/Acharonim on Tanakh
/Meshech Hochma
/Meshekh Chokhmah
/YU Torah miTzion Beit Midrash.json
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"language": "en", | |
"title": "Meshekh Chokhmah", | |
"versionSource": "", | |
"versionTitle": "YU Torah miTzion Beit Midrash", | |
"versionTitleInHebrew": "ישיבה-יוניברסיטי בית מדרש תורה מציון", | |
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"heTitle": "משך חכמה", | |
"categories": [ | |
"Tanakh", | |
"Acharonim on Tanakh", | |
"Meshech Hochma" | |
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"text": { | |
"Bereshit": [], | |
"Noakh": [], | |
"Lekh Lekha": [], | |
"Vayera": [], | |
"Khayei Sarah": [], | |
"Toldot": [], | |
"Vayetze": [], | |
"Vayishlakh": [], | |
"Vayeshev": [], | |
"Miketz": [ | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"“Now, Pharaoh should find an understanding and wise man” ... <br> Pharaoh was holy to the Egyptians. As such, it wasn’t his role to look into human affairs and the matters of his land. And because “the highest over the high waits, and there are higher ones over them,” theft and robbery were rampant. Woe to the land whose leaders are many! Therefore, in Egypt there was a tremendous distortion of justice as was seen when a person from a far land was thrown in prison for life over a personal matter, imprisoned without justice. Every bureaucrat did as he pleased. Therefore, Pharaoh was shown the dreams about the cows first, to demonstrate that Hashem wasn’t going to have the famine impact Pharaoh, for the sake of the animals, “Hashem saves for the sake of animals.” For this reason Yosef stated, “As to the repetition of the dreams.” “Now, Pharaoh should find an understanding and wise man” - “man” and not “godly” or “holy”, for his greatness [in leadership] should be that he knows the ways of civility and organization. [Therefore,] “He should be placed over all of Egypt” – that everything should be in his hands. If a bureaucrat were to twist the law, his eye would be above him watching. No one would be able to decide law on their own without first consulting the leader of Egypt. And therefore the cows were mentioned first, to point out the corruption of justice in the land of Egypt. And when [Pharaoh] appointed him, he stated - look and oversee all the affairs of the land, for “I’ve given you all of Egypt.” If there is a twisting of the law, it will be dealt with by you alone. Therefore, when Yosef wanted to imprison his brothers without a trial and consensus of the community, he said, “You are spies!” - something that would involve the monarchy and would not need to be publicized amongst the populace [in order to be acted upon]. Similarly, Yosef stated, “I am Pharaoh,” referring to the divine monarchy in the Egyptian language. [This communicates that] it is below my honour to supervise the iniquity and tricks of people. “Without you...” for you will supervise all that occurs in the land of Egypt. Understand this.”" | |
], | |
"Vayigash": [], | |
"Vayekhi": [], | |
"Shemot": [ | |
"", | |
"For the prophecy of all of [the prophets] was via signs and wonders, and anyone who believes [solely] based on signs has a flaw in his faith, unless [the prophet who performs the sign] is endorsed by a prophet who is known to be a valid prophet, as in the case of Elisha, who was endorsed by Eliyahu. The only reason [to believe a sign at all] is that the Torah said to believe a prophet who presents a sign or wonder, just as it instructed to believe witnesses even though there is no guarantee that they always testify truthfully... Moshe was not like this, for all Israel heard G-d speak with Moshe face-to-face, and all of them attained the level of prophecy and saw how G-d spoke with him. Therefore Shemot 19:9 said, “Behold, I am going to come to you in the thick of the cloud, so that (the nation will hear when I speak with you), and they will also believe in you forever”... ", | |
"But if so, how could G-d command that they always believe in Moshe? “All is in the hands of Heaven, except reverence for Heaven” (Berachot 33b), and how could [Moshe’s prophetic] knowledge compel his choice?Perhaps Moshe could later choose, G-d forbid, to add to Torah on his own! It must be that G-d removed from Moshe freedom of choice in entirety, and he remained compelled, like angels ... But all Israel, who were not worthy of such a level and a prophetic encounter, but only experienced it in order to uphold the religion – lest some sower of confusion come contradict one point via sign or wonder – they needed to ascend to that high level to hear the voice of G-d speaking from within the fire ... But afterward, they returned to free choice, without which their existence would have no purpose ...", | |
"But all Israel, who were not worthy of such a level and a prophetic encounter, but only experienced it in order to uphold the religion –lest some sower of confusion come contradict one point via sign or wonder – they needed to ascend to that high level to hear the voice of G-d speaking from within the fire ... But afterward, they returned to free choice, without which their existence would have no purpose ..." | |
], | |
"Vaera": [], | |
"Bo": [], | |
"Beshalakh": [], | |
"Yitro": [], | |
"Mishpatim": [], | |
"Terumah": [], | |
"Tetzaveh": [], | |
"Ki Tisa": [], | |
"Vayakhel": [], | |
"Pekudei": [], | |
"Haftarat Shekalim": [], | |
"Haftarat Zakhor": [], | |
"Haftarat Hakhodesh": [], | |
"Haftarat Shabbat Hagadol": [], | |
"Haftarat First Day Pesakh": [], | |
"Haftarat Last Day Pesakh": [], | |
"Hafatarat Shabbat Rosh Khodesh": [], | |
"Megillat Esther": [], | |
"Vayikra": [], | |
"Tzav": [], | |
"Shemini": [], | |
"Tazria": [], | |
"Metzora": [], | |
"Akharei Mot": [], | |
"Kedoshim": [], | |
"Emor": [], | |
"Behar": [], | |
"Bekhukotai": [], | |
"Bamidbar": [], | |
"Naso": [], | |
"Behaalotkha": [], | |
"Shelakh": [], | |
"Korakh": [], | |
"Khukkat": [], | |
"Balak": [], | |
"Pinekhas": [], | |
"Mattot": [], | |
"Masei": [], | |
"Ruth": [], | |
"Devarim": [], | |
"Va'etkhanan": [], | |
"Ekev": [], | |
"Re'eh": [], | |
"Shoftim": [], | |
"Ki Tetze": [], | |
"Ki Tavo": [], | |
"Nitzavim": [], | |
"Vayelekh": [], | |
"Haazinu": [], | |
"Vezot Haberakha": [], | |
