diff --git "a/json/Liturgy/Siddur/Siddur Sefard/English/Sefaria Community Translation.json" "b/json/Liturgy/Siddur/Siddur Sefard/English/Sefaria Community Translation.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/json/Liturgy/Siddur/Siddur Sefard/English/Sefaria Community Translation.json" @@ -0,0 +1,1959 @@ +{ + "language": "en", + "title": "Siddur Sefard", + "versionSource": "https://www.sefaria.org", + "versionTitle": "Sefaria Community Translation", + "versionTitleInHebrew": "תרגום קהילת ספריא", + "actualLanguage": "en", + "languageFamilyName": "english", + "isBaseText": false, + "isSource": false, + "direction": "ltr", + "heTitle": "סידור ספרד", + "categories": [ + "Liturgy", + "Siddur" + ], + "text": { + "Upon Arising": { + "Modeh Ani": [], + "Tallit": [ + "", + "", + "For the sake of the unification of the Holy One, Blessed be He, and His Divine Presence, with fear and love and love and fear, to unify the Name of Yud Hei with Vav Hei with a complete unity, in the name of all Israel. Behold, I am wrapping my body with tsitsit (fringes). So too may You wrap my soul – my 248 limbs and my 365 tendons – in the light of the tsitsit, [the letters, strings and knots of] which add up to 613. And in the same way that I cover myself with a prayer shawl in this world, so too may I merit to be in the section of the rabbis and to have a fine prayer shawl in the next world, in the Garden of Eden. And through the commandment of tsitsit, save my essence, my spirit, my soul and my prayer from [negative forces]. And may the prayer shawl spread its wings upon them to save them, ‘like an eagle that rouses his nestlings, hovering over his young.’ And may [this] commandment of tsitsit be considered before the Holy One, blessed be He, as if I fulfilled it in all of its details, all of its minutiae and all of its intentions – [as well as] the 613 commandments that are dependent upon it. Amen, Selah." + ], + "Tefilin": [ + "For the sake of the unification of the Holy One, Blessed be He, and His Divine Presence, with fear and love and love and fear, to unify the Name of Yud Hei with Vav Hei with a complete unity, in the name of all Israel. Behold, in placing the tefillin [upon myself], I intend to fulfill the commandment of my Creator, Who commanded us to place tefillin; as it is written in His Torah (Deuteronomy 6:8), “Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead.” And they are four sections [from the Torah]: Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-8); And it shall be if you will truly listen (Deuteronomy 11:13-21); Sanctify (Exodus 13:1-10); And it shall be when He brings you (Exodus 12:11-17) – since within them they contain His unity and oneness in the world, may His name be blessed; and [through them,] we can remember His miracles and wonders when He took us out of Egypt, and that He has the power and control over the higher beings and the lower beings to do what He wants with them. And He commanded us to place it upon the arm in memory of the ‘extended forearm’ (with which He took us out of Egypt); and that it be across from the heart in order to subjugate the desire and thoughts of our heart for His service, may His name be blessed. And upon the head across from the brain, such that the soul in my brain – along with all my other senses and powers – be subjugated to His service, may His name be blessed. And may the bounty from the commandment of tefillin flow upon me, such that I should have long life, holy bounty, holy thoughts – free from any conjectures of sin or transgression – such that the evil impulse not seduce us or disturb us, but leave us to serve the Lord, as it is in our hearts. And may it be Your will before You, Lord our God and God of our fathers that [this] commandment of tefillin be considered before the Holy One, blessed be He, as if I fulfilled it in all of its details, all of its minutiae and all of its intentions – [as well as] the 613 commandments that are dependent upon it. Amen, Selah." + ], + "Introductory Prayers": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "Elijah the prophet, remembered for his righteousness, did open his mouth and spake, saying, \"O Sovereign of the worlds, Thou who art One and not in count, Thou art the Supreme above all supremes, the Most Hidden of all that is hidden. No thought can apprehend Thee at all. Thou art He who hath emanated ten rectifications (Tikkunim), and they are called the ten emanations (Sefirot), to govern therewith the hidden worlds, which are not revealed, and the revealed worlds, and with them Thou dost conceal Thyself from the sons of men. Thou art He who binds them and unites them; and because Thou art indeed the One, whosoever separates one from another of these ten emanations (Sefirot) is considered as if he had effected separation in Thee. These ten emanations (Sefirot) proceed according to their order: the long (Arikh), the short (Qatzir), the intermediate (Beinoni); and Thou art He who guides them, and there is none that guides Thee, neither above, nor below, nor from any side. Thou hast appointed garments for them, from which souls blossom forth to the sons of men. And how many bodies hast Thou prepared for them, which are called body in respect to the garments that cover them. And these ten emanations (Sefirot) are called by Thy name: loving-kindness (Chesed) of the right arm, might (Gevurah) of the left arm, beauty (Tiferet) of the body, eternity (Netzach) and splendor (Hod) the two legs, foundation (Yesod) the end of the body, sign of the holy covenant, kingdom (Malkhut) the mouth, the oral law that we call it. Wisdom (Chokhmah) of the brain is a thought from Thee, understanding (Binah) of the heart, and in these two it is written, 'The hidden things belong unto the LORD our God.' The supreme crown (Keter Elyon) is the crown of the kingdom, and of it is said, 'Declaring the end from the beginning.' It is the skull where phylacteries lie (Karkafta d'tefillei). From Thee it is Yod 20 and Vav 20, which is the path of emanation, the irrigation of the tree with its branches and boughs, like the water that irrigates the tree, and it grows with that irrigation. O Sovereign of the worlds, Thou art the Cause of causes, and the Reason of reasons, who irrigates the tree with this flow, and this flow is like a soul to the body, and it is life to the body, and in Thee there is no likeness nor image at all, from all that is within and without, and Thou hast created heaven and earth. And from them Thou hast brought forth the sun and the moon and the stars and the constellations, and on earth, trees and grasses, and the Garden of Eden and herbs and living creatures and birds and fish and the sons of men, to make known with them the supremes and how they are conducted with the supremes and the lowers, and how they are known from the supremes and the lowers, and there is no knowledge in Thee at all, and except for Thee there is no unity in the supremes and the lowers, and Thou art known as the Cause of all and the Sovereign over all. And all the emanations (Sefirot), each one has a known name, and they are called angels (Malachim), and Thou hast no known name, for Thou art He who fills all their names, and Thou art the perfection of them all, and when Thou departest from them, all their names remain as a body without a soul. Thou art wise and not with a known wisdom, Thou art understanding and not with a known understanding, Thou hast no known place except to make known Thy power and Thy might to the sons of men, and to show them how Thou conductest the world in justice and in mercy, which are righteousness and judgment, according to the deeds of the sons of men. Judgment is might, judgment is the middle pillar, righteousness is the holy kingdom, the scales of righteousness are two supports of truth, behold righteousness is the sign of the covenant. All this to show how Thou conductest the world, but Thou hast no known righteousness, for it is judgment, nor judgment known, for it is mercy, nor from all these attributes at all. Blessed be the LORD forever, Amen and Amen.\"" + ], + "Upon Entering Synagogue": [] + }, + "Weekday Shacharit": { + "Morning Blessings": [], + "Blessings on Torah": [], + "Morning Prayer": [], + "Korbanot": [], + "B'raita d'Rabi Yishmael": [], + "Hodu": [], + "Yishtabach": [], + "The Shema": [], + "Amidah": [], + "Tachanun": [], + "Avinu Malkeinu": [], + "For Monday & Thursday": [], + "Torah Reading": [], + "Ashrei": [], + "Beit Yaakov": [], + "Song of the Day": [], + "Barchi Nafshi": [], + "L'David Hashem": [], + "Kaveh": [], + "Aleinu": [] + }, + "Additional Prayers ": { + "Six Rememberances": [], + "Thirteen Principles": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "\"For Your salvation I await, O Lord\" (Genesis 49:18); I await, O Lord, for Your salvation; O Lord, for you Your salvation I await. \"For Your salvation I await, O Lord\" (Targum Onkelos Genesis 49:18); I await, O Lord, for Your salvation; O Lord, for you Your salvation I await. (The first sentence is in Hebrew, while the second is in Aramaic.)" + ], + "Chapter of Fear of God": [], + "Chapter of Repentance": [], + "Chapter of Manna": [], + "Supplications After Prayers": [], + "Chapter of Song": [] + }, + "Weekday Mincha": { + "Korbanot": [], + "Torah Reading for Fast Day": [], + "Amidah": [], + "Tachanun": [], + "Avinu Malkeinu": [] + }, + "Weekday Maariv": { + "The Shema": [], + "Amidah": [], + "Motzaei Shabbat": [], + "Sefirat HaOmer": [] + }, + "Kiddush Levanah": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who with His utterance created the heavens, and with the breath of His mouth, all their host. Law and season did He give them, that they not deviate from their set function. They are glad and rejoice to do the will of their Creator — the Worker of truth whose work is true. The moon He directed to renew itself — a crown of glory to those who are borne from the womb, who are destined to be renewed just like it, and to glorify their Creator for the name of His glorious kingdom. Blessed are You, Lord, Renewer of the months." + ], + "Bedtime Shema": [], + "Lag BaOmer Songs": { + "Amar Rabbi Akiva": [], + "Ashreinu Ma Tov": [], + "Ashreinu Uma Naim": [], + "Bar Yochai": [], + "Bar Yochai Butzina Kadisha": [], + "Bar Yochai Hashem Imcha": [], + "Bar Yochai Yesod Olam": [], + "Bar Yochai Tagel Yoladetecha": [], + "Va'amartem Ko Lechai": [], + "Lichvod HaTanna": [], + "Naaleh V'Navo": [] + }, + "Various Blessings": { + "Marriage Blessings": [], + "Sheva Berachot": [], + "Circumcision": [], + "Geula LeBrit Milah": [], + "Redeeming Firstborn": [] + }, + "Mealtime Blessings": [ + "", + "", + "", + "...Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and Commanded us regarding the washing of hands." + ], + "Birchat HaMazon": { + "Birchat HaMazon": [], + "Brit Milah": [], + "Blessing on Foods": [] + }, + "Blessings": { + "Me'ein Shalosh": [], + "Ha'etz": [], + "Ha'adamah": [], + "Shehakol": [], + "Borei Nefashot": [], + "Shehecheyanu": [], + "Fragrant Spices": [], + "Fragrant Herbs": [], + "Fragrant Shrubs": [], + "Fragrant Fruit": [], + "Fragrant Oils": [], + "Lightning & Thunder": [], + "Seeing Rainbow": [], + "Seeing Ocean": [], + "Blossoming Fruit Tree": [], + "Various Blessings of Praise": [], + "Immersing Utensils": [], + "Mezuzah": [], + "Separating Challah": [], + "Separating Terumot & Maasrot": [], + "Traveler's Prayer": [], + "Air Traveler's Prayer": [] + }, + "Eruv Tavshilin": [], + "Shabbat Candle Lighting": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "May it be the will before the Lord, our God and the God of our forefathers ,that he forgives me (and my husband and my children and my father and my mother) and all my kin. And that he give us and all Israel good and long lives. And that he memorializes us for good and blessing. And that he redeems us with a redemption of salvation and mercy, and that he blesses us great blessings. And that he supplies our houses. And that his spirit dwells among us. And that I merit to raise wise and perspicacious children and grandchildren; God-lovers, Lord-worshipers, honest men, holy progeny connected to God, and that illumine the world with Torah and good deeds and all the work of the Creator. Please hear my plea at this time. By the merit of Sarah and Rebecca and Rachel and Leah our matriarchs. And make effulgent our lamps, that they not extinguish ever, and make effulgent your countenance, that we are saved. Amen." + ], + "Shabbat Eve Mincha": { + "Song of Songs": [], + "Mincha": [], + "Amidah": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + " You are the Lord God who nourishes, sustains and supports [everything] – ‘from the horns of the ram to the eggs of lice.’ Provide me with my portion of bread,’ and let my nourishment be found – for me and all of the members of my household – before I need them; easily and not painfully; permissibly and not illegitimately; respectably and not shamefully, for life and peace, from the bounty of blessing and from the bounty of the highest blessing so that I may do Your will and be occupied with Your Torah and fulfill Your commandments. And do not make me require the gifts of flesh and blood. Rather, fulfill with me the verse in which it is written (Psalms 155:16), “Open Your hand and satisfy the desire of all.” And it is written (Psalms 55:23), “Cast your burden on the Lord and He will support you.” " + ] + }, + "Kabbalat Shabbat": [], + "Shabbat Eve Maariv": { + "Shabbat Eve Maariv": [ + "", + "Just as they [the six upper sefirot] unite above at \"One,\" so too She [the Shekhina] unites below in the mystery of \"One,\" to be with them above, one corresponding to another. The Holy Blessed One, who is one, does not sit on His glorious throne above until she is made in the mystery of \"One,\" like him, to be one in one. And here is clarified the matter of \"YHWH is One and His Name is One\" (Zechariah 14:9)." + ], + "Shema & Blessings": [], + "Amidah": [], + "Vayechulu": [] + }, + "Shabbat Evening Meal": { + "Blessing the Children": [], + "Shalom Aleichem": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "I give you thanks, God and God of my fathers. For all the kindness that You did with me and that You will do with me and with all the members of my household and with all your creations members of my covenant. And blessed are Your holy angles who perform your will. Master of peace, King to whom peace belongs, bless me with peace. And order for me and for all the members of my household and for all your nation the house of Israel to a life of good and peace: High King upon all the high hosts. Our creator the creator of the universe. " + ], + "Eishet Chayil": [], + "Atkinu Seudata": [], + "Shabbat Eve Kiddush": [], + "Zemirot": [] + }, + "Shabbat Morning Services": { + "Pesukei D'Zimrah": [], + "Shema & Blessings": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "There is no measure to you, there is no one else but you, it's impossibl​​e without you, and who can be compared to you? There is no measure to you, God our Lord, in this world, and none