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Francis Nataf", + "status": "locked", + "priority": 3.0, + "license": "CC-BY", + "versionNotes": "", + "digitizedBySefaria": true, + "versionTitleInHebrew": "תרגום טאוונסנד לתנחומא בובר, ערך והוסיף: רבי פרנסיס נטף", + "actualLanguage": "en", + "languageFamilyName": "english", + "isBaseText": false, + "isSource": false, + "direction": "ltr", + "heTitle": "מדרש תנחומא", + "categories": [ + "Midrash", + "Aggadah" + ], + "text": { + "Foreword": [], + "Introduction": [], + "Bereshit": [], + "Noach": [], + "Lech Lecha": [], + "Vayera": [], + "Chayei Sara": [], + "Toldot": [], + "Vayetzei": [], + "Vayishlach": [], + "Vayeshev": [], + "Miketz": [], + "Vayigash": [], + "Vayechi": [], + "Shemot": [], + "Vaera": [], + "Bo": [], + "Beshalach": [], + "Yitro": [], + "Mishpatim": [], + "Terumah": [], + "Tetzaveh": [], + "Ki Tisa": [], + "Vayakhel": [], + "Pekudei": [], + "Vayikra": [ + [ + "(Lev. 1:1:) “Then [the Lord] called unto Moses [and spoke unto him].” This text is related (to Ps. 103:20), “Bless the Lord, O His messengers,1Mal’akhaw. Throughout this section of the midrash mal’akh(im) is interpreted as referring to humans; therefore “messenger(s)” is a more appropriate translation here than the more usual “angel(s).” mighty in strength who fulfill His word.”2Lev. R. 1:1. These are the prophets, since they are called messengers where it is stated (in Numb. 20:16), “and He sent a messenger (mal'akh) who brought us out of Egypt.”3Numb. R. 16:1; see also Gen. R. 68:12, according to which the angels on Jacob’s ladder symbolized Moses ascending and descending Sinai. So also (in II Chron. 36:16), “But they mocked the messengers (mal'akhim) of God, [disdained His words, and taunted His prophets].” R. Huna said in the name of R. Aha, “These [messengers] are Israel, since it says (in Ps. 103:20), ‘mighty in strength who fulfill His word, hearkening to the voice of His word,’ in [reference to the fact] that they [were the ones who] had put fulfilling ahead of hearkening.”4In Exod. 24:7, where Israel promises: WE WILL FULFILL AND WE WILL HEARKEN, in that order. R. Isaac the Smith said, “These are those who observe the sabbatical year. So why were they called mighty in strength? When [such a one] sees his field abandoned, his trees abandoned, his fences breached, and sees his fruit trees eaten, he suppresses his drive (like one mighty in strength) and does not speak.” And thus have our masters taught (in Avot 4:1): And who is mighty? One who subdues his drive.5Also Tamid 32a. R. Tanhum ben Hanila'i says (Ps. 103:20), “’Mighty in strength.’ This is Moses because no one is as mighty in strength as Moses. When Israel stood before Mount Sinai, they were not capable of hearing the divinely spoken word, as stated (in Deut. 5:22), ‘if we continue hearing the voice of the Lord our God any longer, we shall die.’ But Moses was not harmed.” [This is ] in order to teach you that the righteous ones are greater than the ministering angels, since the ministering angels are not able to hear His voice. Rather they stand with excitement and dismay, while the righteous are able to hear His voice. It is so stated (in Joel 2:11), “The Lord shouts aloud before His army, for His host is very great, for mighty is the one who fulfills His word.” “His host” denotes angels, since it is stated (regarding angels in Gen. 32:3), “This is God's host.” And so it says (in Dan. 7:10), “thousands upon thousands ministered to Him.” And who is stronger than them? The righteous, of whom it is stated (in Joel 2:11), “for mighty is the one who fulfills His word,” i.e., a righteous person who does His bidding. And who is this? This is Moses, to whom the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Make a tabernacle.” So he was hurried and made it. Then he stood alone outside, because he was afraid to enter the tent of meeting, as stated (in Exod. 40:35), “Now Moses could not enter the tent of meeting.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “It is not right for Moses, since he made the tabernacle, to stand outside while I stand inside; so look, I am calling upon him to enter.” It is therefore written (in Lev. 1:1), “Then [the Lord] called unto Moses.” Ergo, greater is the strength of the righteous, in that they are able to hear His voice! So also it is written concerning Samuel (in I Sam. 3:10), “Then the Lord came, and stood there, and He called as at other times, ‘Samuel, Samuel’; so Samuel said, ‘Speak, for Your servant is listening.’” Therefore David has said (in Ps. 103:20), “mighty in strength who fulfill His word.” Now if you say that, when He spoke with Moses, He spoke in a low voice, [and] for that reason he was able to hear, He only spoke in the voice [used in] the giving of Torah. [That was] when they heard His voice and were dying at the first utterance. It is so stated (in Deut. 5:22), “if we continue [hearing the voice of the Lord our God any longer, we shall die].” And so it says (in Cant. 5:6), “my soul departed when He spoke.” And where is it shown that He spoke with the voice [used in] the giving of Torah? Where it says (in Ps. 29:4), “The voice of the Lord has power.” It also says so (in Numb. 7:89), “When Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with Him, he would hear the voice speaking unto him,” the voice which he heard in the giving of Torah. He also spoke thus for each and every utterance and for each and every saying, as it is stated (Ps. 29:5), “The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars.” Perhaps you will say that Israel heard the voice from outside.6Sifra to Lev. 1:1, (2: Wayyiqra, Pereq 2). The text (of Numb. 7:89) reads, “he would hear the voice.” He alone heard the voice. But since He spoke in a loud voice, why did they not hear? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, decreed over the utterance, that it would go forth and come to Moses. So the Holy One, blessed be He, made a path for it by which the utterance went forth until it reached Moses, but it was not heard here and there. It is so stated (in Job 28:25), “To fix a weight for the wind.” Thus, when each saying went forth from the mouth of the Holy One, blessed be He, every one had a [fixed] weight. And so it says (in Job 28:26), “and a way for the thunder of voices,”7The midrash requires this literal translation. A more idiomatic translation would read: A WAY FOR THUNDERSTORMS. in that the Holy One, blessed be He, made a way for that voice, because it was going forth to Moses alone. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 1:1), “Then [the Lord] called unto Moses and spoke unto him.” It was heard by him and not by another. It is therefore stated (in Ps. 103:20), “mighty in strength who fulfill His word.” (Lev. 1:1:) “Then [the Lord] called unto Moses [and spoke unto him].” This text is related (to Prov. 25:7), “For it is better that you be told, ‘Come up here,’ than that you be put down before a prince, whom your eyes have seen.” R. Tanhum says, “Keep two or three places distance from your [rightful] place so that they will say to you, ‘Come up higher.’ So do not come up, lest they tell you, ‘Go down.’” R. Tanhuma says (Prov. 20:15), “’There is gold and a multitude of jewels, but lips with knowledge are a precious object.’ The proverb says, ‘If you lack knowledge, what do you possess? If you possess knowledge, what do you lack?’8Ned. 41a; PRK 3:1; Numb. R. 19:3; Eccl. R. 7:23:1. Even Moses did not ascend until the Holy One, blessed be He, called him (in Lev. 1:1), ‘Then [the Lord] called unto Moses.’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 1:1:) “Then [the Lord] called unto Moses.” Let our master instruct us: When the one who leads the prayers makes a mistake by not saying the benediction on the cursing of the heretics (birkat haminim), from where do we know that it is necessary to have him repeat [the benediction]? Thus have our masters taught: When the one leading the prayers makes a mistake in any of the [other] benedictions, they do not have him repeat; [if he does so] in the [twelfth] benediction concerning the heretics, they force him to repeat it.9YBer. 5:4 (19c) (bar.); Ber. 29a (bar.). See Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho, 16:4; 47:4; 93:4; 95:4; 96:2; 108:31; 117:3; 137:2; Epiphanius, Panarion (Haereses), 29:9; Jerome on Is. 2:18; 49:7; 52:4. This benediction has been the subject of much scholarly debate by many interpreters, including myself in “The Gospel of John and the Jews: The Story of a Religious Divorce,” AntiSemitism and the Foundations of Christianity, edited by Alan T. Davies (New York, Paulist, 1979), pp. 84–88, 95–97, and in “The Date of Luke-Acts,” Luke-Acts: New Perspectives from the Society of Biblical Literature Seminar, edited by Charles H. Talbert (New York: Crossroad, 1984), 56, 61, 62. We suspect that he may be a heretic and therefore have him repeat, so that if there is a heretical side to him, he will be cursing himself with the community responding, “Amen.” So also [do we treat] whoever does not say [benediction 14], \"who builds Jerusalem,\" since they will suspect that he may be a Cuthite (Samaritan). R. Assi said, “If a proselyte takes upon himself [all] the words of Torah except for one, they do not accept him.10Cf. TDem. 2:6; Bek. 30b. And not only that, but [the same rule applies] even in the case of a single minute detail out of [all] the minute details in the Torah or out of the minute details from the scribes (rabbis). R. Judah bar Shallum said, “You find forty-eight times in the Torah where the Torah warns against [harming] the proselytes and, corresponding [to these forty-eight warnings], it warns against idolatry [forty-eight times as well].11BM 59b; see Hor. 13a. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘It is enough that he forsakes his idolatry and comes to you; therefore I am warning you about him, because I love him, as stated (in Deut. 10:18), “and [He] loves the proselyte12Heb.: ger. Although this word meant “sojourner” in biblical times, it had come to mean “proselyte” and is so understood here. in giving him food and clothing.”’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 1:1:) “Then [the Lord] called unto Moses.” This text is related (to Prov. 29:23), “One's pride will bring him low, but the low in spirit will obtain honor.” Whenever anyone pursues [a position of] authority, authority flees from him, but whenever anyone flees from [a position of] authority, authority will pursue him. Saul fled from authority when he came to reign, as stated (in I Sam. 10:22), “So they inquired of the Lord again, ‘Has anyone else come [here]?’ And the Lord said, ‘Here he is hiding among the baggage.’” What does it (the word “baggage”) mean? When they came and brought him word of his kingship, he told them, “I am not worthy of kingship. Rather inquire by means of urim and thummim whether I am worthy; and if not, leave me alone.” Immediately (ibid.), “So they inquired of the Lord again (i.e., this second time),” [and] immediately he hid himself until they had inquired of urim and thummim. (Ibid. cont.:) “And the Lord said, ‘here he is hiding among the baggage (literally: instruments).’” Thus have our masters taught: These instruments were urim and thummim. This man fled from authority, and it pursued him, as stated (in I Sam. 10:24), “Do you see the one whom the Lord has chosen, that there is no one like him among all of this people?” But Abimelech ben Jerubbaal pursued authority, and it fled from him, as stated (in Jud. 9:1), “But Abimelech ben Jerubbaal went to Shechem unto his mother's brothers…,” and killed them all upon one stone and ruled over the masters of Shechem. But in the end (according to Jud. 9:23), “Then [God] sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the masters of Shechem,” and a woman killed him. Moses also fled from authority when the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Exod. 3:10), “Come, I will send you unto Pharaoh, (Exod. 14:13) “But he said, ‘Pray Lord, please make someone else Your agent.” R. Levi said, “For seven days did the Holy One, blessed be He, prevail upon Moses in the thornbush in order to send him,13Lev. R. 11:6; Numb. R. 21:15; M. Pss. 18:22; cf. Exod. R. 3:14; also PR 7:2. and he was answering him, ‘Please make someone else Your agent.’” Thus it is stated (in Exod. 4:10), “Then Moses said unto the Lord, ‘Pray, Lord, I have never been a man of words, either in the past or now that You have spoken unto Your servant, for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “By your life, in the end you shall go.” When he did go [and] said, (in Exod. 5:1), “Thus says the Lord, the God of (the Hebrews) [Israel], ‘Let My people go and they shall serve Me,’” [and] that wicked man said (in vs. 2), “Who is the Lord,”14Cf. Numb. R. 13:3. Moses began to say, “I have already fulfilled my mission.” [So] he went and sat down. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Are you sitting down? (Exod. 6:11:) ‘Go and speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt.’” And so too for each and every oracle (as in Exod. 7:15), “Go unto pharaoh”; (and Exod. 8:16) “Rise up early in the morning.” [These verses are] to teach you that he fled from authority. In the end he led them forth, divided the sea for them, brought them into the desert, brought down the manna for them, brought up the well for them, brought over the quails for them, and made the tabernacle. Then he said, “From now on what is there for me to do?” He got ready and sat down. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “By your life, now you have a greater work than any that you have done, [i.e.,] to teach My children clean and unclean, to enlighten them on how to offer sacrifices to Me,” as stated (in Lev. 1:1–2), “Then [the Lord] called unto Moses […], ‘Speak unto the Children of Israel […], “When one of you presents an offering.”’” Moshe fled from authority and it pursued him, in fulfillment of what is stated (in Prov. 29:23), “One's pride will bring him low, but the low in spirit will obtain honor.” This is Moses, of whom it is stated (in Ps. 8:6), “For You have made him a little less than divine, and crowned him with glory and majesty.” (Lev. 1:1:) “Then [the Lord] called unto Moses.” This text is related (to Ps. 89:20), “Then you spoke to Your saints in a vision and said, ‘I have conferred help upon one who is mighty; I have exalted one chosen from the people.’” Although the Holy One, blessed be He, spoke with the first Adam and commanded him concerning the tree of knowledge, he was alone in the world. So also in the case of Noah; although He spoke with him, he [alone] “was upright in his generations.” And so it was in the case of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They were unique in the world. But in the case of Moses, how many righteous ones [were in the world]? Seventy elders, Bezalel, Uri, Aaron and his sons, and the [tribal] princes. Yet of them all, He called only Moses. Ergo, it says (in Ps. 89:20), “I have exalted one chosen from the people.” This is Moses, as stated (in Ps. 106:23), “had not Moses His chosen one […].”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 1:1:) “Then [the Lord] called unto Moses.” From where did He call him? From the tent of meeting. May His name be blessed forever, because He left the upper world and chose to dwell below in the tabernacle out of love for Israel. Solomon said (in I Kings 8:27), “For will God really dwell on the earth; even the heavens and the heavens above the heavens cannot contain You?” Is there a potter who yearns for a clay pot, as it were? (Jer. 10:16) “For He has formed everything.” However, out of love (according to Ps. 84:3), “My soul longs for and even pines for [the courts of the Lord].” And so it says (in Lev. 1:1), “Then [the Lord] called unto Moses [and spoke unto him] from the tent of meeting.” Moses was great. See what is written (in Gen. 1:5), “And God called the light day.” There is a \"calling\" for the one (in Gen. 1:5), and there is a \"calling\" for the other (in Lev. 1:1). Who is greater, the captor or the captive? You must say, “The [captor] (captive).”15See ‘Etz Yosef here on Tan., Vayikra 1:4. Cf. Gen. R. 78:1; M. Pss. 91:6; 104:3; Sifre, Deut. 11:21 (47); also Mekhilta de Rabbi Ishmael, Neziqin 18. See what is written. “And God called the light day.” Now there is no light but Torah, as stated (in Prov. 6:23), “For the commandment is a lamp, and Torah is a light.” Moses captured the Torah, as stated (of him at Sinai in Ps. 68:19), “You ascended on high; you captured a captive.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “In this world I have made you head over all Israel; but in the world to come,16This formula normally ends a parashah. Perhaps the fact that the next section jumps to vs. 7 encourages the midrash to use the formula here. when the righteous come to receive their reward, you will come at the head of them all.” It is so stated (in Deut. 33:21), “and he came at the head of the people….”17This translation is required by the midrash." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 1:7:) “And the sons of Aaron the Priest shall put fire upon the altar, and they shall lay wood in order upon the fire.” (Tamid 2:3:) All of the trees are proper for [altar] firewood except the vine and the olive.18TMen. 9:14; Sifra to Lev. 1:7, Wayyiqra, Pereq 6.Why? Because they produce excellent fruit.19Cf. Tamid 29b. See, you have learned that by virtue of sons, fathers are honored. (Lev. 2:5:) “And if [your offering] is a meal offering on a griddle.” [But] it is also written (in Exod. 2:7), “And if [your offering] is a meal offering in a pan.” (Men. 5:8:) What is the difference between a griddle and a pan?20Sifra to Lev. 2:5, Wayyiqra, Pereq 12. A pan has a cover, and a griddle does not have a cover. A pan (rt.: rhsh) is deep, and its products tremble (rt.: rhsh).21Lev. R. 3:7. A griddle is flat and its products are solid. (Men. 11:3:) The cakes of the high priest had their kneading and their rolling out within [the Temple court], and [doing so] overrides the Sabbath. Their grinding and sifting do not override the Sabbath. (Men. 5:1:)22See Tanh. (Buber), Numb. 8:11. All meal offerings were offered unleavened except the leavened [cakes] in the thank offering and the two loaves (of Pentecost) which were offered leavened. (Men. 5:2:) All meal offerings were kneaded in lukewarm water and one watched them lest they become leavened; and if the rest of it became leavened, one transgressed a negative commandment, as stated (in Lev. 2:11), “No meal offering which you offer to the Lord [shall be made with leaven].”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 4:1–2:) “And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, … ‘When a soul sins [by mistake]….’” Let our master instruct us: Is it right for one to enter the Temple Mount with his staff or his money girdle?23Lat.: funda (“moneybag”). Thus have our masters taught (in Ber. 9:5): One may not enter the Temple Mount with his staff, his money girdle, or with dust on his feet,24Eccl. R. 4:17:1; cf. Mark 11:16; Josephus, Contra Apionem, 8:106; see Ber. 62a. lest he treat it with disrespect – even in its destruction. The Holy One, blessed be He, said (in Lev. 26:2), “You shall keep My Sabbaths and reverence My sanctuary.” And what was the reason for comparing keeping the Sabbath with the sanctuary? Thus did R. Hiyya the Great teach: Just as keeping the Sabbath is forever so is reverence for the sanctuary forever. Now Solomon cried out (in Eccl. 3:16), “To the place of justice, thither [came] wickedness.” Solomon was observing how the wicked subverted justice in the sanctuary. Solomon said, “The place where the Sanhedrin25Gk.: Synedrion. sat to judge criminal law, civil law, decisions on scourgings, and decisions on clean and unclean, there they defiled it.”26Cf. Lev. R. 4:1; Eccl. R. 3:16:1. See what is written (in Jer. 39:3), “Then all the officers of the king of Babylon came and sat in the middle gate: Negral-sarezer, Samgar-nebo, Sarsechim the Rab-saris ….” (Lam. 5:18:) “Because of Mount Zion, which lies desolate, the jackals walk over it.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “You name those entering, but you do not name those leaving, (in Eccl. 3:16) ‘to the place of justice, thither [came] wickedness.’” (Lam. 2:20:) “Should priest and prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?” Here is the blood of Zechariah shed on the stones, as stated (in Ezek. 24:7), “For her blood was in her midst; she set it upon bare rock.” Another interpretation (of Eccl. 3:16), “to the place of justice, thither [came] wickedness”: This is the central gate in which the great Sanhedrin sat. “Thither [came] wickedness,” (in Lam. 2:9) “Her gates have sunk into the ground.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said (in Eccl. 3:16), “To the place of justice, thither [came] wickedness (rsh').” There was one place for the Righteous One of the world, the holy Temple, which was set apart for the Divine Presence. Then Manasseh wronged (rt.: rsh') it, and brought an image into its midst .Another interpretation (of Eccl. 3:16), “to the place of justice.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “I created the soul, and it is delivered into My hand, as stated (in Job 12:10), ‘In Whose hand is every living soul.’ And justice also is delivered into My hand, as stated (in Deut. 32:41), “My hand lays hold on justice.’ But I only delivered the soul next to judgment [in My hand] so that it might see what is fitting for it and not sin; yet it does sin. (Eccl. 3:16:) “Thither [came] wickedness”; “When a soul sins,” for the soul is placed next to judgment (Lev. 4:2:) . That which Scripture stated (Prov. 19:2), “Also, a soul without knowledge is not good; and one who hastens with the feet is a sinner,” [is to say that] when someone sins, even by mistake, it is not a good sign27Gk.: semeion. for him.28Lev. R. 4:3; Eccl. R. 12:14:1. How so? There were two stores before him, one belonging to a stranger and one belonging to Israel. If he entered the one belonging to the stranger without knowing, it is not good. If he entered deliberately, he is called a sinner, as stated (in Prov. 19:2), “and one who hastens with the feet is a sinner.” Rav Isaac bar Samuel bar Martha said, “There were two ways before him, one long and one short. The short one was full of pebbles, but the long one did not have a pebble in it. He left the long one and went by the short one on the Sabbath. Concerning him it was stated (in Prov. 19:2), ‘and one who hastens with the feet is a sinner.’” Our masters have taught (in Avot. 4:2): One good deed/commandment (mitzvah) leads to another, and one transgression leads to another. A person should not worry about a sin which he commits by mistake, but rather that an opening has been made for him to sin [again], even deliberately. Moreover, one should not rejoice over a good deed which comes to him (for fulfillment), but rather that many good deeds are going to come to him [as a result].29Cf. Avot. 4:2: THE RECOMPENSE FOR A GOOD DEED IS A GOOD DEED. Therefore, if one has sinned by mistake, this is not a good sign, as stated, “Also, a soul without knowledge is not good.” How much the more so if he sins deliberately! About him it has been stated, “and one who hastens with the feet is a sinner.” So also (in Prov. 6:16-19), “Six things the Lord hates…: Haughty eyes, …. A heart plotting thoughts of deceit, feet quick to run to evil, […]” This refers to Ahab ben Kolaiah and Zedekiah ben Maaseiah (the false prophets of Jer. 29:21-23), who sinned in Jerusalem.30Sanh. 93a; PRK 24:15. And that was not enough for them, but after they had gone into exile in Babylon, they added to their sin. And what had they done in Jerusalem? They were false prophets. Moreover, they did not forsake their trade in Babylon. Now they would pimp for each other. Ahab would go to visit [one of] the great ones in the kingdom and would say to him, “I am so-and-so, a prophet. The Holy One, blessed be He, has sent me to say something to your wife.” [So his interlocutor] would say to him, “Here she is before you. Go on in.” When he was alone with her, he would say to her, “The Holy One, blessed be He, wants to raise up prophets from you. Simply go, have intercourse with Zedekiah, and give birth to prophets from him.” So he would come and have intercourse with her. Then Zedekiah would similarly pimp for Ahab. And this was their trade for several years. Come and see how wicked they were: They gave themselves a reputation in Babylon for being great prophets. When some woman became pregnant and saw one of them, she would say to him, “If you are a prophet, what is in my womb? A male or a female?” He would say, “A male.” Then he would go to her neighbors and say, “So-and-so will bear a female.” If she bore a male, she would say, “So-and-so, the prophet, told me.” If it was a female, the neighbors would say, “Thus did so-and-so, the prophet, tell us; but he did not want to worry you.” Now they acted in this way until they came to Shemirah, the wife of Nebuchadnezzar. Zedekiah said to her, “The Holy One, blessed be He, has sent me to you. Simply go, have intercourse with Ahab, and give birth to prophets from him.” She said to him, “I may not do [this] without the agreement of my husband. Rather, let him come and let him inform us that he wants this thing.” She went to her husband and told [the matter] to Nebuchadnezzar. [So] he called for them and they both came. And he said to them, “Is this what you said to my wife?” They said, “Yes, as the Holy One, blessed be He, wants to raise prophets from her.” He said to them, “But have I not heard about your God that He hates licentiousness; and that as a result of that which Zimri breached sexual mores, twenty-four thousand [men] fell? And you tell me this? Perhaps He recanted? I don’t know if you are false prophets or true prophets, but I have already tested Hannaniah, Mishael and Azariah and I burned the fiery finance for them for seven days and threw them inside, and they came out alive and well. But for you, I will only burn it for one day and throw you inside. If you are saved from the furnace, I will know that you are certainly true prophets and we will do whatever you say, according to your testimony.” They said to him, “Hannaniah, Mishael and Azariah were three and we are two; and the miracle is [only] done for three.” He said to them, “Is there a third [person] like you?” They said, Yehosuha the High Priest,” thinking in their hearts that they would be saved by his merit. They brought Yehoshua the High Priest and threw him into the furnace with them. The two of them were burnt [to death], and Yehoshua the High Priest was saved, as stated (Zech. 3:2), “Is this not a brand pulled out of the fire?” (Jer. 29:22:) “And from Ahav and Zedekiah, a curse was taken for all of the exile of Judah in Babylon, saying, ‘May God make you like Zedekiah and Ahab, whom the king of Babylon consigned to the flames!‘“3 Who caused these wicked ones to be burned? It was because they ran with their feet towards abominations and sins. It is therefore stated (in Prov. 19:2), “and one who hastens with the feet is a sinner.” Nevertheless (ibid.,) “Also, a soul without knowledge is not good.” Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Say unto Israel (in Lev. 4:2), ‘When a soul sins by mistake’” – the soul sins. The verse (Eccl. 3:16) says, “[….] to the place of justice (tsedeq), thither [came] wickedness.” The place is [the source of] the soul, which has been given out of righteousness (tsedeq), [i.e.] out of a place where there is no iniquity or sin.31Exod. R. 4:1. [When] it does sins, the verse (Lev. 4:2) cries out in surprise, “When a soul sins by mistake?” (Eccl. 3:16:) “To the place of justice (tsedeq), thither [came] wickedness.” To what is the matter comparable? To two people who sinned against the king. One was a country bumpkin, and one a person from the palace.32Lat.: palatium; Gk.: palation. [When] he saw that both of them had committed a single offense, he released the country bumpkin but rendered a [guilty] verdict33Gk.: apophasis. against the person from the palace. His palace people said to him, “Both of them committed a single offense; [yet] you released the country bumpkin [and] gave a verdict against the person from the palace.” He said to them, “I released the country bumpkin because he did not know the laws34Gk. nomos. of the kingdom, but the person from the palace is with me every day and knows what the laws of the kingdom are, and what verdict will be pronounced against one who sins towards me?” So also the body is a country bumpkin, (according to Gen. 2:7) “Then the Lord God formed the human out of dust from the ground.” But the soul is a palace person from above, (according to ibid., cont.) “and blew into his nostrils the breath of life.” Yet both of them sinned. Why? Because it impossible for the body to exist without the soul.35Cf. Lev. R. 4:5. Thus, if there is no soul, there is no body, and if there is no body, there is no soul. So both of them sinned, as stated (in Ezek. 18:20), “the soul that sins shall die.” Therefore the verse (Lev. 4:2) wonders, “When a soul sins by mistake against any of the Lord's commandments?” What is the significance of “by mistake (rt.: shgg) [against any of the Lord's commandments]?” [It is] to teach you that when anyone sins by mistake, [it is as if] one transgresses [intentionally] against the Lord's commandments. And so it says (in Numb. 15:22), “And when you sin unintentionally (rt.: shgg) and do not fulfill all these commandments….”36The next verses explain how atonement is made. So also David has said (in Ps. 19:13–14), “Who can discern mistakes? Cleanse me from hidden faults. Also restrain Your servant from willful sins…, and I shall be clean of great transgression,” [i.e.] from the great sin which I have committed. But if you do so act (according to Ps. 19:15), “Let the words of my mouth be acceptable.” From here you learn that everyone who sins, even by mistake, is called a sinner. Our masters have said, “A mistake in study is accounted as willful sin.” It is therefore written (in Lev. 4:2), “When a soul sins,” because it is from [man’s soul, which is from] above; and it is not written, \"[when] a person (Adam).\" In the world to come the Holy One, blessed be He, will bring in the soul and say to it, “Why have you transgressed against the commandments?” Then it will say, “The body transgressed against the commandments. From the day that I left it, have I ever sinned?” [Then] He will go back and say to the body, “For what reason did you transgress the commandments?” It will say to Him, “The soul sinned. Since the soul left me, have I ever sinned?” What will the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He will bring them both in and judge them as one. To what is the matter comparable? To a king who had an orchard in which were ripened grapes, figs and pomegranates.37Sanh. 91ab; Lev. R. 4:5; Mekhilta deRabbi Simeon b. Johay, edited by J.N. Epstein and E.Z. Melamed (Jerusalem: Mekize Nirdamim, 1955), pp. 76–77 (on Exod. 15:1); Mekhilta de Rabbi Ishmael, Shirata 2; The Apocryphon of Ezekiel, cited in Epiphanius, Panarion (Haereses), 64:70 (Origen), K. Holl edition in GCS31(1922), pp. 236–243 (not in the Migne edition), translated by J.R. Mueller and S.E. Robinson in The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, vol. I, edited by J.H. Charlesworth (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1983), p. 492; see Tertullian, De resurrectione carnis, 15–17. The king said (to himself), “If I post someone there who can see and walk, he will eat the ripening fruit for himself. He [therefore] posted two guards, one lame and one blind. They stayed and watched the orchard. They smelled the ripened fruit. The lame one said to the blind one, “I see lovely ripened fruit in the orchard. Come and give me a ride, so we can get them and eat them.” The lame one rode upon the back of the blind one, so that he got them, and they ate them. One day the king came. He sought the ripened fruit, but he did not find any. He said to the blind one, “Did you eat them?” He [answered], “Do I have any eyes?” He said to the lame one. “Have you eaten them?” He said, “Do I have any feet?” He [therefore] mounted the lame person on the blind person's back and judged them as one. So the Holy One, blessed be He, will take a soul and toss it into a body, as stated (in Ps. 50:4), “He summoned the heavens above,” i.e., the soul; “and the earth to judge His people,” i.e., the body.” David foresaw how the Holy One, blessed be He, would judge His creatures. [So] he began to seek mercy for his soul. He said, “Master of the world, when you judge Your creatures, do not judge me like them. [(Ps. 143:2), ‘And do not enter into judgment with Your servant, for no one living shall be justified before You.’ Rather act charitably with me, as stated (in Ps. 17:15), ‘As for me, I will behold Your face in charity.’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In this world because the evil drive rules in you, you have sinned; but in the world to come I will root it out from you, as stated (in Ezek. 36:26), ‘I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 5:1:) “And if a soul sins in that it hears a voice swearing […, if he does not speak out, he shall bear his iniquity].” This text is related (to Eccl. 5:1), “Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart hasten to bring forth a word before God.” These [words refer to] people who vilify the name of the Holy One, blessed be He. Come and see, when the celestial beings were created, those below were created with half of the [divine] name, as stated (in Is. 26:4), “for through Yh,38YH is the first half of the divine name, which the Hebrew spells out where the translation reads THE LORD. the Lord formed the worlds.”39The midrash interprets tsur ‘olamim as FORMED THE WORLDS (i.e., this world and the world to come) rather than as the more usual EVERLASTING ROCK. For similar interpretations, see yHag. 2:1 (77c); Men. 29b; Gen. R. 12:10; M. Pss. 62:1; 114:3; cf. also M. Pss. 118:14. But why were they not created with all of it? So as not to mention the full name [of the Holy One, blessed be He] with him. Woe to those creatures who vilify the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, in vain. See what is written about offerings (in Lev. 1:2), “When one of you presents an offering to the Lord.” It does not say \"to the Lord, an offering,\" but “an offering to the Lord” (so that who changes his mind about an offering in mid-sentence not mention God’s name for no reason).40Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 1:6; Ned. 10ab; Sifra to Lev. 1:2, Wayyiqra, Parashah 2; Sifre, Deut.32:3 (306); Gen. R. 1:13. And [yet] people vilify the name of the Lord in vain. It is therefore stated (in Eccl. 5:1), “Do not be rash with your mouth…. for God is in heaven and you are on earth.” For who would say that God is not in heaven and that people are not on earth? [Accordingly], Solomon has said, “Every time that the weakest of the weak is above, he defeats the warrior below.” Go and learn from Abimelech (in Jud. 9:53), “But a certain woman dropped an upper millstone on Abimelech's head and cracked his skull.”41Since the woman was above the warrior Abimelech in the tower of Thebez, her killing him is an example of a relatively weak person defeating a warrior from above. And if he was a warrior among warriors and there was none like him, and [yet] a woman [was able to] kill him from above, how much the more so in the case of the Holy One, blessed be He! See what is written about Him (in Dan. 4:32), “All the inhabitants of the earth are of no account, and He does as He wishes [with the host of heaven and with the inhabitants of the earth].” It is also written (in Ps. 47:3), “For the Lord most high is awesome, a great King over all the earth,” and people are below. (Eccl. 5:1:) “Therefore let your words be few.” So what is there for you to do? To put your hand upon your mouth and upon your ear in order to neither speak nor hear. Ergo (in Lev. 5:1), “If a soul sins.”42These words also appear in Lev. 5:21 [6:2]. (Lev. 5:1:) [“And if a soul sins in that it hears a voice swearing,] when he is a witness to what he has either seen or come to know, [if he does not speak out, he shall bear his iniquity].” This text is related (to Prov. 29:24), “The one who shares with a thief hates his own soul; he hears swearing and does not speak out.” What has caused anyone to say of him, “If a soul sins?” [It is] simply because he did not come and tell a sage, “So-and-so blasphemed the name of the Holy One, blessed be He.” He therefore shares his iniquities with him, as stated (in Lev. 5:1), “if he does not speak out, he shall bear his iniquity.” Therefore Solomon has said (in Prov. 29:24), “The one who shares with a thief hates his own soul.” Just as when the thief is caught, his partner is convicted along with him;43Cf. Lev. R. 6:2. so whoever hears blasphemy of the Holy One, blessed be He, and does not speak out is convicted along with him. And let no one say, “What denunciation (lashon hara’ah) do I say?” The Holy One, blessed be He, has said (in Lev. 5:1ff.), “’On every matter,’ there is a denunciation in it. [But] with cursing the name, there is no denunciation.” Why? Because [it is] just like a case of a person cursing his companion. When he hears him, it is of no concern to him. But if he has cursed his father in his presence, he puts his life on the line and says, “You have cursed my father.” Moses said (in Deut. 32:6), “Is He not your Father who created you?” (Lev. 5:1:) [“And if a soul sins in that it hears a voice swearing,] when he is a witness to what he has seen.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “If you want to bear witness, bear witness; but if not, I will bear witness.” Thus it is stated (ibid.), “when he (He) is a witness.” And where is it shown that the Holy One, blessed be He, is called a witness? Where it is stated (in Jer. 29:23), “I am the One who knows and bears witness, says the Lord.” Come and see. All the parashioth written in this book have “mistake” written in them, except for this parashah, in which “mistake” is not mentioned.44In fact, MISTAKE (shegagah), i.e., UNINTENTIONAL SIN, does appear in this parashah (in 5:15, 18). Elsewhere in Lev. the word only appears in 4:2, 22, 27; 22:4.) About him Solomon has said (in Eccl. 5:5), “Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin, and do not say before the angel that it was a mistake,” (in Eccl. 5:1), “for God is in the heavens.” It is comparable to two people who threw stones at an image of a king.45Gk.: eikonion, a diminutive form of eikon. One was drunk, and one was in possession of his senses. Both of them were caught and went to trial. [The judge] rendered a [guilty] verdict46Gk.: apophasis. against the one with his senses and acquitted the one who was drunk. So it is in the case of whoever sins. It is concerning him that “mistake” is written (in Lev. 4:2) – “When a soul sins by mistake (rt.: shgg) [against any of the Lord's commandments]….”; (and likewise in Lev. 4:13) “And if the whole congregation of Israel should err (rt.: shgg).” And [about] all of them; because they sinned by mistake, they bring an offering and it shall be forgiven them. It is so stated (in Numb. 15:26), “The whole congregation of the Children of Israel and the stranger who resides in their midst shall be forgiven because [it happened] to all the people by mistake.” But the one who blasphemes receives a [guilty] verdict, as stated (in Lev. 24:16) “And the one who blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death.” It is also written (in Jer. 4:2), “And you shall swear, ‘As the Lord lives,’ in truth, in justice, and in righteousness; then shall nations bless themselves in Him, and Him shall they glory.” Scripture also says (in Deut. 10:20), “The Lord your God you shall fear, Him you shall serve, to Him you shall hold fast”; then after that, “and by Him you shall swear.”47See Tanh. (Buber), Numb. 9:1; Numb. R. 9:1. (Ibid.:) “The Lord your God you shall fear,” so that you will be like those three of whom it is written, “he feared God (yr' 'lhym)”: Abraham, Joseph and Job. About Abraham it is written (in Gen. 22:12), “for now I know that you fear God (yr' 'lhym).” About Joseph it is written (in Gen. 42:18), “I fear (yr') God ('lhym).” About Job it is written (in Job 1:2), “he feared God (yr' 'lhym) and shunned evil.” (Deut. 10:20, cont.:) “Him you shall serve,” in that you will be busy with the Torah and with [fulfilling] the commandments. (Ibid. cont.:) “To him you shall hold fast,” in that you will honor the Torah scholars and benefit them with your property. Moses said to Israel, “Do not think that I have allowed you to swear by His name, even in truth. It is only, if all these conditions (mentioned earlier in the verse) abide with you, that you are entitled to swear; and if not, you are not entitled to swear [by His name], even in truth.” You shall not be like those of whom it is written (in Jer. 7:9), “[Will you …] swear falsely and sacrifice to Baal?” Rather, fulfill all these conditions and after that you are Mine, as stated (in Jer. 4:1), “If you return, O Israel, says the Lord, if you return unto Me [….]” Then after that [it says] (in vs. 2), “And you shall swear, ‘as the Lord lives’….” Our masters have said, “Even in truth one cannot swear.” Why? Thus have our masters taught (in Dem. 2:3): Let not someone from Israel be unrestrained in vows48See also Ned. 20a. or in jesting, (or to lead one's companion astray with an oath by saying it is not an oath). There is a story about the royal mountain where there were two thousand towns, and all of them were destroyed because of a truthful oath that was unnecessary.49Tanh. (Buber), Numb. 9:1; Numb. R. 9:1; cf. also Git. 57a. Now if one who swears in truth has this happen, how much the more so in the case of one who swears to a lie? How did they act? One would utter an oath to his companion that he was going to such and such a place to eat and drink. Then they would go and act to fulfill their oath. It is therefore stated (in Lev. 5:1), “If a soul sins in that it hears a voice swearing.” Now when the Holy One, blessed be He, comes to judge all people in the world to come, He will judge them along with sorcerers and adulterers. Where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Mal. 3:5), “Then I will draw near to you in judgment; and I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, against adulterers, against those who swear to a lie (in My name).” And I am finding them guilty and bringing them down to Gehinnom. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “With the mouth that I gave you to be praising and glorifying My name, you are reproaching, blaspheming, and swearing to a lie in My name? Since I created all people to praise Me, as stated (in Prov. 16:4), “The Lord has made everything for His own purpose.” So is it not enough for you that you do not praise Me, but [that] you blaspheme [Me as well]! The Scripture has said (in Is. 57:20), “But the wicked are like the troubled sea, [for it cannot rest (rt.: shqt)].” [They are] just like this [kind of] sea which has waves in its midst exalting themselves upward. When each and every one of them reaches the sand, it is broken and returns (hozer).50The word also means “repents.” And its companion also looks at it breaking, and [yet] exalts itself upward without repenting (hozer). So are the wicked, who look at one another and exalt themselves. Therefore, they are likened to the sea, as stated (in Is. 57:20), “But the wicked are like the troubled sea….” So did all the generations, the generation of Enosh, the generation of the flood, and the generation of the dispersion (i.e., of the Tower of Babel), not learn from each other. Instead they were exalting themselves. Therefore they are compared to the sea (in Is. 57:20), “But the wicked are like the troubled sea.” (Is. 57:20, cont.:) “For it cannot rest (rt.: shqt).” The wicked have no rest in the world, but the righteous have serenity (shqt), as stated (in Jer. 30:10), “and Jacob shall again have peace (shqt) and quiet with none to make him afraid.” Another interpretation (of Is. 57:20), “But the wicked are like the troubled sea.” Just as the sea has its dirt and mud in its mouth, so the wicked have their stench in their mouth. Thus it is stated (at the end of Is. 57:20), “and its waters toss up slime and mud.” It is not from choice that one hears blasphemies and invectives, but from the midst of the sins which are within him. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 5:1), “If a soul sins and hears a voice swearing….”51Most translations equate the sinning with the swearing. This more literal translation illustrates the point that the swearing comes from a soul which has already sinned. You find [that there are] three things under human control and three things not under human control ….52Tanh., Gen. 6:12 (i.e., Toledot 12); Gen. R. 67:12. And not only [now] but even in the world to come. [So it is stated] (in Job 12:23), “He exalts (msgy') nations and destroys them.” The written text (ketiv) is “mshg'” (which means, misleads).53In unpointed Hebrew the Sin (S) and the Shin (Sh) look alike. Since MShG’, which is pointed mashge’, can also be spelled with the extra yod (i.e., Y), the two words are interchangable in an unpointed text. Then He destroys them [and] brings them down to Abaddon,54Abbadon is a name for Hell, which means “destruction.” while the righteous watch them. Thus it is stated (in Is. 66:24), “Then they shall go out and look at the corpses of the people who have rebelled against Me; their worms shall not die nor shall their fire be quenched”." + ] + ], + "Tzav": [ + [ + "(Lev. 6:2:) “This is the law of the burnt offering.” This text is related (to Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies is comparable to the Lord, is like the Lord among the children of the powerful ones?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “If I had [merely] desired an offering, would I not have told (the angel) Michael to bring me an offering? From whom do I desire sacrifice? From Israel.” And so it says about the shewbread (in Lev. 24:8), “on every Sabbath day shall he arrange it.” But it is written (in Micah 6:7), “Does the Lord want thousands of rams?” Balaam the wicked was an advocate1Gk.: synegoros. for the nations of the world. It is in reference to the nations that that [Scripture] speaks (in Micah 6:7), “Does the Lord want thousands of rams with ten thousands of rivers of oil?” He wants what you offer to Him, [i.e.] a log2A log is a liquid measure that equals the contents of six eggs. of oil. We (gentiles) offer Him ten thousand times ten thousands rivers of oil. What did Abraham offer to Him? Was it not one ram? It is so stated (in Gen. 22:13), “Then [Abraham] lifted his eyes to look and there was a ram behind….” If He wants, we should offer Him thousands of rams; but what did Abraham offer Him? His son. I might offer Him my son and daughter, as stated (in Micah 6:7, cont.), “shall I give my first-born for my transgression,” this is my first-born son; “the fruit of my belly for the sin of my soul,” this is my daughter. See how crafty Balaam the wicked was! He began to say (in Numb. 23:4), “I have prepared the seven altars [and offered a ram and a bull on each altar].” He did not say, \"seven altars,\" but, “the [seven] altars.” These are [all of the] seven altars, [which] they had built since the first Adam was created up to now. Now I am offering seven corresponding to the seven of them. And what did they offer? Twelve cakes, as stated (in Lev. 24:5), “Then you shall take fine white flour and bake it into twelve cakes.” When the Holy One, blessed be He, appeared to him, He said to him, “O wicked one, what are you doing?” He said to Him (in Numb. 23:4) “I have prepared the seven altars.” To whom is this wicked one comparable? To a butcher who sold [meat] in the market. When his store was full of meat, thieves saw [him] and looked at the meat. [When] that butcher saw that he was looking at the meat, he said to him, “Sir, I have already sent provisions3Gk.: opsonion. to your house.” So it was with Balaam. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “O wicked one, what are you doing here?” He said to Him (in Numb. 23:4), “I have prepared the seven altars with a bull and a ram on each altar.” He said to Him (in Micah 6:7), “Does the Lord want thousands of rams?” He said to Him (ibid., cont.), “Shall I give my first-born for my transgression?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “O evil one, if I had desired an offering, I would have spoken to Michael and Gabriel, and they would have presented offerings to me.” It is so stated (in Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies is comparable to the Lord, is like the Lord among the children of the powerful ones?” This is [referring to] Balaam, who desired to imitate [what is done by] the children of the powerful ones to the Holy One, blessed be He. [“Among the children of the powerful ones” is referring to] the children of Abraham [which] are Isaac and Jacob. [These are the ones] who are the rams of the world. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “What do you desire? To deceive yourself before Me? [To persuade] Me to accept offerings from the gentiles? You are not able. It is an oath (in the words of Lev. 24:8, cont.), ‘an everlasting covenant on the part of the Children of Israel.’ It is a stipulation that I only accept offerings from Israel.” It is so stated (in Lev. 6:2), “Command Aaron and his children, saying.” When the nations said, “What is this, whereby Israel is presenting offerings and sacrificing?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them (ibid.), “This is the law of the burnt offering (rt.: 'lh),” [referring to (Cant. 3:6),] “Who is this that comes up (rt.: 'lh) from the desert?” (Exod. 19:3:) “Then Moses went up (rt.: 'lh) unto God.” Another interpretation (of Lev. 6:1-2) “Then the Lord spoke…, ‘Command Aaron…, “This is the law of the burnt offering”’”: The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Fulfill what is written above on the matter. Then after that [comes,] ‘This is the law of the burnt offering.’” Why? (Is. 61:8) “Because I the Lord love justice, I hate robbery with a burnt offering,” [meaning] even with a burnt offering. What is written above on the matter (in Lev. 5:23)? “And it shall come to pass that, when one has sinned and is guilty, he shall restore the stolen goods which he robbed.” Then after that (in Lev. 6:2), “This is the law of the burnt offering.” If you desire to present an offering, you shall not rob anyone. Why? “Because I the Lord love justice, I hate robbery with a burnt offering.” So when do you present a burnt offering so that I accept it? When your hands are clean of robbery. David said (in Ps. 24:3-4), “Who may ascend (rt.: 'lh) the hill of the Lord, and who may stand in His holy place? One with clean hands and a pure heart.” “This is the law of the burnt offering,” the one who has hands clean of robbery, he “may stand in His holy place.” “From the beginning of [this book on] offerings you learn (in Lev. 1:2), “Speak unto the Children of Israel and say unto them, ‘When one (adam) of you presents an offering.” Why is Adam mentioned? It is simply that the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “When you sacrifice to Me, you shall be like the first Adam in that he did not rob from others, since he was alone in the world. So also you shall not rob people. Why? (Is. 61:8:) ‘Because I the Lord love justice, I hate robbery with a burnt offering.’” Another interpretation (of Lev. 6:2), “This is the Torah of the burnt offering”: Why is it named a burnt offering ('olah, rt.: 'lh)? Because it is the highest (rt.: 'lh) of all the offerings. It is that which ascends ('olah, rt.: 'lh). You should know that when someone brings a sin offering, the priest takes it, and likewise the meal offering. Moreover, the peace offerings belong to their owners and a guilt offering belongs to the priest. In the case of the burnt offering, however, no creature tastes it. Rather all of it belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He. Therefore, it is called burnt offering ('olah, rt.: 'lh), because it ascends ('olah) to the Holy One, blessed be He, who is [the] Most High (rt.: 'lh)." + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Lev. 6:2), “Command Aaron.” What is the function of Aaron here? Israel was bringing offerings whereas Aaron is mentioned, and Scripture says here, “Command Aaron.” But note, it is written (in Numb. 28:2), “Command the Children of Israel, and say unto them, ‘My offering, My bread,’” but here it says (in Lev. 6:2), “Command Aaron […], ‘This is the Torah of the one who ascends (h'lh).’”4The masoretic text vocalizes this word as ha’olah, which means, THE BURNT OFFERING, but the midrash interprets the word as though it were vocalized ha’oleh, which means, “The one who ascends,” with the ascending implying self-exaltation. So also Lev. R. 7:6. The Holy One, blessed be He, said (to warn Aaron and his sons), “Whenever someone raises (rt.: 'lh) himself up, his end is to go in the fire.”5M.Ps. 11:5. It is so stated (in Lev. 6:2, cont.), “that is the one which ascends upon the burning place.” The generation of the flood [suffered] because of what they said (in Job 21:15), “What is the Omnipresent that we should serve Him?” For that reason they were sentenced to the fire (of Gehinnom), as stated (Job 6:17), “at the time that they were heated, they were burnt in His heat,” and it is written (Job 22:20), “and the fire consumed their remnant.” And likewise the Sodomites, [as stated] (in Gen. 19:24), “Then the Lord rained down upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire.” When Pharaoh said (in Exod. 5:2), “Who is the Lord, [that I should heed His voice],” he exalted (rt.: 'lh) himself and said (in Ezek. 29:3), “my Nile is my own and I made it myself.” [He is] therefore (in the words of Lev. 6:2) “upon the burning place.” For so it says (in Ps. 18:14), “The Lord thundered in the heavens,” (Ps. 18:13), \"From the illumination in front of Him, His clouds were pierced by hail and coals of fire.” And also when Sennacherib exalted (rt.: 'lh) himself and said (in II Kings 19:23 = Is. 37:24), “it is I who have ascended (rt.: 'lh) the mountain heights to the remotest parts of Lebanon.” And what happened to him? (II Kings 19:35:) “The angel of the Lord went out and smote [one hundred and eighty-thousand] in the camp of Assyria.” He had blasphemed (according to II Kings 19:23: cf. 18:17–35) through a messenger (mal'akh);6The parallel in Is. 37:24 reads “servant” instead of “messenger.” therefore (in II Kings 19:35 = Is. 37:36 // II Chron. 32:21) “the angel (mal'akh) of the Lord went out and smote.” What did he do to him? (Is. 10:16), “And under his glory there shall burn a burning like the burning of fire.” What is the meaning of “under his glory?” That it burned them from within and left alone their clothes on the outside, since a person's glory is his garment.7Cf. Sanh. 94a. And why did the Holy One, blessed be He, leave their clothes behind? Because they were descendants of Shem, as stated (in Gen. 10:22), “The sons of Shem are Elam, Asshur (Assyria)….” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “I am indebted to their father Shem, because he took the garment and covered his father's nakedness, as stated (in Gen. 9:23), “Then Shem and Japheth took the garment… [and they covered their father's nakedness].”8Cf. Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 2:21, which interprets the verse to show that Shem took the lead in this act. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, left their clothes alone and burned [only] their body. This is as it is written (Lev. 6:2), “that (i.e. the person who exalts himself) is the one which ascends (ha'oleh) upon the burning place.” And so too Nebuchadnezzar exalted (rt.: 'lh) himself and said (in Is. 14:14), “I will ascend (rt.: 'lh) upon the heights of a cloud; I will become like the Most High (rt.: 'lh).” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Upon your life, was it not enough that you said in your heart (in vs. 13), “I will ascend (rt.: 'lh) to the heavens; above the stars of God I will set my throne,” but that you should say (in vs. 14), “I will ascend (rt.: 'lh) upon the heights of a cloud, I will become like the Most High (rt.: 'lh)?” And so he (i.e., Nebuchadnezzar) said to Hananiah and his friends (in Dan. 3:15), “’Now who is the God who shall deliver you out of my hand?’ I have burned His house and exiled His people. He did not stand against me in His house; so will He overcome me in my house?” What did he do? He threw them into the fiery furnace. What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He gave a sign to the furnace and it became a highway.9PLTYA, from the Gk.: plateia. Buber suggests emending to PLNTYH, from the Gk.: planetes, i.e., “planets.” Whoever was designated to be burned was not burned and whoever was not designated to be burned was burned. So the fire went forth and burned half of the peoples. Thus you find, when they assembled for the dedication of the image, at first there were eight peoples, as stated (in Dan. 3:3), “Then the satraps, the prefects, and the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates, and all the provincial officials assembled.” That makes eight peoples; but when they came in to see Hananiah and his friends, there were only four peoples written there (in vs. 27), “The satraps, the prefects, the governors, and the royal companions assembled.” So where were [the other] four peoples?] It is simply that (in vs. 22) “the flame of the fire slew them.” Now Nebuchadnezzar also was burned by the fire, and the fright (i.e., repulsiveness) of [a body disfigured by] burning was put upon him.10For this interpretation, Jastrow, s.v., ‘immus. Why was all of him not burned? The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Leave this evil man half of himself so that he may know against Whom he blasphemed.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “O wicked one, did you not say, ‘I do not want to live with the children of Adam, but (in Is. 14:14), “I will ascend (rt.: 'lh) upon the heights of a cloud?”’ By your life, (according to Dan. 4:22) ‘You shall be driven away from humans and your domicile will be with the wild animals outside.’” Just as He brought the plagues upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt, so did He bring [punishment] upon Nebuchadnezzar. It is so stated (in Dan. 3:32), “The signs and wonders which the most high God has worked for me [it seemed good to me to make known].” This fright of [a body disfigured by] burning fell upon him. Therefore it is stated (in Lev. 6:2), “that is the one which ascends (h'lh) upon the burning place.” (Lev. 6.2) “That is the one which ascends upon the burning place.” This is the kingdom of Edom (Rome), which exalted (rt.: 'lh) itself, as stated (in Obad. 1:4), “Though you make [your abode] as high as the eagle, and though [your nest is set] among the stars,” and will be judged by fire, as stated (in Dan. 7:11), “I looked on until the beast was slain and its body destroyed, given over for burning in the fire.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said (in Obad. 1:18), “The House of Jacob shall be fire, and the House of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau shall be straw; [… for the Lord has spoken].” And what did he say? Through Moses (in Lev. 6:2), “that is the one which ascends (ha'olah, rt.: 'lh) upon the burning place.” Then after that [Scripture says] (in Obad. 1:21), “Then saviors shall come up on Mount Zion to judge the Mountain of Esau.” Sisera also [was punished by fire] because he blasphemed. Thus it is written about him (in Jud. 4:3), “and he oppressed the Children of Israel with might,” [i.e.] with blasphemies and invectives.11See M. Ps. 2:1, which derives this interpretation of WITH MIGHT (rt.: HZQ) from Mal. 3:13: YOUR WORDS HAVE BEEN MIGHTY (rt.: HZQ) AGAINST ME. See also below, 9:7. He was therefore punished by fire, as stated (in Jud. 5:20), “The stars fought from the heavens; from their courses they fought with Sisera.”12See Pes. 118b, according to which the stars descended and heated the iron implements in Sisera’s army. And in the world to come, when the Holy One, blessed be He, comes to exact retribution from Esau, what [will] Esau do? Wrapped in a prayer shawl like an elder, he comes and takes his seat beside Jacob. It is so stated, (in Obad. 1:4), “and though your nest is set among the stars.” Stars can only mean Israel, since it is stated (in Gen. 15:5), “look toward the heavens and count the stars …; so shall your seed be.” Jacob says to him, “My brother ('hy), you shall not be like me.” Thus it is stated (in Hos. 13:14), “my brother ('hy),13The unemended reading below, given in braces, shows that the midrash is reading the he in ‘HY as a het, so that the WHERE of the Masoretic Text cited here is to be interpreted as MY BROTHER. your words14Devarekha. YOUR WORDS is the translation required by the midrash. In the biblical context devarekha should be rendered, YOUR PLAGUES. are death; my brother ('hy), your descent (qtb) is to Sheol.”15A traditional translation of the line would read: WHERE IS YOUR PESTILENCE, O SHEOL? Your words are decrees which you decreed over me. You decreed two-edged decrees against me, that I should serve idols. If I had done so, I would have been condemned to death at the hands of Heaven; and if I had not served them, you would have killed me. Ergo (in Hos. 13:14), “my brother, your words are death.” (Ibid., cont.) “My brother ('hy), your descent (qtb) is to Sheol.” [Qtb] is a Hellenistic16From the Gk. adverb: Hellenisti. word, meaning to descend to Sheol.17Thus QTB is understood as coming from the Greek, kataba, an aorist imperative meaning, “descend.” When Esau descends to Sheol, Jacob will remain by himself. It is therefore stated (in Zech. 13:8), “And it shall come to pass throughout all the land, says the Lord, that two-thirds in it shall be cut off and die, but one-third shall remain in it.” Now the one-third can only be Israel, since it is stated (in Is. 19:24), “Israel shall be a third.” So Israel – because they made themselves despised and lowly, as stated (Malachi 2:9), “And I also made you despised and lowly” – are avenged and redeemed by fire; as stated (in Zech. 2:9), “And I Myself, says the Lord, will be a wall of fire around it (i.e., around Jerusalem).” When Esau departs from the world, the Holy One, blessed be He, and Israel remain, as stated (in Cant. 6:9), “[Only] one is my dove, my perfect one.” It also says (in Deut. 32:12), “The Lord alone did lead him, and there was no foreign God with Him.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 7:11:) “This is the law of the sacrifice for peace offerings.” This text is related (to Prov. 3:17), “The ways [of wisdom] are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.” Whatever is written in the Torah is written to [establish] peace. Although wars are written about in the Torah, they are written about for the sake of peace. You find that the Holy One, blessed be He, cancelled the decree [of utter destruction (herem)] for the sake of peace. When? When the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses (in Deut. 20:19), “When you besiege a city a long time.” Now concerning that whole matter, the Holy One, blessed be He, had said that he should destroy them, as stated (above in vs. 17), “No, you shall utterly destroy them.” However, Moses did not do so. Rather he said, “Am I to go and smite who has sinned and who has not sinned? Instead, let me come against them in peace, as stated (in Deut. 2:26-27), “Then I sent messengers from the Desert of Kedemoth [unto King Sihon of Heshbon] with words of peace […]. I will traverse your land.” When he saw that he did not come in peace, he smote him, as stated (in Numb. 21:35), “So they smote him, his children, and all his people.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “I Myself told you (in Deut. 20:17), ‘No, you shall utterly destroy them,’ but you did not do this. By your life, just as you have said, so will I do.” Thus it is stated (in Deut. 20:10), “When you draw near unto a city to fight against it, you shall offer terms of peace unto it.” Therefore, it is so stated (in Prov. 3:17), “The ways [of wisdom] are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Lev. 7:11), “This is the law of the sacrifice for peace offerings.” This text is related (to Ps. 85:9), “Let me hear what God, the Lord, will speak; for He will speak peace unto his people and unto his saints.” The peoples of the world said to Balaam, “Why did the Holy One, blessed be He, tell Israel to bring Him sacrifices without telling us anything?” Balaam said to them, “The sacrifices are only peace (i.e., the peace offering). Whoever has accepted the Torah in which they are written must offer sacrifice. You rejected [Torah] from the start, and now you wish to offer sacrifices?” Whoever accepted it is the one who offers [sacrifices], as stated (in Ps. 29:11), “The Lord will grant strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace (i.e., with peace offerings).” It is therefore stated (in Ps. 85:9), “Let me hear what God, the Lord, will speak; for He will speak peace unto His people and unto His saints.” What did He speak? (Lev. 7:11:) “This is the law of the sacrifice for peace offerings.” Why was [it worded], “the sacrifice for peace offerings?” Because it makes peace among the altar, the priests, and Israel. Come and see. The whole burnt offering belonged wholly to the flames. Also, in the case of the sin offering, its best parts and its devoted portions18Emurim. Perhaps from the Greek, meria, i.e., “thigh bones.” belonged to the altar, its skin and its flesh belonged to the priests, but there was no enjoyment from it for Israel. So also in the case of the guilt offering. However, in the case of the thank offering, its blood and its devoted parts belonged to the altar, the breast and the shoulder belonged to the priests, but the skin and flesh belonged to Israel. It resulted in making peace among the altar, the priests, and Israel. It is therefore called (in Lev. 7:11), “the sacrifice for peace offerings,” because it made peace for all." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 7:11:) “This is the law of the sacrifice for peace offerings.\" When they offered the sacrifice of the peace offerings, the Holy One, blessed be He, would lift up His face to (favor) them, as stated (in Numb. 6:26), “The Lord lift up His face unto you and grant you peace.” Is it possible for the Holy One, blessed be He, to [favor] mortals? Two verses contradict each other. One text says (in Ezek. 33:11), “Do I desire the death of the wicked?” The other text says (in I Sam. 2:25), “for the Lord took pleasure in slaying them.” How has He not taken pleasure in the death of the wicked? It is simply that before their verdict was sealed, He did not take pleasure; after a verdict was sealed, the Lord took pleasure in slaying them. And so Daniel said (in Dan. 10:21), “However, I will tell you what is inscribed in the record of truth.” Our masters have said, “There was a story about our Holy Rabbi (i.e., about R. Judah the Prince) that when he was passing through Simonia (where he lived), all the people of the city came out to meet him.19yYev. 12:6 (13a); Gen. R. 81:2; cf. Yev. 105:1. They wanted an elder from him to teach Torah. He gave them R. Levi ben Sisi. They said to him, ‘Our teacher, what is the meaning of what is written in Daniel (10:21), “However, I will tell you what is inscribed in the record of truth?” Is there something false in the Torah that it [must specifically] say truth [here]?’ [When] he did not find an answer to give them, he immediately went away [from there and came] to Rabbi. He said to him, ‘I could not stand up before them. They asked me one thing, and I could not find out what to answer them.’ He said to him, ‘What was the [one] thing?’ He said to him, ‘”However, I will tell you what is inscribed in the record of truth.” Is there something false in the Torah?’ He said to him, ‘There was a great answer for you to give them.’ He said to him, ‘You had something to tell them: When someone sins, the Holy One, blessed be He, inscribes death for him. [And if] he repents, the record is canceled. [But if] he does not repent, it is inscribed in the record of truth.’” Here also one text says (in Numb. 6:26), “The Lord lift up His face unto you”; while another text says (in Deut. 10:17), “who does not lift up His face.” If He lifts it up, why does He not lift it up? It is simply that for the idolaters, [He is one] “who does not lift up His face,” but for Israel, “The Lord lift up His face unto you.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Just as Israel [favors] me, so do I [favor] them. And how do they [favor] Me? [When] someone poor from Israel has four children, he takes one loaf. They sit down and eat all that loaf, but they are not satisfied from what there is in it, [yet] they recite a blessing. Yet the verse [only] says (Deut. 8:10), ‘When you shall eat and be full, you shall bless.’ I shall also favor them, [as stated] (in Numb. 6:26), ‘The Lord lift up His face unto you.’” It is therefore stated (in Lev. 7:11), “This is the law of the sacrifice for peace offerings.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 7:12:) “If he offers it for a thanksgiving, and he shall sacrifice.” See how the Holy One, blessed be He, forgives the sins of Israel. See what did they offer to the Holy One, blessed be He? It is simply that the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Whoever has a bull, let him bring a bull; and whoever has a calf let him bring a calf. Whoever has a lamb, let him bring a lamb. Whoever has a dove, let him bring a dove. Whoever has not one of all these, let him bring fine flour; and whoever has neither flour nor anything at all, let him bring words.” Thus it is stated (in Hos. 14:3), “Take your words with you and return unto the Lord.” And do you say that it is accepted? Said the Holy One, blessed be He, (as in Hos. 12:3, cont.), “and we shall pay with our lips for the bulls.” Why? As there is no greater repentance in front of the Holy One, blessed be He, than confession. It is therefore stated (in Lev. 7:12), “If he offers it for a thanksgiving” (as the word for thanksgiving can also be understood as confession)." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 7:11:) “This is the law of the sacrifice for peace offerings.” You find that all of the [other] sacrifices that they would bring, they would bring for sins. In the case of the guilt offerings, they would sacrifice them for sins, as stated (in Ezra 10:19), “And they gave their word (literally, their hand) that they would put away their wives; and being guilty, [they gave] a ram of the flock for their guilt.” Now the sin offering [took place] for the unintentional sin, as stated (in Numb. 15:25), “and their sin offering before the Lord for their unintentional sin.” A burnt offering took place for a thought of the heart. Thus it is stated (in Job 1:5), “and rising early in the morning, he would offer burnt offerings, one for each of them, for Job said, ‘Perhaps my children have sinned and blasphemed God in their hearts.’” But when the thank offering took place, it took place on account of their gratitude. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “This is the dearest to Me of all the offerings.” David said (in Ps. 50:23), “Whoever sacrifices a thank offering honors Me (ykbdnni).” It does not say ykbdni but ykbdnni, [spelled with n] two times, [once] for this world and [once] for the world to come.20Lev. R. 9:2; Rashi on Sanh. 43b. R. Judah said, “Whoever answers amen in this world merits answering amen in the world to come. Where is it shown? (In Ps. 41:14), ‘Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting (literally: from the world and unto the world); amen and amen.’ What is the meaning of ‘amen and amen?’ Amen in this world and amen in the world to come.” Ergo (in Ps. 50:23), “Whoever sacrifices a thank offering honors Me.” R. Aqiva said, “Whoever speaks songs [of praise] in this world merits speaking songs [of praise] in the world to come, as stated (Exodus 15:1), ‘Then Moshe sang (literally, will sing).’ It does not say, ‘Then he sang,’ but rather, ‘Then he will sing.’ Ergo, whoever speaks songs [of praise] in this world merits speaking songs [of praise] in the world to come.” Therefore, it is stated, (in Ps. 50:23), “Whoever sacrifices a thank offering honors Me.” (Lev. 7:11:) “This is the law of the sacrifice for peace offerings.” Peace offerings are great because they make peace between Israel and their Father in heaven. Eleazar Haqappar says, “Peace is great, because even though Israel worships idols but [still] forms one fellowship (havurah), strict justice does not harm them.21Numb. R. 11:17; cf. Gen. R. 38:6 It is so stated (in Hos. 4:17), ‘Ephraim is associated (havur) with idols. Let him be.’” R. Levi says, “Peace is great, because there is no conclusion to the priestly blessing other than peace, as stated (in Numb. 6:26), ‘and grant you peace.’” R. Simeon ben Gamaliel said, “Peace is great, because the Holy One, blessed be He, has written things in the Torah that did not happen, which are there only because of peace.22yPe’ah 1:1 (16a); see Gen. R. 48:18; 100:8; Lev. R. 9:9; Deut. R. 5:5; Yev. 65b. They are the following: When Jacob had died (Gen. 50:15), ‘And Joseph's brothers saw that their father was dead, and they said, “Perhaps Joseph begrudges us.”’ What did they do?23Above, Exod. 1:2. They went to Bilhah and said to her, ‘Go in unto Joseph and say to him (in Gen. 50:16), “Before he died, your father gave a command saying, ‘So shall you say to Joseph, “Please forgive the transgression of your brothers.”’”’ Now Jacob never commanded any of these things at all; yet they said this thing on their own.” Rabban Simeon ben Gamaliel said, “See how much ink was spilled, how many pens24Gk.: kalamoi. were broken, how many skins were prepared, and how many children were whipped in order to learn something which did not happen which is in the Torah. See how great is the power of peace!” And so you find in the case of Sarah, when the ministering angels came to Abraham and said to him (in Gen. 18:14), ‘At the set time I will return unto you, at the time that life is due.’ At that time (according to Gen. 18:12), ‘Sarah laughed to herself, saying, “… and my husband is an old man.”’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Abraham (in vs. 13), ‘[But] why did Sarah laugh, saying, “Is it true that I also shall bear [a child] when I am old?”’25Thus for the sake of peace the Holy One hid from Abraham the fact that Sarah had called him an old man. Now why all this? For the sake of peace.” Also in the world to come, when the Holy One, blessed be He, returns the diaspora to Jerusalem, He shall return them in peace. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 122:6), “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, may those who love you have serenity.” And so it says (in Is. 66:12), “Behold, I will extend peace unto her like a river.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 8:1-2:) “Then the Lord spoke [unto Moses]…, ‘Take Aaron and his sons along with him, the vestments […].’” This text is related (to Ps. 65:5), “Fortunate is the one You choose and bring near, to dwell in Your courts.” Fortunate is the one whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen, even though He has not brought him near. And fortunate is the one whom He has brought near, even though He did not choose him. Now which was this one whom He chose? This was Abraham. It is so stated (in Neh. 9:7), “You are the Lord, the God who chose Abram….” However He did not bring him near. Instead he brought himself near. In the case of Jacob, the Holy One, blessed be He, chose him, as stated (in Is. 41:8), “Jacob, whom I have chosen.” It also says (in Ps. 135:4), “For the Lord has chosen Jacob for Himself.” But He did not bring him near. Instead he brought himself near. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 25:27), “but Jacob was a perfect man dwelling in tents.” Moses He chose but did not bring near, as stated (in Ps. 106:23), “[…] had not Moses His chosen one stood in the breach.” David He chose but did not bring near, as stated (in Ps. 78:70), “He chose David, His servant.” [But] he brought himself near, as stated (in Ps. 119:63), “I am a companion to all who fear You.” Fortunate are those whom the Holy One, blessed be He, chose, even though He did not bring them near. Come and see [concerning] Jethro. The Holy One, blessed be He, brought him near, but He did not choose him. In the case of Rahab the Harlot, He brought her near but did not choose her. Aaron was doubly fortunate because the Holy One, blessed be He, chose him and brought him near. Where is it shown that He chose him? Where it is stated (in I Sam. 2:28), “And I chose him from all the tribes of Israel to be My priest.” And where is it shown that He brought him near? Where it is stated (in Exod. 28:1), “And you shall bring near unto yourself your brother Aaron.” Therefore, David praised him (in Ps. 65:5), “Fortunate is the one You choose and bring near, to dwell in Your courts.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 8:2) “Take Aaron and his sons.” It is written (in Prov. 3:35), “The wise shall inherit glory, but fools take up shame.” This verse functioned from the beginning of the world until now. “The wise shall inherit glory.” This refers to Noah and his children. “But fools take up shame.” This refers to the generation of the flood. “The wise shall inherit glory. This refers to Shem of whom it is stated (in Gen. 9:26), “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem.” “But fools take up shame.” This refers to Ham of whom it is stated (in Gen. 9:25), “And he said, ‘Cursed be Canaan (the son of Ham).’” “The wise shall inherit glory.” This refers to Abraham. “But fools take up shame.” This refers to the kings whom he smote (in Gen. 14:15). “The wise shall inherit glory.” This refers to Isaac. “But fools take up shame.” These are the people of Gerar. “The wise shall inherit glory.” This refers to Jacob. “But fools take up shame.” This refers to Esau. “The wise shall inherit glory.” This refers to Joshua. “But fools take up shame.” These are the thirty-one kings whom he smote (according to Josh. 12:24). “The wise shall inherit glory.” This refers to David. “But fools take up shame.” This refers to Goliath. “The wise shall inherit glory.” This refers to Eli. “But fools take up shame.” These are his sons, of whom it is stated (in I Sam. 2:12), “Now Eli's sons were scoundrels.” “The wise shall inherit glory.” These are the sons of Aaron of whom it is stated (in Lev. 8:2), “Take Aaron and his sons….” Why is “take” mentioned here? The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “I am indebted in taking. Hence you are to arise and magnify him through taking.” And when did Aaron take (such that God was indebted to him for it)? When (in Numb. 17:11) wrath had gone forth upon ‘those who hate Israel’ (a euphemism for Israel), Moses said to him, “Why are you standing [here]? (At the beginning of the verse), ‘Take the fire pan, and put fire [from the altar] on it.’” Aaron said to him, “My Lord Moses, do you wish to kill me? Because my sons offered profane26Hedyotut, from the Gk.: idioteia, i.e., “uncouthness.” fire to the Holy One, blessed be He, they were [destroyed by fire], as stated (in Lev. 10:1-2), ‘[Now Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu each took his fire pan…;] and they offered alien fire before the Lord…. So fire came forth from before the Lord and consumed them.’ Now you are saying, ‘Take the fire pan!’ My sons brought in strange fire and were destroyed by fire. So should I bring forth holy fire outside? Would I not die or be destroyed by fire?” Moses said to him, “Go and act quickly; for as you are talking, they are dying. Rather (according to Numb. 17:11, cont.), ‘Take it quickly unto the congregation and make atonement for them.’” When Aaron heard that, he said, “If I die for Israel, I would not be adequate (for such a great honor).” Immediately (in Numb. 17:12) “Aaron took it as Moses had said.” Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses (in Lev. 8:2) “’Take Aaron.’ Magnify him through taking. Just as Aaron [is going to] save My children by taking, so you are to magnify him through taking.” Ergo (in Lev. 8:2:) “Take Aaron.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 8:2:) “Take Aaron and his sons.” This text is related (to Prov. 20:7), “The one who walks in his integrity is righteous; blessed are his children after him.” This refers to Aaron and his children. If this interpretation is so,27Reading KN for MN, as suggested in Midrash Tanhuma (Jerusalem: Eshkol, n.d.), p. 500, n. 3. The Buber text is more awkward, but means essentially the same: “If [this interpretation results] from this saying.” Moses also was righteous, but his children were not like him. And Eli also was righteous, but his children were not like him. And Samuel [was] righteous, but his children were not like him, as stated (I Sam. 8:3), “But his sons did not walk in his ways.” So why do you say [of Aaron] (in Prov. 20:7), “The one who walks in his integrity is righteous; blessed are his children after him?” Because during his lifetime he saw his sons after him serving in the high priesthood. Therefore (in Lev. 8:2) “Take Aaron and his sons.” Another interpretation (of Lev. 8:2) “Take Aaron and his sons.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (i.e., to Moses), “Entice him with words, because he is fleeing from [the priestly] office.” Take can only be a word [implying] persuasion, for so did Nebuchadnezzar28The Masoretic Text throughout Jer. 39 reads “Nebuchadrezzar.” say to Nebuzaradan (concerning Jeremiah in Jer. 39:12), “Take him and look after him.”29Since Jeremiah was being taken for his own good, he would not have been taken by force but by persuasion. So also it (i.e., Scripture) speaks of our mother Sarah (in Gen. 12:15), “and the woman was taken to Pharaoh's house,” as she did not seek to go. So also with Dinah, [it states] (Genesis 34:2), “and he took her and lay with her,” as she did not seek to go. And also (here in Lev. 8:2), “Take Aaron” is language [implying] persuasion because he was fleeing from office." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 8:3:) “And assemble the whole congregation.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Pay him honor in front of all Israel, in order that they may see him today when he enters the high priesthood. [In addition,] you are to warn them not to rebel against the priesthood like Korah and his crowd (in Numb. 16:1-35). For I know that Uzziah is going to arise and rebel against the priesthood (in II Chron. 26:16-21).” Thus it is stated (in Numb. 17:5), “It was to be a reminder to the Children of Israel that no outsider [who was not of Aaron's seed] should draw near [to offer incense before the Lord].” He (i.e., Uzziah) was not of Levi's seed, as Korah was [of Levi's seed], and not of Aaron’s seed. Immediately (in II Chron. 26:19), “Uzziah, holding the censer and ready to burn incense, got angry; but as he got angry with the priests, leprosy broke out on his forehead.” [So Moshe] said to [God], “According to the judgement that You did to Korah You would do to him?” He said to him, “No, (Numb. 17:5, cont.), ‘let him not be like Korah and his crowd.’” He said to Him, “And how do You act toward him?” He said to him (ibid., cont.), “as the Lord spoke to him through Moses.” [So] he said to Him, “And what is that?” He (the Holy One, blessed be He,) said to him (Moses), “Just as I did to your hand (in Exod. 4:6), ‘and when he withdrew it, behold it was leprous, (as white) as snow’; so will I do to him.” Therefore (in Lev. 8:3), “And assemble the whole congregation”." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 8:3:) “And assemble the whole congregation.” He said to him, “Where?”30See Lev. R. 10:9; cf. Gen. R. 5:7. He said unto him, “Unto the door of the tent of meeting.” Moses our master said to him, “Master of the world, [there are] sixty myriads of adults and sixty myriads of young people. How will I have them stand at the opening of the tent of meeting? [The area is] only the size of a field requiring of two seah of seed; yet you are saying (in Lev. 8:3:), ‘And assemble the whole congregation?’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Are you surprised about this thing? Are the heavens not like a cataract on the eye? And [yet] I made them [to stretch] from one end of the world to the other, as stated (in Is. 40:22), “Who has stretched out the heavens like a curtain [and spread them out like a tent to dwell in].’ And also in the world to come I will do likewise for Zion. How will all those populations31Gk.: ochloi. from the first Adam until the dead rise [have room to] stand? Then they are going to say (in Is. 49:20), ‘The place is too crowded for me; make room for me to dwell.’ What shall I do for them? I shall enlarge it, as stated (in Is. 54:2), ‘Enlarge the site of your tabernacle.’” From where do you learn [so]? From Mount Sinai. When the Holy One, blessed be He, appeared upon it, it immediately expanded, as stated (in Ps. 68:18), “The chariots of God are myriads, thousands upon thousands; [the Lord is among them on Sinai].” R. Avdimi of Haifa said, “I have learned in my mishnah: When the Holy One, blessed be He, appeared on Mount Sinai to give the Torah, twenty-two thousand chariots came down with him.32PRK 12:22; PR 21:7; Exod. R. 29:2. R. Berekhyah the Priest said, “[It was] since the Holy One, blessed be He, foresaw that none would remain in their faith except the tribe of Levi. He therefore came down [with a number] corresponding to the camp of the Levites (according to Numb. 22:39).” R. Jannay said to him, “If so, it must be written about the tribe of Levi, ‘The chariots of God are myriads, thousands upon thousand.’ What is [then] the meaning of, ‘The chariots (rt.: rkb) of God are myriads?’ It is simply that twenty-two thousand chariots came down with the Holy One, blessed be He, with each and every chariot like the chariot which Ezekiel saw (Ezek. 1:19–21). And [yet] it (i.e., Mt. Sinai) contained them? Indeed the event was a miracle. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Become wider (rt.: rhb) and longer to receive My children, [who are] faithful children.” And so you find in the world to come, that the Holy One, blessed be He, will widen (rt.: rhb) Jerusalem, as stated (in Ezek. 41:7), “And it became wider (rt.: rhb) as it wound about higher (lm'lh),” until it was rising to the heavens.33See PRK 20:7. On the enlargement of Jerusalem in the age to come, cf. BB 75b. Now, “higher (m'lh)” can only mean heaven (shmym). Thus it is stated [(in Ps. 108:5), “For Your kindness is great, above (m'l) [heaven (shmym)”].34Note that the Mss. reading (in the braces) adds an extra H to the Masoretic Text. Thus the H appears at the end of M‘L to make M‘LH. When it (i.e., Jerusalem) reaches the heavens, it says (in Is. 49:20), “The place is too crowded for me.” Nevertheless, the Holy One, blessed be He, brings clouds and raises it up from the heavens to the firmament, [from the second (heaven) to the third, from the third to the fourth, from the fourth to the fifth, from the fifth to the sixth, and from the sixth to the seventh.] R. Eliezer ben Jacob said, “[The elevation of Jerusalem continues] until it reaches the throne of glory. But how are they (the Israelites) to ascend? By the time the higher one goes up, the lower one [needs to] eat and drink and sleep. So what does the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He will bring clouds and will have them fly, as stated (in Is. 60:8), ‘Who are these that fly like a cloud?’” Then each and every one of the righteous will have a canopy (huppah) for himself. Thus it is stated (in Is. 4:5), “for over [all] the glory there shall be a canopy (huppah).” When it reaches the throne of glory, the Holy One, blessed be He, shall say to them, “I and you shall walk through the world [together], as stated (in Lev. 26:12), “And I will walk among you.” The Holy One, blessed be He, will dwell in the middle and the righteous shall point to Him with their finger. It is so stated (in Is. 25:9), “In that day they shall say, ‘See, this is our God; we waited for Him, and He delivered us […].’” It also says (in Ps. 48:15), “For this is God, our God, for ever and ever; He will lead evermore.” Because the nations say (in Deut. 32:37), “And He will say, ‘Where are their gods’”; Israel shall therefore say in the future (in Ps. 48:15), “For this is God, our God, for ever and ever; He will lead evermore.”" + ] + ], + "Shmini": [ + [ + "(Lev. 9:1) “And it came to pass on the eighth day….” This text is related to [the verse] (in Eccl. 8:5), “Whoever observes a commandment shall not know anything evil.” Who is this?1Cf. Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 2:4. Aaron, of whom it is said (in Lev. 8:33, 35), “And you (i.e., you and your sons) shall not go out from the door of the tent of meeting for seven days […]. And you shall remain at the door of the tent of meeting day and night for seven days.” Moses said to them, “Observe mourning for seven days, before it comes to you.” (Lev. 8:35, cont.) “And you shall observe the charge of the Lord.” Moses said to them, “Observe the charge of the Lord, for so did the Holy One, blessed be He, observe seven days of mourning before He brought the flood.” Where is it shown that He mourned [before the flood]? Where it is stated (in Gen. 6:6), “Then the Lord regretted that He had made humanity on the earth, and He was grieving in his heart.” [The expression] “He was grieving” can only mean, He mourned. For so it says concerning David (in II Sam. 19:3), “And the victory [on that day] was turned into mourning for all the people because [on that day they heard it being said,] ‘The king was grieving over his son.’”2Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 2:4; Gen. R. 27:4. So also Ezra said to Israel when they were weeping, each one for his brother and each one for his child (in Neh. 8:10), “Go, eat choice foods and drink sweet drinks…. Do not be grieving, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” It is therefore stated (in Gen. 6:6), “and He was grieving in his heart.” At that time the Holy One, blessed be He, observed the seven days of mourning, before He brought the flood. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 7:10), “And it came to pass after seven days [that the waters of the flood came upon the earth].” And so Moses was saying to Aaron the priest and to his sons, “Just as the Holy One, blessed be He, mourned over His world before He brought the flood, so [you are to] observe the [required] mourning before it touches (i.e., harms) you.” So they observed [the mourning], but they did not know for what reason they were observing it. Why? (Eccl. 8:5:) “Whoever observes a commandment shall not know anything evil.” (Eccl. 8:5, cont.:) “And a wise heart shall know [there is] a time of judgment.” This is Moses, to whom the Holy One, blessed be He, had already said (in Exod. 29:43), “And there I will meet with the Children of Israel, and there shall be sanctification3This translation leaves in doubt who or what is sanctified. A more traditional translation would read, “It (i.e., the door of the Tabernacle) shall be sanctified.” through My glory.” [In other words,] I (the Holy One, blessed be He,) will be sanctified there through My glory. Now Moses ministered during the seven days of priestly ordination, but he was afraid, saying, “Perhaps divine judgment will strike him (i.e., Aaron).” Thus it is stated (ibid.), “and there shall be sanctification through My glory.” Still he did not act, but said to Aaron, “Observe seven days of mourning.” [Aaron] said to him, “Why?” [Moses] said to him, “For so the Holy One, blessed be He, has told me – (in Lev. 8:35) “for so I have been commanded.” When they had observed the seven days of mourning and [when] the eighth day had come, Nadab and Abihu went in to make an offering (rt.: qrb). Divine judgment struck them, and they were destroyed by fire. It is so stated (in Lev. 10:2), “So fire came forth from before the Lord and consumed them, so that they died before the Lord.” Moses came and said to Aaron (in Lev. 10:3), “This is what the Lord spoke, ‘Through those who are near (rt.: qrb) to Me, I will be sanctified.” Where did he speak? In the Sinai Desert. (Exod. 29:43), “And there I will meet with the Children of Israel, and there shall be sanctification through My glory.” And so did Moses say to Aaron, “The time that He said to me, ‘Through those who are near to Me, I will be sanctified,’ I thought that He would strike me or you. But now I know that they are greater than I and than you.” (Lev 9:3:) “And Aaron was silent” – the thing was consolation for him. Ergo (Eccl. 8:5), “Whoever observes a commandment shall not know anything evil.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 9:1) “And it came to pass on the eighth day….” This text is related (to Ps. 75:5), “I say to the merrymakers, ‘Do not make merry….’” What is the meaning of [the words], “I say to the merrymakers (rt.: hll), ‘do not make merry (rt.: hll)?’”4This root can also mean “act with abandon” and is to be taken in that sense here. For another interpretation of the word, see Lev. R. 20:2. [The verse refers] to whoever sings in a mahanaim dance (mahol),5As in Cant. 7:1 [6:13]. In comparing these two words, the midrash assumes that both words come from the root HLL and ignores the fact that in the first case the H is a he while in the second case the H is a het. and so it says (in Jud. 21:21), “to dance (lehol) in the dances.” [Because no happiness endures for a mortal] (Ps. 75:5), “I say to the merrymakers, ‘Do not make merry (rt.: hll).’” Why? The one who is happy today shall not be happy tomorrow; and the one who is depressed today shall not be depressed tomorrow. And so it says (in Eccl. 2:2), “Of laughter I said, ‘It is mad (rt.: hll)….’”6Cf. PRK 26:2–3. Are you willing to understand? As behold, even the happiness of the Holy One, blessed be He, did not endure. When? When the Holy One, blessed be He, created His world. He was very happy, as stated (in Ps. 104:31), “the Lord shall be happy in His works.” It also says (in Gen. 1:31), “Then God saw everything which He had made; and behold, it was very good.” [These verses are] to teach you that the Holy One, blessed be He, found pleasure in and took pride in His works. Then He gave the first Adam an easy commandment, but he did not fulfill it. Immediately He rendered him a verdict7Gk.: apophasis. [of death], as stated (in Gen. 3:19), “for dust you are, and unto dust you shall return.” So He, as it were, did not remain in His happiness but said, “I created everything only for the human, and now he dies. What pleasure is there for Me? [Now surely if the Holy One, blessed be He,] did not remain [happy], how much the less shall people [remain happy! It is therefore stated (in Ps. 75:5), “I say to the merrymakers, ‘do not make merry.’”] How happy Abraham was! He was blessed in the world, magnified, slew some kings and handed over heaven and earth to the Holy One, blessed be He. Also when the Holy One, blessed be He, gave him a son at age one hundred, he circumcised him and reared him. Then finally he was told (in Gen. 22:2), “Please take your son, your only son…, [and go unto the land of Moriah,] and offer him there as a burnt offering.” So he made a three-day journey, as stated (in Gen. 22:4), “On the third day….” When he returned from Mount Moriah, he buried Sarah. He did not find a place to bury her until he bought one for four hundred silver shekels. Then after that, old age came upon him. Now surely if such was the case with Abraham the righteous, how much the more is it the case with the wicked! Isaac did not remain in his happiness: He escaped from the sword and from the men of Gerar. And [God] informed them about who he was, so that they came to him. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 26:26, 28), “Then Abimelech came unto him from Gerar […. And they said, ‘We have clearly seen that the Lord is with you.’]” But he did not remain in his happiness. Rather (according to Gen. 27:1), “Now it came to pass, that when Isaac was old and his eyes were too weak to see.” So just as [this loss of happiness] happened in the case of Isaac the burnt offering of the Holy One, blessed be He, (according to Gen. 22:2), how much the more does it happen in the case of the wicked! Jacob was the first-born of the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in Exod. 4:22), “Israel is My first-born son.” How happy he was! He saw a ladder, and (according to Gen. 28:12-13) “the angels of god were ascending and descending [….] And behold, the Lord stood upon it and said, I am the Lord….” Then he went to Laban, fled from Esau, became Laban's servant for twenty years and in the end became wealthy, sired children and returned in peace. He also met Esau and was saved from him, and paid his vow. But in the end he did not remain in his happiness. Instead (according to Gen. 34:1), “Now Dinah [the daughter whom Leah had borne to Jacob] went out…,” and was raped]. There also came upon him the trouble over Joseph. Now surely if Jacob the righteous – one to whom the Holy One, blessed be He, had said, “In whom I will be glorified,” as stated (in Is. 49:3), “Israel, in whom I will be glorified” – did not remain in his happiness, how much the less will the wicked [so remain! It is therefore stated (in Ps. 75:5), “I say to the merrymakers, ‘Do not make merry.’”] How happy Joshua was! He slew thirty-one kings, gave Israel the land to possess, and distributed it. In addition all Israel gave him a [helping] hand and said (in Josh. 1:18), “Anyone who disobeys your command… [shall be put to death.” Such an honor was] something of which [even] Moses our master did not merit. Still he (i.e., Joshua) did not remain in his happiness, but rather died childless. It is therefore stated (in Ps. 75:5), “I say to the merrymakers, ‘Do not make merry.’” How happy Eli was, when he was king, chief justice, and high priest! It is so stated (in I Sam. 1:9), “now Eli [the priest] was sitting on the throne by the doorpost of the Temple of the Lord.” “Now Eli the priest was sitting on the throne,” because he was king. [He was] “by the doorpost of the Temple of the Lord,” because he was chief justice. Still he did not remain in his happiness. Instead (according to I Sam. 4:18), “And it came to pass that when he (i.e., a messenger) mentioned the ark of God, he (i.e., Eli) fell backward from off the throne….” Moreover, his two sons, Hophni and Phinehas died. So just as this [shift in fortune] happened with Eli the righteous, how much the more [does it happen with] the wicked! You find neither man nor woman who saw joys like Elisheba bat Amminadab, [the wife of Aaron, as stated (in Exod. 6:23), “And Aaron took for a wife Elisheba bat Amminadab”].8PRK 26:2; Zev. 102a; Tanh. (Buber), Lev. 6:2. She saw her husband become high priest serving in the high priesthood and [as a] prophet. In addition, Moses, her husband's brother, was king and prophet. Moreover, her sons were deputies [to the high priest] in the priesthood, and her brother Nahshon was head of all of the princes of Israel.9According to Numb. 10:13, Nahshon was in command of the troops of Judah, and the troops of Judah headed those of the other tribes. See also Numb. 2:3; I Chron. 2:10. Still she did not remain in her happiness. Rather, when two of her sons went in to offer a sacrifice, (according to Lev. 10:2,) “Fire came forth from before the Lord and consumed them, so that they died before the Lord.” It is therefore stated (in Ps. 75:5), “I say to the merrymakers, ‘Do not make merry.’” And so Solomon said (in Eccl. 2:2), “Of laughter I said, ‘It is mad.’” There is a story about one of the great Babylonian [scholars], who married off his son,10PRK 26:2; Lev. R. 20:2. and made a great banquet for the sages. He said to his son, “Go up and bring us a jar of such and such a wine from the attic.” He went up to the attic. [There] a snake [from] among the jars bit him, and he died. His father remained with those who were reclining [at his table]. So he delayed and did not come. [Finally,] his father said, “Let me go up and see what my son is doing.” His father went up [and] found him cast down dead among the jars. What did that saint do? He waited by himself until the guests had eaten and drunk sufficiently. When they had finished, he said, “You came to say a bridegrooms' blessing over my son. [But instead] say a mourners' blessing over him. You came to bring my son to the wedding canopy. [Instead] bring him to [his] grave.” They said about R. Zakkay of Kabul and they opened about him (in the words of Eccl. 2:2), “Of laughter I said, ‘It is mad; and what does joy do?’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 9:1:) “And it came to pass on the eighth day.” This text is related (to Ps. 92:13), “The righteous one shall flourish (rt.: prh) like the palm….” This is Aaron, of whom it is stated (in Numb. 17:23), “[and there] the staff of Aaron of the House of Levi had sprouted (rt.: prh).” In the case of all the [other] trees, one plants them and they grow up by themselves (as single trees); but in the case of the palm, one plants it and it sends up sprouts on all sides. So it was in the case of Aaron. He planted and sprouts came up. These were Aaron's sons (i.e., according to I Chron. 6:35-36), “his son Eleazar, his son Phinehas, his son Abishua, [his son Bukki…].” (Ps. 92:13), “The righteous one shall flourish (rt.: prh) like the palm.” Where did he plant [them]? (Ps. 92:14), “[They are] planted in the house of the Lord.” (Lev. 8:33), “And you shall not go out from the door of the tent of meeting [for seven days].” It is therefore stated (in Lev. 9:1), “And it came to pass on the eighth day.” (Lev. 9:1), “And it came to pass on the eighth day Moses called [Aaron and his sons]….” Our masters have said: All seven days when Moses was at the thornbush, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Go on My mission”; but he was saying (in Exod. 4:13), “Please make someone else Your agent.” So was it the first and second day. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “I say to you, ‘Go,’ and you say to Me, ‘Please make someone else Your agent?’ By your life, I am paying you back. Someday soon when that tabernacle is being made, you will be thinking privately that you should serve in the high priesthood; but I am telling you, ‘Call Aaron to serve.’” It is therefore stated (in Lev. 9:1), “Moses called Aaron and his sons.” There is a calling which is for abundance [and there is] a calling for famine. Where is it shown [that there is a calling] for abundance? Where it is stated (in Ezek. 36:29), “I will call for the grain and increase it.” And where is it shown [that there is a calling] for famine? [Where it is stated (in II Kings 8:1),] “for the Lord has called for a famine… [for seven years].” There is a calling for greatness, as stated (in Lev. 9:1), “Moses called [Aaron].” Moses said to him, “The Holy One, blessed be He, has told me to ordain you as high priest.” Aaron said to him, “You have labored on the tabernacle; so shall I be made high priest?” He said to him, “By your life, even though you are being made high priest, it is as if I were being made [high priest];11See above, Exod. 1:24. for just as you were glad for me in my greatness, so I am glad for you in your greatness.” Now when was he glad for him? When the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Exod. 3:10), “So come now, I will send you unto Pharaoh.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Go, keep this commandment.” Moses said to Him (in Exod. 4:10, 13), “Pray (bi) – Lord, You are doing me wrong. My brother is older than I; yet I am going ahead of him.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “[By your life], you have spoken rightly; nevertheless (according to Exod. 4:14), when he sees you, he will be glad in his heart.” R. Simeon ben Yohay said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘That heart which is glad for his brother's greatness shall have those precious stones (of Exod. 28:17-21) laid upon it.’” Therefore, all those seven days that Moses was busy in the tabernacle, he was sprinkling the blood and performing the sacrificial burning of the choice pieces. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “What do you think? That you are high priest? Call your brother so that he may serve as high priest.” Ergo (in Lev. 9:1), “And it came to pass on the eighth day Moses called [Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel].” Why the elders of Israel? In order to promote him in the presence of the elders. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Call the elders and ordain him in their presence, lest they say that he became high priest on his own." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 9:2:) “Then he said unto Aaron, ‘Take a calf [of the herd for a sin offering].’” Why was it not told him [to take] a bull instead of a calf? He said to him, “Because through the calf (of Exod. 32) the priesthood was shaken in your hand, through a calf it is being established in your hand.” And not only that, but lest Israel say there are sins [clinging] to them from the deed of the calf, for that reason He said they should offer a calf [for a sin offering]. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 9:3), “And you shall speak unto the Children of Israel, saying, ‘Take a male goat for a sin offering and a calf….’” [These things were said] so that they would know that they had been forgiven for the deed of the calf. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “In this world, they have been forgiven through offerings, but in the world to come I will wipe away their sins without an offering.” It is so stated (in Is. 43:25), “I, even I, will pardon12Mohel; cf. the Masoretic Text which reads moheh (“wipe away”). your transgressions for My own sake and will not remember your sins.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 10:8-9:) “And the Lord spoke unto Aaron, [saying], ‘Drink no wine or intoxicating liquor.’” Why did He give a commandment concerning wine?13Lev. R. 12:1; cf. Numb. R. 10:2; M. Prov. 23. Because anyone who drinks wine will have boils, sores, shame, and reproach come upon him. So the holy spirit cries out (in Prov. 23:29-35), “Who has woe; who has sorrow; who has contentions; who has talk; who has unexplained sores; who has redness of eyes? Those who tarry over wine [….] Do not stare at wine when it is red, [when it gives its color to the cup….] In the end it will bite like a snake; [….] Your eyes will see strange things; [….] You will be like one who lies down in the midst of the sea, [….] They struck me, but I felt no hurt.” (Vs. 29) “Who has woe; who has sorrow” [means,] about whom do they say, “Woe?”; “who has contentions,” [means,] about whom do they say [that he is a master of] quarrels. [(ibid., cont.) “Who has talk, means,] and about whom do they talk? (ibid., cont.) “Who has unexplained sores,” [means,] whom [do they say] has boils on his face? [(ibid., cont.) “Who has redness of eyes ('ayin),” [means,] and about whom do they say that his eyes ('ayin) are bleary and red from wine? About whom do they say all these evils? (Vs. 30) “Those who tarry over wine.” (Vs. 31) “Do not stare at wine when it is red.” Its end is blood. It is fine on the outside and bad on the inside; so never say that it is beautiful on the inside, just as [it appears] on the outside. (According to ibid., cont.,) “When it gives its color ('ayin) to the cup (kos).” [This is the oral text (the qere).] The written text (ketiv) [says] “to the purse (kis).” The drunkard sets his eye on the cup, but the shopkeeper [sets his eye] on the purse. “When it gives its color to the cup.” When one sees his comrade drinking, he says, “Pour one for me to drink.” Then he drinks and defiles himself in dung and urine. (Ibid., cont.) “He/it14In the Biblical context it is the wine that goes down smoothly. goes down smoothly.” He ends in selling all the objects in his house and all his useful implements. Thus he [is left with] no clothes and no useful implements for the house, so that [he is left] with nothing and the house is empty from [having] everything. “He/it goes down smoothly.” In the end he declares transgressions permissible and makes them something accessible [to all] like a commons. He converses with a woman in the market place where he talks obscenely and says evil things in a drunken state without being ashamed, because he is confused and knows neither what he is saying nor what he is doing. (Prov. 23:32) “In the end it will bite like a snake.” When the snake bites a person, he does not feel it for a time; but after he goes home, [the poison in] the wound permeates him. “In the end it will bite like a snake,” most certainly like a snake. Just as in the case of the snake, [the Holy One, blessed be He,] cursed the land on account of it, as stated (in Gen. 3:17), “cursed is the land because of you”; so in the case of wine, Canaan, who was a third of the world was cursed on account of it, as stated (in Gen. 9:24-25), “Then Noah awoke from his wine…, [And he said, ‘Cursed be Canaan].’”15As Enoch Zundel explains in his commentary on Tanh., Lev. 3:5, Canaan’s curse comes through his father Ham, upon whom the curse actually fell. Since Ham represented a third of Noah’s sons, a third of the world came from him. So also Numb. R. 10:2. Ergo (in Prov. 23:32), “In the end it will bite like a snake….” (Vs. 33) “Your eyes will see strange things.” See what wine causes one who drinks it! “Your eyes will see strange things” [is a reference to], (Ps. 81:10) “There shall not be a strange god with you.” It causes him to serve idols. So it says (in Is. 28:7), “These also reel with wine and stagger with strong drink.” What is the meaning of these? [These of] which it is spoken (in Exod. 32:4), “These are your gods, O Israel.” Thus it is stated (in Exod. 32:6), “and the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to engage in amorous sport.” [It was] because of wine that they said (in Exod. 32:4), “These are your gods, O Israel.” Therefore (in Prov. 23:33), “and your heart will speak deceitful things.” Thus it causes four things: idolatry, uncovering of nakedness, shedding of blood, and evil speech. See how strong wine is! So it is written (in Hab. 2:5), “And moreover, wine betrays an arrogant man.” It is also written (in Prov. 21:24), “An insolent and arrogant one, scorner is his name.” Now “insolent” must mean idolatry. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 119:21), “You rebuke the cursed insolent ones.” Moreover, “insolent ones” must [also] refer to the uncovering of nakedness. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 86:14), “O God, insolent ones have risen up over against me…”; and it says (in Ps. 19:14), “Also keep your servant from insolent ones.” Moreover, when one drinks and transgresses, he sees the whole world as a ship. It is so stated (in Prov. 23:34), “You will be like one who lies down in the midst of the sea.” When he lies down they smite him, but he does not feel it. Thus it is stated (in vs. 35), “They struck me, but I felt no hurt; they beat me, but I did not know it.” So when he is unknowing and unashamed, he uncovers himself. Then afterwards he returns and seeks it (i.e., wine). [Thus it is stated (ibid.),] “when I wake up, I seek it yet again.” See how evil is the end of those who drink wine. [Isaiah said (in Is. 5:11),] “Woe to those who rise early in the morning to pursue strong drink; who remain behind in the evening for wine to inflame them.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Inasmuch as wine causes such [evils], it is right for Me to command the priests not to drink wine when they minister before Me. Ergo (in Lev. 10:9:), “Drink no wine or intoxicating liquor.” Solomon said (in Prov. 23:20), “Do not be among those who imbibe wine.” Do not cause yourself to drink [wine (yyn), which implies] seventy. Then you would face seventy [judges of the Sanhedrin] and fall into the hands of death. Y (= 10) plus y (= 10), for a subtotal of 20, plus n (= 50) results in seventy.16Cf. Sanh. 38a. So you would face seventy [members of] the Sanhedrin17Gk.: Synedrion. and cause your own death. See what is written (in Deut. 21:18-19), “If one has a defiant and rebellious son…, his father and mother shall take hold of him [and bring him out unto the elders of his town]….” Then the sentence shall be passed over him; and (in vs. 21) “[All the people of his own town] shall stone him [to death] with stones.” Why? Because he is (according to vs. 20) “a glutton and a drunkard.” So Solomon has said (in Prov. 23:20), “Do not be among those who imbibe wine, who gorge themselves on meat,”18See also Prov. 23:22, which adds an admonition to obey parents. lest you bring stoning upon yourself, the most weighty of the executions.
R. Judah bar Shallum the Levite said, “In the Hebrew language the name [for wine] is yyn, and in the Aramaic language its name is hmr. By gematria19Gk.: geometria or grammateis. Gematria is an exegetical method in which an interpretation is reached from the sum of the numerical value of the letters in a word. hmr becomes two hundred and forty-eight, corresponding to the [number of] parts in a human being. The wine enters into each and every limb, so that the body becomes weakened and knowledge becomes confounded. When wine enters, knowledge departs.” And so Eleazar Haqappar has taught, “Wine (yyn), with a numerical value of seventy enters; and secrets (swd), with a numerical value of seventy,20S (= 60), W (= 6), and D (= 4) add up to 70. depart.”21Cf. Sanh. 38a, which attributes the teaching to R. Hiyya. Therefore, the high priest was commanded not to drink wine during the time of the service, lest it confound his knowledge; for he preserves the Torah (and preserves the service) and the knowledge. Thus it is stated (in Mal. 2:6), “The true Torah was in his mouth, and no injustice was found on his lips.” It also says (in vs. 7), “For the lips of a priest preserve knowledge.” Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded Aaron (in Lev. 10:9), “Drink no wine or intoxicating liquor, you and your children as well.” And do [not] think that I may have commanded you [only] for the past in the beginning, at a time when the Temple was standing and you were ministering in it, since it is stated (ibid., cont.), “when you come unto the tent of witness….” [Rather,] you shall also keep yourselves from wine forever, as stated (ibid., cont.), “it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations.” Therefore, keep yourselves from wine, because wine is a sign22Gk.: semeion. of a curse. In the case of Noah, what is written about him? (In Gen. 9:21), “Then he drank of the wine and became drunk.” Cham entered and saw his nakedness. What did [Noah] say to him? He cursed his son (in vs. 25), “And he said, ‘Cursed be Canaan.’” Therefore (in Lev. 10:9), “Drink no wine or intoxicating liquor.” And so you find that the ten tribes went into exile only from wine.23Cf. Lev. 5:3; Numb. 10:3. See what [scripture] says (in Amos 6:1), “Woe to those who are at ease in Zion,” because they were dwelling at ease in pleasure palaces. (Ibid., cont.) “and who have confidence in the mountain of Samaria,” because they were dwelling confidently in [Sebaste].24The city built by Herod on the site of old Samaria. (Ibid., cont.:) “The notables of the leading nation, the ones to whom the House of Israel comes.” In what sense? The peoples of the world would sit and talk. They would say, “Who is the mightiest in Israel?” And they would answer, “Samson.” Then again they would say, “Who is the mightiest among the gentiles?” And they would answer, “Goliath,” about whom it is written (in I Sam. 17:4), “his height was six cubits and a span.” Ergo (in Amos 6:1), “The notables of the leading nation, the ones to whom the House of Israel comes.” Then again they would say, “Who is the wealthiest among the peoples of the world?” And they would answer, “Hadrian.” Then, “Who is the wealthiest in Israel?” And they would answer, “Solomon.” And these would agree with those that Solomon was the wealthiest, as stated (in I Kings 10:27), “And the king made silver [in Jerusalem as plentiful as stones].” Come and see, each and every tribe had its own May festival.25Gk. Maioumas. When one wanted to go to his May festival, he would take his herd with him, so that he would eat fatlings from his flock. It is so stated (in Amos 6:4, 6), “and they would eat lambs from the flock…. Those who drink [straight] from the wine bowls….” What is their end? (Amos 6:7) “Therefore they shall now go at the head of the exiles.” Why? Because they had a passion for wine. For this reason he warns Aaron (in Lev. 10:9), “Drink no wine or intoxicating liquor.” Blessed is the one who does not have a passion for wine, for you find such to be the case with the children of Jonadab ben Rechab, in that their ancestor had commanded them, “Do not drink wine, you and your children forever” (Jer. 35:6). But what was his reason for saying, “Do not drink wine, you and your children?” It is simply that he had heard Jeremiah prophesying that the Temple would be destroyed. He said to them, “From now on, (Jer. 35:6-7), ‘Do not drink wine… You shall not build a house, sow seed, plant a vineyard, [or own such things]; but you shall dwell in tents all your days.” Now they had mourned and observed the commandments of their ancestor; but when Jeremiah was prophesying to Israel [and] telling them to repent, they were not doing so. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Jeremiah, “You are telling them to repent, and they are not doing so. Now in the case of the children of Jonadab ben Rechab, when their ancestor gave them a simple commandment, they observed it; but when I tell Israel to repent, they do not observe [My commandment].” It is so stated (in Jer. 35:14), “The words of Jonadab ben Rechab have been upheld. He commanded his children not to drink wine, and to this day they have not drunk it…. But I spoke to you from early morning to late evening, [and you did not hearken unto me].” What is written there? The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Jeremiah, “Say to them, ‘By your life, whereas you have heeded this commandment, your lineage shall never disappear from before Me, even as it is written (in vs. 19), “Therefore, thus says the Lord [of hosts, the God of Israel], ‘Someone belonging to Jonadab ben Rechab shall not (ever) be cut off [from standing] before Me for ever.’”’” He therefore enlightens them concerning wine (in Lev. 10:9), “Drink no wine or intoxicating liquor.” Isaiah said (in is. 24:11), “There is a cry over wine in the streets; all gladness is obscured.” What is the meaning of “all gladness is obscured (rt.: 'rb)?”26Above, Exod. 11:8. [That ] all gladness has become dark, just as you say (in Gen. 1:5),27Also Gen. 1:8, 13, 19, 23, 31. “and there was evening ('rb).” (Is. 24:11, cont.:) “The joy of the earth has [departed], because Zion has come to an end.” Thus it is written (in Ps. 48:3), “Beauteous landscape, joy of the whole earth, [even Mount Zion].” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “In this world wine is a sign of a curse, but in the world to come I will make it into fresh grape juice. Thus it is stated (in Joel 4:18), “And it shall come to pass on that day the mountains shall flow with fresh grape juice….”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 11:1-2:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying […], ‘Speak unto the Children of Israel, saying, “These are the creatures that you may eat….”’” It is stated (in Hab. 3:6), “He arose and measured the earth; He looked and made nations tremble.” What is the meaning of “He arose and measured the earth?”28Tanh., Deut. 11:3. It is simply that, when the Holy One, blessed be He, wanted to give the Torah to Israel, He arose and measured (mdd) the earth.29Cf. Mekhilta de Rabbi Ishmael, Bahodesh 1, 5; Lev. R. 8:2. Then he gave the Torah in public30Gk.: parresia. in the desert.31The sense here is that the Holy One gave the Torah openly on neutral ground, not secretly in Israel. Therefore (in Hab. 3:6), “He arose and measured the earth,” because He wanted to return the world to the measurements of His waters, when the nations did not want to accept the Torah. If it had not been for Israel accepting it, the world would have returned to the measurements of His waters. [It is] just as you say (in Is. 40:12), “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand?” But when Israel accepted it, the earth was still, as stated (in Ps. 76:9), “the earth was afraid and was still.” So it is from there (i.e., from Sinai) that the gentiles received their judgement,32Gk.: apophasis. as stated (Hab. 3:6, cont.), “He looked and made nations tremble (rt.: ntr).” R. Tanhum ben Hanila'i said, “He permitted (hittir) what was forbidden, abhorrent creatures and creeping things.” The matter is comparable to a physician who went to visit two patients.33Lev. R. 13:2. He saw that one of them was in danger. He said to the children of his house, “Tell him to eat whatever he wants.” He saw the other, who was recovering. He said to the children of his house, “Such and such food he may eat; such and such food he may not eat.” They said to the physician, “What is [the difference] that you said to the one, ‘Let him eat whatever he wants,’ but said to the other one, ‘Such and such food he may eat; such and such food he may not eat?’” The physician said to them, “When I saw that the one was dying, I said, ‘Give him [any food] because he is going to die’; but let the other one watch himself, because there is life in him.” So also the Holy One, blessed be He, has permitted (hittir) abhorrent creatures and creeping things to the gentiles. But in the case of Israel, because they are [destined] for life, He has said to them (in Lev. 11:44), “and be holy, for I am holy”; (in Lev. 11:43) “You shall not make yourselves loathsome.” This you may eat and this you may not eat. Why? Because they are alive, as stated (in Deut. 4:4), “But you who clung to the Lord your God are all alive today.” Ergo (in Hab. 3:6), “He arose and measured the earth; He looked and permitted (rt.: ntr) gentiles,” [that which is forbidden]….34So R. Tanhum ben Hanila’i has reinterpreted the more traditional, AND MADE NATIONS TREMBLE. Three things Moshe found difficult [to comprehend], and the Holy One, blessed be He, showed him, etc." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 11:1-2) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses…, saying, ‘… these are the creatures that you may eat….’” Let our master instruct us: How many [types of] pure animals are there are in the world? Thus have our masters taught: There are ten beasts: “The deer, the gazelle, the roebuck, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope, the mountain sheep”; (Deut. 14:5) “the ox, the sheep and the goat” (Deut. 14:4). There are no more than these in the world. Said the Holy One, blessed be He, “Guard yourselves, not to defile yourselves with an impure beast and with an impure swarming creature.” So did David say (in II Sam. 22:31 = Ps. 18:31), “As for God, His way is perfect, the word of the Lord is pure (rt.: tsrp).” Thus, the commandments were given only to purify (rt.: tsrp) [mortals] through them. They said to him. “Rabbi, what does the Holy One, blessed be He, care whether one ritually slaughters cattle and eats [the meat] or whether one slaughters cattle by stabbing and eats it? Will some such thing benefit Him (i.e., the Holy One, blessed be He,) or harm Him?” Know that this ritual slaughter was given only to purify (rt.: tsrp) Israel. As in the future to come, the Holy One, blessed be He, will make a meal for the righteous from the behemoth and the leviathan, and there is no ritual slaughter there. Know that the leviathan is an unusual creature, and the angels fear him, as stated (in Job 41:17), “From his rising do the powers fear.” And if they throw many spears of iron upon him, he considers them like straw, as stated (in Job 41:19), “He considers iron like straw.” And also the behemoths of my fields are harsh, as it crouches on a thousand mountains as stated (in Psalms 50:10), “the behemoths on a thousand mountains.” And [so] how are they slaughtered? Rather, they come and fight, one with the other, as stated (in Job 41:8), “One approaches to the other.” The behemoths approach the leviathan and hold him by his horn and split him, and the leviathan’s death [that he inflicts] will be the opposite, as he smites him with his tail and kills him. [Then] the righteous ones go and all take portions. From here [we see] that ritual slaughter was given only to examine and to purify (rt.: tsrp) Israel." + ], + [ + "", + "Three things Moses found difficult and the Holy One, blessed be He, showed them to him with a finger and these are them: The making of the menorah, the moon, and creeping things.35Below, Numb. 3:4; Mekhilta, Pisha 2; Men. 29a; PRK 5:15; PR 15:21; Numb. R. 15:4; cf. Sifre to Numb. 8:4 (61); Exod. R. 15:28; Numb. R. 15:10; also below, Numb. 3:11, and the notes there. In the making of the menorah, how [was it]? When Moses ascended [Sinai], the Holy One, blessed be He, was showing him on the mountain how he would make the tabernacle. When He showed him the making of the menorah, Moses found it difficult.36Below, Numb. 3:4. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “See, I am making it before you.” What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He showed him white fire, red fire, black fire, and green fire. Then from them He made the menorah, its bowls, its knobs, its blossoms, and the six branches. Then He said to him (in Numb. 8:4), “This is the making of the menorah.” This teaches that the Holy One, blessed be He, showed him with a finger. But nevertheless, [Moses] found it difficult. What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He engraved it on the palm of Moses’ hand. He said to him, “Go down and make it just as I have engraved it on your hand.” Thus it is stated (in Exod. 25:40), “Observe and make them [by means of] their pattern.” Even so, he found it difficult and said (in Exod. 25:31), “with difficulty (mqshh)37While this meaning, so understood by the midrash, is possible, a more usual English translation would read, HAMMERED WORK, or something similar. will the menorah be made,” meaning to say, how difficult it was to make. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Cast the gold into the fire, and it will be made automatically.” So it is stated, “with difficulty will the menorah be made” [be made (a reflexive form, in the niph'al) is what is written, i.e.,] was made of its own accord. This teaches that Moshe had difficulty with the menorah, and the Holy One, blessed be He, showed it to him with a finger, as stated (in Numb. 8:4), “this.” In reference to the moon (yareah), where is it shown [that Moses had difficulty]? (Exod. 12:1-2) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses…, ‘This month (hodesh) for you.’”38Hodesh also means “new moon.” He said to him, “In the month of Nissan, you will see like this and like that and [you shall] sanctify [it].” This teaches that the Holy One, blessed be He, showed him with a finger. In reference to creeping things, where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Lev. 11:29), “Now this shall be unclean for you from among the swarming things which swarm on the earth.” The Holy One, blessed be He, caught each and every species, showed them to Moses, and said to him, “This you may eat, and this you may not eat.” [Thus it is stated (in Lev. 11:2, 4),] “This is the creature that you may eat …. However this you may not eat.” Moreover, do not be surprised over [this] thing, since it is a fact that the Holy One, blessed be He, showed all creatures to the first Adam, and he gave them names. And where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Gen. 2:19), “and all that man called the soul ….” After he had given names to all of them, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “And I, what is My name?” He said to him, “It is Y____.” Thus it is written (in Is. 42:8), “I am Y____; that is My name,”39Below, Numb. 6:12. this My name, which the first Adam gave Me. It is My name, which I have agreed upon [for use] between Me and My creatures. So if in the case of the first Adam, the Holy One, blessed be He, had the creatures pass before Him; in the case of Moses, when the Holy One, blessed be He, wanted to warn Israel about the unclean and about the clean, are you surprised that He showed him and said to him, “These you may eat, and these you may not eat?” Lest your [evil] drive lead you astray, saying that the Holy One, blessed be He, has forbidden Israel from having good things, the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Whatever I have forbidden you from having, I have permitted you to have [something] that corresponds to it.40Cf. Hul. 109b; Lev. R. 22:10. How is this? I have forbidden you menstrual blood; I have permitted you virginal blood. I have forbidden you [animal] blood; I have permitted you the liver, which is wholly blood. I have forbidden you the flesh of swine; I have permitted you the tongue of a fish with the name shibbuta, which resembles swine.41According to Jastrow, s.v., a shibbuta was probably a mullet. The Arukh (Plenus Aruch, ed. A. Kohut [Vienna: G. Broeg, 1878–92], s.v.) suggests that the fish here is a sturgeon. In any case shibbuta apparently had a pork taste. So Rashi on Hul. 109a. I have forbidden you [another] man's wife; I have permitted you a man’s divorcee. I have forbidden a gentile woman; I have permitted a beautiful woman [captive]. I have forbidden you a brother's wife; I have permitted her for you after his death, with no children, as stated (in Deut. 25:5), ‘her brother-in-law shall have sexual intercourse with her.’ I have forbidden you mingled seeds, but I have permitted you a sindon42The Greek word, sindon, designates a garment of fine Indian linen. with a woolen fringe.43See Jastrow, s.v., SDYN. I have forbidden you the fat of cattle, but I have permitted you the fat of game animals.” R. Bisna said in the name of R. Hiyya, “What the Holy One, blessed be He, forbade for cattle He permitted for game animals, and what He forbade for game animals He permitted for fowl, and what He forbade for fowl He permitted for fish. How? He forbade the fat in the case of cattle; He permitted it in the case of game animals. He forbade the thigh muscle in the case of game animals; He permitted it in the case of fowl. He forbade blood in the case of fowl; He permitted it in the case of fish. And why all this? In order to give Israel a good reward for observing the commandments.” Ergo, it states (II Sam. 22:31 = Ps. 18:31) “As for God, His way is perfect…”; for all the ways of the Holy One, blessed be He, are perfect.44Gen. R. 44:1; cf. Lev. R. 13:3. And likewise, what does the Holy One, blessed be He, care whether one ritually slaughters cattle and eats [the meat] or whether one slaughters cattle by stabbing and eats it? Will some such thing benefit Him (i.e., the Holy One, blessed be He,) or harm Him? Or what does He care whether one eats carcasses or eats what is clean? Solomon said [about this] (in Prov. 9:12), “If you are wise, you are wise for yourself; [and if you scoff, you will bear it alone].” Thus, the commandments were given only to purify (rt.: tsrp) [mortals] through them, as stated (in II Sam. 22:31 = Ps. 18:31, cont.), “the word of the Lord is pure (rt.: tsrp).” Why? So that He might be a shield over you, [as stated] (ibid., cont.), “He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him.” Ergo (in Lev. 11:2:), “These are the creatures [that you may eat].”", + "Job said (in Job 14:4), “Who can produce something clean out of something unclean, no one.” After the Holy One, blessed be He, permitted the cow and forbade the camel, who could declare clean or declare unclean? Who has done so? Is it not the One? Is it not the singular One of the world? Come and see: Originally at the creation of the world, everything was permitted, as stated (in Gen. 9:3), “as with the green grass, I have given you everything.” And it states (in Gen. 1:31), “And God saw everything that He had done, and behold, it was good.” Then after Israel stood by Mount Sinai, He increased Torah and commandments for them in order to give them a good reward. But if so, why did He not so command the first Adam? The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “When I ordained an easy commandment for him, he transgressed against it. How could he fulfill all these commandments? On the very day on which it was commanded, on that day he transgressed against it. He was unable to remain obedient to the command for a single hour. How did the Holy One, blessed be He, create Adam? R. Judah ben Pedayah said, “[Twelve hours make up the day.] In the first hour the first Adam arose in the thought of the Holy One, blessed be He, [with a view] to creation.45PRK 23:1; PR 46:2; M. Pss. 92:3; Lev. R. 29:1; cf. Sanh. 38b; ARN, A, 1; PRE 11. In the second He consulted with the ministering angels and said (in Gen. 1:26), ‘Let us make man in our image.’ In the third He gathered his dust. In the fourth He kneaded him. In the fifth He shaped him. In the sixth He stood him up as a golem. In the seventh He blew breath into him. In the eighth He brought him into the Garden of Eden. In the ninth He commanded him, ‘Eat of this, and do not eat of that.’ In the tenth [Adam] sinned. In the eleventh he was judged. In the twelfth he was expelled.” Thus you must conclude that he did not remain obedient to the commandment for even a single hour. R. Judah ben Pedayah said, “Would that someone remove the dust from your eyes, O first Adam, you who could not persevere in your temptation for even a single hour, while here your children are keeping all the commandments which were given to them and persevering in them!”46Gen. R. 21:7; cf. Lev. R. 25:2. One of them rises to plant, till, weed, prune, take pains to irrigate, and see the fruits of his plantings when they produce first fruits. Then he folds his hands and does not taste them, in order to fulfill what is stated (in Lev. 19:23), “three years it shall be [forbidden] to you….” But in the case of the first Adam, it was told him, “Eat of this, and do not eat of that,” and he was not able to remain obedient to the commandment for a single hour. Instead (according to Gen. 3:6), “then she also gave some to her husband, and he ate,” but [when] your children were commanded to eat this and not to eat that, [they remained obedient to those commandments]. And [this obedience is] especially [evident] when someone from Israel takes a bovine, an ox, or a lamb, slaughters it ritually, skins it, washes it, and inspects its health. When it is found to be unfit, he holds back and does not eat it. Ergo (in II Sam. 22:31 = Ps. 18:31, cont.), “the word of the Lord is pure.” For that reason, the first Adam was not commanded, because it was revealed to the Holy One, blessed be He, that he could not remain obedient to many commandments; as behold, he was commanded [only] one commandment, and he did not persevere with it. But in the case of Israel, when the Holy One, blessed be He, gave them many commandments, they observed them. He therefore expanded the Torah and commandments for them, and said to them (in Lev. 11:2-7), “These are the creatures that you may eat…. These, however, you may not eat…: the camel […]; the rock badger […]; the hare […]; and the pig.” Another interpretation of (Lev. 11:4-7). The camel (rt.: gml) represents the kingdom of Babylon, since it is stated (in Ps. 137:8), “O Daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed, fortunate is the one who repays you the recompense (rt.: gml) [with which you recompensed (rt.: gml) us].” The rock badger represents the kingdom of Media, since it made Israel into a corner and ownerless (as in Esth. 3:6), “to exterminate, to kill and to destroy all [the Jews]…”;47The exact relation of the rock badger (ha’arnevet) to Media is unclear. One possibility is suggested by Lev. 11:6, according to which the rock badger has marks of both uncleanness and cleanness. Lev. R. 13:5 reports two versions of such an interpretation. The Rabbis interpreted this mix to mean that Media produced a righteous as well as a wicked person (perhaps Haman and Mordecai or Haman and Darius the Mede of Dan. 11:1). According to R. Judah b. R. Simon, the last Darius was clean on the side of his mother Esther and unclean on his father’s side. and likewise, the name of Ptolemy’s wife was rock badger (arnevet). The hare alludes to Greece, since it brought low the Torah from the mouth of the prophets.48Probably because prophecy ceased under Greek rule; but according to Lev. R. 13:5, “hare” alludes to the Greek kingdom, because Ptolemy’s mother was named “Hare.” Cf. yMeg. 1:11 (71d), according to which the Greek translators of Lev. 11:6 emended “hare” to “short-legged one” for the same reason. Cf. also Meg. 90b, according to which it was Ptolemy’s wife who was named Hare. In actuality the person named “Hare” (Gk.: Lagos) was Ptolemy’s father. As it is stated (in Amos 8:11), “Behold days are coming says the Lord, God, and I will send a hunger…”; and it is written (in Amos 8:12), “And they shall wander from sea to sea….” How is this? In the future to come the Holy One, blessed be He, will issue a proclamation: Whoever has been engaged in such and such a commandment may come and receive his reward. Then the gentiles also will say, “Give us our reward, for we have performed a commandment.” The Holy One, blessed be He, [however] has said, “Whoever has observed the [commandments of the] Torah may come and receive his reward.”" + ] + ], + "Tazria": [ + [ + "(Lev. 12:2:) “When a woman emits her seed and bears a male.” This text is related (to Job 29:2), “O that I were as in the months of old, [as in the days when God watched over me]!” In regard to this verse, Job spoke it when the afflictions had come upon him. He said, “’O that I were as in the months of old,’ and would that I had the days which I had when I was in my mother's belly!” “As in the days when God watched over me!” [These words] teach that the infant is watched over while it is in its mother's belly. (Job 29:3:) “When His light shone over my head […].” From here you learn that the infant has light in its mother's belly. (Job 29:4:) “When I was in the days of my youth (horef),1Horef also means “winter.” Buber notes here that in the following simile, the infant in the womb is being protected in the womb as the winter rain protects the soil. when God's company was over my tent.” [These words teach about the infant.] Just as the rain is at work in the soil for it to become muddy, so the infant is muddy in its mother's womb. Another interpretation [of] “when God's company was over my tent”: These words teach about the infant. Just as the infant gets muddy, so is a person muddied by sins, so that misfortunes come upon him. At that time [Job] said (in Job 29:2), “’O that I were as in the months of old, as in the days when God watched over me,’ and would that I had the days which I had when I was in my mother's belly!” What does he finally say (in vs. 4)? “When I was in the days of my youth.” R. Abbahu said, “The infant comes out of the mother's belly covered with slime and covered with blood; yet everyone praises and cherishes it, especially when it is a male.”2Tanh., Lev. 8:11; PRK 9:6. Ergo (in Lev. 12:2), “When a woman emits her seed and bears a male.” (Lev. 12:2:) “When a woman emits her seed.” [This text is related to (Ps. 139:5),] “You have formed me behind and before.” The text speaks of the first Adam.3Cf. Gen. R. 8:1; 14:5; Lev. R. 14:1; M. Pss. 139:6. R. Johanan said, “It is written about him that there were two creations. There is a double y (i.e., a double yod in Gen. 2:7), ‘The Lord God formed (yytsr) the human.’ One formation is in this world, and one is for the world to come. But in the case of cattle, wild beasts, and birds, for them [only] one formation is written (without a double y in Gen. 2:19), ‘So out of the earth the Lord God formed (ytsr) all the wild beasts of the field [and all the birds of the heavens].’ It therefore says (in Ps. 139:5), ‘You have formed me behind and before.’” R. Simeon ben Laqish says, “Behind (in the sense of what comes] before the act of [his] creation. What is the reason? It is written (in Gen. 1:2), ‘and the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters’; this spirit was the soul of the first Adam. It therefore says (in Ps. 139:5), ‘You have formed me behind and before.’” R. Eleazar ben Pedat says, “Behind [refers] to an [later] event of the sixth day, and before [refers] to an [earlier] event of the sixth day. How so? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, created six things on the sixth day. They were these: (1) the soul; (2) wild beasts; (3) cattle; (4) beasts of the earth; (5) Adam; and (6) Eve. Now Adam's soul was created first, as stated (in Gen. 1:24), ‘a living soul.’ Living soul can only be the soul of Adam, since it is stated (in Gen. 2:7), ‘and the human (Adam) became a living soul.’ Hence, before [refers] to the [first] event of the sixth day, and behind [refers] to the sixth day, since [the Holy One, blessed be He,] was occupied with him all of the sixth day. Ergo (in Ps. 139:5), ‘You have formed me behind and before.’ Behind [refers] to an event of the sixth day, and before [refers] to an event of the sixth day.” R. Samuel bar Nahman said, “What is the meaning of ‘You have formed me behind and before?’ Having two faces, male and female. Hence it says (in Ps. 139:5), ‘You have formed me behind and before.’”4Ber. 61a; ‘Eruv. 18a. Adam said, “After the Holy One, blessed be He, had created all the cattle and wild beasts, He created me.” So it is with the infant. Before it comes forth from its mother's belly, the Holy One, blessed be He, commands it, “Eat of this, do not eat of that, (in Lev. 11:29) ‘this shall be unclean for you.’” Then after it takes upon itself in its mother's belly all the commandments which are in the Torah, [only] after that it is born. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 12:2), “When a woman emits her seed and bears a male.”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Lev. 12:2), “and bears a male”: This text is related (to I Sam. 2:2), “There is no holy one like the Lord, for there is none beside You.” What is the meaning of “for there is none beside You (bltk, traditionally voweled as biltekha)?” A king of flesh and blood builds a palace,5Gk.: palatinos; Lat.: palatium. and his building outlasts (rt.: blh) him; but the Holy One, blessed be He, is outlasting the world, as it were, “for there is none outlasting you (reading bltk, voweled as ballotekha).”6Meg. 14a. (I Sam. 2:2, cont.:) “And there is no rock (tswr) like our God.” How so? Flesh and blood fashions (rt.: tswr) an image (rt.: tswr) upon the wall, but is he able to fashion (tswr) it upon the water? The Holy One, blessed be He, fashions (rt.: tswr) the embryo in its mother's belly in the middle of water. Ergo (in I Sam. 2:2), “and there is no rock (tswr) like our God.” Another interpretation (of I Sam. 2:2), “and there is no rock (tswr) like our God: Flesh and blood fashions (rt.: tswr) an image (rt.: tswr) upon the wall, but is he able to fashion (tswr) a spirit and a soul into it? The Holy One, blessed be He, fashions (rt.: tswr) the embryo in its mother's belly and places a spirit and soul into it. Ergo (in I Sam. 2:2), “and there is no rock (tswr) like our God.” Another interpretation (of I Sam. 2:2), “and there is no rock (tswr) like our God”: When flesh and blood fashions (rt.: tswr) an image (rt.: tswr), he (the fashioner) speaks, but his image does not speak. [Still, he] praises his image. In the case of the Holy One, blessed be He, however, His image stands up and praises Him. When flesh and blood wants to fashion an image, how many ingredients must he bring before he fashions it? But the Holy One, blessed be He, fashions an image out of a single drop (of seminal fluid). Come and see the peacock7Gk.: taos. in which there are three hundred sixty-six kinds of colors; yet it is created from a single drop of white stuff. Now you should not [only] speak about a bird, but also about a human being, who is fashioned from a single drop of white stuff. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 12:2), “When a woman emits her seed and bears a male.” Ergo (in I Sam. 2:2), “and there is no rock (tswr) like our God.” When a king of flesh and blood fashions an image, his image does not make [another] image; but when the Holy One, blessed be He, fashions an image, His image does make [another] image, for it fashions the woman, and the woman bears an image like it." + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Lev. 12:2), “When a woman emits her seed [and bears a male]”: If the woman comes first, she bears a male; if the man comes first, [she bears] a female.8Ber. 60a; Nid. 31ab; see above, Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 8:18; cf. Sifra to Lev. 22:1-9, (217: Emor, Parashah 4). R. Abbin the Levite said, “The text has given you a clue (in vs. 5), ‘If she bears a female’ (with no mention of her giving her seed). If the man comes first, a female is produced; [if] the woman comes first, a male is produced. Thus it is stated (in vs. 2), ‘When a woman emits her seed and bears a male.’” R. Hiyya bar Abba said, “Therefore, the male is dependent (for his procreation) upon the woman; and the female, upon the man. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 22:20-23), ‘Behold Milcah, she also has borne sons to your brother Nahor, Uz his first-born and Buz his brother…. And Bethuel brought forth Rebekah.’ It also says (in I Chron. 2:48-49), ‘Maacah, the concubine of Caleb bore [Sheber] and Tirhanah. She also bore Shaaph the father of Madmannah, Sheva the father of Machbenah and the father of Gibea. And the daughter of Caleb] was Achsah.’ Thus females are dependent (for procreation) upon the man; and the males, upon the woman. It is therefore stated (in Lev. 12:2), ‘When a woman emits her seed.’” R. Ayyevu said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, performs a miraculous act with a person. When a person is put in a hot water for [only] a single day, is not his life struggling [to survive] because of it? But when an infant is put in its mother's belly for nine months,9According to Lev. R. 14:3, a woman’s womb is at boiling temperature. the Holy One, blessed be He, protects it.” Our masters have said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, has performed a miraculous act with this person. When the person is put in a bath tub10Gk.: embate. for one day, does not his life fail because of it? But when the infant is put in its mother's womb for nine months, its life does not fail because of it. Why? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, is performing a miraculous act with it (i.e., with the infant).” Job said (in Job 36:3), “I will fetch (‘S’) my knowledge from afar.” Now Job saw people, with a woman ('shh) giving birth to a man,11ShH and ‘S’ are more alike in Hebrew than the transliterations show. In the unpointed text S (sin) and Sh (shin) are the same letter. Also a final H (he) sounds so much like a final ‘(alef) that Rabbinic Hebrew sometimes conflates the two. Thus the midrash understands Job 36:3 to mean that the WOMAN in Lev. 12:2 was Job’s KNOWLEDGE FROM AFAR. and also the ship (of Prov. 31:14) sails in the midst of the waters inch by inch.12The image suggests Prov. 31:14, according to which the heroic wife is LIKE MERCHANT SHIPS; SHE BRINGS HER FOOD FROM AFAR. So Enoch Zundel in his commentary, ‘Ets Yosef, here on Tanh., Lev. 4:3. Now he was surprised over these things and said (in Job 36:3), “I (like the woman of Prov. 31:14) will fetch my knowledge from afar.” R. Judah [bar Simon] said, “A woman's two haunches become like two haunches of stone, in order that she may have strength when she gives birth. As thus it is stated (in Exod. 1:16), ‘look at the birthstool (literally, the pair of stones).’” R. Meir said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, performs a miraculous act with the infant. How? Before the woman bears, she retains blood; after she gives birth, the blood departs to the breasts and becomes milk. Then the infant nurses on them.” R. Abba bar Kahana said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, performs a miraculous act with the infant. How? When the funda (i.e., pouch)13The Latin word means “moneybag”. is full with its mouth down, the coins are scattered; but the woman has her funda [with its opening] down, and the fetus is retained.” Another interpretation: An animal walks about with the fetus in the midst of its belly; but a woman walks about erect with the fetus in the midst of her belly, and the Holy One, blessed be He, preserves it." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 12:6:) “And when the days of her purification are fulfilled [for either a son or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb in its first year for a burnt offering….]” Why does she bring an offering? Our masters have said, “She screams a hundred times when she sits on the birthing chair, as stated (Is. 41:24), ‘Behold you are like nothing, and your actions are less than zero.’ What is [the meaning of] ‘less than zero (me’effa)?’ There are one hundred screams (meah puot), ninety-nine for death and one for life.14Exod. R. 46:2; Lev. R. 27:7; Tanh., Lev. 8:11; PRK 9:6.h And when the pangs arrive for her, she vows that she will never favor her husband [with sexual intercourse] again. She therefore brings an offering,15Because of the impetuous oath. So Nid. 31:b. as stated (ibid.), ‘she shall bring a lamb in its first year.’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 12:3:) “And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.” It is not written here that one lays out expenses over circumcision. See how much Israel loves the commandments, how many expenses they lay out in order to observe them! The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “You make the commandments joyful; I am increasing your joy, as stated (in Is. 29:19), ‘Then the humble shall increase their joy in the Lord.’” Beloved is circumcision, such that the Holy One, blessed be He, swore to Avraham that anyone who is circumcised will not descend to Geihinnom, as stated (Genesis 15:18), “On that day, the Lord made a covenant with Avram, saying.” And who does descend there? See what is written below (Gen. 15:19), “The Kenite, the Kenizzite ….” And so did Ezekiel see, as stated (Ezekiel 32:18-30), “Son of man, wail upon the masses of Egypt and make it descend, and the daughters of mighty nations, to the lowest lands and those that fall in the pit. Who do you surpass in pleasantness, go down and lay with the uncircumcised…. Assyria is there with all of her congregation, its graves are around it…. Meshech and Tubal and all their masses are there, its graves are surrounding it, they are all uncircumcised…. The princes of the North are there….” And so does Isaiah says (Isaiah 5:14), “And so does the pit widen itself and opened wide its mouth without measure (chok),” to he that doesn't have a statute [the words — \"without measure\" — can also be rendered \"to he that doesn't have a statute\"]. And where [do we see that] it (the commandment to circumcise) is called a statue? As it says (Ps. 105:10) \"And He established it unto Jacob for a statute, to Israel for an everlasting covenant,\" because the Holy One, blessed be He, placed His name with Israel. And what is the name and the seal that He placed in them? It is Shaddai, the shin is placed on the nose, the dalet on the hand, and the yud on the circumcision. Therefore when he goes to his eternal home, there is an angel appointed in the Garden of Eden who takes him and brings him into the Garden of Eden. And regarding the heretics and sinners, The Holy One, “blessed be He, commands the angel to pull his foreskin (i.e. reverse his circumcision), as it says (Ps. 55:21) \"He hath put forth his hands against them that were at peace with him; he has profaned his covenant.\" It happened that Tyrannus Rufus the wicked asked R. Aqiva, “Which works are the more beautiful? Those of the Holy One, blessed be He, or those of flesh and blood?” He said to him, “Those of flesh and blood are the more beautiful.” Tyrannus Rufus the wicked said to him, “Look at the heavens and the earth. Are you able to make anything like them?” R. Aqiva said to him, “Do not talk to me about something which is high above mortals, things over which they have no control, but about things which are usual among people.” He said to him, “Why do you circumcise?” He said to him, “I also knew that you were going to say this to me. I therefore anticipated [your question] when I said to you, ‘A work of flesh and blood is more beautiful than one of the Holy One, blessed be He.’ Bring me wheat spikes and white bread.”16Qeluska’ot, from the Gk.: kollikes (“long rolls of coarse bread”) or kollikia (the diminutive of kollikes). He said to him, “The former is the work of the Holy One, blessed be He, and the latter is the work of flesh and blood. Is not the latter more beautiful?” Tyrannus Rufus said to him, “Inasmuch as He finds pleasure in circumcision, why does no one emerge from his mother's belly circumcised?” R. Aqiva said to him, “And why does his umbilical cord come out on him? Does not his mother cut his umbilical cord? So why does he not come out circumcised? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, only gave Israel the commandments in order to purify them. Therefore, David said (in II Sam. 22:31 = Ps. 18:31), ‘the word of the Lord is pure.’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 13:2:) “When anyone has [on the skin of his flesh a swelling or a sore or a bright spot].” This text is related (to Job 38:25), “Who split open a channel for the flow (shtp) and a path to move the sounds?” R. Joshua of SIkhnin said in the name of R. Levi, “In Arabia they call the hair (s'r) a flood (shtp'). Thus17I.e., interpreting Job 38:25 to mean, WHO SPLIT OPEN A CHANNEL FOR THE HAIR? for each and every hair that a person has, the Holy One, blessed be He, has created its own separate follicle (literally, well).”18Cf. Lev. R. 15:3; BB 16a. Because Job uttered a complaint and said, (in Job 9:17), “’For He crushes me with a tempest (rt.: s'r)19The Targum and Peshitta both read, FOR A HAIR. and multiplies my wounds for no reason,’ [i.e.] for no reason He has brought all these afflictions upon me.” Elihu said to him (in Job 34:10), “Heaven forbid! May wickedness be far from God and injustice from the Almighty.” Rather (in vs. 11), “’For he repays a person according to his actions, [and provides for one according to his ways].’ He brings everything [upon a person] according to his [own] measure (of what he does).” R. Abbin the Levite said in the name of R. Abba bar Kahana, “The Holy One, blessed be He, does not measure out [reward and punishment] in a basket. Rather everything is with justice, as stated (in Ps. 75:8), ‘For it is God who judges]; one He puts down, and another He lifts up.’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Job, “Even with regard to the hair which is upon you, I have made a follicle for it and made a measure for it, as stated (in Job 38:25), ‘Who split open a channel for the flow (i.e., for the hair).’” There is a story about a certain priest who examined leprosy spots. When he became poor, he wanted to go abroad. He called his wife [and] said to her, “Because people used to come to me to show their leprosy spots, it is hard from me to leave them. Rather come and let me teach you, so that you may examine the leprosy spots. If you see a person's hair with its follicle dried up, you will know that [such a person] is stricken; because for each and every hair the Holy One, blessed be He, has created its own separate follicle [from which it drinks. If] its follicle dries up, the hair dries up.” His wife said to him, “But surely if for each and every hair the Holy One, blessed be He, has created its own separate follicle [from which it drinks], in your case, since you are a human being, with so many hairs on you and with your children being supported20PRHS, perhaps related to the Gk. adj. pronoos (“prudent”). by you, is it not all the more certain that the Holy One, blessed be He, will summon support for you?” Therefore, she did not allow him to go abroad. Another interpretation (of Job 38:25), “Who split open a channel for the flow”: When the Holy One, blessed be He, created the human, He created him with wisdom. How? If He had created him with a lot of water and a little blood, he would have become frail.21Gk.: asthenes, i.e., “weak” or “sick.” If He had created him with a lot of blood and a little water, he would have become a leper. [He therefore created him with] half water and half blood, [thereby] a perfect human." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 13:2) “When anyone has on the skin of his flesh.” Why does it not say, “Speak unto the Children of Israel,” just as it says in all the [other] sections22In the Pentateuch the expression is found in Exod. 14:2, 15; 25:2; 31:15; Lev. 4:2; 7:23, 29; 12:2; 18:2; 23:2, 10, 24, 34; 25:2; 27:2; Numb. 5:22; 6:2; 9:10; 15:2, 18, 38; 33:51; 35:10. [instead of, “When anyone has”]?23The midrash points out that this commandment is universal and not only for the Children of Israel. In what follows the Holy One shows a concern for all creatures. Cf. Enoch Zundel in his commentary on Tanh., Lev. 4:7, according to whom the Holy One, not being one WHO DELIGHTS IN WICKEDNESS, did not delight in citing the Children of Israel for evil. This text is related (to Ps. 5:5), “For You are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not abide with You.” Because the verse says (in Is. 46:10), “My plan shall come to pass, and I will accomplish all My desire.” Whoever hears this verse, says, “Perhaps there is tyranny on high.” R. Tanhuma said, “What is the meaning of “and I will accomplish all My desire?” That he does not desire to convict any creature, as stated (in Ezek. 33:11), “That I do not desire the death of the wicked.” Ergo (in Ps. 5:5), “For You are not a God who delights in wickedness.” What is the meaning of “evil may not abide with You?” R. Johanan said, “David said to the Holy One, blessed be He, ‘Master of the world, if You desire to acquit, who will protest your authority?’” (Eccl. 8:4:)”For a king's word is supreme, and who may say to him, ‘what are you doing?’” It is customary, when a [local] ruler sits in judgement and wants to acquit or convict, for him to be afraid of one greater than himself, lest they put in an appeal24Enqeliton, from the Gk.: ekkleton (“appeal”) or egkleton (“accusation”). to the imperial legate.25Lat.: comes; Gk.: komes. An imperial legate is afraid of a governor;26Gk.: eparchos (“governor”) or huparchus (“viceroy”). a governor is afraid of the king. But is the king afraid of anyone? And [so is it with] You; if You desire to acquit or convict, of whom are You afraid? (Ps. 5:5), “Evil may not abide (ygwr) with You”: This expression (ygwr) can only be an expression of fear. Compare what is said (in Deut. 9:19), “For I was afraid (from ygwr) of anger and rage.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 13:2:) “When anyone has on the skin of his flesh.” This text is related (to Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful [is that one].”27In the biblical context THAT ONE is the nation of the Chaldeans. This verse is speaking about the first Adam, about Pharaoh, about Edom, about Sennacherib and about Nebuchadnezzar.28Cf. Lev. R. 18:2. How does it concern the first Adam? R. Abba bar Kahana said, “When the Holy One, blessed be He, created the first Adam, He created him in His likeness, as stated (in Gen. 1:27), ‘And God created man (Adam) in His own image.’” And when He created him, He created him [to extend] from the one end of the world to the other, as stated (in Deut. 4:32), “So please ask about the former days which came before you, [ever since the day that God created man upon the earth, even from one end of heaven to the other].”29Cf. Gen. R. 8:1. Now he ruled over the whole earth, as stated (in Gen. 1:28), “and rule over the fish of the sea […].” It also says (in Gen. 9:2), “And the dread of you and the fear of you [shall be upon every beast of the earth].” It is therefore stated (in Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful.” This refers to the first Adam. (Ibid., cont.:) “His justice and his dignity proceed from himself.”30The midrash requires such a literal translation. In the biblical context a more normal translation would read with reference to the Chaldeans: THEIR JUSTICE AND THEIR DIGNITY PROCEED FROM THEMSELVES. This refers to Eve who came out of him, as she caused him to die, as stated (in Gen. 3:6), “Then she also gave some to her husband, and he ate.” And where is it shown that she came out of him? Where it is so written (in Gen. 2:23), “bone out of my bone and flesh out of my flesh.” Ergo (in Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful [is that one],” this refers to the first Adam; “his justice and his dignity proceed from himself,” this refers to Eve, who came out from him. Another interpretation (of Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful is that one”: This refers to Pharaoh, [when] he was world ruler,31Gk.: Kosmokraton. as stated (concerning him in Ps. 105:20), “the ruler of peoples released him (i.e., Joseph).” (Hab. 1:7, cont.:), “His justice and his dignity proceed from himself.” This refers to Moses, since he was reared within that one's house, so that he believed that he [actually] was a child of his house, as stated (in Exod. 2:10), “When the boy had grown up, she brought him [to Pharaoh's daughter; and he became her son].” Then he arose and brought ten plagues upon him, as stated (in Exod. 3:10), “So come now, I will send you unto Pharaoh.” R. Judah said, “The rod had a weight of forty seah and was [made] of sapphire;32Gk.: sappheirinon, an adj. meaning “of sapphire,” or “of lapsis lazuli.” it also had ten plagues (makkot) inscribed upon it with the acronym33notarikon. dtsk 'dsh b'hb.34D = dam (“blood”), Ts = Tsefardia‘ (“frogs”), K= kinnim (“gnats”), ‘ = ‘arov (“flies”), D = dever (“cattle pestilence”), Sh = shehin (“boils”), B = barad (“hail”), ‘ = ‘arbeh (“locusts”), H = hoshekh (“darkness”), B = bekhorot (“first-born”). Then Moses, when he had looked at the rod and seen the punishment (makkah) which had been appointed to come, brought it upon Pharaoh. Ergo (in Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful [is that one],” this refers to Pharaoh; “his justice and his dignity proceed from himself,” this refers to Moses. And also the messiah, who in the future will take retribution from Gog and Magog and all of its troops, grew up with them in the city, as stated (Isaiah 27:10), “there shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down and consume the branches thereof.” Another interpretation (of Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful [is that one]”: This refers to Edom, of which it is stated (in Dan. 7:7), “frightful, dreadful, and [exceedingly] strong.” (Hab. 1:7, cont.), “His justice and his dignity proceed from himself.” This refers to Obadiah since he was an Edomite proselyte and he also prophesied [against] him (i.e., against Edom, in Obad. 1:1), “The vision of Obadiah; thus says the Lord God to Edom […].”35Cf. Sanh. 39b. Ergo (in Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful,” this refers to Edom; “his justice and his dignity proceed from himself,” this refers to Obadiah.Another interpretation (of Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful”: This refers to Sennacherib, since it is stated (in II Kings 19:24), “with the sole of my feet I have dried up all the streams of Egypt.” He also said (in II Kings 18:35 = Is. 36:20 // II Chron. 32:14), “Who are there among all the gods of the lands which have saved their land from my hand?” And it also says (in Is. 8:8), “and the radial bones36For this translation of muttah, see Jastrow, s.v. In the context of Scripture, a more normal translation of muttah would be “spread.” of his wings (i.e., the army of Sennacherib) shall fill the breadth of your land, O Immanu-El].”37Cf. M. Pss. 79:1. One sixtieth of the troops38Gk.: ochlos. had been sufficient for the Land of Israel, since it is stated (ibid.), “and the radial bone of his wings.” This radial bone of a cock is one sixtieth of its wings. When he came to enter Jerusalem, he said to his troops, “You sleep, and in the morning we shall throw our rings into its midst and stone them with them.”39In other words, Sennacherib believed that his army was so large and Jerusalem so small that his army could bury the city in their rings. Cf. Sanh. 95a, according to some renderings of which, each soldier would use as much mortar as necessary to seal a letter with a signet ring. So Levi, in his Talmud and Midrash lexicon, s.v., gulmohrag. See also Rashi on this passage, according to whom the army would use stones easily dislodged from the wall of Jerusalem. Ergo (in Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful is he.” (Ibid., cont.:), “His justice and his dignity proceed from himself.” These refer to his children. When he went up to destroy Jerusalem, he did not succeed. [It is so stated (in II Kings 19:35 = Is. 37:36),] “the angel of the Lord went out and smote [one hundred and eighty-thousand] in the camp of Assyria….” It is also written (in II Chron. 32:21), “so he returned shamefaced to his own land, and when he came into the house of his god, [some of those who came out of his own belly struck him down there with the sword].” Ergo (in Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful is he,” this refers to Sennacherib; “his justice and his dignity proceed from himself,” this refers to his children, who killed him. Another interpretation (of Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful is he”: This refers to Nebuchadnezzar, of whom it is stated (in Is. 14:13), “And I will ascend to the heavens; [above the stars of God I will set my throne].” (Hab. 1:7, cont.:) “His justice and his dignity proceed from himself.” This refers to Evil-merodach (his son). Our masters have said, “When Nebuchadnezzar was driven away, just as it is written (in Dan. 4:29), ‘You shall be driven away from humankind’; all that time Evil-merodach served in his place.” Then when he returned, he put him in prison. Now whoever was imprisoned by him never emerged from the prison until the day of his death. Thus it is stated (in Is. 14:17), “he never released his prisoners to their homes.” When Nebuchadnezzar died, they wanted to make Evil-merodach king. They approached him, but he did not accept. He said to them, “I listened to you the first time. For that reason I was imprisoned. So now I shall not listen to you. Perhaps he is alive. Then he will rise up against me and kill me.” They stood over Nebuchadnezzar, dragged him from his grave, and brought him out. Then he saw that he was dead, and they made him king. [This act was] to fulfill what is stated (in Is. 14:19), “And you have been cast from your grave like a detestable offshoot.” Ergo (Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful is he,” this refers to Nebuchadnezzar; “his justice and his dignity proceed from himself,” this refers to Evil-merodach. Another interpretation (of Hab. 1:7), “Terrible and dreadful is he”: This refers to the human race, which rules over all which the Holy One, blessed be He, has created in His world. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 8:7), “You have set him as ruler over the [works] of Your hands [….].” (Hab. 1:7, cont.) “His justice and his dignity proceed from him.” Thus when he sins, the Holy One, blessed be He, brings torments upon him from his [own body]. Why? Because His ways are not like the ways of flesh and blood. When [a person of] flesh and blood wants to punish his slaves, he brings [whips] and fetters to punish them and cause them pain; but the Holy One, blessed be He, is not like that. Rather it is from a person's whole body that He punishes and beats him. And from where is it shown? From what is written about the matter (in Lev. 13:2), “When anyone has on the skin of his flesh [a swelling or a sore or a bright spot, and it becomes on the skin of his flesh the plague of leprosy, he shall be brought unto Aaron the priest].” One verse says (in Is. 46:10), “My plan shall come to pass, and I will accomplish all My desire.” But another verse says (in Ezek. 33:11), “As I live, says the Lord, [it is not my delight for the wicked to die].” This is what is written about the matter, (in Lev. 13:2), “When anyone has on the skin of his flesh ….”; and it is [yet also] written (in Ps. 5:5), “For You are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not abide with You.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 13:2), “When anyone has on the skin of his flesh.” This text is related (to Ps. 5:5), “For You are not a God who delights in wickedness. [This verse is] to teach you that the Holy One, blessed be He, does not delight in convicting a person, as stated (in Ezek. 33:11), “As I live, says the Lord, it is not My delight for the wicked to die.” In what does He delight? In vindicating (rt.: tsdq) His people. Thus it is stated (in Is. 42:21), “The Lord was delighted because of His [servant's] vindication (tsdq)…,”40This is the interpretation of the midrash and of the new JPS translation. [i.e.] because of His people's vindication (tsdq)] and not [their] conviction. So also you find that in the case of the first Adam, when he created him, He set him in the Garden of Eden. Then He gave him a command and said to him, “Eat this, but do not eat from this, for (according to Gen. 2:17) ‘on the day that you eat from it, you shall surely die.’” [When] he transgressed, he brought a sentence41Gk.: apophasis. upon himself. [And then] the Sabbath came, and He acquitted him.42Heb.: pinnahu. This word means “removed him” as well as “acquitted him.” In other words, Adam’s acquittal meant that his sentence was reduced from death to removal from the Garden. So M. Pss. 92:3. He began to talk with him [about] whether he would repent. It is so stated (in Gen. 3:9), “The Lord God called unto Adam and said, ‘Where are you?’” [This means, “What is your state?”] The Lord can only mean the quality of mercy, as stated (in Exod. 34:6), “The Lord, the Lord is a merciful and gracious God.” For him He had the quality of mercy precede the quality of strict justice. Ergo (in Ps. 5:5), “For You are not a God who delights in wickedness,” in that He does not delight in convicting a person. He began to talk with him, as stated (in Gen. 3:11-12), “Who told you that you were naked? Then the man said, ‘The woman….’” He left Adam alone and began to talk with the woman, as stated (in vs. 13), “Then the Lord God said to the woman….” But when He came to the serpent He did not talk with him. Instead He immediately gave him a sentence, as stated (in vss. 14–15), “So the Lord God said unto the serpent, ‘Because you have done this …. I will put enmity between you [and the woman]….’” [Then] He returned to the woman and said to her (in vs. 16), “I will greatly multiply your pain in pregnancy.” And when He returned to the man, He did not convict him. Rather He intimated to him that he should repent. Where is it shown? R. Berekhyah said in the name of R. Levi, “When He said to him (in vs. 19), ‘By the sweat of your brow shall you eat bread, [until you return …].’ ‘You return’ can only be mean repentance, since it is stated (in Hos. 14:2), ‘Return O Israel, to the Lord your God, as you have stumbled in your iniquity.’” When [Adam] did not repent, He expelled him from the Garden of Eden, as stated [(in Gen. 3:24), “And He drove out the man.” Ergo I would say (in Ps. 5:5), “For you are not a God who delights in wickedness.” What is the meaning of (ibid., cont.), “evil may not abide with You.” R. Tanhuma bar Hanila'i in the name of R. Berekhyah said in the name of R. Johanan, “Before the Holy One, blessed be He, stand only angels of peace and angels of mercy, but the angels of wrath are far from Him. It is so stated (in Numb. 14:15), ‘the Lord, of long patience.’ Do we not already know that He is of long patience? But rather what is the meaning of He is ‘of long patience?’ That the angels of wrath are far from Him, as stated (in Is. 13:5), ‘They come from a far land from the end of the heavens, even the Lord and the weapons of his wrath.’” Another interpretation (of Ps. 5:5, cont.), “evil may not abide with You”: R. Johanan said, “If you do not pursue evil, evil will not pursue you, nor will it dwell with you. Ergo, (Ps. 5:5, cont.), ‘evil may not abide with You,’ as ‘abide with You,’ can only mean dwelling, as stated (Exodus 2:48), ‘And if a stranger dwells with you.’” Another interpretation (of Ps. 5:5, cont.), “evil may not abide with You”: R. Eleazar ben Pedat said in the name of R. Johanan, “The name of the Holy One, blessed be He, is not mentioned in connection with evil but only in connection with good.” You know that it is so. When the Holy One, blessed be He, created the light and the darkness and gave them names, [Scripture] mentioned His name in connection with the light but did not mention His name in connection with the darkness.43Gen. R. 1:6. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 1:5), “And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night.” Behold, it mentioned His name with the light; but when it comes to the dark it doesn’t say, “and God called the darkness night,” but “He called [the darkness] night.” So also you find that, when He created Adam and Eve, [Scripture] mentioned His name in connection with them, as stated (in Gen. 1:28), “Then God blessed them…”; but when He cursed them, it did not mention His name in connection with them. [Thus it is stated] (in Gen. 3:16-17), “And unto the woman He said […]. And unto Adam He said.” Now if you say [that] behold, [Scripture] mentioned [His name] in connection with the serpent when He cursed him, since it is written (in Gen. 3:14), “So the Lord God said unto the serpent, ‘Because you have done this, more cursed shall you be’”; the sages have taught thus: The Holy One, blessed be He, has mentioned His name in connection with three things, even though they stood for evil: In connection with the inciter, i.e., the serpent, since he incited the woman and said (in Gen. 3:5), “’For God knows that on the day that you eat from it, your eyes shall be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil,’ like Him. Just like He created His world, you [two] will be able to create worlds like Him. [But He doesn’t want this,] as every artisan hates his fellow [artisan].” So because he incited her and spoke slander, [Scripture] mentions His name in connection with [the serpent]. In connection with one who transgresses the words of the sages, as is stated (in Jer. 11:3), “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Cursed is the one who does not heed the words of this covenant.’” In connection with one who puts his trust in flesh and blood, as stated (in Jer. 17:5), “Thus says the Lord, ‘Cursed is the man who trusts in a human being, who makes flesh his strength and whose heart turns from the Lord.’”
