{ |
"language": "he", |
"title": "Siddur Sefard", |
"versionSource": "Torat Emet 357", |
"versionTitle": "Modeh Anu", |
"actualLanguage": "he", |
"languageFamilyName": "hebrew", |
"isBaseText": true, |
"isSource": true, |
"isPrimary": true, |
"direction": "rtl", |
"heTitle": "住讬讚讜专 住驻专讚", |
"categories": [ |
"Liturgy", |
"Siddur" |
], |
"text": { |
"Upon Arising": { |
"Modeh Ani": [ |
"诪讜止讚侄讛 讗植谞执讬 诇职驻指谞侄讬讱指 诪侄诇侄讱职 讞址讬 讜职拽址讬指旨诐 砖讈侄讛侄讞直讝址专职转指旨 讘执旨讬 谞执砖职讈诪指转执讬 讘旨职讞侄诪职诇指讛, 专址讘指旨讛 讗直诪讜旨谞指转侄讱指:" |
], |
"Tallit": [], |
"Tefilin": [], |
"Introductory Prayers": [], |
"Upon Entering Synagogue": [] |
}, |
"Weekday Shacharit": { |
"Morning Blessings": [], |
"Blessings on Torah": [], |
"Morning Prayer": [], |
"Korbanot": [], |
"B'raita d'Rabi Yishmael": [], |
"Hodu": [], |
"Yishtabach": [], |
"The Shema": [], |
"Amidah": [], |
"Tachanun": [], |
"Avinu Malkeinu": [], |
"For Monday & Thursday": [], |
"Torah Reading": [], |
"Ashrei": [], |
"Beit Yaakov": [], |
"Song of the Day": [], |
"Barchi Nafshi": [], |
"L'David Hashem": [], |
"Kaveh": [], |
"Aleinu": [] |
}, |
"Additional Prayers ": { |
"Six Rememberances": [], |
"Thirteen Principles": [], |
"Chapter of Fear of God": [], |
"Chapter of Repentance": [], |
"Chapter of Manna": [], |
"Supplications After Prayers": [], |
"Chapter of Song": [] |
}, |
"Weekday Mincha": { |
"Korbanot": [], |
"Torah Reading for Fast Day": [], |
"Amidah": [], |
"Tachanun": [], |
"Avinu Malkeinu": [] |
}, |
"Weekday Maariv": { |
"The Shema": [], |
"Amidah": [], |
"Motzaei Shabbat": [], |
"Sefirat HaOmer": [] |
}, |
"Kiddush Levanah": [], |
"Bedtime Shema": [], |
"Lag BaOmer Songs": { |
"Amar Rabbi Akiva": [], |
"Ashreinu Ma Tov": [], |
"Ashreinu Uma Naim": [], |
"Bar Yochai": [], |
"Bar Yochai Butzina Kadisha": [], |
"Bar Yochai Hashem Imcha": [], |
"Bar Yochai Yesod Olam": [], |
"Bar Yochai Tagel Yoladetecha": [], |
"Va'amartem Ko Lechai": [], |
"Lichvod HaTanna": [], |
"Naaleh V'Navo": [] |
}, |
"Various Blessings": { |
"Marriage Blessings": [], |
"Sheva Berachot": [], |
"Circumcision": [], |
"Geula LeBrit Milah": [], |
"Redeeming Firstborn": [] |
}, |
"Mealtime Blessings": [], |
"Birchat HaMazon": { |
"Birchat HaMazon": [], |
"Brit Milah": [], |
"Blessing on Foods": [] |
}, |
"Blessings": { |
"Me'ein Shalosh": [], |
"Ha'etz": [], |
"Ha'adamah": [], |
"Shehakol": [], |
"Borei Nefashot": [], |
"Shehecheyanu": [], |
"Fragrant Spices": [], |
"Fragrant Herbs": [], |
"Fragrant Shrubs": [], |
"Fragrant Fruit": [], |
"Fragrant Oils": [], |
"Lightning & Thunder": [], |
"Seeing Rainbow": [], |
"Seeing Ocean": [], |
"Blossoming Fruit Tree": [], |
"Various Blessings of Praise": [], |
"Immersing Utensils": [], |
"Mezuzah": [], |
"Separating Challah": [], |
"Separating Terumot & Maasrot": [], |
"Traveler's Prayer": [], |
"Air Traveler's Prayer": [] |
}, |
"Eruv Tavshilin": [], |
"Shabbat Candle Lighting": [], |
"Shabbat Eve Mincha": { |
"Song of Songs": [], |
"Mincha": [], |
"Amidah": [] |
}, |
"Kabbalat Shabbat": [], |
"Shabbat Eve Maariv": { |
"Shabbat Eve Maariv": [], |
"Shema & Blessings": [], |
"Amidah": [], |
"Vayechulu": [] |
}, |
"Shabbat Evening Meal": { |
"Blessing the Children": [], |
"Shalom Aleichem": [], |
"Eishet Chayil": [], |
"Atkinu Seudata": [], |
"Shabbat Eve Kiddush": [], |
"Zemirot": [] |
}, |
"Shabbat Morning Services": { |
"Pesukei D'Zimrah": [], |
"Shema & Blessings": [], |
"Amidah": [], |
"Shabbat Torah Reading": [], |
"Blessings on Torah Reading": [], |
"Prayer for Oleh": [], |
"Prayer for Mother after Chilbirth": [], |
"Prayer for Sick": [], |
"BaHaB Blessing": [], |
"Thanksgiving Blessing": [], |
"Bar Mitzva": [], |
"Hagbahah": [], |
"Haftarah Blessings": [], |
"Blessing of New Month": [], |
"Prayer for Deceased": [], |
"Av HaRachamim": [] |
}, |
"Musaf": [], |
"Shabbat Day Meal": { |
"Seder Tikunei Shabbat": [], |
"Shabbat Day Kiddush": [], |
"Zemirot": [] |
}, |
"Shabbat Mincha": { |
"Korbanot": [], |
"Amidah": [], |
"Pirkei Avot": [] |
}, |
"Third Meal": { |
"Zemirot": [], |
"Motzaei Shabbat Prayers": [], |
"Gott Fun Avraham": [] |