beside you, our King, for life in the world to come. It's impossibl​​e without you, our redeemer,​ for the days of the Mashiach,​ and none compare to you, our savior, at the resurrect​ion of the dead. " + ], + "Amidah": [], + "Shabbat Torah Reading": [], + "Blessings on Torah Reading": [], + "Prayer for Oleh": [], + "Prayer for Mother after Chilbirth": [], + "Prayer for Sick": [], + "BaHaB Blessing": [], + "Thanksgiving Blessing": [], + "Bar Mitzva": [], + "Hagbahah": [], + "Haftarah Blessings": [], + "Blessing of New Month": [], + "Prayer for Deceased": [], + "Av HaRachamim": [] + }, + "Musaf": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "I shall make pleasant songs, and weave verses; Because for You my soul longs.", + "My soul desires to be in Your hand’s shade; To know all of Your deepest mysteries.", + "When I speak of Your glory; My heart yearns for Your love.", + "Therefore I will speak reverently of You; And Your name I will honor in songs of love.", + "I will recount Your glory, though I have not seen You; I describe You though I have not known You.", + "In Your prophet's writings, in Your servants' speech; You depicted the beauty of Your glorious splendor.", + "Your greatness and might; They portrayed in accordance with Your actions.", + "They depicted you, though You are not as they depicted; They characterized you according to Your doings.", + "They allegorized you in many visions; Behold, You are one in all depictions.", + "They saw in You old age and youth; They represented Your hair as both whitened and black.", + "Old age on the day of judgment, youth on the day of battle; Like a man of war who has many talents.", + "Like one who wears the helmet of redemption on His head; His right arm and holy left arm bring redemption.", + "His head is full of the dew of light; His locks with the drops of the night.", + "He beautifies Himself through me, because He desires me; And He shall be for me a crown of beauty.", + "His head is like pure gold; On His forehead is inscribed His honored holy name.", + "For grace, honor, and splendid beauty; His people have made themselves His crown.", + "The locks of his head are as in youth; His locks are black curls.", + "The place of justice, His splendid beauty; May He elevate it above his greatest joy.", + "May His chosen people be a crown of beauty in His hand; may the gloriously beautiful people be a royal diadem.", + "He carried them like a load, He wore them as a crown; He honored them beyond the worth He saw in them.", + "His splendor is on me, and my splendor is on Him; He is close to me when I call to him.", + "White and red, His garments are red; He trod the winepress when He came from Edom.", + "He showed His tefillin-knot to the humble one; the picture of God was before his eyes.", + "He desires His people, He glorifies the humble ones; He who sits glorified by their praises.", + "", + "Take my many songs to Yourself; And may my hymn come be close to You.", + "May my praise be a crown to Your head; May my prayer be set before You like incense.", + "May this pauper's song be as valued in Your eyes; As the song sung over Your sacrifices.", + "May my blessing go up to the Provider; the Creator, the Begetter, Just and Mighty.", + "May You nod your head to my blessing; May You accept it like the finest spices.", + "May my contemplation be sweet to You, For my soul yearns for You.", + "Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the splendor and the triumph and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and on land is Yours. Your, Lord, is the sovereignty and the rule over every king. Who can recount the heroic acts of the Lord, who can do justice to all His praise?" + ], + "Shabbat Day Meal": { + "Seder Tikunei Shabbat": [], + "Shabbat Day Kiddush": [], + "Zemirot": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "And they all came together in a covenant, ”We will do and we will listen,” they said as one. And they opened and answered, “God is one,” Blessed is the One who gives strength to the the tired. (translation by Abby Stein)" + ] + }, + "Shabbat Mincha": { + "Korbanot": [], + "Amidah": [], + "Pirkei Avot": [] + }, + "Third Meal": { + "Zemirot": [], + "Motzaei Shabbat Prayers": [], + "Gott Fun Avraham": [] + }, + "Motzaei Shabbat ": { + "Havdala": [], + "Hamavdil": [], + "Melava Malka Zemirot": [] + }, + "Shaking Lulav": [], + "Rosh Chodesh": { + "Hallel": [], + "Song of the Day": [], + "Barchi Nafshi": [], + "Torah Reading": [], + "Ashrei Uva L'Tziyon": [], + "Returning Sefer Torah": [], + "Mussaf": [] + }, + "Holidays": { + "Yom Tov Eve Kiddush": [], + "Kaddish Before Maariv Amidah": [], + "Maariv, Shacharit & Mincha Amidah": [], + "Yizkor": [], + "Prayer for Dew": [], + "Prayer for Rain": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "Remember the one who was born from the announcement of, 'let a little water be taken,' and [about whom] You spoke to his parent to slaughter him, to spill his blood like water. He was also careful not to spill out his heart like water (and protest). He dug and found wells of water." + ], + "Yom Tov Musaf Amidah": [], + "Yom Tov Daytime Kiddush": [], + "Prayer Upon Entering Sukkah": [] + }, + "Nissan": { + "The'Nasi' Readings": [], + "Search for Hametz": [], + "Burning Hametz": [], + "Pesach Offering": [], + "Letter of Rav Shimshon of Ostropol": [] + }, + "Pesach Haggadah": { + "Kadesh": [], + "Urchatz": [], + "Karpas": [], + "Yachatz": [], + "Maggid": [], + "Rochtzoh": [], + "Motzi, Matzah": [], + "Maror": [], + "Korech": [], + "Shulchan Orech": [], + "Tzafun": [], + "Barech": [], + "Hallel": [], + "Nirtzah": [], + "Shir HaShirim": [] + }, + "Sukkot": { + "Order of Hoshanot": [ + "Order of Hoshanot", + " Order of Hoshanot for Sukkot", + "If the first day of Sukkot falls out on Monday, we say Hoshanot according to the the following order:", + "For the sake of Your truth; Foundation Stone; I shall set up my prayer; The nation - 'I am a wall'; 'God of salvations'; The nation, guarded.", + "And if the first day falls out on Tuesday, we say them according to this order:", + "For the sake of Your truth; Foundation Stone; I shall set up my prayer; 'God of salvations'; The nation, guarded; The Master who brings salvation.", + "And if the first day falls out on Thursday, we say them according to this order:", + "For the sake of Your truth; Foundation Stone; The nation, guarded; I shall set up my prayer; 'God of salvations'; The Master who brings salvation.", + "And if the first day falls out on Shabbat, we say them according to this order:", + "The nation, guarded; For the sake of Your truth; I shall set up my prayer; Foundation Stone; 'God of salvations'; The Master who brings salvation.", + "Every day after the hoshanot, we say, Like You saved the great ones in Lud, etc.; Bring salvation to Your people, etc. And on Shabbat, after the Hoshana of The nation, guarded, we say, Like You saved Adam, the work of Your hands, etc. " + ], + "First Day & Chol HaMoed": [ + "Hoshanot for the First Day Holiday and the Intermediate Days ", + "Please save!", + "For Your sake, our God, please save; ", + "for Your sake, our Creator, please save;", + "for Your sake, our Redeemer, please save; ", + "for Your sake, our Seeker, please save!", + "For the first day holiday, except when it falls out on Shabbat. In that case, we say this on Sunday, the first day of the intermediate days of the festival:", + "For the sake of Your truth; for the sake of Your covenant; for the sake of Your greatness and harmony; for the sake of Your doctrine; for the sake of Your majesty; for the sake of Your assembly; for the sake of Your mention; for the sake of Your kindness; for the sake of Your goodness; for the sake of Your unity; for the sake of Your glory; for the sake of Your teaching; for the sake of Your kingdom; for the sake of Your eternity; for the sake of Your secret; for the sake of Your might; for the sake of Your splendor; for the sake of Your righteousness; for the sake of Your holiness; for the sake of Your great mercy; for the sake of Your Divine Presence, please save! For the sake of Your praise, please save!", + "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Like You saved the great ones in Lud (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save! Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save! Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save! Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save! Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save! Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save! Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save! Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save! Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied - He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved - so too please save! Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia - Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake - so too please save! You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please save! Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the 'God of salvations' - so, so too please bring salvation! Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", + "For the first day of the intermediate days of the festival, except when the holiday falls out on Shabbat. In that case, we say this on Tuesday, the third day of the intermediate days:", + "Foundation stone, chosen house, threshing floor of Ornan, hidden sanctuary, Mount Moriah, Mount of He is Seen, palace of Your splendor, residence of David, goodly ridge, beautifully placed, joy of all the earth, most beautiful bride, resting place of justice, place of Your dwelling, tranquil habitation, complete sukkah, pilgrimage of the tribes, precious corner, excellent Zion, holy of holies, inlaid with love, dwelling place of Your glory - please save! Hill of magnificence, please save!", + "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Like You saved the great ones in Lud (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save! Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save! Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save! Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save! Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save! Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save! Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save! Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save! Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied - He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved - so too please save! Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia - Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake - so too please save! You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please save! Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the 'God of salvations' - so, so too please bring salvation! Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", + "For Thursday, the third day of the intermediate days of the festival, only when the holiday falls out on Monday:", + "The nation - 'I am a wall,' bright as the sun, exiled and turned away, compared to a date palm, the one killed for You and considered like sheep for slaughter; scattered among its angerers, hugging and clinging to You, seeking Your yoke, alone to unify You, trampled in the exile, studying Your awe, pulled of cheek, given to be paupers, bearing Your burden, ship in a storm, redeemed of Tuviah (Moses), holy sheep, congregations of Jacob, marked with Your name - roars, \"Please save!\" [They are] dependent upon You, please save!", + "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Like You saved the great ones in Lud (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save! Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save! Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save! Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save! Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save! Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save! Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save! Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save! Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied - He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved - so too please save! Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia - Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake - so too please save! You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please save! Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the 'God of salvations' - so, so too please bring salvation! Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", + "When the holiday falls out on Tuesday, we say this on Sunday, the fifth day of the intermediate days. When the holiday comes out on Thursday, we say this on Tuesday, the fifth day of the intermediate days. When the holiday comes out on Shabbat, we say this on Thursday, the fifth day of the intermediate days.", + "The Master who brings salvation - without You there is no salvation, mighty One and great in saving, 'I became indigent and He will bring me salvation,' the saving God who rescues and brings salvation - bring salvation to those who cry to You; bring salvation to those that wait for You, to satiate your sheep, to give produce bountifully, make every shrub grow, and bring salvation. Do not do bad to the valley - sweeten the delicacies and bring salvation, to carry the clouds, to move the rains. Restrain the clouds, open the hand and satiate - satiate Your thirsty ones. Bring salvation to those that call to You, bring salvation to the ones You pity, bring salvation to the ones who seek You, please save! Bring salvation to Your blameless ones, please save!", + "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Like You saved the great ones in Lud (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save! Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save! Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save! Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save! Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save! Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save! Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save! Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save! Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied - He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved - so too please save! Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia - Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake - so too please save! You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please save! Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the 'God of salvations' - so, so too please bring salvation! Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", + "When the holiday falls out on Monday, we say this on Thursday, the second day of the intermediate days. When the holiday falls out on Tuesday, we say this on Thursday, the second day of the intermediate days.", + "I shall set up my prayer in the house of my prayer: I have revealed my rebellion on the fast (Yom Kippur); I sought You then to save me. Listen to the voice of my prayer, and arise and bring me salvation. My Savior, remember and have mercy. Living One, indeed make me rejoice; Goodly One, in groaning, answer me - may my Savior be quick. Destroy the one who does evil to me (Satan), so that he not continue to make me evil. Quickly, God of my salvation, eternally to save me. Please lift up the iniquity of my evil, pass over my rebellion; please turn to me to bring me salvation. Rock, my righteous Savior, please accept my prayer. Lift up the horn of my salvation; Omnipresent, my Savior, please save! Appear and bring me salvation, please save!", + "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Like You saved the great ones in Lud (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save! Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save! Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save! Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save! Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save! Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save! Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save! Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save! Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied - He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved - so too please save! Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia - Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake - so too please save! You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please save! Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the 'God of salvations' - so, so too please bring salvation! Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", + "When the holiday falls out on Monday, we say this on Friday, the fourth day of the intermediate days. When the holiday falls out on Tuesday, we say this on Friday, the third day of the intermediate days. When the holiday falls out on Thursday, we say this on Monday, the fourth day of the intermediate days. When the holiday falls out on Shabbat, we say this on Wednesday the fourth day of the intermediate days.", + "'God of salvations' - with four oaths, they approach with prayers, knock with the arrangement of prayers, meditate upon the enjoyments (the Torah) and enjoy their riddles; they yell out for salvations, those that await salvations with You in their prayers, knowing the understanding of the hours, bending down in their prayers to understand the traditions that were heard from Your mouth - Giver of salvations - recounters of heard things, the ones that give over [the] testimony - Doer of salvations, Righteous One of salvation - the town of salvation, [with] emotional cheers [in] three hours, please save! Be quick for salvations, please save!", + "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Like You saved the great ones in Lud (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save! Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save! Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save! Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save! Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save! Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save! Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save! Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save! Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied - He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved - so too please save! Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia - Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake - so too please save! You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please save! Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the 'God of salvations' - so, so too please bring salvation! Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", + "Full Kaddish, the Song of the Day, Le'David (Psalms 27), Reading of the Torah, Ashrei, Uva Letzion, the additional prayer, Kaveh and Aleinu." + ], + "Sabbath": [ + "Hoshanot for the Shabbat", + "Please save!", + "For Your sake, our God, please save; ", + "for Your sake, our Creator, please save!", + "For Your sake, our Redeemer, please save;", + "for Your sake, our Seeker, please save!", + "The nation, guarded like the pupil [of the eye], contemplates the doctrine that restores the soul, studies the laws of Shabbat, interprets the carrying of Shabbat, which establishes two thousand (ells) as the perimeter of Shabbat. And [beyond this], it prevents its feet on account of the Shabbat. It fulfills, \"remember,\" and \"guard,\" on the Shabbat. It hurries to make haste [for] the coming of the Shabbat. It busies itself [with] everything, from the six [days] for the Shabbat, sits and waits until the end of Shabbat. It calls Shabbat, glory and delight; it changes clothing and covering on the Shabbat; food and drink does it prepare for the Shabbat, enjoying pleasant foods for the Shabbat. Three meals does it fulfill on Shabbat, upon two loaves does it break [bread] on Shabbat. It designates four domains on Shabbat. It kindles [lights for] the commandment of lighting the candle on Shabbat. It sanctifies the holiness (kiddush) of the day on Shabbat, prays the song of seven (paragraphs) on Shabbat. It reads seven from the doctrine on Shabbat, let it inherit the day that is completely Shabbat. Please save!", + "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation! ", + "Like You saved Adam, the work of Your hands, as a Protector, on the holy Shabbat you found him atonement and clemency; like You saved the distinguished nation hoping for freedom, they intuited to choose the seventh [day] for repose; like You saved the people that You drove like sheep to refreshment, and You placed a law at Marah upon the waters of rest; like You saved Your privileged ones in the Wilderness of Sin in the camp, they were wise and collected double the bread on the sixth [day]; like You saved Your followers [who] instructed preparation from their intelligence, their Shepherd blessed their strength and conceded to them; like You saved those sustained in delight from that which was stored - it did not change its appearance, and its aroma did not cease; like You saved those who studied the laws of carrying on Shabbat, they rested and ceased, keeping [the laws of] the domains and the perimeters; like You saved those who heard the fourth commandment [at] Sinai, the matter of \"remember,\" and \"guard,\" to sanctify the seventh [day]; like You saved the ones ordered in Jericho to encircle seven [times], they besieged it until it came down on Shabbat to be victorious; like You saved Kohelet and his people in the House of Eternity, they pleased You with their feasting seven and seven days; like You saved those who returned to arise from the exile to redemption, as they read Your Torah every day on the festival; like You saved those who made You rejoice in the new second [Temple], raising the lulav all seven [days] in the Temple; like You saved those that pushed off the pounding of the willow [on] Shabbat, they placed the willow branches of Motza at the base of the altar; like You saved those that rejoiced with soft, long and tall [willow branches], in their departure, they would praise, \"Beauty is yours\"; like You saved those who thank and hope but never alter, we all repeat, \"We are His and our eyes are towards Him\"; like You saved those that encircled the winepress of Your hewing with freshness, they hymn, \"Ani Vaho, please bring salvation\"; like You saved the army of careful ones who serve, composed, the double sacrifice of Shabbat, the burnt-offering and the gift-offering; like You saved Your Levites singing upon their stand, saying, \"A psalm, a song for the day of Shabbat\"; like You saved those comforted by Your commandments [which] always give them enjoyment, and You will placate and rescue them, and they shall be saved with ease and rest; like You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please bring salvation! Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - God of salvations - so too please bring salvation!", + "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", + "Full Kaddish, the Song of the Day, Le'David (Psalms 27), Reading of the Torah, Yakum Purkan, Ashrei, the additional prayer, Kaveh and Aleinu." + ], + "Hoshana Rabba": [ + "Hoshanot for Hoshana Rabba", + "Please save!", + "For Your sake, our God, please save;", + "for Your sake, our Creator, please save;", + "for Your sake, our Redeemer, please save; ", + "for Your sake, our Seeker, please save!", + "For the sake of Your truth; for the sake of Your covenant; for the sake of Your greatness and harmony; for the sake of Your doctrine; for the sake of Your majesty; for the sake of Your assembly; for the sake of Your mention; for the sake of Your kindness; for the sake of Your goodness; for the sake of Your unity; for the sake of Your glory; for the sake of Your teaching; for the sake of Your kingdom; for the sake of Your eternity; for the sake of Your secret; for the sake of Your might; for the sake of Your splendor; for the sake of Your righteousness; for the sake of Your holiness; for the sake of Your great mercy; for the sake of Your Divine Presence, please save! For the sake of Your praise, please save!", + "For I have said, \"The world is built by love\" (Psalms 89:3).", + "Foundation stone, chosen house, threshing floor of Ornan, hidden sanctuary, Mount Moriah, Mount of He is Seen, palace of Your splendor, residence of David, goodly ridge, beautifully placed, joy of all the earth, most beautiful bride, resting place of justice, place of Your dwelling, tranquil habitation, complete sukkah, pilgrimage of the tribes, precious corner, excellent Zion, holy of holies, inlaid with love, dwelling place of Your glory - please save! Hill of magnificence, please save!", + "Yours is an arm endowed with might; Your hand is strong; Your right arm, exalted (Psalms 89:14).", + "The nation - 'I am a wall,' bright as the sun, exiled and turned away, compared to a date palm, the one killed for You and considered like sheep for slaughter; scattered among its angerers, hugging and clinging to You, seeking Your yoke, alone to unify You, trampled in the exile, studying Your awe, pulled of cheek, given to be paupers, bearing Your burden, ship in a storm, redeemed of Tuviah (Moses), holy sheep, congregations of Jacob, marked with Your name - roar, \"Please save!\" [They are] dependent upon You, please save!", + "You will give truth to Jacob, kindness to Abraham (Micah 7:20). ", + "The Master who brings salvation - without You there is no salvation, mighty One and great in saving, 'I became indigent and He will bring me salvation,' the saving God who rescues and brings salvation - bring salvation to those who cry to You; bring salvation to those that wait for You, to satiate your sheep, to give produce bountifully, make every shrub grow, and bring salvation. Do not do bad to the valley - sweeten the delicacies and bring salvation, to carry the clouds, to move the rains. Restrain the clouds, open the hand and satiate - satiate Your thirsty ones. Bring salvation to those that call to You, bring salvation to the ones You pity, bring salvation to the ones who seek You, please save! Bring salvation to Your blameless ones, please save!", + "In your right arm are pleasures for evermore (Psalms 16:11).", + "Man and beast - flesh and spirit and soul; tendon, bone and membrane; appearance and image and mesh; 'majesty compared to a breath' - 'and he is like the beasts that perish' - radiance, form and stature. [Effect] the renewal of the face of the ground, the planting of desolate trees, wine-presses and grain, vineyards and sycamores for marked ground, strong rains for healing - invigorating the despoiled - raising plants, strengthening delicacies, establishing flowers, raining [on] vegetation, flowing cold waters, dressing drops, raising drink - please save. [It is] suspended over emptiness, please save. ", + "O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name throughout the earth, You who have covered the heavens with Your splendor (Psalms 8:2).", + "The ground from malediction, beasts from miscarriage, the threshing floor from locusts and food from confusion; olive trees from shedding, wheat from grasshoppers, fare from insects, wine vats from locusts, vineyards from worms, aftergrowth from grasshoppers, delights from locusts, life from confusion, satiation from insects, flocks from poverty, cows from blight, sheep from destruction, harvest from curse, plentitude from gauntness, stalks from parchedness - please save! The produce from locusts, please save!", + "The Lord is beneficent in all His ways and faithful in all His works (Psalms 145:17).", + " For the sake of the great one thrown into the heart of the fire, for the sake of the son bound upon woods and fire, for the sake of the strong one who fought with a prince of fire, for the sake of the formations that You led with a pyre and a cloud of fire, for the sake of the one who was brought up to the heights and went up like the angels of fire, for the sake of the one who was for You like an assistant among the angels of fire, for the sake of the gift of the statements that were given in fire, for the sake of that which was covered by curtains and a cloud of fire, for the sake of the ceremony of the mountain upon which You came down in fire, for the sake of the friendship of the House that You loved beyond the Heavens of fire, for the sake of the one who yearned until the setting of the fire, for the sake of the one who took a pan of fire and removed the anger of fire, for the sake of the one zealous with a great zealotry of fire, for the sake of the one who waved his hand and came down stones of fire, for the sake of the one who made the nursing lamb be consumed with fire, for the sake of the one who stood in the threshing floor and was answered with fire, for the sake of the one who prayed in the courtyard and down came the fire, for the sake of the messenger that arose and was carried up by a chariot and horses of fire, for the sake of the holy ones that were flung into the fire, for the sake of the one who saw myriads and myriads and rivers of fire, for the sake of the desolation of Your city that was burnt down with fire - please save! For the sake of of the offspring of the clans of Judah who You will make like a brazier of fire, please save!", + "Yours, Lord, are greatness, might, splendor, triumph, and majesty, for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours] ; to You, Lord, belong kingship and preeminence above all (I Chronicles 29:11). And the Lord shall be king over all the earth; on that day the Lord shall be One, and his name One (Zechariah 14:9). And it is written in Your Torah, saying (Deuteronomy 6:4), \"Hear Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One\" - blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom forever and ever.", + "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Like