/Midrash Rabbah
/Shemot Rabbah
/Rabbi Mike Feuer, Jerusalem Anthology.json
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"title": "Shemot Rabbah", | |
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"versionTitle": "Rabbi Mike Feuer, Jerusalem Anthology", | |
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"versionTitleInHebrew": "רבי מייק פוייר, לקט ירושלים", | |
"shortVersionTitle": "Rabbi Mike Feuer", | |
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"heTitle": "שמות רבה", | |
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"“Moses was pasturing the flocks…” (Exodus 3:1) This is what is written “But the Lord is in His Holy Temple.” (Habbakuk 2:20) R’ Shmuel bar Nachman says: the Divine Presence dwelled in the Holy Temple until it was destroyed, as it says “The Lord is in His Holy Temple.” (Psalms 11:4) Once the Holy Temple was destroyed, the Divine Presence removed to the heavens, as it says “The Lord established His throne in the heavens…” (Psalms 103:19) R’ Eliezer says: the Divine Presence never moved from within the Sanctuary, as it says “…and My eyes and heart will be there at all times.” (Chronicles II 7:16) And it also says “With my voice, I call to the Lord, and He answered me from His holy mount to eternity.” (Psalms 3:5) Even though it is destroyed, it remains in its sanctity. Come and see what Cyrus says “…the God Who is in Jerusalem.” (Ezra 1:3) He said to them: even though it is destroyed, God has not moved from there. And it is written “His eyes see, His pupils try the sons of men.” (Psalms 11:4)" | |
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"... Another explanation. “…to you it shall be the first ...” (Exodus 12:2) This is referring, so to speak, to the Holy One who is called first, as it says “I am first and I am last…” (Isaiah 44:6) And Zion is called first, as it says “As a Throne of Glory, exalted from the beginning, so is the place of our Sanctuary.” (Jeremiah 17:12) And Esau is called first, as it says “And the first one emerged ruddy…” (Genesis 25:25) The Messiah is called first, as it says “The first one to Zion, behold, behold them…” (Isaiah 41:27) Let the Holy One, who is called first, come and build the Holy Temple which is called first, and exact retribution from Esau who is called first. And let the Messiah, who is called first, come in the first month, as it says “This month shall be to you the head of the months…” (Exodus 12:2) " | |
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"Another explanation. “It came to pass at midnight…” (Exodus 12:29) David said “I recall my melody at night…” (Psalms 77:7) Knesset Israel said: I recall the pieces into which you used to shatter my enemies at night, and ‘melody’ is indicative of shattering as it says “…I am their melody,” (Lamentations 3:63) and it says “…Who has delivered your adversaries into your hand.” (Genesis 14:20) Sancheriv came upon us and You shattered him at night, as it says “And it came to pass on that night that an angel of the Lord went out and slew one hundred eighty-five thousand of the camp of Assyria.” (Kings II 19:35) R’ Nechemia said: come and see the love of the Holy One for Israel! The ministering angels, who are mighty in strength to do His word, were made by the Holy One to be the guardians of Israel. Who are they? Michael and Gavriel, as it says “On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen…” (Isaiah 62:6) When Sancheriv came, Michael went out and struck them and Gavriel saved Chananyah and his friends at the command of the Holy One. Why was this? When the Holy One went down to save Avraham from the fiery furnace, He made an agreement with them. Michael and Gavriel said before Him: we will go down and save him. He said to them: if he had gone into the furnace for your name’s sake then you could save him, but he went in for My sake and I will go down to save him, as it says “I am the Lord, Who brought you forth from Ur of the Chaldees…” (Bereshit 15:7) But I will give you a time when you can do so since you wanted to save him for My name’s sake. Michael you will descend on the camp of Assyria and Gavriel you will descend on the camp of the Chaldeans. When Gavriel went down to save Chananyah, Mishael and Azaryah he made a decree on the fire and it burst out on those who had thrown them in, as it says “…these men who had brought up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego…” (Daniel 3:22) There are those who say that four nations died there. First it is written “Then, the satraps, the prefects, the governors, the judges, the