diff --git "a/json/Liturgy/Siddur/Siddur Ashkenaz/English/Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem 1949.json" "b/json/Liturgy/Siddur/Siddur Ashkenaz/English/Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem 1949.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/json/Liturgy/Siddur/Siddur Ashkenaz/English/Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem 1949.json" @@ -0,0 +1,2960 @@ +{ + "language": "en", + "title": "Siddur Ashkenaz", + "versionSource": "https://archive.org/details/PhilipBirnbaumHaSiddurHaShalemTheDailyPrayerBook1949", + "versionTitle": "Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem (1949)", + "actualLanguage": "en", + "languageFamilyName": "english", + "isBaseText": false, + "isSource": false, + "direction": "ltr", + "heTitle": "סידור אשכנז", + "categories": [ + "Liturgy", + "Siddur" + ], + "text": { + "Weekday": { + "Shacharit": { + "Preparatory Prayers": { + "Modeh Ani": [], + "Netilat Yadayim": [ + "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments, and commanded us concerning the washing of the hands." + ], + "Asher Yatzar": [], + "Elokai Neshama": [ + "My God, the soul which you have placed within me is pure. You have created it; You have formed it; You have breathed it into me. You preserve it within me; You will take it from me, and restore it to me in the hereafter. So long as the soul is within me, I offer thanks before You, Lord my God and God of my fathers, Master of all creatures, Lord of all souls. Blessed are You, Lord, who restores souls to the dead." + ], + "Tzitzit": [ + "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments, and commanded us concerning the precept of tzitzit." + ], + "Torah Blessings": [], + "Torah Study": [], + "Tallit": [ + "", + "", + "", + "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments, and commanded us to wrap ourselves in the tzitzit.", + "How precious is Your kindness, O God! The children of men take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They have their fill of the choice food of Your house, and you give them drink of Your stream of delights. For with You is the fountain of life; by Your light do we see light. Continue Your kindness to those who know You, and Your righteousness to the upright in heart." + ], + "Tefillin": [ + "By putting on tefillin, I intend to fulfill the command of my Creator, who has commanded us to wear tefillin, as it is written in the Torah: You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. The tefillin contain four sections of the Torah which proclaim the absolute unity of God, blessed be His name, and remind us of the miracles and wonders which he did for us when he brought us out from Egypt, he who has the power and the dominion over the heavenly and earthly creatures to deal with them as he pleases. He has commanded us to wear tefillin on the arm in memory of His outstretched arm; opposite the heart, to intimate that we ought to subject our heart's desires and designs to the service of God, blessed be He; and on the head opposite the brain, to intimate that the mind which is in the brain, and all senses and faculties, ought to be subjected to His service, blessed be He. May my observance of the tefillin precept bring me long life, holy inspiration and sacred thoughts, and free me from any sinful reflection whatever. May the evil impulse never tempt us, but leave us to serve the Lord as our heart desires. ...", + "", + "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments, and commanded us to wear tefillin.", + "", + "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments, and commanded us concerning the precept of tefillin.", + "", + "Blessed be the name of his glorious majesty for all time.", + "Supreme God, imbue me with Your wisdom and Your intelligence; in Your grace, do great things for me; in Your might, cut off my foes and adversaries. Pour the good oil into the seven branches of the menorah to bestow Your goodness upon Your creatures. You open Your hand, and satisfy every living thing with favor.", + "", + "I betroth you to myself forever. I betroth you to myself in righteousness and in justice, in kindness and in mercy. I betroth you to myself in faithfulness, and you shall know the Lord.", + "", + "The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Consecrate