So also you find in the case of Noah, [that Scripture used (God’s) name] when he blessed his sons, as stated (in Gen. 9:26), “And he said, ‘blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem…;’” but when he cursed Canaan, [Scripture did not mention the name of the Holy One, Blessed be He, in connection with him], as stated (in vs. 25), “And he said, ‘Cursed be Canaan….’” So also you find in the case of Elisha the prophet, that when the king of Aram came to fight against Israel, he consulted with his servants and made pits [to trap] them. He said, “When Israel comes to fight against us, they will fall into the pits,” as stated (in II Kings 6:8-9), “When the king of Aram was fighting against Israel, [he consulted with his servants, saying, ‘My camp shall be in such and such a place.’ But the man of God sent unto the king of Israel [saying], ‘Take care [not to pass this place, because the Aramaeans are camping there.]’” So the Holy One, blessed be He, does nothing (according to Amos 3:7) without having revealed His purpose unto His servants the prophets. When Israel passed by once and twice without falling in, the king of Aram took notice and said to his servants (in II Kings 6:11), “Will you not tell me which of us is for the king of Israel?” His servants said to him (in vs. 12-14), “’[It is because] Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words which you speak in your bedroom.’ So he said, ‘Go and see [where he is, so that I can send and seize him,’ and it was told to him, saying, ‘Behold he is in Dothan.’ Then he sent horses and chariots and a heavy force there.” Immediately Elisha’s youth rose and saw that horses, riders and a force encircled the city. Immediately he cried out (in vss. 15-16), “and said [unto him], ‘Alas, my Lord, what shall we do?’ Then he said, ‘Fear not, for there are more with us than with them.’” Immediately Elisha prayed and mentioned the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in vs. 17), “Then Elisha prayed and said, ‘Lord, please open his eyes and let him see’; so the Lord opened the eyes of the servant and he saw, and there was the hill full of fiery horses and chariots round about Elisha!” Immediately Elisha arose and cursed the Aramaeans (in vs. 18), and he said, “’Please smite this nation with a blinding light’; so He smote them with a blinding light according to the word of Elisha.” Now [Scripture] did not mention the name, but when [Elisha] prayed over them again for their eyes to be opened, he said (in vs. 20), “O Lord, open the eyes of these men that they may see.” Ergo, the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, is mentioned in connection with good, but not with evil. So also you find that when the prophet saw the four chariots that were compared to the four kingdoms (that would rule over Israel), [it states (in Zech. 6:1),] “and I lifted my eyes, and behold, four chariots were coming out between the two mountains….” But when it spoke about the redemption, [it states (in Zech. 2:3),] “Then the Lord showed me four smiths.” So also you find that when the five angels of destruction came to destroy Jerusalem, as stated (in Ezek. 9:2), “And here were six persons coming by way of the upper gate [which faces north, each with his weapon of destruction in his hand]”; Gabriel was sent with them, as it is written (in Ezek. 10:2), “Then He spoke unto the person clothed in linen and said, ‘Go in among the wheelwork.’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Gabriel, “Fill your hands with coals of fire from among the cherubim and scatter them over the city,” as it is written (in Ezek. 10:2), “Then He spoke unto the person clothed in linen and said, ‘Go in among the wheelwork [under the cherub, and fill your hands with coals of fire from among the cherubim, and scatter them over the city].’”44Cf. below, Lev. 8:5. Gabriel came and stood at the wheel. The cherub said to him, “What do you desire?” He said to him, “Thus and so has the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded me.” He said to him, “Take [them].” He said to him, “You put them in my hand.” Immediately (according to Ezek. 10:7), “Then the cherub stretched out his hand from among the cherubim [unto the fire that was among the cherubim…].” R. Johanan said in the name of R. Simeon ben Johay, “If the coals had not been cooled off [while passing] from the hand of a cherub to the hand of Gabriel, there would not have remained of the enemies of Israel (a euphemism, meaning Israel) a [single] survivor or refugee.”45Yoma 77a. For more details, see Lam. R. 1:13 (41). So the Holy One, blessed be He, wanted to do what was evil, not by Himself, but through an angel. In the age to come, however, He will do what is good by Himself, as stated (in Ezek. 36:25), “I will sprinkle pure water upon you….” Ergo (in Ps. 5:5), “For You are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not abide with You.” What is the meaning of (Ps. 5:5) “and evil may not abide with You?” [It is] that [Scripture] does not cause the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, to rest upon evil, except for two [evil] sayings upon which the Holy One, blessed be He, did cause His name to rest. These are the following: (The first one is Dan. 9:14:) “So the Lord watched over evil and brought it upon us, because the Lord our God is righteous.” Was it because the Lord our God is righteous (tsaddik), that He brought the evil? It is simply that the Holy One, blessed be He, was charitable (tzekekah) to us when He first brought about the exile to Babylon of Jeconiah before the exile of Tsidikiyah. And what was charitable? That He first brought about the exile of Jeconiah to Babylon along with the artisans, the smiths, and all the valiant men. Now [those] descended to Babylon and they established a [framework] for Torah [study]. For if it had not happened like that, the Torah would have been forgotten in the exile. It is simply that those who believed in the words of Jeremiah went forth with the Torah. [They included (according to II Kings 24:16)] “a thousand artisans and smiths.” What is the meaning of “artisans (hrsh)?”46Git. 88a; Sanh. 38a; Yalqut Shim‘oni, Dan., 1066. When they opened with words of Torah, all [present] became as those who are (deaf-)mute (hrsh). [And what is the meaning of] “smiths (rt.: sgr)?” After they closed (rt.: sgr) it, there was no one in all Israel who was able to open it. Ergo (in Dan. 9:14), “because the Lord our God is righteous.” So He acted justly during that exile in that He watched over it, and He still performed a great kindness for Israel [with reference to that exile]. How? In [the month of] Tebet they were scheduled to go into exile from Jerusalem, for so does [Scripture] say (in Ezek. 24:1-2), “[Then the word of the Lord came unto me in the ninth year of the tenth month on the tenth day of the month, saying,] ‘Son of man, write down the name of the day, [this very day;] on this very day [the king of Babylon laid siege to Jerusalem].’” What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He said, “If they go forth now in the cold, they will die.” What did He do for them? He waited for them and sent them into exile during the summer. This is what the prophet says (in Jer. 8:13), “I will utterly gather them, says the Lord.” \"Gather\" ('sp) can only mean \"exile,\" since it is stated (in Micah 2:12), “I will gather Jacob, all of you.” Hence, this too was a great kindness. Now, the second [evil saying associated with the name of the Holy One, blessed be He] is (Ezek. 9:4:) “And the Lord said unto him, ‘Pass through the midst of the city, [through the midst of Jerusalem and mark (the letter) taw47The last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. For various interpretations of its meaning, see the parallel version in Shab. 55a. on the foreheads of those people who moan and groan over all the abominations] ….’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Gabriel, “Go and write an ink taw upon the foreheads of the righteous, so that the angels of destruction will have no dominion over them. Then upon the foreheads of the wicked write a blood taw so that the angels of destruction will have dominion over them.” [The] prosecution48Gk.: kategoria, i.e., “accusation,” “charge.” Here the concept is hypostatized as a separate being. came in before the Holy One, blessed be He, [and said to him], “Master of the world, how do the former differ from the latter?” He said to it, “The former are completely righteous, and the latter are completely wicked.” It said to Him, “It was in their power to protest, but they did not protest.” He said to it, “It was revealed and known to Me that, if they had protested, [the sinners] would not have accepted their [protest].” It said to Him, “Master of the world, if it was revealed and known in front of You, was if revealed in front of them? Hence they should have protested against them and demeaned themselves for the sanctification of Your name and take beatings from Israel upon themselves, just as the prophets endured [them].” So look at how many woes Jeremiah suffered from Israel; also Isaiah, of whom it is written (in Is. 50:6), “I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to the tearers of hair.” And [so with] the rest of the prophets. Immediately (in Ezek. 9:6) He spoke again to the angels of destruction, “[Kill off] old folk, youth ….” This also was a kindness, in that the Holy One, blessed be He, mitigated His wrath [by striking out] against Jerusalem, as stated (in Lam. 4:11), “The Lord has completed (klh) His wrath.” For if He had not done so, all Israel would have received a verdict of destruction (klyh). Ergo (in Ps. 5:5), “and evil may not abide with You,” because the Holy One, blessed be He, does not cause His name to rest upon evil. So also even in the case of the wicked of Israel, He allotted them glory and did not mention them for evil. When He came to the offerings, He said to Moses (in Lev. 1:2), “Speak unto the Children of Israel and say unto them, ‘When one of you presents an offering to the Lord,’” [i.e.] “from Israel” and not from the idolaters. However, when He came to mention leprosy spots, He said (in Lev. 13:2), “When anyone has,” only saying “anyone.” Ergo (in Ps. 5:5), “and evil may not abide with you.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 13:2), “When a man has on the skin of his flesh.” It is difficult for the Holy One, blessed be He, to reach out His hand against this man.49Cf. Lev. R. 17:4. Rather He forewarns a person [and afflicts his house] first and then He strikes him, as stated (in Lev. 14:34), “And when I put a plague of leprosy in a house of the land you possess.” First, He strikes his house. [If] he repents, fine; but if not, He strikes his clothes, as stated (in Lev. 13:47), “When the plague of leprosy is in a garment.” [If] he repents, fine; but if not, [they come] upon his body, as stated (in Lev. 13:2), “When a man has on the skin of his flesh.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 13:2), “When anyone has on the skin of his flesh.” Why do the plagues come?50Cf. Lev. R. 17:3. Because of harlotry. And so you find in Jerusalem, that because they were absorbed in harlotry, they were afflicted with leprosy. What is written there (in Is. 3:16)? “Moreover, the Lord said, ‘Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with extended neck [and roving eyes] ….’” What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do to them? He struck them with leprosy, as stated (in vs. 17), “And the Lord will smite with sores (sph) the scalps of the daughters of Zion.” Smite with sores (sph) must mean \"with leprosy,\" since it is stated (with reference to leprosy in Lev. 13:2), “a swelling or a sore (rt.: sph) […].” Hence it says (Lev. 13: 2), “When anyone has on the skin of his flesh a swelling or a sore (rt.: sph) […. (Lev. 13:2), “When anyone has on the skin of his flesh a swelling or a sore or a bright spot, and it becomes… the plague of leprosy.”] The verse is speaking about [the four] empires.51Lev. R. 15:9. The swelling (s't) represents Babylon, since it is stated (in Is. 14:4), “And you shall take up (ns't) this song of scorn against the king of Babylon….” The sore (rt.: sph) represents Media, because Haman conspired (rt.: sph) with Ahasuerus (Esth. 3:18), “to devastate, kill, and destroy.” The bright spot represents the Greek empire, because it “lorded” it (rt.: bhr) over Israel and said, “Whoever has an ox, let him write on the horns of the ox that he has no share in the God of Israel.” 52So also Lev. R. 15:9; Gen. R. 2:4; cf. 16:4. And if [they did] not [do so], they would sentence them to death. The plague of leprosy represents the empire of Edom (i.e., of Rome), because the Holy One, blessed be He, afflicted it and its guarding angel with leprosy, as stated (in Jer. 46:15), “Why has abbireka been washed away? Because the Lord has pushed him away.”53See Tanh. (Buber), Exod. 3:19, and the note there. In the world to come the Holy One, blessed be He, shall sit in judgment over the empire of Edom. He will say to them, “Why did you oppress My children?” They will say, “Was it not You that delivered them into our hands?” Then the Holy One, blessed be He, will say to them, “Because (to paraphrase Is. 47:6) I delivered them into your hands, did you [see fit to] not show them mercy?” [Instead (according to Is. 47:6, cont.),] “upon the aged you made your yoke exceedingly heavy.” This [aged one] is Rabbi Aqiva, whom the empire oppressed, [the empire] which has no end.54Gen. R. 13:5. Another interpretation (of Is. 47:6, cont.), “upon the aged you made your yoke exceedingly heavy”: Because they made their yoke as heavy on the aged as upon the youth. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Babylon, “By your life, I am sitting over you in judgment to judge you and convict you.” Thus it is stated (in Is. 47:1), “Come down and sit upon the dust, O maiden daughter of Babylon; sit on the earth, not a throne.” Since she formerly sat upon a throne, now [she is told,] “Sit on the earth, not a throne; (Is. 47:1, cont.) for you shall no more be called [tender and delicate].” What shall I do to you? I will exact retribution from your guarding angel first and smite him with leprosy. Then after that, I will exact retribution from you. You should not say, “On this empire [only]”; but even upon Gog, since he vaunts himself upward in the world. I will smite him with leprosy, as stated (in Zech. 14:12) “And this shall be the plague [with which the Lord will smite all the peoples who have warred against Jerusalem]: their flesh shall rot away while they stand on their feet.” For what reason? Because they engaged in battle with Israel. And so is it stated (Zech 14:12), “and this shall be the plague,” because they came against Israel. And do not be surprised, as behold the Lord exacts heavy retribution in leprosy from those who hate them even in this world. And who was [such a one]? This was Naaman, of whom it is stated (in II Kings 5:1), “Now Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Aram…; but the man, though a valiant warrior, was a leper.” For what reason was he a leper? Because he had taken a little girl captive from the Land of Israel. In this world He struck the idolaters with leprosy. And also in the world to come the Holy One, blessed be He, will afflict them with leprosy, as stated (in Zech. 14:12), “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will smite ….” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Because you have called my children unclean, I am making you unclean with a great uncleanness through leprosy.” Where is it shown that they called Israel unclean? Where it is stated (in Lam. 4:15) “Away, unclean, they cried at them….” [So] you will be leprous and impure, but Israel, I will sanctify, purify, and redeem them from among you, as stated (in Is. 62:12), “And they shall call them the holy people, the redeemed of the Lord; and you shall be called, sought out, a city not forsaken.” So also King Solomon has said (in Cant. 4:7), “You are beautiful all over, my beloved, and there is no blemish in you.”" + ] + ], + "Metzora": [ + [ + "(Lev. 14:2:) “This shall be the law of the leper.” Let our master instruct us: How many people have no share in the world to come?1Numb. R. 14:1; PR 6:4; ARN, A, 36; Midrash on Proverbs, 22. Thus have our masters taught (in Sanh. 10:1-2): These are they who have no share in the world to come…. Three kings and four commoners2Gk.: idiotes. have no share in the world to come. The three kings are Jeroboam, Ahab, and Manasseh.3See Sanh. 101b-104a. R. Judah ben Shallum said, “The sages of the Mishnah wanted to teach that there were four kings and reckon Solomon with them; however, a heavenly voice (bat qol) came forth and said (in the words of Ps. 105:15), ‘Touch not my anointed.’ Nevertheless they returned one day to teaching [as before]. Fire from the heavens came and destroyed their benches. [The heavenly voice] returned and said (according to Job 34:33), ‘Should He repay as you would, when you have refused?’” All the same, why did they so teach? Because it is written (in I Kings 11:1, 6), “Now King Solomon loved many foreign wives […]. And Solomon did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord.” (Sanh. 10:2, at the end:) The four commoners are Balaam, Doeg, Ahithophel and Gehazi. You find that these were condemned to Geihinnom on account of the words of their mouths. In the case of Balaam, he was driven into Geihinnom because of his speech, as stated (in Numb. 23:7), “From Aram has Balak brought me, the king of Moab,”4Numb. R. 20:19; also below, Numb. 7:17. [meaning] I was one of the exalted ones;5Heb.: MRMYM, which the midrash seems to understand as related to M’RMYM, i.e., “one of the Arameans.” I was one of the division of the patriarchs, [but] Balak brought me (yanheni) and cast me into Geihinnom.” Now brought me (yanheni, rt.: nhh) can only imply Geihinnom, since it is stated (in Ezek. 32:18), “Son of man, lament over (rt.: nhh)6The Buber text reads the middle letter in this root as a het in agreement with Numb. 23:7; but the parallels in Numb. R. 20:19, and the Masoretic Text all read the middle letter as a he, a reading which together with the preposition ‘al, requires the translation, LAMENT OVER. [the masses of Egypt and cast them down… unto the lowest part of the nether world].” So also was Doeg banished because of his speech. When? When David fled to Nob, the city of priests where Ahimelech received him, Saul noticed and gathered all his servants. He said to them, “A fine way you are treating me! For David does whatever he wishes, and not one of you has put a word in my ear.” It is so stated (in I Sam. 22:8), “Is that why all of you have conspired against me? For no one is putting a word in my ear when my son is making a deal with the son of Jesse….” Doeg began to utter evil speech, as stated (in vs. 9), “Then Doeg the Edomite, who was standing among the servants of Saul, answered and said, ‘I saw the son of Jesse come to Nob….’” It was also by his hand that eighty-five priests who wear the ephod and Ahimelech the High Priest were slain. “And he smote Nob the city of priests with the edge of the sword” (I Samuel 22:19). R. Eleazar said, “Anyone who becomes merciful upon the cruel one will end by being cruel to the merciful: It is written (I Samuel 15:9), ‘But Saul had pity upon Agag and upon the best of the sheep and the cattle’; and it is [also] written (I Samuel 22:19) about Nob the city of priest, ‘And he smote Nob the city of priests with the edge of the sword.’“ So also was Ahithophel banished because of his speech. Thus it is stated (in II Sam. 17:23), “So when Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not heeded… and he set his house in order and hanged himself.” Gehazi also was banished on account of his speech. When Naaman became leprous and was healed at the hands of Elisha, Naaman began to give silver, gold and gifts7Gk.: dora. to Elisha, but he did not want to accept them. Now Gehazi was ministering to Elisha. He saw the silver, the gold, and the clothes; so he said (in II Kings 5:20), “My Lord has spared that Aramean Naaman without accepting what he brought; as the Lord lives, I will run after him and get something from him.” Certainly he took [something; he took] his deformity. Thus it is stated (in vs. 27), “And the leprosy of Naaman shall cleave to you and to your seed forever.” Why [did Elisha not want anything]? Because it is stated (in Deut. 13:18), “And let nothing cleave to your hand of that which is devoted.” Now Naaman and the king of Aram served idols; and it is written (in Deut. 7:26), “Do not bring an abomination unto your house.” R. Pedat said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, has made a covenant with the world that anyone who utters evil speech receives leprosy.” Where is it shown? From what is written on the matter (in Lev. 14:2), “This shall be the law of the leper (hametsora'),” [ i.e. ] the one who proclaims evil (hamotsi' ra').8Below, 5:5; ySot. 2:1 (17d); ‘Arakh. 15b; Cf. Lev. R. 16:1. Our masters have said, “Plagues only affect a person on account of the evil speech which comes out of his mouth.” So the holy spirit cries out (in Eccl. 5:5), “Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin,” [ i.e. ] to afflict your body; (ibid., cont.) “and do not say before the angel that it was a mistake,” [ i.e. ] and do not say before the angel who is appointed over you, “By mistake I brought forth the word from my mouth.” For every word which issues from your mouth, whether good, evil, by mistake, or on purpose, is written in a book. Where is it shown that it is so? Where it is stated (in Mal. 3:16), “Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another; the Lord has hearkened and listened, and a book of remembrance has been written before Him […].” And so with the trait of calamity, David said (in Ps. 139:2), “You know when I sit down and when I stand up, You discern my thoughts from afar.” Job also said (in Job 14:16), “For You count my footsteps,” and (Job 13:27) “You look closely over the treading of my feet.” (Eccl. 5:5, cont.:) “Why should God be angry over your voice and destroy the work of your hands?” These are the hands and the body when they are afflicted by leprosy. Another interpretation (of Eccl. 5:5), “Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin”: The Torah has spoken to you euphemistically. If your wife has told you that she is menstruating (niddah), do not cause your body to sin by touching her. Do not say before the angel who is appointed over the formation of the fetus, “’I made a mistake and did not know.” (Ibid., cont.:) “Why should God be angry over your voice and destroy the work of your hands?” This refers to the children who are afflicted with leprosy. R. Aha said, “If a man has intercourse with his wife when she is menstruating, the children will be afflicted with leprosy. How? [If] he has intercourse on the first day of her menstruating, the child which is born shall be afflicted after ten years. [If] he has intercourse with her on the second day, it shall be afflicted after twenty years. On the third day it shall be afflicted after thirty years. On the fourth day it shall be afflicted after forty years. On the fifth day it shall be afflicted after fifty years. On the sixth day it shall be afflicted after sixty years. On the seventh day it shall be afflicted after seventy years, corresponding to the seven days of her menstruation. Moreover, he shall not depart from the world before he has seen his fruit spoiled. Now the days of a person's life are only seventy years, for so David says (in Ps. 90:10), ‘The days of our life comprise seventy years, and’ [only if] one merited, ‘eighty.’ Therefore if a man has intercourse with a menstruating woman on the seventh day, the fetus is afflicted at seventy years of age, so that he does not depart from the world until he has seen his fruit spoiled. This punishment, as it were, does not come from Me. I have already testified to you and told you (in Lev. 14:2,) ‘This shall be the law of the leper.’” Another interpretation (of Eccl. 5:5), “Do not let your mouth [cause your flesh to sin, and do not say before the angel (mal'akh) that it was a mistake]”: If you have acted with malice aforethought and led astray a high priest, who is called an angel (mal'akh), as stated (in Mal. 2:7), “For the lips of a priest preserve knowledge, and they should seek Torah from his mouth; for he is the messenger (mal'akh) of the Lord of hosts”; then do not say, “I sinned by mistake,” [ i.e. ] (in Eccl. 5:5), “ do not say before the angel (i.e., before the high priest) that it was a mistake.” Why? You are leading yourself astray. You are afflicting yourself. The voice which you send forth from your mouth will destroy the work of your hands. (Eccl. 5:5) “Why should God be angry over your voice [and destroy the work of your hands]?” This refers to the children who are afflicted with leprosy." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 14:2:) “This shall be the law of the leper.” This text is related (to Prov. 18:21), “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Everything depends on the tongue. [If] one is acquitted, he is acquitted for life; [if] one is not acquitted, he is condemned to death. [If] one is engaged in Torah with his tongue, he is acquitted for life, inasmuch as the Torah is a tree of life, as stated (in Prov. 3:18), “[Wisdom] is a tree of life to those who take hold of it.” It (i.e., the Torah) is also one's healing for the evil tongue (i.e., slander), as stated (in Prov. 15:4), “A healing tongue is a tree of life.” But if one is occupied with slander, his soul is condemned to death, since slander is more harmful than the shedding of blood. Thus whoever kills takes only one life, but the one who speaks slander kills three people: the one who tells it, the one who accepts it, and the one about whom it is told.9PRK 4:2; Lev. R. 26:2; Numb. R. 19:2; Deut. R. 5:10; M. Pss. 12:2; yPe’ah 1:1 (16a). Doeg spoke slander against Ahimelech; and he (i.e., Ahimelech) was killed, as stated (in I Sam. 22:16), “But the king said, ‘You shall surely die, Ahimelech.’” Saul also was killed, [as stated] (in I Chron. 10:13), “So Saul died for the treachery which he had committed against the Lord.” And thus did Saul say (in II Sam. 1:9, to a young man), “Please stand over me and slay me, for death throes have seized me.” [The young man was] the accuser10Gk.: kategoros. of Nob, the city of priests [against Saul]. Now death throes (shbts) can only denote priesthood, since it is stated (in Exod. 28:13 with reference to high-priestly dress), “And you shall make gold brocade (rt.: shbts).” Doeg also was uprooted (shrsh) from the life of this world and from all life in the world to come. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 52:7), “God will also tear you down for ever; He will seize you, tear you away from your tent, and uproot (shrsh) you from the land of the living. Selah,” [i.e., He will uproot you] from life in the world to come. Who is more severe? One who smites with the sword or [one who] smites with the dart? Say the one who smites with the dart. The one who smites with the sword is only able to kill his companion if he draws near to him and touches him; but in the case of one who smites with the dart, it is not so. Rather one throws the dart wherever he sees him. Therefore, one who speaks slander is comparable to the dart, as stated (in Jer. 9:7), “Their tongue is a sharpened dart; it speaks deceit.” It also says (in Ps. 57:5), “people, whose teeth are spears and darts, and whose tongue a sharp sword.” See how harmful slander is, in that it is more harmful than adultery, shedding blood and idolatry.11M. Pss. 52:2. Of adultery it is written (in Gen. 39:9, where Joseph is addressing Potiphar's wife), “then how shall I do this great evil and sin against God?” Of shedding blood it is written (in Gen. 4:13), “My sin is greater than I can bear.” Of idolatry it is written (in Exod. 32:31, with reference to the golden calf), “Alas, this people has sinned a great sin.” But when it (i.e., Scripture) mentions slander, it does not say \"great\" (in the masculine singular, as in Gen. 4:13), or \"great\" (in the feminine singular, as in Gen. 39:9 and Exod. 32:31), but \"great\" (in the feminine plural). Thus it is written (in Ps. 12:4), “The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips, [every] tongue speaking great things (in the feminine plural).” It is therefore stated (in Prov. 18:21), “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” [Another interpretation (of Prov. 18:21), “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”: Do not say, “Since I have license to speak, I am therefore speaking whatever I want.” See, the Torah has already warned you (in Ps. 34:14), “Keep your tongue from evil [and your lips from speaking deceit].” Perhaps you will say that you are suffering a loss. Are you not profiting instead? So the holy spirit proclaims (in Prov. 21:23), “The one who guards his mouth and his tongue guards his soul from trouble (tsarot).” Do not read this as “from trouble.” Instead [read it as], \"from leprosy (tsar'at).” Another interpretation (of Prov. 18:21), “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”: Slander is so harmful that one does not produce it from his mouth without denying the Holy One, blessed be He.12M. Ps. 52:2. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 12:5), “Those who say, ‘By our tongues we shall prevail; our lips are with us, who is to be our Lord?’” The Holy One, blessed be He, as it were, cried out against those who speak slander (in Ps. 94:16), “Who will stand for Me against evildoers…?” Who can stand against them? And who will stand against them? Geihinnom? But Geihinnom also cries out, “I am unable to stand against them.” [Then] the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “I [will come at them] from above and you (Geihinnom), from below. I will hurl darts from above; and you will turn on them with burning coals from below.” Thus it is stated (in Ps. 120:4), “Sharp darts of the warrior along with burning coals of broom wood.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Do you want to be delivered from Geihinnom? Keep yourselves far away from the deceitful tongue. Then you will be acquitted in this world and in the world to come.” Thus it is stated (in Ps. 34:13), “Who is the one who desires life….” And it is [then] written (in vs. 14), “Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit […].” Thus it is stated (in Lev. 14:2), “This shall be the law of the leper,” to teach you that one who speaks slander will have blemishes come to him, as it is stated, “This shall be the law of the leper (metsora'),” [i.e.] the one who proclaims evil (motsi' ra')13Above, 5:1; ySot. 2:1 (17d); ‘Arakh. 15b; Cf. Lev. R. 16:1. will find evil, in that he will have leprosy come upon him. See what is written about Miriam (in Numb. 12:1), “Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses.” Therefore (in vs. 10), “then Aaron turned unto Miriam, and there was [Miriam] with leprosy like the snow.” What is written elsewhere (in Deut. 24:9)? “Remember what the Lord your God did to Miriam […].” And is it not all the more so? For if Miriam had this happen, when she only spoke against her beloved brother when he was absent14I.e., she spoke privately to Aaron with no desire to be hostile to Moses. Cf. Sifre, Numb. 12:1 (99:2). and was only intending to return him to his wife, how much the more so in the case of one who utters slander against his colleague? What is written above on the matter (in Deut. 24:8)? “Take care with the plague of leprosy [to watch diligently and do according to all that the priests and Levites shall teach…].” So the hand of the Holy One, blessed be He, also afflicted with it Aaron, who was high priest. Thus it is stated (in Numb. 12:9), “And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them, [i.e.] against Aaron and against Miriam.” Aaron, however, was healed immediately; but Miriam, after seven days, as stated (in Numb. 12:15), “So Miriam was shut up [outside of the camp] for seven days.” Ergo (in Lev. 14:2), “This shall be the law of the leper (metsora').” The one who proclaims evil (motsi' ra') is the one who finds evil (motse' ra'). And thus you find with the primeval serpent, because he spoke slander [to Eve] against his Creator, for that reason he became leprous.15Cf. Gen. R. 19:4. What did he say? R. Joshua ben Levi said (citing Gen. 3:5), “’For God knows that on the day that you eat from it, your eyes shall be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.’ He said to her, ‘Every artisan hates his fellow [artisan].16The saying is proverbial. See Gen. R. 32:2; M. Pss. 11:6. Now when [the Holy One, blessed be He,] wanted to create His world, He ate from this tree. So he created His world. You [two] also eat from it. Then you will be able to create like Him.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said to [the serpent], ‘You have spoken slander. Your end is to be stricken with leprosy.’” It is so stated (in Gen. 3:14), “So the Lord God said unto the serpent, “Because you have done this, more cursed shall you be than all the beasts of the field.” With what did he curse ('araroh) him? With leprosy. Now a curse can only be leprosy, since it is stated (in Lev. 13:52), “for it is a malignant (mam'eret) leprosy.”17The argument assumes that ‘arirah and mam’eret share the same root. So also Exod. R. 3:13. R. Huna said in the name of R. Joshua ben Levi, “The scales which are on the snake are his leprosy.”18Gen. R. 20:4. And not only that, but when all the deformed are cured in the world to come, the snake shall not be cured.19Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 11:9; Tanh., Gen. 11:8; Gen. R. 95:1. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 3:14), “more cursed shall you be than all the beasts.” From here [we learn] that they all shall be healed, but [the serpent] shall not be healed. People shall be healed, as stated (in Is. 35:5), “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened….” It is also [written about] the wild beasts and the cattle (in Is. 65:25), “The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion like the ox shall eat straw, but the serpent's food shall be dust”; as he will never be healed, because he [was the one who] brought all mortals down to the dust. And what caused him to have [this punishment]? [It happened] because he had spoken slander." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 14:2:) “In the day of his cleansing.” [With what?]20Lev. R. 16:7. With (according to vs. 4) “two live clean birds.” How is his offering different from all [other] offerings? It is simply that he has spoken slander. Therefore, the text says that his sacrifice is two birds, because they (like slanderers) carry their voices. (Lev. 14:4, cont.:) “And cedar wood.” In the case of the cedar, no tree is taller (gevoha) than that one; so because [the leper] has exalted (gevoha) himself like a cedar, [he has had] the leprosy come upon him.21PRK 4:3. Thus Simeon ben Eleazar has said, “Leprosy comes on account of haughtiness, for so you find in the case of Uzziah (in II Chron. 26:16), ‘But when he was strong, he grew so arrogant that he acted corruptly,’ and it is written (in II Chron. 26:19), ‘but during his anger with the priests, leprosy appeared on his forehead.’” (Lev. 14:4, cont.:) “And with hyssop.” Among the trees there is none [as short] as the hyssop. Because [the leper] has lowered himself, [leprosy] is therefore cured through the hyssop. (Lev. 14:5:) “[Then the priest shall give a command] to kill one bird.” Why kill one and release one? It is simply that, if he has repented, the leprosy shall not return upon him.22Cf. Lev. 16:9. (Lev. 14:2:) “[This shall be the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing:] He shall be brought unto the priest.” What is the meaning of “He shall be brought (rt.: bw')?” He comes (rt.: bw'). Why? Because everything is far off and separated from him, for so David says (in Ps. 38:12), “My friends and companions stand aloof from my affliction, and my kinfolk stand far off.” So also it says (in Lev. 13:46), “he shall dwell alone; his dwelling shall be outside the camp,” outside the camp of Israel. It is therefore stated (in Lev. 14:2), “he shall be brought (rt.: bw'),” [meaning] he comes (rt.: bw')." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 14:2:) “This shall be the law of the leper.” Let our master instruct us: For how many things does leprosy come? Thus have our masters taught: The affliction comes [upon one] for eleven things:23Cf. Numb. R. 7:5; Lev. 17:3; ‘Arakh. 16a. (1) For idolatry, (2) for desecration of the name [of God], (3) for unchastity, (4) for theft, (5) for slander, (6) for false witness, (7) upon24In this passage “for” and “upon” translate the same Hebrew word (‘al). the judge who perverts justice, (8) for swearing in vain, (9) upon one who enters a domain which is not his, (10) upon one who thinks false thoughts, and (11) upon one who instigates quarrels among brothers. And some also say, “for the evil eye (i.e., for being miserly).” How is it shown [that leprosy comes] for idolatry? In that, when they made the calf, they were afflicted with leprosy. Thus it is stated (in Exod. 32:25), “Now Moses saw that the people were riotous (parua')”; and it is written concerning the leper (in Lev. 13:45), “his head shall be unkempt (parua').” And how is it shown [that leprosy comes] for cursing the name? From Goliath, of whom it is stated that he said in (I Sam. 17:8), “Choose a man ('ish) for yourselves.” Now man ('ish) can only be the Holy One, blessed be He, since it is stated (in Exod. 15:3), “The Lord is a man ('ish) of war.” It is also written (in I Sam. 17:46) “This day [the Lord] will deliver (rt.: sgr) you.” Now deliverance can only imply leprosy, since it is stated (in Lev. 13:5), “the priest shall isolate (rt.: sgr) him.” And how is it shown for unchastity? Where it is written (in Is. 3:[16-]17), “[Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with extended neck and roving eyes…]. Therefore the Lord will smite with sores (sph) the scalps [of the daughters of Zion].”25Vs. 17 differs here from the Masoretic Text by replacing the divine name with Adonay (LORD). Now sores (sph) can only be leprosy, as stated (in Lev. 14:56), “For a swelling and for a sore (rt.: sph) and for a bright spot.” How is it shown for theft? Where it is stated (in Zech. 5:4), “I have sent it (i.e., the curse of the flying scroll in vs. 1) forth, says the Lord of hosts; and it shall come unto the house of the thief.” Hence, for theft. How is it shown for swearing falsely? Where it is stated (in Zech. 5:4, cont.), “and unto the house of the one who swears falsely in My name; and it shall lodge within his house; and it shall consume it, [even] with its timbers and stones.” What is a thing which consumes timbers and stones? Rabbi says, “This is leprosy, since it is written (concerning a house infested with leprosy (in Lev. 14:45), ‘And he shall break down the house with its timbers and stones.’” And how is it shown for slander? From Miriam [of whom] it is written (in Numb. 12:10), “so when Aaron turned unto Miriam, there she was, stricken with leprosy.” It is written (in Lev. 14:1), “This shall be the law of the leper (hametsora'),” [i.e.] the one who puts forth evil (hamotsi ra'). And how is it shown for those who bear false witness? Where Israel testified falsely and said (in Exod. 32:4), “These are your gods, O Israel,” they were struck with leprosy, as stated, “Instruct the Israelites to remove from the camp….” It also states (Exodus 32:25), “Now Moses saw that the people were riotous (parua').”26Cf. above in this section, where parua‘ in this verse is related to Lev. 13:45, according to which the leper’s HEAD SHALL BE UNKEMPT (parua‘). And [how is it shown] for the judge who perverts justice? Where it is stated (of unjust judges in Is. 5:24), “And it shall be that as a tongue of fire consumes straw, and as chaff sinks down in a flame, their root shall be like the rot, and their blossom shall rise up like the dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts.” Their blossom (prh) can only refer to leprosy, since it is stated (in Lev. 13:12), “If the leprosy should blossom out widely (rt.: prh).” And how is it shown for one who enters a domain which is not his? From Uzziah, who entered the domain of the priesthood. It is so stated (of him in II Chron. 26:19), “then leprosy appeared on his forehead.” And how is it shown for one who instigates quarrels among brothers? From Pharaoh, as stated (in Gen. 12:17), “Then the Lord afflicted Pharaoh,” because he had taken Sarah from Abraham. And [how is it shown] for the evil eye (i.e., for being miserly)? R. Isaac said, “When someone's eye is too evil (i.e., when someone is too miserly) to lend out his possessions. When someone comes and says to him, ‘Lend me your scythe, lend me your ax, or any object,’ he says to him, ‘Cursed is the one who has a scythe, cursed is the one has an axe’ (meaning, ‘I do not have one’). What does the Holy One, blessed be He, do?27Cf. Yoma 11b. He afflicts [his house] with leprosy. When he comes to the priest and says to him, ‘Something like a plague has appeared in the house belonging to me,’ he commands (according to Lev. 14:45), ‘Let him break down the house with its timbers and stones.’ Then everybody will see his implements, when they lug them and bring them outside. So they publicize28Mepharsemin, from PRSM, a verb related to the Greek, parresiazesthai (“to speak freely”). his implements, and they all say, ‘Did he not say, “I do not have a scythe; I do not have an ax?” See, he does have such and such an object, but he did not want to lend it.’ So his eye is evil (i.e., he is miserly), to lend.” (Leviticus 14:37:) “And [the priest] says, ‘[The walls are] deeply colored (shkarurot).’” Do not read it [such], but rather read it as he brought down curses (shaka arurot). As he said, “Cursed,” and he brought down his house. And everyone saw his curses, as stated (in Job 20:28), “The produce of his house shall depart, poured out in the day of His wrath.” [Moreover,] there are also some who say, [leprosy] also [comes] for haughtiness. How is it shown? From Naaman, as stated (in II Kings 5:1), “Now Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Aram […] a valiant warrior, was a leper,” because he was haughty. [Leprosy] also [comes] upon the one who says something against his colleague that is not true about him. Thus you find it so in the case of Moses our master, when he said (in Exod. 4:1), “But [surely] they shall not believe me.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “They are believers [and] children of believers”: [Believers] (in Exod. 4:31), “And the people believed”; the children of believers, as stated (in Gen. 15:6), “And he (Abram) believed in the Lord.” However, it is necessary [for you] to be afflicted, since the one who suspects the innocent is afflicted in his body. It is so stated (in Exod. 4:6), “Then [the Lord…] said, ‘Please put your hand in your bosom’; so he put his hand in his bosom, and when he withdrew it, behold, it was leprous as snow.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Look at the difference between you and the peoples of the world. When they sin, I afflict them first in their bodies and after that in their houses, as stated (in Gen. 12:17), ‘Then the Lord afflicted Pharaoh with great plagues,’ and afterwards, ‘and his house.’ But if you sin, I afflict your houses first.” Where is it shown? From what they read on the matter (in Lev. 14:34), “and I put a plague of leprosy in a house of the land you possess.” (Lev. 14:34:) “And I put a plague of leprosy in a house of the land you possess.” How has the land sinned, that it should be afflicted? It is simply that the land is afflicted for human sin, as stated (in Ps. 107:[32-]34), “[He turns….] A fruitful land into a salt marsh because of the evil [of those who dwell in it].” Why? Because of the evil [of the people]. And so does it state (Isaiah 26:9), “with Your judgements upon the earth, so will those that dwell in the inhabitation learn justice.” Why do punishments come upon the world? For the creatures, so that they would look, consider, and say, “Whoever sins is afflicted, and whoever does not sin is not afflicted.” So why are the trees, the stones and the walls afflicted? So that their owners will look [at them] and repent. And so you find that when Israel sinned, the Holy One, blessed be He, intended to exile them at once before the [other] nations. But He said, “If I exile them at the start, they will become a shame and a disgrace to all the nations.” What did he do? He brought Sennacherib the wicked upon all the [other] nations and exiled them. Thus it is stated (in Is. 10:14), “My hand (the hand of Sennacherib) has found the wealth of the peoples like a nest.” It is also written (in vs. 13), “and I (Sennacherib) have removed the borders of peoples.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “When Israel sees that I have exiled the nations of the world, they will repent and fear My judgment.” It is so stated (in Zeph. 3:6), “I have rooted out the nations; their corner towers are desolate.” And after it is written (in vs. 7), “I said, ‘Surely you will fear Me, they will learn rebuke!’” When they did not repent, they immediately went into exile. Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, warns them and [first] afflicts their houses, so that they will repent. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 14:34), “and I put a plague of leprosy in a house of the land you possess.” For him to repent is preferable; but if not, he is afflicted in his body, as stated (in Lev. 15:2), “When any man has a discharge issuing from his flesh….” Hence, the stones are struck first. For him to repent is preferable; but if not, his clothes are afflicted, as stated (in Lev. 13:47), “When the plague of leprosy is in a garment.” Then if he does not repent, he is afflicted in his body. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 13:40), “When someone's head becomes hairless [so that he is bald, he is clean]”; but still with a balding of the head there is a substantial doubt whether he is unclean or clean. For him to repent is preferable, but if not, he is afflicted with boils, as stated (in Lev. 13:18), “And when one has boils on the skin of his flesh and is healed.”29The verses that follow explain that the boils may then become leprous. Boils is [worse] than balding of the head. For him to repent is preferable, but if not, he is afflicted with five scourges: swelling, sore, bright spot, scab, and plague spot. And why all this? Because he did not repent.30Numb. R. 14:4. Scripture has said (in Prov. 19:29), “Judgments are ready for scoffers; and stripes for the back of fools.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Before I created the human, I prepared all these for him.” [The situation] is comparable to an evil slave who was about to be sold. When his master went to buy him, he knew that he was a bad salve. [So] he took along chains and whips so that if he rebelled, he might subdue him with them. When he did rebel, he brought out the chains and chained him. He brought out the whips and beat him. The slave said to him, “Did you not know that I was a bad slave? Why did you buy me?” He said to him, “Because I knew that you are difficult, I prepared chains and whips for you, so that if you rebelled, I might subdue you with them.” So too the Holy One, blessed be He [and] blessed be His name forever, before He created the human one, He prepared afflictions for him, because (according to Gen. 8:21) He knows that31Heb.: Ki. Although in the biblical context the word must mean “for,” or its equivalent, the midrash understands the word with the alternate meaning of “that.” “the instinct of one's heart is evil from his youth.” He therefore prepared all these for him, so that if he rebelled, He would subdue him, as stated (in Prov. 19:29), “Judgments are ready for scoffers; and stripes (mahalumot) for the back of fools.” What are mahalumot? Mahah lamoot (strike to death). Warn him first; it is preferable if he repents. But if not, strike his body. How is it shown? From that which we read about the matter (in Lev. 14:34), “and I put a plague of leprosy in a house of the land you possess.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 15:25) “And when a woman has had a discharge of blood for many days.” Let our master instruct us: Is it permitted for a menstruant to sleep in the same bed with her husband, when he is in his clothes and she is in her clothes, one on one side and one on the other?32Shab. 13a. Thus have our masters taught: It is forbidden [for them] to lie down [together], because one does not one put a breech before a proper man, and certainly not before the thief. Thus the sages compare the matter to a fire in the straw; and it says (in Lev. 18:19), “And you shall not come near a women during her period of menstrual uncleanness.” [This is] to teach you that the Holy One, blessed be He, warns Israel about sanctification and about purity, lest they become unclean through their wives when they are menstruating; for whoever has intercourse with his wife when she is menstruating is under sentence of being cut off, as stated (in Lev. 20:18), “And if a man lies with a woman [when she is] unwell…, they both shall be cut off.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 15:25:) “And when a woman has had a discharge of blood for many days.” But are there not seven days in a menstrual period? So why did it call them “many days?” Simply because she is separated from her husband and they are days of suffering, they are called “many days.” Similarly (in Exod. 2:23), “And it came to pass in the course of those many days [that the king of Egypt died].” It calls them “many days,” because they were days of suffering.33Cf. Lev. R. 19:5. [Likewise] (I Kings 18:1) “And it came to pass in those many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year.” And is it not that there were not [even] three years, but rather a month from the first, the whole second year and a month from the third? Simply because they were years of famine, they are called “many days.” Similarly (in Esther 1:4), “In his displaying the glory of his kingdom and the preciousness of the splendor of his greatness many days, one hundred and eighty days.” Simply because they were days of suffering, it calls them, “many days.” Similarly (in Joshua 11:18), “Joshua made war many days.” Similarly (in II Chronicles 16:3), “Israel has gone many days without the true God, without a priest to give instruction.” And [yet] it is written (Joshua 24:31), “Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua and all of the days of the elders who had length of days.” It is simply that since they [also] worshipped idolatry, they are called, “many days.” Here too, because she is separated from her husband and they are days of suffering, they are called “many days.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 15:25:) “And when a woman has had a discharge of blood [for many days].” Thus did R. Hiya teach: Any place where [Scripture] says, “days,” it is two days; and any place where it says, “many days,” it is three days. How so? The woman is unclean from menstruation for seven days and becomes clean on the eighth day. [If] she sees blood on that day, she observes a day [like the rest] and becomes clean. [If] she sees it again on the ninth day, she observes that day and becomes clean. [If] she sees it again on the tenth day, she observes that one and is clean. Ergo, three days which are “many days.” However, if she sees blood on day eleven, which is the fourth day of her cleansing, she returns to her uncleanness, and observes her seven days of menstruation from the beginning. For so have the sages taught: There are eleven days between one menstrual period and another; therefore, the woman has to keep fifteen days. How does she do so? She keeps seven days of her menstrual period. Then after that she counts seven clean days and becomes clean on the eighth day. Then she performs a strict immersion after sunset, and she is lawful for her husband. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 15:28), “And when she is clean from her discharge, she shall count off seven days, and after that she shall be clean.”" + ], + [], + [ + "(Lev. 15:25:) “And when a woman has had a discharge of blood for many days.” Why a woman and not a man? Previously it applied to men and women. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 15:2), “When any man has a discharge issuing from his flesh.” R. Meir says, “The man's uncleanness was more serious than the woman's uncleanness. Why? Because the uncleanness of women is a sign of children; however, that of a man is [a sign] of suffering. Thus it is stated (in vs. 3), ‘And this shall be the uncleanness in his discharge,’34The next verses (4-12) stress just how defiling his discharge really is. [i.e.] something which seals and closes.” Previously the men saw water, until Rachel arose and said (in Gen. 31:35), “for the period of women is upon me.” Then it was given to her. Therefore (in Exod. 15:25), “And when a woman has had a discharge of blood.” (Lev. 15:25:) “And when a woman has had a discharge of blood for many days.” Thus have our masters taught (in Shab. 2:6): Women die at the time of their childbirth for three transgressions:35Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 2:1; Tanh., Gen. 2:1. Because they have not been careful in regard to menstruation, in regard to the hallah,36I.e., the priest’s share of the dough. and in regard to the lighting of the lamp.37I.e., the Sabbath lamp. Why at the time of their childbirth? Because the adversary (Satan) only makes accusations38Gk.: kategorein. in time of danger. Now the three of them are from the Torah. [Where is it shown about] menstruation? (Lev. 15:25:) “And when a woman has had a discharge of her blood.” [Where is it shown about] the hallah? (Numb. 15:20:) “[You shall set aside] the first of your dough as a hallah offering.” [Where is it shown] in regard to the lighting of the [Sabbath] lamp? As our masters taught, “Where is it shown that a person is to be zealous and diligent in the lighting of the [Sabbath] lamp? Where it is stated (in Is. 58:13), ‘and you call the Sabbath a delight.’ This refers to the lighting of the lamp.” And why were [these commandments] transmitted to the woman?39Gen. R. 17:8; yShab. 2:4 (5b). The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “She extinguished the lamp of the world….” In regard to menstruation, the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “She shed the blood of Adam, and she was sentenced to have her own blood shed, since it is stated (in Gen. 9:6), ‘Whoever sheds human blood [by a human will his blood be shed].’ She shall observe her menstrual period to atone for the blood that she shed.” Ergo (in Lev. 15:25), “And when a woman has had a discharge of blood.” Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, compares the uncleanness of Israel to the uncleanness of the menstrual period, when [a woman] is unclean and [then] purified. So the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to purify Israel, as stated (in Ezek. 36:25), “I will sprinkle pure water upon you, and you shall be pure.” Another interpretation: (Ezek. 36:17:) “Their way before Me was like the uncleanness of a menstruant woman”; like the uncleanness of a menstruant woman, and not like the uncleanness of a corpse. With a corpse in the house, a high priest does not enter there; but in the case of a menstruant woman, a high priest enters into the house with her and sits [with her] on the couch,40YSTWW’, probably from the Gk.: histion, which means “something woven.” but on condition that it not shake (when they sit on it). So if Israel were compared to the impurity of death, the Divine Presence would never return upon them; however, they are compared to the menstruant because there is cleansing for her in a mikveh, so that the priest may be with her in the house and not be afraid. Thus the Divine Presence dwells with Israel, even though they are unclean, as stated (in Lev. 16:16), “which dwells with them in the midst of their uncleannesses.” R. Levy said, “When Israel was in Egypt, the women did not see menstrual blood, because the fear of Egypt was upon them. And also after Israel left Egypt, they did not see menstruation in the desert, because the Divine Presence was among them.” [Moreover,] the women accepted the Torah first. It is so stated (in Exod. 19:3), “Thus shall you say to the House of Jacob,” these are the women;41Exod. R. 28:2. Cf. Shab. 118b: “R. Jose said, ‘… but my wife [I called] my house.’” (ibid., cont.), “and declare to the sons of Israel,” these are the men. And so it says (in Cant. 6:10), “terrible42Buber, n. 91, points out that ‘ayummah (TERRIBLE) is seen as related to ‘emah (“fear”), in that the fear of the Divine Presence was upon them. like bannered hosts.” Now about them it is stated (in Cant. 4:12), “A locked garden is my sister, my bride, a locked fountain, a sealed spring.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “In this world you became clean but returned to uncleanness; but in the world to come I Myself will cleanse you so that you shall not ever become unclean.” Thus it is stated (in Ezek. 36:25), “I will sprinkle pure water upon you, and you shall be pure; I will purify you from all your uncleannesses and from all your idols.”" + ] + ], + "Achrei Mot": [ + [ + "(Lev. 16:1:) “After the death of Aaron's two sons.” This text is related (to Eccl. 9:2), “Since everything [happens] to everyone, the same lot [falls] to the righteous and to the wicked […].” Solomon looked and foresaw the righteous and the wicked in all generations, and he saw things that would happen to the righteous and happen to the wicked.1Cf. below, Deut. 2:1; Lev. R. 20:1; Eccl. R. 9:2:1; PRK 26:1. Then he said (in vs. 3), “This is an evil in all which happens under the sun, in that the same lot [falls] to everyone.” (Vs. 2:) “Since everything [happens] to everyone, the same lot [falls] to the righteous.” This refers to Abraham, in that he was called righteous, as stated (in Gen. 18:19), “For I have chosen him [so] that he may charge [his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord], to practice righteousness.” (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “And to the wicked.” This refers to Nimrod, who incited all the whole world against the Holy One, blessed be He. The former is dead, and the latter is dead. (Ibid., cont.:) “To the good, to the clean, and to the unclean.” “To the good” refers to David, of whom it is stated (in I Sam. 16:12), “So they sent and brought him, reddish, with beautiful eyes and good appearance.” “To the unclean” refers to Nebuchadnezzar. David [laid the foundation of] the Temple, and Nebuchadnezzar destroyed it. The former reigned forty years, and the latter reigned forty years. (Eccl., 9:2, cont.:) “To the one who sacrifices.” This refers to Solomon, of whom it is stated (in I Kings 8:63), “Solomon sacrificed [twenty-two thousand oxen and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep] as peace offerings.” (Eccl., 9:2, cont.:) “And to the one who does not sacrifice.” This refers to Jeroboam, who stopped Israel from going up [to Jerusalem] on pilgrimage, as stated (in I Kings 12:28), “Enough of your going up to Jerusalem.” The latter one reigned after the former one. (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “As it is with the good.” This refers to Moses, of whom it is stated (in Exod. 2:2), “and when she saw that he was good.” (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “So it is with the sinner.” This refers to the spies (in Numb. 13-14), of whom it is stated (in Prov. 13:21), “Evil pursues sinners.” Moses did not enter the land, neither did the spies enter the land. (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “And the one who takes an oath (without keeping it). This refers to Zedekiah, of whom it is stated (in II Chron. 36:13), “And he also rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him take an oath of God.” (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “Is as the one who fears an oath.” This refers to Samson, of whom it is stated (in Jud. 15:12), “then Samson said to them, ‘Swear to me […].’” They put out the eyes of the former, and they put out the eyes of the latter. Hence Solomon said (Eccl 9:3), “This is an evil in all which happens under the sun.” Another interpretation (of Eccl. 9:2), “as it is with the good”: This refers to the children of Aaron. (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “So it is with the sinner.” This refers to those who opposed Aaron, [namely] Korah and his congregation. Now they were destroyed by fire, as stated (in Numb. 16:35), “And a fire went forth from the Lord”; [also when] the children of Aaron entered to offer sacrifice, they were consumed by fire, [as stated (Lev. 10:2),] “So fire came forth from before the Lord and consumed them.” R. Abba bar Kahana opened (with Eccl. 2:2), “’Of laughter I said, “It is mad,” and of rejoicing, “What does that do?”’ How confused is the laughter of the evil,2Eccl. R. 2:2:1; PRK 26(27):2. which they produce in their theater3Gk.: theatra. [houses] and racing arenas.4Lat.: circi; cf. Gk.: kirkoi (“circles”). ‘And of rejoicing, what does that do?’ What enjoyment would the disciples of the sages have there?”5I.e., what confused, popular enjoyment can compare to the delights of Torah study? Another interpretation (of Eccl. 2:2), “Of laughter I said, ‘It is mad’”: R. Aha said, “Solomon has said, ‘There are things over which divine justice laughs (that I have confused).’ It is written (in Deut. 17:17), ‘he shall not multiply wives for himself’; but it is written (in I Kings 11:3), ‘So he had seven hundred royal wives.’6Cf. Tanh., (Buber) Exod. 2:2; Eccl. R. 2:2:3; PRK 26(27):2; ySanh. 2:6 (20c). It is written (in Deut. 17:16), ‘he shall not multiply horses for himself’; but it is written (in I Kings 5:6), ‘Now Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses.’ It is written (in Deut. 17:17, cont.) ‘he shall not multiply silver and gold for himself’; but it is written (in I Kings 10:27), ‘And the king made silver in Jerusalem as plentiful as stones,’ and [the ingots] were not stolen.” R. Jose bar Hanina said, “They were like stones of ten cubits and like stones of eight cubits.”7I.e., they were too heavy to be stolen. R. Simeon ben Johay said in a baraita, “Even the weights which they had in the days of Solomon were of gold, as it is written, (in I Kings 10:21), ‘silver was not [...] considered to be anything.’” (Eccl. 2:2:) “And of rejoicing, ‘What does that do?’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “What is this crown doing in your hand? Get down off your throne.” Immediately an angel in the likeness of Solomon descended and sat upon his throne. Then Solomon went around among the synagogues and academies in Jerusalem and said (in Eccl. 1:12), “I, Koheleth, was king over Israel in Jerusalem.” But they said to him, “King Solomon is sitting on his throne, and you are getting crazier and crazier.” Then they struck him with a rod and set a bowl of grits before him.8I.e., they fed him like a beggar. In that hour Solomon said (in Eccl. 2:10), “And this was my portion from all my labor.” And some say [he was referring] to the cane in his hand, and some say, to his dish, and some say to his staff. At that time, Solomon said, “’Vanity of vanities,’ said Koheleth.” (Eccl. 2:2:), “Of laughter I said, ‘It is mad!’” R. Pinhas said, “How confused was the laughter, when divine justice laughed over the generation of the flood, as stated (in Job 21:10-13), ‘Their bull breeds and does not fail […].9TSot. 3:6-7; Eccl. R. 2:2:1; PRK 26(27):2; cf. Gen. R. 36:1. They send forth their little ones like a flock […]. They sing to timbrel and harp […]. They spend [their days] in prosperity.’ When they said (in vs. 15), ‘What is the Almighty that we should serve him,’ the Holy One, blessed be He, said to them (in Eccl. 2:2), ‘And of rejoicing, “What does that do?”’ By your life, I am destroying your memory from the world, as stated (in Gen. 7:23), “And He wiped out all living things.”’” Another interpretation (of Eccl. 2:2), “Of laughter I said, ‘It is mad’”: How confused was the laughter, when divine justice laughed over the people of Sodom,10See also TSot. 3:11. as stated (Job 28:5-8), “The earth, out of it comes forth bread…. Its stones are the place of sapphires…. No bird of prey knows a path [to it]…. Proud beasts have not trodden it.” When they said, “Let us forget the law of the traveler in our midst,” immediately (in Job 28:4), “A stream burst through from its source”; the Holy One, blessed be He, said to them (Eccl. 2:2), “’And of rejoicing, “What does that do?”’ By your life, I will make you forgotten by the world.” This is what is written (in Gen. 19:24), “Then the Lord rained down upon Sodom….” Another interpretation (of Eccl. 2:2), “Of laughter I said, ‘It is mad’”: How confused was the laughter, when divine justice laughed over Elisheba bat Amminadab,11Aaron’s wife and Naashon’s sister according to Exod. 6:23. when she saw four celebrations in one day.12Tanh. (Buber), Lev. 3:3; Lev. R. 20:2; Eccl. R. 2:2:2. She saw her [brother-in-law] (Moses) a king, her husband a high priest, her brother (Naashon) a prince (nasi),13Naashon is here being identified with Nahshon ben Amminadab, whom Numb. 2:3; 7:11f.; and I Chron. 2:10 call a prince (nasi). and her two sons deputy high priests. When they went in to offer sacrifice, they came out destroyed by fire; and her celebration turned into mourning, as stated (in Lev. 16:1), “Now the Lord spoke unto Moses after the death of Aaron's two sons.”" + ], + [ + "R. Levy opened (with Ps. 75:5), “I say to the merrymakers (la-holelim), ‘Do not make merry;’” [‘la-holelim’ means] those who create confusion (ma'arbavya').14PRK 26(27):3; Lev. R. 20:2. These are the ones whose heart is full of evil intrigues (holhaliyot).15Although the main text reads holhaliyot, Buber cites the word in his notes as the more traditional halholiyot. In either case, whatever the spelling, the midrash interprets holelim and holhaliyot as coming from the same root. R. Levi called them \"woe-makers\";16Dehonayya’ [zehonayya’]. The word seems coined as a pun on “merrymakers” (holelim). See Jastrow, p. 373, s.v., WYNY’. these are the ones who bring woe (alelay) into the world. (Ps. 75:5, cont.:) “To the wicked, do not lift up the horn.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to the evil ones, “The righteous have not been happy in My world, so would you seek to be happy in My world? The first Adam was not happy in My world, so would you seek to be happy in My world?” R. Levi said in the name of R. [Simeon] ben Menasya], “The round of the first Adam's heel outshone17Literally: Made dim [by comparison]. the sphere of the sun.”18PRK 4:4; 12:1; 26(27):3; PR 14:10; Lev. R. 20:2. And do not be surprised at this. According to universal custom, when a person makes two small plates,19Gk.: diskarion. one for himself and one for his household, whose does he make the more beautiful? Is it not his own? So the first Adam was created for the service of the Holy One, blessed be He, but the sphere of the sun was created for the service of mortals. Is it not all the more certain that the round of the first Adam's heel outshone the sphere of the sun? Now if the round of Adam's heel outshone [it], how much the more [must] the countenance20Gk.: charakter; or possibly krystallos; Lat. crystallum. of his face [have outshone it]. R. Levi said in the name of R. Hama bar Hanina, “The Holy One, blessed be He, set up thirteen canopies for the first Adam in the Garden of Eden, as stated (in Ezek. 28:13), ‘You were in Eden, the garden of God, every precious stone was your covering; sapphire, turquoise….’” R. Shimon ben Laquish said, “Eleven.” Our masters said, “Ten.” And they do not disagree. The one that made thirteen of them, makes three out of “every precious stone was your covering”; the one who made them eleven, makes one out of it; and the one that makes ten of them, does not make any from them. Then after all this glory, [he was told] (in Gen. 3:19), “for dust you are and unto dust you shall return.” Abraham was not happy in My world, so would you seek to be happy in My world? Abraham had a son born to him at the end of a hundred years. Then the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Gen. 22:2), “Please take your son….” So he journeyed, as written (in vs. 4), “And on the third day [Abraham] lifted [his eyes and saw]….” What did he see? He saw a cloud joined to the mountain. He said to his son, “My son, do you see what I see…?”21See Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 4:46, and the note there. This is that which is written (in Gen. 23:2), “and Abraham come to mourn for Sarah and weep for her.” From where had he [just] come? He had [just] come from Mount Moriah.22Eccl. R. 9:7:2. The Holy One, blessed be He, as it were, was not happy in His world, so should people seek to be happy in His world? \"The Lord [was] happy in His works\" is not written here (in Ps. 104:31), but “let the Lord be happy [in His works].” And when will He rejoice in His works? When He will rejoice in the actions of the righteous in the world to come.23See M. Pss. 75:2. Israel was not happy in My world, so would you seek to be happy in My world? \"Israel [was] happy in its Maker\" is not written here (in Ps. 149:2), but “Let Israel be happy in its Maker,” because it is in the future that they are going to be happy in the Holy One, blessed be He. It is therefore written (in Ps. 75:5), “I say to the merrymakers, ‘Do not make merry.’”" + ], + [ + "R. Judan of Gallia opened (with Job 39:27), “Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up and makes its nest on high?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Aaron. “At your command I had my Divine Presence rest upon the ark.24Lev. R. 20:4; PRK 26(27):4; see PR 47:3. [Was it not] at your command that I removed my Divine Presence that was upon the ark?” In the case of the first Temple (according to Job 39:28), “It dwells and lodges on the rock,” [i.e., the Divine Presence was there for] a lodging of one night. In the case of the second Temple (referred to in ibid., cont.), “on a rocky crag25Literally: ROCKY TOOTH. The midrash finds the expression well suited to the spur of rock on the Temple mount. and a stronghold,” [ i.e., the Divine Presence was there for a lodging of many nights.26Here following the Buber text, even thought the number of nights that the Divine Presence lodged in the two Temples is the reverse of what one would expect. However, the Buber text is supported by the unemended, traditional text of Lev. R. 20:4 and in Yalqut Shim‘oni, Job 926. Moreover,] we learn there (in Yoma 5:2), “When the ark had been taken away, there was a certain stone there from the days of the former prophets,27According to Rav Huna, as cited in Sot. 48b, the former prophets are David, Samuel, and Solomon. and it was named Foundation. And why was it named Foundation? Because out of it the world was founded.”28Yoma 54b (bar.); yYoma 5:4 (42c); TYoma 3:6 (2:14); Numb. R. 12:4; see below, Tanh. 7:10. And how would a high priest pray on the Day of Atonement?29Cf. yYoma 5:3 (42c). A version of this prayer is part of a long piyyut composed by Rabbi Meshullam ben Kalonymus in the tenth century. It is known either as the Avodah or by its initial words, Amits Koah, and appears as part of the Musaf Service on the Day of Atonement. See P. Birnbaum, The High Holyday Prayer Book (New York: Hebrew Publishing Co., 1951), p. 26. May it be Your will, O Lord our God, that this year be one of rain, warmth, and dew, a year of low prices, a year of abundance, a year of grace, a year of blessing, a year of trade, a year when Your people Israel are not dependent on each other, a year when they will not be arrogant with each other. Now the rabbis of Caesarea said, “[It was] with reference to our brothers in Caesarea [that the high priest prayed] for them not to be arrogant with each other.” But [the rabbis of the south] say, “[It was] with reference to our brothers in the Sharon, lest their houses become their tombs.”30For example, if the houses collapsed from heavy rains or were buried in a sandstorm. (Job 39:29:) “From there it31I.e., the eagle. spies out food; and its eyes behold it from afar.” From there it prepares food for all the days of the year. He (i.e., the high priest) knew from the beginning of the year what would [happen] at the end [of the year]. How so? When he looked and saw smoke from the pile (of wood on the Temple altar)32See TYoma 3:3 (2:11); Yoma 33a. rising southward, he knew that one would have enough in the south. And it was the same for the north, the same for the west, and the same for the east. But when the smoke rose straight up towards the sky, he knew that the whole world would have enough. Then after all this advantage, (according to Job 39:30) “Its nestlings suck (from 'l') up blood…. [Aaron] saw his nestlings wallowing (from g'g') in blood and (according to Lev. 10:3) kept silent. However (ibid., cont.), “where the slain (i.e. Nadab and Abihu) are, there (i.e. there is the Divine Presence) is.” R. Judan said in the name of R. Joshua ben Levi, [who spoke] in the name of R. Berekhyah, [who spoke] in the name of R. Hiyya bar Abba, “It is not written here (Lev. 10:4), ‘Draw near and carry your brothers away ‘from the sanctuary,’ but ‘from before the sanctuary.’ [The situation is] similar to someone who says to his colleague, ‘Remove the dead person from before his father. How long shall he look at his dead child?’” It is therefore written (in Lev. 16:1), “after the death of Aaron's two sons.”" + ], + [ + "R. Ahawa bar Ze'era opened (with Job 37:1), “At this also my heart trembles and leaps from its place.” What is the meaning of “and leaps?”33PRK 26(27):5; Lev. R. 20:5. Jumps, as [Scripture] says (in Lev. 11:21), “[which have knees above their feet] with which to jump upon the earth.” Moreover, we translate [the word as] \"to jump\" (in the Targum Onqelos of Lev. 11:21). When Titus the wicked entered the holy of holies and cut [open] the curtain,34So Sifre, Deut. 32:38; (328); Git. 56b; Gen. R. 10:7; Lev. R. 22:3; Eccl. R. 5:8:4; Josephus, Contra Apionem 2:82; Ant. 20.250; plus the parallels mentioned above. Cf. Exod. R. 51:5, according to which Hadrian committed the sacrilegious act, and M. Pss. 121:3, according to which it was Titus’ nephew. he entered in peace and came out in peace; but the sons of Aaron entered to offer sacrifice and came out destroyed by fire. It is so stated (in Lev. 16:1), “in their approaching in front of the Lord.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 16:1:) “After the death of Aaron's two sons.” R. Berekhyah opened (his discourse with Prov. 17:26), “To punish also the righteous is not good; to smite the noble ones for uprightness.”35Lev. R. 20:6; PRK 26(27):6/7. Said the Holy One, blessed be He, “Although I punished Aaron (for the golden calf) by taking his two children from him, it is not good. It was only (according to ibid., cont.) “to smite the noble ones for uprightness.”36Perhaps either because they themselves had sinned or in order to sanctify the Divine Name, since (according to Lev. 10:3) Aaron accepted their deaths in silence. See Enoch Zundel in his commentary on Tanh., Lev. 6:5." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 16:1:) “After the death of Aaron's two sons.” It was taught in a baraita in the name of R. Eliezer:37In y‘Eruv. 6:1 (31c); yGit. 1:2 (39c); ‘Eruv. 63b. Nadab and Abihu died only because they had taught halakhah in the presence of their master, Moses.38Lev. R. 20:7; PRK 26(27):6/7; yShevi. 6:1 (36c); yGit. 1:2 (43c). There is a story about a disciple that taught halakhah before his master. So his colleague said to his wife, Mamma Shalom, “This man will not live out the year.” And indeed he did not live out the year. His disciples said to him, “O our master, are you a prophet?” He said to them (in the words of Amos 7:14), “’I am neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet.’ Rather this was handed down to me from my masters, ‘Whoever teaches halakhah in the presence of his master is under sentence of death.’” According to a baraita a disciple is forbidden to teach halakhah in the presence of his master until he is twelve mil39Lat.: mille, i.e., a “thousand” paces. away from him, [a distance] corresponding to the [extent of] the camp of Israel.40Lev. R. 20:7. This is what is written (in Numb. 33:49), “They encamped by the Jordan from Beth-Jeshimoth as far as Abel-Shittim.” R. Nahum bar Jeremiah was in [Hefer]. They would ask him, and he would teach. They said to him, “Rabbi, have we not learned thus: A student is forbidden to teach halakhah in the presence of his master until he is twelve mil away from him, [a distance] corresponding to the camp of Israel? And your master, R. Mani, dwells in Sepphoris.” He said to them, “Surely if I had known [of his presence], I would not have taught.” From that time on he did not teach [there]. In four places [Scripture] mentions the death of Aaron's sons,41In Lev. 10:2-3; 16:1; Numb. 3:4; 26:61. and it also mentions their transgression. And why all this?42PRK 26(27):8; Lev. R. 20:8; Numb. R. 2:24. To inform you that they had only this sin on their hands. R. Eleazar of Modim said, “Go out and see how grievous the death of Aaron's sons was for the Holy One, blessed be He; for in every place that [Scripture] mentions their death, it mentions their transgression. And why all this? So as not to give those who come into the world a pretext for saying, ‘Disgraceful acts were secretly done by them, because of which they died.’” Bar Qappara said in the name of R. Jeremiah bar Eleazar, “Aaron's sons died because of four things: For the drawing near, for the sacrificing, for alien fire, and for not taking advice from each other.43Numb. R. 2:23. For drawing near, in that they entered the innermost sanctuary. For the sacrificing, in that they offered a sacrifice, which they had not been commanded [to offer]. For alien fire, in that they had brought fire from a cookhouse (instead of from off the altar). And for not taking advice from each other.” R. Mani of Sha'av and R. Joshua of Sikhnin said in the name of R. Levi, “Aaron's sons died because of four things, and [a sentence of] death is recorded in connection with all of them.44PRK 26 (27):9; Lev. R. 20:9. Because they entered without washing hands and feet, and it says (in Exod. 30:20), ‘When they come unto the tent of meeting, they shall wash with water lest they die.’ Because they entered while lacking [the proper priestly] clothes, and it says (in Exod. 28:43), ‘And they shall be upon Aaron and his sons in their coming to the tent of meeting….’” And what did they lack? R. Levi said, “They were lacking a robe, and [a sentence of] death is recorded in connection with [that lack], where it is stated (in Exod. 28:35), ‘And it (the robe with golden bells and pomegranates) shall be upon Aaron for officiating, so that the sound of it shall be heard, [when he comes into the sanctuary]… [lest he die].’” “And because they had no children, and [a sentence of] death is recorded in connection with [that lack], where it is stated (in Numb. 3:4), ‘But Nadab and Abihu died…; and they had no children.’ Because they entered and had drunk wine, and it says (in Lev. 10:9), ‘Drink no wine or intoxicating liquor… lest you die.’” Abba Hanin says, “Because they had no wives, and it is recorded (in Lev. 16:6), ‘and he shall make atonement for himself and for his household.’” R. Levi said, “They had a lot of arrogance and were saying, ‘Which woman is worthy of us?’45Lev. R. 20:10; below, Lev. 6:13. A lot of women were remaining unmarried and waiting for them. But they were saying, ‘Our father’s brother is king, our father is high priest, our mother's brother is prince, [and] we are deputy high priests. Which woman is worthy of us?’” R. Menahama [said] in the name of R. Joshua bar Hanina, “[It is] about them [that] it says (in Ps. 78:63), ‘Fire devoured their young men, and their maidens had no nuptial song.’ Why had fire devoured their young men? Because of their maidens, who had no nuptial song.” And moreover, [their arrogance may be inferred] from this (i.e., from Exod. 24:1), “Then He said unto Moses, ‘Go up unto the Lord, you and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu.’” This teaches that Moses and Aaron walked first, while Nadab and Abihu came after them; but still they were saying, “When will these two old men die, and we shall assume authority over the community in their place?”46See below, Lev. 6:13. R. Judan said in the name of R. Ayyevu, “They said it to each other with their mouths, they said it in front of [Moshe and Aharon].” R. Pinhas said, “They pondered it in their hearts.” R. Berekhyah said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them (in Prov. 27:1), ‘Do not boast of tomorrow, since you do not know what will be born today’; a lot of colts have died, and their skins have been made into coverings for their mothers’ backs.” And in addition [their transgression may be inferred] from this (i.e., from Exod. 24:11), “But He (i.e., the Holy One, blessed be He,) still did not raise His hand against the nobles of the Children of Israel.” From here [it follows] that they deserved to have a hand raised [against them]. R. Hosha'ya said, “Did cellaria47The word is Latin. (i.e., provisions) go up with them to Sinai, since it says (ibid., cont.), ‘they beheld God, [and they ate and drank]?’ It is simply that they feasted their eyes on the Divine Presence. [Hence they were] like someone who beholds his colleague in the midst of eating and drinking.” R. Johanan said, “[There was] actual eating [and drinking], since it is written (in Prov. 16:15), ‘In the light of the king's face there is life; His favor is like a rain cloud in spring.’” R. Tanhuma said, “[Exod. 24:11] teaches that they became bold in their hearts and stood on their feet, [while] they feasted their eyes on the Divine Presence.” R. Joshua of Sikhnin said in the name of R. Levi, “Moses did not feast his eyes on the Divine Presence, as stated (in Exod. 3:6), ‘Moses hid his face….’ In reward for (Exodus 3:6, cont.) ‘and he feared,’ he merited (Exod. 34:30), ‘and they feared to approach him’; in reward for (Exodus 3:6, cont.) ‘from gazing,’ he merited (Numbers 12:8) ‘and he gazed [at] the picture of the Lord’; in reward for ‘Moses hid his face,’ he merited (Exod. 34:30), ‘and behold, his skin of his face shone.‘ But Nadav and Avihu feasted their eyes on the Divine Presence, but did not benefit from the Divine Presence.” And in addition, [the boldness of Aaron's sons may be inferred] from this (i.e., from Numb. 3:4), “But Nadab and Abihu died before the Lord […].” R. Johanan, said, “Was it before the Lord that they died? [The verse] simply teaches that it is grievous for the Omnipresent when children of righteous people pass away during their [parents'] lifetime.” R. Nahman asked in front of R. Pinhas bar Hama beRabbi Simon, “Here (Numb. 3:40), ‘before the Lord’ [occurs] two times. But later (I Chronicles 24:2), ‘in the presence of their father’ [occurs only] one time.” It is simply that it teaches that it was twice as grievous for the Holy One, blessed be He, as for their father. (Numb. 4:3:) “In the Sinai Desert.” R. Meir said, “Did they die in the Sinai Desert? It is simply that from Mount Sinai they received their sentence of death.48Their death actually took place at the Tent of Meeting. [The situation is comparable] to a king who was marrying off his daughter, when there was found something obscene in his bridal agent.49Gk.: syskenos (“comrade”). The king said, ‘If I kill him now, I shall impede my daughter's joy. Tomorrow my joy is coming, and I will kill him. It is better [to kill him] during my own joyous celebration, and not during my daughter's joyous celebration.’ Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘If I kill Nadab and Abihu now, I shall impede the joyous celebration of the Torah. Tomorrow My own joyous celebration is coming. It is better [to kill them] during My own joyous celebration, and not during the joyous celebration of the Torah.’ This is what is written (in Cant. 3:11), ‘on his wedding day,’ i.e., the day of the giving of Torah; ‘in the day of his joyful heart,’ i.e., in the tent of meeting.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 3:4:) “And they had no children.” R. Jacob bar Abin said in the name of R. Aha, “If they had had children, they would have taken precedence over Eleazar and Ithamar, since whoever takes precedence with respect to inheritance takes precedence with respect to honor, provided that he follows the behavior of his forebears.”50PRK 26(27):10; Lev. R. 20:11; Numb. R. 2:26. (Ibid.:) “So Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests in the presence of ('al-pene) their father Aaron.” R. Isaac said, “During his lifetime”; but R. Hiyya bar Abba said, “At his death.” According to the opinion of R. Isaac, who said, “During his lifetime,” 'al-pene is mentioned here, and pene is also mentioned elsewhere (in Gen. 11:28), “And Haran died in the lifetime of ('al-pene) his father Terah.” If pene as used elsewhere (i.e., in Gen. 11:28) [means] during his lifetime, pene as used here (in Numb. 3:4) also [means] during his lifetime. According to the opinion of R. Hiyya bar Abba, who said, “At his death,” pene is used here (in Numb. 3:4) and pene is used elsewhere (in Gen. 23:3), “Then Abraham arose from beside ('al-pene) his dead (i.e., his dead wife).” If pene as used elsewhere (in Gen. 23:3) [means] at his death, pene as used here (in Numb. 3:4) also [means] at his death. Now according to the opinion of R. Isaac, who said, “during his lifetime,” [when] uncleanness befell Aaron, Eleazar ministered; [when] uncleanness befell Eleazar, Ithamar ministered. There is a story about Simeon ben Gimhit,51He was high priest in 17-18 C.E. that he went out to speak with the king of the Arabians.52TYoma 4(3):20; yYoma 1:1 (38d); yMeg. 1:12(10) (72a); yHor. 3:3/5(2) (47d): Yoma 47a; ARN, A 35:4. When a streak of saliva squirted from [the king's] mouth onto his clothes and rendered him unclean, his brother Judah entered and ministered in the high priesthood in his place. That day Gimhit saw two of her sons as high priests. They said, “Gimhit had seven sons, and all of them ministered in the high priesthood.” The sages entered her home and said to her, “Tell us what good deeds you have to your credit?” She said to them, “By the Temple service, the rafters of my house have never seen the hair of my head.” They say, “All flours (qimhayya) are flour (qimhin), but the flour of Gimhit is fine flour.” In reference to her they read this verse (Ps. 45:14), “All glorious is the king's daughter within; her clothing is of gold brocade.” Now according to the opinion of R. Hiyya bar Abba, who said, “At his death,” when Aaron died, Eleazar ministered; when Eleazar died, Ithamar served in his place. R. Abba bar Abbina said, “For what reason is the parashah [about the death of] of Miriam (Numb. 20:1) near the parashah of the ashes of the [red] heifer (Numb. 19:1ff.)?53PRK 26(27):11; Lev. R. 20:12; yYoma 1:1 (38b); MQ 28a. Simply to teach that just as the ashes of the [red] heifer atones, so does the death of the righteous atone.” R. Judan said, “For what reason is the death of Aaron (Deut. 10:6) near the breaking of the tablets (Deut. 9:17)? To teach that the death of the righteous is as grievous to the Holy One, blessed be He, as the breaking of the tablets.” R. Hiyya bar Abba said, “The sons of Aaron died on the first of Nisan.54According to Lev. 10:1, they died at the time of the dedication of the Tabernacle; and according to Exod. 40:17, the dedication began with its erection on the first day of the first month, i.e., on the first of Abib, which came to be called Nisan. For what reason does it mention their death on the Day of Atonement (in Lev. 16:1)? It is simply to teach that, just as the Day of Atonement atones, so does the death of the righteous atone.” And where is it shown that the Day of Atonement atones? Where it is stated (in Lev. 16:30), “For on this day atonement shall be made for you to cleanse you.” And where it is shown that the death of the righteous atones? Where it is stated (in II Sam. 21:14), “Then they buried the bones of Saul […] and God responded to the plea of the land thereafter.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 16:1:) “Now the Lord spoke unto Moses after the death [of Aaron's two sons].” This is what Elihu said (to Job 37:1), “At this also my heart trembles and leaps.” Elihu was observing how the sons of Aaron went in to sacrifice and came out destroyed by fire.55Cf. PRK 26(27):5; Lev. R. 20:5. He was amazed and said (ibid.), “At this also my heart trembles and leaps.” What did he see for him to say this? He said, “At a time when the priesthood had become weak in the hand of Aaron, what is written there (in Numb. 17:21)? ‘Then Moses spoke unto the Children of Israel; and their princes gave him a staff, a staff for each prince.’ So he wrote the name of each and every tribe on its staff. He also wrote the name of Aaron on the staff of Levi and put it in the middle, lest the Children of Israel say, ‘It smelled the Divine Presence and bore fruit.’ Moses said, ‘See, I am putting it in the middle so as not to give a pretext,’ as stated (in Numb. 17:21, cont.), ‘and the staff of Aaron was in the midst of their staffs.’ What is written there (in vs. 22-23)? ‘Then Moses placed the staffs before the Lord in the tent of the testimony. And it was on the morrow that Moshe came to the tent of testimony, and the staff of Aaron had sprouted […] and had borne almonds.’ The scriptural text lacked nothing. Why then, ‘and had born (rt.: gml) almonds (rt.: shqd)?’56Numb. R. 18:23. It repaid (rt.: gml) anyone who was bent on (rt.: shqd) evil against the tribe of Levi. So while (in Numb. 17:16-24) even dry pieces of wood emitted an aroma among those who live in the world, sprouted blossoms, came out alive, and produced fruits; [yet] the sons of Aaron, who entered there alive, came out destroyed by fire.” So when Elihu beheld the one and the other, he said (in Job 37:1), “At this also my heart trembles.” When? (Lev. 16:1:) “Now the Lord spoke unto Moses after the death of Aaron's two sons.” As [all] four of [Aaron's sons] deserved to die; but Moses prayed for them, and his prayer produced half [a response]. When? When Israel made the calf, what is written there (in Deut. 9:20)? “And the Lord was very angry with Aaron to destroy (rt.: shmd) him.” Destruction (rt.: shmd) can only be annihilation of children. Thus it is stated (in Amos 2:9), “I destroyed (rt.: shmd) their (the Amorites') fruit above […].” When Moses prayed, his prayer produced half [a response]. (Lev. 16:1:) “After the death of Aaron's two sons.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Aaron, did I not write this in My Torah (in Exod. 22:8), ‘In every case of misappropriation, whether for a bull, for an ass or for a sheep….’ Do you not remember what you did with the bull, as stated (in Ps. 106:20), ‘Thus they exchanged their glory for the image of a bull?’”57See Numb. R. 9:47. For alternate interpretations of Exod. 22:8 that use the same form, see BQ 54b. (Exod. 22:8, cont.:) “For an ass.” This refers to the Egyptians, about whom it is written (in Ezek. 23:20), “whose flesh is like the flesh of asses.” They (the Egyptians among them) made for them a calf, whom Israel worshiped, as stated (in Numb. 11:4), “Then the rabble58I.e., the Egyptians who joined Israel in the Exodus. which was in their midst.” (Exod. 22:8, cont.:) “For a sheep (seh).” This refers to Israel, as stated (in Jer. 50:17), “Israel is a scattered flock (seh).” (Exod. 22:8, cont.:) “For a garment,” [i.e.] that one about which it is written (in Is. 3:6), “you have a garment; you shall be our leader.”59According to Numb. R. 9:47, the allusion is to Israel having made the golden calf their king. (Exod. 22:8, cont.:) “Or any loss,” since it is written of them (i.e., of Israel in Jer. 50:6), “My people were lost sheep.” (Exod. 22:8, cont.:) “Of which one says, ‘This is it.” [This refers to] them when they said (in Exod. 32:8), “These are your gods, O Israel.” (Exod. 22:8, cont.:) “The case of both parties shall come before God (the powers).” This refers to Moses of whom it is written (in Exod. 7:1), “See, I have set you as a power to Pharaoh,” [in that] Moses sat in judgment over them. (Exod. 22:8, cont.:) “The one whom God (the powers) condemns.” This refers to the judges.60See above, Exod. 2:1, and the note there. (Exod. 22:8, cont.:) “Shall pay his neighbor double.” This refers to the two sons of Aaron. Ergo (in Lev. 16:1), “after the death of Aaron's two sons.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 17:1, 3:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses, ‘Speak to Aaron saying, “…. If any single person from the House of Israel slaughters.”’” The holy spirit proclaims (in Mal. 1:11), “From the rising of the sun to its setting, My name shall be great among the gentiles.” From the time that the sun rises until it sets, the praise61Qillus. Cf. the Greek, kalos (“beautiful”). of the Holy One, blessed be He, never ceases from its mouth, as stated (in Ps. 113:3), “From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is praised.” And you find it so when Joshua waged war with Gibeon. What is written there (in Josh. 10:12)? “Then Joshua spoke to the Lord…, ‘O sun, be quiet (dom)62Although dom can mean “stand still”, it commonly means, “be quiet” in the sense of “be silent.” It is this latter sense which the midrash is stressing here. at Gibeon.’” [When] Joshua wanted to silence the sun, he did not say to it, \"O sun, stand still ('amod) at Gibeon,\" but “Be quiet (dom).” Why did he say, “Be quiet?” Because every hour that it is traveling, it is praising the Holy One, blessed be He; and as long as it praises [the Holy One, blessed be He], it has the power to travel [its course]. Joshua therefore told it to be silent, as stated (ibid.), “O sun, be quiet at Gibeon.” The sun said to Joshua, “May someone younger be saying, ‘Be quiet,’ to someone older? I was created on the fourth [day], while human beings were created on the sixth; and are you saying, ‘Be quiet,’ to me?” Joshua said to [the sun], “When a young free person has an elderly slave, does he not say to him, ‘Be silent?’ In the case of our father Abraham, the Holy One, blessed be He, delivered (rt.: pnh) heaven and earth to him, as stated (in Gen. 14:19), ‘Then he blessed him, and said, “Blessed be Abram of God most high, acquirer (rt.: pnh)63Apart from the context in the midrash, a traditional biblical translation would read: CREATOR. of heaven and earth.”’ And not only that, but you bowed down to Joseph, as stated (in Gen. 37:9), ‘here were the sun, the moon, [and eleven stars bowing down to me.’ So would you speak against me?]” Ergo (in Josh. 10:12), “O sun, be quiet at Gibeon.” The sun said to Joshua, “And so are you decreeing over me that I am to be quiet?” He said to it, “Yes.” It said to him, “Then who will speak the praise of the Holy One, blessed be He?“ He said to him, “You be quiet, and I will speak the praise of the Holy One, blessed be He,” as stated (in Josh. 10:12), “Then (az) Joshua spoke to the Lord.” Now az can only be a hymn, since it is stated (in Exod. 15:1), “Moses sang then (az).”64THEN is understood as the object of the verb SANG. See Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 1:32; Exod. 4:12. (Mal. 1:11:) “And in every place incense is offered to My name, even a pure oblation.” R. Ammi asked R. Samuel bar Nahman, “Is it correct that ‘In every place incense is offered to My name, even a pure oblation?’65See Numb. R. 13:4. The Torah warns (in Deut. 12:13-14), ‘Take heed that you do not offer up your burnt offerings in any place that you see. But only in the place that [the Lord] will choose….’ So also it says (in Lev. 17:3-4) ‘If any single person from the House of Israel slaughters an ox, a lamb, or a goat in the camp…. And does not bring it unto the entrance of the tent of meeting…, [bloodguilt shall be imputed to that person.’ So how can you] say (in Mal. 1:11), ‘and in every place incense (muqtar) is offered to My name, [even a pure oblation]?’” R. Samuel bar Nahman said to him (i.e., to R. Ammi), “What is a pure oblation (minhah) which is burned (muqtar) in every place and offered to the name of the Holy One, blessed be He?66The Hebrew wording of this question reproduces almost exactly the wording in Mal. 1:11. This is the prayer of the afternoon service (minhah). Incense (muqtar) can only be the prayer of the afternoon service (minhah), since it is stated (in Ps. 141:2), ‘Let my prayer be set forth as the incense before you….’ [It also says] (in I Kings 18:36), ‘And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the oblation (minhah), Elijah drew near.’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 17:3:) “If any single person from the House of Israel.” This text is related (to Ps. 51:20–21), “Make Zion prosper in Your good pleasure; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Then You shall delight in sacrifices of righteousness, burnt offerings, and whole offerings….” To what is the matter comparable? To a rich and noble man, who has no wife. His house was not [really] a house. Why? When the tenants came, he said to them, “Go rest in another place.” Why? Because he had neither house nor wife. He took a wife. He said to them, “Whatever you bring me, from now on bring them up to the house.” Thus all the days before Moses erected the tent of meeting, they offered sacrifices [in] any place, as stated (in Exod. 24:5), “Then he sent youths of the Children of Israel, and they offered burnt offerings….” And so it says (in Exod. 8:23), “Let us go a distance of three days into the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our God.” When the tabernacle was raised, the [Holy One, blessed be He,] said to Moses, “From now on you are only permitted to offer sacrifice in the tent of meeting”; and there they offered up the [gift]67Gk.: doron. to the Holy One, blessed be He. It is so stated (in Deut. 12:13-14), “Take heed that you do not offer up your burnt offerings in any place that you see. But only in the place that the Lord will choose.” And where did the Holy One, blessed be He, choose? Jerusalem, as stated (in Ps. 132:13), “For the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling.” Moses therefore warns Israel, saying (in Lev. 17:3-4), “If any single person from the House of Israel [slaughters an ox, a lamb, or a goat in the camp]…. And does not bring it unto the entrance of the tent of meeting to offer it as a sacrifice… [bloodguilt shall be imputed to that person].“ The Holy One, blessed be He, foresaw that the Temple was going to be destroyed; so the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “As long as the Temple exists, you shall sacrifice within it, [and] there will be atonement for you; but when the Temple does not exist, how will there be atonement for you? Occupy yourselves with the words of Torah, because they are comparable with offerings, and they will atone for you.” Thus it is stated (ibid.), “This is the thing (literally: word).” So also the prophet says (in Hos. 14:3), “Take words with you, and return unto the Lord.” The words of Torah resemble all the offerings. One offers wine as a libation upon the altar, as stated (in Numb. 15:5), “And a quarter hin of wine for a libation”; and Torah resembles wine, as stated (in Prov. 9:5, where wisdom says), “and drink of the wine I have mixed.” One offers bread upon the altar, as stated (in Numb. 28:2), “My offering, My bread for My fire offering; and so it says (in Exod. 25:30), “And you shall set the [show]bread upon the table before Me always”; and Torah resembles bread, as stated (in Prov. 9:5, where wisdom says), “Come and eat of my bread.” One offers oil upon the altar, as stated (in Lev. 2:5), “fine flour mixed with oil”; and Torah resembles oil, as stated (in Eccl. 9:8), “Always let your clothes be white, and let there be no lack of oil upon your head.”68Cf. Eccl. R. 9:8:1, which also understands this verse as referring to Torah." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 17:3:) “If any single person from the House of Israel slaughters.” R. Aqiva says, “When Israel was in the desert, they would slaughter cattle by stabbing and eat them; but here the Torah has forbidden it and says to them (ibid.), ‘If any single person from the House of Israel….’69Lev. R. 22:7; see Hul. 16b-17a; Sifre, Deut. 12:20 (75). Then it told them, ‘You are forbidden to slaughter apart from the tent of meeting (cf. vs. 4).’” R. Ishmael says, “When Moses said this to them, they were craving to eat meat. At that time, they were cautioned70Hizhiru ‘atsman. The verbal expression is used for an explicit biblical prohibition. away from slaughtering, i.e., not to slaughter apart from the tent of meeting.” And why so? It is simply that up to then they had been lusting after idols. Where is it shown that they were slaughtering to idols? Where it is stated (in Lev. 17:7), “And they shall no longer offer sacrifices [to the goat demons after whom they went whoring]….”71Lev. R. 22:8. When they wished to enter the Land of Israel, they came to Moses. They said to him, “O our master, if we wish to eat flesh, how shall we do so?” He said to them, “In the past, when you were in the desert, you were forbidden to slaughter apart from the tent of meeting; but when you enter the land, you are permitted to slaughter in any place,” as stated (in Deut. 12:20), “When the Lord your God enlarges your territory, as He promised you, [and you say, ‘Let me eat meat, because your soul longs to eat flesh,’ you may eat flesh to your soul's desire].” He said to them, “When I shall have permitted you to slaughter, you may [nonetheless] not take from your flock and slaughter.” Solomon said (in Prov. 27:27), “And there will be enough goat's milk for your food, for the food of your household.” Moses was teaching Israel by saying to them, “If you have sheep, that which you shear is for your clothing,” as stated (in Prov. 27:26), “The sheep will be for your clothes, and the he-goats the reward of a field.” What is the meaning of “and the he-goats the reward of a field?” That whatever you gain as reward from the he-goats that procreate the herd, you are to buy fields with it (i.e., the offspring).72But cf. Hul. 84a. (Prov. 27:27:) “And there will be enough goat's milk,” [meaning] you will have enough goat's milk “for your food, for the food of your household.” R. Aqiva said, “See how the Holy One, blessed be He, cares for the assets of Israel. See what is written (in Deut. 12:21), ‘then you may slaughter from your cattle or flock,’ from what they bear.73T‘Arakh. 4:26. You shall only take and sacrifice from what they give birth to.” Where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Deut. 15:19), “[You shall consecrate to the Lord] all the male firstlings which are born in your herd and in your flock.” You are permitted to sacrifice from what they give birth to. R. Eleazar ben Azariah said, “The Torah has taught you a rule of conduct:74T‘Arakh. 4:26; Hul. 84a. If someone from Israel should have ten pounds75Gk.: litrai. of silver, let him eat green vegetables in the pot; if he has twenty, let him eat them in a casserole;76Gk.: lopas (“flat dish”). if he has thirty, let him eat a pound of meat from Sabbath to Sabbath; and if he has fifty, let him eat meat on each [and every] day.” Now why all this? In order to care for the assets of Israel. R. Eleazar ben Shammua' said, “And when he buys from Sabbath to Sabbath, he should not buy until he consults within his household.” Where is it shown? Because it is so written (in Deut. 12:20), “and you say, ‘Let me eat meat,’” For this reason Moses warned them and gave them a hint (in vs. 21), so that they would not do too much slaughtering." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 17:3-4:) “If any single person from the House of Israel slaughters […]. And does not bring it unto the entrance of the tent of meeting.” Isaiah has said (in Is. 66:3), “One who slaughters the bull slays a human.” Whenever anyone steals his comrade's bull and slaughters it, it is as if he slays its owner. Another interpretation of “One who slaughters (shohet) the bull slays a human”: (Zev. 14:4:) Before the tabernacle was set up, all high places (bamot) were permitted and the service was with the firstborn; but since the tabernacle has been set up, the high places have been forbidden, and the service is with the priests. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Whoever sacrifices a bull apart from the tent of meeting is like one who slays a person, it is as though he has taken (shohet) a life. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 17:4), ‘bloodguilt shall be imputed to that man; he has shed blood.’ So whoever slaughters (shohet) at the tabernacle honors me, as stated (in Ps. 50:23), ‘Whoever sacrifices a thank offering honors Me.’ Now what reward shall I repay to him? When I bring salvation to Israel, he will have the right to see it, as stated (ibid., cont.), ‘and to the one who sets his way aright I will show the salvation of God.’” R. Abbahu said, “All salvation that comes to Israel is of the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in Ps. 91:15-16), ‘I will be with him in distress … and show him My salvation.’” Israel said, “Master of the world, inasmuch as you said, ‘I will be with him in distress,’ (in the words of Ps. 60:7), ‘save with Your right hand and answer me.’” [Thus] if You answer us, salvation is Yours, as stated (in Ps. 80:3) “come to save us”; such that Your right hand not be behind, as stated (Lamentations 2:3), “He placed His right hand behind.” R. Berekhyah the Priest beRabbi said, “See what is written (in Zech. 9:9), ‘Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion […]; behold your king comes to you righteous and saved.’77A more traditional translation would read: VICTORIOUS AND TRIUMPHANT. [The active voice,] ‘saving’ is not written here, but [the passive] ‘saved.’78Thus implying that God himself was saved. See Exod. R. 30:24, which interprets this verse and Ps. 91:15 to imply that even apart from good deeds, salvation comes for its own sake. And so it [says] (in Is. 62:11), ‘Say to the daughter of Zion, “Behold, your salvation is coming.”’ ‘Your savior’ is not written here, but ‘your salvation.’ He, as it were, is saved.” R. Meir said, (concerning Exod. 14:30), “’So the Lord saved (wywsh', voweled as wayyosha') Israel on that day’: the written text (ketiv) [reads] ‘so [the Lord] was saved (wywsh', voweled as wayyiwwasha').’ As it were, He was saved [on that day] with Israel.”79Above, 6:13; below, Numb. 1:10; and the notes in both places. R. Ammi said, “Moses praised the congregation of Israel (in Deut. 33:29), ‘Fortunate are you, O Israel; who is like you, a people saved through the Lord.’ ‘A people the Lord saved’ is not written here, but ‘a people saved through the Lord.’ It is comparable to a person who had a seah of wheat for a second tithe. What does he do? He gives coins to redeem it. So [it was] in the case of Israel. Through what were they redeemed? Through the Holy One, blessed be He, as it were, ‘a people saved through the Lord.’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “In this world you are saved by means of flesh and blood: In Egypt by means of Moses and Aaron; in the days of Sisera by means of Barak and Deborah; among the Midianites by means of Shamgar ben Anath, as stated (Jud. 3:31), ‘and he also saved Israel’80According to Jud. 3:31, Shamgar delivered Israel, not from Midianites, but from Philistines.; and likewise through the Judges. But because they were flesh and blood, you again became enslaved. However, in the world to come, I myself will redeem you, and you will never again be enslaved. Thus it is stated (in Is. 45:17), ‘Israel has been saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation.’”81Cf. above, Exod. 5:17; M. Pss. 31:2; 50:3; Mekhilta de Rabbi Ishmael, Shirata 1; Mekhilta d’Rabbi Simeon b. Johay, pp. 72, 78." + ] + ], + "Kedoshim": [ + [ + "(Lev. 19:2:) “Speak unto the [whole congregation] of the Children of Israel, and say unto them, ‘You shall be holy.’” This text is related (to Is. 5:16), “The Lord of hosts has been exalted through justice, and the holy God has been sanctified through holiness.” When did the Holy One, blessed be He, become exalted in His world? When he brought about judgment and justice among the peoples of the world. It is so stated (in Is. 3:13), “The Lord stands up to plead a cause, and rises to judge peoples.” It also says (in Dan. 7:9), “I looked until thrones were set in place [or thrown down] (remiw).”1The Aramaic word can mean both WERE SET IN PLACE and WERE THROWN DOWN. The former meaning better fits the biblical context; but one of the midrashic interpretations given here requires the latter meaning. What is the meaning of “thrones” (in the plural)? Were there a lot of thrones, when [there is] that which is written (in Is. 6:1), “I saw the Lord seated upon a throne (in the singular)?” What is the meaning of “thrones?” R. Jose the Galilean and R. Aqiva differed.2Hag. 14a. One said, “Thrones denotes the throne plus its footstool; and the other said, “These are thrones that belong to the nations of the world, since the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to throw them down, as stated (in Hag. 2:22), ‘Then I will throw down the throne of kingdoms, [and destroy the kingdoms of the gentiles].’” You know [for yourself] that this is so. \"Thrones were set up,\" is not written here (in Dan. 7:9), but “thrones were thrown down.” Thus it is written (in Exod. 15:1 or 21), “the horse and his rider he has thrown (rt.: rmh) into the sea.” Our masters say, “What is the meaning of thrones? In the age to come the Holy One, blessed be He, will sit down, and the angels will place thrones for the great ones of Israel for them to sit down, so that the Holy One, blessed be He, will be sitting with them like the president of the court (av bet din). Then they shall judge the peoples of the world, as stated (in Is. 3:14), ‘The Lord will come in judgment along with the elders of His people and their princes.’3Exod. R. 5:12. ‘Against the elders of His people’ is not written here, but ‘along with the elders [of His people].’ [Scripture] is teaching that the Holy One, blessed be He, will sit along with the elders and princes of Israel to judge the nations of the world.” And which [thrones] are they? These are the thrones of the house of David and the elders of Israel, as stated (in Ps. 122:5), “There stood the thrones of judgment, thrones of the House of David.” R. Pinhas said in the name of R. Hilqiyah the Southerner (i.e., from Judah), [who said] in the name of R. Reuben, “If you say, ‘When thrones stand there for judgment,’ [that] they are thrones of the House of David; then what is [the meaning of (Dan. 7:9), ‘and the Ancient of days (God) took His seat?’ That He sits among them like the president of the court, and with them He judges the nations. It is therefore written (ibid.), ‘until thrones were set in place.’” What is the meaning of (ibid., cont.), “and the hair of his head was like clean wool?” When the Holy One, blessed be He, cleanses Himself from the worshippers of idolatry; He gives them compensation for the easy commandments which they have observed in this world. [He does so] in order to judge them and convict them in the world to come, so that they will have no excuse and have no merit found for them. Thus it is stated (in Is. 14:32), “And what will he answer the angels of4Mal’akhe. In the biblical context, the word should be rendered as “messengers of,” but the midrash interprets the passage eschatologically. a [given] nation? That the Lord has established Zion, and in it there shall the afflicted of His people take refuge.” Then He immediately renders the judgment against them. At that time the Holy One, blessed be He, becomes exalted in his world, as stated (in Is. 5:16), “The Lord of hosts is exalted in judgment.” What is the meaning of (ibid.), “and the holy God is sanctified in justice (tsedekah, which also means charity)?” That He is sanctified in His world in justice, because He advocates for the defense concerning Israel, as stated (in Is. 63:1), “it is I who speaks in justice (tsedekah), mighty to save.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “In the future, I will be sanctified in you, as stated (in Is. 29:23), ‘For when [Jacob] sees his children in his midst, the work of My hands, they shall sanctify My name.’” And so it says (in Is. 49:3), “Israel in whom I will be glorified.” So you are sanctified in Me, and I am sanctified in you, as stated (in Lev. 11:44; cf. 19:2), “so you shall sanctify yourselves and be holy.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 19:2:) “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Before I created My world, the ministering angels praised My name through you and sanctified Me through you by saying (in I Chron. 16:36), ‘Blessed is the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting.’” When the first Adam was created, the angels said, “Master of the world, is this the one in whose name we are praising You?” He told them, “No. This person is a thief, since it is stated (of him in Gen. 3:17), ‘and you ate of the tree.’” [When] Noah came, they said to Him (i.e., to the Holy One, blessed be He), “Is this the one?” He told them, “[No]. This person is a drunkard, since it is stated (of him in Gen. 9:21), ‘Then he drank of the wine [and became drunk].’” [When] Abraham came, they said to Him, “Is this the one?” He told them, “This is a stranger (ger), from which Yishmael came out.” [When] Isaac came, they said to Him, “Is this the one?” He told them, “This one loves My enemy, as stated (in Gen. 25:28), ‘Now Isaac loved Esau.’” When Jacob came, they said to Him, “Is this the one?” He told them, “Yes, for so it says (in Gen. 35:10), ‘God said to him, “Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but your name shall be Israel.”’ So all Israel was called by his name.” At that time the Holy One, blessed be he, sanctified them because of His name, as stated (in Is. 49:3), “Israel, in whom I will be glorified.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Since you were sanctified for My name before I created My world, be holy as I am holy.” It is so stated (in Lev. 19:2), “[You shall be holy,] because I am holy.” To what is the matter comparable? To a king who betrothed a wife. He said to her, “Because you have been betrothed (literally, sanctified) to my name, I am a king and you, a queen. Just as it (i.e., my name) is an honor for me, so it is an honor for you. Why? Because you are my wife.” Thus the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Go and sanctify (i.e., go and betroth) Israel,” as stated (in Exod. 19:10), “and sanctify (rt.: qdsh) them today and tomorrow.” The Holy One, blessed be He, sanctified them and said to them (in Exod. 19:6), “But you shall be for Me a kingdom of priests, a holy (rt.: qdsh) nation.” Why? (Lev. 19:2:) “Because I the Lord am holy.” And you also shall be sanctified (rt.: qdsh) just as you have sanctified Me, as stated (in Lev. 19:2) “Speak unto the whole congregation of the Children of Israel, and say unto them, ‘You shall be holy (rt.: qdsh).’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said unto them, “If you are worthy, you shall be called a congregation of holy ones (rt.: qdsh); [but if] you are unworthy, you shall be called an evil congregation, as stated (Numb. 14:27) ‘How long shall this evil congregation?’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 19:2:) “Speak unto the whole congregation of the Children of Israel, and say unto them, ‘You shall be holy.’” What reason did He have to speak this parashah in an assembly?5 Lev. 7:3; Lev. R. 24:5. Why did He not say, “Speak unto the Children of Israel,” as in the rest of the parashiot,6I.e., in Exod. 14:2, 15; 25:2; 31:13 Lev. 1:2; 4:2; 7:23, 29; 12:2; 15:2; 18:2; 23:2, 10, 24, 34; 25:2; 27:2; Numb. 5:6, 12; 6:2; 9:10; 15:2, 18, 38; 17:17; 19:2; 33:51; 35:10. rather than “[Speak] unto the whole congregation of the Children of Israel?” Because all of the [ten] commandments are included within it. How? In the commandments it is written (in Exod. 20:2 = Deut. 5:6), “I [am] the Lord your God”; and here (in Lev. 19:2), “I [am] the Lord your God.” In the commandments it is written (in Exod. 20:3 = Deut. 5:7), “You shall have no [other gods beside Me]”; and here (in Lev. 19:4), “Do not turn unto idols.” In the commandments it is written (in Exod. 20:7 = Deut. 5:11), “You shall not take [the name of the Lord your God in vain]”; and here (in Lev. 19:12), “You shall not swear falsely by My name.” In the commandments it is written (Deut. 5:12), “Guard the Sabbath day”; and here it is written (in Lev. 19:3), “You shall keep My Sabbaths.” In the commandments it is written (in Exod. 20:12 = Deut. 5:16), “Honor your father and your mother”; and here it is written (in Lev. 19:3, cont.), “you each shall fear his mother and his father.” In the commandments it is written (in Exod. 20:13 = Deut. 5:17), “You shall not murder”; and here it is written (in Lev. 19:16), “you shall not stand over the blood of your neighbor.” in the commandments it is written (in Exod. 20:13 = Deut. 5:17), “you shall not commit adultery”; and here it is written (in Lev. 19:2), “You shall be holy.“ In the commandments it is written (in Exod. 20:13 = Deut. 5:17), “you shall not stea”l; and here it is written (in Lev. 19:11), “You shall not steal.” In the commandments it is written (in Exod. 20:13 = Deut. 5:17), “you shall not bear [false witness against your neighbor]”; and here it is written (in Lev. 19:16), “You shall not go around as a slanderer among your people.” In the commandments it is written (in Exod. 20:14 = Deut. 5:18), “You shall not covet”; and here it is written (in Lev. 19:13), “You shall not oppress your neighbor, and you shall not rob him.” Here all of the [ten] commandments are included within [it]. It is therefore stated (in Lev. 19:2), “Speak unto the whole congregation [of the Children of Israel].”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 19:2:) “You shall be holy.”7Tanh., Gen. 1:7. See what is written (in Josh. 24:19), “for He is a holy God (in the plural).”8The words, HOLY and GOD, are both plural in the Hebrew. What is the meaning of this verse? It provides an opening for the heretics (minim), in that it seems to them like two powers.9See Alan F. Segal, Two Powers in Heaven: Early Rabbinic Reports about Christianity and Gnosticism (“Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity,” 25; Leiden: Brill, 1977), p. 121. The heretics asked R. Simlay, “What is the meaning of ‘for He is a holy God?’10See Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 1:7; and the parallels listed there. Do you not say that He is one power? See from this verse, that there are [at least] two powers.” He said to them, “You idiots! Had it said, ‘[for] they are holy,’ you would have spoken [well. But] it is written, ‘[for] He (in the singular).’” And [regarding] that which it says, “holy God (in the plural),” R. Berekhyah said in the name of R. Abba, “What is the meaning of ‘He is a holy [God] (with holy in the plural)?’ That He is holy in all categories of holiness.” How? R. Aha bar Hanina said, “His speech is in holiness, as stated (in Ps. 60:8), ‘God spoke in His holiness (i.e., in the holy place, the Temple).’ His way is in holiness, as stated (in Ps. 77:14), ‘Your way, O God, is in holiness (i.e., in the holy place).’ He is seen in holiness, as stated (in Ps. 63:3), ‘So I have beheld You in holiness, (i.e., in the holy place).’ His praise11Gk.: kalos (“beautifully”). is in holiness, as stated (in Exod. 15:11), ‘Who is like You, glorious in holiness?’ The uncovering of His arm is in holiness, as stated (in Is. 52:10), ‘The Lord has uncovered His arm of holiness.’” Ergo (in Josh. 24:19) “He is a holy God (with holy in the plural),” because He is holy in all categories of holiness." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 19:2:) “You shall be holy.” Why? Because I have made you cling to My loins, as stated (in Jer. 13:11), “For as the girdle clings unto one's loins, [so I have made all the House of Israel and all the House of Judah cling to Me, says the Lord].” Therefore, “You shall be holy, because I, the Lord am holy.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, [i.e.,] to Israel, “I am not like flesh and blood. With a king of flesh and blood, mortals have no right to be called by his name. You yourself know that, when someone wants to accuse12Gk.: kategorein. his fellow, he calls him Augustus13Lat.: Augusta. The text should read Augustus. See Jastrow, s.v., Agusta (‘GWST’). so-and-so; and there is no life for him. But Israel is called by the name of the Holy One, blessed be He.” He is called God (Powers); and He has called Israel powers, as stated (in Ps. 82:6), “I said, ‘You are powers.’” He is called wise, as stated (in Job 9:4), “One wise of heart and mighty in strength”; and He has called Israel wise, as stated (in Deut. 4:6), “surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.” God is called beloved, as stated (in Cant. 5:10), “My beloved is bright and ruddy”; and He has called them beloved, as stated (Cant. 5:1), “eat, friends, [and drink to excess, beloved ones].” He is called chosen, as stated (in Cant. 5:15), “stately (literally: chosen) as the cedars”; and He has called them chosen, as stated (in Deut. 7:6), “the Lord your God has chosen you.” He is called pious, as stated (in Jer. 3:12), “’For I am pious,’ says the Lord”; and He has called them pious, as stated (in Ps. 50:5), “Gather to me, my pious ones.” He is called holy, as stated (in Is. 6:3), “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts,” and also (Ps. 99:9), “for the Lord our God is holy”; and He has called Israel holy, as stated (in Lev. 19:2), “You shall be holy.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In this world you have been called holy. In the world to come (according to Is. 4:3), “And it shall come to pass that the one who is left in Zion and who remains in Jerusalem shall be called holy.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 19:2:) “You shall be holy.” R. Pinhas bar Hama the Priest said that R. Reuben said, “What is the meaning of that which is written (in Ezek. 3:12), ‘and I heard after me?’14This translation follows the interpretation of the midrash. A more traditional translation would be BEHIND ME. I heard a great roaring sound. What is the meaning of ‘after me ('hry)?’15Tanh., Exod. 4:13. After ('hry) I and my friends praised Him, I heard the ministering angels, as they praised Him and said (ibid., cont.), ‘Blessed be the glory of the Lord from His place.’” You should know that at the time that Moses went up above, he heard the voice of the angels praising like this. He [then] came down and taught Israel that they should say like this in a whisper, “Blessed be the name of His glorious majesty forever and ever.” R. Shmuel bar R. Nahmani said, “See what is written there (Ezekiel 1:25), ‘when they stood, their wings would droop.’ One who hears, ‘when they stood,’ would think there is sitting above. But [in fact] it is all in standing, as stated (Is. 6:2), ‘Seraphs standing above Him.’ And so does it state (Dan. 7:16), ‘I approached one of those standing.’ And so too (I Kings 22:19), ‘I saw the Lord sitting on His throne and all the host of the heavens were standing over Him.’ And what is the meaning of ‘in their standing, their wings drooped?’ From when Israel praised [God], the wings of the ministering angels drooped, [meaning] they stopped (stood) from saying praise, as they say praise with their wings.” It also says (in Job 38:7), “When the morning stars (i.e., the seed of Jacob)16This interpretation of THE MORNING STARS is explicit in the parallel passage of Gen. R. 65:21, which explains that Jacob’s offspring are likened to stars in Dan. 12:3. sang together, all the children of God (i.e., all the angels) shouted for joy.” R. Mani said, “Let not the recitation of the Shema be trivial in your eyes, because there are two hundred forty-eight words in it17The number includes the response after the first line of the Shema (cited below) plus the three preliminary words with which one precedes the Shema when praying in private, i.e., El melekh ne’eman (“God is a faithful King”). corresponding to [the number of] parts that are in a human being; and out of them [comes], ‘Blessed be the name of His glorious majesty forever and ever.’”18This blessing is the liturgical response to the first line of the Shema. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “If you have kept what is Mine in reciting it properly, I will also keep what is yours.” Therefore, David offered praise19Rt.: QLS; cf. Gk.: kalos (“beautifully”). (in Ps. 17:8), “Keep me as the pupil of an eye.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Prov. 4:4), “Keep My commandments and live.” R. Simeon ben Halafta said, “To what is the matter comparable?20Deut. R. 4:4. To someone who [lives] in the Galilee and has a vineyard in Judea, while someone in Judea has a vineyard in the Galilee. The one who [lives] in the Galilee goes to Judea to cultivate his vineyard. The one in Judea goes to the Galilee to cultivate his vineyard. [One day] they meet with each another, and one said to the other, ‘Instead of you coming to my place, keep watch over what is mine in your area; and I will keep watch over what is yours in my area.’” So did David say (in Ps. 17:4), “Keep me as the pupil of an eye.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Prov. 4:4), “keep My commandments and live.” Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Keep the commandment to recite the Shema morning and evening, and I will keep you.” So is it stated (in Ps. 121:7), “The Lord shall keep you from all evil; He shall keep your soul.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 19:23:) “Now when you come into the land and plant any tree for food.” This text is related (to Zech. 8:11-12), “But now [I will not treat the remnant of this people] as in the former days…. For as the seed of peace, the vine shall yield its fruit, the earth shall yield its harvest […].” What is the meaning of “not as in the former days?” When Israel went forth from Egypt and was walking in the desert, He brought down manna for them, brought over quails for them, and raised up the well for them.21The well in question is the well of Numb. 21:16-20, which according to traditional interpretations was movable and followed the Children of Israel during the forty-year wanderings. See below, Numb. 1:2; 6:35, 47–50; Tanh., Numb. 1:2; Numb. R. 1:2; 9:14; 13:20; 19:26; Seder ‘Olam Rabbah 5, 9-10; TSuk. 3:11-13; Pseudo-Philo 10:7; 11:15; also TSot. 11:1; Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Wayassa‘ 6; Sifre Deut. 32:14 (305); Shab. 35a; Ta‘an. 9a; Eccl. R. 1:2; M. Prov. 14; the various targums to Numb. 21:16-20. Then each and every tribe made itself a conduit for water, which [drew [the water] from the well and brought it in to them. Moreover, [each and every one] planted fig trees, vines, and pomegranates, which yielded fruit on the same day, just as it was from the beginning at the creation of the world (according to Gen. 1:11), “fruit tree bearing fruit according to its kind.” When Adam sinned, he sowed wheat and it sprouted thorns and thistles. When the well disappeared, [all the bounty disappeared.] What is written there (in Numb. 20:5)? “A place with no seeds, figs, vines, or pomegranates.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Say to these Israelites, ‘When you enter the Land of Israel, I am restoring all the bounty to you.’” This is as it is stated (in Deut. 8:7-9), “For the Lord your God is bringing you unto a good land, a land with streams of water […]. A land of wheat and barley, of vines, figs, and pomegranates […]. A land [in] which you shall eat bread without stint.” When they came into the Land of Israel they began sinning (rt.: ht'), as stated (in Jer. 2:7), “But you came and defiled (rt.: ht') My land.” So it did not bear fruits as was appropriate. They planted much wheat and brought in little, because they ceased [offering] the firstfruits.” But in the future, the Holy One, blessed be He, will not act so. Thus it is stated (in Zech. 8:11), “But now I will not treat the remnant of this people as in the former days.” And it states (in Zech. 8:12), “For as the seed of peace, the vine shall yield its fruit, [the earth shall yield its harvest, the heavens shall yield their dew, and I will bequeath all these things to the remnant of this people].”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 19:23:) “When you come into the land and plant.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, Even though you find it (i.e., the land) full of all bounty, you shall not say, ‘Let us settle down and not plant.’ Rather, be careful in planting, as stated (ibid., cont.), ‘and plant any tree for food.’ Just as you came in and found plantings which others had planted, so you shall plant for your children, lest someone say, ‘Since I am old and tomorrow I shall die, why should I toil for others.’” Solomon said (in Eccl. 3:11), “He has made everything beautiful in its time; He also has put eternity into their heart.” “Hidden ('lm)” is what is written (without the w of the normal spelling, i.e., 'wlm, eternity). Why? If the Holy One, blessed be He, had not hidden (rt.: 'lm) the day of [one's] death from people, a person would neither build nor plant; for he would have said, “Tomorrow I shall die. Why should I persist in toiling for the sake of others?” The Holy One, blessed be He, therefore, hid death from (rt.: 'lm) human hearts, so that one would build and plant. [If] he is worthy, [it will be] for himself; [if] unworthy, [it will be] for others. There is a story about the emperor Hadrian; that he was going to war and traveling with his troops to fight with a certain country for having rebelled against him.22Cf. Lev. R. 25:5; Eccl. R. 2:20:1. Now he found a certain old man who was planting fig saplings. Hadrian said to him, “You are an old man. [Why are you] persisting in taking the trouble to toil for others?” He said to Hadrian, “My lord king, here I am planting. If I am worthy, I shall eat of the fruit of my saplings; but if not, my children will eat.” [Hadrian] spent three years at war, and after three years he returned. What did that old man do? He took a fruit basket, filled it with the firstfruits of beautiful figs, and drew near to Hadrian. He said to him, “My lord king, take these figs, for I am the same old man whom you found when you were on your way [to the war] when you said, ‘You are an old man; why are you taking the trouble to toil for others?’ See, the Holy One, blessed be He, has already found me worthy to eat some fruit from my saplings. Now this [fruit] in my fruit basket is your portion from those [saplings].” Hadrian said to his servants, “Take it from him and fill it with gold coins.” And so they did. The old man took the fruit basket full of gold coins and began to go about his house, boasting to his wife and children. So he told them the story. Now a woman neighbor of his was there. She heard what the old man had said. She said to her husband, “When all the people go [through life], the Holy One, blessed be He, gives to them and prepares bounty for them. But you dwell in your dark house in the gloom. See, our [neighbor] honored the emperor with a fruit basket of figs; and he filled it with gold coins for him. Now you get up, take a large basket, and fill it with varieties of choice fruit, with apples, figs, and the other varieties of beautiful fruit, since he loves them a lot. Go and honor him with them. Perhaps he will fill it with gold for you, as he did for our old neighbor.” He went and heeded his wife. So he took a large basket, filled it with apples and figs, and loaded it on his shoulder. Then he approached the emperor on a side road23Lat.: compendairia. and said to him, “My lord king, I heard that you love fruit, I have come to honor you with figs and apples.” The emperor said to his officers,24Gk.: stratiotai (“soldiers”). “Take the basket and hit25Rt.: TPH. This root is similar to the root for “apples,” and both are transliterated identically. The only difference is that the root for “apples” is spelled with a tav, while the root for “hit” is spelled with a tet. him on his face.” And so they did. They hit him on his face until his face swelled up; stripped him naked; smashed his eyes; and made an example26Gk.: deigma. of him. So he went home, as one of whom an example had been made, and crying. Now she (i.e., his wife) thought that he was coming with a basket full of gold coins. So when she saw him with his face swollen and with his body shattered and beaten, she said to him, “What is the matter with you?” He said to her, “When I heeded you and went to honor him with this gift,27Gk.: doron. they hit me on my face. If I had listened to you and put varieties of hard fruit in the basket, they would already have pelted my face and my whole body with them.” And why all this? In order to teach you that evil women destroy their husbands with evil [counsel]. Therefore one should not cease from planting. Rather, just as he found, one should still continue to plant even though he is old. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Learn from Me. Do I need [fruits], as it were?” [And yet] it states (Gen. 2:8), “And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 19:2:) “You shall be holy.” This text is related (to Ps. 20:3), “May He send you help from the sanctuary and sustain you from Zion.” From the sanctuary (qdsh) [means] from the holiness (rt.: qdsh) of the works that are in you; and [sustain you] from Zion (mtsywn) [means] [from the marker (tsywn)] of the works that are in you.28M. Pss. 20:5. R. Berekhyah said, “There was a story in our village about a certain spirit who dwelt by the spring.29Lev. R. 24:3. Another spirit came to attack30Lahizdawweg, from the root Zug. The word also has implications of mating. Cf. the Gk.: zeugos, i.e., “a team of beasts,” and then “a married couple.” Cf. also the Latin: conjugium, from jugum. it and sought to get it away from there. There was also there a certain saint whose name was Jose the man of Zaythor. The first spirit appeared to him. It said to him, ‘Rabbi, look at how many years I have been situated here; yet neither at noon nor at night nor during the day have I harmed [any] mortal. But now this spirit has come upon me from another place and wants to get me away from here in order to harm mortals.’ He said to it, ‘What shall we do?’ It said to him, ‘Take your staves and your scythes, and go out against it at the noon hour. Then say, “Ours has won! Ours is winning!” And it will run away.’ They did so and drove it away from there.” They used to say, “They did not move from here until they saw, as it were, a clot of blood floating on the water.” When the sages heard about the matter, they said, “If something which was not created with a need for assistance, needs assistance and support, how much the more so in the case of people.” David, therefore, said (in Ps. 20:3), “May He send you help from the sanctuary.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 19:23:) “When you come into the land and plant.” This text is related (to Eccl. 2:5), “I made gardens and orchards for myself, and in them I planted every kind of fruit tree.” Do not all people plant whatever they want, whatever someone plants in the earth, be it pepper or anything [else. But] if he plants, do [the plants automatically] produce? As no one knows the place of every plant, [i.e.] where to plant it. However, because Solomon was wise, he planted all the species of trees [in their place], as stated (ibid.), “I made gardens and orchards for myself, in which I planted every kind of fruit tree.” What is the meaning of “every kind of fruit tree?” R. Jannay said, “Solomon even planted peppers in the land.” But how did he plant them? It is simply that Solomon was wise and knew the root of the foundation of the world.31See Eccl. R. 2:5:1. How? (Ps. 50:2), “Out of Zion God has shined forth as the perfection of beauty.” [This means that] out of Zion has all of the whole world been perfected, as it is taught: Why is it called foundation stone? Because out of it the world was founded.32See above, Lev. 6:4, and the note there. Now Solomon knew which vein went to Cush and planted peppers on it, and they produced immediately. See what he says (in Eccl. 2:5), “and in them I planted every kind of fruit tree.” Another interpretation (of Eccl. 2:5), “and in them I planted every kind of fruit tree.” Just as a navel is set in the middle of a person, so the Land of Israel is the navel of the world. Thus it is stated (in Ezek. 38:12), “who dwell on the navel of the earth.” And the foundation of the world comes out of it, as stated (Ps. 50:1), “A psalm of Asaph. God, the Lord God spoke and summoned the world from East to West.” How is this known? (Ps. 50:2), “Out of Zion God has shined forth as the perfection of beauty.” The Land of Israel sits at the center of the world; Jerusalem is in the center of the Land of Israel; the sanctuary is in the center of Jerusalem; the Temple building is in the center of the sanctuary; the ark is in the center of the Temple building; and the foundation stone, out of which the world was founded, is before the Temple building.33Cf. Numb. R. 1:4. Now Solomon, who was wise, determined the roots that went out from [that stone] into the whole world and planted all species of trees in them. He therefore said (in Eccl. 2:5), “I made gardens and orchards for myself.”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Lev. 19:23), “When you come into the land.” This text is related (to Ps. 105:44-45), “He gave them the lands of nations […]. In order that they might keep His statutes […]”: “He gave them the lands of nations.” Whatever the Holy One, blessed be He, took from the peoples of the world He gave to Israel; lands of silver and gold, fields, vineyards, and cities. But He gave these to them only so that they would occupy themselves with the Torah, as stated (in vs. 45), “In order that they might keep His statutes […].” But they did not do so. Instead (according to Ezek. 36:17), “and they defiled it (i.e., the land) by their way and by their deeds.” They defiled them (according to Josh. 7) in the anathema of Achan, as stated (in Jer. 2:7), “but you came and defiled My land,” by the anathema of Achan; (ibid. cont.), “and you made My heritage an abomination,” by the image of Micah (in Jud. 17-18). So what did the Holy One, blessed be He, do to them? He exiled them from it, as stated (in Deut. 29:27), “So the Lord uprooted them from their land.” What is the meaning of “And […] uprooted (rt.: ntsh) them?” He weakened (rt.: tshsh)34TShSh and NTSh seem like the same root, because the form translated UPROOTED lacks the N, while the form translated “weakened” lacks the second Sh. their strength. They planted and toiled, but the peoples of the world came and took. It is so stated (in Jud. 6:3-4), “And so it happened that, if Israel planted, Midian, Amalek, and the Children of Kedem would arise against it. And they would encamp against them [and destroy the produce of the earth].” When they repent, (according to Is. 65:22), “They shall not build for another to dwell in; they shall not plant for another to eat.” Why? Because when they plant no one uproots, as stated (in Amos 9:15), “they shall never again be uprooted (rt.: ntsh) from their land.”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Lev. 19:23), “When you come into the land.” This text is related (to Jer. 3:19), “But I said how I would put you among the children and give you a desirable land!” The situation is comparable to a king who had concubines and had a lot of children. But he had one child by a certain matron,35Lat.: matrona. and he loved him to excess. The king gave fields and vineyards to all the children of the concubines, and after that he gave his [beloved] son a garden36Pardes, which can also denote paradise. from which all his food37This Latin words mean “food provisions,” “food receptacle,” or “larder.” The passage uses the word in more than one of these senses. came. The son sent and said to his father, “To the children of the concubines you have given fields and vineyards, but to me you have [only] given one garden?” The king said to him, “By your life, all my food (cellaria) comes to me from this garden; and because I love you more than your brothers, I have given it to you.” Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, created the peoples of the world, just as it is stated (in Cant. 6:8), “There are sixty queens and eighty concubines and damsels without number,” these are the peoples; (vs. 9), “[Only ] one is my dove, my perfect one,” this is the congregation of Israel. Now the Holy One, blessed be He, has distributed fields and vineyards to the peoples of the world, as stated (in Deut. 32:8), “When the Most High gave the gentiles an inheritance”; but to Israel He has given the Land of Israel, the larder (cellaria) of the Holy One, blessed be He. The offerings come from it; the shewbread comes from it; the first fruits come from it; the omer comes from it; all the good things in the world come from it. Why all this? In order to make a distinction between the son of the matron and the children of the concubines, as stated (in Jer. 3:19), “But I said how I would put you among the children and give you a desirable land!” There was great love between the Holy One, blessed be He, and Israel; so how did they bring in the enmity.38Above, Exod. 6:10; below, Numb. 4a: 15. The Holy One, blessed be He, said (ibid.), “how I would put (ashit) you,” and this language can only be the language of enmity. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 3:15), “I will put (ashit) enmity between you and the woman.” Another interpretation (of Jer. 3:19), “how I would put (ashit) you.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “I have spoken in your defense.39Gk.: synegoria, “advocacy”. How have you made Me bring charges40QTRG. Cf. Gk.: kategorein. against you?” Now this can only be the language of an accuser,41Gk.: kategor. as stated (concerning one guilty of negligence in Exod. 21:30), “If a ransom is put (rt.: shyt) upon him.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 19:23:) “When you come into the land.” Solomon said (in Prov. 31:16), “She sets her mind on a field and acquires it.” Come and see. Whatever Abraham thought about in his heart the Holy One, blessed be He, gave him. He thought [about] the land of [Israel], and He gave it to him, as stated (in Gen. 15:7), “I am the Lord who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldees [to give you this land as a possession].” Abraham said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, You have given me permission to speak in front of You, as stated (in vs. 8), “And he said, ‘Lord God, how shall I know that I shall possess it?” He replied and said to him (in vs. 13), “Know full well [that your seed shall be aliens in a land not theirs where they shall serve them and be oppressed by them].” Woe to that person who brings something out of his mouth without knowing how he brought it out. Because Abraham said (in vs. 8), “how shall I know,” He answered him, “Know fully well… they shall serve them and be oppressed by them for four hundred years.” One who speaks [like this] in front of any man is liable for his life; all the more so is he liable for his life if he speaks in front of the Holy One, blessed be He; he and his children and his children’s children until the end of all the generations [and] until the revival of the dead. It is not sufficient for these until the time of judgement, the time that a person’s soul withdraws from him. So did Solomon yell out (in Eccl. 6:7), “Is all human toil for one's mouth?” All the commandments and righteous deeds that one does; it is enough for the time that one's soul goes out of him. It is therefore stated (in Eccl. 6:7), “Is all human toil for one's mouth?” When Abraham heard from the Holy One, blessed be He, (in Gen. 15:13), “Know full well,” he thought about it in his heart and said, “Is it possible that every people which enslaves my children goes away in peace and is not condemned?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Gen. 15:14), “But I am also judging the nation which they shall serve….” It is therefore stated (in Prov. 31:16), “She sets her mind on a field and acquires it.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 19:23:) “And plant [any tree for food], you shall count (rt.: 'rl) [its fruit] as forbidden (literally, as foreskin, rt.: 'rl)….” [This verse] is teaching about an infant: (ibid., cont.) “three years it shall be forbidden (rt.: 'rl) for you,” when [an infant] can neither talk nor speak; (vs. 24:) “In the fourth year all its fruit shall be [set aside (rt.: qdsh)],” when his father dedicates (rt.: qdsh) him to the Torah; (ibid., cont.) “for praises to the Lord.” What is the meaning of “praises’ (with reference to an infant)? [That] from [that] time, he praises the Holy One, blessed be He. (Vs. 25:) “But in the fifth year you may eat its fruit,” [i.e.] from the time that he is obligated to read in the Torah; from here onwards [it is] (ibid., cont.) “to increase its yield for you.” Hence our masters have taught (in Avot 5:21): At five years of age [he is ready] for [the study of] Scripture; at ten, for Mishnah. While in this world, one begets a son for himself, brings him to the primary school, labors with him, and teaches him Torah. [But] if there are iniquities that cause it, he dies. [And] so [the father] derives no happiness from him. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “In this world, because the evil drive is found in you, you sin and your children die; but in the world to come I will remove the evil drive from among you and your children. Then you shall beget and be happy.” So is it stated (in Is. 65:23), “They shall not labor in vain, nor bear children in terror, because they are a seed blessed of the Lord, and their offspring along with them.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 20:9:) “For anyone whatever who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.” So too is it stated (Exod. 21:17), “He who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.” Solomon said (in Prov. 20:20), “[If someone] curses his father or mother, his light will go out [at the approach of darkness].” Our masters said, “Because Ham saw his father's nakedness, even though he did not utter a curse at him, he and his descendants have been alienated until the end of the whole world. How much the more so for one who does curse his father!” Scripture says (in Prov. 24:20), “For there will be no future for the evil one, the lamp of the wicked goes out.” Come and see the honoring of father and mother, how dear it is before the Holy One, blessed be He; for the Holy One, blessed be He, does not withhold the reward, either from the righteous or from the wicked. Where is it shown? From Esau the wicked. Because he honored his father, the Holy One, blessed be He, gave him all this honor. R. Eleazar says, “Esau the wicked shed three tears, [one] from his right eye, one from his left eye, and the third was attached in his eye and did not run down. When? When Isaac blessed Jacob, as stated (in Gen. 27:38), ‘and Esau lifted up his voice and wept.’” Come and see how much prosperity the Holy One gave him. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 80:6), “You have fed them the bread of tears and have had them drink a shalish of tears.” Shalosh (three) is not written but shalish (a third), because there were not three (shalosh) whole ones. So if the Holy One, blessed be He, recompensed this wicked one, because he honored his father, how much the more [will He do so] in the case of one who honors his fathers and fulfills other commandments. The Holy One, blessed be He, said (in Job 41:3), “’Who has welcomed (hiqdim) Me that I should repay him; everything under the heavens is Mine’; who is this one who has advanced (hiqdim) honor to his father, and I have not given him children?” And so it says in Job (11:5-7), “O that God would speak […]; And that He would tell you the secrets of wisdom…! Would you discover the mystery of God…?” To what is Job comparable? To whoever is put in a collare,42The Latin word denotes a band or chain, in particular one put around the neck of a prisoner. and said, “I know what is within the palace43Lat.: palatium. of the king.” They said to him, “Free yourself from the collare, and we shall know that you are speaking the truth.” So also Job was clothed in seven kinds of boils and in need of alms, as stated (in Job 19:21), “Have pity on me, have pity on me, O you my friends, for the hand of God has afflicted me.” And [yet] he says, “I have gotten to the bottom of the works of the Holy One, blessed be He.” Thus it is stated (in Job 23:5), “I would know words He would answer me and understand what He would say to me.” His companions said to him (in Job 11:7), “Would you discover the mystery of God…?” (Job 12:14:) “Behold, whatever He destroys will not be rebuilt, whoever He shuts in cannot be set free.” Who, after he had destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and had overthrown them, who has rebuilt them? Who, after he is shut the ground in front of Korah and his assembly, can reopen it? No creature can fathom His works, as stated (in Eccl. 7:13), “See the work of God; for who can make straight what He has made crooked?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In this world the people are afflicted because of the evil drive; but in the world to come I will remove the evil drive from them.”44Above, 7:14. It is so stated (in Ezek. 36:26–27), “then I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh [and give you a heart of flesh]. And I will put My spirit within you….”" + ] + ], + "Emor": [ + [ + "(Lev. 21:1:) “Speak unto the priests.” This text is related (to Ps. 12:7), “The sayings of the Lord are pure sayings….” Everything [against] which the Holy One, blessed be He, warned Israel is for the sake of their holiness and their purity. Hence, “The sayings of the Lord are pure sayings.” Another interpretation (of Lev. 21:1), “Speak (literally, say) unto the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say unto them”: Note that \"say\" [occurs] two times. To what is the matter comparable? To a cook who would go in and out before the king. The king said, “I am commanding you not to look at a dead person all your days since you come in and out before me, lest you defile my palace.”1Lat.: praetorium, Gk.: praitorion. Similarly, the Holy One, blessed be He, had commanded the priests who enter the Temple not to be defiled for a dead person. It therefore says (in Lev. 21:1), “Let no one defile himself for a dead soul among his people.”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Lev. 21:1), “Speak unto the priests”: What is written above the matter (in Lev. 20:27)? “When a man or a woman has a ghost or a familiar spirit […].” And afterwards, “Speak unto the priests.” This text is related (to Is. 8:19), “And when they say unto you, ‘Inquire of ghosts and familiar spirits.’”2Lev. R. 6:6. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “If they say unto you, ‘Inquire of ghosts, and forsake the God who is in the heavens,’ say to them (ibid. cont.), ‘should not a people inquire of its God?’” Just as Elijah said to Ahaziah (in II Kings 1:3), “Is it for lack of a God in Israel that you are sending to inquire of Baal-Zebub […]?” Why should we forsake the everlasting God? (Jer. 10:10:) “But the Lord is a true God; He is a living God and an everlasting King.” We therefore seek a living God; however, the god[s] of the nations of the world are dead [and (according to Ps. 115:6),] “They have a mouth, but they do not speak; they have eyes but do not see.” [But] about us it is written (in Deut. 4:4), “But you who clung to the Lord your God are all alive today.” We therefore seek a living God. However, [concerning] the god[s] of the nations of the world (according to Ps. 115:6), “Those who make them shall be like them.” What is written after [Is. 8:19], (in vs. 20)? “For instruction (Torah) and for testimony, if they do not speak according to this word, such a one shall have no dawn.”3Similarly in the 1985 JPS translation: FOR ONE WHO SPEAKS THUS THERE SHALL BE NO DAWN. So understood, the clause means that a necromancer will not live to see the dawn. Such a translation fits the immediate context of the midrash. The clause can also mean: SUCH A ONE HAS NO LIGHT, i.e., a necromancer cannot enlighten. This translation better fits the interpretations that follow. R. Johanan and R. Laqish [differed]. R. Johanan said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘If they do not speak according to this word to the nations of the world they (sic) have no dawn; I will not shine the dawn upon them.’”4See the previous note. [But] R. Laqish says, “It (i.e., the word of a necromancer) shall have no dawn. The ghosts and the familiar spirits do not enlighten (literally, raise up the dawn upon) themselves, since they are [themselves] set in darkness; and all the more does this [principle] hold true for others.” So if you should say, “Of whom shall we inquire?” See, it says (in Deut. 17:9-11), “And you shall come unto the Levitical priests and unto the judge […. You shall act....] According to the Torah which they shall teach you.” (Lev. 20:27:) When a man or a woman has a ghost or a familiar spirit.” What is written after that (in Lev. 21:1)? “Speak unto the priests.” What relation does the one have to the other? It is simply that the Holy One, blessed be He, foresaw that Saul was going to be king over Israel and kill the priests [and] then inquire of a ghost and a familiar spirit. It is so stated (in I Sam. 28:7), “Then Saul said to his servants, ‘Seek me out a woman who controls a ghost.’” Resh Laqish said, “To what is Saul comparable?5Lev. R. 26:7; M. Sam. 24. To a king who entered a province and said, ‘All the cocks in this province are to be slaughtered tonight. [When] he wished to depart on his way in the morning, he said, ‘Is there no cock to crow here?’ They said to him, ‘Are you not the one who ordered them to be killed?’ Here also (in I Sam. 28:3) ‘Saul had put away the ghosts and the familiar spirits’; and [now] he went back and said (in vs. 7) ‘Seek me out a woman who controls a ghost.’” (Vs. 8:) “Then Saul disguised himself. What is the meaning of “disguised himself (rt.: hpsh)?” That he had become divested (rt.: hpsh) of the kingship. (Ibid., cont.:) “And he went with two men.” Who were they? Abner and Amasa. The Torah has taught proper protocol, that one does not leave on a journey by oneself; as anyone who leaves on a journey by himself become a slave to slaves. R. Ayyevu said, “Two men acted with proper protocol, Abraham and Saul. [Regarding Abraham it is written (in Gen. 22:3), ‘and he (i.e., Abraham) took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac [...].’ And here (in I Sam. 28:8), ‘and he (Saul) went with two men.’” (Ibid., cont.:) “And they came unto the woman at night.” Was it at night? It is simply that this time was for them as black as night. (Ibid., cont.:) “Then he said, ‘Please divine for me through a ghost […].” She said (in vs. 9) “You know what Saul has done, how he has rooted out the ghosts and the familiar spirits from the land.” He said immediately (in vs. 10), “As the Lord lives, no punishment shall befall you over this matter.” Resh Laqish said, “To what is Saul comparable? To a woman who was situated with her lover and swore by the life of her husband.” (Vs. 11:) “Then the woman said, ‘Whom (Mi) shall I bring up for you?’” One of those who say (as in Exod. 15:11), “Who (Mi) is like You among the powers, O Lord,”6Words spoken by Moses, typifying the righteous. The verse is suggested by the mi in Saul’s question. or one of those who say (as in Exod. 5:2:),7Words spoken by Pharaoh, typifying the wicked. “Who is the Lord?” He said to her (in I Sam. 28:11, cont.), “Bring up Samuel for me,” the master of the prophets. She did what she did and brought him up. (Vs. 12:) “When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out [with] a loud voice, and the woman spoke [unto Saul, saying], ‘Why have you deceived me? For you are Saul.’” How did she know? Our masters have said, “[A ghost] does not come up for a king as it comes up for a commoner.8Gk.: idiotes. For the king its face is up and its feet down, just like everyone [on earth]; but for the commoner its feet are up and its face down.” (Vs. 13:) “Then the king said to her, ‘Do not be afraid; for what do you see?’ And the woman said unto Saul, ‘I saw powers (elohim) coming up from the earth.’” Powers (here in the plural form) implies two. So who were they? Moses and Samuel. When Saul heard this, he was afraid, because he had called one, but two had arisen, as stated, “I saw powers coming up from the earth.” (Vs. 14:) “Then he said to her, ‘What does he look like?’ And she said, ‘An old man is coming up, and he is wrapped in a robe.’” They have said three things about bringing up a [ghost]. 1. The one bringing it up sees it but does not hear its voice. 2. The one asking for it hears its voice but does not see it. 3. Those standing there neither see it nor hear its voice. (Ibid.:) “An old man is coming up, and he is wrapped in a robe.” And elsewhere it says (in I Sam. 2:19), “His mother would make a little robe for him.”9Cf. above, Gen. 11:9. It was taught that this was the robe that grew upon him; in it he was buried; in it he rose up. It has been taught in the name of R. Nathan: A garment which goes down to the grave with a person is going to rise on him in the resurrection of the dead.10yKil. 9:4 (32b). Thus it is stated (in Job 38:14), “It is changed like clay under a seal, and they stand forth as in a garment.” (I Sam. 28:14-15) “Then Saul knew that it was Samuel; so he bowed with his face to the ground and did homage. Samuel said unto Saul, ‘Why have you disturbed me and brought me up? Have you no way to disturb your Creator except through me, in that you have made me an idol.11See Gen. R. 96:5 (6).Did we not teach the following? Just as one exacts punishment from the worshiper, so does one exact punishment from those worshiped.’” Some say, “’Why have you disturbed me?’ [is meaning] that he said to him, ‘I was disturbed lest it be the Day of Judgment, and I was afraid.’” Now here is an argument a fortiori (qal wahomer): For if Samuel, the master of all the prophets, was afraid of the Day of Judgment, how much the more does the rest of humanity [have to fear]? When Rabbi would reach this verse (Amos 4:13), he would cry: “Hate evil and love good, and establish justice in the gate; perhaps the Lord, the God of hosts, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.” He said, “So much, and [only] ‘perhaps?’” [Similar is (Zeph. 2:3),] “Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land who have fulfilled His law, seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will find shelter on the day of the Lord’s anger.” R. Haggai said, “[Similarly (in Lamentations 3:29),] ‘Let him put his mouth to the dirt, perhaps there is hope.’” [Similar is the verse (in Lamentations 12:14),] “For God will call every creature to account for everything unknown.” (I Sam. 28:15, cont.:) “And Saul said, ‘I am very distressed […], He (i.e., the Holy One, blessed be He) no longer answers me either through prophets or in dreams….” Why did he not [also] say to him, \"[Or] by Urim and Thummim\"?12According to vs. 6, the Holy One had also failed to answer Saul through this medium. R. Isaac said (Prov. 14:10), “’The heart knows its own bitterness,’ in that he had destroyed Nob, the city of priests.”13Lev. R. explains further, that if Saul had brought up the matter of the high priest’s Urim and Thummim, Samuel would have replied that it was he, Saul, who had done away with them by killing the priests at Nob. Samuel said to him, (I Sam. 28:17), “The Lord has done for Himself according to what He spoke through me; for the Lord has torn the kingship out of your hand and given it to your companion, to David.” He said to him, “When you were with us [in the flesh], you said to me (in I Sam. 15:28), ‘and given it to a companion of yours who is better than you’; and now you say, ‘to your companion, to David?’” He said to him. “When I was with you, I was in the world of falsehood, and I was telling you words of falsehood, because I was afraid of you, lest you kill me. Now, however, I am in the world of truth, you will only hear words of truth from me. He did not do this thing to you for no reason. Rather (according to I Sam. 28:18-19), ‘Because you did not hearken to the voice of the Lord and did not carry out his wrath against Amalek…. Moreover, the Lord will deliver Israel along with you into the hand of the Philistines; and tomorrow you and your sons will be with me.’”” With me,” [means] in my section [of heaven]. When he heard this, (according to vs. 20), “Immediately Saul fell full length to the ground, for he was terrified because of Samuel's words.” Abner and Amasa said to him, “What did [Samuel] say to you?” He said to them, “He said to me, ‘Tomorrow you will go down to battle and be victorious. In addition, your sons will be appointed to be great leaders’”. Resh Laqish said, “At that time the Holy One, blessed be He, called the ministering angels. He said to them, ‘Come and see the creature that I have created in My world. By universal custom when one goes to a banquet house, he does not take his children with him for fear of the evil eye; but this one, when he is going down to battle and knows that he will be killed, takes his sons with him and is happy over the divine justice that is striking him.’”14M. Pss. 7:2. R. Joshua of Sikhnin said in the name of R. Levi, “[This] teaches that the Holy One, blessed be He, showed Moses every generation and its expositors, every generation and its judges, every generation and its kings; and he showed him Saul and his sons falling by the sword.15Tanna deve Eliyahu Zuta, 6; cf. Sanh. 38b; AZ 5a, according to both of which the expositors and other generational leaders were shown to Adam. He said to him, ‘Master of the world, will the first king to stand over Your children be pierced by the sword?’ He said to him, ‘Moses, [why] are you telling me? Tell the priests whom he killed. [They are the ones] who are denouncing16Gk.: kategorein. him,’ as stated, ‘And the Lord spoke to Moses, “Speak to the priests.”’” Our masters have taught, “That righteous man (i.e., Saul) was killed for five sins. Thus it is stated (in I Chron. 10:13), ‘So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the Lord’: Because he had destroyed Nob, the city of priests; Because he had spared Agag; Because he had not hearkened to Samuel, as stated (in I Sam. 10:8), ‘wait seven days …,’ since he did not do so; but (according to I Sam. 13:12), ‘and I forced myself to offer the burnt offering’; (In I Chron. 10:13-14) ‘and also he inquired for counsel through a ghost; And he did not inquire through the Lord.’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 21:1:) “Then the Lord said unto Moses, ‘Say unto the priests […], and say unto them.”17A somewhat awkward translation of this verse and others that follow is necessary, because the midrash is concerned with the double use of the verb “say/said” (rt.: ‘MR). R. Johanan said, “Wherever it says, ‘say […,]’ and ‘say,’ it must be interpreted.”18Lev. R. 26:8; see Lam. R. 1:13 (41); Meg. 16a. (Esth. 7:5:) “Then said King Ahasuerus, and he said to Queen Esther.” Why “said […]” and “he said?” He said to her, “If this (Haman) is the man, well and good; but if not, say that he is [regardless].” Another interpretation: Before [the king] came to know about her being Jewish, he talked with her through an interpreter; when he came to know about her, he began to talk with her [by himself]. Similarly (in I Kings 20:28), “Then the man of God approached and said unto the king of Israel and said, ‘Thus says the Lord.’” “Why “said […,]” and “said?”19ySanh. 11:7/5 (30c). He was saying to him (with the first said), “When Ben-Hadad falls into your hand, you shall not take pity on him.” A second saying: He said to him, “Be aware of how many nets and enticements I set out for him before he comes into your hand. So now, if he is missing (according to vs. 42), it will be your life for his life and your people for his people.” [Similarly (in Ezek. 10:2),] “Then he said unto the person clothed in linen, and said, ‘Go in among the wheel work, [under the cherub].’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said unto the angel, and the angel said to the cherub. He said to him, “The Holy One, blessed be He, has commanded me, but I do not have the authority to enter your section [of heaven]; so do me a favor and give me two burning coals.” Immediately (in vs. 7), “he took some and put them into the hands of the one who was clothed in linen.” R. Pinhas said, “He cooled them and gave them to him.”20Cf. Yoma. 77a. R. Joshua of Sikhnin said in the name of R. Levi, “Two burning coals were being quenched in Gabriel's hand. He was thinking that Israel would repent. When they did not do so, he sought to hurl them and destroy them. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘Gabriel, slowly, slowly. There are among them people who are doing acts of charity with each other.’ Thus it is stated (in vs. 8), ‘And there the cherubim appeared to have the form of a human hand21A symbol of the almsgiving. under their wings.’” So also here (in Lev. 21:1), “Say unto the priests…, and say.” The first saying is for the unclaimed corpse, for which [a priest] must become unclean; and the second is for other [corpses], for which he may not become unclean. Ergo, “say […,]” and “say.” Since in this world, a priest becomes unclean for an unclaimed corpse, but in the future you will not become unclean at all. Why? As there will be no death in the future. That is as written (in Isaiah 25:8), “He will swallow death forever.”" + ], + [ + "What is written after this passage (in Lev. 21:10)? “And the priest that is highest among his brothers”22Lev. R. 26:9. Why is he called by the name, “high priest?”23THE PRIEST THAT IS HIGHEST, without the addition, AMONG HIS BROTHERS, would normally be translated, HIGH PRIEST. Because he was highest (literally: greatest) in five things: in beauty, in strength, in wealth, in wisdom, and in age.24TYoma 1:6; Yoma 18a; see yYoma 1:3 (39a); cf. ‘Eduy. 2:9; Avot. 6:8. In regard to beauty, because he was more handsome than his brothers. In regard to strength, because he was powerful in strength. Come and consider Aaron. When he waved the Levites (as in a wave offering), he waved twenty-two thousand in one day. How did he wave them? Back and forth, up and down. Ergo, he was highest in strength. With regard to wealth, where would it come from? If he was not wealthy, his brother high priests would magnify (rt.: gdl) him. There is a story about Phineas the Stonecutter. When they appointed him high priest, his brother priests went out and saw him cutting stone. So they filled the quarry before him with gold dinars.25Lat.: denarii. And where is it shown that if he had nothing, his brother high priests would magnify (rt.: gdl) him? Where it is stated (in an alternate translation of Lev. 21:10), “And the priest that is highest (rt.: gdl) because of his brothers.” And [this rule applies] not to the high priest alone, but to the king as well. And so you find in the case of David, when he went to fight with Goliath the Philistine, Saul said to him (in I Sam. 17:33), “You cannot go unto this Philistine […].” David said to him (in vs. 34-36), “Your servant tended his father's sheep; and when a lion or a bear came and carried off a lamb from the flock, I would go out after it, smite it, and deliver it out of its mouth…. Your servant smote both the lion and the bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them.” Saul said to him, “And who told you that you could slay him?” Immediately David replied, (vs. 37), “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” Immediately (we read in vs. 38), “Saul clothed David with his military garments.” Now it is written (in I Sam. 9:2), “he was a head taller26More literally: TALLER FROM HIS SHOULDERS ON UP. than any of the people.” When he had clothed him in his garments and seen that they were fit for him, he immediately cast a jaundiced eye at him. When David saw that he had offended Saul, he said to him (in I Sam. 17:39), “I cannot go in these, for I am not used to them.” Here you learn that even though a person may be short, when he is appointed king, he becomes tall. Why? Because as soon as he is anointed with the anointing oil, he becomes superior to his brothers. David said, “I rejoiced over the anointing oil with which I was anointed.” It is so stated (in Ps. 16:9), “So my heart rejoices, and my glory exalts; my flesh also dwells in safety.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 22:26-27:) “And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘When a bull or a sheep or a goat is born.” This text is related (to Ps. 36:7), “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains; Your judgments are like the great deep….”27See above, Gen. 2:8; below, Numb. 1:1. “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains.” These are the righteous ones, in that they have been compared with mountains, where it is stated (in Micah 6:2), “Hear, O mountains, the claim of the Lord.” (Ps. 36:7, cont.:) “And Your judgments are like the great deep.” These are the wicked, since it is stated (in Exod. 15:5), “The depths covered them.” “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains.” These are the righteous, [for] just as these mountains grow herbs, so the righteous possess good works. (Ibid., cont.:) “And Your judgments are like the great deep.” These are the wicked, [for] just as the deep does not grow herbs, so the wicked do not possess good works. (Ps. 36:7:) “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains.” Just as the mountains are suitable for sowing and producing fruit; so do the righteous produce fruit, in that they do good for themselves and do good for others.28Lev. 27:1. To what is the matter comparable? To a gold bell with a pearl29Gk.: margarites, margaritis, margaritarion, or margellion. clapper. Similarly the righteous do good for themselves and do good for others. Thus it is stated (in Is. 3:9), “Tell the righteous that [all is] well for them, for they shall eat the fruit of their works.” (Ps. 36:7 cont.:) “And Your judgments are like the great deep.” These are the wicked. Just as the deep is unable to sow and grow fruit, so the wicked do not possess good works and do not grow fruit. Instead they are distressing for themselves and for others. Thus it is stated (in Is. 3:10), “Woe to the bad wicked, as the recompense of his hands will be done to him.” He is bad for himself and bad for others. (Ps. 36:7:) “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains [and Your judgments are like the great deep].” Transpose the text and interpret it:30See also Gen. R. 33:1; PRK 9:1; M. Pss. 36:5. Your righteousness over your judgments is like the mighty mountains over the great deep. Just as these mountains hold down the deep, so that it does not rise up and inundate the earth, so the works of the righteous hold back the divine retributions, so that they will not come into the world. (Ps. 36:7:) “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains.” Just as these mountains have no end, so there is no end to the reward of the righteous in the world to come. (Ibid., cont.:) “Your judgments are like the great deep.” Just as the deep has no limit, so there is no limit to the divine retributions of the wicked in the world to come. (Ps. 36:7:) “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains (literally, mountains of God); [Your judgments are like the great deep].” R. Ishmael and R. Aqiva [differ]. R. Ishmael says, “Since the righteous (rt.: tsdq) carry out the Torah, which was given from the mountains of God, the Holy One, blessed be He, treats them with a charity (rt.: tsdq) like the mountains of God. But since the wicked do not carry out the Torah, which was given from the mountains of God, the Holy One, blessed be He, deals strictly with them, even unto the great deep.” R. Aqiva says, “The Holy One, blessed be He, is as strict with the former as with the latter. From the righteous he collects in this world for a few evil deeds which they have committed, in order to render them full payment in the world to come; while he gives prosperity in abundance to the wicked and pays them in this world for the few good deeds that they have done, in order to punish them in the world to come.” R. Meir says, “[Scripture] has spoken metaphorically of the righteous in their abode, and it has spoken metaphorically of the wicked in their abode.31Above, Gen. 2:8, and the note there. It has spoken metaphorically of the righteous in their abode, even as stated (in Ezek. 34:14), “I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the mountains of the Lofty One of Israel shall be their fold.” And it has spoken metaphorically of the wicked in their abode, as stated (in Ezek. 31:15), “Thus says the Lord God, ‘In the day that he went down to Sheol, I caused him to mourn (he'evalti); I covered him with the deep.’” The written text is \"I led\" (hovalti, not “I caused… to mourn [he'evalti]”).32Gen. R. 33:1; Exod. R. 14:2. So interpreted the verse means: “I led him [into Geihinnom]. R. Judah bar Ammi told a parable, “One does not make a cover for a vat of silver, gold, bronze or iron, but rather of clay, because that is a material of the same sort. Similarly, the Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘Geihinnom is darkness,’ as stated (in Ps. 35:6), ‘Let their path be darkness and slipperiness, with the angel of the Lord pursuing them.’ Moreover, the deep is darkness, as stated (in Gen. 1:2), ‘with darkness upon the face of the deep.’ And the wicked are darkness, as stated (in Is. 29:15), ‘for their works are in darkness; so they say, “Who sees us and who knows about us?”’ So let darkness come and cover darkness, just as you have said (in Eccl. 6:4), ‘For it comes in vanity and goes in darkness; even its name is covered in darkness.’”" + ], + [ + "(Ps. 36:7:) “Your righteousness (rt.: tsdq) is like the mighty mountains; [Your judgments are like the great deep].” R. Judah bar Simon said, “The charity (rt.: tsdq) which You did with Noah in the ark was like the mighty mountains.33Lev. R. 27:1. [Thus it is stated (in Gen. 8:4),] ‘And the ark came to rest in the seventh month on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.’ And the judgments are those which You rendered with [his] generation and carried out strictly with them as far as the great deep. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 7:11), ‘on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth.’ Moreover, when You remembered him, You did not remember him alone, as stated (in Gen. 8:1), ‘Then God remembered Noah, all the beasts, and all the cattle […].’” When R. Joshua ben Levi went away to Rome, he saw there two marble columns covered with bedding34Gk.: koitai (“beds”). so that they would neither be cracked in the burning heat nor frozen in the cold.35Above, Gen. 2:8; Gen. R. 33:1; PRK 9:1. He [also] saw there a certain pauper with a reed mat under him and a reed mat over him. With reference to the columns, he read (Ps. 36:7), “Your righteousness (i.e., your charity) is like the mighty mountains.” Indeed, when You give, You bestow abundantly. But with reference to the pauper, he read (ibid., cont.), “and Your judgments are like the great deep.” [Indeed,] when You are striking, you deal strictly. What is the meaning of (Ps. 36:7, cont.), “You save man and beast, O Lord.” Alexander of Macedon went off to the king of Qatsia beyond the mountains of darkness.36Lev. R. 27:1; PRK 9:1; Tamid 32ab. He arrived at the province named Carthage, which was entirely [inhabited by] women. They came out to meet him. They said to him, “If you wage war with us and are victorious against us, your name will go forth in the world as one who destroyed [a province of] women; and if we wage war with you and conquer you, your name will go forth in the world for having women wage war with you and conquer you. Then you will never again stand up to [another] kingdom.” When he went away, he wrote over the entrance37Gk.: pylai. gate, “I, King Alexander of Macedon, was a fool until I came to the province of Carthage and learned [to take] counsel from women.” He went to another province named Africa. They came out to meet him with golden apples, with golden pomegranates and with golden bread. He said to them, “Is gold eaten in your land?” They said to him, “Was it not like this for you in your own country, why did you come to us?”38Cf. Tamid 32b: “If you wanted [regular] bread, did you have no bread in your own place to eat that you should have taken [to the road] and come here?” He said to them, “I have not come to see your wealth. Rather I have come to see your laws.” While they were sitting [there], two men came before the king for judgment. One said, “Your majesty, I bought a deserted building from this man; and when I cleaned it out, I found a treasure in it. So I said to him, ‘Take your treasure, because I [only] bought a deserted building. I did not buy a treasure.’” But the other said, “Just as you are afraid of a punishment for robbery, so likewise am I afraid of punishment for robbery; for when I sold you the deserted building, I [also] sold you whatever was in it.” The king summoned one of them. He said to him, “Do you have a son?” He said, “Yes.” He called the other one. He said to him, “Do you have a daughter?” He told him, “Yes.” [The king] said to them, “Let them go and marry one another. Then both of them will use up the treasure.” Now Alexander began to be amazed. The king said to him, “What reason do you have to be amazed? For did I not judge well?” He told him, “Yes.” He said to him, “If this case had arisen in your land, what would you have done about it?” He said to him, “We would have taken the head off of this one and off the other one. Then the treasure would go to the house of the king.” He said to him, “But does the sun shine upon you?” He told him, “Yes.” “And does the rain come down upon you?” He told him, “Yes.” “Are there perhaps [some] sheep and goats in your land?” He told him, “Yes.” He said to him, “[Woe to] that man! It is for the sake of the sheep and the goats that the sun shines for you and that the rain comes down upon you. So it for the sake of the [flocks] that you are saved.” Thus it is written (in Ps. 36:7, cont.), “You save human and beast, O Lord.” For the sake of the beast does the Lord save man. Israel said, “Master of the world, we are like man; [but] save us like beasts,39Unlike humans, cattle are not responsible for what they do wrong. since we are drawn after You like beasts, as stated (in Cant. 1:4), “Draw me after you […].” Where are we drawn after You? To the Garden of Eden, as stated (in Ps. 36:9), “They feast on the abundance of Your house, and You have them drink at the river of Your Edens.” R. Eleazar bar Menahem said, “’Your Eden’ (in the singular) is not written here, but ‘Your Edens,’ because each and every righteous person has an Eden for himself.” (Ps. 36:7, cont.:) “You save human and beast, O Lord.” R. Isaac said, “The ordinance for humanity and the ordinance for the beast are one. An ordinance for humanity is (Lev. 12:3), ‘And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.’ And an ordinance for the beast is (Lev. 22:27), ‘and from the eighth day on it shall be acceptable.’”" + ], + [ + "R. Tanhuma opened [his discourse] (with Job 41:3), “Who has advanced Me anything that I shall repay him; everything under the heavens is Mine.”40Lev. R. 27:2; PRK 9:2. This refers to a bachelor who dwells in a province and gives an allowance to scribes and Mishnah teachers.41In elementary school one studied Bible under a sopher, or scribe. Secondary school involved the study of Oral Torah. Since a bachelor has no children, the money he gives is an act of charity. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “It is for me to pay him the compensation of a male child.” R. Jeremiah bar Eleazar said, “There is going to be a heavenly voice (bat qol) that shall explode on the tops of the mountains and say, ‘Whoever has done [something] along with God, let him come and receive his reward.’” The holy spirit also proclaims (in Job 41:3), “’Who has advanced Me anything that I shall repay him?’ Who offered Me praise42Qilles. Cf. the Greek, kalos (“beautiful”). before I gave him breath? Who has performed circumcision for Me before I gave him a male child? Who made a tassel for Me before I gave him a prayer shawl? Who made a parapet (in accord with Deut. 22:8) for Me before I gave him a roof? Who made a sukkah for Me before I gave him room? Who set aside pe'ah before I gave him a field? Who set aside the priestly tithe and the [other] tithes before I gave him a threshing floor? Who offered a sacrifice before I gave him a beast?” Ergo (in Lev. 22:27), “When a bull or a sheep or a goat [is born…].”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 22:27) “When a bull or a sheep or a goat.” R. Jacob bar Zavday in the name of R. Abbahu opened [his discourse] (with Ezek. 29:16), “And it shall no more be a source of satisfaction against the House of Israel to recall iniquity (i.e., the iniquity of the golden calf) […].”43Lev. R. 27:3; PRK 9:3. It is also written (in Is. 6:2), “Above Him stood the seraphim, six wings to each one… with two he covered his face,” so as not to look at the Divine Presence, “with two he covered his feet,” so that the face of the Divine Presence would not see them, since it is written (in Ezek. 1:7), “and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot.”44Cf. Hag. 13b. [This is] because (according to Ezek. 29:16), “And it shall no more be a source of satisfaction against the House of Israel to recall iniquity.”45In other words, the seraphim covered their calf feet, lest they recall the sin of the golden calf. (Is 6:2:) “And with two he flew,” for praise. We are taught there (in RH 3:2), “All the shofars are valid except that of a cow, since it is from a calf; for (according to Ezek. 29:16), “And it shall no more be a source of satisfaction against the House of Israel to recall iniquity.” We have been taught there46See Sanh. 7:4. (in Lev. 20:16): “You shall kill the woman and the beast.” If a woman sins, what is the beast’s sin? It is simply because a stumbling block came to the woman on account of [the beast]. Therefore the Scripture said, “So that the beast will not pass through the market, where they will say, ‘This is the beast on account of which such and such a woman was killed.’” [This is] because (according to Ezek. 29:16), “And it shall no more be a source of satisfaction against the House of Israel to recall iniquity.” Now we have been taught: For what reason did they say, “A suspected adulteress (sotah) is not to drink from the cup of her colleague (i.e., another suspected adulteress)?”47According to Sot. 2:2, a new earthenware dish was to be used for each such trial by ordeal. [It is] so that the people will not say, “When such and such a woman drank of this cup, she died.” [This is] because (according to Ezek. 29:16), “And it shall no more be a source of satisfaction against the House of Israel to recall iniquity.” So also here (in Lev. 22:27), “When a bull or a sheep or a goat is born.” Is a bull born? Is not a calf born? It is simply because of what is written (in Exod. 32:8), “they have made themselves a golden calf.” Hence the Scripture called it a “bull”, and did not call it a \"calf.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 22:27:) “When a bull or a sheep or a goat.” This text is related] (to Eccl. 3:15), “That which is has already happened.” R. Judah and R. Nehemiah [differ].48PRK 9:4; Lev. R. 27:4; Eccl. R. 3:15 (1). R. Judah says, “If someone says to you that if the first Adam had not sinned, he would have remained alive forever, you say to him, ‘Look at Elijah. Since he did not sin, he has remained alive forever.’ (Ibid., cont.:) ‘And that which is to be has already happened.’ If someone says to you that the Holy One, blessed be He, will be raising the dead, say to him, ‘Look, He has already done so through Elijah, through Elisha, and through Ezekiel.’” [But] Rabbi Nehemiah says, “If someone says to you that the whole world was water within water, you say to him, ‘The ocean is all water within water.’ (Ibid., cont.:) ‘And that which is to be has already happened.’ If someone says to you that the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to make the sea into dry ground, say to him, ‘He has already done so in the days of Moses, as stated (in Exod. 14:29), “But the Children of Israel went through the sea on dry ground, and the waters were a wall for them to the right and to the left.”’” [Moreover,] R. Aha said in the name of R. Samuel bar Nahman, “Everything that the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to do in the world to come He has already anticipated and partly done at the hands of the righteous in this world. In the future, the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to raise the dead; He has already done so at the hands of Elijah, at the hands of Elisha, and at the hands of Ezekiel. In the future, He is going to make the sea into dry ground; He has already done so (ibid.), “But the Children of Israel went through the sea on dry ground.” In the future, He is going to open the eyes of the blind; He has already done so, as stated (in II Kings 6:17), ‘so the Lord opened the eyes of the servant [and he saw].’ In the future, the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to going visit barren women; He has already done so through Abraham and Sarah, as stated (in Gen. 21:1), ‘Then the Lord visited Sarah […].’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said, (in Is. 49:23), ‘Kings shall be your guardians [… they shall bow down before you, nose to the ground, and lick the dust of your feet].’ It has already happened at the hands of Daniel, when the wicked Nebuchadnezzar bowed down to Daniel, as stated (in Dan. 2:46), ‘Then king Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face, [paid homage to Daniel].’” This is what Scripture stated (in Eccl. 3:15, cont.), “then God seeks the pursued.” R. Huna said in the name of R. Joseph, “In the future, the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to claim the blood of the pursued from the hand of those who pursue them.49Lev. R. 27:5. When a righteous person pursues a righteous person, God seeks the pursued. When a wicked person pursues a wicked person and when a wicked person pursues a righteous person, then God seeks the pursued. It comes out that you will say that even when a righteous person pursues a wicked person, in any case, then God seeks the pursued.”50Cf. PR 48:2. You know that this is so. Note that Abel was pursued by Cain; and therefore (in Gen. 4:4), “and the Lord paid heed unto Abel and unto his offering.” Noah was pursued by his generation, but (according to Gen. 6:8), “Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.” Abraham was pursued by Nimrod; and it is written (Neh. 9:7) “You are the Lord, the God who chose Abraham […].” Isaac was pursued by the Philistines; and it is written (Gen. 26:28), “And [they] said, ‘We see plainly that the Lord has been with you […].’” Jacob was pursued by Esau; and it is written (Ps. 135:4) “For the Lord has chosen Jacob for Himself.” Joseph was pursued by his brothers; and it is written (Gen. 39:2) “And the Lord was with Joseph […].” Moses was pursued by Pharaoh; and it is written (Ps. 106:23), “therefore He said He would destroy them, had not Moses His chosen [stood in the breach before Him…].” Israel is being pursued by the nations of the world; and it is written (Deut. 7:6), “the Lord your God has chosen you […].” R. Judah bar Simon said in the name of R. Nehoray, “Here also (in the case of sacrificial animals), the bull is pursued by the lion; the sheep is pursued by the wolf; the goat is pursued by the leopard. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘You shall not bring me a sacrifice from the pursuer but from the pursued.’ [Thus it is stated] (Lev. 22:27), ‘When a bull or a sheep or a goat […].’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 22:27:) “When a bull or a sheep or a goat […].” This text is related (to Micah 6:3), “My people, what have I done to you and how have I wearied you; testify against Me.”51PRK 9:5; Lev. R. 27:6; Numb. R. 10:1. R. Aha said, “Testify against Me (i.e., prove me wrong by keeping the commandments), and receive a reward. And do not testify (against your neighbor falsely), and receive a settlement of accounts.” R. Samuel bar Nahman said, “On three occasions the Holy One, blessed be He, came to dispute with Israel, when the nations of the world rejoiced: At that time, when He said to them (in Is. 1:18), ‘Please come and let us dispute together,’ they rejoiced and said, ‘Now He will finish them off.’ When the Holy One, blessed be He, saw that they were rejoicing, He reversed [the punishment] for the better. He said (ibid.), ‘though your sins be as scarlet, they shall become as white as snow […].’ When the nations of the world heard this, they were astonished and said, ‘Is this an answer; is this a rebuke? He has only come to amuse Himself with His children (and not to dispute with them seriously).’ In the second [occasion], when He said to them (in Micah 6:2), ‘[Hear, O mountains, the claim of the Lord …] for the Lord has a claim with His people, and He will dispute with Israel,’ they rejoiced and said, ‘Now He will finish them off.’ When the Holy One, blessed be He, saw that, He reversed [the punishment] for the better and said (in Micah 6:5), ‘My people, please remember what King Balak of Moab plotted and what Balaam answered him….’52Cf. PR 48:1. When the nations of the world heard this, they were astonished and said, ‘Is this an answer; is this a rebuke? He has only come to amuse Himself with His children.’ The third [occasion] when He said (in Hos. 12:3), ‘The Lord has a claim with Judah,’ they rejoiced and said, ‘Now He will finish them off.’ When the Holy One, blessed be He, saw that, He reversed [the punishment] for the better and said (in Hos. 12:4) ‘In the womb he grabbed his brother by the heel […].’” [The situation] is similar to a woman who complained to the judge about her son and brought him for trial. Everyone came to see. They said, one to another, “See that this woman has brought her son to be killed in the case.” When the woman saw this and heard what they said, she reversed [her mind] to speak with different words. When she came before the judge, he said to her, “What has your son done to you?” She said to him, “When he was in my womb, he kicked me.” He said to her, “Has he done anything else to you?” She said, “No.” He said to her, “There is no legal offense at all.” Everyone was astonished and said, “Is this an answer; is this a rebuke? She only came to amuse herself with her son.” So they left with embarrassment on their faces. So too did the Holy One, blessed be He, go back and reverse His rebuke to love, and the nations of the world left confounded. (Micah 6:3:) “And how have I wearied you?” R. Berekhyah said, “[The situation] is similar to a king who sent his proclamation53Gk.: prostagma. to a province. What did the people of the province do? When they received it, they uncovered their heads, and read it in fear, in awe and in trembling. So did the Holy One, blessed be He, say to Israel, ‘The reading of the Shema is My proclamation. I did not burden you and I did not tell you that you were to read it either standing upon your feet or with your heads uncovered, but (according to Deut. 6:7) “when you are sitting in your house, when you are walking on the road, when you are lying down, and when you are getting up.”’” Another interpretation (of Micah 6:3), “and how have I wearied you”: R. Judah bar Simon said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘I have delivered ten [kinds of] beasts to you (for food).54See also PR 16:1; Numb. R. 20:5; 21:16. Three are in your possession, and seven are not in your possession. Now these are those which are in your possession (according to Deut. 14:4), “the bull, the sheep, and the goat.” And these are those which are not in your possession (according to Deut. 14:5), “The deer, the gazelle, the roebuck, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope, and the mountain sheep.” I did not burden you, nor did I tell you to go up into the mountains or tire yourselves out in the fields in order to bring Me a sacrifice from those [which are not in your possession]. Rather [your sacrifices come] from those which are in your possession, which grew up at your feeding trough. This is what is stated (in Lev. 22:27), “A bull or a sheep or a goat.”’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 22:27:) “A bull or a sheep or a goat.” This text is related (to Is. 41:24), “Behold (hen), you are nothing (me'ayin), and your work is naught (me’afa’); an abomination shall He choose among you.”55Lev. R. 27:7; PRK 9:6. “Behold, you are nothing,” full of nothing, from a putrid liquid. “Naught (me’afa’)”; from the hundred screams (meah puot), that a woman screams when she sits on the birthing chair, ninety-nine are for death and [only] one is for life. “An abomination shall He choose among you.” What is the meaning of, “an abomination shall He choose among you?” [It is] speaking about this baby; even though it comes out from its mothers womb dirty, defiled and full of mucous, everyone kisses it and everyone hugs it, and especially if it is a male. Another interpretation: That (hen) is Greek. Hen [in Greek] means \"one.\" You (Israel) are the one for Me, from (min) the nations of the world, who are called \"nothing ('ayin),\"56Since min is commonly abbreviated to me, me’ayin is understood to mean “as compared to nothing” (literally: “than nothing.”) as stated (in Is. 40:17), “All the nations are as nothing ('ayin) before Him.” (Is. 41:24, cont.:) “And your work is naught.” R. Levi said, “All the good works and consolations which the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to bring about with Israel are only as reward for a single shout which they shouted on Sinai, when they said (according to Exod. 24:7), ‘All that the Lord has spoken we will carry out and obey.’” (Is. 41:24, cont.:) “An abomination shall He choose among you.” That is the abomination which you made as a molten calf. Of that very abomination, bring Me sacrifice, and I will choose you. And what is it? (As in Lev. 22:27), “A bull or a sheep or a goat.” [This text is related (to Hos. 7:3),] “They make a king glad with their evil.”57Lev. R. 27:8; PRK 9:7–8. What did He see in the bull for making it first among the sacrifices? R. Levi said, “[The situation] is similar to a matron58Lat.: matrona. concerning whom there went forth an evil report in connection with one of the notables in the kingdom. The king looked into the rumors and found no substance in them. What did the king do? He made a great banquet and sat him at the head of those reclining in order to show that the king had looked into the rumors and found no substance in them. [Similarly,] because the nations of the world were saying to Israel, “You made the calf,” the Holy One, blessed be He, examined the rumors and found no substance in them. Therefore the bull was made first among the sacrifices. How is this shown? From that which they read about the matter (in Lev. 22:27), “A bull or a sheep or a goat.” R. Huna and R. Idi [said] in the name of R. Samuel bar Nahman, “Israel was saved from that act. Because if they had made the calf, it would have been [natural] for them to say (in Exod. 32:8), ‘These are our Gods, O Israel.’ However, it was the proselytes who came up with them from Egypt that made it, and they directed Israel [by saying] (in Exod. 32:8), ‘These are your Gods, O Israel.’” R. Judah bar Simon said, “It is written (in Isaiah 1:3), ‘An ox knows its owner, and an ass..., Israel does not know [...].’ And did they not know? It is simply that they trampled [the notion] with their heel.” And similar to it is (Hos. 2:10) “And she did not know that it was I who bestowed on her the grain....” And did she not know? It is simply that she trampled it with her heel." + ], + [ + "The bull was due to the merit of Abraham of whom it is stated (in Gen. 18:7), “Then Abraham ran unto the herd [...] (for a calf to feed his heavenly visitors).”59Lev. R. 17:9; PRK 9:9. The sheep was due to the merit of Isaac, of whom it is stated (in Gen. 22:13), “And Abraham lifted his eyes and he saw, and behold there was a ram [...] (to replace an obedient Isaac as a sacrifice).” The goat was due to the merit of Jacob, of whom it is stated (in Gen. 27:9), “Please go unto the flock, and bring me two good kids of the goats from there.” What is the meaning of “good” (in reference to the two kids)? R. Berekhyah said in the name of R. Helbo, “[They are] good for you and good for your children.60Gen. R. 65:14; PR 47:4. [They are] good for you, because through them you are to receive the blessings;61When Jacob brought the meat from the goats to his father, he received a blessing. and they are good for your children, because through them atonement is granted to your children on the Day of Atonement.” (Lev. 22:27, cont.:) “It shall remain seven days with its mother.” R. Joshua of Sikhnin says in the name of R. Levi, “[The situation] is similar to a king who entered a province62Lev. R. 27:10; PRK 9:10. where he issued a proclamation and said, ‘Let no strangers63Gk.: xenoi. who are here see my face before they first see the face of [my] matron.’64Lat.: matrona. Similarly, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, ‘My children shall not approach me with an offering until the Sabbath [queen] has passed over it. For there are no seven [days] without a Sabbath, and there is no circumcision without [the passing of] a Sabbath.’” R. Isaac said, “An ordinance for humanity and an ordinance for beasts [are on a par].65Above, 8:9. An ordinance for humanity is (Lev. 12:3), ‘And on the eighth day [the flesh of his foreskin] shall be circumcised.’ And an ordinance for beasts is (Lev. 22:27), ‘and from the eighth day on, it shall be acceptable [for an offering by fire to the Lord].’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 22:28:) “In the case of an animal from the herd or the flock, [you shall not slaughter] it and its offspring on the same day.”66Although the nouns here are masculine singular and would normally read: IN THE CASE OF A BULL OR A SHEEP, Rashi understands the verse as only prohibiting the slaughter of a female beast and its offspring on the same day. Others like Ibn Ezra understand the prohibition in the verse as referring to both sexes. For a discussion of the two interpretations, see Hul. 78b-80a. This text is related (to Prov. 12:10), “A righteous one regards the life of his beast, but the compassion of the wicked is cruel.”67Lev. R. 27:11: PRK 9:11. “A righteous one regards the life of his beast.” This refers to the Holy One, blessed be He, as it is written in the Torah (in Deut. 22:6 with reference to birds), “you shall not take the mother with the young.”68Cf. Tos. Meg. 25a. “But the compassion of the wicked is cruel.” This refers to Sennacherib, of whom it is written (in Hos. 10:14), “the mother was dashed to pieces with the children.” “A righteous one regards the life of his beast.” This refers to the Holy One, blessed be He, as it is written in the Torah (in Lev. 22:28), “In the case of an animal from the herd or the flock, [you shall not slaughter] it and its offspring….” “But the compassion of the wicked is cruel.” This refers to Haman, of whom it is written (in Esth. 3:13), “to destroy and to annihilate [all the Jews].” R. Levi said, “Woe to the wicked, because they devise secret plans against Israel.69M. Ps. 2:4. Each and every one says, ‘My plan is better than your plan.’ Esau said, ‘Cain was stupid to kill [his brother] Abel during his father's lifetime.70Cf. Gen. R. 75:9. Did he not know that his father would be fruitful and multiply [afterwards]? I am not acting like that. Instead (in Gen. 27:41), “Let the days of mourning for my father come; then I will kill my brother Jacob.”’ Pharaoh said, ‘Esau was stupid to say, “Let the days of mourning for my father come.” Did he not know that his brother would be fruitful and multiply during his father's lifetime? I will not act like that. Instead, while they are tiny under their mothers' birthstool, I will strangle them.’ Thus it is written (in Exod. 1:22), ‘Every son born you shall throw into the Nile.’ Haman said, ‘Pharaoh was stupid to say, “Every son born [you shall throw into the Nile, but every daughter you shall keep alive].” Did he not know that, when the daughters are married to men,71According to Yafat Toar, this means foreign men, but it appears to me to be speaking about older Jewish men who were born before this decree (Ed. FN). they are fruitful and multiply through them. I will not act like that. Instead, [I will act] (in Esth. 3:13), “to destroy and to annihilate [all the Jews, young and old, children and women, on a single day].”’” R. Levi said, “Gog and Magog as well are going to say the same, ‘The former ones were stupid because they devised secret plans against Israel. Did they not know that they have a Patron72Lat.: patronus. in the heavens? I will not act like that. First I will join in battle with their Patron, and after that I will join in battle with them.’” Thus it is written (in Ps. 2:2), “The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “O wicked one, have you come to Me to join in battle?73Rt.: ZWG. The root more commonly refers to joining in wedlock as does the Greek verb, zeugnunai. By your life I will wage war with you,” as stated (in Is. 42:13), “The Lord shall go forth like a warrior […].” It also says (in Zech. 14:3) “Then the Lord will come forth and fight with those nations.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 22:29:) “And when you sacrifice an offering of thanksgiving to the Lord.” R. Pinhas, R. Levi, and R. Johanan said in the name of R. Menahem of Galilee, “In the future to come, all [other] offerings shall cease, but the sacrifice of thanksgiving shall not ever cease.74Lev. R. 27:12; PRK 9:12; M. Pss. 56:4. All [prayers] shall cease, but the [prayer] of thanksgiving shall not ever cease. Thus it is stated (in Jer. 33:11), ‘The sound of joy and the sound of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who say, “Give thanks to the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good, for His mercy endures forever”; [as they bring thanksgiving to the house of the Lord].’ ‘Give thanks to the Lord,’ this refers to the prayers; ‘as they bring thanksgiving,’ this refers to the sacrifice of thanksgiving.” And so David said (in Ps. 56:13), “Your vows, O God, are upon me; I will repay You with thanksgivings.” \"Thanksgiving\" (in the singular) is not written here, but “thanksgivings” (in the plural), [i.e., both] the thanksgiving prayer and the sacrifice of thanksgiving." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 22:27), “And from the eighth day on [it shall be acceptable for an offering by fire to the Lord].” So that your [evil] drive not lead you astray by saying that there is eating and drinking in front of Him. Who sacrificed to Him before Israel arose? David said (in Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies is comparable (ya'arokh) to the Lord?” [This is to mean], who offered sacrifices to Him? R. Abbin the Levite said, “[This verse means,] who is like unto the Holy One, blessed be He, in sustaining orphans and feeding the hungry? After all, this word (ya'arokh) can only be a word concerning sustenance, since it is stated (in Lev. 24:8), ‘On [every] Sabbath day he shall [regularly] arrange (ya'arokh) it (i.e., the bread).’” Another interpretation (of Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies is comparable (ya'arokh) to the Lord”: Who is like unto the Holy One, blessed be He, in bringing light to the eyes of those in the dark?75Below, 10:6. After all, this word (ya'arokh) can only be a word denoting light, since it is stated (Lev. 24:4), “He shall set up (ya'arokh) the lamps upon the unalloyed lampstand.” Another interpretation (of Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies is comparable (rt.: 'rk) to the Lord”: Who is like unto the Holy One, blessed be He, in clothing the naked? After all, this word (rt.: 'rk) can only be a word denoting a garment, since it is stated (in Jud. 17:10), “a suit (rt.: 'rk) of clothes and [your] maintenance.” Another interpretation (of Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies [is comparable (ya'arokh) to the Lord]”: Who is like unto the Holy One, blessed be He, in waging war for Israel? After all, the word, ya'arokh, can only be a word denoting war, since it is stated (in Gen. 14:8), “and they marshalled (ya'arokh in the plural) for battle with them.” Another interpretation (of Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies is comparable to the Lord”: The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “If your [evil] drive comes and says to you, ‘Who sacrificed to (fed) the Holy One, blessed be He, before the world was created,’76See PR 48:3. say to him, ‘Consider that Moses ascended to the sky and spent a hundred and twenty days there. Let him tell you whether they were sacrificing to the Holy One, blessed be He. And in addition he was accustomed to eat; but when he ascended to Me, he saw that there is no eating and drinking in front of Me, and so he also did not eat, as stated (in Exod. 34:28), “And he was there with the Lord [forty days and forty nights; he neither ate bread nor drank water].”’” R. Simeon ben Laqish said, “If your [evil] drive comes to say to you, ‘If there were no eating and drinking before Him, He would not have told me to sacrifice and offer libations to Him’; [then ponder] what is written (in Numb. 28:6), ‘The continual burnt offering instituted at Mount Sinai’: Did they offer sacrifices on Mount Sinai? [No.] Rather observe that it was Moses who went up onto Mount Sinai. Let him tell you whether there were food and drink before Me. And so why did I trouble you and tell you to bring a daily sacrifice? In order to benefit you.” R. Hiyya bar Abba said, “When a mighty man who is walking on the road is thirsty and goes to drink water, how much does he drink with his hands? Ten handfuls? Six handfuls? Four handfuls? Less than two he does not drink. Now all the water that is in the world would be a filling for the hollow of the Holy One, blessed be He's, hand, as stated (in Is. 40:12), ‘Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand?’ [It is so written] in order to make known that for Him there is no eating or drinking. [Then] why did He tell me to offer a sacrifice? In order to benefit you.” Ergo (in Lev. 22:27), “When a bull or a sheep or a goat [is born… and from the eighth day on it shall be acceptable for an offering by fire to the Lord].” (Lev. 22:27), “And from the eighth day.” This text is related (to Eccl. 3:19), “As for the fate of humans and the fate of beasts, [they have the same fate; as the one dies, so does the other die. They all have the same lifebreath, but the superiority of the human over the beast is nil ('yn)].”77This is the translation required by the latter part of this section. A more traditional translation would be AND THE HUMAN IS NO BETTER THAN THE BEAST. It is written concerning the human (in Deut. 22:11), “You shall not wear interwoven stuff, wool and flax together.” It is also written concerning the beast (ibid., vs. 10), “You shall not plough with an ox and an ass together.” (Eccl. 3:19:) “[They] all have the same fate.” Just as the human contracts uncleanness, the beast also contracts uncleanness. It is written concerning the human (in Numb. 19:11), “One who touches the corpse of any human being shall be unclean.” Also concerning the beast (in Lev. 11:39), “whoever touches its carcass shall be unclean [...].” (Eccl. 3:19:) “As the one dies, so does the other die.” Concerning the human (in Lev. 20:16), “you shall kill the woman”; and concerning the beast (in vs. 15), “and you shall kill the beast.” (Eccl. 3:21:) “Who knows the lifebreath of a human that rises upward and the lifebreath of a beast that goes down into the earth?”78This translation is required by the midrash. A more traditional translation in the biblical context would be this: WHO KNOWS WHETHER IT IS THE LIFEBREATH OF A HUMAN THAT RISES UPWARD, WHILE IT IS THE LIFEBREATH OF A BEAST THAT GOES DOWN INTO THE EARTH? Because the lifebreath of the human is given from above, concerning it, a rising up is written. And because the beast is given from below, concerning it, a going down is written. (Eccl. 3:19, cont.:) “But the superiority of the human over the beast is 'yn (i.e., nil).” What is the meaning of 'yn?79Eccl. R. 3:19(1). That [the human] speaks, but [the beast] does not ('yn) speak. And moreover, while there is knowledge in the human, in the beast there is no ('yn) knowledge. And moreover, while the human knows the difference between good and evil, the beast does not ('yn) know the difference between good and evil. And moreover, the human gets a reward for his works, but the beast does not ('yn) get a reward for its work. And moreover, when the human dies they care for him and he is buried, while the beast is not ('yn) buried. Ergo (in Eccl. 3:19), “but the superiority of the human over the beast is 'yn.” What is written concerning the human (in Lev. 12:2-3)? “When a woman emits her seed…. And on the eighth day [the flesh of his foreskin] shall be circumcised.” But about the beasts it is written (in Lev. 22:27), “When a bull or a sheep or a goat… and from the eighth day on it shall be acceptable [for an offering by fire to the Lord].”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 22:27:) “When a bull or a sheep or a goat.” This text is related (to Ps. 27:6), “And now shall my head be lifted up over my enemies round about me and I will offer sacrifice in His tent with a loud cry.” When Israel carried out that deed (of the golden calf), the nations of the world said, “There will be no recovery for them, and He will never return to them.” When Israel heard that they would sacrifice a bull, their head was lifted up, as stated (ibid.), “And now shall my head be lifted up […].” Then they said, “Now we know that the Holy One, blessed be He, has been reconciled to us, as stated (ibid., cont.), “and I will offer sacrifice in his tent with a loud cry; I will sing and chant praise to the Lord.” (Lev. 22:27:) “When a bull or a sheep or a goat [is born].” Is there a bull that is born? Or a calf born to become a bull, that it should be stated, “to sacrifice a bull.” [So] why did [the Holy One, blessed be He], say to sacrifice a bull? To atone for the image of the bull, as stated (in Ps. 103:3), “Who forgives all your sins [...].” You should know this on your own. See what is written (in Ezek. 1:6), “Each had four faces, and each of them had four wings.” What is written there (in vs. 7), “And their legs became a straight leg, and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot.” Now it was for the atonement of Israel that He added two [more] wings to them. Thus it is stated (in Is. 6:2), “[each] of them had six wings.” Why? So that their feet would be covered, because they resembled the calf. [It was] so that, as it were, He would not see them and recall the incident of the calf. [Hence (in Is. 6:2, cont.),] “with two he covered his feet.” And why all this? Simply to atone for Israel. This is the meaning of (Ps. 103:3), “Who forgives all your sins.” You have no larger fowl than the eagle, so it became a face for the living angel, as stated (in Ezek. 1:10), “and the face of an eagle.” The largest among the animals is the lion, so it [also] became a face for the living angel, as stated (in Ezek. 10:14), “and the face of a lion.” And the bull is the largest among the beasts, so that He made it a face for the living angel, as stated (in Ezek. 1:10), “and the face of a bull on the left.” (Ibid.:) “And the face of a human.” But for the sake of Israel, the Holy One, blessed be He, blotted out the bull and put a cherub in its place. As you find that it only mentions a cherub there, as stated (in Ezek. 10:14), “the face of the one was the face of a cherub.” And why all this? To atone for Israel. Ergo (in Ps. 103:3), “Who forgives all your sins.” Why did the Holy One, blessed be He, remove the calf? So that Israel would be innocent before Him. And not only that, but when someone from Israel thinks about a transgression or something evil in his heart, the Holy One, blessed be He, does not connect it to a deed (to punish him for it). As therefore David says (in Ps. 66:18), “If I had perceived iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” Now what does the Holy One, blessed be He, hear? [What is thought] when a person stands up to meditate in prayer. It is so stated (in Ps. 31:223) “truly God has listened; He has hearkened to the sound of my prayer.” And not only that, but when two people sit and occupy themselves with the Torah, the Holy One, blessed be He, hearkens and listens, as stated (in mal. 3:16), “Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another; the Lord has hearkened and listened.”80Avot 3:2, 6; Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Bahodesh 1; Ber. 62; ARN, A, 8. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Through the merit of the Torah, when you occupy yourselves with it, I am hearkening and listening to your prayers; but in the future, before you [even] call to Me, I will answer you.” It is so stated (in Is. 65:24), “And it shall come to pass that before they cry out, I will answer.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 23:40:) “And you shall take for yourselves on the first day [beautiful tree fruit, branches of palm trees, boughs of dense trees and willows of the brook; and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days].” This text is related (to Prov. 4:10), “Heed, my child, and take in (rt.: lqh) my words,” and (in Prov. 2:1), “treasure my commandments.” I have charged you with many takings (rt.: lqh) in order to benefit you.81Lev. R. 30:13. I told you (in Numb. 19:2), “’And let them bring (rt.: lqh) you a red cow.’ Was it possibly for My sake? No. I only did it in order to cleanse you. Is it not so written (in vs. 19), ‘And the clean person shall sprinkle it [upon the unclean person]?’ I told you (in Exod. 25:2), ‘And let them take (rt.: lqh) for Me a priestly share,’ so that I might dwell among you.” It is so stated (in vs. 8), “And let them make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.’” He, as it were, spoke a difficult thing to them, “Take Me that I may dwell among you.” “And take a priestly share” is not written here, but “And let them take (for)82Since “for Me” can sometimes be understood as a direct object, the midrash is understanding the verse to mean: LET THEM TAKE ME AS A PRIESTLY SHARE. Me a priestly share.” [It is] I, [whom] you are taking.” “I said to you (in Exod. 27:20), ‘And let them bring unto you pure olive oil.’ Do I need your light? It is simply to preserve your souls, since the soul is likened to a lamp, where it is stated (in Prov. 20:27), ‘A person's soul is a lamp of the Lord.’ And now when it says (in Lev. 23:40), ‘And you shall take for yourselves on the first day,’ it is not because it is necessary for Me, but in order to benefit you.” (Lev. 23:40:) “A beautiful tree fruit, branches of palm trees, boughs of dense trees and willows of the brook.” What is the nature of these four species?83Lev. R. 30:12. Some of them produce fruit and some of them do not produce fruit. “A beautiful tree fruit, the branches of the palm trees.” These are the righteous, [because they have good works, which are like these plants that have fruit]. “Boughs of dense trees and willows of the brook.” These are the average Israelites. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “All of you join together to become a single group, so that there not be leftovers among my children. If you have done so, I will be exalted upon you.” And so the prophet says (in Amos 9:6), “Who builds His upper chambers in the heavens and founds His celestial vault upon earth.” Now when is He exalted? When they become a single group (agudah), as stated (ibid., cont.), “and founds His celestial vault (agudah) upon earth.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 23:40:) “And you shall take for yourselves.” [Take (rt.: lqh) implies] by a full purchase (rt.: lqh), for you are not to persist in stealing it.84ySuk. 3:1 (53c); Suk. 43a; Lev. R. 30:6; PRK 27:6; cf. Lev. R. 30:5. Then it would turn out that his advocate85Gk.: synegoros. has become his accuser.86Gk.: kategor. (Lev. 23:40:) “And you shall take (rt.: lqh) [ for yourselves ].” R. Hiyya taught in a baraita, “Through buying (mqh) and not through stealing, through buying (mqh) and not gratIs. [Such prohibitions serve] to exclude what is borrowed and to exclude what is stolen. A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a royal agent who went to collect [taxes] in the city. After he had collected them, a certain townsperson found him on the road [and] he was a bandit.87Gk.: lestes. He beat him and took everything belonging to him plus the collected tax money which was in his possession. After some time that townsperson came to be on trial before the governor. He went to hire himself someone who would plead his case. The [tax] collector said to him, ‘What are you doing here?’ He said to him, ‘There is a lawsuit, and I wish to hire myself someone who will plead my case.’ He said to him, ‘Give me that gold and those articles and that baggage88Lat.: tapeta and Gk.: tapetes (“carpets”), from which comes the English, “tapestries.” which you took from me. Then I will plead your case. And tomorrow when you stand for trial in front of the governor and he will say to you, “Do you have someone to plead your case,” say, “Such and such a person,” and I will go and plead your case.’ [So] he took that gold and that baggage from him, [but only] a part [of it,] and he went away.89Cf. the reading in Codex Vaticanus Ebr. 34: He said to him, “What will you give me, if I plead your case?” He said to him, “You then give me the baggage.” So he gave him a rug and other garments which he had taken from him. The next day, when he stood before the governor, he said, ‘Do you have someone who is pleading (melamed) your case.’ He answered and said, ‘Such and such a person.’ The governor said to him, ‘What case are you making (melamed) for this person?’ He said to him, ‘My Lord, I am telling the things that this companion of mine did to me. When I went to collect taxes in such and such a city, he rose up against me, robbed me, and took everything that I had. And the things which you see in my hands are some of the things which he returned to me so that I would plead his case.’ Then they all began to say, ‘Woe to that one, for his advocate has become his accuser.’ Thus, no one from Israel should give praise with a stolen lulav. [He should not use one] unless he buys (rt.: lqh) it for himself with money, as stated (in Lev. 23:40), ‘And you shall take (rt.: lqh) for yourselves.’” (Lev. 23:40:) “And you shall take for yourselves on the first day.” This text is related (to Ps. 96:12 // I Chron. 16:33), “Then shall all forest trees shout for joy.” About whom does Scripture speak? About Israel and about the peoples of the world, when the Holy One, blessed be He, judges them on the Day of Atonement. The former and the latter come [for a verdict], but we do not know who has prevailed. To what is the matter comparable?90Lev. R. 30:2; PRK 27:2. To two humans who came before the king for a verdict. Now no one except the king himself knew what [the issue] was between them. The king judged them, but the people did not know who had prevailed against his companion. [However], the king said, “You should know that whoever leaves with a lance91Agon. Buber, p. 99, n. 190, points out the variant readings for this word in various mss. and parallel texts. He suggests that the reading may be, bayyon, which comes from the Greek baion, and means “palm branch.” Certainly this reading makes more sense in the context here. in his hand has prevailed.” So Israel and the peoples of the world come for a verdict on the Day of Atonement, and the people do not know who is victorious. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Take your lulavim in your hand, so that everyone may know that you have won in the judgment.” Therefore David said (in Ps. 96:12–13; // I Chron. 16:33), “Then shall all forest trees shout for joy [before the Lord ]” When? (Ibid., cont.:) “When He comes, when He comes to judge the earth,” on the Day of Atonement. What does Israel do? They wait for him five more days in order that everyone may hear that Israel won. It is therefore stated (in Lev. 23:40:) “And you shall take for yourselves on the first day [beautiful tree fruit, branches of palm trees].”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 23:40:) “And you shall take for yourselves.” This text is related (to Ps. 35:10), “All my bones shall say, ‘Lord, who is like you?’” David has stated this verse beautifully.92Lev. R. 30:14. You yourself know that the lulav is like a human spine, the myrtle is like the eyes, the willow is like the lips, and the ethrog is like the heart. David said, “I have no greater organs than these, [since] they correspond to the [whole body (in importance)].” Ergo (in Ps. 35:10), “All my bones [shall say, ‘Lord, who is like you?’]”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 23:40:) “And you shall take for yourselves on the first day.” After all the wisdom which is ascribed to Solomon (since according to I Kings 5:11), “He was the wisest of all people,”93See PRK 4:3; PR 14:9. he left everything and sat wondering about these four species.94Lev. R. 30:15. This is related (to Prov. 30:18), “Three things are too difficult for me; and four I do not understand.” These are the four species which are in the lulav, which he sought to understand. Now if you say that (in Lev. 23:40) the “beautiful tree fruit” is an ethrog, all trees bear fruit. (Ibid., cont.:) “Branches of palm trees.” One needs to take two branches and their hearts, but one only takes the heart of the palm, i.e., the lulav. (Ibid., cont.:) “Boughs of dense trees.” Who says to you that it is the myrtle, since it is written in another place (i.e., in Neh. 8:15), “Go out to the mountain and bring leafy branches of olive trees, leafy branches of oil-giving trees, leafy branches of myrtle, leafy branches of palms, and leafy branches of dense trees to make the sukkot (huts), as is written.” (Lev. 23:40, cont.:) “And willows of the brook”; [yet] all the trees grow in the water. (Prov. 30:18:) “And four I do not understand.” But in another place it says (i.e., in Prov. 30:29), “Three things have a stately stride, and four have a stately walk.” These are the four species which are in the lulav, for each and every person from Israel goes running to buy one of them for himself in order to give praise to the Lord, so that he be acceptable to Him and make atonement for all his sins. “A stately walk.” The one who sees these same four species, disparages them, and [yet] they loom large before the Holy One, blessed be He. (Prov. 30:24:) “Four things are tiny on earth.” They are these four species. (Ibid., cont.:) “But they are the wisest of the wise,” because they deal wisely, when they plead merit and wisdom before the One who spoke and the world came into being. Another interpretation (of Prov. 30:24), “But they are the wisest of the wise”: And who gave us the interpretation that these four species are ethrog, lulav, myrtle, and willow? The rabbinic sages (hakhamim), “but they are the wisest (hakhamim) of the wise.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 23:40:) “And you shall take for yourselves on the first day,” and even on the Sabbath.95See Lev. 30:8; PRK 27:8. [Indeed] during the time that the Temple was standing, [the people] took up [their lulavim on the Sabbath], but now the later sages have decreed for them not to take up [lulavim] on the Sabbath, lest one goes to the legal expert to learn [about the matter], and [it cause] him to carry it four cubits in the public domain.96For other reasoning behind the ruling, cf. Suk. 43a. The same also [holds true] in regard to a shofar and a scroll [of Esther]. " + ], + [ + "(Lev. 23:40:) “And you shall take for yourselves on the first day.” Is it the first [day]?97Lev. R. 30:7; PRK 27:7. Is it not the fifteenth day? So how is it the first? It is simply the first for the reckoning (heshbon) of sins. R. Mani and R. Joshua of Sikhnin in the name of R. Levi said a parable, “To what is the matter comparable?98Eccl. R. 9:7:1. To a province which owed back taxes99Gk.: loipas. to the king. [When] the king sent to collect [the sum], they did not hand it over, because the bill was large. So it happened the first time, and a second time; when he sent [for it], they did not hand it over. What did the king do? He said to his courtiers,100Literally, “children of the palace (palation).” Cf. Lat.: palatium; Gk: palation. ‘Arise and let us move against them.’ While they were traveling about ten mil101Milin; cf. Lat.: mille passus. [away], the people of the province heard [what was happening]. What did they do? The nobles of the province began to go to a meeting102Gk.: apante. with the king. He said to them, ‘Who are you?’ They said to him, ‘We are people of such and such a province where you sent to collect our taxes.’ He said to them, ‘So what do you want?’ They said to him, ‘If you please, show us kindness, because we have nothing to hand over.’ He said to them, ‘I will remit half for you.’ While he was [still] coming, the ruffians of the province went out and greeted him about five mil [away]. He said to them, ‘Who are you?’ They said to him, ‘We are people of such and such a province where you sent to collect our taxes, but we don’t have the ability to stand [up to the demand]; if you please, have mercy upon us.’ He said to them, ‘I have already remitted half [your debt], but for your sake I am remitting half of [the remaining] half. While he was [still] coming, all the people of the province came out to him, [both] large and small. He said to them, ‘What do you want?’ They said to him, ‘Our Lord king, we don’t have the ability to remit what we owe you.’ He said to them, ‘I have already remitted half plus half of [the remaining] half, but for your sake I am remitting everything. However, from now on there [begins] a new account (heshbon).’ This king is [the supreme King of kings], the Holy One, blessed be He. The people of his province? These are Israel, who acquire sins during all of the whole year. What does the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He says, ‘Do penance at the beginning of the year.’ So they come in submission on the Day of Atonement, when they humble themselves and do penance. Then the Holy One, blessed be He, forgives them. And what do they do? The eve of Rosh Hashanah, the great ones of the generation fast, and the Holy One, blessed be He, relinquishes [Israel] a third of its sins. And from Rosh Hashanah to the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), individuals fast, and the Holy One, blessed be He, relinquishes [another] third of their sins. And on the Day of Atonement, all of Israel fasts and requests mercy, men, women and infants. And [so] the Holy One, blessed be He, relinquishes everything; as it is written (in Leviticus 16:30), ‘As upon this day, there will be atonement for you….’ What does Israel do [then]? They all take their lulavim on the first day of the festival and render praise to the Holy One, blessed be He. Thus He is reconciled to them and forgives them. He says to them, ‘See, I have relinquished all your former sins for you. However, from now on there is a new account (heshbon).’ Thus it is stated (in Lev. 23:40), ‘And you shall take for yourselves on the first day.’ [It is] first for the reckoning (heshbon) of sins.’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “In this world I have told you to make a sukkah in order to pay me my remuneration for what I have done for you. It is so stated (in Lev. 23:42-43), ‘You shall dwell in sukkot for seven days […]. In order that your generations may know that I had [the Children of Israel] dwell in sukkot.’ So I reckon it to your credit, as if you are rendering payment to Me. But in the world to come I will appear over you like a sukkah, as stated (in Is. 4:6), ‘There shall be a sukkah as a shade from the heat by day.’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 24:10:) “Now there went out the son of an Israelite woman.” From where did he go out?103Lev. R. 32:3. R. Levi says, “He went out from his world, just as it is stated (in I Sam. 17:4), ‘And there went out a champion.’”104I.e., Goliath, who was about to leave this world. R. Berekhyah said, “He went out from the preceding Parashah, where it is written (in Lev. 24:5), ‘Then you shall take fine flour and bake it into twelve loaves.’ He said, ‘It is customary for a king to eat warm bread. Would [he eat it] cold?’” It is like that which we learn there (in the latter part of Men. 11:9), “The shewbread was eaten no earlier than the ninth day [after baking] and no later than the eleventh day. How so? It was baked on the eve of the Sabbath and eaten on the Sabbath [of the following week, i.e.,] on the ninth day. [If] a holiday happened to fall on the eve of the Sabbath, it was eaten on the tenth. [In the case of] the two-day holiday of the new year, it was eaten on the eleventh, for [the baking] overrides neither the Sabbath nor a holiday. R. Simeon b. Gamaliel says in the name of R. Simeon the son of the Assistant [High Priest], ‘[The baking] overrides a holiday but does not override the fast day.’”105The Day of Atonement. (According the first part of Men. 11:9,) the two loaves of bread [offered at Pentecost] were eaten no earlier than the second day and no later than the third. How so? They were baked on the eve of the festival [of Pentecost and] eaten on the festival, [i.e.,] on the second day. If the festival happened to fall on the day after the Sabbath, they were eaten on the third day." + ], + [ + "(Lev. 24:10:) “Now there went out the son of an Israelite woman, [whose father was Egyptian].” From where did he go out? R. Hiyya bar Abba said, “He went out from the Parashah on genealogies.106Lev. R. 32:3; Sifra to Lev. 14:10 (242: Emor, Parashah 14). When he came to pitch his tent in the camp of Dan, they rejected him. Now they said to him, ‘You have an Egyptian father, but it is written (in Numb. 2:2), ‘each with his standard, under the banners of their fathers' houses,’ and not ‘of their mothers' houses.’ Immediately (according to Lev. 24:11), he began to utter the name [of God] and curse it.” R. Levi said, “He was clearly a bastard.107See Enoch Zundel’s ‘Ets Yosef commentary on Tanchuma here, as such a case is not included in the legal definition of a bastard (mamzer). How so? Taskmasters were from Egypt, and the officers were from Israel.108Exod. R. 1:28; Lev. R. 32:4. The taskmaster was in charge of ten officers, and the officer was in charge of ten Israelites. [Thus,] it turned out that the taskmaster was in charge of a hundred and ten Israelites. On one occasion a taskmaster met an officer. He said to him, ‘Go gather your groups of ten.’ When he had gone, he entered his house and sullied Shelomith, the officer's wife. [When] her husband returned, he found him leaving his house. When [the taskmaster knew that her husband] noticed him, he beat him every day and said to him, ‘Toil properly, toil properly.’ The holy spirit was kindled in Moses. He raised his eyes to the sky. He said, ‘Was it not enough for this wicked man to rape his wife, but that he should return and beat him?’ Immediately (according to Exod. 2:12), ‘he smote the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In this world you are delivered through sins into the hands of the nations of the world. However, in the world to come (according to Is. 49:23), ‘Kings shall be your guardians; their ladies, your wet nurses; they shall bow down before you, nose to the ground, and lick the dust of your feet; then you shall know that I am the Lord; those who trust Me shall not be ashamed.’”" + ] + ], + "Behar": [ + [ + "(Lev. 25:14:) “When you sell property to your kinsman.” This text is related (to Prov. 28:22), “An evil-eyed person moves quickly after wealth, [and he does not know that loss will come to him].” This verse speaks about many people. “An evil-eyed person moves quickly after wealth.” This was Cain. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “You moved quickly to inherit the world. By your life, you shall have a loss [in the matter].” Ergo (in Prov. 28:22), “and he does not know that loss will come to him.” And what happened to him? That he wandered about the world, as stated (in Gen. 4:12), “you shall become a ceaseless wanderer on the earth.” Another interpretation (of Prov. 28:22), “An evil-eyed person moves quickly after wealth”: This was Ephron the Hittite.1See Tanh. (Buber), Exod. 6:5; and the parallels listed there; and Tanh. (Buber), Deut. 4:4. When Abraham's wife Sarah died, Abraham went to Ephron for him to sell him the cave. Ephron said to him, “Give me its price.” He said to him (in Gen. 23:15), “What is a piece of land worth four hundred shekels of silver between you and me?” Abraham began piling up the silver for Ephron, as stated (in Gen. 23:16), “So Abraham heeded Ephron, and Abraham weighed out […].” Ben Ma'ma said, “Although R. Hanina has said, ‘All the shekels in the Torah are sela'im,’ these [shekels] are an exception, since they are centenaria.2The word is Latin. One centenarium was worth 100,000 sesterces. According to a fourth-century inscription of northern Africa, a centenarium was a hundred pieces (e.g., of gold). See A. Souter, A Glossary of Later Latin to 600 A.D. (Oxford: Clarendon, 1957). [So it was] four hundred centenaria [that] Abraham piled up before Ephron.” When Ephron saw the silver, he moved quickly and hastily, as stated (in Gen. 23:6), “bury your dead in the choicest of our tombs.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “You have moved quickly after money. By your life, you shall have a loss in the matter.” And what was his loss? R. Judah bar Shallum the Levite said, “Every [mention of] Ephron which is written here [in Scripture], before he took the silver from Abraham, is written plene as 'prwn (i.e., with the vowel o represented by the Hebrew consonant w); but this [usage] (in Gen. 23:16) is deficient (hsr), ‘and Abraham weighed out the silver for Ephron ('prn). It is written with the w missing (hsr).” Another interpretation (of Prov. 28:22), “An evil-eyed person moves quickly after wealth”: This is the one who lends at interest, because he is anxious to become wealthy. He lends in order to receive interest from the borrower and becomes wealthy from the interest. But a curse is given through his riches, as stated (ibid., cont.), “and he does not know that loss will come to him.” Another interpretation (of Prov. 28:22), “An evil-eyed person moves quickly after wealth”: This represents those who engage in business in the sabbatical year, in that they move quickly to become rich. They do not observe the sabbatical year, and think they will become rich. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “By your life, you shall have a loss in the matter.” Since he did not observe the sabbatical year, the curse began entering into his money, and he sells [all that he had]. What is written above the matter (in Lev. 25:2), “the land shall observe a Sabbath for the Lord.” And after that it is written (in vs. 14), “When you sell property.” R. Eleazar Haqappar said, “It is written (in Cant. 5:15), ‘His legs are pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold.’ This column has a capital above and a pedestal3Gk.: basis. below.”4See Lev. R. 25:8. R. Samuel ben Guriah said, “You have no section in the Torah which does not have a capital above and a pedestal below.5The parallel in Lev. R. 25:8 explains that each section can be expounded with reference to what precedes and follows it. What is written above of the matter (in Lev. 25:1-2)? ‘Then the Lord spoke unto Moses on Mount Sinai, saying, “Speak unto the Children of Israel [….] ‘the land shall observe [a Sabbath for the Lord].’”’ Then after that [comes] the section on the jubilee (in vs. 8), ‘And you shall count seven [Sabbaths of years].’ If one has not observed the sabbatical year and the jubilee, or [even] one of them, in the end, I will make it that he will sell his land, [as stated] (in vs. 14), ‘When you sell property to your kinsman.’6T’Arakh. 5:9; below, 9:8. [If] he repents, [all] is well; but if not, he will end up selling his field, as stated (in vs. 25), ‘When your relative becomes poor and sells some of his property.’ [If] he repents, that is preferable; but if not, he will end up selling his house, as stated (in vs. 29), ‘And when someone sells a dwelling house.’ [If] he repents, that is preferable; but if not, he will end up going around [begging] at doorways, as stated (in vs. 35), ‘And when your relative becomes poor [… you shall maintain him as a foreigner and sojourner and let him live near you].’ [If] he repents, that is preferable; but if not, he will end up being sold to you, as stated (in vs. 39), ‘And when your relative becomes poor] near you and is sold to you.’ [If] he repents, that is preferable; but if not, he will end up being sold to the gentiles, as stated (in vs. 47), ‘And when a foreigner and a sojourner near you becomes wealthy, [while your relative near him becomes poor and is sold to a sojourning foreigner near you….].’ Now it is not merely the individual himself [at issue here], but that person and all Israel; for so you find in the days of Jeremiah, because they profaned the sabbatical year, they were sold to the gentiles, as stated (in II Chron. 36:17-18), ‘So He brought up the king of the Chaldeans upon them [….] And all the vessels of the house of God […] and the treasures of the house of the Lord […].’ Behold the case of [all] Israel.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “See how they will be sold to the gentiles because they profaned the sabbatical year.” He said to him, “Master of the world, did You not say this (in Lev. 25:35), ‘And when your relative becomes poor, and his strength fails near you, [you shall maintain him as a foreigner and sojourner and let him live near you]?’ Fulfill what You said to them and called them, ‘My relatives (ah) and friends,’ as stated (in Ps. 122:8), ‘For the sake of My relatives (ah) and friends’: (Lev. 25:35:) ‘And when your relative becomes poor, and his strength fails near you,’ [i.e.,] when their strength fails before Nebuchadnezzar, the Divine Presence, as it were, will be with them. It is so stated (in Is. 43:14), ‘for your sake I have sent to Babylon.’ (Lev. 25:35, cont.:) ‘You shall maintain (literally, hold on to) him.’ Hold them (i.e., Israel), lest they perish. But how? (Lev. 25:35, cont.:) ‘As a foreigner and sojourner and let him live near you.’ Although they became foreigners and sojourners in Babylon, if You do not give them grace, they will perish, [so just] ‘let him live near You.’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Because of their sins I have sold My house to the Chaldeans.” It is so stated (in Lev. 25:29), “And when someone sells a dwelling house.” This is the house of the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in Ps. 132:13), “For the Lord has chosen Zion; he has desired it for His dwelling.” And what happened [to it]? (II Kings 25:9 = Jer. 52:13:) And he burned the house of the Lord [...].” (Lev. 25:29, cont.:) “A walled city.” This is the city of the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated] (in II Chron. 36:19), “and they broke down the wall of Jerusalem […].” That is what the Holy One, blessed be He, says (in Lev. 25:47), “And when a foreigner and a sojourner [near you] becomes wealthy.” This wealthy foreigner is Nebuchadnezzar, and this sojourner is the Median Empire. (Ibid., cont.:) “And is sold to a sojourning foreigner.” This [sojourning foreigner] is the Greek Empire. (Ibid., cont.:) “Or to a foreigner's family.” This is the Edomite Empire (i.e., Rome). Moses said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, why were they sold to these empires?” He said to him, “Because they profaned the sabbatical year.” It is so stated (in II Chron. 36:20–21), “Then he carried off unto Babylon those left from the sword,” and the end of the Scripture is “[until the land made up] its Sabbaths; as long as it lay desolate, it observed Sabbath, to fulfill seventy years.” Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses at the end of all of these sections, “Is it your wish that they do not go into exile? [Then] warn them concerning the sabbatical years and the jubilees.” That is what He has said at the end of all the sections (in Lev. 26:2), “You shall observe My Sabbaths and reverence My sanctuary. I am the Lord.” What is the meaning of “I am the Lord?” I am the one who is going to give you a good reward, if you observe them; but if not, I am going to exact retribution from them through the Empires. Therefore, say to them to be careful about the sabbatical year. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 25:2), “the land shall observe a Sabbath for the Lord,” so that they do not attain [the punishments in] those sections written below (in Lev. 26:14-45). (Lev. 25:14:) “When you sell property to your kinsman or buy from your neighbor's hand, do not deceive.” [Thus] you shall not deceive one another. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “For I also sold the whole world to Abraham and did not deceive him. He [then went back and sold it to Me,” as stated (Genesis 14:19), “the Buyer7Qoneh. A more traditional rendering of this word here would be MAKER. of heaven and earth.” When? When Abraham observed the commandments of the Holy One, blessed be He. Before the Torah was given to Israel, our father Abraham kept it [and observed all the commandments that are in the Torah]. R. Samuel bar Nahman said in the name of R. Alexandra, “Abraham even observed the [rabbinic precept of] eruvim of cooked foods.”8See Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 3:1, and the notes there. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 26:5), “Because ('qb 'shr) Abraham heeded [My voice and kept My charge: My commandments, My statutes, and My Torahs].” What is the meaning of 'qb?9Gen. R. 95:3; Cant. R. 5:16:1; PR 21:12; cf. Ned. 32a. R. Simeon ben Laqish said, “At the age of three years Abraham recognized the Holy One, blessed be He.”10So also Numb. R. 18:21. According to other traditions Abraham recognized his creator at the age of forty-eight (Gen. R. 30:8; 46:2; Cant. R. 5:16:1), at the age of fifty (PR 21:12), or at the age of one (Gen. R. 95:3). How is this shown? 'Qb is a number. (I.e., 'ayin) is seventy, q (i.e., qof) is one hundred, [and] b (i.e., bet) is two, for a total of one hundred seventy-two. Now (according to Gen. 25:7) Abraham lived one hundred seventy-five [years]. Deduct from them. [The result is] three, when he was little. Ergo, at the age of three years Abraham recognized the Holy One, blessed be He. When the Holy One, blessed be He, saw how Abraham loved the commandments, He began buying heavenly and earthly [places] for him, as stated (in Gen. 14:19), “Blessed be Abram of God most high, Buyer of heaven and earth.” So also it says (Gen. 13:15), “For all the land (or earth) which you see, to you I will give it.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “All the world is wholly Mine; and I bought it for Abraham, because he has observed My commandments. But you, through your sins, have caused him to be [like] an alien who rents a house from its owners, for so Jeremiah has said (in Jer. 14:8), ‘why are you like a foreigner in the land […]?’ When you sinned before Me, I sold you, as stated (in Ps. 44:13), ‘You shall sell Your people for no money […].’ For that reason, if someone has to sell a house, a field, or [some] article, you shall not deceive one another.” It is therefore written (in Lev. 25:14), “shall not deceive his brother.” (Lev. 25:15-18:) “According to the years after the jubilee […]. According to the multitude of years, you shall increase […]. A man shall not deceive his brother […]. So you shall carry out my statutes and judgements.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Just as I sold my people and returned again to reinstate them, as stated (Jer. 3:14), ‘”Turn back, faithless children,” says the Lord; “for I am a master to you.”’ It is also written (in Is. 52:3), ‘For thus says the Lord, “You were sold for free, and you shall be redeemed for no money.”’ So too you should not sell the land absolutely, as stated (in Lev. 25:23), ‘[it] shall not be sold permanently.’ The Land [of Israel] is dear to me because I have made it holier than all the [other] lands in the world.” You yourself know, when the Land of Israel was distributed to the tribes, it did not pass from tribe to tribe. Rather [it was distributed] to each tribe separately. You yourself know. Look at how many lawsuits the daughters of Zelophehad brought, so that their inheritance would not pass from one tribe to another. Moreover the Holy One, blessed be He, conceded to their words, as stated (in Numb. 27:7), “The daughters of Zelophehad speak what is right.” (Numb. 36:9:) “Thus no inheritance shall be transferred from one tribe to another.” Therefore, if a redeemer is found for it, fine; but if not, whoever buys it acquires it until the jubilee. Then on the jubilee he releases it. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 25:41), “Then he shall depart from you, he and his children with him and he shall return to his family.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “When the year of the redemption draws near, I will redeem you, as stated (in Is. 63:4), ‘For a day of vengeance was in My heart, but there came My year of redemption.’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 25:25,35:) “And when your relative becomes poor and sells some of his property […]. And when your relative becomes poor, and his strength fails.” This text is related (to Prov. 22:22-23), “Do not rob the impoverished because he is impoverished […]. For the Lord shall plead their cause.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “’Do not rob the impoverished because he is impoverished,’ for I have made him impoverished. [Hence] whoever robs him or mocks at him reproaches his Maker. [It is] as if he is mocking at Me, as stated (in Prov. 17:5), ‘One who mocks a poor person reproaches his Maker […].’” What is the meaning of (Prov. 22:22), “Do not rob the impoverished?” Is there someone robbing the impoverished? Of what does he rob him, when he does not have anything?11Cf. Numb. R. 5:2. It is simply that, if you are accustomed to maintaining12PRNS. Cf. the Gk.: pronoein (“to plan ahead”). him, and you have reconsidered and said, “How long shall I provide for him,” and you [then] hold back from giving to him; if you do this, know that you are robbing him. Ergo (in Prov. 22:22), “Do not rob the impoverished because he is impoverished”; but rather maintain him, because he has no other place [to turn]. (Ibid., cont.:) “And do not oppress the poor in the gate,” lest I stop up the heavens because of you; for the heavens also have a gate, as stated (in Gen. 28:17), “and this is the gate of the heavens.” (Prov. 22:23:) “For the Lord shall plead their cause.” I am pleading [their cause] with you, because I made him poor and you rich. I am inverting his charm13Gk.: magganon. and will make him rich and you poor. Thus it is stated (in Prov. 22:2), “Rich and poor meet; the Lord made them all.” Why? (Prov. 22:23:) “For the Lord shall plead their cause.” Why so much? Because you are reducing his spirit (nefesh), if you do not maintain him. Therefore (ibid., cont.), “and he will despoil the ones who despoil them of life (nefesh).”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 25:25:) ”When your relative becomes poor and sells some of his property, then his redeemer shall come.” Who is his redeemer? I am He, as stated (in Jer. 50:33-34), “The Children of Israel […] are oppressed […]. Their Redeemer is mighty, His name is the Lord of hosts […].” Seven names are given to the poor.14Cf. Lev. R. 34:6, which lists eight names. And they are the following: crushed (dakh), poor ('ani), lowly (makh), dispossessed (rash), oppressed (tekhakhim),15Cf. Lev. R. 34:6, followed by Yalqut Shim‘oni, Lev. 665, which reads dal (“impoverished”) here. wretched (misken), and pauper (evyon). [(Lev. 25:25:) “When your relative becomes poor.”] This text is related (to Ps. 106:43), “Many times He delivered them, but they rebelled; so they became poor through their iniquity.” You find that in the days that the Judges judged, Israel served idols; so they were enslaved in the hands of the peoples of the world, as stated (in Jud. 3:7-8), “Then the Children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord…. So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he delivered them into the hands of Cushan.” What did they do (according to vs. 9)? “The Children of Israel cried unto the Lord, and the Lord raised up a savior for the Children of Israel [to save them, i.e.,] Othniel ben Kenaz.” They immediately repented and were redeemed. So [it happened] another time, as stated (in Jud. 3:12), “Then the Children of Israel again did evil….” They immediately repented; so the Lord raised up a redeemer for them, Ehud ben Gera the Binyaminite; and they were redeemed at his hands. Then they served idols again and were sold into the hands of Sisera, as stated (in Jud. 4:3), “and he oppressed the Children of Israel with might twenty years.” What is the meaning of “with might?” With blasphemies and with curses, just as you say (in Mal. 3:13), “Your words have been mighty against me.” When they repented, He raised up Barak and Deborah as redeemers for them; and they were redeemed at their hands. Ergo (in Ps. 106:43), “Many times He delivered them…; so they became poor through their iniquity.” What is the meaning of “so they became poor through their iniquity?” That they became impoverished in the midst of the nations, as stated (in Jud. 6:6), “And Israel became very impoverished….” What is the meaning of “and Israel became impoverished?” R. Isaac and R. Levi differed. One said, “They were impoverished (rt.: dll) from good works”; and the other said, “They did not have [enough] to bring even a poor person's (rt.: dll) offering, as stated (in Lev. 14:21), ‘If, however, he is poor (rt.: dll) and does not have the means.’” Ergo (in Ps. 106:43), “so they became poor through their iniquity,” as they had become impoverished (rt.: dll). Another interpretation (of Ps. 106:43), “Many times He delivered them”: [These words] speak about people. When trouble comes to one [of them] and he repents, the Holy One, blessed be He, delivers him. So it is the first time and the second. [If he repents, that is preferable; but if not, the Holy One, blessed be He, brings trouble upon him. And you yourself know that the Holy One, blessed be He, tests Israel to know if they will repent. First, He brings punishments against the [other] nations, as stated (Zeph. 3:6-7) “I wiped out nations: Their corner towers are desolate… I thought that she would fear Me, would learn a lesson.” [If] they repented, that is preferable; but if not, He destroys their money, as stated (Hos 7:9), “Strangers have consumed his strength….” [If they] repented, that is preferable; but if not, the Holy One blessed be He, brings evil upon one of the cities of Israel, as stated (Is. 42:25), “it blazed upon them all about… it burned among them.” [If] they repented, that is preferable; but if not, what is written (in Numbers 14:35)? “In this desert they will end, and there will they die.” And a person should not say, “The evil is not coming on my account.” He should know that he [too] will die, as stated (Amos 9:10), “All the sinners of My people shall perish [by the sword], who boast, ‘Never shall the evil overtake us or come near us.’” Come and see how difficult it is for the Holy One, blessed be He, to raise His hand against a human being. So what does He do to him? When he sins, He begins by raising His hand against his assets. From whom have you learned it? From Naomi, her sons, and Elimelech her husband, who was the head of [his] generation. When famine came, what did he do? He left the Land of Israel and went to the Land of Moab. Now the Holy One, blessed be He, was angry with him because he was prince (nasi) of [his] generation. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “These have abandoned My children and left the Land of Israel a wilderness.” What is written there (in Ruth 1:3)? “Then Naomi's husband Elimelech died,” but his sons were unable to learn from their father to return to the Land of Israel. And what did they do? (According to vs. 4) They also “took Moabite wives for themselves,” whom they neither immersed nor converted.16Ruth R. 2:9. (Ibid., cont.:) “The name of the one was Orpah ('rph) and the name of the second was Ruth”: Orpah ('rph), because she turned her back ('rp) on her mother-in-law; Ruth, because she esteemed (r'th) the words of her mother-in-law. (ibid., cont.:) “And they lived there about ten years.” All those ten years (in Moab) the Holy One, blessed be He, had been warning them, that they might repent and return to the Land of Israel. When He saw that they did not repent, he began to raise His hand against their camels and against their cattle.17Lev. R. 17:4; Ruth R. 2:10; PRK 7:10; PR 17:6. When He saw that they did not repent (literally, return in repentance), immediately (in vs. 5), “Both of them, Mahlon and Chilion, also died.” Thus [you may infer] that it is difficult for the Holy One, blessed be He, to raise His hand against [a human being]. So what does He do to them? He deprives them of their assets, and they sell them. When someone sins, what does the Holy One, blessed be He, do to him first? He brings poverty upon him, so that he sells his field. If he repents, then fine; but if not he sells his house. If he repents, then fine; but if not he sells himself. How is this shown? So is it written (in Lev. 25:25), “When your relative becomes poor.” If he repents, then fine; but if not, see what is written in the second section; (in Lev. 25:29), “And when someone sells a dwelling house.” If he repents, then fine; but if not, (in Lev. 25:39), “When your relative becomes poor and he is sold to you.” Why all this? Because they became poor through [their] iniquities. (Lev. 25:25:) “Then his redeemer shall come.” R. Simeon ben Johay said, “Elimelech, Salmon, So-and-So,18Peloni Almoni. According to Ruth 4:1, this was the “name” of Ruth’s most closely related redeemer. and Naomi's father were all descendants of Nahshon ben Amminadab;19BB 91a. See Ruth 4:20–21; also Exod. 6:23, according to which Nahshon ben Amminadab was Aaron’s brother-in-law. and Elimelech, Mahlon, and Chilion were leaders20Rt.: PRNS. Cf. the Gk.: pronoos (“prudent”). of the generation.” So for what reason were they punished? Because they went abroad from the Land of Israel. Thus it is stated (in Ruth 1:19), “the whole city was excited over them, [and the women said, ‘Is this Naomi?’]” What is the meaning of, “Is this (Hazot) Naomi?” You saw (hazitem) Naomi when she went abroad from the Land of Israel. What has happened to her? (Lev. 25:25:) “Then his redeemer shall come, the one most closely related (qarov).” This is Boaz. When? When Naomi sold the field, as stated (in Ruth 4:3), “the parcel of land which belonged to our relative, [Elimelech].” (Lev. 25:25:) “Then his redeemer shall come, the one most closely related to him.” This is Boaz, since it is stated (in Ruth 2:20), “The man is our relative (qarov), [he is one of our redeeming kin (go'el)].” At that time Ruth went to Boaz. Her mother-in-law said to her (in Ruth 3:2), “see, he is winnowing barley on the threshing floor tonight.” [If] he was a prince (nasi), would he have been winnowing on a threshing floor? It is simply because his generation was dissolute in matters of theft, and [so] he went out to guard his threshing floor. She said to her (in vs. 3), “You are to wash and anoint yourself.” Then after that (ibid), “and go down to the threshing floor.” \"And I shall go down\" is the actual written text (ketiv)]. What is the meaning of \"and I shall go down?\" She said to her, “My merit will go down with you.” Hence it is written, \"And I shall go down.\"21Ruth R. 5:12. But she did not do as her mother-in-law had told her. What did Ruth do? [Only] after she went down to the threshing floor, she did what she was told, as stated (in vs. 6), “She went down to the threshing floor and did just as her mother-in-law had commanded her.”22In other words, since she only obeyed Naomi after she had arrived at the threshing floor, she must have neglected to wash and anoint herself before then. Why? It is simply that she said, “The generation was dissolute in sexual matters. What if they see me made up and say, ‘Perhaps she is a harlot?’” Therefore, “She went down to the threshing floor and” afterwards “she did just as her mother-in-law had commanded her.” (Vs. 7:) Then, when Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was merry.” What is the meaning of “and his heart was merry?” That he was occupied with words of the Torah.23Ruth R. 5:15. Thus it is stated (Prov. 4:2), “As a good teaching…,” and it is [also] written (about wisdom in Prov. 9:5), “Come and eat of my bread.” (Ruth 3:7, cont.:) “And when he came to lie down beside the grain pile, then she came in secret.” What is the meaning of, “in secret (lt; rt.: lwt)?” [It is] just as you say (in I Sam. 21:10), “here it is wrapped (rt.: lwt) in a mantle.” (Ruth 3:8:) “Now it came to pass in the middle of the night that the man was startled. So he turned aside, [and here was a woman lying at his feet].” What is the meaning of, “turned aside (rt.: lpt)?” [It is] just as you say (in Jud. 16:29), “And Samson embraced (rt.: lpt) the two middle pillars.” That righteous man began to yell. [Fear] embraced him. (Ruth 3:9:) Then he said, “Who are you?” And she said, “I am your handmaid Ruth.” He said to her, “What have you come here to do?” She said to him, “To fulfill the Torah (in Lev. 25:25), ‘When your relative becomes poor [… then his redeemer shall come].’ Arise and fulfill the Torah.” He said to her, “Since you have come to fulfill the Torah, (Ruth 3:13:) ‘Spend the night; then it shall come to pass in the morning that, if he will redeem you, good (tov)’”; for he had a relative older than he, whose name was Tov. R. Hanina said, “She said to him, ‘And are you dismissing me with words?’” He said to her (ibid., cont.), “’As the Lord lives,’ I am not dismissing you with words.” (Ruth 4:1:) “Then Boaz went up to the gate and sat down there, and behold, the redeemer of whom Boaz had spoken was passing by.” He said to him, “Sit down, and we shall look into the Torah; what is written there? Is it not written (in Lev. 25:25), ‘When your relative becomes poor and sells some of his property, [then his redeemer shall come, the one most closely related to him, and redeem…]’” Boaz said to Tov (in Ruth 4:3–4), “’Naomi is selling the parcel of land which belonged to our relative Elimelech […]. And I thought I should disclose it to you, saying, ‘Buy it,’” since you are a senior redeemer than I [and have the right] to redeem it. [Hence] (as in vs. 4, cont.,) “If you will redeem it, redeem it.” (Vs. 6:) “Then the redeemer said, ‘Acquire it for yourself.’” At that time Boaz redeemed what Naomi had sold. Now from where did Boaz learn [what to do]? From this section (in Lev. 25:25), “When your relative becomes poor and sells [some of his property, then his redeemer shall come, the one most closely related to him, and redeem…].” And who else was [like] this? Jeremiah was [like] this. At the time that the Holy One, blessed be He, said (in Jeremiah 32:7), “Behold Hanamel the son of Shalum your uncle is coming to you…,” [Jeremiah said] (in Jeremiah 32:8), “And just as the Lord had said, my cousin Hanamel came to me in the prison compound.” Immediately, Jeremiah fulfilled this section [of the Torah], as stated (in Jeremiah 32:9), “And I bought the field.” Now from where did he learn [what to do]? From this section (in Lev. 25:25), “When your relative becomes poor and sells some of his property, [then his redeemer shall come, the one most closely related to him, and redeem…].”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 25:25:) “When your relative becomes poor.” This is Israel, of whom it is stated (in Ps. 106:43), “so they became poor through their iniquity.” (Lev. 25:25, cont.:) “And sells some of his property,” in Media in the days of Haman. (Lev. 25:25, cont.:) “Then his redeemer shall come.” This is Mordecai. (Lev. 25:25, cont.:) “And redeem what his relative has sold,” in that he covered the sins of Israel, since they all were deserving of slaughter, because they had eaten some cooked food of star worshipers.24See Esth. R. 2:5. It is so stated (in Esth. 1:5), “And when these days were fulfilled, [the king made a seven-day banquet for all the people that were to be found in Shushan the capital, both great and small].” Now Haman tormented them (i.e., the Jews), as stated (in Esth. 3:7), “a pur, i.e., the lot, [was cast before Haman…].”25The previous verse indicates that the lot was being cast to determine the best time to move against all the Jews of the kingdom. But due to the merit of Mordecai they were delivered, as stated (in Esth. 9:1), “the opposite happened, [in that] the Jews gained control over their enemies.” Ergo (in Lev. 25:25, cont.), “and redeem what his relative has sold.”Another interpretation (of Lev. 25:25, cont.), “then his redeemer shall come”: This is the Holy One, blessed be He, since it is stated (in Jer. 50:34), “Their Redeemer is mighty, His name is the Lord of hosts.” (Lev. 25:25), “The one most closely related (qarov) to him.” This is the Holy One, blessed be He, since it is stated (in Ps. 148:14), “He has raised up a horn for His people, praise for all His saints, even the Children of Israel, a people near (qarov) to Him. Hallelujah”." + ] + ], + "Bechukotai": [ + [ + "(Lev. 26:3:) “If [you walk] in My statutes (huqqim).” This text is related (to Job 14:5), “If his days are determined, the number of his months is with You; You have set limits (huqqim) that he shall not pass.” What is the meaning of “If his days are determined?” When the Holy One, blessed be He, created the world, He determined the days of each and every one, as stated (in Gen. 1:14), “and let them be for signs, seasons, days, and years.” Now to whom did He give them? To Israel, as stated (in Ps. 147:19), “He declares His words to Jacob, His statutes (huqqim) and His ordinances to Israel.” (Job 14:5, cont.:) “The number of his months is with You; You have set his limits (huqqim) that he shall not pass.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel. “If you have carried out My statutes (huqqim), the adversary (Satan) shall not touch you, as stated, ‘that he shall not pass.’ But if you do not carry out My statutes, behold that the adversary will touch you, as stated (of death in Is. 28:19), ‘As often as he passes, he shall seize you.’1In other words, Israel is safe from the death-dealing Adversary as long as the statutory limits (huqqim) remain intact through Israel’s observance of them. I said so to Solomon, when he asked for wisdom. And what did I say to him? (I Kings 3:13:) ‘I have also granted you what you did not ask, both riches and honor.’ So if you fulfill the Torah, the angel of death shall not touch you, as stated to him (in I Kings 3:14), ‘If you go in My ways to fulfill My statutes and My commandments as David your father did, [then I will lengthen your days].’” Ergo, (in Job 14:5) “You have set limits (huqqim) that he shall not pass….” If the first Adam had observed the Torah and the commandments that I gave him, he would not have died. Therefore, it is written (in Lev. 26:3) “If you walk in My statutes (huqqim)….”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 26:3:) “If you walk in My statutes….” This text is related (to Hos. 9:17), “My God will reject them because they did not heed Him….” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “I have said that you would be set in security, as stated (in Amos 9:15), ‘And when I plant them in their land, [they shall never again be uprooted]….’ When? (Lev.: 26:3, 5:) ‘If you walk in My statutes […] You shall eat your fill of bread.’ But you did not so act.” Instead (according to II Kings 17:9), “The Children of Israel attributed things which were not right to the Lord.” [So] I have also set upon you things which I did not write in My Torah. [It is so stated] (in Deut. 28:61), “Moreover [the Lord will bring upon you] every disease and every plague which is not written [in this book of the Torah].” Now what were the “things they attributed, which were not right to the Lord?” As Isaiah said (in Is. 1:4), “They have forsaken the Lord […];” do not say, “They have forsaken ('zbw) [Me],” but “They,” as it were, “have made me worth forsaking ('yzbw) (i.e., caused me to be cruel).” Now I was called (in Exod. 34:6), “The Lord, the Lord, a merciful and gracious God.” But through their sins, they have made Me cruel and changed My trait of mercy to cruelty, as stated (in Lam. 2:5), “The Lord has become like an enemy, He swallowed Israel.” It also says (in Is. 63:10), “But they rebelled, and grieved His holy spirit; then He became their enemy, and Himself made war against them.” Therefore, Hosea said, “Who has brought this about for you? [It was] because you did not heed Him, (in Hos. 9:17), ‘My God will reject them because they did not heed Him.’” It is also written (in Deut. 28:65), “And among those nations you shall find no peace. Another interpretation (of Lev. 26:3, 4, 14, 19) “If you walk in My statutes…, then I will give you your rains in their season…. But if you do not heed Me…. I will make your heavens like iron”: It also says so (in Hag. 1:10), “For that reason the heavens over you have withheld dew, and the earth has withheld its produce.” Because of your sins, the nations are also afflicted. R. Joshua ben Levi said, “If the nations had known that they are afflicted because of the sins of Israel, they would have raised two armies2Gk.: stratiai. to guard each and every person of Israel in order that they keep the Torah and not sin. However, it was not enough for the nations that they were not watching over Israel, but in addition they stopped them from [fulfilling] the commandments.” As when Israel sins, all the whole world is afflicted, as stated (in Hag. 1:10), “For that reason the heavens over you have withheld dew.” But if [the Israelites] do not sin, all the world is blessed on their account, as stated (in Gen. 26:4), “and through your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses (in Exod. 20:19-20), “You yourselves have seen that I spoke with you from the heavens. Along with Me you shall not make gods of silver, nor shall you make for yourselves gods of gold.” So if you sin [and pray to me], I will not answer you, as stated (in Zech. 7:13), “And it came to pass that, as He called, and they did not heed; ‘So let them call, and I will not heed,’ [says the Lord of hosts].” Therefore (according to Exod. 20:20), “Along with Me you shall not make gods of silver.”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 26:3:) “If you walk in My statutes.” This text is related (to Prov. 1:20), “Wisdom shouts for joy in the street; in the squares she raises her voice.” R. Samuel bar Nahman questioned R. Johanan ben Eleazar, when he was standing in the market. He said to him, “Recite one chapter (of Mishnah) for me.” He said to him, “Go to the house of study, and I will recite it for you there.” He said to him, “Rabbi, did you not teach me (Prov. 1:20), ‘Wisdom shouts for joy in the street?’” He said to him, “You know how to read (Scripture), but you do know how to recite (Mishnah). What is the meaning of ‘Wisdom shouts for joy in the street?’ In the street of Torah. In the case of a pearl,3Gk.: margelis. where is it sold? In [its] street. In the case of jewels and pearls, where are they sold? In the known place. They are not brought to the owners of vegetables, onions and garlic, but rather to the place of merchants. Simply in [its] street. Similarly Torah is said in the street [of Torah], as stated, ‘Wisdom shouts for joy in the street; in the squares.’” And what is the meaning of (Prov. 1:20, cont.) “in the squares (rt.: rhb)?” In the place where one amplifies (rt.: rhb) it. And where do they amplify it? In the synagogues and in the study halls. Therefore it is stated (in Prov. 1:20), “in the squares she raises her voice.” (Prov. 1:21:) “At the head of the roaring hosts she calls (rt.: qr').” At the head (r'sh) of the roaring hosts she is the one calling (rt.: qr'). How so? From the beginning (rt.: r'sh) of Torah, how many hosts4Gk. ochloi (“crowds”). does she destroy? The generation of the flood, the generation of the dispersion (i.e., of the tower of Babel) and the generation of Sodom. Hence, from the beginning of Torah she calls. Ergo, “At the head of the roaring hosts she calls.” [(Prov. 1:21:) “At the head of the roaring hosts (as if from mwt)5The actual root is HMH. she calls.”] At the head of death (mwt) she is calling concerning the first Adam, as stated (in Gen. 2:17)? “For on the day that you eat from it, you shall surely die.” Ergo (in Prov. 1:21), “At the head of the roaring hosts (as if from mwt) she calls.” (Prov. 1:21, cont.:) “In the entrance of the city gates she speaks her words.” In the beginning they made synagogues on the heights of a city, to fulfill what was said (ibid.), “in the entrance of the city gates she speaks her words.”6In the ancient world, it was the city heights that were enclosed in a wall and would therefore be entered through its gates. If you have spoken on matters of Torah, never say, “I have already spoken”; but rather speak again; for it is written (ibid.), “she speaks her words” (which can also be read as a future imperative form, “[you,] speak her words”). R. Abba said, “She speaks what is good and she speaks what is bad. (In Lev. 26:3-4) ‘If you walk in My statutes […] Then I will give you your rains in their season.’ Here is the good. ‘But if you do not heed, […] I will make your skies like iron’ (according to Lev. 26:14, 19). Here is the bad.” Another interpretation (of Lev. 26:3) “If you walk in My statutes”: What is written there (in vs. 11)? “Then I will set My dwelling place in your midst.” If you fulfill My commandments, I will leave the heavenly beings and come down to dwell among you, as stated (in Exod. 29:45), “And I will dwell in the midst of the Children of Israel.” So they came forth from Egypt on this condition: that they build the dwelling place, so that the Divine Presence might dwell among them, as stated (in vs. 46), “And they shall know that I am the Lord their God who brought them out from the land of Egypt, so that I might dwell in their midst.” Now if they have done My will, My Divine Presence shall not move from their midst. Why? R. Samuel bar Abba said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, desired that, just as He has an abode above, so He would have an abode below, for so He said to the first Adam, ‘If you are worthy, just as I am King over the heavenly beings, so I will make you king over the lower beings.’”7Cf. Tanh., Numb. 2:16; Gen. R. 3:19. It is so stated (in Gen. 2:15), “Then the Lord God took the human.” Now the word, “took” can only be a word of exaltation, just as you say (in Gen. 12:15), “and the woman was taken to Pharaoh's house.”8Cf. Gen. R. 16:5. And it also says (in Esth. 2:16), “So Esther was taken unto King Ahasuerus, unto his royal palace.” But He (the Holy One, blessed be He,) did not do so. Rather, when Adam sinned, He removed his Divine Presence from him. Then when Israel arose, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “You shall only go forth from Egypt on condition that you make a dwelling place for Me, so that My Divine Presence may dwell among you,” as stated (in Exod. 25:8), “Let them make Me a sanctuary [that I may dwell among them].” So also He said to Solomon (in I Kings 6:12–13), “With regard to this house which you are building, if you walk in My statutes […] Then I will dwell in the midst of the Children of Israel [and will never abandon My people Israel].” [However] (in I Kings 9:6-7) “If you and your children turn away from following Me […]. Then I will cut off Israel from upon [the face of] the land.” Why? Because those are [the] terms between Me and them, as stated (in Lev. 26:3. 14), “If you walk in my statutes…. But if you do not heed me;” what is written there (in vs. 31)? “Then I will make your sanctuaries desolate.” What did Solomon do? He had a lot of wives and horses; and it is written (in I Kings 11:4), “Now it came to pass in Solomon's old age that his wives led his heart astray.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “I have given you the Torah [for you] to carry out its commandments, and you have seen the terms which I prescribed to you in it”; and it is written (in Ps. 72:1), “To Solomon, O God, give Your statutes to the king.” And [so] it is written (in I Kings 11:11), “Because this has been with you, and you did not keep My covenant and My statutes.” So what do I do? (According to Is. 55:11) “So shall My word be which goes forth from My mouth: it shall not return unto Me empty.” Manasseh arose to make the image and bring it into the holy of holies, as stated (in II Chron. 33:7; cf. II Kings 21:7), “And he set up a sculptured image, which he had made, in the house [of God].” Then the Holy One, blessed be He, called unto Jeremiah and said to him (in Lam. 4:3), “Even snakes9The midrash follows the ketiv (tannin). The qere reads tannim (“jackals”). extend a breast to nurse their young; [the daughter of My people has become cruel].” When the snake (tannin) comes to nurse from its mother, she sees it from afar and extends her breasts for it to nurse; for it would not see her breasts [if] covered, and would not nurse. Now My children do not act like this. Instead, when they saw Me entering the house, Manasseh came and brought in the image in order to force Me out of it. At first they made a single face,10Gk.: prosopon. and set it up to the west. The Divine Presence went, as it were, to another corner, a place where the image would not be seen. When Manasseh saw that, he made four faces so that the Divine Presence would see them and depart. Thus it is stated (in Is. 28:20), “For the couch is too short for stretching out, and the molten image11Massekhah. Most biblical translations render the word as denoting a kind of covering here and in Is. 25:7, but massekhah generally refers to an image. In any case, the image concept must have suggested the use of the verse in this context. too narrow (tsar) for curling up.” Ergo I would say, “Unlike the snakes (in Lam. 4:3), they did not extend a breast to nurse their young.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “What am I doing here? (Hos. 5:15) ‘I am going. I will return to my place.’” \"I will go and return\" is not written here, but “I am going. I will return.” Now if had been written, \"I will go and return (to the heavenly abode),\" there would have been no hope for Israel; however, the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Although I am going, let them repent, and I will return.” It is therefore written, “I am going. I will return to my place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek My face. In their distress (tsar) they will search diligently for Me.” Out of the midst of distress, when it comes upon them, they shall repent, and I will return and they shall seek My face. R. Yehuda says, “If Israel does not repent, they will not be redeemed, since it is stated (in Is. 30:15), ‘In stillness (shuva, which can be read as return or repentance) and calm you shall be saved; [… but you were unwilling ].’”12yTa‘an. 1:1 (63d-64a); Sanh. 97b. R. Shimon says, “Whether they repent or do not repent, when the end arrives, they will be redeemed immediately, since it is stated (in Is. 60:22), ‘I the Lord will hasten it in its time.’” R. Elazar said, “If they do not repent on their own, the Holy One, blessed be He, will raise over them an evil king, whose decrees are as harsh as [those of] Haman. Then he shall enslave them, and for that reason they shall repent, since it is stated (in Is. 59:19), ‘for distress shall come like a stream, with the wind of the Lord driving it onward.’ At that time (according to vs. 20), ‘Then a redeemer shall come to Zion.’”" + ], + [ + "(Lev. 27:1-2:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, ‘Speak unto the Children of Israel [and say unto them], “When anyone explicitly vows to the Lord [the value (rt.: 'rk) of human beings (npshwt)].”’” This text is related (to Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies is comparable (rt.: 'rk) to the Lord?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Whoever performs deeds like Mine shall be [considered] like Me.” R. Levi said, “[The matter] is comparable to a king who built a city and lit two lanterns13Gk.: phanoi, also panoi. within it, and [so] all of those multitudes [in the city] called him, Augustus.14Agustah, from the Lat.: Augusta. The king said, ‘When anyone builds a city like this and lights two lanterns in it, call him Augustus and I will not be jealous of him.’ Similarly, the Holy One, blessed be He, created the heavens and set in them [two lanterns, to give light to the world], the sun and the moon, as stated (in Gen. 1:17), ‘And God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘Whoever makes [lights] like these shall be equal to Me.’ Thus it is stated (in Ps. 89:7), ‘For who in the skies is comparable (rt.: 'rk) to the Lord?’ These words can only be words [referring to] light, since it is stated (in Lev. 24:4), ‘He shall set (rt.: 'rk) up [the lamps] upon the unalloyed lampstand.’ Ergo (in Ps. 89:7), ‘For who in the skies is comparable (rt.: 'rk) to the Lord?’” That is what is written (in Is. 40:25), “’Then unto whom will you liken Me that I should be equal,’ says the Holy [One].” Do not read it as “says [the Holy],” but as “holy, will be said” (meaning, the term holy is applied to him just as holy is applied to Me); in the same way that it is written (Isaiah 17:7), “to the holy.” Another interpretation (of Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies is comparable (ya'arok) to the Lord”; R. Eebon the Levite said, “Who like You enlightens the eyes of those in the dark, as it is stated (in Lev. 24:4), ‘He shall set (ya'arok) up [the lamps] upon the unalloyed lampstand…?’”15Above, 8:20. Another interpretation (of Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies is comparable (ya'arok) to the Lord”: R. Eebon the Levite said, “Who like You clothes the naked”…. Another interpretation: “Who like you feeds the hungry?” “Is comparable (rt.: 'rk)” can only refer to the hungry, since it is stated (in Lev. 24:8-9), “[He shall arrange (rt.: 'rk) it (i.e., the shewbread) before the Lord regularly] on every Sabbath day […] And it shall belong to Aaron and his children, who shall eat it.” Ergo (in Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies is comparable to the Lord” (in feeding the hungry)? Another interpretation (of Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies is comparable to the Lord”: When the Holy One, blessed be He, created the world and wanted to create Adam, the ministering angels said to Him, (in Ps. 8:5), “’What is a human that You are mindful of him, and a person that You should think of him?’ What do You want from this human?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “Who is to fulfill my Torah and My commandments?” They said to Him, “We will fulfill Your Torah.” He said to them, “It is written in [the Torah] (in Numb. 19:14), ‘This is the Torah: When a person dies in a tent,’ but there are none among you who die. It is written in [the Torah] (in Lev. 12:2), ‘When a woman emits her seed and bears a male,’ but there are none among you who bear [children]. It is written in [the Torah] (in Lev. 11:21), ‘these you may eat,’ (and in Lev 11:4) ‘these you may not eat,’ but in your case there is no eating among you. Ergo, the Torah is not going forth to you,” as stated (in Job 28:13), “nor is it found in the land of the living.” [Rather] when the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel that they should make a tabernacle and an altar of burnt offering, they began to sacrifice within it. [Then] the Holy One, blessed be He, began to give them several commandments. These commands concerned every single thing, and they carried them out. The Holy One, blessed be He, began to say to the ministering angels, “’Who among you would prepare (rt.: 'rk)’ [everything] for Me just as Israel prepares (rt.: 'rk) for Me, that you were saying to Me (in Ps. 8:5), ‘What is a human that You are mindful of him…?’ They prepare (rt.: 'rk) sacrifices for Me, just as stated (in Lev. 1:12), ‘and the priest shall arrange (rt.: 'rk) them,’ (in Lev. 4:10), ‘upon the altar of burnt offering.’ They set (rt.: 'rk) tables for Me, just as stated (in Lev. 24:8), ‘He shall arrange (rt.: 'rk) it (i.e., the shewbread) before the Lord regularly on every Sabbath day.’ Or is there anyone among you that evaluates the value of human beings, as stated (in Lev. 27:2), ‘When anyone explicitly vows to the Lord the value (rt.: 'rk) of human beings (npshwt).’” Ergo (in Ps. 89:7), “For who in the skies?”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Lev. 27:2) “When anyone explicitly vows […]”: This text is related (to Prov. 11:30), “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, but a wise person acquires lives (npshwt).” If a person is righteous, and does not occupy himself with Torah, even though he is righteous, he has nothing in his possession. Rather, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life”; this refers to the Torah. Because when one is a Torah scholar (literally, child of Torah), he learns how one acquires lives (npshwt), as stated (ibid.), “but a wise person acquires lives.” As if he makes a vow for the value of human beings, he would have learned what to do from the Torah. But if he does not have Torah in his possession, he has nothing in his possession. And so you find in the case of Jephthah the Gileadite, because he was not a Torah scholar, he lost his daughter.16Gen. R. 60:5; Lev. R. 37:4. When? In the time that he fought with the Children of Ammon and made a vow at that time, as stated (in Jud. 11:30-31), “Then Jephthah made a vow to the Lord, [and said, ‘If You indeed give the Children of Ammon into my hand;] Then it shall be that whatever comes forth…, shall belong to the Lord, and I will offer it up as a burnt offering.’” At that time the Holy One, blessed be He, was angry with him. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “If there had come out from his house a dog, a pig, or a camel, he would have offered it to Me.” Hence He summoned his daughter to him. And why so much? So that all those that vow will learn the laws of vows and abnegations. [And the result was (in Jud. 11:34-35),] “and there was his daughter coming out to greet him [….] And it came to pass, when he saw her, that he rent his clothes […].” But was not Phinehas there?17Since he was an outstanding Torah scholar, and an outstanding Torah scholar could have annulled the vow. And still he said (in vs. 35), “and I cannot retract?” However, Phinehas had said, “I am a high priest and the son of a high priest. Shall I humble myself and go to an ignoramus ('am ha'arets)?” [And] Jephthah said, “I am head of the tribes of Israel and head of the magistrates. Shall I humble myself and go to a commoner?”18Gk.: idiotes. Between the two of them that poor woman perished from the world; so the two of them were liable for her blood. In the case of Phinehas, the holy spirit left him. In the case of Jephthah, his bones were scattered, as stated (in Jud. 12:7), “and he was buried in the cities of Gilead.”19Translations tend to emend the text and have Jephthah buried in a single city. When he sought to sacrifice her, she cried in front of him. His daughter said to him, “My father, I came out to greet you in joy, and [now] you slaughter me? Is it perhaps that the Holy One, blessed be He, wrote in the Torah that Israel offer the lives (npshwt) of people in front of the Holy One, blessed be He? And is it not written (in Lev. 1:2), ‘When one of you presents an offering to the Lord from the beasts.’ ‘From the beasts’ and not from people?” He said to her, “My daughter, I made a vow (in Jud. 11:31), ‘Then it shall be that whatever comes forth […].’ Is it possible that anyone who makes a vow does not have to fulfill his vow?” She said to him, “Behold, when our father Jacob made a vow (in Gen. 28:22), ‘and of all that You give me, I will surely set aside a tithe for You’; when the Holy One, blessed be He, gave him twelve sons, did he ever offer up one of them as a sacrifice? Moreover, does not Hannah [do likewise], when she makes a vow and says (as reported in I Sam. 1:11), ‘And she made a vow and said, “Lord of hosts, if You will surely see… [then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life].”’ Did she ever offer up her son as a sacrifice to the Holy One, blessed be He?” All these things she said to him, but he did not heed her. When she saw that he did not heed her, she said to him, “Let me go to a court of law. Perhaps one of them will find a loophole for your words.” Thus it is stated (in Jud. 11:37), “leave me alone for two months, so that I may go and come down to the mountains.” R. Zechariah said, “Is there anyone who comes down to the mountains? Does not one go up to the mountains? So what is the meaning of ‘and come down to the mountains?’ These represent the Sanhedrin,20Gk.: synedrion. as in the usage (of Micah 6:2), ‘Hear, O mountains, the lawsuit of the Lord.’” She went to them, but they did not find a loophole for undoing his vow, because of the sin of those that he slaughtered from the tribe of Ephraim. So it is with reference to him that Scripture has said (in Prov. 28:3), “A poor man who exploits the indigent is a torrential rain which leaves no bread.” “A poor man who exploits the indigent.” This is referring to Jephthah; since he was poor in Torah like a [mere] sycamore shoot.21The metaphor designates one who is poor. (Prov. 28:3, cont.:) “Who exploits the indigent,” since he exploited the indigent, when he said [to the men of Ephraim] (in Jud. 12:6), “Say, ‘Shibboleth’; and he said, ‘Sibboleth,’ not being able to pronounce it correctly.” Then he slaughtered him. Therefore, he is (according to Prov. 28:3, cont.) “a torrential rain, and there is no bread,” in that he had someone who would undo his vow; however (ibid., cont.), “there is no bread,” in that the Holy One, blessed be He, had taken away the halakhah from them, so that they would not find [a loophole] for undoing his vow. When they did not find [a loophole] for undoing his vow, he went up and slaughtered her before the Holy One, blessed be He. Then the holy spirit proclaimed, “Did I desire you to sacrifice lives (npshwt) to Me, [lives] (according to Jer. 19:5), ‘which I never commanded, never spoke for, and which never entered My mind.’” “Which I never commanded” Abraham, that he slaughter his son. Instead I said to him (in Gen. 22:12), “Do not raise your hand against the lad.” [This was] in order to make known Abraham’s love [of God] to the nations of the world, that he did not spare his only one from Me and carried out the will of his Maker. (Jer 19:5 cont.:) “Never spoke” to Jephthah to offer up his daughter as a sacrifice to Me. Rabbi Johanan and R. Simeon ben Laqish [differed on the matter]. Rabbi Johanan says, “He was liable for money [in order to fulfill his vow], like the matter is written in Arakhin.” And R. Simoen ben Laquish said, “[He was liable for] nothing, as he made a stipulation about something that is impossible to sacrifice, and [so] there was no [liability] upon him.” “And which never entered my mind,” this is referring to Misha the king of Moab, about whom it is written that when he fell into the hand of the king of Israel (in II Kings 3:27), “And he took his firstborn son, who would become king in his stead, and offered him up as a burnt offering upon the wall.” What caused Misha to sacrifice his son?22See the parallel text in Buber Tanchuma 10:7, which has the final question being about Jephthah, which fits much better with the continuation of the section. Because he was not a Torah scholar; for if he had read the Torah, he would not have lost his son, since it is written (in Lev 27:2-4) “When anyone explicitly vows [to the Lord the value of human beings (npshwt)] And the value of a male shall be […]. And if it is a female….” Ergo (in Prov. 11:30), “but a wise person acquires lives (npshwt).”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Lev. 27:2), “When anyone explicitly vows”: The nations say (in Micah 6:6-7), “With what shall I come before the Lord, bow myself before God on high, [….] Does the Lord want thousands of rams […] shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my belly for the sin of my soul?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “Do you want to offer your children to Me? Neither your children nor your sacrifices do I want. For my children I have given a Parashah on value equivalents (in Lev. 27:1-8) and a Parashah on sacrifices, as it is their sacrifices that are beloved in front of Me.” And so it says (in Ps. 37:16), “Better is the little of the righteous.” You yourself know what is at the beginning of the book (in Lev. 1:2), “Speak unto the Children of Israel, and say unto them, ‘When one of you presents an offering to the Lord,’” [i.e.] “of you,” and not \"of the nations.\" Then at the end of the book [one finds (in Lev. 27:2),] “Speak unto the Children of Israel and say unto them, ‘When anyone explicitly [vows].’” It also says (in Ps. 147:19), “He declares His words to Jacob….” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel. “If you bring before me your value equivalents, I will ascribe it to you as if you had offered up your lives before Me.” It is therefore stated (in Lev. 27:2), “When anyone explicitly vows [to the Lord the value of human beings].” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “By virtue of the value equivalents (rt.: 'rk) I am saving you from the [fiery] preparation (rt.: 'rk) of Geihinnom,23Cf. Exod. R. 50:5. as stated (in Is. 30:33), “For Topheth has been prepared (rt.: 'rk) from of old.” And I will prepare a table before you, just as David has stated (in Ps. 23:5), “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”" + ] + ], + "Bamidbar": [ + [ + "(Numb. 1:1) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses in the Sinai desert.” This text is related (to Ps. 36:7), “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains; Your judgments are like the great deep.” The righteousness that You bring into the world is proclaimed upon these mountains. (Ibid., cont.) [But] “your judgments are like the great deep.” A judgment which You execute for the world is like the great deep. As the deep is in a secret [place], Your judgments are also in secret. How so? When Jerusalem was destroyed, it was destroyed on the ninth of Ab; but when it was shown to Ezekiel, it seemed to be on the twentieth. Why? So as not to publicize1Gk.: parresiazesthai. it. However, when He came to magnify Israel, He did publicize [on which day], in which place, in which month, in which year, in which era.2Gk. hupateia (“consulship”). On which day? (Numb. 1:1) “On the first of the month.” In which place? (Ibid.) “In the Sinai desert.” In which month? (Ibid.) “In the second month.” In which year? (Ibid.) “In the second year.” In which era? (Ibid.) “After their Exodus from the land of Egypt.” What did He say to them? (Numb. 1:2) “Count the heads of all of the congregation of the Children of Israel.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 1:1:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses in the Sinai desert.” This text is related (to Jer. 2:31), “0 generation, understand the word of the Lord, ‘Have I been a desert for Israel or a land of thick darkness?’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Because you said to Moses (in Numb. 21:5), ‘Why did you bring us up from Egypt to die in the desert?’3Numb. R. 1:2. (Jer. 2:31:) ‘Have I been a desert for Israel?’ Did I act like a desert to you? Is it customary for a king of flesh and blood, when he leaves for the desert, [to find] easy living [there] just like that which he had found in his palace, either [palace] food or [palace] drink? However, when you were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt and when I brought you out from there, I had you lie down on couches, as it states (Exod 13:18), ‘And the Lord made the people circumvent (Vayasev) through the desert.’” What is [the meaning of] ”circumvent?” It teaches that He made them recline in the way that kings dine (mesavin), reclining upon their beds. “And I did not even bring three fleas to trouble you. And I even raised up three redeemers for you to serve you, as stated (in Micah 6:4), ‘and I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam before you.’” Through their merit, Israel was able to travel. Through the merit of Moses there was manna, as stated (Deut. 8:3), “And He subjected you to hunger [and then gave you manna to eat].” Through the merit of Aaron I surrounded you in clouds of glory, as stated (Exod. 13:21), “And the Lord went in front of them during the day [in a pillar of cloud. And it is written (in Ps. 105:39), “He spread a cloud for a cover.” There were seven clouds: one from above, one from below, one from each of the four directions, and one going before them. [That last one] smote snakes and scorpions, leveled the mountains and valleys for them, and burned the thornbushes so that they sent up smoke. When all the kings of the East and West saw this, the peoples of the world said (in Cant. 3:6), “Who is this that comes up from the desert [like columns of smoke]?” It is also written (in Deut. 29:4), “your clothes did not wear out from upon you.” In the case of a baby, all the time that it was growing, its garments and clothes were growing along with it. Now the well [came] through the merit of Miriam, who uttered a song by the waters [of the Reed sea].4See above, Lev. 7:7. R. Berekhyah the Priest said in the name of R. Levi, “[The matter is comparable to] a king of flesh and blood who has a province. So he sends high ranking people into its midst to conduct their affairs and administer their justice. Who has to be responsible for their maintenance? Do not the people of the province have to be responsible for their maintenance? But the Holy One, blessed be He, did not act like that. Instead he sent out Moses, Aaron, [and Miriam], as stated (in Micah 6:4), ‘and I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam before you.’” Thus through their merit, Israel was sustained. The manna was through the merit of Moses. You yourself know that it is so. When Moses passed away, what is written (in Josh. 5:12)? “The manna ceased on the next day (i.e., the day after Moses died).”5Heb.: MMHRT. The midrash understands MMHRT (“on the next day”) as two words, MHR and MT, which can be translated: “On the day after he died.” In adopting this interpretation the midrash goes against the weight of Rabbinic and other traditions that Moses died sometime during the month of Adar, usually on the seventh of that month (as in Qid. 38a; etc.), since (according Josh. 5:12) the manna did not cease until the sixteenth of Nisan. The interpretation here and in Numb. R. 1:2 may result from the simple assertion commonly found in Rabbinic sources (e.g., in TSot. 11:8 [10]; Ta‘an 9a.) that, when Moses died, the manna ceased. The clouds of glory [came] through the merit of Aaron. You yourself know that it is so. When Aaron passed away, what is written (in Numb. 21:4)? “But the temper of the people grew short on the way,” because the sun was shining down upon them (without a cloud cover). And the well [came] through the merit of Miriam,6See above, Lev. 7:7. since it is stated (in Numb. 20:1-2), “and Miriam died there and was buried there. Now the congregation had no water.” And how was [the well] constructed? Like a kind of boulder or a type of hive or a type of ball. It rolled along and came with them on the journeys.7See above, Lev. 7:7; below, Numb 6:35, 47-50. When the standards [for each tribe] came to rest and the tabernacle arose, the rock would come and settle down in the court of the tent of meeting. Then the princes would stand beside it and say (in the words of Numb. 21:17), “Rise up, O well”; and the well would rise up. After that, I brought them quails (cf. Numb. 11:31). (Jer. 2:31:) “Have I been a desert for Israel?” Have I treated you like a desert? (Ibid., cont.) “Or a land of utter darkness?” Did not I become a light for you, a light by My own glory? It is so stated (in Exod. 13:21:) “And the Lord went….” Another interpretation (of Jer. 2:31): What is the meaning of “utter darkness? Have I [ever] said to you that I am bringing a benefit and delayed it? Utter darkness (rt.:'pl) can only be a term of delay, as it is used (in Exod. 9:32), “But the wheat and the spelt were not hurt, because they ripen late (i.e., are delayed: rt.:'pl).”8Below, Numb. 10:7; I Corinthians 10:4. Joshua said (in Josh. 21:45), “Not a thing has failed (npl) of any good thing which the Lord (your God) promised unto (you); it all came to you.” [And how are we to understand the rest of the verse] (in Jer. 2:31), “why did my people say, ‘we have let loose (radnu - rt.: rwd)’?” What is the meaning of “radnu?” The word is mishnaic (as in ter. 10:3), “one who removes (rwdh) a hot loaf” (adhering to an oven).9Bread is usually baked adhering to the roof or wall of the oven with the fire beneath. They (i.e., Israel) said, “When the bread is baked in the oven and is taken out of it, can it stick10Rt.: QB‘ (which normally means “fix in” or “fix on”). On the translation of this root, see Midrash Tanhuma (Jerusalem: Eshkol, 1971/72), vol. II, p. 647, n. 2, which regards it here as the equivalent of the root DBQ (which means (“stick to”). In a similar vein, see Wolf Einhorn’s commentary, Perush Maharzaw, on Numb. R. 1:2. Since the root QB‘ can also mean “rob” or “defraud,” the meaning for Israel would be that, as bread removed from an oven cannot stick to it again, neither can Israel once removed from Jerusalem ever defraud again. to the oven again? Now we in Jerusalem were as in an oven, as stated (in Is. 31:9), ‘says the Lord, who has a fire in Zion and has an oven in Jerusalem.’ Now You exiled us to Babylon. ‘What do you still want from us?’” [That is the meaning of] (Jer. 2:31:), “why did my people say, ‘radnu’” (i.e., he has already removed us from the oven of Jerusalem). Another interpretation (of Jer. 2:31), “why did my people say, ‘radnu?” What [is the meaning of] “radnu (rt.: rwd)?” Compare what is said (in I Kings 5:4), “For he subjugated (rwdh) everything beyond the river (i.e., West of the Euphrates), from Tipsah to Gaza.” They said to [the Holy One, blessed be He,], “You have destroyed for us the sanctuary, and You have taken away your Divine Presence from us. ‘Now what do You still want from us?’” (Jer. 2:31) [Why did my people say, “He has dominion over us (radnu)]”; He said to them, “Would that I were now in the desert, where I did those miracles for you.” And so does it state (in Jer. 9:1), “Would that I were in the desert, at an inn for wayfarers….” Where? Where I was praised,11Rt.: QLS, a word related to the Gk.: kalos (“beautifully”). as stated (in Is. 42:11), “Let the desert and its cities lift up [their voice].” [The matter] is comparable to a prince who entered a metropolis. When the inhabitants of the metropolis saw him, they fled. He entered a second one, and [again] they fled from him. He entered into another city that was ruined (harevah); and when the inhabitants saw him, they praised him. That prince said, “This city is better than all the metropolises. Here I will build myself a lodging place12Gk.: xenia (“guestchamber”).; here I will dwell.” Similarly, when the Holy One, blessed be He, came to the sea, it fled from Him, as stated (in Ps. 114:3), “The sea saw [Him] and fled.” He revealed Himself on Mount Sinai, [it also] fled, as stated (in Ps. 114:4), “The mountains danced like rams.” When he came to the desert wasteland (harevah), it received Him and praised Him, as stated (in Is. 42:11), “Let the desert and its cities lift up [their voice].” He said, “This city is better than all of the cities. Here I will build a lodging place.” When He came down into its midst, they began rejoicing, because the Holy One, blessed be He, was dwelling in their midst, as stated (in Is. 35:1), “The desert and the arid land shall be glad, and the wilderness shall rejoice and blossom like a crocus.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 1:1:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses in the Sinai desert, in the tent of meeting.” Before the tent of meeting was set up, He spoke with him in the bush, as stated (in Exod. 3:4), “and God called him from the bush.13Numb. R. 1:3. After that He spoke with him in Midian, as stated (in Exod. 4:19), “Then the Lord said unto Moses in Midian.” After that He spoke with him in Egypt, as stated (in Exod. 12:1), “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron in the land of Egypt.” After that He spoke with him at Sinai, as stated (in Lev. 25:1), “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses on Mount Sinai.” When the tent of meeting was set up, He said, “Humility is beautiful,” as stated (in Micah 6:8), “and to walk humbly with your God.” [So] He began to speak with him in the tent of meeting. Likewise David also says (in Ps. 45:14), “All glorious is the king's daughter within; her clothing is of gold brocade.” “The king's daughter” – that is Moses, as stated (Exod. 2:10), “and she brought him to the daughter of Pharaoh, and he was a son to her.” And it is written (in Is. 19:4), “And I will deliver the Egyptians into the hand of a harsh lord.” – these14Since LORD (adonim) is a plural of excellence or majesty, it is readily seen as representing a plurality of plagues. are the plagues which came upon the Egyptians; (ibid., cont.) “and a strong king shall rule over them” – this is Moses, who was king of Torah, which is called strength, where it is stated (in Ps. 29:11), “The Lord will grant strength to His people.” Ergo (in Ps. 45:14), “All glorious is the king's daughter within.” (Ibid., cont.) “Her clothing is of gold brocade.” This is Aaron, since it is stated (in Exod. 28:13), “And you shall make a gold brocade.” Hence, our masters have said, “Every bride who conceals herself (because of modesty), even though she be an [ordinary] Israelite woman, is worthy of being married to a priest and to raise up high priests, since it is stated (in Ps. 45:14), ‘All glorious is the king's daughter within; her clothing is of gold brocade.’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “My honor is like this” – that He speak from within, as stated (in Numb. 7:89), “When Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with Him, he would hear the voice speaking unto him.” R. Joshua ben Levi said, “If the people of the world had known how auspicious the Temple was for them, they would have surrounded it with military encampments15Lat. castra. in order to protect it,16Lev. R. 1:11. since it was more auspicious for them than for any of Israel; for thus did Solomon set forth in his prayer (in I Kings 8:41-42), ‘And likewise, unto the foreigner, who is not of Your people Israel […] may You hearken [unto him] from heaven […] and do according to all that the foreigner cries out unto You.’ But when he comes to Israel, what is written? (In II Chron. 6:30) ‘and You shall give to each one according to all his ways, since You know his heart.’ Solomon said, ‘Master of the universe, if he is worthy, give to him; if he is not worthy, do not give to him.’” Moreover, you should not [only] say that the Temple [was auspicious for them]. In fact, if it had not been for Israel, no rain would ever have come down17Cf. Gen. R. 39:12. nor would the sun have shown; for it was through their merit that rain falls and that the Holy One, blessed be He, has [the sun] shine in this world. And in the future, the peoples of the world shall see, how the Holy One, blessed be He, clings to Israel, and they shall cling to them [as well], as stated (in Zech. 8:23), “Let us go with you for we have heard that God is with you.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 1:1-2) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses in the Sinai desert […, ‘Take a census of the whole congregation of the Children of Israel…’].” This text is related (to Cant. 7:3), “Your navel is a round bowl; let not mixed wine be lacking; your belly is a heap of wheat fenced in with lilies.” [And that verse] is speaking about the Sanhedrin18Gk.: Synedrion. of Israel, which was situated in the chamber of hewn stone and is compared with a navel.19Numb. R. 1:4; see PR 10:2; above, Exod. 9:1 and the notes there; also below, Deut. 1:3; and perhaps Exod. R. 39:1. And why is it compared with a navel? It is that just as the navel is situated in the middle of the body, so the Sanhedrin of Israel was situated in the middle of the Temple. (Ibid., cont.) “Let not mixed wine be lacking.” What is the meaning of “let not mixed wine be lacking?” That there was never one less than a third of them [present]: “Let not mixed wine be lacking” – whoever mixes it properly mixes a third of a cup of wine with two parts water. Thus the Sanhedrin would sit from [the time of] the morning sacrifice until the afternoon sacrifice. But did not one of them go out for his [bodily] needs? So what did they do when one wanted to leave? He would count. If twenty three were present, he would leave; if not, he would not leave. Why? Because it is written (ibid.), “let not mixed wine be lacking.” Thus there was never less than a third of them [present]. It is therefore written, “let not mixed wine be lacking.” (Ibid., cont.) “Your belly is a heap of wheat.” Why is it compared to wheat?20See PR 10:3. Just as this wheat enters the granary with a count and leaves with a count, so too, here the Holy One, blessed be He, said that they should be numbered all the time. It is therefore stated (ibid.), “your belly is a heap of wheat.” The stubble and the straw, however, are not numbered and not measured. Thus the peoples of the world are compared with stubble and straw, as stated (in Ps. 35:5), “They shall be like chaff before the wind.” And so it says (in Obad. 1:18), “and the house of Esau shall be straw.” Why? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, has no pleasure from them, as stated (in Is. 40:17), “All the nations are as nothing before Him; they are considered by Him as less than nothing and void.” But in the case of Israel, the Holy One, blessed be He, does have pleasure from them. They read the shema', pray, and bless the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, every day and at all times on every single thing; therefore, they are numbered all the time. For that reason they were compared with the wheat, as stated (in Cant. 7:3), “your belly is a heap of wheat.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 1:1-2) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses in the Sinai desert […,] ‘Take a census of the whole congregation.” This text is related (to Ps. 147:20), “He has not done so for any nation, and they do not know His laws, Hallelujah.” [The situation] is comparable to a king who took [his] first wife and did not write her a marriage contract.21Numb. R. 1:5. He divorced her and did not give her a bill of divorce. He did the same for the second and for the third. [In due time] when he saw a certain poor orphan, a woman of noble ancestry, he wanted to marry her. He said to his shoshevin (i.e., to his best man), “I want to marry this one, and I shall not behave with her as with the previous ones. This is a woman of noble ancestry. She is modest in her actions and worthy. Write her a marriage contract [stating] in which week, in which year, in which month, on what day of the month, in which era.” [This is] just as it is written in Esther (2:16), “So Esther was taken unto King Ahasuerus, unto his royal palace in the tenth month, which is the month of Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.” Thus the Holy One, blessed be He, created the generation of the flood and did not write down when He created them. He removed them from the world and did not write down when He removed them. It is simply [stated] (in Gen. 7:11), “on that day all the springs of the great abyss burst forth and the windows of the heavens were opened.”22Note that the verse begins, “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month.” But this dating is apparently not definite enough. And it was similar for the generation of the dispersion (Gen. 10:1-9); similar for the sodomites; and similar for the Egyptians. [However,] when Israel arose, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “I will not behave with these as with those previous ones, as these are descendants from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Therefore it is written in which month, on what day of the month, in which year, in which era, in which province I raised up their horn and gave them a head held high.” It is therefore stated (in Numb. 1:1), “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses in the Sinai desert,” i.e., the province; “in the tent of meeting,” i.e., the metropolis; “on the first day of the month,” i.e., the day; “in the second year,” i.e., the year.23The citation of this section of the verse differs somewhat in the Masoretic text, which reads, “on the first day of the second month, in the second year. In which month? (Ibid., cont.) “In the second month.” [“After their Exodus from the land of Egypt,”] i.e., the era.24Gk. hupateia (“consulship”). Why (in vs. 2) “Take a census (literally: raise the head) of the whole congregation of the Children of Israel…?” To fulfill what is stated (in Ps. 147:20), “He has not done so for any nation….” What did He do? He raised their heads, as stated (Ps. 148:14), “He has raised up a horn for His people, praise for all His saints, even the Children of Israel, a people near to Him. Hallelujah”." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 1:1:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses.” Fortunate are you, Moses!25Numb. R. 1:6; cf. Lev. R. 1:1. Six hundred thousand were present with the priests, the Levites, and the elders. They were all present there; yet out of them all, He only spoke there with Moses, as stated (ibid.), “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses.” (Ibid., cont.) “In the Sinai desert.” Why in the Sinai desert?26Numb. R. 1:7. From here our masters have taught, “The Torah was given through three things: through fire, through water, and through the desert.27Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Bashodesh 5. Through fire, as stated (in Exod. 19:18), ‘Now all of Mount Sinai was emitting smoke because the Lord had descended upon it in fire, and the smoke from it arose like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled greatly.’ Through water, as stated (in Jud. 5:4), ‘Lord, when You went forth from Seir, when You marched [from the field of Edom, the earth trembled, even the heavens dripped, even the clouds dropped water].’ Through (i.e., in)28In Hebrew the prefix b used here can be translated either “through” or “in.” the desert, as stated (in Numb. 1:1), ‘Then the Lord spoke unto Moses in the Sinai desert.’” And why was it given through these three things? It is that, just as these are free for all who come into the world, so too are the words of the Torah free for all who come to the world. Thus it is stated (in Is. 55:1), “Ho, all who are thirsty, come to the waters (of Torah); even if you have no money, come, buy food, and eat. So come, buy food, wine, and milk without money and without cost.” “In the Sinai Desert.” Why in the Sinai desert? It is that whoever does not make himself ownerless like the desert cannot acquire29The Hebrew verb also means “buy.” the Torah.30See ‘Eruv. 54a; Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Bashodesh 1. It is therefore stated, “in the Sinai desert.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 1:1) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses in the Sinai desert.” [Sinai] was called by six names: Mountain of God (as in Ps. 68:16), Mount Bashan (ibid.), Mountain of Peaks (ibid.), Mountain of Desire (hmd), Mount Horeb (Exod. 3:1; 33:6; etc.), and Mount Sinai.31Numb. R. 1:8. The Mountain of God is [so called] because on it God sat in judgment, as stated (in Exod. 21:1), “Now these are the judgments32Mishpatim. In the biblical context the word would more normally be translated ordinances. which you shall set before them.” Mount Bashan is the mountain where (sham) Holy One, blessed be He, came (ba').33In the Hebrew text sham and ba’ appear in the opposite order and next to each other as ba’ sham. The Mountain of Peaks (gavenunnim, rt.: gbn) is the mountain where He disqualified all the [other] mountains,34See Gen. R. 109:1, which depicts the mountains contending with each other to host the revelation of the Torah and generally expands what follows. just as you say (in Lev. 21:20), “or a hunchback (gbn) or a dwarf.”35The context is a list of those rejected from serving in the priesthood. The implication here is that, unlike Sinai where the ordinances for priesthood where given, the other mountains were hunchbacks or dwarfs and therefore rejected. Mountain of Desire (rt.: hmd) is [so called], because on it the Holy One, blessed be He, desired (hmd) to dwell, as stated (in Ps. 68:17), “the mountain God desired for His dwelling.” Mount Horeb (rt.: hrb) is [so called], because upon it the sword (rt.: hrb) [of judgment] was unsheathed, as stated (in Lev. 20:10), “the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death,” [and] (in Numb. 35:16), “the murderer shall surely be put to death.” Mount Sinai is [so called], because on it the peoples of the world became hateful (rt.: sn') to the Holy One, blessed be He; and He rendered a verdict36Gk.: apophasis. against them, as stated (in is. 60:12), “and the gentiles shall be utterly (hrb) destroyed (rt.: hrb).” R. Abba bar Kahana said in the name of R. Johanan, “’And the gentiles shall be utterly destroyed’ – it was where they received a verdict.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 1:1) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses in the Sinai desert.” What did He say to him (in vs. 2)?37Numb. R. 1:9. “Take a census (literally: raise [rt.: ns'] the head) of the whole congregation of the Children of Israel….” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, ‘I have not cherished [any] creation more than you; therefore I have given you a head held high and have likened you to Me. Thus just as I have a head held higher than all that come into the world, as stated (in I Chron. 29:11), ‘To you, O Lord, belong the greatness, the might, the splendor, the triumph, and the majesty; for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is Yours; [Yours] is the kingdom, O Lord, and [You] are exalted (rt.: ns') as head over all’; so I have also done for you, for you to have a head held high.” It was therefore stated (in Numb. 1:1), “Raise (rt.: ns') the head.” [This exaltation was] to fulfill what is stated (in Ps. 148:14), “He has raised up a horn for His people, praise for all His saints, even the Children of Israel, a people near to Him. Hallelujah.” And so it says (in Deut. 28:1), “and the Lord your God will set you high over all the nations of the earth.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 2:1-2:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, ‘[The Children of Israel shall camp,] each with his standard, under the banners….’” Let our master instruct us: Within how many cubits is it permitted for one to walk on the Sabbath? Thus have our masters taught: One who observes the Sabbath on the road makes a circle with a radius of four cubits for himself.38Numb. R. 2:9; cf.‘Eruv. 4:5-8. [These are] the words of R. Haninya ben Antigonus. Then he moves [objects] on the Sabbath within four cubits and says, “My Sabbath rest is in this place where I am.” So his place gives him the right [to go] two thousand cubits in any direction. But how much are four cubits? R. Judah says, “Enough for him to take a cask from his feet and put it by his headrest.” And one who keeps the Sabbath in a city, even though it is as large as Antioch, may walk all of it, its outskirts, and two thousand cubits beyond its outskirts.39Eruv. 60a. What is the meaning of \"outskirts\"? The shops and the inns40Gk.: pandokeia. which are on the road outside the city. And the one who keeps the Sabbath in a cave, even though it is as large as the cave where king Zedekiah of Judah fled,41Zedekiah’s flight to a cave (me‘arah) may have been suggested by Jer. 52:7, according to which he fled for the Arabah. which was twelve mil42Lat.: mille. long,43Cf. Numb. R. 2:9, according to which the cave was eighteen miles long. may walk all of it and outside of it for two thousand cubits in any direction he wishes. And from where did the sages find support? From the words of the Torah, [where it is stated] (in Numb. 35:5), “And you shall measure off two thousand cubits outside the town on the east side….” And likewise you find in the case of Joshua, when he went to destroy Jericho, Joshua said to them (i.e., to Israel), “You are going to keep the Sabbath there. Do not go further than two thousand cubits from the ark in any direction. Why? So that you may be entitled to come to pray before the ark on the Sabbath.” And so it says (in Joshua 3:4), “Yet there shall be a distance between you and it (the ark of the covenant) of about two thousand cubits by measure, never coming any closer to it; so that you may know by what route to march, since it is a road you have not traveled before.” And likewise you find, when God told Moses that he should have Israel encamp under standards, He said to him, “Have them encamp under their standards in every direction. Where is it shown? From what they read on the matter (in Numb. 2:2), “each with his standard” (meaning that they shall camp around the tent of meeting at a distance).44Numb. R. 2:9 explains further that Gen. 21:16 defines at a distance as a bowshot, which is equivalent to a Roman mile (i.e., a thousand paces), which equals two thousand cubits." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 2:2:) [“The Children of Israel shall camp,] each with his standard, under the banners for their fathers' houses….” This text is related (to Ps. 20:6), “Let us shout for joy in your salvation, and in the name of our God let us set up our standards….” “Let us shout for joy in your salvation,” as is stated (in Exod. 14:30), “So the Lord saved.” (Ps. 20:6, cont.:) “And in the name of our God let us set up our standards,” for God has inserted His name]45The whole bracketed section which ends here began in section 3 and represents a missing page in Buber’s primary Oxford Ms. among our names46E.g., the El (“God”) in “Israel.” and has appointed us standards, as stated (in Numb. 2:2), “each with his standard, under the banners.” The Holy One, blessed be He, cherished Israel with great love,47Numb. R. 2:3. in that He appointed them standards like [those of] the ministering angels, so that they would be recognizable, the Children of Reuben by themselves, the Children of Simeon by themselves, [etc.]; but where is it shown that He loved them? Where it is stated (in Cant. 2:4), “He brought me unto the banquet house, and His standard over me is love.” To what is the matter comparable? To a rich person who had a storehouse full of wine. He went in to inspect it and found it to be vinegar. [When] he went to leave the storehouse, he found there one cask of [good] wine. He said this cask is worth as much to me as the full storehouse. Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, has created seventy nations, but of them all He has found pleasure only in Israel, as stated (in Cant. 2:4), “He brought me unto the banquet house (literally: house of wine [yyn]). [Now] y (yod) plus y (yod), [which] equals twenty, plus n (nun), [which stands for] fifty, results in seventy; and of all those [seventy nations] He loved only Israel. It is so stated (ibid., cont.), “and His standard over me is love.” It also says (in Cant. 6:8-9), “There are sixty queens…. One is My dove, My perfect one.” (Cant. 2:4), “He brought me unto the house of wine.” R. Judah says, “He brought me to the great wine cellar, namely Sinai; and from there He taught me Torah, which is expounded in forty-nine ways to render pure and in forty-nine ways to render impure.48Cant. R. 2:4:1. And the numerical count (gematria) of (ibid., cont.) “and His standard (wdglw)” is forty-nine. [Another interpretation (of Cant. 2:4),] “He brought me unto the house of wine. R Hunya said, “In the past whoever pointed his finger at a likeness49Gk.: eikonion. of the king was put to death; but when the children go to school and point a finger at the [likenesses of] the Divine Name [in the book], the Holy One, blessed be He, says (ibid., cont.), ‘and His standard (wediglo)50The midrash interprets HOUSE OF WINE as the equivalent of “house of the book”; and (according to Numb. R. 2:3 and Cant. R. 2:4:1) wediglo (AND HIS STANDARD) is the equivalent of wegodlo (“and his thumb”). over me is love.’” Even though, when sitting and studying the Torah, [one skips (rt.: dlg)] from precept (halakhah) to precept and from verse to verse, the Holy One, blessed be He, says, “He is dear to Me (literally: over Me), ‘and His standard (rt.: dgl) over me is love,’ [and his skipping (rt.: dlg) over Me is love].” Another interpretation (of Cant. 2:4), “and His standard over me is love.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “The nations of the world have standards, but only the standard of Jacob is dear to Me, as stated (ibid.), ‘and His standard over Me is love--.’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 2:2:) “Each with his standard, under the banners [for their fathers' houses….]” This text is related (to Cant. 6:10), “Who is this woman that shines through like the dawn, as beautiful as the moon.” Holy and grand was Israel by her standards!51Numb. R. 2:4. So all the nations were looking at them, as they said in astonishment (ibid), “Who is this woman that shines through?” The nations said to them (in Cant. 7:1), “Return, return, O Shulammite (i.e., O Israel). Cling to us and come to us; then we will make you sultans, generals,52Lat.: duces. and commanders,”53Gk.: hegemones. [as stated] (in ibid., cont.), “Return, return that we may look upon you.” Now “we may look (rt.: hzh)” can only [refer to giving] authority, for so Jethro said to Moses (in Exod. 18:21), “You shall also seek out (rt.: hzh) [able men].” Then Israel said to them (in Cant. 7:1, cont.), “What will you see (rt.: hzh) in the Shulammite?” And what grandeur are you giving to us? [It is] perhaps (ibid., cont.) “like a dance of the camps?”54MHNYM. The voweling of the Masoretic text understands MHNYM as a dual, i.e., as TWO CAMPS; but the context here assumes more than two. Can you possibly give us anything like the grandeur which the Lord our God gave us in the desert? [There he gave us] the standard of the camp of Judah, the standard of the camp of Reuben, the standard of the camp of Ephraim, the standard of the camp of Dan. Are you able to do so for us? (Cant. 7:1), “What will you see (rt.: hzh) in the Shulammite? It is perhaps (ibid., cont.) “like a dance (meholat) of the camps”; [in] that when we sin, He pardons (mohel) us and says to us (in Deut. 23:15 [14]), “and your camp shall be holy?” So also Balaam the wicked beheld them and his eyes popped out as he faced them, because he could not touch them; as stated (in Numb. 24:2), “Then Balaam raised his eyes and saw Israel dwelling tribe by tribe.” He began to say, “Who can touch these people, when each and every one dwells by his standard.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 2:2:) “Each with his standard, under the banners for their fathers' house.” [This text is related] (to Job 36:3), “I will fetch my knowledge from afar, and justify my maker.” It was only necessary to say, \"under the banners shall the Children of Israel camp.55Numb. R. 2:8. Then what is the significance of saying (in Numb. 2:2), “under the banners [for their fathers' house].” Simply that when our father Jacob departed from this world, he said to them (in Gen. 47:30), “When I sleep with my ancestors, you are to take me up from Egypt and bury me in their grave.” He went around to all his sons, blessed them, and gave them a charge. He said to them, “When you take me, you are to take me with reverence and honor. Let no other person, neither one of the Egyptians nor one of your children, touch my bier, because there are some among them who have taken [wives] from the daughters of Canaan.56Cf. Gen. R. 84:21; PRK 39, according to which there was no such intermarriage. And so it says (in Gen. 50:12-13), “So his children did for him just as he had commanded them. And his children brought him up to the land of Canaan.” His children, but not his grandchildren (who were forbidden to touch the bier)! How did he charge them? He said to them, “Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun shall carry my bier on the East; Reuben, Simeon, and Gad, on the South; Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin, on the West; Dan, Asher, and Naphtali, on the North. Joseph is not to carry [at all], because he is a king; and you must impart honor to him. Nor is Levi to carry. Why? Because he will carry the ark (aron), and whoever carries the ark of the One who lives forever is not to carry a coffin (aron) of the dead. If you do this and carry my bier, just as I have charged you, the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to have you encamp by the various standards.” When he passed away, they carried him just as he had charged them. It is so stated (in Gen. 50:12), “So his children did for him just as he had commanded them.” What is written next (in vs. 13)? “And his children brought him up to the land of Canaan.” When Israel went forth from Egypt, the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Now is the time for them to make standards, just as their father had proclaimed to them that they were going to make standards.” Immediately the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Make those standards for my name.” Immediately Moses began to be concerned. He said, “There is going to be dissension among the tribes. If I tell the tribe of Judah to encamp in the East, they will say, ‘It is impossible for us to encamp anywhere but in the South.’ And so each and every tribe [would act] like that one.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “What concern is that to you? They do not need you in this matter. They will recognize their dwellings by themselves. Why? Because their father's will was in their hand on how to encamp by the standards. I am not establishing something new. They already have their father's arrangements57Gk.: taxeis. in their hands. Just as they have taken positions around his bier, so let them take positions around the tabernacle.” Where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Numb. 2:2), “Each with his standard, under the banners [for their fathers' house].” How were they encamped? The Levites camped around the tabernacle of witness, with Moses, Aaron, and his children on the East.58See Numb. R. 2:10. It is so stated (in Numb. 3:38), “Those who camped before the tabernacle, in front before the tent of meeting to the East, were Moses, Aaron, and his children.” And adjacent to them were Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. Hence they said, “Fortunate is the righteous person and fortunate are his neighbors.”59Suk. 56b. See below, Numb. 5:8. This refers to the three tribes (rt.: shbt) which were adjacent to Moses and Aaron.60Gen. R. 3:13; Numb. R. 3:12. They became great in the Torah, as stated (in Gen. 49:10), “The scepter (shbt) shall not depart from Judah, nor the inscriber from between his feet.” In the case of Issachar it is written, (in I Chron. 12:33), “And from the Children of Issachar, those who had an understanding of the times,61The midrash regards UNDERSTANDING as synonymous with Torah. to know what Israel should do; their heads numbered two hundred and all their kindred under their command ('al pihem),” because they harmonize law (halakhah) at their command ('al pihem). [Of Zebulun it is written] (in Jud. 5:14), “and from Zebulun those who wield the scribal pen.” Because they were neighbors [of Torah, embodied by Moses] they all became children of Torah (i.e., Torah scholars). Now on the South were the Children of Kohath (ben Levi), and adjacent to them were Reuben, Simeon, and Gad. Hence they say, “Woe to the wicked person; and woe to his neighbor.”62Suk. 56b; Numb. R. 18:5; ARN, A, 9:1; see Avot 1:7. These are the three tribes which were neighbors of Korah (the grandson of Kohath) and his community in the South. These were destroyed with him in his dissension (as stated in Numb. 16:32), “And the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them, their households, every person that belonged to Korah, and their property.” On the West were the Children of Gershom (i.e., Gershon ben Levi), with Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin being adjacent to them. And on the North were the Children of Merari (ben Levi), with Dan, Naphtali, and Asher being adjacent to them. Seven clouds of glory were surrounding them, and this was their [method] of travel: There was a sign63Gk.: semeion. for Moses in the cloud when it departed. When it departed, he would say (in Numb. 10:35), “Rise up, O Lord, and may Your enemies be scattered.” Then the cloud would depart. When the cloud departed, they all prepared to travel and put away their implements. Whoever had a domestic beast put them on it; and if [a person] had none, the cloud took the remainder. When they were settled, they blew the trumpets. Then Judah and its standard moved out, first its prince and his tribe after him.64CF. Numb. R. 2:7. And as signs for each and every prince there was a flag.65Lat. (from the Punic): mappa And from them the empire learned to make a flag. There was also a color for each and every flag, like the color of the precious stones which were on the heart of Aaron. Each and every tribe had its flag dyed like the color of its stone. Then over them were the clouds. Until they were settled, they blew the trumpets. They traveled, and likewise the clouds [traveled over them]. Moreover, something like a kind of beam came out of the cloud, so that they would know in which direction they would be traveling. So was the journey of each and every standard. [When] they finished going to where it wanted them to camp, [since] that cloud which appeared like a kind of beam had, as it were, been traveling independently, they knew that they would camp in that place. [When] clouds of glory stood still for them, they began putting [things] away in their tents where they were to rest. Then the cloud which was over the tabernacle, moved over the camp of the Levites in the middle of the camps. First it stood still. When it stood still, the Children of Kohath and the Children of Levi set up the tabernacle in the presence of all the camps before they came, as stated (in Numb. 10:21), “And they would set up the tabernacle before they came.” When they had set up the tabernacle, each and every one set up [camp] in his [proper] place. Then the clouds of glory stood over them. This was grandeur in the hands of Moses, for the cloud of the glorious Divine Presence did not come down to the tabernacle, until Moses had said (in Numb. 10:36), “Return, O Lord, to the myriad thousands of Israel.” Then the clouds of glory encompassed them. Moreover, the holy spirit says through Solomon (in Cant. 6:4), “You are as beautiful my darling, as (ke) tirzah.” What is the meaning of “ketirzah (ktrtsh, rt.: rtsh)?” That I am pleasing (mtrtsh, rt.: rtsh) to you.66Numb. R. 2:5. Another interpretation (of Cant. 6:4), “Ketirzah\" (rt.: rtsh) [means] just as you are pleasing (rt.: rtsh) to Me in the sacrifices. Thus it is stated (in Lev. 1:4), “And it shall be pleasing (rt.: rtsh) for Him to atone for him.” (Cant. 6:4, cont.,) “As comely as Jerusalem (yrushlym),” [means] like these ministering angels, in that they feared (rt.: yr') [Me] and were reconciled (rt.: shlm) to Me. (Ibid., cont.,) “Awesome as [hosts] with standards,” like the standards which I gave you. So when David sees [them], he says (in Ps. 147:20), “He has not done so for any nation,” only for it." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 2:2:) “Each with his standard.” This text is related (to Deut. 32:10), “He found him (i.e., Jacob) in a desert land.” [It was] a great find, [when] the Holy One, blessed be He, found Israel.67Numb. R. 2:6. [He was] like a person who, when traveling in the desert, finds grapes there. So did the Holy One, blessed be He, find Israel, as stated (in Hos. 9:10), “I found Israel like grapes in the desert.” It is therefore stated (in Deut. 32:10), “He found him in a desert land.” The world was a desert, before Israel came forth from Egypt. (Ibid., cont.,) “And in the void was a wailing desolation.” The world was void and wailing, before Israel received the Torah. But when Israel came forth from Egypt and received the Torah, [the Holy One, blessed be He,] enlightened the world, as stated (in Prov. 6:23), “For the commandment is a lamp, and Torah is a light.” [(Deut. 32:10, cont.,) “He encircled him, He watched over him, and He protected him as the pupil of His eye.”] What is the meaning of “He encircled him?” That he encompassed them with clouds of glory. “He watched over (rt.: byn) him,” in that He taught (rt.: byn) them the words of Torah. “He protected him.” Blessed are the ears that have heard to what extent did He cherish them, to what extent did He keep them, to what extent did He protect them. As much, as it were, “as the pupil of His eye.” See how He cherished them, kept them, and protected them. It is as the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Tell them to make a tabernacle, and I will dwell among them. I am, as it were, leaving the heavenly beings and coming down to dwell among them. And not only that, but I will make them standards for My name. Why? Because they are My children, as stated (in Deut. 14:1), ‘You are children of the Lord your God.’ Also they are my hosts, as stated (in Exod. 7:4), ‘and I will bring forth my hosts, [my people the Children of Israel,] from the Land of Egypt.’” Therefore, he made those standards for My name, as stated (in Numb. 2:2), “each with his standard.”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Numb. 2:2), “Each with his standard, under the banners.” This text is related (to Cant. 2:4), “He brought me unto the banquet house, [and His standard (dgl) over me is love].” What is the meaning of “He brought me unto the banquet house?”68Numb. R. 2:3. The midrash is seeking the connection between BANQUET HOUSE and HIS STANDARD. When the Holy One, blessed be He, was revealed upon mount Sinai, there descended with Him twenty-two thousand chariots of angels, as stated (in Ps. 68:18), “The chariots of God are two myriads, thousands for a doubling.”69The midrash interprets these words to mean: TWO MYRIADS (of 10,000 each) PLUS A THOUSAND DOUBLED for a total of 22,000. Now they all were arranged by standards (rt.: dgl). It is therefore stated (in Cant. 5:10), “the most prominent (rt.: dgl) of ten thousand.” When Israel saw them, as they were arrayed by standards (rt.: dgl), they yearned for standards. They said, “O that we might be arrayed with standards like them!” It is therefore stated (in Cant. 2:4), “He brought me unto the banquet house, [and His standard (dgl) over me is love].” The banquet house (literally: house of wine) is Mount Sinai, on which Torah was given, since [Torah] is compared to wine, as stated (in Prov. 9:5, where wisdom is saying), “and drink of the wine I have mixed.” Ergo (in Cant. 2:4), “He brought me unto the house of wine,” namely to Sinai. (Ibid., cont.,) “And His standard over me is love.” They said, “O that He may raise the standard of love over me!” And so it says (in Ps. 20:6), “Let us shout for joy in Your salvation, and in the name of our God let us set up our standards.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “Do you yearn for standards? By your life, I will fulfill your petition.” It is so stated (ibid., cont.), “may the Lord fulfill all your petitions.” Immediately the Holy One, blessed be He, made known His love to Israel and said to Moses, “Go and make those standards like the ones for which they have yearned. (Numb. 2:2:) “Each with his standard, under the banners […the Children of Israel shall camp,] at a distance.” What is the meaning of “at a distance?”70Cf. Numb. R. 2:9. At a distance of a mil.71Lat.: mille. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Israel shall be at a distance of two thousand cubits from the ark,” as stated (in Josh. 3:4), “Yet there shall be a distance between you and it of about two thousand cubits.” But Moses and Aaron shall be near to it, as stated (in Numb. 3:38), “Those who camped before the tabernacle, in front before the tent of meeting to the East, were Moses, Aaron, and his children….” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “If I become angry with My children, they will mediate between Me and My children.” For that reason they are near it, but the tribes (according to Numb. 2:2) shall camp around the tent of meeting at a distance. Another interpretation (of Numb. 2:2-3), “Each with his standard, under the banners […] Now those who camp in front to the East.” You find that in every place Judah is first.72Numb. R. 2:10. [It is] first in the case of standards, as stated (in Numb. 2:3), “Now those who camp in front to the East shall be [those under] the standard of the camp of Judah.” So much for camping. Where is it shown for traveling? Where it is stated (in Numb. 10:14), “And [in first place traveled] the camp standard of [the Children of] Judah.” Where is it shown for sacrifices? Where it is stated (in Numb. 7:12), “And the one who offered […] on the first day was Nahshon ben Amminadab of the tribe of Judah.” Where is it shown for warfare? Where it is written (in Jud. 1:1-2), “Who shall be the first to go up for us against the Canaanites to fight against them? Then the Lord said, ‘Let Judah go up.’” And also, when the herald [of messianic age] comes, Judah shall receive the good news first, as stated (in Nahum 2:1), “Behold over the mountains the feet of the herald announcing peace; celebrate your festivals, O Judah, fulfill your vows.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “In this world you yearned for standards and I fulfilled your petition; but in the future to come, by virtue of the banners, I shall redeem you; and in the merit of the forefathers, that are called mountains, I shall leap over (rt.: dlg) the end, as stated (in Cant. 2:8), ‘The voice of my beloved! Here he comes, leaping over the mountains….’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 3:14-15) “And the Lord spoke to Israel in the Sinai Desert, saying enroll the Children of Levi….” This text is related (to Ps. 92:13), “The righteous one shall flourish like the palm.” Just as the palm [casts] its shadow at a distance73Because the long trunk of the palm has no branches.; so the reward of the righteous is at a distance [from them].74Numb. R. 3:1; Gen. R. 40:1; M. Pss. 92:11; cf. above, Gen. 3:9. Just as the palm produces [ripe] dates and produces unripenable dates; so it is with Israel. It has Torah scholars within it, and it has ignoramuses ('amme ha'arets) within it. Just as the palm has within it unripenable dates, which never enter the storehouse, yet produces ripe dates, and these do enter the store house; so it was with Israel in the wilderness. Some of them did enter the land of Israel; yet some of them did not enter. (Ps. 92:13), “The righteous one shall flourish like the palm, [he shall thrive like a cedar in Lebanon].” Just as with the palm, if it is cut down or uprooted, another does not grow up in its stead; so also with the cedar, when it is uprooted or cut down, it does not grow again.75Cf. M. Pss. 92:11, according to which the cedar is unlike the palm in that its trunk can grow new shoots. The righteous are therefore to be compared with the palm and with the cedar.76Numb. R. 3:1, explains more fully that, like the palm and the cedar, the righteous cannot be replaced when they die. (Ps. 92:13) “The righteous one shall flourish like the palm.” Just as the palm produces dates and produces thorns, [so that] whenever anyone seeks to steal the dates, the thorns prevail against him; so it is with the righteous and the sages, the masters of Torah. Whoever does not preserve his soul from them falls to geiheinnom and is stricken in this world. Why? (Avot 2:10:) “Because their bite is the bite of a fox, their sting is the sting of a scorpion, their hiss is the hiss of a serpent, and all their words also are like coals of fire.” (Ps. 92:13) “The righteous one shall flourish like the palm.” [The passage] speaks about the tribe of Levi, in that the Holy One, blessed be He, set them apart because of their good works. And why are they compared to a palm? To tell you that just as the palm has only one heart, so too the tribe of Levi only has one heart for the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (Exodus 32:26), “And [Moses] said, ‘Whoever is for the Lord, to me!’ And all of the sons of Levi gathered to him.” What is written next (in vs. 14)? “Planted in the house of the Lord; they shall prosper in the courts of our God. [These words are] to teach you that they never moved from the Temple, as stated (in Ps. 101:6), “My eyes are on the faithful in the land that they may dwell with Me. The one who walks in the way of the blameless shall minister to Me.” It is therefore stated (in Ps. 92:14), “planted in the house of the Lord,” where no help was lacking for them, as stated (ibid., cont.), “they shall prosper in the courts of our God.” What is the meaning of “in the courts?” This text is related (to Ps. 65:5), “Fortunate is the one You choose and bring near to dwell in Your courts. May we be sated with the goodness of Your house, Your holy Temple.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In as much as they are My legions who do not move from My house,77Lat.: legiones; Gk.: legeones. go and number them.” It is therefore stated (in Numb. 3:15), “Enroll the Children of Levi….”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 3:15:) “Enroll the Children of Levi….” This text is related (to Ps. 68:7), “God causes individuals to dwell in a home.” A certain matron78Lat.: matrona. asked R. Jose ben Halafta, “In how many days [did the Holy One, blessed be He, create the world?” He said to her, “In six days, as stated (in Exod. 31:17), ‘for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth.’”79Gen. R. 68:4; Lev. R. 8:1; Numb. R. 3:6; PRK 2:4; below, Numb. 9:9; cf. above, Gen. 1:2. She said to him, “Ever since the world was created, what does He do?” “He sits [there] arranging marriages and issuing decrees. So He says, ‘So-and-so shall marry so-and-so.’” (Ps. 68:7), “God causes individuals to dwell in a home.” Who are they? This was Amram and his wife Yochebed, since through their merit the Holy One, blessed be He, brought Israel out of Egypt, where they had been enslaved with clay and bricks.80The Exodus theme is suggested by what follows in Ps. 68:7): HE BRINGS OUT THE PRISONERS INTO PROSPERITY, Cf. M. Pss. 68:4. What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He married Yochebed to Amram in order to raise up from them a redeemer for Israel and from them to raise up high priests. It is therefore stated (ibid.), “God causes individuals to dwell in a home.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In as much as this tribe is accustomed to be raising up redeemers, go and number them.” (Numb. 3:15:) “Enroll the Children of Levi….” But it is written in another place (i.e., in Numb. 1:49), “However, you shall not enroll the tribe of Levi, nor shall you take a census of them.”81Cf. Numb. R. 3:7. When Israel had made the calf, what is written there (in Exod. 32:26)? “So Moses stood up in the gate of the camp and said, ‘Whoever is for the Lord, to me!’ And all of the sons of Levi gathered to him.” Hence the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, (in the words of Numb. 3:15), “Enroll the Children of Levi.” R. Judah bar Shallum said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, is accustomed to numbering [the children of] this tribe in every case while they are young.82Numb. R. 3:8. How is it shown? When the Holy One, blessed be He, told Jacob to go down to Egypt, at that time he numbered Israel and his children; and all of them were found [to number] sixty-six, as stated (in Gen. 46:26), “And all the souls of the House of Jacob that came that came to Egypt… were sixty-six.” [In addition were] Joseph's two sons, plus Joseph, for a total of seventy minus one. But it says (in vs. 27), “all the souls of the House of Jacob, which came to Egypt, were seventy.” R. Levi said that R. Samuel bar Nahman said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, customarily numbers this tribe while they are in their mother's womb.”83Gen. R. 94:9 and M. Pss. 92:12. R. Berekhyah the Priest said, “There is not enough resin to flow out before they collect it.84Rt.: SPG; cf. the Gk.: spoggos (“sponges”). So it was in the case of Jochebed. Her mother was pregnant with her; and while she was in her mother's womb, she was numbered together with her.” Resh Laqish said, “While her mother was entering the gate of Egypt, her mother gave birth to her. The statement is therefore made concerning seventy souls (in Gen. 46:27).” And also concerning her children's children, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses (in Numb. 3:15), “you shall enroll every male from the age of a month and upward.” Moses said to him, “Am I able to persevere and go around into their courtyards and into the midst of their houses to number each and every one of them, when You say (ibid.), ‘every male from the age of a month and upward?’”85Numb. R. 1:9. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “You do your [part], and I will do my [part].” R. Judah bar Shalom the Levite said, “Moses would go and stand at the gate of the tent [in question]. Then the Divine Presence would draw near and say to him, ‘There are five infants in this tent; there are ten infants in that tent.’” Where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Numb. 3:16), “So Moses enrolled them according to the word (literally, according to the mouth) of the Lord, as he had been commanded,” [i.e.,] just as the Divine Presence told him." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 3:15:) “Enroll the Children of Levi.” This tribe was dearer to the Holy One, blessed be He,86Numb. R. 3:8. than all the tribes, as stated (in I Sam. 2:28), “And I chose him from all the tribes of Israel to be My priest….” How so? The Holy One, blessed be He, created days and chose one of them for Himself, as stated (in Ps. 139:16), “days were formed, and one of them was His own.”87English translations vary widely, but this interpretation is quite literal and fits the sense of the midrash. And which is it? R. Levi says, “This is the Sabbath.” He created years and chose one of them for Himself, i.e., the seventh, as stated (in Lev. 25:2), “Then the land shall observe a Sabbath for the Lord.” He created weeks [of years] and chose one of them for Himself, i.e., the Jubilee, as stated (in Lev. 25:10), “And you shall sanctify the fiftieth year.” He created countries, and chose one of them for Himself, [i.e.,] the land of Israel, as stated (in Deut. 11:12), “A land for which the Lord your God always cares.” And so the Holy One, blessed be He, calls it His land, as stated (in Joel 4:2), they have divided up My land. He created firmaments and chose one of them for Himself, i.e., ‘aravot,88Aravot’ is the name of the seventh heaven. as stated (in Ps. 68:5), “Build a way for the One who rides in the 'aravot; the Lord is His name.” He created seventy peoples and chose one of them for Himself, i.e., Israel, as stated (in Deut. 7:6), “the Lord your God has chosen you to be for Himself a treasured people,” a worthy (KShR) nation, and you are worthy (KShR). Now (according to Deut. 7:6), “the Lord your God has chosen you….” Why did He choose you? Because He loved you, as stated (in Hos. 14:5), “I will love them generously”; and it is written (in Deut. 7:8), “Because the Lord loved you.” He created tribes and chose one of them for Himself, i.e., the tribe of Levi, as stated (in I Sam. 2:28), “And I chose him from all the tribes of Israel to be My priest….” He therefore especially cherishes him. So he says to Moses each time (as in Numb. 3:15), “Enroll the Children of Levi [….]” “Every male.” Why did he say, “every male,” and not mention the noun, female? Because the glory of God arises from the males. [Ergo,] “every male.” David has stated (in Ps. 127:3), “Behold, sons are the heritage of the Lord”; i.e., the males. “The fruit of the womb, a reward,” for if females come, says the Holy One, blessed be He, “they also are a reward.” And why does he enroll them [each and every time]? Because they are His troops,89Gk.: taxeis. and the King has much joy in His troops. Moreover, you find that the whole tribe of Levi was diminished (in number). And why were they diminished? Because they see the Divine Presence much. So also when Israel came up from the captivity, they did not find any of them, because they had been diminished, as stated (in Ezra 8:15), “so I viewed the people and the priests, but I found there none of the Children of Levi.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In this world they were destroyed, because they had seen the Divine Presence, since it is stated (in Exod. 33:20), “For no human shall see Me and live.” But in the future to come, when I restore my Divine Presence to Zion, I will be revealed in My glory over all Israel. Then they shall see Me and live forever. Thus it is stated (in Is. 52:8), “for eye to eye they shall see the return of the Lord to Zion.” And not only that, but they shall point out My glory to each other with the finger, while saying (in the words of Ps. 48:15), “For this God, our God...” It also says (in Is. 25:9), “And in that day they shall say, ‘See, this is our God; we waited for Him and He delivered us]; this is the Lord; we waited for Him. Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 3:40:) “And the Lord said unto Moses, ‘Enroll every [first-born] male….’” Let our master instruct us: When an infant is born at six months, does one profane the Sabbath for it?90Numb. R. 4:3. Thus have our masters taught: When an infant is born at six months one does not profane the Sabbath for it, cut its umbilical cord, bury its placenta, or move it from place to place; however, its mother does lean over it to suckle it.91TShab. 15[16]:5; Shab. 135a. And in the case of one moving it on the Sabbath, it is as though he were moving a stone. [When there is] doubt [whether it is] an nine-month infant or a eight-month infant, one does not profane the Sabbath for it, cut its umbilical cord, bury its placenta, or move it from place to place. [When there is] doubt [whether it is] a nine-month infant or a eight-month infant, one does not profane the Sabbath for it, cut its umbilical cord, bury its placenta, or move it from place to place. [When there is] doubt [whether it is] a seven-month infant or an eight-month infant, one does not profane the Sabbath for it, etc. But if it is a sure thing that it is [an infant of] seven months, one does profane the Sabbath for it, because it is capable of life. However, in the case of one born at eight [months], it is not capable of life. For that reason one does not profane the Sabbath for it. They asked R. Abbahu, “Where is it shown that one born at seven months will live?”92yYev. 4:2 (5d); Gen. R. 14:2; 20:6. He said to them, “In the Greek93YWNYT. Cf. Gk.; Iones. language zeta94This letter name sounds like word, zete, a Gk. pres. pl. imperative, which means, “live.” is hepta (the greek number seven); eta95This letter sounds like the Gk. word, ite, a pres. pl. imperative, which means, “go.” The corresponding imperfect form (ete) is even closer. is okto (the greek number eight).” Now which is [an infant] of eight months? Anyone whose hair and nails are undeveloped. R. Simeon b. Gamaliel says, “Whoever does not live thirty days has not [completed] his months, but is a miscarriage.”96Shab. 135b; Yev. 36b, 80b. And how much did the opinion of Rabban Simeon ben Gamaliel depend on the words of Torah, because the first-born were only redeemed after thirty days, as so is it written (in Numb. 18:16), “And their redemption money — from a month of age [and older] you shall redeem them.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 3:40:) “Enroll every first-born male.” This text is related (to Is. 43:4), “Because you are precious in my eyes, you are honored, and I love you….” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Jacob, “Jacob, you are exceedingly precious in My eyes.97Numb. R. 4:1. Why? Because I, as it were, have installed your image98Gk.: eikonion. on My glorious throne, and in your name the angels praise Me and say (in Ps. 41:14), “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,99Israel here is the patriarch Jacob, not the people. from everlasting to everlastings.” Ergo (in Is. 43:4), “Because you are precious in my eyes, you are honored.” Another interpretation (of Is. 43:4), “Because you are precious….” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Jacob, you are precious in my eyes because I and my angels were, as it were, standing over you when you set out for Paddan-Aram and when you came back.” It is so stated (in Gen. 28:10-13), “And Jacob set out…. When he came across a certain place…. Then he dreamed that there was a ladder [placed on earth with its top reaching to the heavens; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.] And behold, the Lord stood over him….” R. Hosha'ya said, “Blessed is the one born of woman who has seen the King and his household100Lat.: familia. standing over him and ministering to him.” But where is it shown in reference to his coming back? Where it is stated (in Gen. 32:2), “So Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him.” So much for the angels, but where is it shown for the Divine Presence? (Gen. 35:9), “Now God appeared unto Jacob again….” It is therefore stated (in Is. 43:4), “Because you are precious in My eyes.” Another interpretation (of Is. 43:4), “Because you are precious in My eyes, you are honored.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “You are precious in my eyes, because to all the nations I gave no numbering (minyan), but to you I did give a numbering.” To what is this comparable? It is comparable to a king of flesh and blood who had a lot of granaries, but all of them were dirty and full of darnel; so he was not meticulous about their numbering. [There was,] however, this granary [which had] beautiful wheat. He said to his household, “Those granaries that are dirty and full of darnel; I will not be meticulous about their numbering. But this granary has beautiful wheat. I therefore want to be meticulous in numbering how many kor101One kor is equivalent to somewhat under 400 liters. there are, how many sacks there are in it, [and] how many measures there are in it.” Similarly this king is the Supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He; and this granary (goren) is Israel, since it is stated (in Is. 21:10), “My threshing, and the product (literally: the child) of My threshing floor (goren).” It also says (in Jer. 2:3), “Israel is the Lord's sanctuary, the beginning of His harvest.” The child of His house is Moses, as stated (in Numb. 12:7), “he is trusted in all My house.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, The nations are [comparable to thorns], as stated (in Is. 33:12), “And the peoples shall become burnings of lime, thorns cut down that are burned in the fire.” Therefore, you shall not be meticulous about numbering them, but Israel is righteous, chosen wheat, as stated (in Is. 60:21), “And all of your people are righteous.” It also says (in Cant. 4:7), “You are beautiful all over, My beloved, and there is no blemish in you.” Therefore, be meticulous in counting Israel. Moses did so. He numbered them [to determine] how many kor there were, as stated (in Numb. 1:2), “Take a census…”; how many sacks there were, as stated (in Numb. 2:4), “Its host and those of them enrolled”; and how many measures there were, as stated (in Numb. 3:40), “enroll every first-born male.”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Numb. 3:40), “enroll every first-born male.” This text is related (to Cant. 6:8-9), “There are sixty queens, eighty concubines, and maidens without number; [but only] One is My dove, My perfect one….” [The matter] is comparable to a certain merchant,102Gk.: pragmateutes (“business representative”). who had glass beads,103Numb. R. 4:2. which he would bring to market; but he paid no attention to their number (minyan), because he had brought them out without counting (minyan) [them]. So when he came in to put them away, he put them away without counting. Because they were [made] of glass, he did not pay attention to them. However, he had a certain string104Lat.: linea. of fine pearls;105Gk. margelis. and this he would take and bring out with a count, then put away with a count. Similarly, as it were, the Holy One, blessed be He, said [in regard] to the nations of the world, “I have not given them a count, because none of them is important to me, as stated (in Is. 40:17), ‘All the nations are as nothing before Him; they are considered by Him as less than nothing and void.’ But as for you, you are My children, [as stated (in Is. 46:3)], ‘the ones who have been borne by Me from birth, carried from the womb.’ I therefore count you on every occasion.” It is therefore stated (in Numb. 3:40), “enroll every first-born male.” Ergo (in Cant. 6:8-9), “There are sixty queens […]; [but only] One is My dove, My perfect one….” This is Israel. Another interpretation (of Numb. 3:40), “enroll every first-born male.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Because of the love for Israel I have altered the [natural] order of the world.106Numb. R. 4:5. How? I had written in My Torah that an ass should be redeemed with a lamb, as stated (in Exod. 34:20), “But the firstling of an ass you shall redeem with a lamb (seh) ….” But I did not do so. Instead I redeemed a lamb (seh) with an ass. The Egyptians are likened to an ass, where it is stated (in Ezek. 23:20), “whose flesh is like the flesh of asses”; and Israel is called a lamb (seh), where it is stated (in Jer. 50:17), “Israel is a scattered flock (seh).” Then I slew the first-born of the Egyptians and sanctified the first-born of Israel, as stated (in Numb. 3:13), “For every first-born belongs to Me on the day that I smote all the first-born in the land of Egypt,” I sanctified them for Myself. He therefore said to him (in Numb. 3:40), “enroll every first-born male among the Children of Israel.”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Numb. 3:40), “enroll every first-born male.” But look, we find two hundred and seventy-three first-born, who were found to be in excess of the [number of] the Levites at the time that Moses numbered them.107Numb. R. 4:7. According to Numb. 3:43, there were 22,273 first-born, while Numb. 3:39 put the number of Levites at 22,000. The problem for Moses was that he had been commanded (in Numb. 3:44-45) to replace all the first-born with Levites. R. Judah and R. Nehemiah [differ about this].108Numb. R. 4:10; ySanh. 1:4 (19c). R. Judah says, “This is what Moses did: he took [twenty-two thousand] lots109Gk.: pittakia (“tickets”); Lat.: pittacia (“ticket”). and wrote ‘Levite,’ on each of them. Then he took two hundred and seventy-three more lots and wrote ‘five sela'im110A sela‘ is equal to one sacred or two common shekels. Thus five sela‘im matches the payment of five shekels required in Numb. 3:46-47. [on each of them]. He mixed them up and put them in an urn.111Gk.: kalpe. For more details about such an urn, see Yoma 39a. Then the father of a first-born would put his hand into the urn. If there came up in his hand a lot on which was written ‘Levite,’ he was redeemed (by a Levite) and exempted from the five sela'im; but if there came up in his hand a lot on which was written ‘five sela'im,’ he handed over five sela'im.” These are the words of R. Judah. R. Nehemiah says, “There is still a difference of opinion on the matter, because one could say to him, ‘There is no lot [remaining] here on which “Levite\" is written.112Sanh. 17a. That is the reason it did not come up in my hand.’ Instead this is what Moses did: He took lots according to the number of all the first-born, and wrote ‘Levite’ on them. Then again he took other lots according to their number and wrote ‘five sela'im’ on them. He mixed them up and put them in an urn. Then the father of a first-born would reach into the urn. If a lot with ‘Levite’ came up in his hand, he knew that a Levite had redeemed him, and had exempted him from the five sela'im; but if a lot with ‘five sela'im’ came up in his hand, he handed over five sela'im. Then the officer said to him, ‘Was there not another lot there on which \"Levite\" was written? So you are not worthy of being redeemed by a Levite.’” (Numb. 3:40:) “Enroll (rt.: pqd) every first-born male.” There is [a use of] the root pqd for the first born, as stated (ibid.), “enroll (rt.: pqd) every first-born male.”113Numb. R. 4:4. There is [a use of] the root pqd for children (in I Sam. 2:21), “For the Lord visited (rt.: pqd) Hannah; so she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters.” There is [a use of] the root pqd for watching over (in Job 10:12), “and Your providence (rt.: pqd) has watched over my spirit.” There is [a use of] the root pqd for peace (in Is. 60:17), “and I will appoint peace as your overseer (rt.: pqd).”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 4:17-18:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, ‘Do not cut off the tribe of the Kohathite families [from the Levites].’” This text is related (to Prov. 22:22), “Do not rob the impoverished because he is impoverished.” R. Tanhuma bar Abba said that R. Levi said, “’Do not rob the impoverished because he is impoverished.’ This refers to the lupine114Gk.: thermos (“hot”). which arrives with the dessert. One should not say, ‘There are nuts and dates before me. I will say the blessing over them and leave the lupine alone.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said (ibid.), ‘Do not rob the impoverished because he is impoverished.’” R. Hezekiah said that R. Jeremiah bar Abba said in the name of R. Johanan, “It is with reference to everyone who does not say something in the name of the one who said it that the text says (ibid.), ‘do not rob the impoverished because he is impoverished.’115See Avot 6:3. So when a person hears something, it is necessary to cite it in the name of the one who [originally] said it, even though [doing so takes up] more than a third of a law (halakhah).” Thus our masters have taught (in Pe'ah 2:6): R. Nahum the Scribe116Livlar. Cf. Lat.: libellaris (“documentary”); libellarius (“relating to a written rental contract”); librarius (“scribe,” “copyist”). said, “I have received from R. May'asha, who received […] from the elders, a law (halakhah) of Moses from Sinai. So it is with reference to whoever does not say something in the name of the one who said it that the text (of Prov. 22:22) says, ‘do not rob the impoverished.’ But everyone who does say something in the name of the one who said it brings redemption into the world.117Meg. 15a. From whom have you learned it? From Esther when she heard of the matter from Mordecai. For that reason she was worthy of having Israel be redeemed at her hands.” Ergo, if you hear something, cite it in the name of the one who said it. Another interpretation (of Prov. 22:22), “Do not rob the impoverished.” It speaks about the tribe of Levi, and it is calling the tribe of Levi poor.118See Numb. R. 5:2. Were [the Levites] poor? R. Judah bar Simon and our masters [differ about the matter]. One of them says, “Why were they called poor? Because they were poor from [lack of] inheritance, as stated (in Josh. 13:33), ‘But Moses gave no inheritance to the tribe of Levi….’ Therefore, do not rob them of the donations, which I have told you [to give].” But the other (i.e., our masters) says, “It is because they were poor in number. Why so? Because the ark was destroying them. Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded Moses and said (in Numb. 4:18), ‘Do not cut off the tribe of the Kohathite families [from the Levites].’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 4:18:) “Do not cut off.” Let our master instruct us: In the case of one who commits a transgression punishable with excision according to the Torah, how do they receive pardon [and] become freed from their excision?119See Numb. R. 5:4. Thus have our masters taught (in Mak. 3:15): All who are liable to excision, when they have been scourged, are exempt from their excision, as stated (in Deut. 25:2-3), “then the judge shall have him lie down…. He may give him forty lashes but no more…; then your brother would be degraded.” When he has been scourged, then he is [again] your brother. And why forty lashes? It is simply that, because this adam was forty days in creation120The Rabbis believed that the fetus takes forty days to develop into a human shape. See Nid. 3:7; Ber. 60a; Men. 99b; also Philo, Quaestiones, Gen. 1:25. and transgressed against the Torah, which was forty days in the giving, he will be given forty lashes and be exempt from his punishment (i.e., from excision). And so you find in the case of the first Adam. When he was commanded and told (in Gen. 2:17), “But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat …,” he incurred the sentence of death; and the world was scourged with forty punishments: ten for Adam, ten for Eve, ten for the serpent, ten for the land. Therefore, when a person commits one of the transgressions [punishable by death], he is scourged with forty lashes. And so you find with each and every thing that the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded Moses, [there were] warnings and punishments. It is written concerning the Sabbath (Exod. 20:8), “Remember the Sabbath day,” as a warning; and as a punishment (there is Exod. 31:14), “whoever profanes it shall surely be put to death.” They came to the desert and (according to Numb. 15:32) found one gathering [wood on the Sabbath], but Moses did not know by what death he should be killed. However, (according to Lev. 24:12) “They left him in custody [because it was not clear what should be done to him.]” The Holy One, blessed be He, said (in vs. 35), “The person shall surely be put to death; [all the congregation] shall stone him with stones.” Immediately Moses rose in prayer and said, “Sovereign of the world, if a man should so sin, should he [really] be stoned? Behold, they would be destroyed. Make an [other] arrangement for them.” He said to him, “Let them be scourged with forty lashes, and they will be exempt from excision.” Similarly when the children of Aaron died, the tribe of Kohath saw them. They began yelling to Moses, saying, “Are we to die like that?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Just as I have made an [alternate] arrangement for Aaron, as stated (in 16:3), ‘In this way shall Aaron come [into the sanctuary]…’; so also for the Kohathite families I am making a similar arrangement, lest they die, as stated (Numb. 4:19), ‘Do this for them (i.e., for the Kohathites) that they may live and not die….’” Where is it shown? From what they read on the matter (in Numb. 4:18), “Do not cut off….”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 4:18:) “Do not cut off.” This text is related (to Ps. 33:18), “Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him….” The text speaks along many lines of thought.121Shittim. For this use of the word, Buber, n. 209, cites Lev. R. 34:8. For the other interpretations, see above, Gen. 6:5. For what we need, however, it is speaking about the tribe of Levi.122Numb. R. 5:1. And where is it shown? Where the tribe of Levi is called those who fear the Lord, as stated (in Mal. 2:5), “and I gave them (i.e., life and peace) as well as fear, and he feared Me.” (Ps. 33:19) “On those who wait for His steadfast love,” because they are always waiting for the name of the Holy One, blessed be He. (Ps. 33:19:) “To deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine,” through the twenty-four gifts which the Holy One, blessed be He, has given them.123THal. 2:7-9; BQ 110b (bar.); Hul. 133b (bar.); cf. Hal. 4:9. These are them: ten in the sanctuary, ten within the borders, and four in Jerusalem. The ten in the sanctuary: the sin offering (Lev. 6:17-23; Zev. 5:3), the guilt offering (Lev. 5:14-16, 20-26; 19:20-22; Zev. 5:5), the peace sacrifices and the community peace sacrifices (Lev. 23:19-20; Zev. 5:5), the sin offering of a fowl (Lev. 5:8), the guilt offering for a doubtful sin (Lev. 5:17-19; Zev. 5:5), the leper's log of oil (Lev. 14:12), the two loaves (Lev. 23:17), the shewbread (Exod. 25:30; Lev. 24:5-9), the remnant of the omer (Lev. 23:10-12; Men. 10:4), and the remainder of the meal offering (Lev. 2:3).
