database_export / schemas /Ahavat_Yehonatan.json
noahsantacruz's picture
Update export (#8)
bcae866 verified
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"text": "讗讛讘转 讬讛讜谞转谉",
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"text": "Ahavat Yehonatan",
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"title": "Ahavat Yehonatan",
"heTitle": "讗讛讘转 讬讛讜谞转谉",
"key": "Ahavat Yehonatan"
"authors": [
"en": "Jonathan Eybeschutz",
"he": "讬讛讜谞转谉 讗讬讬讘砖讬抓",
"slug": "jonathan-eybeschutz"
"enDesc": "Ahavat Yehonatan is a running commentary in Hebrew on the haftarot, written by kabbalist and homilist Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz. It also contains commentaries on Genesis Chapter 1 and Chapter 15, each preceding the haftarah commentary for that Torah portion. The work was first printed shortly after the author鈥檚 death, and has been printed several times since; it is often printed together with Alon Bakhut, the author鈥檚 commentary on Lamentations (including in the version appearing on Sefaria)",
"enShortDesc": "18th-century commentary on the haftarot, written by Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz.",
"pubDate": [
"pubPlace": "Hamburg, Germany",
"era": "AH",
"dependence": "Commentary",
"base_text_titles": [
"en": "Ezekiel",
"he": "讬讞讝拽讗诇"
"en": "Amos",
"he": "注诪讜住"
"en": "Hosea",
"he": "讛讜砖注"
"en": "Zechariah",
"he": "讝讻专讬讛"
"en": "Malachi",
"he": "诪诇讗讻讬"
"en": "Joshua",
"he": "讬讛讜砖注"
"en": "Jeremiah",
"he": "讬专诪讬讛讜"
"en": "Micah",
"he": "诪讬讻讛"
"en": "Habakkuk",
"he": "讞讘拽讜拽"
"en": "II Samuel",
"he": "砖诪讜讗诇 讘"
"en": "II Kings",
"he": "诪诇讻讬诐 讘"
"en": "Obadiah",
"he": "注讜讘讚讬讛"
"en": "Isaiah",
"he": "讬砖注讬讛讜"
"en": "I Samuel",
"he": "砖诪讜讗诇 讗"
"en": "Judges",
"he": "砖讜驻讟讬诐"
"en": "I Kings",
"he": "诪诇讻讬诐 讗"
"heTitle": "讗讛讘转 讬讛讜谞转谉",
"titleVariants": [
"Ahavat Yehonatan"
"heTitleVariants": [
"讗讛讘转 讬讛讜谞转谉"
"heCategories": [
"讗讞专讜谞讬诐 注诇 讛转谞状讱"
"pubDateString": {
"en": " (1766 CE)",
"he": " (1766 诇住驻讬专讛)"
"pubPlaceString": {
"en": "Hamburg, Germany",
"he": "讛诪讘讜专讙, 讙专诪谞讬讛"