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Otzar Midrashim
אוצר מדרשים
Rabbi Mike Feuer, Jerusalem Anthology
Otzar Midrashim
Midrash Abba Gorion
Ethics of the Fathers
Ethics of The Fathers of Rabbi Nathan
Midrash Avkir
Avraham our Father
The Story of Avraham our Father and Nimrod
The Story of Avraham
Midrash on Avraham our Forefather
The Legend of Avraham
Aggadah on Genesis
Chapter on Adam HaRishon
Chapter on the First Man (Version 1)
Chapter on the First Man (Version 2)
Idra Rabba & Idra Zuta
And These are the Generations of Aharon and Moshe
Midrash on the Death of Aharon
Divine Signs
Otiot D'Rabbi Eliezer
Otiot D'Rabbi Akiva
Midrash on Job
Midrash on Lamentations
Midrash Al Yit'hallel
Eldad HaDani
The Book of Eldad HaDani, Story 1
The Book of Eldad HaDani, Story 2
Midrash 'These I Recall' (Eleh Ezkerah)
Sefer Eliyahu
Midrashim of Rabbi Eliezer
Book of the Ways of Life
The Tale of Rabbi Eliezer ben Hurkanus
The Chapter of Rabbi Eliezer ben Hurkanus
The Aleph Bet of ben Sira
The Alphabet of ben Sira, (alternative version)
Midrash 'Aleph Bet' on Psalm 119
Aleph Bet of Rabbi Akiva
Megilat Antiochus
Midrash Esfah
Midrashim on Megilat Esther
Midrash on the Book of Esther
Drash on Purim
Midrash on the Megillah (of Esther)
Mordechai's Dream and Additions to the Book of Esther
The Prayer of Mordechai and Esther (Hebrew and Aramaic)
Tractate of Emanations
Midrash on The Four Kings
'Resourceful Ways'
Orchot Chaim
The Order of Arakim
Chapter 1
The Holy One created twenty-two good attributes in His world. All of them were nullified and in the future the Holy One will return them to Israel in the time to come. They are: four for the first man, four for the generation of the flood, one for the generation of the dispersion, two for Sodom, six in the wilderness, six for Jerusalem, on for the ten tribes…Six for Jerusalem. First, the Gihon spring comes out from Jerusalem and waters the land of Israel. Hezekiah stood up and saw with his holy spirit and said: I know that Israel will be exiled from their land and the House will be destroyed, and if the Gihon remains in its place all the nations will come to here. He rose up and sealed it off, as it says "And he-Hezekiah-stopped up the source of the waters of the upper Gihon…" (Chronicles II 32:30) In the future the Holy One will return it to Israel and water their land, as it says "…and a spring shall emanate from the house of the Lord…" (Joel 4:18) Second, prophecy was given to them and then hidden away. In the future the Holy One will return it to Israel, to make every member of Israel a prophet, as it says "And it shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh…" (Joel 3:1) Third, the priesthood was given to them and then hidden away. In the future the Holy One will return the high priesthood to Israel, as it says "And you shall be called the priests of the Lord…" (Isaiah 61:6) Fourth, the Sanhedrin and advisers were given to them and when a case came before them they would write the judgment on a piece of paper and place it in the ark, and an angel would descend in the night to absolve the innocent and convict the guilty. In the morning they would look at the paper and declare the judgment. In the future the Holy One will return them to Israel, as it says "And I will restore your judges as at first and your counsellors as in the beginning…" (Isaiah 1:26) Fifth, the Messiah was born and then hidden away. In the future the Holy One will console Israel with the Messiah, as it says "There I shall cause David's horn to sprout…" (Psalms 132:17) Sixth, Jerusalem was given to them and when they became corrupt it was destroyed. In the future the Holy One will rebuild it and gather Israel back in, as it says "The Lord is the builder of Jerusalem; He will gather the outcasts of Israel." (Psalms 147:2)
