"title": "Sulam on Zohar",
"language": "en",
"versionTitle": "merged",
"versionSource": "https://www.sefaria.org/Sulam_on_Zohar",
"text": {
"Introduction": [],
"Bereshit I": [],
"Bereshit II": [],
"Noach": [],
"Lech Lecha": [],
"Vayera": [],
"Chayei Sara": [],
"Toldot": [],
"Vayetzei": [],
"Vayishlach": [],
"Vayeshev": [],
"Miketz": [],
"Vayigash": [],
"Vayechi": [],
"Shemot": [],
"Vaera": [],
"Bo": [],
"Beshalach": [],
"Yitro": [],
"Mishpatim": [],
"Terumah": [],
"Sifra DiTzniuta": [],
"Tetzaveh": [
"It is written (Exodus 34:17), \"You must not make molten gods for yourselves\": And it is written after it (Exodus 34:18), \"You shall observe the Feast of Matzot.\" [The Zohar] asks, \"Why is this next to this?\" And it answers, \"Rather, this is why He positioned it [so] - one who eats chametz is like one who worships idolatry."
"Ki Tisa": [],
"Vayakhel": [],
"Pekudei": [],
"Vayikra": [],
"Tzav": [],
"Shmini": [],
"Tazria": [],
"Metzora": [],
"Achrei Mot": [],
"Kedoshim": [],
"Emor": [],
"Behar": [],
"Bechukotai": [],
"Bamidbar": [],
"Nasso": [],
"Idra Rabba": [],
"Beha'alotcha": [],
"Sh'lach": [],
"Korach": [],
"Chukat": [],
"Balak": [
"They hang below Your crown, etc. Below the crown, golden bells hang all around, a golden bell on this side, and a golden bell on that side, and one pomegranate in the middle. That pomegranate has a thousand bells, and each of those bells blazes in red and in white. That pomegranate is divided into four sections and stays open, so that the bells in it are visible. There are 325 bells on this side, and likewise with all of the sides, such that they light up the four sides of the world from the vision of each and every sections. And they are called the pomegranate split open, as it is written (Song of Songs 4:3), \"your brow behind your veil [gleams] like a pomegranate split open.\"",
"The explanation: Now the aspect of the end of the crown of Kingship (Malkhut) is understood, meaning the aspect of the vessels of its back. And you already know that when Wisdom (Chokhmah) is face to face with the Small Face (Zeir Anpin) it is only revealed by the vessels of its back (as mentioned earlier in the Introduction to the Book of the Zohar, p. 6, s.v. VeIlmaleh). And the aggregate of the vessels of the back is called pomegranate, by way of the secret of what they said about the verse, \"your brow (rakatekh) is like a pomegranate split open\": That even the empty ones (rekanim) among you - meaning the vessels of the back that are judged to be empty in comparison with the vessels of the front - are filled with commandments like a pomegranate, which is full of lights. And this is at the time that they connect with the vessels of the front and hang from them. For they then also receive the enlightenment of the three columns from the vessels of the front; and then the enlightenment divides into right and left and to the secret of the twelve, called bells. And the aggregate of the bells is called pomegranate, since its enlightenment ascends from the bottom to the top. "
"Pinchas": [],
"Matot": [],
"Vaetchanan": [],
"Eikev": [],
"Shoftim": [],
"Ki Teitzei": [],
"Vayeilech": [],
"Ha'Azinu": [],
"Idra Zuta": []
"versions": [
"Sefaria Community Translation",
"heTitle": "הסולם על ספר הזהר",
"categories": [
"schema": {
"heTitle": "הסולם על ספר הזהר",
"enTitle": "Sulam on Zohar",
"key": "Sulam on Zohar",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "הקדמה",
"enTitle": "Introduction"
"heTitle": "בראשית א",
"enTitle": "Bereshit I"
"heTitle": "בראשית ב",
"enTitle": "Bereshit II"
"heTitle": "נח",
"enTitle": "Noach"
"heTitle": "לך לך",
"enTitle": "Lech Lecha"
"heTitle": "וירא",
"enTitle": "Vayera"
"heTitle": "חיי שרה",
"enTitle": "Chayei Sara"
"heTitle": "תולדות",
"enTitle": "Toldot"
"heTitle": "ויצא",
"enTitle": "Vayetzei"
"heTitle": "וישלח",
"enTitle": "Vayishlach"
"heTitle": "וישב",
"enTitle": "Vayeshev"
"heTitle": "מקץ",
"enTitle": "Miketz"
"heTitle": "ויגש",
"enTitle": "Vayigash"
"heTitle": "ויחי",
"enTitle": "Vayechi"
"heTitle": "שמות",
"enTitle": "Shemot"
"heTitle": "וארא",
"enTitle": "Vaera"
"heTitle": "בא",
"enTitle": "Bo"
"heTitle": "בשלח",
"enTitle": "Beshalach"
"heTitle": "יתרו",
"enTitle": "Yitro"
"heTitle": "משפטים",
"enTitle": "Mishpatim"
"heTitle": "תרומה",
"enTitle": "Terumah"
"heTitle": "ספרא דצניעותא",
"enTitle": "Sifra DiTzniuta"
"heTitle": "תצוה",
"enTitle": "Tetzaveh"
"heTitle": "כי תשא",
"enTitle": "Ki Tisa"
"heTitle": "ויקהל",
"enTitle": "Vayakhel"
"heTitle": "פקודי",
"enTitle": "Pekudei"
"heTitle": "ויקרא",
"enTitle": "Vayikra"
"heTitle": "צו",
"enTitle": "Tzav"
"heTitle": "שמיני",
"enTitle": "Shmini"
"heTitle": "תזריע",
"enTitle": "Tazria"
"heTitle": "מצורע",
"enTitle": "Metzora"
"heTitle": "אחרי מות",
"enTitle": "Achrei Mot"
"heTitle": "קדושים",
"enTitle": "Kedoshim"
"heTitle": "אמור",
"enTitle": "Emor"
"heTitle": "בהר",
"enTitle": "Behar"
"heTitle": "בחקותי",
"enTitle": "Bechukotai"
"heTitle": "במדבר",
"enTitle": "Bamidbar"
"heTitle": "נשא",
"enTitle": "Nasso"
"heTitle": "האדרא רבא",
"enTitle": "Idra Rabba"
"heTitle": "בהעלותך",
"enTitle": "Beha'alotcha"
"heTitle": "שלח לך",
"enTitle": "Sh'lach"
"heTitle": "קרח",
"enTitle": "Korach"
"heTitle": "חקת",
"enTitle": "Chukat"
"heTitle": "בלק",
"enTitle": "Balak"
"heTitle": "פנחס",
"enTitle": "Pinchas"
"heTitle": "מטות",
"enTitle": "Matot"
"heTitle": "ואתחנן",
"enTitle": "Vaetchanan"
"heTitle": "עקב",
"enTitle": "Eikev"
"heTitle": "שופטים",
"enTitle": "Shoftim"
"heTitle": "כי תצא",
"enTitle": "Ki Teitzei"
"heTitle": "וילך",
"enTitle": "Vayeilech"
"heTitle": "האזינו",
"enTitle": "Ha'Azinu"
"heTitle": "האדרא זוטא",
"enTitle": "Idra Zuta"