{ "title": "Machzor Yom Kippur Ashkenaz Linear", "language": "en", "versionTitle": "merged", "versionSource": "https://www.sefaria.org/Machzor_Yom_Kippur_Ashkenaz_Linear", "text": { "Kaporos": [ "The traditional ritual of “kaporos,” atonement, is mentioned in the writings of the Ari Z'al and the Sh'lah haKodosh. It is the custom on the morning of the eve of the Day of Atonement (or even a day before) to ritually slaughter a chicken as a symbol of atonement. It is customary for a male to use a rooster and a female to use a hen. According to some, the slaughtered chickens are given to the poor, but others hold that it is more appropriate to give them the value of the chickens rather than the actual chickens. If there is no possibility of observing the ritual of kaporos with live chickens, you may use money instead and present the money to the poor.", "The following verses which introduce the ritual itself are taken from Psalms 107:10, 14, 17-21, and the last two verses are from Job 33:23,24. These verses portray the misery and affliction which man creates for himself through his disobedience to God. Though his path of sin leads to self-destruction, God stands ready to save him and heal him if he but cries out in true repentance.", "Children of men!", "Those who sit in darkness", "and in the shadow of death", "bound in affliction and [chains of] iron.", "He brought them out from darkness,", "from the shadow of death,", "and their shackles, He broke.", "They are fools—", "because of their transgression", "and their iniquities—", "they cause their own affliction.", "All manner of food is abhorred by their soul,", "and they draw near until the gates of death.", "[Then] they cried out to Adonoy", "in their distress;", "from their anguish, He delivered them.", "He sends His word and heals them,", "and delivers them from destruction.", "Let them thank Adonoy for His kindness,", "and for His wonders to the children of man.", "If there be for him an angel,", "one interceding angel among a thousand,", "to vouch for man's uprightness;", "then [God] is gracious unto him, and says:", "“Redeem him from going down to the pit,", "I have found a ransom [for him.]”", "
A man should make the following declaration: (Each time you say, “This is my” revolve the rooster around your head)
", "This is my exchange,", "this is my substitute,", "this is my atonement.", "This rooster shall go to its death,", "and I shall proceed", "to a good, long life", "and peace.", "
The entire sequence, beginning with “children of men” is repeated three times.
", "
A woman makes the following declaration, following the procedure described above:
", "This is my exchange,", "this is my substitute,", "this is my atonement.", "This hen shall go to its death,", "and I shall proceed", "to a good, long life", "and peace.", "
Repeat the entire sequence beginning “Children of men,” three times.
", "
One who performs this ritual on behalf of a male makes the following declaration: (each time you say, “this is your,” revolve the rooster around the head)
", "This is your exchange,", "this is your substitute,", "this is your atonement.", "This rooster shall go to it death,", "and you shall proceed", "to a good, long life", "and peace.", "
Repeat the entire sequence beginning “Children of men,” three times.
", "
One who performs the ritual on behalf of a female makes the following declaration, following the procedure described above.
", "This is your exchange,", "this is your substitute", "this is your atonement.", "This hen shall go to its death", "and you shall proceed", "to a good, long life", "and peace.", "
A pregnant woman makes the following declaration: (Each time you say “These are our,” revolve the chickens around your head)
", "These are our exchanges,", "these are our substitutes,", "these are our atonements.", "These chickens shall go to their death", "and we shall proceed", "to a good, long life", "and peace." ], "Mincha Service for Erev Yom Kippur": { "Ashrei": [ "Fortunate are those who dwell", "in Your house;", "may they continue to praise You, Selah.", "Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;", "fortunate is the people", "for whom Adonoy is their God.", "A praise by Dovid!", "I will exalt You, my God, the King,", "and bless Your Name forever and ever.", "Every day I will bless You", "and extol Your Name forever and ever.", "Adonoy is great and highly extolled,", "and His greatness is unfathomable.", "One generation to another", "will praise Your works,", "and Your mighty acts they will declare.", "The splendor of Your glorious majesty,", "and the words of Your wonders I will speak.", "Of Your awesome might, they will speak,", "and Your greatness I will recount.", "Mention of Your bountifulness", "they will express,", "and in Your righteousness joyfully exult.", "Adonoy is gracious and merciful,", "slow to anger and great in kindliness.", "Adonoy is good to all,", "His mercy encompasses all His works.", "All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,", "and Your pious ones will bless You.", "Of the honor of Your Kingship,", "they will speak,", "and Your might they will declare.", "To reveal to men His mighty acts,", "and the glorious splendor of His Kingship.", "Your Kingship is the kingship for all times,", "and Your dominion is in every generation.", "Adonoy supports all the fallen,", "and straightens all the bent.", "The eyes of all look expectantly to You,", "and You give them", "their food at its proper time.", "You open Your hand", "and satisfy the desire of every living being.", "Adonoy is just in all His ways", "and benevolent in all His deeds.", "Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,", "to all who call upon Him in truth.", "The will of those who fear Him, He fulfills;", "He hears their cry and delivers them.", "Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,", "and will destroy all the wicked.", "Praise of Adonoy, my mouth will declare", "and all flesh will bless", "His Holy Name forever and ever.", "And we will bless God", "from now forever.", "Praise God.", "
The Chazzan recites the following half-Kaddish
", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—", "and say Amein." ], "Shemoneh Esrei": [ "When I proclaim Adonoy's Name", "attribute greatness to our God.", "My Master, open my lips,", "and my mouth will declare Your praise.", "THE VIRTUE OF OUR FOREFATHERS", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, and God of our fathers,", "God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak,", "and God of Yaakov,", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "most high Almighty,", "Who bestows beneficent kindness,", "Who possesses everything,", "Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs,", "and Who brings a redeemer", "to their children's children,", "for the sake of His Name, with love.", "Remember us for life", "King, Who desires life;", "and inscribe us in the Book of Life,", "for Your sake, Living God.", "King, Helper, and Deliverer and Shield.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Avraham.", "DIVINE MIGHT", "You are mighty forever, my Master;", "You are the Resurrector of the dead", "the Powerful One to deliver us.", "Sustainer of the living with kindliness,", "Resurrector of the dead with great mercy,", "Supporter of the fallen,", "and Healer of the sick,", "and Releaser of the imprisoned,", "and Fulfiller of His faithfulness", "to those who sleep in the dust.", "Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds,", "and who can be compared to You?", "King Who causes death and restores life,", "and causes deliverance to sprout forth.", "Who is like You merciful Father,", "Who remembers His creatures for life,", "in His mercy.", "And You are faithful", "to restore the dead to life.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Resurrector of the dead.", "
(When the Chazzan repeats the Shemoneh Esrei, the Kedushah is said here)
", "Kedushah", "
The Congregation says and the Chazzan repeats:
", "We will sanctify Your Name in the world,", "just as they sanctify it", "in the highest heavens;", "as is written by the hand of Your prophet,", "“And they called one to another, and said:", "
Congregation says and Chazzan repeats:
", "‘Holy, holy, holy,", "is Adonoy of Hosts,", "the fullness of all the earth is His glory.'”", "
The Chazzan says:
", "Those facing them say “Boruch...”", "
Congregation says and Chazzan repeats:
", "“Blessed is the glory of Adonoy", "from its place.”", "
The Chazzan says:
", "And in Your holy words it is written:", "
Congregation says and Chazzan repeats:
", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "Your God, Tziyon, throughout all generations!", "Praise God.”", "From generation to generation", "we will declare Your greatness,", "and to all eternity,", "we will sanctify Your holiness,", "and Your praise, our God,", "will not depart from our mouth", "forever and ever;", "because You are the Almighty", "Who is King; Great, and Holy.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King, the Holy One.", "DIVINE SANCTIFICATION", "You are holy and Your Name is holy", "and holy beings", "praise You every day, forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King, the Holy One.", "
If you mistakenly said, “the Almight-y” instead of “the King,” or if you are in doubt — if you realized your error after a lapse of time sufficient to utter a three word greeting (Shalom Aleichem Rebbe), or if you had already started the next blessing, you must repeat the Shemoneh Esrei from the beginning. If you became aware of your error before that, you should immediately say “the King the Holy One” and continue your prayers.
", "PRAYER FOR UNDERSTANDING", "You favor man with perception", "and teach mankind understanding.", "Grant us from Your", "perception, understanding and intellect.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Grantor of perception.", "PRAYER FOR PENITENCE", "Cause us to return, our Father,", "to Your Torah", "and bring us near, our King, to Your service;", "and bring us back", "in whole-hearted repentance before You.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who desires penitence.", "PRAYER FOR PARDON", "Pardon us, our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us, our King,", "for we have transgressed;", "because You are Forgiver and Pardoner.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Gracious One, Who pardons abundantly.", "PRAYER FOR REDEMPTION", "Look upon our affliction,", "and defend our cause:", "and redeem us speedily", "for the sake of Your Name;", "because You are a Mighty Redeemer.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Redeemer of Yisrael.", "PRAYER FOR HEALING", "Heal us, Adonoy, and we will be healed,", "deliver us and we will be delivered;", "for You are our praise.", "Grant complete healing", "to all our wounds,", "because You are the Almighty, King,", "Who is a faithful and merciful Healer.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Healer of the sick of His people Yisrael.", "PRAYER FOR PROSPERITY", "Bless for us, Adonoy our God,", "this year", "and all the varieties of its produce", "for good;", "and bestow blessing", "upon the face of the earth;", "satisfy us from Your bounty", "and bless our year like the good years.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Blesser of the years.", "PRAYER FOR DELIVERANCE", "Sound the great shofar for our liberty,", "and raise a banner to gather our exiles,", "and gather us together", "from the four corners of the earth.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Gatherer", "of the dispersed of His people Yisrael.", "PRAYER FOR RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT", "Restore our judges as before", "and our counselors as at first.", "Remove from us sorrow and sighing,", "and reign over us", "You, Adonoy, alone", "with kindness and compassion;", "and make us righteous with justice.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King of justice.", "
If you mistakenly said, “King, Lover of righteousness and justice” instead of “the King of justice,” or if you are in doubt — if you realized your error after a lapse of time sufficient to utter a three word greeting (Shalom Aleichem Rebbe), you should immediately say “the King of Justice.” If you remembered after that interval, you may continue the Shemoneh Esrei, since the word “King” was mentioned in the regular blessing.
", "PRAYER FOR DIVINE RETRIBUTION", "For informers let there be no hope", "and may all wickedness instantly perish", "may all Your enemies be swiftly cut off,", "and the insolent may You quickly uproot,", "crush, rout", "and subdue speedily in our days.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Crusher of enemies", "and Subduer of the insolent.", "PRAYER FOR THE RIGHTEOUS SCHOLARS", "Upon the righteous, upon the pious,", "upon the elders of Your people", "the House of Yisrael,", "upon the remnant of their scholars,", "upon the true proselytes, and upon us,", "may Your mercy be aroused,", "Adonoy our God.", "Grant bountiful reward", "to all who trust in Your Name in truth;", "and place our lot among them forever", "and may we not be put to shame,", "for in You we have put our trust,", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Support and Trust of the righteous.", "PRAYER FOR JERUSALEM", "And to Yerushalayim, Your city,", "return in mercy,", "and dwell therein as You have spoken;", "and rebuild it soon, in our days,", "as an everlasting structure,", "and the throne of Dovid", "may You speedily establish therein.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Builder of Yerushalayim.", "PRAYER FOR SALVATION", "The sprout of Dovid, Your servant,", "speedily cause to flourish", "and exalt his power with Your deliverance,", "For Your deliverance we hope all day.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who causes to sprout", "the power of salvation.", "PRAYER FOR ACCEPTANCE", "Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;", "spare us and have compassion on us,", "and accept", "our prayers compassionately and willingly,", "for [You are] Almighty,", "You hear prayers and supplications;", "and from Your Presence, our King,", "do not turn us away empty-handed,", "for You hear the prayers", "of Your people, Yisrael, with compassion.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who hears prayers.", "PRAYER FOR RETURN OF DIVINE SERVICE", "Be pleased, Adonoy, our God,", "with Your people Yisrael and their prayer", "and restore the service", "to the Holy of Holies in Your abode,", "and the fire-offerings of Yisrael;", "and accept their prayer, lovingly", "and willingly.", "And may You always find pleasure", "with the service of Your people, Yisrael.", "And may our eyes behold", "Your merciful return to Tziyon.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon.", "
At the words, We are thankful, bend forward; at Adonoy return to an upright position.
", "THANKSGIVING", "We are thankful to You", "that You Adonoy are our God", "and the God of our fathers forever;", "Rock of our lives,", "the Shield of our deliverance,", "You are in every generation.", "We will give thanks to You", "and recount Your praise,", "for our lives", "which are committed into Your hand,", "and for our souls", "which are entrusted to You,", "and for Your miracles of every day with us,", "and for Your wonders and benefactions", "at all times—", "evening, morning and noon.", "(You are) The Beneficent One—", "for Your compassion is never withheld;", "And (You are) the Merciful One—", "for Your kindliness never ceases;", "we have always placed our hope in You.", "
(When the Chazzan repeats the Shemoneh Esrei and says, “Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon,” the congregation responds by saying “Amein” and then the following prayer.)
", "We are thankful to You,", "that You Adonoy are our God,", "and God of our fathers,", "God of all flesh,", "Our Creator, Creator of the Beginning.", "Blessings and thanksgivings", "to Your great and Holy Name", "for keeping us alive, and sustaining us;", "so may You always keep us alive", "and sustain us,", "and gather our exiles", "to the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary", "to observe Your statutes,", "and to do Your will,", "and to serve You wholeheartedly,", "for we are thankful to You.", "Blessed is the Almighty", "to Whom all thanks are due.", "And for all the foregoing", "blessed and exalted be Your Name, our King", "constantly, forever and ever.", "Inscribe for a good life", "all the children of Your covenant.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah. If you became aware of the omission before concluding the blessing, you can say it at that time.
", "And all the living shall thank You forever", "and praise Your Name with sincerity;", "the Almighty, Who is our deliverance", "and our help forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "“The Beneficent” is Your Name", "and You it is fitting to praise.", "PRAYER FOR PEACE", "Abundant peace", "upon Yisrael, Your people", "bestow forever,", "for You are King", "Master of all peace.", "May it be good in Your eyes", "to bless Your people Yisrael,", "at all times and at every moment", "with Your peace.", "In the book of life, blessing, peace", "and abundant maintenance,", "may we be remembered and inscribed", "before You;", "we and all Your people, the House of Yisrael", "for a good life and peace.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah.
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who makes the peace.", "
other conclude—
", "Who blesses His people Yisrael", "with peace.", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "let our prayer come before you", "and do not ignore our supplication.", "For we are not so brazen-faced", "and stiff-necked", "to say to you,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "“We are righteous and have not sinned.”", "But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.", "We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];", "We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];", "We have stolen; We have slandered.", "We have caused others to sin;", "We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רְשָׁעִים, wicked;", "We have sinned with malicious intent;", "We have forcibly taken others' possessions even though we paid for them;", "We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups;", "We have given harmful advice;", "We have deceived; we have mocked;", "We have rebelled against God and His Torah;", "We have caused God to be angry with us;", "We have turned away from God's Torah;", "We have sinned deliberately;", "We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;", "We have caused our friends grief;", "We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that our suffering is caused by our own sins.", "We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].", "We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;", "We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;", "We have gone astray;", "We have led others astray.", "We have turned away", "from Your commandments", "and from Your good laws,", "and we have gained nothing from it.", "And You are the Righteous One", "in all [punishment] that has come upon us;", "for You have acted truthfully", "and we have acted wickedly.", "What shall we say before You,", "Who dwells on high;", "and what shall we relate to You", "Who dwells in the heavens?", "For everything, both hidden and revealed,", "You know.", "You know the mysteries of the universe,", "and the hidden secrets of every individual.", "You search all our innermost thoughts,", "and probe our mind and heart.", "There is nothing hidden from You,", "and there is nothing concealed", "from Your sight.", "And so may it be Your will", "Adonoy our God and God of our fathers,", "that You pardon us", "for all our careless sins,", "and that You forgive us", "for all our deliberate sins,", "and that You grant us atonement", "for all our rebellious sins:", "For the sin we committed before You", "under compulsion1Even a sin committed under duress needs to be forgiven, because many times a person allows himself to be placed in a predicament in which he is compelled to sin (e.g., leaving the office at a very late hour on the eve of Shabbos or Festival).—Siddur HaGra and willingly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by callously hardening the heart.2This would include not giving charity with a whole heart, and not helping a needy fellow Jew.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "inadvertently.3The literal meaning of בִּבְלִי דַעַת is “without knowledge,” and it implies not using our intellectual capabilities to study the laws of Torah and therewith gain the “knowledge” needed to observe the commandments properly.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with an utterance of the lips.4This includes the sins of making vows and oaths (even though they are kept), verbally insulting one’s fellowmen, and directing one’s displeasure against the decrees of Hashem.— Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "openly and secretly.5A sin committed publicly could very well cause חִלוּל ה', the desecration of Hashem’s Name, and may also lead others to sin. A sin committed in secret, indicates that the sinner fears the reaction of people but is unafraid of Hashem’s displeasure.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in sexual immorality.6This also includes such things that arouse desire for forbidden sexual relationships, such as embracing or dancing.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "through [misuse of our power of] speech.7This includes speaking the words of Torah in unclean places, cursing, humiliating someone; speaking of business matters on Shabbos, revealing another person’s secret, telling jokes and holding idle conversations in a house of worship (and certainly during the actual prayers) and telling lies.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with knowledge and with deceit.8This includes false advertising and dishonesty in business matters.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by improper thoughts.9Evil thoughts, lustful thoughts, heretical thoughts, and suspicious thoughts about righteous people are included.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by cheating a fellow-man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with [mere] verbal confession.10This refers to confession of sins without feeling regret for committing them and without earnest resolve to correct them in the future.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by joining in a lewd gathering.11Any gathering or intimate meeting for the purpose of sexual immortality is included.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "intentionally and unintentionally.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by insufficient respect for parents", "and teachers.12Not obeying their commands, not rising for a talmudic scholar and disrespect for one’s teacher even if he is not considered a “Torah Great” are included.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by using coercion [to harm others].13This includes using physical, political or financial power to harm someone.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by desecrating the Divine Name.14This involves any sin committed that becomes public knowledge, including improper conduct with one’s fellow man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with foolish talk.15This refers to idle talk and gossip.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impurity of the lips.16This includes profanity and unclean language.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with the Evil Inclination.17When a person allows his Evil Inclination to rule over him, he commits a sin.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "knowingly and unknowingly.18We ask Hashem to pardon us even for sins we are not aware that we committed, and also for such sins through which we caused damage but are not aware of the amount of loss incurred.—Siddur HaGra", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by forcing someone to give or take bribes.19A bribe is not limited to money or gifts; it includes flattery or personal favors.— Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by false denial and false promise.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by evil talk [slander].20This includes causing a fellow Jew physical, monetary of social harm through passing degrading information about him to another person. It makes no difference whether this is done in his presence or behind his back, or if the information is true or false.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by scoffing.21Ridicule of a person, a commandment, or guards of Torah are all included in the sin of scoffing.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "in business dealings.22This would include overcharging, misrepresenting, false-labeling and all other such deceitful practices.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in eating and drinking.23Eating forbidden (non-kosher) foods, not saying the proper blessing or grace after meals, over-eating, are included in this sin.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by [taking or giving] interest and by usury.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by haughtily stretching forth the neck.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with gazing of the eyes.24This refers to using the eyes to gaze at forbidden things.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by the prattle of our lips.25This includes idle gossip, which is certainly forbidden in the synagogue at all times.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with haughty eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impudence.26Speaking “with chutzpah” to Torah scholars, or to someone more learned than himself is included in עַזּוּת מֵצַח.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by throwing off the yoke [of heaven].27Rejecting an obligation to fulfill even a single commandment. Also included is shirking a religious obligation which must then be assumed by someone else.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in passing judgment.28This includes a “Dayan,” a judge who does not render correct decisions, and it also includes not giving someone the benefit of the doubt.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by entrapping a fellowman.29This includes even attempting to harm someone; even if no harm was actually done, he still needs forgiveness.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a begrudging eye.30Not doing a favor, not giving charity properly, and feeling bad at someone else’s success are included.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by lightmindedness.31Lightmindedness or frivolity in the synagogue or Bais Midrash or while wearing tefillin are serious sins.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by being stiff-necked [stubborn].32Rejecting admonition and “ignoring” punishment are included. Also included is brushing aside illness, financial loss, and humiliation as mere coincidences rather than manifestations of Divine displeasure.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by running to do evil.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by talebearing.33This refers to carrying tales, even true ones, about one person to another, and the one who listens to these tales is also included in this category of sin.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by swearing in vain.34This includes swearing falsely or even swearing a useless oath.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by unwarranted hatred.35Hating someone because of jealousy, or because he doesn’t conform to your ideas of ettiquete.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by breach of trust.36Denying that you owe someone a monetary debt when he asks for payment.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a confused heart.37This includes sins committed because of confusion, worry or pain, it also includes the sin of harboring doubts about the authenticity of the laws enacted by our Sages, and doubts about the fundamental principles of our faith, such as Divine Providence, reward and punishment, and also doubts about the authenticity of the Torah and the Prophets.—Siddur HaGra", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a burnt-offering.38A burnt-offering is brought for failure to fulfill any positive commandment, e.g, putting on non-kosher tefillin.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a sin-offering.39A sin-offering is brought for unintentionally transgressing any prohibitive commandment punishable by excision (כָּרֵת) if it were done with intent.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a “fluctuating” offering.40The fluctuating offering is an offering that varies in value according to the financial means of the individual who brings it. (The literal meaning of עוֹלָה וְיוֹרֵד, is “go up and down”). This type of offering is brought when a person swore falsely (unintentionally) concerning something he did or did not do. For example, one may have thought he ate something and consequently swore that he ate it, but in reality he did not and thus he swore falsely.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a guilt-offering for certain", "or for doubtful trespasses.41This type of sacrifice was brought in an instance where it is uncertain whether or not a violation occurred. For example it is not known whether a substance he ate was of a forbidden nature or if it was permitted.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of lashing for violations of Rabbinic law.42A Rabbinic Court had the right to impose lashing for a violation of a rabbinic injunction.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of forty lashes.43Forty lashes proscribed by the Torah was given to one who actively and intentionally violated any of the prohibitive commandments, providing he was forewarned and the act was witnessed by two witnesses.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of death at the hand of Heaven.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of excision and childlessness.44One who intentionally does work or eats on Yom Kippur, or one who eats chometz — leavened bread — on Pesach, is punished with excision and childlessness.", "And for sins", "for which we are liable", "to any of the four death penalties", "inflicted by the [Rabbinic] Court [which are]:", "stoning, burning,", "beheading or strangulation.45Stoning is the penalty for knowingly desecrating Shabbos, burning is the penalty for certain forbidden sexual relationships, beheading is the penalty for murder, and strangulation is the penalty for adultery.", "For [transgressing]", "positive commandments,", "and for [transgressing]", "prohibitive commandments,", "whether the prohibition can be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,46For example returning the stolen money would be a corrective measure for the prohibition of stealing.", "or whether it cannot be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "for those of which we are aware", "and for those of which we are not aware.", "For those of which we are aware,", "we have already declared before You", "and confessed them unto You;", "and those of which we are not aware,", "before You they are revealed and known,", "as it is said,", "“The hidden things", "belong to Adonoy, our God,", "but the revealed things are for us", "and for our children forever,", "that we might fulfill", "all the words of this Torah.”47Devorim 29:28.", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You, we have no King", "Who forgives and pardons—only You!", "God, before I was formed,", "I was unworthy [to be created].", "And now that I have been formed,", "it is as if I had not been formed.", "I am like dust while I live,", "how much more so when I am dead.", "Here I am before You", "like a vessel filled with shame.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, my God, and the God of my fathers,", "that I shall sin no more,", "and the sins I have committed before You,", "cleanse them in Your abundant mercies;", "but not through", "suffering and severe illness.", "My God, guard my tongue from evil", "and my lips from speaking deceitfully.", "To those who curse me,", "may my soul be unresponsive;", "and let my soul be like dust to all.", "Open my heart to Your Torah", "and let my soul pursue Your commandments.", "And all who plan evil against me,", "quickly annul their counsel", "and frustrate their intention.", "Act for the sake of Your Name.", "Act for the sake of Your right hand.", "Act for the sake of Your holiness.", "Act for the sake of Your Torah.", "In order that Your loved ones be released,", "deliver [with] Your right hand and answer me.", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "He Who makes the peace", "in His high heavens", "may He make peace", "upon us and upon all Yisrael", "and say Amein.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, our God, and the God of our Fathers", "that the Holy Temple be rebuilt", "speedily in our days,", "and grant us our share in Your Torah.", "And there we will serve You reverently", "as in the days of old,", "and in earlier years.", "And let Adonoy be pleased", "with the offerings of Yehudah", "and Yerushalayim", "as in the days of old and in earlier years.", "
The Chazzan recites the following Kaddish:
", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "May there be acceptance", "of the prayers and supplications", "of the entire House of Yisrael", "before their Father in heaven.", "And say, Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace", "in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael,", "and say, Amein." ], "Aleinu": [ "It is our obligation to praise", "the Master of all,", "to ascribe greatness", "to the Creator", "of the [world in the] beginning:", "that He has not made us", "like the nations of the lands,", "and has not positioned us", "like the families of the earth;", "that He has not assigned", "our portion like theirs,", "nor our lot like that of all their multitudes.", "For they prostrate themselves", "to vanity and nothingness,", "and pray to a god that cannot deliver.", "But we bow, prostrate ourselves,", "and offer thanks", "before the Supreme King of kings,", "the Holy One blessed is He,", "Who spreads the heavens,", "and establishes the earth,", "and the seat of His glory is in heaven above,", "and the abode of His invincible might", "is in the loftiest heights.", "He is our God, there is nothing else.", "Our King is true,", "all else is insignificant,", "as it is written in His Torah:", "“And You shall know this day", "and take into your heart", "that Adonoy is God", "in the heavens above", "and upon the earth below;", "there is nothing else.”", "We therefore put our hope in You,", "Adonoy our God,", "to soon behold the glory of Your might", "in banishing idolatry from the earth,", "and the false gods", "will be utterly exterminated", "to perfect the world", "as the kingdom of Shadai.", "And all mankind will invoke Your Name,", "to turn back to You,", "all the wicked of the earth.", "They will realize and know,", "all the inhabitants of the world,", "that to You, every knee must bend,", "every tongue must swear [allegiance to You].", "Before You, Adonoy, our God,", "they will bow and prostrate themselves,", "and to the glory of Your Name give honor.", "And they will all accept [upon themselves]", "the yoke of Your kingdom,", "and You will reign over them, soon,", "forever and ever.", "For the kingdom is Yours,", "and to all eternity You will reign in glory,", "as it is written in Your Torah:", "“Adonoy will reign forever and ever.”", "And it is said:", "“And Adonoy will be King", "over the whole earth;", "on that day Adonoy will be One", "and His Name One.”" ], "Mourner's Kaddish": [ "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace", "in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael,", "and say, Amein.", "

" ] }, "Blessing the Children": [ "It has become a widely accepted custom for the father to bless his children on the eve of the Day of Atonement. The placing of both hands upon the child's head when conferring the blessing, symbolizes that the blessing is bestowed with fullness of spirit and heart.", "
According to the Chayyei Odom, the proper text of the blessing is as follows:
", "
For a son:
", "May God make you", "like Ephraim and Menashe.", "May Adonoy bless you and guard you.", "May Adonoy shine", "His countenance upon you,", "and be gracious unto you.", "May Adonoy turn", "His countenance toward you", "and grant you peace.", "
Continue “And may it be the will” below
", "
For a daughter:
", "May God make you", "like Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel and Leah.", "May Adonoy bless you and guard you.", "May Adonoy shine", "His countenance upon you,", "and be gracious unto you.", "May Adonoy turn", "His countenance toward you", "and grant you peace.", "
", "And may it be the will", "of our Father in heaven,", "to place in your heart", "love and fear of Him.", "May the fear of Adonoy", "be upon your face", "all the days of your life,", "so that you will not sin.", "May your desire be for Torah and Mitzvos,", "may your eyes look straightforward,", "may your mouth speak [with] wisdom,", "may your heart meditate [with] reverence,", "may your hands be engaged in mitzvos,", "and may your feet hasten to do the will", "of our Father in heaven.", "May the Almighty grant you children", "who will [grow up to] be righteous,", "occupying themselves", "with Torah and mitzvos", "all their days.", "May your source be blessed,", "and may He grant that your livelihood", "come with honesty, ease and abundance,", "from His generous hand,", "and not from the gifts of men;", "a livelihood that will free you", "to serve God.", "May you be inscribed and sealed", "for good, long life", "together with all the righteous of Yisrael.", "Amein." ], "Candle Lighting": [ "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who sanctified us with His commandments", "and commanded us to kindle", "the light of the Day of Atonement.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who has kept us alive and sustained us,", "and brought us to this season.", "
When the Day of Atonement falls on Shabbos say:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who sanctified us with His commandments", "and commanded us to kindle", "the light of the Sabbath", "and [the light] of the Day of Atonement.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who has kept us alive and sustained us,", "and brought us to this season.", "", "Master of the Universe! Father of compassion and forgiveness, Your right hand is extended to receive the penitent. You created man in order to reward him at the end of his time. You created him with two impulses, the good and the evil; and gave him a choice between good and evil in order to reward him for choosing good. Your wisdom has so decreed, as it is written in Your Torah, “See, I have set before you this day, life and good, and death and evil; and you should choose life.” But now, my God, I have not listened to Your voice but have followed the advice of the Evil Impulse and the inclinations of my heart. I have despised that which is good and chosen that which is evil. Not only have I failed to sanctify the vital parts of my body but I have caused them to be impure. You created me with a mind and a heart, giving me the faculty of thought in order that I might think of what is good and pure, that I might understand Your holy Torah, that I might pray to You, and pronounce all the blessings with pure thoughts. But I have caused them to be impure with foreign thoughts and ideas. Not only that, but as a result of these evil thoughts, I have been brought to a state of bodily impurity, sometimes willfully and other times accidentally. Woe is to me! Instead of creating holy angels to defend me by possessing good and pure thoughts, I have created destroying angels to bring destruction upon myself.", "You created me with eyes, possessed with the faculty of vision, that I might see with them what is written in the Torah, and sanctify them by looking at things that are holy. You have warned in Your Torah: “Do not turn aside after your hearts and after your eyes.” Woe is to me, for I have followed my eyes and defiled them by gazing at all kinds of impurities.", "You created me with ears, that I might listen to holy words and to the words of Your Torah. Woe is to me for I have made them impure by listening to profanity, slander and other forbidden talk. Woe to the ears that have heard such things.", "You created me with a mouth, tongue, teeth, palate and throat, giving them the ability to utter the holy letters of the Aleph-Bais, with which You created heaven and earth and their fullness, with which You wrote Your holy Torah. It was with the faculty of speech that You distinguished between man and beast, but, alas, I have not proved to be as worthy as the beast, for I have defiled my mouth with profanity, slander, falsehood, scorn, libel, insults, curses, taking pleasure at someone else's degradation, conversing about business matters on the Sabbath and Festivals, and with oaths and vows.", "You created me with hands and a sense of touch in order to perform Your mitzvos with them, and I have made them impure by touching forbidden things, by striking with the fist, by raising them to hit someone, and by carrying or moving forbidden things on the Sabbath and Festivals.", "You created me with feet that I might walk to perform Your commandments, and I have made them impure by hastening to perform evil deeds.", "I have examined every part of my body and found them to be defective; from the sole of my foot to the top of my head, there is no soundness. I am ashamed and disgraced, unable to hold up my face to Your Presence, my God; for with the very same parts of my body and with the senses with which you endowed me, and the gift of life you granted me, have I done that which is evil in Your eyes, and transgressed Your will. Woe unto me, woe unto my soul.", "And now Adonoy, my God, it is well known to You that I did not commit all these sins and iniquities with intention to anger You or to rebel against You. I did however follow the advice of my evil inclination, who each day spreads out his net to entrap me. And I, poor and wretched, a mere worm and not a man, have been too weak to stand up against it. The toil of earning a livelihood to support my family, and the vicissitudes of life, afflict me greatly. And since it is obvious to You that there is no righteous man on earth who does only good, who never sins; with Your great compassion, You have given us one day in the year, a great and holy day, this Day of Atonement, to return unto You in repentance, that You might atone our sins and cleanse us of all our impurities. It is thus written, “For on this day, He will make atonement for you to cleanse you; from all your sins, before Adonoy you will be cleansed.”", "And now, see how Your people, Yisrael, whom You have taken unto Yourself for a people. Who, indeed can be likened unto Your people, Yisrael, so pure and holy, who wait and hope for Your forgiveness? We have come before You with broken hearts, like the poor and needy and impoverished, to beg of You forgiveness, pardon and atonement for having sinned before You.", "We know Adonoy, of our iniquity and the iniquity of our fathers; we are ashamed and disgraced even to raise our faces unto You, just as a thief is ashamed upon being caught in the act of stealing. How dare we open our mouth and raise our head, when by the multitude of our iniquities, we have removed from ourselves, the holy image, with which You have garbed us, and from which all the adversaries and accusers stand in fear, as it is written, “And all the peoples of the earth will see that the Name of Adonoy is called upon you and they will fear you.” We have exchanged this holy image for one that is impure, and garbed ourselves in unclean garments, and so how dare we enter the gate of the King (God) in sackcloth covered with filth.", "We are thunderstruck. How have we committed such abominations? We have abandoned the world of holiness and fled into a dark and desolate wilderness (of sin), a place of impurity and evil spirits. And now, Adonoy, our God, Who desires the repentance of the wicked as it is written, “Repent repent from your evil ways, and why should you perish, House of Yisrael.” And it is said, “For I do not desire the death of the wicked, says Adonoy, but rather should you repent and live,” we have resolved to repent and come shame-facedly before You. Our Father, our King, have compassion on us as a father has compassion on his son who rebelled and left his house. When the son returns to his father shamefacedly, weeping and crying, falling before him, it is natural for the father to have compassion on his son.", "If we are considered like slaves (and not like children) who are subject to corpo-real punishment for rebellion, behold, we have already been severely punished by being subjected to the oppression of exile, by the infliction of bodily torture, by poverty, the difficult travail of raising children and many other pains.", "Have compassion on us and command Your holy angels to remove the unclean garments from us and cleanse us of all our sins and clothe us, once again with robes of holiness, as it is written, “Remove the filthy garments from yourselves.” And clothe us with robes of purity, as King Dovid, may he rest in peace, prayed, “Restore to me the joy of Your deliverance, and with a generous spirit, support me.” Create a pure heart for us, O God, and renewed spirit set within us. If we have transgressed and rebelled as is likely for a being of flesh and blood; You O God, act in accordance with Your Divine attribute, which is to forgive and pardon. Do not let our sins prevent us from returning to You in repentance, for Your way is to accept the penitent. Strengthen our hearts in Your Torah and in fear of You, so that the fear of You will be steadfast in our hearts. Purify our thoughts and ideas that we may serve You, and observe from my broken heart how I regret the evil deeds I have committed to this day. I weep, lament and confess all my sins as I say, “I have erred, sinned deliberately and transgressed before You.”", "Please accept my repentance together with the repentance of all Your people, Yisrael, who repent before You with all their hearts, for I too am one of the children of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov. Let my numerous sins not prevent me from returning to You with a whole heart. Grant that I may truly return unto You effecting complete repentance for my sins, and that I may abandon my evil deeds forever. Have compassion on me and save me forever from all sin and iniquity; for without Your great compassion and loving kindness it would be impossible to resist the Evil Inclination that burns like fire within me. Therefore, have compassion on me, give me strength to resist him, as our Sages said, “He who strives to cleanse himself receives Divine aid.”", "Behold, now, I accept upon myself the holiness of the Day of Atonement. I am prepared to fast and undergo the five deprivations which You commanded us through Your servant Moshe, in Your holy Torah: to deprive ourselves of eating and drinking, washing, anointing with oil, wearing shoes [of leather], and marital relations; and to abstain from all manner of work on this holy day. Because we deprive ourselves of food and drink, we pray that You will atone the sins we committed by partaking of forbidden food and drink; because we deprive ourselves of washing and anointing, may You atone the sins we committed by enjoying forbidden pleasures; because we deprive ourselves of wearing [leather] shoes, may You atone the sins we committed with our feet, hastening to do evil deeds, and also for having transgressed the twenty four precepts for which the Beth Din decrees a ban mandating that one must apppear barefoot; because we de prive ourselves of marital relations, may You atone the sins we committed in forbidden sexual matters.", "May the five prayers [of the Day of Atonement], and our supplications, make amends for sins we committed with the five components of speech: the palate, the throat, the tongue, the teeth and the lips, which I rendered unclean by uttering forbidden words (profanity etc.), vows and oaths. Through our embracing and kissing the Torah Scrolls, and in the merit of our prayers that we offer on this holy day, may the prayers we offered, without proper concentration and devotion, during the whole year, ascend and reach You, and be accepted together with the prayers of this holy day. May all our prayers go up to heaven and form a crown to adorn Your head. And may the tears that our eyes will shed, amend the sins we have committed with our eyes, looking at things which are unclean and impure. May the feverish heat of our bodies through fasting and praying, amend the blemishes we have caused the two hundred forty-eight organs and the three hundred sixty-five veins, of our body, with the fiery passion of the Evil Inclination. And because we allow our flesh and blood to be diminished by abstaining from food and drink, may we achieve atonement for all our errors, deliberate sins, and transgressions before You. May our fast be considered before You as though we have sacrificed ourselves upon the altar, and may it be accepted before You for a pleasing savor, as a sacrifice and a burnt-offering.", "We know according to the dictates of repentance, that we should fast for each and every sin we have committed, and that our suffering must be commensurate with the pleasure we have derived from such sins. But You know, O God, that we are too weak to fast even for one sin, certainly not for each and every sin; for they are too numerous and our strength is too feeble. Therefore, may it be Your will Adonoy, our God, that the fast on this holy day, this Day of Atonement, be an atonement for all our iniquities.", "May it be Your will, Almighty, King, Who sits on the throne of mercy, Who desires the repentance of the wicked, that our love for You, and fear of You be instilled in our hearts and in the heart of all Your people Yisrael, that we may fear You all the days. Have compassion upon the transgressors among Your people, Yisrael, and instill in their hearts the fear of the glory of Your majesty; and humble their hearts of stone, that they may return to You [in repentance] with all their heart, as You promised by the hand of Your prophets, “That even the outcast will not be banished from Him.” Even if their guilt is so great that the ways of repentance are closed to them, with Your great compassion, open new channels for them beneath Your Divine throne, and accept their repentance. Have compassion on us and give us strength to serve You all the days, and remove from us all the obstacles and causes that prevent us from serving You. You are our Creator and You know all the faults of men and their nature which prevent them from serving You; and it is within Your power to remove all these obstacles. Do not let the troubled times and confusion prevent us from returning unto You with all our heart; and may all our days be filled with repentance and good deeds, until the very last moment; when it will be Your will to gather our souls unto You. At that time all our thoughts will be of You and then our souls will depart in holiness and purity; and may we merit that our souls be elevated on high.", "Give us strength to fast on this holy day, and may we complete the fast observing all the five deprivations; and may our misdeeds not cause us to fail in any one of them, for we are all the children of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov, whom You loved. May we have the merit to raise our children to study Torah and perform good deeds, and may they not be ensnared, God forbid, because of our iniquity. Seal us in the Book of good life, a life in which we will fear Your Name, a life in which we will serve You with all our heart; a life in which we will not be entrapped, God forbid, in sin, iniquity or guilt; a life of sustenance with ease, dignity and honesty; and may our pursuit of a livelihood not be disturbed with the turbulence of the times. Grant us our sustenance in serenity and tranquility, and independence, so that we will be free to worship You. Purify our thoughts so that we may cling unto You always. Because I know that there is no righteous man in the world who has not wronged his fellow man, whether it be in regard to monetary matters, or in personal matters, whether through deeds or through words, my heart grieves, for the Day of Atonement does not atone for sins committed against a fellow man, unless the wronged person has been fully appeased. Knowing this, my heart is shattered and my bones tremble, for even the day of death does not atone for such sins. I therefore beseech You to have compassion on me and grant that I find favor and mercy in Your eyes, and in the eyes of all men. I hereby grant absolute forgiveness to anyone who has sinned against me, whether personally or with his money, whether with malicious gossip, or with slander. So too, I release anyone who has injured me either in person or in property, or anyone who has committed any manner of sin which is considered between man and man, except such money due me which is collectible according to the Halacha of Beth Din, and except the person who wronged me deliberately, thinking, “I will wrong him but he will eventually forgive me.” Except for these, I unconditionally forgive everyone; and may no one be punished because of me. And just as I forgive everyone, grant that I find favor in the eyes of all men, so that they will grant absolute forgiveness to me.", "May our prayer ascend, reach, be heard and accepted. Accept the prayer of Your people; strengthen us, purify us, Awesome One. May the holiness of the Day of Atonement arouse Your attributes of greatness, might, glory, victory and majesty, for all that is in heaven and on earth is Yours; for Yours Adonoy is the Kingdom. Light is sown for the righteous, and for the upright in heart—joy; and may the holiness of the Day of Atonement be spread over them to cause our sins to be atoned, as it is written, “For on this day He will make atonement for you to cleanse you; from all your sins, before Adonoy you will be cleansed.” “May the pleasantness of my Master, our God, be upon us, and the work of our hands established for us, and the work of our hands—establish it.” Remove the rule of evil from our heart, and reign over the entire world with Your glory, and be uplifted over all the earth with Your honor. Great joy to Your land, gladness to Your city, and flourishing pride to Dovid, Your servant. May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be accepted before You, Adonoy, my Rock and My Redeemer." ], "Kol Nidrei": [ "
The Ark is opened and the Torah scrolls are taken out. The following verse is then chanted responsively several times:
", "Light is sown1Light is sown for the righteous in this world, but the harvest of that light awaits the future world.—Radak
Others say that while the light may sometimes be hidden like the seed in the earth, it is sure to spring forth.
for the righteous", "and for the upright in heart—joy2Tehillim 97:11.", "
In many congregations, the following is recited:
", "", "
The following declaration is made by the Chazzan and repeated three times:
", "With the consent of the Almighty,", "and consent of this congretation,", "in a convocation of the heavenly court,", "and a convocation of the lower court,3The court of man.", "we hereby grant permission", "to pray with transgressors.4Anyone who has transgressed either a law of the Torah or Rabbinic law is called an “Avaryan” (transgressor) and is subject to excommunication from the community and hence cannot be included in any prayer or service which requires a quorum. (See Periesha to Tur Shulchan Aruch section 619, also Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 324). Special permission is thus required in order to include them in our prayers. The above declaration is based on a talmudic statement: “Rabbi Shimon Chasidah says: A public fast wherein Jewish transgressors do not participate is not a [true] fast.” This is deduced from the fact that though the odor of galbanum is unpleasant, Scripture included it among the fragrant spices of the incense-offering.—Maseches Kerisos 6b
According to Bach (Ibid.) permission granted is not a blanket dispensation but is predicated on the assumption that these transgressors will repent. This is implied in the words: עַל דַעַת הַמָקוֹם, with the consent of Hashem.
", "All vows,5The prototypical vow is as follows: “This item shall be forbidden to me just as a sacrifice” (See Ritva, Ran Nedarim 2a).", "and things we have made forbidden on ourselves,", "and oaths,6An oath is a declaration made by someone to do, or not to do something. The difference between a vow and an oath is that a vow makes an object forbidden whereas an oath makes some action forbidden (or obligatory) on the part of the person who makes the oath.", "and items we have consecrated to the Temple,7During the times Holy Temple, people could dedicate anything to the Temple. It henceforth became forbidden to anyone, and allowed to be used only for the Temple.", "and vows issued with the expression “konum,”8The prototypical expression above (in note 5) ends with “as a sacrifice” which in Hebrew is “as a korban.” In place of the word “korban” the word “konam” was frequently used. There is a dispute in Maseches Nedarim as to the origin of the word.", "and vows which are abbreviated,9This means that the entire prototypical expression as given in note 5 is not used.", "and vows issued with the expression “kanos,”10See note 7 above. In this case the word “korban” is replaced with “kanos.”", "that we have vowed,", "and sworn,", "and dedicated,11This refers to things dedicated to the Holy Temple.", "and made forbidden upon ourselves;", "from this Yom Kippur", "until next Yom Kippur—", "may it come to us at a good time—", "We regret having made them;", "may they all be permitted,12Only vows or oaths made by an individual concerning himself can be nullified, but not those made by others even though they effect him. He also cannot nullify oaths that he took at the behest of a Beth Din or by a second party.—Tur 619", "forgiven, eradicted", "and nullified,", "and may they not be valid", "or exist any longer.", "Our vows shall no longer be vows,", "and our prohibitions", "shall no longer be prohibited,", "and our oaths are no longer oaths.", "
The Chazzan and congregation say three times:
", "Forgive the entire congregation", "of the Children of Yisrael", "and the stranger amongst them;", "for the entire people sin unintentionally.", "Please pardon the sins of this nation", "in accordance with the greatness", "of Your lovingkindness;", "and as You forgave this people", "from when it left Mitzrayim until now.", "And there it is said:", "
Congregation says three times:
", "“And Adonoy said", "I have pardoned [them] as you have asked”", "
Chazzan says and congregation repeats each word after him:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe", "Who has kept us alive and sustained us", "and brought us to this time.", "
The Ark is closed:
" ], "Maariv Service for Yom Kippur Eve": { "Kabbalas Shabbos": [ "
When Yom Kippur occurs on Shabbos, the Kabbalas Shabbos service begins here.
", "A Psalm, a song for the Shabbos day.", "It is good to thank1Shabbos, more than other days, lends itself to offering praise and thanksgiving to Hashem. When man rests from his physical labor and is relieved of material concerns, his soul is free to pursue the intellectual and spiritual aspects of life. These pursuits lead him to serve Hashem and to praise Him.—Radak Adonoy,", "and sing praise to Your Name, Most High.", "To relate Your kindliness in the morning,", "and Your faithfulness in the nights.2We will proclaim His kindliness in the morning of redemption. And while yet in the darkness of exile, we proclaim our belief in His faithfulness.—Rashi", "Upon a ten-stringed instrument and lute,", "in meditation upon the harp.", "For You have given me joy, Adonoy,", "with Your deeds,", "at the work of Your hands3The Shabbos day of rest affords me the opportunity to observe and appreciate the greatness of Your work.—Radak I sing joyously.", "How great are Your works, Adonoy;", "how infinitely profound are Your thoughts.4Hashem’s ‘works’ are the visible creation, while His ‘thoughts’ are the Divine purpose behind each created thing.—Seporno", "An empty-headed man cannot know,", "nor does a fool understand this:", "When the wicked bloom like grass,", "and all the evildoers blossom—", "it is so that they may be destroyed forever.", "But You will remain on high forever", "Adonoy.", "For behold, Your enemies, Adonoy;", "For behold, Your enemies shall perish;", "dispersed shall be all evildoers.", "You uplifted my horn5Others translate, ‘You have increased my might like that of the wild ram.’ like that of a unicorn;", "I am saturated with fresh oil.", "My eye has seen [the defeat of]", "those who spy on me;", "of the wicked who rise against me,", "my ears have heard [that they are doomed].", "The righteous will blossom like a date palm,", "like a cedar6The palm and the cedar both enjoy a long life span and flourish during all seasons. Thus they symbolize the lasting happiness of the righteous in contrast to the short prosperity of the wicked. in Lebanon, he will grow tall.", "Planted in the House of Adonoy,", "in the courtyards of our God", "they will blossom.", "They will still be fruitful in old age;", "they will be full of sap and freshness.", "To declare that Adonoy is upright;", "He is my Stronghold;", "in Whom there is no injustice.", "Adonoy had begun His reign", "He has clothed Himself with majesty;", "Adonoy has clothed Himself,", "He has girded Himself with strength.", "He has firmly established the world", "so that it cannot be moved.", "Your throne stands firm from of old,", "You are from eternity.", "The rivers have raised—Adonoy—", "the rivers have raised their voice,", "the rivers raise their raging waves.", "More than the sound of many waters,", "mightier than the breakers of the sea", "Mighty on high, are You, Adonoy.", "Your testimonies are extremely faithful,", "holiness is becoming to Your House,", "Adonoy—for the length of days.", "Mourner's Kaddish", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—", "and say Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace", "in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael,", "and say, Amein." ], "Borechu": [ "
The Chazzan says:
", "Bless Adonoy Who is blessed.", "
The congregation responds and the Chazzan repeats:
", "Blessed is Adonoy, Who is blessed", "forever and ever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "With His word He brings on evenings,", "with wisdom He opens the gates1These are the gates of sunrise and sunset through which Hashem, in His infinite wisdom, has divided life on earth into two complementary halves.—Rabbi S.R. Hirsch (of heaven);", "and with understanding changes2He alternates the three daily periods—evening, morning, and afternoon.—Avudraham the times", "and alternates the seasons,", "and arranges the stars", "in their watches,3The stars appear as watchmen appointed by Hashem to stand guard over the sleeping world below. He also appointed them their places in definite orbits according to His will and for purposes known to Him alone.—S.R. Hirsch in the sky,", "according to His will.", "He creates day and night,", "He rolls the light away from before darkness,", "and darkness from before light;", "He causes day to pass", "and brings night,", "and separates between day and night;", "Adonoy of Hosts4His Name ה' צְבָאוֹת means “He Who takes all the infinite variety of hosts and creatures and unites them to act and interact as parts of one unified Universe.—S.R. Hirsch is His Name.", "The Almighty,", "[Who is] living and enduring", "will always reign over us", "forever and ever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who brings on evening.", "[With] an everlasting love5This prayer is an abbreviated form of the אַהֲבָה רַבָּה prayer in the morning service. It thanks Hashem for the sacred gift of Divine Revelation that He granted Yisrael. It declares that Torah alone is the eternal heritage of the Jewish people and that all other goods and gifts of life are transitory.—S.R. Hirsch", "You loved the House of Yisrael, Your people.", "Torah and commandments,", "statutes and laws,", "You taught us.", "Therefore, Adonoy, our God,", "when we lie down and when we rise,", "we will discuss Your statutes,", "and rejoice", "in the words of the teachings of Your Torah", "and in Your commandments forever.", "For they are our life", "and they lengthen our days,", "and on them we will meditate day and night.", "[May] Your love", "never be removed from us", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who loves His people Yisrael.", "
See page 000 for instructions regarding the proper reading of the Shema.
", "The following three words should be said when praying without a minyan:", "(Almighty, faithful King)", "Hear, Yisrael:", "Adonoy is our God, Adonoy is One.", "
The following three lines are to be said aloud
", "Blessed [is His] Name,", "Whose glorious kingdom", "is forever and ever.", "And you shall love Adonoy your God", "with all your heart", "and with all your soul", "and with all your possessions.", "And these words", "which I command you today,", "shall be upon your heart.", "And you shall teach them sharply", "to your children.", "And you shall discuss them", "when you sit in your house,", "and when you travel on the road,", "and when you lie down and when you rise.", "And you shall bind them for a sign", "upon your hand,", "and they shall be for totafos", "between your eyes.", "And you shall write them", "upon the doorposts of your house", "and upon your gateways.", "And it will be—", "if you vigilantly obey My commandments", "which I command you this day,", "to love Adonoy your God,", "and serve Him", "with your entire hearts", "and with your entire souls—", "that I will give rain for your land", "in its proper time,", "the early (autumn) rain", "and the late (spring) rain;", "and you will harvest your grain", "and your wine and your oil.", "And I will put grass", "in your fields for your cattle,", "and you will eat and be satisfied.", "Beware lest your hearts be swayed", "and you turn astray,", "and you worship alien gods", "and bow to them.", "And Adonoy's fury will blaze among you,", "and He will close off the heavens", "and there will be no rain", "and the earth will not yield its produce;", "and you will perish swiftly", "from the good land", "which Adonoy gives you.", "Place these words of Mine", "upon your hearts and upon your souls,—", "and bind them for a sign", "upon your hands,", "and they shall be for totafos", "between your eyes.", "And you shall teach them to your sons,", "to speak them", "when you sit in your house,", "and when you travel on the road,", "and when you lie down and when you rise.", "And you shall write them", "upon the doorposts of your house", "and upon your gateways.", "In order that your days be prolonged,", "and the days of your children,", "upon the land", "which Adonoy swore to your fathers", "to give them [for as long]", "as the heavens are above the earth.", "And Adonoy spoke to Moshe saying:", "Speak to the children of Yisrael,", "and tell them", "to make for themselves fringes", "on the corners of their garments", "throughout their generations;", "and they will place with the fringes", "of each corner", "a thread of blue.", "And it will be to you for fringes,", "and you will look upon it", "and you will remember", "all the commandments of Adonoy,", "and you will perform them;", "and you will not turn aside after your hearts", "and after your eyes", "which cause you to go astray.", "In order that you will remember", "and perform all My commandments;", "and you will be holy unto your God.", "I am Adonoy, your God,", "Who brought you out", "of the land of Mitzrayim", "to be your God:", "I am Adonoy, your God—", "—is true—", "
You must be careful to connect the last words of Shema, ה' אֱלֹקֵיכֶם (Adonoy, your God), with the word אֶמֶת (is true) without pause or interruption so that these three words form one sentence, meaning “Adonoy your God is true” (Maseches Berachos 13a).
", "
The chazan repeats:
", "Adonoy, your God, is true.", "—and faithful is all this,6All that we have affirmed in the Shema, is true and trustworthy.—Etz Yosef", "and it is permanently established with us", "that he is Adonoy, our God,", "and there is nothing besides Him,", "and that we, Yisrael, are His people.", "[He] Who liberated us", "from the hand of kings,7He redeemed us from Pharaoh, and saved us from Sichon and Og in the days of Moshe and from the thirty-one kings in the days of Yehoshua.—Etz Yosef", "[is] our King, Who redeemed us", "from the grasp of all the tyrants.8“Tyrants” include Amalek and others who wanted to destroy us.—Etz Yosef", "[He is] the Almighty", "Who exacts payment [punishment]", "from our oppressors,9The Malbim says that “oppressors” (צָרֵינוּ) refers to those who actively persecute us whereas “enemies” (אוֹיְבֵינוּ) refers to those who would rejoice over our misfortune without necessarily contributing to our downfall in an outright manner.", "and brings retribution", "on all those who are enemies of our soul.", "He does great things10“Great things” refers to the way Hashem rules according to the laws of nature and “wonders” refers to those things that are classified as miracles.—Siach Yitzchak", "beyond comprehension,", "and wonders without number.", "He sustains our soul in life11Not only does Hashem sustain our souls in exile but He also sustains our physical wellbeing.—Siach Yitzchak", "and does not allow our feet to slip.", "He makes us tread", "upon the high places of our enemies,", "and exalts our strength", "over all who hate us.", "He performed miracles for us", "and vengeance upon Pharaoh,", "signs and wonders", "in the land of the Hamites.", "He slew in His wrath,", "all the firstborn of Mitzrayim,", "and brought out His people, Yisrael,", "from their midst", "to everlasting12The redemption from Egypt is the source for all later redemptions; it is the source from which our final and total salvation will spring. We became free, never again to taste the bitterness of spiritual or physical bondage.—Sfas Emes freedom.", "He led His children", "through the divided parts of", "the Sea of Reeds,", "their pursuers and their enemies", "He drowned in its depths.", "And His children saw His mighty power—", "they praised and gave thanks to His Name,", "His sovereignty", "they willingly accepted;", "Moshe and the children of Yisrael", "sang unto You with great joy,", "and they all said:", "“Who is like You among the mighty, Adonoy!", "Who is like You?", "[You are] adorned in holiness,", "awesome in praise, performing wonders.”13Shemos 15:11", "Your children beheld Your sovereignty", "when You divided the sea before Moshe.", "“This is my God,”14Shemos 15:2 they exclaimed,", "and declared,", "“Adonoy will reign forever and ever.”15Shemos 15:18", "And it is said,", "“For Adonoy has liberated Yaakov", "and redeemed him", "from a hand, mightier than his.”16Yirmiyahu 31:10", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who has redeemed Yisrael.", "Adonoy our God; make us lie down in peace,", "our King, raise us again to life.17Undisturbed peace, and strength for a new day of vigorous living are the gifts that night brings and for which we pray to Hashem.— S.R. Hirsch", "Spread over us the shelter of Your peace,", "and direct us to better ourselves", "through Your good counsel;18We particularly ask of Him at night to bless us with wise counsel. Daytime is the time for achievement, but the rest that comes with nightfall is made to allow man to compose his thoughts. By virtue of the complete relaxation it affords, sleep endows the mind and spirit with renewed vigor. We pray therefore for Divine aid so that our nightly rest will help us take wise counsel and affirm worthy resolution for future days.—Avudraham and Siach Yitzchak", "and deliver us for Your Name's sake.", "Shield us, and remove from us19Shield us from trouble before it comes, and remove it from us if it has already come.—Siach Yitzchak", "enemies, pestilence, sword,", "famine and sorrow.", "Remove the adversary20The Hebrew word שָׂטָן (Satan) used in the Prayer Book refers to the Evil Impulse, the lower passions which are a hindrance to man’s pursuit of the nobler aims in life. It is against the dominance of this impulse that the Jew prays. The “adversary,” therefore, is any person, spirit, or Evil Impulse that seduces us to do wrong.—Dover Sholom and others from before us", "and from behind us,", "and shelter us in the shadow of Your wings.", "For, Almighty,", "You are our Protector and Rescuer,", "For, Almighty", "You are a gracious and merciful King.", "Guard our going out and our coming in", "for life and peace", "for now forever.", "And spread over us", "the shelter of Your peace.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who spreads the shelter of peace over us", "and over all His people, Yisrael", "and over Yerushalayim.", "
On Shabbos say:
", "And the Children of Yisrael shall preserve", "the Sabbath,", "to maintain the Sabbath", "for their generations", "as an everlasting covenant.", "Between Me", "and between the Children of Yisrael", "it is a sign for eternity,", "that [in] six days, Adonoy made", "the heavens and the earth,", "and on the seventh day", "He abstained from work", "and rested.21Shemos 31:16—17. This is merely metaphorical, since Hashem, of course, does not become tired, nor does He require rest.", "For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins,", "before Adonoy, you will be cleansed.", "
The Chazzan recites the following half-Kaddish
", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein." ], "Amidah": [ "My Master, open my lips,", "and my mouth will declare Your praise.22Rabbi Yonasan Eibschitz in his sefer, Yaaros Devash, explains that upon reflecting in Whose Presence he is about to pray, man should be so overwhelmed with awe and trepidation that he is unable to open his lips. He therefore prefaces his prayer by beseeching Hashem, to open his lips, asking His help to be able to pray in His Presence.", "THE VIRTUE OF OUR FOREFATHERS", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, and God of our fathers,", "God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak,", "and God of Yaakov,", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "most high Almighty,", "Who bestows beneficent kindness,", "Who possesses everything,", "Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs,", "and Who brings a redeemer", "to their children's children,", "for the sake of His Name, with love.", "Remember us for life23Because these are days of judgment and our lives hang in the balance, we pray to Hashem to remember us for life (Rashi, Levush).", "King, Who desires life;24This is based on Yechezkel 18:32, ‘For I do not desire the death of him that dies, but rather that he repent from his evil ways and live.’", "and inscribe us in the Book of Life,25This refers to the Book in which the righteous are inscribed for life everlasting.", "for Your sake,26We ask Hashem to grant us life for His sake, i.e., so that we can fulfill His commandments. Living God.", "
If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the blessing, you should recite it. If you have already said “Blessed are You, Adonoy,” you must continue the prayers without saying “Remember.”
", "King,27We proclaim and accept His Kingship on Rosh Hashanah. Helper,28He helps us during the Ten Days of Penitence, by accepting our repentance. and Deliverer29He delivers us on Yom Kippur by forgiving our sins. and Shield.30On Sukkos, as His Divine Cloud of Glory, hovers over us, He shields us from spiritual and physical danger (Shaare Shomayim).", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Avraham.", "DIVINE MIGHT", "You are mighty forever,31Hashem’s rule of the world is permanent and perpetual (Kuzari). my Master;", "You are the Resurrector of the dead32Here we emphatically declare our belief in the immortality of the soul (Kuzari).", "the Powerful One to deliver us.", "Sustainer of the living with kindliness,", "Resurrector of the dead with great mercy,", "Supporter of the fallen,", "and Healer of the sick,", "and Releaser of the imprisoned,", "and Fulfiller of His faithfulness", "to those who sleep in the dust.", "Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds,", "and who can be compared to You?", "King Who causes death and restores life,", "and causes deliverance to sprout forth.33Deliverance is not a sudden happening but rather a process of growth or sprouting.", "Who is like You merciful Father,", "Who remembers His creatures for life,", "in His mercy.34Even if we are not worthy of life by virtue of our deeds, inscribe us for life because You are a merciful Father (Siddur Chasidei Ashkenaz).", "
If you forgot to say this, the same law applies as above concerning “Remember us for life.”
", "And You are faithful", "to restore the dead to life.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Resurrector of the dead.", "DIVINE SANCTIFICATION", "You are holy and Your Name is holy", "and holy beings", "praise You every day, forever.", "And so,35The word וּבְכֵן, ‘and so,’ marks the beginning of the special prayers of the Shemoneh Esreh recited at each Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur service. According to Avudraham, the Sages chose this word to convey the thought expressed by Esther as she prepared to go before the king on behalf of her people. After telling Mordechai to assemble all the Jews to fast for three days and nights on her behalf, she said, “וּבְכֵן אָבוֹא אֶל הַמֶּלֶךְ and so I will go in to the king” (Esther 4:16). Thus, since today is the Day of Judgment, as we come before the Supreme King of kings, the Holy One Blessed is He, we begin with the words uttered by Esther as she came before the king. The Siddur Maggid Tzedek quoted by Siach Yitzchak writes that the emphasis of Avudraham was on the last words of the verse said by Esther, “וּבְכֵן אָבוֹא אֶל הַמֶּלֶךְ אֲשֶׁר לֹא כַדָּת,” “And so I will go into the king, even if it is unlawful,” for which one of us can say, “I am virtuous, I have cleansed my heart from sin.” Especially on this great and awesome Day of Judgment, who among us is not embarrassed and ashamed to appear before the King of kings garbed in sackcloths of sin. If Esther who had fasted for three days in penitence and prayer in preparation for her appearance before the king was nevertheless so terribly frightened that she declared: “וּבְכֵן אָבוֹא אֶל הַמֶּלֶךְ אֲשֶׁר לֹא כַדָּת” then we should certainly tremble in awe before the presence of Hashem on this Day of Judgment, knowing deep in our hearts how little and how poorly we have prepared ourselves. Thus our Sages ordained that we open the prayers with the word וּבְכֵן recalling the words of Esther; therewith shattering our delusions of spiritual complacency, and causing us to bow before Him with broken hearts and tear-filled eyes.", "grant36The word תֵּן implies מַתָּנָה, a gift. We ask Hashem to grant us the feeling of reverence for Him, as a gift, knowing how difficult it is to attain such a high level of reverence completely on our own (Siach Yitzchok). that Your awe, Adonoy, our God,", "be upon all Your works,37The word מַעֲשֶׂיךָ, lit., Your works, indicates that which has attained or is near perfection. Thus Yisrael is called His works since we have accepted His Kingship and His Torah which is the fulfillment of Hashem’s creation (Siach Yitzchok).", "and Your dread upon all You have created;38All you have created, שֶׁבָּרָאתָ, indicates that which has not attained its fulfillment, thus we ask Hashem to cast His dread even on those people who have not yet accepted His Divine Kingdom (Siach Yitzchok).", "and [then] all [Your] works will fear You,39The nation of Yisrael will fear You.", "and prostrate before You", "will be all [Your] created beings.40The nations of the world will finally prostrate themselves before You, i.e. submit to You and accept the yoke of Your Kingship.", "And may they all form a single band", "to do Your will", "with a perfect heart.", "For we know Adonoy, our God", "that rulership is Yours,", "strength is in Your hand,", "might is in Your right hand", "and Your Name is awesome", "over all You have created.", "And so,", "grant honor, Adonoy, to Your people,41Once all of Your works and created beings have submitted themselves to Your rule and formed a single bond to do Your will, the honor of Yisrael will be established and raised to new heights. It will then be apparent to all that Yisrael alone carried the yoke of Hashem’s Kingdom throughout the bitter years of exile, giving Him obedience despite its suffering and persecution and the taunts of those who cynically asked, “Where is Your God?” (Etz Yosef).", "praise to those who fear You,42Those who fear Hashem will then be praiseworthy in the eyes of all men.", "good hope to those who seek You43Men will no longer consider as ridiculous those who seek Hashem and search for ways to serve Him.", "confident speech", "to those who yearn for You,44Those who wait upon Him will no longer be subdued but will voice their convictions freely.", "joy to Your land, gladness to Your city,", "flourishing of pride to Dovid, Your servant", "and an array of light", "to the son of Yishai, Your anointed,", "speedily in our days.45See Tehillim 132:17. The climax of this spiritual renaissance will be the restoration of our people to our land under the scepter of the Moshiach, descendant of Dovid, the anointed of Hashem.", "And then", "the righteous will see [this] and rejoice,46The entire universe was created for the sake of Yisrael in order that Hashem’s Divine Influence be attached to it. This essence (Yisrael) was created for the sake of an even more treasured essence, namely the prophets and the pious among them. This gradation forms the basis of the sequence of the Rosh Hashanah—Yom Kippur prayers: “Grant that Your awe be upon all that You have made,” is the first prayer. It is followed by, “Grant honor to Your people,” and finally by “the righteous will see this and rejoice.” Thus the righteous and pious are the purpose and fulfillment of the entire creation, the true reason for celebrating these holy days (Fundamentals of Kuzari, page 59).", "and the upright will be jubilant,", "and the pious will exult with joyous song;", "injustice will close its mouth,", "and all the wickedness will vanish like smoke,", "when You remove the rule of evil", "from the earth.", "And You Adonoy will reign alone", "over all Your works", "on Mount Tziyon,", "dwelling place of Your glory,", "and in Yerushalayim, city of Your Sanctuary,", "as it is written in Your holy words,", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "Your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations.", "Praise God.”", "Holy are You, and awesome is Your Name,", "and there is no God beside You,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy Tzevaos is exalted", "through justice", "and the Almighty, the Holy One,", "is sanctified through righteousness.”", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King, the Holy One.", "SANCTIFICATION OF THE DAY", "You chose us from [among] all the peoples;", "You loved us and took pleasure in us;", "You exalted us above all tongues,", "and You sanctified us", "with Your commandments;", "You drew us near, our King, to Your servitude", "and Your great and Holy Name,", "You have pronounced upon us.", "And You gave us Adonoy, our God,", "in love,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(this Shabbos Day and)", "this Day of Atonement,", "for forgiveness,47Forgiveness, (מְחִילָה) implies a waiver of punishment which is due the guilty party. pardon48Pardon, (סְלִיחָה) implies that the earlier relationship between the sinner and the Pardoner will not be blemished because of the wrongdoing of the sinner. and atonement,49Atonement (כַּפָּרָה) implies total acquittal of the consequences of our wrongful acts.", "and to forgive thereon", "all our iniquities;", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(with love)", "a day of holy assembly", "commemorating the exodus from Mitzrayim.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "may there ascend, come, and reach,", "appear, be desired, and heard,", "counted and recalled", "our remembrance and reckoning;", "the remembrance of our fathers;", "the remembrance of the Messiah", "the son of Dovid, Your servant;", "the remembrance of Yerushalayim,", "city of Your Sanctuary", "and the remembrance of Your entire people,", "the House of Yisrael, before You", "for survival, for well-being,", "for favor, kindliness, compassion,", "for life and peace", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Remember us Adonoy, our God", "on this day for well-being;", "be mindful of us on this day for blessing,", "and deliver us for life.", "In accord with the promise of deliverance", "and compassion,", "spare us and favor us,", "have compassion on us and deliver us;", "for to You our eyes are directed", "because You are the Almighty,", "Who is King, Gracious and Merciful.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "forgive our iniquities", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Blot out and remove", "our transgressions and sins50Were it not for the intervention of the wondrous power of Hashem’s grace, our moral and physical entity would have long ceased, as a consequence of our transgressions. This would have been our fate in accordance with the law of cause and effect which functions in Hashem’s world according to His will. It is only Hashem Himself, He Who originally ordained that law, Who in the omnipotence of His will, can also suspend that law. Only He can cause the wrong which was done to become as if it had never occurred. Only Hashem can uproot in its entirety the sin and consequential effect of sin. He has assured this wondrous power of His benevolent grace to every Jew who fulfills the true purpose of Yom Kippur by doing teshuva, true repentance. Thus we cry out to Him “Blot out and remove our transgressions and sins from before Your eyes” for in the words of the prophet, Hashem alone blots out our transgressions.", "from before Your eyes, as it is said:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;51Were Hashem to destroy us because of our transgressions, His Name would be desecrated among the nations of the world. Thus says the prophet, He blots out our transgressions for His own sake.—Metsudas Dovid
According to Malbim, “for My own sake” implies for the sake of the favor and lovingkindness which is His attribute (כִּי חָפֵץ חֶסֶד אָנִי).
", "and your sins, I will not recall.”52Yeshaya 42:25. This implies that our sins will be blotted out so thoroughly that not even the slightest trace will remain. Thus says Hashem, “and your sins, I will not recall” because there will be nothing left to recall.—Metsudas Dovid", "And it is said,", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud53The word פְּשָׁעֶיךָ, your transgressions, which implies a wanton disregard of Hashem’s will is compared to an עָב, a thick cloud. Just as a thick cloud darkens the earth so too, our transgressions cause darkness in our lives.—Malbim", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist54The word חַטֹּאתֶיךָ, your sins, which implies error, or sins committed unknowingly, is compared to an עָנָן, a mist cloud, which does not cause such terrible darkness. So too, our sins do not create such severe blackness in our lives.—Malbim your sins;", "return to Me, ", "for I have redeemed you.”55Yeshaya 44:22", "And it is said,", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins,", "before Adonoy, you will be cleansed.”56In our translation, the words, מִכֹּל חַטֹאתֵיכֶם are joined with the words לִפְנֵי ה' תִּטְהָרוּ, thus reading “from all your sins before Adonoy, you will be cleansed”; implying that the entire sentence is a statement of fact, i.e., that Yom Kippur is a day in which Hashem atones our sins. According to Targum Yonassan ben Uziel, however, the words מִכֹּל חַטֹאתֵיכֶם are joined to the previous words—לְטַהֵר אֶתְכֶם—changing the entire concept of the sentence. According to the Targum the sentence reads: כִּי בַיּוֹם הַזֶה יְכַפֵּר עֲלֵיכֶם לְטַהֵר אֶתְכֶם מִכֹּל חַטֹאתֵיכֶם. “For on this day He will make atonement for you to cleanse you from all your sins”; and thus the final three words of the sentence לִפְנֵי ה' תִּטְהָרוּ represent a command to cleanse ourselves before Him, as the Targum says: וְאַתּוּן קָדָם ה' תּוֹדוּן סוּרְחָנוּתְכוֹן וְתִדְכּוּן “And you—confess your wrongdoings before Hashem, and then you will be cleansed.” Klei Yakar, obviously influenced by Targum explicitly states that this sentence is not a blanket promise of atonement, for Yom Kippur atones only for those who cleanse themselves with honest repentance.", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(Our God and God of our fathers,", "be pleased with our rest)", "Sanctify us with Your commandments", "and give us our share in Your Torah;", "satisfy us from Your goodness", "and gladden us with Your deliverance,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(And give us as our inheritance", "Adonoy our God", "with love and with pleasure", "Your holy Sabbath;", "and may Yisrael rest thereon—", "[they who are] sanctifiers of Your Name)", "and purify our hearts to serve You in truth,", "For You are the Pardoner57The words סָלְחָן and מָחֳלָן (Pardoner and Forgiver) indicate that Hashem constantly pardons and forgives. He is not like a king who pardons only at times but His Divine attribute is to be a סָלְחָן and מָחֳלָן at all times. He is thus intrinsically a Pardoner and Forgiver.— Pesher Dovor of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver57The words סָלְחָן and מָחֳלָן (Pardoner and Forgiver) indicate that Hashem constantly pardons and forgives. He is not like a king who pardons only at times but His Divine attribute is to be a סָלְחָן and מָחֳלָן at all times. He is thus intrinsically a Pardoner and Forgiver.— Pesher Dovor of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You,", "we have no king who forgives and pardons,", "only You!", "Blessed are You,", "King Who forgives and pardons", "our iniquities,", "and the iniquities of His people,", "the House of Yisrael;", "and Who removes our trespasses", "each year;", "King over the whole earth,", "Sanctifier", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(of the Shabbos and)", "of Yisrael and the Day of Atonement.", "PRAYER FOR RETURN OF DIVINE SERVICE", "Be pleased, Adonoy, our God,", "with Your people Yisrael", "and their prayer;", "and restore the service", "to the Holy of Holies in Your abode,", "and the fire-offerings of Yisrael;", "and accept their prayer, lovingly", "and willingly.", "And may You always find pleasure", "with the service of Your people, Yisrael.", "And may our eyes behold", "Your merciful return to Tziyon.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon.", "
At the words, We are thankful, bend forward; at Adonoy return to an upright position.
", "THANKSGIVING", "We are thankful to You", "that You Adonoy are our God", "and the God of our fathers forever;", "Rock of our lives,", "Shield of our deliverance,", "You are in every generation.", "We will give thanks to You", "and recount Your praise,", "for our lives", "which are committed into Your hand,", "and for our souls", "which are entrusted to You,", "and for Your miracles of every day with us,", "and for Your wonders and benefactions", "at all times—", "evening, morning and noon.", "(You are) The Beneficent One—", "for Your compassion is never withheld;", "And (You are) the Merciful One—", "for Your kindliness never ceases;", "we have always placed our hope in You.", "And for all the foregoing", "blessed and exalted", "be your Name, our King", "constantly, forever and ever.", "Inscribe for a good life", "all the children of Your covenant.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah. If you became aware of the omission before concluding the blessing, you can say it at that time.
", "And all the living shall thank You forever", "and praise", "Your Name with sincerity", "the Almighty, Who is our deliverance", "and our help forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "“The Beneficent” is Your Name", "and You it is fitting to praise.", "
Some have the custom of saying שים שלום “Grant peace” here, (see page 000) while others say שלום רב “Abundant peace” below.
", "PRAYER FOR PEACE", "Abundant peace", "upon Yisrael, Your people,", "bestow forever,", "for You King", "are Master of all peace.", "And may it be good in Your eyes", "and to bless Your people Yisrael,", "at all times and at every moment", "with Your peace.", "In the book of life, blessing, peace", "and abundant maintenance,", "may we be remembered and inscribed", "before You;", "we and all Your people, the House of Yisrael", "for a good life and peace.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah.
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who makes the peace.", "
(others conclude—
", "Who blesses His people Yisrael", "with peace.)", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "let our prayer come before you", "and do not ignore our supplication.", "For we are not so brazen-faced", "and stiff-necked", "to say to you,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "“We are righteous and have not sinned.”", "But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.", "We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];", "We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];", "We have stolen; We have slandered.", "We have caused others to sin;", "We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רְשָׁעִים, wicked;", "We have sinned with malicious intent;", "We have forcibly taken others' possessions even though we paid for them;", "We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups;", "We have given harmful advice;", "We have deceived; we have mocked;", "We have rebelled against God and His Torah;", "We have caused God to be angry with us;", "We have turned away from God's Torah;", "We have sinned deliberately;", "We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;", "We have caused our friends grief;", "We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that our suffering is caused by our own sins.", "We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].", "We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;", "We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;", "We have gone astray;", "We have led others astray.", "We have turned away", "from Your commandments", "and from Your good laws,", "and we have gained nothing from it.", "And You are the Righteous One", "in all [punishment] that has come upon us;", "for You have acted truthfully", "and we have acted wickedly.", "What shall we say before You,", "Who dwells on high;", "and what shall we relate to You", "Who dwells in the heavens?", "For everything, both hidden and revealed,", "You know.", "You know the mysteries of the universe,", "and the hidden secrets of every individual.", "You search all our innermost thoughts,58The literal meaning of חַדְרֵי בָטֶן is “chambers of the stomach,” but according to Ibn Ezra to Mishlei 20:27, from which the expression is taken, חַדְרֵי בָטֶן refers to the heart which is the innermost chamber of human thought.", "and probe our mind59The literal meaning of כְּלָיוֹת is “kidneys,” which are said to give counsel to the heart.— Avudraham and heart.", "There is nothing hidden from You,", "and there is nothing concealed", "from Your sight.", "And so may it be Your will", "Adonoy our God and God of our fathers,", "that You pardon us", "for all our careless sins,", "and that You forgive us", "for all our deliberate sins,", "and that You grant us atonement", "for all our rebellious sins:", "For the sin we committed before You", "under compulsion60Even a sin committed under duress needs to be forgiven, because many times a person allows himself to be placed in a predicament in which he is compelled to sin (e.g., leaving the office at a very late hour on the eve of Shabbos or Festival).—Siddur HaGra and willingly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by callously hardening the heart.61This would include not giving charity with a whole heart, and not helping a needy fellow Jew.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "inadvertently.62The literal meaning of בִּבְלִי דַעַת is “without knowledge,” and it implies not using our intellectual capabilities to study the laws of Torah and therewith gain the “knowledge” needed to observe the commandments properly.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with an utterance of the lips.63This includes the sins of making vows and oaths (even though they are kept), verbally insulting one’s fellowmen, and directing one’s displeasure against the decrees of Hashem.— Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "openly and secretly.64A sin committed publicly could very well cause חִלוּל ה', the desecration of Hashem’s Name, and may also lead others to sin. A sin committed in secret, indicates that the sinner fears the reaction of people but is unafraid of Hashem’s displeasure.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in sexual immorality.65This also includes such things that arouse desire for forbidden sexual relationships, such as embracing or dancing.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "through [misuse of our power of] speech.66This includes speaking the words of Torah in unclean places, cursing, humiliating someone; speaking of business matters on Shabbos, revealing another person’s secret, telling jokes and holding idle conversations in a house of worship (and certainly during the actual prayers) and telling lies.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with knowledge and with deceit.67This includes false advertising and dishonesty in business matters.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by improper thoughts.68Evil thoughts, lustful thoughts, heretical thoughts, and suspicious thoughts about righteous people are included.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by cheating a fellow-man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with [mere] verbal confession.69This refers to confession of sins without feeling regret for committing them and without earnest resolve to correct them in the future.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by joining in a lewd gathering.70Any gathering or intimate meeting for the purpose of sexual immortality is included.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "intentionally and unintentionally.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by insufficient respect for parents", "and teachers.71Not obeying their commands, not rising for a talmudic scholar and disrespect for one’s teacher even if he is not considered a “Torah Great” are included.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by using coercion [to harm others].72This includes using physical, political or financial power to harm someone.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by desecrating the Divine Name.73This involves any sin committed that becomes public knowledge, including improper conduct with one’s fellow man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with foolish talk.74This refers to idle talk and gossip.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impurity of the lips.75This includes profanity and unclean language.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with the Evil Inclination.76When a person allows his Evil Inclination to rule over him, he commits a sin.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "knowingly and unknowingly.77We ask Hashem to pardon us even for sins we are not aware that we committed, and also for such sins through which we caused damage but are not aware of the amount of loss incurred.—Siddur HaGra", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by forcing someone to give or take bribes.78A bribe is not limited to money or gifts; it includes flattery or personal favors.— Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by false denial and false promise.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by evil talk [slander].79This includes causing a fellow Jew physical, monetary of social harm through passing degrading information about him to another person. It makes no difference whether this is done in his presence or behind his back, or if the information is true or false.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by scoffing.80Ridicule of a person, a commandment, or guards of Torah are all included in the sin of scoffing.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "in business dealings.81This would include overcharging, misrepresenting, false-labeling and all other such deceitful practices.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in eating and drinking.82Eating forbidden (non-kosher) foods, not saying the proper blessing or grace after meals, over-eating, are included in this sin.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by [taking or giving] interest and by usury.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by haughtily stretching forth the neck.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with gazing of the eyes.83This refers to using the eyes to gaze at forbidden things.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by the prattle of our lips.84This includes idle gossip, which is certainly forbidden in the synagogue at all times.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with haughty eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impudence.85Speaking “with chutzpah” to Torah scholars, or to someone more learned than himself is included in עַזּוּת מֵצַח.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by throwing off the yoke [of heaven].86Rejecting an obligation to fulfill even a single commandment. Also included is shirking a religious obligation which must then be assumed by someone else.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in passing judgment.87This includes a “Dayan,” a judge who does not render correct decisions, and it also includes not giving someone the benefit of the doubt.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by entrapping a fellowman.88This includes even attempting to harm someone; even if no harm was actually done, he still needs forgiveness.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a begrudging eye.89Not doing a favor, not giving charity properly, and feeling bad at someone else’s success are included.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by lightmindedness.90Lightmindedness or frivolity in the synagogue or Bais Midrash or while wearing tefillin are serious sins.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by being stiff-necked [stubborn].91Rejecting admonition and “ignoring” punishment are included. Also included is brushing aside illness, financial loss, and humiliation as mere coincidences rather than manifestations of Divine displeasure.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by running to do evil.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by talebearing.92This refers to carrying tales, even true ones, about one person to another, and the one who listens to these tales is also included in this category of sin.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by swearing in vain.93This includes swearing falsely or even swearing a useless oath.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by unwarranted hatred.94Hating someone because of jealousy, or because he doesn’t conform to your ideas of ettiquete.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by breach of trust.95Denying that you owe someone a monetary debt when he asks for payment.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a confused heart.96This includes sins committed because of confusion, worry or pain, it also includes the sin of harboring doubts about the authenticity of the laws enacted by our Sages, and doubts about the fundamental principles of our faith, such as Divine Providence, reward and punishment, and also doubts about the authenticity of the Torah and the Prophets.—Siddur HaGra", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a burnt-offering.97A burnt-offering is brought for failure to fulfill any positive commandment, e.g, putting on non-kosher tefillin.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a sin-offering.98A sin-offering is brought for unintentionally transgressing any prohibitive commandment punishable by excision (כָּרֵת) if it were done with intent.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a “fluctuating” offering.99The fluctuating offering is an offering that varies in value according to the financial means of the individual who brings it. (The literal meaning of עוֹלָה וְיוֹרֵד, is “go up and down”). This type of offering is brought when a person swore falsely (unintentionally) concerning something he did or did not do. For example, one may have thought he ate something and consequently swore that he ate it, but in reality he did not and thus he swore falsely.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a guilt-offering for certain", "or for doubtful trespasses.100This type of sacrifice was brought in an instance where it is uncertain whether or not a violation occurred. For example it is not known whether a substance he ate was of a forbidden nature or if it was permitted.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of lashing for violations of Rabbinic law.101A Rabbinic Court had the right to impose lashing for a violation of a rabbinic injunction.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of forty lashes.102Forty lashes proscribed by the Torah was given to one who actively and intentionally violated any of the prohibitive commandments, providing he was forewarned and the act was witnessed by two witnesses.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of death at the hand of Heaven.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of excision and childlessness.103One who intentionally does work or eats on Yom Kippur, or one who eats chometz — leavened bread — on Pesach, is punished with excision and childlessness.", "And for sins", "for which we are liable", "to any of the four death penalties", "inflicted by the [Rabbinic] Court [which are]:", "stoning, burning,", "beheading or strangulation.104Stoning is the penalty for knowingly desecrating Shabbos, burning is the penalty for certain forbidden sexual relationships, beheading is the penalty for murder, and strangulation is the penalty for adultery.", "For [transgressing]", "positive commandments,", "and for [transgressing]", "prohibitive commandments,", "whether the prohibition can be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,105For example returning the stolen money would be a corrective measure for the prohibition of stealing.", "or whether it cannot be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "for those of which we are aware", "and for those of which we are not aware.", "For those of which we are aware,", "we have already declared before You", "and confessed them unto You;", "and those of which we are not aware,", "before You they are revealed and known,", "as it is said,", "“The hidden things", "belong to Adonoy, our God,", "but the revealed things are for us", "and for our children forever,", "that we might fulfill", "all the words of this Torah.”106Devorim 29:28.", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You, we have no King", "Who forgives and pardons—only You!", "God, before I was formed,", "I was unworthy [to be created].", "And now that I have been formed,", "it is as if I had not been formed.", "I am like dust while I live,", "how much more so when I am dead.", "Here I am before You", "like a vessel filled with shame.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, my God, and the God of my fathers,", "that I shall sin no more,", "and the sins I have committed before You,", "cleanse them in Your abundant mercies;", "but not through", "suffering and severe illness.", "My God, guard my tongue from evil", "and my lips from speaking deceitfully.", "To those who curse me,", "may my soul be unresponsive;", "and let my soul be like dust to all.", "Open my heart to Your Torah", "and let my soul pursue Your commandments.", "And all who plan evil against me,", "quickly annul their counsel", "and frustrate their intention.", "Act for the sake of Your Name.", "Act for the sake of Your right hand.", "Act for the sake of Your holiness.", "Act for the sake of Your Torah.", "In order that Your loved ones be released,", "deliver [with] Your right hand and answer me.", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "He Who makes the peace in His high heavens", "may He make peace", "upon us and upon all Yisrael", "and say Amein.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, our God, and the God of our Fathers", "that the Holy Temple be rebuilt", "speedily in our days,", "and grant us our share in Your Torah.", "And there we will serve You reverently", "as in the days of old,", "and in earlier years.", "And let Adonoy be pleased", "with the offerings of Yehudah", "and Yerushalayim", "as in the days of old and in earlier years." ], "Vayechulu": [ "When Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos, the entire congregation repeats וַיְכֻלּוּ, in testimony of our belief that God created Heaven and earth. According to the Halacha, when one is a witness, he must stand and declare his testimony aloud.", "The heavens and the earth were completed", "and [so were] all their hosts.", "And God completed by the seventh day", "His work which He had done,", "and He abstained on the seventh day,", "from all His work which He had done.", "And God blessed the seventh day", "and sanctified it", "for on it He abstained", "from all His work", "which God had created to do.", "The following prayer, בְּרָכָה מֵעֵין שֶׁבַע the abridged form of the seven blessings of the Maariv Amidah, is said only by the Chazzan.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God and God of our fathers,", "God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak,", "and God of Yaakov;", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "the most high Almighty,", "Possessor of heaven and earth.", "
The congregation may recite the following paragraph, which should then be repeated aloud and in its entirety by the Chazzan.
