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"language": "en",
"title": "Ein Yaakov",
"versionSource": "",
"versionTitle": "Sefaria Community Translation",
"license": "CC0",
"versionTitleInHebrew": "תרגום קהילת ספריא",
"actualLanguage": "en",
"languageFamilyName": "english",
"isBaseText": false,
"isSource": false,
"direction": "ltr",
"heTitle": "עין יעקב",
"categories": [
"text": {
"Berakhot": [
".....39. And Rabbi Helbo said in the name of Rav Huna: \"Any person who has fear of Heaven, his words are heard, as it says (Ecclesiastes 12:13): 'The end of the matter, all having been heard: fear God, and keep His commandments; for that is the whole man.'\" What does it mean when it says \"for that is the whole man?\" Rabbi Elazar said: The Holy One, blessed be He, said that the whole world was created for this purpose. Rabbi Abba bar Kahana said: This [the fear of Heaven] outweighs the entire world. Rabbi Shimon ben Azai [or some say Rabbi Shimon ben Zoma] said: The whole world was created only for the sake of this [fulfilling God's commandment",
"40. Rabbi Helbo said that Rav Huna said: Anyone who knows that his friend is accustomed to greeting him with peace should greet him with peace first, as it says: \"Seek peace and pursue it\" (Psalms 34:15). But if he greeted him with peace and he did not return it, he is called a thief, as it says: \"You have devoured the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses\" (Isaiah 3:14).",
"How does one invite [others to recite a blessing]? With three [people], one says \"let us bless [God]\". With three and himself, he says \"bless [God]\". Gemara: Shmuel said, \"A person should never exclude himself from the community",
"Translation: What is the law regarding the blessings of a non-Jew, whether he is a Torah scholar or not? Rabbi says: \"If he blesses with enthusiasm, he is a Torah scholar, and if not, he is an ignoramus.\" Abaye said to Rav Dimi: \"But isn't it written (in 2 Samuel 7:29), 'And may Your house be blessed forever from Your blessing'? This is a question.\" Likewise, in another verse (in Psalm 81:11), it is written, \"Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.\" This one is written in matters of Torah.",
"תָּנוּ רַבָּנָן: אַסְפָּרָגוּס, יָפֶה לַלֵּב וְטוֹב לָעֵינַיִם, וְכָל־שֶׁכֵּן לִבְנֵי מֵעַיִם, וְהָרָגִיל בּוֹ, יָפֶה לְכָל גּוּפוֹ, וְהַמִּשְׁתַּכֵּר הֵימֶנּוּ, קָשֶׁה לְכָל גּוּפוֹ.",
"The rabbis taught: asparagus is good for the heart and good for the eyes, and even more so for the intestines, and one who is accustomed to it, it is good for his entire body, but one who abstains from it, it is harsh for his entire body.",
"Rabbi Yochanan said: \"Whoever blesses over a full cup is granted an inheritance without boundaries, as it is stated: 'And of the fullness of Hashem's blessing, he shall take possession of the sea and the south'\" (Deuteronomy 33:23). Rabbi Yosei bar Chanina said: \"He is granted an inheritance and will inherit both this world and the world to come.\""
"Shabbat": [
"Eiruvin": [
"Pesakhim": [
"Yoma": [
"Sukkah": [
"Beitzah": [
"Rosh Hashanah": [
"Megillah": [
"Taanit": [
"Piska: Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said, \"There were no joyous days for Israel like the Fifteenth of Av and Yom Kippur.\" Now, regarding Yom Kippur, it is understandable because it is a day of forgiveness and atonement, the day on which the second Tablets were given to the Israelites. But what is the significance of the Fifteenth of Av? Rav Yehudah said in the name of Shmuel: \"It is the day on which the tribes were allowed to intermarry with one another.\" What is the scriptural source for this? It is stated, \"This is the thing which the Lord has commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad\" (Numbers 36:6), indicating that this matter was applicable only during that particular generation. Rabah bar Bar Chanah said in the name of Rabbi Yochanan, \"It is the day on which the tribe of Benjamin was permitted to rejoin the congregation,\" as it is stated, \"And the people had sworn in Mizpah, saying, 'None of us shall give his daughter in marriage to Benjamin as a wife'\" (Judges 21:1). What is the derivation? Rav said, \"From our own tribe\" and not from other tribes. Rabba bar bar Chananah said in the name of Rabbi Yochanan, \"It is the day on which the deaths of the desert generation ceased,\" as the Master said, \"As long as the deaths of the desert generation had not yet concluded, there was no divine communication with Moses,\" as it is stated, \"And it came to pass, when all the men of war were consumed and dead from among the people, that the Lord spoke to me, saying\" (Deuteronomy 2:16-17). \"To me\" implies that there was divine communication with me. Ulla