all the first-born to me, whatever is first-born in Israel, of man or of beast, for it belongs to me. Moses said to the people: Remember this day, in which you came out of Egypt, out of a house of slavery; for by a strong hand the Lord brought you out of this place; no leavened bread shall be eaten. This day you are leaving, in the month of Aviv. And when the Lord will bring you into the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, the Hivvite, and the Jebusite, which He swore to your fathers He would give you, a land flowing with milk and honey, then you shall perform this service in this month. For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day there shall be a festival in honor of the Lord. Unleavened bread shall be eaten throughout the seven days; no leavened bread shall be seen in your possession, nor any leaven, anywhere in your territory. And you shall tell your son on that day, saying: This is on account of what the Lord did for me when I left Egypt. It shall serve as a sign on your hand, and as frontlets between your eyes, so that the Lord's teaching may be ever in your mouth; for by a strong hand the Lord brought you out of Egypt. You shall observe this ordinance at its proper time from year to year.", + "And when the Lord will bring you into the land of the Canaanite, as He swore to you and to your fathers, and will give it to you; You shall make over to the Lord whatever is first-born; all the firstlings of the young animals that you will have, the males, shall be the Lord's. Every firstling ass, however, you shall redeem with a lamb; but if you will not redeem it, then you shall break its neck; and every first-born son of yours you shall redeem. And when your son asks you in time to come: What does this mean? You shall tell him: By a strong hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt, out of a house of slavery. And when Pharaoh made difficulties about letting us go, the Lord slew every first-born in the land of Egypt, the first-born of both man and beast; that is why I sacrifice to the Lord every first-born male animal, but I redeem all my first-born sons. This shall serve as a sign on your hand, and as frontlets between your eyes; for the Lord brought you out of Egypt by a strong hand." + ], + "Ma Tovu": [ + "How goodly are your tents, O Jacob, your habitations, O Israel! By Your abundant grace, I enter Your house. I worship before Your holy shrine with reverence. O Lord, I love Your abode, the place where Your glory dwells. I will worship and bow down; I will bend the knee before the Lord my Maker. I offer prayer to You, O Lord, at a time of grace. O God, in Your abundant kindness, answer me with Your saving truth." + ], + "Adon Olam": [], + "Yigdal": [], + "Morning Blessings": [], + "Akedah": [ + "And it came to pass after these things that God put Abraham to the test, and said to him: \"Abraham\"; and he answered: \"Here I am.\" Then he said: \"Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love; go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt-offering on one of the mountains that I will tell you.\" So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his ass, and took with him his two servants and his son Isaac; he cut wood for the burnt-offering and started for the place about which God had told him. On the third day, Abraham looked up and saw the place at a distance. Then Abraham said to his servants: \"You stay here with the ass while I and the boy go yonder: we will worship and come back to you.\" So Abraham took the wood for the burnt-offering and laid it on his son Isaac, while he took in his hand the fire and the knife; and the two of them went off together. Then Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said: \"My father\"; and he answered: \"Here I am, my son.\" And he said: \"Here are the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt-offering?\" Abraham answered: \"God will provide himself with the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.\" So the two of them went on together. They came to a place which God had told him, and Abraham built the altar there, arrange the wood, bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar on top of the wood. Then Abraham put out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called to him from the heavens: \"Abraham, Abraham,\" and he answered: \"Here I am.