You saved the great ones in Lud (the son of Mitzrayim, Egypt's namesake) with You, when You went out to save Your people, so too please save! Like You saved 'a nation and its leaders' needing the salvation of God, so too please save! Like You saved many legions and, with them, hosts of angels, so too please save! Like You saved the pure ones from a house of bondage [when] they subjugated the Compassionate One with their hands, so too please save! Like You saved the drowning ones in the depths of the shreds [when] they were transporting Your glory with them, so too please save! Like You saved the base, singing (Exodus 13:40), \"and He saved,\" [when] the One bursting out was indicated as saved, so too please save! Like You saved [with] the statement (Exodus 6:6), \"and I will take you (etchem),\" [but] it is designated, 'and I will go out with you (itchem),' so too please save! Like You saved the ones that went around the altar, loaded with the willow to circle the altar, so too please save! Like You saved the wonders of the ark when it was sullied - He distraught Philistia with burning anger and it was saved - so too please save! Like You saved the congregations You sent to Babylonia - Merciful One, You [too] were sent for their sake - so too please save! You saved the return of the tribes of Jacob - return and bring back the return of the tents of Jacob and, so too, please save! Like You saved the keepers of the commandments and those awaiting salvations - You are the 'God of salvations' - so, so too please bring salvation! ", + "Ani Vaho, please save!", + "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", + "We remove the rings around the lulav before the hoshanot.", + "Ani Vaho, please bring salvation!", + "Endow us for fame and praise, bring us back to the allotment and to the inheritance, bring us up higher and higher, gather us to the House of Prayer, stand us up like a tree planted upon brooks of water, redeem us from all plague and sickness, surround us with total love, make us happy in the House of Prayer, lead us to the waters of rest, Selah; fill us with wisdom and intellect, clothe us with courage and greatness, crown us with a complete crown, straighten us upon a paved road, plant us upon a straight path, grace us with mercy and with compassion, remember us with, \"Who is this that comes up\" (Song of Songs 8:5), save us with the final salvation, beautify us with the radiance of the mass [of angels], cling to us like a swaddled sash, make us great with [Your] great hand, bring us to Your house with joy and happiness, glorify us with salvation and glee, strengthen us with comfort and rescue, endear us with the building of Your city like as at first, awake us to Zion in its fulfillment, make us merit the building of the city upon its mound, make us lay down with joy and glee - please save! Strengthen us, God of Jacob, Selah, please save! ", + "Please, please bring salvation!", + "Please, listen to the supplication of those that desire Your salvation, to please You with willows of the brook and please save. Please, redeem the plot of Your planting, in Your brooming away the dead and please save. Please, look down upon the covenant of Your ring, and drown the darkeners of the world and please save. Please, remember the father who knew You, in Your making Your kindness known to his people and please save. Please, in Your separating the pure hearted ones, it shall be known that it is Your separation and please save. Please, the One of great strength, give us Your salvation as You swore to our forefathers and please save. Please, fulfill the requests of the people that pray to You, like the one who prayed to You bound upon Mount Mor and please save. Please, raise up the terebinths of Your plantings, when You push away the ruthless ones and please save. Please, open up the storehouses of Your rain, to fructify the thirsty among them and please save. Please, those that call to You in Your breaking the world, tend them from Your good pasture and please save. Please, raise up Your gates from Your desolation, in your raising up the Hill of magnificence and please save! ", + "Please, God please, please save and please bring salvation.", + "God, please - we have strayed like a lost sheep, do not remove our names from Your book, please save and please bring salvation. God, please tend the sheep marked for slaughter, subject of rage and killed for You, please save and please bring salvation. God, please - Your sheep and the sheep of Your pasture, Your work and Your companion, please save and please bring salvation. God, please - the poor of Your flock, answer their speech in the time of favor, please save and please bring salvation. God, please - [for] the ones that raise their eye to You, let those that rise against You be like naught, please save and please bring salvation. God, please - to those that bring You water libations, let them draw water like that from the springs of salvation, please save and please bring salvation. God, please - may saviors go up to Zion; with You and saved in Your name, please save and please bring salvation. God, please - the One of crimsoned clothing, be enraged to shake up all the rebels, please save and please bring salvation. God, please - surely remember the ones sold for a lethech or kor [of grain], please save and please bring salvation. God, please - Your seekers with branches of willows, listen to their pleas from the Heavens, please save and please bring salvation. God, please, bless this year with crowning, desire my words in my prayer on the day of the Hoshanah, please save and please bring salvation. ", + "Please, God please, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father.", + "For the sake of the blameless one in his generations, saved by his many righteous acts, rescued from the torrent when the flood of water came: For the nation - 'I am a wall' - please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the one complete in all of his actions, the one tested with ten tests; when he saw angels, he said, \"Let a little water be taken\": For the one bright as the sun please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the tender and only one, the fruit conceived at one hundred, he cried out, \"Where is the sheep for the burnt-offering\"; his servants announced to him, \"We have found water\": For the exiled and turned away, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the one who was first to take the blessing, the one hated who waited for Your name; he brought to heat with sticks in troughs of water: For the one compared to a date palm, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the one who was justified in being a priest for You, he officiates like a glorious groom; tried at Massah, at the waters of the Waters of Strife: For the goodly mountain, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the one glorified in being the master of his brothers, the fourth number who dripped more moisture than from their boughs: Not for us, but for Your sake, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the most modest one of all, and the faithful one who justified feeding with the manna; pulled to be the savior and raised up from the water: 'Who is this that is seen' - please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the one that You made be like the angels above, the one who wore the urim and thummim, commanded to come to the sanctuary by sanctifying hands and feet and washing of water: For the one lovesick, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the prophetess of the dancing of the double camp who placed [her] eyes on those of yearning hearts; at her feet did the well of water run, rising and descending: For the one whose tents are goodly, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the servant who did not move from the tent, and the holy spirit covered him; when he crossed the Jordan, the waters split: For the beautiful and bright, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the one who became accustomed to seeing a sign for the good, he cried out, \"Where are the wonders\"; he squeezed out dew from wool, filling a bucket full of water: For the bride of Lebanon, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the ones dedicated to make Your wars, into whose hand You gave Your salvation; the chosen ones of the nation in their sipping water in their hands: For the ones who have not rebelled against You, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the one who trampled enemies alone, who was sanctified to be a nazarite from birth; You brought him forth water from the hollow of a jaw: For the sake of Your holy name, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the one who grew great, who refrained from oppressing the congregation; when the people repented from sinning, he commanded, \"Draw water\": For the one fair as Jerusalem, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the one who pleased You by gyrating with song, he taught Torah with every musical instrument; he poured libations in front of Him when he desired to drink water: For the ones who have placed their hopes in You, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the pure one who went up in a storm, the one that was zealous and turned away the anger; from his prayer, fire came down and licked up the ground and the water: For the one whose eyes are pools, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of, and he served his master in truth, a double portion emanated for him into his spirit; when he took a musician for himself, the cisterns filled with water: For the ones who broke out in song, \"Who is like You,\" please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the one who thought to do Your will, the one who announced repentance to Your flock; then when the blasphemer came, he shut the springs of water: For Zion, the perfection of beauty, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of those that sought You amidst the exile, and He revealed His secret to them; without sullying themselves, they requested seeds and water: For the ones who call to You in distress, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the one who studied wisdom and understanding, a quick scribe [to] launch a pledge; he wisended us [with] sayings that are like broad waters: For the plentiful of people, please save and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the ones that come to You today with a complete heart, they pour their speech to You without [being of] two hearts, they ask from You strong rains of water: For the ones that sang to You at the Sea, please save, and please bring salvation, You are our Father. For the sake of the ones who say, \"Let Your name be exalted,\" and they are Your inheritance and Your people; they are thirsty for Your salvation, like land tired for water: For the ones that You sought out a resting place, please save, and please bring salvation, You are our Father. ", + "(The prayer leader and the congregation:) Please save, please God. Please, please bring salvation.", + "Please save, please forgive; and please bring success; and bring us salvation, God our refuge.", + "He lets go of the lulav from his hand, and takes the Hoshanah and holds it until the pounding.", + "Answer the believers that pour out [their] hearts to You like water and please bring salvation - for the sake of the one that went through fire and water; he decreed and said, \"Let a little water be taken.\" And please bring success; and bring us salvation, God our refuge. Answer the formations [that] cut shreds of water and please bring salvation - for the sake of the one bound at the gate of the Heavens; and he returned and dug up the wells of water. And please bring success; and bring us salvation, God our refuge. Answer the pure ones that encamped by the water and please bring salvation - for the sake of the smooth one that split the sticks in the troughs of water; he lifted up and rolled the stone from the well of water. And please bring success; and bring us salvation, God our refuge. Answer the companions, the inheritors of a doctrine compared to water, and please bring salvation - for the sake of the ones that dug water with their staffs, to prepare water for themselves and for their offspring. And please bring success; and bring us salvation, God our refuge. Answer the ones who supplicate, as in the desert, for water and please bring salvation - for the sake of the faithful one of the house who provides sufficient water for the people; he struck the boulder and water flowed. And please bring success; and bring us salvation, God our refuge. Answer the ones who chorused, \"Arise, O well\" and please bring salvation - for the sake of the one assigned, at the waters of the Waters of Strife, to give water to the thirsty. And please bring success; and bring us salvation, God our refuge. Answer the holy ones giving you libations of water and please bring salvation - for the sake of the head of the singers; when he desired to drink water - forbid him from dispersing, he gave to You a libation of water. And please bring success; and bring us salvation, God our refuge. Answer the ones that request with a quartet of [plants from] groves of water and please bring salvation - for the sake of the Hill of magnificence that gives forth water, open the ground and let the heavens pour forth water. And please bring success; and bring us salvation, God our refuge. ", + "(The prayer leader and the congregation:) Please have mercy upon the congregation of Jeshurun. Forgive and pardon their iniquities and bring us salvation, God of our salvation.", + "Then like the eyes of servants upon their master have we come before You in judgement. So bring us salvation, God of our salvation. Proud Master of masters, they have provoked disputes among us; masters besides You have trampled us and ruled over us. So bring us salvation, God of our salvation. Behold we have approached You today in supplication - towards You, Merciful and Compassionate One - and we have recounted Your wonders in review. So bring us salvation, God of our salvation. The one flowing with milk and honey do not dry up, bandage its hurts with the rainclouds of water. So bring us salvation, God of our salvation. Plant us in the fertile one, by the hand of the seven and the eight - justly righteous, faithful God. So bring us salvation, God of our salvation. He made a covenant with the earth for all of the days of the earth still, not to make a breach in it. So bring us salvation, God of our salvation. We supplicate for water, like willows upon watercourses, please remember the water libation for us. So bring us salvation, God of our salvation. The plants, in the direction of their growing, laden with their prayers - answer the voice of their encounters. So bring us salvation, God of our salvation. Maker of salvations, turn to answer their prayers; find them righteous, God of salvations. So bring us salvation, God of our salvation. Answer the call of