", "Shield of [our] fathers with His word,", "Resurrector of the dead", "with His utterance;", "the King, the Holy One", "Who has no peer.", "He gives rest to His people", "on the day of His holy Shabbos", "for with them He was pleased", "to grant them rest.", "Before Him we will serve", "with fear and trepidation,", "and give thanks to His Name", "every day continuously,", "from the essence of the blessings.", "Almighty of thanksgiving,", "Master of peace,", "Sanctifier of the Shabbos,", "Who blesses the seventh day", "and grants rest in sanctity", "to a people sated with delight—", "in commemoration of the work of creation.", "Our God, and God of our fathers,", "be pleased with our rest,", "sanctify us with Your commandments", "and give us our share in Your Torah;", "satisfy us from Your goodness", "and gladden us with Your deliverance,", "and purify our hearts to serve You in truth.", "And give us as our inheritance,", "Adonoy our God,", "in love and in pleasure", "Your holy Shabbos;", "and may Yisrael rest thereon—", "the sanctifiers of Your Name.", "Blessed are You Adonoy,", "Sanctifier of Shabbos.", "

" ], "Yaaleh": [ "The authorship of this prayer is unknown. The three verbs, repeated throughout the prayer, יַעֲלֶה—וְיָבֹא—וְיֵרָאֶה are taken from the prayer “יַעֲלֶה וְיָבֹא” which is recited on Rosh Chodesh, and on all the Festivals.", "
The Ark is opened:
", "May our supplication ascend1Before the throne of Your glory.", "from the evening,2The eve of Yom Kippur.", "and may our cry come1Before the throne of Your glory. from the morning,", "and may our song appear1Before the throne of Your glory. till evening.3The close of Yom Kippur.", "May our voice ascend from the evening,", "and may our righteousness come", "from the morning,", "and may our redemption appear", "till evening.", "May our affliction4See Vayikra 23:27, וְעִנִיתֶם אֶת נַפְשׁוֹתֵיכֶם, and You shall afflict your souls. ascend from the evening,", "and may our pardon come", "from the morning,", "and may our groaning appear till evening.", "May our refuge5Should our prayers be accepted, they will be our refuge. ascend from the evening,", "and may it come for His sake,6For the sake of His great and holy Name by which we are called.", "from the morning,", "and may our atonement appear till evening.", "May our deliverance ascend", "from the evening,", "and may our purification come", "from the morning,", "and may our supplication appear till evening.", "May our remembrance ascend", "from the evening,", "and may our gathering7Our gathering together for the purpose of praying to Him.", "come from the morning,", "and may our splendor8See Tehillim 29:2, “Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy in the splendor of holiness.” appear till evening.", "May our knocking9We knock at His door with our prayers. ascend from the evening,", "and may our exultation come", "from the morning,", "and may our petition appear till evening.", "May our sighing10Of repentance. ascend from the evening,", "and may it come before You", "from the morning,", "and may its effect11May we achieve complete atonement. appear to us till evening.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "You Who hears prayer,", "unto You does all flesh come.", "All flesh shall come", "to prostrate themselves before You, Adonoy.", "They will come and prostrate themselves", "before You, my Master", "and they will give honor to Your Name.", "Come let us prostrate ourselves and bow;", "let us kneel before Adonoy, our Maker.", "Enter His gates with thanksgiving,", "His courtyards with praise,", "give thanks to Him, bless His Name.", "Behold, bless Adonoy—", "all [you] servants of Adonoy,", "who stand in the House of Adonoy", "in the nights.", "Lift your hands to the Sanctuary", "and bless Adonoy.", "Let us come to His Dwelling Places,", "let us prostrate ourselves at His footstool.", "Exalt Adonoy, our God,", "and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,", "Holy is He!", "Exalt Adonoy, our God", "and prostrate yourselves", "at His holy mountain,", "for Adonoy our God is holy.", "Prostrate yourselves before Adonoy", "in the splendor of holiness,", "tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth.", "As for us, through Your abundant kindness", "we will enter Your House;", "we will prostrate ourselves", "toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.", "We will prostrate ourselves", "toward Your Holy Sanctuary,", "and give thanks to Your Name", "for Your kindness and for Your truth;", "for You have magnified", "Your word far beyond Your Name.", "Adonoy, God of Hosts,", "who is like You, a mighty God;", "and Your faithfulness is round about You.", "For who in the skies", "can be compared to Adonoy,", "who can be likened to Adonoy", "among the sons of the mighty?", "For You are great", "and do wondrous things;", "You alone are God.", "For great beyond the heavens", "is Your kindness,", "and until the skies is Your truth.", "Great is Adonoy and highly extolled,", "and His greatness is unfathomable.", "For great is Adonoy and most highly extolled,", "and awesome is He above all gods.", "For a great Almighty is Adonoy", "and a great King over all gods.", "For who is so mighty in heaven or on earth", "that can duplicate Your works", "and Your power.", "Who would not fear You, King of nations?", "For to You it is fitting;", "for among all the wise ones of the nations,", "and in all their kingdoms,", "there is none like You.", "There is none like You, Adonoy", "great are You,", "and great is Your Name in might.", "Yours is an arm with might", "strong is Your hand,", "exalted is Your right hand.", "Yours is the day, also Yours is the night,", "You established [the] luminary and [the] sun.", "For in His hands are the depths of the earth,", "and the heights of the mountains are His.", "Who can recount", "the mighty deeds of Adonoy,", "or cause to be heard all His praise?", "Yours Adonoy", "is the greatness, the might, the glory,", "the victory and the beauty,", "for all that is in heaven and on earth.", "[is Yours]; Yours Adonoy, is the kingdom,", "and You are uplifted over all rulers.", "Yours are the heavens,", "also Yours is the earth,", "the inhabited world and its fullness;", "You have founded them.", "You set all the borders of the earth,", "summer and winter, You formed them.", "You crushed the heads of Leviathan,", "You gave him as food to the people of legions.", "You split open the fountain and brook,", "You dried up mighty rivers.", "You crumbled the sea with Your strength;", "You shattered the heads of sea monsters", "upon the waters.", "You rule over the majesty of the sea;", "when it raises its waves, You still them.", "Great is Adonoy and highly extolled", "in the city of our God,", "the mountain of His Sanctuary.", "Adonoy of Hosts, God of Yisrael,", "enthroned upon the cherubim", "You alone are God.", "The Almighty is revered", "in the great council of the holy ones", "and is awe inspiring", "over all that are about Him.", "And the heavens will praise Your wonders,", "Adonoy,", "and Your faithfulness [will be praised]", "in the assembly of holy ones.", "Come let us sing to Adonoy,", "let us sound the shofar", "to the Rock of our deliverance.", "Let us greet His Presence with thanksgiving,", "with hymns let us raise our voices unto Him.", "Righteousness and justice", "are the foundations of Your throne,", "kindness and truth precede Your Presence.", "For together let us take sweet counsel,", "into the House of God", "let us walk with the throngs.", "For the sea is His, and He made it;", "and the dry land, His hands formed.", "For in His hand", "is the soul of every living thing,", "and the spirit of all human flesh.", "The soul is Yours,", "and the body is Your doing,", "have pity on Your work.", "The soul is Yours, and the body is Yours,", "Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]", "for the sake of Your Name.", "We have come [relying] on Your Name,", "Adonoy! Act [on our behalf]", "for the sake of Your Name.", "For the sake of the glory of Your Name,", "for gracious and merciful Almighty", "is Your Name,", "For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,", "pardon our iniquity, for it is great.", "
Chazzan and Congregation responsively:
", "It is Your way, our God, to slow Your anger,12See Maseches Eruvin 22a, to the effect that “אֶרֶךְ אַפַּיִם” in the plural rather than אַף, the singular, indicates that Hashem’s forbearance is extended to both the righteous and the wicked.", "against the wicked and the good;", "and that is Your praise.", "
Chazzan and Congregation:
", "Do it for Your sake, our God, not for ours;", "look at our position—", "[we stand before You] poor", "and empty handed.13This is said in a spiritual sense.", "
Chazzan and Congregation:
", "Restore health14See Yirmiyahu 30:17. to a shaken leaf,15This refers to the nation of Yisrael in their exile. They are so weak and frightened that they run away even from the sound of a falling leaf. [See Vayikra 26:36, “and the sound of a driven leaf shall chase them.”]—Mateh Levi", "console [us who are but] dust and ashes.", "Cast away our sins", "and be gracious with Your works;", "You see that there is no person16Of sufficient piety to plead for us.", "[therefore] deal charitably with us.", "Almighty! King!", "Who sits on the throne of mercy,17Unlike a powerful, earthly king who rules with his might only, the Almighty God, Who is the King of kings, sits on the throne of mercy and rules with compassion.—Mateh Levi", "governs with kindness18This refers to Hashem’s conduct which goes beyond the actual dictates of justice (לִפְנִים מִשׁוּרַת הַדִּין).", "forgives the iniquities of His people.19See Maseches Rosh Hashana 17b, “Whenever Yisrael sin, let them read this service [of the thirteen attributes] before Me, and I will forgive them.”", "He removes their sins one by one,20See Maseches Rosh Hashana 17a. Hashem removes the first iniquity, so that the merits remain dominant.", "increasing forgiveness to sinners,", "and pardon to transgressors.", "Acting righteously", "with all who are of flesh and spirit;", "not according to their wickedness", "does He repay them.", "Almighty!", "You instructed us to recite21See Maseches Rosh Hashana 17b. Rabbi Yehudah said: “A covenant has been made with the thirteen attributes that they will not be turned away empty handed.” Whenever Yisrael recites them, they will be answered.", "the thirteen Divine attributes;", "and remember unto us this day", "the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,21See Maseches Rosh Hashana 17b. Rabbi Yehudah said: “A covenant has been made with the thirteen attributes that they will not be turned away empty handed.” Whenever Yisrael recites them, they will be answered.", "as You made them known", "to the humble Moshe of old,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,", "and stood with him there,", "and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.", "
Congregation and Chazzan:
", "And Adonoy passed before him [Moshe],", "and proclaimed:22See Maseches Rosh Hashana, 17b. Rabbi Yochanan said: “Were it not written in the text, it would be impossible for us to say such a thing; this verse teaches us that the Holy One, blessed is He, drew His Talis around Him like the שְׁלִיחַ צִבּוּר, the Chazzan of the congregation, and showed Moshe the order of prayer.” [The thirteen attributes are the special prayer for Hashem’s forgiveness after repentance has been made.]", "Adonoy, Adonoy,23The use of the Name yud-kai-vov-kai denotes the attribute of mercy. The first Adonoy refers to Hashem’s compassion on us before we sin; the second Adonoy refers to His compassion [even] after we sin.—Rashi", "Almighty,24The name אֵל, Almighty, also refers to His attribute of mercy, as it says in Tehillim (22:2) אֵלִי אֵלִי לָמָה עֲזַבְתָּנִי—Almighty—Almighty—why have You forsaken me.—Rashi Merciful, Gracious,", "Slow to Anger,25Hashem does not hasten to punish the sinner, granting him an opportunity to repent and escape punishment.—Rashi", "and Abundant in Kindness,26He is abundant in kindness to those that do not have sufficient merit of their own.— Rashi and Truth.27Hashem is faithful to reward those who do His will.—Rashi", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity,28Iniquity refers to sins committed willfully. and transgression,29Transgressions refer to acts of rebellion.", "and sin;30Sin refers to sins of omission and error.", "and Acquitter of those who repent.31Shemos 34:5—7.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritance.”32Shemos 34:9.", "Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.", "“For You, my Master,", "are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.”33Tehillim 86:5.", "Give ear Adonoy to our prayer,", "and listen to the voice of our supplication.", "Listen to the voice of our pleading,", "our King and our God,", "for unto You we pray.", "Please let Your ear listen,", "and Your eyes be opened", "to the prayers of Your servants,", "Your people, Yisrael.", "Hear, from the heavens,", "the place of Your habitation,", "to their prayer and their supplication;", "and maintain their justice.", "And pardon Your people", "who have sinned against You.", "As a father has compassion on his children", "so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy", "Deliverance is Adonoy's;", "upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!", "Adonoy of Hosts is with us,", "a stronghold for us is the God of Yaakov. Selah!", "Adonoy of Hosts!", "fortunate is the man who trusts in You.", "Adonoy, deliver us;", "the King will answer us on the day we call.", "
The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
", "“Please pardon the sins of this nation", "in accordance with the greatness", "of Your lovingkindness;", "and as You forgave this people", "from when it left Mitzrayim until now.”34Bamidbar 14:19.", "And there it is said:", "
The Congregation says:
", "“And Adonoy said,", "I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”35Bamidbar 14:20.", "Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,", "open Your eyes", "and behold our desolate places,", "and the city which is called by Your Name;", "for it is not on account of our righteousness", "that we let fall our supplication before You,", "but because of Your great mercy.", "My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!", "My Master, listen and take action,", "do not delay!", "For Your sake, my God,", "because Your Name is proclaimed", "over Your city and over Your people.", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Our God and God of our fathers!", "We beseech You, pardon", "the deliberate even rebellious sins", "of Your people.", "At the iniquity of Your children", "do not be angered.", "We beseech You, pardon their contempt,", "let them live from Your life-source.", "At the iniquity of those who carry Your flags36This refers to the twelve tribes of Yisrael, each carrying their own flag.—Bamidbar 2:2", "be pacified according to Your word.", "We beseech You, pardon", "those who admit and abandon their ways37The phrase is based upon the verse in Mishlei 28:13, that one who confesses and leaves his wrongdoing will be looked upon mercifully.", "as is Your custom38You promised to forgive those who repent as it is stated. “Let the sinner leave his way etc.”—Mateh Levi", "Iniquity and rebellion forgive", "for the sake of Your Name.39This is an important theme in the Yom Kippur prayers. It is based on Moshe Rabbeinu’s prayer to Hashem after the sin of the calf.", "We beseech You, pardon", "the intentional and unintentional sins40See Yoma 36b—Shemos 32", "of those who were created for", "the sake of Your Name41Everything that has been created, has been created for the sake of Hashem’s Name אֶת הַכֹּל בָּרָאתִי לִכְבוֹדִי.—Mateh Levi", "the iniquity of their sin, atone.42In Shemos 29:36 the word “חַטֵא” is used to mean purify.", "with your bountiful waters.43Yoma. Rabbi Akiva says ... Hashem is the Jewish people’s mikveh (purifying water).", "for My own sake;51Were Hashem to destroy us because of our transgressions, His Name would be desecrated among the nations of the world. Thus says the prophet, He blots out our transgressions for His own sake.—Metsudas Dovid
According to Malbim, “for My own sake” implies for the sake of the favor and lovingkindness which is His attribute (כִּי חָפֵץ חֶסֶד אָנִי).
", "of the evil ones of Your nation;", "Let the iniquity of your dear ones", "be sought and not found45The expression is found in Yirmiyahu 50:20.", "as you have promised with Your word.", "We beseech You, pardon", "the deceit of those who bow", "and prostrate themselves before You.", "The iniquity of the nation", "you took to be Yours,46Devorim 4:20. “I will take you unto me for a nation.”", "atone with Your good reason.47Tehillim 119:66.", "We beseech You, pardon the disobedience", "of those who hope in You,", "and proclaim Your Oneness in the world.", "The iniquity of those who are dispersed", "blot out,", "and build Your Holy Temple.", "We beseech You, pardon their falsehood", "and shield them in Your tent of peace.48Mateh Levi says that this refers to Yerushalayim.", "The iniquity of your servants, hide,", "and suppress it in Your concealment.49Hashem is concealed from everything (נֶעֶלָם מִכֹּל הוּא)", "We beseech You, pardon", "lest they be punished", "from Your heavenly abode", "The iniquity of Your flock, forget,", "for it is Your praise and exaltation.", "We beseech You, pardon their disgrace,", "have pity on them from Your heavenly abode.", "Bear the iniquity of those You love,50This might also be translated, “those who love You.”", "lest they be caught in Your net.51See Koheles 7:26.", "We beseech You,", "pardon the defamation, scorn", "and the abominable actions of", "those You love.52This might also be translated, “those who love You.”", "The iniquity of your perfect ones, brush aside", "according to Your great mercy.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "Almighty! King!", "Who sits on the throne of mercy,", "governs with kindness", "forgives the iniquities of His people.", "He removes their sins one by one,", "increasing forgiveness to sinners,", "and pardon to transgressors.", "Acting righteously", "with all who are of flesh and spirit;", "not according to their wickedness", "does He repay them.", "Almighty!", "You instructed us to recite", "the thirteen Divine attributes;", "and remember unto us this day", "the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,", "as You made them known", "to the humble Moshe of old,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,", "and stood with him there,", "and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.", "
Congregation and Chazzan:
", "And Adonoy passed before him [Moshe],", "and proclaimed:", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,", "Slow to Anger,", "and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,", "and sin;", "and Acquitter of those who repent.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritance.”", "Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.", "“For You, my Master,", "are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.”", "Do not enter into judgment with us,", "for no living soul will be justified before You.", "What can we say before You,", "Adonoy, our God?", "What can we speak", "and how can we justify ourselves?", "Our God, we are ashamed with our actions,", "and we are disgraced with our iniquity.", "Our God we are ashamed and disgraced", "to lift up our faces unto You, our God.", "We know that we have sinned", "and there is none to stand up in our behalf;", "let Your great Name, stand up for us", "at the time of distress.", "As a father has compassion on his children", "so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy", "Deliverance is Adonoy's;", "upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!", "Adonoy of Hosts is with us,", "a stronghold for us is the God of Yaakov. Selah!", "Adonoy of Hosts!", "fortunate is the man who trusts in You.", "Adonoy, deliver us;", "the King will answer us on the day we call.", "
The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
", "“Please pardon the sins of this nation", "in accordance with the greatness", "of Your lovingkindness;", "and as You forgave this people", "from when it left Mitzrayim until now.”", "And there it is said:", "
The Congregation says:
", "“And Adonoy said,", "I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”", "Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,", "open Your eyes", "and behold our desolate places,", "and the city which is called by Your Name;", "for it is not on account of our righteousness", "that we let fall our supplication before You,", "but because of Your great mercy.", "My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!", "My Master, listen and take action,", "do not delay!", "For Your sake, my God,", "because Your Name is proclaimed", "over Your city and over Your people.", "Our God and God of our fathers!", "It is truly so—", "that the Evil Inclination dominates us,", "therefore only You can justify us,", "You Who are abundant", "in [merciful] judgment;", "and answer us, “I have pardoned.”", "Abhor the tale-bearer [Satan],", "and also discredit his record,", "beloved [God] Possesor of a mighty voice,", "let Your voice proclaim, “I have pardoned.”", "Silence the accuser,", "and let [our] advocate take his place;", "and may Adonoy be his support,", "for the sake of His word—", "“I have pardoned.”", "May the merit of our father Avraham", "blossom forth for the rose [Yisrael];", "remove [our] sins", "and may [Your] voice be mightily heard", "from Your dwelling [saying]:", "“I have pardoned.”", "[You Who are] good and grants pardon,", "forgive and pardon those who are guilty,", "God, listen [to our plea],", "and answer us from Your heavens, [saying]:", "“I have pardoned.”", "Heal my wound", "and in the depths, conceal my iniquity;", "for it is Your praise,", "to say for my sake:", "“I have pardoned.”", "Blot out the deliberate sins,", "and the wickedness", "of the children of Your covenant;", "exercise Your loving kindness,", "and also Your glory to the remnant [Yisrael]", "[by saying]: “I have pardoned.”", "Listen to my innermost thoughts—", "accept my silent prayer—", "forgive iniquity;", "for Your sake do it, and say:", "“I have pardoned.”", "Turn [and regard] the disgraced one,53This refers to the nation of Yisrael who is embarrassed and ashamed of its sinful transgression.", "consider it in place of our iniquity;54May our disgrace be counted as the punishment for our sins.", "remove the stench [of our sin],", "and proclaim good tidings", "to those who hope in You, [saying]:", "“I have pardoned.”", "Hear my voice", "and see the tears in my eyes,", "defend my cause, regard my words [of prayer],", "and answer me, “I have pardoned.”", "The stain [of my sin], cleanse;", "cause it to vanish speedily, like a cloud,", "as it is said:", "blot out the sin of a delivered people", "and say: “I have pardoned.”", "Almighty! King!", "Who sits on the throne of mercy,", "governs with kindness", "forgives the iniquities of His people.", "He removes their sins one by one,", "increasing forgiveness to sinners,", "and pardon to transgressors.", "Acting righteously", "with all who are of flesh and spirit;", "not according to their wickedness", "does He repay them.", "Almighty!", "You instructed us to recite", "the thirteen Divine attributes;", "and remember unto us this day", "the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,", "as You made them known", "to the humble Moshe of old,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,", "and stood with him there,", "and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.", "
Congregation and Chazzan:
", "And Adonoy passed before him [Moshe],", "and proclaimed:", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,", "Slow to Anger,", "and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,", "and sin;", "and Acquitter of those who repent.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritance.”", "Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.", "“For You, my Master,", "are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.”", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Like clay in the hands of the potter,", "if he wills, he can expand it,", "if he wills, he can contract it;", "so too are we in Your hand,", "Preserver of kindliness55See Shemos 34:7. According to Rashi, Hashem preserves the righteousness of man for two thousand years.", "Heed the covenant56This refers to the “thirteen merciful attributes of Hashem” mentioned in Shemos 34:6—7. The Talmud, Maseches Rosh Hashana, 17b, states “When the Jewish people recite these attributes in Hashem’s Presence, they are not turned away empty-handed.” and not the accuser!", "Like stone in the hand of the mason,", "if he wills, he holds it [in position],", "if he wills, he smashes it;", "so too are we in Your hands,", "Causer of life and death.", "Heed the covenant and not the accuser!", "Like iron in the hand of the smith,", "if he wills, he puts it to the fire,", "if he wills, he removes it;", "so too are we in Your hand,", "Supporter of the poor and destitute", "Heed the covenant and not the accuser!", "Like the rudder in the hand of a seaman,", "if he wills, he holds it", "if he wills, he lets it go;", "so too are we in Your hand,", "Almighty, Who is good and pardons.", "Heed the covenant and not the accuser!", "Like glass in the hand of the glazier,", "if he wills, he shapes it,", "if he wills, he dissolves it;", "so too are we in Your hand,", "Absolver of", "intentional and unintentional sin.", "Heed the covenant and not the accuser!", "Like a tapestry in the hand of an embroiderer,", "if he wills, he makes it straight", "if he wills, he makes it crooked;", "so too are we in Your hand,", "jealous and vengeful Almighty", "heed the covenant and not the accuser!", "Like silver in the hand of the refiner", "if he wills, he adulterates it,", "if he wills, he keeps it pure;", "so too are we in Your hand,", "Who prepares a cure for our wounds.", "Heed the covenant and not the accuser!", "
The Ark is closed:
", "Almighty! King!", "Who sits on the throne of mercy,", "governs with kindness", "forgives the iniquities of His people.", "He removes their sins one by one,", "increasing forgiveness to sinners,", "and pardon to transgressors.", "Acting righteously", "with all who are of flesh and spirit;", "not according to their wickedness", "does He repay them.", "Almighty!", "You instructed us to recite", "the thirteen Divine attributes;", "and remember unto us this day", "the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,", "as You made them known", "to the humble Moshe of old,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,", "and stood with him there,", "and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.", "
Congregation and Chazzan:
", "And Adonoy passed before him [Moshe],", "and proclaimed:", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,", "Slow to Anger,", "and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity, and transgression, and sin;", "and Acquitter of those who repent.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritance.”", "Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.", "“For You, my Master,", "are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.”", "Remember Your mercies, Adonoy", "and Your kindnesses,", "for they are from the beginning of the world.", "Remember not the sins of our ancestors;", "let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,", "for we have been brought very low.", "Remember us Adonoy", "with favor for Your people", "recall us with Your deliverance.", "Remember Your congregation", "which You have acquired of old,", "You have redeemed the tribe", "of Your inheritance,", "this mountain of Tziyon", "where You have dwelled.", "Remember, Adonoy,", "the affection of Yerushalayim,", "the love of Tziyon, forget not until eternity.", "Remember, Adonoy,", "to the sons of Edom, the day of Yerushalayim,", "[it was they] who said,", "“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”", "You will arise", "and have compassion on Tziyon,", "for it is time to be gracious to her,", "for the appointed time has come.", "Remember Avraham, Yitzchak, Yisrael,", "Your servants,", "to whom You swore by Your very Self,", "and You said to them:", "“I will multiply your seed", "as the stars of the heavens;", "and all this land that I have promised,", "I will give to your descendants,", "and they will inherit it forever.”", "Remember Your servants,", "Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov;", "do not regard the stubborness of this people,", "or their wickedness, or their sin", "Do not, we beseech You", "place upon us the sin,", "wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.", "We have sinned, our Rock;", "Pardon us our Creator.", "Tolerate their iniquities—", "they are badly depressed", "for the entire people sin unknowingly.", "Remember to us", "the covenant of the Patriarchs,", "as You promised,", "“And I will remember my covenant", "with Yaakov,", "and also my covenant with Yitzchak,", "and also my covenant with Avraham", "will I remember,”", "and the land I will remember.", "Remember to us", "the covenant of the ancestors,57This refers to the founders of the twelve tribes and their descendants who were brought out of Egypt.", "as You promised,", "“And I will remember for their sake,", "the covenant with their ancestors,", "whom I brought out", "of the land of Mitzrayim,", "in the sight of the nations;", "to be their God,", "I am Adonoy.”58Vayikra 26:45.", "Do unto us as You promised,", "“And yet for all that,", "when they are in the land of their enemies,", "I will not reject them", "and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,", "to annul My covenant with them;", "for I am Adonoy, their God.”59Vayikra 26:44.", "Have compassion on us", "and do not destroy us,", "as it is written:", "“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,", "your God;", "He will not abandon you or destroy you,", "and He will not forget", "the covenant of your fathers", "which He swore to them.”60Devorim 4:31.", "Open61The literal translation of מֹוֹל is circumcise. In the context of the verse, it is a plea to Hashem to cut away the extraneous materialism of our hearts, exposing it to His Divine influence. our hearts", "to love Your Name,", "as it is written:", "“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,", "and the heart of your descendants,", "to love Adonoy, your God,", "with all your heart,", "and with all your soul,", "that you may live.”62Devorim 30:6.", "Bring back our captivity", "and have compassion on us,", "as it is written:", "“And Adonoy, your God will return", "your captivity and have compassion on you;", "and He will again gather you", "from [among] all the peoples,", "where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”63Devorim 30:3.", "Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:", "“If your dispersed", "are in the farthermost part of heaven,", "from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,", "and from there He will take you.”64Devorim 30:4.", "Be accessible to us when we seek You,", "as it is written:", "“And from there", "you will seek Adonoy, your God,", "and you will find Him;", "if you search after Him", "with all your heart", "and with all your soul.”65Devorim 4:29.", "Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,", "as You promised:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;", "and your sins, I will not recall.”66Yeshaya 43:25.", "Sweep aside our transgressions", "as a thick cloud and as a mist,", "as You have promised:", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist, your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”67Yeshaya 44:22.", "Make our sins as white as snow or wool,", "as it is written:", "“Come now, let us reason together,", "says Adonoy,", "though your sins be as scarlet,", "they shall be as white as snow;", "though they be red as crimson,", "they shall become [white] as wool.”68Yeshaya 1:8.", "Sprinkle clean water upon us,", "and cleanse us, as it is written:", "“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,", "and you will be clean;", "from all your defilements,", "and from all your idols,", "I will cleanse you.”69Yechezkel 36:25.", "Atone our sins on this day,", "and cleanse us, as it is written:", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins", "before Adonoy you will be cleansed.”70Vayikra 16:30.", "Bring us to Your holy mountain,", "and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,", "as it is written:", "“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,", "and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;", "their burnt-offerings and sacrifices", "will be accepted with favor on My Altar,", "for My House,", "will be called a House of Prayer", "for all peoples.”71Yeshaya 56:7.", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;", "spare us and have compassion on us,", "and accept", "our prayers mercifully and willingly.", "Lead us back to You, Adonoy", "and we shall find the way back;", "renew our days as of old.72Eichah 5:21.", "Give ear to our words, Adonoy!", "Consider our meditations.", "May the words of our mouths be acceptable —", "and the thoughts of our hearts—before You,", "Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.", "Cast us not away from Your Presence,", "and Your holy spirit take not from us.73Tehillim 51:13.", "Do not cast us off in time of old age,", "when our strength fails, do not forsake us.74Tehillim 71:9.", "Forsake us not, Adonoy,", "our God, be not far removed from us.75Tehillim 38:22", "Give us a sign of Your goodness", "that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;", "for You, Adonoy, have helped us", "and comforted us.76Tehillim 86:17", "For You, Adonoy, do we wait,", "You will answer us, our Master, our God.77Tehillim 38:16", "
The Ark is closed:
", "Our God and God of our fathers!", "Do not forsake us, do not cast us off,", "and do not disgrace us;", "and do not nullify Your covenant with us.", "Draw us near to Your Torah,", "teach us Your commandments,", "direct us to Your ways.", "Incline our hearts to fear Your Name,", "and open our hearts to Your love,", "and may we return to You in truth,", "and with a perfect heart.", "And for the sake of Your great Name,", "forgive and pardon our iniquity,", "as it is written in the words of Your holiness,", "“For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,", "pardon my iniquity for it is great.”", "Our God, and God of our fathers!", "Pardon us, forgive us, atone for us.", "
Chazzan and congregation responsively:
", "For we are Your people; and You are our God.", "We are Your children; and You are our Father.", "We are Your servants; and You are our Master.", "We are Your congregation;", "and You are our Portion.", "We are Your inheritance;", "and You are our Destiny.", "We are Your flock; and You are our Shepherd.", "We are Your vineyard; and You are our Keeper.", "We are Your work; and You are our Creator.", "We are Your dear ones", "and You are our Beloved.", "We are Your treasure; and You are our God.", "We are Your people; and You are our King.", "We are Your distinguished ones;", "and You are our Distinction.", "We are brazen-faced;", "and You are merciful and gracious.", "We are stiff-necked;", "and You are slow to anger.", "We are full of iniquity;", "and You are full of compassion.", "Our days are like a passing shadow;", "and You are the same", "and Your years will not end.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "let our prayer come before you", "and do not ignore our supplication.", "For we are not so brazen-faced", "and stiff-necked", "to say to you,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "“We are righteous and have not sinned.”", "But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.", "We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];", "We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];", "We have stolen; We have slandered.", "We have caused others to sin;", "We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רְשָׁעִים, wicked;", "We have sinned with malicious intent;", "We have forcibly taken others' possessions even though we paid for them;", "We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups;", "We have given harmful advice;", "We have deceived; we have mocked;", "We have rebelled against God and His Torah;", "We have caused God to be angry with us;", "We have turned away from God's Torah;", "We have sinned deliberately;", "We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;", "We have caused our friends grief;", "We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that our suffering is caused by our own sins.", "We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].", "We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;", "We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;", "We have gone astray;", "We have led others astray.", "We have turned away", "from Your commandments", "and from Your good laws,", "and we have gained nothing from it.", "And You are the Righteous One", "in all [punishment] that has come upon us;", "for You have acted truthfully", "and we have acted wickedly.", "We have acted wickedly and have transgressed;", "we have therefore not been delivered.", "Grant that our hearts [be inspired to]", "abandon the path of wickedness,", "and hasten our deliverance;", "as is written by the hand of Your prophet,", "“Let the wicked man abandon his way,", "and the man of iniquity his thoughts;", "and let him return unto Adonoy,", "and He will have compassion on him,", "and unto our God", "for He pardons abundantly.”", "Our God, and God of our fathers!", "Forgive and pardon our iniquities", "
On Shabbos say:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement,", "and permit Yourself to be petitioned", "by our prayer.", "Blot out and remove our transgressions", "and sins from before Your eyes,", "and compel our Evil Inclination", "to be subservient to You,", "and subdue our stubborness,", "that we may return to You in truth;", "and renew our conscience", "that we may preserve Your precepts.", "Open our hearts", "that we may love and fear Your Name,", "as it is written in Your Torah:", "“And Adonoy, Your God will open Your heart,", "and the heart of your descendants", "to love Adonoy, your God,", "with all your heart", "and with all your soul,", "that you may live.”", "Our intentional and our unintentional sins—", "You recognize—", "[those committed] willfully or by compulsion,", "[those committed] openly or secretly—", "before Your Presence,", "they are [all] revealed and known.", "What are we? What is our life?", "What are our acts of kindness?", "What is our righteousness?", "What is our deliverance?", "What is our strength? What is our might?", "What can we say before You,", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers?", "Are not all the mighty men", "as nothing before You?", "Famous men as though they had never been?", "The wise as if they were without knowledge?", "And men of understanding", "as if they were devoid of intelligence?", "For most of their actions are a waste", "and the days of their life", "are trivial in Your presence.", "The superiority of man over beast is nil", "for all is futile.", "What shall we say before You,", "Who dwells on high;", "and what shall we relate to You", "Who dwells in the heavens?", "For everything, both hidden and revealed,", "You know.", "", "Your Name was always", "the “forbearer of transgression,”", "give ear to our plea", "as we stand before You in prayer.", "Forbear the transgression of a people", "who repent [their] transgression;", "blot out our transgression", "from before Your eyes.", "You know the mysteries of the universe,", "and the hidden secrets of every individual.", "You search all our innermost thoughts,78The literal meaning of חַדְרֵי בָטֶן is “chambers of the stomach,” but according to Ibn Ezra to Mishlei 20:27, from which the expression is taken, חַדְרֵי בָטֶן refers to the heart which is the innermost chamber of human thought.", "and probe our mind79The literal meaning of כְּלָיוֹת is “kidneys,” which are said to give counsel to the heart.— Avudraham and heart.", "There is nothing hidden from You,", "and there is nothing concealed", "from Your sight.", "And so may it be Your will", "Adonoy our God and God of our fathers,", "that You pardon us", "for all our careless sins,", "and that You forgive us", "for all our deliberate sins,", "and that You grant us atonement", "for all our rebellious sins:", "For the sin we committed before You", "under compulsion80Even a sin committed under duress needs to be forgiven, because many times a person allows himself to be placed in a predicament in which he is compelled to sin (e.g., leaving the office at a very late hour on the eve of Shabbos or Festival).—Siddur HaGra and willingly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by callously hardening the heart.81This would include not giving charity with a whole heart, and not helping a needy fellow Jew.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "inadvertently.82The literal meaning of בִּבְלִי דַעַת is “without knowledge,” and it implies not using our intellectual capabilities to study the laws of Torah and therewith gain the “knowledge” needed to observe the commandments properly.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with an utterance of the lips.83This includes the sins of making vows and oaths (even though they are kept), verbally insulting one’s fellowmen, and directing one’s displeasure against the decrees of Hashem.— Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "openly and secretly.84A sin committed publicly could very well cause חִלוּל ה', the desecration of Hashem’s Name, and may also lead others to sin. A sin committed in secret, indicates that the sinner fears the reaction of people but is unafraid of Hashem’s displeasure.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in sexual immorality.85This also includes such things that arouse desire for forbidden sexual relationships, such as embracing or dancing.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "through [misuse of our power of] speech.86This includes speaking the words of Torah in unclean places, cursing, humiliating someone; speaking of business matters on Shabbos, revealing another person’s secret, telling jokes and holding idle conversations in a house of worship (and certainly during the actual prayers) and telling lies.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with knowledge and with deceit.87This includes false advertising and dishonesty in business matters.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by improper thoughts.88Evil thoughts, lustful thoughts, heretical thoughts, and suspicious thoughts about righteous people are included.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by cheating a fellow-man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with [mere] verbal confession.89This refers to confession of sins without feeling regret for committing them and without earnest resolve to correct them in the future.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by joining in a lewd gathering.90Any gathering or intimate meeting for the purpose of sexual immortality is included.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "intentionally and unintentionally.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by insufficient respect for parents", "and teachers.91Not obeying their commands, not rising for a talmudic scholar and disrespect for one’s teacher even if he is not considered a “Torah Great” are included.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by using coercion [to harm others].92This includes using physical, political or financial power to harm someone.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by desecrating the Divine Name.93This involves any sin committed that becomes public knowledge, including improper conduct with one’s fellow man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with foolish talk.94This refers to idle talk and gossip.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impurity of the lips.95This includes profanity and unclean language.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with the Evil Inclination.96When a person allows his Evil Inclination to rule over him, he commits a sin.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "knowingly and unknowingly.97We ask Hashem to pardon us even for sins we are not aware that we committed, and also for such sins through which we caused damage but are not aware of the amount of loss incurred.—Siddur HaGra", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by forcing someone to give or take bribes.98A bribe is not limited to money or gifts; it includes flattery or personal favors.— Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by false denial and false promise.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by evil talk [slander].99This includes causing a fellow Jew physical, monetary of social harm through passing degrading information about him to another person. It makes no difference whether this is done in his presence or behind his back, or if the information is true or false.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by scoffing.100Ridicule of a person, a commandment, or guards of Torah are all included in the sin of scoffing.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "in business dealings.101This would include overcharging, misrepresenting, false-labeling and all other such deceitful practices.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in eating and drinking.102Eating forbidden (non-kosher) foods, not saying the proper blessing or grace after meals, over-eating, are included in this sin.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by [taking or giving] interest and by usury.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by haughtily stretching forth the neck.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with gazing of the eyes.103This refers to using the eyes to gaze at forbidden things.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by the prattle of our lips.104This includes idle gossip, which is certainly forbidden in the synagogue at all times.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with haughty eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impudence.105Speaking “with chutzpah” to Torah scholars, or to someone more learned than himself is included in עַזּוּת מֵצַח.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by throwing off the yoke [of heaven].106Rejecting an obligation to fulfill even a single commandment. Also included is shirking a religious obligation which must then be assumed by someone else.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in passing judgment.107This includes a “Dayan,” a judge who does not render correct decisions, and it also includes not giving someone the benefit of the doubt.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by entrapping a fellowman.108This includes even attempting to harm someone; even if no harm was actually done, he still needs forgiveness.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a begrudging eye.109Not doing a favor, not giving charity properly, and feeling bad at someone else’s success are included.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by lightmindedness.110Lightmindedness or frivolity in the synagogue or Bais Midrash or while wearing tefillin are serious sins.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by being stiff-necked [stubborn].111Rejecting admonition and “ignoring” punishment are included. Also included is brushing aside illness, financial loss, and humiliation as mere coincidences rather than manifestations of Divine displeasure.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by running to do evil.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by talebearing.112This refers to carrying tales, even true ones, about one person to another, and the one who listens to these tales is also included in this category of sin.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by swearing in vain.113This includes swearing falsely or even swearing a useless oath.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by unwarranted hatred.114Hating someone because of jealousy, or because he doesn’t conform to your ideas of ettiquete.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by breach of trust.115Denying that you owe someone a monetary debt when he asks for payment.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a confused heart.116This includes sins committed because of confusion, worry or pain, it also includes the sin of harboring doubts about the authenticity of the laws enacted by our Sages, and doubts about the fundamental principles of our faith, such as Divine Providence, reward and punishment, and also doubts about the authenticity of the Torah and the Prophets.—Siddur HaGra", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a burnt-offering.117A burnt-offering is brought for failure to fulfill any positive commandment, e.g, putting on non-kosher tefillin.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a sin-offering.118A sin-offering is brought for unintentionally transgressing any prohibitive commandment punishable by excision (כָּרֵת) if it were done with intent.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a “fluctuating” offering.119The fluctuating offering is an offering that varies in value according to the financial means of the individual who brings it. (The literal meaning of עוֹלָה וְיוֹרֵד, is “go up and down”). This type of offering is brought when a person swore falsely (unintentionally) concerning something he did or did not do. For example, one may have thought he ate something and consequently swore that he ate it, but in reality he did not and thus he swore falsely.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a guilt-offering for certain", "or for doubtful trespasses.120This type of sacrifice was brought in an instance where it is uncertain whether or not a violation occurred. For example it is not known whether a substance he ate was of a forbidden nature or if it was permitted.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of lashing for violations of Rabbinic law.121A Rabbinic Court had the right to impose lashing for a violation of a rabbinic injunction.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of forty lashes.122Forty lashes proscribed by the Torah was given to one who actively and intentionally violated any of the prohibitive commandments, providing he was forewarned and the act was witnessed by two witnesses.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of death at the hand of Heaven.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of excision and childlessness.123One who intentionally does work or eats on Yom Kippur, or one who eats chometz — leavened bread — on Pesach, is punished with excision and childlessness.", "And for sins", "for which we are liable", "to any of the four death penalties", "inflicted by the [Rabbinic] Court [which are]:", "stoning, burning,", "beheading or strangulation.124Stoning is the penalty for knowingly desecrating Shabbos, burning is the penalty for certain forbidden sexual relationships, beheading is the penalty for murder, and strangulation is the penalty for adultery.", "For [transgressing]", "positive commandments,", "and for [transgressing]", "prohibitive commandments,", "whether the prohibition can be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,125For example returning the stolen money would be a corrective measure for the prohibition of stealing.", "or whether it cannot be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "for those of which we are aware", "and for those of which we are not aware.", "For those of which we are aware,", "we have already declared before You", "and confessed them unto You;", "and for those of which we are not aware,", "before You they are revealed and known,", "as it is said,", "“The hidden things", "belong to Adonoy, our God,", "but the revealed things are for us", "and for our children forever,", "that we might fulfill", "all the words of this Torah.”126Devorim 29:28.", "And You, Merciful One, accept the penitent.", "Concerning repentance,127This refers to the effect of repentance to achieve atonement for the penitent.", "You promised us from the very beginning;128This refers to the fact that Hashem accepted the repentance of Adam after he committed the sin of eating from the Tree of Knowledge.", "and because of our repentance", "our eyes look hopefully to You.", "Dovid, Your servant, said before You,", "“Errors—who can comprehend?", "From hidden [faults], cleanse me.”", "Cleanse us, Adonoy, our God,", "from all our transgressions,", "and purify us from all our defilement.", "Sprinkle clean waters on us", "and cleanse us,", "as it is written by the hand of Your prophet,", "“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,", "and you will be clean;", "from all your defilements,", "and from all your idols,", "I will cleanse you.”129Yechezkel 36:25", "Michah, Your servant, said before You,", "“Who is an Almighty [God] like You?", "Who bears iniquity", "and overlooks transgression", "of the remnant of His inheritance;", "Who does not retain His anger forever,", "for He delights in kindliness.", "He will again have compassion on us,", "He will subdue our iniquities,", "and cast into the depths of the sea,", "all their sins.", "And all the sins of Your people", "the House of Yisrael,", "You will cast into a place", "where they will never be remembered", "or counted", "and never recalled to mind.", "You will grant truth to Yaakov,", "kindliness to Avraham,", "As You have sworn to our fathers", "from the days of old.”130Michah 7:18—20", "Daniel, man of [Your] delight,", "cried to you,", "“Incline Your ear, my God and hear;", "open Your eyes", "and behold our desolate places", "and the city which is called by Your Name,", "for it is not on account of our righteousness", "that we let fall", "our supplications before You,", "but because of Your great mercy.", "My Master, hear! my Master, forgive!", "My Master, listen and take action,", "do not delay!", "For Your sake, my God,", "for Your Name is proclaimed", "over Your city and Your people.”131Daniel 9:18, 19.", "Ezra, the Scribe, said before You,", "“My God, I am [so] ashamed, and disgraced,", "that I cannot lift my face to You, my God,", "for our iniquities have risen over our heads,", "and our guilt has grown to the heavens.”132Ezra 9:6", "“And You are a God of pardon,", "Gracious, Merciful, Slow to Anger,", "and abundant in kindness;", "and [therefore] You did not forsake them.”133Nechemyah 9:17", "Do not forsake us, our Father,", "do not cast us off, our Creator,", "do not abandon us, our Maker,", "do not consume us", "on account of our sins.", "Fulfill for us, Adonoy, our God,", "the word, You promised in the tradition", "by the hand of Jeremiah, Your seer", "as it is said,", "“In those days and at that time,", "says Adonoy,", "the iniquity of Yisrael will be sought,", "and there will be none [found],", "and the sins of Yehudah [will be sought]", "but they shall not be found;", "for I will pardon", "those whom I leave as a remnant.”134Yirmiyahu 50:20", "Your people and Your inheritance", "hunger for Your goodness,", "thirst for Your kindness,", "long for Your deliverance.", "Let them realize and know", "that unto Adonoy, our God,", "belongs compassion and pardon.", "Merciful Almighty is Your Name,", "Gracious Almighty is Your Name.", "Upon us is Your Name called,", "Adonoy! act [now] for the sake of Your Name.", "Act for the sake of Your truth.", "Act for the sake of Your covenant.", "Act for the sake of Your greatness and glory.", "Act for the sake of Your Law.", "Act for the sake of Your glorious majesty.", "Act for the sake of Your congregation.", "Act for the sake of Your memorial.", "Act for the sake of Your kindliness.", "Act for the sake of Your goodness.", "Act for the sake of Your Unity.", "Act for the sake of Your honor.", "Act for the sake of Your teaching.", "Act for the sake of Your Kingship.", "Act for the sake of Your eternity.", "Act for the sake of Your counsel.", "Act for the sake of Your strength.", "Act for the sake of Your magnificence.", "Act for the sake of Your righteousness.", "Act for the sake of Your holiness.", "Act for the sake of Your abundant mercy.", "Act for the sake of Your Divine Presence.", "Act for the sake of Your praise.", "Act for the sake of Your beloved ones,", "who repose in the dust.", "Act for the sake of Avraham, Yitzchak,", "and Yaakov.", "Act for the sake of Moshe and Aharon.", "Act for the sake of Dovid and Shlomo.", "Act for the sake of Yerushalayim,", "city of Your holiness.", "Act for the sake of Tziyon,", "Dwelling Place of Your honor.", "Act for the sake of the desolation", "of Your Habitation.", "Act for the sake of the destruction", "of Your Altar.", "Act for the sake of the blood", "of Your servants that was spilled.", "Act for the sake of those who were slain", "to sanctify Your Holy Name.", "Act for the sake of those", "who were slaughtered", "for [proclaiming] Your Oneness.", "Act for the sake of those", "who went through fire and water", "to sanctify Your Name.", "Act for the sake of nursing-infants", "who have never sinned.", "Act for the sake of weaned-children", "who have never transgressed.", "Act", "for the sake of “Yeshiva”-children.", "Act for Your sake and not ours.", "Act for Your sake and deliver us.", "Answer us, Adonoy, answer us!", "Answer us, our God, answer us!", "Answer us, our Father, answer us.", "Answer us, our Creator, answer us.", "Answer us, our Redeemer, answer us.", "Answer us, our Seeker, answer us.", "Answer us, faithful Almighty, answer us.", "Answer us, steadfast and benevolent One,", "answer us.", "Answer us, pure and upright One, answer us.", "Answer us, living and permanent One,", "answer us.", "Answer us, good and beneficent One,", "answer us.", "Answer us, Knower of our inclination,", "answer us.", "Answer us, Suppressor of Anger, answer us.", "Answer us, One enrobed in righteousness,", "answer us.", "Answer us, Supreme King of kings, answer us.", "Answer us, awesome and exalted One,", "answer us.", "Answer us, Pardoner and Forgiver, answer us.", "Answer us, He Who answers in time of distress,", "answer us.", "Answer us, Redeemer and Saver, answer us.", "Answer us, just and upright One, answer us.", "Answer us,", "He Who is near to those who call upon Him,", "answer us.", "Answer us, merciful and gracious One,", "answer us.", "Answer us, You Who listen to the needy,", "answer us.", "Answer us, Supporter of the innocent,", "answer us.", "Answer us, God of our father, answer us.", "Answer us, God of Avraham, answer us.", "Answer us, Fear of Yitzchak, answer us.", "Answer us, Mighty One of Yaakov, answer us.", "Answer us, Helper of the Tribes, answer us.", "Answer us, Stronghold of the Matriarchs,", "answer us.", "Answer us, Whom it is hard to provoke,", "answer us.", "Answer us, You Who are easily reconciled,", "answer us.", "Answer us,", "you Who answer in a time of favor,", "answer us.", "Answer us, Father of orphans, answer us.", "Answer us, [Protective] Judge of widows,", "answer us.", "He Who answered our father Avraham", "on Mount Moriah, He will answer us.", "He Who answered Yitzchak, his son,", "when he was bound on the altar,", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Yaakov in Beis El,", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Yosef", "in prison,", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered our ancestors at", "the Reed Sea;", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Moshe at Horeb,135Devorim 9:19—26", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Aharon", "with the incense pan,136Bamidbar 17:11, 12", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Pinchos", "when he rose from among the congregation,137Bamidbar 25:6—9", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Yehoshua at Gilgal,138Yehoshua 7:6; 10—12", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Shmuel in Mizpah,139I Shmuel 7:5—9", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Dovid,140II Shmuel 21:1", "and Shlomo,141I Melachim 8:25; 9:3. his son, in Yerushalayim;", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Elijah on Mount Carmel,142I Melachim 18:36—38", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Elisha in Yericho,143II Melachim 2:18—22", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Yonah", "in the belly of the fish,", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Chizkiyahu,", "King of Yehudah, in his illness144II Melachim 20:2—6;", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered", "Chananyah, Mishael and Azariah", "in the midst of the fiery furnace,145Daniel 3:21—27", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Daniel", "in the lions' den,146Daniel 6:17—25", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Mordechai and Esther", "in Shushan, the capital [city of Persia],", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered Ezra in captivity,147Ezra 8:21—23:9", "He will answer us.", "He Who answered", "all the righteous, the pious,", "the perfect and the upright,", "He will answer us.", "May the Merciful One,", "Who answers the poor, answer us.", "May the Merciful One", "Who answers the broken in spirit,", "answer us.", "May the Merciful One", "Who answers the broken-hearted,", "answer us.", "Merciful One, answer us;", "Merciful One, have pity;", "Merciful One, redeem; Merciful One, save;", "Merciful One, have compassion on us,", "now, speedily, and very soon." ], "Avinu Malkenu": [ "This unique and moving prayer is recorded as having been recited by Rabbi Akiva. The Talmud (Taanis 25b) relates that Rabbi Eliezer once stepped down before the Ark and recited the 24 benedictions for fast days and his prayers were not answered. Rabbi Akiva stepped down after him and exclaimed, “Our Father, our King, we have no king except You. Our Father, our King, for Your sake have mercy on us,” and rain fell. This prayer is not recited on Shabbos.", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Our Father, our King!148The Jewish People are referred to in Scripture as Hashem’s slaves (Vayikra 25:42), and as His children (Devorim 14:1). Thus we say to Him, “If we are Your children, we beseech You as our Father; if we are Your slaves, we implore You as our Master and King. Contrary to the view that Hashem the Father is so full of love for His children that He permits the wanton breaking of His commandments to go unpunished, Judaism knows that Hashem the King must be feared and His laws must be obeyed. There are times when a father is unable to do what he would like for his children because of physical or financial limitations. On the other hand, a king has the power to do anything for his subjects if he should so desire. We cry out to Hashem—You are our Father and You desire to help us—You are our King and You have the power to help us!", "we have sinned before You.", "Our Father our King!", "we have no King except You.149Despite our physical banishment and spiritual estrangement—the result of our sins—we still have none other than Hashem to guide our lives and to shape our destiny.", "Our Father, our King!", "deal with us [kindly]", "for the sake of Your Name.150See Yechezkel 36.", "Our Father, our King!", "renew for us a good year.", "Our Father, our King!", "annul all harsh decrees concerning us.", "Our Father, our King!", "annul the designs of those who hate us.", "Our Father, our King!", "thwart the plans of our enemies.", "Our Father, our King!", "rid us of every oppressor and adversary.", "Our Father, our King!", "close the mouths of our adversaries", "and our accusers.", "Our Father, our King!", "remove pestilence, sword, famine, captivity,", "destruction and [the burden of] iniquity", "from the members of Your covenant.", "Our Father, our King!", "withhold the plague from Your inheritance.", "Our Father, our King!", "forgive and pardon all our iniquities.", "Our Father, our King!", "blot out and remove our transgressions", "and sins from before Your eyes.", "Our Father, our King!", "erase in Your abundant mercy", "all records of our liabilities.151Having just asked that our sins be forgiven and that our transgressions be removed from before His eyes, what are we asking for now? Our earlier pleas were for forgiveness of those sins we committed ourselves. But there are sins for which we are held accountable even though we do not commit them ourselves. One possibility is that of watching while others sin when we may have been able to prevent it. (Chazal say כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל עֲרֵבִין זֶה לָזֶה. A guarantor is one who countersigns a debt note, undertaking to pay if the borrower defaults. Thus we ask Hashem to erase all our notes of obligation whether as borrower or guarantor. In all instances He is the Extender of credit.) Thus we beseech Hashem to erase the records of our guilt in those instances.—Siach Yitzchok", "Our Father, our King!", "bring us back", "in wholehearted152Many repent out of their fear of Hashem. Others repent out of their love for Him. We beseech Hashem to bring us back in “wholehearted” repentance motivated by love, the most perfect form of penitence.—Etz Yosef repentance before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "send complete153We beseech Hashem to heal both the spiritually ill as well as the physically ill. We ask, therefore, for a “complete” healing for the sick among us.—Etz Yosef healing", "to the sick among Your people.", "Our Father, our King!", "tear up the evil [parts] of our sentence.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember us favorably before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us in the Book of Good Life.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us", "in the Book of Redemption and Deliverance.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us", "in the Book of Maintenance and Sustenance.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us in the Book of Merits.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us", "in the Book of Pardon and Forgiveness.", "Our Father, our King!", "cause deliverance to spring forth for us soon.", "Our Father, our King!", "raise up the might of Yisrael Your people.", "Our Father, our King!", "raise up the might of Your anointed.", "Our Father, our King!", "fill our hands with Your blessings.", "Our Father, our King!", "fill our storehouses with abundance.", "Our Father, our King!", "hear our voice,", "spare us and have compassion upon us.", "Our Father, our King!", "accept", "our prayer with compassion and favor.", "Our Father, our King!", "open the gates of heaven to our prayer.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember, that we are dust.", "Our Father, our King!", "please do not turn us away", "empty-handed from You.", "Our Father, our King!", "let this hour be", "an hour of compassion", "and a time of favor before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "have compassion upon us,", "and upon our children and infants.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who were slain for Your Holy Name.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who were slaughtered", "for [proclaiming] Your Unity.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who went through fire and water", "for the sanctification of Your Name.", "Our Father, our King!", "avenge the spilled blood of Your servants.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for Your sake if not for ours.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for Your sake and deliver us.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of Your great mercy.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake", "of Your great, mighty, and awesome Name", "which is proclaimed upon us.", "Our Father, our King!", "favor us and answer us", "for we have no accomplishments;", "deal with us charitably and kindly", "and deliver us.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "
The following is said responsively:
", "A Psalm of Dovid:", "the earth is Adonoy's", "and the fullness thereof,", "the inhabited world", "and those who dwell in it.", "For He founded it upon the seas,", "and established it upon rivers.", "Who may ascend the mountain of Adonoy,", "and who may stand", "in the place of His holiness?", "The clean of hands and the pure of heart,", "who has not borne My soul in vain,", "and has not sworn deceitfully.", "He will bear Adonoy's blessing", "and righteousness", "from the God of his deliverance.", "This is the generation of those who seek Him,", "the seekers of Your Presence,", "[God of] Yaakov, selah.", "Lift up your heads, gates,", "and be uplifted", "[you] entranceways to eternity,", "so that the King of Glory may enter.", "Who is this King of Glory?", "Adonoy, strong and mighty;", "Adonoy, the Mighty One in battle.", "Lift up your heads, gates,", "and lift up, entranceways to eternity,", "so that the King of Glory may enter.", "Who is He, this King of Glory?", "Adonoy Tzevaos,", "He is the King of Glory, selah.", "
The Chazzan recites the following Kaddish:
", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "May there be acceptance", "of the prayers and supplications", "of the entire House of Yisrael", "before their Father in heaven.", "And say, Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace", "in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael,", "and say, Amein." ], "Aleinu": [ "Kol Bo writes that Yehoshua authored this prayer when he captured Yericho. Taken from the Musaf service of Rosh Hashana, it serves as the closing prayer of all the daily services. As ruled by Tur (Orach Chaim 133), it is said while standing.", "It is our obligation to praise", "the Master of all,", "to ascribe greatness", "to the Creator", "of the [world in the] beginning:", "that He has not made us", "like the nations of the lands,", "and has not positioned us", "like the families of the earth;", "that He has not assigned", "our portion like theirs,", "nor our lot like that of all their multitudes.", "For they prostrate themselves", "to vanity and nothingness,", "and pray to a god that cannot deliver.", "But we bow, prostrate ourselves,", "and offer thanks", "before the Supreme King of kings,", "the Holy One blessed is He,", "Who spreads the heavens,", "and establishes the earth,", "and the seat of His glory is in heaven above,", "and the abode of His invincible might", "is in the loftiest heights.", "He is our God, there is nothing else.", "Our King is true,", "all else is insignificant,", "as it is written in His Torah:", "“And You shall know this day", "and take into your heart", "that Adonoy is God", "in the heavens above", "and upon the earth below;", "there is nothing else.”", "We therefore put our hope in You,", "Adonoy our God,", "to soon behold the glory of Your might", "in banishing idolatry from the earth,", "and the false gods", "will be utterly exterminated", "to perfect the world", "as the kingdom of Shadai.", "And all mankind will invoke Your Name,", "to turn back to You,", "all the wicked of the earth.", "They will realize and know,", "all the inhabitants of the world,", "that to You, every knee must bend,", "every tongue must swear [allegiance to You].", "Before You, Adonoy, our God,", "they will bow and prostrate themselves,", "and to the glory of Your Name give honor.", "And they will all accept [upon themselves]", "the yoke of Your kingdom,", "and You will reign over them, soon,", "forever and ever.", "For the kingdom is Yours,", "and to all eternity You will reign in glory,", "as it is written in Your Torah:", "“Adonoy will reign forever and ever.”", "And it is said:", "“And Adonoy will be King", "over the whole earth;", "on that day Adonoy will be One", "and His Name One.”", "Mourner's Kaddish", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace", "in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael,", "and say, Amein.", "The following Psalm (27) is recited at the conclusion of services, morning and evenings, from the first day of Elul, through Shemini Atzeres.", "The Psalm voices our prayer that God will be our light on Rosh Hashana enabling us to repel the darkness of sin through true repentance, and that He will be our salvation on Yom Kippur, through His compassionate atonement of our sins.", "By Dovid:", "Adonoy is my light and my salvation,", "whom shall I fear?", "Adonoy is the strength154Rav S.R. Hirsch translates, “Adonoy is the source of my life’s strength,” thus Dovid declares that Hashem is the fount from which his life derives its power to resist all foes. of my life,", "of whom shall I be afraid?", "When evildoers approach me", "to devour my flesh—", "my tormentors and my foes", "they stumble and fall.", "If an army should encamp against me,", "my heart would not fear;", "if war were to rise against me", "in this155Dovid says that he trusts in the declaration stated in the opening verse, “Adonoy is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?”—Rashi, Radak I trust.", "One thing I request of Adonoy,", "[only] that shall I seek:", "that I may dwell156The literal translation of שִׁבְתִּי is “my sitting.” The Talmud states that “no man may ‘sit’ in the courtyard of the Temple except for the kings of the House of Dovid.—Maseches Soteh 40b in the House of Adonoy", "all the days of my life,", "to behold the pleasantness of Adonoy,", "and to meditate in His Sanctuary.", "For He will hide me in His Tabernacle157The Vilna Gaon comments that the commandment of Succos is implied in this verse and the next.", "on the day of distress,", "He will conceal me in the shelter of His Tent,", "upon a rock He will lift me.", "And now my head is raised high", "above my enemies around me;158Dovid declares, “Because I look up to Hashem in every aspect of my existence, I am so exalted that no enemy can harm me.—S.R. Hirsch", "and I will offer in His Tent,", "sacrifices", "[accompanied] with trumpets of joy;", "I will sing and chant to Adonoy.", "Adonoy, hear my voice159This verse alludes to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. “Hear my voice,” refers to Rosh Hashana when we sound the shofar. The word “my voice (sound)” refers to the “voice” of the shofar. “When I call” refers to Yom Kippur, about which Yeshaya (55:6) said, “call to Him when He is near.”—Siddur HaGra when I call;", "be gracious to me and answer me.", "Of You, my heart has said,", "“Seek My Presence”;", "Your Presence, Adonoy I will seek.", "Conceal not Your Presence from me,", "do not turn away Your servant in anger.", "You have been my help;", "neither cast me off nor abandon me,", "God of my deliverance.", "Altough my father and mother abandon160Even if I were so depraved that my own mother and father would abandon me to my own devices, Hashem would still gather me up and believe in my ability to mend my ways.—S.R. Hirsch me,", "Adonoy will gather me up.", "Adonoy, teach me Your way,", "and lead me in the path of uprightness,", "because of my watchful foes.161His enemies. Dovid asks for Divine help that he be saved even from the mere semblance of wrongdoing so that his foes should not be able to rejoice over his faults.—S.R. Hirsch", "Do not deliver me", "to the will of my tormentors,", "for false witnesses have risen against me,", "who breathe violence.", "Had I not believed162“These false witnesses would have destroyed me had I not believed that I would see the goodness of Hashem in the land of the living.”—Rashi, Radak that I would see", "the goodness of Adonoy", "in the land of living.163There are various interpretations of the “Land of the living.” Some hold that it refers to the present world in which we live—Metsudas Tziyon; Ramban holds that it refers to the World-to-Come; and Malbim says that it refers to Eretz Yisroel.", "Hope to Adonoy,", "be strong and He will give you courage;", "and hope to Adonoy." ], "Mourner's Kaddish": [ "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael,", "and say, Amein." ], "Adon Olam": [ "This hymn has been attributed to R' Shlomo ibn Gabirol who lived in Spain during the eleventh century. While praising God's omnipotence and providence, it clarifies the meaning of the name Adonoy so that before proceeding to pray, each worshiper understands the significance of the God he is addressing.", "Master of the Universe Who reigned", "before any creature was created.", "At the time when all was made by His will,", "then was His Name proclaimed King.", "And after all things shall cease to be,", "the Awesome One will reign alone.", "He was, He is,", "and He shall be in glory.", "He is One, and there is no second", "to compare to Him, to associate [with Him].", "Without beginning, without end,", "power and dominion are His.", "He is my God and my ever-living Redeemer,", "the Rock of my destiny in times of distress.", "He is my flag and my refuge;", "He is the portion of my cup on the day I call.", "Into His hand I entrust my spirit", "[both] when I sleep and when I awaken.", "And with my spirit my body [too],", "Adonoy is with me, I shall not fear." ] }, "Customs of Yom Kippur Night": [ "
It is a custom in many congregations to say the first four chapters of Tehillim, followed by Shir Hayichud and Anim Zemiros
" ], "The Morning Prayers": { "Upon Arising in the Morning": [ "
Upon waking in the morning, even before washing your hands, say:
", "I give thanks to You", "living and everlasting King", "for You have restored my soul with mercy.", "Great is Your faithfulness.", "
After washing your hands, say:
", "The beginning of wisdom is fear of Adonoy,", "good understanding", "to all who perform [His commandments],", "His praise endures forever.", "Blessed [is His] Name,", "Whose glorious kingdom", "is forever and ever.", "
Before putting on your tallis katan say:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe", "Who sanctified us with His commandments", "and commanded us", "concerning the mitzva of tzitzis (fringes).", "May it be Your will", "Adonoy, my God, and God of my fathers,", "to consider [my fulfillment of]", "the mitzva of tzitzis before You", "as though I had fulfilled it", "in every detail,", "accurately and with full intent,", "and the 6131The numerical value of the word צִיצִת is 600 which, with the 8 threads and 5 knots of the, צִיצִת itself, makes 613, the exact number of the mitzvos of the Torah. This symbolizes the Talmudic statement (Maseches Nedarim 25a) that the wearing of tzitzis equals the observance of the whole Torah. commandments", "that depend on it.", "Amein, Selah." ], "Putting On the Tallis": [ "
While examining the fringes of the tallis say:
", "My soul, bless Adonoy,", "Adonoy, my God, You are greatly exalted.", "With beauty and splendor", "are You clothed", "enwrapped in light, garment-like;", "You spread out the heavens like a curtain.2Tehillim 104:1,2.", "", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who sanctified us with His commandments", "and commanded us", "to enwrap ourselves with tzitzis.", "
Cover your head with the tallis and say:
", "How precious is Your kindness, God;", "the children of men", "take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.", "They will be filled", "from the abundance of Your House,", "and from the stream of Your delights", "You will give them to drink.", "For with You is the source of life,", "in Your light shall we see light.", "Extend Your kindness", "to those who know You,", "and Your righteousness", "to the upright in heart.3Tehillim 36:8—11." ], "Ma Tovu": [ "
The following verses from Scriptures are recited upon entering the synagogue, as though asking permission of God to enter and pray in His Holy place.