said: The meaning of this verse, which discusses the day on which Hosea son of Elah abolished the paths so that the people of Israel would not ascend to Jerusalem on the pilgrimage festivals, is that the date was required to be stated to both the fathers and the sons because there are mitzvot that were commanded to the fathers and not to the sons. For example, the mitzvot of challah, terumah, ma'aser, and all the mitzvot related to the Land of Israel that they were unable to fulfill in the desert. Therefore, the fathers needed to inform their sons about the laws of impurity of the sanctuary and its holy items. Rav Matnah said: The day on which those who died in the incident of Ba'al Peor were buried. And Rav Matnah also said: On that day, they established a decree in Yavneh, \"Hatov Ve'hameitiv\" (the Blessing of Goodness), \"Hatov\" to indicate that they did not emit an unpleasant odor, and \"Ve'hameitiv\" to indicate that they were given a proper burial. Rabba and Rav Yosef both said: The day on which they ceased to cut wood for the Temple service. As it was taught: Rabbi Eliezer the Great says, \"From the Fifteenth of Av onward, the strength of the sun begins to wane, and they no longer cut wood for the altar, because the wood does not dry properly.\" Rav Menashya said: And it is called \"The day the scroll withholds.\" From this point onward, it would say \"It shall add\" for each additional day, and when it does not add, it is called \"It withholds.\" Rav Yosef taught: What is the meaning of \"It withholds\"? Rav Yosef said: They buried his mother on that day. Piska. The Sages taught: Regarding the daughters of Israel going out and selecting husbands, the Rabbis taught: The daughter of a king can marry a descendant of the High Priest, the daughter of the High Priest can marry a descendant of a deputy High Priest, the daughter of a deputy High Priest can marry a descendant of a military officer, and the daughter of a military officer can marry a common priest. And all of Israel can inquire about marrying each other in order not to cause embarrassment to someone who has no lineage. Piska. All vessels require immersion. Rabbi Zerika said that Rabbi Elazar said: Even folded and placed in a box. Piska. The daughters of Israel can go out and dance in the vineyards. It was taught: One who has no wife should turn there. Piska. And what do they say? \"Young man, lift up your eyes to beauty, for a woman has no other attribute but beauty.\" The women of distinguished lineage say: \"Set your eyes on the family, for a woman is meant for bearing children.\" The wealthy women say: \"Set your eyes on wealthy husbands. [Among them are] merchants and the poor [women] say: \"Take your acquisitions for the sake of Heaven, as long as you adorn us with gold.\""
"Moed Katan": [
"Khagigah": [
"Yevamot": [
"Ketubbot": [
"Nedarim": [
"Nazir": [
"Gittin": [
"Sotah": [
"Kiddushin": [
"Bava Kamma": [
"Bava Metzia": [
"Bava Batra": [
"It is taught (in a baraita): Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Yosei, said: \"All acts of charity and kindness that Jews perform in this world make great peace and are great intercessors between the Jewish people and their Father in Heaven, as it is stated (Jeremiah 16:5), 'so said the Lord, \"Enter not into a house of mourning, neither go to lament nor bemoan them, for I have taken away My peace from this people,\" says the Lord, \"both kindness and mercy.\"' 'Kindness' - this is acts of kindness; 'mercy' - this is acts of charity.\" It is taught (in a baraita): Rabbi Yehudah says, \"Great is charity in that it advances the redemption, as it is stated (Isaiah 56:1), 'So said the Lord, uphold justice and do charity, for My salvation is near to come, and My righteousness to be revealed.'\" He would say, \"Ten strong entities were created in the world. A mountain is strong, but iron cleaves it. Iron is strong, but fire melts it. Fire is strong, but water extinguishes it. Water is strong, but clouds bear it. Clouds are strong, but wind disperses them. Wind is strong, but the body withstands it. The body is strong, but fear breaks it. Fear is strong, but wine dispels it. Wine is strong, but sleep drives it off. And death is stronger than them all, but charity saves [a person] from death, as it is stated (Proverbs 10:2, 11:4), 'and charity delivers from death.'\" "
"Rabba b. b. Chana said further: \"The same merchant said to me: 'Come and I will show you the place where the children of Korah were swallowed up.' And I saw two crevices in the ground from which smoke issued. I took a piece of wool, wetted it with water, put it on my spear, placed it in the crevice, and when 1 took it out it was singed. And the merchant said to me: 'Listen! what do you hear?' And I heard them saying : 'Moses and his Torah are true, and we are liars.' The merchant said to me : 'Each thirtieth day of the month, Gehenna turns them over here, as flesh is turned over in the pot. and they say Moses and his Torah are true, and we are liars.' \" "
