""" Data preparation. Download: https://voice.mozilla.org/en/datasets Author ------ Titouan Parcollet Luca Della Libera 2022 Pooneh Mousavi 2022 """ from dataclasses import dataclass import os import csv import re import logging import torchaudio from tqdm import tqdm import unicodedata import functools torchaudio.set_audio_backend("soundfile") from speechbrain.utils.parallel import parallel_map from speechbrain.dataio.dataio import read_audio_info logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def prepare_common_voice( data_folder, save_folder, train_tsv_file=None, dev_tsv_file=None, test_tsv_file=None, accented_letters=False, language="en", skip_prep=False, ): """ Prepares the csv files for the Mozilla Common Voice dataset. Download: https://voice.mozilla.org/en/datasets Arguments --------- data_folder : str Path to the folder where the original Common Voice dataset is stored. This path should include the lang: /datasets/CommonVoice// save_folder : str The directory where to store the csv files. train_tsv_file : str, optional Path to the Train Common Voice .tsv file (cs) dev_tsv_file : str, optional Path to the Dev Common Voice .tsv file (cs) test_tsv_file : str, optional Path to the Test Common Voice .tsv file (cs) accented_letters : bool, optional Defines if accented letters will be kept as individual letters or transformed to the closest non-accented letters. language: str Specify the language for text normalization. skip_prep: bool If True, skip data preparation. Example ------- >>> from recipes.CommonVoice.common_voice_prepare import prepare_common_voice >>> data_folder = '/datasets/CommonVoice/en' >>> save_folder = 'exp/CommonVoice_exp' >>> train_tsv_file = '/datasets/CommonVoice/en/train.tsv' >>> dev_tsv_file = '/datasets/CommonVoice/en/dev.tsv' >>> test_tsv_file = '/datasets/CommonVoice/en/test.tsv' >>> accented_letters = False >>> duration_threshold = 10 >>> prepare_common_voice( \ data_folder, \ save_folder, \ train_tsv_file, \ dev_tsv_file, \ test_tsv_file, \ accented_letters, \ language="en" \ ) """ if skip_prep: return # If not specified point toward standard location w.r.t CommonVoice tree if train_tsv_file is None: train_tsv_file = data_folder + "/train.tsv" else: train_tsv_file = train_tsv_file if dev_tsv_file is None: dev_tsv_file = data_folder + "/dev.tsv" else: dev_tsv_file = dev_tsv_file if test_tsv_file is None: test_tsv_file = data_folder + "/test.tsv" else: test_tsv_file = test_tsv_file # Setting the save folder if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) # Setting ouput files save_csv_train = save_folder + "/train.csv" save_csv_dev = save_folder + "/dev.csv" save_csv_test = save_folder + "/test.csv" # If csv already exists, we skip the data preparation if skip(save_csv_train, save_csv_dev, save_csv_test): msg = "%s already exists, skipping data preparation!" % (save_csv_train) logger.info(msg) msg = "%s already exists, skipping data preparation!" % (save_csv_dev) logger.info(msg) msg = "%s already exists, skipping data preparation!" % (save_csv_test) logger.info(msg) return # Additional checks to make sure the data folder contains Common Voice check_commonvoice_folders(data_folder) # Creating csv files for {train, dev, test} data file_pairs = zip( [train_tsv_file, dev_tsv_file, test_tsv_file], [save_csv_train, save_csv_dev, save_csv_test], ) for tsv_file, save_csv in file_pairs: create_csv( tsv_file, save_csv, data_folder, accented_letters, language, ) def skip(save_csv_train, save_csv_dev, save_csv_test): """ Detects if the Common Voice data preparation has been already done. If the preparation has been done, we can skip it. Returns ------- bool if True, the preparation phase can be skipped. if False, it must be done. """ # Checking folders and save options skip = False if ( os.path.isfile(save_csv_train) and os.path.isfile(save_csv_dev) and os.path.isfile(save_csv_test) ): skip = True return skip @dataclass class CVRow: snt_id: str duration: float mp3_path: str spk_id: str words: str def process_line(line, data_folder, language, accented_letters): # Path is at indice 1 in Common Voice tsv files. And .mp3 files # are located in datasets/lang/clips/ mp3_path = data_folder + "/clips/" + line.split("\t")[1] file_name = mp3_path.split(".")[-2].split("/")[-1] spk_id = line.split("\t")[0] snt_id = file_name # Setting torchaudio backend to sox-io (needed to read mp3 files) """ if torchaudio.get_audio_backend() != "sox_io": logger.warning("This recipe needs the sox-io backend of torchaudio") logger.warning("The torchaudio backend is changed to sox_io") torchaudio.set_audio_backend("sox_io") """ # Reading the signal (to retrieve duration in seconds) if os.path.isfile(mp3_path): info = read_audio_info(mp3_path) else: msg = "\tError loading: %s" % (str(len(file_name))) logger.info(msg) return None duration = info.num_frames / info.sample_rate # Getting transcript words = line.split("\t")[2] # Unicode Normalization words = unicode_normalisation(words) # !! Language specific cleaning !! words = language_specific_preprocess(language, words) # Remove accents if specified if not accented_letters: words = strip_accents(words) words = words.replace("'", " ") words = words.replace("’", " ") # Remove multiple spaces words = re.sub(" +", " ", words) # Remove spaces at the beginning and the end of the sentence words = words.lstrip().rstrip() # Getting chars chars = words.replace(" ", "_") chars = " ".join([char for char in chars][:]) # Remove too short sentences (or empty): if language in ["ja", "ch"]: if len(chars) < 3: return None else: if len(words.split(" ")) < 3: return None # Composition of the csv_line return CVRow(snt_id, duration, mp3_path, spk_id, words) def create_csv( orig_tsv_file, csv_file, data_folder, accented_letters=False, language="en" ): """ Creates the csv file given a list of wav files. Arguments --------- orig_tsv_file : str Path to the Common Voice tsv file (standard file). data_folder : str Path of the CommonVoice dataset. accented_letters : bool, optional Defines if accented letters will be kept as individual letters or transformed to the closest non-accented letters. Returns ------- None """ # Check if the given files exists if not os.path.isfile(orig_tsv_file): msg = "\t%s doesn't exist, verify your dataset!" % (orig_tsv_file) logger.info(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) # We load and skip the header loaded_csv = open(orig_tsv_file, "r").readlines()[1:] nb_samples = len(loaded_csv) msg = "Preparing CSV files for %s samples ..." % (str(nb_samples)) logger.info(msg) # Adding some Prints msg = "Creating csv lists in %s ..." % (csv_file) logger.info(msg) # Process and write lines total_duration = 0.0 line_processor = functools.partial( process_line, data_folder=data_folder, language=language, accented_letters=accented_letters, ) # Stream into a .tmp file, and rename it to the real path at the end. csv_file_tmp = csv_file + ".tmp" with open(csv_file_tmp, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as csv_f: csv_writer = csv.writer( csv_f, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL ) csv_writer.writerow(["ID", "duration", "wav", "spk_id", "wrd"]) for line in tqdm(loaded_csv) : row = line_processor(line) if row is not None : total_duration += row.duration csv_writer.writerow( [ row.snt_id, str(row.duration), row.mp3_path, row.spk_id, row.words, ] ) os.replace(csv_file_tmp, csv_file) # Final prints msg = "%s successfully created!" % (csv_file) logger.info(msg) msg = "Number of samples: %s " % (str(len(loaded_csv))) logger.info(msg) msg = "Total duration: %s Hours" % (str(round(total_duration / 3600, 2))) logger.info(msg) def language_specific_preprocess(language, words): # !! Language specific cleaning !! # Important: feel free to specify the text normalization # corresponding to your alphabet. if language in ["en", "fr", "it", "rw"]: words = re.sub( "[^’'A-Za-z0-9À-ÖØ-öø-ÿЀ-ӿéæœâçèàûî]+", " ", words ).upper() if language == "de": # this replacement helps preserve the case of ß # (and helps retain solitary occurrences of SS) # since python's upper() converts ß to SS. words = words.replace("ß", "0000ß0000") words = re.sub("[^’'A-Za-z0-9öÖäÄüÜß]+", " ", words).upper() words = words.replace("'", " ") words = words.replace("’", " ") words = words.replace( "0000SS0000", "ß" ) # replace 0000SS0000 back to ß as its initial presence in the corpus if language == "fr": # Replace J'y D'hui etc by J_ D_hui words = words.replace("'", " ") words = words.replace("’", " ") elif language == "ar": HAMZA = "\u0621" ALEF_MADDA = "\u0622" ALEF_HAMZA_ABOVE = "\u0623" letters = ( "ابتةثجحخدذرزژشسصضطظعغفقكلمنهويىءآأؤإئ" + HAMZA + ALEF_MADDA + ALEF_HAMZA_ABOVE ) words = re.sub("[^" + letters + " ]+", "", words).upper() elif language == "fa": HAMZA = "\u0621" ALEF_MADDA = "\u0622" ALEF_HAMZA_ABOVE = "\u0623" letters = ( "ابپتةثجحخچدذرزژسشصضطظعغفقگکلمنهویىءآأؤإئ" + HAMZA + ALEF_MADDA + ALEF_HAMZA_ABOVE ) words = re.sub("[^" + letters + " ]+", "", words).upper() elif language == "ga-IE": # Irish lower() is complicated, but upper() is nondeterministic, so use lowercase def pfxuc(a): return len(a) >= 2 and a[0] in "tn" and a[1] in "AEIOUÁÉÍÓÚ" def galc(w): return w.lower() if not pfxuc(w) else w[0] + "-" + w[1:].lower() words = re.sub("[^-A-Za-z'ÁÉÍÓÚáéíóú]+", " ", words) words = " ".join(map(galc, words.split(" "))) elif language == "es": # Fix the following error in dataset large: # KeyError: 'The item En noviembre lanzaron Queen Elizabeth , coproducida por Foreign Noi$e . requires replacements which were not supplied.' words = words.replace("$", "s") return words def check_commonvoice_folders(data_folder): """ Check if the data folder actually contains the Common Voice dataset. If not, raises an error. Returns ------- None Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If data folder doesn't contain Common Voice dataset. """ files_str = "/clips" # Checking clips if not os.path.exists(data_folder + files_str): err_msg = ( "the folder %s does not exist (it is expected in " "the Common Voice dataset)" % (data_folder + files_str) ) raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) def unicode_normalisation(text): return str(text) def strip_accents(text): text = ( unicodedata.normalize("NFD", text) .encode("ascii", "ignore") .decode("utf-8") ) return str(text)