treasurers, the counselors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers…” (Daniel 3:3) and here it is written lacking four, as it says “And the satraps, the prefects, the governors, and the leaders…” (Daniel 3:27) Therefore Chananyah said “Praise the Lord, all nations…” (Psalms 117:1) Mishael said “…laud Him, all peoples.” (ibid.) And Azaryah said “For His kindness has overwhelmed us…” (Psalms 117:2) The angel said “…and the truth of the Lord is eternal.” (ibid.) It is true what He said to me when I wanted to go down and save Avraham. And so too Michael did what he was told, as it says “And it came to pass on that night that an angel of the Lord went out…” (Kings II 19:35) It was taught: all the soldiers and the commanders were drinking wine and they left the bottles tossed aside. The Holy One said to Sancheriv: you did yours, as it says “Through your messengers you have insulted the Lord…” (Kings II 19:23) So to I will act at the hand of my messenger. What did he do to him? “…and in the place of honor, a burning shall burn like the burning of fire.” (Isaiah 10:16) And what does ‘in the place of honor’ mean? That he burnt their bodies from within and left their clothes untouched because the clothing of a man is his honor. Why did he leave their clothes? Because they were the descendants of Shem, as it says “The sons of Shem were Elam and Asshur…” (Genesis 10:22) The Holy One said: I am obligated to their father Shem because he and Yafet took their clothes and covered the nakedness of their father, as it says “And Shem and Japheth took the garment…” (Genesis 9:23) Therefore the Holy One said to Michael: leave their clothes and burn their souls, and what is written there? “And they arose in the morning, and behold they were all dead corpses.” (Kings II 19:35) This is what is written “Betimes I cut down all the wicked of the earth…” (Psalms 101:8) Hezekiah and Israel were sitting and saying Hallel because it was the night of Passover. They were afraid to say ‘now Jerusalem is conquered by his hand.’ When they got up in the morning to say the shema and to pray they found the dead bodies of their enemies. Therefore the Holy One said to Isaiah “Call his name Maher-shalal-hash-baz (to hasten loot, speed the spoils)” (Isaiah 8:3) and he hurried to loot their spoils. And call one ‘God is with us’ (Immanuel) to say that I am with him, as it says “With him is an arm of flesh, and with us is the Lord our God…” (Chronicles II 32:8) Just as the Holy One did in this world through the hands of Michael and Gavriel, so to in the time to come he will do through their hands, as it says “And saviors shall ascend Mt. Zion to judge the mountain of Esau…” (Ovadiah 1:21) This refers to Michael and Gavriel. Our Holy rabbi said: this is Michael himself, as it says “Now at that time, Michael, the great prince, who stands over the children of your people, will be silent…” (Daniel 12:1) He pleads the needs of Israel and speaks on their behalf, as it says “And the angel of the Lord replied and said, \"O Lord of Hosts! How long will You not have mercy on Jerusalem and upon the cities of Judah…” (Zechariah 1:12) And it says”… but no one strengthens himself concerning these matters except Michael, your prince.” (Daniel 10:21)" | |
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"What does “…led the people around (vayasev)…” (Exodus 13:18) mean? That the Holy One surrounded them, just as it says “But I will be for it-says the Lord-a wall of fire around (saviv)…” (Zechariah 2:9) Like a shepherd who was shepherding his sheep and saw wolves descending upon them, he turned back the sheep in order that they not be hurt. So to, when Israel came out of Egypt the chiefs of Edom, Moav, Canaan and Amalek stood around and took counsel on how to come upon Israel. When the Holy One saw this He sent them around in order that they not come upon them, as it says “So God led the people around…” (Exodus 13:18) Not only was this so in this world, but it will be so in the next as well. From where do we do know this? As David said “Jerusalem has mountains around it, and the Lord is around His people…” (Psalms 125:2) Another explanation. “So God led the people around…” (Exodus 13:18) From here our Rabbis said that even the poorest in Israel should not eat until he reclines (yasev), because this is what the Holy One did for them ‘So God led the people around (vayasev).’" | |