}, |
"Motzaei Shabbat ": { |
"Havdala": [], |
"Hamavdil": [], |
"Melava Malka Zemirot": [] |
}, |
"Shaking Lulav": [], |
"Rosh Chodesh": { |
"Hallel": [], |
"Song of the Day": [], |
"Barchi Nafshi": [], |
"Torah Reading": [], |
"Ashrei Uva L'Tziyon": [], |
"Returning Sefer Torah": [], |
"Mussaf": [] |
}, |
"Holidays": { |
"Yom Tov Eve Kiddush": [], |
"Kaddish Before Maariv Amidah": [], |
"Maariv, Shacharit & Mincha Amidah": [], |
"Yizkor": [], |
"Prayer for Dew": [], |
"Prayer for Rain": [], |
"Yom Tov Musaf Amidah": [], |
"Yom Tov Daytime Kiddush": [], |
"Prayer Upon Entering Sukkah": [] |
}, |
"Nissan": { |
"The'Nasi' Readings": [], |
"Search for Hametz": [], |
"Burning Hametz": [], |
"Pesach Offering": [], |
"Letter of Rav Shimshon of Ostropol": [] |
}, |
"Pesach Haggadah": { |
"Kadesh": [], |
"Urchatz": [], |
"Karpas": [], |
"Yachatz": [], |
"Maggid": [], |
"Rochtzoh": [], |
"Motzi, Matzah": [], |
"Maror": [], |
"Korech": [], |
"Shulchan Orech": [], |
"Tzafun": [], |
"Barech": [], |
"Hallel": [], |
"Nirtzah": [], |
"Shir HaShirim": [] |
}, |
"Sukkot": { |
"Order of Hoshanot": [], |
"First Day & Chol HaMoed": [], |
"Sabbath": [], |
"Hoshana Rabba": [] |
}, |
"Simchat Torah": { |
"Hakafot": [], |
"Evening Torah Reading": [] |
}, |
"Shavuot": [], |
"Yotzerot": { |
"Parashat Sekalim": [], |
"Musaf for Shekalim": [], |
"Parashat Zachor": [], |
"Parashat Parah": [], |
"Parashat HaChodesh": [], |
"Musaf for Hachodesh": [], |
"Shabbat HaGadol": [], |
"Haggadah for Shabbat Hagadol": [] |
}, |
"Chanukah": { |
"Menorah Lighting": [], |
"Torah Reading": [], |
"Song for Shabbat Chanuka": [] |
}, |
"Purim": { |
"Parashat Zachor": [], |
"Megillah Reading": [], |
"Order of Purim Day": [], |
"Krovetz L'Purim": [], |
"Torah Reading": [] |
}, |
"Fast Days": { |
"Yom Kippur Katan": [], |
"Selichot for BaHaB": [], |
"Selichot for First Monday": [], |
"Selichot for Thursday": [], |
"Selichot for Concluding Monday": [], |
"Selichot for Asara B'Tevet": [], |
"Selichot for Taanit Esther": [], |
"Selichot for 20 Sivan": [], |
"El Maleh Prayer": [], |
"Selichot for 17 Tamuz": [], |
"Selichot for Childrens' Illness": [] |
}, |
"Torah Readings": { |
"Torah Reading for Shabbat Mincha & Monday, Thursday": [], |
"Fast Day Torah Reading": [], |
"Fast Day Mincha Haftara": [], |
"Torah Reading for Rosh Chodesh": [], |
"Torah Reading for Chol Hamoed Pesach": [], |
"Torah Reading for Chol Hamoed Sukkot": [] |
}, |
"Priestly Blessing": [], |
"Various Prayers & Segulot": { |
"Formula Against Evil Eye": [], |
"Letter of Ramban": [], |
"Prayer of the Shelah": [], |
"Parashat Haman Reading for Tuesday Beshalach": [], |
"Prayer for Livelihood": [], |
"Awesome Prayer of Rabbeinu Tam": [] |
} |
}, |
"schema": { |
"heTitle": "住讬讚讜专 住驻专讚", |
"enTitle": "Siddur Sefard", |
"key": "Siddur Sefard", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛砖讻诪转 讛讘讜拽专", |
"enTitle": "Upon Arising", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讜讚讛 讗谞讬", |
"enTitle": "Modeh Ani" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讟诇讬转", |
"enTitle": "Tallit" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇讬谉", |
"enTitle": "Tefilin" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇讛 拽讜讚诐 讛转驻讬诇讛", |
"enTitle": "Introductory Prayers" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛诇讬讻讛 诇讘讬转 讛讻谞住转", |
"enTitle": "Upon Entering Synagogue" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖讞专讬转 诇讬诪讜转 讛讞讜诇", |
"enTitle": "Weekday Shacharit", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜转 讛砖讞专", |
"enTitle": "Morning Blessings" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜转 讛转讜专讛", |
"enTitle": "Blessings on Torah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 讛砖讞专", |
"enTitle": "Morning Prayer" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讘谞讜转", |
"enTitle": "Korbanot" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讬讬转讗 讚专' 讬砖诪注讗诇", |
"enTitle": "B'raita d'Rabi Yishmael" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛讜讚讜", |