their assemblage, open the land and let it sprout salvation - Great in saving and not desiring evil. So bring us salvation, God of our salvation. ", + "(The prayer leader and the congregation:) Open the gates of the heavens, and open Your goodly storehouses. Bring us salvation and do not lengthen discord. So bring us salvation, God of our salvation. ", + "(The prayer leader:) The voice of the herald proclaims and says.", + "(The congregation repeats:) The voice of the herald proclaims and says.", + "Your mighty salvation is coming, the voice of my Beloved, behold it is coming - he proclaims and says. The voice - He is coming with thousands of groups, to stand upon the Mount of Olives - proclaims and says. The voice - His approach is with with the shofar to blow, to split half the mountain under Him below - proclaims and says. The voice - He knocks, peers and shines, and moves half of the mountain from the east - proclaims and says. The voice - He fulfilled the words of His speech, and He is coming and all of His holy ones with Him - proclaims and says. The voice - and to all those that come to the world, the heavenly voice will be heard in the world - proclaims and says. The voice - the seed carried from its womb, born like a child from its mother's innards - proclaims and says. The voice - she has travailed and given birth; who is she, who has heard of one like this - proclaims and says. The voice - the pure One did all of these, and who has seen like these - proclaims and says. The voice - salvation and time are united, can a nation be in travail for [only] one day - proclaims and says. The voice of the One who is powerful above and below - is a nation born all at once - proclaims and says. The voice - at the time the luminant One will redeem His nation; it shall be that at the time of evening, there shall be light - proclaims and says. The voice - saviors will ascend to Mount Zion, for Zion has travailed and also given birth - proclaims and says. The voice will be heard in all of its borders - widen the place of Your tent - proclaims and says. The voice - place your dwellings up to Damascus, receive your sons and your daughters - proclaims and says. The voice - be gladdened, Rose of Sharon, for the sleepers of Hebron have risen - proclaims and says. The voice - turn to Me and be saved today, if to My voice you listen - proclaims and says. The voice - a man has sprouted, his name is Tsemach (Sprout), that is David himself - proclaims and says. The voice - arise, ones covered in dirt; awake and sing, dwellers of the ground - proclaims and says. The voice of the plentiful of people when crowning him - He is a Tower of salvation to His king - proclaims and says. The voice - to destroy the name of evildoers, He does kindness to His anointed one, to David - proclaims and says. The voice - give slavations to the eternal people, to David and to his seed forever - proclaims and says. ", + "(The prayer leader three times:) The voice of the herald proclaims and says.", + "(The congregation repeats three times:) The voice of the herald proclaims and says.", + "Deliver and bless Your people; tend them and sustain them forever (Psalms 28:9). And may these words of mine, which I have offered in supplication before the Lord, be close to the Lord our God day and night, that He may provide for His servant and for His people Israel, according to each day’s needs. In order that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord alone is God, there is no other (I Kings 8:59-60).", + "The prayer leader says Kaddish Titkabal. And then he puts down the lulav from his hand and they take the Hoshanot and pound them. One should pound the willow specifically on earth, as explained in the holy Zohar. And there should be five willow branches - no more and no less. And he should only pound them five times - no more and no less.", + "And after pounding the willow, he should say this supplication:", + "May it be Your will in front of You, Lord G0d, and God of our fathers, who chooses good prophets and their customs - that you accept our prayers and our circles (hakafot) with mercy and desire. And remember for us the merit of Your seven pure ones, and remove the iron curtain that separates between You and us. And pay heed to our prayers and make good the sealing for us - suspend the earth over the emptiness - and seal us in the book of goodly life. And upon this day, give to Your mighty Presence five restrictions (gevurot) sweetened by the pounding of the willow, the custom of Your holy prophets; and arouse love among them and let them be kissed with the kisses of Your mouth, which sweetens all the restrictions and all of the judgements. And shine upon Your mighty Presence with the name (Yod hay vav), which is dew of lights, Your dew. And from there, bring the flow to Your servant who is praying (x, the son/daughter of y) in front of You (forgiveness), that You will lengthen his/her days and forgive him/her for all of his/her sins, iniquities and rebellions; and stretch forth Your right arm and Your hand to accept me with full repentance in front of You. And open Your goodly storehouse, to satiate water for the parched soul, as it is written (Deuteronomy 28:12), \"The Lord will open for you His goodly storehouse, the heavens, to provide rain for your land in its season and to bless all your undertakings.\" Amen.", + "The Song of the Day, Le'David (Psalms 27), Reading of the Torah, Ashrei, Uva Letzion, the additional prayer, Kaveh and Aleinu." + ] + }, + "Simchat Torah": { + "Hakafot": [ + "Hakafot for Simchat Torah", + "The custom is to take out all of the Torah scrolls in the ark, both in the evening service and in the morning service. At night, the custom is that, after we circle the platform seven times with the Torah scrolls, we return the Torah scrolls to the ark and leave one Torah scroll out. And three men read from it in the section of Zot HaBerakha. The custom during the day is to add many readers. And we are also accustomed to call all of the children to the Torah scroll. But it is fitting that an adult recite the blessing over the Torah and that the children listen and fulfill [the practice in that way]. And we read the section of, \"May the angel who redeems, etc.\"", + "The prayer leader says each verse and the congregation repeats the verse each time.", + "It has been clearly demonstrated to you that the Lord alone is God; there is none beside Him (Deuteronomy 4:35). Who alone works great marvels, His steadfast love is eternal (Psalms 136:4). There is none like You among the gods, O Lord, and there are no deeds like Yours (Psalms 86:8). May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in His works (Psalms 104:31). Let the name of the Lord be blessed now and forever (Psalms 113:2). May the Lord our God be with us, as He was with our fathers; may He never abandon us or forsake us (I Kings 8:57). Declare, \"Deliver us, O God, our deliverer, and gather us and save us from the nations, to acclaim Your holy name, to glory in Your praise\" (I Chronicles 16:35). [The Lord reigns, the Lord has reigned,] The Lord will reign for ever and ever (Exodus 15:18). May the Lord grant strength to His people; may the Lord bestow on His people wellbeing (Psalms 29:11). We open the ark. When the Ark was to set out, Moses would say, \"Advance, O Lord; may Your enemies be scattered, and may Your foes flee before You (Numbers 10:35). Advance, O Lord to Your resting-place, You and Your mighty Ark! Your priests are clothed in triumph; Your loyal ones sing for joy. For the sake of Your servant David do not reject Your anointed one (Psalms 132:8-10). In that day they shall say, \"This is our God; we trusted in Him, and He delivered us, this is the Lord, in whom we trusted; let us rejoice and exult in His deliverance\" (Isaiah 25:9). Your kingship is an eternal kingship; Your dominion is for all generations (Psalms 145:13). For instruction shall come forth from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:3). ", + "[Father of mercy,] May it please You to make Zion prosper; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Psalms 51:20). For we have trusted only in You, King; high and elevated God, Master of the worlds.", + "These supplications were taken from the book, Avodat Hakodesh:", + "For the sake of the unification of the Holy One, blessed be He, and His Divine Presence - with fear and with love - to unify the name yod hay with vav hay with a complete unification: Behold we are coming to fulfill the commandment of the custom of holy Israel, to circle seven times around the platform with the Torah scroll upon it, and to add to the joy of the Torah, to rectify its root in the lofty place. And may it be Your will in front of You, that from the power of these circles, You will knock down the wall of iron that separates between You and us. And may we be surrounded by Torah and commandments from inside and out; and may we cling to You and to Your Torah always - we, our seed and the seed of our seed. May the pleasantness of my Master, our God, be upon us, and the work of our hands established for us, and the work of our hands - establish it.", + "We take out every Torah scroll in the ark and circle the platform seven times and say:", + "Circle 1:", + "Please, Lord, please bring salvation. Please, Lord, please bring success. Please, Lord, answer us on the day of our calling out. God of the spirits, please bring salvation. Examiner of the hearts, please bring success. Strong Redeemer, answer us on the day of our calling out.", + "For the leader. A psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God, the sky proclaims His handiwork. Day to day makes utterance, night to night speaks out. There is no utterance, there are no words, whose sound goes unheard. Their voice carries throughout the earth, their words to the end of the world; He placed in them a tent for the sun. It is like a groom coming forth from the chamber, like a hero, eager to run his course. Its rising-place is at one end of heaven, and its circuit reaches the other; nothing escapes its heat. The teaching of the Lord is perfect, renewing life (Psalms 19:1-8). A psalm of David. Ascribe to the Lord, O divine beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory of His name; bow down to the Lord, majestic in holiness. The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord, over the mighty waters (Psalm 29:1-3). For the leader; with instrumental music. A psalm. A song. May God be gracious to us and bless us; may He show us favor, Selah (Psalm 67:1-2). Please, by the force of Your great right arm, release the bound one. For I have said, \"The world is built by love\" (Psalms 89:3).", + "Beloved of the soul, merciful Father, draw Your servant to Your will. [Then] Your servant will run like a deer; he will bow before Your splendor. To him, Your affections will be sweeter than the drippings of the honeycomb and all [other pleasant] tastes.", + "Splendid, Beautiful, Radiance of the world, my soul is lovesick for You. I beseech You, Almighty, please, heal her by showing her the pleasantness of Your radiance. Then she will be strengthened and healed and she will have everlasting joy.", + "Ancient One—let Your mercy be aroused and please have pity upon Your beloved child; for it is long that I have yearned to behold soon the glory of Your strength. These my heart has desired, please have pity and do not conceal Yourself.", + "Reveal Yourself, please and spread over me, my Beloved, the shelter of Your peace, let the earth be illuminated from Your glory, we will exult and rejoice in You. Hasten, show [us Your] love, for the time has come, and be gracious unto us as in days of old.", + "The Holy Divine Presence is amongst us. The merit of Abraham is with with us. And we will all rejoice there with song in his coming to Zion.", + "Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of Abraham, Your beloved one.", + "May it be Your will in front of You, Lord God, and God of our fathers, Father of mercy - that in the merit of the first circle that we have encircled the platform on Your Simchat Torah, that hints to kindness (chesed), that Your kindness will be upon us; and merit us to serve You in awe and in love. And may Your love always be stuck into our hearts, all the days of our lives; and that Your awe be upon our faces, such that we not sin. And for each and every trait that you give us, we thank You very very much. And give us the merit to understand, to do good and to do acts of kindness with all of our ability - with our bodies and with our money - with a full heart. And may all of our deeds be for Your sake and for Your mention with great desire. And give us the merit to distance ourselves from jealousy, cruelty and anger; and to acquire the trait of kindness with a complete acquisition - and for the sake of Your holy Torah that is given with [Your] right arm. And for the sake of Abraham, the man of kindness, fulfill the requests of our hearts for the good. Make Your goodness and kindness to us known in the eyes of all. (The next three verses begin with the Hebrew letters that spell out the word, kindness - CheSeD:) I will always sing [about] the kindnesses of God; with my mouth, I will make known Your faithfulness from generation to generation (Psalms 89:2). You are my Protector and my Shield; I have hoped for Your word (Psalms 119:114). Lord, guide me in Your ways, teach me Your paths (Psalms 25:4). May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in front of You, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.", + "Circle 2:", + "Speaker of righteous things, please bring salvation. Majestic in His clothing, please bring success. Ancient One and Pious One, answer us on the day of our calling out.", + "The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple (Psalms 19:8). The voice of the Lord is powerful (Psalms 29:4). That Your way be known on earth, Your deliverance among all nations (Psalms 67:3). Accept the prayer of Your people; strengthen us, purify us, Awesome One! Yours is an arm endowed with might; Your hand is strong; Your right arm, exalted (Psalms 89:14).", + "God who is hidden in the pavillion of oblivion; the Intellect that is concealed from all thought; the Cause of causes, crowned with the highest crown (keter) - 'they will give You a crown, Lord.'", + "In the beginning of Your primordial Torah was Your hidden wisdom inscribed. It came from nothing and was concealed. The beginning of wisdom (chokhmah) is awe of the Lord.", + "Wide rivers are the streams of faith; a man of understanding draws these deep waters. Their offshoots are the fifty gates of understanding (binah). The faithful ones are guarded by the Lord.", + "Great God, all eyes are towards You. Great of kindness, Your kindness (chesed) is great beyond the heavens. God of Abraham, remember [it] to Your servants. The kindnesses of the Lord do I mention, the praises of the Lord.", + "The One above, magnificent with power and might (gevurah), He brings out light from that which has no substitute. Awe of