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"Another explanation. “Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song…” (Exodus 15:1) This is what is written “I am black but comely…” (Song of Songs 1:5) Knesset Yisrael says: I am black through my actions and comely through the actions of my forefathers. Our Rabbis said: don’t read this as ‘the daughters (b’not) of Jerusalem’ but rather as ‘the builders (bonot) of Jerusalem.’ This is the Great Sanhedrin of Israel, who sits and directs its construction. Another explanation. “daughters (b’not) of Jerusalem” (Song of Songs 1:5) R’ Yochanan said: in the future Jerusalem will become the metropolis of all the lands, as it says “Ashdod with her towns (b’noteha)…” (Joshua 15:47) What does “Like the tents of Kedar…” (Song of Songs 1:5) mean? Just as the tents of the Ishmaelites are ugly on the outside and beautiful within, so are the wise. Even though they appear ugly in this world, within they are filled with Mishna, Talmud, laws and parables. If the tents of the Ishmaelites move from place to place, perhaps Israel also moves from place to place? The verse continues “…like the curtains of Solomon.” (ibid.) Like the curtains of the One who spoke and brought the world into being. From the moment they were spread out like a tent, they did not move from their location. If the tents of the Ishmaelites are never washed, perhaps to too Israel? The verse continues “…like the curtains of Solomon (Shlomo).” Just as this cloak (salma) gets dirty and then can become clean again, so too Israel - even though they sin, they repent before the Holy One. Another explanation. “I am black but comely…” (Song of Songs 1:5) In that which I am black, I am comely. They sinned at Mount Horev, as it says “At Horev, you angered the Lord…” (Deuteronomy 9:8) And at Horev they said “All that the Lord spoke we will do and we will hear.” (Exodus 24:7) At the sea they rebelled, as it says “…and they were rebellious by the sea, by the Sea of Reeds.” (106:7) And at the sea they sang a song, as it says “Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song…” (Exodus 15:1)" | |
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"“…and the people shall go out and gather what is needed for the day…” (Exodus 16:4) This is what is written “Blessed is the Lord; every day…” (Psalms 68:20) The Holy One said to Israel: with the measure that a man measures with, so he is measured. I gave you the Torah in order that you be occupied with it every day, as it says “Fortunate is the man who listens to me to watch by my doors day by day…” (Proverbs 8:34) And so too “Yet they seek Me daily…” (Isaiah 58:2) By your lives, I will satisfy you with food from the heavens every day, as it says “…and the people shall go out and gather what is needed for the day, so that I can test them, whether or not they will follow My teaching.” (Exodus 16:4) Furthermore, I will bless you every day, as it says “Blessed is the Lord; every day God lavishes upon us…” (Psalms 68:20) When you do My will I will call you “…borne from birth…” (Isaiah 46:3) and I will fill up (ma’amis) for you the cup of salvation in the merit of the Holy Temple, which is called a ‘stone of burden’ (maamasa), as it says “And it shall come to pass on that day that I will make Jerusalem a stone of burden for all peoples…” (Zechariah 12:3)" | |
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"R’ Elazar said: the whole Torah hangs on judgment. That is why the Holy One gave the laws of justice after the Ten Commandments - because people cross the line of justice, are punished and this teaches the whole world. Sodom was not overturned until it crossed the line of justice, as it says “…pride, abundance of bread, and careless ease…“ (Ezekiel 16:49) Even Jerusalem was not exiled until she crossed the line of justice, as it says “…the orphan they do not judge, and the quarrel of the widow does not come to them.” (Isaiah 1:23) And why did the Holy One give the crown to Yehudah? He is not the sole mighty one from among his brothers, are not Shimon, Levi and the others mighty as well? Rather, it was because he gave true judgment to Tamar, therefore he was made judge of the world. This is like a judge before whom an orphan’s judgment comes and he finds in her favor. So too Yehudah – Tamar’s judgment that she should be burned came before him, and he found in her merit because he found merit in her. How? Yitzchak and Yaakov were sitting there, and all his brothers were covering for him. Yehudah acknowledged Gd (HaMakom) and spoke the truth of the matter, saying “She is more in the right than I…” (Bereshit 38:26) and the Holy One made him prince. So Ben Zoma used to say and explain: if you were ashamed in this world, you will not be ashamed of the Holy One, who is a consuming fire, in the coming world. Why? Because the shame of this world is nothing other than the shame of one’s standing in the coming world, as it says “For this let every pious man pray to You…” (Tehillim 32:6)" | |