"enTitle": "Hodu" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讬砖转讘讞", |
"enTitle": "Yishtabach" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽\"砖 讜讘专讻讜转讬讛", |
"enTitle": "The Shema" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "注诪讬讚讛", |
"enTitle": "Amidah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转讞谞讜谉", |
"enTitle": "Tachanun" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗讘讬谞讜 诪诇讻谞讜", |
"enTitle": "Avinu Malkeinu" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诇砖谞讬 讜讞诪讬砖讬", |
"enTitle": "For Monday & Thursday" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗转 讛转讜专讛", |
"enTitle": "Torah Reading" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗砖专讬", |
"enTitle": "Ashrei" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘讬转 讬注拽讘", |
"enTitle": "Beit Yaakov" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖讬专 砖诇 讬讜诐", |
"enTitle": "Song of the Day" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻讬 谞驻砖讬", |
"enTitle": "Barchi Nafshi" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诇讚讜讚 讛'", |
"enTitle": "L'David Hashem" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽讜讛", |
"enTitle": "Kaveh" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "注诇讬谞讜", |
"enTitle": "Aleinu" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转讜住驻讜转 讗讞专讬 砖讞专讬转", |
"enTitle": "Additional Prayers ", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖砖 讝讻讬专讜转", |
"enTitle": "Six Rememberances" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖诇砖讛 注砖专 注讬拽专讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Thirteen Principles" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "驻专砖转 讛讬专讗讛", |
"enTitle": "Chapter of Fear of God" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "驻专砖转 讛转砖讜讘讛", |
"enTitle": "Chapter of Repentance" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "驻专砖转 讛诪谉", |
"enTitle": "Chapter of Manna" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘拽砖讜转 诇讗讞专 讛转驻讬诇讛", |
"enTitle": "Supplications After Prayers" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "驻专拽 砖讬专讛", |
"enTitle": "Chapter of Song" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪谞讞讛 诇讬诪讜转 讛讞讜诇", |
"enTitle": "Weekday Mincha", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讘谞讜转", |
"enTitle": "Korbanot" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗讛 诇转注谞讬转 爪讬讘讜专", |
"enTitle": "Torah Reading for Fast Day" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "注诪讬讚讛", |
"enTitle": "Amidah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转讞谞讜谉", |
"enTitle": "Tachanun" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗讘讬谞讜 诪诇讻谞讜", |
"enTitle": "Avinu Malkeinu" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "注专讘讬转 诇讬诪讜转 讛讞讜诇", |
"enTitle": "Weekday Maariv", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽\"砖 讜讘专讻讜转讬讛", |
"enTitle": "The Shema" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "注诪讬讚讛", |
"enTitle": "Amidah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "注专讘讬转 诇诪讜爪讗讬 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Motzaei Shabbat" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住驻讬专转 讛注讜诪专", |
"enTitle": "Sefirat HaOmer" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽讬讚讜砖 诇讘谞讛", |
"enTitle": "Kiddush Levanah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗转 砖诪注 砖注诇 讛诪讬讟讛", |
"enTitle": "Bedtime Shema" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖讬专讬诐 诇诇\"讙 讘注讜诪专", |
"enTitle": "Lag BaOmer Songs", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗诪专 专讘讬 注拽讬讘讗", |
"enTitle": "Amar Rabbi Akiva" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗砖专谞讜 诪讛 讟讜讘 讞诇拽谞讜", |
"enTitle": "Ashreinu Ma Tov" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗砖专讬谞讜 讜诪讛 谞注讬诐 讙讜专诇讬谞讜", |
"enTitle": "Ashreinu Uma Naim" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专 讬讜讞讗讬", |
"enTitle": "Bar Yochai" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专 讬讜讞讗讬 讘讜爪讬谞讗 拽讚讬砖讗", |
"enTitle": "Bar Yochai Butzina Kadisha" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专 讬讜讞讗讬 讛' 注诪讱", |