", "How good are your tents, Yaakov:", "your dwelling places, Yisrael.4Bamidbar 24:5. The Talmud (Maseches Sanhedrin 105a) relates that this verse contains Billam’s prophetic allusion to Jewish houses of study and worship.", "As for me, through Your abundant kindness", "I will enter Your House;", "I will prostrate myself", "toward Your Holy Sanctuary in awe of You.5Tehillim 5:8.", "Adonoy, I love the Dwelling, Your House,", "and the place where Your glory resides.6Tehillim 26:8.", "I will prostrate myself, and bow,", "I will kneel7These are three distinct degrees of worship, representing various levels of subjugation before Hashem. before Adonoy, my Maker.", "May my prayer to You Adonoy", "be at a favorable time;", "God, in the abundance of Your kindness", "answer me", "with the truth of Your deliverance.8Tehillim 69:14." ], "Adon Olam": [ "This hymn has been attributed to R' Shlomo ibn Gabirol who lived in Spain during the eleventh century. While praising God's omnipotence and providence, it clarifies the meaning of the name Adonoy so that before proceeding to pray, each worshiper understands the significance of the God he is addressing.", "Master of the Universe Who reigned", "before any creature was created.", "At the time when all was made by His will,", "then was His Name proclaimed King.", "And after all things shall cease to be,", "the Awesome One will reign alone.", "He was, He is,", "and He shall be in glory.", "He is One, and there is no second", "to compare to Him, to associate [with Him].", "Without beginning, without end,", "power and dominion are His.", "He is my God and my ever-living Redeemer,", "the Rock of my destiny in times of distress.", "He is my flag9It is to Him that I rally and through Him that I am identified.—Etz Yosef and my refuge;", "He is the portion of my cup", "on the day I call.10He answers me.", "Into His hand I entrust my spirit", "[both] when I sleep and when I awaken.", "And with my spirit my body [too],", "Adonoy is with me, I shall not fear." ], "Yigdal": [ "This hymn, written by Daniel ben Yehuda, who was a Dayan in Rome about 1300, is based on Maimonides' 13 principles of Judaism. According to Maimonides, failure to believe in a single one of these principles places one outside the pale of Judaism.", "1) The existence of God", "Exalted is the living God, and praised", "He exists, and His existence transcends time.", "2) God is One", "He is One, and there is no unity like His,", "He is invisible, His unity is infinite.", "3) God is uncorporeal", "He is unlike the corporeal", "or even the non-corporeal,11Hashem can also not be compared to the angels.", "His holiness is beyond comparison.", "4) God is Eternal", "He preceded every being that was created,", "He was First,", "and there was no genesis to His beginning.", "5) God alone must be worshipped", "He is Master of the Universe to every creature,", "(all) proclaim His greatness and His majesty.", "6) Truth of Divine Prophecy", "The fullness of His prophecy, He bestowed", "on those He treasured,", "and in whom He gloried.", "7) Moshe was the greatest of all prophets", "There never arose in Yisrael", "another like Moshe,", "a prophet who beheld God's image.", "8) Divine revelation of the Torah", "The Torah of truth", "the Almighty gave to His people", "through His prophet,", "the trusted one of His house.", "9) The Torah is immutable", "The Almighty will not exchange", "nor alter His Law.", "Never will He offer any alternative.", "10) God knows the acts and thoughts of man", "He scrutinizes and knows our secrets.", "He beholds the end of a thing", "at its beginning.", "11) Divine reward and punishment", "He rewards man with kindness", "according to his deeds.", "He places evil on the wicked", "according to his wickedness.12The word deed is not applied to the wicked man. Since Divine reward and punishment are distributed with kindness, reward is granted to man not only for his deed which may itself be insignificant, but also for the long range effect of that deed. He is punished, however, only for his act of wickedness, not for the consequences of his deed.—Etz Yosef", "12) Belief in the coming of the Messiah", "He will send our Messiah at the end of days,", "to redeem all who await His final deliverance.", "13) Divine resurrection of the dead", "The Almighty will revive the dead", "because of His abundant kindness:", "Blessed forever is His praised Name." ], "Blessings Upon Arising": [ "Blessed13The word “blessed” is similar in concept to the words: “merciful” or “gracious” when applied to Hashem. Just as merciful means that He is merciful, the source of mercy; so too, blessed means that He is the source of blessing.—Avudraham are You, Adonoy14Generally speaking, the name Adonoy is understood as it is pronounced—Adonoy—my Master, and indicates His rule and providence of the universe. When reciting the Shema however, one should bear in mind the written character of the Name which indicates Hashem’s everpresent existence. He was—is—and ever will be.—Vilna Gaon", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who sanctified us with His commandments", "and commanded us", "concerning the washing of hands.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who formed man with wisdom15This may mean either that man was formed by Hashem’s wisdom, or that Hashem formed man and endowed him with wisdom.", "and created within him openings", "and hollows.", "It is obvious and known", "in the presence of Your glorious throne16In refutation of those who claim that Hashem is not concerned with earthly matters, we declare that even in the presence of His glorious throne, where He is surrounded by myriads of angels, He is aware of the mundane needs of each individual.—Vilna Gaon", "that if one of them were ruptured,", "or if one of them were blocked,", "it would be impossible to exist", "and stand in Your Presence", "even for a short while.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who heals all flesh", "and performs wonders.", "My God!", "the soul which You bestowed in me is pure;", "You created it, You formed it,", "You breathed it into me", "and You preserve it within me.", "You will eventually take it from me,", "and restore it in me in the time to come.17This statement refers to the time when the dead will be resurrected.", "So long as the soul is within me", "I give thanks to You, Adonoy my God,18Thus it is said, “I will praise Adonoy with my life, I will sing to my God with my being” (Tehillim 146:2).", "and God of my fathers,", "Lord of all creatures,", "Master of all souls.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who restores souls", "to dead bodies.19This is a reference to Hashem’s restoring of the soul each morning following its departure while the person sleeps." ], "Blessings of the Torah": [ "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who sanctified20The observance and fulfillment of His commandments makes a person holy. us", "with His commandments", "and commanded us", "to be engrossed in the words of Torah.", "Adonoy our God, please make pleasant", "the words of Your Torah in our mouth", "and in the mouths of Your people Yisrael.", "And may we and our descendants", "and the descendants of Your people", "the House of Yisrael,", "all be perceivers of Your Name", "and students of Your Torah for its own sake.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who teaches Torah to His people, Yisrael.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe", "Who chose us from among all the peoples21An allusion to Hashem’s declaration, “And you will be a treasure unto me from among all people” (Shemos 19:6) which preceded the giving of the Torah at Sinai.—Vilna Gaon", "and gave us His Torah.22An allusion to the actual giving of the Torah at Sinai.—Vilna Gaon", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Giver of the Torah!", "May Adonoy bless you and guard you.", "May Adonoy shine", "His countenance upon you", "and be gracious unto you.", "May Adonoy turn", "His countenance toward you", "and grant you peace.23Bamidbar 6:24.", "These are precepts24Mishnah, Peah 1:1: Maseches Shabbos 127a.", "for which no fixed measure is prescribed:", "[leaving] the corner [of a field unharvested],25The unharvested produce was left for the poor; Vayikra 19:9.", "[the offering of] the first fruits,26Shemos 23:9.", "the appearance-offering,27These offerings were brought when a Jew “appeared” before Hashem in the Temple on the three Pilgrimage festivals—Pesach, Shavuos and Sukkos—Shemos 23:14—17, Devorim 16:16,17.", "[performing] deeds of kindness,", "and the study of Torah.", "These are precepts,", "the fruits of which man enjoys", "in this world,", "[while] the principal [reward]", "is preserved for him in the World-to-Come.", "They are:", "honoring father and mother,", "[performing] deeds of kindness,", "early attendance in the House of Study", "morning and evening,", "providing hospitality to guests,", "visiting the sick,", "participating in making a wedding,", "accompanying the dead [to the grave],", "concentrating on the meaning of prayers,", "making peace between fellow men", "and the study of Torah is equal to them all." ], "Morning Blessings": [ "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who gave the rooster understanding", "to distinguish between day and night.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who did not make me a gentile.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who did not make me a slave.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who did not make me a woman.28No degradation of women is implied in this blessing. Men thank Hashem for the privilege which is theirs of performing all the precepts of the Torah, many of which are not incumbent upon women.", "
A woman says:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who made me according to His will.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who gives sight to the blind.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who clothes the naked.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who releases the imprisoned.29He releases the prisoners of misfortune, passion, sin, hatred and jealousy.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who straightens the bent.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who spreads the earth above the waters.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who provided me with all my needs.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who prepares the steps of man.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who girds Yisrael with might.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who crowns Yisrael with glory.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who gives strength to the weary.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who removes sleep from my eyes", "and slumber from my eyelids.", "And may it be Your will", "Adonoy, our God", "And God of our fathers,", "to make us study Torah regularly,", "and hold fast to Your commandments.", "Do not bring us", "into the grasp of sin,30To sin unknowingly.", "nor into the grasp of", "transgression or iniquity.31To sin willfully.", "Do not cause us to be tested,32We pray that Hashem will not put us to tests that are too difficult to withstand.", "or brought to disgrace.33Should we fail the tests, we will be disgraced.", "Let us not be dominated", "by the Evil Inclination.", "Keep us far from an evil person,", "and from an evil companion.", "Make us hold fast to the Good Inclination,", "and to good deeds,", "and compel our Evil Inclination", "to be subservient to You.", "Grant us this day and every day", "favor,34“Favor” means receiving Hashem’s blessings because of our merit.—Si’ach Yitzchok kindness,35“Kindness” is Hashem’s benevolence bestowed purely by His will, regardless of merit.—Si’ach Yitzchok and compassion36“Compassion” describes Hashem’s withholding of deserved punishment.—Si’ach Yitzchok", "in Your eyes", "and in the eyes of all who see us,", "and bestow bountiful kindness upon us,", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who bestows bountiful kindness", "upon His people Yisrael.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, my God", "and God of my fathers,", "to save me today and every day", "from arrogant men and from arrogance;", "from an evil man, from an evil companion,", "from an evil neighbor;", "from an evil mishap", "and from the destructive Satan;", "from a difficult judgment", "and a difficult opponent,", "whether he is a fellow Jew", "or not a fellow Jew." ], "Akeidah (The Binding of Yitzchak)": [ "Our God and God of our fathers,", "remember us favorably before You", "and be mindful of us for", "deliverance and compassion", "from the eternal high heavens.", "Remember in our behalf, Adonoy, our God:", "the love of our ancestors,", "Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yisrael, Your servants;", "the covenant, the kindness,", "and the oath which You swore", "to our father Avraham on Mount Moriah,", "and the binding", "of Yitzchak, his son", "on the altar,", "as it is written in Your Torah.37Bereishis 22:1—19:", "After these events,38These events refer to the previous nine tests by which Hashem tested Avraham. This was to be the tenth and the most difficult test of all.—Ha’amek Dovor", "God tested Avraham", "and said to him, “Avraham!”", "and he [Avraham] said, “Here I am.”", "He said, “Please, take your son,", "your only one,39Yitzchok was Avraham’s only son by Sarah.", "whom you love—Yitzchak—", "and go to the land of Moriah,", "and bring him up as a burnt-offering", "on one of the mountains", "which I will designate to you.", "Avraham awoke early in the morning,", "saddled his donkey,", "and took his two attendants40Yishmael and Eliezer.—Rashi with him,", "and also his son Yitzchak.", "He split the wood of the burnt-offering,", "and rose up, and went to the place", "that God had designated to him.", "On the third day,", "Avraham lifted his eyes", "and saw the place from afar.", "Avraham said to his attendants,", "“You stay here with the donkey,", "and I and the boy will go to that place.", "We will prostrate ourselves [in worship]", "and return41Avraham prophesied that both of them would return.—Rashi to you.”", "And Avraham took", "the wood of the burnt-offering", "and placed it on his son Yitzchak.", "In his hand he took", "the fire and the knife,42The Hebrew word is “maacheles” (root: אכל = to eat) which means that it renders meat fit for eating through slaughtering the animal. Another interpretation is: his knife is called maacheles because we still enjoy (eat) the reward of Avraham’s virtue when he agreed to use it to slaughter his son.—Rashi", "and they both went together.", "Yitzchak spoke to Avraham his father", "and said, “Father,”", "and he said, “Here I am my son.”", "He said, “Here are the fire and the wood,", "but where is the lamb for the burnt-offering?”", "Avraham said,", "“God Himself will show the lamb", "for a burnt offering, my son.”", "And the two of them went together.43Although Yitzchok understood that he was going to be slaughtered, “They went together”— with like hearts.—Rashi", "They came to the place", "that God had designated to him,", "and Avraham built the44The Torah says that he built “the” altar not just “an” altar, to indicate that Avraham rebuilt the same altar which was originally built by Adam and used by Kayin, Hevel and by Noach. —Targum Yonoson ben Uziel altar there,", "and arranged the wood,", "and bound his son Yitzchak,", "and placed him on the altar,", "on top of the wood.", "Avraham reached out his hand", "and took the knife", "to slaughter his son.", "An angel of Adonoy called to him", "from heaven", "and said, “Avraham! Avraham!”", "and he said, “Here I am.”", "He [God] said,", "“Do not harm the boy,", "nor do anything to him;", "for now I know", "that you are one who fears God", "and have not withheld your son,", "your only one, from Me.”", "Avraham raised his eyes", "and beheld a ram45Tradition tells us that this ram was prepared for this purpose from the time of creation. Rashi (from Maseches Avos 5:6)", "after it had been caught in the thicket", "by its horns;", "and Avraham went and took the ram,", "and brought it up as a burnt-offering", "instead of his son.", "Avraham called", "the name of that place,", "“Adonoy will see”;46The Midrash interprets the following: “Hashem will see the binding of Yitzchok and through its merit He will pardon Yisrael every year and rescue them from trouble. It will thus be said, “On this day,” by all generations that the ashes of Yitzchok are seen by Hashem and serve as our atonement.—Rashi", "as it is said [to] this day", "“On Adonoy's mountain, He will be seen.”", "An angel of Adonoy called to Avraham", "a second time from heaven, and said,", "“‘I have sworn by Myself,' declares Adonoy,", "‘that because you performed", "this deed,", "and did not withhold", "your only son,", "I will greatly bless you", "and make your descendants as numerous47If these blessings were intended to increase the population of Avraham’s descendants, it was superfluous, since Hashem had previously blessed him for that purpose. Hashem here blessed the descendants of Avraham with the nobility of spirit and courage to fulfill the command to sanctify Hashem even when self-sacrifice is required. Only the nation of Yisrael, Avraham’s children, were commanded to fulfill this mitzvah, because of the legacy we inherited from him. —Ha’amek Dovor.", "as the stars of the sky", "and like the sand on the seashore,", "and your descendants will inherit", "the gate of their enemies.", "Through your children, will be blessed", "all the nations of the world,", "because you heeded My voice.'”", "Avraham returned to his attendants,", "and they rose and went together", "to Beer Sheva,", "and Avraham dwelt in Beer Sheva.", "Master of the Universe!", "May it be Your will", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers,", "to recall for our sake", "the covenant of our fathers.", "Just as our father, Avraham suppressed", "his compassion for his only son", "and would have slaughtered him", "to do Your will,", "so may Your compassion suppress", "Your anger against us;", "and may Your compassion prevail", "over Your [other] attributes,48This refers to Hashem’s attribute of stern justice.", "to deal with us", "more leniently than the letter of Your law.", "Deal with us, Adonoy, our God,", "kindly and with compassion.", "In Your great goodness,", "turn Your fierce anger away", "from Your people, and from Your city,", "from Your land,", "and from Your territorial heritage.", "Fulfill for us, Adonoy, our God,", "the promise You made,", "through Your servant Moshe, as was said,49Vayikra 26:42.", "“I will recall My covenant with Yaakov,", "also My covenant with Yitzchak,", "and also My covenant with Avraham", "will I recall;", "and I will recall the land.”", "A person should always be in fear of God,", "privately as well as openly,50Some people conduct themselves in a God-fearing manner in the presence of others (in public), but in the privacy of their homes, do whatever they please. There are others who do just the opposite. In private they are governed by fear of Hashem, but in the presence of others they are too embarrassed or intimidated to be God-fearing. A Jew must always fear Hashem, in private as well as in public.—Si’ach Yitzchok", "[he should] admit the truth,51Acknowledging the truth is fundamental to serving Hashem, and to all human behavior. One who is concerned merely with “winning the argument” will go to any extreme to come out on top. This attitude caused the downfall of the 250 leaders who joined Korach, rather than acknowledge the truth of Moshe’s declaration (Bamidbar 16:2—35).—Si’ach Yitzchok", "and speak truth in his heart,52It is not sufficient to merely acknowledge the truth verbally but one must speak truth in his heart as well. Rashi on the Talmud (Maseches Makos 24a) cites the following incident as an example of how one should speak truth in his heart: A buyer once offered to purchase an article from Rav Safra while he was reciting the Shema. Because he could not indicate his acceptance, the anxious purchaser increased his offer. Rav Safra refused the increment because in his heart he had already accepted the original offer.", "and rise early and proclaim:", "Master of all the worlds!", "Not on account of our righteousness", "do we offer our supplications before You,", "but on account of Your abundant mercy.", "What are we? What is our life?", "What are our acts of kindness?", "What is our righteousness?", "What is our deliverance?53Of ourselves or others.", "What is our strength? What is our might?", "What can we say before You,", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers?", "Are not all the mighty men", "as nothing before You?", "Famous men as though they had never been?", "The wise as if they were without knowledge?", "And men of understanding,", "as if they were devoid of intelligence?", "For most of their actions are a waste,54In terms of achievement.—Dover Sholom", "and the days of their life", "are trivial55In terms of time.—Dover Sholom in Your presence.", "The superiority of man over the beast", "is nil,", "for all is futile.", "However, we are Your people,", "children of Your covenant,", "children of Avraham, Your beloved,56Others translate, “Children of Avraham who loved You.” See commentaries on Yeshaya 41:8.", "to whom You swore on Mount Moriah;", "the seed of Yitzchak, his only son,", "who was bound on top of the altar;", "the community of Yaakov, Your firstborn,", "[whom]—because of Your love for him", "and Your joyous delight in him—", "You named him Yisrael57The name Yisrael symbolizes Yaakov’s wandering through history proclaiming the sovereignty of Hashem, while the name Yeshurun indicates his task to fulfill Hashem’s will as revealed to him, and to devote his life to the execution of that which is right in the eyes of Hashem.—S.R. Hirsch", "and Yeshurun.58Devorim 33:5.", "Therefore, we are obligated", "to thank You,", "to praise You, and to glorify You;", "to bless, to sanctify,", "and to offer praise and thanks to Your Name.", "We are fortunate! How good is our portion!", "How pleasant is our destiny!", "How beautiful is our heritage!", "We are fortunate", "that we rise early and stay late", "evening and morning,", "and say twice each day:", "“Hear Yisrael, Adonoy is our God,", "Adonoy is One.”", "
The following three lines are to be said aloud
", "Blessed [is His] Name,", "Whose glorious kingdom", "is forever and ever.", "You existed", "before the world was created.", "You exist [in the same way]", "now that the world has been created.", "You exist in this world,", "and You will exist in the World-to-Come.", "Sanctify Your Name", "through those who sanctifyYour Name", "and sanctify Your Name in Your world.", "And through Your deliverance", "You will be exalted", "and You will uplift our power.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the Sanctifier of Your Name", "among the multitudes.", "You are Adonoy, our God,", "in heaven and on earth,", "and in the highest heavens.", "In truth, You are First,59We refer to Hashem as “First” to preclude the notion that anything existed before Him, but not to assert that He has a beginning.—Kuzari", "and You are Last.60Similarly, “Last” is used only to repudiate the idea that there is an end to His existence, not to fix a term for Him.—Kuzari", "And besides You there is no God.", "Gather those who hope in You", "from the four corners of the earth.", "Let all mankind recognize and know", "that You alone are the God61Elohim is a descriptive term which signifies Hashem as ruler or judge.—Kuzari", "over all the kingdoms of the earth.", "You made the heavens,", "the earth,", "the sea, and all that is in them.", "Who is there among all Your handiwork,", "among the heavenly or earthly creatures,", "that can say to You, “What are You doing?”", "Our father in Heaven,", "deal kindly with us", "for the sake of Your great Name", "which is called upon us62The Jewish people are called “Hashem’s People” and the name ישר-אל—officers of Hashem. “Yisrael,” by which they are called, includes Hashem’s Name.", "and fulfill for us, Adonoy, our God", "that which is written:", "“‘At that time, I will bring you in", "and at that time, I will gather you:", "for I will make you renowned and praised", "among all the peoples of the earth,", "when I bring back your captivity", "before your eyes,' said Adonoy.”63Zefanyah 3:20." ], "Korbanos (Sacrificial Offerings)": [ "The Talmud (Maseches Menachos 110a) states: Rabbi Yitzchak asked, “Why does it say (Vayikra 6:18; 7:1) This is the law of the sin-offering, this is the law of the guilt-offering? To teach us that when one studies the law of the sin-offering, it is considered as though he had actually brought it on the Altar, and when one studies the law of the guilt-offering, it is as though he actually brought it on the Altar.”", "Rather than merely recite the following portions, study them and attempt to learn about the laws and significance of the various sacrifices.", "
Shemos 30:17-21
", "And Adonoy spoke to Moshe to say:", "Make a copper laver", "and a copper base, for washing;", "and place it", "between the Tent of Meeting and the Altar,", "and put water in it.", "Aharon and his sons will wash from it,", "their hands and their feet.64His right hand was held above his right foot, the left hand above the left foot and all were washed simultaneously. Maseches Zevachim 59", "Upon entering the Tent of Meeting", "they will wash with water that they not die,", "or whenever they approach the Altar", "to serve, to burn a fire-offering to Adonoy.", "They will wash their hands and feet", "that they not die;", "and this is for them a perpetual statute", "for him [Aharon], and his descendants", "for all their generations.", "The following Scripture section describes the removal of the ashes which had accumulated on the Altar from the daily burnt-offering of the previous afternoon. This removal was performed prior to the daily morning burnt-offering. The passage below also describes the ritual of maintaining the wood pyres which were always burning on the Altar.", "
Vayikra 6:1
", "And Adonoy spoke to Moshe to say:", "Command Aharon and his sons to say,", "this is the law of the burnt-offering.", "This is the burnt-offering", "[which must remain] on its pyre,", "upon the Altar all night,", "until morning,", "and the fire of the Altar", "will be kept burning on it.", "The Kohein will don his linen garment,", "and linen breeches upon his flesh,", "and he will remove the ashes", "when the fire consumes", "the burnt-offering on the Altar;", "and he will place it beside the Altar.", "He will remove his garments", "and don other garments,", "and carry the ashes", "outside the camp", "to an undefiled place.", "The fire upon the altar will be kept burning,", "it may not be extinguished.", "And the Kohein will burn wood on it", "every morning,", "and arrange on it the burnt-offering,", "and burn on it the fats of the peace-offerings.", "A constant fire", "will be kept burning on the Altar,", "it may not be extinguished." ], "Korban Tamid (Daily Offering)": [ "The Tamid-offerings, two daily offerings of one lamb each, were offered once in the morning and once in the afternoon. The former was the first public-offering brought on the Altar each day. And the latter terminated the day's offerings. These animals were purchased from the annual half-shekel gifts of the people and were offered on behalf of the entire Jewish People. Before reading this passage we offer a brief prayer.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers,", "to have compassion on us,", "to forgive us all our sins, [done unknowingly],", "to atone all our iniquities, [done knowingly],", "to pardon all our [malicious] transgressions,", "and may You build the Holy Temple", "quickly, in our days,", "that we may offer, before You,", "the daily burnt-offering to atone for us,", "as You wrote for us in Your Torah", "by the hand of Moshe, Your servant,", "from the mouth of Your Reverence,", "as it is said:", "
Bamidbar 28:1-8
", "And Adonoy spoke to Moshe to say:", "Command the Children of Yisrael,65Kohanim, Levites and Israelites were to be present at the offering of the two daily public burnt-offerings. The Sages instituted the program of Maamodoth, under which representatives of all 12 tribes of Yisrael were always present when these sacrifices were offered. These representatives were rotated each week.", "and say to them:", "My offering, My food,", "to be consumed by My fires,", "a pleasing aroma to Me,", "You shall be diligent to bring unto Me,", "at its fixed time.", "And you will say to them:", "“This is the fire-offering", "that you will bring unto Adonoy:", "[male] lambs, in their first year,", "without blemish,", "two [of them] each day,", "as a constant burnt-offering.", "Offer one lamb in the morning,", "and the second lamb,", "offer in the afternoon.", "And a tenth of an ephah66A tenth of an ephah is the equivalent of 43-1/5 eggs. of fine flour", "as a meal-offering,", "mixed with oil of crushed [olives]", "measuring one-fourth of a hin.67The hin is a liquid measure containing 12 logs, of which each log is approximately 6 eggs.", "[This is] a constant burnt-offering", "as offered at Mount Sinai", "for a pleasing aroma, a fire-offering to Adonoy.", "And its libation will be", "a fourth of a hin for the one lamb;", "in the Holy68On the Altar. [Sanctuary] you will pour out", "a drink-offering of strong wine to Adonoy.", "And the second lamb", "you will offer in the afternoon;", "as the meal-offering of the morning", "[together] with its libation, you shall offer", "a fire-offering of pleasing aroma to Adonoy.", "
Vayikra 1:11
", "And he will slaughter it", "on the north side of the Altar,", "before Adonoy;", "and Aharon's sons, the Kohanim, will sprinkle", "its blood all around the Altar.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers,", "that this recitation be", "important, acceptable", "and desirable before You,", "as if we sacrificed", "the daily burnt-offering", "at its proper time,", "in its proper place", "and according to its laws." ], "Ketores (Incense Offering)": [ "You are Adonoy, our God,", "before Whom our fathers burned", "the incense of spices", "when the Holy Temple was standing,", "as You commanded them", "by the hand of Moshe Your prophet,", "as it is written in Your Torah:", "
Shemos 30:34-36
", "And Adonoy said to Moshe,", "“Take for yourself spices—", "stacte, onycha, and galbanum—69Galbanum has an offensive odor. The Torah includes it among the other spices to teach us to include even Jewish sinners among the rest of Jewry at our assemblies of fasting and prayers.—Rashi", "spices, and pure frankincense,", "[they] shall be in equal weights.", "You will make it into incense,", "a compound mixed by a compounder,", "salted,70The Hebrew word, memulach is rendered by Onkelos as mixed, to indicate that the spices should be well mixed together.—Rashi undefiled, and holy.", "You will pulverize some of it very fine,", "and place it before the [Ark of] Testimony71This incense was offered each day upon the Innermost Altar which is inside the Tent of Meeting.—Rashi", "in the Tent of Meeting,", "where I will meet with you;", "it will be to you holy of holies.”", "It is also written:", "
Shemos 30:7-8
", "And Aharon shall burn upon it [the Altar]", "incense of spices every morning;", "when he cleans the lamps", "he will burn it.", "And when Aharon lights the lamps", "in the afternoon,", "he will burn it;", "a constant incense-offering before Adonoy", "throughout your generations.", "
Maseches Kreisos 6a; Talmud Yerushalmi, Maseches Yoma 4:5
", "The Rabbis taught:", "How was the incense compounded?", "Three hundred and sixty-eight", "manim72A maneh is a weight; plural, manim. were comprised therein,", "three hundred and sixty-five", "corresponding to", "the number of days in the solar year,", "one maneh for each day—", "half in the morning", "and half in the afternoon.", "From the three remaining manim", "the Kohein Gadol brought", "two handfuls [into the Holy of Holies]", "on Yom Kippur;", "[for which purpose] they were put back", "into the mortar", "on the eve of Yom Kippur,", "and ground [again] very thoroughly,", "in order to make them very fine.", "Eleven kinds of spices were used for it.", "They were:", "1) balm, 2) onycha,", "3) galbanum, 4) frankincense—", "by weight, seventy maneh of each;", "5) myrrh, 6) cassia,", "7) spikenard and 8) saffron—", "in weight", "sixteen maneh of each;", "9) twelve maneh of costus,", "10) three of aromatic bark,", "and 11) nine of cinnamon. [Also used in the incense compound were:]", "Nine kabin73A kav is a sixth of a se’ah. of Carshina lye,", "Cyprus wine [measuring]", "three s'in and three kabin—", "if he had no Cyprus wine,", "he could use strong white wine—", "a fourth of a kab of Sodom salt,", "and a minute quantity of maaleh ashan.74This herb causes the smoke of the burning incense to ascend in a straight line.", "Rabbi Nosson of Babylonia says,", "“Jordan amber was added", "of a minute quantity,", "and if one added honey,75Included are various sweeteners such as dates and other fruits.", "it (the incense) became unfit;", "and if one omitted76The same is true if one were to add to the prescribed number of eleven spices.—Etz Yosef any of its spices", "he was liable to the death penalty.77The death penalty was given only if the Kohein Gadol actually entered the Holy of Holies with incense which was unfit. This was considered as an unwarranted entry into the Holy of Holies which carried the death decree.—Rashi", "Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel", "says:", "“The balm is nothing but sap", "which drips from the balsam tree.", "Why was the Carshina lye used?", "To refine the onycha", "in order to make it pleasant.", "Why was Cyprus wine used?", "The onycha was soaked in it", "to give it a pungent odor.", "Though the water of Raglayim78This water came from a well named Raglayim.—Kol Bo", "was well suited for that purpose,", "they did not bring", "the water of Raglayim into the Temple", "because it would be disrespectful.79Since Mai Raglayim (lit., water from the feet) is a euphemism for urine, it would have been disrespectful to use this water in the Temple. Others hold that the term “waters of Raglayim” actually refers to urine, which could have been used as a soaking agent were it not indecent to bring it into a sacred place.—Kol Bo", "It was taught in a Boraysa:", "Rabbi Nosson says,", "“While [the Kohein] ground [the incense]", "he would say,", "‘Hodeik heiteiv, heiteiv hodeik,'", "because the sound80Some suggest that the sound of these specific words affects the spices. is good for the spices.", "If half81184 manim instead of 368. the quantity of incense was prepared", "it was acceptable,", "but if only a third", "or a fourth [of it was prepared]", "we have not heard82I.e., we did not hear our teachers expound this question. [whether it was acceptable.”]", "Rabbi Yehuda said,", "“This is the general rule:", "If [it was prepared with all its ingredients]", "in the correct proportion,", "it is acceptable", "even if only half was prepared;", "but if he left out any of its spices,", "he was liable for the death penalty.", "It was taught in a Boraysa:", "Bar Kappara says,", "“Once in sixty or seventy years83The exact number of years varied with the size of the hands of the High Priests over the years, for the surplus was what remained of these three manim from which he took two handfuls each Yom Kippur.", "the accumulated surplus was sufficient", "to provide half [the yearly quantity of incense.”]", "Bar Kappara also taught,", "“If he would have put into it", "a minute quantity of honey,", "no one could have withstood [resisted]", "the scent.", "Why was no honey mixed with it?", "Because the Torah says, (Vayikra 2:11)", "For any leaven or honey,", "do not burn from them,", "[as] a fire-offering to Adonoy.”", "
Recite each of these verses three times:
", "Adonoy of Hosts is with us,", "a stronghold for us is the God of Yaakov,", "Selah!", "Adonoy of Hosts,", "fortunate is the man who trusts in You.", "Adonoy, deliver [us]!", "The King will answer us on the day we call.", "You are my shelter;", "from distress You preserve me;", "with glad song of rescue, You envelop me,", "Selah!", "Let Adonoy be pleased", "with the offerings of Yehudah", "and Yerushalayim", "as in the days of old and in earlier years.", "Abbaye listed", "the order of the [daily] Altar service", "based on tradition,", "and according to the opinion of Abba Shaul: [the arranging on the Altar", "of the] great Pyre84This is the altar upon which the daily and other offerings were burned. This pyre was on the east side of the Altar.—Derech Chayim", "precedes the second pyre [from which live coals are taken]", "for the incense-offering;", "the second pyre of the incense-offering", "[is arranged] before", "the placement of two logs [on the large pyre85Each of these logs measured a square cubit. They were laid on to assure a sufficiently large fire.—Derech Chayim ]", "the placement of the two logs precedes", "the removal of the ashes", "from the inner Altar;", "the removal of the ashes from the inner Altar", "precedes", "the cleaning of five lamps [of the Menorah];86These were the five westernmost lamps of the Menorah.—Derech Chayim", "the cleaning of the five lamps precedes", "[sprinkling] the blood of the daily-offering;", "the blood of the daily-offering precedes", "the cleaning of the [remaining] two lamps;", "the cleaning of the two lamps precedes", "the incense-offering;", "the incense-offering precedes", "[burning] the limbs [of the daily-offering];", "burning the limbs", "[precedes] the meal-offering;87A meal-offering accompanied each daily burnt-offering.", "the meal-offering [precedes]", "the baking-pan-offering;88These were daily-offerings that were incumbent upon the Kohein Gadol. Half the offering was brought in the morning and the other half in the afternoon.", "the baking-pan-offerings [precede]", "the wine libations;", "the wine-libations [precede]", "the Mussaf-offering;89Mussaf offerings were brought on Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh, and on Festivals when work is totally forbidden.", "the Mussaf-offering [precedes]", "the two bowls of frankincense;90Two bowls of frankincense were placed near the shewbreads every Shabbos.", "and the two bowls of frankincense precede", "the daily afternoon-offering,", "for it is said, (Vayikra 6:5)", "“And [the Kohein] shall arrange on it", "the burnt-offering,", "and burn on it the fat of the peace-offerings.”", "Therewith complete91The Hebrew word shelamim is here interpreted to indicate completion (from the root sholam).—Rashi, Maseches Yoma 33a", "all the offerings [of the day.]", "
The following is the prayer of Rabbi Nechunya ben Hakanah:
", "Please, by the force of Your great right hand,", "release the bound one.", "Accept the prayer of Your people;", "strengthen us, purify us, Awesome One!", "Please! Mighty One,", "those who seek Your Unity,", "preserve them like the pupil [of Your eye].", "Bless them, purify them;", "the compassion of", "Your benevolent righteousness", "[may You] always bestow upon them.", "Mighty, Holy One,", "in Your abundant goodness,", "lead Your community.", "Unique One, Exalted, turn to Your people", "who are mindful of Your holiness.", "Accept our prayer and hear our cry,", "[You] Who knows hidden thoughts.", "Blessed [is His] Name,", "Whose glorious kingdom", "is forever and ever.", "Master of the Worlds, You commanded us", "to bring the Daily offering", "at its appointed time;", "and have the Kohanim perform their service,", "and the Levites", "[sing and play music] on the platform,", "and the Yisraelites", "[attend] at their Ma'amad.92All of Yisrael was divided into twenty-four divisions. Representatives of each division—in rotation—spent one week at a time in Yerushalayim in attendance at the services of the daily offerings, which were offered in behalf of all Jewry. Each such group or maamad represented all the Israelites at the services.", "And now, because of our sins,", "the Holy Temple is destroyed,", "and the Daily offering discontinued;", "we have neither a Kohein at his service,", "nor a Levite on his platform,", "nor an Yisraelite at his Ma'amad.", "Therefore let it be Your will", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "that the prayer of our lips", "be considered, and accepted", "and regarded favorably before You,", "as if we had offered the Daily offering", "at its appointed time,", "and stood in attendance at its service,", "
On Shabbos, add:
", "On the Sabbath day [the offering is]:", "two male yearling lambs without blemish;", "two tenths [of an ephah] of fine flour", "for a meal-offering", "mixed with the [olive] oil, and its libation.93All libations are of wine, measured according to the animal brought as a sacrifice.", "This is the burnt-offering for every Sabbath,", "in addition to the daily burnt-offering", "and its libation.", "The following sequence of Mishnahyos and the selection from Sifra “Rabbi Yishmael Says,” were inserted after the Scriptural selections dealing with daily offerings in order to give every Jew the opportunity to study/recite daily, the minimum of selections from Scripture, Mishnah, and Talmud. Even though Sifra is not actually a Talmudic tractate, it is a Tanaitic expansion of Mishnah. (See Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 50:1).", "The following are Mishnahyos found in the fifth chapter of Maseches Zevachim.", "MISHNAH I", "Where are the offerings slaughtered [in the Holy Temple?]", "The holiest of offerings94These include all burnt-offerings, sin-offerings and guilt-offerings. are slaughtered", "on the north side [of the Altar].", "The bullock and he-goat of Yom Kippur", "are slaughtered on the north side,", "and their blood is received95The blood was received directly from the throat of the animal.", "in a sacred vessel, on the north side.", "Their blood must be thrown", "between the poles96The Kohein Gadol actually stood between the poles of the Ark and sprinkled the blood once above [on the Ark-Cover] and seven times below [the Ark Cover]. [of the Ark],", "and in front of the curtain97Separating the Holy of Holies from the Holy.", "and upon the Gold Altar;98The Gold Altar stood inside the Holy confines, whereas the Copper or Outer Altar stood in the Courtyard.", "[omission of] any one of these applications", "prevents [atonement].99Atonement was achieved only upon completion of the service of sprinkling the blood.", "The remainder of the blood [in the vessel]", "he [the Kohein] would pour", "on the western base", "of the Outer Altar;", "[but] if he did not do so,", "it did not prevent [atonement].", "MISHNAH II", "The bullocks that are burned entirely,", "and the he-goats that are burned entirely,100A bullock was brought as a burnt-offering in one of two cases:It was brought as an atonement when the entire nation sinned unknowingly as a result of an erroneous ruling by the Sanhedrin, Supreme Court; it was brought by the Kohein Gadol when he sinned unknowingly as a result of an erroneous interpretation of the law on his part. A he-goat was brought as an atonement when the king sinned in similar circumstances, or when an entire tribe committed an idolatrous sin.", "are slaughtered on the north side,", "and their blood is received", "in a sacred vessel, on the north side;", "their blood must be thrown", "in front of the curtain101Separating the Holy of Holies from the Holy.", "and upon the Gold Altar;", "[omission of] any one of these applications", "prevents [atonement].", "The remainder of the blood [in the vessel]", "he [the Kohein] would pour", "on the western base", "of the Outer Altar;", "[but] if he did not do so,", "it did not prevent [atonement].", "These [offerings] and those102This includes the Yom Kippur offerings mentioned in Mishnah I. are burned", "at the place where the ashes were put.103The ashes removed from the Outer Altar every morning were deposited outside Yerushalayim. The sin-offerings burned there did not have to be burned by a Kohein, but could be burned by an Israelite.", "MISHNAH III", "The communal and individual sin-offerings—", "these are the communal sin-offerings:", "The he-goats offered on Rosh Chodesh", "and on the Festivals", "are slaughtered on the north side,", "and their blood must be received", "in a sacred vessel, on the north side;", "their blood requires four applications", "[one] on each of the four corners.104Of the Outer Altar.", "How [was this done]?", "He [the Kohein] went up", "the ramp [of the Altar]105The ramp led up to the Altar from its south side. 32 cubits long and 16 cubits wide, it provided the kohanim with access to the ledge which ran around the Altar, and upon which they were able to stand while performing their service.", "and turned to the ledge [bordering the Altar];", "he came to the southeast corner,", "the northeast corner,", "the northwest corner,", "the southwest corner.106At each of these corners, he would apply the blood.", "He poured the rest of the blood", "at the southern base [of the Altar].", "These offerings were eaten", "within the Temple Courtyard", "by the male Kohanim,", "prepared in any fashion,107It could be cooked or roasted.", "on that day and [the following] night", "until midnight.", "MISHNAH IV", "The burnt-offering", "is one of the holiest offerings.", "It is slaughtered on the north side", "and its blood is received in a sacred vessel", "on the north side;", "its blood requires two applications", "which are [like] four.108The blood was applied against the southwestern and northeastern corners of the Altar and spread along both sides of each corner so that all four sides of the Altar received the blood.", "It must be skinned, severed into parts,", "and totally consumed by the fire.109The Kohanim received no part of the meat which was burned, but they shared in the hide.", "MISHNAH V", "Communal peace-offerings110The communal peace-offering were the two lambs offered on Shavuos (Vayikra 23:20).", "and guilt-offerings.", "These are the guilt-offerings:", "the guilt-offering for robbery,111This offering was brought when a person denied and swore falsely that he had been entrusted with something for safekeeping.", "the guilt-offering", "for unauthorized use of sacred objects,", "the guilt-offering", "for violating a betrothed handmaiden,112Brought only when the handmaiden was half-slave, half-free and was betrothed to an Israelite servant.", "the guilt-offering of a Nazirite,113Brought by a Nazirite who had become ritually defiled by a dead body.", "the guilt-offering of a metzora,114Brought by the metzora when he was cured and declared undefiled by the Kohein.", "the guilt-offering for suspension.115Brought by a person in doubt whether an act he had committed required a sin-offering.", "These are slaughtered on the north side", "and their blood received in a sacred vessel", "on the north side;", "their blood requires two applications", "which are [like] four.116See note 108 on Mishnah IV.", "These [offerings] were eaten", "within the Courtyard", "by the male Kohanim,", "prepared for eating in any fashion,117See note 107 on Mishnah III.", "on that day and [the following] night", "until midnight.", "MISHNAH VI", "The thanksgiving-offering118The thanksgiving-offering was brought when a person was released from captivity, when he recovered from a serious illness, or after traveling overseas or through wilderness.", "and the ram of the Nazirite119The ram was brought by a Nazirite at the termination of his vow.", "are of lesser sanctity.", "They are slaughtered", "anywhere in the Temple Courtyard,120These offerings did not have to be slaughtered or have their blood received on the north side of the Altar.", "and their blood requires two applications", "which are [like] four;", "they may be eaten anywhere in the city121The city of Yerushalayim.", "by anyone,122Any Israelite who was circumcised and ritually clean could eat of these offerings. Females were also permitted to eat of these offerings.", "and prepared for eating in any fashion, [and may be eaten]", "on that day and the following night", "until midnight.", "The portion given to the Kohanim,123The Kohanim received the shoulder and right shank as their portion. They also received a portion of the meal-offerings which accompanied the meat-offerings.", "has the same rule,", "but may be eaten only by the Kohanim,", "their wives, children, and slaves.124Their non-Jewish slaves were permitted to eat of these offerings. The portions of the sin-offerings were however restricted to the male Kohanim. [These slaves were circumcised and were obligated to perform mitzvos similar to those incumbent upon women.]", "MISHNAH VII", "The peace-offerings", "are [also] of lesser sanctity.", "They are slaughtered", "anywhere in the Courtyard,", "and their blood requires two applications", "which are [like] four.", "They may be eaten anywhere in the city", "by anyone,", "and prepared for eating in any fashion,", "for two days and one night.125That day, the following night and the following day.", "The portion given to the Kohanim", "has the same rule,", "but may be eaten only by the Kohanim,", "their wives, children, and slaves.", "MISHNAH VIII", "Firstborn animals, the tithe of cattle", "and the Passover-offering (Pascal lamb)", "are [also] of lesser sanctity.", "They are slaughtered", "anywhere in the Temple Courtyard,", "and their blood requires one application", "provided that it is applied", "above the base (of the Altar).126The blood was applied on the wall of the Altar which was above the base. [Not all its walls were above the base.]", "They differ in their consumption:", "The firstborn is eaten only by Kohanim,", "while the tithe may be eaten by any person.", "They may be eaten anywhere in the city,", "and prepared for eating in any fashion,", "and may be eaten for two days and one night.", "The Pascal lamb must be eaten", "only at night127The night of Pesach.", "and only until midnight;", "and it may not be eaten", "except by those registered for it,", "and it may only be eaten", "when spit-roasted.128Never cooked, baked, rare, or raw.", "Rabbi Yishmael says:", "through thirteen methods", "the Torah is expounded:", "1) [A conclusion drawn] from a minor or lenient law,", "to a major or more strict one.", "2) A clarification based on identical words or terms in the Biblical text.", "3) A principle derived from one Biblical text", "or from two Biblical texts.", "4) A rule followed by a detail.", "5) A detail followed by a rule.", "6) A rule followed by a detail,", "which is in turn followed by a rule,", "may infer only what is similar to the detail.", "7) When a general rule requires", "an explicit rule;", "when an explicit rule requires generalization.", "8) Something included in a general rule,", "which was singled out to teach—", "was not singled out to teach about itself,", "but to teach (something new)", "concerning the rule as a whole.", "9) Something that was included in a rule", "and was singled out in a case", "similar to its rule,", "—it was singled out to lessen", "not to increase the severity of the case.", "10) Something that was included in a rule", "and was singled out in a case", "which is not similar to its rule,", "—it was singled out either to lessen", "or to increase the severity of the case.", "11) Something that was included in a rule", "and was singled out for a new stipulation—", "does not revert to its rule", "unless Scripture restores it to its rule", "expressly.", "12) A matter deduced from its context,", "or from a subsequent expression.", "13) Also, two passages that", "contradict each other", "until a third passage", "reconciles them.", "May it be Your will", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers,", "that the Holy Temple be rebuilt", "speedily in our days:", "and grant us our share in Your Torah.", "And there we will serve You reverently", "as in the days of old,", "and in earlier years." ], "Kaddish d'Rabanan": [ "Kaddish is not the name generally given to this prayer in the Talmud. It is referred to there as “May His great Name...”, because the congregational response beginning with these words is the heart of this prayer. Only in one minor tractate, (Maseches Soferim 16, 19, and 21) is it referred to as Kaddish.", "Composed primarily in Aramaic, the language spoken and understood by most Jews in the Second Temple period (See Tosafos to Maseches Berachos 3a), nevertheless, several Hebrew phrases, which were familiar even to the unschooled, were also incorporated in the prayer.", "This particular form of Kaddish d'Rabanan, is so named because of the insertion of the paragraph which begins with the words “Upon Yisrael and upon our Sages, etc.” This Kaddish is recited following the study of Talmud or Midrash and invokes God's blessings on the Sages of Jewry, the transmitters of the Oral Torah.", "and the he-goats that are burned entirely,100A bullock was brought as a burnt-offering in one of two cases:It was brought as an atonement when the entire nation sinned unknowingly as a result of an erroneous ruling by the Sanhedrin, Supreme Court; it was brought by the Kohein Gadol when he sinned unknowingly as a result of an erroneous interpretation of the law on his part. A he-goat was brought as an atonement when the king sinned in similar circumstances, or when an entire tribe committed an idolatrous sin.", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom130May His sovereignty be revealed.", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future131We pray that the redemption will come speedily and that the process of the redemption itself will not be prolonged.—Siddur HaGra —", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.132This phrase, the heart of the Kaddish, is found almost verbatim in Daniel 2:20.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled133The ten expressions of praise in the Kaddish refer to the ten utterances by which Hashem created the world. (See Maseches Avos 5:1.)", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,134May Hashem be praised and exalted far beyond all the blessings, hymns and praises that are uttered.—Mishnah Berurah in the name of the Vilna Gaon 56:14.", "praises and consolations135Consolations are uttered because Hashem is in mourning over the destruction of the Holy Temple and the exile of His people.", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "Upon Yisrael, and upon our Sages,", "and upon their disciples,", "and upon all the disciples of their disciples,", "and upon all those who engage in Torah study", "in this land", "and in every land.", "May there be unto them and unto you", "abundant peace, favor, kindness,", "compassion, long life,", "ample sustenance and redemption", "from their Father", "Who is in heaven and on earth,", "—and say Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and a good life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace", "in His high heavens", "may He, in His mercy, make peace", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein." ], "Mizmor Shir": [ "Psalm 30, once used to inaugurate the Holy Temple, is used today to inaugurate our daily prayers, for the synagogue is a “Holy Temple in miniature” and our prayers take the place of the sacrifices. It is both a prayer for success and a declaration of thanksgiving.", "A Psalm,", "a song for the inauguration of the Temple,", "by Dovid.1Since it was Solomon who built the Temple, why is its inauguration attributed to Dovid? Rashi explains: Dovid composed the song which would be sung at the inauguration later, in Solomon’s days.", "I will exalt You, Adonoy,", "for You have upheld me,2Radak writes that the Hebrew word דִלִיתָנִי is an expression used to describe either a downtrodden or an uplifted state. The downtrodden state of the Jewish people is actually part of their uplifting says the Sfas Emes, as it is said, “when I was brought low, He delivered me” (Tehillim 116:6). “My downtrodden state was the cause of my salvation,” proclaims Dovid, just as when one lowers a bucket (דְלִי) into a well in order to bring up the water.", "and not let my foes rejoice over me.", "Adonoy, my God,", "I cried out to You, and You healed me.", "Adonoy, You have raised", "my soul from the lower world.", "You have kept me alive,", "lest I descend to the Pit.", "Sing to Adonoy, [you,] His pious ones,", "and give thanks to His Holy Name.3The literal translation of זֵכֶר קָדְשׁו is His ‘holy remembrance,’ but it refers to His Name; for the titles we bestow upon Him are our means of remembering Him.—Radak", "For His anger lasts only a moment,4A moment is a measure of time. Hashem’s anger is limited to time (be it long or short) but Hashem’s favor is unlimited.—Sfas Emes", "but there is [long] life, in His conciliation.", "In the evening, one retires weeping,", "but in the morning there is [a cry of] joy!", "I said, in my serenity,", "I would never be moved.", "[But,] Adonoy, it was Your will [alone]", "that established my mountain", "as a stronghold.", "When You concealed Your Presence,", "I was terrified.", "To You, Adonoy, I called,", "and my Master I beseeched.", "What gain is there", "in [the shedding of] my blood?", "In my going down to destruction?", "Will the dust acknowledge You?", "Will it proclaim Your truth?", "Hear [me] Adonoy, and be gracious to me,", "Adonoy, be a help to me.", "You have turned my mourning into dancing,", "You have loosened my sackcloth", "and supported me with joy.", "In order that my soul5The literal translation of כָבוד is glory. Rabbi Yerucham Levovitz explained that the soul is called כָבוד because its only function is to give glory to Hashem. might sing to You", "and not be stilled,", "Adonoy, my God, forever will I thank You.", "Mourner's Kaddish", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael,", "and say, Amein." ], "Pesukei Dezimrah": [ "The following sequence of prayers until Yishtabach (p. 94) is called Pesukei Dezimrah (verses of praise). These selected Scriptural passages were arranged by the Gaonim of the ninth century, in fulfillment of the Talmudic statement (Maseches Berachos 32a), “A person should always praise God first and make his requests [offer his prayers] afterwards.” Beginning with Baruch She'amar (p. 000), it is forbidden to interrupt your prayer with conversation until after the Shemoneh Esrei.", "You are permitted to answer Amein, respond to Barechu, Kaddish and to say Kedushah even though you have passed Baruch She'amar. You are also permitted to say Modim d'Rabbonon and the first verse of the Shema together with the congregation.", "If you are concerned that the saying of Kerias Shema will not be within the proper time should you follow the regular order of prayers, you are permitted to recite the entire Kerias Shema during the Pesukei Dezimrah." ], "Baruch She'amar": [ "This blessing introduces the Pesukei Dezimrah. It was mentioned by Rabbi Yitzchak Alfasi (Rif) over 800 years ago in his commentary to Maseches Berachos 32. The Taz (Orach Chaim 51:1) states that this prayer was instituted by the “Men of the Great Assembly.” The blessing contains eighty-seven words suggesting the numerical value of פָּז poz, refined gold.", "", "Blessed is He Who spoke,", "and the world came into being,", "blessed is He;", "blessed is He Who maintains the creation;", "blessed is He Who says and does;6Hashem’s saying and doing are synonymous and simultaneous as it is said, “By the word of Hashem the heavens were made” (Tehillim 33:6).—Etz Yosef", "blessed is He Who decrees and fulfills;7“Says and does” refers to those things that are not lasting and must be renewed whereas, “He decrees and fulfills,” refers to those things that have קִיוּם, and last forever.—Tzelosa d’Avraham", "blessed is He Who has compassion", "on the earth;", "blessed is He Who has compassion", "on the creatures;8Not only is Hashem’s compassionate providence concerned with the earth and enduring things, but His compassion and providence extend even to those creatures which are destined to perish.—Avudraham", "blessed is He Who rewards well", "those who fear Him,", "blessed is He Who lives forever", "and exists eternally;", "blessed is He Who redeems and saves9Hashem redeems those who are in captivity and saves others from being taken in captivity.", "blessed is His Name.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "the Almighty, the merciful Father,", "Who is verbally extolled by His people,", "praised and glorified", "by the tongue of His pious ones,", "and His servants,", "and through the songs of Dovid Your servant,", "we will extoll You, Adonoy our God,", "with praises and psalms;", "we will exalt, praise, and glorify You;", "we will mention Your Name,", "and proclaim You", "our King, our God.", "Unique One, Life of the worlds, King,", "praised and glorified forever", "is His great Name.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "King, Who is extolled with praises." ], "Hodu": [ "The first 28 verses of this section are taken from 1 Chronicles 16:8-36, and the first 15 are almost identical with the first fifteen verses of Psalms 105. These prayers are mentioned in Maseches Soferim.", "Give thanks to Adonoy, proclaim His Name;", "make His deeds10Make His Divine attributes (mercy, kindness, etc.) known to the world.—Siach Yitzchok known among the nations.", "Sing to Him, compose songs to Him,", "speak of all His wonders.", "Take pride11The Jew should be proud at being found worthy to utter Hashem’s Name.—Siddur HaGra in [uttering] His Holy Name,", "let the heart rejoice", "of those who seek12Seeking Hashem is an end in itself and provides joy to those who earnestly seek Him.—Siach Yitzchok Adonoy.", "Search for Adonoy and His might,", "seek His presence continually.", "Remember the wonders He has performed,", "His miracles,13His “miracles” were witnessed by Jew and Egyptian alike in Egypt. His “laws” are the Torah He gave us at Mt. Sinai.—Iyun Tefillah and the laws from His mouth.", "[You,] the seed of Yisrael14The entire section—the previous verses as well as the following verses—are addressed to the Jewish People, who are the seed of Yisrael, the chosen of Hashem, who are asked to remember His wonders, miracles and laws.—Tzelosa d’Avraham His servant,", "children of Yaakov, His chosen ones.", "He is Adonoy our God;", "the entire earth is governed by His laws.", "Remember His covenant forever—", "the word He commanded", "to a thousand generations—", "which He made as a treaty with Avraham,", "and [which was] His oath to Yitzchak.", "He established it for Yaakov as a statute,", "for Yisrael as an everlasting covenant.15This verse in following the preceding verse indicates that the original covenant which Hashem made with Avraham was later confirmed to Yitzchok in an oath and then established for Yaakov as a statute. After Yaakov was given the name Yisrael, it became an everlasting covenant.—Tzelosa d’Avraham", "Saying,", "“To you I will give the Land of Canaan,", "the portion of your inheritance.”", "When you were only few in number—", "very few, and strangers in it.", "They wandered from nation to nation,", "and from one kingdom to another people.", "He permitted no one to oppress them,", "and admonished kings16Both Pharaoh and Avimelech were admonished for Avraham’s sake (Bereishis 13:17; 20:3,7). for their sake.", "“Do not touch My anointed ones,17The Hebrew word מְשִׁיחָי can also be translated as “My great ones” and as such refers to the Patriarchs. “My prophets” refers to the Matriarchs, who were known to be prophets. Both were afforded extraordinary Divine protection.—Etz Yosef", "and do not harm My prophets.”", "Sing to Adonoy all the earth,18Siach Yitzchok maintains that this verse directs Jewry to sing to Hashem in all the lands in which they are dispersed during their exile. Tzelosa d’Avraham understands the verse to direct all the nations of the earth to sing to Hashem.", "proclaim His deliverance from day to day.19a) We are to proclaim our deliverance by Hashem every day; b) We are to proclaim that our deliverance by Hashem is a daily experience.—Tzelosa d’Avraham", "Recount His glory among the nations,", "His wonders among all the peoples.", "For Adonoy is great and most extolled;", "Awesome is He above all gods.", "For all the gods of the peoples are idols,", "whereas Adonoy made the heavens.", "Beauty and splendor are before Him,20The word הוד (beauty) indicates that which is itself beautiful, while הָדָר (splendor) is the reflection of beauty. For example: the sun’s light is “beauty” itself while the moon’s light is splendor—a reflection of the sun. (This definition applies only to the Hebrew terms.)—Siddur HaGra", "strength and joy are in His presence.", "Give to Adonoy families of peoples—", "give to Adonoy glory and might.", "Give to Adonoy the glory due His Name,", "bring an offering and come before Him,", "prostrate yourselves before Adonoy", "in the splendor of holiness.21Etz Yosef understands this as the “holy splendor” of Hashem’s Sanctuary. Tzelosa d’Avraham sees it as the splendor and joy of worship before Hashem, as contrasted with secular, frivolous manifestations of beauty and splendor.", "Tremble before Him all [peoples of] the earth,", "for He established the inhabited world", "so that it cannot be moved.", "The heavens will rejoice,", "the earth will exult,22Simcha (rejoicing) describes one’s feelings at a new experience of happiness, whereas gila (exultation) describes the feeling one experiences over an ongoing situation of joy. Since there is nothing new on the earth וְאֵין כָּל-חָדָשׁ תַּחַת הַשָּׁמֶשׁ (Koheles 1:9), it is said the earth will exult (gila); but the heavens will rejoice (simcha) because there is חִידוּשׁ in the heavens.—Gaon of Vilna", "and they will proclaim among the nations:", "“Adonoy has begun His reign.”", "The sea and its fullness will roar;", "the field and all that is in it will jubilate.", "Then the trees of the forest will sing with joy,", "[receding] before Adonoy", "when He comes to judge the earth.", "Give thanks to Adonoy, for He is good,", "for His kindness is everlasting.", "And say, “Deliver us, God of our deliverance;", "gather us and save us from the nations,", "to give thanks to Your Holy Name,", "to be extolled in Your praise.”23The fact that we are privileged to sing Your praises and cling to You will make us praiseworthy.—Etz Yosef", "Blessed is Adonoy, the God of Yisrael", "for all eternity,", "and all the people said: “Amein”", "and [they] praised Adonoy.”", "Exalt Adonoy, our God,", "and prostrate yourselves", "at His footstool.24The Holy Temple.", "Holy is He!25Or Holy is it—i.e., the Temple.", "Exalt Adonoy, our God,", "and prostrate yourselves", "at His holy mountain,26Mount Moriah upon which the Holy Temple was built is holy itself even when the Temple is destroyed. The previous verse refers to the time of the Temple, the second verse refers to the period of its destruction.—Etz Yosef", "for Adonoy our God is holy.", "And He, the Merciful One,", "atones iniquity and does not destroy;", "He frequently withdraws His anger", "and does not arouse all His rage.", "You, Adonoy,", "withhold not Your mercy from me;", "may Your kindness and Your truth27חֶסֶד (kindness) is the good Hashem bestows without a promise, whereas אֱמֶת (truth) is the fulfillment of His promise.—Siach Yitzchok", "always protect me.", "Remember Your mercies Adonoy", "and kindnesses,", "for", "they are from the beginning of the world.28Hashem’s mercies to mankind started from the very day that Adam was created. Hashem created the world in order to fill it with kindness as it is said: “A world of kindness was built” (Tehillim 89:3).—Rashi", "Give might to God,29Attribute your victories to Hashem’s might rather than to your own.—Siach Yitzchok. Rashbam and others hold that since Hashem’s actions are a reflection of Yisrael’s deeds, the latter are, in a sense, the source of His might. Thus when Yisrael follows the wishes of Hashem, they give might to Him.", "His pride (majesty) hovers over Yisrael,", "and His might is in the clouds.", "You are awesome, God,", "from Your Sanctuaries,30There is a spiritual Temple in the heavens which corresponds to the Temple on earth.—Radak. The Talmud (Maseches Zevachim 115b) notes that the word מִמִּקְדָּשֶׁיךָ may also be read מִמְקוּדָשֶׁיךָ, from Your holy people, indicating that Hashem is especially demanding of the most adherent to the Torah. When this occurs, the world is filled with awe and fear of Hashem.", "Almighty of Yisrael—", "He grants might and power to the people;", "blessed is God.", "Almighty of vengeance, Adonoy,", "Almighty of vengeance, reveal Yourself.31These two verses (94:1—2) are an appeal to Hashem during a time fraught with the sufferings of exile, when it seems as if Hashem has forsaken His people. He is urged to reveal Himself as the Mighty champion of justice—S.R. Hirsch", "Arise, Judge of the earth!", "Repay the arrogant their just reward.", "Deliverance is Adonoy's.32Only Hashem knows what is true deliverance for a person. Prayer is not always answered, because Hashem in His infinite wisdom knows that granting the request is not always for our benefit. We must therefore bless and offer thanks to Hashem regardless of whether our petition has been granted.—Siach Yitzchok", "Upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah.", "Adonoy of Hosts is with us,", "a stronghold for us is the God of Yaakov. Selah.", "Adonoy of Hosts!", "Fortunate is the man who trusts in You.", "Adonoy, deliver [us].", "The King will answer us on the day we call.", "Deliver Your people", "and bless Your inheritance,", "tend them and uplift them forever.33Radak understands Dovid to be asking Hashem to raise the People of Yisrael above their enemies. Ibn Ezra says that Hashem is being asked to act like a shepherd who brings his flock to high ground to save them from beasts of prey.", "Our soul yearned for Adonoy,", "our help and our shield is He.", "For in Him our hearts will rejoice,", "for in His Holy Name we trusted.", "May Your kindness, Adonoy, be upon us,", "as we have waited for You.", "Show us Your kindness, Adonoy,", "and grant34We hope to earn redemption through our deeds, but if we are found wanting, then “show us Your kindness”—overlook our deficiencies and “grant” us salvation.—Radak us Your deliverance.", "Arise—come to our aid,", "and redeem us for the sake of Your kindness.", "I am Adonoy, Your God,", "Who brought you up", "from the land of Mitzrayim;", "open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.35Request all that you desire and I will fulfill every request.—Ibn Ezra. The Yerushalayim Talmud (Maseches Taanis 3:6) indicates that the more one requests Hashem’s providence—the “wider he opens his mouth”—the more he shows his belief in Hashem’s ability to provide all of man’s needs.", "Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus,", "fortunate is the people", "for whom Adonoy is their God.", "In Your loving kindness I trust,", "My heart will exult in Your deliverance;", "I will sing to Adonoy,", "for He dealt kindly with me.36The foremost level of man’s trust in Hashem is manifested in three situations: a)when he is confronted with trouble, b)when he seeks help, and c)after he has been helped. The Psalmist says: In my time of trouble, I trust in Your kindliness; I seek only Your help, for my heart exults in Your salvation; and I will sing to You afterwards for You have dealt kindly with me.—Siddur HaGra", "In this psalm, (19) Dovid sings the praises of the Torah. The Kuzari notes that even though the skies “proclaim God's glory” and the Psalmist describes the sun so glowingly, Dovid nevertheless concludes that in comparison to the Torah they are insignificant.", "To the Chief Musician,", "a Psalm of Dovid.", "The skies recount the glory of the Almighty,", "and His handiwork", "is related by the firmament.37שָׁמַיִם, skies, refers to the heavenly regions beyond earth’s atmosphere, where the stars and planets orbit. רָקִיעַ, firmament, refers to the earth’s atmosphere where clouds form, and precipitation takes place. The verb לְסַפֵּר means to recount something which occurred in the past. Thus the stars and planets in the שָׁמַיִם recount the fact that long ago Hashem created a glorious universe. The רָקִיעַ, on the other hand, relates that Hashem’s handiwork is evidenced in the constant formation of clouds and in the precipitation of rain. The firmament enables man to recognize the constant renewal of Hashem’s providence.—Malbim", "Day to day makes speech flow,38Daily renewal of the activities of creation, beginning with sunrise, stir mankind to proclaim Hashem’s praises.—Rashi", "and night to night expresses wisdom.39Night after night the sun sets beneath the horizon only to rise and set again the following day. This unchanging pattern is evidence of the Divine wisdom implanted in Hashem’s creation.—Rashi", "There is no speech, and there are no words;", "their voice is never heard.40Though the heavens have no means of verbal communication, the soul of man, with its sensitivity and perception, can understand their message clearly.—Ibn Ezra", "Throughout the earth, their line extends,", "and to the edge of the inhabited world", "their words,", "for the sun", "He has set a tent in their midst.41Hashem provided the sun a permanent residence in the heavens. Dovid describes this point to which the sun returns daily as its ‘tent’—its residence in the sky.—Metsudas Yehoshua", "And it [the sun] is like a groom", "departing his bridal chamber,42When the groom steps out of the bridal chamber, everyone rushes to greet him with great joy. Analogously, when the sun rises each day, all of creation rejoices.—Radak", "happy as a warrior to run on course.43A warrior is happy for the opportunity to go into battle because he has confidence in his skill and strength. Similarly, the sun rejoices knowing it will serve its Creator’s goals by running its course.—Metsudas Dovid.", "From one end of the skies is its rising", "and its circuit is to their [other] end;", "there is no escaping its heat.", "The Torah of Adonoy, is perfect,", "restoring the soul;", "the testimony of Adonoy, is trustworthy,", "making wise the simple [man].", "The precepts of Adonoy, are upright,", "rejoicing the heart;", "the commandment of Adonoy, is lucid,", "enlightening the eyes.44Every command of Hashem is flawless, lighting the way for those who walk in His way. Those who ignore His commands stumble in darkness.—Radak", "The fear of Adonoy, is pure,", "it endures forever;", "the judgments of Adonoy, are true,", "they are righteous in unison.45They are all in total harmony. There is no contradiction between them.—Ibn Ezra", "More desirable than gold,", "even more than quantities of fine gold;46פָּז is the purest form of refined gold.", "and sweeter than honey,", "or the drippings of honeycombs.", "Even Your servant is careful of them,", "since they guard47Because the Divine reward is contingent on fulfilling Hashem’s commands, they are ‘guardians’ of that reward.—Metsudas Yehoshua great reward.", "Errors—who can comprehend?", "From hidden [faults], cleanse me.", "Also from willful [sins]", "spare Your servant,", "let them not rule me,48Dovid’s request is paraphrased in the concluding blessing of the בִּרְכוֹת הַשַּׁחַר, where we say וְאַל יִשְׁלֹט בָּנוּ יֵצֶר הָרַע, “Let us not be ruled by the Evil Inclination.” Dovid knows full well that Hashem does not interfere with man’s free choise; he only asks for Divine help to keep him from becoming a prisoner of evil.—Gaon of Vilna", "then I will be strong", "and will be cleansed of gross transgression.", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "This psalm (34) is based entirely on an event that took place in Dovid's personal life as related in 1 Shmuel 21:11-16. Forced to flee from Saul, he took refuge among the Philistines, where he was recognized as the slayer of Goliath. In order to escape death at the hands of his foes, Dovid pretended to be an imbecile, and was sent away unharmed by King Avimelech.", "Of Dovid,", "When he acted insane", "in the presence of Avimelech", "and he [Avimelech] drove him away,", "and he [Dovid] left.", "I will bless Adonoy at all times", "constantly is His praise in my mouth.", "In Adonoy does my soul take pride,49Dovid is proud that he is worthy of uttering Hashem’s Name.", "the humble will hear [this] and rejoice.", "Declare the greatness of Adonoy with me,", "and let us exalt His Name together.", "I sought Adonoy and He responded to me;", "and from all my fears He saved me.", "[Those who] look to Him are enlightened", "and their faces", "are never darkened [humiliated].", "This poor man50Dovid describes himself as a helpless indigent waiting for Hashem’s compassion.—Radak called and Adonoy heard;", "and from all his troubles, He delivered him.", "The angel of Adonoy encamps", "around those who fear Him", "and sets them free.", "Taste and see that Adonoy is good;51Seporno says that taste refers to the senses whereas “see” refers to the intellect.", "fortunate is the man", "who takes refuge in Him.", "Fear Adonoy, [you] His holy ones,", "for there is no deprivation", "for those who fear Him.", "Young lions feel want and hunger,", "but those who seek Adonoy", "will not lack any good thing.", "Come children, listen to me,", "fear of Adonoy will I teach you.", "Who is the man who desires life,52Dovid does not say הֶחָפֵץ בַּחַיִּים ‘he who takes pleasure in life’ but הֶחָפֵץ חַיִּים, ‘he who desires life,’ whose only goal is life; that is, he desires to attain such a level of existence as can truly be called life.—S.R. Hirsch", "and loves days that he may see good?", "Guard your tongue from evil,", "and your lips from speaking deceitfully.", "Turn from evil and do good,", "seek peace and pursue it.", "The eyes of Adonoy are toward the righteous,", "and His ears [are open] to their cry.", "The face53The expression פְּנֵי ה', Face of Hashem, describes Divine anger. See Vayikra 20:5, וֵשַׂמְתִּי אֲנִי אֶת פָּנַי בָּאִישׁ הַהוּא, “And I will set My Face against that man.” of Adonoy is set against evildoers", "to excise from earth, their memory.", "They54They refers to the righteous ones (Rashi) and to the repentant sinners (Ibn Ezra). cry out and Adonoy hears", "and from all their troubles, He saves them.", "Adonoy is close to the broken-hearted", "and those crushed in spirit, He delivers.", "Many evils befall a righteous man,", "and from all of them, Adonoy saves him.", "He preserves all his bones,", "not one of them is broken.", "The cause of death of the wicked is evil;", "and the haters of the righteous are doomed.", "Adonoy liberates the soul of His servants,", "and none are doomed", "who take refuge in Him.", "According to our Sages, Psalms 90 through 101, were said by Moshe. According to Radak, Dovid actually found this psalm in its written form and knowing it to be the prayer of Moshe, included it in his book of psalms. It speaks of the frailty of man and the brevity of his life and asks for God's compassion and favor despite his wrongdoings.", "A prayer of Moshe, the man of God:", "My Master", "a dwelling[-place] have You been for us", "in every generation.", "Before the mountains were born,", "and You brought forth the earth", "and the inhabited world;", "from world to world55From before this world to the next world You are Almighty.", "You are Almighty.", "You push man down", "until the crushing point56You permit the sinner to return in penitence even till the very last moment of his life.—Iyun Tefiloh", "and You say,", "“Return, children of man!”57You constantly call the sinner to return, reminding him of the brevity of his life.—Iyun Tefiloh", "For a thousand years are in Your eyes", "like the yesterday that has just passed,", "and like a night watch.", "The stream of their life is [but] slumber,", "in the morning", "they are as grass, freshly grown.", "[If] in the morning it blossoms,", "and grows afresh", "by evening it is cut off and shriveled.", "So are we consumed by Your anger", "and by Your rage are we terrified.", "You have set our iniquities before You,", "the sins of our youth58Others translate ‘our hidden sins [are exposed]’ see Metsudas Dovid", "before the light of Your countenance.", "For all our days", "vanish in Your wrath;", "we terminate our years", "like an unspoken word.", "The days of our years in them59‘In them’ refers to the iniquities and the youth mentioned in the two preceding verses. —Rashi", "[total] seventy years,", "and with strength, eighty years,", "and their pride is frustration and falsehood;", "for, cut off quickly, we fly away.60Not only is the span of our lives brief, but our few allotted years fly by swiftly.—Iyun Tefiloh", "Who can [get to] know", "the force of Your anger?", "And like the fear of You so is Your wrath.61Just as Hashem is feared, so too is His wrath harsh when He punishes sinners.—Rashi", "To count our days, teach us", "and we will acquire a heart of wisdom.", "Turn Adonoy—how long?62Turn away from Your wrath! How much longer will You make us suffer?—Targum", "And change Your mind about Your servants.", "Satisfy us in the morning63The Sages say that the morning refers to the time of our redemption after the long, black nights of exile.", "with Your kindliness,", "and we will sing and rejoice", "throughout our days.64If You show us kindliness in the morning of our youth, showing us the way of righteousness; we will rejoice and sing in our old age.", "Make us rejoice65Make us rejoice in the era of the Moshiach for as long as we suffered in exile.", "like the days You afflicted us,", "the years [when] we saw evil.", "Let be revealed to Your servants,", "Your deeds", "and Your splendor be upon their children.", "May the pleasantness of my Master our God", "be upon us,66In this closing verse, Moshe prays that the Divine Presence rest on the Jewish nation exclusively.", "and the work of our hands established for us,", "and the work of our hands—establish it.", "This Psalm, (91) composed by Moshe on the day the Tabernacle was completed, is a source of inspiration to all who seek the Almighty as their refuge and fortress.", "He who dwells", "in the shelter of the Supreme One,", "under the protection of Shadai he will abide.", "I say of Adonoy,", "[He is] my refuge and my stronghold,", "my God in Whom I trust.", "For He will save you from the snare-trap,", "from destructive pestilence.", "With His wings He will cover you", "and beneath His wings, you will find refuge;", "His truth is a shield, a full shield.", "You will not fear the terror of night,", "nor the arrow that flies by day.", "The pestilence that prowls in darkness,", "nor the deadly plague that ravages at noon.", "A thousand will fall at your [left] side,", "and ten thousand at your [right] side", "but it67‘It’ refers to ‘arrow,’ pestilence,’ and ‘plague’ mentioned in the preceding two verse. shall not come near you.", "Only68You will only see the destruction but you will not be harmed by it. with your eyes will you behold", "and see the punishment of the wicked.", "For you [have proclaimed]:", "“Adonoy is my refuge,”", "the Supreme One", "you have made your dwelling.", "No evil shall befall you,", "and no plague shall come near your tent.", "For His angels", "He will command on your behalf—", "to guard you in all your ways.", "They will carry you upon their hands,", "lest you hurt your foot on a rock.", "You will tread upon lion and snake,", "you will trample young lion and serpent.", "Because he clings to Me with desire,", "I will save him;", "I will strengthen him,", "for he knows My Name.", "When he calls upon Me,", "I will answer him;", "I am with him in distress,", "I will free him and honor him.", "I will satiate him with longevity,", "and will let him see My deliverance.", "I will satiate him with longevity,", "and will let him see My deliverance.", "In this psalm, (135) Dovid praises God for choosing the people of Israel as His treasured people. He also speaks of those who will ultimately be worthy of serving Him, in the rebuilt House of God, in the Messianic era.", "Praise God,", "Praise the Name of Adonoy,", "Praise [Him], servants of Adonoy.", "[You] who stand in the House of Adonoy,", "in the courtyards of the House of our God.", "Praise God, for Adonoy is good,", "sing to His Name which is pleasant.", "For God chose Yaakov to be His,", "Yisrael for His treasure.", "For I know", "that Adonoy is great,", "our Master [is greater] than all gods.", "All that was desired by Adonoy,", "He has done in heaven and on earth,", "in the seas and all the depths.", "He causes clouds to rise", "from the ends of the earth;", "lightning for the rain He makes;", "He brings forth winds from His vaults.", "He struck down the firstborn of Mitzrayim", "both man and beast.", "He sent signs and wonders", "into the midst of Mitzrayim,", "upon Pharaoh and upon all his servants.", "For He smote many nations,", "and slew mighty kings:", "Sichon, King of the Amorites,", "and Og, King of the Bashan,", "and all the kingdoms of Canaan.", "And He gave their lands as an inheritance,", "an inheritance to Yisrael, His people.", "Adonoy is Your Name forever,", "Adonoy is Your mention for generations.", "For Adonoy judges His people,69According to Seporno, the verse is translated, ‘When Adonoy judges on behalf of His people,’ referring to the judgement of all who oppressed the Jewish people.", "and upon His servants will He relent.", "The idols70עֲצַבֵּי is related to עֶצֶב which means ‘sadness’ or ‘grief.’ Idols bring only grief to those who depend on them.—Radak of the nations,", "are of silver and gold,", "products of human hands:", "They have a mouth but do not speak;", "they have eyes but do not see.", "They have ears but do not listen;", "nor is there any breath in their mouth.", "Like them let their makers be—", "all who trust in them.", "House of Yisrael, bless Adonoy!71The entire house of Yisrael is urged to bless Hashem Who set us apart from the other nations and made us His people. Yisrael is told to bless Hashem for its own unique position and manner of serving Him.— Ibn Ezra", "House of Aharon, bless Adonoy!", "House of Levi, bless Adonoy!", "[You] who fear Adonoy,72This refers to those among the nations who converted to Judaism because of their fear and recognition of Hashem. bless Adonoy!", "Blessed is Adonoy from Tziyon,", "He Who dwells in Yerushalayim.", "Praise God.", "The Talmud (Pesachim 118a) calls this psalm (136) הַלֵל הַגָדוֹל, the great praise, because it describes how God, enthroned on high, sustains every living creature. The first twenty-four verses call on us to thank God, the Master of the Universe, Who created it, redeemed us from Mitzrayim, caused us to inherit the lands of Sichon and Og, and delivered us from our enemies. The twenty-fifth verse, נוֹתֵן לֶחֶם לְכָל בָּשָׂר, He gives food to all flesh, is viewed as the climax of the entire psalm. Feeding every creature, day in and day out, is the greatest manifestation of God's provident kindliness. Though He rules in supreme splendor, God is close to the needs of every creature.", "Thank Adonoy for He is good,", "for His kindliness endures forever.73This refrain is repeated in all twenty-six verses of the Psalm. We thereby declare that each act of kindliness for which we thank Hashem is not of a temporary nature, lasting merely a day or a year. The effect of His kindliness endures forever, and we continually reap the benefits of every act of Divine kindliness.—Sfas Emes", "Thank the God of gods,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "Thank the Master of masters,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "He Who does great wonders, alone,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "He Who makes the heavens,", "with understanding,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "He Who spreads the earth over the waters,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "He Who makes the great luminaries,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "The sun to rule by day,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "The moon and stars", "to rule by night,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "He Who struck Mitzrayim", "through their firstborn,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "He brought Yisrael out of their midst,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "With a strong hand and outstretched arm,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "He Who parted the Sea of Reeds into parts,74The sea was divided into twelve parts, so that each tribe crossed on its own route.", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "And He made Yisrael pass through it", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "And He threw Pharaoh and his army", "into the Sea of Reeds,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "He Who led His people", "through the wilderness", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "He Who struck great kings,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "And He slew mighty kings,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "Sichon, king of the Amorites,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "And Og, king of the Bashan,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "And gave their land as an inheritance,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "An inheritance to Yisrael, His servant,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "In our lowliness, He remembered us,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "And He freed us from our oppressors,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "He gives food to all flesh,", "for His kindliness endures forever.", "Thank the Almighty of heaven", "for His kindliness endures forever.75The twenty-six verses in this psalm symbolize the twenty six generations of man from Creation till the Torah was given. These generations were sustained solely by virtue of Hashem’s kindliness even though they did not have the merit of Torah.", "In this psalm, (33) Dovid expresses the joy of the righteous in the Divine Providence of God in every aspect of the world and in the affairs of man. For the righteous see the “laws of nature” only as an external cloak, concealing the true supervision of God. They see through the laws of nature and perceive the Divine order and providence of the Creator.", "Joyfully exult in Adonoy—righteous ones—", "for the upright, praise is fitting.", "Thank Adonoy with the harp,", "with the ten-stringed lyre sing to Him.", "Sing Him a new song,", "play skillfully with jubilation.", "For upright is the word of Adonoy", "and all His deeds [are done] with faithfulness.", "He loves righteousness and justice", "the kindliness of Adonoy fills the earth.", "By the word of God, the heavens were made,", "and by the breath of His mouth,", "all their hosts.", "He gathers like a mound", "the waters of the sea,", "He places in vaults the deep waters.", "Fear Adonoy, all the earth,", "of Him, be in dread", "all dwellers of the inhabited world.", "For He spoke and it became;", "He commanded and it stood.", "Adonoy annuls the counsel of nations,", "He disrupts the intention of peoples.", "The counsel of Adonoy will stand forever,", "the thoughts of His heart", "throughout all generations.", "Fortunate is the nation", "for whom Adonoy is their God,", "the people He chose as His heritage.", "From the heavens, Adonoy looks [down],", "He sees all mankind.", "From His dwelling place, He watches intently", "all the inhabitants of the earth.", "He forms their hearts all together;76The Talmud (Sanhedrin 37a) states: When a man mints many coins from the same mold, they are all exactly alike, but Hashem formed all of mankind from Adam and no two men look exactly alike. The Sages in Berachos 58a add: just as no two faces are alike, so are no two personalities alike. Thus even though Hashem made them all together, each has his own unique personality.", "He perceives all their doings.", "A king is not saved by a great army;", "a mighty man is not rescued", "with [his] great strength.", "A horse is deceptive [assurance]", "for deliverance,", "and with its great strength", "it provides no escape.", "Behold, the eye of Adonoy", "is on those who fear Him,", "on those who wait for His kindliness.", "To rescue their soul from death,", "and to keep them alive during famine.", "Our soul yearned for Adonoy,", "our help and our shield is He.", "For in Him our heart will rejoice,", "for in His Holy Name we trust,", "May Your kindliness, Adonoy, be upon us,", "as we have waited for You.", "A Psalm, a song for the Shabbos day.", "It is good to thank77Shabbos, more than other days, lends itself to offering praise and thanksgiving to Hashem. When man rests from his physical labor and is relieved of material concerns, his soul is free to pursue the intellectual and spiritual aspects of life. These pursuits lead him to serve Hashem and to praise Him.—Radak Adonoy,", "and sing praise to Your Name, Most High.", "To relate Your kindliness in the morning,", "and Your faithfulness in the nights.78We will proclaim His kindliness in the morning of redemption. And while yet in the darkness of exile we proclaim our belief in His faithfulness.—Rashi", "Upon a ten-stringed instrument and lute,", "in meditation upon the harp.", "For You have given me joy, Adonoy,", "with Your deeds,", "at the work of Your hands79The Shabbos day of rest affords me the opportunity to observe and appreciate the greatness of Your work.—Radak I sing joyously.", "How great are Your works, Adonoy;", "how infinitely profound are Your thoughts.80Hashem’s ‘works’ are the visible creation, while His ‘thoughts’ are the Divine purpose behind each created thing.—Seporno", "An empty-headed man cannot know,", "nor does a fool understand this:", "When the wicked bloom like grass,", "and all the evildoers blossom—", "it is so that they may be destroyed forever.", "But You will remain on high forever, Adonoy.", "For behold, Your enemies, Adonoy;", "For behold, Your enemies shall perish;", "dispersed shall be all evildoers.", "You uplifted my horn81Others translate, ‘You have increased my might like that of the wild ram.’ like that of a unicorn;", "I am saturated with fresh oil.", "My eye has seen [the defeat of]", "those who spy on me;", "of the wicked who rise against me,", "my ears have heard [that they are doomed].", "The righteous will blossom like a date palm,", "like a cedar82The palm and the cedar both enjoy a long life span and flourish during all seasons. Thus they symbolize the lasting happiness of the righteous in contrast to the short prosperity of the wicked. in Lebanon, he will grow tall.", "Planted in the House of Adonoy,", "in the courtyards of our God", "they will blossom.", "They will still be fruitful in old age;", "they will be full of sap and freshness.", "To declare that Adonoy is upright;", "He is my Stronghold;", "in Whom there is no injustice.", "Adonoy had begun His reign", "He has clothed Himself with majesty;", "Adonoy has clothed Himself,", "He has girded Himself with strength.", "He has firmly established the world", "so that it cannot be moved.", "Your throne stands firm from of old,", "You are from eternity.", "The rivers have raised—Adonoy—", "the rivers have raised their voice,", "the rivers raise their raging waves.", "More than the sound of many waters,", "mightier than the breakers of the sea", "Mighty on high, are You, Adonoy.", "Your testimonies are extremely faithful,", "holiness is becoming to Your House,", "Adonoy—for the length of days." ], "Yehi Kevod": [ "This prayer, mentioned in Maseches Sof'rim 17:11 is a collection of 18 verses from Psalms, Chronicles, and Proverbs, in which the Divine Name (הויה) is mentioned 18 times. Great care should be taken to pronounce the “Name” with the utmost concentration, keeping in mind that He is the Supreme Master of all that exists.", "The glory of Adonoy will endure forever;", "Adonoy will rejoice in His works.83Tehillim 104:31.", "The Name of Adonoy will be blessed", "from now forever.", "From the rising of the sun to its setting,", "praised is the Name of Adonoy.", "High above all nations is Adonoy,", "above the heavens is His glory.84Tehillim 113:24.", "Adonoy, Your Name85Hashem’s “Name” is the name spelled Yud-Hey-Vuv-Hey. is forever,", "Adonoy, Your Mention86Hashem’s “mention” is the name spelled Alef-Daled-Nun-Yud. In this world Hashem’s Name is only written as Y-H-V-H but is pronounced Adonoy. In the future world, however, Hashem’s Name will be pronounced as it is written. Thus the Psalmist means: “Your Name is eternal, but Your mention is solely from generation to generation.—Siach Yitzchok is for generations.87Tehillim 135:13.", "Adonoy has established His throne in heaven,", "[but] His dominion rules over all.88Tehillim 103:19.", "The heavens will rejoice, the earth will exult,", "and they will proclaim among the nations:", "“Adonoy has begun His reign.89I Divrei Hayomim 16:31.", "Adonoy is King, Adonoy was King;", "Adonoy will be King forever and ever.”", "Adonoy will reign for all eternity", "[when] nations have perished", "from His earth.90Tehillim 10:16.", "Adonoy annuls the counsel of nations,", "He disrupts the intention of peoples.91Tehillim 33:10.", "Many thoughts", "are in the heart of man,", "but [only] Adonoy's counsel", "will endure.92Mishlei 19:21.", "The counsel of Adonoy", "will stand forever,", "the thoughts of His heart", "throughout all generations.93Tehillim 33:11.", "For He spoke and it came to be;", "He commanded and it stood.94Tehillim 33:9.", "For Adonoy has chosen Tziyon;", "He desired it for His dwelling place.95Tehillim 132:13.", "For God chose Yaakov to be His,", "Yisrael for His treasure.96Tehillim 135:4.", "For Adonoy will not cast off His people,", "and His inheritance, He will not abandon.97Tehillim 94:13.", "And He, the Merciful One,", "atones iniquity; and does not destroy.", "He frequently withdraws His anger", "and does not arouse all His rage.98Tehillim 78:38.", "Adonoy, deliver [us!]", "The King will answer us on the day we call.99Tehillim 20:10." ], "Ashrei": [ "Rav S.R. Hirsch writes that the six concluding chapters of the Book of Psalms are the most important gift of Dovid's Divinely-inspired hymns that Yisrael treasures so greatly. These six psalms, 145-150, are an essential component of our daily prayers. Our Sages attach much significance to Psalm 145 in particular, and stated: “Whoever recites ‘A praise by Dovid' three times a day is assuredly worthy of a share in the world to come” (Maseches Berachos 4b). When recited in prayer, this psalm is always introduced with two verses from other Psalms (84:5 and 144:15). These verses contain the word fortunate three times, an allusion to this psalm being recited three times a day. These verses are so closely identified with Psalm 145 that it is commonly referred to as Ashrei (Fortunate).", "Fortunate are those who dwell", "in Your house;100This verse referred to the Kohanim and the Levites who served (dwelt) in the Holy Temple (Your House); it is at all times applicable to scholars and devout men who study and pray in houses of worship and study.", "may they continue to praise You, Selah.101Tehillim 84:5", "Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;", "fortunate is the people", "for whom Adonoy is their God.102Tehillim 144:15", "A praise by Dovid!", "I will exalt You, my God, the King,", "and bless Your Name forever and ever.", "Every day I will bless You103According to Rav S.R. Hirsch, Dovid here declares, “I will dedicate myself to serve You and to fulfill Your will in loyal obedience,” for in serving Hashem, man causes His Name to be blessed.", "and extol Your Name forever and ever.", "Adonoy is great and highly extolled,", "and His greatness is unfathomable.", "One generation to another", "will praise Your works,", "and Your mighty acts they will declare.", "The splendor of Your glorious majesty,", "and the words104Not simply נִפְלְאתֶיךָ—a report of Your wonders—but דִבְרֵי נִפְלְאתֶיךָ the “words”—the lessons that Your wonders teach.—S.R. Hirsch of Your wonders", "I will speak.", "Of Your awesome might, they105People in general will speak of Hashem’s wondrous might in punishing the wicked (Sedom, Egypt, etc.) while Dovid will proclaim that Hashem’s greatness is measured more by His kindliness than by His awesomeness.—Siach Yitzchok will speak,", "and Your greatness I will recount.", "Mention of Your bountifulness", "they will express,", "and in Your righteousness joyfully exult.", "Adonoy is gracious and merciful,106He is gracious in bestowing reward and merciful in punishment.—Siach Yitzchok", "slow to anger and great in kindliness.", "Adonoy is good to all,", "His mercy encompasses all His works.", "All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,", "and Your pious ones will bless You.107Your works which are the cause of your being thanked by sensitive people; similarly, cause your pious ones to bless You.—based on S.R. Hirsch.", "Of the honor of Your Kingship,", "they will speak,", "and Your might they will declare.", "To reveal to men His mighty acts,", "and the glorious splendor of His Kingship.", "Your Kingship is the kingship for all times,", "and Your dominion is in every generation.", "Adonoy supports all the fallen,", "and straightens all the bent.", "The eyes of all look expectantly to You,", "and You give them", "their food at its proper time.", "You open Your hand", "and satisfy the desire of every living being.", "Adonoy is just in all His ways", "and benevolent in all His deeds.108The penalties for transgressions are just, but Hashem is gracious in the actual punishment inflicted on the sinner.—Siddur HaGra", "Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,", "to all who call upon Him in truth.109He is near to all who call upon Him, but His nearness can be perceived only by those who call upon Him in truth, who truly mean to have Hashem enter into their lives.—S.R. Hirsch", "The will of those who fear Him, He fulfills;", "He hears their cry and delivers them.110While Hashem hears all who cry unto Him in truth, He answers those who fear Him, who subject their desires to His will.—Siach Yitzchok", "Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,", "and will destroy all the wicked.", "Praise of Adonoy, my mouth will declare", "and all flesh will bless", "His Holy Name forever and ever.", "And we will bless God", "from now forever.", "Praise God.111Tehillim 115:18. You should pause between עוֹלָם and הַלְלוּיָהּ. Similarly, in all the Tehillim, the word הַלְלוּיָהּ is not connected to the preceding verse.", "This Psalm acclaims God's loving care as experienced by each Jew in his own life.", "Praise God!", "My soul, praise Adonoy.", "I will praise Adonoy with my life;", "I will sing to my God as long as I live.", "Do not place your trust", "[even] in noble men,112According to the Sages, it is implied that one should not rely even on the merit of his sainted ancestors, the Patriarchs, for deliverance.", "in man who has no [power of] deliverance.", "[When] his spirit departs,", "he returns to his earth;113Only the four cubits of ground which will receive him one day are his; of all the world they are the one possession which is guaranteed to him.—S.R. Hirsch", "on that day his plans come to naught.", "Fortunate [is he]", "when the Almighty of Yaakov is his help,114Yaakov, more than anyone, sensed Hashem’s nearness and protection throughout his difficult life and through all the trials to which he was subjected.—S.R. Hirsch", "whose expectation is on Adonoy, his God.", "He makes heaven and earth,", "the sea and all that is in them;", "He keeps His promises faithfully forever.115He alone has always proven dependable and faithful, for there are no limits to His essence and to His power.—Ibn Ezra, Radak", "He performs justice for the oppressed;", "He gives bread to the hungry;", "Adonoy releases the imprisoned.", "Adonoy gives sight to the blind;", "Adonoy straightens the bent.", "Adonoy loves the righteous.", "Adonoy protects strangers;", "the orphan and widow", "He enables to stand firm;", "and the way of the wicked He thwarts.", "Adonoy will reign forever;", "your God, Tziyon, throughout all generations.", "Praise God.", "In this Psalm, Dovid imparts the knowledge to sustain and uphold the Jewish People, during their bitter exile. He tells them of their special and enduring relationship with God and of their role as permanent messengers of the word of God to all mankind.", "Praise God!", "for it is good to sing to our God;", "for [His] praise is pleasant, befitting.", "The builder of Yerushalayim is Adonoy;", "the banished ones of Yisrael He will gather.", "[He is] the Healer of the broken-hearted", "and [also] binds up their wounds.116Others render “their sorrows.” Both translations co-exist! Hashem not only heals their physical pains but also abbreviates their sorrows as well.", "He fixes the number of stars;", "He calls all of them by names.117Not one of the myriad stars was created accidentally; each has a unique purpose and function.—Siach Yitzchok", "Great is our Master and abundant in power;", "His understanding is beyond reckoning.", "Adonoy causes the humble to stand firm;", "He casts down the wicked to the ground.", "Cry out to Adonoy in thanksgiving;", "sing to our God with the harp.118Each musical instrument has its unique function. In the times of King Dovid, the harp was used to arouse those who slept. The psalmist may be indicating that the harp arouses the sleeping soul of man to recognition of the miraculous ways in which Hashem shows His Divine Providence for us every day.—Siach Yitzchok", "[He] Who covers the heaven with clouds,", "Who prepares rain for the earth;", "Who causes grass to grow upon the hills.", "Who gives the animal its fodder;", "[also] to the young ravens which call.", "Not the power of the horse does He desire,", "nor the thighs of man does He want.119Hashem does not delight in those who place their trust in the strength of horses or in their own strength.—Tzelosa d’Avraham", "Adonoy wants those who fear Him,", "those who hope for His kindliness.", "Yerushalayim, praise Adonoy;", "Tziyon, extol your God.120The Psalmist addresses the dwellers in Yerushalayim and Tziyon, not the city itself. —Tzelosa d’Avraham", "For He has fortified the bars of your gates;", "He has blessed your children in your midst.", "He established peace at your border;", "with prime wheat He satisfies you.", "He dispatches His command earthward;", "His word races swiftly.", "He provides snow like fleece,", "He scatters frost like ashes.", "He hurls His ice like crumbs;", "who can withstand His cold?", "He dispatches His word and melts them;", "He blows His wind, they flow as water.", "He declares His word to Yaakov,", "His statutes and His laws to Yisrael.121Yisrael is the receiver and preserver of Hashem’s divine Law, the Torah, which includes chukim, statutes which confine the physical, sensual aspects of man within the bounds of moral purity, and also mishpotim, laws which govern communal life. Among the nations, law is determined by the views they hold at a given time and place concerning the needs of a society, and so their laws are based on expediency.—S.R. Hirsch", "He did not do so to any [other] nation;", "and of His laws they were not informed.", "Praise God.", "In this psalm, Dovid sings of the moment when all the world will be imbued with the knowledge of God's all-embracing providence. All living creatures—from the infinite heights of heaven above (verses 1-7) down to the depths of the earth below (verses 7-12)—will join together in one great hymn of praise to their Creator, and acknowledge the uniqueness of Yisrael over all other nations.", "Praise God.", "Praise Adonoy from the sky;", "Praise Him in the heights!", "Praise Him, all His angels;", "Praise Him, all His hosts!", "Praise Him, sun and moon;", "Praise Him, all the stars of light.", "Praise Him, skies of skies,", "and the waters that are above the skies.122Bereishis 1:6—7 indicates that there are waters above the heavens.", "They will praise the Name of Adonoy,", "for He commanded it and they were created.", "He established them for all time,123The heavenly bodies, unlike humans and earthly things, were created from materials that do not deteriorate.—Kuzari", "for as long as the world exists;", "He decreed it and it is unalterable.124None of the heavenly bodies transgresses the Divine decree about its functions in the role for which it was created. The sun never violates its mandate to serve by day or the moon by night. According to Ibn Ezra, the verse might also be translated “He issued a decree which will not pass away,” for Hashem’s decree is permanent and immutable.", "Praise Adonoy from the earth,", "sea-monsters", "and all [that dwell in] the depths.", "Fire and hail, snow and vapor,", "stormwind, [all] fulfilling His word.", "The mountains and all the hills,", "fruit trees and all cedars.", "Wild beasts and all animals,", "creeping things and winged fowl.", "Earthly kings and all peoples,", "ministers and all earthly judges.", "Young men and also maidens,", "elders together with lads.125Elders and youngsters praise Hashem together while the young men must be separated from the maidens. In the Temple separate facilities were erected for the women. So too must there be separate seating in our synagogues.", "They will praise the Name of Adonoy,", "for His Name alone is exalted;", "His majesty is over the earth and the skies.", "He will raise the might of His people,", "[which is] praise for all His pious ones,", "for the Children of Yisrael,", "the people near126The fulfillment of the last two verses will take place in the Messianic era. to Him.", "Praise God.", "This psalm continues the theme of the previous psalm.", "Praise God.", "Sing a new song to Adonoy,127The old songs will not suffice to express the joy at the wonders in the Messianic future.—Radak", "His praise in the assembly of the pious.", "Yisrael will rejoice in its Maker;", "the children of Tziyon", "will exult in their King.128Yisrael is the nation as a whole, the children of Tziyon are the elite of the people.—Seporno", "They will praise His Name with dance;", "with drum and harp", "they will make music to Him.", "Because Adonoy desires His people;", "He will adorn the humble", "with deliverance.129Although Hashem desires all His people, nevertheless, our ultimate salvation will come through the merit of His humble ones.—Rav Simcha Bunim of Pczyscha", "The pious will rejoice in honor;", "they will sing joyously upon their beds.", "High praises of the Almighty in their throats,", "and a double-edged sword in their hand.130One’s praise of Hashem emanating from deep within him (not mere lip service), becomes a two-edged sword, for it protects him against attack from his fellow men and it guards him from adversity in the approaching Divine judgment.—S.R. Hirsch", "To perform vengeance upon the nations,", "chastisement upon the peoples.", "To bind their kings with chains,", "and their nobles with iron fetters.", "To execute upon them", "[the] written judgment;", "it131The Divine judgment itself is honor and recognition for those who commit their entire lives and efforts to Hashem.—S.R. Hirsch is the splendor of all His pious ones.", "Praise God.", "This psalm recapitulates all the previous hymns and tells how God is revealed through His mighty deeds.", "Praise God.", "Praise the Almighty in His Sanctuary132His “Sanctuary” refers to the world of angels who minister to Him as He appears on His throne.—Radak", "Praise God", "in the firmament of His might133The firmament of His might refers to the heavenly spheres through which Hashem reveals His mastery over the physical world.—Radak", "Praise Him for His mighty deeds;", "Praise Him", "according to the abundance of His greatness.", "Praise Him with the blowing of the shofar;134The shofar is the solemn instrument which awakens and calls us to Hashem.—S.R. Hirsch", "praise Him with lyre and harp.135Lyre and harp are instruments which express man’s meditation upon Hashem.—S.R. Hirsch", "Praise Him with drum and dance.136Drum and dance are public manifestations of exultation in Hashem.—S.R. Hirsch", "Praise Him", "with stringed instruments and flute.137Stringed instruments and the flute may serve to express the quieter rejoicing of an individual.—S.R. Hirsch", "Praise Him with resounding cymbals.138The cymbal is an instrument of extremely loud sound which may serve to call whole groups to attentive participation.—S.R. Hirsch", "Praise Him with clanging cymbals.", "Let every soul praise God.", "Praise God.", "Let every soul praise God.", "Praise God.139This verse is repeated to mark the end of the Tehillim included in the Pesukei Dezimrah.—Avudraham", "The following selected verses from Psalms mark the close of the individual books of Psalms. Eitz Yosef notes that these verses may constitute a sort of blessing marking the close of the Pesukei Dezimrah.", "Blessed is Adonoy forever,", "Amein and Amein!140Tehillim 89:53. Hashem is the eternal source of blessing. We merely declare His blessedness, we do not bless Him.", "Blessed is Adonoy from Tziyon,", "Who dwells in Yerushalayim.", "Praise God.141Tehillim 135:21.", "Blessed is Adonoy, God,", "God of Yisrael", "Who alone performs wonders.142“Alone” means without intermediaries (Malbim); also without the beneficiary’s awareness (Gaon of Vilna).", "And blessed is the Name of His glory forever,", "and may His glory fill the whole earth.", "Amein and Amein!143Tehillim 72:18—19. This verse will be fulfilled in Messianic times when all men will be invested with a true awareness of Hashem’s majesty. The prophet (Yeshaya 11:9) foretells, “For (then) the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of Adonoy as the waters cover the sea.”—Radak", "The custom of reciting the following additions to Pesukei Dezimrah is mentioned as early as the Gaonic era, specifically by Rav Amram Gaon. These verses were incorporated into our daily prayers because they speak so eloquently of God's majesty, and of the Divine providence which is the source of the power, riches, might, and honor of all human beings.", "The first four verses (1 Chronicles 29:10-13) relate Dovid's blessing to God, when he presented the gold, silver, and jewels he amassed for the construction of the Holy Temple. It was a day of great rejoicing as, following Dovid's example, the leaders and princes also presented generous gifts for the construction of the Temple.", "
The following until after ישתבח should be said standing. (Some sit for Nishmas.)
