database_export / json /Halakhah /Acharonim /Chafetz Chaim /English /Sefaria Community Translation.json
noahsantacruz's picture
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18.3 kB
"language": "en",
"title": "Chafetz Chaim",
"versionSource": "",
"versionTitle": "Sefaria Community Translation",
"actualLanguage": "en",
"languageFamilyName": "english",
"isSource": false,
"direction": "ltr",
"heTitle": "讞驻抓 讞讬讬诐",
"categories": [
"text": {
"Preface": [],
"Introduction to the Laws of the Prohibition of Lashon Hara and Rechilut": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"Negative Commandments": [],
"Positive Commandments": [],
"Curses": [
"And now we shall clarify, with the aid of HASHEM, that which we knew above in the beginning of the introduction鈥攕pecifically, how many curses he accepts upon himself, whomever doesn鈥檛 guard himself from this evil trait [of Lashon Hara]. Other than all the negative and positive commandments [enumerated] above, he transgresses (A) over (Debharim"
"Part One, The Prohibition Against Lashon Hara": {
"Principle 1": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 2": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 3": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 4": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 5": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 6": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 7": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 8": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 9": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 10": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Part Two, The Prohibition Against Rechilut": {
"Principle 1": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 2": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 3": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 4": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 5": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 6": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 7": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 8": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Principle 9": {
"Opening Comments": [],
"": []
"Illustrations": {
"Illustration 1": [],
"Illustration 2": [],
"Illustration 3": [],
"Illustration 4": [],
"Illustration 5": [],
"Illustration 6": [],
"Illustration 7": [],
"Illustration 8": [],
"Illustration 9": [],
"Illustration 10": [],
"Illustration 11": []
"Responsa of the Chavot Yair": [],
"Responsa of the Maharik": [],
"Responsa of the Maharik Siman 129": [],
"Aliyot d'Rabeinu Yonah, from the Shitah Mekubetzet": []
"schema": {
"heTitle": "讞驻抓 讞讬讬诐",
"enTitle": "Chafetz Chaim",
"key": "Chafetz Chaim",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "讛拽讚诪讛",
"enTitle": "Preface"
"heTitle": "驻转讬讞讛 诇讛诇讻讜转 诇砖讜谉 讛专注 讜专讻讬诇讜转",
"enTitle": "Introduction to the Laws of the Prohibition of Lashon Hara and Rechilut",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "讛拽讚诪讛",
"enTitle": "Opening Comments"
"heTitle": "诇讗讜讬谉",
"enTitle": "Negative Commandments"
"heTitle": "注砖讬讬谉",
"enTitle": "Positive Commandments"
"heTitle": "讗专讜专讬谉",
"enTitle": "Curses"
"heTitle": "讞诇拽 专讗砖讜谉: 讛诇讻讜转 讗讬住讜专讬 诇砖讜谉 讛专注",
"enTitle": "Part One, The Prohibition Against Lashon Hara",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "讻诇诇 讗",
"enTitle": "Principle 1",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "讛注专讜转 诪拽讚讬诪讜转",
"enTitle": "Opening Comments"
"heTitle": "",
"enTitle": ""
"heTitle": "讻诇诇 讘",
"enTitle": "Principle 2",
"nodes": [
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"enTitle": "Opening Comments"
"heTitle": "",
"enTitle": ""
"heTitle": "讻诇诇 讙",
"enTitle": "Principle 3",
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"enTitle": "Opening Comments"
"heTitle": "",
"enTitle": ""
"heTitle": "讻诇诇 讚",
"enTitle": "Principle 4",
"nodes": [
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"enTitle": "Opening Comments"
"heTitle": "",
"enTitle": ""
"heTitle": "讻诇诇 讛",
"enTitle": "Principle 5",
"nodes": [
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"enTitle": "Opening Comments"
"heTitle": "",
"enTitle": ""
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"enTitle": "Principle 6",
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"enTitle": "Opening Comments"
"heTitle": "",
"enTitle": ""
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"enTitle": ""
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"enTitle": ""
"heTitle": "讻诇诇 讬",
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"heTitle": "讛注专讜转 诪拽讚讬诪讜转",
"enTitle": "Opening Comments"
"heTitle": "",
"enTitle": ""
"heTitle": "讞诇拽 砖谞讬: 讛诇讻讜转 讗讬住讜专讬 专讻讬诇讜转",
"enTitle": "Part Two, The Prohibition Against Rechilut",
"nodes": [
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"enTitle": "Principle 1",
"nodes": [
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"heTitle": "",
"enTitle": ""
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"heTitle": "",
"enTitle": ""
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"enTitle": ""
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"enTitle": "Illustration 3"
"heTitle": "爪讬讜专 讚",
"enTitle": "Illustration 4"
"heTitle": "爪讬讜专 讛",
"enTitle": "Illustration 5"
"heTitle": "爪讬讜专 讜",
"enTitle": "Illustration 6"
"heTitle": "爪讬讜专 讝",
"enTitle": "Illustration 7"
"heTitle": "爪讬讜专 讞",
"enTitle": "Illustration 8"
"heTitle": "爪讬讜专 讟",
"enTitle": "Illustration 9"
"heTitle": "爪讬讜专 讬",
"enTitle": "Illustration 10"
"heTitle": "爪讬讜专 讬讗",
"enTitle": "Illustration 11"
"heTitle": "转砖讜讘转 讞讜转 讬讗讬专",
"enTitle": "Responsa of the Chavot Yair"
"heTitle": "转砖讜讘转 诪讛专讬\"拽",
"enTitle": "Responsa of the Maharik"
"heTitle": "转砖讜讘转 诪讛专讬\"拽 住讬' 拽讻\"讟",
"enTitle": "Responsa of the Maharik Siman 129"
"heTitle": "注诇讬讜转 专讘讬谞讜 讬讜谞讛 诪砖讬讟讛 诪拽讜讘爪转",
"enTitle": "Aliyot d'Rabeinu Yonah, from the Shitah Mekubetzet"