"enTitle": "Bar Yochai Hashem Imcha" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专 讬讜讞讗讬 讬住讜讚 注讜诇诐", |
"enTitle": "Bar Yochai Yesod Olam" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专 讬讜讞讗讬 转讙诇 讬讜诇讚转讱", |
"enTitle": "Bar Yochai Tagel Yoladetecha" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讜讗诪专转诐 讻讛 诇讞讬", |
"enTitle": "Va'amartem Ko Lechai" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诇讻讘讜讚 讛转谞讗 讛讗诇拽讬 专讘讬 砖诪注讜谉 讘专 讬讜讞讗讬", |
"enTitle": "Lichvod HaTanna" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "谞注诇讛 讜谞讘讜讗 讗诇 砖注专讬 诪讬专讜谉", |
"enTitle": "Naaleh V'Navo" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜转 讜转驻讬诇讜转 砖讜谞讜转", |
"enTitle": "Various Blessings", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讘专讻讜转 讗讬专讜住讬谉 讜谞砖讜讗讬谉", |
"enTitle": "Marriage Blessings" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 砖讘注 讘专讻讜转", |
"enTitle": "Sheva Berachot" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讘专讬转 诪讬诇讛", |
"enTitle": "Circumcision" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讙讗讜诇讛 诇讘专讬转 诪讬诇讛", |
"enTitle": "Geula LeBrit Milah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 驻讚讬讜谉 讛讘谉", |
"enTitle": "Redeeming Firstborn" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 住注讜讚讛 讜讘专讻讜转讬讛", |
"enTitle": "Mealtime Blessings" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讘专讻转 讛诪讝讜谉", |
"enTitle": "Birchat HaMazon", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": " 讘专讻转 讛诪讝讜谉", |
"enTitle": "Birchat HaMazon" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛专讞诪谉 诇讘专讬转 诪讬诇讛", |
"enTitle": "Brit Milah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜转 讛谞讛谞讬谉", |
"enTitle": "Blessing on Foods" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜转 讛谞讛谞讬谉", |
"enTitle": "Blessings", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻讛 讗讞专讜谞讛 诪注讬谉 砖诇讜砖", |
"enTitle": "Me'ein Shalosh" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘讜专讗 驻专讬 讛注抓", |
"enTitle": "Ha'etz" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘讜专讗 驻专讬 讛讗讚诪讛", |
"enTitle": "Ha'adamah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻转 砖讛讻诇", |
"enTitle": "Shehakol" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘讜专讗 谞驻砖讜转", |
"enTitle": "Borei Nefashot" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻转 砖讛讞讬讬谞讜", |
"enTitle": "Shehecheyanu" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "专讬讞 讘砖诪讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Fragrant Spices" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "专讬讞 讟讜讘 砖讘注砖讘讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Fragrant Herbs" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "专讬讞 讟讜讘 砖讘注爪讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Fragrant Shrubs" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "专讬讞 讟讜讘 砖讘驻讬专讜转", |
"enTitle": "Fragrant Fruit" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖诪谉 讗驻专住诪讜谉", |
"enTitle": "Fragrant Oils" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻转 讘专拽讬诐 讜专注诪讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Lightning & Thunder" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻转 讛拽砖转", |
"enTitle": "Seeing Rainbow" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛讬诐 讛讙讚讜诇", |
"enTitle": "Seeing Ocean" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻转 讛讗讬诇谞讜转", |
"enTitle": "Blossoming Fruit Tree" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜转 砖讜谞讜转", |
"enTitle": "Various Blessings of Praise" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻转 讟讘讬诇转 讻诇讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Immersing Utensils" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻转 讛诪讝讜讝讛", |
"enTitle": "Mezuzah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛驻专砖转 讞诇讛", |
"enTitle": "Separating Challah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛驻专砖转 转专讜诪讜转 讜诪注砖专讜转", |
"enTitle": "Separating Terumot & Maasrot" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻诇转 讛讚专讱", |