", "And Dovid blessed Adonoy", "in the presence of all the assembly;", "and Dovid said,", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "God of Yisrael, our Father,144Dovid singles out Yaakov because he was the first Patriarch to mention building a house of Hashem (Bereishis 28:22), “Then shall this stone which I have set for a pillar be Hashem’s house.”—Radak", "forever and ever.", "Yours, Adonoy,", "is the greatness, the might, the glory", "the victory and the beauty,145Dovid thus renders unto Hashem the greatness Hashem has given him. His might in war, his victories in battle, and the majesty of his kingdom, are all due to Hashem’s providence.—Iyun T’filah", "for all that is in heaven and on earth", "[is Yours]; Yours, Adonoy, is the kingdom", "and You are uplifted,", "[supreme] over all rulers.", "The riches and the honor come from You,", "and You rule over all;", "in Your hand are power and might,", "and [it is] in Your hand", "to bestow greatness and strength upon all.", "And now, our God,", "we give thanks to You", "and praise Your glorious Name.146I Divrei Hayomim 29:10—13.", "You alone are Adonoy;147This is an affirmation of Hashem’s unity: “Adonoy is One.”", "You have made the skies,", "the skies of skies148This denotes the highest of the seven heavens. and all their hosts,149This signifies the sun, moon, and stars.", "the earth and all that is upon it,", "the seas and all that is in them;", "and You give life to all of them,", "and the heavenly hosts150These are the angelic beings that worship Adonoy. bow before You.", "You are Adonoy, the God", "Who chose Avrom,", "and brought him out of Ur Kasdim", "and established his name (as) Avraham.151This was not a mere changing of names. Avraham was elevated and attained new stature as a patriarch by virtue of his new name.", "And You found his heart", "faithful before You,152This was demonstrated when he was ready to sacrifice Yitzchok.", "and You made the covenant with him153In some congregations, וְכָרות is recited responsively on the day of a circumcision. Consequently, some siddurim indicate that a new paragraph begins here. But it is actually a continuation of the verse.", "to give the land of the Canaanites,", "the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizites,", "the Jebusites, and the Girgashites,", "to give to his seed;", "and You kept Your word,", "for You are righteous.", "And You saw the affliction", "of our fathers in Mitzrayim,", "and their cry You heard", "at the Sea of Reeds.", "And You imposed signs and wonders", "against Pharaoh and all his servants", "and all the people of his land,", "for You knew", "that they acted malevolently against them;154Them, i.e., the Jews in Egypt.", "and (thus) You made a name for Yourself,", "like this day.155The miracles and wonders of the Exodus have not and will not be forgotten. Each generation reaffirms its testimony to Hashem’s might against the Egyptians and thus the event remains as vivid and real as though it occurred today.", "And the sea, You split before them,", "and they went through the midst of the sea", "on the dry land;", "and their pursuers", "You hurled into the depths,", "like a stone into mighty waters.156Nechemiah 9:6—11" ], "Shiras Hayam": [ "In Temple times Shiras Hayam, the Song of the Sea, was sung by the Levites when the daily afternoon sacrifice was offered.157Maseches Rosh Hashanah 31a, mentions that the Ode was sung at Minchah on Shabbos. After the destruction, the Jews of the Holy Land continued the tradition, reciting the Shira at the end of the Pesukei Dezimrah. The custom spread to Italy and from there to other Jewish communities. This daily recital is mentioned by Rav Saadya Gaon but not as an obligatory part of the service. Rambam calls it a “custom.”158Hilchos Tefillah 7:13. Subsequently adopted by all communities, reciting the Shira became an integral part of our daily prayers.", "Some hold that the Shira should be chanted aloud while standing. It should be sung with joy as at the time of the Exodus. “Sheloh” writes that reciting the Shira atones for sin, so that if one wishes to repent a serious sin, he should recite the Shira every day with great fervor. The Zohar says, “If one recites this song with elation and joy, he will be worthy to sing it in the next world. He will also be worthy to sing it when he greets the Mashiach.”", "On that day,159Even though they had been free a week earlier, they were insecure, fearing that the Egyptians would capture and re-enslave them. Only when Hashem had drowned the Egyptians were the Israelites free psychologically.—Seporno Adonoy delivered", "Yisrael from the hand of Mitzrayim,", "and Yisrael saw the Mitzriyim", "dead on the seashore.", "And Yisrael saw", "the great hand160The use of the word “hand” or any physical attribute with regard to Hashem is merely metaphorical, since Hashem is in no way physical.", "which Adonoy wielded against Mitzrayim,", "and the people feared Adonoy,", "and they believed in Adonoy,", "and that Moshe was His servant.", "Then Moshe and the Children of Yisrael sang", "this song to Adonoy,", "and they said:", "I will sing to Adonoy for He is most high;161When people praise a mortal, they often declare undeserved praise. But Hashem is so great that any praise we offer is insufficient.—Rashi", "the horse with its rider, He threw into the sea.", "The strength and retribution of God", "was the cause of my deliverance;162This translation follows Rashi’s commentary.", "this is my Almighty and I will glorify Him,", "God of my father and I will exalt Him.", "Adonoy is master of war", "Adonoy is His Name.", "Pharaoh's chariots and army,", "He hurled into the sea;", "and his elite officers were drowned", "in the Sea of Reeds.", "The deep waters covered them;", "they descended into the depths like stone.", "Your right hand Adonoy", "is adorned with power,", "Your right hand Adonoy crushes the enemy.", "And in Your great majesty,", "You destroyed Your opponents;", "You sent forth Your fury,", "it consumed them like straw.163This verse is also translated, “You will send forth Your fury: it will consume them like straw.” According to the Zohar it thus refers to the time of the Resurrection, when Hashem will destroy all the wicked.", "And with the wind from Your nostrils", "the waters were heaped up,", "flowing water stood erect like a wall;", "the deep waters congealed", "in the heart of the sea.164The water became hard as stone and the Egyptians were hurled against it with great force.—Rashi", "The enemy (Pharaoh) said:", "“I will pursue [them], I will overtake [them],", "I will divide the spoils; I will satisfy myself;", "I will unsheathe my sword,", "my hand will destroy them.", "You blew with Your wind,", "the sea covered them;", "they sank like lead in the mighty waters.165Seporno and others interpret the verse to read: “They, the mighty, sank like lead in the waters,” “mighty,” referring to the Egyptian officers rather than to the waters.", "Who is like You among the mighty, Adonoy!", "who is like You?", "[You are] adorned in holiness,", "awesome in praise, performing wonders.166Hashem is “awesome in praise” for we fear that all our praise will prove inadequate. In truth, it is impossible to praise Hashem fully, and Dovid therefore said (Tehillim 65:2) “For You, silence is praise.”—Rashi", "You stretched out Your right hand,", "the earth swallowed them.", "You led in Your kindliness,", "the people whom You redeemed;", "You guided them with Your might", "to Your holy dwelling place.", "The peoples heard and trembled,", "pangs of fear gripped", "the inhabitants of Philistia.167The Philistines had killed the Ephraimites thirty years earlier when they left Egypt by force. The Philistines were thus gripped with terror when they heard that Yisrael had escaped from Egypt.—Rashi", "Then the chieftains of Edom panicked,", "the mighty men of Moab", "were seized with trembling,", "all the inhabitants of Canaan melted away.168Nations on all sides panicked: The Philistines to the west, the Edomites to the south, the Moavites to the east and the Canaanites to the north. The Philistines feared revenge. The Edomites panicked because they feared that Yisrael would now seek revenge for what Esau (Edom) had done to Yaakov. The Moavites, the descendants of Lot, feared they would be punished because of the dispute between Lot and Avraham (Bereishis 13:7). Canaan “melted away” because they realized that Yisrael was destined to take their land, and their astrologers told them that there was no way out.—Rabbainu Bachyah", "Terror and dread fall upon them;", "at the greatness of Your arm", "they were still as stone;", "until Your people cross over, Adonoy,", "until [they] cross over,169The two crossings are the respective crossings of the Arnon and the Yardein rivers before entering the Promised Land.—Onkelos", "—the people You have acquired.", "You will bring them and plant them170Moshe here prophesied that he would not be entering the Promised Land, and he therefore prayed that Hashem should bring the Jews into His inheritance.—Rashi", "on the mountain of Your inheritance,", "the place for Your habitation", "which You, Adonoy, have made;", "the Sanctuary, my Master,", "[which] Your hands established.171Hashem’s “habitat” on earth, the Holy Temple, is a parallel of the Holy Temple on high.—Rashi", "Adonoy will reign forever and ever.", "Adonoy will reign forever and ever.172This verse is not repeated in Shemos. But it is repeated in prayer to signify the end of the Ode, just as the last verse of Tehillim 150 is repeated in the prayer whereas it is not repeated in the Tehillim.—Avudraham", "Adonoy! His sovereignty is established", "forever and to all eternity.173This verse is a paraphrase of the previous verse as found in Targum Onkelos.", "When Pharaoh's horses, with his chariots,", "and his horsemen, went into the sea,", "Adonoy turned back on them", "the waters of the sea;", "and the Children of Yisrael", "walked on dry land in the midst of the sea.174Shemos 14:30—15:19.", "For the kingship is Adonoy's", "and He rules over nations.175Tehillim 22:29. The word “king” signifies one whose leadership is accepted freely by all his subjects. Therefore, in reference to Yisrael who willingly accept the Kingship of Hashem, it says, “For the kingship is Adonoy’s.” A “ruler,” however, is one who forcibly rules people, without their consent. Regarding the nations who do not willingly submit to Adonoy’s Kingship, the Psalmist says, “And He rules over nations.”—Gaon of Vilna", "And deliverers will go up to Mount Tziyon", "to judge the mount of Esav,", "and the kingdom will be Adonoy's.176Ovadyah 1:21.", "And Adonoy will be King", "over the whole earth;", "on that day", "Adonoy will be One and His Name One.177Zecharyah 14:9. In the future, Hashem will be recognized by all the nations of the world who will accept Him willingly as their King." ], "Nishmas": [ "The Mishnah, (Maseches Pesachim 117b) refers to the following prayer as בִּרְכַּת הַשִּׁיר, the blessing of song. Some commentaries suggest that it is so named because it forms a lengthy song that concludes with the blessing of יִשְׁתַּבַּח on page 000. On weekdays, when there is not sufficient time to concentrate adequately on our prayers, we merely recite the concluding blessing of יִשְׁתַּבַּח, but on Sabbath and Festivals we recite the prayer in its entirety.", "The soul of every living thing", "shall bless Your Name, Adonoy, our God;", "and the spirit of all flesh", "shall glorify and exalt", "Your mention, our King, continually.", "From world to world,178See note 55 on תפילה למשה, page 000.", "You are Almighty;", "and besides You", "we have no king, redeemer, or deliverer,", "[who] liberates, rescues, maintains", "and is compassionate", "in all times of trouble and distress.", "We have no king, helper, supporter but You.", "God of the first and last [generations],", "God of all created things,", "Master of all begotten things,179Etz Yosef assumes that תּוֹלָדוֹת refers to events that occur in time. [See Mishlei 27:1, כִּי לֹא תֵדַע מַה יֻלַּד יוֹם, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.] Thus Hashem is Master of all events. Iyun Tefiloh says that בְּרִיוֹת, created beings, refers to everything Hashem created during the six days of creation, whereas תּוֹלָדוֹת refers to those things that come forth, i.e., were “born” from the original created things. Thus He is God of all created things and Master of all begotten things even though they appear as products of nature.", "Who is extolled with a multitude of praises,", "Who conducts His world with kindliness", "and His creatures with compassion.", "Adonoy neither slumbers nor sleeps.", "He arouses those who sleep", "and awakens those who slumber,", "and He gives speech to the mute,", "and releases the imprisoned.", "He supports those who have fallen", "and straightens the bent.", "To You alone we give thanks.", "Even if our mouths were filled with song", "like the sea,180Just like the sea is filled with water.", "and our tongues with exultation", "like the roaring of its waves,", "and our lips with praise", "like the breadth of the firmament,", "and our eyes were radiant", "like the sun and the moon,", "and our hands outspread", "like [the] eagles of the sky,", "and our feet light as the deer—", "we would never sufficiently", "thank You, Adonoy, our God", "and God of our fathers,", "and bless Your Name", "for even one thousandth", "of the billions", "and trillions", "of favors which You did", "for our fathers and for us:", "from Mitzrayim You redeemed us,", "Adonoy, our God;", "from the house of bondage, You liberated us;", "in famine You nourished us,", "and in [times of] plenty, You fed us;", "from the sword You saved us", "and from pestilence You removed us,", "and from severe and lingering sicknesses,", "have You withdrawn us.", "Until now", "Your compassion has helped us", "and Your kindliness has not forsaken us.", "Do not abandon us, Adonoy, our God,", "for eternity.", "Therefore,", "the limbs which You apportioned for us,", "and the spirit and soul", "that You have breathed into our nostrils,", "and the tongue You have set in our mouth—", "behold, they will thank, bless,", "praise, glorify, exalt", "revere, sanctify, and proclaim the sovereignty", "of Your Name, our King.", "For every mouth will thank You,", "and every tongue", "will swear allegiance to You,", "and every knee will bend to You,", "and all that stand up", "will prostrate themselves before You;", "all hearts will fear You,", "and all innards and kidneys", "will sing to Your Name", "as is written,", "“All my bones will say:", "Adonoy! who is like unto You?”", "You save the poor man", "from one stronger than he,", "and the poor and needy", "from one who would rob him.181Tehillim 35:10.", "Who is like You?", "Who is equal to You?", "And who can be compared to You?", "The Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome", "most high Almighty,", "Possessor of heaven and earth.", "We will extol You, we will praise You,", "we will glorify You,", "and bless Your Holy Name", "as it is said,", "“By Dovid: My soul, bless Adonoy!", "and all that is within me [bless]", "His Holy Name!”182Tehillim 103:1.", "[You are] Almighty", "in the power of Your might;", "Great in the honor of Your Name,", "Powerful forever", "and awesome through Your awesome deeds;" ], "The King": [ "The King", "Who sits on a throne", "[that is] exalted and uplifted.", "He Who dwells in eternity,", "exalted and holy is His Name.", "And it is written:", "“Joyfully exult in God, [you] righteous ones,", "for the upright, praise is fitting.", "Through the mouth of the upright,", "You are exalted,", "and with the words of the righteous", "You are blessed;", "and by the tongue of the pious,", "You are sanctified;", "and in the midst of the holy,", "You are extolled.", "And in the assemblies", "of myriads", "of Your people, the House of Yisrael;", "with joyful song", "glorified will be Your Name, our King,", "in every generation.", "For it is the duty", "of all beings, before You,", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers,", "to thank, to extol, and to praise;", "to glorify, to exalt, and to honor;", "to bless, to elevate, and to acclaim [You,]", "even beyond all the words", "of song and praise", "of Dovid, son of Yishai,", "Your servant, Your anointed." ], "Yishtabach": [ "Rabbeinu Alfasi (Maseches Berachos 32) refers to Baruch She'amar as the opening blessing of the Pesukei Dezimrah, and Yishtabach as the concluding blessing.", "Praised be Your Name forever, our King,", "Almighty the great and holy King", "in heaven and on earth.", "For to You it is fitting [to offer]", "Adonoy, our God,", "and God of our fathers,", "song and praise, glorification and hymns,", "[to proclaim your] strength and dominion,", "victory, grandeur, and might,", "praise and glory,", "holiness and sovereignty,", "blessings and thanksgivings,", "from now, forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Almighty,", "King [Who is] great in [our] praise", "Almighty,", "of [to Whom we offer our] thanksgiving,", "Master of [Whom we praise for His] wonders,", "the Selector of song-hymns,", "King,", "Almighty,", "Life of [all] the worlds.", "
The following Psalm (130) is said responsively:
", "In this Psalm, the Jewish soul sings of the Jewish spirit ascending from the depths of the deepest misery of all, the burden of sin and guilt.", "A Song of Ascents.", "Out of the depths", "I have called to You, Adonoy.", "My Master, hear my voice;", "let Your ears be attentive", "to the voice of my supplications.", "If You God should take account of iniquities,", "my Master, who could survive?", "For with You is forgiveness,", "in order that You be feared.", "I hope for Adonoy, my soul hopes;", "and for His word, I wait.", "My soul [waits] for my Master", "more than the watchman [waits]", "for the morning,", "[more than] the watchman [waits]", "for the morning.", "Wait, Yisrael, upon Adonoy,", "for with Adonoy there is loving-kindness,", "and with Him there is much redemption.", "And He will redeem Yisrael", "from all its iniquities.", "
The Half-Kaddish is recited by the Chazzan
", "Here, as elsewhere in the Liturgy, the Half-Kaddish marks the end of a distinct section of the prayers, in this case, the Pesukei Dezimrah.", "It is called the Half-Kaddish, the final three verses of the complete Kaddish having been omitted.", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "It has become a universally accepted custom to recite Barechu before proceeding to the blessings of Shema. Barechu, like Kaddish and Kedushah, cannot be recited unless a quorum—a minyan of ten adult males—is present. Barechu is also said by one who is called upon to read from the Torah.", "The practice of saying Barechu is mentioned numerous times in the Talmud. It is even cited in the Mishnah (Maseches Berachos 49b) in the names of Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Yishmael.", "
The Chazzan says:
", "Bless Adonoy Who is blessed.", "
The congregation responds and the Chazzan repeats:
", "Blessed is Adonoy, Who is blessed", "forever and ever.", "The two blessings יוֹצֵר אוֹר “Former of light” and אַהֲבָה רַבָּה “[With] unbounded love,” are referred to as the blessings preceding Shema (Maseches Berachos 11a). According to Rambam they were formulated by Ezra and his Court (Laws of Shema 1:7).", "Blessed are You, Adonoy", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who opens for us the gates of mercy", "and enlightens the eyes", "of those who yearn for His pardon.", "Former1Forming, יוצֵר, is the act of refining or modifying an original substance, whereas, creating, בּורֵא, refers to creating the original substance from nothing. For example, when one shapes a wooden table, to make it round, he “forms” the wood, the original substance which was “created.” Similarly, Hashem “forms the light” which is His act of modifying or limiting the darkness He created. —Siddur HaGra of light", "Creator of darkness,", "Maker2Making, עושֶׂה, is the act of completion, such as when one completes a table by painting it. Similarly, Hashem’s finishing touch of creation is “making peace,” the vessel that holds it all together, as stated in the Mishnah, “Hashem found no vessel to contain blessing other than peace.” לֹא מָצָא הקב\"ה כְּלִי מַחְזִיק בְּרָכָה אֶלָא הַשָּׁלום— Siddur HaGra of peace", "Creator3The verse in Yeshaya (45:7) on which this blessing is based concludes with the words, “and creates evil.” In His original creation Hashem created the potential for evil, which He constantly limits and controls as the Former and Maker.—Siddur HaGra of all things.", "", "", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "", "", "", "
When Yom Kippur occurs on Shabbos, continue on page 000.
", "He illuminates the earth", "[and provides light] for those who dwell on it", "with compassion;4Hashem causes light to appear in stages, gradually. This is an act of great compassion for if He made it appear all at once, we would be overwhelmed and blinded by its brightness.— Avudraham", "and in His goodness", "renews every day, continually,5Hashem is not a far-off observer of a mechanism which He created and ignores, but a Living Ruler, Who guides the universe and continually maintains it.", "the work of creation.", "How many are Your works, Adonoy;", "You made them all with wisdom,", "the earth is full of Your possessions.6Lit., Your acquisitions: See Bereishis 14:22.", "The King Who alone is exalted from then,7I.e., before Creation. Hashem was King before all creatures were created.", "Who is praised and glorified", "and uplifted,", "from the beginning of time.8I.e., after Creation. Ever since Creation, Hashem has been praised and glorified by His creatures.", "Eternal God,", "in Your abundant mercy,", "have compassion on us,", "Master, Who is our strength,", "Rock, Who is our stronghold", "Shield, of our deliverance,", "[Be] a stronghold for us.", "The blessed Almighty, great in knowledge,", "prepared and made the rays of the sun.", "[The] Good [One] created [everything]", "for the glory of His Name:9See Yeshaya 43:7: “All that is called by My Name, I have created for My glory.” —Avudraham", "the luminaries He set", "around His strength (His throne).", "The chiefs of His hosts are holy beings,10“Holy beings” are angels. In Hebrew the word for angels means messenger, and includes all the instruments of Divine purpose, whether in human form, or in the forces of nature.—Kuzari", "the exalters of Shadai11A name of Hashem (Bereishis 17:1; 35:11; 43:14 etc.) which refers to His setting boundaries and limits throughout creation.", "continually recount", "the glory of the Almighty12The Heavenly throne is thus conceived of as surrounded by angels and all the adoring heavenly bodies.—See Yeshaya 6:12", "and His holiness.", "Be Blessed, Adonoy, our God,", "for the excellent works of Your hands,", "and for the light-giving luminaries", "which You made;", "they will glorify You forever.13Those of His creatures capable of praising Him do so. The rest are evidence of His astonishing wisdom and arouse the others to praise Him.", "
Continue “Be blessed” on page 000.
", "
When Yom Kippur occurs on Shabbos, begin here:
", "All will thank You, all will praise You,", "and all will proclaim:", "“There is none holy like Adonoy.”", "All will exalt You, forever,", "Creator of all.", "The Almighty Who opens each day", "the doors of the gates14This is an allusion to the sun, rising in the east. Hashem opens the doors each day to permit the sun to rise. Every sunrise is thus an act of Hashem. of the east", "and pierces the windows of the firmament;", "Who brings the sun out of its place", "and the moon from its dwelling-place;", "and illuminates the entire world", "and to its inhabitants,", "whom He created", "with [His] attribute of mercy.15Hashem saw that the world could not exist if He were to govern it on the basis of His attribute of pure justice. He therefore joined His attribute of compassion with that of justice and dispenses both justice and mercy as He sees fit.—Avudraham", "He illuminates the earth", "and those who dwell on it", "with compassion,", "and in His goodness", "renews every day, continually,", "the work of creation.", "The King Who alone is exalted from then;16From before Creation.", "Who is praised, glorified, and uplifted", "from the beginning of time.17Ever since Creation He has been praised and glorified by all created beings.", "Eternal God—", "in Your abundant mercy,", "have compassion on us,", "Master Who is our strength,", "Rock Who is our stronghold,", "Shield of our deliverance,", "[Be] a stronghold for us.", "There is none to be compared to You,", "and there is none other than You,", "nothing exists without You", "and who is like You?", "There is none to be compared to You,", "Adonoy, our God,18In this world where there are so many false gods, we proclaim that he is Adonoy our God.—Avudraham", "in this world;", "and there is none beside You, our King19In the World to Come, Hashem’s sovereignty will be clearly revealed so even now, we proclaim that He is our King.", "in the life of the World to Come;", "Nothing exists without You", "our Redeemer20Ultimate total redemption will come in the Messianic era, and thus we say that Hashem is our Redeemer.—Avudraham", "in the days of the Messiah;", "and there will be none like You,", "our Deliverer,21The resurrection of the dead is the culmination of deliverance and we say that He is our Deliverer.—Avudraham", "at the time of the resurrection of the dead." ], "Eil Adon": [ "Almighty,", "Master over all [created] works,", "blessed [is He]22Hashem is the source of all blessing, and is blessed even without the blessing of man.", "and He is blessed by the mouth of every soul.", "His greatness and goodness fill the world,", "perception and understanding", "surround Him.", "He is most high, over the holy chayos,23Chayos are angels which exist eternally, unlike other angels which exist for short periods for specific functions.", "and adorned in glory above the chariot;24The “chariot” refers to the retinue of angels at their positions in heaven.—Siddur HaGra", "merit and uprightness are before His throne,", "kindness and mercy are before His glory.25First the prayer mentions merit and uprightness, the qualities that man must acquire and live by and then it mentions kindness and mercy, the attributes with which Hashem conducts the world of man.—Avudraham", "Good are the luminaries", "which our God created", "He formed them with perception,", "understanding, and wisdom,", "strength and power He put into them,", "to be rulers26See Bereishis 1:16.", "within the inhabited world.", "Full of luster and radiating brightness,", "beautiful is their luster throughout the world,", "joyous in their rising", "and happy in their setting,", "they perform with reverence,", "the will of their Possessor.", "Glory and honor, they give to His Name,27The steadfastness of their orbits and the efficiency of their functions testify to Hashem’s creation and providence. Thus they reflect honor and glory to His Name.—Avudraham", "jubilation and joyous song", "at the mention of His Kingship.", "He called to the sun", "and it shone with light,", "He saw and fashioned28Hashem saw that mankind would one day worship the sun and therefore created the moon to diminish the influence of the sun as a total force.—Avudraham", "the form of the moon.", "Praise [they] give Him,", "all hosts on high,", "glory and greatness [are given Him by]", "the serafim, the ofanim and the holy chayos.29Ofanim, chayos and serafim refer to various classes of angels.—Avudraham", "To the Almighty,", "Who rested from all the creation.", "On the Seventh Day, He elevated Himself30Hashem elevated Himself above everything He created during the six days of creation.", "and sat upon the throne of His honor.", "With glory He enwrapped Himself31This sentence is based on the verse: ה' מָלָךְ גֵאוּת לָבֵשׁ—Adonoy has begun His reign He has clothed Himself with majesty (Tehillim 93:1).", "for the day of rest,", "a delight, He called the Sabbath Day;", "this is the praise of the Seventh Day—", "that on it, the Almighty rested", "from all His work.", "The Seventh Day [itself] offers praise and says:", "“A Psalm, a song by the Sabbath Day:", "‘It is good to give thanks to Adonoy.'”32When man is rested from his everyday tasks and freed from everyday problems, he is able to thank Hashem for all His blessings.", "Therefore glorify and bless the Almighty", "all beings that He has formed;", "praise, honor and greatness", "will they give to the Almighty,", "King,", "Creator of all,", "Who apportions rest", "to His people Yisrael, in His holiness", "on the holy Shabbos Day.", "Your Name, Adonoy, our God", "will be sanctified,", "and Your mention, our King, will be glorified", "in the heavens above", "and on the earth below.", "Be blessed, our Deliverer", "for the praiseworthy work of Your hands", "and for the light-giving luminaries", "which You made", "—that will glorify You, Selah.", "Be blessed, our Former,33Some render צוּרֵנוּ “our Rock.” The Gaon of Vilna, however, maintains that it refers to Hashem as our Creator, thus describing Him in the tri-epochal aspect of His Unity: past, present, and future. He was our Creator, He is our King, and He will be our Redeemer. our King,", "and our Redeemer—Creator of holy beings.34These are the Jewish People, who are sanctified in body and soul. The word Creator implies a creation of real substance—the Jewish People rather than angels.—Gaon of Vilna", "Praised be Your Name forever, our King,", "Who forms ministering angels;", "and Whose ministering angels", "all stand at the height of the Universe,", "and proclaim with reverence, in unison aloud", "the words of the living God,", "King of the Universe.", "All of them are beloved,35Beloved—there is no envy, jealousy or rivalry among them. Pure—they have no selfish or ulterior motives; they serve Hashem with all their being.—Siddur HaGra", "all of them are pure,", "all of them are mighty;", "and all of them perform", "with awe and reverence", "the will of their Possessor.", "And they all open their mouths", "in holiness and purity,", "with song and music,", "and they bless, and praise, and glorify,", "and revere, and sanctify,", "and proclaim the sovereignty of—", "the Name of the Almighty, the King,", "the Great, the Mighty, the awesome One;", "holy36Despite the attributes we use to describe Him, He remains holy—beyond our conception. is He.", "And they all take upon themselves", "the yoke37The yoke of Divine Sovereignty is borne willingly and joyfully by each creature as an emblem of his free service to Hashem.—S.R. Hirsch of Divine sovereignty", "one from the other,", "and give leave to one another38They take care not to precede one another in their praise of Hashem. On the contrary, each says to the other, “You begin, because you are greater and more worthy than I.”—Avos of R’ Nosson", "to sanctify their Former", "in a spirit of serenity", "with clear speech and pleasantness,39The clear speech of the angels is the holy tongue (pure Hebrew).—Yaavetz", "all exclaim Kedushah in unison,", "and reverently exclaim:", "“Holy, holy, holy", "is Adonoy of Hosts,", "the fullness of all the earth is His glory.”40Yeshaya 6:3. Targum Yonoson paraphrases this verse: “Holy [is Hashem] in the highest heights of heaven, the abode of His Divine Presence; holy upon earth, the work of His almighty power; holy [is He] forever and for all eternity.” The Talmud, (Maseches Chulin 91b) refers to this verse as the “Sanctification of the Angels.” According to Avudraham and Yaavetz, this Kedushah has been inserted here to refute those who maintain that Hashem relinquished His control over the heavenly bodies, and they are now able to function independently. We are therefore told that all the heavenly hosts proclaim Hashem’s sanctification and dominion over all the universe.", "", "", "
The following is said responsively, Chazzan and congregation:
", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "And the Ofanim41Ofanim, Chayos haKodash, Serafim are various classes of Angels. Ofanim denotes animated wheels as conceived in association with the Heavenly throne. (Avudraham); Chayos are those angels who exist eternally (Yaavetz; some angels exist only for short times for specific functions.) Serafim indicate “beings of fire.” and the holy Chayos,", "with a mighty sound rise", "toward the Serafim.", "Facing them, they offer praise and say,", "“Blessed is the glory of Adonoy", "from His place.”42Yechezkel 3:12. According to the Kuzari, Hashem’s glory is a euphemism for Hashem Himself. Thus the verse means, “Blessed is Adonoy from His place,” conveying this concept: Hashem is more blessed (i.e., greater) than His place; He is not confined to any place. Another view set forth in the Kuzari is that “Hashem’s glory” includes the angels, His throne, His chariot, the firmament, and the spheres. These are called Hashem’s glory similar to a king’s retinue which is his royal splendor.", "To the Blessed Almighty,", "they43The angels. offer pleasant melodies;", "to the King, the Almighty,", "[Who is] living and enduring,", "they utter hymns", "and make praises heard.", "For He alone", "is the Performer of mighty deeds,", "Maker of new things;", "Master of battles,", "Sower of acts of righteousness,44Rabbi Pinchos ben Yair was given two measures of barley for safekeeping. The owner forgot about it for a number of years. Rabbi Pinchos ben Yair planted the barley seed, and each year replanted the previous year’s harvest until it grew to be a substantial crop. After seven years, the owner returned to claim his two measures of barley and Rabbi Pinchos told him, “Come I will show you the great fortune you have accumulated.” Hashem does the same with the good and righteous deeds of man. He sows each righteous deed, and when the person is ready to receive his reward, Hashem returns the original righteous investment plus all the accumulated dividends. Midrash Rabba, Devorim 3:6", "Causer of deliverance to sprout forth;", "Creator of cures.", "Awesome in praise, Master of wonders,", "He renews in His goodness,", "each day, continuously,45Since the blessing began with the praise of Hashem as the Former of light Who continually renews the creation, it concludes on the same note.", "the work of creation,", "as it is said: “[Give thanks to Him]", "Who makes the great luminaries,”", "for His kindness is everlasting.”46Tehillim 136:7.", "Shine a new light upon Tziyon,47We pray that we will be worthy of enjoying the original light of creation, which Hashem put aside for the righteous in the future world.—Yaavetz", "and may we all soon be privileged", "to [enjoy] its brightness.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Former of the luminaries.48When reciting this blessing, bear in mind that even though the heavenly spheres appear immense to us and we attach much importance to them because of the vital functions they perform, in the eyes of their Creator they are no greater than worms. On the contrary, His wisdom and providence are more acutely recognized in an ant or bee because, in spite of their minuteness, they are endowed with a complex of faculties and organs.—Kuzari", "In the second of the blessings that precede Shema we praise God for His goodness in giving us His Torah, and pray for His help in the study of Torah. None of our petitions for the material goods of life approaches the fervor of this prayer for knowledge of the Torah and steadfastness in obeying it.", "[With] unbounded love You have loved us49The Kuzari writes, “When reciting the blessing ‘Unbounded Love’ אַהֲבָה רַבָּה, one should bear in mind that Hashem’s Divine influence is especially directed at the Jewish People who receive it as naturally as a mirror receives rays of light. He should also bear in mind that the Torah is the expression of Hashem’s will and through it He establishes His dominion on earth as in heaven. Whenever an individual or a community attains a high degree of spiritual purity, they become worthy of receiving the Divine light to guide their destiny in a miraculous manner far removed from the ordinary course of events which affect the world. This special relationship with the Creator is called love.”", "Adonoy, our God;", "[With] great and abundant pity50Hashem bestowed His great and abundant pity on us after we sinned in making the golden calf. He not only pardoned us, but gave us the Second Tablets and ordained the construction of the Tabernacle (Mishkan) for His Divine Presence to dwell among us.—Siach Yitzchok", "have You pitied us.", "Our Father, our King!", "for the sake of our forefathers", "who trusted in You,", "and whom You taught statutes of life,", "so too, be gracious to us and teach us.", "Our Father, merciful Father,", "Who acts with compassion", "have compassion on us", "and put into our hearts", "to comprehend,", "and to be intellectually creative,", "to listen, to learn, and to teach,", "to preserve, to practice, and to fulfill51We preserve the Torah by not forgetting its teachings; we practice the commandments and we fulfill them by making them permanent parts of our lives.—Siach Yitzchok", "all the words of instruction in Your Torah", "with love.", "And enlighten our eyes in Your Torah,", "and cause our hearts to hold fast", "to Your commandments,", "and unify52Make us single-hearted and undivided in our love and reverence of Your Name. Keep us from distraction of personal thoughts and selfish motives.—Siach Yitzchok our hearts", "to love and fear Your Name;", "and may we never be put to shame,53When one has to receive a favor that is completely undeserved, he feels a sense of shame. We therefore pray to Hashem, that our redemption will not be a “hand out” without merit and cause us to be ashamed. We proclaim that since we “trusted in His Name” and accepted the bitterness of our exile, our deliverance is not totally undeserved.—Siach Yitzchak", "for in Your holy, great, and awesome Name—", "have we trusted;", "may we exult and rejoice in Your deliverance.", "And bring us to peace", "from the four corners of the earth", "and lead us upright54May we return from our exile with our heads held high, not in meekness.—Siach Yitzchok to our land.", "Because, You are the Almighty,", "Who performs acts of deliverance,55Even if we do not deserve to be saved in our own merit, save us anyhow because You perform acts of deliverance.", "and You have chosen us56At the moment Hashem gave the Torah to the Jews at Sinai, we became His chosen people and were brought close to Him for eternity.—Siach Yitzchok", "from among all peoples and tongues,", "and You have brought us close", "to Your great Name, forever in truth;", "that we may give thanks57These final words complete the prayer begun earlier: “Bring us in peace, and lead us upright to our land, so that we may give thanks to You, and proclaim Your Oneness, with love.—Siach Yitzchok to You,", "and proclaim Your Oneness, with love.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who chooses His people Yisrael with love." ], "Recitation of Shema": [ "The recitation of Shema was part of the daily worship in the Holy Temple, and our Sages ordained that it be recited in the synagogue service, providing it a central place in the morning and evening prayers of each Jew. Its importance may be judged from the fact that the very first Mishnah in the Oral Torah opens with the question, “From what time may the evening Shema be read?”", "In reading Shema, bear in mind that you are performing a Scriptural commandment. All three paragraphs should be read with kavanah, concentrated intention, on what you are saying. The entire Shema should be recited in awe and reverence as it proclaims the existence and unity of God; the Jews' complete dedication to God and His commandments; the belief in Divine justice; the remembrance of the Exodus and the selection of the Jews as God's Chosen People. These concepts are the pillars of the Jewish faith. Whenever this sign (°) appears (e.g. בְּכָל֯־לְ֯בָבְךָ), it indicates that you should be careful to pronounce each word distinctly. In many instances, the last letter of the first word and first letter of the second word are the same, and the words might be read as one, which is not the proper way to fulfill the mitzvah of Kerias Shema.", "
The following three words should be said when praying without a minyan:
", "(Almighty, faithful King)", "Hear, Yisrael:", "Adonoy is our God,", "Adonoy is One.58Devorim 6:4. It is customary to recite this verse aloud, the ear hearing what the lips utter. This helps one concentrate on the meaning of this important declaration. Interestingly, the last letter of the first word שְׁמַע and last letter of אֶחָד are written larger than the others. These two letters form the word עֵד “witness”—i.e., every Jew by saying Shema testifies to Hashem’s unity. —Avudraham
Customarily one closes his eyes when pronouncing this testimony in order to shut out all distractions, and to concentrate all one’s thought on Hashem’s unity. The last word, אֶחָד “One,” is to be said with special emphasis, drawing it out for the length of time needed to reflect that Hashem, the Giver and Sustainer of life Whose Providence guides the destinies of all men, is the unique God of Yisrael, that He is alone in His world, ruling all four corners of the universe.
", "
The following three lines are to be said aloud
", "Blessed [is His] Name,", "Whose glorious kingdom", "is forever and ever.59Yaakov wished to reveal to his sons the ‘end of the days,’ whereupon the Shechinah departed from him. Said he, “Perhaps, Heaven forbid! there is one unfit among my children.” His sons exclaimed to him, “Hear Yisrael” etc., just as there is only One in your heart so is there only One in our heart. Ben Lakish explained that Yaakov said “Blessed [is His] Name” in response to his sons’ exclamation. The Sages wondered, “Shall we recite it aloud when our teacher Moshe did not say it? Shall we not say it at all, when Yaakov ordained it?” Thus the Rabbis enacted that it be said quietly.—Maseches Pesachim 56a.
When Moshe went up to the heavens, he heard the angels praise Hashem by saying, “Blessed [is His] Name, etc.” When he returned to earth, he taught it to the Jewish People. We say it in an undertone so as not to offend the angels. On Yom Kippur however, when we are considered like angels, we are permitted to say בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם aloud.—Midrash Rabba to Devorim
", "And you shall love Adonoy your God", "with all your heart60Our Sages (Sifrei to Devorim 31) explain “With all your heart” to mean “With all your desires—including the evil inclination,” i.e., subject your earthly passions and ambitions to Hashem’s Law and make them instruments for His service.", "and with all your soul61The Sages (ibid.) take these words to mean “With your whole life—even to the last drop of blood.” It was such an understanding that led Rabbi Akiva to say, when the executioner was tearing his flesh with iron hooks, “All my life, I have longed for this moment. I have loved Hashem with all my heart and with all my might; and now at last, I can love Him with my whole life.” It was this concept that gave Jewish martyrs the courage to lay down their lives for their faith.", "and with all your possessions.62The Sages (ibid.) explain, “With whatever lot Providence has assigned to you,” i.e., despite whatever material sacrifice your loyalty to Hashem and to Torah might entail.", "And these words", "which I command you today,63The teachings of the Torah should be ever fresh in your minds, as though you received it today.—Ibid.", "shall be upon your heart.", "And you shall teach them sharply64See to it that your children have a clear, and not a confused, stammering knowledge of the Torah.—Ibid.", "to your children.", "And you shall discuss them", "when you sit in your house,", "and when you travel on the road,", "and when you lie down and when you rise.", "And you shall bind them for a sign", "upon your hand,", "and they shall be for totafos between your eyes.", "And you shall write them", "upon the doorposts of your house", "and upon your gateways.65Devorim 6:5—9. This paragraph contains 10 commandments: 1) accepting the “yoke” of heaven; 2) proclaiming the Unity of Hashem; 3) loving Hashem; 4) studying Torah (and you shall speak of them); 5) teaching your children; 6—7) reciting Shema in the evening and in the morning; 8—9) putting on the tefillin of the hand and head; 10) putting up mezuzos on the doorposts.", "And it will be—", "if you vigilantly obey My commandments", "which I command you this day,", "to love Adonoy your God,", "and serve Him", "with your entire hearts66The service of the heart is prayer, as Dovid said (Tehillim 141:2) “May my prayers be acceptable to You as an incense [service].”", "and with your entire souls—", "that I will give rain for your land", "in its proper time,67Hashem will make it rain at night so as not to cause you discomfort.—Rashi", "the early (autumn) rain", "and the late (spring) rain;68Reward and punishment are here connected with the rainfalls vital to the Land of Yisrael. The heavy rains which open the growing season in the fall and the showers which fall while the grain is ripening are of utmost importance.", "and you will harvest your grain", "and your wine and your oil.", "And I will put grass", "in your fields for your cattle,", "and you will eat and be satisfied.", "Beware lest your hearts be swayed69One who is satisfied can easily be induced to forget the Source of his fullness.—Rashi", "and you turn astray,", "and you worship alien gods", "and bow to them.", "And Adonoy's fury will blaze among you,", "and He will close off the heavens", "and there will be no rain", "and the earth will not yield its produce;", "and you will perish swiftly70No extension will be given. The “generation of the flood” was granted a reprieve of 120 years (Bereishis 6:3) because they did not have from whom to learn; but you do have from whom to learn.—Sifrei, cited by Rashi", "from the good land", "which Adonoy gives you.", "Place these words of Mine71Even in exile you must fulfill Hashem’s commandments—Sifrei cited by Rashi", "upon your hearts and upon your souls,—", "and bind them for a sign", "upon your hands,", "and they shall be for totafos", "between your eyes.72Between your eyes is not to be taken literally. The correct position of the phylactery of the head (shel rosh) is at the edge of the hair line directly above the place which is between the eyes.", "And you shall teach them to your sons,", "to speak them73From the moment your son knows how to talk, begin teaching him the Torah.—Rashi.", "when you sit in your house,", "and when you travel on the road,", "and when you lie down and when you rise.", "And you shall write them", "upon the doorposts of your house", "and upon your gateways.", "In order that your days be prolonged,", "and the days of your children,", "upon the land", "which Adonoy swore to your fathers", "to give them [for as long]", "as the heavens are above the earth.", "And Adonoy spoke to Moshe saying:", "Speak to the children of Yisrael,", "and tell them74Rabbi Yehuda bar Chaviva said that this third section was added to Shema because of six important things contained therein: 1. the commandment of fringes, 2. mention of the Exodus, 3. the call to assume the yoke of Hashem’s commandments, 4. the warning against heretical concepts, 5. the warning against straying after sinful desires, and 6. the warning against idolatrous worship.—Maseches Berachos 12b", "to make for themselves fringes", "on the corners of their garments", "throughout their generations;", "and they will place with the fringes", "of each corner", "a thread of blue.", "And it will be to you for fringes,", "and you will look upon it", "and you will remember", "all the commandments of Adonoy,75Rabbi Meir says: “the blue thread of the fringes resembles the sea, the sea reflects the heavens, and heavens resemble the Throne of Glory” (Sifrei). The outward act of looking upon the tzitzis leads the Jew to inward spiritual conformity with the precepts of Hashem.", "and you will perform them;", "and you will not turn aside", "after your hearts76The heart and the eyes of a person are the agents of sin—the eye sees, the heart desires, and thus the person sins.—Tanchuma cited by Rashi.", "and after your eyes", "which cause you to go astray.", "In order that you will remember", "and perform all My commandments;", "and you will be holy unto your God.", "I am Adonoy, your God,", "Who brought you out", "of the land of Mitzrayim", "to be your God:", "I am Adonoy, your God—77Bamidbar 15:37—41.", "—is true—", "You must be careful to connect the last words of Shema, ה' אֱלֹקֵיכֶם (Adonoy, your God), with the word אֱמֶת (is true) without pause or interruption so that these three words form one sentence, meaning “Adonoy your God is true” (Berachos 13a).", "
The Chazzan repeats:
", "Adonoy, your God, is true.", "The following prayer, which culminates with גָאַל יִשְׂרָאֵל, Who redeemed Yisrael, constitutes the “Blessing after Shema” mentioned in the Talmud (Maseches Berachos 11a). It is also mentioned in Maseches Tamid (32b) as part of the morning service in the Temple.", "—and firm,", "certain and enduring,", "upright and faithful,", "beloved and cherished,", "desired and pleasant,78The Jew declares his commitment to Hashem, and states that His precepts are not forced upon him. On the contrary, they are beloved, cherished, delightful and pleasant to him.—Siach Yitzchok", "awesome and mighty,", "correct79The teachings of Torah are correct in their totality. They lack nothing and are eternally valid for all situations.—Siach Yitzchok and acceptable,80Even those precepts that are not easily understood and appear to contradict human nature, are accepted by us.—Siach Yitzchok", "good and beautiful", "is this81All that was affirmed above in Shema. [affirmation] to us for all eternity.", "It is true,", "that the God of the Universe, is our King,", "the Stronghold of Yaakov", "is the Shield of our deliverance.", "Throughout the generations", "He endures and His Name endures,", "and His throne is confirmed;", "and His sovereignty and His faithfulness", "endure forever.", "His words are alive and enduring,", "faithful and desirable", "forever and to all eternity;", "for our fathers and for us,82After having affirmed that all that was said in Shema is true, firm, certain, enduring, etc., we take an oath and testify that we accept the “yoke of heaven” upon ourselves as did our fathers before us and as will our children after us, forever and ever. Thus we say in the following prayer: “For our fathers, for us, for our children and for our descendants—Your word is good and lasting—a Law that will never be abrogated.”—Kuzari", "for our children and for our generations,", "and for all generations", "of the seed of Yisrael, Your servants.", "Upon the first", "and upon the last [generations]", "[it is] a matter that is good and everlasting.", "It is true and faithful,", "a Law that will never be abrogated.", "Truly you Adonoy, are", "our God, and the God of our fathers,", "our King the King of our fathers,", "our Redeemer, Redeemer of our fathers,", "our Former, Rock of our deliverance;", "our Liberator and our Saver", "is Your Name from old,", "there is no God but You.", "The help83The word help indicates that the recipient also participated in his rescue, whereas the words shield and deliverer indicate that the rescue was made without any help from the rescued party. Our fathers who were righteous, participated in their rescue, and Hashem “helped” them. Since we are not that righteous, Hashem shields and delivers us even though we have no merit.—Siach Yitzchok of our fathers", "You have always been.", "A Shield and a Deliverer", "to their children after them", "in every generation.", "The heights of the universe,", "is Your habitation,", "and Your judgments and Your righteousness", "[reach] to the ends of the earth.84Alternatively: “Affect mankind to the end of earthly time.”—Avudraham", "Fortunate is man", "who heeds Your commandments;", "and Your Torah and Your word85“Your Torah” means the basic concepts of the Torah itself, and “Your word” refers to ethical concepts, derived from events described in the Torah and by the Prophets.—Siach Yitzchok", "he takes to his heart.", "Truly, You are the Master of Your people", "and a mighty King to defend their cause.", "Truly, You are First", "and You are Last,86We refer to Hashem as First and Last only in order to preclude the notion that anything existed before Him, and to repudiate the idea that there is an end to His existence. We do not assert that He has a beginning or a fixed term.—Kuzari", "and besides You", "we have no king, redeemer, or deliverer.", "You redeemed us from Mitzrayim,", "Adonoy, our God,", "from the house of bondage You liberated us.", "All their firstborn You slew,", "and Your firstborn You redeemed.87See Shemos 4:22.", "The Sea of Reeds, You split,", "and the wicked, You drowned.", "You caused the beloved ones to pass through,", "while the waters covered their enemies;", "not one of them remained.", "Because of this, the beloved ones praised", "and exalted the Almighty;", "and the beloved ones offered", "hymns, songs, and praises,", "blessings and thanksgiving", "to the King, the Almighty,", "[Who is] living and enduring.", "(He is) exalted and uplifted,", "great and awesome;", "He humbles the haughty", "and raises the lowly;88Hashem humbled the Egyptians who were haughty and raised high the Jews who had been lowly captives in Egypt.", "He frees the captives", "and redeems the humble,", "(and) helps the impoverished,89Hashem also helps those who are spiritually impoverished.—Rabbi Yehuda ben Yakar", "and He answers His people", "when they cry out to Him.", "Praises to the most high Almighty", "blessed is He,90Intrinsically. and He is blessed.91By others.", "Moshe and the Children of Yisrael", "sang a song to You with great joy,", "and they all proclaimed:", "“Who is like You among the mighty, Adonoy!", "Who is like You—", "[You are] adorned in holiness,", "awesome in praise, performing wonders!”", "With a new song", "the redeemed people praised", "Your Name at the seashore!", "All of them in unison", "gave thanks and proclaimed Your sovereignty,", "and said:", "“Adonoy will reign forever and ever.”", "Rock of Yisrael,", "arise to the aid of Yisrael,", "and liberate", "Yehudah and Yisrael as You promised.92As it is said, “‘And a redeemer will come to Tziyon and to those of Yaakov who repent of their transgression,’ said Adonoy” (Yeshaya 59:20).", "Our Redeemer—", "‘Adonoy Tzevaos' is His Name,", "the Holy One of Yisrael", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who redeemed93While Hashem is always referred to as the Redeemer of Yisrael, this blessing utilizes the past tense, “Who redeemed Yisrael,” as it refers specifically to our redemption from Egypt. —Tzelosa d’Avraham
Our faith in the Redeemer of Yisrael Who redeemed us from Egypt, and our hope that He will redeem us from exile, give us the spiritual energy and courage to stand before Him, to pray and beseech Him for our needs, as we proceed to the Amidah.—Yesodos haTefillah
Yisrael." ], "Amidah": [ "My Master, open my lips,", "and my mouth will declare Your praise.1Rabbi Yonasan Eibschitz in his sefer, Yaaros Devash, explains that upon reflecting in Whose Presence he is about to pray, man should be so overwhelmed with awe and trepidation that he is unable to open his lips. He therefore prefaces his prayer by beseeching Hashem, to open his lips, asking His help to be able to pray in His Presence.", "THE VIRTUE OF OUR FOREFATHERS", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, and God of our fathers,", "God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak,", "and God of Yaakov,", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "most high Almighty,", "Who bestows beneficent kindness,", "Who possesses everything,", "Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs,", "and Who brings a redeemer", "to their children's children,", "for the sake of His Name, with love.", "Remember us for life2Because these are days of judgment and our lives hang in the balance, we pray to Hashem to remember us for life (Rashi, Levush).", "King, Who desires life;3This is based on Yechezkel 18:32, ‘For I do not desire the death of him that dies, but rather that he repent from his evil ways and live.’", "and inscribe us in the Book of Life,4This refers to the Book in which the righteous are inscribed for life everlasting.", "for Your sake,5We ask Hashem to grant us life for His sake, i.e., so that we can fulfill His commandments. Living God.", "
If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the blessing, you should recite it. If you have already said “Blessed are You, Adonoy,” you must continue the prayers without saying “Remember.”
", "King,6We proclaim and accept His Kingship on Rosh Hashanah. Helper,7He helps us during the Ten Days of Penitence, by accepting our repentance. and Deliverer8He delivers us on Yom Kippur by forgiving our sins. and Shield.9On Sukkos, as His Divine Cloud of Glory, hovers over us, He shields us from spiritual and physical danger (Shaare Shomayim).", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Avraham.", "DIVINE MIGHT", "You are mighty forever,10Hashem’s rule of the world is permanent and perpetual (Kuzari). my Master;", "You are the Resurrector of the dead11Here we emphatically declare our belief in the immortality of the soul (Kuzari).", "the Powerful One to deliver us.", "Sustainer of the living with kindliness,", "Resurrector of the dead with great mercy,", "Supporter of the fallen,", "and Healer of the sick,", "and Releaser of the imprisoned,", "and Fulfiller of His faithfulness", "to those who sleep in the dust.", "Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds,", "and who can be compared to You?", "King Who causes death and restores life,", "and causes deliverance to sprout forth.12Deliverance is not a sudden happening but rather a process of growth or sprouting.", "Who is like You merciful Father,", "Who remembers His creatures for life,", "in His mercy.13Even if we are not worthy of life by virtue of our deeds, inscribe us for life because You are a merciful Father (Siddur Chasidei Ashkenaz).", "
If you forgot to say this, the same law applies as above concerning “Remember us for life.”
", "And You are faithful", "to restore the dead to life.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Resurrector of the dead.", "DIVINE SANCTIFICATION", "You are holy and Your Name is holy", "and holy beings", "praise You every day, forever.", "And so,14The word וּבְכֵן, ‘and so,’ marks the beginning of the special prayers of the Shemoneh Esreh recited at each Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur service. According to Avudraham, the Sages chose this word to convey the thought expressed by Esther as she prepared to go before the king on behalf of her people. After telling Mordechai to assemble all the Jews to fast for three days and nights on her behalf, she said, “ וּבְכֵן אָבוֹא אֶל הַמֶּלֶךְ and so I will go in to the king” (Esther 4:16). Thus, since today is the Day of Judgment, as we come before the Supreme King of kings, the Holy One Blessed is He, we begin with the words uttered by Esther as she came before the king. The Siddur Maggid Tzedek quoted by Siach Yitzchak writes that the emphasis of Avudraham was on the last words of the verse said by Esther, “וּבְכֵן אָבוֹא אֶל הַמֶּלֶךְ אֲשֶׁר לֹא כַדָּת,” “And so I will go into the king, even if it is unlawful,” for which one of us can say, “I am virtuous, I have cleansed my heart from sin.” Especially on this great and awesome Day of Judgment, who among us is not embarrassed and ashamed to appear before the King of kings garbed in sackcloths of sin. If Esther who had fasted for three days in penitence and prayer in preparation for her appearance before the king was nevertheless so terribly frightened that she declared: “וּבְכֵן אָבוֹא אֶל הַמֶּלֶךְ אֲשֶׁר לֹא כַדָּת” then we should certainly tremble in awe before the presence of Hashem on this Day of Judgment, knowing deep in our hearts how little and how poorly we have prepared ourselves. Thus our Sages ordained that we open the prayers with the word וּבְכֵן recalling the words of Esther; therewith shattering our delusions of spiritual complacency, and causing us to bow before Him with broken hearts and tear-filled eyes.", "grant15The word תֵּן implies מַתָּנָה, a gift. We ask Hashem to grant us the feeling of reverence for Him, as a gift, knowing how difficult it is to attain such a high level of reverence completely on our own (Siach Yitzchok). that Your awe, Adonoy, our God,", "be upon all Your works,16The word מַעֲשֶׂיךָ, lit., Your works, indicates that which has attained or is near perfection. Thus Yisrael is called His works since we have accepted His Kingship and His Torah which is the fulfillment of Hashem’s creation (Siach Yitzchok).", "and Your dread upon all You have created;17All you have created, שֶׁבָּרָאתָ, indicates that which has not attained its fulfillment, thus we ask Hashem to cast His dread even on those people who have not yet accepted His Divine Kingdom (Siach Yitzchok).", "and [then] all [Your] works will fear You,18The nation of Yisrael will fear You.", "and prostrate before You", "will be all [Your] created beings.19The nations of the world will finally prostrate themselves before You, i.e. submit to You and accept the yoke of Your Kingship.", "And may they all form a single band", "to do Your will", "with a perfect heart.", "For we know Adonoy, our God", "that rulership is Yours,", "strength is in Your hand,", "might is in Your right hand", "and Your Name is awesome", "over all You have created.", "And so,", "grant honor, Adonoy, to Your people,20Once all of Your works and created beings have submitted themselves to Your rule and formed a single bond to do Your will, the honor of Yisrael will be established and raised to new heights. It will then be apparent to all that Yisrael alone carried the yoke of Hashem’s Kingdom throughout the bitter years of exile, giving Him obedience despite its suffering and persecution and the taunts of those who cynically asked, “Where is Your God?” (Etz Yosef).", "praise to those who fear You,21Those who fear Hashem will then be praiseworthy in the eyes of all men.", "good hope to those who seek You22Those who seek Hashem and search for ways to serve Him will no longer be considered ridiculous.", "confident speech", "to those who yearn for You,23Those who wait upon Him will no longer be subdued but will voice their convictions freely.", "joy to Your land, gladness to Your city,", "flourishing of pride to Dovid, Your servant", "and an array of light", "to the son of Yishai, Your anointed,", "speedily in our days.24See Tehillim 132:17. The climax of this spiritual renaissance will be the restoration of our people to our land under the scepter of the Moshiach, descendant of Dovid, the anointed of Hashem.", "And then", "the righteous will see [this] and rejoice,25The entire universe was created for the sake of Yisrael in order that Hashem’s Divine Influence be attached to it. This essence (Yisrael) was created for the sake of an even more treasured essence, namely the prophets and the pious among them. This gradation forms the basis of the sequence of the Rosh Hashanah—Yom Kippur prayers: “Grant that Your awe be upon all that You have made,” is the first prayer. It is followed by, “Grant honor to Your people,” and finally by “the righteous will see this and rejoice.” Thus the righteous and pious are the purpose and fulfillment of the entire creation, the true reason for celebrating these holy days (Fundamentals of Kuzari, page 59).", "and the upright will be jubilant,", "and the pious will exult with joyous song;", "injustice will close its mouth,", "and all the wickedness will vanish like smoke,", "when You remove the rule of evil", "from the earth.", "And You Adonoy will reign alone", "over all Your works", "on Mount Tziyon,", "dwelling place of Your glory,", "and in Yerushalayim, city of Your Sanctuary,", "as it is written in Your holy words,", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "Your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations.", "Praise God.”", "Holy are You, and awesome is Your Name,", "and there is no God beside You,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy Tzevaos is exalted", "through justice", "and the Almighty, the Holy One,", "is sanctified through righteousness.”", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King, the Holy One.", "SANCTIFICATION OF THE DAY", "You chose us from [among] all the peoples;", "You loved us and took pleasure in us;", "You exalted us above all tongues,", "and You sanctified us", "with Your commandments;", "You drew us near, our King, to Your servitude", "and Your great and Holy Name,", "You have pronounced upon us.", "And You gave us Adonoy, our God,", "in love,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(this Shabbos Day and)", "this Day of Atonement,", "for forgiveness,26Forgiveness, (מְחִילָה) implies a waiver of punishment which is due the guilty party. pardon27Pardon, (סְלִיחָה) implies that the earlier relationship between the sinner and the Pardoner will not be blemished because of the wrongdoing of the sinner. and atonement,28Atonement (כַּפָּרָה) implies total acquittal of the consequences of our wrongful acts.", "and to forgive thereon", "all our iniquities;", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(with love)", "a day of holy assembly", "commemorating the exodus from Mitzrayim.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "may there ascend, come, and reach,", "appear, be desired, and heard,", "counted and recalled", "our remembrance and reckoning;", "the remembrance of our fathers;", "the remembrance of the Messiah", "the son of Dovid, Your servant;", "the remembrance of Yerushalayim,", "city of Your Sanctuary", "and the remembrance of Your entire people,", "the House of Yisrael, before You", "for survival, for well-being,", "for favor, kindliness, compassion,", "for life and peace", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Remember us Adonoy, our God", "on this day for well-being;", "be mindful of us on this day for blessing,", "and deliver us for life.", "In accord with the promise of deliverance", "and compassion,", "spare us and favor us,", "have compassion on us and deliver us;", "for to You our eyes are directed", "because You are the Almighty,", "Who is King, Gracious and Merciful.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "forgive our iniquities", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Blot out and remove", "our transgressions and sins29Were it not for the intervention of the wondrous power of Hashem’s grace, our moral and physical entity would have long ceased, as a consequence of our transgressions. This would have been our fate in accordance with the law of cause and effect which functions in Hashem’s world according to His will. It is only Hashem Himself, He Who originally ordained that law, Who in the omnipotence of His will, can also suspend that law. Only He can cause the wrong which was done to become as if it had never occurred. Only Hashem can uproot in its entirety the sin and consequential effect of sin. He has assured this wondrous power of His benevolent grace to every Jew who fulfills the true purpose of Yom Kippur by doing teshuva, true repentance. Thus we cry out to Him “Blot out and remove our transgressions and sins from before Your eyes” for in the words of the prophet, Hashem alone blots out our transgressions.", "from before Your eyes, as it is said:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;30Were Hashem to destroy us because of our transgressions, His Name would be desecrated among the nations of the world. Thus says the prophet, He blots out our transgressions for His own sake.—Metsudas Dovid
According to Malbim, “for My own sake” implies for the sake of the favor and lovingkindness which is His attribute (כִּי חָפֵץ חֶסֶד אָנִי).
", "and your sins, I will not recall.”31Yeshaya 42:25. This implies that our sins will be blotted out so thoroughly that not even the slightest trace will remain. Thus says Hashem, “and your sins, I will not recall” because there will be nothing left to recall.—Metsudas Dovid", "And it is said,", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud32The word פְּשָׁעֶיךָ, your transgressions, which implies a wanton disregard of Hashem’s will is compared to an עָב, a thick cloud. Just as a thick cloud darkens the earth so too, our transgressions cause darkness in our lives.—Malbim", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist33The word חַטֹּאתֶיךָ, your sins, which implies error, or sins committed unknowingly, is compared to an עָנָן, a mist cloud, which does not cause such terrible darkness. So too, our sins do not create such severe blackness in our lives.—Malbim your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”34Yeshaya 44:22", "And it is said,", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins,", "before Adonoy, you will be cleansed.”35In our translation, the words, מִכֹּל חַטֹאתֵיכֶם are joined with the words לִפְנֵי ה' תִּטְהָרוּ, thus reading “from all your sins before Adonoy, you will be cleansed”; implying that the entire sentence is a statement of fact, i.e., that Yom Kippur is a day in which Hashem atones our sins. According to Targum Yonassan ben Uziel, however, the words מִכֹּל חַטֹאתֵיכֶם are joined to the previous words—לְטַהֵר אֶתְכֶם—changing the entire concept of the sentence. According to the Targum the sentence reads: כִּי בַיּוֹם הַזֶה יְכַפֵּר עֲלֵיכֶם לְטַהֵר אֶתְכֶם מִכֹּל חַטֹאתֵיכֶם. “For on this day He will make atonement for you to cleanse you from all your sins”; and thus the final three words of the sentence לִפְנֵי ה' תִּטְהָרוּ represent a command to cleanse ourselves before Him, as the Targum says: וְאַתּוּן קָדָם ה' תּוֹדוּן סוּרְחָנוּתְכוֹן וְתִדְכּוּן “And you—confess your wrongdoings before Hashem, and then you will be cleansed.” Klei Yakar, obviously influenced by Targum explicitly states that this sentence is not a blanket promise of atonement, for Yom Kippur atones only for those who cleanse themselves with honest repentance.", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(Our God and God of our fathers,", "be pleased with our rest)", "Sanctify us with Your commandments", "and give us our share in Your Torah;", "satisfy us from Your goodness", "and gladden us with Your deliverance,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(And give us as our inheritance", "Adonoy our God", "with love and with pleasure", "Your holy Sabbath;", "and may Yisrael rest thereon—", "[they who are] sanctifiers of Your Name)", "and purify our hearts to serve You in truth,36The words סָלְחָן and מָחֳלָן (Pardoner and Forgiver) indicate that Hashem constantly pardons and forgives. He is not like a king who pardons only at times but His Divine attribute is to be a סָלְחָן and מָחֳלָן at all times. He is thus intrinsically a Pardoner and Forgiver.— Pesher Dovor", "For You are the Pardoner37The literal meaning of חַדְרֵי בָטֶן is “chambers of the stomach,” but according to Ibn Ezra to Mishlei 20:27, from which the expression is taken, חַדְרֵי בָטֶן refers to the heart which is the innermost chamber of human thought. of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver38The literal meaning of כְּלָיוֹת is “kidneys,” which are said to give counsel to the heart.— Avudraham of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You,", "we have no king who forgives and pardons,", "only You!", "Blessed are You,", "King Who forgives and pardons", "our iniquities,", "and the iniquities of His people,", "the House of Yisrael;", "and Who removes our trespasses", "each year;", "King over the whole earth,", "Sanctifier", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(of the Shabbos and)", "of Yisrael and the Day of Atonement.", "PRAYER FOR RETURN OF DIVINE SERVICE", "Be pleased, Adonoy, our God,", "with Your people Yisrael", "and their prayer;", "and restore the service", "to the Holy of Holies in Your abode,", "and the fire-offerings of Yisrael;", "and accept their prayer, lovingly", "and willingly.", "And may You always find pleasure", "with the service of Your people, Yisrael.", "And may our eyes behold", "Your merciful return to Tziyon.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon.", "
At the words, We are thankful, bend forward; at Adonoy return to an upright position.
", "THANKSGIVING", "We are thankful to You", "that You Adonoy are our God", "and the God of our fathers forever;", "Rock of our lives,", "Shield of our deliverance,", "You are in every generation.", "We will give thanks to You", "and recount Your praise,", "for our lives", "which are committed into Your hand,", "and for our souls", "which are entrusted to You,", "and for Your miracles of every day with us,", "and for Your wonders and benefactions", "at all times—", "evening, morning and noon.", "(You are) The Beneficent One—", "for Your compassion is never withheld;", "And (You are) the Merciful One—", "for Your kindliness never ceases;", "we have always placed our hope in You.", "And for all the foregoing", "blessed and exalted", "be your Name, our King", "constantly, forever and ever.", "Inscribe for a good life", "all the children of Your covenant.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah. If you became aware of the omission before concluding the blessing, you can say it at that time.
", "And all the living shall thank You forever", "and praise", "Your Name with sincerity", "the Almighty, Who is our deliverance", "and our help forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "“The Beneficent” is Your Name", "and You it is fitting to praise.", "PRAYER FOR PEACE", "Grant peace, goodness, and blessing,", "favor, kindness and compassion", "upon us and upon all Yisrael, Your people.", "Bless us, our Father, all of us as one", "with the light of Your countenance.", "For by the light of Your countenance", "You gave us Adonoy our God,", "a Torah of life and the love of kindliness,", "righteousness, blessing, compassion,", "life, and peace.", "And may it be good in Your eyes", "and to bless Your people Yisrael,", "at all times and at every moment", "with Your peace.", "In the book of life, blessing, peace", "and abundant maintenance,", "may we be remembered and inscribed", "before You;", "we and all Your people, the House of Yisrael", "for a good life and peace.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah.
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who makes the peace.", "
(others conclude—
", "Who blesses His people Yisrael", "with peace.)", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "let our prayer come before you", "and do not ignore our supplication.", "For we are not so brazen-faced", "and stiff-necked", "to say to you,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "“We are righteous and have not sinned.”", "But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.", "We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];", "We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];", "We have stolen; We have slandered.", "We have caused others to sin;", "We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רְשָׁעִים, wicked;", "We have sinned with malicious intent;", "We have forcibly taken others' possessions even though we paid for them;", "We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups;", "We have given harmful advice;", "We have deceived; we have mocked;", "We have rebelled against God and His Torah;", "We have caused God to be angry with us;", "We have turned away from God's Torah;", "We have sinned deliberately;", "We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;", "We have caused our friends grief;", "We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that our suffering is caused by our own sins.", "We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].", "We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;", "We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;", "We have gone astray;", "We have led others astray.", "We have turned away", "from Your commandments", "and from Your good laws,", "and we have gained nothing from it.", "And You are the Righteous One", "in all [punishment] that has come upon us;", "for You have acted truthfully", "and we have acted wickedly.", "What shall we say before You,", "Who dwells on high;", "and what shall we relate to You", "Who dwells in the heavens?", "For everything, both hidden and revealed,", "You know.", "You know the mysteries of the universe,", "and the hidden secrets of every individual.", "You search all our innermost thoughts,", "and probe our mind and heart.", "There is nothing hidden from You,", "and there is nothing concealed", "from Your sight.", "And so may it be Your will", "Adonoy our God and God of our fathers,", "that You pardon us", "for all our careless sins,", "and that You forgive us", "for all our deliberate sins,", "and that You grant us atonement", "for all our rebellious sins:", "For the sin we committed before You", "under compulsion39Even a sin committed under duress needs to be forgiven, because many times a person allows himself to be placed in a predicament in which he is compelled to sin (e.g., leaving the office at a very late hour on the eve of Shabbos or Festival).—Siddur HaGra and willingly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by callously hardening the heart.40This would include not giving charity with a whole heart, and not helping a needy fellow Jew.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "inadvertently.41The literal meaning of בִּבְלִי דַעַת is “without knowledge,” and it implies not using our intellectual capabilities to study the laws of Torah and therewith gain the “knowledge” needed to observe the commandments properly.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with an utterance of the lips.42This includes the sins of making vows and oaths (even though they are kept), verbally insulting one’s fellowmen, and directing one’s displeasure against the decrees of Hashem.— Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "openly and secretly.43A sin committed publicly could very well cause חִלוּל ה', the desecration of Hashem’s Name, and may also lead others to sin. A sin committed in secret, indicates that the sinner fears the reaction of people but is unafraid of Hashem’s displeasure.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in sexual immorality.44This also includes such things that arouse desire for forbidden sexual relationships, such as embracing or dancing.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "through [misuse of our power of] speech.45This includes speaking the words of Torah in unclean places, cursing, humiliating someone; speaking of business matters on Shabbos, revealing another person’s secret, telling jokes and holding idle conversations in a house of worship (and certainly during the actual prayers) and telling lies.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with knowledge and with deceit.46This includes false advertising and dishonesty in business matters.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by improper thoughts.47Evil thoughts, lustful thoughts, heretical thoughts, and suspicious thoughts about righteous people are included.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by cheating a fellow-man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with [mere] verbal confession.48This refers to confession of sins without feeling regret for committing them and without earnest resolve to correct them in the future.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by joining in a lewd gathering.49Any gathering or intimate meeting for the purpose of sexual immortality is included.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "intentionally and unintentionally.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by insufficient respect for parents", "and teachers.50Not obeying their commands, not rising for a talmudic scholar and disrespect for one’s teacher even if he is not considered a “Torah Great” are included.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by using coercion [to harm others].51This includes using physical, political or financial power to harm someone.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by desecrating the Divine Name.52This involves any sin committed that becomes public knowledge, including improper conduct with one’s fellow man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with foolish talk.53This refers to idle talk and gossip.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impurity of the lips.54This includes profanity and unclean language.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with the Evil Inclination.55When a person allows his Evil Inclination to rule over him, he commits a sin.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "knowingly and unknowingly.56We ask Hashem to pardon us even for sins we are not aware that we committed, and also for such sins through which we caused damage but are not aware of the amount of loss incurred. —Siddur HaGra", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by forcing someone to give or take bribes.57A bribe is not limited to money or gifts; it includes flattery or personal favors.— Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by false denial and false promise.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by evil talk [slander].58This includes causing a fellow Jew physical, monetary of social harm through passing degrading information about him to another person. It makes no difference whether this is done in his presence or behind his back, or if the information is true or false.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by scoffing.59Ridicule of a person, a commandment, or guards of Torah are all included in the sin of scoffing.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "in business dealings.60This would include overcharging, misrepresenting, false-labeling and all other such deceitful practices.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in eating and drinking.61Eating forbidden (non-kosher) foods, not saying the proper blessing or grace after meals, over-eating, are included in this sin.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by [taking or giving] interest and by usury.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by haughtily stretching forth the neck.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with gazing of the eyes.62This refers to using the eyes to gaze at forbidden things.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by the prattle of our lips.63This includes idle gossip, which is certainly forbidden in the synagogue at all times.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with haughty eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impudence.64Speaking “with chutzpah” to Torah scholars, or to someone more learned than himself is included in עַזּוּת מֵצַח.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by throwing off the yoke [of heaven].65Rejecting an obligation to fulfill even a single commandment. Also included is shirking a religious obligation which must then be assumed by someone else.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in passing judgment.66This includes a “Dayan,” a judge who does not render correct decisions, and it also includes not giving someone the benefit of the doubt.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by entrapping a fellowman.67This includes even attempting to harm someone; even if no harm was actually done, he still needs forgiveness.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a begrudging eye.68Not doing a favor, not giving charity properly, and feeling bad at someone else’s success are included.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by lightmindedness.69Lightmindedness or frivolity in the synagogue or Bais Midrash or while wearing tefillin are serious sins.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by being stiff-necked [stubborn].70Rejecting admonition and “ignoring” punishment are included. Also included is brushing aside illness, financial loss, and humiliation as mere coincidences rather than manifestations of Divine displeasure.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by running to do evil.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by talebearing.71This refers to carrying tales, even true ones, about one person to another, and the one who listens to these tales is also included in this category of sin.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by swearing in vain.72This includes swearing falsely or even swearing a useless oath.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by unwarranted hatred.73Hating someone because of jealousy, or because he doesn’t conform to your ideas of ettiquete.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by breach of trust.74Denying that you owe someone a monetary debt when he asks for payment.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a confused heart.75This includes sins committed because of confusion, worry or pain, it also includes the sin of harboring doubts about the authenticity of the laws enacted by our Sages, and doubts about the fundamental principles of our faith, such as Divine Providence, reward and punishment, and also doubts about the authenticity of the Torah and the Prophets.—Siddur HaGra", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a burnt-offering.76A burnt-offering is brought for failure to fulfill any positive commandment, e.g, putting on non-kosher tefillin.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a sin-offering.77A sin-offering is brought for unintentionally transgressing any prohibitive commandment punishable by excision (כָּרֵת) if it were done with intent.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a “fluctuating” offering.78The fluctuating offering is an offering that varies in value according to the financial means of the individual who brings it. (The literal meaning of עוֹלָה וְיוֹרֵד, is “go up and down”). This type of offering is brought when a person swore falsely (unintentionally) concerning something he did or did not do. For example, one may have thought he ate something and consequently swore that he ate it, but in reality he did not and thus he swore falsely.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a guilt-offering for certain", "or for doubtful trespasses.79This type of sacrifice was brought in an instance where it is uncertain whether or not a violation occurred. For example it is not known whether a substance he ate was of a forbidden nature or if it was permitted.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of lashing for violations of Rabbinic law.80A Rabbinic Court had the right to impose lashing for a violation of a rabbinic injunction.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of forty lashes.81Forty lashes proscribed by the Torah was given to one who actively and intentionally violated any of the prohibitive commandments, providing he was forewarned and the act was witnessed by two witnesses.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of death at the hand of Heaven.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of excision and childlessness.82One who intentionally does work or eats on Yom Kippur, or one who eats chometz — leavened bread — on Pesach, is punished with excision and childlessness.", "And for sins", "for which we are liable", "to any of the four death penalties", "inflicted by the [Rabbinic] Court [which are]:", "stoning, burning,", "beheading or strangulation.83Stoning is the penalty for knowingly desecrating Shabbos, burning is the penalty for certain forbidden sexual relationships, beheading is the penalty for murder, and strangulation is the penalty for adultery.", "For [transgressing]", "positive commandments,", "and for [transgressing]", "prohibitive commandments,", "whether the prohibition can be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,84For example returning the stolen money would be a corrective measure for the prohibition of stealing.", "or whether it cannot be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "for those of which we are aware", "and for those of which we are not aware.", "For those of which we are aware,", "we have already declared before You", "and confessed them unto You;", "and for those of which we are not aware,", "before You they are revealed and known,", "as it is said,", "“The hidden things", "belong to Adonoy, our God,", "but the revealed things are for us", "and for our children forever,", "that we might fulfill", "all the words of this Torah.”85Devorim 29:28.", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You, we have no King", "Who forgives and pardons—only You!", "God, before I was formed,", "I was unworthy [to be created].", "And now that I have been formed,", "it is as if I had not been formed.", "I am like dust while I live,", "how much more so when I am dead.", "Here I am before You", "like a vessel filled with shame.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, my God, and the God of my fathers,", "that I shall sin no more,", "and the sins I have committed before You,", "cleanse them in Your abundant mercies;", "but not through", "suffering and severe illness.", "My God, guard my tongue from evil", "and my lips from speaking deceitfully.", "To those who curse me,", "may my soul be unresponsive;", "and let my soul be like dust to all.", "Open my heart to Your Torah", "and let my soul pursue Your commandments.", "And all who plan evil against me,", "quickly annul their counsel", "and frustrate their intention.", "Act for the sake of Your Name.", "Act for the sake of Your right hand.", "Act for the sake of Your holiness.", "Act for the sake of Your Torah.", "In order that Your loved ones be released,", "deliver [with] Your right hand and answer me.", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "He Who makes the peace in His high heavens", "may He make peace", "upon us and upon all Yisrael", "and say Amein.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, our God, and the God of our Fathers", "that the Holy Temple be rebuilt", "speedily in our days,", "and grant us our share in Your Torah.", "And there we will serve You reverently", "as in the days of old,", "and in earlier years.", "And let Adonoy be pleased", "with the offerings of Yehudah", "and Yerushalayim", "as in the days of old and in earlier years." ], "Reader's Repetition of the Amidah": [ "
The Ark is opened:
", "My Master, open my lips,", "and my mouth will declare Your praise.", "THE VIRTUE OF OUR FOREFATHERS", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, and God of our fathers,", "God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak,", "and God of Yaakov,", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "most high Almighty,", "Who bestows beneficent kindness,", "Who possesses everything,", "Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs,", "and Who brings a redeemer", "to their children's children,", "for the sake of His Name, with love.", "Invoking the doctrines", "of our wise and understanding Sages,1The Chazzan requests permission to interrupt the blessings of Shemoneh Esreh with the insertion of the piyyutim, declaring that the custom to do so is based on the teaching of our Sages.", "and with the teachings [acquired]", "from their perceptive intuition,", "I open my mouth in prayer and supplication", "to plead and seek favor", "before the presence of the King,", "Forgiver and Pardoner of iniquities.", "I bear Your awe as I set forth my plea,", "in the service of Your people,", "I bend my knees.", "You [Who] took me out of the womb,", "brighten my darkness;", "let me speak clearly,", "and lead me in Your truth.", "Teach me to pour forth sweet meditation,", "and shelter me in Your shadow;", "bring me near to You.", "My cry comes forth with deep concentration;", "I seek Your Presence;", "and may Your righteousness be near.", "[God], Pure of sight and greatly exalted,", "grant me understanding to set forth my prayer,", "properly to entreat You—without fault,", "to find healing relief for those who sent me.", "The opening [words] of my lips,", "purify and set straight.", "[With] the offerings of my mouth, be pleased,", "and make them worthy;", "may the order of my prayer,", "be pleasing as a sacrifice,", "may my plea be [welcome] as raindrops.", "Direct my steps that my speech not falter,", "[my] Rock, support my steps from falling;", "uphold and strengthen me", "from weakness and exhaustion,", "be pleased with my words", "and let me not stumble.", "Preserve me as the apple of Your eye,", "[keep me] from trembling and terror;", "regard my low state", "and come [be my] deliverance.", "Be gracious to me for my spirit is broken,", "as You spoke to Your prophet,", "have compassion on the son You strengthened.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "", "", "Remember us for life", "King, Who desires life;", "and inscribe us in the Book of Life,", "for Your sake, Living God.", "King, Helper, and Deliverer and Shield.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Avraham.", "DIVINE MIGHT", "You are mighty forever, my Master;", "You are the Resurrector of the dead", "the Powerful One to deliver us.", "Sustainer of the living with kindliness,", "Resurrector of the dead with great mercy,", "Supporter of the fallen,", "and Healer of the sick,", "and Releaser of the imprisoned,", "and Fulfiller of His faithfulness", "to those who sleep in the dust.", "Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds,", "and who can be compared to You?", "King Who causes death and restores life,", "and causes deliverance to sprout forth.", "", "", "Until the day of his death,", "You wait for him to repent;", "that he may turn to the way of righteousness,", "and be worthy of [immortal] life.", "", "", "Who is like You merciful Father,", "Who remembers His creatures for life,", "in His mercy.", "And You are faithful", "to restore the dead to life.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Resurrector of the dead.", "", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "Adonoy will reign forever;", "your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations!", "Praise God.", "And You, Holy One,", "are enthroned upon the praises of Yisrael.", "Almighty, we beseech You.", "
The Ark is opened and the following is said responsively:
", "You are our God,", "in heaven and upon earth,", "mighty and revered!", "Surrounded with myriad angels,", "He spoke and it [the world] was!", "He commanded and all was created!", "His mention [Name] is eternal!", "Life of [all] the worlds, He is of pure eyes!2Chavakuk 1:13.", "He dwells in concealment,", "His crown is deliverance!3Yeshaya 59:17.", "His garment is righteousness,", "His robe is zeal!", "He is clothed with vengeance", "His secret is uprightness!4The uprightness of the Almighty is not always revealed to us.", "His counsel is faithful, His work is truth!", "He is just and upright,", "He is near to those who call upon Him", "in truth!", "Exalted and uplifted,", "He dwells in the heavens!", "He suspends the earth in space!", "He is living and enduring,", "awesome, exalted and holy!", "
The Ark is closed.
", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "We beseech You, please pardon [us],", "Bear [with our] transgression and iniquity;", "let Your power be magnified.", "Holy are You!", "We beseech You, Merciful One,", "atone the iniquity of those", "who stand [here] to declare Your praise.", "Let them be engraved for good life", "in the Book [of Life].", "Holy are You!", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "King, Who dwells in eternity", "alone, will You reign forever and ever", "the Almighty, Holy are You!", "King, Who gives ear to prayer,", "to Your people, hasten [Your] deliverance,", "Awesome and Holy are You!", "", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "King, Who dwells in eternity", "alone, will You reign forever and ever", "the Almighty, Holy are You!", "", "", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "This day it is written", "in the Book of Remembrance,", "[who is for] life and [who for] death.", "Please, [Yisrael, who is God's] vineyard, awake!", "Rouse yourselves and stand [in prayer]", "strengthen yourselves, rise up, plead,", "for the sake of [your] soul, plead,", "plead to Him Who dwells on high.", "", "", "", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Therefore, praise God", "“How awesome are Your works.”5Tehillim 66:3", "Praise God.", "Slow to anger, greatly poweful,6Nachum 1:3. In light of Hashem’s great power, His propensity to withhold anger is even more stupendous (Rashi ibid.)", "He creates mountains with His strength.7Tehillim 65:7. Hashem brings forth dense mountains with His strength and subsequently prepares food on them (Rashi; ibid.).", "Wise and mighty,8Job 9:4.", "He gives", "strength to the weary [of his nation9Yeshaya 40:29. (See Rashi’s commentary ibid.)].", "Therefore, will He be exalted10The term “יִתְגָאֶה” is based upon the verse in Shemos 15:1.;", "Our Master is great and of great power.11Tehillim 147:5", "Praise God!", "He builds levels in the heavens12Amos 9:4. Radak explains that this refers to the nine celestial spheres which surround the earth and, thereby, constitute the heavens.", "and waters the mountains with clouds13Tehillim 104:13. Radak explains that this verse is based upon Bereishis 2:6, “And a cloud arose from the land and watered the ground below.”", "He provided a remembrance", "for his miracles14Tehillim 111:4. The phrase, as it appears in Tehillim, refers to remembrances of the miracles performed during the exodus from Egypt, (the specific remembrance is, however, disputed. Rashi says that it refers to the holidays and Sabbath). In this piyut, however, it might have a more general connotation.", "and counts all the actions of men.15I Shmuel, 2:3.", "Therefore will He be exalted", "He constructed a roof above", "the waters above the sky.16Tehillim 104:3. The construction of the heavens is described by the commentators to Tehillim 104:3 and Bereishis Rabbah. On the second day of creation, Hashem established the sky within the waters which subsequently separated the “upper waters” from the “lower waters.” Above the upper waters which lie above the sky, a ceiling or roof was placed.", "Praise God!", "Glorified and exalted above the heavens,", "He is enwrapped in light as a garment.17Tehillim 104:2. The creation of light is so described in Bereishis Rabbah 3:4.", "His are the might and greatness,", "strength and dominion;", "therefore will He be exalted", "and His dominion rules over all.", "Praise God!", "He is surrounded by myriads of holy angels,", "and He is adorned in holiness;", "His way is that of holiness;", "and [the angels] prostrate themselves to Him", "in the splendor of holiness.", "Therefore will He be exalted,", "the ways of my Almighty,", "my King in holiness.18Tehillim 68:25. Rashi says the verse refers to the procession through the Reed Sea.", "Praise God!", "His splendor covers the heavens;19Chavakuk 3:3. Rashi says this verse refers to the giving of the Torah at Sinai to the Jewish people.", "He spreads the earth upon the water,", "He sends thunder from heaven", "and produces the sound of rushing water", "in the heavens.", "Therefore will He be exalted,", "for He spreads the sky out as a curtain.", "Praise God!", "He divided the world into thirds20Yeshaya 40:12. One third desert, one third habitation, and one third rivers and oceans (Rashi, ibid.).", "with His [left] hand He established the earth21Yeshaya 48:13", "while His right hand", "constructed the heavens22Ibid. It is implied that the left hand constructed the earth at the same time that the right hand constructed the heavens (Metsudah, ibid.)
