database_export / json /Midrash /Aggadah /Midrash Rabbah /Shemot Rabbah /English /Rabbi Dr. David Mevorach Seidenberg, from Kabbalah and Ecology.json
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"language": "en",
"title": "Shemot Rabbah",
"versionSource": " ",
"versionTitle": "Rabbi Dr. David Mevorach Seidenberg, from \"Kabbalah and Ecology\"",
"status": "locked",
"versionTitleInHebrew": "רבי וד״ר דוד מבורך סיידנברג, מתוך ״קבלה ואקולוגיה״",
"shortVersionTitle": "Rabbi Dr. David Mevorach Seidenberg, 2015",
"actualLanguage": "en",
"languageFamilyName": "english",
"isBaseText": false,
"isSource": false,
"direction": "ltr",
"heTitle": "שמות רבה",
"categories": [
"Midrash Rabbah"
"text": [
"... one who kills a person/nefesh . . . it is as if he removed the icons of the king, and he is sentenced and has no life, for the human is created in the d’mut of the ministering angels"
"... Said the Holy One: You are indebted/obligated/chayavim to the dogs, for in the hour that I killed the firstborn of Egypt . . . the Egyptians were sitting all night and burying their dead, and the dogs barked at them, and at Israel they didn’t bark. . . therefore . . . “to the dog you will",
"throw it”."
"sectionNames": [