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"... Another explanation. “We have not found the Almighty great in power…” (Iyov 37:23) At the moment when the Holy One said to Moshe ‘make me a Tabernacle’ he was dumbfounded and said ‘the glory of the Holy One fills the upper worlds and the lower, and He said to make Him a Tabernacle?’ Further, he gazed into the future and saw that Shlomo would arise and build the Holy Temple which would be greater than the Tabernacle, and he said before the Holy One “But will God indeed dwell on the earth?” (Melachim I 8:27) Moshe reasoned: if in reference to the Holy Temple, which is so much larger than the Tabernacle, Shlomo said this - then when it comes to the Tabernacle all the more so. Therefore Moshe said “He who dwells in the hidden place of the Most High…” (Tehillim 91:1) R’ Yehudah bar R’ Simon said: The One who dwells in the hidden place is above all His creations. What does the continuation “…in the shadow of the Almighty,” mean? In the shadow of Gd (b’tzel el). It is not written as ‘in the shadow of the Merciful’ or ‘in the shadow of the Gracious,’ but rather ‘in the shadow of the Almighty.’ In the shadow which Betzalel made, that is why it says ‘in the shadow of the Almighty’. The Holy One replied to Moshe ‘I do not see things the same way as you do. Rather it says twenty in the north, twenty in the south and eight in the west. Furthermore, I will I will come down and contract my Presence within a space of one cubit by one cubit.’" | |
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"... Another explanation. Why did Jeremiah see fit to compare our ancestors to an olive-tree? All liquids mix with one another, but oil stays separate when mixed. So too Israel does not mix with the idolaters, as it says “You shall not marry them…” (Deuteronomy 7:3) Another explanation. When one mixes all other liquids one doesn’t know what is on top and what is below, but even if you mix oil with all the liquids in the world it rises above the others. So to our ancestors – when they would do the will of God (HaMakom) they stood above the idolaters, as it says “…the Lord, your God, will place you supreme…” (Deuteronomy 28:1) This is “A leafy olive-tree fair with goodly fruit…” (Jeremiah 11:16) Another explanation. “A leafy olive-tree,” this is what is written “The fairest of branches, the joy of the entire earth…” (Psalms 48:3) What does ‘the fairest of branches (nof)’ mean? In Greek they call a bride namfi. ‘The joy of the entire earth,’ because no member of Israel was distressed as long as the Holy Temple stood. And why not? Because one would enter there filled with sins, offer a sacrifice and it would atone for him. There is no greater joy than this, that he would leave there righteous, that is ‘The fairest of branches, the joy of the entire earth.’ It is written regarding Tyre: “Tyre, you said, 'I am the perfection of beauty.'” (Ezekiel 27:3) You say this, but others do not. But everyone speaks the praises of Jerusalem, as it says “Is this the city that was called the perfection of beauty, the joy of all the earth?” (Lamentations 2:15) And it is written “Mount Zion, by the north side, the city of a great king.” (Psalms 48:3) The place where they offer sacrifices, as it says “And he shall slaughter it on the northern side of the altar, before the Lord.” (Leviticus 1:11) It says “A leafy olive-tree fair with goodly fruit…” (Jeremiah 11:16) Just as oil illuminates, so too the Holy Temple illuminates the whole world, as it says “And nations shall go by your light…” (Isaiah 60:3) Therefore our ancestors were called ‘a leafy olive-tree’ because they illuminated everyone with their faith. Therefore the Holy One said to Moshe “…and they shall take to you pure olive oil…” (Exodus 27:20)" | |
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"Another explanation. “See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri …” (Shemot 31:2) This is one of the seven people called by multiple names. There are those that were called by four names, which is Eliyahu, Bezalel had six, Yehoshua six, Moshe seven, Mordecai two, Daniel five, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah had four. Eliyahu had four: R’ Elazar ben Padat said ‘Eliyahu was from Jerusalem and was among those who sat in the Court of Hewn Stones. He was from the city of Yehudah and his portion was in two tribal lands – five in Benyamin, as it says “And Zelah, Eleph, and the Jebusite, which is Jerusalem…” (Yehoshua 18:28) and three in Yehudah, as it says “Zenan, and Hadashah, and Migdal-gad.”" | |
