ], + [ + "パーソナライズ", + -18.92370223999023 + ], + [ + "ナツィオナーレ", + -16.34250831604004 + ], + [ + "コンフィデンス", + -16.924341201782227 + ], + [ + "オールブラックス", + -17.469724655151367 + ], + [ + "マクファーソン", + -17.461252212524414 + ], + [ + "ロジスティック", + -17.113754272460938 + ], + [ + "比丘尼", + -16.995454788208008 + ], + [ + "サザビー", + -17.333288192749023 + ], + [ + "サウスポー", + -17.84135627746582 + ], + [ + "拗ね", + -18.84994888305664 + ], + [ + "アーチボルド", + -17.287363052368164 + ], + [ + "プント", + -18.612295150756836 + ], + [ + "フェアプレー", + -16.62239646911621 + ], + [ + "ディアボロ", + -16.94524383544922 + ], + [ + "トゥルン", + -17.116252899169922 + ], + [ + "ジョルダン", + -17.246849060058594 + ], + [ + "カルチュア", + -17.012392044067383 + ], + [ + "独り暮", + -19.265201568603516 + ], + [ + "カルデア", + -17.725263595581055 + ], + [ + "ダンバイン", + -16.761180877685547 + ], + [ + "ラースロー", + -17.39975357055664 + ], + [ + "ダスキン", + -17.250696182250977 + ], + [ + "ツンドラ", + -17.4595890045166 + ], + [ + "ヴェイル", + -17.2399959564209 + ], + [ + "OFC", + -15.37599754333496 + ], + [ + "曽根崎", + -16.997711181640625 + ], + [ + "ペナント", + -17.035831451416016 + ], + [ + "ニューウェーブ", + -17.236047744750977 + ], + [ + "座間味", + -17.610157012939453 + ], + [ + "スパニエル", + -17.12333869934082 + ], + [ + "モリーナ", + -17.176647186279297 + ], + [ + "永昌", + -16.6544132232666 + ], + [ + "マッカー", + -17.377225875854492 + ], + [ + "撃ち殺", + -18.881986618041992 + ], + [ + "ART", + -19.02803611755371 + ], + [ + "ROBO", + -16.765077590942383 + ], + [ + "サーフェス", + -17.963592529296875 + ], + [ + "(^▽^)", + -19.74343490600586 + ], + [ + "Trader", + -15.88139820098877 + ], + [ + "吹き返", + -18.86202049255371 + ], + [ + "TVK", + -16.889034271240234 + ], + [ + "コプフ", + -17.340444564819336 + ], + [ + "グラボ", + -18.30423164367676 + ], + [ + "トカラ", + -17.32657241821289 + ], + [ + "先任", + -16.991342544555664 + ], + [ + "KAAT", + -17.20977020263672 + ], + [ + "アマナ", + -17.71087646484375 + ], + [ + "popula", + -17.020050048828125 + ], + [ + "NEL", + -15.280144691467283 + ], + [ + "ornis", + -14.809700012207031 + ], + [ + "ause", + -16.142009735107422 + ], + [ + "ディーター", + -17.299121856689453 + ], + [ + "Centro", + -15.5259428024292 + ], + [ + "Capri", + -16.593807220458984 + ], + [ + "逢瀬", + -17.411245346069336 + ], + [ + "コンプレッサ", + -18.375411987304688 + ], + [ + "かき消", + -18.42983055114746 + ], + [ + "アプデ", + -18.591480255126953 + ], + [ + "ニッケ", + -17.102705001831055 + ], + [ + "RAV", + -16.186744689941406 + ], + [ + "シヴィリ", + -17.6690673828125 + ], + [ + "/​", + -17.919130325317383 + ], + [ + "アルマジロ", + -16.9971981048584 + ], + [ + "バウンス", + -17.62934112548828 + ], + [ + "~♪」", + -19.186176300048828 + ], + [ + "ヌビア", + -17.46538543701172 + ], + [ + "てりゃ", + -19.107919692993164 + ], + [ + "ヘルダー", + -16.724702835083008 + ], + [ + "spar", + -14.74998664855957 + ], + [ + "TSUKI", + -16.900550842285156 + ], + [ + "sugar", + -15.359017372131348 + ], + [ + "アルテア", + -17.903884887695312 + ], + [ + "タツヤ", + -16.672687530517578 + ], + [ + "HAIR", + -15.259519577026367 + ], + [ + "ホーホ", + -17.113447189331055 + ], + [ + "______", + -20.21725273132324 + ], + [ + "洋史", + -16.203466415405273 + ], + [ + "FUJIFILM", + -17.920734405517578 + ], + [ + "Baptist", + -17.430389404296875 + ], + [ + "OPPAI", + -16.597810745239258 + ], + [ + "わずらわし", + -19.30063247680664 + ], + [ + "ウィチタ", + -16.89374351501465 + ], + [ + "オクタウィア", + -18.302833557128903 + ], + [ + "オダギリジョー", + -17.080713272094727 + ], + [ + "クヌート", + -17.514257431030273 + ], + [ + "コーデュロイ", + -19.00379753112793 + ], + [ + "サラトガ", + -16.84123420715332 + ], + [ + "サラマンカ", + -16.798513412475586 + ], + [ + "タカアンドトシ", + -16.150850296020508 + ], + [ + "バジリスク", + -17.43045425415039 + ], + [ + "ゴーリキー", + -17.411117553710938 + ], + [ + "スキニーパンツ", + -19.84276008605957 + ], + [ + "ポアンカレ", + -17.15841293334961 + ], + [ + "ポゼッション", + -18.102787017822266 + ], + [ + "Auflage", + -17.210004806518555 + ], + [ + "femme", + -18.41486930847168 + ], + [ + "インバウンド", + -17.450040817260742 + ], + [ + "yokohama", + -17.095178604125977 + ], + [ + "よもやま", + -17.558229446411133 + ], + [ + "ガシャポン", + -17.345624923706055 + ], + [ + "Missouri", + -15.741994857788086 + ], + [ + "WAY", + -20.04522132873535 + ], + [ + "Genesis", + -14.983670234680176 + ], + [ + "アングロサクソン", + -18.325519561767575 + ], + [ + "くぐり抜け", + -18.535011291503903 + ], + [ + "Violet", + -16.109594345092773 + ], + [ + "クリンゴン", + -17.808048248291016 + ], + [ + "Pizza", + -16.654129028320312 + ], + [ + "モナリザ", + -17.218345642089844 + ], + [ + "ウィディウス", + -17.611509323120117 + ], + [ + "Canyon", + -17.574138641357422 + ], + [ + "elicious", + -16.123552322387695 + ], + [ + "Loving", + -15.15970230102539 + ], + [ + "スコッティ", + -17.17512321472168 + ], + [ + "カーペンターズ", + -16.807178497314453 + ], + [ + "サラワク", + -16.878578186035156 + ], + [ + "辛抱強", + -19.36029052734375 + ], + [ + "ダットサン", + -16.788860321044922 + ], + [ + "イエベ", + -20.06728172302246 + ], + [ + "DEVIL", + -16.3779296875 + ], + [ + "ネイルアート", + -17.24308204650879 + ], + [ + "阿曽", + -17.27410125732422 + ], + [ + "跳べ", + -17.53583335876465 + ], + [ + "ノマゲ", + -21.606414794921875 + ], + [ + "カーフェリー", + -17.053119659423828 + ], + [ + "サルコジ", + -18.077953338623047 + ], + [ + "すれちが", + -16.822214126586914 + ], + [ + "ウソップ", + -17.46436882019043 + ], + [ + "八甲田山", + -17.5437068939209 + ], + [ + "シュレーダー", + -17.226274490356445 + ], + [ + "YOKO", + -16.7218017578125 + ], + [ + "ょこたん", + -17.68741226196289 + ], + [ + "水垢", + -19.134674072265625 + ], + [ + "アウトブレイク", + -17.084095001220703 + ], + [ + "ヤルタ", + -17.484146118164062 + ], + [ + "ストラウス", + -17.33004379272461 + ], + [ + "あたご", + -17.022077560424805 + ], + [ + "FAIRY", + -16.336793899536133 + ], + [ + "タイムマシーン", + -16.60144805908203 + ], + [ + "goes", + -15.78573513031006 + ], + [ + "ジャクシ", + -17.71870231628418 + ], + [ + "ハーラル", + -17.68853759765625 + ], + [ + "電気通信大", + -16.30191993713379 + ], + [ + "トイレリフォーム", + -18.329978942871097 + ], + [ + "そうとう", + -17.214767456054688 + ], + [ + "テキストファイル", + -18.25259017944336 + ], + [ + "ナセル", + -17.76243019104004 + ], + [ + "らくだ", + -17.41292953491211 + ], + [ + "粉河", + -17.08711051940918 + ], + [ + "大僧正", + -17.392763137817383 + ], + [ + "バヤン", + -17.42449951171875 + ], + [ + "ntt", + -16.156883239746094 + ], + [ + "アセス", + -18.880870819091797 + ], + [ + "ReNY", + -17.196130752563477 + ], + [ + "テペ", + -17.305072784423828 + ], + [ + "Firm", + -16.982179641723633 + ], + [ + "ORBA", + -17.056690216064453 + ], + [ + "ヅメ", + -17.28346824645996 + ], + [ + "デパコス", + -19.803184509277344 + ], + [ + "●●●", + -18.8929500579834 + ], + [ + "mog", + -15.36306095123291 + ], + [ + "マーロウ", + -17.276376724243164 + ], + [ + "追善", + -17.718786239624023 + ], + [ + "Wald", + -16.492809295654297 + ], + [ + "ジェントルマン", + -17.491100311279297 + ], + [ + "ノイエン", + -17.40628433227539 + ], + [ + "トラジェネリック", + -20.998136520385746 + ], + [ + "フロッピー", + -17.523006439208984 + ], + [ + "アウン", + -16.99032211303711 + ], + [ + "ダフネ", + -17.27735710144043 + ], + [ + "greement", + -19.92768287658691 + ], + [ + ")♡", + -19.63684844970703 + ], + [ + "ワーママ", + -20.601184844970703 + ], + [ + "フォークス", + -17.763790130615234 + ], + [ + "Exam", + -15.325583457946776 + ], + [ + "Nzk", + -20.062898635864254 + ], + [ + "ジェトロ", + -17.868677139282227 + ], + [ + "Pete", + -15.63906478881836 + ], + [ + "ROC", + -14.82549285888672 + ], + [ + "Deck", + -14.99510097503662 + ], + [ + "マクロン", + -17.55793571472168 + ], + [ + "ントネーション", + -17.90805435180664 + ], + [ + ".#", + -15.868581771850586 + ], + [ + " >", + -18.364063262939453 + ], + [ + ">_<", + -17.60308837890625 + ], + [ + "OD", + -18.669328689575195 + ], + [ + "山女学園", + -16.794343948364258 + ], + [ + "ヴァシュロン", + -19.34649658203125 + ], + [ + "HIKARI", + -16.844057083129883 + ], + [ + "LIVING", + -16.125259399414062 + ], + [ + "オルフェウス", + -17.215404510498047 + ], + [ + "ゴライアス", + -17.39769744873047 + ], + [ + "ドンピシャ", + -18.346267700195312 + ], + [ + "ヘビロテ", + -19.82879638671875 + ], + [ + "ベツレヘム", + -17.47093391418457 + ], + [ + "キネシス", + -17.042770385742188 + ], + [ + "ザウアーラント", + -18.042726516723633 + ], + [ + "ヒャダイン", + -16.943450927734375 + ], + [ + "misono", + -16.742189407348633 + ], + [ + "鬼怒川温泉", + -17.17177963256836 + ], + [ + "ゲレーロ", + -17.0012264251709 + ], + [ + "テレジェニック", + -16.678478240966797 + ], + [ + "煙たが", + -18.37356758117676 + ], + [ + "チンチラ", + -17.985301971435547 + ], + [ + "セガゲームス", + -17.521148681640625 + ], + [ + "Strand", + -15.79673957824707 + ], + [ + "忽然", + -18.216094970703125 + ], + [ + "レナウン", + -17.313886642456055 + ], + [ + "JUNIO", + -17.08852195739746 + ], + [ + "レインウェア", + -19.113054275512695 + ], + [ + "泣き崩れ", + -18.781246185302734 + ], + [ + "マッテオ", + -17.145187377929688 + ], + [ + "シロンスク", + -16.855876922607422 + ], + [ + "Backpack", + -16.620622634887695 + ], + [ + "ツトム", + -16.563255310058594 + ], + [ + "Myself", + -15.389939308166504 + ], + [ + "カフェラテ", + -17.946134567260742 + ], + [ + "クィーンズ", + -16.84217071533203 + ], + [ + ";][", + -26.341232299804688 + ], + [ + "アイリスト", + -19.916614532470703 + ], + [ + "パルミラ", + -17.625057220458984 + ], + [ + "深大寺", + -17.2997989654541 + ], + [ + "竜ヶ崎", + -16.84873390197754 + ], + [ + "カシアス", + -16.918180465698242 + ], + [ + "ナシオン", + -17.305400848388672 + ], + [ + "ピクシス", + -17.506032943725586 + ], + [ + "はぎの", + -17.681001663208008 + ], + [ + "アーチスト", + -17.23638343811035 + ], + [ + "シャイアン", + -16.86172866821289 + ], + [ + "レナート", + -16.852027893066406 + ], + [ + "ピトー", + -18.50448989868164 + ], + [ + "BEATS", + -16.12458610534668 + ], + [ + "CAB", + -14.813671112060549 + ], + [ + "那古", + -17.13139533996582 + ], + [ + "/////", + -16.2574520111084 + ], + [ + "シュトック", + -17.227502822875977 + ], + [ + "ホンコン", + -17.45168113708496 + ], + [ + "Tango", + -14.986634254455566 + ], + [ + "-』(", + -17.2509765625 + ], + [ + "ウィルクス", + -17.25069808959961 + ], + [ + "据わ", + -19.24732780456543 + ], + [ + "FORD", + -15.71739387512207 + ], + [ + "::;", + -24.81328392028809 + ], + [ + "ジャハーン", + -17.44843864440918 + ], + [ + "Christi", + -16.959012985229492 + ], + [ + "引受け", + -18.04385757446289 + ], + [ + "Kirch", + -17.188148498535156 + ], + [ + "Tek", + -15.010784149169922 + ], + [ + " ○", + -17.55164909362793 + ], + [ + "Poet", + -15.843085289001465 + ], + [ + "アイエス", + -17.01727294921875 + ], + [ + "GOO", + -16.50691032409668 + ], + [ + "UV", + -19.43125915527344 + ], + [ + "コッコ", + -17.184490203857422 + ], + [ + "DCA", + -14.707152366638184 + ], + [ + "ノルテ", + -17.025196075439453 + ], + [ + "Phillips", + -16.14577865600586 + ], + [ + "ガバナー", + -17.591550827026367 + ], + [ + "iyu", + -15.912790298461914 + ], + [ + "ヤコビ", + -17.318565368652344 + ], + [ + "Nzc", + -19.546680450439453 + ], + [ + "(※)", + -17.282867431640625 + ], + [ + "ndante", + -16.3479061126709 + ], + [ + "Defi", + -15.401371955871582 + ], + [ + "india", + -15.21845245361328 + ], + [ + "kusa", + -16.388778686523438 + ], + [ + "Luke", + -15.752886772155762 + ], + [ + "エレクトリ", + -17.034509658813477 + ], + [ + "arfare", + -16.763090133666992 + ], + [ + "ベッジ", + -17.494640350341797 + ], + [ + "Unter", + -17.01758575439453 + ], + [ + "livia", + -15.780170440673828 + ], + [ + ":.:.:.:", + -20.508304595947266 + ], + [ + "耆", + -17.383987426757812 + ], + [ + "稲本", + -17.092994689941406 + ], + [ + "うつのみや", + -16.52129554748535 + ], + [ + "Portugal", + -15.506451606750488 + ], + [ + "Bangkok", + -16.05510139465332 + ], + [ + "Cosmic", + -16.53232765197754 + ], + [ + "Fedora", + -15.853205680847168 + ], + [ + "クレマチス", + -17.946617126464844 + ], + [ + "サンプドリア", + -16.177412033081055 + ], + [ + "スクイーズ", + -17.92811393737793 + ], + [ + "ツッパリ", + -17.705585479736328 + ], + [ + "ボシュニャ", + -17.78978729248047 + ], + [ + "大盤振", + -19.142242431640625 + ], + [ + "サイエントロジー", + -17.184463500976562 + ], + [ + "三十五", + -16.200735092163086 + ], + [ + "WIRED", + -16.05888557434082 + ], + [ + "ぶっとば", + -17.114273071289062 + ], + [ + "ゲオルギオス", + -17.208011627197266 + ], + [ + "Avenger", + -16.070823669433594 + ], + [ + "Consult", + -14.966768264770508 + ], + [ + "ッシェン", + -17.34328842163086 + ], + [ + "噛みしめ", + -19.38704490661621 + ], + [ + "畝傍", + -16.97229766845703 + ], + [ + "サイゾーウーマン", + -19.361549377441406 + ], + [ + "アットギフト", + -21.631471633911133 + ], + [ + "リューベック", + -17.264976501464844 + ], + [ + "キュ", + -20.09968376159668 + ], + [ + "Nokia", + -16.808277130126953 + ], + [ + "バリテイン", + -20.474048614501953 + ], + [ + "グッドウィル", + -16.657567977905273 + ], + [ + "綺羅", + -17.215251922607422 + ], + [ + "オーバーテイク", + -18.63032341003418 + ], + [ + "ワーッ", + -19.204872131347656 + ], + [ + "ヤマネコ", + -16.869976043701172 + ], + [ + "とんとん", + -17.822431564331055 + ], + [ + "キッズスペース", + -17.883819580078125 + ], + [ + " | | ", + -19.162904739379883 + ], + [ + "ジェライス", + -16.948558807373047 + ], + [ + "cbd", + -15.193201065063477 + ], + [ + "サイキック", + -16.043092727661133 + ], + [ + "KNIGHT", + -16.171661376953125 + ], + [ + "コーネリアス", + -17.190635681152344 + ], + [ + "ディレク", + -17.0203857421875 + ], + [ + "allus", + -15.637109756469728 + ], + [ + "フェルプス", + -17.682750701904297 + ], + [ + "チェーンストア", + -16.976633071899414 + ], + [ + "ルーレイドライブ", + -20.19668960571289 + ], + [ + "KAL", + -15.320887565612791 + ], + [ + "じゃろ", + -19.09161376953125 + ], + [ + "アンティル", + -16.90361976623535 + ], + [ + "ホッピー", + -17.35848045349121 + ], + [ + "Sheep", + -16.296459197998047 + ], + [ + "プレイハウス", + -17.308998107910156 + ], + [ + "アイレム", + -17.079265594482422 + ], + [ + "ハンファ", + -16.566200256347656 + ], + [ + "・・・【", + -20.650184631347656 + ], + [ + "トモエ", + -17.426912307739258 + ], + [ + "KAKU", + -16.66640853881836 + ], + [ + "TRAX", + -16.302526473999023 + ], + [ + "Zhu", + -16.5083065032959 + ], + [ + "FINA", + -15.390891075134276 + ], + [ + "Edgar", + -16.409400939941406 + ], + [ + "オルセン", + -17.32781219482422 + ], + [ + "OTM", + -16.94243812561035 + ], + [ + "さしかか", + -18.83836555480957 + ], + [ + "miai", + -18.26893424987793 + ], + [ + "修三", + -16.564348220825195 + ], + [ + "ジェンセン", + -16.969226837158203 + ], + [ + "べつに", + -19.17044448852539 + ], + [ + "ココログ", + -18.59718894958496 + ], + [ + "オクターヴ", + -17.697404861450195 + ], + [ + "ブランソン", + -18.343021392822266 + ], + [ + "ボッキ", + -18.159582138061523 + ], + [ + "ヴァイブ", + -17.47199821472168 + ], + [ + "CHINA", + -16.411584854125977 + ], + [ + "おしお", + -17.605762481689453 + ], + [ + "ジャスティ", + -16.937543869018555 + ], + [ + "Gn", + -15.115765571594238 + ], + [ + " │ ", + -18.41530418395996 + ], + [ + ":¥", + -19.96770477294922 + ], + [ + "auri", + -15.250493049621582 + ], + [ + "息づ", + -18.850011825561523 + ], + [ + "ヘッドフォン", + -16.443843841552734 + ], + [ + "マーヤ", + -16.761646270751953 + ], + [ + "FQ", + -14.837434768676758 + ], + [ + "? ", + -15.705194473266602 + ], + [ + "ンティーノ", + -16.949668884277344 + ], + [ + "★★★★", + -18.13983917236328 + ], + [ + "かつみ", + -16.44610023498535 + ], + [ + "サバゲー", + -17.959680557250977 + ], + [ + "スイマー", + -17.403940200805664 + ], + [ + "Claus", + -16.837020874023438 + ], + [ + "シャブリ", + -18.000883102416992 + ], + [ + "leeping", + -15.952068328857422 + ], + [ + "flav", + -15.382107734680176 + ], + [ + "ハイブ", + -17.625551223754883 + ], + [ + "ポメラニア", + -17.561405181884766 + ], + [ + "Aj", + -14.26836395263672 + ], + [ + "nsive", + -18.001482009887695 + ], + [ + "WE", + -19.473155975341797 + ], + [ + "Crimson", + -17.15050506591797 + ], + [ + "LIBRAR", + -16.160898208618164 + ], + [ + "イプシロン", + -16.89385986328125 + ], + [ + "ソールドアウト", + -18.187559127807617 + ], + [ + "テュービンゲン", + -17.280563354492188 + ], + [ + "ポッキリ", + -18.961732864379883 + ], + [ + "アントシアニン", + -18.78273582458496 + ], + [ + "ガラタサライ", + -16.262863159179688 + ], + [ + "ジュニオール", + -16.681732177734375 + ], + [ + "ドネツィク", + -16.838897705078125 + ], + [ + "ホテルルートイン", + -17.283248901367188 + ], + [ + "専門学校", + -12.81813907623291 + ], + [ + "芭", + -17.552438735961914 + ], + [ + "イリジウム", + -17.82246208190918 + ], + [ + "ボツリヌス", + -18.271404266357425 + ], + [ + "エグゼイド", + -16.956266403198242 + ], + [ + "ポスドク", + -18.308059692382812 + ], + [ + "比治山", + -16.68769073486328 + ], + [ + "MAGES", + -16.32299041748047 + ], + [ + "CHOKKA", + -16.70513916015625 + ], + [ + "Heinz", + -16.438541412353516 + ], + [ + "クリート", + -17.356016159057617 + ], + [ + "ウィルミントン", + -17.336549758911133 + ], + [ + "ストーキング", + -18.2489070892334 + ], + [ + "ビリビリ", + -17.326736450195312 + ], + [ + "ふくらませ", + -18.656137466430664 + ], + [ + "シエンタ", + -18.061996459960938 + ], + [ + "したため", + -13.603493690490724 + ], + [ + "ウォーリアーズ", + -17.154327392578125 + ], + [ + "Lorenz", + -15.217123985290527 + ], + [ + "ユーザビリティ", + -17.075380325317383 + ], + [ + "Comes", + -14.869375228881836 + ], + [ + "ディングサイアー", + -17.24544334411621 + ], + [ + "テーター", + -17.805068969726562 + ], + [ + "BBBB", + -16.008577346801758 + ], + [ + "八尋", + -16.859121322631836 + ], + [ + "サロペット", + -19.122310638427734 + ], + [ + "Natur", + -17.755624771118164 + ], + [ + "押しのけ", + -18.680070877075195 + ], + [ + "ンステレーション", + -17.437395095825195 + ], + [ + "ブリュット", + -18.508657455444336 + ], + [ + "ウルビーノ", + -17.180025100708008 + ], + [ + "イブドアニュース", + -18.8100643157959 + ], + [ + "ハイブリット", + -19.62876319885254 + ], + [ + "スナップオン", + -19.401508331298828 + ], + [ + "甚兵衛", + -17.06220054626465 + ], + [ + "ウエストウッド", + -17.92094612121582 + ], + [ + "ヴァーノン", + -17.003305435180664 + ], + [ + "カーチェイス", + -18.026269912719727 + ], + [ + "アウラング", + -17.60346794128418 + ], + [ + "ウェストブルック", + -16.79740333557129 + ], + [ + "Coach", + -15.059197425842283 + ], + [ + "十郎太", + -16.277576446533203 + ], + [ + "FOOT", + -14.486974716186523 + ], + [ + "コマルカ", + -17.895063400268555 + ], + [ + "アグスタ", + -17.069793701171875 + ], + [ + "弟子屈", + -16.931686401367188 + ], + [ + "ガスマスク", + -17.63518524169922 + ], + [ + "BABYS", + -16.931636810302734 + ], + [ + "警備隊", + -14.79239273071289 + ], + [ + "ultra", + -15.455670356750488 + ], + [ + "ボウラー", + -17.026203155517578 + ], + [ + "NSW", + -15.134373664855955 + ], + [ + "プーリー", + -17.6794490814209 + ], + [ + "マルコフ", + -16.94670867919922 + ], + [ + "Nicolas", + -15.97144889831543 + ], + [ + "ady", + -14.212198257446287 + ], + [ + "引っ込め", + -19.057106018066406 + ], + [ + "立てかけ", + -19.57364845275879 + ], + [ + "ニコロ", + -16.145328521728516 + ], + [ + "eut", + -14.777485847473145 + ], + [ + "アーグラ", + -18.045814514160156 + ], + [ + "みすみ", + -16.990291595458984 + ], + [ + "レップ", + -17.367521286010742 + ], + [ + "フィデル", + -17.505945205688477 + ], + [ + "プレーンズ", + -17.16614532470703 + ], + [ + "アンダーグラウン", + -17.13174819946289 + ], + [ + "フーバー", + -16.962339401245117 + ], + [ + "Challeng", + -17.079837799072266 + ], + [ + "MACHI", + -17.280786514282227 + ], + [ + "フクダ", + -17.294818878173828 + ], + [ + "ネフスキー", + -16.669511795043945 + ], + [ + "rote", + -15.613794326782228 + ], + [ + "ナルミ", + -18.30746841430664 + ], + [ + "Takashi", + -17.169052124023438 + ], + [ + "ペトリ", + -16.596107482910156 + ], + [ + "しぼっ", + -19.14054298400879 + ], + [ + "マドリー", + -18.741405487060547 + ], + [ + "プライマ", + -18.298715591430664 + ], + [ + "マン", + -19.88262939453125 + ], + [ + "ワタシ", + -16.367528915405273 + ], + [ + "ブッフ", + -18.149883270263672 + ], + [ + "ай", + -15.289909362792969 + ], + [ + "濡", + -17.232072830200195 + ], + [ + "コネリ", + -18.47462272644043 + ], + [ + "第一勧", + -17.32221031188965 + ], + [ + "ビシャス", + -17.029165267944336 + ], + [ + "Shiny", + -15.3291654586792 + ], + [ + "wata", + -15.715538024902344 + ], + [ + "デッセ", + -17.217308044433594 + ], + [ + "~~♪", + -19.91204071044922 + ], + [ + "トーセン", + -17.251850128173828 + ], + [ + "アームド", + -17.118942260742188 + ], + [ + "tter", + -20.162094116210938 + ], + [ + "フォニックス", + -17.416053771972656 + ], + [ + "循", + -16.331605911254883 + ], + [ + "インクレディブル", + -16.775861740112305 + ], + [ + "シンクロナイズド", + -16.785507202148438 + ], + [ + "InDesign", + -17.4494571685791 + ], + [ + "Künstler", + -16.666378021240234 + ], + [ + "Acrobat", + -16.188560485839844 + ], + [ + "Eugene", + -16.403873443603516 + ], + [ + "Popteen", + -16.736927032470703 + ], + [ + "SAPPORO", + -16.999923706054688 + ], + [ + "ぇぇぇ", + -19.197845458984375 + ], + [ + "どさくさ", + -18.9283504486084 + ], + [ + "ひっくるめ", + -19.638378143310547 + ], + [ + "エアロビクス", + -17.096771240234375 + ], + [ + "ガサガサ", + -19.54254150390625 + ], + [ + "ゾディアック", + -17.016672134399414 + ], + [ + "御見舞", + -19.997119903564453 + ], + [ + "イセアクリニック", + -19.7387638092041 + ], + [ + "タンクレストイレ", + -20.110685348510746 + ], + [ + "ロックマンエグゼ", + -16.45286750793457 + ], + [ + "ロワイアル", + -16.975872039794922 + ], + [ + "珊", + -17.105419158935547 + ], + [ + "Judge", + -15.63405704498291 + ], + [ + "iQOS", + -19.36376190185547 + ], + [ + "ドメスティック", + -16.89862632751465 + ], + [ + "バナジウム", + -17.59189224243164 + ], + [ + "Harvest", + -16.23773193359375 + ], + [ + "酒匂", + -16.676860809326172 + ], + [ + "シニカル", + -18.13113021850586 + ], + [ + "シュトラーセ", + -17.192445755004883 + ], + [ + "ヴォルィーニ", + -17.367700576782227 + ], + [ + "加世田", + -17.01152992248535 + ], + [ + "ootd", + -18.50557327270508 + ], + [ + "ハナミズ", + -17.681976318359375 + ], + [ + "手こず", + -19.054752349853516 + ], + [ + "那岐", + -17.010648727416992 + ], + [ + "GUE", + -14.809782028198242 + ], + [ + "ホロタイプ", + -18.245079040527344 + ], + [ + "ハウツー", + -18.323850631713867 + ], + [ + "クローニング", + -18.050573348999023 + ], + [ + "トステム", + -18.116384506225582 + ], + [ + "ヤリモクアプリ", + -21.278072357177734 + ], + [ + "グンソク", + -18.11360740661621 + ], + [ + "アサイー", + -19.748146057128903 + ], + [ + "どんでん", + -17.72016716003418 + ], + [ + "グラニュー", + -18.55997085571289 + ], + [ + "追い立て", + -19.05847930908203 + ], + [ + "Overture", + -15.165754318237305 + ], + [ + "クラクション", + -17.438756942749023 + ], + [ + "弱々し", + -19.106990814208984 + ], + [ + "コスメティック", + -17.693374633789062 + ], + [ + "アイギス", + -17.458045959472656 + ], + [ + "OTO", + -20.27158546447754 + ], + [ + "サルビア", + -17.342334747314453 + ], + [ + "愛知教育大", + -16.526113510131836 + ], + [ + "ゲームキューブ", + -15.89574146270752 + ], + [ + "tome", + -15.563644409179688 + ], + [ + "nobu", + -15.56031322479248 + ], + [ + "WINGS", + -16.687562942504883 + ], + [ + "ょういん", + -17.927459716796875 + ], + [ + "ぶっつけ", + -17.849838256835938 + ], + [ + "田京", + -17.72831153869629 + ], + [ + "デコード", + -17.67315673828125 + ], + [ + "utsu", + -15.723394393920898 + ], + [ + "parti", + -15.084872245788574 + ], + [ + "Butler", + -15.637337684631348 + ], + [ + "pain", + -15.129523277282717 + ], + [ + "ひろがり", + -17.77322769165039 + ], + [ + "ハイエース", + -16.5513973236084 + ], + [ + "Thorn", + -16.354978561401367 + ], + [ + "絡み付", + -19.030742645263672 + ], + [ + "泥臭", + -19.148216247558594 + ], + [ + "イヤ", + -19.547203063964844 + ], + [ + "キリバス", + -16.467430114746094 + ], + [ + "緑藻", + -17.140350341796875 + ], + [ + "FOREST", + -16.064584732055664 + ], + [ + "コッキング", + -18.087331771850582 + ], + [ + "畳み込", + -17.371564865112305 + ], + [ + "DAD", + -15.074053764343262 + ], + [ + "そそり立", + -19.427255630493164 + ], + [ + "招提", + -17.40250587463379 + ], + [ + "タングル", + -17.98955535888672 + ], + [ + "エリザベ", + -17.02948570251465 + ], + [ + "おおきな", + -17.472381591796875 + ], + [ + "UMK", + -16.7421875 + ], + [ + "グプタ", + -17.724685668945312 + ], + [ + "iesel", + -16.281633377075195 + ], + [ + "シャクナゲ", + -17.484329223632812 + ], + [ + "vom", + -17.17037582397461 + ], + [ + "グルーブ", + -17.87960433959961 + ], + [ + "associa", + -14.832660675048828 + ], + [ + "カイドゥ", + -18.737375259399418 + ], + [ + "Braun", + -16.97292709350586 + ], + [ + "DPA", + -15.14010524749756 + ], + [ + "ROP", + -14.742581367492676 + ], + [ + "MITSU", + -16.721296310424805 + ], + [ + "ぼやき", + -17.96308135986328 + ], + [ + "KENTA", + -16.96634864807129 + ], + [ + "ハーデン", + -17.08965492248535 + ], + [ + "ネッロ", + -16.707969665527344 + ], + [ + "Pole", + -16.222692489624023 + ], + [ + "ミュラ", + -17.455219268798828 + ], + [ + ";;;;;;;", + -19.113731384277344 + ], + [ + "Sustain", + -15.99869441986084 + ], + [ + "ふき取", + -20.098573684692383 + ], + [ + "こたえる", + -18.424171447753903 + ], + [ + "ヘドロ", + -17.66599464416504 + ], + [ + "ゲレロ", + -17.31986427307129 + ], + [ + "ノイズキャンセ", + -18.8740234375 + ], + [ + "ペデストリアン", + -17.71944236755371 + ], + [ + "エンベロープ", + -17.862287521362305 + ], + [ + "ローレライ", + -16.716535568237305 + ], + [ + "LINDBERG", + -16.670167922973633 + ], + [ + "awajisan", + -21.746850967407227 + ], + [ + "Liquid", + -15.815411567687988 + ], + [ + "ODYSSEY", + -17.098718643188477 + ], + [ + "オデュッセイア", + -17.068283081054688 + ], + [ + "キャピキシル", + -20.38278007507324 + ], + [ + "コーンウォリス", + -17.973215103149414 + ], + [ + "シンフォギア", + -17.40464973449707 + ], + [ + "バカヤロー", + -17.266557693481445 + ], + [ + "ボタフォゴ", + -16.206071853637695 + ], + [ + "ポーセラーツ", + -20.080970764160156 + ], + [ + "マクデブルク", + -17.064006805419922 + ], + [ + "ざぶろう", + -16.946664810180664 + ], + [ + "アズナブル", + -17.397197723388672 + ], + [ + "ナショナリスト", + -17.319856643676758 + ], + [ + "ギョーザ", + -17.804584503173828 + ], + [ + "クライエント", + -19.107711791992188 + ], + [ + "ホーエンツォレ", + -17.065448760986328 + ], + [ + "グレイトフル", + -17.082645416259766 + ], + [ + "うんぬん", + -19.73397445678711 + ], + [ + "アルビノ", + -17.360559463500977 + ], + [ + "Madonna", + -16.774581909179688 + ], + [ + "ヌナブ", + -16.632925033569336 + ], + [ + "リボソーム", + -17.837078094482422 + ], + [ + "kindle", + -16.85678482055664 + ], + [ + "Elliot", + -16.70496940612793 + ], + [ + "禍々し", + -18.346277236938477 + ], + [ + "ステンシル", + -17.496145248413086 + ], + [ + "火消し", + -17.708576202392578 + ], + [ + "閉じこめ", + -18.21925163269043 + ], + [ + "ンキュベーション", + -17.673702239990234 + ], + [ + "Lovin", + -15.623092651367188 + ], + [ + "アマデウス", + -16.578353881835938 + ], + [ + "タリバン", + -18.562231063842773 + ], + [ + "Nana", + -16.752038955688477 + ], + [ + "ドリアヌス", + -17.867509841918945 + ], + [ + "グアラニ", + -16.368297576904297 + ], + [ + "ライトセーバー", + -18.413572311401367 + ], + [ + "__) ", + -19.844640731811523 + ], + [ + "セイフティ", + -17.467388153076172 + ], + [ + "ルポルタ", + -17.349224090576172 + ], + [ + "レグルス", + -16.92576789855957 + ], + [ + "アンスバッハ", + -16.854299545288086 + ], + [ + "ARABAK", + -16.878812789916992 + ], + [ + "バンガロール", + -17.416236877441406 + ], + [ + "ロリンズ", + -17.455333709716797 + ], + [ + "BlogPe", + -20.36203956604004 + ], + [ + "Nancy", + -15.989008903503418 + ], + [ + "キューブリック", + -17.399831771850586 + ], + [ + "Really", + -14.933594703674316 + ], + [ + "ワンマンライブ", + -14.271450996398926 + ], + [ + "MzQ", + -19.558849334716797 + ], + [ + "ヒストン", + -17.55122184753418 + ], + [ + "PASSPO", + -17.338218688964844 + ], + [ + "ガスケット", + -17.79267692565918 + ], + [ + "聞き分け", + -18.892425537109375 + ], + [ + "セレガ", + -16.98818588256836 + ], + [ + "ニッパー", + -17.750289916992188 + ], + [ + "リリウム", + -18.521175384521484 + ], + [ + "阿寒湖", + -18.0755672454834 + ], + [ + "エノキ", + -17.53194236755371 + ], + [ + "━━┓", + -16.27594566345215 + ], + [ + "WQ", + -14.834760665893556 + ], + [ + "イエティ", + -17.02838897705078 + ], + [ + "Mason", + -15.981243133544922 + ], + [ + "緑風", + -16.9193115234375 + ], + [ + "ベルトラン", + -16.75564193725586 + ], + [ + "Taste", + -17.007335662841797 + ], + [ + "Nuts", + -15.67304515838623 + ], + [ + "会堂", + -17.248077392578125 + ], + [ + "Kuro", + -17.41935157775879 + ], + [ + "tray", + -14.653565406799316 + ], + [ + "SH", + -18.48784446716309 + ], + [ + "Verve", + -15.341266632080078 + ], + [ + "楽焼", + -18.516658782958984 + ], + [ + "★★★★☆", + -18.236671447753903 + ], + [ + "ネッラ", + -17.291748046875 + ], + [ + "バローズ", + -17.310466766357422 + ], + [ + "フィーダー", + -17.495800018310547 + ], + [ + ".}", + -17.80877685546875 + ], + [ + "ッキム", + -18.35572052001953 + ], + [ + "ノハナ", + -16.927709579467773 + ], + [ + "シュタル", + -17.337886810302734 + ], + [ + "ジャッカー", + -17.03385353088379 + ], + [ + "Pirates", + -17.1024227142334 + ], + [ + "バルザック", + -17.04791831970215 + ], + [ + ";;;;;;", + -18.30345344543457 + ], + [ + "グレイブ", + -16.775575637817383 + ], + [ + "MOVI", + -17.185321807861328 + ], + [ + "Soci", + -16.061920166015625 + ], + [ + "Schwe", + -16.031871795654297 + ], + [ + "Blaze", + -16.17233657836914 + ], + [ + "ウチワ", + -17.51361846923828 + ], + [ + "詐取", + -18.460773468017575 + ], + [ + "ックス", + -19.09127426147461 + ], + [ + "jax", + -15.706679344177246 + ], + [ + "いかだ", + -17.641437530517578 + ], + [ + "たんぱ", + -16.969043731689453 + ], + [ + "パチーノ", + -17.200210571289062 + ], + [ + "ドーリア", + -17.496675491333008 + ], + [ + "マクシム", + -17.059322357177734 + ], + [ + "プラスアルファ", + -18.401918411254883 + ], + [ + "アウグステ", + -17.510860443115234 + ], + [ + "����", + -16.483524322509766 + ], + [ + "TRIBUTE", + -15.124920845031738 + ], + [ + "eethoven", + -17.995431900024414 + ], + [ + "Gackt", + -16.872440338134766 + ], + [ + "Requiem", + -16.74703025817871 + ], + [ + "SUPREME", + -15.838261604309082 + ], + [ + "miumiu", + -19.638011932373047 + ], + [ + "むち打ち", + -19.652284622192383 + ], + [ + "アルジャーノン", + -17.12449836730957 + ], + [ + "シャクルトン", + -18.12080955505371 + ], + [ + "プロキオン", + -17.5814266204834 + ], + [ + "ペントハウス", + -16.89984130859375 + ], + [ + "ポンティアック", + -17.376754760742188 + ], + [ + "一触即発", + -18.106199264526367 + ], + [ + "小値賀", + -17.160030364990234 + ], + [ + "東舞鶴", + -17.366865158081055 + ], + [ + "立ちふさが", + -18.449268341064453 + ], + [ + "追い落と", + -18.753162384033203 + ], + [ + "ヤーノシュ", + -17.523191452026367 + ], + [ + "ウディネーゼ", + -16.325475692749023 + ], + [ + "ワカサギ", + -18.27499008178711 + ], + [ + "アリアドネ", + -17.194089889526367 + ], + [ + "カラビナ", + -19.43431854248047 + ], + [ + "グーテンベルク", + -16.95510482788086 + ], + [ + "ドニプロ", + -16.8253116607666 + ], + [ + "Daichi", + -16.285268783569336 + ], + [ + "SDXC", + -16.516191482543945 + ], + [ + "エスカレータ", + -18.234052658081055 + ], + [ + "むさぼ", + -18.52412986755371 + ], + [ + "デルフト", + -17.201570510864258 + ], + [ + "びびっ", + -18.97760581970215 + ], + [ + "サイアム", + -17.57782745361328 + ], + [ + "餓え", + -19.631919860839844 + ], + [ + "イディッシュ", + -16.71245765686035 + ], + [ + "ザイール", + -17.372074127197266 + ], + [ + "ゲートボール", + -16.650707244873047 + ], + [ + "リュウキュウ", + -16.784757614135742 + ], + [ + "ビフォア", + -17.36094856262207 + ], + [ + "イシュー", + -17.918983459472656 + ], + [ + "小串", + -17.060256958007812 + ], + [ + "牧志", + -17.69688606262207 + ], + [ + "Becker", + -16.852703094482422 + ], + [ + "めいじ", + -17.426895141601562 + ], + [ + "スタッフォード", + -16.88184356689453 + ], + [ + "ハイゼット", + -17.23195457458496 + ], + [ + "プイ", + -16.583818435668945 + ], + [ + "NjQ", + -19.544279098510746 + ], + [ + "ロウアー", + -17.626840591430664 + ], + [ + "WSL", + -15.97656536102295 + ], + [ + "サポーターズ", + -16.892122268676758 + ], + [ + "はぐらか", + -18.851459503173828 + ], + [ + "切りつけ", + -18.54643440246582 + ], + [ + "こすれ", + -19.163074493408203 + ], + [ + "ティーオープナー", + -23.43108558654785 + ], + [ + "ミウラ", + -17.40325927734375 + ], + [ + "しゃぶっ", + -20.271045684814453 + ], + [ + "ZAC", + -16.877735137939453 + ], + [ + "Kj", + -15.673395156860352 + ], + [ + "フクロ", + -16.722808837890625 + ], + [ + "Basket", + -14.98110294342041 + ], + [ + "Magical", + -15.243043899536133 + ], + [ + "potlight", + -15.44576644897461 + ], + [ + ".