Sefer HaBahir ("The Book of Brightness")
The Tale of Rabbi Bustanai
The Book of Trust
Midrash Bayom HaShmini ("on the Eighth Day")
Ben Sira
Ben Shua
Drashot of Rabbi Bena'ah
Drashot of Rabbi Bena'ah (Alternate Version)
Midrash Hagadol
Midrash Gadol u'Gedolah
Midrash HaGalui
Midrash on Goliath the Phillistine
The Garden of Eden; Gehinnom
Tractate of Gan Eden
Seder Gan Eden
Seder Gan Eden, (version 2)
The Feast of the Garden of Eden
The Feast of the Leviathan
Chapter of the Garden of Life
The Book of Gehinnom
Chapter from Gehinnom, by Rabbi Yitzchak ben Parnach
Tractate 'The Beating in the Grave'
The Judgment of the Grave
Divrei Hayamim of Moshe
Devarim Zuta
Agadot of Dorshei Reshumot
Dorshei Chamurot
The Story of Daniel
Tractate Derech Eretz
The Lord Founded the Earth by Wisdom
Passover Haggadah
Midrash "Hizhir"
Tractate Hekhalot
Hekhalot Rabbati
Chapter from the Chapters of Hekhalot
The Seven Palaces of Impurity
Midrash on Hallel 'Sefer HaMa'asim'
Midrash Harninu
Midrash Hashkem ('Arise Early')
A Certain Woman From the Wives of the Sons of the Prophets
Midrash 'And He Passed Before Them'
Midrash V'Hizhir ('And He Warned')
Midrash Vayosha ('And He Saved')
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
“You shall bring them and plant them” Our Sages said: Praised be the name of the Holy One, who in the greatness of His love for Israel called them ‘My firstborn son Israel.’ (Shemot 4:22) Come and see how great is the loving generosity of the Holy One! A slave dresses his master, but the Holy One dresses Israel, as it says “And I clothed you with embroidered garments…” (Yechezkel 16:10) A slave washes his master, but the Holy One washes Israel, as it says “And I washed you with water…” (Yechezkel 16:9) A slave places the shoes on his master, but the Holy One shoed Israel, as it says “…and I shod you with the skin of the badger…” (Yechezkel 16:10) And beyond all this, when they were exiled to Egypt the Divine Presence was with them, as it says “I will go down with you to Egypt…” (Bereshit 46:4) When they were exiled to Elam the Divine Presence was with them, as it says “And I will place My throne in Elam…” (Yirmiyahu 49:38) They were exiled to Bavel and the Divine Presence went with them, as it says “Because of you, I sent to Babylon…” (Yeshayahu 43:14) In the future the Holy One will return Israel to His holy mountain, as it says “I will bring them to My holy mount…” (Yeshayahu 56:7) and it is written after this “And I will plant them on their land…” (Amos 9:15) Since Moshe saw the love of the Holy One for Israel he said before Him ‘Master of the World! Bring them and plant them there and let that planting be complete, which will never be uprooted. Bring down Jerusalem from the heavens and let it never be destroyed. Gather together there the exiled of Israel and let them settle upon the land in security. This is why it says “You shall bring them and plant them on the mount of Your heritage, directed toward Your habitation, which You made, O Lord; the sanctuary, O Lord, [which] Your hands founded.” (Shemot 15:17)
Vayechulu ('And They Were Completed')
Midrash Vayissu ('And They Journeyed')
Zohar Chadash
The Book of Zerubavel
Tractate Chibut HaKever ('Beating in the Grave')
The Weasel and the Pit
Chuppah of Eliyahu
Seven Chupot or Eliyahu's Chuppah
Chuppat Eliyahu Rabbah