The ten within the borders: the terumah (Numb. 18:12), the terumah of the tithe (Numb. 18:25-29), the hallah (Numb. 15:18-21), the first of the shorn wool (Deut. 18:4), the shoulder, the cheeks, and the stomach (Deut. 18:3), the redemption of the [first-born] son (Numb. 18:15-16), [the redemption of] a firstling ass (Exod. 13:13), [the payment for] the robbery of a proselyte (Thal. 2:9; Bq 110b; Hul. 133b), things consecrated (Numb. 18:14; Bik. 3:12), and a field of possession (Lev. 27:16-21)
The four in Jerusalem: the firstlings [of animals] (Numb. 18:17-18), the first fruits (Exod. 23:19; Numb. 18:13; Hal. 4:9), the priest's share from the thank-offering ram and from the nazarite ram, the breast of the peace offerings, and the thigh (Exod. 29:27-28; Lev. 7:12-14; 31-34; 10:14-15; Numb. 6:13-20; 18:18), and skins of [burnt, sin, and guilt] offerings (Lev. 7:8; Zev. 12:3)
Behold, these are twenty-four gifts. Ergo (in Ps. 33:19), “and to keep them alive in famine. (Numb. 4:18) “Do not cut off [the tribe of the Kohathite families from the Levites].” The Holy One, blessed be He, foresaw that Korah was going to arise and disagree about the priesthood.124Cf. Numb. R. 5:5. The Holy One, blessed be He, said. “I will not destroy the Levites because of Korah.” (Numb. 4:18:) “Do not cut off [the tribe of the Kohathite families from the Levites].” This text is related (to Is. 48:9), “For the sake of My name I will delay My anger, and for My praise I will hold back for you so as not to cut you off.” To what is the matter comparable?125Numb. R. 5:6. To a king who had a son that was associated with bandits;126Gk.: lestai. and when they were captured, his son was captured with them. The king said, “What shall I do? Shall I execute the robbers? Possibly my son is with them. Instead, for the sake of my son, I will exonerate them for now.” Similarly, the Levites carried the tabernacle. Thus it is stated (in Numb. 7:9), “But to the Children of Kohath he gave no [wagons], because they had the service of the holy.” When the Holy One, blessed be He, saw that Korah and his assembly were going to be opposed to Moses and Aaron, the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “What shall I do with these? To kill them in the desert is not possible.” Why? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, had taken half of His name and bestowed it upon them, the yh (of yhwh) in the Kohathite (hqhty in Numb. 4:18).127Numb. R. 5:6, and Yalqut Shim‘oni, Is. 48:9, 326 (466) add that the letters from the divine name appear at the end and the beginning of HQHTY, and Numb. R. explains further that the Holy One added the definite article (H) to the name, Kohathite, for this very reason. It therefore says (in Is. 48:9), “For the sake of My name I will delay128Literally: LENGTHEN. This verb may have suggested that the Holy One deliberately lengthened the name, Kohathite, with the addition of the article. My anger….”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 4:18) “Do not cut off.” See how well the text has said (in II Kings 14:27), “And the Lord did not resolve to blot out the name of Israel from under the heavens.” The Holy One, blessed be He, does not wish that anyone from Israel would die.129Numb. R. 5:3. See what is written (in Is. 56:3), “And let not the foreigner who has attached himself to the Lord speak, saying, ‘The Lord will surely separate me from His people.’” Now if in the case of a foreigner I have promised not to reject him, how much the more so with My [own] children. Ergo (in II Kings 14:27), “the Lord did not resolve to blot out the name of Israel.” [And so it was with] the Gibeonites, who were not true proselytes, but were cursed proselytes in that they were proselytized out of fear. [Still] I accepted them. And when Saul wanted to harm them and killed some of them, I killed him.130Lev. R. 22:5; Numb. R. 8:4; yQid. 4:1 (65c). And not only that, but I sent three years famine because of them, as stated (in II Sam. 21:1), “And there was a famine in the days of David for three years, one year after the other.” Now surely if I did not reject the Gibeonites who came to be with you, shall I reject My children? Ergo (in II Kings 14:27), “And the Lord did not resolve to blot out [the name of Israel from under the heavens].” And how much the more so in the case of the Levites, who minister before Me? Ergo (in Numb. 4:18), “Do not cut off [the tribe of the Kohathite families from the Levites].”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 4:18) “Do not cut off.” This text is related (to Nahum 1:7), “The Lord is good, a shelter in the day of trouble; He knows those who trust in Him.” The nature of the Holy One, blessed be He, is unlike the nature of flesh and blood.131Numb. R. 5:3. In the case of a king of flesh and blood, when a province rebels against him, he acts against it with an indiscriminate punishment132Gk.: androlempsia or androlepsia (“seizure of foreigners” in reprisal for murder committed abroad). and kills the good along with the bad. Now the Holy One, blessed be He, is not like that. Rather, when a generation provokes Him, He saves the righteous and destroys the wicked. The generation of Enosh sinned. He destroyed them but rescued Enoch, as stated (in Gen. 5:24), “And Enoch walked with God.” Why? (Nahum 1:7:) “[The Lord is good, a shelter] in the day of trouble; He knows those who trust in Him.” The generation of the flood provoked Him. So He destroyed them, as stated (in Gen. 7:23), “And He blotted out all existence”; but He rescued Noah, as stated (in Gen. 6:8), “And Noah found favor [in the eyes of the Lord].” And similarly with the Sodomites, He destroyed them, as stated (in Gen. 19:24), “Then the Lord rained down upon Sodom”; but He rescued Lot, as stated (in vs. 29), “and sent Lot away.” He brought darkness upon the Egyptians, but (according to Exod. 10:23) “all the Children of Israel had light in their dwellings.” Why? (Nahum 1:7:) “[The Lord is good, a shelter] in the day of trouble; He knows those who trust in Him.” They went forth from Egypt and came to the desert. [There] they committed that deed (i.e., the incident of the golden calf), [all] except for the tribe of Levi. Thus it is stated (in Exod. 32:26), “[So Moses stood up in the gate of the camp and said,] ‘Whoever is for the Lord, to me!’ And all of the sons of Levi gathered to him.” [What is the meaning of “Whoever is for the Lord?”] Whoever (in Exod. 32:3) has not given a ring for the calf, let him come unto me. [To him] the Holy One, blessed be He, said (in Nahum 1:7), “[The Lord is good, a shelter] in the day of trouble; He knows those who trust in Him.” Moshe immediately arose and killed the sinners, as stated (Exodus 32:28), “And the Children of Levi did like the word of Moses.” With reference to the tribe of Levi, however, which gave their lives for the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, He thus said to Moses and Aaron (in Numb. 4:18), “Do not cut off….” And so He says in another place (i.e., in Numb. 3:15), “Enroll the Children of Levi.” But He has also said (in Numb. 1:49), “However, you shall not enroll the tribe of Levi.” Why? In order to exclude them from the decree. As the Holy One, blessed be He, foresaw that Israel was going to provoke Him and said to them (in Numb. 14:29), “In this desert shall your carcasses drop.” Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “The Children of Levi shall not be [part of] this decree, as stated (in Numb. 1:49, cont.), ‘nor shall you take a census of them as part of the Children of Israel.’ Why? Because they are Mine, as stated (Numb. 3:12), ‘and the Levites shall be mine.’” Thus when anyone offers (rt.: qrb) a little of himself, they advance (rt.: qrb) him a lot. Now they had offered (rt.: qrb) themselves, when Moses said (in Exod. 32:26), “Whoever is for the Lord, to me!” And not only that, but the Holy One, blessed be He, said (according to Numb. 1:50) “You shall enroll the Levites to be over the tabernacle of the testimony.” Thus when someone is tested in [one] area and found trustworthy, the Holy One, blessed be He, trusts him forever; for so you find in the case of Joshua.133Numb. R. 1:12. When he was tested with Amalek, he prevailed against him according to the law and according to the commandment. It is so stated (in Exod. 17:13), “And Joshua defeated Amalek and his people….” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “From your tribe (Ephraim) I am raising up one to exact punishment from Amalek, as stated (in Jud. 5:14), “Out of Ephraim came those whose root is in Amalek….” What is the meaning of out of (mny) Ephraim? He appointed (mnh) Ephraim alone to destroy the seed of Amalek. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (ibid., cont.), “’After you, Benjamin with your peoples,’ [i.e.,] leave him for Saul ben Kish, the Benjamite; he will uproot him.” Another interpretation (of Jud. 5:14), “Out of Ephraim.” Saul was tested and found untrustworthy in his commission. Rather (according to I Sam. 15:9), “But Saul and the people spared Agag.” He put him back after him (i.e., behind Ephraim, the tribe of Joshua and Samuel) and the kingdom was taken from him, as stated (in Jud. 5:14), “after you (i.e., Ephraim), Benjamin with your peoples.” And I have also tested this tribe (of Levi), and they have been found to be preserving My honor; for they have given their life for the sanctification of My name (in Exod. 32:27-28), “Let each one put his sword on his thigh [….] So the Children of Levi acted according to the word of Moses,” and they did not show favoritism. Therefore, Moses blesses them and says to them (in Deut. 33:9), “Who says of his father and mother, ‘I do not consider them […].’” And [so] I am also advancing him and making him My imperial agent.134Lat.: frumentarius (“grain dealer”). and I am entrusting him with My house and My sanctity, as stated (in Numb. 1:50), “But you shall enroll the Levites to be over the tabernacle of the testimony….” And what was it that I told you (in vs. 49)? “However, you shall not enroll the tribe of Levi.” [This prohibition] was to exempt them from the decree which I was going to pronounce over Israel. It is simply that I am allotting them great honor. When you number them, [number them] by themselves through the Divine utterance (in Numb. 3:15), “Enroll the Children of Levi.” Now if I have honored the Levites, who bear the tabernacle, how much the more so in the case of the Children of Kohath, who bear the ark, [as stated] (in Numb. 3:31), “And their duties included the ark, the table, the lampstand, the altars, [….]” He therefore said to them (in Numb. 4:18), “Do not cut off [the tribe of the Kohathite families from the Levites].” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “And if because the Children of Kohath have feared Me, I have allotted glory to them and to their children; then [I will honor] whoever stands in awe of Me and not cut off his name from the world.”135Numb. R. 5:9. From whom do you learn this? From the children of Jonadab ben Rechab. Since they did his will, what is stated about them? (Jer. 35:19), “Someone belonging to Jonadab ben Rechab shall not be cut off from standing before Me forever.” And if in the case of those who are proselytes, because they have done My will, I have done likewise for them (i.e., what they want); in the case of Israel, when they are doing My will, how much the more shall they neither be cut off nor have their name be erased from before Me? Rather, they shall live and abide forever and ever and ever, as stated (in Deut. 4:4), “But you who clung to the Lord your God are all alive today.”" + ] + ], + "Nasso": [ + [ + "(Numb. 5:12),1Neither the Buber nor the traditional Tanhuma have a parashah, the beginning of which coincides with the beginning of Naso (Numb. 4:21-7:89) from the annual cycle. Such a parashah is also missing in other sources for the so-called “triennial cycle.” See B.Z. Wacholder, “prolegomenon,” in The Bible as Read and Preached in the Old Synagogue, by Jacob Mann (“Library of Biblical Studies”; New York: Ktav, 1971), p. LX. “If anyone has his wife go astray.” Let our master instruct us: When someone wanted to accuse his wife (of infidelity), how did he accuse her? Thus have our masters taught (in Sot. 1:4-5; 2:2-3.):2The Mishnah quotation has several variants from the standard text. See also TSot. 1:3-4. One accusing his wife brought her to the great court which was in Jerusalem, and they would alarm her in the way that they would alarm witnesses in capital cases.3See Sanh. 4:5. Then afterwards they would bring her up to the eastern gate, to the Gate of Nicanor, where they would purify birthing mothers and lepers and give drink to suspected adulteresses. A priest would bring an earthenware bowl4Gk.: phiale; Lat.: fiala. and put a half log of water into it from the basin. He would enter the Temple and turn to his right. Now a place was there one cubit square with a marble flagstone5Gk.: tabla (“tablet”); Lat.: tabula. and a ring fixed in it. He would raise it, take dust from underneath, and put it upon the water, as stated (in Numb. 5:17), “and some of the dust which is in the floor of the Tabernacle, [the priest shall put it into the water].” Then he would write the scroll (in the wording of Numb. 5:19), “If no one has slept with you […].” From here our masters have taught, “When one opens capital cases, one begins with [the case for] acquittal.” Then he writes further (in vs. 20), “And if you have gone astray […].” What is written after it (in vs. 21)? “May the Lord make you a curse […].” And so Solomon has said (in I Kings 8:31–32 // II Chron. 6:22–23), “Whenever one sins against his neighbor, and he gives him an oath for him to swear, then when he comes for the oath before Your altar in this house; You will hearken in heaven, take action, and judge Your servant, in order to condemn the wicked so as to set his conduct upon his own head and justify the righteous so as to render to him according to his righteousness.” (Numb. 5:28:) “But if the woman has not defiled herself [and is pure, she shall be guiltless and shall conceive seed].” If she was defiled, (according to Sot. 3:4; 5:1) she would not have finished drinking before her face turns green, her eyes protrude, and she is full of [swollen] veins. Then the priest says, “Take her out, take her out,” so that she does not defile the Temple court. Just as the water tests the woman, so does the water test the man, since it is stated [twice] (in Numb. 5:22 & 24), “And it (i.e., the water that causes the curse] shall go.” Just as she is forbidden to her husband, so is she forbidden to the lover, since it is stated [twice] (in Numb. 5:13 & 14), “she has defiled herself.”6The Gemara (Sot. 28a) explains these double usages more fully. Cf. also ibid., 26b. If, however, she drinks [the potion] and is found pure; then if she was barren, she is [now] visited (i.e., given conception).7Sot. 26a. If she used [to] give birth in pain, she [now] gives birth with tranquility; if she used [to] bear ugly [children], she [now] bears beautiful ones; [instead of] dark [children], she bears fair ones; [instead of] short [children], she bears tall ones; [instead of] females, she bears males. Thus it is stated (in Numb. 5:28), “But if the woman has not defiled herself [and is pure, she shall be guiltless and shall conceive seed].” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Write a section on the adulteress so that she may know which name the priest blots out for her8On the scroll of Numb. 5:23, where the priest put down the curses in writing and then rubbed them off into the bitter water. See also Sot. 2:4. and how it will be made public.”9Gk.: parresiazesthai. How is this shown? From what they have read on the matter (in Numb. 5:12), “If anyone has his wife go astray.” If she has merit, it suspends [the effect of the bitter water] a year or two or three.10The whole section comes from the Mishnah, but again there are several variants from the standard text. R. Simeon says, “Merit does not [suspend the effect of] the [bitter] water; for if you say so, you will be found postponing [the effect] for all women who drink it and spreading slander about undefiled women who have drunk it. [This slander] says, ‘They were [really] defiled, but the merit has suspended [the effect of the water] for them.’” R. Meir says,11The traditional Mishnah text reads “Rabbi says.” “Really, the merit suspends the [effect of] the bitter water. If she was defiled, however, she will never again bear [children] and prosper but degenerate more and more, and in the end she will die of the same death, as stated (in Prov. 6:16), ‘Six things the Lord hates, and seven are an abomination for His soul.’” R. Jose the Galilean says,12Numb. R. 9:11. “[These] seven things were said about the adulteress. (Prov. 6:17:) ‘Haughty eyes,’ in that the adulterous woman raises her eyes to another man; and so it says (in Is. 3:16), ‘Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with extended neck and roving (mesakarot) eyes.’ That is an expression of untruth (sheker), in that she commits adultery with another man and becomes pregnant from him, and then lies and says to her husband, ‘I am pregnant from you.’ (Prov. 6:17, cont.:) ‘Hands that shed innocent blood,’ in that the adulterer goes in on condition that, if he is caught, he will kill or be killed. (Prov. 6:18:) ‘A heart devising wicked thoughts,’ in that the adulterer and the adulteress have thoroughly wicked thoughts all the time, when they sin in telling each other in which place and at what time. (Prov. 6:18, cont.:) ‘Feet quick (memaharot) to run to evil,’ in that they certainly are hastening (memaharim) to commit the sin. (Prov. 6:19:) ‘A false witness that spreads a lie,’ in that, if they are caught, they speak falsely and lie, when they swear and say, ‘We were talking about other things.’ (Prov. 6:19, cont.:) ‘And one that instigates a quarrel among brothers,’ in that all Israel are brothers, as it stated (in Ps. 122:8), ‘For the sake of my brothers and friends’; and in the case of one who commits adultery with his friend's wife, when her husband hears of it, he hates him. Moreover, this adulterer cannot look at [the husband]. Ergo, ‘and one that instigates a quarrel among brothers.’” Ergo, [there are] seven injurious things which the adulteress does." + ], + [ + "Our masters have said in the name of R. [Hanina] (Huna) the father of R. Aha, “The adulterer and adulteress transgress the Ten Commandments.”13Numb. R. 9:12. [They] said to [him], “In the case of nine, we concede [his transgressing them].” How is this? In the case of (Exod. 20:2 = Deut. 5:6:) “I [am the Lord your God],” because anyone who commits adultery with the wife of his acquaintance is, as it were, denying the Holy One, blessed be He. It is so stated (in Jer. 5:8, 12), “They have denied the Lord and said, ‘He does not exist.’” (Exod. 20:5 = Deut. 5:7:) [“You shall have no other Gods”], since it is written of Him (in Exod. 20:5 = Deut. 5:9), “for [I] the Lord your God am a jealous God.” Also it is stated two times concerning the adulteress (in Numb. 5:14), “If the spirit of jealousy came over him, and he is jealous of his wife.” But why two times? Because it (i.e., the meal offering of the next verse)14So Rashi on Numb. 5:15. excites jealousy for the Holy One, blessed be He, and for her husband, as stated (in Numb. 5:15), “for it is a meal offering of jealousies.” Thus it is a case of two jealousies. (Exod. 20:7 = Deut. 5:11:) “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God [in vain].” [One breaks this commandment] because he commits adultery and swears in vain that he has not done so. (Exod. 20:12 = Deut. 5:16:) “Honor your father.” When one commits adultery with the adulteress, she becomes pregnant from him. Then she says to her husband, “I am pregnant from you.” When the fetus is grown, it honors her husband, [since it] thinks that he is its father. Moreover, [the grown child] passes through the market and hits the adulterer, since he thinks that he is not his father. (Exod. 20:13 = Deut. 5:17:) “You shall not murder.” The adulterer goes in on condition that, if he is caught, he will kill or be killed. (Exod. 20:13, cont. = Deut. 5:17, cont.:) “You shall not commit adultery.” Obviously [this commandment is broken], because he is committing adultery. (Exod. 20:13, cont. = Deut. 5:17, cont.:) “You shall not steal.” [This commandment is broken] because he is stealing his neighbor's source (i.e., his wife's womb), and so it says (in Prov. 9:17), “Stolen waters are sweet […].” (Exod. 20:13, cont. // Deut. 5:17, cont.:) “You shall not bear [false witness] against your neighbor.” [The commandment is broken] in that [the adulteress] bears false witness [to her husband] and says, “I am pregnant from you.” (Exod. 20:14; cf. Deut. 5:18:) “You shall not covet your neighbor's house, and you shall not covet your neighbor's wife […].” [The commandment is broken] because whoever covets his friend's wife and commits adultery with her, covets everything that belongs to his friend.15Cf. Lev. R. 23:12. How? When the husband comes to depart from the world, he thinks that this son is his and writes him a will16Gk.: diatheke. of all his assets. So he bequeaths to him whatever he has without knowing that he is not his son. It turns out that the adulterer covets whatever belongs to his friend.
They said to R. Hanina, “Here we have told you nine [commandments]. In regard to] (Exod. 20:8; cf. Deut. 5:12:) ‘Remember [the Sabbath (day)],’ how does he transgress against it?” He said to them, “I will tell you: Sometimes when a priest has a priestly wife, and a [lay] Israelite adulterer has sexual intercourse with her, such that she bears [a child] from him, they consider him (i.e., the child) to be the son of a priest. Then when the baby goes on to minister in the Temple, arrange wood, and sacrifice on the Sabbath, he is found to be profaning the Sabbath. Hence the Ten Commandments are violated by the adulteress with the adulterer. Solomon also has said concerning her (in Eccl. 7:26), “And I find [the woman] more bitter than death, [(the woman) who has snares and nets (in her heart)].” What is the meaning of “snares (rt.: tswd)?” She lies in wait (rt.: tswd) in this world and for the world to come.17The inference is from the fact that SNARES is plural and implies a minimum of two. And “nets?” The net catches [prey] in the water but does not catch [any] on dry land. The woman, however, catches [her prey] in the sea and on the dry land.18Eccl. R. 7:26:3. (Eccl. 7:26:) “And I find [the woman] more bitter than death.” Not to be loud, arrogant of gait, or bawdy in laughter: This is the way of the daughters of Israel. But if [a woman] was bawdy in the presence of one of them, one would warn her on the evidence of two [witnesses] and say to her, “Why should you be laughing with so and so? Why should you be speaking with him?” If she has [merely] spoken [with him] up to now, she is allowed into her house and may eat the terumah. [If] she has entered with him in secret and lingered to be defiled, she is forbidden her house and eating the terumah." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 5:15:) “Then he shall bring the offering for her, one-tenth an ephah of barley meal.” Why does she bring barley meal?19Sot. 2:1; cf. Sifre, to Numb. 5:15. Because she behaved in the manner of a beast with him, she therefore brings the food of a beast as her offering. (Ibid. cont.:) “He shall pour no oil upon it.” Why does he not pour oil upon it?20Numb. R. 9:13. Because the oil is a light and is [also] called yitshar (a word which can mean \"it will shine\"); while this woman loves the darkness. Therefore there should be no light in her offering. [(Ibid., cont.:) Nor shall he put frankincense upon it.”] Why does he not put frankincense upon it? Because the frankincense is a remembrance of the matriarchs, [as stated] (in Cant. 4:6), “I will go unto the mountain of myrrh and unto the mound of frankincense,” while this woman has withdrawn from their ways. Her offering should [therefore] be a reminder of iniquity and not a reminder of merit." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 5:17), “Then the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel and some of the dust.” And, why does he take water and dust and test her? Because he was created from the dust, and she was formed from the water.21Cf. Gen. R. 14:7. Therefore she was tested by water and by dust as to whether she was as pure as when she was created or not. Another interpretation: Why is she tested with water and with dust? Because they are her witnesses. Thus it is stated (in Deut. 30:19), “I have called the heavens and the earth to witness against you today.” Another interpretation: Why is she tested with water [and with dust]? Because a person who sows some seeds in the dust does not know what they are, until the water comes down upon them and makes known whether they belong to the owner of the field, or [whether they are] what others have sown. [(Numb. 5:12), “If anyone has his wife go astray.”] This text is related (to Job 24:15), “The eye of an adulterer watches for twilight, saying, ‘No eye shall see me.’” And so the adulterer says, “No human being knows about me”; but the Holy One, blessed be He, has His eyes ranging over all the earth.22Numb. R. 9:1. So it says (in Jer. 23:24), “’If someone hides in secret places, shall I not see him; do I not fill heaven and earth,’ says the Lord.” Such is the way of those who commit transgression. They wait for a time of darkness, so that no one will see them. It is therefore stated (in Job 24:15), “The eye of the adulterer watches for twilight.” So also thieves watch for an hour of darkness, as stated (in vs. 16), “He breaks into houses in the dark.” And so it says (in Is. 29:15), “Woe to those who delve deeply to hide a plan from the Lord, for their works are in darkness; [so they say, ‘Who sees us and who knows about us?’]” The thief and the adulterer are obdurate, because they remove the Divine Presence. The Holy One, blessed be He, as it were, fills the realms above and the realms below, as stated (in Jer. 23:24), “’do I not fill heaven and earth,’ says the Lord.” Also in regard to the place where the adulterer comes to commit adultery, the Holy One, blessed be He, is there in His glory. It is so stated (in Is. 6:3), “the whole earth is full of His glory.” Now the adulterer says to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Remove Yourself, and give way to me for a while.” The matter is exceedingly difficult, as it were. Since He is slow to anger, He gives way to him; for (according to Job 11:11) “He knows those who are worthless; so when He sees iniquity, [does He not discern it?]” It also says (in Job 24:15, cont.), “He (i.e., the Holy One, blessed be He) turns a secret into a face.”23This rendering fits the context of what follows in the midrash. A more traditional rendering, which fits the context of Job, would read, “AND HE (i.e., the adulterer) PUTS A VEIL ON HIS FACE. Ergo (in Job 24:15), “When the eye of an adulterer watches for twilight, saying, ‘No eye shall see me.’” So what does the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He turns a secret into a face. He puts the face of [the] adulterer on that fetus.24Lev. R. 23:12. While the adulterer and the adulteress do not want her to become pregnant but only to satisfy their sexual desire, the Holy One, blessed be He, proclaims25Gk.: parresiazesthai. them to the world. Ergo, “He turns a secret into a face,” so that the people may know [about him] and say, “Surely this one's face resembles the face of [the] adulterer”; for [the Holy One, blessed be He,] has formed the image of the fetus in the likeness of the adulterer. Ergo (ibid.), “He turns a secret into a face.” It is therefore called whoredom (zimmah); for they both deny and say, “We do not know what this is (zeh mah).”26Literally: “This is what?” The Hebrew uses the unusual word order to make the parallel with “whoredom” (zimmah). R. Isaac said, “The power of the adulterer is strong, because it weakens the power of the Divine Presence. How? When the fetus is conceived from the husband, the Holy One, blessed be He, forms its image in forty days. For thus have our masters taught, ‘In forty days the image of the fetus is recognizable.’ After forty days, when the adulterer comes into her, the Holy One, blessed be He, stands wondering and says, ‘After whom shall I form [the fetus]? The image (rt.: tswr) of the husband or the image of the adulterer?’ (According to Deut. 32:18,) As it were, ‘You were unmindful of (tshy) the Rock (tswr) that bore you.’27I.e., the adulterer forgot that the Holy One would expose him. The yod (= y) is [here written] small. [Thus, you] weaken (tsh, without the yod) the hands (yad in the dual) of the Creator (tsayyar).” R. Abbahu said, “To what is the matter comparable? To a sculptor (tsayyar, rt.: tsyr), who was fashioning (rt.: tsyr) an image28Gk.: eikonion. of a king. When he came to finish the face,29Gk.: prosopon. they said to him, “The king is dead, and another king has arisen.” When the sculptor heard that, his hands failed. He began to say, “What shall I do with these colors30In the ancient world statues were painted. which I have? Shall I fashion [them] in the form of the former king or in the form of the second king?” He began to be bewildered. Now similarly, when the husband has marital relations with his wife, the Holy One, blessed be He, forms the fetus in the likeness of its father. [Then] in turn the adulterer comes into her. Ergo, the colors are mingled. Thus it is stated (in Hos. 4:2), “Swearing, lying, murdering, stealing, committing adultery break out; bloodshed follows bloodshed.” What does the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He returns, as it were, and changes the face into the likeness of the adulterer. Ergo (in Job 24:15) “He turns a secret into a face.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 5:12:) “If anyone has his wife go astray (tisteh).” Our masters have taught, “The adulterers do not commit adultery, until a spirit of madness (shetut)31In the unpointed Hebrew text, shetut and tisteh appear to have the same root. enters them. Thus it is stated (ibid.), ‘If anyone has his wife go astray.’” [Here] we have learned about the woman. Where is it shown about the man? Where it is stated (in Prov. 6:32), “The one who commits adultery with a woman is has no sense (literally, is lacking heart).”32Cf. Numb. 9:6. Another interpretation (of Numb. 5:12), “If anyone has his wife go astray.” This text is related (to Jer. 23:24), “If someone hides in secret places, [shall I not see him?]” See, is it not already written (Psalms 16:3), “The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, observing the bad and the good.”33Numb. R. 9:9. And so too is it written (in Zech. 4:10; cf. II Chron. 16:9), “the eyes of the Lord; they roam around all the earth.” [So] what do we learn to say (in Jer. 23:24), “Shall I not see Him (ar'ennu)?” [Interpret these words34In the Hebrew text this question and the one which follows each consists of the one word, ar’ennu. as follows:] Shall I not show him (ar'ennu) to the people and publish his works? (Jer. 23:24, cont.), “’Do I not fill the heavens and the earth,’ says the Lord.” I fill the realms above and the realms below, as stated (Is. 66:1), “The heavens are My throne and the earth is My footstool.” Another interpretation of (Jer. 23:24), “[If someone hides in secret places], shall I not see him? It is comparable to an architect35Gk.: architekton; cf. Lat.: architectus. The parable appears in Numb. R. 9:1; Gen. R. 24:1. [who] went out as a katarikos (tax official) over a certain province. The inhabitants of the province began hiding their silver and gold within the very caves [that he had built]. The architect said to them, ‘I built the province, and I made the hidden treasuries. Will you hide [anything] from me?” Similarly, the Holy One, blessed be He, has said to adulterers, “Will you hide yourselves from me?” [It is as in (Jer. 23:24),] “If someone hides in secret places, I have created you and made your every cavity (mehilim mehilim).” [It is so stated (in Deut. 32:18),] “but you forgot the God who generated you (meholelekha).” Nothing will be useful to you, wherever you hide yourselves, because (according to Jer. 17:10:) “I the Lord search the heart, probe the kidneys, to render to each according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.” I am the one who brings (rt.: qrb) you to judgment, as stated (in Mal. 3:5), “Then I will draw near (rt.: qrb) unto you in judgment; and I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, against adulterers […].” Therefore, you shall not go astray after the evil drive, so that none of you have his wife go astray, according to what is stated (in Numb. 5:12), “If anyone has his wife go astray.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 5:12), “If anyone (literally, if a man a man) [has his wife go astray].” [These words are] to teach you that she is going astray and being false with two, with the “Man of war” (as in Exod 15:3) above and with her man (husband) below.36Numb. R. 9:2. The Holy One, blessed be He, says to her, “You lie to your husband, can you perhaps lie to Me? A parable: To what is the matter comparable?37Numb. R. 9:9. To someone who was imprisoned within two houses, one inside the other. Now two guards were there, one on the inside and one on the outside. [The prisoner] opened [the door of] the inner [house] and left, and the guard did not notice him. When he came to leave the outer one, [the guard] did notice him. He seized him and said to him, “At that [guard] on the inside you laughed, but at me you cannot laugh.” Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, has said to the adulterous woman, “At your husband you laugh, but at me you cannot laugh. Rather I sit and laugh at My creatures.” It is so stated (in Ps. 2:4), “The One sitting in the heavens shall laugh […]." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 5:13:) “In that a man has slept with her carnally.” [“A man” is to] exclude a minor, and one who is not a man.38On the exception, see Sifre, Numb. 5:13 (7). Cf. Sot. 4:4; TSot. 5:6; and Sot. 26b, all of which regard “one who is not a man” as a separate, non-human category. “[With her] carnally.” [This is the case] when her sleeping renders her unfit; and no other sleeping renders her unfit. [There is] a story about two sisters who resembled each other. Now one was married in one city and the other was married in another city. The husband of one of them wanted to accuse her of infidelity and have her drink the bitter water in Jerusalem. She went to that city where her married sister was. Her sister said to her, “What was your reason for coming here?” She said to her, “My husband wants to have me drink [the bitter water].” Her sister said to her, “I will go in your place and drink it.” She said to her, “Go.” She put on her sister's clothes, went in her place, drank the bitter water, and was found clean. When she returned to her sister's house, she joyfully went out to meet her, then embraced and kissed her on the mouth. As soon as the one kissed the other, she smelled the bitter water and immediately died, in order to fulfill what is stated (in Eccl. 8:8), “No human has control over the wind to contain the wind, nor is there control on the day of death […].”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 5:13, cont.:) “And it is hidden from her husband's eyes,” [is to] exclude one who is blind.39Sifre, Numb. 5:13 (7); Sot. 27a. Cf. Numb. R. 9:10, which explains the exception as referring to a husband just pretending to be blind to his wife’s adultery, so that he can use the rite of the bitter water for killing his wife. Another interpretation (of Numb. 5:13, cont.), “and it is hidden from her husband's eyes.” [These words mean to exclude the case in which] her husband saw [her transgression] and overlooked [it]. (Ibid., cont.:) “So that she is secluded.” We have not yet heard of a specific length of time for her to be in seclusion (with her lover) [in order to cause defilement]. R. Eleazer says, “[The time needed] for a palm tree to sway back.”40See TSot. 1:2; Sot. 4a; Sifre, Numb. 5:13 (7). R. Joshua says, “For mixing the cup.” Ben 'Azzay says, “For drinking it.” R. Aqiva says, “For roasting an egg.” R. Judah says, “For eating three eggs one after the other.” R. Eleazar ben Pinhas says, “For a weaver41Gk.: gerdios. to knot the thread.”42Gk.: nema. R. Hanin says, “For her to put her finger in her mouth.” Pelimo says, “For his (sic) hand43Cf. the parallel in Numb. R. 9:10, which reads, “her hand.” to reach over the basket and take a loaf of bread. And even though there is no evidence for [this understanding], there is a hint [that it is correct], where it is stated (in Prov. 6:26), ‘For on behalf of a woman playing the harlot [one will be reduced] to a loaf of bread.’” (Numb. 5:13, cont.:) “And there is no witness against her.” Although she has no [witness against her] now, she will have one at another time.44In addition to Numb. R. 9:10, see Gen. R. 38:14; PRK 18:3; PR 32:2. In a similar usage45Kayyotse badavar. This repetitive use of kayyotse b… indicates that the sixth of the seven exegetical rules (middot) attributed to Hillel is being used here. you say (in Gen. 11:30), “Now Sarai was barren; she had no child.” Although [Sarai] had no [child] then, she would have one at another time, as stated (in Gen. 21:1), “Then the Lord visited Sarah […].” In a similar usage you say (in Esth. 2:10), “Esther had not disclosed her people [and her native land].” Although she had not disclosed them to him then, she did disclose them to him at another time, as stated (in Esth. 8:1), “then Mordecai came before the king, for Esther had disclosed what relationship he had to her.” And here also (in Numb. 5:13), “and there is no witness against her.” Although she has no [witness against her] now, she will have one at another time, as stated (in Mal. 3:5), “and I will be a swift witness [against sorcerers, against adulterers].” Our masters have said, “When a woman is alone with her husband and he is having sexual intercourse with her, if she sets her eyes on another at the time of [their] sexual intercourse, there is no greater adultery for her than this.46Numb. R. 9:34. Thus it is stated (in Ezek. 16:32), “The adulterous woman [receives strangers] instead of her husband (literally: under her husband).” Is there a woman who commits adultery [while] under her husband?47Cf. Numb. 5:19. It is simply that this is [the kind of woman] who encounters a certain man and sets her eyes on him. Then she has sexual intercourse with her husband while her heart is on him. [There is] a story about the king of the Arabs, who asked R. Aqiva, “I am black and my wife is black, but she has borne me a white son. Shall I kill her because she has played the harlot while under me?” He said to him, “Are the images within your house white or black?” He said to him, “White.” He said to him, “When you were busy with her, she set her eyes on the images and bore [a child] like them. Now if you are surprised over this matter, learn from the Jacob's flock. They were conceived from the sticks, as stated (in Gen. 30:39), ‘Since the flock conceived by the sticks, [the flock bore streaked, speckled, and spotted young].’” Then the king of the Arabs thanked R. Aqiva. Thus, when any woman is alone with her husband in holiness, in the end he produces righteous children from her. Thus we find it so in the case of Hannah, who was alone with her husband in holiness, and [so] the Holy One, blessed be He, did not deprive her of her reward. Rather he gave her a righteous son like Moses, as stated (in Jer. 15:1), “Even if Moses and Samuel stood before Me.” It also says (in Ps. 99:6), “Moses and Aaron were among His priests, and Samuel was among those who call upon His name.” So also did Hannah say (in I Sam. 1:27), “For this child did I pray, [and the Lord has granted me my petition].” Why? Because he was sown in holiness. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In this world I abhor all those peoples, because they are from unclean seed; but I have chosen you, because you are from true seed, as stated (in Jer. 2:21), ‘And I planted you as a choice vine, all of it from true seed.’ It is also written (in Deut. 7:6), ‘and the Lord your God has chosen you […].’ And also in the future to come I am choosing only you, because you are a holy seed, as stated (in Is. 65:23), ‘They shall not labor in vain, nor bear children in terror, because they are a seed blessed of the Lord, [and their offspring along with them].’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 6:22–23:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, “Speak unto Aaron and unto his children, saying, ‘Thus shall you bless the Children of Israel.’” Let our master instruct us: In the case of priest with a blemish, is it right for him to raise his hands (in the priestly blessing)? Thus have our masters taught (in Meg. 4:7): A priest whose hands are blemished may not raise his hands. But Rabbi taught, “A priest who has blemishes anywhere at all may not raise his hands.” R. Judah says, “Also whoever has his hands stained with woad,48Buber’s note suggests emending satim to satis, and the translation follows his emendation. On satis, see the Gk. and Lat. word, isatis, which denotes a plant producing a deep blue dye. madder, or rubia may not raise his hands. Why? Because it is customary for people to be looking at him.” R. Joshua the Great taught, “If the majority of the men in the town are in that business (i.e., of dying cloth), he is permitted to raise his hands; in the same way that in the South, there are [many] hides that are tanned purple and their hands [with which they bless] are dyed.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “From the beginning I have blessed My people; from now on the blessings are transmitted to you. You are to bless My children,” Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, told Moses to caution Aaron and his children to bless Israel. How is this shown? From what they have read [on the matter] (in Numb. 6:23), “Speak unto Aaron and unto his children, saying, ‘Thus shall you bless.’” (Numb. 6:23:) “Thus shall you bless.” This text is related (to Deut. 26:15), “Look down from Your holy dwelling, from the heavens, and bless Your people.” The congregation of Israel said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, You tell the priests to bless us.49Numb. R. 11:2. We only need You to bless us, as stated (Deut. 26:15), ‘Look down from Your holy dwelling, [from the heavens, and bless Your people].’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “Although I have told the priests to bless you, I am standing along with them and blessing you.” For that reason the priests spread their hands.50See Sot. 7:6 for details about how the priests are to hold their hands. [They do so] to say, “The Holy One, blessed be He, is standing behind us.” So also it says (in allusion to the Holy One, blessed be He, in Cant. 2:9) “there he stands behind our wall, gazing through the windows, peering through the lattice,” [i.e. “gazing through the windows,”] from between the fingers of the priests; “peering through the lattice,” when they extend their hands. It is therefore stated (in Numb. 6:23), “Thus shall you bless.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 6:23:) “Thus shall you bless.” This text is related (to Cant. 3:7), “There is his bed, the one belonging to Solomon (rt.: shlm), with sixty warriors around it […].” What reason did Solomon (rt.: shlm), have to be concerned with a bed?51Cant. R. 3:7:2, 4. When it said, “There is his bed,” it is simply that [the verse] was only concerned with the King to whom peace (rt.: shlm) belongs (God). (Ibid.:) “There is his bed.” This is the Temple.52Numb. R. 11:3. But why was the Temple compared to a bed? It is simply that just as a bed is only for being fruitful and multiplying, so it was with the Temple. Whatever was in it was being fruitful and multiplying, as stated (in I Kings 8:8 = II Chron. 5:9), “The poles grew long.”53This literal interpretation of the Hebrew text was seen to imply that the poles miraculously lengthened while within the Temple. See Tanh., Exod. 7:11. It also says (in II Chron. 3:6), “the gold was gold from Parvaim (as if from prh),” which produced fruit (rt.: prh). And so it says (in I Kings 7:2), “And he built the house of the Forest of Lebanon.” Why was it compared to a forest? Just as a forest is fruitful and multiplies, so it is in the case of the Temple. Whatever was in it was being fruitful and multiplying. It is therefore stated (in Cant. 3:7), “There is his bed.” (Ibid., cont.:) “With sixty warriors.” These are the sixty letters that are in the priestly blessing (in Numb. 6:24-26). (Cant. 3:8:) “All of them equipped with a sword,” because in each and every [verse of the priestly blessing] the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, is mentioned, “The Lord54This translation follows the common practice of substituting THE LORD for the Divine Name. bless you […]; The Lord make [His face] shine […]; The Lord lift up [His face …].” (Cant. 3:8, cont.:) “Each with his sword on his thigh.” What is the reason for the thigh to be mentioned here? Simply that, even if one sees in his dream a sword being drawn, placed over his neck, and [then] cutting off his thigh, he rises early in the morning and goes to the synagogue,55There may be an allusion here to circumcision. See Numb. R. 11:3; Cant. R. 3:7:4. from the fear [of what] he saw at night in his dream; then [when] he sees the priests raising their hands, the bad dream is cancelled from him. It is therefore stated (Cant. 3:8, cont.), “because of fear at night.” Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, told Moses to caution Aaron and his children to bless My children, as stated (in Numb. 6:23), “Thus shall you bless [the Children of Israel].” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In the past I needed to bless My creatures.56Above, Gen. 3:5; Tanh., Gen. 3:4; Numb. 2:9, cont.; Numb. R. 11:2; PRK 31 (suppl. 1):11. I blessed the first Adam and his wife, as stated (in Gen. 1:28), ‘Then God blessed them.’ I blessed Noah and his children, as stated (in Gen. 9:1), ‘Then God blessed Noah and his children.’ I blessed Abraham, as stated (in Gen. 24:1), ‘and the Lord had blessed Abraham in everything.’” [Then] the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Abraham, “From now on behold, the blessings are being delivered to you.” Thus it is stated (in Gen. 12:2), “and you are to be a blessing.” Abraham begot two [children], Ishmael and Isaac, but he did not bless them. A parable:57Gen. R. 61:6. To what is the matter comparable? To a king who had an orchard58Pardes. Cf. the Gk.: paradeisos. [and] gave it to a tenant. Now in the midst of that orchard was one tree with an elixir of life…. Then Isaac blessed Jacob, and Jacob blessed the twelve tribes, as stated (in Gen. 49:28), “All these are the tribes of Israel, twelve in number, and this is what [their father] spoke to them [when he blessed them…].” From now on, said the Holy One, blessed be He, behold, the blessings are being delivered to you; and the priests will bless Israel." + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Numb. 6:23-24), “Thus shall you bless the Children of Israel: The Lord bless you and keep you.” “Bless you,” with wealth; “and keep you,” so that may do good works (mitswot). (Vs. 25:) “The Lord make His face shine,” and raise up children from you to be Torah scholars. Thus it is stated (in Prov. 6:23), “For the commandment (mitzvah) is a lamp, and Torah is [a light].” Another interpretation (of Numb. 6:25), “The Lord make His face shine (from he'ir) [upon you],” to raise up priests from you, who kindle fire (from he'ir) upon the altar. Thus it is stated (in Mal. 1:10), “you will not59In the biblical context, the sense would be “may you not.” kindle fire (from he'ir) on My altar in vain.” (Numb. 6:25, cont.:) “And be gracious to you.” R. Hiyya the Great taught, “May the Lord encamp with you.”60So did R. Hiyya understand the word translated AND BE GRACIOUS TO YOU (WYHNK), and the word can indeed be understood as coming from the root HNH (“encamp”). Another interpretation (of Numb. 6:25), “and be gracious to you,” to raise up prophets from you. Thus it is stated (in Zech. 12:10), “And I will pour out upon the House of David and upon anyone dwelling in Jerusalem a spirit of grace and mercy.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 6:25), “and be gracious to you.” May He set His grace upon you in whatever place you go. Thus it is stated (in Esth. 2:17), “and she won grace and favor.” (Numb. 6:26:) “The Lord lift up His face unto you.” But another text says (of the Holy One, blessed be He, in Deut. 10:17), “who does not lift up His face (i.e., show favor).” How can this be?61Sifre, Numb. 6:26 (42); PRK 24(suppl. 7):1. [If] one has repented before judgment is sealed, (Numb. 6:26:) “The Lord lift up his face (i.e., show favor).” When judgment has been sealed, (Deut. 10:17:) “who does not lift up His face.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 6:24), “The Lord bless you and keep you.” Along with the blessing there is a keeping.62Numb. R. 11:5. A king of flesh and blood has a friend in Syria, but he dwells in Rome; when the king sent for him, he arose and came to him, and [the king] gave him a hundred pounds63Gk.: litrai; cf. Lat.: librae. of gold; [but when] he loaded it up and set out on the road, bandits64Gk.: lestai. fell upon him. They took everything that he had given him and everything [else] that he had with him. Do you suppose that he could have kept him from the bandits? For that reason it is stated (in Numb. 6:24), “The Lord bless you and keep you.”65See the parallel in Numb. R. 11:5, which expands here: “THE LORD BLESS YOU with abundance AND KEEP YOU from bandits.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 6:24), “The Lord bless you and keep you.” May He bless you with money, that there not be a tax collection in the province, and that a tax collector not come to the province and say to you, “Give your gold.” Rather (as in Numb. 6:24), “The Lord bless you and keep you.” Another explanation. “Bless you” refers to sons (who can produce wealth), [while] “keep you” refers to daughters, since the females need keeping. And so it says (in Ps. 121:5), “The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade [on your right hand].” (Numb. 6:25:) “The Lord make His face shine upon you. May He make the light of His face shine for you.” Now “make shine” (y'r) can only mean life, since it is written (in Prov. 16:15), “In the light of the king's face there is life.” It also says (in Ps. 118:27), “The Lord is God and has given light (y'r) to us.” And similarly it says (in Ps. 67:2), “May God be gracious to us and bless us; [may He make His face shine for us].” (Numb. 6:26:) “The Lord lift up his face.” Does the Holy One, blessed be He, lift up His face for a creature? Moreover, is it not already written (in Deut. 10:17), “who does not lift up His face (i.e., show favor).”66Numb. R. 11:7. It is simply that, just as they lift up their faces (show favor) to Me, so do I lift up My face to them. How so? I have written in the Torah (in Deut. 8:10), “Then you shall eat, be full, and bless [the Lord your God].” So when a person sits down with his children and the children of his house, and when there is not enough before them to be full, they [still] lift their faces to Me as they give the blessing. Moreover, they exercise meticulous care [to recite a blessing] for [something as small] as an olive, for [something as small] as an egg. Therefore (in Numb. 6:26), “The Lord lift up his face unto you […].”67Ber. 20b. (Numb. 6:23:) “Thus shall you bless the Children of Israel], ‘Say to them.’” “Say (amor)” is written] fully (i.e., with the o represented by the vowel letter, waw).68Numb. R. 11:4. Say to them, i.e., to the priests, “[It does] not [follow that], because I told you to bless Israel, that you will bless them [as though] in forced labor69Gk.: aggareia; Lat.: angaria. and in sudden haste. Rather you shall bless them (fully) with religious devotion (kawwanah) of the heart, so that the blessing will be fully effective with them. It is therefore stated, “Say” fully, to say that a person should wish his fellow well with a full [heart]." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 7:1), “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished.” Let our master instruct us: How many things preceded the act of creation? Thus have our masters taught: Seven things preceded the world. These are the following: The throne of glory, the Torah, the Temple,70See Sifre, Deut. 7:12 (37). the ancestors of the world, Israel, the name of messiah, and repentance. And some say also the Garden of Eden and gehinnom. In the case of the throne of God, where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Ps. 93:2), “Your throne is established from of old; You are from everlasting,” [meaning] from before the world was created. And in the case of the Torah, where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Prov. 8:22), “The Lord acquired me (i.e., wisdom) as the beginning of His way the first of His works of old.” In the case of the Temple, where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Jer. 17:12), “O glorious throne, on high from the beginning, the place of our sanctuary.” In the case of the ancestors (forefathers), where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Hos. 9:10), “I saw your ancestors like the first fruit on a fig tree in its first season.” In the case of Israel, where is it shown? “Where it is stated of them] (in Ps. 74:2), “Remember Your congregation which You acquired of old […].” In the case of the name of the messiah, where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Ps. 72:17), “Before the sun, his name is Yinon (a name of the messiah).”71This translation of Ps. 72:17 is a literal rendering, which the midrash understands to mean that this name existed before the sun was created. A more traditional rendering would be MAY HIS NAME ENDURE AS LONG AS THE SUN. In the case of repentance, where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Ps. 90:2-3), “Before the mountains were brought forth […]. You return humanity to contrition and say, ‘Repent you mortals.’” In the case of the Garden of Eden [that] some say, where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Gen. 2:8), “And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, from of old.”72This is the interpretation of miqqedem by the midrash. A more traditional rendering would be IN THE EAST. In the case of gehinnom, where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Is. 30:33), “For Topheth has been prepared from of old.” Come and see. When the Holy One, blessed be He, told Moses to tell Israel to make a Tabernacle for Him, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Moses, Behold, My sanctuary is [already] built above.” It is so stated (in Jer. 17:12), “O glorious throne, on high from the beginning.” And a chamber is there, as stated (in Hab. 2:20), “But the Lord is in His holy chamber […].”73Cf. Ps. 11:4. So also has Isaiah said (in Is. 6:1), “[I saw the Lord] seated upon a throne, high and lifted up […].” Out of love for you I left my Temple on high, which had been prepared before the world was created, to come down and dwell among you. It is so stated (in Exod. 25:8), “[And make me a sanctuary] that I may dwell among them.” R. Judah bar Simon said in the name of R. Johanan, “This is one of the three commands which Moses heard from the mouth of the Almighty and which took him aback:74Numb. R. 12:3; PRK 6:4; PR 16:7; M. Pss. 91:1. When He said to him (in Exod. 30:12), ‘each shall give a ransom for his life.’75Here is the second command that shook Moses. Moses said, ‘Who can give a ransom for his life? It is written (in Job 2:4), “Skin for skin; all that one has [he will give for his life],”76Cf. above, Exod. 9:6. and still it is not enough. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 49:8), “Surely no one will redeem a brother nor give a ransom for him to God.”’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘I am not asking [a ransom] in accordance with My means but in accordance with their means.’ [Hence,] (Exod. 30:13) ‘This shall they give.’” R. Meir said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, took something like a kind of coin of fire from under the throne of glory and showed it to Moses and He said to Him,77See above, Lev. 9:7, and the note there. ‘This shall they give.’” Again, when He said (in Numb. 28:2), “My offering, My bread for My fire offering,” Moses said, “Who can supply enough offerings for You.78Numb. 28:2 is the third of the three commands that shook Moses. If we sacrificed all the beasts of the forest and all the trees of Lebanon, they would not be enough, as stated (in Is. 40:16), ‘For Lebanon is not fuel enough, nor its beasts enough for sacrifice.’” He said to him, “I am not asking [offerings] in accordance with My means but in accordance with their means.” Thus it is stated (in Numb. 28:3), “Now you shall say to them, ‘This is the burnt offering [which you shall offer to the Lord: two yearling lambs without blemish…].’” And not both of them at once, but (according to vs. 4), “The one lamb you shall offer in the morning and the second lamb you shall offer at twilight.” And when He said to him (in Exod. 25:8), “And make me a sanctuary [that I may dwell among them],”79With this repetition of Exod. 25:8, the midrash returns to the first command that shook Moses. Moses said [to the Holy One, blessed be He,] (in I Kings 8:27), “Even the heavens and the heavens above the heavens cannot contain you!” It also says (in Jer.. 23:24), “’Do I not fill the heavens and the earth,’ says the Lord.” And it says (in Is. 66:1), “The heavens are My throne and the earth is My footstool.” So can we make Him a sanctuary? The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “I am not asking [a sanctuary] [in accordance with My means] but in accordance with their means.” Thus it is stated (in Exod. 26:1), “Now as for the Tabernacle, you shall make it with ten curtains.”’ When Israel heard this, they arose and donated gladly. So they made the Tabernacle. Moreover, when they had made the Tabernacle, it was filled with His glory, as stated (in Exod. 40:35), “Now Moses could not enter the tent of meeting, [because … the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle].” The princes said, “Now is the time for us to offer sacrifices with joy, because the Divine Presence is dwelling among us.” Where is it shown? From what they read on the matter (in Numb. 7:1), “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished.”" + ], + [], + [ + "(Numb. 7:1:) “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished.” This text is related (to Prov. 27:18), “The one who tends a fig tree shall eat its fruit.” The Holy One, blessed be He, does not deprive any creature of a reward.80Numb. R. 12:9. It is simply that in the case of anyone who toils and devotes his life to something, the Holy One, blessed be He, does not deprive him of his reward.81Cf. Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Shirata, 1; PR 5:2, 6. It is therefore stated (in Prov. 27:18), “The one who tends a fig tree shall eat its fruit.” Do you want to understand? Solomon built the Temple, as stated (in I Kings 6:14), “So Solomon finished building the house.” But because David had devoted his life to the Temple which would be built, as stated (in Ps. 132:1-5), “Lord, remember David and all his hardships. How he swore to the Lord, [vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob]: Surely I will not come into the shelter of my house, […] until I find a place for the Lord,” the Holy One, blessed be He, did not deprive him of his reward. Rather He had it written in his name, as stated (in Ps. 30:1 [introduction]), “A psalm. A song of the dedication of the House of David.” And did David dedicate it? And behold Solomon dedicated it. It is simply that since David devoted his life to it, it is called by his name. Ergo Solomon said it well (in Prov. 27:18), “The one who tends a fig tree shall eat its fruit […].” So also you find in the case of the Tabernacle, when everyone devoted their lives [to it] and made the Tabernacle. All Israel volunteered. The women spun the goat's hair; and similarly (in Exod. 36:8), “Then all the wise-hearted ones among the workers [made the Tabernacle]. And likewise (according to Exod. 36:1), “Then let Bezalel and Oholiab [and all the wise-hearted ones …] do [all that the Lord has commanded].” But because Moses devoted his life to [the Tabernacle], it was called by his name, as stated (in Exod. 25:40), “Observe and make them [by means of] their pattern.” And Moshe went and devoted his life to each and every thing, so that they should make it just as the Holy One, blessed be He, had shown him on the mountain, so that they would not err with it. It is therefore written about each and every thing (in Exod. 39:1, 5, 7, 21, 26, 29, 31, cf. 42), “as the Lord commanded Moses.” And so it says (in vs. 43), “When Moses saw all the work, and behold, they had done it […; then Moses blessed them].” And with what blessing did he bless them? He said to them, “May the Divine Presence dwell in the work of your hands.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Because Moses has devoted his life to the Tabernacle, I will only write about it in his name.” Thus it is stated (in Numb. 7:1), “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished.”" + ], + [ + "[(Numb. 7:1), “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished.” This text is related (to (Numb. 24:5), “How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob, your Tabernacles O Israel.” If your tents [is meant], why your Tabernacles? But if your Tabernacles [is meant], why your tents? It is simply this: “How beautiful are your tents,” these are the tents; and “your Tabernacles (mishkenotekha),” do not read this (i.e., mishkenotekha), but \"your sureties\" (mashkonotekha).82Numb. R. 12:14. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Tell Israel to make a Tabernacle, so that if they sin, it will be seized [instead of] them.” You yourself know that this is so. When they sinned, what is written (in Ps. 78:59-60)? “God heard and was enraged […]. So He abandoned the Tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent where He dwelt among mortals (which can be read as, surety for mortals).” This is the Tabernacle, which was only made so that if they sinned, it might be seized [instead] of them. (Numb. 7:1:) “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished setting up the Tabernacle, and he anointed it.” When he had anointed it, he returned and anointed each and every one of [its] vessels. Then the princes of Israel offered sacrifices. They said, “Now is the hour when we shall joyfully offer sacrifices, since the Divine Presence is dwelling among us.”83Numb. R. 12:16. Then when they saw that the Tabernacle had been made and that there was nothing at all [lacking] for them in it, they said, “What is there for us to bring? They went and brought wagons on which they would carry the Tabernacle. But who gave them this suggestion? The tribe of Issachar, since they were wise and mighty in the Torah, as stated (in I Chron 12:33), “And from the Children of Issachar, those who had an understanding of the times, [to know what Israel should do].”84Cant. R. 6:4:2. For that reason they had the right to offer sacrifice (hqyb) on the second day (only after Judah), as stated (in Numb. 7:18), “On the second day Nethanel ben Zuar, prince of Issachar, presented (hqryb, rt.: qrb) [his] offering.” In [the order of] all the princes, why is it stated, “his offering,” whereas here [with Issachar], it is stated (in vs. 19), “He presented (hqrb; rt.: qrb) his offering.” [It is so mentioned] because he offered (hqryb; rt.: qrb) it in accordance with the [divine] command. When the rest of the tribes, who were older than [Issachar], wanted to sacrifice (rt.: qrb) [first], they decided [the matter] from heaven. So the tribe of Issachar was commanded to approach (rt.: qrb) with a sacrifice (rt.: qrb) for the altar and offer (rt.: qrb) its sacrifice (rt.: qrb). You yourself know that it is so written (in vs. 19) where presented (hqrb) lacks [a y (i.e., a yod) and as such is really an imperative, meaning \"come near.\"] When [that tribe] was far away, it was brought near, to come (i.e., to offer sacrifice).85The verb, NTHQRB (rt.: QRB), used here means “brought near,” but the root also denotes the offering of a sacrifice. Thus the tribe of Issachar was moved up in order for offering sacrifice. And why all this? Because they were knowledgeable in the Torah, as stated (in I Chron. 12:33), “And from the Children of Issachar, those who had an understanding of the times, [to know what Israel should do]; their heads were two hundred.” These were heads of courts (sanhedraot). (I Chron. 12:33, cont.:) “And all their kinfolk were at their command ('al-pihem).” [This verse] is teaching you that they all affirmed the oral law (halakhah) [that was] on their lips ('al-pihem)." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 7:1), “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished.” This text is related (to Ps. 51:20–21), “Make Zion prosper in Your good pleasure; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Then You shall delight in sacrifices of righteousness, burnt offerings, and whole offerings […].” [You will do so] because in this world they offered [only] a trifle. [It is so stated (in Numb. 7:12),] “And the one who offered his sacrifice on the first day [was Nahshon ben Amminadab of the tribe of Judah].” What did he offer as his sacrifice (according to Numb. 7:13–17)? “One silver bowl […]; one ladle […]; one bull […]; one he-goat […]; and for the peace offering, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats […].” [Here was all of the sacrifice.] There is a parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a king who had set out on the road.86Lev. R. 7:2. When they brought him a meal befitting the road and befitting the inn,87Gk.: pandokeion. the king said to them, “Are you honoring me like this? Are you treating me like this? Am I not a king? Do I not rule the world?” They said to him, “Our lord king, on the road we render according to the road and bring in [food] for you according to the inn. However, let us enter the capital city. Then when you enter your palace,88Palterin. Cf. Lat.: praetorium; Gk.: praitorion; also Lat.: palatium. you shall see how we will honor you.” Similarly when the Tabernacle was erected, the princes offered him a gift,89Gk.: doron. one ladle, one bull, one ram, one lamb, one he-goat. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “Is that [fitting for] My glory?” They said to him, “Master of the universe, it is in the desert that we are giving you [our gift], and the offerings before You are in keeping with the desert; however, when we enter Your palace, You shall see how many bulls we offer You.” Thus it is stated (in Ps. 51:20–21), “Make Zion prosper in Your good pleasure; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Then you shall delight in sacrifices of righteousness, burnt offerings, and whole offerings […].” And not [merely] one bull. So you find this [to have happened] when Solomon built the Temple and wanted to offer sacrifice for the Temple dedication; look at what is written there (in I Kings 8:63 // II Chron. 7:5)! “Solomon sacrificed twenty-two thousand oxen and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep as peace offerings, which he sacrificed to the Lord.” And likewise in the days of Ezra, what is written there (in Ezra 6:17)? “They offered at the dedication of this house of God one hundred bulls, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs […].” Ergo (in Ps. 51:20 [18]), “Make Zion prosper in your good pleasure….”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 7:1), “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished.” Rav says, “Every place where it is stated, ‘So it came to pass (wayehi),’ [is referring to] something new”; but R. Simeon says, “Every place where it says, ‘So it came to pass (wayehi)’ [is referring to] something which existed, has ceased [to exist] for a long time, and has returned to be as it was.90Numb. R. 12:6; PR 5:7. This text is related (to Cant. 5:1), “When I come to my garden, my sister bride.” R. Samuel bar Nahman said, “When the Holy One, blessed be He, created the world, He longed to have an abode below just as He had on high.91Cf. PR 5:5; PRK 1:1; Numb. R. 13:2. Having created Adam, He commanded and said to him (in Gen. 2:16–17), ‘You may freely eat of any tree in the garden; But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you may not eat of it.’ Then he transgressed against his commandment.92Tanh., Exod. 11:6. The Holy One, blessed be He, said this to him, ‘This is what I longed for, that just as I have a dwelling on high, I would likewise have one below. Now when I have given you one command, you have not kept it. Immediately the Holy One, blessed be He, removed His Divine Presence [up] to the first firmament. Where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Gen. 3:8), “Then they heard the voice of the Lord God moving about in the garden.” [Now when they transgressed His commandment, He had [only] removed His divine presence to the first firmament.] [When] Cain arose and killed Abel, He immediately removed His Divine Presence from the first firmament to the second firmament…. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘I created seven firmaments, and up to now there are wicked ones [still] arising upon [the world].’ What did He do? He folded away all the generations of the wicked and raised up our father Abraham. When our father Abraham arose and performed good works, the Holy One, blessed be He, immediately descended from the seventh firmament to the sixth. [When] Isaac arose and stretched out his neck upon the altar, He descended from the sixth firmament to the fifth…. [When] Moses arose, he brought down [the Divine Presence] to earth, as stated (in Exod 19:20), ‘And the Lord came down onto Mount Sinai.’” And [so] it is written (in Cant. 5:1), “When I come to my garden, my sister bride.” When? When the Tabernacle was set up." + ], + [], + [], + [], + [], + [], + [], + [ + "(Numb. 7:1:) “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished.” R. Johanan said, “What is the meaning of ‘on the day that [Moses] had finished (rt.: klh)?’ [Finished is] a word for annihilation (rt.: klh).93Numb. R. 12:3, end; cf. 23:9; similarly PRK 1:5; PR 5:10. On the day that the Tabernacle was erected the destructive demons (mazziqin) were annihilated (rt.: klh) from the world.” Before that Tabernacle was erected, the destructive demons had been common in the world. When Moses went up on the mountain, he said this psalm (i.e., Ps. 91, which begins), “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High,” in that he (Moses) did dwell in the shelter of the Holy One, blessed be He.94Numb. R. 12:3, beginning. (Ibid., cont.:) “He lodges in the shadow (tsel) of the Almighty,” in that he lodged there a hundred and twenty days, like the numerical count of [the letters in the word,] tsel. (Vs. 2) “[I will] say to the Lord, my refuge [and my fortress (metsudah)],” in that He is my refuge and has become95‘ShWY. Buber omits the final letter of this word in his text, but has restored it where he cites the passage in n. 142. like a wall for me. (Ibid., cont.:) “My God, in whom I trust.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “You have put your trust in Me; by your life, I am standing up for you.” (Vs. 3:) “That he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler.” What is the meaning of “from the snare of the fowler?” From the trap96Metsodah. The same written word voweled as metsudah means “fortress” and appears as such in the previous verse of the psalm. of David, who [would have been] seized to be killed, as stated (in II Sam. 23:26) “and Saul and his men were trying to encircle David and his men and capture them.” (Vs. 4:) “You will take refuge under His wings; His truth is a shield and buckler.” Resh Laqish said, “I have become a shield for whoever takes refuge in the Torah.” (Vs. 5:) “You shall not be afraid of any terror by night.” From here [we learn] that they were afraid of destructive demons. (Ibid., cont.:) “Nor of the arrow that flies by day.” R. Berekhyah the Priest Berabbi said, “There is a destructive demon (mazziq) that flies like a bird and shoots forth like an arrow.”97Deut. R. 6:6. (Vs. 6:) “Of the pestilence that walks in the darkness, of the plague that lays waste at noonday.” This is the plague demon, Meriri; for whoever sees him will not survive in the world, whether he be human, cattle, or wild beast. How is he made? His head resembles a calf with one horn coming out of the middle of his forehead, and he is made of obsidian. And Meriri has dominion from the seventeenth of Tammuz (around July) to the ninth of Av (around August).98Lam. R. 1:3 (29). The first breach in the walls of Jerusalem was made on Tammuz 17, and the Temple was destroyed on Av 9, exactly three weeks later. This period was also the hottest time of the year. [It is] therefore [written] (in vs. 6), “of the plague that lays waste at noonday.” (Vs. 10:) “There shall no evil come unto you, neither shall pestilence come near your tent.” This is the tent of meeting. Ergo, until the day that the Tabernacle was erected, the destructive demons (mazziqin) were common,99See PRK 1:5. and on the day that the Tabernacle was erected they were annihilated (rt.: klh). R. Simeon b. Laqish said, “What [reason] is there for me to learn [this] from the book of Psalms? It is [to be] learned from its [proper] place (in Numb. 6:24), “The Lord bless you and keep you” [from the destructive demons] and from all evil. When? On the day that the Tabernacle was erected." + ], + [], + [ + "(Numb. 7:1:) “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished.” R. Judah bar Simon said, “On the day that the Tabernacle was erected, Moses entered and heard a majestic voice, a beautiful voice, a praiseworthy voice.100See Numb. R. 12:1; PR 5:11. Moses said (in Ps. 85:9), ‘Let me hear what God, the Lord, will speak.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, ‘I am speaking peace towards them; there is nothing in My heart against My children,’ as stated (ibid.), ‘for He will speak peace unto His people and unto His saints; and let them not turn to folly.’ It is also written after this (in vs. 10), ‘Surely His salvation is near for those who fear Him, [for His glory to dwell in our land].’ When? On the day that the Tabernacle was erected.” For R. Joshua the Priest has said in the name of R. Eliezer that before the Tabernacle was erected, there was strife between the Holy One, blessed be He, and Israel; but on the day that the Tabernacle was erected, a peace was concluded, as stated (in vs. 9), “for He will speak peace unto His people and unto His saints; and let them not turn to folly.” R. Simeon b. Laqish said concerning it (the verse), “What [reason] is there for me to learn [this] from the book of Psalms? It is a matter of [record in the] Torah; for even in the place [under consideration] (i.e., in Numb. 7:1), there is nothing at all lacking (which is found in Ps. 85:9–10). What is written above on the matter (in Numb. 6:26)? ‘The Lord lift up His face unto you and grant you peace.’ When? (According to Numb. 7:1) ‘On the day that the Tabernacle was erected.’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 7:1:) “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished.” R. Berekhyah the Priest Berabbi said,101Similarly Numb. R. 12:2. “Before the Tabernacle was erected, when Israel stood before Mount Sinai, the Holy One, blessed be He, gave them an intimation that when His Divine Presence would dwell among them, He would then bless them. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, ‘When I come unto you, I will come loaded with blessings.’” R. Berekhyah Berabbi [also] said (citing Job 4:17), “’Shall a human be more righteous than God […]?’ When Jacob went to Pharaoh, he did not depart from him until he had blessed him. And how did he bless him? He said to him [that] the Nile102Gk.: Neilos; Lat.: Nilus. would rise to his foot. Where is it shown? Where it is stated (in Gen. 47:7), ‘and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘Also when I come unto you, I shall come loaded with blessings.’” And where did they have an intimation of [such blessings]? At Sinai, since it is stated (in Exod. 20:21), “An altar103Of course, such an altar would naturally stand in the Tabernacle. of earth you shall make for Me… I will come unto you and bless you.” Then when He came unto them He blessed them, as stated (in Numb. 6:24), “The Lord bless you […].” When? On the day that the Tabernacle was erected. (Numb. 7:1:) “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished (kallot).” Kallat (which means \"bride of\") is [what is really] written.104PRK 5:1; see especially Numb. R. 12:8, end, which greatly expands this interpretation. [Thus the passage would allude] to the day that [the] bride (kallah) entered the wedding canopy.105In other words, Israel is the bride of the Holy One, and the Tabernacle, her wedding canopy." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 7:2:) “Now the princes of Israel drew near (to make an offering).” You find that when Moses proclaimed and said (in Exod. 35:5), “Take from among you an offering [for the Lord],” what did the princes do?106Cf. Numb. R. 12:16. They said, “Moses did not know [enough] to tell us that the Tabernacle was being made.” What did they do? They did not give a freewill offering. They said, “These people are making the Tabernacle, and now he is telling us to give a freewill offering?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “By your lives, you should know that I do not need you (princes).” What is written there (in Exod. 36:3)? “And they (i.e., the Children of Israel) still brought freewill offerings unto him in the morning, in the morning.”107See above, Exod. 7:3, and the notes there. R. Johanan said, “For two mornings they brought all the supplies (mela'khah) for the Tabernacle, and they were more than enough, as stated (in Exod. 36:7), ‘For they had sufficient supplies (mela'khah), more than enough for all the work (mela'khah) to make it.’” And it is written (in Exod. 39:43), “When Moses saw all the work (mela'khah) […]; then Moses blessed them.”108Above, 2:20. And with what blessing did he bless them? He said to them, “May the Divine Presence dwell in the work of your hands.” In this world Moses has blessed them; but in the world to come, the Holy One, blessed be He, will bless them, as stated (in Ps. 128:5–6), “The Lord will bless109Normally the translation would read, MAY THE LORD BLESS, but reading the verb as a simple future indicates that this blessing is reserved for the world to come. you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem…!”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 7:48:) “On the seventh day it was the prince of the Children of Ephraim.” This text is related (to Ps. 60:9), “Gilead is Mine and Manasseh is Mine; Ephraim also is My chief stronghold; Judah is My scepter.” Resh Laqish said, “If the idolaters should say to you that the Holy One, blessed be He, does not enliven the dead, say to them, ‘See here, Elijah bears witness that I enlivened the dead through his hand.’110Cf. Numb. R. 14:1. Ergo (in Ps. 60:9), ‘Gilead is mine,’ as Elijah was of the inhabitants of Gilead. (Ibid., cont.:) ‘And Manasseh is Mine.’ If they should say to you that the Holy One, blessed be He, does not receive repentant sinners, say to them, ‘See here, Manasseh bears witness that I received him through repentance, since it is stated (in II Chron. 33:13), “When he (i.e., Manasseh) prayed unto him, He (i.e., the Holy One, blessed be He,) granted his request, heard his [entreaty,] and restored him to Jerusalem and to his kingdom […].”’ Ergo (in Ps. 60:9), ‘and Manasseh is Mine.’ (Ibid., cont.:) ‘Ephraim also is My chief stronghold.’ And if they say to you that the Holy One, blessed be He, does not attend to (pqd) barren women, say to them, ‘See here, Elkanah of Mount Ephraim bears witness that I attended to (pqd) his wife Hannah, as stated (in I Sam. 2:21), “For the Lord visited (pqd) hannah; [so she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters].”’ (Ibid., cont.:) ‘Judah is my scepter.’ If they say to you that the Holy One, blessed be He, does not rescue from the fire, say to them, ‘See here, Hananiah and his friends bear witness that I rescued them from the fire, as stated (in Dan. 1:6), “Now among those from the Children of Judah were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.”’ Ergo (in Ps. 60:9), ‘Judah is my scepter.’” Another interpretation (of Ps. 60:9), “Gilead is Mine”: If someone says to you, “Why did Elijah build an altar up on Mount Carmel and sacrifice on it, when the Temple existed at that time? For Moses has said (in Lev. 17:3–4), ‘If any single person from the house of Israel slaughters [an ox, a lamb or a goat in the camp]…, And does not bring it unto the entrance of the tent of meeting [to offer a sacrifice to the Lord before the Tabernacle of the Lord, blood guilt shall be imputed to that person],’” say to him, “Everything that Elijah did, he did for the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, and by divine command.111yTa‘an. 2:8 (65d); Lev. R. 22:9. It is so stated (in I Kings 18:36), ‘And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the oblation (minhah), the prophet Elijah drew near and said […, and that I have done all these things at Your bidding].’” Ergo (in Ps. 60:9), “Gilead is Mine.” (Ibid., cont.:) “And Manasseh is Mine.” If someone says to you, “Why did Gideon sacrifice in a high place (bamah); see here, it was forbidden because there was Shiloh in existence?” [In answer to this question,] R. Abba bar Lahana said, “Gideon did seven [unlawful] things:112yMeg. 1:14 (or 12) (72c); Zev. 14:6; M. Sam. 13; see Tem. 28b-29a. (1) He sacrificed a bull which had been worshipped, (2) a bull which had been set aside (for idolatry), (3) he built an altar, (4) he cut wood [for it] from the asherah, (5) he sacrificed at night, (6) without the high priest, and (7) he was among idol-serving priests. Yet whatever he did, he did by divine command. It is so stated (in Jud. 6:25-26), ‘And it came to pass during that night that the Lord said to him, “Take the bull ox that belongs to your father […]”’” Ergo (in Ps. 60:9), “and Manasseh is Mine.” (Ibid., cont.:) “Judah is my scepter.” If someone says to you, “See here, David transgressed against a negative commandment,”113Buber, n. 147, suggests that the allusion is to the Bathsheba incident (II Sam. 11). This interpretation is suggested by citation of Ps. 51:15 which follows, since according to the introduction of this Psalm, David wrote it when Nathan came to him to condemn him for the Bathsheba affair. Cf. also Numb. R. 14:1, which alludes in this context to David building an altar and offering sacrifices on a high place (II Sam. 24:18-25 // I Chron. 21:18-26). the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Say to him, ‘David taught the penitents, like a scribe teaching children.’” It is so stated (in Ps. 51:15), “Let me teach transgressors your ways and the sinners shall return unto You.” Ergo (in Ps. 60:9), “Judah is My scepter. (Ibid.:) “Ephraim also is My chief stronghold.” If someone says to you, “Why did Joshua profane the Sabbath in Jericho,” say to him, “He acted on divine command.” It is so stated (in Joshua 6:2), “Then the Lord said unto Joshua, ‘See, I have given Jericho into your hand […].’” It is also written (in vss. 3-4), “So you shall go around the city […]; thus shall you do for six days. And seven priests […]; but on the seventh day you shall go around the city seven times, [and the priests shall blow on the shofars].’” And how is it shown that it was on the Sabbath? In that there are never seven days without a Sabbath.114See yShab. 1:3 or 8 (4ab); Gen. R. 14:10; Seder Olam Rabbah 11. Ergo, “Ephraim also is My chief stronghold.” Now Joshua did yet another thing on his own initiative, which was not told to him. When Jericho was conquered, it was Sabbath. He said, “All of the Sabbath is holy, so whatever we conquer on the Sabbath will be holy to the Lord, as stated (in Josh. 6:19), “But all the silver and gold, and vessels of bronze and iron, are holy to the Lord […].” R. Berekhyah the Priest Berabbi said, “He treated it like a city condemned (for idolatry), and in the case of a city condemned (for idolatry) it is forbidden [to derive] benefit [from it]. Thus it is stated (in Deut. 13:17), ‘and you shall burn with fire the city with all its plunder, wholly for the Lord your God.’” R. Judah bar Shallum the Levite said, “[Joshua] taught Israel what the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel (in Numb. 15:20), ‘You shall set aside the first of your dough [as a hallah offering].’ Joshua said, ‘In as much as we conquered it first, we shall dedicate all its booty to the most high.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘In as much as you have done so, see, your offering is supporting your tribe and overriding the Sabbath.’ Thus it is stated (in Numb. 7:48), ‘On the seventh day it was the prince of the Children of Ephraim (who made the offering).’” This text is related (to Eccl. 8:4–5), “For a king's word is supreme […]. Whoever observes a commandment shall not know anything evil.” And so it says (in II Sam. 23:3), “The God of Israel has spoken; the Rock of Israel has said to me, ‘One who governs over a person, who governs righteously the fear of God.” And who is the one who governs over his [evil] drive.115See above, Gen. 5:6. One who does the will of the Omnipresent. And who is this? This was Joseph, the father of [Ephraim], the father of the father of Joshua ben Nun. What is written about him (in Gen. 39:7–8)? “And it came to pass after these things that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph […]. But he refused […].” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “You did not heed her. By your life, I am making you king over Egypt. Then they all shall obey you, as stated (in Gen. 41:55), “then Pharaoh said to all Egypt, ‘Go unto Joseph.’” It also says (in vs. 40), “You shall be over my house,” and the children of my palace116Lat.: praetorium; Gk.: praitorion. shall do nothing without your consent. So it says (in Gen. 42:6), “Now Joseph was the governor over the land.” Because he governed his [evil] drive, he became governor over the land. (Gen. 39:2:) “And he was a successful man. It was only necessary to say \"righteous man.\" Why is “successful man,” written? The Holy One, blessed be He, said to [Joseph], “You achieved what the first Adam did not achieve.”117I.e., unlike Adam, Joseph resisted temptation and overcame his evil drive. Successful (rt.: tslh) simply means achievement. Thus it is stated (in II Sam. 19:18), “and they crossed (rt.: tslh) the Jordan ahead of the king.”118The context is the successful return of King David to Jerusalem after his forces had achieved the defeat of Absalom. Cf. also Gen. R. 86:4. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “No sacrifice by an individual overrides the Sabbath; yet by your life, the sacrifice by your son (Ephraim) will override the Sabbath, because of the good work (mitswah) that you did (in resisting temptation).” Ergo (in Numb. 7:48), “On the seventh day it was the prince of the Children of Ephraim, Elishama ben Ammihud.” R. Azariah said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, [i.e.] to Joseph, ‘You have kept the commandment (mitswah) (from Exod. 20:13 = Deut. 5:17), of “You shall not commit adultery.” So you have fulfilled the Torah before I gave it. By your life, no tribe shall come between your two sons with a sacrifice. Instead (according to Numb. 7:48) Ephraim [shall bring an offering] on the seventh day; and (according to Numb. 7:54) Manasseh, on the eighth day.’” R. Meir and R. Joshua ben Qorhah were interpreting the names, “Elishama [means], he (Joseph) heeded (shama') my God (Eli), and he did not heed his mistress. Ben Ammihud (‘MYHWD) means, His glory (HWDW) was with me (‘MY) and not with another. Similarly also in the case of (Numb. 7:54), Gamaliel ben Pedahzur [prince of the Children of Manasseh, means that] Joseph said, God (El) has recompensed (gamal) my people with a good recompense (gemulim).’ Ben pedahzur (pdhtswr) means, the Rock (tswr) redeemed (pdh) me from my distress of the prison. And so is it written (according to Ps. 18:21), ‘The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the purity of my hands…’” R. Samuel bar Abba said, “What is the meaning of ‘according to the purity of my hands?’ According to the purity of my hands, because I was pure through good works.”119yTa’an. 3:12 (or 10) (67a). (Ps. 18:21:) “The Lord rewarded me.” How? When someone is poor, he trusts in the Holy One, blessed be He; but when he [becomes] wealthy, he trusts in his wealth and has no fear of [God]. However, when Joseph was a slave, he feared the Lord. When his mistress enticed him with words, he said to her (in Gen. 39:9), “then how shall I do this great evil and sin against God?” Also when he became king he added [to his] fear [of the Holy One, blessed be He], as stated (in Gen. 42:18), “And Joseph said to them on the third day, ‘Do this and live, for I fear God.’” And when his brothers came down to him a second time (according to Gen. 43:16), “When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, [he said… ‘Slaughter and prepare (wehakhen) an animal, for the men will eat with me at noon].’”120Because this verse uses the word, wehakhen, and because the same word also occurs in Exod. 16:5, it is assumed that the conditions of Exod. 16:5 apply here to Gen. 43:16. Now surely it is not customary for kings to prepare [food] one day ahead for the next. R. Johanan said, “It was the Sabbath, as stated (in Gen 42:16, ‘and prepare.’ And prepare only means [preparation for] the Sabbath, as stated (in Exod. 16:5), ‘And it shall come to pass on the sixth day, that when they prepare.’”121Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Beshallah, 1; Numb. R. 14:2; TDER 24 (or 26), p. 131. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “You have kept the Sabbath before it was given. By your life, I will have the son of your son offer [his sacrifice] on the Sabbath day, as stated (in Numb. 7:48), “On the seventh day it was the prince of the Children of Ephraim.”" + ], + [], + [ + "(Numbers 7:54:) \"On the eighth day, the prince of the Children of Manasseh.\" R. Abbin Berabbi the Levite said, “As Joseph was offering his praise, his master saw him murmuring with his mouth.122Numb. R. 14:3. He said to him, ‘What are you saying.’ Then he answered and said to him, ‘I am offering praise to the Holy One, blessed be He.’ He said to him, ‘I want to see Him.’ Joseph said to him, ‘Consider the sun, [who is merely] one of His several attendants.123In an unvowelled Hebrew text “sun” (shemesh) and “attendant” (shammash) would have the same spelling, i.e., ShMSh. [Since] you cannot look at [His attendant], how much the less [can you look at] His own glory.’124See above. Exod. 8:6; below, Numb. 3:15. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘By your life, because of you I am appearing to him.’ Thus it is stated (in Gen. 39:3), ‘When his master saw that the Lord was with him.’” R. Chaninah said, “What is the meaning of (Ps. 24:10), ‘Who is this King of glory]?’ [It is] since He shares His glory with those who fear Him.125Above, Exod. 2:7, and the other parallels listed there. In the case of a king of flesh and blood, no one [else] uses his scepter; but the Holy One, blessed be He, gave his scepter to Moses, as stated (in Exod. 4:20), ‘and Moses took the rod of God in his hand.’ In the case of a king of flesh and blood, no one [else] sits on his throne; but it is written about Solomon (in I Chron. 29:23), ‘Then Solomon sat upon the throne of the Lord.’ In the case of a king of flesh and blood, no one [else] rides on his horse; but Elijah ride on the horse of the Holy One, blessed be He. Now which horse belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He? Storm and whirlwind. Thus it is stated (in Nahum 1:3), ‘the Lord is in the whirlwind, and the storm is His road.’ And He gave it to Elijah. So it is written (in II Kings 2:11), ‘and Elijah went up in a whirlwind into the heavens.’ In the case of a king of flesh and blood, no one [else] wears his attire; but the Holy One, blessed be He has put his attire on the messianic king. And what is the attire of the Holy One, blessed be He? Honor and majesty, as stated (in Ps. 104:1), ‘You have put on honor and majesty.’ And it is written (in Ps. 21:6), ‘honor and majesty do You bestow upon him.’” What is written about the Holy One, blessed be He (in Is. 59:18)? “According to their deeds, so shall He repay.”126Biblical translations commonly render “RECOMPENSE” (gemulot) as “THEIR DEEDS.” What is the meaning of “[He] shall repay […] He shall repay” (twice)? That He repays the good according to their good [deeds] and the evil according to their evil [deeds]. What is written about Joseph (in Gen. 49:22)? “Joseph is a fruitful son.”127So literally. Biblical translations usually render “son” (ben) by a word like “bough” or “vine.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Joseph, there shall be peace upon the eye which you closed and did not look at any of the Egyptian women.”128Cf. Gen. R. 98(99):18. Thus it is stated (ibid., cont.), “daughters129Again English versions generally read “boughs” or the like. step upon the wall (i.e., to gaze).” R. Abbin said, “What is the meaning of ‘upon the wall ('ly shwr)’?130Numb. R. 14:6. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘It is for me ('ly) to pay a reward (skr) for that eye.’” Our masters have taught (in Zev. 14:4, 5, 6, 7, 8) that they would eat in the Temple within the curtains, but in Shiloh (which lay in Ephraimite territory) [they would eat outside the sanctuary as far away as the eye could see,131See Zev. 118b. as] the Holy One, blessed be He, rewarded Joseph for what he did. What is written [about Joseph (in Gen. 39:12)? “And he left his cloak [in her hand].” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “By your life, when the Children of Israel go out from Egypt in the future, the sea is going to see your coffin and flee.”132See Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Beshallah, 4; Gen. R. 84:5; M. Pss. 114:9. It is so stated (in Ps. 114:3), “The sea saw and fled […].” What did it see? It saw that Joseph had kept all of the Ten Commandments. Simeon, the man of Kitron, says, “It saw the bones of Joseph.”133Gen. R. 87:8). And in addition, Joseph's coffin (aron) proceeded before the ark (aron). And the peoples of the world saw it and said, “What is the nature of this ark which is proceeding before the ark of the Torah?” Then Israel said, “This is a coffin of a dead man that is proceeding before the ark of the Torah, since this [man] fulfilled everything that was written in this [Torah], before the Torah was given. And therefore he merited to proceed with it.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Joseph, “Joseph, although I have rewarded you with a little reward in this world, the main fund remains for you in the world to come, when Israel is redeemed with an everlasting redemption. Through the merit of Jacob and through your merit, they will be redeemed, as stated (in Ps. 77:16), “With Your mighty arm You redeemed Your people, the Children of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.”" + ] + ], + "Beha'alotcha": [ + [ + "(Numb. 8:1–2:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses saying, ‘Speak unto Aaron and say unto him, “When you set up the lamps.”’” Let our master instruct us: Is it permissible to light the Sabbath [lamp] with oil for burning1I.e. defiled oil from the terumah (the priestly tithe on produce). So Shab. 23b. on a festival? Thus have our masters taught (in Shab. 2:2): One may not light with oil for burning on a festival. R. Ishmael says, “One may not light [it] with tar out of respect for the Sabbath.” But the sages permit all kinds of oil: Sesame oil, nut oil, radish oil, fish oil, colocynth oil, tar, or mineral oil. R. Tarfon says, “One may only make a light with olive oil alone.” R. Johanan ben Nuri rose to his feet and said, “What will the people of Babylon do, who have nothing but sesame oil? What will the people of Media do, who have nothing but nut oil? What will the people of Alexandria do, who have nothing but radish oil? And what will the people of Cappadocia do, who have neither the one nor the other but only mineral oil?” R. Tarfon said to them, “See we have found that the Holy One, blessed be He, loves olive oil in a lamp and in lighting more than all the other oils, as He repeated it and trebled it in several places. And from His great love [for it], He chose ‘clear oil of beaten olives for lighting’ (Exod. 27:20). ‘For lighting,’ but not for the offerings. And the rest of the olive was for the offerings that were sacrificed.” You know that [it is so]. See, with reference to all the [other] gifts it is only said of them (as in Lev. 2:15), “And you shall put oil upon it”;2Cf. Lev. 2:1, 6 where the same command is expressed with a different verb i.e. POUR. but with reference to the lighting of the lamp, it is written “oil of olives,” and not other oils, (in Exod. 27:20), “clear of beaten [olives] for lighting.” We find that in several places the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded about lighting the lamps with clear oil of beaten olives, and so it says (in Exod. 27:20) “And you shall command the Children of Israel to bring unto you clear oil of beaten olives.” So also it says (in Lev. 24:2, 4), “Command the Children of Israel to bring unto you clear oil of beaten olives for lighting.... Upon the unalloyed lampstand.” And here also it is written (in Numb. 8:2), “When you set up (literally, raise up) the lamps.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 8:2:) “When you set up the lamps.” This text is related (to Is. 42:21), “The Lord was delighted because of His [servant's] righteousness to magnify and glorify Torah.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, It was not because I need your light that I am telling you to light a lamp.3Below Numb. 3:5; Numb. R. 15:2. Rather [I am doing so] in order to have you acquire merit (by fulfilling a commandment).” It is likewise written, (in Dan. 2:22), “and the light dwells within Him”; and [similarly] it says (in Ps. 139:12), “Even darkness is not dark to You; for night shines as the day, and darkness becomes like the light.” [Scripture says these things] to inform you that He does not need the lamps of flesh and blood. You yourself know [this truth]. When a person builds a house and makes windows within [his house], he makes windows narrow on the outside and broad on the inside, so that the light will enter from the outside and shine on the inside. But when Solomon built the Temple, he did not make the windows like that.4See above Exod. 8:5; PRK 21:5; Lev. R. 31:7. Rather they were narrow on the inside and broad on the outside so that the light would go out from the Temple and shine outside. It is so stated (in I Kings 6:4), “And for the house he made windows broad and narrow.”5Literally: CLEAR and CLOSED. While the Hebrew is obscure the translation here follows the Targum in order to fit the midrashic context. [This text] is to inform you that He is all light and that He has no need for its light. So why did He command you [to set up the lamps]? In order to have you acquire merit (by fulfilling a commandment). It is therefore stated (in Numb. 8:2), “When you set up the lamps.”6Beha‘aloteka et-hanerot. These words can also mean, IN ELEVATING YOU WITH THE LAMPS. Ergo (in Is. 42:21), “The Lord was delighted because of His [servant's] righteousness.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Be careful to light lamps for My sake, and I will shine a great light for you in the future to come.” It is so stated (in Is. 60:3), “And nations shall walk by your light, even kings by the brightness of your rising.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 8:2:) “When you set up the lamps.”7Numb. R. 15:3. You find that, when twelve tribes presented offerings at the dedication of the altar, the tribe of Levi did not offer anything. They were depressed and said, “Why were we removed from making an offering at the dedication of the altar?” A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a king who made a banquet and each day invited various artisans. Now he had a certain friend who he loved exceedingly, but he did not invite him along with them. So he was depressed saying, “Perhaps the king harbors [some grievance] against me in his heart. [Perhaps] it is for this reason that the king has not invited me to any of the feasts.” When the days of the feast had passed [the king] called the friend [and] said to him, “For all the people of the province I made [that] feast, but for you only I am making one single feast for yourself. Why? Because you are my friend.” So this king is the King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He. You find that the twelve tribes brought offerings for the dedication of the altar and the Holy One, blessed be He, accepted them, as stated (in Numb. 7:5), “Take it from them.” But the tribe of Levi did not bring an offering. When the dedication of the altar had passed, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Aaron and his sons, “All the tribes have made a dedication. Now you make a dedication by yourselves.” It is therefore stated (in Numb. 8:2), “Speak unto Aaron [and say unto him], ‘When you set up the lamps,’” and afterwards [it is written] (in vs. 6), “Take the Levites.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 8:2), “Speak unto Aaron [and say unto him], ‘When you set up the lamps.’” You find that Moses experienced more difficulty in making the menorah then for all the [other] vessels of the tabernacle; until the Holy One, blessed be He, showed him with [His] finger.8Above Lev. 3:11 and the parallels listed there; Numb. R. 15:4. Moshe experienced difficulty with three things.... What is the meaning of hammered work (mqshh)? It is meaning to say, how difficult (mh qshh) it is to make. For Moses spent a lot of effort before the menorah was made; as it says so (in Exod. 25:31), “with difficulty (mqshh, revoweled as miqqashah)9A typical translation of the Masoretic pointing would be: OF HAMMERED WORK. shall the menorah be made.” When it became difficult for him, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Moses, take a talent of gold and cast it into the fire. Then take it out, and it will have been made automatically.” (Ibid. cont.:) “Its base, its shaft, its cups, its knobs, and its flowers from it,”10English translations usually render the end of this verse: …SHALL BE OF ONE PIECE or something similar; however, the midrash follows the interpretation given here. [is to mean] “Make a blow with a hammer, and it will be made automatically.” It was therefore stated (in Exod. 25:31), “of hammered work (i.e. with difficulty) shall [the menorah] be made (ty'sh).” [The verb is spelled] fully with a y (yod in Hebrew) and not written [with the normal spelling] as t'sh (which could be translated, \"you shall make\"). [It is written with the extra letter] so as to say [that] it shall be made automatically. What did Moses do? He took a talent of gold and threw it into the fire. Then Moses said, “Master of the world, here is the talent; it is cast into the midst of the fire. Let it be made (ty'sh) in front of You just as You wish.” Immediately the menorah came forth made as it should be. It is therefore written (in Numb. 8:4 end), “according to the pattern which the Lord had shown Moses, [so did he make the menorah].” \"Moses made\" is not written here, but merely “he made.” [So] who did make it? The Holy One, blessed be He. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, told Moses to warn Aaron to light [the lamps] as stated (in Numb. 8:2), “When you set up the lamps.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “If you light [the lamps] before Me, I will preserve your souls from everything evil.” Thus their souls are likened to a lamp, as stated (in Prov. 20:27), “A person's soul is the lamp of the Lord.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 8:2:) “When you set up the lamps.” This text is related (to Ps. 18:29), “For You light up my lamp.” Israel said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, are You saying that we should give light before You?11Numb. R. 15:5; Exod. R. 36:2. [But] You are the light of the world and the light [dwells] with You, as it is written (in Dan. 2:22), ‘He reveals the deep and secret things, He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells within Him.’ And [now] You are saying (in Numb. 8:2 cont.), ‘let the seven lamps give their light in front of the menorah.’” Ergo (in Ps. 18:29, “For You light up my lamp.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “It is not because I need [your light]. Rather it is so that you may give light to Me just as I have given light to you in order to exalt you in the presence of all the nations; so that they will say, ‘See how Israel is giving light to the One who gives light to everyone!’” To what is the matter comparable? To a sighted person and a blind person who were walking on a road (... as in Tanchuma, Tetzaveh 4). The Holy One, blessed be He, was leading them and giving them light, as stated (in Exod. 13:21), “And the Lord went before them by day [in a pillar of cloud to guide them on the way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light].” When the tabernacle was set up, the Holy One, blessed be He, called to Moses and said to him, “Tell them to give Me light.” It is so stated (in Numb. 8:2), “Speak unto Aaron […], ‘When you set up [the lamps].’” Israel said to the Holy One, blessed be He, (in Ps. 18:29), “’For You light up my lamp.’ And [now] You say that we are to give You light?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “It was in order to exalt (lehaalot) you that I told you to give light to Me, just as I had given light to you on the way.” It is therefore stated (in Numb. 8:2), “When you set up (beha'alotekha) [the lamps].”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 8:2:) “When you set up the lamps.” What is written above the matter (in Numb. 7:1–2)? “So it came to pass on the day that Moses had finished [ … ] that the princes of Israel, [the heads of their ancestral houses, namely the princes of the tribes, the ones in charge of those being numbered,] made their offerings.” Then afterwards (in Numb. 8:2), “Speak unto Aaron [and say unto him], ’When you set up [the lamps].’”12Numb. R. 15:6. This text is related (to Ps. 34:10), “Fear the Lord, O you His holy ones, for those who fear Him lack nothing.” You find above (in Numb. 7) that eleven tribes made offerings, while the tribe of Levi made no offering. So while the tribe of Ephraim made offerings and all of the princes made offerings, the prince of Levi [did not]. Now who was the prince of Levi? This was Aaron, as stated (in Numb. 17:18), “And you shall write the name of Aaron upon the rod of Levi.” So Aaron did not make an offering with the princes, for he said, “Woe to me! Perhaps it is because of me that the Holy One, blessed be He, is not accepting the tribe of Levi.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moshe, “Go, say unto Aaron, ‘Do not be afraid. You are destined for something greater than this.’” It is therefore written (in Numb. 8:2), “Speak unto Aaron [...], ‘When you are raised.’” The offerings remain in force as long as the Temple exists, but the lamps are forever (according to Numb. 8:2 cont.) “in front of the menorah.” Moreover, all the blessings which I have given you to bless My children shall never pass away. Another interpretation (of Numb. 8:2 cont.), “in front of the menorah.” So that you will not despise this menorah. It is so stated (in Zech. 4:10), “For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice to see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel, [even] these seven [...].” This is the menorah. And what are “[these] seven?” These are the seven lamps corresponding to the seven planets that (ibid. cont.) “roam around all the earth.”13Numb. R. 15:7. These seven likewise are dear to Me. Thus you may not despise them. It is therefore written (in Numb. 8:2:) “let the seven lamps give their light in front of the menorah.” Lest your [evil] drive lead you astray into saying that He (i.e. The Holy One, blessed be He) has need of light, [see] what is written about the windows of the Temple (in Ezek. 40:16, 25), “Now there were narrow windows into the cells [...]. Like the windows (kehahallonot) mentioned above.” \"Kahallonot\"14The midrash is explaining an extra he (h) which does not belong there. is not written here but \"kehahallonot\" (understood here as kehah halonot which means \"dim windows\"), in that they were wide on the outside and narrow on the inside in order to send forth light to the outside.15Above, Numb. 3:2. R. Berekhyah the Priest said, “This lightning is the result of fire from on high. When it goes forth it brightens up the whole world, as stated (in Ezek. 1:13), ‘As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like coals of fire burning with the appearance of torches … [and from the fire there went forth lightning],’ and it brightens up the whole world. And I would need your light? [So] why did I tell to you to give Me light? Simply in order to exalt you (ha'alotekha),16Cf. Numb. 8:2: WHEN YOU SET UP THE LAMPS (ha‘alotekha). as stated (in Numb. 8:2), ‘When you set up (beha'alotekha).’” R. Hanina said, “Concerning your own eyes they have within them both black and white. Still you see not out of the white but out of the black. [Now if in the case of your eyes, which have within them both black and white, but with you seeing only out of the black], would the Holy One, blessed be He, who is all light need your light?” Another interpretation (of Numb. 8:2 cont.), “in front of the menorah.” Flesh and blood lights a lamp from a burning lamp. Could one [ever] light a lamp from the darkness? The Holy One, blessed be He, however, did make a lamp give light from the darkness, as stated (in Gen. 1:2), “with darkness upon the face of the deep.” What is written after that (in vs. 3)? “Then God said, ‘Let there be light.’” [Since] I have brought light out of the darkness, do I have need for your light? So why did I say [to light lamps]? Simply to exalt you (rt.: 'lh), (in the words of Exod. 27:20) “to set up (rt.: 'lh) an everburning lamp.”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Numb. 8:2), “When you set up [the lamps]”: This text is related (to Ps. 139:12), “Even darkness is not dark to You; for night shines as the day, and darkness becomes like the light.” Yet You are saying to us (in Numb. 8:2), “When you set up the lamps!”1Numb. R. 15:8. To what is the matter comparable? To a king who had a friend. The king said to him, “You should know that I am dining with you; so make ready for me.” His friend went [and] prepared a commoner's2Gk.: idiotes. couch [and] a commoner's3Gk.: idiotes. table. When the king arrived, attendants came with him. They set around menorahs of gold before him on either side. When his friend saw all the splendor, he felt ashamed and concealed everything that he had prepared, because everything was [of the type used by] commoners. The king said to him, “What is this? Did I not tell you that I was dining with you? Why did you prepare nothing for me?” His friend said to him, “My lord king, when I saw all this splendor that came with you, I felt ashamed and concealed everything that I had prepared for you, as it consisted of commoner's utensils.” The king said to him, “By your life, I am rejecting all my utensils which I have brought with me, and out of love for you I only wish to use yours.” So it was with the Holy One, blessed be He. He is all light, as stated (in Dan. 2:22), “and the light dwells within Him.” When he says to Israel, “Prepare a menorah and lamps for Me,” what is written there (in Exod. 25:8, 31)? “And let them make Me a sanctuary and I shall dwell within them; And you shall make a menorah of pure gold.” When they had done so, immediately the Divine Presence arrived. What is written there (in Exod. 40:35)? “Now Moses could not enter the tent of meeting… [because the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle].” Immediately He called to Moses, as stated (in Lev. 1:1), “Then [the Lord] called unto Moses.” And it is written (in Numb. 7:89), “When Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with Him.” But what did He say unto him (in Numb. 8:2)? “When you set up the lamps.” Israel said (in Ps. 43:3), “Send out Your light and Your truth; they will lead me”. Great is the light of the Holy One, blessed be He!4Numb. R. 15:9. The sun and the moon give light to the world, but from where do they derive their light? They snatch some sparks of celestial light. It is so stated (in Hab. 3:11), “[Sun and moon remain on high;] they go for the light of Your arrows, for the brightness of Your shining spear.” Great is the celestial light, of which only one part in a hundred has been given to mortals. It is so stated (in Dan. 2:22), “He knows what5MH read as M’H which means “a hundred.” is in the darkness, and the light [dwells with Him].” Therefore [the Holy One, blessed be He, says,] “I made sun and moon so that they would give you light, as stated (in Gen. 1:17), “God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” (Numb. 8:2:) “[Let the seven lamps] give their light in front of the menorah.” (David) [Solomon] said (in Prov. 16:15), “In the light of the king's face there is life.”6Numb. R. 15:9. R. Jacob bar Jose said, “Joy was withheld from the wicked and given to the righteous, to Israel, because the Holy One, blessed be He, was obliged to dwell among flesh and blood in the light. Thus he said to them (in Numb. 8:2), ‘[Let the seven lamps] give their light in front of the menorah.’” R. Levi said, “A pure menorah descended from the heavens.7Numb. R. 15:9. Because the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses (in Exod. 25:31), ‘And you shall make a menorah of pure gold.’ He said to Him, ‘How shall we make [it]?’ He said to him (ibid. cont.), ‘Of hammered work shall the menorah be made.’ Nevertheless Moses had difficulty; for when he descended, he had forgotten its construction.8See Above, Lev. 3:33; Tanh., Lev. 3:8; Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Piska 2; PRK 15; PR 15:21; 20:4; Exod. R. 15:28. He went up and said, ‘Master of the world, I have forgotten [it].’ He said to him (in Exod. 25:40), ‘Observe and make [it].’ Thus He took a pattern of fire and showed him its construction,9See Men. 29a Bar.; Sifre Numb. 8:4 (61); Numb. R. 15:4, 10. but it was still difficult for Moses. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘Go to Bezalel and he will make it.’ [So] Moses went down to talk to Bezalel, [and] he made it immediately. Moses began to wonder and say, ‘In my case, how many times did the Holy One, blessed be He, show it to me; yet I had difficulty in making it. Now without seeing it, you have made it from your own knowledge. Bezalel (btsl'l), were you perhaps standing in (b) the shadow (tsl) of God ('l) when the Holy One, blessed be He, showed it to me and said (in Exod. 25:31), “And you shall make”?’ Therefore when the Temple was destroyed, the menorah was stored away.” Now this was one of the five things that were stored away: the ark, the menorah, the fire, the holy spirit, and the cherubim.10Therefore, these five things were lacking from the Second Temple. See Syr. Baruch 6:4–10; TYoma2:15; TSot. 13:1; yTa‘an. 2:1 (65a); yHor. 3:3(2) (47c); Yoma 21b; Hor. 12a; ARN, A, 41. When the Holy One, blessed be He, returns in his mercy to build His house and His Temple, He will restore them to their place and cause Jerusalem to rejoice. Thus it is stated (in Is. 35:1-2), “The desert and the arid land shall be glad, and the wilderness shall rejoice and blossom like a crocus. It shall blossom abundantly and be glad.”11These five expressions of gladness in these verses correspond to the five things that will be restored in the new temple." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 8:5-6:) “Then the Lord spoke [unto Moses saying], ‘Take the Levites.’” Let our master instruct us: How many strings were on the harp which the Levites played?1Numb. R. 15:11. So said R. Judah:2T‘Arakh. 2:7; ‘Arakh. 13b. There were seven (shb') strings on that harp, as stated (in Ps. 16:11), “In Your presence there is fullness (rt.: sb')3Since the S here is a Hebrew sin in the unpointed text SB‘ is identical with ShB‘. of joy.” Do not read [the word pointed as] sova' (\"fullness\") but [as] sheva' (\"seven\"). So also did David say (in Ps. 119:164), “With seven a day do I praise You.4M. Pss. 81:3; PR 21:1. A more traditional translation of Ps. 119:164 would read: SEVEN TIMES A DAY DO I PRAISE YOU. Moreover, in the days of the messiah it will be made with eight [strings]. Therefore David has stated concerning the instrumental music (in Ps. 6:1), “For the leader; with instrumental music on the eight-stringed harp.” Furthermore in the future it will be made of ten [strings] as stated (in Ps. 144:9), “O God, let me sing to You a new song; let me play for You on a ten-stringed harp.” And who ordained them? Samuel and David, as stated (in I Chron. 9:22), “David and Samuel the seer ordained them in their office of trust.” Moreover, they [were the ones who] set up the divisions for singing. Now the Levites would stand on their platform and sing before the One who spoke for the world to come into being. See the love with which the Holy One, blessed be He, loved the Levites. So from the beginning the Holy One, blessed be He, chose them to serve Him. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “The Levites are extremely dear to Me. Take them in My name for a position of authority.” From where is it shown? From what they read on the matter (in Numb. 8:6), “Take the Levites.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 8:6:) “Take the Levites.” This text is related (to Ps. 11:5), “The Lord tests the righteous.” The Holy One, blessed be He, does not elevate a person to an office until He first tests and examines him.1Numb. R. 15:12. When he withstands his test, He elevates him to the office. And so you find in the case of our father Abraham; when the Holy One, blessed be He, tested him with ten temptations, he withstood his trials. Then after that He blessed him, as stated (in Gen. 24:1), “And the Lord blessed Abraham in all things.” So also in the case of Isaac, when He tested him with the days of Abimelech, he withstood the trial. Then after that He blessed him, as stated (in Gen. 26:12), “So Isaac sowed on that land […] for the Lord had blessed him.” So also in the case of Jacob, when He tested him by means of all those tribulations with Esau, with Rachel, with Dinah, with Joseph, with Simeon, with Benjamin and [with the tribulation of] how he departed from the house of his father and his mother (in Gen. 32:11), “for with [only] my staff did I cross [this Jordan].” Then after that He blessed him. It is so stated (in Gen. 35:9), “Now God appeared unto Jacob again, when he came from Paddan-Aram, and blessed him.” So also in the case of Joseph, He tested him with all of those tribulations, with the wife of Potiphar and he was imprisoned for twelve years. Then after that he came out and became king because he had withstood his trial. Ergo (in Ps. 11:5), “The Lord tests the righteous.” So also in the case of the tribe of Levi, they laid down their lives for the sanctification of the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, (i.e. for martyrdom), so that the Torah would not be set aside. Now when Israel was in Egypt, they had rejected the Torah and circumcision and all of them had become worshipers of idols, as Ezekiel has demonstrated where it is stated (in Ezek. 20:5), “And you shall say unto them, ‘Thus says the Lord God, “In the day that I chose Israel […].”’” Then what is written at the end (in vs. 8)? “But they rebelled against Me and did not come to hearken unto Me; each man did not cast away [the abominations of their eyes nor did they forsake the idols of Egypt].” What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He brought darkness upon Egypt for three days, and during those [days] he killed all the wicked ones of Israel. For this reason it says (in Ezek. 20:36-38), “[As I brought your ancestors to judgment in the desert of the land of Egypt….] So will I remove from you those who rebel and transgress against Me.” So also it says (in Cant. 2:13), “And the fig tree sheds2Heb.: hanetah. Although the biblical context suggests a translation such as “puts forth” or “ripens” the context understands this rare verb in a more negative sense. See above vol. 2, p. 62 Tanh. (Buber); Exod. 3:7). its green figs…,” these are the wicked who are in Israel; (ibid. cont.) “and the vines in blossom give off fragrance,” these are the rest who have repented and been accepted; (ibid. cont.) “arise, my beloved, my fair one, and come away,” for behold the time of redemption has arrived. However all those in the tribe of Levi were righteous and carried out the Torah. It is so stated (in Deut. 33:9), “For they observed Your word,” i.e., the Torah; (ibid. cont.) “and kept Your covenant,” i.e., circumcision. And not only that, but when Israel made the calf, the tribe of Levi did not participate there, as stated (in Exod. 32:26), “So Moses stood up on the gate of the camp and said, ‘Whoever is for the Lord come to me,’ and all the Children of Levi gathered unto him.” When Moses said (in vs. 27), “Each [of you] put his sword on his thigh…,” they immediately did so. Moreover they did not show partiality. And so Moses blesses them, [namely (according Deut. 33:9)], “The one who says of his father and mother, ‘I do not consider them’ and his brother….” When the Holy One, blessed be He, saw that they all were righteous, that He had tested them and they had withstood their trial – as stated (of Levi in Deut. 33:8), “[Your faithful one,] whom You tested at Massah” – the Holy One, blessed be He, immediately said (in Numb. 8:14), “And the Levites shall belong to Me,” to fulfill what is stated (in Ps. 11:5), “The Lord tests the righteous.” In the case of the wicked, however, it is written of them (ibid. cont.), “but His soul (i.e. The soul of the Holy One, blessed be He,) hates the wicked and the lover of injustice.” David said (in Ps. 128:1), “Fortunate is everyone who fears the Lord and walks in His ways.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 10:1–2:) “Then the Lord spoke [unto Moses saying], ‘Make two silver trumpets (hatsotserot).’” This text is related (to Ps. 24:7), “O gates, lift up your heads, be lifted up, you everlasting doors, [that the King of glory may come in].” When Solomon was bringing the ark into the Temple,17Numb. R. 15:13; above Exod. 2:6 and the note there. he began to say, “O gates, lift up your heads...,” because the openings were [too] low. [Then] he said, “Be lifted up you everlasting doors, that the King of glory may come in.” The gates said to him (in vss. 8 and 10), “Who is this king of glory? The gates immediately wanted to break his head [and would have done so,] if he had not said (in vs. 10), “The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.” Again he said (in vs. 8), “The Lord strong and mighty [...].” He said to them, “Expand yourselves, for the King of glory is coming upon you. They immediately showed Him honor (kavod), and raised themselves up.18Lam. R. 2:9 (13). So the ark entered. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “You have shown Me honor. Upon your lives, when I destroy My house, no one will prevail against you.” You know that all the implements of the Temple went into exile in Babylon as stated (in Dan. 1:2), “Then the Lord gave King Jehoiakim of Judah into his hand, with some of the implements from the house of God; and he brought them to the land of Shinar.” But the Temple gates were hidden in their place, as stated (in Lam. 2:9), “Her gates have sunk into the ground.” [Another interpretation:] What is the meaning (of Ps. 24:10), “the Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah?” That He imparts some of His glory to those who fear Him.19Numb. R.15:13; see PRK 32:9 (= Suppl. 1:9); M. Pss. 90:1. How? He is called \"God\" (elohim, a term denoting a power), and he called Moses \"elohim,\" as stated (in Exod. 7:1), “See I have set you as elohim to Pharaoh.” He (the Holy One, blessed be He,) causes the dead to live, and he imparted some of His glory to Elijah. Thus he (i.e., Elijah) caused the dead to live, as stated (in I Kings 17:23), “and Elijah said, ‘See your son is alive.’” Because the Holy One, blessed be He, imparts some of his glory to those who fear Him, He put His own clothing on the messianic king, as stated (in Ps. 21:6), “honor and majesty You shall lay upon him.” What is written about the Holy One, blessed be He, (in Ps. 47:6)? “God has ascended amid acclamation; the Lord with the sound of a horn (shofar).” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “I have made you a king. It is so stated (in Deut. 33:5), ‘Then he became king in Jeshurun.’ Just as when the king goes forth, they sound trumpets before him, so also for you, (in Numb. 10:2:), ‘Make for yourself two silver trumpets.’ [This is] so that will they sound the trumpets before you when you take out and bring in Israel, as stated (Numb.10:3), ‘And they shall blow them and the whole community shall assemble before you.’” Hence (Numb. 10:2:), “Make for yourself two silver trumpets.” This text is related (to Prov. 24:21), “Fear the Lord, my child, and the king, and do not associate with those who would differ.” But what is the meaning of “and the king?” Simply [this, to] make Him (i.e., the Holy One, blessed be He,) king over you.20Numb. R. 15:14 cont. Another interpretation (of Prov. 24:21), “and the king”: Be king over the evil drive, which is called a king, where it is stated (in Eccl. 9:14), “[There was a little city with few people in it,] and a great king came against it […].”21Cf. see above Gen. R. 11:1; 23:2; also Eccl. R. 4:13:1; 9:14:6, 9. Another interpretation (of Prov. 24:21), “and the king.” [More] than the king: Lest it be supposed that if the king says to you, “Worship an idol,” you should heed him;22See above Gen. 2:15. the text reads (in Prov. 24:21), “Fear the Lord, my child, and the king.” Thus [when] Nebuchadnezzar told Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah to worship an idol, they did not heed him. Instead they said to him (in Dan. 3:18), “We will not serve your gods, nor will we pay homage to the image of gold which you have set up.” Nebuchadnezzar said to them (in Dan. 3:14), “’Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?’ Did not the Holy One, blessed be He, say this to you that you should obey royalty in whatever it tells you, where it is stated (in Eccl. 8:2), ‘I [say], “Keep the king's command?”’” They said to him, “You are king over us for taxes and crop levies;23Lat.: annona. but in regard to the service of idols, Nebuchadnezzar and a dog [have] equal [authority].” (Dan. 3:16-17:) “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, ‘O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to answer you in this [matter]. If our God [whom we serve is able to save us, He shall save us from the burning fiery furnace and from your hand O king].’” They said to him, “Whether He delivers us or whether He does not deliver us (in vs. 18), ‘be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods nor pay homage to the image of gold which you have set up.’” Ergo (in Prov. 24:21), “Fear the Lord, my child, and the king; and do not associate with those who would differ”; [i.e.,] in that Israel is called a third to all those that fear Him, but do not associate with those who say that there are two gods in the world, for the end of [such people] is to perish from the world. It is so stated (in Zech. 13:8), “And it shall come to pass throughout all the land, says the Lord, that two-thirds [in it] shall be cut off [and die], but one-third shall remain in it.” And who is the one-third? This is Israel as stated (in Is. 19:24), “And on that day Israel shall be a third [partner with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth].” Ergo (in Prov. 24:21), “Fear the Lord, my child, and the king.” Whoever is in fear of the Holy One, blessed be He, becomes a king. From whom did you learn [that]? From Abraham because he was in fear of the Holy One, blessed be He, and became a king. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 22:12), “for now I know that you fear God.” But where is it shown that he became a king? It is written (in Gen. 14:17), “[And the king of Sodom came out to meet him …] at the Valley of Shaveh, i.e., the valley of the king.” What is the meaning of the Valley of Shaveh (rt.: shwh?] That they all became equal (rt.: shwh). So taking counsel (or taking wood),24Etsah. The word can mean either “counsel” or “wood.” they cut cedars, made a throne, and set him over them as king. And you should not say [this] only [in the case of] Abraham alone. In the case of Moses [as well did this happen], because he was in fear of the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in Exod. 3:6), “then Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.” And where is it shown that he became a king?] Where it is stated (in Deut. 33:5), “Then he became king in Jeshurun.”25Thus the king of whom Prov. 24:21 demands obedience, is a king who fears the Holy One like Abraham or Moses. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “I have made you a king. As they blow trumpets before a king when he goes forth to war, so shall they blow trumpets before you when you go forth to war.” How is it shown? From that which they read about the matter (in Numb. 10:2), “Make two silver trumpets.”26The context of the passage concerns the sounding of an alarm in time of war." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 10:2 translated literally:) “Make for yourself (lekha),” [i.e.,] at your own expense (literally: from what belongs to you [lekha]).27Numb. R. 15:16. (Ibid.:) “Make for yourself.” For yourself you shall make [them] and not for others. You are to use them, and no one else is to use them. You yourself know that in the case of his disciple Joshua, he did not use those [trumpets] but horns (shofars). When they came to fight against Jericho, there gathered in Jericho seven peoples. It is so stated (in Josh. 14:11), “When you crossed the Jordan and came unto Jericho, the citizens of Jericho, the Amorites, the Perizzites, [the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Girgashites,] the Hivites, and the Jebusites fought against you.\" Did seven peoples make up the citizens of Jericho, in that it says [here], “the citizens of Jericho: the Amorites….” R. Samuel bar Nahmani said, “Jericho was the door bolt [for unlocking] the land of Israel. They said, ‘If Jericho is conquered, the whole land will be conquered immediately.’ For that reason seven peoples gathered within it.” What is written (in Josh. 6:20)? “So the people shouted when [the priests] blew on the horns.” [This] teaches that even though Joshua was [Moses'] disciple, he did not use them (i.e. the silver trumpets). Moreover you should not say [this only] about Joshua but even [about] our master Moses, [in that the trumpets] were hidden while he was [still] alive. R. Isaac said, “Note that when Moses was going to depart this world, he said (in Deut. 31:28), ‘Gather unto me all the elders of your tribes [and your officials].’ But where were the trumpets? After all, he did not say, ‘Blow on them for [those people] to gather.’ It is simply that [it was already] while he was [still] alive that they were hidden.” R. Joshua of Sikhnin said in the name of R. Levi, “It was to fulfill what was said (in Eccl. 8:8), ‘nor is there control on the day of death….’” Ergo (in Numb. 10:2), “Make for yourself....” Make it for yourself, but you shall not use them all the days of your life. Another interpretation (of Numb. 10:2), “Make for yourself.” You are to use them because you are a king, but another is not to use them except King David, as stated (in II Chron. 29:26, 28), “And the Levites stood… the song was sung and the trumpets were blown.”28Numb. R. 15:16. Our masters have said, “The trumpets that were in the sanctuary were also hidden, but King David used the harp, as stated (in Ps. 57:9), ‘Awake, my glory; awake, O lyre and harp.’” R. Shimon Hassida said, “A harp was hanging above David's bed.29yBer. 1:1 (2d); Ber. 3:b; PRK 7:4; PR 17:3; M. Pss. 22:8; Ruth R. 6:1; Lam. R. 2:19 (22). When midnight arrived, a north wind would blow strongly on it, and it would play of its own accord. Immediately David and the students would arise to occupy themselves with the Torah; and driving sleep from their eyes, they would meditate on the Torah until the dawn arose. Therefore, David said (ibid.), ‘Awake, my glory.’ It is customary for the dawn to awaken the people, but (ibid. cont.) ‘I will awaken the dawn.’” Another interpretation (of Ps. 57:9), “Awake my, glory.” What is the meaning of “my glory?” [My glory is] due to the glory of my Creator. For the [evil] drive would say to him, “David, are you not a king? It is customary for kings to arise at three hours into the day; so why are you arising at midnight?” Then [David] said to it, “Empty is my glory. My glory is nothing before the glory of my Creator.” It is therefore stated, “Awake my glory (words which can also be rendered: empty is ['urah] my glory.”30The form ‘urah can be either a simple imperative (AWAKE) from the root ‘WR or a past intensive passive (WAS EMPTY) from the root ‘RH. (Ps. 119:62:) “At midnight I will arise to praise You.” David said, “It is my duty to arise at midnight and to praise You for the wonders that You have done with my ancestor (Ruth) at midnight.” It is so stated (in Ruth 3:8–9), “Now it came to pass at midnight that the man was startled, [so he turned aside, and here was a woman lying at his feet]. Then he said, ‘Who are you?’ And she said, ‘I am your handmaid Ruth.’” R. Judah bar Shallum the Levite said, “She said to him, ‘Are you sending me away with [mere] words?’ He said to her (Ruth 3:13) ‘”As the Lord lives,” I am not sending you away with [mere] words.’” (Ruth 3:13:) “As the Lord lives.” [This oath] teaches that he had imposed an oath on his [evil] drive, which was inciting him by saying to him, “You are an unmarried man and she is an unmarried woman. Now is the time to seduce her.” Immediately this righteous man swore, “As the Lord lives, I am not touching her tonight.” And not only Boaz, but all the righteous impose an oath on their [evil] drive. Thus you find it so with David, for when Saul fell into his hands, what did David say (in I Sam. 26:10)? “And David said, ‘As the Lord lives, the Lord shall smite him; either he will die when his day comes or he will go down and perish in battle; [the Lord forbid that I lay my hand on the Lord's anointed].’” Why did he swear two times? R. Samuel bar Nahman said, “His [evil] drive came and said to him, ‘If you had fallen into his hand, he would have shown you no mercy and killed you. [Moreover] according to the Torah it is permissible to kill him, since here he is pursuing [you].’ He therefore hastened to swear two times, ‘As the Lord lives, I will not kill him.’” Israel said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the universe, You know the power of the evil drive, how strong it is.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “Remove it little by little in this world, and I will take it away from you in the future.” Thus it is stated (in Is. 62:10), “build up, complete the highway31The biblical text renders, BUILD UP, BUILD UP THE HIGHWAY. [take away some stone] (i.e. the evil drive)!” It also says (in Is. 57:14), “Build up, build up; clear out a way; remove an obstacle (i.e. the evil drive) from the way of my people!” Then in the world to come I will root it out of you, as stated (in Ezek. 36:26), “I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh.” Thus has R. Tanhuma bar Abba interpreted." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 11:16:) “Then the Lord said unto Moses, ‘Gather Me seventy men from the elders of Israel….” Let our master instruct us: Within how many cubits is one obligated to stand up in the presence of an elder when he sees him?32Numb. R. 15:17. Thus have our masters taught: Within four cubits one is obligated to stand up in the presence of an elder.33Qid 33b; cf also yBik. 3:3 (65c). Thus it is stated (in Lev. 19:32), “You shall rise in the presence of34To be in one’s presence is to be within four cubits. a gray head [...].” One also bows down before him and asks after his welfare [when] within four cubits. And about which honor did the Torah say (ibid. cont.), “you shall honor the presence of an elder?” That one should not stand in his place or contradict his words. Also when one asks [about] a law (halakhah), one should ask with reverence and not rush to respond or interrupt his words. Whoever does not behave toward his teacher (rav) according to all these rules is labeled a wicked person before the Omnipresent, his learning is forgotten, his years are shortened, and in the end he comes to poverty, as stated (in Eccl. 8:13), “It shall not go well with the wicked one, nor shall he prolong his days; [they are] like a shadow, because he is not in fear before God.” In regard to this fear I do not know [exactly] what it is; [but] when it says (in Lev. 19:32), “You shall rise in the presence of a gray head, [you shall honor the presence of an elder,] and you shall fear your God,” note that it is [really] saying, this is the fear of [students toward] sages.35Since GRAY HEAD and ELDER are understood to refer to the sages. [But I might say that this is a fear of] usury and of [false] weights, as fear is stated about them [also].36In Lev. 25:36; 19:36. So why say that it refers to a sage? It is simply that R. Eleazar has said, “It is stated here, ‘[you shall honor] the presence (pny) of the elder, and you shall fear your God’; while it is stated in the other passage (in Eccl. 8:13), ‘he is not in fear before (pny) God.’” Hence, one is obligated to greet him before everyone when entering and leaving and to treat him with fear and honor. It is so stated (in Deut. 6:13), “You shall fear (et)37This word generally denotes that what follows is a direct object but at times the word means “along with.” In this latter sense the et implies that one should honor someone along with the Lord your God. For an example of et indicating further inclusions, see Tanh. (Buber) Gen. 1:8. the Lord your God.” And we have learned, “[The et must refer] to [fear of] the master scholars of Torah since you have no other trait like it.” And so it says (in Deut. 1:15), “[So I took the heads of your tribes, wise and well-known people,] and appointed them heads over [you].” From here you learn that you should treat him in a princely manner, [i.e.,] stand in his presence, and give him precedence in every matter of dignity. R. Abba bar Pappa the Priest said, “When I would see a certain group of people, I would walk by another route so as not to be a bother for them, lest they see me and stand for me. [However] when I told of the matter to R. Jose bar Zevida, he said to me, ‘You must pass before them, so that they will see you and stand in your presence. Then you will bring them to the point of fearing Heaven, as stated (in Lev. 19:32), “You shall rise in the presence of a gray head, [you shall honor the presence of an elder,] and you shall fear your God.”’” Why? Because the rise of the righteous is a rise in which there is no decline. But the rise of Esau38Esau stands for any Roman. the wicked is a rise which is wholly decline. Today he is a governor;39Gk.: eparchos. tomorrow an assistant [governor]; the next day a captain.40Gk.: stratiotes (“citizen soldier”). And thus it is with all their great ones. So also the prophet says (in Obad. 1:4), “Though you make your abode as high as the eagle, and though [your nest is set] among the stars, I will bring you down from there.” The rise of Jacob, however, is a rise which has no decline, and their holiness is never desecrated. And so you find that the elders are one of thirteen things which are written down [as belonging] to the name of the Holy One, blessed be He. These [thirteen] are the following: (1) The silver and gold, (2) the priests, (3) the Levites, (4) Israel, (5) the first-born, (6) the altar, (7) the priestly share, (8) the oil for anointing, (9) the tent of meeting, (10) the Davidic dynasty, (11) the offerings, (12) the Land of Israel, and (13) the elders. Where is it shown in reference to silver and gold? As stated (in Hag. 2:8), “The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine.”41See above Exod. 8:9. Where is it shown in reference to the priests? As stated (in Exod. 29:1), “to sanctify them for serving Me as priests.” Where is it shown in reference to the Levites? As stated (in Numb. 3:12), “and the Levites shall be Mine.” Where is it shown in reference to Israel? As stated (in Lev. 25:55), “For to Me the Children of Israel [are servants].” Where is it shown in reference to the first-born? As stated (in Numb. 3:13 = 8:17), “For all the first-born are Mine.” Where is it shown in reference to the altar? As stated (in Exod. 20:21), “An altar of earth you shall make for Me.” Where is it shown in reference to the priestly share? As stated (in Exod. 25:2), “And let them take for Me a priestly share.” Where is it shown in reference to the oil for anointing? As stated (in Exod. 30:31), “This oil for anointing shall be holy to Me.” Where is it shown in reference to the tent of meeting? As stated (in Exod. 25:8), “And let them make Me a sanctuary.” Where is it shown in reference to offerings? As stated (in Numb. 28:2), “My offering, My bread for My fire offering.”42Note that this reference to offerings and the following reference to the Davidic dynasty are reversed in order from the list given above. Where is it shown in reference to the Davidic dynasty? As stated (in I Sam. 16:1), “for I have chosen a king for Myself among his (i.e. Jesse's) sons.” Where is it shown in reference to the Land [of Israel]? As stated (in Lev. 25:23), “for the land belongs to Me.” Where is it shown in reference to the elders? As stated (in Numb. 11:16), “Gather Me seventy men [from the elders of Israel].”