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"Another explanation. “Now they brought the Tabernacle…” (Exodus 39:33) This is what is written “Go out, O daughters of Zion, and gaze upon King Solomon, upon the crown with which his mother crowned him on the day of his nuptials and on the day of the joy of his heart.” (Song of Songs 3:11) When was this verse said? On the day that the Tabernacle was erected, when there was great joy in Israel because the Holy One dwelled among them. ‘Daughters of Zion’ (bnot tzion), meaning children who are distinguishable (metuzyanin) by the idolators through their dedication to me. Just as a marker (tziyun) can be identified by pointing, so too Israel can be identified by pointing and thus they are ‘daughters of Zion’ – who are distinguishable (metuzyanin). ‘upon King Solomon’ Upon the King to whom peace (shalom) belongs, who is the King, King of Kings the Holy One blessed be He. ‘upon the crown with which his mother crowned him’ This refers to the Tabernacle. Why did they called it a crown? Just as a crown is decorated, so too the Tabernacle was decorated, as it says “…and an embroiderer with blue, purple, and crimson wool, and linen and [of] weavers, those who do every [manner of] work, and master weavers.” (Exodus 25:35) This is the crown with which his mother crowned him. R’ Yitzchak said: I went over all of the Scriptures, and I did not find anywhere that Batsheva made a crown for Shlomo. R’ Shimon bar Yochai asked R’ Elazar bar R’ Yosi: is it possible that you heard from your father what is this crown with which his mother crowned him? He replied: Yes. It is like a king who had an only daughter. He loved her too much and would call her ‘my daughter.’ He kept loving her until he called her ‘my sister’ and until he called her ‘my mother.’ So too, at first the Holy One call Israel daughter, as it says “Hearken, daughter, and see, and incline your ear, and forget your people and your father's house.” (Psalms 45:11) He kept loving them to the point of calling them ‘my sister,’ as it says “…Open for me, my sister, my beloved, my dove, my perfect one, for my head is full of dew, my locks with the drops of the night.” (Song of Songs 5:2) He did not cease to love them to the point of calling them ‘my mother,’ (imi) as it says “Hearken to Me, My people, and My nation (u’lumi), bend your ears to Me, when Torah shall emanate from Me, and My judgment shall be for the light of the peoples, I will give them rest.” (Isaiah 51:4) R’ Shimon bar Yochai stood up and kissed him on his head. ‘on the day of his nuptials’ This was at Sinai. ‘on the day of the joy of his heart’ This is in Jerusalem... Another explanation: On the day of his wedding, in the tabernacle. On the day of his heart's joy, in the Holy Temple. So too David said, \"The fairest of branches, the joy of the entire earth- Mount Zion, by the north side, the city of a great king.\" (Tehillim 48:3) R' Yochanan be Elazar said: There was once a peddler who went to Jerusalem to sell his wares, he went and sat there and made no sales. He said: this is the place about which they say 'joy of the entire earth?!' After one hour he had sold his entire stock. He said 'the fairest of branches, the joy of the entire earth.' R' Yochanan said: there was a chamber of accounting outside of Jerusalem, and anyone who wanted to think about such things would go there. Why? In order that they shouldn't do their calculations in Jerusalem and be troubled by them, because she is called 'joy of the entire earth.' And why all this praise? Because she was 'the city of a great king.' Once she was destroyed, rejoicing passed and the joy of all the earth was exiled. What does the language of ar'va (passed on) mean? It was darkened, obscured, as it says \" was evening and it was morning, one day.\" (Bereshit 1:5) In this world the joy of all the earth has ceased, and when the Holy One rebuilds Jerusalem He will return all the joy to her, as it says \"For the Lord shall console Zion, He shall console all its ruins, and He shall make its desert like a paradise and its wasteland like the garden of the Lord; joy and happiness shall be found therein, thanksgiving and a voice of song.\" (Yeshayahu 51:3)" | |
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