The term “טִפְּחָה” indicates that the heavens were measured according to the scale of Hashem’s hand.—Ibn Ezra
", "and made them stand together perfectly.", "Therefore will He be exalted", "He Who sits upon the heavens.", "surrounding the earth23Yeshaya 40:22. The commentaries explain that the heavens form a sphere which encompasses the earthly globe.—Rashi, Ibn Ezra", "Praise God!", "The splendor of His Throne", "are flashes of fire.24In Daniel 7:9, the Throne of Hashem is described as being composed of flashes of fire.", "His servants flame with fire,25Tehillim 104:4. This refers to the angels who serve Hashem.", "a fire of great brightness", "sends forth lightning26See Yechezkel 1:13. The “heavenly creatures” which sit at Hashem’s Throne are described as being of an intense brightness, which sends out lightning.;", "Rivers of fire flow by Him.27In Daniel 7:10, a river of fire is described as coming forth from Hashem’s Throne. Mateh Levi says that the angels immerse themselves in this river before singing their songs of praise. The wicked are condemned and sentenced there, too.", "Therefore will He be exalted", "His fire consumes all other fires.28In the Maseches Yoma 21b, our Sages say that the fire of Hashem’s Holy Presence (Shechinah) eats up fire. In Devorim 4:24, Hashem himself is described as a Consumer of fire.", "Praise God!", "Life Source of both worlds;29See Maseches Menachos 29b. This refers to this world, and the World to Come.", "with letters Yud Hey of His Name, He created", "the worlds30See Maseches Menachos 29b, based upon Yeshaya 26:4.", "He desired the Holy Temple", "as an eternal dwelling place.", "Therefore will He be exalted.", "He has existed from the beginning of time.31This term is found in Daniel 7:9.", "Praise God!", "His sight is pure;", "Around him are the waters", "which connect the heavens with clouds.", "Those who pull His chariot", "have eyes throughout their backs.32Yechezkel 1:18. This refers to the “Ofanim,” heavenly creatures who are so totally spiritual that their entire bodies perceive as if they were completely covered with eyes.—Mateh Levi", "Therefore will He be exalted;", "the commandments of God are clear,", "enlightening the eyes.33Tehillim 19:9. Every command of Hashem is flawless, lighting the way for those who walk in His path. Those who ignore His commands stumble in darkness.—Radak", "Praise God!", "He knows the mysteries of darkness;34See Daniel 2:22.", "darkness conceals nothing from Him.35Tehillim 139:12. Since Hashem does not use human eyes for vision, He has no need for light.—Radak", "He places limits upon the darkness;36See Job 28:3", "He turns into morning—", "the shadow of death and darkness.37Amos 5:8. Hashem brings light to those who dwell in darkness.—Rashi", "Therefore will He be exalted—", "the Former of light", "and Creator of darkness.38Yeshaya 45:7", "Praise God!", "He has established His throne for Justice;", "the foundations of His throne", "are righteousness and justice.", "The God of Justice39Yeshaya 30:18. He will demand payment from those who rebel against Him.—Rashi", "holds justice in His hand;40Unlike a human king who cannot easily rescind his own decrees, Hashem can cancel any decree if the person repents. Hence justice is like a rope in His hand, for he can pull it back at any time, at will.—Mateh Levi", "therefore will He be exalted", "and Adonoy of Hosts is exalted", "through justice.41Yeshaya 5:16. When Hashem does justice, his Name becomes great in the world.—Rashi", "Praise God!", "[Only] for Him is kingship truly fitting.42Yirmiyahu 10:7. It cannot be said however that any of the kings on this earth actually deserve their distinction.—Radak", "He dwells eternally, [also] with the contrite.43Yeshaya 57:15. Rabbi Yochanan said, “Wherever you find the greatness of Hashem, there you will find His humility.”", "He pushes man to the crushing point,", "and says to him,", "‘return with a humble spirit.'44Tehillim 90:3. Hashem permits the sinner to return in penitence even till the very last moment of his life.—Iyun Tefiloh", "Therefore will He be exalted,", "for the kingship is Adonoy's.", "Praise God!", "He rules the world with His might.", "Everything is seen [by God],", "nothing is hidden from Him.", "This is His Name forever.", "His kindness is eternal,", "therefore will He be exalted.", "Blessed is Adonoy, God of Yisrael", "from this world to the next world.", "Praise God!", "He preserves the righteousness of men", "for [two] thousand generations.45Shemos 34:7. According to Rashi the verse refers to the good deeds performed by man rather than to the righteousness of Hashem. Thus He preserves the merit of their righteousness for generations.", "He battles His enemies in each generation;", "He will restore the dwelling of His anointed", "enclosing its breaches.46Amos 9:11 The specific meaning of the word לִגְדוֹר in this piyut is not clear. According to Radak and Malbim, it can refer to the Jewish people or to the House of Dovid, thus indicating that Hashem will mend the breaches of our people or those in the royal family of Dovid. Some commentaries say that סֻכַּת מְשִׁיחוֹ refers to the Holy Temple and לִגְדוֹר indicates that its walls will be built solidly to last forever. See Mateh Levi.", "The light dwells with Him,", "in His Habitation,47See Daniel 2:22. The meaning of the word “light” is not clear in this context. Perhaps it refers to the “Or haganuz” (אוֹר הַגָנוּז) the hidden light which Hashem hid away during the Six Days of Creation to be used for the benefit of the righteous in the World to Come.", "therefore will He be exalted.", "This is His Name", "from generation to generation.", "Praise God!", "He sustains all heavenly and earthly creation.", "He hears [the cry of] the needy,", "He gives ear to words of supplication,", "He listens to the songs of prayer;48According to Mateh Levi. This refers to the songs of prayer sung in the synagogue by the Jewish people.", "therefore will He be exalted,", "God of gods and Master of masters.", "Praise God!", "Strong and mighty, Master of war49See Tehillim 24:8. Hashem is victorious over those who wage war with His beloved ones.— Metsudas Dovid. Malbim differentiates between “גִבּוֹר” which indicates physical strength and “גִבּוֹר מִלְחָמָה” which indicates military, tactical skill, and savy.", "He takes revenge upon His enemies,", "He destroys His enemies", "causing confusion among them50Thus causing them to kill one another. A famous example is that of Gideon’s victory over Midian (Judges 6).", "roaring at them.", "Therefore will He be exalted.", "Adonoy is the Master of war.", "Praise God!", "Creator and Mover of everything.51Yeshaya 44:24. Hashem Himself created the entire world during the Six Days of Creation, and with His strength, sustains the creation each and every day.—Radak The verse as it appears in Yeshaya uses only the term “עוֹשֶׂה” which the Malbim explains as referring to the actual creation of matter ex nihilo. “פּוֹעֵל” indicates energy and movement.", "It is within His hand", "to bestow greatness and strength to all.52I Divrei Hayomim 29:12. He can do this anytime He wishes.—Malbim", "The eyes of all look expectantly to Him.53Tehillim 145:15. To sustain them and feed them.", "His eyes watch over all.", "Therefore will He be exalted,", "He is above all.", "Praise God!", "Just in all His ways;", "He is upright,", "revealing Himself from His windows.54Shir Hashirim 2:9. Hashem reveals His concern and watchfulness over the Jewish people.", "He desires the people that", "proclaim Him King.55The Jewish people accept Hashem as their King (Mateh Levi).", "Those blessed by Him will inherit the land.56This might also be translated, “those who bless Him will inherit the land.” See Tehillim 37:22.", "Therefore will He be exalted,", "God's angels bless him.", "Praise God!", "He summons the generations", "from the beginning,57Yeshaya 41:4. Hashem knows all future generations and calls each generation to come into being at its proper time in history.—Ibn Ezra, Metsudas Dovid", "He foretells the end from the beginning.58Yeshaya 46:10. Hashem revealed the bondage and slavery of the Egyptian exile to Avraham long before the actual events took place. See Bereishis 16:12—14.", "He chose a people,", "poor and few in number,59Hashem chose Yisrael, who were poorer and fewer in number than other nations, to be His people.—Mateh Levi", "to seek His might every day60Hashem chose them to seek the Torah, which is His might, by learning and expounding on it every day.—Mateh Levi;", "therefore will He be exalted.", "He is uplifted over all rulers.", "Praise God!", "Exalted and uplifted, He dwells in eternity;", "trust in Him forever.", "His glory is amidst the company of angels.61Tehillim 89:8. Hashem’s glory abides in the company of the angels who are around Him to serve Him (Radak). Mateh Levi explains the verse as meaning that Hashem has placed his Holy Presence (Shechina) in the company of the angels.", "And to His holy nation", "He has made Himself known.", "Therefore will He be exalted", "He gazes upon the earth and it trembles.", "Praise God!", "His path is in the great waters,62Hashem made a path through the Reed Sea for the Jews when they were redeemed from Egypt.—Radak, Ibn Ezra", "His skies drip with rain and dew.63The word “מַרְעִיף” is from Devorim 33:28, meaning to drip.", "The Oneness of His Name is proclaimed", "morning and evening", "in the gates of crowded synagogues.64The Krias Shema is recited morning and evening in the synagogues.", "Therefore will He be exalted", "Adonoy of Hosts dwells upon the cherubim.65II Shmuel 6:2. The two cherubim, on top of the Holy Ark, were a chariot for the Name of Hashem who dwelt upon them in holiness.—Malbim", "Praise God!", "His praise fills the world", "He removes decreed calamity,66Yeshaya 10:22", "He holds back anger and destruction;", "and accepts the pleas", "of those who implore Him.", "Therefore will He be exalted,", "Adonoy, our Master,", "How mighty is Your Name", "over the whole earth.", "How great are the works of our God.", "It is the work of our God!", "Who in heaven can be measured to Him?67Tehillim 89:7. The term “שַׁחַק” refers to chambers above the sky where the angels dwell, and from whence come all miracles.—Malbim", "Who among the mighty", "can compare to Him?68The term “בְּנֵי אֵלִים” literally means “mighty ones.” Metsudas Dovid understands it as referring to the angels, while Ibn Ezra takes it to refer to the stars.", "He elevated the heavens", "to make them His dwelling place;", "The inhabitants of earth", "are as grasshoppers before Him.", "Therefore will He be exalted", "God is our rock, His work is perfect.", "It is the work of our God!", "Dominion and awesome authority are His,", "yet abundant salvation is with him.", "To the cries and silent prayer of His people,", "He hastens to give ear from His heavens.", "Therefore will He be exalted", "Adonoy of Hosts is His Name.", "It is the work of our God!", "He gives sustenance to those who fear Him69Tehillim 111:5. Rashi interprets “טֶרֶף” as food. Radak and Ibn Ezra say it refers to the money and valuables which the Egyptians gave to the Jews upon their exodus from Egypt. Metsudas Dovid explains it as denoting the manna bread from heaven, which the Jews ate for forty years in the desert.;", "Gifts are brought to Him,", "whom they fear.70Based upon Tehillim 76:12. The word “מוֹרָא” referring to Hashem has been replaced in the piyut by “מוֹרָאָיו.” The Jews bring sacrifices to Hashem, whom they fear.", "Even His multitude of angels", "cannot behold", "the glory of His Divine Presence.", "Therefore will He be exalted", "The eye of Adonoy", "is on those who fear Him.", "It is the work of our God!", "He makes the winds His messengers", "and is sanctified with songs and praise.", "He hears the prayers poured out before Him.", "He answers, and rescues those in danger", "Therefore will He be exalted", "the God of the winds.", "It is the work of our God!", "He saves from the grave,", "those borne by Him71The term “עֲמוּסָיו” is found in Yeshaya 46:3 and refers to a child who is carried upon the shoulders of his father.;", "He is the Rock,", "Who knows those who take refuge in Him.", "He is the Holy One,", "Who performs great wonders;", "He is merciful to those who please Him", "and even to those who anger Him.", "Therefore will He be exalted", "His mercy is upon all His creations.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "[However] this is the work of man!", "His thoughts are of mischief,", "he dwells amid deceit;", "his [final] pursuit is with the worms,", "he is buried in the cleft of the earth.", "How then can man be exalted,", "when he is compared to vanity?", "
The Ark is opened:
", "But not so the work of our God!", "He hears prayers,", "He is attentive to those", "who set their supplication before Him.", "His teachings are a source of delight,", "His battles are crowned with deliverance;72See Yeshaya 59:17", "therefore will He be exalted.", "the Almighty is our Almighty of deliverance.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Strength and faithfulness [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "understanding and blessing [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "loftiness and greatness [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "knowledge and speech [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "beauty and splendor [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "designation of time and steadfastness [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "purity and brightness [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "valour and might [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "order and pureness [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "Oneness and awe [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "the crown and the honor [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "teaching and wisdom [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "kingship and rule [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "beauty and victory [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "eminence and exaltation [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "power and humility [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "redemption and adornment [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "the glory and the righteousness [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "the acclaim and the holiness [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "shouts of joy and grandeur [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "song and praise [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally;", "[hymns] of praise and glory [pertain]", "to Him Who lives eternally.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
Chazzan and congregation
", "", "", "", "And thus", "all acknowledge You their Sovereign,", "to the Almighty", "Who apportions judgment;", "Who examines hearts", "on the day of judgment;", "Who reveals depths [of the heart]", "in judgment;", "Who speaks uprightly", "on the day of judgment;", "Who utters knowledge in judgment;", "To Him Who is steadfast,", "and yet deals kindly on the day of judgment;", "Who recalls His covenant in judgment;", "Who has pity on His works", "on the day of judgment;", "Who purifies those who trust in Him,", "in judgment;", "Who knows the thoughts of man", "on the day of judgment;", "Who suppresses His anger in judgment;", "Who is clothed in righteousness", "on the day of judgment;", "Who forgives iniquities in judgment;", "Who is awesome in praise", "on the day of judgment;", "Who pardons those borne73See Yeshaya 46:3. “Yisrael which are borne by Me from the belly, which are carried by Me from the womb.” by Him,", "in judgment;", "Who answers those who call upon Him", "on the day of judgment;", "Who exercises His compassion in judgment;", "Who scrutinizes secrets", "on the day of judgment;", "Who acquires His servants, in judgment;", "Who has compassion on His people", "on the day of judgment;", "Who preserves those who love Him,", "in judgment;", "Who supports His perfect ones", "on the day of judgment.", "And thus", "unto You may [our] sanctification ascend,", "for You our God are King,", "Forgiver and Pardoner.", "", "as is written by Your prophet,", "“And they called to one another and said:" ], "Kedushah": [ "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "‘Holy, holy, holy", "is Adonoy Tzevaos,", "the fullness of all the earth is His glory.'”", "
", "His glory fills the world,", "His ministering angels", "ask one another—", "“Where is the place of His glory?”", "those facing them say, “Blessed.”", "", "", "", "
", "His glory fills the world,", "His ministering angels", "ask one another—", "“Where is the place of His glory?”", "those facing them say, “Blessed.”", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "“Blessed is the glory of Adonoy", "from His place.”", "
", "From His place,", "He will turn in compassion", "and favor the people", "who proclaim the Oneness of His Name", "evening and morning, each day continually", "twice each day, with love,", "they recite, “Shema.”", "", "", "", "
", "From His place,", "He will turn in compassion", "and favor the people", "who proclaim the Oneness of His Name", "evening and morning, each day continually", "twice each day, with love,", "they recite, “Shema.”", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "Hear Yisrael,", "Adonoy is our God, Adonoy is One.", "
", "He is our God, He is our Father,", "He is our King, He is our Deliverer,", "and He will let us hear in His mercy", "a second time", "in the presence of all the living", "[His promise] “to be your God.”", "", "", "", "
", "He is our God, He is our Father,", "He is our King, He is our Deliverer,", "and He will let us hear in His mercy", "a second time", "in the presence of all the living", "[His promise] “to be your God.”", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "“I am Adonoy, your God.”", "
", "Mighty One, our Mighty One,", "Adonoy, our Master,", "How mighty is Your Name", "throughout the earth.", "And Adonoy will be King", "over the whole earth;", "on that day Adonoy will be One,", "and His Name One.", "", "
", "Mighty One, our Mighty One,", "Adonoy, our Master,", "How mighty is Your Name", "throughout the earth.", "And Adonoy will be King", "over the whole earth;", "on that day Adonoy will be One,", "and His Name One.", "And in Your holy words it is written:", "
Congregation says and Chazzan repeats
", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "your God, Tziyon, throughout all generations;", "praise God.”", "
The Chazzan concludes
", "From generation to generation", "we will declare Your greatness,", "and to all eternity", "we will sanctify Your holiness;", "and Your praise, our God", "will not depart from our mouth", "forever and ever;", "because You are the Almighty", "Who is King, Great and Holy!", "Have compassion upon Your works,", "and rejoice in Your works;", "and let those who trust in You say—", "when You justify those borne by You—", "“Be sanctified, [our] Master", "over all Your works.”", "For those who sanctify You", "are themselves hallowed in Your holiness;", "becoming to the Holy One", "is the glory of those who are holy.", "When there is no one to plead", "[our] righteousness", "against the testimony of the accuser,", "speak on behalf of Yaakov", "regarding the statute and law,", "and make us righteous with justice,", "[You, Who are the] King of justice.", "It will yet be remembered in our behalf,—", "the love of Avraham,—", "by our Master;", "and for the sake of the son [Yitzchak]", "who let himself be bound on the altar,", "he will put an end to our struggle;", "and in the merit of the perfect one [Yaakov],", "the Revered One will bring forth", "our judgment to a righteous conclusion;", "for this day is holy to our Master.", "And thus may Your Name be hallowed", "Adonoy, our God,", "over Yisrael, Your people,", "over Yerushalayim, Your city,", "over Tziyon, the dwelling place of Your glory,", "over the kingship of the House of Dovid,", "Your anointed,", "and over Your [holy] Dwelling,", "and Your Sanctuary.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "You alone will be exalted,", "and reign over all in unity;", "as it is said by the hand of Your prophet,", "“And Adonoy will be King", "over the whole earth;", "on that day Adonoy will be One", "and His Name One.", "And so,", "grant that Your awe, Adonoy, our God,", "be upon all Your works,", "and Your dread upon all You have created;", "and [then] all [Your] works will fear You,", "and prostrate before You", "will be all [Your] created beings.", "And may they all form a single band", "to do Your will", "with a perfect heart.", "For we know Adonoy, our God", "that rulership is Yours,", "strength is in Your hand,", "might is in Your right hand", "and Your Name is awesome", "over all You have created.", "And so,", "grant honor, Adonoy, to Your people,", "praise to those who fear You,", "good hope to those who seek You", "confident speech", "to those who yearn for You,", "joy to Your land, gladness to Your city,", "flourishing of pride to Dovid, Your servant", "and an array of light", "to the son of Yishai, Your anointed,", "speedily in our days.", "And then", "the righteous will see [this] and rejoice,", "and the upright will be jubilant,", "and the pious will exult with joyous song;", "injustice will close its mouth,", "and all the wickedness will vanish like smoke,", "when You remove the rule of evil", "from the earth.", "And You Adonoy will reign alone", "over all Your works", "on Mount Tziyon,", "dwelling place of Your glory,", "and in Yerushalayim, city of Your Sanctuary,", "as it is written in Your holy words,", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "Your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations.", "Praise God.”", "Holy are You, and awesome is Your Name,", "and there is no God beside You,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy Tzevaos is exalted", "through justice", "and the Almighty, the Holy One,", "is sanctified through righteousness.”", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King, the Holy One." ], "Sanctification of the Day": [ "You chose us from [among] all the peoples;", "You loved us and took pleasure in us;", "You exalted us above all tongues,", "and You sanctified us", "with Your commandments;", "You drew us near, our King, to Your servitude", "and Your great and Holy Name,", "You have pronounced upon us.", "And You gave us Adonoy, our God,", "in love,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(this Shabbos Day and)", "this Day of Atonement,", "for forgiveness, pardon and atonement,", "and to forgive thereon", "all our iniquities;", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(with love)", "a day of holy assembly", "commemorating the exodus from Mitzrayim.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "may there ascend, come, and reach,", "appear, be desired, and heard,", "counted and recalled", "our remembrance and reckoning;", "the remembrance of our fathers;", "the remembrance of the Messiah", "the son of Dovid, Your servant;", "the remembrance of Yerushalayim,", "city of Your Sanctuary", "and the remembrance of Your entire people,", "the House of Yisrael, before You", "for survival, for well-being,", "for favor, kindliness, compassion,", "for life and peace", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Remember us Adonoy, our God", "on this day for well-being;", "be mindful of us on this day for blessing,", "and deliver us for life.", "In accord with the promise of deliverance", "and compassion,", "spare us and favor us,", "have compassion on us and deliver us;", "for to You our eyes are directed", "because You are the Almighty,", "Who is King, Gracious and Merciful.", "Remember Your mercies, Adonoy", "and Your kindnesses,", "for they are from the beginning of the world.", "Remember not the sins of our ancestors;", "let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,", "for we have been brought very low.", "Remember us Adonoy", "with favor for Your people", "recall us with Your deliverance.", "Remember Your congregation", "which You have acquired of old,", "You have redeemed the tribe", "of Your inheritance,", "this mountain of Tziyon", "where You have dwelled.", "Remember, Adonoy,", "the affection of Yerushalayim,", "the love of Tziyon, forget not until eternity.", "Remember, Adonoy,", "to the sons of Edom, the day of Yerushalayim,", "[it was they] who said,", "“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”", "You will arise", "and have compassion on Tziyon,", "for it is time to be gracious to her,", "for the appointed time has come.", "Remember Avraham, Yitzchak, Yisrael,", "Your servants,", "to whom You swore by Your very Self,", "and You said to them:", "“I will multiply your seed", "as the stars of the heavens;", "and all this land that I have promised,", "I will give to your descendants,", "and they will inherit it forever.”", "Remember Your servants,", "Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov;", "do not regard the stubborness of this people,", "or their wickedness, or their sin", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "Do not, we beseech You", "place upon us the sin,", "wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.", "We have sinned, our Rock;", "Pardon us our Creator.", "", "Remember to us", "the covenant of the Patriarchs,", "as You promised,", "“And I will remember", "my covenant with Yaakov,", "and also my covenant with Yitzchak,", "and also my covenant with Avraham", "will I remember,”", "and the land I will remember.", "Remember to us", "the covenant of the ancestors,", "as You promised,", "“And I will remember for their sake,", "the covenant with their ancestors,", "whom I brought out", "of the land of Mitzrayim,", "in the sight of the nations;", "to be their God,", "I am Adonoy.”", "Do unto us as You promised,", "“And yet for all that,", "when they are in the land of their enemies,", "I will not reject them", "and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,", "to annul My covenant with them;", "for I am Adonoy, their God.”", "Have compassion on us", "and do not destroy us,", "as it is written:", "“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,", "your God;", "He will not abandon you or destroy you,", "and He will not forget", "the covenant of your fathers", "which He swore to them.”", "Open our hearts", "to love Your Name,", "as it is written:", "“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,", "and the heart of your descendants,", "to love Adonoy, your God,", "with all your heart,", "and with all your soul,", "that you may live.”", "Bring back our captivity", "and have compassion on us,", "as it is written:", "“And Adonoy, your God will return", "your captivity and have compassion on you;", "and He will again gather you", "from [among] all the peoples,", "where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”", "Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:", "“If your dispersed", "are in the farthermost part of heaven,", "from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,", "and from there He will take you.”", "Be accessible to us when we seek You,", "as it is written:", "“And from there", "you will seek Adonoy, your God,", "and you will find Him;", "if you search after Him", "with all your heart", "and with all your soul.”", "Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,", "as You promised:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;", "and your sins, I will not recall.”", "Sweep aside our transgressions", "as a thick cloud and as a mist,", "as You have promised:", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist, your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”", "Make our sins as white as snow or wool,", "as it is written:", "“Come now, let us reason together,", "says Adonoy,", "though your sins be as scarlet,", "they shall be as white as snow;", "though they be red as crimson,", "they shall become [white] as wool.”", "Sprinkle clean water upon us,", "and cleanse us, as it is written:", "“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,", "and you will be clean;", "from all your defilements,", "and from all your idols,", "I will cleanse you.”", "Atone our sins on this day,", "and cleanse us, as it is written:", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins", "before Adonoy you will be cleansed.”", "Bring us to Your holy mountain,", "and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,", "as it is written:", "“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,", "and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;", "their burnt-offerings and sacrifices", "will be accepted with favor on My Altar,", "for My House,", "will be called a House of Prayer", "for all peoples.”", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;", "spare us and have compassion on us,", "and accept", "our prayers mercifully and willingly.", "Lead us back to You, Adonoy", "and we shall find the way back;", "renew our days as of old.", "Give ear to our words, Adonoy!", "Consider our meditations.", "May the words of our mouths be acceptable —", "and the thoughts of our hearts—before You,", "Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.", "Cast us not away from Your Presence,", "and Your holy spirit take not from us.", "Do not cast us off in time of old age,", "when our strength fails, do not forsake us.", "Forsake us not, Adonoy,", "our God, be not far removed from us.", "Give us a sign of Your goodness", "that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;", "for You, Adonoy, have helped us", "and comforted us.", "For You, Adonoy, do we wait,", "You will answer us, our Master, our God.", "
The Ark is closed.
", "Our God and God of our fathers!", "Do not forsake us, do not cast us off,", "and do not disgrace us;", "and do not nullify Your covenant with us.", "Draw us near to Your Torah,", "teach us Your commandments,", "direct us to Your ways.", "Incline our hearts to fear Your Name,", "and open our hearts to Your love,", "and may we return to You in truth,", "and with a perfect heart.", "And for the sake of Your great Name,", "forgive and pardon our iniquity,", "as it is written in the words of Your holiness,", "“For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,", "pardon my iniquity for it is great.”", "Our God, and God of our fathers!", "Pardon us, forgive us, atone for us.", "
Chazzan and congregation responsively:
", "For we are Your people; and You are our God.", "We are Your children; and You are our Father.", "We are Your servants; and You are our Master.", "We are Your congregation;", "and You are our Portion.", "We are Your inheritance;", "and You are our Destiny.", "We are Your flock; and You are our Shepherd.", "We are Your vineyard; and You are our Keeper.", "We are Your work; and You are our Creator.", "We are Your dear ones", "and You are our Beloved.", "We are Your treasure; and You are our God.", "We are Your people; and You are our King.", "We are Your distinguished ones;", "and You are our Distinction.", "We are brazen-faced;", "and You are merciful and gracious.", "We are stiff-necked;", "and You are slow to anger.", "We are full of iniquity;", "and You are full of compassion.", "Our days are like a passing shadow;", "and You are the same", "and Your years will not end.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "let our prayer come before you", "and do not ignore our supplication.", "For we are not so brazen-faced", "and stiff-necked", "to say to you,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "“We are righteous and have not sinned.”", "But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.", "We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];", "We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];", "We have stolen; We have slandered.", "We have caused others to sin;", "We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רְשָׁעִים, wicked;", "We have sinned with malicious intent;", "We have forcibly taken others' possessions even though we paid for them;", "We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups;", "We have given harmful advice;", "We have deceived; we have mocked;", "We have rebelled against God and His Torah;", "We have caused God to be angry with us;", "We have turned away from God's Torah;", "We have sinned deliberately;", "We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;", "We have caused our friends grief;", "We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that our suffering is caused by our own sins.", "We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].", "We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;", "We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;", "We have gone astray;", "We have led others astray.", "We have turned away", "from Your commandments", "and from Your good laws,", "and we have gained nothing from it.", "And You are the Righteous One", "in all [punishment] that has come upon us;", "for You have acted truthfully", "and we have acted wickedly.", "We have acted wickedly and have transgressed;", "we have therefore not been delivered.", "Grant that our hearts [be inspired to]", "abandon the path of wickedness,", "and hasten our deliverance;", "as is written by the hand of Your prophet,", "“Let the wicked man abandon his way,", "and the man of iniquity his thoughts;", "and let him return unto Adonoy,", "and He will have compassion on him,", "and unto our God", "for He pardons abundantly.”", "Our God, and God of our fathers!", "Forgive and pardon our iniquities", "
On Shabbos say:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement,", "and permit Yourself to be petitioned", "by our prayer.", "Blot out and remove our transgressions", "from before Your eyes,", "and compel our Evil Inclination", "to be subservient to You,", "and subdue our stubborness,", "that we may return to You in truth;", "and renew our conscience", "that we may preserve Your precepts.", "Open our hearts", "that we may love and fear Your Name,", "as it is written in Your Torah:", "“And Adonoy, Your God will open Your heart,", "and the heart of your descendants", "to love Adonoy, your God,", "with all your heart", "and with all your soul,", "that you may live.”", "Our intentional and our unintentional sins—", "You recognize—", "[those committed] willfully or by compulsion,", "[those committed] openly or secretly—", "before Your Presence,", "they are [all] revealed and known.", "What are we? What is our life?", "What are our acts of kindness?", "What is our righteousness?", "What is our deliverance?", "What is our strength? What is our might?", "What can we say before You,", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers?", "Are not all the mighty men", "as nothing before You?", "Famous men as though they had never been?", "The wise as if they were without knowledge?", "And men of understanding", "as if they were devoid of intelligence?", "For most of their actions are a waste", "and the days of their life", "are trivial in Your presence.", "The superiority of man over beast", "is nil", "for all is futile.", "What shall we say before You,", "Who dwells on high;", "and what shall we relate to You", "Who dwells in the heavens?", "For everything, both hidden and revealed,", "You know.", "", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "Your Name was always", "the “forbearer of transgression,”", "give ear to our plea", "as we stand before You in prayer.", "Forbear the transgression of a people", "who repent [their] transgression;", "blot out our transgression", "from before Your eyes.", "You know the mysteries of the universe,", "and the hidden secrets of every individual.", "You search all our innermost thoughts,", "and probe our mind and heart.", "There is nothing hidden from You,", "and there is nothing concealed", "from Your sight.", "And so may it be Your will", "Adonoy our God and God of our fathers,", "that You pardon us", "for all our careless sins,", "and that You forgive us", "for all our deliberate sins,", "and that You grant us atonement", "for all our rebellious sins:", "For the sin we committed before You", "under compulsion and willingly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by callously hardening the heart.", "For the sin we committed before You", "inadvertently.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with an utterance of the lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "openly and secretly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in sexual immorality.", "For the sin we committed before You", "through [misuse of our power of] speech.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with knowledge and with deceit.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by improper thoughts.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by cheating a fellow-man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with [mere] verbal confession.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by joining in a lewd gathering.", "For the sin we committed before You", "intentionally and unintentionally.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by insufficient respect for parents", "and teachers.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by using coercion [to harm others].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by desecrating the Divine Name.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with foolish talk.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impurity of the lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with the Evil Inclination.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "knowingly and unknowingly.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by forcing someone to give or take bribes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by false denial and false promise.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by evil talk [slander].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by scoffing.", "For the sin we committed before You", "in business dealings.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in eating and drinking.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by [taking or giving] interest and by usury.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by haughtily stretching forth the neck.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with gazing of the eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by the prattle of our lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with haughty eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impudence.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by throwing off the yoke [of heaven].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in passing judgment.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by entrapping a fellowman.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a begrudging eye.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by lightmindedness.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by being stiff-necked [stubborn].", "For the sin we committed before You", "by running to do evil.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by talebearing.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by swearing in vain.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by unwarranted hatred.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by breach of trust.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a confused heart.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a burnt-offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a sin-offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a “fluctuating” offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a guilt-offering for certain", "or for doubtful trespasses.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of lashing for violations of Rabbinic law.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of forty lashes.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of death at the hand of Heaven.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of excision and childlessness.", "And for sins", "for which we are liable", "to any of the four death penalties", "inflicted by the [Rabbinic] Court [which are]:", "stoning, burning,", "beheading or strangulation.", "For [transgressing]", "positive commandments,", "and for [transgressing]", "prohibitive commandments,", "whether the prohibition can be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "or whether it cannot be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "for those of which we are aware", "and for those of which we are not aware.", "For those of which we are aware,", "we have already declared before You", "and confessed them unto You;", "and for those of which we are not aware,", "before You they are revealed and known,", "as it is said,", "“The hidden things", "belong to Adonoy, our God,", "but the revealed things are for us", "and for our children forever,", "that we might fulfill", "all the words of this Torah.”", "And You, Merciful One, accept the penitent.", "Concerning repentance,", "You promised us from the very beginning;", "and because of our repentance", "our eyes look hopefully to You.", "Dovid, Your servant, said before You,", "“Errors—who can comprehend?", "From hidden [faults], cleanse me.”", "Cleanse us, Adonoy, our God,", "from all our transgressions,", "and purify us from all our defilement.", "Sprinkle clean waters on us", "and cleanse us,", "as it is written by the hand of Your prophet,", "“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,", "and you will be clean;", "from all your defilements,", "and from all your idols,", "I will cleanse you.”", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "forgive our iniquities", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Blot out and remove", "our transgressions and sins", "from before Your eyes, as it is said:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;", "and your sins, I will not recall.”", "And it is said,", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”", "And it is said,", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins,", "before Adonoy, you will be cleansed.”", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(Our God and God of our fathers,", "be pleased with our rest)", "Sanctify us with Your commandments", "and give us our share in Your Torah;", "satisfy us from Your goodness", "and gladden us with Your deliverance,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(And give us as our inheritance", "Adonoy our God", "with love and with pleasure", "Your holy Sabbath;", "and may Yisrael rest thereon—", "[they who are] sanctifiers of Your Name)", "and purify our hearts to serve You in truth,", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You,", "we have no king who forgives and pardons,", "only You!", "Blessed are You,", "King Who forgives and pardons our iniquities,", "and the iniquities of His people,", "the House of Yisrael;", "and Who removes our trespasses", "each year;", "King over the whole earth,", "Sanctifier", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(of the Shabbos and)", "of Yisrael and the Day of Atonement." ], "Avodah": [ "Be pleased, Adonoy, our God,", "with Your people Yisrael", "and their prayer;", "and restore the service", "to the Holy of Holies in Your abode,", "and the fire-offerings of Yisrael;", "and accept their prayer, lovingly", "and willingly.", "And may You always find pleasure", "with the service of Your people, Yisrael.", "And may our eyes behold", "Your merciful return to Tziyon.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon.", "THANKSGIVING", "We are thankful to You", "that You Adonoy are our God", "and the God of our fathers forever;", "Rock of our lives,", "Shield of our deliverance,", "You are in every generation.", "We will give thanks to You", "and recount Your praise,", "for our lives", "which are committed into Your hand,", "and for our souls which are entrusted to You,", "and for Your miracles of every day with us,", "and for Your wonders and benefactions", "at all times—", "evening, morning and noon.", "(You are) The Beneficent One—", "for Your compassion is never withheld;", "And (You are) the Merciful One—", "for Your kindliness never ceases;", "we have always placed our hope in You.", "
When the Chazzan repeats the Shemoneh Esrei and says, “Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon,” the congregation responds by saying “Amein” and then the following prayer.
", "We are thankful to You,", "that You Adonoy are our God,", "and God of our fathers,", "God of all flesh,", "Our Creator, Creator of the Beginning.", "Blessings and thanksgivings", "to Your great and Holy Name", "for keeping us alive, and sustaining us;", "so may You always keep us alive", "and sustain us,", "and gather our exiles", "to the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary", "to observe Your statutes,", "and to do Your will,", "and to serve You wholeheartedly,", "for we are thankful to You.", "Blessed is the Almighty", "to Whom all thanks are due.", "And for all the foregoing", "blessed and exalted", "be Your Name, our King", "constantly, forever and ever.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember Your mercies,", "and suppress Your anger,", "and remove pestilence, sword, famine,", "captivity, destruction, iniquity,", "plague, misfortune,", "every disease, every stumbling-block,", "every contention, every type of disorder;", "every evil decree and groundless hatred,", "from us,", "and from all the children of Your covenant.", "Inscribe for a good life", "all the children of Your covenant.", "And all the living shall thank You forever", "and praise", "Your Name with sincerity", "the Almighty, Who is our deliverance", "and our help forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "“The Beneficent” is Your Name", "and You it is fitting to praise.", "Priestly Blessings", "Our God, and God of our fathers, ", "bless us with the threefold blessing,", "of the Torah", "written by the hand of Moshe, Your servant,", "pronounced from the mouth of Aharon", "and his sons, the kohanim, Your holy people;", "as it is said:", "Adonoy bless you and guard you.", "Adonoy shine His countenance upon you", "and be gracious unto you.", "Adonoy turn His countenance toward you", "and grant you peace.", "PRAYER FOR PEACE", "Grant peace, goodness, and blessing,", "favor, kindness and compassion", "upon us and upon all Yisrael, Your people.", "Bless us, our Father, all of us as one", "with the light of Your countenance.", "For by the light of Your countenance", "You gave us Adonoy our God,", "a Torah of life and the love of kindliness,", "righteousness, blessing, compassion,", "life, and peace.", "And may it be good in Your eyes", "and to bless Your people Yisrael,", "at all times and at every moment", "with Your peace.", "In the book of life, blessing, peace", "and abundant maintenance,", "may we be remembered and inscribed", "before You;", "we and all Your people, the House of Yisrael", "for a good life and peace.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who makes the peace.", "
(others conclude—
", "Who blesses His people Yisrael", "with peace.)" ], "Avinu Malkenu": [ "This unique and moving prayer is recorded as having been recited by Rabbi Akiva. The Talmud (Taanis 25b) relates that Rabbi Eliezer once stepped down before the Ark and recited the 24 benedictions for fast days and his prayers were not answered. Rabbi Akiva stepped down after him and exclaimed, “Our Father, our King, we have no king except You. Our Father, our King, for Your sake have mercy on us,” and rain fell. This prayer is not recited on the Sabbath.", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Our Father, our King!74The Jewish People are referred to in Scripture as Hashem’s slaves (Vayikra 25:42), and as His children (Devorim 14:1). Thus we say to Him, “If we are Your children, we beseech You as our Father; if we are Your slaves, we implore You as our Master and King. Contrary to the view that Hashem the Father is so full of love for His children that He permits the wanton breaking of His commandments to go unpunished, Judaism knows that Hashem the King must be feared and His laws must be obeyed. There are times when a father is unable to do what he would like for his children because of physical or financial limitations. On the other hand, a king has the power to do anything for his subjects if he should so desire. We cry out to Hashem—You are our Father and You desire to help us—You are our King and You have the power to help us!", "we have sinned before You.", "Our Father our King!", "we have no King except You.75Despite our physical banishment and spiritual estrangement—the result of our sins—we still have none other than Hashem to guide our lives and to shape our destiny.", "Our Father, our King!", "deal with us [kindly]", "for the sake of Your Name.76See Yechezkel 36.", "Our Father, our King!", "renew for us a good year.", "Our Father, our King!", "annul all harsh decrees concerning us.", "Our Father, our King!", "annul the designs of those who hate us.", "Our Father, our King!", "thwart the plans of our enemies.", "Our Father, our King!", "rid us of every oppressor and adversary.", "Our Father, our King!", "close the mouths of our adversaries", "and our accusers.", "Our Father, our King!", "remove pestilence, sword, famine, captivity,", "destruction and [the burden of] iniquity", "from the members of Your covenant.", "Our Father, our King!", "withhold the plague from Your inheritance.", "Our Father, our King!", "forgive and pardon all our iniquities.", "Our Father, our King!", "blot out and remove our transgressions", "and sins from before Your eyes.", "Our Father, our King!", "erase in Your abundant mercy", "all records of our liabilities.77Having just asked that our sins be forgiven and that our transgressions be removed from before His eyes, what are we asking for now? Our earlier pleas were for forgiveness of those sins we committed ourselves. But there are sins for which we are held accountable even though we do not commit them ourselves. One possibility is that of watching while others sin when we may have been able to prevent it. (Chazal say כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל עֲרֵבִין זֶה לָזֶה. A guarantor is one who countersigns a debt note, undertaking to pay if the borrower defaults. Thus we ask Hashem to erase all our notes of obligation whether as borrower or guarantor. In all instances He is the Extender of credit.) Thus we beseech Hashem to erase the records of our guilt in those instances.—Siach Yitzchok", "Our Father, our King!", "bring us back", "in wholehearted78Many repent out of their fear of Hashem. Others repent out of their love for Him. We beseech Hashem to bring us back in “wholehearted” repentance motivated by love, the most perfect form of penitence.—Etz Yosef repentance before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "send complete79We beseech Hashem to heal both the spiritually ill as well as the physically ill. We ask, therefore, for a “complete” healing for the sick among us.—Etz Yosef healing", "to the sick among Your people.", "Our Father, our King!", "tear up the evil [parts] of our sentence.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember us favorably before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us in the Book of Good Life.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us", "in the Book of Redemption and Deliverance.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us", "in the Book of Maintenance and Sustenance.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us in the Book of Merits.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us", "in the Book of Pardon and Forgiveness.", "Our Father, our King!", "cause deliverance to spring forth for us soon.", "Our Father, our King!", "raise up the might of Yisrael Your people.", "Our Father, our King!", "raise up the might of Your anointed.", "Our Father, our King!", "fill our hands with Your blessings.", "Our Father, our King!", "fill our storehouses with abundance.", "Our Father, our King!", "hear our voice,", "spare us and have compassion upon us.", "Our Father, our King!", "accept", "our prayer with compassion and favor.", "Our Father, our King!", "open the gates of heaven to our prayer.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember, that we are dust.", "Our Father, our King!", "please do not turn us away", "empty-handed from You.", "Our Father, our King!", "let this hour be", "an hour of compassion", "and a time of favor before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "have compassion upon us,", "and upon our children and infants.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who were slain for Your Holy Name.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who were slaughtered", "for [proclaiming] Your Unity.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who went through fire and water", "for the sanctification of Your Name.", "Our Father, our King!", "avenge the spilled blood of Your servants.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for Your sake if not for ours.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for Your sake and deliver us.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of Your great mercy.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake", "of Your great, mighty, and awesome Name", "which is proclaimed upon us.", "Our Father, our King!", "favor us and answer us", "for we have no accomplishments;", "deal with us charitably and kindly", "and deliver us.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "
The Chazzan recites the following Kaddish:
", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "May there be acceptance", "of the prayers and supplications", "of the entire House of Yisrael", "before their Father in heaven.", "And say, Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael,", "and say, Amein.", "On Monday:", "Today is the second day of the week,", "on which the Levites used to recite", "in the Holy Temple:", "A song, a psalm by the sons of Korach.", "Adonoy is great and highly extolled", "in the city of our God,", "the mountain of His Sanctuary.", "Beautiful in its panoramic vista,", "the joy of all the earth is Mount Tziyon,", "on the northern extremities (of Yerushalayim);", "the city of the great King.", "God, in its palaces,", "has become known as a Stronghold.", "For behold, the kings assembled,", "they passed by together.", "They saw and were astounded,", "they panicked and fled in haste.", "Trembling siezed them there,", "like the pangs of a woman in labor.", "With an east wind", "You smashed the ships of Tarshish.", "As we heard, so we saw", "in the city of Adonoy of Hosts,", "in the city of our God;", "may God establish it for eternity, Selah.", "We hoped, God, for Your lovingkindness", "in the midst of Your Sanctuary.", "As Your Name, God, so is Your praise—", "to the ends of the earth;", "Your right hand is full of righteousness.", "Let Mount Tziyon rejoice,", "let the daughters of Yehudah exult,", "because of Your judgments.", "Rally around Tziyon and encircle her,", "count her towers.", "Consider well her ramparts,", "raise high her citadels,", "that you may recount it", "to future generations.", "That this is God, our God", "forever and ever,", "He will lead us like children.", "On Wednesday:", "Today is the fourth day of the week,", "on which the Levites used to recite", "in the Holy Temple:", "Almighty of vengeance, Adonoy,", "Almighty of vengeance, reveal Yourself.", "Arise Judge of the earth,", "repay the arrogant their just reward.", "How long shall the wicked—", "Adonoy—", "how long shall the wicked exult?", "They express, they speak with arrogance;", "all the evildoers are boastful.", "Adonoy, they crush Your people", "and Your heritage they oppress.", "The widow and stranger they kill,", "and orphans they murder.", "And they say, “God does not see,", "the God of Yaakov is not concerned.”", "Consider,", "[you] stupid [ones] among the people,—", "and you fools when will you become wise?", "He Who implanted the ear, does He not hear?", "He Who formed the eye, does He not see?", "He Who chastises nations,", "does He not reprove—", "He that teaches man knowledge?", "Adonoy knows the thoughts of men,", "that they are vanity.", "Fortunate is the man", "whom You chastise, God,", "and whom You instruct from Your Torah.", "To grant him tranquility from days of evil,", "until the pit is dug for the wicked.", "for Adonoy will not abandon His people", "and His inheritance, He will not forsake.", "For justice shall return unto righteousness,", "and all the upright in heart will follow it.", "Who will rise up for me against the wicked,", "who will stand up for me", "against the evildoers?", "Had Adonoy not been my help,", "in an instant", "my soul would have dwelt in the silent grave", "If [Whenever] I said, my foot has slipped,", "Your kindliness, Adonoy upheld me.", "When (worrisome) thoughts multiply", "within me,", "Your consolations soothe my soul.", "Can a tribunal of evil have accord with You—", "[a tribunal] that makes iniquity into law?", "They gang up against the life of the righteous,", "and blood of the innocent they condemn.", "Adonoy has been my stronghold,", "my God the Rock of my refuge.", "He turns their violence against them,", "and with their own wickedness,", "destroys them;", "Adonoy, my God, destroys them.", "Come let us sing to Adonoy;", "let us shout for joy", "to the Rock of our Deliverance.", "Let us greet Him with thanksgiving;", "with song let us shout for joy to Him.", "for a great Almighty is Adonoy;", "a great King over all godlike beings.", "On Thursday:", "Today is the fifth day of the week,", "on which the Levites used to recite", "in the Holy Temple:", "To Him Who grants victory—", "upon the Gittis, a psalm of Assaf:", "Sing joyously to God, our strength,", "shout for joy to the God of Yaakov.", "Take up the hymn, sound the drum,", "the pleasant harp and the lute.", "Blow the shofar on the Rosh Chodesh,", "at the appointed time for our festive day.", "For it is a statute for Yisrael,", "a [day of] judgement of the God of Yaakov.", "As a testimony for Yehosef, He ordained it", "when he went out over the land of Mitzrayim,", "[where] an unfamiliar language I heard.", "From the burden, I removed his shoulder,", "his hands were removed from the cauldron.", "In distress you called out, and I released you,", "I answered you", "[though you called] in secret", "[I answered you] thunderously;", "I tested you at the waters of Merivah. Selah.", "Hear, My people, I will testify about you,", "Yisrael, if you would just listen to Me.", "Let no strange god be within you,", "nor bow before a foreign god.", "I am Adonoy, your God,", "Who brought you up", "from the land of Mitzrayim,", "open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.", "But My people did not heed My voice,", "and Yisrael did not want Me.", "So I sent them to follow their heart's desires,", "let them follow their own devices.", "If only My people would heed Me,", "if Yisrael would walk in My ways.", "I would immediately subdue their enemies,", "and turn My hand against their tormentors.", "Those who cause hate of Adonoy", "deceive [pretend obedience to] Him,", "but their time (of punishment)", "will be forever.", "But He would feed him (Yisrael)", "from the cream of the wheat,", "and from the rock,", "I would sate you with honey.", "On Shabbos:", "Today is the holy Shabbos", "on which the Levites used to recite", "in the Holy Temple:", "A psalm, a song for the Shabbos day.", "It is good to thank Adonoy,", "and sing praise to Your Name, Most High.", "To relate Your kindliness in the morning,", "and Your faithfulness in the nights.", "Upon a ten-stringed instrument and lute,", "in meditation upon the harp.", "For You have given me joy, Adonoy,", "with Your deeds,", "at the work of Your hands I sing joyously.", "How great are Your works, Adonoy;", "how infinitely profound are Your thoughts.", "An empty-headed man cannot know,", "nor does a fool understand this:", "When the wicked bloom like grass,", "and all the evildoers blossom—", "it is so that they may be destroyed forever.", "But You will remain on high forever, Adonoy,", "For behold, Your enemies, Adonoy;", "behold, Your enemies shall perish;", "dispersed shall be all evildoers.", "You uplifted my horn like that of a unicorn;", "I am saturated with fresh oil.", "My eye has seen [the defeat of]", "those who spy on me;", "of the wicked who rise against me,", "my ears have heard [that they are doomed].", "The righteous will blossom like a date palm,", "like a cedar in Lebanon, he will grow tall.", "Planted in the House of Adonoy,", "in the Courtyards of our God", "they will blossom.", "They will still be fruitful in old age;", "they will be full of sap and freshness.", "To declare that Adonoy is upright;", "He is my Stronghold;", "in Whom there is no injustice.", "The following Psalm (27) voices our prayer that God will be our light on Rosh Hashana enabling us to repel the darkness of sin through true repentance, and that He will be our salvation on Yom Kippur, through His compassionate atonement of our sins.", "By Dovid:", "Adonoy is my light and my salvation,", "whom shall I fear?", "Adonoy is the strength80Rav S.R. Hirsch translates, “Adonoy is the source of my life’s strength,” thus Dovid declares that Hashem is the fount from which his life derives its power to resist all foes. of my life,", "of whom shall I be afraid?", "When evildoers approach me", "to devour my flesh—", "my tormentors and my foes", "they stumble and fall.", "If an army should encamp against me,", "my heart would not fear;", "if war were to rise against me", "in this81Dovid says that he trusts in the declaration stated in the opening verse, “Adonoy is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?”—Rashi, Radak I trust.", "One thing I request of Adonoy,", "[only] that shall I seek:", "that I may dwell82The literal translation of שִׁבְתִּי is “my sitting.” The Talmud states that “no man may ‘sit’ in the courtyard of the Temple except for the kings of the House of Dovid.—Maseches Soteh 40b in the House of Adonoy", "all the days of my life,", "to behold the pleasantness of Adonoy,", "and to meditate in His Sanctuary.", "For He will hide me in His Tabernacle83The Vilna Gaon comments that the commandment of Succos is implied in this verse and the next.", "on the day of distress,", "He will conceal me in the shelter of His Tent,", "upon a rock He will lift me.", "And now my head is raised high", "above my enemies around me;84Dovid declares, “Because I look up to Hashem in every aspect of my existence, I am so exalted that no enemy can harm me.—S.R. Hirsch", "and I will offer in His Tent,", "sacrifices", "[accompanied] with trumpets of joy;", "I will sing and chant to Adonoy.", "Adonoy, hear my voice85This verse alludes to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. “Hear my voice,” refers to Rosh Hashana when we sound the shofar. The word “my voice (sound)” refers to the “voice” of the shofar. “When I call” refers to Yom Kippur, about which Yeshaya (55:6) said, “call to Him when He is near.”—Siddur HaGra when I call;", "be gracious to me and answer me.", "Of You, my heart has said,", "“Seek My Presence”;", "Your Presence, Adonoy I will seek.", "Conceal not Your Presence from me,", "do not turn away Your servant in anger.", "You have been my help;", "neither cast me off nor abandon me,", "God of my deliverance.", "Altough my father and mother", "abandon86Even if I were so depraved that my own mother and father would abandon me to my own devices, Hashem would still gather me up and believe in my ability to mend my ways.—S.R. Hirsch me,", "Adonoy will gather me up.", "Adonoy, teach me Your way,", "and lead me in the path of uprightness,", "because of my watchful foes.87His enemies. Dovid asks for Divine help that he be saved even from the mere semblance of wrongdoing so that his foes should not be able to rejoice over his faults.—S.R. Hirsch", "Do not deliver me", "to the will of my tormentors,", "for false witnesses have risen against me,", "who breathe violence.", "Had I not believed88“These false witnesses would have destroyed me had I not believed that I would see the goodness of Hashem in the land of the living.”—Rashi, Radak that I would see", "the goodness of Adonoy", "in the land of living.89There are various interpretations of the “Land of the living.” Some hold that it refers to the present world in which we live—Metsudas Tziyon; Ramban holds that it refers to the World-to-Come; and Malbim says that it refers to Eretz Yisroel.", "Hope to Adonoy,", "be strong and He will give you courage;", "and hope to Adonoy." ], "Mourner's Kaddish": [ "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace", "in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael,", "and say, Amein." ] }, "Reading of the Torah": { "Va'yehi Binsoa": [ "There is none like You", "among gods, my Master,", "and nothing like Your works.1Tehillim 86:8.", "Your Kingship is the kingship for all worlds", "and Your dominion is in every generation.2Tehillim 145:13.", "Adonoy is King, Adonoy was King,", "Adonoy will be King forever and ever.", "Adonoy will give strength to His people", "Adonoy will bless His people with peace.3Tehillim 29:11.", "Father of compassion!", "Do good, as You see fit, to Tziyon.", "May You rebuild the walls of Yerushalayim.", "For in You alone do we trust,", "King,", "Almighty,", "Exalted and Uplifted, Master of worlds.", "
When the Holy Ark is opened, the following is said:
", "And whenever the Ark traveled", "Moshe would say: “Rise, Adonoy", "and let Your enemies be scattered,", "and those who hate You, flee before You.”", "For from Tziyon will go forth the Torah,", "and the word of Adonoy from Yerushalayim.", "Blessed is He Who gave the Torah", "to His people Yisrael in His holiness.", "
On Shabbos, continue “Blessed is the Name” on page 000.
", "
When Yom Kippur occurs on a weekday say the following verse three times:
", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Compassionate, and Gracious,", "Slow to anger", "and Abounding in kindness and truth.", "He preserves kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin,", "and He cleanses [the penitent].4Shemos 34:6, 7.", "
and then add:
", "Master of the universe!", "Fulfil my request for good,", "gratify my wishes and grant my request.", "Forgive all my iniquities,", "and all the iniquities of my family,", "with forgiveness of lovingkindness", "and compassion.", "Purify me of my sins,", "my iniquities and my transgressions.", "Remember us favorably before You,", "and be mindful of us", "for deliverance and compassion.", "Remember us for a good, long life", "of peace, of maintenance and sustenance.", "Give us bread to eat,", "clothes to wear, and wealth and honor;", "give us long life to meditate in Your Torah,", "and to fulfill its commandments;", "[give us] intelligence and understanding", "to understand and be intellectually creative", "in comprehending its profound concepts.", "Send healing for all our sorrows,", "and bless all the work of our hands.", "Ordain for us good decrees", "of deliverances and comforts,", "and remove from us", "all harsh decrees.", "Cause the hearts of government leaders,", "their advisors and officers,", "to be favorably inclined toward us.", "Amein! And may this be Your will.", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "
The following verse is then said three times:
", "But as for me,", "may my prayer to You, Adonoy,", "be at a favorable time;", "God, in the abundance of Your kindness,", "answer me with the truth of Your deliverance.5Tehillim 69:4.", "
The following prayer is said every Shabbos and on every Yom Tov
" ], "Berich Shemei": [ "The following prayer is taken from the Zohar (Parshas Vayakhail), the basic text of Kabbalah which was written by the Mishnahic sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. The Zohar states, “When the Torah is taken out to be read before the congregation, the heavenly gates of mercy are opened, and the Divine love is aroused; therefore one should say the following prayer.", "Blessed is the Name", "of the Master of the Universe.", "Blessed is Your crown and Your place.", "May Your good will [be]", "with Your people Yisrael forever.", "The redemption of Your right hand,", "show Your people in Your Holy Temple.", "Bestow on us Your excellent light,", "and accept our prayer with compassion.", "May it be Your will", "to prolong our lives in well-being.", "Let me be counted", "among the righteous,", "so that You will have compassion on me", "and protect me and all that is mine,", "and all that belongs to Your people, Yisrael.", "You are He", "Who nourishes all and maintains all;", "You are He Who rules over all;", "You are He Who rules over kings,", "and the kingdom is Yours.", "I am a servant", "of the Holy One, blessed is He,", "I bow before Him", "and before the honor of His Torah", "at all times.", "Not in man do I put my trust,", "nor do I rely on any angel;", "but only in the God of heaven", "Who is the true God,", "Whose Torah is truth,", "Whose prophets are true,", "and Who performs many deeds", "of goodness and truth.", "In Him I put my trust", "and to His holy, honored Name", "I utter praises.", "May it be Your will", "to open my heart to Torah,", "and to fulfill the desires of my heart", "and of the heart of Your people Yisrael", "for goodness, for life, and for peace.", "
The Chazzan takes the Torah and says the following verses, each of which is repeated by the congregation.
", "Hear Yisrael,", "Adonoy is our God,", "Adonoy is One.", "One is our God,", "great is our Master;", "holy and awesome is His Name.", "
The Chazzan says:
", "Declare the greatness of Adonoy with me,", "and let us exalt His Name together.", "
The Congregation responds:
", "Yours, Adonoy, is the greatness, the might,", "the glory, the victory, and the beauty,", "for everything in heaven and on earth", "[is Yours]; Yours, Adonoy, is the kingdom,", "and You are uplifted over all rulers.", "Exalt Adonoy, our God", "and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,", "Holy is He.", "Exalt Adonoy, Our God", "and prostrate yourselves", "at His holy mountain", "for Adonoy, our God, is holy.", "", "May the Father of mercy have compassion", "on the people borne6See Shemos 19:4, “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings.” See Yeshaya 46:3, “Yisrael which are borne by Me from the belly, which are carried by Me from the womb.” by Him,", "and may He remember", "the covenant with the patriarchs;", "may He rescue our souls", "from evil times;", "and may He rebuke the Evil Impulse", "from those who have been carried6See Shemos 19:4, “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings.” See Yeshaya 46:3, “Yisrael which are borne by Me from the belly, which are carried by Me from the womb.” by Him;", "and may He graciously grant us", "eternal survival;", "and fulfill our requests", "in beneficent measure,", "[for] deliverance and compassion.", "
When the Torah is unrolled, the Reader says:
", "May He help, shield, and deliver", "all who take refuge in Him,", "and let us say: Amein.", "Let us all ascribe greatness to our God", "and give honor to the Torah.", "Let the Kohein come forward.", "Arise, son of , the Kohein,", "Blessed is He Who gave the Torah", "to His people, Yisrael, in His holiness.", "
The Congregation responds:
", "And you who cling to Adonoy, Your God,", "are all alive today.", "
(The following blessings are recited by every person called to the Torah.)
", "
The Kohein walks up to the Torah, and says:
", "Blessed Adonoy, Who is blessed.", "
The Congregation responds and the Kohein repeats:
", "Blessed is Adonoy, Who is blessed,", "forever and ever.", "
The Kohein says:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who chose us from among all the peoples", "and gave us His Torah.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Giver of the Torah.", "
After the Torah is read, the Kohein says:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe", "Who gave us the Torah of truth,", "and implanted eternal life within us.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Giver of the Torah." ], "Reading for Yom Kippur Morning": [ "Vayikra 16:1-34", "And Adonoy spoke to Moshe after the death of Aharon's two sons, who brought an [unauthorized] offering before Adonoy and died. And Adonoy spoke to Moshe: speak to your brother Aharon that he should not enter at all times the [inner] Sanctuary that is beyond the curtain, before the Ark-cover, which is on the Ark, so that he may not die, for in the cloud, I appear over the Ark-covering. When Aharon enters this inner Sanctuary, it must be with a young bullock for a sin-offering and a ram for a burnt-offering. He must put on a sanctified, white linen tunic; and have linen pants on his body; and with a linen sash, he must gird himself, and with a linen turban, he must cover his head. These are sacred vestments, and [therefore], he must immerse himself in a mikveh before putting them on. And from the congregation of the children of Yisrael, he shall take two he-goats for sin-offerings, and one ram for a burnt-offering. And Aharon shall [begin by] presenting his own bullock for a sin-offering, and make atonement7Atonement was made by confessing his sins, and the sins of his household.—Rashi for himself and his household.", "He shall then take the two he-goats and stand them before Adonoy, at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting. And Aharon shall place lots on the two he-goats, one lot [marked] “for Adonoy” and one lot [marked] “for Azazel.”8Azazel denotes a hard, rocky cliff from which the goat was pushed off to its death.—Rashi And Aharon shall present the goat that has the lot “for Adonoy,” which he will [later] prepare as a sin-offering. And the goat that has the lot “for Azazel” shall remain alive before Adonoy, for [Aharon to make] atonement on it and send it to Azazel in the desert. And Aharon shall present his bullock for a sin-offering and make atonement for himself and for his [priestly-family] household,9This second confession was for himself and his fellow priests.—Rashi and he shall then slaughter his bullock as a sin-offering.", "And he shall take a fire pan full of burning coals from the [western] side of the [outer] Altar which is toward Adonoy, and a double handful of finely pulverized sweet incense, and bring them into the [inner Sanctuary] within the curtain. And he shall place the incense on the fire, before Adonoy, so that the smoke from the incense covers the Ark-cover that is upon the [tablets of] testimony, and [then] he will not die. And he shall take of the blood of the bullock and with his forefinger, sprinkle it [once] above the east side of the Ark-cover; and [then] directly toward the Ark-cover, he shall sprinkle the blood seven times with his forefinger. And then he shall slaughter the goat of the sin-offering that is for the people,10This refers to the goat chosen by lot “for Adonoy.”—Rashi and bring its blood [into the inner Sanctuary] within the curtain and he shall do the same with this blood as he did with the blood of the bullock, and he shall sprinkle it above the Ark-cover and directly toward the Ark-cover. And he shall make atonement on the holy [Ark] for the defilement11This refers to defilement caused by those who entered the Sanctuary in an unclean state. —Rashi of the children of Yisrael and for their transgressions and all their sins; and so shall he do for the Tent of Meeting that dwells with them in the midst of their uncleanliness. No one else shall be in the Tent of Meeting from the time that he [Aharon] enters the Sanctuary to make atonement until he leaves; and thus shall he make atonement for himself, and for his household, and for the entire community of Yisrael.", "He shall then go out to the Altar that is before Adonoy,12This refers to the Golden Altar upon which the incense was burned.—Rashi and make atonement on it; he shall [do so by] taking some of the blood of the bullock and of the goat, and placing the mixture on the horns of the Altar, all around. He shall sprinkle the blood on it13This blood was sprinkled on the top of the Altar itself.—Rashi seven times with his forefinger; and thus he shall purify and sanctify14He shall purify it of the sins which occupied in the past and he shall sanctify it against sin in the future.—Rashi in the name of Sifrah. it from any defilement on the part of the Children of Yisrael. When he finishes making atonement of the [inner] Sanctuary, of the Tent of Meeting and of the Altar, he shall present the live goat. And [then] Aharon shall lean both his hands on the head of the live goat, and he shall confess on it all the iniquities of the Children of Yisrael, and all their transgressions, all their sins; and he shall place them on the goat's head and send it to the desert with a man, specially designated [for this purpose]. The goat will thus carry all their iniquities to a desolate area, and he shall let the goat go in the wilderness. And Aharon shall then come into the Tent of Meeting and take off the white linen garments that he wore when he entered the [inner] Sanctuary; and he shall leave them there. And he shall immerse his body in a mikveh in the sanctified area and [then] he shall put on his [regular] vestments; and he shall go out and offer his own burnt-offering, and the burnt-offering of the people, and he shall make atonement for himself and for the people.", "And the fat of the sin-offering he shall burn upon the Altar. And the one who sends the goat to Azazel shall immerse his clothing and his body in a mikveh, and [only] then may he enter the camp. And the bullock and the goat presented as sin offerings, whose blood was brought into the [inner] Sanctuary to make atonement, shall be brought outside the camp; and they shall burn their skin, flesh, and entrails in fire. And the one who burns them shall immerse his clothing and his body in a mikveh, and he may then come back into the camp. This shall be an eternal statute for you; [each year] on the tenth day of the seventh month, you shall fast and not do any work, [this applies] to the native born and to the proselyte who joins you. For on this day He will make atonement for you to cleanse you; from all your sins before Adonoy, you will be cleansed.", "It is a Sabbath of Sabbaths to you, and you must fast; it is an eternal statute. And the priest who is anointed and consecrated to be [the high] priest in his father's place, shall make this atonement, wearing the sacred linen vestments. And he shall make atonement for the holy [inner] Sanctuary, the Tent of Meeting and for the Altar; and for the priests and for all the people of the community he shall make atonement. And this shall be for you an eternal statute to achieve atonement for the Children of Yisrael for all their sins once each year; and he [Aharon] did15When the Day of Atonement arrived, he performed the services in the order proscribed by Hashem. as Adonoy commanded Moshe.", "
When the reading of the Torah is concluded, the Half Kaddish is recited by the Reader. The Torah is raised so that the congregation can see the script, and the congregation exclaims:
", "This is the Torah which Moshe placed", "before the children of Yisrael.", "at Adonoy's command by the hand of Moshe.", "It is a tree of life to those who grasp to it,", "and those who support it are fortunate.", "Its ways are ways of pleasantness,", "and all its paths are peace.", "Long life is at its right,", "at its left, riches and honor.", "Adonoy desired,", "for the sake of His righteousness,", "to make the Torah great and to glorify it." ], "Maftir Reading from the Second Sefer Torah": [ "Bamidbar 29:7-11", "And on the tenth [day] of this seventh month, a day of holy assembly it shall be for you, and you shall fast; all manner of work you shall not do. And as a burnt-offering for a pleasing savor to Adonoy, you shall present one young bullock, one ram; seven male yearling lambs, without blemish, they shall be for you. And their meal-offerings of fine flour mixed with [olive] oil shall be three tenths [of an epha] for the bullock, two tenths [of an epha] for the ram. One tenth [of an epha] for each of the seven lambs. [There shall also be] one he-goat for a sin-offering; [these are all] in addition to the sin-offering of atonement, and the regular daily burnt-offering and their meal-offerings and libations.", "
When the reading of the Maftir is concluded, the Torah is raised so that the congregation can see the script, and the congregation exclaims:
", "This is the Torah which Moshe placed", "before the children of Yisrael.", "at Adonoy's command by the hand of Moshe.", "It is a tree of life", "to those who grasp to it,", "and those who support it are fortunate.", "Its ways are ways of pleasantness,", "and all its paths are peace.", "Long life is at its right,", "at its left, riches and honor.", "Adonoy desired,", "for the sake of His righteousness,", "to make the Torah great and to glorify it." ], "Berachos for the Haftarah": [ "The Haftarah, a selected reading from the Prophets, usually contains some reference to the text or theme of the Sidrah, the Torah Reading, which precedes it. According to Avudraham, the recitation of the Haftarah, was instituted during the period of persecution preceding the revolt of the Maccabees, when the actual Torah reading was prohibited. Readings from the Prophets were then substituted in order to review some of the teachings contained in the Torah itself. The word הַפְטָרָה is derived from the root פטר, which means to discharge or conclude. By reading the Haftarah, we conclude the reading of the Torah.", "
Berachah recited before the reading of the Haftarah:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who chose", "good prophets,16The true prophet must be genuinely tov “good” and a friend to all men both in his attitude and in his conduct. The heart of a true prophet in Yisrael must be capable of genuine rejoicing when individuals and mankind flourish, and of sincere sorrow when they go into decline. The Jewish prophet stands in the service of tov of the kingdom of the absolute good whose messanger he is meant to be.—S.R. Hirsch", "and was pleased with their words17The prophet is given only the basic content of the ideals which he is to proclaim. The words in which he expresses the theme communicated to him however, are his own. According to the Sages אֵין שְׁנֵי נְבִיאִים מִתְנַבְּאִין בְּסִגְנו‍ֹן אֶחָד, each prophet has a style, peculiar to him alone, hence a prophet requires the gift of eloquence. Hashem chooses as His prophets only such men whose words are נֶאֱמָרִים בֶּאֱמֶת, spoken in truth.—S. R. Hirsch", "which were spoken in truth.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who chooses the Torah", "and Moshe, His servant, ", "and Yisrael, His people,", "and the prophets of truth and righteousness." ], "Haftarah for Yom Kippur Morning": [ "Yeshaya 57:14-21, 58:1-14 ", "And He said: Pave the way, clear the path, lift up the stumbling-blocks from the path of My people. For thus spoke the High and Lofty One, Who dwells in eternity, Whose Name is the Holy One: Though I dwell in the high and holy place, I am with the lowly and those of humble spirit; to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the hearts of the contrite. For I will not contend forever, nor forever shall I be wroth. For man's spirit that enwraps him is from Me; and the souls, I have made. I was angered by the sin of his greed (unjust gain) and I struck him; I concealed Myself from him and was wroth; yet still he went rebelliously after his heart's desires. I have seen his ways and healed him; I will lead him and restore comfort to him and his mourners. I will create a new speech (for him) and they shall say: “Peace, peace to the estranged (far off) and to the near, said Adonoy.” And I will heal him. But the wicked are like the stormy sea; it cannot rest and its waves cast up mire and mud. “There is no peace,” said my God, “for the wicked.” Cry out loud and do not refrain, raise your voice like the shofar and tell My people of their transgressions, and the House of Yaakov of their sins. Yet they seek Me daily and desire to know My ways; like a righteous nation who has not forsaken the law of their God; they ask Me about righteous laws, they desire to draw near to God. (They ask) Why do You not see when we fast; we afflict our souls and You do not notice? For on your fast day you seek business and oppress your labourers. You fast for strife and contention; to smite with a fist of wickedness; you do not fast this day to make your voices heard on high. Can this then be the fast that I have chosen—a day when man afflicts his soul, to bow down his head like a reed, to sit in sackcloth and ashes? Is this what you call a fast, an acceptable day to Adonoy? Behold, this is the fast that I have chosen—loosening the bonds of wickedness, undoing the straps of the yoke, sending the oppressed free and breaking every yoke (of tyranny). Break your bread with the hungry, and bring the impoverished into your home; clothe the naked when you see them and do not hide from your own flesh (relatives). Then will your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall come quickly; your righteousness will go before you and the Glory of Adonoy will gather you up. Then when you call out, Adonoy will answer; when you cry out, He shall say: “I am here.” If you remove from your midst the yokes, the stretching out of a finger and wrongful speech. If you reach out to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall shine forth in the darkness; and your deep darkness shall be as light as noon. Adonoy will always guide you and satisfy your soul from thirst and make strong your bones. And you shall be like a watered garden, and like a never failing spring of water. And from you shall they build up the old ruins; you shall raise up the foundations of generation after generation; and they shall call you: the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the path to dwell in. If you will keep back your foot because of Shabbos, and not pursue your business on My Holy Day, and if you will call Shabbos, a delight, holy to Adonoy and honoured, and honor it by refraining from doing your ways and pursuing your desires or speaking of them, Then shall you delight in Adonoy and I will set you on the high places of the earth and you shall enjoy the heritage of Yaakov, your father, for the mouth of Adonoy has spoken it.", "
Berachos recited after the reading of the Haftarah:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Rock of all the worlds,", "Righteous in all generations,", "the Almighty, the Faithful One,", "Who says and does,", "Who speaks and fulfills,", "for all His words are true and right.", "Dependable are You, Adonoy, our God,", "and dependable are Your words,", "and not one of Your words", "is ever retracted unfulfilled,", "for You are the Almighty,", "a King who is dependable and merciful.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the Almighty", "Who is dependable in all His words.", "Have compassion on Tziyon", "for it is the home of our life,", "and the one whose soul is humiliated,18This is the People of Yisrael, which is humiliated in exile. According to Avudraham and the siddur of Rav Amram Gaon, the text reads: וְלַעֲגוּמַת נֶפֶשׁ which would mean “the one whose soul is grieved.”", "deliver speedily, in our days.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who causes Tziyon to rejoice", "with her children.", "Cause us to rejoice, Adonoy, our God,", "with Elijah the prophet, Your servant,", "and with the kingdom of the House of Dovid,", "Your anointed.", "Speedily may he come", "and cause our heart to exult.", "Upon his throne, no stranger19“Stranger” in this context means anyone not of the seed of Dovid. shall sit,", "and others will no longer inherit", "his honor.", "For by Your Holy Name, You swore to him,", "that his light will never be extinguished.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Dovid.", "For the Torah, for the Divine Service", "for the Prophets,", "
On Shabbos, add:
", "(and for this Sabbath Day)", "and for this Day of Atonement", "which You gave us, Adonoy, our God,", "
On Shabbos, add:
", "(for holiness and for rest,)", "for forgiveness, pardon and atonement,", "for honor and for glory.", "For all this, Adonoy, our God,", "we thank You,", "and bless You;", "blessed be Your Name", "by the mouth of all the living", "continually forever.", "and Your word is true and enduring forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "King Who forgives and pardons", "our iniquities,", "and the iniquities of His people,", "the House of Yisrael;", "and Who removes our trespasses", "each year;", "King over the whole earth,", "Sanctifier", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(of the Shabbos and)", "of Yisrael and the Day of Atonement.", "
When Yom Kippur occurs on Shabbos, say:
" ], "Yekum Purkon": [ "May there arise deliverance from Heaven—", "favor, kindliness, compassion,", "long life,", "ample sustenance, Heavenly assistance,", "physical health, good vision,1Others translate נְהו‍ֹרָא מַעַלְיָא as “higher (or true) enlightenment.”", "and living, thriving children,", "children who will not interrupt", "nor desist from studying", "the words of the Torah—", "For our masters, and our sages,", "the holy fellowships,", "in the land of Yisrael", "and in Babylonia.", "For the heads of Torah assemblies,2The Sages often use the word כַּלֵי in reference to Agadic lectures, and thus רֵישֵׁי כַלֵי would be translated as the chief lecturers, (דַרְשָׁנִים). Torah assemblies כַּלֵי were held during the months of Adar and Elul in order to inspire the people and instruct them concerning the approaching holidays of Pesach, the High Holidays, and Sukkos.", "for the heads of the communities in exile,", "for the heads of the yeshivos,", "and for the judges in the gateways;3Judges used to hold court within the gates.", "for all their disciples,", "and for all the disciples of their disciples,", "and for all who occupy themselves", "with Torah,", "the King of the Universe will bless them,", "prolong their lifespans, increase their days,", "and give length to their years.", "And they will be delivered", "and saved from all distress", "and from all severe illness.", "The Master in heaven, will help them", "at all times and at every season.", "And let us say Amein.", "May there arise deliverance from Heaven—", "favor, kindliness, compassion,", "long life,", "ample sustenance, Heavenly assistance,", "physical health, good vision,", "and living, thriving children,", "children who will not interrupt", "nor desist from studying", "the words of Torah—", "for this entire holy congregation,", "adults, and children,", "infants and women.", "The King of the Universe will bless you,", "prolong your lifespans, increase your days,", "and give length to your years.", "And you will be delivered", "and saved from all distress", "and severe illness.", "The Master in heaven, will help you", "at all times and at every season", "and let us say Amein.", "He Who blessed our fathers,", "Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov,", "will bless", "this entire holy congregation", "together with all the holy congregations,", "them, their wives", "and their sons and their daughters,", "and all that belong to them.", "Whoever dedicates synagogues", "for prayer,", "and whoever enters them to pray,", "and whoever donates lamps for lighting,", "wine for Kiddush and Havdalah,", "food for wayfarers, charity for the poor;", "and whoever occupies himself", "with the needs of the community—", "in a faithful manner—", "The Holy One, blessed is He,", "will pay them their reward,", "remove from them all sickness,", "heal their entire body,", "pardon all their iniquities,", "and send blessing, and success", "upon all the work of their hands,", "together with all of Yisrael, their brethren,", "and let us say, Amein." ] }, "Memorial Services": [ "On Yom Kippur, Yizkor, the prayer in memory of the departed, is said following the Reading of the Torah.", "In memory of a father:", "May God remember", "the soul of my father, my teacher,", "(Mention his Hebrew name and that of his father)", "son of", "who has gone to his world,", "because", "I pledge [without vowing] to donate charity", "for his sake", "In this merit, may his soul", "be bound up in the bond of life,", "with the souls", "of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov,", "Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah,", "and with the other righteous men and women", "who are in the Gan Eden (Paradise)", "and let us say Amein.", "In memory of a mother:", "May God remember", "the soul of my mother, my teacher,", "
(Mention her Hebrew name and that of her father)
", "daughter of", "who has gone to her world.", "because", "I pledge [without vowing] to donate charity", "for her sake.", "In this merit, may her soul", "be bound up in the bond of life,", "with the souls", "of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov,", "Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah,", "and with the other righteous men and women", "who are in Gan Eden (Paradise)", "and let us say, Amein.", "
In memory of relatives:
", "May God remember the soul of my", "grandfathers — grandmothers", "uncles — aunts, brothers — sisters", "who have gone to their world,", "because", "I pledge [without vowing] to donate charity", "for their sake.", "In this merit may their souls", "be bound up in the bond of life,", "with the souls", "of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov,", "Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah", "and with the other righteous men and women", "who are in Gan Eden (Paradise)", "and let us say, Amein.", "
In memory of Jewish martyrs:
", "May God remember the souls", "of all my relatives", "and all the hallowed martyrs", "who were killed, slaughtered, burned,", "drowned and strangled", "for the sanctification of Your Name,", "because", "I pledge [without vowing] to donate charity", "for the sake of their memories.", "In this merit, may their souls", "be bound up in the bond of life,", "with the souls", "of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov,", "Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah,", "and with the other righteous men and women", "who are in Gan Eden (Paradise)", "and let us say Amein.", "Prayer for the departed", "
For a man:
", "Almighty, [Who is] full of compassion,", "Who dwells on the highest heights,", "find true repose", "beneath the wings of [Your] Divine Presence,", "in the exalted spheres of the holy and pure", "who shine like the brightness of the firmament,", "for the soul of", "
(Mention the name of the deceased and that of his father)
", "son of", "who has gone to his world,", "for charity has been donated", "in remembrance of his soul.", "May Gan Eden (Paradise)", "be his resting place.", "Therefore, may the Merciful One", "shelter him", "in the shelter of His wings, forever,", "and bind", "his soul with the bond of eternal life.", "[May] Adonoy [be] his heritage,", "and may he rest in his repose in peace,", "and let us say, Amein.", "
For a woman:
", "Almighty, [Who is] full of compassion,", "Who dwells on the highest heights", "find true repose", "beneath the wings of [Your] Divine Presence,", "in the exalted spheres", "of the holy and the pure", "who shine like the brightness of the firmament,", "for the soul of", "
(mention the name of the deceased and that of her father)
", "daughter of", "who has gone to her world,", "for charity has been donated", "in remembrance of her soul.", "May Gan Eden (Paradise)", "be her resting place.", "Therefore, may the Merciful One", "shelter her", "in the shelter of His wings, forever,", "and bind", "her soul with the bond of life.", "[May] Adonoy [be] her heritage,", "and may she rest in her repose in peace,", "and let us say, Amein.", "According to Shaar Ephraim, the following prayer was composed during the persecutions of 1075 and 1095 when thousands of Jews were killed in sanctification of God's name.", "Father of compassion,", "Who dwells on high,", "In His profound mercy,", "He will be compassionately mindful of", "the pious,", "the upright, and the blameless ones;", "the holy communities", "who gave their lives", "for the sanctification of the Divine Name.", "They were beloved and pleasant", "in their lifetime,", "and in their death", "are not parted [from Him].1II Shmuel 1:23.", "They were swifter than eagles", "and stronger than lions", "to do the will of their Possessor", "and the desire of their Rock.", "Our God will recall them favorably", "together with the other righteous of all time.", "And will avenge the blood of His servants", "that has been shed.", "As it is written in the Torah of Moshe,", "the man of God,", "“Sing [you] nations,", "[the praise] of His people,", "for the blood of His servants will He avenge,", "and vengeance will He repay to His foes;", "and His land will be atoned", "[with the atonement] of His people2Devorim 32:43, see Rashi.", "And by the hands of Your servants,", "the Prophets,", "it is written saying:", "“I will cleanse them3Hashem will forgive the nations for their wrongdoings but He will not forgive them for shedding Jewish blood.", "[but] for their blood,4Their blood refers to Jewish blood. I will not cleanse them,", "and Adonoy [still] dwells in Tziyon.”5Joel 4:21.", "And in the Holy Writings, it is said,", "“Why should the nations say,", "‘Where is their God?'", "Let it be known among the nations,", "before our eyes,6Before our eyes i.e. in our lifetime.", "the avenging of the blood of Your servants", "that has been shed.”7Tehillim 79:10.", "And it says,", "“For He Who is concerned", "for the blood[shed]", "of them, He is mindful of them", "He has not forgotten the cry of the humble.”8Tehillim 9:13.", "And it says:", "“He will judge the nations", "[the battlefield will be] filled with [their] corpses.", "He will crush heads on the earth many times.", "From the brook by the wayside", "will He drink;9Hashem will be satisfied with the vengeance He will wreak upon the nations, as one is satisfied when he drinks from a brook at the wayside.—Metsudas Dovid", "therefore [Yisrael] will hold its head high.10Tehillim 11:6, 7. When Hashem takes His vengeance, Yisrael will be vindicated and hold its head high with pride.", "Fortunate are those who dwell", "in Your house;", "may they continue to praise You, Selah.", "Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;", "fortunate is the people", "for whom Adonoy is their God.", "A praise by Dovid!", "I will exalt You, my God, the King,", "and bless Your Name forever and ever.", "Every day I will bless You", "and extol Your Name forever and ever.", "Adonoy is great and highly extolled,", "and His greatness is unfathomable.", "One generation to another", "will praise Your works,", "and Your mighty acts they will declare.", "The splendor of Your glorious majesty,", "and the words of Your wonders I will speak.", "Of Your awesome might, they will speak,", "and Your greatness I will recount.", "Mention of Your bountifulness", "they will express,", "and in Your righteousness joyfully exult.", "Adonoy is gracious and merciful,", "slow to anger and great in kindliness.", "Adonoy is good to all,", "His mercy encompasses all His works.", "All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,", "and Your pious ones will bless You.", "Of the honor of Your Kingship,", "they will speak,", "and Your might they will declare.", "To reveal to men His mighty acts,", "and the glorious splendor of His Kingship.", "Your Kingship is the kingship for all times,", "and Your dominion is in every generation.", "Adonoy supports all the fallen,", "and straightens all the bent.", "The eyes of all look expectantly to You,", "and You give them", "their food at its proper time.", "You open Your hand", "and satisfy the desire of every living being.", "Adonoy is just in all His ways", "and benevolent in all His deeds.", "Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,", "to all who call upon Him in truth.", "The will of those who fear Him, He fulfills;", "He hears their cry and delivers them.", "Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,", "and will destroy all the wicked.", "Praise of Adonoy, my mouth will declare", "and all flesh will bless", "His Holy Name forever and ever.", "And we will bless God", "from now forever. Praise God.", "
The Chazzan takes the Torah and says:
", "They will praise the Name of Adonoy", "for His Name alone is exalted.", "
The congregation then says:
", "His majesty is over the earth and the skies.", "He will raise the might of His people,", "[which is] praise for all His pious ones,", "for the Children of Yisrael,", "the people near to Him.", "Praise God.", "
On a weekday, continue:
", "A Psalm of Dovid:", "the earth is Adonoy's and the fullness thereof,", "the inhabited world and those who dwell in it.", "For He founded it upon the seas,", "and established it upon rivers.", "Who may ascend the mountain of Adonoy,", "and who may stand", "in the place of His holiness?", "The clean of hands and the pure of heart,", "who has not borne My soul in vain,", "and has not sworn deceitfully.", "He will bear Adonoy's blessing", "and righteousness", "from the God of his deliverance.", "This is the generation of those who seek Him,", "the seekers of Your Presence,", "[God of] Yaakov, selah.", "Lift up your heads, gates,", "and be uplifted", "[you] entranceways to eternity,", "so that the King of Glory may enter.", "Who is this King of Glory?", "Adonoy, strong and mighty;", "Adonoy, the Mighty One in battle.", "Lift up your heads, gates,", "and lift up, entranceways to eternity,", "so that the King of Glory may enter.", "Who is He, this King of Glory?", "Adonoy Tzevaos,", "He is the King of Glory, selah.", "
Continue with “And when it rested,” on page 000.
", "
On Shabbos, say:
", "A Psalm to Dovid.", "Ascribe to Adonoy—you sons of the mighty—", "ascribe to Adonoy glory and might.", "Ascribe to Adonoy the glory due His Name,", "prostrate yourselves before Adonoy", "in the splendor of holiness.", "Adonoy's voice is upon the waters.", "Almighty of glory thunders,", "Adonoy is upon [the] many waters.", "The voice of Adonoy is in power,", "the voice of Adonoy is in beauty.", "The voice of Adonoy breaks cedars,", "Adonoy shatters", "the cedars of Lebanon.", "He makes them leap like a calf,", "Lebanon and Sirion like unicorns.", "The voice of Adonoy hews out flames of fire.", "The voice of Adonoy", "makes the desert tremble,", "Adonoy makes the desert of Kadesh tremble.", "The voice of Adonoy causes hinds to calve,", "and strips the forests bare;", "and in His Sanctuary", "all proclaim [His] glory.", "Adonoy sat enthroned (even) at the flood,", "Adonoy is enthroned as King forever.", "Adonoy will give strength to His people;", "Adonoy will bless His people with peace.", "
As the Torah is returned to the Ark the following is said:
", "And when it rested, he would say:", "Return, Adonoy,", "to the myriads and thousands of Yisrael.", "Arise, Adonoy unto Your resting place,", "You and the Ark of Your strength.", "Let Your priests", "clothe themselves in righteousness,", "and let Your devoted ones sing in joy.", "For the sake of Dovid, Your servant,", "do not reject Your anointed.", "For I have given you good instruction,", "do not forsake My Torah.", "It is a tree of life to those who grasp it,", "and those who support it are fortunate.", "Its ways are ways of pleasantness", "and all its paths are peace.", "Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,", "and we shall return;", "renew our days as of old." ], "Musaf for Yom Kippur": { "Hineni": [ "
This prayer is said by the Chazzan before the Musaf Service.
", "Behold, I stand here,", "impoverished in good deeds,", "perturbed and frightened", "in fear [of Him,]", "Who is enthroned upon the praises of Yisrael.", "I have come to stand and to plead before You", "on behalf of Your people, Yisrael,", "who have appointed me their messenger;", "even though I am not worthy", "or qualified for the task.", "I therefore beseech You, God of Avraham,", "God of Yitzchak and God of Yaakov;", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Compassionate and Gracious,", "God of Yisrael,", "Shaddai, Eminent and Awesome,", "please, help me succeed in the mission", "which I have undertaken", "to stand [before You] and to seek mercy", "for myself", "and for those who have appointed me.", "Do not hold them responsible for my sins,", "nor condemn them for my iniquities,", "as I am a sinner and a transgressor.", "Let them not be disgraced", "through my transgressions;", "may they not be ashamed of me,", "nor may I be ashamed of them.", "Accept my prayer", "as the prayer of one who is mature", "and experienced [in prayer],", "and as one who is respected,", "whose beard is full-grown,", "whose voice is pleasant,", "and who is pleasing to his fellow man.", "Rebuke Satan that he not accuse me,", "and may our assembling", "[be acceptable] to You with love;", "and may all [our] transgressions", "be covered over with [Your] love.", "All our troubles and afflictions;", "please turn them for us and all Yisrael", "into happiness and joy,", "life and peace.", "May they love truth and peace,", "and may there be no impediment", "in my prayer.", "And may it be Your will, Adonoy,", "God of Avraham,", "God of Yitzchak and God of Yaakov;", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "most high, Almighty,", "[Who is known by the Name]: “I am that I am”", "that all the angels", "who convey prayers,", "may they bring my prayers", "to the presence of Your glorious throne,", "and spread them to You", "for the sake of all those who are", "righteous, pious,", "pure and upright,", "and for the sake of Your glorious Name,", "[which is] great and awesome;", "for You hear the prayers", "of Your people, Yisrael, with compassion.", "Blessed are You", "Who hears prayers.", "", "
The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein." ], "Shemoneh Esrei": [ "When I proclaim Adonoy's Name", "attribute greatness to our God.", "My Master, open my lips,", "and my mouth will declare Your praise.", "THE VIRTUE OF OUR FOREFATHERS", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, and God of our fathers,", "God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak,", "and God of Yaakov,", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "most high Almighty,", "Who bestows beneficent kindness,", "Who possesses everything,", "Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs,", "and Who brings a redeemer", "to their children's children,", "for the sake of His Name, with love.", "Remember us for life", "King, Who desires life;", "and inscribe us in the Book of Life,", "for Your sake, Living God.", "
If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the blessing, you should recite it. If you have already said “Blessed are You, Adonoy,” you must continue the prayers without saying “Remember.”
", "King, Helper, and Deliverer and Shield.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Avraham.", "DIVINE MIGHT", "You are mighty forever, my Master;", "You are the Resurrector of the dead", "the Powerful One to deliver us.", "Sustainer of the living with kindliness,", "Resurrector of the dead with great mercy,", "Supporter of the fallen,", "and Healer of the sick,", "and Releaser of the imprisoned,", "and Fulfiller of His faithfulness", "to those who sleep in the dust.", "Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds,", "and who can be compared to You?", "King Who causes death and restores life,", "and causes deliverance to sprout forth.", "Who is like You merciful Father,", "Who remembers His creatures for life,", "in His mercy.", "
If you forgot to say this, the same law applies as above concerning “Remember us for life.”
", "And You are faithful", "to restore the dead to life.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Resurrector of the dead.", "DIVINE SANCTIFICATION", "You are holy and Your Name is holy", "and holy beings", "praise You every day, forever.", "And so,", "grant that Your awe, Adonoy, our God,", "be upon all Your works,", "and Your dread upon all You have created;", "and [then] all [Your] works will fear You,", "and prostrate before You", "will be all [Your] created beings.", "And may they all form a single band", "to do Your will", "with a perfect heart.", "For we know Adonoy, our God", "that rulership is Yours,", "strength is in Your hand,", "might is in Your right hand", "and Your Name is awesome", "over all You have created.", "And so,", "grant honor, Adonoy, to Your people,", "praise to those who fear You,", "good hope to those who seek You", "confident speech", "to those who yearn for You,", "joy to Your land, gladness to Your city,", "flourishing of pride to Dovid, Your servant", "and an array of light", "to the son of Yishai, Your anointed,", "speedily in our days.", "And then", "the righteous will see [this] and rejoice,", "and the upright will be jubilant,", "and the pious will exult with joyous song;", "injustice will close its mouth,", "and all the wickedness will vanish like smoke,", "when You remove the rule of evil", "from the earth.", "And You Adonoy will reign alone", "over all Your works", "on Mount Tziyon,", "dwelling place of Your glory,", "and in Yerushalayim, city of Your Sanctuary,", "as it is written in Your holy words,", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "Your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations.", "Praise God.”", "Holy are You, and awesome is Your Name,", "and there is no God beside You,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy Tzevaos is exalted", "through justice", "and the Almighty, the Holy One,", "is sanctified through righteousness.”", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King, the Holy One.", "SANCTIFICATION OF THE DAY", "You chose us from [among] all the peoples;", "You loved us and took pleasure in us;", "You exalted us above all tongues,", "and You sanctified us", "with Your commandments;", "You drew us near, our King, to Your servitude", "and Your great and Holy Name,", "You have pronounced upon us.", "And You gave us Adonoy, our God,", "in love,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(this Shabbos Day and)", "this Day of Atonement,", "for forgiveness, pardon and atonement,", "and to forgive thereon", "all our iniquities;", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(with love)", "a day of holy assembly", "commemorating", "the exodus from Mitzrayim.", "But because of our sins,", "we were exiled from our land,", "and driven far away from our soil;", "and we are unable,", "and to perform our obligatory offerings", "in Your chosen House,", "in the great and holy House", "upon which Your Name is proclaimed,", "because of the hand [of violence]", "that was sent against Your Sanctuary.", "May it be Your will", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers,", "merciful King,", "to once again have compassion on us", "and on Your Sanctuary", "in Your abundant mercy;", "and rebuild it soon", "and greatly enhance its glory.", "Our Father, our King!", "reveal the glory of Your Kingship", "upon us soon,", "appear and be uplifted over us", "before the eyes of all living things.", "Bring near our scattered [people]", "from among the nations,", "and gather our dispersed", "from the ends of the earth.", "Bring us to Tziyon, Your city,", "with joyous song,—", "to Yerushalayim, House of Your Sanctuary,", "with everlasting joy.", "And there we will offer before You", "our obligatory sacrifices—", "the daily [burnt] offerings in their order,", "and the Musaf offerings", "according to their rule.", "And the Musaf offering of", "
On Shabbos, add:
", "(and the Musaf offerings", "of this Shabbos day and)", "this Day of Atonement,", "we will prepare and bring before You", "with love", "according to the command of Your will;", "as You wrote for us in Your Torah,", "through the hands of Moshe, Your servant,", "from the mouth of Your glory,", "as it is said:", "
On Shabbos, add:
", "(“And on the Sabbath day [the offering is]:", "two male yearling lambs without blemish;", "two tenths [of an epha] of fine flour", "for a meal-offering,", "mixed with the [olive] oil, and its libation.”", "[This is] the burnt-offering for every Sabbath,", "in addition to the daily burnt-offering", "and its libation; [wine-offering].)", "And on the tenth [day]", "of this seventh month,", "a day of holy assembly it shall be for you", "and you shall fast;", "all manner of work, you shall not do;", "And you shall present", "a burnt-offering to Adonoy", "for a pleasing savour—", "one young bullock, one ram,", "seven male yearling lambs", "without blemish, they shall be for you.", "And their meal-offerings and libations", "as stated:", "three tenths [of an epha of fine flour]", "for the bullock,", "two tenths for the ram,", "and one tenth for each lamb,", "and wine according to each libation;", "and two he goats for atonement,", "and the two daily burnt-offerings", "according to their law.", "
On Shabbos, add:
", "(They will rejoice in Your Kingship—", "those who preserve the Sabbath—", "and call it a delight.", "The people who sanctify the seventh [day]", "will all be satisfied", "and delighted with Your goodness.", "And the seventh [day]—", "You took pleasure in it,", "and You hallowed it.", "“Most desirable of days,” You called it—", "a commemoration of the work of creation.)", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "forgive our iniquities", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Blot out and remove", "our transgressions and sins", "from before Your eyes, as it is said:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;", "and your sins, I will not recall.”", "And it is said,", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”", "And it is said,", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins,", "before Adonoy, you will be cleansed.”", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(Our God and God of our fathers,", "be pleased with our rest)", "Sanctify us with Your commandments", "and give us our share in Your Torah;", "satisfy us from Your goodness", "and gladden us with Your deliverance,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(And give us as our inheritance", "Adonoy our God", "with love and with pleasure", "Your holy Sabbath;", "and may Yisrael rest thereon—", "[they who are] sanctifiers of Your Name)", "and purify our hearts to serve You in truth,", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You,", "we have no king who forgives and pardons,", "only You!", "Blessed are You,", "King Who forgives and pardons", "our iniquities,", "and the iniquities of His people,", "the House of Yisrael;", "and Who removes our trespasses", "each year;", "King over the whole earth,", "Sanctifier", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(of the Shabbos and)", "of Yisrael and the Day of Atonement.", "PRAYER FOR RETURN OF DIVINE SERVICE", "Be pleased, Adonoy, our God,", "with Your people Yisrael", "and their prayer;", "and restore the service", "to the Holy of Holies in Your abode,", "and the fire-offerings of Yisrael;", "and accept their prayer, lovingly", "and willingly.", "And may You always find pleasure", "with the service of Your people, Yisrael.", "And may our eyes behold", "Your merciful return to Tziyon.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon.", "
At the words, We are thankful, bend forward; at Adonoy return to an upright position.
", "THANKSGIVING", "We are thankful to You", "that You Adonoy are our God", "and the God of our fathers forever;", "Rock of our lives,", "Shield of our deliverance,", "You are in every generation.", "We will give thanks to You", "and recount Your praise,", "for our lives", "which are committed into Your hand,", "and for our souls", "which are entrusted to You,", "and for Your miracles of every day with us,", "and for Your wonders and benefactions", "at all times—", "evening, morning and noon.", "(You are) The Beneficent One—", "for Your compassion is never withheld;", "And (You are) the Merciful One—", "for Your kindliness never ceases;", "we have always placed our hope in You.", "And for all the foregoing", "blessed and exalted", "be your Name, our King", "constantly, forever and ever.", "Inscribe for a good life", "all the children of Your covenant.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah. If you became aware of the omission before concluding the blessing, you can say it at that time.
