database_export / schemas /Abarbanel_on_I_Kings.json
noahsantacruz's picture
Update export (#8)
bcae866 verified
"title": "Abarbanel on I Kings",
"categories": [
"Rishonim on Tanakh",
"schema": {
"nodes": [
"nodeType": "JaggedArrayNode",
"depth": 1,
"addressTypes": [
"sectionNames": [
"titles": [
"primary": true,
"text": "Introduction",
"lang": "en"
"primary": true,
"text": "讛拽讚诪讛",
"lang": "he"
"title": "Introduction",
"heTitle": "讛拽讚诪讛",
"heSectionNames": [
"key": "Introduction"
"nodeType": "JaggedArrayNode",
"depth": 3,
"addressTypes": [
"sectionNames": [
"toc_zoom": 2,
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"key": "default"
"nodeType": "SchemaNode",
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"titles": [
"primary": true,
"text": "讗讘专讘谞讗诇 注诇 诪诇讻讬诐 讗",
"lang": "he"
"text": "Abarbanel on I Kings",
"lang": "en",
"primary": true
"title": "Abarbanel on I Kings",
"heTitle": "讗讘专讘谞讗诇 注诇 诪诇讻讬诐 讗",
"key": "Abarbanel on I Kings"
"authors": [
"en": "Abarbanel",
"he": "讗讘专讘谞讗诇",
"slug": "abarbanel"
"enDesc": "Abarbanel's highly original commentary usually begins with a number of questions about the text at hand, which he answers over the course of his exegesis.",
"pubDate": [
"compDate": [
"compPlace": "Toledo, Spain",
"pubPlace": "Pesaro",
"era": "RI",
"dependence": "Commentary",
"base_text_titles": [
"en": "I Kings",
"he": "诪诇讻讬诐 讗"
"collective_title": {
"en": "Abarbanel",
"he": "讗讘专讘谞讗诇"
"heTitle": "讗讘专讘谞讗诇 注诇 诪诇讻讬诐 讗",
"titleVariants": [
"Abarbanel on I Kings"
"heTitleVariants": [
"讗讘专讘谞讗诇 注诇 诪诇讻讬诐 讗"
"heCategories": [
"专讗砖讜谞讬诐 注诇 讛转谞状讱",
"compDateString": {
"en": " (1484 CE)",
"he": " (1484 诇住驻讬专讛)"
"pubDateString": {
"en": " (1511 CE)",
"he": " (1511 诇住驻讬专讛)"
"compPlaceString": {
"en": "Toledo, Spain",
"he": "讟讜诇讚讜, 住驻专讚"
"pubPlaceString": {
"en": "Pesaro",
"he": "驻讝讗专讜"