Midrash Chazita
The Incident of Chiram, King of Tsur
The Wise One of Secrets
The Book of Chanoch
The Life of Chanoch
Megilat Antiochus, Called "The Greek Scroll"
Midrash The Tale of Chanukah
The Tale of Chanukah, (Version 2)
Midrash for Chanukah
Midrashim on Missing and Extra Letters
Moshe's Sword
Chapter of Rabbi Yoshiahu
The Tale of Yehudit (Version 1)
The Tale of Yehudit (Version 2)
Tale of Yehoshua Bin Nun
Letter of Yehoshua bin Nun
A Tale of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levy
Letter of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levy
Midrash on the Verse "And He Passed Before Them"
Letter of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai from Jerusalem
Midrashim on Sefer Yonah
Midrash Yonah (From Pirkei d'Rabi Eliezer)
Midrash Yonah (version 1)
Midrash Yonah (Version 2)
Midrash Yelamdeinu
Last Composition from Midrash Yelamdenu
Sefer Yesod ("Foundation") of Rabbi Moshe HaDarshan
Yaakov Our Father
Yaakov Our Father's Blessing to His Sons
Lekach Tov on the Blessings of Yaakov Our Father
The Testament of Naftali ben Yaakov
Aggadah of the Sons of Yaakov
Sefer Yetzirah
The Creation of the Embryo
Order of the Creation of the Embryo
Midrash on Yirmiyahu
Aggadah from Midrash Eichah Rabbati
Baraita of Yeshua ("Salvation")
Aggadah of Rabbi Yishmael
Sefer HaYashar
Midrash Yitbarach ('May He Be Blessed')
A Tale of Rabbi Kahana
Midrash Konen ('He Established')
Chapter 1
On the first day He took a lump of snow from beneath the Throne of Glory and threw it on the face of the waters in the middle of the world and it became land as it says, “For He says to the snow, 'Be upon the earth'…” (Iyov 37:6) And He took the foundation stone and cast it onto the place of the Temple and the world was founded upon it as it says, “…or who laid its cornerstone?” (Iyov 38:6) He called to the land and it stood in its place in order that it not move back and forth like a ship on the high seas as it says, “…God, God the Lord, spoke and called to the earth…” (Tehillim 50:1) And since His light shined, it shined first on the land of Israel and from there illuminated the whole world as it says, “From Zion, the perfection of beauty, God appeared.” (Tehillim 50:2) How did He illuminate it? He donned His tallit and wrapped Himself in His light and lit up the world as it says, “[You] enwrap Yourself with light like a garment…” (Tehillim 104:2) All that day the waters covered the land and it was dissolving until He donned the garments of majesty and His glory was seen as it says, “The Lord has reigned; He has attired Himself with majesty…” (Tehillim 93:1) And He girded Himself with a belt of might and established it through His might as it says, “…He has girded Himself with might. The world also is established that it cannot be moved.” (ibid.)
Tractate Kallah
Tractate Keilim (Vessels of the Temple)
Midrash 'As an Apple Tree Among the Trees of the Forest'
Midrash Livnat HaSaphir
Feast of Leviathan
Baraita of The 32 Midot of Aggadah
Midrash 'Leolam'
Midrash Lekach Tov
A Tale of Rabbi Meir
Various 'Megilot'
Megillat Beit Hamikdash
Megillat Samemanin ('Spices')
Megillah that was found
Megillat Hasidim
Megillat Setarim
Megillat Yuchsin
Megillat Beit Chashmonai
Midot Tovot
Baraita on Mazalot
The Angel Metatron (Chanoch)
Seder Ruchot (Spirits)
Seder Irin (Angels)
Seder Din (Judgement)
Seder Machanot (Groups of Angels)
Forty Nine Midot
Compilation from Baraita of 49 Midot
Midrash Mei HaShiloach
Yalkut Machiri
Baraita of Melechet HaMishkan
Midrash Minayin
Maayan HaChochmah
Maayan HaChochmah (Version 1)