", "And all the living shall thank You forever", "and praise", "Your Name with sincerity", "the Almighty, Who is our deliverance", "and our help forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "“The Beneficent” is Your Name", "and You it is fitting to praise.", "PRAYER FOR PEACE", "Grant peace, goodness, and blessing,", "favor, kindness and compassion", "upon us and upon all Yisrael, Your people.", "Bless us, our Father, all of us as one", "with the light of Your countenance.", "For by the light of Your countenance", "You gave us Adonoy our God,", "a Torah of life and the love of kindliness,", "righteousness, blessing, compassion,", "life, and peace.", "And may it be good in Your eyes", "and to bless Your people Yisrael,", "at all times and at every moment", "with Your peace.", "In the book of life, blessing, peace", "and abundant maintenance,", "may we be remembered and inscribed", "before You;", "we and all Your people, the House of Yisrael", "for a good life and peace.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah.
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who makes the peace.", "
(others conclude—
", "Who blesses His people Yisrael", "with peace.)", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "let our prayer come before you", "and do not ignore our supplication.", "For we are not so brazen-faced", "and stiff-necked", "to say to you,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "“We are righteous and have not sinned.”", "But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.", "We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];", "We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];", "We have stolen; We have slandered.", "We have caused others to sin;", "We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רְשָׁעִים, wicked;", "We have sinned with malicious intent;", "We have forcibly taken others' possessions even though we paid for them;", "We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups;", "We have given harmful advice;", "We have deceived; we have mocked;", "We have rebelled against God and His Torah;", "We have caused God to be angry with us;", "We have turned away from God's Torah;", "We have sinned deliberately;", "We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;", "We have caused our friends grief;", "We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that our suffering is caused by our own sins.", "We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].", "We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;", "We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;", "We have gone astray;", "We have led others astray.", "We have turned away", "from Your commandments", "and from Your good laws,", "and we have gained nothing from it.", "And You are the Righteous One", "in all [punishment] that has come upon us;", "for You have acted truthfully", "and we have acted wickedly.", "What shall we say before You,", "Who dwells on high;", "and what shall we relate to You", "Who dwells in the heavens?", "For everything, both hidden and revealed,", "You know.", "You know the mysteries of the universe,", "and the hidden secrets of every individual.", "You search all our innermost thoughts,", "and probe our mind and heart.", "There is nothing hidden from You,", "and there is nothing concealed", "from Your sight.", "And so may it be Your will", "Adonoy our God and God of our fathers,", "that You pardon us", "for all our careless sins,", "and that You forgive us", "for all our deliberate sins,", "and that You grant us atonement", "for all our rebellious sins:", "For the sin we committed before You", "under compulsion3Even a sin committed under duress needs to be forgiven, because many times a person allows himself to be placed in a predicament in which he is compelled to sin (e.g., leaving the office at a very late hour on the eve of Shabbos or Festival).—Siddur HaGra and willingly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by callously hardening the heart.4This would include not giving charity with a whole heart, and not helping a needy fellow Jew.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "inadvertently.5The literal meaning of בִּבְלִי דַעַת is “without knowledge,” and it implies not using our intellectual capabilities to study the laws of Torah and therewith gain the “knowledge” needed to observe the commandments properly.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with an utterance of the lips.6This includes the sins of making vows and oaths (even though they are kept), verbally insulting one’s fellowmen, and directing one’s displeasure against the decrees of Hashem.— Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "openly and secretly.7A sin committed publicly could very well cause חִלוּל ה', the desecration of Hashem’s Name, and may also lead others to sin. A sin committed in secret, indicates that the sinner fears the reaction of people but is unafraid of Hashem’s displeasure.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in sexual immorality.8This also includes such things that arouse desire for forbidden sexual relationships, such as embracing or dancing.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "through [misuse of our power of] speech.9This includes speaking the words of Torah in unclean places, cursing, humiliating someone; speaking of business matters on Shabbos, revealing another person’s secret, telling jokes and holding idle conversations in a house of worship (and certainly during the actual prayers) and telling lies.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with knowledge and with deceit.10This includes false advertising and dishonesty in business matters.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by improper thoughts.11Evil thoughts, lustful thoughts, heretical thoughts, and suspicious thoughts about righteous people are included.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by cheating a fellow-man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with [mere] verbal confession.12This refers to confession of sins without feeling regret for committing them and without earnest resolve to correct them in the future.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by joining in a lewd gathering.13Any gathering or intimate meeting for the purpose of sexual immortality is included.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "intentionally and unintentionally.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by insufficient respect for parents", "and teachers.14Not obeying their commands, not rising for a talmudic scholar and disrespect for one’s teacher even if he is not considered a “Torah Great” are included.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by using coercion [to harm others].15This includes using physical, political or financial power to harm someone.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by desecrating the Divine Name.16This involves any sin committed that becomes public knowledge, including improper conduct with one’s fellow man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with foolish talk.17This refers to idle talk and gossip.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impurity of the lips.18This includes profanity and unclean language.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with the Evil Inclination.19When a person allows his Evil Inclination to rule over him, he commits a sin.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "knowingly and unknowingly.20We ask Hashem to pardon us even for sins we are not aware that we committed, and also for such sins through which we caused damage but are not aware of the amount of loss incurred.—Siddur HaGra", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by forcing someone to give or take bribes.21A bribe is not limited to money or gifts; it includes flattery or personal favors.— Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by false denial and false promise.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by evil talk [slander].22This includes causing a fellow Jew physical, monetary of social harm through passing degrading information about him to another person. It makes no difference whether this is done in his presence or behind his back, or if the information is true or false.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by scoffing.23Ridicule of a person, a commandment, or guards of Torah are all included in the sin of scoffing.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "in business dealings.24This would include overcharging, misrepresenting, false-labeling and all other such deceitful practices.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in eating and drinking.25Eating forbidden (non-kosher) foods, not saying the proper blessing or grace after meals, over-eating, are included in this sin.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by [taking or giving] interest and by usury.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by haughtily stretching forth the neck.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with gazing of the eyes.26This refers to using the eyes to gaze at forbidden things.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by the prattle of our lips.27This includes idle gossip, which is certainly forbidden in the synagogue at all times.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with haughty eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impudence.28Speaking “with chutzpah” to Torah scholars, or to someone more learned than himself is included in עַזּוּת מֵצַח.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by throwing off the yoke [of heaven].29Rejecting an obligation to fulfill even a single commandment. Also included is shirking a religious obligation which must then be assumed by someone else.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in passing judgment.30This includes a “Dayan,” a judge who does not render correct decisions, and it also includes not giving someone the benefit of the doubt.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by entrapping a fellowman.31This includes even attempting to harm someone; even if no harm was actually done, he still needs forgiveness.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a begrudging eye.32Not doing a favor, not giving charity properly, and feeling bad at someone else’s success are included.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by lightmindedness.33Lightmindedness or frivolity in the synagogue or Bais Midrash or while wearing tefillin are serious sins.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by being stiff-necked [stubborn].34Rejecting admonition and “ignoring” punishment are included. Also included is brushing aside illness, financial loss, and humiliation as mere coincidences rather than manifestations of Divine displeasure.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by running to do evil.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by talebearing.35This refers to carrying tales, even true ones, about one person to another, and the one who listens to these tales is also included in this category of sin.—Siddur HaGra", "For the sin we committed before You", "by swearing in vain.36This includes swearing falsely or even swearing a useless oath.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by unwarranted hatred.37Hating someone because of jealousy, or because he doesn’t conform to your ideas of ettiquete.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by breach of trust.38Denying that you owe someone a monetary debt when he asks for payment.—Siddur HaGra", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a confused heart.39This includes sins committed because of confusion, worry or pain, it also includes the sin of harboring doubts about the authenticity of the laws enacted by our Sages, and doubts about the fundamental principles of our faith, such as Divine Providence, reward and punishment, and also doubts about the authenticity of the Torah and the Prophets.—Siddur HaGra", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a burnt-offering.40A burnt-offering is brought for failure to fulfill any positive commandment, e.g, putting on non-kosher tefillin.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a sin-offering.41A sin-offering is brought for unintentionally transgressing any prohibitive commandment punishable by excision (כָּרֵת) if it were done with intent.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a “fluctuating” offering.42The fluctuating offering is an offering that varies in value according to the financial means of the individual who brings it. (The literal meaning of עוֹלָה וְיוֹרֵד, is “go up and down”). This type of offering is brought when a person swore falsely (unintentionally) concerning something he did or did not do. For example, one may have thought he ate something and consequently swore that he ate it, but in reality he did not and thus he swore falsely.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a guilt-offering for certain", "or for doubtful trespasses.43This type of sacrifice was brought in an instance where it is uncertain whether or not a violation occurred. For example it is not known whether a substance he ate was of a forbidden nature or if it was permitted.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of lashing for violations of Rabbinic law.44A Rabbinic Court had the right to impose lashing for a violation of a rabbinic injunction.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of forty lashes.45Forty lashes proscribed by the Torah was given to one who actively and intentionally violated any of the prohibitive commandments, providing he was forewarned and the act was witnessed by two witnesses.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of death at the hand of Heaven.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of excision and childlessness.46One who intentionally does work or eats on Yom Kippur, or one who eats chometz — leavened bread — on Pesach, is punished with excision and childlessness.", "And for sins", "for which we are liable", "to any of the four death penalties", "inflicted by the [Rabbinic] Court [which are]:", "stoning, burning,", "beheading or strangulation.47Stoning is the penalty for knowingly desecrating Shabbos, burning is the penalty for certain forbidden sexual relationships, beheading is the penalty for murder, and strangulation is the penalty for adultery.", "For [transgressing]", "positive commandments,", "and for [transgressing]", "prohibitive commandments,", "whether the prohibition can be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,48For example returning the stolen money would be a corrective measure for the prohibition of stealing.", "or whether it cannot be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "for those of which we are aware", "and for those of which we are not aware.", "For those of which we are aware,", "we have already declared before You", "and confessed them unto You;", "and for those of which we are not aware,", "before You they are revealed and known,", "as it is said,", "“The hidden things", "belong to Adonoy, our God,", "but the revealed things are for us", "and for our children forever,", "that we might fulfill", "all the words of this Torah.”49Devorim 29:28.", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You, we have no King", "Who forgives and pardons—only You!", "God, before I was formed,", "I was unworthy [to be created].", "And now that I have been formed,", "it is as if I had not been formed.", "I am like dust while I live,", "how much more so when I am dead.", "Here I am before You", "like a vessel filled with shame.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, my God, and the God of my fathers,", "that I shall sin no more,", "and the sins I have committed before You,", "cleanse them in Your abundant mercies;", "but not through", "suffering and severe illness.", "My God, guard my tongue from evil", "and my lips from speaking deceitfully.", "To those who curse me,", "may my soul be unresponsive;", "and let my soul be like dust to all.", "Open my heart to Your Torah", "and let my soul pursue Your commandments.", "And all who plan evil against me,", "quickly annul their counsel", "and frustrate their intention.", "Act for the sake of Your Name.", "Act for the sake of Your right hand.", "Act for the sake of Your holiness.", "Act for the sake of Your Torah.", "In order that Your loved ones be released,", "deliver [with] Your right hand and answer me.", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "He Who makes the peace in His high heavens", "may He make peace", "upon us and upon all Yisrael", "and say Amein.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, our God, and the God of our Fathers", "that the Holy Temple be rebuilt", "speedily in our days,", "and grant us our share in Your Torah.", "And there we will serve You reverently", "as in the days of old,", "and in earlier years.", "And let Adonoy be pleased", "with the offerings of Yehudah", "and Yerushalayim", "as in the days of old and in earlier years." ], "Reader's Repetition of the Amidah": [ "
The Ark is opened:
", "My Master, open my lips,", "and my mouth will declare Your praise.", "THE VIRTUE OF OUR FOREFATHERS", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, and God of our fathers,", "God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak,", "and God of Yaakov,", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "most high Almighty,", "Who bestows beneficent kindness,", "Who possesses everything,", "Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs,", "and Who brings a redeemer", "to their children's children,", "for the sake of His Name, with love.", "Invoking the doctrines", "of our wise and understanding Sages,", "and with the teachings [acquired]", "from their perceptive intuition,", "I open my mouth", "in prayer and supplication", "to plead and seek favor", "before the presence of the King,", "Forgiver and Pardoner of iniquities.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "Faithful flower", "", "Remember us for life", "King, Who desires life;", "and inscribe us in the Book of Life,", "for Your sake, Living God.", "King, Helper, and Deliverer and Shield.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Avraham.", "DIVINE MIGHT", "You are mighty forever, my Master;", "You are the Resurrector of the dead", "the Powerful One to deliver us.", "Sustainer of the living with kindliness,", "Resurrector of the dead with great mercy,", "Supporter of the fallen,", "and Healer of the sick,", "and Releaser of the imprisoned,", "and Fulfiller of His faithfulness", "to those who sleep in the dust.", "Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds,", "and who can be compared to You?", "King Who causes death and restores life,", "and causes deliverance to sprout forth.", "", "", "While his soul is yet in him,", "God hopes for the repentance [of man]", "who was formed from His earth;", "to grant him life,", "to grant him goodness at his end.", "", "While his soul is yet in him,", "God hopes for the repentance [of man]", "who was formed from His earth;", "to grant him life,", "to grant him goodness at his end.", "Who is like You merciful Father,", "Who remembers His creatures for life,", "in His mercy.", "And You are faithful", "to restore the dead to life.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Resurrector of the dead.", "", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "Adonoy will reign forever;", "your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations!", "Praise God.", "And You, Holy One,", "are enthroned upon the praises of Yisrael.", "Almighty, we beseech You.", "May we be considered as he [the High Priest]", "as he stood at the [Temple] entrance", "to push off the serpent [Satan] with prayer;", "and we will sanctify You", "on this Sabbath of Sabbaths; Holy One.", "On this day, when You open the books,", "be gracious to the people", "who glorify Your Name;", "and we will sanctify You", "on this Day of Atonement, Holy One.", "Bind the accuser [Satan] in chains,", "and the hopes of the imprisoned [Yisrael]", "fulfill with glad tidings;", "and we will sanctify You", "on this fast of the tenth day. Holy One.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "My prayer,—please answer it!", "My cry,—please accept it!", "The Almighty, Holy One.", "Master! at the voice of Your people,", "remember Your mercy.", "Awesome and Holy One.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "And thus, praise God!", "How awesome are Your works.", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Praise God.", "Almighty, King of His universe,", "He hastens to redeem His people,", "to fulfill the word of his promise,", "for pardon rests with Him;", "Give thanks to Adonoy, proclaim His Name,", "Praise God!", "Blessed and praised", "in His abundant greatness,", "He hastens", "to pardon His community [Yisrael],", "that they all may see His greatness,", "He measured the waters", "in the hollow of His hand;", "sing to Him, chant hymns to Him,", "Praise God!", "He redeems His holy people,", "with pardon, He sanctifies them,", "and He established his Holy Temple", "for the seed of Avraham, His holy one;", "take pride in uttering His Holy Name,", "Praise God!", "Eminent One!", "Praised in the firmament of His might,", "He pardons this people [Yisrael] this [day]", "according to His mighty word;", "therefore, His mighty congregation", "seek Adonoy and His might,", "Praise God!", "He made all things with His word,", "and He performed and accomplished [all],", "He pardons the nation that He carries;", "therefore, His people trust in Him.", "Remember the wonders He has performed,", "Praise God.", "He confirms the word of His servant;", "over the earth and the heavens is His majesty.", "He forgives the people", "who proclaim His Oneness,", "who are referred to in His holy words, as", "the seed of Yisrael, His servant.", "Praise God!", "He spread forth the earth,", "He dwells above the circle of the earth,", "He pardons the unique nation on earth;", "therefore, praise the Founder of the earth,", "He is Adonoy, our God, throughout the earth.", "Praise God!", "He lives in His Habitation [His Temple],", "the Gracious One", "is gracious to His congregation,", "He will return in mercy to His House,", "therefore,", "you who have entered His covenant,", "remember His covenant forever.", "Praise God!", "The children of His heritage [Yisrael],", "the lambs of His inheritance [Yisrael],", "for them He will confirm His word,", "engraved in His Torah,", "the covenant He made with Avraham", "and His oath [to Yitzchak].", "Praise God!", "He devises upright statutes,", "those who fear Him, are inscribed for life,", "He pardons sins and blots it out,", "as was heard by [Moshe], the shepherd of old;1Moshe, the faithful shepherd of Yisrael, pleaded to Hashem to pardon his flock. Hashem answered him, “I have pardoned them according to your word (סָלַחְתִּי כִּדְבָרֶךָ).”", "He established it for Yaakov as a statute.", "Praise God!", "Powerful is eternal God,", "His word is firm forever,", "and He is hidden from all,", "and we praise His Name forever.", "Blessed is Adonoy, the God of Yisrael", "from this world to the next.", "And thus great are the works of our God!", "The work of our God!", "He is mighty amid His [Divine] assembly,", "in the heights and below is His majesty,", "He revealed His light to [Moshe]2This refers to the Torah which is called אוֹר, light. Thus Hashem revealed His light to Moshe at Sinai. His servant.", "He confirms His word to His servant,", "therefore, will He be exalted.", "There is none else besides Him,", "The work of our God.", "He is cognizant of all the worlds,", "He numbers and counts all the worlds,", "the splendor of His throne is established,", "He looks at the earth3Hashem looks at the earth and sees what it requires, i.e. rainfall, sunshine, etc. and He sustains it. and sustains it;", "therefore, will He be exalted,", "He Who looks at the earth and it trembles.", "The work of our God!", "He carries the world,", "He knows His footstool,4Hashem knows the needs of those who inhabit the earth which is referred to as His footstool (וְהָאָרֶץ הֲדוֹם רַגְלָיו).", "He created it all with His word,", "to establish it forever;", "therefore, will He be exalted,", "Adonoy of Hosts is His Name.", "The work of our God!", "He rules over His work;", "He is awesome over His Habitation,", "His praise conforms to His greatness,", "His might conforms to the multitude", "of His host [of angels];", "therefore will He be exalted,", "the Seraphim stand by Him.", "The work of our God!", "His glory is in the high heavens.", "He scrutinizes and looks searchingly,", "His Name is acclaimed by multitudes,", "He dominates my oppressors;", "therefore will He be exalted,", "great is the work of Adonoy!", "
The Ark is closed:
", "The work of mortal man,", "his plans are mischievous,", "his habitation is in the midst of deceit,", "his bed is with the worms,", "he is buried in the cleft of the earth;", "how then can he be exalted,", "[this] man who is like vanity?", "
The Ark is opened:
", "But not so is the work of our God!", "God spreads the earth over empty space", "that its inhabitants not be destroyed,", "He established the earth upon water", "that His mighty Name be exalted;", "therefore will He be exalted,", "He Who is robed in light as a garment.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "
The following may be said responsively:
", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "To Him Who is enthroned amidst praises!", "To Him Who rides over the heavens!", "Holy and blessed is He!", "", "", "", "To Him Who is enthroned amidst praises!", "To Him Who rides over the heavens!", "Holy and blessed is He!", "And so the Seraphim hover around Him!", "
Chazzan and congregation
", "They inquire of each other,", "they say to each other.", "“Where dwells the Most High?”", "That they may revere, sanctify", "and with glory, extol Him.", "", "", "There is a famous legend behind this stirring prayer as recorded in the thirteenth century work, Ohr Zerua, by Rabbi Yitzchak of Vienna. In the section dealing with laws of Rosh Hashana (Section 276), he writes, “I found a letter from Rabbi Ephraim of Bonn, in which he wrote that Rabbi Amnon of Mayence authored the וּנְתַנֶּה תֹּקֶף as a result of a tragic incident in his life.” This is the story as recorded in the letter:", "Rabbi Amnon of Mayence, a great scholar, a person of wealth, a handsome man of noble ancestry was under great pressure from the lords and Archbishop of the city to change his faith and adopt their religion. He repeatedly ignored them but on one occasion, in order to put them off, he asked for three days to consider their request. Afterwards he was heartbroken because he had given the impression that he might actually consider renouncing his belief in the One Living God. He refused food or drink; weeping bitterly over his lapse, he refused to accept the sympathy and consolation of friends and relatives.", "At the end of the three days he was summoned by the Archbishop, but he ignored the summons. A distinguished delegation was sent to ask him to appear at the court but he refused them. Finally, he was brought before the court by force, and the Archbishop demanded, “Why did you not come and answer me as you promised?” Rabbi Amnon answered, “As a punishment, you should have my tongue cut out, because my tougue deceived you.” Rabbi Amnon thought to sanctify God's Name in this manner, since his tongue had uttered such a promise. The Archbishop replied, “No, I will not cut out your tongue for it spoke well, instead, I will cut off your feet for they did not bring you to me.” The tyrant ordered that his hands and feet be cut off in piecemeal fashion; asking him at each interval if he was willing to renounce his faith. He was finally released and sent home with his severed and mutilated limbs aside him in bed.", "The holiday of Rosh Hashana was at hand, and the Rabbi, dying from the effects of his wounds, was at his own request carried into the synagogue, bringing his severed limbs with him. When the Chazzan was about to recite the Kedushah, Rabbi Amnon asked him to stop, saying, “Pause that I may sanctify His Most Holy Name,” and he said in a loud voice: וּבְכֵן וּלְךָ תַעֲלֶה קְדֻשָּׁה, and thus may this sanctification ascend to You, inferring that with his terrible suffering, he had sanctified God's Name. He then began reciting the וּנְתַנֶּה תֹּקֶף, and with the words אֱמֶת כִּי אַתָּה הוּא דַיָּן וּמוֹכִֽיח, true that You are Judge and Admonisher, he indicated his acceptance of God's Divine judgment, and with the words וְתִכְתֹּב אֶת גְּזַר דִּינָם, and You recorded the decree of their judgments, he manifested his belief that his fate had been decreed on Rosh Hashana. No sooner had he finished the prayer when he expired. Three days later, he appeared to Rabbi Kolonymus ben Meshullam in a dream and taught him this prayer, asking him to introduce it to all congregations as a testimonial and as a memorial for him. This prayer has formed a portion of our Service ever since.", "Let us describe", "the great holiness of this day,", "for it is awesome and frightening.", "On this day, Your Kingship is uplifted,5His Kingship is uplifted through our saying of “מַלְכֻיּו‍ֹת—זִכְרו‍ֹנו‍ֹת—שׁו‍ֹפָרו‍ֹת” and the sounding of the shofar.", "and Your throne is established with kindness,6Hashem rules with kindness.", "and You sit upon it in truth.7See Yeshaya 16:5. Truth in this sense might refer to Hashem’s permanence (Metsudas Dovid) or to Hashem’s love of truth (Malbim).", "True that You are judge,", "admonisher, knower and witness;", "and You inscribe, seal, record and count,", "and recall all forgotten things.8Forgotten things refer only to things we may have forgotten, for there is no forgetfulness before Hashem.", "You open the book of records", "and it reads of itself;", "and the signature of every man is in it.", "A great shofar is sounded,", "and a silent, gentle voice is heard;", "and the angels are alarmed,", "pangs of fear and trembling seize them,9See Job 4:18, “הֵן בַּעֲבָדָיו לֹא יַאֲמִין וּבְמַלְאָכָיו יָשִׂים תָּהָלָה” Behold! He puts no trust in His servants, and His angels, He charges with foolishness.”", "and they declare,", "“behold the Day of Judgment.”", "The heavenly host is arraigned in judgment,", "for they are not guiltless in Your eyes", "in judgment.10See Job 15:16, “הֵן בִּקְדו‍ֹשָׁיו לֹא יַאֲמִין וְשָׁמַיִם לֹא זַכּוּ בְעֵינָיו” Behold! “He puts no trust in His holy ones, and even those in the heavens [angels] are not guiltless in His eyes.”", "All mankind pass before You", "like young sheep.11See Mishnah, Maseches Rosh Hashana 1:2. “All mankind passes before Hashem to be judged individually, like young sheep who pass through a small opening in the corral as they are counted for tithing. Bartenura", "As a shepherd inspects his flock,", "making his sheep pass under his rod,", "so do You cause to pass, count, number,", "and review the soul of every living being,", "determining the life-span of every creature;", "and You record the decree of their judgment.", "On Rosh Hashana their decree is inscribed,", "and on Yom Kippur it is sealed,12This formula of judgment is only for those who are considered בֵּינו‍ֹנִים, neither righteous nor wicked. The truly righteous are inscribed and sealed for life on Rosh Hashana, and the wicked also receive their full verdict on Rosh Hashana. Thus it is only the בֵּינו‍ֹנִי, one in between, who is given time until Yom Kippur to mend his ways and be judged for life. Talmud Yerushalmi, Maseches Rosh Hashana 1:3.", "how many will pass away", "and how many will be created,", "who will live and who will die;", "who will come to his timely end,", "and who to an untimely end;", "who will perish by fire and who by water;", "who by the sword and who by beast;", "who by hunger and who by thirst;", "who by earthquake and who by the plague;", "who by strangling and who by stoning;", "who will be at rest", "and who will wander about;", "who will have serenity", "and who will be confused;", "who will be tranquil", "and who will be tormented;", "who will become poor", "and who will become wealthy;", "who will be brought to a low state", "and who will be uplifted.", "
", "But repentance, and prayer and charity", "annul the evil decree.13This is based on Midrash Rabbah, Bereishis 44:13.", "For as Your Name, so is Your praise,14See Tehillim 48:11. This refers to His Name, described in the thirteen attributes of Hashem.", "You are slow to anger and easy to pacify;15See Maseches Avos 5:1.", "For You do not desire death [for the sinner]", "but that he turn from his evil way and live.16See Yechezkel 18:32, 18:23.", "And even until his dying day,", "You wait for him—", "if he repents, You immediately accept him.", "True, You are their Creator,", "and You know their impulse", "that they are [but] flesh and blood.", "Man, his beginning is from dust", "and ends in dust;", "risking his life, he gets his bread,", "he is like a potsherd that is breakable,", "like grass that withers,", "like the flower that fades,", "like the shadow that passes,", "like the cloud that vanishes,", "like the wind that blows,", "like the dust that flies,", "and like a fleeting dream.", "But You are the King,", "the Almighty, the living and everlasting God.", "
The Ark is closed
", "There is no end to Your years", "and there is no limit", "to the length of Your days.", "Immeasurable", "are the chariots of angels who glorify You,", "and there is no way to describe", "Your imperceptable Name.", "Your Name is fitting for You,", "and You are worthy of Your Name;", "and our name,", "You have called by Your Name.17The name יִשְׂרָאֵל, the name by which we are called contains the Name of Hashem, יִשְׂרָ-אֵל.", "Act for the sake of Your Name,", "and sanctify Your Name", "through those who hallow Your Name.18This refers to the Jewish people who recite the kedusha, sanctification, twice each day.", "For the sake of Your glorious Name,", "which is reverenced and sanctified,", "with the mystic speech", "of the holy serafim", "who sanctify Your Name in the Sanctuary.", "Those who dwell on high [the angels]", "unite with those who dwell on earth,", "to proclaim", "the three-fold sanctification;", "in [Your] Sanctuary", "as it is written by the hand of Your prophet,", "“And they called one to another and said:" ], "Kedushah": [ "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "‘Holy, holy, holy", "is Adonoy Tzevaos,", "the fullness of all the earth is His glory.'”", "
", "His glory fills the world,", "His ministering angels", "ask one another—", "“Where is the place of His glory?”", "those facing them say, “Blessed.”", "", "
", "His glory fills the world,", "His ministering angels", "ask one another—", "“Where is the place of His glory?”", "those facing them say, “Blessed.”", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "“Blessed is the glory of Adonoy", "from His place.”", "
", "From His place,", "He will turn in compassion", "and favor the people", "who proclaim the Oneness of His Name", "evening and morning, each day continually", "twice each day, with love,", "they recite, “Shema.”", "", "
", "From His place,", "He will turn in compassion", "and favor the people", "who proclaim the Oneness of His Name", "evening and morning, each day continually", "twice each day, with love,", "they recite, “Shema.”", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "Hear Yisrael,", "Adonoy is our God, Adonoy is One.", "
", "He is our God, He is our Father,", "He is our King, He is our Deliverer,", "and He will let us hear in His mercy", "a second time", "in the presence of all the living", "[His promise] “to be your God.”", "", "
", "He is our God, He is our Father,", "He is our King, He is our Deliverer,", "and He will let us hear in His mercy", "a second time", "in the presence of all the living", "[His promise] “to be your God.”", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "“I am Adonoy, your God.”", "
", "Mighty One, our Mighty One,", "Adonoy, our Master,", "How mighty is Your Name", "throughout the earth.", "And Adonoy will be King", "over the whole earth;", "on that day Adonoy will be One,", "and His Name One.", "", "
", "Mighty One, our Mighty One,", "Adonoy, our Master,", "How mighty is Your Name", "throughout the earth.", "And Adonoy will be King", "over the whole earth;", "on that day Adonoy will be One,", "and His Name One.", "And in Your holy words it is written:", "
Congregation says and Chazzan repeats
", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "your God, Tziyon, throughout all generations;", "praise God.”", "
The Chazzan concludes
", "From generation to generation", "we will declare Your greatness,", "and to all eternity", "we will sanctify Your holiness;", "and Your praise, our God", "will not depart from our mouth", "forever and ever;", "because You are the Almighty", "Who is King, Great and Holy!", "Have compassion upon Your works,", "and rejoice in Your works;", "and let those who trust in You say—", "when You justify those borne by You—", "“Be sanctified, [our] Master", "over all Your works.”", "For those who sanctify You", "are themselves hallowed in Your holiness;", "becoming to the Holy One", "is the glory of those who are holy.", "And thus may Your Name be hallowed", "Adonoy, our God,", "over Yisrael, Your people,", "over Yerushalayim, Your city,", "over Tziyon, the dwelling place of Your glory,", "over the kingship of the House of Dovid,", "Your anointed,", "and over Your [holy] Dwelling,", "and Your Sanctuary.", "It will yet be remembered on our behalf,—", "the love of Avraham,—", "by our Master;", "and for the sake of the son [Yitzchak]", "who let himself be bound on the altar,", "He will put an end to our struggle;", "and in the merit of the perfect one [Yaakov],", "the Revered One will bring forth", "our judgment to a righteous conclusion;", "for this day is holy to our Master.", "When there is no one to plead", "[our] righteousness", "against the testimony of the accuser,", "speak on behalf of Yaakov", "regarding the statute and law,", "and make us righteous with justice,", "[You, Who are the] King of justice", "Who holds in His hand", "the attribute of justice:", "
The Ark is opened
", "And all believe", "that He is the faithful Almighty;", "who probes and searches hidden secrets.", "And all believe", "that He probes man's conscience;", "Who redeems from death", "and rescues from the grave.", "And all believe", "that He is a Mighty Redeemer;", "Who alone judges all who enter the world.", "And all believe that He is a true Judge;", "Who is called, “I am that I am”", "And all believe that He is, was,", "and always will be;", "Certain is His Name, so is His praise.", "And all believe", "that He is, and there is none beside Him;", "Who is mindful of those who mention Him,", "recalling them with favor.", "And all believe", "that He is mindful of the covenant;", "Who apportions life to all the living.", "And all believe", "that He is Living and Permanent;", "Who is the source of goodness,", "and is beneficent to the wicked and the good.", "And all believe that He is good to all;", "Who knows the impulsive nature", "of all His creatures.", "And all believe", "that He formed them in the womb;", "Who is able to accomplish all things,", "and He completed their formation", "at one time.", "And all believe", "that He is able to accomplish all things;", "Who abides in the secret place—", "in the shelter of Shaddai,", "And all believe", "He is the only One;", "Who grants kingship to kings,", "and [all] sovereignty is His.", "And all believe", "that He the eternal King;", "Who guides every generation with kindness.", "And all believe", "that He preserves kindness;", "Who is patient,", "and overlooks the rebellious.", "And all believe", "that He pardons, Selah;", "Who is most high,", "and His eye looks to those who fear Him.", "And all believe", "that He answers prayer;", "Who opens the door", "to those who knock in repentance.", "And all believe", "that His hand is open;", "Who eagerly waits for the wicked [to repent],", "and desires his justification.", "And all believe", "that He is just and upright;", "Who is slow to anger, and long suffering.", "And all believe", "that He is difficult to anger;", "Who is merciful,", "and His compassion precedes His anger.", "And all believe", "that He is easily reconciled;", "Who is equal in His judgment", "and treats equally the small and the great.", "And all believe", "that He is a just Judge;", "Who is perfect and completely just", "with those who are perfect [with Him:]", "And all believe", "that He is perfect in all His work.", "", "
The Ark is closed:
", "And so,", "grant that Your awe, Adonoy, our God,", "be upon all Your works,", "and Your dread upon all You have created;", "and [then] all [Your] works will fear You,", "and prostrate before You", "will be all [Your] created beings.", "And may they all form a single band", "to do Your will", "with a perfect heart.", "For we know Adonoy, our God", "that rulership is Yours,", "strength is in Your hand,", "might is in Your right hand", "and Your Name is awesome", "over all You have created.", "And so,", "grant honor, Adonoy, to Your people,", "praise to those who fear You,", "good hope to those who seek You", "confident speech", "to those who yearn for You,", "joy to Your land, gladness to Your city,", "flourishing of pride to Dovid, Your servant", "and an array of light", "to the son of Yishai, Your anointed,", "speedily in our days.", "And then", "the righteous will see [this] and rejoice,", "and the upright will be jubilant,", "and the pious will exult with joyous song;", "injustice will close its mouth,", "and all the wickedness will vanish like smoke,", "when You remove the rule of evil", "from the earth.", "And all shall come to serve You", "and bless Your glorious Name,", "and throughout the isles they shall declare", "Your righteousness.", "And peoples will seek You,", "who knew You not before;", "and they will praise You,", "those who live in every part of the earth,", "and they will say, always,", "“Magnified be Adonoy.”", "And they will offer to You their sacrifices,", "and they will abandon their idols,", "and they will be humiliated", "with their graven images,", "and they will turn with unanimous accord", "to worship You.", "And they will fear You—", "as long as sun is upon them—", "those who seek Your Presence,", "and they will realize", "the power of Your Kingship,", "and they will teach—", "those who have gone astray—", "understanding [of God].", "And they will speak of Your might,", "and they will uplift You", "causing You to be uplifted above all,", "and they will fervently beseech Your Presence", "and crown You with a crown of glory.", "And the mountains will burst out", "in joyous song,", "and the isles will exult in Your Kingship,", "and they will accept", "the yoke of Your kingdom,", "and they will exalt You", "in the assembly of peoples.", "Those from far-off lands will hear of this", "and they will come,", "and they will tender unto You", "the crown of sovereignty.", "And You Adonoy will reign alone", "over all Your works", "on Mount Tziyon,", "dwelling place of Your glory,", "and in Yerushalayim, city of Your Sanctuary,", "as it is written in Your holy words,", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "Your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations.", "Praise God.”", "Holy are You, and awesome is Your Name,", "and there is no God beside You,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy Tzevaos is exalted", "through justice", "and the Almighty, the Holy One,", "is sanctified through righteousness.”", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King, the Holy One.", "SANCTIFICATION OF THE DAY", "You chose us from [among] all the peoples;", "You loved us and took pleasure in us;", "You exalted us above all tongues,", "and You sanctified us", "with Your commandments;", "You drew us near, our King,", "to Your servitude", "and Your great and Holy Name,", "You have pronounced upon us.", "And You gave us Adonoy, our God,", "in love,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(this Shabbos Day and)", "this Day of Atonement,", "for forgiveness, pardon and atonement,", "and to forgive thereon", "all our iniquities;", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(with love)", "a day of holy assembly", "commemorating the exodus from Mitzrayim.", "But because of our sins,", "we were exiled from our land,", "and driven far away from our soil;", "and we are unable,", "and to perform our obligatory offerings", "in Your chosen House,", "in the great and holy House", "upon which Your Name is proclaimed,", "because of the hand [of violence]", "that was sent against Your Sanctuary.", "May it be Your will", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers,", "merciful King,", "to once again have compassion on us", "and on Your Sanctuary", "in Your abundant mercy;", "and rebuild it soon", "and greatly enhance its glory.", "Our Father, our King!", "reveal the glory of Your Kingship", "upon us soon,", "appear and be uplifted over us", "before the eyes of all living things.", "Bring near our scattered [people]", "from among the nations,", "and gather our dispersed", "from the ends of the earth.", "Bring us to Tziyon, Your city,", "with joyous song,—", "to Yerushalayim, House of Your Sanctuary,", "with everlasting joy.", "And there we will offer before You", "our obligatory sacrifices—", "the daily [burnt] offerings in their order,", "and the Musaf offerings", "according to their rule.", "And the Musaf offering of", "
On Shabbos, add:
", "(and the Musaf offerings", "of this Shabbos day and)", "this Day of Atonement,", "we will prepare and bring before You", "with love", "according to the command of Your will;", "as You wrote for us in Your Torah,", "through the hands of Moshe, Your servant,", "from the mouth of Your glory,", "as it is said:", "
On Shabbos, add:
", "(“And on the Sabbath day [the offering is]:", "two male yearling lambs without blemish;", "two tenths [of an epha] of fine flour", "for a meal offering,", "mixed with the [olive] oil, and its libation.”", "[This is] the burnt offering for every Sabbath,", "in addition to the daily burnt offering", "and its libation; [wine offering].)", "And on the tenth [day],", "of this seventh month,", "a day of holy assembly it shall be for you", "and you shall fast;", "all manner of work, you shall not do;", "And you shall present", "a burnt-offering to Adonoy", "for a pleasing savour—", "one young bullock, one ram,", "seven male yearling lambs", "without blemish, they shall be for you.", "And their meal-offerings and libations", "as stated:", "three tenths [of an epha of fine flour]", "for the bullock,", "two tenths for the ram,", "and one tenth for each lamb,", "and wine according to each libation;", "and two he goats for atonement,", "and the two daily burnt-offerings", "according to their law.", "
On Shabbos, add:
", "(They will rejoice in Your Kingship—", "those who preserve the Sabbath—", "and call it a delight.", "The people who sanctify the seventh [day]", "will all be satisfied", "and delighted with Your goodness.", "And the seventh [day]—", "You took pleasure in it,", "and You hallowed it.", "“Most desirable of days,” You called it—", "a commemoration of the work of creation.)", "
The Ark is opened:
", "It is our obligation to praise", "the Master of all,", "to ascribe greatness", "to the Creator of [the world in] the beginning:", "that He has not made us", "like the nations of the lands,", "and has not positioned us", "like the families of the earth;", "that He has not assigned", "our portion like theirs,", "nor our lot like that of all their multitudes.", "For they prostrate themselves", "to vanity and nothingness,", "and pray to a god that cannot deliver.", "But we bow, prostrate ourselves,", "and offer thanks", "before the Supreme King of kings,", "the Holy One blessed is He,", "Who spreads the heavens,", "and establishes the earth,", "and the seat of His glory", "is in the heaven above,", "and the abode of His invincible might", "is in the loftier heights.", "He is our God, there is nothing else.", "Our King is true, all else is insignificant,", "as it is written in His Torah:", "“And You shall know this day", "and take into your heart", "that Adonoy is God", "in the heavens above", "and upon the earth below;", "there is nothing else.”", "
The Ark is closed, and the Chazzan continues
", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "be with the mouths of those", "who have been sent by Your people", "the House of Yisrael,", "who stand to offer fervent prayer", "and supplication before You,", "on behalf of Your people, the House of Yisrael.", "Instruct them what to say,", "teach them what they shall speak,", "disclose to them what they shall ask,", "make known to them", "how they may glorify You.", "May they walk in the light of Your countenance", "[their] knee, unto You may they bend,", "Your people,", "with their mouths, may they bless,", "and from the blessings of Your mouth,", "may they all be blessed.", "Your people, they lead into Your Presence,", "and from their midst, they approach You;", "the eyes of Your people are fixed on them,", "and their eyes look longingly to You.", "They approach the Holy Ark in awe,", "to appease anger and wrath;", "and Your people surround them like a wall,", "and You, from the heavens", "look upon them with compassion.", "They lift their eyes to You in heaven,", "their hearts are poured out before You", "as water,", "and You, [please] hear [their prayer]", "from the heavens.", "May they not stammer with their tongue,", "nor become entangled in their speech,", "may they not be ashamed", "of those who rely on them,", "and may they not bring disgrace", "to their multitude [their congregation];", "and may their mouths never say a word", "that is not according to Your will.", "For those", "to whom You are favorably disposed,", "Adonoy, our God,", "they have truly found favor,", "and those upon whom You have compassion,", "they have truly found compassion.", "For we know, Adonoy, our God,", "that You will show favor", "to whom You will show favor,", "and that You will be compassionate", "to whom You will be compassionate.", "As it is written in Your Torah:", "And He said: “I will cause to pass over", "all My goodness before you,", "and I will proclaim the Name, Adonoy", "in your presence;", "“I will show favor", "to whom I show favor,", "and I will be compassionate", "to whom I will be compassionate.”", "And it is said:", "“Let them not be ashamed through me", "those who wait for You,", "my Master, God of Hosts;", "let them not be disgraced through me,", "those who seek You, God of Yisrael.”", "
The Ark is opened and the Chazzan continues
", "I hope in Almighty, I implore His Presence,", "I ask of Him", "to grant me eloquent speech,", "so that in the congregation of the people,", "I might sing of His might", "and utter joyful songs", "praising His deeds.", "The arrangements of thoughts belong to man,", "but [only] from God, comes eloquent speech.", "My Master, open my lips", "and my mouth will declare Your praise.", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "
The Ark is closed:
" ], "The Avodah Service": [ "Source of all energy and power!", "Who could possibly duplicate", "Your mighty works?", "You constructed chambers", "above the cold waters,19See Tehillim 104:3, Bereishis Rabbah 4:1. The construction of the heavens is described by the commentators to Tehillim 104:3, and in Bereishis Rabbah. On the second day of creation, Hashem established the sky within the waters which subsequently separated the upper waters from the lower waters. Above the upper waters, a “ceiling” or “roof” was placed. This is the meaning of the verse. (See Metsudah, Radak, ibid.).", "and placed the globe in space.20Job 27:7; the original word, as it appears in Job, is the verb “תּוֹלֶה” meaning “to suspend.”", "When the world was filled", "with total darkness21The three words חשֶׁךְ-צַלְמָוֶת-עֵיפָה are found in Job 10:21—22 and are all expressions for darkness (See Malbim ibid.).", "You wrapped yourself in Your garment,22Tehillim 18:29. The creation of light is so described in Bereishis Rabbah 3:4.", "radiating with morning light.", "You divided the impetuous waters", "with an awesome, crystal-like sky;23Yechezkel 1:22.", "and gathered them into the depths", "so they would not cover the dry land.24Tehillim 104:9.", "You uncovered the surface of the earth,25Bereishis 1:11—12. The phraseology is based upon Tehillim 88:13, Shir Hashirim 6:11.", "and brought forth vegetation.", "You planted a garden in the East", "for those who praise you.26Bereishis 2:8. This refers to the righteous who will occupy Gan Eden in the World to Come.", "Great luminaries You placed in the sky27This refers to the sun and the moon. The phraseology is based upon Tehillim 150:1.", "along with host of stars and constellations;", "which You commanded [to illuminate the world].", "An abundance of swimming creatures [fish]28Yeshaya 25:11.", "and flying creatures [birds etc.]29Devorim 28:49.", "You created from the palm of Your hand30Yeshaya 40:12.;", "and the Leviathan which You reserved", "for the feast of Torah scholars.31This feast will be in the World to Come. The Livyoson is discussed in detail in Pirkei D’Rabbi Eliezer 9.", "The congealed ground", "brought forth insects and animals;", "the wild-ox dwelling in swamps and reeds", "You reserved for the meal of the righteous.32Vayikra Rabbah 24:10. The Midrash relates that this wild ox will be served to the righteous in the World to Come.", "You prepared food and drink", "even before there was anyone to feast.33Since Adam was not created until the sixth day, everything in the world was already prepared for him.", "You then formed man from clay", "in the likeness of Your image", "and breathed into him a pure soul", "from your “Zevul.”34The Talmud, Maseches Chagigah (12a) describes זְבוּל (Zevul) as being one of the seven heavens.", "You caused him to sleep,", "and from his side", "You fashioned a helpmate for him.35Bereishis 2:20—22. This refers to the creation of Chavah, Eve, the first woman, who was created from Adam’s side.", "You commanded him", "not to eat from the tree of knowledge.", "He foolishly violated Your command,", "because he was enticed by the snake.", "He was punished", "that only by the sweat of his brow", "would he gain his sustenance.", "Woman [was punished]", "with painful childbirth", "and the cunning [snake]", "would forever eat dirt.", "You congealed his [Adam's] seed", "in the womb of she [Eve] who desired him.", "She became pregnant", "and gave birth to a farmer and a shepherd.36This refers to Kayin and Hevel, see Bereishis 4:2.", "They brought You a sacrifice and a gift.37The verse seems to imply that both Kayin and Hevel brought gifts and sacrifices, but in Bereishis 4:3,4 it is clear that Kayin brought vegetables and Hevel brought sheep as sacrifices.", "You were angered with that of the oldest,", "but pleased with the offering", "of the youngest.38Bereishis 4:45.", "Without mercy, he [Cain] killed Abel39Bereishis 4:8. The phraseology is adapted from Amos 1:11.", "He pleaded for Your forgiveness,", "and You set a saving mark upon him.40Bereishis 4:15. Hashem inscribed a letter from His Name upon Kayin’s forehead. (Rashi)", "At the third generation of man,41This refers to the generation of Chanoch. See Bereishis 4:26.", "people began to worship You", "through idols.42See Sifri Devorim 43; the use of the expression “worshipped You through idols” is elaborated upon in detail in the Rambam’s Mishnah Torah at the beginning of the Laws of Idolatry (Avodah Zarah).", "The dreaded flood waters, You summoned,", "and they were drowned and destroyed.", "An arrogant generation erred", "and dared tell You to go away.43This refers to the generation of the flood. Midrash Tanchumah (Bereishis 12) says that during this generation there lived a race of giants who worshipped the sun and the moon, and subsequently told Hashem to “go away.”", "They were tossed about by the boiling water;", "they were burned and scalded.44The Talmud, Maseches Rosh Hashanah (12a) says that the generation of the flood was destroyed by a flood of boiling water. The Midrash Vayikra Rabbah 7:6 states that this punishment corresponded to their sin of pride and arrogance.", "Noah, who was commanded to build an ark,", "an ark of gopher-wood,", "was delivered", "when You enclosed him within.45Bereishis 6:14, Bereishis 7:16. The Torah says that Hashem closed the door of the ark after Noach entered.", "His sons, You made fruitful", "and they filled the face of the earth.", "A united people conspired", "to build a tower unto the heavens.46This refers to the Dor Hahaphlaga the “generation of division” which built the Migdal Bavel, the “Tower of Bavel.” Being of one language, they were united in speech and hence, subsequently, in conspiracy (Bereishis 11:1).", "They were entrapped by their evil action,", "and were scattered about the earth47Bereishis 11:8.", "as if by a violent wind.", "Your loved one [Avraham]48Yeshaya 41:8.", "who came “across the river,”49The word עִבְרִי “Ivri” refers to the fact that Avraham came from the other side of the river.", "made famous Your Name", "in the world.50See Bereishis 12:8 and the commentary of Ibn Ezra (ibid).", "The son of his old age, [Yitzchak]", "he offered to You in sacrifice.", "Like a perfect, unblemished lamb", "Yaakov was chosen;", "he who was without blemish.51In Bereishis 25:27, Yaakov is called תָּם “Tam” which Rashi interprets as denoting “equal in tongue and heart.”", "He desired to sit in tents52This refers to the period when Yaakov studied in the Yeshivos of Shem and Aver (See Rashi ibid.).", "and followed you.", "Righteous children", "You brought forth from him,", "all of whom stayed true to their heritage,", "none ever deviating.", "To serve You,", "You desired Levi, Your pious one.53Devorim 33:8. After the sin of the golden calf, Hashem chose the tribe of Levi to serve inthe Tabernacle because they did not participate in the sin.", "From his tribe, You chose one [Aharon]", "to be Your holiest;54This refers to Aharon and his sons who came from the tribe of Levi and were chosen to become the priests.", "to wear the holy mitre", "and the Urim VeTumim,55Vayikra 8:8—9. These were worn by the High Priest during his service.", "and to dwell inside the Tabernacle", "for seven days.56Before the final consecration of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, the priests were confined to the Tabernacle for seven days during which time they offered sacrifices each day to become initiated into the priesthood.", "Upholders of the Jewish faith, [The Sanhedrin],", "a week before the tenth day [of Tishrei],", "secluded the High Priest", "as was done in the seven days after the completion of the Mishkan.57Maseches Yoma, Mishnah 1:1; This law is derived from the seven days of consecration of the Mishkan during which time Aharon and his sons stayed inside of the Mishkan, see Talmud 2:9,b. The High Priest was confined to a special chamber called ‘lishkas phalhedrin’ (ibid. 2a).", "They sprinkled upon him", "water mixed with the ashes of red heifers58Maseches Yoma, 4a, 8a. According to the Mishnah (in Para ch. 3:11), from each red heifer which was burnt, from the time of Moshe, one third of its ashes were stored away, and some of the ashes from each were used to sprinkle over the High Priest. The Rambam (1:4) states that the sprinkling took place on the third and seventh day of confinement as a precaution lest the priest had been made impure upon contact with a dead body.", "in order to purify him.", "[Each of the seven days] he sprinkled the blood of the daily sacrifices,", "burned the incense59Maseches Yoma Mishnah 14a. The incense was burned twice daily, in the morning and in the afternoon. According to the Rambam the order was: sprinkling, cleaning out five wicks, burning the morning incense, then cleaning out the remaining two wicks. [upon the golden altar in the Sanctuary,]", "and cleaned away the ashes, [from the wicks of the Menorah],", "[he did these things] to acquaint himself with the daily service.60This was because the entire service on Yom Kippur was performed exclusively by the High Priest. See Rambam (Ch. 1:2,5).", "As it was written in Your Torah:", "As it was done on this day,", "Adonoy commanded that it be done", "to atone for you.", "Each day he was visited by wise men,", "the elders of the Sanhedrin61Mishnah Yoma Ch. 1:3.", "who said to him,", "“Please study [the order of the Daily Service.]”62Ibid. The Mishnah continues, “Perhaps you have forgotten (the service), or perhaps you never learned it.” Tiferes Yisroel explains that he himself was asked to read since this would help him best to remember.", "On the morning of the ninth day of Tishrei,", "he was placed at the eastern gate [of the Temple courtyard].", "The choice [animals]", "which would be sacrificed,", "were brought before him.63Ibid. This was done in order to acquaint him with the animals that he would sacrifice the next day. The goats, however, were not shown to him, for being that they would be an atonement for sin, he might become frightened and shaken.", "Before sunset [of the Day of Atonement]", "his food intake was diminished,", "for fear he might become impure", "during the sleep brought on by excess food.64Mishnah Yoma ch. 1:4. During the first six days, he was permitted to eat and drink as much as he wanted. The Mishnah states that too much food and drink could bring about sleep, during which time an emission could occur. He was instructed how to take the handful of spices used for the incense offering of the Day of Atonement.", "[Before] the elders of his tribe", "taught him how to perform chafina (ִחֲפִינָה),65Mishnah Yoma ch. 1:5. The ritual of taking a handful of incense and bringing it in the Holy of Holies was a special service done only on the Day of Atonement and was one of the most difficult of all temple services. Consequently, it was important to instruct him how to perform it.", "and burn the incense", "inside [the Holy of Holies,]", "the elders of Sanhedrin gave him an oath.66Ibid. It is a tradition of the oral law that the incense should be placed on the pan of coals inside the Holy of Holies and not outside, as the Sadducees contended. The oath was administered because there were priests who were suspected of being Sadducees (see Rambam 1:7). They made him swear in the Name of Hashem, that he would not change anything of what he was instructed.", "His flesh crept [with fear];", "and he cried because he was suspected.", "The elders of Sanhedrin turned aside", "and also wept for having suspected him.67Mishnah Yoma ch. 1:5. The Rambam writes that it is forbidden by our Torah to suspect someone or to think ill of someone when the matter is in doubt, except if absolutely necessary.", "They lectured to him", "and read from Scriptures.", "They gathered around him to study,68Mishnah Yoma ch. 1:6. Since it was necessary that he not fall asleep lest he have an impure emission while sleeping, those around him kept him up all night.", "to keep him awake until midnight.69Ibid. For at midnight, the service of Yom Kippur begins with the Terumas HaDeshen, which consisted of removing some of the burnt coals and placing them on the floor next to the Altar. It should be noted that according to the Talmud Maseches Yoma, 19:6 it seems that he did not commence until dawn and that it was therefore necessary to keep him awake until then.", "Joyously they chose70Each day in the Temple there were four lots to determine which kohanim would do the various services. There is a dispute among the commentaries whether lots were drawn also on Yom Kippur or whether these services too (in addition to the main services of sacrifice, sprinkling blood etc.) had to be performed by the High Priest (See Rambam 4:1, Ramban, Tosafos Yeshonim Yoma 20b, Ba’al Meor).", "for the Terumas Hadeshen,71Mishnah Yoma Ch. 2:1. The Terumas Hadeshen was the first service of the day and consisted of the priest going up to the center of the Altar, collecting some burnt coals, and placing them on the floor next to the Altar.", "the first choosing of the day.", "They chose again72Mishnah Yoma Ch. 2:3. According to the Talmud, Yoma 24b, the four choosing’s were not held at one time because they wanted to summon a crowd four times during the day. It is considered an honor to the King to assemble a great multitude in the Temple (בְּרוֹב עָם הַדְרַת מֶלֶךְ). to clean the inner Altar", "and five wicks of the meonrah.73The second lot was for picking two priests: one to clean the inner Altar (upon which incense was barred), and a second after him to clean five wicks from the Menorah (Yoma 25:1).", "However, the choosing to burn the incense", "was limited to those who had never done so.74Mishnah Yoma Ch. 2:4. The third lot to determine who would burn the incense on the inner Altar was drawn just among the new priests who had not yet performed that service. The reason for this, explains the Talmud, is that this service increases the wealth of the priest who performed it. Therefore, care was taken to give every priest an opportunity to partake of the blessing. It should be noted that all commentaries agree that on Yom Kippur, only the High Priest could burn incense on the inner Altar.", "Bringing up the limbs to the Altar,", "was the fourth choosing.", "The break of dawn", "was announced by the watchman.75Mishnah Yoma Ch. 3:1. A watchman was stationed on a high place in the courtyard (Tifferes Yisroel) to watch for the break of dawn, which signaled the time to proceed with the sacrifice of the daily morning offering, i.e. the Tamid Shel Shachar.", "A sheet of linen was placed before the mikvah76Mishnah Yoma Ch. 3:4. Before putting on the eight garments, he immersed himself in the ritual bath, the Mikvah, since whoever enters the Temple Courtyard (Azarah) is required to immerse himself. The opening to the chamber of the mikvah was covered with a linen cloth to symbolize the fact that the special Yom Kippur services would be performed in linen clothes.", "for his modesty.", "He took off his clothes,77Ibid. That is to say, he took off his daily everyday clothes. immersed himself", "and put on the eight golden garments.78Mishnah Yoma Ch. 3:4. The High Priest performed his service during the entire year with eight garments, four which were worn by regular priests, and four additional ones. On Yom Kippur he wore two types of clothing. For those services which were not specially performed for Yom Kippur, he wore his usual eight garments. For those services, however, which were performed especially in the Holy of Holies for Yom Kippur, he wore only four white garments (shirt, pants, belt, and hat). Before commencing service, he wore “everyday” clothes, and put on the eight garments of “gold” for the opening service which was the slaughtering of the daily morning sacrifice.", "He washed his hands and feet79Ibid. It is a positive commandment in the Torah for a priest to wash his hands and feet from a special laver. The initial dressing requires only one washing (afterwards), but the subsequent changes in clothing require one washing before taking off the initial set of clothes and another when dressing in the next set (Rambam 2:2, 4:1).", "and made the incision80Ibid. The High Priest performed the minimal cut; the major part of each of the two “signs” which characterize the slaughter of an animal according to the Torah: the gullet and trachea (Rambam 4:1). The reason for this was so that he could quickly receive the blood coming out of the neck of the animal. The slaughter was completed by another priest.", "in the Daily morning Sacrifice.", "Another priest was appointed", "to complete the slaughter,81Mishnah Yoma Ch. 3:4. Since only the High Priest could receive the blood of the animal, it was necessary to give him time to do so. Consequently, he only performed the minimal cut, leaving the rest to another priest. (Rambam 4:1, Rashi Yoma 31b).", "permitting the High Priest to receive [the blood]", "and sprinkle it [on the outer Altar.]", "He withdrew, [entered the Sanctuary,]", "and burned incense82Ibid. This was the daily burning of incense upon the smaller Golden Altar that is inside the Sanctuary. [upon the inner altar;]", "then he cleaned the wicks of the Menorah.", "Then he burnt the Daily Morning Offering,83After cleaning the Menorah, the High Priest left the Sanctuary and offered the daily morning sacrifice upon the outer Altar.", "and poured a libation of wine upon the Altar.", "The Daily Morning Offering", "he thus completed", "and proceeded in order with the next services.", "A white sheet was set before him", "as before.84The white sheet afforded him privacy for his immersion. This immersion, the second, proceeded the change of clothes from the “eight golden garments” to the “white garments.” The white garments were worn for those parts of the service which were special to Yom Kippur.", "He was brought to the Parve chamber85The first immersion was in a mikvah adjacent to his personal chamber but was not considered to be part of the Temple courtyard, as indeed it was forbidden for him to enter the courtyard until he immersed himself. Subsequent immersions took place in the Parve chamber which was considered part of the courtyard (Rambam 2:3).", "[which was located] within the Temple courtyard.", "There he washed his hands and feet,", "and took off the eight golden garments.", "He stepped [into the Mikvah]", "and immersed himself,", "and after which he put on white garments;", "then washed his hands and feet.86It was incumbent upon him to wash before taking off his clothes and then once again after putting on new ones.", "The white garments were of linen from Pallus", "worth eighteen measures,", "the finest linen", "with which to serve the King of Glory.", "His ox stood87Mishnah Yoma 3:8. The High Priest would sacrifice two oxen on Yom Kippur. One he brought for himself, from his own funds, and one for the Jewish people, from public funds.", "between the antechamber", "and the outer Altar;88The ox stood in the northern sector of the area between the outer Altar and the Sanctuary. It was positioned there in order to minimize the distance the High Priest would have to walk in carrying its blood to the outer Altar.", "its face to the West,", "its head to the South.89The head of the ox faced south and its body to the north. The reason it was not placed from east to west was in order that it should not emit waste in the direction of the Altar (Yoma 35b, 36a).", "He leaned his hands upon its head,", "and confessed his sins,", "not hiding even one.", "And this was his confession:", "I beg of You Hashem;90Mishnah 3:8.There is a dispute among commentaries whether the explicit Name was uttered at this point or not.", "I have sinned, acted wickedly", "and rebelled against You,91Our Sages distinguish three forms of sin: a. חֵטְא unintentional sin b. עָווֹן intentional sin, [iniquity] that is to say, a sin committed intentionally but material motiovated. c. פֶּשַׁע—a rebellion, that is to say, an intentionally committed sin without material motive, thus with the sole purpose of defying Hashem (Rashi, Yoma 36b).", "I and my household.", "I beg of You, with Your Name, atone", "the sins, iniquities, and rebellions", "that I have sinned, acted wickedly,", "and rebelled against You,", "I and my household;", "as is written in the Torah of Moshe,", "Your servant,", "from the mouth of Your glory:", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you", "from all your sins, before Adonoy.”", "And the priests and the people", "who were standing in the Temple Courtyard", "when they heard", "the glorious and awesome Name [of God]", "explicitly pronounced", "from the mouth of the High Priest92The Talmud says that the explicit Name of Hashem was uttered by the High Priest ten times on the Day of Atonement, and each time the people fell to the floor and pronounced “Blessed [is His] Name” etc.", "with holiness and with purity,", "they bowed, prostrated themselves,", "offered thanks,", "and fell upon their faces", "and said,", "“Blessed [is His] Name, His glorious Kingdom", "is forever and ever.”", "And he prolonged", "the intoning of the Name93This refers to the Name of Hashem uttered in the pervious verse, ’‘before Adonoy.”", "until the worshippers completed [the response].", "And, [completing the verse,] said to them:", "“You will be cleansed.”", "And [now] with your great goodness", "arouse Your mercy,", "and pardon Your faithful servant.", "The High Priest then walked", "to the eastern part of the Temple Courtyard", "where stood a pair of goats", "bought with communal funds.", "They stood next to each other like twins,", "identical in color and height,94The Mishnah stipulates four categories of similarity: looks (color), height, value, and simultaneous purchase.", "ready to atone", "for the sins of a rebellious daughter [Yisrael].95Yirmiyahu 31:21.", "Two golden lots were mixed,96Mishnah Yoma 3:9, 4:1.", "then lifted out of the box,97The High Priest placed both hands into the box, then mixed the lots inside, and lifted them out, one in his right hand and one in his left (Rambam ch. 3).", "one lot for God,", "the other for “Azazel.”98Mishnah Yoma 4:1. On one lot was written “For Hashem” and on the other was written “For Azazel.” The two goats stood in front of him facing west. The goat to his right received the lot in his right hand, and the goat on the left was allotted that in his left.", "He shouted aloud", "“A sin offering for Adonoy.”99Ibid. This was shouted when he placed the lot “for Adonoy” on the appropriate goat.", "Those who heard him responded,", "blessing ‘the Name of God.'100They actually responded saying: “Blessed [is His] Name, His glorious Kingdom is forever and ever”; as was the procedure each time the Name of Hashem was explicitly pronounced (see note 92). In addition, as before, the people prostrated themselves (see Rambam ch. 2). The goat receiving the lot “for Hashem” would later be sacrificed as a sin offering, while the goat receiving the lot “for Azazel” would be sent out to the Judean hills.", "A thread of red wool", "he tied on the head of the Azazel goat101Mishnah Yoma 4:2. This was done so that the scapegoat should not be confused with the other goat, to be sacrificed.", "which was placed at the eastern gate102Ibid. This was the “gate of Niknor.”", "from whence it would be sent away.", "He completed this service,", "approached his ox a second time,103Ibid. This was the ox upon which he had previously confessed his and his household’s sins. Thus, the two confessions were interspersed by the drawing of the lots for the two goats.", "and made confession.104This confession was for himself and his fellow priests.", "And this was his confession:", "I beg of You, Hashem:", "I have sinned, acted wickedly,", "and rebelled against You,", "I and my household,", "and the sons of Aharon, Your holy people.", "I beg of You Hashem, atone", "the sins, iniquities and rebellions,", "that I have sinned, acted wickedly,", "and rebelled against You,", "I and my household,", "and the sons of Aharon, Your holy people.", "As it is written in the Torah of Moshe,", "Your servant,", "from the mouth of Your glory:", "“For on this day,", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you,", "from all your sins, before Adonoy.”", "And the priests and the people", "who were standing in the Temple Courtyard;", "when they heard", "the glorious and awesome Name [of God]", "explicitly pronounced", "from the mouth of the High Priest,", "with holiness and with purity,", "they bowed, prostrated themselves,", "offered thanks,", "and fell upon their faces,", "and said:", "“Blessed [is His] Name, His glorious Kingdom", "is forever and ever.”", "And he [the High Priest] prolonged", "the intoning of the Divine Name", "until the worshippers completed [the response];", "and [completing the verse] said to them:", "“You will be cleansed.”", "And [now] with Your goodness,", "arouse Your mercy,", "and pardon the tribe that serves You.", "He then took a sharp knife", "and slaughtered the ox", "in the usual manner.105Mishnah Yoma 4:3. The phraseology “in the usual manner” seems to indicate the opinion of the Peitan, that unlike the morning sacrifice in which only a minimal cut was made, here the High Priest completed the cut. Tiferes Yisroel, in his commentary to the Mishnah, explains that because the slaughter of the ox was part of the special service of Yom Kippur, it was certain that the High Priest would be extra diligent to make sure he received its blood. Other commentaries however (see, e.g. Tosefos Yom Tov to Mishnah 4:3) maintain that the same minimal incision was made for all sacrifices of the day.", "He received the blood in a holy vessel", "and gave it to a priest who would stir it;106Ibid. Since the blood was not sprinkled until later, it was necessary to keep it from coagulating.", "thus keeping it liquid-like", "until the time came to sprinkle it.", "For if it became too hard to sprinkle,", "there could be no atonement.", "He107Mishnah Yoma 4:3. The Peitan now describes the burning of incense in the Kodesh HaKodashim, the Holy of Holies, a service which was performed only once a year, on Yom Kippur. stirred the coals on the outer Altar,", "scooped up some of the innermost coals", "with a reddish-gold shovel.108The Talmud, Maseches Yoma (43b) states that the shovel used to stir and carry coals was made of “reddish” gold, similar in color to the blood of an ox.", "The shovel was especially light,", "of very thin metal,", "and had an especially long handle.109Mishnah Yoma 4:4. Since the burning of incense in the Kodesh HaKodashim on Yom Kippur was a totally different procedure than the usual incense burning (even for that very day), the High Priest used a specially designed shovel to facilitate his work. Unlike the usual twice-daily incense service, this special burning required that the High Priest himself stir the coals, and carry them in the shovel into the Sanctuary and finally into the Kodesh HaKodashim. Thus the shovel was made especially light. It had an extra long handle so that the High Priest could rest the handle under his arm as he carried it, taking some of its weight off his hands (see Rambam 2:5).", "The shovel held", "three kavim of coals.", "He was then brought a ladle110After taking some coals in the shovel, the High Priest laid the shovel on the floor, temporarily, while he proceeded with the taking of incense. He would later come back, and bring the shovel of coals into the Sanctuary (Rambam ibid.).", "and a brimming vessel filled with incense.111Mishnah Yoma 5:1.", "He took two handfuls of incense from the vessel", "and emptied them into the ladle.112Mishnah 5:1", "He quickly took the shovel of coals", "in his right hand", "and the ladle with incense in his left.113Ibid.", "His footsteps were heard", "as he walked between the curtains114These curtains separated between the Kodesh, Holy and the Kodesh HaKodashim, Holy of Holies. There was a space of one cubit, between the curtains, through which he walked to gain entrance to the area referred to as “between the poles.”", "and approached", "[between] the poles of the Ark.115He placed the shovel between the poles of the Ark. In the Holy of Holies of the first Temple, the Ark containing the Tablets of Law, rested upon the Evan Shesiya, the Foundation Stone. On each side of the Ark there extended a long handle which reached practically until the wall at the entrance to the Holy of Holies. The High Priest, as he entered, would be standing between the two long handles, and would place the shovel upon the Foundation Stone which protruded a bit from under the Ark. Since there was no Ark in the Second Temple, the Peitan describes the High Priest’s location only by correspondence.", "The incense he placed between the poles116After placing the shovel with the coals in the area corresponding to “between the poles,” he heaped the incense upon the coals which caused tremendous smoke.", "and caused them to rise in smoke117From the burning incense.", "and he left.118The service of burning the incense in the Holy of Holies was completed.", "From the young boy priest", "who had been stirring the blood,", "he now took the vessel of blood.", "He quickly reentered the Holy of Holies119Carrying the vessel with the blood.", "and stood", "between the “two handles of the Ark.”", "He dipped his finger into the blood,120Ibid. Each sprinkling was proceeded by its own dipping (Rambam 3:6).", "and sprinkled the blood, with a count—", "one upper sprinkling", "and seven lower ones.121Ibid. The word מַצְלִיף indicates the fact that the blood was not sprinkled on the Ark itself but rather on the floor in front of it. The terms “upper” and “lower” refers to the direction of the movement of the hand in sprinkling the blood. The “upper” sprinkling was done by moving the hand up, whereby the blood would rise in an arcwise motion and fall to the floor. The seven “lower” sprinklings were done by a downward movement of the hand; in each case the movement originating at a lower level, with the blood falling straight down to the floor (Rambam 3:5). During the first Bais Hamikdash when there was an Ark, the sprinkling was performed one cubit in front of the Kapores (the Cover of the Ark) (Rambam ibid.). In the Second Temple, the sprinkling was performed in the corresponding area.", "Each time he sprinkled, he counted aloud.122Mishnah 5:3. The High Priest counted the sprinklings out loud so as not to make a mistake in the proper numbers (Rambam 3:5).", "One123This was the first (and only “upper” sprinkling).", "One and one;124This was the first “lower” sprinkling. The counting procedure was “one and one” so that he should not count the upper sprinkling as the first lower sprinkling. The six remaining are “lower” sprinklings. One and two;", "One and three; One and four;", "One and five; One and six;", "One and seven.", "He hurried to place the vessel on a stand,125Mishnah Yoma 5:3. The vessel filled with the remaining blood was placed on a golden stand, specially designated, in the outer Sanctuary. There were two stands in the Sanctuary, one for the vesel of ox blood and one for the vessel of goat blood (Rambam 4:2).", "and slaughtered the goat.126Mishnah Yoma 5:4. This was the goat that had previously drawn the lot “for Hashem.”", "He quickly received its blood in a holy vessel,", "and returned to the place of the Ark.127That is to say, in front of where the Ark would be located between its two handles.", "He sprinkled the blood [of the goat],", "in the same manner as with the blood of the ox.", "Each time he sprinkled, he counted aloud:", "One;", "One and one; One and two;", "One and three; One and four;", "One and five; One and six;", "One and seven.", "He swiftly exited, placing it128The vessel with the remaining blood of the goat. on its stand129According to the first opinion in the Mishnah, each vessel had its own designated stand. See Mishnah 5:4.", "and took the vessel of ox blood.", "He ran back and stood outside the curtain", "and sprinkled blood before the curtain", "the same way he had sprinkled the blood", "in front of the Ark Cover.130Ibid. That is to say, he sprinkled one “upper” sprinkling and seven lower sprinklings (Rambam 3:35), and counted them in the same manner.", "He then sprinkled the blood of the goat.", "He mixed the blood of the ox and goat,131Mishnah Yoma 5:4. He poured the blood of the ox into the blood of the goat, then spilled the mixture into an empty vessel so that it should become homogenous (Rambam 4:2).", "sprinkling the mixture", "upon the Golden Altar132This was the smaller Altar inside the Sanctuary that was used for the burning of incense. It is called the “Golden Altar” because it was made of gold.", "seven sprinklings on the surface of the Altar,", "and four sprinklings on the corners.", "He then approached the live goat.133Mishnah Yoma 6:2. This was the goat which received the lot “for Azazel,” which had been left standing in the courtyard (Rambam 4:2).", "The intentional", "and unintentional sins of the people,", "he confessed to the Almighty.134The first two confessions were for the sins of the High Priest, his household, and then the entire priestly clan. The third confession was for the sins of the entire nation (Rambam 2:6).", "And this was his confession:", "I beg of You, Hashem;", "they have sinned, acted wickedly,", "rebelled against You—", "Your people, the House of Yisrael—", "I beg of You, Hashem, atone", "the sins, iniquities, and rebellions", "that were committed", "against You,", "by Your people, the House of Yisrael.", "As it is written in the Torah of Moshe,", "Your servant,", "from the mouth of Your glory:", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you,", "from all your sins before Adonoy.”", "And the priests and the people", "who were standing in the Temple Courtyard;", "when they heard", "the glorious and awesome Name [of God]", "explicitly pronounced", "from the mouth of the High Priest,", "with holiness and with purity,", "they bowed, prostrated themselves,", "offered thanks,", "and fell upon their faces,", "and said:", "“Blessed [is His] Name, His glorious kingdom", "is forever and ever.”", "And He [the High Priest] prolonged", "the intoning of the Divine Name", "until the worshippers completed [the response];", "and [completing the verse] said to them:", "“You will be cleansed.”", "And [now] with Your great goodness,", "arouse Your mercy,", "and pardon the community of Yeshurun.", "He handed the goat to one appointed,135Mishnah Yoma 6:3. After the confession, the High Priest handed the scapegoat over to someone who would in turn send it to its death. This person was usually another priest although it was not necessary that he be one (See Yoma 66a).", "to lead it out to the harsh desert.", "The spiritual blemishes of the people", "it carried to the desert.", "He pushed it off the rocky cliff", "and it tumbled down,", "breaking its bones", "like shattered potter's ware.136Mishnah Yoma 6:6. The goat’s bones were broken before it even reached the bottom of the cliff (Yoma 67a, Rambam 3:7).", "With a sharp knife", "he cut open the [slaughtered] ox and goat.137Mishnah Yoma 6:7.", "He removed the sacrificial parts,138These parts include the kidneys, part of the liver and certain fats which were offered on the Altar.", "and intertwined their limbs onto poles;", "and removed them to a place of burning.139Ibid. The carcasses, their limbs now removed, were placed upon poles and would be carried outside of Yerushalayim where they would be burnt in the “burning house” (Rambam 3:7, 4:2).", "He read aloud from the Sefer Torah", "pertaining to the service of the day,", "then washed his hands and feet,", "and took off his (white) garments.140Mishnah 7:3. Until now the High Priest had performed the special services for Yom Kippur, and thus wore the appropriate white garments.", "For the third time that day,", "he immersed himself in a mikvah.", "He then put on the golden garments", "and again washed his hands and feet.", "He immediately proceeded to sacrifice", "his ram,", "and the ram of the people.141Mishnah Yoma 7:3. In addition to the goat and ox which were burned outside the city, the High Priest brought two “olah” offerings, which were completely consumed upon the Altar. They consisted of two rams, one for himself (meaning that he paid for it) and one for the nation (i.e. that was brought with public funds). The entire sacrificial service of these two rams was performed at this point including the slaughter, the sprinkling of blood upon the outer Altar, the pouring of a wine libation on the Altar, and the burning of the entire animal.", "He burned the fats of the sin-offering,142This refers to the fats of the goat and ox which were burnt outside Yerushalayim. The fats are the only parts which are burnt upon the Altar (Rambam 4:2). Though the Peitan only mentions the fats of the goat (which is technically considered a “sin-offering”), the fats of the ox were also burnt at this time.", "and sacrificed the Musaf offering.143The Musaf-offering of Yom Kippur consisted of the following animals which are brought specially for Yom Kippur: 1) one ox 2) one ram 3) seven ewes 4) one goat “sin-offering”. The ox and ram of the High Priest are not included in this group.", "He dipped his hands and feet in water,", "then he washed them,", "he took off the golden garments,", "immersed himself;", "and again washed his hands and feet.", "He put on the white garments", "and entered the Holy of Holies.", "The vessels used for the incense offering,144Ibid. The pan of coals and incense which was earlier placed in the Holy of Holies was now removed.", "he removed from the Holy of Holies;", "and again washed his hands and feet.", "He then took off his white garments", "and placed them away forever.145The white garments were used only once, and then they were put away forever.", "He immersed himself,", "put on the golden garments, and washed.146Mishnah Yoma 7:4.", "He offered up the Daily Afternoon Sacrifice,", "burned the Daily Afternoon Incense,", "and lit the candles of the Menorah.147Ibid. The daily afternoon sacrifice, the Talmid shel Ben Haarbaim was the last sacrifice offered each day. The incense burned at this point was the second incense burning of the day. The final service of the day consisted of the lighting of the Menorah.", "The Service now completed,", "he washed his hands and feet.148Ibid. After this, the High Priest put on his own clothes, the service of the day now having been completed.", "Thus performing for the day, five immersions", "and ten washings.", "The appearance of his face", "was like the brilliance of a sunrise.149When the Divine Presence, the “Shechina” is upon a person, his face radiates like a burning fire.—Mateh Levi, from Midrash Rabbah, Yalkut Shimoni, Acharei Mos", "With great joy,", "he put on his own clothes.150Mishnah Yoma 7:4", "The perfect ones [Yisrael] accompanied", "its faithful messenger home.151Mishnah Yoma, ibid. “Messenger” refers to the High Priest.", "They rejoiced in the news", "that the red thread had turned white.152Yoma 67a. The red string was attached to a rock at the opening of the sanctuary as well as to the horns of the scapegoat so that one could see it turn white when the goat was pushed over the jagged cliffs. This was a symbol that the sins of the Jewish nation had been atoned for, and was the cause for rejoicing. (See Mishnah 6:6)", "The Redeemer had been faithful,", "and enwrapped Himself", "in a cloak of righteousness.", "A great joy burst forth,", "happiness and rejoicing rang out.", "The clouds above dripped,", "and showered forth their dew.", "The furrowed fields", "brought forth their produce.", "Thanks was given", "by those who harvested their crop in peace.", "Praise was recited", "by those who carried the sheaves joyously.", "The lowliest places of the beautiful land", "rang out with song.", "God's goodness was told", "by all who traveled through byways.", "He was the hope of those who sent him,", "their faith was not misfounded.153This refers to the Jewish people whose messenger was the Kohein Gadol.", "Their hope to him", "was like the coolness of snow", "on a hot harvest day.", "From their filth they were washed,", "from their offensive dirt they were purified.", "The complete and perfect ones,", "from a well—had cleansed their hands.", "To tell all, that their Purifier [God]", "is a source of living water.", "The purifying waters of Yisrael154See Maseches Yoma, Mishnah, 8:9, Rabbi Akiva likens Hashem to a “mikvah”—i.e., purifying waters—of Yisrael.", "had cleansed them", "with [His] faithful waters.", "With purity and cleanliness,", "they will be cleaned and purified.", "They will be renewed,", "like the renewal of morning;", "from their stain,", "they will be polished clean.", "The praises of the Almighty", "will be spoken in their throats,", "on their tongues will be singing,", "from their mouths will come a new song.", "They will rejoice, with trembling", "and will worship with awe.", "The Holy One of Yisrael,", "Who sanctifies His holy people.", "To cheer, to sing,", "to beat the drum, and beat the cymbal;", "to sing songs, and to play music.", "Embraced, with the strength", "of the glorious Right Hand of God.", "Supported in unity, filled with righteousness,", "they will be drawn to enter His gates,", "with joy.", "Joy and happiness will be theirs forever.", "Rejoicing and celebrating in His Name", "the entire day,", "together in joy in His Presence.", "The splendor of their light", "will be like the break of dawn.", "They will lift their voices", "and sing of the greatness", "of Him Who is the strength of the world.", "Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus.", "Fortunate is the people", "for whom Adonoy is their God.", "And a celebration", "was made by the High Priest", "for all his loved ones,", "after entering the [Holy of Holies] in peace,", "and leaving peacefully, unharmed.", "And this was the prayer155This prayer of the High Priest appears in three places: the Babylonian Talmud, Yoma (53b), Talmud Yerushalmi Yoma (5:2), and Midrash Rabba, (Vayikra 20). The prayer as recorded in the Machzor is without reference in certain passages, but does contain references in others, mainly based on Talmud Yerushalmi and the Midrash.", "of the High Priest on Yom Kippur", "as he left the Holy of Holies", "in peace, unharmed:", "May it be Your Will", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "that this year", "approaching us and all Your people,", "the House of Yisrael,", "be a year in which Your good treasure", "will be opened for us,", "a year of plenty, a year of blessing,", "a year of good decrees declared by You,", "a year of grain, wine and oil,", "a year of profit and success,", "a year of Your Divine Presence", "in Your Temple,", "a year of economic stability,", "a year of good life, in Your presence,", "a year of", "dew and rain, and warmth,", "a year of", "deliciously sweet fruits,", "a year of atonement for all our iniquity,", "a year in which our food and drink", "will be blessed,", "a year of [prosperity in] business,", "a year of attending our Holy Temple,", "a year of abundance, a year of delight,", "a year in which our offspring", "and the fruit of our land will be blessed,", "a year in which our going and coming", "will be blessed,", "a year in which our community", "will be delivered,", "a year in which Your mercy", "will be aroused upon us,", "a year of peace and tranquility,", "a year in which You lead us upright", "to our land,", "a year in which no woman", "will suffer a miscarriage,", "a year in which You bring us [all]", "joyfully to our land,", "a year in which Your people Yisrael", "will not be in need of one another's [help],", "nor the help of any other people,", "for You will bless the work of their hands.", "And for the people of Sharon, he would pray:", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "that their homes shall not become", "their graves.156The land in the Sharon valley was not sufficiently firm for lasting construction, and the houses built there often fell in. Thus the High Priest prayed that there be no loss of life, when this occurred.", "How truly glorious", "was the High Priest", "as he left the Holy of Holies,", "peacefully, unharmed.", "As the canopy of the heavens", "stretched out on high,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the glitter of light", "emanating from the brilliance of the Chayos,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the beautiful [blue] thread in the fringes", "of the four corners of a garment,157This refers to the color of תְּכֵלֶת which is to be part of the צִיצִית fringes, worn at each corner of a four-cornered garment. According to the Talmud, Menachos 43b, the color of techailes resembles the color of the sea, which in turn resembles the color of the sky, which in turn resembles the color of Hashem’s heavenly throne.", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the rainbow in the clouds,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the garment of majestic splendor", "with which the Creator attired His creatures,158This refers to the כָּתְנוֹת עוֹר, the garment of skin, with which Hashem clothed Adam and Chavoh, after they sinned and realized their nakedness. See Bereishis 3:21.", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As a rose planted in a beautiful garden,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As a crown set upon a king's forehead,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the grace reflected in the face of a groom,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the purity of the pure mitre,159The mitre was one of the priestly garments.", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As he [Moshe] who was concealed,160When the Jews sinned with the golden-calf, Moshe was on the mountain, concealed by Hashem’s Divine Presence, and from there he pleaded to Hashem to forgive them.", "pleading before God,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the bright star shining in the east,161This might refer to the morning star.", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As one enwrapped", "in a cloak", "and breastplate of righteousness,162See Yeshaya 61:10.", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the angel", "that stood at the head of the path,163This refers to the angel which appeared to Bilaam. (See Bamidbar 22:22.)", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the candle that shines in the windows,164See Shir Hashirim 2:8", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the officers", "as the head of the [army of] holy people,165See Devorim 20:9", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the [garments of spiritual] might166This refers to the priestly garments with which Moshe dressed Aharon. (See Vayikra 9:6.)", "with which the pure one [Moshe]", "dressed him, [Aharon] who purified others,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the [brilliance of the] golden bells", "along the bottom of the [priestly] cloak,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the beautifully decorated Temple,", "and the colorful curtain,167This was the curtain in front of the Holy of Holies.", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As a chamber hung with tapestries", "of blue and purple,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the sight of the rising sun", "on the earth,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As a rose garden between the thorns,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "As the likeness of Arcturus,", "Orion and Pleiades,168These are names of heavenly constellations. (See Job 9:9.)", "from the [heavenly chambers] of the south,", "was the appearance of the High Priest.", "All this took place", "when the Temple was on its foundation,", "and the Holy Sanctuary was on its site,", "and the High Priest stood and served.", "His generation saw and rejoiced.", "Fortunate is the eye that saw all of this.", "For to mention it", "makes our souls grieve.", "Happy is the eye that saw our Temple", "amidst the joy of our people;", "for to mention it", "makes our souls grieve.", "Happy is the eye that saw our exultation,", "the happiness of our people;", "for to mention it", "makes our souls grieve.", "Happy is the eye that saw the singers", "singing the various songs169This refers to the Levites who were both musicians and singers; they would sing various portions of Tehillim during the service in the Bais Hamikdash.", "for to mention it", "makes our souls grieve.", "Happy is the eye that saw", "the established Habitation,", "where the source of all our life dwelled;", "for to mention it", "makes our souls grieve.", "Happy is the eye that saw", "the rejoicing at the drawing of water,170The “Festival of drawing water” took place during the holiday of Succos. The Talmud says, “anyone who did not see the joy of the festival of drawing the water never saw joy in his life” (Mishnah Succah 5:1).", "and the people which drew from it", "the spirit of holiness and generosity;", "for to mention it", "makes our souls grieve.", "Happy is the eye that saw the High Priest", "uttering the explicit Name of God171In his confessions on Yom Kippur, the High Priest uttered the explicit Name of Hashem.", "crying out, “We plead with You, Hashem;”", "for to mention it", "makes our souls grieve.", "Happy is the eye that saw", "the holy people", "converging upon the Holy Temple;", "for to mention it", "makes our souls grieve.", "Happy is the eye that saw", "the red thread tied to the scapegoat,172A red thread of wool was tied to the horn of the goat sent to die in the wilderness (Mishnah Yoma 4:2)", "turn white", "unlike the goat sacrificed to Hashem;", "for to mention it", "makes our souls grieve.", "Happy is the eye that saw", "the daily sacrifices offered", "in the gate of the sanctuary;", "for to mention it", "makes our souls grieve.", "But the iniquities of our fathers", "destroyed our home,", "and our sins", "have prolonged its period of captivity;", "yet may the mention of these things", "bring us pardon,", "and the affliction of our souls", "be our atonement.", "Therefore, with Your great mercy", "You have given us", "this Day of Atonement", "and this Day of forgiveness of iniquity", "to pardon inquity and to atone rebellion;", "a day on which it is forbidden to eat,", "a day on which it is forbidden to drink,", "a day on which it is forbidden to wash", "a day on which it is forbidden", "to apply ointments,", "a day on which it is forbidden", "to engage in marital relations,", "a day on which it is forbidden", "to wear leather shoes.", "A day for restoring love and brotherhood,", "a day of abandoning envy and strife,", "a day which You", "will forgive all our iniquities.", "At this time of year, at this moment,", "it is known and revealed before You", "and before Your glorious throne", "that we have none to guide us", "as we had in earlier times,", "no High Priest to offer sacrifices,", "no Altar on which to offer burnt-offerings;", "and because of our many iniquities we have:", "neither sacrifices nor guilt-offerings,", "neither the handles of the holy ark,", "nor the mixtures of grain offerings,", "neither the lottery173This might either refer to the lottery used to choose between the scapegoat and the goat for Hashem on Yom Kippur, or the daily choosing used to assign priests their specific duties for the day.", "nor the burning coals,174This denotes the coals used for burning incense in the Temple.", "neither the Holy of Holies,175This was the innermost chamber of the Holy Temple which in the Mishkan and first Temple contained the Holy Ark with the Tablets. The High Priest entered this chamber once each year on Yom Kippur to burn the incense.", "nor the thin-powdered incense,176This refers to the thin powdered incense that was burnt twice each day on the Golden Altar in the Temple.", "neither the Sanctuary", "nor the sprinkling of blood,", "neither the confession177This was the confession which the High Priest performed several times on Yom Kippur over the sacrificial animals.", "nor the ox for a sin-offering,", "neither the slaughter of sacrifices", "nor the sprinkling of blood,178All sacrifices which were slaughtered had their blood received in a holy vessel which was then “sprinkled” upon the altar in various ways corresponding to the respective types of offerings.", "neither the sin offering179The “chatos” or “sin-offering” was brought at any time for an unintentional sin that, had it been committed intentionally, would carry the penalty of excision (an early death). nor the fats,", "neither immersion180The High Priest immersed himself in a mikveh five times on Yom Kippur, (ritual bath), each time changing from the “golden garments” to the “white garments” and vice versa. nor purification,", "neither Yerushalayim", " nor the forests of Lebanon,", "neither the wash basin181The wash basin contained the water with which the priests washed their hands and feet before serving in the Temple. nor its stand,", "neither Levona182“Levonah” is commonly translated as frankincense, an incense which was burnt daily in the Temple.", "nor the bread of the sanctuary,183Twelve loaves of bread were arranged upon the Table in the Sanctuary each Sabbath and were replaced the following Sabbath with twelve new loaves.", "neither Altar nor grain offerings,", "neither pleasing odor of sacrifices184This refers to Hashem’s acceptance of all that was offered in fire to Him in the Temple.", "nor libations,185There were two types of libations poured upon the Altar: water and wine.", "neither flour nor herbs,", "neither the arrangement of logs", "nor the totally consumed offering,", "neither the curtain nor the Ark-covering,", "neither Tziyon nor the golden head-band,186This was a golden band worn on the High Priest’s forehead which served, among other things, to “atone any” impurities in sacrifices and service.", "neither incense187Incense was burnt on the inner Altar of gold twice daily: in the morning and in the afternoon. nor sacrifices,", "neither spices nor the pleasing smell,", "neither gift188The term “שַׁי” literally means gift. Here, it can refer to anything donated to the Temple, including non-obligatory sacrifices. nor peace-sacrifices,189Peace-offerings were a large class of offerings brought not because of sin, but rather as some sort of obligations, e.g. festive sacrifice, or non-obligatory donations. Their distinguishing characterr was that they were eaten by the “owners,” those who brought the sacrifices.", "neither the offering of thanksgiving,", "nor the daily sacrifices.190There were two daily sacrifices: one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. These two sacrifices commenced and completed respectively, all other sacrifices brought in the Temple (with the exception of the Pascal Lamb).", "For because of our many inquities,", "and the iniquities of our fathers,", "we are lacking all these things.