+", + -15.68773078918457 + ], + [ + "NARA", + -17.03997802734375 + ], + [ + "ィトゲンシュタイ", + -17.334651947021484 + ], + [ + "Isle", + -16.232513427734375 + ], + [ + "ワクド", + -19.13664436340332 + ], + [ + "pré", + -15.934290885925291 + ], + [ + "mist", + -14.763527870178224 + ], + [ + "ECH", + -14.771595001220703 + ], + [ + "JI", + -19.717615127563477 + ], + [ + "サチコ", + -17.16500473022461 + ], + [ + "BU", + -19.412548065185547 + ], + [ + "ロコモ", + -17.24769401550293 + ], + [ + "カプラー", + -17.807024002075195 + ], + [ + "ビシッ", + -19.64380645751953 + ], + [ + "Squad", + -16.220792770385742 + ], + [ + "FAM", + -15.287052154541016 + ], + [ + "xter", + -15.499085426330566 + ], + [ + "バンガロー", + -18.061683654785156 + ], + [ + "ファシリティ", + -16.467872619628906 + ], + [ + "ぅぅぅ", + -20.20208168029785 + ], + [ + "(*_*)", + -19.4462833404541 + ], + [ + "NLIMITED", + -16.824689865112305 + ], + [ + "ebastian", + -16.626575469970703 + ], + [ + "POCKET", + -16.334667205810547 + ], + [ + "Wesley", + -16.05535316467285 + ], + [ + "アンティオコス", + -18.079944610595703 + ], + [ + "ギズモード", + -19.43820571899414 + ], + [ + "グレムリン", + -17.21759033203125 + ], + [ + "タンクローリー", + -17.66510009765625 + ], + [ + "パンプローナ", + -17.410297393798828 + ], + [ + "ヨセミテ", + -17.836498260498047 + ], + [ + "取り逃が", + -18.78064727783203 + ], + [ + "青みがか", + -18.462535858154297 + ], + [ + "クボタスピアーズ", + -16.36502456665039 + ], + [ + "サスカチュワン", + -16.700496673583984 + ], + [ + "ピアチェンツァ", + -16.67939567565918 + ], + [ + "レバークーゼン", + -16.641056060791016 + ], + [ + "ーサンバーランド", + -16.98015594482422 + ], + [ + "仁井田", + -16.903470993041992 + ], + [ + "GUYS", + -16.734994888305664 + ], + [ + "TENGA", + -17.92902374267578 + ], + [ + "エピジェネティ", + -17.915254592895508 + ], + [ + "Coupon", + -15.897621154785156 + ], + [ + "Klaus", + -16.92558479309082 + ], + [ + "安治川", + -17.008516311645508 + ], + [ + "抜きん出", + -18.91412925720215 + ], + [ + "こわば", + -19.22346305847168 + ], + [ + "リベラルアーツ", + -17.4379940032959 + ], + [ + "aedia", + -14.93996524810791 + ], + [ + "フォーエヴァー", + -16.88256072998047 + ], + [ + "垢抜け", + -19.07383728027344 + ], + [ + "Duty", + -15.564292907714844 + ], + [ + "タロットカード", + -17.343568801879883 + ], + [ + "如意輪", + -16.896800994873047 + ], + [ + "千厩", + -16.68633270263672 + ], + [ + "コンタックス", + -17.44493865966797 + ], + [ + "イケナイ", + -17.851903915405273 + ], + [ + "ZAKI", + -16.778610229492188 + ], + [ + "サターニャ", + -20.9953670501709 + ], + [ + "コスワース", + -17.44062042236328 + ], + [ + "トマム", + -17.514888763427734 + ], + [ + "ショートパンツ", + -17.85068702697754 + ], + [ + "グリーゼ", + -17.572731018066406 + ], + [ + "ミラブル", + -19.041242599487305 + ], + [ + "スキッパー", + -17.547264099121094 + ], + [ + "ヴィッヒ", + -17.328405380249023 + ], + [ + "nfluence", + -15.42213535308838 + ], + [ + "おぼし", + -18.779056549072266 + ], + [ + "千両", + -16.44071388244629 + ], + [ + "ショーグン", + -16.962726593017578 + ], + [ + "レジオン", + -17.202251434326172 + ], + [ + "ジウォン", + -17.486719131469727 + ], + [ + "tora", + -16.247838973999023 + ], + [ + "スターフォックス", + -17.236417770385742 + ], + [ + "バトルスピリッツ", + -16.79380989074707 + ], + [ + "ラバーズ", + -16.824939727783203 + ], + [ + "inds", + -15.153883934020996 + ], + [ + "essay", + -16.35161590576172 + ], + [ + "ユーゴー", + -17.451810836791992 + ], + [ + "さぐれ", + -17.495771408081055 + ], + [ + "射抜", + -18.722177505493164 + ], + [ + "Structur", + -16.636335372924805 + ], + [ + "Europa", + -16.412628173828125 + ], + [ + "やむをえな", + -19.61088752746582 + ], + [ + "thou", + -16.458213806152344 + ], + [ + "eparture", + -16.50023078918457 + ], + [ + "スチーマー", + -18.528642654418945 + ], + [ + "να", + -16.135866165161133 + ], + [ + "あまく", + -17.47725486755371 + ], + [ + "Siege", + -16.346492767333984 + ], + [ + "ビェ", + -17.153982162475586 + ], + [ + "ジューコフ", + -17.649263381958008 + ], + [ + "MTS", + -15.43681526184082 + ], + [ + "ジーオー", + -16.97638511657715 + ], + [ + "バスケス", + -17.166719436645508 + ], + [ + "ヤンセン", + -17.202754974365234 + ], + [ + "TATSU", + -16.71913719177246 + ], + [ + "outique", + -16.79738426208496 + ], + [ + " .:", + -20.209890365600582 + ], + [ + "彙", + -17.237577438354492 + ], + [ + "セントロ", + -17.48033332824707 + ], + [ + "TRS", + -15.200682640075684 + ], + [ + "CATE", + -15.13204288482666 + ], + [ + "ジューム", + -17.892711639404297 + ], + [ + "━┛", + -16.939136505126953 + ], + [ + "eventeen", + -17.05430793762207 + ], + [ + "サベージ", + -17.28968620300293 + ], + [ + "カチッ", + -19.167972564697266 + ], + [ + "駅北", + -14.783732414245604 + ], + [ + "OPPO", + -16.777267456054688 + ], + [ + "シグネチャ", + -19.162256240844727 + ], + [ + "めんこい", + -16.235441207885742 + ], + [ + "Emperor", + -16.457748413085938 + ], + [ + "MANZAI", + -16.71432876586914 + ], + [ + "figma", + -18.005815505981445 + ], + [ + "liberty", + -15.999431610107422 + ], + [ + "めまぐるし", + -18.779315948486328 + ], + [ + "もったいなく", + -19.913896560668945 + ], + [ + "アオリイカ", + -19.54577255249023 + ], + [ + "オーベルジュ", + -18.418291091918945 + ], + [ + "ドルアーガ", + -17.031522750854492 + ], + [ + "ノコギリヤシ", + -20.080522537231445 + ], + [ + "ホバリング", + -17.98867416381836 + ], + [ + "ぬくぬく", + -19.308292388916016 + ], + [ + "ウェイファーラー", + -19.739322662353516 + ], + [ + "カッシーニ", + -17.514949798583984 + ], + [ + "ハーバリウム", + -19.5367488861084 + ], + [ + "ベンヤミン", + -17.219913482666016 + ], + [ + "ライブドアブログ", + -18.210203170776367 + ], + [ + "ヴィンチェンツォ", + -17.06312370300293 + ], + [ + "Kultur", + -17.446250915527344 + ], + [ + "吹っ切れ", + -19.219755172729492 + ], + [ + "六地蔵", + -16.702482223510742 + ], + [ + "Dallas", + -15.545868873596191 + ], + [ + "ザクザク", + -18.991281509399418 + ], + [ + "ドリマックス", + -16.41231918334961 + ], + [ + "獅童", + -16.82660484313965 + ], + [ + "¨¨", + -19.62366485595703 + ], + [ + "レストハウス", + -16.9808292388916 + ], + [ + "防戦", + -17.162851333618164 + ], + [ + "ニチレイ", + -16.983243942260742 + ], + [ + "Cancer", + -16.819351196289062 + ], + [ + "縫い合わせ", + -18.910545349121097 + ], + [ + "バレアレス", + -17.258106231689453 + ], + [ + "チーズフォンデュ", + -19.148662567138672 + ], + [ + "ぴゅあ", + -17.37570571899414 + ], + [ + "スパロボ", + -18.036945343017575 + ], + [ + "アウトランダー", + -17.587949752807617 + ], + [ + "サエコ", + -17.693866729736328 + ], + [ + "Hampton", + -17.462400436401367 + ], + [ + "渦潮", + -17.592012405395508 + ], + [ + "雄鶏", + -17.724334716796875 + ], + [ + "カワハギ", + -17.7156925201416 + ], + [ + "タウヌス", + -17.31978416442871 + ], + [ + "ジャルダン", + -17.634183883666992 + ], + [ + "TFE", + -15.597417831420898 + ], + [ + "アーカム", + -17.299306869506836 + ], + [ + "扱貨", + -20.082435607910156 + ], + [ + "恵美須", + -17.308345794677734 + ], + [ + "せんだ", + -16.890987396240234 + ], + [ + "志津川", + -16.99468421936035 + ], + [ + "カラバリ", + -19.500696182250977 + ], + [ + "MAXX", + -17.69400405883789 + ], + [ + "ルパンレンジャー", + -17.165508270263672 + ], + [ + "SWOT", + -17.904420852661133 + ], + [ + "タミー", + -16.945898056030273 + ], + [ + "ASCO", + -17.509443283081055 + ], + [ + "lek", + -14.561726570129396 + ], + [ + "curry", + -16.199007034301758 + ], + [ + "刻み込", + -18.806947708129883 + ], + [ + "lude", + -14.630390167236328 + ], + [ + "rologue", + -14.74957275390625 + ], + [ + "ガラシ", + -17.339069366455078 + ], + [ + "グリオ", + -17.550872802734375 + ], + [ + "ポストカード", + -16.23311424255371 + ], + [ + "Domino", + -15.359795570373535 + ], + [ + "亀谷", + -17.004959106445312 + ], + [ + "alva", + -15.306188583374023 + ], + [ + "arcia", + -16.093549728393555 + ], + [ + "ショートヘア", + -16.886629104614258 + ], + [ + "Valve", + -14.908570289611816 + ], + [ + "DYNA", + -15.86436367034912 + ], + [ + "YOUTH", + -17.041114807128906 + ], + [ + "isan", + -15.18623161315918 + ], + [ + "ピリッポ", + -18.49101448059082 + ], + [ + "十四", + -14.39016056060791 + ], + [ + "マナブ", + -16.97845458984375 + ], + [ + "ピラニア", + -16.80400276184082 + ], + [ + "フロントワークス", + -17.52644920349121 + ], + [ + "Gibb", + -16.466684341430664 + ], + [ + "ブルーバード", + -16.621564865112305 + ], + [ + "プロピオン", + -18.038169860839844 + ], + [ + "bq", + -14.489385604858398 + ], + [ + "YUKA", + -16.770343780517578 + ], + [ + "tokei", + -18.020227432250977 + ], + [ + ":!:", + -20.19965171813965 + ], + [ + "ocha", + -14.785849571228027 + ], + [ + "asha", + -15.234651565551758 + ], + [ + "メンタリスト", + -17.057987213134766 + ], + [ + "ストライド", + -17.33135414123535 + ], + [ + "FARM", + -15.830385208129885 + ], + [ + "こうそく", + -17.052322387695312 + ], + [ + "徳兵衛", + -17.12639045715332 + ], + [ + "Vault", + -15.431100845336914 + ], + [ + "inh", + -14.779460906982422 + ], + [ + "ッチ", + -19.72031593322754 + ], + [ + "Constitu", + -15.33594799041748 + ], + [ + "エイヤァトー", + -23.12822151184082 + ], + [ + "BONNIE", + -16.683223724365234 + ], + [ + "Spencer", + -16.594438552856445 + ], + [ + "アムネスティ", + -17.537084579467773 + ], + [ + "ゴツゴツ", + -19.21717834472656 + ], + [ + "サーモスタット", + -18.5687255859375 + ], + [ + "フレズノ", + -17.12091827392578 + ], + [ + "畳み掛け", + -19.60767936706543 + ], + [ + "オールラウンダー", + -17.56412124633789 + ], + [ + "ドレフュス", + -17.367971420288086 + ], + [ + "ネオナチ", + -16.98225975036621 + ], + [ + "パフューム", + -17.882076263427734 + ], + [ + "ヴァーハンプトン", + -16.753028869628906 + ], + [ + "ヴロツワフ", + -16.645103454589844 + ], + [ + "葡", + -17.142837524414062 + ], + [ + "ジェロニモ", + -17.066627502441406 + ], + [ + "ジョルジオ", + -17.47260856628418 + ], + [ + "バナッハ", + -17.62055778503418 + ], + [ + "マハーバーラ", + -17.146833419799805 + ], + [ + "歯がゆ", + -19.485698699951172 + ], + [ + "へっぽこ", + -18.108644485473633 + ], + [ + "シュテッテン", + -17.35076332092285 + ], + [ + "Bunny", + -17.04059600830078 + ], + [ + "ベルガモット", + -18.006134033203125 + ], + [ + "ノゾミ", + -16.90288543701172 + ], + [ + "キュウレンジャー", + -17.024642944335938 + ], + [ + "ジャイルズ", + -17.170379638671875 + ], + [ + "Wissen", + -16.140544891357422 + ], + [ + "oprano", + -15.767877578735352 + ], + [ + "ケミスト", + -16.492929458618164 + ], + [ + "NOAH", + -17.035207748413086 + ], + [ + "売りさば", + -18.707521438598633 + ], + [ + "トーマツ", + -17.521955490112305 + ], + [ + "Homepage", + -16.581279754638672 + ], + [ + "cientist", + -15.1466703414917 + ], + [ + "灯篭", + -17.708511352539062 + ], + [ + "八九", + -17.437135696411133 + ], + [ + "ヤマザクラ", + -18.051742553710938 + ], + [ + "慎まし", + -18.79285049438477 + ], + [ + "パッキン", + -18.322330474853516 + ], + [ + "ソーニャ", + -16.96209716796875 + ], + [ + "津田塾大", + -16.43678855895996 + ], + [ + "卜部", + -16.779815673828125 + ], + [ + "ALIA", + -16.010358810424805 + ], + [ + "楢原", + -16.936769485473633 + ], + [ + "うなづ", + -18.876739501953125 + ], + [ + "。+", + -20.388561248779297 + ], + [ + "ふたなり", + -17.63187026977539 + ], + [ + "FLIGHT", + -15.633770942687988 + ], + [ + "間にあ", + -16.86647605895996 + ], + [ + "南牟婁", + -16.95724868774414 + ], + [ + "ダンロップ", + -16.19232749938965 + ], + [ + "ウェイティング", + -17.05047035217285 + ], + [ + "Willie", + -16.025554656982422 + ], + [ + "Clarke", + -16.398954391479492 + ], + [ + "タテハ", + -16.769697189331055 + ], + [ + "TLA", + -16.586732864379883 + ], + [ + "チルト", + -18.240917205810547 + ], + [ + "BORN", + -16.22425079345703 + ], + [ + "ジョヴィ", + -17.086748123168945 + ], + [ + "´∀`", + -18.94573974609375 + ], + [ + "ふきん", + -19.208690643310547 + ], + [ + "」,", + -17.969871520996094 + ], + [ + "Njc", + -19.761873245239254 + ], + [ + "ホバート", + -17.234052658081055 + ], + [ + "TKG", + -18.24216079711914 + ], + [ + "ルピア", + -18.41176414489746 + ], + [ + "スナイプ", + -17.383102416992188 + ], + [ + "AGR", + -15.632966995239258 + ], + [ + "ひっかかる", + -19.41962623596191 + ], + [ + "ノウタ", + -16.395612716674805 + ], + [ + "ライブツアー", + -15.605599403381348 + ], + [ + "たんと", + -17.003999710083008 + ], + [ + "MjI", + -17.90948486328125 + ], + [ + "NTk", + -20.360200881958008 + ], + [ + "NAOKI", + -16.80160140991211 + ], + [ + "博多駅", + -15.66474437713623 + ], + [ + "MANGA", + -17.107757568359375 + ], + [ + "SmackDow", + -18.014535903930664 + ], + [ + "dinburgh", + -16.43518829345703 + ], + [ + "oulevard", + -16.674182891845703 + ], + [ + "Crisis", + -16.2188663482666 + ], + [ + "ぷにぷに", + -17.542495727539062 + ], + [ + "エンシェント", + -17.147579193115234 + ], + [ + "コエンザイム", + -19.4639835357666 + ], + [ + "スプライシング", + -17.89089012145996 + ], + [ + "ハリセンボン", + -16.43585968017578 + ], + [ + "パルテノン", + -17.217790603637695 + ], + [ + "モアサナイト", + -20.910844802856445 + ], + [ + "テクニシャン", + -17.6077880859375 + ], + [ + "マネージド", + -18.183361053466797 + ], + [ + "Draft", + -15.528871536254885 + ], + [ + "アウレリウス", + -17.73765754699707 + ], + [ + "ケーニッヒ", + -17.134859085083008 + ], + [ + "Murphy", + -16.409435272216797 + ], + [ + "PageTop", + -18.628164291381836 + ], + [ + "シクロクロス", + -16.3288516998291 + ], + [ + "Curtis", + -16.097288131713867 + ], + [ + "エレメンタル", + -16.88378143310547 + ], + [ + "ヒカゲ", + -17.38088035583496 + ], + [ + "Prayer", + -16.900510787963867 + ], + [ + "ポンキッキーズ", + -16.61485481262207 + ], + [ + "シャリーア", + -17.828472137451172 + ], + [ + "テックフィリップ", + -20.000890731811523 + ], + [ + "Rescue", + -16.505796432495117 + ], + [ + "RoHS", + -17.857627868652344 + ], + [ + "hq", + -14.63982105255127 + ], + [ + "クーネオ", + -16.444194793701172 + ], + [ + "トリケラトプス", + -16.6343994140625 + ], + [ + "shopping", + -16.54788589477539 + ], + [ + "汲み上げ", + -18.55821990966797 + ], + [ + "武蔵野音楽", + -16.408544540405273 + ], + [ + "置き忘れ", + -18.504953384399418 + ], + [ + "Florence", + -16.44413185119629 + ], + [ + "レベリング", + -18.20349884033203 + ], + [ + "一之江", + -17.060766220092773 + ], + [ + "trategic", + -17.174509048461914 + ], + [ + "錦糸町", + -16.2753849029541 + ], + [ + "パテント", + -17.69301414489746 + ], + [ + "チッソ", + -17.43701934814453 + ], + [ + "RIVER", + -15.815221786499023 + ], + [ + "ロマンシング", + -17.335847854614258 + ], + [ + "ワタリガ", + -18.180469512939453 + ], + [ + "ヒイロ", + -17.622467041015625 + ], + [ + "ウルリッヒ", + -17.262601852416992 + ], + [ + "Jorge", + -16.16181182861328 + ], + [ + "コタロー", + -17.461313247680664 + ], + [ + "Regula", + -15.959881782531738 + ], + [ + ":::/", + -20.528705596923828 + ], + [ + "ソーシャルワーク", + -16.625213623046875 + ], + [ + "コゼット", + -17.15536117553711 + ], + [ + "vitro", + -17.227983474731445 + ], + [ + "ピューレ", + -18.723644256591797 + ], + [ + "アセンブラ", + -17.614511489868164 + ], + [ + "Uw", + -16.13128662109375 + ], + [ + "アルギン", + -18.790786743164062 + ], + [ + "esla", + -16.916345596313477 + ], + [ + "シロッコ", + -18.070880889892575 + ], + [ + "檀林", + -17.52482032775879 + ], + [ + "BR", + -19.617359161376953 + ], + [ + "スタイナー", + -16.75956153869629 + ], + [ + "レス", + -18.87260055541992 + ], + [ + "かごめ", + -17.454837799072266 + ], + [ + "もんじゅ", + -17.686357498168945 + ], + [ + "MARIA", + -15.944698333740234 + ], + [ + "シヨン", + -17.8131046295166 + ], + [ + "めんどくさく", + -19.72834587097168 + ], + [ + "GTC", + -15.045854568481444 + ], + [ + "マックスウェル", + -17.063493728637695 + ], + [ + "ひゃ", + -17.32319450378418 + ], + [ + "ホーキング", + -17.584272384643555 + ], + [ + "teinberg", + -17.589313507080078 + ], + [ + "atica", + -15.09728717803955 + ], + [ + "粟屋", + -17.14043617248535 + ], + [ + "公武", + -18.39530372619629 + ], + [ + "MM", + -18.65423583984375 + ], + [ + "ヒープ", + -17.08844566345215 + ], + [ + "アニマルズ", + -17.097557067871094 + ], + [ + "Revue", + -17.538097381591797 + ], + [ + "īn", + -16.196176528930664 + ], + [ + "ーベリック", + -18.074703216552734 + ], + [ + "ちゃちゃ", + -17.894771575927734 + ], + [ + "ギャザ", + -17.9337100982666 + ], + [ + "riel", + -15.188959121704102 + ], + [ + "チュチュ", + -16.984214782714844 + ], + [ + "なおこ", + -16.511951446533203 + ], + [ + "ヘイロー", + -17.247173309326172 + ], + [ + "????????", + -16.964237213134766 + ], + [ + "カラ", + -19.965856552124023 + ], + [ + "コプト", + -17.34373664855957 + ], + [ + "OMOS", + -18.349702835083008 + ], + [ + "ニニニニ", + -20.557289123535156 + ], + [ + "テーベ", + -18.11023330688477 + ], + [ + "ブランディ", + -17.108318328857422 + ], + [ + "FAS", + -15.4214506149292 + ], + [ + "ollector", + -21.012792587280273 + ], + [ + "kuru", + -16.17962646484375 + ], + [ + "ランツァ", + -17.004261016845703 + ], + [ + "洒", + -18.065404891967773 + ], + [ + "(*´▽`*)", + -20.21529197692871 + ], + [ + "ntegrity", + -19.17878532409668 + ], + [ + "SUMMIT", + -17.09558868408203 + ], + [ + "アナリシス", + -18.038665771484375 + ], + [ + "テレホンカード", + -16.987632751464844 + ], + [ + "バーミングハム", + -17.26612663269043 + ], + [ + "洗い落と", + -19.758668899536133 + ], + [ + "鹿屋体育大", + -16.368173599243164 + ], + [ + "ぴょんぴょん", + -17.459056854248047 + ], + [ + "セサミストリート", + -16.59174156188965 + ], + [ + "フェスティヴァル", + -17.560914993286133 + ], + [ + "ミズナギドリ", + -16.829626083374023 + ], + [ + "ロベスピエール", + -17.61879539489746 + ], + [ + "マジョルカ", + -16.3070125579834 + ], + [ + "ウトウト", + -19.754613876342773 + ], + [ + "あてはめ", + -18.5360164642334 + ], + [ + "タービンエンジン", + -17.23946189880371 + ], + [ + "^-^", + -19.52049446105957 + ], + [ + "Seoul", + -16.573820114135742 + ], + [ + "シミウスジェル", + -22.325971603393555 + ], + [ + "ファンタジック", + -17.612022399902344 + ], + [ + "ageha", + -17.09450340270996 + ], + [ + "アヴェニュー", + -17.437864303588867 + ], + [ + "エーリッヒ", + -16.997474670410156 + ], + [ + "ティファール", + -18.743024826049805 + ], + [ + "アクシズ", + -16.987077713012695 + ], + [ + "アディクション", + -17.993864059448242 + ], + [ + "突き当た", + -19.013654708862305 + ], + [ + "マーチング", + -17.418195724487305 + ], + [ + "ビルドアップ", + -18.12872314453125 + ], + [ + "ワインセラー", + -19.36601448059082 + ], + [ + "エクステンド", + -17.22092056274414 + ], + [ + "びとらなし", + -20.255048751831055 + ], + [ + "ぎわう", + -18.427459716796875 + ], + [ + "リテイク", + -17.557350158691406 + ], + [ + "サイプレス", + -17.27374839782715 + ], + [ + "サドラー", + -17.445390701293945 + ], + [ + "マクシムス", + -17.54469108581543 + ], + [ + "ターボファン", + -16.66727066040039 + ], + [ + "ディテクタ", + -19.52152633666992 + ], + [ + "バフィー", + -16.761919021606445 + ], + [ + "ごっちゃ", + -18.996671676635746 + ], + [ + "パッセ", + -16.890644073486328 + ], + [ + "ジラール", + -17.99236488342285 + ], + [ + "ランジア", + -17.7979679107666 + ], + [ + "じつに", + -19.599864959716797 + ], + [ + "チョーカー", + -18.1804256439209 + ], + [ + ";;:", + -21.704097747802734 + ], + [ + "フューエル", + -17.90968132019043 + ], + [ + "・*", + -21.35243225097656 + ], + [ + "ズタイトル", + -18.449369430541992 + ], + [ + "アシャッフェ", + -17.541927337646484 + ], + [ + "ちゃこ", + -18.142467498779297 + ], + [ + "relat", + -15.77328395843506 + ], + [ + "ベッティ", + -18.056819915771484 + ], + [ + "ブリッド", + -18.293851852416992 + ], + [ + "弥太", + -17.015850067138672 + ], + [ + "くりかえ", + -18.499164581298828 + ], + [ + "noko", + -16.771194458007812 + ], + [ + " ★", + -17.287961959838867 + ], + [ + "偽薬", + -18.537885665893555 + ], + [ + "IO", + -19.64299201965332 + ], + [ + "ノービス", + -15.476776123046877 + ], + [ + "プププ", + -17.78241539001465 + ], + [ + ")※", + -12.3592529296875 + ], + [ + "indu", + -15.253299713134766 + ], + [ + "AKOI", + -16.853179931640625 + ], + [ + "CDW", + -17.317583084106445 + ], + [ + "sp", + -20.151203155517575 + ], + [ + "Aid", + -15.886462211608888 + ], + [ + "Thought", + -16.48763084411621 + ], + [ + "ブブ", + -17.00220489501953 + ], + [ + "Ballet", + -17.139408111572266 + ], + [ + "スライダ", + -21.14048957824707 + ], + [ + "?????", + -15.6486234664917 + ], + [ + "ょうせん", + -17.476709365844727 + ], + [ + "プンタ", + -17.814361572265625 + ], + [ + "キラーズ", + -16.66807746887207 + ], + [ + "SHINY", + -16.646657943725586 + ], + [ + "fripSide", + -16.60552406311035 + ], + [ + "Pokémon", + -17.124683380126953 + ], + [ + "上石神井", + -17.263105392456055 + ], + [ + "アリオラジャパン", + -16.042150497436523 + ], + [ + "カイツブリ", + -16.936323165893555 + ], + [ + "グラディエーター", + -17.20681381225586 + ], + [ + "ジュークボックス", + -16.748451232910156 + ], + [ + "セルバンテス", + -17.130048751831055 + ], + [ + "ディストーション", + -17.708635330200195 + ], + [ + "ヒヨドリ", + -17.356721878051758 + ], + [ + "メルキュール", + -18.74434280395508 + ], + [ + "ヤナーチェク", + -17.479938507080078 + ], + [ + "Öster", + -15.492817878723145 + ], + [ + "オキシポロン", + -22.047056198120117 + ], + [ + "女満別", + -17.112913131713867 + ], + [ + "ドミナント", + -17.40772247314453 + ], + [ + "シャチハタ", + -20.12871360778809 + ], + [ + "モックアップ", + -17.834022521972656 + ], + [ + "ブロムウィッチ", + -16.81072425842285 + ], + [ + "マサムネ", + -16.874990463256836 + ], + [ + "クウガ", + -18.31694221496582 + ], + [ + "タチバナ", + -16.89369773864746 + ], + [ + "Isabel", + -16.466136932373047 + ], + [ + "Netscape", + -15.3167142868042 + ], + [ + "ナメック", + -17.528162002563477 + ], + [ + "catv", + -18.843692779541016 + ], + [ + "せき止め", + -18.38849449157715 + ], + [ + "ZJ", + -15.964706420898438 + ], + [ + "千葉商科大学", + -16.307714462280273 + ], + [ + "ウルドゥー", + -17.211151123046875 + ], + [ + "むかつく", + -19.060466766357425 + ], + [ + "クレスタ", + -17.618465423583984 + ], + [ + "マルナカ", + -17.148536682128906 + ], + [ + "ZV", + -15.840265274047852 + ], + [ + "エミュレーション", + -17.390867233276367 + ], + [ + "テツヤ", + -16.47563362121582 + ], + [ + "サンシェード", + -19.280662536621097 + ], + [ + "IAI", + -16.117267608642578 + ], + [ + "オービス", + -18.685895919799805 + ], + [ + "フェローシップ", + -17.385602951049805 + ], + [ + "ビジュアルアーツ", + -16.3520450592041 + ], + [ + "チャレンジカップ", + -15.731584548950195 + ], + [ + "ALLY", + -14.339322090148926 + ], + [ + "Burton", + -17.112445831298828 + ], + [ + "さがせ", + -16.869098663330078 + ], + [ + "壱番", + -16.82561492919922 + ], + [ + "リョービ", + -17.832761764526367 + ], + [ + "Annex", + -17.161455154418945 + ], + [ + "un", + -19.594268798828125 + ], + [ + "GLA", + -16.09914207458496 + ], + [ + "ラミド", + -18.8680362701416 + ], + [ + "オナラ", + -17.960315704345703 + ], + [ + "ユカイ", + -17.17805290222168 + ], + [ + "フェリーニ", + -17.269750595092773 + ], + [ + "jv", + -14.500186920166016 + ], + [ + "コブシ", + -16.870637893676758 + ], + [ + "イートイン", + -17.881805419921875 + ], + [ + "タンメン", + -17.866127014160156 + ], + [ + "NzU", + -19.66392517089844 + ], + [ + "』 ", + -13.787425994873049 + ], + [ + "idol", + -15.971721649169922 + ], + [ + "①②", + -19.084190368652344 + ], + [ + "マジョリティ", + -18.029163360595703 + ], + [ + "おもらし", + -17.50639533996582 + ], + [ + "bilis", + -15.88144874572754 + ], + [ + "エクスプローラ", + -18.22994041442871 + ], + [ + "パッシング", + -17.415790557861328 + ], + [ + "追想", + -16.759885787963867 + ], + [ + "OBO", + -16.436716079711914 + ], + [ + "français", + -16.219280242919922 + ], + [ + "AZ", + -20.286544799804688 + ], + [ + "==", + -20.388837814331055 + ], + [ + "バーバリ", + -16.56703758239746 + ], + [ + "ごうせ", + -19.211406707763672 + ], + [ + "ピークス", + -17.25043487548828 + ], + [ + "rout", + -15.209148406982422 + ], + [ + ",,.", + -20.373544692993164 + ], + [ + "全英", + -15.03847599029541 + ], + [ + "melo", + -15.27133083343506 + ], + [ + "Candle", + -16.447975158691406 + ], + [ + "成り代わ", + -18.506183624267575 + ], + [ + "おっしゃら", + -21.45301055908203 + ], + [ + "まくん", + -17.193574905395508 + ], + [ + "やくも", + -17.100828170776367 + ], + [ + "┈", + -21.27363014221191 + ], + [ + "サフィアーノ", + -19.7753963470459 + ], + [ + "syndrome", + -16.353256225585938 + ], + [ + "Athlon", + -16.070621490478516 + ], + [ + "CITTA", + -17.24155616760254 + ], + [ + "QWERT", + -16.48570442199707 + ], + [ + "アドヴィックス", + -18.975669860839844 + ], + [ + "イメクラ", + -18.39458465576172 + ], + [ + "スチャダラパー", + -16.700498580932617 + ], + [ + "ゾクゾク", + -18.429372787475582 + ], + [ + "ドニエプル", + -17.54349136352539 + ], + [ + "ヒガンバナ", + -17.40158462524414 + ], + [ + "ラストスパート", + -19.39046287536621 + ], + [ + "ローテンブルク", + -16.9698429107666 + ], + [ + "恵比須", + -16.907575607299805 + ], + [ + "曾祖母", + -17.702890396118164 + ], + [ + "潮干狩", + -18.204673767089844 + ], + [ + "イノシトール", + -17.385211944580078 + ], + [ + "トゥゲザー", + -17.055912017822266 + ], + [ + "プロビジョニング", + -18.876487731933594 + ], + [ + "御器所", + -16.695650100708008 + ], + [ + "", + -22.53791046142578 + ], + [ + "Happen", + -16.79098892211914 + ], + [ + "ミライース", + -19.063718795776367 + ], + [ + "memories", + -16.3801326751709 + ], + [ + "忌まわし", + -18.45821762084961 + ], + [ + "mergency", + -15.293387413024902 + ], + [ + "アウストリア", + -16.90178871154785 + ], + [ + "ディンプル", + -18.31930351257324 + ], + [ + "メトロノーム", + -17.423757553100586 + ], + [ + "トコトン", + -17.243404388427734 + ], + [ + "デジモンクロス", + -16.820110321044922 + ], + [ + "モーレツ", + -17.391508102416992 + ], + [ + "Compil", + -16.240089416503906 + ], + [ + "Reprint", + -15.209444999694824 + ], + [ + "マリーンズ", + -17.795713424682617 + ], + [ + "Funky", + -15.78400707244873 + ], + [ + "ウッディーン", + -18.18920135498047 + ], + [ + "コムソモ", + -16.923553466796875 + ], + [ + "GRACE", + -15.718689918518066 + ], + [ + "ギブズ", + -17.28316879272461 + ], + [ + "スイッチャー", + -17.234304428100586 + ], + [ + "カグヤ", + -17.471534729003906 + ], + [ + "ジキル", + -16.933286666870117 + ], + [ + "PhD", + -16.018348693847656 + ], + [ + "ユリアン", + -17.311710357666016 + ], + [ + "III", + -19.28014373779297 + ], + [ + "ワッシャー", + -18.61553192138672 + ], + [ + "ネンタルカップ", + -16.730436325073242 + ], + [ + "ウィンクル", + -17.072399139404297 + ], + [ + "awasaki", + -18.144926071166992 + ], + [ + "teenth", + -15.261378288269045 + ], + [ + "┃   ", + -16.167381286621094 + ], + [ + "IXY", + -18.028921127319336 + ], + [ + "イオアン", + -17.466331481933594 + ], + [ + "メチエ", + -17.24237060546875 + ], + [ + "theater", + -15.396827697753906 + ], + [ + "アントーニ", + -17.415382385253906 + ], + [ + "vitra", + -18.696374893188477 + ], + [ + "lute", + -14.8466796875 + ], + [ + "なまけ", + -17.970239639282227 + ], + [ + "そびえ立", + -18.75520133972168 + ], + [ + "キュプラ", + -19.527437210083008 + ], + [ + "らひら", + -20.06972312927246 + ], + [ + "オグロ", + -17.01984405517578 + ], + [ + "IVER", + -15.30400562286377 + ], + [ + "Turner", + -15.692864418029783 + ], + [ + "Superman", + -16.853900909423828 + ], + [ + "~~~~~~", + -20.215755462646484 + ], + [ + "ADVAN", + -16.813745498657227 + ], + [ + "AB", + -18.914289474487305 + ], + [ + "QV", + -14.603020668029783 + ], + [ + "aika", + -16.32657241821289 + ], + [ + "クイル", + -17.762136459350586 + ], + [ + "ポケモンセンター", + -17.91898536682129 + ], + [ + "ダレト", + -21.01701545715332 + ], + [ + "hū", + -15.640461921691896 + ], + [ + "Shige", + -17.633005142211914 + ], + [ + "バーイー", + -17.715925216674805 + ], + [ + "imagin", + -15.300725936889648 + ], + [ + "タナゴ", + -17.21038818359375 + ], + [ + "怒鳴りつけ", + -18.7254581451416 + ], + [ + "Vl", + -15.274989128112791 + ], + [ + "カロリーナ", + -17.41230010986328 + ], + [ + "VHD", + -16.13763999938965 + ], + [ + "ゲームボーイ", + -14.995546340942385 + ], + [ + "モモンガ", + -16.997085571289062 + ], + [ + "(¥", + -20.497215270996097 + ], + [ + "いなや", + -18.396663665771484 + ], + [ + "ドリブン", + -18.331113815307617 + ], + [ + "Rebel", + -15.888854026794434 + ], + [ + "arta", + -14.620214462280272 + ], + [ + "アーキテクチャー", + -17.607648849487305 + ], + [ + "エネルギ", + -18.215255737304688 + ], + [ + "Neko", + -16.377559661865234 + ], + [ + "グラップリング", + -16.056976318359375 + ], + [ + "ちはら", + -16.07089614868164 + ], + [ + "Prestige", + -15.333537101745604 + ], + [ + "PayPal", + -17.178281784057617 + ], + [ + "Rhapsod", + -15.632818222045898 + ], + [ + "Werner", + -16.695438385009766 + ], + [ + "アレクシオス", + -18.19662094116211 + ], + [ + "インヂュニア", + -19.2590389251709 + ], + [ + "スクラントン", + -17.507848739624023 + ], + [ + "ハピタス", + -20.01103973388672 + ], + [ + "モンマルトル", + -17.76053810119629 + ], + [ + "奈井江", + -16.8531551361084 + ], + [ + "アパマンショップ", + -18.008960723876953 + ], + [ + "イラマチオ", + -17.570289611816406 + ], + [ + "エマルジョン", + -18.065746307373047 + ], + [ + "コングロマリット", + -16.95182228088379 + ], + [ + "スタヂアム", + -17.428211212158203 + ], + [ + "パッキャオ", + -18.16628074645996 + ], + [ + "imulator", + -16.91255760192871 + ], + [ + "フェニルアラニン", + -18.07933235168457 + ], + [ + "CYBER", + -16.48278045654297 + ], + [ + "leather", + -17.103614807128906 + ], + [ + "Brooklyn", + -15.84919261932373 + ], + [ + "ミストラル", + -16.86954689025879 + ], + [ + "リャザン", + -17.16474151611328 + ], + [ + "ポリスチレン", + -18.09861946105957 + ], + [ + "ウィッシュボーン", + -17.388153076171875 + ], + [ + "オナホール", + -18.1900634765625 + ], + [ + "ベルトコンベヤ", + -18.688247680664062 + ], + [ + "Roof", + -17.001924514770508 + ], + [ + "買い叩", + -19.64328956604004 + ], + [ + "マーチングバンド", + -17.25311851501465 + ], + [ + "Defence", + -16.700477600097656 + ], + [ + "シコ", + -20.716211318969727 + ], + [ + "デイパック", + -18.980043411254883 + ], + [ + "ゲルニカ", + -17.64564323425293 + ], + [ + "/ / ", + -19.210147857666016 + ], + [ + "!!