Another interpretation (of Numb. 11:16), “Gather Me seventy men.” This text is related (to Amos. 9:6), “Who builds His upper chambers in the heavens and founds His celestial vault (aguddah) upon earth.” To what is the matter comparable?43Numb. R. 15:18; Sifre to Deut. 33:5 (346). To a palace44Lat.: palatium. that was built upon boat[s]. For as long a time that the boats are connected, the palace that is upon them will stand. Hence, it is stated (in Amos 9:6), “Who builds His upper chambers in the heavens.” When is His throne, as it were, established45Cf. the Gk. noun basis which means “ground” or “pedestal.” above?46See M. Sam. 5. When Israel becomes one society (aguddah). It is therefore stated (ibid.), “Who builds His upper chambers in the heavens.” When? When (ibid. cont.) “He founds His celestial vault (aguddah, which also means society) upon earth.”47Men. 27a. And so it says (in Deut. 33:5), “Then He became King in Jeshurun [when the heads of the people assembled, the tribes of Israel together].” Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses (in Numb. 11:16), “Gather Me seventy men.” Why? Because a gathering of righteous people is enjoyment for them and enjoyment for the world, but a gathering of wicked people is an offense to them and an offense to the world." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 11:16), “Gather Me seventy men [from the elders of Israel].” When the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Gather Me seventy men,” Moses said, “How shall I manage to get [them] from all the tribes?48Numb. R. 15:19; Sifre to Numb. 11:24-26 (95). If I get five each from every tribe, they will not add up to the number seventy. There will [only] be sixty. And if we get six each from every tribe, they will add up to the number seventy-two. But if we get five from one tribe and six from another, I shall be imposing jealousy among the tribes.” What did Moses do? R. Judah says, “He took seventy pieces of paper49Petaqim; cf. Gk.: pittikia (“notes”). and wrote ‘elder’ on them. Then he took another (seventy) [two] blank pieces of paper, mixed them up, put them in an urn,50Gk.: kalpis. and said to them, ‘Come and take your pieces of paper.’ Whoever took a paper with ‘elder’ written on it knew that he had been appointed an elder. Whoever came up with a blank paper in his hand knew that he had not been appointed an elder.” R. Nehemiah said to him, “There would still have been a controversy, since [a loser] could have said to him, ‘Where is a paper with \"elder\" written on it? If it had been there, it would have come up in my hand.’” Therefore, how did he manage for them? R. Nehemiah said, “He took seventy-two pieces of paper and wrote ‘elder’ on them plus [seventy-]two other blank pieces of paper. Then he mixed them up and put them in the urn. He said to them, ‘Come and take your papers.’ If a paper with ‘elder’ written on it came up in [a person's] hand he knew that he had been appointed an elder, but if a blank one came up in his hand he knew that he had not been appointed. Then the officer-in-charge would say to him, ‘Look there is another paper there with “elder\" written upon it. If you had been worthy of being appointed, [a paper with \"elder\"] would have come up in your hand.’” When [Moses had followed this procedure] the elders were appointed. Eldad and Medad were there, but they excluded themselves. They said, “We are not worthy to be in the number of the elders.” Now because they excluded themselves, they were found [to have become] superior to the elders in five respects. The elders only prophesied for the morrow as stated (in Numb. 11:18), “And you shall say to the people, ‘Purify yourselves for the morrow,’” but these men prophesied what was going to happen at the end of forty years as stated (in Numb. 11:26), “But two men had remained in the camp; [the name of the one was Eldad and the name of the other was Medad…; and they were…] prophesying in the camp.” But what were they prophesying? Some say [they were prophesying] about the downfall of Gog and Magog, while others say they were prophesying that Moses would die and Joshua would bring Israel into the Land. You yourself know that they so prophesied, since it is what Joshua told Moshe (in vs. 28), “Then Joshua ben Nun, Moses' attendant from his youth, answered.” And it is written (in vs. 27), “But a lad ran and told Moses.” And who was it? It was Moses' son, Gershom. The elders did not enter the land, but these did enter the land. Eldad is [so listed] (in Numb. 34:21) [as] Elidad ben Chislon. Medad is [so listed] (in Numb. 34:24) [as] Kemuel ben Shiphtan. The elders were not designated by their names, but these were designated by their names. The elders had their prophecy cease, but these did not have their prophecy cease. It is so stated (of the seventy in Numb. 11:25), “they prophesied but did not continue.” In the case of the elders, their prophecy was from what belonged to Moses, even as the Scripture has said (in Numb. 11:17), “and I will set aside some of the spirit which is upon you and put it on them”; but these [two] had their prophecy from that which belonged to the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in Numb. 11:26), “and the spirit rested upon them.”
Now if you say, “Since the elders had their prophecy from what belonged to Moses, might it not have lessened his prophecy somewhat?” [The answer is] no. To what may Moses be compared? To a lamp which was lit and51Sifre to Numb. 11:17 (93). everyone lights up from it; yet its light is in no way diminished. So also in the case of Moses. Although the prophets took of his prophecy, the prophecy of Moses was in no way diminished. [It is so stated] (in Deut. 34:10), “And never again did there arise in Israel a prophet like Moses.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 11:16:) Gather Me seventy men.” Did they not have elders in the past?52Numb. R. 15:20. Was it not already stated in Egypt (in Exod. 3:16), “Go and gather the elders of Israel?” So for what reason had the Holy One, blessed be He, said (in Numb. 11:16), “Gather Me seventy men?” [It was] to teach you that when Pharaoh had said (in Exod. 1:10), “Come let us act shrewdly [...],” Pharaoh gathered all Israel, and said to them, “Please work with me as a favor today.” This is what is written (in vs. 13), “So the Egyptians made the Children of Israel labor with ruthlessness (befarekh).” What is the meaning of “with ruthlessness (befarekh)?” With gentle speech (befeh rakh).53The midrash is interpreting Exod. 1:13 to mean, SO THE EGYPTIANS MADE THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL LABOR WITH GENTLE SPEECH. So Sot. 11ab; Exod. R. 1:11. Pharaoh took a basket and trowel; who [could] see Pharaoh taking basket and trowel, and working with bricks and not [also] work? Israel immediately went quickly, and applied all their strength along with him all the day, because they were strong and mighty. When it grew dark, he posted taskmasters over them. He said to them, “Reckon the [number of] bricks.” They immediately arose and counted them. He said to them, “This many you shall produce for me each and every day.” He assigned Egyptian taskmasters over the officers of Israel, and the officers were assigned over the rest of the people. Moreover when he said to them (in Exod. 5:7), “You shall no longer give the people straw,” the taskmasters came and counted the bricks. [If] they [the bricks] were found deficient, the taskmasters beat the officers, as stated (in Exod. 5:14), “And the officers of the Children of Israel, whom [the taskmasters of Pharaoh] had set over them, were beaten….” When the officers were beaten for the rest of the people, they did not hand them over into the hands of the taskmasters, for they said, “It is better for us to be beaten than that the rest of the people falter.” Therefore when the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses (in Numb. 11:16), “Gather Me seventy men,” Moses said, “My Master, I do not know who is worthy and who is not worthy.” He said to him (in Numb. 11:16 cont.), “Whom you know to be elders and officers of the people.” These are the officers who had handed themselves over to be beaten on their behalf in Egypt because of the required amount of bricks. Let them come and receive this dignity. It therefore says (ibid.), “whom you know to be elders and officers of the people.” Because they handed themselves over to be beaten for the community, therefore (in Numb. 11:16 cont.), “they shall lead with you in leading the people.” [From here] you learn that whoever hands himself over for the sake of Israel merits dignity and the holy spirit. It is therefore written (ibid.) “whom you know [to be elders and officers of the people.” From the ones of whom it is written (in Exod. 5:14), “And the officers of the Children of Israel [whom the taskmasters of Pharaoh had set over them] were beaten.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 11:16:) “Gather Me seventy men from the elders of Israel.” But where were those former ones?54Numb. R. 15:21. This text is related (to Job 34:24), “He shatters mighty ones without inquiry and raises up others in their stead.” When Israel was in Egypt, they had seventy elders as stated (in Exod. 3:16), “Go and gather the elders of Israel”; and with them they went out of Egypt. [Moreover] when Moses went up [on Sinai] to receive the Torah, they were [still] with him, as stated (in Exod. 24:9), “Then there went up Moses and Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel,” [and then] (in Exod. 24:14) “But unto the elders he had said, ‘Wait [for us] here […].’” When Moses had gone up, he had agreed with Israel to come down at the end of forty days. When he delayed coming down, all Israel came together to the elders. [He delayed,] even as it is stated (in Exod. 32:1), “When the people saw that Moses delayed (boshesh).”55Cf. Shab. 89a. Now boshesh can only mean a delay since it is stated (in Judg. 5:28), “Why is his chariot late (boshesh) in coming; why are the hoof-beats of his chariots delaying?” They said to them, Moses agreed with us that he would come down in forty days. Now here it is forty days and he has not come down. And in addition, six hours more [have passed];56Cf. Exod. R. 41:7, which derives boshesh from ba’u shesh, which means: “Six hours have come.” See Gen. R. 18:6. yet we do not know what has happened to him. So (in the words of Exod. 32:1 cont.) ‘Arise and make a god for us.’” When they heard that, they said to them, “Why are you angering Him, you for whom He performed all the miracles and wonders?” [But] they did not heed them and killed them. Then because Hur had stood ('md) up to them with harsh words, they (rt.: 'md) rose up against him and killed him [as well]. Then all of Israel gathered around Aaron with great pomp, as stated (ibid.), “and the people gathered unto Aaron...,” [saying,] “Why are you sitting?” R. Isaac said, “The holy spirit cried out (as in Psalms 26:5), ‘I detest the company of evil men, and do not consort with the wicked.’” [They said to him] (again in the words of Exod. 32:1 cont.) “’Arise and make a god for us’; and if not, ‘as (like) this,’ we will do like this to you. In the same way that we rose up against Hur and killed him, so will we do to you, if you prevent us [from our demand].” Once Aaron saw what they did to the elders and to Hur, he was very afraid, as stated (Exodus 32:5), “And Aaron saw and he built an altar (vayiven mizbeach) in front of it,” [meaning that] he built from the killing (vayiven mizvoach). Where is it shown that they killed the elders and Hur?57On the killing of Hur, see also Tanh. Exod. 8:10; Exod. R. 42:1; 48:3; 51:8; Lev. R. 10:2; Numb. R. 9:45; PRE 45. Where Jeremiah rebuked Israel, as stated (in Jer. 2:34), “On your skirts there is found the lifeblood of the innocent poor; you did not find them breaking in; yet for of all these.” What is the significance of “for all these (elleh)?” [It is] because of (the statement in Exod. 32:4), “These (elleh) are your gods O Israel.” What [punishment] did he repay them? (As stated in Exod. 32:35), “Then the Lord sent a plague upon the people.” After a time, when the Holy One, blessed be He, had forgiven them, He said to Moses (in Numb. 11:16), “Gather Me seventy men, in place of those who were killed for the sanctification of My name.” That is what is written (in Job 34:24), “He shatters mighty ones without inquiry [and raises up others in their stead].”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 11:16:) “Gather Me seventy men.” This text is related (to Eccl. 12:11), “The words of the wise are like goads (kedarbanot) [...].” Kedarbanot [signifies] kadur shel banot (a ball for girls). Just like a ball for girls is thrown here and there, so were the words [of Torah] thrown at Sinai. Another interpretation of “like goads.” Just as a goad brings living (hayyim) [animals] to their yoke (l'wlm) so do the words of Torah bring life (hayyim) to the world (l'wlm).58See ySanh. 10:1 (28a); Numb. R. 14:4; 15:22; Eccl. R. 12:11:1; PR 3:2. It is so written (in Deut. 30:20), “[To love the Lord your God, heed His commands, and hold fast to Him] for that is your life and your length of days.” [Another interpretation (of Eccl. 12:11), “The words of the wise are like goads”:] Just as the goad directs the cow to plow and even out the furrows;59TSot. 7:11; Sifre to Deut. 11:13 (41); Hag. 3b; ARN A 18. so do the words of Torah direct those who study them to say, “Forbidden,” over what is forbidden, [to say,] “Permitted,” over what is permitted; and [the words of the wise also] show interpretations and directives from the Torah. (Eccl. 12:11:) “The words of the wise are like goads.” Three names are applied to it (i.e., to a goad), darban, mardea', malmad.60PRK 23:7; Lev. R. 29:7. Why is it named malmad (mlmd)? Because it teaches (mlmd) the cow to plow. Mardea'? Because it teaches knowledge (moreh de'ah) to the cow for plowing. Darban? Because it (the goad) dwells (dar) in it (bah, i.e., in the cow) as understanding (binah) for plowing.61See Targum Eccl. 12:11. And therefore the words of the wise are compared to goads, as it teaches knowledge and understanding to people. And if you say, “Just as the goad is removable, so are the words of Torah removable,” the text reads (ibid. cont.), “and like implanted nails (msmrwt).” (Eccl. 12:11, cont.:) “Those that are gathered in collections.” What is the meaning of “those that are gathered in collections?” When are they implanted in a man? When their masters are gathered (dead) from them. The whole time that his master is alive, [the student] asks him. [When] his teacher dies, he toils day and night to fulfill his teaching, as there is no one for him to ask. Hence it is written, “those that are gathered in collections.” (Eccl. 12:11:) “And like implanted nails (msmrwt).” R. Berekhya the Priest Berabbi said, “It is written, ‘like the watches (mshmrwt),’ but we read it ‘like nails (msmrwt).’ [This is to teach that] just as the watches (mshmrwt) of the priests number twenty-four, so also do the books [of the Bible] number twenty-four.” Another interpretation: Why is it written, “like the watches (mshmrwt),” but we read it “like implanted nails (msmrwt)?” To teach you that if you have implanted them like a nail in your heart, they will watch you. Another interpretation (of Eccl. 12:11 cont.), “and like implanted nails.” From here the sages have said, “It is forbidden to read in the profane (chitzoniot) books.” It is therefore stated (ibid.), “and like implanted nails (msmrwt).” (Ibid. cont.:) [“(The masters of) collections.”] These [masters] are the Sanhedrin.62Gk.: synedrion. And if you say, “This person permits what another forbids, this one declares unfit what another declares fit, this one declares unclean what another declares clean, R. Eliezer obligates while R. Joshua exempts, and Bet Shammai prohibits while Bet Hillel permits; to whom should I listen?” [That is why] the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Nevertheless (according to Eccl. 12:11 end) ‘all of them were given from one shepherd.’” This [shepherd] was Moses, as stated about him (in Exod. 3:1), “And Moses was a shepherd.” [And] he received it from the One of the world. And they are unified words, except that this one gives one explanation, and that one gives another explanation. Hence it is stated, “all of them were given from one shepherd.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 11:16:) “Gather Me seventy man (sic)63The midrash is ignoring the fact that Hebrew uses singular nouns with large numbers in order to build an interpretation on this singular usage. from the elders of Israel.”64Numb. R. 5:23. This text is related (to Prov. 22:11), “The one who loves purity of heart has grace on his lips, has a king as his friend.” Why did He not say to him (in Numb. 11:16), “seventy men\" (with \"men\" in the plural), instead of “seventy man.” It is simply that He said to him, “seventy man (ish) [with the singular ish indicating] singular individuals,65I.e. singular individuals like the one described in Prov. 22:11. because they were to be like Me and you, as stated (Exod. 15:3:) “The Lord is a Man (ish) of war,” [and it is likewise] stated (Numb. 12:3), “Now the man (ish) Moses was very humble.” (Numb. 11:16:) “Gather Me [seventy men from the elders of Israel].” But did you not have elders before?66Numb. R. 15:24. Here now it is written concerning Mount Sinai (in Exod. 24:9), “Then there went up Moses […] and the seventy elders of Israel”; and this parashah (with Numb. 11:16) comes after that. So where were the[se earlier] elders? It is simply that, when Israel did those things which are stated (in Numb. 11:1), “Now the people were as murmurers […] then the fire of the Lord burned against them,” they were all destroyed by fire at that time. It is simply that their burning was like the burning of Nadab and Abihu, for they also had acted with disrespect on ascending Sinai, when they saw the Divine Presence. It is so stated (in Exod. 24:11), “they beheld God, and they ate and drank.” Was there eating and drinking there? To what is the matter comparable? To a servant who attended his master while [holding] a slice of bread in his hand and taking bites from it. Similarly had they acted with disrespect as though eating and drinking. So the elders along with Nadab and Abihu deserved to be destroyed by fire on that day; but because the giving of Torah was dear to the Holy One, blessed be He, He therefore did not want to harm them and bring calamity to them on that day. This is what is written (ibid.), “But He (the Holy One, blessed be He,) did not raise His hand against the nobles of the Children of Israel.” From this you may infer that they deserved to have a hand raised [against them]. After a time, however, they were destroyed by fire. Nadab and Abihu were destroyed by fire as they entered the tent of meeting, while the elders were destroyed by fire when they were filled with lusting, as stated (in Numb. 11:4), “Then the rabble (ha'safsuf) which was in their midst became filled with lust.” Who were the rabble (ha'safsuf)? R. Simeon ben Menasya and R. Simeon bar Abba [differed on the matter]. One said, “These were the proselytes who came up with them from Egypt and who were gathered (ne'esafim) together with them as stated (in Exod. 12:38), ‘And a mixed multitude went up with them.’” But the other said, “Rabble can only be a Sanhedrin, since it is stated (in Numb. 11:16), ‘Gather (esfah) Me seventy men.’” What [else] is written there (in Numb. 11:1)? “Then the fire of the Lord burned against them and consumed them in the outskirts (qetseh) of the camp,” [i.e.,] among the selected (muqetsim) in the camp. And where is it shown that those elders who went up onto the mountain were destroyed by fire? Where it is stated (in Ps. 106:18), “And fire broke out in their company ('edah),” since company ('edah) can only be a Sanhedrin as stated (in Numb. 15:24), “And it shall come to pass that if it was done [by mistake] away from the eyes of the congregation ('edah).”67I.e. the leaders of the congregation. So Rashi on Numb. 15:24. It is also written (in Lev. 4:13), “And if the whole congregation ('edah) of Israel68This expression was often interpreted as denoting the Sanhedrin. So Sifra to Lev. 4:13 (42: Wayyiqra parashah 4); R. Meir in Hor. 5a; Rashi on Lev. 4:13. should err.” And so did David say (in Ps. 78:31), “When God’s anger flared up at them, He slew their sturdiest,” these were the Sanhedrin; “struck down the chosen of Israel,” these were the chosen ones that were called elders, about whom it is written (in II Sam. 6:1), “And David still added to the chosen among Israel.” Then they wept again and demanded meat. Now you might say, “What they wanted was flesh? Did it not come about that the manna became whatever they wanted inside of their mouths, as stated (in Ps. 106:15), ‘So He gave them what they asked for...’?” And in case you should say that they did not have oxen and cattle in the desert, has it not already stated (in Exod. 12:38), “And a mixed multitude went up with them and flocks and herds.” And in case you should say they ate them in the desert, is it not written (in Numb. 32:1), “Now the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had much livestock?” From here R. Simeon said, “It was not meat for which they lusted, since it says so (in Ps. 78:27), ‘And He rained down flesh (she'er) upon them like dust.’ Now she'er must denote illicit intercourse since it is stated (in Lev. 18:6), ‘None of you shall approach any close (she'er) relation to him.’ Ergo, it [really] says that they desired to permit illicit intercourse for themselves; and so it says (in Numb. 11:10), ‘Now Moses heard the people weeping for their families.’”69See Yoma 75a according to which they were weeping here because of the family relations with whom they were forbidden to have intercourse. Thus when they desired such [relations] (ibid. cont.), “the Lord was very angry and it was bad in the eyes of Moses.” At that time Moses said to the Holy One, blessed be He, (in vs. 11), “’Why have you mistreated Your servant […]?’ In the past there was one with me who would bear the burden of Israel, but now I am alone.” Thus it is written (in vs. 14-15), “I am not able to bear [all] this people alone…. So if You are dealing like this with me, please truly kill me.” At that time the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Appoint other elders instead of those elders.” It is so stated] (in vs. 16), “Gather Me seventy men.” (Numb. 11:17:) “Then I will come down and speak with you there.” [This verse is] to inform you that the day for appointing elders was as dear to the Holy One, blessed be He, as the day for the giving of Torah.70Numb. R. 15:25. Thus it is stated (in Exod. 19:11), “for on the third day the Lord will come down”; and also (in Numb. 11:17) with reference to appointing the elders, “I will come down,” is written. To what is the matter comparable? To a king who had an orchard and hired a guard for it. Then he gave him the payment of a guard for him to guard the orchard. After a time the guard said to him, “I cannot guard all of it myself. Rather give me others to guard it with me.” The king said to him, “I have given the entire orchard into your keeping, and I have given you all the payment for guarding it; but now you would say to me, ‘Go and bring others to guard it with me.’ See I am bringing others to guard with you, but observe that I am not giving them their payment from what belongs to me. Rather it is from your payment which I have given you that they are receiving their payment.” Similarly did the Holy One, blessed be He, speak to Moses. When [Moses] said to Him, “I cannot [do everything] alone,” the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “I have given you understanding and knowledge to sustain71PRNS. Cf. Gk.: pronoos (“prudent”). My children. Moreover, I did not want others, simply so that you would have strength and knowledge and so that you would stand alone in that greatness. But now you are the one who wants others. Be aware that they will receive [payment], not from what is Mine, but from what is yours.” It is so stated (in Numb. 11:17.), “and I will set aside some of the spirit which is upon you and put it on them [...].” Nevertheless Moses did not lack anything. You should know that after forty years He said to Moses (in Numb. 27:18, 20), “Take Joshua ben Nun …. And put some of your glory upon him.” Then what is written about Joshua (in Deut. 34:9)? “Now Joshua ben Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom.” Why? (Ibid. cont.:) “Because Moses had laid his hands upon him.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In this world [only] individuals have prophesied, but in the world to come all Israel shall become prophets.” It is so stated (in Joel 3:1), “And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh so that your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.”72See also above Gen. 10:4; cf. Deut. R. 6:14. So did R. Tanchuma bar Abba expound." + ] + ], + "Sh'lach": [ + [ + "(Numb. 13:1-2:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, ‘Send men to explore the land of Canaan.’” Let our master instruct us: Is it permitted to set sail on the Great Sea (i.e., the Mediterranean) three days before the Sabbath?1Numb. R. 16:1. Thus have our masters taught (in Shab. 19a): One does not set sail in a ship on the Great Sea three days before the Sabbath, when one wants to go to a distant place. If, however, one desires to set sail from Tyre to Sidon, for example, it is permitted for one to set sail even on the Sabbath eve, because it is a known fact that one can go [there] while it is still daylight. Now these words concern agents with freedom of action; but in the case of agents for [carrying out] a commandment, it is permitted for [such a] one to set sail on whatever day he wants. Why? Because he is an agent for [carrying out] a commandment, and an agent for [carrying out] a commandment overrides the Sabbath. And so you find with reference to the sukkah that they have taught (in Suk. 2:4), “Agents for [carrying out] a religious duty are exempted from [the requirements of] the sukkah.”2Suk. 25a (bar). You have none so dear to the Holy One, blessed be He, as an agent, when he is sent to carry out a religious duty and is risking his life to succeed in it. And you have none who were sent to carry out a religious duty and who risked their lives to succeed in their mission like those two whom Joshua ben Nun sent. Thus it is stated (in Josh. 2:1), “Then Joshua ben Nun sent two spies [from Shittim secretly, saying]….” Who were they? Our masters have taught, “These were Phinehas and Caleb.” They had gone and risked their lives in order to be successful in their mission. What is the implication of secretly (heresh), saying? That they made themselves out to be potters and cried, “Here are pots. Whoever wants [some], let him come and buy.” [Their ruse was] so that no one would notice them. Hence secretly (heresh) is written [in this verse, but] read it [as] clay (heres), (from which pots are made). [They had made themselves out to be potters] lest people say that they were spies. (Ibid., cont.:) “So they went and came to the house of a woman who was a harlot whose name was Rahab […].” She arose and received them. The king of Jericho became aware of them and heard that they had come to investigate the whole land, as stated (in vs. 2), “But it was told the king of Jericho [….].” When they came to look for them, what did Rahab do? She took them away to hide them. Phinehas said to her, “I am a priest, and the priests are comparable to the angels (mal'akhim), as stated (in Mal. 2:7), “For the lips of a priest preserve knowledge, and they seek Torah from his mouth, because he is a messenger (mal'akh) of the Lord of hosts.” Now an angel desiring [to be visible] is visible; and one desiring [to be invisible] is not visible. And the prophets are also comparable to angels. As so is it stated about Moshe (in Numb. 20:16), “and he sent a messenger (mal'akh) who brought us out of Egypt.” And was it an angel? And was he not Moses? Hence the prophets are likened to angels (mal'akhim). And so too is it stated (in Jud. 2:1), “An angel (mal'akh) of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim and said, ‘I brought you up from Egypt…” And was he not Phinehas? It is simply that from here [it is shown] that the prophets are called angels. And so do you find with the wife of Manoah, as she said (in Jud. 13:6), “A man of God came to me; he looked like an angel (mal'akh) of God, very frightening.” And it likewise states (in Hag. 1:13), “And Hagai, the messenger (mal'akh) of God, spoke in the mission of the Lord to the people, saying.” Hence you have learned that the prophets were called angels. And it likewise states (in II Chron. 36:16), “And they mocked the messengers of God and disdained His words.” Hence Phinehas said to her, “I am a priest, when I desire [to be visible] I am visible; and when I desire [to be invisible], I am not visible. Now where is it shown that [Rahab] had only hidden Caleb? Where it is stated (in Josh. 2:4), “So the woman took the two men and concealed him.” It does not say, “hid them,” but rather “hid him3Him is a literal translation of the Masoretic text.” [This is] to teach you how much these two righteous men risked themselves to fulfill their mission. But the agents whom Moses sent were wicked. Where is it shown? From what they have read on the matter (in Numb. 14:36), “As for the men whom Moses sent to scout the land, those who came back and caused the whole community to mutter against Him by spreading calumnies about the land.” Ergo (in Numb. 13:2) “Send men.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 13:2:) “Send men.” This text is related (to Ps. 76:6), “The stout-hearted were despoiled; they were asleep in their slumber; nor did any of the valiant men lift a hand.” (Ibid.:) “The stout-hearted were despoiled,” namely Moses and Aaron.4Numb. R. 16:2. After they sent out the spies, these came and made an evil report about the land, and they did not know what to do. Actually, even Moses and Aaron were negligent [over the report]. Immediately Caleb stood up and silenced all those hosts,5Gk.: ochloi. as stated (in Numb. 13:30), “Then Caleb hushed the people before Moses.” He stood on a stool6Safsal; cf. Lat.: subsellium. and had them become silent. Then he said to them, “Hush, hush.” So they became silent in order to hear from him. He said to them (in Numb. 14:7), “The land […] is very very good.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “I am exceedingly grateful to Caleb.” It is so stated (in Deut. 1:36), “Except Caleb ben Jephunneh.” What is the meaning of “except (zwlty)?” This one is with Me (lzh wh'ty) (more) than sixty myriads of you. You did not find your hands (i.e., your courage); therefore you were indecisive. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 76:6), “The stout-hearted were despoiled; [they were asleep in their slumber; nor did any of the valiant men lift a hand].” Why all this? Because they were foolish agents. It is with reference to them that Solomon has said (in Prov. 26:6), “The one who sends a message through a fool is cutting off [his own] feet and drinking violence.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 13:2:) “Send men.” R. Aha the Great opened [his discourse] (with Is. 40:8), “Grass withers, flowers fade, but the word of our God shall stand forever.”7Numb. R. 16:3. To what is the matter comparable? To a king who had a friend. Now he made an agreement with him and said to him, “Come with me, and I will give you a present.” He went with him but died. The king said to the son of his friend, “Although your father has died, I am not withdrawing the present that I had promised to give him. Come and get it.” This king is the Holy One, blessed be He, and the friend is Abraham, as stated (in Is. 41:8), “the seed of My friend Abraham.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Come with me,” as stated (in Gen. 12:1), “Go from your land….” He made an agreement with him to give him the Land of Canaan as a present, as stated (in Gen. 13:17), “Arise, walk about the land [… for I am giving it to you].” It also says (in vs. 15), “For all the land which you see, [to you will I give it, and to your seed forever].” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Although the ancestors have died, I had agreed with them to give them the land. I am not going back on [My word].” Instead (as in Numb. 13:2), “Send men.” Ergo (according to Is. 40:8), “but the word of our God shall stand forever.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 13:2:) “Send men for yourself.”8The midrash here understands the verse in this more literal sense. This text is related (to Prov. 10:26), “Like vinegar to the teeth and like smoke to the eyes, so is the lazy person to those who send him.” The spies were mighty ones, in that they spoke evil speech against the land, as stated (in Jer. 9:2), “For they have bent their tongues as a bow of falsehood, [and it is not for truth that they have grown mighty in the land.]” To what is the matter comparable?9Numb. R. 16:4. To a wealthy man who had a vineyard. Whenever he saw that the wine was good, he would say to his tenants, “Put it in my house”; but whenever he saw that it was sour, he would say to his tenants, “Put it in your houses.” So also here. When the Holy One, blessed be He, saw that the elders were worthy, he called them in His own name, as stated (in Numb. 11:16), “Gather me seventy men [from the elders of Israel].” When He saw that the spies were going to sin, he called them by Moses' name, as stated (in Numb. 13:2), “Send men for yourself.” (Numb. 13:2:) “Send men.” This text is related (to Prov. 26:6), “The one who sends a message through a fool is cutting off [his own] feet and drinking violence.” And were the spies fools? And has it not already been stated (in Numb. 13:2) “Send men (anashim).” And in every place that anashim is used, the men are righteous. Where is this shown? For so it says (in Exod. 17:9), “Then Moses said to Joshua, ‘Choose men (anashim) for us.’”10Numb. R. 16:5. And so it says (in I Sam. 17:12), “and in the days of Saul the man (Jesse) had come to an elderly age among men (anashim).” And so it [also] says (in I Sam. 1:11), “and if you grant your handmaid the seed of men (anashim).” Now you are calling these [spies] fools (as in Prov. 26:6), “The one who sends a message through a fool?” But these were only called fools because they had uttered malicious slander against the land, as stated (in Prov. 10:18), “and the one who utters slander is a fool.” But nevertheless they had [once] been great human beings, although they had made themselves foolish. So it is on account of them that Moses says (in Deut. 32:20), “for they are a perverse generation, children with no loyalty to them.” Thus they were chosen from all of Israel at the command of the Holy One, blessed be He, and at the command of Moses, as stated (in Deut. 1:23), “Now the plan seemed good in My eyes; so I took [twelve men (anashim)] from you, one for each tribe.” From where do you say that they were righteous? See that Moses did not want to send them until he had consulted with the Holy One, blessed be He, over each and every one. When he had said [for each one], “So-and-so from such-and-such tribe,” the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “They are acceptable.” Thus it is stated (in Numb. 13:3), “So Moses sent them from the Desert of Paran at the command of the Lord.” Then after that, at the end of forty days, they changed and made all that trouble. So they caused that generation to be afflicted with that punishment, as stated (in Deut. 32:20), “for they are a perverse generation.” Because when they were chosen, [they were] righteous. It is therefore stated (in Numb. 13:2, 16), “Send men for yourself […]. And these are the names of the men (anashim).”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Numb. 13:2) “Send men.” What is written above the matter (in Numb. 12:1)? “And Miriam spoke to Aaron about Moses.” And afterwards, (in Numb. 12:2), “Send men.” This text is related (to Is. 44:18), “They neither know nor understand; for their eyes are stuck shut so that they cannot see […].” What is the reason for saying, “Send men,” after the episode of Miriam (in Numb. 12:1ff.)?11Numb. R. 16:6. It is simply that it was anticipated by the Holy One, blessed be He, that they would come and utter evil speech against the land.12Sot. 34a. The Holy One, blessed be He, had said that they should not [be able to] say, “We did not know what the penalty for evil speech was.” For that reason the Holy One, blessed be He, put this [story] next to the one [in which Miriam was afflicted with leprosy, because she had spoken slander against her brother. [This was] so that everyone would know the punishment for evil speech. [It was a warning] so that if they came to speak slander, they would consider what happened to Miriam; but even so, they did not desire to learn. It is therefore stated (in Is. 44:18), “They neither know nor understand.” Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, wrote [about] the sending out of the spies after the episode of Miriam. Ergo (in Is. 44:18), “They neither know nor understand; for their eyes are stuck shut so that they cannot see….” Another interpretation (of Numb. 13:2), “Send men for yourself”: Even though the Holy One, blessed be He, had said to Moses, “Send men for yourself,” it was not [the wish] of the Holy One, blessed be He, for them to go.13See Numb. R. 16:7. Why? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, had already told them [about] the superiority of the Land of Israel. It is so stated (in Deut. 8:7), “For the Lord your God is bringing you unto a good land.” Moreover, while they had been in Egypt, he had said to them (in Exod. 3:8), “I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians [and to bring them up out of that land unto a good and spacious land].” And Scripture states (in Exod. 13:21), “And the Lord went in front of them by day.” So what is the point of [saying] (in Numb. 13:2), “Send men?” It is simply that they wanted these words. When they reached [Israel's] borders, Moses had said to them (in Deut. 1:21), “See, the Lord your God has set the land before you, go and possess….” At that time Israel approached Moses, as stated (in vs. 22), “Then you all drew near unto me [and said, ‘Let us send men ahead of us to explore the land for us’].” This is what Ezra14See Sanh. 93b, which also alludes to the book of Nehemiah under the name of Ezra. said (in Neh. 9:17), “So they refused to listen and were unmindful of Your] wonders.” Now it says (in Numb. 10:33), “and the ark of the covenant of the Lord traveled ahead of them […].” And [yet] they said (in Deut. 1:22), “Let us send men ahead of us to explore the land for us.” [It is simply] that they did not believe. And similarly David said (in Ps. 78:10), “and they refused to follow His Torah.” R. Joshua says, “To what were they comparable? To a king who secured for his son a beautiful wife, the daughter of good and wealthy parents. The king said to him, ‘I have secured you a beautiful wife, the daughter of good and wealthy parents. There is no one like her in the whole world.’ The son said to him, ‘Let me go to see her,’ for he did not trust his father. Immediately the situation became ever more difficult for his father and it was bad for him. His father said, ‘What shall I do? If I say to him, “I am not showing her to you,” then he will say, “She is ugly.”’ For that reason he did not want to show her. Finally he said to him, ‘Look at her, so that you may know that I have not deceived you. But because you did not trust me, I swear that you shall not see her in your house. Instead I am giving her to your son.’ Now similarly did the Holy One, blessed be He, say to Israel, ‘The land is good,’ but they did not believe [Him]. They said (in Deut. 1:22), ‘Let us send men ahead of us.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘If I prevent them, they will say, “The land is no good. For that reason He has not shown it to us.” Rather, they will only see it, for I swear that not one of them shall enter within it, but rather [only] their children.’ Thus it is stated (in Numb. 14:23, 31), ‘Surely they shall not see the land […]. But it is your children, who you said would be carried off, who will go….’’’ When they said to Moses (in Deut. 1:22), “Let us send men ahead of us,” Moses began to wonder. He said, “It is impossible for me to do something before I consult with the Holy One, blessed be He.” He went and consulted. He said to him, “Your children want thus and so.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “This is not the first time for them. While they were in Egypt, they jeered at Me, as stated (in Hos. 7:16), ‘this was their derision in the land of Egypt.’ They are accustomed to such [behavior]. I do not need this; as see, it is written (in Dan. 2:22), ‘He knows what is in the darkness, [and the light dwells with Him]’; I know what they are saying. But if you want, you yourself, ‘Send men for yourself.’” Where is it shown? Where it is written (in Numb. 13:16), “These are the names of the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 13:16, cont.:) “Then Moses called Hoshea (hwsh') ben Nun, Joshua (yhwsh').” What reason did Moses see for adding a yod (i.e., a y) to Joshua's name?15Numb. R. 16:9; cf. Sanh. 107a; Gen. R. 47:1; Exod. R. 6:1. It is simply that Caleb had taken his reward from the land, as stated (in Deut. 1:36)), “to him will I gave the land on which he has trod.” But Joshua [received] the reward [that would have gone to the other] ten [spies], in that a yod [which stands for] ten was added to his name. (Numb. 13:16, cont.:) “Then Moses called Hoshea (hwsh') ben Nun, Joshua (yhwsh'). Another interpretation: When Moses saw that they were so very wicked, Moses said to him, “May the Lord (abbreviated to yh) save (ywshy') you from this evil generation.” (Numb. 13:16:) “These are the names of the men [whom Moses sent to spy out the land].” And what were their names?16Above, Exod. 1:1, and the notes there; Gen. R. 71:3; Numb. R. 16:10; cf. Sot. 34b. (Vss. 13–15:) “Sethur ben Michael. […] Nahbi ben Vophsi. […] Geuel ben Machi.” There are people whose names are handsome but whose deeds are ugly, [those whose] names are ugly but whose deeds are handsome, [those whose] names and deeds are handsome, [and those whose] names and deeds are ugly. [Those whose] names are handsome but whose deeds are ugly are Ishmael and Esau. Ishmael [means] \"God hears\"; Esau [means] \"he does the will of his Maker.” [Those whose] names are ugly but whose deeds are handsome are those coming up out of exile: (According to Ezra 2:53 = Neh. 7:55), “The children of Barkos, the children of Sisera (cf. Jud. 4-5), the children of Temah.” But they built the Temple. [Those whose] names are handsome and whose deeds are handsome are the tribes (the sons of Jacob). [Those whose] names are ugly and whose deeds are ugly are the spies. What is written about them (in Numb. 13:13)? Sethur (rt.: str), in that they removed (rt.: str) God from the world.17Cf. Sot. 34b. Nahbi, in that he hid (hehbi) [God’s] words. (Numb. 13:17), “Then he said unto them, ‘Go up here into the Negeb.’” “Go up,” since [they are] a people who go up.18Numb. R. 16:11. (Numb. 13:17:) “When Moses sent them […] then he said unto them, ‘Go up here into the Negeb.” Why [first] into the Negeb?19Numb. R. 16:12. Because this is what the merchants do. They show the inferior goods first, and after that they show the best. (Vs. 18:) “And you are to see what the land is like.” Three times did Moses tell them, “look over the Land of Israel” (in vss. 18, 19, 20). Why? The first, he said, “See what the land is.” He said to them, “Observe the land. There is land that raises strong men, and there is [land] that raises weaklings. There is also [land] that raises armies,20Gk.: Ochloi. and there is [land] that diminishes armies.” Thus did he charge them (in Numb. 13:18), “as for the people who dwell in it, are they mighty [or] weak?” (Numb. 13:19) “And what of the land, is it good or bad […]?” And how will you know about their strength? (Numb 13:19 cont.:) “Are they in camps or in strongholds.” If they dwell in camps, they are mighty and depend upon their strength; but if they are in strongholds, they are weak and have fearful hearts. (Numb. 13:20:) “And what of the land, Is it fertile or lean?” [How do we determine] whether its fruits are light or fat. He said to them, “Look at its stones and pebbles. If they are of flint, they are fat; and if they are of clay, they are lean.” (Ibid., cont.:) “Now the time was the time for the first-fruits of the grapes.” From here you learn that [the month of] Tammuz is never without figs and grapes." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 13:21:) “So they went up and explored the land.” How?21Below, Numb. 4a:3, 10; Numb. R. 16:13; Sot. 35a. When they entered a town, a pestilence afflicted the nobility; and the people of the town were busy with their burial so when they entered, no mortal saw them. For this reason they said (in vs. 32), “The land through which we passed […] is a land that eats up its inhabitants.” It was through the [very] miracles which the Holy One, blessed be He, did for them that they spread slander. (Numb. 13:22:) “And they went up to the Negeb and they came to Hevron, and Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai were there,” who were extremely strong, as stated (Deut. 9:2), “whom you have known and about whom you have heard.” R. Berekhyah the Priest Berabbi said (according to vs. 22), “They found the three sons of Anak there, ‘Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai.’22Cf. Sot. 34b. Why was the name of [the first] called Ahiman? Because he said, ‘My brother (ahi), who (man) will come against me?’ [Why] Sheshai (shyshy)? Because he was as sound as marble (shysh). [Why] Talmai?23Talmay, which means, “my furrows.” Because he went and made furrows (telamim) in the earth.”24I.e., with his heavy steps. (Ibid., cont.:) “The children of the Anak ('nq).” (He was called that] because he wore (rt.: 'nq) the sun around his neck.25According to Zeev Wolf’s commentary on Numb. R. 16:11, they were so tall that the sun seemed to rest on their heads. When the spies saw them they were afraid. Immediately they went and said (in vs. 31), “for they are stronger than we (which can also be read as, than He).” Resh Laqish said, “They compared them to the Above. Because of this transgression harsh decrees were issued against them.” What does the Holy One, blessed be He, say to Jeremiah? “Go, say to them, ‘You do not know what you have brought out from your mouth, as stated (in Jer. 11:16), “with the sound of a great tumult you have lit fire to it, and you have broken its boughs.” What did you cause to yourselves “with the sound of a great tumult” that you said, “you have lit fire to it.” “You will carry your sins one day for each year”’” (Numbers 14:34). They said (in Numb. 13:33), “And in our own eyes we were like grasshoppers.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “I forgave them for that [remark]; but I was exacting [when they said] (ibid., cont.), ‘And so we were in their eyes.’ Who would say that you were not like angels in their eyes? Do you know what I made you in their eyes?” What had they brought upon themselves? (Numb. 14:34:) “According to the number of days that you explored the land […] forty years.” As though this was not enough, they did not even enter the land. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “In this world,26This form usually denotes the end of a parashah, but it does not do so here; nor does it do so in the parallel in Numb R. 16:11. because the representatives (literally, those sent) were of flesh and blood, it has been decreed over them that they should not enter the land; but in the world to come I will suddenly send My angel (mal'akh), and he shall clear a way before Me.” It is so stated (in Mal. 3:1), “Behold, I am sending My messenger (mal'akh) to clear a way before Me, and [the Lord whom you seek] shall suddenly come unto his Temple.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 13:22:) “Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.” [This verse is] to make known the excellence of the Land [of Israel], that its worst soil is better than the land of Egypt.27Numb. R. 16:13, cont.; see Sifre, Deut. 7:12 (37); Sot. 34b. Thus when the children of Noah took possession of the world after the flood, they first built cities, but not in the best place. Instead they chose the worst of the Land of Israel; for Hebron is the worst [place] in the Land of Israel. But Zoan is the best which is in the land of Egypt, and this [city of Hebron] preceded it by seven years. If you should say, “No, the one who built the former did not build the other”; [then I can answer,] “It was the [same] generation; it was the [same] family (according to Gen. 10:6), ‘And the sons of Ham were Cush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan.’” Now they arose and built the one before the other. (Numb. 13:22:) “Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.” One man built them, and from the leftovers of the first, he built the second. (Numb. 13:23:) “Then they came to the Wadi Eshcol.” They did not want to take any of the fruits from the Land of Israel. If Caleb had not drawn his sword, gone down in front of them, and said to them, “If you do not take [some], then either you kill me or I will kill you,” they would not have taken [anything].28Numb. R. 16:14; Sot. 34a, according to which neither Joshua nor Caleb were carrying anything. It is therefore stated (to Caleb in Josh. 14:9), “Surely the land on which your foot has trod shall be a portion for you.” (Numb. 13:23:) “And they bore it by pole with two.”29The usual rendering of these words depicts the grape cluster resting on a pole suspended between two of the spies. There were not less than two poles, since it does not say, \"two on a pole,\" but “by pole with two.”30I.e., by pole, using two of them. Some also say three, “By pole,” [i.e.,] one [plus] “with two” for a total of three. And how heavy a load did each and every one have in hand? Go out and learn from the stones that they took from the Jordan, as stated (in Josh. 4:20), “And Joshua set up in Gilgal those twelve stones which they took from the Jordan.” What was the size of each and every one of them? A load of forty se’ah.31A se’ah is a measure of capacity. As a weight a se’ah usually means a se’ah of wheat. From here you can calculate that cluster of grapes. A person carries and lifts up [one] se’ah by himself. With his companion lifting [the load] up upon him, he carries two se'ah.32Cf. Rashi, on Sot. 34a, according to whom each one could carry 40 se’ah on his shoulder. Now since a person plus a helper can carry three se’ah, with two men per pole there would be 120 se’ah of grapes per pole. Together with his companion he carries three [se'ah]. Ergo one calculates from here (the weight of the cluster). (Numb. 13:25:) “At the end of forty days then they returned from exploring the land.” But do you not find that they [only] went from south to north?33Numb. R. 16:15. Moreover, would they have walked the whole [land] in forty days? It is simply that it was revealed to the Holy One, blessed be He, that they would come and utter slander, and that there would be decreed against that generation years of suffering (according to Numb. 14:34), “[every] day a year, you shall bear your iniquities forty years.” So the Holy One, blessed be He, caused their road to shrink (i.e., to close up) before them." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 13:24:) “That place was called Wadi Eshcol.” This text is related (to Is. 46:10), “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from of old, things that have not yet happened,” in that everything is foreseen by the Holy One, blessed be He.34Numb. R. 16:16. Eshcol (according to Gen. 14:24) was Abraham's friend, and he was called Eshcol because of the grape cluster (eshkol), which Israel was going to cut from his place in his name. (Numb. 13:26-28:) “Then they went and came unto Moses and unto Aaron…. And they recounted to him and said, ‘We came unto the land …. However [the people who dwell in the land] are strong….’” Such is the way of those who recount slander.35Numb. R. 16:17. They open with what is good and finish with what is ill. (Numb. 13:29:) “Amalek dwells in the land [of the Negeb].” What [reason] did they see for opening with Amalek?36Numb. R. 16:18. A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a child who misbehaves and is beaten with a strap. When they wanted to intimidate him, they reminded him of the strap. Similarly Amalek had been an evil strap for Israel. What [reason] did he see to post himself upon the border in the way of Israel’s entrance into the land? It is simply because his ancestor, Esau, had so commanded him in order to forestall them in their way. So he uprooted [himself] from his place and posted himself on the way, as stated (Numb. 14:45) “And there went down the Amalekite, and the Canaanite, who dwelt in that mountain.”37On this reading, Amalek used to dwell in the mountains, but came down to block Israel’s passage. (Numb. 13:29, cont.:) “And the Canaanite dwells by the sea and along the Jordan.” These are the mighty ones dwelling on the way. Therefore the spies intended to break the heart of Israel, as stated (in Numb. 32:9), “they turned away the heart of the Children of Israel.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 13:30:) “Then Caleb hushed the people [before Moses].” As at first he said to them, “I am of the same opinion as you”; but his heart was for speaking the truth, as stated (in Josh. 14:7), “and I brought him back word according to what was in my heart. But my brothers that were with me melted [the people’s heart].”38Numb. R. 16:19; Sot. 35a. The Holy One, blessed be He, also testifies over him, as stated (in Numb. 14:24), “But My servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him.” So when the spies came, they said, “We can trust Caleb.” Immediately he stood up on a stool39Safsal; cf. Lat.: subsellium. and had all Israel become silent from clamoring against Moses, [as stated] (in Numb. 13:30), “Then Caleb hushed the people before Moses.” Now they were thinking that he would utter slander. For that reason they were silent. He began by saying (ibid., cont.), “We should certainly go up and possess it.” Immediately when they heard this, they took issue with him and said (in Numb. 13:31–32), “’We are unable to go up against this people […].’ So they spread calumny about the land ….”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 14:1:) “Then the whole congregation raised their voice [and cried].” This text is related (to Prov. 18:8), “The words of a murmurer are like mighty blows,40English translations usually render this unusual word as “delicacies” or something similar, but the meaning is uncertain. The present translation is derived from the context of the midrash. and they go down into the chambers of the belly.” Those words which the spies murmured against the Holy One, blessed be He, brought them misfortune for generations.41Numb. R. 16:20. As if they had not listened to the spies, they would not have been punished with them. Instead they acquiesced to them, as stated (in Deut. 1:27), “You sulked (teragnu) in your tents.” What is the meaning of “teragnu?” You sought the disgrace (TARtem GENUt) of the Land of Israel, which the Holy One, blessed be He, called a good land. This is comparable to a person who was a friend of the king, and the king chooses a fine item to give to him. [If] someone stood up and said to the friend that it is bad, would he not be saying [to the king], “You have not honored your friend properly?”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 14:1:) “Then the whole congregation raised (rt.: ntn) their voices; [and that night the people wept.]” This text is related (to Jer. 12:8), “[My heritage] has set (rt.: ntn) its voice against Me; therefore I have hated (rt.: sn') it.” The very voice with which you wept caused you to be punished by enemies (rt.: sn').42Numb. R. 16:20, cont. Moreover, it was over this very generation that Isaiah said (in Is. 17:11), “In the day you plant, you see it flourish; and on the morning you sow, you see it bloom.” Isaiah said, “On the day that I went to plant you in the land, you produced slag; ‘and on the morning you sow, you see it bloom,’ it has flowered before the heat [of the day].” (Is 17:11, cont.:) “[But the] harvest flees on a day of sickness (nahalah) and human pain.” On the day that I went to give you your ancestral inheritance (nahalah), you became a manifesto in the world. And “human pain” refers to the divine punishment that you received as a legacy for [future] generations.43Ta‘an. 29a; yTa‘an. 4:8 (or 5) (68d); Sot. 35a. Because the congregation wept in the night of the Ninth of Ab,44See Ta‘an. 4:6: FIVE [CALAMITOUS] THINGS BEFELL OUR ANCESTORS ON THE SEVENTEENTH OF TAMMUZ AND FIVE ON THE NINTH OF AB…. ON THE NINTH OF AB IT WAS DECREED AGAINST OUR ANCESTORS THAT THEY SHOULD NOT ENTER THE LAND, THE TEMPLE WAS DESTROYED THE FIRST TIME AND THE SECOND TIME, BETHAR (THE CENTER OF THE BAR COCHBA REVOLT) WAS TAKEN, AND THE CITY [OF JERUSALEM] WAS PLOWED UNDER (after this revolt, but cf. Ta‘an. 29a). the Holy One, blessed be He, has said, “You have wept for nothing. I shall establish this night for you as [a night of] a weeping for [future] generations.” And from that hour a decree on the Temple was ordained for it to be destroyed and that the Children of Israel would go in exile among the nations. It is so stated (in Ps. 106:26-27), “So He raised His hand toward them [in an oath], to make them fall in the wilderness. And to make their seed fall among the gentiles, even to scatter them among the lands.” The raising of [the divine] hand was corresponding to the lifting up of the voice (in Numb. 14:1). (Numb. 14:2:) “And all the Children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron; and the whole congregation said to them.” These are the sanhedraot. (Numb. 14:2, cont.:) “Would that we had died in the land of Egypt […].” [The matter] is comparable to a king at whose tribunal45Gk.: Bema. a certain person came up for judgment.46Numb. R. 16:21. He uttered a word from his mouth by which he convicted himself. The king set aside his bill of indictment47Lat.: elogium; Gk.: elogion. and convicted him out of his own mouth. He said to him, “I am judging you by what has come out of your own mouth. So let it be for you according to what you have said.” Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, said to them (in Numb. 14:29), “In this desert shall your carcasses fall.” (Numbers 14:28:) “’As I live,’ says the Lord, ‘as they have spoken in My ears.’” They began to say (in Numb. 14:3–9), “And why is the Lord bringing us [unto this land…]?” They also said to each other, “Let us appoint a leader and return to Egypt.” Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces [before the whole assembly of the congregation of the Children of Israel]. Moreover, Joshua ben Nun and Caleb ben Jephunneh, of those who had explored the land, rent their clothes and spoke unto the whole assembly of the Children of Israel, …. “If the Lord is pleased with us, [He will bring us into this land]…. Only do not rebel against the Lord….” The people said to them, “We have no faith in you! Our brothers care for us more than you do.” Thus it is stated (in Deut. 1:28), “Where are we going up to? Our brothers have caused [our hearts] to melt (with fear).” (Numb. 14:10:) “So the whole congregation said to stone [them with stones].” And who was “them?” Moses and Aaron. (Ibid., cont.:) “Then the glory of the Lord appeared in the tent of meeting.” [This incident] teaches that they threw stones, but the cloud intercepted them. (Numb. 14:11:) “Then the Lord said unto Moses, ‘How long ('ad-'anah) will this people scorn Me, and how long ('ad-'anah) will they have no faith in Me?’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “I have uttered two cries (of 'ad-'anah) because of you.48Numb. R. 16:22, cont.; see below, Numb. 4a:14. Your end shall be to cry out in the subjection of the four empires: (Ps. 13:2-3:) ‘How long ('ad-'anah), O Lord, will you forget me forever; how long ('ad'-'anah) will you hide Your face from me? How long ('ad-'anah) shall I take counsel in my soul with grief in my heart [all day]; how long ('ad-'anah) will my enemy be exalted over me?’ I cried out (in Numb. 14:27), ‘How long ('Ad-matay) shall this evil congregation [be murmuring against me]?’ Your end shall be to cry out (in Ps. 6:4), ‘My soul also is greatly dismayed; [and You, O Lord, how long ('ad-matay)]?’”" + ], + [ + "(Numbers 14:11:) “And the Lord said to Moses, ‘How long will this people spurn Me.’” This text is related (to Proverbs 1:25), “You subverted all my counsel.” All the good that I counseled about you, you spoiled and negated. At first (in Exod. 3:8), “I have come down to rescue them from the Egyptians”: I came down with thousands of thousands and multitudes of multitudes of angels for your sake, and I gave over to each one [of you] two angels. R. Johanan said, “One to strap on his armor and the other to place a crown upon his head.” Rav Huna said, “He clothed them with a regal tunic and the explicit name [of God] was engraved upon them.” All the days that it was in their hand, no bad thing could touch them, not an angel and not anything else. But when they sinned, Moses said to them (in Exod. 33:5), “Remove your adornment.” At that time (in Exod. 33:4), “The people heard this bad thing.” And it is written (in Exod. 33:6), “And the Children of Israel were stripped of their adornment from Mount Horev.” What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He brought the angel of death and said to him, “The whole world is in your power except for this nation that I have chosen.” The angel of death said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “I was created for nought in this world.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “I have created you so that you shall discern in every nation except for this nation, over which you do not have power.” He saw the advice that the Holy One, blessed be He, advised about them, that they should be alive and flourish, as stated (Deut. 4:4), “But you who cling to the Lord your God are all alive today.” And so too does it say (in Exod. 32:16), “The tablets were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God that was inscribed (harut) upon the tablets.” What is the meaning of harut? R. Judah says, “Freedom (herut) from the kingdoms.” R. Nehemiah says, “Freedom (herut) from the angel of death.” And they saw the counsel that the Holy One, blessed be He, counseled about them. Immediately after forty days, they spoiled the counsel. Therefore it is stated (in Proverbs 1:25), “You subverted all my counsel.” And about this is it said, (in Numb. 14:11), “And the Lord said to Moses, ‘How long will this people spurn Me.’” Moses said (in Numb. 14:14), “They have heard that You, O Lord, are in the midst of this people….” What [would] the nations of the world say? “The gods of Canaan are stronger than the gods of Egypt: The gods of Egypt are falsehood, but those of Canaan are powerful.” (Numb. 14:14, 16), “And they will say to the inhabitants of this land…, ‘The Lord does not have the ability.’” As the nations will not say about these that He called My firstborn son, that He would destroy them; so “The Lord does not have the ability to bring them.” You say (in Numb. 4:12), “I will strike them with pestilence and disown them,” and I say (in Numb 4:19), “Please pardon.” (Numb. 14:12:) “I will strike them with pestilence and disown them.” Moses said, “Master of the world, look at the covenant with their ancestors, to whom You swore that You would raise up from them kings, prophets, and priests!”49-Numb. R. 16:22, cont.; see below, Numb. 4a:14. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “But are you not one of their children?” (Ibid., cont.:) “Then I will make you into a nation that is greater [and more numerous than they].’” When Moses saw [how things were], he took a different course (in Numb. 14:13-14): “But Moses said unto the Lord, ‘When the Egyptians hear [what happened]…, they will say unto the inhabitants of this land.’” They will say, “He had no power to sustain them.”50Cf. below, Numb. 4a:5. He said to him, “But have they not seen the miracles and the mighty deeds which I did for them in Egypt and by the sea? So how will they say (in Numb. 14:16), ‘The Lord does not have the ability to bring this people [into the land]?’” They will say, “He was able to stand against one king, [but] He was not able to stand against thirty one kings.51See Josh. 12:9-14. Master of the universe, act on Your behalf. (Numb. 14:17:) “So now please let the power of the Lord increase,” and let the principle of mercy overcome the principle of justice. (Ibid., cont.:) “As you have promised, saying.” I said to You, “With what principle do You judge Your world,” as stated (in Exod. 33:13) “Please make Your ways known to me.” So you removed (rt.: 'br) the principle of justice from me (according to Exod. 34:6), “And the Lord passed by (rt.: 'br) [before] him, and proclaimed, [‘The Lord, the Lord is a merciful and gracious God’].” Fulfill that principle of which You told me; (according to Numb. 14:17-19) “please let the power of the Lord increase…. The Lord [is of long patience, of great kindness…] (the Lord is a merciful and gracious God…) Please pardon the sin of this people.” The Holy One, blessed be He, accepted his words and conceded to him, as stated (Numb. 14:20), “Then the Lord said, ‘I have pardoned like your words.’” As truly in the future, the nations of the world would say like your words. (Numb. 14:21, 23:) “Nevertheless, as I live […], Surely they shall not see [the land which I promised on oath to their ancestors.” It is also written (in Numb. 32:11), “Surely none of] the people who came up from Egypt, from twenty years old and up, [shall see the land].”52Numb. R. 16:23. Whether one was in agreement or was not in agreement (with the spies), he did not enter [the land]. Of the people who came up from Egypt, if one had gotten two [pubic] hairs but was less than twenty,53On the concept that moral responsibility comes at twenty, see Rashi on Gen. 23:1. [only] if he was in agreement with them, he did not enter [the land]. But nonetheless, not one of them died at less than sixty.54I.e., the Holy One subsequently had compassion on all under twenty, so that they outlived the forty wilderness years to die in the land of Israel. So Enoch Zundel in his commentary, ‘Ets Yosef, on Numb. R. 16:23(14). Come and see the difference between righteous and wicked, [even as it is stated (in Mal. 3:18), “Then you shall again see [the difference] between [righteous and wicked].” It is comparable to a certain matron55Lat.: matrona. who had a bondmaid. Now her husband went to a country overseas. All night the bondmaid said to the matron, “I am fairer than you and the king loves me more than you.” That matron said to her, “When the morning comes, you shall know who is fairer and whom the king loves.” Similarly do the nations of the world say to Israel, “As for us, our deeds are more beautiful, and us does the Holy One, blessed be He, desire.” Therefore Isaiah has said, “When the morning comes, we shall know whom the Holy One, blessed be He, desires,” as stated (in Is. 21:12), “The watchman said, ‘The morning comes […].’” When the world to come arrives, which is called morning,56See Targum Pss. 90:14; 101:8. we shall know, as stated (according to Mal. 3:18), “Then you shall again see [the difference] between righteous and wicked.” It is written (in Ps. 62:10), “But humans are mere vanity […].” R Hiyya57Since the authority generally cited as R. Hiyya lived sometime before R. Levi, the R. Hiyya cited here could not be he. This Hiyya may well be R. Hiyya the father of R. Berekhiah the Priest. said in the name of R. Levi, “All vanities which Israel does all the days of the year are (ibid., cont.) to go up (i.e., vanish) on the scales (mozenayim).” The Holy One, blessed be He, pardons them in the constellation Libra (Mozenayim), in the month of Tishri. It is so stated (in Lev. 16:30), “For on this day atonement shall be made for you [to cleanse you]….”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 15:1-2:) “Now the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, ‘Speak unto the Children of Israel ….’” Let our master instruct us: How many things is a father obligated to do for a son?58Numb. R. 17:1. Thus have our masters taught: A father is obligated to do five things for a son: to circumcise him, to teach him Torah, to redeem him (according to the redemption of the first-born), to teach him a trade, and to take a wife for him.59See TQid. 1:11; yQid. 1:7 (61a); Qid. 29a; Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Pisha, 18 (on Exod. 13:13); Eccl. R. 9:9:1. The father is the Holy One, blessed be He, and the son is Israel. Just as a [human] father is obligated to his son, so does the Holy One, blessed be He, do for Israel. The [human] father is obligated to circumcise his son. Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, circumcised Israel at the hands of Joshua (according to Josh. 5:2), “And he made for himself….” The father is obligated to redeem his son. Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, did so for Israel. He redeemed them, as stated (in I Chron. 17:21), “And who is like Your people Israel, a unique nation on earth, whom God went to redeem as a people for Himself.” [The father is obligated] to teach him Torah, as stated (in Deut. 11:19), “And you shall teach them to your children by talking about them.” And the Holy One, blessed be He, also taught Torah to Israel, as stated] (in Is. 48:17), “I am the Lord your God, teaching you for your own good.” [The father is obligated] to teach him commandments. The Holy One, blessed be He, taught the commandments to Israel (in Lev. 27:34), “These are the commandments which the Lord commanded.” [Regarding marriage,] the Holy One, blessed be He, said to the Children of Noah (in Gen. 1:28), “Be fruitful and multiply.” [Moreover,] just as a father has a responsibility to his son to feed him, to give him drink, to wash him, to anoint him and to dress him, so does the Holy One, blessed be He, do for Israel, as stated (in Ezek. 16:9-10), “I bathed you in water, and washed the blood off you […]. I clothed you with embroidered garments, and gave you sandals of dolphin leather (tahash) to wear.” To feed him, as stated (Ezek. 16:19), “And My bread that I had given to you.” To give him to drink, as stated (in Numb. 21:17), “Spring up O well, answer it.” Just as a father bequeaths his properties to his son, so did the Holy One, blessed be He, do for Israel, as stated (in Jer. 3:19), “and I gave you a desirable land, the fairest heritage of all the nations.” Just as the father wills his property to his son, and [as] his son also is obligated to offer him a gift60Gk.: doron.; so also did the Holy One, blessed be He, say to Israel (in Numb. 15:2-3), “When you come unto the land of your habitations [….] You shall make a burnt offering to the Lord […].” R. Tanhuma bar Abba opened [his discourse] in the name of R. Hanina the father of R. Aha bar Hanina [as follows]:61Numb. R. 17:2. This parashah concerns libations. Thus it is stated (in Numb. 15:6–7), “Or for a ram you shall make a meal offering […]. And for the oblation [you shall offer] a third of a hin of wine.” See it is about libations. From here on, it is in regard to the hallah, as stated (in vss. 19-20), “And it shall be that, when you eat from the bread of the land, [you shall set aside an offering for the Lord]. Of the first of your dough you shall set aside a loaf (hallah) as an offering….” Thus hallah [is mentioned] last, and libations first. For this reason R. Hanina opened (with Eccl. 9:7), “Go, eat your bread with gladness, [and drink your wine with a joyful heart].”62Cf. below, Numb. 4a:17. What is the meaning of (Eccl 9:7, cont.), “God has already approved your works?” It is with reference to Abraham. When the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Gen. 22:2), “Please take your son,” Abraham rose early, took him promptly, led him on, and brought him up to Mount Moriah. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Gen. 22:12), “Do not raise your hand against the lad.” Abraham said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, did you tell me (in vs. 2), ‘Please take your son,’ for no reason?” He said to him, “No! Rather [it was] to make your character known in the world.” Thus it is stated (in Gen. 18:19), “For I have made him known,63This sense is required by the midrash. A more traditional translation would begin the verse: FOR I HAVE KNOWN HIM, or FOR I HAVE CHOSEN HIM. so that he may charge [his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord].” R. Simeon ben Johay said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘By your life, I ascribe [your obedience] to you [as proof] that, if I had told you to take your own life, you would not have refrained [from doing so] for the sake of My name, and would have obeyed [the command] to be killed for the sake of My name.’” Where is it shown? R. Simeon ben Johay said, “As so is it written (in Gen. 22:16), ‘and you have not withheld your son, your only one.’ See, [‘your son’] has already specified Isaac. [So] what is the meaning of ‘your only one?’ It is to imply Abraham's life. Thus the soul is called only one, where it is stated (in Ps. 22:21) ‘Deliver my life from the sword, [my only one from the power of the dog].’” Abraham said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Is it possible for me to go from here with no sacrifice?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Abraham, “Here is your sacrifice. [It has been] prepared for you from the six days of creation.” (According to Gen. 22:13), “Then Abraham lifted his eyes to look, and there was a ram […].” As so did our masters teach, “The ram of Abraham was created from the six days of creation on the Sabbath eve at twilight.” So at that time, Abraham took it and (according to Gen 22:13, cont.) “he offered it up as a burnt offering in place of his son.” Once it said, “he offered it up as a burnt offering,” was the verse missing anything? [So] what is the meaning of “in place of his son?” At that time Abraham said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, see that I am slaughtering the ram; You should so see it as if my son is slaughtered in front of You.” When he took its blood, he said, “You should so see it as if the blood of Isaac is sprinkled before You.” When he took the ram and flayed it, he said to Him, “You should so see it as if Isaac is flayed in front of You on the altar.” When he burnt it, he said to Him, “You should so see it as if his ashes were gathered in front of You on the altar.” [Once it said,] “he offered it up as a burnt offering,” was the verse missing anything? [So] what is the meaning of “in place of his son?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “By your life, it is your son that is sacrificed first, but it is simply that this ram is after him.” At that time Abraham said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, I am not moving from here until You swear to me that You will never test me again; for if, heaven forbid, I had not obeyed you, I should have destroyed everything I had accomplished during my lifetime.” R. Hanin said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘By your life, so it is; for if you had not obeyed Me, you would have possessed nothing.’” At that time the Holy One, blessed be He, swore to him that He would never test him again. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 22:16), “And he said, ‘I by Myself have sworn,’ says the Lord.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “By your life, severe afflictions and other trials had been designated to come upon you, but now they shall not come.” These were the same afflictions which came upon Job.64ySot. 5:8 (or 5) (20c); Gen. R. 57:4. They had been designated to come upon Abraham, for the following has been joined to the parashah (in Gen. 22:20–21), “And it came to pass after these things, that it was told to Abraham [saying, ‘Behold Milcah, she also has borne sons to your brother Nahor,] Uz his first-born….’” And this is Job, according to what is stated (in Job 1:1), “There was a man in the land (belonging to) Uz.”65So the midrash interprets LAND OF UZ. See BB 15a. At that time, The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Abraham (in Eccl. 9:7), “Go, eat your bread with gladness, [… for God has already approved your works].”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 15:37-38:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses saying, ‘Speak unto the Children of Israel and tell them to make tassels for themselves.’” This text is related (to Ps. 97:11), “Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for those with an upright heart.”66Numb. R. 17:5. It also says (in Is. 42:21), “The Lord [desired] because of His righteousness [to magnify and glorify the Torah].” The Holy One, blessed be He, sowed the Torah and the commandments for Israel, in order to bequeath them life in the world to come. He did not put a thing in the world concerning which He did not give Israel a commandment. Did [an Israelite] go out to plow? [There is] (Deut. 22:10), “You shall not plow with an ox and an ass together.” To sow? [There is] (Deut. 22:9), “You shall not sow your vineyard with two kinds of seed.” To reap? [There is] (Deut. 24:19), “When you reap your harvest in your field [and have forgotten a sheaf in the field, you shall not return to take it.]” Did [an Israelite] thresh? [There is] (Numb. 25:4), “You shall not muzzle an ox in its threshing.” Did [an Israelite] knead? [There is] (Numb. 15:20), “Of the first of your dough you shall set aside a loaf (hallah) as an offering.” Did [an Israelite] butcher? [There is] (Deut. 18:3), “that one shall give the priest the shoulder, the two cheeks, and the stomach.” With respect to a bird's nest, [there is] (Deut. 22:7), “You shall surely send away.” Concerning animals and fowl, [there is] (Lev. 17:13), “he shall pour out its blood and cover it with dust.” Did he plant? [There is] (Lev. 19:23), “you shall regard [its fruit] as forbidden.” Did he bury the dead? [There is] (Deut. 14:1), “you shall not cut yourselves.” Did one shave hair? [There is] (Lev. 19:27), “You shall not round off the sideburns on your head.” Did he build a house? [There is] (Deut. 22:8), “you shall make a parapet [for your roof].” Concerning the doorposts, [there is] (Deut. 6:9), “And you shall write them upon the doorposts (mezuzot) of your house and on your gates.” Did he cover himself in a cloak (tallit)? [There is] (Numb. 15:38), “make tassels for themselves.” (Numb. 15:38:) “They make [tassels] for themselves.” Make them, and not that they shall be from [something already] made. Thus one must not extract threads67Nimin, sing.: nima. Cf. Gk.: nema. from the cloak [itself] and make [tassels] from them. Rather [it is] a command to get [fresh] white and blue threads to make them.68Cf. Men. 41b. When [did this rule apply]? When there was [a real] blue, but now we only have white, because the blue has been hidden. (Ibid., cont.:) “On the corners of [their garments].” Not in the middle, but on the corner. (Ibid., cont.:) “A twisted thread (petil).” And he must twist (petol) them. R. Meir said, “Why does blue differ from all [other] kinds of colors? Because blue resembles the sea; the sea resembles the firmament; and the firmament resembles the throne of glory. And from seeing it, he will remember his Creator” Thus it is stated (in Exod. 24:10), “And they saw the God of Israel, and under His feet there was something like brickwork of sapphire, like the heavens themselves for brightness.” (Numb. 15:39:) “So it shall be a tassel for you.” Thus it should be visible. And what is its size? Bet Shammai says, “Four fingers,” while Bet Hillel says “Three.”69Men. 41b. And how many strings [should they have]? Bet Shammai says “Four,” while Bet Hillel says “Three.” (Ibid.:) “That you may see it.” [This is to] exclude a garment [typically worn] at night.70Sifre to Numb. 15:39 (115); Men. 43a. Are you saying, it is to exclude a garment [worn] at night? Or is actually to exclude a blind person? Hence, it says again (in vs. 40), “So that you may remember.” Hence it ordains seeing and it ordains remembering: remembering for the one who does not see and seeing for the one who does see. (Vs. 39:) “That you may see it.” It (here) is masculine and not feminine.71Even though the antecedent, tassel, is feminine in Hebrew. As if you have done this, it is as if you see the throne of glory, since it is similar to the blue.72Cf. also Sifre to Numb. 15:39 (115), where the argument is that the pronoun is IT (in the singular) and not THEM (in the plural) with reference to tassels. (Vss. 39-40:) “That you may see […]. So that you may remember.” The seeing leads to remembering [the commandments], and remembering leads to performing [them]. Thus it is stated (in vs. 40), “So that you may remember and perform all My commandments.” Why? (Deut. 32:47), “Because it is not a trifling thing for you.” To what is this comparable? To a homeowner who was evaluating his taxes, and writing settlements. His father said to him, “My son, be careful with the settlements, as your life is dependent upon them.” So did the Holy One, blessed be He, say to Israel (in Deuteronomy 32:47), “Because it is not a trifling thing for you.” (Numb. 15:39:) \"So that you do not follow your heart.” The heart and the eyes are procurers for the body, in that they prostitute the body.73Numb. R. 17:6. (Vs. 40:) “So that you may remember and perform all my commandments.” [The situation] is comparable to a certain person who was thrown into the midst of the water. The helmsman74Gk.: kybernetes. extended a rope to him. He said to him, “Grab this rope with your hand, and do not let go of it; for if you do let go of it, you will lose your life.” So also did the Holy One, blessed be He, say to Israel, “As long as you adhere to the commandments, [the following holds true] (in Deut. 4:4), ‘But you who cling to the Lord your God are all alive today.’” And so it says (in Prov. 4:13), “Hold onto discipline, do not slack off; keep it, for it is your life.” (Numb. 15:40, cont.:) “And that you may be holy.” When you perform the commandments, you are made holy, and fear of you [comes] over the nations. [But if] you withdraw from the commandments and do sins, you immediately become profaned. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “In this world because of the evil drive, you withdraw from the commandments; [but] in the future to come I am rooting it out of you.” Thus it is stated (in Ezek. 36:26–27), “then I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put My spirit within you; then I will make you walk in My statutes; and you will observe My ordinances [by performing them].”" + ] + ], + "Korach": [ + [ + "(Numb. 16:1:) “Now Korah betook himself.” This text is related (to Prov. 18:19), “A brother offended (rt.: psh') is more formidable than a fortified city; [such] contentions are like a castle bar.” The brother offended is Korah, in that he sided against Moses.1Numb. R. 18:1, 14. So he rebelled and sank from whatever glory that he possessed. Now offended (rt: psh') can only imply rebellion, since it is stated (in II Kings 3:7), “The king of Moab has rebelled (psh') against me.” It also says (in II Kings 8:22), “then did Libnah rebel (rt.: psh').” (Prov. 18:19:) “[Such] contentions are like a castle bar.” [The earth raised its bars against him like a castle.] (Prov. 18:19:) “Like a castle bar.” [These words also refer to Korah,] who sided against Moses and against the Omnipresent.2See the commentary of Enoch Zundel on Tanh., Numb.5:1. This explanation is also given by Issachar Berman Ashkenazi in his commentary, Mattenot Kehunnah, on Numb. R. 18:1. (Numb. 16:1:) “[Now Korah …] took.”3In this and some of the following sections, the midrash is explaining the fact that the transitive verb, TOOK, has no object. Biblical translations offer solutions such as translating the verb intransitively, e.g., BETOOK HIMSELF, or by supplying an object, e.g., TOOK MEN. “Took” can only be a word for \"attracting with persuasive words,\" in that he attracted all the leaders of Israel and the sanhedraot [to follow] after him.4Numb. R. 18:2. Concerning Moses it is written (in Numb. 1:17), “So Moses and Aaron took these men.” And similarly it is written (in Numb. 8:2), “Take Aaron and his sons with him.” And so does it say (in Hos. 14:3), “Take words with you and repent….” And so does it [also] say (in Genesis 12:15), “and the woman was taken to the house of Pharaoh.” Ergo (in Numb. 16:1) “Now Korah […] took,” in that he drew (i.e., took) their hearts with persuasive words. (Numb. 16:1:) “Now Korah […] betook himself.” Because of what did he dissent? Because of Elizaphan, the son of his father's brother, who had been appointed prince (nasi) over his clan. So it says (in Numb. 3:30), “And the prince of the ancestral house for the Kohathite clan was Elizaphan ben Uzziel.” Korah said, “Father had four brothers.” It is so stated (according to Exod. 6:18), “And the sons of Kohath were Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.” “As for Amram, the first-born; his son Aaron and his sons attained the high priesthood, and his brother Moses [attained] the kingship. So who deserves to get second [place]? Should it not be the second [son]? Now I am Izhar's son. I deserved to be prince of my clan, but he has appointed the son of Uzziel. Should the youngest of father's brothers become superior to me? See, I am dissenting and declaring everything invalid, whatever he had done.” Therefore, there was dissent." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 16:1:) “Now Korah […] took.” What is written above the matter (in Numb. 15:38)?5Numb. R. 18:3. “Speak unto the Children of Israel and tell them to make tassels (zizit) for themselves.’” Korah quickly said to Moses, “In the case of a prayer shawl (tallit) which is all blue, what is the rule about it being exempt from [having] the tassel?” Moses said to him, “[Such a prayer shawl] is required to have the tassels.” Korah said to him, “Would not a prayer shawl which is all blue exempt itself, when four [blue] threads exempt it? In the case of a house which is full of [scriptural] books, what is the rule about it being exempt it from [having] the mezuzah (which contains only two passages of scripture)?” [Moses] said to him, “[Such a house] is required to have the mezuzah.” [Korah] said to him, “Since the whole Torah has two hundred and seventy-five parashiot in it6Cf. yShab. 16:1 (15c); Soferim 16:10; M. Pss. 22:19, according to which there are 175 parashiot in the Torah where an expression of speaking, saying, or commanding occurs. See also Alfa Beta deRabbi ‘Aqiva, longer recension, Tsade (Eisenstein, p. 421). and they do not exempt the house [from having the mezuzah], would the two parashiot which are in the mezuzah exempt the house?” [He also] said to him, “These are things about which you have not been commanded. Rather you are inventing them [by taking them] out of your own heart.” Here is what is written (in Numb. 16:1), “Now Korah […] took.” (Numb. 16:1:) “Now Korah […] took.” Now “took (rt.: lqh)” can only be a word of discord, in that his heart carried him away (rt.: lqh). Thus is [the word] used (in Job 15:12), “How your heart has carried you away (rt.: lqh) […].” This explains what Moses said to them (in Numb. 16:9), “Is it too small a thing for you that the God of Israel has separated you [from the congregation to draw you near unto Himself, to perform the service of the Lord's tabernacle …?” Plus] that whole passage up to (vs. 29), “If these people die the common death of every person.” The sages have said, “Korah was a great sage and was one of the bearers of the ark, as stated (in Numb. 7:9), ‘But to the children of Kohath He gave no [wagons], because they had the service of the holy objects, which they carried on their shoulders.’” Now Korah was the son of Izhar, [who was] the son of Kohath. When Moses said (in Numb. 15:38), “And put on the tassel of each corner a thread of blue,” what did Korah do? He immediately ordered them to make two hundred and fifty blue shawls for those two hundred and fifty heads of sanhedraot who rose up against Moses to wrap themselves in, just as it is stated (in Numb. 16:2), “And they rose up against Moses, together with two hundred and fifty men from the children of Israel.” And who are they? (Numb. 16:2, cont.:) “Princes of the congregation, chosen in the assembly, men of repute.” Korah arose and made them a banquet at which they all wrapped themselves in blue prayer shawls. [When] Aaron's sons came to receive their dues, [namely the] breast and right thigh,7I.e., the priestly share of the animals slaughtered for the feast. See Lev.7:31-32. they arose against them and said to them, “Who commanded you to receive such? Was it not Moses? [If so,] we shall not give you anything, as the Holy One, blessed be He, has not commanded it.” They came and informed Moses. He went to placate8Rt.: PYS. See the Gk.: peithein, peisai in the aroist. them. They immediately confronted him, as stated (ibid.), “And they rose up against Moses.” And who were they? Elizur ben Shedeur and his companions (the princes), the men (according to Numb. 1:17) “who were mentioned by name.” Although the text has not publicized9From PRSM. Cf. Gk: parresiazesthai. their [names], it has given clues10Gk.: semeia. to their [identity], so that you [can] identify them from the [various] verses. A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a scion of good parentage who stole articles from the bathhouse. The owner of what was stolen did not want to publish his [name. Rather,] he began to give clues about his [identity]. When they said to him, “Who stole your articles,” he said, “A scion of good parentage, a tall person with beautiful teeth and black hair.” After he had given his clues, they knew who he was. So also here where the text has concealed them and not specified their names, it comes and gives clues to their [identity]. You know who they are. It is stated elsewhere (in Numb. 1:16), “These were elected by the congregation, princes of their ancestral tribes, heads of thousands within Israel.” Then it is written (in vs. 17), “So Moses and Aaron took these men who were mentioned by name.” Now here it is written (in Numb. 16:2-3), “princes of the congregation, elected by the assembly, men of renown. They gathered together against Moses and Aaron.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 16:1:) “Now Korah […] took.” [What] he took [was] his prayer shawl and he went to get counsel from his wife.11Numb. R. 18:4. When the Holy One, blessed be He, said (in Numb. 8:6–7), “Take the Levites from among the Children of Israel and purify them. Now this is what you shall do for them to purify them [… and have them pass a razor over all of their flesh].” [Moses] immediately did so to Korah. [Korah] began to go around all Israel, but they did not recognize him. They said to him, “Who did this to you?” He told them, “Moses. And not only that, but taking me by my hands and by my feet, they waved me and said to me, ‘See, you are purified.’ Moreover, he brought his brother Aaron, adorned him like a bride, and had him sit in the tent of meeting.” The enemies of Moses immediately began to incite Israel against him. So they said, “Moses is king, his brother Aaron is high priest, and his children are deputy high priests! The priest has a priestly offering (terumah); the priest has a priestly offering from the tithe12See Ter. 4:1.; the priest has twenty-four priestly gifts!”13See THal. 2:7-10 for a listing. Immediately (in Numb. 16:3) “They gathered together against Moses and against Aaron, and they said unto them, ‘You have gone too far (rb), for all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is in the midst of them; so why do you elevate yourselves over the community of the Lord?’” R. Levi said, “At that very time Korah gathered his company and said to them (i.e., to Moses and Aaron), ‘You have increased (rt.: rbh) the burden upon us to be more than the slavery of Egypt. We were better off under the Egyptians than under your authority, for in each and every year fifteen thousand and forty-five of us die.’”14As the yearly punishment for the sin of the spies amortized over forty years, during which a whole generation Israelites died in the desert (Numb. 14:20–24.) Now they wished to stone him. [Therefore] (according to vs. 4), “When Moses heard this, he fell on his face.” Moses said to them, “I do not desire kingship, nor does Aaron [desire] high priesthood. Thus it is stated (in vs. 11), “and as for Aaron, what is he that you should murmur against him?” Moses said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, did you not command me thus (in Exod. 28:1), ‘And you shall bring near unto yourself Aaron [… to serve me as priests]?’ Now they have arisen against us to kill us.” [So Moses] said to them (in Numb. 16:5), “In the morning the Lord will make known those who [belong to Him…].” What does “morning” mean? R. Nathan said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘If all the magicians of Egypt gathered together and tried to turn the morning into the evening and the evening into morning, they would be unable [to do so]; but just as I [formerly] separated the light and the darkness (in Gen. 1:4), so have I separated out Aaron to sanctify him in the holy of holies.’” Immediately (in Numb. 16:12), “Then Moses sent to summon [Dathan and Abiram…, but they said, ‘We will not come up.’” \"We will not go\" or \"We will not come\" is not written here, but “We will not come up.” (Prov. 18:17:) “A fool's mouth is his ruin!” They opened their mouth for a calamity, by saying that they would die by going down and not going up. Just as they spoke, so did they die (according to Numb. 16:33), “So they and all that belonged to them went down alive to Sheol.” Moses said, “In as much as they did not want to come [to me], I shall go to them. Perhaps they will be ashamed and repent.” It is so stated (in Numb. 16:25), “Then Moses arose and went unto Dathan and Abiram.” When they saw him they began to curse and blaspheme, as stated (in vs. 27), “and Dathan and Abiram came out standing (rt.: ntsb).” Does one go out sitting, kneeling, or lying prostrate?15The point here is that to mention that Dathan and Abiram were standing seems unnecessary and therefore implies some deeper meaning. It is simply that it is to teach that they went out cursing and blaspheming. As going out and standing upright (rt.: ytsb) is mentioned here, and going out and standing upright (rt.: ntsb) is [also] mentioned in reference to Goliath the Philistine, where it is written (in I Sam. 17:4, 16), “And there went out a champion [….] Then the Philistine drew near at dawn and in the evening, and he took his stand (rt.: ytsb) for forty days.” Just as going out and standing upright (rt.: ntsb) involved cursing and blaspheming in that case,16The cursing and blaspheming is specifically mentioned in I Sam.17:8-10. so also in this case did going out and standing upright (rt.: ntsb) involve cursing and blaspheming. Moses therefore began by saying (in Numb. 16:29, 32), “If these [people] die….” And it is also written (in Numb. 16:32), “And the earth opened its mouth [and swallowed them].” Come and see how [harmful] dissension is! As anyone who [even] aids dissension, the Holy One, blessed be He, eradicates his memory. Thus it is stated (in Numb. 16:35), “And a fire went forth from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fifty men [coffering the incense].” R. Berekhyah said, “How harmful is dissension! An emissary of the court on high only imposes a penalty17QNS; cf. Lat.: censere, which can mean “to tax.” [on people] from the age of twenty years, while the court below [only imposes a penalty] from the age of thirteen years. In the case of Korah's dissension, however, one-day-old babies were burned and swallowed up in nethermost Sheol. Thus it is written (in Numb. 16:27, 33), ‘[and Dathan and Abiram came out standing at the entrance of their tents] with their wives, their children, and their little ones. So they and all that belonged to them went down alive to Sheol.’” It is therefore stated (Numb. 16:1), “Now Korah […] took.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 16:1:) “[Korah who is] the son of Izhar [who is] the son of Kohath [who is] the son of Levi betook himself.” But there is not written \"the son of Jacob\" [or] \"the son of Israel.\"18Numb. R. 18:5; cf.Gen. R. 98:5. This text is related (to Gen. 49:6), “Let not my soul come into their council,” i.e., that of the spies; “and let not my glory be joined with their congregation,” i.e., that of Korah. Jacob said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, with reference to the spies and with reference to the dissension of Korah, let not my name be mentioned [in connection with] those evil men, who are going to cause provocation. So when should my name (Israel) be joined upon them? When they are joined together to stand on the dais (as Levitical singers), as stated (I Chron. 6:[17,] 22–23) ‘[These are the ones whom David put in charge of song in the house of the Lord….] The son of Assir [who is] the son of Ebiasaph [who is] the son of Korah [who is] the son of Izhar [who is] the son of Kohath [who is] the son of Levi [who is] the son of Israel.’” (Numb. 16:1, cont.:) “Along with Dathan and Abiram.” From here the sages said, “Woe to the wicked one, [and] woe to his neighbor.”19Numb. R. 18:5, cont.; see Neg. 12:6; Sifra to Lev.14:40 (157: Metsora‘, pereq 4); ARN, A, 9; cf. ARN, B, 16; Numb.R. 3:12; Suk. 56b; above, Numb.1:13. As see that Dathan and Abiram were destroyed by the dissent of Korah, because they were neighbors of Korah. As he was dwelling to the south (of the tabernacle), as stated (in Numb. 3:29), “The families of the Children of Kohath were to camp along the side of the tabernacle to the south.” The standard of Reuben was near them, as stated (in Numb. 2:10), “The standard of the camp of Reuben shall be to the south.” However, the standard of Judah was in the east, and with him were Issachar and Zebulun, as stated (in Numb. 2:3), “Now these camping in front to the east shall be the standard of the camp of Judah.” And near them were Moses, Aaron, and his children, as written (in Numb. 3:38), “Those who camped before the tabernacle, in front before the tent of meeting to the east, were Moses, Aaron, and his children.” Because these were near the Torah, they were therefore worthy to be Torah scholars, as written (in Ps. 60:9), “Judah is my lawgiver.”20Mehoqeq. Most translations render the word as scepter, since kingship was what Judah actually attained. And it is [also] written (in I Chron. 12:33), “And from the Children of Issachar, those who had an understanding of the times.” And it is [also] written (in Jud. 5:14), “and from Zebulon those who wield the scribal pen.” But Dathan and Abiram, who were neighbors to Korah – the one responsible for the dissent – were struck with him and perished from the world. (Numb. 16:19:) “And Korah gathered [the whole community] against them.” He said to them (in Numb. 16:3), “’You have gone too far, for all the congregation are holy, every one of them.’21Numb. R. 18:6. Moreover, every one of them heard on Sinai (in Exod. 20:2 = Deut. 5:6), ‘I am the Lord your God.’ (Numb. 16:3, cont.:) ‘So why do you elevate yourselves?’” Immediately Moses trembled, because it was already the fourth transgression on their hands. It is comparable to a king's son who had transgressed against his father. Now his friend effected a reconciliation with him once,22Rt.: PSY. See the Gk.: peithein, peisai in the aorist. twice, and three times. When he transgressed a fourth time, the king's friend became discouraged. He said, “How many times shall I bother the king?” So also [it was with] Moses towards Israel. They had sinned with the calf, and (according to Exod. 32:11) “Moses implored.” In the case of the murmurers, (according to Numb. 11:2) “Moses prayed.” In the case of the spies, (according to Numb. 14:13), “Moses said unto the Lord, when the Egyptians hear [what happened].” [So] in the case of Korah's dissension, he became discouraged. He said, “How often can I bother the Omnipresent?” Therefore (in Numb. 16:4), “When Moses heard this, he fell on his face.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 16:5:) “In the morning [the Lord will make known those who belong to him].” What reason did he have for saying, “In the morning He will make known?”23Numb. R. 18:7. Moses said, “Perhaps they said this thing because they had been excessively eating and drinking.” He therefore said, “In the morning.” Perhaps between now and then they will repent. He said to them, “I have no authority to enter [the tabernacle] now. Even though there is no eating and no drinking, it is simply because of us [that we are forbidden to enter] as we have taken food and drink.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 16:5), “In the morning.” Moses said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, has distinguished boundaries for those in His world. Can you confuse morning with evening? And that is what is written in the beginning (in Gen. 1:5), ‘There was evening and there was morning.’ And (in vs. 4) ‘God separated the light and the darkness,’ for its use in the world. And just as he made a separation between the light and the darkness, so did he separate Israel from the nations, [as stated] (in Lev. 20:26), ‘I have separated you from the [other] peoples to be Mine.’ So also did he separate Aaron, as stated (in I Chron. 23:13), ‘Aaron was separated to consecrate the most holy things.’ If you can confuse those distinctions in which he made a separation between the day and the night, you may be able to nullify this.” For this reason he said to them (in Numb. 16:5), “In the morning the Lord will make known [those who belong to Him].” Such a one is already designated; (according to ibid., end) “the one whom He will choose He will have draw near unto Him.” (Numb. 16:6:) “Do this; take censers, [Korah and all his company].” What was his reason for saying this to them?24Numb. R. 18:8. He said to them, “In the religions of the nations there are many laws,25NYMWSYN. Gk.: nomoi. and they do not all assemble in one house. Now as for us, we only have one God, one Torah, one justice, one altar, and one high priest; but you two hundred and fifty men are [yet all] seeking high priesthood! I also am willing in this regard.” (Numb. 16:11:) “Therefore you and all your company” have come together against the Lord. (Numb. 16:6 -7:) “Do this, take censers. And place fire in them.” Here you have a ministry more precious than all the others. It is the incense, the most precious of the sacrifices. But a deadly poison had been put within it, through which Nadab and Abihu were burned. He therefore warned them (in vs. 7, cont.), “then it shall come to pass that the man whom the Lord chooses is the holy one,” And do we not know that the one that the Lord chooses is the holy one? It is simply that Moses said to them, “See, I am telling you that you are not to incur guilt on your two hundred and fifty souls, because when you sacrifice, [only] the one to be chosen from among you shall come out alive, and all [the rest] of you shall perish.” (Numb. 16:7:) “You Levites have gone too far!” See, I have told you a great thing! Were they not fools, in that when he gave them this warning, they took it upon themselves to offer sacrifice? They had sinned against their own lives, as stated (in Numb. 17:3), “The censers of these who have sinned at the cost of their lives.” Now since Korah was a clever man, how did he see fit to commit this folly? It is simply that his eyes misled him. He foresaw a great lineage stemming from himself, [e.g.,] Samuel, who was the equivalent of Moses and Aaron, as stated (in Ps. 99:6), “Moses and Aaron among his priests, and Samuel among those who call His name.” Moreover, the twenty-four [Levitical] shifts would stem from his descendants, all of whom would prophesy by the holy spirit, as stated (in I Chron. 25:5), “All these were sons of Heman,26A descendant of Korah. the king's seer in matters pertaining to God for his greater glory.” He said, “Is it possible that, when this greatness is going to stem from me, I should perish?” But he did not foresee correctly, since his children would repent, and those [great ones] would stem from them. But Moses did foresee well. He therefore participated on this assumption, when he heard from the mouth of Moses that they all would perish, but one would escape, as stated (Numb. 16:7) “then it shall come to pass that the man whom the Lord chooses is the holy one.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 16:7-8:) “You Levites have gone too far! So Moses said unto Korah, ‘Please listen, you Children of Levi.” Do you have someone speaking with Joseph, who tells Simon to listen?27Numb. R. 18:9. The midrash is concerned with the fact that Moses addresses the Children of Levi when speaking only to Korah. Some say that he wished him to reconsider. So he said gentle words to him. When he saw that he did not listen to him, he said (to himself), “Before others join with him, they should reconsider.” He began to urge them (in Numb. 16:8), “’Please listen, you Children of Levi,’ is the honor that you have too little.” It is so stated (in vs. 9) “Is it too small a thing for you […]?” He turned again to Korah (in vs. 10), “That he has had you approach Him and all your brother Levites along with you?” [It was] because he was the head person in the tribe, that his brothers had become an extension of himself. (Numb. 16:11:) “Therefore you and all your company have come together against the Lord.” Is this dissension which you are creating against us? Is it not rather against the Holy One, blessed be He? It is comparable to a king who had a lot of slaves. He wanted to make one of them a freedman and give him a dominion.28In imperial Rome the emperor’s freedmen were habitually given positions of power. He reconsidered and [even] made him [one of the] senators.29Sinqelitin: Gk.: syngkletoi. His companions rose up against him. If he had made himself a freedman and taken this dignity for himself, it would have been well for them to rise up against him. Now that his master has acted for him, when anyone rises against him, is not such a one rising up against his master? So also did Moses say to them, “If my brother Aaron had taken the priesthood for himself, it would have been well for you to murmur against him. [But since] the one who gave it to him was the Holy One, blessed be He, to whom belong royalty, high office and power, whenever someone rises against my brother Aaron, is he not taking sides against the Holy One, blessed be He?” It is therefore written (in Numb. 16:11), “and as for Aaron, what is he that you murmur against him?” Come and see the piety of Aaron the righteous! When Moses stood Aaron up and poured the anointing oil upon his head, Aaron trembled with fear. He said to him, “Moses my brother, perhaps I was not worthy to be anointed with the anointing oil; for I may have acted fraudulently and become liable to excision, since it is stated (in Exod. 30:32), ‘Upon human flesh it shall not be poured.’”30Lev. R. 3:6; M. Pss. 133:1. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, has testified over him (in Ps. 133:1-3), “See how good and pleasant it is […]! It is like the precious oil upon the head running down onto the beard, the beard of Aaron […]; Like the dew of Hermon….” [Scripture] has compared the anointing oil with the dew of Hermon. As the dew of Hermon has no [rules concerning] fraudulent use, neither does the anointing oil that was on the head of Aaron have [rules concerning] fraudulent use. It is therefore written (in Numb. 16:1), “[Therefore you and all your company] have come together against the Lord.” With all these words Moses [tried to] appease Korah, but you do not find that he gave him any answer. Because he was clever in his wickedness, he said [to himself], “If I answer him, I know that, since he has great wisdom, he will now overwhelm me with his words and seduce me into being reconciled with him against my will. It is [hence] better that I not respond to him.” When Moses saw that there was nothing to be gained with him, he withdrew from him. (Numb. 16:12:) Then Moses sent to summon Dathan and Abiram.31Numb. R. 18:10. They also persisted in their wickedness and did not care to answer him (ibid., cont.), “and they said, ‘We will not come up.’” Their [very] mouths tripped up [these] wicked men, for a covenant is made with the lips. So they went down to Sheol, as stated (in Numb. 16:33), “So they and all that belonged to them went down alive to Sheol.” After they had gone down alive to Sheol, they died. (Numb. 16:13:) “Is it so small a matter that you have brought us up from a land flowing with milk and honey to kill us in the desert, [that you must also lord it over us]?” They said to him, “On what basis do you assume superiority over us? What good have you done with us? You brought us out of the land of Egypt, which was (according to Gen. 13:10) “like the garden of the Lord”; but you have not brought us into the land of Canaan. Rather here we are dying in the desert, where the plague is sent among us every day; (according to Numb. 16:14) ‘would you put out the eyes of these people….’” (Numb. 16:15:) “Now Moses was very angry.” He was very anguished. To what is this comparable? To a man who argues with his companion and reasons with him. When he answers him, he has peace of mind; but if he does not answer him, then this involves great anguish." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 16:15, cont.:) “And he said unto the Lord, ‘Pay no attention unto their meal offering.’” Do not accept them in repentance.32Numb. R. 18:10, cont. Scripture should have said, “Pay no attention unto their service\"? What is the meaning of “their meal offering?” This is what Moses said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, I know that these have a share in that meal offering that Israel offers every day. [But] in as much as these have withdrawn from Your children, do not pay attention to their portion. Let the fire leave it alone and not consume it.” (Numb. 16:15, cont.:) “I have not taken one donkey from them.” That which I had [a right] to take I did not take. By universal custom, one who works in the sanctuary receives wages from the sanctuary. [In my case, however,] when I went down from Midian to Egypt I had a right to take a donkey from them, since it was on behalf of their needs that I was going down [there]; but I did not take [one]. Similarly also did Samuel the righteous say (in I Sam. 12:3), “Here am I, testify against me before the Lord and before His anointed; whose ox have I taken, or whose donkey have I taken?” When I sacrificed an ox for their offerings to seek mercy for them and likewise for anointing a king over them, it belonged to me, as stated (in I Sam. 16:2), “Take a heifer with you […].” And similarly it says (in I Sam. 9:12), “because the people have a sacrifice today at the high place (bamah).” But I took nothing from what belonged to them. Also when I sought to handle their lawsuits and their [other] needs, and when I made the circuit of the cities, as stated (in I Sam. 7:16), “And he went on a circuit year by year to Bethel, Gilgal, and Mizpah, and he judged Israel in all those places;” [although] by universal custom litigants go to the judge, I went around from city to city and from place to place.33The midrash is also making a point that he traveled on his own donkey. Now even Moses said to Israel (in Exod. 18:16), “When they have a matter, it comes unto me.” But I (Samuel) did not act in this way. Instead I took the trouble to go to them. (Numb. 16:15, cont.:) “’And I have not harmed a single one of them,’ in that I neither convicted the innocent nor acquitted the guilty.” When Moses saw that they continued in their pride and in their rebellious acts, then (according to Numb. 16:16-18) “Moses said unto Korah, ‘[Tomorrow] you and all your company [are to be present before the Lord: [you, they, and Aaron]; And let each one take his censer […].’ So each one took his censer.” Then Korah went about all that night and led Israel astray. Now he would say to them, “What do you suppose? That I am busy obtaining greatness for myself? I wish for greatness to go the rounds to all of us, while Moses has taken kingship for himself and has given the high priesthood to his brother Aaron as an eternal statute.” So did he go about seducing each and every tribe as it suited them, until they joined him. How is it shown that when they entered and approached, they were all speaking? It is so stated (Numb. 16:19), “And Korah gathered all the congregation against them.” When they entered and came with him, immediately (we read in Numb. 16:20–21), “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, ‘Separate yourselves from the midst of this evil congregation, [so that I may consume them in a moment].’” (Numb. 16:22:) “But they fell on their faces and said, ‘O God, the God of all human spirits, [shall one person sin and You become angry with the whole congregation]?’” They said to him,34Numb. R. 18:11. “Master of the world, in the case of a king, when a province rebels against him, when they persist in cursing the king or his deputies, ten or twenty of them, he sends out his legions35Lat.: legiones. and carries out reprisals36Gk.: androlempsia (=androlepsia). against it. So he kills the good with the evil, because he does not know who among them has rebelled and who has not rebelled, who has honored the king and who has cursed him. You, however, know the thoughts of every person, even what the hearts and the reins counsel. So You know who has sinned and who has not sinned, for You know the spirit of each and every person.” It is therefore stated (in Numb. 20:22), “O God, the God of all human spirits.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “You have spoken well. I am making the matter known, who has sinned and who has not sinned.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 16:23–24:) “And the Lord spoke […], ‘Speak unto the congregation, saying, “Get away from about [the dwellings of Korah, Dathan and Abiram].”’” Although Moses heard it from the mouth of the Almighty,37Numb. R. 18:12. he did not tell them to get away until he had gone and warned them, as stated (in vs. 25), “Then Moses arose and went unto Dathan and Abiram.” [This serves] to make their wickedness known, for although Moses went to them on foot, the[se] wicked ones were too stubborn to make amends. What did they do? They were unwilling to come out of their tents to face him. When Moses saw this, he said, “This much [only] it was incumbent upon me to do.” Immediately (in Numb. 16:26) “And he spoke to the congregation, ‘Please move away from [the tents of these wicked people.]’” Our masters have taught: Four [types of people] are called wicked:38Numb. R. 18:12, cont.; cf. PRK 30 (p.190b in Buber text; “Additional Piska” 28:2 in Braude’s translation). The one who extends his hand against his companion to strike him. Even though he did not [actually] strike him, he is called wicked, as stated (in Exod. 2:13), “so he said to the wicked one, ‘Why would you strike39The midrash understands the verb in accord with post-biblical usage and is stressing the fact that the tense is future. So also Sanh. 58b; Rashi on Exod.2:13. your comrade?’” \"Did you strike,\" is not stated here, but “would you strike.” The one who borrows and does not repay, as stated (in Ps. 37:21), “The wicked person borrows but does not repay.”40Avot 2:9. The one who has an insolent face but does not feel shame from someone greater than himself, as stated (Prov. 21:29), “A wicked person puts on a brazen face.” And the one who is the author of dissension, as stated (in Numb. 16:26), “Please move away from the tents of these wicked men.”
Now two [of these traits] were in Dathan and Abiram, [i.e.,] an insolent face and dissension (mhlqt). Mhlqt (\"dissension\") is interpreted through its letters. M is for marah (\"bitter\"); h is for haron (\"anger\"); l is for lokin (\"lash\"); q is for qelalah (\"curse\"); and t is for to'evah (\"abomination\"). But some say [that t stands for] takhlit (\"end\"), [since dissension] brings annihilation to the world. (Numb. 16:27:) “So they got away from the dwellings of Korah, Dathan and Abiram.” When they saw this, how Israel had moved away from round about them, they came out cursing and blaspheming, as stated (ibid., cont.), “[they] came out standing (rt.: ntsb).” Now [it is stated] elsewhere (in I Sam. 17:16), “Then the Philistine drew near at dawn and in the evening; and he took his stand (rt.: ytsb) for forty days.”41On Goliath reviling Israel, see I Sam. 17:8-10. Moses began by saying, as it is written (in Numb. 16:28-29), “And Moses said, ‘By this you may know that the Lord has sent me…. If these die like the death of every man.” A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To the shoshbin42I.e., the bridal agent who guarded her interests at the consummation of the marriage. of a king's daughter in whose hands lay the testimonials of her [virginity]. When one of the banqueters stood up before him and cursed the shoshbin and said, “The king's daughter has no virginity”; the shoshbin arose in the presence of the king and said to him, “If you do not have this person brought out in order to execute him in everyone's presence, I shall say, ‘Of course the king's daughter has no virginity.’” Immediately the king said, “It is better for me to kill this person, so that the shoshbin will not give out a bad name concerning my daughter.” Similarly Korah contended with Moses and said, “It was in his own heart and on his own that Moses had said all these things.” He began by saying (in Numb. 16:28-29), “’By this you may know that the Lord has sent me […]. If these die like the death of every man,’ then I also am saying (ibid., cont.), ‘the Lord did not send me,’ and I have spoken from my own heart.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 16:31:) “Then it came to pass, as soon as he had finished speaking […, that the ground under them was split apart].” [This is] to teach you He causes retribution to spring up from any place that He wants.43Numb. R. 18:19. (Numb. 16:33:): “So they and all that belonged to them went down alive into Sheol.” Some say they are alive and being punished up to the present. (Ibid., cont.:) “Then the earth closed over them.” They perished but not their offices; indeed, other leaders were appointed in their stead. (Numb. 16:34:) “Then all Israel, since they were round about them, fled at their cry”; since they cried out to Moses, “Moses our master, save us!” (Numb. 16:35:) “And a fire went forth from the Lord [and consumed the two hundred and fifty men offering the incense].” These had been swallowed up, but those were burned; and Korah stood among those who were burned, as Moses had said (in Numb. 16:17), “you also and Aaron, each his censer.” Moreover, Korah received more [punishment] than all of them, in that he was [both] burned and swallowed up. And why were both sentences carried out against him? Because if he had been burned but not swallowed up, those who were swallowed up would have complained and said that though only Korah had brought retribution upon them, here they were being swallowed up while he escaped. But if he had been swallowed up and not burned, those who were burned would have complained and said, “Although only Korah brought this retribution upon us, here we are burned while he escaped.” For that reason he was condemned to both deaths. First in the sight of all who were being burned, he was set ablaze; in his hand was the censer with the incense in it, and [then] the fire rolled him up like a ball.44Numb. R. 18:19. And the fire rolled him along until it brought him to the mouth of the earth among those being swallowed up, as stated (in Numb. 16:32), “And the earth opened its mouth.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 16:1:) “And On ben Peleth.” Why was he named On (which means \"sorrow\")?45Numb. R. 18:20; Sanh. 109b-110a. Because he remained in sorrow all his days. (Ibid.:) “Ben Peleth (plt)?” The son of (ben) one for whom miracles (pl'wt) have been performed. Rav said, “On ben Peleth had his wife save him; for she said to him, ‘What has this dispute to do with you? If Aaron is the high priest, you are a disciple; if Korah is high priest, you are [still] a disciple].’ He said to her, ‘I know that the whole community is holy, since it is written in Numb. 16:3), “for all the congregation are holy.”’ What did she do? She gave him wine to drink, got him drunk, and had him lie down in her bed. Then she sat down at the entrance [of the house] and let down her hair.46It was immodest to look at a married woman’s loosened hair. Everyone who came for her husband On saw her and returned. In the meanwhile they were swallowed up.” It is this which is written (in Prov. 14:1), “The wisdom of women builds its house,” this refers to the wife of On; “but folly tears it down with its own hands,” this refers to the wife of Korah.47Sanh. 110a describes how she joined her husband in his rebellion. (Numb. 16:2:) “And they rose up against Moses, [together with men from the Children of Israel], two hundred and fifty princes of the congregation,” the special ones of the congregations; “chosen by the assembly (moed),” because they knew how to intercalate years48I.e., add an extra month in order to keep the lunar year in line with the solar year. and fix new moons (which determine the date of the festival (moed);49R. 18:20, cont.; Sanh. 110a. “men of renown,” in that they had a name throughout the whole [world]. (Numb. 16:4:) “When Moses heard this, he fell on his face.” What news did he hear? That they suspected him of [adultery with] a married woman. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 106:16), “And they were jealous (rt.: qn')50Cf. Numb.5:14 where this word is used to denote suspicion of adultery. of Moses in the camp.” Rav Samuel bar Isaac said that Rav said, “[This] teaches that each and every one suspected (rt.: qn') his wife of adultery with Moses.” Reish Lakish says, “From here we derive that one may not perpetuate a dispute.” Rav says, “Anyone who perpetuates a dispute violates a prohibition. It is so stated (in Numb. 17:5), ‘and he will not be like Korah and his assembly.’” Rav Ashi says, “He is fit to be afflicted with leprosy. It is written here (in Numb. 17:5, cont.), ’by the hand of Moses to him,’ and it is written there (in Exod. 4:6), ‘And the Lord said furthermore to him, “Put now your hand into your bosom.”’” Rav Ḥisda says, “Anyone who disagrees with his teacher is like one who disagrees with the Divine Presence, as it is stated [with regard to Dathan and Abiram] (in Numb. 26:9), ‘when they strove against the Lord.’” R. Ḥama, son of R. Ḥanina, says, “Anyone who initiates a quarrel [meriva] with his teacher is like one who initiates a quarrel with the Divine Presence, as it is stated (in Numb. 20:13), “These are the waters of Meribah, where the Children of Israel quarreled with the Lord.’” R. Ḥanina bar Pappa says, “Anyone who expresses resentment against his teacher for wronging him, it is as though he is expressing resentment against the Divine Presence, as it is stated (Exod. 16:8), ‘your murmurings are not against us, but against the Lord.’” R. Abbahu says, “Anyone who suspects his teacher of wrongdoing, it is as though he suspects the Divine Presence, as it is stated (in Numb. 21:5), ‘And the people spoke against God, and against Moses.’”" + ], + [ + "Rabba expounded that which is written (in Hab. 3:11), “Sun and moon remain on high (zevul)”:51Numb. R. 18:20, cont.; Sanh. 110a. [This] teaches that the sun and moon ascended to Zebul and said to Him, “Master of the world, if you act justly toward the son of Amram, we shall go forth; but if not, we shall not go forth.” [So they refused to shine,] until He hurled darts at them, as stated (in Hab. 3:11, cont.), “they go for the light of your darts.” He said to them, “For My honor you did not protest,52I.e., when people dishonored the Holy One by worshiping the sun and the moon. but for flesh and blood you did protest.” And at the present time until they are hit, they do not come out.53The midrash draws of the second half of Hab. 3:11 to show that the Holy One must use arrows and a spear to force the sun and moon to shine. Rabba expounded what is written (in Numb. 16:30), “But if the Lord creates something new, [and the earth opens its mouth]”: To what [does the verse refer]? If we say to an actual creation of something, then is it not written (in Eccl. 1:9), “For there is nothing new under the sun.” Rather [it refers] to bringing the opening (into gehinnom) up close (to the surface of the earth where Korah was standing).54The midrash sees the swallowing up of Korah and his companions as the first evidence for gehinnom. See Numb. R. 18:20; Sanh. 110a. (Numb. 26:11:) “The sons of Korah, however, did not die.” It was taught in the name of our master, “A place was set aside for them in gehinnom where they sat [and uttered hymnody].” Rabbah bar bar Hanah said, “One time it happened that we were travelling on the road, when a certain Arab merchant said to me,55Similarly BB 74a. ‘Come, I will show you chasms of Korah.’56Perhaps the straits of Scylla and Charybdis. So Jastrow, s.v., beli‘e. I went and saw two fissures out of which was coming smoke. He took a ball of clipped wool, steeped it in water, placed it on a spearhead, [and raised it] over them. Then he said to me, ‘Listen, what do you hear?’ I heard them saying, ‘Moses and his Torah represent truth, but they (i.e., Korah and his community) are liars.’” But in the future to come the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to take them out [of gehinnom]. Moreover, it is with reference to them that Hannah said (in I Sam. 2:6), “The Lord brings death and gives life; he brings down to Sheol and raises up.”57The Midrash finds an indication that the life and raising up here refer to life in the world to come, since they follow death and the descent into Sheol. Cf. Gen. R. 98:4; TSanh. 13:3; see ySanh. 10:1 (28a); 10:4 (29c)." + ] + ], + "Chukat": [ + [ + "(Numb. 19:2:) Blessed be the name of the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, who created the world in wisdom and understanding; for His wonders have no limit and His greatness is beyond reckoning.1Numb. R. 18:22. (Ps. 33:7:) “He has gathered the waters of the sea like a mound, and He has put the deeps in storehouses.” Now what is the meaning of “He gathers the waters of the sea like a mound?” When the Holy One, blessed be He, created the world, He said to the ministering angel of the sea, “Open your mouth and swallow all the waters of creation,”2BB 74b. he said [back] to Him, “Master of the world, it is enough for me to continue with what is [already] mine.” Then he began to weep. [So God] kicked him to death, as stated (in Job 26:12), “In His power He stilled the sea, and in His understanding He struck down Rahab.” You find that the ministering angel of the sea was named Rahab. What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He subdued [the waters] and trampled them down; and so it was that the sea accepted them, as stated (in Amos 4:13), “He tramples on the heights3M. Pss. 93:5. Cf. Gen. R. 23:7, according to which the sea (i.e., the Mediterranean) is higher than the whole world. of the earth; the Lord God of hosts is His name.” So for [the waters] He set sand in place as bar and gates, according to what is stated (in Job 38:8, 10), “And [who] blocked off the sea with doors…. and I set bar and gates in place.” Moreover, it says (in Jer. 5:22), “’Do you not fear Me,’ says the Lord; ‘Will you not tremble because of Me, when I have placed sand as a boundary for the sea?’” And it says (in Job 38:11), “And I said, ‘You may come this far and no farther [...].’” Then the sea said to Him, “Master of the world, in that case my sweet waters will be mingled with the salt [waters]!” He said to it, “No! Each and every one will have a storehouse for itself, as stated (in Ps. 33:7), “and he has put the deeps in storehouses.”4See Gen. R. 4:5. If you should say that this is a great wonder for their waters not to mingle, then consider the face,5PRTsWP, an adaptation of the Gk.: prosopon. which the Holy One, blessed be He, created in people. [Although only] the [size of] a full sit,6According to Rashi on Shab. 106a, a single sit was the distance between the tips of the of the middle and index fingers when held widely apart. A double sit was the distance between the tips of the thumb and index finger when held widely apart. For various definitions, see Jastrow, p. 977, s.v. SYT. it has so many springs (from 'yn); yet they do not mingle with one another. The waters of the eyes ('yn) are salty; the waters of the ears are oily; the waters of the nose are putrid; the waters of the mouth are sweet. For what reason are the waters of the eyes salty? Because when someone weeps for the dead, [doing so] all the time, he would immediately become blind; however, because [tears] are salty, he stops and does not weep. For what reason are the waters of the ears oily? Because when a person hears bad news, if he held it in his ears, it would collect in his heart, and he would die. Because they are oily, [the news] goes in one ear and out the other.7Literally, “[A person] admits [bad news] through one [ear], and discharges it through the other.” For what reason are the waters of the nose putrid? Because when a person smells a bad odor, if the waters of the nose were not putrid [enough] to stop it, he would soon die. And for what reason are the waters of the mouth sweet? It sometimes happens that someone eats food that does not agree with him, and he vomits. Now if the waters of the mouth were not sweet, he would not recover. Moreover, since he reads the Torah, of which it is written (in Ps. 19:11), “sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the comb,” the waters of the mouth are therefore sweet. Now here are the grounds for arguing a fortiori (qal wehomer), that if [something the size of] a full sit has so many springs [without them mingling with one another], how much the more so in the case of the Great Sea, of which it is stated (in Ps. 104:25), “There the sea is great and wide […].” [This is] to teach that in everything, the Holy One, blessed be He, accomplishes His mission and that He has not created one thing in vain. Sometimes the Holy One, blessed be He, has accomplished His mission by means of a frog, by means of a gnat,8See Lev. R. 22:2-3; Eccl. R. 5:8:2, 4; PRE 49; also Shab. 77b; Exod. R. 10:1. by means of a wasp, or by means of a scorpion. R. Hanan of Sepphoris said,9Cf. Gen. R. 10:7; Lev. R. 22:4; Eccl. R. 5:8:5. “There is a story about a certain scorpion that went to carry out the Holy One, blessed be He's mission (to sting a certain person) beyond the Jordan; so the Holy One, blessed be He, summoned a certain frog for him, and he crossed over upon it. Then that scorpion went and stung [the] person so that he died. [There is] also a story about a certain reaper who stood and reaped in the valley of Beth-Kuzevah. When burning heat came, he took grass and tied it on his head. [When] a certain mighty serpent came at him, he killed it. A certain [snake] charmer passed by him. He saw the slain serpent. He said to him, ‘Who killed that serpent?’ [So the reaper] said to him ‘I [did].’ He looked at the grass on his head. He [then] said to him, ‘Remove the grass from your head and [then you can brag (if you still have that power)].’ When he did so, [the charmer] drew near. He had not succeeded in touching him, before [the reaper’s] body parts [all] shed.” R. Jannay was sitting as a judge at the gate of his city, [when] he saw a serpent hissing and coming toward the city. When they would secure against it in one place, it would go to another. He said, “It seems to me that this [serpent] is on its way to carry out its mission.” When it entered the city, a rumor spread in the city, “So-and-so ben so-and-so was bitten by a serpent and he is dead.” R. Elazar was strolling by the seashore of Caesarea. He found a femur bone strewn on the path. [So] he removed it from there, but he found it there again; he removed it from there [a second time] and found it there again. He said, “It seems to me that this [bone] is arranged to carry out its mission.” After [some] days, a minister came and fell over it and died. They looked into him and found evil documents against the Jews in his hand. There is a story about two people who were walking on the way. One who could see, and one was blind. They sat down to eat. They reached out their hands for the herbs of the field and ate. The one who could see became blind, and the one who had been blind became sighted. They did not move from there until the former was being supported by the latter whom he had been supporting. There is a story about a certain person who was going from the land of Israel to Babylon.10Lev. R. 22:4. While he was eating, he saw two birds fighting with each other. One of them killed its companion. Then going to get an herb, [it placed it on its mouth,] and made it live again. That person (the one who saw what had happened) went and took the very herb that had fallen from the bird. Then he went to make the dead live with it. When he arrived at the Ladder of Tyre,11A well-known landing dock four hours north of Tyre. See ‘Eruv. 80a. he found a dead lion lying in the open. He touched the herb to its mouth and made it live. The lion got up and ate him. The proverb says, “Do not do good to the evil, and evil will not happen to you.”12Gen. R. 22:8. There is a story of Shihin (a town near Sepphoris) about a certain blind person who went down to bathe in the waters in a cave. He happened upon the well of Miriam, immersed [himself in it], and was healed. Titus the wicked entered the interior of the holy of holies.13Git. 56b; Lev. R. 22:3. When he had cursed and blasphemed, he stood up and slashed the veil. Then he took a Torah scroll and brought it out. Next he unrolled it; and bringing two whores, he transgressed upon them. Then he drew his sword to cut up the book. A miracle took place in that blood began to spew forth from it. He began to boast, saying that he had killed himself (i.e. God).14The author is avoiding too literal a description of the sacrilege and therefore substitutes “himself” for God as a euphemism. He began to become bolder and bolder. When he reached the sea, the sea began to grow stormier and stormier. He said, “The God of these people only has power in the sea. When Pharaoh arose, He drowned him in the sea, and Sisera as well.15See Pes. 118b. Now if He would, let there be dry land between Him and I. Then let us see who overcomes.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “O you wicked one, son of a wicked one, I am sending against you a tiny creature, the least of My creatures, to eradicate you from the world.” A gnat entered his nostril, and stayed in his nostril for three years. When he passed by a place where blacksmiths were working [and the gnat] heard the sound of iron, it was still. Whenever a gentile [blacksmith] would pass him, [Titus] would hire him for four dinars and say to him, “Bang your hammer in front of me the whole day.” And when he would do this the whole day, [Titus] would give him his four dinars. But when a Jewish [blacksmith] passed him, he would say to him, “Take [your hammer] and bang it [here] and I will give you your wage.” And he would bang the whole day. [But] when he was about to leave him and the Jew would say to [Titus], “Give me my wage,” he would answer and say to him, “It is enough for you that you see your enemy like this.” So would he do every day for three years. When he died they split open his head and found that [the gnat had grown] to be like a partridge and a sparrow and its claws were as hard as copper. And he died an unnatural death. Why is it named a base creature? Because it takes in but does not excrete. Moreover, sometimes it is by means of a hornet [that God's will is carried out]. Thus it is written (in Exod. 23:28), “I will send the hornet before you [to drive out the Hivites, the Canaanites, and the Hittites from before you].” Our masters have said, “When the Holy One, blessed be He, sent the hornet before Israel to kill the Amorites, see what was written about them (in Amos 2:9), “Yet I destroyed the Amorites [before them, whose stature was like the cedars in height and who were as strong as the oaks].” It entered one's right eye and poured out its poison in it. Then [that person] burst open and dropped dead. This indeed is the way of the Holy One, blessed be He, to carry out His missions by means of small things against all who vaunt themselves against Him. He sends them a small creature to exact punishment from them, in order to inform them that there is no substance to their might. Also in the world to come the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to exact punishment from the [idol-worshiping] peoples of the world by means of small things. It is so stated (in Is. 7:18–19), “And it shall come to pass on that day that the Lord shall whistle for the fly. They all shall come […].”" + ], + [ + "Question:16This section is taken virtually verbatim from the Aramaic text of the She’eltot of Ahai of Shabha (d. ca. 762), Mattot, 137. Are those of the House of Israel obligated to abstain from anything unclean, as stated (in Lev. 20:25), “So you shall make a distinction between the clean animal and the unclean...?” Now it is not a question of something unclean that is forbidden, but even of [the utensils by which something unclean has been cooked]. As it is forbidden for Israel to cook with them, until each and every piece has been purged, as stated (in Numb. 31:23), “Each thing that will withstand the fire [you shall pass through the fire, and it shall be clean].” The spits and the grills17Gk.: escharai. which gentiles have used are not permitted until they have come into the fire, as we are taught (in 'AZ 5:12), “In the case of a skewer and a grill, one makes them white hot in the fire.” For how long does one make them white hot? Until their scaling drops off.18AZ 76a. In the case of pots, kettles (qumqemasin),19Lat.: cucumae; Gk.: koukkoumai. Variants of this Greek word also occur in the neut. and masc. and heating vessels which you use for boiling, one must purge them with boiling water.20See ‘AZ 75a. Moreover, although in the case of kettles (qumqemasin) it is not customarily to cook in one, sometimes when one does not find the [proper] vessel, it happens that one does cook in them. In the case of a pot into which the head of a free-flying sparrow cannot enter, one need not purge it, as stated (in 'AZ 38b), “When [concerning] the date solids of gentiles, if they are heated in a large pot, they are forbidden. [But when heated] in a small pot, they are permitted. And which pot is small? Any into which the head of a free-flying sparrow cannot enter.” But how does one cleanse them with hot water?21AZ 76a. One puts a small pot within a large pot. And what about a large pot? [One treats it] like that caldron which belonged to Rav 'Uqba. He made a rim of dough for it, filled it with water, and boiled it.22According to ‘AZ 76b, the rim of dough built up the mouth of the pot, so that the boiling water would overflow the top and leave no part uncleansed. Boiling water would flow over the top and leave no part uncleansed. Also in the case of a spoon, it is necessary to place it inside of a caldron, and it is purged. In the case of plates, one uses them as a second utensil (a utensil in which food is served, and not one in which it is cooked). If one has taken water from a caldron and poured it over them, it is considered sufficient; but although one has purged them, it is necessary to [also] immerse them in water. It has been taught,23In ‘AZ 75b. “And they all need immersion in a forty-se'ah ritual bath (miqwah).” And then an Israelite may use them again. Where are these things shown? Rabba said, “Where scripture has said (in Numb. 31:23), ‘Each thing that will withstand the fire you shall pass through the fire, and it shall be clean. However, it shall be purified with the waters of purification….’24I.e., in a ritual bath. The text has added another cleansing.” Moreover, ‘Bar Qappara has taught, “It is implied by that which is stated (ibid.), ‘however, it shall be purified with the waters of purification,’ that I would infer that sprinkling was needed on the third and seventh day.25According to Numb. 19:12, 19, this is the requirement for one who has been defiled by a corpse. Hence [to prevent that inference], Scripture26Literally: “Talmud.” The word occurs here in the generic sense of a text from which one learns. says (ibid.), ‘and it shall be clean.’ If so, what does the text mean by ‘the waters of purification (which is also the word for a menstruant)?’ Waters in which the menstruant immerses. And how much [is that]? Forty se'ah.” Rav Nahman said that Rabbah bar Abbuha said, “Even new vessels which one acquires from the [gentile] smith need immersion; old [ones], when one makes them white hot, are like new ones, and they need immersion nonetheless. Rav Sheshet raised an objection for him, “If that is so, even an unspecified ‘implement’ also?”27AZ 75b is more specific, and objects that under the Nahman/Abbuha ruling, even scissors, would require immersion. Rabba said to him, “Vessels for eating are the ones being spoken of in the parashah, since it is written (in Numb. 31:23), ‘Each thing that will withstand (literally: come into) the fire….’” Rav Isaac bar Joseph [bought] a certain vessel [made] of fresh ordure.28Mirdeta. The word normally denotes dung but here seems to refer to a kind of clay. He planned to immerse it. One of the masters named R. Jacob said, “So did R. Johanan say, ‘Vessels of metal are the ones being spoken of in the parashah, since it is so stated (in Numb. 31:22), “Surely the gold and the silver.”’ But these are new vessels of ordure. New ones need no immersion. Old ones are not purgeable, as we find in the case of the sin offering (according to Lev. 6:21), ‘But an earthen vessel in which it (the sin offering) was boiled shall be broken.’” However, it is necessary to [ask about] these plates with a glaze,29Qonya; cf. the Gk.: konia (“dust”). which are used with boiling leavened foods. Is there a purging for them or not? For while they were earthen vessels originally, one coated them with glaze. [Is it that] that glaze seal is a shield, so that the clay does not absorb, because glaze is [like] metal, and purging is sufficient for it. Or if there is no shield, the clay does absorb [impurities], and there is no remedy for it. Come, hear what they asked Meremar concerning leaven on Passover.30Pes. 30b; ‘AZ 33b-34a. In the case of glazed vessels, is there any purging for them, and is it permitted to use them on Passover or not? When there are cracks in them, we certainly have no question that this does absorb [impurities] where the cracks are. [In the case of] green [glaze], there is certainly no question for us [about its absorption] because it (the glaze) contains alum; while a white or black [glaze certainly does present us with a question]. What is [the law]? He said to them, “We saw with them, that [when they put hot water in them, their outside surfaces] sweat. From this you may infer that they are absorbent. They are therefore comparable to common earthen vessels.” These words [only apply] with reference to leaven during Passover and with reference to usage by gentiles when (the vessels) would be used with boiling [liquids]. With reference to libation wine,31I.e., wine handled by a heathen and which may have been used for an idolatrous libation. however, and leaven on Passover when [the vessels] would be used with what is cold, a green glaze is forbidden because it contains alum. As for black and white [glazes, if] there are cracks in it, it is forbidden; if there are no cracks in it, it sufficient with a mere dabbling. It is comparable to a vessel of metal, for it is established for us as a law (halakhah) like [the statement of] Rav Zevid. As Rav Zevid said, “Those vessels with a white or black glaze are permitted; green ones are forbidden. Also if there are cracks in them, they are all forbidden.” And this is the law (halakhah)." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 19:2:) “This is the statute of the Torah.” This text is related (to Job 14:4), “Who can produce something clean out of something unclean; is it not One?”32English translations usually translate these last four words as NO ONE. [Who], for example, [produced] Abraham out of Terah, Hezekiah out of Ahaz, Josiah out of Amon, Mordecai out of Shimei, Israel out of the nations of the world, the world to come out of this world?33Numb. R. 19:1; PRK, 4:1. [So] who did so? Who commanded so? And who decreed so? Is it not One? Is it not the Singular Being of the World? We have learned elsewhere (in Neg. 8:2),34Cf. ibid. 8:3, 6-9. “If one has a bright spot the size of a bean, he is unclean”35The traditional Mishnah text here does not specifically declare such a one unclean, although the uncleanness may be inferred, especially when the passage is read in connection with Lev. 13:2-3.; [yet] if it has burst out all over him, he is clean. Who did so? Who decreed so? Who commanded so? Is it not One? Is it not the Singular Being of the World? We have learned elsewhere (in Hul. 4:3), “In the case of the woman whose fetus died within her belly, if [a midwife] inserted her hand [into the womb] and touched it, the midwife is unclean for seven days, but the woman remains clean until the fetus comes forth. And so it is that while the dead person is in the house, the house is clean; when he comes forth from it, he makes it unclean.” Who did this? Is it not One? Is it not the Singular Being of the World? We have learned elsewhere (in Parah 4:4; Hul. 29b), “All who are occupied with the [rite of the red] cow from beginning to end render [their] clothes unclean, while the [cow] herself makes [what is unclean] clean.” Thus the Holy One, blessed be He, has said, “I have enacted a statute for you; I have issued a decree! So you are not authorized to transgress against my decree.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 19:2:) “This is the statute of the Torah.” R. Tanhum bar Hanila'i opened [his discourse] (with Ps. 12:7), “The sayings of the Lord are pure sayings.”36Lev. R. 26:1; PRK 4:2; PR 14:4. Are the sayings of the Lord [true] sayings, but the sayings of flesh and blood not [true] sayings? Now by universal custom, when a king of flesh and blood enters a province, the inhabitants of the province praise37Rt.: QLS. Cf. Gk.: kalos (“beautiful”). him; and their praise is pleasing to him. He says to them, “Tomorrow I am building bath houses38Dimosa’ot: The translation derives its meaning from the Gk. demosia (“public buildings”), but Jastrow, s.v., demosia, understands the plural of this word more specifically to mean “public baths”, a meaning that well fits this context. for you, and I am building baths for you and I am bringing in a water carrier for you.” [Then] he goes to sleep and never gets up. Where is he [now], and where are his promises (literally, statements)? The Holy One, blessed be He, however, is not like this. Rather the statement of God is true, as (in Jer. 10:10), “He is a living God and an everlasting King.” R. Joshua ben Levi said, “We find that the Torah has twisted two or three words in the Torah, so as not to bring forth something unclean from His (i.e., the Holy One, blessed be He's) mouth.39In addition to the parallels for the last section, see Gen. R. 32:4; also cf. M. Pss. 12:5; also Pes. 3b. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 7:2), ‘From the clean beast and from the beast which is not clean.’ So it is not written, ‘of the unclean beast.’\" R. Judan said, “When He came to introduce the signs of an unclean beast, He only began with the signs of purity. It is not written here (in Lev. 11:4), ‘the camel, because it does not have a cloven hoof,’ but “[the camel] because it chews its cud [but does not have a cloven hoof].’ It is not written here (in Lev. 11:6), ‘The hare, because it does not have a hoof,’ but ‘[The hare], because it chews its cud [but does not have a cloven hoof].’ It is not written (in Lev. 11:7), ‘The pig, because it does not chew its cud,’ but ‘[the pig], because it has a cloven hoof [and is cleft footed, but does not chew its cud].’” R. Joshua of Sikhnin said in the name of R. Levi, “The infants who lived in the days of David, [even] before they had a gotten a taste of sin, knew how to interpret the Torah with forty-nine reasons for declaring an object unclean and forty-nine reasons for declaring an object clean.40Lev. R. 26:2; Numb. R. 19:2; Cant. R. 2:4:1; PRK 4:2; PR 14:10; 21:10; M. Pss. 7:7; 12:4; cf. PR 14:6; see also below. So David prayed for them and said (in Ps. 12:8), ‘You, O Lord, will keep them; You will guard each [of them] from this generation unto eternity.’ (ibid.:) ‘You, O Lord, will keep them,’ [i.e.,] watch over their instruction in their hearts; (ibid., cont.) ‘You will guard each [of them from this generation unto eternity],’ from the generation which is worthy of destruction. But after all this praise, they went out to war and fell, because there were slanderers41Lat.: delatores (“informers”). among them. This is what David says (in Ps. 57:5), ‘My soul is in the midst of lions, I lie down among those who are aflame, men whose teeth are spears and darts, and whose tongues are a sharp sword.’ (ibid.:) ‘My soul is in the midst of lions,’ these are Abner and Amasa, who were lions with the Torah42Although lions, they did not support David when they should have. See Ps. 17:12.; (ibid., cont.) ‘I lie down among those who are aflame,’ these are Doeg and Ahithophel, who were aflame to slander [David]43On Doeg, see I Sam. 22:8-10; Ps. 52:1. On Ahithophel, see II Sam. 17:1-23.; (ibid., cont.) ‘men whose teeth are spears and darts,’ these are the people of Keilah, of whom it is stated (in I Sam. 23:12), ‘Will the people of Keilah surrender me?’ (Ps. 57:5, cont.:) ‘And whose tongue is a sharp sword,’ these are the Ziphites, of whom it is stated (in Ps. 54:2), ‘When the Ziphites came and said to Saul, “Is not David hiding among us […]?”’ At that time David said (in Ps. 57:6), ‘”Be exalted, O God, above the heavens,” remove your Divine Presence from among them.’ The generation of Ahab, however, were all worshipers of idols; yet because there were no slanderers among them, they went out to war and won.44Deut. R. 5:10; cf. Meg. 11a, according to which Ahab was one of three who ruled over the whole world. The other two were Ahasuerus and Nebuchadnezzar. That [freedom from informers] is what [enabled] Obadiah to say to Elijah (in I Kings 18:13), ‘Has it not been told to my lord what I did [when Jezebel slew the prophets, how I hid a hundred prophets of the Lord …, and provided them with bread and water?’ If bread [is mentioned], why [mention] water? Simply because it was more difficult to bring them the water than the bread.45Because of the drought, the greater difficulty in obtaining water would advertise what he was doing. And yet Elijah made his proclamation46Rt.: KRZ; see Gk.: keryssein. on Mount Carmel and said (in vs. 22), ‘I am the only prophet of the Lord left,’ and [even though] all the people knew [about Obadiah’s prophets], they did not expose it to the king.” R. Samuel b. R. Nahman said, “They said to the serpent, ‘Why is it that you are found among the fences?’ It said to them, ‘I made a breach in the fence of the world.’47I.e., brought sin into the world. They said to it, ‘Why is it that you move along with your tongue slavering?’48See also yPe’ah 1:1 (16ab); cf. ‘Arakh. 15b. It said to them, ‘That [tongue] caused me [to make the breach].’ They said to it, ‘Why is it that, when all the [other] animals bite, they do not kill; but when you bite, you do kill?’ It said to them (in Eccl. 10:11), ‘”If a snake bites without being under a spell, the owner of the tongue (i.e., one able to charm the snake) has no advantage.” Is it possible for me to do anything without me being told from on High?’ ‘Then why is it that, when you bite one limb, all the limbs feel [the pain]?’ It said to them, ‘Are you asking me? Ask a slandering informer,49Literally: “Master of the tongue.” the one who [remains] here and [yet] slays in Rome.’” Why is the slandering informer named a \"third?”50See Targum Pseudo-Jonathan on Lev. 19:16. The targumist translates rakhil, which came to be interpreted as “slanderer” or “informer,” with lishan telita’e (“triple tongue”). Because [such a slanderer] kills three people: the one who speaks it, the one who accepts it, and the one about whom it is spoken.51Also ‘Arakh. 15b; M. Pss. 12:2. In the days of Saul it killed four: Doeg, who spoke it52I Sam 22:9-10 and II Sam. 1:15, as interpreted by Rashi on II Sam. 1:2.; Saul, who received it53See Rashi on II Sam. 1:9, who knows a midrash, according to which Saul was slain for slaying the priests of Nob.; Ahimelech, about whom it was spoken54In I Sam. 22:16-19.; and Abner ben Ner. Now why was Abner ben Ner slain? Joshua ben Levi said, “[He was slain] because he had his [own] name precede the name of David. This is what is written (in II Sam. 3:12), ‘Then Abner sent messengers unto David where he was, saying, “To whom does the land belong?”’ [In the message] he wrote, ‘From Abner to David.’”55Instead of “to David from Abner.” R. Simeon ben Laqish said, “[He was slain] because he made the blood of young men [a matter of] amusement (rt.: shq), as stated (in II Sam. 2:14), ‘Please let the young men arise and play (rt.: shq) before us.’” Our masters have said, “[He was slain] because he did [not] wait for Saul to be reconciled56Rt.: PYS. Cf. the Gk. noun, peisis, which designates the softer feelings. with David, where it is stated (in I Sam. 24:12, with David addressing Saul), ‘See, my father, see the corner of your cloak in my hand; for when I cut off the corner of your cloak, I did not kill you].’ [Saul] said to him, ‘Abner, what do you want [to understand] from the cloak? You said, “It was caught on a thorn.”’ When [David] came toward wagons around the camp, he said to him (in I Sam. 26:14), ‘“Abner, will you not answer?’ As for the corner of the cloak, you said was caught on a thorn. Were [the] spear and [the] water jar (of I Sam. 26:11) caught on a thorn?’” There are also some who say, “[Abner was slain] because he had the power to protest about Nob, the city of priests, but did not protest.”" + ], + [ + "R. Hanan bar Pazzi opened [his discourse] with the verse in [the context of] the parashah of the [red] heifer, which contains seven [references to] seven things:57Numb. R. 19:2, cont.; PRK 4:2; PR 14:6. seven [references to] heifers,58Numb. 19:2, 5, 6, 9, 10 account for five. Braude in his translation of PR 14:6, n. 21, following n. 31 in the Friedmann edition, notes that the Targum Pseudo-Jonathan does contain seven mentions of the heifer, with the extra references in vss. 7 & 9. Braude and Kapstein in their translation of PRK 4:2, n. 31, allude to the tradition of only seven red heifers having been so offered since the days of Moses. See Parah 3:5. seven [items for] burning,59Vss. 5-6 mention the burning of skin, flesh, blood, dung, cedar wood, hyssop, and crimson stuff. seven sprinklings,60So vs. 4; see Parah 3:1, 9. seven [instances of] laundering [clothes],61Numb. 19:7, 8, 10, 19, 21. Braude and Kapstein, n. 34, suggest that Numb. 19:7, requires three launderings, one after each of the three stages in the rite, i.e., in vss. 3, 4, 6. seven [ways of becoming] unclean,62Vss. 14-16 mention entering a tent where someone has died, being in that tent, being an open vessel there, touching one killed in the open, touching one who died naturally, touching a human bone, or touching a grave. seven [people or things who become] clean,63Vss. 18f. explain how to cleanse the categories of uncleanness mentioned in the previous note. and seven priests. If someone should say to you, ‘[The number of priests] is lacking,’ say to him, ‘Moses was [included] in the total, where it is stated (in Numb. 19:1-2), “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, ‘This is the statute of the Torah.’”’”" + ], + [ + "R. Isaac began [his discourse] (with Eccl. 7:23), “All this I tested with wisdom; I thought I could fathom it, but it eludes me.” It is written (in I Kings 5:9), “So God gave Solomon wisdom and discernment in great measure, with understanding....” R. Johanan said a parable in the name of R. Simeon ben Yehozedek, “This is comparable to a king who had a friend, and the king loved him exceedingly. The king said to him, ‘Ask me anything you want and I will give it to you.’ And that friend was very wise. He said [to himself], ‘If I ask him to make me a duke, it [alone] will come to me. If I ask him to make me a duke, it [alone] will come to me.” Rather I will ask him for something that is attached to all the advantages.’ Immediately he answered and said to the king, ‘Since you asked that I should ask for something in front of you, I am asking from you that you marry off your daughter to me.’ The king said, ‘By your life, I want this. Behold my daughter is [given] into your house.’ So [too] at the time that the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Solomon (in I Kings 3:5), ‘Ask what I should give to you,’ Solomon said [to himself], ‘What shall I ask; If I ask for silver and gold, it [alone] will come to me. If I ask for the monarchy, it [alone] will come to me. Rather I will ask for something that is attached to all the things.’ Immediately he said in front of the Holy One, blessed be He, ‘Master of the World, I only request from you wisdom.’ [Then] the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘You have asked well in asking for wisdom, as all the things are attached to it. Silver and gold are attached to it, as stated (in Prov. 8:19), “My fruit is better than gold, fine gold, and my produce than choice silver.” Monarchy is attached to it, as stated (in Prov. 8:15), “Through me kings reign.” Behold everything is given to you.’” Hence it is written (in I Kings 5:9), “So God gave Solomon wisdom,” as He gave him wisdom as a gift. (I Kings 5:9, cont.:) “As vast as the sand of the sea.” The rabbis say, “[This] teaches that He gave him as much wisdom as all Israel, who are compared to the sand, as stated (in Hos. 2:1), ‘The number of the Children of Israel shall be like that of the sands of the sea.’ How is this? The sages have knowledge, the elders of knowledge and the children have knowledge, but they are different, one from the other. And [so] if all of Israel would be on one side and Solomon on the other side, his wisdom would be greater than theirs.”64Numb. R. 19:3; Eccl. R. 7:23:1; PRK 4:3; PR 14:8. R. Levi said, “Just as sand is a wall and a fence for [the sea], that it not go out and flood the world; so that his wisdom stand in front of his [evil] impulse, that he not sin.” The proverb says, “If you lack knowledge, what have you gained? If you have gained knowledge, what do you lack?” Like (in Prov. 25:28) “A city broken into with no walls,” so “is a person who does not restrain his spirit.” (I Kings 5:10:) “Now Solomon's wisdom surpassed the wisdom of all the people of the East.” And what was the wisdom of the peoples of the East?65Above, Gen. 7:24; PR 14:9. [In that] they knew about astrology and were astute at divination (from birds). Rabban Simeon ben Gamaliel said, “I like three things about the people of the East: They do not kiss on the mouth, but only on the hand; When they cut meat, they cut only with a knife and not on the back of the hand; And when they take counsel, they take it only in the field.