"enTitle": "Traveler's Prayer" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 讛讚专讱 诇讟住讬诐 讘讗讜讬专讜谉", |
"enTitle": "Air Traveler's Prayer" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 注专讜讘 转讘砖讬诇讬谉", |
"enTitle": "Eruv Tavshilin" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛讚诇拽转 谞专讜转 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Candle Lighting" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪谞讞讛 诇注专讘 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Eve Mincha", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖讬专 讛砖讬专讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Song of Songs" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪谞讞讛 诇注专讘 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Mincha" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 注诪讬讚讛", |
"enTitle": "Amidah" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽讘诇转 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Kabbalat Shabbat" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "注专讘讬转 砖诇 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Eve Maariv", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 注专讘讬转 砖诇 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Eve Maariv" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽\"砖 讜讘专讻讜转讬讛", |
"enTitle": "Shema & Blessings" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 注诪讬讚讛", |
"enTitle": "Amidah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讜讬讻讜诇讜", |
"enTitle": "Vayechulu" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住注讜讚转 诇讬诇 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Evening Meal", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻转 讛讘谞讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Blessing the Children" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖诇讜诐 注诇讬讻诐", |
"enTitle": "Shalom Aleichem" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗砖转 讞讬诇", |
"enTitle": "Eishet Chayil" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗转拽讬谞讜 住注讜讚转讗", |
"enTitle": "Atkinu Seudata" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽讬讚讜砖 诇讬诇 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Eve Kiddush" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讝诪讬专讜转 诇诇讬诇 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Zemirot" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖讞专讬转 砖诇 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Morning Services", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "驻住讜拽讬 讚讝诪专讛", |
"enTitle": "Pesukei D'Zimrah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽\"砖 讜讘专讻讜转讬讛", |
"enTitle": "Shema & Blessings" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 注诪讬讚讛", |
"enTitle": "Amidah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 拽专讬讗转 讛转讜专讛 讘砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Torah Reading" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻转 讛转讜专讛", |
"enTitle": "Blessings on Torah Reading" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讬 砖讘专讱 诇注讜诇讛 诇转讜专讛", |
"enTitle": "Prayer for Oleh" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讬 砖讘专讱 诇讬讜诇讚转", |
"enTitle": "Prayer for Mother after Chilbirth" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讬 砖讘专讱 诇讞讜诇讛", |
"enTitle": "Prayer for Sick" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讘专讻讬谉 讘讛\"讘", |
"enTitle": "BaHaB Blessing" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻转 讛讙讜诪诇", |
"enTitle": "Thanksgiving Blessing" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诇谞注专 讘专 诪爪讜讛", |
"enTitle": "Bar Mitzva" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛讙讘讛转 住驻专 转讜专讛", |
"enTitle": "Hagbahah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻讜转 讛讛驻讟专讛", |
"enTitle": "Haftarah Blessings" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻转 讛讞讜讚砖", |
"enTitle": "Blessing of New Month" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛讝讻专转 谞砖诪讜转", |