〜(", + -17.17943572998047 + ], + [ + "iverpool", + -16.53653907775879 + ], + [ + "ケルビン", + -17.23978614807129 + ], + [ + "レソト", + -16.66571044921875 + ], + [ + "ステビア", + -19.074098587036133 + ], + [ + "煮立て", + -19.838054656982425 + ], + [ + "スノコ", + -18.682647705078125 + ], + [ + " <", + -17.011137008666992 + ], + [ + "アーガマ", + -17.820667266845703 + ], + [ + ":::::::/", + -19.54737663269043 + ], + [ + "Vibra", + -15.094405174255373 + ], + [ + "バランサー", + -18.11387825012207 + ], + [ + "ブルゴス", + -16.83601188659668 + ], + [ + "holesale", + -16.291818618774414 + ], + [ + "PRIMA", + -16.90291976928711 + ], + [ + "しくじり", + -17.632373809814453 + ], + [ + "[]:", + -21.40023422241211 + ], + [ + "ALKEN", + -17.938480377197266 + ], + [ + "Frost", + -16.22292709350586 + ], + [ + "ちまえ", + -18.16492462158203 + ], + [ + "ed", + -19.326982498168945 + ], + [ + "ラウドソーシング", + -17.610471725463867 + ], + [ + "Prism", + -16.046186447143555 + ], + [ + "|*", + -16.458248138427734 + ], + [ + "キーポイント", + -19.132484436035156 + ], + [ + "ernando", + -16.033430099487305 + ], + [ + "Marx", + -15.862548828125 + ], + [ + "パンツァー", + -15.780658721923828 + ], + [ + "Glenn", + -16.354101181030273 + ], + [ + "GBT", + -16.740398406982422 + ], + [ + "串焼", + -18.962705612182617 + ], + [ + "ATB", + -15.38910961151123 + ], + [ + "IGI", + -15.852858543395996 + ], + [ + " ●", + -17.185218811035156 + ], + [ + "JIRO", + -17.08160972595215 + ], + [ + "エグザ", + -17.331153869628906 + ], + [ + "ジゴロ", + -16.851415634155273 + ], + [ + "ikkor", + -17.96331787109375 + ], + [ + "UI", + -20.469892501831055 + ], + [ + "hiz", + -15.289061546325684 + ], + [ + "いきり立", + -19.79594612121582 + ], + [ + "AHA", + -15.427706718444824 + ], + [ + ".:::", + -20.6403865814209 + ], + [ + "GEI", + -16.998043060302734 + ], + [ + "IX", + -20.112407684326172 + ], + [ + "CI", + -19.485130310058594 + ], + [ + "ヶ森", + -16.843542098999023 + ], + [ + "ANNE", + -16.004993438720703 + ], + [ + "Citizen", + -16.2922306060791 + ], + [ + "าน", + -16.710365295410156 + ], + [ + "エマージェンシー", + -17.59442901611328 + ], + [ + "BULLET", + -15.683998107910156 + ], + [ + "アンビリバボー", + -16.843904495239258 + ], + [ + "エンブラエル", + -16.93207550048828 + ], + [ + "サブルーチン", + -17.281978607177734 + ], + [ + "ジタバタ", + -19.25642967224121 + ], + [ + "ドカベン", + -16.881067276000977 + ], + [ + "ボルツマン", + -17.090576171875 + ], + [ + "ボレスワフ", + -18.040048599243164 + ], + [ + "もぐもぐ", + -18.124351501464844 + ], + [ + "アメデーオ", + -17.636734008789062 + ], + [ + "リーニングラード", + -16.994077682495117 + ], + [ + "ヴォイヴォディナ", + -16.692237854003906 + ], + [ + "東京慈恵会医科大", + -16.572790145874023 + ], + [ + "ASTRAY", + -17.116352081298828 + ], + [ + "Cowboy", + -14.965866088867188 + ], + [ + "GENESIS", + -16.13105010986328 + ], + [ + "スピノザ", + -17.01455307006836 + ], + [ + "セウェルス", + -17.766033172607422 + ], + [ + "Harvey", + -16.478845596313477 + ], + [ + "Senior", + -15.340234756469728 + ], + [ + "シオニズム", + -16.43592071533203 + ], + [ + "アルマトイ", + -16.83905029296875 + ], + [ + "バイタリティ", + -18.62245178222656 + ], + [ + "びょういん", + -16.407445907592773 + ], + [ + "たたかう", + -17.596670150756836 + ], + [ + "Viking", + -16.30343246459961 + ], + [ + "Rhodes", + -16.938194274902344 + ], + [ + "CARNIV", + -16.68191146850586 + ], + [ + "ソフビ", + -17.647476196289062 + ], + [ + "シェンゲン", + -17.985851287841797 + ], + [ + "紅葉狩", + -18.262544631958008 + ], + [ + "グランフロント", + -17.745290756225586 + ], + [ + "!!!!!!!", + -19.757726669311523 + ], + [ + "シーパラダイス", + -17.107921600341797 + ], + [ + "クトゥルー", + -17.33358383178711 + ], + [ + "アンタレス", + -17.18431854248047 + ], + [ + "フラテス", + -18.16802024841309 + ], + [ + "Rhino", + -16.30863380432129 + ], + [ + "Gregory", + -16.392234802246094 + ], + [ + "っぴら", + -18.340011596679688 + ], + [ + "CCFF", + -15.254535675048828 + ], + [ + "トヴェリ", + -17.18175506591797 + ], + [ + "Everyday", + -15.53350067138672 + ], + [ + "なぎ倒", + -18.902175903320312 + ], + [ + "日和佐", + -16.78377342224121 + ], + [ + "MTQ", + -18.41206169128418 + ], + [ + "アロウズ", + -17.529878616333008 + ], + [ + "新屋敷", + -16.950780868530273 + ], + [ + "ナツメグ", + -17.53506088256836 + ], + [ + "ビウム", + -17.590675354003906 + ], + [ + "ホイアン", + -18.461198806762695 + ], + [ + "キャセイ", + -17.232515335083008 + ], + [ + "テンペラ", + -17.171606063842773 + ], + [ + "シダックス", + -16.939937591552734 + ], + [ + "ピーピー", + -18.299589157104492 + ], + [ + "TECHNO", + -15.572415351867676 + ], + [ + "釣魚", + -18.515857696533203 + ], + [ + "farm", + -15.329947471618652 + ], + [ + "コールドウェル", + -17.20107078552246 + ], + [ + "Akira", + -16.94390869140625 + ], + [ + "Dramatic", + -17.192611694335938 + ], + [ + "ラインバッカー", + -17.154029846191406 + ], + [ + "越後屋", + -17.22688102722168 + ], + [ + "ウルトロン", + -17.291112899780273 + ], + [ + "PRC", + -14.8733491897583 + ], + [ + "ハルゼー", + -18.143686294555664 + ], + [ + "クレイドル", + -16.80753517150879 + ], + [ + "ハリントン", + -17.344118118286133 + ], + [ + "シフター", + -17.51677894592285 + ], + [ + "ニエスタ", + -19.444805145263672 + ], + [ + "ko", + -20.02014923095703 + ], + [ + "マッサン", + -17.717453002929688 + ], + [ + "pictures", + -16.37383270263672 + ], + [ + "シャイア", + -17.326627731323242 + ], + [ + "ap", + -19.63119888305664 + ], + [ + "のめりこ", + -18.83035469055176 + ], + [ + "Amour", + -15.732436180114746 + ], + [ + "ニザーム", + -17.341432571411133 + ], + [ + "EI", + -20.088491439819336 + ], + [ + "Indie", + -16.92106056213379 + ], + [ + "イリュ", + -16.639816284179688 + ], + [ + "NAI", + -16.000661849975586 + ], + [ + "|::::", + -19.826614379882812 + ], + [ + "RENA", + -16.561534881591797 + ], + [ + "タフタ", + -18.87315368652344 + ], + [ + "ILITY", + -14.663208961486816 + ], + [ + "チェジュ", + -17.82341194152832 + ], + [ + "ensus", + -15.728775024414062 + ], + [ + "IG", + -19.8041934967041 + ], + [ + "OG", + -19.132829666137695 + ], + [ + "toyo", + -17.08733558654785 + ], + [ + "nucle", + -15.825366973876951 + ], + [ + "ゾンネ", + -18.55938720703125 + ], + [ + "トップモデル", + -18.168628692626953 + ], + [ + "VENT", + -15.90044116973877 + ], + [ + "じゃない", + -13.778863906860352 + ], + [ + "愛弟子", + -18.222183227539062 + ], + [ + "佑香", + -16.92264175415039 + ], + [ + "ss", + -19.4708309173584 + ], + [ + ".:|", + -19.964797973632812 + ], + [ + "/'", + -15.117036819458008 + ], + [ + "OBI", + -16.269882202148438 + ], + [ + "Critic", + -16.634811401367188 + ], + [ + "あそぶ", + -17.454553604125977 + ], + [ + "EAUTIFUL", + -15.965815544128418 + ], + [ + "PLEASURE", + -16.920177459716797 + ], + [ + "エアランゲン", + -17.4289608001709 + ], + [ + "パウサニア", + -17.330480575561523 + ], + [ + "ビミョー", + -18.935060501098633 + ], + [ + "マヌカハニー", + -20.507797241210938 + ], + [ + "マリメッコ", + -19.23959732055664 + ], + [ + "ミサワホーム", + -16.92963218688965 + ], + [ + "リヴァイアサン", + -16.920730590820312 + ], + [ + "引っ提げ", + -18.135404586791992 + ], + [ + "サイクロペディア", + -17.412776947021484 + ], + [ + "シェヴィキ", + -18.097551345825195 + ], + [ + "パガニーニ", + -17.125335693359375 + ], + [ + "ポチョムキン", + -17.470062255859375 + ], + [ + "レジデンシャル", + -17.477523803710938 + ], + [ + "Evangel", + -15.957205772399902 + ], + [ + "ょうごけん", + -17.630861282348633 + ], + [ + "ジークムント", + -17.166391372680664 + ], + [ + "[+]", + -16.33213996887207 + ], + [ + "チキチキ", + -16.75253677368164 + ], + [ + "MUFG", + -17.347936630249023 + ], + [ + "ClariS", + -16.936050415039062 + ], + [ + "パトレンジャー", + -17.152917861938477 + ], + [ + "レッグウォーマー", + -19.403623580932617 + ], + [ + "ネイティヴ", + -17.217918395996094 + ], + [ + "心苦し", + -19.904766082763672 + ], + [ + "小樽商科大学", + -16.447725296020508 + ], + [ + "デバッガ", + -17.557767868041992 + ], + [ + "リセマラ", + -20.626983642578125 + ], + [ + "SOUTH", + -15.178593635559082 + ], + [ + "DOORS", + -16.189390182495117 + ], + [ + "urricane", + -16.80084228515625 + ], + [ + "ピルグリム", + -17.68418312072754 + ], + [ + "メカトロニクス", + -17.0443058013916 + ], + [ + "デシベル", + -18.12689208984375 + ], + [ + "ヒッグス", + -17.494638442993164 + ], + [ + "トゥモローランド", + -17.26755142211914 + ], + [ + "バンジージャンプ", + -17.997512817382812 + ], + [ + "SMASH", + -16.011287689208984 + ], + [ + "パラッツォ", + -17.476991653442383 + ], + [ + "スマホユーザー", + -19.887033462524418 + ], + [ + "ハエトリ", + -17.039575576782227 + ], + [ + "アドライズ", + -22.35003662109375 + ], + [ + "Potter", + -17.003963470458984 + ], + [ + "締め括", + -18.538480758666992 + ], + [ + "シンドラー", + -17.468704223632812 + ], + [ + "ateway", + -23.33058738708496 + ], + [ + "ブレイザーズ", + -16.5544490814209 + ], + [ + "レトリック", + -17.794147491455078 + ], + [ + "オリーブオイル", + -17.2398624420166 + ], + [ + "NjA", + -19.06418800354004 + ], + [ + "日ノ出", + -17.347383499145508 + ], + [ + "労基", + -19.51418113708496 + ], + [ + "スキッド", + -17.504453659057617 + ], + [ + "ダリウス", + -17.22726821899414 + ], + [ + "ヒートアイランド", + -17.221359252929688 + ], + [ + "ウェブラジオ", + -16.505687713623047 + ], + [ + "コミックシーモア", + -17.70543670654297 + ], + [ + "㎡、", + -18.336135864257812 + ], + [ + "enice", + -15.71572494506836 + ], + [ + "サイ", + -19.45446014404297 + ], + [ + "ロータリークラブ", + -17.423070907592773 + ], + [ + "!!」「", + -18.341161727905273 + ], + [ + "モヤシ", + -18.908159255981445 + ], + [ + "CP", + -19.68160057067871 + ], + [ + "Tempo", + -15.317440032958984 + ], + [ + "エナガ", + -17.627334594726562 + ], + [ + "リトグラフ", + -16.89981460571289 + ], + [ + "VAPE", + -19.576589584350582 + ], + [ + "IKKI", + -16.7955322265625 + ], + [ + "RISIS", + -16.600793838500977 + ], + [ + "Edwin", + -16.56385040283203 + ], + [ + "ルスコーニ", + -18.139808654785156 + ], + [ + ":???]", + -21.370981216430664 + ], + [ + "かいじゅう", + -17.11362648010254 + ], + [ + "クリップス", + -17.608993530273438 + ], + [ + "ウィンカー", + -18.727813720703125 + ], + [ + "MjU", + -19.27474594116211 + ], + [ + "ヌーボー", + -18.04985618591309 + ], + [ + "egal", + -15.104010581970217 + ], + [ + "ウィンガー", + -17.18609619140625 + ], + [ + "Chile", + -15.496733665466309 + ], + [ + "大和川", + -16.217992782592773 + ], + [ + "Borg", + -16.675500869750977 + ], + [ + "MTg", + -19.42696762084961 + ], + [ + "mint", + -14.959590911865234 + ], + [ + "DORI", + -17.06467628479004 + ], + [ + "スティテュート", + -16.87303352355957 + ], + [ + "LI", + -18.645902633666992 + ], + [ + "触れ合え", + -19.65965461730957 + ], + [ + ":: ", + -21.15850257873535 + ], + [ + "のぼせ", + -18.580984115600582 + ], + [ + "門前払", + -19.303302764892575 + ], + [ + "ティラノ", + -16.92160987854004 + ], + [ + "|::|", + -18.68805503845215 + ], + [ + "ANADA", + -16.86760711669922 + ], + [ + ":_:", + -18.935890197753903 + ], + [ + "びっしょ", + -19.54610252380371 + ], + [ + "ubu", + -15.23984718322754 + ], + [ + "utton", + -15.785085678100586 + ], + [ + "マドカ", + -17.776695251464844 + ], + [ + "フォニック", + -17.79012680053711 + ], + [ + "Hawaiian", + -16.708288192749023 + ], + [ + "recision", + -19.531513214111328 + ], + [ + "CAPTAIN", + -16.66554832458496 + ], + [ + "MELODY", + -16.405969619750977 + ], + [ + "Mozart", + -16.825807571411133 + ], + [ + "École", + -16.43996238708496 + ], + [ + "アカプルコ", + -18.066822052001953 + ], + [ + "アシンメトリー", + -18.011606216430664 + ], + [ + "アリナミン", + -17.323659896850586 + ], + [ + "コンジュゲート", + -19.926286697387695 + ], + [ + "トラファルガー", + -17.421506881713867 + ], + [ + "喜屋武", + -17.005157470703125 + ], + [ + "ぷりぷり", + -18.326658248901367 + ], + [ + "ホプキンズ", + -16.95950698852539 + ], + [ + "ルテンプスタッフ", + -19.177398681640625 + ], + [ + "Ulrich", + -17.160568237304688 + ], + [ + "あぐね", + -19.118316650390625 + ], + [ + "ナパーム", + -16.98890495300293 + ], + [ + "バウトレビュー", + -15.826692581176758 + ], + [ + "バッティスタ", + -17.37051773071289 + ], + [ + "Clazzi", + -18.72163963317871 + ], + [ + "ムズムズ", + -19.210596084594727 + ], + [ + "バリャドリード", + -16.444482803344727 + ], + [ + "およぼ", + -18.694833755493164 + ], + [ + "ジュベナイル", + -17.707805633544922 + ], + [ + "カチタス", + -19.970226287841797 + ], + [ + "寝苦し", + -20.16044807434082 + ], + [ + "Isaac", + -16.124086380004883 + ], + [ + "ィースクエアード", + -19.763410568237305 + ], + [ + "リエッセ", + -17.22224998474121 + ], + [ + "エコノミクス", + -17.26640510559082 + ], + [ + "バレンティン", + -18.121570587158203 + ], + [ + "ジーナクリニック", + -20.109149932861328 + ], + [ + "シンパシー", + -17.39523696899414 + ], + [ + "ミドリムシ", + -18.676334381103516 + ], + [ + "jojo", + -17.767887115478516 + ], + [ + "シャドウバース", + -18.65571975708008 + ], + [ + "CPBL", + -16.282445907592773 + ], + [ + "Pablo", + -16.21319007873535 + ], + [ + "レガッタ", + -17.51686668395996 + ], + [ + "グリゴリー", + -17.50475311279297 + ], + [ + "ジクロロ", + -17.987560272216797 + ], + [ + "リカ", + -20.006967544555664 + ], + [ + "ピペット", + -18.059236526489254 + ], + [ + "セーラム", + -17.88453483581543 + ], + [ + "}.", + -14.79621410369873 + ], + [ + "TALE", + -16.055387496948242 + ], + [ + "スクイズ", + -18.04647445678711 + ], + [ + "アクトレス", + -17.06609344482422 + ], + [ + "もみ消", + -18.303327560424805 + ], + [ + "ティーチング", + -18.017803192138672 + ], + [ + "テールライト", + -18.50859260559082 + ], + [ + "クルーネック", + -18.956462860107425 + ], + [ + "妹背", + -17.29918098449707 + ], + [ + "ベンチュラ", + -17.212268829345703 + ], + [ + "シドレー", + -17.40181541442871 + ], + [ + "| |:", + -19.82163429260254 + ], + [ + "とうかい", + -16.394271850585938 + ], + [ + "・`", + -20.147520065307617 + ], + [ + "ボーフォート", + -17.369121551513672 + ], + [ + "orch", + -14.885403633117676 + ], + [ + "あまね", + -16.78841781616211 + ], + [ + "MYK", + -18.424291610717773 + ], + [ + "ウィンターリーグ", + -17.582387924194336 + ], + [ + "etra", + -15.203134536743164 + ], + [ + "アゾフ", + -17.801109313964844 + ], + [ + "ユーイング", + -17.365890502929688 + ], + [ + "ふるえ", + -17.85594367980957 + ], + [ + "らはら", + -17.031375885009766 + ], + [ + " ┗", + -16.192031860351562 + ], + [ + "やばく", + -19.53666305541992 + ], + [ + "HOUND", + -16.48530387878418 + ], + [ + "EQUI", + -15.306992530822754 + ], + [ + "OBOL", + -16.4610652923584 + ], + [ + "ぷっくり", + -19.293142318725582 + ], + [ + "DOKI", + -17.252498626708984 + ], + [ + "トーチカ", + -17.220407485961914 + ], + [ + "たいひ", + -15.192790985107422 + ], + [ + "沼垂", + -17.10526466369629 + ], + [ + "サヴォワ", + -17.010019302368164 + ], + [ + "RIUS", + -17.097671508789062 + ], + [ + "マグレ", + -17.728696823120117 + ], + [ + "ーパースプリング", + -18.498624801635746 + ], + [ + "luna", + -15.601569175720217 + ], + [ + "MzU", + -19.344173431396484 + ], + [ + "loh", + -15.456121444702148 + ], + [ + "東京工科大", + -16.594247817993164 + ], + [ + "Libra", + -15.08592128753662 + ], + [ + "シノビ", + -16.72875213623047 + ], + [ + "EBRA", + -16.058551788330078 + ], + [ + "日清製", + -17.244089126586914 + ], + [ + "プレンティ", + -17.29548454284668 + ], + [ + "オンステージ", + -17.029037475585938 + ], + [ + "EM", + -19.491558074951172 + ], + [ + "むずかし", + -19.121980667114254 + ], + [ + "武庫川女子大", + -16.86509132385254 + ], + [ + "ようせい", + -16.245210647583008 + ], + [ + "*:・", + -20.845870971679688 + ], + [ + "あかい", + -16.637298583984375 + ], + [ + "AIKA", + -17.448694229125977 + ], + [ + "Naviga", + -15.370767593383787 + ], + [ + "マテオ", + -16.849239349365234 + ], + [ + "フォ", + -19.494178771972656 + ], + [ + "SUGI", + -16.404064178466797 + ], + [ + "ANDO", + -16.925657272338867 + ], + [ + "APPA", + -16.490236282348633 + ], + [ + "PAUL", + -15.749576568603516 + ], + [ + "インスペクター", + -16.971107482910156 + ], + [ + "Inspir", + -15.67731475830078 + ], + [ + "釧", + -16.73078727722168 + ], + [ + "nonymous", + -14.01097297668457 + ], + [ + "Abraham", + -16.4394588470459 + ], + [ + "Dolphin", + -17.0111026763916 + ], + [ + "Timothy", + -16.218318939208984 + ], + [ + "UNICORN", + -16.574066162109375 + ], + [ + "オランウータ", + -17.45843505859375 + ], + [ + "カテゴライズ", + -18.23828887939453 + ], + [ + "シェムリアップ", + -17.712785720825195 + ], + [ + "ソナチネ", + -16.990976333618164 + ], + [ + "トランペッター", + -17.717212677001953 + ], + [ + "ナゴルノ", + -17.837539672851562 + ], + [ + "ルベーグ", + -17.56562042236328 + ], + [ + "ワトフォード", + -16.38178825378418 + ], + [ + "北星学園", + -16.604019165039062 + ], + [ + "ァァァ", + -19.01925277709961 + ], + [ + "コンポステーラ", + -17.452457427978516 + ], + [ + "ジャポニカ", + -17.06603240966797 + ], + [ + "マグワイア", + -17.218955993652344 + ], + [ + "バスティーユ", + -17.535293579101562 + ], + [ + "アホウドリ", + -17.29314613342285 + ], + [ + "ennifer", + -16.691267013549805 + ], + [ + "キャスリーン", + -17.027557373046875 + ], + [ + "rototype", + -21.934694290161133 + ], + [ + "宇部興産", + -16.89667320251465 + ], + [ + "デムーロ", + -19.10976219177246 + ], + [ + "KIRIN", + -16.698514938354492 + ], + [ + "Alpine", + -16.129558563232422 + ], + [ + "カヤツリ", + -16.845441818237305 + ], + [ + "ブリューゲル", + -17.629642486572266 + ], + [ + "マージョリー", + -17.136484146118164 + ], + [ + "ハリーポッター", + -18.53453254699707 + ], + [ + "住み慣れ", + -19.458690643310547 + ], + [ + "プリティーリズム", + -17.09615135192871 + ], + [ + "リクガメ", + -16.90998077392578 + ], + [ + "ヒジュラ", + -17.758182525634766 + ], + [ + "ジェイテクト", + -16.525390625 + ], + [ + "避雷", + -17.712099075317383 + ], + [ + "haiku", + -16.683935165405273 + ], + [ + "イシュタル", + -17.2301025390625 + ], + [ + "BLAST", + -15.454373359680176 + ], + [ + "スウェットパンツ", + -19.77045249938965 + ], + [ + "eremy", + -16.414308547973633 + ], + [ + "アウトストラーダ", + -16.525514602661133 + ], + [ + "ピップ", + -17.20524024963379 + ], + [ + "リオネル", + -17.66087532043457 + ], + [ + "やつや", + -19.0378360748291 + ], + [ + "阪堺", + -16.26066780090332 + ], + [ + "violin", + -16.35355567932129 + ], + [ + "掠め", + -18.73348617553711 + ], + [ + "グラグラ", + -18.028419494628903 + ], + [ + "瑠衣", + -17.191312789916992 + ], + [ + "ECL", + -15.674201011657717 + ], + [ + "ポートレイト", + -17.635963439941406 + ], + [ + "ベネヴェント", + -16.843263626098633 + ], + [ + "ヒホン", + -16.87596893310547 + ], + [ + "Rhein", + -17.03318214416504 + ], + [ + "英嗣", + -16.786001205444336 + ], + [ + "オロモ", + -16.98771858215332 + ], + [ + "reatment", + -16.565637588500977 + ], + [ + "Dolce", + -16.513086318969727 + ], + [ + "Gregor", + -15.499279022216797 + ], + [ + "モイラ", + -17.393295288085938 + ], + [ + "メトリクス", + -17.152788162231445 + ], + [ + "バンディクー", + -16.934720993041992 + ], + [ + "llington", + -16.513473510742188 + ], + [ + "県土", + -15.317401885986328 + ], + [ + "ober", + -15.061888694763184 + ], + [ + "ONTE", + -17.596332550048828 + ], + [ + "ITF", + -14.90495777130127 + ], + [ + "Belgi", + -15.56671905517578 + ], + [ + "ファラデ", + -17.548969268798828 + ], + [ + "張り巡らせ", + -18.655757904052734 + ], + [ + "erfu", + -17.423166275024414 + ], + [ + " { ", + -19.48939514160156 + ], + [ + "げんぜ", + -18.160171508789062 + ], + [ + "FT", + -19.748838424682617 + ], + [ + "ほうび", + -17.970190048217773 + ], + [ + "プチコミック", + -16.378358840942383 + ], + [ + "specie", + -17.141159057617188 + ], + [ + "貫き通", + -19.114391326904297 + ], + [ + "クオーレ", + -17.63052749633789 + ], + [ + "ブリンガー", + -17.40764045715332 + ], + [ + "不摂", + -19.156728744506836 + ], + [ + "'⌒", + -19.48959732055664 + ], + [ + "wMz", + -19.81040382385254 + ], + [ + "\"【", + -18.185998916625977 + ], + [ + "ガヴリ", + -18.030614852905273 + ], + [ + "ファイエット", + -17.173751831054688 + ], + [ + "茹", + -17.80242156982422 + ], + [ + "kespeare", + -16.84969711303711 + ], + [ + "pgpool", + -19.833948135375977 + ], + [ + "アエロフロート", + -17.287185668945312 + ], + [ + "オルフェーヴル", + -18.159143447875977 + ], + [ + "カデンツァ", + -17.629579544067383 + ], + [ + "キサンタンガム", + -20.150733947753903 + ], + [ + "スーペルコパ", + -16.82592010498047 + ], + [ + "プロポーザル", + -17.824636459350586 + ], + [ + "モラトリアム", + -17.481828689575195 + ], + [ + "撃ち落と", + -18.44140625 + ], + [ + "江曽島", + -18.367612838745117 + ], + [ + "笑い飛ば", + -18.730121612548828 + ], + [ + "等持院", + -17.857107162475586 + ], + [ + "阪急交通社", + -17.90995216369629 + ], + [ + "♡♡♡", + -19.882953643798828 + ], + [ + "そわそわ", + -19.456403732299805 + ], + [ + "リヴィングストン", + -17.223154067993164 + ], + [ + "ルトヴェングラー", + -17.584896087646484 + ], + [ + "レッドスキンズ", + -17.524503707885742 + ], + [ + "薇", + -17.5695743560791 + ], + [ + "Lloyd", + -16.276264190673828 + ], + [ + "ジリジリ", + -19.19742774963379 + ], + [ + "バチェラー", + -17.596317291259766 + ], + [ + "アルフレード", + -17.325408935546875 + ], + [ + "Advisor", + -15.91478443145752 + ], + [ + "ジストロフィー", + -17.469125747680664 + ], + [ + "CHERRY", + -16.281965255737305 + ], + [ + "カルーセル", + -17.134180068969727 + ], + [ + "Solomon", + -16.392181396484375 + ], + [ + "ジストリエントリ", + -20.301618576049805 + ], + [ + "どろどろ", + -18.924636840820312 + ], + [ + "オルビスユー", + -21.062114715576172 + ], + [ + "Krieg", + -17.423675537109375 + ], + [ + "アルベールビル", + -17.390535354614258 + ], + [ + "んぺん", + -17.807456970214844 + ], + [ + "Cannon", + -16.692459106445312 + ], + [ + "izen", + -15.317427635192873 + ], + [ + "グレンデール", + -17.459148406982422 + ], + [ + "ジロンド", + -17.479087829589844 + ], + [ + "おしどり", + -17.375934600830078 + ], + [ + "プロジェクション", + -16.913747787475586 + ], + [ + "ロジウム", + -18.810361862182617 + ], + [ + "おびき出", + -18.59041976928711 + ], + [ + "ハリコフ", + -17.290672302246094 + ], + [ + "ヴァンダル", + -17.988262176513672 + ], + [ + "かさね", + -17.129589080810547 + ], + [ + "リットン", + -17.343570709228516 + ], + [ + "......_", + -22.43031311035156 + ], + [ + "ウテナ", + -17.242826461791992 + ], + [ + "タッサ", + -16.794719696044922 + ], + [ + "マルチラスス", + -18.501121520996097 + ], + [ + "学研都市", + -16.968950271606445 + ], + [ + "ペイメント", + -17.481441497802734 + ], + [ + "オカズ", + -18.76093292236328 + ], + [ + "カル", + -20.01787567138672 + ], + [ + "とうてい", + -18.36220359802246 + ], + [ + "コミックブレイド", + -16.920143127441406 + ], + [ + "デジタルトランス", + -17.9359188079834 + ], + [ + "COMME", + -16.455123901367188 + ], + [ + "RAKU", + -17.029022216796875 + ], + [ + "Ferrari", + -17.107601165771484 + ], + [ + "Clinical", + -15.774282455444336 + ], + [ + "harp", + -14.878024101257324 + ], + [ + ">>[", + -20.887781143188477 + ], + [ + "TAXI", + -16.500974655151367 + ], + [ + "monas", + -16.664592742919922 + ], + [ + "AFTA", + -17.076196670532227 + ], + [ + "猿之助", + -17.335538864135742 + ], + [ + "Gm", + -15.35135555267334 + ], + [ + "Teenage", + -16.379005432128906 + ], + [ + "ед", + -15.872979164123535 + ], + [ + "なのっ", + -20.50679588317871 + ], + [ + "EE", + -20.10079574584961 + ], + [ + "rocessor", + -19.413179397583008 + ], + [ + "assini", + -16.068143844604492 + ], + [ + "DAWN", + -16.028905868530273 + ], + [ + "Castell", + -17.436614990234375 + ], + [ + "ハクチョウ", + -17.515451431274414 + ], + [ + "引きちぎ", + -18.531082153320312 + ], + [ + "Theodor", + -16.47054672241211 + ], + [ + "ノオト", + -16.72798728942871 + ], + [ + "メリカ", + -17.563711166381836 + ], + [ + "alvatore", + -18.17534065246582 + ], + [ + "久留里", + -16.8217716217041 + ], + [ + "ゴンゾ", + -16.551790237426758 + ], + [ + "サンレモ", + -17.117767333984375 + ], + [ + "フィシアター", + -18.48872947692871 + ], + [ + "デバイスドライバ", + -17.2435302734375 + ], + [ + "オワコン", + -19.670316696166992 + ], + [ + "Nzg", + -19.14155387878418 + ], + [ + "efferson", + -17.415922164916992 + ], + [ + "ようかい", + -15.851303100585938 + ], + [ + "YAMAZ", + -19.17780303955078 + ], + [ + "蛋", + -17.170930862426758 + ], + [ + "デペンディエンテ", + -16.480703353881836 + ], + [ + "$(\"#", + -15.55029582977295 + ], + [ + "Türkçe", + -18.99809837341309 + ], + [ + "Blossom", + -17.41920280456543 + ], + [ + "DESCENT", + -17.283138275146484 + ], + [ + "Joachim", + -15.002365112304688 + ], + [ + "Quartz", + -15.194375038146973 + ], + [ + "おこがまし", + -19.791414260864254 + ], + [ + "アマースト", + -17.235755920410156 + ], + [ + "アンダルス", + -17.364051818847656 + ], + [ + "クラッシック", + -19.253217697143555 + ], + [ + "グリコーゲン", + -17.890886306762695 + ], + [ + "ツクヨミ", + -17.396039962768555 + ], + [ + "ヌリカエ", + -20.757001876831055 + ], + [ + "ハミルトニアン", + -17.129066467285156 + ], + [ + "ハリケンジャー", + -17.096376419067383 + ], + [ + "ロズウェル", + -17.196435928344727 + ], + [ + "京都工芸繊維大", + -16.60894203186035 + ], + [ + "ざっくばらん", + -18.588476181030273 + ], + [ + "アデバヨ", + -18.08963394165039 + ], + [ + "ディセプティコン", + -17.709936141967773 + ], + [ + "デスペラード", + -16.970640182495117 + ], + [ + "ドクターシーラボ", + -18.52033042907715 + ], + [ + "ルグゼバイブ", + -22.0288143157959 + ], + [ + "Hopkins", + -17.39498519897461 + ], + [ + "カフカース", + -17.248004913330078 + ], + [ + "マブラヴ", + -16.999853134155273 + ], + [ + "ミクスチャー", + -17.137367248535156 + ], + [ + "スペシャリティ", + -17.959684371948242 + ], + [ + "Enhanc", + -15.032431602478027 + ], + [ + "ムニシピ", + -17.31863784790039 + ], + [ + "いがみ合", + -18.643983840942383 + ], + [ + "せめぎ", + -18.621904373168945 + ], + [ + "llcinema", + -16.56110954284668 + ], + [ + "浄法寺", + -17.030672073364258 + ], + [ + "スラムダンク", + -17.436418533325195 + ], + [ + "ネイマール", + -18.429203033447266 + ], + [ + "ロボコップ", + -17.01486587524414 + ], + [ + "困り果て", + -18.93929100036621 + ], + [ + "ナバホ", + -17.57894515991211 + ], + [ + "gnition", + -14.289019584655762 + ], + [ + "サイバーパンク", + -16.464250564575195 + ], + [ + "Banana", + -16.38348388671875 + ], + [ + "バニパル", + -18.172761917114254 + ], + [ + "Naoki", + -16.228853225708008 + ], + [ + "TRASH", + -15.856966018676758 + ], + [ + "ヒューバート", + -17.326904296875 + ], + [ + "オートクチュール", + -17.83586883544922 + ], + [ + "Drink", + -15.780355453491213 + ], + [ + "クラブクアトロ", + -17.159955978393555 + ], + [ + "マクニール", + -17.097196578979492 + ], + [ + "Chess", + -15.77588176727295 + ], + [ + "YELL", + -16.519184112548828 + ], + [ + "三菱鉛筆", + -17.643524169921875 + ], + [ + "ハイパーメディア", + -18.79903221130371 + ], + [ + "ソテツ", + -17.249244689941406 + ], + [ + "スコータイ", + -17.60292625427246 + ], + [ + "ボンゴレ", + -17.529495239257812 + ], + [ + "シトリン", + -18.526487350463867 + ], + [ + "マルヤス", + -16.826074600219727 + ], + [ + "降らせ", + -17.627206802368164 + ], + [ + "delle", + -16.668392181396484 + ], + [ + "ourth", + -18.435461044311523 + ], + [ + "ジニョン", + -17.964805603027344 + ], + [ + "OLO", + -16.05202865600586 + ], + [ + "トラックバック", + -15.638604164123535 + ], + [ + "セヴン", + -17.041542053222656 + ], + [ + "GAMI", + -17.042375564575195 + ], + [ + "フィケーション", + -18.108753204345703 + ], + [ + "EVENTEEN", + -16.427125930786133 + ], + [ + "篠津", + -17.207731246948242 + ], + [ + "Breaking", + -15.84259033203125 + ], + [ + "ゼパム", + -18.915605545043945 + ], + [ + "TOYOT", + -18.90401268005371 + ], + [ + "サッカーシューズ", + -19.74290657043457 + ], + [ + "Joel", + -16.193605422973633 + ], + [ + "enver", + -16.58615493774414 + ], + [ + "のりかえ", + -18.9211483001709 + ], + [ + "acro", + -15.251383781433104 + ], + [ + "ボーンマス", + -16.574670791625977 + ], + [ + "只見川", + -17.388940811157227 + ], + [ + "jf", + -15.014440536499023 + ], + [ + "avigator", + -15.31227207183838 + ], + [ + "イメージアップ", + -18.234834671020508 + ], + [ + "entral", + -16.402332305908203 + ], + [ + "キャタピラ", + -17.976604461669922 + ], + [ + "のりもの", + -17.065948486328125 + ], + [ + "Santos", + -17.138261795043945 + ], + [ + "グランジュ", + -17.417272567749023 + ], + [ + "onverter", + -18.851728439331055 + ], + [ + "カロリーネ", + -17.97690773010254 + ], + [ + "))、", + -18.537612915039062 + ], + [ + "LOGO", + -15.56043815612793 + ], + [ + "onan", + -15.114347457885742 + ], + [ + "はがせ", + -19.843751907348633 + ], + [ + "ortable", + -15.632885932922363 + ], + [ + "ーリーエントリー", + -18.01394271850586 + ], + [ + "レジュメ", + -19.038009643554688 + ], + [ + "bst", + -14.513087272644045 + ], + [ + "せいや", + -16.755857467651367 + ], + [ + "Chronicl", + -17.916574478149414 + ], + [ + "アトランティ", + -17.417369842529297 + ], + [ + "ドンカスター", + -16.723716735839844 + ], + [ + "ヴァシーリー", + -17.573944091796875 + ], + [ + "DoCoMo", + -16.645198822021484 + ], + [ + "EXTREME", + -16.368894577026367 + ], + [ + "Fulfill", + -15.708856582641602 + ], + [ + "くろがね", + -16.871540069580078 + ], + [ + "ぐだぐだ", + -18.40374755859375 + ], + [ + "キャメロット", + -17.138429641723633 + ], + [ + "クヌギ", + -18.17207145690918 + ], + [ + "コンテクスト", + -18.37868881225586 + ], + [ + "ジメジメ", + -19.797468185424805 + ], + [ + "ニジマス", + -17.82181167602539 + ], + [ + "ボリューミー", + -19.79084587097168 + ], + [ + "沸き起こ", + -19.32328414916992 + ], + [ + "高利貸", + -17.746984481811523 + ], + [ + "ばたばた", + -19.4765682220459 + ], + [ + "ウァレリウス", + -17.41573715209961 + ], + [ + "トレヴィーゾ", + -16.58066749572754 + ], + [ + "喜茂別", + -17.40375518798828 + ], + [ + "カルタヘナ", + -16.84001350402832 + ], + [ + "堀ノ内", + -17.168701171875 + ], + [ + "JUNGLE", + -16.882665634155273 + ], + [ + "YAHOO", + -17.190441131591797 + ], + [ + "やわらげ", + -19.533201217651367 + ], + [ + "juju", + -16.56399917602539 + ], + [ + "アスタリフト", + -19.870380401611328 + ], + [ + "GRAPE", + -16.628408432006836 + ], + [ + "コリンチャンス", + -15.999677658081056 + ], + [ + "スイーパー", + -17.447860717773438 + ], + [ + "意気揚", + -18.962947845458984 + ], + [ + "うきうき", + -17.710376739501953 + ], + [ + "アクロポリス", + -17.839534759521484 + ], + [ + "オナクラ", + -19.587547302246097 + ], + [ + "Fujisan", + -18.231351852416992 + ], + [ + "Sunrise", + -16.63258171081543 + ], + [ + "プレシジョン", + -17.555086135864258 + ], + [ + "ヘルフォルト", + -18.006290435791016 + ], + [ + "うろたえ", + -19.116016387939453 + ], + [ + "アナルセックス", + -18.222354888916016 + ], + [ + "Gospel", + -16.67045021057129 + ], + [ + "キャバドレス", + -19.791065216064453 + ], + [ + "トリアジン", + -18.43022918701172 + ], + [ + "システマティック", + -18.577714920043945 + ], + [ + "クレモナ", + -16.934877395629883 + ], + [ + "Raider", + -16.05670738220215 + ], + [ + "八紘", + -17.34456443786621 + ], + [ + "ツタヤ", + -18.43061065673828 + ], + [ + "xpansion", + -19.853347778320312 + ], + [ + "ぱぁ", + -18.08337020874023 + ], + [ + "ビビンバ", + -17.798717498779297 + ], + [ + "ロンバルディ", + -17.50140953063965 + ], + [ + "usj", + -19.247190475463867 + ], + [ + "曽爾", + -17.600400924682617 + ], + [ + "シルヴァン", + -17.578786849975586 + ], + [ + "コロンバス", + -15.954756736755373 + ], + [ + "ドラモンド", + -17.320276260375977 + ], + [ + "モノコック", + -16.906980514526367 + ], + [ + "オドンタ", + -17.716339111328125 + ], + [ + "ダウンジャケット", + -18.141307830810547 + ], + [ + "ケカビ", + -18.178993225097656 + ], + [ + "サイコミュ", + -17.64615249633789 + ], + [ + "フジファブリック", + -17.036043167114258 + ], + [ + "ジェイピー", + -18.383798599243164 + ], + [ + "フェアリル", + -17.40938949584961 + ], + [ + "ライオンズクラブ", + -17.672096252441406 + ], + [ + "REG", + -21.164785385131836 + ], + [ + "串良", + -17.436365127563477 + ], + [ + "ょうりつ", + -16.884130477905273 + ], + [ + "チアガール", + -17.280860900878906 + ], + [ + "ESH", + -15.879695892333984 + ], + [ + "スロート", + -17.274614334106445 + ], + [ + "IGGY", + -16.626306533813477 + ], + [ + "AKARA", + -18.0164737701416 + ], + [ + "ニューポート", + -16.251794815063477 + ], + [ + "テミス", + -16.783306121826172 + ], + [ + "Loud", + -16.093612670898438 + ], + [ + "ルフロン", + -18.688217163085938 + ], + [ + "レイザーラ", + -17.083267211914062 + ], + [ + "Anal", + -15.198415756225586 + ], + [ + "モーグリ", + -17.572158813476562 + ], + [ + "IE", + -19.0545711517334 + ], + [ + "Vinci", + -16.81009864807129 + ], + [ + "LOU", + -17.032712936401367 + ], + [ + "ヴァレリア", + -16.75985336303711 + ], + [ + "ジェネオン", + -16.393640518188477 + ], + [ + "つくりあげ", + -19.23060417175293 + ], + [ + "AYU", + -17.913623809814453 + ], + [ + "Watanabe", + -18.165971755981445 + ], + [ + "entrance", + -16.42336654663086 + ], + [ + "lisabeth", + -16.770925521850586 + ], + [ + "KIREIMO", + -19.72308921813965 + ], + [ + "SPLASH", + -15.621076583862305 + ], + [ + "アドホック", + -17.04443359375 + ], + [ + "エリザヴェータ", + -18.384521484375 + ], + [ + "ハァハァ", + -18.79871368408203 + ], + [ + "マルチタスク", + -17.754995346069336 + ], + [ + "リポビタン", + -17.091196060180664 + ], + [ + "びじゅつかん", + -17.522064208984375 + ], + [ + "ィベロップメント", + -17.618240356445312 + ], + [ + "ビックジルコニア", + -19.531957626342773 + ], + [ + "フセヴォロド", + -17.857925415039062 + ], + [ + "フランボワーズ", + -18.229169845581055 + ], + [ + "瑚", + -17.228687286376953 + ], + [ + "アルハンブラ", + -17.914222717285156 + ], + [ + "ハムストリング", + -18.5688533782959 + ], + [ + "プリミティブ", + -17.688034057617188 + ], + [ + "デベロップメント", + -17.24216079711914 + ], + [ + "(?