It is therefore stated (in Gen. 31:4), ‘So Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah to the field where his flock was.’” (I Kings 5:10, cont.:) “From all the wisdom of Egypt.” What was the wisdom of Egypt? You find that when Solomon wanted to build the Temple, he sent to Pharaoh Necho and said to him, “Send me craftsmen [to work] for a wage, for I want to build the Temple.” What did Pharaoh do? He gathered all his astrologers66Gk.: astrologoi. and said to them, “Foresee which people are going to die this year and send them to him. So that I can come to him with a grievance and say to him, ‘Give me the value of the craftsmen that you killed.’” When they came to Solomon, he foresaw through the holy spirit that they would die during that year. He [therefore] gave them shrouds and sent them [back] to [Pharaoh]. He sent to him, saying, “Do you not have shrouds to bury your dead? Here they are for you with their shrouds. Go and bury your dead.” Hence it is stated, (I Kings 5:10, cont.) “from all the wisdom of Egypt.” (I Kings 5:11:) “And he was wiser than any man, than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, Chalkol, and Darda the sons of Mahol.” “Wiser than any man (literally, than all of Adam),” than the first Adam. And what was his wisdom? You find that, when the Holy One, blessed be He, wanted to create the first Adam, he consulted with the ministering angels. He said to them (in Gen. 1:26), “Let us make humankind (Adam) in Our image.” They said to him (in Ps. 8:5), “What is a human that You are mindful of him?” He said to them, “This Adam that I want to create Adam shall have wisdom greater than yours.” What did He do? He gathered all cattle, wild beasts, and fowl pass before them. He said to them, “What are the names of these [beings]?” They, however, did not know. When He had created Adam, He made them pass before him. He said to him, “What are the names of these [beings]?” He said, “It is fitting to call this one an ox, this one a lion, this one a horse, [...]” and so on for all of them. It is so stated (in Gen. 2:20), “So Adam recited names for all the cattle.”67The understanding of the midrash is that the creatures implicitly already possessed names. He said to him, “And you, what is your name?” Adam said to him, “Adam, because I was created out of the ground (adamah).” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “I, what is My name?” He said to him, “The Lord, because you are Lord over all creatures,” namely as written (in Is. 42:8), “I am the Lord, that is My name,” which the first Adam gave me.68Above, Lev. 3:11. “That is my name,” the one which I have agreed to [for use] between Me and My creatures. (I Kings 5:11, cont.:) “[Wiser] than Ethan the Ezrahite.” This is Abraham, of whom it is stated (in Ps. 89:1), “A maskil (a psalm of erudition) of Ethan the Ezrahite.”69It is assumed, of course that Abraham wrote the Psalm, an assumption based on a comparison of Ps. 89:1 and Is. 41:2: WHO HAS RAISED UP RIGHTEOUSNESS FROM THE EAST?. See BB 15a. The Ezrahite (‘ezrahi) of Ps. 89:1 is understood in the sense of “Easterner,” and Ethan (which means “steadfast”) is regarded as equivalent to “righteous.” For another argument identifying Ethan and Abraham, see PR 6:5. (I Kings 5:11, cont.:) “And Heman (rt.: 'mn).” This is Moses, of whom it is stated (in Numb. 12:7 with reference to Moses), “he is trusted (rt.: 'mn) in all My house.” (I Kings 5:11, cont.:) “Calcol (klkl).” This is Joseph, of whom it is stated (in Gen. 47:12), “And joseph sustained (rt.: klkl) [his father and his brothers].” The Egyptians said, “Has this slave come to rule over us for any reason but because of his wisdom?” What did they do to him? They brought seventy tablets70Gk.: piyyakia; Lat.: pittacia. and wrote on them in seventy tongues. Then when they cast them before him. He read each and every one in its own tongue. And not only that, but he spoke in the holy tongue, which they did not have the ability to understand, as stated (in Ps. 81:6), “He made it a statute upon Joseph, when he went out over the land of Egypt. I hear a language I had not known.” (I Kings 5:11, cont.:) “Darda (drd')].” This is the generation (dor) of the desert, which had knowledge (de'ah). (I Kings 5:11, cont.:) “The children of Mahol,” i.e., the Children of Israel whom the Divine Presence forgave (rt.: mhl) for the deed of the calf. (I Kings 5:12:) “Moreover he composed three thousand proverbs.” R. Samuel bar Nahman said, “We have gone over all of the scriptures and have found that Solomon only uttered prophetically close to eight hundred verses.71See Cant. R. 1:1:11. Then what is meant by three thousand? [This number] teaches that each and every verse that he spoke contains two [or] three interpretations, just as it says (in Prov. 25:12), ‘Like an earring of gold, a necklace of fine gold, [so is a wise reprover to a listening ear].’”72The midrash understands the WISE REPROVER TO BE Solomon himself, who is likened to both a golden earring and a golden necklace. But the rabbis say, “Every verse has three thousand proverbs, while each and every proverb has a thousand and five interpretations.” [(I Kings 5:12, cont.:) “And his song numbered a thousand and five.”] “Songs” is not written here, but “song,” the song of the proverb. (I Kings 5:13:) “And he spoke with/concerning ('al)73The point of the midrash in this and in the following chapter concerns whether to understand ‘al as “with” or “concerning.” the trees.” Is it possible that a person would speak with the trees? Solomon merely said, “For what reason is a leper cleansed through the tallest among the trees (the cedar) and through the lowest of the low (the hyssop); through (according to Lev. 14:4) cedar wood, [crimson stuff,] and hyssop?’ It is simply because he had exalted himself like the cedar, that he was stricken with leprosy. As soon as he humbled himself like the hyssop, he was therefore cured through hyssop”. (I Kings 5:13, cont.:) “He also spoke with/concerning ('al) the cattle and the fowl.” Is it possible that [a person] would speak with cattle and with fowl? Rather [the passage is concerned with] why the cattle are permitted [as food] with [the cutting of] two organs74Gk.: semeia (“signs,” “omens”). (the gullet and the windpipe); but the fowl, with [the cutting of] one organ (i.e., the gullet or the windpipe).75See Hul. 2:1; Hul. 27b. Because cattle were created from the dry land, as stated (in Gen. 1:14), “Let the earth bring forth the living creatures after its kind, cattle, creeping things,” they are permitted with two organs. But in regard to fowl, because they were created from the mud, they were permitted with one organ. As one text says [they came] from the dry land, while another text says [they came] from the sea. [The text stating fowls came] from the dry land is what is written (in Gen. 2:19), “So from the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the heavens.” The other text says (in Gen. 1:20), “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures and the fowl fly above the earth.”76This unusual translation of Gen. 1:20 is required by the midrash. Bar Qappara said, “They were created from the mud which is in the sea.” R. Abbin said the name of R. Jose the Galilean said, “Nevertheless, the feet of the cock resemble the scaly skin77Reading HSPNYT’ with the parallel in Yalqut Shim‘oni, Kings, 178, for Buber’s HRTsPYTYH. of the fish.”78A fish of the genus anthias. (I Kings 5:13, cont.:) “And with/concerning ('al) the creeping things.” Is it possible that one would speak with a creeping thing? Solomon simply said, “What is the reason that in the case of the eight swarming creatures which are in the Torah, one is culpable for hunting or injuring them (on the Sabbath)79Shab. 14:1.; but in the case of the rest of the swarming creatures, one is exempt?80Shab. 14:1. For the reason that they (i.e. the former) have skins.”81Shab. 107ab, explains that in the case of skin, as distinct from the flesh, a wound does not completely heal but leaves a scar. Thus part of the animal’s life is lost. See yShab. 14:1 (14b); also Hul. 9:2. Cf. Rashi on Shab. 14:1, according to whom cutting the skin causes blood to color it in a form of dying, an act forbidden on the Sabbath. (I Kings 5:13 cont.:) “And with/concerning ('al) the fish.” Is it possible that one would so speak? Solomon merely said, “For what reason do cattle, beasts, and birds require ritual slaughtering, while fish do not require ritual slaughtering?” Jacob the man of Kefar Gibburayya taught in Tyre with respect to fish, that they do require ritual slaughtering. When R. Haggai heard, he sent for him to come. He said to him, “On what basis did you decide this?” He said to him, “From here (in Gen. 1:20), ‘Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let the fowl fly.’ Just as fowl require ritual slaughtering, so do the fish require ritual slaughtering.” He said to them (i.e., those standing by), “Lay him down to receive lashes.” He said to him, “Shall a person who speaks words of Torah be lashed?” He said to him, “You did not decide [the law] well.” He said to him, “On what basis?” He said to him, “From here (in Numb. 11:22), ‘Are there enough flocks and herds to slaughter for them; are there enough fish in the sea to gather for them?’ The former require ritual slaughtering, while the latter [is taken] through gathering.” He said to him, “Give [me] your beating, as it is good for retention.” And again did Jacob the man of Kefar Gibburayya teach in Tyre, [this time] with respect to an Israelite man, who came upon a foreign woman and had her bear him a son, that he should be circumcised on the Sabbath. When R. Haggai heard, he sent for him to come. He said to him, “On what basis do you hold this?” He said to him, “[From this which is written] (in Numb. 1:18) ‘then they registered their lineages according to their families according to the house of their fathers.’” He said to them (i.e., those standing by), “Lay him down to receive lashes.” He said to him, “Shall a person who speaks words of Torah be lashed?” He said to him, “You did not decide [the law] well.” He said to him, “Where is it shown?” He said to him, “Lie down and listen.” He said to him, “If one of the gentiles came to you in order to become a proselyte on condition that you circumcise him on the Sabbath day or on the Day of Atonement, would you profane the Sabbath on account of him or not?” He said to him, “One does not profane the Sabbath or the Day of Atonement for him but only for the son of an Israelite woman.” He said to him, “On what basis do you hold this?” He said to him (in Ezra 10:3), “So now let us make a covenant with our God to put away all (foreign) wives and (anyone] born of them […].” He said to him, “Would you lash me on the basis of [a non-Mosaic text]?” He said to him, “It is written (ibid.), ‘let it be done [according to] the Torah.’” He said to him, “From which [piece of] Torah?” He said to him, “From that of R. Johanan, when he said in the name of R. Simeon ben Johay, ‘It is written (in Deut. 7:3), “You shall not intermarry with them; do not give your daughters to their sons.” Why? (Deut. 7:4:) “Because they will turn your children away from following me.” Your child that comes from an Israelite woman is called \"your child\"; but that which comes from a foreign woman is called, not \"your child,\" but \"her child,” as stated (in Gen. 21:13), “And I will also make the son of the maidservant into a nation.”’\" He said to him, “Give [me] your beating, as it is good for retention.” Solomon said, “About all these things I have knowledge; but in the case of the parashah on the red heifer, I have investigated it, inquired into it, and examined it. Still (at the end of the verse in Eccl. 7:23), ‘I thought I could fathom it, but it eludes me.’” (Eccl. 8:1:) “Who is like the wise person, and who knows the explanation of a saying?” (Eccl. 8:1:) Who is like the wise person? This is the Holy One, blessed be He, since it is stated about Him (in Prov. 3:19), “Through wisdom the Lord founded the earth.”82Numb. R. 19:4; Eccl. R. 8:1:1; PRK 4:4; PR 14:10. (Eccl. 8:1, cont.:) “And who knows the explanation of a saying?” This [also] is the Holy One, blessed be He, who explained the Torah for Moses. (Eccl. 8:1, cont.:) “A person's wisdom lights up his face.” R. Judan said, “Great is the power of the prophets, as they [are able to] compare the Almighty above to the form of a man, as stated (Daniel 8:16), ‘And I heard the voice of a man.’” And R. Judah bar Simon says [the proof] is from here (in Ezekiel 1:26), “and on the image of a chair was an image of a man.” (Eccl. 8:1, cont.:) “And the radiance ('oz) of his face is changed (for the better),” in that he changes the principle of judgment into a principle of mercy with respect to Israel. R. Joshua of Sikhnin said in the name of R. Levi, “Over each and every word that the Holy One, blessed be He, spoke to Moses, He spoke to him of its [related] uncleanness and of its purification.83See Numb. R. 19:4. When he made known the Parashah (starting with Lev. 21:1), ‘Speak (Emor) unto the priests,’ [Moses] said to him, ‘Master of the world, if a priest becomes unclean (through touching a human corpse), what means is there for his purification?’ When [the Holy One, blessed be He,] did not answer, at that time the face of Moses turned yellow (with shame). Then when the Holy One, blessed be He, reached the parashah on the [red] heifer, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘Moses, [when I gave you] that saying which I spoke to you (in Lev. 21:1), “Go, speak unto the priests,” then you said to me, “If one becomes unclean, what means will there be for his purification,” I did not answer [you at that time. Now] this is his purification (in Numb. 19:17), “They shall take some ashes from the burning of the sin offering (i.e., the red heifer).”‘”" + ], + [ + "R. Joshua of Sikhnin said in the name of R. Levi, “There are four things that the evil drive would refute [as irrational], and for each of them is written [the word,] huqqah (i.e., an unquestioned statute).84Although Huqqah is normally translated simply as “statute,” the word more fully denotes a command that demands implicit and unquestioned obedience. Huqqah is therefore translated “unquestioned statute” throughout this section. Now these concern the following: (1) the nakedness of a brother's wife, (2) diverse kinds, (3) the scapegoat, and (4) the red heifer.”85PR 14:12; Numb. R. 19:5; see Yoma 67b. In regard to the nakedness of a brother's wife, it is written (in Lev. 18:16), “You shall not uncover the nakedness of your brother's wife”; [yet if the brother] dies without children [it is written] (in Deut. 25:5), “her brother-in-law shall have sexual intercourse with her [and take her for a wife].” And it is written about the sexual prohibitions (in Lev. 18:5), “And you shall keep [all] My unquestioned statutes [...].” In regard to diverse kinds, it is written (in Deut. 22:11), “You shall not wear interwoven stuff, [wool and flax together]”; yet a linen cloak86Gk.: sindon. with [wool] tassels is permitted.87See Numb. 15:37-38. And for [this commandment also] it is written, [that it is] an unquestioned statute. [Thus it is written (in Lev. 19:19),] “You shall keep My unquestioned statute. You shall not mate your cattle with a different kind…, [nor shall you wear a garment with diverse kinds of interwoven stuff].” In regard to the scapegoat, it is written (in Lev. 16:26), “And the one who sets the azazel-goat free shall wash his clothes”; yet it is [the goat] itself that atones for others. And for [this commandment also] it is written (in Lev. 16:34), “And this shall be to you an unquestioned statute forever.” In regard to the red heifer, where is it shown? Since we are taught (in Parah 4:4), “All engaged with the [rite of the red] heifer from beginning to end render [their] garments unclean”; yet it is [the heifer] itself that purifies [what is] unclean. And for [this commandment also] it is written, [that it is] an unquestioned statute. Thus it is written (in Numb. 19:2), “This is an unquestioned statute of the Torah.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 19:2, cont:) “That they bring unto you [a red heifer without blemish].” R. Jose bar Hanina said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses. ‘To you I am revealing the reason for the heifer, but to others it is an unquestioned statute.’”88PRK 4:7; PR 14:13; Numb. R. 19:6. As Rav Huna said, “It is written (in Ps. 75:3), ‘For I will set a time, when I Myself will judge with equity.’ It is also written (in Zech. 14:6), ‘On that day there shall be no light of cold (yqrot) and frost.’89See also Pes. 50a. Things that are hidden from you in this world are going to be clear to you in the world to come, as with the blind person who gains his sight. Thus it is stated (in Is. 42:16), ‘I will lead the blind by a road they do not know, [… these things I have done].’ ‘I will do’ is not stated here, but ‘I have done,’ in that I have already done them for R. Aqiva and his colleagues.” Another interpretation: Things that were not revealed to Moses were revealed to R. Aquiva and his colleagues (as found in Job 28:10), “his eye sees every precious thing.” R. Jose bar Hanina said, “It was implied (in Numb. 19:2) was that all heifers perish, but [Moses’] lasts forever.” R. Aha said in the name of R. Jose bar Hanina, “When Moses ascended into the firmament, he heard the voice of the Holy One, blessed be He, sitting and being occupied with the parashah of the [red heifer], and he was reciting a halakhah (i.e., a passage of oral Torah) in the name of its author (from Parah 1:1), ‘My son, Eliezer says, “The calf [whose neck is to be broken]90See Deut. 21:3-4. is to be one year old, but the [red] heifer is to be two years old.”’91See Braude’s translation of PR, 14:13 p. 290, n. 91, which records a suggestion of Mordecai Margulies, who notes that R. Eliezer would have begun his instruction with this mishnah. Moses said, ‘Master of the world, do not the realms above and below belong to you? Now you are citing a halakhah in the name of flesh and blood?’ He said to him, ‘A righteous man is going to arise in my world and is first going to begin [his teaching] with the parashah of the [red] heifer, R. Eliezer says, “The calf [whose neck is to be broken] is to be one year old, but the [red] heifer is to be two years old.”’ He told Him, ‘Master of the universe, may it be [Your] will that he come from my loins.’ He said to him, ‘By your life, he is to be from your loins.’ Thus it is stated (of Moses' offspring in Exod. 18:4), ‘And the name of the one92So literally. In the biblical context the translation would normally read: AND THE NAME OF THE OTHER WAS ELIEZER. was Eliezer,’ [i.e.,] the name of that particular one [who would begin his teaching with Tractate Parah] was Eliezer. A certain stranger questioned Rabban Johanan ben Zakkay, “These things which you do seem like a kind of sorcery.93Numb. R. 19:8; PRK 4:7; PR 14:14. You bring a heifer, burn it, pound it, and take its ashes. Then [when] one of you is defiled by a corpse, they sprinkle two or three drops on him, and you say to him, ‘You are clean.’” He said to him, “Have you ever had a bad spirit of madness enter you?” He told him, “No.” He said to him, “Perhaps you have seen someone into whom a bad spirit has entered?” He told him, “Yes.” He said to him, “So what did you do for him?” He said to him, “They bring roots and burn them beneath him. Then they sprinkle water on [the spirit], and it flees.” He said to him, “Let your ears hear what you are uttering with your mouth. Similarly is this spirit an unclean spirit. Thus it is stated (in Zech. 13:2), ‘and I will also remove the prophets and the unclean spirit from the land.’ They sprinkle the purifying water upon him, and he flees.” After the gentile had left, [R. Johanan's] disciples said to him, “Our master, you repelled this one with a [mere] reed [of an answer]. What have you to say to us?” He said to them, “By your lives, a corpse does not defile, nor does a heifer purify, nor does water purify. Rather, the Holy One, blessed be He, has said, ‘I have enacted a statute for you. I have issued a decree, [and] you are not allowed to transgress against my decree.’” Thus it is written (in Numb. 19:2), “This is the statute of the Torah.” And for what reason are all the sacrifices male and female, while that one is [only] female?94PRK 4:8. R. Ayyevu said, “It is comparable to the son of a female slave who defiled a king's palace.95Lat.: praetorium Gk.: praitoriom. The king said, ‘Let his mother come and clean up the excrement.’ Similarly has the Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘Let a heifer come and atone for the incident of the [golden] calf.’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 20:7-8:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses saying, ‘Take the rod... and you shall provide the congregation and their cattle with water.” From here it is shown that the Holy One, blessed be He, is concerned for Israel's wealth.96Numb. R. 19:9. (Ibid., vs. 10:) “So Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation before the rock.” [This verse] teaches that each and every person sees himself as if he were standing at the rock. And similarly it says (in Lev. 8:3), “And assemble the whole congregation at the entrance of the tent of meeting.” And so too when they crossed the Jordan, all of Israel fit in between the two poles of the ark, as stated (in Josh. 3:9), “And Joshua said to the Children of Israel, ‘Come closer and listen to the words of the Lord your God.” And it is [also] written (in Josh. 8:33), “All Israel [...] stood on either side of the ark.” Here also all Israel was standing and seeing the miracles which happened at the rock [in front of them]. They began to say, “Moses knows the natural properties of rock. If he wants, he will bring forth water out of this [other] one.” Moses found himself confronted with a dilemma: If he would listen to them, he would disregard the words of the Omnipresent; and the Holy One, blessed be He, (according to Job 5:13) “Catches the wise in their own cunning.” As for the whole of these forty years Moses had been keeping himself from becoming angry with them, because he was afraid of the oath that the Holy One, blessed be He, had sworn (in Deut. 1:35), “Not one of these people from this evil generation shall see [the good land].” They said to him, “Here is a rock. Just as you wish to bring [water] from another rock, you should bring it from this one.” He gave a command to them (in Numb. 20:10), “Please listen, you rebels, shall we bring forth [water for you] from this rock.” What is the meaning of “hamorim (rebels)?” There are many understandings of it. Hamorim is rebels; hamorim is fools, as in the islands of the sea they call fools, morim. Some say hamorim are those that [inappropriately] instruct their teachers. Hamorim [can also be] arrows, as stated (in I Sam 31:3), “and some of the arrows (morim) struck him, men with bows.” (Numb. 20:11:) “Then Moses raised his hand and struck.” [When] he struck one time, the rock began dribbling a little water, as stated (in Ps. 78:20), “See, he struck a rock, and water trickled out (yazuvu),” like a person with a discharge (zav), in that it dribbles [in] drops. They said to him, “Son of Amram, is this water for nursing children or for babes weaned from milk?” Immediately, he became angry with them, struck it (according to Numb. 20:11) “twice [with his rod], and a lot of water came forth.” Yet for all that, Moses only made [water] from the rock that the Holy One, blessed be He, had told him. And how do we see that they also brought out water from the rock that Israel had said to him and every rock and stone that was in that place? It is so stated (in Ps. 78:15), “He split rocks in the desert.” Moshe already had his [sin] in his hand; because [the Children of Israel] were silent and did not sing praise, they were [also] caught." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 20:12:) “But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, ‘Because you did not trust in Me.’” Why was Aaron punished?97Numb. R. 19:9, end. The matter is comparable to a creditor who came to take the threshing floor of the borrower [as repayment, and] takes his and his neighbor’s. The borrower says to him, “If I am in debt, what is my poor neighbor’s sin?” So too did Moses say to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, “I got angry, [but] what is Aaron’s sin?” Therefore the verse lauds98Rt.: QLS; cf. Gk.: kalos. [Aaron] (in Deuteronomy 33:8), “And of Levi he said, ‘Let Your thummim and urim be with Your faithful one [whom you tested at Massah, with whom you contended at the waters of Meribah].’” (Numb. 20:12:) “Because you did not trust in Me.” Did not Moses say something worse than this?99Numb. R. 19:10. As he said (in Numb. 11:22), “Are there [enough] flocks and herds to slaughter for them; [are there enough fish in the sea to gather for them]?” There also trust was lacking, and [that lack of trust] was greater than this one. So why did the Holy One, blessed be He, not decree death for him there? The matter is comparable to a king who had a friend. Now when in private he displayed arrogance towards the king with harsh words, the king did not become angry with him. [When, however,] he arose one day and was arrogant in front of the legions,100Lat.: legiones. he decreed death for him. So also did the Holy One, blessed be He, say to Moses, “When you acted privately with Me, I did not become angry, but now [that you have acted] in public, it is impossible [to overlook your action].” Thus it is stated (in Numb. 20:12), “to sanctify Me in the sight of the Children of Israel.” This text is related (to Ecclesiastes 8:14), “Here is a vanity that occurs in the world: sometimes an upright man is requited according to the conduct of the scoundrel.” You find that when the Holy One, blessed be He, cursed the serpent and said to him (in Genesis 3:14), “You are cursed,” He did not allow him to make any claim. As the serpent could have said in front of the Holy One, blessed be He, “You said to Adam, ‘Do not eat,’ and I said to him, ‘Eat.’ Who does one listen to, the words of the master or the words of the student? [So] why do You curse me?” And he did not allow [Moses] to make any claim [either]. As [Moses] could have said, “I did not transgress Your words. Why should I die?” (Numb. 20:12:) “Because you did not trust in Me, therefore you shall not lead this congregation.” The matter is comparable to two woman that were lashed in court. One had been corrupted (was unfaithful) and the other ate unripe fruit of the sabbatical year. The one that ate the unripe fruit of the sabbatical year said to them, “I plead with you to make known to the creatures why I am being lashed, so that they do not say, that I was also corrupted. [So] they brought the unripe fruit that was in her possession and suspended them upon her and announced and said, “This one was corrupted and was lashed, and that one ate unripe fruit from the sabbatical year and was lashed.” So too Moses said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world,101Numb. R. 19:12. see, You have decreed for me to die in the desert along with this wicked generation who angered You,” as stated (in Ps. 78:40), “How often did they defy Him in the desert and grieve Him in the wilderness.” “Now the [future] generations will say I was like them. Let it be written about me why I came to be punished.” It is therefore written (in Numb. 20:12), “because you did not trust in Me to sanctify Me, therefore you will not bring.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “With what countenance do you want to enter the land?\"102Numb. R. 19:13. The situation is comparable to a shepherd who went out to feed the king's flock, and the flock was carried off. [When] the shepherd wanted to come into the king's palace,103Lat. palatium; Gk.: palation. the king said to him, “They will say that you caused the flock to be carried off.” Here also the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “[Would it be] your glory that you are the one who led sixty myriads out [of bondage] and buried them in the desert and are bringing another generation into [the land]. Now they will say, ‘The generation of the wilderness has no share in the world to come.’ Rather be by their side, and come along with them [in the future].” Thus it is stated (in Deut. 33:21), “[for there is an honored lawgiver's portion,] where he came at the head of the people....” Therefore it is stated (in Numb. 20:12), “therefore you shall not lead this congregation,” that came out with you." + ], + [], + [ + "(Numb. 20:14:) “Then Moses sent messengers [from Kadesh unto the king of Edom], ‘Thus says your brother Israel….’” This text is related (to Ps. 15:3), “nor takes up a reproach against his relative.” By universal custom, when a person is engaged in business104Gk.: pragmateia. with his friend who causes a loss, he separates himself from him and does not want to see him.105Numb. R. 19:15. But although Moses was punished because of Israel, as stated (in Ps. 106:32), “And they provoked wrath at the Waters of Meribah and it went ill with Moses on their account,” he did not unload their burden from himself. Instead (according to Numb. 20:14), “Then Moses sent messengers.”
(Numb. 20:14, cont.:) “You know all the trouble that has befallen us.” They said to him, “You know when the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Abraham (in Gen. 15:13), ‘know full well that your seed shall be alien [in a land not theirs where they shall serve them and be oppressed by them],’ it was us who have been enslaved, while you are free.” (Numb. 20:15:) “How our forefathers went down to Egypt [...].” This whole subject is comparable to two brothers against whose grandfather a promissory note appeared. One of them arose and paid it. One day he started to ask a favor from his brother, and he said to him, “You know that debt was incumbent on both of us, but it was I who paid it. Do not refuse any of my favor that I am asking.” (Numb. 20:15:) “How our forefathers went down to Egypt.” What is the relevance of [mentioning] the forefathers here, as stated (in Numb 20:15, cont.), “the Egyptians dealt harshly with us and our forefathers.” [It is] to teach you that all the time that Israel is in distress, [the forefathers] are also in distress. (Numb. 20:17:) “Please let us pass through your land; [we will not pass through field or vineyard,] nor shall we drink water from a well.” Should it not have said, \"water from cisterns?\" [By this use of the singular, “a well”], the Torah has taught you proper conduct, [i.e.,] that though one has at hand his necessities, when he who goes to a land which is not his own, he should not eat from what he has on hand. Rather he should put aside what he has, and buy from the shopkeeper in order to benefit him. So also Moses said to [Edom], “[We have] a well with us,106On the tradition of Israel’s portable well for supplying them with water during their desert wanderings, see Numb. R. 1:2; TSuk. 3:11; Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, Numb. 21:16-18; Frag. Jerusalem Targum, Numb. 21:17-18; Tanh., Lev. 7:7; Lev. R. 25:5; 27:6; see also Avot 5:6; Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Wayassa‘ 6, on Exod. 16:32; Shab. 35a; Pes. 54a; Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, Numb. 22:28; in addition, see TSot. 11:8 (10); Ta‘an. 9a; BM 86b; Cant. R. 4:14:1; Seder ‘Olam Rabbah, 10; cf. I Corinthians 10:4. and we eat our own manna; [but] do not say that we are a bother to you. You will make a profit for yourselves.” So also did the Holy One, blessed be He, say to Moses (in Deut. 2:6), “Food shall you procure from them with money, and you shall eat.” And Moses said to Israel, “Open your money to them. So that they do not say, ‘They were slaves and indigents,’ show them your wealth.” They will [then] know, so that they would not say, “You lost by your subjugation.” As the Holy One, blessed be He, already said (in Gen. 15:14), “and in the end they shall go free with great wealth.” And they shall know that you are not lacking anything and that it is not from [that which is] yours that you are [spending], as stated (in Deut. 2:7), “For the Lord has blessed you in all the efforts of your hand....” (Numb. 20:17, cont.:) “We shall go along the king's highway,” since we restrain107Hosemin. The word also means “muzzle.” our cattle. (Numb. 20:17, cont.:) “Without turning right or left.” This was the most difficult [stipulation] of them all, for they said, “In all [the lands] around us we have permission to plunder and kill, but within your border [we shall walk the king's highway] without turning right or left [until we have passed through your territory].”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 20:18:) “But Edom said unto him, “You shall not pass through me.’” This text is related to Ps. 120:7), “I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.” Where is it shown that the Holy One, blessed be He, also told them that they would not permit you to pass, [that] everything is not due to them, but [that] it is I who wills it? Where it is stated (in Deut. 2:5), “Do not engage them in battle, for I will not give you [enough of their land for (even) the sole of a foot to tread on].” And it is written (in Numb 20:21), “So Edom would not let [Israel cross their territory].” And afterwards, they sent [a request] to the king of Moab, and he would not let [Israel cross his territory either]. And even though it is not explained here, behold it is explained in Judges. [This] teaches that it was all [said] with the holy spirit. As there was no one lighter in all [the speakers] then Jephthah, and [yet] he explained [it]. It is so stated (in Jud. 11:17), “Israel then sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, ‘Allow us to cross your country’; [but the king of Edom would not consent; they also sent a mission to the king of Moab, and he refused].” And Moses also indicated [this], as stated (in Deut. 2:29), “As the descendants of Esau who dwell in Seir did for me, [and the Moabites who dwell in Ar].”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 20:22:) “Then setting out from Kadesh, the whole congregation [of the Children of Israel came to Mount Hor].” This text is related (to II Chron. 20:37), “Because you have joined with Ahaziah,108Son of Ahab and a wicked king of Israel (I Kings 22:51-52), with whom Jehoshaphat had allied himself (I Kings 22:44; II Chron. 20:35.) the Lord will destroy your work.” [Similarly,] because they made an alliance with this wicked king to pass through his land, they lost this righteous man (i.e., Aaron).109Numb. R. 19:16. For that reason the death of Aaron110See Numb. 20:28: … AND AARON DIED THERE ON THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN. is made [immediately] adjacent after the parashah about the king of Edom, [as stated] (Numb. 20:21-22), “so Israel turned away from them. Then setting out from Kadesh, the whole congregation [of the Children of Israel came to Mount Hor].”111Cf. yYoma 1:1 (38ab). What is the meaning of “the whole congregation?” A complete congregation, a congregation which would be entering the land, since those who had come out from Egypt had died. So these were the ones of whom it is written (in Deut. 4:4), “But you who clung to the Lord your God are all alive today.” (Numb. 20:22:) “Mount (hr) Hor (hr).” What is the meaning of “Mount Hor?” A mountain (hr) on top of a mountain (hr), like a small apple on a large apple. Even though a cloud proceeded before them which lowered the high [places] and raised up the low, the Holy One, blessed be He, left [this] mountain as a sample,112Gk.: deigma. so that they would know what miracles the Holy One, blessed be He, had done for them; as He had not left a mountain in the desert, lest they become weary climbing and descending. Moreover, although the cloud had made all the desert a plain, He left an elevated spot where the tabernacle would have its resting place. He also left three mountains: Mount Sinai for the Divine Presence, Mount Nebo for the burial of Moses, and Mount Hor for the burial of Aaron." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 20:23-24:) “Then the Lord said unto Moses and unto Aaron on Mount Hor […], ‘Aaron will be gathered113Although this verb is commonly understood as a jussive, LET AARON BE GATHERED, the midrash reads the verb as a simple future. [unto his people.’” This passage] teaches that the righteous are informed of the day of their death, so that they may bequeath their crown to their children.114Numb. R. 19:17. So why did Aaron not die as Miriam died, since no mortal [knew] about her [death]? It was, however, told to Moses, “Aaron will be gathered [unto his people].” [The situation] is comparable to a king who had two ministers of finance,115Gk.: katholikoi. who did not act without the king's knowledge. One of them had a beautiful garment with the king, which the king needed for himself. The king said, “Although he is under my authority, I am not wearing the cloak until I inform him.” So also did the Holy One, blessed be He, say, “These two righteous men have done nothing without my knowledge. Now that I am taking them away, I shall not take them away until I inform them.” It is therefore stated (in Numb. 20:24), “Aaron will be gathered.” Moses said, “My Master, Leave Aaron [alive and have him stay on the other side of the Jordan] with the Children of Reuben and the Children of Gad.” He said to him (in Numb. 20:24, cont.), “’Which I have given to the Children of Israel,’ his death is required for the giving of the Land of Israel. Do you want him not to die and they not come into the Land of Israel?” Hence it is written (in Numb. 20:24), “which I have given to the Children of Israel.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 20:24, cont.:) “Because you rebelled against My command at the Waters of Meribah....” This text is related (to Prov. 10:3), “The Lord will not let a righteous soul go hungry.” This refers to the first Adam,116Numb. R. 19:18. in that none of the righteous, who stem from him and upon whom has been decreed sentence of death, will pass away until they see the face of the Divine Presence and reprove the first Adam, and say to him, “You have caused us death.” But he will answer them, “I have [only] one sin on my hands; but in your case; is there a single one of you that does not have more than four offenses on his hands?” So where is it shown that the righteous see the face of the Divine Presence? Where it is stated (in Is. 38:11), “I said, ‘I shall not see the Lord, even the Lord in the land of the living [...].’” The righteous shall be punished with death on account of small transgressions, so that the first Adam will not be blamed on their account. Thus it is stated (in Prov. 10:3), “The Lord will not let a righteous soul go hungry.” It is therefore stated (in Numb. 20:24), “because you rebelled.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 20:25-26:) “Take Aaron [and his son Elazar] […,] And strip Aaron.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “See, you may console him that he is bequeathing his crown to his sons. [This is] something that you are not bequeathing to your [own] children.” (Numb. 20:28:) “So Moses stripped Aaron of his vestments and put them [on his son Elazar].” But if the high priest leaves the Temple mount in priestly vestments, does he not receive forty lashes, since [these vestments] are [made of] wool and flax?117Cf. Deut. 22:11, which forbids the mixture, and Kil. 9:1, which allows robes of this mixture for priests when they minister in the Temple. Cf. also Yoma 72a, according to which the forty lashes are for one who tears a priestly garment. However, [Scripture serves] to inform you that, with the wording by which he inducted him into the priesthood, when [the Holy One, blessed be He,] said to [Moses] (in Lev. 8:2), “Take Aaron,” with this very wording He also said to him (in Numb. 20:25), “Take Aaron.” (Numb. 20:27:) “So Moses did as the Lord commanded....” [This verse serves] to teach you that, even though He had spoken a decree against his brother, he did not hesitate.118See below, Numb. 6a:2. (Numb. 20:29:) “Then all the congregation saw that Aaron had died.” When Moses and Elazar came down [from the mountain], the whole congregation assembled themselves against them and said, “Where is Aaron?”119Numb. R. 19:20. They said to them, “He is dead.” They said to them, “How could the angel of death hurt him, a man who has halted the angel of death and held him back?” It is so stated (in Numb. 17:13), “So he (i.e., Aaron) stood between the dead and the living, and the plague was halted.” They said to them, “If you bring him [back], well and good; but if not, we will stone you [to death].” At that time Moses rose in prayer. He said, “Master of the world, bring us out from [this] suspicion.” Immediately the Holy One, blessed be He, opened the [burial] cave and showed him to [the congregation] for them. It is so stated (in Numb. 20:29), “Then all the congregation saw that Aaron had died.”" + ], + [ + "[(Numb. 20:29:) “Then all the congregation saw that Aaron had died.”] What is written after this (in Numb. 21:1)? “When the Canaanite king of Arad, who dwelt in the Negeb, heard [that Israel had come….].” And who was this king of Arad? This [was Amalek, since it is stated (in Numb. 13:29), “Amalek dwells in the land of the Negeb.” Now he dwelt in the gap (in the border), and when he heard that Aaron was dead and that the clouds of glory had departed, he immediately engaged them in battle. (Numb. 21:1, cont.:) “By way of Atharim (a place name interpreted as coming from twr),”120The actual root is ’TR. [meaning] the great scout (rt.: twr) that had scouted (rt.: twr) the way for them. It is so stated (in Numb. 10:33), “and the ark of the covenant of the Lord traveled ahead of them three days' journey to seek (rt.: twr) out a resting place for them.” (Numb. 21:1, cont.:) “He fought against Israel.” That was Amalek. [So] why did [Scripture] call him a Canaanite? Because Israel was forbidden to fight with the children of Esau, of whom it is stated (in Deut. 2:5), “Do not engage them in battle [...].” When Amalek came and engaged in battle with them a second time, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “This [nation] is not forbidden like the children of Esau. Just look. They are like Canaanites, of whom it is stated (in Deut. 20:17), ‘Rather you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, […].’” For that reason he was called a Canaanite; and from time immemorial Amalek has been a strap for the punishment of Israel. You find that when they said (in Exod. 17:7), “Is the Lord amongst us or not,” immediately (in Exod. 17:8), “And Amalek came.” And here (in Numb. 20:29:) “Then all the congregation saw that Aaron had died,” [is followed by (Numb 21:1),] “When the Canaanite, king of Arad, who dwelt in the Negeb, learned that Israel was coming by the way of Atharim, he engaged Israel in battle and took some of them captive.” [And also (in Numb. 14:4),] “And they said – one man to his brother – let us appoint a head and return to Egypt,” [is followed by (Numb. 14:45),] “And the Amalekites and the Canaanites... came down and dealt them a shattering blow at Hormah.” You find that, when Aaron died, Amalek went out against them; and Israel retreated back seven stages [of their journey]. Thus it is stated (in Deut. 10:6), “Then from the wells of Bene-Jaakan the Children of Israel journeyed to Moserah; there Aaron died.” Did Aaron die there? Did he not die on Mount Hor, as stated (in Numb. 20:28) “and Aaron died there on Mount Hor?”121yYoma 1:1 (38ab); ySot. 1:10 (17d); cf. Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Wayassa‘ 1, on Exod. 15:22. And [so] the verses are evidence of seven stages backwards (from Mount Hor to Moserah) to teach you that [Israel] had retreated." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 21:4:) “Then they journeyed from Mount Hor by way of the Reed Sea in order to go around the Land of Edom, but the people grew restive on the journey.” But is it not written (of that era in Neh. 9:20), “And You gave Your good spirit to enlighten them?” It is simply that those remnants of Israel which had come out of Egypt over whom death had been decreed, saw neither a peaceful nor agreeable spirit in the desert.122Numb. R. 19:21. Thus it says (in Numb. 14:33), “And your children shall roam in the wilderness....” This was (according to Numb. 21:4) the people who grew restive on the journey. (Numb. 21:5:) “And the people spoke against God and against Moses.” They equated the slave and his Master. (Numb. 21:5:) “Our soul loathes this miserable food,” for that generation was unable to taste any of the fruits of the land at all. R. Aqiva said, “When merchants [even] uncovered a basket with some fruits of the land for them, they died.” It is so stated (in Deut. 1:35), “Not one of these men, this evil generation, shall see the good land,” [i.e.,] any good that comes because of the land. That is why the people grew restive on the journey. These are the ones that grumbled (in Numb. 21:5), “Our soul loathes.” (Numb. 21:6:) “Then the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people.” Why did the Holy One, blessed be He, see fit to exact retribution from them through serpents?123Numb. R. 19:22. It is simply that the snake started [the use of] slanderous language at the beginning and was cursed; yet they did not learn from it and spoke slanderous language against the Holy One, blessed be He. [The Holy One, blessed be He, said,] “Let the serpent, which was the first [to use] slanderous language, come and exact retribution from those who [still] speak slanderous language.” This is what is written (in Eccl. 10:8), “the one who breaks through a barrier124In general “to break through a barrier” means “to say,” but here the reference may denote more specifically the barrier of one’s teeth, through which slander must pass. will have a snake bite him.” Another interpretation of why retribution was exacted from them through serpents: Even if the serpent eats all the luxury foods of the world, for him they are turned to dust in his mouth. Thus it is stated (in Is. 65:25), “but the serpent's food shall be dust.” Now these people ate the manna, as stated (in Ps. 106:15), “So He gave them what they asked for,” and (in Ps. 78:29), “He gave them their desire.” It also says (in Deut. 2:7), “these forty years the Lord your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.”125I.e., no luxury foods. Let a serpent that eats many species and has [but] one taste in his mouth come and exact the retribution from those who eat one species and taste many species. (Numb. 21:6:) “Fiery serpents (serafim).” [They are called serafim] because they burn (sorefim) the soul. R. Judan says, “[God] sent out the [same] serpents that the cloud of glory would burn and make into a fence for the camp to let them know the miracles that the Omnipresent had done for them.” (Numb. 21:7:) “Then the people came unto Moses and said, ‘We have sinned, since we spoke against the Lord and you.’” [They] knew that they had spoken against Moses, so they fell prostrate before him and said (ibid., cont.), “pray unto the Lord to remove the serpent126The use of the singular here may be suggesting to midrashic interpreter that this was the same serpent that sinned in the Garden of Eden. See the parallel in Numb. R. 19:23. from us.” Rabbi says, “There was one serpent.” [(Ibid., cont.:) “And he prayed.” The passage serves] to make Moses' humility known to you, in that he did not hesitate to seek mercy for them. And [it is also] to make the power of repentance known to you. As soon as they said, “We have sinned,” he was immediately reconciled to them. [The passage serves] to teach you that the one who forgives should not be cruel. And so too does it say (in Gen. 20:17), “Abraham then prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech and his wife.” And so does it say (in Job 42:10), “The Lord restored Job’s fortunes when he prayed on behalf of his friends.” And where is it shown that if one has sinned against his companion and says to him, “I have sinned,” without [the companion] forgiving him, that [the unforgiving one] is called a sinner? Where it is stated (in I Sam. 12:23), “As for me also, far be it for me to sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray on your behalf.” When? When they came and said to him, “We have sinned,” [as stated] (in I Sam. 12:10), “and [they] said, ‘We have sinned […].’” And he answered, “Far be it from me to sin.” (Numb. 21:8), “And the Lord said unto Moses, ‘Make a fiery serpent, [and put it on a pole]; then it shall come to pass that, when anyone bitten [looks at it, he shall live],” not only one bitten by a serpent, but anyone bitten, even one bitten by an adder, by a scorpion, a wild beast, or a dog. (Numb. 21:9:) “So Moses made a bronze serpent and set it up by a miracle.”127Nes. The usual rendering would read: AND SET IT UP ON A POLE (nes). However, since nes can also mean “miracle,” the midrash is understanding it in the latter sense. He tossed it into the air and it remained there. (Numb. 21:10:) “Then the Children of Israel journeyed on and camped in Oboth (Ovot, rt: 'wb),” because they had become enemies (oyevim, rt: 'yb) to the Omnipresent.128Numb. R. 19:24. (Numb. 21:11:) “And they camped at Iye-Abarim ('avarim, rt.: 'br),” because they were full of transgressions ('averot, rt.: 'br). (Numb. 21:12:) “And they camped in the Wadi Zered,” because the wadi was [only] about a full span (zeret) [in width]; but they were unable to cross it for thirty-eight years. Thus it is stated (in Deut. 2:13-14), “Now then arise and cross the Wadi Zered…. And the time that we traveled from Kadesh-Barnea until we crossed the Wadi Zered was thirty-eight years.”(Numb. 21:13:) “From there they journeyed and camped on the other side of (m'br) the Arnon (rt.: rnn),” because the Omnipresent was reconciled to them.129The argument seems to depend on the following: M‘BR is close to M‘BRH, which means, “away from transgression” or, with different voweling, “away from wrath”; while the root, RNN, means “sing” or “rejoice.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 21:17:) “Then Israel sang this song.” This song (of the well) was uttered at the end of forty [years], while the well was given to them at the beginning of the forty [years]?130Numb. R. 19:25; see also above, Lev. 7:7; Numb. 1:2; 6:35, and the notes there. So what was the purpose of writing [it down] here? This matter has been explained from what is above (in vs. 14), “It is therefore said in the book of the wars of the Lord, ‘'t131This untranslated word is used here to indicate a direct object, but it also means “sign.” Waheb in Suphah (Sufah) [and 't the Wadis of the Arnon].’” What is this? That the Holy One blessed be He did for them signs ('twt, singular: 't) and miracles in the Arnon Wadis like the miracles which He did for them in the Reed (suf) Sea. And what were the miracles in the Arnon Wadis? One would stand on one mountain and speak with his companion on the other mountain; yet he was seven mil132Milim. Lat.: milia. away from him. Now the road descended into the middle of the wadi and then ascended, and Israel's course was to cross through the midst of the mountains. All the nations assembled endless troops there.133Gk.: ochloi. Some of them took up positions in the middle of the wadi. Moreover, [the slope of] the mountain above them was riddled with caves, and facing them was a mountain which was correspondingly riddled with crags in the form of breasts (shdym), as stated (in Numb. 21:15), “And the slope ('shd) of the wadies.” The troops entered into the caves; for they said, “As soon as Israel comes down into the wadi, those ahead of them who are in the wadi and those in the caves will arise and kill all of them. When Israel did arrive at that place, the Holy One, blessed be He, did not make it necessary for them to go down into the wadi. Instead, He gave a signal to the mountains, and the [craggy] breasts of the latter mountain entered the caves, so that they all died. Moreover, the mountains brought their summits so close to each other that they became a highway, for there was no knowing [where] each [mountain] joined its neighbor. Furthermore, that wadi separates the borders between the Land of Israel and the Land of Moab, as stated (in Numb. 21:13 = Jud. 11:18), “For the Arnon is the border of Moab […].” The mountain in the Land of Moab, the one with the caves, was [not] shaken; but the mountain in the Land of Israel, the one with the crags in the form of breasts, was shaken and joined to the mountain opposite. Why was the one in the Land of Israel shaken? The matter is comparable to a female slave who saw her master's son coming to her.134In this illustration the female slave is the mountain, the master is God, and the son is Israel. She jumped up to greet him and welcome him. The crags entered into the caves and all those warriors were crushed. Then the well descended to the wadi, where it became a mighty [torrent] and destroyed the troops, just as the [Reed] Sea had destroyed those [Egyptians]. Scripture therefore compared (in Numb. 21:14), “Waheb in Suphah (Sufah) and the Wadies of the Arnon.”135The fact that WAHEB IN SUPHAH (understood as Yam Suf, or Reed Sea) is mentioned next to the Wadi Arnon shows that the two deliverances are comparable. When Israel crossed upon those mountains without knowing about all these miracles the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Behold, I will let My Children know how many troops I destroyed because of them.” [So] the well descended into the caves and brought out innumerable skulls, arms, and legs. Thus when Israel returned to seek the well, they saw it shining like the moon in the midst of the wadi, as it discharged the limbs of the troops. And where is it shown that the well informed [Israel] about them? Where it is stated (in Numb. 21:15-16), “And the slope of the wadies…. And from there they continued to Beer (the well).” But was [the well] with them from there; was it not with them from the beginning of the forty years? It is simply that it had gone down to inform about the miracles, while Israel remained at the wadies and said to it (in Numb. 21:17, cont:) “Rise up, O well, sing to it.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 21:17:) “Then Israel sang.” For what reason is Moses not mentioned there?136Numb. R. 19:26. For the reason that he was being punished because of the waters; and no person praises137Rt.: QLS. Cf.: Gk.: kalos. his executioner.138Lat.: speculator (“examineroroverseer”). And why is the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, not mentioned there? The matter is comparable to a governor who made a banquet for the king. The king said, “Will my friend so-and-so be there?” They told him, “No.” He said, “[Then] I also am not going there.” Also here the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Inasmuch as Moses is not mentioned, I also will not be mentioned there.” (Numb. 21:18:) “The well that the princes dug.” Was it dug there? It is simply that it was given through the merit of the ancestors who were called princes. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 105:41-42), “He opened a rock, and water gushed out […]. For he remembered His holy promise and His servant Abraham.” (Numb. 21:18, cont.:) “That the nobles of the people dug with the scepter, even with their own staffs.” The princes were standing by it, and each and every one drew [the water] with his own staff for his own tribe and for his own family. And the space between the [four] standards was filled with a [flow of] water that was gathering strength. A woman who had to go to her companion from one standard to [another] standard went by ship, as stated (in Ps. 105:41), “they traveled the river by tsiyyot.”139A more traditional translation would be: IT FLOWED THROUGH THE WILDERNESS LIKE A RIVER. Now tsiyyot (here understood as the plural of tsi) can only denote a ship, since it is stated (in Is. 33:21), “nor shall a stately ship (tsi) pass by.” Now the waters flowed outside the camp and embraced a great strip of land. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 23:3) “He leads me in paths (literally, circles) of righteousness.” In addition, [the encircling waters] would cause endless varieties of green herbage and trees to grow, as stated (in Ps. 23:2), “[He makes me lie down] in green pastures; [He leads me beside still waters].” All those the days that Israel was in the desert they used it (i.e., the well). Therefore, they rendered praise for it [with the song ending] (in Numb. 21:18), “the well that the princes dug.” (Numb. 21:18, cont.:) “From Midbar (literally, desert) to Mattanah,” [so stated] because in the desert [the well] was given (nittenah) them to use as a gift (mattanah). Another interpretation: Why was [the well] given in the desert? Because if it had been given to them in the land, the tribe in whose border it was given would have argued and said, “I have a prior claim to it.” For that reason it was given in the desert where all would have an equal claim to it. And for what other reason was it given in the desert? Just as a desert is neither sown nor cultivated, so is the one who receives the words of Torah. They remove from him the yoke of the government and the yoke of earning a living. Just as a desert does not grow arnona;140The Latin word generally denotes, as it probably does here, a tax on farm goods paid in kind; but the word also occurs in a broader sense denoting agricultural products generally. so are children of Torah (i.e., Torah scholars) free [from it] in this world.141I.e., by accepting the yoke of Torah, such scholars are exempt from government taxes and the need to earn a living. See Numb. R. 19:26. Another interpretation [of why it was given] in the desert: Who is the one who fulfills the Torah? One who uses himself like the desert, [i.e.,] whoever makes himself like a desert and removes himself from everything [that might distract him]. (Numb. 21:19:) “From Mattanah to Nahaliel, and from Nahaliel to Bamoth.” These three places correspond to the three courts in Jerusalem that would explicate the Torah to all of Israel: (Ibid.) “From Mattanah to Nahaliel,” these refer to the Sanhedrin on the Temple Mount; (ibid., cont.) “from Nahaliel to Bamoth,” these refer to the Sanhedrin142Gk.: synhedrion. in the [Temple] court beside the altar; (Numb. 21:20) “From Bamoth to the valley that is in the Plain of Moab.” These refer to the Sanhedrin, when it was in the chamber of hewn stones, which was in the region of that woman who came from the Plain of Moab (i.e., Ruth), of whom it is stated (in Ruth 2:6), “She is the young Moabite woman who came back with Naomi from the Plains of Moab.” (Numb. 21:20, cont.:) “[At the Summit of Pisgah,] which is visible on the surface of wilderness (yeshimon);”143Yeshimon may be a place name, Jeshimon. for from there (she’misham) Torah goes forth into the world. Another interpretation (of these verses, centering on Numb. 21:19) “From Mattanah to Nahaliel”: Moses said, “Master of the world, after all of the miracles that You did for them, I am to die from them? He gave them the Torah from the desert (midbar), [as stated] (in Numb. 21:18), ‘From Midbar to Mattanah (literally, gift).’ And through me, they inherited (nahalu) it, as stated (in Numb. 21:19) ‘From Mattanah to Nahaliel.’ And from when they inherited it, You decreed death upon me [since] (Numb. 21:19, cont.), ‘from Nahaliel to Bamoth,’ [meaning] death came (ba mavet).” (Numb. 21:20) “From Bamoth to the valley that is in the Plain of Moab…,” that is burial, as stated (in Deut. 34:6), “He buried him in the valley in the Land of Moab.” This is related to what Job said (to Job 34:19), “He is not partial to princes; the noble are not preferred to the wretched; for all of them are the work of His hands.”(Numb. 21:20, cont.:) “[At the Summit of Pisgah,] which is visible on the surface of wilderness (yeshimon).” This is in reference to the well which accompanied them until it was hidden in the Sea of Tiberias.144See above, Lev. 7:7; Numb. 1:2; 6:35, 47-49; and the notes there; also yKil. 2:4 or 3 (32cd); yKet. 12:3 (35b); Lev. R. 22:4; Eccl. R. 5:8-9:5; cf. Shab. 35b, according to which the well is visible from Mount Carmel; similarly M. Ps. 24:6, according to which the well is visible from Mount Nebo. And one standing on the surface of the wilderness sees something in the midst of the sea about the size of the mouth of an oven; and that is the well, which is visible on the surface of the wilderness." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 21:21:) “Then Israel sent messengers to Sihon […].” This text is related (to Ps. 34:15), “Depart from evil and do good; [seek peace and pursue it].” The Torah did not command [them] to go in pursuit of the commandments.145Numb. R. 19:27. Rather [it says] (in Deut. 22:6), “When you come on a bird's nest”; (in Exod. 23:4) “When you encounter the ox of one who hates you”; (in Exod. 23:5) “When you see the donkey of one who hates you”; (in Deut. 24:20) “when you beat your olive tree”; (in Deut. 24:21), “When you gather the grapes of your vineyard”; and (in Deut. 23:25) “When you go into your neighbor's vineyard.” If [these situations] present themselves to you, you are given a command concerning them; but [you are] not to go in pursuit of them. In the case of peace, however, (according to Ps. 34:15), “seek peace,” wherever you are; “and pursue it,” wherever else it may be. And this is what Israel did. Although the Holy One, blessed be He, had said to them (in Deut. 2:24), “begin to take possession, and engage him in battle,” they went in pursuit of peace. So is it stated (in Numb. 21:21) “Then Israel sent messengers….”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 21:21:) “Then Israel sent messengers.” All the words of Torah are necessary to each other, for what one covers over the other opens up.146Numb. R. 19:28. It is stated here (in Numb. 21:21), “Then Israel sent messengers,” while in another place [Scripture] ascribes the sending to Moses. [Thus] it is stated (in Deut. 2:26), “Then I sent messengers from the Desert of Kedemoth [unto King Sihon of Heshbon with words of peace].” In another place [it is stated (in Numb. 20:14)], “Moses sent from Kadesh messengers to the king of Edom.” These verses require one another, as Moses is Israel and Israel is Moses. [This comes] to teach you that the head of a generation is surely equivalent to the whole generation. (Numb. 20:17:) “Please let us pass through your land.”147As Buber suggests in note 370, the citation is probably a misreading for Numb. 20:22: LET ME PASS THROUGH YOUR LAND. This alternate reading better fits the context and also agrees with the parallel in Numb. R. 19:29. As he had sent to inform the king of Edom that he would do no damage, so did he send to this one.148The bracketed words come from the parallel in Numb. 19:19 and are necessary for the sense of the argument. (Deut. 2:28), “You shall sell me food for money, and water with money….” It is customary for water to be given gratis, but I am giving payment for it. (Numb. 21:22) “We will go by the king's highway [until we have passed through your territory].” But in another place it is written (in Deut. 2:29), “until I have crossed the Jordan.” The matter is comparable to one guarding a vine or fig tree. When someone comes and says, “Let me pass through here, so that I may gather grapes from the vineyard,” he says to him, “It is only because of you that I am sitting on guard, and you would come to gather [the grapes]?” So it was with Sihon. He received wages from all the kings of Canaan; and they would bring taxes up to him, for he would crown them. Moreover he and Og were considered the equivalent of them all, since it is stated (in Ps. 136:19-20), “Sihon, king of the Amorites…; And Og, king of Bashan.” Israel said to [Sihon], “Let us pass through your land149“Let us pass through your land” is similar but not quite equal to either Numb. 20:17 or Numb. 21:22. to conquer the kings.” He said to them, “I am sitting here to guard them from you.” (Numb. 21:23:) “So Sihon did not allow Israel to cross on his territory; instead Sihon gathered all his people together and went out against Israel.” The Holy One, blessed be He, only did this to deliver him into their hand without trouble. As it is written (in Numb. 21:34 = Deut. 3:2), “to Sihon, king of the Amorites who dwelt in Heshbon (i.e., with calculation).”150The stress on the Holy One acting with fore-thought was suggested by the words, IN HESHBON, which can also be translated WITH CALCULATION. If Heshbon had been full of mosquitos, no mortal could have conquered it; and if Sihon had been in a valley, no mortal could have overpowered him. And it goes without saying [that it could not be conquered], since he was a warrior and dwelt in a fortified city. [Ergo,] (in Numb. 21:34 = Deut. 3:2), “Sihon, king of the Amorites who dwelt in Heshbon.” If he and his troops151Gk.: ochloi. had dwelt [scattered about] in his towns, Israel would have worn themselves out to prevail against him and conquer each and every town. Instead the Holy One, blessed be He, gathered them together so as to deliver them into their hand without trouble. And so it said (in Deut. 2:31), “See I have begun to give Sihon [and his land] over to you.” They killed all his warriors who had come out against them. Then they returned for the women and infants without exertion. It is therefore written (in Numb. 21:23), “instead Sihon gathered all his people together.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 21:25:) “Israel took all these towns….” This text is related (to Is. 61:8), “Because I the Lord love justice, I hate robbery with a burnt offering.”152Numb. R. 19:30. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses (in Deut. 2:9), “Do not trouble Moab.” Now Heshbon had been part of Moab, since it is stated (in Numb. 21:26), “For Heshbon was a city of Sihon king of the Amorites,” but he had fought against the former king of Moab [and taken all his land away from him as far as the Arnon]. When Israel came, they took Heshbon, which belonged to Sihon and whatever [else] he had taken from the king of Moab. For if they had taken it from him [directly], they would have had major robbery on their hands. Instead Sihon took it from Moab, and Israel took it from Sihon. Thus they were acquitted from [the charge of] robbery. Therefore it is written (in Numb. 21:26), “For Heshbon was a city of Sihon.” (Numb. 21:27:) “Therefore those who speak in parables say.” This refers to Balaam and his father, whom Sihon had hired to curse Moab. And it was they who had said (Numbers 21:27-8), “[Come to Heshbon,] let it be built; let the city of Sihon be established. For a fire has come forth from Heshbon, [a flame from the city of Sihon]. It has devoured Ar [of Moab].” Thus they cursed Moab so that they might deliver it into [Sihon's] hand. (Numb. 21:29-31:) “Woe be to you, O Moab…. Yet we have cast them down; Heshbon has perished…. Thus Israel dwelt (in all the cities) [in the land of] the Amorites.” [Only] Jazer survived.153Numb. R. 19:31. (Numb. 21:32:) “So Moses sent to spy out Jazer.” These spies were zealous. They said, “We have confidence in the prayer of Moses. [Yet] he has already sent messengers [that were] spies in the past and they brought a catastrophe. But we shall not do so. Rather, we will trust in the Holy One, blessed be He, and make war.” They then did so and slew the Amorites who were in [the city]. (Numb. 21:33), “Then they turned and went up […].” What is the meaning of “Then they turned and went up?” R. Johanan says, “The wars of Sihon took place in Elul. Then they celebrated the festival in Tishri,154Numb. R. 19:32. then after the festival came the war with Og. [Just as you say with regard to the festival of Passover] (in Deut. 16:7), “and in the morning you shall turn to your tents.” (Numb. 21:33, cont.:) “And Og king of Bashan came out against them, he and all his people,” for the Holy One, blessed be He, had gathered [them all] before [Israel] in order to deliver [Og and his people] into their hand." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 21:34:) “But the Lord God said unto Moses, ‘Do not fear him.’” This text is related (to Prov. 28:14), “Fortunate is the one who is always afraid […].” Such is the nature of the righteous. Although the Holy One, blessed be He, assures them, they do not cast off fear. And so it is written about Jacob (in Gen. 32:8]), “And Jacob was [greatly] afraid.” Why was he afraid? He said, “Perhaps I was tainted by something at Laban's,” since it is written (in Deut. 23:15), “so [the Lord] is not to see anything indecent among you and turn away from you.” Thus the Holy One, blessed be He, may have forsaken me. Moses also acquired fear in the manner of his ancestor. Why was he afraid? He said, “Perhaps Israel sinned in the war with Sihon or became tainted by a transgression.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Numb. 34:21), “’Do not fear,’ as they all fulfilled [their actions] with justice. ‘Do not fear him,’ [even though] a warrior more formidable than himself has never arisen in the world [since his time].” Thus it is stated (in Deut. 3:11), “For only Og King of Bashan was left over from the remaining Rephaim.”155According to Deut. 2:11, 20-21, together with Numb. 13:33, the Rephaim were a race of giants. Now he had been left from the warriors whom Amraphel and his colleagues (Gen. 14:1, 9) had slain, as stated (in Gen. 14:5), “and they smote the Rephaim […].” But this [man] was their refuse, like olive pits that come out as survivors from the bottom of the oil press. It is so stated (in Gen. 14:13), “Then the survivor came and told Abram (about Lot's capture).” This was Og. And here [Scripture] made him into leftovers, as stated (in Josh. 13:12), “he was left over from the remaining Rephaim.” It was his intention that Abraham would go out [to war] and be killed. The Holy One, blessed be He, gave him a reward for [what] his feet had earned [for the good that ended up resulting]; in that he lived all those years until he fell at the hand of [Abraham's] children. When Moses came to wage war with him, he was afraid of him. He said, “I am a hundred and twenty years old, while he is five hundred years old.” If he did not have merit, he would not have lived all these years. The Holy One, blessed be He, said (in Numb. 21:34 = Deut. 3:2:) “Do not fear him, for I have given him into your hand,’ you with your hand shall kill him, (Numb. 21:34 = Deut. 3:2, cont.) ‘and you shall do to him as you did to Sihon….’” (Deut. 3:6:) “And we shall utterly destroy it […].” But is it not written (in Deut. 3:7), “But all the cattle and the booty of the towns we took as booty for ourselves?” It is simply that they utterly destroyed their bodies, so as not to benefit from any of them at all. (Numb. 21:35:) “So they smote him, his sons [and all his people].” The written text (ketiv) [reads] “his son,”156Cf. a similar verse about Sihon, Deut. 2:33, where HIS SON is the undoubted reading. because he had a son more formidable than himself. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “In this world you destroy the nations little by little, but in the world to come, I will remove them from the world at a single stroke. It is so stated (in Is. 33:12), “And the people shall become burnings of lime, thorns cut down that are burned in the fire.” Amen, may it be His will!" + ] + ], + "Balak": [ + [ + "(Numb. 22:2:) “Now Balak [ben Zippor] saw (rt.: r'h).” This text is related (to Deut. 32:4), “The Rock, His work is perfect, because all His ways are justice.” As the Holy One, blessed be He, did [not] leave the nations of the world a pretext for saying in the future to come, “You alienated us and did not give us anything like what You gave Israel in this world.\"1Numb. R. 20:1. What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? Just as He raised up kings, prophets, and sages for Israel, so did He raise them up from the nations of the world. Moreover, the kings, prophets, and sages that belonged to Israel were examined alongside the kings, prophets, and sages that belonged to the nations of the world. He raised up Solomon as king over all the earth, and he did the same for Nebuchadnezzar, as stated (Jeremiah 27:6), “I even give him the wild beasts to serve him.” The [former] built the holy Temple and said many praises and supplications; and the latter destroyed it and cursed and blasphemed, and said (in Isaiah 14:14), “I will go up to high places of the clouds, I will resemble the Most High.” He gave David wealth, and he acquired the house for His name.2Cf. Ps. 30:1 [introduction]: a song at the dedication of the house (i.e., the Temple) of David. The Temple was David’s in that he acquired the materials to build it. He gave wealth to Haman, and he acquired a whole nation for slaughter. Every dignity Israel received, you find that the nations of the world [also] received. In like manner He raised up Moses for Israel, who spoke with him any time that he wanted, [and] he raised up Balaam for the nations of the world, in order that he might speak with Him any time that he wanted. Look at (rt.: r'h) what a difference there is between the prophets of Israel and the prophets of the nations of the world! The prophets of Israel warn the nations about transgressions, and so it says (in Jer. 1:5), “I have given you as a prophet to the nations.” The prophets who He raised from the nations, however, established a breach to cut off mortals from the world to come. And not only that, but all the prophets had a merciful attitude towards both Israel and the nations of the world; for so did Isaiah say (in Is. 16:11), “Therefore my inner parts throb like a harp for Moab….” And similarly has Ezekiel said (in Ezek. 27:2), “Son of man, ‘Raise up a dirge over Tyre.’” But this cruel man rose up to uproot a whole nation without cause, for nothing. Therefore the parashah about Balaam was written to make known why the Holy One, blessed be He, removed the holy spirit from the nations of the world. [It was] because He raised this man out of the nations of the world, and look (rt.: r'h) at what he did!" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 22:2:) “Now Balak ben Zippor saw.” What is the meaning of “Now he saw?” He saw retribution which would come against Israel in the future.3Numb. R. 20:2. And he hated them more than all their enemies, as all of the [others] came with wars and subjugation which they could withstand. But this one was like a man who could extract a word from his mouth to uproot an entire nation. (Numb. 22:2:) “Now Balak [ben Zippor] saw.” It would have been better for the wicked if they had been blind, for their eyes bring a curse to the world. With reference to the generation of the flood, [it is written] (in Gen. 6:2), “The sons of God saw [how beautiful the human daughters were and took whomever they chose as their wives].” [It is also written] (in Gen. 9:22), “Then Ham, the father of Canaan, saw [the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside].” It is also written (in Gen. 12:15), “So Pharaoh's courtiers saw her (i.e., Abram's wife Sarah) [and praised her to Pharaoh, and the woman was taken to Pharaoh's house].” It is also written (in Gen. 34:2), “Then Shechem ben Hamor saw [Dinah].” So also [here] (in Numb. 22:2), “Now Balak [ben Zippor] saw.” The matter is comparable to someone who appointed guards to guard from an invader; and he had confidence in them, because they were warriors. When the invader came over and killed them, he trembled with fear for himself. It was the same also with Balak. When he saw what happened with Sihon and Og to whom he had been sending payment to guard him, he was afraid for himself. And in addition to that, he had seen the miracles at the Wadis of Arnon.4According to Numb. 21:26-31, Sihon defeated the King of Moab and captured his territory as far at the Arnon. See above and Numb. R. 19:25, for a description of the miracles. See also below and Numb. R. 20:7, according to which Sihon’s victory resulted from a curse by Balaam. (Numb. 22:3:) “Wayyagor mo'av.”5A traditional translation of these words would be NOW MOAB WAS IN GREAT DREAD, or something similar. What is the meaning of “Wayyagor (rt.: ygr)?”6Numb. R. 20:3. When Israel appeared to the Ammonites, they appeared clothed for peace. But when they appeared to the Moabites they appeared armed [for battle]. Thus it is stated (in Deut. 2:19), “When you draw near the frontier of the Children of Ammon, do not trouble them.” It is written [to imply not to trouble them] with all kinds of trouble; (ibid., cont.) “and do not provoke (rt.: grh) them,” with any kind of provocation. In regard to Moab, however, He said (in Deut. 2:9), “Do not trouble Moab, and do not provoke (rt.: grh) them with war.” Do not make war with them, but whatever you can seize apart from [war], seize. For that reason they appeared armed, and [the Moabites] gathered themselves (rt.: 'gr) to their cities, as stated (in Numb. 22:3), “Now Moab yagor (i.e., gathered).” Wayyagor (rt.: ygr, here understood a form of 'gr) can only be a word for a gathering, just as it says (in Prov. 10:5), “A prudent child gathers (rt.: 'gr) in the summer.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 22:3), “wayyagor”: [It is] a word for fear, in that they were afraid, as they saw the whole land in the hands of Israel. As Sihon had come and taken [part of] the land of Moab, as stated (Numb. 21:26), “and he fought against the earlier king of Moab….” And Og had taken all of the land of the Children of Ammon, as stated (Deuteronomy 3:11), “Since only Og was left from the remnant of the Rephaim….” [And] Israel came and took it from both of them; theft that has no iniquity. And [so the Moabites] saw their land in the hand of Israel and they would say, “Did the Holy One, blessed be He, not say (in Deuteronomy 2:9), ‘As I will not give you from its land as an inheritance’; and behold our land is in front of them (already in their possession).” Therefore they were afraid. (Numb. 22:3, cont.:) “And Moab had a horror (rt.: qwts) [of the Children of Israel],” because they saw themselves as a [mere] thorn (qwts) over against them." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 22:4:) “So Moab said unto the elders of Midian.” What is the relevance of [mentioning] the elders of Midian here?7Numb. R. 20:4. It is simply that they saw Israel conquering in a way that was not customary for conquerors. They said, “Their leader (i.e., Moses) was raised in Midian. Let us learn through them what his character is like.” The elders of Midian said to them, “His power is only in his mouth.” They said to them, “We also will bring someone against them who has power in his mouth.” (Numb. 22:4:) “So Moab said unto the elders of Midian.” Do you not find that the Midianites were at war with the Moabites? It is so stated (in Gen. 36:35), “[and Hadad ben Bedad,] who smote Midian in the plain of Moab, [reigned in his place].” Moreover, the hatred between them had existed from time immemorial. The matter is comparable to two dogs who were hostile to each other.8Sifre, Numb. 31:1-2 (157); Sanh. 105a. [When] a wolf came against one of them, his companion said, “If I do not help him, [the wolf] will kill this [dog] today. [Then] tomorrow he will come against me.” Therefore Moab formed an alliance with Midian. (Numb. 22:4, cont.:) “As the ox licks up [the grass of the field].” Just as the ox has its power in its mouth, so do they have their strength in their mouth. Just as everything an ox licks up has no sign9Gk.: semeion. of blessing, [so] also whatever these lick up have no sign of blessing. Just as an ox gores with its horns, [so] also do these gore with their prayer, as stated (according to Deut. 33:17), “and his horns are the horns of a wild ox, [and with them he gores the nations].”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 22:4, cont.:) “Now Balak ben Zippor was king of Moab….” But was he not formerly a prince, as stated (in Josh. 13:21), “Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba, princes of Sihon?”10According to Enoch Zundel in his commentary, ‘Ets Yosef, Balak is to be identified with Zur. So also Issachar Ber Ashkenazi in his commentary, Mattenot Kehunnah, on the parallel in Numb. R. 20:4; Louis Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1954), vol. III, p. 353; vol. VI, p. 136, n. 791. It is simply that when Sihon was killed they made him king in his place. (Numb. 22:4, cont.:) “At that time.” As it was the time that caused it for him. (Numb. 22:5:) “And he sent messengers to Balaam ben Beor at Pethor.” [Pethor (Petor) was] the name of his city.11Numb. R. 20:7; Sanh. 105ab. But others say that [the name implies] he was a money-changer,12Since pator in Aramaic denotes a table, these interpreters would read the clause: AND HE SENT MESSENGERS TO BALAAM BEN BEOR AT A MONEY-CHANGER’S TABLE. Cf. Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, Gen. 23:16. since the kings of the nations of the world took counsel with him, as the money-changer to whom they all would show [their coins]. Still others say that in the beginning he was an interpreter (poter) of dreams. He turned to being a diviner. Then he turned to the holy spirit.13See Numb. 24:2. (Numb. 22:5, cont.:) “To the land of his kinsfolk,” for Balak came from there, and [Balaam] had told him, “Your destiny is to become king.”(Numb. 22:5, cont.:) “To summon him.” Thus he wrote him, “Do not suppose that it is for myself alone that you are doing this and that I alone am honoring you. If you uproot them, you shall receive honor from all the nations, so that the Canaanites and the Egyptians shall all bow down to you.” (Numb. 22:5, cont.:) “Here is a people that has come out of Egypt.” He said to him, “As for you, how does it concern you?” He said to him (in Numb. 22:5, cont.), “’Look, they have covered the face (literally: eye) of the earth.’ [There are] two eyes upon which the land depends, Sihon and Og. They have destroyed them and covered their eyes. And [now] what do I do?” (Numb. 22:5, cont.:) “Now they are dwelling opposite me (mmwly).” [What is actually] written [in the Biblical text] is mmly (from the root, mwl, which means, \"cut off\"), just as it says (in Ps. 118:10), “in the name of the Lord I will cut them off (rt.: mwl).”14With the word rewritten in this sense, the end of Numb. 22:5 reads: NOW THEY ARE DWELLING [THERE] CUTTING ME OFF. This interpretation of Numb. 22:5 is also given by Rashi, ad loc. (Numb. 22:6:) “So come now please, curse (arah) [this people] for me.” What is the meaning of “curse ('rh) […] for me?” Perhaps I shall be able to control them little by little, like someone who picks (rt.: 'rh) figs. (Numb. 22:6, cont.:) “For they are mightier than I.” [It is] not that they are more valiant than I, nor [is it] that their forces are more numerous than mine. It is simply that they conquer through their mouth, [and this is] something that I cannot do. (Numb. 22:6, cont.:) “Perhaps I shall be able to smite them.” What reason was there for this one to engage them (i.e., Israel) in war? Did not the Holy One, blessed be He, tell them this, that [Israel] was not to take any of their land? [It was] simply that [Balak] was more of a master of sorceries and divinations than Balaam, for it is so written of him (in Numb. 22:2), “Now Balak [ben Zippor] saw (in a vision),” except that he did not really comprehend the things [he saw]. And so it says (in Is. 47:13-14), “You are wearied with your many deliberations; let those who study the heavens please stand up and save you; let those who gaze at the stars make known month by month whatever will come upon you. See they have become like straw; fire consumes them […].” When he saw that Israel would fall into his hand, he therefore gave his daughter over (to prostitution to lure Israel to sin);15See Numb. 25:1-15. Numb. 25:15 specifically identifies the sacred prostitute Cozbi as the daughter of Zur, whom the midrash (above, section 7:4) has already identified with Balak. and through her twenty-four thousand fell. To this end he would have engaged them in war, but he did not know how. (Numb. 22:6:) “Perhaps I shall be able to smite (nkh) them.” As one discounts (rt.: nkh) one twenty-fourth of a [se’ah];16On allowing a given species to have up to 1/24 of another species, see Kil. 2:1; yKil. 2:1 (27c); BB 6:2; BB 93b-94a, where as elsewhere a rova‘ is a quarter of a qav, which in turn is one sixth of a se’ah. Thus one rova’ equals one twenty-fourth of a se’ah. so also did twenty-four thousand fall from Israel there, [which is] one less.1724 x 20,000 = 480,000, and 24 x 5,000 = 120,000, it turns out that, if 25,000 is found to be 1/24 of 600,000 and only 24,000 fell, then 1,000 are missing In a long note Buber further explains that apart from the law of mixtures, in the removal of the hallah, what is taken is generally 1/24 of the dough (so Hal. 2:7). Buber also notes a variant reading which substitutes menabber (denoting one who removes the hallah) for menakkah (translated here as “discount”). So the Holy One cleansed Israel by removing 1/24 of the people. However, since there were 600,000 Israelites, 25,000 (=1/24 of 600,000), not 24,000, should have been removed. The thousand extra can be explained on analogy with the law of mixtures allowing 1/24 for impurities. The first part of the interpretation in the text comes from dividing 25,000 into two parts of 20,000 + 5,000 and then multiplying each separately and adding the results, instead of simply multiplying 25,000 by 24,000. Regarding the number of Israelites in the desert, Scripture gives the 600,000 figure only in Exod. 12:37. Cf. Exod. 38:26; Numb. 1:46; 2:32, which fix the figure at 603,550 adult males excluding Levites; also Numb. 26:57, which reports a census figure of 601,730 after the removal of the 24,000 in Numb. 25:9. (Numb. 22:6, cont.:) “And drive them away from the land,” for he only desired to drive them away, so that they would not enter the land. (Numb. 22:6, cont.:) “For I know that whomever you bless is blessed and that whomever you curse is cursed.” From where did he know? When Sihon desired to fight with Moab [and] was afraid because they were warriors, he hired Balaam and his father to curse Moab, for it says (in Numb. 21:27–29), “Therefore those who speak in parables say, ‘Come to Heshbon, let it be built; let the city of Sihon be established. For a fire has come forth from Heshbon, [a flame from the city of Sihon. It has devoured Ar of Moab…]. Woe be to you, O Moab!’” Ergo it says (in Numb. 22:6), “for I know [that whomever you bless is blessed and that whomever you curse is cursed].”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 22:7:) “So the elders of Moab and the elders of Midian went with [the tools for] divination in their hand,” for they brought in their hands all kinds of divining instruments through which one divines, so as not to give him an excuse [for not coming].18Numb. R. 20:8. So the divining instruments were in the hands of the elders of Midian, for they said, “If he comes with us, he will succeed; but if he delays [even] for an hour, he will be of no use.” As soon as they saw that he said (in vs. 8), “Lodge here tonight,” the elders of Midian went away, because they knew through their divinations that he would be of no use. (Numb. 22:9:) “Then God came unto Balaam and said, ‘Who are these people with you?’” This text is related (to Prov. 28:10), “One who leads the upright astray on an evil course will fall into his own pit.” Thus at first mortals [behaved] with propriety, but because of his (Balaam's) words, they became [unbridled] in sexual matters.19Numb. R. 20:9; also Sanh. 106a. Thus, of former [generations] it is stated (in Gen. 29:9), “Rachel came with the sheep.” And so (in Exod. 2:16), “Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters.” Women would go out with the sheep.20I.e., although these seven daughters and Rachel were shepherdesses, they had no fear of being alone among males. [But] Balaam the wicked arose and led mortals astray into unchastity. But as he led [others] astray, he [himself] was led astray. By the [very] counsel he gave, he [himself] fell. This is what is written (in Prov. 28:10), “[One who leads the upright astray on an evil course] will fall into his own pit.” So the Holy One, blessed be He, led him astray with it, as stated (in Job 12:23), “He exalts the nations and destroys them.” When [the Holy One, blessed be He,] asked him (in Numb. 22:9), “Who are these people with you,” that wicked one said, “I know nothing about them.” [He said to himself,] “It appears to me [that] there are times when [God] does not know. And so I can do all that I want to His children.” That is why [God] said to him, “Who are these people with you?” In order to lead him astray. (Numb. 22:10:), “And Balaam said to God, ‘Balak ben Zippor, [the king of Moab] sent [this message] unto me.” He began to boast and say, “Even though You do not honor me, and You do not put out a good name for me in the world, kings seek me. (Numb. 22:11:) “Behold the people has come out of Egypt […], come now, curse (qavah) them for me.” [This is] to make known that he (Balaam) hated Israel more than Balak, because (in Numb. 22:6) Balak did not say qavah (as Balaam claimed he had said in Numb. 22:11) but arah.21Both words mean “curse,” but the former is worse than the latter, because qavah involves the use of the Divine Name. This one (Balaam), however, said (in vs. 11), “curse explicitly (qavah),” [meaning] to take [God’s] name explicitly. Moreover, while the former (Balak) said (in Numb. 22:6) “And drive them away from the land,” the latter (Balaam) said [simply] (in vs. 11), “and drive them out” [i.e.,] from this world and from the world to come." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 22:12:) “Then God said unto Balaam, ‘You shall not go with them.’” He said to Him, “If so, I will curse them from where I am.”22Numb. R. 20:10. He said to him, (ibid., cont.) “You shall not curse the people.” He said to Him, “Let me bless them.” He said to him, “They do not need your blessing, (ibid., cont.) ‘for they are blessed.’” Similarly one says to a hornet, “None of your honey and none of your sting.” (Numb. 22:13:) “So Balaam arose in the morning and said to the ministers of Balak, ‘Go unto your own land….’” Balaam did not tell them, “The Holy One, blessed be He, did not give me permission either to go or to curse.” [He] simply [said] (ibid., cont.:), “’The Lord refused to let me go with you.’ He said to me, ‘It is not in accord with your honor to go with these people. Rather [you must go] with people greater then they,’ since He takes pleasure in my being honored.” (Numb. 22:14:) “So the ministers of Moab arose [and came unto Balak and said, ‘Balaam has refused to go with us.’]” Therefore (in vs. 15), “Once again Balak sent ministers, [more numerous and more honorable than the first ones].” (Numb. 22:16-17:) “Then they came unto Balaam and said to him, ‘Thus has Balak ben Zippor said, “[Please do not refrain from coming unto me.] For I will surely honor you greatly.”’” [Even] more than what you [wanted] formerly I will give you. Moreover, everything that you desire and whatever you ordain I will do. (Numb. 22:18:) “But Balaam answered and said unto the servants of Balak, ‘[Even] if Balak should give me his house full of silver and gold, [I could not transgress the command of the Lord my God to do less or more].’” From here you learn that he had three things. And they are an evil eye, a haughty spirit and a greedy soul:23See Avot 5:19. An evil eye, as it is written (in Numb. 24:2), “Then Balaam raised his eyes and saw Israel.” A haughty spirit, as it is written (according to Numb. 22:13), “for the Lord refused to let me go with you.” A greedy soul, as it is written (according to Numb. 22:18), “[Even] if Balak should give me [his house full of silver and gold].” [He said to Balak,] “If you sought to hire soldiers to fight against them, it is a question whether they would vanquish them or fail, [yet you would pay it]; is it not [then proper] that you would give it to vanquish [them with certainty]?” See you have learned that he sought this. (Ibid., cont.:) “I could not transgress [the command of the Lord my God].” [He was] prophesying that he could not annul the blessings with which the ancestors had been blessed by the mouth of the Divine Presence. (Numb. 22:19:) “Now you also please stay here tonight.” What is the meaning of “you also.” That in the end you will go in disappointment like the former [messengers]. (Ibid., cont.:) “So that I may know what else (rt.: ysp) the Lord may say to me.” Thus he prophesied that the Holy One, blessed be He, was going to multiply (rt.: ysp) blessings for them through him." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 22:20:) “Then God came unto Balaam at night.” This text is related (to Job 33:15-17), “In a dream, a vision of the night […]; Then he uncovers a human ear […]; To turn a person from an action and conceal pride from a man.” What is the meaning of “conceal from a man”?24Numb. R. 20:11. The Holy One, blessed be He, hid from him (i.e, from Balaam) that his going (with Balak's messengers) would obliterate him from the world and bring him to the grave. ” [To darken (from)] (as in Job 33:30) “Bringing him back from the grave, that he may bask in the light of life.” For when someone is going to sin, Satan dances before him until he completes the transgression. As soon as he has transgressed, he returns to inform Him. Thus it is stated (in Prov. 7: 22–23), “Going after her right away, he comes like an ox to the slaughter …. Until an arrow pierces his liver….” So did the Holy One, blessed be He, hide [obliteration] from Balaam, until he had gone and destroyed his soul. After he had taken leave of his honor, had gone and destroyed his soul and realized how he stood, he began to beg for his soul (saying in Numb. 23:10), “let my soul die the death of the righteous.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 22:20:) “Then God came unto Balaam at night.” This text is related (to Exod. 12:42), “That was for the Lord a night of vigil.” All miracles which were done for Israel and which involved exacting retribution for them from the wicked took place at night:25Numb. R. 20:12. (Gen. 31:24:) “And God came unto Laban the Aramean in a dream at night.” And it is written (in Gen. 20:3:) “But God came unto Abimelech in a dream at night.” And it is written (in (Gen. 14:15), “And he deployed at night.” And it is written (in Exod. 12:29), “And it came to pass in the middle of the night.” And so [it was with] all of them. Another interpretation: Why did he reveal himself to Balaam by night? He was not worthy of [receiving] the holy spirit [except at night]. Since He speaks at night with all the prophets of the nations, as stated (in Job 4:13), “In opinions from night visions.” And so Eliphaz says (in Job 4:13), “In a dream, a vision of the night,” about [Balaam’s] speaking with him at night. (Numb. 22:20, cont.:) “If these men have come to invite you, arise and go with them.” From here you learn that in the way that a man wants to go, in it is he driven. As at first it was said to him (in Numb. 22:12), “Do not go with them.” As soon as he had become defiant, he went. As so is it written about him (in Numb. 22:22), “But God's anger was kindled because he was going.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “I do not desire the death of the wicked. [But] in as much as you want to be obliterated from the world, ‘arise and go with them.’” And it is written (in Numb. 22:20, cont.), “but only the thing [that I tell you are you to do].” [These words are] to teach you that he went with a warning. Immediately he got up early in the morning, as stated (in vs. 21), “So Balaam arose early in the morning, saddled his she-ass, [and went with the princes of Moab].” Did he not have a male or female slave [to saddle his donkey]? It was simply that his hatred for Israel was so great that he beat [his servant] to it and arose quickly all by himself. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “You wicked man! Their ancestor Abraham has already anticipated you at the binding of his son Isaac,” as stated (in Gen. 22:3), “So Abraham arose early in the morning, saddled his he-ass.” (Numb. 22:21, cont.:) “And went with the princes of Moab.” [These words are] to teach you that he was as glad at the tribulation of Israel as they were. (Numb. 22:22:) “But God's anger was kindled because he was going, and the angel of the Lord took a stand [in the road as his adversary (satan)].”26A good example of this Hebrew word when it is not used as a proper noun. He was an angel of mercy, but to [Balaam] he had become an adversary (satan).27Numb. R. 20:13. And so he said [unto] Balaam, “You have caused me to practice a craft that is not my own, as stated (Numb. 22:32), “here I have come out as an adversary (satan).” (Numb. 22:22, cont.:) “And two of his servant boys were with him.” This is customary for one going out on the road. It is necessary for two to attend him. Then in turn they attend each other. (Numb. 22:23:) “Now the she-ass saw the angel of the Lord and a sword was drawn in his hand.” Was not the angel able to breathe on him and take away his spirit unless he drew his sword? And look at what is written about Sennacherib (in II Kings 19:35 = Is. 37:36 // II Chron. 32:21.), “the angel of the Lord went out and smote [one hundred and eighty-five thousand] in the camp of Assyria.” [It is also written (in Is. 40:24),] “he blows on them and they wither.” However, he said to him, “[Skill with] the mouth was given to Jacob, as stated (in Gen. 27:22), ‘The voice is the voice of Jacob.’ And [skill with] the hands to Esau, as stated (in Gen. 27:40), ‘Upon your sword shall you live.’ All the nations all live by the sword. Now you are trading off your craft and coming against them with their [craft]. I also am coming against you with your own [craft].” (Numb. 22:24:) “Then the angel of the Lord stood in a lane between the vineyards.” Could he not have gone after him into the field?28Numb. R. 20:14. It is simply that this is the nature of the Holy One, blessed be He. When a king of flesh and blood sends an executioner29Lat.: speculator (“examiner”). to kill a particular person, he goes after him for many days, so that this person who has incurred the penalty of death [continues] eating and drinking, while the executioner goes after him from place to place. With the Holy One, blessed be He, however, it is not like that. Rather the executioner is in his place and whoever has incurred the penalty of death comes to him of his own accord. So that the angel would not be bothered with going after Balaam, he simply went ahead of him on the road, for it is so written (ibid.), ���Then the angel of the Lord stood in a lane between the vineyards.” He said to him, “Shall the vineyards (i.e., Israel) be given over to the foxes?”30Cf. the parallel text in Numb. R. 20:14, which has “like foxes.” (Numb. 22:24, cont.:) “With a wall on one side and a wall on the other side.” You cannot prevail against them, because in their hand (according to Exod. 32:15) are tablets of stone, written [on both their sides], on the one side and on the other side they are written. (Numb. 22:25-26:) “When the she-ass saw the angel of the Lord, she was pressed [against the wall and pressed Balaam's foot against the wall; so he struck it again]. Then the angel of the Lord moved forward again [and stood in a place so narrow that there was no room to turn aside to the right or to the left].” What reason did he have to go ahead of him three times? He showed him here symbols of the [three] patriarchs. When he stood before him the first time, there was space on one side and on the other, [as stated] (in Numb. 22:23), “so the she-ass turned aside from the road.” On the second occasion she could only move to one side. On the third occasion (according to Numb. 22:26) “there was no room to turn aside to the right or to the left.” So what do the symbols mean? If he ever sought to curse the Children of Abraham, he would find the Children of Ishmael and the Children of Keturah on one side and on the other. [If] he sought to curse the Children of Isaac, he would find the Children of Esau on one side, and (according to Numb. 22:25) “she was pressed against the (one) wall.” In the case of the Children of Jacob, however, he found among them no residue through which to touch them. It is therefore written about the third occasion (in vs. 26), “in a narrow (‘zar) place.” This is Jacob, as stated (in Genesis 32:8), “Jacob was very frightened and [it] distressed (ye‘zer) him.”
(Numb. 22:26:) “There was no room to turn aside to the right or to the left.” As there was no residue in any of his sons. (Numb. 22:27:) “When the she-ass saw the angel of the Lord, she lay down under Balaam, [so Balaam's anger was kindled, and he struck the she-ass with a stick (mql)],” because of the shame with which she had shamed him.31Both the noun and verb, translated here as SHAME, come from the root, BZH; but the interpretation may have been suggested by a word with a similar meaning, namely MQLH, which means “putting to shame.” This word could have implied the relation between shame and MQL as used in Numb. 22:27." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 22:28:) “Then the Lord opened the mouth of the she-ass,” in order to make known to him that the mouth and the tongue are under His (i.e., God's) control, so that if he desired to curse, his mouth was under His control.32Numb. R. 20:14, cont. (Ibid., cont.:) “And she said to Balaam, ‘What have I done to you that you have struck me these three times (shalosh regalim)?’” She intimated to him, “You are seeking to uproot a people that celebrate three pilgrimage festivals (shalosh regalim) in the year!” (Numb. 22:29:) “But Balaam said to the she-ass, ‘Because you have made a fool of me!’” Even though he spoke in the holy tongue, he had a foul tongue.33In the words from Numb. 22:29, the word translated MADE A FOOL (a form of hit‘allel) sometimes has an obscene connotation, as in Jud. 19:25. (Ibid., cont.:) “If I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now.” [The situation] is comparable to a physician who came to cure with his tongue a person bitten by a snake on the road. On the way he saw a lizard. He began searching for a stick to kill it. They said to him. “Are you unable to get this [creature] (without a stick)? How do you come to cure with your tongue a person bitten by a snake?” Similarly, the she-ass said to Balaam, “You cannot kill me unless you have a sword in your hand. How do you intend to uproot an entire people with your tongue?” He was silent and could not find an answer. The princes of Moab began to express astonishment, for they had seen a miracle the like of which had never happened in the world. Now there are some who say that they said to him, “What is the reason you are not riding on a horse (over which you might have more control)?” He said to them, “She is not mine (and so I did not know she would cause such problems).” [The ass] answered him (in Numb. 22:30), “Am I not your she-ass?” [He said,] “Only for loading.” [She said] (in Numb. 22:30, cont.), “Upon which you have ridden.” [He said,] “Only occasionally.” [She said] (in Numb. 22:30, cont.), “All your life long until this day!” Here you learn that he was not an old man, since [the ass] was older than he. (Numb. 22:30, cont.:) “Have I ever been in the habit of doing this to you?” As soon as she had spoken, she died, so that the people would not say, “This is the she-ass that spoke,” and make it an object of reverence. Another interpretation (of Numb. 22:30): The Holy One, blessed be He, was concerned for the honor of that wicked man, lest they would say, “This is the very one through which Balaam was struck.” And if the Holy One, blessed be He, has concern for the honor of the wicked, it is not necessary to say [the same] about the honor of the righteous. And so is it stated (in Lev. 20:16), “If a woman approaches any beast to mate with it, [you shall kill the woman and the beast].” If the woman sinned, [how] did the animal sin? It is simply since the calamity came to the woman though it. Hence the verse says, “Kill it.” Another interpretation is that [it is so] that the animal should not pass through the marketplace and [people] say, “This is the animal for which x was killed.” [This is] to show how the Holy One, blessed be He is concerned about the honor of the creatures and knows their needs. And [so] He closed the mouth of the animals. As if it could speak, [people] would not be able to subdue it and master it. As this was the silliest of animals and this was the greatest of the sages. [And yet] once she spoke, he could not master her." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 22:31:) “Then the Lord uncovered the eyes of Balaam and he saw [the angel of the Lord….].” Was he blind?34Numb. R. 20:15. [These words were] simply to inform him that even the eye is not under his control. (Ibid., cont.:) “Then he bowed down and prostrated himself on his face,” because [the angel] had spoken with him. (Numb. 22:32:) “And the angel of the Lord said unto him, ‘Why did you strike your she-ass these three times?’” The angel come to seek satisfaction at his hand for the she-ass. He said to him, “Now if for the she-ass, which has neither its own merit nor merit from ancestors, I have been commanded to seek satisfaction from your hand, how much the more so for an entire people that you have come to uproot!“ (Numb. 22:32, cont.:) “Here I have come out as an adversary (satan), because your way is contrary (yrt).” [Yrt is interpreted as] an acronym [concerning the ass for] yare'ah (she feared), ra'atah (she saw), natetah (she turned away). Another interpretation: [The numerical value of] yrt, in the atbash [scheme] is [equivalent to that of] shield (magen). (Numb. 22:33:) “For the she-ass saw me and turned away from me these three times. If she had not turned away [from me, surely just now I would have killed you] and let her live.” From here you have learned that he killed the ass. (Numb. 22:34:) “Then Balaam said unto the angel of the Lord, ‘I have sinned because I did not know.’” [These words are] to teach you that he was completely evil. He knew that nothing can withstand divine punishment except for repentance; for whenever anyone sins and says, “I have sinned,” the angel has no authority to touch him. (Ibid.:) “Because I did not know.” Although that wicked man was praising himself and saying (in Numb. 24:16), “who has knowledge of the Most High,” his mouth bore witness about him and said (in Numb. 22:34), “I did not know.” (Ibid., cont.:) “And now, if it is evil in your eyes, I will return.”35This verb can also be rendered as “repent.” He said to him, “I did not go until the Holy One, blessed be He, said to me (in Numb. 22:20), “Arise and go with them”; yet you are saying that I should return! [Indeed] such is His practice! Similarly, did he not tell Abraham to sacrifice his son? Then after that [it is stated (in Gen. 22:11-12)], ‘But the angel of the Lord called [unto him…]. And he said, “Do not raise your hand [against the lad].”’ He is used to saying something, then to have an angel come and reverse it.” [So (in vs. 34),] “if it is evil in your eyes, I will return.” (Numb. 22:35:) “The angel of the Lord said unto Balaam, ‘Go with the men’”; for your lot is [to be] with them, and your end is to be obliterated with them from the world. (Ibid., cont.:) “So Balaam went with the princes of Balak.” [These words] teach that just as they were happy to curse [Israel], so was he happy. (Numb. 22:36:) “When Balak heard that Balaam had come.” [These words] teach that he sent messengers unto [Balak] to send him tidings.36Numb. R. 22:16. (Ibid., cont.:) “He went out to meet him unto the city of Moab,” [i.e.,] unto their metropolis.37Gk. and Lat.: metropolis. What was [Balak's] reason for preceding him to the borders? He said to him, “These are borders which have been fixed from the days of Noah, so that a nation would not enter the territory of its neighbor. These [people] are coming to uproot them.” He said to him, “Come to curse them.” Then he showed him how they had broken through and crossed the border of Sihon and Og, as though lodging a complaint against them. (Numb. 22:37:) “Then Balak said unto Balaam, ‘Did I not truly send unto you [to summon you; why did you not come unto me; am I really unable to honor you]?’” He prophesied that his end would be to go in disgrace. Then did Balaam also answer him like the [truth of the] matter (in Numb. 22:38), “So Balaam said unto Balak, ‘See, I have come unto you now, [but am I really able to say anything at all…?]’” For I do not have authority to say what I want." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 22:39:) “Then Balaam went unto38The Masoretic text reads both this and the following UNTO as WITH. Balak, and they came unto Kiriath-Huzoth (literally: city of markets),” where he had made market places for buying and selling.39Numb. R. 20:17. He had [also] made a bazaar.40TLS. Cf. Gk.: katalusis (“settlement,” “resting place”). [His purpose was] to show him crowds41Gk.: ochloi. and say, “See what those [people] are coming to kill, people and infants who have done them no wrong.” (Numb. 22:40:) “Then Balak sacrificed an ox and a sheep.”42Bible translations usually render “OX” and “SHEEP” as plurals, but the midrash is interpreting them as singular. The righteous say little and do much.43BM 87a; ARN, A, 13; ARN, B, 23; see Ned. 21b. It is written of Abraham (in Gen. 18:5), “Let me bring a piece of bread that you may refresh your souls.” But after that (in vs. 6-7), “’Hurry up with three se'ah [of fine meal]….’ Then Abraham ran unto the herd.” But the wicked say a lot and do not even do a little. Balak said (in Numb. 22:17), “For I will surely honor you greatly….” When [Balaam] came, he only sent him an ox and a sheep. Balaam began gnashing his teeth at him, for he was greedy. He said [to himself], “Is this what he sent me? Tomorrow I will deliver a curse through his [own] property,” as stated (in Numb. 23:1), “Then Balaam said [unto Balak], ‘Build [seven altars] for me here, [and make ready for me here seven bulls and seven rams]….’” (Numb. 22:41:) “So it came to pass in the morning that Balak took Balaam and brought him up to the high places of Baal, [and from there he saw the edge of the people].” Balak was a more of a master of divinations and auguries than Balaam, for Balaam was being dragged along after him like a blind man.44Numb. R. 20:18. What did the two of them resemble? Someone who had a knife in his hand but did not know [where to find] the [animal] joints, while his companion knew the joints but did not have a knife in his hand. Balak saw the places in which Israel would fall and (ibid.) “brought him up into the high places of Baal.” This was Baal Peor, where he saw that Israel would fall. (Numb. 23:1:) “Then Balaam said unto Balak, ‘Build seven altars for me here.’” Why seven altars? [They] corresponded to seven righteous ones from Adam to Moses, who built seven altars and had been accepted: Adam, Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. Then [Balaam] said, “Why did you accept these? Was it not because of the service (the sacrifices) which they performed before you that you accepted them? Is it not [more] suitable for you to be served by seventy nations and not by [merely] one nation?” As it were, the holy spirit [answered him] (in Prov. 17:1), “Better a dry morsel with tranquility than a house full of quarrelsome feasting.” Better (in the words of Lev. 7:10) “a grain offering mixed with oil or dry” than (in Prov. 17:1) “a house full of quarrelsome feasting”;45The words HOUSE and FEASTING can also mean “temple” and “sacrifice” respectively. for you want to introduce strife between Me and Israel. (Numb. 23:2-3:) “Then Balak did as Balaam had [spoken…]. And he said to Balak, ‘Stand beside your burnt offerings [...]’; so he went alone (rt.: shph).” [Balaam] had been at ease (rt.: shph) to curse. Thus he had been at ease until that moment, but from that moment on he was troubled." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 23:4:) “Then God encountered Balaam.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “You evil man! What are you doing?” (Ibid., cont.:) “And [Balaam] said unto him, ‘I have prepared the seven altars [and offered a ram and a bull on each altar].’” [The matter] is comparable to a money-changer who lies about the weights. When the head of the marketplace came, he noticed him. He said to him, “What are you doing inflating and lying about the weights?” [The money changer then] said to him, “I have already sent a gift46Gk.: doron. to your house.” So also it was in the case of Balaam. The holy spirit cried out to him. It said to him, “You evil man! What are you doing.” He said to it (in Numb. 23:4), “I have prepared the seven altars [and offered a ram and a bull on each altar].” It said to him (in Prov. 15:17), “’Better a meal of vegetable greens [where there is love than a fattened ox with hatred in it].’ Better the dinner of unleavened bread and bitter herbs which Israel ate in Egypt, than bulls which you offer with hands of [hatred].” (Numb. 23:5:) “So the Lord put a word (davar) in Balaam's mouth,” which twisted his mouth and pierced it,47Both “twisted” and “pierced” connote the use of a bit on a horse. as one would drive a nail into a board. R. Eliezer (understanding davar as word) says, “An angel was speaking.” But R. Joshua says, “[It was] the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated, (in Numb. 23:5), “Return unto Balak and speak thus.” (Numb. 23:6:) “So he returned unto him, and there he was standing beside his burnt offerings with all the ministers of Moab,” who stood anxiously awaiting [the time] when he would come and speak. (Numb. 23:7:) “So he took up his theme and said, ‘From Aram, Balak the king of Moab has brought me, from the hills of the east.’” I was one of the exalted ones,48Ramim. The midrash links this word with ARAM in Numb. 23:7. but Balak has brought me down to the pit of corruption.49Numb. R. 20:19; also above, Lev. 5:1 and the notes there. (Ibid.:) “Brought me (yanheni, rt.: nhh),” [is to be understood] just as you say (in Ezek. 32:18), “bring (rt.: nhh) the masses of Egypt [and cast them down… unto the lowest part of the netherworld along with those who go down to the pit].”50Thus Numb. 23:7 comes to mean that Balak BROUGHT (rt.: NHH) Balaam down to the grave. The unusual Biblical translation is necessary to fit the sense of the midrash. Another interpretation (of Numb. 23:7), “From Aram.” I was with the highest (ram) of the high, and Balak has brought me down from my glory. [The matter] is comparable to one who was walking with the king. When he saw [some] robbers,51Gk.: lestai. he left the king and toured along with the robbers. When he returned to be with the king, the king said to him, “Go with whomever you have toured with, because it not possible for you to walk with me again.” Similarly Balaam had been bound to the holy spirit. When he paired himself with Balak, the holy spirit departed from him. So he returned to being a diviner as in the beginning. Thus it is stated (at his execution in Josh. 13:22), “Balaam ben Beor the diviner….” Therefore did he say, “I was high up (ram), and Balak brought me down.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 23:7), “From Aram, Balak the king of Moab has brought me, from the hills of the east.” [Balaam] said to [Balak], “We are alike, even both of us, for being ungrateful, because were it not for our father Abraham, there would have been no Balak. Thus it is stated (in Gen. 19:29), ‘And it came to pass that when God destroyed the cities of the plain, God remembered Abraham and sent Lot away.’ Except for Abraham, he would not have delivered Lot from Sodom; and you are one of the children of the children of Lot.52As a Moabite, Balak was descended from Moab, the son of Lot. See Gen. 19:37. Moreover, if it were not for their father Jacob, I should not have been present in the world, because Laban had sons only through the merit of Jacob, since it is written at the beginning (in Gen. 29:9), ‘Rachel came with the sheep.’ Now if he had sons, how was his daughter a shepherdess? As soon as Jacob came there, sons were given to him, as stated (in Gen. 31:1), ‘Now he heard the things that Laban's sons [were saying].’53Jewish tradition gives three views on Balaam’s relation to Laban: That he was Laban himself, that he was Laban’s nephew, and that he was Laban’s grandson. See Ginzberg, vol. III, p. 354; vol.. V, p. 303, n. 229; vol. VI, pp. 123f., nn. 722f.; p. 130, n. 764. And it also says [that Laban said] (in Gen. 30:27), ‘I have learned by divination that the Lord has blessed me for your sake.’ So if it were not for their ancestors, you and I would not have been present in the world”. (Numb. 23:7, cont.:) “Come, curse Jacob for me.” Whoever curses the Children of Jacob is cursing himself, since it is stated (in Gen. 12:3), “and the one who curses you, I will curse.” It also says (in Gen. 27:29), “cursed be those who curse you,54See above, Gen. 6:16. and blessed be those who bless you.” (Numb. 23:7:) “Come, curse [Jacob] for me.” If you had told me to curse another people, for example, the Children of Abraham from the concubines, I would have been able [to do so]. But Jacob? When a king selects a portion for himself, and someone else gets up and speaks disparagingly about it, will he keep his life? Now these people are the Holy One, blessed be He’s, heritage, His portion, and His treasure. Thus it is stated (in Deut. 32:9), “For the Lord's share is His people; Jacob the portion of His heritage.” And it is written (in Exod. 19:5), “and you shall be My treasure.” (Numb. 23:7, cont.:) “And come, denounce Israel.” When a king takes a crown and puts it on his head, and someone says of it that it is nothing, will he keep his life? Now in regard to these people it is written about them (in Is. 49:3), “Israel, in whom I will be glorified.” (Numb. 23:8:) “How shall I curse whom God has not cursed?” When they deserved to be cursed, they were not cursed, when Jacob went in to receive the blessings. It is written (in Gen. 27:16), “Then [she clothed his arms and the hairless part of his neck] with the skins of goat kids.” His father said to him (in Gen. 27:18), “Who are you?” He said to him (in vs. 19), “I am Esau, your first-born.” Does not the one who puts forth a lie with his mouth deserve to be cursed? Yet not only [was he not cursed], but he was blessed; as stated (in Gen. 27:33), “he shall also be blessed.” So how do I curse them? (In the words of Numb. 23:8) “God has not cursed.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 23:8), “How shall I curse whom God has not cursed?” According to universal custom, when a legion55Lat.: legio. rebels against the king, it incurs the penalty of death. Now since these denied and revolted against Him, when they said to the calf (in Exod. 32:4), “This is your God, O Israel,” did they not, therefore, deserve to have Him destroy them at that time? [Still] He did not cease to cherish them. Instead He had clouds of glory accompany them. Nor did He withhold the manna and the well from them. And so it says (in Neh. 9:18-20), “Even though they had made themselves a molten calf […], You in Your great mercies did not abandon them in the desert […]; and You did not withhold Your manna from their mouth […].” How can I curse them? This [question] is related (to Numb. 23:8), “How shall I curse whom God has not cursed?” When He commanded them concerning the blessings and the curses, He mentioned them (as the people) in connection with the blessings where it is stated (in Deut. 27:12), “These shall stand [on Mount Gerizim] for blessing the people;” but He did not mention them in connection with the curses. Thus it is stated (in vs. 13), “And these shall stand on Mount Ebal for the curse.” Moreover, when they sin and He plans to bring a curse upon them, it is not written that He Himself is bringing them (i.e., the curses); but with respect to the blessings, He Himself is blessing them; for so it says (in Deut. 28:1, 8), “And it shall come to pass that, if you diligently obey […], the Lord your God will set you high [over all the nations of the earth]. The Lord will command the blessing to be with you.” But with respect to the curses, it is written (according to Deut. 28:15), “And it shall come to pass that, if you do not obey […], then [all these curses] shall come upon you,” [i.e.,] of their own accord. Ergo (in Numb. 23:8), “How shall I curse whom God has not cursed?” (Numb. 23:9:) “For from the top of the rocks I see him,” in order to make the hatred of that evil man (i.e., Balaam) known to you. As from his blessing you may know his thoughts. To what is he comparable? To someone who came to chop down a tree. One who is not an expert chops off the branches one at a time and becomes tired, but the clever one exposes the roots and [then] chops it down. Similarly that wicked man said, “How shall I curse each and every tribe? Rather I will go to their roots.” When he came to touch them, he found them hard [to cut]. It is therefore stated (in Numb. 23:9), “For from the top of the rocks I see him.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 23:9), “For from the top of the rocks,” these are the patriarchs; (ibid., cont.) “and from the hills I behold him,” these are the matriarchs. (Numb. 23:9, cont.:) “Here is a people dwelling alone.” When He makes them rejoice, no nation rejoices along with them. Rather they are all afflicted, [as stated (in Deut. 32:12),] “The Lord alone did lead him, and there was no foreign god with him.” (Numb. 23:9, cont.:), “And they shall not be reckoned (rt.: hshb) among the nations.” But when the nations are rejoicing in this world, they (i.e., the Children of Israel) eat with each and every kingdom, and no one is charging [such pleasures] against their account (rt: hshb).56In other words the pleasures that Israel enjoys in this world are not to be deducted from their pleasures in the world to come. It is so stated (in Numb. 23:9, cont.), “and they shall not be reckoned (rt.: hshb) among the nations.” (Numb. 23:10:) “Who has counted the dust of Jacob?” Who is able to count the commandments which they carry out upon the dust: (In Deut. 22:10,) “You shall not plow with an ox and an ass together”; (in Deut. 22:9,) “You shall not sow your vineyard with two kinds of seed”; (in Numb. 19:9,) “Then someone clean shall gather the ashes of the heifer”; (in Numb. 5:17,) “[Then the high priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel] and some of the dust which is on the floor of the tabernacle”; (in Lev. 19:23,) “[Moreover, when you come into the land and plant any tree for food, you shall count its fruit as forbidden,] three years it shall be forbidden to you, [it shall not be eaten]”; and so on with all of them. (Numb. 23:10, cont.:) “Or numbered the sand (rb') of Israel,” [i.e.,] their copulations (rt.: rb').57For this interpretation, cf. Nid. 31a. Who can number the masses58Gk.: ochloi. that have emerged from them, from those women who seize on and cherish the commandments (of procreation), as stated (in Gen. 30:15), “But she said to her, ‘Is it a small matter that you have taken away my husband?’” [And so too (in Gen. 30:3, 9),] “Here is my maid Bilhah; go into her.” “When Leah saw that she had ceased bearing children, [she took her maidservant Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as a wife].” [And so too (in Gen. 16:3),] “So Abraham's wife Sarai took her maidservant Hagar the Egyptian… [and gave her to her husband Abraham as a wife].” (Numb. 23:10, cont.:) “Let me die the death of the upright.” The matter is comparable to a butcher who came to slaughter a cow that belonged to a king. The king began to take notice. When [the butcher] realized [what was happening], he began by discarding the knife, then giving [the cow] a rubdown [and] filling the feeding trough for it. He began to say, “Let my life be forfeit for coming to slaughter it; but observe that I have [now given it sustenance].” Similarly Balaam said, “Let my life be forfeit for coming to curse, but I will bless [them].” Ergo (in Numb. 23:10), “let me die the death of the upright!”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 23:11-14:) “And Balak said to Balaam, ‘What have you done to me; to curse….’ And Balaam answered and said, ‘Is it not that that which God places into my mouth….’ And Balak said to Balaam, ‘Please go [and] I will take you….’ So he took him to the Field of Zophim [at the top of Pisgah].” He saw that Israel would be breached there, for it was there that Moses died, as stated (in Deut. 3:27), “Go up to the top of Pisgah …, [for you shall not cross over this Jordan].” Is there a breach greater than this? What he saw was through divinations, and he was of the opinion that because of him they would fall there. (Numb. 23:14-16:) “And he built seven altars [and offered a ram and a bull on each altar]. Then he said unto Balak, ‘Stand here [beside your burnt offerings and let me make myself available to the Lord over there]….’ And God appeared to Balaam and he placed a word (davar) in his mouth.” Like a man who places a bit upon the mouth of his animal and twists him to where he wants [it to go]. So was the Holy One, blessed be He, twisting his mouth. When he said to him, “Return to Balak and bless them,” he said, “Why should I go to him to anguish him?” [So] he sought to go to [his own home] and not to Balak. The Holy One, blessed be He, put a bit into his mouth, [and said] (in Numb. 23:16, cont.) “Return to Balak and speak thus.” (Numb 23:17:) “So he [came] unto him, and there he was standing beside his burnt offerings together with the ministers of Moab.” Concerning the first occasion, it is written (in Numb. 23:6), “with all the ministers of Moab.”59Numb. R. 20:20. When they saw that they had derived no benefit at all, they left him; and only a small portion of the ministers of Moab were left with him. (Numb. 23:17:) “Balak said to him, ‘What did the Lord say?’” When he saw that [Balaam] was not in control of himself to say what he wanted, [Balak] sat himself down and mocked him. As soon as he saw that he was mocking him, Balaam said to him, “Get up from there. It is not fitting to sit while the words of the Omnipresent are being spoken.” (Numb. 23:18:) “Rise up Balak and listen; give ear to me, you son of Zippor!” Both of them were [distinguished] sons of [undistinguished] fathers, for they had made themselves greater than their fathers.60On the importance of having a distinguished lineage, see, e.g., Ta‘an 21b. [Hence (in Numb. 24:3),] “An oracle of Balaam son of Beor (literally, his son is Beor)”; (in Numb 23:18) “give ear to me, you son of Zippor (literally, his son is Zippor)!” 61The unusual wording of Numb. 23:18 and 24:3 suggests that Balak and Balaam both had fathers undistinguished enough to be called their sons. (Numb. 23:19:) “God is not a human, that he should speak falsehood.” He is not like flesh and blood. [When a person of] flesh and blood acquires friends and finds others nicer than they, he forsakes the former ones. But [the Holy One, blessed be He,] is not like that. It is not possible [for Him] to be false to the oath of the early ancestors. (Ibid., cont.:) “Has he promised and not fulfilled?” (This phrase can also be read as, “He has promised and not fulfilled.”) When he promises to bring evils upon them, He will cancel them, if they have repented. You find it written (in Exod. 22:19), “Whoever sacrifices to a god shall be devoted to destruction.” When they made the calf, they merited destruction. So I thought to curse and destroy them. But when they repented a little, He suspended [any punishment] and (according to Exod. 32:14) “The Lord repented of the evil which He had planned to do to His people.” And so too in many places. As he said to Jochaniah (in Jer. 22:30), “as none of his seed shall succeed….” But He said to his son’s son (in Hag. 2:22), “And I will overturn the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the might of the kingdoms of the nations,” since it is stated (Hag. 2:23), “’On that day,’ declares the Lord of Hosts, ‘I will take you, O My servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,’ declares the Lord, ‘and make you as a signet.’” And so He suspended what He said to his [grand]father (in Jer. 22:24), “’As I live,’ declares the Lord, ‘if you, O King Coniah, son of Jehoiakim, of Judah, were a signet on My right hand, I would tear you off even from there.’” And so with the men of Anatoth, it is written (in Jer. 11:23), “No remnant shall be left of them, for I will bring disaster on the men of Anathoth.” [But] once they repented, see what is written (in Neh. 7:27), “The men of Anatoth were one hundred and twenty-eight.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 23:21:) “No one has beheld falsehood in Jacob […].” Balaam said, “He does not pay attention to the transgressions in their hands, He only pays attention to their merit.” (Numb. 23:21, cont.:) “The Lord their God is with him.”62In the Biblical context the HIM would normally refer to Israel, but the midrash understands this HIM in the singular throughout this paragraph. You (Balak) said to me (in Numb. 23:7), “Come, curse [Jacob] for me.” If an orchard has no keeper, a thief is able to harm it; or if the keeper falls asleep, the thief will enter [it]. But in the case of these people (according to Ps. 121:4), “Behold, the One keeping Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” So how can I harm [Israel]? (Numb. 23:21:) “The Lord their God is with him (i.e., Moses).” Balak said to him, “Since you cannot touch them because of Moses, who protects them, look at Joshua, his successor, and his deeds.” He said to him, “He also will be strong like him.” (Numb. 23:21:) “The Lord their God is with him; a royal war cry is within him.” He is blowing [a trumpet], giving a war cry, and throwing down a wall.63I.e., the wall of Jericho. (Numb. 23:22:) “God brings them out of Egypt.” You said to me (in Numb. 22:5), “’Here is a people that has come out of Egypt,’ on their own. But that is not so. Rather God brought them out.” (Ibid., cont.:) “Like the heights64Rt.: T‘P. The word can also mean “horns” and is so translated in most English versions in order to fit the context of the next word (R’M), which is then understood to mean “wild ox.” See the following note. of His loftiness (r'm).”65In most translations the word is understood to mean “wild ox,” but the midrash regards it as a derived from the root RWM, a verb meaning “to be high.” Such is His nature. [When] they sinned a little, He brought them down like a bird, as stated (in Hos. 9:11), “Ephraim's glory shall fly away like a bird.” [When] they are worthy, He raises them up and exalts (rt.: rwm) them on high like a bird. Thus it is stated (in Is. 60:8), “Who are these that fly like a cloud?” (Numb. 23:23:) “There is no augury in Jacob and no divination in Israel.” Here you are (Balak) practicing augury and divining in what place you may prevail against them, but they are not like that. When they have to fight against enemies, a high priest stands up and puts on urim and thummim, which are asked about [the will of] the Holy One, blessed be He. So all the gentiles practice divination and augury, but these (Israelites) prove them false through repentance and nullify their divinations. It is so written (in Is. 44:25), “Who frustrates omens of liars and confounds diviners.”66Cf. yShab. 6:9 (8d). (Numb. 23:23, cont.:) “Now it is said for Jacob and for Israel, [‘What has God done?’]” His (i.e., Balaam's) eye saw that Israel was sitting (yoshevim) before the Holy One, blessed be He, like a pupil before his master and was hearing why each and every parashah was written; and so it says (in Is. 23:18), “for her67The midrash reads the HER as referring to Torah, but in the context of Isaiah the HER refers to Tyre as a harlot. profits shall belong to those who dwell (yoshevim) before the Lord […].” It also says (in Is. 30:20), “and no more shall your Teacher hide Himself, for your eyes shall see your Teacher.” The ministering angels will ask them, “What has the Holy One, blessed be He, taught you?” As they cannot enter their (i.e., Israel's) precincts, as stated (in Numb. 23:23), “now it is said for Jacob and for Israel, ‘What has God done?’” (Numb. 23:24:), “Here is a people rising up like a lion.” You have no nation in the world like them. Here they are sleeping away from the Torah and the commandments. [Then] having risen from their sleep, they stand up like lions. Quickly reciting the Shema', they proclaim the sovereignty of the Holy One, blessed be He. Then having become like lions, they embark on worldly business pursuits. If one of them should stumble, or if destroying demons come to touch one of them, he proclaims the sovereignty of the Holy One, blessed be He.68On reciting the Shema‘ to be safe from demons, see yBer. 1:1 (2d); Ber. 5a; M. Pss. 4:9. (Numb. 23:24, cont.:) “It (a lion) does not sleep until it has eaten its prey.” When he (the reader) says (in the Shema' of Deut. 6:4), “the Lord is one,” the destroying demons are destroyed on his account, [and] they intone after him (as the liturgical response), “Blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom forever and ever.”69In reciting the proper liturgical response to the Shema‘, even the demons recognize the sovereignty of the Holy One. Moreover, through the recitation of the Shema' he is sustained from the day watch to the night watch.70I.e., his guardian angels for the morning and the night. And when he goes to sleep, he entrusts his spirit into the hand of the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in Ps. 31:6), “Into Your hand I entrust my spirit.”71Cf. Ber. 5a. Then when he awakens [and] proclaims the sovereignty of the Holy One, blessed be He, the night watch transfers him to the day watch. Thus it is stated (Ps. 130:6), “My soul [yearns] for the Lord more than the watchmen for the morning, the watchmen for the morning.” For that reason Balaam says, “There is no nation like this one.” (Numb. 23:24, cont.:) “And drunk the blood of the slain.” He prophesied that Moses would not die, until he had taken vengeance upon him and the five kings of Midian, as stated (Numb. 23:24), “it does not sleep until it has eaten its prey,” this [prey] is Balaam; “and drunk the blood of the slain,” these are the five kings of Midian. It is so stated (in Numb. 31:8), “And they slew the five kings of Midian upon their corpses.” (Numb. 31:6:) “With the vessels of the sanctuary.” This is the [high priestly diadem] plate upon which it is written (according to Exod. 28:36), “holy to the Lord.”72For a description, see Shab. 63b; Suk. 5a. (Numb. 31:6, cont.:) “And the trumpets for sounding the alarm in his hand.” Moses said to Israel, “Balaam the wicked has practiced magic for you73Cf. the parallel account in Gen. R. 20:20, which reads, “for them.” and is making the five kings fly. So he flies and makes [others] fly. Show him the [high priestly diadem] plate on which the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, is engraved,74Galuf. Cf. Gk.: glufein (“to engrave.”) and they will fall down before you.” You know that it is so written (in Numb. 31:8), “And they slew the five kings of Midian upon their corpses and Balaam ben Beor [with the sword].” What did that wicked man want with the kings of Midian? Is it not in fact written (in Numb. 24:25), “Then Balaam arose and went back to his own place?” It is simply this: when he heard that twenty-four thousand [Israelites] had fallen (in Numb. 25:9) through his counsel,75See Deut. R. 1:2. he returned to get his wage. For that reason Balaam ben Beor is recorded (n Numb. 31:8) together with the five kings of Midian." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 24:3:) “So he took up his theme and said.”76These words also appear in Numb. 23:7, 18; 24:15, 20, 21, 23, but the context of this verse certainly fits the sense of the midrash. Let our master instruct us:77Yelammedenu rabbenu. When these words appear at the beginning of a section along with the response, “Thus have our masters taught…,” they commonly introduce a new parashah. In the case of one who eats without washing his hands, what penalty will he incur?78Numb. R. 20:21. Thus have our masters taught: Washing hands before the meal is an option; after the meal it is an obligation.79Hul. 105a, but not in the Mishnah. It once happened that there was an Israelite shopkeeper who would cook [and sell] both clean meat and pork, so that they would not notice that he was a Jew. Now his custom was this: Whenever anyone came into his shop and did not wash his hands, he knew that he was a foreigner and he would set pork before him; but whenever anyone washed his hands and recited the blessing, he knew that he was a Jew and would serve him clean meat. Once a certain Jew came in to eat there but did not wash his hands. Thinking that he was a foreigner, he set pork before him. He ate without saying the blessing. When he came to settle the account with him for the bread and for the meat, the pork was expensively priced. He said to him, “I have such and such against you over the meat which you have eaten, for the slice is worth ten manah.”80Gk.: mna. He said to him, “Yesterday I ate it for eight. Now today you want ten!” He said to him, “This which you ate is from a hog.” When he said this to him, his hair stood on end, for he became terrified and afraid. He said to him privately, “I am a Jew and you have given me pork!” He said to him, “A curse upon you! When I saw that you ate without washing your hands and without a blessing, I thought that you were a foreigner.” Hence the sages have said, “The [omission of the] first water (before the meal) caused him to serve him pork; [the neglect of] the latter water (after the meal) took a life.”81Yoma 83b; Hul. 106a. [The second part of the previous statement is due to] a story about a certain person who ate pulse without washing his hands. When he went down to the marketplace, his hands were filthy from the pulse. When an acquaintance of his saw him, he went and said to his wife, “Your husband has mentioned as a token82Siman. Gk.: semeion. to you [of my authenticity] that he has just now eaten pulse.83I.e., the fact that he knew what his friend had just eaten would be evidence of his having spoken with him. Send him that ring.” [So] she gave it to him. After a time her husband came. He said to her, “Where is the ring?” She said to him, “So and so came with your tokens, and I gave it to him.” Becoming filled with rage, he arose and killed her. Therefore the sages have said, “Whoever does not wash his hands after the meal is like one who takes a life.” Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, has warned Israel not to transgress even insignificant commandments, as stated (in Deut. 32:47), “For it (the Torah) is no empty thing for you, [in that it is your very life].” Even some commandment that you consider to be empty and insignificant has within it life and length of days, as stated (in Deut. 32:47, cont.), “and through this thing you will lengthen your days upon the land.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “If you keep My commandments, I will cast down your enemies before you,” as stated (in Ps. 81:14-15), “O that my people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways. Then I would virtually [subdue their enemies…].” When Balaam saw how Israel observed [even] the insignificant commandments, he said, “Who can curse these people, when they observe commandments and when His name is engraved upon them.” (Numb. 23:21:) “The Lord their God is with them.” Whoever curses them curses himself, because His name is joined with them.”84I.e., the name El (“God”) forms part of the name Israel. He began turning to oracles, as stated (in Numb. 24:3), “So he took up his theme” This text is related (to Prov. 27:14), “Whoever rises early in the morning to bless his neighbor in a loud voice shall have it reckoned to him as a curse.” When Balaam came to curse Israel, the Holy One, blessed be He, diverted his tongue, so that he began to bless. It is so stated (in Deut. 23:6), “But the Lord your God did not want to heed Balaam; so the Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you.” The Holy One, blessed be He, put power in his voice and his voice went from one end of the world to the other, so that the nations would hear that he was blessing [Israel]. Now it is stated concerning him (in Prov. 27:14), “Whoever [rises early in the morning to] bless his neighbor in a loud voice [shall have it reckoned to him as a curse].” [This is] as stated (in Numb. 24:14), “come, let me advise you.” Then he killed twenty-four thousand. There is no curse [as damaging] as this." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 25:1:) “While Israel was staying at Shittim, [the people began to go whoring].” Let our master instruct us: By virtue of how many things was Israel redeemed from Egypt?85Numb. R. 20:22. Thus have our masters taught: Israel was redeemed from Egypt by virtue of four things: (1) that they did not change their names, (2) that they did not change their language, (3) that they did not disclose their secrets,86Gk. and Lat.: mysteria. and (4) that they were not unbridled in unchastity.87Lev. R. 32:5; Cant. R. 4:12:1; PRK 11:6; M. Pss. 114:4; also Mekhilta de Rabbi Ishmael, Pisha 5; Exod. R. 1:28. They did not change their names. Thus Reuben and Simeon went down (to Egypt), and Reuben and Simeon (with no name change) came up (from Egypt). They did not change their language, as stated (in Gen. 45:12), “that it is my mouth (i.e., my language) which is speaking unto you.” Thus they were talking in the sacred tongue. They did not reveal their secrets, as stated (in Exod. 3:22), “But each woman shall borrow [objects of silver, objects of gold, and clothing] from her neighbor [and from the woman who sojourns in her house].” Now the command was entrusted to them for twelve months, but they never revealed it to the Egyptians. And they were not unbridled in unchastity, as stated (in Cant. 4:12), “A locked garden is my sister my bride,” these are the males; “a locked fountain, a sealed spring,” these are the virgins (the females). You yourself know that it is so, since there was [but] one exception and Scripture aired her case (in Lev. 24:10), “Now there went out the son of an Israelite woman….”88If he were not a bastard, his father’s name would have been given. Now in all those forty years that they were in the desert, they never committed the sin of unchastity, until they came to Shittim. It is therefore stated (in Numb. 25:1), “While Israel was staying at Shittim, [the people began to go whoring].” At Shittim, because they had committed folly (shetut),89The word can also mean “idolatry.” as stated (in Prov. 6:32), “One who commits adultery with a woman has no sense.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 25:1:) “[While Israel was staying at Shittim,] the people began to go whoring.” There are springs that rear warriors, and there are those that rear weaklings; some that rear handsome ones and some that rear ugly ones; some that rear modest ones and some that rear lecherous ones. The spring of Shittim was one of whoredom, and it watered Sodom. You find that [the men of Sodom] said (in Gen. 19:5), “Where are the men …; bring them out unto us that we may know them.” Because that spring was cursed, the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to dry it up [and then renew it],90Although neither this text nor its parallels contain the bracketed words, some such addition is necessary for the words cited from Joel 4:18 to make sense. as stated (in Joel 4:18), “then a spring shall issue from the house of the Lord and shall water the Wadi of the Acacias (Shittim).” From the days of Abraham they were never unbridled in unchastity, until they came to Shittim and drank of its water. Thus it is stated (in Numb. 25:1), “the people began to go whoring.” Come and see what is written in their leaving from Egypt: (In Exodus 14:2,) “Tell the Israelites to turn back and encamp before Pi-Hahiroth (which sounds like liberty, heiruth).” What is the meaning of Pi-Hahiroth? It was a place that was fixed for unchastity. And because they sheltered themselves [from it] in their leaving it was called Pi-Hahiroth. But these [ones at Shittim] because they made themselves out of control to women, it is written, (in Numb. 25:1), “the people began to go whoring unto the Daughters of Moab.” (Numb. 25:1:) “The people began.” Every place that “the people” is mentioned, it is an expression of shame; but every place that “Israel” is mentioned, it is an expression of commendation:91Numb. R. 20:23. (In Numb. 11:1,) “Now the people were as murmurers [speaking evil in the ears of the Lord]”; (in Numb. 21:5,) “So the people spoke against God and against Moses”; (in Numb. 14:1,) “and the people wept”; (in Exod. 32:25,) “And Moshe saw that the people were wild”; (in Exod. 32:1,) “and the people gathered together against Aaron”; ( and in Numb. 25:1,) “the people began.” (Numb. 25:1:) “The people began.” Throw a stick into the air,92Gk.: aer. [and] it falls to its place of origin (i.e., its root).93For this proverb in other contexts, see Gen. R. 53:15; 86:6. The one who had begun with the whoredom at first, finished with it in the end. Their matriarchs (i.e., the matriarchs of Ammon and Moab) began with whoredom (according to Gen. 19:31-34), “And the first-born said to the younger, ‘Let us give our father to drink….’ [So it came to pass on the next day] that the first-born said unto the younger….” She (the first-born) had instructed her in whoredom, and for that reason the Holy One, blessed be He, had pity on the younger and did not expose her. Rather (according to vs. 35), “and she slept with him”; but with reference to the elder, it is written (in vs. 33), “and slept with her father.”94Thus in the case of the elder, her incest was specifically mentioned. In the case of the one who began in whoredom at first, her daughters (i.e., the daughters of Moab) went after her to finish [it], as stated (in Numb. 25:1), “the people began to go whoring unto the Daughters of Moab.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 25:2:) “And they invited the people to the sacrifices for their gods.” Thus they (i.e., daughters of Moab) were going by the counsel of Balaam, as stated (in Numb. 31:16), “Here these women at the bidding of Balaam made the Children of Israel.”95Numb. R. 7:23, cont.; ySanh. 10:2 (28cd); Sanh. 106a; PRE 47. They made themselves curtained stalls and installed harlots in them with every object of delight in their hands. Now a girl would have an old woman as an agent, for an old woman would be in front of the shop. During the time that Israel was passing by on the way to the marketplace, the woman would say to him, “Young man, surely you want objects of linen which have come from Beth-Shean!” Then she would show them to him; and when the old woman would tell him a high price, the girl would [give him] a lower one. From then on the girl would tell him, “You are like one of the family. Sit down and choose for yourself.” Now a jug of Ammonite wine was placed by her, since the wine of gentiles had not yet been forbidden. Then out comes the girl, perfumed and adorned, and seduces him and says to him, “Why do you hate us, when we love you? Take for yourself this article gratIs. We all are children of a single man, children of Terah, the father of Abraham. So do you not want to eat from our sacrifices and from our cooking? Here are calves and cocks for you; slaughter them according to your own precepts, and eat.” Immediately she has him drink the wine, and then the Satan burned within him, so that he became a fool for her. There are also those who say [that] Balaam commanded them not to have them drink the wine, so that they would not be judged as those who are drunk, but as willful sinners. When he sought her out, she would say, “Slaughter this cock and we will cook it and eat with you, and I will be at your disposal.” When he came to slaughter it, she said to him, “I am not listening to you until you slaughter it [as a sacrifice] to Peor.” Since he had become a fool for her, he would slaughter it to Peor and eat with her. So they would be joined to each other. It is therefore written (in Numb. 25:2-3), “And they invited the people [to the sacrifices for their gods, so that the people ate and bowed down to their gods]. Thus Israel was joined (rt.: tsmd) to Baal Peor,” like bracelets (rt.: tsmd). R. Levi said, “This was more serious than the [sin of the golden] calf, [for while in reference to the calf it is written (in Exod. 32:3), ‘So all the people took off [the gold rings that were in their ears],’ here [it is written] (in Numb. 25:3), ‘Thus Israel was joined (rt.: tsmd) [to Baal Peor,]’ like bracelets (rt.: tsmd)]. Because of the calf about three thousand fell, but here (according to Numb. 25:9) [the number fallen is] twenty-four thousand.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 25:4:) “Take all the heads of the people, and impale them [before the Lord in the sun].” R. Judan said, “He hanged the heads of the people, because they had not protested about the people who stood out among them like the sun.” R. Nehemiah said, “He did not hang them. Rather the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, ‘Appoint Sanhedrin96Sanhedraot. Gk. plural: synhedria. heads for them, and let them judge whoever went to Peor.’ He said to him, ‘But who will make such a one known?’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘I will expose them. In the case of whoever has gone astray, the cloud shall be peeled back from upon him, and the sun shall shine upon him in the midst of the congregation. Then they will know anyone who has gone astray and hang him.’” You know for yourself that it is so, as stated (in Numb. 25:5), “So Moses said unto the judges of Israel, ‘Each of you kill [those of] his own people [who have been joined to Baal Peor].’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 25:6:) “Just then one of the Children of Israel came and brought a Midianite woman unto his brothers [before the eyes of Moses and the eyes of the whole congregation of the Children of Israel].” What reason was there for him doing so?97Numb. R. 20:24. [The incident serves] to teach you that he had respect neither for Heaven nor for mortals. It is also stated concerning him (in Prov. 21:24), “An insolent98Heb.: Zed. Cf. above, Lev. 3:7, which argues that this word implies idolatry and the uncovering of nakedness. and arrogant one, scorner is his name; [he acts with arrogant wantonness].” She said to him, “Because I am a king's daughter, I am surrendering to no one but Moses or Eleazar.” He said to her. “I also am as great as they are, and [to show you,] I am bringing you before their eyes.” [Then] he seized her by her braid and brought her to Moses. He said to him, “Son of Amram, is this woman permitted or forbidden? Now if you say that she is forbidden [because] this woman is a Midianite, [remember that] the very woman who is under you (as your wife) is a Midianite; and who permitted you to have her?” The ruling (halakhah) slipped from his mind. They all wept bitterly. That is what is written (in Numb. 25:6), “they were weeping at the entrance of the tent of meeting.” Why were they weeping? Because they became weak at that time. A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a king's daughter who had adorned herself for entering the wedding canopy [and] for sitting in the [bridal] palanquin.99Gk.: phoreion. When she was found indulging in immorality with another, her father and her kinsfolk became weak. So it was with Israel. At the end of forty years they had camped by the Jordan to cross into the Land of Israel, and there they became lawless through unchastity. They weakened Moses and the righteous who were with him. And why were they weakened? See that [Moses] had [previously] stood up to six hundred thousand [men] with the [golden] calf, as stated (Exod. 32:20), “And he took the calf that they had made.” It was simply so that Phinehas would come and receive his due. Moreover, because [Moses] had been indolent [in the execution of justice], (according to Deut. 34:6) “no one knows his burial place.” [This fact serves] to teach you that one must be as strong as a leopard and as swift as an eagle to do the will of his Creator. Moreover, from here you learn that the Holy One, blessed be He, is as meticulous with the righteous as a thread of hair." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 25:7:) “When Phinehas [ben Eleazar ben Aaron the priest] saw.” But did they all not see it?100Numb. R. 20:25. And is it not written (in vs. 6), “before the eyes of Moses and the eyes of the whole congregation of the Children of Israel?” It is simply that when he saw the deed, he remembered the ruling (halakhah); that one who cohabits with an Aramean woman will have zealots strike him down. (Numb. 25:7, cont.:) “He arose from the midst of the congregation.” From where did he stand up? It is simply that, while they were involved in give and take on the matter of whether or not [the culprit] was liable for death, that man (Phinehas) stood up from the midst of the congregation and volunteered [to carry out the sentence]. (Numb. 25:7, cont.:) “And took a spear in his hand.” He put the iron prong in his hand, which he put in his bosom. Then he began [to approach] leaning on the wood like a staff,101I.e., with the iron prong hidden, the spear shaft seemed like a mere staff. because he was afraid of [the culprit's] tribe, as they surrounded him. When he reached them, they said to him, “Why have you come?” He said to them, “I also have come to fulfill my needs.” So they gave him permission, and he entered. For otherwise they would not have given him permission. (Numb. 25:8:) “Then he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and pierced both of them.” He pierced both of them, the one on top of the other, through the unclean place (i.e., the private parts) of the both of them; lest Israel say there was no defilement there. He was zealous for the name of the Holy One, blessed be He. And twelve miracles occurred for him: The first miracle is that it is common that they would separate one from the other, but the angel adhered them together. The second miracle is that the angel closed their mouths that they not yell out. The third miracle is that [Phinehas was able to] direct [the spear precisely so that] the male genitals of [Zimri] were visible in the genitals of [Cozbi]; because they would have [otherwise] said, “[Phinehas] also went in and fulfilled his needs.” The fourth is that the iron expanded so that he could stab both of them. The fifth is that [the angel] gave him strength in his arm to raise both of them up. The sixth is that there was strength in the pole [of the spear] to lift both of them up. The seventh is that [Zimri and Cozbi] did not fall from the spear, but stayed in their place. The eighth is that the angel raised them up in the manner [of intercourse] on top of the spear for all to see their disgrace. The ninth is that they did not trickle blood, so that Phinehas would not become impure. The tenth is that the Holy One, blessed be He, kept their spirit [alive so that he would not become impure]. The eleventh is that the angel raised the lintel of the house chamber so that both of them would come out suspended in front of the eyes of everyone. The twelfth is when all the members of his tribe were ready to strike him down, an angel went down and smote them before him. When Phinehas saw that the Holy One, blessed be He, sought to destroy them, he struck [Zimri and Cozbi] on the ground. When he arose and prayed, they were removed. That is what is written (in Ps. 106:30), “Then Phinehas arose and interceded,”102The verse continues: AND THE PLAGUE WAS STOPPED. in that he gave the judicial verdict (din). Interceded (rt.: pll) can only denote a judicial verdict (din), since it is stated (in reference to making a reparation Exod. 21:22), “and he shall pay as the judges (rt.: pll) determine.” (Numb. 25:9:) “And those who died from the plague.” And afterwards [it is written] (in Numb. 26:2), “Count the head (take a census).” [This is] to inform you that, on every occasion when they fell, they were numbered. There is a parable about a wolf who fell upon a flock of sheep. The owner of the sheep said to the shepherd, “Count how many were lost.” [This] is to inform you how much unchastity distances [from God]; as this was [just one] individual, and [yet] twenty-four thousand fell on his account. This is related to (in Prov. 16:14), “The king’s wrath is a messenger of death, but a wise man can appease it.” There is a parable about a king who was passing by when a group of youths were standing in front of him. [When] one of them cursed him, the king was filled with anger against [all of] them. [Then] one of them came and socked the one who cursed the king, [and] the king’s anger was immediately subdued. So too, who caused the Holy One, blessed be He, to go back from His anger and not to destroy all of Israel? One would say it was Phinehas. Ergo, “but a wise man can appease it.” The Holy One, blessed be He, has said, “In this world it is on account of gross misconduct that they were counted; but in the world to come (according to Hos. 2:1), “The number of the Children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or numbered.” Amen, may it be [His] will." + ] + ], + "Pinchas": [ + [ + "(Numb. 25:11) “Phinehas ben Elazar […].” What reason did the Holy One, blessed be He, have for tracing the lineage of Phinehas after this act (of slaying Zimri in Numb. 25:8)?1Numb. R. 21:3. [The reason was] that, when Zimri was pierced along with Cozbi, the tribes rose up against [Phinehas] and said, “Did you see the son (actually, grandson) of Puti? This man, whose mother's father2Thus Puti was actually Phinehas’ maternal grandfather, whose full name was Putiel. So Exod. 6:25. fattened calves for idolatry, has killed a tribal prince of Israel!” Therefore Scripture has come to trace his lineage [through his paternal grandfather] (in Numb. 25:11), “Phinehas the son of Eliezer, [who is] the son of Aaron the priest.” (Numb. 25:12:) “Therefore I hereby grant My covenant of peace.” Great is the peace that He gave, as the world only functions according to peace. And the Torah is [likewise] completely peace, as stated (Prov. 3:17), “Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace.” If someone comes from a journey, we inquire of his peace (wellbeing). So too in the morning, we inquire of his peace, and in the evening we inquire of his peace. And we read the recital of the Shema and we conclude [its blessings] with peace, “who spreads the cover of peace.” And in prayer, we conclude, “Who blesses His people Israel with peace.” (Numb. 25:12:) “Therefore I hereby grant [My covenant of peace],” as he still survives. And so it says (in Mal. 2:5), “My covenant was with him, [a covenant of] life and peace.” (Numb. 25:13:) “And it shall belong to him and to his seed after him […, because he was zealous for his God] and atoned for the Children of Israel.” Since atonement is spoken of in connection with him, did he offer a sacrifice? [The mention of atonement is] simply to teach you that when anyone sheds the blood of the wicked, it is as if he had offered a sacrifice." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 25:14:) “And the name of the slain man of Israel...” Just as the Holy One, blessed be He, is concerned with the praise of the righteous to publicize3Rt.: PRSM. Cf. Gk.: parresia (“boldness in speaking out”). them throughout the world, so is he concerned with the disgrace of the wicked to publicize them throughout the world. He publicized Phinehas for praise and publicized Zimri for disparagement. About them is it stated (in Prov. 10:7), “The remembrance of a righteous one is for a blessing, but the name of the wicked shall rot.” (Numb. 25:14, cont.:) “Zimri ben Salu, the prince of a clan.” The sages said Zimri had three names: Zimri ben Salu; and Saul the son of the Canaanite woman; and Shelumiel ben Zurishaddai. [He was called] Zimri because of the fact that he became like an addled (hamuzeret) egg (as a result of engaging in multiple acts of intercourse); ben Salu because he evoked [shehisli] the sins of his family; Saul [Shaul] because he lent [shehishil] himself to sin; the son of the Canaanite woman because of the fact that he performed an act of Canaan. And what is his [true] name? Shelumiel, son of Zurishaddai. (Numb. 25:14, cont.:) “Zimri ben Salu, the prince of a clan,” as whoever discredits himself discredits his family along with himself. (Numb. 25:14, cont.:) “Zimri ben Salu, the prince of a clan.” The verse is astounded by him (in Eccl. 10:8), “The one who breaks through a barrier will be bitten by a snake.”4“To break through a barrier” means “to transgress.” [As it was] his [ancestor Simeon) who was the first to display zeal against harlotry, as stated (in Gen. 34:25), “then two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, [the brothers of Dinah, each] took [his sword]….” And [yet] this (Zimri) broke through the barrier which his [ancestor] had made. (Numb. 25:15:) “And the name of the Midianite woman who was slain [was Cozbi bat Zur; Zur was the tribal head of a clan in Midian].” [These words are there] to inform you how far the Midianites hatred went. Thus they had abandoned a daughter of kings in to shame, as stated (in Numb. 31:8), “[And along with their other victims] they killed the kings of Midian:…, Zur.” Zur was the greatest of them all; and [since] he abandoned his daughter, who would not abandon [his own daughter]? But because he had disgraced himself and abandoned his daughter to shame, the text has demoted him and numbered him third (on the list). He was, however, the king of them all, as stated (in Numb. 25:15), “[Zur] was leader of the nations of the clan [in Midian].”