"enTitle": "Prayer for Deceased" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗讘 讛专讞诪讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Av HaRachamim" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讜住祝 砖诇 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Musaf" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住注讜讚转 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Day Meal", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 转讬拽讜谞讬 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Seder Tikunei Shabbat" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽讬讚讜砖 诇讬讜诐 讛砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Day Kiddush" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讝诪讬专讜转 诇讬讜诐 讛砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Zemirot" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪谞讞讛 诇砖讘转 拽讜讚砖", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Mincha", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讘谞讜转", |
"enTitle": "Korbanot" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 注诪讬讚讛", |
"enTitle": "Amidah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "驻专拽讬 讗讘讜转", |
"enTitle": "Pirkei Avot" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住注讜讚讛 砖诇讬砖讬转", |
"enTitle": "Third Meal", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "讝诪讬专讜转 诇住注讜讚讛 砖诇讬砖讬转", |
"enTitle": "Zemirot" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 诪讜爪讗讬 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Motzaei Shabbat Prayers" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘拽砖讛 诇诪讜爪讗讬 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Gott Fun Avraham" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诇诪讜爪讗讬 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Motzaei Shabbat ", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛讘讚诇讛", |
"enTitle": "Havdala" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讝诪专 诇诪讜爪讗讬 砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Hamavdil" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讝诪讬专讜转 诇住注讜讚转 诪诇讜讛 诪诇讻讛", |
"enTitle": "Melava Malka Zemirot" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 谞讟讬诇转 诇讜诇讘", |
"enTitle": "Shaking Lulav" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诇专讗砖 讞讜讚砖", |
"enTitle": "Rosh Chodesh", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛诇诇", |
"enTitle": "Hallel" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖讬专 砖诇 讬讜诐", |
"enTitle": "Song of the Day" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讻讬 谞驻砖讬", |
"enTitle": "Barchi Nafshi" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗转 讛转讜专讛 诇专讗砖 讞讚砖", |
"enTitle": "Torah Reading" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗砖专讬 讜讘讗 诇爪讬讜谉", |
"enTitle": "Ashrei Uva L'Tziyon" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛讞讝专转 住驻专 转讜专讛", |
"enTitle": "Returning Sefer Torah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讜住祝 诇专讗砖 讞讜讚砖", |
"enTitle": "Mussaf" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诇砖诇砖 专讙诇讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Holidays", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽讬讚讜砖 诇砖诇砖 专讙诇讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Yom Tov Eve Kiddush" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 讙' 专讙诇讬诐 诇注专讘讬转, 诇砖讞专讬转 讜诇诪谞讞讛", |
"enTitle": "Kaddish Before Maariv Amidah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 注诪讬讚讛 诇砖讞专讬转, 诪谞讞讛 讜注专讘讬转 砖诇 讙' 专讙诇讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Maariv, Shacharit & Mincha Amidah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛讝讻专转 谞砖诪讜转", |
"enTitle": "Yizkor" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 讟诇 诇讬讜诐 专讗砖讜谉 砖诇 驻住讞", |
"enTitle": "Prayer for Dew" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 讙砖诐 诇砖诪讬谞讬 注爪专转", |
"enTitle": "Prayer for Rain" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讜住祝 诇讙' 专讙诇讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Yom Tov Musaf Amidah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 拽讬讚讜砖讗 专讘讗 诇讙' 专讙诇讬诐 讜诇专讗砖 讛砖谞讛", |
"enTitle": "Yom Tov Daytime Kiddush" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇讛 讻砖谞讻谞住讬诐 诇住讜讻讛", |