-", + -16.116912841796875 + ], + [ + "Groß", + -17.247882843017578 + ], + [ + "リテラル", + -18.41196632385254 + ], + [ + "Joshua", + -16.146472930908203 + ], + [ + "casino", + -16.917959213256836 + ], + [ + "ロールスロイス", + -17.88448715209961 + ], + [ + "MUGEN", + -17.596435546875 + ], + [ + "Composer", + -15.622276306152344 + ], + [ + "ヒーヒー", + -19.98368263244629 + ], + [ + "ボウケンジャ", + -17.130512237548828 + ], + [ + "国木田", + -17.158090591430664 + ], + [ + "チアダンス", + -17.000709533691406 + ], + [ + "Wallace", + -16.83822250366211 + ], + [ + "Comedy", + -16.556354522705078 + ], + [ + "Anthem", + -16.991228103637695 + ], + [ + "ハーバーランド", + -17.383338928222656 + ], + [ + "tockholm", + -16.831729888916016 + ], + [ + "付け狙", + -18.311601638793945 + ], + [ + "マツタケ", + -18.281679153442383 + ], + [ + "herlands", + -19.64612197875977 + ], + [ + "ドゥルーズ", + -17.5539493560791 + ], + [ + "クレンジングゲル", + -21.42042350769043 + ], + [ + "ティヘブンネット", + -18.805944442749023 + ], + [ + "Trading", + -16.339902877807617 + ], + [ + "••", + -17.14441680908203 + ], + [ + "猿飛", + -16.287504196166992 + ], + [ + "デファクト", + -17.871768951416016 + ], + [ + "セレクトショップ", + -16.62753677368164 + ], + [ + "ロールプレイ", + -17.909448623657227 + ], + [ + "スイートピー", + -17.194766998291016 + ], + [ + "セミノール", + -17.44346809387207 + ], + [ + "lunch", + -17.109699249267578 + ], + [ + "ゼンリン", + -17.499576568603516 + ], + [ + "ダキア", + -17.786773681640625 + ], + [ + "チャッキー", + -17.621946334838867 + ], + [ + "マージャン", + -17.30764389038086 + ], + [ + "OPENING", + -15.170432090759276 + ], + [ + "リアネイキ", + -16.980823516845703 + ], + [ + "chih", + -17.925006866455078 + ], + [ + "BALLAD", + -16.895357131958008 + ], + [ + "Euph", + -16.531627655029297 + ], + [ + "メルヴィル", + -17.258197784423828 + ], + [ + " ', ", + -19.86314582824707 + ], + [ + "OSO", + -16.88015365600586 + ], + [ + "∧:", + -19.731155395507812 + ], + [ + "Njk", + -19.294605255126953 + ], + [ + "OLEX", + -21.191951751708984 + ], + [ + "ピストルズ", + -17.507366180419922 + ], + [ + "etric", + -15.103961944580078 + ], + [ + "Keeper", + -15.252915382385254 + ], + [ + "SKYACTIV", + -18.153667449951172 + ], + [ + " ' ", + -19.52180290222168 + ], + [ + "Leit", + -15.86807632446289 + ], + [ + "Tourism", + -16.494653701782227 + ], + [ + "CHIN", + -15.974867820739746 + ], + [ + "FI", + -19.11039161682129 + ], + [ + "Chant", + -16.766700744628906 + ], + [ + "ARF", + -15.604320526123049 + ], + [ + "activit", + -16.93950080871582 + ], + [ + "AJA", + -15.601308822631836 + ], + [ + "communi", + -15.295646667480469 + ], + [ + "osophie", + -16.77595329284668 + ], + [ + "ARRY", + -15.31383228302002 + ], + [ + "Britann", + -17.213184356689453 + ], + [ + "BUFFALO", + -17.915685653686523 + ], + [ + "Vladimir", + -15.898723602294922 + ], + [ + "Dorothy", + -16.31924819946289 + ], + [ + "キリマンジャロ", + -17.253578186035156 + ], + [ + "サンタクララ", + -16.98761558532715 + ], + [ + "ザブングル", + -16.654296875 + ], + [ + "スホーイ", + -17.071735382080078 + ], + [ + "マルエツ", + -17.30507469177246 + ], + [ + "メドゥーサ", + -17.65036392211914 + ], + [ + "メンソレータム", + -17.588769912719727 + ], + [ + "モメンタム", + -18.901683807373047 + ], + [ + "シュピーゲル", + -17.537601470947266 + ], + [ + "スーペルリーガ", + -17.052579879760742 + ], + [ + "ディキンソン", + -17.425817489624023 + ], + [ + "データカードダス", + -16.678272247314453 + ], + [ + "ハッキネン", + -18.22474479675293 + ], + [ + "ラコステ", + -18.15055274963379 + ], + [ + "レイブンズ", + -17.7869873046875 + ], + [ + "COMMUNI", + -15.15322208404541 + ], + [ + "八海山", + -17.799558639526367 + ], + [ + "JUDY", + -16.068532943725586 + ], + [ + "ACADEM", + -16.862850189208984 + ], + [ + "アベレージ", + -18.09726333618164 + ], + [ + "ガオレンジャー", + -17.213502883911133 + ], + [ + "ヒンズー", + -18.438783645629883 + ], + [ + "Luigi", + -16.70553207397461 + ], + [ + "Expert", + -16.016738891601562 + ], + [ + "Someday", + -15.58284854888916 + ], + [ + "Fallout", + -16.00396156311035 + ], + [ + "ALLSTAR", + -18.233070373535156 + ], + [ + "Yamamoto", + -18.644678115844727 + ], + [ + "Sacred", + -16.443126678466797 + ], + [ + "OKWAVE", + -19.553377151489254 + ], + [ + "ホロヴィッツ", + -17.991077423095703 + ], + [ + "用心深", + -19.028493881225582 + ], + [ + "リーボック", + -17.516681671142578 + ], + [ + "イェンス", + -17.223983764648438 + ], + [ + "あらき", + -16.427398681640625 + ], + [ + "ミツカン", + -16.59708595275879 + ], + [ + "ポツリ", + -19.589746475219727 + ], + [ + "レティシア", + -17.33064842224121 + ], + [ + "グライム", + -17.590242385864258 + ], + [ + "マルコーニ", + -17.523193359375 + ], + [ + "eography", + -15.223793029785156 + ], + [ + "eonardo", + -17.324726104736328 + ], + [ + "アマゾナ", + -17.302993774414062 + ], + [ + "レシフェ", + -16.756067276000977 + ], + [ + "ホワイトパール", + -18.518444061279297 + ], + [ + "プレミオ", + -17.337890625 + ], + [ + "ttention", + -15.486570358276367 + ], + [ + "上高井", + -17.137842178344727 + ], + [ + "NSDA", + -19.00253677368164 + ], + [ + "EBOL", + -15.55491542816162 + ], + [ + "プルミエ", + -17.477558135986328 + ], + [ + "hashi", + -15.524413108825684 + ], + [ + "ライヒャー", + -18.22294044494629 + ], + [ + "ENDAI", + -18.102930068969727 + ], + [ + "HOO", + -15.94400119781494 + ], + [ + "YOOX", + -19.918548583984375 + ], + [ + "ATOK", + -18.337068557739254 + ], + [ + "ODk", + -20.308237075805664 + ], + [ + "FBA", + -15.927589416503906 + ], + [ + "瑞雲", + -17.304569244384766 + ], + [ + "ンモールスタジオ", + -19.281898498535156 + ], + [ + "スカイパーフェク", + -17.227394104003906 + ], + [ + "たまえ", + -16.849985122680664 + ], + [ + "derlands", + -18.25324058532715 + ], + [ + "IVAL", + -15.977652549743652 + ], + [ + "ジャガーズ", + -17.41136360168457 + ], + [ + "振り払", + -19.070556640625 + ], + [ + "グジット", + -18.183822631835938 + ], + [ + "||:", + -21.670072555541992 + ], + [ + "ZU", + -19.549074172973633 + ], + [ + "シュ", + -19.62342834472656 + ], + [ + "ربي", + -18.125186920166016 + ], + [ + "dvantage", + -15.384076118469238 + ], + [ + "Cygames", + -16.74144172668457 + ], + [ + "RUNWAY", + -17.625843048095703 + ], + [ + "Triumph", + -17.304302215576172 + ], + [ + "YOUTUBE", + -17.061702728271484 + ], + [ + "アデノシン", + -18.163103103637695 + ], + [ + "イゾルデ", + -17.443923950195312 + ], + [ + "インビジブル", + -16.704633712768555 + ], + [ + "オサスナ", + -16.652639389038086 + ], + [ + "ダイカスト", + -17.501794815063477 + ], + [ + "デッサウ", + -17.302616119384766 + ], + [ + "ハイペリオン", + -17.264482498168945 + ], + [ + "ムキムキ", + -17.80230140686035 + ], + [ + "ランゴバルド", + -18.14048194885254 + ], + [ + "凝り固ま", + -19.56880760192871 + ], + [ + "降り積も", + -18.883644104003903 + ], + [ + "しょっぱな", + -20.179059982299805 + ], + [ + "ちょんまげ", + -17.662721633911133 + ], + [ + "マイステイズ", + -17.88442039489746 + ], + [ + "マッキンタイア", + -17.677907943725586 + ], + [ + "仲宗根", + -17.179006576538086 + ], + [ + "幡不動", + -18.140918731689453 + ], + [ + "手賀沼", + -17.28670310974121 + ], + [ + "Breeze", + -15.41811180114746 + ], + [ + "WINNER", + -15.737772941589355 + ], + [ + "KAORI", + -16.796518325805664 + ], + [ + "グングン", + -19.2769718170166 + ], + [ + "くぞく", + -18.724422454833984 + ], + [ + "テューンズ", + -16.703031539916992 + ], + [ + "Calvin", + -16.580007553100586 + ], + [ + "チューリヒ", + -17.607614517211914 + ], + [ + "りょく", + -16.2763729095459 + ], + [ + "Archae", + -15.727567672729492 + ], + [ + "Nitro", + -16.14837074279785 + ], + [ + "カフカス", + -16.786272048950195 + ], + [ + "オトメイト", + -16.671180725097656 + ], + [ + "エスペリア", + -19.08301544189453 + ], + [ + "Diploma", + -16.546388626098633 + ], + [ + "ぐいっと", + -20.099624633789062 + ], + [ + "ポリアミド", + -18.78714370727539 + ], + [ + "サイリスタ", + -17.417829513549805 + ], + [ + "ブーブー", + -16.863975524902344 + ], + [ + "スピーダー", + -17.30859375 + ], + [ + "qPS", + -20.243701934814453 + ], + [ + "トラヤヌス", + -17.614635467529297 + ], + [ + "ヤングジャンプ", + -15.37803840637207 + ], + [ + "NOGI", + -16.87897491455078 + ], + [ + "オルドス", + -17.44989013671875 + ], + [ + "ヨンジュン", + -17.519332885742188 + ], + [ + "スコッド", + -15.992175102233888 + ], + [ + "Yoga", + -16.77474594116211 + ], + [ + "パットナム", + -17.05624008178711 + ], + [ + "Diner", + -16.323030471801758 + ], + [ + "ヴィスワ", + -17.189939498901367 + ], + [ + "Contest", + -17.044757843017578 + ], + [ + "ストップウォッチ", + -18.051219940185547 + ], + [ + "GMF", + -15.656249046325684 + ], + [ + "ふほう", + -15.233057975769045 + ], + [ + "PBA", + -14.824896812438965 + ], + [ + "ワールドゲームズ", + -16.305940628051758 + ], + [ + "mocratic", + -20.256088256835938 + ], + [ + "umiko", + -16.331573486328125 + ], + [ + "オーバーウォッチ", + -17.599233627319336 + ], + [ + "idelberg", + -17.418264389038086 + ], + [ + "SHI", + -19.330974578857425 + ], + [ + "René", + -16.39706802368164 + ], + [ + "ルコック", + -18.53973960876465 + ], + [ + "BGI", + -17.56018829345703 + ], + [ + "なだめる", + -19.16902732849121 + ], + [ + "arrell", + -15.56691074371338 + ], + [ + "ライネン", + -17.383888244628906 + ], + [ + "ユッケ", + -18.28470802307129 + ], + [ + "UCE", + -15.404688835144045 + ], + [ + "onanza", + -16.61975860595703 + ], + [ + "ナスダッ", + -19.749956130981445 + ], + [ + "Engel", + -16.797588348388672 + ], + [ + "ジラミ", + -18.273365020751953 + ], + [ + "作りだ", + -18.38410758972168 + ], + [ + "やむをえ", + -18.953725814819336 + ], + [ + "Nicola", + -16.54633140563965 + ], + [ + "グイッ", + -18.999849319458008 + ], + [ + "/ \", + -19.648754119873047 + ], + [ + "ここだ", + -18.552881240844727 + ], + [ + "ルシフェ", + -17.67544937133789 + ], + [ + "ABF", + -15.71208667755127 + ], + [ + "★★★☆☆", + -18.779399871826172 + ], + [ + "GE", + -19.166723251342773 + ], + [ + "チャンプルー", + -17.289016723632812 + ], + [ + "四等旭日小綬章", + -15.553558349609377 + ], + [ + "ワトキンス", + -17.545944213867188 + ], + [ + "(≧∀≦)", + -20.21088981628418 + ], + [ + "KIHABARA", + -17.65205955505371 + ], + [ + "Survivor", + -16.70737648010254 + ], + [ + "Müller", + -16.96699333190918 + ], + [ + "NavCont", + -20.585859298706055 + ], + [ + "Ryzen", + -18.035083770751953 + ], + [ + "アルカトラズ", + -17.300121307373047 + ], + [ + "カミカゼ", + -16.94131851196289 + ], + [ + "ミノタウロス", + -16.855337142944336 + ], + [ + "リムーバブル", + -18.428186416625977 + ], + [ + "ルッジェーロ", + -17.825618743896484 + ], + [ + "売り飛ば", + -18.711275100708008 + ], + [ + "カルデロン", + -17.758468627929688 + ], + [ + "ギャラクティカ", + -17.102994918823242 + ], + [ + "タラゴナ", + -17.059919357299805 + ], + [ + "フロマージュ", + -18.178524017333984 + ], + [ + "ウェンブリー", + -17.554513931274414 + ], + [ + "Vienna", + -16.114229202270508 + ], + [ + "エドゥアルト", + -16.949670791625977 + ], + [ + "ポリフォニー", + -17.880491256713867 + ], + [ + "イグナシオ", + -17.23955726623535 + ], + [ + "monkey", + -15.48790454864502 + ], + [ + "木挽", + -17.938579559326172 + ], + [ + "フレーミング", + -18.41047477722168 + ], + [ + "ワセリン", + -18.40436363220215 + ], + [ + "カタロニア", + -17.463680267333984 + ], + [ + "マドリガ", + -17.643522262573242 + ], + [ + "AAS", + -16.000755310058594 + ], + [ + "阪奈", + -16.991851806640625 + ], + [ + "クアッド", + -17.746782302856445 + ], + [ + "フィールディング", + -17.19178581237793 + ], + [ + "アイソレータ", + -19.04776954650879 + ], + [ + "仁親王", + -15.394209861755373 + ], + [ + "メディカルハーブ", + -20.528165817260746 + ], + [ + "Zhang", + -16.0933780670166 + ], + [ + "アンブローズ", + -17.381418228149414 + ], + [ + "ハカセ", + -17.230186462402344 + ], + [ + "フォノン", + -17.782506942749023 + ], + [ + "ミッチー", + -17.1738338470459 + ], + [ + "動物公園", + -16.26038932800293 + ], + [ + "タオルケット", + -19.818988800048828 + ], + [ + "ASI", + -15.00373363494873 + ], + [ + "チュードル", + -19.945404052734375 + ], + [ + "オーキッド", + -17.510286331176758 + ], + [ + "ハッピーマンデー", + -18.975492477416992 + ], + [ + "プルヴァ", + -17.403139114379883 + ], + [ + "IgG", + -17.605941772460938 + ], + [ + "Whale", + -16.7067928314209 + ], + [ + "オルティス", + -17.342607498168945 + ], + [ + "Chateau", + -18.295787811279297 + ], + [ + "etective", + -18.406024932861328 + ], + [ + "トップアスリート", + -18.085025787353516 + ], + [ + "チェイニ", + -18.31141662597656 + ], + [ + "Milan", + -16.05289649963379 + ], + [ + "CF", + -19.112140655517575 + ], + [ + "ENSO", + -17.15471076965332 + ], + [ + "ahara", + -15.71418285369873 + ], + [ + "Killing", + -16.183347702026367 + ], + [ + "諸仏", + -18.607078552246097 + ], + [ + "イメージガール", + -15.286280632019045 + ], + [ + "alley", + -15.23805332183838 + ], + [ + "muro", + -16.316082000732422 + ], + [ + "uben", + -15.474945068359377 + ], + [ + "ペロリ", + -18.999446868896484 + ], + [ + "TOTE", + -18.215089797973633 + ], + [ + "igration", + -17.834924697875977 + ], + [ + "リコメン", + -18.302982330322266 + ], + [ + "ンディーネ", + -17.400339126586914 + ], + [ + "xham", + -16.485061645507812 + ], + [ + "IPPO", + -17.26986312866211 + ], + [ + "animal", + -15.361313819885254 + ], + [ + "ML", + -19.692859649658203 + ], + [ + "jiro", + -15.68799114227295 + ], + [ + "portsac", + -19.94927215576172 + ], + [ + "スナッチ", + -16.803314208984375 + ], + [ + "Clothing", + -16.632404327392578 + ], + [ + "Threaten", + -16.88275909423828 + ], + [ + "VOGUE", + -17.235727310180664 + ], + [ + "cooking", + -17.10154914855957 + ], + [ + "アイゼナハ", + -17.554180145263672 + ], + [ + "オリムピック", + -17.5491943359375 + ], + [ + "カリプソ", + -17.4100284576416 + ], + [ + "コソコソ", + -18.738723754882812 + ], + [ + "サドンデス", + -17.14151382446289 + ], + [ + "サンモリッツ", + -17.56267547607422 + ], + [ + "シルベスター", + -17.22091293334961 + ], + [ + "スナッグル", + -21.677978515625 + ], + [ + "セヴァストポリ", + -17.756393432617188 + ], + [ + "ハイデラバード", + -17.226734161376953 + ], + [ + "マッターホルン", + -17.69940185546875 + ], + [ + "ミッテラン", + -17.500778198242188 + ], + [ + "ミドルズブラ", + -16.455116271972656 + ], + [ + "レオネッサ", + -16.631946563720703 + ], + [ + "金比羅", + -17.22538948059082 + ], + [ + "アクロバティック", + -18.004560470581055 + ], + [ + "イソギンチャク", + -17.49485206604004 + ], + [ + "スクワラン", + -19.693941116333008 + ], + [ + "ノヴォシビルスク", + -17.13654327392578 + ], + [ + "バストアップブラ", + -20.631763458251953 + ], + [ + "マッジョーレ", + -16.95399284362793 + ], + [ + "ンフォマティクス", + -16.572965621948242 + ], + [ + "リヴォルノ", + -16.67776107788086 + ], + [ + "melody", + -16.922163009643555 + ], + [ + "ディオドロス", + -17.304758071899414 + ], + [ + "Gerhard", + -17.45984649658203 + ], + [ + "エグザイル", + -17.51920509338379 + ], + [ + "シオニスト", + -17.032148361206055 + ], + [ + "東伏見", + -17.301267623901367 + ], + [ + "COCOLO", + -16.86782455444336 + ], + [ + "タチゴケ", + -19.261749267578125 + ], + [ + "Turtle", + -16.424531936645508 + ], + [ + "ピクシブ", + -17.663740158081055 + ], + [ + "YONEX", + -17.95556640625 + ], + [ + "Autodesk", + -15.96619987487793 + ], + [ + "パーソネル", + -15.05614185333252 + ], + [ + "Snake", + -15.621564865112305 + ], + [ + "天照大", + -16.354671478271484 + ], + [ + "ビュッテル", + -17.931148529052734 + ], + [ + "ホワイトソックス", + -15.21922206878662 + ], + [ + "ローコスト", + -18.33575439453125 + ], + [ + "タテンアイランド", + -17.05743980407715 + ], + [ + "ナガサキ", + -17.37621307373047 + ], + [ + "Spike", + -15.931160926818848 + ], + [ + "シクロビル", + -18.785816192626953 + ], + [ + "パームビーチ", + -17.620546340942383 + ], + [ + "タタミ", + -18.04179573059082 + ], + [ + "引き摺", + -19.21068572998047 + ], + [ + "ゴダード", + -17.42015266418457 + ], + [ + "ニュースペーパー", + -18.12646484375 + ], + [ + "クワトロ", + -17.20262336730957 + ], + [ + "スプレッドシート", + -18.197084426879883 + ], + [ + "ホーソーン", + -17.4980525970459 + ], + [ + "モッピー", + -18.893001556396484 + ], + [ + "ヘッドランプ", + -17.31433868408203 + ], + [ + "グスク", + -17.37434196472168 + ], + [ + "タイムリープ", + -17.833263397216797 + ], + [ + "ヴォルテー", + -18.43877220153809 + ], + [ + "spade", + -16.517972946166992 + ], + [ + "苦々し", + -18.95340347290039 + ], + [ + "コンクエスト", + -17.24310874938965 + ], + [ + "waki", + -16.172576904296875 + ], + [ + "ばってん", + -17.22846794128418 + ], + [ + "こわく", + -17.620756149291992 + ], + [ + "ハーベスト", + -16.65164566040039 + ], + [ + "カラオケボックス", + -17.448627471923828 + ], + [ + "ASOBI", + -17.257200241088867 + ], + [ + "Franco", + -15.787437438964844 + ], + [ + "ベストウェスタン", + -18.878747940063477 + ], + [ + "OGA", + -16.76044464111328 + ], + [ + "Barbie", + -17.72989273071289 + ], + [ + "Fantas", + -15.09047508239746 + ], + [ + "Editions", + -13.959368705749512 + ], + [ + "搾り取", + -18.418386459350582 + ], + [ + "ボールヒーローズ", + -17.11585235595703 + ], + [ + "ムテキ", + -17.511947631835938 + ], + [ + "タタキ", + -18.173484802246097 + ], + [ + "まんなか", + -17.421403884887695 + ], + [ + "Laurent", + -15.648306846618652 + ], + [ + "たいじ", + -17.79340171813965 + ], + [ + "ミステリオ", + -17.305049896240234 + ], + [ + "キアラ", + -17.108591079711914 + ], + [ + "ミダゾ", + -17.381521224975586 + ], + [ + "MARINE", + -16.609529495239258 + ], + [ + "EST", + -20.02486038208008 + ], + [ + "hoge", + -17.17186164855957 + ], + [ + "うとうと", + -19.41713523864746 + ], + [ + "ARTA", + -17.227556228637695 + ], + [ + "NARI", + -16.50248908996582 + ], + [ + "ONIA", + -17.011436462402344 + ], + [ + "イヴォンヌ", + -17.187515258789062 + ], + [ + "HALLENGE", + -15.379490852355955 + ], + [ + "Karaoke", + -15.761749267578123 + ], + [ + "こぎ着け", + -19.163124084472656 + ], + [ + "ひっきりなし", + -19.85552978515625 + ], + [ + "イプスウィッチ", + -16.56339454650879 + ], + [ + "サイボウズ", + -18.60731315612793 + ], + [ + "シーラカンス", + -17.090641021728516 + ], + [ + "スルプスカ", + -17.335063934326172 + ], + [ + "チヂミ", + -18.97173118591309 + ], + [ + "ヒポクラテス", + -17.97858428955078 + ], + [ + "ブチャイク", + -20.23018455505371 + ], + [ + "柘榴", + -17.21233367919922 + ], + [ + "ウィテカー", + -17.284276962280273 + ], + [ + "ダウンサイジング", + -18.16790008544922 + ], + [ + "ノルアドレナリン", + -17.714271545410156 + ], + [ + "ハーキュリーズ", + -16.951017379760742 + ], + [ + "ホルターネック", + -19.86441993713379 + ], + [ + "(≧∇≦)", + -19.961803436279297 + ], + [ + "Scholar", + -17.053224563598633 + ], + [ + "ゃんにゃん", + -18.02316665649414 + ], + [ + "スウィーニー", + -17.375059127807617 + ], + [ + "echanics", + -16.04975128173828 + ], + [ + "Infras", + -16.395397186279297 + ], + [ + "percuss", + -15.752527236938477 + ], + [ + "やりきれな", + -18.54340553283691 + ], + [ + "Spiral", + -15.334280014038086 + ], + [ + "クロノメーター", + -18.329851150512695 + ], + [ + "えがお", + -17.41330337524414 + ], + [ + "++++", + -15.915308952331545 + ], + [ + "フォーシーム", + -17.88030242919922 + ], + [ + "ヤナセ", + -17.39636993408203 + ], + [ + "ノミネーション", + -16.21137809753418 + ], + [ + "よろめ", + -17.814760208129883 + ], + [ + "アクアタイマー", + -20.67173194885254 + ], + [ + "Paolo", + -16.651687622070312 + ], + [ + "ロートリンゲン", + -17.213706970214844 + ], + [ + "グラクソ", + -17.7197322845459 + ], + [ + "ワイキキビーチ", + -18.910253524780273 + ], + [ + "ビンセント", + -16.607589721679688 + ], + [ + "コモドール", + -17.014554977416992 + ], + [ + "Shopping", + -15.3926362991333 + ], + [ + "Ellen", + -16.182449340820312 + ], + [ + "スカンツ", + -20.13107681274414 + ], + [ + "アベバ", + -17.50391387939453 + ], + [ + "メルアド", + -20.034282684326172 + ], + [ + "Downtown", + -16.39320945739746 + ], + [ + "chloe", + -17.605283737182617 + ], + [ + "ノッソス", + -19.36121368408203 + ], + [ + "レイクタウン", + -17.30560874938965 + ], + [ + "℃〜", + -19.642112731933594 + ], + [ + "揚羽", + -17.744131088256836 + ], + [ + "デストロイア", + -17.310094833374023 + ], + [ + "____", + -19.281314849853516 + ], + [ + "クルスク", + -17.155881881713867 + ], + [ + "マロニエ", + -17.383176803588867 + ], + [ + "レイジング", + -16.52205467224121 + ], + [ + "UNDTRACK", + -18.263559341430664 + ], + [ + "Versac", + -17.45981216430664 + ], + [ + "papers", + -15.79311180114746 + ], + [ + "FNC", + -15.935137748718262 + ], + [ + "BE", + -19.00076484680176 + ], + [ + "appear", + -14.833046913146973 + ], + [ + "ハチロー", + -17.01067543029785 + ], + [ + "イワノフ", + -17.425289154052734 + ], + [ + "Transpo", + -17.359874725341797 + ], + [ + "chnology", + -17.84769058227539 + ], + [ + "稲佐", + -17.865703582763672 + ], + [ + "imu", + -14.589882850646973 + ], + [ + "OSFET", + -16.607633590698242 + ], + [ + "phyll", + -15.063067436218262 + ], + [ + "ペリリュ", + -18.58888816833496 + ], + [ + "kubo", + -16.149681091308594 + ], + [ + "NjE", + -19.367656707763672 + ], + [ + "エレメンツ", + -17.61372947692871 + ], + [ + "Physi", + -15.008728981018066 + ], + [ + "Digg", + -17.065940856933594 + ], + [ + "NzE", + -19.58889389038086 + ], + [ + "Jp", + -16.65434455871582 + ], + [ + "Virtu", + -17.618375778198242 + ], + [ + "ツングース", + -16.998382568359375 + ], + [ + "Affair", + -17.418081283569336 + ], + [ + "コーネリア", + -17.32723045349121 + ], + [ + "マネーロンダ", + -18.388206481933594 + ], + [ + "┈┈┈┈", + -21.452716827392575 + ], + [ + "ednesday", + -15.442794799804688 + ], + [ + "Schmidt", + -16.142868041992188 + ], + [ + "Warbler", + -16.72800636291504 + ], + [ + "すがすがし", + -19.570213317871097 + ], + [ + "オフィシエ", + -16.47258186340332 + ], + [ + "オンブズ", + -17.602394104003906 + ], + [ + "ダイダロス", + -17.54370880126953 + ], + [ + "プルンプルン", + -19.837610244750977 + ], + [ + "マデイラ", + -17.369693756103516 + ], + [ + "言いくるめ", + -18.956167221069336 + ], + [ + "キリッ", + -20.186843872070312 + ], + [ + "エクセルシオール", + -17.37893295288086 + ], + [ + "ガスコーニュ", + -17.71661949157715 + ], + [ + "クラスノヤルスク", + -16.71776008605957 + ], + [ + "チャットモンチー", + -17.165693283081055 + ], + [ + "パフラヴィー", + -17.229795455932617 + ], + [ + "Bennett", + -16.830169677734375 + ], + [ + "ケイブンシャ", + -17.16524314880371 + ], + [ + "ビュイック", + -17.279993057250977 + ], + [ + "マウリシオ", + -17.284385681152344 + ], + [ + "クチナシ", + -18.304235458374023 + ], + [ + "フサイチ", + -17.742961883544922 + ], + [ + "BANANA", + -16.74142074584961 + ], + [ + "ワーホリ", + -19.711925506591797 + ], + [ + "NEXUS", + -16.102222442626953 + ], + [ + "Puzzle", + -16.449026107788086 + ], + [ + "プッリャ", + -16.8201847076416 + ], + [ + "Guilty", + -15.519277572631836 + ], + [ + "PEACH", + -16.62495231628418 + ], + [ + "SHIMAYA", + -18.343786239624023 + ], + [ + "MEGUMI", + -16.614139556884766 + ], + [ + "レプリケーション", + -18.10493278503418 + ], + [ + "Alright", + -15.283487319946287 + ], + [ + "Sonata", + -17.260286331176758 + ], + [ + "チャングム", + -17.651649475097656 + ], + [ + "フェデックス", + -17.00278663635254 + ], + [ + "Shipping", + -15.912672996520996 + ], + [ + "ビーストウォーズ", + -17.045368194580078 + ], + [ + "住友林業", + -17.46297836303711 + ], + [ + "ガバメント", + -17.537784576416016 + ], + [ + "ストラトフォード", + -17.337278366088867 + ], + [ + "ディディエ", + -17.106653213500977 + ], + [ + "ocean", + -15.620806694030762 + ], + [ + "ワンダーウーマン", + -16.94761085510254 + ], + [ + "へし折", + -18.3210506439209 + ], + [ + "二の舞", + -19.303831100463867 + ], + [ + "KORG", + -17.240665435791016 + ], + [ + "️", + -20.400495529174805 + ], + [ + "サブウェポン", + -17.006479263305664 + ], + [ + "ダークホース", + -17.387588500976562 + ], + [ + "タコメーター", + -18.170185089111328 + ], + [ + "ソラリス", + -17.15694236755371 + ], + [ + "ホークアイ", + -17.36635398864746 + ], + [ + "Spice", + -15.571673393249512 + ], + [ + "ユニセックス", + -16.601526260375977 + ], + [ + "きもき", + -18.875736236572266 + ], + [ + "サッカースパイク", + -19.206249237060547 + ], + [ + "ヴラド", + -17.660884857177734 + ], + [ + "Assassin", + -16.833965301513672 + ], + [ + "ONDERFUL", + -16.730337142944336 + ], + [ + "nstantin", + -17.79353904724121 + ], + [ + "フットサルリーグ", + -17.01373863220215 + ], + [ + "サンテレビジョン", + -16.547670364379883 + ], + [ + "SIREN", + -16.312477111816406 + ], + [ + "ラフ", + -19.825014114379883 + ], + [ + "ディグリー", + -17.35123062133789 + ], + [ + "●●", + -16.476083755493164 + ], + [ + "ガープ", + -17.951162338256836 + ], + [ + "GRN", + -15.468960762023926 + ], + [ + "AKUBA", + -18.862699508666992 + ], + [ + "ペトロフ", + -17.356399536132812 + ], + [ + "Infinite", + -14.426008224487305 + ], + [ + "IBL", + -16.037696838378906 + ], + [ + "steel", + -15.758747100830078 + ], + [ + "ambda", + -19.217374801635746 + ], + [ + "Sandal", + -16.943153381347656 + ], + [ + "ソーホー", + -18.053895950317383 + ], + [ + "レオパレス", + -17.389118194580078 + ], + [ + "Gramm", + -15.79734992980957 + ], + [ + "Juliet", + -17.180557250976562 + ], + [ + "スクショ", + -19.236801147460938 + ], + [ + "INER", + -15.14499282836914 + ], + [ + "DVENTURE", + -16.63701629638672 + ], + [ + "rebitora", + -20.226560592651367 + ], + [ + "PHANTOM", + -16.552610397338867 + ], + [ + "アルジュナ", + -17.784021377563477 + ], + [ + "カプサイシン", + -18.5223445892334 + ], + [ + "ダージリン", + -17.778724670410156 + ], + [ + "テルセーラ", + -17.312938690185547 + ], + [ + "デナーリス", + -19.163557052612305 + ], + [ + "フォーサイス", + -17.271446228027344 + ], + [ + "湯沸かし", + -19.50686264038086 + ], + [ + "くたばれ", + -17.427499771118164 + ], + [ + "シャルルマーニュ", + -17.839305877685547 + ], + [ + "ドアハッチバック", + -18.196298599243164 + ], + [ + "フェネルバフチェ", + -16.46886444091797 + ], + [ + "プラクティショナ", + -20.063817977905273 + ], + [ + "プロプライエタリ", + -17.66342544555664 + ], + [ + "ょうやく", + -17.621021270751953 + ], + [ + "サントドミンゴ", + -16.709787368774414 + ], + [ + "マドゥーラ", + -16.9714298248291 + ], + [ + "セミダブルベッド", + -18.719043731689453 + ], + [ + "ヴォリューション", + -17.366823196411133 + ], + [ + "似つかわし", + -19.121164321899418 + ], + [ + "ゼバスティアン", + -17.521024703979492 + ], + [ + "Jewelry", + -15.790270805358888 + ], + [ + "ンダクタンス", + -17.909120559692383 + ], + [ + "中御門", + -17.164926528930664 + ], + [ + "Nagasaki", + -17.96299934387207 + ], + [ + "VIO", + -20.45266342163086 + ], + [ + "TRUTH", + -15.92002010345459 + ], + [ + "ガンダムビルド", + -16.815580368041992 + ], + [ + "ing", + -19.918548583984375 + ], + [ + "Optical", + -16.052553176879883 + ], + [ + "ウェブセーフ", + -20.04521369934082 + ], + [ + "ゲオルゲ", + -17.362974166870117 + ], + [ + "サスティナ", + -18.236616134643555 + ], + [ + "`●)", + -20.13629722595215 + ], + [ + "まん延", + -18.508939743041992 + ], + [ + "Alaska", + -15.774065971374512 + ], + [ + "バルサミコ", + -19.02478790283203 + ], + [ + "桧原", + -17.342342376708984 + ], + [ + "Crush", + -15.230731964111328 + ], + [ + "ネシ", + -20.31309509277344 + ], + [ + "スペツィア", + -16.951242446899414 + ], + [ + "レオンハルト", + -16.959150314331055 + ], + [ + "浦幌", + -17.20865249633789 + ], + [ + "カマグラゴールド", + -21.125789642333984 + ], + [ + "リガーゼ", + -17.371828079223633 + ], + [ + "バーレスク", + -16.916019439697266 + ], + [ + "アメダス", + -17.721206665039062 + ], + [ + "パサート", + -18.076162338256836 + ], + [ + "WiLL", + -17.550626754760742 + ], + [ + "レゴランド", + -17.505722045898438 + ], + [ + "[…]【", + -20.17871856689453 + ], + [ + "ポントス", + -17.128009796142578 + ], + [ + "ゴーゴーズ", + -16.085756301879883 + ], + [ + "Soup", + -14.62273406982422 + ], + [ + "キャスリン", + -17.085586547851562 + ], + [ + "uickTime", + -18.34639549255371 + ], + [ + "ラクガキ", + -17.47024154663086 + ], + [ + "わんや", + -17.63905143737793 + ], + [ + "ピーターラビット", + -17.50391387939453 + ], + [ + "UT", + -19.171201705932617 + ], + [ + "ミルミル", + -18.37512588500977 + ], + [ + " =", + -17.92461585998535 + ], + [ + ",,,,", + -17.897253036499023 + ], + [ + "Grund", + -17.533517837524414 + ], + [ + "Rachel", + -15.94074821472168 + ], + [ + "vory", + -16.11020278930664 + ], + [ + "SHADE", + -15.387824058532717 + ], + [ + " _,", + -19.831953048706055 + ], + [ + "チュルク", + -17.416385650634766 + ], + [ + "ハモンドオルガ", + -17.217313766479492 + ], + [ + "kuri", + -15.86131191253662 + ], + [ + "掘り返", + -18.962108612060547 + ], + [ + "ときめい", + -18.78257751464844 + ], + [ + "ヤンヤン", + -16.861745834350586 + ], + [ + "ragi", + -16.02090072631836 + ], + [ + "Rhod", + -16.668514251708984 + ], + [ + "LISP", + -14.880452156066896 + ], + [ + "Richmon", + -16.493480682373047 + ], + [ + "ALTA", + -16.69976806640625 + ], + [ + "EIN", + -14.47408962249756 + ], + [ + "腰かけ", + -18.765581130981445 + ], + [ + "usicians", + -17.46814727783203 + ], + [ + "クリスマスカード", + -18.268539428710938 + ], + [ + "oran", + -14.35698413848877 + ], + [ + "GIGAZINE", + -18.821916580200195 + ], + [ + "コチコチ", + -20.22885513305664 + ], + [ + "ゼントラーディ", + -18.43103790283203 + ], + [ + "デンタルリンス", + -19.5158748626709 + ], + [ + "沢良宜", + -19.245389938354492 + ], + [ + "聖護院", + -17.73358726501465 + ], + [ + "馬鹿馬鹿し", + -19.28171157836914 + ], + [ + "WORKPOR", + -21.554210662841797 + ], + [ + "エスペランサ", + -17.166440963745117 + ], + [ + "ザッカーバーグ", + -18.768909454345703 + ], + [ + "ムソルグスキー", + -17.63420867919922 + ], + [ + "ncounter", + -17.805402755737305 + ], + [ + "VERBAL", + -17.008787155151367 + ], + [ + "セイクリッド", + -17.368431091308594 + ], + [ + "煮詰ま", + -19.811494827270508 + ], + [ + "オライリー", + -17.49220848083496 + ], + [ + "shibainu", + -21.782657623291016 + ], + [ + "ゲキレンジャー", + -17.235950469970703 + ], + [ + "VOYAGE", + -16.94193458557129 + ], + [ + "ステファヌ", + -17.684057235717773 + ], + [ + "ツーシーム", + -17.995319366455078 + ], + [ + "トランザム", + -17.497806549072266 + ], + [ + "スケスケ", + -18.174463272094727 + ], + [ + "テッサリア", + -17.490076065063477 + ], + [ + "松下電工", + -17.447893142700195 + ], + [ + "焼け落ち", + -18.525375366210938 + ], + [ + "juice", + -16.29149055480957 + ], + [ + "テイクオフ", + -17.924442291259766 + ], + [ + "デニムパンツ", + -18.845970153808594 + ], + [ + "プラネットプラス", + -16.68387794494629 + ], + [ + "APEX", + -16.09089469909668 + ], + [ + "ヂカラ", + -17.24217987060547 + ], + [ + "おかわ", + -16.690038681030273 + ], + [ + "ターンパイク", + -17.53645133972168 + ], + [ + "ミリグラム", + -19.22223663330078 + ], + [ + "Herald", + -16.777801513671875 + ], + [ + "ホンダセンシング", + -20.236793518066406 + ], + [ + "クーリッジ", + -17.372272491455078 + ], + [ + "スコフィールド", + -17.352373123168945 + ], + [ + "食い下が", + -18.882495880126953 + ], + [ + "Calcul", + -15.698002815246582 + ], + [ + "しんかい", + -16.791854858398438 + ], + [ + "SAA", + -14.687213897705078 + ], + [ + "マールボロ", + -17.8878116607666 + ], + [ + "アーティキュレー", + -18.899131774902344 + ], + [ + "つづる", + -17.896934509277344 + ], + [ + "Go", + -19.648221969604492 + ], + [ + "archiv", + -15.280136108398438 + ], + [ + "PvP", + -16.57172966003418 + ], + [ + "MDk", + -19.85512924194336 + ], + [ + "Microg", + -18.854604721069336 + ], + [ + "スティーヴンソン", + -17.299579620361328 + ], + [ + "セカンダリー", + -18.379316329956055 + ], + [ + "ズチャンピオン", + -17.78396224975586 + ], + [ + "rench", + -14.84689712524414 + ], + [ + "FS", + -20.27333641052246 + ], + [ + "ノーサイド", + -17.2475528717041 + ], + [ + "ゼビオ", + -16.976552963256836 + ], + [ + "!!」", + -16.336299896240234 + ], + [ + "FCW", + -16.436786651611328 + ], + [ + "ennessee", + -16.467214584350586 + ], + [ + "physi", + -14.835079193115234 + ], + [ + "uono", + -17.067678451538086 + ], + [ + "Optio", + -18.30693244934082 + ], + [ + "aterials", + -19.31098365783691 + ], + [ + "ウインチ", + -18.13566017150879 + ], + [ + "コミュニ", + -15.842161178588867 + ], + [ + "OMPO", + -16.75141143798828 + ], + [ + "パラシオ", + -17.520814895629883 + ], + [ + "headline", + -16.01917266845703 + ], + [ + "ATRAC", + -16.70394515991211 + ], + [ + ":「", + -13.10223388671875 + ], + [ + "ソルトレーク", + -17.73577308654785 + ], + [ + "サルバトーレ", + -18.089908599853516 + ], + [ + "Bachelor", + -16.127382278442383 + ], + [ + "WATANABE", + -17.69891929626465 + ], + [ + "Dungeon", + -16.463951110839844 + ], + [ + "EBiDAN", + -16.718154907226562 + ], + [ + "JOURNEY", + -16.674039840698242 + ], + [ + "Qualcom", + -16.188804626464844 + ], + [ + "STORIES", + -16.210838317871094 + ], + [ + "あしなが", + -17.533557891845703 + ], + [ + "いたたまれな", + -19.75186538696289 + ], + [ + "ガレッジセール", + 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"LABEL_76": 76, + "LABEL_77": 77, + "LABEL_78": 78, + "LABEL_79": 79, + "LABEL_8": 8, + "LABEL_80": 80, + "LABEL_81": 81, + "LABEL_82": 82, + "LABEL_83": 83, + "LABEL_84": 84, + "LABEL_85": 85, + "LABEL_86": 86, + "LABEL_87": 87, + "LABEL_88": 88, + "LABEL_89": 89, + "LABEL_9": 9, + "LABEL_90": 90, + "LABEL_91": 91, + "LABEL_92": 92, + "LABEL_93": 93, + "LABEL_94": 94, + "LABEL_95": 95, + "LABEL_96": 96, + "LABEL_97": 97, + "LABEL_98": 98, + "LABEL_99": 99 + }, + "max_position_embeddings": 512, + "model_type": "distilbert", + "n_heads": 12, + "n_layers": 6, + "output_hidden_states": true, + "pad_token_id": 0, + "qa_dropout": 0.1, + "seq_classif_dropout": 0.2, + "sinusoidal_pos_embds": true, + "tie_weights_": true, + "torch_dtype": "float32", + "transformers_version": "4.46.2", + "vocab_size": 32768 +} diff --git a/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/model.safetensors b/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/model.safetensors new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c4b76a06fb65107704731705f84fe57973f8438 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/model.safetensors @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:76684c4cc310ad689ed52ec46e804e5c53777906cd1209a753cda3e64bba366c +size 274463800 diff --git a/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/special_tokens_map.json b/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/special_tokens_map.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6caa3509f6e6bf33cea209328da5f6087da7b9f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/special_tokens_map.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "bos_token": "[CLS]", + "cls_token": "[CLS]", + "eos_token": "[SEP]", + "mask_token": { + "content": "[MASK]", + "lstrip": true, + "normalized": false, + "rstrip": false, + "single_word": false + }, + "pad_token": "", + "sep_token": "[SEP]", + "unk_token": "" +} diff --git a/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/spiece.model b/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/spiece.model new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8534a23d6681bc601ede9c9588f020ce88fe6e80 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/spiece.model @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:bcfafc8c0662d9c8f39621a64c74260f2ad120310c8dd24886de2dddaf599b4e +size 439391 diff --git a/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/tokenizer_config.json b/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/tokenizer_config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ad34acaf19a2d81fb60f77756eb8f5248270174 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680/tokenizer_config.json @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +{ + "added_tokens_decoder": { + "0": { + "content": "", + "lstrip": false, + "normalized": false, + "rstrip": false, + "single_word": false, + "special": true + }, + "1": { + "content": "", + "lstrip": false, + "normalized": false, + "rstrip": false, + "single_word": false, + "special": true + }, + "2": { + "content": "[CLS]", + "lstrip": false, + "normalized": false, + "rstrip": false, + "single_word": false, + "special": true + }, + "3": { + "content": "[SEP]", + "lstrip": false, + "normalized": false, + "rstrip": false, + "single_word": false, + "special": true + }, + "4": { + "content": "[MASK]", + "lstrip": true, + "normalized": false, + "rstrip": false, + "single_word": false, + "special": true + } + }, + "auto_map": { + "AutoTokenizer": [ + "line-corporation/line-distilbert-base-japanese--distilbert_japanese_tokenizer.DistilBertJapaneseTokenizer", + null + ] + }, + "bos_token": "[CLS]", + "clean_up_tokenization_spaces": false, + "cls_token": "[CLS]", + "do_lower_case": true, + "do_subword_tokenize": true, + "do_word_tokenize": true, + "eos_token": "[SEP]", + "jumanpp_kwargs": null, + "keep_accents": true, + "mask_token": "[MASK]", + "mecab_kwargs": { + "mecab_dic": "unidic_lite" + }, + "model_max_length": 1000000000000000019884624838656, + "never_split": null, + "pad_token": "", + "remove_space": true, + "sep_token": "[SEP]", + "subword_tokenizer_type": "sentencepiece", + "sudachi_kwargs": null, + "tokenize_chinese_chars": false, + "tokenizer_class": "DistilBertJapaneseTokenizer", + "unk_token": "", + "word_tokenizer_type": "mecab" +} diff --git a/Utils/PLBERT/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc b/Utils/PLBERT/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..840a0badf2564c9f683cf852d84ac18770f67707 Binary files /dev/null and b/Utils/PLBERT/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Utils/PLBERT/config.yml b/Utils/PLBERT/config.