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 25:16-17:) “Then the Lord spoke [unto Moses], saying, ‘Harass the Midianites […].’” Why?5Numb. R. 21:4. (Numb. 25:18:) “Because they are harassing you.” Hence the sages have said, “If someone comes to kill you, act first to kill him.”6Ber. 62b; Sanh. 72a. R. Simeon says, “Whoever causes a person to sin is worse than the one who kills him. Because whoever kills [a person] kills him in this world, but he [still] has a share in the world to come. However, the one who causes him to sin kills him in this world and for the world to come. Two peoples encountered Israel with the sword, the Egyptians and the Edomites. Thus it is stated (of the Egyptians that they said (in Exod. 15:9), “I will pursue, I will overtake, [I will divide the spoil…].” And Edom [did the same], as stated (in Numb. 20:18), “But Edom said unto him, ‘You shall not pass through me, or else I will come out to meet you with the sword.’” Moreover, two [peoples encountered them] with sin, Moab and the Ammonites. Concerning the ones who encountered them with the sword, it is written (in Deut. 23:8), “You shall not abhor an Edomite …; you shall not abhor an Egyptian.” But concerning the ones who encountered them with sin to cause Israel to sin, it is stated (according to Deut. 23:4), “No Ammonite or Moabite shall come into the assembly of the Lord […].” And in this world you have not [yet] fulfilled your obligation, as stated (in Numb. 25:17), “Harass the Midianites.” (Numb. 25:17:) “Harass the Midianites.” What is the meaning of “Harass the Midianites?” Even though it is written in the Torah (in Deut. 20:10), “When you draw near unto a city to fight against it, you shall offer terms of peace (shalom) unto it”; however, in regard to these [peoples] you shall not do this; (according to Deut. 23:7), “You shall not seek their welfare (shalom) and benefit all your days forever.”7Numb. R. 21:5. You find that the one who came to them with the trait of mercy, in the end came to disgrace, war and distress. And who [was that]? David, as stated (in II Sam. 10:2), “David said, ‘I will do kindness with Hanun son of Nahash.’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “You are transgressing My word, as I wrote (in Deut. 23:7), ‘You shall not seek their welfare and benefit,’ and you are doing acts of kindness with them? (Eccl. 7:12:) ‘Do not be greatly righteous,’ such that a man should not forego [what is written in] the Torah. And this one is sending [word] to console the Children of Ammon and to do kindness and good to him?” And in the end, he came to disgrace [as stated] (in II Sam. 10:4), “So Hanun seized David’s courtiers, clipped off one side of their beards [and cut away half of their garments at the buttocks, and sent them off].” And he came to disgrace, and afterwards to war with four nations: Aram-Naharayim, with the kings of Zova, with the kings of Maakha and with Children of Ammon. And it is written (about this in II Sam. 10:9), “Joab saw that there was a battle line against him both front and rear.” What caused him [this]? That he sought to do good to those about whom the Holy One, blessed be He, told him, “You shall not seek their welfare and benefit.” Hence it is written (Numb. 25:17), “Harass the Midianites.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 25:17), “Harass (tsrwr) the Midianites.” Even though I have written (in Deut. 20:19), “When you besiege (rt. tswr) a city a [long time] […], you shall not destroy its trees,”8Numb. R. 21:6. in the case of these (i.e., Moab and the Ammonites) you shall not do so. On the contrary, their trees you shall destroy. And so you find that when Joram king of Israel, Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and the king of Edom went to fight with Moab, (according to II Kings 3:9) “they circled around on a seven-day march, so that there was no water for the army or for the animals that were with them.” They began to weep, and (according to vs. 10) “The king of Israel said, ‘Alas, for the Lord has summoned these three kings to give them into the hand of Moab.’” Jehoshaphat answered (in vs. 11), “Is there no prophet of the Lord here through, who we may inquire of the Lord…?” [This passage is] to make known the wickedness of Joram, in that he did not acknowledge Him. (Vs. 12:) “Then Jehoshaphat said, ‘the word of the Lord is with him’; so the king of Israel, Jehoshaphat, and the king of Edom went down unto him.” Why is Jehoshaphat not called a king here? In order to make known the humility of that righteous man, in that he did not want to go down before the prophet in royal garb, but as a commoner.9Gk.: idiotes. But some say, “[It was] because an edict had been decreed that he would be killed with Ahab that the scriptural text has reckoned [the reign of] his son from that hour. For that reason ‘king’ was not written.” But as a reward for their going down to the prophet, they attained the right to see all those miracles. When the king of Israel saw Elisha, Elisha said to the king of Israel (according to vs. 13,) “What have I to do with you; go unto the prophets of your father and unto the prophets of your mother.” He began to implore him. (Ibid., cont.:) “And the king of Israel said to him…,” as he had never asked him [anything] in his life. (Vss. 14-15:) “Elisha said, ��As the Lord of hosts lives…Now then get me a musician….” And the rest of the whole parashah. Moreover, he said to them “The Moabites shall fall into your hands, (in vs. 19) ‘thus you shall smite every fortified city and every choice city, [you shall also fell every good tree].’” They said to him, “[But] the Holy One, blessed be He said (in Deut. 20:19), ‘You shall not destroy its trees’; yet you are saying [to do] so.” He said to them, “He gave the command with reference to the rest of the nations, but this one is insignificant and contemptable,” as stated (in II Kings 3:18), “This one is insignificant in the eyes of the Lord, so He will give Moab into your hands.” It is [also] stated (in Deut. 23:7), “You shall not seek their welfare and benefit (literally, their good).” [That is referring to] the good trees. It is therefore stated (in Numb. 25:17), “Harass the Midianites.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 26:1-2:) “And it came to pass after the plague [that the Lord said unto Moses and unto Elazar ben Aaron the priest, saying,] ‘Take a census.’” Every time that they fell, they were required to be numbered.10Numb. R. 21:7. The matter is comparable to the wolf who went into the midst of the flock. The owner of the flock was obliged to count them to know how many were missing. Another interpretation (of Numb. 26:2): Why did he count them here? The matter is comparable to a shepherd to whom the householder has delivered a flock after numbering them. [After] he has fulfilled his guardianship, when he returns them, it is necessary for them to be numbered. Thus when Israel went out from Egypt the Holy One, blessed be He, delivered them to Moses after numbering [them], as stated (in Numb. 1:1-2), “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses in the Sinai desert …, ‘Take a census….’” So also, when they went out, it is written (in Exod. 12:37), “Then the Children of Israel traveled [from Ramases to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot].” Ergo, he received them with a numbering. [So when] he was about to pass away in the Plains of Moab (after completing his guardianship), he returned them with a numbering. It is therefore stated (Numb. 26:2), “Take a census.”" + ], + [], + [], + [ + "(Numb. 27:1:) “Then came forward the daughters of Zelophehad.” In that generation the women were fencing11On raising a fence about the Law, see Avot 1:1. that which the men were breaching.12Numb. R. 21:10. Accordingly you find that Aaron said to them (i.e., the men in Exod. 32:2), “Take off the gold rings [that are in the ears of your wives…]”; but the women were unwilling and protested against their husbands. Thus it is stated (in vs. 3), “So all the people took off the gold rings that were in their13Since “their” is masculine here, there is an implication that the men only took their own earrings. ears.” Thus the women did not take part in making the [golden] calf. So also in the case of the spies who had spread slander (according to Numb. 14:36), “when they returned, they made [the whole congregation] murmur against him.” A decree was issued against them, because they had said (in Numb. 13:31), “We are unable to go up [against this people for they are stronger than us].” The women, however, were not with them in their counsel. What is written above the matter (in Numb. 26:65)? “Because the Lord had said to them, ‘They shall surely die in the wilderness,’ not a man of them remained.” [Note that Scripture speaks of] “a man,” and not of \"a woman.” Because they (i.e., the men) did not want to enter the land, but the women came forward to ask for an inheritance [in the land]; (Numb. 27:1) “Then came forward the daughters of Zelophehad.” Therefore the parashah [about the death of that generation] was written next to this parashah, because what the men broke down the women fenced in. Another interpretation (of Numb. 27:1), “Then came forward [the daughters of Zelophehad ben Hepher ben Gilead ben Machir ben Manasseh, of the families of Manasseh ben Joseph”: [Their action was] an honor to them. [It was also] an honor to their father, an honor to Machir, an honor to Manasseh and an honor to Joseph that such righteous and wise women had issued from him.14Numb. R. 21:11. But what was their wisdom? They [only] spoke up at the proper time, when Moses was busy with the parashah about inheritance (in accordance with Numb. 26:53), “To these shall you apportion the land [for an inheritance].” [So what was their wisdom? That] they said to him, “If we are like a son, let us inherit; but if not, let our mother perform levirate marriage (marry her husband's brother).”15His duty would be to rear children in the name of the deceased father. On levirate marriage generally, see Deut. 25:5-6: also Gen. 38:8-9; Ruth 4:5. Immediately (in Numb. 27:5), “Moses brought their cause before the Lord.” They were righteous, In that they had never been married to someone unworthy of them. Then why did they meet with Moses now? So that he would not [put on airs] over having abstained from his wife for forty years.16Since Moses regularly stood in the Divine Presence, he needed to preserve an unbroken state of purity. The Holy One, blessed be He, informed him through these [women], saying, “Here are women who without being commanded [remained unmarried] for forty years, until they were married to someone worthy of them.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 27:5:) “Moses brought their cause [before the Lord].” Some say that [God] made this become too hard for Moses, as there are righteous people that become [overly] proud in matters of a commandment, and [so] the Holy One, blessed be He, weakens their ability. You find that David said (in Ps. 119:54), “Your statutes were songs for me,” [meaning] they are light and customary for me like songs. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “By your life, your end will be to err about something that [even] the schoolchildren know about.” At the time that he brought up the ark, he erred and put in on a cart, as stated (in II Sam. 6:3),” They loaded the ark of God onto a new cart.” [So God] suspended the ark in the air and the oxen became dislodged from under it. [Then] Uzzah approached to support it, but (according to II Sam. 6:7,) “God struck him down on the spot,” as an error in study is considered as wanton. Immediately (in II Sam. 6:8), “David was distressed because the Lord had inflicted a breach upon Uzzah.” [So] the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Did you not say, ‘Your statutes were songs for me?’ Did you not learn (in Numb. 7:9), ‘But to the Kohathites he did not give; since theirs was the service of the [most] sacred objects, their porterage was by shoulder?’” [So David] began to ponder and say (in I Chron. 15:13), “The Lord our God burst out against us, for we did not seek Him like the law.” And so too, [this happened] with Moses. Because he said (in Deut. 1:17), “But the case which is too hard for you, you shall bring unto me and I will hear it,” the Holy One, blessed be He, weakened his ability.17Numb. R. 21:12; above, Gen. 10:6; Sifre to Deut. 1:17 (17); Sanh. 8a. The matter is comparable to a moneychanger who said to his student, “If coins come to you to be exchanged, exchange them, but if pearls should come to you, bring them to me.” [When] a ring of baubles came to him, [the student] brought it to [this] teacher. [But] then the teacher went and showed it to another [money changer]. So too here. Moses said (in Deut. 1:17), “The case which is too hard for you, you shall bring unto me and I will hear it.” [But] when the daughters of Zelophehad came to him, [God] made it too hard for him. (Numb. 27:5-7) “Moses brought their cause before the Lord. [And the Lord said…,] ‘The daughters of Zelophehad speak correctly,’” such is the law. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Did you not say (ibid.), ‘The case which is too hard for you, you shall bring unto me?’ In the case of the judgment which you do not know, see [that even] the women know it.”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Numb. 27:5), “Moses brought their cause [before the Lord]”: R. Simeon ben Laqish said, “Our master Moses knew this judgment, but they first came before chiefs of tens. They said to them, ‘It is a judgment concerning inheritance, and this is not for us but for those greater than us.’ They came before the chiefs of fifties. [When] they saw that the chiefs of ten had shown them honor, the chiefs of fifty said, ‘[In our case] also there are those greater than us.’ So also [they came before] the chiefs of hundreds, the chiefs of thousands, and the princes. They all responded to them in a similar way, because they did not want to open their mouths before one who was greater than them. Moses said, ‘If I tell them the decision, I shall be appropriating all their dignity.’ He said to them, ‘In my case also there is One greater than I.’ Therefore (in Numb. 27:5), ‘Moses brought their cause [before the Lord].’” He answered him with (in vs. 7), “The daughters of Zelophehad speak correctly.” Thus the Holy One, blessed be He, acknowledged their utterance. (Numb. 27:7, cont.:) “You shall indeed grant them [possession of an inheritance among the brothers of their father].” Give them [also] chattel and their father's birthright in the assets of Hepher. They took three portions: The portion of their father, who was among those who had come out from Egypt; his portion with his brothers in the assets of Hepher; and since he was the first born, he took two portions. Another interpretation (of Numb. 27:7), “you shall indeed grant them [possession of an inheritance among the brothers of their father]”: After they [already] received [their share] on the other side of the Jordan, they came before Joshua in the land of Canaan, as stated (in Josh. 17:4), “Now they (i.e., the daughters of Zelophehad) came before Elazar the priest, Joshua ben Nun, and the princes [and said, ‘The Lord commanded Moses to give us an inheritance along with our male kin’].” Moreover, our ancestor Jacob also knew that they were receiving [an inheritance] on this side [of the Jordan] as well as on that side, since it is stated (in Gen. 49:22), “daughters18English versions generally read “boughs” or the like. step over a wall.” This [wall] is the Jordan, which became a wall [for Moses] so that he would not enter the land. Thus Jacob said to Joseph, “Your daughters shall receive a share on this [side of the Jordan] as well as on that [side].” (Numb. 27:7, cont.:) “And you shall transfer to them the inheritance of their father.” With reference to [standard] inheritance it is stated (in vs. 9), “and you shall give,” but with reference to a daughter, [it says (in vs. 8),] “and you shall transfer.”19The Hebrew is slightly different here from what is written in vs. 7. There the word you is singular while here the “you” is plural, as in vs. 8. Thus she may transfer an inheritance from tribe to tribe.20So BB 109b. (Numb. 27:11:) “And it shall be a statutory judgment for the Children of Israel.” [The word judgment] teaches that inheritances [can only] be carried out through judges. (Numb. 27:12:) “Then the Lord [said] unto Moses, saying, ‘Go up on this mountain of Abarim.’” What reason did he have [for it] to be written after the parashah about inheritance?21Numb. R. 21:10. It was simply that when Moses heard from the mouth of the Holy One, blessed be He, (in Numb. 27:7), “you shall indeed grant them,” he thought that the Holy One, blessed be He, had been reconciled to him.22Numb. R. 21:13. He said, “Here I am entering with Israel.” [Hence] the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “My decree remains in place; (Numb. 27:12-13) ‘Go up into the mountain of Abarim […] and you shall be gathered to your people…’ You are no better than your brother [in this].’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 27:15-16:), “And Moses spoke […], ‘Let the Lord, [the God of the spirits of all flesh], appoint….’” Let our master instruct us: What blessing does one say on seeing a human being that is different? Thus have our masters taught: On seeing a black person, one with white blotches,23Lawqan. Gk.: leuke (“white leprosy”); cf. leukos (“white”). a hunchback, a pockmarked person or one afflicted with dropsy24draqinus. Cf. Gk.: huderikos or hudropikos, or rhadinos (“one excessively thin”)., one says, “Blessed is the One who makes mortals different.” On seeing an amputee, someone blind, or someone smitten with boils, one says, “Blessed is the true Judge.”25TBer. 7:6; yBer. 9:2 or 1 (13b); Ber. 58b. Note that with the exception of the pock-marked person, the first group were born with their afflictions while the second acquired them later in life. When [should one recite this]? When they who were [once] whole have become different. But if they were like that from their mother's womb, one says, “Blessed is the One who makes mortals different.” On seeing good creatures and good trees, one says, “Blessed is the One who has created such things in his world.”26TBer. 7:7. But if he sees crowds27Gk.: ochloi. of human beings, he says, “Blessed is the One who is learned in mysteries.”28Numb. R. 21:2. [As] just as their faces29Gk.: prosopa. are unlike each other, so are they unlike in temperament. Rather each and every individual has his own individual temperament; and so it says (in Job 28:25), “To fix a weight for the spirit,” [i.e.,] the [spiritual] weight of each and every individual. You yourself know that it is so, because of what Moses asked from the Holy One, blessed be He, at the time of his death, when he said to him, “Master of the world, the temperament of each and every person is revealed to You; and the temperament of one person is unlike the temperament of another. Now that I am departing from them, would You please, if You so desire to appoint a leader over them, appoint over them a person who will bear with each and every one of them according to his temperament.” Where is it shown? From what they have read on the matter (in Numb. 27:16), “Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint [someone over the congregation]….”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 27:16:) “Let the Lord, [the God of the spirits of all flesh], appoint….” This text is related (to Is. 45:11), “Regarding the things to come, would you question Me concerning My children and command the work of My hands?”30Although the two verbs in this citation are imperative, both the biblical context and the interpretation of the midrash regard these commands as unthinkable suggestions. A parable: To what is the matter comparable?31Numb. R. 21:12, cont. To a king who took a wife and had a best man (shoshevin). Every time that the king was angry with his wife, the best man would placate32Rt. PYS. Cf. the Gk.: peisis or peisa (“persuasion”). him and the king would be reconciled. When the best man was about to die, he began to make a request of the king. He said to him, “Would you please pay attention to your wife [to be foregoing with her after I die].” The king said to him, “Instead of you charging me concerning my wife, charge my wife concerning me, that she be careful with my honor.” So did the Holy One, blessed be He, as it were, say to Moses, “Instead of you charging Me (in Numb. 27:16), ‘Appoint…,’ charge them concerning Me, that they be diligent with My honor.” What is written below (in Numb. 28:2)? “Command the Children of Israel, and say unto them, ‘My offering, My bread.’” What reason did [Moses] have to request this need after the ordering of inheritance? It is simply that since he saw the daughters of Zelophehad inherit the properties of their father, Moses said, “See it is the time for me to claim my needs. If daughters inherit, it is [also] proper for my sons to inherit my glory.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Prov. 27:18), “’He who tends a fig tree will enjoy its fruit.’ Your sons sat [with] their own [concerns] and were not involved with Torah [study]. It is [more] appropriate that Joshua, who served you, serve Israel and not lose his compensation,” as stated (in Numb. 27:18), “Take Joshua bin Nun.” And why is the Torah compared to a fig tree? Since [the fruit of] most trees – the olive tree, the grapevine, the date palm – is gathered [all] at once, but the fig tree is gathered a little [at a time]. And so too is the Torah. Today he studies a little and tomorrow he studies much; as it is not taught in a year, nor in two. (Numb. 27:18:) “A man with the spirit of God with him.” Since you said (in Numb. 27:16), “’The God of the spirits of all flesh,’ since You know each and every one, one should be appointed who knows how to proceed with each and every one of them according to his temperament”; [so then (in Numb 27:18, cont.),] “lay your hand upon him,” like one who lights a candle from a candle. (Numb 27:20), “Invest him with your majesty,” like one who pours from one vessel to another vessel. Concerning that which I said to you (in Numb. 36:9), “So the inheritance will not move around from one tribe to another,” this glory will not move from the house of your father, as even Joshua who will arise in your place (according to Numb. 27:19), “shall stand in front of Elazar the priest” (nephew of Moses)." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 28:1–2:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, ‘Command the Children of Israel, [and say unto them], “My offering, My bread for My fire offering….”’” Let our master instruct us: Regarding the meal offerings that were offered upon the altar, how were they offered? Thus have our masters taught (in Men. 5:1–2):33See above, Lev. 1:7. All meal offerings were offered unleavened except the leavened [cakes] in the thank offering and the two loaves (of Pentecost) which were offered leavened. R. Meir says, “The leaven is separated from its own [dough], and [it is from this that] they are leavened.” R. Judah says, “Even that is not the best [method]; one should bring the leaven, put it into the [measure], and fill the measure [with flour].” [The sages] said to him, “Even that [method] resulted in too little or too much.” All meal offerings were kneaded in lukewarm water and one watched them lest they become leavened; and if the remnants of it became leavened, one transgressed a negative commandment, as stated (in Lev. 2:11), “No meal offering which you offer to the Lord shall be made with leaven.” Thus one may become culpable in the kneading of [leaven], in rolling it, and in baking it. There is nothing more pleasing for you than the offerings. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Say to those Israelites, ‘I did not tell you to offer me sacrifices because I have a need for them, since the whole world is Mine, and I created the animal from which you offer a sacrifice in front of Me.’”34Numb. R. 21:16; see Men. 110a; PRK 6:1; PR 16:1; 48:3; Tanh., Exod. 8:14. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 50:12), “If I am hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and everything in it belong to Me.” R. Judah bar Simon said, “It is not that I require to eat anything which I commanded you to offer as My offering, My bread; as there is not eating or drinking in front of Me.” R. Simon said, “There are thirteen attributes of mercy that are written about the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in Exod. 34:6), ‘And the Lord passed over his face….’ Is there a merciful one that delivers his victuals to a cruel one?” Ergo (in Ps. 50:12), “If I am hungry, I would not tell you.” R. Judah bar Simon said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘I have delivered ten [kinds of] clean animals to you (for food).35See also PR 16:1; Numb. R. 20:5; 21:16. Three are in your possession, and seven are not in your possession. Now these are those which are in your possession (according to Deut. 14:4), “the bull, the sheep, and the goat.” And these are those which are not in your possession (according to Deut. 14:5), “The deer, the gazelle, the roebuck, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope, and the mountain sheep.” I did not burden you to have you seek them in the mountains and the hills, in order to bring Me a sacrifice from those [which are not in your possession]. Rather [your sacrifices come] from those which are in your possession, which grew up at your feeding trough.’” Ergo (in Ps. 50:12), “If I am hungry, I would not tell you.” R. Isaac said, “It is written (in Numb 28:2), ‘My offering, My Bread, for My burnt offering.’ Is there eating and drinking in front of Me? And if you say there is eating and drinking in front of Me, [you should] learn from the ministering angels, as stated (in Ps. 104:4), ‘His servants flaming fire.’” From what are they [then] sustained? R. Judan said in the name of R. Isaac, “They are nourished from the radiance of the Divine Presence, as stated (in Prov. 16:15), ‘The light of the king’s face is light.‘” R. Simeon ben Laqish said, [Regarding (Numb. 28:6),] “The regular burnt offering done at Mount Sinai,” “And did they do it at Mount Sinai? It is simply that if you will say that that there is eating and drinking in front of Him, learn from Moshe, our teacher. Observe what is written about him (in Exod. 34:28), ‘And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he neither ate bread nor drank water.’ If there was eating and drinking in front of Me, he would have eaten and drank from what I eat and drink. And if Moses who [only] fulfilled the errand of God, ‘neither ate bread nor drank water,’ all the more so is it true of the Holy One, blessed be He.” Ergo (in Ps. 50:12), “If I am hungry, I would not tell you.” R. Hiyya bar Abba said, “So did the Holy One blessed be He say: ‘My [other] creatures do not need My creatures (people). In your days have you heard one saying, “Let this vine produce wine,” and it produces much wine, [or] “Let this olive tree produce oil,” and it produces much wine. My creatures do not need My creatures and I should need My creatures?’” R. Jannai said, “It is customary that when a man is walking by a river, it is impossible for him not to drink two or three log. Now all the water that is in the world would fill the hollow of My hand, as stated (in Is. 40:12), ‘Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand?’ But [yet] I have written about your log (in Numb. 28:7), ‘to be poured in the sacred precinct as an offering of fermented drink to the Lord,’ which is an expression of drinking, an expression of satiation, an expression of inebriation.” I have created one animal in My world, and you are not able to support its victuals. And which is it? That is (in Psalms 50:10), “the behemoths on a thousand mountains.” R. Johanan, R. Joshua ben Levi and the Sages [disagreed about this]. R. Johanan said, ‘It was one animal crouching on a thousand mountains and it would pasture on a thousand [different] mountains each day, as stated, (in Job 40:20), ‘The mountains yield him produce.’” R. Joshua ben Levi says, “It was one animal crouching on a thousand mountains and a thousand mountains would produce many types of food, for the righteous to eat in the future to come, as stated (in Is. 65:10), ‘Sharon shall become a pasture for flocks, And the Valley of Achor a place for cattle to lie down.’” And the Sages say, “It crouches upon the thousand mountains, and the thousand mountains produce animals every day and it eats [them].” What is the explanation? As it states (in Job 40:20, cont.), “and all the beasts of the field play there.” Is it possible for a grazing animal to eat a grazing animal? R. Tanchuma says, “Great is the work of our God and how great are His acts.” And from where does it drink? R. Joshua ben Levi and the Sages [disagreed about this]. R. Joshua ben Levi says, “It drinks up with one swallow all that the Jordan produces in six months, as stated (in Job 40:23), ‘He can restrain the river from its rushing; [he is confident the Jordan will gush at his command].’ [And the sages say, “Twelve months….”]36See Numb. R. 21:18. But it only has a moistening of the mouth [from it].” And [so] from where does it drink? R. Shimon ben Gamliel taught (form Gen. 2:10), “’A river issues from Eden to water the garden’ and its name is Yuval, as stated (in Jer. 17:8), ‘sending forth its roots by a stream (yuval),’ and it drinks from it.” R. Chiya taught in the name of R. Meir (from Job 12:7), “’But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the sky, they will tell you’: ’But ask the beasts,’ this is the behemoth; ‘the birds of the sky,’ this is the ziz of the Omnipresent (a giant bird). (Job 12:8:) ‘Or speak to the earth, it will teach you; the fish of the sea, they will inform you’: ‘Or speak to the earth,’ this is the Garden of Eden; ‘The fish of the sea,’ that is the leviathan. (Job 12:9:) ‘Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this?’” You have one king and his name was Solomon, as stated (about the lavishness of his meals in I Kings 5:2-3), “Solomon’s daily provisions consisted of thirty kor of semolina, and sixty kor of [ordinary] flour, ten fattened oxen….” R. Yehuda bar Zvidah said, “Solomon had a thousand wives and each and every one would make him like this every day, as she thought he would eat with her. [And] Nehemiah the governor did not [even] have the ability to reckon his meal, as stated (in Neh. 5:18), ‘And although what was prepared for each day came to one ox….’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘My children, it is not because there is eating and drinking in front of Me. Rather it is because of the smell, that you shall be pleased and give the pleasant smell in front of Me.’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb 28:2:) “Guard to offer it to Me at its set time.” This text is related (to Prov. 13:25), “The righteous man eats to satiate his soul.” This is Eliezer who said to Rebekah (in Gen. 24:17), “Please let me sip a bit of water,” enough to sip. (Prov. 13:25, cont.:) “But the belly of the wicked is lacking.” That is Esau who said to Jacob (in Gen. 25:30), “Please stuff me (haliteini).” R. Isaac bar Zeira said, “He opened his mouth wide like a camel and said, ‘I will open my mouth and you put it in.’” It is taught there (Mishnah Shabbat 24:3), “One may not forcibly overfeed a camel on Shabbat and one may not force-feed it. However, one may place food into its mouth (malitin).” Another interpretation (of Prov. 13:25), “The righteous man eats to satiate his soul”: This is Ruth about whom it is written (in Ruth 2:14), “and she ate her fill and had some left over.” As blessing dwelt in the mouth of that righteous woman. (Prov. 13:25, cont.:) “But the belly of the wicked is lacking.” That is the gentiles. There was a story about a gentile who made a banquet for all the people of his city: R. Dustai said, “He invited me to that banquet, with all the people of his city, and his table was not lacking any of the tasty foods of the world except for perekh nuts alone. What did he do? He took the serving table that was in front of us that was worth more than sixty talents of silver and he broke it. I said to him, ‘Why did you do this?’ He said to me, ‘You say that this world is ours and the next world is yours. If we do not [get to] eat now, when will we eat [it[?’ I read [as being] about him (Prov. 13:25, cont.), ‘but the belly of the wicked is lacking.’” (Numb. 28:3:) “And you shall say to them, ‘This is the burnt offering which you shall offer to the Lord: two yearling lambs without blemish.’” Not two simultaneously, but (as in vs. 4), “The one lamb you shall offer in the morning, and the second lamb you shall offer at twilight.” R. Judah bar Simon said, “None ever lodged in Jerusalem with sin on their hands.37Numb. R. 21:21. How so? The sacrifice of the morning atoned for the transgressions which were committed during the night, and the daily sacrifice at twilight atoned for transgressions which were committed during the day.” In any case none lodged in Jerusalem with sin on their hands, as stated (in Is. 1:21), “righteousness lodges38Although the biblical context requires a past tense for this verb, the sense of the midrash assumes a present or a future. Such a translation also fits the later use of the imperfect tense used here. there (i.e., in Jerusalem).” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to the Israelites, “In this world you offer shewbread, but in the world to come I will prepare a great table for you, with the idolaters looking on in shame. It is so stated (in Ps. 23:5), “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies….” It also says (in Is. 65:13), “Behold, My servants shall eat, [but you shall go hungry]….”" + ], + [], + [ + "(Numb. 29:35:) “On the eighth day [you shall have] a solemn assembly.” Let our master instruct us: Is it permitted to eat outside the sukkah on the Feast (of Tabernacles)?39BB 75a; ySuk. 2:7 (23a); Suk. 27ab. Thus have our masters taught (in Suk. 2:6): R. Eliezer says, “One is obligated to eat fourteen meals in the sukkah, one [each] day and one [each] night.” But the sages say, “There is no prescribed number except [only] on the night of the [first] festal day [of the feast].” But why did the sages permit one to be freed from the sukkah on the last festal day? Simply because the whole seven days of the festival they had prayed for abundant dew, while on the last day they prayed for rain. They therefore were freed from the sukkah, so that they might pray wholeheartedly for rain. Nevertheless the last day of the holiday is reckoned as belonging to the days of the festival. Why? Because it is so written (in Numb. 29:35), “[On the eighth day] you shall have a solemn assembly (atseret).” Now it was fitting for it to come fifty days after the festival, just as Pentecost (Atseret) comes fifty days after Passover; but the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “It is winter and they will not be able to leave their houses to come here [to Jerusalem].40Cant. R. 7:2:2; PRK 28:7. Rather let them make the solemn assembly while they are [already here] with Me.” How is it shown? From what they read on the matter (in Numb. 29:35), “On the eighth day [you shall] have a solemn assembly.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 29:35:) “On the eighth day [you shall have] a solemn assembly.” This text is related (to Is. 26:16), “You have added to the nation O Lord, You have added to the nation and been honored; You have pushed away all the ends of the earth.\" The Community of Israel said in front of the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, You added [years of] tranquility to the generation of the flood, did they maybe ever offer a single ram or a single bull in front of You? It is not enough that they did not offer, but they even (in Job 21:14) ‘said, “Go away from us.”’ You added [years of] tranquility to the generation of the [Tower of Babel]. Did any of them maybe honor You? It is not enough that they did not honor You, but they said (in Gen. 11:4), ‘Let us build for ourselves a city.’ And so too with the Sodomites, and so too with Pharaoh, and so too with Sennacherib and so too with Nebuchadnezzar. Did they maybe ever offer a single bull? It is not enough that they did not offer [anything] in front of You, but they even angered You. And to whom is it fitting for You to add tranquility and glory? To Israel, as stated (in Is. 26:16), ‘You have added to the nation.’” And a nation is only referring to Israel, as stated (in I Chron. 17:21), “And who is like Your people Israel, a unique nation on earth.” The community of Israel said in front of the Holy One, blessed be He, “You should add festivals for us, and we shall offer sacrifices in front of You as is fitting.” (Is. 26:16, cont.:) “You have been honored,” “You have given us new moons, and we sacrifice in front of You [then], as is stated (in Numb. 28:11), ‘And on new moons.’ You have given us Passover, we have sacrificed to You; You have given us Pentecost, we have sacrificed to You; You have given us the New Year, we have sacrificed to You; You have given us the Day of Atonement, we have sacrificed to You. And so too on the Festival [of Tabernacles]. We have not ignored the sacrifices for even one festival.” The Community of Israel said, “You should add festivals for us, and we shall offer sacrifices in front of You and honor You.” (Is. 26:16, cont.:) “You have added to the nation and been honored.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “By your lives, I will not take away holidays [from you], but I will add festivals for you to rejoice in them, as stated (in Numb. 29:35), ‘On the eighth day you shall have a solemn assembly.’” (Numb. 29:35:) “On the eighth day you shall have a solemn assembly.” This text is related (to Ps. 109:4), “In return for my love they denounce me, but I am a prayer.” You find that on the Festival (of Tabernacles) Israel would offer seventy bulls for the seventy nations.41Numb. R. 21:24; M. Pss. 109:4; PRK 28:9. Israel said in front of the Holy One, blessed be He, “See, we are offering seventy bulls for the seventy nations. Therefore, they should love us. It is not enough that they do not love us, but they also hate us, as stated (in Ps. 109:4), ‘In return for my love they denounce me.’” Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “For seven days of the festival you have offered sacrifices to Me for the nations of the world. Now, however, you are to offer [sacrifices] for yourselves, as (according to Numb. 29:35-36), ‘On the eighth day you shall have a solemn assembly…. Then you shall offer a whole burnt offering, a fire offering, a sweet smell to the Lord: one bull, one ram.’” [The situation] is comparable to a king who made a seven-day banquet and invited all the people of the province for the seven days of the feast. When the seven days of the feast had passed, he said to his friend, “We have already fulfilled our obligation to all the people of the province. Let us, you and me, make do with whatever you find, a pound42Gk.: litra. of meat, fish, or greens.” Similarly did the Holy One, blessed be He, say to Israel, “All the sacrifices which you offered during the seven days of the feast you sacrificed for the nations of the world. However (according to Numb. 29:35), ‘On the eighth day you shall have a solemn assembly.’ We shall make do, you and I, with whatever you find (as in Numb. 29:36), ‘One bull, one ram.’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 29:35:) “On the eighth day.” What was the reason for [the number of sacrificial animals] being reduced on each day?43Numb. R. 21:25. The Torah is simply teaching you etiquette from the sacrifices. Thus if someone goes for lodging,44Gk.: Xenia. and his host receives him; on the first day he receives him properly and feeds him fowl. Then on the second he feeds him fish; on the third he feeds him cheese; on the fourth he feeds him greens. So does he continue to reduce, until he is feeding him pulse. (Numb. 29:35:) “On the eighth day you shall have (literally, there shall be for you) a solemn assembly.” What is the meaning of “for you?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Joy is fitting for you; new moons are fitting for you; festival times are fitting for you; holidays are fitting for you.” It is therefore stated (ibid.), “for you.” A certain gentile questioned R. Aqiva. He said to him, “Why do you keep festival times? Did not the Holy One, blessed be He, say the following to you (in Is. 1:14), ‘Your new moons and your festival times My soul hates?’” R. Aqiva said to him, “If He had said, ‘My new moons and My festival times My soul hates,’ I should have said so. But He said, ‘Your new moons and your festival times’; because of those festival times which Jeroboam instituted, as stated (in I Kings 12:32-33), ‘Jeroboam also instituted a festival on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, like the festival in Judah, at Bethel to sacrifice to the calves, and he ascended the altar…. and he made a festival for the Children of Israel.’ These festival times, however, (the ones ordained by the Holy One, blessed be He,) shall never be abolished. Neither shall the new moons. Why? Because they belong to the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in Lev. 23:4), ‘These are My festivals times’” And it is also written (ibid. verse 44), “And Moses told the festival times of the Lord.” They shall, therefore, never be abolished; for it is concerning them that it is stated (in Ps. 111:8), “They are established forever to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.”" + ] + ], + "Matot": [ + [ + "(Numb. 30:3:) “When someone makes a vow (neder) to the Lord.” Let our master instruct us: How are konamot (i.e., vows of abstinence) and vows (nedarim)? Thus have our masters taught (in Ned. 2:1): [If one makes] a konam (i.e., a vow of absitinence) [that he will not sleep, that he will not speak; [if he utters a konam to his wife] “that I will not have marital relations with you,” such a one is liable to [the injunction] (in Numb. 30:3), “he shall not break his word.” [If he swears] an oath (shevu'ah)] that he will not sleep, that he will not walk, he is forbidden [to do so].1Cf. Ned. 2:2-5; Ned. 13b, 14b-15a; 20a; yNed. 2:2-5 (37b-6); above, Lev. 1:16. Oaths (shevu'ot) carry more weight than vows (nedarim); and vows, than oaths. How so? [if one makes] a konam not to make a sukkah, not to take up a lulab, not to put on phylacteries, in the case of vows (nedarim) it is forbidden to put them on or to make them, even though they are commandments (of the Torah); but in the case of oaths (shevu'ot) it is permitted, because one does not swear to transgress against the commandments. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Be circumspect with your vows (nedarim) and do not break them; for all who break vows (nedarim) end up in being faithless in oaths (shevu'ot).” And the one who is faithless in oaths is denying the Holy One, blessed be He through it and will never have forgiveness, as stated (in Exod. 20:7 = Deut. 5:11), “for the Lord will not exonerate [one who takes His name in vain].” [Yet] it is also written (in Jer. 4:2), “And you shall swear, ‘As the Lord lives,’ [in truth, in justice, and in righteousness].” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Do not think that you have permission to swear in My name even in truth.2Numb. R. 22:1. You are not entitled to swear by My name unless you possess all the following attributes (of Deut. 10:20), “The Lord your God you shall fear, Him you shall serve, to Him you shall hold fast, [and by Him you shall swear]”: That you should be like those three who were called God-fearing, Abraham, Job, and Joseph: Abraham of whom it is written (in Gen. 22:12), “For now I know that you fear [God].” Concerning Job it is written (in Job 1:1), “the man was blameless [and upright, one who feared God].” Concerning Joseph it is written (in Gen. 42:18), “for I fear God.” Ergo (in Deut. 10:20), “The Lord your God you shall fear.” (Deut. 10:20, cont.:) “Him you shall serve.” [You do so,] if you turn [all] your attention to the Torah, fulfill [its] commandments and have no other work (abodah). It therefore is stated (ibid.), “Him you shall serve (rt.: 'bd).” (Deut. 10:20, cont.:) “To Him you shall hold fast.” Can one hold fast to the Divine Presence? Moreover, has it not already been stated (in Deut. 4:24), “For the Lord your God is a consuming fire?” It is simply [being stated with reference to] anyone marrying off his daughter to a scholar who reads [Scripture] and recites [Mishnah], that he engage in commerce3Gk.: pragmateia. for him and have him benefit from his assets.4Ket. 111b; cf. Sot. 14a. It is with reference to [such a] one that it is stated (in Deut. 10:20), “to him you shall hold fast.”
If you have all these [attributes] you may swear; if not, you are not entitled to swear. There is a story about King [Jannai], that he had two thousand towns and they all were destroyed because of a true oath. (Numbers 30:17:) “Between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter.” Just like a man only annuls vows of self-affliction and matters between him and her, so too a father only annuls with regards to self-affliction and what is between him and her." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 31:1-2:) “Then the Lord spoke, ‘Exact vengeance for the Children of Israel [on the Midianites].” Let our master instruct us: How many sustained blasts (teqi'ot) does one blow on the eve of the Sabbath to disengage the people from labor? Thus have our masters taught (in Suk. 5:5): One blows three sustained blasts to have the people cease from labor.5See Shab. 35b. How? The hazzan of the congregation takes the trumpets and goes up to the roof at the highest point in the city and blows. [Thereupon] whoever is far from the city leaves his work. Then [the hazzan] comes again and blows a second time. [Thereupon] those who are nearer enter the city. When he blows a third time, they place the hammin6I.e., the Sabbath food kept warm from Friday. in the oven and light the [Sabbath] lights. [If] he has finished blowing [while] the pot was on the stove, they set it on the ground. If there was a light in a woman's hand, she sets it on the ground. The Sabbath is sanctified with trumpets; and so also are new moons and festivals, as stated (in Numb. 10:10), “When you have a day of rejoicing, at your fixed festivals, and on your new moons, you shall blow the trumpets.” Moreover, when they moved out [from camp], they blew the trumpets to move out, as stated (in Numb. 10:5), “Then you shall blow a short blast (teru'ah) and the camps shall move out.” Also when [the congregation] gathered in, they blew the trumpets, as stated (in vs. 7), “When the congregation assembles, you shall blow sustained blasts and not short ones.” And when an enemy oppresses you, you shall blow the trumpets, as stated (in vs. 9), “And when you go to war [in your land against an enemy who oppresses you, you shall blow the trumpets].” And when they went to make war against Midian, they carried out their vengeance with trumpets, as stated (in Numb. 31:6), “with the vessels of the sanctuary and the trumpets for sounding the alarm (teru'ah) in his hand.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 31:2:) “Exact vengeance [for the Children of Israel on the Midianites; afterward you shall be gathered unto your people].” R. Judah said, “If Moses had wanted to live for several [more] years, he could have remained alive; as the Holy One, blessed be He, had made his death dependent upon the vengeance against Midian.7Numb. R. 22:2. It is simply to show you the praise of Moses, as he did not say, ‘For the sake of my remaining alive, I shall delay the Children of Israel's vengeance on Midian.’ [Rather] immediately (in vs. 3), ‘Moses spoke unto the people, saying, “Arm some of your number (anashim) for the army, and let them fall on Midian.”’” [The word,] anashim, [implies that they were] righteous. So also elsewhere (in Exod. 17:9), “Choose anashim for us,”8Here also, as in Numb. 31:3, anashim implies that those chosen were righteous. [implies] righteous men. And so too (in Job 4:13), “in the falling of slumber upon anashim.” (Numb. 31:3, cont.:) “To render the vengeance of the Lord against Midian.” The Holy One, blessed be He, had said (in vs. 2), “the vengeance of the Children of Israel”; but Moses says (here in vs. 3), “the vengeance of the Lord.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “It is your judgment that is called for, because they caused Me to harm you.” [But] Moses said, “Master of the world, if we had been uncircumcised or practitioners of star worship or had denied [the binding force of] the commandments, they would not have persecuted us. On the contrary, [they have done so precisely] because of the Torah and commandments which You have given. The vengeance, therefore, is Yours.” Ergo (in Numb. 31:3), “to render the vengeance of the Lord against Midian.” (Numb. 31:4:) “[You shall send to the war] a thousand per tribe [from all the tribes of Israel].” Some say, “He sent two thousand from each and every tribe.” But others say, “Three thousand from each and every tribe, with twelve thousand armed shock troops, twelve thousand to guard the baggage, and about them it is stated (in Cant. 4:2), ‘Your teeth are like a flock of ewes…,’ and twelve thousand for prayer.”9Numb. R. 22:3. And where is it shown? Where it is stated (ibid.), “A thousand per tribe (literally, a thousand per tribe; a thousand per tribe).”10For the third thousand per tribe, Numb. R. 22:3 cites Numb. 31:5, which repeats: A THOUSAND PER TRIBE, for the third time. (Numb. 31:5:) “So from the thousands in Israel there were furnished a thousand per tribe.” What is the meaning of “were furnished?” That they were furnished for each other in pairs.11Gk.: zeuge, zuga; Lat.: jugera. The probable meaning is that for each thousand who fought, there were a thousand replacements. Another interpretation [of “were furnished”]: They were furnished by force. Since Scripture had made the death of Moses dependent upon the vengeance against Midian, they said, “Shall we go against Midian and let Moses die?” They refrained from going. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Cast lots over the tribes, and they will be furnished automatically.” (Numb. 31:6:) “Then Moses sent them, a thousand per tribe [along with Phinehas ben Eleazar].” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses (in vs. 2), “’Take vengeance,’ by yourself,” and he sent others?12Numb. R. 22:4. It was simply because he had been raised in Midian, he said, “It is not right for me to oppress those who have done good to me.” The proverb says, “Do not cast a stone into a cistern from which you have drunk water.” But some say that this is not the same Midian in which Moses was raised. As this one is next to Moab and it is [still] desolate until now. And why did He send Phinehas (instead of someone else)? He said, “Whoever has begun a commandment should finish it. [Phinehas] has (according to Numb. 25:11) ‘turned around My wrath’ (by executing an Israelite man copulating with the Midianite woman). Let him finish the commandment [that he undertook].” (Numb. 31:6, cont.:) “And the vessels of the sanctuary (haqodesh).” This refers to the ark (and its contents), since it is stated (in Numb. 7:9), “because they (i.e., the Children of Kohath) had the service of the holy (haqodesh) objects, which they carried on the shoulder.” R. Johanan said, “These were the priestly garments, in which were the urim and thummim, as stated (in Exod. 29:29), ‘And the sacred (haqodesh) garments of Aaron.’” (Numb. 31:8:) “They also killed Balaam ben Beor with the sword.” Now what was he doing there? He had simply gone to receive a reward for the twenty-four thousand from Israel that had fallen through his counsel. And about him is it stated (in Prov. 26:27), “He who digs a pit will fall in it.” [It is like the] proverb about the camel that goes to put on and claim horns, while the ears that it had are severed from it. (Numb. 31:11-12:) “Then they took all the plunder…. And they brought unto Moses and Elazar the Priest.” [This text serves] to show their excellence, for they did not want to take the spoils without permission. Rather they had brought all of it before them; and [only] after that, they took [them with his permission]. (Numb. 31:13:) “Then Moses, Elazar the Priest, and the princes of the congregation [went out to meet them.” This text serves] to show Moses' humility, for they all were disciples of his disciples." + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Numb. 31:2:) “Exact vengeance for the Children of Israel.” This text is related (to Job 36:7), “He does not withdraw His eyes from a righteous person […].” What is the meaning of “He does not withdraw His eyes from a righteous person (literally, withdraw from a righteous person his eyes)?” The Holy One, blessed be He, does not keep back from a righteous person what he wants to see with his eyes.13Numb. R. 22:5. [The text] teaches that Moses longed to see vengeance on the Midianites before he died, and [so] he requested from the Holy One, blessed be He, about it, that he should [see it] with his eyes. Thus it is stated concerning him (in Ps. 58:11), “A righteous person will rejoice when he sees vengeance, he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked person.” (Ibid.:) “A righteous person will rejoice,” this refers to Moses; “when he sees vengeance,” i.e., vengeance on Midian; “he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked person,” i.e., of Balaam. Moses said to Phinehas and the warring men, “I know that Balaam the Wicked is there, as he went to collect his wage. Before the wolf comes to the flock, spread the trap for him. And if you see that that wicked man is doing magic, show him the diadem, upon which it is written (according to Exod. 28:36), ‘holy to the Lord.’ And [when] he shall [then] fall, kill him.” (Numb. 31:8:) “And upon their [other] corpses they killed the kings of Midian,” as they were doing magic with Balaam and flying in the air; so they showed them the diadem and they fell upon their corpses. The sages said “It is written about Joshua (in Josh 1:5), ‘as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.’ So Joshua should have lived a hundred and twenty years like Moshe our teacher. And why were they shortened by ten years? Because at the time that the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses (in Numb. 31:2), ‘Exact vengeance for the Children of Israel…,’ even though the announcement of [his] death was [also] announced, he did not say, ‘Tomorrow I will die; what benefit is it to me to exact vengeance from Midian?’ Rather, he showed alacrity in the whole matter, as stated (in Numb. 31:6), ‘And Moses sent them.’ But Joshua did not do like this. When he came to war against thirty-one kings, he said, ‘If I kill them, I will die immediately, as happened to Moshe our teacher.’ What did he do? He began with one and stalled in the war [with the rest], as stated (in Josh. 11:18), ‘Joshua waged war with all those kings over a long period.’ [So] the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, ‘See that I will shorten your years by ten years.’ David said (about this in Prov. 19:21), ‘Many thoughts are in the heart of a man, [but it is the counsel of the Lord that will stand].’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 32:1:) “Now the Children of Reuben and the Children of Gad] had much livestock.” Let our master instruct us: How many good gifts were created in the world?14Numb. R. 22:7. Thus have our masters taught: The Holy One, blessed be He, created three gifts in the world: wisdom, strength, and wealth. A person meriting one of them receives what is most desirable in the whole world. A person meriting wisdom has merited everything. A person meriting strength has merited everything. A person meriting wealth has merited everything. When? When they are gifts of the Heavens and come from the power of the strength of the Holy One, blessed be He. But human strength and wealth are nothing; for thus has Solomon stated (in Eccl. 9:11), “Again I saw that under the sun [the race does not belong to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor even wealth to the discerning, nor even favor to the knowledgeable].” Thus also has Jeremiah stated (in Jer. 9:22), “Thus says the Lord, ‘Let not the wise boast in their wisdom, [nor the strong boast in their strength, nor the wealthy boast in their wealth].’” So these gifts, when they do not come from the Holy One, blessed be He, will finally be cut off from them. The sages taught, “Two wise men arose in the world, one from Israel and one from the nations of the world. Ahitophel was from Israel, while Balaam was from the nations of the world; but both of them were lost from this world and from the world to come. Two strong men arose in the world, one was from Israel and one from the nations of the world. Samson was from Israel, while Goliath was from the nations of the world; but both of them were lost from the world. Two wealthy men arose in the world, Korah from Israel and Haman from the nations of the world; but both of them were lost from the world. Why? Because their gift was not from the Holy One, blessed be He. Rather they grabbed it up for themselves. So also do you find with the Children of Gad and the Children of Reuben that they were very wealthy and had a lot of livestock. But they loved their money and resided outside the Land [of Israel as a result]. For that reason they were the first of the tribes to go into exile, as stated (in I Chron. 5:26), ‘and he carried them into exile, i.e., the Reubenites and the Gadites […].’ Who brought [the exile] upon them? [It happened] because they had separated themselves from their siblings for the sake of their livestock. And where is it shown? From what they read on the subject (in Numb. 32:1), ‘Now the Children of Reuben and the Children of Gad had much livestock.’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 32:1:) “Much livestock.” This text is related (to Ps. 75:7), “For it is not from the east or from the west [or from the wilderness that there comes an exaltation (harim)].” What is the meaning of (Ps. 75:7) “For it is not from the east (rt.: mts') or from the west?”15Numb. R. 22:8. It is not from a person working hard by going out (rt.: mts') for trade and traveling from east to west and searching in wildernesses and on mountains (harim) that he becomes wealthy. Rather even if one sails away in ships to go from east to west and searches in wildernesses and on mountains (harim), he does not become wealthy. What is the meaning of (Ps. 75:7, cont.), “or from the wilderness that there comes an exaltation (harim)?” R. Abba Sanagoria says, “Every use of harim in Scripture denotes mountains except for here, where it denotes exaltation. Thus one is not exalted from these things.” So what does the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He takes possessions (nekhasim) from one and gives them to another, as stated (in Ps. 75:7, cont.), “For God it is who gives judgment; He brings down one man, He lifts up another.” That is why they are called nekhasim, as they are covered (nikhsim) from one and revealed to another. And why is the name of [common coins] called zuzim? Because they move (zazim) from one and are given to another. [It is called] money (mammon), because what you count (mah [she’atah] moneh) is not anything. [It is called] coins (ma’ot), because they are from time (me’et) to time. And one can expound [with these] expression[s of money]. And so did Hannah say (in I Sam. 2:7), “The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He casts down, He also (af) lifts high,” [meaning] with the anger (af) that He bring upon one, He lifts up the other. A certain matron asked R. Jose ben Halafta, “In how many days did the Holy One, blessed be He, create His world? He said to her, “In six days, as stated (in Exod. 31:17), ‘for in six day the Lord made the heavens and the earth.’”16Above, Numb. 1:18; Gen. R. 68:4; PRK 2:4; Lev. R. 8:1; Numb. R. 3:6; cf. above, Gen. 1:2. She said to him, “And what has He been doing since that time?” He said to her, “He sits down and makes ladders for raising up one and putting down another. Hence it is stated (in Ps. 75:7), ‘For God it is who gives judgment; He brings down one man, He lifts up another.’” You yourself know that, when He wanted the Children of Gad and the Children of Reuben to become wealthy, He brought down the Midianites in front of Israel, so that the Children of Gad and the Children of Reuben would become wealthy. What is written above (in Numb. 31:9)? “Then the children of Israel took the women and children of the Midianites captive, and all their cattle, all their livestock, and all their wealth they seized as plunder.” Then after that, it is written (in Numb. 32:1), “Now [the Children of Reuben and the Children of Gad] had much livestock.” See that He brought down the Midianites and raised up the Children of Reuben and the Children of Gad, to fulfill that which is stated, (in Ps. 75:8), “For it is not from the east or from the west…, for it is God who judges; He brings down one man, He lifts up another.”" + ] + ], + "Masei": [ + [ + "Let our master instruct us: When a person is being pursued by troops and brigands,1Gk.: lestai. is it permissible for such a one to profane the Sabbath? Thus have our masters taught: When a person is being pursued by troops and brigands, such a one does profane the Sabbath to save his life.2Numb. R. 23:1; see RH 2:5; ‘Eruv 45a; Ta‘an. 14a. We therefore find in the case of David, that when Saul sought to kill him, he fled from him and was saved.3According to Men. 95b, David’s eating of the consecrated bread (I Sam. 21:7) on the day of his flight (vs. 11) took place on the Sabbath. Our masters have said, “There is a story about a time when evil documents came from the empire for the leading citizens of SepphorIs on the Sabbath. [The citizens] came to R. Eliezer ben Parta [and] said to him, ‘Evil documents have come to us from the empire. What do you say? Shall we flee?’ Since he was afraid to tell them to flee, he said to them. ‘Are you asking me? Go and ask Jacob, Moses, and David.’” With reference to Jacob, it is written (in Hos. 12:13), “Then Jacob fled.” With reference to Moses, it is written (in Exod. 2:15), “but Moses fled from Pharaoh.” With reference to David, it is written (in I Sam. 19:18) “Now David fled and escaped.” It also says (in Is. 26:20), “Go, My people, enter your chambers […].” But where is it shown that the saving of life overrides the Sabbath? Where it is written (in Lev. 18:5), “You shall keep My statutes and ordinances, for it is through performing them that a person shall live,” and not that he die through them. It is also written, with reference to circumcision (in Lev. 12:3), “And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.” It shall be circumcised, and even on the Sabbath. Now are not [these] words [an a fortiori argument] qal wahomer? If circumcision, which concerns [but] one out of the 248 [human] members, overrides the Sabbath, how much the more in the case of the whole body. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “My children, be mindful of My ordinances and keep the Torah, for how many miracles and wonders have I done for you from the day that you went forth from Egypt! I cast down those who hated you, I had you pass through the sea, I cast fear and trembling on your enemies, as stated (in Exod. 15:15), ‘Then were the chiefs of Edom bewildered....’ I destroyed the Amorites [along with] Sihon and Og, and during the whole forty years that you were in the wilderness I did not forsake you for even a single hour. Moreover, how many snakes and scorpions did I exterminate for your sake, as stated (in Deut. 8:15), ‘(God) who led you through the great and terrible wilderness with its fiery serpents and scorpions,’ and I did not let them hurt you.” Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Write down the stages by which Israel journeyed in the wilderness, so that they will know how many miracles I performed for them during each and every stage.” Where is it shown? From what they read on the matter (in Numb. 33:1-2), “These are the stages [by which] the Children of Israel [went forth from the land of Egypt]…. And Moses wrote down their starting points, stage by stage, according to the command of the Lord.”" + ], + [], + [ + "(Numb. 33:1:) “These are the stages of the Children of Israel.” [The matter] is comparable to a king whose son was ill.4Numb. R. 23:3. He brought him to a certain place to heal him. When they returned, his father began recounting the stages, “Here we slept. Here we cooled off. Here you had a headache.” Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Recount to them all the places where they provoked Me.” It is therefore stated (in Numb. 33:1), “These are the stages....” Another interpretation: Why did all these stages (places) merit to be written in the Torah? Since they received (accommodated) Israel, the Holy One, blessed be He, will give them their reward in the future. It is so stated (in Is. 35:1-2), “The arid desert shall be glad.... It shall blossom abundantly, it shall also exult....” And if the desert [will receive] such for receiving Israel; one who receives a Torah scholar into his home, all the more so [will he be rewarded]. You find that in the future the desert will be a settlement and a settlement will be a desert. [That] a desert will be a settlement, as it states (Is. 41:8), “I will make a desert into a lake of water.” And where is it shown a settlement will be a desert in the future? It is so stated (Mal. 1:3), “And I have hated Esau....” Now there are no trees in the desert, but there will be trees there in the future, as stated (Is. 41:19), “I will put cedar and acacia in the desert....” Now there is no path there, as it is all sand and the caravan can only travel it at night with the light of the constellation.5To determine the direction of the journey, since there is no marked path. But there will be a path there in the future, as stated (Is. 43:19), “I will place a path in the desert.” And it is written (Is 35:8), “And there will be a highway there, and it shall be called the Sacred Way....”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 34:1–2:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, ‘Command the Children of Israel [and say unto them], “When you come into the Land of Canaan, [this is the land]....”’” [“This is the land”]6These words occur also in Deut. 34:4 (cited below). The midrash, therefore, interprets the two passages together. What follows in Numb. 34:3ff. describes what Israel is about to receive, while Deut. 34:4 (cited below) speaks of the promise to Israel’s future seed and adds that Moses shall see it. teaches that the Holy One, blessed be He, showed Moses all that had been and all that was going to be.7Numb. R. 23:5. He showed him Samson arising from Dan, and Barak [arising] from Naphtali. So also it was for every generation with its expounders, every generation with its leaders,8Gk.: pronoos. every generation with its sages, every generation with its wicked, every generation with its righteous, as stated (in Deut. 34:4,) “This is the land which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob....” [This] teaches that He showed him gehinnom. Moshe said in front of Him, “Master of the world, who is sentenced to it?” He said to him, “The wicked and those that rebel against Me, as stated (in Is. 66:24), “And they went out and saw the corpses of the people....” Moshe began to fear. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (as in Deut. 34:4), “I have shown it to your eyes, but you will not pass there.” And what is the meaning of “This is the land which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying?” [The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses,] “The oath that I swore to them I have fulfilled for their children.” It is therefore stated (in Deut. 34:4), “saying.”9The Hebrew here can imply the giving of one’s solemn word. (Numbers 34:2:) “This is the land that shall fall to you as your portion.” And does the land fall? But is it not written (in Eccl. 1:4), “but the land stands forever?” It is simply that when the spies came and put out slander on the land and said (in Numb. 13:33), “And we saw the Nephilim there,” and they said (in Numb. 12:31), “it is stronger than us,” Moshe got angry. [Then] all of Israel said, “Moses, our teacher, if these spies were two [or] three, it would be correct for us to trust [them], as stated (Deut. 17:6), ‘By the testimony of two witnesses....’ And behold, they are ten, (as in Deut. 1:28), ‘To where shall we go up?’” As it were, [they were complaining that] the Master of the house is not able to remove his vessels (the inhabitants) from there. What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He took the ministering angel of the land and bound him and put him down in front of them, as stated (Deut. 1:21), “See the Lord, your God, has placed in front of you....” And was [the land] in front of them? It is simply that He put down its ministering angel. And He said to them (in Deut. 1:21, cont.), “Go up and possess..., do not fear and do not tremble,” not from the Nephilim and not from the people that [you say] are bigger and more numerous than us. (Ezek. 45:1:) “When you allot the land as an inheritance....” This text is related (to Psalms 16:6), “Portions of land fell to me in pleasantness, even a beautiful inheritance for me.” “Portions of land fell to me.” These are the twelve tribes, since the land was divided to the twelve tribes, as stated (in Ezek. 47:13), “Thus said the Lord God, ‘These shall be the boundaries of the land that you shall allot to the twelve tribes of Israel.’” “In pleasantness,” in the merit of the Torah, about which it is stated (in Prov. 22:18), “As it is pleasant that you should store them in your belly....” “Even a beautiful inheritance for me.” There is a man who is handsome but his clothing is ugly, and one is ugly but his clothing handsome. But Israel is not like this. They are handsome and their clothing is handsome. They adorn the land and the Land of Israel adorns them. Hence it is stated (in Ps. 16:6), “Even a beautiful inheritance for me.” And so too is it stated (in Job 29:14), “I clothed myself in righteousness and it clothed me.”" + ], + [ + "It is written (in Josh. 7:19), “Then Joshua said unto Achan, ‘My son, please give glory [to the Lord God of Israel and make a confession to Him; please tell me what you have done, do not hide it from me.]’” Achan said to him, “Am I to die because of this thing that you are saying ?”10Numb. R. 23:6. When Achan saw [the situation], he said in his heart, “Now I shall be entrapped by the lot. Then I shall be found untrue (rt.: 'mn) and deemed a liar before Joshua.” At that moment Achan said to Joshua, “Why are you casting lots between me and my house? Let me cast lots between you and Phinehas! If the lot comes up for both of you, I also shall believe (rt.: 'mn) [in it].” At that moment (according to Josh. 7:19) Joshua said to Achan, “My son, please give glory to the Lord God of Israel [and make a confession to Him]. Please tell me what you have done.” Achan said to him, “You also tell me what you have done.” Immediately discord broke out in Israel, so that [Achan's] tribe of Judah arose in strife and killed one group in Israel after another. When Achan saw this, he said in his heart, “If anyone saves a single life in Israel, it is as though he had saved the entire world; yet in my case, it has been through me that several people in Israel have been killed. I am a sinner and one who causes [others] to sin. It is better [for me] to confess my transgression before the Holy One, blessed be He, and before Joshua, so that no calamity come about through me.” What did Achan do? He arose and made his voice heard, so that the whole congregation turned to him. He said to Joshua (in vs. 20), “’(Truly) I am the one who sinned before the Lord God of Israel; thus and so (literally, like this and like this) is what I have done.’ So it was not this alone, but I have already misappropriated other [things].”11See Gen. R. 85:14, according to which Achan had acted dishonestly in the person of his great grandfather, Zerah, the son of Judah by Tamar. Joshua said to him, “Indeed I also knew that you were responsible for the situation; (Josh. 7:19:) ‘please tell me what you have done. Do not hide it from me.’” (Vs. 21:) “I saw among the spoils.” [He said,] “I have seen what is written in the Torah (in Deut. 20:14), ‘you may eat the spoils of your enemies.’” (Josh. 7:21, cont.:) “A fine shinar mantle.” [He continued,] “Now do not say that I am poor and in need, for there is no one in the tribe of Judah wealthier than I. Immediately (there follows vs. 22), “Then Joshua sent messengers, and they ran to the tent.” For what reason did Joshua send them? So that the tribe of Judah would not steal them (i.e., the stolen articles) and continue in the discord. Joshua therefore sent quickly, and (according to vs. 23) “they brought them unto Joshua and unto all the Children of Israel; and they spread them out before the Lord.” What is the significance of “and they spread them out?” Joshua said in front of the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, is it because of these that You have been angry with Your children? Here they are set before you.” Immediately [we read] (in vs. 24), “Then Joshua took Achan ben Zerah, the silver, the mantle, and the wedge of gold, together with his sons and his daughters,” [the latter] in order to teach them a lesson; “his ox, his ass, […] and his tent,” for burning. (Vs. 24, cont.:) “All Israel [Joshua took] with him,” to see his punishment so that they would not become accustomed to acting in this way. (Vs. 24, cont.:) “And they brought them up to the Valley of Achor (akhor; rt.: 'kr).” (Vs. 25:) “Then Joshua said, ‘Just as you have afflicted (rt.: 'kr) us, [may the Lord afflict (rt.: 'kr) you] this day.’”12Without the bracketed words, the verse would read: HOW YOU HAVE AFFLICTED US THIS DAY! This day [only] is he to be afflicted ('akhur; rt.: 'kr), but he will have a share in the world to come. (Vs. 25, cont.:) “Then all Israel pelted him with stones,” him alone; “and they burned them with fire.” The text is speaking of his wealth, for so it had been told [Joshua] by the Almighty (in vs. 15), “And it shall come to pass that the one who has been seized with what has been proscribed shall be burned with fire....” If so, what do we learn from the verse (vs. 15, cont.), “him, and all that he has?” [This passage] is only to teach you that Achan had confessed that he had stolen them on the Sabbath, when he took them out of Jericho and buried them in the midst of his tent. Thus he was stoned for profaning the Sabbath and burned because he had transgressed the ban. And where is it shown? You find that the Holy One, blessed be He, said so to Joshua (in Josh. 6:2–4), “See, I have given Jericho into your hands, [along with its king and the mighty warriors. So you shall go around the city with all the men of war to encompass the city one time, thus shall you do for six days. …] but on the seventh day you shall go around the city seven times.” [This passage serves] to teach you that Jericho was conquered on the Sabbath. Now Joshua did this thing on his own, and the Holy One, blessed be He, gave his consent. Joshua said (to himself), “The Sabbath is holy, as stated (in Exod. 31:14), ‘You shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you.’ So whatever we conquer on it shall be holy.” It is so stated (in Josh. 6:19), “But all the silver and gold, and the vessels of bronze and iron, are holy to the Lord.” And where is it shown that he received consent? Where it is stated (in Joshua 6:17), “The city and everything in it are to be proscribed for the Lord.” At that time (according to Josh. 7:26) “the Lord turned from His burning anger.” Concerning [this matter], it is stated (in Prov. 16:14), “The king's anger is like messengers of death, and whoever is wise will appease it.” This refers to Joshua, who caused the burning anger of the Lord to turn away from Israel." + ], + [ + "(Numb. 34:1-2:) “Then the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, ‘Command the Children of Israel and say unto them, “When you come into the land of Canaan.”’” Let our master instruct us: Before Israel entered the land, how did they say the blessing over the food?13Numb. R. 23:7. Thus have our masters taught: Before they entered the land, they used to only say a single blessing, “who sustains all.”14Cf. Philip Birnbaum, Daily Prayer Book (Hebrew Publishing Co., 1949), p. 759/760. After they had entered the land, they ordained the blessing, “for the land and for the food.”15Birnbaum, p. 763/764. After Jerusalem was destroyed, they added “builder of Jerusalem.”16See Birnbaum, p. 765/766. The prayer also occurs as the fourteenth blessing in the ShemonehEsreh (Birnbaum, p. 89/90), as well as in other contexts. For the various versions of the prayer, see Joseph Heinemann, Prayer in the Talmud, trans. Richard S. Sarason (“Studia Judaica, IX; Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1977), pp. 48-50, 70-76. After those slain at Bethther17During the Bar Cochba war, 132-135. were buried, they added “who is good and does what is good.”18Cf. Birnbaum, p. 765/766.Who is good,” because they did not decay; and “who does what is good,” because they were given burials. None of them, however, is more dear to you than the blessing of the land. The sages [therefore] said, “Whoever does not mention ‘for the land and for the food; a desirable, good, and spacious land; the covenant [of circumcision]; Torah; life; and food’19A Desirable, Good, and Spacious Land plus the elements that follow all form part of a single prayer to be found in Birnbaum, p. 761/762. has not satisfied his obligation.”20See Ber. 48b-49a. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “The land of Israel is more dear to Me than everything. I am the one who sought it out, as stated (in Ezek. 20:6), ‘On that day I swore (literally, raised My hand) to them that I would bring them out of the land of Egypt unto a land which I had sought out for them.’” You find [the same love for the land], when Joshua slew those kings. R. Jannay the Priest said, “There were sixty-two kings, thirty-one at Jericho and thirty one with Sisera. When he went to fight with Israel they also were slain along with him. Why? Because they yearned to drink water from the waters of Israel. They made a request of Sisera and said to him, ‘If you please, let us come with you to war.’ And every king that requested to go to war sent and hired other kings with silver, so that they would help him. They said to Sisera, ‘We do not request anything from you, but rather we will come for free, because we yearn to fill our stomachs with water from that land.’ Thus it is stated (in Jud. 5:19), ‘The kings came, they fought; [... on account of21Heb.: ‘al. The more usual translation here is BY. the waters of Megiddo; they took no gain of silver.’ This verse serves] to inform you that nothing was more beloved than the land of Israel.” The Holy One, blessed be He, had said to Moses, “This land is dear to Me, as stated (in Deut. 11:12), ‘A land for which the Lord your God cares.’ Israel also is dear to Me, as stated (in Deut. 7:8), ‘Because the Lord loves you….’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “I will bring My sons, who are beloved to Me, into a land that is beloved to Me.” Where is it shown? From what they read about the matter (in Numb. 34:2), “when you come into the land of Canaan.”" + ], + [], + [ + "(Numb. 34:2:) “When you come into the land.” What is written above the matter (in Numb. 33:52)? “You shall dispossess all the inhabitants of the land from before you.” This text is related (to Job 35:11), “Who teaches us through the beasts of earth [....]”22The midrash understands the verse in this sense, although a more usual translation WOULD BE WHO TEACHES US MORE THAN THE BEASTS OF THE EARTH. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Learn from the bull of Elijah; for in the hour that (in I Kings 18:25) ‘Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, “Choose one bull for yourselves and prepare it first,”’ at that very hour the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred (and fifty) prophets of Asherah gathered together and were unable to budge its foot from the ground.”23Numb. R. 23:9. Look at what is written there (in vs. 23), “Let them give us two bulls….” What did Elijah do? He said to them, “Choose two bulls for yourselves, twins from the same mother, who are being fattened at the same trough. Cast lots over them, one for the name (i.e., the Holy One, blessed be He,) and one for Baal.” And [so] they choose one bull for themselves. Now Elijah's bull kept following him; but as for that bull which had been assigned to the name of Baal, all those prophets of Baal plus the prophets of Asherah assembled to move [even] its foot from the ground, and were unable to do so, until Elijah began to say [to it] for them, “Go with them.” The bull answered and spoke to Elijah before the eyes of all the people and said to him, “My colleague and I came out of the same womb, and we grew up in the same pasture at the same feeding trough. That one was assigned to the portion of the Holy One, blessed be He, and the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, is sanctified through him. So have I been assigned to the portion of Baal to provoke my Creator?” Elijah said to him, “Go with them, and do not let them find an excuse. Just as the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, is being sanctified through this one with me, so will it be sanctified through you.” He said to him, “Now that you have given me this advice, I swear that I will not move from here until you deliver me into their hand.” Thus it is stated (in vs. 26), “and they took the bull that he gave to them and prepared it.” And who gave it to them? Elijah. You also learn that Elijah said to them (in vs. 23), “Let them give us two bulls,” and he also said to them (in vs. 25), “Choose one bull for yourselves.” Then at the end [of the verse] is written (ibid. cont.), “and they took the bull which he had given them.” It is therefore stated (in Job 35:11), “Who teaches us through the beasts of [the] earth.” (Ibid., cont.:) “And He makes us wise through the birds of the heavens.”24The midrash understands the verse in this sense, although a more usual translation would be AND HE MAKES US WISER THAN THE BIRDS OF THE HEAVENS. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Learn [a lesson] from the ravens who fed Elijah, of whom it is stated (in I Kings 17:6), ‘So the ravens brought him bread and meat […].’ From where did they bring him [it]? From Jehoshaphat's table, because those ravens did not want to enter Ahab's house to take anything from his table for this righteous man. [They would not go there] because his house was full of idolatry.” Ergo (in Job 35:11), “He makes us wise through the birds of the heavens.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “Learn from the bull and from the ravens, and do not turn unto idols to look at them.” Where is it shown? From what they read on the matter (in Numb. 33:52), “You shall dispossess all the inhabitants of the land.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 34:2:) “When you come [into the land of Canaan].” This text is related (to Jer. 2:31), “You, O generation, understand the word of the Lord! Have I been a desert (hmdbr, voweled as (hamidbar) to Israel…?” Do not read “a desert,” but “have I spoken (hmdbr, voweled as hamedabber)” anything (dbr) to Israel that I have not fulfilled?25Numb. R. 23:10. With regard to the land which I agreed to give to them, did I say that it was beautiful and mislead them? (Ibid., cont.:) “Or a land of utter darkness (ma'pelyah)?” What is the meaning of “ma'pelyah (rt.: 'pl)?” Did I, perhaps, promise you to bring you into the land and [then] delay you? After all, ma'pelyah can only mean \"delay,\" as stated (in Exod. 9:32), “But the wheat and the spelt were not hurt because they ripen late (i.e., are delayed, rt.: 'pl).”26Tanh. (Buber), Numb. 1:2. See, you will be entering into its midst, “When (according to Numb. 34:2) you come into the land of Canaan (kena'an),” [i.e., into] a land of business,27Gk.: pragmateia. a land of trade. [The usage is] just as you say (in Is. 23:8 with reference to Tyre), “whose traders (kena'anim)28Here the word usually translated CANAAN (Kena‘an) occurs in the sense of trader, as in Hos. 12:8. the world honored.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 34:2), “This is the land that shall fall to you as an inheritance.” What is the meaning of “to you?” To you it is fitting.29Numb. R. 23:11. [The matter] is comparable to a king who had male and female slaves and would have his male slaves marry female slaves from another estate and his female slaves [marry] male salves from a different estate.30Gk.: ousia. Although this word commonly means “substance” or “essence,” it also came to mean “estate,” at least from Ptolemaic times. See James Hope Moulton and George Milligan, The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament Illustrated from the Papyri and Other Non-Literary Sources (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1960) The king stopped and reflected. He said, “The male slaves are mine and the female slaves are mine. It would be better for me to marry my male slaves ('avadim) to my female slaves, my own to my own.” Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “The land is Mine, as stated (in Ps. 24:1), ‘The land is the Lord's and all that is in it.’ Moreover Israel is Mine, as stated (in Lev. 25:55), ‘For to Me the Children of Israel are servants ('avadim).’ [It is] better for Me to bequeath My land to my servants who belong to Me, My own to My own.” It is therefore stated (in Numb. 34:2), “this is the land that shall fall to you.” Another interpretation (of Numb. 34:2), “this is the land”: This text is related (to Ps. 111:6), “He revealed to His people His powerful works.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “I could have created a different desirable land for you. But in order to show you My strength, I am expelling your enemies in front of you and giving you their land, to fulfill that which is stated, ‘He revealed His powerful works....’”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 35:9–11:) “And the Lord spoke [unto Moses, saying], ‘Speak unto the Children of Israel, and say unto them, “When you cross the Jordan to the Land of Canaan, you shall provide yourselves with cities [to be cities of refuge, where a killer may flee who has taken a life by mistake].”’” This text is related (to Ps. 25:8), “The Lord is good and straightforward; therefore He instructs sinners in the way.” (Ibid., vs. 6:) “Be mindful of Your mercies, O Lord, and of Your steadfast love.” David said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, were it not for Your mercies, which took precedence for the first Adam, he would not have survived.31Numb. R. 23:13. Although You said to him (in Gen. 2:17), ‘For on the day that you eat from it, you shall surely die,’ You did not act in that way. Instead You excluded him from the Garden of Eden, as stated (in Gen. 3:24), ‘So he drove out the man.’ So why was he driven out? Because he had brought death to [all future] generations. He should have died immediately; but because You were merciful to him, You [simply] drove him out. It is the same with one who kills by mistake, when he goes into exile into the cities of refuge.” It is therefore stated (in Ps. 25:6), “Be mindful of Your mercies, O Lord, and of Your steadfast love….” When Moses arose, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to [him] (in Numb. 35:11), “You shall provide yourselves with cities [to be cities of refuge].” Moses said, “Master of the world, when someone takes a life by mistake in the south or in the north, how will he know where the cities of refuge are, that he should flee to it?” He said to him (in Deut. 19:3), “’You yourself shall prepare (rt.: tkn) the road (derekh).’ You yourself shall make the roads [to these cities] straight (rt.: tkn), so that [anyone fleeing to them] will not go astray for the blood avenger to find him and kill him, when (according to Deut 19:6) ‘he did not incur the death penalty.’” He said to him, “How?” He said to him, “Erect road markers32stelai; Lat.: stelae. directing (rt.: tkn) [such a refugee] to the cities of refuge, so that he will know how to go there; and on every marker inscribe, ‘[Involuntary] killers to the cities of refuge,’ as stated (in Deut. 19:3), ‘You yourself shall prepare (rt.: tkn) the road (derekh).’” Thus David has said (in Ps. 25:8), “The Lord is good and straightforward; therefore He instructs sinners in the way (derekh).” [Now] if for killers He has made a way and a road (derekh; rt.: drk), for them to flee and escape death), how much the more so in the case of the righteous. (Ps. 25:9:) “He leads (rt.: drk) the lowly in justice.”" + ], + [ + "(Numb. 35:11:) “Where a killer may flee who has taken a life by mistake.” “By mistake,” and not on purpose. If someone goes and kills on purpose, then says, “It was by mistake that I killed,” and flees to [one of the] cities of refuge, the Holy One, blessed be He, says, “Even if he comes in and flees to My altar, kill him, according to what is stated (in Exod. 21:14), ‘[But when someone plots against his companion and kills him treacherously], you shall take him away [even] from My altar [for execution].’” Who was this person who fled to the altar and was killed? This was Joab, of whom it is stated (in I Kings 2:28), “When the news came to Joab,… [Joab fled unto the tent of the Lord and seized the horns of the altar].” You find that Joab was a great sage and the head of the Sanhedrin,33Gk.: Synehedrion. as stated (in II Sam. 23:8), “one who sits in the seat of wisdom.”34These words are commonly understood as the proper name, JOSHEB-BASSHEBETH, A TAHCHEMONITE, but this and other citations of the verse in rabbinic literature tend to understand the verse as translated here. See Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 4:12, and the note there; also below, Tanh. (Buber), Deut. 1:3. Cf. MQ 26b, for an interpretation that identifies this sage with David himself. [So] when he went and seized the horns of the altar, did he not know what is written in the Torah (in Exod. 21:14), “But when someone plots against his companion [and kills him treacherously, you shall take him away (even) from my altar for execution]?”35yMakk. 2:7 [6] (31d); Sanh. 48b; see Makk. 12b. It is simply that [Joab] had said, “Those killed by a court of law are not buried in the graves of their ancestors but by themselves. It is better to die here, so that I may be buried with my ancestors.” (I Kings 2:30–31:) “Then Benaiah brought back word unto the king.... So the king said to him, ‘Do as he has spoken, strike him down and bury him.’” Why was he killed? Because his (Solomon's) father, David, had ordered him [to do] so (in I Kings 2:5), “Moreover, you also know what Joab ben Zeruiah did to me.” What did he do to him? You find that, when David wrote to Joab (in II Sam. 11:15), “Set Uriah in the front line [where the fighting is the fiercest]...,” he did so, and he was killed. All the army leaders assembled against Joab, as [Uriah] was the head of the warriors, as stated of him (in II Sam. 23:39), “Uriah the Hittite, [was one of all] thirty-seven [leaders].” He showed them the document. It is therefore stated (in I Kings 2:5), “What Joab ben Zeruiah] did to me.” (I Kings 2:5, cont.:) “And what he did to the two commanders of Israel's forces, to Abner ben Ner and to Amasa ben Jether, he killed them.” All of Israel had been of the opinion that David had ordered him to kill [Abner] because Abner was Saul's cousin. And for that reason David arose and cursed Joab, when he said (in II Sam. 3:29), “may the house of Joab never lack [one with a discharge, a leper, one who grasps the crutch,36Modern translations commonly understand these words to mean, A MALE WHO HANDLES THE SPINDLE, but the midrash understands them in the sense given here. one who falls by the sword, and one lacking bread].” Then all Israel was appeased,37Rt.: PYS. Cf. Gk.: peisai (“to have persuaded”). when they knew that there was no [authorization] from David. So David ordered his son, Solomon, to kill him, because Joab was the son of David's sister, and he sought to approach him to the world to come.38If he received punishment in this world, his deed would no longer bar him from doing so. When Solomon sought to kill him, Joab said to Benaiah, “Go and tell Solomon, ‘Do not sentence me with two judgments. If you are killing me, take off from me the curses with which your father, David, cursed me; and if not, leave me with his curses.’” Immediately (in I Kings 2:31), “So the king said to him, ‘Do as he has spoken, strike him down and bury him.” R. Judah has said, “All curses with which David cursed Joab were all fulfilled in David's seed.”39yQid. 1:7 (61a); cf. above, Gen. 7:7; ‘Arakh. 16a. One with a discharge [was fulfilled in] Rehoboam ben Solomon (according to I Kings 12:18 = II Chron. 10:18), “then King Rehoboam succeeded in mounting his chariot (merkavah).” It also says concerning one with a discharge (in Lev. 15:9), “And any saddle (merkav) on which the one with a discharge rides [shall be unclean].” A leper [was fulfilled in] Uzziah, of whom it is stated (in II Kings 15:5), “and he was a leper until the day of his death.” One who grasps the crutch [was fulfilled in] Asa, of whom it is written (in I Kings 15:23), “however in his old age he became diseased in his feet,” where (he became like a woman, as) gout40Gk.: podagra; Lat.: podagra. had seized him. One who falls by the sword [was fulfilled in] Josiah, of whom it is written (in II Chron. 35:23), “Then the archers shot King Josiah.” Moreover, Rav Judah has said that his whole body was like a sieve. And Rav said, “They thrust iron lances41Gk.: longchai. into him, until they had perforated him like a sieve.” And one lacking bread [was fulfilled in] Jehoiachin, of whom it is stated (in II Kings 25:30 = Jer. 52:34), “And for his food allowance a regular food allowance was given to him from the king, from the table of Evil-Merodach.” You also find that as long as Jehoiada lived, Joash did the will of his Creator, as stated (in II Kings 12:3 // II Chron. 24:2), “And Jehoash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord all his days as the priest Jehoiada instructed him.” (II Chron. 24:17:) “Now after the death of Jehoiada, the princes of Judah came and bowed low to the king, and the king hearkened unto them,” in that he took it upon himself to make an idol. Therefore (according to vs. 24), “they inflicted judgments on Joash.” Now for what was Abner punished? It was because he had made light and an amusement (rt.: shq), the blood of the young men, as stated (in II Sam. 2:14), “Then Abner said unto Joab, ‘Please let the young men arise and play (rt.: shq) before us.’”42The result of their “playing” was that they all killed each other. And there are also those who say it was because he put his name before the name of David, as stated (in II Sam. 3:12), “Then Abner sent messengers unto David where he was, saying, ‘To whom does the land belong?’” But the sages say, “It was because he did not let Saul be reconciled with David.” And our masters say, “He had the power to protest [the massacre] at Nob, the city of priests, and did not protest.”" + ], + [ + "(Numbers 35:11:) “You shall provide yourselves with places to serve you as cities of refuge.” And it is written (in Numbers 35:13-14), “six cities of refuge shall there be for you. The three cities.” The three in the Land of Israel were in the West; and the three that were across the Jordan in the East were in the Land of the Children of Reuben, in the Land of the Children of Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh, as stated (in Deut. 4:43), “Bezer, in the desert [...].” R. Johanan said, (Ibid.,) “’Bezer, in the desert [...],’ see, there were three in the East. And the three in the West were in Hevron of Judah, and Shechem of Ephraim, which is Napolin (Nablus), and Kadesh in the Galilee from the tribe of Naphtali.” Moshe only apportioned [land] for the Reubenites, the Gadites and for the half tribe of Manasseh, and he set aside three cities from them, as stated (in Deut. 4:41), “Then Moses set aside three cities.” But Joshua apportioned [land] to all of the tribes, and they took [it] according to their lots, and they gave forty-eight cities to the Levites; the priests took thirteen, and the rest went to the [other] Levites, and the three cities of refuge came into their lot. And the tribe of Levi did not take a portion in the land, as stated (Jos. 12:33), “But no [portion] was assigned by Moses to the tribe of Levi.” Why? [Because (as in Deut. 18:2),] “the Lord is his portion, as He spoke to him.” You find that Sennacherib exiled Israel in three exiles.43Numb. R. 23:14; cf. Lam. R. Proem 5. First, he exiled the Reubenites, the Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh. Second, [came] the tribe of Zebulon and the tribe of Naphtali, as stated (in Is. 8:23), “in the former time he abased the land of Zebulon and the land of Naphtali.” Third, he exiled the rest of the tribes, as stated (ibid., cont.), “and later he afflicted (hikhbid).”44Translations of this verse vary, but the translation given here fits the sense of the midrash. He swept (hikhbid) them as [with] a broom (makhbed). Nebuchadnezzar also carried out three exiles with the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. In the first he exiled Jehoiakim [and] in the second, Jehoiachin. What did he do? He bound him in his carriage45Lat.: carruca; Gk.: karrouchion. and [there] he became dear to him.46Buber suggests a translation such as, “and it was his favorite.” Thus it is stated, “Behold, I am sending you away like a queen mother.”47The text is not in Scripture, but cf. Jer. 29:2. Just as one honors the queen mother, so did Nebuzaradan act toward him. [Then] Nebuzaradan exiled Zedekiah, for a total of three exiles. From where do we know that Nebuchadnezzar was a world emperor? As he exiled these to here and those to there, and he exiled Israel to Babylon, and those in Babylon to the Land of Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In this world Israel has gone into exile and spread among the gates of the world, because of iniquities, as stated (Jer. 15:7), “And I will scatter them with a winnowing fork to the gates of the world”; but in the future to come (according to Deut. 30:4), “If your banishment is to the end of the heavens, from there will the Lord your God gather you, even from there will He bring you back.” It also says (in Is. 11:12), “and he shall gather the dispersed of Judah […].” And it says (in Is. 31:11), “And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing. Everlasting joy shall be upon their heads, they shall obtain joy and gladness, while sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” And so may it be His will. Amen and Amen!", + "The end of the book of Numbers" + ] + ], + "Devarim": [ + [ + "(Deut. 1:1:) “These are the words (elleh hadevarim).” May the name [of the Holy One, blessed be He,] be blessed and may His memory be exalted. All the miracles that he did for Israel in the wilderness, He is likewise going to do in Zion. It is written concerning the wilderness (ibid.), “These are the words;” and it is written concerning Zion (in Is. 42:16), “I will turn darkness before them into light and rough places into level ground. These things (elleh hadevarim) I will do, and I will not forsake them.” It is written concerning the wilderness (in Exod. 20:15), “Now all the people saw the thunderings (qol in the plural)”; and it is written concerning Zion (in Jer. 33:11), “The sound (qol) of joy and the sound (qol) of gladness, [the voice (qol) of the bridegroom and the voice (qol) of the bride].” It is written concerning the wilderness (in Ps. 68:9), “The earth quaked”; and it is written concerning Zion (in Hag. 2:6), “I will cause the heavens and the earth to quake.” It is written concerning the wilderness (in Exod. 13:21), “And the Lord went before them by day”; and it is written concerning Zion (in Is. 52:12), “for the Lord shall go before you.” It is written concerning the wilderness (in Deut. 30:9), “for the Lord shall be glad over you again”; and it is written concerning Zion (in Is. 65:19), “I will also rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in My people.” [Also (according to Is. 35:1),] “The wilderness and the arid land shall be glad.” What did Isaiah see to say this? It is simply that, when Israel transgressed the Torah, Hosea arose and said (in Hos. 2:5), “I will make her like a wilderness and render her like an arid land.” For that reason Isaiah has said (in Is. 35:1), “The wilderness and the arid land shall be glad.” Now all the consolations of which Isaiah spoke are double, because (according to Is. 40:2) “she (i.e., Jerusalem) has received from the hand of the Lord double for all her sins.”1Lam. R. 1:22. So for that reason the consolations are double (in vs. 1) “Comfort, O comfort My people.” [Similarly (in Is. 51:12),] “I, I am the one who comforts you.” [Also (in Is. 51:9),] “Awake, awake.” [Also (in Is. 51:17),] “Rouse yourself, rouse yourself!” [Also] (in Is. 61:10),] “I will be glad with rejoicing.” [Also] (in Is. 35:2),] “It shall blossom with blossoms.” Another interpretation (of Is. 35:1), “The wilderness and the arid land shall be glad.” For what reason was this written? To teach you that when the Holy One, blessed be He, reveals His Divine Presence over Israel, He does not reveal it all to them on one occasion, because they would not have been able to persevere in this bounty all at once; for if He had revealed His bounty to them at one time, they would all have died. See what is written (in Is. 64:3), “From time immemorial they have not heard, nor has an ear perceived, nor has an eye seen a God besides you, who works for those who wait for him.” Go and learn from Joseph; for when he made himself known to his brothers after so many years, [when] Joseph said to them (in Gen. 45:3), “I am Joseph,” they all died, “and they could not answer him; [for they were dismayed because of him].” How much the more [would Israel be dismayed] at [a sudden revelation of] the Holy One, blessed be He! So what does the Holy One, blessed be He, do for them instead? He reveals himself to them little by little. At the beginning, He makes the mountains glad, as stated (in Is. 35:1), “The wilderness and the arid land shall be glad.” Then after that (ibid.), “the steppes shall rejoice […].” Then after that (in vs. 2), “It shall bloom abundantly.” Then after that (ibid.), “the glory of Lebanon shall be given to it.” Then after that (ibid.), “they shall see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.” For that reason David said (in Ps. 102:17), “For the Lord has built up Zion; He has appeared in His glory.” It also says (in Is. 52:8), “for eye to eye they will see the return of the Lord to Zion.” And it also says (in Is. 25:9), “In that day they shall say, ‘See, this is our God; we waited for Him, and He delivered us; [this is the Lord; we waited for Him, let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.’”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 1:1:) “These are the words that Moses spoke….” Israel said, “Yesterday you said (in Exod. 4:10), ‘I am not a man of words.’ And now you are speaking so much?” Rabbi Isaac said, “If you are impeded in your speech, recite the Torah and you will be healed, [as] Moshe already studied all of the Torah.” (Deut. 1:1, cont.:) “Through the wilderness, in the Arabah near Suph.” This text is related (to Is. 35:6), “Then the lame shall leap like a hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall shout for joy.” Come and see. When the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses (in Exod. 3:10), “I will send you unto Pharaoh,” Moses said to Him, “You are doing me an injustice.2Gk.: bia. (Exod. 4:10), ‘I am not a man of words.’” He said to Him, “Seventy languages are spoken in Pharaoh's palace.3Palterin. Gk.: praitorion; Lat. praetorium. Thus if a man comes from another place, they speak with him in his own language. When I go on Your mission, they will examine me, asking whether I am a representative of the Omnipresent. Then it will be revealed to them that I do not know how to converse with them. Will they not laugh at me, saying, ‘Look at the agent of the One who created the world and all its languages! Does he not know how to listen and reply?’ See here, something is wrong!4Gk.: bia. (Exod. 4:10:) ‘I am not a man of words,’ (Exod. 6:12) ‘For I have uncircumcised lips (i.e., a speech impediment).’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “But look at the first Adam. Since no creature taught him, where did he [come to] know seventy languages? It is so stated (in Gen. 2:20), ‘And he gave names to (them).’ ‘A name for every beast’ is not written here but rather ‘names’ (in the plural, i.e., a name for each and every beast in seventy languages). And you say, (Exod. 4:10) ‘I am not a man of words.’” At the end of forty years [from] when Israel left Egypt, [Moses] began to elucidate the Torah in seventy languages, as stated (in Deut. 1:5), “he elucidated this Torah.” The mouth that said (in Exod. 4:10), “I am not a man of words,” [then] said (in Deut. 1:1), “These are the words.” The prophet [thus] cries out and says (in Is. 35:6), “Then the lame shall leap like a hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall shout for joy.” Why? (Ibid., cont.:) “Because waters shall break forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.” It is therefore stated (in Deut. 1:1), “These are the words.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 2:2-4:) “Then the Lord spoke unto me, saying, ‘You have had enough of going about this mountain; turn north. Now charge the people, saying, “You are passing through the territory of your kindred, the children of Esau, who dwell in Seir.”’” This text is related (to Ps. 60:1), “To the director: With a shushan eduth; a mikhtam of David, for instruction.” When? (According to vs. 2,) “When he had struggled with Aram-Naharaim and Aram-Zobah, and Joab returned and smote Edom – [an army] of twelve thousand men – in the Valley of Salt.”5See Gen. R. 74:15. Now was it not already stated (in I Kings 11:16), “For Joab and all Israel stayed there six months, until he had annihilated every male in Edom?” And yet it repeats afterwards (here in Ps. 60:2, cont.), “Joab returned and smote Edom – [an army] of twelve thousand men – in the Valley of Salt.” This text is related (to Is. 50:8), “My Vindicator is at hand; who will contend with me; let us stand together […].” The Holy One, blessed be He, gave Torah to Israel, so that through it they would attain vindication before all peoples. You find that Joab was head of the Sanhedrin,6Gk.: Synedrion. as stated (in II Sam. 23:8), “These are the names of the warriors whom David had: one who sits in the seat of wisdom.”7These words are commonly understood as the proper name, JOSHEB-BASSHEBETH, A TAHCHEMONITE, but this and other citations of the verse in rabbinic literature tend to understand the verse as translated here. See above, Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 4:12, and the note there; also Tanh. (Buber), Numb. 10:9: Cf. MQ 16b, for an interpretation that identifies this sage with David himself. This was Joab. But David was wiser than all, since it is stated (in II Sam. 14:20 with reference to David), “my lord is as wise as the wisdom of an angel of God.” Still, they only acted on something in accord with the Sanhedrin, as stated (in Ps. 60:1), “To the director: with the shushan eduth (i.e., lily of witness).” “Shushan” refers to the Sanhedrin, since it is stated (in Cant. 7:3), “fenced in with the lilies (shoshanim).” “Witness (eduth)” [is mentioned] because of the Torah, which is called a witness.8For this interpretation, see William G. Braude, The Midrash on Psalms (“Yale Judaica Series,” 13; New Haven: Yale, 1959), vol. 2, p. 477, n. 2 on Ps. 60, who explains that wheat symbolizes Torah and lilies represent the sages. Thus SHUSHAN EDUTH, “Lily of Witness,” alludes to the sages in the Sanhedrin, who teach from their knowledge of the Witness or Torah. See also above, Tanh. (Buber), Exod 9:1; Numb. 1:4, and the notes there. “Mikhtam” refers to David, who became (a king [melekh]) [humble (makh)] and called himself, poor; innocent (tam), because he walked in innocence with his Creator. When? (According to Ps. 60:2,) “When he had struggled with Aram-Naharaim.” What does that mean? When Joab went to fight with Aram-Naharaim, they came out towards him. They said to him, “You are one of the Children of Jacob, but we are from the Children of Laban. Now here is their confirmed agreement, as written (in Gen. 31:52), ‘This mound is a witness, [and the pillar9Matstsebah. Cf. Braude, ibid., n. 1 to Ps. 60, who suggests that the mikhtam of Ps. 60:1 may denote a pillar. is a witness that […] you will not pass beyond this mound and this pillar towards me with evil intent].’” When Joab heard that, he returned to David. He said to him, “What do you say to that? Here is our ancestor Jacob's sworn agreement.” They immediately convened a Sanhedrin, (in the words of Ps. 60:1) “a shushan eduth (i.e., lily of witness) […] [for instruction].” They instructed him and said, “It really was so, but they transgressed it first. Did Balaam the Wicked not say like this (in Numb. 23:7), ‘It is from Aram that Balak has brought me, the king of Moab…?’ Moreover, did not Cushan-Rishathaim (of Aram-Naharaim) enslave us, as stated (in Jud. 3:8), ‘and the children of Israel served Cushan-Rishathaim eight years?’ [Thus] they have committed two wicked acts against us.” When the court had so instructed him, he immediately turned back against them and slew them, as stated (in Ps. 60:2), “When he had struggled with Aram-Naharaim and Aram-Zobah, and Joab returned and smote Edom – [an army] of twelve thousand men – in the Valley of Salt.” But did he not make war with Aram (i.e., Syria)? [So] shat is the meaning of “and smote Edom?” It should have said \"and he smote Aram,\" not “Edom.”10In Hebrew block letters “Aram” and “Edom” look almost identical. It is simply that when Joab came to fight with Aram, the children of Edom stood up to him and said to him, “Did not the Holy One, blessed be He, say to you (in Deut. 2:5), ‘Do not engage them in battle, for I will not give you of their land so much as a foot can tread on?’ Joab answered them, “Did he not say this to us (in vs. 4), ‘You are passing through the territory of your kindred, the children of Esau?’ Allow us to pass to our land! [But they did not want to do so.] Joab said to [his army], “If we eradicate Edom now, we shall find nothing to eat or drink on our return. Instead let us leave them alone until we have smitten Aram, and then we shall turn back against them.” It is therefore stated (in Ps. 60:2), “[When he had struggled with Aram-Naharaim and Aram-Zobah,] and Joab returned and smote Edom – [an army] of twelve thousand men – in the Valley of Salt.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “What benefit is it for you that you smite Edom little by little?” [As we also find that] Abishai ben Zuriyah killed eighteen thousand, “and (in II Sam. 8:14), all the Edomites became vassals of David.” When the time comes, I will destroy and eradicate it, as stated (in Obad. 1:19-21), “They shall take possession of the Negeb and the Mountain of Esau…. They shall possess the Ephraimite country and the district of Samaria…. And the exiles in this army of the Children of Israel…. For saviors shall go up on Mount Zion to judge the Mountain of Esau.” At that time (ibid., cont.), “the kingdom shall belong to the Lord.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 2:3:) “You have had enough of going about this mountain.” This text is related (to Cant. 2:7=3:5), “I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem by gazelles or by hinds of the field….” There are three oaths11Actually there are four oaths, 2:7; 3:5; 5:8; and 8:4, and only the first two mention gazelles or hinds. in the book of Canticles that the Holy One, blessed be He, adjured [Israel].12Cf. Ket. 111a. Why? One in which the Holy One, blessed be He, adjured Israel not to reveal the end13Cf. Cant. R. 12:9:1.; [a second] that they would not force the end; [a third] that they would not rebel against the [other] kingdoms. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “If you fulfill the oaths, fine; but if not, I will permit your flesh [to be prey], as with gazelles or hinds of the field, [the injury of which] no one makes a claim or demands. So shall I not make a claim about your blood. (Deut. 2:31:) “And the Lord said unto me], ‘See I have begun to give Sihon and his land over to you.” It is also written (in Amos 2:9), “Yet I destroyed the Amorite14Although THE AMORITE implies the Amorite people in the biblical context, in the context of the midrash the singular AMORITE refers to Sihon. before (you) [them].” By virtue of what? By virtue of the Torah, which the sages had taught. Our masters have said, “Sihon was difficult [to overcome].15M. Pss. 136:11. His height was like a wall tower, and he was stronger than all creatures. He was taller than any tower on earth, but his feet reached to the earth. So no creature was able to stand before him, just as it says (Amos 2:9, cont.), “yet I destroyed his fruit above and his roots below.” What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He bound the ministering angel that belonged to him and to his land. Then he cast him from his place and handed him over to Israel. Therefore it is written (ibid.), “yet I destroyed his fruit above and his roots below.” Our masters have said, “Sihon and Og were stronger than Pharaoh and his armies. And just as they uttered a song over the fall of Pharaoh, so were they worthy to utter a song at their fall. It is simply that David came and uttered a song over them, as stated (in Ps. 136:17, 19) ‘To the One who smote great kings […]; Sihon, king of the Amorites […].’”" + ] + ], + "Vaetchanan": [ + [ + "(Deut. 3:23:) “I besought the Lord.” This text is related (to Job 9:22), “It is all one; therefore, I say, ‘He destroys the innocent and the wicked.’” Moses said, “Master of the world, everything is equal before you. There is one determination for the righteous and for the wicked.” Similarly also Solomon says (in Eccl. 9:2), “Since everything [happens] to everyone, the same lot [falls] to the righteous and to the wicked, [to the good, to the clean and to the unclean, to the one who sacrifices and to the one who does not sacrifice; as it is with the good, so it is with the sinner; the one who takes an oath is like one who fears an oath].” (Eccl. 9:2:) “To the righteous” refers to Noah.1Lev. R. 20:1; Eccl. R. 9:2:1; PRK 26:1; cf. Tanh., Lev. 6:1; above, Lev. 6:1. R. Phinehas [said] in the name of R. Johanan, [who spoke] in the name of R. Eliezer the son of R. Jose the Galilean, “When Noah came out of the ark, the lion bit him and maimed him so that he became unfit to offer sacrifice; so his son Shem offered sacrifice in his place.” (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “And to the wicked” refers to Pharaoh Necho. When he wanted to sit on Solomon's throne [and] did not know its mechanism,2Gk.: manganon. a lion which was on the throne3I Kings 10:19-20 = II Chron. 9:18-19. bit him and maimed him. The former died with a limp, and the latter died with a limp. (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “To the good” refers to Moses, as stated (in Exod. 2:2), “And when she saw that he was good,” in that he was born circumcised.4Sot. 12a; Exod. R. 1:20. (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “To the clean” refers to Aaron, who would cleanse the sins of Israel. (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “And to the unclean,” refers to the spies. The one group (i.e., the spies) uttered slander against the land of Israel, while the other (i.e., Moses and Aaron) uttered praise for the land of Israel; [still] the former did not enter [the land], nor did the latter enter it. (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “To the one who sacrifices” refers to Josiah, as stated (in II Chron. 35:7), “Then Josiah donated to the lay people a flock of lambs and kids, all for Passover sacrifices.” (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “And to the one who does not sacrifice” refers to Ahab, who abolished the sacrifices from upon the altar, since this is what is written (in II Chron. 18:2), “where Ahab slaughtered sheep and cattle for him (i.e., for Jehoshaphat).” “For him” he slaughtered, but for sacrifices he did not slaughter. [Nevertheless] the former died by arrows, as written (in II Chron. 35:23), “Then the archers shot King Josiah,”5Cf. yQid. 1:7 (61a); Ta‘an 23b; MQ 28b; Sanh. 48b. and the latter died by arrows, as written (in I Kings 22:34 = II Chron. 18:33), “But a certain man drew his bow at random and struck the king of Israel….” (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “As it is for the good refers to David, of whom it is stated (in I Sam. 16:12), “And they sent and they brought him, and he was ruddy with beautiful eyes and a good appearance.” (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “So it is with the sinner” refers to Nebuchadnezzar, of whom it is written (in Dan. 4:24), “atone for your sinning through righteousness.” The former built the Temple and reigned forty years. The latter destroyed the Temple and reigned forty years. (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “The one who takes an oath (without keeping it)” refers to Zedekiah, of whom it is written (in II Chron. 36:13), “And he also rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar who had made him take an oath by God.” What was his rebellion?6Ned. 65a. Zedekiah discovered Nebuchadnezzar as he was eating a live rabbit. Nebuchadnezzar said to Zedekiah, “Swear to me that you will not reveal it.” He swore to him. In the end he was inwardly sorry, and he had his oath absolved. When the other kings heard [what Nebuchadnezzar did], they disparaged him. [Moreover] they were saying against him, “Be aware of who is ruling the earth, one who eats live rabbit!” When Nebuchadnezzar heard [what they were saying], he sent to have the Sanhedrin7Gk.: Synedrion. and Zedekiah come to him. He said to them, “Have you seen what Zedekiah has done to me; did he not swear to me?” [Zedekiah] said to him, “I had my oath absolved.” He (Nebuchadnezzar) said to the Sanhedrin, “Can an oath be absolved?” They said to him, “One absolves [an oath, if there is] danger to one's life.” He said to them, “When?” They said to him, “On the same day.” He said to them, “In the presence of him [to whom the oath was sworn] or not in his presence?” They said to him, “In his presence.” He said to them, “And what was the reason you did not say [so] to Zedekiah?” Immediately (in the words of Lam. 2:10), “The elders of the Daughters of Zion sit on the ground in silence.” R. Isaac said, “[This teaches that] they removed the pillows and cushions from beneath them.” (Eccl. 9:2, cont.:) “Like one who fears an oath.” This refers to Samson, [as stated (in Jud. 15:12),] “then Samson said to them, ‘Swear to me that you yourselves will not attack me.’” From here [we know] that he feared an oath. [The former died with his eyes gouged out, and the latter died with his eyes gouged out.] The former died with his eyes gouged out according to what is stated (in II Kings 25:7 = Jer. 39:7 = Jer. 52:11), “then he put out Zedekiah's eyes.” This was one of seven who were like the first Adam [in one feature.8Cf. Sot. 10a. In the case of] Zedekiah [it was] because of his eyes. So they thrust iron lances9Gk.: logchai. into his eyes, but his eyes were not put out until they slaughtered his children before his eyes, and then they put out his eyes. It is so stated (II Kings 25:7), “And they slaughtered the children of Zedekiah before his eyes and then he put out Zedekiah's eyes.” Samson also [died with his eyes gouged out, as stated (in Jud. 16:21), “] “So the Philistines seized him and gouged out his eyes.” Another interpretation (of Eccl. 9:2), “Since everything [happens] to everyone.” Moses said in front of the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, everything is the same for You; You destroy (according to Job 9:22) ‘the innocent and the wicked.’ The spies provoked You with anger by slandering the land, as stated (in Numbers 13:32), ‘And they put out slander against the land,’ while I have served your children forty years in the wilderness. [Yet] the same lot is [in store] for me as for them.” A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a king who wanted to take a wife. He sent emissaries10Shulahin. The word represents the Hebrew concept behind the Greek and Latin words translated “apostles” and denotes people having the ancient equivalent of a power of attorney. to see whether she was beautiful or not. They went to see her. [Then] they came [back] and said to him, “We have seen her and there is no one more desolate and ugly than she.” When her sponsor heard, he said, “My Lord, there is no one in the world more beautiful than she.” He came to marry her. The father of the young woman said to the king's emissaries, “I swear by the life of the king that not one of you shall come to [the wedding feast], seeing that you humiliated her before the king.” When the sponsor came to enter, he said to him, “You also may not come in.” The sponsor said to him, “I did not see her and [yet] I told the king that there was no one more beautiful than she, while those said, ‘There is no one more ugly than she.’ And now allow me [to enter] and I shall see whether [she is] like my report or like their report.” Similarly Moses said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “My master, the spies uttered slander, [in describing the land (in Numb. 13:32) as] ‘a land that eats up its inhabitants.’ I, however, have not seen it, but I have praised it before Your children (in Deut. 8:7), ‘For the Lord your God is bringing you unto a good land.’ And now I shall see whether [it is] like my report or like their report.” Thus it is stated (in Deut. 3:25), “Please let me cross over and see the good land […].” He said to him (in Deut. 3:27), “For you shall not cross over [this Jordan].” Moshe said to him, “If so, everything is the same for You. You destroy (in accordance with Job 9:22) ‘the innocent and the wicked.’”" + ], + [], + [ + "(Deut. 3:23:) “I besought the Lord.” This text is related (to I Kings 8:30 // II Chron. 6:21), “And may You harken unto the prayer of Your servant and to his supplication.” See, prayer is designated by many names:11Sifre to Deut. 3:23 (26); Deut. R. 2:1. (1) prayer, (2) beseeching, (3) call, (4) cry, (5) outcry, (6) chant, (7) encounter, (8) falling and (9) amidah.12Standing, which is the name given to The Eighteen Blessings (Shemone ‘Esreh) of the daily liturgy. Why did Moses only pray under the word, \"beseeching (rt.: hnn)\"? [This is the usage here] where it is stated (in Deut. 3:23), “I besought (rt.: hnn) the Lord.” It is simply that when Moses stood there and said to the Holy One, blessed be He, (in Exod. 33:18), “Please show me Your glory,” he said to Him, “Master of the world, please show me by what principle You run Your world.” It is so stated (in Exod. 33:13), “please show me Your principle.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Yes, I will show you; (in Exod. 33:19:) ‘I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will call….’” [The Holy One, blessed be] He, said to him, “I have no obligation to [any] creature. Anytime a person does a commandment, I give him [reward] as a favor. Not that I have any obligation to any creature, but I do it as a favor.” Thus it is stated (ibid., cont.), “I will be gracious (rt.: hnn) to whom I will be gracious […].” Moses said to him, “If so, do me a kindness, make a commandment for me and grant [the reward] to me as a favor (rt.: hnn).” Ergo (in Deut. 3:23), “I besought [the Lord].”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Deut. 3:23), “I besought [the Lord].” This text is related (to Is. 30:19), “Indeed, O people in Zion, inhabitants of Jerusalem, you shall surely weep no more, He will surely show you compassion (rt.: hnn)]….” What is written above the matter (in Deut. 3:12)? “And its cities I gave to the Reubenites [and to the Gadites].” Moses taught [all] who come into the world that one should not say that, whereas he is dangerously ill, has made a will13Gk.: diatheke. and divided all that he has; he should not say that whereas he has made a will, he will no longer pray. Rather he should pray, because the Holy One, blessed be He, does not disqualify the prayer of [any] creature. See here. Moses made a will, as stated (in Deut. 23:12-21), “and its cities I gave to the Reubenites and to the Gadites [….] Yair ben Manasseh received […]. To Machir I gave Gilead. And to the Reubenites and the Gadites I gave […]. Then I charged you at that time, saying [...]. I also charged Joshua at that time], saying.” Ergo, [Moses made] a will. Lest you say, “He ceased and did not pray,” the text reads (in Deut. 3:23) “I besought the Lord.” (Deut. 3:23:) “I besought the Lord.” For what? That he should enter the land. This text is related (to Ps. 61:2), “Hear my song of prayer, O God”; (Ps. 55:2) “Do not hide yourself from my beseeching.” He said to him, “What do you want.” He said to him (in vs. 3) “From the end of the earth (which can also be read as land), I call unto You when my heart is faint.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Deut. 3:26), “Enough from you; do not [ever speak unto Me on this matter] again.” Moses said to him, “Master of the universe, You addressed me as, ‘My servant Moses,’ as stated (in Numb. 12:7), ‘Not so with My servant ('eved) Moses.’ I am a servant ('eved), and Leviathan is a servant ('eved). I act the suppliant before You, and he acts the suppliant before You, as stated (in Job 40:27), ‘Will he make many supplications unto you?’ The supplication of Leviathan You hear; for You have made a covenant with him and sustain him, as stated (in Job 40:28), ‘Will he make a covenant with You for You to take him as Your servant ('eved) forever?’14The standard translation of You here is that it referring to Job and not to God. But the midrash understands it otherwise. Now I am Your servant ('eved), You have said to me (in Exod. 34:10), ‘I hereby make a covenant….’ But You have not carried it out. Instead you have said to me (in Deut. 32:50), ‘And you shall die on the mountain that you [are ascending]….’ And not only that, but you have written in the Torah and said (in Exod. 21:5), ‘But if the slave ('eved) says, “I love [my master],”’ yet I loved You, and Your Torah and Your children, ‘I will not go away a free person,’ I do not wish to die. (Exod. 21:6:) ‘Then his master shall bring him [before God] …, and he shall serve him forever.’ But You have not carried it out with me. So now please, (Ps. 61:2) ‘Hear my song of prayer, O God’; (Ps. 55:2) ‘Do not hide yourself from my beseeching.’” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, (Deut. 3:26) “’Enough from you!’ The litigant against you has already made a decision over you that you and all creatures like you are to die. When the first Adam ate from the tree, he caused death for all.”" + ], + [], + [ + "(Deut. 3:26), “Do not [ever] speak [unto me on this matter] again.]” This is related to what Job said (in Job 20:6-7), “Even though one's height ascends to the heavens, [and his head reaches the clouds]. He perishes forever, like his dung….” With reference to whom did Job say this verse? It only speaks with reference to the day of death. So even though one ascends to the heavens and makes himself wings like a bird; when his time to die arrives, his wings are broken, and he falls before the angel of death like an animal before the butcher. So also has David said (in Ps. 146:4), “His spirit departs; he returns to the ground.” And Job has already stated (in Job 3:19), “The small and the great are there, and the slave ('eved) is free from his master.” As even if his master bought him for thousands and thousands of gold coins, once [the slave’s] time to die has come, he cannot say, “He is my slave,” but rather he becomes free from his master. Another interpretation (of Job 20:6), “Even though one's height ascends to the heavens.” This refers to Moses, who ascended to the firmament and who came to the Araphel (the lower sky). Moreover, he was like the ministering angels in that he spoke with Him (i.e., with the Holy One, blessed be He,) face to face and received the Torah from His hand. When his time to die arrived, He said to him (in Deut. 31:14), “Behold the days are drawing near for you to die.” [Moses] said to Him, “Master of the world, is it for nothing that my feet have trodden Araphel? Is it for nothing that I have run before Your children like a horse, that my end be for the worm? R. Abbahu said, “To what is the matter comparable? To one of the nobles of the kingdom, who found a certain Hindu sword, which was unmatched [in the world] and who said, ‘This is suitable only for the king.’ What did he do? He brought it to the king as a gift.15Gk.: doron. The king said, ‘Cut off his head with it.’ So also Moses said to the Holy One, blessed be He, ‘By the word that I [used to] praise16Rt.: KLS. Cf. Gk.: kalos. you, when I said (in Deut. 10:14), “Behold (hen), the heavens [and the heavens of the heavens, the earth and all that is in it] belong to the Lord your God!’ By that [very] word (i.e., hen) You are decreeing death over me, when you say (in Deut. 31:14), “Behold (hen), the days are drawing near for you to die.”’”17Below, Deut. 11:6. He said to him, “Moses, I have already decreed18Rt.: QLS. Cf. Lat.: census; Gk.: kensos. death over the first Adam.” He said to him, “My master, the first Adam deserved to die. You decreed an easy commandment for him, and he transgressed it. Hence it is fitting for him to die. [God] said to him, “Consider Abraham, [who] sanctified My name in My world [but still died].” He said to him, “Master of the world, From Abraham there came out Ishmael, whose race provoked You to anger, as stated (in Job 12:6) ‘The tents of robbers prosper, [and those who provoke God have security, the ones whom God brought forth in His hand].’” He said to him, “Consider Isaac, who stretched out his neck upon the altar.” He said to him, “From Isaac there came out Esau, who in the future will destroy the Temple and burn Your sanctuary.” He said to him, “Consider Jacob, out of whom there came twelve tribes without any flaw.” He said to him “Jacob did not ascend into the firmament, his feet did not trod Araphel, he was not like the ministering angels, he did not receive Torah from Your hand and he did not speak with you face to face.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Deut. 3:26), “Enough from you; do not [ever] speak [unto Me on this matter] again.” He said to Him, “Perhaps [future] generations will say, ‘If He had not found bad things in Moses, He would not have removed him from the world.” He said to him, “I have already written in my Torah (in Deut. 34:10), “Never again did there arise in Israel a prophet like Moses.” He said in front of Him, “The people will say] I did your will in my youth, but I did not do your will in my old age.” He said to him, “I have already written (in Deut. 32:51), “Because you acted faithlessly with me.”19Cf. Numb. 20:12. He said to Him, “Please let me enter the land [and spend] two or three years there, and after that let me die.” He said to him (in Deut. 32:52), “And there you shall not go.” He said to Him, “If I am not to enter while alive, let me enter after my death.” He said to him, “Not while you are alive, and not when you are dead.” He said in front of Him, “Why all this anger against me?” He said to him (according to Deut. 32:51), “Because you did not sanctify Me.” He said to him, “With all mortals you are guided two or three times by the principle of mercy, as stated (in Job 33:29), ‘Behold, God does all these things two or three times to a man’; yet in my case, when a single sin is found in me, you do not forgive me.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “See here, Moses, you have committed six sins, and I have not disclosed one of them. First you said, (in Exod. 4:13) ‘Please make someone else your agent’; secondly (in Exod. 5:23), ‘For ever since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, [he has dealt worse with this people, and You have still not delivered Your people]’; thirdly (in Numb. 11:22) ‘If the sheep and cattle would be slaughtered for them , would it be [enough] for them’; fourthly (in Numb. 16:29), ‘The Lord did not send me’; fifthly (in Numb. 20:10), ‘Listen, you rebels, [shall we bring forth water for you from this rock]’;20See above, the note at the end of Exod. 1:20. sixth (in Numb. 32:14), ‘And now you brood of sinners have arisen in place of your ancestors.’ But were Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob sinners, for you to say this to their children?” He said to Him, “I have learned so from You, when you said (in Numb. 17:3), ‘The censers of these who have sinned [at the cost of their lives].’ He said to him, “I said (ibid.), ‘At the cost of their lives,’ and not, ‘at the cost of their ancestors.’” He said in front of Him, “I am an individual, while Israel numbers sixty myriads (i.e., 600,000). They have sinned before You a lot of times; and when I sought mercy on their behalf, You forgave them. You took care of sixty myriads [because of me], yet You are not taking care of me.” He said to him, “Moses, a decree over a community is not like a decree over an individual. Furthermore, up to now [the] time was delivered into your hands, but from now [the] time is not delivered into your hands.” He said to Him, “Master of the universe, rise up from the seat of judgment and sit down upon the seat of mercy for me, so that I do not die. Then my sins shall be forgiven through torments which You shall bring on my body. So do not deliver me to the pangs of the angel of death. Moreover, if You do this, I will proclaim Your praise to all who come into the world, just as David has said (in Ps. 118:17), ‘I shall not die, but live [and recount the works of the Lord].’” He said to him (in vs. 20), “This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous shall come through it.” [From this it follows that] death has been ordained from time immemorial for the righteous and for all mortals. When Moses saw that they paid no attention to him, he went to the heaven and earth, where he said to them, “Seek mercy for me.” They said to him, “Before seeking mercy for you, we should seek mercy for ourselves, since it is stated (in Is. 51:6), ‘for the heavens shall vanish like smoke, and the earth shall wear out like a garment.’”21See ‘AZ 17a, for this verse applied to Eleazar ben Dordia in a similar way. He went to the stars and planets. He said to them, “Seek mercy for me.” They said to him, “Before seeking mercy for you, we should seek mercy for ourselves, since it is stated (in Is. 34:4), ‘All the host of heaven shall rot away….’” He went to the mountains and hills. He said to them, “Seek mercy for me.” They said to him, “[Before seeking mercy for you,] we should seek mercy for ourselves, since it is stated (in Is. 54:10), ‘For the mountains shall move, and the hills shall be shaken.’”22The translation of the verb tenses here differs from some biblical translations but fits the sense of the midrash. He went to the Great Sea. He said to it, “Seek mercy for me.” [The sea] said to him, “Son of Amram, how is today different from a couple of [other] days? Are you not the son of Amram, who came upon me with your rod, smote me, and divided me into twelve parts? For I was unable to stand before you because the Divine Presence was walking at your right hand. It is so stated (in Is. 63:12), ‘Who had His glorious arm walk at the right hand of Moses, who divided the waters before them […].’ So what has happened to you today?” When the sea reminded him what he had done in his youth, he cried out and said (in Job 29:2), “’O that I were as in the months of old, as in the days when God watched over me!’ When I passed through you, I was a world king; but now I am prostrate, and they pay no attention to me.” Immediately he betook himself to the arch[angel] of the [Divine] Presence and said to him, “Seek mercy for me, that I not die.” He said to him, “My master, Moses, why the exertion? This is what I have heard from behind the curtain:23Pargod. Cf. Lat.: paragauda or [paragaudis] (a garment with a lace border); Gk.: Paragaudes (a garment with a purple border). That your prayer is not heard on this matter.” Putting his hands on his head, Moses sobbed and wept, as he said, “With whom shall I seek mercy for myself?” R. Simlay said, “At that time the Holy One, blessed be He, was full of anger over him, as stated (in Deut. 3:26), ‘But the Lord was angry with me […],’ until Moses began by uttering this Scripture (Exod. 34:6): ‘Then the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “the Lord, the Lord is a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger…].’” Immediately the holy spirit was cooled off.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Moses, I have sworn two oaths, one that you should die and one to destroy Israel. To repeal both of them is impossible; so if you want to live, Israel will be destroyed.” He said before Him, “You are coming to me with a plot. You are seizing the rope at both ends. Let Moses and a thousand like him be destroyed, but do not let one person in Israel be destroyed.” He said to him, “Master of the Universe, should feet that have climbed up to the firmament, should a face that has greeted the Divine Presence, should hands that have received Torah from Your hands lick the dust? Woe!24Vay. All mortals will say, “If Moses, who ascended on high, became like the ministering angels, spoke with Him face to face, and received Torah from His hand, had no reply for responding to the Holy One, blessed be He, how much the worse it will be for [mere] flesh and blood, who comes with no [merit from] Torah and with no [merit from the] commandments?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, “Why all this anguish that you are experiencing?” He said, “Master of the world, I am afraid of the pangs of the angel of death.” He said to him, “I am not delivering you into his hands.” He said in front of Him, “Master of the universe, my mother Jochebed, who was distressed (literally, whose teeth were blunted) during her lifetime by two of her sons, will be distressed by my death.” He said to him, “So has it come up in [My] mind, and so is it the way of the world: every generation with its expositors, every generation with its administrators,25Gk.: pronoi (“prudent ones”). every generation with its leaders. Up to now it has been your lot to serve in front of Me, but now your lot is over and the time of your disciple Joshua for him to serve [Me] has arrived.” He said to him, “My Master, if I am dying because of Joshua, let me go and become his disciple!” He said to him, “If you want to do that, go and do it.” Moses arose and went early to Joshua's door.26Cf. the somewhat different account in Deut. R. 9:9. Now Joshua was seated expounding [Torah], so Moses stopped to bend his stature and put his hand on his mouth. But Joshua's eyes were hidden, and he did not see him, so that he (Moses) would be sorrowful and resign himself to death. When Israel came to Moses' door to study Torah, they asked and said, “Where did Moshe our master [go]?” [Others] said to them, “He got up early and went to the door of Joshua.” [So] they went and found him at the door of Joshua, with Joshua sitting and Moses standing. They said to Joshua, “What has come over you that Moses our master stands, while you sit?” When he raised his eyes and saw him, he immediately rent his clothes. Then sobbing and weeping, he said, “O my master, my master! My father, my father and lord!” Israel said to Moses, “Moses our master, teach us Torah.” He said to them, “I am not allowed.” They said to him, “We are not leaving you.” A heavenly voice (bat qol) came forth and said to them, “Learn from Joshua.” [So] they took upon themselves to sit and learn from the mouth of Joshua. Joshua sat at the head with Moses to his right and with [Elazar and Ithamar] to his left. So he sat and expounded in the presence of Moses. R. Samuel bar Nahmani said that R. Johanan said, “When Joshua opened by saying, ‘Blessed be the One who has chosen the righteous,” they took the traditions of wisdom from Moses and gave them to Joshua. Now Moses did not know what Joshua was expounding. After Israel arose [from the session], they said to Moses, “[Explain] the Torah [we have just heard] to us.” He said to them, “I do not know what to answer you.” So Moses our master was stumbling and falling. It was at that time that he said, “Master of the universe, up to now I requested life, but now here is my soul given over to You.” Then when he had resigned himself to death, the Holy One, blessed be He, opened by saying (in Ps. 94:16), “’Who will stand for Me27In context, the word, me, here is self-referential to the author of Psalms, and not referring to God. against evildoers?’ Who will stand for Israel in the time of My wrath? Who will stand in the battle of My children? And who will stand and seek mercy for them, when they sin before Me?” At that time Metatron28Lat.: metator (“measurer,” “one who marks out boundaries”). came and fell on his face. He said to Him, “Master of the world, [as] in Moses' life he belonged to You, so in his death he belongs to You.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Let me give you a parable. To what is the matter comparable? To a king who had a son. Now on each and every day, his father was angry with him and sought to kill him because he did not maintain respect for the father; but his mother rescued him from his hand. One day his mother died and the king wept. His servants said to him, ‘Our lord king, why are you weeping?’ He said to them, ‘It is not over my wife alone that I am weeping, but for my son; for many times when I was angry with him and wanted to kill him, did she rescue him from my hand?’” So also did the Holy One, blessed be He, say to Metatron, “It is not over Moses alone that I am weeping, but over him and over Israel, for look at how many times that they angered Me, and I was angry with them; but he stood in the breach before Me to turn back My anger from destroying them.” They came and said to Moses, “The hour has arrived for you to depart from the world.” He said to them, “Wait for me until I bless Israel, for they have not found contentment from me all my days, because of the rebukes and warnings with which I rebuked them.” He began to bless each tribe separately. When he saw that the time was growing short, he included all of them in a single blessing. They came and said, “The hour has arrived for your soul to depart from the world.” He said to Israel, “I have caused you a lot of grief over the Torah and over the commandments, but now forgive me.” They said to him, “Our lord master, you are forgiven.” Israel also arose before him and said to him, “O Moses our master, we have angered you a lot and increased the burden upon you. Forgive us.” He said to them, “You are forgiven.” They came and said to him, “The moment has arrived for you to depart from the world.” He said, “Blessed be the name of the One who lives and abides forever.” He said to Israel, “If you please, when you enter the land, remember me and my bones, and you shall say, ‘Woe (oy) to the son of Amram, who ran before us like a horse but whose bones have fallen in the wilderness.’” They came and said to him, “The half moment has arrived.” He took his two arms and placed them on his heart. Then he said to Israel, “See the final end of flesh and blood.” They answered and said, “The hands which received the Torah from the mouth of the Almighty shall fall to the grave.” At that moment his soul departed with a kiss (from the Holy One, blessed be He),29See MQ 28a. as stated (in Deut. 34:5), “Then Moses [the servant of the Lord] died there [in the Land of Moab at the command of the Lord (literally, by the mouth of the Lord)].”30BB 17a; ARN, A 12:2; Cant. R. 1:2:5; Petirat Mosheh Rabbenu, recension A, in A. Jellinek, Bet ha-Midrasch (Leipzig: Vollrath, 1853-57), vol. I, p. 129; ibid., recension B, in Jellinek, vol. VI, p. 77. Now [the ones who] took care of his burial were neither Israel nor the angels but the Holy One, blessed be He, [Himself], as stated (in vs. 6), “Then He (the Holy One, blessed be He,) buried him (Moses) in the valley [in the Land of Moab].” And for what reason was he buried outside the land? So that those who die when outside the land might live [again] through his merit,31The translation here follows the traditional Tanhuma. Deut. 2:6. So also Codex Vaticanus Ebr. 34. The Buber text omits “might live again” and reads “through their merit.” as stated (in Deut. 33:21), “He has chosen the best for himself, [for there is an honored lawgiver's portion].” But when did Moses our master die? On the seventh of Adar,32Seder ‘Olam Rabbah, 10; TSot. 11:7; Qid. 38a; see Meg. 13b; Sot. 12b. as stated (in Deut. 34:5), “Then Moses the servant of the Lord died there [in the Land of Moab].” It is also written (in vs. 8), “And the children of Israel mourned Moses [on the Plains of Moab for thirty days.]” And it is written (in Josh. 1:1), “And it came to pass after the death of Moses, [the servant of the Lord, the Lord spoke unto Joshua]”; (Josh. 4:19) “Now the people came up from the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month (i.e., Nisan).” Reckon back thirty-three days [from then]. Ergo, he died on the seventh of Adar. And where is it shown that he was born on the seventh of Adar? Where it is stated (in Deut. 31:2), “He said to them, ‘I am one hundred twenty years old today.’”33Since Moses spoke these words on the day of his death, his birthday must have been the same as the day of his death. What is the text teaching with, “today?” Today, I have fulfilled my days and any years. [It is there] to teach you that the Holy One, blessed be He, fulfills the years for the righteous from day to day and from month to month, as stated (in Exod. 23:26), “I will fulfill the number of your days.”" + ] + ], + "Eikev": [ + [ + "(Deut. 7:12:) “And it shall come to pass if (literally, in the heel of).” This text is related (to Ps. 49:6), “Why should I fear in the evil days, when the iniquity of my heels encompass me?” May the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, be blessed because He has given a Torah to Israel in which there are six hundred and thirteen commandments, some of which are light and some weighty. But because some of the commandments are light, people pay no attention to them. Instead they cast them under their heels [while] saying they are light. For that reason David was afraid of the Day of Judgment and said, “Master of the world, I am not afraid of the weighty commandments which are in the Torah, because they are weighty. Of what am I afraid? Of the light commandments, lest I have transgressed one of them, [not knowing] whether I have fulfilled it or not fulfilled it, because it is light; for you have said, ‘Be as mindful of the light commandments as of the weighty commandments.’”1Avot 2:1. It therefore says (in Ps. 49:6), “Why should I fear in the evil days?” (Deut. 7:12:) “And it shall come to pass if (ekev) you heed [these statutes].” This text is related (to Ps. 19:11-12), “More delightful are they than gold, than much fine gold; [sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the comb]. Also by them is Your servant warned; [in keeping them there is great reward (ekev)]. Come and see how David glorified the words of Torah, where it is stated (ibid.), “More delightful are they than gold, than much fine gold.” And not only that, but among all the kinds of grains, none is more precious than pure semolina, which floats upon the [sieve] (zafah benapah); but the words of Torah are more precious than that, as stated (ibid., vs. 11), “sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the comb (nofet zufim).” R. Hanina said, “If you say that among all the beverages none is sweeter than honey, the words of Torah are [even] sweeter than honey.” David said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the universe, if You say that they (the commandments) of the Torah are sweet, Heaven forbid that I should have missed them. Rather (according to vs. 12), ‘Also by them is Your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward,’” [meaning] the light commandments. Therefore it is written (in Ps. 31:20), “How abundant is the good which You have laid up [for those who fear You]….” This is the reward for the light commandments." + ], + [ + "(Deut. 7:12:) “And it shall come to pass if you heed [these statutes].” This text is related (to Prov. 5:6), “She does not steer a straight path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it.” R. Abba bar Kahana said, “That you should not practice give and take among the commandments of Torah to see which reward of Torah and commandment is greatest and perform that one.2M. Ps. 9:3; see Deut. R. 6:2. Why? (Ibid.:) ‘Her ways wander, and she does not know it.’ The paths of [rewards of] the Torah have been moved.” R. Hiyya said, “A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a king who had an orchard and introduced workers into it, but the king did not disclose the reward (i.e., the payment) for his seedlings to them; because if he revealed the reward for his [various] seedlings, one would see which seedling increased [their] reward, and plant that one. The work in the orchard would end up with some of it suspended and some of it carried out. Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, did not reveal the reward for each and every commandment in the Torah; for if he had revealed it, the commandments would have been found with some of them carried out and some of them suspended.” And R. Aha said in the name of R. Abba bar Kahana, “The Holy One, blessed be He, has made the reward for fulfilling a commandment moved around in this world, so that Israel would totally fulfill them.”3yPe’ah 1:1 (15d); yQid. 1:7 (61b); PR 23/24:2. R. Simeon ben Johay taught, “For two commandments did the Holy One, blessed be He, reveal their reward. These are the lightest of the light and the weightiest of the weighty ones. The lightest of the light ones is sending away [the mother from] the nest; and there it is written (in Deut. 22:7), ‘and you will prolong your days.’ The most weighty is honoring parents, about which it is [also] written (in Deut. 5:16 // Exod. 20:12), ‘so that you will lengthen your days.’4So also M. Sam. Note that they are equal with regard to reward [in] this world.” R. Abba bar Kahana said, “If in regard to paying a debt, length of days is written,5Enoch Zundel, in his commentary, ‘Ets Yosef, on Tanh., Deut. 3:2, suggests the debt here is the debt to parents for bearing, rearing, and education. how much the more so when it is a case of damage to purse and loss of life.” R. Levi said, “They said something greater than that: A case of paying a debt is more important than a case of damage to purse and loss of life.” R. Abba bar Kahana said in the name of Rabbi, “Just as the giving of their reward is great, so [too] are their punishments great.” That is what is written (in Prov. 30:17), “The eye that mocks a father and scorns obeying a mother will have the wadi ravens pluck it out and the young eagles devour it.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “A raven, which is cruel to its young, will come and pluck it out without profiting from it; an eagle, which is merciful to its young, will come and will profit from it.” And where is it shown that a raven is cruel to its young? Where it is stated (in Job 38:41), “Who provides prey for the raven, when its young cry unto God and wander about without food.” It also says (in Ps. 147:9), “to young ravens when they cry out.” When the raven reproduces, it reproduces white [young].6PRE 21. Then the male says to the female that another bird has begotten it. So they reject and forsake them. What does the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He brings forth gnats from their dung.7See Lev. R. 19:1. Then [the gnats] fly, and [the young] eat them.8Cf. Yalqut Shim’oni, Deut. 846: “Then they fly over them, eat, and become black.” This is what is written (in Job 38:41), “Who provides prey for the raven.” But the eagle is merciful, as it is written (in Deut. 32:11), “As an eagle stirs up its nest and hovers over its young]; it spreads its wings, takes them up, and bears them aloft on its pinions.” As it is not confident about them because of other birds who pursue them. What does it do? It places them on its wings and says, “Better that the arrow should go through me and not through my children.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 7:12:) “And it shall come to pass if you heed [these statutes].” What is written above the matter (in Deut. 7:7)? “It is not because you are the most numerous of all the peoples [that the Lord desired you and chose you. Rather you are the least of all the peoples].” It is not because you are the most numerous of all the nations,” and it was not because you fulfilled more commandments than they; for the nations do more commandments that they were not commanded than you, and they magnify My name more than you. Thus it is stated (in Mal. 1:11-12), “For from the rising of the sun until its setting My name is great among the nations, [and in every place incense is offered to My name, even a pure oblation; for My name is great among the nations]…. But you desecrate it when you say the table of the Lord is defiled, and its special food is treated with scorn [like ordinary] food.” (Deut. 7:7:) “Rather you were the least of all the peoples.” Rather, because you diminish yourselves for Me, therefore I love you.’ And so it says (in Mal. 1:2-3), “’I have loved you,’ says the Lord …. ‘But I have hated Esau….’” It also says (in Hos. 14:5), “I will heal their veering and love them voluntarily….” My soul has volunteered to love them, even though they were not worthy; and so it says (in Deut. 7:8), “Because the Lord loves you […].” It is written (in Is. 2:2), “And it shall come to pass that in the latter days the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains….” This text is related (to Job 8:7), “Though your beginning was trifling (rt.: ts'r), [your end shall greatly flourish].” [This verse is here] to teach you that everyone who is troubled (rt.: ts'r) from his beginning will have it well at his end. You have no one who was more troubled (rt.: ts'r) than Abraham, who was cast into a fiery furnace and went into exile from his ancestral home. Moreover, sixteen kings pursued him. He also stood the test of ten trials and buried Sarah. Yet in the end he had rest, as stated (Gen. 24:1), “Now Abraham was old, advanced in years, and the Lord blessed [Abraham in all things].” So too was Isaac troubled (rt.: ts'r) in his youth, for the Philistines were jealous of him, [as stated] (in Gen. 26:16), “And Abimelech said unto Isaac, ‘Go away from us, [for you have become have become too powerful for us].’” But in the end they begged him [for mercy], as stated (in vs. 27-28), “And Isaac said unto them, ‘Why have you come unto me…?’ And they said, ‘We have clearly seen….’” Jacob also was troubled (rt.: ts'r) in his youth, as stated (in Ps. 129:1), “’They have harassed me greatly from my youth,’ let Israel now say.” While he was in his mother’s belly, Esau sought to kill him, as stated (in Gen. 25:22), “But the children struggled [within her].” [Moreover,] when he received the blessings (according to Gen. 27:41), “Then Esau hated Jacob …, and Esau said in his heart, ‘Let the days of mourning for my father come, [and I will kill my brother Jacob]’.” So he fled to Laban and was troubled (rt.: ts'r) over his daughters, and after that Laban sought to kill him, as stated (in Deut. 26:5), “An Aramean would have destroyed my ancestor.”9This is required sense by the midrash. A more usual translation would read: A WANDERING ARAMEAN WAS MY ANCESTOR. He went away from him and encountered Esau, as stated (in Gen. 33:1), “Now Jacob raised his eyes and saw Esau coming….” There came upon him the trouble over Dinah, the trouble over Rachel and the trouble over Joseph. But in the end he had rest, [as stated] (in Gen. 47:12), “And Joseph sustained his father [and his brothers]….” Ergo (in Job 8:7), “Though your beginning was trifling (rt.: ts'r), your end shall greatly flourish.” Another interpretation (of Is. 2:2), ���the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains… and Mount Tabor shall become very tall.” A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To the palace10Palterin. Gk.: praitorion; Lat. praetorium. children of a king. They went down from the city and killed lions, tigers, and bears in the forest. Then they brought them and hung them opposite the city gate, so that all the people in the city were amazed from those lions. The Holy One, blessed be he, did so with Sisera. [When] Sisera came against Israel on Mount Tabor; (according to Jud. 5:20), “The stars fought from the heavens; from their courses they fought with Sisera.”11Cf. Pes. 118b, according to which the stars descended and heated the iron implements in Sisera’s army. All began to be amazed, for there had never been an event like this, when the stars came down from the heavens to make war with flesh and blood. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “In this world the stars have fought on your behalf, but in the world to come (according to Zech. 14:3-4), ‘Then the Lord will come forth and fight with those nations [as when He fights in the day of battle]. And His feet shall stand in that day [upon the Mount of Olives]….’ And [so on through] all that section (of Zechariah).” Then everyone will see and point Him out with the finger, as stated (in Is. 25:9), “In that day they shall say, ‘See, this is our God; [we waited for Him, and He delivered us. This is the Lord; we waited for Him. Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation].’”" + ] + ], + "Re'eh": [ + [ + "(Deut. 11:26:) “See, I [am setting before you today a blessing and a curse]. This text is related (to Jer. 21:8), “And (to) [unto] this people you shall say, ‘Thus says the Lord, “See, I am setting before you the road of life and the road of death.”’” It is also written (in Ps. 78:1), “A maskil of Asaph. Give ear, O my people, to my Torah […].” And it is written (in Deut. 4:9-10), “Only take heed to yourself and watch [yourself closely, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life; make them known to your children and to your children's children]: The day that you stood [before the Lord your God at Horeb]….” [This is] to tell you that [when] anyone despises the words of Torah, it is as though he were denying the Holy One, blessed be He,, because He only bestowed Torah so that Israel would be occupied with it day and night, as stated (in Josh. 1:8), “and you shall meditate on it (i.e., on the Torah) day and night.” And it is written (in Ps. 1:2), “But their delight is in the law (Torah) of the Lord, [and on his law (Torah) they meditate day and night].” And when anyone occupies himself with the Torah and fulfills it, [it is] as though he had received it from Sinai. It is therefore written (in Deut. 4:9), “make them known to your children […],” and adjacent to it (in Deut. 4:10), “The day that you stood before the Lord your God….” When Asaph came, he began to say (in Ps. 78:1) “Give ear, O my people, to my Torah.” So also did Solomon say (in Prov. 4:2), “For I gave you good instruction; [do not abandon my Torah].” Israel said to Asaph, “Is there another Torah, such that you say (in Ps. 78:1), ‘Give ear, O my people, to my Torah?’ We have already received it from Mount Sinai.” He said to them, “The sinners of Israel say that the Prophets and the Writings are not Torah, and they do not believe in them, as stated (in Dan. 9:10), “And we have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God by walking in His Torah, which He set before us at the hand of His servants the prophets.” Ergo, the Prophets and the Writings are Torah. As so is it stated (in Ps. 78:1), “Give ear, O my people, to my Torah (in this case to a writing of Asaph).” Another interpretation (of Ps. 78:1), “Give ear, O my people, to my Torah.” This text is related (to Prov. 16:23), “The heart of a wise person, instructs his mouth […].” When Israel sins, they are withheld from anything good; and so you find that, when they committed the act (of the golden calf), everything good was withheld from them, as stated (in Exod. 32:19), “And it came to pass that as soon as he drew near unto the camp and saw the calf [and the dancing, Moses burned with anger; so he threw down the tablets from his hands and shattered them at the foot of the mountain].” Then when Moses sought mercy for them, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Moses, I created the world only for Torah, as stated (in Is. 51:16), “Moreover, I have put My words (i.e., the Torah) in your mouth …, [so that I may plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth].” But they have exchanged My glory for the image of a bull,1Cf. Ps. 106:20. and you have broken the tablets; so how will the world continue without Torah? He said to Him, “What shall I do?” He said to him (in Deut. 10:1), “Carve out two tablets of stone like the first ones.” It is therefore said (in Prov. 16:23), “The heart of a wise person, instructs his mouth….” For that reason, when Asaph [was alive], he mentioned above (in Ps. 77:21), “You led Your people like a flock [by the hand of Moses and Aaron].”2It is Ps. 77:1 that designates this Psalm as a work of Asaph. Then after that it is written (in Ps. 78:1), “A maskil (a psalm of wisdom) of Asaph.”" + ], + [], + [], + [], + [], + [], + [], + [], + [ + "(Deut. 12:29:) When the Lord God has cut off the nations.” A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a king who planted a vineyard within his field, but within [that field] were great cedars and thorns. The king went and cut down the cedars and left the thorns. His servants said to him, “Our lord king, the thorns which catch our clothes you have left [standing]; but you have cut down the cedars?” He said to them, “If I had left the cedars and cut down the thornbushes, how should I have fenced in my vineyard. So also Israel is the vineyard of the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in Is. 5:7), “For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the House of Israel.” He brought Israel into the land and cut down the cedars that were in it, as stated (in Amos 2:9), “Yet I destroyed the Amorites before you, whose stature was like the cedars in height.” But he left their children and their children's children so that Israel would observe the Torah, as stated (in Jud. 3:1), “Now these are the nations which the Lord left to test Israel,” “whether they are keeping the commandments of the Lord” (Jud. 2:22). So when the vineyard stands in its place in the service of the Torah, then (according to Is. 33:12) “The peoples shall become burnings of lime, thorns cut down that are burned in the fire].” It is also written (in Is. 40:17), “All the nations are as nothing before Him….” And so do you find when Israel left Egypt. Look at what Pharaoh did. “He took six hundred choice chariots…” (Exod. 14:6). Thirty men went out against each and every one of Israel. See how many multitudes3Gk.: ochloi. went out with Pharaoh! When Israel saw them, they were terrified before them. What is written (in Exod. 14:19)? “And the angel of God traveled.” And Israel was saying, “Who can stand against these?