Isaac, light up our judgment. You are always mighty, Lord.", + "Who is a power like you, to do great deeds? Strength of Jacob, Splendor (tiferet) of Israel, Hearer of prayers - for the Lord is a listener to the destitute.", + "Lord, let the merit of the fathers protect us. Eternal (netzach) One of Israel, redeem us from our troubles; and draw us up and bring us out of the pit of our exile, to orchestrate the work of the House of the Lord.", + "From right and left is the nourishment of the prophets, they derived eternity and majesty (hod) from them. They are called by the name, Yachin and Boaz - 'and all your children shall be taught of the Lord.'", + "The foundation (yesod) of the Righteous One is concealed in the seven (spheres); it is the sign of the covenant for eternity. The source of blessing is the Righteous One, foundation of the world. You are the Righteous One of the world.", + "Please quickly raise up the kingdom (malkhut) of David and Solomon - 'with the crown with which his mother adorned him.' The congregation of Israel is pleasantly called a bride, a crown of splendor in the hand of God.", + "Strong One, unify the ten spheres (sefirot) as one, and the one who unites the Leader will see lights - those hewn of sapphire shine together. ", + "Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of Isaac the bound one.", + "May it be Your will in front of You, Lord God, and God of our fathers, Father of mercy - that in the merit of the second circle that we have encircled the platform on Your Simchat Torah, that hints to might, that You will give us the merit to overcome our impulse; and give us the strength to suppress our physical desires. And for the sake of Isaac who was girded by might (gevurah), arouse Your might and come to our salvation. And in the way that our father, Abraham, suppressed his mercy to do Your will with a full heart; so too, let Your mercy suppress Your anger - and let Your mercy roll over Your traits. And may You act towards us, Lord our God, with the trait of kindness and bring us in beyond the letter of law. And with Your great kindness, turn away Your fierce anger from Your people, from Your city, from Your land and from Your inheritance; annul all of the harsh and bad decrees from upon us; and decree good decrees upon us, according to Your great mercy. (The next five verses begin with the Hebrew letters that spell out the word, might - GeVURaH:) Also from willful sins keep Your servant; let them not dominate me; then shall I be blameless (Psalms 19:14). He will cover you with His pinions; you will find refuge under His wings; His fidelity is an encircling shield (Psalms 91:4). And we are Your people and the flock that You tend; we shall glorify You forever; for all time we shall tell Your praises (Psalms 79:13). Give ear, O shepherd of Israel who leads Joseph like a flock; appear, You who are enthroned on the cherubim (Psalms 80:2). Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; let my heart be undivided in reverence for Your name (Psalms 86:11). May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in front of You, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.", + "Circle 3:", + "Pure and Straight One, please bring salvation. Compassionate of the Poor, please bring success. The Good One and Doer of Good, answer us on the day of our calling out.", + "The precepts of the Lord are just, rejoicing the heart (Psalms 19:9). The voice of the Lord is majestic (Psalms 29:4). Peoples will praise You, O God; all peoples will praise You. (Psalms 67:4). Please, Mighty One, guard those that seek Your unity like the pupil of Your eye. You will give truth to Jacob, kindness to Abraham (Micah 7:20). ", + "Who is a power like you, to do great deeds? Strength of Jacob, Splendor (tiferet) of Israel, Hearer of prayers - for the Lord is a listener to the destitute.", + "Lord, let the merit of the fathers protect us. Eternal (netzach) One of Israel, redeem us from our troubles; and draw us up and bring us out of the pit of our exile, to orchestrate the work of the House of the Lord.", + "From right and left is the nourishment of the prophets, they derived eternity and majesty (hod) from them. They are called by the name, Yachin and Boaz - and all your children shall be taught of the Lord.", + "The foundation (yesod) of the righteous one is concealed in the seven (spheres); it is the sign of the covenant for eternity. The source of blessing is the Righteous One, foundation of the world. You are the Righteous One of the world.", + "Please quickly raise up the kingdom (malkhut) of David and Solomon - 'with the crown with which his mother adorned him.' The congregation of Israel is pleasantly called a bride, a crown of splendor in the hand of God.", + "Strong One, unify the ten spheres (sefirot) as one, and the one who unites the Leader will see lights - those hewn of sapphire shine together. Bring near our song in front of You, Lord.", + "The Holy Divine Presence is amongst us. The merit of Jacob is with with us. And we will all rejoice there with song in His coming to Zion.", + "Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of Jacob the perfected one.", + "May it be Your will in front of You, Lord God, and God of our fathers - that in the merit of the third circle that we have encircled the platform on Your Simchat Torah, that hints to splendor, You will give us the merit to be from Your servants, about whom it is stated (Isaiah 49:3), \"Israel, in whom I glory\"; give us the merit to be occupied with Your holy Torah, the Torah of truth, and that all our objective be to seek the truth. And grace us, for the sake of the knowledge of the truth of the laws of the Torah. And give us the merit to distance ourselves from falsehood and untruth, and that all the corners to which we turn be for the matter of truth. And in the merit of the true Torah and in the merit of our father Jacob, peace be upon him, who is sealed with splendor, the trait of truth - and it is written (Micah 7:20), \"You will give truth to Jacob\" - that You will answer us and fulfill our request, and that Jerusalem will be called the city of truth. Therefore we hope to You, Lord our God to quickly see the splendor of Your power. (The next five verses begin with the Hebrew letters that spell out the word, splendor - TiFEReT:) May my song reach You, O Lord; grant me understanding according to Your word (Psalms 119:169). Make my feet firm through Your promise; do not let iniquity dominate me (Psalms 119:133). Happy is the man who finds refuge in You, whose mind is on the [pilgrim] highways (Psalms 84:6). Your mercies are great, O Lord; as is Your rule, preserve me (Psalms 119:156). My mouth shall utter the praise of the Lord, and all creatures shall bless His holy name forever and ever (Psalms 145:21). May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in front of You, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. ", + "Circle 4:", + "Knower of thoughts, please bring salvation. Tremendous and Luminous One, please bring success. Wearer of righteous deeds, answer us on the day of our calling out.", + "The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes (Psalms 19:9). The voice of the Lord breaks cedars; the Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon. He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion, like a young wild ox (Psalms 29:5-6). Nations will exult and shout for joy, for You rule the peoples with equity, You guide the nations of the earth, Selah (Psalms 67:5). Bless them, purify them, have mercy on them; Your benevolent righteousness [may You] always bestow upon them. Delights are ever in Your right hand (Psalms 16:11).", + "This is the version of the Rebbe and Maggid of Kozhnitz, may his memory be blessed:", + "There is none as powerful as the Lord; there is none as blessed as the son of Amram; there is no greatness like the Torah; there are no expositors of it like Israel. From the mouth of God, from the mouth of God, may Israel be blessed.", + "There is none as beautiful as the Lord; there is none as distinguished as the son of Amram; there is no possession like the Torah; there are no scholars of it like Israel. From the mouth of God, from the mouth of God, may Israel be blessed.", + "There is none as pure as the Lord; there is none as just as the son of Amram; there is no glory like the Torah; there are no students of it like Israel. From the mouth of God, from the mouth of God, may Israel be blessed.", + "There is no king like the Lord; there is no prophet like the son of Amram; there is no treasure like the Torah; there are no people involved with it like Israel. From the mouth of God, from the mouth of God, may Israel be blessed.", + "There is no redeemer like the Lord; there is no righteous one like the son of Amram; there is no holiness like the Torah; there are no people that exalt it like Israel. From the mouth of God, from the mouth of God, may Israel be blessed.", + "There is none as holy as the Lord; there is none as merciful as the son of Amram; there is no protection like Torah (study); there are no supporters of it like Israel. From the mouth of God, from the mouth of God, may Israel be blessed.", + "And all shall come to serve You and bless Your glorious Name, and [even] on the isles they shall declare Your righteousness. And peoples will seek You, who knew You not; and those who live in every part of the earth will praise You, and they will say, always, \"Magnified be the Lord.\" And they will offer to You their sacrifices, and they will abandon their idols, and they will be humiliated with their graven images, and they will turn with unanimous accord to worship You. And they will fear You—as long as the sun is upon them—those who seek Your Presence, and they will realize the power of Your Kingship, and they will teach—those who have gone astray—understanding [of God]. And they will speak of Your might, and they will uplift You, causing You to be uplifted above all, and they will fervently beseech Your Presence, and crown You with a crown of glory. And the mountains will burst out in joyous song, and the isles will exult in Your Kingship, and they will accept the yoke of Your kingdom upon themselves and they will exalt You in the assembly of peoples. Those far away will hear and they will [also] come, and they will tender unto You the crown of kingship.", + "The Holy Divine Presence is amongst us. The merit of Moses is with with us. And we will all rejoice there with song in His coming to Zion.", + "Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of Moses the prophet.", + "May it be Your will in front of You, Lord God, and God of our fathers - God, that is full of mercy - that You should do [it] for the sake of the merit of the fourth circle that hints to the trait of eternity. In Your great mercy, do not abandon us forever, Eternal One, Selah; and we shall rejoice and see delight in Your right arm forever. And merit us all the promises and consolations that You have promised us through Your holy prophets. Moreover, the Glory of Israel does not deceive or change His mind (I Samuel 15:29). And strengthen us and give us courage forever, and defeat our enemies. And shut and seal the mouth of all of the accusers against us. And for the sake of the merit of Moses, the faithful servant sealed with the trait of eternity, light up our eyes in Your Torah, and make our spirits pursue Your commandments; and redeem us with a permanent redemption from the exile of this legion, in the merit of Moses, the faithful servant, and build the Temple quickly in our days. And the voice of the son of Levi will turn to its song and its harp; and with it, the melodious lyre and harp, to orchestrate over the work of the House of the Lord. (The next three verses begin with the Hebrew letters that spell out the word, eternity - NeTsaCh:) In Judah is God known; His name is great in Israel (Psalms 76:2). Justice goes before Him as He sets out on His way (Psalms 85:14). Be gracious to me, O Lord; for I cry to You all day long (Psalms 86:3). May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in front of You, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. ", + "Circle 5:", + "King of the worlds, please bring salvation. Luminous and Powerful One, please bring success. The One who supports the falling, answer us on the day of our calling out.", + "The fear of the Lord is pure, abiding forever (Psalms 19:10). The voice of the Lord divides the flames of fire (Psalms 29:7). The peoples will praise You, O God; all peoples will praise You (Psalms 67:6). Mighty Holy One, in Your abundant goodness, lead Your community. O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name throughout the earth, You who have covered the heavens with Your majesty (Psalms 8:2).", + "Strength and faithfulness [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; understanding and blessing [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; loftiness and greatness [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; knowledge and speech [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; beauty and splendor [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; designation of time and steadfastness [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; purity and brightness [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; valor and might [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; order and pureness [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; Oneness and awe [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; the crown and the honor [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; teaching and wisdom [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; kingship and rule [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; beauty and victory [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; eminence and exaltation [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; power and humility [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; redemption and adornment [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; the glory and the righteousness [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; the acclaim and the holiness [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; shouts of joy and grandeur [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; song and praise [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally; [hymns] of praise and glory [pertain] to Him Who lives eternally.", + "The Holy Divine Presence is amongst us. The merit of Aaron is with with us. And we will all rejoice there with song in His coming to Zion.", + "Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of Aaron the priest.", + "May it be Your will in front of You, Lord God, and God of our fathers - that You should do [it] for the sake of Your mercies and for the sake of the fifth circle that hints to the trait of majesty (hod). And give us the merit to honor the Torah and those that study it, and to strengthen and invigorate weak knees - those