"enTitle": "Prayer Upon Entering Sukkah" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "谞讬住谉", |
"enTitle": "Nissan", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "驻专砖转 讛谞砖讬讗讬诐", |
"enTitle": "The'Nasi' Readings" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讘讚讬拽转 讞诪抓", |
"enTitle": "Search for Hametz" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 砖专讬驻转 讞诪抓", |
"enTitle": "Burning Hametz" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讗诪讬专转 拽专讘谉 驻住讞", |
"enTitle": "Pesach Offering" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗讙专转 专讘讬谞讜 砖诪砖讜谉 诪讙讬讚 诪讗讜住讟专讜驻讜诇讬讗", |
"enTitle": "Letter of Rav Shimshon of Ostropol" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛讙讚讛 砖诇 驻住讞", |
"enTitle": "Pesach Haggadah", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽讚砖", |
"enTitle": "Kadesh" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讜专讞抓", |
"enTitle": "Urchatz" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讻专驻住", |
"enTitle": "Karpas" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讬讞抓", |
"enTitle": "Yachatz" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讙讬讚", |
"enTitle": "Maggid" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "专讞爪讛", |
"enTitle": "Rochtzoh" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讜爪讬讗, 诪爪讛", |
"enTitle": "Motzi, Matzah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪专讜专", |
"enTitle": "Maror" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讻讜专讱", |
"enTitle": "Korech" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖诇讞谉 注讜专讱", |
"enTitle": "Shulchan Orech" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "爪驻讜谉", |
"enTitle": "Tzafun" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讘专讱", |
"enTitle": "Barech" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛诇诇", |
"enTitle": "Hallel" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "谞专爪讛", |
"enTitle": "Nirtzah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖讬专 讛砖讬专讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Shir HaShirim" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讜讻讜转", |
"enTitle": "Sukkot", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛讜砖注谞讜转", |
"enTitle": "Order of Hoshanot" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛讜砖注谞讜转 诇讬讜\"讟 专讗砖讜谉 讜诇讞讜讛\"诪", |
"enTitle": "First Day & Chol HaMoed" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛讜砖注谞讜转 诇砖讘转", |
"enTitle": "Sabbath" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛讜砖注谞讜转 诇讛讜砖注谞讗 专讘讗", |
"enTitle": "Hoshana Rabba" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖诪讞转 转讜专讛", |
"enTitle": "Simchat Torah", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛拽驻讜转 诇砖诪讞转 转讜专讛", |
"enTitle": "Hakafot" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛拽专讬讗讛 诇诇讬诇 砖诪讞转 转讜专讛", |
"enTitle": "Evening Torah Reading" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "砖讘讜注讜转", |
"enTitle": "Shavuot" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讬讜爪专讜转", |
"enTitle": "Yotzerot", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "讬讜爪专 诇驻专砖转 砖拽诇讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Parashat Sekalim" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讜住祝 诇驻专砖转 砖拽诇讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Musaf for Shekalim" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讬讜爪专 诇驻专砖转 讝讻讜专", |
"enTitle": "Parashat Zachor" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讬讜爪专 诇驻专砖转 驻专讛", |
"enTitle": "Parashat Parah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讬讜爪专 诇驻专砖转 讛讞讜讚砖", |
"enTitle": "Parashat HaChodesh" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "诪讜住祝 诇驻专砖转 讛讞讜讚砖", |
"enTitle": "Musaf for Hachodesh" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讬讜爪专 诇砖讘转 讛讙讚讜诇", |
"enTitle": "Shabbat HaGadol" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛讙讚讛 砖\"驻 诇砖讘转 讛讙讚讜诇", |
"enTitle": "Haggadah for Shabbat Hagadol" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讞谞讜讻讛", |
"enTitle": "Chanukah", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛讚诇拽转 谞专讜转 讞谞讜讻讛", |