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to them, “By your lives, all these are as unimportant before Me as [if they were only] a single man or a single chariot, as stated (in Exod. 15:19), “When the horse (in the singular) of Pharaoh came….” And [so] they all died in a single breath (rt.: nshp), as stated (in Exod. 15:10), “You blew (rt.: nshp) with Your wind, and the sea covered them.” Similarly Gog and Magog are going to come against Israel in the future, and all of them will also all be burnt with one burning, as stated (in Ezek. 38:22), “I will enter into judgment against him with pestilence and with blood […].” At that time (according to Ezek. 38:23), “And I will be magnified, be sanctified, and be made known before the eyes of many nations; and they shall know that I am the Lord.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 14:22:) “You shall surely tithe.” This text is related (to Prov. 28:22), “An evil-eyed person (i.e., a miser) moves quickly after wealth; [and he does not know that loss will come to him].” R. Hanina interpreted the verse with reference to Ephron (of Gen. 23).4Tanh. (Buber), Exod. 6:5; Lev. 9:1; Gen. R. 58:7; Exod. R. 31:17; PRK 10:1; see also BM 87a. Cf. above, Tanh. (Buber), Exod. 6:13, which identifies the man with Cain. For R. Hanina said, “All the shekels mentioned in the Torah are sela, those in the prophets are litrai,5The Greek word means “pounds.” and those in the writings are centenarii,6The Latin word denotes weights of a hundred pounds. except for the shekels of Ephron, which are not centenarii.7For this valuation of the shekel, see yQid. 1:3 (59d), 5 (60c); Bekh. 50a; PR 1:4. This is what is written (in Gen. 23:9), ‘let him give it to me at the full price.’” Because he brought the evil eye (of greed) into Abraham's wealth, the written text lacks the letter waw. This is what is written (in Gen. 23:15), “My lord, listen to me, what is a piece of land worth four hundred shekels of silver between you and me?” He said to him, “If you want to give me four hundred centenarii of silver from the goods of your house, you can give it to me.” Because he brought in an evil eye (i.e., of greed) into Abraham's wealth, [his name] is lacking the letter waw, where it is stated (in Gen. 23:16), “So Abraham heeded Ephron, and Abraham weighed out the silver for Ephron. It is the second Ephron that is written deficient. R. [Ammi] interpreted the verse (Prov. 28:22) with reference to one who borrows a cow. Since he was too miserly to rent two cows, he borrowed one and rented one. And (according to Prov. 28:22) “he does not know that loss will come to him”; that it is written (in Exod. 22:13), “[When someone borrows an animal from his neighbor and it is injured or dies,] and its owner is not with it, he shall surely pay.” R. Isaac interpreted the verse (Prov. 28:22) with reference to the one who lends to an Israelite at interest and is too miserly to lend it without interest, and (Prov. 8:22) “he does not know that loss will come to him”; that it is written (in Prov. 28:8), “The one who augments his wealth by interest and usury amasses it for one who is generous to the poor.” Who is the one that is generous to the poor? This is Esau the wicked. Is Esau the wicked generous to the poor? Rather does he not oppress the poor? He is like those procurators who go out to the villages and plunder tenants. Then they go back to the capital and say, “Gather the poor, because we want to perform a good act for them.” The [Aramaic] adage says, “[She commits adultery] for apples, and distributes [them] to the sick.” R. Levi interpreted the verse (i.e., Prov. 28:22) with reference to the person who does not take out his tithes properly. To this end R. Levi told a story about someone who did take out his tithes properly: Now he had a certain field that produced a thousand measures every year. So he took a hundred measures from it for his tithes; and from the remainder he and the children of his household sustained themselves all of his days. At the time of his death, he summoned his son. He said to him, “My son, give your attention to this field. It yields such and such [a number of] measures, and I take out such and such a tithe. From it I have sustained myself and my household all my days.” When that son planted it the first year, it produced a thousand measures, and he took out a hundred measures from it for the tithe. For the second year, an evil eye (i.e., of greed) entered within him. So he subtracted ten [measures from the tithe], but [the field] subtracted one hundred [measures from its yield]. Similarly also [on the third, fourth, and fifth [years], until it was reduced to its tithes. When kinfolk and friends saw [what was happening], they put on white (i.e., festive) [tunics] and wrapped themselves in white [mantles]. [When] they came to him, he said to them, “Why have you come? To rejoice over the very one who has been excommunicated [by the Heavens]?” They said to him, “God forbid! We have only come to rejoice with you. In the past you were the owner of the house, and the Holy One, blessed be He, was the priest; but now the Holy One, blessed be He, has become the owner of the house, and you are the priest.” For that reason Moses warned Israel (in Deut. 14:22), “You shall surely tithe.”" + ], + [ + "It is written (in Ps. 37:3), “Trust in the Lord and do good; settle the land and maintain yourself with faith.” R. Haggai said in the name of R. Isaac, “Interpret this verse by transposition, like this:8PRK 10:2. Do good; trust in the Lord. It is comparable to a market commissioner who went out to inspect the measures. When a certain person saw him, he began hiding from him. He said to him, ‘Why are you hiding from me? Look to your measures, and do not be afraid.’ This is what is written, ‘Trust in the Lord and do good.’” (Ps. 37:3, cont.:) “Settle the land and maintain yourself with faith.” [Have] faith, which settles the Divine Presence in the land. Another interpretation: Bring about the settlement of the land, sow and plant. Another interpretation (of Ps. 37:3), “settle the land”: Make His staff dwell in the land. (Ps. 37:3, cont.:) “And maintain yourself with faith,” maintain yourself from the faith of the forefathers.9Here again is interpretation by transposition. Maintaining faith enables the settlement of the land. It is so written (in Ps. 101:6), “My eyes are on the faithful of the land that they may dwell with Me.” R. Joshua of Sikhnin said in the name of R. Levi, “Israel atones for itself before the Omnipresent by merit from [observing] two commandments, [i.e.,] by merit from the Sabbath and by merit from tithes: By merit from the Sabbath, since it is written (in Is. 58:13), ‘If you refrain from trampling the Sabbath.’ What is written after it (in vs. 14)? ‘Then you shall take delight in the Lord.’ By merit from tithes, since it is written (in Deut. 26:11), ‘Then you shall rejoice with all the good.’10The context here concerns first fruits, and the following verse (12) mentions the tithe of the third year. And good can only [mean] Torah, since it is written (in Prov.4:2) ‘For I gave you good instruction; [do not abandon my Torah].’” For that reason Moses warned Israel (in Deut. 14:22), “You shall surely tithe.”" + ], + [ + "It is written (in Prov. 3:9), “Honor the Lord with your wealth.” Thus if you are handsome, do not be uncontrolled in sexual matters, lest people say, “So and so is handsome but not restrained in sexual matters.” For that reason, “Honor the Lord with your wealth.”1110:3; PR 25:2. Another interpretation: Do it from your wealth, before you [must] do it without your wealth (i.e., in poverty).12For another interpretation of the section, see William G. Braude and Israel J. Kapstein, Pesikta de-Rav Kahana (Philadelphia: JPSA, 1975), p. 189, n. 12. They find a wordplay in the Hebrew word for “substance” and translate the last sentence thus: “Honor Him while you have your wits, before you are led to do foolish things after you have lost your wits.” Another interpretation: “If your voice is pleasant, recite the Shema', and cross over before the ark (to lead in the recitation), because of [the teaching], “Honor the Lord with your wealth (honcha),” with whatever he has endowed you (hanancha). (Prov. 3:9:) “Honor the Lord with your wealth.” There is a story about a person who amassed wine and oil but did not take out his tithes properly. What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do to him? He put a squally wind (i.e., an evil spirit) in him, so that he took a staff and began to smash the [wine and oil] barrels. A member of his household rebuked him. What did [the owner] do to him? He took the staff and cracked him on his head. He said to him, “The spirit is helping me, and you are rebuking me?” [The other] said to him, “Give me the staff, and I shall also smash away.” He gave him the staff. While the [first] one was smashing one [barrel at a time], the other was smashing two [at a time]. What made this happen to him? [It was] because he had not taken out his tithes properly. As R. Levi said, “There is a story about a person who took out his tithes properly. Now he had a certain field, and the Holy One, blessed be He, gave him a mind to prepare half of it for sowing and half as storage place for water. So when a year of drought came, he sold a sea'h of wheat for a sela' and a sea’h of water for three sela'. He announced and said, ‘Come and buy a sea’h of water, which makes three sea’h of wheat.’ What made this happen to him? [It was] because he had taken out his tithes properly.” For that reason Moses warned Israel (in Deut. 14:22), “You shall surely tithe”." + ], + [ + "(Deut. 14:22:) “You shall surely tithe.” This is related to the verse (in Prov. 31:21), “She is not afraid for her household because of snow, for all her household are dressed in scarlet,”13The usual voweling for this word is shanim, which means “SCARLET,” but here the voweling, shenayim, which means “TWOFOLD,”might better fit the sense of the midrash. Hezekiah said, “The judgment of the wicked in Gehinnom [lasts] twelve months,14PRK 10:4; also above, Gen. 1:33. The judgment saying alone also occurs in ‘Eduy. 2:10, where it is attributed to R. Aqiba, and in ySanh. 10:3 (29b), where it is attributed to Judah b. R. Hezekiah and Rabbi. six months in the heat and six months in the cold.” At first the Holy One, blessed be He, has them come into the sun, and they say, “Is this the Gehinnom of the Holy One, blessed be He?” Then after that He brings them to the snow, where they say, “Is this the cold of the Holy One, blessed be He?” At first they say, “Ah (wah),” [from pleasure], but in the end they say, “Oy (way),” [from pain].15For this interpretation, see Buber, ad loc., n. 45. That is what David said (in Ps. 40:3), “And He raised me up from the pit of desolation, from the miry mud (hywn),” [i.e.,] from a place where they say, “Oy, oy (way, way).” So where do they resign themselves [to their punishment]? R. Judah bar Rabbi says, “In the snow. This is [the meaning of] what is written (in Ps. 68:15), ‘When the Almighty scattered kings there, it snowed in Zalmon.’16Zalmon, which means “darkness,” is a name for Gehinnom. Their darkness (zalmavet) is the snow.” Can this also [apply to] Israel? Scripture teaches (in Prov. 31:21), “[because of snow,] for all her household are dressed in scarlet (shanim),” [meaning] twofold, twofold (shenayim, shenayim, i.e., Israel is clothed in scriptural pairs): circumcision (of the foreskin) and uncovering (the corona); tassels and tefillin (i.e., phylacteries); (in Deut. 15:14,) “Provide liberally (literally, provide, provide” [for the redeemed slave)]; (in Deut. 15:10,) “Give liberally (literally, give, give)” [to the poor Israelite]; (in Deut. 15:11,) “You shall surely open up (literally, open up, open up)” [to the poor and needy]; and (in Deut. 14:22,) “You shall surely tithe (literally, tithe, tithe).” For that reason Moses warned Israel (in Deut. 14:22), “You shall tithe, tithe.”" + ], + [ + "Another explanation (of Deut. 14:22), “You shall tithe, tithe.” This is related to the verse (in Is. 24:5), “And the earth was distorted under its inhabitants, because they transgressed Torahs;17Torot. Such a literal translation is required by the midrash. In the biblical context the word denotes something more general, such as teachings. they violated a statute; [they broke an eternal covenant].” R. Isaac said, “You have already been false to it, and [so] it is distorted for you. It [may] show you standing grain, but it does not show you a shock of sheaves. It [may] show you [a shock of sheaves, but it does not show you a threshing floor]. It [may] show you a threshing floor, but it does not show you a winnowed heap. Why [not]? (Ibid.:) ‘Because they transgressed Torahs; they violated statutes,’ in that they did transgress two Torahs, the written Torah and the oral Torah; (ibid.) ‘they violated a statute,’ the statute of tithes; (ibid.) ‘they broke an eternal covenant,’ an ancestral covenant.” For that reason Moses warned Israel (in Deut. 14:22), “You shall surely tithe.” (Prov. 6:20:) “My child, keep your father's commandments, [and do not forsake the Torah of your mother].” R. Huna said, “Our earliest ancestors separated out terumot and tithes.” Abraham separated out the great terumah, as stated (in Gen. 14:22), “[Then Abram said unto the king of Sodom,] ‘I have lifted up my hand unto the Lord, God most high.’” A lifting up is nothing but a terumah (rt.: rwm), as you say (in Numb. 18:26), “[Now you shall speak unto the Levites and say unto them, ‘When you receive tithes from the Children of Israel, the tithe that I have given you as your portion,] you shall lift (rt.: rwm) out of it a terumah of the Lord, [a tithe from the tithe].’” Isaac separated out the second tithe, as stated (in Gen. 26:12), “So Isaac sowed on that land and reaped in that year a hundredfold, [for the Lord had blessed him]”; R. Eiba bar Kahana said, “Is it not true that a blessing does not rest on what is measured, on what is weighed, or on what is counted? So why did he measure them? In order to tithe them. This is what is written (ibid.), ‘for the Lord had blessed him.’”18See Deut. 14:24, which mentions a blessing in the context of the second tithe; therefore, perhaps the blessing of Gen. 26:12 would have been the result of Isaac’s second tithe. Jacob separated out the first tithe, as stated (in Gen. 28:22), “and of all that You give me, I will surely set aside a tithe for You.” A certain Cuthean (i.e., a Samaritan) came and questioned R. Meir. He said to him, “Do you not say that indeed your ancestor Jacob is truthful?” He said [back] to him, “Yes, as it is written (in Micah 7:20), ‘You give truthfulness to Jacob.’” [The Cuthean] said to him, “He separated out the tribe of Levi [as a tithe] for the tribes, [i.e.,] one out of ten. Should he not have separated out [a tithe] from two more [tribes]?” R. Meir said to him, “You have said that there were twelve, but I say that there were fourteen, as stated (in Gen. 48:5), ‘Ephraim and Manasseh shall be mine like Reuben and Simeon.’” He said to him, “So here you are supporting me. You have added flour. Have you added water?” He said to him, “Do you not admit that there are four matriarchs that had four first-borns? Take away from [the fourteen] the four firstborn (of Jacob's four wives), since the firstborn is not tithed. Why? Because he is holy, and something holy does not redeem for use something [else that is] holy.” He said to him, ‘It is good for your people that you are among them.” Hence it is written (Prov. 6:20), “and do not forsake the Torah of your mother (immekha),” [i.e.,] your people (ummatekha). That is what David said (in Ps. 40:9), “To carry out Your will, my God, is my desire, [for Your Torah is within my belly].” R. Aha bar Ulla said, “Is there Torah within the belly? And is it not so written (in Jer. 31:33), ‘and upon their heart (not their belly) I will write it?’ It is simply that David said, ‘May [a curse] come upon me, if something goes down into my belly, except when it is tithed.’ This is what is written (in I Chron. 27:25), ‘And over the treasuries of the king was Azmaveth ben Adiel; and over the treasuries in the country in the cities, in the villages, and in the towers was Jonathan ben Uzziah.’”19In other words, David was concerned enough about tithes to appoint overseers. For that reason Moses warned Israel (in Deut. 14:22), “You shall surely tithe.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 14:22:) “You shall surely tithe.” This is related to the verse (in Job 31:38), “If my land cries out against me.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Job, “Do you have anything more than four cubits of soil at the time of your death?20PRK 10:7. So should you say (ibid.), ‘If my land has cried out against me?’ And is it your handiwork?” R. Hiyya the Great and R. Simeon ben Halafta [differed about the matter]. R. Hiyya the Great said, “It is comparable to one who had a mantle (tallit) for sale in the bazaar.21Itlis. Buber’s note 65 suggests that the Hebrew word has lost an initial quf and comes from the Greek katalusis, which can denote a lodging or resting place. When someone passed by and saw it, he said to him, ‘That is mine.’ He said to him, ‘Wrap yourself in it. If it fits you, then it is yours; but if it does not, it is not yours.’ Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Job, (Jer. 23:24), ‘”Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” Yet you say (in Job 31:38), “If my land cries out against me.” Is it your handiwork?’” Then R. Simeon ben Halafta said, “It is comparable to one who had a bondmaid for sale in the bazaar. When someone passed by and saw her, he said, ‘She is mine.’ He said to him, ‘Rebuke her. If she heeds you, she is yours; but if not she is not yours.’ Similarly the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Job, ‘It is written of Me (in Ps. 104:32), “Who (i.e., the Lord) looks on the earth and it trembles.” Yet you say (in Job 31:38), “If my land cries out against me.” Is it your handiwork?’” At that time Job said, “Master of the universe, I did not say that. Rather [what I meant by the words, ‘If my land cries out against me,’ was] if I did not take out its tithes properly; (ibid., cont.:) ‘and [if] its furrows weep together’ [means] if I planted it [unlawfully] with mixed seeds. (Job 31:39:) ‘If I have eaten its produce without payment (literally, without money),’ this refers to the second tithe, as stated (in Deut. 14:25), ‘Then you shall convert it into money […]’; (Job 31:39, cont.) ‘and disappointed its owners,’ this refers to the tithe for the poor.22The midrash identifies the OWNERS of Job 31:39 with the poor who actually work the land. If I have not done [all] this, (then in vs. 40), ‘May thorns come up instead of wheat […].’” R. Hosha'ya taught, “The Torah teaches you proper procedure. A field that grows thorns (when unplanted) is fine to sow wheat in. A field that grows stinkweed is fine to sow barley in. [What is the reason (evidence)?] That which is written (in Job 31:40), ‘May thorns come up instead of wheat, and stinkweed instead of barley.’” (Ibid., cont.:) “The words of Job are ended.” Up to here, Job foresees and prophesies any number of prophecies, and [here] you say, “The words of Job are ended?” It is simply that Job was saying, “If I have not fulfilled these [conditions] (of vss. 38-39), may my words be ended, and let me not have a pretext for saying to you (in Deut. 26:13 regarding the second tithe), ‘I have removed the consecrated portion from the house.’”23MSh 5:10. For that reason Moses warned Israel (in Deut. 14:22), “You shall surely tithe.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 14:22:) “You shall surely tithe.” This is related to the verse (in Dan. 9:7) “With You, O Lord, there is righteousness, but there is a shameful face with us, to this very day, with the people of Judah [and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, with all Israel].” R. Judah beRabbi Eliezer said,24PRK 10:8; see M. Pss. 101:2. “An idol ('avodah zarah) crossed the sea along with Israel, as stated (in Zech. 10:11), ‘A rival wife (tsarah)25The midrash understands tsarah in this sense, although most biblical translations follow the other meaning of tsarah, i.e., “affliction,” distress,” or the like. So also above, Numb. 4a:7. shall cross in the sea.’ Tsarah can only mean an idolatrous work, since it is stated (in Is. 28:20), ‘And [the molten image was a rival wife] as when one gathers oneself and the bed is too small.’26Most translations render the passage quite differently, but what is given here better fits the sense of the midrash. See Sanh. 103b; Lev. R. 17:7. [Yet] the sea was rent asunder before them.” Ergo (in Dan. 9:7), “With You, O Lord, there is righteousness (zedekah, which also means charity).” R. Judan said, “It is written (in Jud. 1:22), ‘The House of Joseph, for their part, went up against Bethel, and the Lord was with them.’ They were going to serve an idol, yet you say, ‘And the Lord was with them.’ Ergo (in Dan. 9:7), ‘With You, O Lord, there is righteousness (charity).’” R. Judah b. R. Simon said, “There is even greater righteousness (charity) than this. Behold, it states (Jud. 18:27), ‘they took that which Micah had made,’ [i.e.,] the idol images, ‘and the priest that he had,’ [i.e.,] the idolatrous priest, ‘and came to Laish,’ [i.e.,] Bamias, ‘to a people tranquil and unsuspecting.’ They conducted an idolatrous worship, and it brought them success, such that you say, ‘to a people tranquil and unsuspecting?’ And is there greater righteousness (charity) than that.” Ergo (in Dan. 9:7), “With You, O Lord, there is righteousness.”27Cf. M. Pss. 3:3. R. Samuel bar Nahmani said, “You find that on the very day that Israel made the [golden] calf, manna fell. And not only that, but they took some of the manna and offered it to their idols, as stated (in Ezek. 16:19), ‘”Also My bread, which I gave you, fine flour, oil, and honey which I had you eat, you set it before them as a pleasing odor; and so it was,” says the Lord God.’” What is the meaning of “and so it was (wayehi)?” R. Judan said, “It is just as you say, ‘And it came to pass (wayehi) [like this] on the morrow’; nevertheless (in Neh. 9:20), ‘and You did not withhold Your manna from their mouth.’” Ergo (in Dan. 9:7), “With you, O Lord, there is righteousness (charity).” R. Eleazar said that Rabbi said, “Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah said this verse.” You find that when Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah came up from the fiery furnace, all the kings of the peoples of the world assembled.28See also Sanh. 93a. This is what is written (in Dan. 3:27), “The satraps, the prefects, the governors, and the royal companions assembled [to look on those men.” Then all these king spit in front of them, and said to them, “You know that there is power in your God to perform all these miracles for you; yet you bow down to an idol, and you have caused Him to destroy His house, burn His chamber and exile you until now?” [They did this] until they had produced a mass of spittle. Then Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah raised their faces toward above and said (in Dan. 9:7), “’With you, O Lord, there is righteousness,’ that is justification of the verdict; ‘but there is a shameful face with us,’ because we have provoked You so many times with You enduring us.” It is taught in the name of R. Hiya, “By universal custom, if someone has a certain field, he may let it out for a half or a third or a quarter [of its yield]; but it is not like that with the Holy One, blessed be He. He causes the wind to blow, clouds to rise, rains to descend, dews to flourish, plants to grow, and fruits to become plump; yet he only says to separate out one tenth in front of Him.” For that reason Moses warned Israel (in Deut. 14:22), “You shall surely tithe.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 14:22:) “You shall surely tithe.” What is written above the matter (in Deut. 14:21)? “You shall eat no carcass [that is not properly slaughtered].” R. 'Azariah, R. Johanan ben Haggai, and R. Isaac bar Maryon said in the name or R. Jose bar Hanina, “One who eats his produce untithed is like one who eats carcasses and those torn (terefah).29PRK 10:9. What is the reason? [It is first written (in Deut. 14:21),] ‘You shall eat no carcass.’ Then after that it is written (in vs. 22), ‘You shall surely tithe.’” R. Abin bar Rav Huna said in the name of R. Abba, “One who eats his produce without separating and [eats] tithes for the poor is liable for death.”30yQid. 2:9[8] (63a). R. Isaac said, “It is written in three places, ‘you shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk’: one for its own sake, one with reference to Torah, and one with reference to tithes.31Cf. PR 25:3. [Where the prohibition is given] for its own sake, what does it say (in Exod. 23:19)? ‘The choice first fruits of your land [you shall bring to the house of the Lord your God; you shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk.]’ What is written after that (in vs. 20), ‘Behold, I am sending an angel before you [to guard you on the way].’ With reference to Torah, it is written (in Exod. 34:26), ‘The choice first fruits of your land you shall bring to the house of the Lord your God; [you shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk.]’ What is written after it (in vs. 27)? ‘And the Lord said unto Moses, “Write down [these words].”’ With reference to tithes (in Deut. 14:22) it is written above (ibid.), ‘You shall eat no carcass […. You shall not boil (bshl) a kid (gedi) in its mother's milk (hlb).]’ Then after that is written (in Deut. 14:22), ‘You shall surely tithe.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘Do not cause me to have the tender grains (gedayim)32On this reading of gedi here, see Jastrow, s.v. ripen prematurely (bshl) in the fat (hlb)33This meaning comes from voweling the text as helev instead of halev. of their mothers, while they are in the belly of their mothers (i.e., in their pods).34The midrash is interpreting the prohibition in terms of agricultural products that are tithed. Thus the verse fits the context of what follows. Thus unless you take out a tithe properly, I will send out a certain wind from the east to blast them (i.e., the tender grains), just as you have said (in II Kings 19:26 = Is. 37:27), ‘and blasted before it is grown.’”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 14:22:) “You shall surely tithe.” Tithe ('sr) so that you may become rich ('shr),35In Hebrew letters the roots translated “tithe” and “become rich” are identical. before you are in want (hsr).36PRK 10:10. [Here is] a hint (remez) for those who sail the seas to take out one tenth for those who labor in Torah.37This interpretation understands the ALL in the commandment as expressing the universality of the YOU rather than modifying the predicate of the sentence. See the commentary of Enoch Zundel, ‘Ets Yosef on Tanh., Deut. 4:18, who cites the Tosafot to Ta’an 9a (top); cf. Sifre, Deut. 14:22 (105). (Ibid., cont.:) “The produce of your seed.” If you are merit it, it shall go out to sow the field. But if not, the one who goes out to the field shall in the end engage in combat with you. This refers to Esau, of whom it is said (in Gen. 27:5), “and Esau had gone out into the field to hunt game.” Another interpretation (of Deut. 14:22), “the produce of your seed.” If you merit it, your end shall be that, when you go out to your field and see what is in need of rain, you shall pray and be answered.38On granting of rain for tithes, see Mal. 3:10; PRK 1:4. But if not, it ends up that the enemies of Israel come out to bury their children in the field.39A euphemism warning that neglected tithes will lead to Israel’s enemies burying Israel’s children. (Deut. 14:22:) “Year by year.” One does not set aside a tithe from one year for [the crops of] another.40According to this the restriction applies only to the second tithe, which was set aside in the first, second, fourth, and fifth years of each septennial cycle. So Sifra to Lev. 27:30–34, 277: Behuqqotay, pereq 12 (115b). See Sifre, Deut. 14:22 (105 Ter. 1:5; TBekh. 7:1; RH 8a, 12b (bar.). [These are] the words of R. Aqiva. (Deut. 14:23:) “Then in the presence of the Lord your God, in the place where he shall choose to have His name dwell, you shall consume the tithes of your grain, [your new wine].” If you tithe, [it is] your grain. But if not, [it is] My grain, according to what is stated (in Hos. 2:11), “Therefore I will take back My grain in its time.” If you merit it [it is] your new wine. But if not, [it is] My new wine, [according to what is stated (ibid., cont.),] “and My new wine in its season.” Resh Laqesh said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘I have told you to take your tithes from the choicest part. How so? When a Levite comes to you, if you give him a tithe from the choicest part, I will [also] give to you from the choicest part.’” Thus it is stated (in Deut. 28:12), “The Lord will open for you His finest storehouse.” But if you have given him some sword grass and some pulse, I have a right to give you something similar. Thus it is stated (in Deut. 28:24), “The Lord will make the rainfall of your land powder and dust.” (Deut. 14:29:) “Then the Levite, because he has no share or inheritance with you shall come….” R. Judah b. R. Simon said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘If you have four children in the house, you have (according to Deut. 16:14:) “And you shall rejoice during your festival, you, and your son, and your daughter, your bond servant, and your bondmaid.” And as for Me, I have four children in the house: (ibid., cont.:) “the Levite and the sojourner, the orphan and the widow.” [These are] mine. So they all are in a single verse. If you give joy to Mine during the festival days that I have given you, I will give joy to yours in the Temple (literally, in the house of choice). It is so stated (in Is. 56:7), “I will bring them unto My holy hill and give them joy in My house of prayer.”’ Amen, so may it be His will!”" + ] + ], + "Shoftim": [ + [ + "(Deut. 16:18:) “[You shall appoint] judges and law officers.” This text is related (to Ps. 147:19), “He declares His words to Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances to Israel.” “His words” are the words of Torah; “His statutes” are the expositions (midrsahot); “and His ordinances” are the judgments [to Israel]. The Holy One, blessed be He, gave the Torah and the judgments to no one but to Israel alone. And where is it shown? You learn that when Israel and a star-worshiping gentile have a dispute with each other, it is forbidden for Israel to say to the gentile, “Go with me to your courts,”1Arka’ot; cf. Gk.: archai (“authorities”) or [archeia (“town offices”). because he would be transgressing a prohibition, since it is stated (in Ps. 147:20), “He has not done so for any nation (goy); and, as for His ordinances, they have not known them.” But were not the peoples of the world commanded concerning litigations, since that is one of the seven commandments of the Children of Noah? So what is the significance of (ibid.), “and, as for His ordinances, they have not known them?” These are the fine points of the law (din). As so have we taught (in Sanh. 5:2), “There was once a case that Ben Zakkay cross-examined [witnesses] about fig stems.”2The gemara (Sanh. 41a) explains that a capital offense was involved. Now the Children of Noah are put to death on the evidence of a single witness, with a single judge, and without a warning. [Whereas that is] something which does not exist in Israel, since there are three judges in property cases, and there are twenty-three judges in capital cases.3Sanh. 4:1. Moreover, it is written (in Deut. 19:15), “A single witness shall not be valid against a person….” So there must be an investigation and an inquiry. How do they examine the witnesses? They bring them in and solemnly forewarn them. Then they would examine them again with seven inquiries:4Sanh. 5:1. 1. In what week?5I.e., week of years, Sabbatical year of the Jubilee cycle. 2. In what year? 3. In what month? 4. On what [day] of the month? 5. In what hour? 6. In what place? 7. Did you forewarn him?6This last query is one of various supplemental questions listed in Sanh. 5:1. This is as we say in Tractate Sanhedrin. And so you find among the leaders7Parnas. Cf. Gk.: pronoi (“prudent ones”, “those who take forethought”). of Israel that they were praised only for their judging.8I.e., in various summary statements about Israel’s leaders, e.g., Judges 4:4; 10:2, 3; 12:7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14; 15:20; 16:31; I Sam. 4:18; 7:6, 15–17; 8:1, 5–6, 20; I Kings 3:9, it is the fact that they judged Israel that is specifically mentioned. This fact may not always be obvious in modern translations, because they do not always render Shpt as “judge” but by other English verbs, such as “govern” or “rule.” It is written concerning Samuel (in I Sam. 7:6), “And he went on a circuit year by year to Bethel, [Gilgal, and Mizpah; and he judged Israel in all those places].” And David also was praised only for his judging, as stated (in I Chron. 18:14 // II Sam. 8:15), “And David reigned over all of Israel and he administered judgment and righteousness to all his people.” And in the case of Jehoshaphat also, when he was installed in the kingship, he did not occupy himself with the business of kingship nor with honor but with the business of judging.9Note that Jehoshaphat’s name means, “The LORD has judged.” It is so stated (in II Chron. 17:1), “Then [his son] Jehoshaphat reigned [in his stead,] and he strengthened himself over Israel.” What is the meaning of “and he strengthened himself (rt.: hzq)?” That he strengthened himself, when he appointed judges. It also says (in II Chron. 17:6), “His heart was exalted in the ways of the Lord, and in addition he removed the high places and asherim from Judah.” Was there a haughty spirit within him, in that it says, “his heart was exalted?” It is simply that he had appointed judges over them who knew how to walk in the ways of the Lord, as stated (in Gen. 18:19), “and to keep the way of the Lord, to do what is just and right.” (II Chron. 19:6:) “Then he said unto the judges,” (in Deut. 1:17), “As justice belongs to God.” Now if Moses our master, who was not commanded concerning judges,—rather Jethro told him (in Exod. 18:21), “And you shall seek out [able men] from among all the people…,” — [if he] convened a Sanhedrin;10Gk.: synedrion. how much more [important is a Sanhedrin] in our case, when it has been commanded here in the Torah (in Deut. 16:18), “You shall appoint judges and law officers for yourselves.” Where is it shown that Moses convened a Sanhedrin? Where it is stated (in Exod. 18:25), “So Moses chose able men from all Israel [and appointed them as heads over the people].” And Jerusalem also was praised only because of the justice system, as stated (in Ezek. 16:14), “And your name shall be spread among the gentiles because of your beauty, [as you were crowned with adornment (rt.: hdr)].” And what adornment (rt.: hdr) is that? This is the justice system, since it is stated (in Exod. 23:3), “Nor shall you favor (rt.: hdr) someone poor in his lawsuit.” And Jerusalem was destroyed only over perversion of justice, since it is stated (in Ezek. 22:5), “you with a besmirched name; you who are full of commotion,” the name for justice that you had at first is besmirched. It is also written (in Is. 1:21), “she (i.e., Jerusalem) was full of justice, there righteousness dwelt; but now murderers.” Because “she was full of justice, there righteousness dwelt.” For this reason, Jeremiah said to them (in Lam. 4:12-13), “The kings of the earth did not believe, [… that foe or enemy would come through the gates of Jerusalem]. It was for the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests [who shed the blood of the righteous in her midst].” At that time the Holy One, blessed be He, swore that He Himself would exact retribution from the judges, as stated (in Is. 1:24), “Therefore thus says the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the Most Mighty of Israel, [‘Ah, I will exact vengeance from my foes]….’” Now “therefore” can only be a term [related to] an oath, since it is stated (in I Sam. 3:14), “And I therefore swear to the house of Eli.” Moreover, mighty can only be a term for the av bet din (head of the court), since it is stated (in I Sam. 21:8), “the most mighty of the shepherds [that belong to Saul].” [This is] to teach you that the Holy One, blessed be He, became an av bet din in order to exact vengeance from them. And where is it shown that the text is speaking about judges? See what is written after it (in Is. 1:26), “And I will restore your judges as in the beginning.” Therefore David has said (in Ps. 147:19), “He declares His words to Jacob, [His statutes and His ordinances to Israel].”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 16:18:) “[You shall appoint] judges and law officers,” “judges” are magistrates, and “law officers” are administrators that supervise the people.11Cf. Sifre to Deut. 16:18 (144). R. Eleazar said, “If there is no law officer, there is no judge. How so? When someone is found by a court to have a legal obligation to his companion, if there is no law officer who will collect from him when he withdraws from the court, there is no power in the hands of the judge to do anything to him. If, however, [a law officer is present], he delivers him into the hand of the law officer, and the law officer extracts compliance from him.” R. Eleazar ben Pedat said, “If it had not been for the law-enforcing office12Siteno, which is being read as sitero, as suggested by Jastrow, s.v. of Joab, David could not have enforced justice.” And so it says (in I Chron. 18:14-15 // II Sam. 8:15-16), “So David administered judgment and righteousness to all his people. And Joab ben Zeruiah was over the army.” Were David and Joab judges together? It is simply that whenever someone did not heed the judge, they delivered him into the hands of Joab, and he extracted [compliance] from him against his will. And so Job said (in Job 29:16-17), “I was a father to the poor […]. I broke the jaws [of the evildoer].”" + ], + [], + [], + [ + "(Deut. 16:18:) “You shall appoint [judges and law officers] for yourselves”; and not for the peoples of the world. Another interpretation (of Deut. 16:18), “You shall appoint [judges and law officers] for yourselves (literally, yourself)”: [This] teaches that the judges were called in the name of Moses. Moreover, this is one of three things over which Moses risked his life and were called by his name.13Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, Shirata, 1 on Exod. 15:1; Exod. R. 30:4; Numb. R. 12:9. He offered his life over the Torah, [as stated (in Exod. 34:28),] “And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights.” And it was called by his name, as stated (in Mal. 3:22), “Remember [the] Torah of My servant Moses.” He offered his life over Israel, as stated (in Exod. 32:32), “But now, if You will forgive their sin, [well and good; but if not, please blot me out].” And they were called by his name, as stated (in Exod. 32:7, in which the Holy One, blessed be He, tells Moses), “Go down, for your people have acted basely.” He also offered his life over the judges, as stated (in Exod. 2:12-14), “he smote the Egyptian [and hid him in the sand]. When he went out on the second day, [there were two Hebrew men fighting; so he said to the wicked one, ‘Why would you strike your comrade?’] But he said, ‘Who appointed you a prince and a judge?’” For that reason they were called in his name, as stated (in Deut. 33:21), “He chose for himself the best… he executed the Lord’s judgments, and His decisions for Israel.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 16:18:) “You shall appoint judges and law officers] for yourselves in all your gates,” in every single city; “for your tribes,” even when the whole city consists of a single family, appoint judges for it. (Deut. 16:18, cont.:) “So that they may judge the people with righteous judgment.” [This is] to teach you that one effects righteousness with both of them, with the innocent one who gets what belongs to him and with the guilty one from under whose hand they take away the stolen goods. Another interpretation (of Deut. 16:18), “righteous judgment”: During the time that they judge righteously, they effect righteousness (charity) with the people, as stated (in Ps. 85:12), “Faithfulness shall spring up from the land [while righteousness looks down from Heaven].” During the time that a faithful judgment springs up from the land, the Holy One, blessed be He, effects righteousness (charity) with the people. He also saves them from divine punishment and afflictions, while goodwill comes into the world." + ], + [ + "(Deut. 16:19:) “You shall not turn aside justice; you shall not show partiality.” [Here is] a warning for the prince not to place one suited to be low, high; and one suited to be high, low. Another interpretation (of Deut. 16:19), “You shall not turn aside justice,” because of wealth; “you shall not show partiality,” because of honor, so that a poor person does not stand while a wealthy one sits. Another interpretation (of Deut. 16:19), “You shall not turn aside justice.” It is a warning to the sage not to seat someone beside him who is unfit for jurisdiction. Moreover, if he should so seat someone [like this], it is as though he had planted an asherah. So near [this verse] is [the following] (in Deut. 16:21), “You shall not plant for yourselves [any tree as] an asherah [beside an altar of the Lord your God…].” (Deut. 16:19) “You shall not turn aside justice.” Let the judges always feel as if the Divine Presence is among them, as stated (in Ps. 82:1), “[God stands in the divine congregation;] he pronounces judgment in the midst of powers.” From here it follows for litigants that they conduct themselves in awe. There is a story about a certain person who had a lawsuit with a king, one of the kings of the Hasmonean dynasty.14Sanh. 19a; cf. Josephus, Ant. 14:168-184, for a similar story about Herod being charged with murder. He came and stood before Simeon ben Shetah. He said to him, “I have a lawsuit with the king.” Simeon ben Shetah said to those judges who were judging along with him, “If I send for the king, will you reprimand him?” They told him, “Yes.” He sent for him. He came and put his throne beside Simeon ben Shetah. Simeon ben Shetah said to him, “Stand on your feet and give satisfaction.\" He said to him, “Do we judge a king?” [Simeon ben Shetah] turned to the right, and the judges [on the right] pressed their faces on the ground (to hide them). He turned to the left, and [those on the left] pressed their faces on the ground. The angel came and beat them on the ground, until their souls left them. Immediately the king trembled. Simeon ben Shetah said to him, “Stand on your feet and give satisfaction, since you are not standing before me, but before the One who spoke and the world came into being, as stated (in Deut. 19:17), ‘The two parties to the dispute shall stand before the Lord.’” He immediately stood on his feet and gave satisfaction. Hence the litigants need to conduct themselves in awe and the judges need to conduct themselves in awe; as they are rendering judgment, as it were, for the Holy One, blessed be He. Therefore Jehoshaphat said to the judges (in II Chron. 19:6), “[Consider what you are doing], since you are not rendering judgment for humans but for the Lord.” R. Hama bar Hanina said, “Come and see! If there were no scriptural text written, it is not possible for him to say that flesh and blood judges its Creator. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to the judges, ‘Let them conduct themselves in awe, as if you were judging Me. How? One fulfills a commandment before Me. [So] I have decreed over him to give him a hundred fields. If you pass judgment against him on one thing that I have decreed over him, I will give him other [fields] from what I possess; and I will credit it against you as though you had gotten it from Me.’”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 16:19, cont.:) “You shall not take a bribe.” When the judge sets his heart on a bribe, he becomes blind to justice and he is unable to judge [a case] honestly. R. Eliezer said, “It says here (in Ezek. 22:6), ‘Behold, the princes of Israel, each one according to his strength (literally, arm), have existed among you for the shedding of blood.’ Thus they stretched out15Poshetim, which is intended as a pun on shofetim “judges”. Thus the verb implies that the judges are the ones who stretch out their arms for bribes. their arms under their robes to take a bribe.” R. Abbahu said, “Whoever takes the equivalent of a peruta (the smallest of coins) from his fellow is called wicked, as stated (in Prov. 17:23), ‘A wicked one takes a concealed bribe.’”16Apart from the midrash, in the biblical context these words, which literally mean, A WICKED ONE TAKES A BRIBE FROM THE BOSOM, may well refer to the one who gives the bribe. R. Ishmael beRabbi Yose said, “Come and see how harmful a bribe is. One time a certain person came and brought me the first fruits of the sheep shearing.17See Deut. 18:4; also Ket. 105b. He also had a lawsuit before the judge, so I stood to one side. Now I said to him [that] if he pleads such and such before the judge, he will win the suit; for I was hoping for him to win. Even though he had only given me my due, and it was not a bribe, my heart was drawn to him every time I saw him. Furthermore, although he had gone to the court, I asked about him whether he had won or not. [This incident serves] to make known to you how harmful a bribe is, since it makes the eyes blind. Now here is an argument a fortiori: If I, to whom he had [only] brought what was due and who [only] got what was due me, was hoping for him to win, how much the more so with one who gets a bribe.” Rabban Johanan ben Zakkay would expound (about Mal. 3:5), “Then I will draw near to you in judgment; [and I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, against adulterers, against those who swear to a lie, against those who oppress the hired worker in their wages, the widow, the orphan and those who turn aside the sojourner.” [He said,] “Woe to us for the day of judgment! Woe to us for the day of retribution,18Cf. Gen. R. 93:6; Numb. R. 10:2. as Scripture compares (heqish) one who turns aside the sojourner to all the worst transgressions!” Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, warned (in Deut. 16:19), “You shall not turn aside justice.” R. Hama bar Osha'ya said, “A person having a pain in his eye gives a lot of money to a physician, [when] it is doubtful whether he is to be healed or not.19Ket. 105a. But the one who takes a bribe corrupts justice, blinds his eyes, causes Israel to be exiled from their land, and brings hunger into the world. Thus it is stated (in Deut. 16:20), ‘Justice, justice shall you pursue so that you may live and possess the land’; but if not, you shall not possess it.” (Deut. 16:20:) “Justice, justice shall you pursue,” (with justice repeated two times). From here they have maintained that one should pursue a worthy court. Another interpretation of (Deut. 16:20), “Justice, justice shall you pursue,” (with justice repeated) two times: [Here is] a warning for judges who judge capital cases not to render judgment on the same day as the trial. Rather let them suspend the judgment overnight (rt.: lwn), just as they suspend it overnight (rt.: lwn) in Jerusalem, since it is stated (in Is. 1:21), “she (i.e., Jerusalem) was full of justice, for righteousness lodged (rt.: lwn) there.” (Deut. 16:20, cont.:) “So that you may live.” Everyone who judges a case with unvarnished truth merits life in the world to come, as stated (in Is. 56:1), “Thus says the Lord, ‘Observe justice, and practice righteousness; [for soon My salvation shall come, and My righteousness be revealed].’”" + ], + [ + "(Zech. 13:8:) “’And it shall come to pass throughout all the land,’ says the Lord, ‘that two-thirds in it shall be cut off [and] die, but one-third shall remain in it.’” This is what is stated with the holy spirit through David (in Ps. 97:7), “All who worship an image, who boast in idols, are put to shame.” With reference to whom was he saying it? He only said it with reference to the Holy One, blessed be He. R. Hanina said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, is going to show His glory to all who have come into the world; for He will lower His throne in the middle of the firmament and again set it in place where the sun rises during the period of [the month of] Tebeth.” R. Hanina the Elder said to him, “Is it possible to see His glory, even the One of whom it is written (in Exod. 33:20), ‘for no human may see Me and live?’ Now you are saying, ‘The Holy One, blessed be He, is going to show His glory to all who have come into the world.’” He said to him, “See, it is written (in Ps. 84:12), ‘For the Lord God] is sun and shield […].” Just as a sun and shield denotes a shield over one in time of war, so also will the Holy One, blessed be He, be a shield over His children at that time [of His appearing].20Even though the Holy One on his throne shines with the blinding rays of the sun, He will also provide a shield from these rays. R. Hanina said, “In the time that the Lord judges the peoples of the world, He seizes them for judgment; them, their Gods, and the one who sets up images21The translation reads protomin (Gk. partomai, denoting imperial busts.) for Buber’s pittumin. The emendation was first suggested by Jastrow, s.v. perotomi, and agrees with a note from S. Lieberman given orally to Daniel Sperber and cited in “Greek and Latin Words in Rabbinic Literature,” Bar-Ilan: Annual of Bar-ilan University Studies in Judaica and the Humanities, 14–15(1977), p. 12, n. 7. Buber’s pittumin, which means “ingredients” or “spices,” makes relatively little sense. Cf. Codex Vaticanus, Ebr. 34, which reads “patronin” (Gk.: patrones; Lat.: patroni), and denotes protectors. for them. Next He brings the two tablets with the Ten Commandments and says to them (i.e., to the tablets), ‘Have they all paid attention to you?’ Then they say to him, ‘From the day that You created us, no one has paid attention to us with the lone exception of Your people Israel.’” (Ps. 96:7:) “Who boast in idols.” [It would be] more fitting for Scripture to say, “who trust.” What is the meaning of “who boast?” That they did not perform idol worship until they had honored each other (for doing so). The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “On each day you will feel shame before Me. There are those among you who serve doves, and a lot of doves are slaughtered. There are also those among you who serve bricks, and a lot of bricks are broken in the marketplace. There are those among you who serve fish, and a lot of fish are sold in the marketplace.” Immediately the Holy One, blessed be He, put them to shame, as stated (in Micah 7:16), “The nations shall see Me and be ashamed […].” R. Hama bar Hanina said, “What is the meaning of (Is. 43:9), ‘All the nations are gathered together […].’ In the world to come the Holy One, blessed be He, brings the book of Torah and puts it on His lap.22AZ 2a-3b. Then He says, ‘Let anyone who is occupied with this, come and receive his reward.’ Immediately all the peoples gather in confusion, as stated (ibid.), ‘All the nations are gathered together […].’ The Holy One, blessed be He, says to them, ‘Do not be gathered in confusion, but [have] every nation [come separately] with its scribes,’ as stated (ibid, cont.), ‘and let the peoples assemble.’ Edom (the Roman Empire) entered. The Holy One, blessed be He, says to them, ‘With what were you occupied?’ They say to Him, ‘We have established a lot of marketplaces, produced a lot of baths, and multiplied silver and gold. And everything was [done] so that Israel would [have leisure to] be occupied with Torah.’ He [then says] to them, ‘Everything that you did, you did for your own needs. Marketplaces are for settling harlots in. Baths are to refresh yourselves. Silver and gold are mine, as stated (in Hag. 2:8), “The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine.”’ The Persian Empire entered. He says to them, ‘With what were you occupied?’ They say, ‘We have conquered a lot of cities, established a lot of bridges, waged a lot of wars. And everything was [done] for the sake of Israel.’ He [then] says to them, ‘Everything that you did, you did for the sake of yourselves. Cities were for producing forced labor23Gk.: angareia; Lat.: angaria. in them. Bridges were for collecting tolls. Wars [are what] I have waged, as stated (in Exod. 15:3), “The Lord is a man of war.” Are there any among you declaring “this?”’ It is so stated (in Is. 43:9, cont.), ‘who among them will declare this?’ Now ‘this’ can only be Torah, since it is stated (in Deut. 4:44), ‘And this is the Torah which Moses set.’ They say to Him ‘Did you give us anything that we have not accepted?’ [But] it says about them (in Deut. 33:2), ‘The Lord came forth from Sinai, and shone upon them from Seir….’ [This] teaches that the Holy One, blessed be He, brought [the light of Torah] to all the peoples of the world, but they did not want to accept it. [So] they say to Him, ‘Did You overturn the mountain above us like a basin like you did to Israel, as stated (in Exod. 19:17), “And they stood at the nether part of the mount,” and You said to them, “If you accept the Torah, excellent, but if not, there [under the mountain], will be your burial.” As if it were not for this, they [too] would not have accepted it.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, says to them, ‘But did they not say from the beginning (in Exod. 24:7), “we shall do and we shall heed?”’ They [then] say to Him, ‘Master of the world, give it to us in advance, and we will carry it out.’ He says to them, ‘I am giving you an easy commandment. If you observe it, I will give you a reward like [that of] Israel.’ He says to them, ‘Go and make a sukkah (booth).’ Immediately each and every one goes and builds a sukkah for himself. [But] when the Holy One, blessed be He, brings out the sun from its case,24Gk. and Lat.: narthex, where it originally denoted a shrub. each one tramples down his sukkah and goes away, as stated (in Ps. 2:3), ‘Let us break their bonds asunder.’ Then the Holy One, blessed be He, sits and laughs at them, as stated (in vs. 4), ‘The One sitting in the heavens will laugh; the Lord will deride them.’” (Ps. 97:7, end:) “And all the powers will bow down to Him.” When He judges the peoples of the world, he will judge their gods along with them, as stated (in Is. 66:16), “For in fire will the Lord execute judgment….” When they are unable to remain in the fire, they fly away. Then the Holy One, blessed be He, sends out angels with [prisoner] collars25Qolarin from the Lat.: collaria; cf. colla (“necks”). and chains, and they cast them into the midst of the fire, as stated (in Mal. 3:19), “’And that day is coming burning like an oven,’ said the Lord of Hosts, ‘[(it) shall burn them to ashes] and leave of them neither stock nor boughs.’” Another interpretation (of Ps. 97:7), “And all the powers bow down to Him”: All the idolaters say to their gods, “Come and bow down before the Holy One, blessed be He, for you have led us astray.” Immediately (according to Is. 2:18), “And the idols shall completely vanish,” and the idolaters bring them down into Gehinnom. It is therefore stated (in Ps. 97:7), “All who worship an image are put to shame.” (Zech. 13:8:) “And it shall come to pass throughout all the land, says the Lord, that two-thirds in it shall be cut off [and] die,” these are those that say there are two powers in the Heavens; “but one-third (shelishit) shall remain in it,” these are Israel, who are from a third (shelishit) of the world, [as they are] the children of three (sheloshet) patriarchs. Another interpretation (of Zech. 13:8) “but one-third shall remain in it”: [These words mean] that they shall only settle in their land in the third deliverance. The first deliverance was the deliverance from Egypt. The second was the deliverance of [in the time of] Ezra. The third has no interruption. R. Simlay said, “Six hundred and thirteen commandments were spoken to Moses on Sinai.26Makk. 23b-24a; M. Pss. 17(addendum):18-25. David came and established them upon eleven [principles], as stated (in Ps. 15:1), ‘O Lord, who shall dwell in Your tent,’ and all [of that] psalm.27The five verses to this psalm contain exactly eleven stipulations (in vss. 2-4a) for dwelling with the Holy One without being shaken. Isaiah came and established them upon six, as stated (in Is. 33:15), ‘(1) One who walks righteously and (2) speaks uprightly, (3) who detests the unjust gain of oppression, (4) who shakes his finger (literally, his hand) against grasping at a bribe, (5) [who shuts off his ears against hearing of bloodshed, and (6) closes his eyes against looking at evil].’ And it is written after that (in vs.16), ‘Such a one shall dwell on the heights; the strongholds on cliffs shall be his refuge, with his food supplied and his water assured.’ Micah came and established them upon three, as stated (in Micah 6:8), ‘He has told you, O human, what is good; so what does the Lord demand of you but to practice justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.’ Amos came established them upon two, as stated (in Amos 5:4), ‘For thus says the Lord […], “seek Me and live.”’ Habakkuk came and established them upon one, as stated (in Hab. 2:4), ‘but the righteous person shall live by his faithfulness.’”" + ] + ], + "Ki Teitzei": [ + [ + "(Deut. 21:10:) “When you go out to war [against your enemies, and the Lord your God gives them into your hand and you take them captive].” Our masters have taught (Avot 4:2), “[One] good deed/commandment brings about [another] good deed/commandment, and [one] transgression brings about [another] transgression.” (Deut. 21:11-12:) “And when you see among the captives a woman of pretty form [whom you desire to take for a wife. And you shall bring her into your house,] where she shall shave her head and do her nails,” so that she will not find favor in his eyes.1See Deut. R. 6:4. What is written after that (in vs. 15), “When a man has two wives.” Two [wives] in [one] house [means] strife in the house. And moreover (ibid., cont.) “one loved and the other hated,” or both of them hated. What is written after that (in vs. 18)? “If one has a defiant and rebellious son.” Whenever anyone marries a “woman of pretty form,” there results from it a defiant and rebellious son. Thus we find it so in the case of David, because (as suggested by II Sam. 3:3) he had desired Maacah bat Talmai king of Geshur, while he had gone to war; so Absalom came out of him [in this union. The latter] wanted to kill him and (according to II Sam. 16:22) slept with his ten concubines before the eyes of all Israel and in broad daylight. Also because of him several myriads from Israel were killed. And he created discord in Israel, [through which] were killed Shimei ben Gera (in I Kings 2:46), Sheba ben Bichri (in II Sam. 20:22), Ahithophel (in II Sam. 17:23). And he killed Mephibosheth,2There may be some confusion between Mephibosheth who was a son of Saul that David had killed (in II Sam. 21:8) and the Mephibosheth who was Saul’s grandson and who was falsely accused of betraying David for Absalom (II Sam. 16:3; but cf. 19:24–30). and had Ziba rule over the whole house of Saul (II Sam. 16:4; cf. II Sam. 9:9). It is taught: R. Jose says,3Sanh. 72a. “Is it because a defiant and rebellious son ate half a pound4Gk.: litra. of meat and drank half a log of undiluted wine that the Torah says for him to go out to the court and be [executed by] stoning (cf. Deut. 21:18-21)? It is simply that Torah has foreseen the end of the thinking of a defiant and rebellious son. As in the end he will squander his father's assets with wastrels with whom he eats and drinks, until he seeks what he has been accustomed to and does not find it. Then he goes out to the crossroads, where he kills people and robs5Melastem, from the Gk.: lestes (“robber”). them. So the Torah is saying, ‘Let him die innocent and not die guilty,’ for the death of the wicked benefits them and benefits the world.” And what is written after that (in vs. 22)? “And when someone is guilty of a crime punishable by death and is put to death.” If he is delivered from the one,6I.e., the preventive punishment as A DEFIANT AND REBELLIOUS SON. he is not delivered from the other. [Hence] we have learned “[One] transgression brings about [another] transgression.” [But that one] good deed/commandment brings about [another] good deed/commandment,7In the text of Avot the clauses are reversed. For the correct order, see the beginning of the paragraph. Note also that the word for GOOD DEED (mitswah) also means COMMANDMENT and that the midrash has both meanings in mind. where is it shown (in Scripture)? Where it is stated (in Deut. 22:6-7), “When you come across a bird nest…. You must surely let [the mother] go …, in order that it may be well with you and you may lengthen your life.” What is written after that (in vs. 8)? “When you build a new house, [you shall make a parapet for your roof].]” You will merit to build a house and make a parapet. What is written after that (in vs. 9)? “You shall not sow your vineyard with two kinds of seed.” You will merit to [possess] a vineyard and to sow a field. What is written after that (in vs. 10)? “You shall not plow with an ox and an ass [together].” You will merit to [possess] oxen and asses. What is written after that (in vs. 11)? “You shall not wear interwoven stuff, [wool and flax together].” You will merit to [possess] nice clothes of wool and of linen. What is written after that (in vs. 12)? “You shall make yourselves tassels.” You shall merit the commandment of tassels. What is written after that (in vs. 13)? “When a man takes a wife.” You shsll merit to [have] a wife and children. Behold, we have learned that [one] good deed/commandment brings about [another] good deed/commandment and one] transgression brings about [another] transgression. Therefore these sections of the Torah are adjacent to one another." + ], + [ + "(Deut. 22:6-7), “You come across a bird nest, [….] You must surely let the mother go.” This text is related (to Prov. 4:23), “More than any observance preserve your heart, for out of it comes life.” R. Abba said, “There are two hundred and forty-eight positive commandments in the Torah corresponding to the organs that are in a human being; for each and every day they cry out at the person, ‘Perform a commandment with me so that we may live through its merit and you may lengthen your life.’ There are also three hundred and sixty-five negative commandments like the number of the solar days. So on each and every day while the sun rises until it sets, it speaks and cries out at a person, ‘Decree me upon yourself by the One who has brought your days up to this day. Do not commit this transgression against me, and do not tilt yourself and the whole world toward the scale of guilt.’” Here are six hundred and thirteen commandments. Moreover, for each and every commandment there is a recorded reward. For example honoring father and mother (in Exod. 20:12 // Deut. 5:16) and leaving a nest alone (in Deut. 22:7) about which it is written, a lengthening of life. There are also commandments with children as the reward; as, for example, Sarah, who hosted guests (in Gen. 18:6-14), and the Shunammite woman, who received Elisha (II Kings. 4:8-17). There is [also] a transgression, [which may] require stoning, burning, slaying (with the sword),8Hereg. See Sanh. 7:3, for the interpretation of hereg as beheading with a sword. or strangulation.9For details on all four types of execution, see ibid., 6:4; 7:1–3. Of all the commandments, none is as easy as leaving a nest alone. And what it its remuneration (according to Deut. 22:7)? “In order that it may be well with you and you may lengthen your life.” A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a king who brought laborers into his field to plant it but did not reveal to them the remuneration for their planting. At evening he gave one gold coin to whoever planted a tree. They all began to be amazed and say, “Now if the one who has only planted a light and small tree [has received] one gold coin, how much the more will there be for us who have planted many [of them].”10Cf. Deut. R. 6:2. So if the remuneration for leaving a nest alone has a lengthening of life as its remuneration, how much more will be the remuneration for a commandment in which there is material loss, hardship, and [the need to] preserve one's life? For this reason the Holy One, blessed be He, did not explain the remuneration for the commandments which are in the Torah, so that Israel of its own accord would fulfill them and thereby increase the remuneration. Thus we have learned (in Avot 1:3), “Do not be like servants who serve the master for the sake of receiving a reward […].” It is therefore written (in Prov. 4:23), “More than any observance preserve your heart, [for out of it comes life].” There is a story about someone who went up to the top of a tree to fulfill the commandment of leaving a nest alone, and he fell and died. [This is] because it is stated (Deut. 22:7), “When you come across a bird nest on the way,” and not that you see it at the top of the trees and go up after it. The verse (Ps. 94:12) states, “Happy is the man whom You discipline, O Lord, the man You instruct in Your Torah.” Rabbi Elazar ben Yaakov said, “A man must remember gratitude to the Holy One, blessed be He, at a time when afflictions come upon him. Why? Because afflictions draw a man to the Holy One, blessed be He, as it is stated (Prov. 3:12), ‘For whom the Lord loves, He rebukes, as a father the son whom he favors.’” R. Shimon bar Yochai said, “If a man’s son dies, he should not voice a complaint, as the son causes him to be acceptable to the Holy One, blessed be He.” There is a parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a king who became angry with the son of his daughter, and someone else came and made this son of his acceptable in front of the king. That son of the daughter says, “Do [I] not need to remember gratitude to the one that made [me] acceptable?” So [too] if a man’s son dies, he should remember gratitude to the Holy One, blessed be He, as the son made the father acceptable to his Creator. Why? (As in Prov. 3:12), “For whom the Lord loves, He rebukes, [as a father the son whom he favors].” Therefore David said in (Ps. 94:12), “Happy is the man whom You discipline, O Lord.” If afflictions come to a person, he should stand firm and accept them. Why? As there is no end to its remuneration. And from where (in Scripture) do you learn [this]? From the tooth and the eye [that is injured], through which a gentile slave goes out to freedom. Is it not [then] fitting that afflictions that scour the entire body of man atone? R. Chiya bar Abba said, “Since it is stated about the one that fulfills the commandment of leaving the nest alone, ‘in order that it may be well with you,’ all the more so will the death of a man’s child atone for him.” (Deut. 22:7:) “And the young (literally, children) take for yourself.” If you do not have children, I will give you children as the reward for this commandment. Another interpretation of (Deut. 22:7), “You must surely let [the mother] go.” If you let them go, (as in Is. 59:18) “According to their deeds, so shall He repay.” [See] what is written (in Jer. 50:33-34), “The children of Israel are oppressed […] they refuse to let them go. Their redeemer is mighty, [His name is] the Lord of hosts; He shall surely fight their fight.” [It also says (in Is. 16:2),] “For it shall be that the daughters of Moab at the fords of the Arnon shall be like a migrating bird, an abandoned nest.” This text is related (to Jer. 17:11), “As a partridge hatches without laying, so is one who makes money apart from justice….” What is written after that (in vs. 12)? “A glorious throne exalted from the beginning, our sacred shrine.” What is the connection between the two [verses]? Whoever says a partridge hatches is [really] saying a glorious throne. [This is] to teach you that a partridge brings eggs from other birds and sits on them until [the young] emerge from their shells and become fledglings. Then they rise up over it and pluck its wings. When it goes out to fly, it is unable [to do so] because its wings are plucked. So a wild beast or reptile finds it and eats it. And what caused its [destruction]? [It happened] because it had raised eggs that were not its own. So it shall be with the peoples of the world and the Moabites and the Ammonites that stretched their hands against (according to Jer. 17:12) His glorious throne, destroyed His sacred shrine, burned His Temple, and carried Israel into exile. The Holy One, blessed be He, shall destroy their memory, as the matter is stated (in Zeph. 2:9), “Therefore, as I live, says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, surely Moab shall become like Sodom, [and the children of Ammon like Gomorrah].”" + ], + [], + [ + "(Deut. 25:17:) “Remember what Amalek (Esau's grandson) did to you.” This verse is related (to Ps.109:14), “May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord […].” Were the fathers of Esau wicked?11PRK 3:1; cf. 12:4; PR 12:4. In note 16 on PR 12:4, W. G. Braude, Pesikta Rabbati (“Yale Judaica Series”; New Haven; Yale, 1968) p. 221, n. 16, suggests that the verse was understood as referring to Esau, because vs. 17 in the psalm identifies him as one who DID NOT FIND PLEASURE IN A BLESSING. And were they not righteous? His grandfather was Abraham. His father was Isaac. Yet are you saying (in Ps. 109:14), “May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered?” [The verse is] simply [referring to] a sin that he sinned against his fathers.12The Hebrew of Ps. 109:14 can also be understood in this sense. And how?13Above, Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 6:3; Gen. R. 63:12. You find that Isaac got his vitality from Abraham; yet he lived a hundred and eighty years, while Abraham only lived a hundred and seventy-five years. Why so? So he would not see Esau’s shame. Abraham had [Isaac] when he was a hundred years [old]. (Gen. 25:26-27:) “And Isaac was sixty years old when they were born. And the lads grew.” Both of them went to the elementary school, and both of them were equal until the age of fifteen. R. Levi said, “To what were they comparable? To a myrtle and a thorny plant. As long as they are small, no one [can] distinguish one from the other. After they have grown up, the one gives off its pleasant smell, but the other brings forth its thorns. Thus, so long as Esau and Jacob were small, no one distinguished between them. After they were grown up (in Gen. 25:26, cont.), ’Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the outdoors; but Jacob was a mild man who stayed in camp.’” And Esau would go out and rob and extort, and people would maledict him. And during the five years [that were withheld from Abraham's life], Esau committed two serious transgressions: He violated a betrothed maiden, and he took a life. The one is what is written about (in Gen. 25:29), “then Esau came from the field, and he was exhausted.” Now field can only be a reference to a betrothed maiden [of whom it is stated (in Deut. 22:25), “If in the field the man finds [a maiden who is betrothed, and the man seizes her and lies with her…].” Moreover, exhausted can only be a reference to a murderer, of whom it is stated (in Jer. 4:31), “woe to me, now; for my life is exhausted before those who kill.” Rabbi Zakkay said, “He also stole, as stated (in Obad. 1:5), ‘If thieves have come to you.’”14The Midrash, of course, is identifying the Edom of Obadiah with Esau. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “I had already promised my beloved Abraham (in Gen. 15:15), ‘And you shall go unto your ancestors in peace; [you shall be buried at a good old age].’ But now he would see his grandson go to bad culture and hear what people say about his grandson; [that he was] transgressing sexual prohibitions and shedding blood. He would [then] wonder and say, ‘Are these the stipulations that the Holy One, blessed be He, being fulfilled with me?’ And he would voice a complaint, ‘And this is not “a good old age.”’ What should I do for him?” [So] He gathered him from the world. It is better for the righteous man to be gathered (to his ancestors) in peace, as stated in Ps. 63:4), “For Your steadfast love is better than life.” Behold, he [thus] sinned against his grandfather. He sinned against his father, as he caused his eyes to become dim during his lifetime. Hence they have said, “Whoever produces a wicked son or a wicked disciple causes his [own] eyes to grow dim during his lifetime.” From where [in Scripture] do you learn [this]? A wicked son, from Isaac, as stated (in (Gen. 27:1), “And it came to pass that when Isaac was old [and his eyes were too dim to see].” [In regard to] a wicked disciple, [we learn] from Ahijah, as it is written (in I Kings 14:4), “now Ahijah could not see, because his eyes were dim from old age.” Why? Because he produced a wicked disciple in Jeroboam. [(Ps. 109:14:) “And let not the sin of his mother be blotted out.”] But how had he sinned against his mother? R. Judah, R. Nehemiah, and [our] masters [differ]. R. Judah says, “When he left his mother's belly, he severed her uterus,15Metrin: Gk.: metra; cf. Lat.: matrix. with the result that she would not bear [any more children]. This is what is written (in Amos 1:11), ‘because he (i.e., Edom, which is Esau) pursued his brother with the sword and repressed his pity (rachamiv),’ as it is written, ‘his uterus (rechemo).’”16I.e., the womb from which he had been born. The Masoretic text here reads WOMB in the plural. As such, an idiomatic reading of the text would be rendered: BECAUSE HE PURSUED HIS BROTHER WITH THE SWORD AND REPRESSED HIS PITY. Moreover, R. Berekhyah says, “You should not say [this] in reference to when he had left [his mother's uterus].17Gen. R. 63:6. Rather, as he was leaving his mother's uterus, his zerta'18The Aramaic word means “fist” or “hand,” as the bracketed explanation correctly translates. The reason for this rather unusual word here is to play on the word zoru from Ps. 58:4, which he is about to cite. [i.e., fist] was stretched out against him (i.e., against his brother Jacob).” What is the reasoning? (Ps. 58:4:) “The wicked go astray (zoru) from the womb.” R. Nehemiah says, “He was the cause of her not producing twelve tribes.” As Rav Huna has said, “Rebekah was worthy of producing twelve tribes, as stated (in Gen. 25:23), ‘And the Lord said to her, “Two nations are [in your womb].”19See above, Tanh. (Buber), Gen. 12:16. Here are two. (Ibid., cont.:) “and two peoples.” Here are four. (Ibid., cont.:) “And one people shall be stronger than the other.” Here are six. (Ibid., cont.:) “And the elder shall serve the younger.”’ Here are eight. (Vs. 24:) ‘And behold there were twins in her womb.’ Here are ten. (Vs. 25:) ‘The first came out ruddy.’ That is eleven. (Vs. 26:) ‘And afterward his brother came out.’ Here are twelve.” And there are some who bring this [idea] from here (vs. 22); “and she said, ‘If so, why am I here (zh)?’” By gematria20Gk.: geometria. z (=7) + h (=5) [for a total of] twelve. But [our] masters have said, “He caused her bier to not go forth publicly [to her funeral]. You find that when Rebekah died, they were saying, ‘Who will go before her? Abraham is dead. Isaac's eyes are dim, and he is sitting at home. Jacob has gone to Paddan-Aram. Should Esau the wicked go before her? Then people would say [in Aramaic],21Much of this paragraph is in Aramaic. “Cursed be her breasts for suckling this man.”’ What did they do? They brought out her bier at night, so that Esau not go out in front of her, and all say, ‘Cursed are the breasts suckled this evil man.’” R. Jose bar R. Hanina said, “Because they brought out her bier at night, the text only explained about her obliquely. Thus it is written (in Gen. 35:8), ‘Then Rebekah's nurse, Deborah, died [and she was buried under the oak below Bethel] and its name was called Weeping Oak (Allon-Bacuth)],’ as they wept two weepings (bekhiot).”22Bacuth, of course, means “weeping,” and allon can be understood as a Greek adjective in the neuter that means “other” or “another.” Thus the name can be read as “another weeping” and imply a second weeping. So PRK 3:1; Gen. R. 81:5; cf. Eccl. R. 7:2:3. While Jacob was seated in observance [of mourning] for her nurse, the news about his mother came to him, as stated (to Gen. 35:9), “Now God appeared unto Jacob again […,] and blessed him.” With what blessing did He bless him? He blessed him with the blessing of [consolation given to] mourners.23The blessing informed Jacob that his mother was dead. The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Did his father pay him (i.e. Esau) back with evil? Did his mother pay him back with evil? Did his brother pay him back with evil? Did his grandfather pay him back with evil? Did you pay him back with evil? I shall pay him back with evil, as his children destroyed My house. You and I shall rise against him, as stated (Obad. 1:1), “Rise, and we shall rise up against her for war.” Israel said to him, “Master of the world, we cannot [overcome] him.” [So] the Holy One, blessed be He, says to them, “You mention his name below, and I shall blot out his name above, as stated (Ps. 109:15) ‘Let them (the iniquity against his fathers and the sin against his mother) always be before (neged) the Lord.’ Whatever he has done, he has done against (neged) Me.” [Therefore] (ibid., cont.), “and may He have their memory cut off from the earth.” Ergo (in Deut. 25:17), “Remember what Amalek (Esau's grandson) did to you.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 25:17:) “Remember what Amalek did to you.” R. Tanhum bar Hanila'i opened [his discourse] (with Job 13:12), “Your remembrances are proverbs of ashes; your responses are responses of clay”:243:2; cf. 12:4; PR 12:2. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, “These two remembrances are what I have mentioned to you in the Torah, you are to be mindful of them. (Deut. 25:19:) ‘You shall blot out the remembrance of Amalek.’ [And (Deut. 25:17), ‘Remember what Amalek did to you.’” (Job 13:12:) “Proverbs of ashes,” [meaning] those compared to ashes. If you are worthy, you shall be children of Abraham who compared himself to ashes, where it is written (in Gen. 18:27), “for I am dust and ashes.” But if [you are] not [worthy], (according to Job 13:12), “your responses are responses of clay.” [Then] prepare yourselves for enslavement in Egypt, as stated (in Exod. 1:14), “And they made their lives bitter with hard labor [at clay and bricks].” (A different version: [Then prepare yourselves] for the subjugation of the kingdoms, as stated (Ps. 129:3), “Plowmen plowed across my back.”) Another interpretation (of Job 13:12), “Your remembrances are proverbs of ashes”: Why are you misleading the creatures that see you and think about you that you are righteous like Avraham, as is stated about him (in Gen. 18:27), “for I am dust and ashes.” But you, “your responses are responses of clay,” like the generation of [the Tower of Babel], about whom it is written (in Gen. 11:3), “and the clay was mortar for them.”" + ], + [ + "Rabbi Tanchuma opened [his discourse] in the name of R. Judan [who] said in the name of R. Ayyevu (Ps. 32:9), “’Do not be like a horse or a mule, without understanding….’25PRK 3:3; cf. PR 12:3. Six things are stated about the horse:26Pes. 113b. (1) It eats much and (2) excretes little. (3) It loves promiscuity, (4) loves battle, (5) has a haughty spirit, (6) and abhors sleep. Moreover, there are also some who say [that] the horse wants to kill its master in battle. (Ibid.:) ‘Do not be like a horse or a mule.’ The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Israel, ‘”Do not be like a horse of a mule,’ that has no understanding. In the case of a horse, when one adorns it or feeds it, it obstructs and bends its neck and kicks him; and so too, the mule. But you are not to be like that. Rather be careful to repay the good person for his goodness and to repay the evil person for his evil.’ Good to the good [is] (Deut. 23:8), ‘You shall not despise the Edomite, as he is your brother.’ Bad to the bad [is] (Deut. 25:17), ‘Remember what Amalek did to you.’”" + ], + [], + [ + "Rabbi Banna'ah opened [his discourse] (with Prov. 11:1), “Fraudulent scales are an abomination to the Lord….”:27PRK 3:4; Ruth R. 1:2; cf. PR 13:5. if you see a generation whose measures are false, know that the empire [government] will engage that generation in battle. What is the evidence? [It is written] (ibid.), “Fraudulent scales are an abomination to the Lord….” And after that is written (in vs. 2), “When deliberate wickedness comes, disgrace comes as well.” R. Berekhyah said in the name of R. Abba bar Lahana (Micah 6:11), “’Shall I be righteous [and successful]28The verb here is ha’ezkeh, which means “shall I be successful” as well as “shall I be righteous,” and the midrash understands the verb in both senses. with false scales?’ Is it really possible for a generation with false measures to be successful, (ibid., cont.), ‘and have a bag of fraudulent weights’?”29Avne. So most translations. However, since Avne can mean “gemstones” as well as “weights,” Braude, and I.J. Kapstein, Pesikta de Rab Kahana (Philadelphia: JPSA, 1975), p. 47, n. 37, may be correct using this meaning. They would understand Micah 6:11 in a sense like the following: IF GEMSTONES GOTTEN THROUGH FRAUD, [BY FALSE BALANCES], ARE IN ONE’S BAG (i.e. IN ONE’S PURSE), HE WILL FIND HIMSELF DEFRAUDED. R. Levi said, “Moses also alluded to it (honest weights) for them in the Torah (in Deut. 25:13-14), ‘You shall not have alternative weights in your bag, [a larger and a smaller]. You shall not have in your house….’ If you do so, the empire will come and engage you in battle.” And what evidence is there? (Deut.: 25:16:) “For [everyone who does these things, who acts dishonestly, is an abomination to the Lord.” What is written after that (in vs. 17)? “Remember what Amalek did to you.”" + ], + [ + "R. Levi opened [his discourse] (with Ps. 9:6), “You have rebuked the nations; you have destroyed the wicked one”: “You have rebuked the nations.” This refers to Amalek, of which it is written (in Numb. 24:20), “First among the nations (to attack Israel) was Amalek.”30PRK 3:5; cf. PR 12:5. (ibid., cont.:) “You have destroyed the wicked one.” This refers to Esau, of whom it is stated (in Mal. 1:4), “and they shall call them (i.e., Edom) a country of wickedness.” If someone says to you, “Jacob also is included [among the wicked one],” say to such a one, \"’You have destroyed wicked ones (in the plural)’ is not written here, but ‘You have destroyed the wicked one (in the singular).’” (Ps. 9:6, cont.:) “You have blotted out their name for ever and ever,” as stated (Deut. 25:19), “You shall blot out the remembrance [of Amalek]….” (Ps. 79:12:) “And return sevenfold unto the bosom (heq) of our neighbors [their taunt with which they have taunted you, O Lord].” R. Judan bar Gadya, R. Joshua ben Levi, and the masters [differ].31PRK 3:6; Lam. R. 3:64 (9); PR 12:10; 13:1. R. Judan bar Gadya said, “Remember what [our neighbor Amalek] did to us in the penis, which is attached to the lap (heq) [i.e., to the center] of a man.” And this agrees with what R. Hanina bar Shilqa, R. Joshua ben Levi and R. Jochanan said, “What did the House of Amalek do to Israel?32Below, section 14. They cut off their penes and flung them heavenward, as they said, ‘This is what You have chosen, take for Yourself what You have chosen.’ This is related to the verse (in Ps. 9:6), ‘their taunt with which they have taunted You, O Lord.’” R. Joshua [ben Levi] said, “It should be remembered what they did in the Torah, as it is written about it (in Ps. 12:7), ‘refined sevenfold.’” And the masters said, “It should be remembered what they did to the Temple, which was the bosom (heq) [i.e., the center] of the earth, as stated (with reference to the Temple in Ezek. 43:14), ‘And from the lap (heq) of the earth33A more usual translation would read: AND FROM THE BASE ON THE GROUND. to the lower ledge, two cubits.’” When Samuel came, he repaid them, as stated (in I Sam. 15:33), “then Samuel hewed Agag.” What did he do to him? R. Abba bar Kahana said, “He cut olive-sized pieces from his flesh and fed them to ostriches. This is what is written (in Job 18:13), ‘It shall consume pieces of his flesh; the firstborn of death shall consume his pieces’;34Job 18 may well have seemed related to Agag’s fate in that vs. 17 mentions the perishing of HIS REMEMBRANCE, an expression linked with Agag (here in I Sam. 15:2) and Amalek (in Deut. 25:17–19). See Braude and Kapstein, Pesikta de Rab Kahana, p. 49, n. 42. in that [Samuel] chose a cruel (mar)35Braude and Kapstein, ibid., n. 43. also point out here that mar in Aramaic is an honorific title suitable for a king like Agag. death for him.” But the masters say, “[Samuel] set up four poles36Gk.: kontoi. and stretched him upon them.” It also says (in I Sam. 15:32), “and Agag said, ‘Surely the bitterness (mar) of death is at hand (sr),’” [meaning,] “Do they thus put princes (sr)37This SR is spelled with a sin and is a homonym for the SR in I Sam. 15:32, which is spelled with a samekh. to death with harsh deaths?” R. Samuel bar Avdimi said, “He judged him by the justice of the peoples of the world (instead of by Torah) without witnesses and without a warning.” Rabbi said, “He castrated him (rt.: srs) him, as stated (in I Sam. 15:33), ‘But Samuel said, “As your sword has made women bereaved, so shall your mother be bereaved among women.”’” R. Levi said, “Moses also gave a hint to Israel in the Torah (about Agag's castration), since it is stated (in Deut. 25:11-12), ‘When two men get into a fight with each other, and the wife of one draws near [to save her husband from the hand of the one smiting him, if she puts out with her hand and grabs [the other man] by his genitals.] Then you shall cut off her hand….’ What is written after that (in vs. 17), ‘Remember what Amalek did to you.’” Israel said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, are You telling us to remember?38PRK 3:7; PR 12:10; 13:1. You remember; as forgetfulness is common among us. But with You there is no forgetfulness.” Thus (in Deut. 25:17), “Remember what Amalek did to you.” He did to us, and he did not do to You? (Ps. 137:7:) “Remember against the children of Edom, O Lord, the day of [the destruction of] Jerusalem, [how they said, ‘Aru, 'aru (rt.: 'rh, rt.: 'rh) her to the foundation].’” Rabbi Abba bar Kahana said, “'Aru, 'aru [means], paggeru, paggeru (destroy, destroy), even as [the word is] used (in Jer. 51:58), ‘Babylon's broad wall shall be utterly demolished ('ar'er tit'ar'ar, rts.: 'rr, 'rh).’” R. Levi said, “['Aru, 'aru means,] empty, empty, even as [the word is] used (in Gen. 24:20), ‘She hastened to empty (te'ar, rt: 'rh) her jar into the trough.’” In the opinion of the one who said, “paggeru, paggeru (destroy, destroy),” ['aru, 'aru means] to its foundations is intended (meaning, down to them but not to the foundation per se). [But] in the opinion of the one who said, “pannun, pannun (empty them, empty them)” [the words mean,] empty its foundations. What is the meaning of Amalek ('mlq)? People ('m) of the locust (ylq).39PRK 3:8. The translation is following Buber’s suggestion here in n. 71, who would read YLQ (“locust”) instead of LQ (“lapping” or “greedy”). Buber also notes that he suggests the same emendation in his edition of PRK 3:8, n. 98. The emendation is also made by Zundel in ‘Ets Yosef, citing such a textual variant in Yalkut Shimoni. They spread out like the zahla locust. [Alternatively] Amalek ('mlq) is a people ('am) who came to lap up (l’leq) the blood of Israel like a dog.40Cf. PR 12:12. R. Levi said in the name of R. Simeon ben Halafta, “To what may Amalek be likened? To a fly who is inflamed [with passion] after an [open] wound. So was Amalek inflamed like a dog [with passion] after Israel.”41Cf. PR 12:12. As the Israelites went out of Egypt, [Amalek] heard that they were redeemed, and came against them upon the [Reed] Sea. But [Israel] mentioned the explicit name [of God], and [Amalek] was bewildered, as stated (Exod. 15:15), “Then the captains of Edom were bewildered.” (Deut. 25:17:) “On the way as you came out of Egypt.” It is taught (in a baraita) in the name of R. Nathan: Amalek came four hundred parasangs (i.e., a little over 900 miles) to fight with Israel in Rephidim, as stated (in Numb. 13:29),42See Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, Exod. 17:8; Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, ‘Amaleq, 1. “Amalek dwells in the land of the Negeb […].” And he [dwells] in the interior beyond all of them (i.e., beyond all the tribes listed in this passage).43The description hardly fits the geography. For an explanation of what the text seems to mean, see Enoch Zundel in his commentary ‘Ets Yosef on Tanh., Deut. 6:9, who says that when the Israelites came out of Egypt, they were west of the land of Israel with Amalek dwelling in the southern horn to the east and with all the other peoples on the west side. There are four hundred parasangs from the land of Amalek to the place where Israel entered the Negeb. Moreover, the land of Israel midrashically is four hundred parasangs square. (Deut. 25:17:) “On the way as you came out of Egypt.”44PRK 3:9. R. Levi said, “He came upon them from the wayside like a bandit.”45Gk.: lestai, reading lestes for lestim in accord with Buber’s n. 77. The confusion between the two forms is common. See Jastrow, s.v. LYSTYS. It is comparable to a king who had a vineyard which he had enclosed with a fence and in which he had put a biting dog. The king said, “Whenever anyone comes to break through the fence, the dog will bite him.” One day the king's son came and broke through the fence. The dog bit him. Whenever he wanted to bring to mind the transgression of his son who broke through to the vineyard, he would say to him, “You remember how the dog bit you.” Similarly, whenever the Holy One, blessed be He, wants to bring to mind the sin of Israel - what they did in Rephidim, when they said (in Exod. 17:7) “Is the Lord present among us or not” - He says to them (in Deut. 25:17), “Remember what Amalek did to you.” (Deut. 25:18:) “How he encountered you [on the way].” R. Judah, R. Nehemiah, and the masters [differ].46PRK 3:10; cf. PR 12:13. R. Judah says, “’How he encountered (qr, rt.: qrh) you, [i.e.,] defiled you. [It is] just as you say (in Deut. 23:11), “who is unclean because of what he encounters (rt.: qrh) at night (i.e., a nocturnal emission).’” R. Nehemiah said, “He actually called (qr') you. What did Amalek do? He went down to the Egyptian hall of records47Gk.: archeion; Lat.: archivum. and obtained the records48Gk.: tomoi. on the tribes, where their names were inscribed against them for the number of bricks. Then he would stand outside [Israel's protective] cloud and call out (rt.: qrh) to them, ‘Reuben, Simeon, Levi, come out, for I am your brother; and I want to transact business49Gk.: pragmateia. with you.’ When they came out, he killed them.” And the masters say, “He cooled (qr) you, i.e., he made Israel [appear] lukewarm (rt.: qrr) before others.” R. Huniya said, “A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a boiling bath50MBTY: Gk.: embate. into which no creature is able to descend. A certain ruffian came and leaped down into it. Even though he was scalded, he made it cool to others. So also when Israel came out of Egypt, and the Holy One, blessed be He, divided the sea before them, while the Egyptians were drowned in its midst, fear of them fell upon all the peoples, as stated (in Exod. 15:15-16), ‘Then were the chiefs of Edom bewildered…. [Terror and fright fell upon them].’ When Amalek came and joined in battle with them - even though he received his [scalding] at their hands - he made [Israel appear] lukewarm (in battle) before the peoples of the world.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 25:18, cont.:) And he cut off (rt.: znb) all who were lagging behind you. He smote them with a blow to the tail (rt.: znb).51The word can also denote the penis. See PR 7:3; 12:10, 13; 13:1. And this agrees with what R. Hanina bar Shilqa, said, “What did the House of Amalek do to Israel?52Below, section 14. They cut off their penes and flung them heavenward, as they said, ‘This is what You have chosen, take for Yourself what You have chosen.” As Israel did not know what the nature of spit was, until Amalek came and taught them, as stated (with reference to Ezek. 8:17), “here they were sending the spit in their faces.” From whom did he learn it? From his grandfather Esau, as stated (in Gen. 27:36), “And he said, ‘Is he not (hky) rightly named Jacob?’”53Gen. R. 67:4. He rubbed (rt.: hkk) his throat and brought out the spit. (Deut. 25:18), “All who were lagging behind you.” R. Judah, R. Nehemiah, and the masters [differed]. R. Judah said, “They said, ‘If He is master over all of out deeds, we will serve Him; but if not, we will revolt against Him.’” R. Nehemiah said, “They said, ‘If He furnishes us with our food like a king who is living in the province, such that the province lacks nothing at all, we will serve Him; but if not, we will revolt against Him.’” And the masters said, “They said, “’If we have a thought in our hearts and He knows what we are thinking, we will serve Him; but if not, we will revolt against Him.’” R. Berekhyah said in the name of R. Levi, “In their heart they had a thought, and the Holy One, blessed be He, granted them their request.” And what is the evidence? (Ps. 78:18:) “They tested God in their heart by asking food for themselves.” See what [else] is written there (in vs. 29), “So they ate and were very full.” Another interpretation (of Deut. 25:18), “all who were lagging behind you”: R. Judah, R. Nehemiah and the masters [differ].54PRK 3:12; PR 12:13, cont.; PRE 44; Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, Exod. 17:8 and Deut. 25:18. R. Judah says, “Whoever was overcome was discarded.” R. Nehemiah says, “Whomever the cloud vomited up was discarded.” And the rabbis say, “It was the tribe of Dan that the cloud vomited up, [as] they all served idols, as stated55The reference is to the idol which the Danites took from Micah. See Jud. 17–18. (Deut. 25:18, cont.), ‘when you were tired and weary, and did not fear God.’” [You were] tired from thirst and weary from the road, and you did not fear God.56Above, Gen. 7:15; 8:5; 12:13; Tanh., Gen. 12:14; Deut. 6:10, cont.; PRK 3:13; PR 13:4; Gen. R. 73:7; cf. BB 123b. R. Pinhas said in the name of R. Samuel bar Nahman, “It is a transmitted aggada [that] Esau will fall at the hand of the children of Rachel (Joseph and Benjamin), as stated (in Jer. 49:20), ‘Surely the youngest of the flock shall drag them away.’ Why does it call them the youngest of the flock? Because they were the youngest of the tribes.” Hence, Moses said to Joshua (Exod. 17:9), “Choose men for us.” As he was [descended from] Joseph, about whom it is written (Gen. 42:18), “I fear God.” And about Esau, it is written (Deut. 25:18), “and did not fear God.” Youth is written with reference to the one and small is written with reference to the other (i.e., with reference to Esau). Youth is written with reference to the one (in Gen. 37:2), “since he (Joseph) was a youth with the children of Bilhah [and with the children of Zilpah].” And small is written with reference to the other (in Obad. 1:2), “I will surely make you (Edom) smallest among the nations.” The one (Esau) grew up with two who were righteous (i.e., with Isaac and Rebekah) and did not learn from their deeds, while the other grew up with two who were wicked (i.e., Potiphar and Pharaoh) and did not learn from their deeds. The one received the birthright as a result of his good deeds, while the other lost his birthright from his evil deeds. The one supported his brothers, while the other sought to kill his brother. The one fenced himself away from sexual immorality and from the spilling of blood, while the other sullied himself with sexual immorality and the spilling of blood. The one conceded to the revival of the dead, as stated (Gen. 50:24), “God will surely remember you”; while the other denied the revival of the dead, as stated (Gen. 25:32), “Behold, I am going to die.” The one offered his life for his mother’s honor, as stated (Gen. 33:7), “and after, Joseph and Rachel came forward and bowed”; while the other sought to kill his mother, as stated (Amos 1:11), “and he destroyed his uterus.”57This is a homiletical translation of the verse, which would otherwise be translated as, AND HE REPRESSED HIS PITY. Therefore, the one (Esau) will fall by the hand of the other (Jospeh). And R. Johanan said, “All of the ministering angels sought to battle with the ministering angel of Esau, but he would not fall by their hand, as he would remove each and every one with a response: To Reuben, he says, ‘You were suspected about your father’s concubine.’ To Simeon and Levi, ‘You also killed [the inhabitants of] Shekhem.’ To the other tribes, ‘You sold your brother and sought to kill him.’ To Judah, ‘You were also suspected about your daughter-in-law, Tamar.’ To Benjamin he said, ‘You were suspected about the concubine in Giveah.’ When the ministering angel of [Joseph] came and battled with him, he immediately fell in front of him, as he had no response to answer him. This is what is written (Obad 1:18), “And the House of Jacob shall be fire, and the House of Joseph flame, and the House of Esau shall be straw.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 25:19:) “And it shall come to pass when the Lord your God grants you rest [… you shall blot out the remembrance of Amalek].” R. Azariah and R. Judah bar Simon said in the name of R. Judah bar Il'ay, “Israel was given three commandments on their entrance to the land:58PRK 3:14; PR 12:13; Sanh. 20b (bar.) To appoint a king over themselves, as written (in Deut. 17:15), ‘You shall surely place a king over yourself.’ To build the Temple, as written (in Exod. 25:8), ‘And make Me a sanctuary.’ To cut off the seed of Amalek, as stated (in Deut. 25:19), ‘[…] you shall blot out the remembrance of Amalek.’” R. Joshua ben Levi [said] in the name of R. Alexandri, “One text says (in Deut. 25:19), ‘you shall blot out the remembrance of Amalek,’ while another text says (in Exod. 17:14), ‘I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek.’59PRK 3:15. How are these two texts to be harmonized? Before [the Amalekites] raised their hands against the [heavenly] throne, ‘you shall blot out.’ When they had raised their hands against the [heavenly] throne, ‘I will blot out.’” Can flesh and blood possibly raise its hand against the throne of the Holy One, blessed be He? It is simply because they destroyed Jerusalem, since it is written (in Jer. 3:17), “For at that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord.” It is therefore written (in Exod. 17:14), “I will utterly blot out.” And it is stated (Exod. 17:16), “Because a hand is upon the throne of the Lord, the Lord has a war [with Amalek from generation to generation].” It is taught in the name of R. Il'ay: The Holy One, blessed be He, swore an oath and said, “[By] My right hand, [by] My right hand, [by] My throne, [by] My throne, [I swear that] if gentiles come from any of the peoples, them I will accept; but those from the seed of Amalek I will not accept.”60PRK 3:16; PR 12:9; Mekhilta deRabbi Ishmael, ‘Amaleq, 2. And David also acted in this way, as stated (in II Sam. 1:13), “And David said unto the young man who had told him, ‘Where do you come from?’ Then he said, ‘I am the son of an Amalekite proselyte.’”61GeR. The word denoted a resident alien in biblical times, but in rabbinic literature the word denotes a proselyte. R. Isaac said, “He was the son of Doeg the Edomite.” (II Sam. 1:16:) “Then David said to him, ‘Your blood be upon your own head […].’” [This is what one reads, but] the written text (ketiv) is “Your bloods,” [meaning] You shed a lot of bloods; you killed [the inhabitants of] Nob, the city of priests .(Exod. 17:16:) “From generation to generation.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “’From generation to generation,’ I am [keeping] after them (i.e., after the Amalekites) for generations of generations.” R. Eliezer, R. Joshua, and R. Jose differ. R. Eliezer says, “From the generation of Moses to the generation of Samuel.” R. Joshua says, “From the generation of Samuel to the generation of Mordecai and Esther.” And R. Jose says, “From the generation of Mordecai and Esther to the generation of the messianic king, which itself equals three generations.” And where is it shown that the generation of the messianic king equals three generations?62See Sanh. 99a. Where it is stated (of the messianic king in Ps. 72:5), “Let them fear You as long as the sun endures and as long as the moon, for a generation and generations.” [The singular] generation equals one, [and the plural] generations equals two, for a total of three. R. Berekhyah said in the name of R. Abba bar Kahana, “As long as the seed of Amalek remains alive in the world, it is as though a wing (kanaf) is hiding the [divine] face.63See Is. 6:2. When the seed of Amalek has passed from the world, (in Is. 30:20), “your Teacher (i.e., the Holy One, blessed be He,) will no longer be hidden (yikanef).” R. Levi says in the name of R. Hama bar Hanina, “As long as the seed of Amalek is in the world, the [divine] name will not be at peace (literally, whole) and the [divine] throne will not be at peace. When the seed of Amalek passes from the world, the throne will be at peace, and the name will be at peace.” What is the evidence? That which is stated (in Ps. 9:7), “The enemy is no more, in everlasting ruins, [and you have uprooted their cities, their very memory has perished].” What is written after that (in vs. 8), “But the Lord sits [enthroned] forever; He has established His throne for judgment.” Ergo, the name is at peace, and the throne is at peace. Amen, and so may it be His will!" + ] + ], + "Ki Tavo": [ + [ + "(Deut. 26:16:) “This day the Lord your God is commanding you to perform.” This text is related (to Ps. 95:6), “Come, let us bow down and bend, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker!” But is not bending included in bowing down; and bowing down in bowing? So what does the instruction mean by “let us bow down and bend and kneel down?” Moses simply foresaw that the Temple was going to be destroyed and that the firstfruits were going to cease. He arose and arranged for Israel to pray three times on every day, because prayer is more pleasing to the Holy One, blessed be He, than all of the good works and all of the sacrifices. It is so written (Ps. 141:2), “Take my prayer as an offering of incense, my upraised hands as an evening sacrifice.” And when it was decreed for Moses not to enter the land in spite of all of his good works, he began to pray, and he said (in Deut. 3:25), “Please let me cross over and see [the good land].” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in vss. 26-27), “Enough from you; do not ever speak unto Me on this matter again. Go up to the top of Pisgah.” It is therefore stated (in 26:16), “[This day] the Lord your God is commanding you to perform….”1I.e., to obey the command to go up to the top of Pisgah. Although the midrash understands the performance in reference to this one command, the simple understanding of the biblical text is that it is speaking about performing statutes and ordinances. What is written above the matter (in vs. 15)? “Look down from Your holy dwelling, [from the heavens and bless Your people].” R. Abbahu said in the name of R. Jose bar Hanina, “How spoiled and how great a pretext are given to those who perform the commandments [for doing so]: If someone has business with the empire, there are times when he gives some money, until they have him reach the king. When he does reach the king, he has doubts whether he will fulfill his request or not. The Holy One, blessed be He, however, is not like that. Rather when one goes down into his field [and] sees a [grape] cluster that has ripened early, a fig that has ripened early, a pomegranate that has ripened early, he puts it in a basket, goes to Jerusalem and enters and stands in the [Temple] courtyard; he [then] asks mercy for himself, for Israel, and for the land of Israel. Thus it is stated (in Deut. 26:15), ‘Look down from your holy dwelling, [from the heavens and bless your people].’ And not only that, but he would say, “I am not moving from here until You perform my requirements this day,’ as it is written next to it (in vs. 16), ‘This day the Lord your God is commanding you to perform.’” Resh Laqish said, “A heavenly voice (bat qol) comes forth and says, ‘You shall do it again on this day in the coming year.’ [He is] like one who gives fresh fruit to his friend, and [the friend] says to him, ‘Would that you would do this again, and give me some next year.’” R. Hiya bar Abba said, “How spoiled are those who perform the commandments in front of the Holy One, blessed be He. As the Holy One blessed be He, enacts a decree and the righteous ones annul it. As it is stated (Eccl. 8:4), ‘Inasmuch as a king’s command is authoritative, and who can say to him, “What are you doing.”’ Who is it [that can say it]? (Eccl. 8:5:) ‘One who obeys commandments will not know a bad thing,’ he can object to the Holy One, blessed be He.” And so with David, he said (II Sam. 23:3), “The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spoke about me, ‘He that rules over men must be righteous, ruling in the fear of God.”1See Moed Katan 16b, where this verse is explained as saying that the righteous one rules over God. [(Deut. 26:16:) “This day the Lord your God is commanding you to perform…].” What is the meaning of this day? Had the Holy One, blessed be He, not given a command to Israel until now? And was not this the fortieth year (since they left Egypt), as stated (in Deut. 1:3), “And it came to pass in the fortieth year….” Then what is the meaning of the words, “this day?” Simply that Moses spoke to Israel as follows, “On each and every day, let the Torah be dear to you, as if you had received it this day from Mount Sinai.” Moreover, it is written in another place (i.e., in Deut. 4:9), “make them known to your children….” Then it is written (in vs. 10), “The day that you stood before the Lord [your God at Horeb].” (Deut. 26:16, cont.:) “These statutes,” these are the midrashic commentaries; “and these ordinances,” these are the court decisions. Another interpretation (of Deut. 26:16), “these statutes and these ordinances: [They are meant] to include light and heavy [commandments], inferences from analogy, and fine points of scribal exegesis. (Deut. 26:16, cont.:) “So you are to be diligent in doing them.” R. Johanan said, “When anyone performs a single commandment truthfully, Scripture ascribes it to him as if it had been given [to him] from Mount Sinai, as stated (Deut. 26:16), ‘So you are to be diligent in doing.’” Then what is the meaning of (in Lev. 25:18), “and you shall do (which can also be read as, make) them?” Rather, anyone that observes the Torah and does it truthfully, it as if he arranged it and gave it from Mount Sinai. And R. Johanan also said, “Anyone who does [what is written in] the Torah truthfully, Scripture ascribes it to him as if he had made himself; as stated (in Deut. 4:14), ‘At that time the Lord commanded me to impart [to you laws and rules to make you do].’ It does not say, ‘to do them,’ but “to make you, do them.’ From here [we learn] that Scripture ascribes it to him as if he made and created himself.” (Deut. 26:16, cont.:) “With all your heart.” Behold Scripture warns Israel and says to them, “When you pray to the Holy One, blessed be He, you shall not have two hearts, one in the presence of the Holy One, blessed be He, and one for something else.”2See Ben Sira 1:28 (25)." + ], + [ + "(Deut. 27:9:) “Then Moses and the Levitical priests spoke to all Israel, saying, ‘Pay attention and listen.’” What is the meaning of pay attention (hasket) and listen? Be silent (has) and then break down (katet). Moses said to Israel, “Form [yourselves into] individual classes (kitot), and incline your heart to hear the words of Torah.” Another interpretation: He said to them, “Pound (katetu) your hearts and souls to hear the words of Torah.” [(Deut. 26:16:) “With all your heart.”] R. Eliezer ben Jacob says, “The text comes to warn the priests when they perform a service not to have two hearts, one in the presence of the Holy One and one for something else.” (Ibid., cont.:) “And with all your soul (nafsheka),” even though [someone] takes your life (nafshekha). On one occasion [the Romans]1Although the Tanhuma identifies the persecution with the Greek kingdom, the mention of R. Aqiva suggests the persecution under Hadrian. decreed a religious persecution against Israel, in which they were not to occupy themselves with the Torah.2See Ber. 61b for a fuller version of this story. R. Aqiva and his colleagues proceeded to [ignore it and] occupy themselves with the Torah. When Pappus ben Judah found him, he said to him, “See here, rabbi, you are endangering yourself, when you transgress against a decree of the king.” R. Aqiva said to him, “Let me illustrate for you in a parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a fox. As he was walking near a river, he saw [some] fish there.3Ber. 61b explains that the fish were fleeing the nets of fishermen. He said to them, ‘Get yourselves to me, and I will hide you in the clefts of the rocks. Then you shall not be afraid.’ They said to him, ‘Are you the one that they say about you that you are the most clever of the animals? You are only a fool. All our lives have been [spent] only in the water. So would you tell us to walk onto the dry land? If we are afraid in the place of our life, all the more so [will we be afraid] in the place of our death!’ Similarly all the life of Israel exists only in the Torah, of which it is written (in Deut. 30:20), ‘for that is your life and your length of days’; yet you are saying, ‘You are endangering yourself?’” In a few days they arrested the both of them. Pappus said to him, “Fortunate are you, since you were arrested for the words of Torah. Woe to that Pappus, who was arrested for idle things.” [Subsequently] when they brought out R. Aqiva for execution, it was time to recite the Shema'. While they combed his flesh with combs of iron, he was calling out the recitation of the Shema'. About him David has said (in Ps. 17:14), “Of those who die by your hand, O Lord […] from the world (heled), their portion [is life].”4This interpretation of the verse is assumed by the midrash. R. Hanina bar Pappa said, “Do not read, ‘of those who die,’ but, ‘those who kill,’5In Hebrew the difference between the two renderings is a matter of how one vowels the written text. [because they kill themselves] for the sake of the Torah, which was given [by Your hand].” When people see them, they say, “They are full of rust (hulda), they have sins on their hand; that is the reason they were killed, and so they die from the world.” But they do not know that their portion is in eternal life and that everything good is being kept in store for them. It is so stated (ibid. cont.), “may You fill their belly with what You have kept in store for them.” And not only that, but they attain merit for their children after them.6As indicated by the rest of the verse. And because [the Children of] Israel lay down their lives for the Torah and for the sanctification of the name of the Holy One, blessed be He; for that reason the Holy One, blessed be He, made them into an entity and a blessing in the world, as stated (in Deut. 26:17), “Today you have had the Lord promise….” And just as Israel makes an entity in front of the Holy One, blessed be He, so does the Holy One, blessed be He, make them an entity, as stated (in vs. 18), “The Lord has proclaimed you today [to be for Him a treasured people…].” R. Joshua ben Levi said, “Just as the pestle ('eli) crushes, so is Israel going to crush four empires under its feet. It is so stated (in Deut. 26:19), ‘And to set you on high ('elyon)) over all the nations that He has made in praise, in name, and in honor.’”" + ] + ], + "Nitzavim": [ + [ + "(Deut. 29:9:) “You are standing today.” This text is related (to Prov. 12:7), “The wicked are overturned (rt.: hpk) and are no more, but the house of the righteous shall stand.” Every time that the Holy One, blessed be He, looks at the works of the wicked and turns (rt.: hpk) them over (examines them), there is no recovery for them. He turned over the works of the generation of the flood, and there was no recovery for them, as stated (in Gen. 7:23), “And he wiped out all living things.” He turned over the works of the Sodomites, and there was no recovery for them, as stated (in Gen. 19:25), “And he overturned those cities.” He turned over the works of the Egyptians, and there was no recovery for them, as stated (in Exod. 14:28), “and not so much as one of them remained.” He turned over the works of Babylon, and there was no recovery for them, as stated (in Is. 14:22), “and from Babylon i will cut off name, remnant, offspring, and posterity.” Moreover, David has said about all of them (in Ps. 36:13), “There the evildoers have fallen; they are thrust down and cannot rise.” When Israel falls, however, it stands up [again], as stated (in Micah 7:8), “Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall arise….” It also says (in Mal. 3:6), “For I the Lord do not change; [and you, O Children of Jacob, are not destroyed (rt.: klh).” R. Hanina bar Pappa said, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said, ‘I have never smitten a people and [restored] them, but (according to Mal. 3:6), “you Children of Jacob are not destroyed,”’ This is as stated (in Deut. 32:23), ‘I will use up (rt.: klh) My arrows on them,’ [meaning that] My arrows are used up (rt.: klh) but they are not destroyed (rt.: klh).” And so has the assembly of Israel said (in Lam. 3:12), “He has bent his bow; he has set me as a target for the arrow.” To what is the matter comparable? To a warrior who raises up the [target] post and shoots the arrows at them. The arrows are used up (rt.: klh), but the post stands. So it is also with Israel. Every time that afflictions came upon them, the afflictions ended, and they were standing in their place. Ergo it is stated (in Prov. 12:7), “The wicked are overturned and are no more.” Hezekiah the son of R. Hiyya said, “Why is this parashah next to the parashah about curses (i.e., Deut. 27:11-28:69)?1Rashi on Deut. 29:12. Because Israel heard a hundred curses less two in this parashah, apart from the forty-nine which are uttered in the priestly Torah (i.e., in Leviticus). They immediately turned green in the face and said, ‘Who can withstand these [curses]?’ Moses called them immediately (in Deut. 29:1) and pacified them with [the words from Deut. 29:9].” What is written above the matter (in Deut. 29:1-2, 6)? “Then Moses summoned all of Israel [and said unto them, ‘You have seen all that the Lord did before your eyes in the land of Egypt,] …. The great trials [which your eyes saw, the signs, and those great wonders]. When you came unto this place, [Sihon king of Heshbon and Og king of Bashan came out to engage us in battle; but we defeated them].” And you did not heed My voice, and you uttered words before Me for which you deserved destruction. Still I did not wreak destruction upon you, when it is stated (in Ps. 106:7), “When our ancestors were in Egypt, they did not consider Your wondrous works….” And not only that, but they said of the calf (in Exod. 32:4), “This is your god, O Israel.” Now if you should say, “For what reason did the [other] nations deserve destruction, while we are remaining alive?” It is because when afflictions come upon them, they kick against them and do not mention the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in Ps. 79:6), “Pour out your wrath upon the nations that have not known you, [upon the kingdoms that do not invoke Your name].” In the case of Israel, however, when afflictions come upon them, they make submit and pray, as stated (in Ps. 116:3-4), “I found trouble and sorrow, but I shall invoke the name of the Lord.” Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Even though these maledictions come upon you, they [themselves] stand you up; and so it says (in Deut. 8:16), ‘in order to humble you and in order to test you, [so as to benefit you in the end].’” Thus did Moses say to Israel, “Even though afflictions come upon you, you have a standing.” It is therefore stated (in Deut. 29:9), “You are standing today, all of you.” Another interpretation (of Deut. 29:9), “You are standing (nizavim) today”: Why did Moshe make them into a pillar (mazevah)2A type of altar generally used for idolatry, but always forbidden by the Torah. See Deut. 16:22.? Because they would [change] from one opinion to another opinion: from the opinion of Moshe to the opinion of Joshua; from the opinion of Joshua to the opinion of the elders. And Joshua also made them into a pillar, as stated (in Josh. 24:1), “Joshua assembled all the tribes of Israel at Schechem, [and he summoned Israel’s elders and commanders, magistrates and officers; and they presented (yityazvu) themselves].” And Samuel – since they [changed] from his opinion to the opinion of the kings – also made them into a pillar, as stated (in I Sam. 12:7), “And now stand (hityazvu) and I will judge you.” Another interpretation (of Deut. 29:9), “You are standing today”: Just as today (literally: the day) sometimes darkens and sometimes lightens, so it is with you. Although you have darkness, the Holy One, blessed be He, is going to shine on you with light eternal, as stated (in Is. 60:19), “for the Lord shall be your everlasting light.” When? When you all become one group, as stated (in Deut. 4:4), “are all alive today.” According to universal custom, if one takes a group of reeds, will he be able to break them at one stroke! But if he takes them one by one, even an infant can break them. So also you find that Israel was not redeemed until they became one group, as stated (in Jer. 50:4), “’In those days and at that time,’ says the Lord,’ the children of Israel, they and the children of Judah, shall come together.’” When they are united, they shall welcome the face of the Divine Presence." + ], + [ + "(Deut. 29:9:) “Your tribal leaders, [your elders, and your law officers].” Although I have appointed for you heads, judges, elders, and law officers, you shall all be equal before me, since it is stated (ibid., cont.), “every person in Israel.” Another interpretation (of Deut. 29:9): All of you are responsible for each other. Even though there is [only] one righteous person among you, you all shall survive (literally, stand) through his merit; and not only you, but the whole world in toto, as stated (in Prov. 10:25), “but a righteous person is the foundation for the world.”3A more common translation would be: BUT A RIGHTEOUS PERSON IS AN EVERLASTING FOUNDATION. However, when one sins, the whole generation is stricken, and so you find in the case of Achan (in Josh. 22:20), “Was it not Achan ben Zerah who committed [embezzlement] in the proscription (i.e., the herem of Jericho)?” If with the measure of punishment which is small, the [whole] generation was seized, how much the more [will the generation prosper], with the measure of [divine] favor which is great! It is therefore stated (in Deut. 29:9), “every person in Israel”; and not only the great ones who are among us, but (according to vs. 10) “Your infants, your wives, and your alien.” It is therefore stated (in Deut. 29:9), “every person.” Now flesh and blood shows more mercy over males than over females, but the Holy One, blessed be He, is not like that. Rather (according to Ps. 145:9), “His mercy is upon all his works,” upon males and upon females, upon the righteous and upon the wicked, as stated (in Deut. 29:10, cont.), “from the one who chops your wood to the one who draws your water.” (Deut. 29:10, cont.), “From the one who chops your wood.” R. Isaac ben Tavlay said, “[This] teaches that, when the Gibeonites came to [Moses he did not accept them; but when they came to] Joshua, he did accept them.4According to Josh. 9:27, Joshua gave these menial tasks to the Gibeonites. Thus it is stated (in Josh. 9:4), ‘And they also acted with cunning.’ What is the meaning of ‘they also?’ [This] teaches that they had come to Moses, and he had not accepted them.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 29:11:) “To enter into the covenant with the Lord your God....” Three covenants did the Holy One, blessed be He, make with Israel when they came out of Egypt, one when they stood before Mount Sinai, (one at Horeb,) and one here. But why did he make [a covenant] with them here? Because they had revoked the one which He had made with them at Sinai, when they said (of the golden calf in Exod. 32:4), “This is your god, O Israel.” For that reason He made [another covenant] with them at Horeb5The text should probably read: “With them here,” in accord with Codex Vaticanus Ebr. 34. and established a curse over it for whoever would go back on his words. Now the word, enter (rt.: 'br), [can] only be in the sense of one who says to his companion, “May this curse come (rt.: 'br) upon you, if you go back on me in this thing.” And so you find that, when Israel provoked [the Holy One, blessed be He], and they went into captivity, what did Daniel say (in Dan. 9:11)? “And all Israel has transgressed (rt.: 'br) Your Torah [...] so the curse (alah) and the oath are poured down upon us.” Now alah can only be a curse,6Alah can also mean “oath” and “covenant.” as where it is stated (in Numb. 5:27), “and the woman shall become a curse (alah).” [This is] to teach you that just as one imposes an oath on the suspect adulteress, so the Holy One, blessed be He, imposed an oath upon Israel. But perhaps you will say, “Why all this bother?” It is not because I need you? Rather what shall I do to you, when I have already sworn to your ancestors, that I will never replace you and your children? It is therefore stated (in Deut. 29:12), “In order to establish you today as his people […] as he swore to your ancestors.” It [also] says (in Cant. 7:6), “a king is bound by his tresses.” Now bound [indicates] nothing except an oath. Thus it is stated (in Numb. 30:4), “[When a woman vows a vow to the Lord] and binds herself with a bond.” Therefore, He cannot break his oath. And so you find, when they sought to get rid of the yoke of His oath in the days of Ezekiel, it is written (in Ezek: 20:1), “some elders of Israel came to consult the Lord.” They said to him, “When the son of a priest buys a slave, is it legal for him to eat the terumah?”7The priestly tithe on produce. He said to them, “He may eat it.” They said to him, “If a priest returned and sold him to an [ordinary] Israelite, has he not left his jurisdiction?” He told them, “Yes.” They said to him, “We too have left the jurisdiction of [the Holy One, blessed be He]; are we not [now] like the all the [rest of the] world?” Ezekiel said to them (in Ezek. 20:32-33), “But that which you have in mind shall never come to pass, that should you say: let us become like the gentiles…. ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘surely I will [reign] over you with a powerful hand....’” He said to them, “As long as one has not sold [a slave], he is in his jurisdiction; and you have not been sold for a price.” It is so stated (in Is. 52:3), “For thus says the Lord, ‘You were sold for free, [and you shall be redeemed for no money].’” (Deut. 29:12:) “In order to establish you today as his people…,” so that I would not go back on the word that I swore to your ancestors. Deut. 29:13), “And not only with you [have I made this covenant and this oath].” But rather the generations that have yet to come were also there at that time, as stated (in vs. 14), “But with those who are [standing ('md)] here with us [today… and with those who are not here with us today].” R. Abahu said in the name of R. Samuel bar Nahmani, “Why does it say, ‘those who are [standing ('md)] here [...]; and those who are not here’ (without using the word, standing)? Because all the souls were there, [even] when [their] bodies had still not been created. It is for that reason [their] existence (literally, standing, rt.: 'md) is not stated here.” R. Eliezer said, “A curse will come upon Laban, because he said to Jacob (in Gen. 31:30), ‘Why did you steal my gods?’ It (i.e., such an idol) could not save itself from theft. [So] how could it save others? But Israel is not like that, as they serve the Holy One, blessed be He, about whom it is stated (in Deut. 10:21), “He is your praise, and He is your God, [who has done these great and awful things for you that your own eyes have seen].” He [also] watches over Israel like a father who watches over his son, as stated (in Ps. 121:4), “Behold the One keeping Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.”" + ] + ], + "Vayeilech": [], + "Ha'Azinu": [ + [], + [ + "(Deut. 32:1:) “Give ear, O heavens, and let me speak; let the earth hear the words of my mouth.” This text is related (to Prov. 16:26), “The soul of a laborer labors for him, because his mouth (i.e., hunger) urges him on.” Why did Moses call to the heavens and the earth at the time of his passing away? [It was] simply to teach you that he called them to charge them concerning himself. He said to them, “Behold, the Holy One, blessed be He, has decreed over me that I am to die. Set your mind on how you will receive me in glory, so that you look at me as if I were alive and speaking words of Torah for the world.” (Deut. 32:1:) “Give ear, O heavens,” as I have already told you (in Deut. 4:26), “I have called heaven and earth to witness against you today.” See to it that you do not accuse1Rt.: QTRG, from the Greek verb kategorein. Israel after my death,2See III Enoch 26:12 = Sefer Enoch: Seder Ruhot, in A. Jellinek, Beth ha-Midrasch (Leipzig: C. W. Vollfath, 1853–57), vol. 5, pp. 179–180. but be mindful, as if I were alive, standing up to ask mercy for [Israel]. Isaiah said (in Is. 1:2), “Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth.” What was the reason for Isaiah saying, “Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth?” [It was] simply to teach you that all the words of the prophets are equivalent. Moses said, “Give ear, O heavens,” and Isaiah said, “Hear, O heavens.” R. Aqiva said, “[This] teaches that when Moses uttered the Torah, he was in the heavens, and that he was speaking with the heavens like one who is speaking with his friend, since he said, ‘Give ear, O heavens.’ But when he saw that the earth was far from him, he said, ‘Let the earth hear the words of my mouth.’ In the case of Isaiah, however, because he was on earth, he said, ‘Hear, O heavens,’ [since they were] far from him. After that he said, ‘And give ear, O earth, because it was near to him. (Is. 1:2, cont.:) “For the Lord has spoken.” They said to him, “Isaiah our teacher, if the Holy One, blessed be He, had spoken, would not the earth have quaked? Has it not already been stated (in Ps. 68:9), ‘The earth quaked, and the heavens [poured], because of the God of Sinai, [because of God, the God of Israel].’ The waters also trembled, as stated (in Ps. 93:4), ‘Than the roarings of many waters....’ When? [When] (in Exod. 20:1) ‘God spoke all these words, saying.’ If he had spoken with you, would you have lived?” It is comparable to a governor who entered a city. A prefect3Gk.: strategos. of that city came. When the governor came to speak with them, they became bewildered. In a few days, a certain bumpkin came. He said to them, “This is my friend, and I am accustomed to speak with him.” They said to him, “We cannot speak with him, but if he is your friend, speak with him on our behalf, and then [speak] with us [and let us know what he says].” [Similarly,] Israel said to Isaiah, “In our case he has called us his children, as stated (in Exod. 4:22), ‘Israel is My first-born son.’ It is also written (in Is. 46:3), ‘[Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob …,] the ones who have been borne by Me from birth, [carried from the womb].’ When He spoke with us at Sinai, our soul departed with His word. Should He speak with us [again], we shall die. But you are our master; draw near and listen, just as Moses our master did.” And what was this crown (status) that Isaiah had? What is stated (in Is. 49:5), “And now the Lord has spoken, the One who formed me in the womb to be His servant […].” Therefore is it stated (in Is. 32:1:) “Hear, O heavens….”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 32:1:) “Let my instruction drop down like the rain.” R. Joshua ben Levi said, “When Moses went up to the heights, the angels were about to kill him.4See ARN, A, 2:3; Shab. 88b; Exod. R. 28:1. He said to them, ‘Is it because of the two things that were granted to me [from the heavens] that you wish to kill me?’ When they heard this, they left him alone. A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To a great merchant who was walking in a dangerous place. [When some] brigands5Gk.: lestai. seized him [and] wanted to kill him, he said to them, ‘Is it because of the five minas6There are four hundred minas to a shekel. in my hand that you wish to kill me?’ But they did not know that there were in his hand precious stones and pearls7Gk.: margaritai or margeleis. which were invaluable. They said to each other, ‘What profit is there in killing him? He has nothing on him.’ So they left him alone. When he entered the city, he began to sell precious stones and pearls. They said to him, ‘When we captured you yesterday, you said, “There is nothing on me but five minas”; but now you are bringing out precious stones and pearls which are invaluable?’ He said to them, ‘When I spoke to you, I was in a dangerous situation.’ So also did Moses our master say to the angels, ‘There are [only] two things with me.’ [In fact] there was a great gift with him, as stated (in Ps. 68:19), ‘You ascended on high; [you captured captives; you received gifts for humans].’”8Some translations interpret the passage to mean that the gifts are from humans, but the midrash requires the interpretation given here. Therefore David said (in Ps. 119:72), “The Torah of Your mouth is better for me [than thousands of gold and silver pieces].” It also says (in Ps. 19:11), “More delightful are they than gold, than much fine gold”; and it says (in Ps. 12:7), “The sayings of the Lord are [pure] sayings....” Israel said to Moses our master, “Fortunate are you, for your having received gifts.” He said to them, “If I had not said to the ministering angels that there were [only] two things, I should have been burned by their fire, but this Torah saved me from their hand. It was with reference to them that he said (in Deut. 32:2), “Let my instruction drop down like the rain.” “Drop down (rt.: 'rp)” must mean killing, since it is stated (in Deut. 21:4), “and they shall break the neck (rt.: 'rp) of the heifer there”; and so too with Judah, it states (in Gen. 49:8), “your hand will be on the neck (rt.: 'rp) of your enemy.” And my instruction must mean Torah, since it is stated (in Prov. 4:2), “For I gave you good instruction....” And why is Torah compared to rain? To say [that] just as rain erodes, as it states (in Job 14:19), “Water erodes stones”; so does the Torah erode a heart of stone. And this is related to that which our masters say (in Qidd. 30b), “If [the evil impulse] is [like] a stone, it will be dissolved. If it is [like] iron, it will be shattered.” Therefore, there is nothing that is good for a man besides killing himself over the words of the Torah and to constantly occupy himself with it, day and night. And it is so stated (in Josh. 1:8), “and you shall meditate upon them night and day.” And this is related to that which they said (in Meg. 6b), “If a man tells you, “I have toiled but I have not found,’ do not believe [it].” And it is therefore compared to rain. Just like there can be no world without rain, as it is needed to grow all good things; so can the world not survive without Torah, as it is stated (Jer. 33:25), “Were it not that I have established My covenant day and night, I would not have put the laws of heaven and earth.” And just like rain descends little by little, so too with the Torah, one starts at the beginning with the small count of aleph, bet, gimmel, and comes to the large count of kof, reish, shin at the end. So does one start and then one understands the Torah and its details. Another interpretation (of Deut. 32:2), “Let my instruction drop down like the rain.” Israel said to Moses our master, “You have not come to speak with heaven and earth but with the rain and the dew.” He said to them, “[Let me tell you] a parable. It is comparable to a wealthy person who went to honor the king. He took with him great ministers and honored men. [So when] he went into the king along with them, the king received them cordially.” So also did Moses say, “It is better for me to call for heaven and earth, the rain and the dew to be with me, so that when I call upon the Holy One, blessed be He, He will answer me.” For that reason he said to them (in Deut. 32:1-2), “Give ear, O heavens…. Let [my instruction] drop down like the rain…”; and [then] afterwards (in Deut. 31:3), “For I am proclaiming the name of the Lord.”" + ] + ], + "V'Zot HaBerachah": [ + [ + "(Deut. 33:1:) “And this is the blessing.” This text is related (to Prov. 31:29), “Many daughters have done valiantly, but you surpass them all.” This is the blessing of Moses,1PRK 31:11. in respect to which you should note that in the case of the earlier generations each and every one blessed his generation, but there was none was like the blessing of Moses. Noah blessed his children, but it contained a divergence, as he blessed one and cursed another, as stated (Gen. 9:27,) “May God enlarge (ypt) Japheth (ypt) [...]; and let Canaan be a slave to them.” Isaac blessed Jacob, but there was strife in it. It is so stated (in Gen. 28:4), “May He give you the blessing of Abraham, but he said to Esau (in Gen. 27:35), “Your brother came with deceit”; and it is stated (in vs. 41), “Then Esau hated Jacob […, and Esau said in his heart, ‘Let the days of mourning for my father come, and I will kill my brother Jacob’].” Jacob blessed the tribes, but there was strife among them, in that he rebuked Reuben, as stated (in Gen. 49:4), “Unstable as water”; and similarly (in vs. 5), “Simeon and Levi [are brothers; weapons of violence are their swords].” And from where did each and every one of the patriarchs learn to bless his generation? [They learned it] from the Holy One, blessed be He. When he created Adam, He blessed him, as stated (in Gen. 1:27-28), “male and female. Then [God] blessed them.” And the world was maintained by that blessing, until the generation of the flood came, and they cancelled it out, as stated (in Gen. 6:7), “And the Lord said, “I will blot out the humanity which I created.” When Noah left the ark, the Holy One, blessed be He, saw that this blessing had passed from them. He blessed Noah and his children anew, as stated (in Gen. 9:1), “Then God blessed Noah and his children.” The world was maintained by this blessing, until Abraham came into the world, and He added blessing, as stated (in Gen. 12:2), “For I will make you into a great nation.” Once Abraham came, the Holy One, blessed be He, said, “It is not honorable for Me, that I should be obliged to bless My creatures. Rather take note! I am handing over the blessings to Abraham and to his seed, so that for all who they issue a blessing, I am placing my seal upon [those blessings], as stated (in vs. 2, cont.), ‘[I will bless you and magnify your name] and so become a blessing.’” (Vs. 3:) “I will bless those who bless you….” What is the meaning of “I will bless?” The Holy One, blessed be He, said, “Take note. I am handing over the blessings to all whom you bless, and I am sealing [them] through you.” But if from then on the blessings were [handed over] to Abraham, why did he not bless Isaac? It was because Abraham saw that Esau would issue from him. He said, “If I bless Isaac, then Esau will be blessed, and Isaac will be found lacking.” A parable: To what is the matter comparable? To the head of a household that had a vineyard,2See Gen. R. 61:6; Numb. R. 11:2; M. Pss. 1:5. [and] gave it to a tenant. And in that vineyard was a tree of life, but it had overgrown a tree having a deadly poison. Now he did not know what to do. He said, “If I cultivate that vineyard, then the tree having a deadly poison will flourish; but if I do not cultivate that vineyard, then the tree of life will die. So what shall I do? I will bear with that vineyard until the owner of the vineyard comes. Then he may do what he wants with his vineyard.” And so also did Abraham say, “If I bless Isaac, Esau will end up being blessed and Jacob will lose out. Rather look here. I will leave him alone until the Holy One, blessed be He, comes, when He will deal with what belongs to Him.” Jacob came and received five blessings: two from his father, one from Abraham, one from the angel, and one from the Holy One, blessed be He.3Cf. Gen. R. 94:5. From his father, as stated (in Gen. 27:33), “Then Isaac trembled (when he realized he had blessed Jacob instead of Esau). Why “trembled?” R. Eliezer ben Pedat said, “[He did so] because he saw Gehinnom open in front of him. He wanted to say, ‘Cursed will be [Jacob.’ Instead,] he went back [on it], and added blessing [to it], when he said (ibid., end), ‘he also shall be blessed.’” Here is one [blessing]. A second (is in Gen. 28:1), “So Isaac called Jacob and blessed him.” The blessing of the Holy One, blessed be He, (is in Gen. 35:9), “Now God appeared unto Jacob [… and blessed him].” The blessing of Abraham (is in Gen. 28:4), “And may He grant you the blessing of Abraham.” And the blessing of an angel is (in Gen. 32:30), “and he (the angel) blessed him there.” When Jacob came to bless the tribes, he blessed them with the five blessings that he had in hand and added one blessing to them, as stated (in Gen. 49:28), “All these are the tribes of Israel, [twelve in number, and this is what their father spoke to them when he blessed them, each one with his own blessing is how he blessed them].”4The midrash notes that the words, HE BLESSED THEM, occur twice and interprets the verse to mean that one blessing, the fivefold blessing he had received, was for the tribes as a group while the other blessing was a specific blessing for each tribe. When Moses came to bless Israel, he added a seventh blessing to them. Thus it is stated (in Deut. 33:1), “And this is the blessing.” [According to another interpretation, Moses made] an addition to the blessings with which Balaam had blessed Israel,5Cf. PRK 31(suppl. 1):4. since it was fitting for him to bless them with seven blessings corresponding to the seven altars [he had built];6On these altars, see Numb. 23:1, 14, 29. but [Balaam] only blessed them with three, as stated (in Numb. 24:10), “but here you have even blessed them these three times.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “O wicked one, your eye is too jaundiced for you to bless them. Moreover, I am not putting the power in your hand to finish your blessing over Israel. Moses will come, whose eye is fair; then he will bless Israel.” And it is about him that Solomon has said (in Prov. 22:9), “He that has a benevolent eye shall be blessed (ybrk).” Do not read “ybrk [with vowels meaning] shall be blessed,” but [with vowels meaning] “shall bless.” This refers to Moses our master whose eyes were fair when he blessed Israel, such that he blessed them with [the other] four blessings: The first is (in Exod. 39:43), “When Moses saw all the work […] he blessed them.” The second is (in Lev. 9:23), “Then Moses and Aaron came unto the tent of meeting; and when they came out, they blessed the people….” The third is (in Deut. 1:11), “May the Lord God of your ancestors add [to your numbers a thousand times more than you are and bless you].” The fourth is (here in Deut. 33:1), “And this is the blessing.” It is therefore stated (in Prov. 31:29), “Many daughters have done valiantly, but you surpass them all.”(Deut. 33:1:) And this is the blessing.” It was fitting for Moses to bless Israel because he had constantly risked his life for them.7PRK 31(suppl. 1):12. For this reason, it is stated (in Deut. 33:1), “And this is the blessing [that Moses blessed... the Children of Israel].” (Deut. 33:1:) “The man of God (the Power).” If it says, “man,” why does it say, “God,” and if it says, “God,” why does it say, “man?” It is simply that at the time he fled from in front of Pharaoh, he was a man, but at the time he trounced [the Egyptians], he was a power. Another interpretation: At the time that he went up to the firmament, he was a man; in front of the angels that were all fire, he was a man. But at the time he came down, he was a power. Before he went up to the firmament, he was a man, as he would eat and drink. But all the time that he was there, he was a power, as stated (in Exod. 34:20), “and they were afraid to approach him.”" + ], + [ + "Another interpretation (of Deut. 33:1), “And this is the blessing”: R. Samuel bar Nahmani said that R. Johanan said, “When Moshe came to bless Israel with “This is the blessing,” the Holy One, blessed be He, also blessed them with “this,” as stated (in Deut. 4:44), “And this is the Torah that Moshe placed.” And it states (in Deut. 33:1), “And this is the blessing that Moses the man of God blessed the Children of Israel.” (Deut. 33:1:) Another explanation: R. Abba said (regarding Deut. 33:1), “’Which Moses blessed,’ that is Moses; ‘the man of God,’ that is the Holy One, blessed be He, as stated (in Exod. 15:3), ‘The Lord is a man of war.’ And why so much? To fulfill the verse (in Eccl. 4:12), ‘and the threefold string will not quickly be broken.’”8See Deut. R. 11:4 which appears to record the correct version of this midrash, and is brought down as one teaching together with that of R. Samuel bar Nahmani immediately above, such that the third component here is the Torah. See also ‘Ets Yosef on Tanh., Deut. 11:3. Resh Laqish said, “If it were not in Scripture, it would be impossible to say this:9PRK 31(suppl. 1):13. Just as when a man gives an order to his wife, she carries it out; so when [Moshe gave an order to the Holy One, blessed be He, He carried it out for him] (the Holy One, blessed be He, gave an order to Moses, he carried it out for Him).”10Although the parallel texts agree with this reading, Wm. Braude and I. J. Kapstein, Pesikta de-Rab Kahana, p. 456, n. 47, are probably correct that fear of blasphemy caused the midrashim to reverse what was said here. The context requires the original text to state that it was the Holy One who obeyed Moses. What is the meaning of (in Deut. 33:1) “the Children of Israel.” It was Israel's merit that enabled him." + ], + [ + "(Deut. 33:1:) “Before his death.” Would it cross your mind that he blessed Israel after he died?11PRK 31(suppl. 1):14; see Sifre, Deut. 33:19(342); Deut. R. 11:6. Then what is the meaning of before his death? Before the angel of death. When the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him (in Deut. 32:49-50) “Ascend [this mountain of the Abarim]…. And you shall die,” the angel of death thought that the Holy One, blessed be He, had already given him authority over Moses' life. He came and stood directly above him. Moses said to him, “The Holy One, blessed be He, has already promised me that he would not deliver me into your hand.” He [answered], “The Holy One, blessed be He, has sent me to you; that you are to depart on this day.” Moses said to him, “Go away from here, as I want to praise the Holy One, blessed be He, ‘I will not die, but rather live and tell the acts of the Lord (Ps. 118:17).’” The angel said to him, “Why are you bragging, He [already] has someone to praise Him, (in Ps. 19:2), ‘The heavens recount God’s glory.’” Moses said, “I will quiet them and praise,” as stated (in Deut. 32:1), “Listen O heavens....” He came to him a second time. What did Moses do? He mentioned the explicit name [of God], and [so the angel] fled, as stated (Deut. 32:3), “For I proclaim the name of the Lord.” He [then] came to him a third time. [At that point,] Moshe said, “Since he is coming from the Heavens, I must justify the judgement [of death] upon myself.” He immediately began saying (in Deut. 32:4), “The Rock, His actions are just.” R. Isaac said, “Moses’ soul was hesitating to leave him, and he spoke with it. He said to it, ‘Tell me, my soul, what will you say, since the angel of death seeks to subdue you?’ It said to him, ‘He will not do so to me, as the Holy One, blessed be He, promised me that he would not deliver me into his hand.’ He said to it, ‘Tell me [what you will say] when you see them crying and you cry with them.’ It said to him (in Ps. 116:8), ‘You have delivered me from death, my eyes from tears’. He said to it, ‘Tell me [what you will say] when they try to push you to Gehinnom.’ It said to him (in Ps. 116:8, cont.), ‘my feet from stumbling.’ He said to it, ‘And where will you be walking in the future?’ It said to him (in Ps 116:9), ‘I shall walk before the Lord in the lands of the living.’ When Moses heard this from it, he said to it (Ps. 116:7), ‘Return, O my soul.’” R. Abba said, “Once he was departed, the lower creatures (people) said (Deut. 33:4), ‘Moses charged us with Torah.’ The higher creatures (angels) said, ‘He executed the Lord’s judgments and His decisions for Israel.’ And even the Holy One, blessed be He, Himself, in all of His glory praises him and says (in Deut. 34:10-11), ‘Never again did there arise in Israel a prophet like Moses [...]. For the various signs and portents.’”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 33:2:) “Then he said, ‘the Lord came from Sinai […].’” [This] teaches you that the Holy One, blessed be He, brought the Torah around to all the nations of the world,12Above, Lev. 3:10; Tanh, Lev. 3:6; Deut. 11:4; PRK 31(suppl. 1):15; cf. Sifre, Deut. 32:8(311); AZ 2b-3a; Lev. R. 13:2. but they did not accept it, until he came to Israel; and they did accept it. Thus it is stated (ibid., cont.), “and He shone upon them from Seir.” These are the Children of Esau, in that they were children of Seir. (Ibid., cont.:) “He appeared from Mount Paran.” These are the Children of Ishmael, of whom it is stated (in Gen. 21:21), “He dwelt in the Wilderness of Paran.” It is also written (in Hab. 3:6), “He arose and measured the earth; [He looked and made nations tremble (rt.: ntr, literally, leap)].” When the Holy One, blessed be He, saw that they did not want to accept the Torah, He made them jump into Gehinnom, even as it says (in Lev. 11:21), “to leap (rt.: ntr) with upon the ground.” Yet it says in another place (in Ps. 138:4), “All the kings of the earth shall give thanks to You, O Lord, for they have heard the words of Your mouth.” And [so] we still need to learn that they did not want to heed. Micah the Morashitite came and put an end to the matter, where it is stated (in Micah 5:14), “In anger and wrath will I execute retribution on the nations [because they have not obeyed].” Here you learn that they did not want to receive the Torah. David came and gave thanks to the Holy One, blessed be He, over this, where it is stated (in Ps. 77:15), “You are the God who performs wonders; You have made Your strength known among the peoples.” David said, “Master of the World, O the wonders that You performed when You made Your Torah known to the nations of the world!” [As] “Your strength” can only be Torah, since it is stated (in Ps. 29:11), “The Lord will grant strength to His people.” R. Abbahu said, “It was revealed and made known to the One who spoke and world came into being that the nations of the world would not accept the Torah. Then for what reason did He make them the offer? It is simply that this represents the character of the Holy One, blessed be He. First He made an offer to His creatures, and after that He drove them from the world, because the Holy One, blessed be He, does not deal with His creatures in tyranny.”13Gk.: tyrannia. A second reason for his making them an offer: [It was] on account of appeasement of [their] ancestors.14Cf. PRK 31 (suppl. 1):15, which reads: “Because of the merit of the ancestors.” Abraham had fathered Ishmael and Isaac had fathered Esau." + ], + [ + "(Deut. 33:2, cont.:) “He arrived ('t')15Cf. above, Exod. 5:14. The midrash seems to vowel these consonants to mean “beacon.” Thus the whole clause means that the Holy One was a beacon in the midst of HOLY MYRIADS. Similarly Braude and Kapstein, p. 457, note 52; see p. 244, note 64. from holy myriads.”16PRK 31(suppl. 1):16. [This] teaches that the Holy One, blessed be He, is greater and His name is more praised than all His hosts; since His attributes are not like the attribute of flesh and blood.17PRK 31 (suppl. 1):16. [Consider] the character of flesh and blood. If the king comes out with his retinue,18Lat.: familia. he is handsome; but among his hosts there are some more handsome than he. He is valiant, but among his hosts there some more valiant than he. In the case of the Holy One, blessed be He, however, there is no one like Him among all His myriads. It is so stated (in Ps. 86:8), “There is no one like You among the powers, O Lord.” It also says (in Exod. 15:11), “Who is like You among the powers, O Lord ]...].” (Deut. 33:2, cont.:) “At His right hand is a fiery law.” [This] teaches that the Torah was given only by the right hand.19PRK 31 (suppl. 1):17. R. Johanan said, “Whoever wants to be engaged with the Torah should see himself as if he were standing in the fire. It is therefore stated (ibid.), ‘a fiery law.’” (Deut. 33:3:) “Indeed He shows love to the peoples (by letting them rule over Israel).”20PRK 31 (suppl. 1):18; see BB 8a. Moses said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, you have placed two yokes upon Your children, the yoke of Torah and the yoke of enslavement to empires.” The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “Whoever is engaged with the Torah is delivered from enslavement to [foreign] kingdoms, [as stated] (in ibid., cont.), “all their holy ones are in Your hand.” (Deut. 33:3, cont.:) “And they are pounded (rt.: tkh)21The meaning of this verb is doubtful. This translation follows the interpretation of the midrash. at Your feet.” Rav Joseph taught, “These are the disciples of the sages, who beat (rt.: ktt) their feet from city to city in order to learn Torah and cast off the yoke of the kingdom (government taxes and obligations) from upon them”. Another interpretation (of Deut. 33:3), “and they are pounded at Your feet”: Although they are beaten, they do not move from Your dwellings, but (ibid., end) “they take up (from) Your words,” a great reward; as they take up and bring (discuss) in the war (debate) of the Torah. (Deut. 33:4:) “Moses charged us with Torah, as the inheritance for the Congregation of Jacob.” It is an inheritance for the Congregations of Jacob, for whoever engages in it for its own sake is worthy of the inheritance of Jacob, as stated (in Is. 58:14), “Then you shall take delight in the Lord…, and I will feed you the inheritance of your father Jacob.”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 31:14:) “Then the Lord said unto Moses, ‘Behold the days are drawing near for you to die.”22This verse indicates that this paragraph and the two that follow properly belong to the third section of the missing midrash later on. This text is related (to Prov. 11:31), “Behold, shall a righteous one be recompensed on earth?”23The sense of the midrash requires these words to be read as a question. With reference to whom is this text spoken? It speaks of none other than Moses the righteous, for there is no one like him, not among the prophets and not among the sages. So here is the Holy One, blessed be He, testifying concerning him after his death (in Deut. 34:10), “Never again did there arise in Israel a prophet like Moses.” Still, he did not have the power to save himself from death, all the more so other people. And David therefore said (in I Chron. 29:15), “For we are sojourners before You and transients like all our ancestors; our days on the earth are like a shadow, and there is no hope.” But is it not written (in Ps. 37:34), “Hope in the Lord and keep His way, [and He will raise you up to inherit the land?” So why does the text say (in I Chron. 29:15), “and there is no hope?” David said, “Master of the world, in all circumstances a person has hope. If one is poor, he hopes until he becomes rich. If he is feeble, he hopes until be becomes strong. [If] he is sick, he hopes until he is healed. If he is confined in prison, he hopes until they free him. On the day of death, however, he has no hope.” As see here that the Holy One, blessed be He, spoke with Moses face to face, but he was [still] not able to save himself from death. And so Solomon has said (in Eccl. 9:2), “Since everything [happens] to everyone, [the same lot to the righteous and to the wicked].24Cf. PRK 26:1. R. Hanina said, “In the case of an intercessory spirit,25Pisqonit. Cf. Sanh. 44b, where the Tosafot and the notes of Elijah Gaon of Vilna, citing Rashi, identify this spirit with Gabriel, who was surnamed Pisqon, because he argues against the Holy One. it has authority to speak before the Holy One, blessed be He. [Such a one is] like a senator26Lat.: senator. before the king. So he says to [the Holy One, blessed be He], ‘Master of the world, all flesh is [destined] for death. Abraham experienced death, Nimrod experienced death; Isaac experienced death, Abimelech experienced death; Moses experienced death, Pharaoh experienced death; for Solomon has stated (in Eccl. 3:20), “Everyone is going to the same place.” So from now on, what gain is there for the righteous to be engaged with the Torah and good works in this world? And what loss is there for the wicked to sin and cause [others] to sin in this world?’ Solomon has the explanation (in vs. 21), ‘Who knows the lifebreath (spirit) of humans (literally, the Children of Adam) that rise upward [and the lifebreath (spirit) of the beast that goes down into the earth]?’ ‘The spirit of humans,’ these are the spirits of the righteous, because they are put in storage and hidden under the throne of glory;27Shab. 152b; Deut. R. 11:10. ‘and the spirit of the beast that goes down into the earth,’ these are the spirits of the wicked, which go down to Gehinnom. And so it says (in Is. 14:15), ‘You shall also be brought down unto Sheol, [unto the uttermost parts of the pit].’” But where is it shown that the righteous are called Adam? Where Jonah says so (in Jon. 4:11), “So should I not take pity on Nineveh, [that great city] in which there are over a hundred and twenty thousand persons (literally, Adams), [who do not know their right hand from their left, and many animals].” “Adams,” these are the righteous; “who do not know their right hand from their left, and many animals,” these are the wicked, in that their actions are like the actions of the animals. It is therefore stated (in Prov. 11:31), “Behold, shall a righteous one be recompensed on earth?”" + ], + [ + "(Deut. 31:14:) “Behold (hn) the days are drawing near for you [to die].” Moses said to the Holy One, blessed be He, “Master of the world, with the word that I [used to] praise28Cf. Gk.: kalos. You when I said (in Deut. 10:14), ‘Behold (hn) the heavens [and the heavens of the heavens, the earth and all that is in it] belong to the Lord your God’; by that [very word] (i.e., hn) you have condemned me to death?”29Above, Deut. 2:6. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, “I am bringing you peace of mind, (as in Deut. 31:16), ‘Behold (hn-) you (-k) are [soon] to sleep with your ancestors….’” R. Abbahu said, “The words, behold you (hnk), can only mean peace of mind, since it is stated (in Job 3:17), ‘there (in death) the weary are at rest (yanuhu, understood to have the root hnk).’”30Cf. Gen. R. 9:5. (Deut. 31:14, literally:) “Behold your days are drawing near [to die].” R. Joshua ben Levi said, “A drawing near is uttered with reference to the forefathers, and a drawing near is uttered with reference to the kings (in I Kings 2:1), ‘Then when the days for David to die drew near.’ With reference to the prophets (there is Moses, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, addresses in the second person in Deut. 31:14), ‘Behold your days are drawing near [to die].’” R. Samuel bar Nahmani said, “Do days die? These words are simply a reference to the righteous. When they die, their days pass away from the world, but they themselves remain alive, as stated (in Job 12:10), ‘In whose hand is every living soul.’ If the living are delivered into His hand, are the dead not delivered into His hand? It is simply that these are the righteous, who even in their death are called living.31Ber. 18ab. Thus it is stated (in II Sam. 23:20), ‘And Benaiah ben Jehoiada, the son of a valiant warrior (literally, of a living person) from Kazbeel, [who had performed great deeds…].’ And is not everyone [eventually] dead? However, the wicked during their lifetime and in their death are called dead, as stated (in Ezek. 21:30), ‘And you, O slain wicked [prince of Israel, whose day has come…].’” And so it says (in Deut. 17:6), “On the evidence of two or three witnesses shall the dead be put to death.” Does someone dead deserve another death? It is simply that the wicked during life are regarded as dead. Because on seeing the rising sun, such a one does not say the blessing, \"blessed be the One who forms light.\"32The opening blessing before the morning Shema‘. When it sets, he does not say the blessing, \"who brings on evenings.\"33The opening blessing before the evening Shema‘. Nor does he say a blessing when eating or drinking. However, the righteous do say a blessing for each and every thing that they eat and drink, and see and hear. Moreover, [these blessings] are uttered not only while they are alive, but even when they are dead. Thus it is stated (in Ps. 149:5-6), “Let the saints rejoice in glory; let them sing for joy upon their beds. With paeans to God in their throats and two-edged swords in their hands.”", + "The end of the book of Deuteronomy" + ] + ] + }, + "schema": { + "heTitle": "מדרש תנחומא", + "enTitle": "Midrash Tanchuma", + "key": "Midrash Tanchuma", + "nodes": [ + { + "heTitle": "פתח דבר", + "enTitle": "Foreword" + }, + { + "heTitle": "הקדמה", + "enTitle": "Introduction" + }, + { + "heTitle": "בראשית", + "enTitle": "Bereshit" + }, + { + "heTitle": "נח", + "enTitle": "Noach" + }, + { + "heTitle": "לך לך", + "enTitle": "Lech Lecha" + }, + { + "heTitle": "וירא", + "enTitle": "Vayera" + }, + { + "heTitle": "חיי שרה", + "enTitle": "Chayei Sara" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תולדות", + "enTitle": "Toldot" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ויצא", + "enTitle": "Vayetzei" + }, + { + "heTitle": "וישלח", + "enTitle": "Vayishlach" + }, + { + "heTitle": "וישב", + "enTitle": "Vayeshev" + }, + { + "heTitle": "מקץ", + "enTitle": "Miketz" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ויגש", + "enTitle": "Vayigash" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ויחי", + "enTitle": "Vayechi" + }, + { + "heTitle": "שמות", + "enTitle": "Shemot" + }, + { + "heTitle": "וארא", + "enTitle": "Vaera" + }, + { + "heTitle": "בא", + "enTitle": "Bo" + }, + { + "heTitle": "בשלח", + "enTitle": "Beshalach" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ית��ו", + "enTitle": "Yitro" + }, + { + "heTitle": "משפטים", + "enTitle": "Mishpatim" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תרומה", + "enTitle": "Terumah" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תצוה", + "enTitle": "Tetzaveh" + }, + { + "heTitle": "כי תשא", + "enTitle": "Ki Tisa" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ויקהל", + "enTitle": "Vayakhel" + }, + { + "heTitle": "פקודי", + "enTitle": "Pekudei" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ויקרא", + "enTitle": "Vayikra" + }, + { + "heTitle": "צו", + "enTitle": "Tzav" + }, + { + "heTitle": "שמיני", + "enTitle": "Shmini" + }, + { + "heTitle": "תזריע", + "enTitle": "Tazria" + }, + { + "heTitle": "מצורע", + "enTitle": "Metzora" + }, + { + "heTitle": "אחרי מות", + "enTitle": "Achrei Mot" + }, + { + "heTitle": "קדושים", + "enTitle": "Kedoshim" + }, + { + "heTitle": "אמור", + "enTitle": "Emor" + }, + { + "heTitle": "בהר", + "enTitle": "Behar" + }, + { + "heTitle": "בחוקתי", + "enTitle": "Bechukotai" + }, + { + "heTitle": "במדבר", + "enTitle": "Bamidbar" + }, + { + "heTitle": "נשא", + "enTitle": "Nasso" + }, + { + "heTitle": "בהעלותך", + "enTitle": "Beha'alotcha" + }, + { + "heTitle": "שלח", + "enTitle": "Sh'lach" + }, + { + "heTitle": "קרח", + "enTitle": "Korach" + }, + { + "heTitle": "חקת", + "enTitle": "Chukat" + }, + { + "heTitle": "בלק", + "enTitle": "Balak" + }, + { + "heTitle": "פנחס", + "enTitle": "Pinchas" + }, + { + "heTitle": "מטות", + "enTitle": "Matot" + }, + { + "heTitle": "מסעי", + "enTitle": "Masei" + }, + { + "heTitle": "דברים", + "enTitle": "Devarim" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ואתחנן", + "enTitle": "Vaetchanan" + }, + { + "heTitle": "עקב", + "enTitle": "Eikev" + }, + { + "heTitle": "ראה", + "enTitle": "Re'eh" + }, + { + "heTitle": "שופטים", + "enTitle": "Shoftim" + }, + { + "heTitle": "כי תצא", + "enTitle": "Ki Teitzei" + }, + { + "heTitle": "כי תבוא", + "enTitle": "Ki Tavo" + }, + { + "heTitle": "נצבים", + "enTitle": "Nitzavim" + }, + { + "heTitle": "וילך", + "enTitle": "Vayeilech" + }, + { + "heTitle": "האזינו", + "enTitle": "Ha'Azinu" + }, + { + "heTitle": "וזאת הברכה", + "enTitle": "V'Zot HaBerachah" + } + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file