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..969587f31ae7a40f2423b5831beb9b9e384c4165 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/PLBERT/config.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +log_dir: "Checkpoint_40b_Cotlet_Lite" +mixed_precision: no +data_folder: "/home/ubuntu/001_PLBERT_JA/40B_dataset_W_fixed" +batch_size: 26 +save_interval: 10000 +log_interval: 100 +num_process: 1 # number of GPUs +num_steps: 1000000 + +dataset_params: + tokenizer: "" + token_separator: " " # token used for phoneme separator (space) + token_mask: "M" # token used for phoneme mask (M) + word_separator: 2 # token used for word separator () + token_maps: "/home/ubuntu/001_PLBERT_JA/token_maps_jp_200k_0.pkl" # token map path + + max_mel_length: 512 # max phoneme length + + word_mask_prob: 0.15 # probability to mask the entire word + phoneme_mask_prob: 0.1 # probability to mask each phoneme + replace_prob: 0.2 # probablity to replace phonemes + +model_params: + vocab_size: 178 + hidden_size: 768 + num_attention_heads: 12 + intermediate_size: 2048 + max_position_embeddings: 512 + num_hidden_layers: 12 + dropout: 0.1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Utils/PLBERT/step_1050000.t7 b/Utils/PLBERT/step_1050000.t7 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..060c878a6b1868d92f78d6956a077bfb3a7c4276 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/PLBERT/step_1050000.t7 @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:66b36784a5a5523412d40c98767f81c4d9e97a8615df58f14e420b37bf024409 +size 1918057040 diff --git a/Utils/PLBERT/util.py b/Utils/PLBERT/util.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91be427eae799c60aa4631f8c3c5467ea403f4bc --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/PLBERT/util.py @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +import os +import yaml +import torch +from transformers import AlbertConfig, AlbertModel + +class CustomAlbert(AlbertModel): + def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): + # Call the original forward method + outputs = super().forward(*args, **kwargs) + + # Only return the last_hidden_state + return outputs.last_hidden_state + + +def load_plbert(log_dir): + config_path = os.path.join(log_dir, "config.yml") + plbert_config = yaml.safe_load(open(config_path)) + + albert_base_configuration = AlbertConfig(**plbert_config['model_params']) + bert = CustomAlbert(albert_base_configuration) + + files = os.listdir(log_dir) + ckpts = [] + for f in os.listdir(log_dir): + if f.startswith("step_"): ckpts.append(f) + + iters = [int(f.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]) for f in ckpts if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(log_dir, f))] + iters = sorted(iters)[-1] + + checkpoint = torch.load(log_dir + "/step_" + str(iters) + ".t7", map_location='cpu') + state_dict = checkpoint['net'] + from collections import OrderedDict + new_state_dict = OrderedDict() + for k, v in state_dict.items(): + name = k[7:] # remove `module.` + if name.startswith('encoder.'): + name = name[8:] # remove `encoder.` + new_state_dict[name] = v + + # Check if 'embeddings.position_ids' exists before attempting to delete it + if not hasattr(bert.embeddings, 'position_ids'): + del new_state_dict["embeddings.position_ids"] + + + bert.load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=False) + + return bert diff --git a/Utils/__init__.py b/Utils/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b137891791fe96927ad78e64b0aad7bded08bdc --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/Utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/Utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49feac9fb7367b25baeec177602a7aecca05e51f Binary files /dev/null and b/Utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/cotlet_phon.cpython-311.pyc b/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/cotlet_phon.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6278e2cac7a62cebc594fd14cab4c59920687996 Binary files /dev/null and b/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/cotlet_phon.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/cotlet_phon_dir_backend.cpython-311.pyc b/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/cotlet_phon_dir_backend.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..48f626bf28675a71107af6a9225e77cee6376e1d Binary files /dev/null and b/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/cotlet_phon_dir_backend.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/cotlet_utils.cpython-311.pyc b/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/cotlet_utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c9594d26dd44e3560703bc9f3f0e9bbc35f1ce8 Binary files /dev/null and b/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/cotlet_utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/mixed_phon.cpython-311.pyc b/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/mixed_phon.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbe5b5c9a11c9d20e70d028cd8cd0b7c3120d5e7 Binary files /dev/null and b/Utils/phonemize/__pycache__/mixed_phon.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/Utils/phonemize/cotlet_phon.py b/Utils/phonemize/cotlet_phon.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc2486917038af4007118ea3cee92306d86db223 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/phonemize/cotlet_phon.py @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +from Utils.phonemize.cotlet_utils import * +import cutlet + +katsu = cutlet.Cutlet(ensure_ascii=False) +katsu.use_foreign_spelling = False + +def process_japanese_text(ml): + # Check for small characters and replace them + if any(char in ml for char in "ぁぃぅぇぉ"): + + ml = ml.replace("ぁ", "あ") + ml = ml.replace("ぃ", "い") + ml = ml.replace("ぅ", "う") + ml = ml.replace("ぇ", "え") + ml = ml.replace("ぉ", "お") + + # Initialize Cutlet for romaji conversion + + # Convert to romaji and apply transformations + # output = katsu.romaji(ml, capitalize=False).lower() + + output = katsu.romaji(apply_transformations(alphabetreading(ml)), capitalize=False).lower() + + + # Replace specific romaji sequences + if 'j' in output: + output = output.replace('j', "dʑ") + if 'tt' in output: + output = output.replace('tt', "ʔt") + if 't t' in output: + output = output.replace('t t', "ʔt") + if ' ʔt' in output: + output = output.replace(' ʔt', "ʔt") + if 'ssh' in output: + output = output.replace('ssh', "ɕɕ") + + # Convert romaji to IPA + output = Roma2IPA(convert_numbers_in_string(output)) + + + output = hira2ipa(output) + + # Apply additional transformations + output = replace_chars_2(output) + output = replace_repeated_chars(replace_tashdid_2(output)) + output = nasal_mapper(output) + + # Final adjustments + if " ɴ" in output: + output = output.replace(" ɴ", "ɴ") + + if ' neɽitai ' in output: + output = output.replace(' neɽitai ', "naɽitai") + + if 'harɯdʑisama' in output: + output = output.replace('harɯdʑisama', "arɯdʑisama") + + + if "ki ni ɕinai" in output: + output = re.sub(r'(?= 3: +# return pattern + "~~~" +# return match.group(0) + +# # Pattern for space-separated repeats +# pattern1 = r'((?:\S+\s+){1,5}?)(?:\1){2,}' +# # Pattern for continuous repeats without spaces +# pattern2 = r'(.+?)\1{2,}' + +# text = re.sub(pattern1, replace_repeats, text) +# text = re.sub(pattern2, replace_repeats, text) +# return text + + +def replace_repeating_a(output): + # Define patterns and their replacements + patterns = [ + (r'(aː)\s*\1+\s*', r'\1~'), # Replace repeating "aː" with "aː~~" + (r'(aːa)\s*aː', r'\1~'), # Replace "aːa aː" with "aː~~" + (r'aːa', r'aː~'), # Replace "aːa" with "aː~" + (r'naː\s*aː', r'naː~'), # Replace "naː aː" with "naː~" + (r'(oː)\s*\1+\s*', r'\1~'), # Replace repeating "oː" with "oː~~" + (r'(oːo)\s*oː', r'\1~'), # Replace "oːo oː" with "oː~~" + (r'oːo', r'oː~'), # Replace "oːo" with "oː~" + (r'(eː)\s*\1+\s*', r'\1~'), + (r'(e)\s*\1+\s*', r'\1~'), + (r'(eːe)\s*eː', r'\1~'), + (r'eːe', r'eː~'), + (r'neː\s*eː', r'neː~'), + ] + + + # Apply each pattern to the output + for pattern, replacement in patterns: + output = re.sub(pattern, replacement, output) + + return output + +def phonemize(text): + + # if "っ" in text: + # text = text.replace("っ","ʔ") + + output = post_fix(process_japanese_text(text)) + #output = text + + if " ɴ" in output: + output = output.replace(" ɴ", "ɴ") + if "y" in output: + output = output.replace("y", "j") + if "ɯa" in output: + output = output.replace("ɯa", "wa") + + if "a aː" in output: + output = output.replace("a aː","a~") + if "a a" in output: + output = output.replace("a a","a~") + + + + + + output = replace_repeating_a((output)) + output = re.sub(r'\s+~', '~', output) + + if "oː~o oː~ o" in output: + output = output.replace("oː~o oː~ o","oː~~~~~~") + if "aː~aː" in output: + output = output.replace("aː~aː","aː~~~") + if "oɴ naː" in output: + output = output.replace("oɴ naː","onnaː") + if "aː~~ aː" in output: + output = output.replace("aː~~ aː","aː~~~~") + if "oː~o" in output: + output = output.replace("oː~o","oː~~") + if "oː~~o o" in output: + output = output.replace("oː~~o o","oː~~~~") # yeah I'm too tired to learn regex how did you know + + output = random_space_fix(output) + output = random_sym_fix(output) # fixing some symbols, if they have a specific white space such as miku& sakura -> miku ando sakura + output = random_sym_fix_no_space(output) # same as above but for those without white space such as miku&sakura -> miku ando sakura + # if "ɯ" in output: + # output = output.replace("ɯ","U")ss + # if "ʔ" in output: + # output = output.replace("ʔ","!") + + return output.lstrip() +# def process_row(row): +# return {'phonemes': [phonemize(word) for word in row['phonemes']]} diff --git a/Utils/phonemize/cotlet_phon_dir_backend.py b/Utils/phonemize/cotlet_phon_dir_backend.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87b754b41780c14ea152c15392849b372d46643b --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/phonemize/cotlet_phon_dir_backend.py @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +from Utils.phonemize.cotlet_utils import * +import cutlet + +katsu = cutlet.Cutlet(ensure_ascii=False) +katsu.use_foreign_spelling = False + +def process_latin_text(ml): + # Check for small characters and replace them + + # Initialize Cutlet for romaji conversion + + # Convert to romaji and apply transformations + # output = katsu.romaji(ml, capitalize=False).lower() + + output = ml.lower() + + + # Replace specific romaji sequences + if 'j' in output: + output = output.replace('j', "dʑ") + if 'y' in output: + output = output.replace('y', "j") + if 'tt' in output: + output = output.replace('tt', "ʔt") + if 't t' in output: + output = output.replace('t t', "ʔt") + if ' ʔt' in output: + output = output.replace(' ʔt', "ʔt") + if 'ssh' in output: + output = output.replace('ssh', "ɕɕ") + + # Convert romaji to IPA + output = Roma2IPA(convert_numbers_in_string(output)) + + + output = hira2ipa(output) + + # Apply additional transformations + output = replace_chars_2(output) + output = replace_repeated_chars(replace_tashdid_2(output)) + output = nasal_mapper(output) + + # Final adjustments + if " ɴ" in output: + output = output.replace(" ɴ", "ɴ") + + if ' neɽitai ' in output: + output = output.replace(' neɽitai ', "naɽitai") + + if 'harɯdʑisama' in output: + output = output.replace('harɯdʑisama', "arɯdʑisama") + + + if "ki ni ɕinai" in output: + output = re.sub(r'(? miku ando sakura + output = random_sym_fix_no_space(output) # same as above but for those without white space such as miku&sakura -> miku ando sakura + # if "ɯ" in output: + # output = output.replace("ɯ","U")ss + # if "ʔ" in output: + # output = output.replace("ʔ","!") + + return output.lstrip() +# def process_row(row): +# return {'phonemes': [phonemize(word) for word in row['phonemes']]} diff --git a/Utils/phonemize/cotlet_utils.py b/Utils/phonemize/cotlet_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa37b77c3e30ec750b4b8f26b30debdd9de2b7d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils/phonemize/cotlet_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,1022 @@ +formal_to_informal = { + + + + 'ワタクシ': 'わたし', + 'チカコ':'しゅうこ', + "タノヒト":"ほかのひと", + + # Add more mappings as needed +} + +formal_to_informal2 = { + + "たのひと":"ほかのひと", + "すうは": "かずは", + + + # Add more mappings as needed +} + +formal_to_informal3 = { + + "%":"%", + "@": "あっとさいん", + "$":"どる", + "#":"はっしゅたぐ", + "$":"どる", + "#":"はっしゅたぐ", + "何が":"なにが", + + "何も":"なにも", + "何か":"なにか", + # "奏":"かなで", + "何は":"なにが", + "お父様":"おとうさま", + "お兄様":"おにいさま", + "何を":"なにを", + "良い":"いい", + "李衣菜":"りいな", + "志希":"しき", + "種":"たね", + "方々":"かたがた", + "颯":"はやて", + "茄子さん":"かこさん", + "茄子ちゃん":"かこちゃん", + "涼ちゃん":"りょうちゃん", + "涼さん":"りょうさん", + "紗枝":"さえ", + "文香":"ふみか", + "私":"わたし", + "周子":"しゅうこ", + "イェ":"いえ", + "可憐":"かれん", + "加蓮":"かれん", + "・":".", + # "方の":"かたの", + # "気に":"きに", + "唯さん":"ゆいさん", + "唯ちゃん":"ゆいちゃん", + "聖ちゃん":"ひじりちゃん", + "他の":"ほかの", + "他に":"ほかに", + "一生懸命":"いっしょうけんめい", + "楓さん":"かえでさん", + "楓ちゃん":"かえでちゃん", + "内から":"ないから", + "の下で":"のしたで", + +} + + +mapper = dict([ + + ("仕方","しかた"), + ("明日","あした"), + ('私',"わたし"), + ("従妹","いとこ"), + + ("1人","ひとり"), + ("2人","ふたり"), + + ("一期","いちご"), + ("一会","いちえ"), + + ("♪","!"), + ("?","?"), + + ("どんな方","どんなかた"), + ("ふたり暮らし","ふたりぐらし"), + + ("新年","しんねん"), + ("来年","らいねん"), + ("去年","きょねん"), + ("壮年","そうねん"), + ("今年","ことし"), + + ("昨年","さくねん"), + ("本年","ほんねん"), + ("平年","へいねん"), + ("閏年","うるうどし"), + ("初年","しょねん"), + ("少年","しょうねん"), + ("多年","たねん"), + ("青年","せいねん"), + ("中年","ちゅうねん"), + ("老年","ろうねん"), + ("成年","せいねん"), + ("幼年","ようねん"), + ("前年","ぜんねん"), + ("元年","がんねん"), + ("経年","けいねん"), + ("当年","とうねん"), + + ("明年","みょうねん"), + ("歳年","さいねん"), + ("数年","すうねん"), + ("半年","はんとし"), + ("後年","こうねん"), + ("実年","じつねん"), + ("年年","ねんねん"), + ("連年","れんねん"), + ("暦年","れきねん"), + ("各年","かくねん"), + ("全年","ぜんねん"), + + ("年を","としを"), + ("年が","としが"), + ("年も","としも"), + ("年は","としは"), + + + ("奏ちゃん","かなでちゃん"), + ("負けず嫌い","まけずぎらい"), + ("貴方","あなた"), + ("貴女","あなた"), + ("貴男","あなた"), + + ("その節","そのせつ"), + + ("何し","なにし"), + ("何する","なにする"), + + ("心さん","しんさん"), + ("心ちゃん","しんちゃん"), + + ("乃々","のの"), + + ("身体の","からだの"), + ("身体が","からだが"), + ("身体を","からだを"), + ("身体は","からだは"), + ("身体に","からだに"), + ("正念場","しょうねんば"), + ("言う","いう"), + + + ("一回","いっかい"), + ("一曲","いっきょく"), + ("一日","いちにち"), + ("一言","ひとこと"), + ("一杯","いっぱい"), + + + ("方が","ほうが"), + ("縦輪城","じゅうりんしろ"), + ("深息","しんそく"), + ("家人","かじん"), + ("お返し","おかえし"), + ("化物語","ばけものがたり"), + ("阿良々木暦","あららぎこよみ"), + ("何より","なにより") + + +]) + + +# Merge all dictionaries into one +all_transformations = {**formal_to_informal, **formal_to_informal2, **formal_to_informal3, **mapper} + +def apply_transformations(text, transformations = all_transformations): + for key, value in transformations.items(): + text = text.replace(key, value) + return text + +import re + +def number_to_japanese(num): + if not isinstance(num, int) or num < 0 or num > 9999: + return "Invalid input" + + digits = ["", "いち", "に", "さん", "よん", "ご", "ろく", "なな", "はち", "きゅう"] + tens = ["", "じゅう", "にじゅう", "さんじゅう", "よんじゅう", "ごじゅう", "ろくじゅう", "ななじゅう", "はちじゅう", "きゅうじゅう"] + hundreds = ["", "ひゃく", "にひゃく", "さんびゃく", "よんひゃく", "ごひゃく", "ろっぴゃく", "ななひゃく", "はっぴゃく", "きゅうひゃく"] + thousands = ["", "せん", "にせん", "さんぜん", "よんせん", "ごせん", "ろくせん", "ななせん", "はっせん", "きゅうせん"] + + if num == 0: + return "ゼロ" + + result = "" + if num >= 1000: + result += thousands[num // 1000] + num %= 1000 + if num >= 100: + result += hundreds[num // 100] + num %= 100 + if num >= 10: + result += tens[num // 10] + num %= 10 + if num > 0: + result += digits[num] + + return result + +def convert_numbers_in_string(input_string): + # Regular expression to find numbers in the string + number_pattern = re.compile(r'\d+') + + # Function to replace numbers with their Japanese pronunciation + def replace_with_japanese(match): + num = int(match.group()) + return number_to_japanese(num) + + # Replace all occurrences of numbers in the string + converted_string = number_pattern.sub(replace_with_japanese, input_string) + return converted_string + + +roma_mapper = dict([ + + ################################ + + ("my","mʲ"), + ("by","bʲ"), + ("ny","nʲ"), + ("ry","rʲ"), + ("si","sʲ"), + ("ky","kʲ"), + ("gy","gʲ"), + ("dy","dʲ"), + ("di","dʲ"), + ("fi","fʲ"), + ("fy","fʲ"), + ("ch","tɕ"), + ("sh","ɕ"), + + ################################ + + ("a","a"), + ("i","i"), + ("u","ɯ"), + ("e","e"), + ("o","o"), + ("ka","ka"), + ("ki","ki"), + ("ku","kɯ"), + ("ke","ke"), + ("ko","ko"), + ("sa","sa"), + ("shi","ɕi"), + ("su","sɯ"), + ("se","se"), + ("so","so"), + ("ta","ta"), + ("chi","tɕi"), + ("tsu","tsɯ"), + ("te","te"), + ("to","to"), + ("na","na"), + ("ni","ni"), + ("nu","nɯ"), + ("ne","ne"), + ("no","no"), + ("ha","ha"), + ("hi","çi"), + ("fu","ɸɯ"), + ("he","he"), + ("ho","ho"), + ("ma","ma"), + ("mi","mi"), + ("mu","mɯ"), + ("me","me"), + ("mo","mo"), + ("ra","ɽa"), + ("ri","ɽi"), + ("ru","ɽɯ"), + ("re","ɽe"), + ("ro","ɽo"), + ("ga","ga"), + ("gi","gi"), + ("gu","gɯ"), + ("ge","ge"), + ("go","go"), + ("za","za"), + ("ji","dʑi"), + ("zu","zɯ"), + ("ze","ze"), + ("zo","zo"), + ("da","da"), + + + ("zu","zɯ"), + ("de","de"), + ("do","do"), + ("ba","ba"), + ("bi","bi"), + ("bu","bɯ"), + ("be","be"), + ("bo","bo"), + ("pa","pa"), + ("pi","pi"), + ("pu","pɯ"), + ("pe","pe"), + ("po","po"), + ("ya","ja"), + ("yu","jɯ"), + ("yo","jo"), + ("wa","wa"), + + + + + ("a","a"), + ("i","i"), + ("u","ɯ"), + ("e","e"), + ("o","o"), + ("wa","wa"), + ("o","o"), + + + ("wo","o")]) + +nasal_sound = dict([ + # before m, p, b + ("ɴm","mm"), + ("ɴb", "mb"), + ("ɴp", "mp"), + + # before k, g + ("ɴk","ŋk"), + ("ɴg", "ŋg"), + + # before t, d, n, s, z, ɽ + ("ɴt","nt"), + ("ɴd", "nd"), + ("ɴn","nn"), + ("ɴs", "ns"), + ("ɴz","nz"), + ("ɴɽ", "nɽ"), + + ("ɴɲ", "ɲɲ"), + +]) + +def Roma2IPA(text): + orig = text + + for k, v in roma_mapper.items(): + text = text.replace(k, v) + + return text + +def nasal_mapper(text): + orig = text + + + for k, v in nasal_sound.items(): + text = text.replace(k, v) + + return text + +def alphabetreading(text): + alphabet_dict = {"A": "エイ", + "B": "ビー", + "C": "シー", + "D": "ディー", + "E": "イー", + "F": "エフ", + "G": "ジー", + "H": "エイチ", + "I":"アイ", + "J":"ジェイ", + "K":"ケイ", + "L":"エル", + "M":"エム", + "N":"エヌ", + "O":"オー", + "P":"ピー", + "Q":"キュー", + "R":"アール", + "S":"エス", + "T":"ティー", + "U":"ユー", + "V":"ヴィー", + "W":"ダブリュー", + "X":"エックス", + "Y":"ワイ", + "Z":"ゼッド"} + text = text.upper() + text_ret = "" + for t in text: + if t in alphabet_dict: + text_ret += alphabet_dict[t] + else: + text_ret += t + return text_ret + +import re +import cutlet + +roma_mapper_plus_2 = { + +"bjo":'bʲo', +"rjo":"rʲo", +"kjo":"kʲo", +"kyu":"kʲu", + +} + +def replace_repeated_chars(input_string): + result = [] + i = 0 + while i < len(input_string): + if i + 1 < len(input_string) and input_string[i] == input_string[i + 1] and input_string[i] in 'aiueo': + result.append(input_string[i] + 'ː') + i += 2 + else: + result.append(input_string[i]) + i += 1 + return ''.join(result) + + +def replace_chars_2(text, mapping=roma_mapper_plus_2): + + + sorted_keys = sorted(mapping.keys(), key=len, reverse=True) + + pattern = '|'.join(re.escape(key) for key in sorted_keys) + + + def replace(match): + key = match.group(0) + return mapping.get(key, key) + + return re.sub(pattern, replace, text) + + +def replace_tashdid_2(s): + vowels = 'aiueoɯ0123456789.?!_。؟?!...@@##$$%%^^&&**()()_+=[「」]> [Hugging Face - 🤗](https://huggingface.co/Respair/Project_Kanade_SpeechModel) +This space uses Tsukasa (24khz). +**Check the Read me tabs down below.**
+Enjoy! +""" +import gradio as gr +import random +import importable +import torch +import os +from cotlet_phon import phonemize +import numpy as np +import pickle + + +voices = {} +example_texts = {} +prompts = [] +inputs = [] + + +theme = gr.themes.Base( + font=[gr.themes.GoogleFont('Libre Franklin'), gr.themes.GoogleFont('Public Sans'), 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'], +) + +from Modules.diffusion.sampler import DiffusionSampler, ADPM2Sampler, KarrasSchedule + +voicelist = [v for v in os.listdir("/home/ubuntu/Kanade_Project/gradio/Tsukasa_Speech/reference_sample_wavs")] + + + +for v in voicelist: + voices[v] = importable.compute_style_through_clip(f'reference_sample_wavs/{v}') + + +with open(f'Inference/random_texts.txt', 'r') as r: + random_texts = [line.strip() for line in r] + + example_texts = {f"{text[:30]}...": text for text in random_texts} + +def update_text_input(preview): + + return example_texts[preview] + +def get_random_text(): + return random.choice(random_texts) + + + +with open('Inference/prompt.txt', 'r') as p: + prompts = [line.strip() for line in p] + +with open('Inference/input_for_prompt.txt', 'r') as i: + inputs = [line.strip() for line in i] + + +last_idx = None + +def get_random_prompt_pair(): + global last_idx + max_idx = min(len(prompts), len(inputs)) - 1 + + + random_idx = random.randint(0, max_idx) + while random_idx == last_idx: + random_idx = random.randint(0, max_idx) + + last_idx = random_idx + return inputs[random_idx], prompts[random_idx] + +def Synthesize_Audio(text, voice, voice2, vcsteps, embscale, alpha, beta, ros, progress=gr.Progress()): + + + text = phonemize(text) + + + if voice2: + voice_style = importable.compute_style_through_clip(voice2) + else: + voice_style = voices[voice] + + wav = importable.inference( + text, + voice_style, + alpha=alpha, + beta=beta, + diffusion_steps=vcsteps, + embedding_scale=embscale, + rate_of_speech=ros + ) + + return (24000, wav) + + +def LongformSynth_Text(text, s_prev, Kotodama, alpha, beta, t, diffusion_steps, embedding_scale, rate_of_speech , progress=gr.Progress()): + + japanese = text + + # raw_jpn = japanese[japanese.find(":") + 2:] + # speaker = japanese[:japanese.find(":") + 2] + + + if ":" in japanese[:10]: + raw_jpn = japanese[japanese.find(":") + 2:] + speaker = japanese[:japanese.find(":") + 2] + else: + raw_jpn = japanese + speaker = "" + + sentences = importable.sent_tokenizer.tokenize(raw_jpn) + sentences = importable.merging_sentences(sentences) + + silence = 24000 * 0.5 # 500 ms of silence between outputs for a more natural transition + # sentences = sent_tokenize(text) + print(sentences) + wavs = [] + s_prev = None + for text in sentences: + + text_input = phonemize(text) + print('phonemes -> ', text_input) + + Kotodama = importable.Kotodama_Sampler(importable.model, text=speaker + text, device=importable.device) + + wav, s_prev = importable.Longform(text_input, + s_prev, + Kotodama, + alpha = alpha, + beta = beta, + t = t, + diffusion_steps=diffusion_steps, embedding_scale=embedding_scale, rate_of_speech=rate_of_speech) + wavs.append(wav) + wavs.append(np.zeros(int(silence))) + + print('Synthesized: ') + return (24000, np.concatenate(wavs)) + + + + +def Inference_Synth_Prompt(text, description, Kotodama, alpha, beta, diffusion_steps, embedding_scale, rate_of_speech , progress=gr.Progress()): + + + + prompt = f"""{description} \n text: {text}""" + + print('prompt ->: ', prompt) + + text = phonemize(text) + + print('phonemes ->: ', text) + + Kotodama = importable.Kotodama_Prompter(importable.model, text=prompt, device=importable.device) + + wav = importable.inference(text, + Kotodama, + alpha = alpha, + beta = beta, + diffusion_steps=diffusion_steps, embedding_scale=embedding_scale, rate_of_speech=rate_of_speech) + + wav = importable.trim_long_silences(wav) + + + print('Synthesized: ') + return (24000, wav) + +with gr.Blocks() as audio_inf: + with gr.Row(): + with gr.Column(scale=1): + inp = gr.Textbox(label="Text", info="Enter the text", value="きみの存在は、私の心の中で燃える小さな光のよう。きみがいない時、世界は白黒の写真みたいに寂しくて、何も輝いてない。きみの笑顔だけが、私の灰色の日々に色を塗ってくれる。離れてる時間は、めちゃくちゃ長く感じられて、きみへの想いは風船みたいにどんどん膨らんでいく。きみなしの世界なんて、想像できないよ。", interactive=True, scale=5) + voice = gr.Dropdown(voicelist, label="Voice", info="Select a default voice.", value=voicelist[-1], interactive=True) + voice_2 = gr.Audio(label="Upload your own Audio", interactive=True, type='filepath', max_length=300, waveform_options={'waveform_color': '#a3ffc3', 'waveform_progress_color': '#e972ab'}) + + with gr.Accordion("Advanced Parameters", open=False): + + alpha = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.1, step=0.1, label="Alpha", info="a Diffusion sampler parameter handling the timbre, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", interactive=True) + beta = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.5, step=0.1, label="Beta", info="a Diffusion sampler parameter, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", interactive=True) + multispeakersteps = gr.Slider(minimum=3, maximum=15, value=5, step=1, label="Diffusion Steps", interactive=True) + embscale = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=5, value=1, step=0.1, label="Intensity", info="will impact the expressiveness, if you raise it too much it'll break.", interactive=True) + rate_of_speech = gr.Slider(minimum=0.5, maximum=2, value=1, step=0.1, label="Rate of Speech", info="Higher -> Faster", interactive=True) + + with gr.Column(scale=1): + btn = gr.Button("Synthesize", variant="primary") + audio = gr.Audio(interactive=False, label="Synthesized Audio", waveform_options={'waveform_color': '#a3ffc3', 'waveform_progress_color': '#e972ab'}) + btn.click(Synthesize_Audio, inputs=[inp, voice, voice_2, multispeakersteps, embscale, alpha, beta, rate_of_speech], outputs=[audio], concurrency_limit=4) + +# Kotodama Text sampler Synthesis Block +with gr.Blocks() as longform: + with gr.Row(): + with gr.Column(scale=1): + inp_longform = gr.Textbox( + label="Text", + info="Enter the text [Speaker: Text] | Also works without any name.", + value=list(example_texts.values())[0], + interactive=True, + scale=5 + ) + + with gr.Row(): + example_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( + choices=list(example_texts.keys()), + label="Example Texts [pick one!]", + value=list(example_texts.keys())[0], + interactive=True + ) + + example_dropdown.change( + fn=update_text_input, + inputs=[example_dropdown], + outputs=[inp_longform] + ) + + with gr.Accordion("Advanced Parameters", open=False): + + alpha_longform = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.0, step=0.1, + label="Alpha", + info="a Diffusion parameter handling the timbre, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", + interactive=True) + beta_longform = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.0, step=0.1, + label="Beta", + info="a Diffusion parameter, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", + interactive=True) + diffusion_steps_longform = gr.Slider(minimum=3, maximum=15, value=10, step=1, + label="Diffusion Steps", + interactive=True) + embedding_scale_longform = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=5, value=1.25, step=0.1, + label="Intensity", + info="a Diffusion parameter, it will impact the expressiveness, if you raise it too much it'll break.", + interactive=True) + + rate_of_speech_longform = gr.Slider(minimum=0.5, maximum=2, value=1, step=0.1, + label="Rate of Speech", + info="Higher = Faster", + interactive=True) + + with gr.Column(scale=1): + btn_longform = gr.Button("Synthesize", variant="primary") + audio_longform = gr.Audio(interactive=False, + label="Synthesized Audio", + waveform_options={'waveform_color': '#a3ffc3', 'waveform_progress_color': '#e972ab'}) + + btn_longform.click(LongformSynth_Text, + inputs=[inp_longform, + gr.State(None), # s_prev + gr.State(None), # Kotodama + alpha_longform, + beta_longform, + gr.State(.8), # t parameter + diffusion_steps_longform, + embedding_scale_longform, + rate_of_speech_longform], + outputs=[audio_longform], + concurrency_limit=4) + +# Kotodama prompt sampler Inference Block +with gr.Blocks() as prompt_inference: + with gr.Row(): + with gr.Column(scale=1): + text_prompt = gr.Textbox( + label="Text", + info="Enter the text to synthesize. This text will also be fed to the encoder. Make sure to see the Read Me for more details!", + value=inputs[0], + interactive=True, + scale=5 + ) + description_prompt = gr.Textbox( + label="Description", + info="Enter a highly detailed, descriptive prompt that matches the vibe of your text to guide the synthesis.", + value=prompts[0], + interactive=True, + scale=7 + ) + + with gr.Row(): + random_btn = gr.Button('Random Example', variant='secondary') + + with gr.Accordion("Advanced Parameters", open=True): + embedding_scale_prompt = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=5, value=1, step=0.25, + label="Intensity", + info="it will impact the expressiveness, if you raise it too much it'll break.", + interactive=True) + alpha_prompt = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.0, step=0.1, + label="Alpha", + info="a Diffusion sampler parameter handling the timbre, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", + interactive=True) + beta_prompt = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.0, step=0.1, + label="Beta", + info="a Diffusion sampler parameter, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", + interactive=True) + diffusion_steps_prompt = gr.Slider(minimum=3, maximum=15, value=10, step=1, + label="Diffusion Steps", + interactive=True) + rate_of_speech_prompt = gr.Slider(minimum=0.5, maximum=2, value=1, step=0.1, + label="Rate of Speech", + info="Higher = Faster", + interactive=True) + with gr.Column(scale=1): + btn_prompt = gr.Button("Synthesize with Prompt", variant="primary") + audio_prompt = gr.Audio(interactive=False, + label="Prompt-based Synthesized Audio", + waveform_options={'waveform_color': '#a3ffc3', 'waveform_progress_color': '#e972ab'}) + + + random_btn.click( + fn=get_random_prompt_pair, + inputs=[], + outputs=[text_prompt, description_prompt] + ) + + btn_prompt.click(Inference_Synth_Prompt, + inputs=[text_prompt, + description_prompt, + gr.State(None), + alpha_prompt, + beta_prompt, + diffusion_steps_prompt, + embedding_scale_prompt, + rate_of_speech_prompt], + outputs=[audio_prompt], + concurrency_limit=4) + +notes = """ +


