{ "language": "en", "title": "Maamar Zohar HaRakia", "versionSource": "https://www.sefaria.org", "versionTitle": "Sefaria Community Translation", "actualLanguage": "en", "languageFamilyName": "english", "isBaseText": false, "isSource": false, "direction": "ltr", "heTitle": "מאמר זהר הרקיע", "categories": [ "Kabbalah", "Other Kabbalah Works" ], "text": { "Introduction": [ "Rabbi Eliezer said in the name of Rabbi Shimon: \"I said to the Samaritan scribes: you have forged your Torah and not gotten anything out of it (Yerushalmi Sotah 7:3) " ], "": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "On the Verses that are misquoted", "Regarding the matter of misquoted verses in the Book of the Zohar, this is in truth evidence for and a great proof to the authenticity of the Book of the Zohar, that it is not, heaven forbid, any sort of forgery for if it were the forger would quote the verses in their proper form lest he raise upon [his forgery] difficulties and questions due to the changes and combinations [of verses]. The question concerning the changes to verses needn't be explained for in all the works of the Talmudic Sages and the two Talmuds and the Midrashim we find hundreds of cases of such things because the Talmudic Sages only wrote what was needed for their expositions and many times they shortened or combined verses as Tosafot wrote in Shabbos (128a s.v. and he gave) on the verse \"and he shall give the money and acquire the field\" that is the way of the Talmud to shorten [verses] and in the Tosafos Megillah (3a s.v and he slept) that it is the way of the Talmud to shorten verses and to combine them. See there [for his comment.] So too in the Book of the Zohar and in the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides you find many verses that are misquoted and combinations of verses. In my notes on the Zohar (Leviticus 23a) which brings the verse \"a man and his brother, a man and his fellow\" (Jeremiah 31:34) I noted that the verse is written \"a man and his fellow, a man and his brother\" and in Maimonides's laws of Repentance (Chapter 9 halacha 2) he quotes the verse as the Zohar does. Also see Tosafos on Eruvin 2a s.v. as is written." ], [], [ "Regarding the disagreements and contradictions [to the Talmud]", "On the matter of the contradictions to the Talmudic Sages, their memory should be for a blessing, found in the Holy Zohar to their words in the Talmud, this is, in truth strong evidence and a clear proof to the truth and antiquity of the Zohar and that it's author was the Tanna Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. If one, heaven forbid, suspects any forgery [one should ask oneself] why the forger would write things that are the opposite of the words of the Gemara and bring upon him [and his book] suspicions and doubts. Would it not be better to forge things as they are stated in the Gemara or not to write about these matters at all. There is, in truth, no difficulty here at all. As the Talmudic Sages say about Rav, \"Rav is a Tanna and may argue\" (Eruvin 56b) certainly the Tanna Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai may argue." ] ] }, "schema": { "heTitle": "מאמר זהר הרקיע", "enTitle": "Maamar Zohar HaRakia", "key": "Maamar Zohar HaRakia", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "הקדמה", "enTitle": "Introduction" }, { "heTitle": "", "enTitle": "" } ] } }