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Remember Your mercies, Adonoy", "and Your kindnesses,", "for they are from the beginning of the world.", "Remember not the sins of our ancestors;", "let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,", "for we have been brought very low.", "Remember us Adonoy", "with favor for Your people", "recall us with Your deliverance.", "Remember Your congregation", "which You have acquired of old,", "You have redeemed the tribe", "of Your inheritance,", "this mountain of Tziyon", "where You have dwelled.", "Remember, Adonoy,", "the affection of Yerushalayim,", "the love of Tziyon, forget not until eternity.", "Remember, Adonoy,", "to the sons of Edom, the day of Yerushalayim,", "[it was they] who said,", "“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”", "You will arise", "and have compassion on Tziyon,", "for it is time to be gracious to her,", "for the appointed time has come.", "Remember Avraham, Yitzchak, Yisrael,", "Your servants,", "to whom You swore by Your very Self,", "and You said to them:", "“I will multiply your seed", "as the stars of the heavens;", "and all this land that I have promised,", "I will give to your descendants,", "and they will inherit it forever.”", "Remember Your servants,", "Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov;", "do not regard the stubborness of this people,", "or their wickedness, or their sin", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "Do not, we beseech You", "place upon us the sin,", "wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.", "We have sinned, our Rock;", "Pardon us our Creator." ], "The Ten Martyrs": [ "These [martyrs] I will remember", "and pour out my soul within me.191Tehillim 42:5 (See Metsudah)", "For wicked people have swallowed us,", "like a cake,", "unturned, [not fully baked]192This verse, based on Hosea 7:8, indicates the zealousness and eagerness with which the anti-Semites pursued their murder of Jews.", "for during the days of Caeser193The ten martyrs mentioned in this piyut did not live in the same era. The majority of executions, however, took place during the reign of Hadrian at the instigation of Tornasropos, during the time of the destruction of the Second Temple.", "there was no remedy [reprieve]", "for the ten martyrs,", "doomed to death", "by the [Roman] government.", "Having learned the Written law", "from those who are compared to", "heaps of grain194The Midrash Tanchuma compares Torah Sages to heaps of grain. [Torah Scholars],", "who understand how to examine", "the Written Law;", "He began to study “These are the Laws,”195Shemos 21; the sixth chapter in the book of Shemos which details many of the laws dealing with criminal behavior.", "and with malicious intent, read the verse:", "“If one kidnaps a person and sells him,", "if he is found in his hands,", "he shall be put to death.”196Shemos 21:16. In the “Midrash of the ten murdered martyrs” (version III) it is written, “Once Luliano Caesar decided (to study the Torah), he brought ten Sages to interpret the Scriptures for him. He read about the sale of Yosef (by his brothers) and also that if one kidnaps a person, he is put to death.”", "The head of the idolator swelled with malice", "and commanded to fill his palace with shoes197In the Midrash (version II), it is stated that he “lined the entire palace with shoes in order that they should recognize for what item Yosef was sold, as it says: “For shoes”: for money to buy shoes (Amos 2:6).", "He summoned ten great scholars", "who understood the Law", "and all of its intricacies.", "[He ordered]: “decide this case objectively", "and don't distort it with intentional trickery,", "but rather bring it out", "to its true light:198According to the Midrash (version I), first the Sages agreed to judge the case objectively, after which the question was posed.", "If a man was found", "to have kidnapped one of his brothers,", "from among the Children of Yisrael;", "treating him as a slave and selling him.”", "They answered him:199According to the Midrash (version I), the dialogue proceeds as follows: “If so, then you deserve the death penalty.” They asked “Why?” He answered, “For the sale of Yosef, who was sold by his brothers.”", "“The kidnapper should be put to death.”", "He then exclaimed “Where are your fathers,", "who sold their brother", "and dealt him to a caravan of Ishmaelites", "for pairs of shoes.”200The source is the verse in Amos (2:6) “For you have sold a righteous man for money, and a pauper for shoes”; the Midrash Pirke De’Rabi Eliezer (38) explains that each brother took two silver coins to buy himself a pair of shoes.", "You, therefore, must accept", "the law of God upon yourselves,", "for from the time of your fathers", "there has been none like yourselves201In the Midrash (version III) it is written that Rabbi Yishmael asked the Angel Micha’el, “Hasn’t Hashem found anyone else from whom to take punishment for Yosef other than us?” He answered him “It is your good fortune that Hashem has not found any righteous among the sons of Yaakov but you.”", "For if they were still living,", "I would judge them before you,", "but now, you must bear the guilt", "of the sin of your fathers.", "They answered,202In the Midrash (version I) it says “Give us three days to find some merit for reprieve; if none is found, do what you want.” “Give us time, three days", "until we can determine", "if this has been decreed from heaven.", "For if we are guilty", "then we will accept the decree", "of He who is all merciful.”", "Trembling and shaking with fear", "They all turned to Rabbi Yishmael", "the High Priest203The Midrash (version I) states that they beseeched Rabbi Yishmael to do so. In version II, however, Rabbi Yishmael first volunteered, saying, “If you will agree to share the sin with me, I will mention the explicit Name and ascend to heaven and we will know; if it is decreed from heaven, we will accept it upon ourselves, but if it is not, I will nullify it with the explicit Name.” They answered, “Your sin is divided among us.”", "and cast their eyes on him,", "to mention the explicit Name of God", "and thereby ascend to his Master,", "to know if the decree has come", "from God.", "Rabbi Yishmael purified himself204According to the Midrash (version I), “Rabbi Yishmael purified himself with immersion and sanctifications, wrapped himself in his Talis, put on his Tefillin, and then pronounced the explicit Name of Hashem.”", "and, trembling, uttered the Name,", "and ascended to heaven,205The Midrash (versions II, III) says that immediately thereafter a wind carried him up to the sixth heaven.", "and asked the man", "who wore garments of linen.206According to the first Midrash, this person is identified as the angel, Gavri’el, but in the second and third Midrashim, it refers to Matatron, the “angel of the interior.”", "He answered him, “Accept it upon yourselves", "beloved, righteous ones,", "for I have heard", "from behind the separation207The term “פַּרְגוֹד” “Pargod” refers to the separation between the sky and Hashem’s Presence, the “Shechina.” (Maseches Berachos 18b). According to the Midrash, version II, Matatron told him, “I heard from behind the ‘pargod’ a voice saying, ten of Yisrael’s scholars will be handed over to the emperor. An argument had taken place in Hashem’s Presence, between the angels, Micha’el, and Samo’el. Samo’el said, “Master of the World, You have surely not written one letter in the entire Torah for nothing, and yet it is written ‘if a man kidnaps’ etc.; and the sons of Yaakov have still not been punished for selling Yosef. Immediately Hashem decreed that ten of Yisrael’s sages would be killed.”", "that this will be your demise.”", "He descended and told his friends", "the words of God.208In the Midrash (version III): He found his friends fasting and praying. They asked him, “What do you have to tell us?” He answered them “Go, wash yourselves, purify yourselves, and put on your white garments” (referring to garments placed on the deceased) for this has been decreed by Hashem.” When R’ Yishmael told them that they were considered equal to the sons of Yaakov, they rejoiced, and made a feast.", "The evil tyrant then commanded", "to kill them with force and strength.", "The two which were taken first", "were great ones in Yisrael,", "Rabbi Yishmael, the High Priest,", "and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel,", "the head of the High Court.209The word “Nasi” used literally means “prince” of Yisrael, referring to the fact that Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel was a direct descendant of King Dovid, as well as head of the Jewish High Court.", "“Take off my head first", "he (R' Yishmael) pleaded210According to the Midrash (version I), he argued, “I am a High Priest, the son of a High Priest, a direct descendant of Aharon the priest. Let me die first and not see the death of my friend.”", "while (Raban Shimon ben Gamliel) asked,", "“let me be killed first,211Rabban Shimon argued likewise, “I am a prince, the son of a prince, direct descendant of King Dovid.”", "so I will not have to see the death", "of one who serves God.”", "The wicked snake thus decided to draw lots", "and the lot fell on Rabbi Shimon.", "He hastened to shed his blood", "as though it was that of an ox.", "When his head was severed", "R' Yishmael212The Midrash (version II) relates, when R’ Yishmael was ordered to bare his neck, he pleaded to be given one minute to cry over his murdered friend. When given permission, he picked up Rabban Shimon’s head, “placed it on his knees, and placed his eyes on its eyes, his face on its face, his nose on its nose, his mouth on its mouth,” and wept bitterly over it. picked it up", "and wept over it with a bitter voice,", "like the sound of a shofar.", "How could such a tongue,", "which so eagerly taught words", "of Torah,", "because of [our] iniquities", "now lick the dust.", "How he wept over him trembling [with grief]", "the daughter of the evil tyrant,", "upon [hearing] the cry", "of R' Yishmael, stood", "and, seeing his beauty,213The Midrash (version II) relates, “It was said on R’ Yishmael the son of Elisha, the High Priest, that he was one of the seven handsomest men that ever lived: Adam, Yaakov, Yosef, Shaul, Avshalom, Rabbi Avahu, and R’ Yishmael. When he was brought to Rome, he was brought before the king, who asked him, “Are there any of your nation who are like you or even more beautiful?” When he answered, “No,” he was immediately condemned to death. coveted him", "and asked her father", "if he would spare him.", "But the evil tyrant refused.", "Tear off the skin214The Midrash (version I) relates that she desired this “in order to use his skin in place of a mirror” (inferring that his skin was so clear, it reflected like a mirror.) of his face,", "she asked him,", "and this he agreed to do.", "When he reached the place of the Tefillin,", "he let out a bitter cry215The Midrash (version I) relates that his cry shook the earth and heaven.” When he cried out again, the Glorious Throne of Hashem shook.”", "to the Creator of his soul.216 “They asked him, ‘Why haven’t you cried until now?’ He answered, ‘I am not crying over my soul but over the place where the Name of Hashem, Almighty, is placed, on the Tefillin.’”", "The angels above cried out bitterly", "Is this the reward for Torah,217According to the Midrash (versions I, II) they asked, “Will this righteous man to whom you have revealed all the mysteries of the heavens die such a death?”", "God Almighty, Creator of light?", "Behold how the enemy blasphemes", "Your great and awesome Name,", "and scorns and ridicules", "the words of the Torah.218In version III, “When the Glorious Throne shook, Hashem was about to destroy the entire world and turn it to chaos; Matatron immediately descended and said to him (R’ Yishmael) ‘If you cry out again, the world will be turned to chaos; how fortunate are you, and your friends, for much is hidden and waiting for you.’ When he heard this, he remained still until his soul left him.” (In version II, it is Gavri’el that descended to R’ Yishmael.)", "A voice answered from heaven,", "“If I hear another sound", "I will turn the world to water,", "to its [original] emptiness and desolation", "will I return the world", "for it is My decree;", "accept it, all of you who love the Torah", "[that preceded creation] by two thousand years.”219In Vayikra Raba 19:1, Rav Huna said in the name of Raish Lakish, “The Torah preceded the creation by two thousand years.” The use of the word “Yomayim,” meaning literally “two days” is based on the version in Tehillim 90:4, that a “thousand years in the eyes of Hashem is like one day.”", "The princes of the Jewish people were killed,", "those who spent long hours", "in the synagogue.220This is based upon the verse in Tehillim 127:2.", "They were filled with mitzvos", "like a pomegranate is filled with seeds,", "and like the corners [of the Altar were filled with blood.]", "They then brought out Rabbi Akiva,", "who expounded", "upon the crowns of the letters.221The Talmud Menachos 29b relates as follows: When Moshe ascended to heaven he saw Hashem sitting and placing crowns on top of the Hebrew letters. He said to Him “Master of the World, who is forcing you to add these?” Hashem replied, “There is a man who will live many generations hence, and his name is Akiva ben Yosef. In the future, he will expound upon each of them.”", "They lacerated his skin", "with iron combs.222The Midrash (version I) says that with each laceration, Rabbi Akiva said, “Hashem’s work is perfect, all His ways are just. He is a faithful God and has no imperfections, He is righteous and just.”223As he was brought out to be killed, it was time to recite the Shema. While being lacerated, he accepted upon himself the yoke of Heaven. His students asked him, “Our teacher, even at this point?” He replied, “My sons, all my life I worried about the verse ‘You shall love Adonoy your God with all your heart and all your soul’—even if He takes your soul. And I would wonder, when will the time come for me to fulfill this commandment? Now that the time has come, shouldn’t I fulfill it?” (Midrash version II, Berachos)", "He commanded them to bring out", "Rabbi Chananya ben Tradyon224It was said about Rabbi Chananya ben Tradyon that he was pleasant in the presence of Hashem and man, and that he never spoke ill of his fellow man. When the Romans decreed that Torah study should cease, Rabbi Chananya gathered together large crowds and taught them Torah in the market places of Rome (Midrash version I)", "from his house of study,", "and on a pyre of green brushwood225The Ceasar commanded that he be wrapped in a Torah scroll, then lit the fire.", "they burnt his body.", "Layers of wet wool", "were placed on his chest", "to prolong the agony;", "and when they were removed226The officer asked him “Rabbi, if I take away the wet wool to allow you to die more quickly, will you bring me to the World-to-Come?” He answered, “Yes.” The officer then said, “Swear to me on it.” He swore, thereupon the officer increased the fire, removed the wet cotton and he died. Then the officer threw himself into the fire and was burnt. A voice called out from heaven saying, “Rabbi Chananya and the officer are prepared for the world to come.” Rebbe would cry over this incident, and say, “There are those who purchase their world (their share in the world to come) in one moment, such as this officer.”", "he was consumed immediately", "together with the Torah Scroll he held.", "Mourn, oh people who are not forsaken,", "for over insignificant matters", "was their blood spilt.", "To sanctify the Name of God", "they sacrificed their lives,", "as through the murder of", "Rabbi Chutzpis, the interpreter.227When sentenced to die, Rabbi Chutzpis was one hundred and thirty years old minus one day, but was very handsome, with a face resembling “an angel of Hashem.” When the Ceasar was asked to spare the life of this old man, he asked him, “How old are you?” He replied, “One hundred thirty less a day, and I beseech you let me live one more day.” The Ceasar asked him “What difference does it make if you die today or tomorrow?”, to which he answered, “So that I will be able to fulfill two more mitzvoth.” “Which mitzvoth would you like to fulfill” asked the king. He answered “To read the Shema in the morning and evening and to accept upon myself the Kingdom of heaven.” (Midrash version I).", "Let trembling seize all who hear", "and each eye flow with tears", "and all joy be turned to mourning", "because of the murder", "of Rabbi Eleazar ben Shamua.228It was said of Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua, that he was one hundred five years old, and that from the time he was a young lad until his very last days, no one had ever heard him utter an unnecessary word. He was always humble and lowly, and sat in fasting for eighty years (Midrash version I).", "Our oppressors have slaughered us,", "and satisfied themselves with my delicacies.", "How they made us drink poison", "when they murdered", "Rabbi Chanina ben Chachinai.229Rabbi Chanina ben Chachinai fasted all his days, from the age of twelve till ninety five. The day he was killed was Shabbos eve. He commenced to sanctify the day and recite the Kiddush, and reached “And Hashem sanctified it (the seventh day).” They did not let him continue further and killed him. A voice called out from heaven “How fortunate are you, Rabbi Chanina ben Chachinai, for you were holy and your soul left in holiness with the word “sanctification.” (Midrash version I).", "They tortured us [that we should]", "reject the commandments;", "and refused to accept", "neither bribe nor ransom.", "Only the lives of those", "who studied the Torah [would they take]", "like that of Rabbi Yeshaivav, the scribe.", "The children of Edom230The Romans, according to the Talmud, are descendant from Esau, whose name was Edom. have desolated us.", "They have oppressed us", "more then all the kings on the earth;", "and have slaughtered so many of us,", "as they killed Rabbi Yehuda ben Damah.231They brought out Rabbi Yehuda ben Damah to be executed on the eve of the holiday of Shavuos. He pleaded with the Ceasar, “Give me just a little more time that I may be able to sanctify the holiday and praise Hashem for giving us the Torah.” The Ceasar asked him, “Do you still trust in the Torah and in Hashem who gave it?” He replied, “Yes.” He then asked him, “What is the reward for studying Torah?” to which Rabbi Yehuda replied, “King Dovid said of it, ‘How greatly abundant is the goodness which awaits those who fear You.’” The Ceasar then exclaimed, “There aren’t any idiots in the world like you who believe there is another world.” He then countered, “There aren’t any idiots like yourselves who deny the living Hashem, and it will be your misfortune when you meet us in the next world, for you will dwell at the lowest level of hell.” The Ceasar exploded with anger, and commanded to tie his hair to the tail of a horse, and have him dragged through the streets of Rome, after which he had him cut up limb by limb. But the prophet Eliyahu came and took his limbs and buried them (Midrash version I).", "You have said", "The house of Yaakov is fire", "and the house of Yosef a flame;", "but for now", "the straw has extinguished the fire.", "Eternal God! crush their arrogance,", "and bring swiftly the day of their destruction", "for they agreed", "to execute ten righteous men,", "including Rabbi Yehuda ben Bava.", "All this happened to us", "and we tell it over again.", "We pour out [our] hearts", "of grief and depression.", "Hear our supplication from above", "Adonoy, Adonoy, Almighty,", "Merciful and Gracious.", "Gracious One!", "Look down from Heaven", "at the spilled blood of the righteous,", "[even] their life blood.", "Look from the place of Your holy Presence", "and remove all stains [of guilt].", "Almighty, King", "Who sits upon a throne of mercy.", "Remember to us", "the covenant of the Patriarchs,", "as You promised,", "“And I will remember my covenant", "with Yaakov,", "and also my covenant with Yitzchak,", "and also my covenant with Avraham", "will I remember,”", "and the land I will remember.", "Remember to us", "the covenant of the ancestors,", "as You promised,", "“And I will remember for their sake,", "the covenant with their ancestors,", "whom I brought out", "of the land of Mitzrayim,", "in the sight of the nations;", "to be their God,", "I am Adonoy.”", "Do unto us as You promised,", "“And yet for all that,", "when they are in the land of their enemies,", "I will not reject them", "and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,", "to annul My covenant with them;", "for I am Adonoy, their God.”", "Have compassion on us", "and do not destroy us,", "as it is written:", "“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,", "your God;", "He will not abandon you or destroy you,", "and He will not forget", "the covenant of your fathers", "which He swore to them.”", "Open our hearts", "to love Your Name,", "as it is written:", "“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,", "and the heart of your descendants,", "to love Adonoy, your God,", "with all your heart,", "and with all your soul,", "that you may live.”", "Bring back our captivity", "and have compassion on us,", "as it is written:", "“And Adonoy, your God will return", "your captivity and have compassion on you;", "and He will again gather you", "from [among] all the peoples,", "where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”", "Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:", "“If your dispersed", "are in the farthermost part of heaven,", "from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,", "and from there He will take you.”", "Be accessible to us when we seek You,", "as it is written:", "“And from there", "you will seek Adonoy, your God,", "and you will find Him;", "if you search after Him", "with all your heart", "and with all your soul.”", "Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,", "as You promised:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;", "and your sins, I will not recall.”", "Sweep aside our transgressions", "as a thick cloud and as a mist,", "as You have promised:", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist, your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”", "Make our sins as white as snow or wool,", "as it is written:", "“Come now, let us reason together,", "says Adonoy,", "though your sins be as scarlet,", "they shall be as white as snow;", "though they be red as crimson,", "they shall become [white] as wool.”", "Sprinkle clean water upon us,", "and cleanse us, as it is written:", "“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,", "and you will be clean;", "from all your defilements,", "and from all your idols,", "I will cleanse you.”", "Atone our sins on this day,", "and cleanse us, as it is written:", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins", "before Adonoy you will be cleansed.”", "Bring us to Your holy mountain,", "and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,", "as it is written:", "“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,", "and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;", "their burnt-offerings and sacrifices", "will be accepted with favor on My Altar,", "for My House,", "will be called a House of Prayer", "for all peoples.”", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;", "spare us and have compassion on us,", "and accept", "our prayers mercifully and willingly.", "Lead us back to You, Adonoy", "and we shall find the way back;", "renew our days as of old.", "Give ear to our words, Adonoy!", "Consider our meditations.", "May the words of our mouths be acceptable —", "and the thoughts of our hearts—before You,", "Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.", "Cast us not away from Your Presence,", "and Your holy spirit take not from us.", "Do not cast us off in time of old age,", "when our strength fails, do not forsake us.", "Forsake us not, Adonoy,", "our God, be not far removed from us.", "Give us a sign of Your goodness", "that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;", "for You, Adonoy, have helped us", "and comforted us.", "For You, Adonoy, do we wait,", "You will answer us, our Master, our God.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "Our God and God of our fathers!", "Do not forsake us, do not cast us off,", "and do not disgrace us;", "and do not nullify Your covenant with us.", "Draw us near to Your Torah,", "teach us Your commandments,", "direct us to Your ways.", "Incline our hearts to fear Your Name,", "and open our hearts to Your love,", "and may we return to You in truth,", "and with a perfect heart.", "And for the sake of Your great Name,", "forgive and pardon our iniquity,", "as it is written in the words of Your holiness,", "“For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,", "pardon my iniquity for it is great.”", "Our God, and God of our fathers!", "Pardon us, forgive us, atone for us.", "
Chazzan and congregation responsively:
", "For we are Your people; and You are our God.", "We are Your children; and You are our Father.", "We are Your servants; and You are our Master.", "We are Your congregation;", "and You are our Portion.", "We are Your inheritance;", "and You are our Destiny.", "We are Your flock; and You are our Shepherd.", "We are Your vineyard; and You are our Keeper.", "We are Your work; and You are our Creator.", "We are Your dear ones", "and You are our Beloved.", "We are Your treasure; and You are our God.", "We are Your people; and You are our King.", "We are Your distinguished ones;", "and You are our Distinction.", "We are brazen-faced;", "and You are merciful and gracious.", "We are stiff-necked;", "and You are slow to anger.", "We are full of iniquity;", "and You are full of compassion.", "Our days are like a passing shadow;", "and You are the same", "and Your years will not end.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "let our prayer come before you", "and do not ignore our supplication.", "For we are not so brazen-faced", "and stiff-necked", "to say to you,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "“We are righteous and have not sinned.”", "But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.", "We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];", "We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];", "We have stolen; We have slandered.", "We have caused others to sin;", "We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רְשָׁעִים, wicked;", "We have sinned with malicious intent;", "We have forcibly taken others' possessions even though we paid for them;", "We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups;", "We have given harmful advice;", "We have deceived; we have mocked;", "We have rebelled against God and His Torah;", "We have caused God to be angry with us;", "We have turned away from God's Torah;", "We have sinned deliberately;", "We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;", "We have caused our friends grief;", "We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that our suffering is caused by our own sins.", "We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].", "We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;", "We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;", "We have gone astray;", "We have led others astray.", "We have turned away", "from Your commandments", "and from Your good laws,", "and we have gained nothing from it.", "And You are the Righteous One", "in all [punishment] that has come upon us;", "for You have acted truthfully", "and we have acted wickedly.", "We have acted wickedly", "and have transgressed;", "we have therefore not been delivered.", "Grant that our hearts [be inspired to]", "abandon the path of wickedness,", "and hasten our deliverance;", "as is written by the hand of Your prophet,", "“Let the wicked man abandon his way,", "and the man of iniquity his thoughts;", "and let him return unto Adonoy,", "and He will have compassion on him,", "and unto our God", "for He pardons abundantly.”", "Our God, and God of our fathers!", "Forgive and pardon our iniquities", "
On Shabbos say:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement,", "and permit Yourself to be petitioned", "by our prayer.", "Blot out and remove our transgressions", "from before Your eyes,", "and compel our Evil Inclination", "to be subservient to You,", "and subdue our stubborness,", "that we may return to You in truth;", "and renew our conscience", "that we may preserve Your precepts.", "Open our hearts", "that we may love and fear Your Name,", "as it is written in Your Torah:", "“And Adonoy, Your God will open Your heart,", "and the heart of your descendants", "to love Adonoy, your God,", "with all your heart", "and with all your soul,", "that you may live.”", "Our intentional and our unintentional sins—", "You recognize—", "[those committed] willfully or by compulsion,", "[those committed] openly or secretly—", "before Your Presence,", "they are [all] revealed and known.", "What are we? What is our life?", "What are our acts of kindness?", "What is our righteousness?", "What is our deliverance?", "What is our strength? What is our might?", "What can we say before You,", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers?", "Are not all the mighty men", "as nothing before You?", "Famous men as though they had never been?", "The wise as if they were without knowledge?", "And men of understanding", "as if they were devoid of intelligence?", "For most of their actions are a waste", "and the days of their life", "are trivial in Your presence.", "The superiority of man over beast", "is nil", "for all is futile.", "What shall we say before You,", "Who dwells on high;", "and what shall we relate to You", "Who dwells in the heavens?", "For everything, both hidden and revealed,", "You know.", "", "Your Name was always", "the “forbearer of transgression,”", "give ear to our plea", "as we stand before You in prayer.", "Forbear the transgression of a people", "who repent [their] transgression;", "blot out our transgression", "from before Your eyes.", "You know the mysteries of the universe,", "and the hidden secrets of every individual.", "You search all our innermost thoughts,", "and probe our mind and heart.", "There is nothing hidden from You,", "and there is nothing concealed", "from Your sight.", "And so may it be Your will", "Adonoy our God and God of our fathers,", "that You pardon us", "for all our careless sins,", "and that You forgive us", "for all our deliberate sins,", "and that You grant us atonement", "for all our rebellious sins:", "For the sin we committed before You", "under compulsion and willingly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by callously hardening the heart.", "For the sin we committed before You", "inadvertently.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with an utterance of the lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "openly and secretly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in sexual immorality.", "For the sin we committed before You", "through [misuse of our power of] speech.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with knowledge and with deceit.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by improper thoughts.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by cheating a fellow-man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with [mere] verbal confession.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by joining in a lewd gathering.", "For the sin we committed before You", "intentionally and unintentionally.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by insufficient respect for parents", "and teachers.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by using coercion [to harm others].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by desecrating the Divine Name.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with foolish talk.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impurity of the lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with the Evil Inclination.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "knowingly and unknowingly.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by forcing someone to give or take bribes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by false denial and false promise.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by evil talk [slander].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by scoffing.", "For the sin we committed before You", "in business dealings.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in eating and drinking.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by [taking or giving] interest and by usury.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by haughtily stretching forth the neck.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with gazing of the eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by the prattle of our lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with haughty eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impudence.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by throwing off the yoke [of heaven].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in passing judgment.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by entrapping a fellowman.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a begrudging eye.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by lightmindedness.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by being stiff-necked [stubborn].", "For the sin we committed before You", "by running to do evil.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by talebearing.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by swearing in vain.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by unwarranted hatred.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by breach of trust.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a confused heart.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a burnt-offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a sin-offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a “fluctuating” offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a guilt-offering for certain", "or for doubtful trespasses.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of lashing for violations of Rabbinic law.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of forty lashes.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of death at the hand of Heaven.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of excision and childlessness.", "And for sins", "for which we are liable", "to any of the four death penalties", "inflicted by the [Rabbinic] Court [which are]:", "stoning, burning,", "beheading or strangulation.", "For [transgressing]", "positive commandments,", "and for [transgressing]", "prohibitive commandments,", "whether the prohibition can be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "or whether it cannot be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "for those of which we are aware", "and for those of which we are not aware.", "For those of which we are aware,", "we have already declared before You", "and confessed them unto You;", "and for those of which we are not aware,", "before You they are revealed and known,", "as it is said,", "“The hidden things", "belong to Adonoy, our God,", "but the revealed things are for us", "and for our children forever,", "that we might fulfill", "all the words of this Torah.”", "And You, Merciful One, accept the penitent.", "Concerning repentance,", "You promised us from the very beginning;", "and because of our repentance", "our eyes look hopefully to You.", "Dovid, Your servant, said before You,", "“Errors—who can comprehend?", "From hidden [faults], cleanse me.”", "Cleanse us, Adonoy, our God,", "from all our transgressions,", "and purify us from all our defilement.", "Sprinkle clean waters on us", "and cleanse us,", "as it is written by the hand of Your prophet,", "“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,", "and you will be clean;", "from all your defilements,", "and from all your idols,", "I will cleanse you.”", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "forgive our iniquities", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Blot out and remove", "our transgressions and sins", "from before Your eyes, as it is said:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;", "and your sins, I will not recall.”", "And it is said,", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”", "And it is said,", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins,", "before Adonoy, you will be cleansed.”", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(Our God and God of our fathers,", "be pleased with our rest)", "Sanctify us with Your commandments", "and give us our share in Your Torah;", "satisfy us from Your goodness", "and gladden us with Your deliverance,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(And give us as our inheritance", "Adonoy our God", "with love and with pleasure", "Your holy Sabbath;", "and may Yisrael rest thereon—", "[they who are] sanctifiers of Your Name)", "and purify our hearts to serve You in truth,", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You,", "we have no king who forgives and pardons,", "only You!", "Blessed are You,", "King Who forgives and pardons", "our iniquities,", "and the iniquities of His people,", "the House of Yisrael;", "and Who removes our trespasses", "each year;", "King over the whole earth,", "Sanctifier", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(of the Shabbos and)", "of Yisrael and the Day of Atonement." ], "Avodah": [ "Be pleased, Adonoy, our God,", "with Your people Yisrael", "and their prayer;", "and restore the service", "to the Holy of Holies in Your abode,", "and the fire-offerings of Yisrael;", "and accept their prayer, lovingly", "and willingly.", "And may You always find pleasure", "with the service of Your people, Yisrael.", "
When there are no Kohanim present to recite the Priestly Blessings, the Chazzan recites the following paragraph.
", "And may our eyes behold", "Your merciful return to Tziyon.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon.", "Priestly Blessings", "Even though the kohanim are commanded to bless Yisrael every day (according to some authorities) nevertheless, the custom outside the Holy Land is that kohanim bless the people only during the Musaf Service of the Festivals, and the High Holidays. One reason given is that the Priestly Blessings are pronounced only in a festive atmosphere. Thus on weekdays when people are troubled with the difficulties of earning a livelihood, and even on the Sabbath when people are disturbed by thoughts of their economic plight, the blessings are not pronounced.", "During the Musaf Service of the Festivals, however, which precedes the festive meal of the holiday, a joyous atmosphere does prevail and the Priestly Blessing is pronounced.", "After the Chazzan's recital of ‘רְצֵה, be pleased,' the following prayer is recited by the Congregation and kohanim, and repeated by the Chazzan:", "May our prayer be sweet unto You", "from behind the separation207The term “פַּרְגוֹד” “Pargod” refers to the separation between the sky and Hashem’s Presence, the “Shechina.” (Maseches Berachos 18b). According to the Midrash, version II, Matatron told him, “I heard from behind the ‘pargod’ a voice saying, ten of Yisrael’s scholars will be handed over to the emperor. An argument had taken place in Hashem’s Presence, between the angels, Micha’el, and Samo’el. Samo’el said, “Master of the World, You have surely not written one letter in the entire Torah for nothing, and yet it is written ‘if a man kidnaps’ etc.; and the sons of Yaakov have still not been punished for selling Yosef. Immediately Hashem decreed that ten of Yisrael’s sages would be killed.”", "Please, Merciful One, in Your abundant mercy", "return Your Divine Presence", "to Tziyon, Your city,", "and the order of the [Temple] Service", "to Yerushalayim.", "And may our eyes behold", "Your merciful return to Tziyon.", "And there we will serve You reverently", "as in the days of old,", "and in earlier years.", "
The Chazzan concludes:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "You alone, in reverence do we serve.", "THANKSGIVING", "We are thankful to You", "that You Adonoy are our God", "and the God of our fathers forever;", "Rock of our lives,", "Shield of our deliverance,", "You are in every generation.", "We will give thanks to You", "and recount Your praise,", "for our lives", "which are committed into Your hand,", "and for our souls which are entrusted to You,", "and for Your miracles of every day with us,", "and for Your wonders and benefactions", "at all times—", "evening, morning and noon.", "(You are) The Beneficent One—", "for Your compassion is never withheld;", "And (You are) the Merciful One—", "for Your kindliness never ceases;", "we have always placed our hope in You.", "
(When the Chazzan repeats the Shemoneh Esrei and says, “Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon,” the congregation responds by saying “Amein” and then the following prayer.)
", "We are thankful to You,", "that You Adonoy are our God,", "and God of our fathers,", "God of all flesh,", "Our Creator, Creator of the Beginning.", "Blessings and thanksgivings", "to Your great and Holy Name", "for keeping us alive, and sustaining us;", "so may You always keep us alive", "and sustain us,", "and gather our exiles", "to the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary", "to observe Your statutes,", "and to do Your will,", "and to serve You wholeheartedly,", "for we are thankful to You.", "Blessed is the Almighty", "to Whom all thanks are due.", "And for all the foregoing", "blessed and exalted", "be Your Name, our King", "constantly, forever and ever.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember Your mercies,", "and suppress Your anger,", "and remove pestilence, sword, famine,", "captivity, destruction, iniquity,", "plague, misfortune,", "every disease, every stumbling-block,", "every contention, every type of disorder;", "every evil decree and groundless hatred,", "from us,", "and from all the children of Your covenant.", "Inscribe for a good life", "all the children of Your covenant.", "And all the living shall thank You forever", "and praise", "Your Name with sincerity", "the Almighty, Who is our deliverance", "and our help forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "“The Beneficent” is Your Name", "and You it is fitting to praise.", "Priestly Blessings", "
The congregation and Kohanim say the following prayer silently.
", "May it be Your will", "Adonoy, our God and the God of our fathers,", "that this blessing", "
When said by the kohanim:
", "which You have commanded us", "
When said by the Congregation:
", "which You have commanded", "to bless Your people Yisrael,", "be a perfect blessing;", "that there be in it neither", "stumbling nor iniquity", "from now, forever.", "
The Chazzan then says:
", "kohanim", "
The Congregation responds:
", "Your holy people, as it is said.", "
The Kohanim begin:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who sanctified us", "with the holiness of Aharon", "and commanded us", "to bless His people, Yisrael, with love.233The kohanim are commanded to bless the people out of their feeling of love for the congregation of Hashem.", "
The Congregation but not the Chazzan answer:
", "Amein", "The Chazzan chants each word of the Birchas Kohanim and the kohanim pronounce it after Him. The Congregation should concentrate on their words, but not repeat them.", "May [He] bless you", "Adonoy", "and guard you.", "
While the kohanim sing an extended chant before saying וְיִשְׁמְרֶֽךָ, the congregation says the following prayer in an undertone. This prayer is not said on the Sabbath.
", "Master of the World!", "I am Yours and my dreams are Yours.", "I have dreamed a dream", "and I do not know its meaning.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, my God, and God of my fathers,", "that all my dreams regarding myself,", "and regarding all of Yisrael", "be for the good;", "those I have dreamed concerning myself,", "and those I have dreamed about others,", "and those that others have dreamed about me.", "If they are good dreams,", "strengthen and reinforce them", "and may they be fulfilled in me and in them,", "like the dreams of Yosef, the righteous.", "But if they require curing,", "cure them like Chizkiyahu, king of Yehudah,", "[who was healed] from his sickness;", "like Miriam, the prophetess", "from her tsoraas;234The word צָרַעַת should not be translated as leprosy. The illness of tsoraas described in the Torah has no relationship to the disease of leprosy. It is an illness which Hashem inflicts to show His displeasure with people. See Bamidbar 12:1—15.", "and like Naaman, from his tsoraas;235See II Melachim 5:1—14", "like the waters of Marah", "through Moshe, our teacher,236See Shemos 15:22—25", "and like the waters of Yericho through Elisha.237See II Melachim 2:19—22", "As You transformed", "the curse of the wicked Bilaam,", "from a curse to a blessing,238See Devorim 26:15", "so may you transform all my dreams", "regarding myself and regarding all of Yisrael", "for goodness.", "[May You] guard me,", "[may You] be gracious to me,", "and [may You] accept me favorably, Amein.", "
After the kohanim pronounce the word וְיִשְׁמְרֶֽךָ, the Congregation and the Chazzan say: אָמֵן
", "May [He] shine", "Adonoy", "His countenance", "upon you", "and be gracious to you.", "
While the kohanim sing an extended chant before saying וִיחֻנֶּֽךָּ, the congregation says the following prayer in an undertone:
", "Master of the World!", "I am Yours and my dreams are Yours.", "I have dreamed a dream", "and I do not know its meaning.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, my God, and God of my fathers,", "that all my dreams regarding myself,", "and regarding all of Yisrael", "be for the good;", "those I have dreamed concerning myself,", "and those I have dreamed about others,", "and those that others have dreamed about me.", "If they are good dreams,", "strengthen and reinforce them", "and may they be fulfilled in me and in them,", "like the dreams of Yosef, the righteous.", "But if they require curing,", "cure them like Chizkiyahu, king of Yehudah,", "[who was healed] from his sickness;", "like Miriam, the prophetess from her tsoraas;", "and like Naaman, from his tsoraas;", "like the waters of Marah", "through Moshe, our teacher,", "and like the waters of Yericho through Elisha.", "As You transformed", "the curse of the wicked Bilaam,", "from a curse to a blessing,", "so may you transform all my dreams", "regarding myself and regarding all of Yisrael", "for goodness.", "[May You] preserve me,", "[may You] be gracious to me,", "and [may You] accept me favorably, Amein.", "
After the kohanim pronounce the word וִיחֻנֶּֽךָּ, the Congregation and the Chazzan say: אָמֵן
", "May [He] turn—", "Adonoy—", "His countenance", "toward you", "and grant", "you", "peace.", "
While the kohanim sing an extended chant before saying שָׁלוֹם, the congregation says the following prayer in an undertone.
", "", "
After the kohanim pronounce the word שָׁלוֹם, the Congregation and the Chazzan say: אָמֵן
", "
After the kohanim conclude the blessing, the Congregation says:
", "Mighty One on high, abiding in power,", "You are peace and Your Name is Peace.", "May it be Your will, to bestow on us", "and on all of Your people,", "the House of Yisrael,", "life and blessing for the preservation of Peace.", "
After the kohanim conclude their blessing, they turn to the Ark and recite:
", "Master of the Universe,", "we have done", "what You have decreed upon us,", "now may You also do for us", "as You have promised:", "“Gaze from Your Sacred Dwelling,", "from the heavens,", "and bless Your people, Yisrael,", "and the land which You have given us—", "just as You swore to our fathers—", "a land flowing with milk and honey.”", "PRAYER FOR PEACE", "Grant peace, goodness, and blessing,", "favor, kindness and compassion", "upon us and upon all Yisrael, Your people.", "Bless us, our Father, all of us as one", "with the light of Your countenance.", "For by the light of Your countenance", "You gave us Adonoy our God,", "a Torah of life and the love of kindliness,", "righteousness, blessing, compassion,", "life, and peace.", "And may it be good in Your eyes", "and to bless Your people Yisrael,", "at all times and at every moment", "with Your peace.", "In the book of life, blessing, peace", "and abundant maintenance,", "may we be remembered and inscribed", "before You;", "we and all Your people, the House of Yisrael", "for a good life and peace.", "And it is said:", "“Through me [the Torah],", "shall your days be multiplied,", "and increased for you", "will be the years of your life.”", "For a good life, inscribe us,", "living God;", "inscribe us in the Book of Life,", "as it is written:", "“And You who cling to Adonoy, your God,", "are all alive today.”", "
The Ark is opened and the following is said responsively
", "This day, may You strengthen us.", "Amein.", "This day, may You bless us.", "Amein.", "This day, may You make us prominent.", "Amein.", "This day, may You seek our good.", "Amein.", "This day, renew for us a good year.", "Amein.", "This day, listen to our supplications.", "Amein.", "This day, accept with compassion and favor,", "[all] our prayers.", "Amein.", "This day, support us", "with Your right hand of righteousness.", "Amein.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "As of this day,", "bring us with happiness and joy", "unto [Your] Sanctuary at Yerushalayim,", "as it is written", "by the hand of Your prophet:", "“I will bring them to My holy mountain;", "and make them joyful in My House of Prayer,", "their burnt offerings and sacrifices", "will be accepted on My Altar;", "for My House", "shall be called a House of Prayer", "for all peoples.”", "And it is said:", "“And Adonoy commanded us", "to carry out these statutes—", "to fear Adonoy, our God—", "for our own everlasting good,", "that He might keep us alive,", "as at this day.”", "And it is said:", "“And righteousness it will for us,", "if we preserve and do", "all this commandment", "in the presence of Adonoy, our God,", "as He commanded us.”", "And [may] righteousness,", "blessing, compassion,", "life and peace,", "be unto us and all Yisrael,", "forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who makes the peace.", "
(others conclude—
", "Who blesses His people Yisrael", "with peace.)", "
The Chazzan recites the following Kaddish:
", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "May there be acceptance", "of the prayers and supplications", "of the entire House of Yisrael", "before their Father in heaven.", "And say, Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace", "in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael,", "and say, Amein." ] }, "Mincha": { "Va'yehi Binsoa": [ "
When the Holy Ark is opened, the following is said:
", "And whenever the Ark traveled", "Moshe would say: “Rise, Adonoy", "and let Your enemies be scattered,", "and those who hate You, flee before You.”", "For from Tziyon will go forth the Torah,", "and the word of Adonoy from Yerushalayim.", "Blessed is He Who gave the Torah", "to His people Yisrael in His holiness." ], "Berich Shemei": [ "The following prayer is taken from the Zohar (Parshas Vayakhail), the basic text of Kabbalah which was written by the Mishnahic sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. The Zohar states, “When the Torah is taken out to be read before the congregation, the heavenly gates of mercy are opened, and the Divine love is aroused; therefore one should say the following prayer.", "Blessed is the Name", "of the Master of the Universe.", "Blessed is Your crown and Your place.", "May Your good will [be]", "with Your people Yisrael forever.", "The redemption of Your right hand,", "show Your people in Your Holy Temple.", "Bestow on us Your excellent light,", "and accept our prayer with compassion.", "May it be Your will", "to prolong our lives in well-being.", "Let me be counted", "among the righteous,", "so that You will have compassion on me", "and protect me and all that is mine,", "and all that belongs to Your people, Yisrael.", "You are He", "Who nourishes all and maintains all;", "You are He Who rules over all;", "You are He Who rules over kings,", "and the kingdom is Yours.", "I am a servant", "of the Holy One, blessed is He,", "I bow before Him", "and before the honor of His Torah", "at all times.", "Not in man do I put my trust,", "nor do I rely on any angel;", "but only in the God of heaven", "Who is the true God,", "Whose Torah is truth,", "Whose prophets are true,", "and Who performs many deeds", "of goodness and truth.", "In Him I put my trust", "and to His holy, honored Name", "I utter praises.", "May it be Your will", "to open my heart to Torah,", "and to fulfill the desires of my heart", "and of the heart of Your people Yisrael", "for goodness, for life, and for peace.", "
The Chazzan says:
", "Declare the greatness of Adonoy with me,", "and let us exalt His Name together.", "
The Congregation responds:
", "Yours, Adonoy, is the greatness, the might,", "the glory, the victory, and the beauty,", "for everything in heaven and on earth", "[is Yours]; Yours, Adonoy, is the kingdom,", "and You are uplifted over all rulers.", "Exalt Adonoy, our God", "and prostrate yourselves at His footstool,", "Holy is He.", "Exalt Adonoy, Our God", "and prostrate yourselves", "at His holy mountain", "for Adonoy, our God, is holy.", "May the Father of mercy have compassion", "on the people borne by Him,", "and may He remember", "the covenant with the patriarchs;", "may He rescue our souls", "from evil times;", "and may He rebuke the Evil Impulse", "from those who have been carried by Him;", "and may He graciously grant us", "eternal survival;", "and fulfill our requests", "in beneficent measure,", "[for] deliverance and compassion.", "
When the Torah is unrolled, the Reader says:
", "May His sovereignty be revealed and visible", "to us, soon;", "and may He be gracious to our remnant", "and the remnant of His people,", "the House of Yisrael;", "[granting them] favor, kindness,", "compassion and goodwill,", "and let us say Amein.", "Let us all ascribe greatness to our God", "and give honor to the Torah.", "Let the Kohein come forward.", "Arise, son of , the Kohein,", "Blessed is He Who gave the Torah", "to His people, Yisrael, in His holiness.", "
The Congregation responds:
", "And you who cling to Adonoy, Your God,", "are all alive today.", "
(The following blessings are recited by every person called to the Torah.)
", "
The Kohein walks up to the Torah, and says:
", "Blessed Adonoy, Who is blessed.", "
The Congregation responds and the Kohein repeats:
", "Blessed is Adonoy, Who is blessed,", "forever and ever.", "
The Kohein says:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who chose us from among all the peoples", "and gave us His Torah.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Giver of the Torah.", "
After the Torah is read, the Kohein says:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe", "Who gave us the Torah of truth,", "and implanted eternal life within us.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Giver of the Torah." ], "Torah Reading for Mincha Service": [ "And Adonoy spoke to Moshe, saying: Speak to the children of Yisrael and say to them: I am Adonoy, your God. You shall not imitate the practice of the land of Mitzrayim where you lived nor the practice of the land of Canaan to which I am bringing you; and their statutes [customs] you shall not follow. You shall observe my mandates and preserve my statutes and follow them; I am Adonoy, your God. My statutes and My mandates, which if man obeys, he shall live through them; I am Adonoy.", "No man shall come near to those of [his] close kin, to reveal their nakedness, I am Adonoy. The nakedness of your father and the nakedness of your mother you shall not reveal; she is your mother, you shall not reveal is your father's nakedness. The nakedness of your sister, [whether she is] your father's daughter, or your mother's daughter, whether she was born of a legitimate marriage or not; you shall not reveal their nakedness. The nakedness of your son's daughter or of your daughter's daughter, you shall not reveal their nakedness; for their nakedness is your own. The nakedness of the daughter of your father's wife, born to your father, she is your sister; you shall not reveal her nakedness. The nakedness of your father's sister, you shall not reveal; she is your father's close kin. The nakedness of your mother's sister, you shall not reveal, she is your mother's close kin. The nakedness of your father's brother [i.e. his wife] you shall not reveal; you shall not come near to his wife [for] she is your aunt. The nakedness of your daughter-in-law, you shall not reveal; she is your son's wife, you shall not reveal her nakedness. The nakedness of your brother's wife, you shall not reveal; it is your brother's nakedness. The nakedness of a woman and her daughter, you shall not reveal; you shall not take her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter to reveal her nakedness, they are close kin, it is lewdness. You shall not take [your] wife's sister to be her rival, to reveal her nakedness, in her lifetime. You shall not come near to a woman at her time of [menstrual] uncleanliness, to reveal her nakedness. You shall not lie carnally with your neighbor's wife, to defile yourself with her. And you shall not cause any of your offspring to pass through fire [which is a form of idol worship] to Molech; and you shall not profane the Name of your God, I am Adonoy.", "You shall not lie with a man [carnally] as with a woman; it is an abomination. You shall not lie with any beast to defile yourself; neither shall a woman place herself before a beast, to lie with it, it is a perversion. Do not defile yourselves by doing any of these things; for the nations which I [will] cast out from before you, are defiled by [doing] all these things. This caused the land to become defiled and I therefore caused it to punish their iniquity; and the land expelled its inhabitants. You shall preserve my statutes and my mandates, and you shall not do any of these abominable things; neither the native-born nor the stranger who lives among you. For all these abominations were practiced by the inhabitants of the land, which lived there before you, and the land is defiled. [You shall therefore take heed] that the land not expel you, should you [also] defile it, as it expelled the nation that lived there before you. For whoever practices any of these abominations; their souls shall be cut off from among their people. And you shall preserve my ordinance, not to practice any of the abominable customs which were practiced before you, and that you do not defile yourselves [by doing them], I am Adonoy, your God.", "
When the reading of the Torah is concluded, the Torah is raised so that the congregation can see the script, and the congregation exclaims:
", "This is the Torah which Moshe placed", "before the children of Yisrael.", "at Adonoy's command by the hand of Moshe.", "It is a tree of life", "to those who grasp to it,", "and those who support it are fortunate.", "Its ways are ways of pleasantness,", "and all its paths are peace.", "Long life is at its right,", "at its left, riches and honor.", "Adonoy desired,", "for the sake of His righteousness,", "to make the Torah great and to glorify it.", "
Berachah recited before the reading of the Haftarah:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Who chose good prophets,", "and was pleased with their words", "which were spoken in truth.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who chooses the Torah", "and Moshe, His servant,", "and Yisrael, His people,", "and the prophets of truth and righteousness.", "Haftarah — The Book of Yonah", "The afternoon Haftarah is the Book of Yonah. Its selection was prompted by the need to impress upon the worshipper that there is no escape from God's judgment, and that such judgment may only be averted by sincere repentance. The Book of Yonah also proclaims that repentance is never too late and that God's mercy knows no bounds. “Should I have no pity on Ninveh” — God asks Yonah — “that great city wherein are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well.”", "And the word of Adonoy came to Yonah, the son of Amittai, saying: Rise up and go to Ninveh, the great city, and call upon her; for their evil has come before Me.” And Yonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from before Adonoy,1Jonah’s flight was not an attempt to deny or break his loyalty and dedication as Hashem’s prophet. On the contrary, because he recognized the sovereignty of Hashem, he did not want to embarrass Yisrael by the comparison of its stubborn refusal to repent, with the obedience of Ninveh, to the warning of Hashem. and he went to Yaffo and found a ship bound to Tarshish and he paid the fare and boarded it to go with them to Tarshish from before Adonoy. And Adonoy sent a strong wind out to sea and it became a mighty storm in the sea and the ship threatened to fall (break) apart. And the sailors were frightened, and each of them prayed to his own god and cast the ship's wares into the sea to lighten it for them. But Yonah went down to the ship's hold, and lay down and fell fast asleep.", "And the captain approached him and said to him: “How can you sleep now? Rise up, call upon your God. Perhaps God will give thought (pay heed) to us and we will not perish!”", "And they said one to another: “Let us go and cast lots so that we may know who is responsible for the trouble that has befallen us.” So they cast lots and the lot fell upon Yonah.", "And they said to him: “Tell us, please, why this evil has befallen us! What is your occupation and from where do you come? Where is your land and from which nation do you come?”", "And He said to them: “I am an Ivri and Adonoy, the God of the Heavens I fear, Who made the sea and the dry land.”", "Then the men were filled with great fear and they said to him: “What have you done?” For the men knew that from before Adonoy he was fleeing, for he had told them.", "And they said to him: What shall we do with you so that the sea will no longer threaten us—for the sea grows stormier!”", "And he said to them: “Pick me up and cast me into the sea, so that it will quiet down for you. For I know that it is because of me that this great storm is upon you.”", "Yet still the men rowed (trying) to get back to the dry land, but they could not, for the sea grew more violent against them.", "And they called out to Adonoy and said: “Please Adonoy let us not perish because of this man and do not reckon it upon us as having shed innocent blood; for You, Adonoy, as You desired, You have done!”", "And they lifted Yonah and cast him into the sea, and the sea ceased its raging.", "Then the men feared Adonoy greatly, and they offered a sacrifice to Adonoy and made vows.", "And Adonoy prepared a great fish to swallow Yonah, and Yonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. And Yonah prayed to Adonoy his God, from the belly of the fish.", "And he said: “Out of my anguish I called to Adonoy and He answered me. From the belly of the grave I cried; You heard my voice.", "You cast me into the depths, into the heart of the seas, and there the river surrounded me; all of Your waves and breakers swept over me.", "And I had said, ‘I have been banished from Your eyes'—but, now, I shall again gaze at Your Holy Temple.", "The waters surrounded me to the soul, and the deep whirled around me; seaweed was wrapped about my head.", "To the very roots of the mountains I sank; the earth had barred itself against me forever. But You lifted me out of the deepest pit, Adonoy, my God!", "When my soul grew faint within me, I remembered Adonoy; and my prayer reached You—to Your Holy Temple. They that preserve vanities and futility, forsake [the Source of] their kindness.", "And I, with a voice of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to You; and that which I vowed, I shall fulfill, for salvation is Adonoy's.”", "And Adonoy spoke to the fish; and it ejected Yonah on to the dry land.", "And the word of Adonoy came to Yonah a second time, saying: “Rise up and go to Ninveh, the great city, and call out to her, the proclamation which I tell you!”", "And Yonah rose up and went to Ninveh, as Adonoy instructed. And Ninveh was a great city to Adonoy, a three-day journey across. When he entered the city and had gone the distance of one day's journey, he called out and said: “In another forty days Ninveh will be overturned!”", "And the people of Ninveh believed in God and they proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least of them.", "And when the word reached the king of Ninveh, he stood up from his throne and removed his robe and covered himself with sackcloth and sat on ashes. And he had an order proclaimed in Ninveh by the decrees of the king and his nobles, saying: “Man and cattle, herd and flock, are not to taste anything, nor shall they graze or drink water! And they shall cover themselves with sackcloth, both man and animal, and let them call out earnestly to God, and let each man turn back from his evil way and from the robbery which is in their hands. Who knows, but Adonoy may relent and turn away from His burning wrath and we shall not perish.”", "And God saw their deeds, that they repented from their evil ways. And God relented about the evil which He said He would do to them and He did not do it.", "And Yonah was displeased and it grieved him.2It grieved him that the Jewish people would not heed the prophets call for repentance as did the people of Ninveh, and he was upset over the fact that he himself helped bring about this indictment as a result of his mission to Ninveh. He prayed to Adonoy and said, “Was this not my rationale when I was still on my own soil? I therefore hastened to flee to Tarshish, for I knew You are Almighty, Gracious and Merciful, Abounding in kindness and relenting of evil. And so now Adonoy, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live.” And Adonoy said [to him], “Are you correct in being so grieved?”", "Yonah left the city and positioned himself on the east side of the city. He made a booth for himself and sat under it in the shade, waiting to see what would happen in the city. Then Adonoy, God, caused a kikayon3Rashi identifies kikayon as a plant of many leaves which provide shade. Ibn Ezra, identifies as a gourd. to grow and rise up over Yonah, to shade his head, to alleviate his discomfort. And Yonah rejoiced greatly over the kikayon. Then God caused a worm to attack the kikayon at the dawn of the next day, and it [the kikayon] withered. At sunrise, God caused a hot—stifling east wind [to blow]; the sun beat upon Yonah's head and he felt faint. He asked for death, saying, “It is better for me to die than to live.” And God said to Yonah, “Are You correct in being so grieved over the kikayon?” And he answered, “I am so grieved that I can die.” And Adonoy said, “You had pity for the kikayon for which you did not toil nor did you cause it to grow, it sprang up overnight and it perished overnight. And I, shall I not have pity upon Ninveh, the great city of more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well?”", "Michah 7:18-20
", "Who is Almighty like You, Forbearer of iniquity and Forgiver of transgression to the remnant of His heritage? He does not maintain His anger forever, for He delights in lovingkindness. He will again have compassion on us, He will suppress our iniquities, and will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. You will grant truth to Yaakov, kindliness to Avraham, as You have sworn to our fathers from the days of old.", "
Berachos recited after the reading of the Haftarah:
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, King of the Universe,", "Rock of all the worlds,", "Righteous in all generations,", "the Almighty, the Faithful One,", "Who says and does,", "Who speaks and fulfills,", "for all His words are true and right.", "Dependable are You, Adonoy, our God,", "and dependable are Your words,", "and not one of Your words", "is ever retracted unfulfilled,", "for You are the Almighty,", "a King who is dependable and merciful.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the Almighty", "Who is dependable in all His words.", "Have compassion on Tziyon", "for it is the home of our life,", "and the one whose soul is humiliated,", "deliver speedily, in our days.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who causes Tziyon to rejoice", "with her children.", "Cause us to rejoice, Adonoy, our God,", "with Elijah the prophet, Your servant,", "and with the kingdom of the House of Dovid,", "Your anointed.", "Speedily may he come", "and cause our heart to exult.", "Upon his throne, no stranger shall sit,", "and others will no longer inherit", "his honor.", "For by Your Holy Name, You swore to him,", "that his light will never be extinguished.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Dovid.", "
The Chazzan takes the Torah and says:
", "They will praise the Name of Adonoy", "for His Name alone is exalted.", "
The congregation then says:
", "His majesty is over the earth and the skies.", "He will raise the might of His people,", "[which is] praise for all His pious ones,", "for the Children of Yisrael,", "the people near to Him.", "Praise God.", "A Psalm of Dovid:", "the earth is Adonoy's and the fullness thereof,", "the inhabited world and those who dwell in it.", "For He founded it upon the seas,", "and established it upon rivers.", "Who may ascend the mountain of Adonoy,", "and who may stand", "in the place of His holiness?", "The clean of hands and the pure of heart,", "who has not borne My soul in vain,", "and has not sworn deceitfully.", "He will bear Adonoy's blessing", "and righteousness", "from the God of his deliverance.", "This is the generation of those who seek Him,", "the seekers of Your Presence,", "[God of] Yaakov, selah.", "Lift up your heads, gates,", "and be uplifted", "[you] entranceways to eternity,", "so that the King of Glory may enter.", "Who is this King of Glory?", "Adonoy, strong and mighty;", "Adonoy, the Mighty One in battle.", "Lift up your heads, gates,", "and lift up, entranceways to eternity,", "so that the King of Glory may enter.", "Who is He, this King of Glory?", "Adonoy Tzevaos,", "He is the King of Glory, selah.", "
As the Torah is returned to the Ark the following is said:
", "And when it rested, he would say:", "Return, Adonoy,", "to the myriads and thousands of Yisrael.", "Arise, Adonoy unto Your resting place,", "You and the Ark of Your strength.", "Let Your priests", "clothe themselves in righteousness,", "and let Your devoted ones sing in joy.", "For the sake of Dovid, Your servant,", "do not reject Your anointed.", "For I have given you good instruction,", "do not forsake My Torah.", "It is a tree of life to those who grasp it,", "and those who support it are fortunate.", "Its ways are ways of pleasantness", "and all its paths are peace.", "Cause us to return to You, Adonoy,", "and we shall return;", "renew our days as of old.", "
The Chazzan recites the Half-Kaddish:
", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein." ], "Amidah for Mincha": [ "When I proclaim Adonoy's Name", "attribute greatness to our God.", "My Master, open my lips,", "and my mouth will declare Your praise.", "THE VIRTUE OF OUR FOREFATHERS", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, and God of our fathers,", "God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak,", "and God of Yaakov,", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "most high Almighty,", "Who bestows beneficent kindness,", "Who possesses everything,", "Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs,", "and Who brings a redeemer", "to their children's children,", "for the sake of His Name, with love.", "Remember us for life", "King, Who desires life;", "and inscribe us in the Book of Life,", "for Your sake, Living God.", "
If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the blessing, you should recite it. If you have already said “Blessed are You, Adonoy,” you must continue the prayers without saying “Remember.”
", "King, Helper, and Deliverer and Shield.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Avraham.", "DIVINE MIGHT", "You are mighty forever, my Master;", "You are the Resurrector of the dead", "the Powerful One to deliver us.", "Sustainer of the living with kindliness,", "Resurrector of the dead with great mercy,", "Supporter of the fallen,", "and Healer of the sick,", "and Releaser of the imprisoned,", "and Fulfiller of His faithfulness", "to those who sleep in the dust.", "Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds,", "and who can be compared to You?", "King Who causes death and restores life,", "and causes deliverance to sprout forth.", "Who is like You merciful Father,", "Who remembers His creatures for life,", "in His mercy.", "
If you forgot to say this, the same law applies as above concerning “Remember us for life.”
", "And You are faithful", "to restore the dead to life.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Resurrector of the dead.", "DIVINE SANCTIFICATION", "You are holy and Your Name is holy", "and holy beings", "praise You every day, forever.", "And so,", "grant that Your awe, Adonoy, our God,", "be upon all Your works,", "and Your dread upon all You have created;", "and [then] all [Your] works will fear You,", "and prostrate before You", "will be all [Your] created beings.", "And may they all form a single band", "to do Your will", "with a perfect heart.", "For we know Adonoy, our God", "that rulership is Yours,", "strength is in Your hand,", "might is in Your right hand", "and Your Name is awesome", "over all You have created.", "And so,", "grant honor, Adonoy, to Your people,", "praise to those who fear You,", "good hope to those who seek You", "confident speech", "to those who yearn for You,", "joy to Your land, gladness to Your city,", "flourishing of pride to Dovid, Your servant", "and an array of light", "to the son of Yishai, Your anointed,", "speedily in our days.", "And then", "the righteous will see [this] and rejoice,", "and the upright will be jubilant,", "and the pious will exult with joyous song;", "injustice will close its mouth,", "and all the wickedness will vanish like smoke,", "when You remove the rule of evil", "from the earth.", "And You Adonoy will reign alone", "over all Your works", "on Mount Tziyon,", "dwelling place of Your glory,", "and in Yerushalayim, city of Your Sanctuary,", "as it is written in Your holy words,", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "Your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations.", "Praise God.”", "Holy are You, and awesome is Your Name,", "and there is no God beside You,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy Tzevaos is exalted", "through justice", "and the Almighty, the Holy One,", "is sanctified through righteousness.”", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King, the Holy One.", "SANCTIFICATION OF THE DAY", "You chose us from [among] all the peoples;", "You loved us and took pleasure in us;", "You exalted us above all tongues,", "and You sanctified us", "with Your commandments;", "You drew us near, our King,", "to Your servitude", "and Your great and Holy Name,", "You have pronounced upon us.", "And You gave us Adonoy, our God,", "in love,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(this Shabbos Day and)", "this Day of Atonement,", "for forgiveness, pardon and atonement,", "and to forgive thereon", "all our iniquities;", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(with love)", "a day of holy assembly", "commemorating the exodus from Mitzrayim.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "may there ascend, come, and reach,", "appear, be desired, and heard,", "counted and recalled", "our remembrance and reckoning;", "the remembrance of our fathers;", "the remembrance of the Messiah", "the son of Dovid, Your servant;", "the remembrance of Yerushalayim,", "city of Your Sanctuary", "and the remembrance of Your entire people,", "the House of Yisrael, before You", "for survival, for well-being,", "for favor, kindliness, compassion,", "for life and peace", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Remember us Adonoy, our God", "on this day for well-being;", "be mindful of us on this day for blessing,", "and deliver us for life.", "In accord with the promise of deliverance", "and compassion,", "spare us and favor us,", "have compassion on us and deliver us;", "for to You our eyes are directed", "because You are the Almighty,", "Who is King, Gracious and Merciful.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "forgive our iniquities", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Blot out and remove", "our transgressions and sins", "from before Your eyes, as it is said:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;", "and your sins, I will not recall.”", "And it is said,", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”", "And it is said,", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins,", "before Adonoy, you will be cleansed.”", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(Our God and God of our fathers,", "be pleased with our rest)", "Sanctify us with Your commandments", "and give us our share in Your Torah;", "satisfy us from Your goodness", "and gladden us with Your deliverance,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(And give us as our inheritance", "Adonoy our God", "with love and with pleasure Your holy Sabbath;", "and may Yisrael rest thereon—", "[they who are] sanctifiers of Your Name)", "and purify our hearts to serve You in truth,", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You,", "we have no king who forgives and pardons,", "only You!", "Blessed are You,", "King Who forgives and pardons", "our iniquities,", "and the iniquities of His people,", "the House of Yisrael;", "and Who removes our trespasses", "each year;", "King over the whole earth,", "Sanctifier", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(of the Shabbos and)", "of Yisrael and the Day of Atonement.", "PRAYER FOR RETURN OF DIVINE SERVICE", "Be pleased, Adonoy, our God,", "with Your people Yisrael", "and their prayer;", "and restore the service", "to the Holy of Holies in Your abode,", "and the fire-offerings of Yisrael;", "and accept their prayer, lovingly", "and willingly.", "And may You always find pleasure", "with the service of Your people, Yisrael.", "And may our eyes behold", "Your merciful return to Tziyon.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon.", "
At the words, We are thankful, bend forward; at Adonoy return to an upright position.
", "THANKSGIVING", "We are thankful to You", "that You Adonoy are our God", "and the God of our fathers forever;", "Rock of our lives,", "Shield of our deliverance,", "You are in every generation.", "We will give thanks to You", "and recount Your praise,", "for our lives", "which are committed into Your hand,", "and for our souls", "which are entrusted to You,", "and for Your miracles of every day with us,", "and for Your wonders and benefactions", "at all times—", "evening, morning and noon.", "(You are) The Beneficent One—", "for Your compassion is never withheld;", "And (You are) the Merciful One—", "for Your kindliness never ceases;", "we have always placed our hope in You.", "And for all the foregoing", "blessed and exalted", "be your Name, our King", "constantly, forever and ever.", "Inscribe for a good life", "all the children of Your covenant.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah. If you became aware of the omission before concluding the blessing, you can say it at that time.
", "And all the living shall thank You forever", "and praise", "Your Name with sincerity", "the Almighty, Who is our deliverance", "and our help forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "“The Beneficent” is Your Name", "and You it is fitting to praise.", "PRAYER FOR PEACE", "Grant peace, goodness, and blessing,", "favor, kindness and compassion", "upon us and upon all Yisrael, Your people.", "Bless us, our Father, all of us as one", "with the light of Your countenance.", "For by the light of Your countenance", "You gave us Adonoy our God,", "a Torah of life and the love of kindliness,", "righteousness, blessing, compassion,", "life, and peace.", "And may it be good in Your eyes", "and to bless Your people Yisrael,", "at all times and at every moment", "with Your peace.", "In the book of life, blessing, peace", "and abundant maintenance,", "may we be remembered and inscribed", "before You;", "we and all Your people, the House of Yisrael", "for a good life and peace.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah.
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who makes the peace.", "
(others conclude—
", "Who blesses His people Yisrael", "with peace.)", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "let our prayer come before you", "and do not ignore our supplication.", "For we are not so brazen-faced", "and stiff-necked", "to say to you,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "“We are righteous and have not sinned.”", "But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.", "We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];", "We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];", "We have stolen; We have slandered.", "We have caused others to sin;", "We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רְשָׁעִים, wicked;", "We have sinned with malicious intent;", "We have forcibly taken others' possessions even though we paid for them;", "We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups;", "We have given harmful advice;", "We have deceived; we have mocked;", "We have rebelled against God and His Torah;", "We have caused God to be angry with us;", "We have turned away from God's Torah;", "We have sinned deliberately;", "We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;", "We have caused our friends grief;", "We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that our suffering is caused by our own sins.", "We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].", "We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;", "We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;", "We have gone astray;", "We have led others astray.", "We have turned away", "from Your commandments", "and from Your good laws,", "and we have gained nothing from it.", "And You are the Righteous One", "in all [punishment] that has come upon us;", "for You have acted truthfully", "and we have acted wickedly.", "What shall we say before You,", "Who dwells on high;", "and what shall we relate to You", "Who dwells in the heavens?", "For everything, both hidden and revealed,", "You know.", "You know the mysteries of the universe,", "and the hidden secrets of every individual.", "You search all our innermost thoughts,", "and probe our mind and heart.", "There is nothing hidden from You,", "and there is nothing concealed", "from Your sight.", "And so may it be Your will", "Adonoy our God and God of our fathers,", "that You pardon us", "for all our careless sins,", "and that You forgive us", "for all our deliberate sins,", "and that You grant us atonement", "for all our rebellious sins:", "For the sin we committed before You", "under compulsion and willingly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by callously hardening the heart.", "For the sin we committed before You", "inadvertently.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with an utterance of the lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "openly and secretly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in sexual immorality.", "For the sin we committed before You", "through [misuse of our power of] speech.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with knowledge and with deceit.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by improper thoughts.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by cheating a fellow-man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with [mere] verbal confession.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by joining in a lewd gathering.", "For the sin we committed before You", "intentionally and unintentionally.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by insufficient respect for parents", "and teachers.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by using coercion [to harm others].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by desecrating the Divine Name.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with foolish talk.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impurity of the lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with the Evil Inclination.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "knowingly and unknowingly.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by forcing someone to give or take bribes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by false denial and false promise.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by evil talk [slander].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by scoffing.", "For the sin we committed before You", "in business dealings.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in eating and drinking.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by [taking or giving] interest and by usury.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by haughtily stretching forth the neck.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with gazing of the eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by the prattle of our lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with haughty eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impudence.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by throwing off the yoke [of heaven].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in passing judgment.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by entrapping a fellowman.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a begrudging eye.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by lightmindedness.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by being stiff-necked [stubborn].", "For the sin we committed before You", "by running to do evil.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by talebearing.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by swearing in vain.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by unwarranted hatred.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by breach of trust.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a confused heart.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a burnt-offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a sin-offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a “fluctuating” offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a guilt-offering for certain", "or for doubtful trespasses.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of lashing for violations of Rabbinic law.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of forty lashes.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of death at the hand of Heaven.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of excision and childlessness.", "And for sins", "for which we are liable", "to any of the four death penalties", "inflicted by the [Rabbinic] Court [which are]:", "stoning, burning,", "beheading or strangulation.", "For [transgressing]", "positive commandments,", "and for [transgressing]", "prohibitive commandments,", "whether the prohibition can be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "or whether it cannot be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "for those of which we are aware", "and for those of which we are not aware.", "For those of which we are aware,", "we have already declared before You", "and confessed them unto You;", "and for those of which we are not aware,", "before You they are revealed and known,", "as it is said,", "“The hidden things", "belong to Adonoy, our God,", "but the revealed things are for us", "and for our children forever,", "that we might fulfill", "all the words of this Torah.”", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You, we have no King", "Who forgives and pardons—only You!", "God, before I was formed,", "I was unworthy [to be created].", "And now that I have been formed,", "it is as if I had not been formed.", "I am like dust while I live,", "how much more so when I am dead.", "Here I am before You", "like a vessel filled with shame.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, my God, and the God of my fathers,", "that I shall sin no more,", "and the sins I have committed before You,", "cleanse them in Your abundant mercies;", "but not through", "suffering and severe illness.", "My God, guard my tongue from evil", "and my lips from speaking deceitfully.", "To those who curse me,", "may my soul be unresponsive;", "and let my soul be like dust to all.", "Open my heart to Your Torah", "and let my soul pursue Your commandments.", "And all who plan evil against me,", "quickly annul their counsel", "and frustrate their intention.", "Act for the sake of Your Name.", "Act for the sake of Your right hand.", "Act for the sake of Your holiness.", "Act for the sake of Your Torah.", "In order that Your loved ones be released,", "deliver [with] Your right hand and answer me.", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "He Who makes the peace in His high heavens", "may He make peace", "upon us and upon all Yisrael", "and say Amein.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, our God, and the God of our Fathers", "that the Holy Temple be rebuilt", "speedily in our days,", "and grant us our share in Your Torah.", "And there we will serve You reverently", "as in the days of old,", "and in earlier years.", "And let Adonoy be pleased", "with the offerings of Yehudahim", "and Yerushalayim", "as in the days of old and in earlier years." ], "Reader's Repetition of the Amidah": [ "
The Ark is opened:
", "My Master, open my lips,", "and my mouth will declare Your praise.", "THE VIRTUE OF OUR FOREFATHERS", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, and God of our fathers,", "God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak,", "and God of Yaakov,", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "most high Almighty,", "Who bestows beneficent kindness,", "Who possesses everything,", "Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs,", "and Who brings a redeemer", "to their children's children,", "for the sake of His Name, with love.", "Invoking the doctrines", "of our wise and understanding Sages,", "and with the teachings [acquired]", "from their perceptive intuition,", "I open my mouth", "in prayer and supplication", "to plead and seek favor", "before the presence of the King,", "Forgiver and Pardoner of iniquities.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "The valiant one [Avraham]", "recognized Your truth,1Avraham, often referred to as אֵיתָן, the valiant one, recognized the existence and providence of Hashem at the age of three. See Maseches Nedarim 32a", "[though he lived] in a generation", "that knew not how to please You.2Avraham’s generation and in fact his entire family were steeped in idolatry.", "He rejoiced in You", "and taught others to fear You.", "He took pleasure in proclaiming", "Your majesty, to all mankind.", "Those who strayed, he led in Your path;", "and he was called the father of Your nation.", "He was diligent to obey Your word.", "He desired the shelter of Your Presence.", "He refreshed the wayfarers with Your food.", "He taught the penitent", "that there is none but You.", "Because he believed in You, he entreated You;", "He planted an aishel to proclaim Your might.3The word אֵשֶׁל has been defined as an abbreviation of the word אֲכִילָה, food, שְׁתִיָה drink, and לִנָה shelter. These were provided by Avraham to all men and he sought to win them over to the belief and acceptance of the One God.", "May it be accounted to us for righteousness;", "through the righteousness of the Patriarch,", "pardon us.", "Do not deal with us according to our sins,", "You are our shield, for we hope in You.", "Remember us for life", "King, Who desires life;", "and inscribe us in the Book of Life,", "for Your sake, Living God.", "King, Helper, and Deliverer and Shield.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Avraham.", "DIVINE MIGHT", "You are mighty forever, my Master;", "You are the Resurrector of the dead", "the Powerful One to deliver us.", "Sustainer of the living with kindliness,", "Resurrector of the dead with great mercy,", "Supporter of the fallen,", "and Healer of the sick,", "and Releaser of the imprisoned,", "and Fulfiller of His faithfulness", "to those who sleep in the dust.", "Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds,", "and who can be compared to You?", "King Who causes death and restores life,", "and causes deliverance to sprout forth.", "When he who was loved, [Yitzchak],", "the only child of his mother,", "surrendered himself for an offering,", "the Seraphim cried out from the heavens,", "saying to the merciful Almighty:", "“Spare him.”", "The Redeemer and Deliverer", "had compassion on him;", "and commanded that a ram be taken", "in his stead.", "He [Avraham] heard a voice calling,", "“Do not shed his blood.”", "The merciful One hovered over him,", "to exalt him,", "He preserved him and sustained him,", "for His Name's sake;", "He made him radiant like the rising sun.", "Regard him on this day,", "as if he were offered in the Temple;", "recall his binding and pity his people.", "In His Presence, He will sustain us,", "and we shall live.", "Through the righteousness of the Patriarch", "we shall live.", "Adonoy causes death and restores life,", "with his dew, he will revive those asleep.", "Who is like You merciful Father,", "Who remembers His creatures for life,", "in His mercy.", "And You are faithful", "to restore the dead to life.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Resurrector of the dead.", "Angels, using the perfect one's [Yaakov] name,4The angels praise him as the God of Yaakov.", "ascribe sovereignty", "to the King of kings.", "They come to view his beautiful form,", "engraved on [God's] throne.", "His children are like angels on this day5They are like the angels as they do not eat and drink, and do not sin on the Day of Atonement.;", "sanctifying Him, setting forth supplication.", "On this day, they cast away animosity,6On the day of Atonement, they ask each other’s forgiveness and thus all hostility is removed.", "In unison [and using] their father's name,", "they bless Him.7They bless Him saying that He is the God of Yaakov.", "They seek to appease the Most High,", "with tender words.", "In the merit of the perfect one [Yaakov],", "may God look down from the heavens;", "and enlighten the eyes that are darkened.", "The King stands", "in the congregation of the blessed;", "He delights in His people.", "He will adorn the humble,", "who knock [at His gates]", "with prayers of penitence,", "from early in the morning.", "With His goodness and pardon,", "He agrees to their request.", "May He cause them to hear—", "“The downtrodden will not be ashamed.”", "May this be said", "to those who wait hopefully.", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "Adonoy will reign forever;", "your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations!", "Praise God.", "And You, Holy One,", "are enthroned upon the praises of Yisrael.", "Almighty, we beseech You.", "The people [Yisrael] who preserve its faith,", "for Your sake, help their remnant,", "accept their cry as an incense-offering.", "Holy One!", "Atone and pardon", "Almighty, Who is beneficent", "and ready to pardon", "Awesome and Holy One!", "From the heavens, may our prayer", "be accepted as sacrificial offerings", "Almighty, Holy One.", "[The angel] Michael", "[sings] praises at His right,", "Gabriel acclaims at His left [saying]:", "In heaven, there is none like the Almighty,", "and on the earth", "there is none like Your people Yisrael.”", "", "", "", "", "", "as it is written", "by the hand of Your prophet,", "“And they called one to another", "and said:" ], "Kedushah": [ "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "‘Holy, holy, holy", "is Adonoy Tzevaos,", "the fullness of all the earth is His glory.'”", "His glory fills the world,", "His ministering angels ask one another—", "“Where is the place of His glory?”", "those facing them say, “Blessed.”", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "“Blessed is the glory of Adonoy", "from His place.”", "From His place, He will turn in compassion", "and favor the people", "who proclaim the Oneness of His Name", "evening and morning, each day continually", "twice each day, with love,", "they recite, “Shema.”", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "Hear Yisrael,", "Adonoy is our God, Adonoy is One.", "He is our God, He is our Father,", "He is our King, He is our Deliverer,", "and He will let us hear in His mercy", "a second time", "in the presence of all the living", "[His promise] “to be your God.”", "“I am Adonoy, your God.”", "Mighty One, our Mighty One,", "Adonoy, our Master,", "How mighty is Your Name", "throughout the earth.", "And Adonoy will be King", "over the whole earth;", "on that day Adonoy will be One,", "and His Name One.", "
The Chazzan says:
", "And in Your holy words it is written:", "
Congregation says and Chazzan repeats
", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "your God, Tziyon, throughout all generations;", "praise God.”", "
The Chazzan concludes
", "From generation to generation", "we will declare Your greatness,", "and to all eternity", "we will sanctify Your holiness;", "and Your praise, our God", "will not depart from our mouth", "forever and ever;", "because You are the Almighty", "Who is King, Great and Holy!", "Have compassion upon Your works,", "and rejoice in Your works;", "and let those who trust in You say—", "when You justify those borne by You—", "“Be sanctified, [our] Master", "over all Your works.”", "For those who sanctify You", "are themselves hallowed in Your holiness;", "becoming to the Holy One", "is the glory of those who are holy.", "When there is no one to plead", "[our] righteousness", "against the testimony of the accuser,", "speak on behalf of Yaakov", "regarding the statute and law,", "and make us righteous with justice,", "[You, Who are the] King of justice.", "It will yet be remembered in our behalf,—", "the love of Avraham,—", "by our Master;", "and for the sake of the son [Yitzchak]", "who let himself be bound on the altar,", "he will put an end to our struggle;", "and in the merit of the perfect one [Yaakov],", "the Revered One will bring forth", "our judgment to a righteous conclusion;", "for this day is holy to our Master.", "And thus may Your Name be hallowed", "Adonoy, our God,", "over Yisrael, Your people,", "over Yerushalayim, Your city,", "over Tziyon, the dwelling place of Your glory,", "over the kingship of the House of Dovid,", "Your anointed,", "and over Your [holy] Dwelling,", "and Your Sanctuary.", "And so,", "grant that Your awe, Adonoy, our God,", "be upon all Your works,", "and Your dread upon all You have created;", "and [then] all [Your] works will fear You,", "and prostrate before You", "will be all [Your] created beings.", "And may they all form a single band", "to do Your will", "with a perfect heart.", "For we know Adonoy, our God", "that rulership is Yours,", "strength is in Your hand,", "might is in Your right hand", "and Your Name is awesome", "over all You have created.", "And so,", "grant honor, Adonoy, to Your people,", "praise to those who fear You,", "good hope to those who seek You", "confident speech", "to those who yearn for You,", "joy to Your land, gladness to Your city,", "flourishing of pride to Dovid, Your servant", "and an array of light", "to the son of Yishai, Your anointed,", "speedily in our days.", "And then", "the righteous will see [this] and rejoice,", "and the upright will be jubilant,", "and the pious will exult with joyous song;", "injustice will close its mouth,", "and all the wickedness will vanish like smoke,", "when You remove the rule of evil", "from the earth.", "And You Adonoy will reign alone", "over all Your works", "on Mount Tziyon,", "dwelling place of Your glory,", "and in Yerushalayim, city of Your Sanctuary,", "as it is written in Your holy words,", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "Your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations.", "Praise God.”", "Holy are You, and awesome is Your Name,", "and there is no God beside You,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy Tzevaos is exalted", "through justice", "and the Almighty, the Holy One,", "is sanctified through righteousness.”", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King, the Holy One.", "SANCTIFICATION OF THE DAY", "You chose us from [among] all the peoples;", "You loved us and took pleasure in us;", "You exalted us above all tongues,", "and You sanctified us", "with Your commandments;", "You drew us near, our King,", "to Your servitude", "and Your great and Holy Name,", "You have pronounced upon us.", "And You gave us Adonoy, our God,", "in love,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(this Shabbos Day and)", "this Day of Atonement,", "for forgiveness, pardon and atonement,", "and to forgive thereon", "all our iniquities;", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(with love)", "a day of holy assembly", "commemorating the exodus from Mitzrayim.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "may there ascend, come, and reach,", "appear, be desired, and heard,", "counted and recalled", "our remembrance and reckoning;", "the remembrance of our fathers;", "the remembrance of the Messiah", "the son of Dovid, Your servant;", "the remembrance of Yerushalayim,", "city of Your Sanctuary", "and the remembrance of Your entire people,", "the House of Yisrael, before You", "for survival, for well-being,", "for favor, kindliness, compassion,", "for life and peace", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Remember us Adonoy, our God", "on this day for well-being;", "be mindful of us on this day for blessing,", "and deliver us for life.", "In accord with the promise of deliverance", "and compassion,", "spare us and favor us,", "have compassion on us and deliver us;", "for to You our eyes are directed", "because You are the Almighty,", "Who is King, Gracious and Merciful.", "Remember Your mercies, Adonoy", "and Your kindnesses,", "for they are from the beginning of the world.", "Remember not the sins of our ancestors;", "let Your compassion come swiftly toward us,", "for we have been brought very low.", "Remember us Adonoy", "with favor for Your people", "recall us with Your deliverance.", "Remember Your congregation", "which You have acquired of old,", "You have redeemed the tribe", "of Your inheritance,", "this mountain of Tziyon", "where You have dwelled.", "Remember, Adonoy,", "the affection of Yerushalayim,", "the love of Tziyon, forget not until eternity.", "Remember, Adonoy,", "to the sons of Edom, the day of Yerushalayim,", "[it was they] who said,", "“Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.”", "You will arise", "and have compassion on Tziyon,", "for it is time to be gracious to her,", "for the appointed time has come.", "Remember Avraham, Yitzchak, Yisrael,", "Your servants,", "to whom You swore by Your very Self,", "and You said to them:", "“I will multiply your seed", "as the stars of the heavens;", "and all this land that I have promised,", "I will give to your descendants,", "and they will inherit it forever.”", "Remember Your servants,", "Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov;", "do not regard the stubborness of this people,", "or their wickedness, or their sin", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "Do not, we beseech You", "place upon us the sin,", "wherein we have acted foolishly and sinned.", "We have sinned, our Rock;", "Pardon us our Creator.", "Almighty! We beseech You,", "heal the illness of [Yisrael] the fruitful vine.8This is a prayer for the spiritual recovery of Yisrael, which is likened to a fruitful vine.", "She is ashamed, humiliated and miserable.", "Redeem her from ruin, and festering sores.", "Answer us,", "as You answered our father Avraham,", "on Mount Moriah.", "The banners of the people,9This refers to the twelve tribes of Yisrael, each of which were identified by its own unique banner.", "redeemed by [Your] revealed arm,", "save them from plague,", "and let them not be torn apart,", "answer our cry—", "take delight in the work of Your hands;", "answer us, as You answered our fathers,", "at the Reed Sea.", "The merit of the rock [Avraham],", "from which we were hewn,", "reveal to us on this day.", "Withhold from us Your anger,", "and lead us in righteous ways.", "Purify us from our [spiritual] uncleanliness,", "and to the light of Your Torah,", "open our eyes.", "Answer us,", "as You answered Yehoshua in Gilgal.", "God!", "behold the ashes of him who was bound,10This is a reference to Yitzchok who was bound as a sacrifice to Hashem.", "and bring forth a healing for us.", "Bring an end to plunder and destruction,", "to tempest and storm.", "Teach us and make us wise", "in the refined words of Your Torah.", "Answer us,", "as You answered Shmuel in Mizpah.", "[Yaakov] who was perfect from birth,", "let his roots not wither,", "cleanse us from stain and suspicion,", "and let us not be wretched,", "support us and we will be delivered,", "and through the ways of Your lovingkindness,", "we will be saved.", "Answer us, as You answered Elijah,", "on Mount Carmel.", "Uphold us for the righteousness", "of him [Moshe] who was drawn from water,", "and atone our willful and unwillful [sins].", "Redeem us from the confusion of death,", "and let us not turn back [to sin].", "Command our deliverance,", "and let us not be dissolved by our iniquity.", "Answer us, as You answered Yonah,", "in the belly of the fish.", "For the sanctity of Your pious one [Aharon]", "remember the beauty of [their] feet.11This refers to the Yisrael who walked to the temple on the three Pilgrimage Festivals. See Shir Hashirim 7:2, “How beautiful are your feet with shoes, daughter of [the] prince.” Our Sages tell us that this was said of Yisrael, the children of Avraham who was called נָדִיב, a prince.", "May Your mercy be aroused,", "for we have been doubly punished.", "Return us O God, to fear You,", "and do not reveal our shame.", "Answer us, as You answered Dovid,", "and his son Shlomo in Yerushalayim.", "We have sinned, our Rock;", "Pardon us our Creator.", "Remember to us", "the covenant of the Patriarchs,", "as You promised,", "“And I will remember", "my covenant with Yaakov,", "and also my covenant with Yitzchak,", "and also my covenant with Avraham", "will I remember,”", "and the land I will remember.", "Remember to us", "the covenant of the ancestors,", "as You promised,", "“And I will remember for their sake,", "the covenant with their ancestors,", "whom I brought out", "of the land of Mitzrayim,", "in the sight of the nations;", "to be their God,", "I am Adonoy.”", "Do unto us as You promised,", "“And yet for all that,", "when they are in the land of their enemies,", "I will not reject them", "and I will not abhor them, to destroy them,", "to annul My covenant with them;", "for I am Adonoy, their God.”", "Have compassion on us", "and do not destroy us,", "as it is written:", "“For an Almighty of mercy is Adonoy,", "your God;", "He will not abandon you or destroy you,", "and He will not forget", "the covenant of your fathers", "which He swore to them.”", "Open our hearts", "to love Your Name,", "as it is written:", "“And Adonoy, your God will open your heart,", "and the heart of your descendants,", "to love Adonoy, your God,", "with all your heart,", "and with all your soul,", "that you may live.”", "Bring back our captivity", "and have compassion on us,", "as it is written:", "“And Adonoy, your God will return", "your captivity and have compassion on you;", "and He will again gather you", "from [among] all the peoples,", "where Adonoy, your God has scattered you.”", "Gather our dispersed ones, as it is written:", "“If your dispersed", "are in the farthermost part of heaven,", "from there Adonoy, your God will gather you,", "and from there He will take you.”", "Be accessible to us when we seek You,", "as it is written:", "“And from there", "you will seek Adonoy, your God,", "and you will find Him;", "if you search after Him", "with all your heart", "and with all your soul.”", "Blot out our transgressions for Your sake,", "as You promised:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;", "and your sins, I will not recall.”", "Sweep aside our transgressions", "as a thick cloud and as a mist,", "as You have promised:", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist, your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed You.”", "Make our sins as white as snow or wool,", "as it is written:", "“Come now, let us reason together,", "says Adonoy,", "though your sins be as scarlet,", "they shall be as white as snow;", "though they be red as crimson,", "they shall become [white] as wool.”", "Sprinkle clean water upon us,", "and cleanse us, as it is written:", "“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,", "and you will be clean;", "from all your defilements,", "and from all your idols,", "I will cleanse you.”", "Atone our sins on this day,", "and cleanse us, as it is written:", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins", "before Adonoy you will be cleansed.”", "Bring us to Your holy mountain,", "and make us joyful in Your House of Prayer,", "as it is written:", "“And I will bring them to My holy mountain,", "and make them joyful in My House of Prayer;", "their burnt-offerings and sacrifices", "will be accepted with favor on My Altar,", "for My House,", "will be called a House of Prayer", "for all peoples.”", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Hear our voice, Adonoy, our God;", "spare us and have compassion on us,", "and accept", "our prayers mercifully and willingly.", "Lead us back to You, Adonoy", "and we shall find the way back;", "renew our days as of old.", "Give ear to our words, Adonoy!", "Consider our meditations.", "May the words of our mouths be acceptable —", "and the thoughts of our hearts—before You,", "Adonoy, our Rock, and our Redeemer.", "Cast us not away from Your Presence,", "and Your holy spirit take not from us.", "Do not cast us off in time of old age,", "when our strength fails, do not forsake us.", "Forsake us not, Adonoy,", "our God, be not far removed from us.", "Give us a sign of Your goodness", "that our enemies may see it and be ashamed;", "for You, Adonoy, have helped us", "and comforted us.", "For You, Adonoy, do we wait,", "You will answer us, our Master, our God.", "
The Ark is closed.