+ +

+This work is somewhat different from your typical speech model. It offers a high degree of control
+over the generation process, which means it's easy to inadvertently produce unimpressive outputs. +

+ +

+Kotodama and the Diffusion sampler can significantly help guide the generation towards
+something that aligns with your input, but they aren't foolproof. +

+ +

+The model's peak performance is achieved when the Diffusion sampler and Kotodama work seamlessly together.
+However, we won't see that level of performance here because this checkpoint is somewhat undertrained
+due to my time and resource constraints. (Tsumugi should be better in this regard,
+albeit if the diffusion works at all on your hardware.)
+Hopefully, you can further fine-tune this model (or train from scratch) to achieve even better results! +

+ +

+The prompt encoder is also highly experimental and should be treated as a proof of concept. Due to the
+overwhelming ratio of female to male speakers and the wide variation in both speakers and their expressions,
+the prompt encoder may occasionally produce subpar or contradicting outputs. For example, high expressiveness alongside
+high pitch has been associated with females speakers simply because I had orders of magnitude more of them in the dataset.

+ +

+A useful note about the voice design and prompting:
\n +The vibe of the dialogue impacts the generated voice since the Japanese dialogue
+and the prompts were jointly trained. This is a peculiar feature of the Japanese lanuage.
+For example if you use 俺 (ore)、僕(boku) or your input is overall masculine
+you may get a guy's voice, even if you describe it as female in the prompt.
\n +The Japanese text that is fed to the prompt doesn't necessarily have to be
+the same as your input, but we can't do it in this demo
+to not make the page too convoluted. In a real world scenario, you can just use a
+prompt with a suitable Japanese text to guide the model, get the style
+then move on to apply it to whatever dialogue you wish your model to speak.
+ + +


+The pitch information in my data was accurately calculated, but it only works in comparison to the other speakers
+so you may find a deep pitch may not be exactly too deep; although it actually is
+when you compare it to others within the same data, also some of the gender labels
+are inaccurate since we used a model to annotate them.
\n +The main goal of this inference method is to demonstrate that style can be mapped to description's embeddings
+yielding reasonably good results. +

+ +

+Overall, I'm confident that with a bit of experimentation, you can achieve reasonbaly good results.
+The model should work well out of the box 90% of the time without the need for extensive tweaking.
+However, here are some tips in case you encounter issues: +

+ +


+ +
  • + Ensure that your input closely matches your reference (audio or text prompt) in terms of tone,
    + non-verbal cues, duration, etc. +
  • + +
  • + If your audio is too long but the input is too short, the speech rate will be slow, and vice versa. +
  • + +
  • + Experiment with the alpha, beta, and Intensity parameters. The Diffusion
    + sampler is non-deterministic, so regenerate a few times if you're not satisfied with the output. +
  • + +
  • + The speaker's share and expressive distribution in the dataset significantly impact the quality;
    + you won't necessarily get perfect results with all speakers. +
  • + +
  • + Punctuation is very important, for example if you add «!» mark it will raise the voice or make it more intense. +
  • + +
  • + Not all speakers are equal. Less represented speakers or out-of-distribution inputs may result
    + in artifacts. +
  • + +
  • + If the Diffusion sampler works but the speaker didn't have a certain expression (e.g., extreme anger)
    + in the dataset, try raising the diffusion sampler's parameters and let it handle everything. Though
    + it may result in less speaker similarity, the ideal way to handle this is to cook new vectors by
    + transferring an emotion from one speaker to another. But you can't do that in this space. +
  • + +
  • + For voice-based inference, you can use litagin's awesome Moe-speech dataset,
    + as part of the training data includes a portion of that. +
  • + +
  • + you may also want to tweak the phonemes if you're going for something wild.
    + i have used cutlet in the backend, but that doesn't seem to like some of my mappings. +
  • + + +
+""" + + +notes_jp = """ +


+ +

+比較的にクオリティーの低い出力を生成してしまうことが容易です。 +

+ +

+万全というわけではありません。 +

+ +

+おそらく、このモデルをさらにFinetuningする(または最初からTrainする)ことで、より良い結果が得られるでしょう。 +

+ +_____________________________________________
\n +音声デザインとプロンプトに関する有用なメモ:
+ +_____________________________________________
\n + +

+スタイルベクトルを記述にマッピングし、合理的に良い結果を得ることにあります。 +

+ +

+そのままでうまく動作するはずです。しかし、問題が発生した場合のためにいくつかのヒントがあります: +

+ +


+ +
  • + 入力がリファレンス(音声またはテキストプロンプト)とトーン、非言語的な手がかり、
    + 長さなどで密接に一致していることを確認してください。 +
  • + +
  • + 音声が長すぎるが入力が短すぎる場合、話速が遅くなります。その逆もまた同様です。 +
  • + +
  • + アルファ、ベータ、および埋め込みスケールのパラメータを試行錯誤してください。Diffusionサンプラーは
    + 非決定的なので、満足のいく出力が得られない場合は何度か再生成してください。 +
  • + +
  • + データセット内の話者の分布と表現力の分布は品質に大きく影響します。
    + すべての話者で必ずしも完璧な結果が得られるわけではありません。 +
  • + +
  • + 句読点は重要です。たとえな、「!」を使えば、スタイルのインテンシティが上がります。 +
  • + +
  • + すべての話者が平等に表現されているわけではありません。少ない表現の話者や
    + 分布外の入力はアーティファクトを生じさせる可能性があります。 +
  • + +
  • + Diffusionサンプラーが機能しているが、データセット内で特定の表現(例:極度の怒り)がない場合、
    + Diffusionサンプラーのパラメータを引き上げ、サンプラーにすべてを任せてください。ただし、それにより
    + 話者の類似性が低下する可能性があります。この問題を理想的に解決する方法は、ある話者から別の話者に
    + 感情を転送し新しいベクトルを作成することですが、ここではできません。 +
  • + +
  • + 音声ベースのインフレンスには、トレーニングデータの一部としてMoe-speechデータセットの一部を含む
    + litaginの素晴らしいデータセットを使用できます。 +
  • + +
  • + たまには音素の調整が必要になる場合もあります。バックエンドではcutletを使っているのですが、
    + いくつかのOODマッピングがcutletと相性が良くないみたいです。 +
  • +
+ +""" +with gr.Blocks() as read_me: + with gr.Row(): + with gr.Column(scale=1): + gr.Markdown(notes) + +with gr.Blocks() as read_me_jp: + with gr.Row(): + with gr.Column(scale=1): + gr.Markdown(notes_jp) + + +custom_css = """ +.tab-label { + color: #FFD700 !important; +} +""" + + + + +with gr.Blocks(title="Tsukasa 司", css=custom_css + "footer{display:none !important}", theme="Respair/Shiki@1.2.2") as demo: + # gr.DuplicateButton("Duplicate Space") + gr.Markdown(INTROTXT) + + + gr.TabbedInterface([longform, audio_inf, prompt_inference, read_me, read_me_jp], + ['Kotodama Text Inference', 'Voice-guided Inference','Prompt-guided Inference [Highly Experimental - not optimized]', 'Read Me! [English]', 'Read Me! [日本語]']) + +if __name__ == "__main__": + demo.queue(api_open=False, max_size=15).launch(show_api=False, share=True) diff --git a/app_tsumugi.py b/app_tsumugi.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec95d7de6b3dfdb264c03f7e238cacd5b03dffb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app_tsumugi.py @@ -0,0 +1,645 @@ +INTROTXT = """# +Repo -> [Hugging Face - 🤗](https://huggingface.co/Respair/Project_Kanade_SpeechModel) +This space uses Tsukasa (24khz). +**Check the Read me tabs down below.**
+Enjoy! +""" +import gradio as gr +import random +import importable +import torch +import os +from Utils.phonemize.mixed_phon import smart_phonemize +import numpy as np +import pickle +import re + +def is_japanese(text): + if not text: # Handle empty string + return False + + # Define ranges for Japanese characters + japanese_ranges = [ + (0x3040, 0x309F), # Hiragana + (0x30A0, 0x30FF), # Katakana + (0x4E00, 0x9FFF), # Kanji + (0x3000, 0x303F), # Japanese punctuation and symbols + (0xFF00, 0xFFEF), # Full-width characters + ] + + # Define range for Latin alphabets + latin_alphabet_ranges = [ + (0x0041, 0x005A), # Uppercase Latin + (0x0061, 0x007A), # Lowercase Latin + ] + + # Define symbols to skip + symbols_to_skip = {'\'', '*', '!', '?', ',', '.', ':', ';', '-', '_', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '"'} + + for char in text: + if char.isspace() or char in symbols_to_skip: # Skip spaces and specified symbols + continue + + char_code = ord(char) + + # Check if the character is a Latin alphabet + is_latin_char = False + for start, end in latin_alphabet_ranges: + if start <= char_code <= end: + is_latin_char = True + break + + if is_latin_char: + return False # Return False if a Latin alphabet character is found + + # Check if the character is a Japanese character + is_japanese_char = False + for start, end in japanese_ranges: + if start <= char_code <= end: + is_japanese_char = True + break + + if not is_japanese_char: + return False + + return True + + + +voices = {} +example_texts = {} +prompts = [] +inputs = [] + + +theme = gr.themes.Base( + font=[gr.themes.GoogleFont('Libre Franklin'), gr.themes.GoogleFont('Public Sans'), 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'], +) + +from Modules.diffusion.sampler import DiffusionSampler, ADPM2Sampler, KarrasSchedule + +voicelist = [v for v in os.listdir("/home/ubuntu/Kanade_Project/gradio/Tsukasa_Speech/reference_sample_wavs")] + + + +for v in voicelist: + voices[v] = f'reference_sample_wavs/{v}' + + +with open(f'Inference/random_texts.txt', 'r') as r: + random_texts = [line.strip() for line in r] + + example_texts = {f"{text[:30]}...": text for text in random_texts} + +def update_text_input(preview): + + return example_texts[preview] + +def get_random_text(): + return random.choice(random_texts) + + + +with open('Inference/prompt.txt', 'r') as p: + prompts = [line.strip() for line in p] + +with open('Inference/input_for_prompt.txt', 'r') as i: + inputs = [line.strip() for line in i] + + +last_idx = None + +def get_random_prompt_pair(): + global last_idx + max_idx = min(len(prompts), len(inputs)) - 1 + + + random_idx = random.randint(0, max_idx) + while random_idx == last_idx: + random_idx = random.randint(0, max_idx) + + last_idx = random_idx + return inputs[random_idx], prompts[random_idx] + +def Synthesize_Audio(text, voice, voice2, vcsteps, embscale, alpha, beta, ros, progress=gr.Progress()): + + + text = smart_phonemize(text) + + + if voice2 is not None: + voice2 = {"path": voice2, "meta": {"_type": "gradio.FileData"}} + print(voice2) + voice_style = importable.compute_style_through_clip(voice2['path']) + + else: + voice_style = importable.compute_style_through_clip(voices[voice]) + + wav = importable.inference( + text, + voice_style, + alpha=alpha, + beta=beta, + diffusion_steps=vcsteps, + embedding_scale=embscale, + rate_of_speech=ros + ) + + return (24000, wav) + + +def LongformSynth_Text(text, s_prev=None, Kotodama=None, alpha=.0, beta=0, t=.8, diffusion_steps=5, embedding_scale=1, rate_of_speech=1.): + + japanese = text + + # raw_jpn = japanese[japanese.find(":") + 2:] + # speaker = japanese[:japanese.find(":") + 2] + + + if ":" in japanese[:10]: + raw_jpn = japanese[japanese.find(":") + 2:] + speaker = japanese[:japanese.find(":") + 2] + else: + raw_jpn = japanese + speaker = "" + + sentences = importable.sent_tokenizer.tokenize(raw_jpn) + sentences = importable.merging_sentences(sentences) + + + # if is_japanese(raw_jpn): + # kotodama_prompt = kotodama_prompt + + + # else: + # kotodama_prompt = speaker + importable.p2g(smart_phonemize(raw_jpn)) + # print('kimia activated! the converted text is: ', kotodama_prompt) + + + + silence = 24000 * 0.5 # 500 ms of silence between outputs for a more natural transition + # sentences = sent_tokenize(text) + print(sentences) + wavs = [] + s_prev = None + for text in sentences: + + text_input = smart_phonemize(text) + print('phonemes -> ', text_input) + + if is_japanese(text): + kotodama_prompt = text + + + else: + kotodama_prompt = importable.p2g(smart_phonemize(text)) + kotodama_prompt = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', kotodama_prompt).strip() + print('kimia activated! the converted text is:\n ', kotodama_prompt) + + + + Kotodama = importable.Kotodama_Sampler(importable.model, text=speaker + kotodama_prompt, device=importable.device) + + wav, s_prev = importable.Longform(text_input, + s_prev, + Kotodama, + alpha = alpha, + beta = beta, + t = t, + diffusion_steps=diffusion_steps, embedding_scale=embedding_scale, rate_of_speech=rate_of_speech) + wavs.append(wav) + wavs.append(np.zeros(int(silence))) + + print('Synthesized: ') + return (24000, np.concatenate(wavs)) + + + +def Inference_Synth_Prompt(text, description, Kotodama, alpha, beta, diffusion_steps, embedding_scale, rate_of_speech , progress=gr.Progress()): + + if is_japanese(text): + text = text + + + else: + text = importable.p2g(smart_phonemize(text)) + + print('kimia activated! the converted text is: ', text) + + + prompt = f"""{description} \n text: {text}""" + + print('prompt ->: ', prompt) + + text = smart_phonemize(text) + + print('phonemes ->: ', text) + + Kotodama = importable.Kotodama_Prompter(importable.model, text=prompt, device=importable.device) + + wav = importable.inference(text, + Kotodama, + alpha = alpha, + beta = beta, + diffusion_steps=diffusion_steps, embedding_scale=embedding_scale, rate_of_speech=rate_of_speech) + + wav = importable.trim_long_silences(wav) + + + print('Synthesized: ') + return (24000, wav) + +with gr.Blocks() as audio_inf: + with gr.Row(): + with gr.Column(scale=1): + inp = gr.Textbox(label="Text", info="Enter the text", value="きみの存在は、私の心の中で燃える小さな光のよう。きみがいない時、世界は白黒の写真みたいに寂しくて、何も輝いてない。きみの笑顔だけが、私の灰色の日々に色を塗ってくれる。離れてる時間は、めちゃくちゃ長く感じられて、きみへの想いは風船みたいにどんどん膨らんでいく。きみなしの世界なんて、想像できないよ。", interactive=True, scale=5) + voice = gr.Dropdown(voicelist, label="Voice", info="Select a default voice.", value=voicelist[5], interactive=True) + voice_2 = gr.Audio(label="Upload your own Audio", interactive=True, type='filepath', max_length=300, waveform_options={'waveform_color': '#a3ffc3', 'waveform_progress_color': '#e972ab'}) + + with gr.Accordion("Advanced Parameters", open=False): + + alpha = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.0, step=0.1, label="Alpha", info="a Diffusion sampler parameter handling the timbre, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", interactive=True) + beta = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.0, step=0.1, label="Beta", info="a Diffusion sampler parameter, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", interactive=True) + multispeakersteps = gr.Slider(minimum=3, maximum=15, value=5, step=1, label="Diffusion Steps", interactive=True) + embscale = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=5, value=1, step=0.1, label="Intensity", info="will impact the expressiveness, if you raise it too much it'll break.", interactive=True) + rate_of_speech = gr.Slider(minimum=0.5, maximum=2, value=1, step=0.1, label="Rate of Speech", info="Higher -> Faster", interactive=True) + + with gr.Column(scale=1): + btn = gr.Button("Synthesize", variant="primary") + audio = gr.Audio(interactive=False, label="Synthesized Audio", waveform_options={'waveform_color': '#a3ffc3', 'waveform_progress_color': '#e972ab'}) + btn.click(Synthesize_Audio, inputs=[inp, voice, voice_2, multispeakersteps, embscale, alpha, beta, rate_of_speech], outputs=[audio], concurrency_limit=4) + +# Kotodama Text sampler Synthesis Block +with gr.Blocks() as longform: + with gr.Row(): + with gr.Column(scale=1): + inp_longform = gr.Textbox( + label="Text", + info="Enter the text [Speaker: Text] | Also works without any name.", + value=list(example_texts.values())[0], + interactive=True, + scale=5 + ) + + with gr.Row(): + example_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( + choices=list(example_texts.keys()), + label="Example Texts [pick one!]", + value=list(example_texts.keys())[0], + interactive=True + ) + + example_dropdown.change( + fn=update_text_input, + inputs=[example_dropdown], + outputs=[inp_longform] + ) + + with gr.Accordion("Advanced Parameters", open=False): + + alpha_longform = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.0, step=0.1, + label="Alpha", + info="a Diffusion parameter handling the timbre, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", + interactive=True) + beta_longform = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.0, step=0.1, + label="Beta", + info="a Diffusion parameter, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", + interactive=True) + diffusion_steps_longform = gr.Slider(minimum=3, maximum=15, value=10, step=1, + label="Diffusion Steps", + interactive=True) + embedding_scale_longform = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=5, value=1.25, step=0.1, + label="Intensity", + info="a Diffusion parameter, it will impact the expressiveness, if you raise it too much it'll break.", + interactive=True) + + rate_of_speech_longform = gr.Slider(minimum=0.5, maximum=2, value=1, step=0.1, + label="Rate of Speech", + info="Higher = Faster", + interactive=True) + + with gr.Column(scale=1): + btn_longform = gr.Button("Synthesize", variant="primary") + audio_longform = gr.Audio(interactive=False, + label="Synthesized Audio", + waveform_options={'waveform_color': '#a3ffc3', 'waveform_progress_color': '#e972ab'}) + + btn_longform.click(LongformSynth_Text, + inputs=[inp_longform, + gr.State(None), # s_prev + gr.State(None), # Kotodama + alpha_longform, + beta_longform, + gr.State(.8), # t parameter + diffusion_steps_longform, + embedding_scale_longform, + rate_of_speech_longform], + outputs=[audio_longform], + concurrency_limit=4) + +# Kotodama prompt sampler Inference Block +with gr.Blocks() as prompt_inference: + with gr.Row(): + with gr.Column(scale=1): + text_prompt = gr.Textbox( + label="Text", + info="Enter the text to synthesize. This text will also be fed to the encoder. Make sure to see the Read Me for more details!", + value=inputs[0], + interactive=True, + scale=5 + ) + description_prompt = gr.Textbox( + label="Description", + info="Enter a highly detailed, descriptive prompt that matches the vibe of your text to guide the synthesis.", + value=prompts[0], + interactive=True, + scale=7 + ) + + with gr.Row(): + random_btn = gr.Button('Random Example', variant='secondary') + + with gr.Accordion("Advanced Parameters", open=True): + embedding_scale_prompt = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=5, value=1, step=0.25, + label="Intensity", + info="it will impact the expressiveness, if you raise it too much it'll break.", + interactive=True) + alpha_prompt = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.0, step=0.1, + label="Alpha", + info="a Diffusion sampler parameter handling the timbre, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", + interactive=True) + beta_prompt = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.0, step=0.1, + label="Beta", + info="a Diffusion sampler parameter, higher means less affected by the reference | 0 = diffusion is disabled", + interactive=True) + diffusion_steps_prompt = gr.Slider(minimum=3, maximum=15, value=10, step=1, + label="Diffusion Steps", + interactive=True) + rate_of_speech_prompt = gr.Slider(minimum=0.5, maximum=2, value=1, step=0.1, + label="Rate of Speech", + info="Higher = Faster", + interactive=True) + with gr.Column(scale=1): + btn_prompt = gr.Button("Synthesize with Prompt", variant="primary") + audio_prompt = gr.Audio(interactive=False, + label="Prompt-based Synthesized Audio", + waveform_options={'waveform_color': '#a3ffc3', 'waveform_progress_color': '#e972ab'}) + + + random_btn.click( + fn=get_random_prompt_pair, + inputs=[], + outputs=[text_prompt, description_prompt] + ) + + btn_prompt.click(Inference_Synth_Prompt, + inputs=[text_prompt, + description_prompt, + gr.State(None), + alpha_prompt, + beta_prompt, + diffusion_steps_prompt, + embedding_scale_prompt, + rate_of_speech_prompt], + outputs=[audio_prompt], + concurrency_limit=4) + +notes = """ +


+ +

+This work is somewhat different from your typical speech model. It offers a high degree of control
+over the generation process, which means it's easy to inadvertently produce unimpressive outputs. +

+ +

+Kotodama and the Diffusion sampler can significantly help guide the generation towards
+something that aligns with your input, but they aren't foolproof. +

+ +

+The model's peak performance is achieved when the Diffusion sampler and Kotodama work seamlessly together.
+However, we won't see that level of performance here because this checkpoint is somewhat undertrained
+due to my time and resource constraints. (Tsumugi should be better in this regard,
+albeit if the diffusion works at all on your hardware.)
+Hopefully, you can further fine-tune this model (or train from scratch) to achieve even better results! +

+ +

+The prompt encoder is also highly experimental and should be treated as a proof of concept. Due to the
+overwhelming ratio of female to male speakers and the wide variation in both speakers and their expressions,
+the prompt encoder may occasionally produce subpar or contradicting outputs. For example, high expressiveness alongside
+high pitch has been associated with females speakers simply because I had orders of magnitude more of them in the dataset.