\" He said: \"Do not lay your hand on the boy, and do nothing to him; for I know now that you revere God, seeing that you have not refused me your son, your only son.\" Then Abraham looked up and saw behind him a ram caught in the thicket by its horns; so Abraham went and took the ram, and offered it as a burnt-offering instead of his son. Abraham called the name of that place Adonai-yireh, as it is said to this day: \"The mount where the Lord reveals himself.\" The angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time from the heavens, and said: \"By myself I swear,\" says the Lord, \"that since you have done this, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, I will indeed bless you, and will surely make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky or as the sands on the seashore; your descendants shall possess the cities of their enemies, and through your descendants shall all the nations of the earth be blessed—because you have obeyed my voice.\" Abraham then returned to his servants, and they started together for Beersheba, for Abraham dwelt in Beersheba.", + "Master of the world! May it be Your will, Lord our God and God of our fathers, to remember in our favor the covenant of our fathers. Even as Abraham our father held back his compassion from his only son and desired to slay him in order to do Your will, so may Your mercy hold back Your anger from us; let Your compassion prevail over Your acts of retaliation. Be lenient with us, Lord our God, and deal with us kindly and mercifully. In Your great goodness, may Your fierce wrath turn away from Your people, Your city, Your land, and Your heritage. Fulfill, Lord our God, what You promised us through Moses Your servant, as it is said: \"I will remember my covenant with Jacob; also my covenant with Isaac and my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.\"" + ], + "Sovereignty of Heaven": [], + "Korbanot": { + "Kiyor": [], + "Terumat HaDeshen": [], + "Korban HaTamid": [], + "Ketoret": [], + "Order of the Temple Service": [], + "Laws of Sacrifices": [], + "Baraita of Rabbi Yishmael": [], + "Kaddish DeRabbanan": [] + } + }, + "Pesukei Dezimra": { + "Introductory Psalm": [ + "A psalm, a song for the dedication of the house; by David. I extol You, O Lord, for You have lifted me, and have not let my foes rejoice over me. Lord my God, I cried to You, and You did heal me. O Lord, You have lifted me up from the grave; You have let me live, that I should not go down to the pit. Sing to the Lord, you who are godly, and give thanks to his holy name. For his anger only lasts a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may lodge with us at evening, but in the morning there are shouts of joy. I thought in my security I would never be shaken. O Lord, by Your favor You established my mountain as stronghold; but when Your favor was withdrawn, I was dismayed. To You, O Lord, I called; I appealed to my God: \"What profit would my blood be, if I went down to the grave? Will the dust praise You? Will it declare Your faithfulness? Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me; Lord, be my helper.\" You have changed my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and girded me with joy; so that my soul may praise You, and not be silent. Lord my God, I will thank You forever." + ], + "Mourner's Kaddish": [ + "Glorified and sanctified by God's great name—throughout the world which He has created according to His will. May He establish His kingdom in your lifetime and during your days, and within the life of the entire house of Israel, speedily and soon; and say Amen.", + "May His great name be blessed forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored, adored and lauded by the name of the Holy One, blessed be He.", + "Beyond all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations that are ever spoken in the world; and say Amen. May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and say Amen. He who creates peace in his celestial heights, may he create peace for us and all Israel; and say Amen." + ], + "Barukh She'amar": [ + "Blessed be He who spoke, and the world came into being; blessed be He. Blessed be He who created the universe. Blessed be He who says and performs. Blessed be He who decrees and fulfills. Blessed be He who has mercy on the world. Blessed be He who has mercy on all creatures. Blessed be He who grants a fair reward to those who revere him. Blessed be He who lives forever and exists eternally. Blessed be He who redeems and saves; blessed be His name. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, O God, merciful Father, who are praised by the mouth of Your people, lauded and glorified by the tongue of Your faithful servants. With the songs of Your servant David will we praise You, Lord our God; with his hymns and psalms we exalt, extol, and glorify You. We will call upon Your name and proclaim You King, our King, our God. You who are One, the life of the universe, O King, praised and glorified be Your great name for all time. Blessed are You, Lord, King extolled with hymns of praise." + ], + "Hodu": [], + "Mizmor Letoda": [], + "Yehi Chevod": [ + "May the glory of the Lord be forever; may the Lord rejoice in His works. Blessed be the name of the Lord for all time. From the rising of the sun to its setting let the Lord's name be praised. High above all nations is the Lord; above the heavens is His glory. O Lord, Your name is forever; O Lord, Your fame is through all generations. The Lord has set up his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth exult, and let them say among the nations, \"The Lord is King!\" The Lord is King, the Lord was King, the Lord shall be King for all time. The Lord is King for evermore; the heathen have vanished from his land. The Lord annuls the counsel of nations; He foils the plans of peoples. Many are the plans in man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that shall stand. The Lord's purpose stands forever; His plans are through all generations. For He spoke, and the world came into being; He commanded, and it stood firm. Surely the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation. Surely, the Lord has chosen Jacob to be His, and Israel as His prized possession. Surely, the Lord will not abandon His people, nor forsake His heritage. He, being merciful, forgives iniquity, and does not destroy; frequently He turns his anger away, and does not stir up all His wrath. O Lord, save us; may the King answer us when we call." + ], + "Ashrei": [], + "Psalm 146": [], + "Psalm 147": [], + "Psalm 148": [], + "Psalm 149": [], + "Psalm 150": [], + "Closing Verses": [], + "Vayevarech David": [], + "Ata Hu": [], + "Az Yashir": [], + "Yishtabach": [ + "Praised be Your name forever, our King, great and holy God and King, in heaven and on earth; for to You, Lord our God and God of our fathers, pertain song and praise, hymn and psalm, power and dominion, victory, greatness and might, renown and glory, holiness and kingship, blessings and thanks, for all time. Blessed are You, Lord, most exalted God and King, Lord of wonders, who are pleased with hymns, God and King, life of the universe." + ], + "Psalm 130": [], + "Half Kaddish": [] + }, + "Blessings of the Shema": { + "Barchu": [ + "Bless the Lord who is blessed.", + "Blessed be the Lord who is blessed for all time.", + "Blessed be the Lord who is blessed for all time." + ], + "First Blessing before Shema": [ + "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who forms light and creates darkness, who makes peace and creates all things." + ], + "Second Blessing before Shema": [], + "Shema": [], + "Blessing after Shema": [] + }, + "Amidah": { + "Patriarchs": [], + "Divine Might": [], + "Holiness of God": [], + "Kedushah": [], + "Knowledge": [], + "Repentance": [], + "Forgiveness": [], + "Redemption": [], + "Healing": [], + "Prosperity": [], + "Gathering the Exiles": [], + "Justice": [], + "Against Enemies": [], + "The Righteous": [], + "Rebuilding Jerusalem": [], + "Kingdom of David": [], + "Response to Prayer": [], + "Temple Service": [], + "Thanksgiving": [], + "Birkat Kohanim": [], + "Peace": [], + "Concluding Passage": [] + }, + "Post Amidah": { + "Vidui and 13 Middot": [], + "Avinu Malkenu": [], + "Tachanun": { + "For Monday and Thursday": [], + "Nefilat Apayim": [], + "God of Israel": [], + "Shomer Yisrael": [], + "Half Kaddish": [] + } + }, + "Torah Reading": { + "Removing the Torah from