database_export / schemas /Adam_Min_HaAdamah.json
noahsantacruz's picture
Update export (#8)
bcae866 verified
"title": "Adam Min HaAdamah",
"categories": [
"Jewish Thought"
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"text": "驻转讞 讚讘专",
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"text": "砖注专 讗专抓 讬砖专讗诇",
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"text": "砖注专 讛砖讘讬注讬转",
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"heTitle": "砖注专 讛讬讜讘诇",
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"titles": [
"text": "Man of the Earth",
"lang": "en"
"text": "讗讚诐 诪谉 讛讗讚诪讛",
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"text": "Adam Min HaAdamah",
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"title": "Adam Min HaAdamah",
"heTitle": "讗讚诐 诪谉 讛讗讚诪讛",
"key": "Adam Min HaAdamah"
"authors": [],
"enDesc": "Adam Min HaAdamah (\"Person of the Earth\") is a 21st-century work that analyzes the spiritual essence of Shemitah (the Sabbatical year) and Yovel (the Jubilee year) using biblical, rabbinic, and legal sources. Written in accessible, narrative form by students and faculty at Yeshivat Otniel in Israel, Adam Min HaAdamah focuses on the beauty of Shemitah and Yovel and its conceptual relevance to contemporary life.",
"heDesc": "讛住驻专 诪爪讬注 拽专讬讗讛 驻砖讜讟讛 讜诪注诪讬拽讛 讘驻专砖讬讜转 讛诪拽专讗 讜讘讬爪讬专转 讞讝\"诇, 讜驻讜专砖 讗转 住讜讙讬讜转 讛砖讘讬注讬转 讜讛讬讜讘诇 讘讗讜驻谉 谞讛讬专 讛砖讜讜讛 诇讻诇 谞驻砖. 诪讟专转 讛住驻专 讛讬讗 诇注讜专专 诪讞讚砖 讗转 诪讛讜转 讛砖谞讛 讛砖讘讬注讬转, 诇讛专讗讜转 讗转 讬讜驻讬讬讛 讻讬 讟讜讘转 诪专讗讛 讛讬讗, 讜诇拽专讘讛 讗诇 讞讬讬谞讜.\n\n讛住驻专 谞转讞讘专 注诇 讬讚讬 讞讘专讬 讘讬转 讛诪讚专砖 讘注转谞讬讗诇 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 讛专讘 驻讚讬讛 谞讙专",
"enShortDesc": "21st-century work analyzing the spiritual essence of Shemitah and Yovel, compiled by students and faculty at Yeshivat Otniel in Israel.",
"heTitle": "讗讚诐 诪谉 讛讗讚诪讛",
"titleVariants": [
"Man of the Earth",
"Adam Min HaAdamah"
"heTitleVariants": [
"讗讚诐 诪谉 讛讗讚诪讛"
"heCategories": [
"诪讞砖讘转 讬砖专讗诇"