are the knees of the rabbis that are fatigued. And merit us, not to follow the advice of evildoers; and that we not be from those that spread gossip. And in the merit of Aaron, the holy one of God, who was sealed with the trait of majesty for the good, merit us to pursue peace and to seek peace and to make peace - and enhance peace - in the world, and to do acts of Aaron; and make peace amongst us and bless us for goodly life and peace - and a redeemer shall come to Zion. Great is his glory through Your salvation; You have endowed him with majesty and splendor (Psalms 21:6) - speedily in our days. (The next three verses begin with the Hebrew letters that spell out the word, majesty - HOD:) He who has granted us life, and has not let our feet slip (Psalms 66:9). But the Lord is my haven; my God is my sheltering Rock (Psalms 94:22). I eagerly pursue Your commandments, for You broaden my understanding (Psalms 119:32). May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in front of You, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. ", + "Circle 6:", + "Helper of the poor, please bring salvation. Redeemer and Rescuer, please bring success. Rock of the worlds, answer us on the day of our calling out.", + "The judgments of the Lord are true, righteous altogether (Psalms 19:10). The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh (Psalms 29:8). May the earth yield its produce; may God, our God, bless us (Psalms 67:7). Unique One, Exalted, turn to Your people who are mindful of Your holiness. The Lord is beneficent in all His ways and gracious in all His works (Psalms 145:17).", + "Upon Israel is His faith. Upon Israel is His blessing. Upon Israel is His pride. Upon Israel is His word. Upon Israel is His beautification. Upon Israel is His convening. Upon Israel is His mention. Upon Israel is His compassion. Upon Israel is His purity. Upon Israel is His fairness. Upon Israel is His openness. Upon Israel is His nationality. Upon Israel is His kingdom. Upon Israel is His pleasantness. Upon Israel is His treasure. Upon Israel is His community. Upon Israel is His action. Upon Israel is His charity. Upon Israel is His holiness. Upon Israel is His loftiness. Upon Israel is His Presence. Upon Israel is His splendor.", + "The Holy Divine Presence is amongst us. The merit of Joseph the Righteous is with with us. And we will all rejoice there with song in His coming to Zion.", + "Merciful One, remember for us the merit of Joseph the righteous.", + "May it be Your will in front of You, Lord God, and God of our fathers - that You should do [it] for the sake of Your mercies and for the sake of the merit of the sixth circle that hints to foundation; and that You save us from any sin, iniquity or bad thought. And [may] You - in Your great goodness - gather that which we have scattered, unify that which we have separated and fix that which we have distorted; and bring out the light of all the holy sparks that have been mixed up among the husks - 'he has swallowed riches, but he shall vomit them; God empties it out of his stomach.' And merit us to guard ourselves and our paths from all sin; and let there not be found any defect in us or in our seed; and that all of our seed be holy seed. And in the merit of Your righteous one, Joseph, who is sealed with the trait of foundation, have mercy upon us - Omnipotent God - set up the foundation (yesod) of Zion, 'the horns of the righteous shall be lifted up.' And in the merit of Joseph, may the Lord bring back His hand and redeem us in an eternal redemption speedily in our days. (The next four verses begin with the Hebrew letters that spell out the word, foundation - YeSOD:) He shall carry away a blessing from the Lord, a just reward from God, his Deliverer (Psalms 24:5). Shun evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it (Psalms 34:15). He is like a tree planted beside streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, whose foliage never fades, and whatever it produces thrives (Psalms 1:3). I have declared my way, and You have answered me; teach me Your laws (Psalms 119:26). May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in front of You, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. ", + "Circle 7", + "Holy and Awesome One, please bring salvation. Merciful and Compassionate One, please bring success. Guardian of the covenant, answer us on the day of our calling out. Supporter of the blameless, please bring salvation. The Resolute One forever, please bring success. Perfect in His actions, answer us on the day of our calling out.", + "More desirable than gold, than much fine gold; sweeter than honey, than drippings of the comb (Psalms 19:11). The voice of the Lord causes hinds to calve, and strips forests bare; while in His temple all say, \"Glory!\" The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood; the Lord sits enthroned, King forever. May the Lord grant strength to His people; may the Lord bestow on His people wellbeing (Psalms 29:9-11). May God bless us, and be revered to the ends of the earth (Psalms 67:8). Accept our prayer and hear our cry, [You] Who knows hidden thoughts.", + "Yours, Lord, are greatness, might, splendor, triumph, and majesty, for all that is in heaven and on earth [is Yours]; to You, Lord, belong kingship and preeminence above all. (I Chronicles 29:11) And the Lord shall be king over all the earth; on that day the Lord shall be One, and his name One. (Zechariah 14:9) And it is written in Your Torah, saying (Deuteronomy 6:4), \"Hear Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One\" - blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom forever and ever.", + "There is none like our God. There is none like our Master. There is none like our King. There is none like our Deliverer. Who is like our God? Who is like our Master? Who is like our King? Who is like our Deliverer? Let us thank our God. Let us thank our Master. Let us thank our King. Let us thank our Deliverer. Blessed is our God. Blessed is our Master. Blessed is our King. Blessed is our Deliverer. You are our God. You are our Master. You are our King. You are our Deliverer.", + "The Holy Divine Presence is amongst us. The merit of David is with with us. And we will all rejoice there with song in His coming to Zion.", + "Merciful One, remember for us the covenant of David the anointed king.", + "On Simchat Torah we say the following from the holy Rebbe and Maggid of Kozhnitz, may his memory be blessed:", + "May the Powerful One arrive quickly; may the Choice One arrive in our days; may Elijah come and announce Him. May our righteous messiah come, the son of David, our redeemer. A day of joy, a day of song, a day of happiness, a day of gaiety will [then] come to us.", + "May the Great One arrive quickly; may the Distinguished One arrive in our days; may Elijah come and announce Him. May our righteous messiah come, the son of David, our redeemer. A day of joy, a day of song, a day of happiness, a day of gaiety will [then] come to us.", + "May the Beautiful One arrive quickly; may the Steadfast One arrive in our days; may Elijah come and announce Him. May our righteous messiah come, the son of David, our redeemer. A day of joy, a day of song, a day of happiness, a day of gaiety will [then] come to us.", + "May the Meritorious One arrive quickly; may the Pious One arrive in our days; may Elijah come and announce Him. May our righteous messiah come, the son of David, our redeemer. A day of joy, a day of song, a day of happiness, a day of gaiety will [then] come to us.", + "May the Pure One arrive quickly; may the Just One arrive in our days; may Elijah come and announce Him. May our righteous messiah come, the son of David, our redeemer. A day of joy, a day of song, a day of happiness, a day of gaiety will [then] come to us.", + "May the Mighty One arrive quickly; may the Learned One arrive in our days; may Elijah come and announce Him. May our righteous messiah come, the son of David, our redeemer. A day of joy, a day of song, a day of happiness, a day of gaiety will [then] come to us.", + "May the Savior arrive quickly; may the Awesome One arrive in our days; may Elijah come and announce Him. May our righteous messiah come, the son of David, our redeemer. A day of joy, a day of song, a day of happiness, a day of gaiety will [then] come to us.", + "May the Sublime One arrive quickly; may the Bold One arrive in our days; may Elijah come and announce Him. May our righteous messiah come, the son of David, our redeemer. A day of joy, a day of song, a day of happiness, a day of gaiety will [then] come to us.", + "May the Redeemer arrive quickly; may the Righteous One arrive in our days; may Elijah come and announce Him. May our righteous messiah come, the son of David, our redeemer. A day of joy, a day of song, a day of happiness, a day of gaiety will [then] come to us.", + "May the Holy One arrive quickly; may the Merciful One arrive in our days; may Elijah come and announce Him. May our righteous messiah come, the son of David, our redeemer. A day of joy, a day of song, a day of happiness, a day of gaiety will [then] come to us.", + "May the Omnipotent arrive quickly; may the Victorious One arrive in our days; may Elijah come and announce Him. May our righteous messiah come, the son of David, our redeemer. A day of joy, a day of song, a day of happiness, a day of gaiety will [then] come to us.", + "May the Rock of His Kindness command to gather His congregations, that they be gathered to Him from the four directions; and to have us lay down on the mount that is the highest of mounts. And the One gathering the dispersed will [also] return - it does not state, \"and He will bring back (yashiv),\" but rather, \"and He will return (shav) and gather\" (Deuteronomy 30:3). Blessed is He, our God who has granted us good - according to His mercy, and abundant kindliness, He did great things for us. These things and similar ones may He increase for us; to magnify His great Name, powerful, and awesome which is pronounced upon us. Blessed is He, our God Who created us for His glory (Isaiah 43:7) - to extol Him, to praise Him; and to recount His majesty. Of all peoples, His kindliness has been powerful over us. Therefore, with [our] whole heart, and with [our] whole soul, and with all [our] possessions, we proclaim Him King, and declare His Unity. May the Possessor of peace grant us blessing and peace—from left (north) and from right (south), peace upon Israel. The merciful One, He will bless His people with peace, and they will merit to see children and grandchildren occupying themselves with Torah and with commandments, [bringing] peace upon Israel. Advisor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:5).", + "Three times: David the anointed king will rejoice with us.", + "Three times: Next year in Jerusalem.", + "May it be Your will in front of You, Lord God, and God of our fathers - God that is full of mercy - that You should do [it] for the sake of Your mercy and for the sake of the merit of the seventh circle that hints to kingship. And let Your kingdom be revealed and seen upon us quickly; and rule over all the world in Your glory. And the kingdom will be the Lord's and He will be King over all of the world; on that day the Lord will be one and His name shall be One (Zechariah 14:9). And do [it] for the sake of King David, peace be upon him, who was sealed with the trait of kingship; and have Your Divine Presence dwell upon us. May the Lord our God be with us, as He was with our fathers; may He never abandon us or forsake us (I Kings 8:57). (The next five verses begin with the Hebrew letters that spell out the word, kingship - MaLKhUT:) With praises I call upon the Lord; from my foes I will be saved (Psalms 18:4). Forever, O Lord, Your word stands in the heavens (Psalms 119:89). For Your kindness toward me is great; You have saved me from the depths of Sheol (Psalms 86:13). But I am like a thriving olive tree in God’s house; I trust in the kindness of God forever and ever (Psalms 52:10). You have heard the entreaty of the lowly, O Lord; may You make their hearts firm, may You incline Your ear (Psalms 10:17). ", + "Master of the world, behold we are coming with fear and love and great joy to thank You for Your having sanctified us with Your commandments and choosing us from all of the nations, [for having] loved us and desired us; and You gave us Your holy Torah - the written Torah and the oral Torah - and You brought us near to [do] Your service. What are we, what are our lives, that You have done many and great kindnesses like these with us? And now Lord, our God, we thank You and praise Your splendid name. Yet, great is our distress when we bring to our minds all that we have been negligent from being occupied with Your holy Torah; and everything that we have blemished in our study - whether on account of learning in order to become famous, whether on account of our not learning in purity and awe as the discipline of what to do, whether because we have not toiled to understand something clearly [to] extract the rule and the depth of the law, whether because of that which we have 'plucked salt-wort from wormwood' (interrupted our studies unnecessarily) or whether because we have not supported and strengthened the knees of the rabbis that are fatigued and we have not invigorated weak knees. And like this and like that have we blemished the twenty two letters of Your Torah, erred in study and in instruction and have not acted according to the procedure of the Torah scholar. And something else [distresses us] - that which sparks of our Torah and our [performance of the] commandments have fallen into 'broken pits,' and 'captives were taken from it.' ", + "About it all, we are ashamed and embarrassed - and our soul will hiddenly cry; fear and trembling will come to us and terror will cover us. And so now, we shamefacedly repent and regret and want to make our will to be like Your will. May it be Your will in front of You, Lord God, and God of our fathers - merciful and compassionate God, the One who is Good and does good - that You accept our intentions. For you are One that examines the hearts; and You have known that our will is to do Your will and to be occupied with Your holy Torah, as the discipline of what to do. And You promised us through Your servants, the sages of Israel, \"If one comes to purify, they assist him\" (Yoma 38b). And so, please let Your mercy be aroused and 'see that their power is gone, and there is none shut up, or left.' And the air of the land of the nations, the absence of purity and the power of the exile of the body and the spirit have been what have spoiled us; as our enemy - our evil impulse - has triumphed and done what it plotted to do, to push us away from Your Torah and Your service.", + "And so we have no redeemer and savior besides You. The soul is Yours and the body is Your work, have pity on Your labor. And from the power of the seven circles that we have encircled the platform with the Torah scroll upon it, and have rejoiced for the glory of Your Torah, may You be filled with mercy for us: Bring us back, our Father, to Your Torah; and bring us near, our King, to Your service. And let the judgements be sweetened, let Your mercy suppress Your anger - and let Your mercy roll over Your traits. And bring out the light from all of the sparks of our Torah and our [performance of the] commandments, and let everything return to its initial strength, and 'none be kept banished.' And merit us to be occupied with Torah for its own sake - to bring to the light, all parts of the orchard (PaRDeS, the letters of which form the acrostic of the different modes of Torah study) of our Torah which belong to our spirits, our essences and our souls; the questions, the arguments, the true resolutions and the original legal constructs for the truth of the Torah. And in Your great mercy, merit us to [have] holy seed - wise and pious sons, 'the seed of men' and of healthy constellation (fortune). And let there not be found any blemish or any defect in us or in our seed. And may You, in Your mercy, give us power, health, sufficient ability and strength and vigor in our limbs, tendons and bodies to uphold the watch. And may no irritations or pain befall us; and may we be happy, good and healthy for Your service; and rescue us from all evil. God, and God of our fathers, reign over the whole world in Your glory, and be exalted over all the land in Your preciousness; and appear in the beauty of Your magnificent power over all the residents of Your inhabited planet. And every work (referring to assiyah, the world of building) shall know that You made it, and every form (referring to yitzirah, the world of formation) shall know that You formed it. And every one that has a soul (referring to briah, the world of creation) in its face will say, \"The Lord, God of Israel (referring to atsilut, the world of emanation), is King 'and His kingdom rules over all.'