", "Our God and God of our fathers!", "Do not forsake us, do not cast us off,", "and do not disgrace us;", "and do not nullify Your covenant with us.", "Draw us near to Your Torah,", "teach us Your commandments,", "direct us to Your ways.", "Incline our hearts to fear Your Name,", "and open our hearts to Your love,", "and may we return to You in truth,", "and with a perfect heart.", "And for the sake of Your great Name,", "forgive and pardon our iniquity,", "as it is written in the words of Your holiness,", "“For the sake of Your Name, Adonoy,", "pardon my iniquity for it is great.”", "Our God, and God of our fathers!", "Pardon us, forgive us, atone for us.", "
Chazzan and congregation responsively:
", "For we are Your people; and You are our God.", "We are Your children; and You are our Father.", "We are Your servants; and You are our Master.", "We are Your congregation;", "and You are our Portion.", "We are Your inheritance;", "and You are our Destiny.", "We are Your flock; and You are our Shepherd.", "We are Your vineyard; and You are our Keeper.", "We are Your work; and You are our Creator.", "We are Your dear ones", "and You are our Beloved.", "We are Your treasure; and You are our God.", "We are Your people; and You are our King.", "We are Your distinguished ones;", "and You are our Distinction.", "We are brazen-faced;", "and You are merciful and gracious.", "We are stiff-necked;", "and You are slow to anger.", "We are full of iniquity;", "and You are full of compassion.", "Our days are like a passing shadow;", "and You are the same", "and Your years will not end.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "let our prayer come before you", "and do not ignore our supplication.", "For we are not so brazen-faced", "and stiff-necked", "to say to you,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "“We are righteous and have not sinned.”", "But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.", "We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];", "We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];", "We have stolen; We have slandered.", "We have caused others to sin;", "We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רְשָׁעִים, wicked;", "We have sinned with malicious intent;", "We have forcibly taken others' possessions even though we paid for them;", "We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups;", "We have given harmful advice;", "We have deceived; we have mocked;", "We have rebelled against God and His Torah;", "We have caused God to be angry with us;", "We have turned away from God's Torah;", "We have sinned deliberately;", "We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;", "We have caused our friends grief;", "We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that our suffering is caused by our own sins.", "We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].", "We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;", "We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;", "We have gone astray;", "We have led others astray.", "We have turned away", "from Your commandments", "and from Your good laws,", "and we have gained nothing from it.", "And You are the Righteous One", "in all [punishment] that has come upon us;", "for You have acted truthfully", "and we have acted wickedly.", "We have acted wickedly", "and have transgressed;", "we have therefore not been delivered.", "Grant that our hearts [be inspired to]", "abandon the path of wickedness,", "and hasten our deliverance;", "as is written by the hand of Your prophet,", "“Let the wicked man abandon his way,", "and the man of iniquity his thoughts;", "and let him return unto Adonoy,", "and He will have compassion on him,", "and unto our God", "for He pardons abundantly.”", "Our God, and God of our fathers!", "Forgive and pardon our iniquities", "
On Shabbos say:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement,", "and permit Yourself to be petitioned", "by our prayer.", "Blot out and remove our transgressions", "from before Your eyes,", "and compel our Evil Inclination", "to be subservient to You,", "and subdue our stubborness,", "that we may return to You in truth;", "and renew our conscience", "that we may preserve Your precepts.", "Open our hearts", "that we may love and fear Your Name,", "as it is written in Your Torah:", "“And Adonoy, Your God will open Your heart,", "and the heart of your descendants", "to love Adonoy, your God,", "with all your heart", "and with all your soul,", "that you may live.”", "Our intentional and our unintentional sins—", "You recognize—", "[those committed] willfully or by compulsion,", "[those committed] openly or secretly—", "before Your Presence,", "they are [all] revealed and known.", "What are we? What is our life?", "What are our acts of kindness?", "What is our righteousness?", "What is our deliverance?", "What is our strength? What is our might?", "What can we say before You,", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers?", "Are not all the mighty men", "as nothing before You?", "Famous men as though they had never been?", "The wise as if they were without knowledge?", "And men of understanding", "as if they were devoid of intelligence?", "For most of their actions are a waste", "and the days of their life", "are trivial in Your presence.", "The superiority of man over beast", "is nil", "for all is futile.", "What shall we say before You,", "Who dwells on high;", "and what shall we relate to You", "Who dwells in the heavens?", "For everything, both hidden and revealed,", "You know.", "", "Your Name was always", "the “forbearer of transgression,”", "give ear to our plea", "as we stand before You in prayer.", "Forbear the transgression of a people", "who repent [their] transgression;", "blot out our transgression", "from before Your eyes.", "You know the mysteries of the universe,", "and the hidden secrets of every individual.", "You search all our innermost thoughts,", "and probe our mind and heart.", "There is nothing hidden from You,", "and there is nothing concealed", "from Your sight.", "And so may it be Your will", "Adonoy our God and God of our fathers,", "that You pardon us", "for all our careless sins,", "and that You forgive us", "for all our deliberate sins,", "and that You grant us atonement", "for all our rebellious sins:", "For the sin we committed before You", "under compulsion and willingly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by callously hardening the heart.", "For the sin we committed before You", "inadvertently.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with an utterance of the lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "openly and secretly.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in sexual immorality.", "For the sin we committed before You", "through [misuse of our power of] speech.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with knowledge and with deceit.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by improper thoughts.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by cheating a fellow-man.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with [mere] verbal confession.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by joining in a lewd gathering.", "For the sin we committed before You", "intentionally and unintentionally.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by insufficient respect for parents", "and teachers.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by using coercion [to harm others].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by desecrating the Divine Name.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with foolish talk.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impurity of the lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with the Evil Inclination.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "knowingly and unknowingly.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by forcing someone to give or take bribes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by false denial and false promise.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by evil talk [slander].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by scoffing.", "For the sin we committed before You", "in business dealings.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in eating and drinking.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by [taking or giving] interest and by usury.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by haughtily stretching forth the neck.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with gazing of the eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by the prattle of our lips.", "For the sin we committed before You", "with haughty eyes.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "with impudence.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by throwing off the yoke [of heaven].", "And for the sin we committed before You", "in passing judgment.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by entrapping a fellowman.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a begrudging eye.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by lightmindedness.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by being stiff-necked [stubborn].", "For the sin we committed before You", "by running to do evil.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by talebearing.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by swearing in vain.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by unwarranted hatred.", "For the sin we committed before You", "by breach of trust.", "And for the sin we committed before You", "by a confused heart.", "And for all of these, God of pardon,", "pardon us, forgive us,", "grant us atonement.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a burnt-offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a sin-offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a “fluctuating” offering.", "And for sins", "for which we are obligated to bring", "a guilt-offering for certain", "or for doubtful trespasses.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of lashing for violations of Rabbinic law.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of forty lashes.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of death at the hand of Heaven.", "And for sins", "for which we incur the penalty", "of excision and childlessness.", "And for sins", "for which we are liable", "to any of the four death penalties", "inflicted by the [Rabbinic] Court [which are]:", "stoning, burning,", "beheading or strangulation.", "For [transgressing]", "positive commandments,", "and for [transgressing]", "prohibitive commandments,", "whether the prohibition can be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "or whether it cannot be corrected", "by a specifically prescribed act,", "for those of which we are aware", "and for those of which we are not aware.", "For those of which we are aware,", "we have already declared before You", "and confessed them unto You;", "and for those of which we are not aware,", "before You they are revealed and known,", "as it is said,", "“The hidden things", "belong to Adonoy, our God,", "but the revealed things are for us", "and for our children forever,", "that we might fulfill", "all the words of this Torah.”", "Dovid, Your servant, said before You,", "“Errors—who can comprehend?", "From hidden [faults], cleanse me.”", "Cleanse us, Adonoy, our God,", "from all our transgressions,", "and purify us from all our defilement.", "Sprinkle clean waters on us", "and cleanse us,", "as it is written by the hand of Your prophet,", "“And I will sprinkle clean water upon you,", "and you will be clean;", "from all your defilements,", "and from all your idols,", "I will cleanse you.”", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "forgive our iniquities", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Blot out and remove", "our transgressions and sins", "from before Your eyes, as it is said:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;", "and your sins, I will not recall.”", "And it is said,", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”", "And it is said,", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins,", "before Adonoy, you will be cleansed.”", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(Our God and God of our fathers,", "be pleased with our rest)", "Sanctify us with Your commandments", "and give us our share in Your Torah;", "satisfy us from Your goodness", "and gladden us with Your deliverance,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(And give us as our inheritance", "Adonoy our God", "with love and with pleasure", "Your holy Sabbath;", "and may Yisrael rest thereon—", "[they who are] sanctifiers of Your Name)", "and purify our hearts to serve You in truth,", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You,", "we have no king who forgives and pardons,", "only You!", "Blessed are You,", "King Who forgives and pardons", "our iniquities,", "and the iniquities of His people,", "the House of Yisrael;", "and Who removes our trespasses", "each year;", "King over the whole earth,", "Sanctifier", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(of the Shabbos and)", "of Yisrael and the Day of Atonement." ], "Avodah": [ "Be pleased, Adonoy, our God,", "with Your people Yisrael", "and their prayer;", "and restore the service", "to the Holy of Holies in Your abode,", "and the fire-offerings of Yisrael;", "and accept their prayer, lovingly", "and willingly.", "And may You always find pleasure", "with the service of Your people, Yisrael.", "And may our eyes behold", "Your merciful return to Tziyon.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon.", "
At the words, We are thankful, bend forward; at Adonoy return to an upright position.
", "THANKSGIVING", "We are thankful to You", "that You Adonoy are our God", "and the God of our fathers forever;", "Rock of our lives,", "Shield of our deliverance,", "You are in every generation.", "We will give thanks to You", "and recount Your praise,", "for our lives", "which are committed into Your hand,", "and for our souls", "which are entrusted to You,", "and for Your miracles of every day with us,", "and for Your wonders and benefactions", "at all times—", "evening, morning and noon.", "(You are) The Beneficent One—", "for Your compassion is never withheld;", "And (You are) the Merciful One—", "for Your kindliness never ceases;", "we have always placed our hope in You.", "
When the Chazzan repeats the Shemoneh Esrei and says, “Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon,” the congregation responds by saying “Amein” and then the following prayer.
", "We are thankful to You,", "that You Adonoy are our God,", "and God of our fathers,", "God of all flesh,", "Our Creator, Creator of the Beginning.", "Blessings and thanksgivings", "to Your great and Holy Name", "for keeping us alive, and sustaining us;", "so may You always keep us alive", "and sustain us,", "and gather our exiles", "to the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary", "to observe Your statutes,", "and to do Your will,", "and to serve You wholeheartedly,", "for we are thankful to You.", "Blessed is the Almighty", "to Whom all thanks are due.", "And for all the foregoing", "blessed and exalted", "be Your Name, our King", "constantly, forever and ever.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember Your mercies,", "and suppress Your anger,", "and remove pestilence, sword, famine,", "captivity, destruction, iniquity,", "plague, misfortune,", "every disease, every stumbling-block,", "every contention, every type of disorder;", "every evil decree and groundless hatred,", "from us,", "and from all the children of Your covenant.", "Inscribe for a good life", "all the children of Your covenant.", "And all the living shall thank You forever", "and praise", "Your Name with sincerity", "the Almighty, Who is our deliverance", "and our help forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "“The Beneficent” is Your Name", "and You it is fitting to praise.", "Priestly Blessings", "Our God, and God of our fathers, ", "bless us with the threefold blessing,", "of the Torah", "written by the hand of Moshe, Your servant,", "pronounced from the mouth of Aharon", "and his sons, the kohanim, Your holy people;", "as it is said:", "Adonoy bless you and guard you.", "Adonoy shine His countenance upon you", "and be gracious unto you.", "Adonoy turn His countenance toward you", "and grant you peace.", "PRAYER FOR PEACE", "Grant peace, goodness, and blessing,", "favor, kindness and compassion", "upon us and upon all Yisrael, Your people.", "Bless us, our Father, all of us as one", "with the light of Your countenance.", "For by the light of Your countenance", "You gave us Adonoy our God,", "a Torah of life and the love of kindliness,", "righteousness, blessing, compassion,", "life, and peace.", "And may it be good in Your eyes", "and to bless Your people Yisrael,", "at all times and at every moment", "with Your peace.", "In the book of life, blessing, peace", "and abundant maintenance,", "may we be remembered and inscribed", "before You;", "we and all Your people, the House of Yisrael", "for a good life and peace.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who makes the peace.", "
(others conclude—
", "Who blesses His people Yisrael", "with peace.)" ], "Avinu Malkenu": [ "This unique and moving prayer is recorded as having been recited by Rabbi Akiva. The Talmud (Taanis 25b) relates that Rabbi Eliezer once stepped down before the Ark and recited the 24 benedictions for fast days and his prayers were not answered. Rabbi Akiva stepped down after him and exclaimed, “Our Father, our King, we have no king except You. Our Father, our King, for Your sake have mercy on us,” and rain fell. This prayer is not recited on the Sabbath.", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Our Father, our King!", "we have sinned before You.", "Our Father our King!", "we have no King except You.", "Our Father, our King!", "deal with us [kindly]", "for the sake of Your Name.", "Our Father, our King!", "renew for us a good year.", "Our Father, our King!", "annul all harsh decrees concerning us.", "Our Father, our King!", "annul the designs of those who hate us.", "Our Father, our King!", "thwart the plans of our enemies.", "Our Father, our King!", "rid us of every oppressor and adversary.", "Our Father, our King!", "close the mouths of our adversaries", "and our accusers.", "Our Father, our King!", "remove pestilence, sword, famine, captivity,", "destruction and [the burden of] iniquity", "from the members of Your covenant.", "Our Father, our King!", "withhold the plague from Your inheritance.", "Our Father, our King!", "forgive and pardon all our iniquities.", "Our Father, our King!", "blot out and remove our transgressions", "and sins from before Your eyes.", "Our Father, our King!", "erase in Your abundant mercy", "all records of our liabilities.", "Our Father, our King!", "bring us back", "in wholehearted repentance before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "send complete healing", "to the sick among Your people.", "Our Father, our King!", "tear up the evil [parts] of our sentence.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember us favorably before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us in the Book of Good Life.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us", "in the Book of Redemption and Deliverance.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us", "in the Book of Maintenance and Sustenance.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us in the Book of Merits.", "Our Father, our King!", "inscribe us", "in the Book of Pardon and Forgiveness.", "Our Father, our King!", "cause deliverance to spring forth for us soon.", "Our Father, our King!", "raise up the might of Yisrael Your people.", "Our Father, our King!", "raise up the might of Your anointed.", "Our Father, our King!", "fill our hands with Your blessings.", "Our Father, our King!", "fill our storehouses with abundance.", "Our Father, our King!", "hear our voice,", "spare us and have compassion upon us.", "Our Father, our King!", "accept", "our prayer with compassion and favor.", "Our Father, our King!", "open the gates of heaven to our prayer.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember, that we are dust.", "Our Father, our King!", "please do not turn us away", "empty-handed from You.", "Our Father, our King!", "let this hour be", "an hour of compassion", "and a time of favor before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "have compassion upon us,", "and upon our children and infants.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who were slain for Your Holy Name.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who were slaughtered", "for [proclaiming] Your Unity.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who went through fire and water", "for the sanctification of Your Name.", "Our Father, our King!", "avenge the spilled blood of Your servants.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for Your sake if not for ours.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for Your sake and deliver us.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of Your great mercy.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake", "of Your great, mighty, and awesome Name", "which is proclaimed upon us.", "Our Father, our King!", "favor us and answer us", "for we have no accomplishments;", "deal with us charitably and kindly", "and deliver us.", "
The Ark is closed:
", "
The Chazzan recites the following Kaddish:
", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "May there be acceptance", "of the prayers and supplications", "of the entire House of Yisrael", "before their Father in heaven.", "And say, Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael, and say, Amein." ] }, "Neilah; Concluding Service": { "Ashrei": [ "The concluding Service of Yom Kippur forms the climax of Jewish devotion on this holiest day of the year. The literal meaning of the word Neilah is “the closing of the gates.” In ancient times, there was a daily prayer in the Temple just before the closing of the gates in the evening. Outside the Temple there was a similar closing prayer on public fast-days. At the urging of Rav, who had a decisive influence on the Yom Kippur liturgy, this special prayer was instituted in the form of a new Amidah. In later times the word neilah was taken to mean “closing of the Heavenly Gates.” Thus we have the prayer, “Open for us the gate at the time of closing the gate, for the day has declined.” The key-note of the Neilah Service is the prayer אַתָּה נוֹתֵן יַד, “You are willing to meet even [those who deliberately transgressed Your Law]. You give them the call and the opportunity to return to You, and You are ready at all times to receive those who return. Let no one, therefore say, “it is too late.”", "Fortunate are those who dwell", "in Your house;", "may they continue to praise You, Selah.", "Fortunate is the people whose lot is thus;", "fortunate is the people", "for whom Adonoy is their God.", "A praise by Dovid!", "I will exalt You, my God, the King,", "and bless Your Name forever and ever.", "Every day I will bless You", "and extol Your Name forever and ever.", "Adonoy is great and highly extolled,", "and His greatness is unfathomable.", "One generation to another", "will praise Your works,", "and Your mighty acts they will declare.", "The splendor of Your glorious majesty,", "and the words of Your wonders I will speak.", "Of Your awesome might, they will speak,", "and Your greatness I will recount.", "Mention of Your bountifulness", "they will express,", "and in Your righteousness joyfully exult.", "Adonoy is gracious and merciful,", "slow to anger and great in kindliness.", "Adonoy is good to all,", "His mercy encompasses all His works.", "All Your works will thank You, Adonoy,", "and Your pious ones will bless You.", "Of the honor of Your Kingship,", "they will speak,", "and Your might they will declare.", "To reveal to men His mighty acts,", "and the glorious splendor of His Kingship.", "Your Kingship is the kingship for all times,", "and Your dominion is in every generation.", "Adonoy supports all the fallen,", "and straightens all the bent.", "The eyes of all look expectantly to You,", "and You give them", "their food at its proper time.", "You open Your hand", "and satisfy the desire of every living being.", "Adonoy is just in all His ways", "and benevolent in all His deeds.", "Adonoy is near to all who call upon Him,", "to all who call upon Him in truth.", "The will of those who fear Him, He fulfills;", "He hears their cry and delivers them.", "Adonoy watches over all those who love Him,", "and will destroy all the wicked.", "Praise of Adonoy, my mouth will declare", "and all flesh will bless", "His Holy Name forever and ever.", "And we will bless God", "from now forever. Praise God.", "The Redeemer shall come to Tziyon", "and to those of Yaakov who repent from sin,", "says Adonoy.", "As for Me, this is My covenant with them,", "said Adonoy:", "My spirit which is upon you,", "and My words", "which I have put in your mouth", "shall not depart from your mouth,", "nor from the mouth of your children,", "nor from the mouth", "of your children's children, said Adonoy—", "from now to eternity.", "And You, Holy One,", "are enthroned upon the praises of Yisrael.", "And [the angels] call one to another and say:", "“Holy, holy, holy", "is Adonoy of Hosts:", "the fullness of all the earth is His glory.”", "And they receive [sanction]", "one from another,", "and say,", "“Holy in the highest heights of heaven,", "the abode of His Divine Presence;", "holy upon earth,", "the work of His mighty power;", "holy forever and to all eternity—", "is Adonoy of Hosts;", "the whole earth is filled", "with the radiance of His glory.”", "And a wind lifted me;", "and I heard behind me", "the sound of a great rushing;", "“Blessed is the glory of Adonoy", "from His place.”", "“And a wind lifted me", "and I heard behind me", "a sound of a great rushing", "of those who uttered praises and said,", "“Blessed is the glory of Adonoy", "from the place,", "the abode of His Divine Presence.”", "Adonoy will reign forever and ever.", "Adonoy, His Kingdom is established", "forever and to all eternity.", "Adonoy,", "God of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yisrael,", "our fathers,", "keep this forever", "as the intention of the hearts of Your people,", "and direct their hearts to You.", "And He, the merciful One,", "atones iniquity and does not destroy;", "He frequently withdraws His anger", "and does not arouse all His rage.", "For You, my Master, are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.", "Your righteousness is everlasting", "and Your Torah is truth.", "You will grant truth to Yaakov", "kindliness to Avraham,", "as You have sworn to our fathers", "from the days of old.", "Blessed is my Master day by day;", "He loads us, [with blessings]", "the Almighty Who is our deliverance, forever.", "Adonoy of Hosts is with us", "a stronghold for us", "is the God of Yaakov, selah.", "Adonoy of Hosts,", "fortunate is the man who trusts in You.", "Adonoy, deliver [us];", "the King will answer us on the day we call.", "Blessed is He, our God,", "Who created us for His glory,", "and set us apart from those who go astray;", "and gave us the Torah of truth,", "and eternal life He implanted within us.", "May He open our heart to His Torah,", "and instill in our heart", "love and awe of Him,", "to do His will and serve Him", "with a perfect heart,", "so that we shall not labor in vain", "nor bring forth that which causes dismay.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "that we keep Your statutes in this world,", "and [thus] be privileged to live and behold,", "and to inherit the goodness and blessing", "of the Messianic days", "and in the life of the World to Come.", "In order that my soul sing to You", "and not be stilled;", "Adonoy, my God, forever will I thank You.", "Blessed is the man who trusts in Adonoy,", "so that Adonoy is his security.", "Trust in Adonoy until the end of days,", "for in God,", "Adonoy, is the strength of the worlds.", "Those who know your Name will trust in You,", "for You have never forsaken", "those who seek You, Adonoy.", "Adonoy desired,", "for the sake of His righteousness,", "to make the Torah great and to glorify it.", "
The Chazzan recites the following Half-Kaddish:
", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world", "and say Amein." ], "Amidah for Neilah": [ "When I proclaim Adonoy's Name", "attribute greatness to our God.", "My Master, open my lips,", "and my mouth will declare Your praise.", "THE VIRTUE OF OUR FOREFATHERS", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, and God of our fathers,", "God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak,", "and God of Yaakov,", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "most high Almighty,", "Who bestows beneficent kindness,", "Who possesses everything,", "Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs,", "and Who brings a redeemer", "to their children's children,", "for the sake of His Name, with love.", "Remember us for life", "King, Who desires life;", "and seal us in the Book of Life,", "for Your sake, Living God.", "
If you forgot to say this, and became aware of your omission before saying the blessing, you should recite it. If you have already said “Blessed are You, Adonoy,” you must continue the prayers without saying “Remember.”
", "King, Helper, and Deliverer and Shield.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Avraham.", "DIVINE MIGHT", "You are mighty forever, my Master;", "You are the Resurrector of the dead", "the Powerful One to deliver us.", "Sustainer of the living with kindliness,", "Resurrector of the dead with great mercy,", "Supporter of the fallen,", "and Healer of the sick,", "and Releaser of the imprisoned,", "and Fulfiller of His faithfulness", "to those who sleep in the dust.", "Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds,", "and who can be compared to You?", "King Who causes death and restores life,", "and causes deliverance to sprout forth.", "Who is like You merciful Father,", "Who remembers His creatures for life,", "in His mercy.", "
If you forgot to say this, the same law applies as above concerning “Remember us for life.”
", "And You are faithful", "to restore the dead to life.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Resurrector of the dead.", "DIVINE SANCTIFICATION", "You are holy and Your Name is holy", "and holy beings", "praise You every day, forever.", "And so,", "grant that Your awe, Adonoy, our God,", "be upon all Your works,", "and Your dread upon all You have created;", "and [then] all [Your] works will fear You,", "and prostrate before You", "will be all [Your] created beings.", "And may they all form a single band", "to do Your will", "with a perfect heart.", "For we know Adonoy, our God", "that rulership is Yours,", "strength is in Your hand,", "might is in Your right hand", "and Your Name is awesome", "over all You have created.", "And so,", "grant honor, Adonoy, to Your people,", "praise to those who fear You,", "good hope to those who seek You", "confident speech", "to those who yearn for You,", "joy to Your land, gladness to Your city,", "flourishing of pride to Dovid, Your servant", "and an array of light", "to the son of Yishai, Your anointed,", "speedily in our days.", "And then", "the righteous will see [this] and rejoice,", "and the upright will be jubilant,", "and the pious will exult with joyous song;", "injustice will close its mouth,", "and all the wickedness will vanish like smoke,", "when You remove the rule of evil", "from the earth.", "And You Adonoy will reign alone", "over all Your works", "on Mount Tziyon,", "dwelling place of Your glory,", "and in Yerushalayim, city of Your Sanctuary,", "as it is written in Your holy words,", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "Your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations.", "Praise God.”", "Holy are You, and awesome is Your Name,", "and there is no God beside You,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy Tzevaos is exalted", "through justice", "and the Almighty, the Holy One,", "is sanctified through righteousness.”", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King, the Holy One.", "SANCTIFICATION OF THE DAY", "You chose us from [among] all the peoples;", "You loved us and took pleasure in us;", "You exalted us above all tongues,", "and You sanctified us", "with Your commandments;", "You drew us near, our King,", "to Your servitude", "and Your great and Holy Name,", "You have pronounced upon us.", "And You gave us Adonoy, our God,", "in love,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(this Shabbos Day and)", "this Day of Atonement,", "for forgiveness, pardon and atonement,", "and to forgive thereon", "all our iniquities;", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(with love)", "a day of holy assembly", "commemorating the exodus from Mitzrayim.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "may there ascend, come, and reach,", "appear, be desired, and heard,", "counted and recalled", "our remembrance and reckoning;", "the remembrance of our fathers;", "the remembrance of the Messiah", "the son of Dovid, Your servant;", "the remembrance of Yerushalayim,", "city of Your Sanctuary", "and the remembrance of Your entire people,", "the House of Yisrael, before You", "for survival, for well-being,", "for favor, kindliness, compassion,", "for life and peace", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Remember us Adonoy, our God", "on this day for well-being;", "be mindful of us on this day for blessing,", "and deliver us for life.", "In accord with the promise of deliverance", "and compassion,", "spare us and favor us,", "have compassion on us and deliver us;", "for to You our eyes are directed", "because You are the Almighty,", "Who is King, Gracious and Merciful.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "forgive our iniquities", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Blot out and remove", "our transgressions and sins", "from before Your eyes, as it is said:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;", "and your sins, I will not recall.”", "And it is said,", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”", "And it is said,", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins,", "before Adonoy, you will be cleansed.”", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(Our God and God of our fathers,", "be pleased with our rest)", "Sanctify us with Your commandments", "and give us our share in Your Torah;", "satisfy us from Your goodness", "and gladden us with Your deliverance,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(And give us as our inheritance", "Adonoy our God", "with love and with pleasure", "Your holy Sabbath;", "and may Yisrael rest thereon—", "[they who are] sanctifiers of Your Name)", "and purify our hearts to serve You in truth,", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You,", "we have no king who forgives and pardons,", "only You!", "Blessed are You,", "King Who forgives and pardons", "our iniquities,", "and the iniquities of His people,", "the House of Yisrael;", "and Who removes our trespasses", "each year;", "King over the whole earth,", "Sanctifier", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(of the Shabbos and)", "of Yisrael and the Day of Atonement.", "PRAYER FOR RETURN OF DIVINE SERVICE", "Be pleased, Adonoy, our God,", "with Your people Yisrael", "and their prayer;", "and restore the service", "to the Holy of Holies in Your abode,", "and the fire-offerings of Yisrael;", "and accept their prayer, lovingly", "and willingly.", "And may You always find pleasure", "with the service of Your people, Yisrael.", "And may our eyes behold", "Your merciful return to Tziyon.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon.", "
At the words, We are thankful, bend forward; at Adonoy return to an upright position.
", "THANKSGIVING", "We are thankful to You", "that You Adonoy are our God", "and the God of our fathers forever;", "Rock of our lives,", "Shield of our deliverance,", "You are in every generation.", "We will give thanks to You", "and recount Your praise,", "for our lives", "which are committed into Your hand,", "and for our souls", "which are entrusted to You,", "and for Your miracles of every day with us,", "and for Your wonders and benefactions", "at all times—", "evening, morning and noon.", "(You are) The Beneficent One—", "for Your compassion is never withheld;", "And (You are) the Merciful One—", "for Your kindliness never ceases;", "we have always placed our hope in You.", "And for all the foregoing", "blessed and exalted", "be your Name, our King", "constantly, forever and ever.", "And seal for a good life", "all the children of Your covenant.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah. If you became aware of the omission before concluding the blessing, you can say it at that time.
", "And all the living shall thank You forever", "and praise", "Your Name with sincerity", "the Almighty, Who is our deliverance", "and our help forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "“The Beneficent” is Your Name", "and You it is fitting to praise.", "PRAYER FOR PEACE", "Grant peace, goodness, and blessing,", "favor, kindness and compassion", "upon us and upon all Yisrael, Your people.", "Bless us, our Father, all of us as one", "with the light of Your countenance.", "For by the light of Your countenance", "You gave us Adonoy our God,", "a Torah of life and the love of kindliness,", "righteousness, blessing, compassion,", "life, and peace.", "And may it be good in Your eyes", "and to bless Your people Yisrael,", "at all times and at every moment", "with Your peace.", "In the book of life, blessing, peace", "and abundant maintenance,", "may we be remembered and sealed", "before You;", "we and all Your people, the House of Yisrael", "for a good life and peace.", "
If you forgot to say this, you need not go back and repeat the Amidah.
", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who makes the peace.", "
(others conclude—
", "Who blesses His people Yisrael", "with peace.)", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "let our prayer come before you", "and do not ignore our supplication.", "For we are not so brazen-faced", "and stiff-necked", "to say to you,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "“We are righteous and have not sinned.”", "But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.", "We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];", "We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];", "We have stolen; We have slandered.", "We have caused others to sin;", "We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רְשָׁעִים, wicked;", "We have sinned with malicious intent;", "We have forcibly taken others' possessions even though we paid for them;", "We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups;", "We have given harmful advice;", "We have deceived; we have mocked;", "We have rebelled against God and His Torah;", "We have caused God to be angry with us;", "We have turned away from God's Torah;", "We have sinned deliberately;", "We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;", "We have caused our friends grief;", "We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that our suffering is caused by our own sins.", "We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].", "We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;", "We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;", "We have gone astray;", "We have led others astray.", "We have turned away", "from Your commandments", "and from Your good laws,", "and we have gained nothing from it.", "And You are the Righteous One", "in all [punishment] that has come upon us;", "for You have acted truthfully", "and we have acted wickedly.", "What shall we say before You,", "Who dwells on high;", "and what shall we relate to You", "Who dwells in the heavens?", "For everything, both hidden and revealed,", "You know.", "You reach out Your hand to transgressors,", "and Your right hand is extended", "to receive those who [truly] repent.", "You have taught us, Adonoy, our God,", "to confess before You", "all our iniquities", "so that we may refrain", "from the injustice of our hands;", "so that You will accept us", "in perfect repentance before You,", "[as You would accept] fire-offerings and sweet savours,", "for the sake of Your word", "which You spoke.1This refers to Hashem’s promise, made through the prophets, that He will accept Yisrael’s whole-hearted repentance.", "There is no end to the fire-offerings", "required [to atone] for our faults,", "and there is no number for the sacrifices,", "required [to atone] for our guilt.", "But You know", "that our ultimate end is the worm,", "and therefore", "You have increased the means of our pardon.", "What are we? What is our life?", "What are our acts of kindness?", "What is our righteousness?", "What is our deliverance?", "What is our strength? What is our might?", "What can we say before You,", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers?", "Are not all the mighty men", "as nothing before You?", "Famous men as though they had never been?", "The wise as if they were without knowledge?", "And men of understanding", "as if they were devoid of intelligence?", "For most of their actions are a waste", "and the days of their life", "are trivial in Your presence.", "The superiority of man over the beast", "is nil", "for all is futile.", "[Nevertheless], You have set man apart", "from the beginning,", "and recognized him [as worthy]", "to stand before You.", "For who could tell You", "what You should do,", "and even if he be righteous,", "what [benefit] does he give You?", "And You, Adonoy, our God, gave us", "with love,", "this Day of Atonement", "to be the end [of sin]", "forgiveness, and pardon", "for all our iniquities,", "so that we may refrain", "from the injustice of our hands;", "and return to You,", "to fulfill the statutes of Your will", "with a perfect heart.", "And You in Your abundant mercy,", "have compassion on us,", "for You do not desire", "the destruction of the world;", "as it is stated:", "“Seek Adonoy while He may be found,", "call to Him while He is near.”2Yeshaya 55:6", "And it is said:", "“Let the wicked abandon his way,", "and the man of iniquity his thoughts,", "and let him return to Adonoy", "and He will have compassion on him,", "and to our God,", "for He pardons abundantly.”3Yeshaya 55:7", "And You, God of pardon,", "are gracious and compassionate,", "slow to anger,", "abundant in kindness and truth,", "and abounding in goodness.", "You want the repentance of the wicked,", "and do not desire their death.", "As it is stated:", "“Say to them, as truly as I live,", "declares the Master, Adonoy,", "I have no desire", "for the death of the wicked,", "but only that the wicked return", "from his [evil] path and live;", "And it is said,", "“Return, return, from your evil ways,", "why should you die House of Yisrael?”4Yechezkel 33:11", "And it is said,", "“Do I desire the death of the wicked?", "declares the Master, Adonoy;", "[I desire rather]that he return from his [evil] way", "and live.”5Yechezkel 18:23", "And it is said:", "“For I do not desire", "the death of him who deserves death,", "declares the Master, Adonoy;", "[therefore] return and live.”6Yechezkel 18:32", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver", "of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation;", "and besides You", "we have no King Who forgives and pardons", "only You.", "God, before I was formed,", "I was unworthy [to be created].", "And now that I have been formed,", "it is as if I had not been formed.", "I am like dust while I live,", "how much more so when I am dead.", "Here I am before You", "like a vessel filled with shame.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, my God, and the God of my fathers,", "that I shall sin no more,", "and the sins I have committed before You,", "cleanse them in Your abundant mercies;", "but not through", "suffering and severe illness.", "My God, guard my tongue from evil", "and my lips from speaking deceitfully.", "To those who curse me,", "may my soul be unresponsive;", "and let my soul be like dust to all.", "Open my heart to Your Torah", "and let my soul pursue Your commandments.", "And all who plan evil against me,", "quickly annul their counsel", "and frustrate their intention.", "Act for the sake of Your Name.", "Act for the sake of Your right hand.", "Act for the sake of Your holiness.", "Act for the sake of Your Torah.", "In order that Your loved ones be released,", "deliver [with] Your right hand and answer me.", "May the words of my mouth be acceptable", "and the thoughts of my heart — before You", "Adonoy, my Rock and my Redeemer.", "He Who makes the peace in His high heavens", "may He make peace", "upon us and upon all Yisrael", "and say Amein.", "May it be Your will,", "Adonoy, our God, and the God of our Fathers", "that the Holy Temple be rebuilt", "speedily in our days,", "and grant us our share in Your Torah.", "And there we will serve You reverently", "as in the days of old,", "and in earlier years.", "And let Adonoy be pleased", "with the offerings of Yehudah", "and Yerushalayim", "as in the days of old and in earlier years." ], "Reader's Repetition of the Amidah": [ "
The Ark is opened for the entire service
", "My Master, open my lips,", "and my mouth will declare Your praise.", "THE VIRTUE OF OUR FOREFATHERS", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "our God, and God of our fathers,", "God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak,", "and God of Yaakov,", "the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, the Awesome,", "most high Almighty,", "Who bestows beneficent kindness,", "Who possesses everything,", "Who remembers the piety of the Patriarchs,", "and Who brings a redeemer", "to their children's children,", "for the sake of His Name, with love.", "Invoking the doctrines", "of our wise and understanding Sages,", "and with the teachings [acquired]", "from their perceptive intuition,", "I open my mouth", "in prayer and supplication", "to plead and seek favor", "before the presence of the King,", "Forgiver and Pardoner of iniquities.", "Our father [Avraham]", "knew You from his youth,", "You put him to the test ten times,", "he did not trespass even a hairsbreadth.", "He came to entreat You, as a youth,", "and not as one who is uninstructed,", "to let his descendants enter this gate.", "The faithful have come to praise You,", "they praised You all day;", "now as the day declines,", "shield us through the righteous [merits]", "of [Avraham] who sat waiting for wayfarers,", "in the heat of the day.", "Remember us for life", "King, Who desires life;", "and seal us in the Book of Life,", "for Your sake, Living God.", "King, Helper, and Deliverer and Shield.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Shield of Avraham.", "DIVINE MIGHT", "You are mighty forever, my Master;", "You are the Resurrector of the dead", "the Powerful One to deliver us.", "Sustainer of the living with kindliness,", "Resurrector of the dead with great mercy,", "Supporter of the fallen,", "and Healer of the sick,", "and Releaser of the imprisoned,", "and Fulfiller of His faithfulness", "to those who sleep in the dust.", "Who is like You, Master of mighty deeds,", "and who can be compared to You?", "King Who causes death and restores life,", "and causes deliverance to sprout forth.", "[Yitzchak] was called his father's heir,", "and turned away the snares of evil.1He abandoned the company of Avimelech. See Midrash, Bereishis Rabba, 64:2", "He cried, he pleaded, sparing no prayer,", "there was great blessing in his crops.2See Bereishis 26:12, “And Yitzchok sowed in the land and received in that year a hundred-fold, and Adonoy blessed him.”", "God!", "Let Your Name be intermingled with ours,", "and bring near Your deliverance for us.", "Redeem us quickly—", "revive us with Your dew,", "as You revived him who prayed at evening.", "Who is like You merciful Father,", "Who remembers His creatures for life,", "in His mercy.", "And You are faithful", "to restore the dead to life.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Resurrector of the dead.", "", "
Chazzan and congregation:
", "Adonoy will reign forever;", "your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations!", "Praise God.", "And You, Holy One,", "are enthroned upon the praises of Yisrael.", "Almighty, we beseech You.", "Hear us, we beseech You,", "please pardon us this day,", "even now as the day declines;", "and we will praise You,", "Awesome and Mighty One, Holy are You.", "And thus", "unto You may [our] sanctification ascend,", "for You our God are King,", "Forgiver and Pardoner.", "", "as it is written by the hand of Your prophet,", "“And they called one to another and said:" ], "Kedushah": [ "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "‘Holy, holy, holy", "is Adonoy Tzevaos,", "the fullness of all the earth is His glory.'”", "His glory fills the world,", "His ministering angels ask one another—", "“Where is the place of His glory?”", "those facing them say, “Blessed.”", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "“Blessed is the glory of Adonoy", "from His place.”", "From His place, He will turn in compassion", "and favor the people", "who proclaim the Oneness of His Name", "evening and morning, each day continually", "twice each day, with love,", "they recite, “Shema.”", "
Congregation and Chazzan
", "Hear Yisrael,", "Adonoy is our God, Adonoy is One.", "He is our God, He is our Father,", "He is our King, He is our Deliverer,", "and He will let us hear in His mercy", "a second time", "in the presence of all the living", "[His promise] “to be your God.”", "“I am Adonoy, your God.”", "
Congregation says and Chazzan repeats
", "Mighty One, our Mighty One,", "Adonoy, our Master,", "How mighty is Your Name", "throughout the earth.", "And Adonoy will be King", "over the whole earth;", "on that day Adonoy will be One,", "and His Name One.", "
The Chazzan says:
", "And in Your holy words it is written:", "
Congregation says and Chazzan repeats
", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "your God, Tziyon, throughout all generations;", "praise God.”", "
The Chazzan concludes
", "From generation to generation", "we will declare Your greatness,", "and to all eternity", "we will sanctify Your holiness;", "and Your praise, our God", "will not depart from our mouth", "forever and ever;", "because You are the Almighty", "Who is king, Great and Holy!", "Have compassion upon Your works,", "and rejoice in Your works;", "and let those who trust in You say—", "when You justify those borne by You—", "“Be sanctified, [our] Master", "over all Your works.”", "For those who sanctify You", "are themselves hallowed in Your holiness;", "becoming to the Holy One", "is the glory of those who are holy.", "When there is no one to plead", "[our] righteousness", "against the testimony of the accuser,", "speak on behalf of Yaakov", "regarding the statute and law,", "and make us righteous with justice,", "[You, Who are the] King of justice.", "It will yet be remembered on our behalf,—", "the love of Avraham,—", "by our Master;", "and for the sake of the son [Yitzchak]", "who let himself be bound on the altar,", "He will put an end to our struggle;", "and in the merit of the perfect one [Yaakov],", "the Revered One will bring forth", "our judgment to a righteous conclusion;", "for this day is holy to our Master.", "And thus,", "may Your Name be hallowed", "Adonoy, our God,", "over Yisrael, Your people,", "over Yerushalayim, Your city,", "over Tziyon, the dwelling place of Your glory,", "over the kingship of the House of Dovid,", "Your anointed,", "and over Your [holy] Dwelling,", "and Your Sanctuary.", "And so,", "grant that Your awe, Adonoy, our God,", "be upon all Your works,", "and Your dread upon all You have created;", "and [then] all [Your] works will fear You,", "and prostrate before You", "will be all [Your] created beings.", "And may they all form a single band", "to do Your will", "with a perfect heart.", "For we know Adonoy, our God", "that rulership is Yours,", "strength is in Your hand,", "might is in Your right hand", "and Your Name is awesome", "over all You have created.", "And so,", "grant honor, Adonoy, to Your people,", "praise to those who fear You,", "good hope to those who seek You", "confident speech", "to those who yearn for You,", "joy to Your land, gladness to Your city,", "flourishing of pride to Dovid, Your servant", "and an array of light", "to the son of Yishai, Your anointed,", "speedily in our days.", "And then", "the righteous will see [this] and rejoice,", "and the upright will be jubilant,", "and the pious will exult with joyous song;", "injustice will close its mouth,", "and all the wickedness will vanish like smoke,", "when You remove the rule of evil", "from the earth.", "And You Adonoy will reign alone", "over all Your works", "on Mount Tziyon,", "dwelling place of Your glory,", "and in Yerushalayim, city of Your Sanctuary,", "as it is written in Your holy words,", "“Adonoy will reign forever;", "Your God, Tziyon,", "throughout all generations.", "Praise God.”", "Holy are You, and awesome is Your Name,", "and there is no God beside You,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy Tzevaos is exalted", "through justice", "and the Almighty, the Holy One,", "is sanctified through righteousness.”", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "the King, the Holy One." ], "Sanctification of the Day": [ "You chose us from [among] all the peoples;", "You loved us and took pleasure in us;", "You exalted us above all tongues,", "and You sanctified us", "with Your commandments;", "You drew us near, our King,", "to Your servitude", "and Your great and Holy Name,", "You have pronounced upon us.", "And You gave us Adonoy, our God,", "in love,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(this Shabbos Day and)", "this Day of Atonement,", "for forgiveness, pardon and atonement,", "and to forgive thereon", "all our iniquities;", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(with love)", "a day of holy assembly", "commemorating the exodus from Mitzrayim.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "may there ascend, come, and reach,", "appear, be desired, and heard,", "counted and recalled", "our remembrance and reckoning;", "the remembrance of our fathers;", "the remembrance of the Messiah", "the son of Dovid, Your servant;", "the remembrance of Yerushalayim,", "city of Your Sanctuary", "and the remembrance of Your entire people,", "the House of Yisrael, before You", "for survival, for well-being,", "for favor, kindliness, compassion,", "for life and peace", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Remember us Adonoy, our God", "on this day for well-being;", "be mindful of us on this day for blessing,", "and deliver us for life.", "In accord with the promise of deliverance", "and compassion,", "spare us and favor us,", "have compassion on us", "and deliver us;", "for to You our eyes are directed", "because You are the Almighty,", "Who is King, Gracious and Merciful.", "
The following verses are said responsively:
", "Open for us the gate [of prayer]", "at the time of closing the gate", "for the day has declined.", "The day declines,", "the sun goes down and declines,", "let us [yet] enter Your gates.", "Please Almighty, we beseech You,", "please bear [with] us, please pardon us,", "please forgive us, please have pity,", "please have compassion,", "please atone,", "suppress [our] sin and iniquity.", "Almighty! King!", "Who sits on the throne of mercy,3Unlike a powerful, earthly king who rules with his might only, the Almighty God, Who is the King of kings, sits on the throne of mercy and rules with compassion.—Mateh Levi", "governs with kindness4This refers to Hashem’s conduct which goes beyond the actual dictates of justice (לִפְנִים מִשׁוּרַת הַדִּין).", "forgives the iniquities of His people.5See Maseches Rosh Hashana 17b, “Whenever Yisrael sin, let them read this service [of the thirteen attributes] before Me, and I will forgive them.”", "He removes their sins one by one,6See Maseches Rosh Hashana 17a. Hashem removes the first iniquity, so that the merits remain dominant.", "increasing forgiveness to sinners,", "and pardon to transgressors.", "Acting righteously", "with all who are of flesh and spirit;", "not according to their wickedness", "does He repay them.", "Almighty!", "You instructed us to recite7See Maseches Rosh Hashana 17b. Rabbi Yehudah said: “A covenant has been made with the thirteen attributes that they will not be turned away empty handed.” Whenever Yisrael recites them, they will be answered.", "the thirteen Divine attributes;", "and remember unto us this day", "the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,7See Maseches Rosh Hashana 17b. Rabbi Yehudah said: “A covenant has been made with the thirteen attributes that they will not be turned away empty handed.” Whenever Yisrael recites them, they will be answered.", "as You made them known", "to the humble Moshe of old,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,", "and stood with him there,", "and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.", "
Congregation and Chazzan:
", "And Adonoy passed before him [Moshe],", "and proclaimed:8See Maseches Rosh Hashana, 17b. Rabbi Yochanan said: “Were it not written in the text, it would be impossible for us to say such a thing; this verse teaches us that the Holy One, blessed is He, drew His Talis around Him like the שְׁלִיחַ צִבּוּר, the Chazzan of the congregation, and showed Moshe the order of prayer.” [The thirteen attributes are the special prayer for Hashem’s forgiveness after repentance has been made.]", "Adonoy, Adonoy,9The use of the Name yud-kai-vov-kai denotes the attribute of mercy. The first Adonoy refers to Hashem’s compassion on us before we sin; the second Adonoy refers to His compassion [even] after we sin.—Rashi", "Almighty,10The name אֵל, Almighty, also refers to His attribute of mercy, as it says in Tehillim (22:2) אֵלִי אֵלִי לָמָה עֲזַבְתָּנִי—Almighty—Almighty—why have You forsaken me.—Rashi Merciful, Gracious,", "Slow to Anger,11Hashem does not hasten to punish the sinner, granting him an opportunity to repent and escape punishment.—Rashi", "and Abundant in Kindness,12He is abundant in kindness to those that do not have sufficient merit of their own.— Rashi and Truth.13Hashem is faithful to reward those who do His will.—Rashi", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity,14Iniquity refers to sins committed willfully. and transgression,15Transgressions refer to acts of rebellion.", "and sin;16Sin refers to sins of omission and error.", "and Acquitter of those who repent.17Shemos 34:5—7.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritance.”18Shemos 34:9.", "Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.", "“For You, my Master,", "are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.”19Tehillim 86:5.", "As a father has compassion on his children", "so do You have compassion on us, Adonoy", "Deliverance is Adonoy's;", "upon Your people is Your blessing. Selah!", "Adonoy of Hosts is with us,", "a stronghold for us is the God of Yaakov. Selah!", "Adonoy of Hosts!", "fortunate is the man who trusts in You.", "Adonoy, deliver us;", "the King will answer us on the day we call.", "For with You is forgiveness,", "in order that You be feared.", "If You God should take account of iniquities,", "my Master, who could survive?", "
The Chazzan repeats after the congregation:
", "“Please pardon the sins of this nation", "in accordance with the greatness", "of Your lovingkindness;", "and as You forgave this people", "from when it left Mitzrayim until now.”20Bamidbar 14:19.", "And there it is said:", "
The Congregation says:
", "“And Adonoy said,", "I have pardoned [them] as you have asked.”21Bamidbar 14:20.", "Incline Your ear, my God, and hear,", "open Your eyes", "and behold our desolate places,", "and the city which is called by Your Name;", "for it is not on account of our righteousness", "that we let fall our supplication before You,", "but because of Your great mercy.", "My Master, hear! My Master, pardon!", "My Master, listen and take action,", "do not delay!", "For Your sake, my God,", "because Your Name is proclaimed", "over Your city and over Your people.", "Who could live if You preserved sin?", "Who could exist if You executed sentence?", "Pardon is Yours,", "“I have pardoned” is Your word.", "Compassion is also Yours,", "Your attribute is mercy.", "Look upon our crushing poverty", "and do not disgrace us.", "Grant us knowledge to know Your ways", "fulfill our desire.", "Endow both young and old with intelligence,", "those who are mighty [to do Your will]—", "may it be Your will", "to grant them strength and might.", "In Your shadow, shelter all who repent,", "receive them as a free-will offering.", "Let them flourish in Your House,", "and sorrow no more.", "[For] those who are lost and dispersed,", "abolish [their] oppressors.", "Then they will go up and appear", "with a generous spirit.", "Almighty! King!", "Who sits on the throne of mercy,", "governs with kindness", "forgives the iniquities of His people.", "He removes their sins one by one,", "increasing forgiveness to sinners,", "and pardon to transgressors.", "Acting righteously", "with all who are of flesh and spirit;", "not according to their wickedness", "does He repay them.", "Almighty!", "You instructed us to recite", "the thirteen Divine attributes;", "and remember unto us this day", "the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,", "as You made them known", "to the humble Moshe of old,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,", "and stood with him there,", "and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.", "
Congregation and Chazzan:
", "And Adonoy passed before him [Moshe],", "and proclaimed:", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,", "Slow to Anger,", "and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,", "and sin;", "and Acquitter of those who repent.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritance.”", "Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.", "“For You, my Master,", "are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.”", "As sacrificial offerings of bullocks,", "consider the prayers of our lips;", "may they be accepted as truth.", "Our following after You,", "sincerely and uprightly,", "may it be joined [with our prayers].", "Accept our advocate,", "and cut off my accuser,", "You Who desires the life", "and not the death of him who deserves to die.", "Raise us by the light of Your countenance,", "and cancel the account [of our iniquities].", "So that we may be upheld from the grave,", "let ransom be found.", "Before we call, let Your word come forth.22This refers to Hashem’s word, סָלַחְתִּי, I have pardoned.", "Adonoy, accept the offerings of our lips.", "Almighty! King!", "Who sits on the throne of mercy,", "governs with kindness", "forgives the iniquities of His people.", "He removes their sins one by one,", "increasing forgiveness to sinners,", "and pardon to transgressors.", "Acting righteously", "with all who are of flesh and spirit;", "not according to their wickedness", "does He repay them.", "Almighty!", "You instructed us to recite", "the thirteen Divine attributes;", "and remember unto us this day", "the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,", "as You made them known", "to the humble Moshe of old,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,", "and stood with him there,", "and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.", "
Congregation and Chazzan:
", "And Adonoy passed before him [Moshe],", "and proclaimed:", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,", "Slow to Anger,", "and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,", "and sin;", "and Acquitter of those who repent.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritance.”", "Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.", "“For You, my Master,", "are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.”", "Many are the needs of Your people", "but their mentality is shrunken—", "their wants and wishes,", "they are unable to declare.", "We beseech You therefore,", "understand our thoughts before we call,", "[You Who are] the Almighty,", "the Great, the Powerful, and the Awesome.", "Consumed and vanished", "are those who knew how to pray,", "the order of prayers,", "they eloquently expressed.", "We have been left [spiritually] naked", "and evil has increased,", "we have therefore not achieved deliverance.", "We lack the courage to plead before You.", "We have transgressed, and rebelled,", "and corrupted [our] ways.", "Therefore, your righteousness is all we seek", "with the order of our praise [prayers],", "we who stand in the House of Adonoy—", "in the evenings.", "
Some add “Almighty! King!” here:
", "Holy One, behold, they have vanished", "those who were fit to plead [before You];", "accept my words as a great offering,", "may my prayer this day", "be attached to Your crown,", "Almighty, Who is girded with power.", "Regard my plea,", "and may my prayer be pleasant,", "hear my supplication, [accept it]", "as though it is perfect and proper.", "Inscribe us for life,", "and make good for us, the seal,", "[God] Who suspends the earth in space.", "Almighty! King!", "Who sits on the throne of mercy,", "governs with kindness", "forgives the iniquities of His people.", "He removes their sins one by one,", "increasing forgiveness to sinners,", "and pardon to transgressors.", "Acting righteously", "with all who are of flesh and spirit;", "not according to their wickedness", "does He repay them.", "Almighty!", "You instructed us to recite", "the thirteen Divine attributes;", "and remember unto us this day", "the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,", "as You made them known", "to the humble Moshe of old,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,", "and stood with him there,", "and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.", "
Congregation and Chazzan:
", "And Adonoy passed before him [Moshe],", "and proclaimed:", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,", "Slow to Anger,", "and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,", "and sin;", "and Acquitter of those who repent.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritance.”", "Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.", "“For You, my Master,", "are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.”", "Extend Your hand", "and accept my repentance, as I stand here.", "Pardon and forgive my wrongdoing,", "turn and occupy Yourself", "with the welfare of those who seek You;", "my Beloved One, and my Upholder,", "and You Adonoy are my shield.", "Almighty! King!", "Who sits on the throne of mercy,", "governs with kindness", "forgives the iniquities of His people.", "He removes their sins one by one,", "increasing forgiveness to sinners,", "and pardon to transgressors.", "Acting righteously", "with all who are of flesh and spirit;", "not according to their wickedness", "does He repay them.", "Almighty!", "You instructed us to recite", "the thirteen Divine attributes;", "and remember unto us this day", "the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,", "as You made them known", "to the humble Moshe of old,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,", "and stood with him there,", "and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.", "
Congregation and Chazzan:
", "And Adonoy passed before him [Moshe],", "and proclaimed:", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,", "Slow to Anger,", "and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,", "and sin;", "and Acquitter of those who repent.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritance.”", "Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.", "“For You, my Master,", "are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.”", "
Each of these stanzas are recited responsively:
", "Remember the covenant of Avraham", "and the binding of Yitzchak,", "and restore the captivity", "of the tents of Yaakov,", "and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.", "Mighty Redeemer, for Your sake, redeem us,", "see how helpless we are,", "look, our pious men are gone,", "and we have none to intercede for us.", "[Therefore] return in mercy", "to the remnant of Yisrael,", "and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.", "The holy city [Yerushalayim] and its environs,", "have become disgraced and plundered;", "all its treasures are buried and hidden,", "and nothing remains except this Torah.", "Restore the captivity", "of the tents of Yaakov,", "and deliver us for the sake of Your Name.", "May the cry of those who praise You,", "ascend to the throne of Your glory.", "Grant the requests", "of the people who proclaim Your Oneness,", "You Who hears the prayer", "of those who approach You.", "Yisrael will be delivered by Adonoy", "with everlasting deliverance.", "Even this day, may they be delivered", "by [the word of] Your mouth,", "You Who dwells on high;", "for You are abundant in pardon,", "and Master of [all] mercy.", "May He conceal us", "in the shelter of His hand—", "beneath the wings of His Divine Presence.", "Be most gracious [with us]", "when You search the crooked heart,", "to prepare it [for repentance].", "Arise, we beseech You, our God,", "strengthen us, our Strength we beseech You;", "Adonoy, give ear to our cry.", "Let us hear [Your word] “I have pardoned,”", "You Who dwells in heavenly shelter.", "With Your right hand of deliverance,", "deliver a poor and needy people.", "When we cry to You in dread-fear,", "answer us with righteousness.", "Adonoy, be our help.", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Merciful, Gracious, Slow to Anger,", "and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity, transgression and sin,", "and Acquitter of those who repent.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritence.”", "I remember O God, and I moan", "when I see every city", "built on its site,", "and the city of God [Yerushalayim]", "is humbled to the bottom of the pit;", "and yet we cleave to God,", "and our eyes look to God.", "
Repeat Ad-noy, Ad-noy,
", "Divine Mercy, intercede for us,", "and before your Possessor,", "present our supplication,", "and on behalf of your people,", "plead for compassion;", "for every heart is faint", "and every head is ill.", "
Repeat Ad-noy, Ad-noy,
", "I support myself", "with the thirteen attributes [of God],", "and rely on the gates of [penitent] tears,", "which are never joined;23The gates of tears are never closed to the true Baal Teshuva, one who truly repents. His tears of penitence are accepted at all times by Hashem.", "therfore, I have poured out my prayers,", "before Him, Who searches hearts.", "I trust in these,24“These” refer to the promise that the Thirteen Attributes of Hashem are not said in vain, and also to true tears of repentance.", "and in the merit of the three Patriarchs.", "
Repeat Ad-noy, Ad-noy,
", "May it be Your will,", "You Who hears the voice of weeping,", "that You place our tears", "in Your skin-flask [of tears] for preservation;", "and save us from all cruel decrees,", "for to You alone do our eyes focus.", "
Repeat Ad-noy, Ad-noy,
", "Almighty! King!", "Who sits on the throne of mercy,", "governs with kindness", "forgives the iniquities of His people.", "He removes their sins one by one,", "increasing forgiveness to sinners,", "and pardon to transgressors.", "Acting righteously", "with all who are of flesh and spirit;", "not according to their wickedness", "does He repay them.", "Almighty!", "You instructed us to recite", "the thirteen Divine attributes;", "and remember unto us this day", "the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,", "as You made them known", "to the humble Moshe of old,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,", "and stood with him there,", "and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.", "
Congregation and Chazzan:
", "And Adonoy passed before him [Moshe],", "and proclaimed:", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,", "Slow to Anger,", "and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,", "and sin;", "and Acquitter of those who repent.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritance.”", "Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.", "“For You, my Master,", "are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.”", "
The following verses are said responsively:
", "Have compassion, we beseech You, on the", "congregation of the community of Yeshurun;", "pardon and forgive their inquity,", "and deliver us, God of our deliverance.", "Open the gates of heaven,", "and Your good treasure, open for us;", "deliver us and do not extend dispute,", "and deliver us, God of our deliverance.", "Almighty! King!", "Who sits on the throne of mercy,", "governs with kindness", "forgives the iniquities of His people.", "He removes their sins one by one,", "increasing forgiveness to sinners,", "and pardon to transgressors.", "Acting righteously", "with all who are of flesh and spirit;", "not according to their wickedness", "does He repay them.", "Almighty!", "You instructed us to recite", "the thirteen Divine attributes;", "and remember unto us this day", "the covenant of thirteen Divine attributes,", "as You made them known", "to the humble Moshe of old,", "as it is written,", "“And Adonoy descended in the cloud,", "and stood with him there,", "and proclaimed the Name, Adonoy.", "
Congregation and Chazzan:
", "And Adonoy passed before him [Moshe],", "and proclaimed:", "Adonoy, Adonoy,", "Almighty, Merciful, Gracious,", "Slow to Anger,", "and Abundant in Kindness, and Truth.", "Keeper of kindness", "for thousands of generations,", "Endurer of iniquity, and transgression,", "and sin;", "and Acquitter of those who repent.", "“And pardon our iniquity and our sin,", "and take us for Your inheritance.”", "Pardon us our Father, for we have sinned,", "forgive us our King, for we have transgressed.", "“For You, my Master,", "are good and forgiving,", "and abounding in kindness", "to all who call upon You.”", "Our God and God of our fathers!", "Pardon us, forgive us, atone for us.", "
Chazzan and congregation responsively:
", "For we are Your people; and You are our God.", "We are Your children; and You are our Father.", "We are Your servants; and You are our Master.", "We are Your congregation;", "and You are our Portion.", "We are Your inheritance;", "and You are our Destiny.", "We are Your flock; and You are our Shepherd.", "We are Your vineyard; and You are our Keeper.", "We are Your work; and You are our Creator.", "We are Your dear ones", "and You are our Beloved.", "We are Your treasure; and You are our God.", "We are Your people; and You are our King.", "We are Your distinguished ones;", "and You are our Distinction.", "We are brazen-faced;", "and You are merciful and gracious.", "We are stiff-necked;", "and You are slow to anger.", "We are full of iniquity;", "and You are full of compassion.", "Our days are like a passing shadow;", "and You are the same", "and Your years will not end.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "let our prayer come before you", "and do not ignore our supplication.", "For we are not so brazen-faced", "and stiff-necked", "to say to you,", "Adonoy, our God, and God of our fathers,", "“We are righteous and have not sinned.”", "But, indeed, we and our fathers have sinned.", "We have trespassed [against God and man, and we are devastated by our guilt];", "We have betrayed [God and man, we have been ungrateful for the good done to us];", "We have stolen; We have slandered.", "We have caused others to sin;", "We have caused others to commit sins for which they are called רְשָׁעִים, wicked;", "We have sinned with malicious intent;", "We have forcibly taken others' possessions even though we paid for them;", "We have added falsehood upon falsehood; We have joined with evil individuals or groups;", "We have given harmful advice;", "We have deceived; we have mocked;", "We have rebelled against God and His Torah;", "We have caused God to be angry with us;", "We have turned away from God's Torah;", "We have sinned deliberately;", "We have been negligent in our performance of the commandments;", "We have caused our friends grief;", "We have been stiff-necked, refusing to admit that our suffering is caused by our own sins.", "We have committed sins for which we are called רָשָׁע, [raising a hand to hit someone].", "We have committed sins which are the result of moral corruption;", "We have committed sins which the Torah refers to as abominations;", "We have gone astray;", "We have led others astray.", "We have turned away", "from Your commandments", "and from Your good laws,", "and we have gained nothing from it.", "And You are the Righteous One", "in all [punishment] that has come upon us;", "for You have acted truthfully", "and we have acted wickedly.", "What shall we say before You,", "Who dwells on high;", "and what shall we relate to You", "Who dwells in the heavens?", "For everything, both hidden and revealed,", "You know.", "You reach out Your hand to transgressors,", "and Your right hand is extended", "to receive those who [truly] repent.", "You have taught us, Adonoy, our God,", "to confess before You", "all our iniquities", "so that we may refrain", "from the injustice of our hands;", "so that You will accept us", "in perfect repentance before You, [as You would accept]", "fire-offerings and sweet savours,", "for the sake of Your word", "which You spoke.", "There is no end to the fire-offerings", "required [to atone] for our faults,", "and there is no number for the sacrifices,", "required [to atone] for our guilt.", "But You know", "that our ultimate end is the worm,", "and therefore", "You have increased the means of our pardon.", "What are we? What is our life?", "What are our acts of kindness?", "What is our righteousness?", "What is our deliverance?", "What is our strength? What is our might?", "What can we say before You,", "Adonoy, our God and God of our fathers?", "Are not all the mighty men", "as nothing before You?", "Famous men as though they had never been?", "The wise as if they were without knowledge?", "And men of understanding", "as if they were devoid of intelligence?", "For most of their actions are a waste", "and the days of their life", "are trivial in Your presence.", "The superiority of man over the beast", "is nil", "for all is futile.", "[Nevertheless], You have set man apart", "from the beginning,", "and recognized him [as worthy]", "to stand before You.", "For who could tell You", "what You should do,", "and even if he be righteous,", "what [benefit] does he give You?", "And You, Adonoy, our God, gave us", "with love, this Day", "
On Shabbos the Chazzan adds:
", "of Shabbos, and this Day)", "of Atonement", "to be the end [of sin]", "forgiveness, and pardon", "for all our iniquities,", "so that we may refrain", "from the injustice of our hands;", "and return to You,", "to fulfill the statutes of Your will", "with a perfect heart.", "And You in Your abundant mercy,", "have compassion on us,", "for You do not desire", "the destruction of the world;", "as it is stated:", "“Seek Adonoy while He may be found,", "call to Him while He is near.”", "And it is said:", "“Let the wicked abandon his way,", "and the man of iniquity his thoughts,", "and let him return to Adonoy", "and He will have compassion on him,", "and to our God, for He pardons abundantly.”", "And You, God of pardon,", "are gracious and compassionate,", "slow to anger,", "abundant in kindness and truth,", "and abounding in goodness.", "You want the repentance of the wicked,", "and do not desire their death.", "As it is stated:", "“Say to them, as truly as I live,", "declares the Master, Adonoy,", "I have no desire", "for the death of the wicked,", "but only that the wicked return", "from his [evil] path and live;", "And it is said,", "“Return, return, from your evil ways,", "why should you die House of Yisrael?”", "And it is said,", "“Do I desire the death of the wicked?", "declares the Master, Adonoy; [I desire rather]", "that he return from his [evil] way", "and live.”", "And it is said: “For I do not desire", "the death of him who deserves death,", "declares the Master, Adonoy;", "[therefore] return and live.”", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver", "of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation;", "and besides You", "we have no King Who forgives and pardons", "only You.", "Our God and God of our fathers,", "forgive our iniquities", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(on this Shabbos day, and)", "on this Day of Atonement.", "Blot out and remove", "our transgressions and sins", "from before Your eyes, as it is said:", "“I, I [alone] am He", "Who blots out your transgressions", "for My own sake;", "and your sins, I will not recall.”", "And it is said,", "“I have swept away like a thick cloud", "your transgressions,", "and like a mist your sins;", "return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”", "And it is said,", "“For on this day", "He will make atonement for you,", "to cleanse you;", "from all your sins,", "before Adonoy, you will be cleansed.”", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(Our God and God of our fathers,", "be pleased with our rest)", "Sanctify us with Your commandments", "and give us our share in Your Torah;", "satisfy us from Your goodness", "and gladden us with Your deliverance,", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(And give us as our inheritance", "Adonoy our God", "with love and with pleasure", "Your holy Sabbath;", "and may Yisrael rest thereon—", "[they who are] sanctifiers of Your Name)", "and purify our hearts to serve You in truth,", "For You are the Pardoner of Yisrael,", "and the Forgiver of the tribes of Yeshurun", "in every generation,", "and beside You,", "we have no king who forgives and pardons,", "only You!", "Blessed are You,", "King Who forgives and pardons", "our iniquities,", "and the iniquities of His people,", "the House of Yisrael;", "and Who removes our trespasses", "each year;", "King over the whole earth,", "Sanctifier", "
On Shabbos add:
", "(of the Shabbos and)", "of Yisrael and the Day of Atonement." ], "Avodah": [ "Be pleased, Adonoy, our God,", "with Your people Yisrael", "and their prayer;", "and restore the service", "to the Holy of Holies in Your abode,", "and the fire-offerings of Yisrael;", "and accept their prayer, lovingly", "and willingly.", "And may You always find pleasure", "with the service of Your people, Yisrael.", "And may our eyes behold", "Your merciful return to Tziyon.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon.", "THANKSGIVING", "We are thankful to You", "that You Adonoy are our God", "and the God of our fathers forever;", "Rock of our lives,", "Shield of our deliverance,", "You are in every generation.", "We will give thanks to You", "and recount Your praise,", "for our lives", "which are committed into Your hand,", "and for our souls", "which are entrusted to You,", "and for Your miracles of every day with us,", "and for Your wonders and benefactions", "at all times—", "evening, morning and noon.", "(You are) The Beneficent One—", "for Your compassion is never withheld;", "And (You are) the Merciful One—", "for Your kindliness never ceases;", "we have always placed our hope in You.", "
When the Chazzan repeats the Shemoneh Esrei and says, “Who returns His Divine Presence to Tziyon,” the congregation responds by saying “Amein” and then the following prayer.
", "We are thankful to You,", "that You Adonoy are our God,", "and God of our fathers,", "God of all flesh,", "Our Creator, Creator of the Beginning.", "Blessings and thanksgivings", "to Your great and Holy Name", "for keeping us alive, and sustaining us;", "so may You always keep us alive", "and sustain us,", "and gather our exiles", "to the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary", "to observe Your statutes,", "and to do Your will,", "and to serve You wholeheartedly,", "for we are thankful to You.", "Blessed is the Almighty", "to Whom all thanks are due.", "And for all the foregoing", "blessed and exalted", "be your Name, our King", "constantly, forever and ever.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember Your mercies,", "and suppress Your anger,", "and remove pestilence, sword, famine,", "captivity, destruction, iniquity,", "plague, misfortune,", "every disease, every stumbling-block,", "every contention, every type of disorder;", "every evil decree and groundless hatred,", "from us,", "and from all the children of Your covenant.", "And seal for a good life", "all the children of Your covenant.", "And all the living shall thank You forever", "and praise Your Name with sincerity", "the Almighty, Who is our deliverance", "and our help forever.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "“The Beneficent” is Your Name", "and You it is fitting to praise.", "Priestly Blessings", "Our God, and God of our fathers, ", "bless us with the threefold blessing,", "of the Torah", "written by the hand of Moshe, Your servant,", "pronounced from the mouth of Aharon", "and his sons, the kohanim, Your holy people;", "as it is said:", "Adonoy bless you and guard you.", "Adonoy shine His countenance upon you", "and be gracious unto you.", "Adonoy turn His countenance toward you", "and grant you peace.", "PRAYER FOR PEACE", "Grant peace, goodness, and blessing,", "favor, kindness and compassion", "upon us and upon all Yisrael, Your people.", "Bless us, our Father, all of us as one", "with the light of Your countenance.", "For by the light of Your countenance", "You gave us Adonoy our God,", "a Torah of life and the love of kindliness,", "righteousness, blessing, compassion,", "life, and peace.", "And may it be good in Your eyes", "and to bless Your people Yisrael,", "at all times and at every moment", "with Your peace.", "In the book of life, blessing, peace", "and abundant maintenance,", "may we be remembered and sealed", "before You;", "we and all Your people, the House of Yisrael", "for a good life and peace.", "Blessed are You, Adonoy,", "Who makes the peace.", "
(others conclude—
", "Who blesses His people Yisrael", "with peace.)" ], "Avinu Malkenu": [ "This unique and moving prayer is recorded as having been recited by Rabbi Akiva. The Talmud (Taanis 25b) relates that Rabbi Eliezer once stepped down before the Ark and recited the 24 benedictions for fast days and his prayers were not answered. Rabbi Akiva stepped down after him and exclaimed, “Our Father, our King, we have no king except You. Our Father, our King, for Your sake have mercy on us,” and rain fell. This prayer is recited during Neilah even if Yom Kippur falls on the Shabbos.", "
The Ark is opened:
", "Our Father, our King!", "we have sinned before You.", "Our Father our King!", "we have no King except You.", "Our Father, our King!", "deal with us [kindly]", "for the sake of Your Name.", "Our Father, our King!", "renew for us a good year.", "Our Father, our King!", "annul all harsh decrees concerning us.", "Our Father, our King!", "annul the designs of those who hate us.", "Our Father, our King!", "thwart the plans of our enemies.", "Our Father, our King!", "rid us of every oppressor and adversary.", "Our Father, our King!", "close the mouths of our adversaries", "and our accusers.", "Our Father, our King!", "remove pestilence, sword, famine, captivity,", "destruction and [the burden of] iniquity", "from the members of Your covenant.", "Our Father, our King!", "withhold the plague from Your inheritance.", "Our Father, our King!", "forgive and pardon all our iniquities.", "Our Father, our King!", "blot out and remove our transgressions", "and sins from before Your eyes.", "Our Father, our King!", "erase in Your abundant mercy", "all records of our liabilities.", "Our Father, our King!", "bring us back", "in wholehearted repentance before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "send complete healing", "to the sick among Your people.", "Our Father, our King!", "tear up the evil [parts] of our sentence.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember us favorably before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "seal us in the Book of Good Life.", "Our Father, our King!", "seal us", "in the Book of Redemption and Deliverance.", "Our Father, our King!", "seal us", "in the Book of Maintenance and Sustenance.", "Our Father, our King!", "seal us in the Book of Merits.", "Our Father, our King!", "seal us", "in the Book of Pardon and Forgiveness.", "Our Father, our King!", "cause deliverance to spring forth for us soon.", "Our Father, our King!", "raise up the might of Yisrael Your people.", "Our Father, our King!", "raise up the might of Your anointed.", "Our Father, our King!", "fill our hands with Your blessings.", "Our Father, our King!", "fill our storehouses with abundance.", "Our Father, our King!", "hear our voice,", "spare us and have compassion upon us.", "Our Father, our King!", "accept", "our prayer with compassion and favor.", "Our Father, our King!", "open the gates of heaven to our prayer.", "Our Father, our King!", "remember, that we are dust.", "Our Father, our King!", "please do not turn us away", "empty-handed from You.", "Our Father, our King!", "let this hour be", "an hour of compassion", "and a time of favor before You.", "Our Father, our King!", "have compassion upon us,", "and upon our children and infants.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who were slain for Your Holy Name.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who were slaughtered", "for [proclaiming] Your Unity.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of those", "who went through fire and water", "for the sanctification of Your Name.", "Our Father, our King!", "avenge the spilled blood of Your servants.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for Your sake if not for ours.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for Your sake and deliver us.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake of Your great mercy.", "Our Father, our King!", "do it for the sake", "of Your great, mighty, and awesome Name", "which is proclaimed upon us.", "Our Father, Our King! favor us and answer us", "for we have no accomplishments;", "deal with us charitably and kindly", "and deliver us.", "
The Chazzan says the following once, and is repeated by the congregation:
", "“Hear Yisrael, Adonoy is our God,", "Adonoy is One.”", "
The Chazzan says the following three times, and is repeated by the congregation:
", "Blessed [is His] Name,", "Whose glorious kingdom", "is forever and ever.", "
The Chazzan says the following seven times, and is repeated by the congregation:
", "Adonoy, He is God.", "
The Chazzan recites the following Kaddish:
", "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name", "in the world which He created", "according to His will;", "and may He rule His Kingdom", "in your lifetime and in your days,", "and in the lifetime", "of the entire House of Yisrael,", "speedily and in the near future—", "and say Amein.", "May His great Name be blessed", "forever and for all eternity.", "Blessed and praised,", "glorified, and exalted and uplifted,", "honored and elevated and extolled", "be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He;", "far above", "all the blessings and hymns,", "praises and consolations", "which we utter in the world—and say Amein.", "
One blast of the shofar is sounded:
", "Next year in Yerushalayim:", "May there be acceptance", "of the prayers and supplications", "of the entire House of Yisrael", "before their Father in heaven.", "And say, Amein.", "May there be abundant peace from heaven", "and life", "for us and for all Yisrael,", "—and say Amein.", "He Who makes the peace", "in His high heavens", "may He, make peace", "for us and or all Yisrael,", "and say, Amein.", "
The Ark is closed:
" ] }, "Motzei Yom Kippur": [] }, "versions": [ [ "The Metsudah Machzor. Metsudah Publications, New York", "https://www.nli.org.il/he/books/NNL_ALEPH000996925" ], [ "Sefaria Community Translation", "https://www.sefaria.org" ] ], "heTitle": "מחזור ליום כיפור - אשכנז", "categories": [ "Liturgy", "High Holidays" ], "schema": { "heTitle": "מחזור ליום כיפור - אשכנז", "enTitle": "Machzor Yom Kippur Ashkenaz Linear", "key": "Machzor Yom Kippur Ashkenaz Linear", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "כפרות", "enTitle": "Kaporos" }, { "heTitle": "תפלת מנחה לערב יום כפור ", "enTitle": "Mincha Service for Erev Yom Kippur", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "אשרי", "enTitle": "Ashrei" }, { "heTitle": "שמונה עשרה", "enTitle": "Shemoneh Esrei" }, { "heTitle": "עלינו", "enTitle": "Aleinu" }, { "heTitle": "קדיש יתום", "enTitle": "Mourner's Kaddish" } ] }, { "heTitle": "ברכת הבנים", "enTitle": "Blessing the Children" }, { "heTitle": "הדלקת הנרות", "enTitle": "Candle Lighting" }, { "heTitle": "כל נדרי", "enTitle": "Kol Nidrei" }, { "heTitle": "תפלת ערבית לליל יום כפור", "enTitle": "Maariv Service for Yom Kippur Eve", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "קבלת שבת", "enTitle": "Kabbalas Shabbos" }, { "heTitle": "ברכו", "enTitle": "Borechu" }, { "heTitle": "עמידה", "enTitle": "Amidah" }, { "heTitle": "ויכלו", "enTitle": "Vayechulu" }, { "heTitle": "יעלה", "enTitle": "Yaaleh" }, { "heTitle": "אבינו מלכנו", "enTitle": "Avinu Malkenu" }, { "heTitle": "עלינו", "enTitle": "Aleinu" }, { "heTitle": "קדיש יתום", "enTitle": "Mourner's Kaddish" }, { "heTitle": "אדון עולם", "enTitle": "Adon Olam" } ] }, { "heTitle": "מנהגי ליל יום כפור", "enTitle": "Customs of Yom Kippur Night" }, { "heTitle": "תפלת שחרית", "enTitle": "The Morning Prayers", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "סדר השכמת הבוקר", "enTitle": "Upon Arising in the Morning" }, { "heTitle": "סדר עטיפת טלית", "enTitle": "Putting On the Tallis" }, { "heTitle": "מה טובו", "enTitle": "Ma Tovu" }, { "heTitle": "אדון עולם", "enTitle": "Adon Olam" }, { "heTitle": "יגדל", "enTitle": "Yigdal" }, { "heTitle": "ברכות השכמה", "enTitle": "Blessings Upon Arising" }, { "heTitle": "ברכות התורה", "enTitle": "Blessings of the Torah" }, { "heTitle": "ברכות השחר", "enTitle": "Morning Blessings" }, { "heTitle": "עקדה", "enTitle": "Akeidah (The Binding of Yitzchak)" }, { "heTitle": "קרבנות", "enTitle": "Korbanos (Sacrificial Offerings)" }, { "heTitle": "קרבן תמיד", "enTitle": "Korban Tamid (Daily Offering)" }, { "heTitle": "קטורת", "enTitle": "Ketores (Incense Offering)" }, { "heTitle": "קדיש דרבנן", "enTitle": "Kaddish d'Rabanan" }, { "heTitle": "מזמור שיר", "enTitle": "Mizmor Shir" }, { "heTitle": "פסוקי דזמרה", "enTitle": "Pesukei Dezimrah" }, { "heTitle": "ברוך שאמר", "enTitle": "Baruch She'amar" }, { "heTitle": "הודו", "enTitle": "Hodu" }, { "heTitle": "יהי כבוד", "enTitle": "Yehi Kevod" }, { "heTitle": "אשרי", "enTitle": "Ashrei" }, { "heTitle": "שירת הים", "enTitle": "Shiras Hayam" }, { "heTitle": "נשמת", "enTitle": "Nishmas" }, { "heTitle": "המלך", "enTitle": "The King" }, { "heTitle": "ישתבח", "enTitle": "Yishtabach" }, { "heTitle": "אל אדון", "enTitle": "Eil Adon" }, { "heTitle": "קריאת שמע", "enTitle": "Recitation of Shema" }, { "heTitle": "עמידה", "enTitle": "Amidah" }, { "heTitle": "חזרת הש\"ץ", "enTitle": "Reader's Repetition of the Amidah" }, { "heTitle": "קדושה", "enTitle": "Kedushah" }, { "heTitle": "קדושת היום", "enTitle": "Sanctification of the Day" }, { "heTitle": "עבודה", "enTitle": "Avodah" }, { "heTitle": "אבינו מלכנו", "enTitle": "Avinu Malkenu" }, { "heTitle": "קדיש יתום", "enTitle": "Mourner's Kaddish" } ] }, { "heTitle": "קריאת התורה", "enTitle": "Reading of the Torah", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "ויהי בנסוע", "enTitle": "Va'yehi Binsoa" }, { "heTitle": "בריך שמה", "enTitle": "Berich Shemei" }, { "heTitle": "קריאה לשחרית", "enTitle": "Reading for Yom Kippur Morning" }, { "heTitle": "מפטיר", "enTitle": "Maftir Reading from the Second Sefer Torah" }, { "heTitle": "ברכות ההפטרה", "enTitle": "Berachos for the Haftarah" }, { "heTitle": "הפטרה לשחרית", "enTitle": "Haftarah for Yom Kippur Morning" }, { "heTitle": "יקום פורקן", "enTitle": "Yekum Purkon" } ] }, { "heTitle": "סדר הזכרת נשמות", "enTitle": "Memorial Services" }, { "heTitle": "תפלת מוסף", "enTitle": "Musaf for Yom Kippur", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "הנני", "enTitle": "Hineni" }, { "heTitle": "שמונה עשרה", "enTitle": "Shemoneh Esrei" }, { "heTitle": "חזרת הש\"ץ", "enTitle": "Reader's Repetition of the Amidah" }, { "heTitle": "קדושה", "enTitle": "Kedushah" }, { "heTitle": "סדר העבודה", "enTitle": "The Avodah Service" }, { "heTitle": "עשרה הרוגי מלכות", "enTitle": "The Ten Martyrs" }, { "heTitle": "עבודה", "enTitle": "Avodah" } ] }, { "heTitle": "תפלת מנחה", "enTitle": "Mincha", "nodes": [ { "heTitle": "ויהי בנסוע", "enTitle": "Va'yehi Binsoa" }, { "heTitle": "בריך שמה", "enTitle": "Berich Shemei" }, { "heTitle": " קריאה למנחה", "enTitle": "Torah Reading for Mincha Service" }, { "heTitle": "עמידה למנחה", "enTitle": "Amidah for Mincha" }, { "heTitle": "חזרת הש\"ץ", "enTitle": "Reader's Repetition of the Amidah" }, { "heTitle": "קדושה", 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