+ +

+A useful note about the voice design and prompting:
\n +The vibe of the dialogue impacts the generated voice since the Japanese dialogue
+and the prompts were jointly trained. This is a peculiar feature of the Japanese lanuage.
+For example if you use 俺 (ore)、僕(boku) or your input is overall masculine
+you may get a guy's voice, even if you describe it as female in the prompt.
\n +The Japanese text that is fed to the prompt doesn't necessarily have to be
+the same as your input, but we can't do it in this demo
+to not make the page too convoluted. In a real world scenario, you can just use a
+prompt with a suitable Japanese text to guide the model, get the style
+then move on to apply it to whatever dialogue you wish your model to speak.
+ + +


+The pitch information in my data was accurately calculated, but it only works in comparison to the other speakers
+so you may find a deep pitch may not be exactly too deep; although it actually is
+when you compare it to others within the same data, also some of the gender labels
+are inaccurate since we used a model to annotate them.
\n +The main goal of this inference method is to demonstrate that style can be mapped to description's embeddings
+yielding reasonably good results. +

+ +

+Overall, I'm confident that with a bit of experimentation, you can achieve reasonbaly good results.
+The model should work well out of the box 90% of the time without the need for extensive tweaking.
+However, here are some tips in case you encounter issues: +

+ +


+ +
  • + Ensure that your input closely matches your reference (audio or text prompt) in terms of tone,
    + non-verbal cues, duration, etc. +
  • + +
  • + If your audio is too long but the input is too short, the speech rate will be slow, and vice versa. +
  • + +
  • + Experiment with the alpha, beta, and Intensity parameters. The Diffusion
    + sampler is non-deterministic, so regenerate a few times if you're not satisfied with the output. +
  • + +
  • + The speaker's share and expressive distribution in the dataset significantly impact the quality;
    + you won't necessarily get perfect results with all speakers. +
  • + +
  • + Punctuation is very important, for example if you add «!» mark it will raise the voice or make it more intense. +
  • + +
  • + Not all speakers are equal. Less represented speakers or out-of-distribution inputs may result
    + in artifacts. +
  • + +
  • + If the Diffusion sampler works but the speaker didn't have a certain expression (e.g., extreme anger)
    + in the dataset, try raising the diffusion sampler's parameters and let it handle everything. Though
    + it may result in less speaker similarity, the ideal way to handle this is to cook new vectors by
    + transferring an emotion from one speaker to another. But you can't do that in this space. +
  • + +
  • + For voice-based inference, you can use litagin's awesome Moe-speech dataset,
    + as part of the training data includes a portion of that. +
  • + +
  • + you may also want to tweak the phonemes if you're going for something wild.
    + i have used cutlet in the backend, but that doesn't seem to like some of my mappings. +
  • + + +
+""" + + +notes_jp = """ +


+ +

+比較的にクオリティーの低い出力を生成してしまうことが容易です。 +

+ +

+万全というわけではありません。 +

+ +

+おそらく、このモデルをさらにFinetuningする(または最初からTrainする)ことで、より良い結果が得られるでしょう。 +

+ +_____________________________________________
\n +音声デザインとプロンプトに関する有用なメモ:
+ +_____________________________________________
\n + +