Ark": { + "El Erech Appayim": [], + "Vayehi Binsoa": [], + "Berich Shmei": [], + "Lekha Hashem": [], + "Av Harachamim": [], + "Vetigaleh Veteraeh": [] + }, + "Reading from Sefer": { + "Birkat Hatorah": [], + "Birkat Hagomel": [], + "Half Kaddish": [], + "Raising the Torah": [], + "Prayers for Welfare of the People": [] + }, + "Returning Sefer to Aron": { + "Yehalelu": [], + "LeDavid Mizmor": [], + "Uvenucho Yomar": [] + } + }, + "Concluding Prayers": { + "Ashrei": [], + "Lamenatze'ach": [], + "Uva Letzion": [], + "Kaddish Shalem": [], + "Alenu": [], + "Mourner's Kaddish": [], + "Song of the Day": [], + "Barchi Nafshi": [], + "LeDavid": [], + "Korbanot (Israel)": { + "Ein Kelohenu": [], + "Pitum HaKetoret": [], + "Mourner's Kaddish": [], + "Barchu": [] + } + }, + "Post Service": { + "Six Remembrances": [], + "Ten Commandments": [], + "Thirteen Principles": [] + } + }, + "Minchah": { + "Ashrei": [], + "Amida": { + "Patriarchs": [], + "Divine Might": [], + "Holiness of God": [], + "Keduasha": [], + "Knowledge": [], + "Repentance": [], + "Forgiveness": [], + "Redemption": [], + "Healing": [], + "Prosperity": [], + "Gathering the Exiles": [], + "Justice": [], + "Against Enemies": [], + "The Righteous": [], + "Rebuilding Jerusalem": [], + "Kingdom of David": [], + "Response to Prayer": [], + "Temple Service": [], + "Thanksgiving": [], + "Birkat Kohanim": [], + "Peace": [], + "Concluding Passage": [] + }, + "Post Amidah": { + "Vidui and 13 Middot": [], + "Avinu Malkenu": [], + "Tachanun": { + "Nefilat Appayim": [], + "Shomer Yisrael": [] + }, + "Kaddish Shalem": [] + }, + "Concluding Prayers": { + "Alenu": [], + "Mourner's Kaddish": [] + } + }, + "Maariv": { + "Vehu Rachum": [], + "Barchu": [], + "Blessings of the Shema": { + "First Blessing before Shema": [], + "Second Blessing before Shema": [], + "Shema": [], + "First Blessing after Shema": [], + "Second Blessing after Shema": [], + "Third Blessing after Shema": [], + "Half Kaddish": [] + }, + "Amidah": { + "Patriarchs": [], + "Divine Might": [], + "Holiness of God": [], + "Knowledge": [], + "Repentance": [], + "Forgiveness": [], + "Redemption": [], + "Healing": [], + "Prosperity": [], + "Gathering the Exiles": [], + "Justice": [], + "Against Enemies": [], + "The Righteous": [], + "Rebuilding Jerusalem": [], + "Kingdom of David": [], + "Response to Prayer": [], + "Temple Service": [], + "Thanksgiving": [], + "Peace": [], + "Concluding Passage": [] + }, + "Kaddish Shalem": [], + "Additions for Motza'ei Shabbat": { + "Viyehi Noam": [], + "Veyiten Lekha": [] + }, + "Sefirat HaOmer": [], + "Alenu": [], + "Mourner's Kaddish": [], + "LeDavid": [], + "Birkat HaLevana": [], + "Keri'at Shema al Hamita": [] + } + }, + "Shabbat": { + "Kabbalat Shabbat": { + "Yedid Nefesh": [], + "Psalm 95": [], + "Psalm 96": [], + "Psalm 97": [], + "Psalm 98": [], + "Psalm 99": [], + "Psalm 29": [], + "Ana Bekoach": [], + "Lekha Dodi": [], + "Psalm 92": [], + "Psalm 93": [], + "Mourner's Kaddish": [], + "Bameh Madlikin": [], + "Kaddish DeRabbanan": [] + }, + "Maariv": { + "Barchu": [], + "Blessings of the Shema": { + "First Blessing before Shema": [], + "Second Blessing before Shema": [], + "Shema": [], + "First Blessing after Shema": [], + "Second Blessing after Shema": [] + }, + "Veshamru": [], + "Half Kaddish": [], + "Amidah": { + "Patriarchs": [], + "Divine Might": [], + "Holines of God's Name": [], + "Sanctity of the Day": [], + "Temple Service": [], + "Thanksgiving": [], + "Peace": [], + "Concluding Passage": [] + }, + "Vay'chulu": [], + "Me'ein Sheva": [], + "Kaddish Shalem": [], + "Sefirat HaOmer": [], + "Aleinu": [], + "Mourner's Kaddish": [], + "LeDavid": [], + "Yigdal": [], + "Adon Olam": [] + }, + "Shabbat Evening": { + "Blessing the Children": [], + "Shalom Aleichem": [], + "Kiddush": [], + "Ribon Kol HaOlamim": [], + "Eshet Chayil": [], + "Zemirot for Shabbat Evening": { + "Kol Mekadesh": [], + "Menucha VeSimcha": [], + "Ma Yedidut": [], + "Yom zeh L'yisrael": [], + "Yah Ribon": [], + "Tzamah Nafshi": [], + "Tzur Mishelo": [] + } + }, + "Shacharit": { + "Preparatory Prayers": { + "Modeh Ani": [], + "Netilat Yadayim": [], + "Asher Yatzar": [], + "Elokai Neshama": [], + "Tzitzit": [], + "Tallit": [], + "Ma Tovu": [], + "Adon Olam": [], + "Yigdal": [], + "Morning Blessings": [], + "Akedah": [], + "Sovereignty