"Sanhedrin": [
"What is meant by 'a wicked bond'? Shebna taught to twelve myriads, while Hezekiah taught to eleven myriads. When Sennacherib came and besieged Jerusalem, Shebna wrote on an arrowhead: 'Shebna and his group have made peace; Hezekiah and his group have not.' As it is written: 'For, behold, the wicked bend the bow, they have prepared their arrow upon the string.' Hezekiah was in doubt, saying, 'Perhaps, God forbid, the Holy One, Blessed be He, will follow the majority? If the majority surrender, they too will surrender.' A prophet came and said to him: 'Do not say \"conspiracy\" regarding all that this people call a conspiracy.' Meaning, it is a conspiracy of the wicked, and a conspiracy of the wicked is not counted. He went to dig a grave for himself in the tombs of the house of David. A prophet came and said to him: 'What are you doing here? And who are you here? For you have dug a grave here...' Rav said: 'The upheaval of a man is harder than that of a woman.' 'And they shall wrap you in a wrap,' Rabbi Yosei son of Rabbi Hanina said: 'This teaches that leprosy broke out on him. As it is written here: \"And they shall wrap you in a wrap\", and it is written there: \"And his upper lip shall be covered.\" 'He will surely violently turn and toss you like a ball into a large country,' A tanna taught: He sought to elevate himself and disgrace his master's house; therefore, his honor was turned to disgrace. When he went out, the angel Gabriel stuck him to the ground by his hair. They said to him: 'Where is your retinue?' He said: 'Return to me.' They said to him: 'If so, your sister is laughing at the son!' They stabbed him in the heels and hung him on the tails of their horses, and they dragged him over thorns and thistles. Rabbi Elazar said: 'Shebna was a hedonist, as it is written here: \"Go, come to the steward,\" and it is written there: \"And the king had a stewardess."
"Makkot": [
"Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi says, “There are three matters that the earthly court did and the heavenly court agreed with them, and these are they: Reading the Scroll [of Esther on Purim]; greeting another with the name of God; and bringing the tithe [to the Temple treasury].” Reading the Scroll, as it is written (Esther 9:27), “The Jews confirmed, and they took upon themselves.” They confirmed above that which they took upon themselves below. Greeting (with the name of God), as it is written (Ruth 2:4), “And presently Boaz came from Bethlehem and said to the harvesters, The Lord is with you.’” And it states (Judges 6:12) “The Lord is with you, mighty man of valor.” What is [the reason for], “And it states?” And if you would say that Boaz acted on his own, but from Heaven, they did not agree with him; come hear [a proof]: “And it states, ‘The Lord is with you, mighty man of valor.’” The bringing of the tithe, as (it is written [II Chronicles 31:5], “When the word spread, the Israelites brought large quantities of grain, wine, oil, honey, and all kinds of agricultural produce, and tithes of all, in large amounts.” And) it is written (Malachi 3:10), “Bring you the [whole] tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food, etc. and I will pour you out a blessing, that there shall be more than sufficiency (<i>ad beli dai</i>).” What is “<i>ad beli dai</i>.”? [Rami bar Rav] (Rav Chama in the name of Rav) said, “Until your lips will be worn out (<i>yivlu</i>) from saying, ‘Enough <i>Dai</i>).’”"
"Shevuot": [
"Eduyot": [
"Avodah Zarah": [
"Horayot": [
"Zevakhim": [
"Menakhot": [
"Khullin": [
"Bekhorot": [
"Arakhin": [
"Temurah": [
"Keritot": [
"Meilah": [
"Tamid": [
"Kinnim": [
"Kelim": [
"Negaim": [
"Niddah": [
"Yadayim": [
"Okatzin": [
"Middot": [
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"enTitle": "Ein Yaakov",
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"enTitle": "Berakhot"
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"heTitle": "פסחים",
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"heTitle": "יומא",
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"enTitle": "Moed Katan"
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"enTitle": "Bava Kamma"
"heTitle": "בבא מציעא",
"enTitle": "Bava Metzia"
"heTitle": "בבא בתרא",
"enTitle": "Bava Batra"
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"enTitle": "Okatzin"
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"enTitle": "Middot"
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