Generate a chat where user input is understood and analysed and declared as which tone it belongs to we have two roles 1.celebrity and only fans will send inputs celebrity will not respond from {role=fans} provides input ,if the tone of content is negative {example: offensive,rude,sarcastic,violating etc} the model should block the message . else the message should be delivered to {role=celebrity)page import vertexai from vertexai.preview.language_models import TextGenerationModel vertexai.init(project="agileai-poc", location="us-central1") parameters = { "max_output_tokens": 2048, "temperature": 0.9, "top_p": 1 } model = TextGenerationModel.from_pretrained("gemini-pro") response = model.predict( """Generate a chat where user input is understood and analysed and declared as which tone it belongs to we have two roles 1.celebrity and only fans will send inputs celebrity will not respond from {role=fan} provides input ,if the tone of content is negative {example: offensive,rude,sarcastic,violating etc} the model should block the message . else the message should be delivered to {role=celebrity)page Fans: His presence commands every scene, radiating a magnetic charisma that captivates and holds the audience spellbound. output: His presence commands every scene, radiating a magnetic charisma that captivates and holds the audience spellbound. Fans: Salaar makes for an almost satisfying theatrical experience but it leaves a lot of things open-ended. While it does deliver on the promise of a violent action film, it somehow fails to connect much at an emotional level. output: Blocked """, **parameters ) print(f"Response from Model: {response.text}")