"Eikhah": [], | |
"Derush": [] | |
}, | |
"schema": { | |
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"enTitle": "Meshekh Chokhmah", | |
"key": "Meshekh Chokhmah", | |
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"heTitle": "בראשית", | |
"enTitle": "Bereshit" | |
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"heTitle": "נח", | |
"enTitle": "Noakh" | |
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"heTitle": "לך לך", | |
"enTitle": "Lekh Lekha" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "וירא", | |
"enTitle": "Vayera" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "חיי שרה", | |
"enTitle": "Khayei Sarah" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "תולדות", | |
"enTitle": "Toldot" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "ויצא", | |
"enTitle": "Vayetze" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "וישלח", | |
"enTitle": "Vayishlakh" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "וישב", | |
"enTitle": "Vayeshev" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "מקץ", | |
"enTitle": "Miketz" | |
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"heTitle": "ויגש", | |
"enTitle": "Vayigash" | |
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"heTitle": "ויחי", | |
"enTitle": "Vayekhi" | |
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"heTitle": "שמות", | |
"enTitle": "Shemot" | |
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"heTitle": "וארא", | |
"enTitle": "Vaera" | |
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"heTitle": "בא", | |
"enTitle": "Bo" | |
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"heTitle": "בשלח", | |
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"heTitle": "יתרו", | |
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"heTitle": "משפטים", | |
"enTitle": "Mishpatim" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "תרומה", | |
"enTitle": "Terumah" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "תצוה", | |
"enTitle": "Tetzaveh" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "כי תשא", | |
"enTitle": "Ki Tisa" | |
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"heTitle": "ויקהל", | |
"enTitle": "Vayakhel" | |
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"heTitle": "פקודי", | |
"enTitle": "Pekudei" | |
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"heTitle": "הפטרת שקלים", | |
"enTitle": "Haftarat Shekalim" | |
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"heTitle": "הפטרת זכור", | |
"enTitle": "Haftarat Zakhor" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "הפטרת החודש", | |
"enTitle": "Haftarat Hakhodesh" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "הפטרת שבת הגדול", | |
"enTitle": "Haftarat Shabbat Hagadol" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "הפטרת יום ראשון פסח", | |
"enTitle": "Haftarat First Day Pesakh" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "הפטרת אחרון של פסח", | |
"enTitle": "Haftarat Last Day Pesakh" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "הפטרת שבת ראש חודש", | |
"enTitle": "Hafatarat Shabbat Rosh Khodesh" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "מגילת אסתר", | |
"enTitle": "Megillat Esther" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "ויקרא", | |
"enTitle": "Vayikra" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "צו", | |
"enTitle": "Tzav" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "שמיני", | |
"enTitle": "Shemini" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "תזריע", | |
"enTitle": "Tazria" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "מצורע", | |
"enTitle": "Metzora" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "אחרי מות", | |
"enTitle": "Akharei Mot" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "קדושים", | |
"enTitle": "Kedoshim" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "אמור", | |
"enTitle": "Emor" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "בהר", | |
"enTitle": "Behar" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "בחקתי", | |
"enTitle": "Bekhukotai" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "במדבר", | |
"enTitle": "Bamidbar" | |
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"heTitle": "נשא", | |
"enTitle": "Naso" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "בהעלותך", | |
"enTitle": "Behaalotkha" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "שלח", | |
"enTitle": "Shelakh" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "קרח", | |
"enTitle": "Korakh" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "חקת", | |
"enTitle": "Khukkat" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "בלק", | |
"enTitle": "Balak" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "פנחס", | |
"enTitle": "Pinekhas" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "מטות", | |
"enTitle": "Mattot" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "מסעי", | |
"enTitle": "Masei" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "רות", | |
"enTitle": "Ruth" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "דברים", | |
"enTitle": "Devarim" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "ואתחנן", | |
"enTitle": "Va'etkhanan" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "עקב", | |
"enTitle": "Ekev" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "ראה", | |
"enTitle": "Re'eh" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "שופטים", | |
"enTitle": "Shoftim" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "כי תצא", | |
"enTitle": "Ki Tetze" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "כי תבוא", | |
"enTitle": "Ki Tavo" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "נצבים", | |
"enTitle": "Nitzavim" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "וילך", | |
"enTitle": "Vayelekh" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "האזינו", | |
"enTitle": "Haazinu" | |
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{ | |
"heTitle": "וזאת הברכה", | |
"enTitle": "Vezot Haberakha" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "איכה", | |
"enTitle": "Eikhah" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "דרוש", | |
"enTitle": "Derush" | |
} | |
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