\" Sanctify us with Your commandments, grant that our portion be in Your Torah, satisfy us from Your bounty, gladden our souls with Your salvation and purify our hearts to serve You in truth. And do not push us away because of any creature in the world, lengthen our days with goodness and our years with pleasantness. And fill our years, eighty years; add to us length of days and years of life for Your service. And shelter us in the shade of Your wings. And rescue us and all the members of our household from all harsh and evil decrees. And initiate a good new year upon us; and let us be still and serene, fertile and flourishing in Your service and in Your awe. For with You is the source of life; in Your light will we see light (Psalms 36:10). Let Your kindness be upon us, O Lord, as we have hoped in You (Psalms 33:22). Show us, O Lord, Your kindness; grant us Your deliverance (Psalms 85:8). But I trust in Your kindness, my heart will exult in Your deliverance; I will sing to the Lord, for He has done good to me (Psalms 13:6). Behold the God who gives me triumph; I am confident, unafraid; for Lord, the Lord is my Strength and Might, and He has been my Deliverance (Psalms 12:2). ", + "Be glad and rejoice on Simchat Torah, and give honor to the Torah. For its merchandise is better than any merchandise; more precious than fine gold and pearls.", + "Let us be gleeful and let us be glad about 'this Torah'; for it is our strength and light.", + "I will praise it, my God, I will rejoice in it and I will place my hope in it. I will laud it in the council of the people close to Him.", + "Let us be gleeful and let us be glad about 'this Torah'; for it is our strength and light.", + "I will sing Your righteous deeds with a full heart, and I will recount Your praise. With gladness bring us back to Your House, upon Your kindness and upon Your truth.", + "Let us be gleeful and let us be glad about 'this Torah'; for it is our strength and light.", + "The angels gathered - this one to that, this one to greet that one - and said this one to that one, \"Who is this and what is this, holding on to the face of the throne - His cloud is draped over him - who has ascended Above, who has ascended Above, and brought down its mighty stronghold.\"", + "They gathered:", + "\"Moses ascended Above, Moses ascended Above, Moses ascended Above; and he brought down its mighty stronghold.\"", + "They gathered:", + "\"I will be gleeful and be glad on Simchat Torah.\"", + "Let the sprout (of David) surely come on Simchat Torah. The Torah is a tree of life; it is life for all, since with You is the source of life. ", + "Abraham rejoiced on Simchat Torah; Isaac rejoiced on Simchat Torah; Jacob rejoiced on Simchat Torah; Moses and Aaron rejoiced on Simchat Torah; Elijah, Samuel, David and Solomon rejoiced on Simchat Torah; The Torah is a tree of life; it is life for all, since with You is the source of life. ", + "Fortunate are you Israel, fortunate are you Israel, fortunate are you Israel - for God chose you and bequeathed you the Torah, 'from the desert (a different version: from Sinai), a present.'", + "The prayer leader: Praise the name of the Lord with me, for His name alone is exalted.", + "The congregation: His majesty is upon the earth and the heavens.", + "He has exalted the horn of His people for the glory of all His faithful ones, Israel, the people close to Him. Hallelujah. (Psalms 148:13-14)", + "And we bring back all of the Torah scrolls to the ark.", + "In the Land of Israel on the night of Shemini Atzeret - and outside the Land, on the night of Simchat Torah - we leave one Torah scroll out, and the prayer leader says, \"Shema Yisrael; Exalt; And may He help.\" And some have the custom to call up five men [to read] from Parashat Zot HaBerakha, until [the section that begins with the word,] Meoneh." + ], + "Evening Torah Reading": [] + }, + "Shavuot": [], + "Yotzerot": { + "Parashat Sekalim": [], + "Musaf for Shekalim": [], + "Parashat Zachor": [], + "Parashat Parah": [], + "Parashat HaChodesh": [], + "Musaf for Hachodesh": [], + "Shabbat HaGadol": [], + "Haggadah for Shabbat Hagadol": [] + }, + "Chanukah": { + "Menorah Lighting": [], + "Torah Reading": [], + "Song for Shabbat Chanuka": [] + }, + "Purim": { + "Parashat Zachor": [], + "Megillah Reading": [], + "Order of Purim Day": [], + "Krovetz L'Purim": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "[We thank You] for the miracles for the redemption, for the mighty deeds, for the deliverances, for the wonders for the consolations and for the wars that You performed for our fathers in those days at this season.", + "In the days of Mordechai and Esther in Shushan the Capital [of Persia], when the evil Haman rose up against them, he sought to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in one day, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, and to plunder their wealth And You, in Your abundant mercy, annulled his counsel, frustrated his intention, and brought his evil plan upon his own head, and they hanged him and his sons upon the gallows. (And You did miracles and wonders, and we thank Your great name.)" + ], + "Torah Reading": [] + }, + "Fast Days": { + "Yom Kippur Katan": [], + "Selichot for BaHaB": [], + "Selichot for First Monday": [], + "Selichot for Thursday": [], + "Selichot for Concluding Monday": [], + "Selichot for Asara B'Tevet": [], + "Selichot for Taanit Esther": [], + "Selichot for 20 Sivan": [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "In the day of dread, I call upon You. Let me not be oppressed by the insolent— those who forsake the precious Torah. Render to them their just deserts; sit [in judgement] to scrutinize [their deeds]. May the sentence of the wicked and corrupt be carried out in full. Those who intend to make us forget Your holy and revered Name and make us familiar with idolatrous names— that are despicable and vulgar; through their methods the best of our people have been destroyed. Spare the remnant from being crushed as [olives] in an oilpress. As they tear beasts of prey, so they learned to devour man, as it is said: they cast lots for us as if we were ownerless property in the wilderness. We were almost utterly consumed, and nothing would have been left of us, were it not for Your mercy, O Master, Who rules with kindness Who dares murmur at Your ways, to argue against them? who dares gird himself to dispute You? We have turned away [from Your mitzvos] and have been scattered like the wind. The enemy’s bloody sword was drawn; but with You is justice and Your hand is uppermost. Let the tyrant not say: “I have prevailed,” nor let Judah’s enemies exult at my fall: Proclaim— for those who were sold for naught— the year of release. May the wicked seeking to extend their rule be turned back and cut down. Your bill of sale preceded theirs and yet the creditors demand payment. To postpone Your lien [is the intent] of the many harsh rulers. The border marks of Your boundary, they seek to uproot. The grain [Israel] which You sanctified, has been devoured— both grain ears and chaff. Let judgement for their evil come on them and reveal their guilt. According to their misdeeds be harsh and bring devastation upon them. For the portion of their cups, rain upon them fiery coals; return to them sevenfold. Avenge Your covenant and destroy them. To the city of Your beautiful Palace, lead us. Make a path through the sea for the redeemed congregation to pass. In You is our hope, and You, our Almighty Creator, comfort us; may Your kindliness be upon us." + ], + "El Maleh Prayer": [], + "Selichot for 17 Tamuz": [], + "Selichot for Childrens' Illness": [] + }, + "Torah Readings": { + "Torah Reading for Shabbat Mincha & Monday, Thursday": [], + "Fast Day Torah Reading": [], + "Fast Day Mincha Haftara": [], + "Torah Reading for Rosh Chodesh": [], + "Torah Reading for Chol Hamoed Pesach": [], + "Torah Reading for Chol Hamoed Sukkot": [] + }, + "Priestly Blessing": [], + "Various Prayers & Segulot": { + "Formula Against Evil Eye": [], + "Letter of Ramban": [], + "Prayer of the Shelah": [], + "Parashat Haman Reading for Tuesday Beshalach": [], + "Prayer for Livelihood": [], + "Awesome Prayer of Rabbeinu Tam": [] + } + }, + "schema": { + "heTitle": "סידור ספרד", + "enTitle": "Siddur Sefard", + "key": "Siddur Sefard", + "nodes": [ + { + "heTitle": "סדר השכמת הבוקר", + "enTitle": "Upon Arising", + "nodes": [ + { + "heTitle": "מודה אני", + "enTitle": "Modeh Ani" + }, + { + "heTitle": "טלית", + "enTitle": "Tallit" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תפילין", + "enTitle": "Tefilin" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תפילה קודם התפילה", + "enTitle": "Introductory Prayers" + }, + { + "heTitle": "סדר הליכה לבית הכנסת", + "enTitle": "Upon Entering Synagogue" + } + ] + }, + { + "heTitle": "שחרית לימות החול", + "enTitle": "Weekday Shacharit", + "nodes": [ + { + "heTitle": "ברכות השחר", + "enTitle": "Morning Blessings" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ברכות התורה", + "enTitle": "Blessings on Torah" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תפילת השחר", + "enTitle": "Morning Prayer" + }, + { + "heTitle": "קרבנות", + "enTitle": "Korbanot" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ברייתא דר' ישמעאל", + "enTitle": "B'raita d'Rabi Yishmael" + }, + { + "heTitle": "הודו", + "enTitle": "Hodu" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ישתבח", + "enTitle": "Yishtabach" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ק\"ש וברכותיה", + "enTitle": "The Shema" + }, + { + "heTitle": "עמידה", + "enTitle": "Amidah" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תחנון", + "enTitle": "Tachanun" + 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Repentance" + }, + { + "heTitle": "פרשת המן", + "enTitle": "Chapter of Manna" + }, + { + "heTitle": "בקשות לאחר התפילה", + "enTitle": "Supplications After Prayers" + }, + { + "heTitle": "פרק שירה", + "enTitle": "Chapter of Song" + } + ] + }, + { + "heTitle": "מנחה לימות החול", + "enTitle": "Weekday Mincha", + "nodes": [ + { + "heTitle": "קרבנות", + "enTitle": "Korbanot" + }, + { + "heTitle": "קריאה לתענית ציבור", + "enTitle": "Torah Reading for Fast Day" + }, + { + "heTitle": "��מידה", + "enTitle": "Amidah" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תחנון", + "enTitle": "Tachanun" + }, + { + "heTitle": "אבינו מלכנו", + "enTitle": "Avinu Malkeinu" + } + ] + }, + { + "heTitle": "ערבית לימות החול", + "enTitle": "Weekday Maariv", + "nodes": [ + { + "heTitle": "ק\"ש וברכותיה", + "enTitle": "The Shema" + }, + { + "heTitle": "עמידה", + "enTitle": "Amidah" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ערבית למוצאי שבת", + "enTitle": "Motzaei Shabbat" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ספירת העומר", + "enTitle": "Sefirat HaOmer" + } + ] + }, + { + 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"Blossoming Fruit Tree" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ברכות שונות", + "enTitle": "Various Blessings of Praise" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ברכת טבילת כלים", + "enTitle": "Immersing Utensils" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ברכת המזוזה", + "enTitle": "Mezuzah" + }, + { + "heTitle": "סדר הפרשת חלה", + "enTitle": "Separating Challah" + }, + { + "heTitle": "סדר הפרשת תרומות ומעשרות", + "enTitle": "Separating Terumot & Maasrot" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תפלת הדרך", + "enTitle": "Traveler's Prayer" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תפילת הדרך לטסים באוירון", + "enTitle": "Air Traveler's Prayer" + } + ] + }, + { + "heTitle": "סדר ערוב תבשילין", + "enTitle": "Eruv Tavshilin" + }, + { + "heTitle": "סדר הדלקת נרות שבת", + "enTitle": "Shabbat Candle Lighting" + }, + { + "heTitle": "מנחה לערב שבת", + "enTitle": "Shabbat Eve Mincha", + "nodes": [ + { + "heTitle": "שיר השירים", + "enTitle": "Song of Songs" + }, + { + "heTitle": "מנחה לערב שבת", + "enTitle": "Mincha" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תפילת עמידה", + "enTitle": "Amidah" + } + ] + 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"Blessing of New Month" + }, + { + "heTitle": "הזכרת נשמות", + "enTitle": "Prayer for Deceased" + }, + { + "heTitle": "אב הרחמים", + "enTitle": "Av HaRachamim" + } + ] + }, + { + "heTitle": "מוסף של שבת", + "enTitle": "Musaf" + }, + { + "heTitle": "סעודת שבת", + "enTitle": "Shabbat Day Meal", + "nodes": [ + { + "heTitle": "סדר תיקוני שבת", + "enTitle": "Seder Tikunei Shabbat" + }, + { + "heTitle": "קידוש ליום השבת", + "enTitle": "Shabbat Day Kiddush" + }, + { + "heTitle": "זמירות ליום השבת", + "enTitle": "Zemirot" + } + ] + }, + { + "heTitle": "מנחה לשבת קודש", + "enTitle": "Shabbat Mincha", + "nodes": [ + { + "heTitle": "קרבנות", + "enTitle": "Korbanot" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תפילת עמידה", + "enTitle": "Amidah" + }, + { + "heTitle": "פרקי אבות", + "enTitle": "Pirkei Avot" + } + ] + }, + { + "heTitle": "סעודה שלישית", + "enTitle": "Third Meal", + "nodes": [ + { + "heTitle": "זמירות לסעודה שלישית", + "enTitle": "Zemirot" + }, + { + "heTitle": "סדר מוצאי שבת", + "enTitle": "Motzaei 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