+スタイルベクトルを記述にマッピングし、合理的に良い結果を得ることにあります。 +

+ +

+そのままでうまく動作するはずです。しかし、問題が発生した場合のためにいくつかのヒントがあります: +

+ +


+ +
  • + 入力がリファレンス(音声またはテキストプロンプト)とトーン、非言語的な手がかり、
    + 長さなどで密接に一致していることを確認してください。 +
  • + +
  • + 音声が長すぎるが入力が短すぎる場合、話速が遅くなります。その逆もまた同様です。 +
  • + +
  • + アルファ、ベータ、および埋め込みスケールのパラメータを試行錯誤してください。Diffusionサンプラーは
    + 非決定的なので、満足のいく出力が得られない場合は何度か再生成してください。 +
  • + +
  • + データセット内の話者の分布と表現力の分布は品質に大きく影響します。
    + すべての話者で必ずしも完璧な結果が得られるわけではありません。 +
  • + +
  • + 句読点は重要です。たとえな、「!」を使えば、スタイルのインテンシティが上がります。 +
  • + +
  • + すべての話者が平等に表現されているわけではありません。少ない表現の話者や
    + 分布外の入力はアーティファクトを生じさせる可能性があります。 +
  • + +
  • + Diffusionサンプラーが機能しているが、データセット内で特定の表現(例:極度の怒り)がない場合、
    + Diffusionサンプラーのパラメータを引き上げ、サンプラーにすべてを任せてください。ただし、それにより
    + 話者の類似性が低下する可能性があります。この問題を理想的に解決する方法は、ある話者から別の話者に
    + 感情を転送し新しいベクトルを作成することですが、ここではできません。 +
  • + +
  • + 音声ベースのインフレンスには、トレーニングデータの一部としてMoe-speechデータセットの一部を含む
    + litaginの素晴らしいデータセットを使用できます。 +
  • + +
  • + たまには音素の調整が必要になる場合もあります。バックエンドではcutletを使っているのですが、
    + いくつかのOODマッピングがcutletと相性が良くないみたいです。 +
  • +
+ +""" +with gr.Blocks() as read_me: + with gr.Row(): + with gr.Column(scale=1): + gr.Markdown(notes) + +with gr.Blocks() as read_me_jp: + with gr.Row(): + with gr.Column(scale=1): + gr.Markdown(notes_jp) + + +custom_css = """ +.tab-label { + color: #FFD700 !important; +} +""" + + + + +with gr.Blocks(title="Tsukasa 司", css=custom_css + "footer{display:none !important}", theme="Respair/Shiki@1.2.1") as demo: + # gr.DuplicateButton("Duplicate Space") + gr.Markdown(INTROTXT) + + + gr.TabbedInterface([longform, audio_inf, prompt_inference, read_me, read_me_jp], + ['Kotodama Text Inference', 'Voice-guided Inference','Prompt-guided Inference [Highly Experimental - not optimized]', 'Read Me! [English]', 'Read Me! [日本語]']) + +if __name__ == "__main__": + demo.queue(api_open=False, max_size=15).launch(show_api=False, share=True) diff --git a/importable.py b/importable.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa3ca5a27a45b4e4793101e1dd95b8c9c7c7e171 --- /dev/null +++ b/importable.py @@ -0,0 +1,423 @@ +print("NLTK") +import nltk +nltk.download('punkt') +print("SCIPY") +from scipy.io.wavfile import write +print("TORCH STUFF") +import torch +print("START") +torch.manual_seed(0) +torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False +torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True + + +# os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" +# import torch +# print(torch.cuda.device_count()) +import IPython.display as ipd +import os +os.environ['CUDA_HOME'] = '/home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/respair/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/lib/include/cuda' +import torch +torch.manual_seed(0) +torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False +torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True + +import random +random.seed(0) + +import numpy as np +np.random.seed(0) + +# load packages +from text_utils import TextCleaner +textclenaer = TextCleaner() + + +def length_to_mask(lengths): + mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths) + mask = torch.gt(mask+1, lengths.unsqueeze(1)) + return mask + + + + +import time +import random +import yaml +from munch import Munch +import numpy as np +import torch +from torch import nn +import torch.nn.functional as F +import torchaudio +import librosa +from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize + +from models import * +from Modules.KotoDama_sampler import tokenizer_koto_prompt, tokenizer_koto_text +from utils import * + +import nltk +nltk.download('punkt_tab') + +from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize + +from konoha import SentenceTokenizer + + +sent_tokenizer = SentenceTokenizer() + +# %matplotlib inline +to_mel = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram( + n_mels=80, n_fft=2048, win_length=1200, hop_length=300) +mean, std = -4, 4 + + +def preprocess(wave): + wave_tensor = torch.from_numpy(wave).float() + mel_tensor = to_mel(wave_tensor) + mel_tensor = (torch.log(1e-5 + mel_tensor.unsqueeze(0)) - mean) / std + return mel_tensor + +def compute_style_through_clip(path): + wave, sr = librosa.load(path, sr=24000) + audio, index = librosa.effects.trim(wave, top_db=30) + if sr != 24000: + audio = librosa.resample(audio, sr, 24000) + mel_tensor = preprocess(audio).to(device) + + with torch.no_grad(): + ref_s = model.style_encoder(mel_tensor.unsqueeze(1)) + ref_p = model.predictor_encoder(mel_tensor.unsqueeze(1)) + + return torch.cat([ref_s, ref_p], dim=1) + + +def Kotodama_Prompter(model, text, device): + + with torch.no_grad(): + style = model.KotoDama_Prompt(**tokenizer_koto_prompt(text, return_tensors="pt").to(device))['logits'] + return style + +def Kotodama_Sampler(model, text, device): + + with torch.no_grad(): + style = model.KotoDama_Text(**tokenizer_koto_text(text, return_tensors="pt").to(device))['logits'] + return style + + +device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' + +config = yaml.safe_load(open("Configs/config_kanade.yml")) + +# load pretrained ASR model +ASR_config = config.get('ASR_config', False) +ASR_path = config.get('ASR_path', False) +text_aligner = load_ASR_models(ASR_path, ASR_config) + + +KotoDama_Prompter = load_KotoDama_Prompter(path="Utils/KTD/prompt_enc/checkpoint-73285") +KotoDama_TextSampler = load_KotoDama_TextSampler(path="Utils/KTD/text_enc/checkpoint-22680") + +# load pretrained F0 model +F0_path = config.get('F0_path', False) +pitch_extractor = load_F0_models(F0_path) + +# load BERT model +from Utils.PLBERT.util import load_plbert +BERT_path = config.get('PLBERT_dir', False) +plbert = load_plbert(BERT_path) + +model_params = recursive_munch(config['model_params']) +model = build_model(model_params, text_aligner, pitch_extractor, plbert, KotoDama_Prompter, KotoDama_TextSampler) +_ = [model[key].eval() for key in model] +_ = [model[key].to(device) for key in model] + +params_whole = torch.load("Models/Style_Tsukasa_v02/Top_ckpt_24khz.pth", map_location='cpu') +params = params_whole['net'] + + +for key in model: + if key in params: + print('%s loaded' % key) + try: + model[key].load_state_dict(params[key]) + except: + from collections import OrderedDict + state_dict = params[key] + new_state_dict = OrderedDict() + for k, v in state_dict.items(): + name = k[7:] # remove `module.` + new_state_dict[name] = v + # load params + model[key].load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=False) +# except: +# _load(params[key], model[key]) + + +_ = [model[key].eval() for key in model] + + +from Modules.diffusion.sampler import DiffusionSampler, ADPM2Sampler, KarrasSchedule +diffusion_sampler = DiffusionSampler( + model.diffusion.diffusion, + sampler=ADPM2Sampler(), + sigma_schedule=KarrasSchedule(sigma_min=0.0001, sigma_max=3.0, rho=9.0), # empirical parameters + clamp=False +) + +def inference(text=None, ref_s=None, alpha = 0.3, beta = 0.7, diffusion_steps=5, embedding_scale=1, rate_of_speech=1.): + + tokens = textclenaer(text) + tokens.insert(0, 0) + tokens = torch.LongTensor(tokens).to(device).unsqueeze(0) + + with torch.no_grad(): + input_lengths = torch.LongTensor([tokens.shape[-1]]).to(device) + + text_mask = length_to_mask(input_lengths).to(device) + + t_en = model.text_encoder(tokens, input_lengths, text_mask) + bert_dur = model.bert(tokens, attention_mask=(~text_mask).int()) + d_en = model.bert_encoder(bert_dur).transpose(-1, -2) + + + + s_pred = diffusion_sampler(noise = torch.randn((1, 256)).unsqueeze(1).to(device), + embedding=bert_dur, + embedding_scale=embedding_scale, + features=ref_s, # reference from the same speaker as the embedding + num_steps=diffusion_steps).squeeze(1) + + + s = s_pred[:, 128:] + ref = s_pred[:, :128] + + ref = alpha * ref + (1 - alpha) * ref_s[:, :128] + s = beta * s + (1 - beta) * ref_s[:, 128:] + + d = model.predictor.text_encoder(d_en, + s, input_lengths, text_mask) + + + + x = model.predictor.lstm(d) + x_mod = model.predictor.prepare_projection(x) + duration = model.predictor.duration_proj(x_mod) + + + duration = torch.sigmoid(duration).sum(axis=-1) / rate_of_speech + + pred_dur = torch.round(duration.squeeze()).clamp(min=1) + + + + pred_aln_trg = torch.zeros(input_lengths, int(pred_dur.sum().data)) + + c_frame = 0 + for i in range(pred_aln_trg.size(0)): + pred_aln_trg[i, c_frame:c_frame + int(pred_dur[i].data)] = 1 + c_frame += int(pred_dur[i].data) + + # encode prosody + en = (d.transpose(-1, -2) @ pred_aln_trg.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) + + + + F0_pred, N_pred = model.predictor.F0Ntrain(en, s) + + asr = (t_en @ pred_aln_trg.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) + + + out = model.decoder(asr, + F0_pred, N_pred, ref.squeeze().unsqueeze(0)) + + + return out.squeeze().cpu().numpy()[..., :-50] + + +def Longform(text, s_prev, ref_s, alpha = 0.3, beta = 0.7, t = 0.7, diffusion_steps=5, embedding_scale=1, rate_of_speech=1.0): + + + tokens = textclenaer(text) + tokens.insert(0, 0) + tokens = torch.LongTensor(tokens).to(device).unsqueeze(0) + + with torch.no_grad(): + input_lengths = torch.LongTensor([tokens.shape[-1]]).to(device) + text_mask = length_to_mask(input_lengths).to(device) + + t_en = model.text_encoder(tokens, input_lengths, text_mask) + bert_dur = model.bert(tokens, attention_mask=(~text_mask).int()) + d_en = model.bert_encoder(bert_dur).transpose(-1, -2) + + s_pred = diffusion_sampler(noise = torch.randn((1, 256)).unsqueeze(1).to(device), + embedding=bert_dur, + embedding_scale=embedding_scale, + features=ref_s, + num_steps=diffusion_steps).squeeze(1) + + if s_prev is not None: + # convex combination of previous and current style + s_pred = t * s_prev + (1 - t) * s_pred + + s = s_pred[:, 128:] + ref = s_pred[:, :128] + + ref = alpha * ref + (1 - alpha) * ref_s[:, :128] + s = beta * s + (1 - beta) * ref_s[:, 128:] + + s_pred = torch.cat([ref, s], dim=-1) + + d = model.predictor.text_encoder(d_en, + s, input_lengths, text_mask) + + x = model.predictor.lstm(d) + x_mod = model.predictor.prepare_projection(x) # 640 -> 512 + duration = model.predictor.duration_proj(x_mod) + + duration = torch.sigmoid(duration).sum(axis=-1) / rate_of_speech + pred_dur = torch.round(duration.squeeze()).clamp(min=1) + + + pred_aln_trg = torch.zeros(input_lengths, int(pred_dur.sum().data)) + c_frame = 0 + for i in range(pred_aln_trg.size(0)): + pred_aln_trg[i, c_frame:c_frame + int(pred_dur[i].data)] = 1 + c_frame += int(pred_dur[i].data) + + # encode prosody + en = (d.transpose(-1, -2) @ pred_aln_trg.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) + + F0_pred, N_pred = model.predictor.F0Ntrain(en, s) + + asr = (t_en @ pred_aln_trg.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) + + out = model.decoder(asr, + F0_pred, N_pred, ref.squeeze().unsqueeze(0)) + + + return out.squeeze().cpu().numpy()[..., :-100], s_pred + + + +def trim_long_silences(wav_data, sample_rate=24000, silence_threshold=0.01, min_silence_duration=0.8): + + + min_silence_samples = int(min_silence_duration * sample_rate) + + + envelope = np.abs(wav_data) + + + silence_mask = envelope < silence_threshold + + + silence_changes = np.diff(silence_mask.astype(int)) + silence_starts = np.where(silence_changes == 1)[0] + 1 + silence_ends = np.where(silence_changes == -1)[0] + 1 + + + if silence_mask[0]: + silence_starts = np.concatenate(([0], silence_starts)) + if silence_mask[-1]: + silence_ends = np.concatenate((silence_ends, [len(wav_data)])) + + + if len(silence_starts) == 0 or len(silence_ends) == 0: + return wav_data + + processed_segments = [] + last_end = 0 + + for start, end in zip(silence_starts, silence_ends): + + processed_segments.append(wav_data[last_end:start]) + + + silence_duration = end - start + + if silence_duration > min_silence_samples: + + silence_segment = np.zeros(min_silence_samples) + + fade_samples = min(1000, min_silence_samples // 4) + fade_in = np.linspace(0, 1, fade_samples) + fade_out = np.linspace(1, 0, fade_samples) + silence_segment[:fade_samples] *= fade_in + silence_segment[-fade_samples:] *= fade_out + processed_segments.append(silence_segment) + else: + + processed_segments.append(wav_data[start:end]) + + last_end = end + + + if last_end < len(wav_data): + processed_segments.append(wav_data[last_end:]) + + + return np.concatenate(processed_segments) + + +def merge_short_elements(lst): + i = 0 + while i < len(lst): + if i > 0 and len(lst[i]) < 10: + lst[i-1] += ' ' + lst[i] + lst.pop(i) + else: + i += 1 + return lst + + +def merge_three(text_list, maxim=2): + + merged_list = [] + for i in range(0, len(text_list), maxim): + merged_text = ' '.join(text_list[i:i+maxim]) + merged_list.append(merged_text) + return merged_list + + +def merging_sentences(lst): + return merge_three(merge_short_elements(lst)) + + +import os + + +from openai import OpenAI + + +openai_api_key = "EMPTY" +openai_api_base = "http://localhost:8000/v1" + +client = OpenAI( + api_key=openai_api_key, + base_url=openai_api_base, +) + +model_name = "Respair/Japanese_Phoneme_to_Grapheme_LLM" + + +def p2g(param): + + chat_response = client.chat.completions.create( + + model=model_name, + max_tokens=512, + temperature=0.1, + + + messages=[ + + {"role": "user", "content": f"convert this pronunciation back to normal japanese if you see one, otherwise copy the same thing: {param}"}] + ) + + result = chat_response.choices[0].message.content + # if "  " in result: + # result = result.replace("  "," ") + + return result.lstrip() \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/losses.py b/losses.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..135807afaf698162e3d5bb577072246f5835ae80 --- /dev/null +++ b/losses.py @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +import torch +from torch import nn +import torch.nn.functional as F +import torchaudio +from transformers import AutoModel + + +class SpectralConvergengeLoss(torch.nn.Module): + """Spectral convergence loss module.""" + + def __init__(self): + """Initilize spectral convergence loss module.""" + super(SpectralConvergengeLoss, self).__init__() + + def forward(self, x_mag, y_mag): + """Calculate forward propagation. + Args: + x_mag (Tensor): Magnitude spectrogram of predicted signal (B, #frames, #freq_bins). + y_mag (Tensor): Magnitude spectrogram of groundtruth signal (B, #frames, #freq_bins). + Returns: + Tensor: Spectral convergence loss value. + """ + return torch.norm(y_mag - x_mag, p=1) / torch.norm(y_mag, p=1) + + +class STFTLoss(torch.nn.Module): + """STFT loss module.""" + + def __init__( + self, fft_size=1024, shift_size=120, win_length=600, window=torch.hann_window + ): + """Initialize STFT loss module.""" + super(STFTLoss, self).__init__() + self.fft_size = fft_size + self.shift_size = shift_size + self.win_length = win_length + self.to_mel = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram( + sample_rate=24000, + n_fft=fft_size, + win_length=win_length, + hop_length=shift_size, + window_fn=window, + ) + + self.spectral_convergenge_loss = SpectralConvergengeLoss() + + def forward(self, x, y): + """Calculate forward propagation. + Args: + x (Tensor): Predicted signal (B, T). + y (Tensor): Groundtruth signal (B, T). + Returns: + Tensor: Spectral convergence loss value. + Tensor: Log STFT magnitude loss value. + """ + x_mag = self.to_mel(x) + mean, std = -4, 4 + x_mag = (torch.log(1e-5 + x_mag) - mean) / std + + y_mag = self.to_mel(y) + mean, std = -4, 4 + y_mag = (torch.log(1e-5 + y_mag) - mean) / std + + sc_loss = self.spectral_convergenge_loss(x_mag, y_mag) + return sc_loss + + +class MultiResolutionSTFTLoss(torch.nn.Module): + """Multi resolution STFT loss module.""" + + def __init__( + self, + fft_sizes=[1024, 2048, 512], + hop_sizes=[120, 240, 50], + win_lengths=[600, 1200, 240], + window=torch.hann_window, + ): + """Initialize Multi resolution STFT loss module. + Args: + fft_sizes (list): List of FFT sizes. + hop_sizes (list): List of hop sizes. + win_lengths (list): List of window lengths. + window (str): Window function type. + """ + super(MultiResolutionSTFTLoss, self).__init__() + assert len(fft_sizes) == len(hop_sizes) == len(win_lengths) + self.stft_losses = torch.nn.ModuleList() + for fs, ss, wl in zip(fft_sizes, hop_sizes, win_lengths): + self.stft_losses += [STFTLoss(fs, ss, wl, window)] + + def forward(self, x, y): + """Calculate forward propagation. + Args: + x (Tensor): Predicted signal (B, T). + y (Tensor): Groundtruth signal (B, T). + Returns: + Tensor: Multi resolution spectral convergence loss value. + Tensor: Multi resolution log STFT magnitude loss value. + """ + sc_loss = 0.0 + for f in self.stft_losses: + sc_l = f(x, y) + sc_loss += sc_l + sc_loss /= len(self.stft_losses) + + return sc_loss + + +def feature_loss(fmap_r, fmap_g): + loss = 0 + for dr, dg in zip(fmap_r, fmap_g): + for rl, gl in zip(dr, dg): + loss += torch.mean(torch.abs(rl - gl)) + + return loss * 2 + + +def discriminator_loss(disc_real_outputs, disc_generated_outputs): + loss = 0 + r_losses = [] + g_losses = [] + for dr, dg in zip(disc_real_outputs, disc_generated_outputs): + r_loss = torch.mean((1 - dr) ** 2) + g_loss = torch.mean(dg**2) + loss += r_loss + g_loss + r_losses.append(r_loss.item()) + g_losses.append(g_loss.item()) + + return loss, r_losses, g_losses + + +def generator_loss(disc_outputs): + loss = 0 + gen_losses = [] + for dg in disc_outputs: + l = torch.mean((1 - dg) ** 2) + gen_losses.append(l) + loss += l + + return loss, gen_losses + + +""" https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3573834.3574506 """ + + +def discriminator_TPRLS_loss(disc_real_outputs, disc_generated_outputs): + loss = 0 + for dr, dg in zip(disc_real_outputs, disc_generated_outputs): + tau = 0.04 + m_DG = torch.median((dr - dg)) + L_rel = torch.mean((((dr - dg) - m_DG) ** 2)[dr < dg + m_DG]) + loss += tau - F.relu(tau - L_rel) + return loss + + +def generator_TPRLS_loss(disc_real_outputs, disc_generated_outputs): + loss = 0 + for dg, dr in zip(disc_real_outputs, disc_generated_outputs): + tau = 0.04 + m_DG = torch.median((dr - dg)) + L_rel = torch.mean((((dr - dg) - m_DG) ** 2)[dr < dg + m_DG]) + loss += tau - F.relu(tau - L_rel) + return loss + + +class GeneratorLoss(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, mpd, msd): + super(GeneratorLoss, self).__init__() + self.mpd = mpd + self.msd = msd + + def forward(self, y, y_hat): + y_df_hat_r, y_df_hat_g, fmap_f_r, fmap_f_g = self.mpd(y, y_hat) + y_ds_hat_r, y_ds_hat_g, fmap_s_r, fmap_s_g = self.msd(y, y_hat) + loss_fm_f = feature_loss(fmap_f_r, fmap_f_g) + loss_fm_s = feature_loss(fmap_s_r, fmap_s_g) + loss_gen_f, losses_gen_f = generator_loss(y_df_hat_g) + loss_gen_s, losses_gen_s = generator_loss(y_ds_hat_g) + + loss_rel = generator_TPRLS_loss(y_df_hat_r, y_df_hat_g) + generator_TPRLS_loss( + y_ds_hat_r, y_ds_hat_g + ) + + loss_gen_all = loss_gen_s + loss_gen_f + loss_fm_s + loss_fm_f + loss_rel + + return loss_gen_all.mean() + + +class DiscriminatorLoss(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, mpd, msd): + super(DiscriminatorLoss, self).__init__() + self.mpd = mpd + self.msd = msd + + def forward(self, y, y_hat): + # MPD + y_df_hat_r, y_df_hat_g, _, _ = self.mpd(y, y_hat) + loss_disc_f, losses_disc_f_r, losses_disc_f_g = discriminator_loss( + y_df_hat_r, y_df_hat_g + ) + # MSD + y_ds_hat_r, y_ds_hat_g, _, _ = self.msd(y, y_hat) + loss_disc_s, losses_disc_s_r, losses_disc_s_g = discriminator_loss( + y_ds_hat_r, y_ds_hat_g + ) + + loss_rel = discriminator_TPRLS_loss( + y_df_hat_r, y_df_hat_g + ) + discriminator_TPRLS_loss(y_ds_hat_r, y_ds_hat_g) + + d_loss = loss_disc_s + loss_disc_f + loss_rel + + return d_loss.mean() + + +class WavLMLoss(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, model, wd, model_sr, slm_sr=16000): + super(WavLMLoss, self).__init__() + self.wavlm = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model) + self.wd = wd + self.resample = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(model_sr, slm_sr) + + def forward(self, wav, y_rec): + with torch.no_grad(): + wav_16 = self.resample(wav) + wav_embeddings = self.wavlm( + input_values=wav_16, output_hidden_states=True + ).hidden_states + y_rec_16 = self.resample(y_rec) + y_rec_embeddings = self.wavlm( + input_values=y_rec_16.squeeze(), output_hidden_states=True + ).hidden_states + + floss = 0 + for er, eg in zip(wav_embeddings, y_rec_embeddings): + floss += torch.mean(torch.abs(er - eg)) + + return floss.mean() + + def generator(self, y_rec): + y_rec_16 = self.resample(y_rec) + y_rec_embeddings = self.wavlm( + input_values=y_rec_16, output_hidden_states=True + ).hidden_states + y_rec_embeddings = ( + torch.stack(y_rec_embeddings, dim=1) + .transpose(-1, -2) + .flatten(start_dim=1, end_dim=2) + ) + y_df_hat_g = self.wd(y_rec_embeddings) + loss_gen = torch.mean((1 - y_df_hat_g) ** 2) + + return loss_gen + + def discriminator(self, wav, y_rec): + with torch.no_grad(): + wav_16 = self.resample(wav) + wav_embeddings = self.wavlm( + input_values=wav_16, output_hidden_states=True + ).hidden_states + y_rec_16 = self.resample(y_rec) + y_rec_embeddings = self.wavlm( + input_values=y_rec_16, output_hidden_states=True + ).hidden_states + + y_embeddings = ( + torch.stack(wav_embeddings, dim=1) + .transpose(-1, -2) + .flatten(start_dim=1, end_dim=2) + ) + y_rec_embeddings = ( + torch.stack(y_rec_embeddings, dim=1) + .transpose(-1, -2) + .flatten(start_dim=1, end_dim=2) + ) + + y_d_rs = self.wd(y_embeddings) + y_d_gs = self.wd(y_rec_embeddings) + + y_df_hat_r, y_df_hat_g = y_d_rs, y_d_gs + + r_loss = torch.mean((1 - y_df_hat_r) ** 2) + g_loss = torch.mean((y_df_hat_g) ** 2) + + loss_disc_f = r_loss + g_loss + + return loss_disc_f.mean() + + def discriminator_forward(self, wav): + with torch.no_grad(): + wav_16 = self.resample(wav) + wav_embeddings = self.wavlm( + input_values=wav_16, output_hidden_states=True + ).hidden_states + y_embeddings = ( + torch.stack(wav_embeddings, dim=1) + .transpose(-1, -2) + .flatten(start_dim=1, end_dim=2) + ) + + y_d_rs = self.wd(y_embeddings) + + return y_d_rs diff --git a/meldataset.py b/meldataset.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e845d90373d97627b261ba11ff2adb3736a24405 --- /dev/null +++ b/meldataset.py @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +#coding: utf-8 +import os +import os.path as osp +import time +import random +import numpy as np +import random +import soundfile as sf +import librosa + +import torch +from torch import nn +import torch.nn.functional as F +import torchaudio +from torch.utils.data import DataLoader + +import logging +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) +logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) + +import pandas as pd + +_pad = "$" +_punctuation = ';:,.!?¡¿—…"«»“” ' +_letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' +_letters_ipa = "ɑɐɒæɓʙβɔɕçɗɖðʤəɘɚɛɜɝɞɟʄɡɠɢʛɦɧħɥʜɨɪʝɭɬɫɮʟɱɯɰŋɳɲɴøɵɸθœɶʘɹɺɾɻʀʁɽʂʃʈʧʉʊʋⱱʌɣɤʍχʎʏʑʐʒʔʡʕʢǀǁǂǃˈˌːˑʼʴʰʱʲʷˠˤ˞↓↑→↗↘'̩'ᵻ" + +# Export all symbols: +symbols = [_pad] + list(_punctuation) + list(_letters) + list(_letters_ipa) + +dicts = {} +for i in range(len((symbols))): + dicts[symbols[i]] = i + +class TextCleaner: + def __init__(self, dummy=None): + self.word_index_dictionary = dicts + def __call__(self, text): + indexes = [] + for char in text: + try: + indexes.append(self.word_index_dictionary[char]) + except KeyError: + print(text) + return indexes + +np.random.seed(1) +random.seed(1) +SPECT_PARAMS = { + "n_fft": 2048, + "win_length": 1200, + "hop_length": 300 +} +MEL_PARAMS = { + "n_mels": 80, +} + +to_mel = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram( + + n_mels=80, n_fft=2048, win_length=1200, hop_length=300) +mean, std = -4, 4 + +def preprocess(wave): + wave_tensor = torch.from_numpy(wave).float() + mel_tensor = to_mel(wave_tensor) + mel_tensor = (torch.log(1e-5 + mel_tensor.unsqueeze(0)) - mean) / std + return mel_tensor + +class FilePathDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset): + def __init__(self, + data_list, + root_path, + sr=24000, + data_augmentation=False, + validation=False, + OOD_data="Data/OOD_texts.txt", + min_length=50, + ): + + spect_params = SPECT_PARAMS + mel_params = MEL_PARAMS + + _data_list = [l.strip().split('|') for l in data_list] + self.data_list = [data if len(data) == 3 else (*data, 0) for data in _data_list] + self.text_cleaner = TextCleaner() + self.sr = sr + + self.df = pd.DataFrame(self.data_list) + + self.to_melspec = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram(**MEL_PARAMS) + + self.mean, self.std = -4, 4 + self.data_augmentation = data_augmentation and (not validation) + self.max_mel_length = 192 + + self.min_length = min_length + with open(OOD_data, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: + tl = f.readlines() + idx = 1 if '.wav' in tl[0].split('|')[0] else 0 + self.ptexts = [t.split('|')[idx] for t in tl] + + self.root_path = root_path + + def __len__(self): + return len(self.data_list) + + def __getitem__(self, idx): + data = self.data_list[idx] + path = data[0] + + wave, text_tensor, speaker_id = self._load_tensor(data) + + mel_tensor = preprocess(wave).squeeze() + + acoustic_feature = mel_tensor.squeeze() + length_feature = acoustic_feature.size(1) + acoustic_feature = acoustic_feature[:, :(length_feature - length_feature % 2)] + + # get reference sample + ref_data = (self.df[self.df[2] == str(speaker_id)]).sample(n=1).iloc[0].tolist() + ref_mel_tensor, ref_label = self._load_data(ref_data[:3]) + + # get OOD text + + ps = "" + + while len(ps) < self.min_length: + rand_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(self.ptexts) - 1) + ps = self.ptexts[rand_idx] + + text = self.text_cleaner(ps) + text.insert(0, 0) + text.append(0) + + ref_text = torch.LongTensor(text) + + return speaker_id, acoustic_feature, text_tensor, ref_text, ref_mel_tensor, ref_label, path, wave + + def _load_tensor(self, data): + wave_path, text, speaker_id = data + speaker_id = int(speaker_id) + wave, sr = sf.read(osp.join(self.root_path, wave_path)) + if wave.shape[-1] == 2: + wave = wave[:, 0].squeeze() + if sr != 24000: + wave = librosa.resample(wave, orig_sr=sr, target_sr=24000) + print(wave_path, sr) + + wave = np.concatenate([np.zeros([5000]), wave, np.zeros([5000])], axis=0) + + text = self.text_cleaner(text) + + text.insert(0, 0) + text.append(0) + + text = torch.LongTensor(text) + + return wave, text, speaker_id + + def _load_data(self, data): + wave, text_tensor, speaker_id = self._load_tensor(data) + mel_tensor = preprocess(wave).squeeze() + + mel_length = mel_tensor.size(1) + if mel_length > self.max_mel_length: + random_start = np.random.randint(0, mel_length - self.max_mel_length) + mel_tensor = mel_tensor[:, random_start:random_start + self.max_mel_length] + + return mel_tensor, speaker_id + + +class Collater(object): + """ + Args: + adaptive_batch_size (bool): if true, decrease batch size when long data comes. + """ + + def __init__(self, return_wave=False): + self.text_pad_index = 0 + self.min_mel_length = 192 + self.max_mel_length = 192 + self.return_wave = return_wave + + + def __call__(self, batch): + # batch[0] = wave, mel, text, f0, speakerid + batch_size = len(batch) + + # sort by mel length + lengths = [b[1].shape[1] for b in batch] + batch_indexes = np.argsort(lengths)[::-1] + batch = [batch[bid] for bid in batch_indexes] + + nmels = batch[0][1].size(0) + max_mel_length = max([b[1].shape[1] for b in batch]) + max_text_length = max([b[2].shape[0] for b in batch]) + max_rtext_length = max([b[3].shape[0] for b in batch]) + + labels = torch.zeros((batch_size)).long() + mels = torch.zeros((batch_size, nmels, max_mel_length)).float() + texts = torch.zeros((batch_size, max_text_length)).long() + ref_texts = torch.zeros((batch_size, max_rtext_length)).long() + + input_lengths = torch.zeros(batch_size).long() + ref_lengths = torch.zeros(batch_size).long() + output_lengths = torch.zeros(batch_size).long() + ref_mels = torch.zeros((batch_size, nmels, self.max_mel_length)).float() + ref_labels = torch.zeros((batch_size)).long() + paths = ['' for _ in range(batch_size)] + waves = [None for _ in range(batch_size)] + + for bid, (label, mel, text, ref_text, ref_mel, ref_label, path, wave) in enumerate(batch): + mel_size = mel.size(1) + text_size = text.size(0) + rtext_size = ref_text.size(0) + labels[bid] = label + mels[bid, :, :mel_size] = mel + texts[bid, :text_size] = text + ref_texts[bid, :rtext_size] = ref_text + input_lengths[bid] = text_size + ref_lengths[bid] = rtext_size + output_lengths[bid] = mel_size + paths[bid] = path + ref_mel_size = ref_mel.size(1) + ref_mels[bid, :, :ref_mel_size] = ref_mel + + ref_labels[bid] = ref_label + waves[bid] = wave + + return waves, texts, input_lengths, ref_texts, ref_lengths, mels, output_lengths, ref_mels + + + +def build_dataloader(path_list, + root_path, + validation=False, + OOD_data="Data/OOD_texts.txt", + min_length=50, + batch_size=4, + num_workers=1, + device='cpu', + collate_config={}, + dataset_config={}): + + dataset = FilePathDataset(path_list, root_path, OOD_data=OOD_data, min_length=min_length, validation=validation, **dataset_config) + collate_fn = Collater(**collate_config) + data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, + batch_size=batch_size, + shuffle=(not validation), + num_workers=num_workers, + drop_last=True, + collate_fn=collate_fn, + pin_memory=(device != 'cpu')) + + return data_loader + diff --git a/models.py b/models.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..046c7b97505a7f41caf5bfd8ddb3b10c04d24df8 --- /dev/null +++ b/models.py @@ -0,0 +1,1022 @@ +import os +import os.path as osp + +import copy +import math + +import numpy as np +import torch +import torch.nn as nn +import torch.nn.functional as F +from torch.nn.utils import weight_norm, remove_weight_norm, spectral_norm + +from Utils.ASR.models import ASRCNN +from Utils.JDC.model import JDCNet + + +from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, PreTrainedModel, AutoConfig, AutoModel, AutoTokenizer + +from Modules.KotoDama_sampler import KotoDama_Prompt, KotoDama_Text +from Modules.diffusion.sampler import KDiffusion, LogNormalDistribution +from Modules.diffusion.modules import Transformer1d, StyleTransformer1d +from Modules.diffusion.diffusion import AudioDiffusionConditional +from Modules.diffusion.audio_diffusion_pytorch import DiffusionModel, UNetV0, VDiffusion, VSampler, DiffusionUpsampler + +from Modules.discriminators import MultiPeriodDiscriminator, MultiResSpecDiscriminator, WavLMDiscriminator + +from munch import Munch +import yaml + +# from hflayers import Hopfield, HopfieldPooling, HopfieldLayer +# from hflayers.auxiliary.data import BitPatternSet + +# Import auxiliary modules. +from distutils.version import LooseVersion +from typing import List, Tuple + +import math +# from liger_kernel.ops.layer_norm import LigerLayerNormFunction +# from liger_kernel.transformers.experimental.embedding import nn.Embedding + +import torch + +from xlstm import ( + xLSTMBlockStack, + xLSTMBlockStackConfig, + mLSTMBlockConfig, + mLSTMLayerConfig, + sLSTMBlockConfig, + sLSTMLayerConfig, + FeedForwardConfig, +) + + + +class LearnedDownSample(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, layer_type, dim_in): + super().__init__() + self.layer_type = layer_type + + if self.layer_type == 'none': + self.conv = nn.Identity() + elif self.layer_type == 'timepreserve': + self.conv = spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(dim_in, dim_in, kernel_size=(3, 1), stride=(2, 1), groups=dim_in, padding=(1, 0))) + elif self.layer_type == 'half': + self.conv = spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(dim_in, dim_in, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), groups=dim_in, padding=1)) + else: + raise RuntimeError('Got unexpected donwsampletype %s, expected is [none, timepreserve, half]' % self.layer_type) + + def forward(self, x): + return self.conv(x) + +class LearnedUpSample(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, layer_type, dim_in): + super().__init__() + self.layer_type = layer_type + + if self.layer_type == 'none': + self.conv = nn.Identity() + elif self.layer_type == 'timepreserve': + self.conv = nn.ConvTranspose2d(dim_in, dim_in, kernel_size=(3, 1), stride=(2, 1), groups=dim_in, output_padding=(1, 0), padding=(1, 0)) + elif self.layer_type == 'half': + self.conv = nn.ConvTranspose2d(dim_in, dim_in, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), groups=dim_in, output_padding=1, padding=1) + else: + raise RuntimeError('Got unexpected upsampletype %s, expected is [none, timepreserve, half]' % self.layer_type) + + + def forward(self, x): + return self.conv(x) + +class DownSample(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, layer_type): + super().__init__() + self.layer_type = layer_type + + def forward(self, x): + if self.layer_type == 'none': + return x + elif self.layer_type == 'timepreserve': + return F.avg_pool2d(x, (2, 1)) + elif self.layer_type == 'half': + if x.shape[-1] % 2 != 0: + x = torch.cat([x, x[..., -1].unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1) + return F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) + else: + raise RuntimeError('Got unexpected donwsampletype %s, expected is [none, timepreserve, half]' % self.layer_type) + + +class UpSample(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, layer_type): + super().__init__() + self.layer_type = layer_type + + def forward(self, x): + if self.layer_type == 'none': + return x + elif self.layer_type == 'timepreserve': + return F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=(2, 1), mode='nearest') + elif self.layer_type == 'half': + return F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest') + else: + raise RuntimeError('Got unexpected upsampletype %s, expected is [none, timepreserve, half]' % self.layer_type) + + +class ResBlk(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out, actv=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2), + normalize=False, downsample='none'): + super().__init__() + self.actv = actv + self.normalize = normalize + self.downsample = DownSample(downsample) + self.downsample_res = LearnedDownSample(downsample, dim_in) + self.learned_sc = dim_in != dim_out + self._build_weights(dim_in, dim_out) + + def _build_weights(self, dim_in, dim_out): + self.conv1 = spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(dim_in, dim_in, 3, 1, 1)) + self.conv2 = spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(dim_in, dim_out, 3, 1, 1)) + if self.normalize: + self.norm1 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(dim_in, affine=True) + self.norm2 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(dim_in, affine=True) + if self.learned_sc: + self.conv1x1 = spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(dim_in, dim_out, 1, 1, 0, bias=False)) + + def _shortcut(self, x): + if self.learned_sc: + x = self.conv1x1(x) + if self.downsample: + x = self.downsample(x) + return x + + def _residual(self, x): + if self.normalize: + x = self.norm1(x) + x = self.actv(x) + x = self.conv1(x) + x = self.downsample_res(x) + if self.normalize: + x = self.norm2(x) + x = self.actv(x) + x = self.conv2(x) + return x + + def forward(self, x): + x = self._shortcut(x) + self._residual(x) + return x / math.sqrt(2) # unit variance + +class StyleEncoder(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, dim_in=48, style_dim=48, max_conv_dim=384): + super().__init__() + blocks = [] + blocks += [spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(1, dim_in, 3, 1, 1))] + + repeat_num = 4 + for _ in range(repeat_num): + dim_out = min(dim_in*2, max_conv_dim) + blocks += [ResBlk(dim_in, dim_out, downsample='half')] + dim_in = dim_out + + blocks += [nn.LeakyReLU(0.2)] + blocks += [spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(dim_out, dim_out, 5, 1, 0))] + blocks += [nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)] + blocks += [nn.LeakyReLU(0.2)] + self.shared = nn.Sequential(*blocks) + + self.unshared = nn.Linear(dim_out, style_dim) + + def forward(self, x): + h = self.shared(x) + h = h.view(h.size(0), -1) + s = self.unshared(h) + + return s + +class LinearNorm(torch.nn.Module): + def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, bias=True, w_init_gain='linear'): + super(LinearNorm, self).__init__() + self.linear_layer = torch.nn.Linear(in_dim, out_dim, bias=bias) + + torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_( + self.linear_layer.weight, + gain=torch.nn.init.calculate_gain(w_init_gain)) + + def forward(self, x): + return self.linear_layer(x) + +class Discriminator2d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, dim_in=48, num_domains=1, max_conv_dim=384, repeat_num=4): + super().__init__() + blocks = [] + blocks += [spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(1, dim_in, 3, 1, 1))] + + for lid in range(repeat_num): + dim_out = min(dim_in*2, max_conv_dim) + blocks += [ResBlk(dim_in, dim_out, downsample='half')] + dim_in = dim_out + + blocks += [nn.LeakyReLU(0.2)] + blocks += [spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(dim_out, dim_out, 5, 1, 0))] + blocks += [nn.LeakyReLU(0.2)] + blocks += [nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)] + blocks += [spectral_norm(nn.Conv2d(dim_out, num_domains, 1, 1, 0))] + self.main = nn.Sequential(*blocks) + + def get_feature(self, x): + features = [] + for l in self.main: + x = l(x) + features.append(x) + out = features[-1] + out = out.view(out.size(0), -1) # (batch, num_domains) + return out, features + + def forward(self, x): + out, features = self.get_feature(x) + out = out.squeeze() # (batch) + return out, features + +class ResBlk1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out, actv=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2), + normalize=False, downsample='none', dropout_p=0.2): + super().__init__() + self.actv = actv + self.normalize = normalize + self.downsample_type = downsample + self.learned_sc = dim_in != dim_out + self._build_weights(dim_in, dim_out) + self.dropout_p = dropout_p + + if self.downsample_type == 'none': + self.pool = nn.Identity() + else: + self.pool = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_in, kernel_size=3, stride=2, groups=dim_in, padding=1)) + + def _build_weights(self, dim_in, dim_out): + self.conv1 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_in, 3, 1, 1)) + self.conv2 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 3, 1, 1)) + if self.normalize: + self.norm1 = nn.InstanceNorm1d(dim_in, affine=True) + self.norm2 = nn.InstanceNorm1d(dim_in, affine=True) + if self.learned_sc: + self.conv1x1 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 1, 1, 0, bias=False)) + + def downsample(self, x): + if self.downsample_type == 'none': + return x + else: + if x.shape[-1] % 2 != 0: + x = torch.cat([x, x[..., -1].unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1) + return F.avg_pool1d(x, 2) + + def _shortcut(self, x): + if self.learned_sc: + x = self.conv1x1(x) + x = self.downsample(x) + return x + + def _residual(self, x): + if self.normalize: + x = self.norm1(x) + x = self.actv(x) + x = F.dropout(x, p=self.dropout_p, training=self.training) + + x = self.conv1(x) + x = self.pool(x) + if self.normalize: + x = self.norm2(x) + + x = self.actv(x) + x = F.dropout(x, p=self.dropout_p, training=self.training) + + x = self.conv2(x) + return x + + def forward(self, x): + x = self._shortcut(x) + self._residual(x) + return x / math.sqrt(2) # unit variance + +class LayerNorm(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, channels, eps=1e-5): + super().__init__() + self.channels = channels + self.eps = eps + + self.gamma = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(channels)) + self.beta = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(channels)) + + def forward(self, x): + x = x.transpose(1, -1) + x = F.layer_norm(x, (self.channels,), self.gamma, self.beta, self.eps) + return x.transpose(1, -1) + + +class TextEncoder(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, channels, kernel_size, depth, n_symbols, actv=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2)): + super().__init__() + self.embedding = nn.Embedding(n_symbols, channels) + + self.prepare_projection=LinearNorm(channels,channels // 2) + self.post_projection=LinearNorm(channels // 2,channels) + self.cfg = xLSTMBlockStackConfig( + mlstm_block=mLSTMBlockConfig( + mlstm=mLSTMLayerConfig( + conv1d_kernel_size=4, qkv_proj_blocksize=4, num_heads=4 + ) + ), + # slstm_block=sLSTMBlockConfig( + # slstm=sLSTMLayerConfig( + # backend="cuda", + # num_heads=4, + # conv1d_kernel_size=4, + # bias_init="powerlaw_blockdependent", + # ), + # feedforward=FeedForwardConfig(proj_factor=1.3, act_fn="gelu"), + # ), + context_length=channels, + num_blocks=8, + embedding_dim=channels // 2, + # slstm_at=[1], + + ) + + + + padding = (kernel_size - 1) // 2 + self.cnn = nn.ModuleList() + for _ in range(depth): + self.cnn.append(nn.Sequential( + + weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(channels, channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding)), + LayerNorm(channels), + actv, + nn.Dropout(0.2), + )) + # self.cnn = nn.Sequential(*self.cnn) + + + self.lstm = xLSTMBlockStack(self.cfg) + def forward(self, x, input_lengths, m): + + x = self.embedding(x) # [B, T, emb] + + + x = x.transpose(1, 2) # [B, emb, T] + m = m.to(input_lengths.device).unsqueeze(1) + x.masked_fill_(m, 0.0) + + for c in self.cnn: + x = c(x) + x.masked_fill_(m, 0.0) + + x = x.transpose(1, 2) # [B, T, chn] + + + input_lengths = input_lengths.cpu().numpy() + + + + x = self.prepare_projection(x) + + # x = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence( + # x, input_lengths, batch_first=True, enforce_sorted=False) + + # self.lstm.flatten_parameters() + x = self.lstm(x) + + x = self.post_projection(x) + # x, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence( + # x, batch_first=True) + + x = x.transpose(-1, -2) +# x_pad = torch.zeros([x.shape[0], x.shape[1], m.shape[-1]]) + +# x_pad[:, :, :x.shape[-1]] = x +# x = x_pad.to(x.device) + + x.masked_fill_(m, 0.0) + + return x + + def inference(self, x): + x = self.embedding(x) + x = x.transpose(1, 2) + x = self.cnn(x) + x = x.transpose(1, 2) + # self.lstm.flatten_parameters() + x = self.lstm(x) + return x + + def length_to_mask(self, lengths): + mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths) + mask = torch.gt(mask+1, lengths.unsqueeze(1)) + return mask + + + +class AdaIN1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, style_dim, num_features): + super().__init__() + self.norm = nn.InstanceNorm1d(num_features, affine=False) + self.fc = nn.Linear(style_dim, num_features*2) + + def forward(self, x, s): + h = self.fc(s) + + h = h.view(h.size(0), h.size(1), 1) + gamma, beta = torch.chunk(h, chunks=2, dim=1) + return (1 + gamma) * self.norm(x) + beta + +class UpSample1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, layer_type): + super().__init__() + self.layer_type = layer_type + + def forward(self, x): + if self.layer_type == 'none': + return x + else: + return F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest') + +class AdainResBlk1d(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out, style_dim=64, actv=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2), + upsample='none', dropout_p=0.0): + super().__init__() + self.actv = actv + self.upsample_type = upsample + self.upsample = UpSample1d(upsample) + self.learned_sc = dim_in != dim_out + self._build_weights(dim_in, dim_out, style_dim) + self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_p) + + if upsample == 'none': + self.pool = nn.Identity() + else: + self.pool = weight_norm(nn.ConvTranspose1d(dim_in, dim_in, kernel_size=3, stride=2, groups=dim_in, padding=1, output_padding=1)) + + + def _build_weights(self, dim_in, dim_out, style_dim): + self.conv1 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 3, 1, 1)) + self.conv2 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_out, dim_out, 3, 1, 1)) + self.norm1 = AdaIN1d(style_dim, dim_in) + self.norm2 = AdaIN1d(style_dim, dim_out) + if self.learned_sc: + self.conv1x1 = weight_norm(nn.Conv1d(dim_in, dim_out, 1, 1, 0, bias=False)) + + def _shortcut(self, x): + x = self.upsample(x) + if self.learned_sc: + x = self.conv1x1(x) + return x + + def _residual(self, x, s): + x = self.norm1(x, s) + x = self.actv(x) + x = self.pool(x) + x = self.conv1(self.dropout(x)) + x = self.norm2(x, s) + x = self.actv(x) + x = self.conv2(self.dropout(x)) + return x + + def forward(self, x, s): + out = self._residual(x, s) + out = (out + self._shortcut(x)) / math.sqrt(2) + return out + +class AdaLayerNorm(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, style_dim, channels, eps=1e-5): + super().__init__() + self.channels = channels + self.eps = eps + + self.fc = nn.Linear(style_dim, channels*2) + + def forward(self, x, s): + x = x.transpose(-1, -2) + x = x.transpose(1, -1) + + h = self.fc(s) + h = h.view(h.size(0), h.size(1), 1) + gamma, beta = torch.chunk(h, chunks=2, dim=1) + gamma, beta = gamma.transpose(1, -1), beta.transpose(1, -1) + + + x = F.layer_norm(x, (self.channels,), eps=self.eps) + x = (1 + gamma) * x + beta + return x.transpose(1, -1).transpose(-1, -2) + +# class ProsodyPredictor(nn.Module): + +# def __init__(self, style_dim, d_hid, nlayers, max_dur=50, dropout=0.1): +# super().__init__() + +# self.text_encoder = DurationEncoder(sty_dim=style_dim, +# d_model=d_hid, +# nlayers=nlayers, +# dropout=dropout) + +# self.lstm = nn.LSTM(d_hid + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True) +# self.duration_proj = LinearNorm(d_hid, max_dur) + +# self.shared = nn.LSTM(d_hid + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True) +# self.F0 = nn.ModuleList() +# self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout)) +# self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid // 2, style_dim, upsample=True, dropout_p=dropout)) +# self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid // 2, d_hid // 2, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout)) + +# self.N = nn.ModuleList() +# self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout)) +# self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid // 2, style_dim, upsample=True, dropout_p=dropout)) +# self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid // 2, d_hid // 2, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout)) + +# self.F0_proj = nn.Conv1d(d_hid // 2, 1, 1, 1, 0) +# self.N_proj = nn.Conv1d(d_hid // 2, 1, 1, 1, 0) + + +# def forward(self, texts, style, text_lengths, alignment, m): +# d = self.text_encoder(texts, style, text_lengths, m) + +# batch_size = d.shape[0] +# text_size = d.shape[1] + +# # predict duration +# input_lengths = text_lengths.cpu().numpy() +# x = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence( +# d, input_lengths, batch_first=True, enforce_sorted=False) + +# m = m.to(text_lengths.device).unsqueeze(1) + +# self.lstm.flatten_parameters() +# x, _ = self.lstm(x) +# x, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence( +# x, batch_first=True) + +# x_pad = torch.zeros([x.shape[0], m.shape[-1], x.shape[-1]]) + +# x_pad[:, :x.shape[1], :] = x +# x = x_pad.to(x.device) + +# duration = self.duration_proj(nn.functional.dropout(x, 0.5, training=self.training)) + +# en = (d.transpose(-1, -2) @ alignment) + +# return duration.squeeze(-1), en + + +class ProsodyPredictor(nn.Module): + + def __init__(self, style_dim, d_hid, nlayers, max_dur=50, dropout=0.1): + super().__init__() + + self.cfg = xLSTMBlockStackConfig( + mlstm_block=mLSTMBlockConfig( + mlstm=mLSTMLayerConfig( + conv1d_kernel_size=4, qkv_proj_blocksize=4, num_heads=4 + ) + ), + context_length=d_hid, + num_blocks=8, + embedding_dim=d_hid + style_dim, + + + ) + + self.cfg_pred = xLSTMBlockStackConfig( + mlstm_block=mLSTMBlockConfig( + mlstm=mLSTMLayerConfig( + conv1d_kernel_size=4, qkv_proj_blocksize=4, num_heads=4 + ) + ), + + context_length=4096, + num_blocks=8, + embedding_dim=d_hid + style_dim, + + ) + + + # self.shared = Hopfield(input_size=d_hid + style_dim, + # hidden_size=d_hid // 2, + # num_heads=32, + # # scaling=.75, + # add_zero_association=True, + # batch_first=True) + + # if you want to use hopfield, just comment out the block above, then hash the "self.shared below" + + + + + self.text_encoder = DurationEncoder(sty_dim=style_dim, + d_model=d_hid, + nlayers=nlayers, + dropout=dropout) + + + self.lstm = xLSTMBlockStack(self.cfg) + + self.prepare_projection = nn.Linear(d_hid + style_dim, d_hid) + + self.duration_proj = LinearNorm(d_hid , max_dur) + + self.shared = xLSTMBlockStack(self.cfg_pred) + + # self.shared = nn.LSTM(d_hid + style_dim, d_hid // 2, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True) + + self.F0 = nn.ModuleList() + self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout)) + self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid // 2, style_dim, upsample=True, dropout_p=dropout)) + self.F0.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid // 2, d_hid // 2, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout)) + + self.N = nn.ModuleList() + self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout)) + self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid, d_hid // 2, style_dim, upsample=True, dropout_p=dropout)) + self.N.append(AdainResBlk1d(d_hid // 2, d_hid // 2, style_dim, dropout_p=dropout)) + + self.F0_proj = nn.Conv1d(d_hid // 2, 1, 1, 1, 0) + self.N_proj = nn.Conv1d(d_hid // 2, 1, 1, 1, 0) + + + def forward(self, texts, style, text_lengths=None, alignment=None, m=None, f0=False): + + if f0: + x, s = texts, style + # x = self.prepare_projection(x.transpose(-1, -2)) + # x = self.shared(x) + + x = self.shared(x.transpose(-1, -2)) + x = self.prepare_projection(x) + + F0 = x.transpose(-1, -2) + for block in self.F0: + F0 = block(F0, s) + F0 = self.F0_proj(F0) + + N = x.transpose(-1, -2) + for block in self.N: + N = block(N, s) + N = self.N_proj(N) + + return F0.squeeze(1), N.squeeze(1) + + else: + # Problem is here + d = self.text_encoder(texts, style, text_lengths, m) + + batch_size = d.shape[0] + text_size = d.shape[1] + + # predict duration + + + input_lengths = text_lengths.cpu().numpy() + + + # x = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence( + # d, input_lengths, batch_first=True, enforce_sorted=False) + + x = d # this dude can handle variable seq len so no need for padding + + + m = m.to(text_lengths.device).unsqueeze(1) + + # self.lstm.flatten_parameters() + x = self.lstm(x) # no longer using lstm + x = self.prepare_projection(x) + + + # x, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence( + # x, batch_first=True) + + # x_pad = torch.zeros([x.shape[0], m.shape[-1], x.shape[-1]]) + + # x_pad[:, :x.shape[1], :] = x + # x = x_pad.to(x.device) + + x = x.transpose(-1,-2) + x = x.permute(0,2,1) + duration = self.duration_proj(nn.functional.dropout(x, 0.5, training=self.training)) + + + + en = (d.transpose(-1, -2) @ alignment) + + return duration.squeeze(-1), en + + + def F0Ntrain(self, x, s): + + + # x = self.prepare_projection(x.transpose(-1, -2)) + # x = self.shared(x) + + #### + x = self.shared(x.transpose(-1, -2)) + x = self.prepare_projection(x) + + + + F0 = x.transpose(-1, -2) + + for block in self.F0: + F0 = block(F0, s) + F0 = self.F0_proj(F0) + + N = x.transpose(-1, -2) + for block in self.N: + N = block(N, s) + N = self.N_proj(N) + + return F0.squeeze(1), N.squeeze(1) + + def length_to_mask(self, lengths): + mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths) + mask = torch.gt(mask+1, lengths.unsqueeze(1)) + return mask + +class DurationEncoder(nn.Module): + + def __init__(self, sty_dim, d_model, nlayers, dropout=0.1): + super().__init__() + self.lstms = nn.ModuleList() + for _ in range(nlayers): + self.lstms.append(nn.LSTM(d_model + sty_dim, + d_model // 2, + num_layers=1, + batch_first=True, + bidirectional=True, + dropout=dropout)) + self.lstms.append(AdaLayerNorm(sty_dim, d_model)) + + + self.dropout = dropout + self.d_model = d_model + self.sty_dim = sty_dim + + def forward(self, x, style, text_lengths, m): + masks = m.to(text_lengths.device) + + x = x.permute(2, 0, 1) + s = style.expand(x.shape[0], x.shape[1], -1) + x = torch.cat([x, s], axis=-1) + x.masked_fill_(masks.unsqueeze(-1).transpose(0, 1), 0.0) + + x = x.transpose(0, 1) + input_lengths = text_lengths.cpu().numpy() + x = x.transpose(-1, -2) + + for block in self.lstms: + if isinstance(block, AdaLayerNorm): + x = block(x.transpose(-1, -2), style).transpose(-1, -2) + x = torch.cat([x, s.permute(1, -1, 0)], axis=1) + x.masked_fill_(masks.unsqueeze(-1).transpose(-1, -2), 0.0) + else: + x = x.transpose(-1, -2) + x = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence( + x, input_lengths, batch_first=True, enforce_sorted=False) + block.flatten_parameters() + x, _ = block(x) + x, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence( + x, batch_first=True) + x = F.dropout(x, p=self.dropout, training=self.training) + x = x.transpose(-1, -2) + + x_pad = torch.zeros([x.shape[0], x.shape[1], m.shape[-1]]) + + x_pad[:, :, :x.shape[-1]] = x + x = x_pad.to(x.device) + + return x.transpose(-1, -2) + + def inference(self, x, style): + x = self.embedding(x.transpose(-1, -2)) * math.sqrt(self.d_model) + style = style.expand(x.shape[0], x.shape[1], -1) + x = torch.cat([x, style], axis=-1) + src = self.pos_encoder(x) + output = self.transformer_encoder(src).transpose(0, 1) + return output + + def length_to_mask(self, lengths): + mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths) + mask = torch.gt(mask+1, lengths.unsqueeze(1)) + return mask + + def inference(self, x, style): + x = self.embedding(x.transpose(-1, -2)) * math.sqrt(self.d_model) + style = style.expand(x.shape[0], x.shape[1], -1) + x = torch.cat([x, style], axis=-1) + src = self.pos_encoder(x) + output = self.transformer_encoder(src).transpose(0, 1) + return output + + def length_to_mask(self, lengths): + mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths) + mask = torch.gt(mask+1, lengths.unsqueeze(1)) + return mask + + + +def load_F0_models(path): + # load F0 model + + F0_model = JDCNet(num_class=1, seq_len=192) + params = torch.load(path, map_location='cpu')['net'] + F0_model.load_state_dict(params) + _ = F0_model.train() + + return F0_model + + +def load_KotoDama_Prompter(path, cfg=None, model_ckpt="ku-nlp/deberta-v3-base-japanese"): + + cfg = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_ckpt) + cfg.update({ + "num_labels": 256 + }) + + kotodama_prompt = KotoDama_Prompt.from_pretrained(path, config=cfg) + + return kotodama_prompt + + +def load_KotoDama_TextSampler(path, cfg=None, model_ckpt="line-corporation/line-distilbert-base-japanese"): + + cfg = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_ckpt) + cfg.update({ + "num_labels": 256 + }) + + kotodama_sampler = KotoDama_Text.from_pretrained(path, config=cfg) + + return kotodama_sampler + + + +# def reconstruction_head(path): # didn't make a lot of difference, disabling it for now until i find / train a better net + +# recon_model = DiffusionUpsampler( + +# net_t=UNetV0, +# upsample_factor=2, +# in_channels=1, +# channels=[8, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 512, 1024, 1024], +# factors=[1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], +# items=[1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4], +# diffusion_t=VDiffusion, +# sampler_t=VSampler, +# ) + +# checkpoint = torch.load(path, map_location='cpu') + +# new_state_dict = {} +# for key, value in checkpoint['model_state_dict'].items(): +# new_key = key.replace('module.', '') # Remove 'module.' prefix +# new_state_dict[new_key] = value + +# recon_model.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) +# recon_model.eval() + +# recon_model = recon_model.to('cuda') + +# return recon_model + + + +def load_ASR_models(ASR_MODEL_PATH, ASR_MODEL_CONFIG): + # load ASR model + def _load_config(path): + with open(path) as f: + config = yaml.safe_load(f) + model_config = config['model_params'] + return model_config + + def _load_model(model_config, model_path): + model = ASRCNN(**model_config) + params = torch.load(model_path, map_location='cpu')['model'] + model.load_state_dict(params) + return model + + asr_model_config = _load_config(ASR_MODEL_CONFIG) + asr_model = _load_model(asr_model_config, ASR_MODEL_PATH) + _ = asr_model.train() + + return asr_model + +def build_model(args, text_aligner, pitch_extractor, bert, KotoDama_Prompt, KotoDama_Text): + assert args.decoder.type in ['istftnet', 'hifigan'], 'Decoder type unknown' + + if args.decoder.type == "istftnet": + from Modules.istftnet import Decoder + decoder = Decoder(dim_in=args.hidden_dim, style_dim=args.style_dim, dim_out=args.n_mels, + resblock_kernel_sizes = args.decoder.resblock_kernel_sizes, + upsample_rates = args.decoder.upsample_rates, + upsample_initial_channel=args.decoder.upsample_initial_channel, + resblock_dilation_sizes=args.decoder.resblock_dilation_sizes, + upsample_kernel_sizes=args.decoder.upsample_kernel_sizes, + gen_istft_n_fft=args.decoder.gen_istft_n_fft, gen_istft_hop_size=args.decoder.gen_istft_hop_size) + else: + from Modules.hifigan import Decoder + decoder = Decoder(dim_in=args.hidden_dim, style_dim=args.style_dim, dim_out=args.n_mels, + resblock_kernel_sizes = args.decoder.resblock_kernel_sizes, + upsample_rates = args.decoder.upsample_rates, + upsample_initial_channel=args.decoder.upsample_initial_channel, + resblock_dilation_sizes=args.decoder.resblock_dilation_sizes, + upsample_kernel_sizes=args.decoder.upsample_kernel_sizes) + + text_encoder = TextEncoder(channels=args.hidden_dim, kernel_size=5, depth=args.n_layer, n_symbols=args.n_token) + + predictor = ProsodyPredictor(style_dim=args.style_dim, d_hid=args.hidden_dim, nlayers=args.n_layer, max_dur=args.max_dur, dropout=args.dropout) + + style_encoder = StyleEncoder(dim_in=args.dim_in, style_dim=args.style_dim, max_conv_dim=args.hidden_dim) # acoustic style encoder + predictor_encoder = StyleEncoder(dim_in=args.dim_in, style_dim=args.style_dim, max_conv_dim=args.hidden_dim) # prosodic style encoder + + # define diffusion model + if args.multispeaker: + transformer = StyleTransformer1d(channels=args.style_dim*2, + context_embedding_features=bert.config.hidden_size, + context_features=args.style_dim*2, + **args.diffusion.transformer) + else: + transformer = Transformer1d(channels=args.style_dim*2, + context_embedding_features=bert.config.hidden_size, + **args.diffusion.transformer) + + diffusion = AudioDiffusionConditional( + in_channels=1, + embedding_max_length=bert.config.max_position_embeddings, + embedding_features=bert.config.hidden_size, + embedding_mask_proba=args.diffusion.embedding_mask_proba, # Conditional dropout of batch elements, + channels=args.style_dim*2, + context_features=args.style_dim*2, + ) + + diffusion.diffusion = KDiffusion( + net=diffusion.unet, + sigma_distribution=LogNormalDistribution(mean = args.diffusion.dist.mean, std = args.diffusion.dist.std), + sigma_data=args.diffusion.dist.sigma_data, # a placeholder, will be changed dynamically when start training diffusion model + dynamic_threshold=0.0 + ) + diffusion.diffusion.net = transformer + diffusion.unet = transformer + + + nets = Munch( + + bert=bert, + bert_encoder=nn.Linear(bert.config.hidden_size, args.hidden_dim), + + predictor=predictor, + decoder=decoder, + text_encoder=text_encoder, + + predictor_encoder=predictor_encoder, + style_encoder=style_encoder, + diffusion=diffusion, + + text_aligner = text_aligner, + pitch_extractor = pitch_extractor, + + mpd = MultiPeriodDiscriminator(), + msd = MultiResSpecDiscriminator(), + + # slm discriminator head + wd = WavLMDiscriminator(args.slm.hidden, args.slm.nlayers, args.slm.initial_channel), + + KotoDama_Prompt = KotoDama_Prompt, + KotoDama_Text = KotoDama_Text, + + # recon_diff = recon_diff, + + ) + + return nets + + +def load_checkpoint(model, optimizer, path, load_only_params=False, ignore_modules=[]): + state = torch.load(path, map_location='cpu') + params = state['net'] + print('loading the ckpt using the correct function.') + + for key in model: + if key in params and key not in ignore_modules: + try: + model[key].load_state_dict(params[key], strict=True) + except: + from collections import OrderedDict + state_dict = params[key] + new_state_dict = OrderedDict() + print(f'{key} key length: {len(model[key].state_dict().keys())}, state_dict key length: {len(state_dict.keys())}') + for (k_m, v_m), (k_c, v_c) in zip(model[key].state_dict().items(), state_dict.items()): + new_state_dict[k_m] = v_c + model[key].load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=True) + print('%s loaded' % key) + + if not load_only_params: + epoch = state["epoch"] + iters = state["iters"] + optimizer.load_state_dict(state["optimizer"]) + else: + epoch = 0 + iters = 0 + + return model, optimizer, epoch, iters diff --git a/optimizers.py b/optimizers.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e192bc1f2d2c21f63c9c7d3bf6195715c8713278 --- /dev/null +++ b/optimizers.py @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +# coding:utf-8 +import os, sys +import os.path as osp +import numpy as np +import torch +from torch import nn +from torch.optim import Optimizer +from functools import reduce +from torch.optim import AdamW + + +class MultiOptimizer: + def __init__(self, optimizers={}, schedulers={}): + self.optimizers = optimizers + self.schedulers = schedulers + self.keys = list(optimizers.keys()) + self.param_groups = reduce( + lambda x, y: x + y, [v.param_groups for v in self.optimizers.values()] + ) + + def state_dict(self): + state_dicts = [(key, self.optimizers[key].state_dict()) for key in self.keys] + return state_dicts + + def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): + for key, val in state_dict: + try: + self.optimizers[key].load_state_dict(val) + except: + print("Unloaded %s" % key) + + def step(self, key=None, scaler=None): + keys = [key] if key is not None else self.keys + _ = [self._step(key, scaler) for key in keys] + + def _step(self, key, scaler=None): + if scaler is not None: + scaler.step(self.optimizers[key]) + scaler.update() + else: + self.optimizers[key].step() + + def zero_grad(self, key=None): + if key is not None: + self.optimizers[key].zero_grad() + else: + _ = [self.optimizers[key].zero_grad() for key in self.keys] + + def scheduler(self, *args, key=None): + if key is not None: + self.schedulers[key].step(*args) + else: + _ = [self.schedulers[key].step(*args) for key in self.keys] + + +def define_scheduler(optimizer, params): + scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR( + optimizer, + max_lr=params.get("max_lr", 2e-4), + epochs=params.get("epochs", 200), + steps_per_epoch=params.get("steps_per_epoch", 1000), + pct_start=params.get("pct_start", 0.0), + div_factor=1, + final_div_factor=1, + ) + + return scheduler + + +def build_optimizer(parameters_dict, scheduler_params_dict, lr): + optim = dict( + [ + (key, AdamW(params, lr=lr, weight_decay=1e-4, betas=(0.0, 0.99), eps=1e-9)) + for key, params in parameters_dict.items() + ] + ) + + schedulers = dict( + [ + (key, define_scheduler(opt, scheduler_params_dict[key])) + for key, opt in optim.items() + ] + ) + + multi_optim = MultiOptimizer(optim, schedulers) + return multi_optim diff --git a/reference_sample_wavs/01001240.ogg b/reference_sample_wavs/01001240.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb1cf76b1e086d27621dbc6fd01f7cb385ac7246 Binary files /dev/null and b/reference_sample_wavs/01001240.ogg differ diff --git a/reference_sample_wavs/01008270.wav b/reference_sample_wavs/01008270.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21ee524eae2607c1676394f9b6a364fe7300997e --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_sample_wavs/01008270.wav @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:8a306920452276a8b801454ba5d540c7f3c28a3fc0d5ce01bf4a3f679e0f42c3 +size 1082540 diff --git a/reference_sample_wavs/kaede_san.wav b/reference_sample_wavs/kaede_san.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e047dfee2e40f934574d301cdf15733a1c07ca3 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_sample_wavs/kaede_san.wav @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:376737a52bf7f67ba6035597bae5ad87b5220d005bad78318d3f8062eb9ff692 +size 1812558 diff --git a/reference_sample_wavs/riamu_zeroshot_01.wav b/reference_sample_wavs/riamu_zeroshot_01.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43a753e1a49fac7fbcfae3eb8ae9206c7c95f356 Binary files /dev/null and b/reference_sample_wavs/riamu_zeroshot_01.wav differ diff --git a/reference_sample_wavs/riamu_zeroshot_02.wav b/reference_sample_wavs/riamu_zeroshot_02.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..007965ae590c3d84da413dea053c870abebec125 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_sample_wavs/riamu_zeroshot_02.wav @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:fa74683a6ac7dca963e3ae4b10f5984902683bd55d2806542b8821a9d07beaa2 +size 1427500 diff --git a/reference_sample_wavs/sample_ref01.wav b/reference_sample_wavs/sample_ref01.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..101ff58e67e315e03be66293d061eb12e3863569 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_sample_wavs/sample_ref01.wav @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:a4241b264d96819f6d4290c23861401f7b116bbb9fa9aace8b65add01b0d812b +size 1644002 diff --git a/reference_sample_wavs/sample_ref02.wav b/reference_sample_wavs/sample_ref02.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e181f5f3ad40eb49a87e31641bd998e227152391 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_sample_wavs/sample_ref02.wav @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:a38f2f13d1035d0148d965410cde080c6371c9460e17f147ef130aacb4551b1c +size 1803998 diff --git a/reference_sample_wavs/shiki_fine05.wav b/reference_sample_wavs/shiki_fine05.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee2897bd850040d2505a9f885574114aa369e395 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_sample_wavs/shiki_fine05.wav @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:dd063aba7ad59b2bbfb5ed57d164dbbf75c70b91b163c851ca334661911c16c5 +size 2123200 diff --git a/reference_sample_wavs/syuukovoice_200918_3_01.wav b/reference_sample_wavs/syuukovoice_200918_3_01.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..048162b44269ddd918d0ff5b39ca93aaec87f1d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_sample_wavs/syuukovoice_200918_3_01.wav @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:7929dc92fdfa61ba580a20d95a677d1f6fe8de10edeae6778d664075e43aeb02 +size 1979500 diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e29d1b75ee20ecdd5814e04d57c5e9e3c896bff --- /dev/null +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +SoundFile +munch +pydub +pyyaml +torchaudio +librosa +pydub +pyyaml +nltk +matplotlib +unidic-lite +xlstm +fugashi +cutlet +accelerate +transformers +einops +einops-exts +tqdm +typing +typing-extensions +a_unet +git+https://github.com/resemble-ai/monotonic_align.git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/text_utils.py b/text_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c4bb9929c1165bb3928a6224f4040dd4636ec90 --- /dev/null +++ b/text_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# IPA Phonemizer: https://github.com/bootphon/phonemizer + +_pad = "$" +_punctuation = ';:,.!?¡¿—…"«»“” ' +_letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +_letters_ipa = "ɑɐɒæɓʙβɔɕçɗɖðʤəɘɚɛɜɝɞɟʄɡɠɢʛɦɧħɥʜɨɪʝɭɬɫɮʟɱɯɰŋɳɲɴøɵɸθœɶʘɹɺɾɻʀʁɽʂʃʈʧʉʊʋⱱʌɣɤʍχʎʏʑʐʒʔʡʕʢǀǁǂǃˈˌːˑʼʴʰʱʲʷˠˤ˞↓↑→↗↘'̩'ᵻ" + +# Export all symbols: +symbols = [_pad] + list(_punctuation) + list(_letters) + list(_letters_ipa) + +dicts = {} +for i in range(len((symbols))): + dicts[symbols[i]] = i + + +class TextCleaner: + def __init__(self, dummy=None): + self.word_index_dictionary = dicts + print(len(dicts)) + + def __call__(self, text): + indexes = [] + for char in text: + try: + indexes.append(self.word_index_dictionary[char]) + except KeyError: + print(text) + return indexes diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..369acc3ccda122b497faea59ec6426f33af6ed55 --- /dev/null +++ b/utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +from monotonic_align import maximum_path +from monotonic_align import mask_from_lens +from monotonic_align.core import maximum_path_c +import numpy as np +import torch +import copy +from torch import nn +import torch.nn.functional as F +import torchaudio +import librosa +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +from munch import Munch + + +def maximum_path(neg_cent, mask): + """Cython optimized version. + neg_cent: [b, t_t, t_s] + mask: [b, t_t, t_s] + """ + device = neg_cent.device + dtype = neg_cent.dtype + neg_cent = np.ascontiguousarray(neg_cent.data.cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32)) + path = np.ascontiguousarray(np.zeros(neg_cent.shape, dtype=np.int32)) + + t_t_max = np.ascontiguousarray( + mask.sum(1)[:, 0].data.cpu().numpy().astype(np.int32) + ) + t_s_max = np.ascontiguousarray( + mask.sum(2)[:, 0].data.cpu().numpy().astype(np.int32) + ) + maximum_path_c(path, neg_cent, t_t_max, t_s_max) + return torch.from_numpy(path).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) + + +def get_data_path_list(train_path=None, val_path=None): + if train_path is None: + train_path = "Data/train_list.txt" + if val_path is None: + val_path = "Data/val_list.txt" + + with open(train_path, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: + train_list = f.readlines() + with open(val_path, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: + val_list = f.readlines() + + return train_list, val_list + + +def length_to_mask(lengths): + mask = ( + torch.arange(lengths.max()) + .unsqueeze(0) + .expand(lengths.shape[0], -1) + .type_as(lengths) + ) + mask = torch.gt(mask + 1, lengths.unsqueeze(1)) + return mask + + +# for norm consistency loss +def log_norm(x, mean=-4, std=4, dim=2): + """ + normalized log mel -> mel -> norm -> log(norm) + """ + x = torch.log(torch.exp(x * std + mean).norm(dim=dim)) + return x + + +def get_image(arrs): + plt.switch_backend("agg") + fig = plt.figure() + ax = plt.gca() + ax.imshow(arrs) + + return fig + + +def recursive_munch(d): + if isinstance(d, dict): + return Munch((k, recursive_munch(v)) for k, v in d.items()) + elif isinstance(d, list): + return [recursive_munch(v) for v in d] + else: + return d + + +def log_print(message, logger): + logger.info(message) + print(message)