"enTitle": "Menorah Lighting" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗转 讛转讜专讛", |
"enTitle": "Torah Reading" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讝诪专 诇砖讘转 讞谞讜讻讛", |
"enTitle": "Song for Shabbat Chanuka" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "驻讜专讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Purim", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "驻专砖转 讝讻讜专", |
"enTitle": "Parashat Zachor" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗转 讛诪讙讬诇讛", |
"enTitle": "Megillah Reading" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讬讜诐 驻讜专讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Order of Purim Day" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讜讘抓 诇驻讜专讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Krovetz L'Purim" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗转 讛转讜专讛 诇驻讜专讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Torah Reading" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转注谞讬讜转 讜讗讘诇讜转", |
"enTitle": "Fast Days", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讬讜诐 讻讬驻讜专 拽讟谉", |
"enTitle": "Yom Kippur Katan" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住诇讬讞讜转 诇转注谞讬讜转 砖谞讬 讜讞诪讬砖讬 讜砖谞讬", |
"enTitle": "Selichot for BaHaB" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住诇讬讞讜转 诇砖谞讬 拽诪讗", |
"enTitle": "Selichot for First Monday" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住诇讬讞讜转 诇讞诪讬砖讬", |
"enTitle": "Selichot for Thursday" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住诇讬讞讜转 诇砖谞讬 讘转专讗", |
"enTitle": "Selichot for Concluding Monday" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住诇讬讞讜转 诇注砖专讛 讘讟讘转", |
"enTitle": "Selichot for Asara B'Tevet" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住诇讬讞讜转 诇转注谞讬转 讗住转专", |
"enTitle": "Selichot for Taanit Esther" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住诇讬讞讜转 诇讻' 住讬讜谉", |
"enTitle": "Selichot for 20 Sivan" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗诇 诪诇讗 专讞诪讬诐 砖诇 讻' 住讬讜谉", |
"enTitle": "El Maleh Prayer" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住诇讬讞讜转 诇砖讘注讛 注砖专 讘转诪讜讝", |
"enTitle": "Selichot for 17 Tamuz" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住诇讬讞讜转 诇转讞诇讜讗讬 讬诇讚讬诐 专\"诇", |
"enTitle": "Selichot for Childrens' Illness" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讛拽专讬讗讜转", |
"enTitle": "Torah Readings", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗讜转 诇砖讘转 讘诪谞讞讛, 讜砖谞讬 讜讞诪讬砖讬", |
"enTitle": "Torah Reading for Shabbat Mincha & Monday, Thursday" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗讛 讘转讜专讛 诇转注谞讬转 爪讬讘讜专", |
"enTitle": "Fast Day Torah Reading" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讛驻讟专讛 诇转注谞讬转 爪讬讘讜专 讘诪谞讞讛", |
"enTitle": "Fast Day Mincha Haftara" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗讛 诇专讗砖 讞讜讚砖", |
"enTitle": "Torah Reading for Rosh Chodesh" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗讛 诇讞讜讛\"诪 驻住讞", |
"enTitle": "Torah Reading for Chol Hamoed Pesach" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "拽专讬讗讛 诇讞讜诇 讛诪讜注讚 砖诇 住讜讻讜转", |
"enTitle": "Torah Reading for Chol Hamoed Sukkot" |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "住讚专 讘专讻转 讻讛谞讬诐", |
"enTitle": "Priestly Blessing" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇讜转 讜住讙讜诇讜转 砖讜谞讜转", |
"enTitle": "Various Prayers & Segulot", |
"nodes": [ |
{ |
"heTitle": "诇讞砖 诇注讬谉 讛专注", |
"enTitle": "Formula Against Evil Eye" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "讗讙专转 讛专诪讘\"谉", |
"enTitle": "Letter of Ramban" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇转 讛砖诇\"讛 讛拽讚讜砖", |
"enTitle": "Prayer of the Shelah" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "驻专砖转 讛诪谉 砖诪讜\"转 诇讬讜诐 砖诇讬砖讬 驻专砖转 讘砖诇讞", |
"enTitle": "Parashat Haman Reading for Tuesday Beshalach" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇讛 注诇 讛驻专谞住讛", |
"enTitle": "Prayer for Livelihood" |
}, |
{ |
"heTitle": "转驻讬诇讛 谞讜专讗讛 讜拽讚讜砖讛 诪专讘谞讜 转诐 讝讬\"注", |
"enTitle": "Awesome Prayer of Rabbeinu Tam" |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
} |