Maayan HaChochmah (Version 2)
Maaseh Beraishit & Maaseh Merkavah
Seder Rabbah d'Beraishit d'Merkavah
Zeh Maaseh Beraishit (Work of Creation)
Baraita of Maaseh Beraishit
Maaseh Torah of Our Holy Master (Rabeinu HaKadosh)
Selection of Various Tales
Story of King Jechonya
Story of the Man from the Land of Israel
Story of the Jew Who Went to Land of Kedar
Story of Two Pious Sages
Story of Rabbi Eliezer & Rabbi Joshua on Pilgrimage
Story of a Pious and Humble Sage
Story of the Wealthy Man
The Pious Pauper
Story of the Pious Man with Ten Sons
Nathan of Tzitzuta
Story of the Two Bandits
Story of the Man with Three Daughters
Story of David and Joab
Story of Rabbi Reuben
The Story of Rabbi Shimon of Mainz
The Jewish Pope
The Wise and Honest Man of Shinar
The Poor Woman and the Demon
Annulling the Decree
Story of Ben Sabar
Story of the Traveling Merchant
Arvas the Philosopher
Story with Rabbi Judah the Pious
The Time of Redemption
Story of the Big Miser
Story of the Old Man with Only Son
Story of the Pauper with Many Children
Story of the Man with the Beloved Son
The Righteous Man Who Became Wealthy
The Drunkard and His Sons
Story of The Righteous and Charitable Man
Who is the True Son
The Woman Who Was Stoned
Story of the Pious Man and His Son Rabbi Yochanan
The Boiled Egg
The Rich Man and the Pauper
The Rich Man with the Beautiful Wife
The Righteous Man Rescued from Distress
The Book of Tales
Marganita d'Bei Rav
Mordechai & Esther
Midrashim on Moses Our Master
Divrei HaYamim of Moses Our Master
The Death of Moses (Version 1)
The Death of Moses (Version 2)
Drash on Petirat Moshe
Midrash on the Death of Moses
Aggadah of the Descendants of Moses
Midrashim on The Messiah
Aggadah on The Messiah
Otot Mashiach (Signs of the Messiah)
Pirkei Mashiach
Wars of the Messiah
Prophecy of the Young Boy
Baraita on Tractate Niddah
Book of Noah
R' Nechunya Ben HaKanah
Nemukei R' Nachman
Midrash HaNe'elam
Sod Ha'Ibur
Sof Davar
Siphra D'Tzniuta
Siphrei Zuta
Seventy Names of Metatron
Sefer Adinut
Agadat Uzza and Azael
Agadat Olam Katan
Midrash Ezra
Sefer HaIyun
Midrashim of Rabbi Akiba
Aleph Bet of Rabbi Akiba (Version 1)
Aleph Bet of Rabbi Akiba (Version 2)
Midrash of Rabbi Akiba
The Small Letters and their Purposes
The Enlarged Letters
The Ten Exiles
The Travails of R' Jacob
The Ten Martyrs
Midrash on the Ten Martyrs 'These I recall'
Midrash on the Ten Martyrs (Version 2)
Midrash on the Ten Martyrs (Version 3)
Addendum to Midrash on the Ten Martyrs
Midrash on the Ten Commandments
Midrash on the Ten Kings
Midrashim on the Ten Lost Tribes
Letter from Peter Guan to Pope in Rome
Letter from Peter Guan to Roman Caesar
Death of Aaron
Death of Moses
Midrash Peliah ('Wondrous Midrash')
Baraita of Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair
Chapter 1
“And of Benjamin he said, The Lord's beloved…” (Devarim 33:12) One verse says “As for the Jebusites the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the children of Judah could not drive them out…” (Yehoshua 15:63) and another verse says “And the children of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites that inhabited Jerusalem…” (Shoftim 1:21) If it was Benyamin then why does it mention Yehudah, and if it was Yehudah then why does it mention Benyamin? Rather, inside Jerusalem were two cities – the upper and the lower. The upper one fell out within the allotment of Yehudah and the lower one within the allotment of Benyamin, as it says “And Zelah, Eleph, and the Jebusite, which is Jerusalem…” (Yehoshua 18:28) After the death of Yehoshua, the children of Yehudah went and took their portion, putting the city to fire and leaving it desolate. But the lower city of Jerusalem was in the portion of Benyamin, and they were not willing to drive out the inhabitants. Therefore it stood until the time of David, as it is written ‘And the children of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites.’ This refers to the lower city, as it says in the book of Shoftim “But the man did not want to lodge, and he arose and departed, and came over against Jebus, which was Jerusalem… And his master said to him, "We will not turn aside into (this) city of heathens…” (Shoftim 19:10-12) Furthermore, this is the city which David fought against in the eight year of his reign, as it says “And the king and his men went to Jerusalem to the Jebusites…” (Shmuel II 5:6) When David captured it he began to build the upper city of Jerusalem and he built a wall which surrounded the upper and lower portions and made them into one city called Jerusalem, as it says “And he built the city from around…” (Divre HaYamim I 11:8) There he placed the tent for the Ark of the Covenant, and in that Jerusalem David built the altar on the threshing floor of Aravna the Jebusite by command of Gd in order to stop the plague, as it says “And the angel of the Lord said to Gad…” (Divre HaYamim I 21:18) In the lower Jerusalem, which was in the portion of Benyamin, the Holy Temple was built in the days of Shlomo in order to fulfill that which it says “And of Benjamin he said, The Lord's beloved…” (Devarim 33:12) Mount Moriah is Jerusalem, as it says “And Solomon commenced to build the House of the Lord in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah…” (Divre HaYamim II 3:1) May it desirable before my Gd and the Gd of my fathers that the Holy Temple be rebuilt speedily in our days, and make our portion in your Torah. Amen, selah!
Panim Acheirim
Pesikta Chadata
Pirkei Rabbi Eliezer
Pirkei Rabbi Yosi
Pirkei Ben Azzai
Perek Tzedakot
Sefer Tziyoni
Kedusha for Individual
Barchu for Individual
Sefer HaKaneh
Midrash HaKatzar
Keri & K'tiv
Midrash Keri V'lo Ketiv
Midrash Ketiv V'lo Keri
Aggadat Karnei Re'emim
Midrash Rabbah
Pirkei Rabbeinu HaKadosh
Midrash on Ruth
Book of Rezial the Angel
Raaya Mehimna
Explanation of the Seven Vowels
Seventy Names of Metatron
Midrash Shocher Tov
Midrash on Song of Songs
Perek Shirah ('Chapter of Song')
Midrash Sechel Tov
Midrashim on King Solomon
Description of Solomon's Throne
Throne and Hippodrome of King Solomon
The Marriage of Solomon and Naamah
Story of the Wealthy Man with the Only Son
The Unfaithful Wife
The Unfaithful Wife (2)
The Three Wise Sayings
The Jugs of Honey and the Coins
The Man with Two Heads
The Story of the Ant and the Sealed Palace
Midrash Shelosha v'Arba'ah
Midrash on Book of Samuel
Baraita of Samuel HaKatan
Shimusha Rabba & Zuta
Shimusha Rabba
Shamchazai & Azael
Aggadat Shema Yisrael
Midrashim of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
Prayer of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
Chapter of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
Aggada of Shimon Kippa
Aggada of Shimon Kippa (Version 1)
Aggada of Shimon Kippa (Version 2)
Aggada of Shimon Kippa (Version 3)
Midrash Shnei Ketuvim
Shiur Komah
Sefer Tagin ('Crowns')
Midrash Tadshe ('Let There Be Grass')
Midrash on Psalms
Midrash on Psalm 118
Addendum to Psalm 118
Torat Kohanim
Midrash on Revival of the Dead
Questions of Rabbi Eliezer Regarding the Revival
Talmud Torah
Sefer HaTemunah
Midrash Temurah
Midrash Tanchuma
Prayer of Rabbi Hamnuna Saba
Aggada on Shemona Esrei Prayer
Tekiata d'Bei Rav