of Heaven": [], + "Korbanot": { + "Kiyor": [], + "Terumat HaDeshen": [], + "Korban HaTamid": [], + "Ketoret": [], + "Order of the Temple Service": [], + "Laws of Sacrifices": [], + "Baraita of Rabbi Yishmael": [], + "Kaddish DeRabbanan": [] + } + }, + "Pesukei Dezimra": { + "Mizmor Shir": [], + "Mourner's Kaddish": [], + "Barukh She'amar": [], + "Hodu": [], + "Mizmor Letoda": [], + "Psalm 19": [], + "Psalm 34": [], + "Psalm 90": [], + "Psalm 91": [], + "Psalm 135": [], + "Psalm 136": [], + "Psalm 33": [], + "Psalm 92": [], + "Psalm 93": [], + "Yehi Chevod": [], + "Ashrei": [], + "Psalm 146": [], + "Psalm 147": [], + "Psalm 148": [], + "Psalm 149": [], + "Psalm 150": [], + "Baruch Hashem": [], + "Vayevarech David": [], + "Shirat HaYam": [], + "Nishmat Kol Chai": [], + "Shochen Ad": [], + "Yishtabach": [], + "Psalm 130": [], + "Half Kaddish": [] + }, + "Blessings of the Shema": { + "Barchu": [], + "First Blessing before Shema": [], + "Second Blessing before Shema": [], + "Shema": [], + "Blessing after Shema": [] + }, + "Amidah": { + "Patriarchs": [], + "Divine Might": [], + "Kedushah": [], + "Holiness of God": [], + "Sanctity of the Day": [], + "Temple Service": [], + "Thanksgiving": [], + "Birkat Kohanim": [], + "Peace": [], + "Concluding Passage": [], + "Kaddish Shalem": [] + }, + "Torah Reading": { + "Removing the Torah from the Ark": { + "Ein Kamocha": [], + "Vayehi Binsoa": [], + "Berich Shmei": [], + "Shema Yisrael (Gadlu)": [], + "Lecha Hashem": [], + "Veyazor Veyagen": [] + }, + "Reading from Sefer": { + "Birkat Haotrah": [], + "Birkat Hagomel": [], + "Mi Sheberach": { + "For an Oleh": [], + "For Sickness (includes man and woman)": [], + "For Birth": { + "Birth of a Son": [], + "Birth of Daughter": [] + }, + "Bar Mitzvah": [], + "Bat Mitzvah": [] + }, + "Half Kaddish": [], + "Raising the Torah": [], + "Haftarah": [] + } + }, + "Communal Prayers": { + "Yekum Purkan": [], + "Prayer of the State of Israel": [], + "Prayer for Israeli Soldiers": [], + "Prayer for Those Being Held in Captivity": [], + "Birkat Hachodesh": [], + "Av HaRachamim": [] + }, + "Ashrei": [], + "Returning Sefer to Aron": [], + "Half Kaddish": [] + }, + "Musaf LeShabbat": { + "Amidah": { + "Patriarchs": [], + "Divine Might": [], + "Kedushah": [], + "Holiness of God": [], + "Sanctity of the Day": { + "For Shabbat": [], + "For Shabbat Rosh Chodesh": [] + }, + "Temple Service": [], + "Thanksgiving": [], + "Birkat Kohanim": [], + "Peace": [], + "Concluding Passage": [], + "Kaddish Shalem": [] + }, + "Kaddish Shalem": [], + "Ein Keloheinu": [], + "Pitum Haketoret": [], + "Kaddish Derabbanan": [], + "Alenu": [], + "Mourner's Kaddish": "", + "Mizmor Shir L'Yom HaShabbat": [], + "LeDavid": [], + "Shir HaKavod": [], + "Adon Olam": [] + }, + "Daytime Meal": { + "Kiddusha Rabba": [], + "Zemirot for Second Meal": { + "Baruch Kel Elyon": [], + "Yom Zeh Mechubad": [], + "Yom Shabbaton": [], + "Shimru Shabtotai": [], + "Ki Eshmera": [], + "Dror Yikrah": [] + } + }, + "Minchah": { + "Ashrei": [], + "Uva Letzion": [], + "Half Kaddish": [], + "Torah Reading": { + "Removing the Torah from Ark": { + "Va'ani Tefillati": [], + "Vayehi Binsoa": [], + "Berich Shmei": [], + "Gadlu": [], + "Lekha Hashem": [], + "Av Harachamim": [], + "Vetigaleh Veteraeh": [] + }, + "Reading from Sefer": { + "Birkat Hatorah": [], + "Raising the Torah": [] + }, + "Returning Sefer to Aron": { + "Yehalelu": [], + "LeDavid": [], + "Uvenucho Yomar": [] + } + }, + "Amidah": { + "Patriarchs": [], + "Divine Might": [], + "Kedushah": [], + "Holiness of God": [], + "Sanctity of the Day": [], + "Temple Service": [], + "Thanksgiving": { + "Modim": [], + "Al Hanisim for Chanukkah": [], + "Al Hanisim for Purim": [] + }, + "Peace": [], + "Concluding Passage": [] + }, + "Tzidkatkhah Tzedek": [], + "Kaddish Shalem": [], + "Alenu": [], + "Mourner's Kaddish": [], + "Barchi Nafshi": [] + }, + "Third Meal": { + "Atkinu": [], + "Mizmor LeDavid": [], + "Yedid Nefesh": [] + }, + "Havdalah": [] + }, + "Festivals": { + "Rosh Chodesh": { + "Hallel": { + "Berakhah before the Hallel": [], + "Psalm 113": [], + "Psalm 114": [], + "Psalm 115": [], + "Psalm 116": [], + "Psalm 117": [], + "Psalm 118": [], + "Berakhah after the Hallel": [] + }, + "Musaf Amidah for 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